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‘be Swe Review PAGE 6 ‘Thursday, December 30, 2010 Editorial: Pilot projects on BLM Salazar’s forest plans raises spirits, but only a little ‘en down so long it 6 B' Took like up to me” isthe name of book, sag and the optimistic view that another stay of forestry management forthe spotted vl wil yield near ‘erm economic rele for Dow las Count ‘At the equest of Rep. Pete Detazio and Sen. Jeff Merkley, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar met with enon mental and industy leaders in (October At that mestng, he featured a proposal to establish ilo projets in southwestern ‘regon o evaluate forest restoration techies He asked fr, and received, suppor forthe proposal from environmental and timber Industry representatives. The plan was writen by two ofthe Eschitcts ofthe Northest Forest Plan. That pan, the basis for myriad Tai fled by envioamentalsts, has essentially shut dowe loging Operations on federal forest, ‘Shortly afer entering office as Interior secretary, Salazar threw out the Wester Oregon Plan Revision as being unlike |y to withstand legal eal. Jenges. That plan bad been five years in development and rep- ‘esented research and opinions froma broad range of stake- hlders and experts ‘Salazar invited atendees at the October meeting 10 cone {to Washington in mid-Nover bert further diss the new restoration propos ato Pinpoint sh precise forest fangs forthe projec. ‘Cerinly, it was encouraging to have an Interior secretary ‘sit Roseburg and speak tothe ontentions issues hat have Aivided the community and ‘wiped out much of what had ‘once provided économie vtal- 1 forthe region Bester yet, Salazar volun tected, "Thave no interest, frankly in being «part of flys paralysis or king the eam on down the road wouldn't be here tt was any Interest My interest in feting theresa far Inakng sure that we do every {hing we canto standup the ‘sono inthis ae.” cos art we gre wih thor eh el the px plan endow desing.” Yes we'd Uke tt be sacs and 34s, we'd ike to se Salazar's ‘inion of leading fo 820 ear management plan forthe 2 lin acres of Oregon & Catfomin Riad trast nd However, out reported ‘ugemployment remains over 1 percent and, her tan recent interest fom China in Jogs and low-grade lamber, there are few prospects for near-term rele, The clock is ‘ekingon the Payments in Lew of Taxes (the safety net for timber euntis) andthe ‘Sceute Rural Schools program. “Another plot program, even ‘one as undefined a this op from where sve have been. I isn't up by mach. eis nt ime for interior Secretary Salarar tock this problem of his to-do list. The can ie til on the rood and up iss Tong, long ‘vay from here

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