You are on page 1of 216


An ,_ .. '" ,E_sc;onoo

lhIIa8 HD.,tMt ~ ;Hi_. 0D0'd Ola eop i!OO __ ,,~""'01aoo

F".it ~iShed':bv AIl'WlId' , 9Ei9 _OC!l"::.,,!:JyA",,,~ 1914

""P'I!'lIed'!:Jy Bc<1 .. __ 200\, 2000

Tho'~ '" K Marling 10 be Id..,tifiod .. "'" uOOr '" 1I11s _,hi<! beef' ......... I!'l """",dIInco _ "'" C<:oy<Ighl. 'Desigls """ Pa""''' Ac' ,'lSI'

No pool '" Ihis __ "" "".00..00<1 'n "'I """,",aI'orm (loclJdng pI>:ltocowl"" or Rmg ., ....... med .... !:Jy __ rOO<: .....,

and ..- or "" ....-"" or I-ddorDlll' to OOOMI ""'" ..... 0I1I1~ pOOIk:.,g,) '"""'" "'" wrIII"" perrm.Iooal!Jo C<IJlI'riilhI- """'P' "!l&CQldorco """ 'Ir'I8 pra'li.!Scn!li or rna~, ~ InCI hreni!l Act 19&!1 or IJIder b Ullm'I!

"'. """"'" """"'". "'" ~i llCOnSng Agency Ud. 00 TOIIemomC<'Jfl ~""d. lor1dO!i, Eng!a!Id. WIT 'L.P, ,AQpOcatiOllO!O< VIe _"'" _~ _""""O'!'li""'" 10 rt!pfOduc. 0If'/ pori 01 "'" p.t>_ lIhooI'd be .d<!n!ss.d 10 "'" pu_

""",,_may "" !OJIl!"',d,,","lI frt>m .1_ ... Science ondT~ A~ ~"' OxII:<d.ll( """"'"" l+44) (U) \865 ~ r ... : (~I (O) 1685615J3ijJ; _, pomos~I."'Xl.LA<, Yw.,.y _""""""OY'»,-" ""uoo,1o ... _ ~ """"_lhllp:IIwow._,.r,tornl,,,. ",,",IIng"Cu&!orne. ~'oM!~ "ObIm"" Po.",iukm',

~1. flu advICe ana Ifformation 11 'ItIis tJoD;.l!.:~ 10 b& 1n.J8 antl DCC\Gte at the dalil of ga.hg to pr&!ii!i" ~ tI"IQ iIIII.fI'IQr nol" jplIbli!ihM can ~pt Mj I&g3l r...,..-tstilly or .... lry!O< II'\' om". or ........ _ tNt""'Y "" mode,

Br~''" UIl<1Iry o.taJogo.;og In PutlIo>Iion 08t.I

A OIItabguo ~ !O< Ihis """" is ...... "'" 'rom 'the 6<1"''' .Litl'"'\'

ISBN 0" 31 .ll191l

I 'For more lnform&rion 011 all B~·lklnemann p>bIicalIo .. . ploue visit OUt ,,,<bolle, .. wwwl>ll.oom

U rheberrcc htl lch gesc h "Illes Iv! ate,i"


P_,otho __ on Ackno-wWg ........ ta-


TM re;prCMl'ltltl" rr.elion; pltln lC&Ies; d40QONI_; _ionaI..,. .... &Mdol'

2 Tho oonotruotlon of 11_ fiII~t ..

from ........ cIat. t Q

ConoIn.oc:Iioo 01,,,. 'oIlowi .. "", .. 10,,,

!q<Ii1a .... ,. giwn one ., ,he_ '_",,",,'''' _ .... nd 010"","

Seo ...... g ..... _ ... 100 ond al."",, ~.II"'n_. altitudo __ al .....

~,II"' ... ....- _mio of sides

~ II""" ...., MIO __ ital


Slmilor lJi ...... _ d_ porimo ...

CoMtroaion 01 thl' following qullldril8tef'a;l.:

Squ ... ~on.'" Sq--. g;_, tho d~

IIaaangto. gj_ tIM dlogonol and ono ~d. ,,,1ItIe1Clgtfm. given two Iidn IoIld In al')Q'ie Rh_L II ........ d'->ol ..... 1onvI" 01 ~d .. T_iuno. II""" tIM 110 .. 1101_ tM potpOndicular d .... __ n u..m .nd

OM angle

Con ........ on 01 tho !oIIowt .. polygons; Regulor ~ givot> 1Ilo 1onvI" of sid. Regular MQOOI"I. ~ the 0i¥ne1Ik R~ulalr oct-vcm. g:~ 11\10 ~I (wJtNn • eircJe)

R~ulat octagon. g~ Ih.~" (Wittlin .lIqu.,,)

A.uulor polygon .......... tho length 01 _ ( ...... ~J

Rogulor poll'll" .......... 1Ilo dlagOllOl (Within acjrde)

RIgut.r polygon. given the d~ttr

Exeteis., 2 11


IlOlMtrtc PfOjtCtktn 20

Con~tIoM.I ilOl'l'lWic pro;.ctlon (iIotNtrie drawing); elides ..,d CUIY.' in i:I.orntVic;

ItlII itorNlric profec1:loi1; l$OfT'I8trie acales,

E~«cnu 3 2&

4 TM consuucUon '01 cllel .. to Nt .. ,....

gl"," c:ond~tion, 29

T 0 CCl~1tr1.tCt the c:ittuml.anc._, givwl tM


To con.ltuC{ the di.ame,.,.. give" tl\e Ctrcurnf$rMlCB

To tind tM C*ntr. of a chel.

To consttuct Clrc~ ginn the ~Iowinlil ~riCflI:

To Pi" t~iouoh Iht'M given patoIS 1NCribed eire" o.f it ~at pdvgon Cifcl.imsc:ribed citc:'e oi • regulat potygon Escrlc.d ~fdt to I feog'Ul,r polygon

To patl lI'1rougn I tixild ~lt'It Ind louch • tine I' 1 gi'Vtln pain.

To PHI t~lItough two g~tn p(Mntt and 10000c:h • givan li"'t

To .wo Qiwn linn .net pau tt\~ • ghtllf'l potru

To" Inottlilf given (:.ircle and " Cilt\ren lint To lOl.U;:I' oe:irtl8 JDd two 'IWlu-enUi O. .....0;"""

To 1,000c:n IfI().lMI circJe and tWO orv.n lirIe$ To pasS" Ihrough two Qivan point5 .nd «Quch • given ~1'C1oI

T""" " .... wlliel1 IOUch. g;_, !he po.ition

01 their CIInlrllll

Two c:&tdU whh~ • ndrd dn::1I. en tt'tr.e c:1.rdH to 10000CM.

Any number of cite I ... wit.,.,." Olwl'l c:itc ... "U ein;:1n to touch

A numlM, of equtl c,jt(;ta whtrin a given regull'ipOIl'Q,on

ECllIoIai dtc.ltt arcund II gMtnl't1iluJar IlOi'rgen

lntcMI" 31

T.n .... <v 39

TanQ*n1 hom • pOin1 on _hilt cireumt.,1(I'O(ltJ

Urhcoerrechtllch gcschOtztcs Malcrial

- -
T..-.gerU from 8 pain. oowdit U'Ie circMi 10 Ortbographk: ,pf'ojec1lon. 78
Common 'tIngIInt 10 'hItO tqu.l1 eire ... ' Thhd AnglO ptOjoc,;on, F .... ·AArIIO ....,;oc."";
( .. tori ... 1 oI_1on .fIII ",n: !ton, _lion. end
Common lang«It 1;0 two ~I (:~'" et.vahon and pLl ... ; .I11:t:iliary .1evII1IOM .. ~
( ........ ) auillil*y pI'anl; prisms and py4'limidt:
Common tangAnt 10 two URfQ\.lil eitcin eyllfIdert, 1M CONtI: MCt4onS.
(-I E •• tci",IO 98
Common lIOgent to two uMq\I,,1 c;ite'" 11 Conic _Iono- Tho [111_. tho
(iRWior) "-,,Mol •. u.. HH*'boI. .en
lnrr:i~lU 5 42 Tho ""PM .. , conic: 1oOC1ion: as • tQl:l.ll.:.'
6 Obllqu •• ...;Klion .. thttle con:MrUCtiont tor tne 6li~PM; ma, focus,.
ObI .... 1aca II J(l". 45·. 1111': obl;quo 0<01. 'hi f'lt.llmat and tM tlnotnl
(s. t. II, Cov.1I« end Cobi<>ot~" TM ,pa, .. bolI ... , conic MCtIOn: ill .. ~:
cite ... !Iftd ClJrvM i., obIiQut ~on. ~hin .. rKUng;'; d'lIIi fOlCLiI and tangIW'It
£.tHt;i"~6 n Tho hVPOtbo'l .a " conic: ~ion; _ .. lowl-
Ertlo'gi"'ll orod .0<1"","'11 III .... figu ... fnrcJsa" 110
.. nd ","v.I.." .r .. &I 12 Intel"HClion of 'qlulll! .. to!kho 112
Uneor rechll101!ons ,in WI: rodudion 0' Iide:I Il"ItetsKtion of tho following KlItdJ.:
by dt"-', proportjOllI; rttduc:tions in .-n. two dinimi .... IClUilre pri$I'IlI,n, righ, eng,,"
Equivelln.l IfNI: T:wo diMi mOil' IiQUoIr8 pr1tm1 ill .,.. '""'_
Aectangltlllf,.Lll in be 10 , Q1iIrOil trltng" " 'M:u.gO.,., pri,," N1d. • IQIAIre pi,m _,
SCI", ... 'MIUI' in lIN to .. given rlllCtlinglO rigl'ltang!.1
SqUMtl IqUlI in If'N to .. gtven trllng'le lw-o diMiITlli .... heugonBl pOlIIQI It ... oI"U~'. ~u .. in aru '0 .. giYtd polyvon A ntdQ:Ontl pnstl'l ~ an OCUOOI'\JI prilim
Citclo wIoieh .... "'" ...". .... OJ two It 10 .nglt'
_ .... 100_'_ ... ~ 1Q"'lIro pAam 8~ I! "'I'J.II!I'tI l'V',md IJt
T. iii""" ,,;,nglo 1m. 1I1,"~'" 01 equal right 8ogle"
. _ A SQu," p.,..mld' ,tid '" ~QOOI'I~ IPI"'" ..
're divide a poIvgon "'10 • number 01 ilClUlI MIIlQIe
._ DIuNTMIar ey4illdll'l oil rjaM oIIlCIIlIeI
EA'~1 .~ Dillimi .. cy4inders oil an ..-.glti
".. blortdlng 0' !Io ... otId "" .... eo OillimilM c.yIindlQ itl dtffetent "11ft 01 en
TO ~d , r,dh.i.1 wi~ two ""ligh1linM: It .nglO
righ101ngla eyll __ oquoro Womld .t.figId ."'1110.
To blind II .... iu .. with IWO Itrlig'l'wIlinH C'tiindet !WId ,1qU.I'" pynmtd .. an artgll
Cv1- on<! ~",.._., on .nglo
!I1"IOe'j,ing .. IIny angle Cy!i_ on<! _. "'"h ..,.... ......... ping tho
To ~M tM Ctntt .. of an atC wl'iich p.A$IH """'"""'
ttwouah II given poipu .nd bIerIdI with .. Cyfindor Ind con .. Mil""" iI'fW1IIgpng the
gJw:n IN
To lil'k1 d'MI' ~ntr. of ~ .re whieh ~ltndl, atller
with I line II'Id .. eJrt.i1t Cryiindtt ItId Cotl. with c:yWndilf' .,rrvlloping
To find lhe ""QUi! of en.ll'tj w~h bieNs. IMCOt'Ie
.~Iy an<:! internlll¥, wi'" two Dtdn CyoIiMef and ton. ~n dlff.tent pbi"...
To,lOin two ""'I\ellIii .... 'lIIf!Ii1I'1 two eQu:iI Cyli_on<!~'
,ldil tilt aum of whiC:t'1 equal11ht dimncl' fillt1:C\JfVH
~1Mlinn uffl:; •• ,'2 129
To join two r*111et I,jnes \'IIi1t'l twD equal 13 fllnII ... ortilog .. pltiep<ojeotlon .32
radii A.obstmen!; 'fP"KH.,
te join tINO parallle!, liMS wnl'l two UPltq~ T:ntltrlighillna:
tadii PfO.ttctiOl"l 01 • liM whtc:h il not QAdlIW to
Ez .. .,,_ 8 e6 III'IV ot 1ht- principal pllnn
9 loci 118 T!'\I. Jlnglt\ 0111 lUatgt'l1.lil'Ml .nd tru, ."",1'.
tcer 01 meeh.MlismI; U .. mmIIIl. some O1htr l»twN:n .. IU1IIgAu In .nd ,WtOUlI.nd
proI>Ioms In loci. ~Ipl .....
10 find ~ of " ctralght liM given 1N
EII~"'9 7. pilal'll and .Iftoa!jon
U rheberrcc htl lch gesc h utztes Iv! ateri a To _ "'" __ one! plan 0" ~h' IifIIt giwfllhllnlllong!II ond 1110_ of tIw iMds of th!I lion. ffom 1M pri~ pIoneo

To conouud ,'''' plan "' ..... Igtn U .. given "'" -.:. 01_ one! 01 "'" ij ... "'" X,Y I ... In .... pion. "'" ..... Iong1h '" .... IIno ondCho_

TO ~ 11>0 _ '" .ltrolgtn lno given "",-.c.0I __ 01 "'" fino

_""')(,{I'" In Il10_''''',,,,,, Iong1h 01Il10 I .... """ tho pion To""""""" 1ho __ '" • 0It0Igh1~,.. _ "'" plan .... ,'''' onglo _""' ... ....... "'"'~ ,M _, pIono

TO_"'" plan ""''''given "'" ._ond""'onglo ..... ""'Iino_

... "''''''--

T""'n __ :

Pn>jKIi<>n: _: IIIGIoo _ pIo .... ; ..... _01 ... __ ' ..... _

01 "'", _ 01 on obIiqut, ... _ II'f'O<TOd.

Tho ObliQue ....... ' ~,-

Tofil'd""' ..... oI'IQIo_Ihoobllc!uo --","-pIo ..

To lind ""' .......... _"'" obIIc! .... _ond","_pIont

To lind ""' ..... oI'IQIo _ "'" Uo<oo 01 .n oIIIiQuto""

E~~t3 1 .. 1

,._- , ..

o...Ioprnonl 01......."

Sq prism

Sq _ ... ",""""""""",,,

H_, priom wid> ObliQue end. __ ng __ "" .... ano! pt1omo

_ng"'_'" one!~1 priImo _"'0''''_


CyII_ will> obIiquo "'"

CyII Cut ObIiqotly Of both on<Ia

CyIInd will> c"u ........ .,..

"" Intotoocting <'yIiIIder _In ........ inG'~

0..._''''_''''' ryromid

"""""'m 01 • IIQU8I1I pyrwnid ~"""P'f'O"!Iidwill>"",.u''''''''''''1y

~anoIl'Y by._

.. om

ObIIqu • ..._.. PV' .... MI 0..._,01..,....' eon.

~IUIIUi'l1 o.t , cone


~r\d1Um 0' .. COM QJ1 obIiqu4I~ C_ willi I cy1IrOIcIt hOlt ObliqU.COIM



16 !'unit .. probI .... IftIDeI 1611

Tho cycloid; _ ond _10 Il1o

~; opI. _ hyoo'__, __ one!

noomollO "'" opI. - hvPo·cyc!Oido;:

inDriOt" end IUperiat lrochoid.; the IrIYr;,Iu1 .. ;

notlTlat and tI~ to tht inYolu.; 1M AttN_ "*",, """"i,, round..,d

IQUtd :IIIdIon coikId' sprin(p-.: .. uatt ~don _.

c._I~ III

'8 ,...., ..... okotdIIng 1111

"""ori.'_cI1ing;oI<~ln~ph" ""'~: ..... hlng u .. oicI '" 9Pgn .

,7 __ ,. __ bydl'OWiftg 178

..._ of ._ ... .,_, 1ho mId·onII .... NIl

R ....... "'" "'_,. ''''''Il10. _ of

IOfM tort:. .a:ingI on • bum,; fon:eI

llding lit II paim:.:: ~i~brant .and r-..h;ItrI


Simple .... dooia";...,,_$el ,7 180


18 Introduction TI'PO "'!>,ojoc:!"'" SectJonl

Sef'e\llll' ,hl'Mdl

__ bello

DooigNt;oo 01150 ...... _. T~ of boIts.nd K~ Oimenlioning

Co!'tY'Itfttionll f't'I',ItUIfltalonl. ~nlng_

Suoi ... ""'II""'"

- .. -

Framing .0<1 1~1o bloCkJ

......... 1>Iy .rowI<ogo

Som. MgitltNfing 'uttrHnp:

Tho """ one! .. boll locking doool ...

Aiwta and 'rWad jointt

K .... .._.,..nd""' ... ~.joInll W_o_

£."cJu.'8 23(l

~"''' :IN

,Simo 01 ISO ......., ho_ "OIl. _ ond


_",II 2eO

SiHI at aJonld and eUftI nuts with metnlC:



U rheberrcc htl ich gcsc h utztes M ateri a

Part I Geometric drawing

U rheberrec htl lch ge5c h utztes M ateri a



e.r0Al YQIJ 'IUrt 'Ry drawing' yQ\J' fltst dtcidI how tliPge

1ho _inIII_lObo- Tho d_nt vi 01 "'" oIJioo'

to be drawn must 'no1 be buneMd toge't cr be 100 'Ir

OI>I~. H _ ItO _ 10 do this II1d "i. _ tho objo«

in i1f nrau .... lib 1Mf'1. IObviouIIr 11'111 lit bMt.. Thill II not 1IIw..,. poooIbIo; 1ho oIljoc:I ..,., be moe!> 100 Iotgt lot lNiI Pipet' or much too II'hIlr to be maw ... dwty. 1n either .... ~ .... be _rI !C ........ "'" otIjooct ~ ........ , lb. salt. mUll IMpind IDI"l ,'M liD of thI a minla1ur1l .. ~ compoMInt 'I'N'( h:aw to btl drlwn 100 0 .... IatQOIlh," i,!MIIv ... whils! """'" ",po_ n.turo.! ~tkM\t dMded by rniUIQRS.

"...,. .,. tt.wing .101 QI*I .~. which .are ~1O hoIp,hedroog_'_ "'th.-. ocolod diml~. They Jack lin .., ordinary rulw but close' il'tlC)M:.tliGn ahowt (!'\It 1M divjsio", O,n thetI ICa&eI. .. ~ I'IOf.lhe· usual centimetres Of milin'IIHIM. Dut eafI ".ptMIU'!! tttcm. 1bete ~ .... WIl' uttful but lI'ItIfa 'fIill c;ome • time Whtn yOu will w.nt 'to dr.w tc .. lim 'tNt is not on ~n. of IMH ,aaa.. You coutd WCM1i: tl'Ml JC'.tIed 'lin lot o-v dimolllian on tho drowing bur ,hit <on be • IOnQ and hKltoul buti~ yO\! construct 'tOLl' gWIl 1CIIe. Thil chlpter Illows vou !\ow to conWJJC1 II'Y _"",,_wish. '

TIwI R_tatl .. Fnoctl .... (R.F.)

Th ... ~tttr.r*, t'fIiCt1on ,lntf'antly lhe ,.tic of thCI :tile oI1hl!l line Bn ~ dtfI~ and the n:tUWIII!z.e. The ,..tio or ~OJ 10 dienominato~' 0' tM r,ac:tiOn iii the rwtio m -ctr.wn 11:1.10 na1utals.iJe, ThUl. .. reprewnta· ... froctlon oj i meanolhll ,he O<!.,lli.Io 01 tho DIljOC1 it. flYe 1irnei the ~If 01 me dl!WMing of obiIcI .

!t .. 'JiCaIt it giVen .. 1 rNn • " m 'hen thl R,'F. iI

1mm 1mm 1


A eo_oliO! { • ...." d .... gt. ..... n} '- !Cwo," ""'" 110m. very .If!ru- ICfIIo& He mer h....., Il1O fitld. fat iMtlnca. the R.F. , .... ., ... 01 1 mm ~ Skm. In 1I!1o ... ",. R.f.

will b8"~ ': - 5)t"oo!)t 1000 - 5 oo!OOO'

I'bom ......

Thet'1' I." two lY'PeA of .B;qI1M. plain and diagonal, Tho ~in iCalie it. UMd lor a:irn" Kaitl. ~ ~t'lil do not 1'1.". manv IlIb·dJ'Yi&ionI,

~ COf\ftr\lC1Jng .ny :IiCAIe, the first thing to dKide ;. tho IongU1 01 "'" Hoio. Tho _iouo length 10 • 1",10 _ !hen lho Ior!goot dimo_ on tho _"II. fig, 1!1_o__"~~00010 0120_ ~ 100tmC Tho

Fig. 111 ~ain K.IiIe 10 mm. _ 100 mIT! 0( ll1Wn • 5 nwn


U rheberrec htl lch ge5c h utztes M ateri a

~, naMa! ~ is!l5OOmm IO'M 1OlaIlengtl".! ot' .... lUliiditpmmot1.00mm. TI't"i:l100ll'Tll'lljsdMded mto '6 equal' porfionI. Nth po,tiol'llllP'lMt'II_Wo.g 100 m:m. The fim 100 mm q IMn divided. into 10 eQUel por:t~ each portion ..... ruing 'Omm_ T~ d~N an tlMn c:le.nlv mlrOd 1,0 IncNf will( Mc:h portion ftQtelotrUI.

FInIIh :is ~' ~rnpotiant whec1 Gl'lwtng scaJn. YOLI 'WOuld not wi:ItI 10 UIIt I badty gtldl.lattid Of poorly ....... 0<1 ",lor Ind YOU ohoold OIIPIY ,"" ....... ..'to 'VCIUI' IC:Ma.. M .... lUre U\I1 thly ,Ire rnlrbd wi.m all t'" important mMlfUr.mI'nllS_

F". 112 "'-' -,hot pIoin 1QIo. Thlo..,. _ be tIIOd _ till ......... lifo would be til_ t_ b!ggot

thli' tl'le ftltul'IIl N:i: •.

To c:or.trvGt • .pqln -=-Ie.. • mm - 10 mm. 80 mm long '0 .- to , mm (fig. 112)

t.o~h of tale- lOll: 5,:::11 150~

111 division 511: 10mm

2M dMlion 101[1 mm


Thet8 ill II limit ro V~ ~ of dMl:iaf'l' that can btl COnltl'l.u:.:i 01') • "-.n KllIe_ lev re dr..tkM 'O~ Into 50 .,.,..: YOIl will 1"'" "'" rt iI _ in'WalbIe, 'The .. rtht«t" CIIrtOG'''''''' ,Ad IIJrv.yor ;III: ,""v. Ih. p'obitm ot hwinu to lub~dividt inlO ,1mIItr Un1t1 lhIn I pl.lln tell.t albwt.. A d~1 ~ ,,15ow1I you- to cJlrvlide Into ...... 'u.nPtl.

a.tor. lOoking iIt env .,.I1failar d~ :K.tlfl. ~, u ...

II ... ""'" It till "-.tyiog pOlI<l"...

Flg. 1,/3 _ • 1riot>gIo • .t.BC. SuJ>pot.o ' .. ' AB i. 10 .... ~ Ind ac .. _ i_l0 _11_ U ....

from thnt' ~ PI$ ~ bNI1 d'rawn pert"'! 10 AD ..,.,....- fit>m , to '0,

" IhOuId be _ <hit ~"" .... 5-5 io ""', "'" long'" 01 AB. Simi!orII' ..... _, -, 10 To till Ion¢> 01 AB Ind .... 1-1 iolo ',,"long'" 01 All. (tf you _ to _ 'h ..... _caRy .. Iimi'- Uioogloo.)

You an .. IN., the Mir.glhsof m. ~nH 1~1 tLl 10.-.1.0 __ Iry' mm_" dmoyou gc up. I .... II !ho 1orogI" af AI had beetI, 1 mm 10 t,.,gln 'Wkh me ~ WOtc!kI Mvt --. ... mm IIICIl , ...... tn ,n;o wrt _~ longlN

can .. divided inlO 'II'tf'r IhUCh ."...." It"1)thl. tnd can bt....,lIi<I«<fou,.

A' .•...

- , ,


Fi;, '/3

U rhcberrec htl lch gcsc h utztes M ateri"

n... •• ompIoo 01 d'_'" scolos 101_.



~ .....




Thiloe." woulO be uoocl _'1110 dr .... ng Is lwite ...,. til. 01 ~he Nlura' obfK1 and tM dJauglnlr.nan has to be abM 'tell ."...,.,... 011 ill scale ICCU,..'. 10 0.1 mm.

n. ~ MtLrttl climrtMion i. &O,JM'I. Ttlit ""Gilt! it. fim c14vtdi1d limo liM: 10 mm j"teN_1t. The firsl 1.0 mm is INn dMc:ted tnto 10 p;MlI. each " mI'rlo wide (SCiJIott). Eoch 01 Ih_ , mm Inc ...... II dOiidod will> • diaQo<>ol imo '10 II'IOfII equa;a f)tt!:I.

U rheberrec htl lch gesc h "Illes Iv! aleri"

To CG'UIrue't" dlagomilllCtlk. 3Omm_1 mm. 4m ........ o_to'O ...... f",T/5

l.i:IIl')Q1h Qf -c ... ia"';!1;30...-n - 1201'llm"

Firat dMlion intO 4 30 m'n 1I1"1G'IhI.

Second dI..ri$ioo img 10 100 rnm "~h:s,

OiagoMiI diViIicn '!"Ito 1 0 ~ 0 II'II'n ttngfhs.


2,", 480~
I ... 130 .....
M I It
a 2 ~


! 3 B30~~




FIG_ 1/5 A di.,gcuw K:itl"e" 3 en'1 - 1m. ItO !'Md" m and ern


U rheberrec htl ich gosc h utztes M atcrla

T .. _ld _.IO""".' .......

, ...... I_ to'- om ·F1g"1fJ

~oIlC:11 ... iII3:11f!l5Omm _150mm. F!nt -. il3 !SO mm Iongtho. __ 11'0 0.'...., IonqIho.

0iIfI0"II- iI'O 0.01 mm ~


\~ -r~~-r~~~~~O~ ~ ~2M~


~~rt-r+-~-r,_~~---------------+---------------I OQ,,~4-+-~~-+-+4-+-~----------------+-----------------I


flv.,1fJ "'~ICIIo.!SO_ -, mm '" _11>0.01 """ (R.F:':')


U rhcberrec htl lch gesc h utztes M ateri a

..._._, .......

h is po&SlbIe to ~ DnI plIltl KM dirte11y from .rKKNf. 10 m.t lhe ntW t.ea .. it. ~i(IIntI to U .. ariglnaI"_ An .......... of lhis .. ~ in Fig. 111. Tho

MW ICI" iii Ii CO:PY 01 me. origi~1 0 but iii! 1 tirrICIII

'_. The propottiono 01 lelloo be ..nod by

......... Iho _ 01 _ AD 10 Be.


,. (., Draw .... Ii"""" q., "-" in f;g. 1 IuII_.



(bl Conotn.c1 • ""in _ .. """'. _ ,,",,-

lion ofS .... _ .... _ in 11>0 moIi.lng 01 _

d<owWlg of Ohil q.,. Do _ draw ..... koy """"'" S_ RogionM EJUIIJIiMtioM BOMfi (ao-ion originoIlv'" In IrnporioI u .... ,.


2. Conltn.lC:1.~ ... "04'50mm- 3OOmmlOcwdto 10 mm '-'1110 1200 nom. Uolng mil _. "'ow 10 ..... olrionglo haYIng • pom...- 011200 ......... 1l0iii''11 _ in .he _ 3;.:8. P<lnt ......... --.g _,,_

tho IongIh to .......... 10 mm.

0_ ,.wE"_' (a.-ion origlnollv .. in Imperial U"rtI; .. Chapter :2 '01 rnfonnMlon nee ~n eha_1I.

3. ConrnveI .... t>IoIn fogu .. _ in !';g. 2 ond ~ by ....... ot. _ionoIoco ... _._',..... .......... on .he 0- ,AG. All '''11100 _ be' ..... - lltuCf«1 __ 11y I. tho,..,...... -... .... _Iho IongIh 0I1ho _ <""-Kling _ CD.

OdDttl louJ f.-. (0_ orig~ ... i", h,"~ uni1l; .. ChlptM 2 for infotmltiolt 1"10[ in C_l).

U rheberrec htl lch ge5c h "Illes M ateri a

o ,;, ..



O""E~S<ONS <N '""' Fig. !

4, ConctrUC1' d~ 'IC:a'5I in whiIC:l'I .0 nwn tl:pl'eMl"!lt.i 1 m. The ICIIt is to I'Hd down to lO rrm .nd Is 10 COV8I' .• rarl9' ot S m. Mark off • dim.tlCl ot • m 180mm.

5. Conarud. ~ ace~ of 2& mill to recnwnt 1 m wtllch eln be uMd to meatUf'I m ..-J 10 I'nrn UCJI (0 8 m. Uoing 1M .. ,It <:OIWItuct • quodii_ ABCD whioh'- on I _ ... 8 oIlMo1IlI> 4m 720mm and NorriIlQ Be • :I m 530 rtm. AD •• m no rm't. L ABC • 120· end LADe. 90-, MeNu", ,nd _ "" Itngtho ot "" _ di_..w. ...... 110 _ptI'Idieuw n.ight. to correct to 1'" t'IMf'IIR 10 mm. AnllIoo ..... Do ~ __ Iy_

0_ Lou} E._ (au.ion originolfv ... HI ImpIIiaI ...... ; _ C_ 2 lot I._ion _ in


G. CoI\ftJUd • ~ IKM. "1'10 tirnMI fulJ. lin. 10 Ihow' nun and tenths of • mm end 'lO fIi8d to • maxi~ IIWIYt '" 20 Mm. UsIng 1he KiI". COI'IIIfUet • ~. ABC wid> "'817.4 mm. BC 13.8 mm ""''''C 11 m", O"'onI_ CMtlHldp S<hooII E. __ • B_.


Urheberrechtllch geschulzlcs ~laleri"


The construction of ge0metric figures from given data

nv._il __ ..... _Gtplano goomottIo figu_ P __ ill .... _ 01

fJg<no _ .. _.-.oionaI. i. •. fjgureo _ hoY> only """" ond _ Solid_'" iI .... _"., ot __ figu_

f"og. 211 To_. ~1IIoI1iM

Ag. 2/:1 To -. • i ..

Fie- 2J3 To Ind • ~ from .. point or ... liN


TIIoto _ ""_ of fiu<no 1M _

wIIl_ ivM only _ _

__ IrIongIo. IN ....-.- _ u-n

"'"- .

BtI .. ony ponjaalor ~ _ ........

concructionl tbIl mua be tI'IIIMd.

Fig. VI TO ...... ."'*"IO.11r1t

U rheberrcc htl ich gesc h utztes M ateri a

Mg. U7 To _ acr

Ag. 218 To conwuct 30' To"""""",,, flO"

flu.2/10 r. cronotnJCI 45'

flu. 2/11 To C<Wl1IIueI on anglo IirnliLat to I!I"IOttIer enulll

Ag.,2/12 To di¥ldo • I ... 1<110 • """"'" or "" ... pom I ... S)

Ng. 2113 To _ • I .. __ 1_1:2,4)


drhcbertcchtllch geschutzlcs ~lateria



Tho '"""'" •• pioN r.vur- bour!dod by _ OIroigh,


A_-",Io,-", ,

... ond_"'--' .......

An ~ iii ..... hi. tri.IgIe......,.. twa .... IIIfJd _two ongIoo, oquoL

An oquI/Mwo/,,_ 10 , _10 ...... '" tho_ .nd_.llbtonoloo.OOluoL

A rItI/If.""fII«I IriOO'IQIo ... INnvIo _ning ono oigh<qlo. Tho oOdo otJPOOi1o 1M right· ..... '-1110 ~.

To 00IIII'trUcrt; ... IIqu.Uwt'" tliangl .. given on. of .... _ (Flg.1I")

1. o..w.I .. AII,_"IOIbt~otlbt,;'do.

~ WlIfI _1IOInI "" A Ind .... iu. All, drow III 'r<

.. -



3. WlIfI. __ poin1 on .. ond _ tho ....... _"" draw 1InOItw.-c to cut the f\n:I Me It C.

TrIongfoABC iI~,

To _ ... ""__triongle gl_ .... _,. ____ (Flg.2/1S)

1., DrowIlneA8lQU11lOhoII'1IIo1'Orilnolot.

::._e ...... _lorond_aC_ ......


3. JoInACond_H1OCIIIAeinD.


,. ProducoOB",1hoIBE'_BD.

CDfiotho __ nod~

To __ • trianglL gl _


r, D ...... IinoAB.

2.. Cotmtud CD P'l'alW to ... IIQ tNt tM dil'tlfao _!hom. is """,,110 lho oItitucio,

3. from."" poIIm t on CD. Qo-noj cb,nd DiG., mat .hoy""'AB!'> F.nd G~ .. tv.

SIIIOI C'F - EFG Ind D'G - roF (011_ .",,1011. 1I!on EFG "' tho IOqulrod iii .... ,


A-·--~F~--------~G~·---6 F;q. 2{16

To constfllCt. tll.,...1e 'II."'" tM baM~ tM .rt.lWdtl _ tho-,IcaI_1e (fig.2J171

1. DrWI' 'IhiI IMI. AB.

2. eon-u.lC_",.tho 1o.

3, ~AD potpOnCkulot 10 AC.

., BlHcl AD to,,_, AD In D.

5. With c.nue 0 Ind tMhl1 OA (_ 08). dl'l'W a cii'dt.

8. CaNIruc1EfPl"IIoI1OAII 001""""'_ .... _ !hom .. _..'O .... oItitudo .. l.o<EFlntorM<1111ocild.1n Q.

ABG .. tho __ rod trIonglo,

U rheberrec htl lch gesc h utztes Iv! ateri a

To_ ........... OI .ncItIM

ratio of tile IkIII {Fig. 2/18)

1. Dmo1llo IIne-'8 _;"10",,"",01110_. Z. DmcIo Minto 1110 roquirod ' .... <_. ; 3 , 81.

3. W1ith c.n'n C M'IG rMlul CA d..-w an ~

4. WIth.,...". D 0<"<1 rod ... DB _ on .. to 1_ me_...,inE.


Fig. 2/18

To _. ",-,-, __ ....-.. , ... oltl __ .... -'IcaI_ .. (flg. 2,,91

1, Dr.-w ". WId AC ...:h equat to half t.twt pillltimet .... end

oo ..... CA8it1llo_q ...

2. ffamBO<"<IC_~lo ..... ,nO_

3. _ .. n1nlO._.drdo._OB(-OC).

4. With alnn A M"d radw. ~ til tIHI.ltitudt. dBw In -.

5. ~1110_ .......... _meckclo_ 1110 ""'" Loo W. _, inhoroo<t AC in F .nd A8 in E.

("", on_Cho""'.1

FEA 1.1110 __ rod 1NnGIe-

Fig. 2/19

co .... oo T~NGE~T


J rheberrec htl ich gcsc h "Illes lei atcrla

To <:OMtruat 0 trlMlllo oI",Ho. 10 ...... _ trlMllIoo but~". dlff ...... perl_ (FiR- 2,/20)


1. Crow .... givon Irionv!o ABt., z, 1'focIIIca8C,;n bexhdltO<1lono,

3. Wrr:h ~OOInI on a.,wt tadiut BA. draw", IitC to OIIIce ptodllAd;n F.

4. With compuI point 0" C .-..d ...oUI CA.. -d...w 11ft ..,;:. to Qit ec producM:I'l:tJ, E.

5. o..w • II .. FG oqOlll In IongIh to .... roquirod pori·


e. Join EG.nd dno .. CJ Ind BH potoI1oI tolt 1. WrthCtt'!trtHIItId~Hfdt.*an.rc;,

8. With e.ntre J end rtdiUIo JG dr,sw IIfIOlhtlr ~ W il1t41r~ Mel the rnt lift: in K..

HKJ 1$ the required Uil~",



Th. __ io • 01_ fig.," bounded by lour

en aig'ht..,...

A ItllJMW" Is .. ~Uldtllm.r" with all four .... of ~ IongIh one! onl <II its ongIH (ond ""nco ,ho ""'"' ""00) • rig.tanglo,

A. ~ b. iI qutldri~ wilt'! ill 0I)p0&.i~ IidoI ofOO1uolleno<n one! _ 01 no _ (and _ ..... _

,.reo) I right ongIo. -

A pM~ it • Qwfdri~"" wf1;1"1 .gpf)OIiw Iidn OO1uol __ ,,...,...Il0l_

A rh<Jmb1Jl it. qU4drileteral with I:Il four s.id1l'_ ... 11.

A rrlpuium jr. • quad""'" with OM. par 01 opposi~ _",,01101,

A tn.p&nJJd .... Qu.,griie1 .. 1 \JIIIidl ail tour Jl.dies IJ\d 0"11100"""" ....

!';g, 2120


To ~C1 • ~ ... givan ih. r.ngth. 0" the! t.kkI (l'"og.2n1)


2_ FtoII"I'I8~,,~clJ""_ 3. M .... .ett .... ,ongthol_ac.

.. Wllh ""11'01 A and C draw atC;s, fldiul I!I(JUII to lhe 'onuth. of It4IkB of the 1qUaItI. to inllfN'MC.t ., D, ABeD tt m. ~u:irt\d,I(IU~.

Flg. 2121



U rheberrec htl lch ge5c h utztes M ateri"

To _ ...... ,. glYontlMldl_.,.ol (Fig. 2/UI 1. Prrw,"dI_'AC.


3. Vv'Uh centre 0 Ind raclil!oll OA (_ OC) alW .. circ'- to cut ttte bisecting Jlne In a and D.

ABCD 10 tho r.quIrod oqu,aro.



To """ • """_Ioo 01 .... __ h of_

dloe IWI_o1-- (Fig.2J231

1. PrrwlllodiagonolBD.


3. W'nh ~"O Iff'MjrldiLHOB (- OD}dtaw.dtde.

4. Willi conn 8 ond JOdI", oqoJOI 10 tho Iongth of .ho knDWl"lIide. drcrw en arc: 19 cut IttIe cireN 'in C.

5. ,,-_4with_ ... Oto""MA. ABeD 10 tho required roc,"",,".

To _. """'leIog ..... g_ ~ old" .nd .. onvIo (1Ctg. 2/241 '.D,_AD_.otho'onathofoneollho_

2. From A GOIIItruclltMli known "fig".

3. Moo1<<III .loa __ In Iong1h.otIIo_koown_.

4. ~ comp,IU pOInt lit B ckaw .." .,. tIIQU8I in radM to AD.

s.. With.tbf'l1pas11 poin1_ D dQIiw l1l"i ~eQUI g, l'IdIut 110 .loB.

A8CD 10 Iho 'oo .• trod _1oIogrorn.

To '"'Mtnocto_, __ dl _

Iongth of tlMl._ (Fig. 2/281

'_Dr .. ""'~AC_

2- From A Ind C d_ ittCMtocIinQ -. ....... ,. Ierqth ICI me.a.. 10 mMi.1 ttId D.

A8CD it'" foqujrod_

To CIORftIUGt. tr..,.zkwn ihlen tt. ...... thI of tN porti'oI.1doo. _ __.s_ d __

__ ono_,"(Fig.2/2I1

,_ D __ oItho"..oIIoI,A8.

2. ConoIruc. tho .,.. .... , ....

3. ConsIntct Iho known onvIo Iram B to ,_ tho _lliftoinC.

4. Mori< off Iho known IongtII CD. ABCDIoIho"" .... .._.,_.




U rheberrec htl lch ge5c h utztes M ate,i a


A potygon ill • .-M ~ bou1d.d by mono lb.I!n fGIJr ~ __ I'oIygotlO !bot ... ,_tty ,._ to

"_''''''_''-. Somo 01_ ... __ .

A __ I .. pIonollg<n~ by,",, __

" __ lIoplonollgu .. _by"' __

A "-PI_i"pIonollg<nboundod by_-" An _..,Io,pIonollg<n_ by'iG/1IA_II.pIono.fig ... _bycjno_

A __ ... pIo .. ~ .. baunclodby .... _

"_IorPDl'l9on 1o __ 1Iao 011 Ita _equal ond

_"'" all I" _ 0IIII100 oqual and 011 as ;"1Ori .. ongloooquol.

It 1:1 ~ CO .:or.rttvct , circ;. ",ill'!in ;I flgul., potvgon 10 IhoI 011 lIIo aid .. oIlIIo polygon ... ,"_dol '" Ihai. _ Tho dI_ 01 IhIt cifdo ;, <»lIM Iht d_ 01 !he potvgon, II Iho potvgon 'I!ao on ......

n."'_oI_,1IIodlomotofll1llo _

d_n., oppoII<I _. lNI _ II ...... Cllltdlllo' __ 'd_

Tho .n,1gONI1 01 • polygon Is lIIo _ Ito<n OM CUIi'IIIf to OW I:OfNJI' furttI .. "'IV t'rorn it. If thI potyQon hoi on ,,_, ..... boo 01 ....... "'"" .hil d_ II lIIo

d d--,.oppoII<I_


To_ • ._. .... ._..g_ ..... '-wthol tlll_{F;g.2/27)

I, Or_.oir<Io,'-,oq"aI",II>oIOllQ!!lallllo_.

2. F""", "'" poiM OIl Iho dI<umfonn<e, _ me -...

III'OUIId lhI cktl • (J:met,. if "t'OUt con.aruction .. .......... )'DII wil finioh".dOIIy lilt _ ~ Ih.ot ,....-

3, Connoo! 1110 ... pointo to I 1"11"" I1Dovon,

To_ •• _Io. he a_<lledl ........


ThiI --. using ........- ond "light Odgo ""Iv, 10 qu;g. _Il10 but IIIIItIIwIy "'""""'"""'- What 1I1mponon' 10 to rocognizo Ihai •. ..._ <0<1 be con· _.glvon 1I>o_ .. _·"",dI __ by

dtaMng ungen .. ItO ".. c:1irc:1. wi'Ih • ~Mt: .. u ..... _ Thit:

I, _.,.' Impononl whon d<ow;ng .. _...._ """ .,.,-


U rheberrec htl lch ge5c h utztes M ateri"

To CdM1nll;t. r-au .. r octagon ginn the dl ... ~.I. .... within. 01 .... clrcI. (FIg. 2/2!1)

I. Orrwl/locjrclo.nd_Udi_,\e.

2. ConIuuac .... arhet cf~ CO. ~Id.r to the fi ... ciogorIaI.

3 .• '_' .......... _to ,..,. _ 10 ""', ....

cIo-cloln B. D. f,'JId H.

A8CDEFGH iII'Mrequina~.



F"," 2/2!1

To COftotruct. ,oo~""_onol .... tho dlamOUr, I .•. wlihln '0- """"'" (Flil. 2/30)

" CoowtrucI .... __ PORS. IonQth .f ..... ~ 10 .... diJtn.lur.

2. DflWlhocNg ..... SOlndPR1.imtIMCI,'T.

3.. W~h eenl .... p. 0. R II'ICIi 5 dr.w 'O\Ir ltet. ftCUUS I'T(, .. QT,. RJ· ST) 10 """h"q"." in"" e,c, D,,·t F.G_~.

"BCDEFGH "' tho roqu~od OCIlgOO-

T ..... notnICt.....,lIl .... po._._, ............ ,

....,. .

n,.,. ... ",,_ IairIy IimpIo wrp 01 CCfIIInII:ting • ...,.. poIjogon. Two __ ......... Ii __ end

.... ,hjrd _ .... __ H ijlttobo ...... AlI", ... __ ... _. Tho __

_I ... n~ l>0II'1I00, and. ~n ( __ ) "" bMn choMn to DIuttraM them.

M.tllo,11 (fig. 2/31 )

,_ Orww • line AI ~ if! 1MI81h1O OM of ~ ... end ..... """AB10 P.

2. CoIculato __ 10, of poInjan II!'-'

lSI!' II!' ilia 01 _. In <aM tho _

~ it311f1'n - 51 :Tn.

3. Dl'aYld'MIO'Ottlot~P8C:lOm.t8C_,AB.

4. Bi_ABondBCtol_inO.

s.. Ofawaeirelit.c:ennOll'ldrldilltOA(-OB-OCI. B. StoP oil ..... -. 01 .... IiQ\n !tom C ., D, D 10 E,"". ABCOEFG il11;Je fl'QUiF1lid ~pqgon_


U rhcberrec htl lch gesc h utztes M ate,i a


I. D_.~ ... A8,"""'I~IongthIO_oI,,,"_

2. FfVm .... ...a. ~-cIrde,. red"'A! to.,..1 8A pro. _InP.

3. D ....... "'" _. __ 101. "'" _ nwnI>o! .1 ,"" •• 1 ........... prcI!>OIed ""'-" 11M _. This .... be dono tor oriIII ond ...... or tor •• 100_ (111D'17 - 25 5'17 lor NCb .Ct .

.. D_ .... hom " 10 poiI>t 2 (lor AU. potygont). Thill

"""". _ lido I ..... poIygon. &. 81Mct A.I Wtd A2to inl*'MCt tin 0,

e, W'""_.,.Odraw._.' ....... OB (-~.021.

1. S..., 011 tllo olein '01.110 figu:ohom 8 '" C. C I. 0 "0- "BCDEFGI."" *I.lred_.

To _NOt ....... r polygon ~ • dl_l. I .•. within. ,_ elld. (1"'11. 2/3<)

1. D_"""",",, citdo.nd I_._AM. 2.D_ .... _In ....... __ oldM_

.. ,M""_" l>uoidoo.

3. With c:tInfrtI M dr ...... In "itc. MA. Wim (:,ftlWl A

drlw 11'KIlher Me of 1'" rtdlul to interMc11h4

fln1.rc: in N ..

•. I:lTtw Pa and p<Oduco 10 in_ 1M _ in B (tor

""r "",-",.

I!. A8 .. 1M "'" lido ., "'" poIygo>n. Soap out "'" _

-,~=:"±"':::::o''f' p .....

ABCOE '''~''_ired polygon.

M .. hod 3 (Fig. <133)

1, Omw. Ii.,. GA aqu" jn length 10 Qf'ItI 01 the tIdtJ. 2;. 8'-'c:tGA.

1 Ftom A contUuCt; 8(llntAe 01 4!f' to inteflK1 tM bi..elOt •• point 4.

4, Fforn G c:onstrl.lC:l ... ano- of W to in...-..c=c me

bluctor at IP(IirIt 6.

5. BiMa bI-tw'Hn pgitlts" .. Ad e. to gw. point 5.

Point" ~ m. Ctrr'l'D'. of. cirde 'COnt8ining _ aquare. Point 5 it 1M a-n'" of • eifde containing _~, PCi4nt '6 ill the etnfJ8 of. circle containing. "'qgDtl_ By marking off poin: •• at "mi'" Clittancn tne ctltItreI of cirdn eotItaining on-; _Itt PGlrvon"" be .bIOi"....

8. M.II: ofI pointJ IOlNti&!o7 _ &106 (_ '.05,.

1. Wilt. ctntl1l .. , peNn.] tk,JW I crr-c.. f'liCNuI71OA(-' lOG'.

8. S.."oIItllo_oI""'figuIW ~"", ..... 8. B to e. otc. ABCOEfG;O .... -.oowd"'_.


Urhcbcrrechtlich 9cschOtztcs ~Ialcrial

To oonltruC't • r-.g ..... ' polygon gtv.n • diameter (Fill- 2/35)

" Dn,,"IinoMN,

2. fromtomto ~"t A on 1M "nedr.w. ~·eircloof Py convenient rldiUI-

a 0;.010 11M ..". -«<» Into ..,. ................. 01 oqoll _ .. ..,.~'-oidot(;,,_caM •. I .e, 2O'


.. FromAdnw .... IaII ... lI1o:ouQhp:,;n .. t lOB.

5.11 11M ool'tgon 11ft ..,...., .......... 01_ ........ ... ", .... _ pnoino II1o:ouQh A, In "'Is CUll, billet 'Ih. lu)uwn di~.r 10 gM OIn1f11 O. If ... i",

,,". __ _di_~ng"'""'IIhA

( ...... can be...,.. ..... ....,J ...... -. bolh

_ ... lOin_inO.

6.. Wlth c:tnh 0 end .... 1us: OAt. ~. cirC_1Q ~ mo,ICIIoI_'nC .• O.E.f.GrndH.

7. FtomA_aflAD_AJ ........ CO. DE.""" ABCOEF(l HJ 10 Iho ""'"; .... .,.,,_.

Th COIIItnJC1IoM ltIown ....... .,. by eo mQM an ..,. con_",",)'0<1 ""I'be """,o.d 10 <10, butttloy ... ~tllli\reot.".typtI thltyou rnayl'llMt,

I' your gecn'I«fy ....,. , r ...... :IIUI pKtice. it ill wen _ .. hile PfOVinV .- __ by Euclideon

p.ooIa. A.nOoMocIgool ....... _.... .......... Is.-· 'O ..... hMI IInlWflring many of the ~on, thown btlow. lind I)fO'Ang the lboY4I GOnItrU(:rionl wtillRlk. lUte 1t'l11 )'O<I""""'~'" with 11...",


1. ~tlJ'UtC1...,.,.q.~ I~ wit'" ~ eGmm 1OniI,

l.. CoJw1ru,(:I." ieoIoeIN tri.lng" ~I has. ~ 01 135 mm Ind Ml atuwde of 6S mm.

3., CO".lr~t • ~ witn bMe llIg'" eo" Met .. 6+ rnd on .biNdo 01 78 ......

"" CoMtnJct.'tI'iInQa.wilh .. bluolMfIWTI . ..,~ Dt S2mm IncI, 'oIIIfticIi .... Oil 37}·.

s. Comtfuct .. 'Iri.tngIe with I ~ rrIIMUrinu 111O""".nd _In ,ho lOtio 3:5:6,


M ~L_ ~~~~~L- ~

6, Com,,,.,, I niO<';llo w;,h • oori_" 01170 ......... _lnl ..... 107:3:~.

1, CanOIrucI. llianglO U _ tho .,...,... io 115

mm. "'" •• iIude .. >40 "" _ ongIo II


8.. ~.1t\.IoCt a m.noae w~h • baM ,.....rihg '82 mm, In ,h:i'tudi- lOt 10 mm ,h(I a VI'I"tkaIangle ~ eo+ _ Now

d_ o llimi Irionglo wid> I porimoqr of 2~"",,.

9, Com"" uIonglO _ I porimoqr 01 1:l$ """

__ .,. in tho ..... 2:4:5, ..". d_'

similar trilAQIi!I pori"..,." It 170 rNT\.

10, eormn. ... OIIIl ..... _i50omF'lndthomld·polnt

01 .. <"_"""""""""' """"""'"_

with 11J.~N linN 'ID ~ sacond IqUI ....

11. ConJtn.Id • .....,. whoM ~ it 88 nwn, 12_ Contuua • .,...... wttaM ......... as nvn.

Il. ComIrll<l ...... 1OIc9om Uiwn two _ 42.nvn .. rid :IiIO nwn long. and ..... ~ bII'IWtlIn tMrn 1&'7 ", 14, eonwu" 'I tIOC*'IIIo _ No • diogonoI 56 mm 1OniI ....... -35....,_,

, 5, I """" ..... d , .. diogonoI iI n nrn 1 _ .. ltd one Ii6t if; 44 mm )ot)g,

, 6. ConN""". "-""'" givoI' '''"' ..... pOr .... - oro 60 tTWn " IJQ min ~ .. NI .,. .5 mrn 1IpWt.

'7, ConoIrucI. ~ huogan, 46 mm_.

18, t:onwuct. "'8"d.., huagol'l il tht ~ ... it 75 mm.. 19, ConoIrucI. _10, .... _ within on BO""" dil· ...... c:irda, ThI c:orn.c1- of 1M hlJllJOOn must ... lie on mo _ 01 tho c_,

20_ CQnItruC"l. IQ'*" ... 100 mm, wttNn "'" fQU.I't'.,

conotNcI. _10. 0<10lI0'', foul 01

lhe ~ m&.M("liti on the'" at tMIIQU.n..

21, c-n.a ,he _""'IQ""'~: .. pIIf'tUIgOn ... ~nw'rI" .__.,._SS .....

.. ~ UcIe.q, mm.

• doeogOO •• "" 3& mm,

22. ConN ...... _. __ . d_ 82 INn.

23. ConN""". ~ ......_, .. hhln • cl~. ,"""", 60""", The tomIf'I of the ~ mull ... otIo I. ... c:i~o'tN~"_


Urbeberrechtllch gcschutztcs Malerial


Isometric projection

Engrn.lng drIwInao ... 11_ drawn In 0tIIl0gr0Qhi0 ....,..._ For .... __ of _ ........ ..1_ "'"'

oyMm heI __ 10 bo "'-""10011_ TIM __ 1>00. _. tho __ 01 being _,.

d_to_by_"".,,_inill _, k 10 .lwoyo _ ...... n ..._ bo _ 10 com· _ No _ .. 0I'Iyb0dy. I*'icuIOrly poclIIIo ...,.,


IIbIo to ""'" "oinli I ......." of P'OIoclion _ it ...... _" ._, ......... ..,.".. __ of pi<tooIol

projoction ..., 1hio : __ II>d

aIIiq .. ptajoootion., 01 ,_.- _ .. _It Iho ...... MIUrOI ""*"'>Q .... 01." aIIjoct.

TIUO _ pn>JoctIon .. on __ of """".

~lI'Ojoc1IotIondiodMkwi<l1in __ " ..


Urhebenechtllch qeschutztes Maleria

"" tnl~, ~ II10If common form Of iIotnetrit pi"OjK1ion i .. allIc! 'convtmional i~_ Thit .. 1'" mochod!ha. 10 "'n G.C.E. ·0· ..... ond c.s.E. ..... ".. tion __ ............ knowIodge of ..... _ iI


eo.w..._IIIO ...... lcproJ-otlDtl II_ric dr_I",)

K you WW'tI to mIib • frMhInd c::Irwwtng 01 :I lOW' ot _tho_ ..... __ .. f,Qm""'_bolbo

_ .... ~OUN on """ _l1li. Thio is",1od lilt .1*". IQlCtMt of , .... drwwina IInCl in • ~ drlWina. _,. 01 tho i_ ... ~. ,_,,'d_'''11 ~" _",-,,*. Lin ..... d,..., ~ ... to ... h O'lMr ...d drl'Ningll een be ",.. ulln.g • IN lI.Iutre WId .. Mt IqUIte. Thi.:is much limpfw lhan _ dr:IW'· !ng.

Fig. 3/' _ olllopod _ dr...."l" conven~ono!



Y.ou wtI nota thll1 thtft .. 'Ih .... iKlrNCrie IX_ ."._ ... ,"_ .'"1I1" to -" _. One aio io _ ond lhI otbIr two ...... ttMntore • 30" '10 1M horiIorrW_ DirnI1'IIioIIt II"nNIUrtd .. 1ong , .......... or ....... 110"""". "'''''''ionQthO.

Tho _ of "'" IIIopod 1II0d< _ '" Fig. ,3/1 .... 11

.1 90- 10 NCh ottw. lb. rwu'li 01 thiI. ill that "" a4 the: w ..... '""'" I_obwing ... ~101,., ..... _ .... .If"'" i_ ....... pordot '0""1'01 ""'_ ............. no"'_ bUlionQthO. ................ 01II1II10 _" ,in Fig. 312--"' __ na"'. "",ul¥~1 oriInI. Tho ... _ io ~ .. _ ••

pl.lnollgurtl,.nd.","",""'-InIl1Io_.~10 "'own Ofouod , ... .__.,_ Tho ...:tangIo 10 _,., drown ;" _ and "., oooiti .... 01 tho _ 01 ....

Mugon CoIn 'bi""" f.Tom U .. Pi ... figurI to thI iIometric drawi"V wIth .. Plit of di~

T ... dO""'-" 0' II!e ,....... """.Id ." bo 25 mm and you can ,_ f,Qm Av. 3/2 "'"' ~_ "'" poraIItI ee ....

I:t:omM:ric .... do not hIWI true I«Igms.

U rheberrcc htl ich gesc h "Illes M ate,i a

Flg. 3/3 __ 1M< 11 ... _1 prism. TIl;, priam hB bien etA It 1ft incline end 1I'Iit: "*"" ....... two t ..... ~ mLtlt be drewn 10 thM lUfficient jflJl:Jrmmon to <It ..... pritm In _10 ... ""_ Imm 1M


Thill liguN "- .... ~ _ .....u.g .n ;_c

d'*Wino. all dilmellltom must be mNIU~ pa ... n.1 ro on. oI .... ~_.

.. , -,--.-/
. , eirel ... nd cu..v.. dAlwn ~n projection

AM of eM fKn 01 a cube lire sq _ I' • ClJbt Is drawn in

_~ .. ch"l" _*_ .. h"""'"

If • citcJI. ill drawn on m" f.e. Ott , (:tJbeo .... (,:ireJe wiU el'\lngtllMpe whtn tt.. ~bt i, dt ....... n tr.I iJ.omM_rit: projoalon. I'iQ. 3/. __ how 10 pi<>< 'ho ........ ",..,. 0/ 'M




Flg. 3/4

Urhcbcrmchtlich Qeschutztes ~Ialcrial

ThtI ora. il fkrl1 drawn ... p&lM,lrB. Ikld illhon dividtd Il1to., IWtif'Il'Iumbet 01 tqulllltJi.,._ n,. tIC" rJif ltIo cube islhon dMOod irno..,. 10 ... n.- ot OilO,I OItIpo. CentJiI, 'Ii ...... IIIdI;tI:Id II'ICt tho l'NUU,..".,t ham me _110 II", ot Iho 01'<1'10 Iho poIm _lIrip 1 _ m. c:~ i. ~' frot'll ...,. PI ..... drawling te m. iIomettk: dr8'wIng 'With a pair or divid.!Pl. Thitlll'lMlU~'. rnon1 i:a liPQlied above iIJ'ICI bNDw ..... cen .... line. Thil!li ~il!lll"8!PMtedrorllriPlz.3.ot:c.

_;g_ 3/.

The! dimenillol'lS which .re tJ1In:tferred ftorn, thl plln. drelO to t". ilOlJll:ltne ~ l1l"(I -eel .. cn1in.~ .nd 1M syI't8m ot 1r .. ",d.m~ OI'di"" ... fror.n pitn& '"au", til I.tome1:rk:! villwl. i11lO1 COmlnl'd' ~o ci~ I, r'r\IY t;III!I u-.d I .. 0tIV ""uw .. i_"10< Ihapo. Fig. 3JG thcwI , oMpOOpIo1 ..

TlMInIi ate IIIn1WII pcinll won:h nollng from Rg. 3Je.,

~.) ~1"Ic. ~M ptaa II ~t .Ibout Ita CHltrl' liM, only haH I\M bNn dlrWHd Ima :ltI'lPI on t!lll' pr.~ .. fig .....

(b) InpP"OpClftJQln to d"MI p&ag" tn. hQleIi .. fill ..... 11. -0,..,.

Mve". t.hereforlt, on:Ji., ... n'IUCI\ cloMr togMh.' so ~hlt1~~r... r::IllIWn ~r .. i'v'.

T", poIn .. wtoioh _ _, 01""'" ohOulCl -. 1M awaIuIly JoInod -"" wiII>. nNI_~,NI "'_

Fig. 3/5 illoal-.t" h .... lI1i. _ is uood In pt'IC1ic;e. SII'ICI!II • drc.l. tan r. dMd.a l:nto faut Il'rnmlll'trkal q""""n ... h is ... ~y nec:o-rIO d_ only , _ III ;II.c:irdto intt:ead of .. w!\.,.. pit"" ei!'l;lit,


(e, n.. poiim, wner. till' .. aJt·a..Jt ."..... 1M .mptjal oudil'Mll .,_ ill OWn orell,... 10 IMt d'ill -point eM 1Mtrl.,lforrod exocdv to 1M bomI1riC 'vWIf.

(01 S __ ,ho 01010 h ... <0IIII,., """_ ,,,, "'" end bott ... p<otiloo or. "" oomo .. " qlJicil wr; ot plotting tt'III bottom profH. i. to dt.w • numlMr of YIt'IicfII IiMil dDlim from tM top ptCIfilllf'l!d. wit'" diYIOIfI .... I' the '*lulrld tt-.llckRHI of ~... rolkfM me 101) «J"" wi.., "" 0_, IIIAIkinV "",~ 01 .... plato nn ""h_lino"




U rhcbcrrec h II ich ges" h utz tes k 1 atcrla

11 .. __ ... _ ........ """'.on _ ..... I<h ... _ pemIIoI .. ...,. 01 tho th __

.. _ fig. 311 """'". cytlndor cut II 4'_ Two ._ of m. cyt_ ..... ",-bo _,. pIo~ .... and .... _IIor!. Tho pion _1I"'1docI1~ 0ItIp0.1Id "'" I>OtiIIono "'1tI __ ... ~"""'tho_

Tho bo .. altho oytlndor ill __ in -.., in tho ... 01 _. _ 1 10 20. ........ tho __ tho

._ ... po:tjcIod .... 1ctI1y .~ _tho holQhl of

tho oyt_ rwd hom tho _ with dNidoro. io

_10, poinI in 111m I tho _Ion 10 tho

__ . 111-. pointo th~ ..... 111' joinod

!ogoCI>« _ • __ ""MI.



,_ poojICIien io • """"'><I ",_na _ In"",-

mtt1" wtdctl g""- .. pictori.ll ~ or ""' oo;.ct. lilt not _UIOdln __ ond._kioUlOd.II1o .... rnojority .. -... woulel bo __ uoit>O _

_ ~ConwmionoIi_io.6IoI_

ondlimP_lormof .... _r _iI

lound by "Ina' por1Ic:uiar"'" """' ~

t! ~

" -;,I
~ ~/
! I-t !
,I .~
';; 11 J rheberrec htl ich gcsc h utztes M ateri"

JII"iKtIon 01 on objoot Fig. 3/8 _ 0 CUM, obou. :z&. mm _ dnI ..... in <><thogoophioprcjocllon ,.;-0, III. c:ube 10 poMionICI thM tr.. fMnt .Iev.rion il , 'lAt1 ilOmI'lrie ptOjectIbn 01' tIM- egbe. TM th,... bometrlc: bn are RIll O! 120' '" NCb _. In """""_ -. d~meHUrId para ... to thHI ax ..... mM~_ In truo -JII"iKtIonlMy'''''''' ""-1N01ongtho ,Itho<Jgh!hoy .... __ ,'''_, ..... Iongtho. H_·

IW'I". lhe hOritom" disUnc.e1S on • tr .... iIomMrie pro4eclion .t'lru111ltng1h1- ThIll ~uctton '" IenQ1I'1t fnIt;jwred PifIIr.l- 111 to 'the ilOl'T'I1r1c: un "1 .... the O"ttrlll' eiie ~f lhe trut ilOl'T'llllrie d""""ng IPPN' 113 look men Mtural particu.larfy whllt'l dil'8Ctlv ~ with "" OI1hggr.tlphi:c or ~~ vi~' g' the ~ obj:el:t ',compare. tn_ ralallYe 8ilea. of tht ",I ...... f'v. JI2).

" tho "",,,,,,,,.! Io!lllm and tho lOng'" pataI!.! '0 .h. isometric .QI Wit' both 19 bt'tNt 1AngtttS. tr. Isometric. .:tIH w!:UIId hlWl to be at 49 (Mg_ '3/i). Sine. tht Ito~ rn.ttlc: 811;" .... at 3CP. 1M .fjI' !OI"lgthi PnI.IJI; be ra;dur;ad.



U rheberrec htl lch ge5c h utztes M ateri"

Th .. __ 10 "'''''''' in Fig, 3/10,

Th. ,.00 ~ IhII 1n.M1 -.gth .~ ..... itomo'Iric; Ieno'th i, tSOllIIIlTltlC WfCI.'TH- TIIIU"l U!JiIIQTH )t' 0·81 &5.

Thlt. reUo ~I COI"INnt lor .11 'inea 1nHIU!'td ~raI'" 10 illiny of....,. ~ ,pn.. tf't'DIJ .. __ 1.0 drtw .. n

obiec1 utif'IQ ,n ~ ...... yGl,I' teal. may IN· 00h~ drll~'" in FIoQ'. 3110 or you !'Ny ~. c:onwtI.-

donill pj,Iin lei" .;t\ovIm I" Fi9. 3/11, Tht iniril'

io<)gIh 01 Itoio .. 100 x 0.81 &5 _ 81.&5 "",,, 1M

... 10 it 11101'1 cornpIoI«1 .......... in 0IIp1 .. 1.,

KO .. o.al65 • 8'.6~1IIi~

b ... c..-.3

1AII __ orieIl_ lOt 'n I'"-",,_J

1. Drew fun liztI .. n ~ric lXOfecdon 01 d'\II (:Om~nI'm II'Krwn in Fig. 1 looking jn, 1M BlttetlOI'I of 11'1. MTOW,A,. HidHndttai' ..... nol:1111 btI..,O'I'm •

..... <iflod L S_ Eumk>ittg 6_


U rheberrec htl lch gC5C h utztcs M atcrla

2. fig, 2 .- Iho from .... _ "'" plan ot '" I.k ~ 1UirId. M .... tull ~ .. iJcImIlric:: dr~ 0''''' rI.Ind '*'th r ~' A n.rat to~. HIdMn ~11t .hould 1)(1{ bo _.

W ... M_dJ E~ __ ~oottI

~. Fig. 3 _ lho _""""" ot __ .. 1 ",,1,

O,aw. I. 1_ projKtk>r>. lho bled 1>0.

rtaodl<>v an Its _. 1_ ,ho otricO_ ct .... ~rillll"ldornil ~iddln Mtiit.

North Wit.ttlm S.C4ndM)l School EltMf'lin.doM ~00fd (Soo Ch. 14 for i.'ormohon .IlI in Ch. 3).

4. "ThrM v'-wI Clf .. bllnng .,. shown 4n Fj,g. ". Mao an IsomMrie drllWil"g or the tNl""g. Com. A, IhQl,.dd M 1"- IDMt$'t IJC)im Qn VQUI' drlJWiilg:. Nfl hiddefl datlu.t li1II:r1IQl,lired_ Sout!l-t.RR~.lEM.mirt.lIDm Bomi

5. T'WD '1iewli of .. pllin sIlIfI bNr:ing Ire shawn In fig. ~ M .... fl;lllllill' jlOn"llttric; drawirtg oi 1he bear. ~1"19. ~iddtrI 0I1Ii!1 Ii'loukl nCII' btll~.

WI'" MJdI.Imb E~MTllMlJon~ BNtd

6. Conltruc.t.n ~sometrk: dr,llo¥ing or the ~.i~ shown In F"lg.lI!i. Mllb poIr u )C, ,helown. point of 'rQUI dtawIng. 00 net 'LISoe In jliOMlttlc ,ICI",

U_,w.nh'; "'Lo(3don:SMoolE:x~rJMJ

7. ConrlnJCI In iIomtttii: ICI" Ind UI1I it to mat .. I b'1J1 ilClll"ll"tfi. n.w 01 tM ,ClIt~:thorwr'll in FiO_ 7. Comer X i.,. tCi be 1he~1St GOIl"IOI' of vwr drrNi~. I.l,,_~.,';'ty of t CI.ndcPJI Sc/lool Cx.m!NrJom


U rhcbcrrec h II ich ges" h utz tes ~ t ~\cri"

8. A pi", oncI ...... i .. of IIlO _ .'. CIrd_ ...

Ihown in FiO. 8, 0,..., (a) anotNt ell'Vltior1 ~ tN: btM .. v'ewod in the dirocrior. of the m'OW and (b) an ~urat. isometric view of 1h1t hlif 01 thl c.and'e· _ boM Indlcatad by ,he 10m ... __ on "'" pion

yj,ew. The ~ ~ Is to be in 1M fOftlground of 'fIXII' dr.winO-

_ U"'__' Joinl 8_ (See C"- 8 10 •

.. '""",'ion no< In Ch. J).

9. 119. 9 -. 'M pion ..... _"'" of .n ..,gle bb:::k, Molle •• full liN ilOmlttlc ~ 01 1M block. m6ldllQ t"-e fldtuslc:l carMI' lhe Iowa. part of your drlwing.. 00 nor use In iIsornetrlc Kalil. ~iddlM _i ... oulcf"" ..........

OvonJ IJId CMttbridg. SdJotJI~ E~.~rJo.M BOM1

10. Fill. 10 _ tw. viIwI 01 • cylindrical lOCI with. cl!rcul., hof,tt, MaU Ml iaomwic dr.wing of the rod 4ft the dit.a.ion of th. arrnw-t; R .~ S. HiddPt cM:tai1 is nee required.

AskocJ.,eQ £umlnJnt/ 8fJMd

Urheberrechtllch qcschutztes Maleria


The construction of circles to satisfy given conditions

"'''''' 8OOO1'M'I_, on unknovm M ... ".,....,..~ "'""" OM or 1M gtNteI1 il'Wll't'tions 0' ... ,ime., the wli",l Thi,

was the moM ImpottJint prxdc:.1' I~ .vtIJ mad'e Df II ~ that fuc.iMlled..ty m.l'lhemlticiltu.. T ..... IItP' i:I. 0' -cou~ the Citdl. Alter thI, wboI1 NcI been ~nvented. tl'M: Mnopotam5lnl found .1'Mn"f mote .. pg(lel~OI'l' for the elrc:le If'Lan JI1M '01 ~1'I:IpCItt, The pCIl:t1(1 whtet WI. HYtIoped and 'll'HI1IfI W«t fNldtil'TM.lC;h maN lCCUI'.ltely .nd QUickfy_ purfY1 wtrtl itNtnted ItIId enginHts .r.d buildlft. 'were able to r.ito hony weighu_ Stl'l(:& II\at dl'T'lll" the circle, hu beefl ttie fI"Os1 lm~ru ~ shipe lin the de-wtlopmet"lt at In forml at engi,.....;nq.

ApItt from ib prlCdCilII,j)p~ ..... ttild. hal -In MIlhe1ic: vllue whJeh men. I~ I"ItNqUi lI'nOi'Igat ,pIIiM flvun!& ll'Ie !!N'ttCieflt! ct.iMI it 'tl'w! perfliC'l a.lNe" and its

symmH'V InC .impljeity 'has ;iod ert_q,ts .nd (:t,~ lO UN the Circle .... ballik· 'or oes;gn 'Of many ,'n.outands Ofy&ail1ii


A 0tcIe it. • .,. Irxul 01 .. pOint wnie~ moves to that it it al'wayti a fi:w:ICI' dil.tlnc:ti lrom lIIlomtr I1ltiO'l"lItY point.

Conc.nrric ~tdu 11'1 c:itelH mat Nve the ..,.,. centre. E"*'tI~ cifdn; .... tircl'N tn.t: .. no!: coneenl';c:.,

flo .• /1 ........ """" ollh,,,..,. 01 tho 6 .....


The '-ngtn of 11'1. ~rc;umt.,.na of ilcitc.1it il nD 012 nR, wI"IetIi 0 II 1h. di.llMtet and R m. f8diul Q' tn_ cird •. n is tht friO of U'IO di.e.met. 10 tM c1rtumt.renc. anO I'nIy bill tahl"ll" 22f7 01, f'I'Ior. bCCUrM8,~. al 3,1.2_


Fig. 4(1

U rheberrcc htl ich gesc h utztes M ateri a

If ..... '- tc _ .... clrcu_ 0" _ (!toil

iI...,., in"'_'cIIop<onI) ..... ohoold

............... i1."' _._ni" 1':'11'

4/2. mocono1lU<lionls _.. bon ilOOCIltato _h

1ot"",",_"""'ho_oI~,,,,,,,,,, ._.sing COfII&Iruc:l1oo. !hoI .r"ll "" d_or from Iho 0; .... _ It _tn Ro.4/3.


To..........a_cl_ ......... of.ct"' ... g_ .... dl ......... \F;g .... 21

.,. Dt_. _..:lrclo .1 tho g,_, d_ All ......... O. 2,. F"""a_oIIth ... o ........ d_.BC.

3. FtOrTI 0 dr1w .' IiIM a1 3QI to 0-. to mIIIt the ..,.. • ~InO •

.... Fmm D dtlw I IttMi ~icuIar to 0 .... to,~, OA if!, E

5. JoOlEe.

EC II tMlWqUil'ld arcum.f .. r.ce,

3" GIVEN 0' ....

To coMtrucrt: tbe diemrfe, of • drct •. utv.n tbI ci_f ........ (Fig. 41l)

U rheberrec htl lch ge5c h utztes M ate,i"

1. 1)Qw .... aivo" _uml • .....,. A8_

2. e<_lolIinC,

3. Wnh wntn C ... nd r.ou.. CA. dJ1lW • lMImi~circle,

4. With conUo Ir and fld.iUl Be. drew .n afCi to cui the

.............. "'0.

ts" From D a.w'. PIIl*'Mku" to A8. 10 CUT AI in E.

I. Witneenl ... 1 and ,adius ED dt.wWl ate; roartA8 ifI F. AF ilri'NI ~dilfMUllr_

Tho,.., 01 'his <110 ..... _ ...... 01 .... , """""",. nona tot Finding ~rc:_ drawn 10 .. til .... gW.n conditions.

To fine! ihowntn of .... elm. (Fig. 'I') ,. Dr.w Iny ~ d1onh..

l- ConWuct potpOnditula, -. 10 th_ <_ '0 lritltlec:l in 0.

o 101M to .... "'t!Io0;",1o,

To _. clrcIe'o _ ",,-h._ ,1_ 1IOI_(Fig_'I~l

1. I)Qw ight ~_ connootlng t!Io pal ...... 1IIown_

Thooo i in""" _01 t!Io tl<C1o,

2_ "'- --"1.0, ,._ tIwough _ 11_ to intlrwet in 0.

O;.tM<On"'oI' ~h.It""""


To _ruc:t tho 1 __ drel. 01 ... , _..,. potva- (In thlo 00", I trioolvlo) (F .... 41&)

1. 8~ .,w two ot lM interior III'9M 10 ~ &n O. (II 'hi ""n:! Inglo Isbioo<lOd ~'-Id"",,_dv_" 0_)

() il tha.c:.ntre of ~hI'nl(:iibed cNcll. Thit: C:tfIIrI .. ahe<I 'tht'i"nntre.

To GOM"trUcTf; the ctl'OWnl!CribMI CIkcIe of ."" ' ... u ... po,- 11ft .his.,... trloongIo) (Fig . .om

1. 1'ofpendI~ bItoc:t'no two _10 _In 0, IN t!Io thin:! oklo 10 1lI_1t.- .. ",,_thrcugh 0.)

o i. t!Io _ of tho oO"oumocribod, d ..... Thlt _ 10 toIlod .... ci __


U rheberrcc htl ich gesc h utztes M ate,i a

To OOfWtrtICt 1M .. c,ft.d circIAI ta .ny .... 1II.r

poIyoorIllft till. _. 'rI 1 (FIg_ 4'81

,_ M __ .;,clt i' 1t 0cII_. oido on<!

tho two odjKont .- procIucod, Thuo. tho lint _ to to ptOdllCO tho od)ocom _

2. ~MCt tn. N'IIriat IIInQRt lbua fOnnkt 10 ~ in O.

o .. tilt ........ 01 tho ";0:10.

To _uuct •. clrcle """1011 _ ,,,to ..... , f_ poIn' A _ ,...-. II ...... 111_ point. (Fig . • /i)

r. .... n ... B,

2_ ffom B po!pO<1d_ Be.

3_ From onoI' BAo limllor to qlt Ca... to


o ilIho_oI1ho<tQYO'" 0",,10.

T'o __ • oIroio which _ "" .... gh two

III pol ..... A _ •• _ 10_ • gIvM> II ...

(fig. 4/101

1. Join AB ond produ<e """ 'no to 0 (OUIIing tho gI ....

Iifto in C) 10 tI>ot BC" CO.

2. ConIttuct. MC'ni·cire. on~.

3. ErocI. ~ &om C to CUI tho _-_ In E

.. "'"".CF-C~_

IS. ffom F po!pO<1dieur.._

IS. icuIo"" IIiMCt .... to "'"' .... _OIl"",,*,


010 Iho_ 01 tho .


U rheberrec htl lch gesc h utztes M ate,i a

To COMtfuct • elrel. which touch .. two olnn

liMe .nd p tht"OUVh • ,rv. .. point P. {'1lNit.

... two clro _chMWfll __ 1ono (Fig.

• {11)

1. tf the two linn do not meet. produce rhtm 10 iNefSKt inA.

2. Oitect th. eng. thus fon'n4.d,

J. FIOm...., poinl "" "" "'-"" do_. c~ _II,


4. J ... P ... ..,cutl"" ....... i.CondD.

5. brew po, JIiIr.W to POt ...... to DB . D, and 0 ..... ""_01,,,,, __ cln:IoI.


To conl1fuct e cira.. rec:llus R. to touch enother gl1ltlRclrcl. radlwr •• ncI .. glv.n UM tF~, .n2~

t. Draw a 11M PlI'&l~ to tn. ~'ltln line" U. d.i:I1:.nte bJtwt.on the Ii ..... tq:u.-lIO R_

2. Wrth COfT'II)tII point .t ttl. c.ntte 01 th. ;;inn cin::t. and radlu.& .. , It R+I. GtIW lin IfC to C:LI'I!M: .,.,an~ IIMlnO.

D il1h. taf'M of 1'" 'ltCIuiJIidI dtc.'-",


Urbeberrechtllch 9 schutztes ~Iateria

TO_ •• I,.,.._ .... __ ct"''_two .. ~0' __ tFog.4(11)

t. If "'" .. _ .. do __ prod_ !hom to

.,_In ....

2. e-."",IIla'o_bvlho .. _ ...

3. F""" 8. 1110 poInlot_ .... "'"," "'ilI

tanotntl. 0Qr'IIIlr\Ict .. ~If lO cllf. tM biNaot In 0 ,. Thio litho cam. ot tho g;_, Mio.

4 . .loin liD.

&. ~EFp ... U.ltoD8_FD,~toBQ'" O,Io .... _ottho_drdo.

To _. oj,.,.. wIIldI_ ........... tln:Ie ..... two 1_ (fig. 'lUI

t. DrIW _Ing "- .,.01101 10 lilt given 1_ TIIoIO I..... "B Inci "C, mutI bo d~....,. r. tho .... Iuo alrho given drtloo.1tom "'" gO_lIMo.

2 R....... C<InItrUCtIotI 4/11 and """"""'" a _ ... which _ Ihr<Kogh 0" tho con ... 01 tho gMon ......... ncll_ .... "'" ....,_ ... 1_.

3. tile .,..,.,. 01 !No o;.a.. O~ 10 _ tho _"" 01 "'"



fig. 4114

Urbcbcrrechtllch qeschutztes ~Iatcrial

TO COftIttru01 _ drdti which pMMa through twO Vl¥en pol ..... P Incr a. _ ._ I g'_ O;'CI •• _r.O (F,ig. 4/15)


All o,,,,-,_ oon __ .... ft)O'find;nu liog ... .,,_ which MtioIy on- _ Tho _ 011110 cont1!UO._ In 'hil chap! .... _ willi m<><t ilion """ ~ •• U"".

1. Joi., PO .nd pr(Iduce thi!lline.

2. ""_";cuIo<!y _ PO ond.. with con ......... ' ...,.. an .nis b_. drow 0 cltdo '0 _ tlvough points P and Q and cut lhiIlIII~ dI'de m A end I.

3_ J";n AS .rId """"' .. to cut PO prociu<»d In C,

"'. Construa 1M ~.l'tQM1t '110m C to ,~oiYtn drt: .. _ (J·oin CD. blud. CD In E... eomp:ae:e DOim :at E drM " rIoU'

ED 'EO e:utt:t.. circlt in F")_ -

S. From:F IItIIC'I • ~f<:U"" 10 CUt 1"111' biHCtor of PO inO_

O .. ""'«<IV"-doKe".


To drow .h ... eire ... whim ..... ch ..... _. ,Iven the ~tlon of thllr c.ntr. 0 .. Or aftd D. (Fig../16)

1. Dtwf I'b'allght Iii" .. CGnMC.t'i:ng the cen.itM,.

2_l'ifld ,he ...... 01 thO ";togle ""'. fomtod by -"U

twO O'tM l"l4Jrior~.

]. Ffom this ttl"", drop I perpel'Kfic:l.Nf 10 all 01. 0 t in A... ... With t*\1 .. 0 j .. "Ct raiiut 0 ,.A.,. dr-, firtf Girelt.

6, With un170 0, .rId rll!iu. O,A. drlw 11>0 _ .1Ido.

e. With .. n ... 0, """ _ .. O,C (-0,8). drI ... 1It mirdcirc:le_

U rhcberrec htl lch gesc h utztes M ate,i"

To d'IIW two ClfCJe.s.gldft bot'" t~f ,adU~ within • tIIlrd elrcl •• all til ... clrcl .. to touell -" otllar (F;g.O/H)

1. M"rIt off tbe ditmetlK A8 of lhe I~ ~i.-ele.

2- MIrit;, oft AO I .OQu,1 10 ..,. ·~U,. of ontt 0" 1M other QreIn .-l(I draw ~b15 clft:II!. C:,Mtte O'J ~o tu~ me dilmtt .... " C.

3.. From C .,....-tI; off CD tlQutl tg 11'18 ridiv:ll 0' ttHiI I:t\ird


4_ M~ 01'1 BE IlIQUallO ~he radius 0' the 1I~lrd CirC~ s. With c.ntI'W 0 1 .nd flidjUi OlD. clJ.w., are.

&. Witt.! centre 0 III"Id tIdilUI DE. draw l1'li arc: 10 cut thl' fimiItCinO •.

0, it.~ ... cenltt, oA 1he lNrd tittle.

To draw an., number of eqUIII af~ within -.nothef drc:le. the cl'cles .11 to btl I" coontKt Un thls ..... 5) I.FIV. 4/( B)

1. [N~ thtI circ:14i into ttwt NI'ftI "1.1mb« 13f ~ '" , ......... JXOIIOHd ";",101.

2.. BiNd art me, MCtI)ra 1m1 prVduewo OJII of tMl biMC!Ot1I to cut tht dtdt in 0_

3- From 0 t'l'tc1 • ~~u"r to ...... OD produc:ed in E-

•. BI_OEO,o_OOln.F.

S. f I. 1M eenvo or me "!'III: drdo. Tho otNIt' ~rdN bI .. tM 1ImI' I'1di"UIo and hI\PtI c:enb't:1 on 1M in1anectionl of the sectof t)lHC'foq...-Id • C!lrc~" e.nb'e 0 It'd uldiul OF.


To d,~. ft\Imber of .,qu.1 elrct_ within. ~ .. r pol'fGIDl'l 1:0 toud! UGh otha .nd one .ide of tIM poI'tlIon (I n thl. COH, • _t_n) (fig .• /19)

1 .. Fiod (/Ie <en'" oI,ho polygon by bisoctIng two <lI,h • • KiM.

2. Fromthit CIIMrI. IIdfW hMt ~ In oI1hti ~

3. Thil'j:llroducel. mlmbor CI' COngl"*" lriIng,". All. we now need to do "il10 drlw 1M inlaibfti, cifde in He'h 01 ~ I;li:.Ing". T'hi-l. 'i. d(M"lII by ,Diuding any two of 11' ... intatlar I~_ to give the -cern,. C, .

.. _ Th. cirdH htvt IqU.II f.8di"j 1M. ~Mit centtat li. on th. 1n1tt-Ma'}an 0' .. circle, fad:lua DC MId 1M biMcton of 1M Millin "uII.rlgln tl'Jrinltdl bv Rep 2.

U rheberrec htl lch gC5C h utztes Iv! ateri"

To clraw IIIIUAI cirdeo ...... nd • JOII\Ibo, ""'"filM to touch .. ci" othet- and un. akIe of m. pol~ fin III ........... ptogon) (FIg,,4/2O)

t. Find !lie...,,,,, of tho p>Iyvon by _ng IW<> 01 1M --

Z. ffam the centn- 0 chw' II,.,.. iftvough .. n of the COfI"MIIn ond __

3. Bisecllngloo cAs Inc! OBA 10 inltrlK1in E,

,. ~.Id'leettft1Teofd"lllfirJ1dtc:".TM...aan_,abCalJMcl by cnwing • cirdo, noditIo Oe. Inc! biooc!ifIII,!Io _" _"'DIM ~ by Ilep .2. ~ inttl'lCletlonl of "'" c"", Inc! _ Un .. VIW 1110 con1m 01 tho _ ...



A. ... ~ Q. 14& !MIIII AC·a)fiG. ,

(A.!! o_ohQioo!i!'''' in 1""",,* u ..... )

1. COll11n"u:l !II ~ ~ on • ba.W line 15 'I'nm long ond d_ ''''"'_ c .. t.. _ .. Inc! ..... the diII~of.."itoi_rtHin mm.

I>I0ItJJ W .. ,.." S.cond¥'r _ E......,.,_ BfHI'd (5 .. Ch. 2 rClt infctmation not in Ch .• )

2. D~, tlttH c:iitdt:I. INC" one ,ouching the 0"'" twoD ext'mo"",. tNir radii being 1Z mm.. 18 mm ."d 24 ..... _~.

North W.,~ S',cfJl"ldMrl School' ElI..miMriMl 8""'"

3. No COftItn.Ic\ion hn bowl II'IlCIwn in Fig" 1_ Yuu "" teq\Jired to dtaW 1M figure fuillile showing .u c:on~ IltJUCtiion linet nte:eINI'Y to ensure the ~ . .,. ,..;g..';"IIC 1!IIi. odjOCOll' ,_

SOIIlhMn R .. ,~ E~.'""'",;w,., Bo.Nd


U rhcberrec htl lch gesc h utztes M ate,i a

... Condru&1 d'M!I ttl;eng" ABC 'In Wh5ch thtI .... ae III!; 'toe mm,. lhI WIIka~ arge A _ 'KP' II'Id !;he

ahitudl .66 mm.

D it • poin1. on A8 34 ,mm from A. D4K.nbe • ciitt:lo to .... 1Iv<>ug .......... " ... oncI 0 ond IOU"" 1_gondoI '0) ,"" ,,.. 8C.

Soul!*n Umr~.J'·' JDinl 8tnrt1 (S .. Ch. 2 hu information not in 0., 4)

,~, Fig, 2 shows _ """'.'ng 01..:100 pIOCOd in ....

CQI'Mt tf'IfIdt by fWD lints which ... ~icular 10 one ~_ DtliWif CM view shown and mte tM diilrT'letM of tho ,"*1eI' eifel •• Your ~on ml.lrl ~. dNrlv tM method of abUinlng ~, cann, oj ",. ..... IIor_

Un_ oIL_SdIDDIF~_tk>m

IS. F:og.3 ngl"*A8ot1d8ConcIlho

poo1IIon 01. "';nt P. C.OW .... given fig<.-. one! find

............ of ... rcIo _ wII thnIugh P .nd

"""'~ ..... _ Aft one! fte. 0- elrclt 'n<! outo

~ radius II accurately .t p.oa:IbM.

Un/Naitr tJl LtJlldfllt SdttJtJJ £~tion.

~~ .. '""


1. A ,"_10 Iw _, 100 mm. '08 """ ..... eo """ Ionv. 0_ .... -.gIo one! conoIIUct one! _ , .. ~: (.) .... _ circle, (II) , .. circum,"";bodoirclo, (c)1I1o ..... _oocriIIodarclo, U_oIL __ E.-. (_ Ch.

2 tot' jntOm.won ~ in th, 4]

s, ConswCl' on _ 1ri_1o AaC _ .... included ang. A _' 87".. Ind' ,AI _ AC _1 (W. l'tli'r'l'. DIIW clrdM of 43 1'TII'I"t. 31 mrn and, 32 mm, ~LlI U~"CiOI'\ln111A.DndC~,

eon"""" , .. _100, __ on ......... 011 tI'woo


-. _ ......... di..- of 1ho C<IIIIIIU<t«I


A~1Mf C.omining B .. rd (_ Ch. 2"" 'n""""'· lion not In Ch .• )

9, AI Ind AC .. two lua50tn NnH which InlllrltCl at .n IIf'IgftI of JaIl. 0 II • point t.twHn tM rwo Itnet It f)IIlponc:Hcu"r m.:..nca Df 3' mm .nd 82 ,m"" MtpeCt;.,ety from Ae .nd AC. Doooribe I!>e cl<d ... hiGh lOUCMt 1M two con"""rQing linn and .,_ th4'ough .,..",0: ""'.." .. 0' ..... elrclo it to 110 _ "'" pdlUt A and D. Now' clrIw Mo othIf eiPdM uc-h _ing , .. «InII"'CIod circlo .><!OmIIIy one! .110 thlt~ng Ii .... MIIIf;8Im!II tndlU~ lhodilmml~ 01 "'" __ drcloo,

O.fonJ L_ Ew"i".1iom;

~ 0_ OA end 0'8 a,. t\lfQ waig_ ... , 1iI-.' n"lM'tlng ,d ~ .fIg"

of 3f1'. eon.tNc1l cin:I. of dla 76 mrn '0 ,,,,,",,

lI\eM twO IiMti .tId • ;tII"ItIIIffr ~ whit:h WI!! touch

, .. two ccnv.vi1lG W .... oncIlho flflt an:1o,

Afta tons'tfUa a "CtIird c:irdtl 0' dMimMer 1M mm wt.k.h , .. _ NOh 01 ... _ two drdoo.

0id<NtI. Lou! c._

t,. Conatrud. rtgullir octlQon oIlkiI: 7~ mm lind within Ih" """"""' _ ""'" _., cltdoo -"_ing 0I'Ie .. of ItN oc:ugon and 'I'WO adPt*n, cir<:lfti. NOw dJOW Iho _ .... am. whiCh .. ;u _ OIl oIgIn el_, M __ ..... tt>t di.o_ of ,~it ......

aJtiOfd Lac.I c._UotI, IS. Ch. 2 'or 1n10llll0- ,Ion "'" In Ch. 4)

U rheberrec htl lch ge5c h utztes M ateri"




,., _10. citelo I •• "'oIg~' !In ...... ioh.- tho

dreto poInl

1...., Id '"

it, buI thil cho_ it __ OIl" '""" ~II to _ ~ ,...,. _ ~ i. Envo-;"g

Drowinv Ii ... 'M oudI_ of ..- ~ _10 _..-UlloI .......... _OIldor<o._ ...........

Nne melts.,. II'C,.. 'lIngiIn1 ....... eire ...


TodrrN. 0 ....... 1 to. clJd.from My poln! ontlMo clrcuml_ <~ .. 5/1)

1. Drowtho rod.,. aI ,,," citcIo.

2. .... .., _OIl tho_ ot. oirdo. tho

_ Inc! tIIo ftdi ..... _ndQJlorto oocII 0",",. Th"~,tho_'i._ ... ~ ...... Io.t 9II'lramlhopoi<1'_thorodi .. _tho dreundlfllnCOe.

A bask: ~..,..",...,. 1:1"'* ..... ~ iIn • .,,'" drdo ... rig"' .... 10 (Fig. 8/2),

Thd teet ttl madI UN 01 in JMnY tarIgInl COlll'tnlCtionil.


U rheberrcc htl ich gesc h utztes M ate,i"

To lDOMtf'Uct • tMg.", from _ point P to • clrc'* . ........ 0 (,FIg. 5(3)

1. JoinOP.

2. lMc1._·ci OP 10 e .,·""" ...... ," A,.

Pol 1)oOduotd 10 -""<l _ (OA ..... ,od'"

lind is .,.,.,.ncllic::uC., to filA "net! iI it. tne .-.gte In _ "",i~ ~,_ ~ ..... of COUIM. 1'*0 ~(t; IQ tM cite .. ImmP but .. 1y_ h .. I.,. doriIy.

To oonMnIct • CIOm!IftOf1 ....... t to twO ..,... oI_(F"'.~I·1

1_ JoinrMicenb'elol'M'lWCllcircfoI.

2. ftOm uc:f'II c:entta. COnIWUd II,.., '" 90" to tt. eentr .. line. Tho in...- 01_ Pf'IIOIIdI<;uIlft wIIh lb • .,; ..... v'- tho poIft .. oI"'_"".

TN. _t iI __ .. lilt """""""._


U rheberrcc htl lch gesc h "Illes Iv! ate,i"

To cont1.ruct tM common inlilflor (or tr&I'IifVWH .. e<val_' to ........... _ _",... 0

and 0, (Fig_ 5/~1

1. Join1hoCOJ"lU8t.OOI• ~_OO,lnA.

3. 8,.11«1 OA in. B and draw" " -m~ctK:". rl'd,il"ll 8A to C\lIthooltcltinC .

•. with c:tnfl'1! A ,net rM_iUl ""C eft.w an eee to cut 1M IKOnd cite .. In D.

CO .. "",...,..rodlongenl.


fig, ~/5

To CQl"'\lct m. COmmon ~t bftwMn two UI'MCIUIII cird.. cenu. 0 and OJ .-.d .. ~1iI R .nd "..".cfhoofy (fig, 5/6)

•. J .... ""'_OO,.

2. 8i:Mct 0 0, in A .nd dnw. urni~c:in::". rl1diul AO.

3" Or-.w .. cirdI .. een1N O. radius R..,.. 10 cul the Mmi~

ciP'CleinO .

... JCWi De ,nd lXoduet kI-tiut the IIfVtf citde in C.

5. Draw· 0 ~D patl!~~, 10 OC.

CO 10""', t,



U rheberrec htl lch gesc h utztes M ateri a

to _,_ .... """"""" Int to_. be·

__ IIM<I" 01 __ 0 _ 0._


t . .Jofn 1M C«ItTeI 0 0 I.

2. BIMctOO,InAonddnw._·drdo.,-...O ....

1. Or.w • c:h'Cftl~ c.rt1rt 0.. ~ R +'. 10 cur 1M Mmi- B.

~. Join OB. TN. CUIlIIho, Iorv- au In c. 5" OtowO,O porllllllloOB.

CO~Iho~~t __

A _ I&. I>v __ • .,.;gIlt liM. _. _<Io __ oI_or_.-.g __

~. w._. 0I..,._" 111M Iho • ..- ,,_ _"" ond 'wllh no -. 01 ""- Of bumpo. ThIo I0III0. Iho _Ing 0I1Inoo ond _ 10 _ III



<AK quMt"iGnl or9naMy ... 'in Im,pen_ 1,J"tu.)

I .. A_in 'l;gf"'_nv_.~ _In Flo. t.

I') Draw tho _. MI ..... ohowi"ll in fulIlho ecn_on !or _"011 Iho _ joiI'Iing Iho IWO .«:S.

(b) OOletmlno. without cal<ulotlon, IN __ 01Il10 ,_ __ 1",,'- holM Ie be bot«!;n tho ~ Indicmdif)~tq.f9n_ M_II~E_it(/B_

2, Mg.l'_I_~ _. "'_IQ_1n pool. tlonon,,75 rnmd~Mr.

0' ..... f1AI lin. Iho oNPi of Iho _ ~ndor IIId Iho pIo<» 01 "",0<1 ... , s_ ._ Iho _


('IIho_, ""-,IOIho_ • .,.;

(1)) Iho painUoI ........ ondlho """'1o<1ho~"'" radl!Bj

(0) IN points 01_ ondlho ....... """,",BD""" radltC.

Sooth·EUI 1I0v'0N/ EominoIiot» B_ (600 Ch, 8 for irltormolion not In Ch.5)

U rheberrec htl lch ge5c h "Illes M ate,i a

3. fig. 3 "-* "'" outIino 01_ pullIV _10 ..,.,. nK1:tJd by • bIh 0' Mgligible thicknnl .. Tc • .eallll at '/10 drww !h. Hgu .. -"'II "'" _"",ion ~ to obfain ...... pointl or conga 01 the belt


M_ .... II.g_E..-,..S_


4. (1) Of,l ..... lhll fiuur. A8CP thown in F~, 4 and eon~ _ • dtclo. _ O. '" _ "",,ugh"'" pcinu

A. aond c.

(2) Co",,",<1 • _, to IhIo dido """'hlno ,ho e~.~pOi:m:a,.

(3) CoNIno;ta _ '""" tilt """" P '0 'ouch ,h. Orde an the minor aoc. or the chOid "C.

SDUlhMn lI0g!0n.' E.ominIrtg Soord (See Ch.' f., 1. __ not In eh, 51

Il. Fig, 5 __ 0 mamlli' .... Draw "'" blanl, lull ~I" _;ng cioorty "'" _<1i_ for _"II ,he



F~. 8 _ thO OUIII_ 01 "',.. "" ... _. con_ by • ..." !>oil. o..w Iho flgu,.. lull .....

_g ""'C<ItIIIIIIaiorloloo'_nlngmo

poInIa 01 een 01 "" boh I11d pylloya.

_ .....

7, FlO. 7 :ahows tM oUll"" of I mltli blank, Or.,_., me bI.,u., tuillin. th~ dHrIy m. eol"tltJ'uction. fOf Ii<>dlng ,,&<1 _mono .1 tho _II joining th.

- .....

B. A 109 . ....." 01 •• 11do _ en I _ A8 which mtaures 50 rnm. The Ing" In The MgI"PIIIn1 It tier'. 0_1ho _t _.uoo "'" chon:lAB ,. C 1Nk;ng Be 66 rrm kl~, From C (:DnIltn"lCl II. tlngln! 10 lh INC of tM NQmmt.

Un/ .. ,sI", 01 LoMoo ScNxN E_ (s.. Ch. 2 .nd Ch:. 4 for ,nfonnetion noc I.n Ch. 5)

9. A .nd B .... two poin .. 100 mm .pan. With B It c.m:,.. dl'"lW • cirdtl 7& mm dlamlfll. From A dqw IWO f.inn AC "nd AD which .... ,~ to tN cirde At - '50 FIlm.. From C c-onam;ct analhl, lIn(1tnllO me d,~. to form III ~~ ACD. M....,.. If'IIl ''',. 'ho IqtM CD and AD • ...., __ CDA. Joint M.1tiwIMIon S""d

10. Fig. a .- twO el"' .... A .nd e .• nd 0 <em""'" nwmal. IWI9tnt and _ common Inltm111 ~~. Con'IJUcI (0) ,he given cln:ln and _. on<! (b) lhe ImIU., circle whlch II UI'oQInNJ 'to .;1tcI. B .II'1d "",,,,,,.gI __ ",

MNlUrIIi ..-.d 1'lnI ,he dktU n ~ betwHn .... l)tfIbft oIlhe ...... rucud dtclo and 00.:11 A.

AuociItR EIf.~ BOMd (SM Ch. 4101 inlCIIT'M~ 'ion not ~ Ch. 5)


Urheberrechtlich geschOtztes Material


Oblique projection

Obl'iqlMproiKtion is ifII'lOthli' metI'Iod' ot plct:oriol dfIYII' ing. I, ie sk'npM' lI'L&n iIOn'IMric but i1 ~ ~ QteSC!:f'I~ 50 ,.itlic:.pttur_.

Fig. fIi" I~ • wpM bkd: dif'.wn In Ob~Ufi ptOjKtion.

The,. lira tbrM drawi"O. 0.' 1he Mn'it bhxk in, Fig. en .

They til . .tlow ...... frgnl. rece 0' .,.". bIoc:ik dr.-wn m Ihe ~, at m. ""* .,.,;J ttl. -'d'. Ifld: 10p '.teeS ftading .. 30", 4!ri' and ~ on 1M Ih,.. drawing,_ An obIqu. line ts 0f"ItI wt'Iicti II neither "'*I'tlctl (}ot Mri.zoo~. and tb. reading !inn In oblique pfO:;.:ti~ een btl .l any tngle

other mol"ll (P g,r '9(fI a long .. , Ihey lemilln perdel in lin., one drowlng. rn Ql'K1_~, i'I II IJW.II to II.MP to tM Nt squlft'."glel .a~, or the lh,.. to ~ from ... ,..1, ~ht most widttv~·

I"YQU ehedi: Ihe (Muu~lI Qn tn. tIIbtiqutI drawing, with IN.1oM on ~"'I!KII"netI'ie P:NcJ'l. yOu win f1f1d 1hlf tht lI1NIUreml:loti on It"" 'ront enj, ~ f.tCt$ ." .1 'I~ Ieng\h:s.. T}')i.lllliwt. riM" to • dilRQrted .. Hillel. Tho drtwingt 01 lNJ blDCIl -in 1M ~jql:ito view appur 10 be out of ptD:POflloo. P*li~~ty wl'ltn Comp,Irtd with 1M ito~ miJ(r1c.n.w_

U rheberrec htl lch gesc h utztes Iv! ateri a

'::"" 8/2 IhoI;q. tlow w. ItLtmpt, to ~ #li1 d_.

Tho obliQue 1onvIh. "- -. ... ...,j_ Tho doG ... of __ .Il00 I>000o de! __ "" die obliQue .oglo. An

obiq ... ongIo '" <10' _ • iarvo diMctlion and "'. OblIque Ion¢! .. tI>us .. _ to t " I~. "'" long1!o_ 311' <110 __ d;"_ one! .... obliQue IonvIh is only

.. ~ = fllC m. 1I'1.i-.~. /4..1 ~ tM trlIt feonv1h" roducod by flo". TlIoM ._an . .- "" be rigidly IldherwllO. The.",. ~11uifrt'I1lId .PeI c:bQMQ ~" 1hey pmduoo 0 ......-... hUo to Of. piG1vro of tho block. bol

,. GOmpticate<l camPOMf'l1 rnilght (0 btl drawn with

no roduorlon .. 01 In ordor to "- ;10 <-tv'-

I' In oblique drrNint ill'Nde i1J\Ou, *ny redulC:bon in

obIIQuo Iong!h. IIIiI II _ known .. enoi ..

""'ItctIon. If • _ In obliQue Iongth I. modo. on;, 1s_~_ .. C.liioo!l'Iojoc:ijon.

tf "fOU WfltI now· Ii!Ibd to d ........ 0biec1 in obIiqlHo P<Ojoction, 1'01'. would probIbIy bo --V con1 ..... _n hYing '10 ~ wNc:h MIQIIto 10 ChOOIe lind ~ ,tduc:_ to "*' on "" ot>IlQuo W ..... H _ ... _ I.

piI'CICIuaI.n eblicpt a~ tMW M an ~bliqu_ ~ of ,tDI'l'nd~. d)"OUl"DbIiqtM~brlMlf.II"f'I"u "~"'~ _l(H<iIkinutuc1lom.

Clrd .. _ ... ,_ In Obllq ... 'rojeetlon

OtiIlquo prOjoCIion has ono ...,. big _'0_ .,.. eo. -... ~ Sine» "" Iront Jaoo .. cit .... I" th • .. at tM peptir; tny cirdtM on thil,.. ate tRM c:lrdll !and: nottlliPIM II walhe cu, wilh ~ pro.iec1ionFig. el3 __ on obi ...... d_mo oJ • bell_ !I ,110 boll ~od -. -.. '" _ ... "",,10:1"""" -..Iong one!'- d_og 10 _.


U rheberrcc htl ich gesc h utztes M ateri a

"nNft .,. 0CCMi0m whIn theq art C\N"Vtfo or dtdM on ,ho obIiquo __ W,*,. III. _ , .... .....,. be_ UIing 1110"'- mo1hod ,hal _ uood lot _ .. __ ~ II tho otWquo Iof>oth IIu boon "",loci __ ,_ 1110 __ on tho otWciJIo Iong1hs

....... be _led _, 111 ,ho ........ """"""",, Av. 8/4 """'" ... ozompIo 01 this.

In thill caM. the angM II W IItId thI obI;qu, 10110 10 i_sin. Tho """""I e mrn __ ....

~ to 3 mm an '1M ~Ique faceI .nd the ,3 mm 0Idl_ ............ tol_51M1.

{ / lV
I / t ' '\
vV' " 1o.1Oa -. I'oOtWIQ , .... tho· ""' _

_ long • U-- Une. TN. mutt .'lwrys be ,done jn obMQue P'1'i"""'" 10 ordft to ..,.'" tho d-. _Hn tho OtdinatM on 1M abliquto -w.w' to. haft thou on the .,.ane ......

Tho . __ 01 obtlQue PIOitoIioo ..- 0""" ,,;0- _ pn>jo<1ions Io_drdoo_ on "'" _,_ ...

not ditlon:td_ Unfot'cl"ln:tt.Iy, .:.:.m~ UJuatlv in$if,l u.. citdw .,. drtwn on tnt. obIiQu. f-.::a.., in Fig. 614. H_, ij ....... ,_ 01 tho i_ 01."....".. ....

and wtIh to d'faw. c:omponeI1\ in ~ '~iorL it i, _1ouoIy uo<><I _ 'G OIl .... 1hII 1110 1_ wi1~ tho moI1 cWdM: Dr au".... II tM hont tlCtl.

~u: "ACING'III!:DuC;t,!:I ..,.. OIL-IOU( 1tJ.L.(

U rheberrec htl lch ge5c h utztes M ateri a

Rg. S/5 """"" ...... U .._.t ... _.,. drown .-M .. In obIQuIlPfOJKdon •• , .1 otrvIoua m .. thl drawing on tn. WI ....... to drIw thantMOM0ft1h .. ngl'lt.

F;g_ SiS


(All "" .. ions ooiglnoll'f HI .. 1m_I un~')

t. Fi9- I ,haws two .. rws ., ...... " casting. Draw. full un, .n obllqw I)I'OiKtion of Ih. CHlI"'" "NI,n 'fOe A. towardl ",cu.

2, fig. 2 II'lowt two Vi8W1 of III cu. irct"l tJi!'lglll blOck.

M.It. an obliquI; (Ii this. obj.lcl. with fie. A towwd. you, omining "~n dlU:il

North W."iItffl S",ontJrr SchODI EIl,miN'iom 80m

~~ ~~


ClY(IIiSIDIIS IN l1lil1li flo· 2

QIMDmlDfIISItII .11'1'" Fig. 1


.Jrhcbcrrcchthch gCSChLltzlcs kla'cria

3.. fig. 3 ~1tIo gul!intoottheblxfo; of .dwth g~ •.

Milt. IiI"Ii Obliqul' dI!'.wil'lg. twic. tulia... 01' tM body wIlhoomer,Atow_,,_.

4. Draw. 11.111 _H, lin Oblique Prof«tkN'll or 1M ~ _. l;gh,.......,.. """"" 10 All. ~. I, -.~ boo pMi~~ 100 'thIt i1 i, ~ng on .11.Irr.c. A. IiII1tn Ih.

~_8' ,


~. AG. 5 _ .... vi_Dr. _ _ <I_

e rtW 11'1. cl~ fulllht. in obIiQ lXOfectian 'w~h

CO'n. A 't(;W;Irdl y(M.i.

6. Two ,.,1"," of • 1III'1t.1ihown lin Fig. 8. Or,ww (.) 'h.~.-...nor (b) "" ..,.;"" • .,;e,o. .. I_, looking ,in Ih!I di.-.c:I:iOi'l ~ by .rrow t, UNngI CJJbi"",1 projeetiC!l'l. thoIl il w1tn the third dimension at 48"'IJ'IId.dra'I.WI'I'\aK~:alIit.

A ... cI>to<I EumWf>9 8_'

7. Two ~ of I ar. a.hown in Fig. 7.

Dtnw. ful! .m.. .. n obIilQuo profec.1iOn of 1ho bloc:ll:, wilt! .... , lolaQll'IQ UlJ'NaP'CI la tIM right at .n "IlQII of 3(1'. U .• 1'NI1f·.1II1I' ~NfMntS along m. obIiq .... tn.. TM C\l1W' CO is par.lbOlk: .. rid I) • the V.IUIII ot til. ClJIVt, ~idden Oeail 1'1.::1 nD'I blihown.

On"'" LoW E,~ (SM Ch. 11 for ;n__notlnCh,G)

fig. 7

U rhcbcrrec h II ich ges" h u Illes ~ I etcrla

',.~"lInktor._hMdI""","""" .. -.. in fig. I. 0._ ,n obIlqua "- 01 IIWs ,.,. .-..g on 1110 nat _ uoi!>g .. __ of 30'. with

the eenll"l aM marbd AI tIosIing 1I"If:I\W ...... to the riQhI ..... _ ,n d_IWI_. Radiu, ....... "'"I'bo_in ..... __ Io_'.1>O


OAf Old Loco! &MttItlotloM

U rheberrcc htl lch gesc h utztes Iv! ate,i a


Enlarging and reducing plane figures and equivalent areas


Slmilor figutoo .. figuns .110. _ .... _ thopo bvI meybo"_' 10 ......


To figure. __ co ......... fig .... hni'lg

_7tr> oI V~foguro.

llno_....... ...

_in Fig,7J1.

$Ilea. point P. ~ ~ me c:.RIr* of .~i· ._ in .... "' ... paoI1Iono __

"'- ~ __ ot.ouGI> _ of .... figure.

e...nd loogIItol""'oI _'"""Pco._.

...,PQ,ln _7:1i. _.- 1'11.

~ .. A. _ tho _ 01 ... ._ figure _Il0l co .... _ 01 "'" orIglnol_llgu ...

ThIs __ -. _.ny _ tor ro<NcJng "'"

oizo at. pIono~ ... "._ 7/2 -. ... i .... lor..._, ,_ co 4/9 itI Ofiginol 1iIo.

___ ... ...- only H "'" f9ne

wltlch hat.o bo -.god Of __ .... .night _ "

.... outline Is ifng , • _. __.. iI _.

F''II' 7 i3 Ihows loa 01 • down in two __ OM

!Wi ....... o _, Tho __ In 1$ _.

minod "''''''lWI>go;dLAgotdol_ io_

...."'" ilion_gold. _ CO"'"

lim .n<! II tho Ioquitod ocaIo. 10 _ ~ _ gridI __ oil, ho!nA IOJ on<! _, co ~j" tNI


Urhebenechtllch qeschutztes Maleria

QI& 1I'dItt. poIllW ~~ ... ~ outilnelCl'ON ,he i_ 01Il10 gricl ... __ """' .... gricl '" IN 01'*, Tn. cIoOo. '-"'" III. , .... or In. grid. Il1o _!he or "'" "",led """,.

I Z J ... 5

.. C o

~ k:.; V
e IP \

I 1.\
U .... ......
,~ I.J 4
1\ ,.~ ~
\ P )
<; f-" F



U rhcbcrrec h II ich gOS" hull tes ~ I etcrla

It is ~ MCtfi:IaI'Y 1.0 .,.1.Irg., or ..... U(:1I ,:piLI", 'ig." '" OM 111_ only. In !hIo __ ~ ,"d_ ... o .. ngood,ttoo"'_._, .......... Fig. 71~ _ • oimQIo ... .,.,.. 01 _ The r"""", hoi owraIl dimlnltons .at ... em )( ,. em.. Tbt ,nltrgtd version .... ins , ... otIgInol ~ boI __ 8.,. ~

.... ,

"'" _""" CA .rod BA. "'"'" 011 !he now dimon·

oionoolong CA.ond BA",odu_t lblsglwo B· _"'co.

[)fow'!he ,..,.,... "'B'XB ond "'" evc" ond

cI!_ .... dI_".1s AX ond "'Y.

F""" po;nu olong Ihe ~. 01 "'" origin.ol pi,,,,, r"JU"l (in ,M .... 1 ee 10). dr.wi ... _10111"rod wrtic-'Iy lo .. nd rrom .". cN:.IgonIls to intIrMa; in '1'. 2'. 3',""," p,._,' 10 10" Qlwlho _ ptoIilo.

"'II. 715 __ I ~U"" .. n bo .... uood "" ON .. 0"" ftIIMvod ~~ ,ho "' ... t .... booi<; SO""". 50.." ...... hu t.In c""_ propon:ionaNy ifUO In 80 mm :.l 30 mm figuro. AIIhough ''''' Ip ....... ~[od tho" fig. 7/4, wi!h • ~!I(J __ In tho numbIf of poi;n1I pionId. 'IhI btlic constrvction it. 1M ......

Thoro 10 '''Y itUe poactlcoI """,_on 01 IN. IJPO 01 <oosttu<tJcn ,_ cloys. -. __ ..- ......

""""' "Ungo willi <:OmpIitoIod _,,-. ond <a!pOO' '*' hl4 to mil" complea: IlrehitrlVft and mali~

"'Is IVI>O 01 constNCI .... _ ."." ompIoyod. H __ • ~ is nil • gc><Id -.iN In pIItII IJIIIIIIOW Ind does ___ my find on oppIicoOOn_

Tho onloIgod Of .... lICod- figu ... ..- In Figs. 714 .nd 1.1& .... ' mirror irMgH of thI ariginli figl.lf*l. UtuAlly tN. dotI no'! mitt." poIfIicu'-ty if thI figutI' is '01" a tIf'n~ plitt: ;it ju$t hat. '10 bt n-"1'I.t av.r. H~. il it dl3O!ll matgr., con~tot.,Mniltr 1O'Ih8! uMd ill fig, ?te mus1 bo _lftll1Io ..... 0 _110 ..... 'O .... ..._ hoi

....., mongoej """ I 30 '20 nvn shope.

... ·B· ond ... ·C' 101 ,. All ond ... C Ind

_ 011 20 ...., 30 long ..._..."..

All' ond BB·. A.A' end = ~ 10 ..... in a


TIlt cUfYtd 1*1 01 ..... figure .. l::Iiv'dId into .1 many PlIiI 011 'II n~to ptOdiuce,"ICC:U~"C:Opy_

Tho .... 01"'0 COfIOItUOIlon ahouId bo oe!f .. ",,",,"to<y . Tnt transr ... 0' thI ....... inglliong A'B'IInd A'C' on 1M origNl1~ to Ihe fillqUiI'ed hgurI is madrI- Nlilf' by ,hoi

u .. oI,'!TJnvnt!·; ,,""10. _~ IItIo ""'I pi .

01 _ with .... alGh! edge. .~ .yooJ .10> 1hIo 1

",po< 'Iong A'CO on tho 0"'"" figure ..., ...... of! CO

1Ind .. 1 thI ,""".m; pointt jn ~ ,00 can tine I"Ip ~ht _ wi1h ... ' ..... C' on tho ~ ""'"" one! """" .. thtl points bMwHn A· and C" onto 11'11 lWquired figuNI, TheNl"NtfoIing c:.In NOone 'arA'B',

..- 7
• /'
7 /'
A/ C',oj
'~ 1/
1/ ·It'
V 1/ (
./ ~
V pJ
I •
R 62


U rheberrec htl lch ge5c h utztes M ateri a


GIV!N 11GUR[ / -:
, /'
, ./
8 7'
4 ./
,/ I~ b?rl I
I ~ .............
/ __..
, F;g. 1/1 Q

""1 1M chongoo 01 shape to It< .... boO<> ~ u~ • 'known cmr)Qt of ~ at eM Ott I'IkJN of tIM~da. No ~ .... boon ..- 01 • JPOdf!c chMJge Di aNA. ~ libility '0 ... 11'01 0{ .-..duct " g:iwtti1 shape .. """'" of ....... _'Ica!lono. ~. lOt -. n"'d_mgln.P!>tlod_lntotwo ........ _oI _.. ..... thon tho __ 01 tho Iagtt P!>t wiD bt'Nt of thI two tIMI._ on-.. ThiI dot4I POt meln,. of -. thai tho dlmontoi ... 01 tho ""II" ..... _ -.. '''''01Il00_,*_

A' . 8'




U rheberrcc htl lch gesc h utztes M ateri a

Fig, 1/7 show, IWO "mil.e, OOMtruc.tioM for t'n.larg~

• pentagon 10 that ill fIIIW IfNI .. twite til ... of me arigiMI.

Sel«::t • pOint P. (TN. may be on a tomIr, or withi", me oudinl of .he pIlIn~orouuid. the OOdlMafthough ~I q no11hown ~u" m. COI'I:m~on Is ....".11tI'1;Jt'). t..1 A .. a COtnllf ot the ghiel'1 ponlllgCM'1_

Join PA tN1 prodiIC-. it

Or"""" Nmr~tiJc:le..eM1'tnt P, rldiLi:ll PA.

f.-om P, drop • ~ieular to PA 1.0 meet the Mmi~ cirdtinS.

MItk off PR: PO in ..,. f«Iuirtd rllio. tn lhit: cpt 2: 1_ I~ A.R 'in O. ,nd .-.cI •'(:'" radiiut OR to ,," PS ",oduo6d In T.

Join SA ItI"Iddraw TA' PllrajlallOSA.

A'I< u..''''C1l<".,oJ 1M enlarged po_n,

Although f"tg. 7 f1 -"0"", " pec'tt.agon. 1M CMttNCtIot! app'_ 1Q any pLtM ligure and can b& iJMd to inet ... and dKt ...... .,..,..;N in .. kng'M\ ratio ot 'IMS, Fig. 7/8 -. • flgou<e .... um 10 ./7 ,,, origin,lm" TfNI tOI'tStrvdion II jdlll'ltic:tll to 1.1'1.1 UNG for 'F'ig_ 7/6 e~tl'lln me ratio PR: PQi ... ; 7. No1~tMt ilthtwe .... tireHt Of PII1 earcl. In lhe 0!.I11IM, IN "ositjOf1 01 jtJ c.n.u. is plotted.


To COMtrvt:t • rectangle ~u.aI in at .. to • ,Inn IrI."III ..... C (Ag. 71l1)

'\ _ FJOm B. 1M .pel: 01' m. tri;anolto. droP. INIl'fJIItJldicl.lJ,lr ton-..tlllo_inf.

2. Bi .... FB.

3. from A ond C ottICI I*oendi ........... the bi>eoIod line in D.nd E •

... OEC litho reqWod~.

I, oIIoulci be __ hom ,,,. _ .... ..,.. tho _ 01

lhItri ... tt'IM il ouuide me rtcImgt4. il 1qUII. in ... 1O __ 01 .... --.glo __ ...... ooglo.

To COfta'trUct • IQ"'" equal in ar .. to. • g.lwn '-'1>CIlo. AICD (Fig. 7/10)

1. WWt Clntre 0, radius DC. cINw .n Iff.: to ..... t AD ptOducod in £.

2. BIIO<I AE.-..I ...... _odn::lo. JlKl;u. AF •• en"" F.

AL_----------~~F----~~----~--~ 3. PIoduceOCIO ............. ·."" .. lnG.

00 10 .no oido .. tho _. (Fot tho __ 01 •

_. gIwn OlIO of tho _. _ Ch. 2.)

Thio 0CHIIInICtI0n con be odOIIIod· to lind .... "".oro .- ... ....-. fig. 7/1 I __ tofrocl.j8.

_ ""'._ ...... _nglo _"' .. 01 .... _ ......

MJ-C';I 1I ... ~-1.then b-e-I ",,jb-.

Thut, lIIwoya d_ .... original _",.. wItn one _

eQuat CO OM urV1. Mel COIMIr1 a. rea.ngle into • IQuare ..... Il0l_.

Fig. 7/10

!;g. 7/11

Urheberrcchtllch geschulzlcs Materia

TO con:nruC1 • "III'. IQU" In arM to • 1IiII~

1tI."II'. (Fig. 7/12)

This~" .lCOITIbinMkln of ~ ~ In flgo. 7/8 one! 7/1~. Flm 011II1II1 lilt 1riengIo ....., • _. I.OngIo o, ........ Iont ..... ond "*' _.1It '_10 ~o _ .. u.,. ot .-qulll .. .,t 1ItM.

To oonattuot • trt.aoJe equal'" ..... 1;tI • given poIyvon .... C DE (F;a.l /13)

1. Join c£ ,nd frOm D draw It jiM poreJlel to CIE to rrlIH1:

AI; I'fOduc«I ill F.

2. Joio CF,

Si_ OF I, ,_1ioI1O C£.. '"""11100 coe.o<I CFt...... Fe- 7/12

""'_ boMone!_IItiO~I_'_Iho ___

._ The 1>0""'" "eCCE _ "" the " ..

Q"""'_' A8CF ...... ho <>rig _flg hoo

b.n I'IICkKied to • tour·1DdIcI fig\n of tM AmI.,..

3. Join CA ,0<1 from B <l<ow • Iino porollollO CA to __



SiIoeo 8G 10 ..... 101 .. CA.1riongIeo CU ond CGA h ....

1ho .....,..IIojgIIt_~Iho_

..... Tho Q .... rilat ... ABU ...... Mo-u.. ..

'the ~ .. GC~ and oriQiiNil fi";'·1Iirhd n.,UNI .

_,...t ...... 10 I m ·oided ~ .. of Iho'_ .

,~·~-"-tl w_

ST~G[' I


Fig. 7113



U rheberrec htl lch ge5c h utztes M ateri"

Tho_Of Pv1hooo< ...... _ • ., .righ'·.nglod m.nglt ...... lqu.1"I' on tt1e, hypcXenuM Is 1qtIa'1 to tht """ oJ tile· IQUlrot 0II1he _ "'"' _'. When 'his thecnm illihovI;n pictoriattv. It Is USUIIUy illu:ntalll!ld by .. tnt"G~ with IIqUIlft drrNn on 1h11IidH. This ~dl to "" • littlo mitlgd~ :Ioine. ...,. theorem It ~id for .nv olmill,plMo fig"'" (ItO Flg. 7/14).

Thi. ~oo i. perticulmriy ullllful when you wtth '" ~nd Iho oIzo 01 0 elme whicl1 ho. tile 0QIIN0r.., .... 0' I'W'rQ OfRlQAll &fT'Ie.lJ ... t:r~ ~tog,ther.

.;-.... . ............._ / - .......

/ /'

< ,',

< .

'- "\

\ ~,

\ . ' \...--



. \

I \

I \

l \

I _,~"""'1 \

, I '

,.·r·,: -.\

.. Y':.' "'-.... I )

, '~ //

I', /

II /"

: ' /"

I .

Fig. 7{14

To find 'ttte dl.1TM'ter of I drcl. wtlldl .... tfIt. ....... arM. _ oJ"' .... 30",," _ 10...., d_


Dt'8w a 1m 30 mm tong_

ftom OlIO ond. orocc • poopond_. 150 ""'" long. Tho ~ 01 tile ''''flllio III •• _ io .,..

roqund _ (sa. """').

Ii' vou havrt 10 find the aingkli eq ... ~ dilliMt., of I'IlOnlI thcIn tWQ c:irc1es.11IiduI::A!I them In paIts undl 'YOU haw ,_ O<>d ....... finolly OM !ell


U rheberrcc htl ich gesc h utztes M ateri a

To dwld •• trUng" AaC intO .h,M ".,," of equ.1 ar •• by drawl", U" .. pand'" to on. of m ........ (_BC)(Fio-7/18J

1. BIIflCI At (01 A8) in!).nct 1fKt:. Mmi-c"d •• C*nltt:

O .• odiwOA.

2. Ilivido AC InlO thf" equal .,.". AD. DE ond £C and ..ct ~IR ftarn 0 aM E 1D meet the NI'fti. !;ire" in D 1 .. nd E~,

3. W"h ceott. A, In<! radius AD. <Itt", In 1ft'0 W' AC nOt·

•. With ct"",,, Iihd rtOtl-1 A£ I. In arc: ee Nt At In

15. ~:~ D t .. nd E. draw PAfIlI8l to Be (0 Me« AS jn 6·1------------..::...:


Tn.. at ........ t) eO .. 0 .Ll.IE.£ .. f JE .ca .... ..enol.t

A1_gh Fio- 7/16 _ alrionglo _ in'o ......

.. u" the eoftl'tl\.lC.'l~ Cit'll bI used tot II'IY numblr

o.'III'qUlI ..

To dM6e • potvgon lnto _ lM.unb.,. Of .... _ ...... (...,1) byllnHdrowft __ 14I totIMol_

This <:CII'WIUCtion ill vwy timi"'" to lIvI UMd f.o.' Fig. 7/1 e, PI'OCIItd .. lot "" triatIgf. and complete ... shown In Fig. 7/1 7.

Again. tllOl con_on can be _ 'Of ..... polygon Ind ear. M Adapted todivid ... nv~lntoanynumbet ",_a_

I'"og. 7/17



(A1I __ O<Iginollv ",'n"'_'" ...... )

1. (0) C"",,"u<, ,ho trilnglo ABC. _ in Ag. ,''from lht in'ormaHon giwn .00 then cont1ruC1 I tm."gle- C DA In W'l\ieh CO .. nod CB .,. in lht 11'60 5:7.

(b) eor.a""" "'" polygon ABCDE _ In F;g. '8. COMINCI by tt... un 0' radiating tinel • polygon PaRST Jin,il;lf to ABCoE ., thBt both potygons Stand on tN .ne PT. South~R~/Ei(~~llNn:.l

2. Fig. 2 .hOWl • uU for • mocW ~t,. D"-W the figure. full lize, and t;:ootb'Uct • limllal ..... with U'ltlilide corrnpondjl\gllO AS 87 INn IQr.g,. M-"Rog_~;,gtl_

1 WlII' the usa ot I proIr'M:tOr (II' NI IQUIII'W COI".""'" • poIygo!' ABCDE _08 on • _ AI giwn tMI A,B - 95 mm. Be _75 RYn.. CO - 65 mm. AE - 87.~ mm. l.AlC ~ 120". l. EAR - 321". and L COE"'9CJI'. Also COMtruc:t ;I "'mlla!' l.arger polygon so '"It ,ho _ """""",,,";08 with ... a bac:o.mH 117.5 mm M •• llUtltaM m .. m.ltnQtt'ttof .... _.0' .... "". __ .

OZItmJ lOU! Eu"';"'tkJ".

Urhebenechtllch qeschutztes Maleria

4. ~ •••• Copy 01 ,,,. ?In. fig"" ... owo In f;g. 3. £nlargll YOU' ligure pil'Dportionally 110 that UltII D.a1Wl ... e ",..,"'"" 68lM1.

U~Qnity ()/ t.onddn Sc.ho"/f.Ii~kNU

5. In 1h* IjT .. ~I. ,ABC. AO - 82 min .• BC .. 10S 11TI'1,. 8.00 CA _ 08 mm" Of .. W • lJi;.allg~ .,im'illu to A Ell C. and hl!lyjng ,n area OI'Ml~f1ft.t1 tM, arN 01 A~ c.

OJdMd .nd C.mIJrirIp Sehool$ E.~Jc:(u e"vd

6. Crlw" poIvgon ,A,BC 0 E F ITIllI;i~ All ... 32 mm. Be Iii! 3B tnm, CD IIIIi 50 mm. DE-,34 mm. E.t= - 28 rnm" FA _ 2.8 mm.. AC;!!; ~ mm. AD = 1!58 JDm', .iIInd PoE - SOmrn.

CrJI"IS1J\1C1 .. rul1her pclygon Ii_mj~r to AB COEF but Mrting In ... Wger In thlt fltio of ': J.

C.mbn'dllf' LOc;il1 biNtJln,liDtu

7. CotmruC1.. 1'i,l1l ~8" ~ht fig~I"8I1[L:.I;JI7lt4K1l.r\ Flrg_ 4 ii!Jnd bv .-.dill r,woIl!I(:IiDI1. .... pllfUtnJJC&e' ,~t 1hlil' .. me II!I liimit., ~ure wl'io:Mo .... , ,j:ll tl'wM IlMa 1M. gl"Mt at tluit stKrwn i.n. Ff9 .•.

Oxfotd leu' £).,~'kJ(j1.

8. Fig. 6- .hoWl • .IOC;t~Ofl tn'ough I IeIngth (If mGUlding.

Oflllw an o"la~od :NtCtion 10 tn..! Lhe 1 1 e rnm dilM'nllon:s ~ 172 mm.

OxJQrd L Oc.1 fnmintlkml (SH'Ch. 11 IOJ infOrm.· lion nen in en. 7)

9. fig. 5 ... 0 ..... "'.pod pi,,,, 01 wI1kh Of ii • qua"", of an ilitipu-. O,aw;

hi] t~ G~ yiltW, rull, !.ill!!;

(b) ",. enlargilld .... h!tlw ot UiiI pl.e1lt 10 ttI.Il A8IMc.omel 1 SO ,m.m aM AC 100 mm_ T'I'Mi diltlncn PI~I" 10 All lind AC arlt 1r:J be IInl.ryed propor'Iiior\tl8IV 1,0 d!l. ~nc:ruso in IlIIl'Igth of A-ElIIII'I(i ,AC l'IJIIpB(:1ivB1V_

O~/OId t~1 E~Ml'Ji.n.tlo;,~ ($eli Ch_ , 1 (orln'Ol'mitIM nol ,In ell, 7)

, O. TI'MI sIIIIPI is. ll'Iow" In Fig. 7 (I' II IJloIHl!I of uniform thilc;'li:niI:U.

o rJW the iigure .nd. will'! 0f"H!II c.:om. .. in. the poahlon !l'l'lQ'WO" iildd .fI I!iqlUl1'"8 wtIictJ woold r8p!rIflMi"lt ItJlI!J QOSi1ion ot :til 5QU;:Ir" hQ,I" reducihg !;he wl!tighl Dr Ih~ IpTf~1t by 2c!)%,

Od(),d .M C.mbrld~ School.t ,E~.mJn'lkm& S"_,,d

11. Cgn!Jt!1Jct , fi!l9"llIIr heJ[tgon I'\aving a dimnca M' ~n OPQCI!JiIO -.ld. 01100 PIVI'I. Fttdut:e"'" MUgOf'! 1,0 8 SQuar:a of ~II.I.I lima. Musur. and -stIle' 11'14 t.n-gtIi of!idlll of thI1oIQU,I"IjI.

.Jt1inr",igfj 8~

, 2. A, 'wal:er lPIIIil'll is IUPptiedl by two :pipos of IS I'1'U'I'I .1'14 100 mm di.arneler, It j, ~Uil" trJ ,,,pI,,.:.o V~ 'tWO ~pel wilt! one etee whlc:1'I: il 'IIVI' IIIntlugtl to clOY tn. lime vo-iUIN Qf W&UII',

PM 1. Oi'a'N In. 1W0 PPH ;f.nd~. I, , g.o· m.triCAI oonnruetiQn, Clf ..... ti'wll"lfd RI~.

PM 2- 0 f1!W III ~iPf ClQI.ud in 11.'''"' ~I) 1b!i .!:lII'm 01 "'e 1!:uee.,ipe$.

S~ R~.l EJt"",Iq.riOM Bo.ra

1 '3, Ttl I:MllIQ\JoIIrQ1: t'!.wve :I~'e 'leng1h' ~ 25 1'T'I'f'I, 37.5 nrn .1)(1 SO mm respec:ti..,.~, Col'tltruct, ..... ithout rnom",,, 10 cllcuhn;io,..,. II 1m:;'lo lC11J.Dro equll i", l1li11 to tl\;e Ihi'el!l 5Q:UIli"$!.. I!Ind mf!II!I:JI..I11I "hi;! .;'t!!Ilo the! 5el'tglh or its .. d ••' toe.' fM.mJn.tion,.

U rhcbcrrec h II ich ges" h utz tes k t atcrla


The blending of lines and curves

II i._only u.......,_lVoeo'''''I1_ng_j IIIo! has on ""_ """'flOIO'l ontltoly of ..,...,1111_. 'M illdu..e.kJn 01 c.'I.IN'MwlttWn ..... oudln.oil componInl

...., be "" _ .... " •• t: 10 _ ~ ....

thIfeby milking i1 ufer to h.Inc:MI: to eli ttIM:I

Ctfin.thorebymaking ii.uonver; 10 avoid Clntll mechinIng, I ..... making ~ ",-" one! .... but by no ....... '-A,. to jmptClYtl 'ita 1OPH'anee. Thit 'tnt: IWton itPPin ,..niculO"1I1O "' ... irWotrio _h 0IINMetun0 ortitloo to Mil 10 1M get'll(ll'aI pubflc. !t il MIt ~ theM· d.svI til maU ~Kuum c ...... l. food mi:l{erI Of poinl pens lun<tionaf one! ,.._ 1.1< ""uaUv i<nporI.onlllllllho'j be· tttr~ 10 mat thtv. and IlGt tn. competnan' proclucU. ... .". _ tN1 .... n Iho "_'. eye. Tho doolgnor UMI ~ end CIJrYM: '0 ,~ QU1 end tofI.etI .n "tUliIM, Modern tnId'Iine "'''1) ptoc.etNll kkcI cold ~ lonning. and ltIe jnet"N:ling u" of pIq:tie:J end.lemm,-. IE$ow ~x autillnel to be mlnufactut'ld: M chNpIy II _ OM&. .nd lno bfonding 0/ 1_ one! <IJ<YOO pIoyo

..,. inereRingty iPJPOrt,idI role in tM dplyghUmen' .. '*f.Irid..

II*IdIng is 01<>1*,,.. _." _1>0 .. a;ff ........ ln



u_nd;ng one! yet __ .,.. oo ..... Iiew .. Oft in which lInes .. nd cutvn I;IIn bt. ba.ndId. 'NtIen consINcIIng an DUdina which "'''''na ,,_ _ng, do IlOl _,y .bout the point at cDiUad: oC tht IC:WVWI; I'I1her be toncetNCI! 'with tnI, positiOMI of tho centra of tM GUNK A eurw ....n. not bJInd prtIPIfty wilt! III'IOtMr curve .,.. ~,.. "nlMo Iho _IN 0/' tIM ...... "' CO<IOC1IV found. IIIho c:4II'II_ '11; found .uettv. 1hIi ~ ill tJiOund to bItnd 'UClIy.

To find tM cent ... of .n are, I'IIdlua t~ wtWch bMftdI. with ..... ,.nlght 1_ ..-Ing .t .Ight ongIM (F~Bll,)

With cerni1l ~ r-.diUlI f. draw IfCt lQ cut the lin. of , ....

'ng'" i" B """ C_

Wkh ,...,..u., B and C. rldi~~,,..p.w two.,cs to h • .,·


Oi,~"' .... uirtd~

Thia ~M I!ppIilM OllEy .~ tile lingle i ... righl

anoIt- If Iho I mMI ... .., onglo _ .I>on 90' .• Ie

Iho ="'._0 '" fig. BlZ-



fig. 11/1

U rheberrec htl lch ge5c h utztes Iv! ateri a

Yo find 'tile centre of "" 'r'C. t1WIlul'~ wh~ blerWl. with two .. raigh1l1 .... "-no ..•• V ono" (Fig. 8/2)

Conttrud: lInea. pcIIreiliei wlth me Iif'IM or eM .nglo ItId dlft&nce; awty'. t:O InterMd In 0.

Olotlloroq _ _""


To find tM oentn-of.n ~ rtKIiual'. which ,pasaM .hl'OU!lh 0 point P onc! b ..... with 0 .... Ioht IIno I Fig. 8/31

eon..ruc:. tint. "'_ with. tho given lin •.• dlst"""" , _. _ ... ""'"' ... _hotoolonilthlo 1100.

With centre P. fildiul " &IYIII Il1O Ire to wt dlO P¥J:IIOI IlnolnO.




U rheberrcc htl lch gesc h "Illes M ateri a

To lind the c.nt:r. of an .r¢.. .!ldius Rj whk:;h bf.n:ds with • Ii ..... nd. ctrcJ •• c:.ntr. B. r.-diu..,

Thoro tfti two IPOMlblo een,r8f. ~DiIV1'J. in rlga. 814 and 81S.

Co~f1JCt '" linl&. par.11eI w~h rh. giWln 'I!!ne.. .r::Iistana R IW'II',I', The .centre mult lit 15O~ "long tnls. Iff'lllL

With ant ... 8, rolldiuli? + T. drltw an are loi_ntal'MCt the ponllol~no in O.

o IS the tIIQ\l:lrod eeeee.

1'1w IlIll1nltiw eonstf1.lction~;

CanrHuc1 • liM. IHr,allel wi111 ..... line. di:;.UlDC8 R 1*11. Tn. c.nuemuatlje.iClmtwherillOng lhis lin •.

W n b (:OI11re B., radiLl.1f - ..... d,.,IWIj' In ItCl 10- i·nWl'M!:t 11'18 "..allell....,;oO.

C is the,tc:I uirtd ICtIn'lfe.



U rheberrec htl lch ge5c h utztes M ateri"

T"lInd tho _' .. 01 .... ..,. noeIl ... II. wIllCh bl ....... with two airdN. C*'ltr .. A II.ftd •• rallm I • ....., '. ~

T ....... two pouibkt ctntf ... ahown in fIoL 8/6 tIOd 817·

'f a1 aft:,. r6dlut It, II to ba.nd wit1'1o. ora.. ,adlut r, fbi. ~ntrtI of ~ 1rC- mu:1t bI chUnt. II frorrI tt\iI cireuft'lttrr ...... ond"'nco R+I (Fig.IIBI .. R -I (Fig. 8/1l ~.m mo_.r .... d<elo."dt~",,_.

With c.ntfe 8, racflu1. R+f. dr ••• 1\ If(: to imtf$Kt thIofiralfC:JnO,



Whh cen1l1l A,ltdlusfl- r .. dJaW en aft;,

Wl'ltt c.n'" 8, ,wdiUl R - T", cktw In Me 10 Intatsect,he fitst.einO,

O.IIIe_. .... _

fig. 817


Urheberrechtllch 9 schutztes Malcrial

Dl'-'Mli.N.'IIO~. !lo.IIf"I"'\oO'n ~~I.,j[ ~~:z


.... IJII

TheM MY'IiO C:ons1ruction, wi'll en.blG ~ to bJtna ,ldii i._ oil! t" • .aoMi1'ions tNtVOU .JtI Iil".lr 1D mMt. Fig. 818 thOWI tile outline of • pI._rMl h~ drswn In thrM Slagel to Ihow how 1he ,adiJ .. nil bllDncStd.

TI1. eiJnII~ lina "',n ~ lett off eil!C1'II1YCC$f.~ IiYti stag .. teN' c:tartty but if vw aril .nl'WirinQ • q,UMtion during In tUmiNllion", I ... ~. NlIh. ,on,,",,,,~'Of.l tin., I/H)wi"g. H 'YOU' do net. 1M •• minlf may naumt ~I vou foond It. C8nn81 by aia£ Ind iIfJOt' ,and V04J wi,. _ the mojority 01 .~. m ......

n..... a,. thrM: more CIDMfJ'\.IcIior1I tt..t 11"- indud..a in the blenchng at ti ..... itf\d eiJ~" ...... lhQt .... ~


U rheberrec htl lch ge5c h utztes M ateri"

To jell. IItoIII_,wt.h twO ...... 1 • ..,11. t ....

ICIm of which equal_ the dlftllnce bM:wMn the H_(Fl;.B/9)

Onrw't1'le~B IiIMll betw .... tMp;II111~,lin __

Ftom .. poltK: A,., dtoi:I. perpendl(;ul.lJ 'to fNIiM m. c:.rn,. lW,.lnO ••

WI1I'1 !:«'ltUI 0 •• radius 0 rA. drtw In etc: ee 'mNt tM cent .. tl .. III 8..

Produce AS to moM the other .,..1101 line tn c.

From C..ct .. ~lc:uLair to """I the ce-ue IiPIt in 01"

Wr1h eenu. 0 to- J'Idi.ut 0 ie, draw' me Ire Be.

To join two •• Ii .... with two .cIUliI radII .... tM M.lm 0' """feb It! '1r_t .... ~ thtI d'n.~ _" .. H_(~.Bll0)

Dr ... tM cenv.liinI btItwMn 11M p,wal .. lli...,.

From , poiM A.. drop " ~u"J end on i1 matk otfAO!-,_

DrN' the ~tre liM- bltw.IIn me ptfllllelliMS.

From _ poi'nl 14." dl'Clp I. r-Plndlcu. and on i1 m.rk off' AO,-"

With centre 0 I. redi'UI- t, drolllW 11'1 ..-c: to mMI tht- Ctfltr.


PI'Oduce AB tB MM1 m. oth ... per.~ 1m. ill C. frome.Jed. pt11)I'ndl!Qa;alltCO:l .. t,

'Wim eet'!I 0 .. radiul f. drew'the on: BC.

To join _ porat .... 11_ with two ........ , ,adll (NY in tM .... tla of 3,: 1, ,lven th.,..-wI. of til. CUfP; II. one! a (Fig. 8111 )

JaO. AB .IId 1Ii_ "'to IN roqoirod taW. AC, CO- 1 :3.

p.,pendi~t.riy biHc:t AC LO ,1'T\IM1, lhe petpendall' homAinO,_

WIth etnn 0 '" "lIdhJ. 0 ,4, dt,w '~ .... e .... e. P~c:","rly biNd CB 10 meet t1'Ie ~icuhu tram8lnO",

Will<! c:.nn 0 t .. nd rlidiulO tB. mw the ItC CB.


'iV- 8/9

U rhcberrec htl lch gesc h utztes M ateri a

&arci ....

(All q .......... originoIly '"' fn ~ u .... )

'. rig_ , thow1 0" uMusI pipe gasket. Dr.w the g:1oiMn -vi,ew ful! site .nd sbow arw' COf"IIl'tUcilions u.-4 In makirlgl'ourdr,Wing_ DtI~di~~";'OUrdr"lw'ng, SoutMfIt Rf!gkJmI £nmittathmt 80lKd

.2_ r::i9, 2 .... n "ll'Ya1ion of lI'1tI tJming hlrwJ5e 01 • can Qpener. D,aw this 'tlew, twictl full tia. thowln.g elMfl'v m. tMlhod of ... 1Ib'1i1hin; me twmn!d af !he a",,"

Eu, Angfi,n EJ(~rimt$ BOMtI

3,. FPo_ 3 i5hOwJ. tM outline 0' an O~t1e 1.ImQ, I~nf----Cofll'lf\jlt~ JinainUi1:bi 1ij'iutH., lI'Iowiog c:1Nffv how you obtlined tM CWlWI 0' tM ata Ind 'lho 'lilqa PQtition .. of eM jlH'lctionl bI'fwHn 'l'CIand~htLinn.

P.rt 1. Dtew 1he ,~pe, lull ';,:e_

Pod 2. 1,; ....... B I ••• bo Inctt_ ,. 28 rom. COn· dru(;t • ICI'" and ~ng 'hit. IQIie drlW tN Wt ..,.11 C, right ,.,If 01 the ..... ,p!I. ~~ .H ottw' dimen""'a"",_ionoity.

Southern R~on.1 E.lJ.lm.inltioM BOMd

... F"tg. 4 .shOWI a gaf'den hoi. Dtaw thI. giveln v!.lw flJlJ ~izt' and .now any c:onl1n.Jc:tfon frnes UMd ~n making 1hiJ drtwing, Do no-. ~iDn tht; dttwing. $"""'- R01IiDnll f __ IIM, 8<W<J

fig. 4

5.. fig. 5 .hlHllrW; OM hail, 0' II pail m pI~. O,aw. fun Pu, .. frOrlt ~Iion QoIc:ing 1101l1 A.. V04J1 eonstN(:. tiOfiI 'or hlldifU~ tM: centra of 'die era must be shown. SQUlh·E~s'R~EItM7iNtJom,BNtd

C I M£NSIONS IN moo Ag. 1


U rheberrec htl lch ge5c h utztes Iv! ateri a

6. Fiog_, 6 Ih(M"51fl41i design tor 1M proflt. 01 .. Mil wan. 0t1rw" ..... prcfi .. Qf 1 ...... WtlllO • &Ct-" of 1 0 ~ - 2m. Menu"" in .metnl1hll dirQent:i.ona A. 8, C end 0 .. nd Insen ~hnt on 'jOUf d·'1W1ng,,11'1I on::Ief to do '1'111:1 .... 0'-'1 !ihouJd COrQUuCl an opIl"II di'Yided IClIe Cit 10 mm _:2 m lO:llhow uJliUof1 m,

~on. b ~IIU "'" c.ntrM of U'III r~ii tTu;t bot dNfly ,hl3Wl'), Metrop(J/i~fJ'Regiom'C)','~'ioMB"'d

7. o.t.i II et • IINlIlll1lf 10r 8 he:.:ltgonal nul rar. ,howt! in RQ. 7. Draw d'lil outline showing clearly lin canstnlc:tions, SuJo~ '",,1 ~ze"

OxfDfd.L out C_~MnNlicrt$

8. Thil _lid 01 the .1evIIr fot a ... .-tv ~ is Il'IQwn in FiG'- 8. Oraw tNt 'll'iew. ;thowinQI C<· .. rI .... ,II t:onJ1ruc:~ don II""" Su.·k!i~ + f1.l1l;&lH, OxfOfd l.Dul£~fm~"om.

9, 0,.." 10 .. sate ot l; 1 .• the 'ront .r.. ..... tioon 01 • roO.l' IrmasdlulttMH in Fig. 9.

Oxford Loc.J £Umin.tiOllI




DlMEI<SOlNS .~ "". fig. 7


Fig. 8



U rheberrcc htl lch gesc h utztes M ateri a




" Ioc:uo , ....... loa) II 'M poth _ QUI by • poOn, which IIT'IOVeI 'uPldM gfven iHfInke condi1iortl.

YGLI may not h:evt' bMd .-war- of' it. but voo htvtl ~t loci meny timsI bt:for.. OM ot the most common loci ill lhtl o.t • point wtlic:h mrJIIIM to thM iU dif.unc. ~m .. nothlJ fi:od painl r'WT'I.I!M: consi.WIt~ this P'Qduces !II ~",Io'."_Ioc".IhM_ knDw'lI_ 01."",",_ mowt. 10 that ita dl:aance from , I'.i .. rwneinI ton'WIll ~ u.;,. produc.. ~ ... ~" ..

PtotMemt. 0l"Il loa can ............. 1 different Iarmt.. One 1m.,.. ... " .,...,.1eoI.~ .. '._no 'he .... h "..,..,

ou' bypoln .. on """'''nlsm<. ThIs "'"'" be <kIM Iirnp!v m .. I .. ~I\ert is $I,Iffic;itnt c.,.nee.rf.M,IiI'Id .. ~

0<. with fUM .. knDwledoo boyond "'" """"" at "", boot. 10 de1'lTl"Iinit U14 veI~ity IIIII'Ii;I ~ ttw hx", acting upot'l .• component.

Thent 111:1 very few n,dft to learn Ibout loci; it is mainly "~KI '01' common 11tt11rt_ ,It ~ il rarmed by I;:QrmnUOUI n"ICYet'I\oIfI Ina. yOU haWi to '&1OP· the mew.· ...... _ ...... nd fino. ..,., plot "'" .. ~..., 01 .... point :t)w\ you ~ .,,1Inmd il'l. T..., tor i~. the CM1& Qr .he lINn who wn; 100 Iuy to put wtdgn IUndef hisllddo<, Th.;"",tobIo'''-''nod ....... M,_lIippod. Thto ~Itl. ...... 1Mt of m • .I'n.ItIlOOl!; a...-.own in Fig. 9/1_

Tho"",orm. _ _rIOT. Tho mo"" of

thlt*1)IJ o'ihe leddBr ~ .t~ 1.1 Tj• T .. T,. et.c;,

81'W1. Iif'I,Ce 1M Iengt~ ot lI'I8 ~ r~ ~anl. 'tfIO ~ng poIoIlfoN! or 1M boHQI'r) of me~. B1• B ,II' B 10 etc. can :be found.. 'The podtIons at 1M ~ T ~B~, T.8 ~ T 18 ,J'" .1C.. .,.. ddwn .rwt lM pocUtian of the m.n'. feet" t. 2. 1 etC" lite ~1Jd. Ttl. point.I ilQ ipiqed lOOt'Iher wilt,.e ImOOlh (:U~ n Ii. intefNtiilg 111:1 nGI8 tNt 'ho on.,., h;'" ,he ground .. ""'" onglos ( ............ "'"' ho r8~"II, on the tackler). Ttl. !'MUltlng ,iar ahlfl. e.auses Nriou:a injury ljIr.j it: 0,.. o'IlhtI fUllOM for using choc.U.

ArID'" simple IIJI:I!Ir!P'" jl tne .IioaJI 01' 1M ...a of a

Rg. 9/1

U rheberrec htl lch ge5c h utztes Iv! ateri"


lou .... door ..... Fig. 9{2. Thio !\'PO 01 .... Is olIO oIleo uMd on wardrobl doofta. Its functIOn it; (0 .. low 11M door 10 open to a c.uin point. ..-.d 1Mn to tIJCIIPOI1lho dililrintn.l'ipc&hJon.

lilt ..... 01_ IieIl'NO_ ond tho 1_. on.,...

INIO it ..-iIY bJnd~ it .. M ;lire wf'JoM ~ iii th. hing._ ,... Olhef .nd 01 u.. • ..., ii IJiIcnnd 10 :didtI through Itw, pin but ~ Is no! 01_ to mcwo all it. A> !he one! of !he IiIV IT'IO'WtI ~ the 111'(:, itt. ~~ I, ~ _I ti .... ond tho pooItion 01Il10_ ond 01Il10 .... • mlrUcl. ,..,... poi.., 1ft joM'IId ItOgII1Nt WiU'llllrl' CWft. Obvi~ 1M cIo:IigMr of IUCh • burOlu would how ee '*" .hls loaJO bel"", docldi"" tho _h ., tho b ........ ,

Loci ofmKMnI .....

TM ~ door It.Iy ill """Y' M1'iplllMd\anJun. W. now look It :some of the loci mal c:an be found on the fnCNing .,.u of lOMe mIiChInK..


Vtloc::it1 if. fPMIdI in .. ~H11 dimctiM_ h: II '8 t.-n; u ...... 1y __. let 1_",", objoct8: we ~k .boo, Iho ......... ~ 01. rillo '" tho ........ _ty 01. _p.ot>o. ~ WI! u .. ,1M word IPMd 'we ,.. ~Ir to the rite 01 motion. When WI IJIiI the WQM '~ we ntfer tD the ..... gf matlDIl and d1III dirwdm 0I1hIiI moOOn_

u...._ty .. _"".Iong • lI<oIgII1 ~no ,. ,ON' U_Is ..... igIl. Un.),

~., _ i. "_.".,, •• hrough • _ "",10.

in .. c:ertalin time" It rnabI no alowM'lc:e for ~ ttIWf~ Iod. II ... in Fig,. 913., • peOn< P ,,_ """ 60' in , :I!lIJICQnd, ltllinQ'lIlir ~ is txaedl' rt'ItII!I HfM· alii mil .IO'pnMdw,g ..... O. __ ..... ough6O';n'_. Tho ,,"'achy, .. dIsllfl<1 tmm tho ."".Ior _. will bo mucf'Iogruttrof 1XIUtM.

COMIMJI 'wHxhy. Ii.,..' CIII" angular. :. movtIrMnl wtth~ OIJtKCltMrllljonor~on.




U rheberrcc htl lch gesc h utztes Iv! ateri"

Tb. p~tonb::OfInee1ing rodI~nll;; rne(:htJ'liam i, IifIifV MdtJy 1.1..0.. princ:ip.llIy ~ of ill ~atKm ~ !nlemll eombust~ enginn. 'ThtI pilla" 1rnllli jn _ drligh1 UM; tlv Clink tOtI111!J:1., Thto conMCtlng rod. which ]jilo 'hIIII' two.. foItows.l)ltn~it~ in __ ,_ two, tho ._, .nlPO bojng dopondon,

on (ho point 01 tho .ad ~ng tontIdorad_ F;g. 91. _

the,iIocuIof .90in1 hllfwayup (Ofdlirl'lf') 'fherod.

The mov8mftnt 01 the uri is conlinuoul. Tho ~. ~ of I:M ,pitton it ;Mao conlinLlDUI betwMn the top Ind bo(tr;,m of i~, I'r?IfI. 'Thill: ,moYt1NIt'I~ u bebe", must be " .. toppfd" sever .. timee IIII'ld 1he positions 0' ItIe centre of lNi connecting rod fmmd. At: 'Wim most maclliMI !Nt how era ... , me . ..., poiicy" '0 pIoc tho position 01 tN crlnt .", twefye .cIuaUy ..... pO$i.UOI"It.. Th,. II .. &tty Khlilwd with a 8QI' set square. Tn. plstotI POO'$t alwayt Iii. on the cenc:,. jiM and,. of couru", ...,. COf'NC:~. inv rod cant'lOt ~ 11$ length. ft ~, 'lh!tm"0tt, I limpj. "'""'" 10 pIoo tho poaition 01 tho connecting rod for 1M ~ po&1t~ of Ihe ern. This iii bNf. 00ile with CQmptaeI or dJ~idws. 1bI mid·poin1 or lhil CCMocting fO<I can ltIen be intrtl:1lId with d""rviden and' rM ~nll ioInl'd 1~ wilh.lll:trnOQ1I'I (:iJ~.

ThI' dwciOn of JOtMlon of the t:'Ii'it i. UWb'-'v oi"n in ptObl!lms of {"Is nafUll'a. II may m:ab nl:! diflerence I,Qpk.ning ,nV or 1M 'Io(::~ bY1 il oCouki ""1' a tJ'ItNndoull ddfero"Cl!! 10 tt. lunctoono 01 me lUI mac:~""; wha1 qood Ii. (:eJ that doea 120 1(_M{h blckwlrds and "0 kmfh f01WIJcbl'




Fig. 9/4

U rheberrec htl lch ge5c h utztes Iv! ate,i"


A utMnllI CIt! COI"IIis1 of' • piece 01 ~ or " ~ of eI.fd 01' eve" the 1dg4. 01 • Nt 1Cluan-. It Ifk.IIt tloI'Wt' II ~rn:edg.and youmu:!il beaMfi IOl"RfIitl 1'1 with .. ~._ A IrI""'" -vou •• pi ... ""'u, __ Quid<1y ""'" the rMIhod Iho\JIIn .. ~. Howe¥I:I'. if yVU .,. lnt,nding re lit lhe G_C.E. or C.S.E .• :uJ'T'linltian c:n.ct tN.t 1M syUobua .... Iaw. '1fO\J lID" UIO IIIImmo(a.

fCog. 9/5 _ • alni/rod/ __ who ..

• . potn~ t .Iong the rod ha betr'I P'onJlld tor OM rewok,Uon .r .... a,,'_ Tho I"""" 01 tho <Od, ItId tho poi"~ ...

_001 ~ 01_. 0 .. _ 01 tho rod it <01'.

"'.nod '0 , _ tho .....,., ci""" OR! ,.,. 0" .. "

Pdot. u~ .-dow" U'CI "*"1relifHl 011ha llider ...... ove lOt u • ....". 10 thlt one end !I. aM"" on the circle ~!sl tho._ ond iI ......... on ,ho __ I ... __ ng

lhoe rtl)Uirt<l ~t .. ~ tiMM'" ~_ Joift tnt poin'll with .. II'nOOth CUIW.


U rhcberrec htl lch gesc h utztes M ateri"

On""'_ "'"' oro,.,.". cOlT<l!Iemd .• ~"' ...... tj'lT'lIIII ~ 10 plot OM tocLlI to obtoIln .nothet. Mu· 9/i1 _ • _.." _~ """" ... 01 _

_ 0"" ond 0,8. and ...., _. All ond CO. h I, ~ood 10 pkrt tho Ioous oj p .• poIn. on tho _ ..... ot ..... WntCO.

___ con plot .n~ .pooItions 01 !he ~nk CO. ond

he:nctI P.WI mull knO¥II' the poROI'I of C •• ny' given """"""t TN. con onlybo 6ono by fIIo<ting .be !oc ... 01 C .• lsinodno tho'nk CO. Onto"'. Ms _, 1Iano.._ can ftnd tho pooItIon 01 CO II Iny ~. """"""~ ond be ... "'"""","01 pol .. P.

No conllN<tion lina .. _ in fig. gle una 'hoy -.lei. only moll. ,be d<owIng ..... ...,.. """JusIno' Tho __ 01 P COIJIII ..... _, found by .~. one of

tho "'_ In .- _ .... ond findinG tho _ .- pooIIIono 01 tho link All. Tl'IiI, in III ... """,III • __ 10 find. _ pooiIions for C,.ond 1IIon_ ..

__ 01 tho fOCI CO. A ... ly!his _III I0o<I '0 tho _~ ... _01 P,~.'beloc\lOof C_III __ pIon:ed_. __ """be

.... h 01 tho,inI< "8. oN! tho pooi!ion 01 C"*"" on it

'--""' _t with tIIo loftgIh oj fOCI CD ond ....

position oIP __ ... it. woold g .......... lOcu. et



"Iocuo", drinod._1ho ~ _ eM by. poin' _undo<~ __ nwoo""""""ol lOcI ... _ below w_ . po .. , _ fOI .. ~ 10

InO'IhIr ;po$nu,,, til Jinlll-


U rheberrec htl lch ge5c h utztes Iv! ateri"

To pI01 ...... _ 01. point P _ mo_.o 1/1 .. Its d __ trom. point 15 ...... ,1.,. X~T It .. _.,. ...... _(F;u.9/1)

Th. poit"O S 10 20 mrn I""" Il1o l!no, x-y.

Tho tnt poInIlO plot iI'lIo <>nO _" S ,nd

"-''''.51_ S 10 20 mm!rom Iho U ond P 10 _,.

diotont from -. !hi. ,.,. paW ill 10 own from boIh.

H _ , ........ Iho point Plio 20 mrn "",", S. kwlilio __ on Il1o __ '" • cIrdo. '*"'" S • .-... 20 mm. SIncoIIlo point 10....-.""'"""'-., • .,..,."Ioa lioon .lInod ....... "...,10110 X--Y ond 20mm _, __ po;no. "'"", 10 Il1o _ 01 ....

20 .... _ .... ond ""'III ........ ·

Tho_ point 10. Il1o ....__ "'on __

30 mm and c.nn S. and • liM drlWn paI'II'-, to ,;I(.... Y ond30_.....,..

Tho """'" point 10.0""" ""'" _ ond ,'''

poim S, 'Thill 1lIIY be ............. foI_1cngo _10 "",

_ ...... poducod 10 I""_,


fig, 8/7



U rheberrcc htl lch gesc h utztes Iv! ateri"

To plot. 'thlll~1I't (I' • pcN'nt P which 'ittOVM 'AI) th" I1lt d __ hom two fl_eeI poino Rand I, 50 mm

• ....,. la III~ In the ... Uo 2: 1 r .. .-:·tlnl~ (~IQ. 9/81

.... in tt'H!I pnMou,s iI!I:;t;amph!', me rnt. po5M to polO{ lili thl: o·ne· tnat lies HtweIn A .I'd S. SirH::. 'It is fW)C1t ., far away tmrn FI at it los tTom S. lh~ is dane Ott ptoponlonal dM*'on of ~M &in. AS.

If we now .... P bill ~mm from R it mud btl 2O:mm from S. T"UI" lhe aecond IJO;6i'tfon of l' is It 1M in.,~ .aiOn of an 1M't:. c.n1f8 R. fldiUJ CO .mrn .nd ,nclhtr Ire" can ... S ;tnc:I fadiUl 20 mm.

'fbi Ihitd poIiIion ot P il ,he in't8l'Hctiorl ot iIfCI, radii 50 mm and 25 ..... , .,..,_ R .nd S ~"

Thil • c:on1inuecl for. long '" ~. 10 thll ~ or a pain. 100 mm flam Rand 50mm flam ,s., ..,.10<\11 mMtI hIIttt 10 form. • circM.

01 M EliSIONS IN mm

Fia_ 11/8

U rheberrec htl lch ge5c h utztes M ateri a

To plot .... ._.. of. poi •• P wIIldo ........ 00 tho. lUi diftanoe f,om "" c:lrcutnf.,.,.c. of twQ eltcl_. CMtI"M 01 and 0., Mid ..... i 20 mm .nd 11 ...... -"""", 10 a_ In tho ratio Z,3 ._."..., (Flo. 9/9)

N *lth the twO prwiCM.Iti .A~ the fQI point to plot iii the OM tnat tiles belWMn tn. rvvo clfclH. Thur.. divido ..,. IPRe bttween m. ht;O ci~H in 'lM ratio J:2bypt~."'d"'iIiOfC

If 'IIW now let" be. 10mm from tnt d~"'m:e at the arclll, C.nn 01, it will lit IOI'1'11Where Of'l , CirCle, ClfltJw 0,. and fldlu, 3Omm. tf It Is tOIT'ln 'mm 11'1. ci«:umfe:r.tta' of the elrode. C1IIJ1U8 0,. it wi)! tIofJI1'51'h1n from the r;in;urnfertM'tClll of th& c:1rtc:1t-. centre 0 •• IfI'toCe tM ",,10 of 'hI diotll ..... of P Imm tho dreuml_ 01 "'" olr,'" is 3:2. TItuI .. tho _ pooltJoI1 of PI. ,ho In!Ol" MCtion of two area. rwrlii 30 IIII"n IWld 30 mrTI. centrel 0, .... 0,.

Th. ",io! pooItiot> 01 P I, .... In_ ~ rwo .ra, tldii 31!S mm.nd 37.6 mm. c.ntrel 0, II'M:t 0" ~~IIty.

TN tourth poti'tion iI Jt 1M ~n of Ita. of "0 mrn end 46 mm rMlli.

Thia ., continued fort as long at is ~1JIired.

D. Io!£NSIONS IN m m


Urheberrechtllch qcschutztes Maleria


(All quOIt;" .. originllir OM .. l,,_ioI units)

1. 'Fig. 1 IIhbWt. door 1tIy' ... UMd on.ill iiWlrdI'ObI- door.

The door i • .shown in ttl. fub 0Qen~. Dt1w. frJlI sJ'u. the :locus of end '" 01 the ttIV H ~h4:I door <1_ .olho IuI1y ~ _. Tho .... ......, only

bill Ihowrl dI~fM1rlU1lic1lty as lin !=ig. 1 A. Wonld_&_IIDMB_

A~_ )


\ Fig. 1 ...

O~"fNSIONS ......

~. F;g. 2 ... _ • _ell of .h. w<>rtIng _~ _ .100

wortIiing P41ru.r~bV'Iinw...ot. moped MO •. Using the line dlagflim only', Inc!' df8Wi"1II 'in lingle Un .. only, pIo<. full silo, .... locus or tho "",n' P for OMfu11 rumcf~M(;f.nli: se..

00 not .a:4IIm.r;ti" 10 dtlIN ,he dtutllhown.ln th.sII: .... dt snow a" tlDlUtn,II;:,tKJn.

The tf1ltT'lme.i m&4:hOCl Must nat tlllfllI:MId. E •• , AnrJNan CX.-mM.1JtNg Ba.nI

3. In. Fiq. l"ttl. ct .. n~ C JOI:I. in. c1ockw~rM dir«:tioo. '"" tad PI it conl"lla.ed 1;0 tnt O1In1i: at B aM &tid ... 'h'''''g'''"" pIvo, D_

PiCK. 10 a ~t t; Iud .flu. l"* kic:us of P few- Ohe r'~utton ot the

Sourh· ( • .sf R.gioM! £umiNtiom


•• In ~tg .... 1M iIh!V aHA .. pin.poOiptod It H .-nd ~ .... '0 00IIt1 _,.100 1_ ~, e. Plot .... _ of

Paend AlITIOYI!ItromAfOA'.

"""" W._" --..,. _ E_



OI"ENSJONS III ~ - Ag ....

6. 10 "'g_ 6. "" .... , ond 2 _ .- to "'" angIocI mel. RoU .. t _ oIong _ ... 8 whilo""" 2.-'

olOnG CD loci """_.

D' , fuJI _, "'" 100 .. 01 P. !IIO """ of Iho ood. lOt

.... 0 _"'_, fromAoo8.

South-EO$I'lIogJoM1 EnmIt>oIiGtu SNIt!

G. Allin experimllnt II \I'IIC'V low grt:ar tiM bMfI fined to It b;oyclo. This __ Il10 b;oyclo to """"'_

50 mrn tot......., 15 deg ..... fOWlion oil" aank aIId

Pldat rn.. dMail'~ ~ tn f:iu_ e..

(II 0 .. 10, hili lui , tho cnNt ond podol in pooition

$Ii i1 ,f'I)tt181 '01 iWtIry !ISO rnm toM'lrd motion 01 ,,,bicv<:1t up 10' _ 01 eoo Mm. Tho lint lotWaId poihion '1\11. bHn IIhowI"l on tile dr'"'""t.

(b) n.IW • '""""" ,,_ ourvo ""_h_ lho "",,;(iOns o! 1ht _, whOch vou """" pIot1o<l

(t.) From your drawing flC'\d ~ht, .ng~ ot tht- aank OA 1o tho _01 _ Il10_ hIImcwod

'onvll'd 255 mm. Mf!ttopolitMlR~/fJtMniMtioM8rHn1

U rheberrec htl lch ge5c h utztes M ateri"

7. Fig. 7 II a line diag,.-n of IIIotIId Ifnk Ind ~ of , ah..ptng mKti;n. ~. Thlt link AC it II%Khed 10 • Ibed point A ,:bool which it ts he to I'I'IIDV8 .. baut 1M niICld pQnt Of' U .. dlf,c, Tho dkK _~OO<>!,.O .... _"'C __ "'"""'" ,.tv .. bout ItIIII pointJ, C IWId 0 r.. ..... nr* CO. 0 i, ,100 /roe '" .... alMi! DE.

When ltIe di.te t'OtlIles in the dinlCtian of 1M ArtOW, plot lheloc.s of C, !he locus 01 p "" .... , .. CD .• nd c'-'Y ....... ..,."'" " .... 01 B on ACo

S{HI1httm UnivwrIJ'riu' Joku 801ft!

8. ,. Fig. 8. MP.nd NP ... ,.,., hiro)od .. P. and ....... o are gu.idIn W«I'ih wl'lid'I ...... P ."d N P ... allowed 10 _. D I, .1_ to"""""1Mi! Be, t>u1 JOO NP i •• Iways ~~ to Be. The Qulde A. ls Inowtd to fO'lJUI tbOUl ill fl.A1Id point. Draw me low, 01 P .bon A9 1m .11 poIition:l end wh40n P i. MwIV1- OQudiJUll'lt Irom Ii. and BC,-

ThI, locus is pan 01 III ~$Od CUIVe, N~rre the curve and the J)l1'i1 used in its cormructior..

Sour"'" Unlwnititu· Join' BCI""

9_ In ttt. mechlnian sl"lQIWrI in fig. 9, OA rowes tbOu1 o. PC .. pl-.cI ., p, I<\d aB .. pi_ .t O. eCOE in rigid link. OA - PC- CD - CEw 25mm, I!IIC_31.5 mm,. 08-150 mm "oo.AD-?a I'I"III' •. IPIO'I:

Iho complo .. , ..... 01 E.

Qnf)Td and CM1INidp $MtJcI$ E~~mlf"HttkHl$ BNld

O!IiIIE~:IION5 W _ ftg. 9

10. A mel AB 10 nwn IonO fOlalft j.t a urtiform fit' ~\ end A... PlDt 1'" IJIIIh Dr II tIidM S. mltially Cail'K:Dnt will'li A. ll'Ihicn slides ,long ,he foo, ... unifOtm tile. hom A to B Ind bKJc 10 Ji,. dUfw"g, 01'1111 cclnQlellt r.whJtiof'I ~'1"rod.

JDinI ,."kulltkNt BD.,d

11, W."a~en1 biN 0' 100 JJWTI,<t,.wIhO Ioeutof tI"M!I Yei11(.fl of &n the trlangle3; wilh a COMI8nt 1*1,...1.,.. 101 225 mm.

O~ford Ind C.mtxldg. S;:hocls E..,miMtlon BfJ.I.fti

1 2. 1.,.. (:11"(.;1" Ii. in • pl.lllW in .... pDl.h:h:,,'_' It1own. in fig. 10. Draw 'tt1II gN~ figuJtl and pbl Itl. IQC.vI of • !'Oinl "-" 'tIith ~ IW VI.!II it i$ .1w'V$ eQui(H'llI!I(If from ~ circ-umr",ent:sf; gl II;:in::ie!;. A.IInd 8. Pk)I_1m ~ locus. 0' • poinl wtlito I'JWJYH in like menner _ clo:lo.A.oct c.

finally dtaw a ((rele whoM Citcu:mt.MM. touehu 1M I;lrC5e!l A. 8 and C .IIr'td I'IH!!Murtfo Mld stace II! diil~er.

C_I/O lout E ..... .,.,,,,,,, BOMd


J rheberrec htl ich gcsc h utztes lei atorla


Orthographic projection

O11'hoQirlptlic projecllon i:g the !&QILrbon to the ~ prcabl.,.. lila. 'dr-,ughUman tJal: to eotve----.hgw 10 c.t4'.w, widi auffiti4UIII Ctaritv. ill Ihl.-d~~on.l ~ gn , lWo·dimonaliOf"la~ piec:o ot pil>tr, Tht, dtawing mu!1iI ,~qulte (:iI!!lIIly f't'Ie ~iled cuuinn 01 ilU tI1 .. 1,ce5 .nd theN (M,ItI~ rTlUj'!; bt fuli'y dlrDIHIliooed. If Ille ob)IK:t is 1il8!V !timpile. lttoil 'rnr( No KI'\teved with. 'I'MNr.d ueich, A IaI; "mpJo object cou.lcl: bI!I d,awn ,;n ef1heI 'IOmIMri~ CI4' obNque ptoiectlons. Itthough bot" I.h.e$& $ysteM$ l'Iave tMir dUdvM'ltagel. C~ and CUIVeI .,., difflalh 10 draw 'in ti11ier mlem ilfld Dei..,. IhoYiII1lOf'e ~ 'lhre. .kkq gf an ob;OC1 i" oIIllY gnll vitow. On~,~ic: projlc· tion. btuUM 01 itl n.)lU"l1ty in 8Ilowing II'IY number 0' -.rIews of I:ttG Nn1I objoe:t. has none 0'- thne dtawbKb.

OrtfIogr .. phic gtojec:'OOn NI two forml: Fnl .. ngll and 'fbird angJt: w. ahI~ diK!UH 00lh. TraditlClnaUv. British irw:iulltrv h .. uMd , a1 a"gIe 'whiJ .. 0\11 Unihd 51.( .. a' America meL mcft f'tC.ntJy. tile c:ontiMl'l. ... countrin uMd 1'" 3td angle ,)'IIBm_ ~ i. 00 doubt that B,i~'"




indtJ$:try is ~EIi~I .... cl\tJnQ'ing to 11'tt1 3fod ~ m111m end.. 'WtM1s:'I: Itli, will ttt_.. IOI'Tlt yMI1. CO complete. 3I"d angto win evtntuilliv btl, t'n.. hatJon.aI and in......-nl1~ stlnd.-d or orthog<..,.,je "",joctl"".

F;g. 10/1 "'OWO. _ ._..,__ bo_

two r;NDet. A plane It; • ".".tc:t1, ..... auJIICa. In this CMe 01'1. of lM pill ... it ~tJl .ntj tnt tlU'M:tr il ..,.me,!. Th .. view laok~ an 1h. top altho b1ock:it chwn dirKtfy ._ ,hob_ on mo ho!_'" plane. Tho __ log

en U'HI!I ~ 0' ..... block. il drawn dWK1:1y In I.,. wI:th iN! blOdl: Qt.I rM ~ plln •. If yQu , tab .way m. .- bIo<l oM. imoginlng thai mo _ pi ......... hinged. fold bacK. .,,_ hor~1 pItiM. .. that i1 r1f1M. '!.IP wi~ 1M "enietJ ~. you are Mft wi1n two dttwif9, m thI:I blOC*.. One it " v;.w ~1'Ig on I;hIei tot) of lht block .n<! ,hi. i,dQclIv._ 0lI0Ihti' ..... loo6;lng "'" mo oiodt gt ~hti blOc:ll; Tt...". t'WO~ Nt: o.Ittd MN"MIionI- ~

/ _I I

U rheberrec htl lch ge5c h utztes M ateri a

Jig" 10/1 .""""' .... b1ocl< On Jld _'" O<tbogropn Ie projKtian. Tho &IImII ~ it drlWn in Fig. lO/2 1.1'10 1 It ahgle onnog,~c Preftetion" YOI,I tri. have • Yfl'tial .nd a hociton .. 1 pI',JN but ttHtv are IItI'III"9'd ditt.r.nd,.. Thoe blodl: ill ~ belween thlll IWO pot..,., .nd the 'lIi1lW of the top !;iI' tht block II drlWn on the hOli:tOnlJil pr..,.. and tn. villl'w m the std. I .. dr~ on 1M v .. kal plene, Again. imagilnling that tt. pllnn loti hinged. 1he ~orllQnral pltnt " fo~ dow" '10 thM lM pllnt'S "1'8 in liM·. Thi'll'8l'l.l4tt in m .. drawlnu: of the OM o11he block being dw.otly ..,.,.. .... dJOWi"1l of .... 1"1' ~ tho blocl< (c:~ tN. with the 3rd tngI. c*.wings).





Urheberrechtllch g schutztes Maleria


lho_wh' __ ._ ... _, ...... :ltd ...q. .. _n In Fig, 10/3. " tho horIzonlll ~ (H.P,l .... tho_ pIOM (V.P,l 1_ .. _, ~

"'_,_quocInInra. Tho IImqllldr Of fi ... ongIo.,

II tho 101> tight .... tho IIIOd I. tho boll Io!t II tho_

II __ -. d>o .... P. ond tho H_P. in tho "'" ondtllinl""ll'" you con _ how tho'-", P!(IjecIod anf:D '1M two ,pfI .....



HOAIZON'TA.\., P'l.AA1E j'Hi.pj

T"~O ANGlo.

Rg. HII' __ 011" .... iIod._"""""

U rheberrec htl lch ge5c h utztes M ateri a

So tar .... hi..,. obt:alned only IWQ views 01 (tOWI ~QC~, on. on 1M V,P, and 0"" 01'1 I". H,P. Wuh. COJI1p1icated bkx:t !hi. may not .,. enough_ Thia problem 1& ••• tty lOWed by introducing ,nother pitlne. In lI'Ij, cue it r., • verticel plene lind h will show a view at Ihe .Ad ot the bloc:il and -10. to diltingu~ it from 11'1. ~ wrtical ...... it i. callocllllo ond _I pi .... (E.V.P.). and""" otig"'-l YlWtiUr pa.,. it. calttd O'MI ~ 'tI'tII'dul ~ (F.V.P.I·

TN E..V.P. kI hino-J to t". F,V_P.1II"d when n. vle<N. ,...,. r-n prajOClOd onlO ,hoi, pI.OM. IIlo """ pI._ .... unfolded and th .... ..,.~ of m. tlIoek ... .now". FOg. 10/4.

The: dri'lllriP\gl on theil, F_V.P. iI:I ~ the front ..... ation

If. t.). ,1>0 d'-ng on ~.v.P. it callocl,h .. ",,_ion

IE.E.) oM th' -"II H.P. Is <Ollocllho """_}o.I1

dno '"- "'>M1d ._",.., Iho p"" II dj'OCl""_ .... F.E.; ..... e.E. it horizonUlly ;n in, .. ~n ,1>0 F,e.; ond thO ...... _ Itoo E.E. can .. Rnkld bv d, .... ;ng 45' pro. joc!lon II ...... This is wi"! ~.p/Ilc .'ojo<:1ion i. 00 impoIttn'; It Ian·' jUIt beau .. MYIIrt.I 'ilews at I'l"Ie .. INI obi«:t can be drawn. It Is ,,-"u_ tM 1IfMWJ: .,. Wed ,_.

- -~~ r--c:e

r-- " i'"""-
~ I.
!£Ito!! {P;.\(~) 81

Urbcbcrrechtllch qeschutztes ~Iatcrial

flo. 10/4 _ WM ! tho bIacIt drown In

Jrd 0!90; flo, ,0/5.-. "' 01 tho_ blOCk

dtoWtlin ,. anglo.

In",it COM tho f,E, I ....... tho IJI,an 10 tho IoIt o!

tho E,E, ( __ wilh Jrd anglo). 0 n.tho

E.E, and tho pIoo c.n be 'i_ by ~ , _

.. 411'.

n.. 'I'(IMm of IUlJIItI'ding ~ ... block bmwHn trw. pIo_ ..... projocIlng _ 01 tho bIodi, onto _ pi.., ..

.. tho _ pri...",. 01 _...-.;e """""_ ond ...... ' be~_~ __ '.lIu<Iy"'''

..... of __ ...... "' ....... ThIo .. """" in ChopOot 13,

TholOllowinu_io __ IO._

.. nd wil. fMIt molt at' tn.......,. nNdI.

;1 rAONT yt~'''AL'''_ ~~ END ~["'" c;"l. Pi.A~E
tF_II.P.1 , ":'. In',Pj
I ' ~I I--
, " ~
:1 ~
, I
f.i:·~ .... '!.1S.]; i?"" ' ~

HCftIZDf'r".'I.. PLANE
[H_PJ ,,"-.evs •• _


U rheberrec htl lch gC5C h utztes Iv! ateri a

FOg_ 10.10 __ _ IIIopod blodt dtawn In 31d

"'G1t on>jtcrion. Fi draw tho ..... obOaIno<l by _iOll

along the anow mIIUcI F.E. Thit givel YOU' 1he ,,",!"It .~aUlj)f1. Now lOOk.1ong the ,rrOW milked E,'E.. t lw't'lich pojn!s !ram Iho .1011) .... dtlW _, __ ,. Iho Ie" 0'

iN. f.tant .tev.Uon, 'T'tM1 gives you In end M'YIUon. Ngw _. llong tho .......... "'0<1 U_. (_ pci""'!ram .... right) IIrKI drlW whI'I you 1M to tt. right ot tM rl"04"lt .an.lion. lI'IiI1IINill you enotlwr end Now Ioc* down onto the bkIck. ej~g 1M.,.aw marked. r~,," ... ~ draw whal rou ... bow: 1M lront eJe'r.iltlon, Tnll ;lV'1 ltw pin. and it'1I u~ position i. ~ined by drawlrlg i,_t,om _ 01' .... 00 01_ .. 45".

Note, 1h.t wU'" ," 'PfCl:iKt:Ion.'rou IN lram fM Mfl 'IOU dr,w IIU'I 1M ,left. tldYt .,-au sa.from 1M ri9l't rou dnw 11M' rM Iighl. Ina ~f ',ID" ... frtlm oIbcw you di.", abcvtI.


Fig. , on IhawI 1M &lmI block Cltawn in 1 It I:tIgIto pm;ection.,. f1tst cIitIw the 'View obtaIned~' Ioot-ing. alonothe wow mlr\eld" F"E:." t':t1f!J fr~ni,.~,!il',)n. Now _.tong ..... ,,_ ... _ !-E., (_ch 001n1O "'"" ,ho loft) ..,., __ \'<Ill'" te ,,;. right ot ,ho front tlntiloo... Thit givn .... QU ", .. nd ."""Mion_ Now look along tho IIfOW .... !ked E.E., (wh.." poin .. ""'" .hl righ') lind drlIw whit you 1M 10 !he Jtfl: of ttIe ffonl .r.vatlon.. m. 0"" you .""""', tnd 0I .. 1Iion. Now _ down on t" bJod:, ~ 11'1. IIffOW malk" 'plan' and draw wb.ll you NO befow'the from ".v.tion, 'TN. giYM me ~In and i(s.eQCI ~ I. dt~lhfd by d'~ iines rtom OMt ot the end .1iIvIt!on.t a1: '!P_

~ /"




(2) Rg.1Q/1)3rdqlt~pr<>jocOiofl

Now lhe1 'with' It, .,.. ~ wN' '#)II"" ,from 1M MIt ,ou cbW- Qfl' Mf rtg/It. wlw, rou .. hom 1M ",bt ,..,., "'_ .... Ito WI. _ ,.".,.,..,., ... !tom_ .. you dmv,b.A:tw.


U rheberrcc htl ich gcsc h utztes M ateri a

A",clilary- • __ .nd .... 111.'" "' ....

So lor WI hIw .bIt CO draw fau, dillonnt .- 01

......... _. I."_ ~d.-iogo __

... If_ 'ou! Ihono .,. oteaIII<>ns when ""'"' ......... ........,.,. _10 cion..,. _'"' ""'n' FIv· '018 _ IWO _"'" -. , ..... _ tIIOf1 • F.L or

,n H. ; • .- to "- -:r _t"""'" 01 • lIoogocl pipe_I _.




Fio_ HUB Thooo ...... _ ....... _ ....rt"'Y _no

or al..IIIciliaty' .,..,

Fig. '019 ........ on IUldIiooy _.Ilan (A.E.) ,nd on ,uDllooy pion (A. P.) 01 tho Ihopod bIocI:. Ono 10 ptojocrod .......... "'on .. 30' .nd .... _ h<m .... F.E. .. .us •.

PI"U~ Jli"/tlIt ~ M 'd\otIe engfItt and ..".

Mighlt, H ,nd h _ "" on """A.L..,.. "'"

'WidthW on 'IhI Gthet. R4Imt:mbIr 'tNt we lint .. ~ wi'" • ..,.01 bIocl. not !lot "'- on no. _. Toy '"

'_"'"",_ ... lOIicIoIIjocIand •

Ii"',*, elftJlIQrII Will gO an forM !WId rnab .... _

U rheberrec htl lch ge5c h utztes Mate,;"

F .. 10110 _ ....., _ .. _ 01 I moro eondcrtod blOCIc In !hil _ .... bole II ._ ond 1honIattI caon.OI be uood I. _.. .... """"'" ..

_. '"'ill iI t>v~ odotum Iino. Tho

1\tiQh .. ~' ... lhi c:omen: .. m..ured 'n3m lhiI darum_ No ... that on thI auJdlietr plaRl the iiftum if drawn .,90' to .... ~ ~n"_

U rheberrec htl lch gesc h utztes Iv! ateri a

I' thie oudlM (;Ol'u.llns citel_ at iCuIWII. the natI'Mnl i, pmiLt,. Select Iomt point. co the eu~ and rnlJrk off th.r dilllWlCH from eoIM ~1 dilbJm. In FV. 10/11 !hi:! giYn dimensiona ., b. c. d •• and. t. The lIOIitK.ns of .."... poinll .... fNIr'kId on 1M plan .nd rt..,.It. projlcted onto ,he A,E. Thl dHMnlionI • to f .Ire tMn marked 011 at! 1M A.E. and 1h. ptHflli iciMd U'JG*'CMr with it n ... frMMnd cum,

I,., wOfth .tllting again 1h.di.~ ~ 1 .. ,nd 3rd 1tItg.1e projection. panjc.ulll'1y iI c:hedc.~ aglinat tht:! IA::IoYto .ump .... Whh 111: angll, "~ bok from aM lid. of .. \liaw you draw what you Me on ihfI Mb« lid. or 1M vioIw. With ltd it91. If you look fl'Qn"J 01"1' &ide of I ,.ri1tW you drew whlil IfOU .ift QiI tl'lll ~M1JII lIide of ther violw.


Shown "low .Ire IOmI of the mort eornmon IOlid ~trie eotidl drawn in orthog~c projlCtjOI\.


fiq. 10/12


UrheberrcchUich qeschutz! s lalc,;a

~Ig. 10/13 'iftowt .... fQIIlQ~ ,.;11fM1'1 of .. ~It ,,"1m d'lYfn In ltd tng .. protection_ Ttlt 1:09 of tIM !)'ism "IS bM"OJtobliquWtolt:JOl,

A F.,E. ,_;"g._ ""OW A"",~.E._;ng. __ S.


Arl A,P, projKlild from IN· F.·E_ .t.lOt.

f;g,1 0/1. 011.".. !he IoI_ng.,_ 01, NGu'orllt •• - go .. ' priorn. dr .... 'n 3rd .-.gIoo "..;oct"" .-;m " ..

poi.",;tt 3O"ollot F"E,"'" 1",,011'" """" .... _

<"1011"' '411',

AF.e" --';', __ A,

/Iso e.E.--';'.1ong A..- S, ApI.n,




FlQ. 11)113

Th&1i,.. VIM ~11f1 is d,.awn " lht A. P. ThiI. not it1 the InstruCtion. "bIJ1 wi1hool i1 the FE. E- ts vecy difflCull 10 dfWII. AAow A if'ldiCl'" thai 1"", Iidn 0' tM hHIgon .~ ...,. In lhe F.E. "nd d"IO A.,f'l. js c:orIlttulttld 10 thai lhroe sides .. ra soen (fOliIl. tM heugon t1Yough 3QI' in 'M A.E. .nd onty IYfO sidn aflll IH:n). The AP, is also IJ"CI''fO tincll .... W'i~thoftnt pflirnin rht E,'E.


U rhcberrec htl lch gesc h utztes M ate,; a

Flig. , 0/' 5 aI'IOW1I tht- 'ollowing 'll'iewt; of..,. tru&1um or

• $QUell PVf'IIITLkI drawn in lit ._~ .. FWCJK'tklo. The eDl'nI1'1l'Jf tM pyt"lmid ""' "U~ 1 to'" for lIMy iderni~ &etion on each ehtvatJon,

::e\":..~':""':..":.:~F,E. AE.lC ..... ~, :1,)

ApI.n. \/




WIth 'hit; o,p. ot ~ it it; wla Iniliolly IOd_ "" requw.di "'~ .. rr iN ~ ~ .::ompit:ttI. 01'1" 1Ig.IIil1 it il I"IeCftIIfIf 1.0 draw an A... L 80 the oblique facti an bI cltawn on 1M A..E. end 1htt1 ~ 1. 2. 3 .. nd 4 can bo ptojo<uod _ 0010 "" .... n, P",ntt 1 "'" 3 .. then """oct'" 01'10 .he H. _ poi ... 2 .nd • onto "" E.E. Poin .. 2 .net ... c::.JIn bot pro;.ct.ct !Yom m. E. E.. to Itt. F.E. ond poin,,1 ..-.13 ""'" IN H. !O the ~.E. N_ "", CIt'\CI IN .... ..1:. naa bMn drawn 11 •• ~bIt to dr,fllw th., obIiqUi 'aco on oil lit ... ..._ wilhcwl III\' "'_ .-.uri"ll'


fig. '0/15

fig. 10/1& _"""'~_ot"'_' .,........... dra"" in :lrd ._ p<OjocIIon. "'- ......- 10

l,,"f'ICI on ill tidI:I.

A H.looldng o!onQ"" orrow.

An E.E. _"""' .... rightoltho F.E. A ......

TO_'M~_,,""IJon"' it

lUndlng "~ and "*' lip ~ .... Thd Is dolno willi _ ............. If ........ oI1ho".,.....,olor.ono:llnv

upright Is OONIIUcIod. ~ ",,1<00 ~ _ '0 find II .. pooi. _ot .... _oItho_"' .... pI"'whon.hoo

_6pped ......





Jrhcbcrrechtlich qcschutztes Materia

"a. 10/IJ _!too IoIkIwi<>V __ 0/ • ..._.. _icI drown in lid ..... projoc!ion. Tho !OIl .! !too pyromicIlo cut .. 'If'"!too _",30'.

A.F.E._'" tIIodi_of tIIo_. "" E.E. -. froM !too rlgM oItIIo F.E. Aplon.

""AE.!>fOio<tocIffomtllo plan ot 30'. ,,"!or'og.I0/15.tIIo_icllI! ... _ .. H~ __

""""""""" on 011 lour _ Tho _ GUttkog plano Is then drawn on tho f.E. Tho oo!n" -.. ~ <_ tho

.......... !lion pr<Ijtc1td _ ,. "'" E,E up '0

"'" pion. Tho paInt_ 11_".. ...

"'" F.E ..... _bo PfOJo<1IId _Igh, , plan """ h ..

'" bo on>joGtod .10 tho H. (1oI1aw "'" ....,...).

Tho u_ """''''' .,...,. i.,...., 11<......, on "'" E.E .. and ~ poin" 'wtw. n: ~ tbt tcII'nefa ... Pf'Oitc:Md .. __ ,.1110 f.E. -UJI '01110 pion.

Moot of _ ........... bo IIf<IIocted JUIioh' ham .... planon<otlloAE. Tho .. -. ... 1toooo!nU"""", ....... _"_1_ .. 6. conelll) coolie ~from...-ryCOlWlll"WentIlClUtC; •• jn""ilCI'IIIttvF.E.


"a. 10/11

U rheberrec htl lch ge5c h utztes M ateri a

Cyll __ Coneo

fig. 'Il/'S _ ""following _"', cyt __ in t .. ongIo PfOIo<1!on.

A F.E._Iro"""'lfIC1k1noI"" __

A"'_' .

.... A.P.~'""" ... F.E ... ~_

11"" .... n it _i.lO. n_"'I1IiJ>o"'"_ or '1M ~ , ontI tit 1t18M ..,;p. GIIn be fI1UIU"'Id. The UK1 oaoi1_ 111_ 01 tho 1Iri .. COOl bo ~

"" .. ,,,. F.E_.nd' .... _to, ... A.I'. 1>10_ 01 ....

e>t __ 01 0KIt 01 "'" 1Iri .. it __ '""" "._,

0(110 1" A..P. W'itn OIv)dets,. musuflid N~h &kfe of the .,..,.,. h. (<><>1 OM _I. _). Tho""".", II'«! "nod __ • _'__wrvo.


U rheberrec htl lch ge5c h utztes M ateri a

Fig. 10119 sJlawj. ll'1e IOUOwing ",it'W'l of " cylindl' GIWWI"I in :3rd III"IgttI pto;.ctiOtl, Thl' cylind~ it. iyi~ on illS side and "OM eut off at JOO and Iht other end 81 6<P . .. IF _E, M!Itf.II" the cII,eetion of 1hll.~,

An ! .. E.'IIMI'I "0m th .. I,.,. !::lIthe f.E.


M A_P_ pI"Ojec:Led hOfl'"l dW! :pI_n. ... 00-"_

The [,E. i.I dMdld il'llO' .n.umber 01 !.lril'l, Tho .a.ttips .ttI· projlC:~ hom ttM E_E. 10 Ihe F,E. and. up to lhe 11)101"'. They .... liO prO.«:ted hom Ihe !.E. to ,he .,..n It 4!'j'. The IPOiil1tswtM:r. tt. projK1Of1 from till- F,E., III'Id lhe If_E. meet 0In the pl.ln (-',jI. b. lI;::and d, IttCJ giow. ,1-1. OiJtli,... of ,he I;WQ eU;p.e.s on. tN Plan.

Ttw outline of tM l:ilipaes on IJw AP, art fou.1'IId by P«+K:ting tn. driPS onltlo the A.P. and d"Ien. bansftt1' n"INtUNrntna; 1. 2. 3, .• tc. 'r(Jn UW E_E. ~ I" A.P. wlf.'" dMd:t!"1.




U rheberrcc htl lch gesc h utztes Iv! ateri a

fig. 10{20 -. tho 101_"11'- 01 ..........

oyIinoW Otawn In '''l<1gfo p<Ojo<tioo.

"" F.E _lnthodilOCt""oItho_. "" E.£. _, from 1ho Ioh 01 ,he U. ,,"pion.,

"" ,,".P. projootocl&<m , .. F.E. at OS'_

1'NI dllWillg WIn .. different mI'Ihod of P'oltt"9 ." ,,",P.&<m tho pnMcuo IWt> e._ ,,,._ 01 boOng

~ 'into IVIpa. "'"' eyt,i .... i, dlvid$d nlO 12 I!!IqUtI _It. n- ....... _ on tho willi 0/,1Ia <'111_

M I'!!.nnb" •• from 1 to 12. 1'hIt etlipIaa. tOilTlltd on u- A_P_ ........ ncI 1>1' pfoni"ll Iho .,_ 01 .... pr<Jjoo1otI

of ~ 1 (0 12 fl'OM lM F .E. and from i!!I c;onlttuclion drawn .I" I~ wTlh me A.P _ T'ht pn:tiecu:lrl jnNlrsed In 1'. l'" J' etc:. Note """ an the E. f. nurrmer 1 is at 1M top oj "'", doc'" _ on ,he _<!Ion (.-.:lhonco .. ,he A.P -l number' " ill an lhe· figtu" This. of CCIUf1O. ._ willi vou.atKMJ1id .,)ipect.

1ST AN GLE PROJ E,CT,OIl .... ' .... i..





U rheberrcc htl lch gesc h utztes M ateri a

~'II' lOill .._.. 1110 -"i .0-. 01 • o,otirllllr d....." In 3n:1 0IIII10 ~ ... _ The beN 01 11>. o,ot"- it CU1 obIIqtJti~ at 30" IOd 1he Cylindtf' ts 'IittId It BQI' in tl'1o rs:

/It. F.E-...,. in the dirICIlon oIt'" 1r'roW. An E.E, _fromtho .. ~of"'" F,E.


Tho <,"i_ .. d>.idod Inl ........ oqu;tI OOIJIMIII>.

Thill Is dDI'II DO II .. .,.ra1t .U;Qi4ary .Itv.tion Ind' plan which'" eonm\lCled just hw IN. putpOM. The .nipMt ,r. rc..l1d by 1>IcIti"i 1I1e into_ or tho P<Oj"""'" Irom poin31 .and 1. 2 and 2. 3..,d a"lfId4, ttc..




F;g., '0(.22 tl'lOWI tl\t folloo'w'ng .... ~ .. of " QQOII dnMn

io 1.t Ing" proje.ciion.

A f.f.. ,..n in the d.i*tion 01 tt.e .now. All E.E._n f",,,,rllorigh,.ftho F,E, Apl4wl.

An A,P, l>'1>ieeIod""" ,1'00 E_E,.r JO"_

Tha!J ~ i. 6ivldeo In(o ttrlpt, Thno IUiPl .,. pro· iK!M across 10 tna IE.E. and htn~ to t"- A..P. TtIte wlml'll Ollh. tN,. 01 the eon. on R$Cn of tI'!IHe iUtIps Is IMasured 01\ the plen wim ClMdats :tnd tfll"llfened onla 1"'* A.P, 1l'MI poltlu Ire !t.o~ joined wilh • fMt!I!I.1 fHNllhlN'ld ~.,


Urhebcrrechtllch qeschutztes Malcrial

fjg. 10/23 _tho follawlng.- 01' ...... dra_

In 30d onQIoP'Oit<llon. "'" cono ia I"f'i"II on iII_.

A.F.E.._;"thod_oI'IIO ........ ArI E.E,.,., rnJllltMrightol'1I'141 F.,E. A-,

."'" <0110 '10 lim _ OIanOing <JQrigh' ond It ia 1hoo ~. tJftI" EO IIiI: on Q 1Iide. InstNd ot ' dMdtd ;"'0 ","PO .. bofato. ~ 10 _ iom 12 _. _I&.

'"'-' Ire"~ ftom" (012 an two CONtructiont _In lina wid> tho F.E. ,nd Iho E.E. n. .. II __

on 1ho E.E. onc! tIIo!>lon .. found lor pIoning "" I ... ,.

__ 011110 prajocIan !rom ,_ """_~ n... ~R11 ANGl.E PROJECTION

in_In 1', 2', 3" ..... on "" U. ond on !lie !>Ion.

Tho goomIIly of _ I, .......... m .. h '""'" fully In !M ..... C"-.

F~ ,0/23


~ that yocJ INk. I dr.wijng Df • bcix. You draw ,.11. be> In onhogtOPhic projoctIon ond .. pIeuodwi!h !he ....... l aU! __ """* ,long onc! ooyo. .... ,. """"", obIy. 'I(, , 000<1 dmoAAg but. _ .11, • be. ia only •

conWi nd ytM.I hiIvIn·t IhI::rw'n whI1. i. imide 1he box;

:a.uNiIy t 11:....m.t ill imporlM'lC'. And ot cou,.._ ..... I. tigtl1.

It 10 __ 10 __ Eo Inlido on obioc1 .. _

II 10 _Iho _. In """"'"pille ptOjoc!lon. !h~ Is _f .. wid>._.

U rheberrcc htl lch gesc h utztes M ateri a

Fig. 10/24_ twodrowlngo "' ..... __ OM ..... .-iItIOUI11ICIion end OM drown _ I 1ICIioft_

- __ no <_ ... ...,. ..... <>I

.... ~ __ _Is_.On ....

_1011 __ _'-_ .... ln .....

endail-...~_ ..... _ilhoIlOw.Tho _<l1li" __ "", ... __ .. """".

~1IftIiICtIOtI. ........ ~" __ to_lha"'" _ .. 1>01_.

_~""'IcIIowing ..... :

1. __ £.£. .. <>1 .... __ •

ingM_oIt1M_ ....... __ . Thoyk_ IhoIr _ fu~ _.

2-Thopoint_ .... _ .. _ .. _ ....

c:amlng pili .. ThIo .. drown ""'" "'~ .. _ dol ino .. niollio __ ko""'-diroctJ""_ ....

• Ihon ~ ., lhI end. Tht ... rowt pOll'\' in the 1Ii __ ,ho _10 pn>joehd.

3. -.. .... outtlng "'""" CUll _" lIoh<l ""'_ ............ ill II hI1ched 11 45".

4.WhIn. MC'I:kaon ia ~ ,..._.~..,...

_wNch be_ _ Iidoot .....

cunlno __ ""'_*'_

B. nll __ IO __ cIoui"".-.

n.._....., ... _-..,g""' __ oIt_ oppty 10 .....-no -... _ ilion ~ -no. "" thio _ ....., ... found in tho _oncI pert 01 INa _.





Urheberrechtllch 9 schutztes Malcrial



fig. IQl2~

fig., 10125 ._ • _ ...... !rom • '-"ton., piom.

ThIs ...... oI~...,...... .. I1ho_'"

... alhty __ ...." ... ... .- to


SotnMimet qCJwtionI Mt in uttnlnltion ~ do tI01 _opeo:ffiooIly"", _ but1ho_..- .....

10 be ...... 10 mel tho ooIut .....

TftU.! S .. APE OF LID

fit. 10/28.-._ jug _ II....,..,"' tho ""'" altho _"'" "'. ""'_"I_ot. 1M pnIbIIm It to fincltho ..... __ '" tho lieS.

1M.."..- 10 10 1I"D!o<I' '_' (or on e.) "-

.ho obIiquo lOp 01 the J>V'Omid. fQJ; _ f,E. thin

.... pIMI, Tho_ wldtN. _ 0.,.., be _ on ....

pie" and u... mI..., ........ u.n:st.n.d to me 'lKtion' .. ~hdMdo ...

Jrhcbcrrechtlich qeschutztes Materia

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