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The latest news, views, and strategies

for living Hfe at your best

A hidden hormone

ca n't problem could

be to blame—
but there are easy
ose ways to get help.
by Melanie Haiken

weight? -r->-'' T liAl'fLN^s MORI, uilcii ihan

you might think: I'm standing
in hne a( the Hupt'imarkci, ad-
iiiii ing 111)' plate at a barbecue,
or cashing my paycheck at the
bank, when suddenly I realize with
absolute ceiLainly that the woman
in from of me has polycystic ovary
syndrome (PCOS). And I know, with
the sympathy that comes only liom
shared experience, that she's suffer-

m ing in shame-filled silence, unaware

that there's a name—and a wealth of

j f l ^ ^ K A L E ' S TALE:
j!li^H||^xcess weight,
especially around
your middle, is
a sign of polycystic
ovary syn



polenlial treatments—for the con- Find more info about
hormones. "PCOS is polycystic ovary syndrome
in places where most
dition that's causing her so much not an inferlility disor- at women don't have it.
misery. It happened last summer, der or a gynecological pco5.html.Need support? Combine that with the
when I met my daughters" peppy Log on to www.soul
condition; it is a meta- acne and the pounds that
young swimming instructor, Nikki, bolic disorder with wide- stubbornly refuse to come
for the first time. One look at her spread systemic effects," says off, and you get the picture.
hefty girth, downy checLs, and chin John Nestler, M.D., professor and It's tiot a pretty one. "The seif-esteem
reddened by acne and plucking, and chair of the Division of Endocri- issues are still so huge," says Lesa
1 knew. But did I say anything? Weil, nology and Metabolism at Virginia Childers, who runs PCOStrategies
no. It never seemed like the right C-ommonwealth University School (828-508-8811, www.pcostrategies
time, we didn't really know each oth- of Medicine. .oig), a noupiolit counseling sei^-
er—my list of excuses was endless. Excess weight is one of the more ice for women with the condition.
But to this diiy I wonder if Nikki ever common effects; about 75 percent "Women tell me they just can't bear
got the help she needed, and I wish of women who have PCOS ai e ovei- to tell anyone about it. They feel ter-
I'd offered a gentle word of advice weight or obese, and they typically ribly isolated."
and support. cartT the excess weight around their But ihey're noi nearly as alone as
Most women with PCOS are like abdomens. The syndrouie is also they might ihiuk. Expert.s used to
Nikki: They don't know they have it. one of the leading causes of infertil- project that up to 4 percent of wom-
So they ob\'iously don'l know thai it). Small cysts that develop on the en in their chiklbearing years suf-
experts are thinking about the dis- surface of the ovaries often lead to fered from PCOS. But new lesearch
ease in a new way—and that this sliift irregular and infrequent periods, and broader guidelines for diagno-
is paving the way for better remedies, keeping many women with the con- sis and treatment released in Janu-
ones that can dramatically improve dition from ovulaiing. ary have bumped ihe estimate up to
symptoms and curb the disorder's Another sign of PCOS—hyper- 6 to 10 percent worldwide.
threat to long-term health. androgenism—can make the disor- The guidelines, revised by the
Where experts used to classify der pat ticiilarly devastating, even American Society for Reproductive
PCOS as a reproductive ailment, shameful. A fancy term for overly high Medicine and the European Society
they now see it as a problem with levels of male hormones, including for Human Reproduction and Em-
the endocrine system, an imbalance testosteione, liyperandn)gemsm aius- bryology, prominently acknowledge
of the control center that regulates es hail' to sprout on the face and body the role of insulin resistance (the

could it be PCOS?
p T'S NOT UNCOMMON for women with polycystic ovary syndrome
'i (PCOS) to see as many as four doctors before being diagnosed and
treated. Don't let this happen to you. If you've got just a couple of
the follovi/ing symptoms, ask your doctor to refer you to a reproductive
endocrinologist who specializes in diagnosing PCOS. Or check the
American Association of Clinical Endocrlnologists'online Physician Finder

THE SYMPTOMS: difficulty losing vi/eight even

irregular or infrequent periods v^fhen you diet
* acne blood sugar fluctuations,
® hair on your face, neck, chest, often marked by feeling shaky
or abdomen a few hours after a meal
thinning hairon your head,espe- diabetes
cially male-pattern-type bald spots high blood pressure, elevated
• excess weight or obesity cholesterol, or high triglycerides
• darkpatchesof skin on your unexplained infertility or
neck, armpits, or inner thighs repeated miscarriage


same problem that afflicis people

with type 2 diabeles) in the develop-
ment of PCOS. Insulin, a hormone,
regulates blood sugar. The link be-
tween it and PCOS makes uealing
insulin resistance all the more cru-
cial: Not only does (his condition
actually cause excess male-hormone
production, but if left untreated il
increases a woman's risks of type 2
diabetes, high blood pressure, ele-
vated cholesterol, and cardiovascu-
lar disease.
My situation offers a perfect exam-
ple of why the new view of PCOS is
so important. I was first told I had it
in my late teens, when I failed to have
regiilaj" periods. My doctor said I was
almost certainly infertile. I still re-
member spending that night locked
in my room, in tears. Over the yeais,
liowever, my FC^OS proved lo be fair- Acne and facial hair
ly mild. To regulate my periods, I are common among
stayed on birth control pills, which women with PCOS. Don't
helped control my acne and excess ignore these signs—
they're easy to treat.
liair. Although ii took me 2 years to
some women wilh P(X)S who lost
New medications—and lifestyle changes— just 5 percent of their body weight
went on to ovnlate sptjntaneously.
are helping many women with PCOS llie ke)' to this minor miracle seems
to be curbing insulin resistance.
wavegood-hye to their symptoms. Once the weight starts to come off
and overall fitness improves, "you
conceive myfiist child, I did .so with- miscarriage, induce weight loss, and can quickly reverse insulin excess
out fertility drugs—and my second reduce caiclio\'ascLiIai' lisk factors. R^r in a day or two, believe it or not,"
pregnancy was almost an accident. I many PCOS sufferers, it's the first says Ronald Feinberg, M.D., Ph.D.,
had practically stopped worrying thing that's worked after a lifetime a reproduclive endocr inologist in
about it until 3 years ago, when my of yo-yo dieting and self-blame. Of Newark. Delaware, and the author
doctor announced that my choles- course, some women find that they of Hpaling Syndrome O: A Strategic
terol iind triglyceride levels were dan- don't want to stay on such a strong Guide to Fertility, Polycy.stir Ovarie.s,
gerously out of whack. Suddenly, this drug indefinitely. Fortunately, thai arid Inxulin Imbalance {Avery Publisti-
disorder I thought I had beaten was may be unnecessary. ing Group, 2004).
once again a threat. When women wilh the disorder' Losirrg weight, of coLrrse, is n<j easy
The real treatment breakthrough make dramatic lifestyle changes llial task for women who have PCOS, in
is the use of medications known as help them lose weight, exper ts say, part because insulin resistance actu-
insulin sensitizers, usually prescribed the effect on their insulin r'esistance ally makes it harder. Wildly fluctuat-
to treat diabetes. Among the most can be startlhrg. Orre recent study ing blood sugar levels lead to food
popular is metformin (Glucophage showed metformin was consider ably cravings. And liigh insulin levels, a
is the brand name). Recent research more effective when combined with by-product of resistance to the hor-
shows ihat it helps re-establish ovu- a healthy diet and exercise. And last mone, actually cause the body to
lation, facilitate pregnanc)', prevent year, a landmark study showed that bur n fat less efficiently. At the same


lime, Nestier says, "The heavier you

( brief)
are, the more insulin-resistant you
are." So it's a vicious cycle. Focus on fruit—your eyes will thank you
Still, experts say eating a diabetes- Move over, carrots: New research
friendly diet (see suggests that fruit may be the
for recipes and tips) and exercising real snack for sharp eyes. Eating at
regularly may help many women with least three daily servings may
PCOS shed pounds once and for all cut your risk of a type of age-related
and keep other symptoms under (•on- macular degeneration (AMD).
irol. Although my weight has never This condition can damage straight-
been a huge problem, 1 do eat much ahead vision, which is critical for
more carefully now since learning reading and driving. Substances in
about the insulin connection. I've fruit, such as fiber and fiavonoids,
ctit out all sugar and most refined could help sharpen sight and guard against deterioration of the
carbohydrates, and Tm big on pro- retina,thepartoftheeyethat responds to light, researchers say.
tein: eggs, fish, and meat, especially
chicken. Those changes have proved PMS: a sign of things to come?
effective in curbing my insulin resist- If your premenstrual syndrome is so bad that you're actually
ance and keeping my blood sugar looking forward to menopause, we've got some not-so-
levels from spiking. I take a supple- good news for you. University of Pennsylvania researchers recently
ment aimed at leducing my choles- discovered that PMS sufferers are up to twice as likely to ex-
terol, and that's helped, too. I also perience troublesome hot flashes, depression, and poor sleep
exercise much more frequently—at during the big change; sensitivity to hormone fluctuations
least four titnes a week tor 45 min- seems to be responsible. Silver lining: If antidepressants or other
utes, often more. treatments relieve your PMS symptoms, they may work well
Childers, the PCOS counselor, when you're older, too.
thinks these kinds of lifestyle adjust-
ments are critical. "I spent years try- Have a glass of bubbly (water, that is)
ing all sorts of diets, and notliing ever Could better cholesterol numbers be as easy as drinking carbon-
worked," she says. But once she dis- ated mineral water? In a small Spanish study, women who
covered the insulin connection, quit drank 1 literperday ofa waterrich in sodium bicarbonate and
the low-fat and low-cal diets, and in- sodium chloride lowered their total cholesterol by 7 percent
stead focused on avoiding foods like- and their LDL (bad) cholesterol by 15 percent over 2 months.Their
ly to raise her blood sugai—anything HDL increased by 8 percent. Researchers think the minerals
loaded with sugar, white flour, and and carbonation may help your body metabolize cholesterol.
refined carboliydrates—she was able
to cut calories without counting and Nasal sprays: Sniff, don't snort
lost 50 pounds. She also conceived Studies suggest zinc nasal sprays can cut the length of a cold in
her third child naturally. And while half if used early enough. But don't get too carried
Childers leaned on exercise, which away.The U.S.Food and Drug Administration is
also improves insulin sensitivity, to investigating reports from dozens of people
liclp her lose weight, you don't have who say they lost their sense of smell (a con-
to go all out: She says 30 minutes of dition known as anosmia) after using these
moderate activity four times a week products. Some experts think that snort-
will bring immediate results. ing the sprays—instead of gently sniff-
Now if I could just find Nikki and ing them, as the labels advise—may
lell her. O expose smell receptors high up in the
nose to the drug.The manufacturers main-
Melanie Haiken, the former health «rf?- tain no patients in their clinical studies devel-
/oro/Parenting, livens in northern Cal- oped anosmia.
ifornia ivith her two daughters.


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