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The Problem Will Never Fix the Problem

by Shane Musgrove

A Call from “We the People” to All State Representatives

This writing is intended to speak for “We the People” as stated in the preamble of
the United States Constitution, and concerns all who are now in State leadership or
running for State representation in all fifty of the respective States.

I recently ran across a profound quote which was written in response to an article I
wrote. Jonathan D. Linscott of Scottsdale, Arizona wrote, “You cannot expect the
problem to fix the problem,” in reference to the federal government. Outside of the
philosophical challenge of this statement, it begs the question: what is the problem?

Let me be clear in stating what should be transparent to all, a bloated federal

government – one who imposes its will against the people while violating the very
constitutional foundation it was meant to protect, a vast array of failing social
programs, wasted tax dollars, and an insurmountable debt. This dollar amount is
one that few can fathom albeit however skilled in scientific notation and magnitudes
of ten you are. Even then the debt number has become increasingly desensitizing
as it has moved from millions, to billions, to trillions.

“We the People” sit under an administration and Congress that are relentless in
their efforts to enforce their will against the people of the United States.
Furthermore, the final step in our pseudo-check-and- balance system is the
Supreme Court, which rules with a loose interpretation of the Constitution as if our
sacred document is dynamic.

Accordingly, to the demise of the States, their rulings apply to all. Regarding the
unseen and unknown problems that take place behind closed doors, whoever
endeavors to take on the task of exposing and defining them would need a literary
agent along with a book contract to account for hundreds of pages of corruption,
deceit, bribes, and lies.

Therefore, this is the “problem” defined: our forefather’s words and the brave men
and women who fought for our freedom and liberty have slowly and assuredly fallen
down as martyrs. Historically, they have now descended to a place best described
by the words of Albert Camus:

“Martyrs, my friend, have to choose between being forgotten, mocked or used; as

for being understood – never.”

Our federal government mocks their words by their actions and they desire to place
them in a basement while locking the cellar door behind them – disgraceful and
disrespectful at best and an abomination at worst. It appears they would have us
forget their words. Why? Because all that they fought and aligned themselves with
stands contrary to our current federal government’s actions, philosophy, and
unceasing attraction to power.

Are the States and their representatives any better? My assumption is that some, if
not many, fall into the same political traps, yet not so deeply nor to the same
extremity. I believe with great hope along with many others that there are
representatives at the State level who do take these matters as genuinely
concerning and view it as their responsibility to protect their citizens from what we
can now define as “federal lawlessness.” I commend you on your courage, will,
integrity, and your strength.

Now, as Linscott said, “You cannot expect the problem to fix the problem,” referring
to the federal government, so we emphatically hope that these problems will be
answered at the State level. So, the answer to the perplexing philosophical
statement is none other than the States, their representatives, and the people that
vote them into office.

Therefore, what follows is in essence, “A Call from ‘We the People’ to All State

As a preface, it is a responsibility of the States to assert their rights, specifically in

times such as these. It is absolutely necessary to recognize that responsibility and
accountability exists among State representatives rather than open-ended,
unmoving opinions based on political philosophy and liberal views of the
Constitution. To the best of my knowledge, an oath is taken in all States in some
form of an edict to “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and laws of the
United States and of this State.” In addition, it should be noted that this call for
responsibility is void of any form of violence or sedition, lest the leftist accusations
of “inciting violence” and “hate” come forth with great force.

Therefore, let it be said: For legislators who are weakly or mildly concerned with
these problems and see your duty as a representative half heartedly, resign.

For governors who do not have the courage to stand and fight for State rights in
accordance with the following words from James Madison, resign.

“We are right to take alarm at the first experiment upon our liberties.”

–James Madison

For State Attorneys General who do not consider it an injustice against the people
and whom are too weak and too politically inept to stand up for the people in your
State, walk towards the door and remember these words:

“When injustice becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.”

-Thomas Jefferson

Resign as your unwillingness to see the lawlessness of our federal government

demonstrates your incompetence.

For all of those running for office for political gain and power and who do not
possess the will to confront the federal government for the sake of your State, take
your bow and leave the stage.

And lastly and most importantly, for all who do not regard the Constitution of the
United States as a binding, unchanging document which limits the federal
government from over reaching its bounds and entitles the States to rights under
the Tenth Amendment, step aside.

State Sovereignty is of consequential value although the federal government would

have you believe otherwise as they tread on the graves and words of those who
came before us. Accordingly, my great anticipation is that all who read this will
advance it to their respective State Governors, Legislators, Attorneys General and
all who represent their State, including those who are seeking political office. Let
this be a resounding call from the people to our elected State officials to stand with
us no matter where you or they land in the political spectrum. Let the mantra from
old ring out clearly and loudly – “Don’t tread on me,” and let us no longer retain
optimism that “our problem will fix the problem.”

As the federal government grows, we inevitably shrink and our resolve rests in “We
the people” as voters and a call to all State Representatives to honor their oath with
fortitude, integrity, will, wisdom, and a steadfast position on the literal meaning of
the United States Constitution and the Tenth Amendment as stated:

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited
by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

–The United States Constitution, Tenth Amendment, Ratified 12/15/1791

Therefore, “We the People” have a simple yet powerful message: No longer can the
federal government tread on the amendment stated above as they have neither the
right nor the power – not on this ground nor on this day.

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