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How To Find The Right Bonsai

Soil Recipe For Your Plants

Bonsai enthusiasts from all over the world are continuously arguing as to which types of
soils are best for bonsai plants. Those who are advocates for the environment argue
vigorously that organic bonsai soil is better than inorganic soil. Most of these environ-
mentalists recommend bonsai soil recipes that make use of recycled organic matters.
They distribute bonsai soil recipes during bonsai conferences and try to convince others
to try their bonsai soil recipes. On the other hand, those people who are in favor of using
inorganic bonsai soil are also campaigning for the use of their special bonsai soil
recipes. They argue that their bonsai soil recipes are best for growing both endemic and
exotic species of bonsai plants. Since groups of people have very convincing arguments
when it comes to the use of their bonsai soil recipes, it is therefore up to you to decide
which bonsai soil recipes you should use for your plants. To help you decide which one
to use, here are some points that you need to take into consideration.

Availability Of Ingredients

As much as possible, you should work with available ingredients for your bonsai soil.
Forget about those bonsai soil recipes that feature hard to find ingredients. There is re-
ally no point of wasting so much time and energy on your part to find the right ingredi-
ents for your bonsai soil. Besides, exotic ingredients can be expensive so if you do not
want to end up spending a lot of money on your bonsai soil, just stick to those bonsai
soil recipes that let you use whatever ingredients you have available. For instance, if you
choose to go organic, you can use your kitchen leftovers to make compost. Just put
your leftover food in a close container and let it stand for a few months. Once the organ-
ic matters have fully decomposed, you can use it as soil for your bonsai plants.

On the other hand, if you choose to use those inorganic bonsai soil recipes, check with
your local garden suppliers and see if they have the ingredients that you need. Better
yet, if your local garden supplier has some bonsai soil for sale, buy that soil and save
yourself from the trouble of making your own.
Cost Of The Soil

We all need to be budget conscious especially during a recession. Be mindful of how

much money you spend on your bonsai soil. As much as possible, go for those bonsai
soil recipes that do not require a lot of expensive ingredients.

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