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3 Arousing Ways to Please a Woman in Sex - Give Her Stunning Orgasms Every


1. Perinium Squeeze: This is performed while giving oral pleasure. Have her lie toward the end
of the bed with her legs hanging off the bed. Place a pillow under her hips to prop her up slightly.
While stimulating her clitoral areas with your tongue, squeeze gently on her perineum. That's the
area between her vaginal opening and anal area. This provides an intense sensation for her
especially while you're stimulating her clitoris at the same time.

2. Cool Down Trick: This is also an oral move. Before going down, chew on a breath mint and
begin to stimulate her sensitive areas. While she starts to get aroused, blow air to the area you are
working on. This little trick will catch her off guard and create new sensations that will take her
over the edge and please any woman before even having actual sex.

3. C-Spot: That is the Clitoris. This needs to be stimulated in order for many women to achieve
orgasms. Make sure you're ready to please a woman by using this to your advantage. Try this:
Use the tip of your member to stimulate the clitoris by rubbing it against her in a circular motion.
This can help build momentum up for her to be able to climax. Alternate doing this then entering
back in her. You want to get her very near to orgasm, then penetrate firmly and the buildup
should send her through the roof.

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