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Chelsea Wendlandt

302 30th Ave N. apt. #12

Fargo ND. 58102
11 October 2010

Lee Vandal
1028 University Dr.
Fargo ND. 58102

Mr. Vandal:

I have done some extensive research on the three jobs that you have given me. I have attached a
copy of the recommendation report for you to evaluate.

I evaluated your job and the communities that they are located in this recommendation report. I
evaluated your jobs based on salary and the organization and tradition of the company. I decided
to evaluate the job by these criteria because you mentioned that your salary should reflect the
hard work that you do at your job. You also mentioned in our interview that the organization of
a company reflects their professionalism and that tradition is an important criterion for you. I
evaluated the communities based on their population size, the distance the hunting land is from
the community, and the distance that your family is from the community. I chose these criteria
because you grew up in a small community, hunting is one of your favorite pass times, and you
mentioned in your questionnaire that your family is very important to you.

I have also included some figures in the report to help me explain some of my research. I
included a figure which represented how far certain public hunting land was from certain
communities. I hope that these figures assist you in your process to decide which community
best fits your lifestyle.

In the end my final recommendation is to take the funeral home director position in Dickinson,
ND. I made this decision for many reasons, but the main reason I made this decision is because I
know that the fact you are closer to your family at this job will make you happier in the long run.

I hope my recommendation report becomes very useful to you in your decision to find the perfect
job for yourself. If you have any questions feel free to contact me by email.


Chelsea Wendlandt

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