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CREATIVE Listening - Imagination and emotions that are stimulated and expressed freely
through words or actions.

1) Painting Feelings- After learning about and reading aloud about feelings, encourage the
children to show their feelings by painting how they “feel”. Move your hand, your brush and
youself according to the way you fell. When they’re finished with the painting have them to
describe their feelings that go along with the picture.

2) What Will Happen Next? – Read a story aloud to a small group. Pause between pages and
ask the children “What do you think will happen next?” See how their guesses and predictions
actually turn out. Discuss the outcomes or the predictions, their feelings on the story and the
feelings of the characters of the story.

3) Music Expression- Provide ribbons, scarves,and streamers for children. Take the CD
player outside for music and movement.Play different types of music (slow, fast, soft, loud,
etc) and encourage the children to move their bodies and ribbons to express their feelings,
which should change as the type of music changes.

4) Silly songs- Make up a few silly songs before the music activity. Some of the words to the
songs should rhyme and some should not. Sing the silly songs with the children. Ask the
children to determine if the silly songs sound correct, if it is in sync or if it needs changing.
Get their ideas on how to fix the silly songs to make them sound correct, to make them rhyme.

5) Feelings through poems- Encourage the children to think of expressive ways to rhyme
about the ways they are feeling. Help them to write down a poem to show the expressions on
paper. Encourage them to draw a picture under the poem to go along with the poem, to show

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