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Assembly of God. 28th March 1979 “PRAYER SANOTUARY" BULIRTIN. No 24a Dear Prayer Partners, In Pealm 42.4. Davia cries, "My soul thirsteth for God; for the Living God: when shall I come and appear before Cod?" Longing for God is the highest enotion of which our human nature is capable. The renewed soul craves for its God, in whom alone it can find light, love, friendship and power. Our hearts want rest - the rest only to be found in Garist. Only the Living God can supply our spirit's craving. Do we thiret for God as David aia? Listen! Listen carefully! THIS THIRS? IS THB VITAL TEST OF OUR SPIRITUAL LIFS! Do we meet that test? Or do we fail? Although it is intorn, as s result of the "New Birth", it would seen, by the indifference to God and His Word, that for mult itudes, their spiritual longing has almost withered away. What has ceused this withering of the soul? It could be neglect of prayor and the reading of God's Word; lack of daily communion with Jesus; failure to meditate. Tt could result from yoridliness or indiff- erence to God's call for holiness of life (Heb 12.14) Gnristian Brothers and Sisters, If our hearts ere cold, 4f our love lukewarm, let us seek the Lord’ for a reviving! Only God can re-create that waning sowl-thirst - and then only as we seck His face and wait on Him in bunility and contrition (Isaish 57.15) opening our hearte to the inflow of His life, love and passion. "fake time to be holy, Speak oft with thy Lora" Abide in Him always, 'and feed on lis Word". ‘THE MORNING WATCH This moming I draw nigh to ay God, in the precious name of Jeous! What grace! whet amazing grace, that I should be granted audience with the King - Eternal, Innortal, invisible! My Father! Oa, how I need Hin. Without Christ, who is my LIFS, I would fall. Without thie time of prayer, I would sag and wilt under the scorching sun of worldliness. As I wait in His presence He quickens, fills and wonderfully equipe me. May I leave the "secret place"Zilled with God - so filled, indeed, that from my being shall flow owt @ Godly influence and a Divine fragrance that my very presence will be life-giving! Others’ May the emphasis of our prayers this week be "Missionaries". Renenber our Missions in Papua New Guines, and Indonesia. Renenber too our Missioneries in Africa, Mauritius and in other lands. Pray too, for the National Churohes. Please do not forget to plead at the Throne of His Grace for our ow land - australia. Pray for Ringwood - e mighty Holy Ghost BREAK~THROUGH. Also, of course, use your Prayer List. Do pray! Please, DO PRAY! EAD YOUR BIBER. Read at least two chapters every day. Your spiritual life MUST BB FED! Tt must be nourished. Otherwise your new life will starve. Be sure 40 mark special verses ~ I alvays have a pencil or beli-poiné in my hand as I read the precious Book. Turn the Bible into prayer. Read a portion and then "pray it out to God". Take the Pealms, or any of the great prayers of the Bible and make them yours. Tne experiences of David will be your experiences. Hie enemies are YOUR SPIRITUAL SNEMIBS! (Bph 6.12) The prayers of the Pyophets will express YOUR petitions. There is LIFS in God s Word. We all received our life (spiritual life) through God's Word. It is the seed by which we are "born again, not of corruptible seed, tut of incorruptible, by the Word of God, which LIVETH and ebldeth forever"Just as the flower and the fruit burst’ from a liv- ing germ, 80 our faith, our joy, our love and our holiness, ali began in some little dry seed of Scripture that hai lain in the shell of the Bible, and in the shell of our brain unquickened for, maybe, years. One day the Holy Ghost quickened it, and we were born again. Tt burst from its shell, and a beautiful plant of joy, faith, hope and heaven burst into blossom and fruit! "Born the Word of God, which liveth and abideth forever". Let us "abide under the shatow of the Almighty"today- Worship & fellowship with God should be the very air ve breathe!

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