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© Institution of Chemical Engineers
Trans IChemE, Vol 77, Part A, October 1999


*Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
†Department of Chemical Engineering, Clarkson University, Potsdam, New York, USA

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model is developed for describin g the
hydrodynamics of sieve trays. The gas and liquid phases are modelled in the Eulerian
fram ework as two interpenetrating phases. The interphase momentum exchange (drag)
coefŽ cient is estim ated using the Bennett et al. correlatio n as a basis. Several three-
dimensional transient simulatio ns were carried out for a rectangular tray (5 mm holes,
0.22 m3 0.39 m cross section) with varying superŽ cial gas velocity, weir height and liquid weir
loads. The sim ulations were carried out using a comm ercial code CFX 4.2 of AEA
Technology, Harwell, UK and run on a Silicon Graphics Power Challenge workstation with six
R10000 200 MHz processors used in parallel. The clear liquid height determ ined from these
simulatio ns is in reasonable agreement with experim ental measurements carried out for air-
water in a rectang ular tray of the same dimensions.
It is concluded that CFD can be a powerful tool for sieve tray design.
Keywords: computational  uid dynamics; sieve trays; clear liquid height; froth height; froth

INTRODUCTION frameworks have been employed for the description of the

17 18
The descriptio n of the hydrodynamics of sieve trays is of gas and liquid phases (Boisson and Malin , Delnoij et al. ,
19 20
great im portance in industria l practice. For a given set of Devanathan et al. , Grevskott et al. , Grienberger and
21 22 23 24
operating conditions (gas and liquid loads), tray geometry Hofmann , Jakobsen , Krishna et al. , Kumar et al. ,
25 26 2 7,28
(colum n diameter, weir height, weir length, diam eter of Lapin and Lübbert , Lin et al. , Sokolichin et al. ,
29 30
holes, fractiona l hole area, active bubbling area, downcomer Torvik and Svendsen ). A recent review (Jakobsen et al. )
area) and system properties, it is required to predict the  ow analyses the various modelling aspects involved for vertical
regim e prevailin g on the tray, liquid hold-up, clear liquid bubble driven  ows.
height, froth density, interfacial area, pressure drop, liquid There have been two recent attempts to model tray
entrainm ent, gas and liquid phase residen ce time distribu- hydrodynamics using CFD (Fischer and Quarini , Yu
32 32
tions and the mass tran sfer coefŽ cients in either  uid phase. et al. ). Yu et al. attempt to model the two-phase  ow
There are excellent surveys of the published literature in this behaviour using a two-dim ensional model, focusing on the
1 2 3
area (Kister , Lockett , Zuiderweg ). Published literature descriptio n of the hydrodynamics along the liquid  ow
correlations are largely empirical in nature. path, ignorin g the variations in the direction of gas  ow
In recent years there has been considerable academic and along the height of the dispersion. Fischer and Quarini
industrial interest in the use of computational  uid dynamics have attem pted to describe the 3-D transient vapour-liqu id
(CFD) to model two-phase  ows in process equipm ent. The hydrodynamics. An im porta nt key assum ptio n made in the
volum e-of- uid (VOF) technique can be used for a priori sim ulatio ns of Fisch er and Quarini concerns the inter-
determin atio n of the morphology and rise characteristics of phase momentum exchange (drag) coefŽ cient; these authors
single bubbles rising in a liquid (Krishna and van Baten ).
4 assumed a constant drag coefŽ cient of 0.44, which is
Considerable progress has been made in CFD modellin g of appropriate for uniform bubbly  ow. This drag coefŽ cient is
bubbling gas-solid  uidized beds and bubble columns. not appropriate to describe the hydrodynamics of trays
CFD modelling of  uidized beds usually adopts the operating in either the froth or spray regimes.
Eulerian framework for both the dilute (bubble) and dense In this paper a three-dim ensional transient CFD model is
phases (emulsio n) and makes use of the granular theory to developed, within the two-phase Eulerian fram ework, for
calculate the dense phase rheological param eters (Bogere ,
5 hydrodynamics of a rectangular tray. The required inter-
6 7
Boemer et al. , Ding and Gidaspow , Fan and Zhu ,
8 phase momentum exchange coefŽ cient is estimated on the
Ferschneider and Mège , Gidaspow , Jenkins and
10 basis of the correlation of Bennett et al. for the liquid hold-
11 12
Savage , Kuipers et al. , Syamlal and O’Brien , van
13 up. Simulations have been carried out with varying super-
Wachem et al.
1 4 ,1 5
). Discrete particle Lagrangian simula- Ž cial gas velocity, liquid weir loads and weir heights and the
tions of the particle phases have also been attem pted results compared with experimental data generated for
(Hoomans et al. ). The use of CFD models for gas-liquid the air-w ater system. The objective of this work is examine
bubble colum ns has also evoked considerable interest in the extent to which CFD models can be used as a design tool
recent years and both Euler-Euler and Euler-Lagrange in industria l practice.

640 KRISHNA et al.

uniformly over the downcomer cross section through

seven equidistant holes of 2 mm diameter.
For a speciŽ ed set of operating conditions, the dispersio n
height hdisp is read from the graduated scale attached to the
side of the tray. To measure the clear liquid height, hcl , the
gas inlet and liquid inlet are sim ultaneously, and instantly ,
switched off and the liquid on the tray is allowed to drain to
the container beneath. Measurement of the volum e of the
liquid thus collected allows determin ation of the clear liquid
Further details of the experimental set up, including
photographs of the rig, and measurement technique are
available on our web site: http://ct-c y.


For either gas (subscrip t G) or liquid (subscript L) phases
in the two-phase dispersio n on the tray the volume-averaged
Figure 1. Schematic of experimental set-up to measure hydrodynamics of
mass and momentum conservation equations are given by
rectangular sieve tray. 1. Sieve plate; 2. storage tank for liquid; 3. liquid ­ ( eG rG )
pump; 4. liquid  owm eter; 5. liquid inlet tube; 6. downcomer (adjustable in
­ t
+$ ·( r G eG uG ) =0 (1)
vertical direction); 7. gas supply; 8. gas  owm eter; 9. weir (exchangeable);
10. conductivity cell for residence time distribution measurements, 11. ­ ( eL r L )
liquid outlet; 12. liquid Ž lled stainless steel tube connected to a pressure
­ t
+$ ·( r L e L u L ) =0 (2)
sensor; 13. Valve; 14. tracer injection; 15. quick shut-off valve.
­ ( r G e G uG ) T

­ t
+$ ·( r G eG uG uG 2 m G e G ($ uG + ($ uG ) ))
The experimental set-up, shown in Figure 1, consists of a =2 e G $ p + M G,L + r G eG g (3)
rectangular sieve tray and ancillary gas and liquid distribu-
­ ( r L e L uL ) T
tion devices. The sieve tray geometry used in the
­ t
+$ · ( r L e L uL uL 2 m L eL ($ uL + ($ uL ) ))
experiments is shown in Figure 2 and consists of a total of
276 holes of 5 mm diameter (fraction al hole area on tray is =2 eL $ p 2 M G,L + r L eL g (4)
0.0627). A calibrated rotam eter (8) is used to control the gas
 ow rate (7). The gas enters the sieve tray trough a 0.025 m where r k , uk , ek and m k represent, respectiv ely, the
diam eter copper tube, which has a cap on top to ensure macroscopic density, velocity, volum e fraction and viscos-
uniform out ow of gas. The superŽ cial gas velocity UG used ity of the kth phase, p is the pressure, M G,L , the interphase
in the experim ents ranged from 0.5 to 1.2 m s 2 1 . The liquid momentum exchange between and liquid phases and g is the
from the storage tank (2) is fed to the downcomer (6) by gravitational force. The gas and liquid phases share the sam e
means of a centrifug al pump (3). The liquid  ow rate is pressure Ž eld, pG = pL . For the continuous, liquid, phase,
measured by a calibrate d liquid  owmeter (4). The liquid the turbulent contribution to the stress tensor is evaluated by
loads, per weir length, QL /W , ranged from 43 102 4 means of k 2 e model, using standard single phase
to 123 10 2 4 m 3 s 2 1 m 2 1 . Various weir heights, Hw of 60, param eters C m = 0 .09, C 1e = 1 .44, C 1e = 1 .92, s k = 1 and
80, 90 and 100 mm were used in the experiments. The liquid s e = 1 .3. No turbulence model is used for calculating the
inlet tube (5) with an inner diameter of 15 mm is placed velocity Ž elds within the dispersed gas phase.
above the downcomer (6) and distribute s the liquid For gas-liquid bubbly  ows the interp hase momentum
exchange term is
3 eG
M L,G = r L C D ( uG 2 uL ) | uG 2 uL | (9)
4 dG
where C D is the interphase mom entum exchange coefŽ cient
or drag coefŽ cient. For the Stokes regim e
CD = 24 /ReG ; ReG = r L UG dG /m L (10)
and for the inertial regim e, also known as the turbulent
regim e
CD = 0.44 (11)
which is the relation used by Fischer and Quarini . For the
churn-turbulent regim e of bubble colum n operation,
Krishna et al. estimate d the drag coefŽ cient of a swarm
of large bubbles using
4 rL 2 rG 1
Figure 2. Top view of the geometry of the rectangular sieve tray used in the CD =3 rL
gdG 2
V slip

Trans IChemE, Vol 77, Part A, October 1999


where V slip is the slip velocity of the bubble swarm with

respect to the liquid
V slip = | uG 2 uL | (13)
Substituting equations (12) and (13) into equation (9) gives
M L,G = eG ( r L 2 rG )g 2
V slip
( uG 2 uL ) | uG 2 uL | (14)

The slip between gas and liquid can be estim ated from
superŽ cial gas velocity UG and the gas hold-up eG
V slip = UG /eG (15)
In this work the Bennett et al. correlatio n is used to Figure 3. SpeciŽ cation of the computational space used in the CFD
estim ate the gas hold-up: simulations.

[ (! ) ]
W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W WW 0 . 91
B r gas B B
eL = exp 2 12 .55 us
r liq 2 r gas
; eG =12 eL
of the grid size is based on experience gained in the
modelling of gas-liquid bubble colum ns operating in the
(16) 37
churn-turbulent regime (Krishna ). The chosen grid size of
The interphase momentum exchange term is therefore 5 mm is smaller than the smallest grid used in our earlier
1 study (Krishna ), where grid convergence was satisŽ ed.
M L,G = eG ( r L 2 rG )g
( UG /eBG )
2 ( uG 2 uL ) | uG 2 uL | The total number of grid cells within the computational
space is 783 243 44 = 82368. Figure 4 shows the layout of
(17) holes at the sieve plate in the bottom of the system . The
This form ulation, however, gives numerical difŽ culties fractiona l free-area in the computations is the same as that
during start-up of the tray with fresh liquid because in the used in the experiments; however, square holes are used in
freeboard the liquid hold-up is zero. In order to overcom e the simulatio ns rather than circular holes because a
this problem equation (17) is modiŽ ed as follow s rectangular Cartesian coordinate system is used. The use
1 1 of square holes inside of circular holes does not impact on
M L,G = eG eL ( r L 2 rG) g 2
( UG /eBG ) eBL
( uG 2 uL ) | uG 2 uL | the simulatio n results because the Eulerian fram ework is
used for describin g either  uid phase. The geometry of the
(18) holes would in uence the results in VOF simulatio ns, which
B 2 B
where the term 1 /( U / ) 1 / is estimated a priori from the
G eG eL is used for a priori predictio n of bubble dynamics (Krishna
Bennett relation (16). This approach ensures that the and van Baten )
average gas hold-up in the gas-liquid dispersio n on the Simulations have been perform ed on a Silicon Graphics
froth conforms to experimental data over a wide range of Power Challenge with six R10000 processors running in
conditions (as measured by Bennett et al. ). When
33 parallel at 200 Mhz. A representative dynamic simulatio n
incorporating equation (18) for the gas-liquid momentum took about 2 days to attain steady state. From the simulatio n
exchange within the mom entum balance relations (3) and results, average liquid hold-up as a function of height has
(4) the local, transient, values of uG , uL , eG and eL are used. A been determin ed. Dispersion height has been deŽ ned by the
further point to note is that use of equation (18) for the height at which the average liquid hold-up drops below 10
momentum exchange obviates the need for specifying the percent. Clear liquid height has been determined by multi-
bubble size; indeed for the range of superŽ cial gas velocities plying the average total system liquid hold-up with the height
used in our experim ents and simulatio ns there are no well of the system. Average liquid hold-up has been calculated by
deŽ ned bubbles. The two-phase Eulerian simulatio n dividing clear liquid height by dispersion height.
approach used here only requires that the gas phase be the
dispersed phase; this dispersio n could consist of either gas
bubbles or gas jets, or a combination thereof.
A commercial CFD package CFX 4.2 of AEA Technol-
ogy, Harwell, UK, was used to solve the equations of
continuity and momentum for the two- uid mixture. This
package is a Ž nite volum e solver, using body-Ž tted grids.
The grids are non-staggered and all variables are evaluated
at the cell centres. An improved version of the Rhie-Chow
algorithm is used to calculate the velocity at the cell faces.
The pressure-velocity coupling is obtained using the
SIMPLEC algorithm (Van Doorm al and Raithby ). For
the convective term s in equations (1) – (4) hybrid differen-
cing was used. A fully implicit backward differen cing
schem e was used for the tim e integration.
The dimensions of the computational space are
0.393 0.123 0.22 m, as shown in Figure 3. Grid cells of Figure 4. Layout of the sieve plate used in the CFD simulations. The grid
5 mm size are used in the x-, y- and z- directions. The choice size is 5 mm and 216 5 mm square holes are used in the simulations.

Trans IChemE, Vol 77, Part A, October 1999

KRISHNA et al.

4 1
Figure 5. Snapshots of the front view of the Eulerian simulations at a superŽ cial gas velocity, UG = 0.7 m s2 1 ; weir height hw = 80 mm; liquid weir load QL /W = 8 .253 10 2 m 3 s2 m 2 1 . An animation of the simulation
can be viewed on our web site:

Trans IChemE, Vol 77, Part A, October 1999


Further details of the computational algorithms used, simulatio ns is 23 10 s. The approach to a quasi-steady
boundary conditions, including an animation of a typical state is done by monitoring the liquid liquid in the system .
simulation are available on our web site: http://ct-cr4.chem. Typically, 3000 tim e steps are required to attain quasi- steady state conditions. To obtain steady state values of the
Quasi-stead y state values are obtained by running a clear liquid height, presented later in this work, instanta-
dynamic simulatio n until no more changes in the total liquid neous results have been averaged over a tim e period in
hold-up in the system are observed for a period large enough which the liquid holdup in the system rem ained practically
to obtain a time average. The largest time step used in the constant.

Figure 6. Snapshots of the top view of the Eulerian simulations at a superŽ cial gas velocity, UG = 0.7 m s 2 1 ; weir height hw = 80 mm; liquid weir load
QL /W = 8 .25 3 10 2 4 m 3 s2 1 m 2 1 . An animation of the simulation can be viewed on our web site:

Trans IChemE, Vol 77, Part A, October 1999

644 KRISHNA et al.

Figure 7. Distribution of liquid hold-up along the height of the dispersion

for superŽ cial gas velocities, UG = 0.5, 0.7 and 0.9 m s 2 . Weir height

h w = 80 mm; liquid weir load QL /W = 8 .253 10 m s m 2 1 . The values

2 4 3 2 1

of the hold-up are obtained after averaging along the x- and y- directions
and over a sufŽ ciently long time interval once quasi-steady state conditions Figure 9. Clear liquid height as a function of the liquid weir load.
are established. Comparison of experimental data with literature correlations and CFD
simulations. W eir height h w = 80 mm; SuperŽ cial gas velocity
UG = 0 . 7 m s 2 1 . The values of the clear liquid height from the simulations
are obtained after averaging over a sufŽ ciently long time interval once
CFD SIMULATIONS VS EXPERIMENTS quasi-steady state conditions are established and determining the
Figures 5 and 6 present computational snapshots of the cumulative liquid hold-up within the computational space.
front view and top view of the tray. The existence of liquid
circulatio n cells is apparent, as is the chaotic behaviour of
the tray. Figure 7 presents typical sim ulation results for the respectiv ely, with the results from CFD simulatio ns and
variation of the liquid hold-up along the height of the literature correlatio ns. Of the literature correlatio ns, those of
38 40
dispersion. The values of the hold-up are obtained after Colwell and Stichlma ir agree best with our experimental
averaging along the x- and y- direction s and over a results. In the present experim ents it was found that small
sufŽ ciently long tim e interval once quasi-steady state amounts of im purities and surface active agents tend to
conditions are establish ed. The simulated trends in the in uence the experimental results to a signiŽ cant extent.
liquid hold-up with gas velocity UG are in line with The Bennett correlation and our CFD simulatio ns give a
experimental data (e.g. Zuiderweg ). good representation of systems which show good coales-
Figure 8 compares the experimental data for the clear cence behaviour. If coalescence is suppressed by the
liquid height with varying superŽ cial gas velocity with the presence of impuritie s, the gas holdup would tend to
results from CFD simulatio ns and four typical literature increase with a concomitant decrease in the clear liquid
correlations (Bennett et al. , Colwell3 8 , Hofhuis and height. Apparently, the correlatio ns of Colwell, Stichlma ir
39 40
Zuiderweg , Stichlm air ). The values of the clear liquid and Hofhuis and Zuiderweg work best for non-coalescing
height from the simulatio ns are obtained after averaging system s. Such system s can be sim ulated by making the
over a sufŽ ciently long time interval once quasi-steady state appropriate changes in the slip velocity relation used in
conditions are establish ed and determ ining the cumulative equation (18).
liquid hold-up within the computational space. Figures 9 In Figure 10 it is noted that the deviation between our
and 10 compare the experim ental data for the clear liquid CFD sim ulations and the Bennett correlation for the clear
height with varying liquid weir loads and weir height, liquid height increases when the weir height increases to

Figure 8. Clear liquid height as a function of the superŽ cial gas velocity. Figure 10. Clear liquid height as a function of the weir height. Comparison
Comparison of experimental data with literature correlations and CFD of experimental data with literature correlations and CFD simulations.
simulations. Weir height hw = 80 mm; liquid weir load QL /W = 8 . 253 QL /W = 8 .253 10 2 4 m 3 s2 1 m 2 1 ; SuperŽ cial gas velocity UG = 0 .7 m s 2 1 .
10 2 4 m 3 s2 1 m 2 1 . The values of the clear liquid height from the simulations The values of the clear liquid height from the simulations are obtained after
are obtained after averaging over a sufŽ ciently long time interval once averaging over a sufŽ ciently long time interval once quasi-steady state
quasi-steady state conditions are established and determining the conditions are established and determining the cumulative liquid hold-up
cumulative liquid hold-up within the computational space. within the computational space.

Trans IChemE, Vol 77, Part A, October 1999


between the gas and liquid phases on a tray. Such relations

must clearly be dependent on the operating regime of the

dG diameter of gas bubble, m
CD drag coefŽ cient, dimensionless
g acceleration due to gravity, 9.81 m s 2 2
H dispersion height, m
M interphase momentum exchange term, N m 2 3

pressure, N m 2
liquid  ow rate across tray, m s 2
3 1
Re Reynolds number, dimensionless
t time, s
velocity vector, m s2
UG superŽ cial gas velocity, m s2 1
slip velocity between gas and liquid, m s 2
W weir length, m
Figure 11. Clear liquid height along the x- and y- directions. QL /W = x coordinate, m
8 .253 10 2 4 m 3 s 2 1 m 2 1 ; UG = 0.7 m s 2 1 ; hw = 80 mm. The values of the y coordinate, m
clear liquid height from the simulations are obtained after averaging over a z coordinate, m
sufŽ ciently long time interval once quasi-steady state conditions are
established and determining the clear liquid height by averaging over (a) y Greek letters
and z, and (b) over x and z directions respectively. e volume fraction of phase, dimensionless
m viscosity of phase, Pa s
r density of phases, kg m 2 3
t stress tensor, N m 2 2
values larger than 80 mm . The reason for this deviation is
because the values of hw in the experim ents of Bennett et al. Subscripts
ranged from 0 – 25 mm. The im proved agreem ent between cl clear liquid
the CFD simulatio ns and experim ents with increasin g weir disp dispersion
G referring to gas phase
heights, suggests that the assum ed drag relations are more
k index referring to one of the three phases
applicable to the bubbly froth regime rather than to the spray L referring to liquid phase
regim e. slip slip
In Figures 8, 9 and 10 the clear liquid heights were
determin ed by averaging over the x , y and z direction s of the Superscripts
B from Bennett correlation
computational space (see Figure 3). For a typical run, with
QL /W = 8 .253 10 2 4 m 3 s 2 1 m 2 1 , UG = 0 .7 m s 2 1 and hw =
80 mm , the clear liquid heights in the x - and y- directions are REFERENCES
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R. Krishna, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Am ster-
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30. Jakobsen, H. A., Sannæs, B. H., Grevskott, S., and Svendsen, H. F., The manuscript was received 15 January 1999 and accepted for
1997, Modeling of bubble driven vertical  ows, Ind Eng Chem Res, 36: publication after revision 14 May 1999.
4052 –4074.

Trans IChemE, Vol 77, Part A, October 1999

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