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Training and Development

“ In future, the success of enterprises ‘ll
depend upon the revolutionary training
and development system in human
resource management.”

“As we live and work in the world of

knowledge and skill, every human
activity need up-to-date knowledge and
required skills to perform it.”
What is training?
Training is basically a systematic procedure for
transferring technical know-how to the
employees so as to increase their knowledge
and skills for doing particular jobs.
Training is the acquisition of technology, which
permits employees to perform their present job
to standards. It improves human performance
on the job the employee is presently doing or is
being hired to do. Also, it is given when new
technology in introduced into the workplace.
Development is any learning activity, which is
directed towards future, needs rather than present
needs, and which is concerned more with career
growth than immediate performance.
• Development is training people to acquire new
horizons, technologies, or viewpoints. It enables
leaders to guide their organizations onto new
expectations by being proactive rather than
reactive. It enables workers to create better
products, faster services, and more competitive
organizations. It is learning for growth of the
individual, but not related to a specific present or
future job
Training, Development, and Education

Education is training people to do a different job.

It is often given to people who have been identified
as being promotable, being considered for a new job
either lateral or upward, or to increase their
potential. Unlike training, which can be fully
evaluated immediately upon the learners returning
to work, education can only be completely evaluated
when the learners move on to their future jobs or
Distinction between Training and Education

The following table draws a distinction between training

and education more clearly.

Training Education
Application Theoretical orientation
Job Experience Classroom learning
Specific Tasks General concepts
Narrow perspective Broad perspective
Distinction between Training and Development

Learning Training Development

Who Non-managers Managers
What Technical Theoretical
Why Specific job General
When Short term Long term
• Training enhances the skills and capabilities
of the individuals in an organization.

• The need for training can be emphasized in

various work situations, such as in harnessing
skills for existing jobs, planning out one’s
future job profile, elevating employees
performance and so on.
• For training to be successful, the employees
have to be convinced of its utility and

• A successful training program improves the

performance of an employee which in turn
enhances organizational performance.

• Training program should attempt to bring

about positive changes in the-knowledge
,skills and attitude of the workforce.
• It depends upon the top management’s
attitude and organizational culture to
make the training programme a success
and contribute to the overall
development of the organization.

• The training and development function

in an organization has gained a lot of
importance due to advancement in
technology and changes in market force.
When does the need for training arise?

• 􀂃 The installation of new equipment or techniques

• 􀂃 A change in working methods or products produced

• 􀂃 A realization that performance is inadequate

• 􀂃 Labour shortage, necessitating the upgrading of some employees

• 􀂃 A desire to reduce the amount of scrap and to improve quality

• 􀂃 An increase in the number of accidents

• 􀂃 Promotion or transfer of individual employees.

• 􀂃 Ensures availability of necessary skills and there could be a pool
of talent from which to promote from .
Training policy………?

Every organization has well established and prescribed

training policy for the training of employees.
• This policy depicts the top management’s philosophy
regarding training of employees.
• This training policy includes the rules and
regulations,procedure,budget,standards and conditions
regarding training.
• This policy depicts the intention of the company to train
and develop its personnel.
• It provide guidelines for training programme.
Trained Top mgt.’s
& Support
Professional and
trainer commitment

Willing methods
Of Of training
training And courses

Venue &
The duration
Including Training of The
feedback and materials
evaluationPosters, pictures
Some important points regarding training….?

• In the organization employee training and development

is essential part of planning activity so that learning
and growth can take place in the organization.

• Employees should get opportunity of training. It

should not be based on favoritism.

• There should be sufficient budget for training and

development programme.
• Its importance should be recognized and never
be underestimated as sheer waste of time.

• The learner should be motivated

• It should be an endless activity for all.

• It should be structured and be managed in such

a way that learning takes place properly.
• It should hold humanistic values. it means it
should not be imposed, not criticized, no
negative reinforcement be give

• it should be participative. participation of

employees should be encouraged in designing
complete training programme because it is a team
work and mutual work can only make it a success.

• It should be evaluated in terms of practicality,

acquiring of skills, usefulness in job, in terms of
cost ,time , in terms of effectiveness and changed
Purpose of training programmes…
1.Improving employee performance-
As it bridges the gap between the actual and
expected performance of the employees.

2.Updating employee skills-to adopt any

technological advances.

3.Avoiding managerial obsolescence

4.Retaining and motivating employees

5.Creating an efficient and effective


6.It helps organization to absorb

changes taking place in the
environment and reduce resistance to
7.Training increases the productivity
and level of performance of

8.It aims to improve the quality of


9.To train employees in a particular

culture of the company.
Importance of training-

• Trained workers can work more efficiently.

• There will be fewer accidents. as training

improves the knowledge of employees regarding
the use of machines and equipments.

• Wastage is eliminated to a large extent as

they use tools, machines in a proper way.
• Training can contribute to higher production,
fewer mistakes, greater job satisfaction and
lower labor turnover.

• It makes the relationship between management

and employee cordial.

• It helps in introducing and adopting latest

technology in order to absorb change.
• Training helps an employee to move from
one organization to another easily. he can
be more mobile and pursue career goals

• Training makes employees more loyal to

an organization. they will be less inclined
to leave the unit where there are growth
opportunities. training enables employees
to secure promotions easily. they can
realize their career goals comfortably.
• Economical supervision-as there is
less requirement for supervision for
trained employees.

• Uniform procedures-with the help

of training the best available methods
can be standardized and made
available to all employees
Disadvantages of training

– 1. Can be a financial drain on resources; expensive

development and testing, expensive to operate?

– 2. Often takes people away from their job for

varying periods of time;

– 3. Equips staff to leave for a better job

-4. Narrow experience

Areas of training-

1. Company policy and procedures

2. Skill based training
3. Human relations training-interpersonal skills,
leadership styles, disciplinary procedure etc.
4. Problem solving training –from simple operational
problems to major decision making problems.
5. Supervisory training-to enable the person to perform
managerial and supervisory functions such as
planning,organising,directing and controlling as
employees move ahead in their career paths to
assume positions of increased responsibility.
Areas of Training

The Areas of Training in which training is offered may be

classified into the following categories:
Here the trainee learns about a set of rules and regulations
about the job, the staff and the products or services
offered by the company. The aim is to make the new
employee fully aware of what goes inside and outside
the company.

Technical Skills
The employee is taught a specific skill (e.g., operating a
machine and handling computer) so that he can acquire
that skill and contribute meaningfully.
Areas of Training Conti.

Social Skills

The employee is made to learn about himself and other, develop a

right mental attitude, towards the job, colleagues and the
company. The principal focus is on teaching the employee how to
be a team member and get ahead.


This involves the application of knowledge and skill to various on-the-

job situations. In addition to improving the skills and knowledge of
employees, training aims at clouding employee attitudes: When
administered properly, a training programme. It will go a long way
in obtaining employee loyalty, support and commitment to
company activities.
Training loses its meaning if the
learning is not applicable at work…..




1. Voluntary consent of participants-they

should not be forced to join these
2. Discrimination-age, gender , race or
related factors should not be used as
barriers to determine who receives
Issues in Employee Training
1. Communications: The increasing diversity of today's workforce
brings a wide variety of languages and customs.

2. Computer skills: Computer skills are becoming a necessity for

conducting administrative and office tasks.

3. Customer service: Increased competition in today's global

marketplace makes it critical that employees understand and meet
the needs of customers.

4. Diversity: Diversity training usually includes explanation about how

people have different perspectives and views, and includes
techniques to value diversity
Issues in Employee Training
5. Ethics: Today's society has increasing expectations about corporate
social responsibility. Also, today's diverse workforce brings a wide
variety of values and morals to the workplace.

6. Human relations: The increased stresses of today's workplace can

include misunderstandings and conflict. Training can people to get
along in the workplace.

7. Quality initiatives: Initiatives such as Total Quality Management,

Quality Circles, benchmarking, etc., require basic training about
quality concepts, guidelines and standards for quality, etc.

8. Safety: Safety training is critical where working with heavy

equipment, hazardous chemicals, repetitive activities, etc., but can
also be useful with practical advice for avoiding assaults, etc.
5.Employee Development

• This future-oriented set of

activities is predominantly
an educational process.
• All employees, regardless
of level, can benefit from
the methods previously
used to develop
managerial personnel.
5.Employee Development

Employee development methods

– Job rotation involves moving
employees to various positions in
the organization to expand their
skills, knowledge and abilities.
– Assistant-to positions allow
employees with potential to work
under and be coached by
successful managers.
6. Employee Development

Employee development methods

– Simulations include case studies, decision
games and role plays and are intended to
improve decision-making.
– Outdoor training typically involves challenges
which teach trainees the importance of
Steps in the Training Process

1. Organizational objectives

2. Assessment of Training needs

3. Establishment of Training goals

4. Devising training programme

5. Implementation of training programme

6. Evaluation of results
Organizational Objectives &
The first step in the training process in an
organization is the assessment of its
objectives and strategies. What business are
we in? At what level of quality do we wish to
provide this product or service? Where do
we want to be in the future? It is only after
answering these related questions that the
organization must assess the strengths and
weaknesses of its human resources.
Needs Assessment

Needs assessment diagnosis present problems

and future challenges to be met through
training and development. Organizations
spend vast sums of money (usually as a
percentage on turnover) on training and
development. Before committing such huge
resources, organizations that implement
training programs without conducting needs
assessment may be making errors. Needs
assessment occurs at two levels- group and
3. Employee Training
Determining Training Needs
Deriving instructional objectives

• These provide the input for designing the

training program as well as for the
measures of success that would help
assessment of it
• Eg After training the employee will be able
to calculate mark on all merchandise
Designing the training program

• who participates in the training

• Who are the trainers ?
• What techniques of training
• What level of learning
• Where the training will be conducted
4. Methods of Employee Training

• On-the-job training methods

– Job Rotation
– Understudy Assignments
– Learning by experience
– Least expensive
– Free from artificial situation
– Not systematically organized
– Employee may lack expertise
Methods of training

• Lectures: verbal presentation, can be used

for large number of people , but low
popularity , one way communication , no
feedback , boring
• Audio Visuals : television, slides, overheads
and films
• On the job training: conducted at work site
Programmed instructions

• Training without intervention of trainer

• Books and aids provided
• After reading the employees answers
questions based on it
Computer Aided Instruction
Simulators: case study, role playing ,
vestibule training
Sensitivity training
• Small no. of trainees 12
• Meet passive trainer and gain insight into their
own and others behaviors
• Held away from workplaces, discussions are held
on why participants behave the way they do,
how they perceive each other , feelings and
• Provides increased awareness about own
behavior and how they are perceived by other,
greater openness, increased tolerance , listening
skills and conflict resolution skills
Learning principles

• Employee motivation
• Recognition of individual differences
• Practice opportunity
• Knowledge of results
• Goals
• Schedule of learning
Conduct of training

• At job itself
• On site but not job
• Off the site
Busy schedule
Availability of trainers
Training evaluation

• Training validity: did they learn

• Transfer validity: was it transferred on job
• Inter organisational validity
Types of training

• Orientation training or induction training-to put

the new recruits at ease and to make him
introduced with key personnel and informed
about company policies, procedures and

• Refresher training
• Job-instruction training-including four
1. Orient trainees to job situation by providing them with
an overview of the job.
2. Demonstrate the entire job
3. Ask trainees to do the job
4. Evaluate employee performance periodically and offer
supplementary training if necessary
• Apprenticeship training-commonly found in
industries such as carpentry and plumbing,
apprentices are trainees here who spend a
prescribed period of time working with an
experienced, master worker.

• Training for promotion

Philosophy of training

Training efforts must invariably follow

certain learning –oriented guidelines-
1. Modeling-the selected model should provide the right
kind of behavior to be copied by others. if we want to
change people, it would be a good idea to have
videotapes of people showing the desired behavior.

2.Motivation-when the employee is motivated, he pays

attention to what is being said, done and presented.
3.Reinforcement –positive reinforcement consists of
rewarding desired behaviours.people avoid certain
behaviors that invite criticism and punishment. learn best if feedback is given as

soon as possible after training as every employee
wants to know what is expected from him and how
well he is doing.

5.Spaced practice-learning takes place easily if the

practice sessions are spread over a period of time.
6.Whole learning-the employees learn better if the
job information is explained as an entire logical
process, so that they can see how the various
actions fit together into the big picture.

7.Applicability of training-training should be as real

as possible so that trainees can successfully
transfer the new knowledge to their jobs.
8.enviornment-it is natural that workers who are
exposed to training in comfortable environments
with adequate ,well spaced rest periods are
more likely to learn than employees whose
training conditions are less than ideal.

Retraining is the process of learning a new

skill or trade, often in response to a
change in the economic environment.
Generally it reflects changes in profession
choice rather than an "upward" movement
in the same
Importance of training objective
• The resources are always limited and training objectives actually
lead the design of training program.
• It provides the clear guidelines and develops the training program
in in less time because objectives focus specifically on needs.
• Training objectives tell the trainee that what is expected out of
him at the end of training program.
• Training objectives are of great significance from a no. of
stakeholders’ perspectives-
1. Trainer
2. Trainee
3. Designer
4. Evaluator
Benefits for Trainees are-
• Helps in reducing the anxiety of the trainee up
to some extent.
• Keep the participants aware of the happenings,
rather than keeping it surprise
• Helps in increase in concentration, which is the
crucial factor to make training successful.
Benefits for trainer-

• Helps the trainer to measure the progress

of trainees and make the required
• Now trainer can establish relationship
between objectives and particular
segments of training.
Benefits for designer
• Being aware of objective, he can design the
training package accordingly.
• Now he can look for training methods, training
equipments and training content accordingly to
achieve that objective. Without any guidance, he
can’t design.
Example-Training objective is to deal effectively
with customers to increase the sales.
Now the designer ‘ll include-ways to improve
interpersonal skills, verbal and non-verbal
language etc.
Benefit for evaluator

• The objective provides him a standard for

evaluation of progress of trainee.
Models of training-
Training is a transforming process that requires some input
and it turn it produce output in the form of knowledge,
skills and attitudes.
The three models of training are-
1. The system model
2. Instructional system development model
3. Transitional model
The system model of training-
It consists of five phases which should be repeated on
a regular basis to make further improvements. the
training should achieve the purpose of helping the
employees to perform their work to required standards.
The steps are-




1. ANALYSE-Analyze and identify the training needs-what do
they need to learn.
2. DESIGN-It requires developing the objective of training,
identifying the learning steps, sequencing and structuring
the contents.
3. DEVELOP-Listing the activities in the training program that
‘ll assist the participants to learn, examining training
material, selecting delivery method, validating information
to be imparted to.
4. EXECUTE-It’s the hardest part of the system because one
wrong step can lead to the failure of whole training
5. EVALUATE-Evaluating each phase to make sure it has
achieved its aim in terms of subsequent work performance.
Instructional system development model

This model was made to answer

the training problems. In it
training objectives are ANALYSIS PLANNING
designed on the basis of job
responsibilities and job
description. And on the basis
of designed objective FEEDBACK
,performance is measured. The
ISD model is a continuous
process that lasts throughout
the training program. This EXECUTION DEVELOPMENT
model comprises of five
1. ANALYSIS-This phase consist of training need
assesment,job analysis and target audience analysis.
2. Planning-This phase consist of setting goal of the
learning,outcome,types of training material, media
selection, methods of evaluating the trainee, trainer and
the training program.
3. DEVELOPMENT-This phase translates design decisions
into training material. it consists of developing course
material, including handouts,workbooks,visual aids etc.
4. EXECUTION-it focuses on logistical arrangements, such
as arranging
speakers,equipments,benches,podiums,food facilities,
cooling lighting ,parking and other training accessories.
5. EVALUATION-evaluating whole process.
Transitional model of training

Transitional model focuses on the

organization as a whole. the other
loop describes the vision, mission and
values of the organization on the
basis of which training model i.e.
inner lop is executed.



1. VISION-It focuses on the milestones that the
organization would like to achieve after the defined
point of time. A vision statement tell that where the
organization sees itself few years down the line.

2. MISSION-explain the reason of organizational

existance.the reason of developing a mission
statement is to motivate, inspire and inform the
employees regarding the organization.

3. VALUES-vision is the translation of vision and mission

into communicable ideals. it reflects the deeply hold
values of the organization. foe example-social
responsibility, excellent customer service

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