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So My Boy It Has Come To This . . . . .

I walked along a misty path 

I could not see the sky 
Nor my feet feel the grass. 
My ears had become deaf to the earth's beautiful song 
Wearily, helplessly I dragged my feet along. 
My eyes could only see desperation and pain 
They awoke every day to re-plays of the same. 

My inner voice I had silenced by force 

It had been drowned out as I allowed the alcohol to take its course. 
To cover it up never let it be heard 
As it lied to me telling me there was hope in this world. 

I pulled my life along like an oxen and cart 

Then slowly and deliberately I got the scissors and began ripping myself
The world was to blame for my situation in life, 
Even questioning whether he was right that night with a knife. 

Then one evening my despair was doing just fine 

As I hid all my problems behind oceans of wine 
Then I felt a presence stand at my side 
I had no where left to run and nowhere to hide. 

For this presence was not a spectre or one of god's minions sent to see 
No, this presence was my source, my spirit, it was ME! 
I was standing and looking at myself addled and lost 
It was then that I knew my insane carousel ride had come to a stop. 
And thankfully, so thankfully, I could finally get off. 

That night the drink was thrown away the bottle smashed 
And that is when I realised I was free at last. 

I began to hear the words of love that had been screaming to break
For months and months they had been guiding me,
And they had all been from you. 
You held me, you helped me to see things anew. 
To build back my soul, my life and my view 
You showed me the sunrise, the sunset the moon, 
How there is beauty in everything, 
How to see through the gloom. 
You taught me to forgive, to love, to be free 
You showed me a radiant, brilliant me. 

You even taught me how to become healthy and fit 

and so my boy . . . it has all come to this . . . 

Please take this gift I give to you 

My heart 
My love 
and Robert Walton "I do" 

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