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"'-,,!;;oowledgml;!nls ! 11 triJJtlucc]OO

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G~\'~ONt G....,\I.( l~YQ

(j "'" iJ. T ffi'..{E" (j ....... !l: Fc.~

I("'~[ FI\lE (;:\,\,,1: ~i);

G , ...... ;;E 'SEV'EN G:\,\!i'r, EI, hT G:\ovil NINE GJI.. .... E liEN G,_IJJ;JJE E U':I,'F N' (,)\NiF; 'ilV.\i:iLVIl

Maldil'illS Hishlf)' Slaying Ih~ Dragon 'Spa rkl ilFFg. Origin8J1 ity' TI!lIi!~'" Trouble Misery A SlllTlill1lY Mfl!i!l!Ent OI:Ynlipja,ilI EffOr~ lE~perief'lced Halilds, Sup reme Etlfoo F;.1oscow M~lI'ade

A.. I iii. MOfpn~'

lL;i~r.tninB: and ThllmdiF' A R.tpirl Coup

27 49 711 9]


u" 145

rss un 197 21't;!

PCl!itscript In~E!l!;

,;!p, tID II i 'Ill!.: Al!tit~Of

;241 245 257

-k'· Ma,1


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o ~n tids 'book. ru sm:rt ar the tlf'gillnin.g Qi: my 1(iN."I!II dtess ~r. no the summer of i9Tl, my fmilly TektraredJ from V"~ hch. Vltginin~ to Sfartie and the Gteal Nonhws. Mt~r set lio,p; 00;,1'1'\, dafSo~ rnin-tndlOOf'd boredom,

D'i':fl~ i'nw Plj' 'life, Jt ',¥"d..'S dl-t l]i(!rJ~l '[I100JlI;!Il\ fm- 'the ch~ bl;Uf 'lD 'b,ite..I' was ~ohln:!f roc SUtul:'thh"'lg k1 d7&. ::1ILd wbtrn Ei !JJ![gi'bo~ .lDa,'I,1'il] Cb.£Ipman. e:balil~ In!! 'ltl.;i KDnru!. (Ii ,t::~ I 'WtI~ enehsnted,

I ~m i!,thlp~ at 5pO~iWt. Md 'J}bysklll.~ l:ilicf, :md n 's!l!Irpri~ me ttl; diso:wer a gaDli. that I ""it:9s,~tLwnely 'WIt at r~ Smm if OOrnmLOl ~udal thal] llta't David j(:l ~ ga~ eli che;;.~ '&If nn mtnte:r what ~ iild. ~'i'id alliiia)'!'1 ~¥{.in_ Mp. !5QKJIles1:OO IFBl ] ~ 11) a llJEIiL~CMlI:OC' Ili'L;;tx tbl.! Hn~~ity of l\-'"a!lJins,.tUm tn 'Wlay clJ.r...~ with till: ~hi.

it was dl.Lr~Ltg th-ese: vlsirs thatl learned that a chess '~rldi Cbamp:1rolsh.1p, makili, VFO.S being ~ iD R~kjavik, leeland Ammcas ~ Bobby"'i'!1'nS duelrng BririR Spa~'k-y 'i'rom ilheSOvie.t 'Unto~, Tha oold Woilir WIIS be:in~'captl,!.~ on the: chess~1iIL TIw 'IIll3tcb GlughIt th-e attliID,tinn ~ 1~ 'I.'Mr'k1'o!ii 'EfiftlLaT Subn tL"'.o\crY~,r litatli a ~'n:iool(ll. ~piniDn 8btiuL t~ match am:d whrllLt:.t' F:i&::hu rotrld wr~ ll:u: utle ~m, ~k)~ CllJISS k"'!fCi' g-,",e~l. 'tltl!i Urdk~ S.tH~ ,anil ilLU! ~1U.i1i'1tL n 'fIl.aii.a 'heady TIrtlI:! tn pi:ek up the chess- pieces mlrself. Wbe9 r pL1.yed tl1ro:llgln the fullil~inR ~~me'for the ii.rei' time. T 'was shocked.. These ,FtU!(S were ~ I mean nl'l/1} ~~

Thiis is ,g-#ttlt..! 6 ul' thi'!t hiRh~t'ijc liIiIak.i:J., l;\isEhd had ,00000t tlllr:: tll'!>t gaFM tit _lIir';dUiJftl.,g a "'p.oliumlSld ~~ '" 'He [ill'fe[ted tne ~IiI!:11n :I ~te mlb 1.he'1lIt'ganlzt!l'S. He 'tl}c ~, a!LIerJ a Ber.Jooi :Deim3e 'With tl' ibrinr ,Knight miII'JfUVtl to earn his 'lil'S'!: """1'11 ,erN!!' ::mrunst his rival Game 4: "!AIR:S a tough Skillill1 that ended 'm a drn-w, Ii"'ffidieT' barely ~d tnil,t me bec'lu~ 'I1#. h::td ill loot IJ'O!":i'tigtl., &.trll'lil! 5 ~w ~8ii,,,k:y mi~ r;L f'liJilIDl1e ld.Cli!t, anJtl hls ~lLo:n. crumbled.

S'Llddf,nIy the mLLteh W'a$ dedI ThereFore. game !'iii wm:dd, beerudal.If ~isehex were ro win, it would be his third win withmrt a loss. HiI! 'WOOld have ,the ~d WIT' the m~ time Rnd ·~t ~iUlly wbyk! ~.d~ ~.~~ p~""I~~~I~ If 5p!il~Y ~ tQ

win, hi woold 'regain 'the lead and FlsclJer. who was t:h ' challenger, vroLl1d be bellind by l'¥!il' ~m~ Tn It::!~ p'f ,ii tim! ~1:c.h, ~h.f; ,ch;illnpio-lIl, Rori~ SP;!i~'ky, WilJiI,llld rutai.l1l his . rl!'II!])SL.ort Wl!ISl high at'IQldt"ld 'lht !J.rortc: - pa:rlicu~rlll" in t.he Mart O'f a 3'"tluttg 00y in Seattle.

Quer.m's "Ga rnb" ICJIe lined IGt\'! RobNI fam~ Fi e il!1l' 'CM 80 ",: p

f,~Jo.~] WirM Dt.1JIlf'JcJ.I1Jhip. ~Ii~ fG,Jiili.t" r'U

Tbi!'i fir.:;- ml}'!fe ru . th ,,'WM.]s Fiseher l~fed Df faking ['h' fight Ill!:! (IXl$.Sk>r1!Jo;es be w~rrn a brent er? AdiC· er f kind nf ~? Or bas he round 00 idea to bust one of Spassk)il's Ql.reemi Pawn '~~~ The text ~ds the ~!!p~in!!: tb ·o[' 9.:ri:l!lJIblin tA) S4!. if Fischer. has e'IiH played thi R1.OTI:"in his

,t:m"e •

In .R! n 111], here ar ype tlf

optn in;l(!>.. l'bo- in wh:ir.h '\1fihi~ . ,[l'la¥'!' 1. ·1:are krufW",o OJII~i\d~.I!~ Kin P-mv,rn 'ijpelllngs. "Fbe seeend type, [Fli wl!L&:l'l:

Wblte plil.}'S Jl..d4, an ]mOewn 38 Queflili Pa\\'IJ ~~D.R~ King PH'MI Openmss - 'M W beltnjdl5ha~:fI sin fe5nacmracy i King ir.aW'(l eratn· LaG'll L _ L the pta a :gamE' before it ts, In eerttrast,

I Qu~ , n r-d.~ Openji;Wi ~[J WI De: lTItm! 1IHm!!_ Th. : tb11! mE ll~lfJ~-'t1l1m.Lilllb . o:ppoo nts lmv-e deve-liJ1lerl th.eit Sl![eoes. Only theII d "_egIi! ~ no those' d,a,~ Brlb'bY"IIIrd.."'i. km)'INal ~"i.ll !lUJli~'I.'F.!lNlalnf'_ ThmLl~h~rut 'Ili~ ~i:!:t". LL-4, h~d t:h.{lQys been fisl ehelee, :1-1' • ff'l;'l!ied 10 ~, raeeeal POS~tiOOfi and was mit

rnlly drawn t • King P-awn ' _ II d~bed hi. If-rut! by ~yiJLR. ~'imll Lb-4! I \\!mri.," iF ~I WII!I" abk to[] c:blLcn • • t~ opinion!

The ope:n:i~ th3t FisiI:her elrose to us in tMs ;g<li1i1le is known as the Engi i 11 ij~m,g ~nd' a, hi Q' a hin~u:: Ope!l1ln.R". M:o. t r)itcil. ~~ tha'i !ilt3r till 'W< sIilit'c' tutu i~QUt.'C Pawt!

Openin ~, player might choose ih

Engl' h move rather tban the direet QJJ Pa-vm. Opening Cl.t14) in fJrner to ~ ui:fu);' 'lOll oppopen: , miter prob::~bl}' Wou'lill!i 'boplii}l agairi st tllot:' classjeu I Que~n;s GambitDed ned. but it he- pla 1.1:14 a 0lJ~ he might allow Sp:as3_ky [I ""'i1U)' hi- d -te~ .

~1t1es Il,lriili L11 upPoru!oi inm .~ - letting the d nse [Jut you waDI: hb t


whidi woo.1d hi:L'I/t=&=!::n tee i1J!.£t JjJspm'ii~ lloconHng'lO ehess princip~es\ 1l1m~, the (Ip-~llng'n]il~ };JrouJcl nave been these (tof a 're'o"'eJ-wd Sicl Han (l.e4 d3l. t\_fte-r I ,..It!>i5. lB~clt o!oold! lia1ft: i!iirDQ[tiaL.rily f{]~t Jar the iJi5tia:thre tlu'Ougb de"i:~Oilmeat {I.f ms piece; aru:iI the game would have 00en ~ru-p~ oul1srdmbty,


VrVhb [his nlD'O'E'" P,isc.her devel®'pS a piooe whj b~ {lb~oc'!fiIlg the center, The text looks after I'~I! e5.squ::rre I!.]1,d the d4- sqUf.!nl!. Wh Lte stil] hl!!:ii:n't committed hum~ffj_gJt-y 110 a, ~1;liOCifk (IPl!Illlig a:rtd j~ e~ting B~ck to s1lc.w his intended dd£ll!re.,


p~~~ Ili~ :EJ!igli~bli bi;!1!i a lot tlf ifitl~pi2t'i.(]t..:i:'it mt"f:i t. The e iI!,":pawTI COI:i trels the tt1ti eal d5-!;)mtu square, This often fits int_{1 a !!'rtrn'te;RY I'll wbkh Wh~tre, 'i~llchettw, nl~, IGngs B,ish@ with. g2'-i!tJ anti. B:f1-g2_ l<lo:o:trol1l ng rl5; and e;(!!I'L.Cl'le.L'11.e'llts this. move with NbJ.c3. a~ hitting' the (j5~ sqnare,

A D.[~thll;!r· :roe;;! raOirn fur ch·~iT.lK: = hli:l English i3 its flex1hill[y. While iD~aJ.res. no major cununianents, altoowing himeitLl.e1i 1iU 'play a sllJW. devel{lpm, game {if to ffii]\'e mOO.8 (l~J.S';iical'Qli!ee:n Pawn ga_me,

k~k to the aOO OIL Aft_er 'a'VeOCIDlII1ng 'ids [:iurpn&!., Sp::!ss,k_y selects hia t:Jv{lrfd ith:::!1.':i:hir.:::: :I:!I QUl!!.!i:i·r:; G~mill._iL ·o..'1J~iro.Gtl :i~ mttnds to ~ttk F~her~ C4-f,!'i.WfI fiJ)r' il::·0fi.1:ri:l::!~ ·t"'r thl!.' d5-::;glLl!:!Im~ Gi"i:!n Il:hl.'!' opPGTt1!In~ty. he pbmns to fl)l_1Jow' lI];li tilis first move with _,1/7 -dQ and kee~ tillS cenh'.a I pa ..... Jil firrnJy p]im~:d. {,iilli the (15-

.Sp@,~5ky i~ i2:mplMfin~: 'his, fa.\imi.i;lf! defense :rather than 1e.:t~lCtllij'Jg illiIt: :tIl;:),lll rlr'awbock of tit:Je- English Op:eni:'I;l:g: it allows Black the otJ.porl1.m..:ity .fur LI~,

A ~TIing moment. nb~k~ out t1he eenter with hls iflS-:pawiiI in llrdL.'i" t!l:;i develop his preres. Notice toot hllatkls ~ !!itr~l:i;tI_n;! I:M1S one h\'i.'ool;;k. The ~",~.i,!,'T:I·b~ ~.~ cS-~UIJ, f(]1f BhiC~

Wib.aU.'· DOW dc~Iopf;..i:I. P<J,'lN1iI t4l hi!li;~ i;:;OOtroi ~ two nrnre s~)Jd!t'ffi" c5 and 6.. The cl..Si..sbap Ls l!Inl~.shed so tI!ta~ ~~f.'

can hi! d-e'!,',el~ped. Thj.s mO-VE! !eilV~ W'bill!:~ !l,A-'pClwn, uhdl![' mlflt:iJre - the reason n~at this Quee!ll :Fawn ,g.a me beeeme known as a ~eeJ]fs. Gamblt.

'1'he ljllt~ have now RIO",e{l1 into; the ~i3I,::Jlt G-tIotrliii!:" <il[thuuglJ iliI!Y h~vt!nit fini~,hL:dl rt:liiniD~ the ol;lL"fLiug: r.:;cr;:p il'll t'hlind that '[j~nr ehess C!,~~jngs rut'll OOE' dtJi;en to two doze-n moves deep" with ~ny sid!: braJl[:bt~:a'S 'II01I:11.A~ 'S11I!~it'l:g'fillTVC::; liri'iwldl, lh~ i1lbyeI:'8. an;:' f:oUowing [be gacrl.@..S G! th~(]~ ar ai:l'IBS. l1m.~;. OOl:lLernffiS openi.IJgs hill,,!:: e:rlmo'r· dinar~~ IJIIUJS'.m~ names, :SmJre'Me ream Illm~ i:¥."'E~

l ••. NUi

Black d!N~lops fils King's Ktiight and ~8~~ ~l '!;:;II~~'le ~~Tl.y in ,the ~iI~~ 1-01- ki-wiTI:R' ,tlime-~red opeomll{ principles.

Black had lv.'~ Qlh~T '!,:h'~ll;t::1;) tlli!'l. suptdkially at l~a~t. 'L!lLJJ~d appctal' attree tlve.. In Wh it~,'s: 'I asr m~ljre:. he pla)l';Il;] 11 KMIJ.hil~ lIJhring the &4pawn as ~LL W'hy :sl1ooldll'\ ~~I;k; 'rn__ke :it! ~ J~ is how tblat ,chmill,iJ; w(nllldl p!ily 01iIt.

'If 3 . ..Idlt:.c4; smic~y SfI~aking'; tilt e4- pa-wn ~sn~t ]001:. WhitI:'ool.lld usea ,double 8tmt:k with 4.Qw,1 +. fjJlkl-weJd by ~I. and n;ebiJim ttw p;;t\'t.'f!. B~c'k d~~'[ fem" U~j~ immedllitl! n=:L~~1~fff ibl! c-4-'pa'\1f.!i. I{.;: l'ffk1)~ bi';]iWEite:r" 'tMt a:ftt:'t :3.."i!!IKt,--4,.

~:.e4·1 wnu"fd m.'!ile a 1biR:'pTI.iiblern!m' bim. ni~ d5-'[;l!t(~¥fi 'WDtI~d nO. Icny~'~ gi!rffi~f!H,ing e2-e4 .. a'OO f:IWf '\¥bite v.rtrL11tl ha",~;:. aiee ~n~al JlII1~"11 d!lQ. • .!tlso, if While ",rere ~J lowed tc pla:.;" Bf1 K1i.:4" Bl:::u::k wr,rijld fill far '~ioo in !lili:.""i!;:lqWill;nif.

'if'btt.t'lEOOfe.;.a set'ie!; 0i tluhuret:.hrur .. -es are :pUl inti} ru:tin~ aII.H a . ..dU4 4~ in mdeC' to ju~t'i:f'r 'Hlll1ldllnfJ; WbJte's Oib'p:au.'I1I. Black rn'l.l!-:l~ try In haT.lg' i)Jl kl nls ~~nm ~~ ~ . .J:t5 :P~[S ll~i!: d~~Qwn. '1~h!f'n with S.a4t W bite 'pre-~ares tn destr>[!y the reill-pawo.'s SIJ !;Jport. Wid] 5 ... 00. Blad, ~ m iliief'end the bS·PQWI1. Klote II:ha't" 5-.,~J) lJl,IDUM be- a 'll!T'ribl£- rm:;I'I'I!!, because 5_ .. as woull!!l b~ follClw!l!G ib~ 6.axb:5! - \\th ite eeuld snap off 'the u5- f.!aWlll, pinning 'the al3,;paviTI because the as·RoOk im't ~mteried.

Ld's mc:1p: J3b!:K didn't gnb \vhl~ ~ot-P<!WIlll (1m ml::M;i ~~iI!:.4! it "rwld~, dua: this. ~"S m ~ 1 . .ID0c-4 4.~11!: es 5.a.:3j ~. Then White wooJd plhy ,H)~! in order to ~pll3e 'dile 'b.5.p:3WlJ 'to the- fl· Bl!iltwp it~ to. aQ\'}I.nta.goouBly ~]lture h.i:!;: g8.mbl ted P!'l'WiIiL PIP.I_Y the pll5itli;;m with ;a friell.fI: 'Ii .. e[(~3 'I_a x boS'! !r~.bS ,g.BNb5f. YO!] wiU see (lit:ai Wbl~~ has d~'elki~:J p~ andeontmls 'the- O!![]ter while 'B~k h~!!i ~de: QI1Jy pOl'VO'!1IlW~'e!!.,

T~ ~emndl pc~!::Tb:ili:ty f~~u';; M ~J ~,~beu1:s._Eb"'H. tht~J:k~[Lg



the' WP~t1;l Klng; 'hi my earl)!' Y1i~rs, ] 'WaS aih¥.i:IIY:S ~1'fi' to ,atl!ill:ck my iDDPOOent"$ NltLg. '1iili;,synd:ro:I::ae has been ,tT1~:!I,:lIoo by generati O~!3 ~~f '!VIla,!ilta.:J"!:j: "Parser [''Neak P'li,yW] ~!~::; ;;I. dl{il:Jt,j p:;L[2l!3J:' p]ays :ill cl:U:,:t:H;_" That'isj• wben a 'be,gi'Jmer sees tJh);: I)l::Ipru-OOt1iLty ru meek Jl.ein)media"~y ,gOOs JOT L't without mliizing that bt- ~ '00 futl'ow-up. By i:.'OO::k~ a ,~ ~U1. rJoUl bfit:I~diml~iag ;ari! arrack, 1:ILe be.giirme-J" ~]lt reaJitle that he can R~H~ji' krlP htG -QPP'lDeDi::!

Heee is the SteJllI!del1ce that W0'UM 'ffillr,JlW SI.t'C.h a milV!! by B.1;a(:'lc Aflrl" l. . .Ilib4.+, ,~'l!t(li:! '~lN::ll::!; tllil' ..::litE'dl: 'Yiitl14.:Bd2! thus til:~~ BLat;k'S Bishop. Seem:{f :;L1]otM.f cbeck! B~aclL thlnles he'a 00, ill roll and play!;] ' •. -.lihd2-'- wtth tn,l!inplL While l'fSDanw. witb 5..~d2,. ~ptl!uill,g the 'B'i!!ioop.. B!i!Ldt :oow searehes ::JiOOUL1d for .l:!lIi!IOltl'f'l' e'beck~ blJi~ be eaa't hm:l '(InJ.!1 lnstead, .Blac.'k h:3S mao:ured '~\fll help \"\I'mre d.'e1lf-ilop b;8 [lQa~h1'1l1~

G i'J! bac 'k ~10 'h~ p 0$ u t ibn 'before & .. ~Ij4+ _ rniiif"k is <l11l the mD"le. and he has an oppo~tUIJ.ity to dereJop a 'P~ EJacrl;:, squandees his; 1IKW"e'. de:V,cl0J!8 .iI Bi sbop ,",tth cheek, ~ndl ;qftl!t .i:I sub~!!!~nt ~:';l;:ha:nlfi:!., an l~t:ilas ,happeDf"d is that Wh~tf.' has ~lo~lI~dI hlsQU'e!efl1 or. with 5..Nbxrl2. a Knight. Whine's jlaJne hasunproved,

Continuing to d.eveJoplli!'l ~r.mY. Whtt~ blocks a Voo,c..1'b~E! -.~ffi-b~+. :N.k!te. impor· tant, ~am!i.Tmes r:n. fight ['Or oontroJ aver lbe !i;:Eoicr, ~r~K:' c3-K[Llgh~ does a fine job ot Prote:t:i!1lg the ~4sqnare and attacH:" illg the d5-PflWl!l,

Theparamount pr~ndpl.a; (oct ~en]l~g a chess g:tUiJlt!: i!!i. to cencentrare pieces a~d p:;I,'Wns ill, the een~ of the board. :&1:'::il:lj)er games are .llUlrkoNl. by a fail- 1.I1\e to control the eellt'lM' and i;Q ~e"'ii.!lrJr; an pleees,


In ttitis modest but iDlII.8eqj.1el.j.i:ial devel· {I,pment. iBbck pr-epares to 'h,,lil")i-, ing hls Kin:l{ 1rehind 13, nrcL.' :::;hit.'ld (if

~~M mi. Ui~ 'frirlm;i~ &'CiI~ B~]l;. has dedlnedi UIll;aprufiC me ~41-piil'W-n (me grunb it). the opening DOW beeomes 'k r:i,gWJI ;I:!S !;I Q~L'e"I::I'1!'S G ::I_mbil Declined ,(QGD). In tnc QGD. U[avk'S ~~ru;jp-id ammiJ ls-'l{J \ (.Wct" lus.d5·~ il!llld to kee.!,) it firmly slatimted jJll thf ·m.tddit: oJ DhB bGaf\d. Should he Cd W 00 ws, biis iRilITlli: wi[i I:!I! euined,

NiJko [liat ~i!; ifttJlJ.Ill: IfhEff.M agailflSt ·t.JlJe poosirn]jty of HcI.g5, wh.ic~ woold 'pin the' fe-Knight OJ the dg,.QueeIl .. ,Fa-r. tl-mt :nmsoo, me more ~'ve .. L.Bd6 ' ..... nu(d :H!!!:tually have m~spl::Jced the Bi~mp, ML"r 4! . ..JldE~ IBI,.ek wfilllu hEr...-!]: exposed Wmse1f tD the- possible atraw 5.Il:S oI)f 5.NlIro. Bot' a bi!l!:ger problem ''W(J!;Ild ~ 5..B~ (1;M, Whi~'s tMlflitimdnl':: deD I{lli men r I"l!f ~ his p leees - he <!y!ilallfl b~,",~fig :kII pi!!lL~ th;at: has ::li1:n!ill3y been devdDped. Mter 5.Hg5. Bbtk's.,CffI· ter l,!,'9Uld ,oomf' under' pressure as l~thlre thre.r!l,1!nOO l'Q mpilLFe 'he {&KTli~t and 1:0 :SimP OIl]" tbll!: d5-pawn..


This muve. :aruwtes the d.:Blshop rumil ,lJtt~c~ t;b ffi-Kntght 'By atmekm,g the f.ii-~l] isibil, W hi ~ iilld.i:r'i!i;tJ:r at I;:olCks 1I:I&1.:lt." ~i'l;c msuof1l, t.lill:: ~S...:~t\,-f.L As the dS.pnWf:l is defendlNl hy itMEf' pieces, ~t W'.: ll~ rear 0:1 immediate Gij)-

l~l'!!ll but WhiW wLn looik r!i.lii" v;."ay~ !lin I!:Italnk up tbe~re,

Two impo:rtm:n 'P!!)-[Llts shooJd be mantkI~ Ili:Jf.3t<3i~ thi~'1'IIi1l'rfiill! sswell, Frrs.t. 'i.!,'i! know tmdrt a Cf'iJltiaJ pnMlti.jJ}~ ~n !!be! !l:iqXning ls to 'UDOl ,8 nice, safe pbil:1;: f:or the King. Wh-y" thea, didn'l '.-lnHe ttl' to[Jr m.c.tiv!lre Iris km1fSi1i~ pieces w;ith ~.e3 00 ~~t oc·;L'l:liI.l1d m[);!,~ i:k n-Bl~~w:p.i:lllilfi t:i:l'!i't~l' 1111 Iac~ u..ars pllec1scly wb~t WllH:e· Will'nflr 1:0 do_~ TIm problem ~irh file] at this pOilU is t1wr it wo-uM Mock in the el~o~, [f th.~ clTB1shop is d~~lO];!ed o.u4.i& the p!II~ cha~n; il wi:U .mntTnl mtfJ.!'l spare <ii'I.d !pla~'~.D fl~1f_!I£ role m 'I:he middle~

Sroood, if l\fhfu: plans 10 develop the cl-rne.oop' and then plii1Y51 e2~, w~t's wron~' with '&1·f4'? The ruJSI.'.'eL' ~s, ebsoltltl!LjI' liotliiogr lVirth 5._B_r~, Whltt_· ::.i1;;H~a.te:;. the ,Bishop MI 'the 'h.2,bS d~] 'Wl'iUe ccmtrolJing the crudal es"squarf. Therefore 'P;Ye bl\v-e a questiQIIIi of rn]300, OlE tF.!th$' :s..trle. ~~I" ill the match, in ~ii'i~ I."', ,fiscb.:M' w(mM 1:F.ripl!)y :5.EH4, wl:ii(n eadoo [0 a ~tt ~IlJIlii)Io'·l:S.l

Tn the earliest phases o:f ~e openil'l;g, there aren't any alJs.o~lJtely (res I' '[J1O~ ~ !l~ ha ..... -....~. ;!II R;!1e.i!Jl rnrm~r rP.f l,Ti:NJa m6V~ :It i~ Uip tf) tin: P~i:!IYt-'1\'iI 'to. ehoose the QPe.iUngs and t1et!lliS1lS t:l~er llHe best,


HI,.'!Ti:~lll:;1~:k ';;0 lrLj}lt,ti,:t primary (iiremvoP.: ul tl'Jt: 0jlening" - make sure %IlJ ~ :ii saFE' Kingf l3lack~ J{~lIg hides b hh~d <1 solid 'IVaU i'lf ]1oij.'1,\1llEl. and m:rcan'stop werrymg -a ~l.!a15 for ~!.J'w~ Blad;;'s: neXI: mnu:rn 'W'i] ib - 10 develop his Ql.Je'ffiSide p~ ~ ~tb,a .... iew toward oontroUio.,g tb(! cen[fL

A~ nm~ tb!l:! 'mrt:imbd" ill pieees and [liliwn. nlat beth players 'OO¥'E: moy~ UtlUi lhl!ii. ~~gi:J.I.aj ~w)Fe;:h White h:ll..S clt.:pf{lyOO. five: NQ Knights, two PlIWtUl, anda Bisbop. B13Ck'SlaRt W1~, h()Wrf er, h ~lIcJ'~ him ~ deve.1OfJ' ,fi~. ThalJ:"s why "trotijf players lo.'I!e to east is the {in~y move in whim a jli~ &f'~1'l LO'fm1'i i"Wia pleees I93mu'ltani;ill'l~y - vcr], ~. fiul lEI, [111:":: time CO\:Iftt'".


Nuw l\fJMtf: Plte:pare1 ill develop, the n· BishOPt to be foUO"-}""N b}" gstiing kit'tg·' side to SRfeguard ~he 1fAlbite King. The tex ls a, crl,J.ll,:i~~ 'lirLk 111 Wblte's ~nillg !!lb"ategy. H'I/: IT~[lril;rees the (l,of:.J]i1WD ~nd j;1ru1Jee e:s til eo t4- paW'll.

6 ... 11.6=

An ex !l1!!lJ\1itl~ wLth a long-rerm pu:r. p.tJ-S~. 'Th~s Lype aI InO"l.ft is lmow.n as. "puLJl.i.f.ljf the q1:lt'Sri021 t{l the Bishop."

hen \ hM.e de ... o:eIJ)pe.d hi!'! d-Bi.!1hflP. ha

bIOI~ghi it QUt net '1lb,'cdlsa:nly ~tlt, the lnten tiif.iijl c;d c.xcbar\ging it for the ffi· ~{nl~t. Actulli1y, he didnt want ro lOOt ~t itl. before playing e2.e3, Now blt ISi:J1!S tlle question (1'£ wb ther tl~ :re:tfea~ or e:~11~ h~ Bishop.

Gt1mdrna~tt- (G:M's 'Understand the ll~li'i.ess.i!)'l hav(ng t~ Bisbop~ W{frkillg side by side. Th re:fun::1 I:bt::y aV.(Jtdi giving I:.ID therr 'm8bf}JJ~ 1.00 early~ after np!;:i;lf their J3iE!bOfJs,hasb~ qrl:~h~ca., LlJ!,Q;!i.t gt..!Irrujmaster~ re-lJlieat the RlsOO-p..

FtiintL Dlae-It's perspective thh11!') ~ flu . s.iluarian. He gets the m~ .. _h7··h5 with reml,}O\ Th~t b;. he: he 'Pl.a,~ ._n7 h6 to 3trn.dr th~ iB~h[)p~ if the Bishop eetreats, ~he. iBticlr; pawn 'has. been de\."eloped to the hEi-square. The IDIJ'i.'e n.h7-h6 ~~'t cost B.l:14:k Dis. ml}~ - he ffiui phf0d ['00 movefmfL~

So:'What~ tlll:!!'bE or [k.-d.l? Blac!!:. 00 longer b~:s·tn wtlFT}' aoout a 'baek·t·Ilnk 1mtE'.,. m WhKh paW1lS aee exch.mged andfil~.are opened up for the Ro ks Spt;[l.dfn,g iiIl ten'!lpo til pre:vmt.fll ~ck·ra.Thk 1Itilih!: ~s known as IlUaking [u;ft. ~ft' i~ 'lht: Ger· '(i1iaffi!I ""'UI"d for Uair.." ~'Ialring hUt means gr"'l!il~ y.I[i1ll' King a sqUlU'e ro'~ ro, in case of a bad-rank deck. New Bh:l,dr'::; King can bmzflw. [n ~El..~"' tn~ddJct,ramti.t' situaticns, ~v Ii)' ~·c::mpo i~ irnj;)llttant BJsdd:; lGng h~"IS alre~dy been given luft,

~I.~ •

ml!lhlttg !:LIS 'furore even more rosy.



F"~sclJer ire~::;tts tl1 r,Thjte BisbiJP, COO~cd with hi,';' 'Olc~ it .a p!liI..~w whtl It'J\re the ~'CI 1£il1shcrps.. He ba :iuta!int."'![I a .s:ple:nili.d nl.llIlbf't IJI oour:if'S becaase 0 tbjsadvuntage..

, •• ,_6

1'w defininl moment Jf.! the opol"fli:ng sl'J.o1. Blsck's intentLoo. to aneherto the ct.t-B'up; hat IS, Black IS p'l::mn~nx (UIl'" "_& ,1>7. Thi!'i w4;luld inif"Q t d5- P~Wf!, ~~~di:ng 13a~.c'-':'~ cIJ - Lrli,.· (If 1I:1.1w'h.,g the Jinl.c- fdlow prtJ'L~li:C!1t 1'bc {j,tlflI:!~ bns :DI'l'urt:he£ PllfPOSE' as w,eJl The b1-B511l1p willhavean influence ",-er the ~-sq.wn: ofi<::e i ~u:pi t~ long :alihl diab"Ot'L<l t.

Be~ i.e'd- lllg this fI'lli'!r,' • 's r;; ~ a

fa ir q est jon: why djdIlWt SJa.r m:oYe: , .. g7 -.REi, Ii lt~ ddTI,Ef th h' - :B~Rhop rtt

;iLgaln~ In farm, I:n mO\'1! dOt'S apfM:<It temptiw.Jg. BlllIii::k oould de\'e~op IfIIl~ g5- pawn with ~, mid after fine mrced 8.!Bg3. Bloack ,i:·jJuld 'look for il;nilll~h r C ~~I{m LrIi~ mD¥· • TI1'I! ;iljrJt'iWH In th • (,ttl ID[L liD - 'u, 'Blai1::k's [oGng. Tbe glpawn a IS as l~· elifl. and by thrusting the shiefd furLh ~ ~'ay from the body. II rDve:"I ess prntecttOI'\., The preblem with .. $-g5 f~ II.hat ~ jl<:!,WD oou1<3 u~ go baok rn rose the Wad;; King needed tt! preteetlou, AI~mugh .. .g7.g5 wuuJd gain a ternpiJ. it . !J.Ld ~'fRken Bh-ck:'.. King de . Ont" 1113 erial oom • Lioo, lili: ' the wi of;;i p<lWll ,m vi.i.'C " £hooJd induce a pia r r to make a mQ!i,r restinrrg m SLl! leng-rerm weakness.

lheidea OD" the 'l"OOVl;: r,.b7-M Delon,gs to S8:"'~e] ly rar takl)w·t:::r (1837- Ht-5.6).. Thus 'I he wri8tion from (he dbm~m iii itnOWIll as L~ T~Il-tako,","CI" . )'~m of nh QGD. ;1\[ the {trnl:! ame 6 wa pla..?CC. 'Spassk}''t'!::lS known:as the WOl1 d's ~ead· Lng exponent of' is yam ion,

Fisch :r kn w he eould eonn S.1f~k:r~!J mpkJ}' t1l~!ii defen.~-:H t ' (.o-r .. did a grt!at (:I~al tJ r hf.!mttll,l(J rk Im~~ as +ipreparation," As p'art of' hi~ grnnOO:rnstf:l' pre:para11on f{iC' tills 'lJJatcb, F~ ruJd I1I1t ~mlyOO'ed m'ertbe RaJ]] . of &rris ~ _)' -ih1 h::lJJ pr.[i!;u~11y

~, Fn:m Ifui, BIltiJy ~

ID spring ;1 L at' an ~ lIDvclty.

l.w.k ~ I' the- p~ilirm Jollt:ro,'lJJg 'lh~ ~ sible ~ 8.,.~:d5 £Jlld9JM3, aJJa rount tile number of squares that Whi t-e':s JJ leees control \'e~ U5 ~1 ack 's, After 9,IId3, thi;! Whiw: d~-ni~b1Ip MIU!rl run'trol b5, ail" ii, gU, and h7 (hat':! .five. Th.e: d4-ptl.WD controls rn'O; Wlti1e"s: two Knigha contrnl four, and M b4-l;ljsl-LGp twltroL .. two,. int" a tctfil of lhl~- Blat:k: w!tlltd COftu(:I1 ollly f:j,~;'tilil oj[ lVhii:e';s !ll;I,uill'eS, W hl~ 'I,li,'olllorl coo too I nwr'S {Ii :B:laok's territory, Bbck should t1re:rd~)~'e seek to rNl.tCe WIu . R omtrol iby trn.diru;r pi~

A furt..Ltl:ii !p u rp motj,Vah:tl th i '

1IL"eaJitllrIiL No (}J l th dS-pnWH has been mm:red, We long a3-bl diagonal is 0Mn- Once Black\; oS-Bi5lhop is fif.l nchettoed, rhe Bishops. POWff will roar d ill!'I.lm e:h l tm~ !d ll!l I~ L

Thr:: lJllmaflg phE!lt:il: is b gimUn[t t~ n'SOlve itself, ad me mjdr:[I~. with

its m"}rrirui pLa mking hold,


udWtEriJlfl: or Bl hops ta~ p,l:ilfi! - White'S 1l1.i:Jtd m.ove 'l,vlf.ll a ~Il if.!. h.1S 'Iim:~ :11IIJ)\lES. White could hav.e pbllfd

.B.g3. hitting the ~7-pawn .. but would h;iL~ 5[lI!TIt . I:lf.ltb h:!lJJp'O. -llftcr ~Hlg3 Bh'l. 'Qladl: . tl11!! ·~vc tOClLlnL4.'ti hi.., d - \'elapm.f':Li l uDie trer.>oo_ B~ Tj!'J{chalijtmg

in thiS Vill~tJOO, III ~oort Fisch r hgp ell D.u .llimbUI5 h h is. i[]:p.f)i:l!d~ l wi ~I:t !:iOi!ilt:

MEr1 ;pmIi 1P1i'~t'aoon.

Th first tJiad [te:Q.!n;. Whil 'OI1lCl'l up "he c-fih: (iJlrhls 'bi:'ik_ T~L is by t.r.tding his .j .. pawn, Wblte wm play RaI·cl in order tn Ji1.l pIeSSUTE" on me e-file,

I"f this ~as !S!JH:h [l ~d idea, why ditln'L \Vl'litl! do il ~die"? TI:J.e aoSW1!i' UJ;[t ~ lrl:l8oo 1.0 ·the cs.13ishop. ~I\s long as 'l.Ile e6"p:I'N'D is 00. the board, !:be eBB"hop ",ill be blocked, ew that Black has I)e1ll relTll10 ~~~ ~,b7 -b6, he h:l!!l <llJ hu\ ooh !tI1.hf: pnlbkm ~,f . ~ I! i:."t hiisi.13Jl3isOOD mtG pl:ry.

[f White nail pl~ c4xd5 eadier in th l! (J'p [HJ in g, Black "''11''11111 d. b :ne: fElSIlMirled .mth _.t£ms. The' ~lBis.hilfl ml!lld jl!lrrtj;il (rut ~ nit: ~-sqlllil~ nr thl: g4~qLill.~.

It •• N d5

1\ 11 imp(rrtant recap ture , HI ck'i!:itr.J.t '.KY 1'a!'1!'l ~ built ~JDpn(l havi.n,g .ill dE -Jlll.9frtJ.. c&'htilLlldl1li'lI. ,fL.t:1l.lIi5 '1:tai\'L.: bc_(11 1llioomatii:? l1lte :mswe:r, is}resJ RKapturlnFt with the e-~ would have been the ::!tl.lTallhing to do j~ ,th~s '[;1'0 ition, But L . 'l!Mpluyin~.i;I ~tratl:gK: ,priDtLpl-" . i be ,~Jrd in fifJfi€~, trIlL hi.~.

Bt h.~p ~I i5 Blille ""iii;.!! '¥'nl1 ave tQ am:Pllr1Ufn lhi.:

t5!ltHi1il iii t !rrnPi!l! W ~ptul;".f!. ~Wd The iI,.-'7-lltJ.V.'i) is 8, f.3.r 1tiO!'Ill ~iI'lta!iilt

9.,.Q~(!'71' target than tile e3.~!!lwrl.. The- e3-pa'WlJ

lID R h3ird·w~1i ing a:mrrad2 on 11: to Black m kes the corr c recapture.

;1'-' k .... h';f'fj ,- !:!!;Iit: - r' I!,!!p, The c7-1p :wn im~ to fl!1r yl'lo;n

'r'" . _ Vi P.lg!!ij 15 .. ~ue II;. m£JV1ll,g mt ~r

t~ :~P,iClrl ot irs offiL"'tlrE, fiMt ;a fd]Ocw

- Lt tJrigLnal ~ uti: 'Xl _.n.din .

LtB 11IU1~ to three sq • b4, 33. and) h4, The other t'ooke was 9...Nxe7.whkb r,;"ould bave removed thed5-Krn I~oom til ~c:tiOOI irli Db _ mn'tcr_ Bl~ll:.~ i~ pt(ruId of: the nl1ble beas1 em dD, however, 1:11lI.d Iea,,'es lr CD ilB paT.n. from \\lb~l it ~ ('0111" ,fhi.1e> SQ,1lllffS.

III lIld,S,

K'iligli,'Ilsi,rtjll: i!nim~ ri Iilawa - ilfiother unpertanr ~mateg)' at ~rk, If you opponent's pieces me working bett'ft'than j\DlJ.r OWl:!; trade thf'm (!Iff! h. (Ills UJ.:!' .. th (I5-Kr!.1.HhhSffiW4f'' th!_rn tht! ~g;~ i~hL On~ il,.t.m~1~ Iour t;qUSJ1.\!=l, til ~th~ Of.Ily lWCi. This mrioVC al&tt fits

f tell' tlJm Will been mtti·

\I'2tID~ e\-er enre PlayinR; ',ad5. -1:LiclJ t'If.J n 'd ~rp' bW: efile, Wi h this eKClrnlll \Vbi'L~ nJt:lfJ~ th~ c:3-K night, whicD iJP ens :up tilt' e·.t1!e for hls Rook~

11). •• ~

A fo~ '-ilpNfIe., and ill nod one Now:. ju. L ~I_ \'lh~ 'M~ h h~ ]f-Qip<r::l1 c-fil:e. lila ke:I1joys~~.op 'ifIJ ~fi ,~lhoo~lHu.


The stra.tegic 11 es are further drewn by the pa;~1'JI structure, "V1hi~ MS a.kan;R:eide majority, and Blatk t3 q!.i!i!!e:i:I~irlt!" :m1:1joritl'_ ~ ~ lCi f!an :II m.a]l'glt1l to. work is to ~~UiW 1m Pa.!illJ1,s_ In this posltroll. rbi~e deesa't wanI t~ push his pawns becJuse: th;a~ , uld lead (I ]ilj to fue ~k Fl.jT.l~' 0: hij.frlg~ ful.\lru~5itiUii. ~ful) . ,fhitL' 3~ i.ollLlt tM'pl<IJJ or unltzin b,' majority oa lmlLl for a will te, h .. ste d, ITI:' wi II bave 00 tame lllLad," s queen&iill:! nrmjarity; that i~ he wil make it .!i: difficult ;as possible fur Bla<: to p'lJdl bis Dnajnnty. and win reG'tr" 'riiU.II b10ckatk 1B1aL.:'k·~ f:l1t~lii:pt. to do so, [; ixed or blockaded pa ~e st:J.t!OU:llY targea.

Tite Olltoom of this qp.~ninl bRtt will be deddecJI (In t Q~e!imIDde - tn :~aE" w~;ai' a:1l ;btho',~nt:a~ th~r.t:! witJ win th~ p~" ~ruJ ill I:his is CO],]'U'fIjl)i:'i lmowleilg 00 top·ranked chess playersJ Th If: quest; on i wha strategy has Fischer pr' plu1:d to i:I:O BI~ck on he qtl~f!fiSi~

, 11 ,Rc1I

'\Vhttf. plays a ~ natural developi,ng l11i}Ye. Roob crave !lJpen 'riIea, .50 White 'btl11s;s. hi :llMlr b.J bh~ b~flf-c~~ fLl~. poutL~ng: pre sure on the ~7 -pa,w iii. 'TW move'S ODe OO.l'lO:1"6S \Vllitts Ring, He is still stuck ill. the cene:li". not haVLtlJr l~tlml, Frn1;l.mately fur W hites King, iirJJ::! iB~ck HrnJY DtJ 'tbt! qutt!tl .j~ hasn't ye L b Ii! t jl d.ev.e tOf.l.efl, lIT Bl.u: Ik· pleces' had been ~ed, you can b:t that Wbite" King wtI!J.ld be TILRkiJ:lg a

:sp :y Jl:i~.~ h ki~;.idJ:.,

1 ,,,BrEI'!

By this 5lOtirl move, Blnc:k mo-ves. to"P,!-aoo (I 'W h j- pieces a:il ~ui . -tv ' !;! , ·~te_ HI",);.:'k b~ :i:II qnestum oollCClfiDing 'tho @l~h1ifi'- !5hn1Jl~ '~fi4!; e''(j j,t or'ibrirtg it eut iri :til-e Ct:nlf::f.;~ Ce~i,rclt.'farion'S of .spare ,pI-uvii:k 1111 answtr~ 0]'1 I,b G h~ dIDgoml. the Bi 'ho~ control ' I:.h l!!3-£:i q ua re .i! ndl th h 3- \I 'I.HI re. F'iancht:tloed Oiill 'b:7; the B~slwp 'Wul.L1t1 back up only the d5-pawn. 'thee6-mshJilP can ('ODtrol, SJliilCf {mil defend the d5 'P~n''11, l'eSolvrog this qy,es't-ann,

~\r!'li]' i _ tI e fe ndin iII;' ! III ~ d,5-pliliwn lmp()ii'tant~ It 'is !:rurial f(lf fiU<lint~ inin iii lei maio ity, Bkr:clt ~gIDzes, ilfui.t c:7 ·p.a~'D is a sericldS ] iabil ity, Tile Iy WflY tf1,mn'k~' ~t'll pll,T3 's to plJSh it. U! _..c7-·t:,5 'wi] ~ '~'j,;;LTf. J3U(

Ilbe series of mcves 11 ,-~? 12-d~c5 bxclii 1 RQ~.1 wou1d oo.:It EUrar.k ., p~wp, [3y de' thr.' dEi-'p.a_Wft E!l~It,~di!h\!!O Lht big ~iC7 0(5 ~1C3h,

Snll. what about ] L.Qe1Fb4+~ As before, thi. .. ii=~k mm - nil puoch and 'ViUU d finly -I Wbil·, Ihi'bL:! 1N1'ltIld b~oek, with ] 2.Qil2. (J. 'Df a Que n fxcbnngf: U he ehose U".Q:Nd:2l 13.~d2!, tlil.,e ensuing ~g v.'Q0I1~ !p'l.-;;i mitt: a 113rgt: ij!l!",'8rlla!l.t!. "iVbjtc"~ Kin!!::

WLH.lJO. hI! ln [31J Wll¥EL" ~[i t~tlS ~OSltiDll ~UBe 00 ,Black pieces oouM harass it. The moml fueror V!;' IilIid be 'Blad's 1::.7· pawn. Ait!!r ttw rudh r meves lH.,Jr';6 1 ,.Nu5 Bhi' lS.biL'!. !Black's m~jority 'WQuJd be restrained and lJ(:COl"lle3 liabiLit~

Before' playhlg' a QU'f:D cheek that results in an ex..c.bauge {if: tQUEEDS, f:l.lack sb.ou:ld fll' t ask, ~rhose Q\!IeleIl controls IIKIfI;l ~3' '?" from Ihfll pr:r5Pet::Dve. QueEtIJ L"Ehah e in in]! mrnm't ~Ition W(i!l.dd be- Ii) 1_ hit· 's ben fit



]111s IlliJIItl (lJj,'tb~ vtofatrtfii t.h~ CIfIt:nJlJg prilldple {Ii castling .:)_1':;:u1y aDd gflnllJg your KIng put af ,r11n~I, but Fischer

et!~ Ii mil qw. t P rhi prlndp1e with impunity beJJ;al!l: Bla 'R P'~ ~ !'.till far awa}l'f:rom ll.i.sKing. IHSle'"atl. the f~JCus

of \V ni(,e's pesldon is to restrnm lh~ queeaside majodt}, h seem' I'i biestT;:JnFJj . Ito ~~'l!l.c.:lp 'the Quoop ~al'1y and! DftY1 IJ;'UH t the OOE"Elill.". ,Bu1 th.e S'ialjc post.tion at the ceo D pawns make the 'wing5, lind especialt:r ih ~~CI 1 '!be! main theater of b~ttle. The ~~ thrut~I"l 1Il2-L...:I, whid1 l"ffluJd res.;x.i:lin ~ ~7-


Noae toot Wh:ite woo ~ d not pro 11 from

12,Qc2, ~1.J5t" tn re."IpOOl:?:i: l~mR~ ,,"ould tre~mll the' cl'-G<l.W ' :ano 1ffGP:~r:c llDlllf'it:h 'ihIt c5-pa~.tJl

.....{;i <5_ Thi:: ~-Ltifm r Bla:c'k'~ h&~ 1Il.~,ll!ldli

simply aching to pia f -.,r ... l)~ :and to pt!l his t;:I,'1-~1,\lTI and b6-;pa'Wril into nmtirm on th qu eJ:1S:lde_ NaI'I.l:r.llilty, lVblre eaanet aDow ~mt to happ zn,


Thi~ [J!1.!l:l1"~ l!!j 'b'Iihat \"\Trul;e ~d in wJ en hI! n~de lh~', een ~n . NiiJW file L:55pa ~I} cant! m0';' lO1W!ilI1i use of ILnepm!IJn mark" Qu n, :'ith t i~ mm' 'I lVhi~1: thrfC.:I!~f:I~ I:tJ t:.ilJjHtrt.: I:Wli_;"t' at'I.d

I~P'lairut \VlitLtf's h ·-tatlGM. 'to use this ID.OVei If Bhtic oodn~ PLr the questim tQ White Bi:'ihop back a ~'6, U1e idet-l cl 12'*2 It;;8 IJB(lJ ,",'01;i1(1 i.l!:li'I"ilf In - '\'Vb.:ik tOIJ.Ltl !lk .. ·cio:p bl' pieces willI g.ain. lJi [aI!J.lO ~1,lW or tnt! tJbl\B:lIt.Dl'JlI, h1-, _pawn... "rbJ faer thM Bmck's pawn is on h6 r ba White 0 aeti9g on this· .

1 :2~,~r.5~

iUat'k mnsm't alJo.W his rtlajority to gt1 stu k, I}W is the time ro strike, 09tr at Vlbite nter. Failure to make this free. inK IT1U - ''i'lQuld lb.:! . ~\ n WJl1ite !!!. n:fce This' a ·p_rot~'f mcwe. TIms far, (JJJ 21d"'<JjJ~ thrn~ bil!l (fifjtr.u~ ~W'8 the: the game's mm:'e3 t'!:(Uli be expbinerl b~r e-fl M(I'!1dHird fling the~fY; - maiIJ~'

Wn]] this 100\'1 Black funi the d· gOilQ:li!S ie c~ ba' f",atu~d he .w~Rook. 1 ~ ,,;::l-Rook 0[1 longer e::;;res the 00.. grrunmi'd ,poo3tLml. Here. Hlack aV(]irl ' !ilql.lf!lIe aM the ~-aqlJ.;a:re:. ]~:5, 5r,rac:e il;i;jIfj- ].3 ... N d7?, prntec i i ng the c5· paw u trol bQ. ~L!D Ei2lihiceil. Now Black il!;l bemuse he anticipates that 14.Bb will


be,l.'I.slmDg:m.®YtE'·, in~ I:h_e pressure M thll1 ,c5-]}iiLlJ,'fJ, Ir is interesting to see hClw t.hG batH!)!, M~ ~ifbed, lt~ th~ IC!,, witl!li oo~h pl~L~!us Ollfj;;::eni..~ tlJil~ tileD- mmtf'.i thl2"~of'. Again, th€ positioo. wvolves M'Qlmdi the s.u'eJlgih or 1Nea:k. .. ~ of D;]~di;'8 q~e~[1Bid.enmjQ.rity: That is, w·m :Bli:llck'i:') m<!.jori'~y bGc'Om~ ".Ii! oornnrngt .or a dJs,ad!;'ilnttage?


'l1l.l;: K''!~i~ hDl:it nnnstand~Jd thwte!ticsl Ilill'if,e is ~ v ~ ~oo~ Ofll!!. T~ 'I:~[~I re:~nst' W'O'ilIB!l!. ha~le been 14.f5Ii2, fol.~owOO by a quick 00sSt1Lng; But Wltit~ is app~f; lookin.K fur an oP.PQrn:t.I1Jty to lra~ t:L~ b&JB.j~lwp f.vrr till! b&-KirliKht. ne lhin:ks milt thebB-.Kntght is .fi!il:' nm.:;t1I: i:i~:h'ibl.s a Id.efenderof the gQ8EJJSLUf P{!;~1fts. H'lf.lL'eimp'llL"l.OO:ltthan the bS·Hjs'Mp's.mle :a8 an titt:'!lf.~.

F~~le.iS 'rrlrl¥t ;S:taT fIlOJ:1e ~b.ltle lhan it: appears, .huwt\1'fb::If tete 5~ oJ 1:r.;i:!Iding mbe BlShop fora Kni.gbt ~ 00 sensible, why !5hrruJdn·t F3lar! put the question to dril!!- l&i8~p with .. 31! -;a_'6 ilod fl}IQ;: it to .rettea:r~ 'WbV !KIl ind~~ \Vhlte':5! c:r.;tfty polnt is tM!, w[th _ .. ~.'t-a'6'r liilIi~ '~WTl 'will, have been lured to a Whit,e ~IJaDt. whldt ~~ the WMte BisMp,rome~jng [[~ ~ruu~n.

1 ,,", •!:!

Bloolrts'falling'm Line with "~j[e'sphms. [In ~:h~ fuh.!l re, fio.llrlIWin;!f ·t;his m~tchl g.'1rfi.~ win ~rot.Ploy 1.4 .. JUB!? or 14._.'QfSI?, U:J b{lUi e.3SM pllotecting the iijUil?~i1i. :re1easHng the pln QD the aQ.:t13 ~l :3/00 :at~!i' !Black: tll threaten ".~S,.c4 t~ put ~jJi~ Dlii:IIwnt)' b) wurk..)

Bm &rl~ Spassky is !ilJftt ~ be fill u 1tl![II fox the' test because i~ eantalas ii!l bit {If wiwn. Beomse the.a6.pawn ispirmed 00 the uT!Pro~red d-Rook. the threat krthe ltii-lilil::li:wp iI~['!!'t '~'gl €!l';:~t. QIIKe (he :::1_8- Rook is prottcted,. the b5-:Bi~hc.Q wlll·hI.: iJ1.I p~'{s(! - f'rern:h fm Mm caplUrrf''' arn.d wjn be furooo ro tmI[I<ve'. B!ac_ks little trick j~ tht!! ~hi'eat 00 protect the :ail-ROOk w:ith . .lla.:B-a 1; whrt'h 'i~~ (l,J.TiJ .... uuM .~)Ltd [hI: ;;:7-Qut.:i:!tl!, '8b1ik wootd then ho~d a dO!ilh1e threat O'f "..a;fixl:il5.ah1d _.,(£-d,I., ~. hl!!!:' advantage,


S'idt8Mppjng :saol![]k~ pn:~v.illi.:!~].y rnli!n.~ tkm:td ilireaii: ~.~~;E;-;a.'7}, W~~iw ~'~ snre that the :pus]] _, ,illS-e4- talf'".I:'ie:!i mifll 'piolI'!£b, In faer. after ,.:baKes. Biaek will I~OW try ~ ~oj:d ~,05d.a8 'the d4· into ~V'hitc~:ltD.itt

1 -, .. .'bii: !i

Tb i ~ i ttl I:'! bes,t TII!'C"a ill ~ u rc. AJt er 1.5..Jb:(5~, 16.0-er wooJd :ro:llow. B1~Ld;:

WOlll1d net be able to capture the b5."I} " tip \« Rookor ;JWIl .

(J- t ~i:nr::; by the! a3-Q~'n. Th tlSd it; ~1Jtlch &tf.fJen.t1l' ~~ th il:5-p ,,","I~ and a5-piDIw~ cantrol QUb[_e ill number of SQ},Ul res. Such pawns are :k o,QWIIl as '1:J[lIllRLn p-iJ...,-pM bet::aU!:'lt!! 'I"ll!~thl.!"t pa\\'11 is b1-tibc'cd "Up 01" &'lJ,flflorkd 'by aM!.heJ:" pawn. 1-ooy 1iteral~ ftang ~'og(!~k~~·.

Thmughout chess h lstnr y. ..... ..., .... ..,... oov.e raged abolJi' : eroo nd - h8nKiTI~ paWmi, T .. ,tk~t an:. ·00 ' ~ thi! ~fi :is ml uti driM_ U

the-:pawns can be attacked and fol'lCed to move f~. tlIe-y acriiH~·.e,a;k, If rthe-y csn be de:f'HJded a..od rtlWkin where the!J7 are, 1.ha-vaD!' ·trong,

1'b1:l~ a Itit'M banle i~ be:if.i - i-orrrll::d., Th.e ron I1f whether a pa majeJii)' 'willl ~lSb 1~fW3m ime a 'IJiJiMl arm ha: b ;nI ;_:HLBWe:red~ White 'u;rUI- i:ght rnightitj 10 get either of tb tJ n~ f.!I.tiI'Wf[J:!i to move fO!rW2iT'dL "Fhi w~l.dd lea ve erueial squares bLDPftO tee t,ed~ &LlJ1iH!S -dmt White's p~ w:Il] pounee Up-On. Bq\la3ty derermined, Blackwm d1:'r jn ltl!:il; b Is, f.g]_;t1ng- k1kl! iJ lh jpJWTUl fllilnl dI wfiefi= !:hey atiI!.

Cnsliiog il last W hen grandmasters wai~ far su.;:h ext rKled perrods bero ~ll:rlg, h ~~ .rl!"3lll,y din,'!:! I:_~!.ilchEn'l nuts, rt's fij'ljgh 00 Il~tb!l!.rs to see rn if cherished prindp]e$ [louted 'or too Jon But the dme hag CO~ and Wh~te 1100 his King behind a protective wnll of pawns. NDW hopes top'lay IUI·d .putting J]11!::i IiJI1! un . uti) of t1i ~ ~n~.-j"lH: ~\ll.I'IS to IlIlrt:e one !Or tbJ ' otl'l~i' tu mm: ro~

1 t),.: ':;r~j

.A ,~~ntr>o"" f;si:(ll ["PO""!£! - ~a leaves Bl<l~k-'s ijlllMf'.j in an <Jwlrn."aJ1J. pin f.lll 1h.tI a.'3.fg diagtJMl,nn 'flj l:Jook i:IIll !tile ma~, GM Samu Resbevsky COfIdElt1.i1S ~ is [OOW asa fcat move L ]


:from wnlch s.~assky 1'.It:!1i'f:r' li"'~l';,'.;:n, .. "d." Resheysky gjves the move tWI) ,quest~OIi illiIir'b\;)fi" .il11 -1n~l1iI_g~ 'usually' 'reserved ,ta~ lOO'!.res tlilat bh:iJidtr Bind toss ,~w~y mateda L Boris, Spass).fy·s ~i:!El6ndl [(DT oo.a;ch). GM iIHim, Gelier. also c:oLrStditrs ~~ ~t a mistake. aifgrffig1 &",Qb7 as at'll .. 'ltMftiah"'i;.

Eillith Ge:n~iT and Jl~~kY'o!iIfJe 'Wnmg.

Spasslr)i"s move 1s ael:UaJJ~ tiftfJ&lttf,' i OJ merit; Reshe .. 'Sky supports 16.""Qb7. cit· ~n:!f ~h:iI.t "~fter its '[b5·Bis]m1)''$] retreat, ,Blat:k 'lAr{Ji,l,H!JiI i;;~ntiJIl!ue .. ,Nbfl;..d7 and WMt.e rou]d liMLpo.!-itlhi!1 Kn~iht :;iirtUlm on d~. as En the ganlE':" lHs- aEl:nul;atlolxi:I. is :!,r~~11led., YUgoslav GM 5velozar G;~i.gMiitttit~ql1~ tJ:Ji, move by pGSfug!lIl

Imports nt .que-cSt UO!l1 ~ ,iilHi:!T 1 6 ij1;J.;:

17.&,4. ",4~;!It !ft.-cu!.IM B)r,ld{ dki w~th ms e5-pa'!.vu?

Whlle's goal irll Sft·'Ds [nlove 14) was ttl c.:[pti.iJ~ bh~ bs.-Knight. should it P£i:~ ~ts he~d M1t 11~IZM'{Ji"E 16.. .. Qb7 1 f.&4,! leaves BkLclt w.i,tl\ )lro'bLen;s P"iQ:lOOTHlJLnI!l his ,-5·'pa'wn. Black~ :best. 1lK!\~ wOtlhl h.o,~"t! been Ui .. Qa'7!, ~ ... hid~ v,'{JuM have .rtq:a:::;i."dl~ir.r:!:rrgm tbea~Ql :pln, de-fended In!!' coS-pawn, <100 it.nm:ntel'!ed. the b5- B' shop, Wbite oou~dI thf:I'l oons:idilr itiJe t¥."O retreats discussed next: 17_B:a4;, at 1-&2_

• ,After 11.B~4. lreelUlng an eye on ~e h!-Knig:Ett, B3i'l~'k WCOC!.:!M omtLllm with 11 k • .a5] and t~reafen 00 d,"~li1~ 'hi~ p~iti®:[J, w~th ml\;b8..a6-b4. blcJcktfig i:_Uj I· thea ~-ijueen. 'I11u3.'1 through lS:Bb5 Nd1191_B~d7 Bxdi', 'Whire f:fIi.!IJ~ .i100trfii:pli~h hls ~xcl:J~l!ge, but 1111il 'hruJ;gfug !pawn!> stijl 'L-wut-cb:l,'t have ti1.v:ige.d. Blad:: V!'"!!uld again .~lal" ~"~dt7 ~ pblIDins' k! allay' ... rl5,d4, to ·acltr~elio'e a p~~d d-1-p:£!;wn ~'!i dI an equ@] gatfi~_

'["he DeS[ sceearle ~s 17 .,Be'2 Nd1 1®. Rea Of 18.l1dl. wjth rontirn.leirl, prn.~fE em 1I:he- h.a_nlri~ pa'Wre3. But .Bki£-k oolllldl(t ~",E) m~I1i~" worries in this line either; With 18,...a5 f,lli!!!],,*~ Hr.:! a ib:lluDte:rn~k against ,iJle b2-pawn .

Thw;. by H~ ... Qa7 Black eeuld ad:t.lJi!\'e ~ a:iiTIfu~bJ[;! '~~tib[l, The problem with 9passky·smn.(lv£ ~~ iJ;Jat Black'"s Queen J;emai[13 in a:F.L aw,k'>l,i~td pin on. tl:H~ ~~rs



Naw I:ha'l 'I:'h r.; :;I,6-pf.!~1I] is no longer pinned. the 'ib5-BGnQC':l is ~HI. a~tI truly en pr~., The reilreat, 17 J&a4 ,a]9l1I :~tIJ tQ ~ oon;girlfEd. A line 00£.11 as l7.Di.4·Nd1' 18_B1«II1' Rxd? ']9.Qx~6f Ita? WOtirti ba,Yfl :;!.Ui)wd 'B~li:k 00 capture tJne i!112~ pawn ~ith ::1 oomfrn'tald~ ~me. '\Vb.ire

pi"cl:er.r>edl the text, MW!e'\i'J:'f. as. the e2'Bishop g~~1y eyes tile i£-lNL~Vll-


Black de'ielq!-3 the 'Km~ht at iH'5t. BlacK re~h~eEl that hi!] hanMi!!Jg '~~:wns ~ protection .• oUter thii5 II1~ the d.1j-~'W1:l Ei!!ln !Ix! pmkclefi 'b~' . ...NcJ7·-16. BtI.t sinee his bHul"e 00 nK!'!;re 15. Bl~.cltha.s dl;soo-v~ ered that be has prob1ema His moot sen~rlve points are the !i6-pacwt! ~l1d '!:hi!: c5-. pawn" A Kn.ight. !J(~~ OIl} f6 W1ill."t u: .. 't1' ,th~ 1"rhU p;;J.wn~

1&. ,id4~

An excellent miJ1fe. W~ knt:JVI that ~'britJ:! 'tn'l.!!:;/i::'P1lfprmum'urt thi2! b~ngiJ~g~IaWil~ ~r~t Ui~ B-KfLignl was not 'pla.ying a role in attae'kjng them. Taking a.d'lfaIltage. ,af lhe a,3·fB pin. White :tiede-ploYs -hi!:!: J'3- K,niRht.


FeeoJjn.g the growing pt:~re a~~ijre.t h.i:::! ceJiiter. Spa~y fDIl .... IT.Ii)kct,; an. &t'C1I1". Al~ the 'p[1..~y ,1l'1!::ntllJ'llte<l ITI1111.C!CLt0T3 are' l.!I:rIiiHrld mous in their criticism {If th~::! mU'~r'tm'dl [be~·,lue£'-{irrect. The textGOO.~ a itt'm:P'O';:]"l1d places the..Queren 4)ut (:Jr' 'j:Jlay' en !'I b!1.rl ~us_re.

If h¢''tw.tI ~hr.J9I.:ft IB._Nrli Blmi:k would ba:"'e had. to suiter an in£er~or eng in:g. Wbites ,L'ie8PORSe of 19.h'h3! , .. ttsJ;:k.Lug the'Wr.l. Bl~ then II;trulclll:ltbcr defend thecl-:pawll orpu::;ilI it 'I)e(efidjng with 19._Nd~WJjuLd ail~mv the: PJl1h1Jn'l:ike gii'~(li of OOJRQloo close in r • tm:pruing r.o dnuhle em the c-file 1pTjt~ Rfl-<ll andi '[JIlt!Ih1at~ly rn~BIlR: U'1.3t:k tn ~~~ ~[thtr frIe ro·pi:I.'Wn (1..- '!::1ii;: a6-pa;;i,1T.L

'T1m"eftJ~J ~he b ~t .1d~~irI8b!,lt:! 'wouJd 'h;;J"lt!; 'Ilil!rtlJ ULJ'US 1 g'.NI:!3. c:~. 2{J.Qx~ ,~7 2LNd4. White 'l,'I'':Oulti. hmve suceessfuJJy implel11.ent'ed h_~ straregy: iJ",Ine' ~ the ~a:n:l{inR p:ilWP!' fnm::d ta bU[l;t;E ",tid Whit'<e's dd-Kni:;.:ht !5i:t~t~fL ~t a I$t'nfie O'U tp~t. Bu±. this. 'e.LWing wm.dd be {3~' from li9st fJl.ii' Blaclr - be could j:ktay 21....aS!' and men U~ the h~Jt-OjJm b-.f~le lor oolJJJterpli;y.


A, pr:anse'wurtil:y 5trnt~ic dec~~inn - ~~ 'firs~ b I ~~h! thi~ rl!:.xJ::hl:m.s:~ seems W



str.t-ugthe:fi tht hrJ'Cl.gsos:· ~~.w.IJlj, B!i.?~ ck'lily the dS .. pawn, While! this is I:ttl[~, F~~ has jum·e subtle pbM. He knows L~.t. fn Llpet!. ·~~itinD!),. Imshops operate btotcr' tha~ Knigh'llii;_ S:) bl.!'.!i:t::1'I1d!ol·w hemmit im: 'ii!le WtJg ~erm as mere pawn:i:i ate eoc(;h::mge:l He also rOO'eSifiUl se1:nlng hl$ or.rwn 1)lI'i'm rnajorilJ' In ffi{ltloo,

111115 ~";;[1ID~ is :01100 made ~Uf'.e other K!I1igI'LLI:I~ffi!'e:S \"'\lI'IJlckL~r:suijkieD~t¥ IPreSS'LLH~ the lla 'WI ns, WIth. 19}.1lb3. R1RCk oould mve iShi~tOO into the pr~ICll!)ly 1TIGTltroood etilliingwith 19.. .. c4 r,iU di;il[J.'1: 1j!¥-eTI bl!!trea- with HLa5J because 'WJri te';; ~ie!l:f!~ WtJuldmit b.a!\<t! ~ p11trmg ~k p~re®11 tbt.: e5- .paWn and th<!~ d5-00'WJ1.




8.p!a! ls happy to' aehleve a recapture, !:itrehl,'tliL!nring his rnmw, Now if be W!1i only get a c:hiaflo:e 1JW :pL:ay ,_.~~~..c.4 and ,~Nd1·c5\ be will enjcry;m active .[X!&tt[(!~. ~·t with rill ®WOOl_ent llire &bby ~chet-, n:hj!:i m!li:!~i t~ ~i~ ~!iiki1lDJ.":: iUr the iIi!iIOOf"j,


Whlre thrw~:s piJ~"'edully ar Bl.aek's!reO l£1'. H:aclBl.scK v&wed ULN~ this key more wooJdJ'1.'[ haw ~ ~ibk Nnw :Bffd realees that ~M..-'s ]0 ii.:e,~ I.hlitlbk

1he ~'fKr ~d O(itlll.ed tip the po~jbhLi W ot ;ru Sllcl~ shift - pe.rhaps M.g4 ElJi1d1 Q-s3-h3- ]}UtLin;R; b'emeDd.'olli:, 'pressure CEll tb£. hSd diHgOl:1a1. 'In f;;tcll;, the ~hJMi. of lBe2-g4. appe-ars I!:itl! :l1'Q'l.!.re.riful. why didn'[ 'White :p]il¥ ~t in or:we? 2frJ3g4 ~ oruy a! OIi1£'-,mm'B threa:t without ;:my fu.rt~!!!r piece coordi III 8 rien to OOc.k Ll 'IJ]j .. Afilr<!r' 2(!'.Bg~ Qe1, ·Blac.k could na:v.-e- continw::d with ._.Ntli'-ffi, Oi;tm,ilJI ici!;!ting h.i;s p~tion ~'hiJe dJt:taEkiJ1.g tk g4-BJ1$hup.

2lIli ... Mi

.A sad df'ci.~!lliiL :Olacli is it)ro::!d ro move ODe of hi,:.; hanging Jlarli'fflS fl!F'Wi:lN,. thl1.!:i llIU'ldWrningne;- their 'flexibilizy, HClWfvt1', this L"l ~,[]~i::! he if: ~1iT~ing .amld a hos~ O'r- poor- []".t!jrjt:;i. H'i::, PJl'Jrl1:il, are .al W.rMl and! !be €all Ei£j)0C't mrm.l pmbkITTlS,

He C':!Iifl: see that White rnte.nds to his Q~t{l h3, pr.essurmiil'thee6-pa,wmI ~s well ::IS t1ir.e.i!lt'i:!:ni-ns: ,8i!2-'s:4- W'b .. :1!( &hoold be ;flo?

the l!fJClV'eS 2.1l .. dxe4 21.Rc4i Nf6 ~2..R.fcl Radl'Hha6 would have vroU"j Whj~,·s pawn while ~rttgk~rlJ~ the ,~[1,..ljii\'JWIl-. Off~~:i'JK ;;j, Qll!l;~!Ji exchjuil~ ~itb 211.rl :2.LQbJ! ~7 2Z.ex:d5 exd5

23.Bf3 ~\N)!Jld rut tine d_5..pawl1 'whlLe pin- Whit::e. acl~t.e'.il 11]5 ~imity. H~ i5 'plan-

D~1:1R: toe d1-Knight to th~ !1]8;-'Joo.J.t. Boy :n.iI!K &2~: and J4-!E5 in orill!~ to. ,wiD itte

hlT~.heli 'l;<~n'tinu.in8" wi~h Rfl~l~ hitii:l;r;l~' ClS-pawn. [14 a.d~~t:ktJlI Iii) th~ tmat" hi~ l3];;H:k'~ QIJI:!tn, 'W"hil@'s :a1,taLk wOLilld :f4-pawlll! 1!:00ltro:1s 'nt:ie eS.s~, limtLing the d1·KnLght, l~ fuct, \VMtes stJ'ategr

will ie ro limit 'the d7'.Knlgh,t~,movemerilf (ljljli:l ~ evenit~I~!f" 'enkrWl'b ~t:.

:Blt1.:.U:l~':i the: SildtTh:li.i a:eti.v,idllMl oJ tlltI: km~~_dE'J Blaek ~tm 'bas'ft,dtffi. cll]tr~\ It sheuldn't be averlooked t~J.

now \Vhlte gains thejoicy cit.;l)mpoo~ fur h~~ e2-Bhlh.1l"J1. The ~t ~~ mBil~ tbtat Wh~tl:l has,' ath~ lfits ~oog4:e:ri1'll waf· egy of hlodaiding Black's major-ity. NGW White 'mIL 'I:fy to utUizebis-O'mJ. Jcingside Jli!Bj.l)nty, "MIitdl blJow w-lth '~il!i;;h 'Cm~'~, F~he.T tigh~;M, rui~ grip..

qliiMy ~!Jrrte drl:~i'l,l\i!'.

The aim {if ttJ~ ten is tu iIl-y ~Illi 'kfep the p~ilion do..:ierl lonF:: ~:ou:qh to OOW!T U'j;lI t~ 'Wt!ak~ in Bli:l!tk'!:i '~, atruclure. Th,f' :fi ual (ie:ifflS:i,Vf p'oss.ibiJi't:l, 2CLN{£, would l1afVf! alll)wedJ WhiK' W put' ~JS kin:lfflLd-e mrl.ja;Ji~ hllro motlon: with'b2·1M l\~h.ite ea~ undermtue

pori of tht: d40-~ mack faas prob ~ .. -NIfj '21.e5l Ncl1 tafter 21 .. .Ne4r 22.£3

N:d2 ·2;UHd] Qt4 :M.Qr:l, \VhitB 1,!.'ffil](il '~~ywh~

~rin rt"l.atex.ia:~ 2,2.14, [ilU\'Ii [libendi~\g to use the hl·cB diagooaJ. White 'W"Duid [b,IllS gain :!Ii powerful attaek - aM~Y8is by GM Svewaar GligGric.

WJlj!L! iPiJsh~ng tb~ d5~Piiiwn miSiht bG the least of me nt1.a:ny ~ v ib Black f.a-ccs. it does hurt tbe ,poo.~ti(i<J1. The hanging p8'WTl!'l been f{l~d, and

21 •• .Qe:'

B1ac'k, retraces ru.s eighreenrn mcwe;: ,too ~'Iiawn '~'as ailling 1:J!J;t' roC' hfJp, iBbc.k 'Is 'try;ng 'm 'dID a little repfj~r ~rk; and 'to CfJJf.'et J!ti£ 'wfli!lJ.i:, pilWa&.. Nl!,.lr; JJE hii'!' can play _,.e6-e5. :B.laek Coaiill 'try w W'0~k Crt'L bJJXk:ldrn.g ¥Vh.ire's m.ajo:rhy.


lI.'l)li!:iGJO\vt:r"lfu~ 'm!ofJ~''El liii!!ilJJ; dQwn ~he 00- p:lWl'l. 'W~if't ~~ a ligll6:-squamdl :B:i~~ 'bJ p'!ltting·bj s p6"r1lf.I S Ofili dtil rk "SqUi!lres,. be .I!l:~'!.'¥'g, the e2-Bl~hop a h:d,ghrer flJ!rure.. N®'l\! tl:~t tRill text gPI:I1:;J '1111;) the bl-h? i11~tgonalL U Whit!! ,ca'r!l ~atll! iiIi b:l!ttery 'on this d~a~l. Black oould weI! bt:: mated! J'.,'{IW the dl'li-p:JW[l can only :reiy i1p[~r~ ~h.iI!: s.U'!?'[)!ort Qf ~he c5~·Q'aw.I'L. If W~lte ta~ p:la.y bZ-'b~tx(''5. .~ !I'l~-PS'l\r-n will stick ooJ:n~a ~rt!.!.

1'b 19 cnrrear mll've i ~ewe"'I!:t:; does bav<I! ~ dr.awbaclt. If Hbc.k: can m:;:.neu.ver 'his d7-Knigh~ ~ the d5-5(lliIa.-e, it wookJ: take up a rerriIre ol.npost.


Stu]JJJ·]n:JC' a ~o"t'ootial b2i-t4, 'ws move bi~s 1.'i:J .i:l!rk'lX!,..."i-..'-i the pI;'uDImw of Bldclt:'s d7~Kl'L~ghf.. '~fuSl OOmmil:nt<!J~[J(r!il :riRh~funy felt thet :22'~ .. Nh6 was n&::e.~ry. E~. with t~t a~rerlJ.Rtive, OOwtver;. me tacties 'Woold !1.ti II m'll0r White: Z~LNbIi 2S_Q'bl Nd5 .21.£5! Ilb7 2:5"Qh3!' R'Kb.2· 2~.ac4 R·dS 27.b·e6 Ne:3 28.,Rf7- l'1hit~ pf.eoffi 'W01J!1.d. OJ'asll UlrotiJt.h [)]] lhG ldngside. lb~~L1i&b t Dr- 'If!1Imt'io~ like. those [ust 1l1tJiHiorIDd a.t1<!J ~l~ that the: 'Krught needed to !:ira]' elose IIJ~, pmb:ic~i!llK his [(lDg. Fies:ides. this p'ro.~osed ~1:!r.i;iitij,gY wouli;J {lply h.1rve allow&:! hi~

poIJ:::Iitil):n t·o' become entangle(! and too ~i'L'IL The t'llru<lt!;, on ilbi:! a;2.g2 d~~. nal m~1l: bave made it more p:tu.d..:nrl to 1l1:=IY :22.J{M.~Slf:p;piog off thed~J. Wh~tl'! woald i"hfJl have todeeide wb~ 1-0 tuinjtiill&: a km,~~ 'allt~I;:'k VJJ:i'lh Qa3- hJ O't" to ftFJ to bt'>Ci1!'~ up th~· ceJ'1lt!.1" wj~h he.M. In f:itilie:r~,. WMlI: wooMIru:JTd the in[ti'.a~·~, but Hfud~ vrould be better pos']wmct] 1.'0 dm.frt!ltt 'Wh~te'~ thrw;t~

(j_·.ae.kirn;g the wb_i.p- Fi3::he:r is ~£!;': tn mke arlVElIlOOge of S~n last lnaecur ... .cy. BI:t!!lI:k 'hi31~ no t,jme £Gf 23 ... Nb& because 24.(~3~ '!.,,·lU ]illn ~~ b&-Knl~t whble. hitting the eifj·:p.aWri as weU_ U White mana.~s to e:lJJ.ploy 'lHre ~I !(.ffl. Black win be toned to. vacate the: dil!J~Il}n8L


BBack has no coot~ .. Defending Ute! (\6_. :pa'r;7[l wlth 23. . .'Nffi? wmud have 'f::I.lOOIlJIi~~ 21·J5 with fiH6 w fl]ll~~ ~O]bpslllg ~lL! sl'L~d i;l.D:.:H;rnd ]31sl1'-k's Kimg.


The Queen MS done a sJl,lell!dTd joo. m ~b1I:lnJmr. iBl~cWs qurenside.NilW istl'm time M tXnibit Ltw::]1:ta(:kiIlK ski 1'Is 3iSweU~ by going afil:~ ~~~ B1Ack Ki·ng. ~rh~~~ oif'en to trade his b~awn fo.r :t.~, LtopM·_· b.illil t e6 -]);l!:WJ]~

2 _".Nfl

ohu:'k :Ct'i I!I~S no U"ade beeause ,aJt.a' 2.4.,,]bb2 Z5.Bx1eO NfS 26..BG4, \\ Illte lid ID're a winning posi " The dlf· . - th I'awn m.!rio;ri· ,~;;JC ':,:i 1;5- p~Wi1i nd dif-pia'L'o,.afi·£rmly b~'ka: . 'd., 11 !j mum.enn: Wffi~ :plays ReI e1 alld t4· f5~ , it ",m be CUJtIiDs.


• ammjhg th dam- Qf1 th " b8-iRfJo " " mo.V1 e'Lttr;dta' dts W11 iti! " i tiona] ~pmb::m;tjol1., Blalk's Rook tlt'f< lnl!ffocti\~, aada wfSury cemparisoa betw~ t~ c,1-Bi.-shop lind tbe ·f8.KniBbt 6~k!9 a tltn1i~"CI W1:~ But th n'~,a Icn~ d~ tanee b r 'eell aa ffl'I!Lt:i~iI!' mo e that rre~ a littremLEC~ and a, 00 pasill I AUhougb restncted, BkLck'S PQsitioo has a fen5~'IIJ;!IQS!j.ib:intJ I low can IJIlI about 'io\l ~j]jJin,g- ib di~grdJIl ptJ:silir;H1!

Keep this m mlnd: not all wlnn tag positron3 rre5emit ''t:tn;ecl 'i'i'!ri:i:rtic~ !;Mt W mrdt~rlal atld It::adl ttll rtl!rh.~ica!lly ~YmI. pmitfuM Some w(ln itiens need to be 'tlurtu~ TIrnJ I.i. a wi nningpooition can llind has W be mJ'/'JH),flfti ami Pt.r:.mcfl!d. befllre molteni'll i .. wrm .. Del it bc.'COin .' iii I:.I.!tbllic:a[ Wllt. . fbLt " sa bt-".J,lJillul posincm~ but net al his: pieces are· lili well f'jsc~ needs 1(iI i;ngc,'I his '!J.']X!!~:[!J or.tl1:trol 'by hltrth E" ~i:iI1zing hil!:j ~ks, Th~1i, Ffrrtl!\l ",,·irlh IILiglu pt\,~t ~lves.


A sen,_<;i"le: PlOV • Bl:rll;'k h"J,"5l nn ij;cti .... pm an I11i.d lhl!rf:J{lfC - a it", ~n erder to. OOIlfjtH' Willie plans, The ~&P.TIWD ~s a mrget lor the ,!J4.Bisbop. Maw the afi· pawn is out of dl:IIngerl and wt[}j ~.!lS. :a.JKb3, B 'k might ~ ebl to IJI1 n up thE a-~ Wvil1F! hi:' RoofQ;.~rnil1 h~ '~tft1- ingrocnlt


wrui:es movI' cti"ate!; tb lIla:Por pieces QD the Hil~ [{Ifit '~l~ tmde off bis ~R il':6-pawrt, but W' ge't~ a ~ll!ll~-

"ill pa~ ,e:5-p;tL,Vtl.. "

This subtle in terpla of trading advantage and ... ·i3irr~les- makes chess 8 ID::Idd DWD D;¥ complex game. ShoLildi W Itli pend a t£mp(! b~ :stop B~s ro1lJiIlU'j}l~y ._.a5-a4 !}y plaY1ng

~"::''JI3. 0l' should he play '1~1:' the aG~1d' B!odring the c:4J.Bishupwith 21...N'~ ,~iachel5 whgl~ career bas f:ea'tuJ"OO >I za,lhu::6 QMeG 29,Rf1+ Rd8 3l).Q~eij I!iMm ,~'Ck~ng ~tyJl! uf ~ ~l would ~DSL Bl'ack mit Qub'f!T:I, lot ;;i '!Rook, plQ~ would ha ... e IPltiiyt'rl, 26'.1iI,~', 'bm

:s;'i:reber' g;oes.fur the JuIDtlar. E'ndgam j!


'B1a~1l: t~ fu~ to ~pnilm.. 'Wh.it_e t.i:I!~~ btt a] lowed. ell61ff:r i.lii~ !l)i" !S-fS. which would give ,iII!)] a win tin OOi:e.


N!Iliw I.n.t: Rooks; >e'it1~'f~ l)mil:!ip~tl'L 'The i.t1rtmooiatc U1reill is ,Rffi-:e?'. ianring ~he win, of ffi:::Jite.:nal 'lilIecfLus.e!Oil the dc.w~r ~ lhea7-Rook, The t1·Roo[;;; 5J1dd\ail~!r' ,Mrl'ttiIJl", !:Ot~, &I!.JJ!~; 1D, ib~' sa,a~ rouJIIl:.

27, •• Nh:7

Blacl.t uses t.1otks to s~ me thr-eat of Rffi-d7., 1l~ h~~ to Drld~ While m~g ,2.S_W~ , titus aJlcwitL,g' 8 K~i~t :frn-k bv 2S, .• N,g 5 and. then 2'9, Rx,e7 N,xh3 + '(check!) ~,gJl:1II3 he1- mock WOlill!:ll wltl, ~Ii! f.!XCl-rnng~,

]~j [lHfi'l;:L11lt :p~itLqJl'llo" lne de:'fel1W:lf {Ift.e:Jl ttte:s' I:L1 jctt:i&lD SOrn~ materi"d tD Fe1ieve 'the :pJfSStIre. iBm ~n al1:em,ptlllg 21 ... Ng6 2B,Jtf1 tbrl'1 29Jb:r~ bf7. Dhdt wrml d eorne IJP short: 3O.Qe6 ~"mlld S~':!ln! i;I d-ouble :n~, ~ the f'i' -Rook: and g6~:Kn1gJll;


CM~inlling h) b1:liiM up' mil! ~RSSllln!l Wbtlte rf~l'ltrodlliB the threat Gf ,Rf5;.f7, B]rn:k ean't 5ttiFl thi.3 direal by pbyID,g 2~"J;HB ll'Ji arm test 1t3I!~ f-hl~ b~~~e ~',ih:fS+ NxfB lD:~ ""'t:I".1d :p,in !:he ,fiSKnight,. MnftLi.I@' it 011 Ute llEKt. rM'!ll!.


Bhl~k a~(h: tlbe 'ttJnaJ RIS-n. ~~l!i'lg i.htl! a'1-WJ:iok


In this Slrn:p1e but htgbly eff'edive illff .... e, WhitE oominues tc improve the position ~ hls p~:oo beiQ~ ~;:nni!:b31!B the deci" ~i'!,'1! a. t.U! i:::k, 'The QLi~ is 'PiillW' !I'l!p~itwllf!l:!l to ml[OO"n'llE!e tlI£: Ilhreat of !RiS-n illld'Qg3Kg'l mate, ,Another pI'JSSib1e roe.a wilUki 'be to try Qg3.p [11 order t;o .play lldl-d3 end mare Black 011 the b7'-square, 'Kow lill!lj!f W1ijje"!i p~ 8!1: ~i~ fur tae attack, ;am!ill I:tc ~n try Ui. rotJfliIJd\):: nul'tm Liireetl)t

~ e ..,R.~"

lU~i;.!k ~ unolb.le ~ pl'e'"jj~tlt mite from p-e.lfi.ettaliJDg He tilifi !!P:Illy t.Jope rUi~& ·l.JV'hB~:

utili II"~ !hl!:'l ,i':Iit:;tt,;:k ~lTI.d ~~mhl~ 111 'I1U~ PN!L-$, W"hil~ bhjs ooliJld hap[!I!f'tL tbebest wa:y I["(j. unsettle the ~~t is tao IIrllr-e him. -:oom~!:'hjm~ tg "i!.J""oHY ;H_DutU. I rl,!,rGu~d ,hallie up'tlXl for 29 .. ..aclli" ~OtJjh,B' t~t this would ciUASE: 'Whiik ~Rit rlistr:actio.ils..


,A, real b!ow. thif'J m~ tak~ .Y"'W-:il.,f tlJt! &5- ~1!IiIIt'iE: for either the b'7 "Kn ig'bt Qi tbe tis. Q~. Now me h1.Lfuight is &tnck. The~Rtii (:If thts move is 'be51'~ by thiptdl"lR ab~"l:! t 3tlRf1P Rrl7 !l.Rlrl7 Q§jt - whH:n &~,¥I!S :WOI.c.'k tilt! 'oppcrtuElltf fur'rrading off :l pair !Jof Hlooks.


Ubd; :is doing hi~ 'bert;. The. 'ten w.,:!:=Ircls ~~ th.e imr.a!lio.iIlI ,~P.l,. BuE, in, ~~n:g the ~dru cwlllTJiloJ W, 'j)ffu"S'. note how ie'very While piece CGIlt-t'ols

[t"ifit'!e: s:pa.u lhilii it~ lBia~1t ~1illi~l The on] ~1 W hite ,piece that COla I d he. imJlmved is the ,g3~.


The.~ ['!.Joov.'t! wE:J;!fulir mu'L'~"ftcrrw:;! AJ!irnn Nifi'l![llJ!l! ... ~~b. (] 9B&-1'91.~) dcstrj,beiL this 1TI®VC '!by S<L:{i'ng. "The passed pawn LUSIll to; .expITnd." The eO·pawn i5 ltike ,iJ bm1e in R~k's throat, [f be: Q~""11't £"i1...1 'tidil!!f ~t, btiL' 'W'IIll t:htl'li~. But I:U.l.w~ '\'1~ ~li::: lnEJ'!!C' li!I.1'llik OP5:1S up tbe f!~mlIY of ~ttakWng his Qaee:tL He also '~~ens the c5"pawn.

The iJIlly of 'the ten 13 that it ~lli;.rw~ th " h7-Knj~h:t: tr.!' itT"dwl (Jyt by' way ru& •. ~Y17~1iii 'But as WI:! sb.aU see, :rlobby is prepared to tdier a derfs~ve e~ SlIITifL0f. ..

~u ... IU~e-7

Tb.i8 'mtJI,fe pm:lt!1ct!;; (hI! CJ...pOlwn, ,R1;nck can't p,1:J.}' 3] . ..I~ ,32,.(J~d3 Qxdl a..l.B~3 Rxe& because 34.Rts+ ~xfS g5Jl.xf~ re:Ioul~ In 1TI3te.. In trus case, Bm-c.k's airbo:1e..- th h7"S:q1.llln! - OOsLl' he!pOO~


Ove.rwhf:1ming Ci!tt~Lizali.i!;i1:l - 'IJ!:irl!.l' ,~lJ 00 Wbire$~1"'.di.ate tbeir D:lI:IXlmW1J irnrhJ~~ BID: is .oompletel)" hugiied. Whi~ i~ 1I11J.!,.V n~c:!Iy br.! rp:[11Jno~ QIJ ~hrg rH:!Jt:k Knight il it l:i~ilI P1;l-l-i:C! it:; h2i3cl



3:l: •• .Q!:":!J

B1(1(.-k hi markiqtime with nofulng to~ The' lJllO".·i:li S2_."d3 a3JH.:ffi d2 34.Rd.3 l'.mkl Ci)/3Se {!n1~f the loss of' (hoe ,d-pavro,


'BtIil~Lt .. WhlJW i:z; emp'JJiI;~i~il1Ul" hi~ Otl1ll:plt!tt dtImilfia'lltt!' by l'Bking aWi;l,y' i111 of .li18.lL~{t. pessibilities, B).! :111:1 means .l::. Fischer r~ t"tIB atrnek.,


8Jad.;: ool'ititltl~ his o;,vaiting 'pi:tlky_ [:-11rrenr;]y, hehasefl his weak..(!!D~l1tS OOl1"@t'eC1 so nf' !eaVE'S "it 'llf' ill ~~i!"f to !lDd ~ v.t.ay lu crRl;k 1iti.:5, defenses.


Fl:~dl'ef strives ro ptaee hls, PlflCt::i ern rhe moot .squares. before e.mbarking I!.1Il his d~i!;;;ve manemrer.lBbtk has. but CIne trump ill1l Ihr~ pm~Hrm~ hli~ passed d4~ pawn, Tlre te..'io1 kf!t!ps ,~, 'W8t~;M1J] ~.rr: (1lTJ the d'~.p:;rwLl!. IT ~I:tc]{ weme to try.34!"".d3, 3.~'Rd2'fuI~'OO by R~d3 'i¥m11d~b~

up Hu:.' '!;NII;I.'-p_

c:h:iI;ntJ:! i:D ;n~~ [bj,~ !P~!1..:II1., N[J,bi;!: ~hal; @tlll)mnerould :Slac:k have played .. _KbSgil bemuse R15·:f7 wmI.1d ibaw been [!TIL mediately decisr..e.


W'h1 lre fux ther tmpreves the b:ll£"li:.tlijl Rook NQtWthe d4-pawn is ander loekand ~Izy; An the'pieo~ a~ Of,IGT1~;tHnJ.f at fheit· ~d:rm..!ltp., 8J1t.1 "'Vhit~ "...,iII ~~rt W J~ f:Clli." tJiJe iilfbi5stve bkTw,

~I~k t'tk_k~ to bLs DDI~ of waitiog fur ''W'bj~ iD plTU\'~ th-c wfir!.



All~li:it Whil!.! ~111~ the fiMI m;:J.1JeLi'f~; He ant:icipates (-realm~ a battery Omi the i)1-h7 di~settingup ru\,Il'ldlookTnalG


Bla attacks '~ ~~p.;!:\¥Tl ami pre\l'erU5 Rffi·'fl. 'Illf: mo'" tl 35..... co' ~ri!1g the h7-'KniRht wo.u]d fa;il 37.RIn lbd7 (01" 11._.f'..1jfi, .3RR Kf6 to win) OO.exi7 rtd7' ~u~ 38. .. ,ijti'S S~-llib7 wenld ;:IH(Wi;' the f7 -pawn IUo ~ pranlioted) 39.&4 would w[n nn If'Kl'.iLange alter 39 ... Nffi,

O.Q~cS. and Bc4rl7, with a te r::l:roillii.1 win,

]j!' .Qt."4

This k1 the folkn.V-!Jl!.of Wh~te's p:n:~ iOO!5 ifIJ:~ 17hi L j,R read)' to deliver a fearru] :n1a'h[! 1[1111 hi' after these moves: 37 ... RM.eS 3SJUS+ N,tlS 39.1h::fS+ Q:;.tf$ O.Qh7 C\heckmare. 1·hert.<furll 'B1<lck~ KnJ.Frht is forced to move, This ilTIkI,w all e-xth~ rs<'.!CnfiL.1! nd aqu:ick end ~o the :z.u'Ilggle.,

J"". f1j,

BlaGk m-O'ltftl iill otdcr t!l;I ston '\%ite'~ threat or Rf5.fB-f..


Wh.ite has been (lrejiafi~ ilii:s ~roth!lnAA ~cri:fire ror.n::tml¥ TIJ.O'Itf'.3 nIDw. The pawall :5ni~ld i~ :ripp d nw;:qy, unmasking the HIadi::Kmg.

as, .. ,g

Blacli has no choice but ro aoe:ept the Ilfferod iDnlL


'White 5'Mp5 (Iff the 'ffi"'Pawn and threarens ~ dlOp (1f tile b&.p:IWJl with check, .furthtr dienl.f[liuR the Stadt. King.


There is 00 'way to prom ~ J:i£i-pawn., Whr~ wouLd win m either af these seer'.Ianoo~ 3~LKsi ~ O.R.R6:+ U 41.Qf4,oj .0 19,.,Qh5 41!l.g r Qxh4 ~not: 4(L .. Rg? because 41.IlfB+ iRg8 ~,R~1i!8+ - and g4x:b5 would wln th~ Blaek Ql,leerIJ~

_1.Qa Kg7 42.Q;f8 ~llEd:Im~t.r~ by GM oomyel '~eshmky.

Spii!l8~ky 'no 1 2 00 'use tds Rooks to block :any trofit1J chr;! ,~ QTI the lIl·file. Fischer is quick. W prr'if'o\l!Tlt th~lj dehJI:5l!.



In aooilie" oohappy iJ)J_{Ml, Bla~ has to S-Wp {Iff Lim c4-£B ~i;jg(lM~, Nt ooP!!,-,!,th;jt t'l:i:t! hiD -if,! ;3:~lflil will tCrlljJ [ W hire i nro 41.Rxh6+ lTh7 ,42.Qe5+ :Rcg7. ~ro]ong·

ltJg the fLgiu:. ml!, f.'io,;cl"i.~~ Sl~}'[}tI. perfL~t:ly (bFOOghrnJJt, t0p:pjf~ niX'\t' aiJ ;at the end wi~Jl. a prosaic ~Il:.hange ~ce, ArClWld the chess wofld.. B'xanrimast\:!_r,swere :n:~d: iI,t ~b!: sJrnplie~t:y :;Lud ~~i~JIIii t~f :Fi~C:DU"s play_ I~ bec;!; a, chess Itgend,

ilno,V'CS, i:.c'IJ-1!"7 {,- \vould win, iffL'IIlt!l1i.atel~t BJa~ki; ,RDoks rn"e unable to' WIlle to the rescue of their beJeaguaroo menarch. The text aloo sets up the 1,\irmm~:RI'6-f7,


Thll:' fina I do:.!~tHy m~i"itItL '!h~ tb~t lOt Rfij·:(;S will fOI"ic:e ,n , .. Rg:8, aad then 42Jt~he willle'£Jjve Bladr. belpJe:ss. He 'rni'gb~ try' 42" ,dS, h!Jt ~.llg6+ ltg1

111ls viDt,o-ry, the iD:rst time that &ibby F.ischerhad:gooe up ~1'1 the match 'The seore I}jJW became S~~ -2~~ in raV©'L" of 'lillri~ obslkm,g~I", <lind hI!! 'l'1.!:!v#rr' 'blh-a 'bi!r.:k, A SL1m~, Boris Spa~y Joined w:~dl the audience aftee iRe game to appkmd 'FisclJeJJ;1! '"ia.filJl; It ~!i1" 'sftm" all, an ~_cam-di1W"Y toc]:!i!1idl a&-hi.1=.~'_,

Slaying the Dragon

I ,.J3J~1jng J300by Fischer's dr,s.matic ""OoTId Cb,gj~P1\1):n!;;ihif,l v:[$ry 'unlrg!12', ~bJ!. che~ world Vi.'~:;! iSlb\.i~k; The t1~'N Am..eriL:ao. ~~mpi&D, ;:aptured wor''e, iF1rle['rljj;:: Iile efI~~yed a New ¥i:irk City street tpaT3de, m::nie a few a,wearaJlC€S !(Jm.1l"V sOOm. ruI'neG OOW'D'i1, a. bast of: enoorsement iJ~, and thar .. , dhiap~!'!,:red, The chess wml\d W,:::I8 hopping' ~.i!p' and do-wn fur 3t'OC1!:h1!l" fisl;bt!t 'viir:tD:ry, OiJlL lti!! was 'oowhro-eto be fiJ\!!rnt. Fi!'1=l~ one 'y.;:t,!r, ~biZn:ili ~nd ye:aT:". and, fmatly:a thiDrl ~ar 'Wfnt by 'wVtbo'lit '1ij~er.1;; pu0fJjrlg a pa'lYil:i:D, publrc. As FID.IE {h~ifIjptml he was obliged 'by 'tht: rub 0~ ,tl:teoo'f1 govtrnjug body ((I defer:ld his tit::le' in 1'9715 ,E4gajmt the new clmllenge.r.

But 'Wb~ 'WJb'3 f'iscl:ieiP \\ls he ~n, ~p pn:panl'tion £Or h1itl ml\!ltdJ HliiIW '"Y"lY.:'i"iTI!i t!rd:iii~J5g ~~llg?' WnJ' Wa!.m,'t ~~I: 'OO:rrtjl~tii1lgP Ancli liililaillt. tlJ~ Ll'ilJiei1iJ qlIDSli6lr was Bobby ~g' to de.tend OJ:' f{)~t hl$ FIDE mlWn?

In 1'9'74, F,IDE held an, (tiTI~eT-IJ::y mf!flong,o:f i~ ~~l OO!lgll'ifSS. 'Fi!.cher had S!ftltt fIDE his demands ft)r the rules go~n.g the 191$ fIDE CtmnpioDSMp. ~fnoe 19.1oH!, FIDE's T1J!~ rot its clmmpiornhip ~'ere qujte ~iropl;e. 'The flt5t player to score 12k 'ptlim.tB 'I,IIl3S tliJl! wintw.r_ If' :!It 'thte ,l![Icii oJ '~.j ,PQS truJ' JJJI!I:tc1:i W~!:l ti~!d l2--12, the: !:<m,pLoEli retained 'nlbf:' title,,, and! the prize moo~ was d~vid.@d BqI1211iy_

F~f:I demanded that too rules for ~]]e W/6 match be me same as ttJl)8.fl used ln l~ roo: the R16'tch between Wilhelm Sl'~mi~ ,mel }oo.anD.eS Her[rulJID~ ZllirertOIt. TIl~ :ru_~" too. 'Wer'll! eloq_~tly slmple, The rust to ~i~ ren g3i1iJleS "ffl]I!.11.d be ch.ampklrdJitiH'if!:l ~~,r'l t:lrunllf thr~'m:!ltdJ "",,i'!!'1 ±~ 9'-9.., it '\1,«,.nildliJl;!: !i,tl;l~~,a~ ded:,_1"ed dJ.~fI" lS1~e monies wfilj]d be split, ~Dd I:h~ 1cl:Jat!tlPlno. W8t1Jd [~tajn,hi~ tit~ li'"au I!LthQ:" ~ba:mpi:{In -or challengerro ",riD. the ma:tch, the mLllimtm'~ score :n~ 'WaS 'Viii-&'

.~t rhe 1974 f'][)E oong~ debates ~ Fiscbers cri~ics fell the ten-wiII :system t~~ be umfair, The 'ffiij)lTIeJllt that the .(!b.;ampkio WOI1l nine ,gaIlles., he oDulmit ~se his :f.1!SCbi:!i:'¥; :supPDrt~ u~ ~ Si'!mot !:j~i.1'I to fl)OOm.t~' the oitie:i~rn_ ~ ~h~ {;~!-- 1i1'nga' "MlI1i nine, 'lID OOUMJ'-.lft lase 'the mabc:h (!jtJler'! 1F:~b.u' baJ1 i!itiPpoct:et1i 'lhe

lcI1!-WlrL ~Vo!i1:err.! ,rifti! W ,tht!! 1912 mI!JJm wil:1J Boris SpilSEkf- The! 1972 'tllD1rn ron" '!firu:etl FHsc:l'l£.r til [be !l:IJn'ffIIDe8S"tIt his, D'DSi:Mn.

In 1972); (IDee PizGna- had gtJrtel'l the: ~di. he 'k:11~ [~t all hE! ~Ld u~ ru) w.!l!~ ~O:!!W 'S{iD1e :I{l:I_m'1:5 and claim thI. tittle'. l~lh !l!'3m ~'TI g;;Li1:h~" he 'WOuld be ui:\e S~i:P c!CJSitI:. ant! :Sp~k,~" 'lNt.M!lkli h~.'!.1'(! .oRe! ]~ ('J~M.ill'iili.y to f1gr.t baek.. 1fh3l~ p~Jy what happe:llr.::tl Games] 4 rEhrcrugb 211 wen: aU rlrawIl! Sevelill gm:nes in 011 'row. Fischer rh:mgedl ~'Iis st,.~ to '!nljl: the rules. He 1iIl:I.S DO Langer the ~"'3.mOO' ]}layms- all-cur in ill"'V'fiY ~ h~ 'WaS a chess ~r;:fumal 0&Ift5t1ng tg Ihc thll!. This 1tYJlt-' illIr dll:~. (~_ff~ded 'Fi.F.diiI!r.

A paraJlI!I, WIln tk mVff1 'l:idvrem a bru:lrtg match and this ~pe of chei8. One fighter ded:s:i.~]y wi& me earlier fiJ1lJl!h Kno<wing that he: is 1,\'e~~ ahead on 'llOirIts, herefuses tn get ilil:ro <In ezornmgt of bl'mw that m~nt;R.e ni~ knQC~w 'O~~ ~Il~ ~5t tum the fighL lrul'eRd. Ilhe figtu(!r who ,fu; ~dQil!Fl: ~ iPfJliD~' J"UUL-; ~rulJIlM tru:' riD~) aWlj~nR ~n.y :r~~ amI wmfij8 ~rm -wli.iC:lij~ bt1li!rd:by t~ ra.i:'I!:;i..

["'lsc:~ SUPP®l"I.ffS '&K!mted out that a tm"wi.TI·S"rst'I~]jJ] fDrced the player ~Q was. irl the leaili to oontio!.ill to play 'Dr ~e win.lf drn~'s didn't ~t, oo~h pla~'WFi "P,f!l)!.dd :h8~ tn pL1~ 11'.i ""rjllil tliJi'QU_.dmou~ th~ :rr1f.!Ikh_

l"ll!l!il~ (~ lTItt!ll~u.dil &b~'I.C OO~fffl!ll llf:.r! tfNC :!!i~~ t':illg.&j. a ptactie-dl '~L1e ~. ~ ~nl~ wooJd M... too t.,'Qfi.!i.1lilltt thil! p~tb~ nri\!lndal bn.r~ m an lilllimitiJd rnaLeh. Wb:n woiJ.ld happen ii Df' il!~1Y ooutil 'prove w.s ~ rmm:y~ S!l]Jpooe: 1:here 'WaS all endless senl'S {d drnws~ Tba costs mwd become i!!U!;~riTI:q.

l~ 19"1·j" the oo~d -war W$2i in fuJi bloom. FIDE v.~s M~a&,_-rli ~f .h.c' f!.d.tional, fudmtiom; ®f iIl'Ie' worli:!i; arui! as it did in. 'the L1I11Lr~-d N::'liot'lS. t~1.(" SalVia ILln(.Oii\ (!.'([!rci~ eDOf'lJlOOS id~:in FIVEt-j"fi:ftfral asseroblj'w If the Sovlea ,i.JJ~l on blockq reromt, the %~rn nations had Httfe chance of seruring' F['s de:mnrufg

M'ill~b Kk-0 ::J ~~tl'ef,' ~sk~d with ~MFJ; a i]~rse. fIDE ~md a cimI.eI. '1hey iU['~1iI r~i:.l'bcr a milsl-'W[n-~rx-MB~ :3ltlr;:r~mj~ 'If !'J :5-5 SC..Qro W19!:l .~I;bild. ~ iI:IEXt. galllE wootd. be dfd.siw .. &t.h plal~ '>\,'t:iklild lLallc [0 :t\f.a.C'Jj :!liM;;" dt';ai.i.S lJiM counting. FIDE hoped tm~ Fiseher 1AAl1l1d accept 'Ihls mrnp:romise.

A~: this prnnl; Phi~ppime Pre3id1!nr Ferd!immd Maroos 'Ci-~ a IjV&mfl~01'I"doltu _ldJ:priZi;! fuoo.under t.h~ (J;MD:f;lwmise of ~ I;lIX-wll1s}'!jte:m. Fh:cherco1.l1dn't decJ[ne:


the opportunity til win n1il1iOIl~' of dollar:.5" could 'he?' 'fL"1(;nef" wuloil ,i!I~dl <lid. R'r! :rdu5'I...r:I hl 'P14LY, furfiJiliT.lI>l: hi~ FIDE O'"()'!,I,!T.L i[l! 1'9\\'5.. ]1: WdJ!:.fl't u.utL12(1 )/E..n; later, Jil lsae, itb~L r.'1sCht:f. fulttld a SP@SOf .... 11lin,g lID SliIpp-ot1 rthe ten-win gYSletll~

An Eastern S'tar

&~ who. 'L'iiQI;Ii.I(I 'be: t~~ C'M~k' In-r ,tM 1'915 FIDE .rna:tf:h? 'rbi! Sn.,f~ se.1l& of C'h~ ~i1Id Ill!.li"l1.trud a .riS1l1g f!L<i:i:, AllfLmiy .Ka:rpo,\1',. Knl'pov qnal:ifllOO faT dl.e FIDE Cfi.fIi:lLOO'teE matches ill theJ97,3 Leningnu1lnrerZ{lnai t{ildrnamllllt. He then beat three gg"il:'i J.l'la~"f'T5 '1:0. succession, [.,ev Ptll:U:ll:~e'i'i;jkr !i 1i2-2lh (M1tl'St~)w. t 9711), nm:i~. 'Sp8sEK)- 7-4 ~'_g[Lin~r<!d, 1914).Hiflod Vid:ol"~ocbIilfl] 1.2~11~~'fugoowi 1914). 'fl1e' HUE fiiLti~ :Ltl<l.'lic.h in 191~t di2~d'minef!l :fu'bhy'S !'::~llen,gtr, S±oce there was no 197.5 tharn..piGtlshl]l match, the FIDE can,ilidares fina l match turned .inl·{j a f.IDH ~mplonsWp.

Al11~ooly Karpov's crlncs 'L'I.llJu[;d poilU om: th.a~ l{::lI"piJ!1,1' bei;;ame the ch:,m(;i!km Vi~lh.-· '(Jilt 1J!;~, • .jn~ the ~tlm of :M'trlhf!!l" R~~ .. ·M~JJ.y {:h~}'Cfii Pd'lliiOO to ~dt1gflll&{!' 1\fll',[)QV 'iIIS'lJpiOD beeaese.he l!iad never defu:i:J!11:~ tlsdler,~. :rno.y Kar"IP!1V carred OL'L his back tlimugb®l1i hls career,

~rbilit Anamly Km-pi}v didJ ttl slieruJebis crftlrn WM ~ simple; he won, He:played ~11 PMEes 0'£ the Roarne- operung" midd!tfg3me, and endgame- SlJPerbb': He was >tXi; 1ti1lilltld ~fl:Lht'Oi=H~f'tinr;: ;;\f1Cly ,@f.I!I~~. wi[h~ 'bad I!fi!lll[c. ,Hif': ~hl1k~i :prow~ was exuao.l'{Hl1tary. On. iI.Ju~ (If tilL&, .M· e.alf:ilJ2I~ Wf'1l and w.on ail ~1!1TH10Llli number of brLtl:in'llt gnmw. Gl'adtm11y he WOOl grudging'aillMlit'eiS,

Ka ... ~ ·~rtoshiM 'mJ.S 1914·, Inthe 197.4 match. both heand his rival, Victor :Kotlrthtlljti. k~ ~ W'liiLlld be. f,I~n~ rolf 'the: 'Fmfi CiiO'i?!iTI, It was ~ iblrter; hardtooght d:jj~L (h. few' .yE.;:U'B .IatJ!i' J~16'i1;hnlll · .... ·uwild d¢rt-ctt'J;j thl!'-1N'aH 'The ·~ttl!w ha~j jusr started w[th a when ·K.oltr~O\I' dn."'iV fust bktod with tbll!, l:,(fm1l~ng vft1(1ry, which would bring hlOl co h~ goal a$:beooming FIDE dw,uJpion,

1 "1!IiII,

Ea:d~ iLl his ~ KarpQV anployed 1~ - a Kinj;!; Pawn C}pf,lni;ng· _, [1x~.:lusiVCly. From the 'vi~r';i1t of ap;;l'te ;:ritd ll~~ Ck.. .. p]~o/"m~u.1:, t!2~, has l'{l be eoasidered rbe be~t Q~i~ mm'"f. The,e4,.parWf.LiOOll. trels the 15.S([illJ.I'e am:! d5-s~ 1ie dlQu1!ell th~ 'h5-:5ql,.liR~ and 'lhr! fI-lB~htif:l tli~ '1liS-?6II:iJ!lJalrC tl:ild ;a;iJ-stllI,IlN5: ror a ~p::lce count of :It ~re. rile fla.Bisho.:p and d li.. ijIMen IJTI: given diagallais on whU:h ttl' develop. ln Fisehers 'Mlt"de ... e2..eiJ,"'i.s best by t~t.'·

iE~i..hnli in {rut II!jgb1Jc.t~f.ttli diU-d. :r.i~ne:. teeMh ce.ntJJ.,lr!i~i ,i{lng Pawl} OpeJ'Inngs. were [Q8sidered me (!~~'l W3y ro Opoe:rl :=i cb~ ~. They fro~m:e rsMrp, ~t1~ti!l;')!I'Iilol: ~::J~ l'~t3.r<0 ~ilR"nbr p:tiil,.gd liy-cm~ ] 1l!i!<."-":r'S" l(lrlf:! e1,l, .ill I i!X I:r'.aunlinary ~ lliil1lhf.t oi beautiful ,games, hill gin with this first miIve.

B~cim!:<e J{iJiik' Pawn ~iImIt') ~a¥e BbcklieSpoofhwith tb.eSk.tIian De:funse.. ~ a nth ~~ i:!.i:!iMry., t1~e,~' have been The arnof the Sicilian Ne~ is tl)fight ~l'l:h!n::ri.wlY' anal}'~_ Hl1ildreils ®:[ ef.It:"~1'- indiuectly '1m ccrrutrol u~ tb!;: allib;rr- Thr!o elopedic 'books have attempted to:m:lftp w~u oomUiC!'l:Si ~'1ti~''S, dl4r-SQUan: and b4- Ol,.l/t" Blat'1r's vosstbh: defi!TI~e:5. Too:jly'~ sq,umre. ~t d~bel]J(tbe ~lcJtll1.ent of

[Ill • • iii III .iii Ii Ii: iii 'Ii Ii S[dlhm Dmgortl

eM Aiiil!1!ti1r K:irpiillV

c,M. Vic~nr Kl:rirchnoi

j !:V,~ fJDf C.mdid:.llles f'J1Ml1 (CulP!~ 1,


8T!iI:ndnn.~5tw!::l KtiUW ~b.:at King rawn ~tng~ o'lire lncredlibJy s_1mp. A s.ingle m~tfp In the ,attEc.k or <L'J]e tlde:nse ean lead to disaster; Leatnitllit ttw- cJE,, and ikfun~ ar~ a liidmtf!'s .... 'Uffi. !If roo ;a:i:"!f 11 < ~ If.p-i to- dill te en iii e la tfSt ''''rinkle ,iII a hfll'r.itying'~'y roltlilp~icated varlation, 1j{IJJ may s~ip and lose,

Th:e main 'f~tuil'e,ctlf ,I\jfllg PaiNfl Ope.f1- ·ing,s is ara,p~d de:ve'kiJ;me.nt {I·r the 1P;f'£.e3 .in o:rd.'er to ~a,'Lmc'h qukk attaeks, Tb.[s Figlu for the :i:oitidi¥e - the ahihty in make threars - is the cl.acie:frye fur:1titJ1' it the (lIU~ ~ ~ .gPl;TllfilK,

1 •.• (.5


2-.NfG an 'en playe~ sLJ.GcemJJll~ AI this p;j)~nt, the defense is a matrer of lRst.e.

Bhlil,:'k~ [JljI!~~, iDot~c~i:lbIy Ui~ lBi§r.1r1'PS; 'btl[ Black win sJawI,:r' !Wf:fiOOLtif tJ~j!!i dil. .. 'fiDtJ~t'j. first he- :m,eanst{! kee[} ::m eye on 'the center by restr,mmflK \Vhlte's oo~tmL. ].al¢t ~ '!,\';jI go 'fur :;I, f1,i]J-fl~~d i:i1!Dtc:r' fight.

"file SidU::Ul ll)e:ffeilse is a rel~rlvety [J~W one. rnlly aoo11t '150 yearo {tld. ,IThe l!;i~destJ:m{!i"l,W] il;._h~'Q~~n.I§l,~~n ·w:ith l_tIf.'-if5. maftdling ''!fVbale''s :flrSt 'tM''!Ie.J


This is tbe most principled response. \V'hile wa..nb lIf.I 'pl:ilY d2'-d4. OOi:p-'i:rl1"l: 'bh~ ,te:(U(.>t a;oiI. i~rt!f'~rlr'lg fur'" W~~ ~lopment. ~['h.e £3·:Kn~ght attacks ~e e5~q!Jme and ~·.sqtwe while 5U~rt(rig BbE!! ;qo$!lng '!1lQ\"\i! d~dL

Ooc o:f m@ ~:;i di;l.f!~ gafrib~~ that Siti.ti.1fft1 playcn; ,forte i~ flfw; SmithMocr,21 Gambit Jt starts mth ,2 . .doi exd4 .3.c.3, axc:3 4.Nx'C3, in which Whilf' has ~r:tif~ a pawn to brims' ~ of his piil'U.'S ~]lt[J mill g-AI"[I~ Wh.1]~ ~Jing ~p (he eenter tor b~ BjslID~. ~fa::!it stonaHi pLalre.ItS if£Ch:~ ith.e garn.NI by 'piinYlllg :::.....oo! ,fighting 1m de,,~l.opmer:Jt ,[Uijd ~. ~rwntrol iiI_s'weJl.

l ... de.,

~,'lh" mfrl'e ~the eS·,, oom:roJs the e5oSquare~ and I'Jpem: 'Ll.p. '~e diagDR3!! ter 'the c.e-B~p. On move 2. ~!ad:;; bas Ufia:li:1I ClhGlQr2;; 2. .. kil, 2.~E'6. 4~ .. f5', aJJiid


With this thrust, White off'ec-s. an exI!:Mrtge of 'pawns in the ren.ter, mU9&prn,'Ing up the [iooitioo. Tlli!"': JJMlIIfI? gi,~!:'i the< ~)J;Ii.!ning H~ ill<!1~~. Il1.e 'Op~tli ~d1i@.D,

A'S t'he game oont:imres. me name of ilie,'I)p1IDing '~iH ~ome 'i'L1Tllie:r Iti1rl"ed. If Whit~ had ch!JOO.TI 'l'ltJt' ~ iPli:!Y d2-cl1 but pr~feIT.ed. r~lIr 8)l:;unpfl!, :l~3. JJ3:Iich-ctb:nTlg- t:Ji~ 'BLe.hop, the o,petling ~"iriJild be caJlf:.CI rhe Closed S:dJjan.

After·~d,<1, it ~~ te see that Whlt~ has cpe:!Joo dia~lsfo .. · his ~ to 00 l!I~~J(]iP!I!tI. OIImld. !!:!nj¢Y'5 OIl .:=crns.icl£dibl-l! j~ j~1I l'JiIE:!1pa.oe 'l-"'iItlIll So wt.y v,"(1Ijlri Blacli 'pl:ay ~ Sicl~i:alll am], alltfW' '~Vhitt Ib be so aetlve se early? .At. the wondem cd d1es3! The Sicilian Dcl'en:re is. moot rnskliOUs. ~~s ~d:ea ~ lndlQw lMijre his p:lel.le ~v:i~: "Hil! $l!k!; kI rfib'ilri"ti thi~, 'I!lmivlt}r wbile'lwtLiMing U1J his M\'~ roIUl:ro.l of tho renru squares. l.~~. iB:fart wiU try to mtdl up in devel_entt anii adjrity tc ebMIefl8El'th,e cen1B'-I~ rmythm 'WiD the fuitia'~1m. \1jfuy'~ The a'El~r II~ In, 'tlhl: ]la.MI, ~1J'Uii;1l!ire..

Beeause '~C'fLjto is S(! vita~ ~ a illeIlIte:r pawn - all e-:pawn or, a.d,.p;lWllli

'i~ crucial. \·Vifu d2-dol, wrut~ 0'BeJ's to


~l;ure UIt! d4-pawn wG.u1d al]IlW \Vbi~ the cl!!ioice of d4iltt5, or even d~Hl!5, il:~un:plng down the 0I'..Qte:1_

- .N~d\

'W lIlite'tlIDVfS tile arne piece tvri!:t! if,! th~ ~1li:IDg. O~ pril]dpt~ genel~[li' mctate that mO"tii~ the same prer:1l: w-rty in the t.lpe'nitl • ~n.lllllil hr., oili",(J.j~~ but In 'tbls cast. '\Vliite: has t:he right to do so. Blad:: too has moved rus e-pawJl] itwiC"e, so v,'bite doesn't losea!'l) bym(Mnrs;:' his Knigb , mice.

Still, t h rol!'cp.l'pt'u fl:' 4"Q.x<[[4, ilflioks' :ilI ..... ,f.lltly ti'2Jn,i~~ ,iL'Iling White tlm~,1!' w.!lIl'nors in play te Black's lone d6.p;awn. But the p oblem ~ith 4.Ql:d4 ls that I wmild d~'t!lvp e~een tQOeilTly, mIl -iill:K it !I likely t::l~l 'fQJ ~tl!ac;lt.. Black B3eek' eppilY' ,f!);t.:haIilg 'bi_ wLng: E5- cou La: C>OTI ti:nilf; with 'either -t. •• ..Ne6 c pawn ror the O::I!liW.u d4{IX1WD. fwllJre to

4_16, furdng a respQDSe~ Nevertheless,

'1nI.d~ his d4-t:ailte~ pawn:ror:!li qL!fe~de 6pa'l,'i,'IL 'toot ~-ves Blaa wi h 1l:'1;I.'D~tel' pawns to 'Whjte~ I:tr~ ~,.f:tiawn. Bb!iJ:.: 'hN~ to .... '1lCJ1It'UaHy l'IIIJize his mr:a cenU:r pa.wrt to gh~ him: an advantage in the renter. :Black allews White the Rodre.rm activation of hls piec~ in [!);cbitiru,"J! ro!tM lonK-~ adv-dititilgt:o( ha inga prC:pa\tlt!l'af~t::e- of ,pawns [1'1 me center.

The exmange ,of the ~WI1l 'fw tru:! c5·pawJl also U[.l!IIDS I,!Ip ~h filt!S -(Dr tliu:!' JikJoks. Blw:;'JI;, ~t.<i. the :hW.l-flI[jJt::1't c·file, snd Whit getS lbJ: haH-open dl.-t'il'e. Wlw ~~its JJlJO:r12? H [s. WlJlCSSlole EO say at tbi.s.mornent Each playa' wm rnr.- '!(I1!l~ IDS tn.HQj;IG s ba1t h ~rt!.

!Finally. 'What iilboollbe mQc'~ 3.Hb5 • d~vdQPi.IJg tlie B:isr.op with check? ActuiliHy" this isa Wotill·koowll OJ)eDlIng variation I d'OLl!'t recommend il:, be1ie ..... mJ!:' n falls hitc lili . mteJW[Y ef "Pal2!~1r ~~ a dJP.t,:k~ pa,'!;$ pJ:a.}'S:i:I l'1mock.

S1~oo.ld tlR- gmne'COOllnue witb ,3~Bd7 4J:boo7 ~d1.· hire would de-ve]op' Quet'lIl with re_mpO. It "wid '~,m mack more tMr! Vlhrlt" ~oogh lhll!l [t:hIil:rJ,-P IB:~1."clI '!Ii:.u-ia,lio:f'j, sht.l:uldnte: "be jutlg,oo ffttjre~y 00 this short-term disadwntage to Wtittle.

3.- -114

wt!~'r:n, Int! '~Lg'bl [!;Q~n:9 ln UJi'.!' (,;_-crLt~. in fiS~ fitJLiCt!~l}' !5 and, [1;5,

Ane:r 4H.1i:5, '\'bire wiJJJld want to exchan~e ~ight-sGu:H!W Btsh~s becau_$e Hl;~ Id ml'! it iIliiI2i~0:' f,o-r' bjiilllllJ. ,Cfimrtftll Ilht f5-sq'li<l!R! al:l.di the d5·s~ua:re. 1: nus, 4 ... eS ~ :5.EU:6+! Bd7 6.Bxd7 + Q~d7 7,Nf5 - w[tuJdJ rome tthe d4-[{n~ghil: cnte a mON d:i!ing'~ri)Y'51 ~~ Ulhtinthing'h! 7'_._g6 '!.'!{auld flll'ther hom: the iinLgl:it and iELduee aNe3l~ preparing a jump t1} '!!be wonderful d5~ outposr, TIILe mO'-"'e ."gi'.,~:is platnJy bad. Le~~ eentinue in thislin.e. and Introduoo -!!illrnI1:! :tact ~

the i!id"!la-[,l'ta~ {If .,Qx_d4 .aJ~ !Ubvio~ and JllailJf!t8 haw !l::rl'b'ii!llbi~ ,re:apture ~'fiS[e~1(1 of Nf3Kd4. '['hough it is largel, i3i i!Lmtte:r at taste. brpo:v's r~ptJJ:.rre 4-No-::dll is the beotter cho~ce. 'Wb5~ brin~ hi~ l{wlJl!bt ~ ~ mr;tre jrnih.!l(:D'! p.t.1i.t, Oni.trulNflg ®l::i.Uii~ b5., ,et':~ cG. and '1'5_ Wllite has ,de.YeJop ed 'ttro members fJof his:amIJ,.y tU< Illaok's.;me, "B1ar::k must ~ hie: 'mI~·l;r,r ~tc'h 'Up ili1l Ol!J ... ~lQp:lI!rnt.

,11 •• ,Nf&

:macl! develops a piece w,hilJ.e- anacking WITires e4-'[lID¥.Il. The reX-I is eonsldered t'Ete: ~t rmti~ :fo-t' two reaeons, 'B~I!IC~ dDffiill;t Yr.l'El.t t~ al]~ Cc2..c4, whifh 'WOtil~ e:1lLat!le Whire t:C! strengdLen his control i,}ver'the d5..sqr;:mfj" Secood, Bh':iCR wtmrn ttl imtual Nbl-d. wh.ldr~ wou]d ~~ the 6l-Knight Oml th!!! h~.lf-~, c-'ffiile. 'I'hj~ w~uM allow a p.DtI!il'Lt~ilIj r:!Xi'.:~nge sacrifice ., ,RaiB~c8N:c3. ioHo'W6di up wilh ~"Nffixe.i, Such eKC~ !!a~ are ,3. QrnmPiIIln'~~ Ilb~ 1~ tl::r;~{~~,

ft'illmrt Ehr:: point of 'i;i~ O~ de~krtJin~r 'WiE]j 'lie!r1ll~frr 'i,;ih:!' nut play '~o.. •• cS, altacit,jug the :powerful Ci,4·.E{![~ for the SMrt 'term, tiis would be a good idea. '\Vl:r:i~''O'ifluild'h¥~ to ffi{j'O'e hi6 d4-'KnPsht, a.ndllBlat:'k Vo"(]u.kl h;l.1fol:!: pla~d tru;!, mo"!I;i!~ glf:7 -e5 f_r}f. ir:e.e, 1'~ dJ.ra:W~ ]0, 4, ... 6is rhe JfnVJ~12rm Dl'tib1e:m t~at tl:r:is l"mllVf 'lNl}uld caUSI;!, The m[l;;Ye .. .e7 -e5 'ViD-11M

II' 4",Je5? 5_Bb5+! .BI17' 6..s:x,d1'+ Q;xd7 1.N'f5 Nfe. ~attackmg the !i:oi.pawn~ whkh W®1d suppot' tM tS-'KnlgM 8.Nc3 Nl'te4 9,Nxg'1'.II·IB~ 1~.NJe4 dO. l1L1U,6!' 0-0 12.lfbJg1 K:x:g7 ~,3.N~ 'fN\l}LliLdJ p:Di)d!r..I:Ct. illn Ii.i~L~;:ii" p{:r?;j1iffilL B'12rrkjs kartgS:i dle defense WOl]ld be romprom.i&ed. bljJ~ he w(mJrl have a fine tt:ellItex ]NL'wn duo

.i "!iV-hilt: ~lJIJlld bl;; ;Hi bit :i:r10'ID ~t;; 4 .. ~_e5? :5~Bb5+! 'Bd7 SJlx'tl14- Q~irl7 1.~ b3t Thl& :sim;p le retreat would! cause Bkrek the moot preble l1J.S. Slack Wffi;]~tI Mve:;] 'oot;:k",qrd d&-'~ and WhLt~ wtrut{l 'ha~ :a.- iil~ ilP"ipr on 'the d5-f;~,U2Ifr::., By oorttinutln(g' with Nb1- c3·d5 i Wh.~te could secure a clear ;;tdvnnta;ge.

KaTpmi~ dmifr i!j , he rn4ln nkJ\'J!!: in U1

Op'~ S1 ilian. He fJMe ts the -pav.'D .and oonhrmes to'ront.rol the -d5-squn:re.

Whitrt tbld5 fulls in line with Blm:k's :stra1~ID' lSI::! outlimud in lhll! pM'ttlWi! nl}te. '\V'br1 'T'h QU:I;8ti~n.~· bow tliJ d:efJdllhr: .e4-1:U~WIl. WiUi 5.Qi33 or 5.Qf3. W]~h wou ld de relop 11~$ Qu e't'I: [(J·O early,

- POO InA: i l{l' p05Sib~ uac ' [n fin;( ": . • 5. . .'Nbd7 'l'oi'{fI,!lIClIP ~" rfj. Q. i<rrk iflg 'I:btt d3-Qtw_ Q ii:lILd ,r,."\'Ir-'PdilA'D; in th· l't.!l11td~. iBli!lck itVUI-tl il:b£n [fJlt!jy '5 ... B.g4, deve~il~j'r:Jg ltle Uisbop tunp

Tli'-''O (lth r r,J(J:; ibl dden. ~'~l,dd ])r::lRlJll !JHJ'iatiol:J.. 'The fianchetto allo .. ~

·ha... becm clJrlSCD-

.1 .A :plausible meve alkl & dJ::\ .. ~-

m nt and dEierue wooldJ be 5"BdJ. It has ,F! iir3'W~: sirw . the - ·Bishop

.ha: a'llF.i.dy ·[[JO\,'~ .Bladt 00 lEI IftLt"S BdJ-b5 • By con[inuing wi t]l s, Bd3? I e51 G. Nb3 ~fL H b5i'"? T3d1 ? .Bxd7 + ~il1 ""'01;1'1 d! I eave Hp

piI .... l1, ~11 pti fi.~d.I)~ (Uola wuLililii .in, tll.e :ttglJt fa the center.

\'¥' hite rould I[['Y ,5.f.3!7' to prop up Ute e4-'pawn whil prll?PLLring cl2'-ctl, ~I1fI\Y ~r.rnd m;l.!:i.1d!I!i :m in'l: trim !.his re.iL.":~mab'le- i~~ - again. it ~ largely a 1R3[L ter or mte. 1:'bE' o.l:Ily Clraw'back5 Clf f2·fj are a weaktming· ef the .Rl·b ~ :l artd a 1 'lJf Ih u,tirm 12· r,tt,.

The dlagtram JXlsnion ts :prnllabl ' Ilft" most (lOmp]eK in rnodenrL ehess OpeIllnR the;Jr~ !.htck has A. ~t of ~]bUin .; S .. A '-the ~heven~[J, ~t 5~6 (1Jie N~jdo-rt), 5._Nc6 ((Ii~ R4W:~~,.l[!r Lhc!

fine· ~h.ll{li heoses - llJH D['ilguDli.

The goil'S name derives trom rwo

, 'actMS': tne ' hop {]nn~ 03 1

00 the I n hh 1 d- 3 rut • bn::athln fi

CW'l"'IlTIiI! butt.r~ iI d Ulaclt"rii. pa\\'Tt ·true· 'ti.l r.t:: - h7. lifO. f"l., !l!''1, ,tIIjj] d dll ~ iI'C'£Imlh1 ' a 3!l'L oollinl? oI ::Ii dragrm~

There Is 11 lot m be said in lin'1}r of the

Bl8A:k to build:ili h&;rn for' his tGng Oft t_ kj~Jgside. a~;rc-'k,' r::.7 and d6. poLWIlE liniit the dec:Li';,ret'leSS 01 the :fB.Elishop. r.Jili tIm g7· isbop, he '~:rwlIs will (lIiaF

h ij"

£fibuttrolc·ln. ~t ~ hy kreping,aD f"ye tected, The text sets 'IJR the p~ ti[ QdlOJ:] the Cf'IlilPr e'5-sqoore and d4-S\luare, dl2, "fQ'U,OW~ dI hy 'B~ 3- hn, try i ~g lo

Ths JJrago)l 15 "t'1fPLelI Qf the[n- ~C~~ a:br.: tlafl.cll~tttad Bi.'stiJop. ThlS 'inK ~iiilnter ~rr'Bt~gy in.tnJ!!hJt:l:!d 'in t:~ stl!'~.ten wm learl ro eno rnlOO S IOOIILpJjeaSjtibait- "AfbiLe oontr!l~s ttLa're' spaee, ~'et tions, with both pb~'ffi; iW!iItl~d {In ~pt:llID cKnfies:ts in tile eenter aI'E! deerJy vis- .site!:1~~

ible, TM d6'pawn pt'e¥ellU the move e(e5. the fi),Kml"l:ht hit!': th d5-J;.qU8i11;! oiIInd eII-ij~U8~, and lh~ gfi-pi:i ..... 'f.t'liml:ts tI:lf: d.4~ J~n[ght by ,oolltoolli[Jg me;1l<m~, In the long tern, m~ck will try to li.!ti~i?e his ,e::Ura oeDrer iPa",,~ \Vhlt~ mLI!ij,t th!m-ofm~ 'look flOr f,QtPe'dloo :pl:!lJ] off ,iJetirn~,


The p~:rer"With more active pieces can ,~~fly ~Un~ :pl::l'll of a(.1!:~n; i":;IdLICI!! I·UlISIaJrm:s tl~w.a·Ib'· tli'tll' a 'fi~btJ" 6'f 6'Pti!l~ ':!I~d White c(jIIlJd ha'i.'e ootL~cl.e:t't"rl. oJ4., plaYlng for e4e5., 'Or 5J:le2 anrl6Ji;:l, J.l'1<u~· ing foOr :g2-g4-g5. He could have played :;:'1 '1J'ov'l y, wi~h 6..);::3, n:;Jndlet~OOfilliil: hit:i 'I}"""P B~op, :ti!fid oontintlil!d '!,.nth Ills 'plaid! fi'f watching tlled5-sq;ua.J.e_ insteootKarp ov chooses the. A tUE£.kag.~lmt. the P.r<llgtln - the most dangerous antiDr.1tJ.~m 'weapon lTI be ;fu4J~-

'Th~ motf,.re 6.:8:..~ ~flJl!!; 8 'p;il!Ee ... lltiJe pre,pal'L[lg to ca.stJ:e quoollside, The DKWe ,g7.~ bM'Wffik.e:c.ea the h~sqrLare, and this b clJfl!lllOOSfli~dl'fur by the faet ~hat 'l;\ith ,;'Ii ,R7-Biltlh.o.Po t~ h,6-sqUo'\'re is pm-

Black coo.:pletes the fianchetto. H:e'WoDlliltl have made a bad mistake by playing 6 ... NiP!'~ ~~ lQ I'IJtb&r;J;: lh,e e3-1~f..lbI;fJj and ~ !lip tiki 1!llD.g ,al-:}!lB di2l!.'CI~bal '\Vbite !L'OOJa maliQ tli~ 'latEit;.i)1-g]~Dt 7J3bS+!, {)[jl~ lowed by Llild1 ,8,Qxg_4'!ro take ad\f:i!J1'Ittag~ 6f the pin ,to grab the S4,KMgbt.


,p.ri! ... ~tl:tlJ _,Nf6·_g4" the 'text also i'fir~J!lfCE'S th_e e4>[}aWl'I.; pre:-luding thf' sting O[ a ,p.osslbi:e d.eNchange ~irlre.


'1 .,~i"'l!:i!l., A de1Ining :mi~t. IIMVf initiate::;

ft6 oohJ_l'.ttJlI~1' R:) can be.. RI~ck: l;;untii:'i.1.l~ theYugoolav AittIDllk

Pn!.ctioce has ~1lW~ ~~ ~fte:t ~.o-O-O

:po.W!::f'JuJ be::Jist. SIJ Btack SIMS IIIP iTIL opportu;rdI'j 00 e.Kfhrmge Knights.


Wh~bt lDD 'is, 'impk~ung ilLs plan, He ,p:rc-paJ.~ [0 eastle qwunslde while setting up a baite'l"Y for ~e3-h6..

L .. O·O

BalllC! fines are; ~E1lg dr:1Wf.L B.laoDk has built a home f-or his King and wiD now mrn has attennon t{i'Wi1ud the: renter and qUil;!~i!3~. Nqw tfuLr n~~k :h~5· tntnm~t· ltd h~s King. Whitt:: ~ he has 1:0 attack,

d5~ Blill taifi :!iitr~i: illItLt .i.fllbl'i:,cttlter aM ~ill"rI! ~ttli:!~1iX:i1ill_tet'plaf against WMte's, King. l1Le teJ,:.t is a haemomous meve, Wbite is plrmf1~fII8: '1;10 ?a stle qUIi!e.filSid~ and Wdn~ tti liIilif~~~ lm.r.:ru: ;Btt: ~:(teJ::Jll' of g-lI.tards around '[or pJ'(lItecti.otL .A1'rer Bc4 ·iba:. While cements the 'Q!awn~ around hl£ K~,

Al<;:o1), 'B:f1-Qd ~!'S 'l'Iii;g.I~r w:iJ~ thi!! Siii'il!t· ~Y' ,)'! pruli::cr.ll'l:g the ~s;.sil:lui!lre. ~IlfiIi1o wi.n :riii~i: l!LH. n1e mUntir:I.bM'E: ..... d'6-dS, w1lli:h 'w,,'lJllIld :a11:3:(:1~. the e4~ .. nnl, What treasure lies QI'J. the a2·s-3 dL~]~ y~, incil ed, thf41! :i.~!~g.p ]oole;.Clin2cHyup~:rtL the gB-,E\lirng_


,&tb P~IS (JootLnue within me rnafiI line tlloor; of the Dragen, The t-ext 'fits in w:itb. (:j~ uf IBlac~.s. tr'Um:oo~ ~ ihIs1f aper.i ,e-J]!e_ 1:.bre r£;Si£ihtj<p makes f.OOt[j fm the <t&-Rook rn !play u,[RIL8-c&. Bb.eli wou1:d.Irhe.n be get !lip to take the initi:nb.'lf' on the q,uJ~en:z!ide.


] uti


Tlris {'J:',.lci3J link ~Iil W]~.itt-t. ~b~'nHl rKF deveJOJll1lrn shows t.bat he is oommined I~ a'll-mtt w~ ~t 13'ook's IGng. '~'ith this toll"!tc, Whi,'Ix:: 'burns hi!;; bri~, and i:If;::~:;u;es M~ bl1ienl. O1lO'J '~VJ~i~ Olli.tles qu~de. [beg-am..:: wiJJ be oo:idoo by tb.r;! pla)W wno ge(S '00 tJie.(lJ!PosinE ,Kllig ,fir@t_ 'Unfortunately fur \\1Lkg, ~Gk:has a slsable lead in the.r~ T'Ew h.a1f-OPeJJ cfile :means that madl:, al~y _ I',J hi:yb,,'IJ,y to Whiters King. W ~ite thel:1l!:fDtC: 'f[illJsI: ~[Jj I,ij) a roadfo.r his PLere;i_ ~frciany tb£ :R.ook~ Whiw 3Jltidrmte:t; pJaying M-l15. and hS~! w~bmmFl: lire pawn ro¥ff around Blad£~ !{Ln~ "TIllis OCl~,Qf ~~ the h.Jile wuuld eost '1.i\I'bL1.'C two. [r2~,pl_ hl, the mean:tinl:. BJaok!s attack ~, !:.tit' ofLlI.:! is i;tlming- fust and furiom WItitO will, gN tbelie 'bJ"iU wiith i:E1c ~


What roIIJd be ~r? BJack d'evelop~ ifIJ Roo-k to his OOU.opetL c-file ta::1l-d intoo· duces HI£ t~l oJ , . .N~~Jl3>1. ~oo"mg:

I.b e c4J. 8Is IKJ p..


In view' ,if rhe pre .... ~l)lmlr mentioned threat" miLE Is :liorted [):II ~at C:hli: dl'" ,tishop. AH.hl1U,gh the relreillt tltJSh:i <I, tempo. 'Wofb:~te [S11~1 OOIJ]pret'ezy !.IElhapp}" T be b3-Ri~hiJP offers considerable ~ 1l1;:i!!11 !'JiQ~ Wil!l:ecti(l:rl Rnd is ;f.raying Blill,.'k~ I{ing.


t ,I.

An importam il:1ecls:l'Oll ~ .Black, ~[fie..:l t\Qt,~ tr.arl,e th~' d4-Knjghl. Tbis means bliJat til ii::'Wli'night lEi allflwrll to stare ot full!' sqU:arei (b5. ,eG, C&, lind :f5). ~mck decides tol) 1iv.ewiU!i 'i:his,p,t'8b"'lll:e OC'Ui'i.li5l!!


In STIrn :p.ooiMllS.i :ng1<Ltit1£, fur the In i.· tiarive "'ill decide '11Le wirmliTI". Disfn1cUJ11l the opponoot by ~tiTlg th~ts hsJ:05 .lD. ~t~l1k ga.ifJ m~lt.i:ifn~

1 __ lI.lte's ,j;llau is 100 play h4~b5:Li1M tbi:."ri 'til utiliZ!i! the b:JU.DpeD Ilf OPEl] h-flle '(:1) go~ Blnells King. For this I~~. 'he' Tlceli;;;. In 'brl111':: tP!I! ;3.] -G!:fit!Jk 'j n1;f.l p]F.i:y:; 1[. lJiIay ha'loli! <Ii ruh.:: c!iJ'Ij {hI;! h-Iile.

Black.·~ ph;m, is eca.uaJly ro the point, ":fhe b.a1j-opelll ,·fi1e i.s a oohilrnl gateway to Whites Kins. 13!~ck will stdft:l1S 'IMRJ" p'i~'s;jjS [hI;;! ~n to' ~b~ t'[Il~C!l:<iidP.:.. ~1L'! wi II t1};C hts ~.o..~ M lhco c-fi1l! as a Ib.:MLc.r~ng rom n;gmns Whltls Kin_g., rrhe pros Md COfI_.B of dns pi.»inoo f1!av~ b6eI1, plfi.}'ed !pl.:!.l 'iVi hll~ lid RT9Ii.d~ter mm::!~)

'11 • ., , ~;1,

Elack attaeks elle d2-Q.uc.~-1 a:od, 'IJ:'i.t. i2,3-· Bl8_hop.

ill !5GRL'e ~ce:OOI"j(JS;" this move cooM miillb. tlt~, b2-pa_ wn ''"'1.tI rn.~~bll!! - H ls f<liiY to ima~lPt: a SiZqtnflili:C in whi!!:h BJa.d: sao:rif"treS @"Kniglll f~U"tM ~-pa'lNn and then ,plays ., ,.RaibLl. lur~n~ II:ht: 'White King onro the .fool diagoml..t TIle 1'r7-lBishWJ wuutB in its lair,

Th.i&'i ~lIme '~ gtl!'iJj;! in ch:mKing tb e theC!fY lit the .Dlra I!:;DIIl" ']'Qtl ;l!':,,"'!3 grac.dmaster.s coos.ide::r 12. .. .h5 tlJl Oil! to:!.! bESt meve to iPW;ellt Wll~re~ ~1.j·h5 p!<:irii'l

(he. d7-Eisl.'i.op .:JtlID OOVeJi3j t1lt'8e g~ ln gb.ok~ "if'""', (he ba.Hishop is 3 fur i!l:reater I:htwLt to his POO~tiOIl. His idea is ru pl(lY' ~N~. bW;ing .n~ b.1rI3i.~:p§ df:.aJb,l"J!JtIiI i:llll1] E:l.t~(.1;:iq '\Vbil£~ IQuL~I;fJ_

lflLrtice bas .shown that this Knigbt mnL'lt'Uvu IS the best idea lD the positirm. WI~h the ~1.erT1J.lti ... e n_,N~"'t l2.&rt4 b5 U. h 5! i":I5 l.1_hltgLl h xg6 15_8.4 b·i 19..N~5. White<.s :::Leuck 1001 file 'klflgskle would oome first.


The pkjrers\'e:l'lO'W ,~tlM wiIl.ppui:itte sides of the beard, 51Jrna. poo1iloC _gl\'eS moth pki}"W5 a 1m MOO W ~ be~k Ilg:ai~t ,,~i1 (jtttll~:r\l'l{in:RS. rt1~ud, booth sides an /m'ud [.0 ~ rot bl1tl'b! i~ deming the atEadt

,Ai the ut1:le tt;s garnf W~::J p,'J a],1nl , I:b~ "Tb~l~ ,~.:;. '11;11 IPUt.l~Uct~ thi-s att.:l"tk_ with

leX"t wag tbe height or fashioa, vigor. erhe 'WlU ,[o~.

White M.i;;rifi~ It ooWIll-n llm~ to break iilD1\l1il B!aclri:i k:iti~~ '£llrtrns.:;;;, fm[)l! tijg 1l.-fi~e ,its 0"p;tJ1fd 'Wuth Be3-hti Ito fo-How, f{ircingc-1!l~nnre MU ibea'r,OOceo:e- cake, l'1hJ:re has tiJo 'be CMgfu~ {j.f the maUliY' 'ti::Ict~1:liI1 pjtfEUl'i ilJ1:11:! bad mi5~k~ )mu.ld m-,\I"e been ] iIr~~' Rxd,4~, i:;akjug OId\firi.tage ,of the, everwerked d2-QueeH. Afu:.r 15, Qxd4 B(Xn6-+ Ib.Kbl Qa,5, , Wllite would have lost marenal wbile' rus kffi;g.. ::;idlil' .. itml;:K: I;.fbm.;,!. to,~ i!iItT'e-Il:CM!;1.'f h.1Jl1t,. MOrn{"l' aUaeking a:p.l~tiJa(h t:.""Ili!l:dd have been 14,g4, :aimITig w. play :M-hS 'withwt sacritic:iDg';3! pawn, TWei poosLblc' OOUaltenIlO¥f!5 from Blad, wea:kf.n this !ilhJ .... ~ ;:I'PPfOalf".,h: the '1-esfl'O~ l4,.,Qcm 15.h5 Rl03 iJ,I:(!ultl ilrim~IUali-k's pieces lor. the attack. The '~nd ;jI!ilSlm:,cli, 14.,,!l5r? could lead to 15.gS~ - a iU)f.ri-, ble G.1iira¢egk er;ro,r because ~tlfr. elther 1O" .. iNe8 m- 15.-J"lh7. White wmiliil oove d~ t'lt!"..: kjlil~i;3I!, m§~i!'1g" 'Bl:rrl'~ IDng' smer. 11 bie.ttltl",~ Vl.'ooltll h~ :L.~.~h5 Nxhti WBeT:I, ir isn't e~Sf 00 btle:l!k an .... rn "B~Ck'6 killLVlde, The text is the rllas[ A tL"i'lID:l!phanLt ~d];tljjte, R~aik needs ~tr!!l~Khff0"!:"'.?1ard and OClfilseqU~.t lu'1.e ;[Ii

two tenlpi IJ!llr CIi',M!jj:J!i: a: ~:L~lV4; :I1!t.t::!!clt, p-Jay:.

With ,~Qdf}aS: and ,,_~ a sma::ihiJ"ljJ 2G1if~ 9TI ~e ([uee.nside OOU:WJ fnE1ow_


Wldte parL~ with a frM 31tt~i:il!;ip:!:lr'llishop and ::1 noble gillllm ~.o the 'White King. Though it '?1eTIld ,I:!a'l,;\e been. tempting to 'p'l:«f '1.3,003, PreserYID,g the 'Il3.IDisnop., HfuL& ...... fwld thlllfl reply ~(t1 13 . .lJ'~ robbln~ Wb.1re illiE !tnt; 1;!~S"· of n~hfj, Th~ importance of :eeJ.hiEi t::aftllOt be l)'Vere:;lot~mated. The g7~B~!3ho.p is a mighty di2~En,~~. rt J8 CL"ucwJ that White '08 a:h~t '[0 nt!g\1:!1iate a d!F.1 r.~ ·s~'l,lRmd Bisoop swap..


The p!:!Y'~t$. ;jrte ::ilL'ill futlowmg gtand- g)icl:nm~ to ruin Whlte's lJa~'TI shlf1d~ ard opening thoo[)i:. TIi!! Ql!m'Il1M it:3 this; ] 8..b::(I;.~ NfL) 191kg1l{x~7 ~lNe2 Qa5j

wbeJ; is betrer prli:p;;"jJ~ed? ","'if:ib an lLlm.clear :Pl!si lill[lj·_ i:!~Jysl8 by

/ G·M IMfi.tan.m.FJ.e_

For the ~nrl time we see that WhHi!l :ITI!11il5Ii(1'1 :00 ~L' to p.1:ay Be3·b6, ~jn.g' 'O'l' iii B1sht'lp trade. He must watch oor Jor tlte ~~i!l;8 ag~jiIil~ his d4-Knigbt~


Vkte! [~bnoi ikeeJ.1'S'up h~ l'epUfiLtluE"I ii!I~ a f:eil!"less. fi~hteT. He oft,en. grabs an o:ffr::t'£!fIi ~9'if~ce 4Lm.d 'bhl!!l"1 ~:j\;ci"l)li!5Iy defends hin"lsdf W 1ttT:i~ a paWli!i '1P(lI iiq. an end:illg.

A 5{:IJer alifp"roach Wiili.. .. ld have been 14_.Qa.~ 15_h~ fxg6: ~' ~RffHi'r the fg· Rook oouJcl &rt.nd. [bl!! h7,:pi!l.~ Iaut in that case, \W1llte would 00,1 ~.crifioo ~. 'piUWin. and Blaclls kLugsMe J;ia",,~ 'l,Vt;lYld ~e been bieaehed,


A. happy .I1"i.01llGcilL. flQr v.rhi~_ He intro dilees [be g2-paWIL itTLI;)o tile fit~ck with ~~[l'O, The n&Hmgnt is gi.~tIi tlu!! bno-t, alJD<Wil1\R: thii:: hl ~Rw-k to op.era~· CltlJ tbl): b.fim.


The Knight has gra:b~ a ~a'NTl lfnd 'lJUiddy' rlms.a~v~. ~il fear 16,BM, foOt he !las prePlff"edJ a trick ].4LNxe4! U 1_Q.e3 true oruy:rn.o1l<ebecause l'j"~~ ~:~ 18.Qh2 &5~ '19..14, Rx{Il~· :ID,~ ~hS 2] .l3xfS QIh61 ilt~l,ckLn;g the b2.pawlII would be ~ rot :8181.:1:) 17 ~RKC3 (~aifLcing an.

1&.~"-IlIii:lr" o£retise and defense.. WIllie ]~ .8, trrrQ[lQ til 800r.e 'up the e3,~.nigbt. Wliii:~' :Ptfparing m trade dmgons mID Be:3.'n6; '\\i']~i1'e also 'pfW-I~naf,l 'the !ill~ tactic l?',e5 dlre5i ],8,gS. winiiling a p.l~ ill~c::In5le (Iof rh.e ~ d-Iile .. A'tID'ihef. rea:SU1ll for t~ ~lt is 'trurt Black might U'y In,e (]ff~"~ _.:h7'- b5" The e2-Kni.ght is oow able k! play 'Nez-'M, ~Yrin6lhe hI5~uare.


lAn1lIll1Lng to fight' 'for the lIlitiatiVe', Bl.a.t:k pLOB'\"efiits the racrleal ehot e4.e5 hl!C.~iI.iI8~ .-.f)~5~B5 cou]cl ::;;aap l::I 'p:i3WIlI, ,B]acll: gelS out o:i- 1I~~ W':i1}i in Ilfdtl'" [I) double RDDKS, with ._ JUB..rB. gil] ng. after Wbite~ King. The- pooftiil'[L 18 razm'·· ~rp; th~ :R6n:m h:!l'Rilf5 ~n ~ ooL1~ ilJl ~mr~oI.!..

Wnlt"E otompl~~!;!.:-;l th~ qu.~t ,g~tt IT~' ,to e'.."J:(;~~"i# dl':agntl:.-1 ~l I:h~.t he cMn lJi'lay Q£h[ sidKL1'Ig Ilj)'ro IGng, N'~ that the bJ·lile [8 open, t:bii. o.!;iIerai~!J.n P'U'WS;:!! Krnve.dang~ 00 !Uack's King.


Kor'clmol dttides. ro :k~'p 'his tr.Lat~tiilll. &lGI.ificing'fheexcMRge 1,'!;r.ith 1 '1.;;EM 1.8...B;:d8 ~K:dS w!j!~rl be O:D.~y gtisffitly

better :raT. \V1:dte, lfl i:he{JP[tllOl"),(If fDrmer. World UmnjplQ1J Mlkbnil &rviJJnik, 1 agree w~th tttis a~mMlt and wnu.ld ,~Clil. fh1il~ 1-'Lilqifjci~g t.b-L: ~~th;:i il Kt:! to t~ d~tt ] IS.B:i.8~OfI i~ ;a good w.'ay of rninimj.cing W bH~e's Jt:jn.gside attack.


White :l.f.l1rOOiiOe:3 the lady and threatens :;!I, Slandan:l victiJJ)" wirth Nc:3.oo, 'the lone h1-pi'l~'n defender,

Bot"h pbyers 'have fulJo.'WOO t.heW gira~ .. ,Ries wei L White is enmro do daJ:m:ige II.J~I ~bi::n,_fik R~'C.k i~ ptlo.1se;d for h18 hlnw alo.:i'i.,g the iI.:-Jjk:. The q(jll::~li(]il is" wht~

t3tand!.iielt~r? Up to now. the 'p IJ~ 'h3ve 'l:nth f~l~ :!lII':~:ni±rrd oh$ 'lbwry_


Karp ''1/' uDoor'k.s a lJmS5.i¥e n~ ~t)r - in il);!:rem h' I'bitliiJl: Ifill\, .•

Whi:t woo d hir.~ mik fI 00 pla~ eillN.T l'9,','!ti or i9.g5 but - It propaiy pre. pared, Afu.r 19.Nd5, W hit·~ would be Ta!.{ly ror either 241.N'xj3 to munch the m' -].1.iIilAlD. er the i!:tTmplD 2(J_Nx 7+ loti If;)]) t!h i:18-,iUJclc_ Thlil: problmi is [bat T:nack'8 ool.llllel'p.l.ay wooJd be too swH 'It. d5? Rxc~ 10.K 01 Qb5 sr. b3 Q e2- B~ k' 'mawr pie~ on. th ~nd rank v.'OlIkl,:Ill k: [irsL 'In a L~1Z1i1 vari;l1: {)11.. 2l_N 6 em622.Qxh7 Kf8 23. 8 ... Kef, Black's King~'oold 'pavroy rr~m t:h k~ngej®.

Til ~corll;l ii!!t1Ecll:iru;t it::hoice. 19,95, a] 0 would fi'lb:>:.:!I. I.hC! mark; th.i! mo. es 19.95 NhS. 2(].Nf4 Rxc3 'IlUJfI lead to

. roslnR variadons ror '\'hite~

M ' 21-b)l~3 Q~c3 '2.Rh2 Qe3+ 2:31Q)1 Qd ~ ..... ouW w - n. miIIb..!ri91 fl)T Blaek :dfid 5tDfl! Whitt:'~ attae:.k bald_

~ sequmre 21.N:dl5 Ib.c2 Z2J{bl :Jrn;Mi 23.Rxh5 Bf5t (oow;ring ll~ hi:l;}'lli,."jJ' ~" ~i5 Q_:d5 2.1S.g(3 He] 'l,\1l\!ld 1ea,d t.o tltt~1iI!,

, 'hese variatIDns sb . tita Sd.'Liffim "F{ i C'3-Khigbt: are ne CJW're lOr Brack\; ~w:n ;grplflY. 'RJ' i;J~ "ng

lh ~night,. l\'b.ifu ~~!lIp~ Ilkgkli ilB~till:.a. 'HI Lfiki'ld! rn PL:Lr.-~tJj:: n.1.s"lIITIt.::K with ~t-g5 alJd Ne2·U mtl1:iOtlt d~l)l::tDoo&

Raxignizimr lImt tb move l!llRd3 i!'l ~ nG\'l!&ty, wh;:Jt ih:nJ n 'pn!vi.Qusly !'I1laiy~das thc'bes cltOlcel'Qt' Lhissiruatimy. GMMlkkail ' ilL g~ 19 d5 , d kri CtJI.H·, 19 •.• Nxd5?~' 2XJ,Q;Kh7 Kf8 2:1.Qh 'W1Jo1l1d ~.g CJ!.ddtd!eduOltIl:1) 2'£I.gS NbS 2tN14 Q~ 22:..QxIB+ ,K}I;iB ~_NxJj.~ gxh5 24.R.:d'1.5; mnning back the p3w~, wjth a sHglil Iy 'better endi ogfor White.

Karpffil' .[l thm ttm. thi::l eI!{.!irot is b _·tret .fi:,JIt' '" l:J.itc., ,i!!i1d hL: illllmi for ILh~ £'if' e iuliHi ; b ul :pm!::.!.' thai L.b t: .al· Rook go to dl and IJ[i[ tn the cis sqnnre, All lm P orram rruance, ,a s ~'e shan aeg.




r8 ~

~~f:k loses hrllHaJltly. ThiS Slnl!!:fe ~step ks the o:ohr l1lisi1Rk__E (if; t~ ~JT:!~! h demonstrates the' iUtL'Tllit, k'1l~~ :n~WTf.· [JJ thr.:: '~!lS_j1ioo and ~t {II i'\L:cg ]il~n (JPi.!ilirLgS ~Il general.

Black lind to accept the i;I~~!:!abl!lil" ending~ 19 ..• QdS ~.R5 'Nt!5 2] .NH Qf8 2~.Qxi8T K~ffl 23j{~1'i.5 gxh5' .24.1h.h5 :&(",'1' ..... rOiJ.ltI, have 2d~ctWe-d ~Vhire to OOI!Lt tnue witt dieiendi!ll;R' U:u:~ ,~2'-pawn an d to u o.w ing Vi ~t Ii N'CJ·-d 5_ ~~d~,ttli!ii, t11~ ~L[go.k if!,jJ d3 wooM aUtlw W1Jilt: LIJo fi'i~ ,EtdJ...M. sw:Il1Igl:[J.g m.~ ro Ute queeftsl{le.

Bl'8;{:khad ternake theJ1!I!![J?;IIt _.,Q;L5.-dB and -"Qd~:f.fL b!2CLu1i~ of W~~(t(!'S 00 ,20~ N~ ,2l.Nfi:t;. ril£reby cLOiJiSnillg through {In tile h·ti]e. !Besides ~inf\[ this e:Jldi_L1g. l~'bit~ also 'W01.l~d lla""e til CMnce to -w:e tbe'rlHih:!o m:. win mBbo'tiial

iSM M:;~dJiI!~1 Bt~:'lfinniJt JC"i:t1t!:!i tw-EI v:;nn· ii:I.t inns, bouth of I!:.'b.mi saristartory I'G1i Black; OJ 'folLow 19 ... Qd8 2Il)/e.5H ih:e5;

!II!! The se:que~ 2'l.N'K3 QfB ,22.Q;d8+ R~ '2~~ri DdS! ~cg;d:6 st:iil ·., .. tlltl~ WflTH. wdl ~ Bbte:k WQtilfil ha:;,;e th,~ fla.w~s. and a. '!,1,i'hopp~~g '~il.'ligs ~de major.ity f(lr his piece. Botvinnik con~id-ern Black l~ h~ve t~, edAA in this ~rl8tinrll,

tW{I P a ...... as a:l:uil a ~l(l{tk for' two I{tIligiJts. &tvmniili. tRinks this variaHon to be equal, ,bm ['pIefur mack);.


Thlf, 'I:iIctif~j;~ 'pl6Y !}f e4-e5 O]J'ffii:~g up the d-,me ,often !JCC1lIl"Sin the Dra~n lIad:atioo.

KoIThniJ'~~ mi:i'lt3!~~ - 1,9._.R4 c5~ - was QIll11pit~dy iIEI~efStandru:ile. Wbites, threat lif<U~€f'hi:s.pooition like the sword 0;1 Da.mociP.S, n~i ptr.!Wli!Jltlm.,g this move, H appears ~·hilt iDl:adt 'h;.ll; o.ttained a 1OOTU11i11~tgly sa • .isEactory giIlfll.e~ Gi,,-oo tirm:.,'~ ~~ 1Ji'ily to' play •. .Bd7'-efj to reL'~ ~.i3 own q!Jf'lmside attack,



• Too ~.I;i.t.'fiL!2 2l.~5 Nh5 ,22.Ng3 Qf8 BlaclL!:il 10000~t lUillfii!!!' was S'PiE cd flciiiJly ~.Q&f.Bf'iI. KrlR 2414KM B5! 2S.Ng1 desigaed to! stQ~ this threa~·, but WMle &d3 ZG'.cxcl3 Rf4,1 wcm1d ~ll(:!W m!3l(:'1~ carries itmJtmlYw:3"r. Whiremesw'l'u~

blndCs 6frook off the C',fiile nnd aL1to the yul nerable .g5·s EflO3ife. ~ hite w01iII1'lil dearly re.... to. l'~y ~d5. butt 8!! we"ve . an, :2~L. Rx!t2 + '!Nil'll ~i!I be: Jt(jod ' .:JI:r


l~ .. r[llj

BI:i.-c,'k, ha to. 8ta!pl: 1.1r1.~amM. p::J'r.'i"it sacrilire. E altNn.arlve rna e iUUI ha'irt: b d~cm d' 21.,.NlJ 2 ..... Nr' .. R g5 Lth pawn i '), , . cdS RKdS ,24.R ~5 Q~a2 25.Rh h.'5 ~]-r 2ti,Kd2 gx.l,S 27_Rj5 'ooxt mD\re,


A man~otls fr:iD:tJw-tmmJgl'_ ~ Rook am DOW captured In three t'liffCJ1:!flt 'W8~~, DIJ all C3pruJes iostTIg- m rljfi:uemt r _ !OIls,


Bbck c~ th l~"'&t of rhe three evils. 'The clh~ twD Wm:JJ£I hi'J,'!,ri:! 1b!l!£l\1 IlIt(]IT CflSt1l'! 2:LNgd5? ,23.Q h7+, and mate wooJd next; 2:LQx.d5? 23 xd5 would eost tb Que D and' Illite's .. uW]d

Iii nt:!n~

All O[ft 'I' me CS, ueh as 22 ... Rc..s 23.Qxg5 Nxd5 241 ,exdi5, WQuld cost B~ j3, pm.. Whlter~wld then T~t-with QR&-'n6. ~l,1.lci,ng i31JQt an ~I! h..~

This bi.i~li~81 x:p]o . io~ Ilrl! the d·fil~ ~11!S a~ ln12ldC!:b'i s.v..~isl GM

if Andersson, who is exmroroirrnri1¥ 'ns1gh ful eon ·ermng de ens . When ia!il,~ bi!'! opinin ~t lhl! ~ h f"o.ITLIn ~tl!d "Bladf~ dS·!:.illJl!fi! i LOO 1Ii'.~;; His 'WOrd's Me propheut.


AttaE.t - \1lhjte-oo hem i1;ehingtolJ play ~hi::l move. N:ow that Bl11c1t:5 pre~ure em ILtte e2-pawn Ita - ,netl~, me d-, J:tilligtu s:pnogs into action, Black's, sensitlve .M and e1 point]: n ed bclp.

1.3._.iR 8

This fi:ltii.l1:::prurtl:;l:b tlm l:f ·'~tlw."IL Now f~ l!';I,uesti.M lid W~~O bas lh ' im,hial~\o"c is ne kmg..el' in doubt Diad: has gl'!,r;m LID Ofi his attad: '1,\1· hire is s[]1l rnmking y~ tlV.! p:rt'~r-e [!Rinst Blru;k's :King.

a~,Yi '~~ by ftiko i:jj.1'[]d.rofl:'lM,.uf "Vat2t[' 5(;:1S d\'tt.k., iJilI'IZtii p!a~rs c.'hec.k.." Blaek.'3 Kmg is 11I1].w.~e. gil White needn't rush matters.

,All:ll] natn fl:J.i~ thl)! 1ll!.d nlli!:!:l Gut the ddcf.l@~ 24.Nrlfl+? exfe 2S_Qx'h7'" KfB 2&.N(4-. im:eJ-:ldtng Nf4-li5 ln ,antici!;)300Ll lD:1 2tl, .. Qg5! pinning thtd'4-Knigfrt;. Whi~ now jnwntl~ tn OOIlt5m.L(! \,'iLlh iil! LTadJj 0:11 ,ffi .i:lOOlheeL ~6 'play N~~ifl5. :selling up all kinds of beimtTILU ruJ£I:'tel!..

:l4., •• ilei

'~i"a;ylng lne Dr.agon

ft, ft .ft RI~lI;k cle~pr;rr,~t.e'!,y tr;~ t~ 'lIN-vent ~hf! 'p'ru;;riolJ:!Jy"me:jttlll1~d 1tl:1l'f!i:lt Tk t1f,hf:l:'

~ l!!C!ssil!:.fHit1f 'l;vollld he neady undone:

~==~~===~~~ 24"M 2!iNxe6!' (tbreIT~efiling Qbe.g1' finely played-'1,'ITitewouMhttvebeen matt!~ ::J5,.,~~ 2£Jb:f6 ,~21.Qrll7+ m:;i.[n.!{ill hls c~ eruJ;V with 24,N~? Kt~ 2.E,Q!d71 with nne threst a~ Rh ... ~-l1B

~ iii ,2'5, Q::-r h 7 + K'f,s, :26_Q'h8+ '! KA!"l. IR!:ltei, Bf.acl~ i::.. hdf!~ - afi<l:~~i!::l by Sla.c:],(s K~'Ilg WQ1uid have seampered GM ~ooiJ BotViJmhk.

Ilht"k hl.lW'I3?' loved to play 2a."Q~~, mu~chiIiiil:',a pa ..... "'P;whlle gOing ?Ifoor Wh~b!s King. [But. 24.N:l1:~'74 KhS 25_NKC8 .i3iKtS 26.Nc3! Q::ll + .2'7,Kd2! Qxh2 2&Qf8~' N'gS 29.Qxe8 would ,coot ~bd~ fI ~'hde ~):)ok"~

The illither drlen~i""E ~:::Ict:inlJ" 23.. .. iQd3. doe£rlr~ help ~tntr. ~.Ne(4~.ReS ( to elhniD..:::Jite me !:IS-Knight} 25I..Nrl6'ioo ~~f6 ~6,Q[:(j,7 KfS 27.N~1i5+~ ~ tn!.il1~' bJ[)'IJf. - Pfiack":a 'E-Gi~ 'WIlfulfJ no. klt.l[gf"I' 'tiw~,\1~ a ~Wj'j, s.h:i-eI~J 27 "_,fx.g6 ZE.QhB+ ,Ke-i' 2!UUt1+ (Sepamnng Ktng rrom QIIee:n}, After w; n ni~)E EUacks, Q~, Whit!!~ :il~l;:k Wflutt1 run tiri.t1J.;.


Ksrp.n ... um;.mrks :tl, '~rtiC1'!J . hA)~ to' up rhe g3hl.'1.e arJ(!;tile:r maJ"!{,e.L0US pa'W'll samlice:. This clm~ Wtdt'e doses off the ,if h !rank :preventing a ... Q ~.:g5 defl nse. before, 25. ::d6+ :ri6 U.lir ·~tl:nit'l -_.Q.aS-K5J 2fiQK!i; Kf8 aiki-w BL\ae]L King !l.Il,~7 qlM.l'e e:dl.

Wh3te oolJlld win :on g~:dmI,!:ge with _~Jr,'x G:+ eJrffi ~j\1ll1 tWe-.d.tlJllif! Q_h6- ~:"l 'J]];;J'IA!, Rull.Uilek ooul'd. p~-3' 16..-Qg5 r 27_ ,xg5 !x15 U_Nffi+ Kg? 2-'9. -x~

ax mr ~ hire ~Lllil h.a' 'fI'on a bart

but hi ]~t he' wm;. Blac -' kID - de [>awn maj'Qri~ wooid (Iff r comiiortimg ennpensatien,

With the test, Wh.lte simpjy threatens e5:dti, In 'Which HLadt':i. K~ng MiuLd be q:uickIY'm::;lted.

25 ••• 8Kd5.

nu capt.un:~ all, ulet hID e an etli 'mat

.1 25 ... cil(eS 26 .Nd6 + i!1rxf6 27. ' hS I gxh5 2ELRgl + <ifl1d m!litl: '!lE!l(t '~m..e..

I ;1:5 ... NMd5 2fi'_1Qx11?+ KfB 27 _Ql1E - mate wm.l.ld be ev-eJ'j q;u]cker.


.onet! ::IR;;;tin White tht"li.l:;)Jtens Qh6-g1 '~~,


This ~ thc Ij,mly ..... 'ey to Slop rnattl. \Vith - . .R~d +iIIb5t!j;jUl!l'ltir. BLal;:k hi.~rnil~lf oo~kl. ~OO' I.l:rrearen I1latel 'W',bitf is!!lif.llh . mD-ve and Ra- 0 nJak.e everyth:ir:ig eeunt,

'l7. ~Q ~'1+,

l\"bLt~ cra.-~ thmuih ~t Ia... ]U~d;' il:{imlg is dri kll iELtc) Uri! wltb:,.'a'" uf 'I:h P boani "Th.U is the ~ adlf~t !If a ;s.trntegy nem1~r twenty ~ Clfrl - i t mRke~ y<cu wonder hilW tar ahead gra~~"P~ t:hcirr:nmbiMtial!\,."'J!


I/ ... Kffi

~]I iBlliCk "~I33,p:l: the k!Elg~~~'? Hc"Sti1l has Urn mir.tfdl~ silo.\. _.Rrf8·e-U -I- r:eady.


The fmal poemoa 81nd, C",~~.

KQn:i;m::ri, PII1W ,gi,,,,"13!!:l up ,-Lli- !I:i[! TCii!lllf:~:!I 28.- . .Ke7 29.l\'::o::d5+ Q~rJ5 (oj' 29._.1U1S ,3{tQMffi+! and '~:bl·~n is ;;}fIo"e'xtta bitht 'fur White) ,~Q.R_el + wm fQR'.e eitther the

~t'Jti..."'i, i!1if b.i~ 1fB-:R.rlroll:. Of after ,:ro .•• Qes. 3Ub.e5+. tlie loss of his Q~flen.

'Jhegame-!pfD¥ed an impt"WSiy-eexsJnpL~'IJf' ~ to. st.j.lfll1~ 'lii:!ll1ilihl!:tt~ I'Gng'l:l p~itD[)fl; ffnlloo'lng bloi k:t::s.,~1llL1)~ virItl8JJy"ga~up ~~J.1ling the Dt'I'igon f{lr the resr of his career.

The hm1.vlh!~ (RII.tdl its[tlf ~ !tiff <L h~torirliil C'lISlllil cd 1!!'ilt:.fitS.. :!i(arJX!v went fj!u to win the march n~u ~ and became the fJDE cha llenzer, After &!IJhry fiidiJer furleitedl rn '1"975. l~~rn(~' 'M:;! pof~i~~ tn-e ri:(!W Fun.: I;;harnJjl{JEli. s~ ... tt:3.l Yr!<Lr!O [8,~1![,"!, l{or;;:hl'i.o-i, would. de:ffrt to the West.

Lrtelit in 1978Mtd 1001. Vittor KotdiiJ:lJ.N aFl:ain becaI!1~ the 'FIDE. !:.:~aJlt.'ll~r ~,~ Allf.i:I!~:f' Kar;pQV- J jnindl KrllTdlfi(jLS team ~li a !!.'lx·u.:1! f(lif h!S 1'98:1 l'il~t(:1lJ ifi .MeJ(i:T'i!)j [t1'Ii¥. 'l\'l1ir.t drt~'ing lhreugl1 i:hi!' AJtlstrjan," ~ 'asked 'bim how history would have cbangedl had hewou the 191111 :m:s!k..~-Ire told ~thaER~TPU\f ~~d'b4t in thi: G.a~:


Sparlkl i-g Origil·C al ity

A DlJtch m~ oompm:Jll, me Hoo~ Gn:mp, haa ~FJ!!1~ an ,arnIua'l tlJUr'· ~JDer.lI' ~Il th!: DutP!. . ~~l pi}, of Wijk;;mil 2'..i!e flir ~,,'cr 50 yeam OEtI~ , 'tI:lI:' Ha:Sittr.Jp WIll'Da'lMnl m ~d has n lmtger pBdigree,

,~n 197a 'rwa. dynnmi!:LlJy OOl1lliiBttmg 'l1I']ayus ~LtlOO down tiC! oot.t(e in ~'e Wljk ;ron Zee e''t;ent, Pl;:ryiOJjithe W"ite'Pi~ Wli:5dre fi_~, V~bvfuJ]'i ~n~!I;:.kb;;~trn LjiJlxm1ir Lj1:lbQ.j~'di::; A"rtI~ frr;m Mm ~I t.hiJ ::oto,il: m.aster IjJf t[d~~. :S-wt!rkJ"J~ ULF Andcra1.bD - i:i cllrbo.;,sic InatdlUjJ, 'p.rLzl!:rli by dh'SS JOl.fefS..

[Il tl"l.atsail'il" y,e-.aE, I, had hrnl£~fi Lr:t.t1.1 tn~ ehess ~ class ::mcllhrlcioo t.D::I!.i: J had :a ~ unde:rst;ru].dmg I1f 'the garme. Th~ ~me'lnlJgfn me that I hnd ~ long 'WRY 1'1] w:~ r mJilli~ nhs1' chess i<;'ll't jJ;1:!It JI~~ i;!)rp.lolt~rtg' an ilicli.?:i!n~.Ri! hmul!fhi a1:xru'l: by "'W'lyil:'Lg chess f~un1:aml;![l'l:ala It is a dOl.b.h oJ ~_.,:a~ well,

'In .:m:JwtatlIig thls ga:LL1e, I've ,reliM t:I~OIll tne 3:llil'lySLs of. GM [an TIIllI.TI.a1l, troT:il h:is superb bocJk. 'Th AiI'1 oj Clws.s A~.

• !!!!! I!!!I !!!!! !!!! !!!!! !!!!! !!I !!!!! !!II!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sidh~ ill D~I!m!Adf 'Sd"l.€'1efliiAgCf'l ~fi.nion

GM Ljubomir qu'hoj:e\iic:

CM tllm Ande:rss[Jn

~ • .ftIr.JW""''iI'1'l TQUm;'lml"l'lr Wijk ~'1I"&b!,l. ~ !ji7li

1 .. ~

.'it. In htl'ugh. [rttubuo," as LjublJj~'W II!: i 8 C.iI] led, has 'I!:.~I:I!I.'"thn_~n~d1 wi th otl:i.:l!T

opeoWj{ 1IP1"'~ 1 Je"l has been hh rn""·~r· itI.!. :~llId~~d" L~4 is ~,~r[]f-mad.e for hls SW<Jis.'Ill:ultklilng in1'fid:[ug :E.:tyft:..

Af!~~:rn, on tM Ilther ~ th~ tnt:; Sjeilian, Thi!:1 too i:!t ~l:Tfect Jtc!lr his styJe of c{hess - a, de.kltB"LV(!. onmteeat'lnek:ing methed desdgned ID give thle opponent Illi!t enougb wpe. to bang himilr;:t~.

'SUITif ~r.ob!em; :a00 {!OC€ ag,::J.lI'I the idea of .8 flanchetto, pl:::iyiEl;g for wM.b7, wQyPd, be ttr~ best ' .... 1!y to ,~C~V3~ ~j5 8is!bfIP.

A~ in ('..amI!! T"W!!~ ~)' tbi3 book White is ~21P,W ttl 'lead the ~t!lflte ~lltD HIl!.!: rinat'illi!l$, of the C).l_X:fl Ski1ifl1:l.


}\]:!W) Ir!~;r;Itil;)n~cl ~n G~me 1'vro of ~bis. book, . .Bb!:'k '41.1:1. ernpkly ,til .... ide ¥anlZil::y m ~ In theSiclli:u~, 1't)f te-xl rntt"1J.. d~c; the Taiffi800v s.~tem.

One ilJf Ul.II! S;!I"~'i;ll' F~]uSf.l!~ (jf rhe Taim.afllw Sy~r.Irt'r:I, - ;ni:rmH~'d in moo.l'lJlj-, lion of the !mail)'" splendid ideas it\tltOdueed by the R'ussitITl,grnndtl:lM.t6 Mont 1:j1,hn.flPfl¥' -1-5 lts H~ibility; Black mig,hL USi:! i:H.t- T@ Dn.s[i]tw ~"'I! iln DTder to transpose 00 another SlciliruJ, Dd~~ or t{i eatehtheunsuspeeting in Ol'ie'{If tlie IrulJIlY traps of this wr:iali.o.fL

.tH thl!Zl ~srtf ~w~e, it is difiL'CUJt' to say tlOW !he [~ng ..",r)11 unfnld. Tb~.arm at. ~e 11lSJ: ~'tt:! W~~ !i:cJ j}rublfl!:t ti:ht 'd.~'~Uijre andthefS-square.. nmJiing R.!I~JjU!ih .,.d7-<l5 a ~~rnlity. Black a]SD opens up the ,I)...Bj$h:m'.]n ~q f~e[L SlciHru~ where Wbite Wi;)lJJd plilly [ioful.~8. ~diin8 ~U5l e41JELWIiI, ,B:I.aok. wolrl;d b;il,\IlC.i:I dmsilOl:' Jo-r "j~f8..b!l, artacklng the e3.Kn~hL

A:!I '~ve ~w in C;::)IDe Th'iJI BL\[cll~iCeII;o tsal sli'~ of lblll d6-~ and the ~7· p.a~ Mntlli!ft ,if.l. nLs fB-'EI'l~hq[1- He therefore fti;;mcbetooed! the f8-Bi~hup. hi fEu: '']'almaoo .... System, Ute cB-Btmop has the

Whlre P~)""3 "01"18n!jii~ atlTldring game. Jl._.,. i.n Oa~ r .... 1J, Wlili~w-tLnt~ W de'io'e'ltip his pjOC'cS as. qtljdl(]y as 'p.fiS£,ihlu.


Pl~ying the trUr.t1P, card 0'( the Sidfuln i) '~~i 'eJf.!~k b:.j'I,~ 'llii:;i, wID.Fl: ~m fu-r <II center !l!I-p.awr.L


<\Vhite 5ets up a po-wernd d4 .. KtUgb~ Pi. t tbjs ,~eijiit ~ ,~d>1 W(JItlEd be.a clear mistalre: because 4LN~ \·!/ould Qev~lo:p ,",ftli tempo,



tel' D':.r ,erecting tbe Marocz)" wan, th?tt b" to have an e!Ii-pl''i'.r''''R ;:lnd t;·1-P;:L1.\'Q (.:rlntE:r'. lli~ II\I:l:?it C.1ir~ctL~ HlI}Ye orde.~ would: begirt wi.L"h {i.NIb5. a.ttaC:ldng the 0.'13;square, White would move the same pieee for rhe lhkd. t.img. "b:r'~i::IJdpg tnt:: winC:!l:I)Je of f:)D-t mll:lvh~ t:h~ ~mf:' !)~ 'mJ!1rre than once .tEL the ~ng:. He- '!,l'ooldldo ililsi'fm a spfrific ~tr,aj:egic fea5QlllID i[];V"ade t"he d&-!Sq1;!:;IIT.. frm:ing fil2l;r:k ilJ:~ e:.:r::l-~~n.b~ lJt.c fB-Ui~hC!.p:. lni IhI: ~ulting ~OII;tl:t. Black~ dark squares in the center 1'i{1utd m.e gI!eatJy ~en.ed,

TJms ~,NbS d'6· Ei,e-.j· would erect the M'aroc~y waU, l(]~qJl!!d fD"r l.n"l! :£<1 maua HLiilil~~n gt,ilIKhnt!15L'1lr Q(!Ul! :P;.![at'lH~Y ~1S70-1!iGl~i who introoidred {his pawn

Hi!ae::k develops .his p.ositioo while PlJt· ~ing pressure on the Q4-K!!1lKhl,. The '1[I~Il'in~ l!'l :sfiU JiI] i::I ::1tatl!! (~f flux, A ft'!h' iIlitJrl::! 'tt'i®.l,j£ are tltLeSS:llt.'}l to determine the ()f.Im5ngs ~m~, Had Bbck played 4, .. Kffi 5Jk3 (5,Ei5? ,,~ be premahLre because 5 ... Qi:l5 + wou ttl '!.'I.,ln ll!i!l: t=5- pawn) 5._.d'6, [be ,ga"ifI.!'i.t: ",wnuld itavedev;d.· oped inm a Sd:levenITtgf;IJ DefeI.'lS!a,

WMt-e mQ1ie'.!i towi'lrm OJITIIDLtmeJ!lIi: as he ''I'mllJhW11y 'put~ iII Knight ilil! front o:~ 't:fit, c2~pa.wn,. de.n}'mg bkrnseff ~c4\

1hemost eommen liM of p.]8Y hE~ ·'i'.1"ffi111lfi h~ to bu:ijd ~ '~n:: m tfu: cen-

Ll~li(lIInr Li~~[c, wi~ fll'3i lIarue [ll!!aEJ:I "'Gift of L~n ill Si!rbtJ.Criillt:i:U1, is ill irl.!1~ a iltifi ID Ii:~ He v;pa-a barD in T:i~OVD U1i.~, Ylll~lll~·in,.([1lI ~1l.'IQ' 11, ~ ]k:'~ an mk:ulillJiGwd milsOOr m 1~ andan ml'm1i1.-' 'ill)~r ~ll"tllB::l~b:r ~I] l!lm _ -tjiJl:;(Io,*" ~~' ~ ur .d~ ~1lS 'il1~ arlEitroo -til me andI~ tit" is a ~~ I'ffi:o atwIi)l'8 ~ liM" tlw ~ ,10m WOOD bn bLts tbc 013;11;. ~~B OK!hlf,.-enmIIO.;an be WW~I~

iXHl,tml!i ~ ~~atr.:. IRilik:il'lg t~ ~b ~-e51~ likely. Hlat:k ean aM :Pf'fJ:!M;C ,~Bm.M when the ~'~J.l puts added pressure 0:0 the, c3-KrugM.

'The dT(!.wibae:k o;f ,d!;:vel'IJpiil1,i ~h!E!

Qlli.~<fI too !l:!~t~ i~, lJial 1 ~:eat'll thet'l. itJ.e 'i:j tl!Lcti::,c-cll 3 Iii {I UU.lS 'b~ InTCf'id tn mGVf 'again aOO, again - ln whkh case, as the Queen fl'ee.~ its ijjtt'a_,e1l;e-r. the !lJ\p:?QnIi!nt ~I!~ ·10Jr:l Iti~ p1~ 'W:i'tEt fumjpa( '11i1mfore, he 'WarDed, about mo.:rlng the Q~ e21 r3 ~f ill the ga.riIile.


[it~t~ truJ~ 1IiIJ!~ly'd \'elo~i:ng ~jli P'~"S as he 'HnL~ h~. W~]i~' ooultl h~'I,l'C' tttecl, t~ 'tcake ildrnn~ cl ,8lack.~ 1:.ast move 'with fL .. ~ 'wrcing' .. :Qb& to pu.s'b 1xLck B~:;! t:::k't!l QlJ Ii! e'Q.., The ' is tb~'~ White! 1N(~.\lId hsYe had [Wi fcllc:w·th("Q~ ~, 11Ii~ UI:k.'-Im';!'o'C: alia.t.k_ [of :hb 11:001[11 am,tin'Ll!:': wiUIL:&:l·J4, lben, tl'l~atlaek Nt'l4-'b5 y,"OOM be, good, Bfru:o-lt, wooJd have to 'p,~ .. .a1 -nel, 'I\'JIrcing the b$-Km,rh( to re~at. t~CIJ I.Iwn pta_yo .,.b7·bS i[1J '~' to "-~~ fue t&-B~$.op. ~, 'O't~)'Q)t1lh~ro~ wm, hack ~teJl!IfIO be- '1&11 i:J:i.'pta-y1mlg ... Qt1-M.

'J.'bjl Line e.Nrlb5 QM 7.g3 (ill ocrlEr. tit f-orce Bel·flll' '7 ~.~6 a.m1lJ? ,!l!5 W01.1hl have lEo:!. di~'b<:.LLiIj;,. pbcm~' twt~ ~f 'mit~'5 pj~ 1!I:'i, r.;:r[ge ..

stn.lctJiIre rdn. Re showed! hew 'White ~::l!n Il,!lI:i]i~i;! ~It 5pi!!fr1~1 ii1.-d\r.i:linl:Fis;.c! tlut ',Ii. ;ga~:!!Illim:.

Mte.t 5 •. N"bS elf!; 6£4 Nf6 7 .Nlb:.J n~ RNa3, Bhdt:, ,~ltIl'd chase the ,aa.-Knigbt 'i.o iii! I1!'tM di:il~~ 5Gr~ tn ~lt:lilain~r b!~1z\'c:r. ll1{nit~ ,...-cni[d l,'1!Ijn ,8 S{J~iC: ~ip on the dS·sq,! a~d eOlJld 11il'(}f: to expl!oit (he potential W5a~ of the: rl@;~wn. ~nlr Kal1lilS 'ba¥e been g;J]~S<oc1, ~rum tt..[..;; pusl'li'lln.

S •.• Qc7

Wh ~ n R,f1m!iJJ'UU~ violate avenin~' pril1;;:~p.I~ :::;u!l:h <:L!i H~IJ't Ibri~ mit ytn.:!T >QuBer:I e::L:dy," these vi.u'iat.ktIl£ ,sw.tlde:nJy beocrrru: ""igl1ly refinOO rnovt5." JlJ~ the tEX~ fl.nJ IT! mil, wilil Blat:kS ar.arlnr ~fUJJ\ Th: Qi;ll~1!n Q'J'o'(~ lhP.' .... ""OO_k d6-sq;lJan,:! and



White t'llck:s ~w:.w !lis, :KlrlR, He' ",,;II ~' what 'Black lliii;i?ntb til d'li wi!:b his O"ArjJ, King bdUi'LI! l~ltj[[.chlng ;m anack,


At last 'Blnek begins m dfmop his kinJ."::sdde fnrees. n'WfluiLd be! a :In.i~takl! ttl I!T,:.' In ch':,\'t:lojll with tempo by playing 1.,~'loCd4, g,(Jxd4 Bc5< because, g..QuO W{l'uld nip :!IJ pawn. HIJ~, Bl:;lotk~ 1:;t!l!, m~ bJocks rohe ~1,-g7 di~KOTI~l. Tliaki&i,Q: thi5 ~h~!ll!'; iltiJ'i,\1' t;:i~btc:..


Spilirldi nl!! Uri!,: 1 nal~l"y

'II 1!}.~.l6
I! This .eN:tr'a{lmiID.8l'Y m~e ls typi~'1 ID:ff Open Sk:ill~'9.. Imiilck ~1!!n.ful, .an ~ti:Ft: tempo Lit [h~ Uj)ettiJ:Jg ttl prorecl .his b& sqoot'e_ This move :[5.rn. in with the idea (f~ ffStl"l1mUW Wb.ite\ p"rooffi" Look 8t the c:enter~ ymJI can see tlrtat -:Blnck does a ,gpod iub uf prm~~ng hia !c=.i{lfl C!f too ~ttL

Blook simpty imenCh.. to develop the rest of 'bis ~ whilE' ex:eillmgin,g ~f[J]y pl'e!l~ toot 1II]~ht laililROh an invasirm, Hii!' wilt then t~ b:c!luE::iJi:w! h~ illi:vEL Cf.rUltw 'j.lii!!,\io'h. ,i\:M~Jjd' fah'11r~ behInd pkI:YIIlg _"a'1-ati ~ t{l, oo~ttim.tll: wtlill ,J:w~ bl) and a q~ q1J.eenside firncootto..

The q;~ti.;)n Is, r.a~ 'Bli!,{:'k 5~nd a ll.1fDpiJ oli! '!ii~:etiic;.;;i wJ:ii1e '~¥hitt:: ISlIt:Om~lcl:i'fi~ his tleve.L~~~ fiji" aH~.t.~~

W hite deve ~o;p 5 h is. ]:;I 08 i fi nn WhiJi~ preve:n t:in~ tlillo! ~:N.Ii3riD mI!OU,ioahL:tlI in Uli,l2 PToI!\' iit:lus [!!l1r,agraph. Ofil{!' 01 the drawbacks oJ the earlier move ",a1·!,"lo is the weaken ing {Ii the ib6 .. square, With the tE{lt, Wbite cam envialon tryiq; to ;ccntTo~ M w~th :sI2-:.'l4..;a5 or ~'ie~ N~-2I~-b6.

.r\ltimugli Bd-e3 isa niee meve, Wb~o:: '!.Woold! lmve liite,d, to [p:lay :so:LlJebhi~ a bit more forc:eM surb as rM~, and e4-e5. takmg over th-e center, ~'Ut the Imrnt!d~-, ate mlH~ Iif4?? 'WDtllLS '~l! b-2~n.i! cli~, ~J si.1iI ee 8,_N:.'i!14 9 . .Q_"U.i4 ~ '!iWi.l~d w-;in \Vhltes Queen, The text makes fbi:: idea of ll-f4 presilile in the future,


- 11

.: .:l .. ':' .: i

e- , _' , '~-.....,

.... '

~ I'~_-

. I

. I



}\ defining IDOrnal[ in (be ope.lling l\fter the text, che ope:ITir.I~ t[a~ es md'Q the SCbc;."'I"Jl!!rilini~n .De,k~ ..

1.1~JS delense ns noted '(0,[ 'It!'> (;i:'lnf~'Ptd but 8(lltd n~l!Jl1'!. Black takes a t11ode~t smUOL!: in the center and m~ the lti[p!'.if'. Ill: 'CHtmt rp.I;iJ,y"lNi]] be Oll'~he queenslde ;:md OIi~'ll!l,p," tll (A~J jill ~.r~-ir.:L11I~r,.

lJB:la.t:t hsd.]ilayed a .. HM, it.· ~mc WOllM ha v e K.e--pt the cJ~r.ilI. ~el'istks o:f . he . almaaov DeFe'l~sf'. Blf pressaring the c3-I{lllir~u'. Blru:,'k could Il:ilTf~r 'WhLte 's e4J-p,rawJ1_ B~lll eurrent {lgJen:ing thelJ.IY Illlil!hl'l:'l::a~m ~h<lt 2If~~r' S..J,M· '91.Nx.tG.l»l:,1;6 ,HtNa4. White ~;"(!ljt.rl have an ,ilId~.a~~<1ge beeauseof his OOfliTOJ 1)1 the b6.gqId3ll'f'~ Nob· U~~t Qt,!nri1]!Jjlil~ this line 0.1 play '1.\'. uld )JiI.lB50TI till! ~·-P:;('!."'!Il: 1 (Ii" .Nx~.? ILQd4r . ,'oulil oost BJatd: ma!l:er:iat

ChooSlill,g ,fL.Bb4· or l~l.-.~7 ts ~I. ITIiittlll:!r or ti'J:!'i~_ An.{L~~rSsl:l-J~ ljru'~ETS to h.a'~11l! his Pl oct s II i:ce Ey ~ eke d to,g-e ~]~f' r ra L"ht:I~ tban a lirtte 01 . d~~rSoec:!l as they would have been llli the case .( ,-Bt'S-M.

.A. 8tr~I'L-t::gic t!rift"~r fu;'" HI!acl 'il.1'I: . auld have been B,_.N:li:d· 9_B.l!:d1·~ m: c:5? since .Hl.eS!1 wouJd gIve White a kl.i:"ge advaruege kl the center,

-W~iFl: :s1larp.efIS the. gi1lJi~_ He tihrcm-e~ e4·e5. ''Wl!iJichl ''j.V(luld bo .t" ~Wd..!r' the fti" .Knight and] effectively r{J1f BI'a:ck's g;J~~ dgJi t 0:11 th,;e board,

Rl;I!!_'k :i'D.u!it th.l!:rt!r o re s t~· d .t!5. -i:! i: all eosss, SudldetlJiy hi earlier move 5 ... Q,:-'i" makes much m re sense: Blaek had anfici.p«J;cd this type oJ confrentetlon .t~nd had! madbed his de'el1.~e5.

'\} •• ,d'Ji

", t i i 1:.1 t,



W b at ;;! b"Y!II t t h'L t: word fTtlm#tR ~bJ,l;:k":!i. ri(L~"ll::; c.CJfI'lrul less sp~u than. \VI.1.i1JL~ artilil Utai m Wrute~ ~dvanta~e. W nite rllmlld,attempt to ~~nse hi'! :5f)8-' tiaI.act;liomge, ~;y ~vdQPHog aud ]lilac-, i n g h i5 iPj ~T;:!:l tI n l:lL11eJ' sq llilres. IJe. ean t~ d:'u:.ide i:l(1ill! to ge[ at hi1IDk,s posl'tion. Viewed f:mm this p srsp eel L ¥!1!, Whhe ne eds to ifra\i}l,~, lii !.'I, QUOO'l anti. i!I.l~lI3iok' be'h.;.ttl! t;a~itl,G: a 'staib at .Bla{:k'is pGsittOfiL

Sp.;,!! kllng OriginaUi!l'

'61~1;.'k p:ii~ '!AtOth:l: .f{Jtm"a»il.w_1 reaeoon. A;galn .. note hl.ol.v Bli;lO'k's Wl0c.e3 and p:aWIl.B' control :;I, broad aIToiI.}" of Q,l!ntl,?1' 5q1JEl_IW" nea_riy ~n !:JIll hri~ side! This ~H!i ~t thr: 1H~ .... ·iH 'm.itt llm 'WGfk )!WK:e as l~; gpending'eN:'J:rrj,tem:p.i tnmwe into ,Black\-c;:unp for' a coo'lnm.tatioo,

Wh.ite'5: ta~: will b-e H!il d~ff~D,.dl O:I;~ Cl'l/tch~ng a moli;! tha1 i!;;<l:.mess of llili! frtmloL howi!l. Tbe::::Jilllrnaj b'tU"l'OWS1UOO its hj)~e, making lt a coolle;l1~ fuf" fhl2 attaeker just to ,get.'ll RTLp 00 it A ~1,tl~ 'is foo~bt slffiply tiJ ,get fi:J[.: mole out of his b61~ 'B:~ 'lj;j~ ~trnC thilt is 21;;::"~. the aftacker is OOl1L !J.3t 00, and! fhe mole is .1l1gTY and ready W fight!

The :plJ<illt o;f tili!oil an;jli]fJi!!:': '!f is [hat lNhib;i ht!~ m t1cvliBo~ a S'l:ratf'~ 'jljm to ;;'f~'ojd ::T~dfr.ri.f;J,g a ibiU~sint.o:runtemttack_ Th~nk:aht;rut rtmPJgy by forcing :f{ilU'!!dl to have ;a con crete ,gtJ:.'!I I. Ahfl tri!,C't thOORhts BlOCh ~5l "[ '",nt if:! '~ia;! ~t'Ll my J1i~~ :anti (]EIL"'~ ~namt=,n Ili' "It ~,(;,ill'1 \io'rrt ;IIi Rook; ]i'm sure til win the ~ MB~tli.t:og~

Look hack at 'thelnst dhgr1!JIl - i~ is much II!IlJre vibt] Wi fmn ~hr! ~dv-d~ and ilibatti'lati!tagas. 0'1 iiII gj'!!CtL !pOrSutioft. B~ a.ltllDugh tr,JItl~ lias 00 ab'riOIJE weaknesses The di3-'paWfli IS a poteo.tW II,\~ bue r31ack can defend this p:::r1Jl1l] rnr ffi@_Fe ~ IiharJL'il Cim bE i5!~U


1"hi£ IS a 'Standard maneuver ill OP~~ :ci.ciilan5i ''W'hlibe ~~iil;iAltlS hi~,~ (J11Ii :hill Ba:i'i,i'c~~' mlifue'lkitlgSii1e in rn'der 00 lauach an atmek.

10 •.. 0-0

m~ ek rucks away hie, Klnlit', A ~od r:Mkr~ ..

Gt'.Ih:':!:!l quee~sicle Istlit ['I) be !f.'&GID· mended at this point.":e.u H]" .Bd 7 n,}Ml O,O-O?, Bl8d~ Kim! wouldn't bave thl: noo~~' Pli!.WU ~iel.d, "Vbib-> could l;;(J~idf!f In!!'!< iEifLmQ~llQ ~Jict: 12JfdhS ~xbQ ~,N.xb5 vi the' ~lll 12~Qf2! to build. a bmtte:t·y an t11e;dLa~Dal in preparntioTI :fur Be3-'h~, As a result, '51i!1_d v.rould £are,an unple.a!Ylint, ,tiI~gb. n.1lJ!f 'imfloo&ib!e, dl.di'drnJ~ ~~k.


A:nd ~'!.!!)J: h control :5-(l Im!:ch spa~ lXfhiLt; '~ a :nurnb!r of optlofmS hem ~'h.ich tD ch~::

I f:L, CllI ~Jlangf I\ni,ib iJl~ C CLIld ~ntimre ~-;tll I:4~. ' t~ e:3·lf op. can Q 11) h . R ilil'I!de(lf a won 'e}; ge 'iff ultl 'be fikr:ly.

1M He oIAIJl lila. fur t4--fS; in CJlnj un tion wttb Mh6 o:r e".'e'J.l Qg:J.h3 ~~ I1la'Ck's e6 [)8WTI~ 1ft thts. i:ase" White tl,rm]d 0"2;;1' an ,p:awn wea to


Hm-ing the fOOID to choose plan hi a re-~. ack;.mrage.


Black M!'I IIJ:efll :.:!l wal'Chfu~ ifJoye on Whjw's attali:~ibg id~;J_', 'Th.c ~ l oonneets t:ilJJ Rrtwl::iks. lJ11!'1!Ji:1'3nD\f to make use af me e-g 'h1Je ~EfPjng the ~'TI porntBded,

BT(I;'C'k"s • IoplJWf1t tI • I;)l:fmit

him [0 aim fot mJltnleJ1]la}' .... ,ill! ,_b'j.,'b5 because White' BlShuil! eould exploi[ the res1J!tl~ 'poaitl~ns: 11.~b57 lZ.eS ~"e5 'J~Nd~ L~~.fX-eS.lIllildt ~'Jlg~~ Uw.n auH'm' th tlaub1c ~t of M-ffl and!

Ik3-h6, po1IIlfifi,Q l'iifn, in a :ro:tttti, fiOSl.til!n ..

Th,(: reet j 'far better caku.l.atect Blat.:k



Lj~~1;H~Jl.:illilC, j~ !I!!!I~r to. l1::d.x it !lip. As in£piN.' file moveis, it rn.~\l(ing, WMt-e hasa't !tOlllJ.i'letf!ld his ~vi'.i:lfj"iHn-ef1ltR_a1·dl ~ miifjNf - thrn~by ~~ him~Ii!H up ~ITr ~JJ .iU:'tlIc~if.l.g .f;!dh.ll!'e.

StllL ORe. can't be [00 Cf'!ticd 01 the m~·. IU me board a pb}"e1' senses the nervousaess (JfJ the ap~!l'Ji!!I!tn t, ].F, Ih!l!' thfn:ks that ~ :s;:J~fI~~ mjb':'ht :e::rf~:ti? :p~.r. tiD.ilar :lJrnbft:;ill~S fer his opponent, b~! He m:lkes the m.erifree,

White·'s, motiva ticn fer thi5 p.!lwtl rhrust is nDsoJutciy d~r:; ];(;1 wJiotil tiji open, '~e b4;iard ~~ h~ I~';""I:t$ a:::; qulcldy :i}1!l ~ijjle·.13ut tl'i~ are 'two drawbacks 00 this sacrifice. The first has been mro· tioned - t1"Je ill·Rook isn't ~~titip-::!tiIlg, The second Oril! j'!> that an~t .,.d'6xe5. Btal;H; S g7··B~ wml'id be opl!J'.Li2d ~ Nm.e tbat \Vhlte's .King :S'.itt OBI gl. This makes the eountermove .,.Be7·ro !l~1J; .. wruxil ro me.el.

White- ~hou,[di h~¥{! :~r.i.:p;!Llt1;::d c.t~5 with l!ilhI!T.12J~:~:d1 fit 12JUll; then e4-e5 ~TQ'JJI]d ~~i1I\re been more ~O-tff:lt.

GM Jan Timman, £rom Th~ A:r~ of Cke5s A~~'. Em'!3 ii ~9.t: "Ln t~ P'lWf!Jlt enmlXr1;~r., AiI1p3i2[Ii1!:';[]1i! rn ... oo!:'l~ to ww t;Aal the: 'V~~Lte.actL([m. is p;rem::Jil!.ll.ff, ~'\nd a good thing teo, My .firn[ reaction when [p'bYOO{('i{€'l' tl'U;gmIle '!,'i,'l1I.!ilt 'U t~ [s,good tben rn~ck caTl't 'p'1ay '~e SldHan


1Z •• .d~e5

RliJlclt ~iiilraillf captures the paWnII, The eJij]Y !ltl~~f posslble move W(!uld have been 12,.,NeS (l:L,Nd5? 13,Nwd.5 ~}:il5 '1415 !h_:e5 t!U6 £hdfi 1 riRxffi wo.uM Ill! J;!OOdfur Whi,t~):: 12,c5 i$jlliiti:tied because tlle :fI;KDiQ:ht bas bee.[1J forced to retl'f'aiL


White fi[llkwr?!"l t:!IJ lw.i h~ .pi!i,Wn ~r.:tif:iCt:'_ ~ T~ b~ buil"nto~ hj~'br[dges:sjnce 1l.N.:te6? :Bxt..'6 l.4Jx~ N'e4~ l5,Nxe4I 1he-4 would be great for Black, He can dclend his lUng with _,Be4.,g6 when oece5~II.Ul', ang his :ntack down t'l-u~ o·:fik ~ R""d,o,y·.lIIl1{1!!.

113 ... jj)~

As bEfm~e, b[acltis obHged rn capture the o:iI'enrlingJeO-pawn.

U the f6..KniSht'TTli.'!!1i~, WhlibP-~ 1~~I!:!S. will OOc'O\e been justifioo. Hk: bas. earned &~lCt :frf:~\r:.ln. f:ur- h~ piaees 'l.vll:h jde;a~ like NcS-e4,. Eez.d3 and ik:3·h!3, Here's rJJe· 'P'fOOf:

I 1~, ,.Nd5? 14.Nf.5~ F:;G 15.Nh6.". K~7 HtN xdS e-xd5 11.N:xJ1! i'.'l:.IIl:llI(l net Wh~tId! ~l 'll2il1sr a pawn. 'lints taetie lS based 011 a dist'iJ\?~'erl cheek: 17 .. .RNJ{ {W h i te threa t en iD,~ B e:3- h6 + ~ 18.RKf1 + :K.d7 19.e6+ ~ ~k~rll!:: 'up Blacka~~

• l:i. .. NIL"8 W"0iJ.lcl be too ~.\fIl! .. 'White >could continue w,~th 14,Nx'C6 B'xt6


CI'tMI r

This; iis ~ oulf 'Way fu r 8tadt, to ciJdl:OO the e5 .,Knigtlt

1!i.11lI 1!

With lhi P(]\\I rfuJ III vclotli:n - mn Wllite aim' qual', ly !!It th!! d6-B~h~ milt D"l'm:t'C'1;s tbe e5~K.n.t '["he pklururn pomt' that Whlre tJnreat:em the simp e 't"e'~t Nd,HJ:t. then, after Ridbd6 ,,,n~ Uf4Xil!:5 l HL::u:k wOllld !H.l1i't-.! iItatlllr~al ~


A TlJlU"J!?elO'UB d n . Bla r wmIld Ilk

r.tiJ)\'1! 11 ~-5-Kn:ight., bul tel! d6-R,::i p ilIife-dl pro tC't lon, ,Frotee-ti1,\g tl1 e d6· Bishop and r.l:iel} IDDV:illlg the f:5·KnLght "Mo'Uul{l also 1iJSe,. Tho thE! rdea of Dein.g able tPI-etrftt by .__Bdfi-.~'i" ~ forced.

I~~ 5e~ 'i'i;hi!.~ would ~P_p!W1 if ~'~c!lr

cn~-d t'(I move ~[! il!F.i-KlI1~Hht

15 .•• Ne4l? 16.Bxd6 Qloi:d5 (l fL.N:xd6 11. 6 ~'OO d wiD a pi~) ]_ 1.HE4- White would w:in 8 piece.

I!!I l~L. f3 .... '[ .Rxf3 e5 H.BbS hS tB_Qp 'I!~M 19.Nd5 QG~ !O.:Nf£h-!WhJte wouild wir.i t~ (37 -Bi::!iHicp - fim~Ys~ by GM Jan 1imman..


l 5.Bd3. IDJIljrur,<gt SIRek's . If id~. H I;;I)LII~d piwl;ee.[J '~YHh h[1l'l ~~crlfidl;l.1 Mild!! wi th 1I.LNe4t Nx~S 15_[IU~, J6

Ui.Bg4" witlL 'j] ~ III atnadI:.

• Not UmJ \Thtn~~ snallty, • hen, zu;g 'latt-c aftC!ll'" l!L.~P;~ 1 J'!llC't'6 i(~3 5.N~7+! KbS . M ~ a baOOfu.J],rn exJra ~ ~ l' \VIRte.


Dis wa . '\\'bites SchEmA: h ba~llnOO Black akmg 'I.~ h2 bS rna ~al BliLdl ",~H .sufi'-eI a oon,gestioo problem 'I.11'£ng to b eak' e pm.aJl]d ms play for th£o aest :f.I • .'w '1'R('.fIo'J:!i ''11[111 be fu.radl.

115 ... ..N!i!!Sl

Sti!t1ar ~ l'{4 agaIn. '.rhe dEL~sb.oP needs to be refortified 5G tha t the e5, KQ~ght '~[[L nww ,lIno b;req.'It the pin. GnP.' nice IUlicb jt:ij Lh<l;t 16._.NL"4~ l'LiIxo6 QTI16 n:7 .. ..NxdB 1 .1lxf6 wim a (lleee) ll~, 'Qxg3 19.[bcg3] maintains the "]}in on the: ~-fi I !.hereby winninlra niece,

"Whiw has III mntUJI!.IL'! bJ be t:rt:'".d.ti\' :Eo

IDS ,:Illl:!rk.. OD"'f!I'se the k:i of the ~'p:I'>'l.I'i

will eeme baek to MlJTII him.

11".. '

Sparkl ing OrigiJliljlity

17· •• .lBO~!

hi! ma 'Ss B mfrive of ep ienal BlB' W3~ ~'aitin or '" flli:te's l'J.ID1re3.00

-;: -nam~, H"! 1.itttat"EnS No3- :3, ur:>hish hac:! hg' ~!l:WE'f" pared> In • .u:ooniLmre

kabobbtn,:( Blac:k a eng the h2-bS 'WitiH]'l.ftMl!n!:ii '8.1 _ 'mh:;;u:lphmn~,

Ww,.QT1 _al

AfJo~nc:r' ,,"'B.Y to. mp' with Whit~'s ·Qf :N'd4-b3 wookL be ro b~ I:I1t d· II!. GM TiMIJJ.a.n illustrates Blacks pm

1.5_._Nd5~ 16_Nf5t ~~ f5 17.Nxd5 Qc5+ 18..BclQ!ll19..Nffi+ KfiB 20. l~u!l7 ,xd7 21.':x,e5 - Wbite thus would wm all"

FnHfJwinK lilt;! text. Blil.dr" I;: re:r p,1::m is b) play 16NhJ BeJI' 17.No iBtfij f.icauy 5 Ldestepp lng ~Il of W h t~,e~s threata Blael!; woold Like tn solve hrs diag,ornd probl m ' by ]}T~~e t:hliil <f;;7 ·Bl~blJP wllh •. f6- and lhm 'wbJ~,jn.g . ...N -Rt3"

:ki • , a p:IWll aheatL

W bite .1 tt:iJ II; ka tnt' (16-111 i!'l hnp from arLO thft. d.irti:r:Joo.

[3l::J,c~ [l£1.~"'f!~ 8, irn!1W~ of !I!'_~L"1.!Jlti~1 calmness and cli:1riLy.

It seems nhat no one has q,u_esutJ:ru!d the ~t. Neither GM Timman m TIN' Art fJJ Ch~-"i AI ~ i1J].1'ti~ :Q ar :~ M' S:rdj a,jI C'ill'tk{J~·k 'til 'ffic lnfjJrnHli(}1' oonsiders 17 • ...NxdJJ?,grabbi1'l!pllRoot.,llkltb dTIJ!lGtnton had J'\eg;i:uerfil 1 S,lbtdlli N:xdJl3, J9.N£I!!i+ ::UiI w~mtinR fQJ"' WhH~ and 8t~~I!f:I~dL Oy :1m 1JlJ~1[! is t:iI'lIi:a. ttl:il! eoo G:f tlte ~iJle. OOwevt1",

,["h~ v'arltuions 1:.Il'.li[ the a!llif!i!lt;l.'mfS soowd have p;o[lltOO ~n go I1S ·rD1]aws: wirh 17,.,'Nxd3!? UtRxd6 Q)a!~. Bbn:k ldIklli ,;)d\r-l:!Iu!EgE t:lf ill j:lin. [n ~~ ifj1%lJ: 1i:i Wll ite's'~. I poitlJtec1 out [hat Whi~~'s gl·K~'L'Ig sirs exposed to this 'typto of 8, :pi~, That IS why hI :J"l1lmy Opel] Sic.lill1cS. Wh IW' often f Deludes ~he lld:Jlp!>-]~t Kg] -hl wit'l:l.ln his .1lta!t:.k,s, lBduR ,t't'aditlg an.y fur.aMr; &:1, up t:I:oc po:Moon OI!L d' cttesrnoorcl. and gee wlm:t J"QY would go,j]8 WMtli! tolJ,ful.ll}W' 1£L,Qai, r:l;t.tiLtk~ng I:h!! d4-1{[Ji~nt..

III UJJlx1B +- 2J}~I Kltffi 2i .1b1ll3 ~M! - ~i':adi Ltg 'filik~es, \llh1t!e has insuffictean oompensatlon fiJf 'hB'~ nficw pawn, Ile has to do better;

• Wllli 1I.9,Qn~ tb1.~ posi.tio:f.l bi!C~I']:H~$ pregoiOim.t wi'Eh p'OOSiubi~i'bit$.. W,n,a't should Bla'c'i'; difi!~ C:rmM~. ma,a)I~"['la I wi rh '] 9" .Nx b:2 gO.idS KKf& ~1.l&h5 ri 22,Hh:S6 ~xgtS 2.3,ijxg{i,

'INO'Illd iiliUOW Wh~tE a '!rit~tI~ ~.I,H~clt Another capture. 19,_,~xd£ :U1.Nf-il+ Kb8 21.BKd3 I!!:rl~ {with 2L.Bb5!~ 22. [S:8h1 B,xfl il,:),Qh~ g5 2·t .Qh5, B'ta ck would 'b~ maili!!tIJ 22..QM, (.5 23,Qf6+ ,({gB24,R.lJ IRfe8 25,Qh6t, woold ~es!J~t im enprevem:3b]i!! check.mare, Extrmm:liirIiar:r v~ri§tiilms! tM:iliTiy ! h i!I ~ k:s. to .;!-\!!U I::!r~ca,ir.I 1M Nilrolal' Ml'Mv rn~ w~ellfung an Entire evenir:Ig bel,ping me with this positiooJ

Back 1.0 the tnt! Anderssen cerl1Rin~F didn't arut1y:re g],lCD a mMe of ~w1.11'tKrns.. 11115 i~I:l.lI;tkJn tt'llttl him ~~ hi! il:ouldrY't. t:a:lff~' Ilie' d~-R'ook. W'inh ari , Il!av.,~ III his plXkfi, he d]Cln'i .Ileejj ·lII.Grematmat 'WHb 17".Jkf', be geffi out ef harm 's wa~ Nil!iw llin;! d-Rit'lb.op is t;IlUffici'l!~UF' Q!}'!{ered. and ~e e5-Krij~ht ~D\rumj;! to mmre.



I''IJ 1m)) tJU' .An~ '[or nead)' ~'O decad ' and ro:nStM rum £"0 be am~~jltiorud def~nde:r_ Bl~ ean block II.h.c a:-:lilc fNit&i ,cithcr 1.B. .. _'Bt6 (!' iIl'u; teXt. As ~_ ,"rndf1'8SOO has made the best choice,

PfewIltil!l3{~bylaJw.l9.J c51- tmmedia ~y tar~tiAA th e6-'PB\'ffl-

l~ B, di~w:,. Bu' 1R_,&.1)

tu b an c.x:(-dIEl!Ji mo"'e, except lhat Bl ack' k~ ngside W0'1l1c:l nil! eo more de' e:11'cl r1:', Whlite eeuld premrre .a 00 crifice QiD tt- GC-p.;fWIL Gfii.1. "FmllJlan L"" :Hit !fi. '~I £-~ he P~lfi1J; t~1!t two" plenditl

;ills fUT lVb.ite:

. I IB .•. BcA3t?) 19'.Ngllr hl3! 2iJ.N~ £XeS 21 ~ RJd 22.Rxfl Nf7 Z3cNx '1

xc? 2 Jk-4 Qb5* "cl!psa.r}' B 24...N~ 2S_Rxrn WUdkL win) 25~J! h has been iii trlJglJl. but ~laclt ha '

N ct5 ,Nxf7 27'Jbd'71 K.x.t7 miuiHgeiHIl,ooi'i' h~sprob _5iJIl theh2~ ZB'.Qf2", -:a devilish check In tMs h8 dbt;RMia1. ,'lith th!!! text. "I.¥hit~ hill!.'! kI c , WOO1~yeT Wack movOO hifi. Kins"" ~.oo;pt thalt $!ll:l!l.e pieces will 'be- traded b .~ I~ .b is! Qtrl!l!Oi t~ '1 dj5CO~rll"rl redudng bls 1:r:13dathre.

Sh{,,{!fpi)l!1:1"y'J 'White keeps up the,pressure by oontimrnDg to harfingue- the. r:1· Bis 110 p. [0 met, he has no ether W-Joo 'mQ\ -

19.Nt.s Bdfi~ 20.Qb3 nu 2L chu::6 'ffNe5 22.Q~6 ,fd.lowed by lUbe!;. wins for 1I'/hi te..

In 1k."at: 'Io':".maf ' Wl:: see m[b::"$ p.iH:tS buzzing areu nd 81 aek's King like ::II swarm {If bees. As he bas done' mrmr.{dl" !Jut his ~~, Andel n jntui~ the bes ~S(!,


I 1:I.J ck OOIjJk!, try to sobsriture 19 .. 116 81atk ~biJ!"'lj that hE wn play t{lcti~lly ~ but GM 'ri'IIlfilm]'is second as ..... ell

~t o!lId have been worse after l!li1._Q~ 20 . .[ f6..,! (~ 't e (J~ly way rn win

mattriaJJ2CL1(b82LQxc7N::te7::i2.N.xd1' e2++, p10Mng up Whi~iS Q'Ilee:ill~ Lt Nx.d4, 23,Etxc7 Nx:e2 + :M.Kf2i!, BlitC':k ~ 'Uur Bfat::JJ: has weaill:le:r.ec1l¥hlre's

would OO'l~ fUIlMlQ him5etf '~vin.g b~ lc~ titiI.w ;!In ~XoI;har~' 11r ;a p1fi:':~, tn 'both t."W1i3S White would ~ain !~f'1l.ent 'Win,ru~g iLhaoces..

Now~ [)~c:k, would be htIJppy' ~oQ 'ex'change Qu-efi!!!l by 20.Eh::bH~ N x~2+ 2~ .Kf2 N'l(gs 2-2_B:;o[@3~ sj~ []jis, end~~, 'BJ~l:eJ£. ~ a ,pJtVl'J'l ~p.


~Ji:~llgnt p,1iaY _, WhiJ'liI!: ]mfIM.~i)l wl'lidl a~~!;; t~ BT.arlt, K'in\!!:' lts['Iies:. '[,he !i3. iBl.£lloDp nllW ,(X!lnEs iL-seif jn ttiat mrection..

~D ... Q~£;!:

Thl:'iL:!l'it and OO!!ltit~Ujlltu:.;~ _ Bl~].t ,DlliIiN tltrea~riS:i) :~1]~ dfJl[jl~ire:e:heek: tw _.,Nd4-

attad<:' :s0011 be. wiH ~,~ an inLmtiVTe"

Black haaresisted the irnIJJQl~ tDtradt! pieees, WUh :20, __ N)(Jl::7~ 2l_Rlol:r.::'l IkiID'? 22.NIli+ 'KhS 2Th'lh£ .. Wbite would win quk1dy because of the tnt'eatB '00 the IT'· pawn and the gJ "JN1W1t1, By ,!B!'rdn8:' th~' seventh rank w;jth, RC3,;(!;7. \Vhl~ YItIt:cliB be h~Uid~, I;.'Of~lI! cDm,~t:rrsatiJm fu~ 'tkis sat::rlfif:NI ,pawn.


1jubojevkmI1!trrl'l..'le5 IX.;! i(;Il;:;!y w:ith fire, Uc :i3 dOln,g ec~rytbi~ 'Wiithj!l1 his iJMVf!:i' to k!l:!e]J hi£ 'OI;~ek alive, 'M' White a'iluw.s :S1::aek one mamen( t{l breathe by thr~q ~W!LY <l ~"o, tHe attack w'mlld be over.

'If he had pbyed 2·1-Khl ~t N~! 22,Qi~j Bcli~ 23.&5 JSI. WhH[!'S aHac'k Wo:lrI1~dI llli:li'llt ~ii: roik wttl}m, bOO2lYSe 'tkl:ck~ Kmg has ptenty of b~thfuJ senrants royeJ:iItg the entrances and exir.s.,

The tezt, {in the other b"",~d, fit:.=; in ~l~nrud!y. The' ~-h7!fIJrud is OtJI:!ill!fi !lIP. ,~~ ... i.ti~ Wni~e lilt: tka""ntee to reU~;ll, a pass:LMe :Eirl3xb7+ and :3! quick ba'tttuy 0]1 the ~·me, IUthouwb Ncfurd'1 i8n't a threat 'yet. It~~~ has to, t'h:iI1k aoou,t the' ;1111{1 d~~L


Thai belnii ~, nil the G~rm:':!'!1 ~ tn I!I I'fi!ilzinl! ~l-A~'C'. GM L1Jli::l~k f'ae.'h.1ftUlj1'll ,d!L&::illwrtd .1 100vely 'Wiay far Willile trnaW'th~gm:ne:in spite of ~t::'~'s nD~ move. He proposed 21" -'N ;t{11;:7! 2 2: . .Eh;:n 7' +,! I'~>x,b:r ,2';U:"!':it ~1 + u Kl(,~7 24Jl,gS+ Im1.25dlJi3.4,~~'a draw b~T PE'~~ chedr..

FOITL1D3~i fur ~. the tat is 'f1lwetl (I1'!~Y b~Gi!nji!lili il givtS Whi~ i<IJ c'ba:11.rJi!! th aiitat::k yet, ~~_ ,II im't ,2j 1iWJ.I Mwl'et af~BJ:' aIL

:! 2: ,J8t!1i'

On, chess can be DI slnlzter gilllle! ~ mite ~posit.i);m8 bis: e1~1&8'ho.lll' ~I!i{!i to tim ~~ the most naru ral mif'j'l!I~ (! n bhe; airn at Blad;,t,. JU~ 'iJ:'hln,gs are beeomwho]!!: bli;:lm 'i!> .itLlii.EalUy;lL '~-l~r-_ 'Brack's ing dis:t:im::tlIy unp!eamnt. lil.taek 'Wnulld l'Il0W ~s as nal;lUrnlas a bahy's smlle, Jt 1& Jove to. b8v-e his p_revID1oIS move baclrl

also a mlstake_ l:lIa>ck's ml!)'[~\ratifitl is 22 ... N.fti, !

clear-l\tb±re's (!3..Blshop is ~iIlg 'the Kin8'~ 50 lie"! I, get rid o:f it H BElt ~Ji1 ~lP iI!I 1r;;!i3i!, ,":Nd:3~e2+ ~Pl:es !'I s,er'WI.I.'S, ODI111lU'1thn.;3L

A nderssea slt.a.!JI~d hav.e take:)'j the oppornmity te gett riid of fihe c7-Bishop'i Beeause Rc3(;'(c7 Wlisn't 'l)Dssibl~, now WiI:L~ th~ timl!- ,,A rtl;!r 21.,;N![r.j! 22,Q~7 Bb51, [Black \\j'{Jtllld bit i!lojnl1 .... ~ 1NI:-U GM Timtlla!L '! a:t:ia~·sis ronti~,_ues wlU~ ttRt.;E, BiHidi 24Jblj,4 RncB: 'tte r.etre!H. , .. BdH-g6 would prcreet the King, GM Tlm:rn.~n enneludes t~;al Black .... )l)uld thliS stantl '~ter:

In tills eXQi!l1~rJ."el"reat. B~3'io-wcl5l1A'tII lTd]»; ln !J:i[! IJt~iUn11:;

~:L.Nffi? 2:iBKf5~ Brll :24 Be 8h5 (or Zi~ •• JldJ 25.Ed .. ~ nreatenlog ru".o,,""""'" 'l'ilDtlld t wr ll,,;rhi~

2.S.Qh t5 (lin 25.,.,~? 2 .;dJ7+~ i

ou I di Ieree ttl.l:lile in lwO UJ1I(tJ7 woold wm ~ 0J!]lJ Wblre'ssaaifiood material mn~ interest, Whi~ ward! ~ IlJ 11 ]JiIl~ti:o~.~ <1i1'i.'Dt!~~

• 22 B~t113 23,. Bxd.4 Bxfl 2''-"''11 .Nx,e6r

£XeS [mandaloIl"Y, because 2L.b6 25~Nxg1 wfill.lild s hatter th :B,lack

KiD,R"" p 'MTl;2~ OCDl RMj .Q'

Wffi]Jd ~ thJ.: ~taDI d a1-Roo'Jr.a:J:lli1, .~. .b GM T:b~

in, Black a~ rn be complelel dti:fendMd. H he Oil] [ust play ~.Bb5'm3, hls ,~.'drn '!)IIWTI will tell, 'Urnortmmrtety. all th . p ;,omoo!:"l-tflimplicatio.mih;n,,· tak£rL their toll Otl.Al!lIjefs.oo.['l~ clOC'K_ 'Bi 'is 'lJffw W1e p~ with. ess rime 3,vai1ab

tn k ~Rmcly difiicu'lt dec:1stons.


A P - Ltl1fi":SQL1.t sa.t.1i1"fi£1!. No",' llmt BEacJ.(,~ ';:es M.':f' been dive.l'l:ed to the queen-

'rIe, Wbite unL~ ~ ~ Blaf,::k~'K inFf s.iP~ n.BtJ51:Ql was threate ed,,'Lh-' sa:oifttt· .... a!:if~ Th qu uo l~,m lh 'S;a'j,:rifia! wl)ik~

~ ... l:h7

Black eentm to add to his ,ooUect;on

of saenticed hi ~ Jueces. Black ~ I~ ;g .. ·d'~ the fac that 1 ~ !iKnigfn k!; ptnlil d antlJ th . d-Rook hl'l::1 1'1,1 fiby I!Il.IrselBillid: ttl t~ .lCnight flb.dJ: is t:ict!ping Whit· wil ~ dntplY' ~Lin I;}U l of avada'hle attlC'kBrS,

~.I ·1

Ljub;Jjevil; contin I;,) play .a]1..ou Qrr

~ win,

Am.ertcarl GM Lubosh Kawlck btJrrov."'i a 'page. 'Crom GM: radImrl.1.R 10 ~lll i;KI!t ~t ~\111~ has H p$tml ~L1fCk 11m: 2-\'1 ,B~G7 N.:4: 7 (not 24 ... 'RgB?? 2.!!i.Qh4 . K.:tg1 26_Qg5+ KfB 27.Rd7+ KId7 28mJ Nffi 29Rx.ffi+ male in Qnt: 2iQxg1 Kq1 26.Rg3.+ iKh7 27 Rhl+.

with ihe ~ as before.

• 24.. ~E6 til ",e:ry censeqnem r:te:furrse - OIlle!l1r ~ ml: Woil,)'~ In:. :!;i.t(lP ~n Jlttilc ~ is. hJ capltlrl:l ~ iJ.tta~k iI1g piece ) 25JthIJ K 8 2e. xe5 (fomed - til battery 26,Qh3- Ng6! is refuted by I1IlQ tOO:ID1{ lhe ~~ml2ft.,.QDG! (a 5U!{· ~I i.en b)~ Y~Q:asl:a... GM Dt,al¥J~ju.b Ve1iTIllOO'i.1c: Bla_r,k ft'.ad~ ., n·ffi but firs de ends the ifoEi·pavm) 21 J'l41 ~ onty \lnliy 'I"Q If -tu .... b r.:IJcl\·~ VII'lID of ._fl.f6) 2'i'._.l:6'! (alid 27_ .. Bx~.4 28,Q 4·~ rs :29.Q. a 01· Qxb2 JllQta4!. Ute dumi· tUH~Hg I>~iti{ln of Wllit~'s. pieces gLve3 him fine compensation . or Ws two P:=lWD:5l- a:jJli ~Y~l' by G M J a n TiiTIlmltl' ,28..- ~ ·6+ Ql' 2f!..Nxd5-

GM Tiimman tiler this IlMbitio

[Oofl'Et- 'l\fhltta Iru'ge tlaVlIDlfigI.::L I dis... gr~e. Ahe:r ::t!9,.Jik6 30,~Kf8lU18 31rRd, Kf7 mru.:"k should draw fhi II!TlQIIlg.

• .24 .. J5t?--li!J~ ~fcn.~ 000~ a mindhe m:1 er, Srol\es of GMs and chess dubs arou nd the zorld have been attrae r to i I will ~ the mynad ntlTIlbe:r of !rid! 'If,lfr-i.i'!lnnns .f!Ind juJl1 'walt 1Jir.cr1Jgl:! ih. di:! tillL:tI. nlain line, 2S.B .. M+ Kga 26..Qg6 setm . 'Lljl fOf R:c3-b3 and Hh.f.h8 chec.kmate; Black has to pus h :a'ill 'I th e gU rQuee t'LJ 2&. .. N:w::ri 21.~ Rn {not 2i ... Nt7 2&.Rc~ ~+ 29.Kbl- an fiM-hS rna" e i Inevirable 28.0. e51 RdS

The ' 'd the: I rt L 'LD L' UIHt bat[r!i",lf doWlili WI! D.-fi.1C! ~)' ~liVing RflIi..·IJ· + atKl. Qg3-h3. IIJtJ~tlugh t.llis is a dIsquie[ tog meat, j n' hat s,.Ri op Jeft ]J pris .1-

2 ..... ;!1ri!J

This is all e:x reff'r~' riifficu1t defiIDii 'e m \'e rn.find.'l!)Dre~_B hnsse:vernI t~dm' .but, ~. tl~ tc:tI ill; b rillianl, WI::: p.1Ens tn i dfiZr 8. Siu fi:

I'::u:uililg for 'Lhe King en Uk, f7~p.fare.

1'wCJi oth r possible moves stem [I)

11. "Ii eru:ilessr.amlfirnt;jon I mretbe sext bet ter lhan 2~ ... is. OOCIIU .e' on f6 tile: ~wn i:I,It1Ei. iiL"i· R biJt1lI!t ClliV while at1;r)i::ktn rnt: e5-JB.i. ho~; im. ,fad, 24 ... .f5 has iii

i ee l retueatien, The other d-eJEilS!i:.i ~1 "])~, Un]}]y mprun:s I]]j the lllings th t 'I,xrhite 1 J'lV .efl pris . Lets gf't a . s.t u[ wbir,t Ar'Lrl~ 'I oj :ted:

29,Fkh3 ,Rdl + 3W2 R1] + J I_~ f4 + J~U{g4 Nffi 3:3'J{g'5. White"s. ,KinE SllI~~ but ,~ rclshes~rmJ,fB~ by ·r:M' 1'imnuTI. The 'finlJl p~tt icn [TIJrn rh~' l1n! d~t~~ !3ft ~tL-'1l Yl3i f'J tl iagf'illW:

"fhese. varntioJ:1J;l, mdk~1it'e wby chess, is 5L1t:h OIJ to.~~h ,K.1ii:ni!!', At !5QJfiiJ;.: Pt~n:1~ geri,l!rnJ t"ttl'iS.idcrdUffi1I!:., prmndJjIi!S.Afttl even 'IiaC-DCS ~Jtave' Ul! ghre ~'B1I to OODCl'e[e calrulo~ons. When to starr ca1CJJlating. aad lo what depth. requires judgm,en~ that 5hu ..... !il,cl"i8.!>..'j: ,tQ be ;up. il:1.'l'I:..~ti'll!'! S~ft a ,. wdl <15 a stF"l!..-gic OJ]!!.


\\fbite moves to set \W the h·me batrery. 2!L.~

,Eiladi: is JIJruOO ttl 'l1iI:~i but kJiioN.f!ll tile's:

IfEHH;l~fDr ,g1(gSo'f7 anaa great ~

Whl~ iP\Il"9i;!J.!~ hi Blr.~U;~y 'wtth do~d, i:k~naiiO:rL fcJ]! DOW I:hRj)~ll :I!ilii!Jli" iii} []m:'~!


This eKtr-aOrIDDHTY move epitlMDizes A TII:1:e!rs-5'On's Ulniq_ue defe:nsiVi! !:iltyle, BIa~ 1mfr'.Q~ hi:!"; 'p~ ~ltiilE, ~ ~k mnk. (:m1iZli1ng the e6-:p~WiIi cer~in1y looks ~ake'.3 se:mlbte reactmr.,

ln the ~!l1Is!:mortewa. Andersson 'Was !:Tit..ka! ~f Ibis m~ve. pmiEtLnR Gut:.llint ~,,_ffi Wilu I d: lia.'I'f: been ~[ttl_ '?Ilhi'tl,! ooldM non p!ay QI~ tlfeJrU&I 'he has .alread.y 'iJQm'lll~Ue~ his Queen, to 11,3. Because ilf the threar of .,.NcEini, it :;.eems tb;tl Whil~ 'W{!yW, be compelled k! miii~!! .p '~"ttial 't:twck:: 2Q,_;f5 27Jih®+ !G7' 2S..QIi'o5i+ Kt'l 3ilQ;gS""" :Iill' .. ,ffis eg. KnWrrand e3.RooJiMe.airnostooIEP~

knotted up. },!!l~.yi:n.g for. the win by :;r1'8):q'i'?' N~ii!'7 :n.Rh1 ~ 8-Z.KhI Rd~ with ;;1 l::J.kc~-'[":3>t!~ 'm:iltinK 'tb~:::It l;I]yld e.aslly :rffiGw"liL

&D. w.ith 2b~ .. fEl' BLacitOOOlJd lmve:Ei.1ade EiI (lrd;W. '[lues thal mean that ~ .. .NdB is '~~1? Nrut at ~m The teJ{t doesn.'t spo~1 BIOI£'k~ :pii~[tiljJtL O±irCli in f;;let 'k~~ hi!iJ woin:nJ ng ehan ces al i '!,I'~ l A£tlf'ir.' all. LJIiJbw<Jj!~V~ has 'io preve the 500ndness of fiki1i ~mfiol:i!S.

A w~iithblg ;iiJ1I:ntp'l thaf nlat"k~hollld: nor ma1l:e would be 2&..;QxC5 .... 27.Rx6 NHro, gaimng W'fIE: m.inctl' Rrooe-.. far'tliJe'~Ecr'I_ N~r.n:i:::ll!y t'hi3 'W{Il.!lld be a ,good ctealfar thc play~t' gT..!Uing thi!! thrnl!! pieces, hut White has a mmOO-latLon to ..... 'n :it piee-e'.k= 28.'EUi~+ Kfi' 2:9.Rl:.f&.I. Kxf& 3.iD.Qa3!. Setting up a d~el:\oo chock <lind. bld~ ad. ... :;, Clf 'tbe pm on tihe ,<I.-filt: to !fall ~ t~~ b5-]li:5im'p, Wh~l-e W011.IIl \~i.1:I al!t~By:sj1i 'till HgliK llJi1~-eE".


The iflrawbatk: o:f B1at"k~ p!">I!¥io!!l!1l move is revealed. 'Wl1iu:''s .a.ttilltkM 613l:;;'h@jJ moves ' ....... th itm1pon. White.1:lO'W threatens ~.Rh8+ ~i7 29.Rxffi+ Kxffi Jo.NKeifi+ ~t1d 'Bd .... ~~,7. wjol1lling B:w;t's Que!NJ.

2:7 ••• b~~

A f:iJlr;! o~Il3n:;:;i\,i2 T!;:i!.;,"tiOTL Black blocks W nitl~ tl1rea;L ;;J;nrl 0:I[1;aiE:'~~ I:ii.~ c5-Ki~~bt., Also'. Blac.k's ilIl7·Quee:~ c:m!I t10W swlflg 1;)"I.o"w to ~he lrln,gside to SlLv:e her nloImreh.,


This m01lCl is !fon:~~::L White 'I,I.'ml1d ger n{lwh B!I"e by p'Lay LH'f:; 2S_f~ hB +? I{-F7 ~.Qh&+ Kef OO.Ftrl'B Kxf8 ~l.QhSH Ke"i' b~u_se he would rUD crut of .rh6Cks .and :i:Ii~"k)!;.rr:zJ" 'Black's I1ieXt move would 'bE -.Nd&.:J1\ l~.b:,!ct~~ th~ e7-'Klllg with tenl!pn


'8Ia.ct< MPpiiy eXdHIT!~ cldenB fO:1~ a ~t2l,Lker., Whi ie·s threat bad been 1UilOCrS4-; ml'lining a Jro.o.k


2 !9.Q:m6 +

Recnpmring a p~e with clJ~k l8 ,a ~d i~.


As am'erbsed - Black has oonoe a. marvelous jDb lnrnkiJDg tare (It his KffiJ;:", !But Whh~ 1'511"t thrtT!.i!K"b jl;!,; Hill' 2itm has iPh!ntJ' !:if trlcks, 'Note that :29.~.Rn~ OO.Rdl3"! WIJoU~d get .Blacl. rrrntOO •. ~ had to oounte-ratt.acl;. '~e e&-Qu~i;;n.


"Time iT{ilLlb~ r~50 ll!;; ~y hG<liI iilnd !Incc3~ 9. .~'.M~!f", H ~s IiJJJm ~t1y lDliSCi.lte that. p1teJl~ the §a:J.DE'. jan l1JI1.Dl[jJJ 00J1. ::iitl.l:1!1:5 fur~.'s ff1lS~e !i:1! 'be- CiliuSfd by the-deep spell of Wrute's ntmclt.

The te.:ct seems 00' nateral, ~IaC"lI;' i[irev.r.:nfl;, ~-h"i' Tiia~;: aiM a(1,:a;tk{iig ~ h4-Rook., Bw:L it ea!ll~~ ~Mdl1IiI'}'(M~. able pmhlems in defe:tltrlirt,g'h[:; Kl.rJg;. The g1·(Iii'U"11I and :ffi.pavm.actt:is a sbielii The .If. ,~. momeIii fur LItlbo:j~ p"&ay; frutha the' shield .g~ 'lrnm ~e_ booy of He tb.reR~ ootln Qe;1-h7 ~te.:md the. tn.e ~'il1iit. tii1~ 1,!,~keT it bt:Um:l~ "'ith oj) .ROOk. lTil.1,o"l!: ill 1[1u; !jOl$;:rifllli~ pi!lld cf? ceol head; no-t ,~l.1f!~l.'e!::d! hi' the tkk~L'lg

eleek, lIilldHssM 'W!:l!illd Ju:3.'1,1\~ ~a~i.l~d tharthe best w'J?) 00 beat Whrtf:·'s auadt Wof!itEld boe: with one (!iff Ms .Q.W'.Il. .Black. Wi).t]!d! ~·Ctl] tru;r'!Unpo:Lli:)i:!;lI,~r3{l,.,Qx~ - eocaping kual"l i:IJfl!.liFL<Ltc' ~m."h7 and oJ-, f~i![jg' W~ire the ae.:rtook., Blac'k t.h:.:n, woolil have ~{I]y-rounlerpby based 00 ~Il!!! thr,"!i!:;! t nf :31 ",(Jd + 3Z,Kf2 un~. ,f]JI[slwijI; bilt t1M Whiilj' ](~~.

l£ouM Wh~t.e wit1'i:sUrtd 1:lJ.~ ~ttiok iill!I~ Rrnb ttite Rotik? No~

After 3U~,~!, 21LQXfi'B? gS ~ck 'wnuiLd fl!.::!ly :K51 before fhl5lJ~Dg' out 'the 'W~iri'1! King: lei g3 ~l 've.~ve:aJ rnatinl!{ net lftlld d~ \\~h11Je th~ :~f}il:i1~j' of: Qa8- iJl~+; note that 31...Ndei~ ~uId be ,~ :f,gr' l~{hite) 32"-Rg4 {keeping a wartch ova: tbe N-sqU;jITe: i5JJil~ ,~lRljlij.1 (Jb"1.L ,33..K'f2 Qfl+ 3~.l\s3 [34.Ke:3? Qe2 mine] 3~",1Qf.4 •• and it WUtiJ[I be! m::Jit:t!, iT.! 'L'wti '~~ 31,'}':'d6! (oontinu.lng w den~ Whi~,~ !:h~ op-tkrn ®I Q)iS·d5+l ;}3,Qf3 Qbl + 3.4,K:r2 Qfl + 35.Kg8, Nf5-t 86J\b3 Kin! - 13bclt wat:lld! set u;p',Q rtr:.i;tg!Un the h-fil e - ana I)' sl s h yo GM T.i:m:f.r'U:!1 ~L Bocf.lu5e the oo! sl!ftmg:, Wl~itc' wm.itdibij ;JJbtig:ed t(l rorre.a draw witb ~'LQxa.:2!1 3tQh1 +- Kf7 32.Qh5'-!· I\~ :ilctfpirlng a per,rilf:1:tial! ,the6k~ rni:!~k wou ~d m~~ be Rhle to a .... o~1i!I llii.~ d:raw 1n..-caY"se 82.,~ 33,ijh1~ Ng:l' 341«:7+ KdJ,35.R~-4,+ KdS ,3GJl.el ~m1ld. hehr too d;]1l~ for h[m_


:By this 'LiEfI.("-, LjcJ,1x~~~,jli,:'~ b·striUsgJing witb tune ~ure_ \'F'liitl!! i;.prob.~ fiJ.t {IJ declsive penetr~tfum oown the h·,mit_

iinmh.P_.r 'rik:e win would be found in .'U.Rg3 Ra'/ 32Jhg5+ M 3.3,R_l1I3,'rmre. '~'ing hOw batil.y t'b~ mu";~ _.R'i',-J;!S ~!il

, ---


31 •• ,ilii1!!'{

Biack $~ tlu!' Rook wfrtfle tbreatemimg .•. HaJ...e'l with ·f,I(Jwi!;!.ffY~ ~~JIjIl!Jte.:rp];:!jy; :Bl~ck is one ffi{J,V-C shu.rl, hU .... ·~ .. 'E~ !3:5, Wb.lte"s threats eeme fit'st~


W~th ~his llllmedica'lll;'!lf d£J;:isrve move. \V bite t1~11S tn;a[E ,in tW1;L



A d oarl!-tiorl;, hue th L' 1l11l;!~ t trl Rt-.6-h! 00 ell ~tl hI.:: s tot>aJ-' [1_


~'Illn1Tal1g Black's Queen I ijld~ te an

,;ulvanla iIll ~ ;;IJJd ;a, t, Lea1 'in.

U ... RBI7

Andersson' stilltryin to in ... Rat' e"1, iru::: up oounterpls?_ But till p,itilt~tJJ] is .Ellmacly 1l1l:::!~n.t1 bis i.Gl!tJ:Uidtlb!c:: ddt!'flShl;;\~ capabilities.

"4 !

l'h Ie L ~rt i. move. Aftcr J _._Dd? (3-4~._BXC'4 35..(JxeS+· M ••• Ba" 85.b3; 3 ..... Rae? 35Jb:g1 b~7 [35 ••. N :{R;7 3.G,Q1J7+-] 36,Qd!i.+ - Wl!iteo \".-ml.l'd win ~ -pioo lBJiqi + ll;,;gi' 36.Qd.5+ 1tf7 11 JlliB+ Kxl 7. 1JuHj~ Jd: wm.

,BI_ II! mi

11g !i,'il0'lJe: Jillf!I 'Timrn.en'S f1fia~ tribute to tbi.s gmne.i'rrn:n 71te Art 0-1 Chess /1_ m: "'On behalf «ff Raymo[ld '~een , Ken NlJlgoff. and Gudmunffirr' Si..KU:rju~o;.:;;onr who. h I _ .... m lh~ rhi!;..gaIf;!I!. reI[oWt.'tI it· a idl as l did wbeD I [j l played:it IiIrough, I want to oomlf' tbe

feeliml . ;(l'·~lIIS ... ithaUhls ..

the b ., llrt!I_'IDf: kr ~ t~!5t tw",nty Y~TS.."'

o}]o~ing thili 197 ~ matc:b III M. :1', Al1~toiy Ka_fPol.i and Vicwr Karch ooi wcr£ rega~a.q·the ~wo best ach'!f playm mf We day_ The ql1lfS!iJ:JfIJ@f .how ,B'@lmby fi'~ch~:r would fare was C~fI!ita.f1IUy raised, Ahe.r K~rr.go\1' and

i{Qrdm-ois mat:eh in MIIlKOW, ca'tadysmre changes aft" ted 0001 their If\'~ [n 1975 Alli:u~l)r KITf]JOv 00cam the 1'1 w rIDE clmrnpi!llfrt by forle:Ut. and hi Rt3ture in tht;' SOl"iel'~n gre . et10rmtrus],y H was to ertiuf e"~' Bit that the stale O'Juid provide. Victor KoliChnat's Iit~ 'mok aoo~rr turn. H~ would soon dekcL to the ",-rest Imd nJ 'un SWi~la.rr1d. and t'he mun[Ty of his birth would brano h1m a

From ~nt S;dL1S of the WQrld, tl1J~ East aJu] l1:m W{o"Sf1 t"llto'"Se two mc:n WOf), 'lhI . world'~ ROO t chess ~v 'fits. As FIDE ,ebMIpj6m, ~l1lOV ,8Jw-a ~rOO his eventuail

cballen;~ &-em' FlCE eamtlidate c)1't"le. [~on.1m.ol fiJughl bis 'w'ay Uvougb tll

eijmiMnoo minch Willilv:ins· against Tigran Pctrooim. Wi" PoIu,f!3C\ ky, and (k,r1s ~'ky.

n. . 1975 fIDE champkrnshiJ) rna tch was pla-yed ~Jil llaguio C~ll', lb~ Phlllp~.

Tile liLl.alclt, fuatun.og .. 'ul:ooel SPOriSlllML Qf 'the· vi~t trrn.Lo:n VfmJUS a d~K[or., soon me cot1l~ll'~ lImatC!f. ThQi'e'.' e 'pJlJti!S'tS aad oowu:erpromts, over. f1e:ar.ty ~1!ry. iiliing,. 'I"hB p~ rnf~ . mrnmonia[ ~.king 0 ~cls Mure Uni!' p.m.

ln lI1fi book Sctmtblls b}r Ed EdmarruiSiDi] and IGM ~ t.ikhail T~I~ w ,~ h"Mtet! to an msidl" look lit tLW ruugh.a.lld.tlLtal1blewurld. of dt1mpionihi]l chess.ln hi:il ~tl'r~Qe to ~ 11. ~drnrmdsoD:1 - one of me ~'mDbern or tlud~ry tbiil hand le~ ilb~}'"8 prot ts -ofkt.s rho. rnnrv ... JlOlJs lT5lhitnd 8a::!DIml:

am [j \rio11'lJt ootl!l:uri:it beginniIlK jlJliit three minul~ Man! hl dock vr;I." ~t'[l.ned Kordmai dug rn in.s heels and ~ tal rd3}' l.T.Iil1esa; lh. Zoukh~u 'WOs iirtO",ed fPrlher back in the hall from, the fifth fffiV seat IJ.f:' IlU!.cl oocup:ieGill ::.J. few moments earlier_ He angrily ils.'ked ])1'. [;,""iljJl!~ mnnT.lg·~a~n,illS chief ar;t]iter ~n S£-'hmid's'Q'IHnce', msurnmorn O[b~ of' llll:~ ol'Rllniz.ers IiU ~ out his ,demaf.ld.

- - -

- - - --

~lnmn.cilJi C'amJ.Wmam and the Crnmt Ma.rsb.a1 qlric:kJy eame ~ 1~11 p-qe and 'l.!ngaK"'f1 til j furious tCMn.el'lgi..'f in ~t or;m~liof.J,; By lhelll, il was 5;001 I"i-M. t1JlltJ1, fiJip ;;~d \vnl'~ 's clock. Karpp, playiIIg :BlacJc-l' I~tly re.lna'ted to h£s,~ing room; lh su t way' ~'a certain de~ of W[]quilJ ity;, hE!'evEdenU'ydeci~, was b) f.WQiding any ;]1\KDhTtlllmt in wbilt ~tern_ed 'mJ] beeemesn ugly ~ltefCaI:iQru.

'lWn:fm®i to CampmnaIU;S and. Filip: "No mJtreI what }'UW jury thinks W rub say, [ mil ~'illtI ~bis man Zoukhar Wa1;mDs me. he' 'l! not' moved within ~1'I 'IDinut~, thrn I will ~ hlim." (Shaking n fist M~l1 OOvlOUS i nt1Zn ~

~m]ll6l1!aMS ~tatj-l1giy aooepted Victor's. ~ U~iU: be ~s d~~ all~ djd biB lo attn tile :silWll.IjIIl.\Vjth ~trJr8 l'I' ,around he lIelli an c:rl.rcmc!:y impr®mJ;Itll jury - t~n.g in front ~f Ilh smge- Leeuwv~ rcliie.f I!}f Kordmcj~ d legat1m'l] and Batlilrimky [duei of KalJiov's delegation] "Tre~ ,i3iS 3]\\'3)"5. !l;lnet1y at odds.. Th laltlFr dld ~t thaI Dr. iW:Ukhrrr mlgi1[ may~ if Kon:lmOi wwld Ior63lro his dar ~m.sses. Intt CaIirtJuJmant1S iL'lepi~clJ wat this was it separate issue en whkh 'the 'three mit . had ~rell'io!.lS]y made a doostor1.

"\um~~ mml aslwd ~ .' ruru:~l mRmbuscf lli1j1 ju;_ry (Lim. [Mio:nctscll

ilmi M3lcbr:v wlwth " Ihougnt dJlis ~CIJ mBl~d fur a decision by tin!! jury or by lilt ('Jrga~ "r~ 'iLl' 'nli ~"Th Orwmil~ If' ~[]] pmy Later prnlt:!il.!i. then the j W'Y liIlill'.S.[ ~d~ w'hetbH" or t).Qt,,it is in ~greeooeirnt with the:.l.ctiDTI

r .Jb. "

[t~ U~ ~ OFl:~

"'TIl ciUl!f mg~mh3!r them, der[at"d, (far 't~3s pme D'nl,y~ tlta:~ ]10 ~ect_fl,~O~ wui1l1d, be aJ~Gw~ any eloser m '(he S1a~ llim !be' se\.~m raw, Mrer everyone - ~nd nadirm Zollk:hat. and L&"Uwerik - hadbeen moved 'b.1~;; lUrclmoi made his:fu's:t mrr\':t' with h,:,'eJ( mlnutes ~d~f grnnc OI1lIi.Sl dock. ~

~"]lil~.aU the antic]', n.he pla.yers sliD¢ In pm, dJ~ h prt:rred to be a hemi-hrruk-ing inl1~h rur VktOf' K6r-chfllDi, H~ 'wnuJd 'I ,. s-5 after 32 8;lmes.

\IV hen yotI ] :> fi sporting O:uU6t by the narrnWe:-lc' af mm-gins. y~1J kg]]] W tlllnk Qf ~IJ lbt:' ~arli6 mo:r.nenlB whficin yuu miglr~ l:i:rve ,i~pl'~ed ~"[juq:Jierformtl . .nce. One of lhose"~JEf ID[mlelil'i:5 was game 11. T'I:cis ~n·1t 80 m~ch it brilliant ~e as h' is the ~ltr.lIlgesl n'r the match .. lt n ~,,~hh!ll[f trnddlegmJIe ideas, 'peculia]" ndin , 8.J1d fiTl:;]il ~~ a firm1e gll]: 'stllJJTlilfrJg timf it 'left ,~"\Vnc in hOCk.

II l.1t

bij or urpri~-Korc'ht1 i u u~Hy

favo ,. 3., f3 u l' 11; tin S 0fIB1t. The xt a din.-c[ ttUlEJXISilirm Illlo a QliJ 'm P WIiIIOpnlDg. To kf;ep Lhe nriw~ r 1 ~ of rb Ertglish~ 3, ,d5, d4, hernath"e-



r ...

" Jm.

'2. gl:

In turn. Nhit

"JIbis m \' GJM::fu t.h~ dJa fIlal (or th! Bishop. Dmck lik.eWlSie could ba v played 2~ l1u;rh a rtr'JlJSptmtll:m t ,a \-~,

ieilian, n deifcnIt hi Kar]UirV has p fed a Plany ......... ~.

lieu ri-

m lOp in '"' C 111. dby

Aaron N:imz~vkb (I S6-19~5',';L1J d i ~ called the 'bmwvtcb IM~ \ ith a n IiI1 - Ii . t. it undersrami:3l::d

rq1iI ~d~, ni trnaJ:]J_~ I _ _ ~ til


I: im e tha [ N i mzO,V ich in n,odu«cl his def~(lsive stra "i. . ·ha:n enthusiastie, Th ti1J1 ~ • -v'. d preparin,~ ro _' ve one 3' ,ay sa erur]y in ~ openi1llg was tl:Hstr·lI1:it~. Tod.ayt GM~ ecnsider the Nim,2iIill' to 'be' ,3 first-r.a te dden e

eacin£i th Qwe 'Pa ing..


Th - mnve - the Rubi in Vari-atroTl af the N'mum DdEn~ - was, innvd' eed by Akilia RllIbi'n:tein UM2-19611. i( is

Iso known ati the B'ubinste~n, Com,!eK.

Thi~ apenmg attempts to 'pre\'t':lll ~lack 'being aHowed tn don 1~ Wh't ' QU esside pawn by, •. 2'. t.Qb3, O'J"

4J~d2. aU p:repru'ing 32-a3 and to r~' ture Illl,r3 \\1lh a ,iee

Al first the [OOViI . 9-e3 ·~:FS to bee

Wldlllly modffit. ~rl!1i bl 'k in the clBi'shtIp b~for, i~ d'evelop~ thu f 4.Bg5 WDi::I]d b~ a :po(ulla r rueve.. This, mQ\l'~ reooiyed ill, lot of attmtitlf) att:er a r:i€S

of. :notable viaori by ~y_ t,

isealler 'tilt· unw-lmlial1!,-p3 _ ky _ riati • err sommm th Nim7.o·1n(lian. Le:ningrard Varialnm. (A diatussio.tI of 4...Bg5 'wol!11d take us' f_ar astray_)

The Rubi1]st~n Variation (4,e3)1 ~ cencrete am. lVhL J intends nfi-d:3 and Ngl-e:2. preparing to r a]l rur on cS with the e2-Knl . t . I th'~

- hit~ \l'Oilld ronrlI1L1J'th

2'3, m~. "t:ry dJIiiaili:;:

I [n, U'


. trillung haek m n ~ t'emtfi, Bblc Mill t D.o nEm \ 'lUte g lre~ tJa ea.. .

IU:i:iick had l'WO om IDtll[L [hoj

6 '-_, d5 D,,:lIId :st~ e3we4 dix«;tJy; Bmc.k. wauld li.Bunlly (.nUnw up itll ... r.7-di~ c~ntinlJlll.R to cllallenge Wh.te' I nt .

~ oth r I OJ 0'u111 [tlfi'IiMV

.~ BJack could -s_~ m

old [ oonLmL!aJ. with n.e&.e5 ~th pluy in the center. At ~ an earllf sID d~ rCl play is a qm5mn df

6.d5 '

King before llking . -' action m the - t .lBlar· bas n

s, 'dJ

. nging out the B~bop to 3 ni ,~1agr.1I ml, V. h~1Je tri . to mpin eontml O\reF ~h~ -sq illI!r~~ This, it:; impo-F~ni- be wa!!:ll'B bLlild up an imp tin paWlii tf!Il! ~ by


- . ..- -- - . __ ...

seri!ln.1.'SI~' impair 9Jack.'s piet:_-e ·mdhi11ly. The prtJblm9 is t.bat W~ite"~ pjoo~ ,areill'L exacUy w~l~ p!mcecil. til support this a If,,'nm,'B. Th~ cl-Hnigln is :pirutmr and thr d 1· . ueen i blocked..

N~\;'e:rthdes3, the m.l!i!v~ 'mfi't ~ eem] conde-mn~" P5y~bll)r.cutimi reaso~'S mltltil'3 te i.L Ke!retm.o· has spmt eountles htH.iJr~ ~uJd.fillg· .Ka['pov's ~ M1d his sl}~e or play. Ht.' knows tbal Karpov doe:m..~ liB w play eramned d~r~ll$i",te p~ilirnrui) th~ k:~nd or 'J>Il5itiml tha d ~ d5 WOi.illd rpr,Qdllce if \ I hit.~ is aLln,,.."cd II ree saud Thl~ mf'tllll~ ~t Bta~k hss to ua:ldE:!l.'take r~t1.S 'gct1on ro avoid r.ailillK into :a, passi;;~ pos;ti.rm because o! Wl1 i ~r~s J:n~ renter. T~, reful~ d Il!X~ ~v ~Illld.h.:tl'e in ruJJ:

Slfi.melb IIl.'f - tUm! ~~ the ~1:.ti.o~i!!Igi,eal. rnn!ilt. With the mncct fGrcaul atti~ Btaek Yo,]I _ :et :n fin~ ~.

6 ••• b(5l ~

"'rh"i mte sUng errer ~~ prodUOlli~ by ~yc hole ical factors. T~ , top ~V kit [rom ach~ vTnl·a ()fe'WaiI /UJ 11 ftt;dg(r. K...:arpw knows h has to react foroQfu.l~J. Sy offering :n ~avm sacrifice, Black "-ill

l ~ ptay for his p.~! ,a;nd Ith . dm· - ion"

The :aitermtlv.:; was 6_ad!; 'l.cxi15 N~ ,BJ1.'dl1"" KNh"'{' 9'~d.3, :nsl.OrIng tn ma~ haJa.olre. A.n u.nU!itiliJ ~il3'~'

t~ wouLd be roached. Black would M"lt· ~tlUd pffiy j n tb om rand wiRb ~ ~'WO llish On th ether brtd. h~ kin:»lde P3\\'n bit ·Id Vi.'U'Uld Ol'lmpmmistd. \ndl this '. ~35 Kon:hnoi's ~nd d' cu\'uy. Like mfJ::lit OMs, Knrpill' jmi0U3ly guards ~he Pllwn sbi Id prot~C'lina: his Klq. K'orrb no! has di~eovm that KarpQ\'f 'W35 u,ill_hng I (j sam1:ice p3Y.~f1S ~ nd pi~ kro oom.~romWng his ~ _ i~ IX ~itiO!'!L

lIVith G.dS, Korchnoi gamb'li!'a1 tnnl Ka.rpw. titdn't comPJttI.IlIIj • hb Kmg QW.d a])awn in:st~~d~ "~th 6.~.dS! 7·.Ne:2Nb~r! (Lhr~renLng .J)"d1.e5 mid th purchf1S0~! th !!l3-Bish-op) 8.J4 ,,}(d5 9.citd5 Nxd5'! IO.B:::dl1 ~xh7 11.Qxrl5 . 1':6. rUac'k. W011ld ila~ L1.~[]~l rerllm] ~13Y, whilll: hls.c~mpn:.m~ King :p~itiOfi 'Wi old he j lEi~ a blu:1l T~ are 1U) '\Vltil~ pi!!CeS in til~ viein ~ty. A rm- the furthE!f rnm'es 12_Qffi+ KR8 , 3,.0.0 Q5!' .Blaek WOIj'fcl have lhea.dw'Elta~

Tb~ SEcrifice _ h7)IJ5 has mndl tn be ~id {Nr it 1'f11 return for Ii'II pau.Jl.. BI:;u,:x gd1B ,thE: chance far :a mn~lI of center p~~ a~d' 'fluid play fmi ~is ~i' N I a b:~d dea I. ri Itl? NO't lOOlC'lly - ria pa~1D has whle. TUi OOflcretl.e compers:JJtirm for me p.tI~TI. Blnck v;ri_1I ha _ ;> to 'Hind a target in \Vhitc's ~ IGamfl' i 01 tJnis 1918 match fmtttl'ed dl,-" same ~ In th3t grmle. ~po\l kt:pt en ~



\lfhit. snows his de-terminauon to aoc~t tlW pawn sam11O!'. C1 M}· 'ood for , ' hili! 'f\ (JLdd " 7'.('Nb5? - ~ tber ~. d5 Or 1 . d.i wtruld gi,.- ' lack a hi advan-

in ,. e cmt~.

fa ill m:mau n al Bhr k tfafJ-

II , '5 IGItfttId ,fl renl . r, fb b~' rnerea~-

his :ability to rontrn~ thai ar~. You mn.- e a S'Ii\'"3Im of eentral 'pa'lNnS rornl> or Black From the ptlim (If view of

nmbL)l' . 5lt1:ck pI ~." bis

k ~1lJ (be ~IJ" 'Um~u

- -ides· th aul!o . tl .. J?

t in try wO"ulcl 7 .•. b c·

h ofLly way 'to ' 'm Ill, a p:l \'I


Th!." It! , " the mosr 00 is-tt mm~

n tn Stac:k inmds up 3 blgp INn

-, iddle am'

This' i~ ln

dpm~ ~~Ld5.

bad n • rm "I gam • r<

ahl~ to J):la}f 'f3.g5,.e8·aX!lS"r qui tc a jo-u:rne • .Karpu~ W'"~"D'~ anximi to force \Vlllt to pla~ NgI.J3.

n !d pa~ nut ai I he Bm~n

C.ambit t 1.d4 Nom 2.Jr;4 c5 l d b5 -, os 8,6) in 'rhlch Black. pmbit ,q'lP ~I~ WJa\\'P, R"d1E nm to brin his . B

'to tbe a ,quari:'



far a rbie. 'This Will 1m 'p l h' ~,

era " ped. Fnrm position of

great ' bility. Black wi It then seareh

(or an 3' ~ &om eillha win of board

, ~,DcoO

In me opinion gf Danmsll GM Rent .LRllJLaClI. a!1o.1rI \\fh't play ~l~~is

qui nire nr th " t plaF,er. IIf]J this way

h can avoid prrIbl ated tn ... d1.dtli

~n~ ... ~-M. f'()rlOOg th ,dl..'l-Bis.lulip ~d Iht! l'J-Knight. I with Larse:Jil pn~ am :aCJ1 0I'1I11vtnood tha ' .JBb7 is (Jot tb~ be rer riU).,e,.

, ~iie mppi1y " h~' kmgside.. ~

, the n up in m n "at mite

l]J.'; dstmly 1iO[c!~clopandth start'lindIn.w illI th pi~ [0 rn.all~' ~ advantage of his extra pawn.

•.. d5

l'he point ef B.lttcli:j; p~n"'TI ' lotmad!;' eTlJOYS it ni "",-edge Df OeIItral p s, Bbc1ts s:" w wHl be ,eQ~ s.i.mple .. He \'\iil.l m ve bJ ce:llte.F ~""'"ru 3'51

Tber j. a story a:001Jt .:L tra krw" of the So,\ie~ \Vmnen ~ Olympic (bess Tt!am:. Because nf ne.J'VO'US1Jj In aniv,ed Ja~ to fotlfid Upen ,ent .1] 'm oumam M ,I b askOO 8 spectato if au tim me-mOe ,f his ~ l!rJad castled. Wh " 'the answ.,- {elf &Ime mEmbers 'wa -, affirmative,:he ~h, nodded 'hl_s, head and ~id. '"1h'lJt ~ good if! For 'those who had fuil d to'o'i:st eo. he 'Would s.tmk . hiS! head sa y'md say, I~ rut 'e LJ \\"Olft hntt1l .

Kim· d a ~ thin :Fe tucks

h" Kill!{ ,a~ y tv bed and sbJ1E to turn his at[',ennlQn w tb e ,queen - ide. \- by?

11.. -- hlS1!

h _ use ynlll should h)' to t gj of ti oowd I) Hwodranfgg .

UI .. ~~5!

Wtlh thls eWlSistrmt follow·u.p of his pre., v'ro Jll.ay. Black~ ~t~ cts to V ti :pi _ of hi ' ,Siii8CE BJ1d

lll:l) nor mobility, Bialek "]1 try 10 laWlCh kin . de a - cit. H h various p[ '~lacemmrs to en - w He ean try .n&8-bi, .~dS·d4, and ~,_c5.tOO. Or. M caD irI m p13Y 'for .. Jt2S- ,cutting' off YIIThil ·s dei- nders anrlpi:JiJg after the h;2.

pa\ij 'JI'.11 n ..... 'lf6-g' and ,. dO.

rn hi pl3 0 kin

~ck ha a prob I :' ',0 do ' he'

Klli h It would tnke a ' t of tempi ro bring j t to tb~, ,[101 to mention the p'_mb~rum of \~ to ptil it onte it gpl lh • Black doos have a phs 'reg.;trdinB' lh ' _ . ][ is eo. Y [DI vi ~l ~ze a ;;jran. at'cn thaI ould make I, R k lift by ,~.R -,' ,and s, ling to the lcingside..

1 -.-

The right idea - "1ll1t .pu~ 't'b _ Il[UllSI~OJl 00 the' b4B~sh_op. AJtlnmgn h is ""U~m ,DU on the b - -square, :Black Ulu..lrl T:iEfOU the W-Bbnop rowaOO 1- 'kiDJI~ 5tde by., ,BM-d6 after playing .,.r5-c4.1'[ i ~ a' d idea to get lack [0 oomm~t 1I1m-

1 to a eourse et ae ion,

Thi m.isuided meve helps Whit~ by elari 'ins' pi~ure on rh queensirle_ BI3C r vents. - rnreat - _ h is b4·

Ir hOlJI wi I1rthc pm nath a·fi 'The bes ' move would have been I L,]l'(cl12.Nxc3 U2.b~r.3 c41! ] :tBc2 ;;L~5 VI'J[I!lddJ wID bad: thepay,....,,) 12.~e4~ 13M ci-,11 Uk~- Kh8 ] 5.'Ne2. v;riUm: a dijfictitt'~i 'QJI1 to' a _

Blac'k - a_~ b " aill to P 11' ,~~ •. ~

wlI' • th ,PO

!i~118 or 0\11 :x dOO.

ADllth r ll,01l<sibilh~' would be GM flikhaH "ffi'al"s sUligestion of l]."Ba5.~ - k ~ing the BL:shOp. m this ease, l¥hi rowd Mur'n the pawn b!ll' 'l:it'- -.?,' 13,rnMllhM 1 '.Q~ \riU, in J ii:' n of ~..e4 m harass Hlacl(s. otJ~d have the advama


or lh frnm ],3. ,x 3 i W h -t dill! n' put rns

pi in harms - - y. - rh impa CI '

Ria - . t.entiru mdOO or • ..! -

b:Je~1'IJ f1eluraliz~d. Althougb White i njlll re - b i s q ueensid s t rue tu re by aa:eliti~ :plil /)fJ:II'ru. tIJ ~'!;]awn-

, j b of -13Jting Black'

nul J Wbit~ n Q,-

llaWJ1J ooub] . He can cbBp il\\ray at to

12 ... 'O,;cU

Thi Rlfl"!P;"e 1.5 iJl~i t:era wi!lh 6bcks lae-t one, ~ b d pla}"ed _ 6.xb&topjn the nJ-p~wn lakin a: ~ay ttl tmat (If a:3xbt Ltb hm last ma 'e n marl i

, PP,_M as' tJt _ l~ na-~b4 ms real. ~

-In:i!d m.'i be lEt') :ef n plaYI far 1 - •

ample. l:;L.Bb'7j waiting 13.802 '~nJi)l,,"' ~, threa t ;aib:b4 WQ~ld be mnde :rea i), '13~.Bxd Here th d2wBi b_op w uld rmt

. nd~iul] 11

In any ease, B k 00 real op r-

I.1fiI( In]' ~lrf. 12..J3b7 , bl! &51 [13 , _ , 1 .~t3,. ' 'lap tb t-fil. , good [or '\Vhil:e NJJ,.f would b ' advu ntag'eQus to 'Wb i te, because h would. be all e tn uJih'e hi ,l{ 'Ie·

._- Shu:


th -;QDe up ,in

TIl •. From ncw 011 Black ·fo .... m be thrown on Ua ~st~

- - --- --~~~-------------

This tJP~' f move ~ . of Karpov

~.b tlHabll1

0IIIm nnd - p . - - and at

_ 'resistru'1 .. i-nl diI:l5tMlt posit]


B _l{ c 11 E' i)y phl: ring ,e3~c4 or (2r{4.

B cli has 'to keep a vigilan:L 00 all tl

hese p'IJsslbihries. The D!llly way tl:! address c.huese problem I hnwe~w is by deve'h:rping his OYi'TI position, The bar Bisbop ii anUlt: good wotk~ SQ, .Blatk dead _ to gE"1 rid of it.

11·oiJ.lbl !

OW 3[] excb~ resul ill

the 'White RfJJOK~S hejn 'broU!gh'r to Dlack's b5.squa:rt, a~ l\o.wI I Bbu::lts c5- pawn l~ tit hara~ Nate'~ sim._pfeprln,-

. 1 ,thar"Wru isfoH~Mo\'e'Roob

fit . p~~;r;m - a (111 which}OO

th athm,nn!~~ - und, _~'lSicaJ pta,y.

.JQd ~

Blat makes a good ~ in a di lruJt position, U: ~!3 by- no meana clear what Black mtJilld de, kldeed'! it. ems Imj!'thing he mes, to do will, ruy h Ip White...

Ai 14 .. J~1dJ5 15Rxb6 .,:biI7 162 !

L ek ~tolll [et he under pr . !oj reo '\ ~ til It. Nbd115.MB~e2 the ll1h'p~ible move, ~i nee lS.J!~a, 1 llt8Kd5+ would win a pa"",,"'n witll c:~k) 16_Q:(e!, B1ack must surrender ,anotb.e:r Bisbop, T~e test

an ~ WI the entire Blac'k ~nWrm;ber ,all of \Vhi ,'", 'posslbl- una ~ in in, rmnl',e$_1 Black. '. _ ve I pre-

,~ or.. ' 11:17 w . n S-dl' no

er p ible.

KIJ~noi .LS truly ::m a9;~nrr. pr(J.\"oea teu:r.. ilfLtb an elt~0J pawn. in his pocket~ he' thinks" "B1ar:ks .only oompensatioE], ~ his nice p!a"",'ll center - lets destroy itr He in~enti naUy lUre5 th.! enter pa IDS -. rward in tbe bope lIlal the IlElprorected.

quare hat they leave b ~i· d. ill OO:OfI.J€' po WE eurpos

Theis apprcacb is jusdfl~~. After 15,a4!: Nbd7 16.Ba3 ~ 17.c4 B:rln5 1 .Rxb5 'bb5 19.c:x:bS bl:H. .Black w uJ'd 'Ita '. IlUU13Ke te taU

. CI ~Il} chetee, a t:r-ump is hi~ mi 'bty pawn rente . If be were m aUOVioT C _:xd5,. tb til c5-P~lflJ and le5-pawn uld ~ i ' Jd and l 'eLK.


\V,~lile ,aims io,[ the e\1A quare ,and rut" fS.squace.

eM Mikhai~ Ta] 'Ln his nates from Ch St:mulids. [0- ·td that ~ mo~ undNmiDlru~ }6J _ n -. ld be {i mtiwke because ] '6,--d!3~ 17 J:. e5 d e2 18.QxdJi r!:ld ~=.Q 19.K~n NeB would a ItI:JW

lack f£J cmeflJjt a tlIitce a bea;d Tid a_1ao suggests th~l after 16.f~. Hb1 , .. 'Ol.l1ilil'l he bad: he dl 17.!fxe5 IQxe5 18.e~d ·t bittillg ttl b - ' , k ood the 2- paWll" as g;ood In Bl ck

Bnn varia . ill ougb nice, nsu.Tt

from, White"a being a bit too ~e:!.'ntlve-

ln fa l, 1 j [ .ould he crmcaL1

m c2 • Whi ~ ~ rin

lure HI cit·:::; eent foT'Will"d so ~l he

could d ~'tiroJ 1L TI ,mov ~. 'Ii.'."'nuld!

do ,11 ,. A? tMIl Ii ,mu Cfl~ Id play (4xefl,;BfiU ,hd4 in SUWIl i n, be 'Qi;'U!Jld DOt only win !if puwn. he 'WOUld eli troy Blae ., oniy trllm 3' _0 c __ l!_ e two

n tel' til cH ~ ,'11· Ilk' M I Jl!

-_ l/,1]d 100 a uceUent •. '_ ~11f

Black' pooiticn.]A' 100', closer at !.'he 1:'\',0 lin - . ~J'IJ hl!y 'f31:

_ Mer] 15.:f~, IBb117 Jtb3~ - preventing' .. n .-d3 renews the b n :. of f-llW6's wIDnnn a ~vn. J mellmrily, B Belt _. ullable to create:1 , ., een tid Bishop

b on the a ' hI dia enal, E'\i'~ i

he ool!.lld. l\"hit~ lilm\'" bas th dde:nsi ve res01H~ ROd-g3. Le connnee ow analysis 11 .. .Ndl, Il.&~ Q £5 rwith. 1... x 5? 19.e c· N· [19 ... c.xd4 2O,Q. d4winsapawo] 2GBf • hend4- d5 in 19~exd· N'd~ O. xd

I( ..R 'N l ,allows Black good piece ac:tirvir ) 2i)'n .c:xd 21.8b2 - 'Vh.i.te eiIi~ with the h~O Bish a:mJd an

ld·S'· rp, 1"",1. -

tG[rmp~emellitirng tri's. pre'''i'DlJI.s mnve, Black immediately uttack the ,pawn, 'fnrin to block iIh€ b·fij by JJ., ~.Nbl? I Jla3_ ~ uh:t b bad fur Blac


NOVl a ~ tnlu:1cwol v areund m

fum of 'fhi 's [-pawn.]I Black ron ~~n it 11 ",ill hmT~ ~UefJ t ehanos, C'on~ I • if \YhlLe can hDld tt.h will] a. th cvan

1,9 .• ' :'

Skid: eontinues [OllOund the e~arwn.. G1I. 'TaI'Su UL.Bb71? te pin collJnterp]~ay 'ijq the a8-:h] d.iagQnaJ. ]JttL liflcr I __ '~" it' 1101 dear .~'h3 Black could

11 accompfi8b.

1 .1! ih

1m order to .. ;rent _...N~I.A. "fbite athnnge.s paWl'rl

1 ... c~d14

Knight 61"1C:b the I"i~dlt QllcIH!< SImi There was n~ choke. Aft r 19... xM

m . d ... d3;w.~t5. not only bloc admg 20 3' ]! Qf1 22. . Hi, . rllit'e

h I, ~' a-pa\\i'J1 bu a] pu .. in CQlcid-

\ 11; ha Stnc_ fuHy ell heed the cenrer W~ 'I Hb2 Kb ~l1ilie th rea tenea Bh2xf6'~ thus 1""" d7?'l xdi7' 2{J.B.id6 wins the e1- pawn] lR~Mc5 Nb.d7 ~J;J. h3+ Kh:E 21 JJ:4i! ~ is ~n--ong for Wbi:te_ ~lac~'s pawn:;; are further ~ufv:aTlced but tbey

r b10 ked. l 11 m m 'r.DU ·,lL

IJEDCe Rb2xf6 and will be

d for wru reo

".~ can oondude that far from being 3 mlsl'3k , 181-1: would'vt! be good flYe Korrimoi.

o _ m"tiatWt. , 0 ~lIi ~ QlIIll thai 22, eS e5 Z3,W4! wmdd ,,i'ii' ' Wliri.!e a uddm nnd ~OLJ attack. Tal i9 ri,ghl on th ~'monef with Allas~ \Vnite 'brings OOOtU the ,ootlap:se Umoll .I'd dd IIDnJy 't:hat 2J.~d4 "'mild

of Black's C~E1 ter and I:h~b,y earns a repnti .3 healtby extra pawn in a position

dear adWlIlm - ~.A1~ ili a.llIlDfRtors w~ whe:JR the two B' _ can' t _

unanimous III their praise,


.Byhffi maneuVEr. l1 hite, . ts to kee-p his e-pawn,

210 ••• I.llfO,

n a.wkward mov~ B'L'ack 'WOllld prefw ~o OOwfuJl! bis a8-~ 1m 2O....Rar.8?? ",'o111d leae lh a6-Bi'··h-o, en prise. :2 .. ~ m5? 2Lax'b ,_. u d give Whi' e

ronn ~ ~a 'pa, mu:ll a vmmin

grrn.1! • Gciml a1L . -p3~'TI by 2(L .::__

n.JU~ l! Qttc5? :22.B::13, would [\eslJ:! U In getting -sb\~~

21 .. 14

in:telul~1ll 'Qd3xdt Flmf ampl~~ .21.!fel Rxc5 (21..., es 22,' ts xeS 1[22__..KhS 23.Qg3] 23Ba2 . 24,.QKC.l Rx£3 25.Eh4 would ~mrual iy!!tIl ,

~ 1], an end.i[1J1 WllD ,8i.11 extll."CI ~awJ:l) 22_Qxd4 em4 .23.Rx ti; the-n Black enuld play ~tl . .BKb5 2 £ . bS Nb3

2"" ~Rae: Ra., _ th . baianoo.

ore i likely II 'but

. ell[ tbal Black't! optm King po i 'on would offe.r favorable a L tack i Ill' ~lbiHtie5.

A Drove t.hat "White ,p perl], avoided

21.&3? Nd5. wLtb. ibi Lines of

,. ' ~ md.· d5-c3.


BI~ k 'win back tho pa 'I if mn!y ttmpO{ariJ:y,


tel' th text, W"hi hi;. 'the be ter

f!llcim • u( lac:: '. tL _ HI thls

I ould ha n mWich better

o for th attack.


A r ~)rced recapr lJ reo Alh~r 22 .. <Rxa6? 23~Rb8i- Kf1 ~23L 08 24~ c8+ Qx08 ,25 b:eS would win ' b!ck I c ~ 3 Rc3?? 25JtiB. d1eckrmt ~rould ap~ 011 the beard, eal mi, b eaus of bis t xp ed Kin', Blar . 1 ppy fo l ,t:Jppmtunity [0 tra~ QlIJ~


l\on:hnoi bas een a fa vorabl ending iI"Irvo'>:n.' b ilIlltt! [0 ' ,r i .


A, li f -Blark Umws he in aJJ ~ rim mdmil but Wbit 'wm ha tc ihow good tochruque te win the advan-rup.

() 've lopi'P wi t R h~nl'P C1, '~\r hite ni!liW ~ p r~n 2~ ..... Rc3? 25.B04 Rcl 26.Bd3 with ~hc threat {- xeS and Bd2~~'3. IfntUi.:! :rim '-"vhiih \i(mk '" "ltd "" 1111 nmterfuL

~t ... lldS

25. f5!

\Vhel'l pia:yill 211-1.lliis was the positioil K Jrchnui IhaflI ill mID!! \ bite intredu

i'l is KlliXhm: mm at't:i.mi ~!i. h rt' l

f5-,e,1 i fprkimlg Kmg ~LJ1d k_

~ hite cerrecrly rejeeted t wie ! checks by isorlilf. 25.Rb8+ Ki7 2tiRfB+ ,Kt'6, '11 JS Kd7 2 _Rf1 I<cl 29J'+!:xg7

es a Ch ]1;"- in fact, w'h 1 of


ow Blaek win have an ~ible time

,keeping db . material b3Janm. hita 1'rLS

twn dn-eats. the fum on e7 ami tra

f4D:6 ...J.tdbe5 Nlf5laU.


27.~ I \ muM. ~ud\j;" mp fi5alioIt ._ ~fl the best rnov ~ :nf K rpov h d pi red 25 ... e- • th _ 3 . e 7 K

'wid tmrve- glvtffi., direc tr.!1lSp ilion ro GM ~~Glip's ll!le:.

"fh ether try fur \'11 t.rite af!tf,f 21ii1., oo!? !i .Rb. • Kfi 21~' KeG! 28 N ,7

_ d7 ~ "_" vould lea~ tim in a

im ~ '_ ,. i tim1 Ul I he "parae se 'dl ksji vmir bon. 1m: k hasn

1ft thll t rhe erma uld sa\~ tl1 day.

26,' e:S!1'

. m \ '1llie arJSIi,Ii must lie w-nw 2iJ3.N 7+ \\'lI'nnrn 1he

• £ 3O.R mate! Oli' 29 ... ""

31.Mb-1 """ 32..1k5 \_\wl 1 r r

W fn t ,) 30-Rg5 K.f 31. Bb·1 N 2 (31... c4 tiJ2AYcl dxcJ l3 Rcl ~ould

---_ -- -- ---

e: . tra exehange ~ reater than d_lE' d pi'l\'tr'llS. \ hite sooutd wilL

r _ ~.N'e3l!t ]!'ac4 .M d3 , .... 3 NxcJ 32.lk7 + \"\i hi has all

\ l'innin . chances,

Tbnt'g >qUHE a jutJiLb!e: of variat LaM to C:l~ru l h srnadeeven mere di.ffirn·lthlr'

tMt Kordmoi has ] pm.ring

eral h~ all'eadr . _ K rduloi

......,.I'I~""" • ...,.' t.oIa~hii . ~ooirr-,~'1:rt!iJb1 rh ~ Jayer::; ar.~.:Ill w.ed fVi'U and a DilJo( br.m~ to ~)mp I· "t thei r rimt 40 blO\'e!i Fai] ure to do S(] means a fdrt~.l nn time. l\:nrcmllllli was down 1[0 his last r th flfSt im COiiMTOLn.-

..... ·0(,;· .... 1)': he sid e lhffi e pli~ and p ~ to keep it ~i:mple.

.' alar 11 • t .~ f6..Kn.rig t can" rue if' bern - 0 the df~'"ered cit k 011 the fr


Further iT1W"~~steTl~.

BeilJg short oi time, \V"kitei til k: '!I'.·lllIuld rnave been a lot smap!er if he had pla1i 21. b«J4--. wabbin a awn w~]]l" itwa hot_ fter2'1.NHdt1 Re4, th ~impli~ tied ~tY'~ ,of LJl po~ition mi ~1 lend \ ~ a iW. m l'i~ ,of G . _ T!lL Althougn ~t is tr u hat B~Ck wo,uld h~ 'drnwrng chance • Whil~, 8J pawn ahead, \vou]d rinnh,g chances. F.:ar h rmoJe, I.JIISL"IWiIt;;O h' time 'lfooblle. ht~ would


b 2@1,' xd , in which lh a -p WUl

beeem a more damgf:T.oJJ.S.looklng

b5-pa\ n


!I1lad~ 'ma~es 8! m~ <FJilld pra lQ! I d ;... ion. _ 11 [~ordlJi!m "& unnirIg bOrt of tim Kt"lrPov i haPJ;ry iva hi asKni b l no sam UIlWl' IJ.I 1 L c t~

Keepm the position alin b,)' 're:fullg to simplify is a.n eaeellent war to tak.e ad'lr'afllag G } ur oppo:nm tim u-

ble B mt nds to me t 28. 5 Ne5

Xd i making a mtnftJrbJh] dTaw.

:i! • 1Ul7 +!

his i to \Wlht to lay

for iii "Tin. Tnt'. t tc 2, .d6+? R d6 29.Rxe5 would boom 00 29., .b::a3l. allow ~ng Black to witn rna eria I, Htre. 'Whl~ ntffi~ eut the Ilaek King \lI.ith a

, oC ehecka

Btl I whoi ctUt:illron th ttack?Wm Bl k', King i lack K~n

beoorru::' J sw pO ?

l,8 ••• i::, £6

B~~ r:k centr.311z~ th _ l inS 21S ... ~e8n 2.9.Nxg7+ d 3O..Bcl -rmJiJ barve been a horrib E: ~I" - B". :di: wtlUld have pu hi.s King In it !Te- deal or danger by

lin to ilie badr. [ nk,

2' ,', tl(d4oi

WI1 ~~e grab the rih~ pawn. U he had played 2 . xg1? Kd5~ lac d4-pawn wow~ have b«om . ~Irongest pawn

b WIn" VlMt·~ ar-my is a bl

f -0' and in ,dis3r y.

]k:c~use the a2-:Hi bop is en pri-se.

Wht~ .. cttutd atse ccm~idm- 28.8f8, ttynng to w ave a manng n t. But v.-'i~ th~ reile'llbaded ~ 28..,d3! toot 28 .. Jhi5?

. IlSt: ,2gRe1 iJld wiD the f5~kl

'r would m a,p . Blacks rll,. pa - ''1,1;, entia - - far-

piec are en prtse,


ThiD m~\I', is ne '8 'bad diMisLon but an liIMP Lt, ,Mr 3tlNd~ Rltfi4 (30 ..• Nxa3? 3LNM+ would fork [.uItg

' .. k} 3 - bit~ wo~d still ha re

"h b rt er ehanees bC(:'ailJi' 0, the exn d Bta~lk King. White i' :l1ltici~lt. :mg giving up ,hili 'twu pieees fuF the I~ 5 ,R,~o.1 a ~ o:ra 1i,\f i til ~ ~~ uple @,f pa,'INJ] - a l'!Ea~hb:= appr ;J;(;b given 'tbJt - hite rskesn risk in such endings.

'01 ~N-a : - .•• '1 ,eS,

Black is b.a_ppy D gTab the D3 Bislio . Att:er the moves30 .. M (30 .• ~ - 31':&1 Kco 32_lHbl wnuld be xe llent for ~nite~ :U_Bf8, Bliack. woL11d halVe fallen unto w:av~ difficulties,


\Vhi" • imp en hisp] in ttingthe

........ " .. "' ...... k.

TIl ~-s of en in sare v1!EJ' eas

ro m.isj~.dge. Because of b QJe~ pas.i~ f on, \Vhi te' Rooks op ;:lite at fu11 pov.1"ef. Bull to win th game. '\!I1hite' will haw to a ,;va , 'his pawns, tI1'·n 'iol wi n nne of Be' I" 'ghts in the Pf . Therein l ~ h wfficutty. \Vb 11 play is d~vmed

o a. " e ~. of th 'boar-d. 11 Ini~hts'

ca,.13.lry rnn leap about eausi 'a lot of oom'UsiQm. m grandma ~ter p ", nee, rh [(nigh, draw far [DO [lIften than

nui: l pwn.s . J' 1978" -In Larsen 1),011 our ,,'t 3]. , dl Kct1! l2.Rh3 R" • l.IkaJ ~jI(a_~ 3J.Re3 ,Dlar~ WOtIld draw withou.t d[f&"t1Jtl'. even thDl.agb his Ki.Jm1 Is on L~

fig ~tb~ of the bmmI and ant supportm his 1.pawn aruJ

eIJdgamc baule ba ak n hap "-~ hiu~",,';_11 tr)' to\\.~anlhefJa

O~, Uhf! kth i~ Bla "" ill fr)' I c rdinate ~is fuTCeS to prevent ~fhire from rra'bLhzing his kingskle p \\JD.

lilt. ' !

In lim' ub~ th natural incitl'lation '

In check th ,oppoMnt ami Lhinkaooul it

lat . Here the ehe or . 1

, \ nillte need I:J] dri:ve th i:Jck King

av;~ from the king$kle~ 111 ore r 10 1hin the g7 pay,"iJ} arr3d])1 ~3WIL ,32_Rxtm Ke6J ,;J3,1{g3 Nc4 3~ .Rgf3 lif'lJ woUld illlDw Black to erawl back and keep things rn mer 0)) th kirm ide,

moy,e C3,m~ as ,::II shack to iKtlfrolH10i . .B13Ck briDgs til KnigM back mto UK: Instead of grittily boldililg on, to his iast ~r.. ala~.k n~L;! old '[0 ,es~lisb ~is pawn, IUadt [l1Z1kes ::I, roln-slve f r~ from

Kru hL~ 0:Il1 re, and ' a' a fo hi remainin a:rmy.,

ar.Jd make a drd;w. T l brings th a3 nght back ineo p!ay in order to estab-

I ish , lith OJ fo ' VlUl'eSchows doub - [: abbim!g the

h7-ps n, Aft, r l5.Rxh7 ,Td2l, Black


1 .::1\"Ch cses: he bes quat 1 3. 32"LKd6 J3Rxg1 w uld intftfere wit lh~ a6-Roo,k' ablHw 'tQ p:roled the fill-Knight:.,

\\ u:b 32....1\d5. J3rncl{ 'King' wocld s~p

onUl a ~Uilli"@ that Ih .'[{night ~ght

to. If imp rtanl to mnbib wi h' , fJ fin wtlb ibcir , mu:'el.

3 l,IhIlJJ!

W hi[~ m~ 8.'Il'!IOllle! r ushed and '~i!~ c.ul1£i~ nIlD'W-e.

For 1::h~ fa t Mil!

been mtiml I} K pu t ~ Ic.g1(ID pi - int ee and' en . ~ 'Itch horses, \ fhil~ ·hould l\a'_ driven l3~m:::k'5 KillS{ as far a~y from me klngside as his p:~(]US m[)\I'ie hu~detl 'Thf!' [ll;I1Hlirt thing ~a do would have be n :J3.lfWl-+ KeS 3_ .Ref " l KbJ SS.hl 7~

i\,(r.! Brack Kill to t:befar side of thi am. White ,C(ILdd ne.I1 'havof W wmk on winning file h7-pawn.

31 ... , ~!

GMTahsrntiCJ..Io'f thi clru '.' ~'

"t uld h2,,"E' teen Jeft J IU..&~'.""

U 'WlIi~ chad! ph'i~'" ',.Re7 in 0 'er to play Rod 1 and drh1! B· ]I:; Kin 'ay. 'be CDuld s1ill ~1! ho~ 'Lo !re~" BI"ffi',a (;r;poo~ from coo d~fl. ill L\o]"ennoi '?nIS dQ, n '~CI his last six minutes lor s'i"'X mol'

,: '.--N' 4~

I-:]ackls lllO\!\e fits th m tto uTun above mat '31.'· - GM Tal, Undfiuh(,OOJ. • thiS

and ... Kd ,- 3 in

Kin£ ffro


,minvoh tnllbe h'F -pawn

ss., _l! of being sruck in g-~1laxy 1ur. far away 00 me queer! ide BJa,ek's 1Gng hs -f'nj - 1 ell up t the ,~.j n ,i ; wtJ~ 1- can help torment ~ h itfl~ Kin ~


\\rhire decides th.Rt 00 f3. '[0 Rook Will p ~~' ;J more :acfiv I ...

J .. 'lei

, or - and good mu-- ~ RIa's ~ is

unromJfjrtabl~ d tto it cQunl'erp&rl

. -.bh7

1.ack'~ Last paN1m. \Vith t.Ilm

e., , no :r tITrurn tlmt I'm n;'

poibl 1. . Bu~ hQW will 11, 'in?' Black m is we.]J l"Ois cl to at aclt "r h he's 'King. lnd ed, remove the a··· pawn, Bind .Blad< mIL ~tireBJln mate in


• t= ••• Nd2!


fter the expected 37.,J~xil4 38 . .Rf] Noe339 Rbl, RI!lck's gtti pi would have ~lIowed htm to mak~ a r peli~ioTl by 3~L.Nd2' 40.Rc' . D3 1 RbI' d2. with a dr.u\"_ ,,[,hus. when l{a~o.v pl y-ed th· e" knew be fwd a dr!')1 II(} ha_nd. ~ nS:lead~ h ch e 'to explore .hfs i rmlDl;ll chan - r

311. ' )II

'.iU~ hi 13~n.ODk; anrn ,a4--pj\\rn under rtaek \nlJte's ,first mpu! is to save bott:a~

Being in. tim~ rroublE. safi wa r tu f{lre to drn~r wolLlId }mve he p'b}~' 3&Rhf7 R1Gl4. '"hS -. ~- 4 ~f3r ll\1ftb :0 bo:tk dmw. Dlack:s !Krilig!hl could .~ '\Vh~Ll~ pgWT!S mm rwmirur 00 Fa .


--- --- -- -

]8.~1k .

BlaC'k theea tens mate, ",t\,galnl, with no tiro 1[0 mink. a. pb • finit impulse ~

IJ • r nit.

A ~T o .. (3

11 r

vet s icien dy Ha ri am their sea~ As this jifffiupskrwly left the hnlJ~ th thr pl]a,yeJb] shook their heads Vel" lb Wa - rdlru:ri ~d blo'i'l~n wEm 'tn .r

III~b gh wasa wIl1_"

A- S··.'· ··,U·'· I ny-- "

__ ~ .' l.

hope, dear read ~ that !too will 1R ll]ienmt with me amremin my n t cl oi . J r fuanr~ on :I1IIY ~wn Y l!JP]lo"Dent?,;"aS the .nnJE \\r~r'lcl Champi l'L

• n.'lto 1y K~ m pm'~ [)ia:~ in London in 1 ] '"" .. I

til he Jf.IJDe to T1 llf:wi' and my note to tb gam aJ '~ II a tU i

preface II ppenred k rYe nbclJtshed lIfpon m)rarll


i met [\tJjfP'QY '('01" the eend time across it chessboard du rin d1 AprH 19'82 Phmip~ and Drew Mast:ers :hu dm World Chai.u1pioIl BWlin ,,,tas !EnoUJ.~:h 1 (Ii IY blood pumpl'd up. But if t:1l i) I1dd~ti 1

(lJoti\'3t[on. I found' t rn h • O'f our mst 11'Il"ebn ' m mhs it during

a toumanu 1'1'1' in 1\iIar del P ta, rg~m::ina. Lhad im d m and W Lrn'~, Lb ~ I:I1J. Jet him Jip awa)" with draw.

Hit t· r ~ that I - ~ ] \\~ nrre, And that thougbt kept me in d a

moment IlllngeT when ~ awn . un the 'IDllfrunA' of th ma tch, Thll U'olt.!. was, i:hQl!gh. [It:!njllyedi RlY ~lISll . ~'?Ias. &i!lppy to be figt tf rII;R: the 'l\rorl~ Cbm'Vpioll- Wln,

lo e. nr dra~ .• r would hi. daing somethrng tbat I had! . .ah{m~.

l pi pa1til Ior K1Ir b! .pe-ndin· veral no the night bclnre with Victor

.K{uciut i, Lh . -ttme .cililllm Car tll \Vorl Cluampi miIl1]). Knrdttilol, whn had

beeem em" c fri d dlilnn . 'th time [helped, him . in 10r his iIlllstn"es..~r1[l1 ul

Kal"P ,~a Sovje~ refugee WHO loa es t11 \'11 t jl·t~ and. the ell pla~

1 L 111 rns ouL ~ !mew tbLit Q:n .. cd ){.arpov'is 5 C S w-,as iii 5I:lIon:g' finish, W 'arreed

It wuuJd be nn:PQn"Jn~ ~j'chol~ieaJly t@ foree Karpcw [0 adopt a'p.'=t~"""Sl ImIII paJ1ku.~r. rh 'L\tB. W ~ loJ]. 0.1 tIm Qu ~rL'S G-amhit. This ~ys.ttm w. intro dJ.tCB:I by Mvi~n~· T~rtfl!k 'er.', impro,,~ by Vladi.m' Andre!!Vich t1ak nm~ nd Iii I ed by I ' 1c11 . onda ,evgky ~ ill g-rea' ml.'Uri re 0 Karpov". TIUJ ~ Lli

~ . 1 b' dispuLed in lhe ] Worl 'ChampiDnship in M mIilD, bly, 1lI . 1\



'\l'1I [I!iW am might p, '/' 2_ .. b:6~ 1.11rnSposing intD Qu m."s [TJdi~fIj ,000eJJBe tQJD).

Tb,e Q.1D. bas, a I$OUd m:epllration. In that defense, 'Biack taiies r, tra;ill~ role in 'lTI eent r~ fi ncb l'toing his Qu n'sHisbop.Red eJop·biskiD~ 'I'.~th ._Ie' " and ~J) 1 or_1 M, eivk the IG~!J I\~lridi.a;n ['run-.icmc. Iwas ~g fu~ tlrte Queen's Ca]1l,bit.

5Crn_ped by wi t _ dtaVlS from fill: __ -,ble p ] timlS a~t ,Korchll L d

h l'I- uld b -tub rn and rry iI ' p1! i~ SOi.1lld.

\~ lk1iJg to 1 ' IlL ' haD, I 111 ' -, ri saky,. a fnrm~ '~Ilrld " pion

and a ~n6W Mtmn-yman 01 KMpov"s_, '~moy yow- day rn the sun, I , , ky said

I was late. ,Karpot'-m '0 r.eady' - oo:tQ~l1J)T the - Bind rrumslan crPW WeJie, The expme.mce eeeld have been utuller.vine'~ but] knew I' b longed. in the

~a ~f [pmfessjona) cl1 ~'1y clOCk ' ticking and the wurkl disappeared

T.M~ B, Queen's (j mbi Ded in d

11. -,f].

1ms crucial openin mov is imPQrrnrr in J nduring' to pial' th 'T. 'tIL

r r ] had adopted d'le Eng] is,h ].M j I would 1l:l.11.f€ ba.dJ [0 be :prepared {m the 3![ ti ve ~jo; [uier I, .. e5~ wb lr"h K8.'rp~v chooses upon occa lOll 'iLllI.e: 5itnlightior,·

TIm, _ een Pa: m 1.d w uld allow the , ,rnzo-h1dian and ueea' fudi£Jl1lll S' • tems 0 wh;ch Karllxr!l is a renQwn:fd !mI'$"~Er,

J ••• '. f6

\\l'i_lb Karpov' me tandard '~rnd£r~ s rst~ with ~£7·e5 are out of the way. ow fur th~ next hi.l1? ] •

lar, gDtld, Th 'texl' 3 ~u.d w


l.r. cl 3.d. I'm sure H-arpo\' w1ltJlld have ch ' a Q.l.D: The t~i is my best-chama' 'to get bim, '~O ,play th· l/1Cfn" ,Ga_mbil II ha two eheiees tha 11 has pbytil eu i' often, 3 ... c5 and :3 ... Bb If wh lch

ul Ie! pan English fJa~ I' 0 ['ll open~

ing. ] MV 't: committed ,1 te de-d4,

C'"d . Lt d It ems to rne to be a I[)w:st.i(;m of taste,

. pno(1

n nl: ymJ.. fm. DO:o" ill 't1l. OJ)eJlll1 t1i:J.u.t ~p 14i moun lor t:b~ olgbt before.


. rrmoc:h. ffi}ack in the center. \ . e~re n w in a dirert Iran i ·011 -Ott

. m OI\dH Ld4J d 2.c4- e6 3 . cJ Nm

4,.NJ3, "..hi~e ~ BI ck"" mnp [00 d~rmses.

4.. ... " '1

u~rum \' ria ~i:ln" 5, worud o O'er h:arp play almost bnm iateh-, but Karpov prefers a s~o.w hui !d'u, 0 his

~cnn ~r"Ore furcimiJ (om:plica nUU1:l;


m Grun a£ this book

mm-e b'l &bbv P- .,

- ..

m orting thQugb ! f" more ......,"'-.::- and 'll\:e~ rea· h t P iti m mat

. Jmol mid l have prep.amcl

• . enin D h rpm . Bl .e'kpllts non 0 m!1 5·Bi.-1!m

Ling~ chess openin tIlf.'Ori~ ...

ar wbether tbis m v.e

A. f-JoIlpul,a_r .altemathr~ v,,'QuJd 11.:1 . n 6,Bxfij~. 7J;)d2, tnn ro3dry lo Clli:jj. Ue queen ide. In this case, 1 i-d a to centiau . witb gE- _, b2-h4" , rid go' -g5 3ft~r Bkack ba castled ki ' ° d

- arpnv fila c.h ~ I'I! III is

. and] t chan t,

5pring an inre£t!sti.taJ!l:' n~f ide-a 011 him.

7.Rc[ !

Tilf In ~ initiat . a Lc:Yition to ~~ T._ tn. [ plan ~',y 1:h Dm\'"e d-e3 in

d . " poosihihry of . kin -



I[ OW" all31ysts [rom

~[erat'lfJ\ To prepare' {Qr this ame:. r had Cc iI!l \ fo[Jow-u~:in. . hi h l am ere-

00 oolllrratoo UIl K.a:rpQ~ '19 m.O'st. feCeJilt aling a leading .mIe for m;- d.·Rook. IJ"eatm '~I 7 u.~4. H~m 1111_ fb~ 00i]~ bul t~ron. Kord'll'b ~ and [ h~cl !:lp~t

half Ilh 'night 1)fl1"inI. abeu lhi:a. hn ,_'iew (}. the threat to the c'7'·pawll, dlls

Bla 'k ~ uld ~ f l'U, !ram ir R'QIpture is forced.

e,d!)x~-1 beeansc , as ab 'to

play Bf1 t.· ( efit by rn,., E\i'Uytmng hi proceedin aocordffig to

hll d~'fl_rbis'Pj Th SMrIp:leH~ Ml' plan,

7,.,~ 8.e3 di 9.BXdI. dal 10m«l4 Ne6

11.00 NbS slmW1i 1a furcing trad ut \ i wotik:H

'1 rh EI h4-Bish~, bu I have some $(JCem ic ~ dJ a ab u 'i'n Hhuin ,a.' . arh' qlJ~d~ aLtack_

A sam- mm"e lV01;.dd have been 7.e3.

In Gam;> . 00.

F •.• hi

Karpo\" rep~~Hs thl!' W::IJtlO]l that he p__ dl i FID V rid Ci pionsmp

, (1 slight pull

J 1:hi chat curiusi Y Qt ilie ~ of

KaTpov in this gnm . H _ W~3 aware that I wa,s a. coach for Ko.rcbJ'i()i in tile' ']'19-SJ m1Hch, and he wanted HJ tf:5~ the !!Iotrmgtn of OIH ]ITepn.r.!llLion. A s we ha n see, Karp v 1iI>'iUII't idl:e. He Bind his team of had Vi.'Drkcd for miUIY ldajs th1i ~tinn.


Io _ . t:hE' c·fiJe fur the cl·Hoolt.

l'M tt~p isnecessary 1xcau ~Wlutr: has an early a~_nta..~ in gpac~ it is impor··

tan for Bmtk'1.0 W(drang pi ·wmakc·

morn, Thts~~trad', . 'a used


it1'ii .n,..-'


'1. !!i

This littl ,nWUilee. is.acfWill~- a bi- d~. m' W had prayed n.~3~ ~ game "mu.1d h;] _. di Iy l:rtifi5i'P< -. d mto the opEIlin lof Gw One. In :lwdying that ,~me. rou mijgh ba\'e Jlnted the. difficul 'Y tha' ~rrut~ had iu utiJizmg his n ·Bi 'lit3p. I a


A Simny Me -fit

h n'nwpau'll p ition, the (l·Bi Imp has an ijwkward_ task' T;l. d5']p2 WnT Wid.. th t x;t. \Vb it' an' ei-

, a hmJ _. -pawn p i ion 'n \\lhith the fi:anc'heltoed BirsbD]i [uuld ne::t its!C!i, \Vi re still ira I1lD~ opening th Qry: rrhe :extmt of cur hom ~ erk is

l.1lob,1"E;'i i .

n .• ,R r

l ~ Karp:o\l'~s nnprovement, for which K ,rihn!)i haspr pareda nn ], resPO"~. In ,\lof'.taIlo. OCarpov tmdmed 1] .J3b7:t d J'f.>Ceived:B bad P ~lioli 'for 'hils dfun. m is fur more Q!bl, BI cit utithe ba1i.;[Jpen e- le i

f1. e2 awTl, rl - •

Korcbn Is Idea! ~ c:1"'finta~

plirve}y ubtlE

• llI\fhit adds ~ meas of proteclin

to the Nfl,: for eXalmple, 12 ... c5~ 11cb:_C5 Bb11A0:b6 d415.Qxd4,1 . lb- loot.

• hit 'willneutra1i2eB_ Ek' p:r ere

Ollll th e file bJy Rd e.l

N CIt ; th imm d ['9' 12 12.Bg2 9a6! 'W bUd ha.~ '" W'lLf 1Whhclls ~!mlegy. The t!2.p.aV'O'I'lI WfKdd. ha\'-J!!' IbeoJme a sensitive pain With 13..e3. W1tite'_gKi:l!l wnald b~ s.tucl( in, ' 'It -- because or he {nflu-

e of the ij·Bisbop.

- -- - ---

dfid~ Ll11 imp: _. iEi m~ . • ! ndnecl~, - n d rh -ta~ awaiting' K_afIl ,'s rep] • As ~ ~ W3 I h3~ cffi"lamly assumed llrnt my Mova w.o~ld b iii. IMEt a much II:! a surf) . lu :Karpo:v. li Vi.'3.S ] who wa . sm-pri~d 10

:> his ~ply so ~-p IMihr r~rthroming

I\,:rrp . played after ClnJ~ 1] n:tiDUJ.eS C! thoul1l:ht~

Most gn]]dm3 t~" wh n cordro:nted 'with ['IiJv;cl iclea.!ft:e:w ioroooul oUlle-h.oor in aider to doubl chttI the ilUad ah~d fur passil:d ambush . nDe mnvmced tha tlneir posittio]J . s undo fh_ey react, Karpovs qui.{:k facti n cal.lsed a ,,",*'lIrn~ ing IE~l [0 go 0 'IU rn~f head 1 wa~ begimniYlJ[ to smell a ml

Narnrally, Ko:IT:hrHli'~ team had ~r~ 'p,ar.W far _ ",eryttJing - eVerything ~pt 12.Jia.6.~.! whicn YO had tIll rcjecWd out, Kni .Iu on the .riol

d prejudiced us int

• .mderealimating n 0"" • I stared .a

Karpov' Ic~r· E La and didn't di; . bing. This rrecial1y anno~,rinl, [f J \[r QPIX'-" n IlmintIins such grim-·

ness, if~ ~ - d d about )fm.I

gwnp roon.

,bri '1m hi K . In 1-0 an· uare, E if thi Knight roc ptur ends up with tlw 10 O'f me d£\Wl. Blad hm_'I worried, His oom~Jion n ... (ki.

b7' and mia8<5 wilil bt: [1 nd es

1 ,.Q ~

I IJj y d my LhO\lg]lt 24 rmmn

lbl!fure ~lrting i..hi rn '1.1 .Ir i 'ItJ tfIllGSl cMllenging. Th_, intended break .... f."7.-c5 i stl!'Jpped, 'bei:ailSf' Rc3..e3 is 3J rtnmrn· do~, threat I now ~poct R1:!1" Iler~t:i:

_I 13-, 1 e5 wau1dl lsric.

- IJ... ru.ild ~risi:mlgl_ fi'" und

alter 1'}.Nd2L Q::dtl 1 cli 15.R.xdir) ]51it:p "I{hi nlQd1, ;rivlll - _ hIte

the' upper hnnd, In this 1 me, the pl ~gh of llie a~·Knlgh~ is oomitul; 13_.J~~1 1 I.Nd2 iBd1! 15.. xd 7 - xh 1 16.Q~! 1 \Vhltl! wm mro 'pie lor a RooI4

"11811 ,13. 7 ~]d 1D barpin:

4.e3 Q~4. 15.Bg2! Qbl 16.Kd21 Q b2 + {I 6,,. .Qffi ~n 17, R t21 Q1b4 · lS,Q)lW N,M,h.:J 19Jb.c7 &:B 20Bbl would a nnw \\.I'hite l{ll win mterial.

_ "

------- - ----------

~1Jt!r as ,1\ arpov's eh i r trllliuer. was games, l eould ~e them ga 'f~ I ,31 the obviDus]y ~ willIiar',vilh th~ ~Ldon. derrLOIIs'tL.J'tloIl bro.rtl f'xri~1fdly poillh~ aut lbru ] could wm JJJ p' -:e.

th , 1 ~ a pi


t lUung

rh sam ice -mth VI.e3 it"-; or t!'\~r'I l Uw.3

lliB1t'1, i:nlt inboth I ~ ItIJrl

r oHJ h

t paCKtO _.""'_ ....... C.ounn] C~· for

1S:.Q ali

-- -----------------

81 e has thru ehoie : 116., .'Qc5. ltIs'nRa>t:: and HLllf5.

•. ith 16,-. ]'1. ~.l~ ~ b k

to tb d~ White p~ ., ('Jc5. d. cJ1ed[J'[JJr.Ji:t.e, .17 *.J as (17" .ROleS U:tN .d4, Qa5+ ].9.R(:3 would save '1hfhitl:'s skin) HIQd2 Qu2 19 N Kd4 1Glc8 M.fII! (rn.aJring r-oo:m or K,~l.m,. escapitl~ to th~ kiD .A ide) .911.,111 + 2LKf2 ReI ~xe61 he6 B. dlJ I i 24J:ma~. White "Win

\\~th UL.RaoS 17, ,x:d4! ReI 18.Kcl2 Rc4 (UL..Qe5? 19.Rt3~ ~rUfls) 19. • ~e6 &~(j 20. 3, Whit emerr: pie~e

had .

my frantic mm.tvai~ T. didn~t ~e a wln· rung liae (or KarpOv.


. "nr; L Iud a p. . Black" eager

'to open thE" pootioo in order . 0 eKp se my Kin " H~ ~Jilltaul]3 In 1J.S.'e tbe e- ~le to invade w-itb his I~Qks. My imn1.edi~te ];lIFohle:m is ilea I m rtg 'Ai ith . ,Q~1.b4 ~. \' hich muld harass my Killl .


n ;lU 'ml 7·· + b:p in 'zy n-umber

fur e\~lng'h.a boon:fooctd. CerUlinl, Karp{lrv had prepared 'tbe moLriJ:ice~ but m' 11m . surprises m by Ihinking for mumtes1 as ~ , sacrifl oor-rec~

at . 1I? My mov - good~

lid. fore-eM Qll • DUB crifiee

, ~: \'f t has I!ill!

Karpo 1 finds. me t m ". . 'mee the i::l'th· 'two B1hHnaDiv:eE wnuld both rose

1 .

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