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C# with Network Enabled Technology

C#.Net is a modern object oriented programming language. Which introduced by Microsoft
 Very similar to Java because
 70% Java
 10% C++
 5% Visual Basic
 15% new
 C#.Net version is 2.0
 It’s belong to ‘C’ family
 C#.Net is case sensitive
 C# .Net is architecture by HEZLSIBERG
 C#.Net is highly type safe language


Dim sal As Integer
Output: zero
 C#

Int sal
Output : Error

 C#.Net is highly secured

 Every C# program must contain a main() method
 All these statement must be terminated with ;
 C# programs will be executed with the CSC compiler
Structure of C# Program


File F1.cs File F2.cs File F3.cs

Namespace A{…} Namespace B{…} Namespace C{…}

Class x{…} Class x{…} Class x{…}

 If no namespace is specified => anonymous default namespace

 Namespaces may also contain structs, interfaces, delegates and enums
 Namespace may be "reopened" in other files
Predefined DataType in C#.Net
 Integral Data type
 Floating Data Type
 Character Data Type
 Other Data Type

 Integral Data type

 Byte(1B)
 SByte(1B)
 Short(2B)
 UShort(2B)
 Int(4B)
 Uint(4B)
 Long(8B)
 ULong(8B)
Floating Point Character Related Other Data Type
 Float (4B) Char (2B) Bool (1B) (True / False)
 Double (8B) String (16 B to 2 billians) Date(2B) (DD/MM/YYYY)

 Button Click Event

 int sal=10;
 MessageBox.Show(sal.ToString());
 float x = 4.0f;
 MessageBox.Show(x.ToString());
 byte b1 = 1, b2 = 0;
 int c = b1 + b2;
 MessageBox.Show(c.ToString())
 is capable to print only string
 All the value types must be initialize before using
 While initializing float variable , value must be post fixed either with f or F
 EX:
float x=4.0; (Error)
float x=4.0f; (ok)
By default C# treats a number with decimal value as double.
Type Casting

int i=10; --- 4B Short s=10; --2B

Long l=I; (ok) -- 8B Byte b=s; (Error) - 1B

Type casting is the concept of converting one Data Type into another datatype.

C# support two type of TypeCasting

1. Implicit TypeCasting(Convert from Lower to higher, It is under control of CLR)
2. Explicit TypeCasting(Convert from higher to lower, Its under control of
 Four Types
1. C++ style
4.Boxing and UnBoxing

EXAMPLE: (C++ Style of Typecasting)

int i=10;
byte b= (byte) i ;

Draw back of C++ TypeCasting. There is possibility for lossing original data
Working With Parsing
 As per DotNet all predefined data types are predefined structures.
 Structures is a collection of methods (function)

Max value

Data Type

Min value

 Maxvalue return the max capicity and minvalue return min capacity of a datatype.
 Working with parse() is called as parsing.
 Parsing can be used to convert string into another datatypes only
String-- int.Parse()
String-- byte.Parse()
Ex 1: For printing the Limit of datatype


Ex 2: On Parsing:

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

MessageBox.Show(txt1.Text + txt2.Text);
int sal = int.Parse(txt1.Text);
int inc = int.Parse(txt2.Text);
int total = sal + inc;

 Working with Converting:

Converting can be used convert from any datatype into any other datatype.
Methods of Convert Class:
Convert. ToChar(value)

Ex: On_Converting(Button Click Event)

int i = 97;
char c = Convert.ToChar(i);
Boxing and UnBoxing
 Converting value type into reference type is called as boxing.
 Converting reference type into value type is called as unboxing
int i = 10;
object str = i;


 object str = 10;

 int i = (int)str;
 MessageBox.Show(i.ToString());
Working With Condition Statement
 Sytax for IF Condition
Statement 1;
Statement 2;
if (condition)
Statement 1;
Statement 2;
Statement 1;
Statement 1;
Example On If Condition:
 A program to compare two number (i,j), If “i” is greater means display from back
color with green otherwise BGcolor with red color.
 Code for button click event

int i = 10, j = 5;
if (i > j)
this.BackColor = Color.Green;
this.BackColor = Color.Red;

 CLR creates one object to form automatically at runtime with the name “this”.
 This is a keyword.
 C# Contains around 61 keywords.
Working With Switch
Switch(var) int i = int.Parse(textBox1.Text);
switch (i)
{ {
case 1:
Case 1: {
this.BackColor = Color.Red;
---------; break;
break; }
case 2:
Case 2: {
ColorDialog cd = new ColorDialog();
---------; cd.ShowDialog();
break; this.BackColor = cd.Color;
default: }
case 3:
----------; {
break; break;
} }
MessageBox.Show("Enter 1,2 (or) 3");
 Application is a predefined class , which is used to terminate a project or Execute a

Loops are execute a set of statement repeatedly based on a condition.


For While Do_While

for(intialization; condition; ++/--;) While(condition) do

{ {
---------; ------;
---------; ------;
} }
FOR LOOP (A Program to print from A to Z)
 Ex1:
for (int i = 65; i <= 90; i++)
char c = Convert.ToChar(i);

 Ex2:
int x = 10;
for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
TextBox t = new TextBox();
t.Location = new Point(100, x);
x = x + 30;
 Suntax
foreach(object in collection)
Collection is a group of similar type of objects.
place n textboxes and buttons on the form, when clicked on a button change all textbox
backcolor to green.

Code for Button Click Event:

foreach (Control c in this.Controls)
string s = c.GetType().Name;
if (s == "TextBox")
c.BackColor = Color.Green;
Working With Array:
 Array is a collection of similar DataType
 Array will be stored in continuous memory.

10 20 30 40 50
 x[0] x[1]- - - -

Subscription Index
 Array says same name with different Index no
- Always index start from zero.
- Arrays are belongs to reference type.
- As per DotNet array are instance of the predefined class called as
- C# support three types of Array.
1. One Dimensional Array.
2 Two Dimensional Array.
3. Jagged Array.
Working With One Dimentional Array:
 Syntax:
int[] x = new int[size];
 Ex:
int[] x = new int[5];
 Above statements creates five elements from x[0],x[1],x[2],- - - x[4];
 Arrays holds default value

 Syntax to Initialize Array:

int x = new int[] {10,20,30};

 Note:
 While initializing array size is not recommended to specifiy
Button Click Event:
 int[] x = new int[3] ;
for (int i = 0; i < x.Length ; i++)
Integral default value is Zero.
Floating Default Value is Zero.
Bool default value is false.
Char default value is Null.
DateTime default value is -1/1/0001 12:00:00AM
 Ex2:( A program to display the spelling of a given number(1 to 999)
Form Design

TextBox 1

TextBox 2

Button 1
Code For Button1_Click()
String[] ones = new string[] { "one", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five",
"Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten", "Elevn", "Twelve",
"Thirteen", "Fourteen", "Fifteen", "Sixteen", "Seventeen", "Eighteen",
"Nineteen" };

String[] tens = new string[] { "Ten", "Twenty", "Thirty", "Fourty",

"Fifty", "Sixty", "Seventy", "Eighty", "Ninty" };
int n, i;
string result = " ";
n = int.Parse(textBox1.Text);
if (n > 99 && n < 1000)
i = n / 100;
result = ones[i - 1] + "hundred";
n = n % 100;
if (n > 19 && n < 100)
i = n / 10;
result = result + tens[i - 1] + "";
n = n % 10;
if (n < 20 && n > 0)
result = result + ones[n - 1];
textBox2.Text = result;

Working With Multi_D Arrays:
x 0 1 2

0 Size : 3x3

x.getlength(0) -- Rows

x.getlength(1) -- Columns
1. Arranging a set of values in rows and columns is called as Multi_D Arrays.
2. Every array contains size which will be written as (no.of .rows x no.of.columns).
3. Every rows must contains same no.of .elements.
4. Every columns must contain same no.of.elements.
4. Syntax to declare:
1_D int[] x = new int[5]
2_D int[,] x = new int[5,5]
3_D int[, ,] x = new int[5,5,5 ]

5. In C# There is no limits for no.of.elements, where as VB.Net support only 32


6. Syntax to Initialize 2D Arrays:

int[,] x = new int[,]

Ex: 2D Arrays:
Code for Button Click Event:
int[,] x = new int[,]
MessageBox.Show("Total: " + x.Length.ToString());
MessageBox.Show("Rows: " + x.GetLength(0).ToString());
MessageBox.Show("Columns: " + x.GetLength(1).ToString());
String s = "";
for (int r = 0; r < x.GetLength(0); r++)
for (int c = 0; c < x.GetLength(1); c++)
s = s + " " + x[r, c].ToString();
s = s + "\n";
Jagged Array (JA):
 Jagged Array (JA) is also called as dynamic array.
 JA is also called as array of arrays.
 JA array saves memory.
 JA are faster in Data accessing.
 In JA , each and every row may have discreate no.of.elements

 Syntax to declar JA
int[ ] [ ] x = new int[rows] [ ];
x[0] = new [ ] {1,2,3,4};
x[1] = new [ ] {5,6,7};
x[2] = new [ ] {8,9};
Example For Jagged Array
int[][] x = new int[3][];
x[0] = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
x[1] = new int[] { 5, 6, 7 };
x[2] = new int[] { 8, 9 };
string s = "";
for (int i = 0; i < x.GetLength(0); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < x[i].Length; j++)
s = s + " " + x[i][j].ToString();
s = s + "\n";


Enum is a keyword.
Enum is a collection of integer constant.
Float values are not allowed in Enum.
By using integer constant can be maintain easily.

Enum <name>
value 1;
value 2;
value 3;
Value n
 Enum must be declare in general Declaration Area.

 Example For Enum:

namespace Enum1
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
enum GPT
ne = 21,
rel = 27,
fr = 12
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

int i, j, k;
i = (int);
j = (int)GPT.rel;
k = (int);
MessageBox.Show(i.ToString() + " " + j.ToString() + " " + k.ToString());

Example For Enum Array

OOPS Language:
 In 1983 ANSI (American National Standard Institute) to introduce a new concept is
called as oops concept.
 If a language follow these oops concept ,then it is called as OOPL (Object Oriented
Programming Language


 1. Main() PROBLEM:
{ (No boundaries for Datatype
int sal = 400000; practically)
 2. Main( ) PROBLEM:
{ (No proper machanism for
int I = 500 * 500/500; calculation)

3. Long sa = 5000; PROBLEM:

Main( ) { } ( No security for data)
f1( ) { }
f2( ) { }
f3 ( )
long scale = 500000;
sal = sale+sale;
 To overcome above problems, ANSI defined a set of rules called as OOPS,
 When a Language follows these rules,then it is called as OOPL


 When ever a Language supports following rules then it is called as OOPL.

 Encapsulation
 Abstraction
 Polymorphism
 Inheritance
 Encapsulation:
It is a concept of data hiding

 Abstraction:
Providing full information about an entity

 Polymorphism:
Writing more then one function .Polymorphism is a concept of providing many
functionality with single name.

 Inheritance:
It is a concept of deriving the features from one class into another class.

 C++ (It support above 4 concept but partial)

 VB.Net (It support above 4 concept but partial because, “MsgBox” It is not a class
and object)
 C#.Net (It support full concept of oops, so it is a pure OOPL)
 ASP.Net (It is an object oriented serverside specification. To support above four
rules class and object are required)

 What is a Class?
 General:
Class is a logical representation of a physical Entity.
 DotNet:
Class is a collection of fields, properties, methods and event.

1. Primary data of a class is called as fields.

2. Properties defined a shape of an objects.
3. Methods - what an object can do.
4. Event - what user can dowith an object.
5. Instance of a class is called an objects.

Default value is zero

 Class <class _Name>
private int x,y;
Field (reference variable)
private string s;
public void print ( )
{ No default value
int i;
} Value type

 <class_Name> obj = new < class-Name > ( );

 Example 1:
class sample
{ General declaration
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
sample s = new sample();
 In C# by default every class with the inherited from system.object class
 GetType -- It provides meta data of an object.
 GetHashCode -- Starting reference in Heap memory
 Equals -- For comparing two objects.
 ToString -- Convert into tostring
 After property name “{“ is not required.
 After method name “( )” is required.
 Class with method and fields:
Private int i;
Private void mint( )
Test t = new test( )

 Object can access public data and object can not access private data, it is called

 Example:
 Code for GD:
Class test
Private int i,j;
public void read(int x,int y)
public void prin()
int k=i+j;

Code for button click:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
test t1 = new test();
test t2 = new test();, 6);
t2 = t1; t1.prin(); t2.prin(); }
 Object is also called instance variable
 For every object ,a separate set of instance variable will be created. And a variable
is under control of object , then it is called object variable.
 One object can be assigned to another object provided both must be same type.

 Using “THIS” keyword:

 This is a predefined keyword which is under control of CLR.
 This keyword works like an object for current class.
 When instance variable and local variable names are same ,then by default priority
will given local variables.
 If the name are different then this keyword is optional.

 Example

Code for GD:

Class emp
Private int sal = 5000;
public void increment(int sal)
this.sal = this.sal + sal;
public void print()
MessageBox.Show("Total : " + sal.ToString());

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

emp t = new emp();
 Passing Parameter to a Function:
 In C# parameter can be passed in three ways
1. Pass by value [call by value]
2. Pass by ref [call by ref]
3. Pass by out [call by out]
 Example:
class test
public void add(int x)
x = x + x; Formal Argument

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

test t = new test();
int sal = 5000;
t.add(ref sal);
 When formal args are modified ,if modification are reflected on actual args then the
concept is called as pass by references.
 When formal args are modified , if modifications are not reflected on actual args
then the concept is called as pass by value.
 By default all the variable will be passed by values
 “Ref” is a keyword.
 To pass a variable by reference, “ref” keyword is required.
 “Ref” keyword must be used along with actual and formal args.
 Ref variable must be initialize before passing.

 Example:

class test
public void swap(int x, ref int y)
int t = x;
x = y;
y = t;

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int a = 10, b = 20;
test t = new test();
t.swap(a, ref b);
MessageBox.Show(a.ToString() + " " + b.ToString());

 Pass By Out:
 Out is a keyword .
 Out keyword must be used along with actual and formal args.
 Out is 99% same as ref.
 Out = ref – initialization.
 Summary:
 Call by value : value will be passed not address.
 Call by reference : Address and value will be passed.
 Call by out : only address will be passed.
 Example:

class test
public void add(int x, int y, out int z)
z = x + y;

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

int a = 10, b = 20, c;
test t = new test();
t.add(a, b, out c);

 Note:
 One function can have any number of out parameters as well as ref parameters.

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