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Hy pe rbolei sus e dhe r

e‘ mus ts eenow’
Eachcov erl i
neont hema ga z
ineisi nf actna medr op- Thema s
the adofthema ga
z i
neisinabol dfontint hetopl e ha nd l eadst hea udie nc et ot hinkt he ywi llbe
pingma nyot he rba ndsa nda rs tswi thi nthe corner
. Thephot ographisov e
rlappingthema sthea dwhi chme ans mi ssingouti fthe ydonotbuy . I
twi ll
ndie/alternav eg enre .Thea ffectoft hisisthatthe noa e n oni sdr a
wna wa yfromt hepi c
t ure.Thisissome thi
ngt hat mos tlikel
yha vebe e nf eatur es ome whe r
ma ga
zine sg ivesofft ha titha sg ainedi nformaon wouldbea bletoc at
chabuy er
’sa e n onwhe ns tockedons helv es. else p r
e vi
o usly, bu th ow ev er to t
h e audi-
aboutbi gsta rst hatthea udi encewa ntt ohe arabout.T heredma yinflue ncethea udiencetot hinkitisac la
ssy, fri
endl y enc et hiswoul ds e emne wa nde x cing .
or et hiswi l
lha veinflue nceonapur chase. ma gaz
ine .I
tdoe snotfoll
owt he3c ol
ourpa l
e eduet oi tsc kingt o T her he t
or i
ca lque son‘ Who’ sne xt?’is
thetradema rklogoa ndcolours.Thec onnot aonsoft hena me some thingt ha tpus hest her eade rtobuy

S pi
n’isCD’sa ndRe cor
dswhi chma kesthes ubjectofthema g azine t hema gazine .S i
mpl yfort hef actthe y
.Alsothe‘ Spi
n’ma yber elangt ot hewa ythatmus icne wsi s w an tto kn ow the a nsw er a s t
o w h oa re
Gr ey,bl acka ndbl uewhi chf ollows goingroundi ncircl
esande a c
hmont hthema ga zi
neha shol dof thene wbi gba ndsi nmus i
c .
the3c olourpa l
ee .Theg reys c al
e ne wmus icinfor
Thec entra lima gei sac loseupofP e teDohe rtya ninte r
phot owhi c
hi st akingupt hema in
naona lmus icsupe rstarwhi chs traighta wa ys t
at esthe
cov eroft hema ga zinee mpha sises
ge nret ha tthema gazinei slikelyt owi t hhol d.T hephot o
thef ac ttha tthe yma ybeaphot o
si nbl acka ndwhi tewhi chma yi nflue ncet hea udi ence
shooti nsidewhi chha stake npl ace
tot hinkt hemus iciss l
ightlyindi e ,rock yora lternav e
wi t
ht hec ha racter.Al s
ot het ypeof
be caus eoft heda rkc olour s.Hei ss ma r t
lydr essedwhi ch
mus icma ybebe inge xpressed
ma yimpl yt hemus i
cha sclass ye leme ntsa ndi nfor mt he
throug ht hec olourg reyanda lsot hat
audi enc eoft hes tyl
eofa rs tst he yc ane x pe cttos ee .
thec ha r
a ct
e rmi ghtbeabi tofa n
Thea llblackc l
othingma yc onnot et hea rs tbe i

indies upe rstar’.Thema inbul kof
moodyorha v i
ngada rkpe rsona l
ity.Thepos eoft he
thewr ingi si nbla ckwhi chs ta nds
cha racters ee msa sifhei spul l
ingav eryc a refreee xpres-
outa ndi sa blet obee a s
yr ea d. This
sionwhi chma yber epre s
e n ngt hec onfide ncet hathe
colourc onnot e stheda rkne ssoft he
ha swi thinhi smus ic.Ont heot he rha nds omema ys ee
mus ici nsideonc ea gai
n. Lastlyt he
thisa s“ cool”or“ aspiraona l”pos ewhi chma ya ppe arto
bluei sac olourwhi c hstandsout
thet ee na geory ounga dul taudi e nce .Ifthisi sthec ase,i
fromt heg r
e ya ndbl acksoi ssome -
woul di nflue ncea na udienc et oma keapur cha seont he
thingt hatise yec a tchi
ngonas he l
ma gazine .

Betwe en10t o15l ayershavebe enus ed.Duet o Thet ypeofl ang uag euse dont hec ove rhasaf a i
theba ckgrounda ppearingtobeas ceneshotof regi
s ter
.Italsoha sat onewhi c
hi ss hort,snappya ndto
thepicturethisstopsthec overfroml ooki
ngt o thepoi nt.Thisa l
lowst hea udienc etounde rst
a ndwha t
busy.Thisisana dvantagea senoug hinfor
maon i
sg oingt obef e at
ur edinside.Thisimpl iesthatt he
sbe ingdisplayedtos el
l t
hema g
a zi
ne.Ont he ma ga z
ineisa i
mi nga tas pe c
ifica udienc ethatha vea
otherha nditisnotov erpowe r
ingwi thinf
orma - tas
tei sindie/alternav emus ic
. Thef onts i
zeont he
onwhi chinsomec a
se sma yturna naudience ma ga z
inev ari
e sde pendingont heimpor t
a nceoft he
awa yfr
ombuy ingama gazi
ne .I
tma ybet hec as
e cove rl
ine. F
ore xample‘ WhyP e teDohe rt
yMa e rs’i
estot hemus ic,whichisthatitis i
nt hel argestfont, duetoi tbeingt hema i
ns toryt he
notov erpowe r
ing,butde li
versusingthecor r
ect ma ga z
inea r
ef e at
ur i
ngt hatwe e k
. Alsothet hiswoul d
bet hehi ghests el
lingpointfort hema gazine.

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