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1776 - Taylor and Skinner Road Map - Fairly to Greenock

In March 1776, just four months before America declared its independence from Britain, Scotland's first 'road atlas',
George Taylor and Andrew Skinner's "Survey and Maps of The Roads of North Britain, or Scotland", was published
in London, its price a handsome 12 shillings per copy, its 61 plates showing roads across Scotland at the one-inch to
the mile scale, covering some 3,000 miles in total, with each page divided into three vertical strips of a particular road,
the volume designed to be folded into a portable accessory for the growing number of travellers and visitors in
Scotland - Here, from Plate 46, the strip showing the course of the road from Fairly to Greenock.

In 1792, the year of The French Revolution, Taylor and Skinner by then in America, a coloured edition of their 'road
atlas', based on the original plates, was published by Thos. Brown, page 131 of that 'road atlas', again showing the
section between Fairly and Greenock, following the original strip-map sections here.


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