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Policy at a glance

Ree og n iz i ng that

• The Economy world wide Is pnslng through difficult times. Ita Impact In GuJarat Is marg I nal main Iy du.e to Hs. progressive po IIcles, stab I.e leade rsh I p an d a bus.1 n u.s orle nted e nvl ron ment.

• Changes In the world 8,conomlc orde.r today with ongoing meltdown. have resulted ln global Investors exploring newer Investment destinations where the Investments would be safe·and fetch assured returns. Investors globally are looking towards India for rs.locatl ng thel r pi ants.

Realizing Ihal

• G ujarat i abe i ngrs.cog n ized ass fro nt ru nne r in proactive governance.

• Gujarat is positioned to pursue a comprehenslse, inclusive ·and a ·sustainable "modelef·soclo-economlc d8valopmen1wlth a cl8:Brfocus on Improving thequallty oflif.e includingihe indice,lofhuman development.

• Industrial and business developmantcan effectively serve 8S the major vehicles of achieving the sam •.

e In .. the lighi developments, it is important and necessary to. review .update and designa new I ndustrial Policy.

Rei nfo reed by Ih e facl Ihal

• Thara ara Inherent strengths aftha sta.te with a sacuralnvestment cllmats and the· strong positioning bothfrom a naiional and internaiional perspective.

• It is in t he fo rafra ntto pro mate8XceHe nce.

• Gularatls a place where:

- BUll n essls a way of lite.

- The government facilitates and encourages inves.tmsnt and heustlc growth

leading to high .Iavels In.human developmant Indicators.

- High standards· of quall1y are pursued to get the 'Made In Gu)arat' brands intern atio n &1 recog n iti an.

The vl.lo,n of beCQm I n,gan A:8lan Leader In Industr:lal Growth H .•• p.rDce.ded t.o thanext horizon Dfl.Y.ra~gln~ the In·du8trlal development memantum,

Gujarat aspires to become a

beacon of comprehensive social

and economic development

• Atlr.ctlng qu.lJt, In" •• tm.".ta to m •• t th. aocla-.conDmlc 10.'. 0' G uJe,. ,I. holl.tlc "evelopment.

• Incte •• '1I1 employment opportunltl •• aero.. Gu/ata' .ntl enh.nclng .mploya"IIlty .u".,.nll.,I)'.

• ".kl"g -Mad. In Gu}ar.'" • , •• ".ct.d glalJ., "rand. Quality nat only In t8lm.of the product but .'.0 'or tile ploducer, tire envIronment at prorluctlon anrl til. ,..ult."t d.".'


2.0 TherewUI be specific Interventions across sectors which "ould "Beliliale In 'oslerlng significant growth and In Ihe process atlrac't globallnveSimenls.

2.1 .'PlciilIIMllmant R~.ion· (SIR, .. New Moaell", Danlapmant

Industry 10 Gujarat baa 8VOIved and. travaAed through Clusters,. IndusblalEstate&i Industrial ParkI, SEla ana hu nowreac.had lriYSB'bnant Regions (lAS)" and Special In\IaStma"nt Reg.1Ons .(S,IAt). All tbesa,phaMI have' mat Mfh. Success"and ~ WIth everytranSlIIonthe ~8 hOI axpandaJt.

SIR$ WIf1UId cat8f to the· S'CsIeS. and .$Mk ~ .~ .~ in vogue 1nf8mI~ BlRaon. acaJa tA 200b .fOO+ aq kma I¥Q~ be pmducta. of Planned :Dec:eQtialJaedDe~ with ~e of 1ndustrfaJ, SoohlI fIild fJtban InIrastnJctur& that am gIObaJIj ~ m aftractJng

. ~

bUsit1tJM ~ and $.UppOttiYedf 'the RU8BJfN GLlJARA,r

SIR$' I W.~ not ,only with the f)pfJOlIuniIieSlhnlM'l up 4' the lledit::Bted Freight CCn$dot(DFC) /.Daitp MumbtJlIJtrJustif4I 6onfdor (DMJO) but.aIaQ WIth .the .acaIe and qUaJIlyotlnVtRitineiJtBtJttrSctiKJbythtJ VlbrsntGuJala1CJ1obaJ Inv&BtbrsI Summlta ~)r

£WIC with /IJJ SIRs and ''- wPUId bfJ ftJI/y Ifwei1gtKf for ,dtiVrJJOPtfHJnt of the ~ A sepa:t8N.Act wouk:Il:,te broUfhf fOr' the ~.

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Dllihi-Mumballnd.uab'lal COrrIdor (DMIGJ

2 .. 2 Public Privata Parlnarlilip (PPP) - A Winning Combination

Tha scala or InveStrnantJ envisaged would require funding from both the Public & PrIvate sector. OuJara1 Is a pioneer In combining Public perspective with .Prlvate Iritla1Ive. It already has a robust frame work In place for the purpose.

PPP modal WOUld be fUtthet 8I1COUI8f18d. espacIsJ/fln the Inf$Sl1UCfuIa sectDr. m.lewnge the entrfJpr8nfJutIBPfdt. of GUfatat and have muItJpJIer effect an ,GoYt. t1ffotts. VlablNtyGep. FundIng wID be /wetag8d for the purpose. Howsvar, In all PPP models wIMmlMV Gcwemment ISnd is invOlved, the ownetShip of the SIImtiI would remain with the PubI/C~

2.3 Migi Projacll- Growth Prop811ars

Economies of Scale Iavour certain praducm to be made most compeGHvaly' In Mega scale. In the process this presents vast opportunitias for capturing "the entire value chain by davaloping ancillary .and auxiliary incluslrial in the small and medium lcala. The com blnatlan results In globally competitive products with large scale employmMt and empowerment.

EnctJwagemant will be gN8n for ntIing up of Mega ptDjet;ta invDlving iI1verstment.ofmore than Rs.1000 CIDI8 and &mp/oymant of mot8 thai;J 2000 ptftOIIB/n ldenIJtIed .Mtcmts IIIr8 AuK! components, Semiconductor fabrIcatJon. Nano .fBc:hnoIogy, BhlPbuIIdIntJ and rapairing~ .AmBIt AfROII through s. merit based package at The COI'& inItasItuclute projects Iiks Malm RIIiJ Line. Logisfic Parks. IWIway lJn&, Expra&a ways. t=ast.Pasaenger TtaJns. HIgh Speed TraIns and such ather CB1.8goty 01 ProJecta as decided by the Govamment involving minimum Investment of Rs;. 5000 Crora.s will also be enct:MH8Q$d.fhfough merit bs1MMJ pacJcagJ of assistance. The Govemmeot will t81flew the ItI8nIIfIetl aecmts tram ffme mffme.

2.4 InnDYItiva Projects - Thinking out of bOl

Con1lnuous Innovlllon has become· a prerequisite for survival In the Increasingly competitive economy.

·lnnovatlvrJPtojecta In the manufacfutIng sector being taken up for the tItat time In Gujanrtwould also be t18eIBd·an the same footk1g as Mage ProjecIB fer ~

2.5 Infrastructure - Plug a. Play

The Goverrvnent "ekl 10 create adequate provisions which aim alupgrading and Improving upon the status allnfrastructure. Plug and Play nature or the Infrulructura enaures earliest grpundlng and fruHatlon pf Invastm.en1B.

The Stafa Govammantwill ~an infrII$trUCfwa faci/iti&$ fortha induSIty.

Gujatat WDUld be mapped for identifying $uitabIe locationS depending upon the t8IaIiva sdvantBges. potenfIsI and local ruources lor p/BnnfId deva/opmIInt allnIrsstrucJure. These IocaflonsWtJUld be offenKJ for 8pecIIIc sec:fom with plug and p/wy InInIBtructure including prollllions for suitable quality manpower. GIDC would c/IweIop alatge SCIJJe in response to the avetaJ/ plan..

V8tfous connectiviIy issues. within th& SlaM. would be put on the fasttnlck. Assistance will b&pravldedthtoughlastmlle.~·folndustr1sJEsmfas, P!J1IcsBndl.atgeIndustr1&s.

New EstB_ will be ·set up under PPP mode In IdtJntJlltJd 81888 and sectors. GEwamment IIIndprovlded for setting up·such &8Iafe8 wIN ffJmIiIn under public: domaJn.

2.6 Pori-led Development - anchoring Prosperity

The State of Gujarat is ble8sed with the longest coast line in the country. It has a riCh and ancient marttlme hlllDry. With Iha opening up of economy and globallza1lon. 1I1e opportunltlB8 for soclo aconomlc development In a maritime State are Immense. Many countries have ham_ad 1helr coast line for achieving great economic heights.

The State of Gujarat realizes and recognizes the potential that Its longcoaat line holds.

wtth ':I;tta coming up Of DFC and DMIC proJeC1;i havln_gmcltl-modal connectIvItY WI1h t.he exiSting and propasfld Ports .• GtlJBmtiS set to emerge as the coastal capttal of 'the countrv catering to the vast -nanham blntar;land both 'for· expol'Land Import arxI .aIso offering a wry advantageous. d~mdiDflIor investmerd to induBlrias that require m~~to~·lm~or~rtad.

tn addition, tbePort. led dBvalapm!8l'tt th.rows up ",~ oItHir opportunHie8 like ship bulldlngl repairing, .shlp .braeklr;lg. bunlcerlng fadllty, eoastaI .. shlpplng, marin, $8CIOr

~ ~ -. :

skill .development.and training,marine ship buiJding ~. ship raCJ'?l~ng, 199iBtics &,

services Jtc. WIth 1he realization .Qf th~ Port poterrtlal anew '~d Lill;ra modam. aUJ8rat will flimerge aJongitB ~In this ponnection. Jhe Deparfmerrt Of Poria bQsaJr:&;ady taken.a number oflnlUe.tlves.

Pad fst1 ~- aIOIJ· WilhthB '. , - .' . -silfJ' of~&" lind S8IV'fGss

. ~ ...... .......,... .. -.....9 ~ pr&,-IfIql!I .~8""""'"'" . ..'

.~.wIN be ~. 8tid dtwaIoped hi PPP thocIa· ~ ,the efIQIfs 0.1 the" ~ multifold.

Ilie ~otP9ttand TnJnl!POIf''!IIIIl)IIngadfltsJledppljcyln'thbi·~~

2. 7LDgIstici I. hrvlceslnlllBllves - ute Blood oflheEconomy

Wrth a1QI1Jlous'investmants and eoonDryljcactivit:ias aovisag~ ir;l the, r;lBXI fawyea.fS, prOYiaioo·Qf commensurate logistics &.SarviC88_~rtwoul.d be crucial .. LocatecIinlhe centre of the DFC I DMIt::: patlrand baing In tha,fOra:front of the pfOlac1 and wfth Immense part connectMty, G.ul~ is best suitel;l to become the ~giStiC8 '&, &wvicea hub for·tt)e most actIvaNcdhem'~ Wastern.RegIon:s:: .Any Inad~ul.CY would pose al:lc;rttla neck ip;, UutORtimal u~, of the DFC I DfJllC and. the a~Cipated·acIiY.i6BS within GOjalal

The Stata.theI8Iore.It.Jf8nds m .~ IqgiaIlc i setWces .CQV8dt1g matrHIaJ 1oadfng. ~I hanPIflJf & fTanBpOItatIonand ~ & ~ 'facI!IJIeB, -Govemment Will eJso ~ seJ!in9 up flJf T~ Nagars. GujfJIflt ~

DewJIopmem BomI ~aa). Roa.dB & BuIJdfnrJ· (R&B) ~, UtIJBn lJweIopmenI ~ (lJOD) end ~ MatffifmI EkiaI4 ~) will Clevt1/Op:1OgiSfiC & &eIVic&s' thrOugh.~.(JB1tIdpstJon~

3.0 The State GDvernment Is committed to spreading the benefits .o'economlc development I'CroSS the State up 10 the last person. For this purpose, H Is necesslry ID Increase ,employment opportunities and Improve employability.

3 .. 1 Small.n'd M,,_ium E.rprilll flME) .. ~lckbD'" Of IhB EcanolllY

SME sector ,Is.tha baddxxIe of GLiJarat Industry 'and ~raVldes hu:g8!em~9YU1ant ClPPQriunities .. 1I is naaded to be '~Rad and assisted compreh~sivaly to make it more'compatitive&vibrant.

~.JfIPIiOrtWINbe;~tlrtt:iuglJln(8rNr~.~~~ ~~~sJr!Il~efc.

Bfott;s WiD:be trIIPJe· fO In!U$e IiileBt and mtMIem technok;Igy in '5ME'~ ·10 ~ ,1'88tMI'Ch and ,t8t:;hnOIOgY 0t:JeJiriloprfle 1na1lIJJtIt!Jna. 'uwrm 18 to ent:tIUl8Jie contiact msea.n:n .. rent_'~· . .' andwlli&audltaird~

.' ,IPS "~_'_"'~ . ..,.,

SUpport WIll aJfij be acctNded ,tor marlret .~II1CIudIng.1nItlatIttris "fDr ~ of Made In ~ Stand.

"$uppor( .,nIbe ~'for ~ 01 fn·cII/aty'ind ~ /pdustlIfJ6. fot: 'ItI/ua'

The State G:Jvemment WiN dontinue ,to eCr.iottJ. JitiotiIr ~ (;/U$t.8r ~ of ,SAfEs In lff8,entfI8Stata

IM Gt!w&mn'ient WIll prt'JVItIe raNibI(IIBIJon. .pacJqwa for'9/ck URItS for trWIfhlJ· .or aJJartJog themm exit BO"thattJ,elr 88Sf$H::an be~.SImu/tBneous& SMEs

f8C09'IIzed by InBtJtutIng 8IMUds Jor dlffrJrent acIrIevementa end InItIatlves IncJudIng InncNatJon In·ptOduct I tschnoIogy I process.

SM& wHI also be encouraged to obtaIn carbon credIta and I8duc8 carbon IDotprlnt and fDrenvimnmanlBlly nrJionIjJ use of taSOUTCU.

3.2 Saclars of Strength. Patanllal and ollila Generation Nut

ExlaUng sectors of strength Br8 BOUght to be further strenglhenad. potential areas to be davaloped rapidly and emerging areas to be pro-actlvaly thought cf, planned n exploited through innovative methods. There is II need fOr special packages for the $SIabI11I1acI.MCton like taxtllQII andgams & Jewellery caIarIng 10 thalr peculiar needs and for 1IIIIng the gaps In 1helrvalue chain.

In tile Gems.& Jewe/Iety$$CfOf; creation ofparlc$~ SEZssndlacilifieS forl8St!NlldJ~ Qining~ htJlItnIIndng 8Nl cartltlctJfIon. aaf8ty and .tnsutance for WOI'f(gm would be BUppOIfed.

Other aectota wtth huge patsntJal/lka lnfomrtJIaector. Agn-busJneBs. FIaheIfu sntl U1oa& emerging I/Ire non COIW8ffIJonaI. enetgy reBOUI'C88, n;1rES, 8Jo ~ Nano technology would also be fDcusecI upon and specIIIc poIIr;Ies would be dIawn up by the respecfMI depatfments.

In ~, inteHIia, waIue tIdditkm would be ,encourag:ed. SimiIaI1y, in fiti/rerfe$ taII1tng. of omamentaJ tI8/J sntl dHp sea tfsh/ng sJong with of18hote pmceasIng would be etlCOlJtfJgfKi.

The non COI'MJffIJonaJ'8IJ8IIW nt8OUI'Cft8 /Ike solar,. wind, rJdaJ andgrKJ-thetmaJ with which the saaa 01 GujaIat Is blessed wfII be hamessed In II decentTalIzed manner to. IIld In optIII!IIionaJi the concept of nstsen in the }'1NII3 to coma The Sta.~ ~, will promaIB Incr88sIng UStI of ren8WIbI8 and SIWfronmarnt MendIy soun:es of BI18Igy. 1ba State IsdesltousOf giving to the world the first solar city in the State cspiI.aI 01 .GancIhlnagar:

3.3 Humu Resource -Sldll Enhanceme.nt IDr beller employability

Human Re8oun::e DENeIopment is oneollhe main driver$. of growth. Despite large raqulramant 01 manpower an ona hand and InstItUtional arrangements for equipping /skilling on the ather, there Is often a qualitative demand • supply' mismatch resuHlng In shortage In the Industry with slmuhanaous unamploymant/ undaramploym.u.

QuaHtatIw .c/MngiI 18 sought to be btDught In Dtnns of smpJoyablI/ly of fha trBJnad menpoW8tby

• EngagIng cemras of excellence IIkBIIT & 11M as wall as sector apec/fIc axpett InsIII:utionB as anchor InstJfufN to 8I1SUI8 market driven and business teSponsive cutrlcuIa and $UitabIy&quipped~.

• Making aveiIabIe $1d$ting training asssf$ in ms ·and Po/yIeChniC$, __ ~ Industry for IUI1I1Ing IntlU6tTy t&8pDtrBIIIa.bttt1ga COUI'888~

• Ent::olJt(JgIng .rJ&manrJ r1ttven ptrJ!MsIonBJtf nm rraJn/ng cent1U In Il'MB oIlndustty·

c:oncent18rJonllke cIusfenJ, GIDC etdafBB, IndustrIBJ Ptu#aI, SUs, em.

• Suppottlng tJBtabII8hmentoi SpecIalIzed SkIll Development 1nstlluIlonB.

SuppcNt dalBo be provided to DItacI.otateoi T&ehnk:aJ EducatJon (em) and DItecIwaIe 01 Employment & Training (DE1) for wb-fT1 f PoIytecIJnIe COUIUS and shott f8mrtralnlng progt1IIMJ8S for spotampJoyment..

InsIifutkJiIaJ mechanism at fDta at IocaJ levels and at ttpSic level Is tJ1WIsaged to kHp the gemnI syllabus under teVieW. for busln&ss t8SpOtJ8IIJen&ss.

3~4 YQuth, Vlaman and First Genlration Enirapr,anlJu rs - A. Fora. Mul~i pliar

India Is. one .of the youngest courrb1e8 In te,rm~. of BWnHI8 .age of 1m popula1lcn. Comtig.

'" "I:. . •

~rsare w be the era.of 1ha youth. Hw:n8l8inuthlir ItranJittl'MIl unieuh tremendous

untapped p6tantiaJ.

$pf1cJBl,trBarment will be St:cott/fKJ Oil the youth, IJeIdw 35.y8em r:if., I:it ~ MHovmHlta.$/dIbs: to tI1ffIiiI and'. . . ;., 'r • their iniliBtives innowffons·an(1 .... -.:. .......... ·...oJ:Uo-o

.~_ . ~ . ~ . -.,,~'IiI;t'~.~ .• ~

Fbr (he youth ~ ,.,_ fhtJitM~. ·the pr;ilk;y snvi8ages ~ and tuRPottmg /rICUIJaIkJn G"fH:rt._ .In patInenIIiip wttfI me PifInj", and ~. Sscmts as .tIao fha', . .4c8dem1a, and Centn!M ,(JfflXr:e/l8nee. A ~ funt;J'wDu/dbe Ct&;at8d _the~.

AmongsttheyouJh,'womenBndflrst'~~·wouIdbeglJ/fm~ce. ~g the ~/nt.aI;It otthe youth wouId.~ ~t8c/JItmed O(J a fastrrack.

~1hntJ1/BI.kJ!JS, WhiCh 81'&.$0 ~fOc,.m&ining ~ 1Pfd$utVi!iaJ.fOf fhe ,next ~ MIJ of t:kJInrJ. buaInaas. would be .encout'l'I(Jed. ~ WOI1kJ be on inoofllJ1lve c:onf8ntln the ptOjec$.Rllherthanthe quao#Jm of Inveafinent.

4.0 To survive in this competitive 'world Ind promote IBrand Guiarall, it is necessary II give special emphasis Dn quality Df products IS well IS quality 0' the produce,.,. Ihe environment and the resultant development.

4.1InndVatlan., Lal8ltT8chnalo'uy IRllurch ~ lb. M,altlr Kg 10 Suce .. s

To create .anBrMrOnment conducive to the neXt ~8 Of development and attracting· IhvesIrr1am and talent, 1ha GDvammam 1m been ,aQCOrdlng ptIortty to, Research and· DeveIOPJ118nt,. A m~"re c:Qn(:8rIed lUiI:ISysbamatiC ,Sffilrt would be m~ to intemJ~fy' pumU8ncaof Innovation. L.a:t~tT8ChnolDgl.~and R&D.

MecbanIim wmi/d' be .set·1IP ttl .~the latest .~ ~. snrJ innOwrIion$ for~ in ~, .. te. ~ lilncfDeve/f;Jpm8ntwoulcl be SlJppOIIttt;t fQr p1apattng tIJ8.Sf8ta fOr na1dgenani11on.Dfllillestmanr.


R&D 'tOt· teclmrJ/ogl8S and produCts tfMt I!JtIng In fhe· hIIheIta axeIUtled IIitICtfons or the ~' iIkB the d/IfriI:rJ(fIJy 'an&bledi Imo ",., proc/fJCtNa economic ~ WOUld,..


4.2 Duality -lero delect -IheEllenceoltheBrllndBLilldlbl

H, i;s I'IBQ8SB8fY tQ anlure that, Br$nd Gu;a~ is mad. synol'J)'mol:l8 with high qualHy: standards and high IM181s oIexcallan~ on a global BI'IInB. tlonmmlnt racognlzas 1hat ~hlle ensuring, proauclloQ of high qpalfty pUtput In th~ statJ. no cort;1promlae ~

made in the process of production. There is a need to adopt excellent production processes in terms of compliance to environmental norms, labour laws, etc.

All the necessary safeguards would be taken to ensure that the 'Made in Gujarat' tag gets internationally recognized and the processes adopted be internationally benchmarked as well.

Being the seat of excellence, adoption of Quality Standards by the industry in the State would be vigorously pursued. Conscious efforts will be made to institutionalize quality upgrac;Jation programmes with an app'ropriate syst$m of recognition through annual awards.

While quality and price competitiveness in products and services would be promoted to make quality the identity and hallmark of all that is sourced from Gujarat, quality would also be sought to permeate other connected aspects of the economic activity, viz. the producer, the environment, and the quality of resultant development. It is through such comprehensive attention to quality that the industrial development would be balanced, sustainable and inclusive.

4.3 Environment Regulation to Green Business

Rapid Economic Development has increasingly been at loggerheads with environmental concerns. The two have had a mutually exclusive and adversarial relationship. Addressing the Environmental concerns that impact the very survival of the human race has been a limiting factor for most economic activities.

The Government, therefore, gives infrastructure status to Environment related facilities and intends to promote "Green Business". Facilities addressing Environment Concerns will be treated as an opportunity for economic gains. Adopting green technologies, extensively using green raw materials, recycling, reusing waste, converting waste to useable products, etc. would be actively sought and their adoption rewarded.

The Gowmment would pmmote the ct8lIIJonj operation andma/rll.enance 01 emtIrrJntrlenla Ii1Irastructwe by Independent tBchnIcsJIy competent profNsIonIIJ entities on a ,$IIttJd alone commtJtr:ifrJIy viable bssi!I accountBbI8 'and tMpOnSibIe manner. 11'18 PoHutars would not nm IUCb fBcHItJe8.

Entorcemenf agancIa8l1k& GPCB are sought fD be 8NIbIad and sItangthenad bymaldng .avaJlable to them tnIJnJng. fDtP8If. 1MMce, equlpmenl8and other rB8OUI'C88 tor better 'envIrrJntnenlaI compI/fInc:«

4.4 Wealth with loci .. Health

Gujarat has a1wa.ys revered ,admired and respected its wealth creators. Thewaalttl creators In tum have consldarwd 1hemselves as trustees 01 the public. It Is perceived that the Investors In the State are equal partners In Itscomprehanslved8V8lopment.

Partsking in .the all round drNaIopmant sHDIfS and imprDving quIJJiIy 0/ life futthsr is a nafutBJ contJnuaIJon at the BI8te'B te80Ive to .pn:NIde. 8 htiIIBtlc IrMJstmtJntdestJnafion with pIanned~oflndu81rlal, 8OCIaJandutbanlrrfnMJtruc:tur

WhIle wealth CIfJIJt/on wIN be contJnued to be fIntXJlJ1flQfKI, opportunIIy would be 8OCDI'ded to the businssJ snMies to S)mH1lizs their eIforIs wnh that at the' stata to ac:hiEwB mar& effectNa/ytha comp/smafIt at weaJlh;.9. impIfwing sunounding sociaJ h8eJt1J.

A slrucfunId yet fIsxibIIJ ~ puteJy,opfionaJ. betw&an the !fate,and businsn af the dIBt1Ictltwel forcsnylngoutthe sbowt IntenIJon, wlllbeprovlded.

5.0 Siran.glhaning of mlchanism for enhanCing investor facilitation andragularmaniloring 0' policy outcomes ara essential tOlnsurl smoother and fasle'r implemenlation a. projects: and a dynamic I. raspons,iva policy'ramework.

5.1 StrengiheninglnveslQr Facilitation Mechanism

In ard. 10' take: quick and infonnad i~aot decisions, i~ SUPll9rt 1QftWam' beasy siting of invaetmBl"ll: IDcaIiDnl'ha! baen'initiatet:l.Thi8:IDftwai'awculd previda

, , .

crucial. Inpu:t$ like avaIlablllty·af ,land., Intra&:lmcture like ~r~ read,; I:8Ih airport, water. gas:. manpower, IndUBb1es In the vlclnlty.etc.

~. . "" ..

~ un at~liiJtJb&at~ will b8 mat/fi'rirtulfher~or /nV88fOr,faCIIItilIJOtr.

IHmme V'IOIt for tJme bound,diBpos!lJ otmllfJ8limJnt propoaaJa wouIdb& prit In pIaoe. thIa lsSC1Uf,Ibtitl. be ~,thiouQh&.waDbuedportalWbete,spPiIcslIons, spproWlls .~ & ., . ·tfJdrestsalWili be '.~ fOt;;' The adtriiliistTatN8 fiamewott: find'

, .. ,._ .• ,,_,. ... 'l;I' ~ , >, c p1O".~ c , ,

me~~alBBoug(1tfDJja fnllf:J&morefl1YElimtM8ntily..

5.2 Malitarin, 01 Policy Outc'Dmes.anli Mid-Course CO,rrectionl

Keeping in vi_the ina:eUingty dynamic natulB ofthe,econOrr.,-~ ·itJstitutiOr;aJ,mechanism foI' ~ 1ha'.outcrimeS (if ftt9: PtJIit;r' and mMiJJflmid tamJ ~ WiIl_' T!fOJiIdt!dfor.

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