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NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS civitlcun Pare e® ocelt Air Fuee Base, Albome 346072 OFFICE OF THE NATIONAL COMMANDER 70 THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES tn accordance with Public Lew 47, this is the Civil Air Patrol Report to Congress for the year 1970. During the past year Ihave traveled 16 Jength and width of Dura tovreach the grass Tots of Us greet humanitarian eugenization, It has been a rich ‘and rewarding experience. coun Air Patrol members come srom all waves uife, Some et Civil Bertngy most have Limited means, PVG) come from our gre werlies and smallest villages. ReY doctors, targest oltSs vers, mechanics, encineerss STS housewives, farmers, (apd policemen. Many thousands ore Students. Diversified as they are by age, educations geography, religion, tad race, all are bound by Common ‘objectives: pride in ond ry, pledged to its preservation 5 the greatest nation on comth; and a desire to assist thelr fellowman in distress. Each in his own way 1s giving freely of his time, talent, and personal resources in purswit of these altruistic goals. this a privilege to be associated with them. YOUTH MOTIVATION—CAP'S TOP PRIORITY SEVENTY—IN SUMMARY tn any assessment, 1970 emerges os one of the most challenging periods in Civil Air Patrol's 29 years of volun- ter service to the nation. It is significant that these challenges ware self-created They rewlted from an honest inward examination of CAPs

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