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'!lGU have tilll rel!llltu U.:tIt, _ .om.clay you 'wm dlQ.

I:JnUIII'O!l! know thlll~" '!Ii'0'11 are uSltl1.!U!i •

... ••• ,11 .. ,.

It ~!;l QII!I¥ i!l!Her YOY have k1i::!!t e ... e",~lIflJtg' 'th<at ~cu .rto 're~

, 1Jg, do «!if!l"tlill~

- - - - -- -- - - - - - - -

revoltingly ~~~rs, the·,,"Bnn,g on the Ruckus" S_clcJety

Itl'INHeatinU,;/~:·: ;,~;:

(a",~~lfi!ln.~tjust 910bal warltJinOf}CN .. !., ,,+ '.

'd;"iioi...J-'I'.!.':i ' . . ' • ~ .......... ",'.,., .

Sp:r'lngls Jie:!'@ ~~UW.Ql:Jg:" byth@ 'lime you read Uris it might be weUinto Summer) and

things are really hea.tln' up! Si;_nce the last issue of Di~ordl!rly COllduc!,.Bush haaclalmed his bir~her-ight as Commander-in-Cldef of the ev:ll pjg~"lln:p!:rei riots .1g.lUted :in.dlies from Zurich to Cincinnati to QlI!~bec City, Win~T rainnevet c-ameW d'w p,m:hed. N.orthwest - as global wanning eontlnues, .lmd '!lUi! Earth Liberation Fton:~ and other assort"eda.lld anonymous·ha:ve declared a~ flsrnirlcg war on th.o~ who d£,stro.y.fhli!~th f.or profit. \¥hi'hi! "heat" ~e~!l~ be a major tactor at this point lin tit:rw, Wh;;l.t is I'IUlOO' imporlanf' is that mall.;' pedP'~~~ ll@girrning to· realiZiill: the suH'ocating and sy'&l:emkiilly rortln' reaW),

0'[ modern !J . ~ rodety. Not that <my "dVm2.@d~· wstertce woWd he much hea.lU1Je.f,

but Uis hoc . g~:m.oril· apparent, to mEIllY at least. that we .IIe on an ifl~itabI@ death march for a11 0f1.j~inJess we can help to rnakethe eurrenr ~r crash oompletE'ly; ASAP!

G!'@@fI aniilioci:)y, It more current strain of <mti·authoIUa.rla_1l and anli-:ind1.lS"lrial thought,. s@@mS to be quiddy becoming one of the few relevllnt dlr~tio:ns .hom which to confront the present sit&ation. Goo@u!IiD!lochy is de~]y r-ooted in the rntique known as Prlri;dtlv~

lstn, in which aij oj, v:!U- - . Zijtion is put into question .•

P.rim.i U vi)lm ddes ~Qt i .., • many people .are .~ d~lion as a given,

since 99% (I UJflJU\ I beainnina to realize In:uten-c e has oecurred

wUhou t a e 0 0 iU'I;d Aq'!l.l~s.~i~atioI1.t Pl"imii~

tivisrn, looks f the suffo·catingand present~diiY ±ndl:gelIQus

peop1eand~. - sys.tenl.icaUyrouin~ hunting and gMl~e-ring

bands fro :. 'r@,IHty ..... of modern th~·onlymod~I5.of·slUJ5taiin"

We. Primitivist: thought

''.indus.tdal society.·... hm\t rutd ~hen mQst of the "'il; , that we are on an in- {orwereifo.roed)torem.¢v~dt·

.. natural wodd. and can give

@j(ample:,s 0 . ple~ evitahle death march whoha:V'llliv@d,;,mds·fiUlilire

Uv:ing, In 1u1mnlietl' for all 0.£ life unless l",ay, but it o:ffurs.OO 8p@dfi:c

difedIQns,O'tli!!'i' N;f~, ending t.he·ClXITel'lt ~bl~

eendtnons of . . we can help to make and ~.grlCI:A.lmrell sodeclf@s"

This i$ very. ,th. e c u rr e n t 0 rder put ~~} w@ bll'v~

destroyed . i 'Ii 1.. . !.'ltetnS ~d

fhat theli!lS;t ~ ctasn completely, . cre'Sited

:!. ASAP! fucked-upreaJities, we need

_...;.._-- ... more creative ideas on how

;_on-hl~r{U\chka1 ways. Tl'U.s can he buill ~i'll~o~5~fl.. "pm'. primitive p 'must also uSlf!coorepts taken f'rom. eoo·Jeml:n:lsm, a:na'rchism; pennaculture, and many other ideas created. as l'eaction!ii to the-patriarchal and oppressive cul!ures dominating the earth. We also need 'k! b@ eareiu:l nlJlt to over-idealize indJgenoils roopl@ and think that we can duplicate whaJ took QlQnsands on thcusends ()f years to be ,creaood within speciflc drculllStm.ce~ and. iocajlotl$, atld be no~ to put all of Q!;IX faithln iOIrchaeo, . l studies .. This is not to say that we need ~o:kl!-E!p'Mly'ol ~proce9Se5 orinfrnstli.l..c~~ ,. rnr.r~I!Jt oondition.,beyondi rome rnti~1 ~.Ifl·r~.e'\i'antMl:i-civmza!i.oo. and ri&vClhttionWY i~!if.l$. We n~d fo f.\'lm Ih~ [-ea.lity tI:m! the earth t.'aim,at sUS'Iain its eu:rren:f population ~:IJ1.~;'#thods crea!1!d to arlifidio\llly sustain it. Ideas like Ngreen" c~ritalillrn., syndicalism, ait'd' oo(j{d ecology will on~y' tWL?ak lhil situation just enough to !11f\b 1111I@el a llttle beiter, so'w~ continue in ourpathclogieal dlrec:l:1on in a. s.lightly more sustaltlabll!! way: We need fundamf!nlal change at fhe root of our axist@ne€!, and green enarchy looks at a11 of this frorn..p1;lr current ecological and social context,




_ -

1bI;c1_ ~ftno10111dt:'!'II m- ~ ~) 1'0 ~ §:4 RI ... ",...,

u.n, IlIiiiilth, CA 9QKII4

AiillM'llElH'lh ~t!H! ~r S!Ip~ 8M BG,,' U60. ~

WC1!N IlO( U~

ANAl!!ci'!IY: !lJ I-I 01' 1kIlri' _!i!>d ,1'O~j~

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k-t\l"",,; f08OJC~ Atll_ JOOU ~iIl::C

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8~~ t!W ~N A!M. PiliP. m~

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PO B!!~ l' (lllllkli_, .MI:! ,U~

~II A,go)f.tIJt Cloi.IMb~ ~"~$U

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'c:~~. It",,) WO!!'ka1"S' COl«c'itt~ :WJ5RD~~ MlgnhI, ~ .. ~~~

I» 01' Oi." .

WJ·f'riP!")"I'i!~'" PO lkI~ 291'l br9''h1'~. &rt!<uiUlif IN~ nTvi:'.


. E(lJ'It, ~11 J.!III'M1 PQrl!t>.~ 30n Tllc;t;M" AZ e!jro~

Ell """'. OffliN P'OlP:"~ 'iIII'1Il·ond. OR, .mQl

.IfIh &;D'tt '"'-12. S«~ AWl .tHinl,. ~..mt01

&ra~~r:.t ioCNI 'tTl' .... ~ l,\\I\CJLIN 3)0( ~

~lm'llllllfl CaJk.ctI'lt 2 rm1'1lJ'iodSt. 'PI"I'!·!!!I!t. OR mm

i:.M Wild ~,.I)hl (Ui'i'ab) I'O~I5~ HlJMI~~!lt. IiIt-I ISH!!D ~-~~,"

HI~IIi)P~CIM 'PO .I~ 94l ~.OR91~

:t-Io. OR.pI'dI1IIM fO!~QI.I! ~...o 5<MM Cftl.C~ ~~

~~,tIMM_ ~~ r-oe. Ufl~ ~.~'9'IMl)

P,rof_ EldrN!!I::4Ii PO~I( ln~ /!At!wIlOpalk. MN mo.


.PO kIo: n~ :H~,1I.~30

V_~~I'; (Willf1/l lllroMdI,riC,d

.U &mao $t IVIt. ~Hi1 SuI ~_!~~., c,," ,..1.04


&A£EN A~Jlc:Hf. th", 9.r,:J1CJ11-CLiW HR'SS~, .~ ~ • .;:IIdD., ~'!fft'l!i!Mm, i'rJC1(rw~~ !'tKIt TIE 5YSI1'M PR'_'~l!I~, IJNn, TJ'.I. w.,.n"m ••

oord' "''''''1-. ~_"'._ drnl'!!lo<!,c<j b»;

AMl'Chin Acfim ·Coll¢I:hrC .

PO a.a.x n !,U ~!W. 011: 91440

J!!WS ....... W.!?U"lau

ElIitfiil!,!LIDw< !-lIIltiDet (mk ~il!\L~fg)

,~.nlliD!1d..,tp..oiJII!fUf' .


Ih!'lb ]Jbo!',Iiila.,.lIeaulI:(UK;! ttHF~iwww·H~Iifs.~ltI.1In.11W~~64i Em. LI!>mi~u Pr.ont Pnll OMc. .

. ~"ftlI~~!!tI!f!!!~Lm~,~<""".''l.~..,,1c1 "~:VI,"".mvJt.g.,;!U!!I/:, Fnoo M!!!JI.~. ,u,1I.J'.ttlU1 1rn~/l'Viwv;".lIIYmiUlf;ll

Oi~t e., ~JttIi)t


hDjld_O~;!':I.~yf~ ClloiiJir·op!i~.r.. (lindotlrl- .".,""h.~,j.,I.' hmpdi\o_.chJHm.~II~ [AiIcn!tH CeIJ~.~ (t<>rtlil.'" hllJiil_·Alt.alct.~..JI~QW ·m~1 AcdM! ;!.plal. C"'pltilllili

. htip!i/.........,;.~cr:pMyI01'.B: "..i!iti)' ·tiiliiil~t ITIip~fvoW'i<'riiX<lm,p~ornlll."I!I'.~I!!r-W-rUy.1iItnI :E;."",A~iI(iiI·(Do '01' bll;.ll.rt~W(l IrttP~wrIffl,"".Clloa.Ml

:iWfIlIiIl1Un1 AHCI!!I (W) trlfp~,~C!iti,~_d!!cu:d'

1'ilo··C...,p.o .. liiI1 (IU$A.. UIIiIlJIIilt) trl]p~lwwwlnr:;c.~Q<.<!I';il

Ci_ War (IJK) h1tpi!'iIlili:I;bCl:,!i!lI!tl1.Wrcwl~IHltp.i'r!!iil

111<11iU l'rIlIilit. ... " B1J'~ Z~!FP'l.

, ~W\¥W'M • ..,-o..I!II~.i!tGfdl'1uIUrCPfim:hIml 1I11J1t'!!kDooIlO .11li¢1www.lI!:a~~I.GO.m .. $jItlJlAlulllll.tCfI!!l!IIOPI M~I!IW:

Irnp'JIwww;_~M!·!lI'stSl!"lOd~iml ..... !I."CMlbada~ ;I.r<!b~

. ~lll~.l n.I~:l~I/,qf.u!~.1um ftIml~"1II


c..;B~fIII A:Pln'" altllu.!laP -. tr~~rwww~oLo.~~I~II'fII~.Jim;/ :~1t rftll Ul(lll!'f . ~.IpWik.~11I'

~Wollk· " .

~JI'Mio'ii'.~.{M'SI'l.~.~ mdl'ftlinf_ ..

_ . .


- _. :J!:nd ['I ,mUll,J!! tn:l J';.fl'.'i"h '1t"'".htyoLl.



- - __ I


- -

"'~E ffI~ ~klC!Q;I. WAHTti 'o\oor. lll'.wfi A, ~~~~. ~HMI.e ~ ~I:IiL,

~.m,miE ~!~Q!oI_q~ AIIo1E!11;1eA tFL!"f\!'J

Pl'_JtiW:i I


Eve.,.,. Sunday night

7,!II:M~~41g. A~w.rr ,ad ipm;: ~ ~mF~!ijJ

If you're not o,ul,ag~~

!lCUS ~,e "ot fNS_ying .1f1t~nlld,"1

TH~;I IJiIOtf'liltll)i i3,UIaV~I!:;I~: ~~y". ~~ A" TH~ iB!1I"'YIIl'G¢r!; ~tl!~ ·11111:"r "'~'~ !ZlQ[!.1I!<'l yltin"!!' iIi"JIj.eI(!;~ HII!;I~ w~ ~IIII!Q" V'q.v G'f'iJI'I ~L.1. T"'« I 8iili11J!.'!f!~~K ~'f? tI!I~LiI!;~-!Q~!III'~ ,~!'i. !M¥FI:II :1 NiP~!,!~.iIL'r!Qttig ~FMliI it'-'_:j,."fil~iL~ ,i;j,j,ii:! IH~;i,.Cli1..ij 'fIIilJ .. ill! "1i~~I.~!I~1

Cascadia Alivel

1"he /ut' tirIng yofI'IJ wakh"", TV;. ~ ~,.,. nrght on dl. f7 .. tp,n CIltdc. iowllidlll9l 'fop I"II .. ~ ~!!I IhgcM,Plll"1'lanci~ aM SGI.,.,.


, O1!r UI1I~ ~ .il4!!~ ~~ !!l1!1~ filllg~ -rntr ~~auilKllMllilf1lhe!Jll!aM~I:Ol?l1li ~~.!O ~ authlJf1l)' w.d c<aph8bn, lhl$ ;oil tJiI ~ gill!!gril1'.3 _, HY"

froil S!RdM~ ilMtilher oornnwnltf'~~~,' A 00/1. !QjJdi1J.3 =v1IIJnlir, ilbrn;y ~ ~ .... ~ ~1tI~ ~ ~k blh~, ~munltr IG ~ ~ !J1e't ",~L ~nd at ~ ~~, ~!bu W FW\libV 1mJ1rln'l biI' ~~ !~ *II i~ UI~ IW;! p!~" Vfu '-;IIlt to 1IfO"~ .~ i!!(,I;jjrn, CI:ImmtJn~ ~ ~IHI ~mgee!\!lil~m1.hg (lI!n,~s~ ~~OOil!1l!!', ~.~ 3M~~!II1I

~k! we .nlJ'Jl ~Bl'iI ·8 C(IrI1,II!eh~~iI1l, IborJ ~ ~ mil18rla!:!.!IIEj~~b!·.i!J(ID~~~~ ~, ~, IllcJ .~al&rll 1iI .. ~ ~ilie:i t-h ~ ~m. ~ ~~~ I~~ i'fukll}', ~l!!1\, t{~ I~~, I'.;!llriirn~ ~~ ~ ~!Q1m ~a;}. 'IHJ. iIIII aim b:tivil b"~!!i Sp;R1tJ tJ do rn:o ~~I!iOlJr_uni\l',

~ .. ~ "'" ... 1~1 J" _ ! ....... ~:.i--.1_ .... '*~.

No:m~'tter how g'r-ea.t ()W'ldeois .<!.re,:·or hGW~si.onlltea. gl'01.l!p Qf:· ~ iii;.~ unh!!'<s we

ate Wi]!:Itlg to ~dual:~ze QUr desires by albQ.lisrung the 'Current order , , Jlin;g the

dQ:roinaHing structures standing in th,e way, \<'V~ ate real~y jUJj.~ Spot empty w,ord~.

This is whyatiyerne w1w daimsto be a relJo.Iul:ionaty must embraoo the idea ofiDs~tion. The Idea that we can em vinCE our Opp~SSOl'S ro aocept Our ldaas and remove themselves from po·wet is absurd, A];so, tOo .sit in cafes or anarchfst dtscueston g;r!;Fllps directly ~orurQntIDg Ute state;, not Oidyernbrace ·llie privU~~ granted 'k! .~ by qtlr

wj]), ;:d~i? :g~t:~ n.o.w!h~J We l'!-eed ~e!J,roW'age msW-NctWMry :jI~t1 . _.

Jives, This wlUinn:erenlly 'l:irhlg oSinio aonflic:~ with the'slat:ec , i..epress]ve

apparatus, but ao& revol~li'w)",d~~ lltUs $h.ould be expected. If W'e;1!:~~_;.";}lr to fIght .for

bill' h:~dQ!lk~w,lf hil:ve airei4y lost, , . -: "'';.' .',

" FbUil~ ~Y.j.~j~&~(~/I1iire m;~ been.ltmcb. wk irlth~ ~ > m~ta;s to.

~he relation of Chaos to .a.I:!..i!n:h:y. Those who 'fullhaO'S have

used of "spitting an the ~~ts,

.tdoa'w~..:S·.shed forth.e cause/' residential

:ina.ugu~ ajio'n ~n~l'e wa.s banner h~~1~~bef.s o.f the

Mack block, which 6t<ded "Not wo1il~~:W~t Chaos! For

Freedom!" This joints m,d a maj:ox:' ., the

o1id an~tu.s~'~l:tougtlt. which wa.s the

stry.ggw~i~, andt:he whichWte s~lggle' Em hum.a:n strliggWtif' all nUngS.'. Otaosis this

balances all, but no't in an artitkial., p~ ~tructmed balanCoe, bu

, de~l:r;w::tjo:p,..p'J pe<!.9!l: mt~v,iolenGe, ofdarkomd llght Chaos is not ~d~tt.'i!fiSthllC~'~!ves f~om iti~Ue b'yingno~ to breathe, 1.00$

aJi{i,tfu€e.cbee~ Jor Cha'osl <0. "

~S &

A Few 'WOnts About DisortleJ1y Conduct Jssllt! #3·' , ..

WelCome to !:he l..oll'e-Sp.f.iilg/E.ou:]y...£umme:r i~sue. 1'hi~ w;I$ ~urposedto i?ethe· Sp1'1ng issue. b!o:d due to (lthet ongo:it.g ouKlnew p.roj!;1(t~. U w~ d~Jlayeda bit, 'tik,ein pre'Vi.ou~ issuaa, there ]5 a variety of articles, reJ?Qrt~. rall,ts, humorous jabs, cmfacl:i!,and graphics. There ~!alm original wor,k,. as Wcll.OllSreprinb3 from '!he b~torJf!llti~uthoritar1an,

mti.oruzali:on, and ;ln5l.1ITeCno.oaJl'Y publkiItlOOS, .a.cS wen as . .

{l'Om, a'roood W~ globe; TM pw::pQ.!!~ 01 Difordvlll Co~tdlolcti!;i to help

varlous Issues and critiques rcepresan,tad]~ to e.ncowage awOlRlless ,

wj,th;in IJ;w Eugne cOnimunity awl~ la;rg~ ~~ .movem~t/' ',' :/~O(:COur5e. aa an e:M:u.S-eoo distttbute yell: mow graphics of oopsge!:tll~g their ~HeSklcke,U 'Wt! hope !:ha~ DC ,cane.xterld th~ diaLogue beyo.Rd aMl'(;hiSt d~les, not n~e~~l:y to' the liberal communlty (for we feei enough time andlenergy hss been wasted" and fur som.e reason continues W get: w<lsled, on tb,e:m), but 1il&tead to d\e youth., Ute already di~mranddsed!, ~ t~ those wbo .~. thaJ~ thin~ jus.t aren't quite right ... ~gvohil:i~.~,;em.ent~

.: '::; ~f~'>'"",~ '.':F" '. ':_,Oiire built by file)' have

;~. ·~IVl'di' ,".' , ~. Lt.~ .. !.,. . jih;"''', to: d to, in,

no:."' Jj:;:I,j\S"""~ no .. """0 ", . ,. . .ga_ ..

!;D~~ ~~ . Vile hoPe

IN'tl. ~UerS. d'orfu, deadline for is July ],5th. CirJiJ: Le-l'.'i get

. - ~l

.. ',rw,

the Hflifiing oOR:ttie

PO 'BOX,~:t 1"331

- 7::, .. ' - _'" L - -

eus~n'f~~ O~.~7440

-:-~I t_~·r~ .

I!'o~ '!':OVAL LIAM'I'llOU' NOI!!'_ Eugea.AdC.1 ~ .E! (1J1JU;) Eut~!::A~ive E>;iSWtl~ (e~:(i; ~Olg) IiI.ttJr.lwww.fru:i.tondesJgn.o;;;.mI~

I:· !.

.. J. . ~

'.~ ~ ...,. ... ",. :~ ~ ~.J ~j.

JuifE 18th,



There hiim 'bt>m ,rome talk :In Eu:gene to think about :r1ght :rurw 'Is w1ia't '!\!'

latdy aboubhaw to celebrate the second most effectl.v~ '[ know thl.s 'cbn} .l's a.nntiVer~ Gf=tb.e 0an;l_1!;a1 /Igablst Capi.mI, often spIt out 1JyHbel',aJi~':afi!1 o:pa , ", bmred,1IOtOP,:~,,!:lI» 18th, 1999. IhMe an who have no !ntenl1OJ1l":6f,b:r~_ghv.l{li

Mea~ ho .methmg dill'eunt than the system.. as a w.ay to slow <l~ 6r"Step

a pubu . turned Jan-support? acuon, Let me be clear, thIs JS no,t my'

] "",sa g ~,d by' the acts of ,In.bmt at all., Intact. J.~:a p(o{lon~t()f

defJaQ-ctfrC;lel"iy conduct" I:l)Ucll [JlOI1~ e:m~e a,rtiop", buUq,s time

whlch OCf''I: pnit@ ara.und, the to refine our mellioj;l_s ,tk ",il,'l, to

,Influence ' ~ and the la:rg,er bocpn;ean even s~D:geli. ' _ :q~a,W'

anarehfs' ,-author'JtarJanfo.'C_e. Wed;o:n~t ru!:t:d more ma.iiijiS. 'm-

movemen that It helped oJudlng peoPle ff'Oll1 other. ctJJtllIlIJ.nIUes

brlng mo,_ to the ideas of unaware of the 10CaiJ cmltex-t, gettJngmar-e

a.narchy. ' he-bveralJ joy of year-s to J atl, ]! people want tto ,bep

that dR~1/ wever. thEt!: we are repeating tllif $Ilm.e~ th.lhg '-again'and

U\!'1ng In th trytn__g to 1lve up to ,again. then n begillB to bJur In my mj(nd

,unobtaJlrl.a' ,with;&""~.II;l!n!l!] ;"!~~-~It

~. As so prot:ei;ts,oril:<ltil~dlO'Wre!;.;,,:~1.:,rL',"';t.,~ J-'{' .l'l,

~ . ~. " ..... -1:¥o!~~~-~.-.~,,~.,.J

(If a -his ' Ul'balr1nsUtrec'Uon' Is, vllar to-'Miy!

I tmd,revoltl1th:mary stru~~}e. but it needs to

nJo1clng ,berlng the past. of be SpOJ1taneou~, ~d,. ,~rn, 0.( r.~~'':~

taking ad!{'" _p'!,aUenU!Jn that wfU not ayeaiJy'rJtuaJ/ r don;t~o:w.-~1'I__!'XI

:lnev:ltabJytie: b:rought on us, as wen as goa] the' fir'st June 18th was iu st to the :need to show a, strong fare of open ralease some tens'lon and ;$plt out eppeslncn to tlleJr pOWeFagai!tt and agatn, some heavytaJk;lt was to begtn a large!!" I f~], however. that 'the levd of focus" ,prO<:ess of bringing dQl!.l'U the system.

Inv:e,stlgatlon. and whlcb is klmng all of us.

on the Eugene CO,ttlllluruty, ,50, Jet's prepare f~r'

rlght UQVl!'. as WclI..~ Internm. ' 'street-fighting,beCause

conflicts, (some ~ab1y due stu-ely- there ~Slifl.uch

to COINmLB.RO 4'Pe ttlctJcs), more ti:i' come;bUt:fet's

mak'e dLreClt'.l ru£houm:ed. a!oo think arhow we can

and CltJillict wU:h :!! end an, ewe n I:nD re

pl.R:s in the 'stt'Ji\et, almost powetEfuJ message ,and

su1ddaJ, at least on ,June even grea'ter btews to

18th. Hopeflllly, t.his wm thl.S ev:Iil~em.p1re. nu:y'll

change. espedally JfpeQpJe Th., only~ 10 1ml1«l1hem be waltlng for US jm

get better ,JM"e; .fOf ,atop watdllng.-nd act r. ,June 18tilln ftilT' ''OIi

IlhY!J!IeaJ coi.J,:I:J#~:'~~ At thfs ,et doWnl,l"Oli11 'OM "tie, downt 'In

point thQugl,",' "wjth 364 Wa~h-·"'·'

otller day51b : . and Park,' 5

a slew of . , wheu· elsTe,

t3!ctJClI. [ d. cover of druimoos, every

except 'tal., other n!gjiu ',btrye'ahi

~MCWst j' ,lU1d tet,'s not get ~.QgbU

As an (I " ,,',' ':,.: ~

• ,,' ,J~ "f_ _ F~~';"I .;_: ~-iJ*t· ~~IJf. ~

physl.c8J. Remembc:r. ,only 'sheep nce-d. meftders.,

a, 'Un"']e - --" II

I!\ a,lld,r,l,oUc anu re lllion"

jI''et anoth people ee!ebrott,Ci,f1aUdays 1< , ,:

this, but r .

, .

2' O'~CJi

. . . ,~ .

~ ...... ~ ;~:.:. .... ~;':"::."~ ;1'. ~



th e Weather

- ~ . Underground: '

NOTIEj J)I\lNG HOME: THE. WAR, '0 t'lolt ~ii "~""Pt to ,&l""'F,. ~_.. or 'II'I~ ~"9 .~ 1I;:b ~ .i.;lc~~ ,IJ!!" w 1"'''''-~ "~!:I p'.rlitda.- f~l rd\ilOl~, It j~ ~, ~liot<lf'i~lli;1o;>1t .,.t .... ~J n;,~~utio~~iJ!' IDI>\iC";·~.,g, whr&! .r\I!, "ke", ... ~uJ er <Wen omltl~.I from ~he ~~ b;.)~ '(k,d. tn ,.d.",w ~.r!od in 8<)dd! dunge ....... e...;fitIIi).. ,.,,14 bif,¢ fi~~ ot ~ ~~~oF ';iM~ ~ .. :,.~n,!! ~uGh I!o~ We c\'~ w ~~IT'I: l"itlt ihc '~LA ~~d tl... We.lIt1ne,., 'b~~~e, ,Ilo~rr ~C~~IU' -I.: pbce In ~~r~ L,.".l, ..M~F ~I~nl' .. h .. -I.For ~ mcwt f8r1: fOHn .~.r~t, r;~~ (>1"f-'i>II I~ "h~ It,,,ny .. ~ tl.e 'bc.~t- ~1IO!l,,'b.

Communilq'ue # 2 From The Wea,flu!'nnan UOId or,ground


SUP ~lrR. u I ~g,'il' t JUNIl~'?OI POl,.I~ HDQ:TRS /" WMBBXPLOOIONI • ~o CE}f(IUl: Sf· roUe! l'IOO"i:RS • ImK


Toni;r:h~ It 7 P,II1!,." Wi! bl!!W ill' me N,V,C, 'polk~ hesd~~I'f. ~ ~1~4 In ~ w.unlllll bero.'~ !he 1!;I:'PliQllon,

Thi:' piB:! in ,hi, ClI)!.!~tty ote gilt O!!itt1il~l, Tlu:y lu~~ m~r' d\:rN Fr'cCI ibmplOO 100 tOt'n!~~ Joan glrd.U,,,,,)" .n~ reJPDMJJble far 6 btn~ ,~~Ih~ in 1I~~n~,. ~ f:n'~fae;rS II} K~~~ $~.~. ~ impr~I'!4t1O!n~ CJ(t I..o~ Si~~ d~ I~~ I1.g~ I~ SjJ~ Fr~',," ci~o .rwI me' ~M~u~l Iit'~tllity qi!l~K lAllJi ~Jid whf!~

ywt!!! Oil t~ 1A1lI~ ,~~ S~. '

So-rru: uc nlmro Mii!mcLt and A[tRi!W, Othr:s can tliC'm" ~tv~~ ~II:}" and ~OZJn" T1u' InlmM ~I~ djft~rt~t 001 Ih~ nill!l!t ar~ U't~ HIM, -

1'hc riB~ tI)' ~g, loo'k in"",IlIci':Iblc •. bu! we keep riooi",& thrir _~~S, TIi'Oilullih of ldds, 'r~m 1)oj!r'lt~n~ to' IIi!! UN P1U:I,'t~ kUinsu~ IKI1iCb~ii&"8~'

Nl>:on, iln~1 'Cafi1bodi .. 0.<1 'hilfidrdt of IiChoob n~ ~llIn ~iWl :b~ sttik'c:l, &oety time tile. P\~ tIlillk mey've s!!!pp(Od us, 'We ~, bI~k, ji little m>! ,I lid a ""t ~l'M!rkF, Thty fllI.I'illhln' bUlld~:1 and W~ ""Ilk ritllt put their' ~uar.h,

'rl~ 1(1011; ftil'il4_~ gO!i' II) Ih!fi! Ill'i!l{, -

tlity' :bttlld ~~ (la~k of Ame!l~. ki~s OOrtl it dlQWjj" Tbt~ 'milbw gtltl, \'i~hilld t ~~lIlJJrt tit' lire iM musie,

" 11n ti:m~ .is now'.PoIitl;:iJ priwno .JI~' O~I ar a ~~n. I li-IDioMiIW, a r"Q'!, ,_ c=o_ne ••• 1:1:111. from llIi~ solll or dJct!


wei! t1I4r~ MAN ~'" i".B.!~tJ..,.~, 'YI~ n,l9il'1). Cop~~b! J~ro b~ TM JII,nl

l!II_'w" T,jbo'. A<prirJI.,II,l' ,,<I'!1I,-,I"1I,. - .

! J]ri~li'f me l'~~ n(Wj,~, Vof, J:: fCIJ'Ff.:llIW' 11~~Q~~' lhi~ T'Cfr1!.~hill~ 7i~~ fnm!;(',~ Or! two ltndcrgroum! ~u~rrill'~ gr~.1H~ frf'tn th(' t:9']I),~ \\'1lC'i W~Ecd war (ll'1, t.h,~ li.JS 160VcUnnl~~'t: n~~~ m~c1l; Uh.l!'r,;l1i on Army ;);nd 'the WC;llh~J UnocrgmUlld, I found i.t ~lluc~· ti(ml~l, ~ ~r.rC'i atly the P3,I'lS on Itww fh~sc gramlJi's ' 'lil'CTc~~lI@.h'l 8Cld (I,oc i:m~~~il, t\I1Q~ch3M~ ~hoIlJ~ mos.1 dcFiini~cl)' re~d mdi,_:t~ hi,sln!)' rmtll10t T'Cr~~t tl1cs~m~ iilt~takc~ Ih:tt ~h~sc gro1Jp~ nr:II'l olhrl"S tn [lk: ,dilllil'lr, uh~ ~ I,lfr.llkm pl~riml~ of Ihc II:l~t JO yC;Lf_~, Ailditic'm ~I~y HI.'~re 1 s rrmclib h~srim~~~m i~l tile culled fmrn thi~ 7inc itl re!~ti(ln W Ihe daring ~c~lom ~(lmm~~kJ hy h8111 ~mllr~, Tilere lS ~b() a :<;~>l:tHon al1mll pri.~Mcl~ fmm t!1~sc ~f('iUp, tl1l~~ nrC sti1l bdn:[l held' by Ihe; ~t~!C and arc i!'l I'!l!ctl of rup];l(1E'L IInpcfu Hy fiLt~ rc \lo"um~~ wm be rcl~'I~C:r.! SO[1in, My ~u ~~CS! i~1i1IG :rt'~r gro'lIllls tCl f(1CIl~ O!ll~ l~~c Gkorf,c .l~ckson Erig~,dc, tht Uflil~d T'rccrlCim Fl(1tlt anti th'~ .!\~I,~Y Ihvg~d,~, A\'allabie for sa or flm~c $~f~mr~ rrom fOB 11:B ~, Eugene., OR ;;t7440,

revolutio n has co me ••. 011 the p'e ..• time to' p ic.k up the gu n!


~ _c


~, ......,

..... '



.A' ,

. ~,.the unde~ground

The '~t cd'.the 60',', i~Fa~ did not ~ !!UI!'Oi.!.!i~*, dc!~. Th. -.. pfll)i::a~ lipan N~, r~ of 0rrb.:rl~ in AF11no ~ ~d' b::Y the, .hoo~ng, ·gF .tud.::nta !!It K~n't Sbl<! and J~ in Moo,. Tho "",ddl W~~ fotr.~U pm~1 ~,hadbc;m,.:ndcdi .

. ~ i:li1O!i~ 'IiOl!ns ~""'~ ~dt;gg;..cC iiI?' l4!c flgbt, i!1'!~ ~~t: to ~JI:c W j'j!4~""'_ :. u~""," The!! ~ ~ ha",c l:na,...n, 00' ON ,revel 01" - .ilfi~~, _~dal~ ~ ~ ~.~ ~IJrI, !:h.I: I~ ~Id ,I'd; ~t'. ~ Ig .tk;,' ""-.:l_ .ndlllCn ,~f d.c f)lad!. .IJ~iig.", Army, ,&nd! ~. W~tkr Lli'i~nJ atthabTingJ~ 10'~.~r'ifhhe&lI!bion-= UlCF.!~Ar~ i!1 'n;i ~ '_. ~1~1~_j.'tbcgimrrg.

We • "!llkt ,,!!:h gnn!ip6 pl"Bc.tiGCda palitiar; of ~p~ijoi\ .lililO ,~*, '. their WII;!j!!! J Ilumi'!S. ~ir ~~ oil a~n5cxic~ Of ,COimK:, given 4rc d.:~ J ~ fa.tpr ~~I --nt, !:t;w_TJ l- been lr.Jn:I iK!t to f,i:d.~ 6.*'50_. o:brpafr. ~iMftt tis- - JIQ~~ In ~rIi~1~- 6 .. :1 bccnlll!JiJen;:d b:9 '~Jl:ilte" ~ OC!mmYniti~ ""'_ · I~ 69 d.o F_ci.t :~ ~~ arnd: ffi. 'h Vie,~", W.!iil' _ .'1111 b.cmg. ;3CliJIaI>:id,. ;1~n ~ ICcmcd to fit ~ .~'!sp<!J .~, ~~t ~c:liclnariC!!i,. 1I.rr.d . I'QI~ 1Jbci'!i~nJj;grb! llmumi d. wedd had fg"lS be<!Q. ("""lvccl,ln ~., "'~. ~ tt- w..,.. _e. ~_Dg ~mc, that the lilfld had 'I;~mo. I:;;) Sh.-.; ur In.ii. to. CQMClct M1h tie ,.III!I!.i'bri rwbli~ ~rldgo it; knc, b:!j 'h !palh of ~i!nt

.. ,~

"Be reallsHc; Ot:!mar:d the ImpossLcleP' TI1i$ famous SIo{i!On. "'tlK:h 910ced me .....ali; of PM~ ill May. IVett " .. os flUi,. rINCrui1o:;nmy J1 its bme, turning e;."ef>i' CCIT«lcl"lwrucconccp;cflol ~(l(;ji;rn on 'Is head. Now. (],tJn:.:iol. ~'rluol·reoJdie-.;- h:;i"<;> corne IOdon'l'natc 30clal mlcrliOm_ Lire is (lu~ ~.l iJ1Llctllived· os~ ... otGnoa. and anyihir'I{J canlJe ~eE!ri \",ilh file "e .... ' te<.:inriOIO· giE!'3_ Con~,cteJiI1g 11115, 11 i. no 3Ufpri~ lnerl a sbgon ti<lCe so (':tlO~cr~mg 10 r:rr1 e~r"re ~(jci{!l orOer no, new become (I ~ <1(l.~crli~ M sloqun, Ir'l1floil wolm 01 th.e wruol:. every:ltr.n1) Is p=,blc ~or CI prj.!::o, E~ory- 1'r;frH. lila I' Is, ,~~c:~pt C' ,",'oJldI w.lhoutpro:;:e~ CI \NOlI!:] or ac luol, ~tll~-d8r(~rmln...<;ori', f08e-!o-l'oc,) r{!i(I~iOfll.frlps In ""hich (41e .-:t'~~')6(>~ Or.,~'~ QC~ivil';U'; fOJ one;!elf andl concfQ1<Jly Cl8:ls 1..1[.)0(1 ~80Ilty .... 'ltiin the wDlld.

l.ha circuses Illot we oro'! off~rocJ \~im our t;;oacl prcsent US '.' .. ;11'1 Spetla;::leHk"" n0l1A e~er S6i'Jf\ ber·:Jr'o, ~ 'otiC D'c.ce~ )fOflll'_ C:fcclu;es v.i1h r~lOiJ;ctll IX" ..... £!fS, fcnloslic EJ)pJmlans; bo:toes cncJ fNQC!<:-,j. 01 me~:9 ora ol'lefcd· fo.'our ontOflair'lfnerlt, ki!£P ng lJ.gJ.Jed to Ire ~rceCI().10r'$lR..11. o.ur acn"'t~i lirni!ed 10 occC5ionc"y f<'.cking' (:J hutton on, not unlike me panor\l oc.livilV in irrcrc<;:r~ir10 rru<nt:,'02rs 01 tr.b~ So Hoe ImpG<I~OI0 fl"il ~0t.':1<)!'~ oUers !JS is 1'.01 trir'lg r,iOl9 ~htrn ¥>?c'ti:;rC'JIQf ~pu'ciaj affocts on 0 .cr~n., t.'1e Ou] of ~irto,Jalily n~m])'r.) ~ 10 me rni5Qrl' of line r.;;-.ahly thot .uriounCit IJ!:l... In ..... J- .. :;m, r-cr;Slbjlil'c-s 1m reol:y IMug or~ clc..sin._(] Gicl'J.n

If we me t() ~cor{> mi. mh-ara'Jlu EJX.~lenc.e, L?l;r r<J\loCil must 1:1& praGi~ly ng-olm! ~ocisJl rOCl~iy in i Is 1<.;o:{;1oty, lli;a\ml' .. "iIt·lIl1hl; '..(l!l~:.:l.bccomOlacoapk::rrce. lodoy .....,itrerr. >:;::IL'uk! ~ir'C~!el'~ cl re\l'Clution, 01 !Jriving to O\O'E;!rTI.Jrn lhe pIeYCl"l! rCQlitv Ir1 erder to open, tlW PCSfi,ljilil." or C(Xlcrere. self-cfet.(!rminoj I'U.ffiOn. OCti.llyono,nOlIl-:tJQl frlocoorn.orre i~.;bf;ing unreolshc. (!VI~~1 r~lopr_,,). But oa" cn(otmg Ie-~ ,.,11 ()I~ 'efid 10 tllc present miI8!)'?

Ir'>I..'10.:iSirr(f~. in 11113 [ace cf I;l~ jlf~{JOfnClu1 !r"lol is cioJlllwl,Ofl, 0'-Jr pr'C'.l<Ji"li 30CiGoj fr.'alil)" ! t>!'!Or many rodicol~ soy, "It ii l'1ece~;ory to Dc tccrl~··!ic; r U just do wlhot I con in mv 0'#1'1 tiM_· n:t; is not l'lener.:lQr{:!!iofli of Qsllong irlCividL,CI.iy 111()i(lnf.]11Sef ttla C8rll'(?t of err ffNGf.t aQoi~t me '.'.'Ol:ld Of UarTlinc;Non. OM aliencrtt:::n, ~uhGl;10r an (J>8I.'ni~iOir 01 ril$tt;,n(] hon,. 0 retfeat Irrlo mer"llv rerw::lln[jOr.(!'. o',om gWClNr, u~ Ina mon;t<:)( 1~IIi)ber~ C<l, Ttll~ ·pa~I~I;.'e·' proj~t~ Ci"CV<JIOP<Kt Inltru nome of 1I1i.; sort (>j roQli~r'i"I era ~'lult';ing m(R(3 [non crltfllr:oli'.'£l ~·.'n~.n! ~Lli"Mn!] \MIllin llX! mcwnt soci"ly_ Tiley not onl'~ f(l.l to 1h!eoim 11":[1 ,,'u;lcI 0: Cqp,t<'" ona n'w} !lu,IE:!; ttley a,-~JoI~tec<1e tnc pr(jSlUfe on !ti(}~ in p~"I<"r h'~ rrO"iJif1!J VO'Ll"ik;ry =01 ~r.Ic;~> trndl;t itrc (¥iY)ofcr.:olrl\j "ccLntm-h>r';._r.forn· UM'(j It".tp·,,;unt woJ'~r' OS 11"r8 place !rOni ,.,vli(:.l1, 1tlel' viow 1rro 'workJ, those wria coonOl ncl;) t.~Jl ru~ ll'le re ... b:ul.::'..n(l~y d<35t'l:chOti O[ It.,-~ ,~J(Jlily in '.mleh we ""cos imp0:>.liDl'.t (1mlhr.toIOfC, CI1 Clcrn(leiOltl gool. [ellgn 'h(;!rn~I'i(."~ 10 manlCtl"tngon alj£!It10ii~C \-Jiir;n ~rllt prL"I,mt 100Ii~y.

f' morc:ac[iilisi ~orrrn 01 rE!OIi1fi~ Ol!-CH::I(.,IS. II is found inClPG-i~pgCli~'~ 1tiGIt igmre; rile rotcil't of ttlE! iJre~m~t re..":I'-1'jI. Ch<::OS'1[1 ~~I'£(Kj I'G S(,i~ m1.'f II~ ports, fl1IJ~ Inc r8(tiyclfl}~1 rnlbn, rom r.{]~on. G!lrJ ~~r.lcriIL]lktl,iSt.foken do",.., rrlm cUr<lgc~E~ of ~f0>'!.l8fl .... ~Ycfr u;13 ~i<lww 5epc,rote1y ~'Ac;h O~ rO (; islli. l-eXL:!m, <! rwifonrn..;r~r(.~ de~lruC1i[)n, o~d· ~ on. /l111'lO..J~1) ~L'aj co legara-olion can if'OO(l(J t....:t U~<'!fL'~ 'or undeJSiClf)CMCl :ih& spec,frcs of how lr,()' pr{)~C'i11 wciul orr:lel f..rnctlcn~ il u~<Jal:i Wilds ~lsleod 10 kiX'D peopl'} fr Om ab;er~ing ttbl:! wnol(\ aUO,;t}jnrt itl0 loHj~t p{()it:~ct IJt (lov(~lopnt;] SPf:<;h)li.!:utions In sp~:ci'1tc '101m) of OJJf>iC~.lIUi 1Q mo'.e fOr",{lr(1. C:'~,'(!IOPinq rdeoloolC<J[ meIIl0(1;1 1'01' O~pla;;ling tr,m;~ opprc3~ions, 11lis id~'olC\]ic 01'


OPr"'o~.M seporme. rneorv trom prochee' :ie;:;{~I~.J . to C fllr Inat bi€lokClown Ir:,to i$SU!lS upon which to C;CI; 'cquCl wcqcs tor ..... omen. cccccrcnce ot gai'~ if1to 1l,e m hk~'Y or li"re &;:i( p:otl;cl!.Jn 01 C! pOJ1\cuor . wcncncs Of oorcn of 10teSI; an will Dr! g.jJo2S.!he encrcss roufl;::! 0' doroond!,. Orrc(l ~~ing~ Ofe bfcl<:eil OO~nl 10 nus level, wnorc on~' onal~~is of 1~)li v.;¢i6lY ex; (J. wt>::llt? has n~npp;;ore(.L croe ~ once ogol'l viewIng Inirrgs from CiP1COL''rIir,1'''111'.ePje_;e-n~ rroily .. For thE! ." o.~II ... I~Heoli>t, CJlSo hnO'Wfl os rno IOf~l1, . 01::i0CiC~'iS the: . pri:rrat~ vo;':!lj~_ Wt,c;,I~]\ler \I\I'Orh i. (lOOde TrJJ>ef1'lrt!ci~~

'is plClCCCI 0;1 liriga:I'ior~, lf1glsl~t,-{)j" peli.t.lor.r tti ~h8 .'. ·al1locri<lius. ~l~-qC~;;:fliOfl "'~:h 'Ir'~~3 ,.,,1 :orLie IE. t!2'Q{J~ie .' the!.8 <)2·t resuirs. Cit least If :tf)If'~;LlI ('.'1'!",mnts ism'ri'ai(:. tM omcliorotiOo'l, OrO"L! porriolJl'j; r~()blai)'! or .1118., m~irrriCt"::)I). or 0 pglicu'a group 01 cause !.~i>:;l ~ne ' prcwnl order i3u! such melilO(jS .ofe- net GII~c!lVo£I pit ~. a! from o rw"0:uti(h1QPl onorcrsst f)(lf~PCc1i>'O, uecousc " itra't L~O g;-ouncod in ccc€'ptnf]ce r}t lh~~.ntr0I:Y. ifHtie~')OCi;o,'0I11Ot~y~r.s't,It.;}i ~Oqj:;o'."iBmu;;lljelt:

Ana loot .. tne perspecnec 01 I no logiC ol :;-..rbmJ~Ip:1, . :':

A r",,,,,,"s.~1 of p~r;peGli','e 10 rn:celOClry ~o froo.olJrw.1lfCS .

(10m lhi:llogk:_ . '.'

Such o reversol 0.1' pcnpc<~;,'Iffi ("'QlJirfl~ rir1fJifr~ Cl -, dlff~ranj p~OC8 fr,,m wrlch no oercelve me ..... ol.rd·(J , difrerenl POSiliC'fr rrorn whid, to oct,' Ro1har [ttcr['l $kJrtlng from 1tiC>W'CII1<I os I~ Is. or,e may '{;~oo~ ~~ .

. ~lor.l from 11\3 wil tagrmp i"'rllrH"lo;.fl:~,o';';'n: Ttf~ C'eei;":c>n ::. ffiffi~iotell' rnoces ana lruo conn:c;~ wiltllh:l pr~~.E!Jilr·:.: :rOC!ilv, becau~8ltrAre tna COnnlml"~, ofet stem:econd; ':. tnus, ihO!' cholces et n.ow cno can '~\!'o;) tl;)niofl olr~;:rdr '.: 1001211 d<?!8iminad h'r' lii1e rL,lIna, Or9Gi, [JlI~ p..::l. oamc"i . ;:;rOOll! oecouse a fo'll f)oc'"j)la "l1lconagiHo jake'-: contu:;'! of rh~ conditlo~ at 8\fei)'DOO'(S e~t<[!~c,~, . pi,,<;i~e-IY. In;g '·Of biood ol1d ci:cu~s, ~ui"'iy-al' ,. gouct.od \</,111 a bit oOf enti'!rtOflmWli, Ihl'~' ir,rJlilidlJlql.::· revolt nee<:1~ to (ir[Yb j'I~(;1f 'I~11l an Qflal'(~is afcfrns' . ~nct m:pand:; it:; r:rihq.Je, n.,'()l(ening I) rCV0iUlicncip(·, PC,K-ccli'/C, WM'nur'!oalso begi,~s toundefstond .' , Iino Im~t~'t!onol onCi t,y~rrnc;.:Cl:liL:alr'nGar~ 111rCi.;;)h .'. ""~i8h Ilre 111,rl'dl clo~s rOOnm.ns. enfCfce;o'wl ('~J1O~1·!ll·.'. ml; c(lr,lrO!, rll:spo'.lJ)<Jcn'lft tc!;o;:)SOt"l aiSDCiaI oi"!dl~:d(f':E'l, .: ~~ ~ ..

tM 109;.;:; ClI' submil~i(ln teli~ ~.J5 t,:l ,be .r,e<;·:I~hc. 'to urtli t ',' (lur,el ... o> to '~ne o}'!wow~g POSlihihlle; tilof fhe"' . plmalt rernj'f c~le~. &.I! ",,'hC'n ll"lil rc~lii~ B. -i;'i'fQ(:t; ., mC'~Cl1lng iowafGl doo II), to'o'lOrCl' I.~a p~lmcYlefli~ ~. eclps8 of lhe 11L.-:n0I'1 spir,t and' rher c.esrruc!ior":i\if .ir-;Nvng cnv,tOn11el1t. is rt :p.J,yreCj~rio:; to "ne r'lXlI.~~G?· .':

If nne lQ~es Ere, .r onc v/al'lis to (JxPClI'Id! C!'(,j nDu:ilt~ illS' .. Qb~Oltl(J¥rlE'~e~mrr' fo fieeq,,:'Jre ftl;1~ Inc ctiOflr.t!S id _ constlGin if. to let H Uood our mind~ ·una !le'orts.·Ii,I;~ _:: pmiiorl 11101 ;P'::k.~ lne ,,!o:dest C4 d\'(!C1ffrS: Trosn 41e·. : must ~iQ>O t1W~8 dle-cms and 1rom them hOM::a . 1;lfJupon ~,'iti1 .... t·,r::1l to o'lac~~ Ulil IcdilY. a p()~liorlUta· 'dlJL'!~s r(Joson cafKDl)l~ 01 forrnLJIOlifrrrrpt:O}l.:.';':;ls '. n m.o::('l (:It th" cr<;!.!;lrucl'0rl (;If 1110'1 wtIL{;he~I!I~croo thO : r!'.!(]lilcrti:::n of our mo;f mcw~eIC"_I~ aflWo$, lor I'J Kl $e' of-, lw ..... ho ~~Of\t to 'n'Jt:.:", cur fi~e~ Cl.Jr OWn,. mrtflhlng'Ie:;s .

w-DultJ W ufl;!.!oli!llc. ..

( "omL~ti,'!l'i.nID'im!.lidc!IJC'.~ ~1J

$mr:p'(J '5:511e$ (YO QI;QiIOb.IJ (01 j~,\) d(_;,\'r:;rrs OI1(l' o;:'Ql'1 .. b<..~Or(jG'I~drrQm F080x J UJI. fton,:;!.~,~Q':j·914"';(l .. ~.· ~~(1mo~<I lluf,tCllfv r.'.Jfll<~a!inrn, 4J .5HU.,( $1.. S(,~rC' J'Mt, .~r::Jnrr(J;,!ct;co. CA WJG4.

I k71V'11 I [)l.wtJf~ticl1c(, (for those of you who. li:lVUl't "~l!il it y~t) i~ Oll~· .of the: jJl(lsi illlpUr.lJ.lllt _ ~Ild illldhgt:n! :mlm:hist pJpcr:;. hdIJ5 prjblj:;ll~t! ._ in NOllJr Am~ri'~:l anLl S[lOlll~d Jdlni(rl~v Ill.! ~heth~J' .

, . '.'/·:>·1

~ Ilr.!

Were·th:.c ~ff~cl- ~(;!!I~ ~r, jJndI mJr~tjc'j" Did' It~ ~~t ~~~ ~ha~_, !1Ilrliat'lllliam, _d f~_bi\llll' J "~~!ionf f;i _ , g_.~.jil Qf ~ thlng. Man!;! ~I:ia~ _,.~ _~. __'!lI~~ h.J tg. bcr I-J. il!!n.d IslUr=h Klidirrl ~nng had'lo ~ ~~f'!Ied. ~t,,~ .~Id not b~ f,Q~Uo:i'" tlrmt. ~ .: ~ ~. of ~-e:, f.;r;Ib ~ iIIi~f9 r~~ to <l!~p~~~ ~ ~ O'nll""" Irr.~ IfiiIR9 tIi~.l1!1b!llikir<!!II.-Qp.~~ , b.~"1 ~~~ n.ey -Jd ncr* .1'" dowll .l!IljJ ~ep~ O'ppn::uKm ;me:!

.. 1(.tf1li~t.i4"" ~'!; _political ~m __ mI!i~ Il&o,;e .... ith i~m, the!! d~

(fur ~a, .nd d- who· .,1I&nIi.oc In prt-nilr illili. u~d:. our c.antllurOng ·~~POIt.

t\nd H we .,:.: a. l"I!oIIu~~e Qf .ii, nc.'li!' K!dal ~1II!!:ntj OJl.:i ... illi Ii dt.i!!F""'"

.!IInal~i, arJ _ ~'"PH4in8prrrlli. and o~ w~h q~IiON J tor- of

d'OuJ_i~f "";:; mwt koo\ ~Q>~Y a.t ~ P"'~t ,1:1 bm fMm ,~;,;ar .&::I.o;~'",".

~'"~ ~!.o ~!r ~I!~~. l)ut.,_t impcrl;!lntJg we ~n ~c rmprc;d b:!J t!-.oir-· .

LOilg [Ir.r;;.lh~ >!:pirit of Itevolulimlr !

The BI~ck ~Ion Aim.:;, _~ • cl.UldG5llnt ,mn~ ~ 1Id:lir:m ctB mad-it !!!~o( ftm:i:!:t alack Pailm« hny ~ tblL~ mrvived the P.B.Ls ~00lI CO!IIDla·,InIGllill'mec:

f'r0Jl"l.lli !Ui.d bcgM'l 6;btkli bu,k mlUta:rlly.wfwlluiit:im·!)II, Ute, Black it:.J1Iaa1ioo ,AmIY (HIlA) "0 b ICIU~ due 'to ib.e Ilipl-mly o(1hGir CtJpgmm(Q: • ,-. ,

The Revolutionary Anti -A u thori tarian B loe '


Inau uration Da in Washin ~OD., Jan 20th

o..-~. -liOO ~r4~ Ii!d; pw1I. tn ehe R~'l\ljI:u[lo.n~ A~I~.

Aylh"r,I~r;iian_ [Itt!!; In. Wol:lh~nGililtll)C ~n 3&llli'dOJ, ~.noj.I]I·~{lUJ (lIn~U®UFII1l(tft d~y)' =~~n~ fiN _ OO!~ h[llJr !hroud1lh~ W¢ll:!

~r ",,",l>int:~r. bd~"" ~ ~ dJO]! ~'dl~[ ai:llofi ~¢M!

'IDo .1.01<'. intilro1ll.l,e a ~k!'~d¢ IQ<IIIlI~h.~t};pQin~.

Til. =I!. ... I-,l~!)l~ 1.0

~trl~ or fi1a~li I~~

Th~ '~n~ ~yll Gf !hb II'M !!1111.:IDoo~ ~~1i1'lJ?"M~ ~f.!M bl(l!; w~n: ~n~~ by J'!'I"~" ""'hJ!~ Ilbn5~ \\'.h~ h;jJj·'i5'dft;f~~ 10 m~.p!!\.oIiiltlil' lhiIIIugJio 11>0 IIlI'l,orb}' 1Ir<000 .. s thl;lJUiEb I!'Jli",,·lin~ ("~'.h ~b[ju~ ~~ m.n~g.~ 'I~ ,do) were "'1I~rc'":Ied ~"f{I1i n~ 1M

.~!Drrouml·iI1Ei .... ~ Ma~l~f,I~~. -

II:.< i'i",~ d'o'j_gnniOd ... =~}'

ih~' .rml~rnaiJilII!Iol A!;I;<)J1 mmlr., ,01""'.8 Ioilh No'W .nd I~ Mrj{'o!A~lSlln Mfo>1Orn!r.~, ~~"d.d:~ 1I:!o,~~,I>ttl'?:" Qn~.e "~rc~d R;'A8 "_""rr. I'lnnlLy. y "'nr~' t~rt:~~ ~lOOut.l~·t!wWmt.51. ~th..i0:4~,it~ih:ilfOO!oi~\'f;!·~~!~o:oJJldf<1 ~~mindlll'<i~~t:lIOOl'~ ~=~~1!ikl,~!tr!!.!i1

~=~OO;lI1~~ .' > ., .• ;~""'l<" . ,.

I~ tne IMaintifl1t IlWi~l. L'H~' :RA.AiII'~ntl"'~ o.<l'!';I>o~~' •

. FrJfm!!Li.nd!~d w~~, i.'b~ I» re~~mhl~ 'i~ ~~~~ tp!!1ik . p~r~~ f~~

.~1 .. «! f"!lrn the fKIlke .[If!",~,. ~ "':kO "'?'" ~"t,ljnta l~k. Ji'I <:If&r !OJ!,!~Ir(ljI~ po.I~ ~ p-eYIn Gfl pc:i.~ce 1{f,1"f1~ ~~ ~ ~!'Ir!!i3r!l~~·~..:s!l!OO~'i"GI1l{;3j'Oj!l.ilOOlIJi_ I~'~ ~ ~tre~i, t:-:odI; "".11'1~, !!I1d fMh~r il.l.rro~nd JItlI.I~~.ttGWever, ~ pollllc Un.QI h~ld ndi 1h1l1Im!I!<!li. ilI;1J I!loo~ amietj~d:e 'l.,u h!tt .... ,L)! .~fol!;; Iho t'_l. In 'In. =""6,,,. .1tA,1'J) mert !<err p!fC~ '~ltIp i!. ~~,!>O~i,ght!>oI,~ ~ ''''' AW";'.!<n moB .. d ,b:" .... ed

tli_~~h;jtlkr ..... ""'1 _

ruri~. Ih<~ Iri.d 'I~ OR8L'I1.;"'Ib:"J

LI!1"t.1Wd • .i\'l ~fII!lQi'i, ~2:.IlJ!"! lP~~ L •

1iIIII " LLI''''Ui~do! d pl'Iltc;!iG[t an~ ~1.1:a5cdl !illlll~ lllJj.ppld' -

ItA.I\B m-t.nIb!fI> 111 Wl!tl ;U 1M!. w~ llJiil ~;li.dll/il'iili in .folidorit}'. 1'1>0 'RAAm 1~~')f'iA1'~" '1~lt:i!'I:iJ~.~lt1n",r.·,:

~ we r rm n"~Jmi.l'1i~~~~r~, but no IQn~)tf loolll.(td and ~Q"'" M' .~au.,:.:r ~ 11!r,.r mi!i~IL /,I;I~ the J;:tIl!lr.el1 PQ.G~od Ihe ~ do. dd.ot:Il,Q nt.1 ... ~~~ ~ errors o:f Ihe rnllfnlill Mil bm~ Mru~llmr j[lj ~~!! i,dr .1 fu~u~ CfIfIr~1N.ilm w.llh !R'flCe_

. ·T~ e r ernr,~, "'I~~n,paI~,nS by.~ 'Nn.· Itr!.:Jt~tDli 'ii'l~

• .j"'~.'TI"~''1. Q'Jh'f lm~ ..

~ !1okI. ~_!>Jlttjho"""""''''l!i",d oL <tn. (f(( II~~ ~dtIl".r.~.I!!~MnbOi,r~lU~I~

Iooidin:1i 1G ~~ g'i"'di!' ~_ Jr,<l"' ...... ' KJ;t~'" in~~Ill!'" !h~ ~!~ Ih!llt.... ~ ~ ... ~r& .. ~~~piJ!r~ ~:I~ (I~~ bi);l;); {11I:i1X~·fk,;."n, lo;l ... es &,,1.&4 ~1h"""',"iI'~1f ,o~~.~~~:Ilji~ ~~~_ bO.E"" .'~n~ a.~ 1WOl'"d ~~l1ltclf;.;! Jil'rt<l'l!~~fih~pijIIDB'timrieBilt ~~ move QU~(j(" 11:.1. W!r~!1 M~ br~~, ~ldtd LO ~h.O"i ihe po:o_iit e, ~ w"~nIIln~, IbJl LiJo: IVi.AB 'h&:ll eo ii"l!!n:iOO$~t""!:olUIIil1.S

l~elrio~~(ifM.l'~lh.:-.rGdIh1lpiiU&i~!.i!Il~; . , '~ ~

~ Ih~ ~n~~ W:Y: ~tHl~d ~ IIll ~~~liInd:~fj ,000.d ~nLy 0 ffi~I1iIt.~lS~:I~.ii1t!fli I!lrut.s~.9~ iervlD~ I!Ig~nl~

.. -ilL.: ~.~~~: ""'!J.

It"i:~~ :_"~.:f~: ~~Y~~i"~-"-;';", "_ ,

jib:J.d biiillt!lil"~JlRMi!li1M ~~'io,iI\,c pKiilcw.m. .he ~O( i~ ~ iln;<t! W<I!l!1lJ;J>'\!!;I rut! ~rlho W3j an~, I1Jt *~h(if~ In = '1f~~~ i:r!l~G I!1glln .. 'L!~r:lh. oIIf,p6l~ .. nd ~L~"'!!IC

- '~~~ Ii;Jr ~~ ~ ~ Ibo ~I!ll iliJj,li;iKlt;!, of ~ ~lli~ w.c~

-:;; l~jilcdi).\Mt~P'fi'CNad,Qtl~i'lrun~IiLlIIrOr~iIi~ ~Jj !'!, !UII1d[@tl~

"~r 311Eu' 3fr!i'Ryi!ftJiiIlnam~ nOI, :W' !!:i"iIi!: ~~ ~~$ ~~ .. -C!I !I:;'~~ ... lye~o&::I fiiH1 ~_ld!mcdro(l:ml1li~s~

~ur:p;j ~ 'IRe lID Ion,~r c_~~ ~b.eJ;k. lii;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;i;EiRI

~4 H/Q1\\~YJ:;r, !iI'~ ru~h Lap85.!l ik

~lnJ,'di~br~l~,;>rlIl\C!!f iL't ""IJP

'p~liim. ii3ildl~g 10 ~OtiIII IIIdL ... 111111l1li.

iyilicri!1g~,,1!lIl;,!!l ~ ~ ~[i'1.m. "lQiM~ 'po;:;U~~n ,ln1 ~~~! ~~",i,o;c, ~ ~u~~ ~ .he IIIdl,~I~ seen Wng ,i~ .ha.,'f>~'1 ~1~~~.~fa'kIamI w.,~lifingmil!"ffill;l:r. .' , .v r-

" : ~~, ~ll~;~b~~~i~~ ~~ ~ro(lCrlr f¢'~~llIIbleNh: RA,.!,l), ~QOI' ~um~rnn, '~m~lr lWJIll(! fIi!ld , iI~'.~ru1lp ot!UwJW,lktJi£U1i (loll\Jmnkst E'mr 1(,00111. lli:N.iI!d il!iCJr ie;!;l, 111&1, 0i'IC ~I<>;\;' _ jjn.~<ll ,,,,111 ~~.,&M "~p~)i:l1o_~r:"PliE., 1IiN#" ('\'!1l",.oJ,illl,

, ~ ~ni>Ifi(~~,~~ ~1f.·fW;1 0$,!1Ifl!~ '~II~lh~d,h~ ~ I'of,~~: ihinkinl , ~~!~!lJ.G)int~I~~iJClJsj.hi! Cli'.I~ , {_!itf~!!< W'I!!9~ Ih;!t I!Jo!! ~~ ~~~ ,!~

d:osiID)' ~~hW;p"1n.1, UlC klVJi "'!)III~ ~,""'~ hola, M )KOOi~m! ~ilMlll~ WIJI.l.IiIl ~h~ ffi;gCiinc o;Id~r~~md~ri~~ ;iDlQ ~h~ [lW!lKIG mlll~ snus ;tfI~ln, I.i& ~SJ1~cl'l!ll~lIiilhu~"!li!>,~=op1 ... di$N]JL!lie m!,Il;o;)O'T ~ III: nI!iI!s~1= ,M~ PftwJ~ shat, ~~&J'idle.!~ 0:1 ,how JMJ11 ~h!lQU;!jd~pfpOOcc g,[~ ~ ~ ilo~e~n~ jh~1m; 'ih,~ mill}{ tlilt w~I, ~ hi: saf~,

, " UilflllJlll:!n~I~I~. Ibuad iavi.iuhat Ill. S~L S;n~ie.o ~oji'" 'il3eI,~~l' i!B,d 1I1~~~.I;! ~~ rgb .!~ b!~ (.If ii .GD~;!~

~~po». n.;;lwjilHlu! loIii";!: ~w:i""","'~~ ,

=iQli ~ llii« d:co1, I;,o~~-cr- EvcI:lllAll.f L!lc bl,o.;;, _" ~!!l~ .!~~ br Iht,--WOOc1i,~~n.ty Vi:tI~ fOIl" 'Yk, AN UniO¥cm!lb1c" :bM _ tJiWt:lt iii, ~ (,jJljL r:lllio efll@lj &I-'~ ill.'1I.! ;t:!.:lilrt:l.c~ La :~,w~1I ~M (lIIilli~ oJt po)iIt. s<o!!ti!i"il: ~~, pili<o4;, I;:"~ A hliJj~!IJliciI, ane,mp1 ID cl1;a:t Wli.5, !I1l!d~ '" pt'Opk ~ tl~kin~; _gL !~~~1!ll1lWf&0Il'~ ~~\~. II)!. ,~iptv~ 'il!llik o~ 'l'JfiIlaJl,Y c'fCI}' oo~~nd 1m __ or lI1i1J1:i~bo:rut i~il!(l ~OOL .oo};;

a-'Ii3!f.(tpiI!J~l~ G~~n", •

. t:1"~:, ~"~~~thl~l.f~~iklf~~.w~~~~~ III ~ill(!'!1l1l!a;,8 WfL! fIB I<!I"G~t .. opiiol", iIw IIld ~ _"~eWdlIJj si""~ .~ ,~fI~~I~ IQ ..rn~ ~~ ~~~ U! !!!.!> P!lf~" ~ &dY~~ 00 IooVI ~~ ~~itIrc (Dr ~I)W ihe, ,fllUI JI;n~ 0' M~ ~!~,~ ~~l,,,h~:~u~~cn ~pblojI iP1!l ~J!It,B~ ~,iWI~li:J ooJ!:f.o di~ whDt Lo ~O n,c;u,-E~~n~anf.IiIct,~ ~~ ,L wiL$ ~~~ !l1'Il it 1O!;)~k1 lIO ~~ ~1~~ ilie ll!!;G. num!xro(~~Lor.! ~n, ttl; KC~. biJdQ (!n~'li" ~'O!~&~ -.tiel:! iIJJ: bl~ d= kit and u:y II) I:<ulldflll~,lan= Mill o1h,~ ~lW lIitJl ~.h1m),~,~ ~1 ""~ ill "(ltal,fll,pom"'~> whl:!. iB":~.,,&l'!iL)' ~Lafo'i~ a,.,~}' r!'Co~ i>;)~ fIllhi> ",00; "tli<l~" cliWiIl, &lid~, lndQf"'l!~ 2r;ou~ v :t:h~:RA"'B .1ws~I"*Utcn~~,~ lmiIrllUO miLnn~ a;q~~~ .. ~ai1id ~~nlilicii, \lliJI~ ~lo,~~~ -"'I~~ sa "W,h= Stl'eeL!L .. Ou~~!.";m;;1-aJJ$lj~~ o-Ji'I!:_",Wo!! ~jlj ~I!

N~,~,~;~~_, Y" • .,. 'I..,

:~ "~OJn]u~IItI!il>l\G!' w·(I<'HIII,," in,III~.~~up'" l~ol(!>ll 1!1~~ "rin., t;.l~,wm!~. U!~'·t>1~.vf ~ W~fi!: !k NOW 1'N01-<iL>;fi -.t!= ~~ lJ1~i ibc)I b:id c.~ M IIII~t iii hwl"'l) IIl'tt .~i, oI_'ihc ~!oeJOOi J!!:tJiL !L 1O';I;l ~It.i!d_ ~o:;4j&~ Ii) liGld ltl LI!~~~iOO!, On~~ !IP:~ LI1: MAIl. ClnbGIdcn~ by ~p~ DJ1d illpp!lr1.,llfqYij,j; a {(II' lI'UI1tK:r~oIlk R~I'IIIolllCUQ' C_ nisl i'my ,(C'iiLb iliid: 00110' ~1J!oO'i,. btj~ ~u,nfiI,J UIS ~ II) '~iUI!lll! 1i'''¥JW:¢.Y~ L;lc lJl;l~" :J~~,ItI!I'!III~~ '!!mOl!!Il, ~~~;~,~"~~~) MiLIIllld tq:u I:WJrIi d.m!\n,dl IIh,D (k-l.0!! .tB!l!11~IrIt>m,II_( ihC black tilre J!J11.j 1M RCP ~11!rW 011 1~,...tmIlliit.l(lt); n~ ... loIllll. UlIlIJa3.Ilt.!ljl<iCiffi;I~, ~ di 12!O!!i!$~~hl<d ~n~oI;O!1'&lwR'~ ~ ~ a.-.;~~ b!~~~!b;i.




- - -- - - -

~l\mlgW1o!~QlIt!i'~ _fl. WfI Q'6 k)f 1ho:I_1I{J,j,61,~1 ~~~,Ioe~ ~ Ir:dJIIMI ~!)Je< ~ tloa'I' OGf'i oriI'~InM~coI ~_..,.J""""Wr!J fMI iI>;;II!t!;>~Il~!bn"<;I..;Jgj '-~, ~egm~ ~1;J!i1!!;i!1 oJrfl~,Wf<~IOOI ~,oI.iI,~,Io1roQ~' Qt,<MOfl;tm'>;1~'~~~ _ _ "'-"non ~ ..t1_1!lg

~l'~tmor'r;;!~i!wff ~,

'Il8~iOO1.~\\IJI j~ ij;g! ... 'ffii!~_--.c roI'iI ~_~,_.we

~·!h;;i!~lrnllol PIlMifl.lIlg)n' , ~b!iJ h!.IiIiKI. ~1onIl~lXfI'/Eir omit$,~<;nd<:lI~t..~!1 o;olrt. Thl~ mri@ ~ 1E1~ at (I ~t elO'l Old ~ b''''' ,OOli! ar ~l]:t;m~b~!!l~~r' ~~licnd~,~IM~ ~! ~~H~~~I~~'~ ~1o~1klnI.1~~·1tTd ItI8_RYJkll'OM~Ii!W iMo~gtgv.!J,~jQ~*~ , '1IwIr oij QI:~ IM_~

, ~~Io,_~MrIa~~ n~(U9~ttl.~1oTIJo;l ~!(MJ ~ no;>;Q~, rm!'Tj' ~ , _hCQl~'~ 'IKo_,'II:oi al:lo:tllJn(Jj~onddla·tI~ fDii'I\II.~~~iI"QlI.!;i~1!O Eooh Q!I(j .:ill! ~1a!Wi mav'~~~'Qn we'~a! ,~.~~g_~.!Vl:<I, ~,~~_ond_

~eloor~lo_or '~<ito;!~,1bI~ ~oI~cl!cllm"lo ~II!'O'j'h;iI~~l'Ioil. -:


- -- - --- - - -

.~ defell5a 04' 'M!~ ma i!::f!he. Qal;~1;;>r! QI cM~ !hecoo~~lWtct.t~.

POtxll! ' - PC! l~~

" ;"

wl1~ "'r~~!l~d 'Mm ~'If~ (ro!]! Ik l!Mdi cl ittc ~i.e~,

l:mm~.d~· ~it.lnf=ililnll the poojc~.Qr~. m!lIiI' )~~~In"~,!'*~ iu. ... ~~~d'~" i;Iornl.d, ~Eil:~er' ~I $l!r-rouml to:: PQJi,.;~, and ~~I,n 84- 'i~Eig::qC!~ iL".1!.l ~~I!l ~~

, IJL.!lilMI.G~I.hI, to blihdJI ~,f<l!W

, ol'~J'C"IPI~a; '1i11~ ~.o!~~, reIr~~~ looIliiIJi pi~E~~' ~~~~

\Ii' ~ ~ I WI~,W""B~ ~~~im~t.el)' &11 bcurend ~hlllrlll' Q~&~~~~ (iXibbd~nih~

Il..Vb!l P!l~al!pD!I~~ " , m:ln~:fiOfll plain" ,I!!~ p;>l[';:~!~!bi~p,;,;f"liJ;.o.lq_.set!ir,,~. il!"'.IE:!oi =.111 1IlC'.mb:n ~r,~ _.nSi!!""bog ..u.C1Jlwd ~·I1t\Ppe.r ~pi",1I)' mefI1~r~(!rlM R.i!.J.Jl,{)n.~~flh~InOlll~,i~bIRI! ~rlilil!i;b~$~!<!l(li4~~PililJ:~~ ~.dtJM!l.5~;MM;, OIIIIY.Dhvc IJgRM.l!JI!,.II;t=~r~il!J '_i1'l'.l1 lI1el1:l,Ii~,~itoe'

<by" ih.¢ ~Ikrc Q!~;,e~""e<!1$

.4~·A:e'$/si{~=,:I'~~*S-~tt:.;J?1sf(t~ Qlmelhl,fl(;i'll!!8,igjU~i!is ~", '" . ,

'2.6'il5 IUlngeWood 1Ji'. '

, Atr>em~"GA 3'034$

.> ~$t!' .' -, .

cl1rn~thln~,aifi'l,(rn'!Jli1lcMloi'l) hl!jlo@Oimiillllnc.c(Jrri'"

Ari:a·'reMYi~·· .-

'Once Y'DU"vE!,ttied ~tf ndtht'~~J&_~mp~ ,

Let's NOT WQit~ te S:mosh the State!

III the; ~t' i~we tJf tire ffrlh Pirsl' JQIJI'MI IJve.ry~ IWiCtfMt:ll)' ,tw/ il1«'l#'ttle ktter ffom the 'Srlng ,em t.hi! R~ S«i.ety~ Im$ prlilled Siilcll it .IJ'W litI oIJvifmS "t,rock flIT mwi ,ml~tlJllt

~mst$'alidthe ·8t'brgOnthi,~~~f'~ty.wefil«lghtitwa!l"~t"~mL '. ,"

• ' Ac~anli"9 to,i1t1(! ',~iin9' ~ 'the ,R~ion" ~ic1y, ~01.lI:'&vgriulthi!1g:s to fuck,'~ ~~.~,

fr{ll!l!e (!~hU~~ that ,c.i:hciriI w«io:. SiQ Iwdi to 1l1l!11id IQId millntalin. We.'ve found th!lt the' WlIY we; C!lri" isolll'l:e, ol;ll'5d.ves (so .IIJ,$ to politically enable OQI' own rrepi'essicm) k by bei~ pm'pdlllllly dllMive and by ~hit·t!lJkills; lI'OO!ft ~1U!l:. WI: !O\Iero ·taJk ~'bi,t. w~ ~ mote time '~liin.g m1f ,!IIIic:s thiin we ,do i5"~hill!l: th~ ~~w.. WC-1!"\I\tm 'lnliSh. tilevet:)' people ~ ,g,,_t. o:~ Ihi.1~ way ~o sup~ w. w"" PIi,.~ :sb~t·rillk o~tf wfiSl:roctlYe critique" d'illl'il!iiOll QVef ~ ,c:omm~ti~'"·

Syr~ fhtn: Rtu l:icel'l Q lot of .srnt4G1king, ibu,t InQdt of it ~tC!ll'ted .m~ the f4..callad "va!,u.e.lI, of I\QIl.hiera~"Cby lind auwnomy' of p-otut ~,e:ocper1s"like fh~ Direct Action Network, the RudiU$ Sooeiy, ana IMr~~Mtr~ gr'~t.!p~ not, anly ;h.tnt out IWlf'\!! l"QdiQgJ riew.s alfIa publioaUy denoul'lC~ t~ iJ! mcin~t,rean li'Iedkl, but ~~ ~!'It u f:ar as t,o pilar cops In the.dneg~ Oilke pnysi'OlIIly iillt~n.I~ IIII'd jill some ~as'e$ peppel" ~!ng' those engaged in 1lfiI~ dUtr\!ur:oi'l}. jigt'"$ not CQnf~ ,hIN'di]<iI'Ig with exprasil19 OIF fr!.llli~Ntillfl with the. ,Cilli"rlll1!t si'iua.fil!!lt ,frgm tne prcvi~ 'letter one miflht think tha,t CJ'itiq~ gf the leU Q!tii:l r,jf 'fuc. ~Mllt 5I).;:.aI!ed "drl'eGT tteTiOil('maveme!lt i~ tlK. ~t (lj" foc~ of wr (l(;ti'l'~'t'l".'ThI~ ~kI ~ot be hWTliwir .~ 'line, t~1ih.

Yu •. th~'anarehislmg'!!tmCnt hCl.'lmtf(h r.oot:m· f'afo. i!1llprg~eilt. bUif fhc;re ewe more ~9~t~ .

I'roJeds' !)OJlI9o!lll wi'th litllB O'r' Do mone,y and with d lI'Iuch wider scope then .h!u been ,S"" f"m lIIost S>!llf·~dgjr1!le>d 'i:lC1ri~ 9"OYp!l. From buHdll\9 ~·t'l'\On:!iI lIWt1ulll~jd ,cammunl'tj~, t,CI the Ci"Ut"iCl1 of 1I'I(!1t'r{ fMM of clitllmlltiw.' m.ed~ _ Ol.I'Il'ead'l OQIJ'MIs, lines, rpiNte rgdio, video, :publfi~ ~ tv. etc,.). to ~~, ~Ir ~t somewhat of an O~~I tlu'.lol' to tIM ~ate Mel alii other fOl'll1.S: of dQl'\1inafiolllO the: anarchist movemettt 1$ '~i'if"rtdlng t~ "expert"' iI\ei1'itQlit{gnc! ".he: de!lire *0 direct ancicootrql "~~ide.nce. SQ rampan.t w~thlii ~he "M'rivf:fl :tteoo·, ,Add to H1i:51, the inuth ~a t:S'mlllt~1'I af tocticrs ~ yOY naljle Wllgt . hitIiJ beebl ~kh'l9 in IliI1!r II\OljlefTumt f<lr 30~~' m ta .. f'le:wkrtic'nM")i' ~i:ooa.

Acegn;iiJ19 1'0 the pn,vJQUS lidhl', "we wed to _ b!W!mrs mid use I~ and. !!II, UI!I~ bullshit.. bm!hen ~IIC ~d doing it T,Meatellea wlth lD5iDg'~ .stllrus iii! the 1noa ~ kids 1m lihlf: M~'k.we had to beeeme e¥elt bigger ~l!.I;. N_ we ti.I.d;. shtt IQI. ~ cThJ5 is $Uch g ~~lcw onalysi:i at liMn)! more mi litmlf ta.ct~d ~, bef,ng used. liIIimy ot w :M'lR.l:\lQli~.d tht. fl.rtd~ {1i:1fur~ (If ~1i11li~ or Qir ~Id wnys OM hrvf; d~aded to tl)' to beCmI.Il iIliOre ef·f~fllve,· y~ • .-epre:r,sloo.fl! will. jnl::ret;!$e inprQpo.r'tioli tothi1: esc.alotiOll of tGetiCSI. ootwe ,lIIeed to QCc~p'tiiliAd prepare fortiMIt' Qbd .not I'I!Il away bm.ill9 tI~G$e w~i1ing to tck:e more. eilCifJ'ellfl~ odlon5.. M~5t people, of rh~ world don't OO:v.~tne pr~vel~ 11;1 O1<'Old. o~~$icn" $) W~ ~hoLild ,mot d"iscatant ~re (la~M:: t,a;C'ti~ i~ ~ to pl"U~~OUf' <JWII safety. in {get, wmm r.epre.u~i'I ~l!. ;J:trt 1'(1 iQCnlClSc.. w.r. need to s~p.ort more mmtorrt t«tic:lI ~wllrnor~ as ,to etlSlJI'e there, cQ,Atinued $~S:l.

Ld'5 9et real, th~ alltt much time left!· W.e eM s,p~n.d ,all of <i!l" ~ergy embl'ili:ill9 GAd ~ckling up ~"O. those w~th lI'I~h differen.t pk $g Wfl G~ 11~ ~ ~1rentic.lly bnodu l1lO¥Ulietlt, tM{t mor-'!:. !ukt;Iy, Q 1IIoI'~1' ,and reTOIi'lllil5it ggendG:: or W!1; GCilid be hot'li:St' abaut our intm~'i.oJ\$ ~d Stet 011 them. We $hould not isolate "Ol1r.ielv£SaIldwe do 1Ie~ to build strong@I" clliam:cs .• but D?t ~ flpe cxpi!-l'\iI~ a~ c,omp-omi~ing oW' ae;1Jiol1li (I{" gg' 'on!I~yf~~. AI:KI.the Qlli~ we sho;uld be bllilditi9 aroe ,Mt nec:~l'iI,y 'wH'h oiIhu ar:ti~ts: .• but Mth thos.e ~-'" have thoe: mO$t~o ~II from the ~t~n'l 'fQ~i~g. Sorry if Hlis mes'~ up <my af tl1(! or ~~ 'ac-timt',," plan.s fOI" <II S!1\Qoth tr~lti~ii of powcr', thill9:l1' 1tIIar' Mlie ta, SId ill little mes'$)!' iM,lijroer 1:or jt g~t ~ttert

Fucl< fhe ,Civil i 1.ct'i get df$'Obedientl I:'Cvol,rt9,y yoYl"'S.

fke "Bri'ngOn the Ruckus," Society

Meanwhae everyone l~'arltS to breathe (]Ind nobody can and manlY sew, "We .'.li,111 breathe kiter."

And most of them don't die because they are al,ready dead.

-~-- -


CK ..

IlistsJlIla 1D1 all'lIIJ.lJlult:'1l11l8IlJWII W' H

I~ Ibfn}ucm, "'" w~;l f~~ tM i"d: e .,J &;gOiilUIKm. M;I ~I'!alli· . . ...

• rlKre_~ ... ~,[.t,mdfam:r~""'~. .' .r

· IImeiJ._ri.8,iMll~ ~(U!~ r.n.d.

'II"C I~i~ gi m.. flffil, ~~ tQ th~ ctt)" , U S

(.tIO'): lilI~.n fO me UfflCf,;Htd noW w t~ t'!1jI!flli11" rnol!it!)A ~RII.d .

• _. ~ em 1\110;1 cfficc:1 didn't "'-'''' ~ or ~b~$. liD"" mlllf , .

· or .. . "t;b~ ~n "i~· ..

',i O'I~~!;"oJ}jll T .

fKm~Ora ~o· . in.!:1lfI.!.c=·~"s.!imn.· -

I~ro i'I~~tcl,,;lI mKhi!JI.c bum. ~iBBt~1' ,.,., ... llf-fiU widJ ~I!'

,flrIiCf~ Ig 1il0000ff':U~[~i~!;".ht"*1 b~C~~~l'I.W~fOW,dI tb. wtiil-= ~,.~~~mi.di~.if'·br ~)111~ .w"l~"IDG~cl' r~!"S~t 1M

, ;o~I!iI~ dy~~'mill~~m~~.'~r ~till'iliii(!~~ o»!l!C~ pc;r;~'I!i-f~; ooal. ;·i~OB, 't~I".~~~!,·*~ ere,~.l·i~ ll!,~II1I1'~. ~ tJ;.; ooiHol~ ~ulil ""~ d",~1~1f iii".iiIUQ:"Wr.;;i;tiiJd:fu,u:IW!:·O!.If li=. (D~,ifl ~ ~IOO iJlQtn~. ~~II,8:sm:iiWii;";.fucklll8. ,WiWm"", d.f~illi!l. driw·

illi!l,ij . ... [i~~, i,"",

{1It~ . 11l..~1I'1!~~

wthe "1,.,dl'i(;I. ,. . ~.': '.' .

. HI.I~.utm~ ~I-i:: t'''!I!!fofmro·j~tQ Wi>ilN,lion·~~tJi'$. (iu !~i!;"t~"'h.~i~~ ~)\(j:iJZ mi!MI iI f~~~[~~ w.;, ii'IO lit,·

BRd«l =~~IIIi· .• ' '!. .


~.,.d!¥ !l'~itr

.~~o e1'LQ~.

·d~l~.' -".

. ~~, ."t:'~;$OlS~ ;~~n~r, d~~~ ect.:r). 'We He· ~~~d l'1oolG aMl!l>l;>~ u "ilh",r ph}'~i~~ .". bc[~ or !lI'1!lnbtgr<; ti"t hl~:Ii i!lt~r.J'!ie.t5 bet'l\'e~nwmPe,.[·r .. lzcd ~e~. In rh~ I¢rvi",~ llldll;luy... I~e ~ ~batn.·~1! . .fI1.·C!!$[.~i~Q:~. ;jr~J1~~' r •• -s:

~D,'CiJI &;110 Ig_gg!', ~

~.j!~ i-Cript~~ ;,.-;;lljlb .. _ •

,..(~ .. :.._i... , ... _.~

~. ·gfi« ~~~. wtlltc w~ujl1! pI,~~ ~=. ~r~' ~j iY fI.I tiimillfl18#. I ..• -':': •• .

Te,l1m>~IiI~ p~"k, ~ ~ 1fi~d!li!~ ~'I1I1aJ.

ogy. ilI!Q~ .... 1 ~e ,iwlltcC oIJ~l. 'ir't.m of rdulolP

,~i:poI ~~<!I'! ·.l.c;lrlCl1t1 ami liFT> ~ 1CC'1iruJ1-

Oi)" j;j I. ~.H"ai fI;IQL" Qr ~I. , , of l~IiI~'pc~dcAJ

,~&""" l'O be pi~kod 11!too~ .. fiil to ~~

tbu 'u~lD' !is ~ mmp.b)lsical wb!,il;Ir:Wlot;1ii: .j.s .Jm ~JigR. of ,o!J*lliudaD, lillif thcRfo;,~ lim.oell,), di~ m~!f!lO''ii'Hd ~Qidc!'i ,~";i;!.d, "nirdi~ <;lQ<tIUO~ .mm d!e :,,-ildol. d.aclltMm or ~~ IU:II:rlliil1. _:f'_lit$. TlIc IMrdioIi~ dJm,. •.. !I!.~j( ~.~eed W~"".in f~miI~ Qf IDU[ pr'OIM1l~'Ij~ ~ ~ili. ~ .~ 11'!~~, ~ffi.ri~t.. but: "'I: ~ n<;'I'~r be Gffi~iI;!}t. ~

Th.;:. cl«trcmic lin (l().lnct ilt mnl:.l, ,,_:~y we,~! do WIIIikIw!, !llid on ollr_ri!;, ~ gllCfii,t" ~n'i~i~w cl:CCtl"Qlll~, ~~ ,IIlCJI4, t'~~1 J:;.(}(;,

Orll'l.IflS'Clelcn to go ~hrol.lgh 111e IJnwer.~I1'Y system In the beI9n"Oiffl~Cfeclll, 'for good ond tor bod. by post-modem thought. At ·soclallst tn an a ehiltecrural program d,eeply rooted In emly to 'mtd modGirif1l$t l'deLiils, but hoovlly Inf]iJ,.IeJic~d by post-modsmlsm. ih6 Ie.r,."n.·,..,· lnc n Impoverished port of orbon P'hllodelphla, so as,"'Socrarly

-aO'OCli9r" colleg!3students. we were' going' to solve fIle.lpr~~~pr

five yeats of sludy, 1 storted my IntelleclualIollrfley h~ c. ,lilt,·

whlCll emphasized corrml.m.lly aoo';eqlJ9Ii1¥,.~:~ ,,,_

. woud some how be red!strl outed to ttl ese' • sort or governmental chorlfy,ond Wefe .. :strQIJ,g~ Jhl.¥Y

, &el'f "d'eter[Ii i}l,e,d.

, was:? .Brpwlng UP. ~tlsNs'b~itW~.

, but hod !')O Itla'( of ,other. waYlfhen the

. m Lilr)lr~l' Cllrtai' I e'ftrst pqst-rnodern~, .. post-mod':ernlst l'101olsttldy O'~ current

tim.s" pomt, mlncled

my mcsxl , ornOi modlarn~

'I sf ~ d 0'OU. so 01 all conscious mode me on

,cuh::>Clls:i' to mOllY oilf theo beef·sw.lllln' studen'i's,

but my obility to argue my po1nt (and the gull -

tlldiden conselencss of my prof~ssons) gained me

their resp9 '1" begoft''to .olHn ~tn th~

wrong cr grr-qup Q'~ qrt~y.~~d oyer-

IntellectuWhq,mC!d~,QrOZtt~5,t.ooq ,

arcnlrtech.f and W,ork~-a rn tMe ·cO'rM¥'

with cons ,palnf'Ll'l1d g~ue 'l;fuf'il's,. My

prof€l,$$ors w.Qlr .(1; me agrolt~.~f these peopl'e,

T h e'y 'Il! S P s:c I C]1J11-y warned me af~he pro-

f@~g.or5 who ~,. had never bl.llltc bu~dlng' In their

nl/ttS~ ~oh, rol).1 'o/OS GfO\'Ang b::ted wlh the !!lpel1flo'd nature

ond career merdalilty of the orchifec- lUfal program, Ilmew thad fiO

Intention cf glfdVl!lg me gam e rind loll"1lnQ the protessloncl clo$$, but I wbs -~fso .

Ie arnlng mor~ (a authmltorlOfl ond 'IIml~1ng nQl11jr~ot most forms_9f'!R .

was becoml more disillusioned \':.'1 11 mQrxlst~holJlghl Enter more

Stf1.lclurailsm .' oll5truct~on. . ,. ~,-._) - r':' . f¥'>'ji i

~ wcs begrn .ecorne more Influenced by the Ideas of Mlcne! FOLICLlUI'1 and

'Jocques D 'as etso startrng to let' 1ihe other scdeof my bratn have more

Influence . I had always been 'oIiH-oulhoritorlol1. prlj'bably di.J~to"riW·

cathollo up fJhysicolly and ernotJooolly oblJ$llve fd1hsc but I herd been

. • " . ~ - -.' ... ./'l>1li. .. ' ,

'" n~.. .: il~ .. '~1;1:~

'p.iIi.OI 'OOYW ~'''HM' ,W ~KHMiOO'S

IiEE ''GUN',[''(IHlIU)I,· l~W5 ro T.II.Il:E G~l~'$ ,II//l.~YF~i'Eoi'1.O,.J,.Nll lIHEi'1 MU~D,!':'-TlHEhli

ME YOU 'l'OOJ.ltr5rDEl\Illtli~1

1'I1!VlW,'t; ~r,.!,l,CI..M., IllU.()'ll1' m JU.dEBlnA US A OONlIl,n.'nJt'lo.RAt IlIi:EI,'I' '~o POLloS P!M'lDfllONl

"THIS .iNFm:WlilOt~ III!·

D .... O'S ~ IS 5Hao:JNGI -oot.j~~la'1'lIE .:EY'

THIS, !(x)T. f!;~Lt"l)Eb~ N,rMl.'lU~Jim

INF";'~(lF ·GLiH~·i


m¥ii1-V.f'l'One F~hI$ (IM,I~~IW""!lTrlll'm:u. 'i'OO SiIhIrntll'U Tlf.l.T.~el! M't' ~LOODWU

;,sA~"'N:II'mwJl. I""~~ WW60D Till Lru~ 1I1i\.f JII'rlclf(:;'l.$lgaa GtlN ~ IJ.Jn MrAAEtm. ... 1$ ~&,ED

'OIHHE NAZ~ "GUN CO:Nn::OL.~ LAWf . 1'O!,IIll;1J!I!;9.IJ3D W1I !:J,i\'(l'MtH tll:LI'el)lO ';JJID£J: 1.!!Ll.KJtfSI N!.~. MOCEI. f'ti~ M LJlII'51 '!i1i,',TII !If~E1


• "GIITI GQffirol' 'l:d:o'o!>:IIl!~ Yn flt~~~~-'Ih~ Wlls prDiIi\'!Ie o~ ~~fI! ~rnti I'_~.!I~II!·IG ,dlf;!'1i!oW ~ I)) ~I' !h, nlllll' ~.~ ~~ ~~Un Oonlrol ,

• 1il'I! 5.!~w A.~.'!!l'm.!tr~' t'l'il'lr~JhH~ awn nrml ~t

"'JIj.1i;8n~ 'IM PC!Il!!!,!(1 iJJ/,rlJd ,J\II_Ms' -

• IIIIJ'UMi!.~ ~1tII'~n\ In ~ ·"'OCt, f.nD~ Dr ~_irl!~, n,,~ ,D~M ~~~~Ie.u~ Ih&1f p.!r~nii W!fl dlWjfjl~ aM ,~,,, no' d~l~n~ iflirn. - .. ~... ,

: ~~~i.'~11:! ir' blind 1(1 ~~, hll dl/'lllH' 01 "l3untOnlt'DI',

• In M!JJt.:I, Drliinn pill! -)'C<;j io-ld yDUl' rm~ - hoY.! ~o ri~r

• tQ p~r.'¢" ProtWitM, ~cJdl"~ 10 ~~t IU, ~i!~ IIm~ OD"I'!.

F\ourflil.~M(iflan M!.i~f~pllCi!, !1IiIIIIt. pUIIIlc.o~d~.

• A.rmtrl'C~'$ Uf8~I!i'Iiif~mrol·/~w~p,:.,jr~nilr i! ~IU~ an'~

• _Ii)li' II'W,_wh~ (1~1 sn V!~ ;1Rj'1~r fj'I[~iIJoo /IIim)rd

DI., 11..5, ~rnl!>«nllla! tolQl~!I- JM ..... n kUlld -Ih~~, W:~D dl~J~~~~ o(,l~ II~ pOH~1 and ~ pull~~l or f~otl""nds L'I~ I1irEJI r~lG(rlloti 'Im~,

• IlIIfm~'$ ri1'l.i'll ,~t, hen~MbI!I rDDti~ III M"!rll;i'~ D~!i

I"~ I ~\il11mJ>:,"I~, It "wall ~airl~l~d' ml' :'3 I~ ,

~D~i~« m~1i1 D·O''!'!onl'I!"!.I.II'~~,

,~~ .,Neeti m llLL.'l'llU I l!bIluf iHUDJ: . , ()1ING15X50f'"GUHCOHTm".'

""', M~n:U .. YOU \'MAT' ..

l'Ii\ProlUO POOf'LE M1:) . oo;rr H,I;,'rCi i'iit~!HO ..


IN- c:t.LlEP ti!LET1IAL LAW,S~' ,Ii Em.AlN5 HOW MILUDNS OF !'i!ilOrLE. ~lrnollT GU~~" t1A'ri ~E"1 MUIllD.E!:ti1iD-


.. 'i~"","~P-t~ it

oOli'l'VTlo9d· that some InsmuOOlis were nooe~SClry to chong~ thaJl1nm,r~sttuaHons In the worfci, cs ,long 0(; ~the ~pla·s· Inte.re6its wern In mlnd. (-0&. Il'Ig to allow

m~lt to rea.1lze what I probably olwoys hod suspected: Atb ItlIj· '. tegmdl,85iS ,of

their &tatoo benevolent Inlimt and 1;l1l1JXl:m. needed to tie put, 1t1t· 'tjuesHon ond

. \I!Hm9~ejt':;J~~l!1IneTI. This become thenew facos at my de if •. I~o longer

~~ilj"ni'f;;fu~t"maJOfIty of my time trying to croote spaces as ret 'rr; aCOOmFl1o·

'datlon to, the system. I, Ir:i~teod 'Wed to d6COnmlJct thull' boS .00' ,society and

Qt;lpQ.l~to ,QN,lestI9n which oonlrds our IJ\I'~ 'The MbKlry, ~i!l'n, ~!.~E1IIf1)O, iX!~"'6rsfty •. -gOvernment bull~!i;. and av~n !he ,SUOl.uDooomedcrn I"IOtn.€i hlM~1he moin focus of my siudy" I would design ~paces wNch wera (l~way5 Iff flUl(l¥~CI1 one would

~t"l'e'ver e s~obiIl'ly ond pO-'ii'ier o'f 'fheoo ~n~1It1Jt1cos. In oonfrfciSt ;V..tth me lyploo1

'1i'1~1ftti: "... .. ~. which bfiiTIily roote(;i and eternal. I b6CW1fl~ idwtlr~ ot the more

[poSItive aspects Cif po!lt·moaern~hought In tl:"ll~ bde! time, l"1ie' .ul'lde~mlnlna of rigid Olld, 'Hrm Ideas, contex1urallsm.,. end ombigulfy·were'oIl combining

wtth·rriy polI~lcol ,ohd spldtual beli~ts. 'Let's not forget chaosl t..

. As I wcs gOlrlg 'lhlotJi;;lh oJl of 'Ihese rGQloo changes. ~ was raconnectlng With 100 natural 'WOrld os best I could iMi"lg In lI'tlan Philly. I was. tal4ng retreats Into wl~ areOl$r listening to the rain ond expe(lmentalJazz. studyhglchClO$,. andye$tald~drugs. Chaos become my neW 'focus, ClOd 9VSI1 ,my MWly fot,Joo t:feaklhroughs .!, ot':deconstructlon COOie lntn utlrnote qued!on, a~no wi'll'! t~e very lCIeaot~a. ~ I was

finishing up ilJY degree •. I WO~ becoming more grounded

In riw~jyQnd wmjust 'al::XtW fed UP Wjth th6o'feflcol

.mInd gameiS. I storteCl to depend more

onlniultton and ' ·s xpe r I,e nc e,

and la~ on who,tsome

Intelectyoo . had to so:y,

eve., If they had a rodCd

perspective. .. ' " After travel·

in g 0 n d ax- plor.log 'for

9 ·;~h.U~\ -,It, be ccrm e

more clecu to me fIlat

01,1 th a words ,olld dlugs

woo~ n 0 f

,~....,;:::~~.o:~' ..{]i;r~ri:i. CQndlttoll ot

-,,",~;o.-- OflQoing

=----=~~~~ill, ruling elite,

11 was ·fl me for id more I (Of me to

fil10lly realize, I WC!iS onOOOlcfiJ&t .{··~:ti:t;W~'~

I learned ,0 lot through soqallsrn, pOO',roodeml~m. (lrchlt~cttlfi§'ol1~hjrugs.. but of course ihere me a"I I1flntte nLaiiber o:~ ways ofg9Htng from ~l!:loJnttl1'."l'ro ~polnt k.", I suppose. ~o[1lElfl;tlng can be goll1.ed trO.[lfl: every ~Uliatlon, or-jtl·~e(ta.rfi eJementsot

p6$t-l'_rl~eTNsiTrhelpea me bi'eokthe rigidity of my socfollsflftAtl lllf'1forrunotety,

post-moderplsm hcs become on escape that ourcullurehas.tS' eq as a way to

decl with oo,b[llty to deal. It Qffiost $(io91"OS to be CI SUI'\!tvOI'\octk:;'w-a hove GCIf'I"le up With to criokJfadng. Of' to cover..up, 'I'ha reOilty o~ the trop'we firovertliJt o"lI:s:ej~ 1ft I see, howeve~ as a reoctJon to 1he Inevtta~e apa~hy of post-mlffcfernl"ilm, the bock- 1cr,sh,of..id601S, which Ci'Eimfll a false "black and white' pEirC(lPfR50f.PolalrtMught, while .,·an vnaeril'oooCibie reactiQn to th6 apatneHc l'Io'kwa-. or lOCI( of ncnne. of poot·rnodeml$in; cOii$Omallmes become 0 methodot; thJliilklng whlfCh rep6i:J"hl, th~ sCin!ifpotl'ern of dogma which COlll1..Pw socialist thlnldng, As tar ar,ugs. wei let's ~ay In Ci le$~ ollenoted lite we m.ay not need $ubstooCEi$ to helP us to to fuck'ed-up sltuotlons. IncluolfnQ my 1ovortte one- 'ihe&a days. e.otfe·e. Drug$, Ilkepost·iinodernlml, did help me to ~ tlr1frigs In 'WO':(S ot"le woUld nd ordtJor1ly see, which Is mpooOOit when th~ wOfld I!$typlcally 6:-:;plruned to U5 11'1 0 Irnlted end. linear way.Oh yeah, al'ld the only 1hlngs I ems to design these days are my garden q[)d InSl..!rUlcHonory propogondo. ll'l whiCh I use al11he tool!li I have ocqu!red olollgthe way.

~J.,. ~i

. '~'.

'01; I

,~~ ~~ ~._1;t~:L ... .,. ... .;j. I ;"""j(-~~r.c·A.))

.... I

G·u;~I;' .. 'S~~llas, Guns 'n'::Go;lllids.·~~

. {}il~:;?,.:"'. .1· . ':k

A' W.l~~of Life' For The~-(\PM· -

~~ .: ~~ ~, -.' -.~ .-"L ';1_.Y"a.:~~~':'~""I:l~V .. 1~. )~

''We h~"e 6.VIJI.I Imops.split lmo J S ba.UQIlOI\!l· At Posr m, K.WlI!1ik.'s headqurutern, ~urity is even

in M~Ii\!kt~ We have ef1ollg11 weipafls and war more intense. II: bum bg. Bilt in;fidl!: til!!:.

equipmelitAIl tlt~ f~ will mall@: !heirmove he~l'~ny.guarded perlmere.r.l!ifeis ... well, normal,

once I l!l~tm~ Ihem to dIHO," s;:rY$ 'Wlt!em Onde, The soft-spoObil Kwalik m~llche~ swee-t potBIO

Je:!!ckr of the OPll-{ battalion [~J:l"l~~Jb!e. for s.eizitng and sleeps. on lite floor of ~ simplle tl:1!l'tc~~ h.UI,

o~er 20 e:Jf.Ipk;.~,. !!JI''el!illogging CO~.Jij' in his pmow ~ b~: (l~ w~ .(;Q¥erei! wlt!i b-ld:

!he past few wee~,:~ ~ wilcMookilig chat'ac!~ cloth, The life of rue guemlla is nOot glamOrous. [t

wltlllong, ma.l~ . ;d 'hoge whi5ikus. hold$ ;.5 aJife $tripped to ,tlle bare lIecessllies .. NO~l~ of

the nnoffleial r8~. . o_lO'ns'I" and sleers hl~ these people. are professioilal~'$OI(1jert:j,ifu,ne.: of

'Iroopsfmm .~ judgl!c iTt·the A~tki ~Clre.!it, eigbt Ihem wrurt to have to flg~t. Tht!y~proud. IDOtJlI'tallI

OO~[f9 ddve from '~~~e. Only ~. 000 IrlIIISmitl~ poop!¢; who. ha'MJ lite, rI~dru:i1y t(l 'WMlllO Ii'l'e lIleir

MEl U'l:1rt1lle phar:JIi]~em with the o~lside WOfId. l1:~es ullrnQl~b'y lbernpaci£tu~incl,JSlri~thyQra"

OD1ide IMmed to tight yoong:joining die; OPM Who faV{!I1' die Ml. deep relationship wlih n~rure

aged 1.2 (00'.9' i101f. 4(r). h~'~ pffi'ecled 'l!le aPM of Iheir far-ebears o'o'srll D~yerc~tJ" liitld:or·"fY·

'iaclles of sudden stlrpri$~ ~tt~(lks on. 3. tMgel :!leI$, Cl'lI'S, and cancer. For ·Ihis crim", t~e'y~re.

folliowed by II.' ,s'iifl retreat into Ihe he~vily" (owed to !:ake up ar:rn,s. To wage

r(l:!\Cs!.t.d. moulIl~ios.~. diSPIal tlde,ofP.~oc;re~" Tll)~'~Ji,~t

Once and his ~1lR}.1aYe '~ hel.ed up in Ih~ MIl:¥' aD ~ell" ~fttlws

Asiki siliCf"l'~~flen" they-i'II ha'i'e only iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

com to e~l; liCIt tiles or ult. This WBr is, lIi'l tbe eli. I~cmill $ Oudc,'smM!ed IIBI " iltlls-tratioll enoogb: ''To b~}' ~ oo:rn~. ['ti\ have ,0 go ro ih~ !OWIl. 'nd~ 1l1e9m ~~~sJ'J'ln~, w:U!lilh~ TNI (Jntiolle.!li 91'1). It InUl .. ~. no ~1'I$e ~~~~~~t'fjg1ilt Ii. b~U:r¢ju.s~ to

b~)' a OOIiIID. ~ ~~ 1'· 'f . ..

Onde's is bu'i ·"ciife of ,'!tI:merou-5 sucb OPM

selhtrilla uruiS. omous;, eadlll!r.tlt

fi.!l,hts the war n its Qwn

territory, a.lway~~·:~tOnd& cOlll:~ar.llti",e .sar~ty

o:h: wild h:lileout. rnaulllt~~ru.

sW~~p.s, ~m.l jli~' rigM. Bv~i'l

witl'ltheLr M~I , ''priiniUve''

well'poruy, tine !I't $.Iaoo a cnlllllce h~re.

OPM Mi:lH ~1D~t Ihe commalld

o.f K'elly Kw~l la' ¢bil.e'f best blow.rI

fOr Ihe kld~1'lp OO'~ . IIWPwI botilinls.ts]1I ] 99tJ" To gd to hl-~-batt~liolll HQ n~·nnUlo:a Involved a tr-akof se"ef~1 hOlln. U$uailY cooo:uctal !!ntkr 'the «lverof darlmess:md in roml aik<nce, Such Is tile way of Ih~ 'gliloCi'tlllo; !be ro~ds ne Ih~ el!ltm:;'~ UlItJtory. Bel:ng S-J;lorted (OOld m~1I ,iIea!t:h. Imle~d"

vj,sitot:s ~o ~mp Ie file, with 111'1. :mnefl

gurd front a:fild . Jld OVM a ]Bnd!le~-fle

lillered with ihe t. lin ;'.Ii, 'II. the Freepoot milie. Stops ru"e mads .t1lterJll:tedilite c~mp$. Ollerrillassil mtll,_"cweapcms OOiiJ,chfWilllJ; ~!e.t JI'IlI, eydn.g! il=.ssary :'l~sp.i.CIOO. Spies ~d sUic.~de bri~'bets.~ e'Ne.r·~ (ls,lIger,s~ sU'lp se:Jlfched ami bOdy il1SpectiOM Me m~_m,gll(i!)'.


AwN K. RMl1 '·P"'.~.~ ""j'"10 C ...... I t:u.~n br .... lioI,!· n .. , "ij;lri.., iO. kfl <'~Il.

"Rt\I()L'T or THE ll/iTs" (1995). ~."d~'!i "'·~·r·l·m.tori,<4 m •• '" 1.,k;iI4il"IiIh.C" bo}",ld.

_i ~"f ~ .~,:iiIll . ~!9 !';UTI'~ ~.ur.!!i I ut:P (li:r1"'r .. ~!ktJ 'h~ ~r~ .... i'ltilll!~~ 11f! !!l ~;!III'h~n! D. Co IlHNl~ "Jir,. .... ttlJ ,~ ~ .... bt iIIlIic'1i; Mol ..... ~"'i'fo. 00., 'bi,,. oornmk.luloI4o to,' ."".~ iUill'7 pl"'. *n. "ri.~.IM ~~.Ig."nillll·tl.~ Irli II .l'iiTJoll ~r. ti(!!id!riIJ' f!:lf' ,I r~ll[iJil' 1111'11. IMII 1M! ~lfI ioIfiJi:liI~!:I ~~~ MF ri4llr;. ~d .. lili· Ca"uh(jr tl;'!;i~ ~rull ~n! ~ h!.ll"i~ ~!~ U 110 '1oIi!i41 ~din,!! j! murd!l'h:i ~ .r.ii.i:l Iii~, ~~fi,!_~ t~r!:nd.1 br-.o.hll. l19._iI!I .II'I~ dQC,III!¢.!!iJIi.QM,

Th. 6"""~ 1~ •• 101 .. ~ .. ~'!$Itt.n,I ~ dooI",n, li!I"~ h"~m' j",~ Ga'mitliil"fic.. Ih.i itl~j;1'!1! ~." prt'd h. .. n~r.' Jibn Lc-!!'C ~ Z'i~b¥f~ IIIifi;o:l I~ ~ "'~'.~ Q_ut'b~ ~*rl'J'i.!%f ~n~ ~~.IIiIU !!!h~n ~~ tfl!!d kI P..t~UI"~.'~\1I1r;n i1i~! II!~~ "Ki.""!:ir~ytr,rMIr r.upf;l;ib ~ ~!:~rPlnu!!llij]1'!I Ind "u.ul.~ ~. I!h. '!'d;"~ ·~r lir., NL I"",. it roo,l(; 10"",. In In..,.


'I h, '.-1mo1> ... r'(I!,Il .. ~",~, ny t •• 1io """ "" ... lo;I' ..t..,~ ".d p •. .., -~ .HIJ!IOI! hIi4'.l'tlt .. lh.q ,,w,t. ~~I~" ~ I!!i~'hil;i f'i"'"t.

,. ~"" ~'I!ail:. ,...~.-,.;.;J:i.od 1.)O'.n-r I.~ d .... rueslen. Sj-m- s...,01 ,- .... ""," "- .il1. o!:op!1.. o[ U .. '" ,b ... w.'1:04i14<.~ ~n~~ld.

. p.Mh.~lhl t..m~n_~ I!fI~ ~rt1~.! rllirm, ~na f!J], BYi!ih ~jlruiU,. ~~~ru." ...:Ifil,"",1ltd ~lJ wmb~ra~ til IIinl J'll~ ~ ,aM iii ,pill" __ ii~liifl Ib.tehH' 1Ri!1"1 ~ i(j;~n_r: 10 L1Cf' itlidMl'; !f~ltllll'" 'fttjnj ~I& IriIf bdk. Th~ 1Mc'kd l'lY4:n W4if'lllkiftd M! wl"~r.i.wfr'9m dteir 0!1Mr ... Elf "",,"1ml!'lnm~l'it!" Dui, tM l:rtima\1 ~n; alII! lIE.iilnrllll t'htlr ~ntoT,lte .waU:1"~nd.L~;I..ww,~£ .1elW"i!J M ir"Hnll!le:f..~ 11a;j' eflnl!dw 'I.!itt

..... .,r_,,; !%botInSIol' ltitt.."" _... ".1 o..t "" ~ • .., YO' .. Ih. .. lomb were ""lin!~""" fw 111.< hl,a"

~~ ."ti:tM '!iii' ~I !!I[~ !!iun" b, ijndi'Phru!!!1 !!Ii'!~tr, :u ",..., 1!Il., In, she lumeer id Lm, dQ'''!'!~ r(l~C 'Ifo"f!.l... 'f~~!J.!~ I» !Ii hlll1t

~lonT. ~m"";~"" ~!O<'Ilo.'I" monl "',mI. Ek$ fr.m .. p~ ;i,. ,~,.. ~'h", lIto .... "dl. ... [ M . ....." f_LoI~ 100,. d ... ...s.d ·~n !Lo.~ l_ i11~ Ioriy mnfi!ylJ!m~ IIll1illc. :J'CII'"J I:i~ I:'t!ti,~li!ry, kif.!! '!'mI!ht!l.rrt~,:ha"Wi1:l6n 11'fI1.:f"1"r.~i~~!)w''in.ln

II ... I "'l1lW.t. ~ijj"""f.w~,j iho~r~~~"11~'''''''' _n, h ... ""'~~~,~r...~YI'~~nd CoP'''''' I\oolld~ i111~~ Ilu.~ r_ hii ~ ,,'I"lh~''' ..... , C11if z.", i'1 J,J'" 1m b.,< "_~~, . ""urt,~ ~n~'II10J0 .~.J ~!MI"~~ d.IIl."~ ot<OI k!ldin~.

I ..... ~~ ",. ~<0i4 .... r!¢!!~ 'Cill' dl,wl". O!!~ .. I .. p.~"~'!HI. .. 'Th. hom iI>o! .pp,,~ in ,r_ ~.,iJ1.h .... d int.·I"'pk •• " Pino ••• " p"lhOoi W ... y .r~~ll !!10 ~~ ",!".i lit. PonI.~a ~~! Ia<q .... j, ~~ruJK<d.bull .. u II ,....1. ~ ~.u ...... rom_. 1.0 11t. .... 1 M"'I .. lbii'li r~lIl11li':i:. ,iH1 ~bH' .. .;Iim'bc.d ~ I!i£h f.*ft'ip :Ii, II, ScHili ~n;; ~"n_1 _,,~ In. (lllli _nd, 11iI_1f !l.!)m~ kn~n. .. Mor'lfCll;;," tlrut I~fj odolb:tlfu~ln{i,,",b .. :1'l91 "fid ... "I,'h.H."iir.t"~.Y": ,t. .. lo,pI;'''" .. ,111 t._,.li_.m.' .... ~~.""~, .... _III .. 'llJIIIinlllulktH~ .....

1h ... t..,w.MlI.:z:. n~.".;F"~I.;,~y'" m~ !N'''''oil .. '''Cod7~''''''I. :~_ ..... AA'" dlolo 'h.~"" \'On~t;..d oIlhqhod."""-"; Inf;o11lo

. ~~.·19~3; d..:JiII. ~1s<IJ).-l>oItFI.,j _111. &.,' .r;loo --.'

.o..E1'" CoKl ~~~uio", _. 11m ~ ,. 'friMo1I' Ind ,.nolL'<,o;j ... or (i;, I I~ ill. "n~!I.I m;;:t11. d~...., ... lt:I •• '?"dol flo*! Oh.ipKLl. ti~ 'lo·

:;-.t1;,;,.I.,.,,;·iM "'""",,,.. .. "~ Ind. "J\JRN" iii III. ~ Unl."'dlJ hi< ,'~lmolL ~~_ f"" ill _m~lio." ""r". ".d ..,~"f p .. ,l;;ijl· •• ~f'1!!!!ILi!IJI: fl:;euil~~11 inJ!iI!M~ ~~ w!rll ~fI bhn frt!1li • guml f+ opt .. tJlIir '\WlltH~,_ ~~ iI~m:t llij P\II'~I11~ II b~r.m: i:i~. IllUIl! ikl'iil ~fr.t!,. .i'i.if! iill'

.. ;-!. ;;"" Ill. h.1I '" tro. IIMiF .... "~" .. fli .... "g..d ••. • ....! boil I> • .,..,bol. or 11111101 , ... ~d.!1\!1 ~;;;! ;o;;tjg;!. 81iJ.·, r~" Inll momrn,I,

1,,__ Iflnd .hol, '""'" 11oeo.,;1J. .. ,,""'"Of ....... P! .. ..,!O~ 'i> ~d ""1" ~

t. April·t99!I, •• "" d:"'In.~ "" .ThdWo 11.","" ....... Iow,pt rroN '"'.'''_''' :~rM • lit, .. ",bllitr f;o ,r'M oCr Ito,lik h"",.n .. ".t~ ,h.".ct-

~1,. !, .. o!o:..,to "'" roof ~h '"" ... r.~" p'o"n';"l. r"uwor, .,",hin, ~ ''''~ ph~Oj"',"'-.II ,,~, Co)'IIo.m! R ... B .h"" i'fol'lr....".lAitK ~!'!d !~inrdl:i! ",ffiGd, Th~"~ o[Ir (h_el.ww 'l!'.!1 n!lt Rpurfed,but ~I ~r!yI11' ~~~h~ ,Kwr..~~J_~~I~II!!I~_~riU!!Jlj~~II~ LM IWrd hop .. i~. _ ,hi. 10 ... 100 ·h ... ~.,;'1:0 lho 'h'" U""d •• 000i;<, I...,. _. ~," ~~ lUi'""': .... IHiL I.,.. ~I ~110 ",*H~ .... ;1¢O1 ~I"IP !ol\oo prWoId

. to~n ~r~o!I_ o. .. ~; ~lfuful," ~,. kill ~n.oo.I_lh. __ ;oj" ·1,u6 IM~"" on.d .. ~h. ~1~I'.f ~'r .n_"' •. 1ld: ~MJ.

'gr,,,,,, ~'''' til r.. ... I:nto .. ..,. .... ",_!<l. r, ... lr r., • r .... 4")'0 ·ullul 'Hl'" . .,"" ""I~ ~ ... p;oJ. ~OOO1InII of .n"",I~. "pM~~ ~lJnl.n ",,,. Io,,..loj- ...... 17 hUM"', oniIrdm11,J 10 kil·.~nor." IiooI in iC,;"", i'.Qp!. 1"""".011 ..... rl;z ,~~.r ... i. on. lit,"'twr~ ~r hOI",,"1 h,-'r. w. ... ..3 In JHn. tm. dUiif\t (1, •. N .. I tidci\Mdho ~"l.oF1, of 1o!oriii .. "l, • hili ~nlr _".1 1M·lnlp[JII.~,_" P'''''~''' l\r .h. A.",on.l'llfii' II.; EWo,. IHBptti ufOn. i!:IIiihr.,: III ~~ ~r ~iIl ~idKt"1 :~hlA', "ni!l: iIi~"~.,J ~~_~!!~ ~ ~l~tt •. ~t. ~ Ilr.Olf~~' ~~rlfl,l'tr~tdn. to fI~~"jl!. f'ht,1i' IIi. in jill 'Jf!'!JuN,b~'II..up~I!"'Up' tot h'-I'~I,.a IrlMr lJ'.uUnMl!.,. 'W~ni!i lur-"-t c.J~!! ~ ~flMJTfI~ t[l :b~'N'k kfi-~ lrti':" 1INlr Ihilelkl, PIln;r' 111111 wnili ~ ~n~ him 10 !rid.i.,lh. OOI"",m. oIMiplli ... ~tooo "i.h.~ I ........ ~a. .. dolrhoinl i,om .. ptiYiIJ:, HoI! ol •• !Id

,Si'irfi~ ar Ih~ .!'ilittil'" 'ql"!l ti9IIpilRila 1I!'!.;Ii '!'~f!'i~ i:al 'iIH.~ 'pd.i:!r'if. ~m:~ IjJ,~nJ1- ~ do~IW!, F.-'I.i~!IlIlIi.~~~~ f;1"~I!~~~ ~ ~~ ..... hutllu;: Plnel '!!dio 'Ij!IU t..nt I~n. Itl'!lilllq: ~i!i rMi!lrny :M:MHII 'lIN, I'drtltiM ~T! _flA: ~~ Wiltl. LiM I~OU.MI ~~ ~Iud_o! fiii1'l]i 1~i1~~ ~r JI!i!:II!mn ~t;lIIiI!"!d ~"~~ p.orJ!!!~"'1Zi ;;t{~~l:.I1~ 1~lr1" !J11!~i~ h~r "'V'irtlo:l l:i,t\II~n. '~I~II 1In_-dI '~o!!litIl1!"!!!!JII,; urR Inll~ ~M !lfh~ ,1M ~I~

ILh.lI'i~r'bj!,rtir.i!:illlll'l:it,lIIIl!tjiil:~'Jl1r~I'!, iilfiil htip~1'u:IJ 11"li!ddfli!:~I'i!i~iIIj.iJ.j trn1l!.1!~.~Ii~NIP~t:. . .-

~dui.ldlo..l,.., - . Tno m.dl .......... On."".~ro. .. wlio"qfA~.~

~'I..5tim~mfl,.I'R!llnimtblf~iln IIm"!liia~!:!n kiHli'lSI'!, i:g E:~r-I!_~~ dl!~ii Ih hSMlet iJ~'~! 'flolJ;iil; ~f'lr.1f6Mi" it'.ili,'ti'il, ill'i!i:cr-~'" ~L. fa ~I1'I!1"'!d.,..~ ~~~d plim~ ,*, IhrlJ.ill.,:ijU_~~ d!!li~r ~ ~~!! ~M ~HI~~"r~~!"" bf\~Ulht."'HtNlalC,," tlp~n:'IN'hW'n1!1'I wtIt1J.

!- Amm .. 11i 'lililli,Irl.IPC dWr,d\ l.,.r~I'~ 1~l!fl!Ufltq rot!ll1'I[I!J.." Ill"OO1ful!:lnl 11'1

(;t!i!!'ir mQ!L l[ll!!WIn m!:!rMn~ lind .,;J1nill if'E,N MlJnfiu r~~ ~Qi1'i.iIiti.lj Dt:tIa,. r~I'I~I, !\~ ,i:1I{;jll!lh~ ~!~il,;'~'-n~ '!:-~b!!ltWq; ~hi!! UMLI4y III n!lilJ.liflr' '!i!!:.1\~ lilDli!. [!!til ,.nrl: I'.oi!rilRd I,ji IlirL .li!I!l!.'!j&ii w.;.rld "i¢w" !!!nim~~ V~RI !KiilIllej ~ !11'.!!!'1!;'~!'!i !'i!,-~ 'i1i'lbh ,t!lNrJOI'II!:t ~i:I, 'Th~ CIUr:.tllJIiI tOUtU I.tU dll:r. a~ '1!f'~l'illbLt [a.r liMlr ilit;'lj6i.\n. 'fl:a "',"miMI," ii'ttIrl!l ilriH i", r·!!!r. ~rlJ 1!4 ~,iUll'I'!,5I_d!lM H."fU .. t:_'r IrBnJIl\.ttl.l", 1M11!':r~1 lied. tJ;, *o::ail~ iiUi:.l!!. ,1\4 f.~ Iltollh _1'11'" ond rou""l&O'l "1"1' "'.,.. ........ ,.~ I~ f"'HfL 'W;I"~. 'Th'1 W!ifil toi~1J~n!,,-I!.lin!1 IDIr!'i1M wIN ""-mI IIILI,*lnj)"1ht rllJi!fl, •• U~ .• nOI '-'Ii.1l>'1 ~_~.i.; In;"" ....... ...,,, '1l1]~li. ~hP!~ ~Q!!!!! ~r iJWi!.NI. m.ltJlwrdt!iICliilf OiIillfd iodtlfi"lI::rLllicl[,-H;.!''!.;' ~dt:. ill

fIt~iLy.. ~~ ~~~ ind ot:!»:lirl~ ..

WiI"uo ...... 1lo1", 1_ !h.o .~ •• r rOIl.""ii!;l .~ I ........ """ .• ~,II, ", .. nin~ P"'(pI.J .. 1 n .•. I.",". ~~~~~ ol1i "ldIH.liko "'L...!i~ 'It., 1:u~n" ib~M I1H ~FliHJMM Ind, ~il"~I!I~1 hl_lI!bJ_I'J!.," Dr ~n;Ii!'l~~ ;.,Mfllo.;;' in II !'!I!.dtr!i*ii:"rij: II ~m~ ~~ pfllril rr ..... 8nllot.a..t fl'iilll'll~[.t. 1IM..a~IRf,fM"n .'ftho wDtI t_l ~1H..Ilil'id III tJyt Q"n. !I!li.J~ ptro~,~d. iJ. ·1111 .~i4dt"!; pliOe. Lift iii Mpc Old IiaIJ Ill' ~!IId-~r~l'IU: l1ul iiU:j. blft~ h ,..,,~ii, filh..·bi,-d,~ t"~r inlm.~ ""'!! !!!nd ,1r1~ ~frt.ntl. LoIIIo ...... ~o .. _,jilpl,."lI in"rul!';' .... n hWlU~ "' •• &1 I. ~f"'" ..Ii wi ... pl_ bj. "'m"' .... it)'.1 t ... ~ tooin!:" .MII~n~·."'" «1h ... 100 "'10 fi'jJ~1 Ji:n:m'l~-;, iL'ffI! ftrorc:'Al: 1M '1~J.c~J: 1!i~,,~rWIIq' :I.&d I;JItnir,id..~

~ Tho hi< &o"nlO;" $""""", 1~, I';I!I l~j9


J'l'onIi ,r".m... 'f u ra.1Jr....!. "*,,,n ~ '.",:&v. ",;.. _"....., i1n,~'iJJQJ'u"

_Woy!!'W' . ...,~n~ _".

IiJL'iJ'IJtd', IlfYI! ~ fiu~

MIl j'ol! ."""'y,domiI,PIn.!: 1-"""',.1'0601 !I<IIIo ...

CNl!'ltUS GutNDI{'"J"!lIilfif; My N,!,M~ !~ CE!~~~!:5~O I'M !NllOCOViE:[U' nlO~~ WESTiEII!NI 'Cl'lfn.1i:lA,[~ U994)

~i:II~ITJ~r~!le~ or ~!~ ~!'ilJ"irn:!iqrl"i.J:I:t~rt ~ ~~,Iljm!l oomiil"\r,.; iPi .J~!!'I iIIfJd ¢{Ii'!~fi~~IIi!~h,.,Y';'fI, ~,~r' ~r~~: 1iI~ !~!~rJl;if1J li;i~ I p-JPbI[l 111~ ¢f.:i!~!~" ~""!;!!;IiH!~fi~ ~i;iln~ ten. '~!,3~~-:t r~iI!r. [bl{t!r~ Thi); h» ~.r!c; tI¢'I"·~~rn.!'!L.. ~h~ linlfi.:ffinc tf !.ti~1 1i~"q!i!tI-·!~ .... ,111 11m. ~~Ul'l

r~I.~IiI.h,;~~ lJiit~fi P~i'iIi!!Jlt!l!'!,,~.;; h~m~fI,lmlf!d, lh' m~ii!i,'!.!. ~i,!~~i:i~~U~ i_~r!lilil~ rd!lillt&L;':' p'l'irl;'~ rnili!lll"il.~I~EIiI1 ,,,,,,u_., ~hill m,,"m!ln~ ~I ~~~~ [b~l!!~~ r~nl!li ~ll.Qir h4m~ L. ~h.t 'l'!!ild ,'A11 ~ff-i!~ d1.m. in!.Q. h.rtft,_.~~~~ 'i;U"I~.J:1)o .fI!r~ P,~t!IJ~ ~Q ~iYi .. ~iJ!l~t I:!!J~~, It.4;~ p,"rik!,.~d h'!. ~~ ~Iu, I"~ oi' u,. ,\'''0 ... 1 ".,hL--<;! .. rio\~ , .. .!o. ih,"",~ iM ><!!d.r""'~ ~Ins> :~~~U;i:.:tj'i~1 ':'il' [FIliIIl'idn, ~h.11'nI" IrmntUl'i,1 :!iiu ~iI! :hlr.!ftl~ ~h.trT1i Ih~n!il1; ,I!nj;, 1'i'I .. 1~, ii, lhuiJdi~ blilin..;'h, U"ii:lll"4J:'~ !J1t1!.ir,u~~~1.::! ~.~I~ r.l~}] Ig~ ~ni~~~ e~!i~I~~~~ifl~ '!~ITip!J!""IJI~d!6''IJUl!Jlflro;d:i ~rtn,,'IM kt.II!I;iilL !l1l.lia~p~rt1 !otl~, ~i:irMliliIl.J ~irlf~lf'II~.limi~thin~ jj[!,j\i~~ji'iL't~, 11~ 1'!',U ~. ~ F'lil~~ill~,p~NLi.OOi ""'" tw!mllft ,wl"tmQl rli!ilm lLilt 11!1-!: ~nfli tbti ,d!ilml;ll~ d ~!\~, H';J1"!11!!1"! 1!~!i'-';;!t.Il. n. f\!~ Slj~l~" ffi...ind!, Lhjl'~~~~ .;t.y!!lliuri~h.t, ~!im~""i.};I ~i~!!Jmf'""'lim~ inlh bilinillJ iljnd,'~~hl i_~ 'iJ\t"dllliIlI[Jil"!i!~DI~HI .,1' Ill .... ild """ .IMpp.-L

111. It ... " ..... .- iI .. ~~il1l!ll"'1"'W oIlbiii d'.O'olopm.n.l. 'iII'Iu.! ....... 1o rtt~ldA! ~iMn. ~ 9.Kir-m~~I~I~ ~i'I .. h, ~Hi"~I~ 1II~1D1i 1«-1, riii:i;i;fii.ilL~IH!I.t~fII il;;'ij,jC;rYni=W~ ~~id.,iij,[b!il !;.iiH1,Ii!.! hl'!i~""a! ~Qnk>~.t. I~M ~~~nlill'ld '~~hlJ Whll!~ ,,~r:olk~ !:!I,I.-ilid. ~u~!'I~.!I!i!i wiroL '!M '!'!'Q~pillrHin~lL7 L11E~~iriinl: bLim.lD 'ILiniftl~ ~ !Hi '1!!ri4. U,1Jrn~i ,In!L k.pLll ~',r. 'fEIi! d"iIo~ ~.~ ain ... ~~!Ilo!ii!~,~ ~!11~ ~d.~n. O!J;l !~ .... , '"'~ ~i.' [!j,)'rl~!~t fO!'1~1 ~,?,,,,iI1\!; ~i fl'OOi ~i~ .. !I!JJ ... ~d, .... ~i~ ~q.~ ,~~ ~fi';ilk~ iij~d.~1;\jI if!~1 !i'!"Ili!i:~~.~ ~ .h~ 1~~~II!i;I' .ii:~,P,~"g "tho ... ,~ ih~f!~ *r~"1 ..w"~!iI'!~ ifi!fio!<l~.!I, ... ~m'~~ pfi!I"'~'J,\ ~h,l"'·' rjv.~, ~~U~lHloin, ,r<!tlllOlU "'_jll. ~~~i_l' fil~U~n~ !N!,y .... oIllI'l. ,!~" l,OI ".ill IlH~o4od ~~ ~~m .. i!@ii", iI!o .niiIM, pWHl ""a Ii l •• k, !!!;,. ~n ~h, ;niHr fyl.1.lf, ... ~ '1Q1i11,l1!il ~Il! W!.lljj':!jG* ~'i!j.lj~J.II!~. pIIllMjj,lInd. Ih~ ~nll!r 'I,P~" ~ Ij!l,jj ~n m.ii1d~ ,I~~. ,i"nd ~!iIli.iI!H"

-ScPr!!lr.,"!~~,iIIo ·!jif.i~!~, Ir~~!~, r1!a~~a~~~r ~ijAl!!:!J (ir,!ft.lfi. ~r ~~, fI1"'" IH'!Ticl"i.::i1l!- ~~i~ ~!~~!."! r~ !J"iitJ rn!1~iIi!"". ~I ~i(M'" ~ .pwl~idJ. ~bi~1 ~ IULod. til. t<1I<I. IJ;", .rQd~. lOll", dll6m,"",n. fllI<!!! ui. Y!!4h~nsi"l,,,,,1M Ur.;!JIU riMa thi!i'~ 'iJ'iN, 1I,M~i:I, Th!!i Sh!!ilm (I.[ ~~, Th4 sh· .. ~ ,[l~ 1~!liU" 'Th.t "ULI~~:r iJ~'tp~ILi~!:4I'-'l1U !11~1,I)!:!r: ULi!b ... Tht m!~l!romdl,[]~·k.lJir m~, Th.~ ,p~iIi' Tt!~ 'i'!'ilrll h.iJ!J1it, Th_~ 'IJ~Ii?R-OII~""fh.'!I Uf!.!d9],IID"!'fid.. Thl , ...... ', ~J!'.<. ~:rnijj,d. 11L.,in"", 11:.. 1000(. 'lIl!>o .. iIt. 1ih. k....£l'1' Th.~ .... hr. Tho no,""", n.~ !"ollli .. d i.nd, 'Iih ..... HR ..... , n.. proper.. II!. tl~ai., ll'i!5 !(.flfJilil·dilijh.~ 1~~Q!ild ... hl,!,["Ij~~~,~' 1t!!!i'!l~iJfl~~!"

~~ ,1 •• ,PQ'¢:Ii~~~P~1!~~ ~f(lom, ~n.o~l!'!i'\pi~ 1I!000(:!~h~!Il ~~ ~'lIri .. ni!ll~ .;!:!n~i'Hm~)' 1m1L! ii~ (hil, 'iilhJlL\lqr ~h ... n...r .. MdII1S'. !N I~I;J~ !J~' 1.R.1'~ii:!u~l'I~n .. ~~~_iJli pup'!!'ii:\ltili !Dpllni ~I' Ipr~·t:n~ 'liliilll: rill" ,II ,!lU' ~!:in, ~ Ei[i~ lI"tll!r;;n, ~)f!:!!J ~nd ~ I!i!!n,~~_ ~M ~~t ~n fi!.llns II J.u,~bttr .. ' lIIuIJ. f.H ~h'~ ~~uti~~rl, ~rlWi lI'4"~[iubi i:Ir!'m~~~ Ih;i~Jj:1~ ,~l!H',JI~Mh;l~ !In. i"~I"p~·~Ij.5i'L'ii'\f'~Jmt'![!f!'!'!~..r if~pilirIo'Li!l~ ~li!'-!d"~L'II1~i~ni!iJlllll; ~'lITililh.1.~ ~lj:r li~ 'i~~ ~~\dj~ml~ ~~~~~~ I~r ~!!,!lj:i:r IP~r~~~!JiI!I! u ~~_-tJ f!:!i'li! !.!.'.iIii'iIAh:iR gr 111~~~ ~"1)l,j11 M--~ Ii! j.1rilp!,Q~ 1,1~ ijUin' d'Hj"f' ~ndLd~" k-'li~~1 ~ lil.;.i'!" ~d: ...... mtciY!'~~!f ~~ i!Iii!" ~m!i!!"!~ 'i;iri~tl4 .~!1l! ~~~Iii;!!I ,,;th .1.Lo,,,i. drnc~" 'Id~., ~~4 ",~_....,~ yo\pr!C"!Il~ ~ro~ .,.,"~ ~, •• .,rllllI. .. I! I,md, q~ ~I!bt~~c: l~d, d.tllldimtnl!

F'O.f III f'lii~i 'iiI'IIi 'rriiiJ'hL hJ[!~. ~p l!.Ini;....nII~r ~~~'Ym,.~ ~l tlil!i!r" .~~r. ''1itflliliffi' "'Ii~~j"li~" riP'll 'fi[.timl lind: iF.'.iu", .. Mir,1 '!J~'d;Udh.wdl ~'L1ij~ 'IUt ftj'ti~i .(I( ~'i1 fi_:Jjwral ,IH 1!~.~hfl.iJ.!~~:d ~ill~l! '!)Q~ 1;I~'!lh.II m!ll~ '~~m~n Wm.f!!.o~ !R rm~!'i!f.nL i~~ l~lH IUl-l, ~~iI~ ~r ir.wYJIU, illil~ f!'''f.rh~.<iol.~.1 WfOfllt qf ~il,~oJifo~~t-i'.!!'I'''!\I~n~~ booIf L>o.., ~!iP~1 ~I"t:;'~ F,l1_!r1 ~h.:jjG ~ij ~1!.'tif~H, ~ 1l-';'C~Mfmli'!lm, ~ lb ... i ~[l'R"I. IPI~1 ¥!"iW hi!{F.l. "'ml~d linI! ll'!'lfni;.;.!;i ~i:~~.I[l1 (h_~I'~ii:1IIi«!~, ~,{if I ~nHI' liilll [IE _ "I~E~LIJ [luA ~~ dalr b!Jdi~ H ~'''''!ii.d;rifi~ liM. ifi.nC l'rr9m ~ '~I'i~ ,f'"int Ili~M,r .'kro ...... 1'1" ,pOJf~ M! IIiIll1:.' il1jj~ ~[~J>!I"I'''!~''' Q~h~l1i1 '1..11 '!J~ iII~i"iTI15 i~1l IIP~;!If.i'YiA!l! ii!i!U; !~~ rH!IIi~L ~~t:t ,a~!d,.;IE r~I~" ,[jr: rlitri_J 'l!jii"nO:I'i~ji' ,IJ 1~!I(~ M~ !.1.'1'11ike! ILh~1 ;;.p:nJI:rJ.\u..J i111liN,lfIi11'i ~ !i;!~~'~ ~~~n.i'i~ ,~_y,'jLijj~~1 !!il"l_~. ~~'i,!,~IL lig 'OO.Ir ~I 11I'i~, !J!l'iiWlni1i~

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~~ I~~ i.II-liIi'l'iid!Jilil ,UI ~l.Iirftm~~ ~~!ilm pa~L4H~~I~1 ~~I1~1? -


t.v..1~ ,i~~, lti~1 'JI!'4 ,8 il:rii~u~h ~I"II ,din1;i~i'iliud, l:i~g~.Ij_Iol:'~ !~IWI. ~l ';;!i!~!i§1i! ~~ ~ f9!.!nAld. ~Qj '11M rnptir"ilil~~ ~llIium_lIi[i!, ~i:H:~

~I~ ~~ ~I;I .. hilL ~!l Ii!;ri~f rf.ipl!i;lli~ ~ILIIIL i"f!!iN, IlU.r ·~I1=.r~!i!i'n !J!i[r ~1~1~!"! u~ ~1.;:1!¢'!.i,I;~t d,'UiMi~: ~!i!!l.I' !.itb!Jl[ikinG:",f ~~ tl!!rTll\il' "fl~ft"i~ 'il~ Ir\.'Kt3!i~',IIl!'id l:r.u.,..i~iiJ;; 1!,I;j ' ~""HI~ ·L'ir~int' !.Ip.'!'!"iIl"ta !MI:h, !ik,..·,~ 11.11 ~~~ i!I1':;u,l.~~: I!O<I~~I'!,!w.m!!!!.I!l ~lij;111Wi'''''1[iri:.-n,riJi'4~ ~'~. !i;i~Ij'it ~1i,i;j'i1!l!fi, IkfiQ!.I!I~ mL~! 1i,ii1~~w,piPu~li:'l\1 m~JLt~1 tiJ. m..'Ikl' 4[111 bi;idl,d !~Iii ~~~~~!.;:;!~~h!!l~ ~h.1i! Ij!"fiii'f'ill~i"i H ~M- ~It ..d'1-i:lm!!j 'lr.iUJIljW;; MUL~i[iI"!' ~IH~ :hliip.~~fI~ :lfi.;Qr h~ijj [PI!!! , •

lIri!~l~~ .. .!,~hi"i!: Ffl~,I,Yh,m! lim .. [nnm <ut'tu!"' ,""_ "I'i~ ~j, Af' ~ .. L-1n ..iI!.muwlI.n •. ,l!l'id &L1J!'lIilill!-t-1! u] ~iJiJl:j~ ~i!lli!ll~ !ln~ ~11fiiI! i;I.-kic iru bllil:.-nOll !la the ~lnlJ- Th'!i !;i(¢.J!~r"" WI:i!il:Jj ~1i11n:LiJ Id~:,;jIL .i~1 ~r.J ~J!~Q~ lkM ~~ ~~ wr:ili!1i bi:~U'~~i.OO,; Uli Ht:l.iil~,w.GlI'd.tnJ",.rE,d_~, Ih~ ~mu,l~nD~!!~ d,. ,in .. ; .. ,C.,d •• ,or ''tom .. iii e . ~iOfi,;Tii! Z'p!, ..-!!11,~, ~r~.~~ ~HI.;:i'! ~;'" O'!'iid'il '1,!iGi,~ In ~~~~'1!~ ,iii'!!; ,!!!!'iW~!=h.i nYi"!I~ 'tlhi,ll i~ m.iH~ II"tI!f!ti1mo1?

FI!!~![I~~i ~!H!. r.;.~~!I1tH ~~I ~M, jJ!:Ir '!'(tr~j ~1~!F.i!!,liln~I'iEi ~lIdl !.~rlkd, '!;in, YIH!J..;;j~J: ~'~g~~ ,Mr ~!~ !~II~'1pp'!~P-I1 .;;~ ~Lr ~hl5 ~ .... rdil I::i~ ;liI ~'uJ~~. ~I,i~ ~hlj3l 'i~f,1jl !!!i!~ ~i~~ ,pr~!'~" ~"' ffu~ r~·~ di!! ~h_f fi!i'!·': !!:i.!~, ~.~~ a~ llfi~Yj\i..ii!~ ~ dg~~ !.t.JJ ~~Ii fJi:i""i.....: '~Lt.c;f~' ~~ '!d~l~ ~(!~.!ilfjJ hi!J'!\, =D~~' iJl~ dlil!l:p ~~!J.i!I~ ~!'~ !lh... 'llIlIi'i., i'V!j.f ~NI ii!~u 111~lii~~ i::nJrnpllJ!, n.~'!, ttorln"'~ M~!~ ~~~, ~r ~.~"'91' IJjU~I, Wilhtlu] (h!!l"I~ of;JjI.u.~y".~."j!l<o!O; !.roi)',~d ~".["' ... ol"',p""" 'E:,'lh, h~1I. !j!!~~m!~~~ ,1Irf!~ ~i"i.'i:il!~i~ b,:t~!'.i ~1i,~n:O'l ",n!, l>:!. ~'lpl~YI!ll""r"I~«i!!!! 'Ii]!n" r~'l1\

H~I!. eI ~h.'!!~~ Irr!#.Jjr~ !~n~, ~ 9111 OOJ Lo-'Jl !JE Ii "'lriL1J" 1:'il-DJij§lr.~r ~I-" ~i<ll.d, nl, lo~""inB:.f Ih. q,~.'Ii~ .Ilwm~n. dlOto«oi, ~n4 ~~y .. , ~~ ,~!o' ~!'lL d~~d~ ~lJJ!!~' looon, mq IlIIi~ IIppuJ'IIId "!JI;!l~ ~I 'iU~nL ilil~,Qn-i~IIi~ b~~ i!1l'in,~lj:n~II,.~r '11iri1l!,lruJh4,11 !i~~IiIIiIm, BI.I~ ~!h,;t.. ~'r·pm ~r ,Q1!.II".,..;~run,ii,h~1 tJll.~~ .. !llfl.dJ ~.oo~i!!i w;i~"'lJf ~~""11 ... i~1I;!a!l!li~fii.ILlwiii: ~J!i',!M~ 'biJI ~ 'dr~~ ~q, 1I'-.llt:IfUt:J1t ~ t.1I·~b"Il4~·J Mo in.~lifl'l~ ~w. ~fd~,!,Q ii)l'!MI or, ~j~ l!~-.J1,Ii ilh£iW!ru:r. ,Urk ... God '!it.~,d~w,~.I"!'!""l ~ dw, E.jf,~I~ 1;:r'~!!>O!!!!fti~ ~f"lIiIILOliy '" "".-"'" ~!. Yu..t <ir _"Iho[~ C,iilornio, I~!lJ ,~L !i! '~-.;~~;f! f,QLi'I'~ i'i ,hl~.~fI~~ JI~'r. 4~.!iUf!1~ ~~".!l b~~11 ~i~111 I~#ir l'~~' Tth. !i11K1N1II,jjJ~l1'i;i~ ~tm ~~L~ ~r IIElI"tUI~ f"I'U "'ltwn ~d~rn !!!i'i.;l) Eiwi iI'.~L-~ ~fI~:~.rL-"J~m, ~ 'anl"'":!i~~' ~!ill:iiO-I,P.'ij~"

~n !J,i~ W(il"i[ _wiltl IU~1'i!(IJn, IJ(:' ,p".i,fnMH'Y~' i~., ~~~"'~~·.p!lt Ipd iI!'ut'hi:lr""~1!1 KtU[il!j'l!Im,p.'hI!11BH ~!liI! r"l~ !il1t,il'I~!'!~i!il;: ~1;1:L:i!.Wr~t~~ul '!i't diDQ~ IliU!l ~r.d ~r!~C1tl. Q!J1!iY' p~~.,;g.r 1,I~i:r:iJti~...i=iIi~~ ~!'UINn~ In, 'hYlm:.-nl b!l!inp, ~~I "n~~ !~h bt!!'i!rl!!onl bc9.'iJ~: ~~. r.;,n.-. AI!I......J v..., ~.i! <!!' ,14" ~~d! i.l1~ ~!M ho","", ... '"",pi W;1Ioi iht. "porl.11l a."lhl ;., nn.d,. "'", jjil&1t~ .~~ !t!~ !Iv:, Hf.o~~ d:<mibuliB !!iJil;t !<WDn.di th. "'lrlii ".., .... l ,.I', .... ;[oI.o,.l ... ilA ~IMd ~ '0«1!f '!~ !Lb!ll 'UnWlm¢1i~ ~r ,ru..mln 'r:.iJ~i[]u~.[],iU1I;, II UlJD!I! ~in.iHl"JPt,p~!!t r.!~ l~ LI1ifi~r'l F,!Q~r~~ ~!H '!'I'III~ .. iIl ~'hQ f,~Ii: ~~r 'IIi~IIiL ltb~, ~i~l~ lLenm ~D~~q ~n." riii~ D!II~V"liM< wi!~ i~ !~ Ii!;;!!,!! I;I~ r.\!!!'!~ !!!fi~ ~ij'li'". Wj ~.hA i![i.nij'r~ 'LhLt Ih', &'-1111i!~k iiJl~f~!OfiJ ~f!. (i1,l"T rI!!!iuQ! ,~r' !!il. !~~j ir1 ~ M' U:J!r:i!1Ij !JjJ:r ,"!J!~ ....... .t.N~ ,.> ih. fw.1L~~"jjj,I\\"h",'_!!l"!IIi1i .. M',\W'!J1<lIIt4,"fo

'I!'l!.l oolJldl du. ·'.","il1in~:' :b.! ,

, ~~U'L!I(j '1f"1 Ufj U~I.~U~~ ~'h!i!'.g:1"II ,!H!111'1 ~ ,,~!~ "lrI '!!inl ,p-~~.;!_~tli9I!1j, ~ ~ 11"i1i!y:r~~ WPlrll:ll,; iJ1!!i l1jJ!l:!oo.[j '[ir: Ihll' F,liiil~!;ttlpq!:lt!n f'nlil1_" Ifhlii ,~U!jl'i;i. ~" ~"i'IOl~ ~r.uw.. 'li1ii~, i~ Ih~ ili]"lililllllililll"tm4'l',d 1i!1',g!J~' ipg: t~ i;!1,jJi' iPN" ,; .... I~-.'.lJm.od, o!!i~t<il.lp .. llOip.1iooI ~fi ... ~, ...... ,Id~[_!t;.o ~n4rih ~'~U'iI~, I~r~ ILIJ,;~ IfU'Il~ ~r I~ I:na 'I~~ ....n:~~ ~~ t.~~~ !t~[lil d!!!1-~ bsi!'!t!fll'I~~IIl-~M pm~!:.h~ l~r ~r~" tif" t;.r;1j:,. ~~ i!.J i!l ~lHr~:r!~!l\ol ~ i!t!. ""!l<!'~ ~-.ilcl,,. .. i"iiMo.d, il...!,r .na .ybli,t .iA.",,1 ,.Ii!! I~~

_ a!lfllilii~L,", i;i~_'Fi!~[ltl itn[llil'iilIYlll. IfiW !(:i, .fi!.t~~!q w.n lib. ~m!!!il~ljI. .( l.r,~~'~i,I'ilI .. li<m,jo.Jl~~1 d,\!jIQ~~ ~ ~.~ ... t,p"'f'HI!Q~w:iI~ iiOi<! 'lO<!l.1'!~!~,i.ol~ l .. i'IJ'rU~1 'lO~I(I'~~d,L .. " .~u.1Ir I,,. f~r',~ ~.'I; ~r iJ r991Illl ~~!~ut 1rDJ::1iiOC,1J ~I"il~. fiii~ln.c il'li!i pUI~.pJ: ~i ~!Hin. (!l Im..-..!.in!j IIlj Il"Ijlll~I'I!I~I~I"'iH,. iI!.IJ.1["I~~IJ.~~~'U!:r-~lliJi'irli" pE·li1~ ... lbti~I~7 o:r r1i(hD';nc: !ili!!l i~~IPIi!~W.(lfi~ ~b~bl'ts:l Ilmf ~r !rt!'fi, DYj,B"iniL'lI'tI!.I'm!l h ~!",~~.;.r'~'iIIILaI)j!iifi [(iip!Yi!Yi!iJi!,Iii',!'M:I-~ ~i~'!i!r .. n",.. ...... ~J, b""'o, ..... do'!!!Jt LY.!, IIIIh.o ",,~,ol c~ tl'I.1ho plJ'bii. ~i\pll';<!DoO~ iJI.,"';] .. !lt.I~,W.m .. !,;;",'~";li".j ~r~ Irf~,'ijf~~"~

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S'i!'E!l!e;tl~nd • OB ]anmry 211h, pr6L'1!~.~rn 'I'mlre "~rn~ bB.((k by P(irj~ w;oollllJ~y _~ IlJ gtt 10 D.aro.~ 10 pt'Ole.s1: ami: di~[11JpI'~meeliilg ofllie World EooJt~iltle Fo:rum, iii ftSpo~~. oplt; b~koe.'I,i'Mils Ilnd Millin~s Mid: .' - D~~dreds ofpeopt-e

1i!r.!3.kl~s: wl11>!1wl',

O~:f!r~~tli t1\l~eu. ~~~ 'b~:min:s: ~~'s-


l'n 1I!i'l"Oi:. 'fi'liJ~ed 'ilte'jr ~=mi1Y

~M~iom ln, declaiM tr~~ k! j):te!fttLI J:m.'!temt~ rrnm ~~~I'\!Pt~R8 rile eo~t~ti~i£e. 'All ~e!k, S~l$~ tJu(~ori!lI~ ~toJ?,peJ! ~!~oiI if~lftt~~~tF.UOI'$ .t~¥~Hmg if! Onos and I~m~o~dt iTlBl1y'propli! at IflB SWig9 bal'dt.r, 11U! police lac;tit~ Dt'l!!W S~~,~:& ~rill£i,s;m from some of tll~ 3~ S,f~noots &1(M.~,P.S kI,~i!led: tel t(l!k~ p~'t ll1 .h.~~ ~ear's

{O!lJlrnl. . . ~~: ,. c_ . ._

"D8~OS ,",,3.~·b~>c~ ~ ':r~rlmS:i' wilh oiT:Iin01l~ 1l!JrnSblJUt~et8 Kiffi~'~~'of,gloofll d.ialog,iJ~ ~ te=l of tile groo!l~ WiJ if]"\i:'i:~OOL They mid rheit lfWtieipailioil illl f~l.Urf; f

mln~~ ~ng ,

~~~CfI~. ._

[It LR.~dqUBrfj ~ itwn In lDc l'ladBllds btlmv (lM'M, pOIiGe ured lear ~~ I,Hlffeill: ~p ~~, ~OO d~~'oI!!lwmto:r~ ~ho 11M be9l. pre.ll!~ (M.1l1 ~Ing fur .Oavm_ They 'br:leD$'1)Jodl~,tI1e!fjkb bt!fiJmbDill'lli~g :'lImn fotZuriclt.

In G~llmI:, ~b.mrt 100 dc~ ~ned, 10 get jDW ~'YlQdd1i'OOM:lIia!1~iR~, tltey ~~~ ~_mi:~ sl~ 00 Ib~ Wlili~ of: lIle

' ...... " td~ . ,_ , ..... ~ •.

...... ft&, , ""

~~ ·Ii!to,;;:,·

"!l' .. ,.~~


~~, M~.dr5d, 81~r;g.e.demftDlllIml:la~or 11.I)qui s· moo pcD~I~ I.oot p~~ to CD~l1dd~ w.llil fh~ ntf.e:~pita1ist dtiIilOill~!t~!iMSafilli~~! !9ic WDrld l!,.;::oMlI1lic Po:rnm. \¥hileiMity ptopJ,e Cile~ to lat~ ~.c:free 1r:3ln.~ .from lJ.:n~krim ~~d pmi.e~~ lm~·~li1o:l"i~ Sf!!l'lm.rlB~d, _IIY peq!le'we!'i! 0)fi~:~8~d l~ M~d. '1ti~ deffiOI\!li.~'o.rtI IlV!fi\:W fI~fi w~f!.ime~ M. s~~g , ~~tt!lw.p;t"o!emr~ t!lOO~d l!le wofi Ie! ~""" ~HdM:iJ)' willi irnm:igtMt~ ~~d Ki'll~~ ~d line wotl~ MID rue b~~g ~ _~ ine~sjl1@)' (~!IC~st I~W$. A nm.!I1U~S'I(I \ili1$I:e~~ Q1M, ;R ~~I~ pi 1m ilnml,~ltiflSld1~ ~alI1!1~~dM\fs!1l1d ali,:(hl!rmaJtlr~~ Dy~ group"'~wmro:i!1,~:~ bu!Jd!i~ Tilsmarell pl\1ei!eded ""ilm 11l1Iii~ p«impnlb,g a~ ch~~!~, ~~o::b 8.S 1ht!! e,v~rpopular(a/n.d!aU 't«I'!1;I~}rol!ol;iB L.,.~~~sSi!J!!1! IJrJIcl!! IINl j.jn~~), AI, ~ fll1~l dB<!i!i~tio:n. lIil~ iifartj' ac!R~~~M!

(ot :mo1fuN .


~OOIi11,g _11M iIlore j)j'edit:l!Bhl~ ~i:i!il less !lm.dll~ dl'llCti.~,.ne m.M:S3~ofbCi ..... urg~l1lJru~ 9itwtiOn i~ ~,ji ~ow rui:i!lmtt.f1lal e.li3J1~ m.!lli·M'i~ bd~im'Lm!l"-'iG-b~ ~M lily lIul!lt Woo w'iali to m~~1lh:i~.ffllw ~!l,fi11!J! la

mrorn'i 1M ,t"tl;n;mt :llrut-ru~ AJ. . .

- ~ sMw~:~y :n"1:; [~.:;::~~ .ACflOi'\I'ltlilfidJ will ~Hm row w~get ki IJ.\Wj 1Ii~m. That~ why wHilllIl be il1!Oft;G~ive ~.i!li Qjfi'~~{Milt di..1tJ'tiJ\&JI ~.p~U, wrute

~, :~etk<J:I$ ~Im

m,(!¢i ~jl~1 at Ibh Ume, _1bo ..... J!!~J!!r! Is 1he ~1lf·eil1dll1g of ~ntl.-wlh.orJtI1r~Bl~BiI1i1 B.n!i-trl!iI~~1rial idt3! co~lcd

with 1I1llllctground ,1lL'DtCll D.~moo. .

Green Anarchy

PO Box 11331 Eugene~ OR 91440 greenanarcb, @moLe~ .

. . : ~r..~.I:f1'.~

- f~....,~ ,"YI)ll'1km brok~ {;ut I~ ,"_toO~,'" "'~~ "'1!.~ """,,I '"~ '_'W~~!_IMII!!~ rnJ .. ll" ..... "'" rilck IllIMlc we~ rIOi ~.II'f':iIlI' Ior .. hhlhaY"'*'l!~,$~!lllIIl.a~~~~ I ulIIO;!Ir ~_ iI'Hl h~l~ IrMlltf!li~ .~R

M.JI1!1iui or ai.JZj~Ilt!.",1i1t} il;a!I ~kdn ~dI ~M.go ~r $[u,;lofll ,i!~~II1y~~,~ 1~1n'; ~9t1<9~ QlB{;'I~~ to~I~W~iIUl1cilln Qro!IM

, ,~ "ml~l'ipp<opol~io-' S~(lo'fh¥1~~iiX iM pi!ilP'!~~ 01 ~Ii'rl~ ~~rW9 r~ ~\9Aur~, ih!l!mm~ ~ truilllM~ Mil' ~1t:(IriSi Mltlfl: 'io 1hg' ib;'@~~ !rj prot~1 ~nII ende4 up ~Img 1I1~ ",,&00 fQti" loo~~ ~lrgeli.. WhktJ IM~ WIIn jroom ,iJoil11' ~nd M!~ ('(If "'IN!!! a lMiMlL Tho

~Ilol~ ~!no]I ~hl.l!~wovtI 00 ~1rt~ sllld oo:lJrrl!ld"Ih!ilh~pj_.iA ~tillil:>!1!7r. II10l ~!1I"''''r:i1~!D _~ lokoOn _I' Mil pea~~ oI'iI! '!'fiIIk9 Qn~ ~d !t1Bf~ ~"ll.l'1~ the _ b5~I'''~iiloon~~Mo ...m~l t!1~, f1I9W _id ~hti!Jld bIl, Al1~ ; la!i m~iIf!i, ~itar1h~ra"o'du!~nEil¥(!C> ~Ikin ~~~h :had ~.~~~y~!!l ~U! ~191i!'"atTI~.1~ aJllI1~1!(!'I,~mm.~~ 01 m.~ ",,,,I!! f~dllll9.Po~~.1oo) ~nflOOUf!dnp Ih~ lho! 1lI~~ nou~ ,~r 1i'I~'~ b~rl;<;lJ1~ were 1l1'~~i'd, ~ il.b~ unl~~ '!OIn~ p;arli~~ ~.b~9d Ihe ihl!Tq b¥ ord~1i"g ~o ~Buii

" .11U~l~(j lhem t>o~~ 'l~ wolk fij '~m tor ~ $rnE!!l t.c~~~~ I"~m "Of~~t" .... ~~, rl!"dtn$d, oM~ 1l1Jdo.~ of 1!IQ~1!!l~' I~ac®~ ~~ Ii; ,;j[1~ I1I1li1lodlt)'; tll!o f()roeB IilIat pil~n.~ flll11ce ID 1I1~ ~~. e.1 klilill B~l ~-IiJjj~fgftl!M!!m have ~ IlfIIIlflOojl h].;j~no, iIorl"lWil

rile S"~.~1io~1 ,lmem&<liMI;!/l, ~: bt..:r~· ~r 'uit1'1l.-r,~dbill !h~rWiB ~1'Id' ~~, 8~1~~H.eI'1cli:e<1~~1I>9mool ILIlid o.=rmi oj wh.!lIIMm.<(Ii\i1lom (II MB", 19filj "'2 *"boUII, The tzI~<!I~ tiin~ ~MJ ol·1he SJ. _ ~~I!1tt MI linpMt-llfl! pnJ1 <JIi ~t1~ Ql1It:e~bry oJj ~"" OIfM~'hIi'IO_ tt&o~II ... , but \io'<!'f1j 001 ~i1g tQ ~ a1Jootj~ h~, Th9-fw M<!l~ d_$~Qd BI1~ a~l)'nf! 'Qn~!iI1

._Jro9l1111 lit ~.,q~~~ ~!.I"'f "i:"b_~tQ100! 'O\tIt>.. ~"'3tv or net, bSNe eMlo""".d Ii:I und"!'1k1~!h~~ :~l!_tiJ(i!jQ11[!191R09~rtlllif~~~' ~~ iIl.m Q\i !1\o9r,~ f"il!,1[!f)' CIlllllIIkI~, In , ~1:~~;;f':I~;!/I:I,,"i\iI~~~,~~oolhoe!! ~trfE>!'lIo ra~~._{<lf pfo(lQl}, Th~

r;~lih",yb;j pay'hemhort!<!l~ I~ boo WMt I,"~ ..-efoll d'~!l, ,.,~iil1Q U!6ot ~$iQ ~B~ ",hartl' _-ollt'il'IM, f~lI1", 11:t~~ eQnbil~I~1!ri!I !J1~m' 11;$ ~ pan 01 'i'IlliM '11ey ,,"ulJl"d h"",~ ,tIrl~~ as .!he $~~~ or Hi!;'[('I'l{i..e," 1h.1lI"~!t)')'.;d 11>0

LQi)dml (2-24.-C1,): M.Mk~d !l:l!l>l\ wi.elding b.~~(!(mllbtlts attilcked an !!>::ocu:tlv~: al a te!l€El;fdi company t~rge~ed in fece:nt m9'.tuh,~ by IImmti.I. ng;hIS a£thrJ.~tl!i,pol:loe5!~~cl F.r.kiay, Brim QS8, 58, maillS(g1.rlg direcmr oiHlU'IUfig;~on l.J:J'e SCi~e91 Wag ~.tU1c~d "t\:lr~da.y nlg,ht. M he a:rdW!d .at lth hO,me In St- h,.,!;!!!.. 6Smil£J n-o.rl:h oJ Q1_ss Wi15 t~.~~,d far ,It head WOo;l;l't4, Ca:mbddg.;:tihI:I>El p<rllC!? !laid, Two ruflgbhol1!lW'l'io trIed to ~I:ap i:neI!LI1ack. '_ ~;PMYOO wltiol IJefir ~~, pO,ll\;:e~icl.

- - .

- .



8:!"!~ fiSln r;;;;dllllftlrrJI ~.h!~

iht~~. .' . . , .acuoo,Alhlf Ihis ~;as 1J~,.fI

.. ~ri_t!'\liuw ' ~I)d ~~ld beoore, Hl)we~er. vcry liln~

":i~~ sai.d ~bO~.t. ilic niilii:a!ilt. ~!CitiYl>. ~!Iatlfj;sll~:~y a;s$erti.l'e. f·~male_ .

She "meels' m~·~1it ~U,,"I£!JjJ·. oot qJlly fmI1II oI~·, b~~ ~I~o f~rnJ.MJm.e1l wlIDlI! slle is "lTIaie·iden~llied .. ~ 'The .~d~3 !!li!Il ~b~ i~ !ne wtly .slte i~ m~m)' ~h;e idC!llIUles m~ w~th tbe "mljclI.line" dian the'~f~ml~jM" j~ ~b.!.;llird. .Rights

- lOi!krnify whb·~~cil.ltains!lS ~We~ a:·fl·~,~(~~y~a:i:edI1litl:i·I1lUC~il.y) rnn~ been hBnd6il" !i)' mm om. a ~~~'o'er pl,il:OO::t by bodl . ~('i~isl9.a~d"f:erpiicl:!i~'·,,. boil! !!!1Ie~,~d wo",~eltl wlID ~i:.rnJ K)wm! ~G9~' Ir~~~ are 'O~.~I}d~¢.f;JtUm.5e ru..oa:Ikd!·.rCl1"iDi:;L~~~

Too o"ffi:oi ~ll<Irtf!~~.BKI~p5.:i!Ild collc~tt~~

oorninated by I~.e ~~!i.~IYl;lBil ~~Ijsl: --- __

lite a.!l~5i~ while male, While WDm_u~I!l~I!y invo.~'OIGd on some !e~\d. m~!l p.tayUli,e p~;~.'~j' Im.shlY ~rmq~t: th~ ~~~:1tt;:t~9~i:!l!g _

. ~. W-.~;I.Q M~ h~ VQic(; ~p!~y ~.I.~rgu roll.e. h is IJ'f~~ ·t~.e c~ 'I!W~ j!1lOl rnali~, DI~ ilb~~ men .

(i~,.~m~~ivr: '00, wha:t ~ .. wp~iI : r.a.~ ~ ~;iI;y, l!!.(4:1i1h~ W()rnil'li!i mJI~t .raA~.h« '~RPQ~~i':Iily IV tr~ hrnrd anti 1(:) ~. Mt:;R can !i:\lI'dllY and J1!iifrlllo~el awomm In, 00 .lnW'C,. W 5~y mor.e, b~llN!!(!ll:S me dO<e$ IlrY and dsts I:le:i~.!l igrnared or margiiJ~I~~d. ~ow MI! ~b~ Wame(! for i1te -IlI1!II!fI'1i (fIi!ure

to ;w.~ M.e.rn. slwulcl~, atu:;mi~e ~o.a w.orn:an~ OJ;IinijOJl~ .andC'O~lrlllunqi'tS., rut it i~ net l.IIeirru~sitiili!y [Ilcor ~~.ourd i·t bel) to eO~:l: tlti~,~~ ~ul ~.f .1':itJ':~ .hi~ is p~lt()~:~zilig, at b~(. U is !let chDo:k;c whelller or fim ~03it;:.l oJIWhi~.t she Ihilib.

Ri!.dlc.i!IW"Qrn~~, ~tjMt!UiIl}' :Ii~~bisl worneti, smoold i!G proud of'ihedr mer~~!ilClim. TItcy ~hgl.!ld ~ise and elpand.U ~Iy. n is. inherei1!.ily ~i~e-a.~~ ii'!itfl.!l.owEd to W'OO"~ t)y =i~ _:to ii'l0I. ~ eq- aOl 1J.ntll .. eJ~~-«I by a marl. n~~~ !liill 11ldici<l~~ ro s;;IJ

'l"I"ieR ~cem't seem to be~. p3a~ til( ~1!"O:!1g. mm!a!I~

fern&l~ Ill. i1i1$ W'!1tI4 Of Coori~e, dlfi Ilist{llk~j (Old, .. .tIDhl~I?, >(iIiU. domj!1lBJllt) \!'i~'W Q{wom.en is dlalt. of .: ;~lW~5i.';":c. :e~J~ wbQ ~amliOl. Ihink or .act filt " t~' .. ]0 ~Ore Je~Sm ~!I;Iclal. mowm~III~, .. ""omem le)!ld iii liia~ Ilew rd.s~lI!~!l;I!he menial, ~IK

W~ a:rid bshiil!d",~~5cene9 ~.cliv~U.e;s ow.hUe ~ pro'~ic!t lite· lal!ki!1!~ h~ lor II1i media {cioipcit~ afii!I.

. ~ 1._ ·iI.:; -"';.- ...... ",,,,. _._-".(-_"" ..... ,

fllr'r~~t ... ,,~' ... " .• ,'"".II ...


S(!o;IM reewt"femlni$r"'ciiliq~ of I!.mw;M~m ha'l~

· '""1Ii!lcl mQJl·i~c.I~.1{~

!he on-iI:Ile~It'~:5, !ille~~-.~~4! rol1iJll~ l!b=~I~' ~

. obis idea is

<1IlWAli:'I' .he $6;;i~l min.~ b~ad::

'bloc ni~n~~.d i~ooring b]a;ck blum ·'i\lThl'Qe.iI, botli! 'WQilieo Ii:!lOti !lI~wl!o w~l ~o u,ht (me. [l1ml lilm ~~.CM.iIii!I be welOOJIl¢; :oIDd. ~!!.~O'!!ll!pd 10 do .~O, wMle lhose ~;tle am' ~IIileJ w.~o do ~otre~.loomfOL1l1bitlaking wcn difik$' .. ill a ~llrl~ly of otliier lIcti~ille$. .

AII1!!"ehi~~i !~(;!J~Gl~S!i a~

witJ!ul'!;g ~ ~~~GCt 'thedxcD¢!1!i!!!i!1ity. I~m IJhs h..i$.~~ Illem~el~~.

15 ill.~

\tjfjmr~linii5~~ l,detl i$ .hat .sllould ~h"iII)'s be

~l~ mldy 10 p{<!tel:lt WOJIlr'..II, but W~!\ prot«l:ln~ 1I't"..!I~~ OoRv>caismly rocgouea. 11 Is a. {lis. I creail. to WQlnCn 1.0 Inlol.mMc !ih;U IMY crnDO'Iassl:!it In pJr,)' prof~ I!iQBof~Vl}S oro~~&,

lli!!I1e ~rnml blUUlgB :-of "reiElini~l" ~Jili~ions. mDSJI ft)C~~ krnd5 ~ob«l p.l:II.c~ ~mrnlon .ma. wll.~ [rn~1 Mit ':b;3cl."'\'i'pi~ Itl.e lru~ i$,Slr~ {db lJiylhe W'a}'-si~ '*~~rc'llisls moo.l{l. 'Nurl!; Wi!bil! IhdI"O! raita:wo!!~ to;J~llfIOI!~ awrcd~l~ .!I.!d Wl;id; wlib'll!" 1lI'pe5 Q( ~om~lilies I~ \'i'.QrJ1eri •. 8i)j$ ~~e~"·.ferninisr-l'~ d(ij PQ~vor ro [b.dr gl:-ooer by cl!:M~fi&!ng' il!~ WomM. Com.~ tbc fC~ci.lrt.iIiOi'l.\iIO.!llIG~.I"iIl.l\e ~<lS- WO~Q hl~lieally)~rny$ic~.Uy fiSh.j~~ ~p~~~iQn.

• Li:l11l1l"f~loWOQd.

Th,ro!JtIli<'l!. ~he aLl!lh~:r of thl'; j;!ftd,CI.e eflllllil; Jhnli!,@di5il!:!K~,net

.' _~ .~l~t

-~ fl.,.;._.:,

1(l~1 :'~t· ~Iq"' l'!J~~f


'!"l" I

:. f

. .'. . .ill-ii_lild

. ,.AC'eOming ~tI &udlorlM tt-adle Di~, duudll.~;.lru:l~~,Q!:!g,a(;tt:vi'ilti, ,s1:uJdiez1l ~ WiQmen's orgajJ~2:.BJliotl.\mvitco~~taJ ~ups ,md ,oiher !ioclsl. adtQ!\I o[~tltons lh.~e' adjl<lll~8tt1!~~.~.a'll\e led to mcreas~. ~:oru,~1fIllI: hud.hlip· fo~ lie lIDcUl."dori~ Pe-o~i~': 1!lI J~ll1lrU!, lem of thol;lslll'Iib (If ~Yad.orilU:ls p,il.rlkipalled, Imit ,jIJ Cl!ne!!'~l ~I:t!ke. When A!l!1ilf'l;!z" p~iidlmt of tIte Worke:!,,~ U!'Itted ftO:lilt ~~id: "W'e;'re sPlng to, ~ki!' to~.e ~h'eElb! t~~re§et::tihe ecl!l!!l'!,Om.i<: p~c~ge, reiecit UlE mW!rilbl.einerelllie5 m IliAlariffiiftfld· ~ hil<es in

. fiTha !U'ldi. el~tri.lli,ty '~;Q~t;. ~ h'l Qu:it,o, riot pollOI! met!: p~C'!9tcrs w~.obiedl~ ~u~h 'o~, ilie g(l"'l!~ef!it p!ll<lice d~u:r!ng Iht! !~:r{kl! w'Jth ~~r g.n!.

'.' ,Pmtes:ti!;~gu~l mIqg Ncl p~!1J1!iW .re9W11et:!1 ~ the ~~lU.'IUY 3IJif11 d!!!~L1on O!f' CONA,~E ];eade.Jt An~onio V!U'$~~ (V,Etrg~1i Wl!i~ ~l)gfire1eIl_:) On Febn!~l"'j t.~ ErnIJdJrni:tlR w(lnre:lJ1l!.9jlmvlrofll1l:'l~~L lwmm rlghl:1i!and lotbo:r o~izalfj(ln~ou~pled t11i.1l' Cm:I~l!j@ N~cign<1i de Mode~m (Nai!Mllli O~ IQf M~~tton) m ~Ito in :iOlida:rity~j'~h rndJg«lOus der:monst'r·fll'om w:l\ttl hillw blocked l'o,a.!U md! bLkm, control of re~~il~:!'I ~d.f~&i(l f:acllil:lel .o,wull I!ll!' 1iI..IIllon. On. F~'bnJ!II'1" 3..:1 ECullodiOr, Uinder Q(d)~r$ fram W~lUglM, DC;. dec:ll1IrOO .!IX1I affkW S~m ru.Emer~l'lcy. It ~ t'toW' i!tl~ga.l fOir' MOre I:];.m ::I f;>OOple' 'to, n1I.OOt &ronv'2t'S>e'tQl!i~li1Iet fo.t IIOY re~s~, t.i: fie army 19 fomni1n:g out ,a('ro9~ !ihi;O, OOW:llfry &: IInft'lintr !!V~ silngll!' .11'1.dJge:n~ leildllr, ",lder" '" wkEi'& '~d[!m· ,fur '".;ecyrJ,ly JleMOl'lQ."' wiU!Oli.I.l ~'Y need. lor due ploce9.s. I~Joo9 ~~~ a1~~~r;ti 4111 ~ve;!'lIl were kiUJed. and ma:_~:mj1il:red .in ~anti:n!.l.ed ctJqDonbiHom QrI.,~~·tih!~~hy, ~U!,poUoe& _.yru~D1i.m,dedl mMl)"~~lg~~,pm~~ 'IUI~

.fhdj~aUY' firrngtlJi.OUSMQ.ds c~ lio1:.mds o~ ~u[!~"'&: ~er!r 8ft~ fard wclJ

f ~[D.~i;d~.d; 'We m~~t .~~.~wh~t Is. be~g done m . . I) self.

rn~npl.U NIIU.mll.!l ~ BCuadot'i 9'Icil Ilbe bloM I1JU: lijs be--lrIgpoiilre:d y~"~i9:~~.~mthe OOdJ.ClII of d~liJ~!~ mdiMi moen, wootlen;l"Fht]!"i:lrm '&

,w.~ .. ~., ,9£; •

'.: .. '.~1 .' '" ' '~~i : .

. , ., '. .iI: (~Y!~ptkm infuimllllilJ0JIIi.~gpJ~1 ~~ ,

. ~', .. '.~ to ,0000MAI !i"tleIl p~!IeEI' liIlLy.11DMILIcf'L.c.rg1 .,f.';'.



. ~ fi~ _I .!-

Natlve AIllD~ican Activisf Smashes Sail Jose: C~ty HaU

Statue of mirls~1>pj.Jl,er Celumbus by Rever.ed .Mass ~Mlq;~ltrei:\' ."

~~i~d~II~liI1mer; j.lls~ial PlIW{I' RlCll' .aT:Id Cuba. 'The p.~ence oJ {flel s!all:le

aOC:li",i~l JaulIt:S '·~s<~a life,s~.~ sl.llme !;Irol!NdllienUy pl_dlln City Uo,UIII SBrI·J~m: IldlS

or' Cll[i$t~ph~r ! ~rCJMof do~ns of b~~ ~il~·1J.y nali¥e 1m a s,lct: I'e!IliMe~

wllJn~=II: elly OS~,. OIII[fumia on :ti!JlI,Chrer ilt'I.d ~!IiiI~ea:,~r. iM,IJMi!Il~

nl~r~day, Mlren eu-tY,i!'e8 orl;llarl!ir~ peofic.11l !!lae Nc.w World, .

cll,lps new fro. 1'J~".lng :m]1J!!~:edtbe ,SiI~S~~'!tmmsf inlo Chy

"G~m.oddcl" '!lbl~~'.ih ~:O~lr b~~lis'l" '''fhiJ~; H~n. CoMlCnlrock: Ih~ mill"lIle~U;Iil;'IlIt!:rciillJlIg.oa'

mM r.Ilmd'md ijiS' r- " '. ~:twn:mn. bo:Ulii ~~,~Iit& crat:kii:liPl~':iim:tu trn~ ri~.

Mmc AmeIices roill'ii'ltR~~ hlis~ He ~~adicd Olrll lih,~ It~p (If t~JC ~c;r'Cln( h~Jd Ill)'

1G:t"j~fCItrI$tfip~~l\!.mtiJi$, Bx;w.tUllnrlmazy Col~,mllm,s, so Ithal the t.orBIJ !J,nl}, r;~mained

M~roric~1 s~urc~bJ'~~~!hnl'7 ile.l~;s Cl!~fI~. ,Ilie ~Mndl~8 by !tile flO'W~fjE W:ll,\I'C~ Ql'~~m~~le ~iP~

b~o~pnn,o:rCo!l!mliii~fed~II'I'I~~c!l ~mB.dc fOtir wMch w~ SIHU OIlnnocled '~~ !lllepede.U~i,

v~'ya~~s • .o~m.e NGW World. He~flwlullned ~~'C OM passerb)'. Iilirne Nfl!~~ S!J.lpro~llheO: (,·Q.$JlIe~

Ar~w~ks, \V,b.o occupl ~I H;nIIU. An ~dY' C1l:~:!i~~ of lloomEid 10 Italk him .into slol?IPing, M NavalJied

Il1iIoArillwaJI Wa5 U. ,mllltcil, tI()t OOUJ\t~[j1l ~Mld~n,!o ,calm CQS~,.pt~i!\C!i;l(~.~ offioe! Cht'b G~~l~,

Aoc'm:tln~ 00' a CIlollsuv\llllw ,~timate!J1!feII' J million .MW}'Of Ron G!·lJooy~uilJTd. 8J11I;y~clllmi IIriGcI

,A.raw~k Ii ~,~ Qilil Hilly if:l,p~~ = Colmnbil~n ~iffi~5i, to p~u4d~ CO~J1Sf to ~tO"p. B~t l.t was, ~n!y when

C(j;l~JtlmIl5 kldna(lp~~·" ~5~aml, and nllmrd=d II:bree ~IIMIlI'II~~ed ofl:ioer! ~li!I1oe IlliIDuth Ille front

!Jt!;~Ar~w[liltp~crp!e;. H~I'!.!~j~1~h5~~~~d'JsG[I]l.ljii1l~ dg,at wilh ~~,eilr !lUiU dit~iW1jj Ih~~CO~IiCf (:.eth~l\d,

ord~lfiIg ~ c~U1ng I~f.f' or RM.e ail !M-Illisflll~~en~ Na~:a '~~d Ili~ 'body to shield CnSllller" whO'l'i3.l!l

f<Ir m.i.mor·~i1imE$, -:".J;j;' backi~d. ~1!!li~1 Ii wlilt O{fl!O~t~ 1!'h~iI h;Plld1c~ffet!l

When Ihe Anw~kIl fUUI!~l1!ck, C(lt~mbLl$ !~s~(!I C~n~r, wh(l !tJldI(h~m: "I'm mHn.llh~~nll:,.]' nfI \!~ry

lite e~CI.Is.:e 1.0 W."liS.e ..... Ir, ell Mltrell l>1llh. ]~,9'5 ulm. J'm~~ry ~~Im," S~II joss. M~r{lr Ro:rn

Coh!lnb~s 'el OO~ 1IO o04llllliier !heAra!N'ak~, 'Will! {l'Qju:~le:r. 'YQw~d 'to ~:!;ture lilte $:t~t~e, which wUI

W hmlitin~ d(8)S, hlJo:r'.!!es, lUnd i!!U<fiIJS Colllmbus ~I dwell be lJKI1jIe(l in [mntafthe Dew 'City H~II w.I:I.m

1!:]Mllllhe M~WW. ~e:~nS! It~!tlg,P wlliiJlllogs ji:~d It 'O.P'MS, dOW~H~\l;'JiI,

!nowing '~he.l'i'I, dQw:n with roll e.~ll of 'bunet5, mild CtiG<~r!, ~ 'n~.~i.~e A me.TI.e~n who h~s been ~~ni1,lle

runnillg tnem o'V~fwirtl] to"r1~. R~p().fll!lg b~dli;; to In ~!es~ a&~1 ill£!.IIii:: liijUli~I~e ~11i~d ~galns!

Q~e.en [glbel n, C?)~mb~,S 1J~~~'Iloo "In Ine Ihe liI.iJms~ss.s illl Sl!!~t~ Civuz. !.Ulger ~hG'S ~

.n,~me of Ih~ holy I:rl~.~, I Wi. ,c~n5~ml frQimI,lt~ B~i!'~, in !he ~sJlcrt'l r~~ MIT:!tin.a .~Im

:~n I~n~ $lla ... e~tli~~ IEIra:i.lit~.i]"iWld," The Sp~mJII:rd$ 800 a.g~ills!: ~ille; lIlombhli!l in '0ugru:l~v~~.rll1' 'W90,

'If~nleril !t'I~li!.ljS !'Or s~ ,alld '1TillHliere>!!l ~heim ro.u ~f; w~s Om.e obi ~ r~[')pt~ who to;:·)!ed ,clown ~~. Cli!y

dog roodl, • , 111ai 1.0 prm-esl t~,e D1li·lm.Lml~!, SJU;pi.lIg El an i,~ !Illl:~d •. I (l:o ~~Idl"~ lne rematlli Saml! ChiIli.]11 ] 009 tit w~ (i(lfU~eclll!! Rep. S:~Wi

Anw.~k~ 'to ..... c'r~I'~~mjn~ , , 'F';llnolflce 10 proe::uhea'o'illlll

',["hg~,c wliCl' Ilxun1;iinG>C1f )!l~~o:¥tfi"'i~.~. .,'

hands c~t '(I'f. Ue was awe.slildl aflllKllha ~

Ar:fliw~1i:. bee Oli May 22m1 l [1, [iron t ot ~be

1 M¢fhCI'~,t'ljl C~1l ret w~ire ,a ilemocralic P.~ fUllcni5l!:r WS~ Iilell!, $lIpp(m~ll!l ~x ·.presM~llt C~llnltlln $ "Bomlb B'e:ii!!nd'e"

I ~flmpl1~glfl, H~, ~ tc wH~, Sre~e

Argile, be.ea '

I Cruz .5, ,~IU'Jled pMic~ tI~~[u~l~ ~h legmrn~.e

po~m&ll~ :~~~~~ ~.~,er !~. ~~9~'" he~n.~nde:d~pNlle~~rn.:Seaillg

, C\'l5llef rcm~IIi~,~~1 ~h~ San!a Chl~ Q!lht1~J:!Ii.~boci~~1 0IlI ,~~:!plcioll orcvMdamm, Wla_ij~g wrorist WiMIS am ,d'e,sli'UBlioo of II dvi~ '1IlIlIlllm~m.t MilS IJruJ, rn:1Eill:tilJ,y $~~. ~!!!.S ~.n [>ll~d II) .s~.t'!Oll

, -


- - --

• .L. ~.

OivmuroPULA:flON' .

People t:ef.!d. to a"oj~tbl;topro icrr Jaci. o~~· Eli 90ll(l:r:eteS()~UtlOil. fear oJ ~klg lab.d~ mast, <1.1" the 1IJ.,fWj]]!! to see ilDytllimg • other the!'! cheery and fh.~fJY iUJ.,5Wem. The~: ~~~Is, (lMllza.tlon has p.rodi&C~ ~ ~!l!I. situati<m, willcbwUllc.Jntlnue· w 1ll<llP"'p$.~g _ l;tBelfln expt:lUef!ual tontl. ~ol~!'t.\ dll;;~!Oe. WiU'. eoolO,~d~taYotl. and ~n'_ av~-i'p(lpl,.!lE1:.t!on aiepoe~Petlliate.d by hld.1!l-.·.._ and glilbal caplta!Jam. ,stopplo,g ellS!e.QUa.u On.c~,Ihll~-happma.

. ,pi::Q$iOUlt (anneiCS" h'l.d~!!i~l:Ious ,pe~ple~ an-d Qth~ whQ have ~Q to Sllmve. Qll. the. ir:lngeand ~t !l\PU~ ·of c.JV1llzatlcm MIl be blest. c,IT, -5lnce they have f!Jgur~d.t!ut"·w r-ememDeJ'Ied Ilr.nv. U. wm be tbose. aft'ogant ~ 'w.IwrmJlls.Wl.ed,lnt:h.el!~~ a(.Id.~ Iives~WlIl suITei'" )l!W$t:,

~1.'I·c:ml.U.t\i'ION ~

[r there Is an, doubtUlat cMU:23.Uon !~ ti~tii . root of :;1.11 (If the human 'spectes' pOOble:n:ll'i), a$ well oJ ~l¢. :prdhl~~ o! .an other life an the, then you mU;$t ~~y. be d~:;u:l. mat :Ueaat co~e;,

w,ikfc, llfvo jll ,1'otll1lD~.

OfJ~VlIIH'!i _

~. '10!1N" 1!~~!t le!IY'$


bguillil tlIli by" ..'

'1' "~,~I fti~~l' '~ .'~. o'iwoi'!lliol) ~.'.- '~.' - .._., ...... ' ... ~ 'of whl'cifl·m.,.... ~, ~ 'n;ll'n'C); ·Iii~ d~o~s~1l.l! !be ri~~,«:2~'la'Iism~PodllblI pWpGClivt. . ~:Ul~~IO'I!l¥'!lf\Wl:~ Jg.~:,Ill_.~~:to,ilIt!.~ ~~ d\e"e!mtg~ lI"illilt!'ell~tioili ·of e;j~iGl i~ {!. ~!lgtil!JJ ~;t!!i.uli(lll eio~i!ig t:!lB ~~er,e;i,g~lY of !JlI!.!:io.o"",IBJI~.

:M~!.A~Ili.:.(j!o'boJi·l3ti.On IWtwj~t$ lIS ilill:1I.iI;i 4J1mh!ns ~,\I"~ ~~to:l,f JaiUe:n jr~CI Wi It:f!I\p o'p~ 1M,

. o!IhCDIWQ~C"''I'U,~ot'~glObalWltlM

ofe~~~n.,ijiJih'~. iliLtiQII'\IWe~~l1o I10wtm

~~,wl.lmdel'lali! oocb Iftroil,@/ll a ~oo..::rocnt and ~rf~tl~~

a~~;~~~S:i:e:ap~J~~tll1 iiM t!l~ ~1I1!1e, 'W~ !1D~~l rc~O!lm~~ I~~ ~pitnlil<t ~ru;;runllJ forced upoo

~pOOi~~ !!'i.6~a~. of !be, gl~~()1I1h !lu~t1, ifl.l1l.lit~tiDru . :s.u.c~ ,M i~~ '!'iI'rQ l!l~ ]Mf (~~~. ~oo~ i!b~ FTAA ~f t!he rkhgcl; d].~ W!l~). 3Il' ~~~, UooIOl ~ ~mt. ~,)'51!=rn IInI g~tq j~e in.I~a!!i~ I!!iilla:l!i"") \'ft,

'I~ 'Ii!.:. ~D~ flt~h\l~ Qa..,)' gt wott. in tI1~ooI, an~ 00 1M !i~~tt· d~i 111I1I.~lIIilloJ:!" :ghl~!1 i~' ~jt>O ,rt~P'OlUj,b~.~ fo, liII~ imej~s5~'Ii',ji: ~A~I~lI~CG~ ~f feQ(~it1'-;IlUotl ~m,d p(j~ctliY

",:," ~ ":. ". - ~

. -

~~ l.T,>Ii'.ci~ie~ ,

Amooi~ ~ ~~e gt.

~q~aHtf, ~iIi,~~l!ill


nw.~ «Ipi~l!.!j!lt rft!~li!ff.!!~. ,part t1f!h-~ ~~ ~~~y~i~~ r~i!1l mhsbig.; "Ci~.alim'L jlS ~, soeial rdwlJ.m ~m.g C'YCQ'ihr U~ itl iii "a1ol\al" aiId lIoca1!' tnilhi'~tIIlloo~·. W-hil~ wQtki~"our Ilv~~SfU).gvh~ i~ ~~ Ii!) ae..IIO tI:Jlli, w1I~W. \\ft,~G~~ relief CKIlly I" rdUm tl.cNl:le. wllid.llTV. ""to ~, a~~ Win 1110 procel<1 Q-ve,,;' .ll.pltl. n.kI!il,l! ,~, ~otitle (lQflt~~-of wtlBe b'bo~, w~,

C!.l:jll:riCi!W~ t~~ laIilI~ Ilio~moe. oj'

,Gf)jj·W11Wt.iW wrou,a~1 ~illl jj"liIcll~"~"

orjnt~ ~awre

1.0 be I!IOf,1I iJ~~rc:hl)IGj

eeQ~olnJ'. ~r . 'Thi~;~~iil1a1MII]1!i

1Ih~ oc!~~ P'Oi~t

Imrffl'of~. epil! Wr!lll !!IJ!1~~ii;rI;:i~ r~bj~Ij'Q;~ O~ Thm! WooIiI!! r~bel~.

Th Ihfu ~~ we rnuost ~,~.JqJ a ~~~~o, ~tAlw, 11~ MW!.~Jrem aMf~riiI:i~~d ~U'r~ ~.J1(, ,O.r~I~ tkl.~~, ~~iI ""~ dlCi~c<F,Qp ill} in"~~C!ti(l~ eQ4l,~QlIl~~1 wW, tm~ w(flh~ W~ '~avc It d-=Iinrl;' 10 lit~~

. "if"

"1;) t~:n..c' v jngl3d~ b I.~~ - r 'f) ~ ~!It!It wl[~ ;!rO'W W~~] III tn@ F~cU~e f\li)l"Ih_u IIDd bl!Yt1iUim.(lt;l\l:!~ ~ '.~ ~"-I'li~oo ill .<'irlmtJit M

_ ~'.' .i!D.n!i." J!I!'fIl\'_._.' .. ,_.WI!. -: ... r. ... ~ ..... -g. ;11.hJi~ ~

. • - -J!Ei'j :b:'t!I~ I'm ~ Uim!_

, .•. md ,all' ed~~~ 'Cilrn!lm! '. :".. - -il.W..,

.., "'~~~: M~nl!' of th~;5@ wU:U 1lI~~d . .. .: 4~tiun~r '~Mr lor ~:I. ieB~l tl1ie

~hs~ y~:af, whlW@ they're ~tlH:t'I~

.,,~~~,t~bl.khoo. Same 15;t;I'U!l'cel roy :li'.OI!i. ~1\1:I!!I.Ql w.~tlllr· onc\~ awe~1c: ':,tl!~ flr~t ",!l:rnJn~r. @",eTf ~M~~!er'

'. w.e>~1\ ~'he s~con~ )'~~~, and! (lIIC~: . ~ mQllItb.tll·e th~.lfd:, Th:~~ h ~tlll

'~r ]eU wat@f thai!i th,~ a\!l~rniie

UIDIl!l~ \I\i!:!!etll~We I!!al'\dui@:l' iiJJlel; ail." you'll be' fifW\ilJtde!'J wUJlI

:; . IClinl!.·U"'~c:! ,. uU~prnPjjJQl~tlliIl ..plaliu that '!!'fin. (1~1!d .li'~!1~ ~Oifiml.lrl~ty 1t';!:I~'n~!~~~y.

J~run:Uem ~r~d!o~~ Sell bolly . billl'!:IO-C]j;






.~;'I1r\LL~ ,cM",@s

~:np~;!j ~s,!a]

pusJmmOilil! inulbe17f,I~~

MiIlJ~lilJyiln. liU~ckb~!ITy ~It:ilwbeny bli~h

",_ !i!JJJub~ :;·~(itL:m~ ~@_ !l~lIlJSl!p!!~

r », nlu'Ikin:1I

wUd ,~"'in . .~ ~fI1!~bo.k!! i!rnar,~I'l:tIi!,

'fog~e~ry ~v~n.I~;. pn mtcl;!:~e nlli1l'1ower




.Y!lf.row ;. bm®~ '1' <;J:~iii!i1J1l



Indi' .. ' Au -is ..... ~_.G-... ~ "O_~_.J' .' n",,:" t

r .• " ~us _"c,' VIS, ~ ,""Vli'u,u)n~,~~~:on~~~~, .,

[0 ~l;!01id(l(. <! (!~foontit,*n bel'w~nihe gl)~:mnt~\t ,of, p~.~t" G!,l)~ta~ NobQ~~d f~dj~~oi$ ~Q!~n8 ~ .~ Sou:lh Americ:U'l ~ati~ has e~:B1ai$l!diinIrolhe

r·'1r _ . el" W' _ .. . ~'_I~ ....

pa'tion's' !ID\O.$t ~,owrJ:rflll -. pllah~tli s:inC13 JaniJ!liIIry :2000~ when a. Pop!ill.a:r l!lp~i~:iHS i1Wpbecl

by the Cau:rici]" oflind:igen,o!.n' N~no:n~ of EcuiI.d,-or (CONAriE) .wooed~~~presjbt J.t1M! I Mabaud ~Q telID'lJUl15l11 power •. Af> you .m.a:y re.::aJ.!l. ail,2000~!hey m~fC.hed ~tI QI!l~to mCOhlmIlS th1lt~wl!i:tled. to w-eIDI. OWf 1l;n,e.kc.;i~,~.1f"M[LUON ]ndi.&e' people, ~CI p~olest ihl!' prnvaL1z~ijoJ'l of th~ h'oeG Walter IIU!/pply 0.£ theill: OOIUJrlby •• & the ImriI1ir1~ eveil' of CQ,U'lttoi o.~ BCIl;idQr1.s ecQl'Iq,my to '!bI!Fildl!r,al·hsl3~'iiia Hrmk of the USofA,.conditti>Cfli5

dl!fm~ded! by ~·!Mf' &; ~e W,o~w. itwtk fur a JOiII11I 00 m:u.adolr. '

Af~:I" ,~ row days, ~. Vfu8-P~.!!i.d~nt, 'Gularv>o Noboil~ was nH:m.ed f're5Ldefl'~' &: made fif"Omises (sign.edOl~O'rds. 17 JUIYi 200)). to the md£~:w; lih~t til!!! watgr O'f icuiI.dor: wOlilld ne<Y;er 'be .sold 11.'0 l!h.e U.S .&; [taiU:aJ¥~l<l~Ed m'lll:Iil'i.iilOlJtwn a l~Q.po<r"'~N! Ilhat '

had 1 • ' it. rs;ma1ll'~J'ITi.ef;S 'Wo,U:ld be' fu[~lA1a!h.erfr debet:;; ~ ,the Go;~~&:irll:el, prl~s·

. :for 2: ye~~9... . .:... ..<"

l.di.1!!\rul1!L'l'~JIi people W~it ba~ktD flew &; £ilrD'Ill~~" . !l!I'Q\y.wi~

IiAv.,r.j!i~'A", (Us !i!ilid"). Wilh lnelndlgenous ln~or.rd4.i l Ilf,t .ill . atoollds w:ere~ia~ly rorgo~, Now W·l!lter fOIr ~:e" ~l\eep , i'L1L desert d.l.mah~ CO$l$!5 (U<s{I)) pel' gaU,gQ> ""'Mn. ~

fllrm,@f'/~h~rn1rd rn1llki!l): LESS th!l.n 55'001 (USD) per yoelU s , An:g !h~ lS!l;~~~ &tllld.o. tflilit cansti.wtedi. ~iI!I oJ Wmb'lVllf m.eagl'!:! .hm~,~~~'k",~g"1l, the 'h.,M'· ... 'j" noW worlltless Pltpe.;, rep~El.Ced! ~y tne U5 doh:!" whl4'i'tvhnQ but" the

:~IlI~~:I of Lacl!lru'le cM,;!;Uo;rd, a5 dic:~~ed by l!ihe US FederAl' . " Ute

d~tic:n:s .fro,m. the USgovt ailso· re~u.lted in. fl:le . .& oil &~d~ (all 'UX~% YSA,'"Ow[u~df; : .• '

ili£~td Il~f 200% (whllee:l!:!pOi!'ts of Ec~Olidor.'s .

05';· o! n~ti(1~1l!l pn)(i,~Qit!(ln~o 100$). N;!W. . . ,';.€:JJ.~ w~Kj: .

(lAa.t'.~ dev"iils!'.i!u\B; beca,U!5e 99~ o~ {fu[~ ~]iOl~~rf. ' , ~t?.r-l:rIIg 1lR-el!r

prod . . maf~~ by bus., .Dek ;5(j]l !9 5io poor- ~jt '!hey ca!h cmy their

'y!~I& m~. ..' '.' .. . _".." . '.. ..', 1. ' "

"Coine~dlerlta.l.'IY", the liSA. bas .~I.lio .:o,mpl.e~ec:! W[lstru.lllion' o~' new ,pv.d

base a.t Mlmita &: ffi bUiildm:g ten (lO)omore nlliiJl:;!ry b~se9inE<:Il.lldQr ,(3 !I1p~tl I!he border w~~ CoIQm.lbi.a!t 7 "elsewll.elie'_) Ilmicl)e~ IUle liL5U!aJl !?R I(;O~ 'a,. n!fij~I!in$ Uillwa~ .. ol'1i d~" (i.e" ~ crush the "'!Iubvel'!5iiv,e" In.dian~) ~ CM~t llilt the pol ~olk (esp wlt1:t ~~pn~.'~llu'\r Ithan whi!~) me-ssl!llp ~e 51?1'ead ,af "US dem.ocrat$y'" by rn.si5~the:yei~~'~M.l!'Il·t.i~'c now, ,~oU:I 'we? ~ . , -, ::c-.. . •. ,.

EcUold.O'~ ~$ li!);fei'jeI1CEd~~lW'l~t OWl' I:M la~t re~ .a., No6ri~:r~ go~n~ .md lihem:lemOlitl'kll'l<'l[ Mone~~ry 'FW1.d,p~g lie corimby' fur (I, U5 $3lU milli.Qn b?:i'Ul 'that" CQuld ]eOlidi 'w a.1ifMslt US' $:2 biWM m a.ddnlofil,~] .&mdmg. have im.iPQ5eil economIC' "Olidj,~;5hne~I$,"!nct~d:nng .~ doll,u:,EselMol'l of Illite! iCUiOlid.oriu eoen.o:my; wage' r:esh'-ami,. the rem.av"l, of :IlIu,b~tdlies A'nd wi~pre:a,dpriv,;]jIiRUon. The Deed lor Dud roan. w~ e,re~~d. wh~llIone single He·w Yo~k C:Uy~.In"'l!lsmt.mJtt d'lMl.i!ir .nllm!!d. M~~ Hel!@,;OI' 'p~rln1!!r m the W;OIUJ S'I'!rooot !ilm Qf Gra:mercy Advlsol'$, w\l1tc w.ruslI!d to ~ge to A ,on!! mooth exltel:'l!!i{on of '!:he pay-owt ·IJI.I!! d'le b~dQfem, bonds lhat WI h ~]d. He "Wl ,ppenlybrag:!! !ih!llt hl! .~ -tM m.u! ~o' bJ:(lugh~ Bl::J!!I..adOil' to ib .~~~Md'edi~'. In . Uu lSi.n:gle III.~ l'~ort _ribing hl!; ·trJumpb~ (t'he 'OlaWtJ.W), ~. Repm OBUilIlresll:.· '19 ~an ~ IP'P bl..M).,fUi1W~ ftUrm. b dti!:ribodii$,".~IDiZm:g ~l~g.~ney ~:. ~ommJ.~ , .e' rtlrink ,ail d~~ter.... .' " '." .


':t.' t. ,fr~

~ '.1 _. .~:_

1 I I ~


to progress


f~'!oo~ II ~o m~r:alllW' HIII'!Il~i 0,,".

~~:,C:':~::t'f!~; rM t'!l ~

I~ ,~Iir>,l~~ilt

kI.~~ 'wm~ III f'O~" Ilit, IIoKI .r... yPlll. I.rwlli~ by th~m. 'h ill dUf~Rn! dlr~roo~!, '!~"j' ~'lnd8P'l'itho~WI IJP"'!h.tlwm .• rnlCItoo"~i ~~~cm.i$ ;dJi'ikalt ~~r «!t.!fIC ~beyl~s: In~tnmilllls 1$ .~I!'i 1m a;mpli<li'bed. :B .. tji·~ ~tJiT~ Ow 11= H"~ ~"",bcro Inllfflm.d '10, rh~ dlll.llJOl\! aflt .... !X![j~ Ih;.t we wj!l~I~:':''''~llt 0111 otlif(;;, el.,~iI of.Q.~.' II· dlli'U. Oil, ! 'a'f.'d·ml dliIfH. - "'.DII1IOi!d;;' ',''''.1.... ,_ . J<I ,"~ ~¢" .. t ~ttliOt,d tnIlhs"' Work (;i. ~~~1! f)1'"J] .IfWc 'ILl«: rClpo~ 11I~.f«· __

RI¥"c! uld C*'h ~ti'\'d ;jlor il'iilili I~I;!O or "","'.s, then • ~ "ill h .... QI a

(,~:~~'~~~:;~~:~-~~:~~·~~mm!jlr~orhappl~ 1'Ii~ oId;ru;...J

l~ 1ioi!·1~ iJ) f •• ,JiuI wb",illjo~ !'O ~

d~JI'HIlIr'~', .... , (\1lI .ad OIit,d1. ... jl .~i1:itl~ !hot MJI ~h!!uc~r··

duo "'., ~.,-,~ p~!W~ o~r ·!)Wn . ,_ !11~ flc:c;rltlg.. Ittlildltui'rIW lLIlin;s d.aut h .. ,., I~ ~ md lnoc:iIilln"~nl of 1l0il 11m ~t-Icl ~'h!pt

God 1m d :utd Ihol, w~ .k1vc

, IMUn rim lI~M lID! do

''lb.", .•• ·""".,Ji .. ~i"..,h Ii(ioJ, If« a~r_ t'llc.o, MI ,Colli tJl

.• ?


110." BlBllIII:,fIIIllII DI "1m'lS tJIIn, tla. BlIII 0IIJSt IIInlJlllll'.sJ

The wDdid of R>ll life, of ~ne fF!fW !.u~.ey of ~he !!" fl'Ie:mJr,w~~n· k!r bene~tk 1t~t:o(}!S my~~rie~pa~5 dIoWrI tlm)i~..g1l genef!leto.rl~ inclJ.e ~l!n~nCY!;lf ~p~ri~m so [fI!l;I!'J"l~~ th~y _m fl;l tr,!I:~IJ:!.Il1;ime IMelf. These ex, t:I!I1'Jl.;e~· ean .~ $UPjJ\~~e'di' d~oo[~~d am:! dmi~,dby t dock:!: ~hat tick at us. from -IY ii~, buit a!O !I;I~ ~~ -

Do yau,want to be h1 Khool?

DI you thin'k you haYB iii c;holafl'

Wh~t would IIMP}f'ilIU lin .olli if YOII {kil'!'t ~I'~' '1iO' ~.1i""11J7 I,..I,w,~3

tkoo .... «f ooll.~1

.~ ... .t.I.f.tlH~ or M f~Di" ",,,,~j

Thll' l«'I~r ~ ~~,jj iD~"".DI, ,WO"",~ :I!CI!I1¢'i~'D ~ jhlJ'l.p '1' ... {h~,i!:·b~~:o~~'.,.,'t,FtMnk ........ 'h~"o ~~ U!l~ ~_[] It 'Y!U'i~:i!M!~~ '". ~ td!.>o1"!.IL~!,"'''''' • .....,;l'''.,:f ~u~~_


o~t of school and

:~~ h~a!!'~~ in i;jUF Ch§M, ~. will fmod Ql.l[ wars ootiw a;p~ :!ml ~gain. Hkoory i~ h-a.I!!l~by its ·ifI"n'Jl.~i1r.U'I:;!IJ t~ morn~m Qf~hld.o.iI" ofreru PGe~.ry; !J.riJ!g;;31ll it~uru~d~ debtslJ.:aek moo pltl~ to be disch~g~d {g«vc,r sO nr~ -C~ .reallybtgin. "W1iat''We need now aroe[;ru;t~~ ~ O'l"erwhcln i~, so i~r,stiMe!, th~t 'thAl e!llir'~ CQ"uO:[ ~JIlit.:=.m of fe,g''' .latro, ti:rt'l.e rn-e1M be!le~h th~ir ~g.rehi[1>S r~di~jjce" ~ a,d'l<tilt1il~ slwuk! '~lI:k the$~ ir]Lll~:mt1! throlil&h thls w"Or,1 .~ Iwn~r~ t!l';l!l;k the mQ~tl)ri~ of pr"C:y.

, ~. Wl!!l~ to l~ lQ b~ bin; :!M~ A de.siret:ha:~ gaes .~ I

' 100.11 t_he, P'~l1it,:pas~ •. fi!nJ~,a~p!)r:~, lI.n tMt;l!l'l.~ m~ 00;n~ m mfim~blko,~ ~IPgI~ ml1.!1lc,d IlQtl::, lib alit st'Orie ~-~ tfuit mn~ili ~d[~ of our second thought:< T~11fUi dMexid;~ApiilU ~he cl.ock~" J\;rfI~



!lQb~r{'Ji'tg!1!~B ~J21 i11MI ~iRC~, inii\l~nllM $il'cI;i,. Onilui.a. o:rH7~14, If;n~ Itue,.. uooL'lo; at UlIlj) ln ~~J"il.ra.!~ AL llot j:~ ~~~n~ ,lla R""lilrn ,iM SitU" a:I~ ~'l'~d, 1.I4WH:,_ ~j!jEUl

~n_ U p!':Ij,~h ,~1Th' mlmmllll'll~n~. '

Ch.rl! PluntntU',.lM7la~, itDi1i~ ~. [!I~ oI~ruh (!~I:U\'.!u •• "I'll; lfi.l100"~'oriiJn8 r,~nJi!;W ~r iJj.'~!mJ~Y~~f~r1!j)!l\P~~'

"II Ilb~ll~Abo;'!!IllA!l.fl,~~I:I(I, ]'IJulili~~I-.l fId%'; 3~ rgb~0;;0l!~yDn,-¢,~~r,MJ40441i, ~mlll~ to:! :i~j~~.~-WJ '!loI" U!~ ,~hlfi~ d ·A~l~ull ~ilIll!totfIl'ij) R6I; ... iilileAr~d'" rt. MIItrIoIII~~nl!:ml;h ~"I: I(> itiUt ~,,,,~ ~ !TI~JfiI !1r1l8d~~!~~

J~ "J!i!~ .llIlIIIl:IQ~" f8~211~. ~ao.~lj' Slm1il1i s~~, On!llrto,QRm~~

HlwNIa,111Dll1p;!1~R,.·~ N~~[hl"".ui CW~!lti<n~l ICD;mJiIO~I' Rtlu,la. ~'I' DQ.iI;. ~60.. 'I''!(1!anllii!i\!, 'm;l~ il.itl.i\U1 !O' m. ply, ~ ,.at~ r~ ~ !g~~ ~ ~r ~ J.wO!~r.l" .!o\IiI!n8: ~ jI~~ IIIr_ who:lu!d mlill:lm.:ll hi! (l;I£- IJId ,I ,lbooI!inl loollk::!u :I~ ,otIl~ Iii., w~ IAlI!,·tl~~n.lU; ."IiIl1'.l )'&tl: r(lf.~ :l\!,!lo~. el>;;~ ~!!Ji!i1I.Jl~

(I~\J"'lAJi[jJj)'~~9W1\..M.B !iii !,. rcjl!:nIQ~, t>lJ i1iS~~. !l1~.~ !~bg,~~gn ~.!~Y!iL a~dl 'nI;rC~li~- h:lJ~dl n ;~'Q"'~ tor C~J1f'D;p~I"ioJ~~, ,!IIftl\!dm.lmblt~ lin WB2 rtlr'l!j ~~i"'~k, an·~ ~i,d~~!~r, 1il!'!l~n~~d ID' ~~~'~~.If,(, Ifdi!! i!l1Il!! ~ionJ~Cooim1 U!!li!.~~~toIl~~!>!1I!d ~ Ilit ~uilit:ol~t;.I , in all i~~mpl ro ulJIl Ll1~ ~proUd ~.t.rl.dI~~llb;

:5Ii.lri~ N.' Zliili ilii i!n:l:ni~' Wi8Gi~fl~:L~.i'illI ~. '(MI'l,C.X) •. ~~t!~p. M!D 2oiWi'4.

Malik ~rl1!l1~f WA. ~M, UMi? W,"kc::~I~iI, s 1.00'~ !l.lin., W~~(j~hl!.""iP.ii '~ili.Q.1.liK

Aw.:~ ","Ill eut ""iii; hli! {~Ib'~)' ~,~~n~. ot~~n 'tr.ld.~iS, MI hiU: liMn fili~1 up tar&l:lId;ln:ll Ulcm. MIrlk ~g. ~ ~1Ii~r"," 11IUel:J1;lL _¥~!!!1'"1! ~'1Ir ~.~ H~ .kJ ~"~M: 10 ailmll. iuill ~r:m !!!![{)!~ i$ b~!I!~ K>I~!I!.t

rMmlill fl.l~r*"PliI~, ~Wd!""""hlll,.z!;III~ lm, ~~~b~~Ir. 12, !I'~~6.. Ilru!!:lial, Gmnlll.l"

ti!ii!<t MUfo~ .Io"~h"" v.",.,..".." Q.ortZ. !,IIM'!\, A.~I"fI,'" ,.......,~" S~"'!~~ II~: r .. ltl till ~·001~1~~ ~t~ ~JCdj; Mlnllll'!' of n,duOl'}' I~ ~JEd8,lj~' wl]11 i~ ,~nldcrlil ru: .SIi}'lOOnikJ;\l.·II~ ,!;og _ ~.pp!I~ ~ ~h~ ~lif~1.iI b)' 'iV.x-Goi.d [Q bIollld ~ ~[!!.fl!'y ~h~~.:

n~inO 'PtIUIUfll', 'C!m1."j)I~~lie~!!.. 'I)'!~~.if.f! .. t>lL M"lI. ~ JiOII~lOOn", !!IIlt, ~f!i.'!ng~ ~:~ 1ll:I'I:h! rur ~~.~cdI1 abnlll~n~,,~ r;j,'jL11I:.c~nM!el!.:m ~!100 Mi i!ie ~Nil.;;0Ij~!~13n A1I.~I. ~oem mdlli.pM!.1.l:J, Plui;;~ ~~ Ibll!M!M""'" &~m


'IIl00llllil.fMh~n.lna:, 11!l3':M~~,)~~'000\. ~nBf!.!d!,M:O'615JO~

IUch1'1I \'I'Jji1lmt, it@:17.DM, ~gti1i Ktir.. !I!..-dL. !4n1~. 'CA

Ql),Co -

~,.f)'G:ldd!nPIM' IOO'1i!'~~ro 8(IX~oon..~~IlIt,.""",~:lBn ~lIiIiJUWldm~j!QNIli!J]~jt.:.r~.~~ ~:ln.fI7~ibo:fj~"'I~~'~~~~~bw"oINg, ,c~ (ooili .~"' Ii!lQiJj~, !!!!!lUllle scn'_ oi' IIlic I", pI'i'!ln ar!~ 75 .~I!!ti. "",WI no ~O'!HI ~1ro1~n.(lIOC'IIunOOM,

Jli!l~ IIlil1m !i]n~'M-1!$6, Ba~. 1'0011, J.h~~. )J:._ ,~S!l "'iii," ~1L1l;(lfjifll'jflfi '.il1~f~, II> ~~ ~~m, tlJr (h~, il1~ j~~n @f •. ~~n~ III ~!l'w., ~~I "'.1$ =nib' f!1l.nii"~mdl ~1ICk: : 10 !hi !!ir-~YJ M. CliJnilrllllJ'dLIi1J M!lr.iOfl,

M.ilO'IImlllltiko~~~, ~,Jjl~~. ~1C)l :.~~!~~" QilijI j>~ DgI;lLn, ,et!

r..J~~1I1lw.:!w ~.~J.~~IM."',mi fkb Simj,.,Qam,p hJ\kI, Dilkoll.,. C",:g4~B

I An~lfud~.

. l'~,nlJ KNIlfl)il,.4,'3.lm., ~.~,

Slll*,~ I'M R~I!!I!.:ft\, 4n~7

. !~ilY ~~IJ!d~ f~t1 !.i.I1~ mylI!!~,

Flv~Lw.u al!~ b't,~ r!!,!§~L~kll1h=dl\ :I;I~ ,d~~.~ blO'~ ~ ~~~Inl].l" W1e~t ~I~, Il'Li;rgnd pill!)' tit Wid t~ Jlr~ !n ~~IiIQo;!I, S~nd, 'IUill~'1: ~i),: 1!~~UI! ~W.P(>~l~ ·[Y"'n,~ Vnn~l!'l,

l!o'.hY!li.~Q l'~, (10000 11_

WllmUIl w.1!i.lI!ouOiwl~i .~1~;l· IliIll'.n~.]JU::iup.~i I, ffi,.{!1~ lII\tr.!:lW S~n_~d:!oil' :~~ ~ {Of !II. d~ d~ '~111. ki:![.d ~nU ~n~m!lI[Q.n

,EWi1fl!OiR~1iJ1 R.es15tJllllct: ,"umhll ~ IIlMUD, ~JIm~16 .• occ. I n,~ ie.a.!1, II!I iI~dll)l:lll!,. CO, al~.~~" I ~~P~~n..Ii! ~WD ~~ far L~a ~r\ 'QiJ .II! I Ii;)w.!!l1-C1!i!~i~Il~~ ... " Cgllmdll!h !!:!c ~!:J(If':l'lI(IIl

I .

J~rr.ttJ lLm.nI 1~~~1'1g\ ~:a;i Yr, ~Iilo :Sftl!tEiul.G.nt, W"DI~,.,~ ~o, ....... iillin'ltil1l (I.:IJ,jI ~~ en ~~.~ ~b~:I rcll!lJne w 'i,'/ .. ~

M!{![ltin ~~n, --

@1i<!~ ,,1mIi<lll. 1'0' Ii ..... ~~, ~C~. ~~. !Ilo!~ Ci'!!!U, ~c!;YJl\~, ~ IJ."I'ID M4 I. h.llf)ll'iJl' _I~= fOI ~(Qi~II1i"Y 'Lo =ilL

imln and ~.1I4uil~n €Xfllnlll,;,M ~~.I~" -

lU !iO£f.l'liItil (!iIoI~,~H\Ii&h. US i'g - ~~ MD, fc:l~'!Ii(y, rOo I!~ ,~$C(I,l'!l_ Cnlarbi1~ ~122&

Ibll~ \\IMtI~jj,. ([rl~ 1-04~ FMC (.'~~~I, ['0:11 ~Hl'l AdIILll:! Mu Un~,.E"OO Wa~1!!. TX ?~,~2;1" S'ct'lr.~ 27 ~~IW {ox I7Ilbbln~ I ~k.illiIIllit.n lililifIJ lbIl'fIlllII~ ~ .(lrc·oiotiktudln~ ~i 8 iIlIlM¥il.l ~nf!u!l~g~.~iif .. ",.fIiii!I ~ dos~GI~i'lmrioon!l'!!i\!-

~Q IIlifilr;, ID;':l~4'S lIMP iJ\l.~ l!illl!d, SIh~, .foIa~n~~ tJ~:v,OI,!KOt! ~g'I!J1d J(Ij'~ ,;Ia,l.!O~jlWjlnGequlJ!lf!«L! lI!!l!:tI1!I~~!I!~

.... , "\II., •

t :~ ... , I-:!!li'!~~l~"'· . .!t~ '·1 .J' ~,:.

'. 'I r: '" .J. ,.


~. I I • L ~ :r ,~.~ j • .:~ •

"I're } J)!ltCIJ~O\jS ~U~ e-

la~oo'· ,.~,,-. , jas~

~eek, Th~s: tfrni, . e: \!tiISIIl't ~mhil!gci:fI·i" ledge·~ri)~I'I!rl~m'b.efr ~Ul$,.~l wfappt:r19 ,

.: his ~OO1t wnh ,rnno,p«1arie irl'llbjeOltO'.FI 00 .

'iOClOOJ.On M~~h r~1 ' _1~~dplil~ln,g.

~ pci1ke rep6r~, AHiIlW N:alU·fe'~· tn, pk~ up . oOfnMlo.n$ . i~e ireport ~ta~i!S m~t:,A~rcMr w,a!~dI. oot af the- store wltl100r p~ing. f'Ol $~ve,~i iooms, PIt the 'lime, Amr'''"iN: ~plalUlerltlilal:''MIS gol~g out5id'e toge,t hill iII1'Olle:lj, 8iJ1t. When he

was appre $ec~rH¥ iO~fld $]59 In

(:asl; In '~'i~

Arrow tl)1d Ihi M€fCWY a f!lIli'Ch diU'ererlt Sl~ry, Af1er'fiiSl.,~n~i1§I"lfI~t hs m:s arre~~ed, MQ<w finaUy admmed he VilaiS (a'UgWil ~tt.laiiW"igr hlam]liIg llie $eoutity~or m~l<1kJliIg his "d(!llIi!lIanr pl{k"i\Jp f~rshlJ'p' illtil1g" ilffiou~~ Nat\lr~ d~liffiled 1.0 mm" . mel'lt,N,~~jfiJ. sOl'rieH'nlfng QU,t,.N ,,00 h~ w-Orlt 100

, punished'; "t.,climO'ing l~·IP()I~~ H!rnrd, Mw·

e:verl.·' Ar~~r].~,th ~l9 .. jim ~lSE Comm'"uhiNfL ., .. . !

~ ... -. 'i.. .. M .~.~

y~. ~. yc;Ir :2lKi~ ~ I I~g ""'''ll '''''lJliY' ~I ~4i'I!:Gl!lc' lis C;ilS,~~ WoCI~, Tt 'QO~. &~!1'ttDli() .. Qf IICli~l~!5!o ~~,~ .Mlil'llll!MWI~ S~D"'~!}I'i p:itlL ~!'!w'! jm~ rtgIJA·I~¥~,.l.nd ~J(t.lmd i:;INII ~1i, 10 rn!!\Ori.1ii!:S ~l I~ l~iU ii1i .~~fQ[' ffilny rn!~()<!!.

'l"IlYU, w1f ~ ~!w:. an:imlls,


Fu.ernM'l WL-c~IYm1, !!i~ulli.'o'~ PiRC!Q~'

I r ~:t:?f ~ ~~~~ ~;.."C'C~

_ • I ~ ._, I .., II _ I I~:' _ I. ....- .LJ

; ~o,ne:,eunm,en Shoots Down Cagfttill!st

'T. h' _ tI ' itlf--' r,.' .

. 'J. ec ,,' Ito.;ogy· ,,'., , ,ci'; .;~;~~ -},N"'f'

- , • Co _- _ - " " •• - ,'_' , , 'ball, IlJIlfls ~",IID!~ lind wlI,~~_d"_ ~![It not

D,!~l~"q~~;~~;.~~,~. klilled.)" d1~,ta~ i~·d,,~ A mll~t

.... ~L, ,., ~ ; , ~ !I~I,r:ao!lU"'~ m!ll~1:I eh Brllilll _ 0llPosHe

1, • "I. • !!iil>lII: ~~~m .t, ml1~ c1;.oser t,lI is.e'l~'»!!, It O!ll, I~ml

,Rte!!rL'Il~'1 I~~j'ppened ~o ~~Plilit lOt !Ill ~:Il5"~ ~me l1lo~t1U.llt'-s~lB~l~ellf uliI,~bBln8~iL. ~,.' ,

ot The LQ~~' ,Gl!pmell,. ~, ,dnlmil~l!Ct~le~Ir.]~ Yli~tlle imliIllli! IIIlf ~b1!. TV p:oogramJ ~l~[I die

prog-riUl'l 1111, ~oOJI" ~ p:roPlIl:llildJ!! netwo:rk of uJnn1LpUO:M d!lq)lm~ei!.Is ill ,i~,e.:mEd liD me ~o b~,

flghti.wlng e!lpl.t.lillimRupen M\Ldod:L.llmulllt 'IIIR~' iiDpOllIant lind t~iJin .. 'I'lleJn~ll!m!',!be r;k~~~~tle~,edrom O!e'I~,~! Ilbullj. d!o·@ooder' Pf,(jI~~1I1ls1l!i IIl'e!ilQ:n~i!l1l:1td

the(!i:'YilJboll~ fbe, 1!~1!5~LlIl!tlml!(lf P1Nsl.dl@inl WJI~b lime 1I1I1umlntl!fi~~ the. HlO~mb'U1B'tloll

iti1nned~'~ as tbt protl!l!;o~U :liJn ~!lrou~ .~' ~~Iom' :mwt 1J,,(I~!l'QyedJ, lihe}',' yhedl

merll,. ,i;~~t-1 ~uffU~l'\llliI to ~l:Ilne ~ib.dlg1n mIly ~at ;nO 11:J1l1ck: n~ nil . ) ~elw

~.I' 'varlou llZll<~~~'lI:PJ, .The, .i1mw h ,ll! $~mewh!!!t Ilec'h~olQ<gy, no !l!l!!;)Qu:nt IIf Ire ~n~1I!'sh fJUI dQ

mon ~p~'qJiIloIQ:l'l.'htkKl.g-mcn:htg tlin)'thJllI!! hlil~ ~J~lh1jl)'(llr..ol"'iIll! II.J~l!1!~~i!lI gf

program DIe X.w~ .h~'b!1l~ b1I1Il1lBIll ~lI~IM(!l ba~~t'I IlIIlJ ,o:nm1pl'eS!el'll

Iml'hls pm~il.lcu~f' tll:l1iooe! t.hel itlnd sqll!!!d ~ ~pl~'lcdnt~ otl C1.p1ta1.1!:t I1:mrtmlQgyj

t~l'h!ll! ,to U!iickd.Qw[I ~he ,r;otO!lype ,or :lin ~D th~, !htIrlIflilml, Qr,ronlHmJed liIe (Ill, Eilrl~l. None

QUtOft!,oMI& w:Uk II prnplll:dc •. n ~¥:!:tem fUeled (lUhe ,rabl!f,a~I:eN olt the p'j;~l!r~ml!.ll!e5tJ..gII, Ull~

by l'!'1I~er. [I111m!!te!y! t.b~, p~~a~'1~ J~~JlI larg~ffL!llpp!lsi~\!!:l:D,.i.inii n B_S Il'lmoot ~~,ktn

tlldr 'IW.Mt~·:ru,~l:erll:lir. IIll1di It, tu:mdB out hI be fm' grul!e>iili 'liIllltlnllwtry Is IDI'htilt

jl!s~!rb~ ,ol[!I;JI;~n';~ll'ItI1lr~c dlillt. . llJe"iIlll(Jip:rnen~l rn~~~~ nil!

Ia.~ d.ed. Y~the)l_cinn,vlniH e.oology, ,~d ~~~!I~~ph!)jlrrsnl':!ls II

_ . , ' , . '".

'10 destllOY ~hi! t~.l;1bg_gl:Q1Y b:;' t'h. wliy oil' I~r~ bllsed (j~!;!~II~l.I'1i:nd:

prl~d I ~uib~)'; Mend., ~II ~'I;lI'IIdl ve .aJe;ii~lfilCU~It'I. _ . _ .

. !illllllah~er:.or tbelatfl ~t.t:MIU~"",j)Q nll'(I!tJI od

,deJlllil)l!~~ ~hie, prO~()!tl'lH'~ _ ~t. SbJe ,~J;llroIUnli the

~i~tO~·~,llbatd~1I dnllmlo:f

IlliJ,t _ b~_~t ~ Ul' I~e~b:nolo:m:r

h ~allld ser".~ :Is Iii!:! ,II

~h~.~~~i!~i~!l §i'~!}lhtr i~IlIrth .

. : ~loo e!lpla~nii U:. IUhe

'I!ec~ ~o (l,o,we~ C!!I'II wUh

9..20 \t,~ ,h~~n~~~~~ ,1i1,.,~h{1 e,lDb:ld 'Cil:p.itiJJl~jt 'e~~om:Y, tl!~, L'n!i!ltl~!I IiPsiw1!~ ofw,~:rldw:lde Cilr UlI~ ~Dmil bUJld:lDj, !li!1J;d ;.R~lurBI ~naJl!~tril!~ ".-"'"

d~eb!lllmell;lwm.ll.d Ove.rLiiil: ilOd!

ddl}UtBte ~b~: plind'i e~~;i;!81' rllr ~rse~~;j'~IJ.~~.f;,"b!!l!5li!m ~~~~~~!..J

I ~.I'!!I'; M:t,~J},fa:l'. .

He:rlu~I!!i~,·~' ~g,defLlnl~d! w~~:n" JliJ~~ I,flo!!' e."X,pll~n}I1B ~hl~'(o thl! mll~nl ~hll rlldtr~ they JlU ,n~ro1l'~f iI!'&~!Iope d~~~'~ !!Jf tli", )jan!!; fjJ': ••• ~~. mllrder~U'l oliJ IOOmplllll.f 'iI~ill!lve, ''We aJ'e rollllllll ~llJl or~~!," hili ~el!s ~~~'fill' ,BIfld,h.e

IIlso maw'U de,[llf'lllu!.t thRsw.l.ter-at'lUJino'loR)' rnEpllladiu:i\,:II,On.v!o:!mI" h'9!!11Iby te:1~tllil'n£ldip.:i

Wile! IoIlow ~ ~[I ~~, '1M ~nt'l~Q' 'UFlmding. -::-"lIIl~id!tllj~laJI~d¥'m!hra$B ill l!o~ru.~H~tj.

'F.h;e sllllIW WIIB l!I'm!ll:rl:l'wrlU~IlI;,JIU~~BS: tine ' lhrlllilDS n'IJ:illIml.~w:ed QU, bre3~j!l!Iwn th~ expllIDltlon ,l'i!Jrwh,r II~ CiIl~hl;diw, be de.stto:~ ~;m~r of m_~e'bme:!i, ~!lIe~llind.!ro~p.~ 1~I.ISf~lil1l~

stflm~d 1111I~kcd, Ol!lllll.d :poorl,)I' D~mtiil DUll! sn thll.t dh1if~ mdl\I'Jd.u,~~ ~umnl~ fro!lfl ~~!I ~~h~f

'lmto& ,~nd!!IliJ 'WII~ :rlil~ber p~,~, lind ~lm[lil'il;Uc -tll~ otll~nliJIl.s: Illround'tllem. I!;,

- ---- - - - - -

1::.·,;:C .... 1.r: rk)N {Vii /JON" (;, rev I(d n


- ---


~; ..

. ~:rHt~ .:'~ 1~~'=.1~'!""~. :~'?~" r~1

. .. ll;'~' ~t'7~··I~li

- .-.~.":'.!~~ ~":L.;J;f~,~ "'.;rtJ '~f

S· . 'i~:;:fi't:'i ., .:~ .

.. _. ,- ~.

-." =,'. ·l ... '<.:("" ;I ': }~.

.~ 01 -'~~'O oUJoriiy. WIdliD LIU.!i"silIlI!, ~ lid IJIlifrij~:'~~~

;,Qi:t~t8,0Wl! i~dM~~!!.IlHm ,.~Ue:r,.1td dC.JlR~., OiJe. ' .

.. ' .1IiIr9 at O)IIiCII wfdj~t il!~~', dl~I;l~lt!~'A'

~=~::~=~'1l mdG_q,MMlyWhv'CiAfj

Ii ., for: I, :_, do!lM. IIlCIlilne I~'DI)

~11ed lIl~m~ipll~lcs, 'Wilr.ku;(:cmlil:Qlfaid bl~lulil'ill f~d'UiIIJ11m;; 4ii~ 'so rl!rIIr., .: . !b~row.n ~arC! hrIroe i'f_ MlI'MI ~(tihitW'I~'I~!'F:I~iljf.-,9l

liI~al, f'f\l!I!.Ir IMeI1.~eod 'til I» III' di:5Gribod ~ ''dimt~t· (Is,if, •

Gft.lle'mDJo.l'lt''N~demabh;1n tl\II Rntp'_e), '.' < .~ r ·'~"<Hi •. ~, ;,

. h!iJmlllQ ~l!aII!l'IiJly .~lib!t." ~wl!h.wli~a!OIlU8,1Ie.nm1:t(IlIb,ough thc~:~0~1~1~.~9~~~,.

b~ dMl~'. Yet h!I!Il!ll1& m ~~l~~lf. ~~~.I-I!~

00 it6t gd Ilbl; ~ ive:iy- bOIt~ ~ Illh;, ~~ to.

Np;Ect Ibm! w.. NaMI~\Y. "~'rurm RIAi&im~tPS-wlili

Oi~,"B !!J~' . " fgf ~iIl~Il.fP IDbtllttliil

:S1iJi!!JO.I!I~.s'· 0 CBH~~~fY.

O~I~i~ RpetM:.~i~j'~M Jl@p'.lutllet~lmtli hluuuga.

!l1z;ati",fI(' .. ' ed, (If mmben: t!uI iloII~t~~

~1i(lW~hoi. $ii.c!:t!iQu~lil. I!.v~ 101:

·Qf ~Mlr lIe~e:IlSilI.Y fm amyl".!:. F(»'

h~. peopleenjO)'~d f~«-IO.€a~

;w~o~Jlmu wJIitJn~ fully MmI.~ ~m!it &el'lt~

W1.~~ oQntfJI.lte I() do 1"- ~~·~h,.rd~to well.'to IIIdr

'CB.DC! Dr lribe Ire If.!!~ 10m*: cil:lllpGl' d.~lIrl!I QI: W IIY~

abu!, ~·m.~ettfu!lXi&- IIOOwofbwdi.Ihi!l'im~ of llO!lIell~. t~~lfi:"~ 24:' . AI~IsIuc:e ,I'I:d\lI1W;:~,i!.6 '

i1i!-ytill'l" ,":., '

leiall'*! •


Q.fli(c" C •

. . . .' , .. wldito . ""<!1iats

'.. ~·~f~mw~~liMioil1~Ibo~be1!1.t~a,BS

iluj~.goe~ . '. p. .P . '~ ... - ~~«~" .. '" ... ~

upi:II oo~~. p!"W1,Klt!OIl. Wl!eiltwt! soc~,1lcian to 'iliiiiiI. ij.giicIIl.~

. . £oi'dhl)"~d1 tbtJ!uQfllfe wtlNfIrw-b af~lr(i;iile4bllW,p.t~ ~ijaillcli. ~ 'rahl.j~.l'Ioo:~,.1Ii IMrd 00 dlII·.IPIld fl;Ir~~~~P!~'~Jd..born~~ie.AJ.:I' ,eco~km' ~,. i!il!dllied wooI4 be ~oo'l'Mled 10 j\ilD~ I!I f~~.

,flcillltiltiail (If crop PI! Q!im!!lp~OII woolll be til .

prlSoliet.l, 1ii~~!WS. (lfJl1i!blliQ offieillil): ~llili'I!~ '~mQR~~.tech1D!))~~nr~dval!~eId, 7 •

. . JMqJiliml i~ th~ ~f'O~!io Cr-m:'" Of"d1eIlW Bad" . Iha:JIb of 1MMn8."!i pw;poMS (aed ~tRI\nter m1e Itwi

Ibelt cu1ilI~ iRd it.J &mi1lMlt IlIltllll' . .. J'f<l'IIl.UIL~~.· to~-l'Y I~, Ofll! ImIII

, . , . patlilioli.II!~~ leavli$ oorr~~ -~J~~'

ro IleCtlll'll.~.' If),. Nbl~,~,mwrea,.llRlrewPl!Cip:[e Min :1:!01'~'~ ••

e.~, ...

Q!I~J~ CQlt-eol d()lllmlllll, mlIllili'eltaliim, 1114 W)tiOml

~o~ra~on.s, wMcl:I 8ijot 'tJii s~. : ..

at i!$p$!'Ik:igMt,ll; ~"'llo~~ ni&t f(It ifu~p1lqJo.kI at pwti!iP: . ,

, OOtpOR1l1oM lire ~1!1Io.uf rlI'Iuimi to p~~~ pro:!'lllbO\'e aU ,gtiMt ]lo55:lb:I~ oonctm& ~~~~. ff'!1l~~!Il .

wsttinability. W"Or~1If Hill!.)', '~I!!I)' heaf!h. ~.). IJ:Id em b~ fired. ~ 01' lP'~¢. jf _·:!l9·Ii~rwl.~ Cl!pit81bm !ewes \I~li)'nt1l:splIDl!; for I!O!!~ lire tono1.liiSh. ilIe. ii.OO.;smUi'l' flllhll1I1.·(Ull!l.(i; III VdIil~~!ltelM, ta!jm lhan~k ~Ii<d., ~ ~1lWl' Qrlll!lllJermllll}.lllti aillM&t ~ pha ro.: hullJ!!.Ql wh!I @ i!~t"~'~:~!.a"-tlllt~ Ii~es !Omn.s rorr iht. l1u!llriU, !i~.g ~~~npN!!l!ot1.oJl of ~lt1iiI! •. ~t pB~pl.~ ~~!l1l11e.'~i~~,trY ,Q! e:D.tli.

6_1_ ~ In _~I!I~U. l)ig~~!IWJ. H~Im_e:I"I~CI!. tOO .om:~ ]lb;SIOC-!I!l, !I.!!d ~!Bl!D.y I~Qdo~1

l'ftilor to page ls.. elWi' ~!L1t¥ OrdllUl!IIIte: li~l!Idl!lll=,~!lLy Of ~ti,~ of I L~:t:of mreriul: .11Iat Ihere

I)QI!!!d bo .jW y. U_sc of,lhadulln~ 81!eai!d0I1, ~.l!d itiMl'i!fi'D'lftrmt\r.t &DtnI"l" ~p!!rle~ rm~t ihc

Oi!I!I~eonLledr~fi!lin,u. mtt~klh\lrc ~t>l!1JIr:l! n.I~ o"d~lloil.lil.CJ]I_aJ UID~;RII~d~ dNi W.aiol1;.md

r/~~ ';r~~

I>i~~'~ ..

. stM .. ss

1 ;1:::.:,,,,,,:. 'i' 'i' * ;:' :';";: :I:~:::: .:: ::":1·::: '::·1 : :.i' 'i' :.; :; 'I' I

FB I, UATF, & (lSI' Ibid l~LF ~JlOli.{!~pl.'r.SHIl \; humc; n:hil:h:~, ~lnd husin~:-'i~; H..u:-..ehraHgh su hlHH:um'd [D t'l'sUI\ iH.·I"~.H·l:' dI

i n'd,efai ~rand Jury iii Eugp.ll'.

Aprt'I 5, lOOI

AgeU!li!I: from UteIP:,B .1 ... , iii .A. T.P •• .[iI!d

'Or,ea"O·!I - S~tl!; 'PoUao CQI1!du:cI.ed II slx-

00111 mid oJ (b home" ~&ineliS. md,

voMC:lol of thfi ~kN ..

'iflrlon!~ for th.e Nord! Barth Ubo.ratlOJl AXrnt:l:'Il~SI OfIko.m aMIiQllm,~~,of IlelDll of proper:!}' from h above locaIIO!I~., Cnlg R~nI~lIb Wall $e)'!iIClI Ii wb~l1!3. l(I ~Ify ~OOle II. fede.r:al! ,p-ardjl!ry 1m Ap,r.U

UJ thatl;!s~ In Eugw.OIilIIl!!UIlI ~pIfI ~~~ rile I.'IpJ wIi! ~ '1I!i'ef 30 n$W SUV?s atlll'im, l~ BiQID!!;!JllI.deIIIIetsIlUp hi ~ ~dy. Thh!I jj Im~up'l ~¢,vgdl. gnwIjury su'Qpotrn! balled 1"0 ltlm ~ .[991 lim, .lieillio.rl to IlIe !l!LPiIIld wllea1 eJ!IVb'omnl!nia1iam. At mmely6;{lOnln, Ro$WmlSl!! Wi&,1. pdl4 over In hfj veloole; by II FunJlmd PQUeeo Ofllmalaimlllg d1tl ;~op wu we to a ~ billIiIht .. AiIeJi' 30:~ fBI IiiMI& IIfJ'Proadlied:1b elf Md denvered cO£l~ of de· leaK" wamI:IU$ 'In ~up, The, Wfli'Wilts were speelf:1c:ally filr ib~, ~iUCl1 of Crall Rose~ L«lm lame:;s!&m~ ~ lie fedlilenee which aU duee Jive !it. two 'veldc'IGi beloDPg to ~cbdni ami Qose, aQ."d.·1he Calend¢& Biking C'.ompany that ~Bh o~I1B.SimuJta.· lltOIU[y~5 Rosehra"Q!l1\I \liD pl.llle!l1 0\1'$:, qcnta begltn the laid 011 tile !pen;o:!Id IC5ldmce, ill Nord! Pottlmul whsw bmh fklkerio.1 a!'Id ClioM weIe l'~1:. iQ~ebfll!lgh I!IIdt:fueveh'lc.~ he wu drh'ing wa:u.ebed, R onb rm.ugh. was ~mll UI If.Le OaI'mdl:dl! Dakin, Company where U~!IJ P.B .1. p["Oeccd~lO ~W::_ch • wJndQW te galni1~.A

'r;: ..

fom.'.1wiIt lemhllnd seizure was: ocmdul:ted it lid,: ~U:e while It lll~ ~ !fmc I d:\ ~our iNilC.b wa ooC"lIl1ln, a! I!he~s;iden.ce. Upo.lI leaving tile hke1l" IlId .h~ ;bome, ~jj:l~ ~~iud hundred, oCftems of propelt)' Inclooi'.ul oompu!eteqiIip~ Ilhilneo bccb. y~, liIel'1lbl1"e'. ,1I1.d <Mi1tIer ~£, '11tI8 1$ ~Ini m~lhlmlQli!JIheJ ~nemp't by Ut~ Iilmp of 'lite ~Iw BI\I!I, f;~ !JOl'~mment to Slop me lepl wvrk of the NodB Ameticiln Barlh L.ibll,u.Uo,n Prom Press Ofrh:~,n' state;d RosemL!l\l!b. He Items, wtlh as: oomputu mOllIt~ wm tp,k_en wJ:rl.Gb cmnQt Wrulltiilte MY e.YI~'tml\le- ihe.y·dl:l ruJCstwe,d~ ~DII.dom .ilmw whkb wen ~ liIave no CO.!!l~;JlM '10 any cnme-s and~' hq~ QbYllJUsQoJuit ~~;fo.m of hliJlllSSmeJ1t d:C<1lfby 1M mue.," lidded. '''fills by :!l.0 way 'will III,ye any·li.ibpti\,e Jmpa.t;I: on '!he WOI1; 'IV!.!! do. .1Iihem..f!.~ O~oe. III fed: Lt hQ!l: mlI!.de, us mOUi' ael:elllllnei!l !.bII!ti e·wrW . pro_ DId ~~ IliIfi:mna:thm 011.111(1:

ideology or dIG.Bartil Ube.i\lllilo.n l\'onL"




&riy In di.c mixmlDI! of Tlilll'Bday. ~ iSWh. o.e. PtdGnl CollUllllnl~M CQD1mJssilm • 'illoog wl!t& 8 U.s. MaBi!w\! local Jil£ll. ImI.<Mllilerag.ent& at.dved wilh Ii imih waant,b:llII.criq mm, aM . -d~II"!jIj'.ngulU to ell:l'd!l ~d ~.rit.f; al!!! Wn.1'-fWIJ!I!itI(!' miam-power Sfali.!ln,Ra.dio PM CawlllDa (RFC) 98.5 fin. P~p.hf Ul' at 'i h e Whl.1e*er nel;Jilbo.fOOtId res1!· aWQk,ul md q.llelj-

: tlooed, ~ndl.v.lduaily as to the otreratlons otlM slSton iilid ~kJ liwoi,\!'Od .. AH broll1ilcutillJ equlp:m.wt wulBk:el'JJ mID ,custody; RFC 'Iiars been, pmvfdi!ll: liD alkma.lh'·!, 10 oofJMl".!'ate ndlD for O¥« ·Ihtee yeuslO d1e Euaef:l.e communilY. hi' nl(Jt;e" JntOl nd'd~B,5@eft"'lQ::

~;,:;j "'~~.~~-

~~ ) . ~~.--:., .. .v. ;: ' .~:.~~V ";' ~ -~ _ ' ,~~. "'''I!r~l,-¥

4,~al !lDiI ah~6~~btloo~bl~ 1I1~~""'hllrOOm_ ~i~ mOO~ Qf e::t~~~ tc.~~ ~t1~QI1~tili~'!II~ ,:W~JJlO~_,)'. ~id~CI~L'i~, ~~~:.~ -», ~ •. ' • . ' "',tt' ··rllt~ f CiVi!!l~I)~ 'II'~ lIl!~ ~I)I;Bis:d.BY~lcm.i~ ~ll$o.rl'wi~mi~~ tlt!~BO:~ ~~J!\l.~e Ifln(l, toeLlloo.'1Mjoll.

'Poet ~ . " l<sbi, tim! Ul>O:M~

. . ~~hlfi wlibout ~INI.eIk!fj

ara~; 'fil.t. soe:lml~ i.exil ,jl!ig_.;f~ d'o':lllu~oo ~,mwPQ~e by i~~d, ilo~d pOJ.l!~ :t"!~~~~~~~ W!$1o flNI ~a~.rdl;lru! ~HD dc~m!v:~ ·lilM Is, h) ~el:ld pOp.u~tr

, . :. t ~

011 '~m~!' by ~~il:! mQf;"!1Eil.1 ~:!' fij!~ A~r!:1 2m', Al 'I.!!ls ~Qlm OO!l~li!!~, 'reigl~~ ~m,CI, !\1'\~flJi:m1l~ g~e 1:9 on,gtiinl id~o,l'i~ _midI i!mOillil !It~ ~"'fiOjg 'or~)~~ g'¥~' II~~ bldliol! ~ boo ~mjll~(!I. ~ ew:mrui!l~ i'omd mJllbillt ~W(ltfO!'\p1 \Ii~ ~u~ kI !iIe d~m!lf!~ ()~ ~r,!t n~,'!~11\JI ~ t2,~!l!O«l 00 ISil'!!l. a re!B!I~lf 11(j!iy.r[:$,!!.'gr"-,'il~ _~! W11t~ ~ scoorw! ~p' [G1l~11lJi! !II 0C1~ ",ill~ I~ -. . . ,~~a~!nt: 1lI~ p~lm~!j'

or~~ II1IA,wul'1_Ji;\, ill\\d. UMirnl~ 1M ')Ie'1I!llwr 1m; ~ w~ 'I. ~ 'OM' J ij:I~ ,~ wNliI, II", '~IMl!lf Ir~l:l!l!.~d III dmv ilClfei' 'to 'O!!I' ObJ~,v~ ... ~~ -gi't!li~ 'oo~ iOOr,e 'um!ll I!1!e ,11

= '~1 • litolfl~ pm 1h!(oIIi milr den~~lIioo carne ~nlll vl~'i'i ·'lWcl~ 'fed "r dwlln~ll~k ~, at 1,1WH '~~~"113~ ~dmiltg-M ,1v;I\;!iiRoillAi U!i~, r~el io, ~c'!~t. $~gl, ~~~!ld Ih~re~,~ .~~ ·iiWiT1I ~=IIwn~n l!e1!Im,,:fI Ih~e '. ~'hufl{ll1~a ,[if ~1.dt mtJ'!. fuiflilily ~ I~

1.\!Ji'.~I!1& ~~ ~gan eat 4l:!.WIiI '!he, ~m, :~I~ IIt!ikiI wlj~ 'btl'It d 't~r I:ood:~ I~ loolfm dvo m~1I ~~"'" mln~ Ib~ ~il1ld1 1M pmm8r :f.m~ !1'I~In.G hru'*«1.1 OilpllUie&'icn pOUf~ - Ii MlIofd~m 'Wall d~Fot;~c:d

.OO;~j IrnlllCJdl ~ U!fiIdly III Bm.e OOm'll1i1 ,1!IiKI oOIl(;l!uloo

~~\'''It 'llili WQ ~(j IMI, ~ II 10U"m 1M fu~ or '~~rC!l~ Qf hal fir~ ~ m,ollll!rtb~ gF ~m~~ m'lM'

~!(e'w~ •. ~.10 Will, " ~8ht 'to ~ Wtiuid ~'!II!rr!M;J!1Y r.m~ jh~ r~!mWdl ill -,pllll, \'U'il~t¥ tlOOl!d ~licI't I!.f'O\II1!J, l!!nil, ~~d MIl ~niJlj!DCd~r Sll ,~ ~I! .he

!tfm:. w~ 'oould see ft~Hm~ ~MS oJ ~I m!J~jji Irnt!:i p!a~ illl t!~~ ~p~Jlet~dWCrn l!M,blilld~1!.f! ~n 1lll'!1 $I'Ml.!:t .~r.<:I'c of '~nc' U~e:1q/Je..~ Am, ~~llj!!&t~ley Dr ~g ~

.' !~lllII

.. ii;p. ~lfiI ,} lllB' _~ ar

nOllfb;l' ~.ta FR~~Sp!ll!ii!li. 1:oItod~ hI!~: ~ mliWd I~ llJI' .~ ~ ~ \\II1~1 .. !~l~lm~ J~~.1hen, tMl~In,!I ~r

~nil~e~ ~i;)tl!li~'iii.MV !lfiild'~.JiIce!1 me 1l'I1v>l!! ·,~r ! ..... m hlll~ "'~it~ Inl~~1 wh!\~p~ _.01'11 mO'!li!li~ ~1iI !~elr ~oof:!" wt1.ld! l!J!mtd~lli!iy~W~' diJ;~~1 '~l jW 1If· ~q.

- ,-, I"'H~..;C~!'"ll .'.- I "

• "1"11 '[ .j,""I'~ . I"., _J'

.:-"'':;: '"

L,I "'. 1.':' "','

:. - • ~ ... ~ I "

'.' r-

~' ~ I ~ _1~\ I:" .s : ~" ~ .

~. i~;;;'~ tm:t1ifW:~~AHU1~~t~f~~

p~rn;~~lf !wa;rmcd ~ro!Imd !m~~WO h~l1<iil1i ~l\1~1~ ;mdI w~l!I,I1n ~ «'!fjli1~ 9f !l"dD~~. LM.~ .~i\:. forced imll'. all

undilPJ.ili~ .. !..,~.'~!tIi._ ~~)_~._:!l:f.;Jr.~m ,~~l)!llJ;. n .. ~ wll'lltfdileil1.¢FI!if m(l;J'\!mi:";~;";;'iJ'f~~~ tllm .IM

~ kPl.~~I~j~.~ilr.lI~~b~(Kr~. ·~I!'!~!.t!l~ atlAlr V!:Ilillc¥ !lImil1J vp w 't""" O!I ,~!1'~ "I~ to !w, hi t~..., L1llddllll of!he Ur~~. trimlY peoup,1~ I!!'(l. ~~ (If 'LIS 1~1d~1 !~I!!,"~onl. ~. ~1~ ,of ~iI1.ill ,~~ Ibi.!Udl"'~, ~r C!~ ~I~~~!!'~i!. ~!OOJ\oII mtRlfM'll'1lni!.I~l~ ~1I ~.~t~

hill. comli'i~ .IJ~IW]~,~

i~~ • d~ !~OW~~ . ~ .. ~,,111!\~

fl'l:lplc bcpm ~.O Ir,~ . ,_. '. _ 8;. n~

1!.IH;c!; fDr !~~"C'1lI;1 h'lt!dJ ~f~ !P!!~ t!foiiE!'Wl~ ~.ek Uf','fu R~ I:.e~ u\'~c ps~~~.~ W~i!f.:lQ!IN~~ ~ ~P1 bd 'l'llllCOCd~,' i~ filmD.I.iti'~Jb!!l""cr die ~d ~ 'I_~ bloci!!, ~!lN'c fulmlt.ll.iliiiCmlil ,[lite .!if(]n.~~ rniI'~~ Q( ~~~ t~~. By !~o~ I! WII/l 'IICiW~ .cilht o'o:ljj~' tIIlti ~I'_ -

. !miol<)!t'I, up. w1~I'1,,~

w.ery.~.~OO1: billet. It ~1fP ~~ ;rv ~i ~ .at ~fIC wof lIle ~m ~~

_(tr!'!!!ll!," UV4l Itba! woy!dQIln~!n~

"",el~ Iiflw ltile _: no!

ffi~~n!J 1001 T!!.e!l1llrllll

IIID!; .

Ii . .. ". ~~ ~dWirier", 'wd It

C(lnUI:!U~ ~~ F~w !IJ w~.,'i\!.lIioMt ru'~I!1!!c: Of'pii., •. tr,en4~ ~~Di 1m lite lilt. Th~ ~1'i;I ~'~"I:~ ~ '\!!ei'1l t~ ~~cl like ~otQ!I1 ~. gfbnwteliit\!!!l. TIl!;' mNli ~t!.!d, ~Jaw,~ .p.~ I~ ~mC!:. A~ ~T~I ,"'W·!l'CBt, ~!!:!,IS ~f ~Q' wllter ~ 1I'I.~~""Il~!:t~,{i!Q"",'~~Ij'.ltI!.~ 1tlC~IDd, I~' pv~~1ny M~~ (<:n~I~'wQ~lilI Sill ~.!\¥Bth fui;;yih Ifl,e ~c!1Jblcd, ~C\~I~. no .IlIIIl_Wd wwL~~ .10. ~~W<lurll1"~rtm~~1 ~ W!:J~I~ . "

~IO '~ .. 'il!~ tB&.~13 ·!.Im1.,.~··PI;:lLP;d14i!: b:I\lIeern.tM:'~l,t~~·.tII!'~,~~~·Qre..~.1!1 ~.~ IIsl P~p~ ·I~~·.~~i,~~ ~U'1l!1I1i; "'~.Hjj[b rowIw~!et;'~!!!I: ~; cWIPi~I: a~n to~'hI ~ QfI~~llKIt1tnl¥ ~:~WfIi!{I!:~~'wMll'

~ II~ _. -, r.-~ • 'i LI ... "I IjJ ~~~ , .'~ •• _Zol 1'1-: ":''':'' 1 .I~ ,I

. ~ I .. , ..J LI~" L~~lIrl f:~ i~r.~.~~~ I.!":,~ ~~krili II

Riots l?'onowShootin~ by Cineinnatl Polite

CINCI~A"[1[ (April 11'1) , , , lrOy!nl }'I!'!!~~ I~~ nort$, W·!iitM, !;.;Ji!dli»> ~ alt8dkfiJ Il'IiMNI~tlI rer' a ~~OO<'I~ ~Y~i:iIng. ({j~[1Ii (Mmc) Ir"'Ild.=l~ !Q l!t.O].; !1j,tiimJ~«! In.door:t wl-lll~ "Ic~ .ml1:l~.'" M>i! r"'ll(I<'i!ll\l1 ~~1)edJ CID! mli11. Th~ JlMifi~_, ~p~ Ilf Ik jKl~~ ,lI;il'Ol~",i), (if.iIl lriiml~d 'b'lR~ m!lf!, 1'0100' ~ kl~!~w!i~~ ~ .. ~1n:i ~ \II~liJo palko ~ffieJ:r. llm(lil1.~ ThOOl~. I·~. w~ '*' !.4 ml¢.m.!iti~. wOitJj£lI1, 'll\fL! ~l'II; fl:rumlb1id; rrlil~ ~~tt! dW~jpo;ilk e a 1""" ~~.

f'ooi.c ~. ~koo~ a&.1~~ ~fIJ.~ ~U;sllcm ,oot I~ ao irlll) OM: ,I!r~ T~ll' jjW\t :~ !I\oo:i. O'WII ~~1M:I, ",~~ b!'fC Idl ~ II'J!~ ~r ~;ot~ ·wi~ Ill!! .JXdJ~ 1!Kw1i. ~i~ T~~!!J(. pdllf<l .fI'1oiI, t:r!.~dlt'ltill, ~ :!~I.t~ ~t ~p pr.~tctlw; IM!\GI' f1IOOOO, ClWl:lill~ il'id p<i!!o!. ~~~i'J iE1d~~d Ii(;!lf l~ s.,d rubber 100J1~ iA: fiboul ~~.ilcmQIl!I~~I,i:)~ ,."ho _.I ~ioiM~~ jliltllti!! ~ty;,;ml1t.1! ~. ~ -'I ' f{lfl~ (i~ ~ ~~!!Il.~d by ~1~,Ii:fp1.d (boi .. p;i!rol", !IfI'~ooj ,iI; l!t!l3t 2m j)lD,plc Ibr rjJIr~1m~ lI1.d di~tIcriy e.;)MI~,

¥:i"'!.~t<I ~~~lmililL'lm ~~I~~~ o'<cmlBhI !1l!JiI W~~ldIY. fite ,d.~iI!ffl! jr~~' !OO~,lb.nUl :li~ ~kl 00. !i,;l!pl.lil~ alid !~,,~t .ro "iJ1!!1J (!f1 .!M i~~ ~1hI polL~ ~t. [!ai·lUi!:><ri.·· ~fiijiJrcd IndOOW ~.Il1~ ~ p!ln~ wlill-Ml~r<I' 1iiiJ1J~, JornCli JOOl\loo, JiiI" t fQ~lI M.Joor.(;'o.. ~mbtr·W~.I~~ ~~ ,1ri~d!G ~~Ip·~ bl..,EI1nB ,f!.<.!gI;'l:.!>r' wlMIld ~~~ IhM~ 1t1~, h~ by ~ po:r!l~ Ein~~!±I!ig He nl~ ptilieo:: ~~I ~'I:i'! !I) ~8W'Bl!" f1,om tI\~ _M,. wl'ttlrn iii. 1<I.1'!i1~~.,OIII""_IIR. 1~ .n, ~ rc;!i~eni ~fl1.l~ ~m~ ~LilL<!!i]g. J:~t<hfilt. W&!! 11I!t~!rCI<!~ I~·~ .fLtpoI51l!l'~~CJ! ulif'lh~ ~

~dl~ OI!t<;ffb!!.It't • '00, M~Eh:l'

i:'rr~ MlQok= 10 --Th ~il>l[OC ~l1Iioo

~!Jeijil K.h~ For\gml!rl ~ • ,*'~~ ~i

ih.Ol!!d1t lIi1lOrn:I<!l .~ ~ .._ M b ~n r~Ni

IdnIIN~ir:ml~ I'¢I~. WIlidt b. ~~ ~~iilllIll &~CI" x11.!~ ~~In~. 11.' ~ ~1111 !! I"'Y~lIi~1:\I: "'il~p<rnl ... II~r~l~ .~~ ~MI ~!.&M~ !:all! ~~ 1i1c ~~1'1~

~ at}' O:!ti~~ 1~~~8 flte ,U/"nt!l pol<!I!j>j JYk~~~"'~'" , !i(lI'Cf1~' d~lr(i ~ ~~II'" ""iJ~

·~fw~,~~.*,II1at. ~, fill .f}i;)~ ~!ml~ UUlItie laturc; w~i, be .hM: n}!!cIi ~ 'Ih!n ~ pail,." :~, ul:.i\ ~ ... , D.Mloti I..~ U~ ~.klr·~r·~· ~ B:a;1IIi2t :tim, ~~ ~ ~ '"fI1CIiC 1w ~ IbI: M)!I!tt\i'OI~ lWi. ~-=1fC ~ "l'nl_ ~~JI:.IiI. ~ pIIlEI EIl1:d. '!W;._ ""~ ~, -, ~


~!!4r ~Ui!!;& M~r~l~ ~,~~.I!'~'

ICioJP'I~" CIJ~~~ ~~~I)lBl!l1~~ ~, l(;anlJ.)-jM'i!!'~fl!:·I!II1I1~ ..

IBf MS.'I.. OOMW~t.

FTAA in Quebec 'City :

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Diversity of I ;;;ujij I:'];,?

There n3\fe ~~en m::Ln~ lfiffI!TQUl6 CD~or!; M blocs; G f~~1m mne=I6:!'HaJl pretests.

y~~~ow Zr:Jr1r::-!1on\l'gf.!I~I1! Imt might do c~",n r;l1~oht!t1i~I'l(::i!,

R(:(jo lon~'"I::Dnfront.J fen;!1 t::tc.ti ~~.- ,

- -- - - -- --


~ori~"f~ efff ~MI1~I~ I ,~ IfQUI!Id $!I!'M of!L ,~ lM~ ,~. ",,~II.ID)' ~~ ~ '!be, iDI Jilllo w!1n~ We '

<;!r~ .!~tl! ~ '~o/f!.i~J'J.ll.' '_ 'aM~' d~i!!~~ «mi~~~~Jroill'llli, t' ~ aIon.!! 8, !!l_' 11IJl';\WI¥, 1lI1du!aIJtc1ll1y iII~odiM: " ' baKmcr.iU ill, mlmY of '~~~Dl: ~3~ Wf';; flllllDil'4 '1. '!lI~lllc~ivq in B nti!l~ GIlg;t;lcirn· ~kiI~ ~ It! 'my p<m!I1~14' , ~~ '!hl~~ed 1l\c1!.~1idi]fit1ee I.(! ber A ~e UlfIOS ,;:-,,~. CIIIli!tcQ. Iwing in mlr ,tn'I&l ~~ oOltlfitmed iIlh.. 'i ~tJd~ t1!fJ 00fith m fuu~~ OOIi!Ictvca, 'i!1 ill nlrly Ilq'I:~' "

~ of ~~ '1'!cadc!I 'tit:: .

~~'" ~ SDlI'i,e-t)flO ~.,~n~

~~!, II1.O\'rm: 1n lit I'll !E.~~iII~ !\lflktlt,i '~ ~ dqv,-n twO IiIccp' mjIJll nf:slailiS m rnlo"llici ii~ 0:1' • cliJ:IL AI ~ feU, We :tDOOod ()\l)flil:hCll 1lI\I;!I~ 1~ ~~eh.lgb~1l)' lu"llle~ ~b_ iifthc: slc>;!p hWfI'. ~~lcI! :W(II!!J~ ~~ to_,lIe I~~ ~_ <If IIIp !'Il~ sun-.il3l ami, ri~~rl,g ~,:I~l\: I ~ro 'CVCI' ~ 'WJM~ WIi!1, m~ Ih~" ~aflli or ~~ ltGlllf.e ~~ llo~ .of ~~!Jl~1 bAUld ,.M T~I 3.000 ~,!e i\III ~,~, !1i!;II'~ m !itWl,)'QJ'thcm w~~lIlina,~ Irlnginj Ii.1tO(j'Oll~~,' ~~ l\tJIjM8Di1. dru!llt_bm~. :H:!ir~,.MiI I~.(.:,.

hllh~ ~!tJi~rBlhl We :.;.,

~ ICllko;! ~~,c4l '

i!fi!J at~ 1i!.I~~J bcm'~~'

tilmlo Rt~., ro QW, '

-peopI~ '91~ ~ '\'Jlllily lb. ~

Ilomir.~ b~A Tlarllll'!ieJd UtcI:!m h'! b~ .K'!, Up, wiI!l!,

1M hdw~ IIlIIg ;i1:n' -

me.b'bl~of~ of '!he ,~ifl' WO!IJ!~' O!reIIl!lLcrulW fade;

-.lOWlYe'U:ot~, " downllll:O~ ,

~ gIlIIJ.lI' blshlN!!)' '~.pJ' ow,rIJ- IW!II! 11:1.

~Q'NI"I 1f1~ llIIIiI ~ nlm~(blrnt_

iri'='ll Ihr: :!lair!! sl _ poi~~. GmJil' '10 "

~ awal~iI!s!!S ~ 1M I~, W~ ~~ 9~ ~en rw.Ift1I)I,'m~ ~I~,';"'ihd"_'ild ._ au fu!'two !l.'!I&d ~.,and in 1m rilllli'll1l w(lft'l hJQ'e ime ~ 111.; rm.rnlarllw.p i'rIlll:iWlI,h. bd~~ S!!fD~m~,~ ~~I ~ ~f(~II\~M!1d~ , -

ijo, w~ '!l!~ dly-lICIi~ld>I2l&, .., "

Storl!'illK PQnci! bnilBl!ly ""Wl~~.;rlli ~ Ih.i$ lime. We bcar·~ of .;JR - 'rp of i~lIic ,

~'QQfiieR!.l M-~ ~. W ~'- •

- '", , '~",;,_,~, '.It.I: "=SI'"",.,;,,,;.:;,,,,',~"'l;!t:'

. _. ,~,' .. _" . rhf:Jl:" L!;.~~~f~~; ~

', ..: . . '" ..

iD!I'lIsa or $f~dtlllt~'~_ ~~$'I~.~!;!~'

®l!I1 Wil~ I!Id~rti ~ti'Id 01

I!ln un4l!r ~IS ~d, M !etl.!!'l\IId

up ~~, .~~ 1IOfdI't-!) ~ I!'OO'I, MIj!f;tw\i ).Ide, hc!i~iI mllIl at iI!i!ll M!~ ,..'" III .

iiIX!iJ!I/!i: Amd k1dHd'~~I~'~f4 ~~ m.(:ja~ on '1IiI! 511!~!t wn !1!!n~~!he '11i1bl "., ~ $'!I Ui~ -iIjIO!! W'{Iji !J!!I$1lilQrI~ ilrtim tl1e 9th ....

IIft!1rk1tBI1~ !!'~{or Ih~ ~~~H! Q fIf~~'" 11119 P~!WfI ~m~ ~ilW!; ,pliIiIWIlll'III' "'mn~ ~Bftil~~ lib e~~1!C! Irom 1J15'<JnhA. ,,i(! ,W.OOiIm 0J1 tiMI. ~U! M~I" ~~ijfln~ ,(i!n;;J' ~ oIJ;j.., ¢I_r~, ei9CEipBo!IlbJll!i!lr!.II ~' ""cr.I, ~8CJij~ or IH!lpiII1~ (!ul,1!ad beG!!, ,m'IL.o!IIllllO Uie ~Qn

rar ~m by ~ CoI:!fnll't ' l:1wJ h~i~ up

tI\Illr~r-!l!J. IitNJiig JIIld, t~c~ _ aSill~p d

_ 1M

eels aM 0,1&1&11 UlMl't) !'D!:WI 'IMrlilddar W. I~

tli.!!iMeMoB ~~~'~iJi' !.\ol<ifJJeEWla hi!!

~8!):1& &$t ~q!~,"'MJ~r;'~~g~~ fi'Ili1r! U

,~,~ _ . - _. . -1~Wi.<, ..... i - I

It. 1Mi\II. ~~t ~~,$, ~'~B~pe ~rlJ;j~ 01 ~~~~~ ,~t ~u'~ 'i!'O~p'IJ!III. PoIK1~ l),IfiomJ~I'l!' ~ Wil~Q"WI' !~ !n!lll ~~l1'-i!"~ I¥ ~ ",,:Brine !!ld ,fo!!fiI!mi ~ st~~ '!f! "8i~.~d~ '!!lor,

M:.:;m,g p'lQI1~e.d' i.i~I~~ re .. :at!~ ~lPllll1~: Inrr~~ ~e .tii~"'~~ iii ~Br* 'QfI'!~~ WII!I h!M! ~m '~Yl!lan~!!IlE!:!l.a~t !!1m ~llil~!Jia!, ~"" ~d ~. 'HI ~~ lhi!r.iHillit:!lf1!!i1b fQr hh; lIie~.

I~ 110 ~~9 rr:!~ ei!li1J!iJ~' B(eI~ll!l!ltlimlm ~ecudty PJis-. ha. :!!tt-!i~mHIJ' 'kl'tJmqi !M~ jyd~. wtm ~ MnMmCl!l~ I*J1 It<:! lQ )ilMi. dami!O!al!'\il thM fA .. !"rut 'W~ ~,~ ~~ ~i;liIBd If III Wp ~~rw ~,~, FJ'jocn pil~ _dOBllla"!-!>e' S!!!IJIIl1;lt m!~~ 'b!Jol" ""l1l1I. ckIS6t:!! ~ WOUld bs.e1r!,lili JIj!JI;!I$~r~b~ rniI~I50' nil!! MlQlnlli m' th& ~ -l_~ bi:rt,MB!!iJil~. 1l';!l~.e>iI-lgo~~

!i!¥' !1II'1~iJT(g dOO!!ii$WQ ~lf~ Pl!Sl'lht. ~~J!~ ,

~~ Ig, ~ll*J'! ,Qild' ,aI1O!!1ir'1g ·Quickil M.e~,~ ~ 1~1·!i&. h9 s~~ ~~n 'tI\iI-m. ~ .hey ~II' r!I~(KI IR 1I1~ OloUIer dh(;ll@n iwl mII~ ~m Ill~ 8~~ ffi19 ~n~ WJ! 1'!tI!I dl'd .r,~s.e ""~ IfI9! dl~I!Ifl!1IJ~ anm h;enJ!4)urrw III ,Ii dr~~I~ 1il'irs IlooBflr.,-JL1!Q 1oIi\!I~ ~n!Y dI!~~(jI' l\!itoef:,bY. ~liS OOII~gllJr-!i wIM!~. !f,QIi III!I!I' ~!iJiJ!i~gfill.81ltJ.~,I!J IlOO M!!~M

~I!I!I""". ,-'

,~r !WlOlINrkidmB:~:QllI!~ilfil1lr ~W;~ MdlI!ldlr!!'tllJ!!Ul. Ma:sr.1fie ~~ ~m~ JIj ~F!~~ ,(VI Mn 'JI1ljre 111&1! I!IIgnfll,iddrJ!!,I!Ilf!,\1iI! or rns,[iir Ii'UIIIfu;qI ~~ m!idfi·"~~ ~',WII lllliJl!!! 1J]j, W~~

e, ~,c 1i'I,',WI!,tilll, ',k,ll1~ Inti. po" ',Ir~"f:J9 1].>;1, d OilMlJnll!'Wd' ~ ~ k!11\~ iI(i.B~,~~ up, w.l1h mila

1bI,'tim~ ~w~n'~~lI#h~,I~'h!JVe 1*1'1 ~~'IIPI~

nfaln. Qm !2mI' 'wa~ Wl!U!m,~

ill ~~9 IJO!~ _ ~BMd '!IIWiI-

wrrmn;l~ ~y ,~Mt

~r 20~1I!~~ ., 8Il e~~~ 1\!l!1~' f-h- J.:ad

_, 1!;f~M

1I:j,1I\I! ~d Mnr;er bl!J~

=bIM~ Iftl. ~W~ !'or mWw~~

~~gB'l1d 'mlllll!ff·~~~[I:)n" H~ ""'!I'll ,~ ~B~~ 'ril ~IBfI. ~liIln ~n,ll~9 ""'8, en !fI~ ~~ ;:';0, ~G1iI!-I ftl!!' ~r(~~"",,!, a' 8l\p!IIII1m!i>!!. P.t~BAn8 Yl'M! C!lifittMLt!¥.~~~lun~ O1M!r pifljOi'!l toodllfol\j ~~~ ~~~!~_~ ~FII!II,y~~ ~~ ih!o !~~i;J~, And !TIl! ,F!'!l'I: 1,!1I1~lie.~B~I1I!i1 hi!tf8d ,!)j' fn!lIlCMlJ!ln. ~~, 1~~Lhy,~~c~~ ~mllDJlSrm

0qJ1 !IrIHI 1l71f1 ~~t;OILq~Q,. 'M~w. IW Nil;, ~SM.jg1l_' ~~II;I!lQ" ~~ .I>i)~ fr,~

hut ~fIII!WI iii .~ ~f9 Filiiltlkl

an~ .

!lND!TII!;!I:.~t~M ~Bjli!f~c~i1l!:, lIl:eit

U\8111c HIIl_r..' llJ,outld lui {"II M!i!lrh!I~:&d III

• 1M f>i:!fi:!l1i"i!~ ~6 M~niICi !n '!I'!!I ,",jiXimiMn." -, .-. ~'.

BA!~~Ib' winJ. H'i! 'lm1r[111!dl~~h'~~I~IJ!'!Il ~!;j!._~ -,.: .... ,:}~ . I '

b!!l'i~, to rill&>I!, tl!(~, !'(I.(In~ h~)IjDJJIiII filoe~· fiJ;tW!J\~ .' .• ~ ,.. •

e~~ P'liYl i!Il!:Il II m~j1i"lW(! w~IBM't!_t ,ilIl, ~~ . .'

'IOW!ge!1llll:1t reLo!!Il.M lO,~~1t:'!l,Iitt~.OO;lIjO"···"··' ,'.; ;.~ 'i". wll.i1i


W!th erilOOi,1l. . .. J ' •

l1l\;I1 ttiltrJ!!. !'Ie I!!~d ~IMlIM ,e;I\Ou&!'1 . .. . '

, t~Mj.~ O~~!IiII~m ~etwGi!lii ~very m'·~Beeil~$, At .. - ,

. :2..oo"ln !I'!e ~M on tile <'Jr,~· :S~9lfiIl'Ilr, '_' ;, ,

~, .

:~~ ·.!~·~l-

'\.": ::~ ;.\~ i~;.;ti'!

:to'\l 5et mill rll'~. ~yt . . .,~-".. -, -

.m~d:, !.hI> . '-_

1\'4111I!t1: ~j.n iii f(:B1'IC.~" ,9 Ll! ~~~lil(,.:J· -- ,; 'Ii'IQ, trOO1l 'IIIfiI'Cfj n~ O~B ~rf eitOf "!'liN)!II!I.," .

,O.ntl1ll, &til JuM, M~~ OB' Ml!»n IO!' 1Ilj~ ilr . .

tl'!B :PBiBllioo Jjjlt!!i!!1 !ill ~~.~ 1\11 d",,'M~ I;jD~ .. - 1~.~~p.!l!I~ ~~ ~M1t~r "!IIlld\!!miVi~!~,(ti·' ,_. ~' t~ tM ~~r1·M F~liiil!r ilrltllll'ol&!i, WI1!!~'~s«mii: ., IIsm!ltsl:ndrifOi1I·t1M WiI*1~, t'II.!!i!jg!ln~, llllll .ujw I;i!~,

,~'i\\IloIi\r.i.w~tf~, . ,~

'~.Bd'~liMIII'!M 'IM~ !!II pim'llilt At' . . . . . !!&mllflded·tg 1iI~ 1O!i'lIII':toOlt~.~ '~IJ!I ~~'!I!l~

~ J I_~"'~~'" . I.~: '~.':-~,,;'.

lcap lw.~fii1jc.t~ down'I.iiI ' ..

. ~ lil!' : Mng d~ Bhlo ~"gu_

.. :. ... '>Y~"'I!!'!IJ!!Y arI~' ' . ri!pQ1l~d ~y. ~~ ijm1t" ".,.l~m

lP~j ~~!l.:~ ~ .. l\~dlll1l !J!~~! af.~ 0l"_M\1ffiJ ~ r"O\'!r~1l [k!f.r~l·jll.'(L_~' wtlll~ 'Ii\lBl~..I! tol'. ~ ~ CJOOp1c of ~~~. mllIIlII .~dr blk'!:,) ,r!I~~ ~r!U~~1 A ,~r,m iimllcal iJllilnC-~cl".~p ~ P!'O!:e:tl,en 1WI}:eern , wa~ ~ 1M It!e a.tAQ (iiiQ.epe!'i.den1 m~!r.) tlt:J~!!5il.~ Il*.! ~~ ~ifiO(I~d~ em! iIi~ en wi1JI m1Jbb~ ~II~. wHflI ~ ~i1~ bMl'~~ ~i'l1iM I~i'

.rn irn~ ~.d!, mare 'Iboo ~:S1) ~1~ WO'ii"d, ~.Mi'~~~~ ~[I~ *-1-tl~cd :&ir pe~, ~ uP 10 ~mn!l ~., ,111 .~i';e , prilt!i:i" ~Rllcw~.~~IilI:c·ll'lIJid~ 1'ww;I~fr:~ 00 Ib~

b"!mt !« rn..;!dI)': ~ wrilio!.!t I~ W Wl1~" Ol"IQI:I~:

,JIId~. c;!~"'" ~ij. G ~!,l!' .. )d:I .... i~. .. , .... ~ .MIm~. dooJ.... e, .: Ulc!. II r ~ ~~lj!liii[jM!kft'~~"IHM '61il\jli~ gf'~ fofc;!~..t'

. 'h~ iIbIJ!I,jj lI!Iil~b O'ild: w;~u. ThIore Md! beern mtny It1,I1I\li!!:!: ~. - - - - be'lii!iii: .rLf·~ !\DliI_IKliy !~Io 1Ii~ ww(I

bJl~ i~~liId'i~g fl.Uw'! IJf!.t i!fi~ W:1lo ·"ll}ouM QJi Jih:lf!!,:'(~j~ ~J~ Of!~ m.tii 'iIi.lime iittIliiKI W~I billi.e1I by I iftlI· ~1!ICfl!a III j!Q111A~aru;. lU.i!'I=:. iI1!l1 ., rnm;ll Qf mime WIlli. ~ 10 iIt.e mm: by iooda!:W1/lffili'r, ""Wdi !hen c;'IPJodcd fii ~~ .Ike,

. till!~~ihir!lll' IM:,W!i! "oilril'· ,nW!~!Y i~}tm;~ ~t'!tIiIlbM p~r®tI'W'"",.~~,w_IliJ.jDI\iicly ~001'1~.~ wtlh .n"d ]'0 to .2!.J.;OOID 1I¢':!1l1~ ~nrlt'Clp!tlng .~ IpcWl!lld d!rutMri;lbJ~!IIPtQI!i!M!U;~ ~rn~~·m'~ ~¥,~Il~~.p'~ ~(I,OOfI m~ ~ ~.lnlhc, ,~111~~~ ,UI~ mmfl.

- - -,~

tl)II'M'tIilIR'tllI ";If Ql:!e~ Cfty.~ JlRftnl .1l:11!m 'C!itT~mill;:d tw!I ,rott ,or$I,OO' ,lI1e lmg.cBt¢I!oc iltp~hjJj In llii.e :mrflQI')' ru"lhll cc'lji,uyl By ~I'i!:n, '1m mlln"trom.lndil\, 1I'DI_~ol!ll!~ ~d ,evCilI Ute mote mli~:!'ii'Urn, of'pfoUWetflIl'!\1e:re 1I'I.~!r11 '1i00trt 'the· :!!Ii~.~IIJ~ poeop.1~ ,M(Jwllld' 11iJ~ ~!DC~i'IiiIl~.

. !I!~ (lI~d1QB Qh ' ~~r '~!!ett' ~1i1i t'h- ~ pilliflO~c ~n~~to.ll. ~hc~ '~u~ -,~~rr~- n;~ Of· -

skwn.uoopm··:woo'\¥Ci't crurm,clii,~ It, ~ I'ail~ed to 11l!~1I~, rlie ,!,JmIe11~ ([If "'J~lernlllW _lii1~~ 'to!! ,i't,~!~ ~~~!I!!! ·re?~~rOOI ·iftm~1 ,1'l!~~Or ~friiI&rnQ!.!S

C(!ffi1iUlilh!et tJI,~ 'tRc Ai'iittilw,. ,~ iIllQ\!I,~ 't« lhe ',- tm!!~(lft'I~eJ;lfl.uMll!I!i" bM~ I'O!!III: ~ wcolllb,)' 'Qf I!)ember M!iom. f;ar tom belnB

.. - ~t !b~lper1iim~ Wj$ I, :~iI!!!l ~d

c!.i!ll~l\lj: ~f!;~ .. tl1~, .... ]11 ,llk>:l~ lC>'lto 1lIe

rM.!~m!i~~ ~w !:If IDe ~G:l~n, Mnm,~ people ID!l!;ii:lr:tC!l imp;l~iiJ!I mp,nlzallfii'!i!I ~KJjl~ ~/IIC~ tli~, wc~~ I:~iiii \\p ~o .1l1~. ~100i. " ~~ ,~ Q:f mmlMliiml _ ~J!j~ ·~'I~C:ie .~ • Ttl Q\!~

'CiIY. It i. 111M' '~:IIIItmfll ,1fWIlJ:i,p1lRi::!. CIIIfY !!hI! 'll'!~iJjm {8.iilrn in'IlJ,lmc WOf\k III~)' df!J,rwlih1!) lhjr OWl! OGmtl\!inlll~ WiJ:!!1 _ml~s or,tlolI:i~iUl!ioJ! ..... ~I~ be fcilt narnt ~ 00\1' oWn ~jh !I.!j.wdl all i~l'II'i~rlJ'1BCI;)1!..lI'IflJ!,· wi U i~ in Olu! In'!fI ~ dial. ij'C!li~I!lri~ Q!'P!!.!\dm~ :_lk rmJlIl 00\'1 be ,~ooc:"

, I· ~%'" ·'-~~Ji:'ml~ ~~",. . .. ~~JIliIl~~etliji;t!J .it!:~~I'· .. : - .~'. ,



';& .......,-~~. ,'?-"{~." •

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~!.... 'Ijw\,~ PHr1~d\; L~. I ~!~~ ,iII'io ~MN. ,~ G ",If «(H!I'J~ ••.... I •• ~ ~!ii'l!lil '

!W-~ ,!Q~~~ IMi., flAil Nillto., ,11"'111 ....

p_r~Ii!:·. _ , ,

on,.. ~"!il>o' hd ~!O bo! ~!:i! .~h, !., ""~, pot#. boil' ~!I~~J~ i~~! [~",~Io ~d"'t ~.t i!.or!', ,I"" f~IjI'CU>l~ •• ",,,,, of .~i.ilfl\ ~lo! ~.~jjj~" p.".. ~d i~ !w~lhl!r '!YJ1, ~4,I •• 'I!iIlll!.ot !M ,n.!" I '['fi~"li~~ "''''~~« W>!y!dl Io~ !"t In oil fht Ii<IoAG~ ~!!tifll. t~. 'iH!U.~j' ~~!""'i ,dlr'tl!.d P"'~~ d liht qu!!o-," ~p,~I'llI.iIf 'l~, ~~r, ... i. ~.rf,t~1. 11.'1'. ~C~'f. '",!!WiiIlh., "",!'fA! ~n~ iN"iito

d.!i.lI~. ,d.foi! ,t~ th" ~;:r.lfb . _ "";Id liI.df ..... tU!l.

h.I~," .... d'.r d ~t.i'101 ~~l.1f, '""~ ~I!.!olo!~ ,wi

"'!f loo.i.'II ,ill .It~ . ~t II ~~M:d i~ b dfvj_~1\!'" ~ .

P.Wlf, ~~:;,,,,,~, fl h n, Oo\Uf!jl'lldl~ ~~g. I~' I

"Pi!lt·Il~~;zt ~fld: 8~

~IMl!1, ,il'.~"I.f ",,,lbMd' 'I. i~' ii' ill ••• h, ""h.~ 'thl q~. hi. ...., U~_~ Jlftpood Md'

i. .. ~~.~ M'" ~l' h.Ii 01" ,wlriii)' ~p!., iltlYll'9 it p!I!ttd 'h~. ,hi' i~}:'~li larc,!, ",lo!~d. ,

"li!.o 1i>i~'MloM '~f ,g~J!'#M.t MIIN ~i '!'~.~ by !h.!, .fiii\ihrli~, W.]jj,I~'~!! $mr'l'.il~ ''VI' ~Jj~. ""_Gr. ~~ ~~ ijjt~ t,Ui\IL:'"i t.:rc lo~' !~~"" til''''"" i~ r!I~'""rII!~!~ I!I'~ M '. itOfj;lliu ~O!l,n!' ~.,!o!i, ~ ~, to .... "lui;!

f~ N~~lr .'!~

~~ Wh~~

_ill1,ijMiI, Do ~. ~ "'~I'il'd , i!.~ ,.,' d .!!!"I~~~ I •• i,"', M' .fI'Il

tftdl t~"-:~~!ri'I t~d.jjj "~ on tw I . t~ ttJIJ· <!!!'f,hql!Okt 'I~_ '~t .lo.i\H ~f 'N!' ,~liIi ,,~.~ ~""t.tiMtU~!UI_wt. ,P!'I! .11l", lnil HI ,~!i! to! !~

~~ilI~~!iJilI'" ~:t!TiI,¥ t.o .111' 'Inn /iif~!.' ~ ,~~. 'i~!i ~ m!!r k[g i'fliJ~r ",!M! t!!!Ili" '1OI;j ftoi ""1~~fIN ftr4!!IJ I.r ,,!WIt"'"' 'lhilioire' ~~t!N ~t l!o~...;,

Aln,IGilIlI. Llbej[ltiop CJjltflolw"';",,,"~;ra~'Ir.wJ!~[~"~~:l~ rn OMJIJlIlK. bi!!.JIb.rn'lnwror~lIMlI1II~ ID,Uun.(lnJiOO urI, S~~ el!1~h~)'~. '

• ~ II~I,'.· ~ I ~ I·I~. • I ." ~. • ~

MtI J!fQiljP1 •. G~ ll,n;m. !l~ir~ M'~~ ,r.j,~I'_ .,!\,~-~MHl. B<rI\itn~n~:!L~I!'!t~ fi.~~i~ ~,m;, ~nf'~ )'e.!J~ ror~~~ ~'~"'!<J'~~"!'i~.

RIIuoc M. AIbIOll, r.Jio J~H5·i!Q!l\l. Smin, 3~,', )'!'~~ Cor h,c;lllln~ ~hl~ =, m 'C~n!i!~!l.IlI~~1 lWI~i~'i,

r.mmdlltJnn ,UlM3iMJ2'. 00 ~Ol< ~1lOO\~"'Mi"~n ... QrI!j. K:!I ~:t "'. I\~ lio:llm MtmlllI!n~ I'.II!I<I) ",,!i~ia, ~~iI(R IW!) ~rillii~jijj~H. ~.liliI ~n tr_~ rOt' ~ ~'Qf _i'll~


~~I><d \Y~I~.~ I.~~~ .. ~iJ! urilt I" ~~oo wi..,. p~ II!d. t{h.oi.tii. tk- n~~9, I~ ~ ~'S ~..(l~-fl:k.L Si"~~dJnJ D=) ~~~,;:;.~m~L,~~~IQ~~I~llcllkNlId,w,ul m"cJ,lfi~Mm".

1J,orr;\~ 'C!iIi"i. VO !!Q.l;~.s~~. n~d .C!'I ~~6l!~ AI! ""aiM a~IL~i.n ...-~o ,(!:m.ij~~~ ~iQ!j<af ,~ tbh r.m!ly ,'tll.m"-~ ulI~d I"l!.cUL ~'!ii\f d Inl~~~ ~~~ i,,~lOod! b,Y l~b!:;I!!1 ~I~ wll!h I, ~~!r~ ~~ "",,gj!l!t~d~u~m~ m~;;Il:r" -


!)~~bi!~"ti!.fflQIj~"JI-!i!Mt~~Ug~,.,. . .I!.rrii:a~, 11-I1~ I1\hUI,,~ Mi'.u (OtMi3119 SCI c..jllb:I'I.~ ... ~,i;o1In.,8." ~~~ ryaL'"l!l!l~ A"'~";r,I~,~ S,Pl.ii\~~. 1'"", !,"'~].i~~B'

"'1.b~!1 ll<!!ill "'tri~. ~ ... Ml~M]lI C.I~I.~ $'~mii1~~Or!h (IbM~9W~,st'l GnL"ci"ccp\Ji'O lIo:t24#. ~1drn1, I"AI~,

~i~ ~QQ~~~I~. ~i~91.u 5ClC&uI,~ Im~ w"LlllU.

Oloo ':';~ ~ :.. .' ' .. ". I

. ,

-_ -- -


- - - ---


Jil'l!ooil!r:! bit ~II;IAnlo pRln .... ~ I:ii f.U,I~

UJlkn@w,n pe>Ii,~ b:ti:bI!d. MlM!rarlil~rWi ~ilftln MlI'IliMi ILllf ,a _k ,£i'IUjr ibc to~=-~nt $ ","l>OiI J<od.!..IIisJ*I~.j,cI·aitnlllJ!1!IiI '1:!mnN~lOOdJfgd~~IIII·a~fmwIID~, ""The ,aml.l!li[l ,iil£l.cktd cur lodl WlRll~l~ ~j!lJq _ ,~l!tit !ll8~1 ." .1Ul), IIIII_mlll,t,. p!!lMCd ~,(.M0 .~4 ·\M .... IIlLID t1Ii.o~i· .on ,~wflll ~d UI life to Kt~l:cl!n ~ m~>e te;!dL ~ t:Il!! wtili llrilIBlHlop;!.~ i!'I(!r'D 0t01J moo kina ill' MoonflI!HIu.l~ g~ ahe 1Aldl wmiIloo~ ~III 'llCI1:I~~ C(ecn.raJO!OlIIl!!IU'.6d,g~n~d~ milk<lrn&tcl!lnl,

r.t!rt~ ~i.,.

"Cl.IIJ,u.FOlll' ltOIUA.,YlA ARSON

J ~4if/!4~ .. mII'rll""""1:SUV)w{li!ln:Jo¢4t~ OtW6'l4'l S!!~.!I!i.I,ri!ct,tr;.04Jry, ifM"g~,~l.I'V)_iil~'u~ flW.rd !Ii!~ . ..r~ imp.t"'!I'lJfflc ~ ~ =~ r""""'* 4o!1r-dtrw~i~ ~ ~j!JI!i.;o fcJiS.r~!b1l' ritui'tli ,r.>f'Iln;dr~Jh rhru_~~ ~t,!lC#.lilll~i!!.!i ~·~ra.od~<.I;,iw1jn'~J'II\~ ~b, no. rl.t!I. 1" "'~ IID)IT',IIIII Md:. .~ Cii... .. ffi'N ".uh~ .f!1!fN' J.>~i.Q~ ~l ...... r>lifJmdl ~J_,JWIW1rJM jl'''''M'II ~.~, I1m'~n;l;r;:.-IJt.r. dii< ~n,~Mmif. Th#i'rMo-;~ri"J'1l'ifjt rJi(.wIf~lMstI1PIM,'I!:I ... ilf8;dfoll1H.:tblj.l/Ii'~Mifrr4~!;;I, 1m! 1Jiq~'''''spirltr.f'~!''''-~~iI'~ 'lito flot rJilll\Hm;r IOlilli'tl Fru M:lCn'iio!"r I;iuM 1<IlWn.;J/l' ~ W' lIM o:"OOlWJ'H«-'J!io-.!l~rtW~!t!cl\Ilt~Ii\!!ltI ~ ...

t~,rMf~=<i.tJl!l"1j'Mb,~l~ ~1;t PMll1,od~","", S·W~ dm~ l>l\l' ~M'II wIlI~ ~~. p.r;1Mll. "J'fIitiiii lmJ'1Il' Gl:iW1 ~ !tiM ~u ~.r~ ""'PI:I' W" ,1'l!'i>JJu"d fjn'.II!·~.lI~<l'8!IlJ!1.I!' K~ dm~~ ~ W~!W ~.rro:'~1J' .11fJN;tI;~ tlJj fflIOi wlitA/cgil:tl< I;J ,1M- OMr .... i"m\,; Ihll·pTiIt~r liW Y!'J1t" ~'" :m.;dr, if~ 'JWf jill, ~

Aillitl IJiIjO 1_ 11!!1 ~ !IO 'lruli""~",, IbiIlhi' ..... iII Mi !!!:ikm ~OO1m1l~ by 'I~ !!mil L:!~llnfi ~llbul rwiW (\~ ~Il'l!.d Ii)' .~ !lJj~il'IaUS Jr>llllp 'of II[d~i!f~ ~nd; •. hL~.

VI~d:aJ, hI!:! ,.r.iii"'" _~II'I~tlRlr~ ~tAJuo

,~nc'~~Z.fOOo!·ltlns ~Ji1!rlo;.j;lnlJ)~loIIll.ocd! ;Jl1.~'~ IJ: LliJlOI, Mll«If.I In. Mcdf!!<rl" o."S~ -iDJ I)) ~I!: ~ repoo.I, ~ .. ~ 'WClO, "'.II"(1Jld)!$1 ,dii}'J ~r e«_nc"1 3() SUV'J 'OR IlR a.l ~ 'E!!!~. ~Ip, ~. cops I.,. IlIc' MllIIf!ll'1ll 1I',lTIdaJili'ii and ibt El!..~nc ~11!5~ f_i'l!~hLr Bti! ~t;:t Mnsi €lr ·I~.c' ~~I~ (lliIVIs;;d ~ u:scd ~ from a.~ 9~!e 1 991I1_, ,!O:!!fIIdII!I~ !O '" ]~;;I ~i!, I)arn~~e~ wac cUJIDJ.Ic;i. $9,;SOO,


EArll! (.!1!;:r.UQg !F .. ,uj~ Spl~j!I''lNH In VI~gjr!~''l)J~~r TTUI TIlm I;;Mn'L bo:.m ~'t!mU1nuniqu~'[~tlotC4 &0 rill '/tIf; ~\~!I) gg ~n h. the '-GIIll:!iI!le Pledl •. _ui>l II otolitlll IiiiH 1h!:·.I!JIJ' ha'~ ~Y.n. IIUn.dR4I-",h"'l f;JiI!o!slfito'._ Qll ~ NilIihcm N""!I_1D1:t in ~I" 'Iii.i!! i;IiIiiI o;mb ~.AbOl<JBhliIo,ml:(I;ik IIilIUimt..>t, ~l! ~91J!l;pon~ _~:~ LO ~ Dll',o:o to $iIOJ:OO u.!in8, i'fillll!1 ~~tdilhd w:ifti'~~ ~~",,;; ..... h;o;a ~ I'lIM rh~ IllIMlic;r iltJ:ooSh IfIii $j!Nml~ nBI moollil.

I~~li>:i ',...,~ I1n~nlt !l!1~Gi!nB."d!iJ$.lt·~;Jltil..~ liIil!ul

ImIR ~ 'fliY ~ ~8.J iI;!!:S," SiS te~ ItitooJhool

'"'JW.r>:I:!:'~I.ii!lWesur«e1lll.oiCDl.llllJIhl.i.moo!l1 1!Ifi'in81~



ELi< C.I! for i,iIJ ~n,'ln~BjL!o~ !).~~ i!1'A.;,~.~ om A:J!dl :" C~_~~l'1"'i

A~ <!-'1. ,.,.,.....,.n,"""-t!".,ifi:t1J.1I'1i'tIo!.q ~ 1m;all'u &ff,ll LI~''iRlri~n. F1'!Rtl; ... ~~IIJiJr <l!1:W4f'3lli'ionl1j'J\;)' <J/otJ:tilM ,M April . 19, 'l'M~ } __ .~ !;tUtIo llq ~~~~ lfTIi """* rJll! ~i\!'IfI:'},wJJr~fjpf! ."...,rlUl'n!m;, .n.,.(IfiiW!I'ijr"!lir,';o~ ,!l'<tll1ikt, ,,'IL~ "'" .rltr~1 f/;mu Q/ "Ot,,~ EMTt.!'"·--<1n o,oulMlll !J1k< ... po,r '~.m lim!, ,:II'm~lillll'l:I!!rjjl. ft'~ aM IMtrMtMurf dff' {nJn. ~~<l.ii~ i!I'~'mr;!j>h<ll' ioiJ~pth.t" Owh~ Ci!,<~'1')I ~rrlPr.i·pr"lIliili~p.r!Df:mfoot ~ lm'1iImd't~~'of~AttItlW(. ~ ~ .tuiJto,t,.~ 'li'ct¥i.ol:l; ",",dII &lldi ;wI1I,r ~

In "'.JPD.HU ID tJ.ltn Ml",,!fl' jo ,;.1It ~n'Il~-,d ,':d1J\I!II<"I, i2!i<i'in.


(;OfI",m.~ OSU soodlfllil ana Ahmm! D~liI:w 'IlDk TtHo iii! bRan St!ilt;! lliIInlfliilol'

J:n.1I'dd-M!!l<l!,~~[]SIJ~i)~,!ilu!l1l11~1H!:~ til!!: l~ll ~I~ ",~l'Qpll!r~ fW ll<in~ ~ ~iS_ SIffIU5l1, B t"(ifCJ1r)' p~!!l ~HJ1<1 Sw-el)'n_l.r' Oft~ it", (O'~ndero' i&e l'Hte ,1Ja.,lilc Enel_rtnll n:~ll C~"Il\... -

The (iollbw.lll(lit to.i.~, (!a!li on, <>pm I..!!_ IX! Sao .... SlHlIiI, Ci'l;t;loo Slillcunl~rJ-rQn:$1I}' pm:f"2f!!;~h~ fO'.!niilir cJIbt~ C~"eO!: SnB.1nilMns ~h 'Coo~.IlW.e;

~<r..-Sl •• _.,

D.!I~'''.iI ~[~m;1i< IIrJu tJ/jUW 'tMll~rl~.t!l,jiIMrN(a~ ~ ITIMmfi ,utUIffi"~ >ili'J'w ,~ ,.;;t!r.I, 1l\~ rMj' rJilrl ~:l't::P1t4it ~"nillS d"'d~ (~~plill'"l a~ ~rj"""~fJ ~j j~H.' pJi2t~.t "'~i'lI' j' • .f.o..p<J101!ltIJ)o ~1&tJ 'JJIJlI2INI4riJ'b~,:; ~~.miLt,~.I1f<!f ~1tIIl pUlJ~ ~~u. Tho,.../<i,..., .... rintlxJt1l:d uf' t4lf 4_".9!I~fi/if<1WrJW:I'<JjOWi~i~~";"'.J!m>qA~otI .... Arl.m1'roLol1lit r4.~ WW' MrriI QfC~", O,,&onj . ..!40Stl ~, If.aCfI!r.IT; ff,gifM."" fJmJI qflli~ M~.rt! ,~n,.~r (fw~ w~~-'.of ,(lQ.rd.~ Aw, r4! H",~ ~ ,hmI~M c~!W!!~r. ,p~ .AJb.on~" .... ~ti!'1iJl~~·~"'Q\t!(!flh~m·t1. LmJ;i; ~"I\!i?'~n~·IW~<'.II~dt;!~j'1'! ~,ij~' i~~j p~.d ~j OSiII't 4ri<~jt"M:J K\'J>i"fii!'j~~r ~rO!fJQ~ i~ KUl"'!!r~ F:!rJ~. Or~&,;.n ,(<I .. 11Iu~"~M w"y, ~Mllil' JroJ,fj rJ!~ Hint'll.}' F'ttltfJ, '''' a!r, ()'<tr f20;) o/1""r rig ",,~ ... i<t.~ mrs HiLi'!! .ttmrl'Jt4.

&Im~ efdi. ,~ ..... rdIJtu4 iWQ,!I ,i\m;! M~ li;F~~ ,rrr,4l';o!lf jt,;'MJ'c."rIyGiI1. H~~Jiol'tJ'Th!. G·Ult.I1'~EIl8r..;:~m.i 1I<or.~ C(>(!p.mtJ .. ,rroE~![:'Jfot;u"<:Y.I.I>)J/!rldp~ •• ,a.! IJ.rrndi\..d}i!r diI!I.¢n;;' 800 1_[l;IfotWli~,,I; Ajf Q/iIII~p"',!:""""~ RS~ ~.n.a...P"iijnIIIB.fllillW'll,I<fi!lIp,.rJ1~ 1!I:'il11!l"p""'..m"~

~m:j."",...,.~·(JBrJY"', ,

Sf"..., ~4'!'jii'niu ",.1'Il nlll'RC gl't ~rll'llJ'~~d,'n"""" ... !1i!1I~y jW!",,,,~. ~<.mmrD~;;,un4 .. n;_~~/ir!h[NNirl!i"lJuiI"" If) ~ M-.i''WUlI'.ntalGrei'''fru: •. ~ JIuti t'laim ~htIilflll!y rJlo: miIil'twiil'~.)'O!!J'~!:"_''Iq/mr!fu,r<firrI!ltl'<'d~J .tod"",tqofoH~.rI!IIt.lfortlitm, TI!;o~n' qfGliifrom q~~IMwIli'm;rrFOI!!II'U~·ii'",",,~IW'lIi_fot~rr' ~""'~thtlll,p[NJ'}!I.!t;jI~f!/~i~~ill\ii ...... tparn',~~. r=~fIl:u1 'wIII\ . .fI .. ' .... H<>ID .... .m.Ij .. '<II~rI.t

1~ fm.p.4pltwd;rJmrl.:irn!<,~!§1w<h~ w~"J!lrJ~n.

Mtr"z",.,·"", GE,ft~.· "'M~i"I:'l1, tJrd i/O Eft.I4nd, ..1;!;,."z,.""", s.1d t,'lt !,,,id<IJr~)I'lf«r~dorll'IIf!lr"YCifl'''_=.liP'''8ram,<iJ r~' CoMip11l1J1 !lmdtd ft; ,rnJ,r" _ 4ftu Ill;: ,~'t"l,

Cll!<' ~~ If w d" ro 'mEile Io!I:I.:lr Mffiir,r;IIiJ tQ o'Itll'll'z"OW"" ~ JM98r'1:ili'i1. f.:lu mi1,'I' u~j·)II.lIAc ~'""r#!f ~~ tlIt .~tm,' "Till!M ~;rn'=!~~/lI~ """"num iIJ;!; W!I' .... J~~ lW1i;1~~ ~ ~I'JI' poOrn' "'Dr.J:"'..,r~'s.;.~~~",~=~~Or.!'C'JS""~. Ulil.

".rlh1(~t1'.fN~IN' $.m~:ftpt"",,,~rir~r .. ·S, •• , ..... rri"'''' SlIUll !!:.t fliot.~ fu" ll't.J:~afj~~1 ". MtJ~ 2, ~GOO}.lII'~, $1""', Q~ lI!, =;Ff>o& E,OU, ~r 1'Mr!lfi'M j""~ pitMil"(}/l. Ii ""'t'~ r IiltR~ [10m Woi 'n Mi j)"~ I~ r~")'QoIlf" ....-¢l'1"Ij.

'. hl"o']il"!""n'(>.!lJ';!, ,

, ",. ~,<:'~.>!PifMa1W"~~lIllImllliilu!tl!li

tnaf!l~Bi.Cll "'~!I~ hltplflwww.f:!il;! ...

~1!!mh, s

KLF SPl",,]1! up Old N.'1'- <iii Uri, .1Ji'ailid

·~,iIl'~;qfM.OIri·JtiI,......&rjrf,(M_Iib.~" .f./II;i~1 ~J~.'JJhiJ Up"" tli. oJtJ Na.~ Outlol emu. i.~ dMt"]jj'olWi Htwiltj\")H, [.lJng f.!1~ m:~ 'SnJlllII.J.wu8 .I0~:dUlnm.i!lr...;I p.l.tir. gt= ~:f'lIri;j 1J.'u ~..1~ sJjfl, Pli:r ~"" ~,mP' ~ ~. pn;II'lil sa 0I;t~~ Q.11c1lllr~. jI]~ f~. fgm-lly:.. jnJ.lO"""'Ml"~ ~~,~ro.:ir'rWll'J1S qf,,'!jl\~II)~IJIIf~l't£rJ:li.m~ p{lllllf~ 1'I'.o!'T~ Thm ~"ii<li!I",,~t.luiI~~~j!i'iJJ1."i.1m:mlr~1'i ~lI! ,i~.~ l!lll'lb.o r MhiJI)! ~II.n1lm ~ whtl~~r "1L~ j~~ ~ I~ j::'''''V' ..... 1I Ii,".,.iU.

l'illlit ~r mr.l; If!¢'-,,' ,lla,W1'"!' lml "Idl.,J r~ Nant.!iffl wJrh ='1'; a.o;Jw"oMmni'n~~=lwWn.muiliJ_tmjJ.1 rlie~!-'<LI ~ w."r~. no wru-<,,~.~ JIi~iiI.: .. ritlrIt,,,.. l'w ~<lliti! r~MII WlL~, rMform~ I~ ~~~ lo:!lId"t-I!il" ai'ji OilILlJ.;m<t w~ ... ,· rriIJ ~j\ GfiiI ~;fdl OO~;;,o 6m ~"",i< . ...,.r.o; 10 ~.i\aJ '*"1;"' ..... .t"t~' ",iIJ' 8,1 ~~ ,n.> 1M /!>-mif7 j~ l.!i. ;;..,~y ,1~J1t~It.r. rlI~, .t'XI_~.....,,'<s. Oil,"""" (;flip;. 1lIl'itll!l!l! 1'lI!~11 .. """ 'I<JI/fJ" jIr~ .!p>!tfl,f I&JI o:iliJr rlUUftru'l Mnt~ ,r~'" "".~for .rh. aiifti14tt ,ri;a[ ,00"1-prl~ •. M."d._~~1t ~;Mi'r!' Mll,;"'~BJlI'I''''''''_~ J'Oli.ll 4;Ij'}l~MdwJ)T"_,.,,!I!''''1-I'''' S?.aJ!"~~, ... ~r.>{>"'~m<7<~ ~,["dj; ltIMI'i.;u,. ~ h ~~wi IQ t.\~, tj"'_~IIW._~pw~(JJld ftwt. wll'llf, rlf)~ ~, !lila 0\;00 ,r'; .. if Il\. BJrf~ 1'1'1\11 iIlIl!<lrl ~.f"'JI d~ .llr~ 1!~.!Ii.rIl~~~~ .,.,_,. ~l

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Bliir~l. UM<~Ailon :F.n,nt :Silillh~

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