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Vol. 6 No. 2 Civic Assoc. at the R oslyn Country Club. Inc. February. 195 5


The King is dead! Long live the NEW PRESIDENT
king! nd th~ ne,\· king of the RCC
C1vic A socialion i that ever- 1niling
hab) kis ing politician, .__ an1 Perlin~ who
rolled up the higgest vote in the e part
ince 1954.

The full .. late of officers elected at

the ]anuar) 26 1neeling folio\\ :
President . .. ..................... . . a In 'P erlin
Vice-Prc~iclenl .. . .. . ... .. . Gloria Ro . . en
Hec. Sccretar) .. .... lVIargueriLc Fello'
Corr . . . ecretar\• ................ Lu ·ille Ylo
Treasure r ...... .. ........ H en r) Coharl
. ergeant-At-Anns ...... .Je c Frankfort
Building & Grounds .... Leo I ornblath
POL -"l l{OlD b) Tod GiuleJon
Coop. Purchasing ....... .... .. \lax ~I iller
Country Club .................. Dic'k Gurian Sam Perlin
., tertauunen
1~n . •

H 11e) K oetng
t .. . . . .. . .. .. .. .. ...~·I .
Finance . .. .. .. . ...... ... . . . 1\'lorl ., haine. : -- l iRR GEN. M GR. VISITS
I lobby .. .. .. ... .. ...... ... ~ atnona heppard A lBERTSON STAT ION
Legal . . .. . .. . .. . .. ..... . .. ... . .. . . . Tony W olfcrt Charle Cor hen' p er erverence in
Ietnber. hip .... .... ... .. . Zang,vill Golobe pur uing hi, que . t for 1 tle r ._Lalion
Publications .. . .. . ... .. . .. .. Ever tt Gellert condition paid off for our COlntnunity
Pub. Health __ })r. Ho'~Tard Crindlinger '"'he n none other than Tho1na Good-
Public . afet)• .............. I-Iarr'• Ilolztnau fcllo"·: Gen ral Manager of th e L.I.R.R.
School ... .. .. .. .. .. . .. . ... ... Boh . , alisbur) called and arranged to tueel hitn at the
'franspor La t.1011 . . . . . .. .. ... .. . . .. ~ H·I Kr1'tz1cr AJhertson s tation to di cu the situa-
tion. id KritzleL our 11 \V Transpor-
Our ne\v Pre ~ iclent i one of the conl- tation Chairn1an., aJ o \\a lo hav e been
nlunit) ".. ' oldest inhabitant . ., .. arriving on hand but "a, ill at the tirne.
here hack in ~50. Hi ... " ri [e .. ue. on 1\lbertson i lhe econd or third lar-
leYe ( 14) and daughter ~Ja'\.ine ( 16 ) g . . l -- tation on the Oyster Ba) line with
co·m prisc the rest of the fanriJy. an1 n1orc than 800 con1n1uoLer , and is de-
L kno'A·n to practi'c ally e'er) one h e re . . ~rving of conunensurat Lrea ln1ent;
f or his n1en1o rable p e rfo rrnances in said i\Ir. Cooclf llo\\. _ "" a result of the
each one of the Le,·ittie sho\'\ . Tho e 1nee ting '' hich la ted n1ore than an
,,. ho are clo e to hin1 feel h e i adtnir- hour and a half on alurda) ~ Febru-
ably sui ted for his n e \\ offi ce- becau'"e ar). 5th . Cor hen sa\ s \Ve "ill~ , -- oon Le
he con1hines the quality of leader hip

furnished wilh follow-ing additional fac-

and a patient d i position. ilities .•
(Cont . on Pagl: 3) (Cont. on Pa~;e 2)
the rancher LIRR
Official Publication of the (Cont. /ron~ Page 1 )
Roslyn Country Club Civic Ass'n l. An additional shelter ''ill he pro-
14 Pasture Lzne ' ided on the Westbound . _ ide of the
Roslyn Heights, L. I. tracks as oon a v.:ealher pennits.
Tel. Roslyn 3-5962
2. A shelter ''ill al o l c built on the
Editor Ea tbound ide of the tra ·k .
EVEI{ETT GELLERT 3. l\lr. H. A. Weiss~ Pa enger AgenL
is no\v working on arrangetnents :for
selling tickets at Albertson. It is pres-
e ntly conten1plated that there be a tic-
31 Sycamore lane
ket agent at 1\lbert on at J a t Monda)
Tel. Roslyn 3-4819

Advertising rates given upon request 4. All shelters 'vill he fini hed neat-
1) and painted: and the general appear-
ance of the tation will he i1nproved.
Let's fight City Halll 5. The ticket agent \vill be housed
The 1955 chapter of the Civic ""'so- eith er in a ... helter on th e Ea thound
ciation i \\rell under '''a) and ) our ide of the track or a nearby tore.
nevr of ficrr aud connni lleetnen ha\ e 6. A su gge tion that Lhere be a "'-ind-
already gotten together to plan for the break '-vith an overhead on the plat-
good and welfare of our con11nunity. fornl '.Yill be given ''serious consider-
This should bring a 1-\ra nn and cozy ation".
feeling to e\ ery local burgher but un- 7. All fund for grade cro sing in1-
fortunate!) it ·w ill acco1nplish nothing proYeinent for 1955 ha\e already been
unless the e 'olunteers have the coop- a1located. ln1pro' en1ent of the safet)
eration and support of the entire conl- precaution at Albertson i being placed
nlunit). on the 1956 program. Gate "'ill be in-
The coop ration required i Ininitnal. tailed in 1956 unle s~ in the n1eantin1e~
All \Ve a k i... that you join the CA and greater needs develop el e\\rhere. ,
atlend n1eeting ,,..hen po sible . This is l\Ir. Goodfello'" al o ou Ll in eel son1e
one of the 1nost lucrative inves.t lnent of his plan for in1pro' ing Railroad
you can Jnake. If you have any doubts ervice, including the scheduling of ad-
jus t figure up the a1nounl of n1oncy ditional trains. At the co nc lusion of
you ha e invested in your Countr) the conference.. Mr. Cor ben expressed
Club e late . Then decide for ) our elf this con11nuni t) ' apprecialiou to Mr.
"hethcr it 1nerits another ~,"5 .00 per Goodfello"T for the latter" .. con tructive
year and 55 rninutes e'\-ery o ther 1nonth. approach to the Albert on station prob-
lenl. (And \Ve thank you'l Charlie.)
Nassau i one of the fa test gro\\l ing Photo by Ricb,trd CorbMJ-
areas in Atnerica and our problen1
keep pace '' ith the de\ elop1nent. ~ e
refer to "' uch things as the local chool
"'ituation ~ police protection· traffic con-
ditions; ta:x. a sessments and a dozen
other things that co1nplicate suburban ::::i::: :::): ...·
Hfe . As an individual yo u are power- ,. :·

le to deal with these situations. You

are all fa1niliar \vith the expre ion 'GO
FIGI-IT CIT\ HALL' . tr ong .. alert
and vocal CA can make Cit Hall it
up and \\·hislle Dixie. 1oin the CA and
tnake sure )'o ur neighbor do the same.
end ) our check for 5.00 to 1ne at 7!1
I-la) loft Lane. Phone i RO 3-6638. Goodfellow and Corben looking
Zan~tuill Golobe over Albertson Station
The Presidenf S lnnaugural Address
Neig hbors, Friends, I take t his t ime Don't fret, we' ll shortly make it
To greet you, o ne and all, in rhyme right.
To tell you I appreciate We vow he' ll stop the frightful din,
Your granting of this lofty state Or we shall bark right back at him.
To me, who althoug h undeserving Should your offspring get blase
Will try to make it up by serving With all the goodies thrown his
Where opportunity's presented . way
I' ll run, if need be, like demented To us your heavy problem bring,
To do a favor, right or wrong, We suffer from the same darn
Fix your golf swing, sing a song. thing.
If a road sign should annoy, In short whatever bothers you,
Ou r offices we will employ Come to us - we' ll prove true blue.
To change it, or if it seems fit While cares we won't alleviate,
Entirely do away with it. Be sure that we'll commiserate.
If a dog should bark at night OLIVER WENDELL (Sam) PERLIN


(Cont. frorrt Page 1 )
In an exclusive inlervie'v with the
Editor of the RA CHER, San1 outlined We do not believe thi appeal b .
parl of his program (or the con1ing Sa1nona Sheppard, our new l{obby
)ear. "We will } e concerned v:ith Jnak- Chairn1an, vvill go unheeded. he i
ing the Associatj on 1nore interesting to ti·iving to organize a corp of workers
every member and to supply so n1any an1ong the adults in our co1nmunity
advantages for joining that it will1nake in order to develop a progra1n that will
n1en1bership a "good buy" to the n1ost interest our Teen-Agers.
economy-n1inded person. 'Irs. Sheppard asks :
'Just a getting behind a stock sends
the price up, getting behind the Civic "Would you like to do
Association sends its value up. More to help our Teen-Agers develop a rec-
1nenibers and better attendance at nleet- reation program to fill lheir leisure
ings will give us n1ore power in deal- Litne constructively? WouJd you 11 ke to
ing with problen1s that have polilical see our con1n1unity offer a fulJ Adult
overtones. We urge each n1e1nber to recrea t1 on progra1n?
get his neighbors to join the Associa-
tion . I am sure he won't regret it." Do you ha e a hobby you would like
lo pur ue with interested friends and
Please Answer Questionnaire neighbors? Would you like to form a
Included in this issue of the Guitar and Folk ong cla ? A quare
RANCHER, you will find a "1"'ele- Dance Group? A Ca1nera Club? A
phone Questionnaire Forn1' . This in- Ma1nbo class? A Chess Club?
forn1alion is needed to Jnake suTe
your listing is correct in the 1955 "We all know you are interested in
H.ANCHER l'elephone Directory. n1aking our comrnunity a happier,
E en j f your listing is accurate in healthier place for our outh, as well
the current Directory, please return as for Adulls. I-Ielp 1nake it so b join-
the filled-out forn1 as this i the only ing the Hobb Con11nittee. Call an1ona
way we have of knowing that our in- heppard RO 3-6515. Thank you very
formation is up-to-date. 1nuch."
by Leo Kornbluth
j\f r. Korn lJlalh i.\ an architect associated &'(
w it h l it e ·w ell-kn ow finn of 1\forri Lapidus, MORT LAWRENCE.
J\ cw Y o 1k. H e It as JUSt been aj)poinl ed
Cluzirman of th e Buildings & Grounds Co1n-
That old devil Thern1ostat!! Raise S HE HAS NOTH\NG- TO WEAR')
it? Lower it? Leave it alone? There t. SOTOLD HER TO Go
. _ ee1ns to be a general misconception o~ SHOPPING- ---BUT tT
of the value and use of the ho1ne ther- ~ SEEMS 51-\E HA~ NOn-\IN
Jnostal a a control for our heating
) ten1 especially if you are of the opin-
ion that setting it for 80° gives you FOR SOMETHING- TO WEAR/
111 ore heal than a 75 ° etting. The basic
component of a radiant heating sys-
tetn are: the Boiler I or heating water;
the Pu1np which pushes the water
around the coiL~ and the Thermostat
which controls the pun1p operation. report indicates a cold snap, raise the
Throughout the year the boiler Inain· thermostat above the existing temper-
tains hot water. In n1ild weather, this ature which in turn will start the pump
hot ''\ ater heals an additional coil of working and heat the floor ready to
hot \'Vater for domesti'c purposes and in heat your horne when necessaTy. rfhis
cold "eather provide a ource of sup- also \Vorks the san1e in rever e.
ply for heating in addition to its other P. S. For those who care to spend
use. The te1nperature of this boiler wa- $400~, there is an electronic outdoor
ter is regulated by a high and low lin1it thermostat which does this for )' ou.
"aquaslat'' within the unit, and once
initially set is norn1ally never changed. VOTE LEVITTIES PROFIT
The ther1nostat., on the other hand, de- TO CHILD GUIDANCE ASSN.
tertnines the room te1nperature de- After a good deal of discussion, both
sired. Therefore setting the thermostat at the last Board of Directors n1eeting
at 72° doe nol 1nean that thi temper- and at the January 26th n1en1bership
ature will be n1aintained in the hon1e 1neeting, it was decided that the profit
at all tin1e . It tnerely starts the pun1p froJn this year's Levitties will be turned
operating \vhen the temperature falls o\Jer to the North Shore Child Guid-
helo'" the desired setting. When there ance Association. The n1otion "'a spon-
is a rapid tern perature drop outdoors sored by Mr. Dave Bland who spoke
and the indoor Len1perature drops be- earnestly in support of the need for
lo\V 72° the thennostat starts the pump the work this organization does. Al-
operating~ but it takes approximately though till quite ne\v, it i already
3 to 4 hours for the concrete slab to swan1ped ·w-ith applications by Ia1nilie
heat up and becotne effective. It is dur- of children \vith psychological eli turb-
ing this "time lag" period that the ances. It is important for this colnmil-
ten1perature 1na) continue to fall in- tee to get as 1nuch support a po ible
doors. Conversely, if there is a rapid at this time in order to obtain New
increa e in outdoor ternperalure., the York Stale's financial support later. It
concrete lab continues to give off heat is considered a very worthy and much
regardles of the fact that the therino- needed cause and hould prove a boo11
stat has slopped the pump. to the en tire con1munity.
Ho\v can thi be corrected? Try to La t ) ear the profits of the Levittie
anticilJate the weather, If the weather show ca1ne to over , 600.
PAT S CHAT the same number as last year. The goal
by 1)atty FrZ:echnan of the Men1bership Co1n1nittee is to
ccording to the Irving teins of bring the figure to 400 .
104. Park1\-aY Drh.e .. tra el to the re-
1note corners of the earth via plane or
hip a\\ akens no pang of jealousy these IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE
da} . trip to Brooklyn can be just as Rehearsal are already in full swing
exciting, providing it i n1ade in their and the 1955 production of the '"LE --
beautiful, new, green Cadillac convert- VITTlES" is rapidly being whipped in-
ible! Irving clain1s he resisted the Cadi- to shape to make this show a real
llac urge as long as he could. But this gla1nour one. . Much of the beaut)
particular shade of green proved just and talent \Vhich \vent into 1naking the
too Jnuch for hin1. Could there be any show so successful last ) ear are back
connection bet,veen the purchase of \Vith us again. only this year the girl
the Cadillac.. and certain platinum look even prettier -- and shaplier. All
blonde hairs occasionally found resting parts in the show ha' e already been
upon its upholstery'? Charlotte claitns cast. The only casting call at this ti1nc
the e hairs cause her no surprise and is for male singers, to blend their voices
no jealousy. e'en though they are ident- in the chorus. If an} one \vith leaning
ical 'vith tho e found gro, on the in this direction is available. please
head o( Marilyn Monroe. Skeptical? an wer the next rehear a l call.
J u... l ask anv"' n1en1her of the tein Electricians.. tage Hands.. rti t
fatnil) "ho ''ill be happy to tell ) ou and all hands 'vhich go into a en1bling
of their 1nore than nodding acquaint- a technical crew are still needed.
ance \vith that fabulou fihn star! Leonard Kahn, of addle Lane, i
I there a husband in the Roslyn heading up this i1nporLanL division of
Country Club whose wife is suddenly the production. All artists and tech-
serving hin1 corned beef hash and fried nicians are urged to phone him at RO
kipper ~ instead of those delectable 3-1028.
french dishes she u ed to prepare?
Everyone in the sho\\ agree that the
Perhap it is onl) becau . . e --he lost her
song and skits thi }ear rank a1nong
notebook of prize recipes " Thile shop-
the funniest and cle\ erest ever given.
ping at the Sunrise uper Market so1ne
and that's saying a lot. So1ne of the
n1onths ago . Thi valuable possession
people who have contributed their
~a found by Lise Andors~ \vho says
writing talents to the how this year
there are even son1e of the recipes from
are Preston David, Mildred ordlinger ~
her own Cooking Cour e in it. If any
Leonard Sale tan Ker1nit Miller,
reader recognize this notebook as hers~
Walter Wild. Elaine 1azlish.. Loui e
a telephone call to Li e at Ro .3 -353l
. . mer ling, heila t Ton1) tra er: Vic-
'"ill restore it to her.
tor Dee, and of course those t'vo old
FINANCIAL SITUATION GOOD reliables, Martin and Wittkjn. With
REPORTS TREASURER this assemblage of talented 111inds. ho'\
IIenry Cohart who \Va elected Treas- could this show be an) thing less than
urer of the Civic Association for his terrific?
second tern1, gave an encouraging ac- The 1955 Levittie are scheduled to
count of our n1onetary i tuation. He re- open sometime during the last 'veek of
ported that there is '1 ·2700 in the Treas- pril. Exact date . price of adn1ission
Ur) at present., not including $500 ad- and the number of perforn1ances are
' ance to the Le, itties for the next sho\\r. iten1s 'vhich are till on the planning
This Jnoney \\ill be repaid after the boards. nnouncetnent \\-il be forth-
ticket.. are sold. coining on the final deci ions as soon
There are 280 n1e1nbers of the Civic as they are forn1ulaled.
A sqciation at •hi tirne. This is apqqt Louise Garin

CUB PACK 175 CELEBRATES first Directors Meeting

WITH FATHER-SON DIN NER Fourteen of the nineteen n~~ly elect..
ed n1e1nber of the RCCCA Board of
Cub Pack # 175 \\ill hold its annual Director n1et at the hotne of Pre . am
Father-.. on Dinner on February 23rd IJerlin la t \\ eek Lo exchange 'ie\\ and
at Patricia Murph~ s CnndJelight Re . L- outline their Conunittee progra1n ~or
aurant. It celebrates the Pack· s fourth the corning year. s each Chainnan
birthday and has been an annual af- expre eel his desire to contribute in
fair that all the boys and dads look son1e \vay to the con11nunil) \\elfare,
foward to. the en th·e Board shovved ever) e ide nee
The onl \\ on1en pre ent '"ill be Den of being one of the harde t '' orking
Mother and their assistant.. \vho gi e group e er elected in our co1nn1unity.
so tn uch of their tin1e and energy. al- Perlin conducted the 1neeting as
lye BalteT and Blanclc , hapiro tho it \1\'ere a giant busine Corpora-
(Den # l) Eleanor Grupsn1ith Lion. Each head n1an outlined hi pro-
(.Den # 2) Gloria Wied r lDen # 3) grain \\bile his colleagues contributed
Vivian Auihau er and l{uth Brauer their opinions and suggestion . In this
(Den #4) E telle Pasternack and J ul- \vay the con1munity is assured that
iette ierenbcrg l Den # 6) Loui e Board decisions \viJl represent the com-
Friecln1an (Den -1+ 7) Alaine Krakauer bined be t opinion of all the n1en1bers.
and Doroth) Hart (Den # U . The ne'-L general n1eeting of the
The comittee representing l)ick A - Civic As ociation \vi]] be held on Wecl-
bell (Cub-In aster) Julie Janowitz nesda)'l March 23') 3:;30 P .M. at the
( Chainnan) and Carol ~ alisbury Willets Road School. Sid Koenig pro-
l Trea urer) "ill al o be pre ent and. Inises n1e1nl ers a .... pe ·ial treat·' for the
of course -. the two father_. l\1ike Ger- occasion. The exact nature of it ·will
ard and Nortnan B!3nk1nan, who head he released next n1on Lh in the RA CH.
the W ebelos l)~n. Meantitne, hold the date open!

Drive Starts to Raise $7,500 for

11 1
Little League Baseball Teams

Country ClubbPr ! What i the big- Little League expen es ]a... t year,
ge l probletn facing e'er) parent just to geL the kids on the field ( includ-
today? The an "' er is ] uvenile Delin- ing oulfiLLing unifortns, equipn1ent')
quency. And the Jnost effective wa. to insurance., etc. ) was approxitnateJ , $3 .
avoid those terrible tragedies i to keep 000. We'll have about the san1e ex-
our children occupied 'Witll enjovahle pense again but thi s ) ear \\e ha\ e our
group activitie... . There i nothing that o\vn Ro l~ n LiLLie League FieJd at
children love better than Ba chall and Te1nple Beth holotn. The field ha al-
our local LittJe League Ba ehall tean1s ready been leveled., graded and eeded
fill the need \Vonderfully. Last year \Ve at a cost of . . ·2 .. 000 but '"e .rnust
had over 150 of our own children in get 2 back tops. 4 dugout . 2. fences
th Ro.Jy n Little League~ and this . ear from foul line to foul line.. 2 grand-
the O\ erall regi-tration is Pxpected to stand for pectalor {to accotnodate
rise twenty percenl. ~100) and a cinder track') before the kid
An. boy frotn g to 12 ) ear~ of age i can reall. ''Play Ball!'".
eligible for "'Little League.,, and fron1
13-15 for ~Babe Ruth League·'l (parl of \\Te n1ust raise a total of ;~· 7. 500 thi
R. L. L. ). llegislration thi year 'viii year. Plea e, please be generou . end
be March 5th and 12th . at Roslyn High )'our contril uti on for the LiLLie League
. . chool. F orn1 \\ill be di tributed to Carol ~. alisbur_ <) Carriage Lane .
through the . cbooJ. RO 3-45.5 L


To safeguard their interests in the
con1n1uting services between here and in Unique and Artistic
New York, an organization called the
North Shore Com1nuters Association,
Inc. \vas recently organized. Charles Hairstyling
Corben of 15 Sum1nit Lane, formerly
Chairman of the Transportation Com-
mittee, is Chairman of the Board of

Directors; Leo Epstein of 48 Pasture

Lane is Treasurer; a than Klein of
Sea Cliff is President and Eli Messing, MR. ALLYN
51 Hayloft Lane, is Vice-President.
~lembership dues are a dollar a year
for individuals; $10 a year "for MR. VICTOR
others ". The purposes of the Associ a-
tion are:

1. To foster safe, sound, improved,

efficient and speedy transportation on SURBURBAN HAIRSTYLISTS
Long Island at reasonable fares. I. U. Willets Rd. at Albertson R.R. Station
2. To make studies and disseminate For Appointment
infor1nation concerning transportation. Call Pioneer 6- 2202
3. To cooperate and exchange in- Open 9-5 Daily, except Monday.
forination with local, country, state and Open friday evenings
federal agencies and with associations
and groups, chambers of co1nmerce,
corporations, transportation companies
• • •
and other entities in matters pertain-
ing to transportation. DRUGS - COSMETICS
4. To appear before local, county, TOYS STATIONERY
state and federal agencies in matters
pertaining to transportation. FREE PROMPT DELIVERY
5. To take steps to reduce fares COUNTRY CLUB SUPER DRUG
where appropriate.
6. To use any and all means for im- at the ALBERTSON STATION
provement of transportation on Long Bernard Katz Julius Rosenwald
Island and in furtherance of the public
Pioneer 6-4636
interest concerning the same.
The immediate objective of the As-
sociation is to improve and jncrease Famous Make Spinets
the train service and to obtain repeal Steinway - Baldwin - Kimball
of the provisions of law which permit LESTER - WINTER
the LIRR to raise fares without prior No Money Down
approval. 36 Months To Pay or
Anyone wishing to apply for mem- $8 a month rental for Brand
bership should send one dollar ( $10 New Spinets
if Association or Corporation) to North
Short Comn1uters Association, Inc., Leo
Epstein, Treasurer, 48 Pasture Lane, 163 Hillside Ave. Williston Park
Roslyn Heights, L. I. Pl 6-0139 Open Late Fri. Eve.
stein, Tony Gellert, Myron Belfer and
RANCHATTER Yours Truly. Helen Goldblatt is an un-
derstudy and 1erry Block is assistant
by Nicky Lawrence
director. The show pro1nises to be a
Hj, Kids, good onfl, so don't miss it! ! !
The latest couples "going steady"
In case you happened to wonder why are Jay Herbert and Marilyn Cavalieri
this column didn't appear last month, and Marty Nudelman and Joyce Rogers.
it was because you-know-who was a Attention all single boys who own
little late in submitting it to the editor. little black books: Judy Helsel now bas
Mucho sorry and it shan't happen a private phone and the number is RO

Ellen Penso has recently becon1e the To celebrate her fifteenth birthday
proud owner of a light blue 1955 Ford Cynnie Chapperon is having a pajama
convertible. She is planning to go to party for twenty of her friends on Feb.
college next year and it will undoubted- 19. Sorry fellas. This one is for girls
! y co tne in hand)'. only!
As usual the Country Club kids are Don't forget to tune in to "Teen
V\ ell represented in the Mineola School Bandstand" on Feb. 28 when l\tlineola
Play "\vhich this year is the "Night of will be the visiting high school. 'fhe
January Sixteenth". Appearing in lhe show is seen over channel 13 from 5:00
production which will be given on to 6:00.
March 18 and 19 are Betty Goldblatt, Are "Rock n' Roll" records here to
Alan Ardell Gail Ross, Bernie Rogen- stay or will they prove to be just
another fad?
All interested high school students
are invited to join the Temple Sinai
Youth League. Meetings are held every
Thursday night at the temple and start
ut approximately 7:45. For more in-
fornJation contact Faye Adelstein or
Zipper Hospital - Expert Re-weaving Marty Nudelman.
Fur Storage - Shirt Launderers "Bonne fete" to Estelle Penso and
Excellent Dry Cleaning Barbara Podell who will be fifteen on
Feb. 28 and Feb. 23 respectively.
3 Hour Service Edith and Marion Kaplan are look-
541 Willis Ave. Williston Park ing forward to Easter vacation which
PI 6-5600 they plan to spend in sunny Mia1ni
Never A Parking Problem Beach.
That's about it for now. Adios! ! !



Roslyn Heights Phone ROslyn 3-1300

Everything for your garden needs

CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE : Two heaters. one with

WANTED auto1natic thern1ostat. \vall installation.
WA TED - To purcha e Country Club One is portable. Rea onable . ROslyn
House. Principals only. Levittown 3-4045.
WANTEl) TO BUY: Indoor sbutlers
Ior Countr y CJub house. li.O 3-4135. Roslyn and Powerhouse Roads
Drugs - Cosmetics - Baby Needs
W AN'f£j): Any nu1nher of folding slat
blinds for jnside of '~rindows, rtoslyn Free Delivery
Country Club house. Used only. Ro -
lyn 3-4819. RO 3-2070 - 2337 - 2090
------------------------- 24 Hour Ambulance Service
want to r ent Country Club house for
sun1mer season, Dates and tern1 , ) our Oxygen and A1nbulance Service
selection. Please call Rosl) n 3-4770.
Night Phone: MA 7-1660
You are wanted, to call about your lu-
ture trip, anywhere in the wide world.
before you make any other plans. Ad-
vice about going t o Jersey City, Flor-
ida, California, Europe, and any place NATIONAL BANK
you n1ay fancy. At your service at,
- 3-1762.
Williston Office Mineola Offic·e
FOR ALE: ( 1) CeiHng to floor PI 2-6000 PI 2·8700
drape for three living roon1 \Vindo\\.
of Country Club house: {2) Counlr)
Metnber F. D. I. C.
Club bar; ( 3) Bendix washing lnach-
ine~ used; ( 4) Country Club book-ca e
door; ( 5) 5 piece li1ned oak bedroon1 Mittleman Auto Service
set; {6) Hideaway bed; ( 7) Bogen
an1pli fier. RO 3-4824 Willis and I. U. Willets Aves.
FOR SAIJE: An1erican Broadtail jacket~ Albertson, N. Y.
brown and black~ will fit size 14 or 16.
Designed hy Ritter Bros. Ljke ne\v. TOWING SERVICE
$150. RO 3-434.5
Complete Automotive Service
For ale. Bah)'.. play pen. early
new. "10. RO 3- 3549 Pioneer 6-5344


ROslyn 3-1980
Discounts on case lots, where permitted.

_t uor
"Just a few blocks North of I. U. Willets"
Consult us for Banquets. Weddings and Parties

• •

Yes, and if your family is ex- Meenan's price for a system to

panding , you should find out heat a complete attic is really
now how little an attic heating low, can be financed through
system w iII cost you. FHA terms. Only $10.11 per
month for 36 months, FHA fi-
Remember, you more than dou-
ble your bedroom space when
you install attic heating.

Phone For Full lnfor111a lion

Levittown 3-6000 Hempstead Turnpike
HI 3-5600 at Wantagh Avenue ..


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