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(2) ayes Bulletin No. 18b "More Real? Only the preying Ohristian can realise the horror of sin in the sight of a holy God, the avful depravity of the human heart, our utter worthlessness - end then something of the love of God, what it cost Him to redeen us, and the wonders of redemption! Only the preying Christian can really know the transforming power of the Risen Christ. Only as he prays can he realise his own weakness, and yet be able to shout triumphantly, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me" Only on his knees can the believer hear and answer the Macedonian Gall, see the plight of perishing humanity as God sees it, and feel the Urge to "be thrust forth". It de in the Prayer Sanctuary that the child of God begins to sense hig responsibility in the divine program, and is moved to cry, "Lord, What wilt Thou have me to do?" REDEEMING THE TIME. (Bphesians 5.16). Daring recont years the pace of modem life has specded up trenend- ously. Most of us have been caught up in the ewirl. Someone has said Ghat’ lize today is like a monstrous machine that absorbs us into ito Inagry maws, and sweeps ts along willy-nilly in its irresistiple current. {noreasingly,denande are made upon what we weed to call “our leisure {inet Waite Science has provided us with many time-saving devices, yet strangely enough, it has robbed us of the very gift it bestows - Ghose few restful hoursour minds and bodies need s0 much. To disregard this, is to allow life's stresses and strains to imperil us physic- aiiy and mentally. The danger to the Christian is that he can lose his "freshness" in Ood, and find his spiritual resources draining avay. Wien ihe Christian 49 deprived of his tines of devotion, his spiritual life is headed for disaster. "Eine" is a trust, and we are stevards of it. Notwithstanding the huriey-burley of the days we are living in, we are otill responsible fo dol for cur timo, and one day will ave to account for it. I believe it is IMPERATIVE for the Christian to schedule or plan his day. It is casy to squander the wealth of the passing momento. What Jesus said when He fed tho multitude could well apply to the Souservation of our tise, "Gather up the traguente that nothing be The calibre of a person may be known by the way he spends his spare nonents. Oh, Brethren, may we endeavour to make the minutes colnt for etemity! Iventy-four hours 2 day! How much of 4t fe epent on "self"? And how much for Goa? "Nake my 1ife and let it be consecrated, Lord, to Thee. Take ny monents and my days, let then flow it ceasclese praige" As the years pass, the mind becones less resilient and less retentive. Oh, young people, do redeen the time by diligently using every opportine nonent to build yourself up in God and to gain equipment for His service! “Redeering the time" - it needs self-discipline - it neede a programmed Life ~ it needs God's help! But it pays worthwhile dividends! PRAISE "Prom the rising of the aun unto the going dom of the came, the Tort's nane is to be praises" (Ps 115.3) he early morning prayer-tine sete the heart in tune with od. Now - KEEP IN TUNE, Praise does this. Let your praises go up to God continually - but praise Hin intelligoatiy, not Just mechanically. Let every utterance express love, gratitude, trust, prayer or vorship.

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