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“It is no measure of health to be so well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” “It is no measure of health to be so well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”

First Issue
March 2010

“It is no measure of health to be so well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”

“It is no measure off health to be so well adjusted
j to a p
f y sick society.”

What do AIDS and Cancer

Have in Common?
They are all curable. In fact, all viral and microbial
diseases are curable. Yes, they are, but maybe not with
drugs or other medications that all of you may have
been already accustomed to, but with electromagnetics.
The History
The technology to destroy any bacteria is as old as the discovery of electricity itself.
Back into the later part of the 1800s, scientists were already exploring the effects of electric
currents on human illnesses. At the forefront of this quest was the late Dr. Nikola S. Tesla, a
Serbian who gave us the Alternating Current-Polyphase System, a method of Electrical
Transmission and Distribution, whose original design has never been changed even after
more than a hundred years in utility. In 1898, Tesla published a paper that he read at the
eighth annual meeting of the American Electro-Therapeutic Association in Buffalo, NY
entitled, “High Frequency Oscillators for Electro-Therapeutic and Other Purposes.” He
stated that,
“One of the early observed and remarkable features of the high frequency currents, and one which
was chiefly of interest to the physician, was their apparent harmlessness which made it possible to
pass relatively great amounts of electrical energy through the body of a person without causing
pain or serious discomfort.”
In the 1930s, Royal Raymond Rife invented a powerful microscope
he used to observe cancer virus at its live state. Being able to observe
viral activity in real time, he was able to determine the best
frequency by which his high voltage tube device is set to in order
that the parasite is disintegrated via electromagnetic resonance.
Some say that the reason why it can’t be implemented today is
because the frequencies that he used to kill the viruses are now
assigned to radio broadcast by the FCC. Whether it’s deliberate or
not, we can only speculate.
In the later part of 1960s, Antoine Priorѐ perfected a more complex electromagnetic
therapy machine, and consequently demonstrated “conclusive, total remissions of
terminal tumors and infectious diseases in hundreds of laboratory animals”. His research
were then funded by the French Government.
Also in the 1960s, Robert Becker proved once and for all that the human body is an
electrical entity. And any part or component thereof can be induced to regenerate in
cases of fractures and injuries.
All these pioneering achievements, though being successfully downplayed by vested
interests, have been perpetually rediscovered, principles reaffirmed and methods
improved in the years that followed.
Names like Alexander Gurvich, Georges Lakhovsky, Fritz Albert Popp, and Dr. Robert
O. Becker are but a few and will become known to any interested researcher.
We owe so much to these pioneers who have risked their lives and reputations for the
genuine service to mankind. Giving you access to similar treatment is our way of
honoring all of them.
“Where there is an open mind, there will always be a frontier.”
The Facts
It is very important to realize that our body is electromagnetic in nature, as all of Nature is.
Everything you see and not see is made up of electromagnetic waves. This self-organizing
medium propagate in space at certain frequencies. Visible light is of a different frequency
than heat, electricity, magnetic field, matter and even thought itself. All of these are forms
of energy as all electromagnetic waves are. Everything that happens within your body is an
electrical activity, e.g. brainwaves, heart oscillations, reflexes, and even regeneration.
The (heart) pump hypothesis is not complete, as it does not account for the
differing amounts of sodium in relation to potassium going in and out of the cell…
- Panos Pappas, Ph.D.

… sodium can be transmuted into potassium with the addition of oxygen

and…electrical energy!
- Louis Kervran and George Ohsawa

The sheaths surrounding the nerves are not merely insulation as described in established biology but
are ‘real wire’ that reach into each area of the body to create a normal electrical environment
around each cell, or a stimulatory one when healing growth is needed.
…those embarrassing little oddities that the chemical-mechanistic theory could not explain are
beginning to be understood by…this new paradigm.
- Dr. Robert Becker

Realizing that we have an electrical body, what then is the best treatment possible
whenever the same “malfunctions”, i.e. infected with viruses, bacteria or pathogens? Is
it the man-made drugs or the natural form of energy, that is ever present even before our
world began, manifested in the form of electricity itself?

White cells (leukocytes) kill bacteria and pathogenic fungus by

electrocuting them.
- Science & Vie

The strength of the virus is in its ability to replicate rapidly in so short a

time overwhelming our immune system and rendering it ineffective.
Therefore, with a precise and proper application of electrical energy to
simulate electrocution of the virus, much like the white cells do, we may
be able to defeat the virus and stop its replication, giving ample time for
the body to recover and heal itself.
It’s been found that when the immune system is fully restored, 2000+
neuropeptides, including interferons that help fight cancer, are
reproduced. Each dose of interferon cost $5,000, and you need 10-12
doses. But this won’t cost you once the immune system is fully restored.
Always remember that a clean blood is the key to good health. We
strongly believe that aging is not caused by a number (age) but by the
amount of parasites accumulated over the years. Getting rid all of them
may enable you to enjoy life much more than what you can do today.
“When subjected to this treatment, blood survived up to 6 weeks in a microscope cover slip
(outside the body), while normal blood could only do it for 4 days under same condition.”
If you want to experience having a thoroughly cleaned blood and/or a complete restoration of the immune system in
60-90 days, without invasive procedures, no drugs, no long-term side-effects, and at the lowest possible cost covered by
a moneyback guarantee, please call 0908 183 9555 or visit us at Stall 56 Public Market, St. Bernard, Southern Leyte,
Philippines 6616. For more info, please log in to

This paper is published in the spirit of the universal freedom of expression. You are free to copy and distribute this to anybody who might c Copyright eMancipate 2010. All rights reserved.
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