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Stuart J. Kamille
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Published by: Golden Leaf Press LLC Copyright 2010 Stuart J. Kamille Printed in
the United States of America
€ We all have wondered…is there a life after death? Is there a place where we all g
o when we die? Is there a heavenly home where we will meet our loved ones and wh
ere we will reside for all eternity? It is not a modern thought. A yearning for
Heaven goes back to the beginning of recorded time. Many religions and religious
philosophies have dealt with this issue. Not all agree on the details. Yet over
the years the idea of Heaven (or whatever name is given) as a state of existenc
e that is different from the one we know still endures. But that does not prove
that it exists. It only shows that we would like it to exist. Is there a way to
show that Heaven actually exists? This book will deal with that issue. It is not
a religious book. There is no agenda here. This is simply an inquiry into an ag
e-old question. You will not find your religious beliefs challenged here. That i
s not my intention. You may believe whatever you like and should close this book
unchanged. If you find it convincing however, you will close this book reassure
d that many of the questions you had wondered about have a reasonable answer. Wh
y even wonder if Heaven exists? Won’t we find out one-way or another soon enough?
The idea of Heaven, as it turns out, contains answers to a variety of other ques
tions and that’s why it is important. Indeed contained within the concept of a hea
venly abode after life on Earth are answers to a large number of profound questi
ons that can’t be addressed as successfully any other way. In other words if Heave
n exists, it is a very useful idea and one which provides many other answers
If you have ever wondered why evil exists or if there is a purpose to life or if
there is a reason for suffering and pain, you will find that these questions ca
n be answered. If you have ever angrily thought that your life is particularly p
ainful and unfair, if you have wondered why you have been selected for the diffi
cult life you lead, if you have questioned the fairness of the world, you will f
ind an answer in the concept of Heaven. If you have suffered a loss and wondered
why, or if you have had great luck and wondered why, you will gain a new insigh
t that can ease your mind. I find that just by starting with the assumption that
a place like Heaven exists makes it possible for a wide variety of answers to b
ecome clear. Whenever one idea leads to answers for so many others you begin to
wonder if perhaps there is significant power in your assumption. In other words
when one idea leads to answers for so many others, some of which are quite profo
und and comforting, you begin to imagine that you are onto something. But then i
sn’t that as it should be? If there is a Heaven it should contain all the answers
to any question you might have. And as it turns out…it does. Stuart J Kamille 2010
CHAPTER we all asked ourselves if life has meaning? And if it does have meaning t
hen why do we die? What is the purpose to living? Do we have a destiny to fulfil
l? Why is there pain and suffering in the world? Why is there injustice? Is ther
e a life after we die? Why do we suffer? Why is life so unfair as to allow peopl
e to suffer through no fault of their own? Why do we love and then have that whi
ch we love snatched so cruelly away? Why do we have to live alone, missing loved
ones who gave us such joy? Why do we wonder if we will ever be able to see them
again and regain the happiness we lost? What is the purpose of a life filled wi
th such longing and pain? Why do we wonder about any of this in the first place?
It is amazing but all these questions and many more can be satisfactorily addre
ssed with a simple idea. Heaven. Since all mankind has speculated on the answers
to these questions at one time or another, it’s not surprising that there are man
y different interpretations of what Heaven is and what the answers to all these
questions might be. This book is one way, which I hope you will find reasonable
There is no use denying that life is difficult and painful. No one is happy all
the time. So the existence of a place where existence is perfect with no pain or
anxiety would be wonderful. A place that contained all those whom we knew and l
oved in our life and a place where we could meet them again would delight us. If
all we have experienced and accomplished in our life were somehow preserved wou
ldn’t it be wonderful? If we could gain access to such a wonderful place it would
be the greatest joy we could experience. But does such a place exist?
This is not a scholarly work. It is not a work of logic but of hope. This is sim
ply a way to look at the value of the single idea of Heaven. That the idea of He
aven is a wonderfully useful idea will be shown in the pages that follow. But th
€ The
most commonly
is limitedheld
in idea
what of
it Heaven
can accomplish.
is so different
WHAT from anything remotely si
milar to our physical world; it is very difficult to pin down. You can’t measure i
t. You can’t gather it up in a bundle and grasp it. We can imagine it, but how do
you prove that an idea is real? So that’s going to make it pretty difficult to pro
ve that there is or is not a Heaven. The reason seems to me to be quite simple.
If there is a Heaven it has no physical existence in the universe we know. It ca
nnot be seen nor sensed. If such a place exists, it is beyond our ability now to
detect. So we have imagined a place that almost by definition is impossible to
prove. It is beyond the reach of human intellect. Doesn’t it seem logical to suppo
se that Heaven would be a place governed by different rules than the ones we kno
w? For it to be the kind of place we imagine, all the rules that we know would h
ave to be tossed out the window. How can you have a place of perfect peace, fill
ed with all the people who ever lived, containing all knowledge and timeless and
also have it be just like Earth? Some things would have to be very different. A
ll the rules that we are used to would have to change. And if they were changed,
how could the senses and tools we use on Earth be applicable? And then consider
the kinds of beings that would exist in such a place. If Heaven exists, the bei
ngs (if there are any) that populate it must be different from anything we know.
Just like Heaven itself they would have no physical existence since they would
exist in a place that was no longer governed by the physical parameters of the w
orld we know. Such beings would be very different from anything we know since th
ey would have to be compatible with a place that has a very different environmen
t. Does that mean they would have no mass, no body, no feelings, no sight, no so
und, etc? How can you measure something if no yardstick can be used? How do you
weigh something, which has no weight? How do prove that something exists if it h
as no existence in the traditional sense? If we can’t see it, or feel it, or measu
re it, how can we know it is even real? So how can we prove something exists whe
n it does not obey the same rules as the world in which we live? It would be lik
e trying to measure the wind with a yardstick. We lack the appropriate tool that
we can use to analyze the evidence. We have to figure this out by some sort of
indirect means.
As it turns out this can be done. As a matter of fact it is frequently done. It
is done by inference. Scientist infer that certain subatomic particles exist bec
ause mathematically they must exist to fully explain experimental results. Even
though those particles have never been seen nor measured, they reveal their exis
tence by the influence they have on other known particles. Unknown planets, whic
h cannot be detected directly by observation, induce a change in the orbits of s
tars and thus reveal themselves. We can apply this same deduction by inference i
n our search for Heaven. We have to assume Heaven exists and then look for thing
s, which are affected by its existence. Those things must be something that we c
an experience and know. In other words, if Heaven exists it should have an influ
ence on things we know exists. If we can discover that influence then we can sho
w that Heaven indeed does exist. This might be easier to understand if we use a
concrete example. Let’s take the idea of gravity. We don’t have to have proof that g
ravity exists to understand that it does indeed exist. We know that gravity exis
ts because we see it demonstrated all the time. Gravity has consequences. The ex
act way it does what it does has yet to be fully explained. You don’t have to real
ly understand how mass influences the curvature of space to realize that you end
up on the floor if you try to sit down without a chair beneath you. This does n
ot require a supercomputer and complicated mathematics. So how did you convince
yourself that gravity exists? Experience is a great teacher and pain is an even
swifter one. There are many things in our everyday life that are learned through
just such a combination. It is not surprising that you don’t remember figuring ou
t how to walk or that gravity exists. You figured out that gravity existed proba
bly before you could even talk. But how? No one explained it to you. No one show
ed you a formula. No one demonstrated it. You experienced the consequences enoug
h to realize that it must exist. Gravity has consequences, which made your life
work. Some of those consequences were probably pretty painful. Gravity is a very
useful idea. It is a concept that explains why a hammer will fall on your toe i
f you drop it and that you will end up on the floor if you try to sit down witho
ut being certain that a chair is going to be right where it needs to be. The ide
a of gravity explains lots of things you observe everyday and it is the very use
fulness of the idea that makes it clear that there must be something to it. We i
nfer it exists because it explains so much. Most of the things you know you lear
ned in this way. You don’t remember understanding gravity but you learned enough a
bout it to enable yourself to walk and to skip and to run and to jump. You just
expect it to be there every day and so far you’ve been right. Everyday things fall
down and you pick them up. You don’t question the existence of gravity because yo
u deal with it everyday. It isn’t very remarkable. It is commonplace. But if you t
hink about it, gravity is actually very remarkable. It is absolutely astonishing
. But then so is the beating of your heart or the way your thoughts are produced
or the feeling you have when you view a beautiful painting. These things are tr
uly remarkable but, we rarely remark upon them. They are part of our life so we
just accept the remarkable aspect as an everyday
experience. That doesn’t make it any the less wonderful. It’s just that for the mome
nt, as remarkable as these things are, they slip into the background of our life
and we don’t notice them. What if Heaven is like that too? If Heaven were just pa
rt of our existence it wouldn’t emerge from the background of our life. We would j
ust take it for granted and it would be built into all our assumptions. If that
were the case you wouldn’t even notice it because it would be a component of your
very existence. It would never occur to you that you could not live as you do if
Heaven didn’t exist. So picking the existence of Heaven out from the background o
to then
is going
by definition
to be prettyisdifficult.
so different
CANfrom our day-to-day ex
istence and seems to have such different physical parameters that giving you a p
roof showing how large and how deep and how hot Heaven is, isn’t going to be very
useful. Instead let’s look at why it must exist rather than how it exists. Let’s loo
k at things you know to be true and things you can experience and then see if th
ey can be explained in some way by the idea of Heaven.
We all know that you love your children and abhor death. Why? You see evil every
day and wonder why people can behave in this way. You feel pity for the infirm a
nd handicapped. Why? You wonder about your future and the reason for your existe
nce. Why? As we shall show the answer is directly related to the idea of Heaven.
Now let’s consider the answer to this simple question. Why do you have a conscien
ce? How can you explain it? Why does it dog you day and night if you do somethin
g you know is wrong? Why do you worry about not doing what you know to be right?
If you are as independent and completely in control of your decisions as you wo
uld like to think, then why does your conscience keep telling you what to do? Th
is might be a good starting place for our assumption that Heaven exists. Since H
eaven would have no mass or size or weight, the only way it could influence you
would be through something that also had no mass or size or weight. It would hav
e to be something that was non-substantial. What might that be? The only part of
you that is non-substantial would be your feelings and thoughts. Could it be th
at Heaven would influence you by controlling the way you felt? If so then we wou
ld have a basis for inferring the existence of Heaven itself by observing the wa
y you feel. You exist on this Earth and have feelings. Most of those feelings ar
e due to the things that happen to you on Earth. The way you feel determines wha
t you do. So perhaps that is the way you are influenced by Heaven. But how would
this influence be communicated? What might be the communication means? There mu
st be some way to send you the message. What is it? Perhaps the answer to that q
uestion is not a ‘what’ but a ‘who’. Perhaps Heaven communicates with you through someth
ing we shall call a ‘Soul’. We now bump up to a problem in nomenclature that might a
larm you. Others have given a name to this place; ‘Heaven’ and they have also given
the beings that exist in Heaven a name. Those beings are called ‘souls’. And that ma
y present you with a problem. You may be asking yourself:
“Is this just a subtle way to slip in someone else’s religious beliefs? I thought th
is was just an inquiry into Heaven’s existence?” So let’s stop for a moment and ease y
our mind. Even if you don’t believe in any particular religion or in God in the fi
rst place, using a name isn’t going to change anything about what you believe. Tha
t’s not the purpose. We have to call this place and these beings by some name so w
hy not use the one that has been in use for such a long time? It simplifies the
discussion without committing you to any belief. My purpose here is to try to di
scuss the existence of Heaven without forcing my beliefs on you in one direction
or another. Please bear that in mind as we go along. You can believe anything y
ou wish and you should feel free to make any assumptions you want without having
to accept any specific theology. There is no theology here. These are simply la
bels. ‘Heaven’ and ‘Soul’ are just words to describe certain ideas and nothing else. So
let’s resume where we left off. The connection that you have to Heaven might be th
ough something that could exist both here and in Heaven. Since it exists in Heav
en it would be accustomed to the laws that make up Heaven. By definition then it
could not exist on this Earth. The two places are too dissimilar. It couldn’t sur
vive without special protection. Why do I assume that? If you or I were suddenly
displaced to an entirely different environment, which would potentially be leth
al to us because none of the parameters we had grown up with existed, we would r
equire some way of carrying our special environment with us, wouldn’t we? So would
n’t that apply as well to anyone or anything that was placed on our Earth, which c
ame from someplace equally dissimilar? As a matter of fact we do it all the time
. There is no place that we know (except perhaps Heaven) that is as dissimilar t
o the Earth as outer space yet we send astronauts there all the time. They prote
ct themselves with a space suit. If you and I were going to remain underwater fo
r a long time we would need special equipment as well, since we can’t survive unde
rwater for any length of time. We would use a dive suit. In both cases the suit
contains our special environment and acts as a protective covering. Perhaps thes
e heavenly beings would have a need for exactly the same kind of protection. The
y would need a buffer between our environment and the one they were used to. Per
haps that protective suit is your body. Notice I didn’t say it was you. You are mu
ch more than your body. But certainly your body protects whatever it is that mak
es you up. My contention here is that perhaps what makes you up is more than jus
t what you think makes you up. Perhaps there is a component of you that is more
than you might imagine. While we can see that the Soul might be a useful means t
o connect us to Heaven there is another way to come to a similar conclusion by r
easoning from a different starting point. Instead of thinking about how we are i
nfluenced by Heaven what if we thought about why Heaven might need to influence
€ Let’s
€ISWHAT assume that a soul is a special being that can exist in both the Earth and
in Heaven. Since they exist in Heaven, they also have some pretty unusual abilit
ies. First, unlike our life here they are undistracted by the usual feelings you
or I might feel. Why do I draw that conclusion? It’s one thing to accept that Hea
ven is this place of perfect peace, but why should that give us any basis to inv
ent special qualities for this something called a ‘Soul’? If Heaven is a place of pe
rfect peace and harmony unaffected by the normal rules of physics, wouldn’t it see
m logical that the beings who dwell there would be quite a bit different as well
? If you take away normal physics as a guiding element, they would have no mass,
no speed, no inertia, no tangibility. Wouldn’t that mean that they would have no
body? And with no body they would not experience the same sort of sensations tha
t we do. That would mean they would have no way to experience any sensual experi
ence. No pain, no joy, they wouldn’t be able to feel cold. They couldn’t feel heat.
These entities would be about as different from you or I as you can imagine. It
would seem that these beings would be undisturbed by the constant assault of out
side information that our senses provide to us. They would be impervious to sens
ation of any kind. They would be undisturbed. They would be unruffled. In other
words they would be at peace. Now this might not be all good because it also mea
ns that they wouldn’t be able to speak because there is no air to speak into. They
wouldn’t be able to walk since they would have no body. They wouldn’t be able to la
ugh or cry or react. No body, no input. No body, no output either.
On the other hand, it might not be all-bad. Without all these sensations that we
deal with on a daily basis, they would also be perfectly calm and content. To u
s, so used to the constant distractions of our bodily senses, we would describe
their existence as ‘bliss’. Eternal bliss…a feeling of being in perfect harmony with t
he place in which they exist…Heaven. So a perfect place like Heaven, if it contain
ed beings of some sort, would also contain beings that obeyed the same rules and
these beings would be at peace and (at least from our perspective) perfect. I r
ealize that none of this is particularly new. It’s not new frankly because these c
oncepts fit together. If Heaven is perfect and filled with peace then anything t
hat exists within it would benefit from the rules that govern that existence. It
would be a perfect existence except for one thing. It would be a perfectly usel
ess existence. Since these entities have no mass and no senses they couldn’t do an
ything. All they could do would be to exist. And that means that Heaven couldn’t b
e very useful. So there has to be some way to make it useful. There has to be so
mething or someone to provide a way to allow Heaven (for all its perfection) to
In the world that you and I inhabit our mass and our senses allow us to change t
hings about us. Since these beings are not of this world they would have no mass
, they cannot make themselves known or felt. They would be invisible to us and u
nnoticed. So within the idea of Heaven we find a real problem. For Heaven to hav
e a use we have to allow for entities to exist within it. And since those entiti
es have to obey the same rules that govern Heaven, we then have to assume that t
hey can act. But how can you give such beings no body and at the same time give
them all the benefits that a body has and relate them in some way to something u
seful? We have to find a way to allow them to be in one place for a time and the
n in another place with entirely different rules and still be able to exist. WHA
€ But we can’t. We can’t assume that they can be in one place and then the other for
a specific period of time, because they can’t exist here without some sort of buff
er. It requires an intermediate stage, something like a space suit, which protec
ts them from the foreign environment and when they have done whatever it is that
they are supposed to do; we have to give them the ability to remove that buffer
and return to the place where they can exist. So a soul has to have the ability
to bridge the difference between our world and Heaven. This would make Souls ou
r direct link to Heaven. Souls are the instrument, which exists outside of the E
arth and cross the barrier between our world and this other place where none of
our rules apply. They are the bridge to Heaven. So our belief in a Heaven and in
souls pretty much requires some way to allow these souls to have a purpose and
influence things. And that further requires us to suppose the existence of somet
hing else…our bodies and our existence here in this universe. For these massless b
eings to be able to interact or achieve anything, they need something to interac
t with, an instrument of some sort. In other words, perhaps we aren’t inventing He
aven. Perhaps Heaven is inventing us. Our bodies and our existence on this Earth
are required by Heaven so that Heaven can do what it does. You and I would then
become an instrument of Heaven.
€ Perhaps we exist because Heaven requires us to exist. In short, if we want to s
uppose the existence of souls, we need to have something nearly the opposite to
make our assumption work. We need to suppose the existence of you and I. Souls a
re a means to connect us to Heaven. If they did not exist, Heaven would not be k
nowable to us and would have no influence on us. If we assume Heaven exists we h
ave to have a way to make contact with it. We have to assume that souls exist to
provide that link. Thus you are directly related to Heaven. If Heaven didn’t exis
t you would not exist either. You are the physical extension of a soul, which re
sides in Heaven. That soul needs you to help it. Help it? Why would this special
being need help? What is it that a soul would need? Well
whatever that might be it would have to be able to exist in a place like Heaven
with no substance and a place like Earth that is practically all substance. What
can exist in such dissimilar places? DO YOU HAVE A SOUL? Actually that question
isn’t very difficult to answer because the answer is directly related to the esse
nce of what makes Heaven so special. Heaven is a place with no physicality. So w
e simply ask ourselves: “What has real meaning and existence but also has no physi
cal presence?” Thoughts. Experiences. Feelings. Knowledge. Understanding. These al
l are both real and not solid at the same time. Mental things have direct conseq
uences since knowledge and experience can guide us and yet they also have no exi
stence in mass or size or shape. We can sum up thoughts, experience, feelings, k
nowledge, understanding etc in a word. Life. A soul needs us to learn about life
and living. That’s what you and I do everyday. That’s what can travel from this wor
ld to another by using a special agent, a soul. And what does the soul convey to
Heaven-the knowledge and memory of life. In a more personal way then, you and y
our soul need each other to learn about life and what you learn in life is avail
able for your soul to take back to Heaven. Your body can’t exist in Heaven but you
r soul can. Once back in Heaven then the knowledge that your soul carries can be
shared with all the other beings in Heaven. In other words your life benefits a
ll of Heaven. The relationship is both intimate and foreign. You cannot exist th
ere and your soul cannot exist here. Your body is where the two very different b
eings exist. One is pure energy and the other pure physicality. The two together
make you up. There is one important thing to keep in mind however. The two can
€ I am sure
€IS and you
at some
can already
point will.
see where
WHAT this belief in Heaven is leading us. We now
have a reason to exist. We now have a purpose. We are supposed to do exactly wh
at we do. We are supposed to live and through that experience benefit all of Hea
ven. We didn’t start asking why we exist. We didn’t begin this inquiry looking for m
eaning. But we have found it wrapped within the idea of Heaven. Gently but in a
very deliberate way we now see where many of the questions that mankind has had
for such a long time can be answered just by believing in Heaven. That of course
does not prove that Heaven or that souls exist but it doesn’t disprove them eithe
r. If you propose that Heaven exists then you need to propose that souls exist a
nd if they exist and have a purpose, then you can see a reason for you to exist.
Since you exist, you have your first piece of evidence that perhaps souls and H
eaven exist. We shall proceed in a similar way to answer a wide variety of other
questions using this same technique. What is amazing is that it works over such
a wide range of topics. So lets follow this
thread a bit further and see what else we can assume from the very existence of
€ The reason
€CAN’T If souls
see that
our you
why adon’t
the same
it? Why
he inside of your eye. You are the beholder and the beholden at the same time. Y
ou are what you are looking for and since you can’t stand outside of yourself, you
can’t see it. Now you can see me and I can see you. But I don’t see all of you. I c
an’t. You can’t see my Soul and I can’t see yours. All you and I see are the shell tha
t surrounds the Soul. Your body is solid and real and can interact with other si
milar bodies. But each person’s Soul is unique to them and can’t directly interact o
n Earth with anything of this world. A Soul can only exist because your body exi
sts. How do you know your body exists? You know your body exists because you fee
l and laugh and run and sleep. You can sense it in every decision you make and e
very breath you take. You know you exist. You can pinch yourself and it hurts. Y
ou can dream and feel the difference between things you know to be material and
the things you can imagine. You know that you exist, but how do you know that wi
thin you somehow is a Soul? Have you ever noticed that even though you should be
able to understand why you do certain things, you often can’t find the reason? Yo
u feel in a certain way and don’t understand why. You fall in love and it surprise
s you completely. Life is not totally predictable and that tells you that someth
ing else is operating just off stage and in the background. Your life is being d
irected toward an end, which you can vaguely feel but cannot know. This is a bit
like understanding that you understand. You know you think in a logical and dir
ected way, but you cannot understand why you think the way you do. You just do.
But the very lack of understanding of the process doesn’t prevent you from thinkin
g. This is similar to the reason that we can assume that gravity exists or that
Heaven exists or that you exist without having hard proof that is intellectually
satisfying. However you can assure yourself that you exist by using another yar
dstick other than logic. You can tell you exist because you can follow a trail t
Have you ever
HOW how you ended up where you are right now? Isn’t it a wonde
rful chain of events? Don’t you also feel that it was perfectly natural that you e
nded up right where you are? It was. It is perfectly natural. You ended up the w
ay you did for some very good reasons. Each reason required something to happen,
just when it did. It wasn’t totally random. You made decisions to reach this poin
t. But why did you decide as you did? What motivated you? What made you make the
choices you did? You made the choices because they felt right at the time. They
made sense and they felt right. No one does anything unless it feels like the r
ight thing to do at the time. Part of that decisionmaking required that you thin
k about the decision and weigh the evidence and decide. Something influenced tho
se decisions.
Now you might not like to admit it, but most of your decisions are based on the
way you feel, not the way you think. We are not as logical as we would like to b
elieve. Our gut directs most of our decisions and our mind spends a good bit of
time trying to control our gut. If you don’t believe it, try working on a crosswor
d puzzle when you have a headache or try going to sleep when you are really upse
t. Sooner or later you are forced to put aside whatever it is that you are doing
and deal with the way you feel. You can’t rely on logic to explain your existence
. You have to take into consideration your feelings as well. And those feelings
were built up over years of experience much of which you can’t even recall now. Th
ey are buried deep within you. Your entire past helped you make those decisions
and that past is buried in the past in your memory. Your entire lifetime of expe
rience helped you make every decision you made and only a small part of it you u
€ How thenitcanoryou
€YOU remembers
be sureit. thatHOWyou are being guided if you can’t remember it? You
were guided by an inner sense of what is a correct choice for you to make. That
is the basis for the decisions that you make through out your life. Your inner s
elf (some would say your conscience) guides you. And that guidance is very power
ful. It is relentless and stern. You cannot lie to yourself. Your conscience wil
l tell you what to do and woes betide you if you don’t obey. Have you noticed that
when you make a decision that feels wrong you will backtrack and change your mi
nd? It is impossible to make a decision and stick with it if it feels wrong. Tha
t is the guidance. It comes from within you. It is not clearly logical. It is ma
inly emotional. You just feel one way or another. But how do you know that the g
uidance is not just a random whim and that somewhat later or in another setting
you would make the same decision? Look back and you will see that you are consis
tent in your likes and dislikes. You decide to do something, which fits with you
Your proof isandthat
a pattern toWHYyour life. We all do. Look back over y
our life. Don’t you see a pattern? That pattern is the guidance you have been give
n. You live where you live, do what you do, and pursue your own path in life for
a reason. That reason may be vague but it is definitely there. You are not wand
ering around aimlessly. You are being governed. That governing influence is your
Soul telling you what to do. You are following a path that was decided for you.
You may wander away from the path at times but you will always be guided back.
You will be forced to return if you wander too far. You really have no choice in
the matter. Or rather you have all the choice you wish, as long it is the choic
been decided
is not to uponbebyconfused
your Soul.
withISwhat some have referred to as ‘free will’.
You are free to choose as you wish. But the choice is influenced from within yo
u not from without and it can
be resisted. We all have experienced it. We decide to do something for a reason,
which much later seems to have been less than a good one. And what happens? We
change our mind. We try to undo what we have done. Free will is the idea that yo
u make choices with no influence upon that choice. But we all realize that we ha
ve our own inner feelings. And those inner feelings control your choice. So it i
s true that outside influence can be resisted and that you have free will from c
oercion but that doesn’t mean you have no governance at all. You are free to choos
e as you wish. However the way you wish may be less under you logical control th
an you might imagine as any one with a guilty conscience will tell you. Those fe
elings are developed over the years of your life. As an infant and later a child
you had to be guided to think about things in a certain way. When you reach a c
ertain age, you made decisions for yourself based on your internal feeling. That
internal guidance developed bit by bit, based on previous learning and natural
inclination. You have likes and dislikes and they make up your internal guidance
system. Some people resist making decisions. Some relish them. Some like to tak
e risks. Some do not. Not surprisingly the people who take risks are completely
different from the ones who do not like to take any chances. For that reason the
y live entirely different lives. And it is the life that they lead that sets one
person apart from the other. We all lead different lives and have different exi
€IS Some lives appear to us as more interesting than others, but just becaus
e they seem different in value to us with our personal taste and inclination doe
sn’t mean that Heaven will view it the same way. It is too easy to assume that the
value that you place on someone’s life is dependent on your everyday values and e
motional opinion. First, these values vary from person to person depending on th
eir previous experience and secondly, what is valuable here may not have the sam
e value in Heaven. We don’t know what Heaven values. We can’t know. All we know is w
hat we grew up with and know here on Earth. So it is impossible to say what some
one should do with his or her life. Only they can determine what they want to do
with their life. And if they don’t want to decide, they will be gently urged in o
ne way or another. It isn’t really a decision. It is a destiny, which, try as they
might, they cannot overcome. The result of all their choices after many years o
f exercising their ‘free will’ is the sum of all those decisions and those experienc
es. In the end, our life is determined by our own choice and our choice is deter
mined by the way we felt at the time. And the way we felt was determined by prev
ious experience and choices until finally we come back to our beginning. We crea
te our own life though a series of gut driven choices. Those choices are uniquel
y our own. However our interests, proclivities and interests guide those choices
. For that reason we cannot fully appreciate another person’s life because each li
€ is so different from one another. WHAT
So we have now reached another conclusion about our life and our future based on
the idea of Heaven. We have value. We have purpose. We are here for a reason. W
e see a pattern in our past, which shows us that we are destined to do whatever
it is that we do. We realize that we are walking along a path that has been sele
cted for us. But how do we know that that path has value? On Earth we can only a
ssume it does, but once your Soul returns to Heaven it will return with the enti
re story of your life. That life was selected especially for you. So obviously y
€ But
to Heaven.
in Heaven
It are
is very
Heaven directed each life and so eac
h life has a meaning. All life stories have the same value. They are equal. Diff
erent of course, but of value just the same, because Heaven wanted each life to
turn out as it did for a reason. So your life and mine, though very different, a
re alike in that Heaven ordered them up for a purpose. So to Heaven both are of
equal value. How do we know that all are equal? If our bodies exist to help each
Soul learn then anything they guide our body to do would have value. If every S
oul is given direction then whatever you do has value because you are being give
n direction as well. You are guided to do what you do and whatever that is has v
alue. Your entire life has meaning that is equally valuable, interesting and of
use because you are the direct servant of Heaven and Heaven has a plan and you a
re an important part of that plan. Thus the idea of Heaven and of a connection t
o Heaven through a Soul gives you a purpose and a meaning. It gives all living t
hings meaning. Heaven creates value for each of us and gives us a reason to exis

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