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All four of these fonts are options for the front cover of my magazine. The first font I chose
was called ORIAL. I think this is a good idea for my masthead because it is sans serif but also
has patterns within the text and is therefore attractive. However I feel it is not attractive
enough for it to draw enough people in.

The font next to it is a font called PULSE. I feel this would be a good font to use for my
masthead because it fits in with the hardcore Indie theme and it therefore looks attractive
and will attract the right audience in.

The third font I chose is similar to the first one in the way that it is sans serif but has pattern
within the text and so it is attractive but not enough to stand out against the other minor
sans serif fonts.

The last font I chose is also a good font because it stands out. I feel that it also fits in with
the genre of my magazine and so it will look good and it will draw my audience in. Therefore
i am going to use this font for the heading on my contents and two page spread as i feel it
fits in with the theme and it is also a change.

My first font I am using for my cover lines. This is so they can stand out against the
background because it is a serif font and also so that it does not stand out against the ot her
fonts on the cover that are more important. Therefore, I have made this font stand out
against the images. I will also be using this font for the article names on my two page
spread. I will also be using this font for the pull quotes on my two page spr ead.

My second font I am using for a cover line that is a list of and names. I have made this a
different font because I feel it should stand out against the other cover lines because it is
different. The band names are what can drag the audience in and f eel if they see the names
they can relate to them and so this should be different. I will also be using this font for the
heading on my two page spread.

My third font am using for the slogan below my masthead. I have chosen this font because it
is basic and so it will not be that visible against my masthead when looking at it and so it will
not draw my readers in and therefore is not the main focus. It is also quite a small font and
so again it cannot be seen easily and so it does not take the focus away f rom the more
important parts of the cover. I will also be using this font on the side of my two page spread
in the text ͞Other Albums You May Like͟ as i feel that it is still a basic font and so it will not
be seen from a glance but it still stands against the basic times new roman font in the article

My fourth font i am going to be using for the text above my masthead. This is quite a small
part of the cover and it is not as important and so i have made this the font to use because it
is very basic and so it will not draw attention away from the masthead and therefore will
only be seen when looking at it in detail.

For my two page spread I will be using a basic times new roman font for my article because
this part of the two page spread is not the most important part and so it should not be seen
first and so it will be a boring font in a small black size so that it does not draw attention to
the reader.

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