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For my front cover and contents page, I am going to use red and black as the main colours as this is
the colour scheme that the target audience wanted most from the results of my survey, and also it is
the colour scheme most associated with music magazines of an indie genre. The masthead will be in
red, as will some of the cover lines, but the majority of the cover lines will be black. To ensure that
the black text on the cover doesn’t get boring, I will make the fonts different sizes and use different
formatting. The clothes of the artists in the picture will also be black, and the background of the
picture will be white to make sure this stands out. The cover lines that are in red will be the
coverlines that I’d like the target audience to see first, so I will make sure these cover lines stand out
most. For the contents page, I will have the contents of the magazine listed in a black font, and have
the page number in a slightly bolder font as this is what the indie magazines I have researched did.
The titles of the contents page will be in red so they are in contrast to the actual contents and
people don’t get confused. The band index will also have a black font, but this will be regular and not
bold, as well as very small.

For the double page spread, I am going to use blue and black for my colour scheme as I would like to
change things round and not keep them the same throughout the whole magazine as this could get
boring. However, I am still keeping black as I think this is the best colour at making things stand out
as it is so bold. I will use a black font throughout the article on the double page spread, and will use
blue as the colour of the title of the story. I feel that blue will make the article stand out, especially
when against white, which will be the colour of the background as it will make the article clear. For
quotes, I will use a lighter blue to emphasise the blue colour scheme.

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