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Demonstrate a simple model of Van de Graaff generator

B. Basic theory
According to the motion, power is divided into two, namely static and dynamic power. At this
time the tools are made, namely the generator Van de Graaff uses the concept of static electricity.
Static electricity is electricity load-capacious silence.
As we know, that every object composed of atoms. In neutral atoms, the number of positive
charges equal to the amount of cargo negative. Positively charged atom is said if the lack of
electrons and negatively charged atom is said if the excess electron.The question, what if the
charged objects are brought near each other? Apparently the results of an experiment conducted by
the experts stated that if the charged object brought near a kind, it will repel each other. And if
different types of charged objects brought near, it will attract each other interesting.
Static electricity experiment that the simplest is with a plastic comb. At first, plastic combs can
not attract small pieces of paper, but after digoskkan on dry hair for a while, the comb can attract
scraps of paper. This is due before rubbed into the hair comb, comb electrically neutral. Then once
rubbed into the hair, comb a electrically charged so as to draw pieces of paper.
Van de Graaff generator is a tool that uses this principle such as plastic comb experiment above,
but can generate voltage direction is very large.

C. Tools and Materials

Materials :

- Cans used 1 pc
- Small Nails 1 pc
- The tube fuse 1 pc
- Rubber bracelet 1 pc
- DC Motor (usually found on a toy car) 1 pc
- 9 volt battery 1 pc
- Containers Battery 1 pc
- 1 piece plastic glasses
- Glue to taste
- fiber cable to taste
- PVC Pipe 20 cm
- PVC Pipe "T" 1 pc
- Plasters 1 pc
- 1 piece of wood the size 15cmx15cm

Instrument :

- 1 piece of iron Chainsaws

- Tang cutter 1 pc
- Tang clamp 1 piece
- Ruler 30 cm 1 pc
- electric drill 1 pc

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