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Harris Academy South Norwood

Short Term Planning Template: Weekly Overview (3 lessons)

Subject Area: History Half Term: 2 Week Beginning: 8 Class: Year 7

Title:“How did William successfully control this island?” 3 lessons

Differentiation Weekly Learning Objectives Weekly Learning Outcomes Resources

(NC Range)
Students will have an understanding
that William had to fight to control the
rest of England.
Study and complete W/S#8 ‘1066 – Just the
Begin questions 1-3 on page 23.
“Invasion, Plague and
Murder” (Wilkes)

Worksheets 8, 9, 10, 13
They will understand the types of Complete tasks 1-2 on p25 and draw up a short-list
defensive features developed in castle of requirements for a new stone castle.
2-3 building.
Write some sentences explaining their answers to
They will understand what the Domesday questions 1-5 on page 31.
Book was and how important it was
as evidence of Norman England.
“Invasion, Plague and
(NC Range)
Above and understand where the main
areas of difficulty for William lay.
Study and complete W/S#8 ‘1066 – Just the
Attempt questions 1-3 on page 23.
Murder” (Wilkes)

Worksheets 8, 9, 10, 13
Above and appreciate the problems in
creating an impenetrable castle. Above and order the features needed for a
3-4 Above and understand how the
successful castle.

Domesday Book helped William to record Above and write some paragraphs explaining their
and tax the people of England. answers to
questions 1-5 on page 31.

“Invasion, Plague and

(NC Range)
Above and understand some of the plans Study and complete W/S#8 ‘1066 – Just the
William had to make in order to conquer Beginning?’
and control England. Complete questions 1-3 on page 23.
Murder” (Wilkes)

Worksheets 8, 9, 10, 13
Above and solve problems and come Above and explain their ranking choice in a
4-5 up with an enterprising plan for a castle. presentation to the class.

Above and understand the reactions of Complete all questions 1-5 on page 31.
some of the people to the authoritarian
measures taken in 1085.
Suggested Learning and Teaching Ideas
Starter Development Plenary Assessment
Extract about Harrying of the Read, begin and complete exercises in Presentations of castle
North or Hereward the Wake “Invasion, Plague and Murder” building plans.

Pictures of Norman castles

Extract from local entry in

Domesday Book.

Resources Homework
“Invasion, Plague and Murder” (Wilkes)
• “How did William control England?” pp22-23 W/S # 13 following the Domesday Book lesson.
• “Stone Castles” pp24-25
• “How did the Domesday Book….” Pp30-31

Cross Curricular Checklist (in relation to 6 week overview)

Lit √ Num √ ICT √ Ent/WRL PHSEE √ Citizenship √ VAK √

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