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THE WORLD OF COLOUR by DAVID KATZ, DrPun. LONDON KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO. LTD. BROADWAY HOUSE, 68-74 CARTER LANE, E.C. 1935 ‘Trantlated from the German by R.B, MacLtoo, rx. (&f Stearthmore College) and C.W. Fox, Pip. (of the University of Rochester) ran BY THE EBRD PRE 9 AND To ‘Sue THOMAS BARLOW ‘T. H, PEAR “Vom Philosophen glauben wir Dank 2u verdienen, dass wir agesucht, die Phanomeno bis zu ihren Urquellen zu verfolgen, bis ddorthin, wo sle boss erscheinen und sind wnd wo sich nichts weiter ‘an ihnen erklaren lasst."—Gosrue, Farbenlehre. CONTENTS Prerace to THe Enousn Epox. . 5s Paerace To THE Seconp German Epition, 9. Gussaey ee ee List oF Assreviations ror Some oF THz Works Citsp 2 oe & o 8 10. Tn a PART I MODES OF APPEARANCE OF COLOUR AND ‘THE PHENOMENOLOGY OF ILLUMINATION Introduction». 9 How Colours Appear in Space: ‘The Modes of Appearance. eee “Time and the Phenomena of Colour. ‘The Modes of Appearance in Everyday ata Non-Perceptual Colours... se How Other Sense-Fmpressions Appear 5 6 Illumination and Empty Space. 5 ss Colour-Matter and Mode of Appearance... ‘The Reduction of Colours =. 0. 0 ee PART II Ky FILM COLOURS ‘The Subjective Visual Grey. “The Locization of Film Colours Role of Colour Matter and Configuration. “The Localization of Film Colours: Réle of Neigh- bouring Surfaces. =. + + 7 ee gs fa 38 62 7

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