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One way in which our music video uses the normal

conventions associated with Hip-hop music is that it

uses the stereo-typical Hip-Hop clothing. We had to do
this to help show which genre of music our music video
is in, and if the artist was dressed ‘indie’ in the music
video it would have been confusing and strange to
watch. This helps to show authenticity because that’s
how a real hip-hop artist would dress. We used a
variety of urban clothing to stress the point that it is a
hip-hop artist, even though the song has a dance beat
to it. I think is effective and was persistent throughout
the entire music video.

Here is another example of how we used urban

clothing to convey the message that our music video
was associated with hip-hop. Although Nike is quite a
universal brand, it is becoming more and more
associated with Hip-hop music and more Hip-hop
artists are wearing the brand more and more. This is
why we chose to include these shoes in our music
video and again helps to add authenticity to our music
video. The other shoes could all be associated with Hip-
hop music. We didn’t use any inappropriate clothing,
and used brands such as crooks and castles, Alife etc.
Luckily the genre we chose is the one that we had lots
of clothing for and Arran was able to get his clothing
that fitted Josh to wear in the video.

Another way we used normal conventions was by using

an artist that looks like he could actually be a hip-hop
artist. We had to use someone who could actually be
associated with the hip-hop scene. We chose Josh
because he has some features similar to real hip-hop
artists, such as a shaved head similar to an artist such
as Drake (a hip-hop artist), and he was a stereo-typical
hip-hop artist due to hip-hop artist because they are
generally African-American, and he looks similar to this
profile. He also generally looks like if he was an artist,
he would be a hip-hop artist. If we had used someone
that did not look like they could have been associated
with hip-hop music then our video would have
definitely looked in-appropriate.
Also we used a common normal convention with all
music video’s but is especially common in hip-hop
music video’s which is have a narrative all the way
through the entire video. We noticed through our
research that practically all hip-hop music video’s use
this convention and applied it to our music video. The
narrative is especially appropriate with this song
because it helps to emphasise how the artist is feeling,
and I think Josh does a good job at this which helps
with regards to connecting with the audience.

One way in which we challenged the normal

conventions of Hip-hop was by putting signed shirts in
the mis-en-scene. This is challenging the normal
conventions because Hip-hop is American and they
don’t really have any English things in their music
videos. Therefore we decided to challenge this
convention and put a signed and glassed Celtic shirt
and Arsenal shirt in the background. I think this creates
our own dynamic spin on our music video, and shows
that we thought about how to be a bit different and
not stay too in line with every other Hip-hop music
video and add our own feel to it.

This is another way in which we have challenged the

normal conventions of Hip-Hop music. This effect of
using the scrabble pieces is more associated with Indie
or alternative music videos than on Hip-hop videos.

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