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STATE OF MAINE COMMISSION ON GOVERNMENTAL ETHICS ‘AND ELECTION PRACTICES 135 Stare House STATION ‘AuGUSTA, MAINE (04333-0135 October 29, 2010 Patricia Wiggins 309 Black Point Road Scarborough, Maine 04074 Dear Patsy: Thope you are fully recovered from campaign activities earlier this year. Ineed to request an opportunity to meet with you in connection with an investigation by the stalf ‘of the Maine Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices. I would like to ask if we could mect in Portland during the week beginning November 1, Please call me at 287-4179, Thank you. Sincerely, ae Executive Director LOCATED AT: 45 MemorrAL CIRCLE, AUGUSTA, MAINE. WEBSITE: WWW.MAINE.GOV/ETHICS PHONE: (207) 287-4179 FAX: (207) 287-6775

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