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ACTIVE SHOOTER HOW TO RESPOND Emergency Numbers Evencrncy Seve Loca Esnauney INFORMATION Line: Locat Pouice Daraxmens: Locat Fins Denarmser Locat Hosea Local FBI Fist Orn ‘Factuiry Security Surre/Roon: PROFILE OF AN ACTIVE SHOOTER Good practices for coping with an active shooter situation + Be aware of your environment and any possible dangers + Take note of the two nearest exits in any facility you visit + Ifyou are in en office, stay there and seeure the door + Ifyou are in a hallway, get into a room and secure the door a last resort, attempt to take the active shooter down. When the shooter is at close range and you cannot flee, your chance of survival is much greater if you uy to incapacitate him/her. CALL 9IL WHEN IT IS SAFE TO DO SO! HOW-TO RESPOND WHEN AN ACTIVE SHOOTER IS IN YOUR, VICINITY HOW FO RESPOND WHEN LAW ENFORCEMENT ARRIVES, TRAINING YOUR STAFF FOR AN ACTIVE SHOOTER SITUATION Peed ier nec r a Rererey Seren ire TOTS Components of Training Exercise Tmo n\UNS Gm as pi PREPARING FOR AND MANAGING AN ACTIVE SHOOTER SITUATION Se ees Pee ene) Prt esa reeas eon nes EO ey Stee eR RECOGNIZING POTENTIAL WC aL eGR LENE MANAGING THE CONSEQUENCI SETUATION LESSONS LEARNED ay AN AC NI Tones Iviecse Prep Ce Reta A OO ESCO Nr eC Dene Cre MORIN Rivne)

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