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Yes 2010 Was “the Year of the Volcano”!

How a Prediction for

2010 was Fulfilled and What that Has to Do With the Mayan Prophecy of 2012

Susan Seymour Hedke

January 2011

In the summer of 2009 I

published a prediction: that 2010
would be “the Year of the
Volcano” .
I think it cannot be denied that
the year 2010 was filled with
volcanic activity. I personally
have never seen volcanic dust in
the sky over my own home as I
did last April and May when the
Iceland volcano erupted, and
never before observed that not
one plane flew in the sky over
Northern Europe, and also never
before experienced such an icy
May that was later confirmed as
caused by the volcanic dust in
the air. Surely the volcanic
eruptions stole the show last year? They certainly did for me!

Here is a listing of some of the volcanoes that were involved in making 2010 “The Year of the

Over the New Year into January Mt Redoubt rumbled, but did not blow. In the Phillipines the Mayon
volcano was just quietening down. The first recorded eruption was at dawn on the 2 nd January 2010
as the Nyamiragira volcano awoke in the African jungle. On the evening of the same day the
Columbian Galeras volcano over on the American continent erupted and 8000 people were
evacuated. On the 5th January the Turrialba volcano in Costa Rica erupted for the first time since
1866 and evacuations began there as well. On the 15 th earthquake swarms began on the Madison
Plateau at the supervolcano Yellowstone that lasted over a month.

In February the Tungurahua or “Throat of Fire” volcano in Ecuador became active again and a
number of dramatic episodes followed later in the year in which 17 villages were evacuated. Panic
spread among people in Pakistan when a mountain not considered volcanic, suddenly started
glowing red and spewing lava. A mud volcano erupted impressively in Azerbaijan in the southern
Caucasus, (the Caucasus mountains, were the ones where the fire carrying god Prometheus was
bound, and in some versions will be unbound first at the end of this age). Also a submarine volcano
called Fututoku –Okanoba awoke off Japan. In the Soufrière Hills of Montserrat there were some
dramatic Youtube videos made on 5 February 2010, as an explosion propelled pyroclastic flows down
several sides of the mountain, and again on 11 February 2010, when a partial collapse of the lava
dome sent large ash clouds over several nearby islands including Guadeloupe and Antigua.

In March volcanic activity began in the Chilean Andes and then came the most famous eruption of
the Eyjafjallajökull Volcano in Iceland that started on the 20 th March but increased in April.

Mount Etna in Italy erupted on 7th to 8th April and Eyafjallajökull entered phase 2 on the 14 th.

On May 27th to 28th the Pacaya volcano near Guatemala City erupted shockingly, killing a reporter,
covering the area in black ash and downing the planes. At the same time the Arenal volcano in Costa
Rica and the Throat of Fire in Ecuador were also active. Also In May the Rinjani in Indonesia
exploded, sending a 5000 ft plume of ash up into the air, At the Marina Islands between Australia and
Japan an underwater volcano erupted for the first time on record and a prompt state of emergency
was declared.

Rising fear that beneath the Gulf of Mexico the oil disaster of April 20 was actually connected to
anoil or asphalt volcano was spread through a large slick of articles and Youtube videos in the
Internet, many of with names like:
“It takes two to Tango: the Gulf of Mexico oil spill & the asphalt volcano “

Between end of July and early August 2010 there was a supposed eruption with a swelling rising and
shaking of the seafloor, for instance as shown in a Youtube video ii. Sudden Rise In Gulf Of Mexico
Sea Floor Caught On Camera
The cause is here thought to be a methane bubble under the ocean floor. Methane can also be found
in volcanoes.

Later articles showed frightening pictures of at least ten leaks from the irritated volcano’s flank.
Unfortunately the most revealing images on Youtube, suggesting a large if not super volcano there,
have been removed.

In fact for those who followed the oil spill this underwater “oil volcano” was the most disastrous one
of the year, and the disaster may not be over, both below the surface and above, as animals continue
to die and the Gulf Stream continues to change. Web Bot made a prediction of human deaths in the
billions as a result of this “oil volcano”.

Leaving out a few other more normal volcanic eruptions, and skimming past an eruption of Sinabung
on Sumatra with large evacuations at the end of August, the next real biggy was the eruption of
Merapi on Java in the last week of October. Over 350,000 people were evacuated and the numbers
of fatalities must be now well over 300 iii. At the same time 21 other Indonesian volcanoes were also
warned by the Jakarta Post to be on the verge of erupting. Merapi continued to erupt till the end of
November and was joined by a less dangerous Bromo. The much feared Anak Krakatoa between Java
and Sumatra joined the party and others were heard of in Russia and Ethiopia. The Ethiopian volcano
Erta Ale, part of a rift valley of 80 volcanoes, began erupting so strongly that an international team of
scientists went to investigate and the German “Spiegel Online” and Bristol Uni. in England put
together a video about major tectonic changes indicated eventually a splitting of the African
continent and the birth of a new ocean.

All together in 2010, there were 64 volcanoes with confirmed eruptions, according to the Global
Volcanism Program.ivLooking at the list shown on the front page of that volcanism program, 2010
takes up most of the space, with 24 eruptions listed. Below 2010 one sees a dwindling tail of volcanic
eruption dates going back through the centuries and the only other comparable number to 2010 was
just recently in 2008 with 9 eruptions – less than half the number – so I would say No. 1 place for
2010. One article writer even came up with the idea of a “Pliny” Award for the eruption of the year in

The problem is that the same factors that caused the eruptions in 2010 will cause worse eruptions in
the next few years. In fact this is what the Mayan Prophecy is all about, as also the Cherokee
Prophecy and a number of others like the Bible’s story of John’s Revelation. If you don’t believe me
on that last one then consider that Revelation was said to have been written on Patmos, but what is
usually not added Is that John had his vision inside a still extant volcanic cave on that holy Greek
island! These are all volcanic prophecies in a language we have failed to understand.

The Reason Why 2010 Caused So Many Eruptions

After the Tsunami 2004 I made a discovery that allows more accurate predictions. I have named it
“Galactic Astrology”. Aspects of Sun, Moon and other heavenly bodies to the Galactic Centre cause
disaster on Earth. The kind of disaster is told by the signs and other planets involved.

Through thousands of case studies I found that when the Galactic Centre and the planets Uranus and
Mars were involved together, especially when the other fire rulers and fire signs and most
particularly when the spring fire sign Aries was also involved, then the type of disaster would be of a
volcanic nature.

For instance as Uranus was conjunct the Galactic Centre in the sign Sagittarius, and both the Sun and
Moon were in the sign Aries, the Tambora volcano in Indonesia brought the largest and most deadly
known eruption in the last 1,700 years.

As I knew that Uranus was to enter Aries in 2010 in square to the Galactic Centre, I decided to make a
clear prediction that 2010 would be “the Year of the Volcano”.

I wrote this article in June 2009, and I would call my method of prediction, which is based on
observation, a scientific one.
It was important to me to make this prediction so
large because in being correct it would also
support my discovery about 2012. For Uranus
will still be square the Galactic Centre from Aries
in that 2012 as well. So I painted the idea on
thick and added also a greeting card for New
Year 2010 on my Facebook wall showing a
volcano erupting.
Right: on March 22 2009 and March 20 2010 the passage of the Sun over Uranus (which latter was
then still in Pisces) and into the Fire Sign Aries, caused two of the largest eruptions of both years, the
eruption of Mount Redoubt in 2009 and Eyjafjallajökull in 2010.

On April 14 as the Sun and Moon were both conjunct in Aries and trine (120°) the Galactic Centre,
the strongest second phase of the Eyjafjallajökull eruption began. This was very similar to the largest,
deadliest eruption at Tambora that also occurred with bothSun and Moon by then trine (120°) the
Galactic Centre from Aries.

So the main reason for the many eruptions was that Uranus was close to or in Aries in 2010,
beginning a transit that will last (after a brief return to Pisces this winter) for a seven years period. It
will be strongly square the Galactic Centre and Pluto
for the next couple of years: i.e. also in 2012.

I also predicted in my book THE GALACTIC

CENTRE 2012 and the Great Waves Coming in
December (on page 356) back in 2006, that 2010,
and especially in the spring of 2010, the volcanic
giants would be awakening.

I expect them to be increasingly awake as we

approach December 2012. Late in December
2012 a strong aspect forms also to Uranus in
Aries. But of course the volcanic activity will not
end then but continue and likely increase in 2013
and 2014. This will have a great number of
transformative effects on the Earth and
humanity, as also on climate and health. Human
beings too, even friendly husbands and wives
may at certain times turn into volcanic monsters
spitting their fury out at each other with no control. It is extremely likely that major riots, revolutions
and even World War III will be caused.

The March –April period of 2011 shows often five bodies in the sign of Aries along with Uranus so
that there will again be major eruptions and probably human violence.

I see the Mayan and other Prophecies as a primarily volcanic prediction.

I correctly predicted the volcanic eruption near Guatemala City, even the area, with the help of a
crop circle called the Keyhole.
It appeared in the British countryside on the 16 th May and showed a lunar calendar of 29 Moons.
There are 29 and a half days in a lunar month, the crop circle had 29 moons with a lunar volcanic eye
to start the journey at the base of the circle on the 16th and a Full Moon at the top of the erupting
volcano, marking the date it would happen – the 27 th May.

It was also interesting that Uranus entered Aries at the same time as the volcano erupted, on the 27 th
May 2010!The clever creators of the crop circle even managed to encorporate the glyph for Aries
into the rising magma.

That they too are sending us such messages

gives me some hope that it may be useful
to know these things in advance.
The Mayan Prophecy is more than merely volcanic and it is worthy of any attempt we make to
understand it is as I see it, about the fulfillment of the Creator’s plan or covenant, and the return of
the volcanic world mountain of a Golden Age, along with a number of other supportive volcanoes
(the Nine Support Gods) to create a New Earth.

Still, to explain the Great Year cycle and the concept of the Return would mean adding too much

The square of Uranus at the Spring Equinox to the Galactic Axis and Galactic Centre at the Winter
Solstice, such as we are experiencing now and will be experiencing in the next few years, has never
been possible before, that is not in this last Great Year cycle of 26,000 odd years.

The closest we can get to anything similar was back in 1761 when for a few brief months a square
existed between Uranus in Aries and the Galactic Centre and Pluto on its last conjunction. As here
too there is now evidence of a volcanic winter
occurring, this can only further support the

It is not certain which volcanoes were responsible

for the volcanic winter, Krakatau has been
presumed, but one certain eruption occurred also in
the Azores when the Pico Gordo volcano erupted.

Not unexpectedly on the right we see a grand trine

of bodies in fire signs with Sun conjunct Mars in
Aries, such as we will again experience in April 2011,
with likely large volcanic eruption then too. On the
3rd April 2011 even the Moon joins in to ignite some
volcano. Here the Moon is in the solar fire sign of
Leo with Neptune.

As a nice finale a friend in FAcebook has just sent me

a new National Geogaphic article telling that
between 2004 and 2010 Yellowstone’s magma crater has bulged by as much as 10 inches (25
centimeters) in places which is thought quite exceptional.

Yellowstone Has Bulged as Magma Pocket Swells

So what can we do with this early knowledge? How can it be useful? Knowing the kind of disasters
that volcanoes can cause, some people may be better able to prepare for them, as with any weather

It has been shown that volcanoes can cause nasty cold and damp weather conditions for the mid
northern latitudes which afterwards suffer particularly from plague and famine ( this is discussed in
more detail in my book THE GALACTIC CENTRE 2012 and the Great Waves Coming in December
downloadable for a mere 7.50 Euros from! v :). If a Super Volcano erupts with possible
accompanying effects then moving to a new town may not be enough. I believe that there are those
who know of the imminent volcanic return and they have safe places far beneath the Earth surface
with food supplies for many years.

Some of us may not be able to prepare in any great material sense, yet I think an understanding of
what is going on is part of any spiritual preparedness and this knowledge may enable us to align with
or greet the future on an even footing. I personally intend to sit more often in a yoga position and
meditate to attempt to channel the coming fiery energies of the Kundalini rising .


Please join me on Facebook if you wish.

Susan Seymour Hedke






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