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Invasive Species

Of New Zealand
C ats were introduced
by Captain Cook,
whalers, sealers, and
P ossums, introduced
from Australia by
European settlers hoping
M ice, an
introduction, are
rabbit-overrun farmers. to establish a fur trade, omnivorous scavengers.
They’re terrific predators. have reached plague They’re known for
They’re widely blamed for proportions in New destroying food stock, and
causing the extinction of Zealand. They damage fouling water mains.
six native bird species. strip native trees and kill
wildlife, and are known to

D ogs were originally

introduced during
the Maori Great
carry a tuberculosis that
affects cows. W asps arrived in
New Zealand in
1945, no one is quite
Migration in 1350.
They’re have been known
to attack native birds,
G oats were
liberated into the
Marlborough Sounds for
sure how. Since then,
they’ve reached plague
proportions. As well as
including the moa. milk and meat by Captain eating rare native insects,
Cook on his second wasps consume up to 90

P igs were introduced

by early explorers
during the late 1700s.
voyage in 1773. Goats go
feral almost as easily as
cats. Large populations
per cent of South Island
beech forest honeydew,
depriving native birds,
Gone wild, pigs tear up of feral goats have had bats, lizards, and insects
forest floor and pasture, a significant impact on of a key summer
and eat surface-dwelling native shrubs and trees. food source.
animals like weta. With
up to 40 pigs per square
kilometer of bush, they
consumer fare that would
H edgehogs were
introduced into the
South Island in 1885 to
T rout, brown from
England in the
1860’s and rainbow
otherwise have fallen to control garden insects. from California, were
native species. Because they have introduced throughout
no natural predators, New Zealand for fishing.

R abbits were released

by settlers and
prospectors during the
hedgehogs have
prospered. They cause
immense damage to
Their arrival displaced
and endangered upland
native fish species.
early 19th century for native species, including
food and sport hunting.
Rabbits reached plague
proportions later that
lizards, snails, insects, and
birds eggs.
R udd, were introduced
for fishing, alongside
gambusia, grass carp, and
same century, displacing others. They’re a noxious
sheep populations and
causing widespread
damage to soil
D eer were introduced
to New Zealand
in the mid 19th century,
fish in most areas of New
Zealand because their
feeding habits endanger
and pasture. seven species in all. While native plants and remove
deer is a great export food sources for native fish

F erret-polecat hybrids
were introduced
earner for New Zealand,
wild deer have caused
and invertebrates.

by farmers in the late

1870’s to control the
previously introduced
great environmental
damage, destroying
regenerating native
G rass carp, introduced
accidentally with
goldfish, feed like a
rabbit population. forests, accelerating soil vacuum cleaner. They
Unfortunately, they also erosion, and increasing suck up everything
took nicely to our native river run-off. and blow out what’s
bird population. not wanted, dislodging

S toats, like ferrets,

were introduced
R ats, or kiore, were
first introduced with
the Polynesian migrations
aquatic plants and
ruining the habitat of
native fish, invertebrates,
to control a rampant 1250-1300AD, usurped and waterfowl.
rabbit population in the by Norway rats from
late 19th century. Upon
introduction, stoats spread
immediately to the bush.
the ships of the early
explorers, and bolstered
by ship rats that arrived
G ambusia were
introduced alongside
rudd in the 1930’s.
Along with cats and rats, with Europeans in the late Gambusia attack the eyes
stoats contributed to the 19th century. Rats have and fins of native fish, eat
extinctions of huia, bush caused the extinction of their eggs, and compete
wrens, native thrushes, several species of native for the same food
laughing owls and quails, bird, as well as native sources. Design by Gareth Parry
and mainland stitchbirds, frogs and mainland Data from Wikipedia, Te Ara (The
Encyclopedia of New Zealand), and
saddlebacks, kakapo and tuatara. the Department of Conservation
little spotted kiwi. Week #26 20110111

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