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Literary Guide

Student Name:____________________________________________________________

Title of Book:



Point of View (first or third person):

Setting (time/place):

Mood (what emotions the book arouses in the reader):

Theme(s) (moral or lesson learned from the book):

Character Description (include a brief description—age, occupation, personality, etc):



Other important characters:

Examples of literary devices used (quote from the text and include page numbers):


Dramatic Irony (reader and other characters know more than a particular character):

Situational Irony (when there is a discrepancy between what is expected to happen, or what would be
appropriate to happen, and what really does happen):



Allusions (subtle references to well-known people, events, ideas, etc)

Conflict(s): Describe at least 4. Explain the situation and characters involved. They might include:

Person vs. Person

Person vs. Society

Person vs. Self

Person vs. Nature

Person vs. Fate (God)

Plot Events: 5-8 Rising Actions

Climax: When the problem is solved at the end of the story. It’s the most exciting part.

Falling Action Events:

Examples of Figure of Speech Used (again, quote from the text and give page numbers).

Hyperbole (Exaggerations. For example “I tried a thousand times”):


Personification (giving non-living items human traits. For example, “The stars winked at me”):

Personal Reactions to the Novel (write a paragraph of your personal reactions to this book):

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