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By Evangelist
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9ailk Clinic
P.o. Box 353
Dallas, Texas

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aC 0 Chapter I
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Several wheel chairs were brought into the services under
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G the big gospel tent. People came for healing. But they had
time to stay for only one service. They did not return. I
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~ suppose they blame me for not praying for them. Had I
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.a~ • prayed for them nothing would have happened unless they

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were in the Spirit. When the anointing is there I can
usually tell when a man or woman has faith.
..... I was in another service. It seemed that everyone there
0 were ready for healing, and expecting something. Every
wheel chair, cot, and stretcher was left empty. People who
had not walked in fourteen and sixteen years were instantly
That is the way it was in the Bible days. Some cities
rejected the message. No one was healed. Jesus, Himself
walked away and put a curse on the city (Matt. 11 :23-
Matt. 13 :58). In other cities everyone was healed (Matt. 4:
Look at the Pool of Bethesda. Jesus instructed one man
until he was in the Spirit. Then he was healed. Others were
trusting in the water instead of trusting in Jesus. Jesus
left them sick.
Many people are trusting in the water today for their
soul's salvation. Others are trusting in the Spirit of God.
They are delivered from sin. You must get in the Spirit,
and get out of yourself, if you want deliverance from sin or
A natural man cannot receive the thipgs of the Lord.
(I Cor. 2 :14). He that is in the flesh cannot please God
(Rom. 8 :8). Godo'.is ~eeking people to worship Him in the
Spirit (John 4 :23). You cannot worship the Lord unless you
are in the Spirit.
Moses almost missed it. He looked at the burning bush.
He could not reason it out in his own mind; so he passed on

by. The next day as he looked at the bush on fire, and it learned that she had left her husband and married a preach-
was not consumed, he decided that God was in that bush. er. Both of them were out of connection with the Spirit
His attention was drawn to the work of God. He got in the of God.
Spirit. Soon he left the forty sheep on the back side of the The other stretcher case was also a woman. She had joy
desert. Soon he was bringing freedom to millions of God's in her face. She arose and walked for the first time in years.
people. It was all because he got out of the natural into She left the stretcher and rode home in a car.
the supernatural. The other night in Springdale, Arkansas there was a
Many ministers stand back today and try to reason out large group of people of many denominations seeking the
the plan of God in their finite minds. They are still with a Holy Ghost. Someone came and pulled my arm. "Pray for
little group of people out in the desert. They have not heard this woman," somebody cried. "Wait until I see the joy in
the voice of God because they are bound by tradition of her face," I said.
the elders that makes the Word of God of none effect in It must be born of God. God must send me. to the seeker.
their lives. There must be a drawing power. Urge me to pray for them
Moses started out in the natural and was a failure. Forty before they are ready and nothing will happen.
years later he got out of the natural into the supernatural Many people were filled with the Holy Ghost because
and became a great minister of deliverance. Millions of they were ready. Paul's members entered in. Each of them
people were delivered from the bondage of Satan. had a gift. The secrets of men's hearts were made manifest.
Hezekiah. was incurable. God said that he must die. The At first Naaman was in the natural. He went to the wrong
man of God brought him the message. He could have been man for his healing. He tried to buy it. You don't have
too busy. He could have asked the advice of the cold clergy- enough money to pay for your healing. Naaman was the
men of his day and missed the blessing. He could have tried carnal, natural flesh. He could not please God. That is why
to reason things out in the natural. He could have let the Elisha told him to do something that would break down his
doctors put him under dope. That would have been the last natural resistance. Many good men today are looking to
of him. He could have let the relatives stop him. He could man, denominations, theology, or creed for help. None of
have been too reserved. He could have stood back because of these things are going to get the glory. God will get the
public opinion. He could have prayed a dry, formal prayer glory.
and said, "If it be thy holy will, heal me." Many people need to back track as did Naaman. He hum-
Hezekiah entered in. He worshipped. Supernatural faith bled himself and entered into the Spirit. Six dips would not
began to work. The Lord heard his prayers and saw his have been enough. He had to bow in full obedience and in
tears. The Lord added fifteen years to his life. It was all entire surrender. God's ways are not our ways. His ways
because the king broke loose from the natural plane and are past finding out. His thoughts are above our thoughts.
got on the spiritual level. The disciples said to Jesus, "Send her away." The little
Two stretcher cases recently came into Soul's Harbor. woman did not belong to their race or their denomination.
One of the women had a far off look in her eyes. She had At first Jesus ignored her. But soon she worshiped Jesus.
no Spirit of God on her. She did not break up the fallow She made the connections in the Spirit realm. She tapped
ground of her soul (Jer. 4 :3). So the Lord did not rain the resources. Her daughter was healed as Jesus spoke'
righteousness. She went out as she came in. We later the word.

2 3
Some matches will not strike except on their own box. ministry. The Holy Ghost will bring all things to our
I like a match that will strike anywhere. Some Christians remembrance and guide us into all truth" (John 14:26).
will not pray except in their own church. They miss it a What would have happened had Peter taken out his note
mile because they do not get in the Spirit. They worship book at the gate called Beautiful and,said, "This is the way
their church instead of the Master. that Jesus did it. This is the way that it happened the last
We are healed by grace and not by race. A six year old time I had a campaign." Healing comes in a different way
child can lead a service as well as many preachers. They most every time, sermon or no sermon.
have memorized what to do. You can't beat them loose from
that form. They deny the power. You can't go to school Peter almost missed it at the household of Cornelius. He
and learn how to worship God. Some schools try to run could have taken out his notes and seen how it worked in
everyone through the same "cookie cutter." Their preachers his last meeting. He could have preached a five point mes-
are like bologna coming out of a packing house. They are sage. It could have been firstly, secondly, thirdly, etc. He
shaped just alike and stuffed with the same thing. With entered into the Spirit. Before he got through his first point,
God there are diversities of operations. . God set him aside and baptized all his audience. Peter did
One time God healed with mud, another time with the not get any of the credit. He just went along and watched
River" Jordan, another time with a shadow, another time God do it. He was a witness to what God did (Acts
with ;aprons, another time with handkerchiefs, another time Chapter 10).
with stretching forth a hand, another time with spit, and Recently in Arkansas under the big tent hundreds of
another time with carrying a bed. They had no Scripture people were seeking God in a Holy Ghost Rally. I noticed
for it, but it worked anyway. We must get in the Spirit and some people keep pulling at me. They wanted me to come
get out of the natural, orthodox way that men rely on. God over and pray for a deaf boy. I was anointed to pray people
must get the glory. through to the Holy Ghost. I had enough discerning of
God worked with them, confirming the Word with signs spirits to know it was not time to have a healing service.
following. The reason God worked with them was they Mter many were saved and healed I felt the anointing
worked with God. gradually change. Then I did not have to pray. I motioned
Peter and John could have anointed the man with oil, put for the boy, about seventeen years old. I did not pray. I put
mud on him, given him a card, laid hands on him, run him my fingers into his ears. He could hear a watch tick. The
through a line, or had him to dip in Jordan. All of that blind began to see. rrhe deaf began to hear. Thirteen people
would have been Scriptural. But any of it would have been were healed of deaf in the audience without my pray-
a form, orthodox, or in the flesh. " ing for them. We had a large altar call. Many people sur-
This happened because Peter and John went to the hour rendered to God.
of prayer each day. They had fasted and prayed. They were The boy had been going to a deaf school for many years.
in the Spirit. They were out of self, (Acts 3 :1-10). Now he is going to the regular school. It is all because I
When preachers make a note book they are preparing for got out of self into the Spirit. Coming from California the
a dry time. According to their faith be it unto them. If jet airplane got into a jet stream. The current of wind
they would tear up all their note books and lay on top ~f pushed right on into Dallas. We arrived home early. It is
the house and pray as did Peter, signs would follow th~lr better than going against the wind. We need to go with
The way of a transgressor is hard. It is hard when we
the Spirit instead of going against the tide. If God goes
go against the Spirit. The Spirit is likened to the wind. The
one way and you pull the other way you pull yourself apart
Lord likens us to an eagle (Deut. 32 :11). The eagle waits
and take a nervous breakdown or a mental crackup.
until the right time to fly. Then he flies in the right direc-
The prodigal son knew it when he left the pig pen. He
tion. If we wait upon the Lord we will mount up with wings
knew it when his father kissed him. He knew it when he
as an eagle. We will run and not be as weary. We will walk
took a bath, put on the robe, and new shoes. He knew it
and not faint (Isa. 40 :31). He that ministereth let him
when a ring was put on his finger. He knew it when the
wait on his ministering (Rom. 12 :7).
fatted calf was between his teeth. He knew it when they
Recently I was in California. I asked the people under the
began to make merry with music and dancing.
big tent if they believed everyone that looked at the brazen
The elder brother heard the music and dancing. He
serpent was healed. They said," Yes". I pointed them to the
refused to enter in. He made the mistake of his life. He
One that was lifted up on the cross. As I was talking to
swelled up with envy. He wanted a special platter and a
them about three hundred people were filled with the Spirit. I
special place.
Several people deaf in one ear were instantly healed. Several
God has one table. You must enter in and work with the
blind eyes were healed.
spiritf~ You can't be in a special class to yourself. You are
About five people did not get healed. They were in the
no better than any other denomination or any other ra~e.
carnal. They were waiting for a special healing line. They
You must enter into the Spirit and come to the same table
were left standing there as the people were left waiting at
with all the rest of God's' people. Get out of self. There are
the pool. They did not know the leading of the Spirit. Many
many carnal members, staying at home watching television
good people are in self. I would have been in self had I
today. They think they are in a better class than the rest
formed a line and prayed for them individually. God was
of God's people.
leading the other way. I was in the jet stream. I had found
Jesus put mud in the blind man's eyes. He told him to
the direction the wind was moving.
do the impossible. How can a blind man go five miles across
Nebuchadnezzar missed it a million miles. He saw the Son
town and find a pool? The poor man got out of the natural
of God walking around in that fiery furnace with the
and entered into the Spirit. That is what Jesus was trying
Hebrew children. He was in the natural. He was carnal. He
to get him to do all the time. You know what happened?
made a decision. He saw a miracle but did not acknowledge
His blind eyes were open. He first had to get out of self.
It is so hard when you pull against the Spirit. It is so it. He saw God in action and did not confess Him. He did as
many people do today. He missed God. He said, "I know
easy when you go with the Spirit. We must go against all
someone is there. It looks like the 'Son of God'."
natural reasoning and go with God.
Chapter II Right there he missed the chance of his life time. His
pride caused him to judge in the natural. In a few days his
GET OUT OF SELF. pride grew until he took the praise for himself. He said
Watch an eagle. He flops his wings very little. Maybe that he had built that kingdom himself (Dan. 4 :30). In a
few days his mind left him. He was driven out in the fields
he will make two or three strokes with his wings. Then he
with the cattle. His nails grew out like bird claws. He was
finds a wind somewhere. He goes with the air stream. He
out in the dew and weather for seven years. That is why
rides the wind. He sails.

good men are lost. They don't know the day of their visita- the natural they believed they were as good as the other
tion. They become possessed with the devil because they do virgins. They were members. They paid tithes. They be-
n~t acknowledge the Spirit of God and get out of the natural longed to a church with a high steeple. They had time to
into the supernatural Spirit of God, where there is watch television, golf a little, and go to church on Sunday.
protection. They grinned. when others shouted, but they did not enter in.
The revival was on. People were being saved, healed, and They stayed in the natural.
delivered by the thousands. A rich young ruler asked the Since they had no oil, they had no fire. Since they had no
big question, "What good thing must I do to inherit eternal fire they had no shout. Since they had no shout they had no
life?" real joy. Since they had no joy they had no strength. The
Jesus touched his sore spot. He told the young man to power was gone. They had no gifts of the Spirit. They
sell all he had and give it to the poor. Now Judas carried claimed the fruit.
that bag from which the poor was fed (John 12:8). One time Jesus rode a donkey that no one else had ever
God did not care anything about the man's money. He ridden. I see a great crowd of people telling of His great-
wanted the man. He wanted to be first. He would not be ness. No doubt there was a ~ttle widow telling how Jesus
second. He wanted to give the man one hundred times that had raised her son after she was on her way to the ceme-
much money (Matt. 19 :29). The man missed it because he tery with him. There was a man with his little daughter. He
looked on things from a natural standpoint. was saying that Jesus brought her back after she was dead.
That is why good men are lost. They stay in the natural. "I was dead four days and nights. He brought me back
That is what they did in the days before the flood. They ate, to life," cried another man. One woman was telling about
drank, married, and gave in marriage. That is what they the time seven devils came out of her. A man said, "He did
did in the days of Sodom. They bought, sold, planted, and more than that for me. I had a legion of devils in me. He
built. They neglected their salvation. set me free and let me go home to my family." There goes
The Lord did not need what the rich young ruler had. a man crying out, "I was blind. I sat by the wayside begging.
He owns all the cattle of a thousand hills. He owns all the Jesus came by and set me free. Now I can see."
oil in Texas all the wheat in Kansas, all the gold in Ken- One man was telling about. his withered hand that was
tucky, all the diamonds in Arkansas, all the corn in Iowa, healed. "You see how I can now use it," he says. A little
all the apples in Washington, and all the minerals in Alaska. woman said, "He healed me after the doctors gave me up
He owns the earth and the fullness thereof. He wants you to die." It sounded like a testimony service we hear in some
to acknowledge that you are His and get into the Spirit. of our revivals today.
You can't go two ways at once. You will pull yourself But the cold, cruel, educated clergYman missed it a mil-'
apart. You can't chase two rabbits at one time. Deny your- lion miles. They were looking for Jesus in the creeds and
self, take up your cross and follow Him, or you cannot be theology of their day. They were too reserved to get in the
his disciple. Lose yourself and find it in the Lord. If you Spirit. They stayed in the natural and tried to reason things
find your life you will lose it. If you lose it for His sake you out. They wanted the people to be a little more quiet and
will find it. not make so much about their worship service. Jesus told
Ten foolish virgins were good people; they believed, them if these people held their peace the stones would cry
practiced, and dressed holiness. They did not get the oil. In out.

8 9
Many people have the second job, the second shift, sec-
I can hear some of the religious leaders warning the~r ond house and the second car. They put the Lord second.
members "Stay away from Him. You might get the deVIl. The Lord is going to say, sometime, "This night your soul
I warn y~u not to go down there to that meeting. No dou~t is required of thee. Then whose shall these things be?"
they got some of their people to stay away. They staye~ In Won't you enter into the Spirit and cooperate with what
the natural. They did not enter in to what God was dOIng. God is doing in the land today? Are you too busy about
They dried up and blew away. They lost the victory. . your work? The world got along very well without you
There is Judas: He healed the sick and cast out devIls. before you came into the world. I suppose it will roll along
He by transgression fell. He could not stand it because all all right after you are gone. If you are too busy to take care
the money did not come through his books. One little woman of your soul's salvation you are too busy. If you are too
worshipped Jesus in a different way. She saved up a y~ars busy to reach the unreached you are in too big of a hurry
wages and poured ointment on Jesus' body. She had'receI~ed for the Lord. Take time to serve God.
a revelation that He was going to give His life for our SIns
and sickness. She knew that nothing else mattered. She Chapter III
poured:.the ointment on His body for His buria~. The carnal DESPISE NOT PROPHESYINGS
people could not understand what she was dOIng. She en-
tered into the Spirit. They didn't. This is a commandment. from God: He says desire spirit-
Judas stayed in the natural. He criticized something that ual gifts. Some seem to read it, despise spiritual gifts. He
he could not understand. That spirit opened a door for tells us to covet earnestly the best gift. He says, "Rather
others. In a few days he measured the distance f~om the that ye may prophesy" (I Cor. 14 :1). If you prophesy you
limb of a tree to the ground. He had a new hope in hIS hand. edify the church. He says, "Greater is he that prophesieth
He put a firm noose round his neck. He leaped to his death! than he that speaketh with tongues, except that he inter-
His heavy body broke the rope. He fell to the groun~. This pret." Prophecy causes a sinner to be convinced of all and
all began because he stayed in the natural and dId not to be judged of all. It causes the secrets of his heart to be
enter into what God was doing in that hour. made manifest. It causes him to be saved (I Cor. 14 :25).
We have carnal men today. They look out into space. We may all prophesy one by one.
They walk out of the service and criticize when you try to Yesterday in service a lady gave out some beautiful
get a luissionary offering. They say, "It is a great waste." prophecy. Many people rushed to the front and gave God
The n10ney does not go into their bag. If they get ten their hearts. The same thing took place last night. For many
thousand dollars they will shout a year. If we get ten years I have been struggling along for hours in a service.
thousand dollars to win souls in a revival they will fuss. Then suddenly the spirit of prophecy came upon me. As I
rhey are not entering into what God is doi~g. prophesied many people were saved, filled with the spirit
The rich man built his barns larger. He fIxed a place to and healed. It happened as it did when Ezekiel prophesied.
store his corn. He was a good man, but he put other things The dry bones came together. Soon flesh came on the bones.
before the Lord. Any pastor would want a good member Then there arose up an exceeding great and mighty army
for God.
like he was. He no doubt paid his tithes, sent his boys ~o
Bible School, and gave offerings for the church. But he dId One time Moses said that he did not envy any of his
not enter in. He stayed in the natural.
members for prophesying. Unlike many pastors today he was called to do a certain work. He needed no middle man.
·said that he wished that all of God's people would prophesy, He went directly to the Lord. Then after he had received
if they were under the anointing (Num. 11 :29). his call the fleece confirmed the call (Judges 6 :37). A little
Prophecy is a vocal gift, as interpretation, but there has later on, a dream confimed the call. A dream, vision, fleece,
been no tongues spoken. It is not only foretelling, but it is or prophecy is not enough. We have the Holy Ghost in us
forth telling. It is a vocal miracle. to do the guiding-and leading.
Prophecy is speaking forth in your own words the mes- Some good people prophesied over me. They said that the
sage that God has put in your spirit. Spiritual gifts work Lord was calling me to finish the work He left here on this
through the spirit. You choose your words and God anoints earth. I had not been saved long. So the next morning I
them. was ready to go out full time into the ministry. My uncle,
Remember that you must first have a message before who had been preaching for fifteen years, told me that the
you can deliver it in prophecy. The writer, after he was Lord would talk to me about it also.
first filled with the Spirit, would go down into the woods As I prayed and waited on the Lord the Spirit led me
and prophesy to himself as he prayed under the power of to go into business. I stay.ed in business twelve years. A few
God. Then later on he saw how foolish that was. He already years after this I sold out my businesses, the Lord leading
had the message in his spirit. What was the use in telling me to do so. I saw those very things that the prophecy
himself something that he already knew? Does God do spoke, come to pass. The blind saw, the deaf heard, and the
foolish things? He has a purpose in all He does. lame walked. I am so glad that I did not" run ahead of the
If you have the Holy Ghost you have the mind of Christ Lord.
(I Cor. 2:16). Christ is dwelling in you (John 14:17). He Had I gone in my own strength I would have come back
will never leave you nor forsake you. He is with you always a total, discouraged wretch. I could not have blamed the
even to the end of the world. As many as are led by the two women that prophesied over me. I want to earnestly
Spirit of God are the sons of God. The Holy Ghost will guide contend for the faith once delivered to the saints. I want to
you into all truth (John 16:13). You need not that any man vendicate this wonderful gift of prophecy.
teach you, for the anointing that abides in you teacheth you While I was teaching a Bible class a lady asked me if
all things (I John 2 :27). Holy Ghost teaching is all that she should go into a certain city and preach. She said that
helps us. a woman prophesied and told her to go and begin a church
There were real prophets in church at Antioch (Acts in that city.
13 :1-2). When they prophesied it was the real thing. They "Sister, that lady will need to go with you," I told her,
prophesied and told the church to separate Barnabas and "because you don't know the leading of the Lord. She will
Saul for the work that he had already called them to do have to prophesy and tell you every corner to turn, when
(Acts 13:2). Prophecy did not call them. It did not guide to have service, when to make an altar call, when to pray
them. The Holy Spirit in the two evangelists had already for the sick, or what sermon to preach each time." I am
shown them that they were called to a certain work. Pro- not blaming the woman that prophesied. I am putting the
phecy through others only confirmed what God had already blame on the woman that did not pray enough to know the
told them to do. leading of the Spirit, and depended on someone else to
You see Gideon was told directly by the angel that he touch the Lord for her. She would have done no good had

12 13
she gone to the certain city. Some are called. Some are sent.
Some just packed up and went. The Bible says for him that coming back. I will start plumbing again." He did not have
ministereth to wait on his ministry (Rom. 12). Too many to come back to hi" plumbing business, for he went in the
people run ahead of the Lord. will of the Lord.
Some people put their own interpretation on prophecy. Don't be afraid that you will discourage a man from
One man wants to get married. A woman wants to sell her preaching. If he is really called he will do as Isaiah did. He
home. Another one wants to go out into the evangelistic will have a coal of fire all his tongue. He will have the "Go
work. Another wants to move to California. Someone will Ye" in his soul. It will be as real as being saved or filled
prophesy and say, "Yea, I say unto thee go." with the Holy Ghost. You can't keep a dog from barking.
They all do what they want to do. The woman will sell You can't keep a rooster from crowing. You can't keep a
her home. One man resigns his church and goes out into the donkey from braying. If a man is really called, you can't
evangelistic work, the other one moves to California. Later keep him from preaching. The more you try to discourage
on all of them become discouraged and backslide. They put him the more he will preach. If that preach is really there,
all the blame on the Lord. They are to blame for not seeking it will come out. He will be like Jeremiah. He felt fire shut
God for themselves instead of relying on someone else to up in his bones. He could not forebear.
do all their praying for them. The prophecy was true, but After I was saved I went to South Texas, about 750 miles
each man should be led by the Spirit. If you rely on someone from h me. Each day I wanted to come home, but the Spirit
else to lead you, you will always be confused. You have the checked me. One day the Lord showed me a verse in the
Holy Ghost. He is in you. He will guide you into all truth. Bible. The LOl d told Joseph to go down into Egypt and "Be
Some people get ahead of the Lord. If you and I were there ntH I bring thee word" (Matt. 2 :13). Joseph had
chasing a ball, and I would see that you are going to g~t Jesus the Son of God with him, but God did not bring him
the ball before I did, I would push you completely over It. word for about two years (l\fatt. 2 :19-20). He could have
The enemy wants you to get too far ahead, or too far behind beconle discouraged and I ft. He would have been gone when
God was'eady for him. He waited until God appeared to
the Lord.
You will notice that the church fasted and prayed when him again.
the Holy Ghost spoke (Acts 13 :2). Don't be too lazy to fast Uncle Sam put some ser icemen on Midway Island. They
and pray. Then you will know the leading of the Spirit. were to stay there until the Commander in Chief needed
I know a man that sold his farm, livestock, furniture, then!. For eighteen months th y lived under the ground on
crops, and all he had. He took his wife and children out on that little island, about one mile wide. They did not know
the mercies of the world. Soon he came back completely how the war' was COIning along. That eighteen Inonths
broke, discouraged, and confused. He died in a confused seemed like age~ with thenl. One day the battle came their
state. He took someone else's word for it. way. They were commanded to fight. That was the turning
God does not want any man to drag a large family around point in the war.
over the country, begging for a place to stay. When God If the Commander in Chief puts you in a certain place
called Brother Wigglesworth into the ministry he said, you must not run off before God gets through with you. If
"Lord, I will go, but if I ever have to travel around with my He puts you there, He certainly knows how to move you.
rusty heels showing through the holes in my socks I am Have a policy like this and you will never be out of the will
of God: Stay where you are until God moves you.
renew his strength.
A soldier goes out under sealed orders. He does not know
If we prophesy we must prophesy according to the pro-
where he is going until he gets nearly there. Abraham
portion of our faith (Rom. 12 :6). Some of the best people
started oat not knowing where he went. We will know as
overstep faith when they prophesy. Some of the best people
we follow on to know. He that does His will shall know of
overstep faith and go ahead of the Lord.
the doctrine. My car lights will shine a hundred feet. ·They
David saw two runners. One was running without the
will only shine farther as I drive farther. After fifteen years
message. The other one was running with the message
of failure, my wife learned to drive. I asked her how she
(II Sam. 18 :24-33). The Lord will have to give us the mes-
did it. She said she decided to drive only one block and then
sage first. Then we can run with His power, his anointing,
drive another block. The Lord told Paul to go into the city
His strength, and His approval, with signs following. It is
and it would be told him what he should do. (Acts 9:6). As
hard enough to go with His approval, much less running
Peter left prison, the gates opened as he walked (Acts
in our own strength. Who wants to take a nervous
12:10). Had he not obeyed the angel, arose and walked', then
he would have stayed in jaiL
I have seen some get through preaching and then keep
Many preachers come to me asking me what the Lord
on preaching. I have seen some get through praying and
wants them to do. I don't even know what the Lord wants
keep on praying. I have seen some get through testifying
me to do next week. I follow Him only one day at a time. If
and keep on testifying. I have seen some very zealous people
I received a revelation and told them what God wants them
get through shouting and then keep on shouting. I have seen
to do, it would not help them. They would not know if I was
some keep on saying words after the anointing for prophecy
right or not. If they would do that, they would not know
had lifted. It is not the Spirit of the devil. It is the human
how to be led by the Lord. The Lord says, "Take no thought
spirit. They are some of our best people. They ·are very
for tomorrow." Jesus is the manna that came down from
zealous for the Lord. Some people try to help the Lord out.
heaven. He gives Himself to us day by day.
They don't know the leading of the Lord, because they do
Moses felt his calling. Everyone that is called to preach
not practice His presence at home. If they were faithful in
feels it more or less all their life. Moses started out in his
the little things they would also be faithful in that which
own strength. He got ahead of the Lord. He said, "Look
is much. They don't know when it is time to preach , teach ,
who I am."
shout, pray, or prophesy. They do not pray enough before
After this God sent Moses through the "school of hard
they leave home. They feel the Spirit of God and want to
knocks and kneeology". He went on the back side of the
do something. You can't pull this thing off and put it on
desert and waited on God a few years. When God got
like an overcoat. You- can't leave your anointing on the
through with him he said, "Who am I?" The miracle work-
church house steps. You must take it home with you and
ing power of God went with him. He saw great deliverances
keep it every day if you want to know the leading of the
with signs following. There is a vast difference in man's
school and God's school. After you go through man's school
A preacher borrowed one hundred dollars from Sister T.
you will still have to go through God's school. God has a way
When it came time to pay it back he "prophesied" and said,
of preparing you. You think you are ready sometimes when
"The Lord does not want that hundred dollars paid back.
you are not. God said if we minister we must wait on our
Trust him." She paid for his gasoline for a week. He spoke
ministering (Rom. 12 :7). He that waiteth on the Lord shall
ing Jesus to be somewhere among the kinsfolk and acquaint-
in "prophecy" and said, "The Lord does not want you to ances. She went back sorrowing (Luke 2 :48). If Mary could
accept that money back for that gasoline. He will supply do that I suppose you can. But you will be sorry for it. You
your need." He "prophesied" and told her that if she did will do as she did, find him right where you left Him, about
not give $200.00 in the offering that she would die. She His Father's business.
gave it. Don't blame the gift. Don't despise prophesy. Don't blame
This dear sister came to me, blaming' that preacher fO!' the Lord. Don't blame the zealous brother for trying and
getting her money. not stopping with the anointing. Blame yourself for not
There are several widows in Dallas who used to have being prayed up. The very elect cannot be deceived (Matt.
property. Now they are paupers and on the charity because 24:24).
a certain "pastor" prophesied and told them to give him Everyone that prophecies should pray two hours before
all their possessions. Now he is wealthy with property they go to church. They should do as Paul, fast often. One
for sale. should pray as much as the preacher. One cannot deliver a
I lay the blame mostly on the poor women that were too message unless he has one. "Forasmuch as you are zealous
!~y to pray through for themselves, and depended on an of spiritual gifts, seek that ye may excel to the edifying of
In-between-man'' to know the will of the Lord for them. the church".
His sheep know His voice. If you do not know His voice If you feel a calling to preach, why would you run across
you are a goat. You are the temple of the Holy Ghost. God the nation to try to find a place to preach? The other state
dwells in you. The law is written on your mind (Heb. 8: 10; is no better than this one. Don't try to prize the door open.
I Cor. 3:16, 6:19; II Cor. 6:16). You can't fail the Lord Wait until the Lord opens it. God is able to open the door.
without knowing it (James 4 :17). The Holy Ghost will guide Why try to start at the top? Begin at the bottom. Do not
you (John 16 :13). That is if you have the Holy Ghost. stand back and blame the Lord, or some preacher, because
A woman came to me the other day and was afraid. She doors are not open to you.
said that a lady prophesied over the phone and told her that The other day a young man came to me and said that he
she was going to die. The reason she was afraid, she did not was going to leave his family, wife, children, home, and job
know the leading of the Lord. God says that we have the and go to another state to try to find a revival.
mind of Christ (l Cor. 2: 16) . We do not need that someone Why would he do such a foolish thing? I told him to begin
else should tell us the mind of Christ. vVhen I told the POOl' a prayer meeting and go every night for a year. He kept
sister that prophecy is for exortation and to comfort, and his job and began the prayer meeting. I predict that he will
not to put a curse on people, she became established on the first learn to get results. Then thousands of doors will be
Word and did not fear any more (l Cor. 14 :3). open for him. There will be calls on every side for anyone
Ahab had two kinds of prophets. Some told him to go to that can bring results someone, with signs following.
battle. Others told him not to go. Because he did not have I did not say that I was called to preach. I would rather
any connections with the Lord for himself he died in battle preach without saying that I was called, than to say I wa
(I Kings 22 :40). I would not want to risk someone else called and not preach. I started a prayer meeting. Soon a
going to the Lord for me. Thomas would not take anyone man joined me. Then another joined me. I kept my job.
else's word for it. He had to touch the Lord for himself. People were saved and filled with the Holy Ghost in the reg-
Even the Mother of Jesus went a day's journey SUppOR-
ular prayer meetings. A number were healed. I was in a did not reveal Christ unto him, but it was God that did it.
prayer. meeting that lasted four years, every night. Soon I He did not depend on some other man's revelation.
had bUIlt several churches and Sunday Schools. When people If you get results; if you have signs following, you will
snw that the people I prayed with received the Holy Ghost have more open doors than you can go into. You will not
they wanted me to come help them. The work of the Lord have to depend on papers or politics. A man's gift will make
became so large that I had to either turn loose my job or room for him (Prov. 18 :16). Promotion comes not from the
the work of the Lord. I had to turn loose my job. I had a East or from the West; but it comes from God. All the de-
foundation. I could have gone to Bible school for years. I grees in the world, as good as they are, will not open doors.
~ould have had someone to give me preacher's papers. That I know scores of graduates that are lost, because they have
IS all good,. but it is not good enough within itself. Moses, gone beyond the leading of the Lord. They do not know
Jacob, DaVId, Paul, and everyone that ever went into the where they are going. Like Moses they started out in their
work of the Lord had a preparation. God saw that He could own strength. God is going to put them on the shelf, or send
use them in the things nearest them. Then He trusted them them to the back side of the desert, until they learn to wait
to go to the next cities. We are to be witnesses in Jerusalem upon the Lord. If it were necessary for Jesus to tarry all
Judea and Samaria before we go to the uttermost parts 01 night in prayer, you are no better than Jesus. The servant
the earth (Acts 1 :8). is not greater than his Master. If it was necessary for Peter
One time the prophets spoke to Paul. They were real to tarry on top of the house after he received the Holy
prophets. They told him that danger waited for him if he Ghost, before he saw some signs follow, then you are not
went ~o a certain city. What did Paul do? He paid them no better than the Apostle Peter.
attentIon. He ha~ the leading of the Lord. (Acts 21 :11-14). Begin where you are. Deliver everyone you see~ The rest
They were surpnsed at him. There was the power of God in will take care of itself. If you are faithful in that which is
him leading him on into the work of the Lord. little, you will also be faithful in much .
. Suppose the.y would hav~ prophesied and told Paul to go It is God that opens the door. You don't choose your min-
Into another CIty. It looks lIkely that they did advise him to istry. Many people are called, but they want to choose their
go somewhere else. Paul would not have depended on some- ministry. There are diversities of operations (I Cor. 12 :6).
one else's leading. He had a God of his own. Otherwise he You don't need to be critical of prophecy, or the one who
would have been no good to the Lord. He would not have prophecies. I would that all of God's people were prophets if
known when to say to the man, "Stand upright on your God's Spirit is on them. COVET TO PROPHESY (I Cor.
feet". Regardles~ of what they said, he kept making his 14:39).
tents. an? preachIng where the Spirit urged him to go.
It IS nght to tell God that you will not go until He opens Chapter IV
the door. He will do it if He wants you to go somewhere. In
the f~urth chapter of John we read that the people believed
on the. Lord, not only because the woman from the well of A man who has had the Holy Spirit for 25 years gives
Samana told them, but they came and heard him for them- this testimony:
selves. Then they knew that He was Christ the Saviour of There is a vast difference in a holy kiss and lustful kiss.
the world (John 4 :42). Jesus told Peter that flesh and blood A holy kiss is when you are not willing in your heart to do

20 21
more than kiss. Some people are stronger than others.
I kissed my sisters. I had a few kissing cousins. Then I
later kissed my wife's cousins. Some of them were distant His commandments. "And whatsoever we ask, we receive of
cousins of hers. I was strong enough to keep this holy. Then him, because we keep his commandments, and do those
I ~egan to think ,of the Scriptures that said, "Shun the very things that are PLEASING IN HIS SIGHT" (I John 3 :22).
appearance of eVIl and another one that says if we cause our I began to check up with the Lord. Could I say that I was
weak brother to stumble we are sinning against Christ. I pleasing God when certain ones were stumbling over what
prided myself of never breaking any of the Lord's command- I was doing? I began to close the store all day on Sunday.
ments. I made just as much money as when I stayed open seven
A horrible affliction came back on me of which I was days pel' week. Besides this I noticed that my legs that were
healed twenty-five years before. When I was healed God incurable were healed. During this extra time I built several
had quickened a verse to me that healed me. It was a 'cove- Church houses, which pleased the Lord (Hag. 1 :8). I won
nant that the Lord and I went into. "If thou wilt diligently many souls. I saw hundreds of people saved, filled with the
hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and will do that Spirit, healed, and delivered from habits.
which is right in his sight, and will give ear to his com-
mandments . . . I will put none of these diseases upon
thee ... for I am the Lord that healeth thee" (Ex. 15 :26). My bowels developed a growth. One day I began to hemor-
All these years I had kept His commandments. I could rhage. You can imagine the fear that tried to take hold of
not find one I had not kept. But He asked me if I had done me as I faced surgery. I checked with the Lord daily to see
that which was pleasing in His sight. I could not answer if I had been keeping all His commandments. I found ten
that in the affirmative. commandments in three verses.
A boy may do everything that his daddy commands him "Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good
to do, yet if he does sbmething that displeases his daddy he courage, be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed ... " (Josh.
may not get the things for which he asks. 1 :9).
"Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be
strong" (I Cor. 16 :13).
For years I kept my business open on Sunday. It was be- "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and
cause I lived next door. To please my customers I fixed their he will flee from you" (James 4 :7).
flats; let them have meat when they had no refrigerator and If I could not be strong, God would not have told me to
fixed their car in emergencies as they were on their way to do so. God knew that I could be of good courage, be unafraid,
church. Still I did not break one of the Lord's command- and refuse to be dismayed, or He would have so commanded.
ments as I saw it. I could not find a place in the New Testa- If I could not watch, stand fast in the faith, act like a man,
ment that commanded me not to keep the store open on and b~ strong He would not have commanded me to do so.
Sunday. To be a man is to stand up and fight and not be a sissy.
I wondered why God did not heal my legs, since I was A captain in the army that taught English to eight hun-
keeping all his commandments I found in the New Testa- dred men, whom I helped get saved, filled with the Spirit
ment. I read a verse that said that I must do more than keep and delivered from devils, told me that the men in the army
would rather be addressed as "meri" than to be addressed
22 any other way. God tells us to be a man. He calls us men.

If I could not submit to God IIe would not have told me mOfed the growth and the afflicted part. When I awoke I
to do so. The fact that He told me to resist the devil proves was determined to make sure that we give everyone a chance
that I can resist the devil. So I did like Jesus, I resisted him to observe the Communion from now on and not do anything
by saying, "It is written." that would not reverence the Lord. We shall wait upon Him
I submitted myself to God and asked for prayer, although until we feel His presence even if some of the carnal mem-
I was a preacher and prayed for the sick myself. That night bers see no use in it and want to leave. Taking the com-
God appeared to me in a vision. I saw a multitude of People. munion is a very sacred trust that God leaves with us.
I saw them scattered in many directions. I looked to see why. This shows that many people are sick and some die before
There was a great snake coiled up above their heads. That their time because they are carnal. They are good people.
snake represented the devil. I cried out under the anointing They do not commit horrible sins. The greatest mistake of
of the Lord and rebuked the devil. Then I addressed .the their lives is when they fail to enter in and cooperate with
crowd of People and told them, "The reason you are attacked the Spirit. The natural man can't receive the things of God.
like this is because you did not reverence the Lord when you They are foolishness to him.
took communion the last time."
Then I awoke. The Lord said that message was for me.
The last time we took communion I did not reverence the Moses displeased the Lord and died before his time. Yet
Lord. About one hundred peopl~ did not get to observe the he was the meekest man in all the earth. We don't find that
Communion because part of the glasses were locked up and he broke any of God's commandments after crossing the
no one bothered to go get them. This did not represent the Red Sea.
atonement, for the atonement was for 'all people. Jesus did Jesus is not to be crucified but once. Many crucify Him
not die just for a few. He died for all people. Everyone that afresh. God told Moses to smite the rock once. He smote it
looked at the brazen serpent, which was a tYPe of Christ, was twice. God told him to speak to the rock. He smote it. That
healed. rock was Christ (I Cor. 10 :4).
I did not deliberately sin, or willfully displease the Lord. Do you want to please Him? Then form a habit of singing
So it was not a sin. I did not break His commandment. But praises to Him. (Ps. 69 :30-31). "An odor of a s~eet smell,
I did something that was not pleasing in His sight. a sacrifice acceptable, well pleasing to God" (Phil. 4 :18).
"For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and (Ps. 149 :3-4) Praise Him in the dance. Use the timbrel and
drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's harp if you want to please him.
body. For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, Bless them that persecute you. Overcome evil with good.
and many sleep" (I Cor. 11 :29-30). Many people that keep Go the second mile. "When a man's ways please the Lord,
all His commandments displease the Lord. he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him" (Prov.
As I awoke out of sleep the Spirit of God covered me. It 16:7) .
reminded me of how God put Adam to sleep and took a rib Minister to the sick. Cast out devils. Teach the multitude.
out of him and made woman. As I lay there under the power Follow the example Jesus left. He says, "I do always those
of God, it felt like a knife, made of fire, slowly moved to the things that please him" (John 8:29). He went about doing
afflicted part. Slowly and carefully the Great Surgeon re- good.

24 25
Everytime you go to church be sure and enter into the they should not look upon a woman. Speaking of the woman
Spirit. A carnal mind cannot please God. He that is in the that lays snares for you the Lord said, "Whoso pleaseth God
flesh cannot please God. If you live after the flesh you shall shall escape from her" (Eccl. 7 :26).
die. You must get into the Spirit, "So then they that are in The Bible says that it is well pleasing in the sight of God
the flesh cannot please God" (Rom. 8 :8). for children to obey their parents. (l Cor. 3 :20). They may
Relieve the oppressed as did Jesus. Lift up the fallen. Help die before their time if they do not obey their dad and
the weak. "We that are strong ought to bear the infirmities mother (Col. 3:20; Eph. 6:1-3).
of the weal<:, and not to please ourselves" (Rom. 15 :1). If you ever make the rapture you must be as Enoch. He
If we are contrary we are not pleasing the Lord. "They had this testimony that he pleased God (Heb. 11 :4). He
please not the Lord and are contrary to all men" (I Thes. 2: walked with God. The Lord expects more of us each year
15). If we are entangled with the things of this life and do that we live for Him. For we have more light than the people
not Rive God some of our time then we are displeasing God. who are just saved. Don't justify yourself. Even if you do
(l Thes. 2 :4). If we do not keep up our faith, which is cour- not have any sins, "Confess your faults one to another, and
age, we cannot please the Lord. If we are full of God we are pray one for another, thatye may be healed" (James 5 :16).
full of encouragement.
Be sure and get a blessing each time you go to church, for Chapter V
it pleases the Lord to bless His people (Num. 24 :1). Pray for
wisdom to lead God's people. When Solomon prayed a prayer BE SURE THAT YOU ARE CONNECTED
like this it pleased the Lord. (l Kings 3 :10). Preach to the The other day a lady was ironing some clothes with the
lost every time you get a chance. It pleases the Lord by electric iron. She did not seem to be doing any good. The
preaching to win the lost (I Cor. 1 :2'1) . wrinkles were still in the clothes. Then she discovered that
God added to the Church daily. He set the menlbel's in the the iron was not plugged into the wall. The iron not having
church as it pleased Him (1 Cor. 12 :28). If we please the electricity is the same as the foolish virgins not having oil.
Lord we will let Him set in the church apostles, prophets, We must be connected to the power of God. We must have
pastors, teachers, miracles, healings, and tongues. the gifts of the Spirit as well as the fruit of the Spirit. Then
If you want to please the Lord let Jesus be revealed in we can deliver others from sin and sickness.
you. Do good to all people and communicate (Gal. 1 :15 ; Heb. The Lord is coming after a people that have their vessels
13 :1). It displeases the Lord for you to break off communi- full of oil. Your body is the vessel. It is the temple of the
cation with any of His people. Think about members of the Holy Ghost (II Cor. 6 :16). He is coming after overcomers.
same body not willing to communicate with one another. He is coming after a group of people without a spot or blem-
That is like the hand having nothing to do with the face. ish. He is coming after a church without a wrinkle (Eph. 5:
It displeases the Lord for us to murmur (I Cor. 10 :5, 10). 17). We cannot get all the wrinkles out if we are not con-
That is why Miriam was shut out of fellowship with God's nected to the power of the Holy Ghost.
people, it is why she needed to be healed. That is v~hy the Moses actually died before his time. God told him to speak
earth swallowed thousands of God's people. They died before to the rock. He was heavily anointed with his own spirit and
their time (I Cor. 10 :10). smote the rock. That rock was ChJ:'ist (l Cor. 10 :4). We don't
David said that he made a covenant with his eyes that need to smite Christ. He has alre,ady been smitten. All we

26 27
natural. They said, "He is like him". We have millions of
need to do is to speak to Him. We will receive the water of
carnal members today the same way.
life. "And the men which journeyed with him stooo speechless,
After Moses had the mountain top experience; after he hearing a voice, but seeing no man" (Acts 9 :!). Paul saw
had the glory of God on his face; after he delivered God's Jesus, but the men did not enter in. They were In the carnal.
people; after he fasted for eighty days and was used of God They were like so many members today. They heal' the ser~­
mightily, then he rebuked those poor thirsty people and ice with their natural ears. They helong'. They even help In
called them rebels. The Lord took him out of the way and the church services. But they do not enter in. They miss
refused to let him go over into the promised land, which was
the blessing.
according to His original plan. Those people may have stood back and criticized Paul be-
After some ministers are promoted; after they have been cause he fell under the power and trembled. They may have
used of God in a great way, they get in the natural and do called him a "holy-roller". They were more reserved and
things in the carnal instead of in the spiritual. They do not starchy. They belonged to the same church. They were all
enter into the Spirit. They try to live on past experiences. at the same service. He entered in; they did not. lIe was
They tell what happened years ago, but they don't seem to greatly used of God. They were not. ,,"
be seeing much of it these days. Every minister will lose out Pilate said, "I find no fault in this man . Ills WIfe was
with God if he does not stay in the Spirit and keep fasting.. warned of God in a dream about that service. That was the
Blind Bartimaeus cried for mercy. The disciples tried to day that Pilate was to meet Jesus and ma!<e the oecision of
get him to be quiet and act more reserved.He cried that his life. Pilate did not enter in. He staye(l In the natural and
much louder. Finally Jesus turned around and gave him his said Jesus was a good man. He did not acknowledge Him as
sight. The disciples missed it, because they were in the his Lord and Master. Judgment fell upon him a little while
natural. A natural man cannot receive the things of God. afterward. Pilate gave the people their choice between Jesus
That blind man hit the jet stream. He entered into what God and a murderer. People have their choice today. Some wat~h
was doing. their favorite star instead of going to church. They are In
There are some members in every church like those dis- self. They are good people, hut they don't enter in. They are
ciples. They have that far away look when God begins to not moving on with God. . .
bless. They are more "refined". They are not there. Their Enter in for deliverance. Don't be afraid someone IS In
mind is at home or on their job tomorrow. No wonder they self. If you sit on your seat and never move out for God yo,u
do not receive healing from God. If you live after the flesh are in self. You have never gotten out of self. You don t
you will die before your time (Rom. 8:13). You must morti- have to go home at nine o'clock in the night service. You
fy (deadify) the deeds of the body if you want to live. don't have to go home at 12 :00 o'clock on Sunday. Stay
Some of the members would not confess healing. They awhile and enter into the Spirit with other people who get
looked at the man that was born blind. They missed the time the blessing.
of their lives. Some people stand' back and criticize or laugh at the peo-
"Some said, This is he; others said, He is like him: but ;le that do enter into the Spirit. They count thos.e people in
he said, I am he" (John 9 :9). They had a chance to enter the "lower class". They grin when people speak In tongues.
and get the blessing, but they held back and stayed in the One group does not understand the other group. One g?es
28 29
to the church to get a blessing, to get their needs supplied. carnal. A natural man can't receive anything from ?od.
Some belong to the church as one would belong to a lodge. There are two kinds of members. Some give and gIve and
Simeon entel'ed into the Spirit. He knew Jesus at sight. give. Some withhold from God. One group cannot ~nderstand
The Holy Ghost made him to know that he would not die the other group. There is that scattereth a?d yet Increasetl~.
until he saw the Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 2 :25). Anna re- There is that that withholdeth more than IS meet and yet It
ceived the same revelation. She had known before hand that tends to poverty (Proverbs 11 :24). If we save our life we
Jesus was the Christ. She did not take anyone's word for it. will lose it. If we lose our life for Him we will find it.
Thousands of people did not enter into the Spirit. They The cloud moved on. All that moved on with the cloud
missed the first coming of Jesus. went on with God. We must enter into what God is doing in
That is the way it is going to be in the day in which we this hour.
are living. Men are going to stay in the natural. They will Brother C. was taking an offering for the children's home.
miss His coming. He is coming for the people that are look- A man told him that he would give him a cow. When we
ing for Him. He is coming when people are least expecting. went after it, the man gave him the worst cow that he had.
That may be on Saturday night when people miss church and Brother C. did not say anything. He prayed to God.
window shop all night on fifteen cents. In a few days a tractor turned over on the man's son. The
The people did not understand Noah. He entered into the son was pinned under the tractor. The man said, "Lord,
Spirit and they did not. Noah went into the ark one day please help me get this tractor off my son. I don't wa~t him
with his family. The people remained in the natural. Noah to die." The fuel caught on fire. The blaze was comIng to-
heard the voice of God. They did not. They were lost. That ward the son. The man said, "Lord I don't want my son to
is the way it is going to be in our day. Many people will be die, help me".
left here because they stayed in the natural and did not The Lord said, "I have some children in the home I
enter into what God is doing in our day. don't want to die. The man made the Lord some promIses.
Men did not understand Elijah. They laughed at him for He hooked the car to the tractor and pulled the tractor over
praying so much. Men did not understand Enoch. They enough so his son could roll out.
looked at him out of one side of their eyes as he passed. He The next day he took the best cow he had to Brother C.
walked with God. He had his ears tuned toward heaven. He also gave him his best horse and five hundred dollars in
He cared nothing for shows, television or golf clubs. He had money.
his ears tuned in to the station beyond the stars. He was You say, "I don't understand the things of the Spi.rit."
hearing a voice saying, "This earth is going to be destroyed. God did not say understand it. You don't understand dIges-
I want you to come up here and escape death. He entered in. tion, but you keep eating. You don't starve.
The people awoke to find him gone one day. He entered in, A man stood and preached on the street a few days ago.
they were left. The carnal men will be left here with the His eyes were sunk in his head. You could tell that he had
foolish virgins. not slept all night. He had not eaten anything for a week. A
One man buried his talent. He was in the natural. He saw crowd gathered. He was a blackslidden preacher.
no use in putting his gift into use. The others started to What is he saying? "People, don't come this way. I have
working for Jesus and received a reward when He came. The sealed my doom forever. The Spirit has taken his flight. I
man with one talent was a good member, but he was in the have grieved the Spirit away forever. I will never feel con-

30 31
SOc Each or All Twelv ooks fo S.

demned again. I have become as a natural brute beast. My

conscience has been seared. Will you turn and seek the Lord
while He may be found? His Spirit will not always strive
with man. I have preached and won souls for years. I
stumbled into temptations. God has called me to a work, but
I have failed. I did not move on with God. Now it is too late.
I am left without God.
As that backslidden preacher spoke to that crowd of peo-
ple many of them fell on their knees and surrendered to the
Lord on the spot.
As God moves on He gives you one more chance. Will you
yield yourself to Him now?
God, help everyone that reads these lines to enter into the
Spirit and be a partner with God in what He is doing today.
Help them to move on with the cloud and with the fire, so
they will not be left behind when Jesus comes. Forgive,
heal, and fill with the Spirit right now.
Anoint them with your Spirit, so they will go on with
Jesus and be used in this last day revival, that they will have
many sheaves to lay at His feet, and not be left here when
He comes. In Jesus Name, amen. lID
Lim .

W. V. Grant: Faith Clinic, P. O. Box 353. Dallas 21. Texas.

I am interested in your Library of Books Please send
me your sixty faith-building books at 50~ each. I understand that I will
receive a First Year Certificate on the Deliverance Ministry after I
read these sixty full gospel books. I understand that I may pay for tijis
whole library at 7~ per day, or $2 per month.


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