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How to make origami cats:

(a) fold paper diagonally up form a triangle

(b) fold the paper to the right so your elbows form a right triangle

(c) open triangle folds elbow crease lines were so visible

(d) fold down the top end of the triangle, until he reached the bottom. Is it just for the
front only.

(e) open the folded edge of the triangle so it looks like the folds of the intersection line
(b) and (d).
(f) folding the bottom end of the triangular top to fold intersection

(g) Fold the top right and left, thus forming a cat's ear.

(h) then fold the bottom corner upwards through origami

(i) be shaped origami cat's head

It is more funny,don’t forget to paint the eyes,nose,and mouth on origami whiskers cat.

Name : Fatma Sarah Afrida (11)

Class: 9F

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