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Mass Casualty Blast Trauma for First Responders

Note from Rich: “With the 2-day Seminar I envision break-out sessions where the
participants get to see/examine/practice with products.”

Simple Syllabus or Schedule

2-day Seminar

Day 1

0900-0915 Introductions

0915-0945 TCCC- How does it apply to you?

0945-1045 Understanding of Blast Trauma (*If we can get Rich on the LHS course
fast enough, he can issue the FEMA Blast Trauma Awareness certificate as well as
the TCCC).

What does it mean to be prepared: proper training, proper equipment?

1045-1100 Break

110-1200 Bleeding/Hemorrhage Control

How fast can we bleed and how can we control it? What bandages are
available to help?

1200-1300 Lunch

1300-1400 Point of Wounding

This is where you get the biggest return for your efforts however, what
are your additional threats?

1400-1415 Break

1415-1515 Now what?

What care can you provide while waiting for evacuation resources? Is
there still a threat? What do you Local Protocols Allow You to Execute?

1515-15300 Break

1530-1600 Demonstration of Various Equipment/Bandages/Procedures

1600-1630 Questions and Guidance for Tomorrow

Day 2

0900-0915 Introductions Again

0915-1015 Recap and Review of Yesterdays Topics: Bringing you up to Speed

1015-1030 Break

1030-1130 Transporting your Casualty

The logistical questions: What are your jurisdictional plans?

Ambulances, Airlift, Emergency Rooms, Burn Units, and Hyperbaric
Chambers: Where is your casualty to go for the best possible outcome?

1130-1230 Lunch

1230-1330 Protecting and Preserving the Scene

Balancing the medical with the legal issues: What are some ways of
preserving evidence?

1330-1345 Break

1345-1445 Choosing Groups and Receiving Trauma Scenario (enable groups to

experiment with supplies and devise a plan of action)

1445-1545 Group Presentations and Demonstrations (utilize plan of action and

demonstrate procedures) (I’m thinking one person to present group
plan and other to demonstrate, 4 groups x 15minutes each or 5 groups
x 10 minutes each – would need to play with this to get it right)

1545-1600 Closing Remarks and Questions

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