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117 Adams Street -
Brooklyn, N.Y., U. S.A. T HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling
the people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as
expressed in the Bible.
It publishes &ble instruction
designed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses. It arranges
J. F. RUTHERFORD President W. E. VAN AMBURGII Secretary systematic Brble study for its readers and supphes other htcr-
ature to aid ln such studies. It publishes sultablc matella
“And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and for radio broadcasting and for other means of pubhc mstluc-
great shall be the peace of thy children.” -- Isaiah .54:1.3. tion in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utter-
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH ances. It 1s entirely free and separate from all parties, sects
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, is from everlasting or other worldly organizatlons. It is wholly and mithout
to everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver reservation for the kmgdom of Jehovah God under Christ
of life to his creatures; that the Logos was the beginning of his Beloved King. It IS not dogmatic, but invites careful
lus creation and his active agent in the creation of all things; and critical examination of Its contents in the hght of the
that the Logos is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed Scriptures. It does not indulge in controversy, and its col-
with all power In heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive umns ure not open to personalities.
Officer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION PRICE
man for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully ;F~~ED STATES $1.00 ; CANADA AND X~ISCELLANEOUSFOUEIGN,
disobeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by GREAT BRITAIN AUSTRALASIA AND SOUTI~ Armcp ‘is
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THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suf- tloned may be made to the Brooklyn office, but by Ilttematrollal
fered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive Postal Money Order only.
price for all mankind; that God raised up Jesus divine and FOREIGN OFFICES
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every
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THAT JEHOVAH’S ORGANIZATION is called Zion, and Australasian . . ‘7 Beresford Road, Strathfield, N. 9. IV., Australia
that Christ Jesus 1s the Chief Officer thereof and is the south Ajrrcan . . . . . . Boston House, Cape Town, South Africa
rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful Please address the Society in every case.
followers of Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of
Jehovah’s orgamzation, and are his witnesses whose duty and
privilege it 1s to testify to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare (Traslatzons of thm purnal appear in 8evet al Zaw7uages)
his purposes toward mankind as expressed in the Bible, and
to bear the fruits of the kingdom before all who will hear.
THAT THE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ All Sincere students of the Bible who by reason of infirmity,
has been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority, poverty or adversity are unable to pay the subscription pllco
may have Tile Watchtower free upon written application to tho
has ousted Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the publishers, made once each year, statmg the leason for so re-
estabhshment of God’s kingdom on earth. questing it. We are glad to thus ald the needy, but the mrltten
application once each year is required by the postal regulatlous.
THAT THE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth
can come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under ~ottce to &!uhscribere: Acknowledgment of a new or a renewal sub-
scription will be sent only when requested. Change of address,
Christ which has now begun; that the Lord’s next great nhen requested, may be expected to appear on address label within
act is the destruction of Satan’s organization and the estab- one month. A renewal blank (carrying notice of expiration) ~11
lishment of righteousness in the earth, and that under the be sent with the journal one month before the subscrlption expires.
kingdom all those who will obey its righteous laws shall live Entered as Second Clam LUcnZMatter at BrookZfm, N. Y., Postoflce.
on earth forever. Act of Yarch S, 1879.


The testimony period “Jehovah of Hosts” embraces the nine This is to announce the Society’s issuance of a new year boo4
days February 6-14, 1937. This midwmter campaign will spe- for use during 1937. It contains the comprehensive report by
ciahze on booklets, and all those on Jellovah’s side will offer a the president of the Society covering the walk accomplished
10~ combmation consisting of two booklets with colored cover during the service year 1935-1936 by Jehovah through 111swit-
and the latest self-couered booklet. Let Jehovah’s people take nesses and their companions throughout the world. The infor-
this coming campaign to heart, faithfully making all due prep-
aration thcrefor. Consult forthcommg issues of the Informant mation included therem is most valuable, especially In view of
for additional instructions. The “man with the inkhorn” the war now on with the religionists. There 1s also a brief dls-
promptly reported the matter, and likewise each one ~111 report cusslon by the president on the 1937 year text, acld~t~onnlly a
his activities and the results in this campaign. text for each day of the year together with an cnllghtenlng and
encouraging comment taken from The Watchtower. In view
of the special expense of pubhshmg such a limited edition as
that of the Year Book a contribution is asked of 50~ a copy.
1937 CALENDAR Please order now, sending remittance with order. Groups ~111
The new calendar, for 1937, expresses militant service, both place individual orders with their local servant, so as to spare
in text and in illustration. The year ‘a text is from Obadlali 1: the Society much time and expense in shipping.
‘(Arise ye, and let us Ime up against her in battle.” The
design based on the text is most expressive, and stirring and
strengthening to behold. Accompanying is a seasonable letter ANNOUNCING COMPANY MEETINGS
by the Society’s president, and setting out the special testimony Many hearers of radio transcription lectures hate the desire
periods for 1937; also the calendar date pad, marking such to meet with Jehovah’s witnesses and to study his SVord with
testimony periods and hkewise the regIona or divisional service them. Hence wherever the kingdom message IS radiocast, the
campaigns. The calendar may be had, five copies on a contribu- time and place of meeting of the local company of Jehovah’s
tion of $1.00, sent to one address, or, singly, on a 25c contribu- witnesses should be announced after the transcrIption. The
tion. Groups will please combine all individual orders and for- time on the air being paid for, the station manager ought to
ward through their local servant, with remittance enclosed. readily grant your request to make such announcement.
VOL. LVIII J~UARY 1, 1937 No. 1

“Blessed be the name of Jehovah from this time forth and for evermore.“-Ps. 113: 2, A.R.V.
EHOVAH is supreme. He is the Creator of heaven large number of this selfish kind that stood before him
and earth, and the fullness thereof belongs to him. awaiting judgment. Such were important in their own
“Jehovah is high above all nations, and his glory eyes, and hence felt qualified to have their own way
above the heavens. Who is like unto Jehovah our God, and insisted on having their own way, and they con-
that hath his seat on high?” (Ps. 113: 4,5, A.R.V.) tinue to seek the praises of creatures and to give praise
From the beginning his purpose is that all creation to man. At the same time there were others standing
that lives shall praise his name and do so joyfully. before the Lord Jesus for judgment and who had a
That purpose is certain to be fulfilled. The faithful different motive for their course of action. Their love
prophets of old wrote of that purpose. Jesus often was for Jehovah and the Lord Jesus Christ, and their
emphasized the paramount importance of magnifying desire was to serve and please the Lord. Although their
Jehovah’s name, and the apostles of the Lord Jesus garments were soiled by reason of what they had
Christ frequently spoke of the supremacy of Jehovah’s learned and practiced in the Babylonish institutions,
name. But when so-called “followers of Christ Jesus” their heart desire was to do the right thing. They had
began to practice religion and called it “the Christian come out of Babylon with soiled garments that now
religion” they soon lost sight of the name of the Most must be taken away if the Lord found them in a pcr-
High and of the supreme importance of magnifying feet heart condition. The temple judgment made mani-
his holy name. Religion has long been used selfishly fest the selfish and the unselfish ones, and only the
for the temporal gain of man, and the name of Jeho- latter withstood the test and were approved by the
vah has been pushed aside and forgotten. During the great Judge. These approved ones were made the
time that Jesus, the great Messenger, was ‘preparing “faithful and wise servant” class, but even they did
the way before the Lord’ many heard the truth then not fully appreciate the importance of magnifying
revealed, and most of them that accepted it did so by Jehovah’s name ; but in due time at the temple the
reason of a more or less selfish desire. What they first matter was made clear to them, and now, thanks be
saw was that there is a chance to be saved and be taken unto God, the faithful and true see that the name of
to heaven to help the Lord rule the earth and to “re- Jehovah is the great issue and that his name shall be
store” the remainder of the human race. Many even vindicated and that in due time every creature that
assumed the position that God would forgive and save breathes shall sing his praises. The Lord, by the tem-
all men and give life to them whether they obeyed God ple judgment, therefore, makes clear the distinction
or not. It must be remembered, however, that those between the selfish or “evil servant” class and the
persons were brought into the religious organizations unselfish or “faithful and wise servant” class.
and error was thoroughly instilled in the mind of each. 2 Jehovah by his prophet Malachi speaks of the
Those who had lived in the organization of Babylon paramount importance of his own great name, and he
and who heard and accepted the truth came out of draws a sharp contrast between the unfaithful and the
Babylon with their garments soiled, that is to say, they faithful priests. “Fbr from the rising of the sun even
were still influenced much by the world and worldly unto the going down of the same, my name shall be
desires and they followed worldly formalism and prac- great among the Gcntilcs; and in every place incense
tices. There was ever before the mincl of such the shall he off’crcd unto my name, and a pure ofleering::
question : “What will the pcoplc think of me and the for my name shall be great among the heathen, saith
course I take?” And they tried to govern themselves the Lord of hosts. But ye have profaned it, in that
accordingly, scclting the approval of men. To please ye say, The table of the Lord is polluted ; and the fruit
men and to sing the praises of men, and to have others thereof, even his meat, is contemptible.“-RIal. 1 :ll, 12.
sing their own praise, was uppermost in the mind of s First Jehovah shows that his purpose is that all
many. When the great Rlcssengcr of Jehovah, Christ creatures who please him and live must praise his
Jesus, came to the temple for judgment there were a name, and the priestly class, being those selected as
a “people for his name”, should be the first to praise Gentiles shall come unto thee. . . . and I will glorify
his name, not only for a time, but at all times. “From the house of my glory.“-Isa. 60: 3-5, 7.
the rising of the sun even unto the going down” there- ’ The great multitude must be brought, and the
of means all the day long, that is, all the time, con- Lord will bring them. While the faithful approved
tinuously. Therefore the name of Jehovah is great priestly class, the remnant, go forth and continuously
all the time, and all who ever receive life everlasting oft’cr unto the Lord an offering in righteousness by con-
must come to see and acknowledge that fact and joy- tinuously singing the praises of his name, the Lord is
fully praise his holy name. All of the temple do now doing his work, “his strange work,” and is gathering
praise the name of Jehovah, as it is written: “The the great multitude. Those who come into the great
voice of the Lord maketh the hinds to calve, and dis- multitude join with the priestly class in proclaiming
covereth the forests: and in his temple doth every one the praises of Jehovah even now.
speak of his glory.“-Ps. 29: 9. 8 Mark that the prophecy says: “In every place in-
’ The decree of Jehovah is that his name “shall be cense [sacrifice] &all be offered unto my name, and
great ” among the multitude without number, and a pure offering. ” The Hebrew for the word “incense”
those who are now coming into that company sing the here used means “a burning”, whether of animals or
praises of Jehovah’s name. Jehovah is now gathering of perfume. Could it be lawful to offer incense to the
the “great multitude” from all nations, kindreds, name of Jehovah in every place by Gentiles, in view
peoples and tongues, and this he does in spite of those of the law of God, which required the priest to ofier
professing “priests” who despise Jehovah’s name and incense in the holy of the temple and on the golden
his gracious work. Once these professed priests stood tenser ? This question is made clear in the light of the
before the Lord at the temple judgment, but have now Scriptures and what the Lord is now doing. It is
been cast away, and these attempt to interfere with written : “The priests, the sons of Aaron, . . . are
the great multitude in learning of God’s gracious pro- consecrated to burn incense.” (2 Chron. 26: 1s) The
vision for them. In this they will not succeed,however. Hebrew for the phrase “shall be offered”, as stated
8 God declares that his name shall be great amongst in the words of the prophecy (Blal. 1: ll), means ‘to
the Gentiles. The greet multitude are not spiritual be brought near, or, to be made to approach, come
Israelites, and hence they are Gentiles as this proph- near’. Therefore those among the Gentiles where Je-
ecy speaks of Gentiles. They hear of Jehovah’s temple hovah’s name is great do not act lawlessly and inde-
and his true worship there by the faithful remnant, pendently of Jehovah’s temple, but they do contribute
and they voluntarily seek Jehovah and his King. or send their offerings to cause them to be brought
“Moreover, concerning a stranger [alien, foreigner] to his temple to be burned upon his anointed altar
that is not of thy people Israel, but cometh out of a by his anointed priesthood. During the past twenty
far country for thy name’s sake: (for they shall hear years ‘this gospel of the kingdom has been’preached’,
of thy great name, and of thy strong hand, and of thy and his servants continue to preach the same in all
stretched out arm ;) when he shall come and pray parts of the world for a witness to all nations, and
toward this house: hear thou in heaven thy dwelling- within those nations the people of good will toward
place, and do according to all that the stranger calleth God come to the temple company with their pure offer-
to thee for; that all people of the earth may know thy ing, their unselfish devotion to God, and it is offered
name, to fear thee, as do thy people Israel ; and that and the name of Jehovah is great amongst those of
they may know that this house, which I have builded, good wiil. (See Zechariah S : 20-23.) Therefore withm
is called by thy name.“-1 Ki. 8: 41-43. the meaning of the prophecy the name of Jehovah is
0 This last-quoted text was a prayer of Solomon and great among the great multitude, or people of good
was a prophecy directed of Jehovah and must hare will, in every place where the offering of praise is made
fulfillment, and the same is now having fulfillment. to Jehovah’s name.
The great multitude coming out from all nations, e The work of the Lord in which the remnant partici-
kindreds and tongues is fulfilling this prophetic pray- pate continues, and those of good will hear the truth
er, and these are coming, seeking the house of the Lord and come to Zion to learn more of God’s purpose and
and praying toward his house. They are learning to to give praise to his name, while at the same time the
praise Jehovah’s name. Concerning this same matter so-called ‘ ‘priests”, who have proved to be unfaithful,
it is written by God’s prophet: “And the Gentiles now oppose the work of bringing the truth by the wit-
shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness nessesof Jehovah, who magnify the name of Jehovah
of thy rising. Lift up thine eyes round about, and and point out to the people of good will their privilege
see: all they gather themselves together, they come to of serving and praising him. The Lord God therefore
thee: thy sons shall come from far, and thy daughters tells these unfaithful “priests” that they have enjoyed
shall be nursed at thy side. Then thou shalt see, and qrcat privileges of serving him but have proved un-
flow together, and thine heart shall fear, and be en- faithful, and now others of less privilege are seeking
larged ; becausethe abundance of the sea shall be con- the way to his organization and are singing his praises.
verted unto thee, the forces [riches (Leeser)] of the Says God through his prophet to these unfaithful

priests : “But ye have profaned it [my name], in that faithful Priest, and he said to Jonadab: “Come . . . ,
ye say, The table of the Lord is polluted; and the and see my zeal for Jehovah.” The opposing ones
fruit thereof [produced and placed upon t!le table by above mentioned have no part with those pictured by
the Lord] . . . is contemptible.” The facts now made Jehu. The Jonadabs today show more zeal for the
known fully show the fulfillment of this part of the name of Jehovah than those who have professed to be
prophecy. At the beginning of the temple judgment the followers of Christ Jesus and who were once of
there was a company of spirit-begotten Levites serv- the priestly class. With these opposers the name of
ing in the priest’s ofice, and who were moved by Jehovah is not great, and they make no effort to have
selfishness to so serve, and who magnified the name a part in the vindication of his name, but, together
and teachings of a man, giving man credit and honor with the rcligionists, heap ignominy upon his name.
that properly belong to the Lord only. Doubtless at Furthermore, they say that the food that the Lord has
the beginning they were sincere in giving adulation to put upon his table for his people is contemptible, and
a man. Had they been unselfish and tried to know, thus insult the Lord. The modern-day Pharisees, the
they could easily have known that such a course of Roman Catholic Hierarchy, are hypocrites and are
conduct is wrong. Opportunity was given them to doomed to complete and everlasting destruction. Con-
know, but they rejected it. Because of their wrongful cerning the “evil servant” class, those once in line for
course of action they were not approved by the Lord the kingdom and who are now unfaithful and are
at the temple, and now they continue to blindly follow opposing God’s kingdom, the Lord says: “And shall
the teachings of a man and laud and praise the name cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the
of a man, and bring a “blind” and “sick” and hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of
“lame” sacrifice unto the Lord, which is not accept- teeth.“-Matt. 24 : 51.
able unto him. Furthermore, they become embittered I1 Let the Jonadabs now take warning from the
against the remnant who do bear the messageof the words of Jehovah and keep out of reach of those who
kingdom to the people of good will, and such oppos- oppose the kingdom work, and who at one time wcrc
ing and embittered “priests” attempt to ‘turn the “priests” but who are now the enemies of God. To
stranger away from his right’, by inducing those of those unfaithful ones, the “evil servant” class, Je!lo-
good will to decline to associate with Jehovah’s wit- vah further says through his prophet 1Ialachi: “Ye
nesscs. Because of the wrongful conduct of these un- said also, Behold, what a weariness is it! and ye have
faithful “priests” God says he is against them tor snuffed at it, saith the Lord of hosts: and ye brought
the reason that they turn the stranger away from his [for sacrifice] that which was torn, and the lame, and
right.-Mal. 3 : 5. the sick; thus ye brought an offering: should I accept
lo To be sure, those unfaithful men called “priests”, this of your hand? saith the Lord.“-Nal. 1: 13.
and who at one time were of the priestly class, would ** To those unfaithful ones the privilege of serving
be horrified, or at least appear to be, to say to one God by bringing the fruits of the kingdom before
another or to others the words here uttered: “The others, as the Lord has commanded, has become only
table of the Lord is polluted”; but by their course of a tiresome deremony and formality, which offers them
conduct they have said and continue to say louder no opportunity to shine in the eyes of men. The carry-
than by uttered words that “the table of the Lord is ing of the kingdom message from house to house in
polluted; and . . . his meat is contemptible”. Such printed form, and presenting this to the people, is too
is exactly their attitude toward the publications of humiliating for such self-important ones. They find
the WATCH TOWER. Is the Lord feeding his people no joy in it, and they have no desire nor do they make
upon food which he causes the WATCH TOIVER to any effort to magnify Jehovah’s name by making
publish? If so, then those who oppose The Watch- known his kingdom message. They have never ‘en-
tower and speak with words of scorn and contempt of tered into the joy of the Lord’ becausethey do not see
what is therein contained speak against the Lord’s that Jehovah’s name must be vindicated. Thcreforc
table. The Jonadabs who now engage in the proclama- they have said, and continue to say: “This carrying
tion of the kingdom messageput to open shame those books about is merely a book-selling scheme. What a
unfaithful “ priests ’ ‘, who were adversely judged at wearisome task that is !” They once had an oppor-
the temple and who now oppose the kingdom message. tunity of doing good, but they grew weary in well
Jehovah’s name has become great amongst those now doing. (Gal. 6: 9) They turned wholly to selfishness
entering the “great multitude” company, and they and were pushed away into darkness. Blindly they go
sing the praises of the name of Jehovah and his King, about their own way of serving the Lord, and this
declaring that salvation is of God and of the Lamb they do by opposing the faithful servants of the Lord
that sitteth upon the throne. At the same time these who carry his messageto the people.
unfaithful “priests” attempt to turn the “strangers”, l8 Those of the “elective elder” stripe and their
or the Jonadabs or great multitude, away from their adherents have done service work by distributing the
right, which right is a knowledge of Jehovah and the truth publications, but in doing it they “have snuffed
privilege of serving him. Jehu pictured the true and at it, saith the Lord of hosts”. Snuffing scornfully

at the witness work, speaking contemptuously of it, l7 Those who were faithful to the Lord are not de-
they have considered themselves justified in being ceived. The onlooker may get the wrong impression,
careless of the witness work, and that carelessnesshas and hence the warning is for such. It is written:
led them into willful opposition to God’s witness work. “God is not mocked” ; and therefore the unfaithful
For this reason the Lord, by his angels, gathers them “priest”, who attempts it, is cursed of Jehovah, as
out of the temple and casts them into darkness. (Matt. this prophecy states. The “deceiver” is a hypocrite,
13: 41) Continuing the prophet says to them, the un- who puts stumbling blocks in the way of those who
faithful ones: “And ye brought [for sacrifice] that are faithfully endeavoring to serve God, and thus the
which was torn [that which was taken by violence deceiver shows contempt for Jehovah and for his
(R.V.) ; that is, stolen goods].” They have brought name. The unfaithful defames Jehovah’s name and
something that did not represent self-denial on their furnishes an argument for Satan that men will not
part, but something that would bring them into prom- maintain their integrity toward God when put under
inence and exalt them and that would bring no re- the test. (Job 1: 9-11) Such unfaithful “priests” are
proach upon them as men. They had no love for God, lawless, disloyal, covenant-breakers, and are cheats
but desired to shine and be honored of men. In order and frauds. Their course of action is a gross insult
to carry out their desires and course of conduct such to Jehovah.
men have lorded it over others and bossed them and l* Could any person who understands and loves
deprived them of their real ministry. It appears at Jehovah treat the Most High with such contempt? The
times that one appointed as a servant of a company Lord answers that in the negative and says for the good
becomes impressed with his own importance and be- of all who will hear: “For I am a great King, saith
gins to boss his brethren and to seek to draw away the Lord of hosts, and my name is dreadful among
followers after hirr If, and thus to deprive the real the heathen. ” Jehovah is “The King of Eternity”,
ones of their opporiunity of witnessing to the Lord. the Supreme One, the Most High above all, and the
I4 Furthermore the prophet says that these have One to whom every soul must be subject if he would
brought as a sacrifice that which is “lame” and live. Jehovah, particularly since 1914, is King, hav-
“sick”. Trying to please Satan’s organization and to ing then placed his anointed One, Christ Jesus, as his
receive plaudits therefrom, at the same time they still vicegerent upon the throne of Zion to rule. (Pss.
assume to be servants of God. Being spiritually sick 2: 6; 97: 1) When the faithful remnant of natural
and blind to God’s purpose, they continue in the atti- Israel returned from Babylon in 536 B.C., they had
tude of claiming to be his servants, but they seek the no king of the tribe of Judah reigning over them. Je-
approval of men. hovah was the King of the faithful, even though the
ls They have failed to obey God’s commandment di- Persian ruler claimed the land of Palestine. When
rected to the priesthood: “And they shall teach my Jehovah’s faithful remnant were delivered from
people the difference between the holy and profane, Babylon after 1918, they had no earthly king or ruler
and cause them to discern between the unclean and the over them but Jehovah was, and is, the great King,
clean.” (Ezek. 44 : 23) It is the duty and obligation and his royal palace is his temple, of which Christ
of those who serve God in truth and in sincerity to Jesus is the Head, and he is ruling according to the
call attention to these things. For that reason the will of the Most High. The “evil servant” class, the
proper application of these scriptures must now be murmurers and complainers, do not fear God. They
told. The Watchtower observes the opposers attempt- have not appreciated his statement, “My name is
ing to steal away the people of good will and to turn dreadful [terrible (R.V.)] among the heathen.” But
them out of the way ; and The Watchtower must cry many who claim to serve Jehovah do not fear and do
out and spare not, because such is the commandment not honor his name. “Give unto the Lord the glory
of the Lord. (Isa. 58: 1) There is no expectation now due unto his name: bring an offering, and come into
of doing any good to the “evil servant” class, but the his courts. 0 worship the Lord in the beauty of holi-
publication of such warning is for the benefit of those ness: fear before him, all the earth. Say among the
who have turned their hearts to the Lord, that they heathen, that the Lord rcigneth: the world also shall
may keep away from the evil ones. be established that it shall not be moved: he shall
16Jehovah then puts the question squarely to the judge the people righteously.“-Ps. 96 : S-10.
unfaithful priests : “Should I accept this of your lD This command is to all who fear his name and
hand?” The “evil servant” has thought to deceive, who love and serve him, and none other will live.
but the Lord cannot be deceived. Jehovah then an- “Dreadful” is the name of Jehovah, particularly
swers his own question put to the “evil servant” class since the “seven vials” of the ‘seven last plagues of
and says: “But cursed be the deceiver, which bath the wrath of God’ have been poured out, in the period
in his flock a male, and vow&h, and sacrificeth unto of time from 1922 to 1928, as stated in Revelation six-
the Lord a corrupt thing: for I am a great King, saith teen. The warning notice has been given and served
the Lord of hosts, and my name is dreadful among the upon the rulers of this world, and even they are terri-
heathen.“-Mal. 1: 14. fied by what they have heard, yet the “evil servant”

manifests no fear of God. Those of the Jonadab com- prominence to the necessity of magnifying and vindi-
pany now learn of Jehovah, and they fear his holy cating Jehovah’s name. At least from that time on
name and prove it by their course of conduct. To the there could be no excuse ofrered by those who had ac-
unfaithful ones, the “evil servant”, Jehovah says: cessto Jehovah’s table to disregard the name of Jeho-
“Where is my fear? saith the Lord of hosts unto you, vah and to continue to laud the name of man. From
0 priests, that despise my name.“-Vs. 6. that time on, at least, all serving in the priest’s office
must give heed by setting their hearts upon Jehovah’s
JEHOVAH’S CHARGE name as worthy of all their love, honor and glory. As
*OThe sons of Levi through Aaron the high priest the consecrated began to learn of the purpose of Jeho-
were the priests of natural Israel. Those priests fore- vah to make glorious his name, and that he had taken
shadowed the consecrated serving in the priestly office out of the world a people for his name, who must give
at the time the Lord appears at the temple for judg- testimony concerning his name, all coming to the
ment. Other Lcvites performed other service before knowledge of these great truths must give glory unto
the Lord. In 1915 the Lord Jesus, the great Judge, the name of Jehovah God and ceasebestowing adula-
appeared at the temple for judgment, and a command tion, honor, glory and praise upon men. In order to
or charge is directed to those serving in the priest’s obey this commandment .those servants in the priest’s
office in particular : “And now, 0 ye priests, this com- office must correct the abuses and practices of which
mandment is for you.” (Mal. 2 : 1) What, then, is the they were guilty and into which error they had led
charge or command hojoegiven to the priests? There others. Formalism, assumed sanctimoniousness, the
was need of cleaning up the sons of Levi, both priests attitude of ‘more holy than thou’, seeking the honor
and other servants, and the Lord Jesus began his judg- of men, and giving glory to men, and all things of that
ment of cleansing and purifying the sons of Levi at nature, must be put away. Only honesty, sincerity and
his appearing at the temple, to the end that those who full devotion to the Lord could be plcosing to him.
were able to “abide” that clay and to come through The approved ones must bring an offering worthy of
the fiery operation might be assigned to the duty of the name of Jehovah and which would take away the
offering unto the Lord an offering in righteousness. contempt for his name.
Although the Lord appcarcd at the temple in 19lS, 23In the Babylonish systems the name of Jehovah
his coming was not known and proclaimed until 1922, is defamed and the name of man exalted. Among those
and the purifying judgment of the sons of Levi proves of the Lord’s organization on earth there was, pur-
from the facts to have been accomplished first by 193%. titularly at the beginning of the temple judgment, a
The commandment or charge given to the antitypical strong disposition to follow many things that they
priests needed to be heeded and applied unto the had learned in the religious organizations from which
cleansing of the sanctuary and thereafter. The test they had come out. Such formalism must now be put
upon the “sons of Levi” began with the beginning of away, because the time had come for the vindication
judgment in 1918, whether they had knowledge of t!le of Jehovah’s name, which must be accompanied by
Lord’s presence at the temple or not. The motive or the delivery of true testimony throughout the earth
heart condition of such there began to be tested. It to the honor of Jehovah’s name. No more should the
was the time for those who had made a covenant to do teachings of any man be praised and followed. If that
the will of God to cease giving honor to men and to man had taught the truth, follow and continue therein,
cease raising their own “lightning rods”, inviting but give the honor and glory and power to the Lord,
others to give honor to them. The time had come for to whom glory belongs. The Lord of hosts had given
them to give all honor and glory to the name of Jeho- command, the day of battle is at hand, and the com-
vah God. Hence the necessity for the charge and for mand of the Mighty One must be obeyed. Those who
the cleansing. had been moved by an honest and sincere desire to do
*l The presumption would follow that there would whatsoever is the will of God gladly obeyed the com-
be a class of professed priests who were not giving heed mandment to give honor to the name of Jehovah, ;lnd
‘EOand obeying the charge. This presumption neccs- continue to obey. Others, who give no heed to the
sarily flows from the language of the commandment commandment, what shall the Lord do unto them ?
itself. Said the Lord to the priests : “If ye will not 24The hosts of Jehovah, led by Christ Jesus accom-
hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart, to give glory panicd by ali his holy angels, are now at the temple
unto my name, saith the Lord of hosfs, I will even to esccutc the judgment of the Lord, and all are com-
send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings ; manded to give heed and obedience to whatsoever they
yea, I have cursed them already, becauseye do not lay are directed by the Lord to do. The curse would be
it to heart.“-Mal. 2: 2. upon those who would fail or refuse to obey the com-
** This commandment showed that at least a part of mandment. “Saith the Lord of hosts, I will even send
the priests were moved by selfishness and that they a curse upon you. ” The particular ones addressed here
would not successfully weather the day of testing. are those once in lint for the kingdom and who at the
The Watchtower of January 1, 102$ began to give time of judgment are found to be unfaithful, and who

subsequently are assigned to the “evil servant” class. people of earth today emanate from the Devil. God’s
The curse of the Lord is upon them at once when great calamity upon all the world will be that which
judgment takes place at the temple, and by their he will bring to pass at Armageddon. The prophecy
course of conduct they show that God’s curse is upon of Malachi here uttered applies to the unfaithful
them. The prophetic truths revealed by the Lord at priestly class of spiritual Israel, who suffer for want
the temple are a blessing to the faithful servants, but of spiritual nourishment and sustenance. Because of
these same truths become a curse to the unfaithful, their selfishness those unfaithful ones cannot receive
and thus their ‘blessings have been cursed’ even now. and feed upon the blessings of truth that the Lord
This is true because the truth was placed before them provides as spiritual food for his own. Such truths,
which would result in their blessing, and by their re- to the unfaithful, are nauseating. They take offense
fusal to give heed thereto the truth operates as a at the same and, having no sustaining spiritual food,
curse. Others, who are not of the “evil servant” class they die spiritually. The warning is here given in
but who are guilty of shortcomings, carelessnessand order that those who will hear and give heed and turn
indifference to their duties, need to be warned that their hearts wholly to Jehovah, and serve him, may
God will curse their blessings if they do not mend be revived, come fully into God’s favor, and live. To
their course of conduct and render full devotion to God’s covenant people these words are addressed:
the Lord and show real care and dependability on “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a walk-
their part in looking after the kingdom interests com- man that necdeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing
mitted to their hands. All who receive his approval the word of truth.” (2 Tim. 2 : 15) One who studies
must lay the warning to heart. Their “good intcn- to show himself to be approved of man is going con-
tions” furnish no excuse for failure to perform. The trary to the Lord’s admonition, because that which
Lord requires faithfulness on the part of his servants, is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in
and that means that where the servant fails or refuses the sight of God. The positive commandment, there-
to faithfully perform his God-given commission, he fore, is to study to show oneself approved “unto God”.
shows that he is unworthy of the blessings of Jehovah. w Now concerning that part of the prophecy, “I
The commandments of the Lord are, to him, of the will . . . spread dung upon your faces, even the dung
greatest importance, and the faithful will look well to of your solemn feasts”; “and ye shall be taken away
the performance of the obligations laid upon him. with it.” The man appointed to drag the dead carcass
*5Jehovah’s dealings with natural Israel were outside of the camp was considered unclean and re-
prophetic. The complete fulfillment of his prophetic quired to purify himself. (Lev. 16: 27,2S) In line
utterances is upon spiritual Israel, that is, those who with that provision of the law Jehovah states what
are in a covenant with God to do his will. Further his curse will be upon the unfaithful ones.. The judg-
describing the curse that should come upon them Jeho- ment of God would bring upon them a disgraceful
vah says: “Behold, I will corliupt your seed, and death and a dishonorable burial by spreading upon
spread dung upon your faces, even the dung of your their faces the foul excrement of animals or the refuse
solemn feasts, and one shall take you away with it.” of sacrifices, which must bc burned without the camp.
--I\fal. 2 : 3. The one assigned to drag such refuse out of the temple
26This prophecy, according to the American Re- must take it through the dung gate and dump it into
vised Version, reads : “I will rebuke your seed, and the incinerator of Gchenna, thus fortelling the fate of
will spread dung upon your faces.” Such a curse the “evil servant” class. This part of the prophecy
God literally visited on natural Israel, as stated in the shows that the unfaithful priests are punished by
prophecy of Haggai 1: 6-11 and 2: 16,li’. Jehovah complete annihilation.
declared his purpose to bring upon them the curse, 28The espressed purpose of Jehovah is that none of
and this he,would do by withholding the rain to sprout the priestly class shall have excuse for professed
the seed of their crops, so that their crops would not ignorance. Therefore God says to the unfaithful
be brought to maturity for harvest. If the rains came priesthood: “And ye shall know that I have sent this
and the crops grew, Jehovah would send hail or pests commandment unto you, that my covenant might be
to devour their crops, and the result would bc shortage with Levi, saith the Lord of hosts.” (JIal. 2: 4) The
of food. Now the Devil, who is a mimic god, brings faithful servants of the Lord “know”, because they
more woes and distress upon the people in general by have been given the truth and joyfully rcccivcd the
sending pests, such as storms to destroy the crops, and same. The unfaithful might have known, had they
floods and pests to biing havoc upon the pcaple, and escrcised ordinary diligence. The “covenant of the
then the Devil causes his clcrgymcn to charge these priesthood” was made plain in the publication of the
calamities and disasters up to Jehovah. It should be book named Jehovah, and those who received the mes-
kept in mind that Jehovah sent the curse upon his sage therein, which the Lord provided, have rcjoiccd
covenant people Israel, and such was a prophecy of to put forth their best endeavors to fulfill their covc-
what shall come upon the unfaithful spiritual Isracl- nant. God’s purpose is that the covenant must con-
ites. The calamities and woes that come upon the tinue to be performed by the faithful. They must show

their devotion to him by the performance of their cove- his covenant Jehovah permitted the Levites to live
nant continuously. The Levites, as a tribe, stood on and fill office down to the day of John the Baptist,
Jehovah’s side on the occasion of the ‘golden calf’ in- who was a Levite.-Luke 1: 5-13,57-80.
cident at Mount Sinai. (Ex. 32: 25-29) Prior to that 31God keeps his covenants and changes not: “For
time Aaron and his sons, who were Levites, were I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of
chosen and appoiinted to be priests. When Aaron and Jacob are not consumed.” (Mal. 3 : 6) In this last
his sons ministered in the priest’s ofice, they must prophecy “Jacob” includes the tribe of Levi. Said
wear the holy, priestly garments. These statutory re- the Lord then concerning Phinehas: “I give unto
quirements Jehovah made for ever to obscrvc, and him my covenant of peace.” That covenant denoted
they must be observed and obeyed by Aaron and his continuance in the priest’s of;ice. (Num. 25: 12, 13)
sons, and all who follow in the priestly office there- The father of John the Baptist was an active priest
eftcr. (Ex. 27 : 21; 28 : l-43) Jehovah’s covenant with in the temple of Jerusalem. Peace implies safety, wel-
Levi, and which is inclusive of all thereafter of Levi, fare and prosperity. No greater honor could be given
is shown in this provision of God’s law: Numbers to a Lcvite than to be the forerunner and announcer
1: 1,47-53. The Levites were charged with the duty of Jehovah’s beloved Son and Servant, Christ Jesus,
of keeping the tabernacle. This constituted the cove- and that this honor was given to John the Baptist
ncnt with all the tribe; and the Levites, having on a shows the fulfillment of Jehovah’s promise concerning
previous occasion, as above cited, openly declared that priesthood. (Matt. 11: 11) Note, therefore, that
themselves on the side of Jehovah, and having vowed the antitypical “sons of Levi”, meaning all those con-
to be his servants, were fully consecrated to the Lord. secrated and wholly devoted to God, are promised the
They were given to the high priest as his servants, peace of God, glory, honor, immortality and life ever-
according to Jehovah’s covenant with them. (Num. lasting for them.-Rom. 2 : 6’7.
3 : 6-12 ; 8 : l-26; 18 : 6) The Lord Jesus, as Jehovah’s 32The antitypical sons of Levi of this day, who are
great Messenger and Judge, at the temple reveals to Jehovah’s witnesses, his remnant, sent forth to declare
the antitypical priesthood these truths concerning the his name, like John the Baptist, now announce and
covenants, and now there is no excuse for them to fail advertise Jehovah’s anointed King, Christ Jesus, and
or refuse to know and to obey the commandments of his kingdom. The covenant with them is the covenant
the Lord. In the prophecy Jehovah expressly men- “of life and peace”, and these fear Jehovah and stand
tions this covenant, saying: “My covenant was with in awe of his name, and continue to obey his com-
him [Levi] of life and peace ; and I gave them to him mandment by declaring his name.
for the fear wherewith he feared me, and was afraid s3Jehovah gave the tribe of Levi the service of his
before my name.“-1Ial. 2 : 5. holy tabernacle as priests and Levites, and, says Je-
2QJehovah, in addressing Aaron the high priest, at hovah by his prophet, this He did ‘Lfor the fear where-
Numbers 18: 1,19, expressly referred to this cove- with he feared me”. The Levites feared God, and this
ncnt. Phinehas, the son of Aaron the high priest, on is shown by them at Mount Sinai, when they took their
an occasion showed his zeal for Jehovah and his cove- stand on the iide of Jehovah and then acted as esecu-
tent, and concerning this Jehovah said : “ Phinehas, tioners of those who had turned to the Devil worship.
the son of Elcazar, the son of Aaron the priest, bath (Ex. 32: 25-28) Later Phinchas showecl a like fear
turned my wrath away from the children of Israel, by zealously serving Jehovah as the executioner of
y;hile he was zealous for my sake among them, that I the unfaithful. This foreshadows the antitypical
consumed not the children of Israel in my jealousy. Lcvitcs acting fearlessly and boldly in declaring God’s
77herefore say, Behold, I give unto him my covenant judgments upon those who become unfaithful, and
of peace: and he shall have it, and his seed after him, furthermore shows the obligation laid upon them to so
even the covenant of an everlasting priesthood ; be- declare God’s judgments. It is not their prerogative
cause he was zealous for his God, and made an atone- to do any actual slaying, but they must make known
ment for the children of Israel.“-Kum. 25: 11-13. Jehovah’s judgments. (Isa. 58 : 1) Such is the reason
8oJust preceding his death Moses blessed the tribe why The Il’atclttozcer should now publish these truths,
of Levi and, speaking as the messenger of Jehovah, that there might be no escuse for ignorance concern-
said : “And this is the blessing, wherewith 310s~ the ing the same, and hence no excuse for negligence by
man of God blessed the children of Israel before his those who are serving as antitypical priests. Note now
death. . . . And of Levi he said, Let thy Thummim and how the mimic god, Satan, and his ministers have per-
thy Urim be with thy holy one [the house of Levi], verted the truth of God’s Word.
whom thou didst prove at Massah, and with whom thou 34The Jesuits and others of the Roman Catholic
didst strive at the waters of Meribah; . . . for they Hierarchy, attempting to justify their wrongful course
have observed thy word, and kept thy covenant. They of action, hove counterfeited the provision of God’s
shall teach Jacob thy judgments, and Israel thy law: law and greatly perverted the same, and have used it
they shall put incense before thee, and whole burnt as an excuse and justification for their murder of
sacrifice upon thine altar.” (Dcut. 33 : l-10) True to so-called “heretics”. By “heretics” they mcnn all

who do not bow to the Hierarchy. Thus the priests of commatided by the Lord, and by his grace they will
the Devil, acting in the name of Christ, have brought obey his commandments. (Isa. 43: 10-U; Ezek. 9: 4;
great reproach upon the name of Jehovah. They as- Matt. 24: 14) These faithful ones may expect now to
sume that one who is not wholly and faithfully de- encounter much opposition; and, being a part of the
voted to the Roman Catholic Hierarchy is unfaithful priesthood, they will go courageously on making proc-
to the Lord and they are justified in slaying him. lamation of the kingdom message, which God has
Those devilish Jesuit priests of the “man of sin” commanded them to do. His law and his truth are in
crowd do not show any fear of God. Likewise the the mouth of such witnesses, and unrighteousness
“evil servant” class do not show that they are “afraid shall not be upon their lips.
before my name”, saith the Lord. On the contrary, 38Further speaking of Jesus Christ the great High
the Roman Catholic IIicrarchy priests and their allies Priest, the prophecy says : “He walked with me in
oppose Jehovah and his work done by his witnesses. peace and equity [ (Ilebrezus) level ; a plain ; concord;
The prophecy, therefore, shows the end of such op- justice 1. ” Christ Jesus sought to establish peace,
posers and persecutors with certain and compietc unity and order among God’s people. He denounced
destruction. If anyone professes to be the follower of pride, and hypocrisy, and inequality. He taught
Christ Jesus, and finds himself disposed to oppose the honesty, uprightness and sincerity, and he “did
work of Jehovah and the Lord Jesus Christ and his turn many away from iniquity [that is, lawlessness
servants in proclaiming the name of Jehovah and his and the crooked way] “. When Christ Jesus appeared
kingdom, let him beware. This prophecy is notice to at the temple he turned the “faithful servant” class
such. They that follow that course will find their fate away from lawlcssncss, pcrvcrscness and crookedness,
pronounced by the Lord Jesus concerning the goats. and those who were not thus turned away were disap-
proved. (Blal. 3: 2, 3) Now the remnant, as the faith-
THE TRUE WITNESSES ful antitypical sons of Levi whom the great Refiner
8sThe prophecy then directs attention to Jehovah’s at the temple has purified, turn others in the right
“faithful and true” witnesses. This prophecy applies way by proclaiming the plain truths of God’s Word
primarily, of course, to Christ Jesus. Says the proph- in their presence and hearing, and thus they show
et: “The law of truth was in his mouth, and iniquity those who will form the “great multitude” how they
was not found in his lips: he walked with me in peace may escape the wrath of God and find refuge in I:ls
and equity, and did turn many away from iniquity.” organization and under his protection. (Joshua 20 ;
-Mal. 2 : 6. Jas. 5 : 19,20) “And they that be wise shall shine as
*6 The Lord Jesus Christ is the great High Priest the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn
and Head of the antitypical priesthood. (Heb. 3 : 1) many to righteousness, as the stars for ever and ever.”
As Jehovah’s servant he spoke out boldly and plainly -Dan. 12: 3.
and published God’s law and denounced the counter-
feit law of the religious organization that defamed RELIGION AND CHRISTIANITY
Jehovah’s name. He openly showed that God’s law is 3DJesus Christ, the great High P&st of Jehovah,
supreme and far above the law of man-made govern- made a clear distinction between religion and the I:lw
ments or institutions, even as it had been commanded of God. IIe showed that religion is the product of t!lc
by Jehovah : “They shall teach Jacob thy judgments, Devil, because it is contrary to God’s commandmclllt
and Israel thy law: they shall put incense before thee, and is practiced by professional hypocrites. “Tratli-
and whole burnt sacrifice upon thine altar.“-Deut. tion” is a precept which is taught by men and is con-
33:lO. trary to God’s law, and therefore from the Devil.
8TThe prophecy of Malachi here describes Christ Everything brought forth to deceive and turn the
Jesus as Jehovah’s great High Priest, the Greater than people away from Jehovah proceeds from the Devil.
Moses or than Saran. All true and faithful followers The truth of God’s Word is often perverted to accom-
of Christ Jesus are necessarily included in this de- plish this wrongful purpose of the enemy. Jehovah
scription; and that means also the faithful remnant describes the teachers of tradition as those who draw
now on the earth. “Iniquity,” that is, disloyalty or near to him with their mouths but their hearts are 1ar
lawlessness and perversion, “was not found in his removed from him ; whose wisdom and tradition shall
lips. ” Christ Jesus upheld the law of Jehovah. His perish. (Isa. 29: 13,ld) The Pharisees were of that
faithful apostles did likewise. The same must be true class of tcachcrs or clcrgymcn who followed tradition
today with regard to the faithful remnant who, in the and disregarded the commandments of God, and who
face of the cruel opposition by selfish “elective elders” were hypocrites. The rcligionists of this day are in the
and other opposers, such as the modern Pharisees, tho same class. They induce the people to believe that
strong-arm squad, magistrate courts and others, con- Christianity and religion are one and the same thing,
tinue the service. The faithful witnesses of Jehovah whereas “Christianity” means to observe and prac-
must and will continue to boldly declare God’s pur- tice the truths which Christ Jesus taught and which
pose, regardless of such opposition. They have been truths he received from Jehovah God; whereas “rc-
ligion ” means the observance and practice of that unanimous sentiments of the Fathers in reference to
which is taught by men contrary to the Word of God the subject of purgatory. . . . I would wish to place
and which emanates from the Devil. There is no such before you extended extracts from the writings of the
thing as “the Christian religion”. There is that which early Fathers of the Church bearing upon this sub-
is called “the Christian religion” ; but that is a misno- ject; but I must content myself with quoting a few
mcr. No Christian could be a religionist. The Pharisees of the most prominent lights of primitive Christian-
propounded this question to Jesus: “Why do thy dis- ity.” Then Cardinal Gibbons names and quotes from
ciples transgress the tradition of the elders? ” The the following so-called “fathers” of Christianity, to
answer of Jesus given plainly and directly to that wit, Tertullian, Eusebius, Cyril, Ephrem, Ambrose
question is conclusive proof that religion emanates and others, and adds: “You see that praying for the
from the Devil and the hidden purpose thereof is to dead . . . was . . . an act of religion preached and
bring reproach upon the name of Jehovah God. “But inculcated by all the great Doctors and Fathers of the
he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also trans- Church, who are the recognized expounders of the
gress the commandment of God by your tradition1 Christian religion.“-The Faith of Our Fathers,
For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and page 20s and following.
mother; and, He that curseth father or mother, let *I All the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Hier-
him die the death. But ye say, Whosoever shall say archy are based on the same authority, that is, the
to his father or his mother, It is a gift, $y whatsoever teachings of the men in the early days of that organi-
thou mightest be profited by me ; and honour not his zation and designated as “fathers in the church”, and
father or his mother, he shall be free. Thus have ye their doctrines are wholly unsupported by the Bible.
made the commandment of God of none effect by your In this respect the Pharisees and the Roman Catholic
tradition. Ye hypocrites ! well did Esaias prophesy Hierarchy teachers are exactly in the same position.
of you, saying, This people draweth nigh unto me with They disregard the commandments of God and pervert
their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips ; but the law and teachings of God and of Christ Jesus, in
their heart is far from me. But in vain they do wor- an effort to sustain the teachings of the early “fathers”.
ship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of **It is interesting to note here that the apostle
men.“-Matt. 15 : 3-9. Paul was once a Pharisee, but by the grace of the
*OThose Pharisees did not honor God their Father Lord he reformed and became a zealous preacher of
by their covenant, nor their “mother”, God’s organi- the truth. As a Pharisee Paul followed and taught,
zation; but for their own selfish reason and purpose as he stated, the Jewish “religion,” which was based
they taught exactly contrary to God’s commandment, upon the tradition of the fathers. After the Lord had
and for this Jesus denounced them as hypocrites. The made Paul an apostle, Paul wrote to the Galatians and
religionists of the present day do the same thing. The said: “ For ye have heard of my manner of life in time
teachings of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy are based past in the Jews’ religion, how that beyond measure
upon the teachings or traditions of men, and not upon I persecuted the church of God, and made havoc of it:
the Word of God. The well-known writers of the and I advanced in the Jews’ religion beyond many of
Catholic doctrines cite the tradition of the “fathers” mine own age among my countrymen, being more ex-
as authority for their doctrines and pervert the Scrip- ceedingly zealous for the traditions of my fathers.”
tures in an effort to sustain the teachings of tradition. -Gal. 1: 13,14, R.V.
In a book written and published by the late James *.sHere the apostle makes the clear distinction be-
Cardinal Gibbons, bearing the title The Faith of Our tween Christianity and the traditions of the fathers,
Fathrs, he relies chiefly upon the tradition of the which tradition was the basis for the Jewish religion.
“fathers” to sustain doctrines therein taught, and True Christianity is the Word of God, as taught by
which are held and taught by the Catholic Hierarchy. Christ Jesus; whereas religion is the tradition taught
Concerning the doctrine of “purgatory”, the doctrine by men. That the religion of the Pharisees or “Jews’
of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy which nets the great- religion” was a perversion of the truth, and hence
est amount of revenue to that organization of hypo- from the Devil, is further shown by the apostle’s
critical priests, Cardinal Gibbons says: “This inter- word, to wit : “Beware lest any man spoil you through
pretation is not mihe. It is the unanimous voice of the philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men,
Fathers of Christendom. And who are they that have after the rudiments of the world, and not after
removed the time-honored landmarks of Christian Christ. “-Cal. 2 : S.
faith by rejecting the doctrine of purgatory? They ** The Roman Catholic Hierarchy falsely claims that
are discontented churchmen impatient of the religious the apostle Peter was the first pope and that the popes
yoke. ” He further says: “The same motive which following thereafter are his truly divine successors;
you have for rejecting the opinion of an imorant poli- which doctrine is also supported only by the tradition
tician and embracing that of eminent jurists, on a of the fathers. Peter himself takes an exactly contrary
constitutional question, impels you to cast aside the position and shows that the teachings of the fathers
novelties of religious innovators and to follow the were vain and contrary to God’s Word: “linowi,lg

that ye were redeemed, not with corruptible things, vah’s witnesses, the true followers of Christ Jesus, and
with silver or gold, from your vain manner of life seek to bring about their death. Christ Jesus was in
handed down from your fathers.” (1 Pet. 1: lS, R.V.) complete disrepute and disgrace with the ancient
The apostle Peter there definitely states that the tra- Pharisees. The true followers of Christ Jesus today,
dition of the fathers was vain and contrary to God’s who are Jehovah’s witnesses, are in complete disrepute
Word. The Roman Catholic Hierarchy has followed and disgrace in the eyes of all rcligionists and all of
the same vain traditions. the Devil’s crowd. Thus the true and faithful servant
Is Concerning those who followed the tradition of class are privileged to sufler with Christ Jesus, even
their fathers and who taught and practiced the Jcw- as he suffered, and all who are the witnesses of Jcho-
ish religion, which clearly emanates from the Devil, it vah suffer together, all being in disgrace and disrepute
is written : “Jesus said unto them, If God were ycur and hated by the religionists becausethey proclaim the
Father, ye would love me; for I proceeded forth and name and kingdom of Jehovah God.
came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent Is In this connection, referring to the prophecy of
me. Why do ye not understand my speech? even be- Malachi 2: 6, it is clearly seen that Christ Jesus and
cause ye cannot hear my word. Yc are of your father his true followers speak the truth. The law of truth is
the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He in the mouth of Christ Jesus and his faithful follow-
was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in ers. Iniquity is not found in them; but the teachers
the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he of religion and all who oppose the kingdom message
speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, brand themselves as the enemies of God and of Christ.
and the father of it.“-John 8: 42-44. This specifically applies to the “evil servant” C&S,
‘6 The ancient Pharisees and the Roman Catholic who had full opportunity to know better and to take
Hierarchy teachers, who are the modern Pharisees, the right course, but which class has wholly failed to
are therefore clearly in the same class, and both are profit by what the Lord gave them.
anti-God and anti-kingdom. The Roman Catholic
Hierarchy falsely claims that that man-made Devil- DUTY OF THE PRIESTS
originated institution constitutes God’s kingdom, and 4BJehovah announced what is the duty of those
therefore the Hierarchy refuses to enter the kingdom who are in line for the kingdom and who are therefore
of God under Christ and uses all manner of methods of the priestly order. He directs his prophet to write :
to keep others out; and concerning such the Lord “For the priest’s lips should keep knowledge, and
Jesus says : “But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, they should seek the law [of Jehovah] at !lis mout!] :
hypocrites ! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven for he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts.” (Ma].
against men; for ye neither go in yourselves, neither 2 : 7) The remnant of Jehovah’s witnesses must keep
suffer ye them that are entering to go in.” (Natt. their lips continually, and at all times they must be
23: 13) The modern Pharisees, the Roman Cathoiic ready to speak when opportunity offers, and tell the
Hierarchy, use every possible means of wrongdoing truth of and concerning God and his kingdom. Jeho-
to proselyte or bring into their own organization, and vah instructed those who covenant to serve him, say-
under their control, all kinds of people ; and concern- ing : “And that ye may teach the children of Israel
ing this Jesus says : “Woe unto you, scribes and Phari- all the statutes which the Lord hath spoken unto them
sees,hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make by the hand of Moses.” (Lev. 10 : 11) This command-
one proselyte ; and when he is made, ye make him two- ment applies more emphatically to the antitypical
fold more the child of hell than yourselves. . . . priesthood. They must speak boldly the truth of God’s
Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye Word and against the perversion thereof. This they
are the children of them which killed the prophets. accomplish by spreading the knowledge of the truth
Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers. Ye ser- abroad in printed form; which they are doing now.
pents, ye generation of vipers ! how can ye escape the soFurther says the prophet: “And they [meaning
damnation of hell?“-Matt. 23 : 15,31-33. all who arc on Jehovah’s side] should seek the law
47Such thing as the “Christian religion” does not [of God, and not the traditions of men] at his mouth.”
and never did exist. The name “Christian religion” The priestly class must obey God’s law and must make
is a perversion and a defamation of the name of Jesus it known to others who will hear, because Jehovah
and of Jehovah God. Its teachings and practices of sends them forth as his messengersto declare his Word
formality are exactly contrary to the Word of God, and his name. As John the Baptist was the mcsscnqcr
and hence proceed from the Devil. Christianity is that of God sent forth to make announcement of God’s pur-
which is taught by Christ Jesus in full obedience to pose to send Christ .Jesus, so the remnant of God’s
the law and commandment of Almighty God. The priestly class are now sent forth to declare Jehovah,
ancient Pharisees persecuted Jesus unto death be- his King and his kingdom. John the Baptist was killed
cause he taught the truth of God’s Word. The modcm- because he declared God’s law to King IIerod and to
day Pharisees, the Roman Catholic Hierarchy and other practitioners of the Jewish religion. Hcrod was
allies who practice religion, likewise persecute Jcho- a proselyte to the Jewish religion and practiced t!lat

hypocritical formality. (Mark 6 : 14-29) Christ Jesus [for sacrifice] that which was tom, and the lame, and the
is the great Messenger of Jehovah, who prepared the a 15. Wherein have the unfaithful “priests” failed to obey
way before the Lord and then straightway appeared God’s commandment recorded at Ezekiel 44: 239 For what
at the temple. (Mal. 3: 1) For this reason Jesus re- purpose is the proper apphcation of these scriptures now
peatedly spoke of himself as the Messenger of Jehovah 1 lG-19. Why does Jehovah speak to and of the unfaithful
and spoke of Jehovah as “Him that sent me”. Christ “priests” as “the deceiver” and as ‘vowing, and sacrific-
ing unto him a corrupt thing’7 Account for the declaration
Jesus at the temple now sends forth the remnant, even then made, “For I am a great King,” “and my name is
as he declared concerning his disciples : “As thou hast dreadful among the heathen.” To whom is the command-
sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them ment at Psalm 96: 8-10 addressed. and with what resuonac?
7 20. Show the fitness of the stateme;t at Malachi 2: 1. *
into the world.” (John 17: 1s) “Then said Jesus to lI 21-23. Describe the situation foreshown in the prophecy
__ _ at
them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath verse 2.
sent me, even so send I you.” (John 20 : 21) The rem- 7 24. Apply the statement, “I will curse your blessings.” Ac-
count for the Lord’s then immediately declaring, “I have
nant are sent forth as the witnesses of Jehovah di- cursed them already.”
rectly under the command of the Lord Jesus Christ. q 25-37. ADD~V verse 3.
Christ Jesus has gathered his faithful followers into $ 23. Refei;i<g to verse 4: Who shall know, and horns Explain
the expression, “that my covenant might be with Levi.”
the temple, and in the secret place he informs them ; Point out the Derformnnce of that corenant. in the matter
and what they there receive they must go out and as recoIded: also the fulfillment thereof as ‘a Dronhecv.
7 29-31. What important instruction is seen at Gunibers 25:
proclaim openly and boldly. (Matt. 10 : 27) In so do- 11-13 in connection with Deuteronomy 33: I-1OP
ing, according to the commandments given them, the q 32. How does the course taken by Phmehas serve as an ex-
remnant come near to God, their Father, and to his ample to the antitypical pl’ests and Levltes?
7 33, 34. Why did Jehovah give the tribe of Levi the service
organization, their “mother”, and of which organi- of his holy tabernacle4 How does this foreshadow the anti-
zation Christ Jesus is Head and nest to the Father; typxnl Levites? Point out how Satan and his mimsters
and all this is done by Christ Jesus and his faithful have perverted the truth of God’s Word. What, then, 1s
the parpose of this prophecy7
followers in the name of and for the sake of the name 7 35-35. Apply the statement, (a) “The law of truth was m
of Jehovah. his mouth, and iniquity was not found m his bps.” (1~)
(To be continued) ‘(He walked wvlth me m Deace and eamtv. 1 “I and did turn
many away from iniquity.i’
7 39-41. With illustration, distmguish between religion and
QUESTIONS FOR STUDY Christianity. Compare the position taken by the Pharisees
a 1. What is now seen to be Jehovah ‘a purpose concerning his of Jesus’ day with that of the religlonists of the present
creatures in their relationship to him? To what extent has dav.
that purpose been discerned and appreciatedf sccount, in V 42-4s’. Show’ from statements by the apostles Paul and Peter,
this respect, for two classes manifest at the present time. and those of Jesus, that the religion of the Pharisees mas
7 2-7. What is meant by the declaration, ‘From the rising of entirely a perversion of the truth, and hence from the Derd.
the sun to the going down thereof, my name shall be great ‘? 7 46-48. Relate facts which show that the Roman Catholx Hxr-
To what extent has this had fulfillment? archy teachers are anti-God and anti-kingdom, having clcar-
7 8. By whom, and how, is there offered “in every place” ly taken the same course as the ancient Pharisees as stated
‘incense, and a pule ofcering, unto Jehovah’s name’? by Jesus in Matthew 23: 13 and 23: 15,31-33.
7 9,10. Relate the facts showing fulfillment of Malachi 1: 12. 7 49,sO. Apply the statement, (a) “The pxuxt ‘a lips should
Account for the condition of those to whom those prophetic keep knowledge. ” (b) “They should seek the law at his
words are addressed. mouth.” Compare the position and commmsion of the rem-
7 11-14. How have the unfaithful said, “Behold, what a weari- nant of Jehovah’s witnesses at the present tme with that
ness is it I ” and ‘ ( snuned at it ” 4 How have they “brought of John the Baptist and of Christ Jesus.


NE of the great benefits that will result to the represents the visible organization of God’s kingdom
people under the Lord’s government will be on earth. “Truth shall spring out of the earth; and
its administration for the general welfare of righteousness shall look down from heaven.” (Ps.
all. As an example: The radio belongs to God. He 85 : 11) God made the earth for man. (Isa. 45 : 12’1s)
provided it for man and brought it to light at the He put the electricity in the earth and around the
proper time to announce his kingdom. Now the selfish earth for the benefit of the general welfare of the peo-
interests would control the radio and use it entirely ple. That power that is in the waves of the sea belongs
for selfish purposes. God will see to it in his due time to the Lord, for “the earth is the Lord’s, and the ful-
that all the people shall hear the truth, and he will ness thereof”. (Ps. 24: 1) Use of the radio has been
use the radio as one of the means of informing them. brought to light for the general welfare of the peopie.
His lightnings will carry his truth and lead the people (Dan. 12: 4) The power of the ocean waves will oper-
in the right way. (Job 38: 35; I%. 43: 3) The Lord ate the great machines that have been invented, and
will judge the people with his truth, and therefore others that will be invented, and will produce the elec-
they must know the truth; and he will use his own tricity that will light all the homes, provide the heat
good way which he has provided, to bring the truth for fuel for all the homes and the power to operate all
to them. the ncccssary machines in the homes and upon the
“Earth,” as used in the Scriptures, symbolically farms. The people will pay a small and reasonable

tax merely to cover the necessary cost of operation, but (Prov. 14 : 28) In harmony with this, Jesus stated :
no one will be permitted to reap a selfish profit there- “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw
from, because none will be permitted to oppress or all men unto me. ” (John 12 : 32) With absolute cer-
hurt in all that holy kingdom. That will be one of the tainty we may know that under his righteous govem-
great benefits to the people.-Isa. 11: 9. ment the peoples’ interests will be protected and the
If a small percent of the taxes now paid by the benefits of that government will extend to all mankind.
people of the United States were used to build great The blessings which God promised to Israel if obc-
highways and improve the water-power, the country dient will be multiplied to all the nations of the earth.
would soon be wonderfully developed and there would -Deut. 15 : 4-10.
be no men hunting for work. Suppose a great highway It must be apparent to all sober-minded persons that
should be built from ocean to ocean; power lines in a country like the United States, where there is so
paralleling boulevards; in the center part provision great an abundance of material wealth, there must
made for railways or rapid transit ; on either side wide be something radically wrong when more than ten
boulevards for heavy motor trucks ; outside of this, million persons cannot find work by which they can
and adjoining on either side, wide boulevards for earn their bread. That unhappy condition is enhanced
pleasure cars ; and beside each of these, and on the when it is considered that at the same time millions
outside, footpaths for those who desire to walk; along of dollars daily change hands by those who gamble
the entire system of the highway, and at intervals of on the products and labors of others. The United States
every few miles, lodgings provided wherein the people is cited as an example becausethese things are actually
could find rest and comfort and food at a minimum going on and because without a doubt the United
cost. Such an arrangement would be a great benefit to States is the most favored land and government on
the people. The Lord will do that and much more. A11 earth. Under the righteous government of Jehovah
the wealth and all the power in the hand of the right- and his King all the people will have an opportunity
eous Ruler will be used for the general welfare. Then to work and will be required to work. Gambling in
there will be no men and women seeking employment stocks will not be permitted. Work is a blessing to man
that they might earn their bread. No heavy burdens and brings much pleasure when he can enjoy the fruits
will be laid upon anyone. Not only will the govern- of his work. Work becomes irksome and laborious
ment be operated for the general welfare, but the Lord when man toils under adverse conditions and then
will look down with righteousness upon the earth, and has his earnings unjustly taken away from him.
truth will spring forth from amongst the people. Under God’s government the people “shall not
“Truth shall spring out of the earth; and righteous- labour in vain, nor bring forth for trouble”. (Isa.
ness shall look down from heaven. Yea, the Lord shall 65: 23) They will all enjoy the fruits of their work.
give that which is good; and our land shall yield her Thorns and thistles have long encumbered the ground
increase. Righteousness shall go before him, and shall and made it difficult for man to obtain a good yield
set us in the way of his steps.“-I%. S5: 11-13. from the soil. The Lord will show man how to remove
The Lord’s government will carry on a great recon- these hindrances, that his crops may be raised in abun-
struction work for the general welfare of the people. dance.-Isa. 55 : 13.
He will restore the waste lands and make the places Famine has been one of the great enemies of man
that once were desolate blossom like the rose and bring under Satan’s reign. There will bc no famines when
forth in abundance. The people will feel secure in God’s government is in full sway in the earth. “Then
‘their property, in their lives, and in their liberties; shall the earth yield her increase; and God, even our
and all will learn to do right. own God, shall bless us. “-I%. 67 : 6.
When Solomon was king over the Jews his reign It is quite the rule obtaining in present evil govern-
was marked by great prosperity, contentment, and joy ments that those who govern do not suffer from famine,
among the people. Palestine is a small country, and at but have plenty. The prophet describes these: “And
that time there were many people in that land. God now we call the proud happy; yea, they that work
had promised Israel to bless them abundantly if they wickedness are set up; yea, they that tempt God are
would obey him, and under Solomon’s reign he was even delivered. “--RIal. 3 : 15.
doing it. (1 Ki. 4: 1, 20) The government of Solomon Conditions will be entirely different when the right-
foreshadowed the righteous government of God’s eous One has full sway and csercises it. Then the
righteous Son. Solomon’s rule therefore foreshadowed people will have plenty and will rejoice. ‘ ‘When the
the reality, that under Messiah’s rule there would be righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: hut
great prosperity, contentment and joy among the pco- when the wicked bcareth rule, the people mourn.”
ple. The ruler or governor brings honor upon himself, (Prov. 29 : 2) With the production and distribution
and properly so, when he looks to the general welfare of food and rniment carried on in justice and right-
of all the people. This rule is stated by the Lord: “In eousness the people will be contented and happy.
the multitude of people is the king’s honour: but in “And in this [government] shall the Lord of hosts
the want of people is the destruction of the prince.” make unto all people a feast of fat things, a feast of

wines on the lees, of fat things full of marrow, of God’s righteous government. There are many who are
wines on the lees well refined. “--Isa. 25 : 6. now literally blind and who are blind also to the truth.
The health of the people is of very great importance. “Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened” and
If all the people could have health, that would be a “the blind shall see out of obscurity”. (Isa. 35: 5;
great benefit to them. The present governments take 29: 1s) God would have these precious truths told to
some steps to safeguard the health of the public, but the people now, that they may gather strength there-
in so doing the people arc exploited. Many who claim from.-Isa. 35 : 3,4.
to serve the sick connive at making even the well sick Those who are obedient to the law of God are assured
that they may be able to reap pecuniary gain there- that they will receive strength, because “the way of
from. Foods are adulterated to such an extent that the Lord is strength to the upright”. (Prov. 10: 29)
much sickness results therefrom. The old, sick and decrepit man will grow strong if he
Under the Lord’s righteous government the people will hear and obey the righteous Ruler. The great
will be taught what is proper to eat and how to eat it; Interpreter of the truth and righteousness is God’s
they will be taught proper sanitary conditions, how Anointed One, Christ his King. He is the Messenger
to sleep and exercise, and no one will be permitted to that will bring truth and peace to the people at Jeho-
deceive them. They will be told the truth ; and know- vah’s command. All men will be brought to an exact
ing that they are receiving the truth, they will be en- knowledge of the truth, and particularly that truth
couraged and benefited and will progress rapidly. that Jehovah is God and that Jesus Christ gave his
God will cure the sick that they may remain well. He life that men might live. Then hearing and obeying the
says : “There shall be no more death, neither sorrow, truth, man will benefit thereby and will be restored to
nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain; for
the former things are passed away.” (Rev. 21: 4) the days of his youth. (Job 33: 25) By the mouth of
“And [then] the inhabitant shall not [any more] say, all his holy prophets God declared that under the
I am sick.“-Isa. 33: 24. righteous reign of his Beloved the King he will fully
Strength of mind and body will be another lasting bless with strength of human perfection all men who
bcncfit which the people will receive and enjoy under will obey him and his Christ, his Vindicator.


DEAR BROTHER RUTHERFORD: heaven! We are happy because the Greater Joshua is making
Ny heart is so filled with joy because of my experiences in a covenant of peace with them, which the great Jehovah ~11
tho service today (Sunday) that I must tell you; for I know respect and will preserve them alive in the day of his fierce
that your heart also ~11 be made happy. anger. It is my prayer that we may never lack courage to meet
I invited a Spamsh lady whom I met here, and who is read- them and to assist them in making therr covenant.
ing, to get into the charrot and go mith me today. There were I thank you, Brother Rutherford, for your example of un-
only a few houses in the Spanish settlement that I had not vvarerrnrr lovaltv and devotion. and, as an instrument in the
called on; so I drove there. She said, “No, no! Let us not hands 0-f our Tkachers, for pointing us to the many promises
work here. I lived rn this neighborhood. They are all Catholics that our God> nhom we serve, is able to deliver us and ~111
belonging to the Penitcnte branch. They hang some of their smite the enemy “from Gibeon even to Gazer”. May he speed
members on a cross from Good Friday until the following Sun- the day1
day. If they die, they pass immediately into heaven. If they Joyfully yours,
survive, they are reverenced as saints. They all hate me because M. CADY GILUAN, Yaoneer.
I quit the church, and it won’t do any good to go to them.”
I assured her that they must be given the nitness, mhether (Continued from page 16)
they hear or forbear. TENNESSEE VIRGINIA
The first witness resulted in leaving a Etches; the next, a Jackson WTJS Su 10:30am Harrisonb. WSVA Su 12 : 15pm
Riches and three booklets; the next, three booklets; the next, Su 12: 15pm Su 2:3Opm Su 2:30pm Su 4:43pm
a bound book; and so on. We made fourteen calls, placmg ten Knoxville WNOX Su 10 :3Oam Pctcrsb’g WPHR Su 8 :Xam
books and thirteen booklets, with twelve obtainers, and took Su 12 :55pm Su 9:43pm Su lO:%am No 7 :53am
orders from the. other two. Very few are now attending services, Memphis WREC Su 10:Ouam We 7:55am Fr 10 :15am
and my companion was truly astounded! Su 3:55pm Su 10 : 15pm Sa 7:55am
This afternoon we called on Spanish people with whom I Richmond WFLVA Su 12 : 15pm
had previously placed literature, giving them lectures on the TEXAS
portable. We found some reading their books, and they were WASHINGTON
Dallas WRR Su 9:30am Seattle KIRO Su 10.oljam
so glad for the lectures. The priest had warned them not to Su 4:OOpm Su 9:OOpm
buy the Bibles and books, and told them they should give their su 5:25Dm Su 9:OODm
El Paso KTSN Su 9 : loam Spokane * KGB Su 9 : 25am
money to the hospital fund1 He charges two dollars apiece for Su 1:ljpm Su G:30pm
baptizing their babies, and they realize they have been IL held Su 12 :30pm Su 5:25pm
Ft. Worth KTAT Su 10 : 15am Tacoma KVI Su 9 :30am
Su 3:OOpm Su 7:OOpm Su 2:OOpm Su 9:OOpm
or one, can see the great multitude coming, washing their Nidlnnd KIZLH Su 10:30am
robes, and beginning to wave their palm branches before Earth’s Su 1:30pm Su 5:15pm WEST VIRGINIA
New King. The Protestants, so called, are prejudiced and in- Pt.Artlmr KPAC Su 9:30am Huntington WSAZ Su 1 :OOpm
different. The Catholic Deople as a class are more hungry. Su 2:15pm Su 4:30pm Su 2:OOpm Su 3:OOpm
I surely am rejoicing ih the marvelous light from the temple. S.Antomo KNAC Su 7 :55am \Vheeling WVWVA Su 1O:OOam
The light concerning the Gibeonites thrrlls my soul; and words So 2:55pm Su 7:55pm Su 12 :30pm Su G:lOpm
fail to express the joy of heart to behold them coming m their
tattered and dust-c-oiered garments, therr vvine bottles empty, UTAH WISCONSIN
their bread moldy and stale, but asking for the bread from Salt L-City KSL Su 8:30am Madison WIBA Su 9 :30am
The good news of the kingdom of yehovah is broadcast each week or ofiener by these and other stationsat time shown.
[Curred local time IO shown Havana CMQ Su 5:45pm FLORIDA NEW JERSEY
In each instance.] Eastern Standard Time Lakeland WLAK Su 9 : 30am Asbury P. WCAP Su 12 :45pm
Also shortwave COCQ 974Okc Su 12 :30pm Su 5:OOpm Su 2:45pm Su 9:OOpm
ARGENTINA Spanish Su 5 :30pm Orlando WDBO Su 11 :OOam Camden WCAM Su 11 :OOam
BahiaBlanca LU2Su 11:30am Santa Cl’s CMHI Su 11:15am Su 12:30pm au 5:oopm Su 12 :15pm Su 3:15pm
BnenosAires LR2 Su 10:50am (1st and 3d Sundays) No 2:30pm We 2 : 30pm
Los Andes, San Juan Spanish Su 11 :OOam GEORGIA Newark WHBI Su 9 :25nm
LV5 Su 10 : 30am Spancsh Th 11: OOam Athens WTFI Su 9:25am Su 6:25pm Su 9:OOpm
(1st and 3d Thursdays) Su 11 :OOam Sa 7 :OOpm
Atlanta WATL Su 10 :5@am NEW YORK
Su 2:OOpm Su 9:25pm Brooklyn WBBR Su 9 : loam
&it&r WKEU Su 9 :40am Su 4:30pm Su -7:30pm
FIJI Radio Lyon Sa 6:50pm Su 2:45pm Su 4:3Opm Brooklyn WBBR Su 10 :15am
Suva VPD2 Fr 9 :OOpm French We 7 : 25pm Su ‘6:30pm Mo 10:30am
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NEW SOUTH WALES Hilo KHBC Su 10:OOam We 10:30am We 6:30pm
INDIA Th 10:30am Th 6:30pm
Alburg 2-AY TU 9:45pm Rangoon VUZLZ Su 12 :OOnu
Goulburn 2-GN Su 7:30pm IDAHO Fr 19:3Oam Fr 6:30pm
Grafton 2-GF Tu 7:30pm Boise KID0 Su 10:55am Buffalo WGR Su 10 :OOam
Gunnedah 2-MO Su 7:OOpm PARAGUAY Su 6:OOpm We 4:OOpm Su 10:45pm
New Castle 2-HD Su 10 :30am Asuncion ZPl Su 10 : 30am Buffalo WKBW Su 5:55om
Su 6:30pm Su 11:40pm ILLINOIS Freeport WGBB Su 10 : 25im
We 6:30pm Harrisb ‘g WEBQ Su 4 :45pm su 12 : 3Opm Su 5:55pm
SPAIN Su 6:45pm Su 9 : OOpm NewYork WBNX Su 5 : 30pm
Sydney 2-UE Su 9:OOam Nadrid EAQ We 7 : 15pm Tuseola
Su 4:25pm WDZ Su 9 : 35am White Pl. WFAS Su G: OOpm
W’gaW’ga 2-WGSu 7:45pm (Eastern Standard Time) Su 11:55am Su 1:50pm Tu 10:55am Sa 10:55am
Sa 7:15pm
Brisbane 4-BC Su 7 :30am C. Rapids WMT Su 10 : OOam Greensboro WBIG Su 10 : 30am
Cairns 4-CA Su 7 : OOpm URUGUAY
Su 12 : 15pm Su 9:55pm
Ipswich 4-IP Su 7:05pm OHIO
Su 7:25pm Su 7 :55pm bfontevideo CXlO Su 12:15pm MAINE Akron WJW Su 11:30am
(Radio International) Augusta WRDO Su 10 : OOam Su 3:25pm
Narybor ‘II 4-MB We 9:45pm
Townsviile 4-TO Su 9 : 15pm Su 1:15pm Su 5:OOpm Cleveland WHK% :1” i $$E
Banror WLBZ We 9 :55am Tu 1:45pm Th 1:45pm
UNITED STATES We 12:55pm We 5:lOpm Fr 1:45nm
Launceston 7-LA Su 5 :45pm ALABAMA Presque I. WAGM Su 9 :45am Columbus WBNS Su 7 :4&m
Birm’ham WAPI Su 10:15am Su 12:30pm Su 1:55pm Su 12 :30pm MO 3:15pm
VICTORIA Su 4:30pm We 5:15pm We 3 : 15pm Fr 3:15pm
Ballarat 3-BA Su 12 :45pm MARYLAND Columbus WCOL Sn 10 :OOam
Bendigo 3-BO Su 7 :OOpm ALASKA Baltimore WCBMSu 9 : OOam Th 2:30 m Sa 1:45pm
Hamilton 3-HA Su 6 :45pm Anchorage KFQD We 9 : 30am Su 12:15pm Su 6:15pm ‘;
Columbus VHKC Su 5 :25pm
Horsham 3-HS Su 7 :OOpm Ketchikan KGBU MO 7 : 15pm Frederick WFMD Su 10 : 30am bIo 1:55pm Tu 1:55pm
Su 8:OOpm Su 8:45pm Th 7:15pm Sa 7 :15pm Su 1:30pm Su 5:OOpm We 1:55pm Th 1:55pm
Melbourne 3-AK Su 2 : 15pm ARIZONA
Hagerst ‘n WJEJ Su 10 : 25am Fr 1:55pm
Su 10 : OOpm KCRJ Su 9 :25am Su 1:40pm Su 9:15pm
Swan Hill 3-SH Su 7 :15pm Jerome Su 12 :05pm Su 4:05pm
Tucson KGAR Su 9 :30am Boston WMEX Su 9 :25am Su 2:30pm No 4:55pm
WEST AUSTRALIA Su 12:55pm Su 5:45pm
Kalgoorlie 6-KG Su 7 : OOpm Su 4:lOpm Su 8:lOpm
Spanzsh Su 12 :40pm Boston WORL Su 10 : 05am OREGON
Northam B-AM Su 7: OOpm
Perth 6-NL Su 7 :OOpm ARKANSAS Su 2:05pm Su 3:05pm Portland KWJJ Su 10:45am
Hot Sp’gs KTHS Su 10:15am Su 4:15pm Su 9:OOpm
BELGIUM Bakersfield Easton
Kalamazoo WKZO Su 8 : 25am WEST Su 10 :25am
Wallonia-Bonne Espcrance WGXAI Su 10 : 30am Su 9:55am Su 10:55am Su 11: 55am su 9:25Dm
(201.7 m) We 7:OOam Su 1:15pm Su 7:OOpm Greensb’g WHJB Su 10:1&m
El Centro KXO Su 10:OOam F ‘rusFalls KGDE Su 10 : OOam
Su 12:15pm Su 6:45pm Pittshurgh RQV Su 10 :45am
&I 1:45pm Su 7:15pm
CANADA Oakland KROW Su 10 : OOam Nin ‘apolis WDGY Su 9 : 30am Prttsb’rrhWWSW Su 10:43am
Su 2:OOpm Su 7:OOpm Su 5uOOpm Su 9:OOpm
ALBERTA Su 2:OOpm We 5:30pm York WORK Su 12 :25pm
Calgary CFCN Su 5 :45pm Tu 9:OO:rm Tu 2:OOpm
Tu 11 :OOpm We 8:13pm Su 3:OOpm Su 6:2Jpm
Fr 9:30pm Sn 10:00pm Hattiesb’g WFOR Su 1 :OOpm SOUTH CAROLINA
Kelowna CKOV Su 1:45pm Su 3:3Upm Su 5:30pm Greenville WFBC Su 10:OOam
ONTARIO Col’o Spr. KVOR Su 10 :30nm Su 3:30pm Su 9:30pm
Cobalt CKMC Su 3 : 15pm MISSOURI Spxrt’h’g 1VSPA Su 10:31)am
Su 12:lBpm su 4:oopm
Hamilton CKOC Su 10 :OOam Durango KIUP Su 1:OOpm Columbia KFRU Su 10:30am Su 2:OOpm Su 4:4Opm
su 1:3op111 Su 8:66pm Su 1:30pm Su 2:45pm
Greeley KFKA MO 9 : BONO St. .Joscph KFEQ Su 1O:OO:rm SOUTH DAKOTA
Polish Su 6 :2Opm MO 1:OOpm No 6:23pm
(1st and 3d Sundays) Su 1:35pm Su 3:40pm Huron KGDY Su 9 : 25am
CONNECTICUT Su 12:30pm We 4:53pm
N.B&tngi~o~~BC Su 8:OOam NEBRASKA Pierre KGFX Su 10:6l~am
: Su 10:OOam Lincoln KFAB Su 9 : 30am Tu 4:Oopm Th 4:OOpm
Spanzsh MO 1: 15pm Washington WOL Su 10 :OOam Laeonia WLNH Su 10:30am Su 9:45am Su 4:36pm
Camaguey CNJF Su 11:45am Su 1:OOpm Su 6:30pm Su 3:15pm Su 7:lOpm (Continued on page 15)
117 Adams Street -
Brooklyn, N.Y., U.S.A. T HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling
the people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as
expressed in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction
specifically designed to aid Jehovah’s wrtnesses. It arranges
President W. E. VAN A?~BK~~E Secretary systematic Brble study for its readers and supphes other liter-
“And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and ature to aid in such studies. It publishes surtable material
for radio broadcasting and for other means of pubhc instruc-
+-eat shall be the peace of thy children.“- - Isaiah ~+L-I.J. tion ~11the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utter-
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH ances. It is entirely free and separate from all parties, sects
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, is from everlasting or other worldly orgamzatrons. It is wholly and without
to everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver reservation for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ
of life to his creatures; that the Logos was the beginning of his Beloved King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful
his creation and his active agent in the creation of all things; and critical examination of Its contents in tho light of the
that the Logos ie now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed Scriptures. It does not indulge in controversy, and its col-
with all power in heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive umns are not open to personalities.
Officer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION PRICE
man for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully $llI$ED STATES, $l.OO; CdNdnd dND ~IISCELLANEOUS FOIIEI~,
disobeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by GREAT BIIITXN AUSTR~LASI.~ AND YOUTII AFRICA
reason of Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and A&&an remittances should he made bv Es ress or Postal ,\ion$
Order, or by Dank Draft. Canndmn, Urltm P1, South African and
without the right to life. Australasian reuuttauces should be made dtrect to the respcctrve
branch o&es. Kemittances from countries other than tho,c men-
THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suf- tioned may be made to the Crooklyn omce, but by Intctnatkoiml
fered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive Postal Money Order only.
price for all mankind; that God raised up Jesus divine and
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every FOREIGN OFFICES
name and clothed him with all power and authority. British . . . . . . . . . 34 Craven Terrace, London, W. 2, England
Canadian . . . . . . 40 Irwin Avenue, Toronto 5, Ontnno, Canada
THAT JEHOVAH’S ORGANIZATION is called Zion, and Austialaa~an . . 7 Beresford Road, Strathtield, N. S. W., Austraha
that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the South Ajrican . , . . . . Boston IIouse, Cape Town, South Afrma
rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful Please address the Society in every ease.
followers of Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of
Jehovah’s organization, and are his witnesses whose duty and
rivilege it is to testify to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare (Trmulatimts oj this journal appear is several Zanguages.) purposes tow-ard mankind as expressed in the Bible, and
to bear the fruits of the kingdom before all who will hear.
THAT THE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ AR sincere students of the Rible who by reason of infirmity,
has been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authorrty, poverty or adversity are unable to pay the subscnptlon gllve
may have The Watchtoum tree upon nritten apglicarion to the
has ousted Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the publishers, made once each year, statm!: the ~ca\ou for so re-
establishment of God’s kingdom on earth. questtnq it. We are glad to thus am the needy, but the m~~tleu
application once each year is reqmred by the postal regulntlons.
THAT THE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth
can come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Notice to Subsmbe~s: Acknowledgment of a new or a renewal sub-
Christ which has now begun; that the Lord’s next great scription mill be sent only when requested. Change of nddre~s,
when rcqnestcd, may be expected to appear on addrr\u Inlwl within
act is the destruction of Satan’s organization and the estab- one month. A renewal blank (rarrpmq notice of e\-piration) will
lishment of righteousness in the earth, and that under the bo sent with the journal one month before the subscrlptlon esplres.
kingdom all those who will obey its righteous laws shall live Entered a8 Second Class Mail Matter at Brooklyn, N. I’.. Postofffce.
on earth forever. Act of Uarch 5, 1tXl

The date for the celebration to the name of Jehovah God This new booklet, of G-t pages, is self-covered. It bears an
and to the sacrifice of Christ Jesus in 1937 will be Friday, attractive cover desgn, in color, and also the title and legcn~l:
March 26, after six p.m. The book entitled Jehovah contains “PROTECTION from those who seek to hurt or destroy mc.
a detailed explanation of the Memorral. Carefully and prayer- Bow can I find it?” After readinK It, you ~111surely want to
distribute the booklet. Its release for general distribution null
fully study chapters two and three thereof. Then on the ?Uth be duly announced. Meantime you way procure a copy, or
day of March, after six p.m., let each company of the anointed copies, on a contribution of 6c each, and read up in preparation.
assemble and celebrate the Memorral. In doing so, use un-
leavened bread and real red wine. Unfermented grape julcse or
raisin juice will not meet the Scriptural rcquircments. The Lord YEAR BOOK FOR1937
and the apostles used real red wme, and we should follow their This is to announce the Socmty ‘s issuance of a now year book
lead. for use during 1937. It contains the comprchenslre report by
the president of the Society corermg the work accomphshed
duriug the service year 1933-1936 by Jehovah through his wrt-
nesses and their compnmons throughout the world. The infor-
“JEHOVAH OF HOSTS” mation included therein is most valuable, especially in view of
The testimony period a( Jeh,)vah of Iiosts ’ ’ embraces the nine the war now on with the rcligiomsts. There 1s also a brlcf drs-
days February 6.14, 1937. This midwinter campaign will Y~C- cussIon by the presnlcnt on the 1937 year text; ntld~tron:~lly a
ciabee on booklets, and all those on Jehovah’s side ~111olfer a text for each day of the gear togcthcr with an cubghtening and
1Oc combination consisting of two booklets with colorctl CO~W encouraging comment taken from The Vatchtocccr. In view
and the latest self-covered booklet. Let Jehovah’s people take of the special expense of pubhrhing such a limited edition as
this coming campaign to heart, faithfully makmg all due prt’p.
aration thorefor. Consult forthcoming issues of the lnfol /flu~lt that of the Pear Book a contrrbutlon is askcfl of JUc a copy.
for additional instrurtions. The “man with the inkhom” Please or&r now, sending remittance with order. Group3 wvlll
romptly reported the matter! and hkemise each one will report place individual orders with their local servant, so as to spare
L activitws and the results in this campargn. the Society much timo and expense m shippmg.
VOL. LVIII JANUARY 15, 1937 No. 2

“Ny covenant will Z not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips.“-Ps. 89: 34.

J EHOVAH is a covenant-keeping God. Having

given his word, he always performs his word.
“I have purposed it, I will also do it.” (Isa.
46 : 11) “My word . . . shall not return unto me
important and selfish ones not only went wrong them-
selves but “caused many to stumble in the law”.
(Leeser) This they did by teaching the traditions of
men and wrongfully giving the same as the interpre-
void ; but it shall accomplish that which I please.” tation of Jehovah’s law, and by assuming themselves
(Isa. 55 : 11) When a creature enters into a covenant to be teachers and interpreters of the Word of God,
with Jehovah, he must perform that covenant faith- and which wrongful interpretations in time caused
fully. Otherwise he does not receive God’s approval. many to become bewildered and lose confidence in the
All whom God approves must be dependable. One organization of the Lord on earth. By the teaching
who treats his covenant lightly is not dependable. A of “character development” and adulation and praise
covenant-breaker is contemptible in the sight of God of human leaders they dishonored God’s name and
and is worthy of death. (Rom. 1: 31,32) The course callsed many to becomediscouraged, becausesuch dis-
of religionists is therefore foolish and disastrous. Those couraged ones saw that they must fail in character
who follow religionists are walking the broad way of development, that is, in bringing themselves to the
destruction. point of perfection while in the flesh. They were con-
1 According to his covenant with Levi Jehovah took stantly reminded of their imperfections and their in-
the priests from that tribe. The Levites pictured those ability to make themselves perfect. The self-exalted
in line -for the royal house of Jehovah. Some of the and very pious ones held themselves out as perfect
Levitical priesthood were faithful, and some of them, patterns and tried to draw away after them follow-
moved by selfishness,were unfaithful. The sameis true ers, and this they did for their own aggrandizement
with the antitypical Levites, both priests and servants. and adulation. Doing that and otherwise working
Having stated what he required of the priests, Jehovah iniquity, it was needful for Christ Jesus to ‘send forth
then addresses the unfaithful and to them he says: his angels and gather out of his kingdom those offend-
“But ye are departed out of the way; ye have caused ers and workers of iniquity’. (Matt. 13: 41) Many
many to stumble at the law: ye have corrupted the have wondered why there should be such a division
covenant of Levi, saith the Lord of hosts.“--I\Ial. 2: 8. between various companies claiming to be in present
8 Jehovah had previously told the priests that they truth. The Scriptures make it clear that from the
had not given honor to his name. On the contrary, time of the temple judgment the faithful and unfaith-
they had dishonored his name, and Jehovah said to ful priestly class must be separated, in spirit, if not
them: “0 priests, that despise my name.” (Mal. 1: 6) entirely in person.
They had departed and gone out of the way by offer- 4 The unfaithful became covenant-breakers, and
ing imperfect sacrifices unto the Lord. The antitypical hence Jehovah says : “Ye have corrupted the cove-
priesthood must offer “the sacrifice of praise to God nant.” Thus it was with natural Israel, and even so
[not to men] continually”. (Heb. 13: 15) When the it has been and is with spiritual Israel. An example
Lord Jesus appeared at the temple, there were those of natural Israel is found in this, that “one of the
in line for the kingdom, and thercforc of the priestly sons of Joiada, the son of Eliashib the high priest,
order, who were guilty of going out of the way and ‘was son in law to Sanballat the Horonite” and was
offering unto the Lord imperfect sacrifices. In fact unfaithful; and Nehemiah chased him away; con-
practically all in the year 1917 were more or less con- cerning which Nchcmiah said: “Remember them, 0
taminated and God was angry with them. They were my God, becausethey have defiled the priesthood, and
somewhat excusable, however, because of their igno- the covenant of the priesthood, and of the Levitcs.”
rance and of the erroneous teachings which they had -Neh. 13 : 28,29.
received. Many never did get into the right way, even 5 No man can serve two masters. One cannot be
after they were informed by the Lord. The self- faithful to the Lord and in any manner compromise

with the Devil and the Devil’s organization. Some of ones occupy too high a position in their own estima-
the antitypical priesthood, spiritual Israelites, at- tion to perform what is thus called by them “menial
tempted to satisfy worldly demands and at the same service ’ ‘. Those “elective elder” and self-important
time to please and serve Jehovah God. That was com- ones try to soften down the law of God, or put on the
promising with the world. Using their position in God’s soft pedal, in order to appear not to be too hard on the
organization in selfishly gaining personal advancement clergy and others who practice religion, such as poli-
constituted unfaithfulness. Those selfish ones have ticians, who use religion to accomplish their selfish
assumed to hold the truth for their own selfish pur- purpose. When the law of God comes in conflict with
pose and private enjoyment and have failed and re- the law of the land made by men, the unfaithful have
fused to carry the truth to others, and they oppose bowed down to the human rulers on earth, claiming
those who do faithfully carry the truth to hungry such human rulers to be “the higher powers”, and
souls. The unfaithful fear men and try to please men, have let that be their excuse for declining to carry
and such makes them covenant-breakers. Continuing the message of the kingdom from house to house in
to pretend to serve the Lord, they bring blind and obedience to the commandment or law of God. They
otherwise blemished sacrifices unto the Lord. Thereby have also tried to retain their high and honorable
they dishonor the name of Jehovah. positions amongst the consecrated in order that they
e The disobedient include those who becauseof their might lord it over others and appear to be wise and
disobedience are placed in the “evil servant” class at mighty, rather than submit to the rule of the Lord.
the judgment beginning at the temple, and also those They have murmured and complained against the
of the “elective elder” class who refuse to heed the action taken by God’s visible organization, and re-
warning of the Lord. To such Jehovah by his prophet fused to conform themselves to the law of his organi-
says : “Therefore have I also made you contemptible zation.-Jude 16.
and base before all the people, according as ye have *Those of the “elective elder” spirit have insisted
not kept my ways, but have been partial in the law.” on following their own selfish ways and have there-
(Mal. 2 : 9) Jehovah caused Christ Jesus to cleanse fore opposed the united witness work of God’s people
his sanctuary and thus to make the unfaithful on the earth. The prophet now, in behalf of the faith-
“priests” and corrupters of the covenant of Levi to ful, addresses his words to those objectors and mur-
be viewed from God’s standpoint with contempt and murers and says: “Have we not all one father? hat11
likewise viewed with contempt by all persons who have not one God created us? why do we deal treacherously
the spirit of the Lord God and who faithfully serve every man against his brother, by profaning the cove-
him. God does not use the unfaithful “priests” in nant of our fathers?” (Mal. 2: 10) Otherwise stated,
his service, but he does get his truth to his faithful these faithful ask : “Have we not all made a covenant
covenant people, and to all of good will, in spite of the to do the will of God ? and that being true, why shou!d
stubborn and unfaithful ones who oppose the proc- there be any division amongst us? Why not all be
lamation of the truth. The faithful Jehovah names obedient and work together? Why should there be
as his witnesses; and to the Lord Jesus, his gr(at opposition and treacherous dealing amongst those who
Servant, he commits all “his goods”, meaning all his profess to be the followers of Christ Jesus?” The
kingdom interests. Jehovah further says to the un- Scriptures show that Abraham was used as a reprc-
faithful : “Ye shall leave your name for a curse unto scntative of Jehovah in the great prophetic drama dis-
my chosen [servants] : for the Lord God shall slay closing God’s purpose, and that Abraham stood as the
thee, and [honor] his [chosen and faithful] servants father of all of the members of the body of Christ ;
by another name.” (Isa. 65 : 15) From the slothful hence the faithful remnant now on earth are of the
and unfaithful servant ‘the talents’ are taken away “seed of Abraham” according to the promise. To them
and given to the faithful. (Matt. 25: 2S,29) “For the apostle says : “If ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abra-
them that honour me I will honour, and they that de- ham’s seed,and heirs according to the promise.” (Gal.
spise me shall be lightly esteemed.” (1 Sam. 2: 30) 3 : 29) Among such there must be no partiality shown,
The Lord makes manifest the unfaithful of the priestly because all are brethren and all on a common level:
class and the faithful ones, using the latter to carry “But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master,
forward his purpose. even Christ ; and all ye are brethren.“-Matt. 23 : 8.
’ The self-important ones of the priestly class, says v Each one of the antitypical Lcvitcs is therefore
the Lord, “have been partial in the law.” They have a new creature in Christ Jesus, and hence all are fel-
“had respect of persons”. (E.$‘.) The self-important low servants. They should all stand together and wor!r
and negligent “elective elder” class have said and harmoniously together to the glory of Jehovah’s name,
say, ‘The law or rule of the Lord requiring witnesses and not in dealing treacherously with his brethren.
to go from house to house may apply to the ordinary The faithful arc pictured by Jacob, and concerning
members of God’s people, but that said law or rule them it is written: “But now thus saith the Lord that
does not apply to the “elective elder” class or “chief created thee, 0 Jacob, and he that formed thee, 0 Isra-
elders” in the congregation.’ Such self-important cl, Fear not; for I have redeemed thee, I have called

thee by thy name; thou art mine. . . . Even every one his witnesses called out for his name, must be separate
that is called by my name; for I have created him for and apart from the world and must refuse to compro-
my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him. mise with worldly organizations or to have anything
. . . Ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord, and my serv- in common with any part of the worldly organizations.
ant whom I have chosen.“--Isa. 43 : l-10. Faithfulness and dependability is required of those
lo All of the servant class are equal members of one whom Jehovah approves. If one is hot dependable,
organization, which is Jehovah’s capital organization, is careless and indifferent, or opposesthe united action
with Christ Jesus as head; and this is especially true of Jehovah’s organization in giving witness to the
since Zion gave birth to the nation and has brought kingdom, such is evidence that he is not of the temple
forth her other children. (Isa. 66: 7, S) These facts company.
the faithful calI to the attention of the hinderers and I3 Particularly during the period when Christ Jesus
ask: ‘Why, then, should any among us deal treacher- was preparing the way before Jehovah there was
ously? Why profane the covenant of our Father 1’ brought forth a people who covenanted to devote
Even to this day there are those in some of the local themselves to God and to his unqualified praise. Such
companies who insist on strife and are constantly fo- people were pictured by Judah for the reason that the
menting trouble amongst the company, and thereby name “Judah” means “Praise to Jehovah”. The rem-
they show that they are not at unity but are disturbers nant of Israel delivered from Babylon was made up
of God’s people; and this is proof that they are not from the tribes of Judah and Levi, foreshadowing
in the temple. The same question above propounded those who stood before the Lord at the beginning of
may be properly asked of all such now. It is the selfish the temple judgment. Now, says the prophet : “Judah
ones who fight against their brethren, insisting on hav- hath dealt treacherously, and an abomination is com-
ing their own way. They fail to heed the admonition mitted in Israel and in Jerusalem; for Judah hat11
of the apostle to stand shoulder to shoulder and fight profaned the holiness of the Lord which he loved, and
for the gospel of the kingdom and against the common hath married the daughter of a strange god.“-Mal.
enemy. They are out of harmony and not at unity. 2: 11.
(Phil. 1: 27; Eph. 4: 1-4) In every company where I4 The self-important and selfish ones of the Judah
there are disputes and where there is strife, let each class “dealt treacherously”, in this, that they did not
one solemnly inquire of himself as to his own heart hold strictly to the covenant and to Jehovah’s organi-
condition and search himself to see whether or not he zation and keep themselves separate from Satan’s or-
is for peace and unity; and if he is not for peace and ganization. They broke their covenant and committed
unity, that is positive evidence that he is not of the abominations amongst the chosen people of God. In
temple company. Those who are truly devoted to the this text of Malachi 2 : 11 “Israel” representatively
Lord and are of the temple will earnestly endeavor stands for those taken out as a people for Jehovah’s
to get onin peace and to avoid strife and controversy name. Jerusalem’s being the capital city of God’s
amongst themselves and to maintain the unity of the temple shows that all who stood before the Lord at
body of Christ. the beginning of the temple judgment were in some
I1 The fathers in Israel, that is, Abraham, Isaac and measure guilty of coming short of keeping their co~c-
Jacob, were consistently against intermarriage, be- nant. These had been brought out of the world for the
cause God had so commanded. (Gen. 12 : 1-5 ; 24 : l-7) temple of God, and their compromising with Satan’s
This position concerning intermarriage with the hea- organization and giving adulation to creatures was
then foreshadows that spiritual Israelites must be a against their covenant, and it was a serious matter.
people separate and distinct from the world and must “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that
keep themselves aloof from and therefore unsullied by the spirit of God dwcllcth in you ? If any man defile
the world. The covenant inaugurated at JIount Sinai the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the
included the “covenant of Levi” and applied to all temple of God is holy, which temple ye arc.“-1 Cor.
Israel, and the purpose thereof was to bring forth a 3 : 16,17.
pure and undefiled people for Jehovah’s name, and l3 Those who were called out to be of the temple
for that reason the law of God forbade intermarriage company, and at the same time mixing with and com-
with the heathen. “Lest thou make a ‘covenant with promising with the world, were thereby profaning
the inhabitants of the land, and they go a whoring the temple. Says the prophet concerning Judah:
after their gods, and do sacrifice unto their gods, and “Hath married the daughter of a strange [foreign
one call thee, and thoh eat of his sacrifice: and thou (A.R.V.) ] god.” This means the god of this world,
take of their daughters unto thy sons, and their Satan, whose “daughter”, that is, his organization
daughters go a whoring after their gods, and make created on earth, is a stranger and against God. The
thy sons go a whoring after their gods.“-Ex. 34 : 15, 16. mixing up with religionists and following their for-
l1 The covenant made at Moab likewise declared malism, while claiming to be the servants of God, is
against such intermarriage. (Deut. 7 : 1-4) This shows profaning his name. Unity with this crowd is marr:--
that the people chosen for Jehovah’s name, that is, ing the strange or foreign god against God’s covenant.

The strange marriage of natural Israel pictured this crookedness before the Lord. But God cannot be de-
unholy relationship that the consecrated had with the ceived. Religious ceremonies do not count for anything
religious organizations of the world. There is nothing with the Lord. With natural Israel this was tried and
in common between God’s organization and Satan’s failed in Zechariah’s time. (See Preparation, page
organization, as Jesus said: “My kingdom is not CJf 107.) After the remnant of the covenant people of
this world. ” “The prince of this world . . . hath God were brought back in 1919 various ones tried to
nothing in me [with me] .” (John 18 : 36 ; 14: 30) carry on in the same manner as before the captivity
Any union of the antitypical Levites, that is, God’s that took place in the years previous. They continued
covenanted and consecrated people, with Satan’s or- to look wise and pious and to go right on with the so-
ganization constitutes a violation of their covenant, called “character development” and religious cere-
because there is no concord or unity of God’s organi- moniousness, and with great mourning at the memo-
zation with that of the enemy. (2 Cor. 6 : 14-17) rial time of the death of an earthly leader, and with
There must be a cleaning or a cleansing work done tenaciously holding to a human teacher, and with soft-
amongst the consecrated in order that the approved pedaling and pussyfooting before political rulers, that
ones might be qualified to serve the Lord in a manner they might appear to be exemplary persons. All this
pleasing to him. they did, neglecting God’s instruction given by Christ
le When the cleansing work began, those who failed Jesus at the temple, and thus they acted in utter dis-
or refused to “come clean” were completely rejected regard of the necessity of bringing forth the fruits
by the Lord, and concerning such it is written: “The of the kingdom. The Lord emphatically declares that
Lord will cut off the man that doeth this, the master such hypocritical offerings are displeasing to him, and
and the scholar, out of the tabernacles of Jacob, and concerning such he says: “I have no pleasure in you,
him that offereth an offering unto the Lord of hosts.” saith the Lord of hosts, neither will I accept an offer-
(Mal. 2 : 12) It is written and declared that judgment ing at your hand. ” (Mal. 1: 10) Such ultra-pious-
is against both “teacher and scholar”. (Leeser, mar- appearing ones were not doing the will of God, but
gin) There are those who have set themselves up as were proceeding in an unlawful manner, deceiving
spiritual watchers and instructors over others, and themselves and deceiving others. At this point it might
those who lean upon and look to such human teachers be well said that obedience is better than sacrifice.
or leaders and who thus lean upon the arm of flesh. Those who were disobedient do not have Jehovah’s
There are those who assume to be teachers, even after favor. The faithful and dependable ones do receive
the Lord has made it plainly to appear, since coming the favor of the Lord.
to the temple, that the teachers are God and Christ. l8 Here it seemsagain appropriate to call attention
There are those who look to and lean upon such pre- to those who have taken another extreme course. The
sumptuous human teachers and continue to follow Watchtower on several occasions has mentioned that
after them. It is certain from God’s declaration above so-called “character development”, as that was em-
quoted that none of these shall abide in his organiza- phasized during the Elijah period, will never bring
tion. In this text of the prophecy “Jacob” stands for one to perfection and fit him for the kingdom, but that
all the ones called and chosen, and who are in line for God requires more, that is, faithful obedience to his
the kingdom. Therefore to be ‘cut off from Jacob’s commandments. Unselfish devotion to God, which is
tents’ (R.V.) means to be entirely separated from love for God, is the principal thing. “If ye love me,
God’s organization and pushed out or driven out into keep my commandments.” (John 14: 15) Without any
the world as unclean and as unfit for the Lord. The reason or justification some have seized upon the state-
Levite shown in the prophecy as “him that offereth ments made in The Watchtower concerning “character
an offering unto the Lord of hosts” means those who development” as an excuse for indulging in loose
are an abomination in his sight. The great Judge at conduct. Such is entirely wrong. While one cannot
the temple gathers out such and thrusts them away develop a character and ever bring himself to per-
from him, as foreshadowed in the action of Nehemiah. fection, and by this means alone qualify himself for
-Neh. 13 : 28-31. the kingdom, yet he must strictly obey the command-
17Some in line for the kingdom have thought to ments of the Lord and do his very best to walk per-
play the hypocrite and to get away with it. They have fectly with God. For the benefit of those in line for
deceived themselves and deceived other creatures, and the kingdom it is written: “Be not ye therefore par-
to such the Lord in this prophecy says: “And this takers with them. For ye were sometimes darkness,
have ye done again, covering the altar of the Lord but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of
with tears, with weeping, and with crying out, inso- light; (for the fruit of the spirit is in all goodness
much that he regardeth not the offering any more, or and righteousness and truth ;) proving what is accept-
receiveth it with good will at your hand.” (Mal. 2 : 13) able unto the Lord. And have no fellowship with
On certain occasions those deceivers have attcmped to the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove
appear very pious and very sorrowful and have shed them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things
many crocodile tears, expecting these to clear up their which are done of them in secret. See then that ye

walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeem- thereby they ‘turn the stranger from his right’, that
ing the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be is, those of the Jonadabs, from hearing the truth and
ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the participating in the proclamation thereof. These com-
Lord is. And be not drunk with wine, wherein is ex- plainers object to the remnant’s using the sound equip-
cess; but be filled with the spirit.” (Eph. 5: 7-12, ment to announce the kingdom. They cite and quote
15-18) “For, brethren, ye have been called unto lib- in support of their objection the words of the prophet :
erty ; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, “He shall not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his voice to
but by love serve one another. For all the law is ful- be heard in the street.” (Isa. 42: 2) Then they say
filled in one word, even in this, Thou shalt love thy to the people of good will: “How do Jehovah’s wit-
neighbour as thyself. But if ye bite and devour one nessesexplain that prophecy and get around it 1” The
another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of above text from Isaiah’s prophecy cannot be properly
another. This I say then, Walk in the spirit, and ye construed as meaning that the servant of the Lord
shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. For the flesh cannot speak the kingdom message in the street. Sa-
lusteth against the spirit, and the spirit against the tan’s agents, with great self-display to attract attcn-
flesh : and these are contrary the one to the other: so tion to themselves, make a great noise about the adora-
that ye cannot do the things that ye would. But if tion and worship of creatures, and much display be-
ye be led of the spirit, ye are not under the law. Now fore the people, such as the Roman Catholic Hierarc!ly
the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these: and other religionists do, to call attention to them-
Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, selves and to their organization. It is properly said
idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, of them that they “rage in the streets”. (Nah. 2: 4 ’
wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, 3: 1,2) God’s people are not permitted to attract at-
drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which tention to themselves to advertise themselves, as do
I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, Satan’s agents. Jehovah, by his prophet, says of his
that they which do such things shall not inherit the servant : “He shall not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his
kingdom of God. But the fruit of the spirit is love, voice to be heard in the street.” Manifestly this text
joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, means that the work of God’s servant is to be done
meekness, tcmpcrance: against such there is no law. with modesty and consistently, and always for the
And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh purpose of attracting attention to Jehovah and his
with the affections and lusts. If we live in the spirit, kingdom, and never for the purpose of attracting
let us also walk in the spirit. Let us not be desirous attention to creatures. Jehovah’s witnesses must ad-
of vainglory, provoking one another, envying one an- vertise the King and the kingdom and not individuals.
other.” (Gal. 5: 13-26) During the Elijah period the The witnesses of the Lord must honor their Father,
church received much instruction concerning the Jehovah, and their “mother”, his organization, and
right course of living. Now there must be added to not honor men. This is the very thing they do by giv-
that a full obedience to the law of God in bearing the ing proclamation to the kingdom messageby means of
fruits of the kingdom before the world as he has com- sound equipment, thus calling the attention of the
manded. people to the great Jehovah God and to his King, and
I9 The temple jud,ment must be adverse to those by telling the people how they may learn the only
unfaithful and who break their covenant, and this re- way to life and happiness. A man who goes into the
gardless of how pious they may appear to be or how street or public place, dressed in a long robe, and cov-
much they claim to bc servants of God. Jehovah God ered with gold lace, and wears a Dagon hat, and is
does not accept the offering of such deccivcrs, and these proccedcd and followed by a blare of trumpets, mani-
ask the question as to why he does not receive their festly is thus doing to advertise a hypocritical and
sacrifice or offering ; and the Lord answers them: blasphemous organization, and not to advertise the
“Yet ye say, Wherefore8 Because the Lord hath been kingdom. Everyone knows that the religious organi-
witness between thee and the wife of thy youth, zations do these very things to attract attention to
against whom thou host dealt treacherously: yet is themselves and to extol the name of man. Jehova:l’s
she thy companion, and the wife of thy covenant.” witnesses are never heard to extol the name of any
-Mal. 2 : 14. man, but arc always calling attention to the k’irlg
*OThose unfaithful “priests” have asked, and con- eternal, and his kingdom, as the only hope of the worid.
tinue to ask, the foregoing question. They complain This they do in obedience to the commandment of the
against the WATCH TOWERand its progressive activity Lord : ‘“What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in
in declaring the name of Jehovah, and wonder why light; and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye
their own offerings of u!trapiousncss and inactivity upon the housetops [public places].” (Matt. 10: 27)
cannot be just as acceptable as going from house to If Jehovah’s witnesses arc doing contrary to God’s
house and proclaiming the messageof the truth. The commandments, why not let the Lord judge them?
unfaithful “priests” attempt to hinder the worthy Since they are doing this in obedience to his command-
work of carrying the messageof truth to others, and ments, they arc doing exactly right. The Roma:l Cath-

olic Hierarchy and their allies, the “evil servant” Says the prophet Malachi: “And did not he make
class, attempt to judge Jehovah’s witnesses adversely one? Yet had he the residue of the spirit. And where-
and to punish them under the laws of Satan’s world, fore one’? That he might seek a godly seed. Therefore
and to do this for the reason that such opposers do take heed to your spirit, and let none deal treacher-
not want the messageof truth to be heard. In doing ously against the wife of his youth. “-BIal. 2 : 15.
the work that the remnant are now doing they are z5Out of the nation of natural Israel there came
subjected to all manner of abuse and are despised be- only a “residue” or remnant that had the spirit of
cause of the name of the Lord, and they are glad to the Lord and showed faith in and obedience to him.
be made of no reputation and called the offscourings Out of the many who have covenanted to be the peo-
of the world, because they do honor and serve the ple of God as followers of Christ Jesus there has come
Lord. Christ Jesus suffered for a like reason, and all only a remnant, and that remnant is made manifest
the members of his body suffer as he suffered. In with the beginning of the temple judgment. The faith-
brief, then, the words of the prophet here mean that ful in itlalachi’s day pictured the faithful spiritual
His servant shall not advertise himself in the streets, Israelites, particularly the remnant now on the earth.
but shall advertise God’s kingdom and his King to the (Rom. 11: l-5 ; Isa. 10 : 20,21; 11: 11,16) This qucs-
honor and glory of Jehovah and his organization, and tion is propounded in the prophecy : “And wherefore
do so in public places. one’l” What was God’s purpose in making of Israel
p1Jehovah then declares through his prophet that only one nation without adulteration or heathen mix-
he has been a witness of the treacherous conduct of ture? Was it because the Jews were of a different
the unfaithful “priests” toward “the wife of thy blood-stream than those of the heathen and God did
youth”. In this prophecy “the wife of thy youth” not want their blood-stream contaminated! That was
stands for God’s organization, Zion. In the early days, not the reason. God made all nations of one blood.
or ‘ ‘ youth ’ ‘, of the church the apostles and their (Acts 1’7: 26) It was because Jehovah was foretelling
faithful co-workers were inseparably wedded and his purpose to make one godly seed. This prophecy of
united to Jehovah’s organization under Christ, the Malachi therefore answers the question: “That he
Head thereof : “Wherefore, my brethren, ye also are might seek a godly seed,,, or, “a seed of God” (nzar-
become dead to the law by the body of Christ; that gin). This seed here mentioned by the prophet refers
ye should be married to another, even to him who is not to Christ, who is the real seed according to the
raised from the dead, that we should bring forth fruit promise, but foreshadowed that seed. The covenant
unto God.“-Ram. 7 : 4. made in Egypt, and confirmed at Mount Sinai and
** For many years Jehovah has been a witness of the which was pictured by IIagar, bound natural Israel
treachery against God’s organization under Christ firmly to God’s typical organization. God did not
Jesus by a class of men who have professed to be the recognize Hagar as Abraham’s wife. Sarah was his
followers of Christ Jesus but who have played with real wife, and her son Isaac pictured the real seed.
and connived with Satan’s organization, Babyion. The Israelites were not to mix or intermarry with the
The Watchtower has repeatedly called attention to heathen nations, lest the ungodliness of such heathen
this, and for that reason The Watcl~tower has been nations would corrupt the Israelites. The typical
subjected to much opposition and cruel criticism. Then “godly seed” n-as therefore preserved from ungodly
says the Lord to those unfaithful “priests”: “Yet is mixture. That foreshadowed that the real godly seed
she thy companion.” The word “companion” here must be entirely fret and separate from the world,
used means “one who is joined”. It is different from which is Satan’s organization. Consequently it is
the word “companions” used in Psalm 45: 14. written in the prophecy: “Therefore take heed to
*aJehovah did not accept the child of Abraham by your spirit.” And why was that admonition given?
Hagar as the promised seed. Jehovah made just one That the spirit of the godly seed be not spoiled by
woman, the faithful Sarah, to bear the typical seed. mixing with the spirit of the world or heathen. The
“Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises real seed must have the spirit of entire devotion to
niade. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but Jehovah and his organization. There must be no union
as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.” (Gal. with any part of Satan’s organization. To taint or to
3: 16) “But he who was of the bondwoman was born lose that spirit would cause one to bc entirely unfit to
after the flesh ; but he of the freewoman was by prom- be of the real “godly seed”. That is a great calamity
ise; Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children to the creature.
of promise.“-Gal. 4 : 23,28. *OThe mixing with Satan’s organization and im-
2’ Jehovah was picturing one pure and holy nation bibing the spirit thereof is treacherous dealing. Jeho-
that he would bring forth. That nation must be in vah by his prophet therefore says to those who have
complete unity in the worship of Almighty God. Thcrc covenanted to do his will: “Let none deal treachcr-
were twelve tribes in natural Israel, and yet there was ously against the wife of his youth,” that is, against
but ‘one nation’. Thus were pictured the spiritual Zion, which is God’s organization, and to which the
Israelites composed of many, yet forming but one. priestly class are united or joined. And why not 1 Be-

cause, as it is written, “evil communications corrupt know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity
good manners,” or, “evil companionships corrupt with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the
good morals.” (a&v.) “Vicious intercourse cor- world is the enemy of God.“-Jas. 4: 4.
rupts virtuous habits.” (Diag.) (1 Cor. 15 : 33 ; Prov. aoAll religionists are, as such, an unclean class, be-
13: 20) Fools are those who say by their course of cause they have a form of godliness but deny his pow-
conduct, “There is no God”; and to go along with er, draw near to him with their mouths, but their
them leads to disaster. Nehemiah, the servant of God, hearts are far removed from him, and they make them-
caused the Israelites to take an oath that they would selves a part of the world, which is Satan’s organi-
not intermarry with the heathen: “And I contended zation. Likewise, those once in line for the kingdom
with them, and cursed them, and smote certain of them, who become unfaithful corrupt themselves by pur-
and plucked off their hair, and made them swear by suing an unlawful course. “They have corrupted
God, saying, Ye shall not give your daughters unto themselves ; their spot is not the spot of his children;
their sons, nor take their daughters unto your sons, they are a perverse and crooked generation. Do ye thus
or for yourselves. Did not Solomon king of Israel sin requite the Lord, 0 foolish people and unwise? is not
by these things? yet among many nations was there no he thy father that hath bought thee? hath he not made
king like him, who was beloved of his God, and God thee, and established thee?” (Deut. 32 : 5,6) The
made him king over all Israel: nevertheless, even him practitioners of religion therefore could not have
did outlandish women cause to sin.“Neh. 13 : 25,26. God’s favor.
*’ There are but two organizations: the one right- 81When one divorces himself or withdraws himself
eous, which is God’s, and the other wicked, which is from God’s organization he identifies himself as a
Sntan’s. One who has been joined to God’s organiza- violent creature, for the reason, he does violence to
tion, and who then forsakes that organization, auto- his vows of faithfulness and obedience. To such Je-
matically joins Satan’s organization. No one can serve hovah, by his prophet Malachi, says: “For one cov-
both God and Satan. Since the religionists and the ereth violence with his garment.” “Him also who
“evil servant” class do not serve God, although op- covereth with violence his own clothing.” (Roth.)
erating in the name of God and Christ, it clearly ap- Tllis leads to violence against God’s organization and
pears that they are of the Devil’s organization. There against the faithful members, the servants thereof.
can be no middle ground. One is either for God or Such a person violates God’s commandment and the
against him. law of his organization. (Prov. 6 : 20) Jesus described
28Jehovah used the relationship of husband and those in line for the kingdom and who become evil,
wife to illustrate the relationship of those who become separating themselves from God’s organization, and
a part of God’s organization. For that reason the law of them he said: “But and if that evil servant shall
of God with Israel was against divorce: “For the say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming ; and
Lord, the God of Israel, saith that he hat&h putting shall begin to smite his fellowscrvants, and to eat and
away [divorce (Rm%.)] : for one covereth violence drink with the drunken ; the Lord of that servant shall
with his garment, saith the Lord of hosts: therefore come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an
take heed to your spirit, that ye deal not treacherous- hour that he is not aware of, and shall cut him asunder,
ly. “-Mal. 2 : 16. and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there
*OThe law was typical and prescribed the proper shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.“-Matt.
course for the typical organization and foretold and 24: 48-51.
p_rescribedthe proper course of spiritual Israel. God’s 82Today there are those who are in opposition to
organization is pure and is guilty of no fornication God’s organization and his work he is doing in the
or illicit relationship. It therefore follows that when earth, and such opposing persons were once fully
one enters the covenant relationship with God and is identified with God’s organization. They therefore
united with his organization through Christ Jesus, he identify themselves as of the “evil servant”. They
cannot divorce himself from that organization on the not only deny the presence of the Lord at the temple,
ground of unclearness in that organization. It is not but mock those who are of the temple and continue to
possible for God’s organization to be unclean. The denounce them and their work in the name of the
uncleanness is in the one who mixes with Satan’s or- Lord.
ganization, which is unfaithfulness and rcbcllion on 33Jehovah by his prophet warns against such treach-
his part against God, and so therefore he deals trcach- erous dealing, saying : “Take heed to your spirit, that
erously. There is no escuse or justification for one to ye dcnl not treacherously.” Dealing treacherously
withdraw from God’s organization, and if hc does with God’s organization destroys the spirit of the Lord
withdraw he thereby shows his own uncleanness. Mani- in one and makes him the servant of the Devil. Jeho-
festly such is the meaning of the words of James ad- vah removes his spirit from such and casts him away
dressed to those who have covenanted with God to do into darkness. Those faithfully devoted to Jehovah
his will and who have become contaminated with the therefore pray, as is written in the Psalms: “Create
Devil’s organization. “Ye adulterers and adulteresses, in me a clean heart, 0 God; and renew a right spirit

within me. Cast me not away from thy presence; and know God would have us to obey all of the laws of the
take not thy holy spirit from me. Restore unto me the land, and that we will do.” They insist that God has
joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free ordained these human rulers, as well as the invisible
spirit.” (Ps. 51: 10-12) “But ye are not in the flesh, rulers of this world, to rule and that the human rulers
but in the spirit, if so be that the spirit of God dwell are the “higher powers”, within the meaning of lhe
in you. Now if any man have not the spirit of Christ, Scriptures, and that we must obey every law, even
he is none of his. For if ye live after the flesh, ye though that law is in direct conflict with God’s law.
shall die: but if ye through the spirit do mortify the Jehovah has no alliance with wrongdoers, and does
deeds of the body, ye shall live.” (Rom. 8: 9,13) not approve any who do ally themselves with wrong-
“And grieve not the holy spirit of God, whereby ye doers. The so-called “higher powers” of the world
are sealed unto the day of redemption.” (Eph. 4: 30) frame mischief by legislation ; which is an abomination
Those who are now of the “evil servant” class had the in the sight of God. “Shall the throne of iniquity have
warning from the Lord, but they give no heed thereto. fellowship [partnership] with thee [with God’s or-
It behooves everyone in line for the kingdom to take ganization], which [throne of iniquity] frameth mis-
heed to such warning and to ‘walk obediently with chief by a law?” (Ps. 94: 20) The ungodly organiza-
thy God’.-Mic. 6 : 8. tion that legislates laws, and causes them to be en-
I* Those who are of the “elective elder” class, and forced, which bring reproach upon God’s name and
those of the “evil servant’, class, have uttered and punish his witnesses for telling the truth, is thus
continue to utter many words in an attempt to justify framing mischief by legislation, and God declares that
their course. They lay stumblingblocks in the way of his true children can have no partnership with that
others who are seeking to walk with the Lord. Jeho- gang.
vah is not pleased with such persons. By his prophet he a7A striking example is that of present-day com-
says to such “mouthers”: “Ye have wearied the Lord pulsory flag saluting. The commandment of Cod to
with your words : yet ye say, Wherein have we wearied his covenant people is that they shall make no image
him? When ye say, Every one that docth evil is good of any thing in heaven and earth and shall not bow
in the sight of the Lord, and he delighted in them ; or, down to any thing or to images. (Ex. 20: 3-5) ;IIaking
Where is the God of judgment?“--BIal. 2: 17. an image and bowing down to that is attributing to
81Such persons are constantly uttering words of ad- that image, or what it represents, protection and snl-
verse judgment against those who are diligent in bring- vation, and such is an insult to Jehovah. Salvation of
ing the kingdom message before the people of good man is possible only by the means which Jehovah has
will. Those opposers are wise in their own conceits provided through Christ JCSLZS, and there is no other
and listen not to the commandments of the Lord, and way. (Acts 4: 12; Rev. 7: 10) In the face of the plaiu
they positively refuse to walk lawfully with God’s or- commandments of the Lord God the religionists me!;e
ganization. The Lord declares he is tired of them and images and bow down before them. They hang up a
of their senselesswords, and tells them so, and says to flag and command that men shall salute that, and thus
them: “Yet ye say, Wherein have we wearied [thee] 5”’ attribute salvation to what the flag represents. They
By such question those murmurers assume that God frame laws and by such lav,s attempt to compel the
has no cause or reason to be tired at their words and true followers of Christ Jesus to attribute protection
their caurse of conduct. They arc in this attitude when and salvation to such images. What is the real pur-
the day of God’s judgment at the temple comes. The pose2, and what is back of all this formalism! The
time of God’s forbearance with them is past. At the real purpose of such religious ceremonies is to prose-
temple he makes known his judgment by and through lyte the people and bring them into subjection to the
Christ Jesus, and then no more cau ignorance be plcad- religious or devilish organizations. To be sure, there
ed as a defense. is no harm in the flag itself. But that is not the qurs-
a6To the question of those unfaithful ones Jehovah tion involved. The flag is used to represent the visible,
answers : “In that ye say, Every one that docth evil hLman earthly powers, and cOI!qJC!ihg one to salute
is good in the sight of the Lord, and he delightcth in the same means to compel a person to say: “That flag
them.” (R.‘C7.)The opposers may not utter such words stands for or represents my protection and my salva-
with their mouths, but by their course of conduct they lion.” Anyone who wants to do this, it is his privilege,
speak louder than by words. They attempt to justify of course, to attribute salvation to what the flag rcp-
Satan’s organization and their association thcrcwith. resents. But one who has covenanted to do God’s will
They attempt to show that it is not displeasing to tile must obey God’s law, and to disobey it means an in-
Lord Jehovah to make an alliance with rcligionists or sult to Jehovah and a loss by the creature of every-
other parts of Satan’s organization, or to compromise thing. Each one for himself must determine whether
with that worldly organization. They say it is all right hc will obey God and remain true to him or not, or
to put on the soft pedal and speak with honeyed words whether he will compromise by obeying the Devil’s
to those clergy who defame God’s name. They say of organization. Of course, the faithful will be misundcr-
the representatives of Satan’s organization, “We stood and misrepresented and hated because of their
15, 1937 @fieWATCHTOWER 27

faithfulness to the Lord; and Jesus said it would be is published that God requires full and complete obe-
even so. Therefore the faithful priestly class answer dience to him, and that those who take a course against
those who make such attempts, that ‘it is the will of his organization are taking a course against God, they
God that we obey him and not man’. Every law of the become offended and hypocritically and with feigned
land that is in harmony with God’s law the true fol- piety say, “Where is the God of justice?” Such per-
lower of Christ must and will gladly obey. But lhe sons began to manifest themselves openly particularly
“evil servant” class mouth and make much noise about in the years 1917 and 1918.
the saluting of the flag and about many other things *OPrior to the coming of Jehovah’s Messenger,
concerning loyalty to God, and the Lord God answers Christ Jesus, to the temple, that great Messenger did
their question and says : ‘You make me tired with your a work, as described in the Scriptures as ‘preparing
senselessjabber.’ Quite recently one who used to be the way before Jehovah’. Christ Jesus taught the truth
actively working with the Lord’s organization issued to his disciples, and his disciples likewise followed the
a tract which he calls “Old Theology Tract”, in which commandments of God and completely ignored the
he denounces those who stand out firmly against com- traditions of men. Amongst the apostles that were
pulsory flag saluting. That is a concrete example of last called was Paul, who had been following the
the “evil servant” class. traditions of the Jews’ religion; but when the Lord
8*One may appear to be developing a “beautiful opened his eyes he turned completely around, repu-
character” and to be outwardly very good and pious, diated the tradition of the religionists and became a
but that is no indication whatsoever that God is pleased faithful servant of the Lord. For that reason Jew
with that person, but rather the contrary. One who religionists cruelly persecuted Paul. After the pass-
claims to be in the truth and who is so very “sweet” ing away of the apostles selfish men arose in the or-
in appearance, and who has honeyed words upon his ganization of the church and substituted the doctrines
lips, may be doing real evil by neglecting to serve of men for the Word of God. Perverting the Scrip-
God, whom he has covenanted to serve, or by opposing tures, they taught their own ideas and introduced into
those who are serving God as he has commanded. the church organization, and taught, such false doc-
Adulation and worship of human leaders, and holding trrncs as the trinity, immortality of all souls, eternal
out that God committed all his truth to a human lead- torment, purgatory, the primacy of the pope, and like
er, is thereby doing violence to God and his organiza- doctrines, none of which find any support whatever in
tion. Such hypocritical, pious ones in very nice words tbe Scriptures. The men who introduced and taught
will say, as the Lord states: “Wherein have we wca- such doctrines thereafter are designated “the fathers
ried him’l” These pious opposers say: ‘Everyone that of our faith”. It will not be necessary to call into
doth evil is good in the sight of the Lord, and he de- question the sincerity of those men. Their wrongful
lighteth in him, because God is love and he wants us course may well be attributed to selfishness and the
to seethe good in everyone.’ They go even to the point influence exercised over them by the adversary. Their
of saying that in due time God will save everybody, own desire to shine amongst men and their own im-
even the Devil himself. The Lord Jehovah makes it portance made them easy victims of Satan, and they
clear in his Word that he will save no one who is not soon convinced themselves that their construction of
devoted to him and his organization. the Scriptures, and their doctrines, were correct.
a#Those unfaithful “priests” once in line for the Formalism was introduced into the congregation, and
kingdom, but who have taken an unlawful course, many formal ceremonies were performed, and hence a
by their course of conduct say, ‘There is no God of religious organization came into action, and that or-
justice.’ The Lord tells them that they say, “Where ganization was misnamed the “Christian religion”.
is the God of justice?” (Roth.) That lawless crowd Then the people who desired to find out about the fu-
say, at least by their course of action, that there is no ture state of man, and what might be their hope after
law against us and therefore it does not matter serious- death, sought information at the mouths of such carth-
ly if we do violate the rules of the covenant which we ly teachers in the church organization misnamed the
have made, and which rules it is claimed govern God’s “Christian religious organization”. The real truth
visible organization. They follow their own selfish of the Bible was soon hid and Jehovah’s name de-
course, disregard the law of God and the command- famed throughout the earth, and the doctrines of men
ments of his organization, and commit violence against were substituted for his Word. The Roman Catholic
his organization. It was that same kind and class of Hierarchy, being formed, assumed to have and to
persons who took offense at God’s prophet Malachi for teach the truth in the world and assumed that their
pointing out to them wherein they displeased God. religious organization was and is the true representa-
Their counterpart of the present time is that unfaith- tive of the Lord on earth. The gross and flagrant prac-
ful class, once in line for the kingdom, who become tices in that organization in time led to the formation
very angry against God’s witnesses for proclaiming of another organization called “Protestant”. The so-
the truth that is written in his Word, and which called “Protestant organization”, however, never did
clearly puints out the “evil servant” class. When it get away from the traditions of men, and their leaders

taught the people many of the false,doctrines that had stood generally to be the purpose of the coming of
been brought forward by the Roman Catholic Hier- Christ to his kingdom. Some who were brought to a
archy. Blindness to the truth was the result, and even knowledge of the truth were moved by a selfish desire
the most honest and sincere ones were soon steeped in to be saved from death, and to have and enjoy life
error. How many real Christians lived on the earth in heaven, and to reign with Christ Jesus. They looked
after the formation of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy forward with great expectation to their exaltation to
until the coming of the Lord, no one can know; but that place. Others, who were moved by an unselfish
it seems reasonable that there were not many who desire to do the will of God, loved him and sought to
truly served God. do his will in so far as they could understand it. The
a1The apostles emphasized the great truth of the work the Lord Jesus performed in preparing the way
coming of the Lord Jesus. They loved his appearing, before Jehovah resulted in bringing a goodly number
and those who walked with them likewise desired the out from the world, their begetting by the spirit, and
coming of the Lord and his kingdom, and looked for- forming them into the company of antitypical Lcvites.
ward to it with great expectation. In more recent With the completion of this work of preparing the
years a work has been carried on on earth, foreshad- way before the Lord, says Jehovah by his prophet
owed by the prophet Elijah, whom God used. The Malachi, “the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly
persons who studied the Bible and hoped for the com- come to his temple.”
ing of the Lord sought more diligently to know the 42In fulfillment of this prophecy the Lord did
truth. It was during this period of time that the Lord straightway come to his temple. All the consecrated
Jesus, as the great llfessenger of Jehovah, prepared the and spirit-begotten ones on earth stood on an equal
way before the Lord. In that period of time he directed footing, and now the crucial testing time must come.
the minds and hearts of the sincere ones toward the This is made certain by the words of God’s prophet in
Scriptures and began to unfold to them the true mean- Malachi 3 : 2 ; that the coming of the Lord Jesus to
ing of the fundamental truths that had been hidden the temple was for the purpose of purifying these
by reason of the false doctrines taught by men in the antitypical sons of Levi. In 1918 the great Judge and
religious organizations. During the Elijah period of Messenger of Jehovah appeared at the house of God.
the church, when the Lord was preparing the way The prophecy uttered by Malachi at the command of
before Jehovah, a goodly number of persons were Jehovah therefore discloses the condition of the con-
drawn to the Lord and made a covenant to do God’s secrated and spirit-begotten ones at the coming of the
will. They began to understand somewhat the philoso- Lord to the temple; discloses the judgment and its
phy of the ransom sacrifice, the true state of the dead, results, and makes known who constitutes the faithful
the manner of selecting the church, the punishment sons of God, the antitypical Levites, and who are the
of the wicked, and that there was hope for millions of unfaithful ones. This judgment, therefore, brings
others during the reign of Christ. Sincere and honest forth and makes known the “evil servant” class and
men were used by the Lord during that period to pro- the “faithful and wise servant” class. The ones that
claim these truths, and their proclaiming them en- have been moved by selfishness and that did not real-
abled other honest persons to seek after the truth. ize their expectations by being taken to heaven in 1914
That work of the Lord Jesus was preparing a people or thereabouts, becauseof their selfish heart condition
for Jehovah and gathered them together preparatory were judged adversely and assigned to the “evil serv-
to the test or judgment. The work is described by the ant” class. The unselfish ones, who loved God and
prophet Malachi as ‘preparing the way before Jeho- desired to do his will and who loved the appearing of
vah’ ; as it is written: “Behold, I will send my mes- Christ Jesus, were assigned to the “faithful and
senger, and he shall prepare the way before me.” wise servant” class; and to this latter class the Lord
Manifestly this preparatory work was the gathering commits all “his goods”, that is, all his kingdom in-
out from amongst the world a people hungering and terests on the earth. The faithful ones are admitted
thirsting for the truth, and who should be brought to to the temple and are there enlightened. They are
a point and tested, that the approved ones might be instructed by the Lord and sent forth to declare the
the witnesses for Jehovah in the earth and used in day of the vengeance of our God, to give warning, and
connection with the vindication of his name. It is to give aid and instruction to those who are seeking
true that those who were then seeking the Lord undcr- to know the way into God’s organization. The duty
stood that Jchovah’s.purpose was the salvation of the and obligation is laid upon them to declare the whole
human race and that he was taking out his church, counsel of God, which he has revealed to his people.
and that he would use this church to co-operate with The prophecy of Malachi, thcreforc, clearly shows the
Christ Jesus in “ restoring obedient humanity’ ‘. The “faithful and wise servant” class and the reason why
primary purpose of the vindication of Jehovah’s name they arc opposed by others who claim to be servants
was not understood because clearly it was not God’s of the Lord, and shows what shall be the final result
due time for it to be understood by those on earth. to each class. Only those who remain faithful and true
Salvation from death to life in happiness was under- to the Lord, walking humbly with God, and joyfully
JANUAI~Y 15, 1937 @‘fieWATCHTOWER 29

obey his commandments, shall receive the final np- Jehovah, at Mount Sinai and at Moab, command and
warn Israel against intermarriage with the heathen?
proval and exaltation with Christ Jesus. It is the duty Y 13-15. IIolv has “Judah,J done as charged at verse ll?
of such to proclaim the messageof truth to others of q 16. Identify “the master and the scholar,‘, and “him that
good will, and this they delight to do in obedience to offereth an offering unto the Lord of hosts”, referred to rn
verse 12. Why and how will the Lord ‘cut them off out
God’s commandments and to the law of his organiza- of the tabernacles of Jacob’?
tion, and they delight to honor Jehovah, their Father, q 17. How, further, have they done as charged in verse 13,
and their “mother”, God’s organization, and they are q 13.with the result as there prophetically stated?
What other extreme course have some taken7 With
diligent in their efforts to prove faithful and are anx- scriptures, show whether they have been justified or ex-
ious to participate in the vindication of Jehovah’s eusable in so doing.
q 19,20. Explain how and why the unfaithful “priests,,
holy name. The prophecy of Malachi is therefore “ say, Wherefore? ,, as foretold in verse 14. Show whether
present truth, meat in due season for those who love their interpretation of Isaiah 42: 2 is in harmony with
the Lord. The prophecy discloses clearly to all people other scriptures. Compare their pos’tion in this regard
with that of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy.
Of good Will, the Jonadabs, who shall form the great q 21.23. How have the unfaithful “priests,, ‘6 dealt treacher.
multitude, that religion is of the Devil; and that those ously ’ ’ with ‘, the wife of thy youth,,? When and how
who desire to serve God will keep away from religion q 24-27.has Jehovah “been witness,’ thereof?
With scriptures, explain and apply verse 15.
and be diligent in learning and obeying the command- q 28-31. Point out the prophetic purpose in the Lord’s saying
ments of Jehovah. Christ Jesus is their great Teacher that he ‘hates putting away ,, and his mentioning no ground
for divorce. Apply the statement, “For one covereth
and Leader, and these of good will delight to join to- violence with his garment.”
gether in attributing salvation to Jehovah and to his q 32’33. Explain the warning, “Take heed to your spirit, that
great King, who is upon his throne. yo deal not treacherously.”
q 34,35. To whom are the words addressed, “Ye have wearied
the Lord with your words”? Describe how they have done
QUESMONS FOR STUDY this, and then said, “Wherein have we wearied himy”
q 1. When a creature enters mto a covenant with Jehovah, will q 36-39. How do the opposers say “Every one that doeth evil is
he ultimately have Jehovah’s approval? good in the sight of the Lord”? Describe their course of con-
q 2. Whom did the Levites pmture? and how is this shown9 duct by which they say, ‘(Where 1s the God of justmei”
q 3-5. Apply Jehovah’s prophetic charge (Mal. 2: S), (a) q 40. Since Christ Jesus and his disciples taught the truth and
“But ye are departed out of the way.,’ (b) “Ye have followed the commandments of God, account for the blind-
caused many to stumble at the law.‘, (c) “Ye have cor- ness and opposition to the truth now manifest by the
rupted the covenant of Levi.,’ What have been the chief “church” organizations of today.
causes of covenant-breaking? q 41. Describe the work foreshadowed by the prophet Elijah
q 6’7. Who “have not kept my ways, but have been partral and foretold in the opening statement of Malachi 3: 1.
in the law,, (verse 9)’ and howl With related scriptures, What was the purpose, and the outcome, of that prepara-
show how Jehovah ‘made them contemptible and base be- tory work7 Account for the result of the test attendmg the
fore all the people’. completion of that work.
q S-10. Who is represented as speaking, and to whom, in q 42. What, then, are the prominent facts and conditions which
verse 109 Explain the occasion for that inquiry. Show, with Jehovah foretold by his prophet Malachi? What is here
scriptures, why such situation should never have developed. seen to bo the duty, and privilege, of those who remain
q 11’12. Why, for that time and for a prophetic purpose, did true and faithful to the Lord!


s INCE Adam was espelled from Eden billions of

persons have died. Where did they go at death!
and what is the present state of the dead?
Two answers have been given to this question. They
The clergymen’s answer is: Every man has an im-
mortal soul; and when death ensues only the body
dies, but the soul lives on. If the man is good, when
he dies he goes immediately to heaven, and there re-
are exactly opposite to each other. If one of the an- mains for ever in endless bliss. If he is not good and
swers given is true, then of necessity the other must be has not satisfied the justice of God for sins already
false. It is written concerning the Word of God : “Thy forgiven, he goes to purgatory, where he cannot help
word is truth.” (John 1’7: 17) Therefore in dctermin- himself; but he may be aided by the prayers of faith-
ing which answer is true and which is false both must ful men on the earth. If the man is wicked at death
be measured by the Word of God. For convenience in he goes immediately to hell, the place of conscious tor-
considering the proof and argument, one of the an- ment ; and there he remains for ever, suffering torture,
swers may here bc designated the ~II~HUZ?~‘s answer with no hope of relief. This is the false answer.
and the other may be designated the clergymen’s The true answer to the question must of necessity
answer. be consistent with God and in harmony with every
The layman’s answer is : Every man is a mortal soul. part of his revealed purpose. The very essenceof the
When death ensues the man is completely dead, out divine purpose now revealed is that God is providing
of existence, and not conscious anywhere. In that state a way for man to gain everlasting life by and through
he must remain for ever unless God awakens him out the sacrifice of his beloved Son, Christ Jesus (John
of death and affords him an opportunity for life. That 3 : 16)) and this is in harmony with his supreme pur-
is the true answer. pose to vindicate his name before all creation. The

teaching of the clergy concerning the dead, to wit, that The clergy have accepted the Devil’s statement and
every man has inherent life and cannot actually die rejected God’s; therefore their answer is false. The
and that at the time of the dissolution of the body the Devil was the father of lies, and this was his first. To
“good soul” goes to heaven and the “wicked soul” the clergy of his time Jesus said: “Ye are of your
goes to hell, is wholly inconsistent with the divine pur- father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will
pose. do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode
Menlhad been dying for four thousand years when not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.
Jesus came to earth and gave his life as a ransom for When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own : for he
mankind. (John 6 : 51-53; 10 : 10 ; Matt. 20 : 28) The is a liar, and the father of it.“-John S: 44.
answer of the clergy to the question concerning the The Devil himself is not immortal, because the
state of the dead is entirely inconsistent with God’s Scriptures show that God is going to destroy him in
purpose, because if such millions were in heaven or due time. (Heb. 2: 14; Ezek. 25: 18) We might with
torment the ransom would do them no good. If the propriety propound to clergymen this question: If
clergy’s theory or answer is correct, then the death hell is a place of eternal torment, and if the Devil is
of Jesus was of no value. the chief fireman, who is going to keep up the fire
What is man 9 Is he a soul or does he possessa soul ‘1 when the Devil is destroyed7
The Scriptures answer : “And the Lord God formed A Christian is admonished to “seek” immortality.
man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his (Rom. 2: 7) A man does not seek that which he al-
nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living ready possesses. God alone possessesthe quality of
soul.” (Gen. 2: 7) The words “soul”, “being,” and immortality, as it is written : “Who only hath immor-
“man” are synonymous terms. No man Itas a soul. tality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach
Every man is a soul. The Scriptures declare that the unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom
beeves, assesand sheep are souls. (Num. 31: 28) The be honour and power everlasting. “-1 Tim. 6 : 16.
preachers have made the people believe that man car-
ries a soul around in him, and that when he dies the When Jesus was on the earth he was not immortal,
body decays and the soul “hikes off” to some other but God gave him immortality at his resurrection.
place. Their answer finds absolutely no support in (John 5: 26; Rev. 1: 18) The faithful overcoming
the Scriptures. Christians are promised immortality as a glorious re-
To support their answer that the dead are conscious, ward, as it is written: “This mortal must put on im-
in either heaven, purgatory, or hell, the clergy must mortality.” (1 Cor. 15: 53) It would be inconsistent
find that man has an immortal soul. Immortality for the Lord to have put that into his Word if man
means that which cannot die. It is easy to be seen that were already immortal. Now these scriptures show
no creature could be for ever in hell torment or in that man is a soul ; that he is subject to death ; that
heaven or in purgatory if that creature could be killed. he is therefore not immortal. (Job 4: 17) And these
Therefore the master mind behind these false doctrines things being true, it must follow that a man, when he
said: ‘We must teach that the man has an immortal dies, could ‘not immediately go to heaven, purgatory
soul.’ If the Scriptural proof is that man is a mortnl or eternal torment.
soul, subject to death, then the purgatory and torment The theory of purgatory is this: A man dies who
theories must be completely false. professes to be a Christian and is a member of the
When God made man and placed him in Eden he Catholic church, but not a very good one. He then
said to him : ‘In the day that you sin you shall surely must go to purgatory, and can do nothing to help
die.’ (Gen. 2: 17) That was the plain statement of himself; but the priest or clergy remaining on earth
God’s law. Did he mean that only the body would may aid the poor fellow in purgatory, by praying for
die? The answer is : “The soul that sinneth, it shall him.-See Faith of the Fathers, page 205, by Gibbons.
die.” (Ezek. 18: 4,20) “What man is he that liveth, “Purgatory” has been a source of revenue for the
and shall not see death? shall he deliver his soul from clergy for a long period of time. Is it reasonable that
the hand of the grave?“-Ps. 89: 48. God would permit the poor man to die, and go to a
Jehovah had told Adam the eating of a certain fruit place of suffering, and then permit selfish men to use
would result in his death. Satan desired to alienate that condition for commercial purposes? Such is ab-
man from God and have the worship of man for him- solutely repugnant to the very name of Jehovah, and
self. Fraudulently he approached Eve and said to her : is wholly unreasonable and unscriptural. The clergy
‘You can eat of that food ; and if you do eat of it, you in Jesus’ time tried to USCtheir religion, and did use
will be as wise as God himself. You shall surely not it, for commercial purposes. As to how God regarded
die.’ He induced Eve to disobey God. them may be dctermincd by what Jesus said to them:
The only support for the theory of immortality of “It is written, My house shall be called the house of
all souls is what the Devil said. God stated: “Thou prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.” (Blatt.
shalt surely die.“’ The Devil stated: “Ye shall not 21: 13) Then Jesus drove the seekers for filthy lucre
snrely die.” Whom shall we believe, God or the Devil 9 out of the temple.

For many years the people have relied apon the Amongst those who were faithful to God was David.
statements of the preachers and priests, believing that It is written concerning David that he was a man
they were teaching the truth. For this reason there after God’s own heart. (1 Sam. 13: 14; Acts 13: 22)
is still a great amount of ignorance concerning “pur- David is used to foreshadow The Christ. The name
gatory” and other doctrines taught by them. No one David means “beloved”. At the dictation of Jehovah,
has ever cited a scripture in support of the “purga- he was the writer of many of the Psalms. Surely if
tory” theory, but has cited only such men as Dante,
any men were to be taken to heaven at death, David
and other clergymen who lived years ago. Not only
is the doctrine of “purgatory” without support in would be amongst them. But it is plainly written con-
the Scriptures, but the Scriptures show that the teach- cerning him : “David is not ascended into the heav-
ing concerning it has operated as a fraud and a snare, ens.” (Acts 2: 34) John the Baptist was a good man,
and that it was invented by the Devil himself and is and received the approval of God, and was the one
used by Satan’s agents against man’s interests, and selected to announce the coming of the Savior of the
to the defamation of God’s holy name. world. He was beheaded shortly after Jesus began his
People in sorrow like to believe that their loved ones ministry. He died because of his faithfulness to God.
have gone to a place of rest and peace, and so the Yet Jesus declared that John the Baptist would never
clergy have told the people that all the good members be of the heavenly kingdom class; he said: “Verily I
of their church go to heaven when they die. They say unto you, Among them that are born of women
have found no support for this in the Scriptures. there bath not risen a greater than John the Baptist:
Ifenven means high, lofty and exalted. Heaven is tne notwithstanding, he that is least in the kingdom of
habitation of Jehovah. No man ever has seen Jehovah heaven is greater than he.“--RIatt. 11: 11.
God or ever can see him. “For,” said God to Moses, Heaven is promised as a special reward to those who
“there shall no man see me, and live.” (Es. 33: 20) are faithful unto God as members of the new creation.
Anyone who goes to heaven must be changed from a It is written : “God . . . hath begotten us again unto
human to a spirit creature. Jesus was changed from a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from
human to spirit or divine creature at his resurrection. the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible, and undc-
At that time more than four thousand years had filed, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven
elapsed since death entered the human race. Great for you, who are kept by the power of God through
numbers had died, and amongst them men whom God faith unto salvation, ready to be revealed in the last
approved. A long list of these approved ones is given time.” (1 Pet. 1: 3-5) It is wholly unreasonable, and
in the eleventh chapter of the epistle to the Hebrews. inconsistent with God’s revealed purpose, that he ~111
Not one there mentioned went to heaven. Concerning provide henvcn for the “good” in general, whereas
all the good who had died when Jesus was on earth, he specifically states that it is only for those who, after
he said: “No man hath ascended up to heaven.“- the giving of the ransom sacrifice of Jesus, are faithful
John 3 : 13. unto death:-Rev. 2 : 10.

At the regular midweek meeting of the Winnipeg [Canada] At a united assembly of the units of the Toronto [Ont.]
company a motton !vas adopted to write you, nssuiing you of company, the following resolution was duly moved, and, with-
our lo\c and co-operation. out one dissenting VOKC, carried by a standing vote of those
\Ve &sire you to know, for your encouragement, that we are present.
wl~olrhcartedly in harmony with the work being done by the
Lortl’s organization on earth now and are rqolcing in the of Jehovah’s witnesses assembled in Toronto, on the fim4 day
the “Battle Shout” neriod. send greetings.
truths bclng brought forth through The Il’atchtowo. .-
Our sympathy goes out to our brethren who are bemg so As a company, recognizing your bold and-fearless stand in
cruelly pcrscrulcd in many parts, whom we continually rcmem- holdinr hirh the banner of truth to the honor of the name ot
bcr at the throne of grace. We realize that Jchovnh ml11 suz+ J&o&h, &I having m mind the commg cunlentlon at Newal k,
tain all who rcmnin faithful, and in his own good time deal N. J., at which the lecture ‘(Armageddon” ~111 be sounded
5\1th his nnd their enemies. forth right in the very heart of the enemy’s stronghold, we
\Vc \\i.uh you the Lord’s rirhest blesemgs, and we n7ill cun- hereby assure you, dear brother, that your labor of love on our
tinue to stand \\ith you shoulder to shoultlcr for the cause of behalf, and on behalfasofisour brethren, the great multitude, 1s
also tlic gracious provmion of our
our glorious King, until everything shall be done. deeply appreciated;
hcabenly Father in providing, to our entire satisfaction, meat
in due season, through the channel which he is using, i.e., the
D~\R I~ROTIIEK RUTIIEKFORD: We nant you to know that your fearlessness in proclaiming
(‘hrietinn greetings from the tircenflcld [Mass.] company of the “ iutlrments of Jchorah written’ ‘. against the wicked IIier
Jchu\ah’s witnrsscs. who wish to elr)rcss their wholehcartetl archy,“is in incentive to us to more clbsdly follow your example
s~ull4iy with the l&solution passed ni the Newark (N.J.) con- and more earnestly press the battle to the gates.
\CIltIon. It was c*crtamly a fitlmg clirn:ix to u wontlcrful ad- Furthe?, we take this opportunity of extendmg tu you our
dress; and WCwish to do our part in heraldmfi it to the world. Christinn love and further nssuring you that the Toronto cum.
It was voted unanimously at our little meeting last night to pany of Jehovah’s witnrsses are with you in the battle to the
So ndnso you. end, even unto death.-Phil. 1: 28.
INSTRUMENTS FOR BREAKING DOWN PREJUDICE behind the witness work,‘and that this is the day HE has made,
DEAR BEOTHERRUTI~ERFORD : and that we as his servants must be not only willing but eager
to give our all in his service and make active use of all such
In the warfare as a group of five pioneers we send greetmgs! avenues of service as we are being’equipped with. As we ROU-
We were thrilled beyond .words to have the sweet privile (5 of tinue to be instructed through The IFatc7ttower and the In-
attending the service convention just past in Newark, B . J., forwant in how to use these instruments of warfare, for pie-
and to participate with others of the Lord’s true ilghters. To neers, auxiliaries or for company workers not to put their
then have the further privilege of being at Bethel followmg shoulders to the wheel and make use of this-surely we would
the convention, and getting the latest type of sound equipment be fooling ourselves and not takipg advantage of what the
mounted on our car, in that way making it a real war chariot, Lord has entrusted us with. To see the improvement in the
thrilled each of us beyond words, and created in us a desire by phonograph machines, and also in the sound equipment as
God’s grace to press on in the warfare with grim determmn:mn manufactured by our brethren at the factory in Brooklyn,
to use our all, even our lifeblood, in sacrifice to our great Jeho- proves to us beyond a doubt that the Lord’s equipment speaks
vah, by exposing every part of the Devil’s organization, and of beauty, majesty and grandeur, while almost all other equip
standing true and firm for the Lord and His united orgamza- ment speaks of commercialism.
tion. We are thankful for the privilege, therefore, to use the So-
We, Brother Rutherford, are more convinced than ever that ciety’s equipment in preference to anything else and to enJoy
the Lord God has placed his King upon his throne to rule and the many rich blessings that Jehovah and Christ Jesus, the
destroy literally his enemies; and that Christ Jesus, the mighty Teachers, continue to shower upon all who are fnlthful to
Battle-ax of Jehovah, is at the helm of God& organization and their post of duty. How happy and thrilled we can be, and
is instructing his covenant people in matters pertaining to the are, to live in that day the Lord’s people have long looked for-
warfare, and how each and every one may become more efficient ward to, in exposing the old “whore” and all of the orgamza.
u1 the work the Lord has entrusted us to perform. tion attached to her, and standing faithful even unto death,
We find, as business pioneers, that there is actually no end to watching the vindication of our Father’s name! What a thrill-
tho use of the phonograph machines and the sound equipment. ing privilege to now be used of the good Lord in any capacity!
If there ever was a method of breaking down prejudice and Wishing you the Lord’s richest blessing in the battle now on
ignorance among the people it is by means of the phonograph between truth and entrenched lies, we remam
and the sound equipment. We wish to relate briefly our ex- Your fighting companions for Jehovah and his Vindicator,
perience with our new sound equipment in Fort Smith, Ark.:
In the Harding glass factory 425 men are employed. The JUNE GERBER RUTH LISLE
o5ce force were very much uninterested in our work. At lunch ROSA MAY DREYER
hour, two days after speaking to the office force, we returned
to this factory, and, by the assistance of two men of the fne-
tory, soon found a suitable place in the center of all the build- THANKS TO JEHOVAH GOD
ings to play the sound eqmpment. Shortly after the lecture on
“Perilous Times” got under way, three of our party got out DEAR RROTHER RUTEIERFORD:
and went into the buildings and began speaking to the men. Have read your lecture “Separating the Nations”. Thanks
The one-o’clock whistle blew; and we thought sure we would to Jehovah God for this wonderful message of truth.
have to leave then; but instead of that, the men went to their I have been taking my stand for Jehovah God and his kmg-
duties, and we made return trips to our car for more ammuni- dom with Christ Jesus as the world’s Ruler, and shall join
tion, and by the Lord’s help we completed witnessing to all Jehovah’s witnesses in making his great name known to others
the men by 3: 35 p.m., and found that we had placed upward as opportunity affords.
of 30 Rtches books and many booklots. A Jonadab,
We also find in using the new phonographs that the Lord is MRS. W. A. PERKINS, Calzfornw.


Adalr. Iowa ................FCb. .\dton, Iowa ..........__ Feb. Salisbury, N. C. ____
J$b. 5.; Chapel Hilt. N. C. . ..._.Feb. l9.l;
Anita; Iowa . . ...---. “ Inwood, Iowa .............. :: 1’: \\‘muton-Salem, N. C. Rnteifch, x. c. _.-..._.-...”
Clarinda, Iowa .......... Han arden, Ioa n ........ 17.18 Rural Hall, N. C. ._.... “ Clnyton, N. C. .. ... .._.._ “ iis
Bed Oak, Iowa .._......_.” Alton, Iowa __._._...-. ” 19. 20 Greensboro, N. C. .. ... ... “ 10, 1: Dunn, ix. c. ____..-.........” 24
Atlantic, Iowa ............ :: siot1s city, IO\\ n ...-... ‘I 21. 22 Burhngton, X. C. .. ..._.. ” Snuthf%+l, $. C. ........ :: ^^ ;;
Elk Horn, Iowa ._.““... Y. Sioux at.\‘. Sebr. .. ” 24 Stem, N. C. ___.
_.._.......... “ \I-.uson, I\. II. ._._............ zu, i
Audubon, Iowa .-.“...v-“ n11.\s0uri Valley, Iown ” 25 Loulsburc. S. C. ________
“ R()cky NV. N. C. Feb. 25, Mnr. 1
Denison, Iowa ............ :: council IUuffr. 1o\\n . “ 26.27 Durha&% C. -..-.... “ 10. 17 Enfield, N. C. . .. ... ..-. Jlnr. 3. 4
Marathon Iowa Omuha, Ncbr. ____ Feb. 25, Mar. 1
Mllford. iowa ....I.,::: “ Teknmnh, Nebr. ........Nar. 3. 4

Grants Pass, Oreg. .___ F,yb. Bend, Oreg. . . .... ....m__ Feb. 17, IS
Collinsville. Miss. ......Peb. 2 Pmirievilte, La. ...__._.
Feb. 18 Brookinwr . Ore*:. ...-.. 2: siietz. oreg. .. .... ... ..... .. “ 18
Hattiesburg, illlss. ..._:I 3.4 Baton RouJze.La. ....._“ 19. ;(: Crewcut City (‘;~Ilf, “ Dallas, Oreg. . .. .. ...-.. “ 20, 22
Lucednle, nliss. ....-- 5 r’alllletto, La. .. ... .... ... .. ;; .\lyrtle Creel;.’ Oreg. ..Z ” 9, 1; Salem. Orec. _.___...........
Biloxl, Miss. _.............. I’ E’olsom. La. ..._... .. . .. ... . (( 23,ji$ l:o.selmrg. Orei.‘. _.._......:: Neuhrc. Oreg.
Mobile, Ala. .. ....--- ” 9% Bognlusin, IA. ... .... ..“... -J Reetl*port, Oreg. ...“... Y; Portlnnd, Orer:
Silverhill, Ala. __._..-._..:: Pieziyune, JfIss. .......... “ f? Eugene, Oreg. -.--_.. “ 14. 15 \~Uaulette, Ore*
Waveland, Rliss. if Llmlberton, mss. .. .._.._1;
New Orleans, La. ::::I ” 13. 14 Iiohomo. ............ 2s
New Orleaus. La. ....-. ” 1% 17 Majiuolia. Miss. -....._Mar. 2
A. A. MACMILLAN Bennett. Ma. - -______ Fib. 2 Monett. Mo. _.....-.... Feb. 16
Feb. 2. 4” 6nntn. Tex. ..............__
blineola. Tex. ..........__ Feb. Thn)er. MO. .........“... I. 3.4 Larussi?lt, JIo. .........*.. 1‘
Grand Wine. Tex. ..- I’, bInbank Tex. .... ... .... ... ‘.” Hnconlo. 310. -............ 1; aa,n. ~10. .._..............-.“ :I
\‘nn, T’ex. ,. .... ...._....... IAider, No. . . . . . . _...” . . . . 0” Jophn. MO. ___.__......._... “
Terrell, Tex. .__-.....-..
Dallas, Tex. ..-.- -

:: 6, !: 01 erton, Tt?X. .. ..._........ ” ;; Protem. &IO _.....-._-._ 1:
YIxh~tteltl, 110. ..-.--..-. #I
Ptnevllle, No. ___.........._“

Cotumhw. Raw. .. .... .. “ 24 “5

&o;rtoWrgor$ Tex. ---.I $+:!j rTcnllerstm ‘lh . .. ... .. . .. ” 21. 22
. ... ......” - ,, JncLaon\llie, Tex. ....._;; 2-L.25 Ad Grove. MO. -*---- Coffey+ Me. Knng. ___.__ ” 26: tz7
RI+ Tex. .. ............... llilllngs, MO. I, 12. ;z Parsons, Bans. ..I?eb. 28, Mar. 1
Mexii, Tex. .....-.-- Plttsburg, Kans. -.. Mar. 3,4
Corslcana, Tex. -.-... ” 14. :i Garrlsou, Tex. .... ...._. “ 27. % Verona, MO. .ZXZ”
117 Adams Street - Brooklyn,
N.Y., U.S.A. T HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling
the People to know Jehovah God and h’s purposes as
expressed in the Bible. It pubhshes Bible instruction
specifically designed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses. It arranges
J. F. RUTHERMRDPresident W. E. VAN AMBURGHSecretary systematic Bible study for its readers and supplies other bter-
“And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and ature to aid in such studies. It publishes surtable material
for radio broadcasting and for other means of public instruc-
great shall be the peace of thy children.“- - Isaiah 54:~~. tion in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its ntter-
THE SCRlPTURES CLEARLY TEACH anccs. It is entirely free and separate from all parties, sects
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, is from eve&sting or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and vvithout
to everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver icservation for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ
of life to his creatures; that the Logos was the beginning of his Beloved King. It IS not dogmatic, but invites careful
his creation and his active agent in the creation of all things; and critical exanunation of its contents in the light of the
that the Logos is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed Scrrpturcs. It does not indulge in controversy, and its eol-
with all power in heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive umns are not open to personalities.
Officer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION PRICE
man for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully UNITED STATES, $1.00; CANADA AXD MISCELLANEOUS FOILEIGN,
disobeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by $l.GO; GREAT I%IHTAIN. AUSTRALASIA, ASD SOUTH AFRIC.~. 'is.
reason of Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and arner’can remittances should be made by Express or Postal Money
Order, or by Rank Draft. Canadmn, Rritrsh, South Afncnn and
without the right to life. Australasian remittances should be made drrect to the respective
branch offlces. Remittances from countrtes other than those men-
THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suf- tioned may be made to the Rroohlyn office, but by IntcrnatzonaZ
fered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive Postal Money Order only.
price for all mankind; that God raised up Jesus divine and FOREIGN OFFICES
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every
name and clothed him with all power and authority. British . . . . . . . . . 34 Craven Terrace, London, W. 2, England
Canadian . . . . . . 40 Irwin Avenue, Toronto 6, Ontario, Canada
THAT JEHOVAH’S ORGANIZATION is called Zion, and .iustralaslan . . 7 Eeresford Road, Strathtield, N. S. Iv., Australia
that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the South Ajrzcan . . . . . . Boston House, Cape Town, South Africa
rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful Please address the Society in every case.
followers of Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of
Jehovah’s organization, and are his witnesses whose duty and
rivilege it is to testify to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare (Translation8 oj this journal appear in several languages.)
5 I purposes toward mankind as expressed in the Bible, and
to bear the fruits of the kingdom before all who will hear.
THAT THE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ All sincere students of the Rible who by reason of infirmity,
has been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority, poverty or adrersrty are unable to pay the snbwrlption pllro
may have The Watchtozccr free Upon written apt’llcation to thG
has ousted Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the publishers. made once each year, stating the reason for so rc-
establishment of God’s kingdom on earth. quenttnc it. We are platl to thus atd the needy, but the nrttteu
application once each year is reomred by the postal regulntrons.
THAT THE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth
can come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Notdce to Grrbsrribers: AcknowlcdCment of a new or a renewal snb-
scription xvi11 be sent only when requested. Change of address,
Christ which has now bcqnn; that the Lord’s next great when requested, may he expected to appear on addrew Inbcl wlthln
act is the destruction of Satan’s organization and the estnb- one month. A renewal blank (carryinz notice of exnlratlon) ~11
lishment of righteousness in the earth, and that under the be sent with the journal one month before the subscription expires.
kingdom all those who will obey its righteous laws shall live Entered a8 Second Class Vail Uatter at Brooklyn. N. P., Postoplce.
on earth forever. Act of Yarch 3, 16X

The date for the celebration to the name of Jehovah God True to its title, “Uncovered,” this new booklet clrans bnck
and to the sacrifice of Christ Jesus in 1937 will be Friday, the verl of lies covermg the false position, clamps and preten-
March 26, after six p.m. The book entitled Jehowh contains sious of the Roman Catholm Hierarchy. This booklet was called
a detailed explanation of the Nemorral. Carefully and prayer- forth as a result of the farlure of the Hierarchy and goveln-
fully study chapters two and three thereof. Then on the 2Gth mental and radio agencies to respond to the nation-wide petltion
in the United States for a public debate by m&o, and presents
day of Narch, after six p.m., let each compuny of the anointed the Scrrptural side of the proposed debate by the Society’s
assemble and celebrate the Nemorial. In domg so, use un- president, against whom the IIrcrarchy lard its false charges.
leavened bread and real red nine. Unfermented grape juice or Uncovered 1s a booklet of ti4 pages, and the campargn with it
raisin juice will not meet the Scriptural requirements. The Lord in the United States and territories hcgms February 15. But its
and the apostles used real red wine, and we should follow their usefulness and tield for distributron is as wide as the expanse
lead3 of the Hierarchy’s influence and routrol, to wit, world-wrlde. For
campaign instructions, consult the Informant. Copies of Un-
covered for your personai use may now be procured at 5c each.
The testimony period “Jehovah ot Ilosts” embraces the nine
days February 6-14, 1937. Thus ulnlwmter campaign nrll spe- “PROTECTION”
eialize on booklets, and all those on Jehovah’s snlc will ofEel a This new booklet, of 64 pages, is self-covered. It bears an
10~ combination consisting of two booklets with colored cover attractive cover design, m color, and alao the trtle and legend:
and the new booklet Protectton. Let Jehovah’s people take “PROTECTION from those who seek to hurt or destroy me.
this coming campaign to heart, faithfully making all due prep How can I find it?” After reading it, you will surely want to
aration thcrcfor. Consult forthcoming issues of the informant distribute the booklet. It has already been released for general
for additional instructions. The ‘Lm:~n wrth the inkhorn ” drstributron. You may procure a copy, or copies, on a contribu-
promptly reported the matter, and likewise each one will report tion of 5c each, and read up in preparation for your part in
his activit’cs and the results in this campaign. its distribution.


“For the wages of sin is death; but the free gift of God is eternal life in Clzrist Jesus our Lord.”
-Ram. 6: 23, R.V.
2 For centuries God has caused to be proclaimed
EHOVAH at the very beginning knew that all
humankind would reach the point of dire extrem- throughout the nations his unchangeable rule, to wit:
ity and that they would seek life and that which “For the wages of sin is death; but the free gift of
sustains life, and he made abundant provision for those God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Rom.
who would give heed to his Word. To the perfect man 6: 23, R.V.) Comparatively few men have given heed
created in his own image God announced his law and to that rule. Most of them have followed the philosophy
made known that the transgression thereof would re- of men, which originated with Satan. All persons
sult in death. Satan led man into death and then flung desire to live, but most of them have been made blind
a challenge into God’s face that no man could get concerning the way of life by reason of Satan’s minis-
everlasting life under the provision that God had ters’ haranguing them and telling them that there is
made, because no man would obey or keep. the law no death but that at the time of dissolution the soul
when put to the test. That challenge put in issue the of the one who is a member of “the church”, or of
word and the name of Jehovah. Necessarily all crea- the “Catholic population”, and whose sins have not
tion of heaven would know that the supremacy of been expiated passeson to “purgatory”, where for a
Jehovnh was defied by Satan, and therefore all would money consideration the term of suffering may be
ask : Who will win ? A part of the angelic creation shortened, and that then the everlasting abode will
pinned their faith to Satan and went with him in the be in the bliss of heaven.
way of defiance and wickedness. The others remained 3 Jehovah God is the fountain of life. No creature
true and steadfast in faith and obedience to Jehovah can live save by the permission of God. Jehovah sent
God. Although God declared his-purpose to destroy his beloved, Son to earth, made in the likeness of im-
Satan and all his wicked rulers, and at the time en- perfect man, and permitted the Devil to put upon
tered judgment to that effect, he gave Satan a sus- Christ Jesus all manner of tests, even causing him to
pended sentence and permitted him to remain alive be wrongfully and wickedly charged with the heinous
for a season and have full freedom of action, declar- crimes of sedition and treason, put through a mock
ing that in due time He would exhibit his own supreme trial, convicted upon perjured testimony, and sent to
power and would cause his name to be proclaimed the ignominious death of hanging upon a tree. Through
throughout all the universe and thereby fully vindi- it Jesus remained true and steadfast to God his Fn-
cate his name. The Bible contains the record of God’s thcr, always maintaining his integrity toward God.
word or purpose and announces that what he has dc- Jehovah raised Christ Jesus out of death and bestowed
clared shall .be accomplished. “I have purposed it, upon him the greatest of all gifts. Concerning the
I will also do it.” “My word . . . shall not return Lord Jesus it is written: “For as the Father hath life
unto me void.” (Isa. 46 : 11; 55 : 11) A few men have in himself, even so gave he to the Son also to have life
held steadfastly in faith to God and in obedience to in himself.” (John 5: 26, R.V.) Jehovah’s provision
his Word. The greater number have come under Sa- for the human race is that he has bestowed upon Christ
tan’s rule and have followed in his way of wickedness. Jesus eternal life and immortality with full power
Now humankind have rcachcd the point of dire dis- and authority to give life to those who obey God’s
tress, fear and pcrplcsity. God’s provision is man’s commandments. For this reason Jesus said: “I am
only hope, and about this man should know. The testi- the living bread which came down out of heaven: if
mony of his name must now be declared, to the end any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: yea
that all who are of good will and honest heart may and the bread which I will give is my flesh, for the
know of his provision and that all may know that Je- life of the world.” (John 6: 51, R.V.) “Jesus saith
hovah ia supreme, the almighty and eternal God. unto him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life:

PO man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (Jo!:n his son Jacob was a man of mature years, Isaac gave
14: 6) There is no other way to get life. Jacob the birthright blessing. l&au, the twin brother
4 Jehovah has furnished an abundance of proof and of Jacob, persecuted Jacob becauseIsaac had bestowed
recorded it in his Word that he knew the end from the the blessing upon him, and Jacob fled to Laban, in the
beginning. Today the proof given, together with the land of Syria, and there took to wife Leah, a daughter
understanding and appreciation thereof, is being made of Laban. Later Laban also gave Jacob Rachel to
clear to those who love and serve Jehovah, and upon mifc. Because of the barrenness for a time of his
them is laid the obligation to make known those truths wives Jacob, with their consent, had two concubines.
to others by proclaiming throughout the cart11 the He had children by all four women. For a long season
name of Jehovah and making known his provisions Rachel was barren, ,and in that time Leah had given
for man. birth to six sons by Jacob. The barrenness of Rachel
PROPHETIC DRAMAS had greatly distressed her. But in due time God heard
8 Long centuries ago Jehovah caused men to play her prayer and took away her reproach: “And God
their respective parts in dramas which propheticnliy remembered Rachel, and God hearkened to her, and
foretold his purpose and the manner of carrying it opened her womb. And she conceived, and hare a son ;
into execution, and which dramas God directed him- and said, God hath taken away my reproach: and she
self. Now he is unfolding the meaning of those dramas called his name Joseph ; and said, The Lord shall add
to his faithful and obedient servants. These prophetic to me another son. “--Gen. 30: 22-24.
dramas throw light from different viewpoints upon 8 Isaac was yet alive when his grandson Joseph was
Jehovah’s purpose and his manner of carrying out born, and lived for twenty-nine years thereafter. A
the same, and this light shining into the face of Christ few years after the birth of Joseph Jacob had another
Jesus and reflected into the temple company causes son by his beloved wife Rachel, and the birth of that
them great joy. Among those prophetic dramas long son cost Rachel her life. As she was dying Rachel
ago performed and recorded is that of Joseph and named her second son, calling him Ben-oni, which
his brethren, the revelation of which causes a flood of means “the son of my sorrow”. But Jacob his father
light to shine into the mind and heart of everyone begot his son and called his son Benjamin, meaning
who knows and serves Jehovah; and likewise he illu- “the son of my right hand”.
minates those who come to know God and Christ Jesus e Jacob had twelve sons by the four different \vomcn
as the truth is proclaimed. aforementioned. His sons by Leah were Reuben, the
6 Every child who has received instruction in the firstborn; and Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, and
Bible has been told of Joseph and his brethren, but Zcbulun. (Gcn. 35: 23) Jacob’s sons by his concubine
none have understood the significance thereof, for the Zilpah were Gad and Asher. (Gen. 35: 26) His sons
reason that no man can have an understanding and ap- by his concubine Bilhah were Dan and Naphtali: ond
preciation of such prophetic dramas until God’s due his sons by his beloved wife Rachel were Joseph and
time to make them clear. God himself brings about the Benjamin. (Gen. 35: 24: 25) Josepfi and Benjamin
conditions that fulfill these prophetic pictures; and were full brothers. The other ten sons of Jacob were
then, when all the players are upon the scene and the only half brothers to Joseph and Benjamin. The re-
part that each one plays is observed, the prophecy is lationship of the two full brothers was, of course,
illuminated by the Lord so that those who love right- closer than that of the other ten. Jacob was about 91
eousnessand meeknessmay understand. It seemswell years of age when Joseph was born, and 10s years old
here to give a brief synopsis of the prophetic drama when Benjamin was born ; thcreforc both Joseph and
of Joseph and his brethren and then to examine tfle Renjamin were sons “of [Jacob’s] old age”. (Gen.
Scripture texts in detail. It is a beautiful picture, 37 : 3) When Jacob was journeying to the land of his
and thrills the heart of everyone who loves and serves nativity after years of his absence in Syria, God sent
Jehovah God. It discloses Jehovah’s marvelous pro- his angel and informed Jacob that thereafter he should
vision and loving-kindness toward creatures, and it hc known by the name IsraeZ: “And he said, Thy name
is of the greatest importance to have a proper undtr- shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a
standing and appreciation of the provisions God has prince hast thou power with God and with men, and
made. hast prevailed.“-Gcn. 32 : 23.
7 JACOB was the grandson of Abraham, and by the lo When Joseph was a lad of seventeen years he was
grace of God had inherited the birthright from his a shcpfmrd boy feeding his father’s flocks. IIis half
grandparent. The circumstances surrounding the birth brothers were feeding the flocks of his father at
and early experiences of Joseph enable one to get a Shcchem. Jacob, now called Israel, sent his son Joseph
better view of the prophetic drama as it unfolds; and to Shcchcm to ascertain the condition of his brethren
hence we give some consideration to his parentage and the flocks and to bring back a report thereof to
The earthly father of Joseph was Jacob, and Jacob’s his father Jacob. Arriving at his destination, Joseph
father was Isaac. When Isaac was 131 years old and learned that his brethren had gone to Dothan. Joseph

then went to seek his brethren at Dothan ; and when .gross darkness the people, when there is great distress
they saw Joseph coming they immediately formed a and perplexity amongst men, the revelation of this
conspiracy against Joseph that they might get rid of .prophetic drama to Jehovah’s witnesses and the trans-
him. His half brothers hated Joseph because their mission of that knowledge by them to those who mourn
father loved Joseph more than them and had mani- will bring joy to those of Zion and peace and gladness
fested this love by his treatment of Joseph. Addi- to those who hear and who seek righteousness and
tionally, Joseph had dreamed two dreams and had told meekness, giving them assurance that Jehovah has
his brethren about the dreams, and that increased made ample provision for every time of need for those
their envy and hatred against him. Carrying out their who love and serve him. A brief synopsis of the open-
conspiracy, they seized Joseph and threw him into a ing part of the drama is set out first. Now the prin-
well or pit. Jacob had provided Joseph with a beauti- cipal players are named, with a brief statement of the
ful coat of many colors. They took this coat and dipped meaning of the parts played by them.
it in the blood of a goat, indicating that Joseph had I* JACOB, later called Israel, in this prophetic drama
been killed. Then they sold Joseph to merchantmen pictures or represents Jehovah God. To him Jehovah
going to Egypt and returned to their father with the said : “In thee and in thy seed shall all the families
stained garment, representing to him that Joseph had of the earth be blessed,” even as Jehovah had said to
been slain by wild beasts. Israel was convinced that Jacob’s grandfather, Abraham.-Gen. 28 : 14.
his son Joseph was dead. Joseph was carried away to Is RACHEL, the wife of Jacob whom he specially loved
Egypt and sold as a slave to one of Pharaoh’s oficers. and who for years was barren, in the drama pictured
(Gen. 37 : l-28) Joseph then served as a slave for a or represented Zion, God’s “woman”, that is to say,
time, and until God’s due time to use him in another Jehovah’s organization, that gives birth to his he-
way. He was exalted by Pharaoh to the highest place loved children.-Isa. 54 : l-7.
nest to the king in Egypt and became the most im-
I8 JOSEPH, the beloved son and firstborn of Jacob
portant man of Egypt, saving that nation from starva-
tion and death, by his wife Rachel, in the prophetic drama pictured
r1 The name “Joseph” has a two-fold meaning, or represented Christ Jesus, the beloved Son of God.
which the record discloses. At the time of his birth Joseph, during the seven years of famine in Egypt
his mother Rachel said: “God hath taken away my and in the land round about, in a typical or miniature
way was the “seed” of Jacob in whom all the families
reproach” ; and she called his name “Joseph”, which
means “remover”, that is, remover of reproach. And of the earth who obey him shall be preserved alive and
biessed. (Gen. 41: 55-57) Joseph therefore particular-
then Rachel said: “The Lord shall add to me another
ly typified or pictured Christ Jesus, the “seed of
son”; meaning “increaser”. Thus she foretold that
Abraham” according to the promise. (Gal. 3: 8’16)
the one whom Joseph foreshadowed would be the
The church of God, which is that company of persons
Vindicator of his Father’s name, would remove or
taken out of the world for the name of Jehovah and
take away the reproach of His name, and would be
made members of the body of Christ, is included in
an increaser, and would increase the number of those
the part of the drama played by Joseph, and this is
who would maintain their integrity toward God and
particularly so with reference to the remnant. These,
magnify his name.
of course, appear in a subordinate way to the Greater
PLAYERS AND PARTS than Joseph in the fulfillment of the prophecy. These
12Away back in the centuries past, in the lands of are made a part of the seed of promise because they
Canaan and Egypt Jehovah staged a great prophetic are members of the body of Christ.-Gal. 3: 29.
drama by which he foretold the manifestation of his l7 BEXJAMIN, together with his full brother Joseph,
loving-kindness toward mankind. In that drama each in this prophetic drama played the part representing
person played his respective part, not knowing the or picturing Jehovah’s royal family, of which Christ
real meaning of his acts. JchovaI~ God directed the Jesus is the head son. At the birth of Joseph, and
drama, and every part of it has a deep significance. after Rachel had named him, she said: “The Lord
The players and the parts that each one played, and shall add to me another son.” In that she spoke pro-
the pictorial siqnificauce thereof, can now be undcr- phetic words concerning Benjamin’s birth, which
stood, becauseit is God’s due time to revcal the mcan- would come later; therefore in the drama Joseph pic-
ing thereof to those who love and serve him. The reve- tures not only Christ Jesus himself, but also t!le
lation of this and other prophetic dramas makes glad original remnant that survive the test at the coming
the heart of the man of God and enables him to rejoice judgment of the Lord at the temple, which began in
in the knowledge of the fact that “whatsoever things 1918,resulting in bringing forth the “faithful and wise
were written aforetime were written for our learning, servant” class. That original remnant was also fore-
that we through pnticnce and comfort of the scrip- shadowed by Rlordecai and Naomi. Benjamin more
tures might have hope”.--Rem. 15 : 4. particularly played the part representing or fore-
I* In this time mhcn darkness covers the earth and shadowing that part of the remnant brought forth

after 1922, and which part of the remnant was also observe that the true followers of Christ Jesus have
pictured by Esther and Ruth, and these too are made had greater favor from God. In the latter part of the
a part of the elect servant or royal house. Hence prophetic drama, when these half brothers became
Joseph and Benjamin together pictured Jehovah’s reconciled to Joseph and sought his favor, the part
royal house in the entirety. Their mother, Rachel, was played by them pictures those who are not members
especially loved by Jacob, and gave birth to these two of the body of Christ, and hence not spirit-begotten,
sons; and in this she foreshadowed Zion, God’s uni- but are of good will toward God and Christ Jesus;
versal organization in its capacity of bringing forth hence they picture the Jonadab class, the “great mul-
Jehovah’s royal family. As Jacob loved Rachel most, titude” or “other sheep” that Christ Jesus brings
80 Jehovah loves most his organization Zion, for she into his Father’s fold. (John 10: 16) These are the
brings forth the royal family, and he loves his royal earthly children of God’s organization. Zion, which is
offspring most, which is the kingdom of heaven class. God’s organization, in her capacity of bringing forth
these earthly children was pictured or foreshadowed
l*Unt’il the birth of Benjamin Joseph was his fa- by the three other women of Jacob, that is, Leah and
ther’s only begotten son by Rachel his beloved wife the two concubines, the mothers of the ten half broth-
and was always the favorite son of his father. Like- ers of Joseph and Benjamin. Those here specifically
wise Christ Jesus is Jehovah’s “only begotten Son” named are the principal players. The others, who were
and favorite (John 3: IS), “the firstborn of every subordinate players in the drama, the part they played
creature” (Cal. 1: 15), “my beloved -son, in whom I and whom they represented, will appear in the de-
am well pleased.” (Matt. 3: 17) “I will make him my tailed examination of the text. The Biblical account
firstborn, higher than the kings of the earth.” (Ps. of the drama should be first read. It appears in Genesis,
89: 27) According to Jehovah’s purpose Joseph was chapters thirty-seven to fifty inclusive.
the logical one to be the typical seed of Israel, Isaac
and Abraham, in whom all would be blessed who rc- THE DRAMA
ceive blessings. (Gen. 28: 13,14) Christ Jesus is the poThe statements hereinbefore made concerning the
only logical and qualified “Seed of Abraham”, in players and the parts pictured by them must appear to
whom all the families of the earth who receive bless- be somewhat dogmatic, and for that reason the de-
ings must be blessed. That promised blessing began tailed examination of the text should be had in order
at Pentecost in A.D. 33 and continues unto the end that we may more fully appreciate God’s gracious
of the thousand-year reign of Christ. The fact that provisions. When the text of God’s Word is set along-
Joseph and Benjamin were both sons of Jacob’s old side the physical facts which are well known to be
age pictures the barrenness of God’s organization for true, and when both are in full accord and full har-
four thousand years, from Eden till the baptism of mony, then we may be sure that we have an undcr-
Christ Jesus at the Jordan, when he was brought forth standing of the fulfillment of the prophecy. Jehovah
and acknowledged as the beloved Son of Jehovah, in had directed the drama long ago and made the record
whom he is well pleased. (Matt. 3: 17) When Christ thereof for the benefit of the remnant, and we should
Jesus was begotten of the spirit at the Jordan, then confidently expect that he would give a revelation to
Zion, that is, God’s organization, like Rachel could his remnant before Armageddon, that the hope of such
say: “God hath taken away my reproach.” There was faithful ones might be made strong in these perilous
born out of God’s universal organization Christ Jesus, times. The Lord at his temple, which is hidden from
his Father’s great Vindicator who would in time take and hence dark to the people outside thereof, illumi-
away the reproach that had fallen upon the name of nates his prophecies, and illuminates the mind of the
Jehovah and upon his organization also involved in temple company, and gives them instruction. There-
his name. Thus Joseph pictured the greater One, fore Jesus says to the temple company: “What I tell
Christ Jesus, who is ‘the remover of reproach’. The you in darkness, that speak ye in light: and what ye
two sons, Joseph and Benjamin, foreshadowed the hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops.”
complete Christ, and the death of Rachel at the birth -Matt. 10 : 27.
of the second son, Benjamin, seemsclearly to picture 21It follows that when the remnant receive from
that ‘Jehovah’s organization completes her function the Lord the truths illuminating the prophecies, then
in bringing forth the members of the royal family and there the obligation is laid upon the remnant, or
when she gives birth to the last members of the rem- Jehovah’s witnesses, to go out and make known these
nant, which last members were pictured by Ruth and facts and the Scriptures showing the fulfillment of the
Esther. prophecy to those who are hungering and thirsting for
lo JOSEPH's BRETHREN, that is, the ten half brothers righteousness. Such are the ones that mourn and de-
who in the first part of the prophetic drama envied sire to be comforted and to whom the remnant are sent
and hated Joseph, appear to picture those persons in as anointed servants of God to bring them comfort.
the religious organizations that have envied and ill- Such are the people of good will, and the obligation
treated the true followers of Christ Jesus becausethey is upon the remnant to make known God’s provisions
l%mwaY 1, 1937

for all those who diligently seek to know and to dd and hatred of those ten half brothers against Joseph
his will. The remnant will in obedience to the Lord’s increased. In this part of the drama Jehovah was
commandment make known to the Jonadabs what they foretelling the exaltation of Joseph above his brethren,
“hear in the ear”. and more particularly foretelling that Jehovah would
4* Consideration should now be given to the Scrip- exalt his beloved Son, Christ Jests, above all and give
ture texts beginning with Genesis 37: 1: “And Jacob him a name above every name and before him every
dwelt in the land wherein his father was a stranger, knee shall bow. (Phil. 2 : 9-11) When Jesus was on
in the land of Canaan.” Jacob, like his grandfather earth Jehovah openly manifested his favor to his be-
Abraham, “looked for a city [the kingdom orglzniza- loved Son and by that plainIy testified that Jesus is
tion] which bath foundations, whose builder and mak- the real promised Seed of Jehovah’s choice as the
er is God.” (Heb. 11: 10) Joseph dwelt in the land of Ruler of the world. To Jesus, when on earth, the testi-
Canaan with his father and was his father’s beloved mony of God’s kingdom was given, and he began his
son and, like his ancestors, would be looking for the earthly work by preaching “The kingdom of heaven
kingdom of God’s building. His antitype, Christ Jesus, is at hand”. Jesus declared that he always spoke as
said to the Jews who were against him: ‘<Ye are from he was instructed by his Father to speak, and thus he
beneath; I am from above; ye are of this world; I am carried out his Father’s purpose. Jehovah backed up
not of t-his world. ” “ My kingdom is not of this world.” the declarations of his beloved Son by having the Son
(John 8: 23 ; 18: 36) Concerning his disciples, who perform miracles, thus showing his supernatural pow-
were like Benjamin to Joseph, Jesus said: “They are er. Even the Jewish clergy, who claimed to be the
not of the world, even as I am not of the world.” “seed of Abraham” and therefore the brethren of
(John 17 : 14) Since Joseph and his brother Benjamin Christ Jesus, recognized Jesus as the heir, although
were, like their ancestors, looking for the kingdom, they hated him. They saw that God’s favor was spe-
therefore all pictured by Joseph and Benjamin are cially upon him, and that increased their hatred. Those
“strangers and pilgrims” to the world under Satan, religionists were like Joseph’s half brethren who
looking for that better day and a perfect government. hated Joseph. (Matt. 21: 3s; John 8: 39-43) Those
-1 Pet. 2: 11. Jewish religionists hated Jesus without a cause (John
p9Jehovah, in directing the drama, moved each one 15: 25), even as the brethren of Joseph hated him
of the parties to perform according to His own will. without a cause. Likewise those of the “faithful
Israel, who pictured Jehovah God, showed his love servant” class are hated by the religion&s becausethe
for his beloved son in this, that he “made him a coat faithful servants are true and faithful to the name of
of many colours”. (Gem 37: 3) In this manner his Jehovah God and Christ Jesus. (Matt. 10 : 25) Those
father publicly identified Joseph his son as his fa- who hate the Lord’s remnant on earth the most are
vorite. The clothing supplied by the father identified the ones who also claim to be the followers of the
the child as holding a certain position or place in the Lord Jesus.
affections of the father. It was the custom amongst 24Joseph was a faithful shepherd boy, looking well
the Jews to show their favor to their children by the to the interest of his father’s flock. (Gcn. 37: 2) In
apparel they wore. “?Vith such robes were the king’s this he foreshadowed the good shepherd, Christ Jesus.
daughters that were virgins apparellcd.” (2 Sam. (John 10: 11) The half brothers of Joseph, the sons
13: 18) Joseph’s coat of many colors identified and of Jacob, were evil shcphcrds, and Joseph reported
designated him as the typical “seed of Abraham” and their wrongful conduct or evil deeds to his father.
as the future head of all the tribes issuing from Israel. The truthfulness of Joseph increased the hatred of
That future exalted position of Joseph was confirmed the others against him. Likewise when Jesus told the
by dreams that Jehovah caused him to have and to truth, he was hated the more by the religionists of his
then relate to his brethren. Joseph’s first dream was time and since. Jacob sent his beloved son Joseph
in substance this: That while he and his brethren were from his home at Hcbron a distance of seventy-five
binding sheaves of corn in the field, Joseph’s sheaf miles away to Shecbcm to learn the state of his half
stood upright and the sheaves of his brcthrcn stood brothers and the condition of the flocks that they were
round about and made obeisance to Joseph’s sheaf. tending.--Ben. 37 : 12-14.
(Gen. 37 : 6,7) Then Joseph had another dream, which *s In fulfillment of this part of the prophecy Jeho-
he told to his brcthrcn, and said to them: “Behold, I vah sent Christ Jesus, the Good Shepherd, to earth to
have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun, invcstiqate the Jewish clergy, who were duty-bound
and the moon, and the eleven stars, made obeisance to feed the covenant people of God on earth by in-
to me.” (Gcn. 37: 9) The dream told to his brethren forming them of God’s Word. Those Jewish reli;$on-
angered them because they understood that the prom- ists had bccomc false shcphcrds and lookrd after their
ise indicated that Joseph would be exalted above them own selfish interests and neglected their duty to Jcho-
and even above their own father and mother, and that vah and his covenant people. When Jesus came to
all should bow down to him. (Gen. 37 : S-10) The envy earth he was, like Joseph, a young man, and the clergy

of the Jews were “the elders in Israel”. Jesus found two were in the conspiracy, but they were not in favor
them to be wicked and neglecting his Father’s flocks, of slaying the lad, but standing by and consenting to
and he reported the matter to Jehovah his Father. the others’ taking a wrongful action against Joseph
Be&use of his faithfulness in so doing Jesus brought made all of them parties to the conspiracy and the
down upon his head the malicious hatred of the Jew- crime committed. They stripped Joseph, taking away
ish clergy, who also incited others to hatred and to his beautiful coat of many colors, and then cast him
persecute Jesus.-John 5 : 16-18 ; 8 : 13-44. into an empty well or pit, their purpose being to kill
p6The two dreams which Joseph had were, of course, him later. Having done this, then they had a feast
divinely arranged as a part of the prophetic drama, together, congratulating themselves on their accom-
and they foretold the exaltation of Joseph above his plishment in getting rid of Joseph. At the suggestion
brethren and others of his family relationship accord- of Judah, instead of killing Joseph, they sold him “ for
ing to the flesh. Joseph did not manifest conceit bc- twenty pieces of silver” to a band of Midianites and
cause of these promises, nor did he deport himself in Ishmaelites, merchants bound for Egypt. Their con-
a proud and arrogant manner, but he spoke plainly clusion was that now they were rid of their brother
to his brethren and told them; “and his brethren who had tormented them with the truth and that they
[aside from the infant Benjamin] envied him; but had also profited by receiving some filthy lucre from
his father observed the saying [kept the saying in the merchantmen. In order that they might further
mind]. ’ ‘- Gen. 37: 5-11. carry out their conspiracy and deceive their father
*’ The dreams not only foretold the exaltation of Israel, they killed a he-goat, instead of Joseph, and
Joseph, but foretold the opening to Christ Jesus of took the blood of that goat and smeared it over the
the heavenly things, that is, the unseen things of God’s beautiful garment, and then carried it in that condi-
holy Word, which told of the coming exaltation of tion to Jacob, representing to him that his beloved
Christ Jesus, Jehovah’s King and Vindicator, above son, Joseph, had been slain by wild beasts.-Gen.
every other creature in the universe. (Matt. 3 : 16) 37 : 13-35.
The exaltation of Christ Jesus was further foretold 2gJoseph, being less than twenty years of age, his
by the vision of transfiguration in the mountain. selling price was twenty pieces of silver according to
(Matt. 1’7: 1-5) Jesus had told his disciples of his fu- the law. (Lev. 27 : 5) During the twenty-two years
ture glory and power. (Matt. 16: 27’28) When Jesus following this selling, Joseph was to Jacob as though
stood before his accusers he said: “Hereafter shall ye he were dead. His father had no knowledge that he
see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, had been sold into Egypt and was yet alive.
and coming in the clouds of heaven.” (Matt. 26 : 64) 8oThis part of the prophetic drama was~fulfillcd by
The Jewish clergy hated Jesus and sought to kill him what came upon Jesus. His Jewish brethren, accord-
bedausehe said that Jehovah was his Father, and that ing to the flesh, conspired to kill Jesus and repeatedly
his Father loved him. (John 8: 1’7-47) Faithfully attempted to carry out that conspiracy, and finally
obedient to Jehovah ‘s commandments, Jesus did “bear did execute the conspiracy in bringing about the death
witness unto the truth” concerning himself and the of the Lord Jesus. (John 5 : 16-18 ; 11: 53 ; Matt. 27 : 1)
kingdom of God, as foretold in the prophecies of God’s Like Reuben toward Joseph, some amongst the Jews
Word. Even the political ruler Pilate knew that the were not favorable to the killing of Jesus, and among
chief priests had “delivered him for envy”. (Mark them there was “a man named Joseph, a counsellor”,
15: 10; Matt. 27: 18) All this was in fulfillment of who had not consented to the murder of Jesus. (Luke
that part of the prophetic drama showing the feeling 23: 5-51) As it was suggested that Joseph be sold
of Joseph’s half brethren to Joseph. Those half breth- into Egypt, so Judas sold Jesus to the enemy clergy
ren of Joseph had led the flocks of their father from for thirty pieces of silver. Jesus being thirty-three
Shechem some fifteen miles northwest to the place years of age, and therefore at maturity, the price for
called Dothan, which means “two wells”. Joseph had him was thirty pieces of silver, which the commercial
been sent by his ,father to find them, and so he fol- religionists paid for his lifeblood, and then delivered
lowed on in search of his father’s flocks then in charge Jesus to the executioners of Satan’s world, which
of those evil shepherds. (Gen. 37: 14-17) Likewise “spiritually is called . , . Egypt, where also our
Jesus, “the Good Shepherd,” was faithful in carry- Lord was crucified”. (Rev. 11: S ; Matt. 26: 14-16 ;
ing out his Father’s commandment, willingly facing 27 : 3-5) After stripping Jesus of his identity as God’s
danger, and giving liis life for the sheep. He went in favorite Son, which they did by their malicious lies,
search of his Father’s flocks then in charge of the the Jewish clergy then caused him to bc murdered as
Jewish clergy, who claimed to be the “seed of Abra- a wicked sinner. As Joseph’s half brcthrcn killed the
ham”. he-goat and used its blood for deception, so the Jewish
**Those unfaithful shepherds or half brothers of clergy brought about the death of the Lord Jesus
Joseph “conspired against him to slay him”, with the Christ. Joseph’s brethren sought to effectually de-
possible exception of Reuben and Judah. Even those ceive their father, and for a time succeeded. Likewise

the Jewish clergy sought to deceive. Even though Je- particularly of the remnant, have been made of no
8us was raised from the dead by the power of Jehovah reputation among men and have suRered many indig-
and that fact was repeated amongst the people, the nities becauseof their faithfulness. They likewise have
Jewish clergy vigorously denied that Jesus lived again, an assurance that God is with them, and this makes
and schemed to induce all to believe him still dead. their burdens easy to be borne. Potiphar saw that
(Blatt. 27 : 6‘2-66; Luke ‘23: 50-53 ; John 19 : 3142) Joseph was a good man and dependable, and he made
Joseph completely disappeared from the land of his Joseph a trusted slave for his service. Likewise world-
nativity and was supposed by his father to be dead; ly men have seen that those devoted to Jehovah are
and thus ended the first act of the great prophetic more trustworthy than other men and more depend-
drama. able when assigned to a specific duty. These faithful
SECOND PART followers of Christ Jesus have learned that whatsoever
*l The scene is now transferred from the land of they do, they do as unto the Lord.
Canaan to the land of Egypt, where Joseph was a s3.Applying now the well-known facts and the
slave or bond servant. Joseph’8 career in Egypt re- prophecy to the faithful followers of Christ Jesus on
qnires a transfer in application of the prophetic drama earth, mark how well the two harmonize. The applica-
from Jesus personally to Christ Jesus and the mem- tion seemsto be properly made during the period of
bers of his body, the church, over which Christ Jesus time when Christ Jesus was ‘preparing the way before
is Head and Lord. The prophecy particularly now ap- Jehovah’, and before he came to the temple. From
plies to “the feet of him”, otherwise called “the rem- about A.D. 1878 forward Jehovah’s faithful servants
nant”, his true followers yet on earth. Long after the under Christ Jesus were engaged in a pre-kingdom
selling of Joseph into Egypt one of God’s faithful service. They saw that the kingdom was near, and they
witnesses wrote and the record of his testimony is this : went forth proclaiming the second coming of Christ
“And the patriarchs, moved with envy, sold Joseph and the kingdom of God under Christ Jesus, although
into E,qpt : but God was with him, and delivered him the matter was not then so clearly understood by them.
out of all his afllietions, and gave him favour and wis- As Joseph was a slave in the house of Potiphar, so the
dom in the sight of Pharaoh king of Egypt; and he faithful followers of Christ Jesus on earth were in
made him governor over Egypt and all his house.‘, subjection to men because of not discerning who con-
(Acts 7: 9,10) This is further proof that the drama stitute “the higher powers”. (Rom. 13: 1) They have
was directed by Jehovah God, was and is a prophecy, believed that the political ruler8 of earth constitute the
and was recorded long ago for the benefit,of the rem- powers ordained of God, and were hence the higher
nant now on earth, that they might be encouraged and powers. They faithfully performed whatsoever was
have their hope increased. In corroboration of this committed to them, and men of the world saw that
Jehovah’s prophet wrote: “He sent a man before them, these true Christians were more reliable and depend-
even Joseph, who was sold for a servant; whose feet able than others. As Joseph was made a trusted serv-
they hurt with fetters: he was laid in iron; until the ant because of his dependability and faithfulness, so
time that his word came; the word of the Lord tried during the period of time when Christ Jesus was pre-
him. The king sent and loosed him ; even the ruler of paring the way before Jehovah there was developed
the people, and let him go free. He made him lord of a class of men and women, the true followers of Christ
hi.8 house, and ruler of all his substance; to bind his Jesus, who honestly and faithfully performed what-
Irrinces at his pleasure, and teach his scnntors wis- sOeverwas committed into their hands and were noted
dom.” (Ps. 105: 17-22) Thus was foretold that the as dependable. This class was on earth when Christ
feet members of Christ Jesus would be bound and Jesus finished the work of preparing the way before
hurt with fetters, that they would bc held in restraint Jehovah and at the time he appeared at the temple
and suffer until God’s due time to lift them up with for judgment. It is to this class the words of Jesus
their Lord and Head. The loving-kindness of Jehovah are addressed: I‘ Blessed is that servant [class], Lvhom
is manifested in this, that he caused these minor de- his lord, when he cometh [to the temple], shall find
tails to be recorded long ago and now makes them so doing. ” (Matt. 24: 45,46) At the time “the hig!ler
known for the benefit of his faithful ones on earth. powe,rs’ ’ was not particularly an issue and was not
‘+*Arriving in Egypt, Joseph was made a slave in given very much consideration. But the time must
the house of Potiphar, captain in Pharaoh’s guard, come when the integrity of God’s people must be put
that is, the man who was the chief csccutioncr of the to a test and when they must know who constitute
king : “And the Lord was with Joseph, and he was “the higher powers” and devote themselves fully to
a prosperous man; and he was in the house of his the true higher powers.
master the Egyptian.” (Gen. 39 : 2) Joseph was a I4 No doubt Joseph wa8 a well-developed and hand-
slave and a man of no reputation in Egypt at that Borneyoung man as well as entirely trustworthy. He
time, yet he had God’8 favor all the time. Likewise was strong, upstanding and vigorous. He had found
the faithful follower8 of Christ Jesus upon earth, favor in the sight of his master Potiphar and for that

reason had been given the freedom of his house. His must fight him by taking undue advantage by reason
integrity now was put to the test. Would he remain of her standing with her husband, and for envy and
true and steadfast to God, or would he compromise with express malice, she struck Joseph in the back.
himself P Potiphar’s wife was used to put Joseph to Likewise the clergy know they have no defense and
the test, even as Satan’s “woman”, his organization, they strike Jehovah’s witnesses in the dark, always
is used to put the sons of God now on earth to a severe hiding behind someone else and relying upon their
test, affording the opportunity to prove their integrity. reputation and standing amongst the political and
Potiphar’s wife attempted to sedixe the young man commercial elements of Satan’s organization. Con-
Joseph and cause him to have intercourse with her. cerning the clergy and their allies of the present day,
He resisted her, and yet she persisted in her efiorts and their method of fighting, Jehovah says: “The
to seduce him. When Potiphar’s wife had failed to mighty men of Babylon [Satan’s organization] have
involve the young man Joseph and he fled from her forborn to fight, they have remained in their holds;
when his garment was torn from his back by her, then their might hath failed ; they became as women. ”
she falsely accused him of the crime of assault with (Jer. 51: 30) The result is that Jehovah’s witnesses
intent to rape. That was a serious charge; and the are cast into prison, charged with the offense of sedi-
circumstantial evidence being agairst Joseph then, tion, treason, obstructers of the governments, hostiie
though wholly false, Potiphar the master caused and dangerous to the state or organization of the
Joseph to be thrown into prison “where the king’s world. (Xatt. 24: 9 ; Mark 13: 9) Particularly were,
prisoners were bound”. (Gen. 39: 6-20) In this test such false charges laid against God’s faithful people
Joseph had strictly maintained his integrity. during the World War, and many of them were im-
85Fornication and adultery are typical of illicit prisoned becauseof their faithfulness to God and their
spiritual relationship of the child of God with Satan’s maintaining their integrity toward him. At that time
“woman” or organization. (Jas. 4 : 4) Jehovah ‘s the “evil servant” class, having become a part of Sa-
faithful servants under Christ Jesus have repeatedly tan’s “woman”, betrayed the faithful ones into the
repulsed the unclean and licentious advancement of hands of the clergy, even as Judas betrayed Jesus into
Satan’s “woman”, that is, his organization. Although the hands of the Jewish religionists.-Matt. 24: 9-12.
often enticed, they have kept themselves “unspotted 3r The crime with which Joseph was charged by the
from the world” by refusing to have anything in com- woman was a capital offense. It was a charge easily
mon with the organization that rules the world. They made and easily proved with circumstantial evidence,
have refused to be seduced by Satan’s woman. They and against which Joseph had no defense except his
have persistently refused to join with the religious own honest word. Pharaoh’s baker was beheaded for
organizations and have anything in common with those an offense of less enormity than that charged against
organizations and to thereby commit spiritual forni- Joseph. Joseph doubtless would have been likewise
cation. They have shunned the corrupt political afr”airs executed, but God was with him and placed his pro-
of this world and have steadfastly held to their scrvicc tecting hand over him, preventing his execution. Jeho-
of God and Christ Jesus. vah maneuvered matters so that Joseph was placed
I6 Potiphar’s wife was moved by revenge to make in a higher-class prison, that is, in the royal prison.
the false accusations against Joseph. For revenge, like No doubt Joseph for a time was treated like other
the adulterous and wicked woman, the clergy have prisoners, because it is prophetically written of him:
falsely accused God’s faithful children of violating ‘They hurt his feet, and he was laid in irons.’ (PS,~
their liberty and with the crime of assault upon the 105: 17,X3) The Lord showed his favor toward him,
organization of the world. They delight to continue to and then Joseph was made a trusted slave in the
accuse Jehovah’s witnesses as communists. This false prison : “And the keeper of the prison committed to
accusation was particularly true in the time of the Joseph’s hand all the prisoners that were in the
World War, and is still true. Although the “faithful prison ; and whatsoever they did there, he was the
servant” class adhere strictly to the truth, as com- doer of it. The keeper of the prison looked not to any
manded ,by Jehovah, and fight only for the truth nxl thing that was under his hand; because the Lord was
the vindication of Jehovah’s name, the clergy, like v:ith him, and that which he did the Lord made it to
Potiphar’s wife, resort to lies and maliciously charge prosper. ” (Gen. 39: 22,23) In this prison house
God’s people with crimes, causing them to be im- lJo~eph was a type of Christ Jesus representatively
prisoned and othcruise restrained. The clergy and through his feet members on earth, who were re-
allies, who are the “mighty men” of Babylon, have strained and thrown into prison, and this was par&u-
always refused to come into the open and fight, and larly true during the World War.
that is particularly true now. Unable to meet the trut 11, 3aWhatever punishment is inflicted upon the faith-
as proclaimed by God’s people, the clergy resort to ful feet mcmbcrs, the remnant, Christ Jesus counts
lies and strike in the dark, Potiphar’s wife knew that that as inflicted upon himself. (Matt. 25: 36-40) Dur-
she had no just cause against Joseph and that she ing the World War Jehovah’s servants were subjected

to many indignities, imprisoned and ill-treated, even 1 2. When and to whom does the rule at Romans 6: 23 apply9
Have men given heed to that rule, and why9
as Joseph was ill-treated at first. Then Jehovah re- 7 3. How is eternal life- the fres gift of God9 Explain the
lieved them of much of their suffering and preserved phrase here, “in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
their lives, although his faithful ones had been im- 1 4. To whom. and how, has Jehovah given proof of his fore-
prisoned with the purpose of killing them and hence, knowled& and made known his &ovisi&s for mantand
for wharpurpose has this been d&e?
as written, they were “appointed to die”. (Pss. 79 : 11; u 5,6.himVVhat was Jehovah’s purpose in the events directed by
102: 20) Christ Jesus, the beloved Son, was at that in ancient times, and in his providing record thereof in
his Word? When, and to whom, has Jehovah revealed the
time at the temple. The holy spirit as comforter and application of those prophetic dramas9 How, and for what
guide had been taken away because of the Lord’s per- purpose 9
sonal presence at the temple, who now guides and com- 7,8. Relate the circumstances surrounding the birth and early
experiences of Joseph. Of Benjamin.
forts his own whom he has gathered unto himself. Q. Point out the parentage and relationship of the twelve
(2 Thess. 2: 7; John 14: 16-18) Therefore God was sons of Israel.
with the antitypical Joseph class at this time and 10,ll. Relate the course of events by which Joseph became
the most important man of Egypt. Point out the prophetic
showed them favor, and he continues to show them significance of the name ‘(Joseph”.
favor, even to this day. As there were committed to U 12,13. Show that this and other prophetic dramas and the
the hand of Joseph as a trusted slave or bond servant record thereof serve the purpose for which Jehovah pro-
vided them.
all the other prisoners, even so the Lord has committed 14,15. Whom does Jacob picture in this prophetic drama,
to his “faithful and wise servant” class the privilege and how9 Rachel?
1617. Joseph, in his part of the drama, pictures whom, and
and duty of ministering to all other prisoners, that how9 Benjamin9 Benjamin together with Joseph9
is to say, to those pictured by Ruth and Esther first, 18. What was foreshown (a) in Joseph’s being his father’s
and who have since been made a part of the servant favorite son, and, until the birth of Benjamin, being his
father’s only son by Rachel9 (b) In the fact that Joseph
class, and also to the people of good will, or Jonadabs, and Benjamin were both sons of Jacob’s old age?
who are now being loosed and brought into the liberty U 19. Kho were pictured by Joseph’s ten half brothers? and
of God’s kingdom. Thus the Lord has made the work how is this shown9
of the “faithful servant” class, whom Joseph at this U 20,21. TO whom, how, for what purpose, does Jehovah give
an understanding of his prophecies9 How may we kno,v
point of the drama pictured, to prosper. He has com- that we have the correct understanding of a prophecy?
mitted into their hands all his goods. They pray for U 22. With related scriptures, show that in the circumstances
seen in Genesis 37: 1 the position of Joseph and Benjamm
prosperity and receive prosperity, as God had prom- was prophetic.
ised. (Ps. 118 : 25) Joseph maintained his integrity U 23-25. Explain the prophetic picture presented (a) in the
toward God. The remnant, the members of the body record at Genesis 37: 3. (b) In the dreams had by Joseph,
and the effect upon his brethren when toId to them by him.
of Christ, who continue faithful, will maintain their (c) In Joseph’s being his father’s faithful shepherd son,
integrity towards Jehovah, and, doing so, they are and in the evil report by his brethren, who also were sbep-
certain to have a part in the vindication of his holy herds. (d) In Joseph’s commission from his father as re-
corded at verse 14.
name. The great prophetic drama proceeds, showing U 26. What was the significance to Joseph of his dreams here
that Jehovah had much more in store for Joseph to recorded9
perform, and foretells that God, through Christ Jesus, U 27. Point out the prophetic significance of Joseph’s dreams
here on record, and of the hatred and envy manifested
has committed into the hands of his faithful servant toward him bv his half brethren.
class much work to be done to the honor of his name. U 28-30. Relate, ih substance, the record concerning Joseph
He now reveals these truths to the “faithful servant” according to Genesis 37: 14-36. Apply the prophetic picture.
class, that they may be strong in hope, knowing that, U 31. The opening of the second part of the drama presents
what change of scene, and requires what transfer in appli-
continuing in faithful service, they will in due time cation of the prophetic picture9
participate in the vindication of Jehovah’s holy name. U 32,33. Apply that part of the prophetic picture recorded at
Genesis 39: 2.
(To be continued) U 34,35. How do the persistent efforts of Potiphar’s wife to
seduce Joseph, and his maintaining his integrity, find
QUESTIONS FOR STUDY application as a prophecy9
7 1. Account for the provision made by Jehovah for those who U 36. Potiphar’s wife, failing in her efforts to seduce Joseph,
would give heed to his word. Bow were the word and name then pursued what course9 Point out the course of affairs
of Jehovah put in issue? What has been Jehovah’s proce- fulfilling this part of the picture.
dure in regard thereto, and why? With what result? What, U 37,35. What is the evidence that at that time, also in the
then, is the testimony now to be grvent and what is the fulfillment of the prophetic picture, “the LOPS was .with
purposethereof 9 Joseph ’ ’ 9

in all his ways, and gractous tn all his works. Jehovah is nzgh
unto all them that call upon htm, to all that cdl upon him tn
truth. He wdl fulfil the desare of them that fear him; he dso
will hear their cry and will save them. Jehovah ratseth up them
that are bowed down; Jehovah loueth the rtghteous; Jehovah
preserveth the strangers; he relceveth the fatherless and wcdtiu ;
but the cay of the wtcked he turneth upside down. .Jehot.ah
will reign for ever, thy God, 0 Zion, unto all generatwns.
PraMe ye Jehovah.-Psalms 145,146.

T HE Lord God Almighty sitting upon his throne,

over and above all the forces of his organization
and coming out of the north and moving for-
ward to the destruction of the unfaithful city of Jeru-
by Jehovah’s being seated upon his throne above all
his organization, as described by EzckicI. Therefore,
five years after the beginning of the kingdom. the
“servant” class of the Lord on earth began to clearly
salem, was seen in vision by God’s prophet Ezekiel. SC:that ‘God had another work for the “faithful serv-
Concerning this Ezekiel says: “And above the firma- ant” to do before the end. The kingdom had begun,
ment that was over their [the cherubim’s] heads w‘as and the first great work would be the clearing out of
the likeness of a throne, as the appearance of a sap- Satan’s organization, and before the Lord would do
phire stone; and upon the likeness of the throne was that he would cause the members of the “faithful
the likeness as the appearance of a man above upon servant” class on earth to give notice by a world-wide
it. And I saw as the colour of amber, as the appcar- campaign of testifying to the Lord’s purposes. It is
ante of fire round about within it, from the appcar- thus seen that the physical facts exactly fit the proph-
ante of his loins even upward, and from the appear- ecy and show that Ezekiel had his first vision five
ance of his loins even downward, I saw as it were the years after his captivity and that the “faithful and
appearance of fire, and it had brightness round about. wise servant”, whom Ezekiel foreshadowed, had his
As the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud m vision of the kingdom-Elisha-work five years after the
the day of rain, so was the appearance of the bright- King was enthroned.
ness round about. This was the appearance of the like- For a number of years God’s people had waited for
ness of the glory of the Lord. And when I saw it, I the vision to speak. Since about 1589, when Volume 11
fell upon my face, and I heard a voice of one that of Studies in the Scriptures was issued and it was sc?n
spake.’ ‘- Ezek. 1: 26-28. that there was a typical significance attached to Elijah
The duty of pronouncing God’s jud,ment and of and his work, the faithful had waited, expecting the
the execution thereof is laid upon Christ Jesus, who year 1914 to mark the complete fulfillment of the
is God’s Chief Executive Officer. That this vision prophecy. They had expected Armageddon to follow
refers to the time of the coming of the Lord Jesus to immediately after 1914 and the church to be glorified.
the temple of Jehovah for judgment is further sup- Of course, it was not due time until after 1918 to have
ported by what the prophet later saw and about which a clearer vision of the prophecy. Like the prophet
he wrote, to wit: “Afterward he brought me to the Habakkuk, God’s covenant people had waited, and,
gate [of the temple], even the gate that looketh toward while waiting, there were some curious speculations
the east; and, behold, the glory of the God of Israel indulged in by them, which were ‘mere guesses, uf
came from the way of the cast, and his voice was like course, and therefore not true, becauseit was not God’s
a noise of many waters ; and the earth shined with his time for them to understand. Habakkuk, referring to
glory. And it was according to the appearance of the the “servant” class, wrote : “I will stand upon my
vision which I saw, even according to the vision that watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to
I saw when I came to destroy the city [prophesy that see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer
the city should be destroyed (~mrgin) ] ; and the when I am reproved. And the Lord answered me, and
visions were like the vision that I saw by the river said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tabies,
Chebar ; and I fell upon my face. And the glory of the that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet
Lord came into the house, by the way of the gate whose for an appointed time, but at the end it shall spetlk,
prospect is toward the east. So the spirit took me up, and not lie; though it tarry, wait for it; because it
and brought me into the inner court; and, behold, will surely come, it will not tarry.“-Hab. 2: 1-3.
the glory of the Lord filled the house.“-Ezek. 43 : l-5. It was in 1919 that the “faithful servant” class
At the time of this, his first vision, Ezekiel pictured began to see the significance of the Elisha work. The
and foreshadowed those in the covenant with God and ‘Ls~rvant” more fully saw in 1922 the meaning there-
in line for the kingdom and whom the Lord Jesus of. It was in that year that God’s covenant people
Christ found faithful upon coming to his temple and came to a realization that they had been negligent in
to whom he committed his kingdom interests on the giving the testimony to the Lord’s name and that ‘the
earth, and to which class he refers as the “faithful Lord was angry with them’, but that the time had come
and wise servant “. (Matt. 24 : 45,46) This “faithful to ‘turn away his anger’. (Isa. 12: 1) In that year the
servant ’ ’ class had its vision made clear concerning faithful saw the Lord had come to his temple, and
the Elijah and Elisha works of the church in the au- with joy and zeal peculiar to the house of the Lord
tumn of 1919. This ivas five years after Jehovah had they went forward to do the Elisha work in advcrtis-
placed his anointed King upon his holy hill in Zion ing the King and the Kingdom.
and the “man child”, the new government, had been The vision was so marvelous and awesometo Ezekiel
born. That new government was a part of God’s uni- that he ‘fell down upon his face, and heard a voice of
versal organization, and it was then, through the one speaking to him’. (Ezck. 1: 28) When the Lord,
functioning of that government, that Jehovah began through the columns of The Watcldowar, disclosed the
his reign over the earth. This was particularly shown vision of the Lord’s coming to the temple, and its

meaning, the faithful appreciative ones, designated prophecy of Joel, occurred in 1932, when all in the
as God’s “young men”, like Ezekiel, fell down and earthly division of the organization of the Lord were
worshiped in devotion to Jehovah. To these faithful commissioned to go forth with the messageof truth.
ones the vision continued to increase in beauty and -Joel 2 : 28,29.
grandeur, and they have seen and now see that the Ezekiel saw the Lord approaching to destroy Sa-
great work of God’s anointed people on earth is to tan’s organization, and the “faithful servant” class
make a proclamation of the truth looking to the vindi- saw in 1919 that the church, pictured by Elisha, must
cation of Jehovah’s name. The “faithful servant” 11~s now do a vigorous slaying work in connection with the
since continued to hear the voice of the Lord and to Lord’s destruction of “organized Christianity “.
joyfully respond thereto in going forward with the Shortly thereafter the Golden Age magazine was ix-
work committed into their hands. sued, and issue No. 27 of that magazine laid bare the
While the young man Ezekiel was prostrated before wicked deeds of “organized Christianity”. Several
the Lord he heard a voice of one saying to him: “Son million copies of this number of the magazine were
of man, stand upon thy feet, and I will speak unto placed in the hands of the people. The “faithful serv-
thee.” (Ezek. 2: 1) “And the spirit entered into me ant” class then got on its feet and went to work. The
when he spake unto me, and set me upon my feet, anointing was a commission to speak God’s vengeance
that I heard him that spake unto me. And he said against those who had reproached his name. In the
unto me, Son of man, I send thee to the children of commission given to Ezekiel “there was written there-
Israel, to a rebellious nation that hath rebelled against in lamentations, and mourning, and woe”. Likewise
me: they and their fathers have transgressed against God’s anointed and commissioned people were now
me, even unto this very day.” (Ezek. 2: 2,3) Then commissioned to speak the vengeance of Jehovah
and there Ezekiel was given G commission to bear a against those who had reproached his name. (Ezek.
message to the people of Israel. Since anointing is 2: 10) The anointed people of the Lord were there-
symbolic of a commission granted and bestowed upon fore commissioned to publish these truths so that they
the anointed ones, this would represent the anointing could be heard and read and understood.
of the faithful ones who were approved and taken into Time was required for the organizing of the work,
God’s organization. Those whom the Lord found faith- and it seems certain that the “servant” class might
ful at the examination upon coming to the temple, as have been more energetic than they were. Doubtiess
pictured by the parable of the t;llents, would here be many were held back because of fear and something
pictured as receiving the anointing or commission.- was required for such that they might have their eyes
Matt. 25 : 21. fully opened to the responsibility of the work they
When the Lord came to his temple in 1918 he found were commissioned to do. It is well known that some
two classesof servants : one that was moved by a selfish of the groups of God’s covenant people at that time
desire to be honored in the kingdom, and another un- hesitated to distribute No. 27 of the GolclelaAge mag-
seliihly devoted to the Lord in doing his will. The azine, manifestly because of fear. It exposed the
first he later designates as the “evil servant”, and the duplicity of the clergy, and some feared to incur their
other as the “faithful and wise servant”. It is after displeasure. In the latter part of 1920 the Watch
the division and separation takes place that the “faith- Tower Bible and Tract Society began the distribu-
ful and wise servant” is known and designated as tion of the messagecontained in No. 27 of The Golde~z
“the remnant”. The “faithful and wise servant” is Age. Companies that failed or refused to distribute
anointed and commissioned to care for the interests that messagelost the privilege, and others were sent
of the kingdom, and this is designated by the words of into their territory to make the distribution. By 1922
Jesus that ‘he would make him ruler over all his God’s people had come to a clearer understanding of
goods’. (Matt. 24: 47) This prophecy would indicate their duties and the work took on a greater impetus,
that such anointing took place in 1919 ; and that. the and those who were privileged to do it went at it
general outpouring of the holy spirit, according to the zealously and fearlessly.

ELOW are given reports received from members The phonograph method removes prejudice, awakens the
of the Bethel family engaged in the educational sleeping, reawakens the dormant, creates new interest, con-
vinces the people of the unselfishness of Jehovah’s people,
campaign with the portable phonograph : creates an excellent impression in the neighborhood, causes the
Twenty-five hours of exclusively phonograph witness work, people to read the books they already have, changes the witness
in December, yielded blessings beyond all compnrizon. In the work from racing to visiting, makes the territory last several
preceding seventeen months there were 1.53 placements per times as long, and blesses the worker with beautiful and oft-
hour in the 384 hours devoted to witnessing. Uy the phonog~uph repeated truth.
method the placements, in the month just ended, were down Four weeks, to the day, after a Polish farmer near Madison-
to 1.14 per hour, but tho blessingswent up 100 percent. ville, Pa., refused to talk about the truth or to receive the

W%IWSSinto hie home he and his wife and two grown sons plague to the clergy and their allies. They are cowards who
lietened to four record8 with great interest and appreciation cannot stand being exposed. In a home where I was the other
and promised to read a free booklet. Their prejudice is gone, evening, a ‘ ‘ reverend,, came in and sat down. I turned to him,
probably for ever. saying, “We are having a Bible study; will you wait?‘, Just
In the same neighborhood, a young farmer and his wife, then he had caught sight of the R’ichea books and quickly
members of a church the pastor of which is particularly vicious grasped the situation and jumped up as though someone had
in his attacks on the truth (even to the extent of following stuck a pin into him, saying, “No, no! Oh no! I ,, and out of
witnesses down the street and openly warning against rendmg the house he went. That was all I saw of him.
the literature), heard six records and obtained four bound It never dawned on me the help the phonograph can be,
books. He is only just now working, after many months’ idleness. although, since the first time they were suggested by the So-
In the same neighborhood, where a woman claimed she had ciety, I have carried one almost every trme I went to the
most of the books, did not read them, did not intend to, and territory.
would give them away at the first opportunity, her husband Two weeks ago I stepped into a home, but as soon as the
heard six records and manifested intense interest and appre- lady realized who I was she went into a fit, shouting at me to
ciation. Indications were he will now read the books. “get out I get out1 ,’ Her two daughters ran to her asking
In Kempton, Pa., a man and wife, Lutherans, resented any- “Mother-what’s wrong?” Her reply was “Rootherford!
body calling with spiritual food: they already had all they Rootherford 1 Our worst enemy! ”
needed or wanted. Neither chair nor table was offered. Two Thinking over this incident on my way home that evening,
records were played on the floor of the porch. One mentioned I could remember lots of cases where the people were bitter
Preparation, and when the book was then shown, the man, against “Rootherford and Jehovah’s witnesses” in general,
though out of work, obtained it. but I don’t remember a single instance where people were
In Friedensburg, Pa., a woman who had many of the books rude or disrespectful after hearing the phonograph records.
declined to hear the phonograph or to obtain more literature. On the other hand, there is a ring of sincerity and authorrty
At the roadside stand, alongside, her husband (and four of that commands respect, setting the people thmking to their
her children) heard six records, and the man obtained the own good, and causes them to take literature where with or-
Etches combination, and went into the house from which the dinary witnessing methods they would simply say “no” and
witness had just been excluded, to get the wherewithal to that would be the end of the matter.
contribute. In the past two months, above my regular work, I have put
‘In the same neighborhood a man sore on the world, and par- in fifty hours in witnessing and evening calls; and I must say
ticularly on the Devil’s churches, after grudgingly hearing two the phonograph has taken me into more homes in that time
lectures, said the biggest hypocrites are in the churches and, than in a whole year previously and, as for giving testimony,
as for him, he listens every chance he gets to “the man from I am sure it is even more effective than the radio, because of
Brooklyn ’ ,. He promised to read a booklet, even though his the personal contact and also having the literature right there.
wife protested. A few days ago, while witnessing, a man refused to listen and
At Oceanside, N.Y., a woman had just joined the Lutheran then said, “Don’t go to that house: the lady wouldn’t be
church and did not wish to get “mixed up”, but when she bothered; and besides, she is blind. ” I wasn’t taking instrue-
heard two lectures she concluded the Lord had sent the wit- tions from him, and went to the door in questton. The lady was
ness. She already had %&es, and obtained Creation. not only blind, but sick in bed, too; a neighbor let me in. There
In same neighborhood where a most capable witness had was no radio in the home, and this poor soul had no way of
just called and left nothing by the usual methods, along came hearing the message of truth and could not even read the
the phonograph witness, by accident, thirty minutes later. The Braille system.
playing of seven records resulted in placement of a Riches She gladly heard the phonograph and expressed appreciation
combination. and her desire that I should come again, which I will do, con-
At Jericho, N.Y., a Sunday morning call in an antique shop sidering it a privilege to bring a little comfort to such a one;
resulted in a most enjoyable half hour, playing the phonograph and what better method than by phonographt
before an open fire. Two bound books were placed. Playing the As in this case, the phonograph adapts itself to almost every
records placed the books here also. circumstance, and my report shows that more than 200 people
In same neighborhood an Irish Catholic gentleman, a watch- have listened quietly to Brother Rutherford’s clear, masterly
man, demurred that he already had 250 phonograph records of explanations of their favorite texts and, problems that have
his own and every mght, all night, listened to the radio, as he puzzled many for years-this number in the past two months.
had nothing else to do. He finally consented to hear one record, Words cannot express what was behind the nods, smiles, re-
“ Purgatory. ,, At its end he said, “ Well, now, that would make marks and gestures that accompanied the playmg of the records.
you think; wouldn’t itS ” and obtained the Raches. One lady’s face, last Saturday, was a study in itself. Her face
At Flushing, N.Y., an Irish Catholic woman granted admis- was hard, and she let me talk and talk till I had to ask her
sion to the witness “from the Watch Tower, with choice male if she knew what I was saying, and I was surprised to hear
quartettee and lectures from the best radio programs in New her say, “Yes, perfectly. ,, She remained cold as ice, and
York city’,. She was puzzled and kept wanting. to know the shrugged her shoulders when I asked her to let me put on a
objectives; but, by taking a hmt from Esther (Preserral’on, record. I opened up the machine anyway, and started it going.
pages 120-122), this information was withheld until the rtght When halfway through she came over and sat down by the
time. When she had no more time to spare, she was shown four machine. When it finished she picked up a Rtches and asked,
bound books, Rzchee, Crenizon, Government, Preparatton, with “Does this book explain what the record has said?” “Why,
the information that these were the books mentioned in the certainly; and much more. ” She took the book and agreed that
lecture. She promptly obtained them, and, two minutes after I call back.
the interview was closed, came out on the sidewalk to know if When Jesus said, “My yoke is easy, and my burden is light,”
she might have another set on the same terms 1 he did not mean that we can serve by just relaxing and setting
at home. Making good use of the phonograph calls for a lot
The stirring call of the year text, together with the instruc- of hard work, and although we don’t always see the results of
tions to make good use of the phonograph, should be a great our labors right away, wc do indeed get Immediate results to
stimulus and blessing to the Lord ‘II people and a great blessmg our own good, because such work as this can only sharpen our
in the witness work. At the same time it is becoming a terrible own appreciation of the service and is therefore something that
FEBRTJABY I, 1937 47

we need, as well as the people to whom we carry the message. about the same, and to anyone who can think at all, a few
I tlnd it good to keep the names of all who have had back calls, pointed texts from it shakes their dependence on the priests
and call on them as new books and booklets come out, takmg greatly. I show them the large embossed cross on the cover,
the phonograph along, too, of course. Rain spoils the phono- then the endorsement by Cardinal Grbbons, then read from the
graph, but some of the brcthreu are sewing up a little cover preface, which states that this is consrdercd the most genuine
made out of some waterproof material-even an old raincoat. and authentic Brble there is. The more prominent texts I use
I have such a cover; and it lets one make back calls, as well as are Genesis 2: 7, Ecclesiastes 9: 5,lO; 3: 19-22; Psalm 146: 4
witness, in bad weather. (which is Psalm 143: 4 in the Douay), Revelation 12 (re war
I have also found that some who are attending meetings and in heaven and woe to earth), Revelation 14 (re church, etc.), etc.
taking part in the witnessing took many months to wnke up to It is evident that the past two years have been a preparation
their privileges; so it would be a mistake to make one or two period for this grand instrument and only now are the Lord’s
calls and then forget all about them. One gentleman, a Mr. S., servants realizing the effectiveness of letting well-prepared
heard the phonograph a few trmes but remamed tangled up records tell the message, instead of stammering lips, and I
in his church activities. I lost track of him when he changed again express my gratitude to Jehovah for the privilege of
his address. About nine months later, I called on two people using oue of the new light portables, so easily carried.
(a couple I had contacted months previously) to try to get The most interesting run of phonograph back cflls I have
them to coma along to a meeting, and, to my surprise, Mr. 5. had was when a party of eight worked a few blocks, taking as
had invited them to one of our study meetings in the neighbor- many names as possible for the purpose of callmg back. I
hood and they went there. I find that I handicap myself by followed up about twenty such names, practically all of which
moving around to different territories that are not convement showed interest, took the Riches and some other literature, and
to each other, and intend to confine my activities as near one had at least three weekly back calls. A study was started with
locality as possible, and as enough interest is worked up it is as many as eleven at one meeting; and I feel sure that if such
easier for a study to be started; and, after all, that IS the aim a system were worked out and adopted, m city territory espe-
we should have as we start witnessmg. cially, the results would be gratifymg and enthuse the workers
For Catholics I find a happy combination with the “Purga- to more evening work and help them to realize the advantages
tory ” record is the use of the Douay Bible. The scriptures are of the Lord’s new instrument, the portable phonograph.

NEW JERSEY Columbus WBNS Su 7 :43am Wllbamsp. WRAK Su 6 :15pm San Angelo KGKL Su 9 : 30nm
Asburv P. WCAP Su 12:45wm Su 12 : 30pm MO 3 : 1spm Su 7 :45pm Th 7:30pm Su 10 :4Oani Su 1:3Op:n
Su -2 :45pm Su 9:OOpm We 3:15pm Fr 3:13pm York WORK Su 12 : 25pm Sa;\nqOru; *zABC Su 9 :UOam
Camden WCAM Su 11 :OOam Greek Su 8:30&m Su 3:OOpm su G:23pn1 Ill : P SU 5:00pN
Su 12 :15pm su 3:13pm Columbus WCOL Su 10 : OOam SOUTH CAROLINA S. Antonio KMAC Su 7 :55am
MO 2 :3Opm We 2:30pm Tu 3:45pm Th 2 : 3Opm Greenville WFBC Ru 10:OOam Su 2:55pm Su 7:53pm
Newark WHBI Su 9 : 55am 53. 1:45pm Su 9 :3Opm Weslaco KRGV Su 9 :45am
Su 6:25pm Su 9:OOpm Columbus WHKC Su 5 : 25pm Su 3:30pm Su 1:45pm Su 3:45pm
Spart’b’g WSPA Su 10:30am
MO 1:55pm Tu 1:55pm Su 2 :OOpm Su 4:40pm
NEW MEXICO We 1:55pm Th 1:55pm UTAH
Carlsbad KLAH Su 10 : 55am Fr 1:53pm SOUTH DAKOTA Price KEUB Su 11:45am
Su 1:OOpm Su 5:OOpm Portsm ‘th WPAY MO 11: OOnm Huron KGDY Su 9 :25am su 1:25pm Su 3:15pm
NEW YORK We 11: OOam Fr 11 :OOnm Su 12 :30pm We 5 : 55p111 Salt L. City KSL Su 8 :3OnN
Brooklyn WBBR Su 9 : loam OKLAHOMA Pierre KGFX Su 10 : OOnm
Elk City KASA Su 10 :50am Tu 4:OOpm Th 4:OOpm VERMONT
Su 4:30pm Su 7:30pm Sioux Falls KS00 Su 9 : lOam Rutland WSYB MO 8:30pm
Br;;klr30;t3BR Su 10 : 15am Su 13:25wm Su 5:OOnm
Enid -KCRC Su 10 :15&u Su 9:45am Su 4:30pm We S:30pm Fr 8:30pm
MO 10:30am Watert ‘n KWTN Su 10 : OOam
Tu 10 : 30im Tu 6:3Owm Su 1:25pm Su 3:OOpm
Muskogee KBIX Su 1O:~Oam Su 12 : 15pm Su 1:55pm VIRGINIA
We 10 : 30am We 6:30pm Harrisonb. WSVA Su 12 : 15pm
Th 10:30am Th 6:30pm Su 2:15um Su 5:55um TENNESSEE
Oklah ‘a C. -KFXR Su 12 :%pm su ?:u”Opm Su 4 :45pm
Fr 10 : 30am Fr 6:36um Bristol WOPI Su 10 : 45am Pctersb ‘g WPHR Su S :55um
Buffalo WGR Su 10:OOim Su G:l5pm Su 7 :23pm Su 1 :lOpm Su 4:25pm
Su lO:45pm Ponca Citv WBBZ Su 9:3&m Su 16:25om Mo 7:55am
Jackson \VTJS Su 10 :3Oam We 7:55am Fr 10 : l&m
kdff a10 WKBW Su 5 : 55nm su 1 :&pm Su 4 : 53pm Su I? : 15pm Su 2 :30pm
Shawnee KGFF Su .l:4Opm Knoxville \VKOX Su 10 : ?Oarn ss 7:53orn
Freeuort WGBB Su 10 :25im Richmond WRVA Su 12 : 15pm
S;12:30pm Su 5:53pm Su 3:53pm Su 5 : 551mi Su 12:55pm Su 9:45pm Roanoke WDBJ MO 5:OOpm
NewYork WBNX Su 5 :30pm Tulsa KVOO Yu 9 : 3o:ull Memphis WNBR Su 12 :4Opm
White Pl. WFAS Su 6 :OOnm Su 3:55pm 310 4 :55pm Su 3:25pm Su 5 : 1Opm WASHINGTON
Tu 10:55am Sa 10:5&m OREGON Memphis WREC Su 10 : OOam Everett KRKO Su 10:OOnm
Astoria KAST Tu 7 :9Oam su 3:55pm Su 10 : 15pni su l:oopm Su 3:00pm
NORTH CAROLINA Th 2:55pm &I Il:&kN
Greensboro WBIG Su 10:30nm Portland TEXAS Seattle KIRO Su 10:25:~m
KWJJ Su 10:45am Brady KXEL Su 9 :30am Su 5:25pm fh 9:oo[,N
High P’t WMFR 811lO:?;nm su 4:15pm Su 9:OOpm
Raleigh WPTF Su 3 :15pm Su 12:55pm su 4:3opm SpOkallC KG.4 Su 9 : 25am
We 3:15pm Fr 3:13pm PENSSYLVANIA Dalhs iVRI1 su 9 :3oam Sn 13 : 30pm Su 5!23um
Wilm ‘gton W’JIFD Su 10 : 3O:uu Enston IVEST Su 10 :‘ljnm Su 4:OOpm Su 9:OOpm T:wonl:r KM0 Su 9 : (JOilm
Su 12:25pm su 4:3opm Su 11:55nm El Paso KTSJl Su 9 :lonm Su 1:OOpm Su G:OOpm
Grecnsb ‘g WII JB $18,
I’ ’ ?!z
-: Sb 1:15pm Su 6:3Opin
NORTB DAKOTA su 4 i00pm Ft. Worth KTAT Su 10 : 15:lm WEST VIRGINIA
Valley C’y KOVC Su 12 :30pm Harrisb’g WKBOSu 1?:43pm su 3 :OOpm Su 7 : OOpm Fairmont W’;\IJINSu10:3Oam
Su 1:30pm Su 2:45pm su 3:53pm Su 5 :55um Lubbock KFYO Su 10 :53nm Su 1:43pm Su 3 :OOpm
Philnd ‘a ^\VTEL SU 12 :nOi,rn su 1:5;pm Su 4:23pm Huntington WSAZ Su I :OOpm
OHIO Su 1:25pm Tu 5:3Opm %clland KRLII Su 10:::O:im Su 2:OOpm Su 3:OOpm
Akron WJW Su 11 :IOam Pittsburgh KqV Su IO:-tjnm Su 1:30pni Su 5:15pm Wheeling IVWVA Su 10 :Ooam
su 3 :26pm Su 10 : 15pm Pittsb’eh WWSWSu 10:13am Prcos KIUN Ru 11: 00;lm Su 13:30pm Su G:lOpm
Cleveland WHK Su 1l:OOnm Su i100pm Su 9 : OOpnl Su 1 :OOpm Su 5 :OOpm
Tu 1:45pm Th 1:45pm Wilkes-B. \VBRE Su 10:-4O:rm Pt.Arthur KPAC Su 9:3Oum WISCONSIN
Fr 1:43pm Su 2 : 45pm Bu 6:3Opm &I c:ljpN Su 4:30pm Madison WIBA Su 9:3Oam
The good news of the kingdom of yehavah is broadcasteach week or oftener by theseand ot& stationsa time shown.
[Current local time Is shown Havana CMQ Su 5 : 45pm Oakland KROW Sa 10:OOam NewAlbany WGRC Sn 9:2Jam
.In.. each
_-. Inetrnce.1 Eastern Standard Time Su 2:OUpm Su 7:OOpm Su 12:23pm Su 4:13pm
Also shortwave COCQ 974Okc Tu 9:OOam Tu 2 : OOnm T. Haute WBOW Su 12 : 00 nn
ARGENTINA Spanish Su 5 : 3Opm Tu 11 :06pm We 8:15pm Su 2:06pm su 4:oopul
Bahia Blancn LU2 Su 11:3Oam Santa Ci’a CMHI Su 11:15am Fr 9:30pm Sa 10 : OOpm
Buenos Aires LR!! Su 10 :50am (1st and 3d Sundays) IOWA
Los Andes, San Juan Spanish Su 11: 6Oam COLORADO Council Bluffs KOIL Su
LV5 Su 10 : 30am Spdnish Th 11 :OOam Alamosa KGIW Tu 7:30pm Davenport WOC Su 10 :OOam
(1st and 3d Thursdays) Th 7:30pm 7:30pm Su 12 :15pm We 4 : 15pm
Col’o Ser. KVOR :“, 10 : 30am Des Moines KRNT Su 10 : UOam
AUSTRALASIA Su 18: 45pm Su 4:OOpm Su 4:OOpm Su 10 : OOpm
FRANCE Dursngo KIUP Su 1 :OOpm
NE\V SOUTH WALES Srt 6:5Opm Greeley KFKA MO 9:30am
2-AY Tu 9:45pm Radio Lyon KANSAS
hlbury French We 7 : 25pm No 1 :OOpm No G:25pm Coffeyville KGGF Su 1: 55pm
Goulburn 2.GNSu 7 :30pm Sterling KGEK Su 2 :30pm
2-GFTu 7:30pm
French Sa 7 :25pm Su 2:55pm Su 3 :55pm
Gunucdah 2-hI0Su 7 :OOpm CONNECTICUT
h’cn Castle 2-HD Su 10 :30am N. Britain WNBC Su 8 :OGam LouisviiloK~~~~
Su 6:30pm Su 11:40pm PARAGUAY Su 8:lOam Su 10:OOam 9:25am
We 6:30pm Asuncion ZPl Su 10 : 30am Su 12 :25pm Su 4:15pm
2-UE Su 9 :OOam DELAWARE Padueah WPAD Su 10 :OOam
su 4:25Dm Wiimineton WDEL Su 1: 15om Su 2:45pm Su 8:30pm
\V lgaW ‘ga 2.WG Su 7 :45im Su 59:45pm Su 9:36pm
Brisbane 4-BC Su 7 :30am (Eastern Standard Time) Washington WOL Su 10 : OOam Su 1:15pm Su 5:OOpm
Cairns 4-CA Su 7 : OOpm Sa 7:15pm Su 1:OOpm Su 6 : 30pm B%n12 : 5$FZ WWee5”i$z
Inrlvich 4-IP Su 7 : 05pm Spanish Su 6 :45pm I
Su 7:55pm FLORIDA Presque I. WAGN Su 9 : 45am
‘Su 7:25pm
Marybor’h 4-MB We 9:45pm Jacksonv. WNBR Su 9 :55am Su 12:30nmI
su 1:55Dm A

Toansville 4-TO Su 9 :15pm Su 12 : 30pm Su 5:30pm

Montevideo CXlO Su 12 : 15pm Su 12:30pm Su 5 :OOpm Baltimore WCAO Su 1C :30am
(Radio International) Orlando WDBO Su 11: OOam Su 12 :45pm su 10 : 45pm
Launceston 7-LA Su 5 :45pm
Su 12 : 30pm Su 5:OOpm Baltimore 1VCBM Su 9 : OOnm
VICTORIA Tallahassee WTAL Su 10 : OOam Su 12 : 15pm Su 6:15pm
Bnllarat 3-BA Su 12 :45pm Su 1:OOpm Su 4:OOpm Frederick WFhID Su 10 : 30am
UNITED STATES Su 1:3Onni su 5 :OODm
lirndigo 3-BO Su 7 :OOpm
Ilanrilton 3-HA Su 6 :45pm ALABAMA GEORGIA Hager& ‘n *WJE J Su 10 :2&m
llorebam 3-HS Su 7 :OOpm Birm ‘ham WAPI Su 10 : 15pm Albany WGPC Su 10 : OOam Su 1:40pm Su 9:15pm
Su 8:OOpm Su 8:43pm Su 4:30pm We 5:15pm Su 12 : 05pm Sa 7:OOpm
Melbourne 3-AK Su 2 : 15pm Athens WTFI Su 9 :2%m MASSACHUSETTS
Decatur WMFO Su 12 :00 nn Boston WJIEX Su 9 :25am
Su 10 : OOpm Su 2:OOpm Su 4:OOpm Su 11 :OOam Sa 7:OOpm
Swan Hiii 3-SH Su 7 :15pm Atlanta WATL Su 10 : 50am Su 4:lOpm Su 8:lOpm
Dothan WAGF Su 9 : 3Oam WORL Su 10 :05am
Su 1:45pm Su 3:OOpm Su 2:OOpm su 9 :25pm Boston
WEST AUSTRALIA Aueusta WRDW Su 11 :OOam Su 2:05pm Su 3:95pm
Gadsden WJBY Su 1: 15pm
Kalgoorlie 6-KG Su 7 :OOpm Su 3:OOpm Su 5:55pm 61 2 :OOpm Su 4:30pm
Northam 6-AM Su 7 : OOpm Griffin WKEU Su 9 :40am MICHIGAN
M’tgomery WSFA Su 4:OOpm Detroit WJR Su 10:OOam
Perth B-ML Su 7 :OOpm Fr 4:OOpm Su 2:45pm Su 4 : 30pm
We 4:OOpm Kalamazoo WKZO Su 8 :20nm
Selma WHBB Su 10 : 1’Jam Rome WRGA Su 10:5Oam
Su 9:OOam su 9:5hn
Su 12 :25pm Su 4:lOpm Su 5:OOpm Su 8:56pm Muskegon WKBZ Su 10:30&m
BELGIUM Waycross WAYX Su 9 : 15um
Rallonio-Bonne Esnerance su 10 :45am Su 3:15pm Su 5:55pm
ALASKA Su 12 :45pm
(201.7 m) IQ-e 7:UOam Anchorage KFQD No 9 : 1Opm MINNESOTA
We 9:lOpm 8s 9:lOpm HAWAII
Hilo KHBC Su 10 :OOam F’gusFallsKGDE Su 10:60am
CANADA Ketchikan KGBU MO 7 : 15pm Su 1:45oni Su 7:15om
Th 7:15pm Sa 7:15pm IDAHO Min’apolis* WDGY Su 9:3&m
ALBERTA Boise KID0 Su 10 :55am Su 2:OOpm We 5:30pm
ARIZONA Su 6:OOpm We 4:OOpm
Calgary CFCN Su 5 :45pm
Jerome KCRJ Su 9 :25am Idnho Falls KID Su 10 :OOam
Su 12 :05pm Su 4:05pm MISSISSIPPi
BRITISH COLUMBIA Su 1 :OOpm Su 4:OOpm Hattiesb’g WFOR Sn 1 :OSpm
Kelowno CKOV Su 1:45pm Phoenix KCY Su 10 : OIktm KFXD Su 10 :OOam
Nampa Su 3:3Opni Sfr 6:30pm
Su 12 : 15pm SU 5:30pm
Su 11:40nm Su 7:15pm
ONTARIO Tucson KGAR SU 9 :30nm
Pocatello KSEI Su 10 : 15am
cubalt CKMC Su 3 :15pm Su 12:55pm SU 5:45pm MISSOURI
Su 3:lOpm Su 4:45pm Columbia KFHU Sir 10 : 30am
Hamilton CKOC Su 10:OOam Spanish Su 12 :40pm
Su 1:30pm Su 8:30pm ILLINOIS Su 1:30pm Su 2 :43pm
Polish Su 6:20pm ARKANSAS Harrisb ‘g WEBQ Su 4 :43pm St. Joseph KFEQ Su 10 :OO:uu
(1st and 3d Sundays) Hot Sp’gs KTHS Su 10 : 15am Su 6:45pm Su 9:OOpm Su 1:35pm Su 3 :POpm
Jonesboro KBTM Su 8 :30am Rockford WROK Su 9 : 15am
Su 1:55pm SU 3:55pm Su 12:55pm Su 3:45pm NEBRASKA
CHINA Tuscola WDZ Su 9 :35am Lincoln KFAB Su 9 :30am
Shanghai XHHE Su 5:OOpm CALIFORNIA Su 11:55am Su 1:50pm Omaha KOIL Su
Bakersf ‘id KPNC Su 10 :30a1n
CUBA El Centro KXC SU 10 : OOnm Ev;~~~~~~~GBF SU 9 :3E)am Laconra WLNH Su 10 : loam
Caibarien CMHD Su 12:15pm SU 6:45pm Su 3:5.1pm Su 2:lOpm SU 6:55pm
Spanish MO 1:15pm Merced KY OS Su 8 : 45am Hammohd WWAE Su 10 : 15am
Camaguey CMJF Su 11:45am Su 1:45pm Su 3:OOpm Su 3:25pm Su 10 : OOpm (Continued on page 47)
117 Adams Street - Brooklyn,
N.Y., U.S.A. T HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling
the People to know Jehorah God and his purposes as
expressed in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction
specifically designed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses. It arranges
J. F. RUTIIERFORDPresident W. E. VAN AAIBURGHSecretary systematic Bible study for its readers and supplies other liter-
“And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and ature to aid in such atubes. It pubkshes sultnble material
for radio broadcasting and for other means of public instruc-
great shall be the peace of thy children.” - -Isaiah 54.~3. tion in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its uttcr-
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH antes. It is entirely free and separate from all parties, sects
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, is from everlasting or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without
to everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver reservation for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ
of life to his creatures; that the Logos was the beginning of his Beloved King. It IS not dogmatic, but invites careful
his creation and his active agent in the creation of all tlungs; and critical examination of its contents in the light of the
that the Logos is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed Scriptures. It does not indulge in controversy, and its col-
with all power in heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive umns are not open to personahties.
Officer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect YE&Y SUBSCRIPTION PRICE
man for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully UNITED STATES gl.00; CANADA AND MISCELLANEOUS FOREIGN,
disobeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by $1.50; GREAT BRITAIN, ALYJTRALASIA. AKD SOUTII AFRICA, 'is.
reason of Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and American remittances should be made by Esprew or Postal Xoney
Order, or by Bank Dralt. Canadmn, British, South African and
without the right to life. Australasian remittances should be made direct to the respective
branch offices. Remittances from countrws other than those men-
THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suf- tioned may be made to the Brooklyn of&e, but by IMornatronal
fered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive Postal I!Ioney Older only.
price for all mankind; that God raised up Jesus divine and FOREIGN OFFICES
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every
name and clothed him with all power and authority. British 34 Craven Terrace, London, \v. 2, England
. . . . . , . . .
Canadian . . . . . . 40 Irwin Avenue, Toronto 5, Ontario, Canada
THAT JEHOVAH’S ORGANIZATION is called Zion, and Australasian . . 7 Beresford Road, Strathfield, N. 5. W., Australia
that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the Bouth African . . . . . . Boston Iiouse, CapeTown, South Africa
rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful Please address the Society in every case.
followers of Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of
Jehovah’s organization, and are his witnesses whose duty and
rivilege it is to testify to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare (Tran8lattons of this journal appear in several languages.)
E-18 purposes toward mankind as expressed in the Bible, and
to bear the fruits of the kingdom before all who will hear.
THAT THE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ All sincere students of the Bible who by reason of infirmity.
has been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority, poverty or adversxty are unable to pay the subscription price
may have The Watchtower free upon written application to the
has ousted Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the publishers, made once each year, stating the reason for so re-
establishment of God’s kingdom on earth. questing it. We are glad to thus aid the needy, but the written
application once each year is required by the postal regulations.
THAT THE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth
can come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Notice to Bfc&cribers: Acknowledgment of a new or a renewal sub-
scription will be sent only when requested. Change of addres?,
Christ which has now begun; that the Lord’s next great when requested, may be expected to appear on addre>< label wthin
act is the destruction of Satan’s organization and the estab- one month. A renewal blank (carryinq notire of cxpirntlon) will
lishment of righteousness in the earth, and that under the be seut with the Journal one month before the subscription expires.
kingdom all those who will obey its righteous laws shall live Entered a8 b’ecoitd Class Uail dfatter at BrOOkl@a, h’. y., PO8tOflCe.
on earth forever. Act of dlarch S, 1879.

The date for the celebration to the name of Jehovah God This new booklet, of 64 pages, is self-corered. It bears an
and to the sacrifice of Christ Jesus in 1937 will be Friday, attractive cover design, in color, and also the title and legend:
March 26, after six p.m. The book entitled Jehomh contains “PROTECTION from those who seek to hurt or destroy me.
a detailed explanation of the &lemoriaI. CarefuIfy and pmyer- 1110~can I find it?” After reading it, you will surely want to
fully study chapters two and three thelcof. Then on the 26th distribute the booklet. It has already been released for general
day of March, after SIX p.m., let each company of the anointed distribution. You may procure a copy, or copies, on a contrlbu-
assemble and celebrate the Memorial. In doing so, use un-
leavened bread and real led wine. Unfermented grape Juice or tlon of 5c each, and read up m preparation for your part m
raisin juice will not meet the Scriptural requirements. The Lord Its distribution.
and the apostles used real red wine, and we should follow their
True to its title, “Uncovered,” this new booklet draws back HELP RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION WITHOUT DELAY
the veil of lies covering the false position! claims and prctcn- For the convemenco of the subscriber, a renewal blank 1s
sions of the Roman Catholic IIierarchy. TIIIS booklet was called Hcnt with Tile Wntchtozcer one month before espiration (on
forth as a result of the fallurc of the II~erarchy and govern- r’oreign subscriptions, tno months). Reurw y.our subscription
mental and radio agencies to respond to the nation-wide petition promptly and fill m the renewal blank which 1s mailed to you
In the United States for a public debate by radio, and presents \\lth your Watchtower. Sign your nun10 umformly ; g1r0 street
the Scriptural side of the proposed debate by the Society ‘s and number, city and state; #late your rcncwnl blank, and please
president, against whom the Hlerarehy laid its false charges. use the blanks sent to you cucloscd in Tlke r~‘atCfktOlcCr. These
uncovered is a booklet of 64 pages, and the campaign with it subscription blanks tell us wluch numbers will be necessary
in the United States and territories begins February 15. flut its with your rencnal order. Always re:itl carefully the rrvcrse sldo
usefulness and field for distribution is as wide ns the espnSe of the renewal blank. Tvhen you change your address it is al-
of the Hierarchy ‘s influence and control, to wit, world-wide. For ways necessary to glvc the old as well us the new nddreus. This
campaign instructions, consult the Informant. Copies of Un- shcuhl be done two weeks before change of address becomes
cowred for your personal use may now be procured at 5c each. cIYcctive.
VOL. LVIII FEBRUARY 15, 1937 No. 4


4’Por the Lord hath chosen Zion; he hath desired it for his haWation. This is my rest for ever; here we’ll Z
dwell; for Z have desired it. I will, abundantly bless her provision: I will satisfy her poor with bread.”
-Ps. 132: 13-15.

J EHOVAH’S provision is first for his Beloved,

Christ Jesus, and his body members. These con-
stitute his temple or dwelling place, and abundant
is his provision made for them. Primarily Joseph pic-
ing was done for him for a period of two years.-
Genesis 40.
8 The physical facts which fit this part of the proph-
ecy show its fulfillment began to come to pass about
tured Christ Jesus, and secondarily those who con- 1918. The two prisoners who dreamed were on a com-
stitute his faithful followers, including the “faithful mon level as prisoners, but the dream of the cupbearer
and wise servant” class now on earth. In this day of or butler showed unselfishness, in this, that the wine
stress it is of great comfort and hope to the remnant which he received into the cup he then poured to the
to receive from God’s hand the abundance of spiritual king Pharaoh. The baker’s dream showed that he had
bread upon which they may constantly feed and be baskets of meats, and although his dream stated that
strong. For this purpose Jehovah is now unfolding to these were “bakemeats for Pharaoh ” the king, he per-
them his prophecies, including the drama long ago mitted the birds to eat that food. As Joseph foretold
directed by him, and which was played by those who in interpreting the dreams, the cupbearer or butler
served him. Joseph was confined in prison, although was released from prison and restored to his former
entirely innocent of any wrongdoing. God permitted position, and the baker was hanged by the neck until
him to remain for a season in that condition to play he was dead. The cupbearer here foreshadowed the
his part in the drama foretelling future and greater “faithful servant” class, and the baker foreshadowed
things that must come to pass, and how Jehovah would the “evil servant” class. Those who constitute both
perform his expressed purpose. classes were, at the time of the coming of the Lord
* The cupbearer, or butler, and the baker of the king’ Jesus to the temple, on a common footing and they
Pharaoh were confined in the same prison with Joseph stood before the Lord for judgment at that time. All
becausethey had committed some offense against their of these antitypical Lcvites, servants of the Lord, were
lord and king. Joseph ministered unto these prisoners. gathered before the judgment seat of Christ. At and
Both of those men dreamed dreams, which dreams prior to that time all the antitypical Levites had
Joseph interpreted for them. By the interpretation of offended Jehovah, the great King of Eternity, and he
the dreams of those two men Joseph disclosed to them was angry or displeased with them because of their
that one of them would be esecuted and the other unlawful conduct in the years 1917 and 1918, and for
would be reinstated to his former position in the king’s that reason God had permitted them to be restrained
service. Joseph took occasion to inform them that the of their liberty, or imprisoned by Satan’s organization.
interpretation of the dreams was not of his own know- As the butler was glad when he was restored to his
ing, but that it came from God, and thus he gave honor former position, even so the faithful were glad when
to Jehovah and took none of the honor to himself. their restraint was removed and God’s anger was re-
Joseph made request of the chief butler that when he moved from them.-Isa. 12 : 1; 60 : 10 ; Zech. 1: 14, 15.
was released from prison and reinstated in his of6cial 4 The prophecies which Jehovah had long ago sent,
position with the king, he should inform the king and which foretold the fate of the consecrated, were
Pharaoh of Joseph’s imprisonment and tell him that due to be fulfilled, and the consecrated were interested
he was wrongfully stolen away from his own people in thrir interpretation and were disturbed because of
and sold as a slave, and was now imprisoned without their inability to understand them ; and this was shown
a cause. The interpretation of the dreams of these two by the prisoners’ being disturbed by their inability to
men proved true ; but the butler, when he was re- understand their dreams. Several of the consecrated
leased and reinstated, forgot about Joseph, and noth- attcmptcd to interpret the prophecies according to

their own views, including the prophetic drama of Lord. In an article of that issue, entitled “Servant-
Joseph and his brethren, and therefore they aid not Good and Evil”, the distinction between the two
wait until God’s due time for him to interpret them. classes was first made known to the Lord’s people on
When the two prisoners spoke to Joseph about their earth. The “evil servant” class have never seen the
dreams Joseph said to them: “DO not interpretations truth of the fulfillment of that prophetic parable.
Even to this day they say, “The Lord was never angry
belong to God?“’ (Gen. 40: 8) This foretells that Je- with us during the World War,” and they still recog-
hovah’s prophecies cannot be interpreted by men, but nize the political rulers of this world as the higher
interpretation is from Jehovah and he gives it in due powers.
time to those who love and serve him. Christ Jesus at
the temple is Jehovah’s great Servant and Interpreter, HIS GOODNESS
and by God’s permission and direction he gives to 6 Men often forget their true friends. Even the
the faithful ones an understanding of God’s prophecies mother may forget her child. God never forgets those
and his coming to the temple. Those who attempt to who serve him faithfully. (Isa. 49: 15) Jehovah’s
run ahead of the Lord and try to interpret prophecies prophet, representing Christ Jesus the Head of the
to suit their own ideas never get the proper interpre- true spiritual Israelites, says : “I will mention the
tation thereof. The meek are those who wait upon the lovingkindnesses of the Lord, and the praises of the
Lord and seek to learn. “The meek will he guide in Lord, according to all that the Lord bath bestowed on
judgment, and the meek will he teach his way.” (1’s. us, and the great goodnesstoward the house of Israel,
25: 9) The dream of the cupbearer or butler pictured which he hath bestowed on them according to his
the faithful, unselfish and meek ones, who bear the mercies, and according to the multitude of his loving-
fruit of the vine and bring joy to the great King of kindnesses. For he said, Surely they are my people,
Eternity, Jehovah God. (John 15 : 5-S) It is this class children that will not lie: so he was their Saviour. In
to whom God showed his favor and restored them to all their afIliction he was afflicted, and the angel of his
his favor. In relating the dream to Joseph, the dream- presence saved them: in his love and in his pity he
er said: “And in the vine were three branches: . . . redeemed them: and he bare them, and carried them
and the clusters thereof brought forth ripe grapes: all the days of old. “--Isa. 63 : 7-9.
. . . and I took the grapes, and pressed them into TJoseph, the forgotten man, lingered in prison for
Pharaoh’s cup, and I gave the cup into Pharaoh’s two full years after he had interpreted the dreams of
hand. ’ ’ Joseph said to the cupbearer: “The three the men aforementioned. He was forgotten by the man
branches are three days, ” that is, they represent three whom he particularly favored, but he was not for-
days. (Gen. 40: 9-12) The three days corresponded gotten by Jehovah God. Without doubt Jehovah had
to three years, which thref: years began in 1919, when permitted him to remain in prison to perform the
the Lord began to release his prisoner class, and 1919 further part of this great prophetic drama. In his own
plus three years equals 1922, when the Lord made due time Jehovah caused another part of the drama
known to the faithful class that they had been rein- to be played, and which is now here considered.
stated in his favor, and they greatly ‘rejoiced, and at 8Jehovah caused Pharaoh to have two dreams in one
which time they were anointed with the outpouring night. It was the practice of the wise men of the world
of the spirit of God.-Joel 2: 28’29. at that time to interpret dreams, and Pharaoh called
5 The anger of the Lord was then removed from the before him all his magicians and wise men of Egypt.
faithful, and they rejoiced greatly. Those who were But none of them could interpret his dreams. Then it
privileged to be at the Cedar Point convention in 1922 was that his cupbearer, the butler, woke up and re-
will well recall that time of rejoicing. Approsimatcly membered Joseph had done him a great favor but he
at the same time the “evil servant” class, which had had forgotten all about it until that time. “Then spake
permitted the fowls of the air, or “birds”, to steal the chief butler unto Pharaoh, saying, I do remember
the truth from them, were made manifest. (Matt. my faults this day. Pharaoh was wroth with his serv-
13: 4,18,19) By reason of their selfishness, looking to ants, and put me in ward in the captain of the guard’s
salvation and not to the honor of God’s name, they house, both me and the chief baker. And we dreamed a
were cast away from the Lord and mere “accursed of dream in one night, I and he ; we dreamed each man
God” as though hanged on a tree, and which was forc- according to the intcrprctation of his dream. And
shadowed by the hanging of the baker of the king there was there with us a young man, an Hebrew,
Pharaoh. (Deut. 21: 23) While it appears from the servant to the captain of the guard; and we told him,
prophecy that the clear division between the “faithful and he intcrprcted to us our dreams; to each man
servant” class and the “evil servant” class was fully according to his dream he did interpret. And it came
accomplished by 1922, it was not until the issue of to pass, as he interpreted to us, so it was ; mc hc re-
The Watchtower of February 15,1927, that the “faith- stored unto mine office, and him he hanged. “--Ccn.
ful servant” class even saw the fulfillment of the 41: 9-13.
parable concerning the two servants, as uttered by the e Hearing this report from his butler, Pharaoh im-

mediately sent for Joseph, who was yet in prison; and as he sat upon the throne, was given the power to
doubtless at that time Joseph had the appearance of break the seals and open the prophecies. (Rev. 5 : 1-7)
all the other prisoners, bearded and clothed with filthy Then Jehovah straightway sent his Messenger, his
clothing. Joseph shaved himself and put on some clean Interpreter, Christ Jesus, to his temple. The Inter-
clothes and was brought before the king, and the king preter being at the temple, it was time for him to gath-
told Joseph of his dreams and asked Joseph if he could er unto himself his faithful ones in the temple and,
interpret the same. Again Joseph was faithful and gathering them, to then reveal to them the meaning of
true to give all honor and praise to Jehovah God: the prophecies. Prior to that time none of the “world-
“And Joseph answered Pharaoh, saying, It is not in ly wise”, nor any of the “elective elders”, coming
me : God shall give Pharaoh an answer of peace.’ ‘- amongst the consecrated, and who thought themselves
Gen. 41: 16. qualified to interpret prophecy and who tried it, were
lo Jehovah had put these dreams into Pharaoh’s in fact able to tell the meaning thereof. Some of those
head, and now Pharaoh repeated them to Joseph. At “elective elders” tried to interpret the prophecy of
this point in the prophetic drama Pharaoh played the Joseph and his brethren and other prophecies, but
part representing Jehovah God, revealing his purpose their interpretations fell flat. Those attempted inter-
to Christ Jesus and through him making known the preters afterwards took their place in the “evil serv-
meaning to his “faithful and wise” servants remain- ant” class. At that time the outlook both for the people
ing on earth, who are the feet of Christ Jesus, “whose of the world and for the consecrated was very dark.
feet they hurt with fetters” during the period of mar- That was in 1918 and the early part of 1919. But the
tial law. (Ps. 105: 18) The dreams as had and as re- great King Jehovah found and brought forth the
peated to Joseph are told in the scripture at Genesis Interpreter, Christ Jesus, the Greater Joseph, and
41: 17-24. The facts now well known, and which show in 1919 he began to bring “his prisoners” out of the
fulfillment of this part of the prophetic drama, are “prison house’ ‘, even as Joseph was brought out of the
as follows : prison house and stood before Pharaoh. The original
“faithful and wise servant” class, foreshadowed by
l1 During the Elijah period of the Lord’s work the
Mordecai and Naomi, came forth and were groomed
opinion had been freely expressed by those followers for service, and these were represented in Joseph. It
of Christ Jesus that Armageddon would be a strife or
was in 1922 that Jehovah’s witnesses began to see the
battle between the elements of labor and capital, re- interpretation of the prophecies and the work of these
sulting in anarchy throughout all the earth. In the
witnesses began to take on an organized form and
year 1914 the world was in the grip of the great war forward movement.
and it was expected that that war would ultimately
lJ Having in mind these physical facts or conditions,
lead to anarchy or Armageddon. Many difficulties at
note now that Pharaoh told his double dream to Joseph
that time beset the consecrated by reason of the world and that Joseph was enlightened by the spirit of Jeho-
conditions and Satan’s activity against them. What
vah God to give the interpretation thereof. (Glen.
would be the future of God’s consecrated or visible 41: 17-32) Although the remnant did not know the
part of God’s organization7 and how would any sur-
meaning of the prophecies, including the one here un-
vive anarchy? were questions then in the minds of the
der consideration, yet the Greater Joseph sent them
consecrated. The prophecies which Jehovah had caused
forth early in 1922, having poured “upon all flesh”
to be uttered gave the answer to those questions, but .of the remnant even his spirit to carry forward the
it was in cryptic phrase and Jehovah’s time had not witness work in the earth. In doing this work these
arrived to make those prophecies understandable to
faithful ones have a part in the fulfillment of the
the consecrated, and hence they could not understand
prophecy, and the Lord Jesus Christ, the Greater
them. Those prophecies, like dreams, were in the rec- Joseph, revealed to them the meaning and the spiritual
ord, but there was no interpretation thereof that could understanding of the prophecies; and the remnant in
be understood, even though some attempted to inter- turn, having received these interpretations from the
pret them. Lord, give them out to others in “Egypt”, that is,
l2 The World War having passed, Jehovah brought the world, as they receive and understand the same.
into prominence the prophecies and the physical facts Otherwise stated, the Greater Joseph at the temple
in fulflllment thereof, and, like the double dream of informs the remnant of the meaning of the prophccics
Pharaoh, the meaning of the prophecies was now made of God, and these in turn tell the meaning thcrcof to
doubly certain. Christ Jesus had defeated Satan in the Jonadabs or “other sheep”, whom the Lord is
the war in heaven and had ousted Satan from heaven gathering into the fold.
and east him down to earth, and Christ Jesus was now
the qualified one to open the books of the “dreams” PHARAOE'S DREAMS
or prophecies and loose the seven seals thereof, and *‘It was not possible for Pharaoh to interpret his
he, as the Greater Joseph, now before Jehovah, the dreams, because hc was merely a sinful man. It was
Greater Pharaoh, who held the book in his right hand not possible for his wise men and magicians to inter-

pret them, because they were merely sinful men and tion was a starved one. They were greatly in need of
foreshadowed the “evil servant” class that attempts spiritual food to keep them alive. With the gathering
to interpret prophecy and cannot. Pharaoh was merely of the faithful servants of Jehovah God into the tcm-
playing the part assigned to him in the prophetic ple such became a part of God’s organization and con-
drama, and that was all. It was necessary for someone stituted a part of his provision for ministering to each
to play that part as representing Jehovah God reveal- other and to others who desire truth and righteousness.
ing to his beloved Son, the Greater Joseph, the mean- In the temple they are a part of the Greater Joseph,
ing of prophecies, and Pharaoh was used merely to being fed by him, The lean and ill-favored cattle at
play a part. In the first dream of Pharaoh he beheld this point picture the people of good will, held in the
seven “fatfleshed and well favoured” cattle coming prisons of Satan by reason of his religious agents and
up out of the river Nile, and they fed upon the luscious who are starving for want of nourishing food. These
grass growing in the valley of the Nile. Then came up prisoners must be fed. The seven lean cattle’s eating
out of the river seven other cattle, which were poor, the seven well-fed cattle here shows that the people
ill-favored and very lean. The lean-fleshed cattle, in- of good will toward God, the prisoners, must feed upon
stead of eating grass, ate up the seven well-favored or and consume the provisions which Jehovah has made
“fatfleshed” cattle. This part of the double dream for them by and through his organization. The sin
disclosed a striking contrast in the provision of Jeho- atonement has been provided, which they must learn
vah God, made by and through his organization under about, and they must exercise faith in the shed blood
Christ Jesus, and that provided for the people under of Christ Jesus. They must learn of and do the will
the organization of Satan ruling this world, and par- of Jehovah God in order that they may be hid and
ticularly including the so-called “spiritual” provi- escape the sword of slaughter at Armageddon, and
sions administered through the religious elements of then ‘inherit the kingdom [blessings] prepared for
Satan’s organization. Mark well now this contrast. them from the foundation of the world’.-Matt. 25 : 34.
Is The provisions of Jehovah’s organization are lT It is noted in the prophetic drama that after the
pictured by the seven well-favored and fat-fleshed lean cattle had consumed the fat cattle they were still
cattle. These, coming up, fed upon the abundance of lean. That could not mean that Jehovah’s provision is
grass provided for them, and, being warm-blooded insufficient for those who eat at his table, but certainly
creatures, pictured the complete fullness of sin atone- it means that those of good will, and who feed upon
ment for mankind and the spiritual “strong meat” to God’s provisions, do not now get fullness of life, but
be found only in the provisions which Jehovah has they receive that which sustains them now and will
made, and which he administers through his organiza- sustain them through Armageddon, and that after
tion under Christ Jesus, the Greater Joseph. This Armageddon they will still be dependent upon Jeho-
means the kingdom has come and the Chief Corner vah’s provisions through Christ Jesus, by and through
Stone and Foundation Stone of God’s organization, whom they shall receive life everlasting. (Rom. 6 : 23)
which is Christ Jesus, the Greater Joseph, has been This also proves that the Bible contains spiritual food
laid in Zion. (Isa. 28 : 16) Christ Jesus is now upon and is used as spiritual food to be consumed before
his throne, the rightful Ruler of the world. The “pure and during Armageddon. The spiritual food provided
river of water of life” is flowing forth from “the by Jehovah through the publication of his Word must
throne of God and of the Lamb”, and is the provision be used before the saints are taken from the earth, and
God has made for those to live who will obey him. not after the thousand-year reign of Christ has ended.
(Rev. 22: 1,2) An abundant provision is made by The Bible must be used now; and because it is being
Jehovah for those who will come to him and prove used to feed the souls of the hungry and thirsty who
their integrity toward him, and such is the way to hunger and thirst for righteousness, Satan and his
life, as there is none other. The fat-fleshed cattle there- agents desperately attempt to keep the people away
fore pictured those abundant provisions. from feeding upon God’s provisions for them. There
16Contrast now the bountiful provisions of Jehovah is no reason to conclude that the publications which
with the miserable excuse for spiritual provisions made God’s visible organization now publishes and distrib-
by Satan’s organization, and particularly the so-called utcs amongst the people will bc found of use during the
“spiritual food” served up by the religious elements thousand years of the kingdom reign, nor that even
of the so-called “Christian religionists”. The seven the Bible will be used during that time. Those pub-
ill-fed and lean-fleshed’ cattle pictured the spiritual lications are for present-day use to inform the people.
condition of all prisoners held in Satan’s organization When Christ Jesus has brought all the “other sheep”
at the coming of the Lord Jesus to the temple, that is into the fold of God, then some other provision of the
to say, the consecrated outside the temple, and all Lord will certainly be employed for them.
those of good will and who sigh and cry becauseof the la Seeing, therefore, that the Bible and the books
abominations done in “Christendom” and the miser- published making known the contents and meaning
able food upon which they have to feed. Their condi- of the Bible must now be used, becausesuch is God’s

provision, the obligation upon those who have these dren’ by his woman Zion, now brought forth, and these
truths is therefore greater. Jehovah has taken out a are abundantly fed upon God’s gracious provision
people for his name, and these are sent forth from the administered through Christ Jesus; and great is their
temple to make known to others his name, which is the peace. (Isa. 54: 13) Such marvelous provisions and
chief matter involved in his Word. Such is his pro- blessings have been especially appreciated during the
vision for mankind to live. He warns the witnesses that last few years by those who are of the temple company.
they must carry this message to the people of good ** Consider in contrast now the seven thin and with-
will, and he tells those who are of good will that when ered ears of corn upon one stalk. Those withered ears
they hear this messagethe obligation is up)q them to pictured the condition of the people of good will on
join with the anointed to carry the truth to others that earth while yet held in restraint by Satan and his
they may hear. Such is exactly the command contained agents, operating through the religious organizations
at Revelation 22 : 17 : “And the Spirit and the bride of this world. They picture the miserable provisions
say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And made by that organization for mankind. Those of good
let him that is athirst come: and whosoever will, let will, and who desire the truth, have been fed upon
him take the water of life freely.” husks, and whatever good things they have been en-
I9 Jehovah sends forth his witnesses under Christ abled to discern from God’s Word the cler,7 have
Jesus, the Greater, Spiritual Joseph, and they must trodden down with their feet and messedit all up so
carry out the work that Jesus Christ tells them to do. that God’s provisions have not been seen, and the pro-
These witnesses must inform the people of and con- vision which the clergy organization has brought forth
cerning Jehovah’s provisions for them and say to the has been of the very meanest kind. In the dream proph-
people, ‘Come and partake of God’s gracious provi- ecy the devouring of the good ears of corn by the thin
sions, if you will.’ Those who hear and who are of good and withered ears of corn surely means that the people
will, and who are otherwise called “Jonadabs”, must of good will toward God, who desire to know and learn
take up the glad message and say to others within righteousness, must come to Jehovah’s organization,
their hearing : “ Come.” Together, all who love God under the Greater Joseph, Christ Jesus, and must eat
and his kingdom will say, ‘Come and partake of the the fruits of the kingdom, the bread of life, which
water of life, which is God’s provision to give and sus- Jehovah has provided through his organization, in
tain life, and which he gives to those who love and order that they may exist in this evil day and in order
serve him. ’ that they may seek rightcousncss and meekness and
be hid and survive during the day of the expressjoll
of God’s wrath against Satan and his organization at
*OPharaoh, after he had one dream, slept and then Armageddon. After the battle of the great day of
had a second dream, and in the second dream he be- God Almighty they mill, if continuing faithful and
held seven full and fat ears of corn on one stalk. Then obedient, find life in abundance. Again this emphasizes
he beheld that seven ears came up after them and these the absolute necessity for Jehovah’s witnesses to now
latter were withered and blasted by the east wind. All make haste to carry the fruits of the kingdom to those
the seven lean ears then proceeded to devour the seven who have the hearing ear. It means that they must not
good and fat ears of corn. Joseph said to Pharaoh: slack their hand in this day of Jehovah, but must put
“The dream of Pharaoh is one.” (Gen. 41: 22-29) forth their best endeavors to bear these fruits of the
The two dreams are two parts of one drama, meaning kingdom to others who may receive them. This must,
one and the same thing. The seven good cars of corn be done both by Jehovah’s witnesses and by all who
pictured the abundance of provision, that is, “the hear and who rely upon God’s gracious provision for
bread of life, ” in Jehovah’s kingdom organization mankind. The Jonadabs join with Jehovah’s witncsscs
under Christ, the spiritual, life-giving and lifc-sus- in proclaiming this blessed provision which God has
taining food which Jehovah has provided for those who made for those who would find life in abundance.
love and serve him. Particularly since 1922 the faith-
ful on the earth have seen and appreciated God’s SEVEN
gracious provision and have fed upon his provision so 2sThe seven cattle and seven ears of corn apply to
graciously made for them. one and the same thing: “And Joseph said unto
z1Concerning these faithful ones and the condition Pharaoh, The dream of Pharaoh is one: God bath
in which they find themselves, it is written: “He shewed Pharaoh what he is about to do. The SCVC~
malt&h peace in thy bordkrs, and fillcth thee with the good kinc are seven years; and the seven good cars
finest of the wheat.” (Ps. 147 : 14) Every one of the are seven years: the dream is one. And the seven thin
faithful can testify joyfully to the fulfillment of this and ill favourcd kinc, that came up after them, arc
Psalm, prophetically foretelling peace in their bor- seven years; and the seven empty cars, blasted with
ders, and that they have been filled with the finest of the east wind, shall be seven years of famine. This is
wheat, that is, the most precious truths, which have the thing which I have spoken unto Pharaoh: What
gladdened their hearts. These are God’s ‘other chil- God is about to do, he shcweth unto Pharaoh. Behold,

there come seven years of great plenty throughout all 26The Scripture text at this point reads: “And for
the land of Egypt: and there shall arise after them that the dream was doubled unto Pharaoh twice; it is
seven years of famine ; and all the plenty shall be for- because the thing is established by God [ (:nargi?l)
gotten in the land of Egypt ; and the famine shall con- prepared of God], and God will shortly bring it to
sume the land: and the plenty shall not be known in pass.” (Gen. 41: 32) The many prophecies of Jehovah,
the land, by reason of that famine following; for it recorded in the Scriptures, fully support the fact
shall be very grievous.“-Gen. 41: 25-31. that all such prophecies proceed from Jehovah, and
that includes the prophetic drama here under consid-
I4 The prophecy refers to two opposing organiza- eration, and that it is “prepared of God”, and that
tions. In the fulfillment of the prophecy the same or- God will bring it to pass and to a complete fulfillment
ganization is not visited first with a great abundance in his own due time. Now God’s anointed people be-
from God and thereafter with a devastating famine. hold the prophecy being fulfilled, and therefore it is
It could not be that Jehovah would supply an abun- God’s due time to make the meaning thereof known
dance of spiritual food for his remnant on the earth to those who love and serve him. Jehovah through
and then stop that supply and compel them to live on Christ Jesus is now unfolding his prophecies and mak-
old supplies of the past by stopping the progress and ing them clear to the remnant, that the remnant may
unfolding of his prophetic truths. It could not be that have an abundance of food upon which to feed, and
God would supply all that food for his people prior that they may have their faith and hope strengthened.
to 1917 and that thereafter his anointed people must To reap the benefit of this unfolding of prophecy Je-
feed only upon things of the past. Such was the hovah’s witnesses, and all others who come to his or-
thought during the Elijah period. But that conclusion ganization, must continue to study the prophecies,
was incorrect. The facts show fully the very opposite. that they may show themselves approved unto God,
This prophetic drama is in exact accord with Proverbs meaning that they must exercise faith in his Word and
4 : 18 : “But the path of the just is as the shining light, perform the service assigned to them ; and performing
that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.”
such service faithfully calls forth God’s approval.
God’s people once anointed and brought into the tem-
ple progress in an understanding and appreciation of
his Word. The typical fulfillment of the dreams was ORGANIZING
in Egypt, and it was very necessary that the seven- 27Joseph, moved by the spirit of Jehovah, made
year period of famine should follow the seven-year recommendation to Pharaoh as to the best way to or-
period of good and abundant crops, because that was ganize the resources and meet the conditions of affairs
a part of the prophetic drama. In the modern fulfill- that were just ahead. Addressing Pharaoh he said:
ment of that prophetic drama, however, the two pe- “Now, therefore, let Pharaoh look out a man discreet
riods or conditions run along side by side, the one con- and wise, and set him over the land of Egypt.” (Gen.
dition in one organization, and the other condition 41: 33) Then Joseph proceeded to suggest to the king
in thepther organization, that is to say, “seven years” how to complete the organization for the gathering in
on each organization concurrently, and not one period and storing food and preserving it against the evil
of seven years after the other to make a total of four- day then approaching. “Let Pharaoh do this, and let
teen years. him appoint ofilcers over the land, and take up the
psThe seven-year period upon each organization fifth part of the land of Egypt in the seven plenteous
applies to the total or complete period of time from the years. And let them gather all the food of those good
coming of the Lord Jesus to the temple and the gath- years that come, and lay up corn under the hand of
ering unto himself those faithful ones, and continuing Pharaoh, and let them keep food in the cities. And
until the vindication of Jehovah’s name at Arma- that food shall be for store to the land against the
geddon. The coming of the Lord to the temple was seven years of famine, which shall be in the land of
in 1913, and the gathering into the temple and the Egypt; that the land perish not through the famine.”
outpouring of the spirit of God upon all the remnant -Gen. 41: 34-36.
were in 1922, and Armageddon is yet future. It was 2sIn the fulfillment of this part of the prophetic
on the 4th day of April, 1936, that the book Rickes, drama Joseph pictured Christ Jesus, who, having
provided especially for the benefit of the people of come to the temple after being enthroned, is the
good will, began to be circulated in many languages; “man discreet and wise” and is the one set over all
but the prophecy does not mean that seven years therc- the world, antitypical Egypt. Christ Jesus then, in
after the prophecy is completely fulfilled. The num- harmony with his Father’s revealed will, directs and
ber seven is a symbolic number, and “seven years” organizes the kingdom work, and organizes his faith-
here symbolically represents the entire or complete ful ones on earth to participate in that work and in
period of time from the coming of the Lord Jesus to preparing and storing up food and carrying it to the
the temple until Armageddon, when the vindication people, which spiritual food is so necessary for the
of Jehovah’s name is completed. maintenance of those who are seeking the Lord. Note

that Joseph did not recommend to Pharaoh what the the faithful remnant because they are part of The
people should do to prepare for the coming famine, Christ, and the Lord Jesus Christ, in harmony with
but his recommendation was what the king’s servants his Father’s will, so declares unto the “faithful and
should do in perfecting the organization and carrying wise servant”. (Matt. 24: 47) Christ Jesus brings
it to a successful end. The people could believe and these faithful ones into the temple and clothes them
accept it and abide by the arrangement or not ; there- with the “robe of righteousness”, which Jehovah
fore each one must choose his own course of action furnishes, and gives them the seal of his authority to
or conduct. Likewise in the fulfillment of the prophecy represent him. The golden chain upon Joseph fore-
the provision for the relief and life of mankind does tells that God makes Christ his elect servant and the
not at all depend upon what men may do. There is but faithful members of his body a part of the servant.
one hope for the world, and that is through Jehovah’s Christ Jesus fills the high office next to Jehovah God,
organization, of which Christ Jesus the Greater Joseph and he carries forward his organization in the earth,
is the Head. “And in his name shall the Gentiles as well as in heaven, and gives opportunity to his
hope.“-Matt. 12 : 21, B.V. faithful servants on earth to participate in the work
that is carried forward.
2eIn the fulfillment of this part of the prophetic
drama the organization of God’s remnant on earth MUST OBEY RIM
must begin and be carried forward as Jehovah directs 32Pharaoh made Joseph his chief representative,
by and through the one chosenby him for that purpose, and all the people of Egypt were commanded to obey
and that chosen one is the Lord Jesus Christ. The facts him. “And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, I am Pharaoh,
show that this has been done and is still being done by and without thee shall no man lift up his hand or foot
the Lord himself, directing his people as to what they in all the land of Egypt. And Pharaoh called Joseph’s
shall do. name Zaphnath-paaneah; and he gave him to wife
8oThe king recognized Joseph as a man ‘in whom Asenath, the daughter of Potipherah, priest of On.
the spirit of the Lord is’, and he exalted Joseph to the And Joseph went out over all the land of Egypt.”
highest place in Egypt, next to the king himself. “And -Gen. 41: 44’45.
Pharaoh said unto Joseph, See, I have set thee over 83The name which Pharaoh gave to Joseph means
all the land of Egypt. And Pharaoh took off his ring “saviour of the world” or “food of the living”.
from his hand, and put it upon Joseph’s hand, and (McClintock & Strong’s Cyclopcedia) The wife that
arrayed him in vestures of fine linen, and put a gold was given to Joseph was not a commoner, but the
chain about his neck; and he made him to ride in the daughter of a priest. Jehovah approved that union.
second chariot which he had: and they cried before From this union of Joseph and his wife resulted the
him, Bow the knee: and he made him ruler over all birth of two sons, and these two sons were Manasseh
the land of Egypt.“-Gen. 41: 41-43. and Ephraim. They were made a part of the twelve
*l Joseph was put over all Egypt, and only in the tribes of Israel according to the will of Jehovah. Joseph
throne was Pharaoh greater than Joseph. The people was now thirty years of age, the age of maturity. (Gcn.
so recognized this arrangement. Joseph was fittingly 41: 44-46) Likewise, all power in heaven and earth was
clothed for his high office and given a signet ring and given to Christ Jesus, the Greater Joseph. He is made
a gold chain to wear and was made to ride in the a “higher power” with Jehovah, and to whom every
chariot immediately behind the king. As he rode soul must render full obedience or else suffer destruc-
amongst the people they “cried [out] before him, tion, and this particularly applies to the remnant.
Abrech [margin] ’ ‘, which word doubtless meant that (Acts 3: 23) He, the Greater Joseph, is ‘the Savior of
now Joseph was recognized by them as a great one of the world’ and “the bread of life”. (Matt. 1: 21;
Egypt. No longer was he considered as a Hebrew John 6: 35) Jehovah selects for Christ Jesus a bride
foreigner, sold as a slave into Egypt; no longer was and sends Christ Jesus to the temple fully authorized
he a vile “jailbird”, to be despised; but now he was and empowered to gather unto himself and take his
an honored and honorable citizen, worthy to be of the bride. (Rev. 21: 9) The remnant of this bridal com-
official family of the royal house, and nest to the king pany is yet on earth, the resurrection of those that
himself. Likewise Jehovah exalted Christ Jesus, the died faithful having preceded them. All of these, like
Greater Joseph, and gave him a name above every Joseph’s wife, are of priestly connection, being God’s
name, and commanded all creation in heaven and “royal priesthood”.-1 Pet. 2: 9’10.
earth to worship him, and that every knee should bow 34The time to make provision against the oncoming
before him. Thus Jehovah owned and acknowledged famine was limited. Joseph lost no time, but imme-
Christ Jesus as “his King”, of his own appointment, diately began to faithfully and zealously carry for-
and next to Jehovah himself. Also Jehovah entrusted ward the organization work, making ready the royal
all the interests of his kingdom to Christ Jesus, his granaries and storehouses for food to sustain the peo-
Greater Joseph. Jehovah, acting by and through Christ ple during the seven years of famine that was to fol-
Jesus, entrusts his kingdom interests on the earth to low : “And Joseph gathered corn as the sand of the

sea, very much, until he left numbering ; for it was Armageddon, although he desperately wars against
without number. “-Gen. 41: 49. them. The Greater Joseph has committed to them his
8sJoseph looked well to the facilities at hand and testimony, and to the honor of his Father’s name they
made ample provision to feed all who complied with obey the commandments of God.-Rev. 12: 17.
the terms that would be announced. It was during that a?This part of the prophecy is a great comfort to
the remnant, becauseit is an assurance from the Lord
period of seven years that the two sons aforementioned that he is with them and his hand is over them, and
were born to Joseph and his wife Asenath. In fulfill- hence they go forward in the laud of the enemy, hold-
ment of this part of the prophetic drama Christ Jesus, ing high the banner of the kingdom and pointing the
the Greater Joseph, since his enthronement, and par- peoples of earth to what that banner means and that
ticularly since coming to the temple, has been organiz- it represents God’s kingdom under Christ, which is
ing and carrying forward his work to provide life the only means of salvation for mankind. During the
for those who obey him, and directs the work that they remainder of their earthly pilgrimage they have the
must do, and which work must be finished before the assurance from the Lord’s MTord that he will feed them
wrath of God is expressed against Satan and his or- abundantly upon the spiritual food necessary for their
ganization at the battle of Armageddon. The first of maintenance and support and by which they may con-
that work is to supply Jehovah’s witnesses, the people tinue strong in the Lord and in the power of his might.
taken out for the name of Jehovah, with an abundance
of spiritual food and to teach them how to use it, and THE FAMINE
then to organize them and send them forth to minister a8The seven years of bounteous crops ended and
‘the fruits of the kingdom’ thus provided to the peo- the seven years of famine in Egypt set in, even as
ple of good will who desire to be fed. Joseph had interpreted the dream of Pharaoh: “And
seThe bride of Christ, consisting of the faithful who the seven years of plenteousness that was in the land
waited for a long while for the coming of the Lord of Egypt were ended. And the seven years of dearth
Jesus Christ and who have now been resurrected and began to come, according as Joseph had said: and the
gathered unto the Lord, together with the faithful on dearth was in all lands; but in all the land of Egypt
earth who have been “caught up . . . to meet the there was bread.“-Gen. 41: 53’54.
Lord in the air”, was foreshadowed by Joseph’s wife. 3oThe famine was sore upon all the world, but in
As Asenath, the wife of Joseph, was fruitful, bearing the royal granaries and barns under Joseph’s manage-
him two sons, that completed the twelve tribes of Is- ment and control there was no leanness or scarcity of
rael. This indicates that Jehovah’s twelve tribes of food. That was a part of the prophetic drama ; and
spiritual Israel, the 144,000, now are completed. (Rev. mark now the facts that have come to pass showing
7: 1-8) The names of Joseph’s two sons are significant the fulfillment thereof. Christ Jesus, the Greater
and show that all blessings of Jehovah’s remnant on Joseph, was enthroned in 1914, and since then “the
earth are such as to “make to forget” all the a!?lictions kingdom ,of the world is become the kingdom of our
they must endure as pilgrims, aliens and strangers in Lord, and of his Christ”. (Rev. 11: 15, n&V.) From
this world in order that they might enter into the that time onward all things on the earth belong to
kingdom. The faithful followers of Christ Jesus knbw Christ Jesus, by him tither to be destroyed, such
that they must suffer with Christ Jesus and be made as Satan’s visible organization that rules, or to be
of no reputation amongst mtn. They gladly bear such mercifully spared, such as the people of good will who
and forget these sufferings, well knowing that they seek righteousness and meekness.But upon even those
are not worthy to be compared with the glory that of good will Christ Jesus permits Satan to continue
follows. “Manasseh,” the name of one of Joseph’s in power and rule for a time and to bring about tcr-
sons, means to ‘make to forget’. The name of the other rible conditions of spiritual famine upon them and to
son, Ephriim, means “fruitful” or “double fruit”, threaten all with death. There is no spiritual food in
acd shows that the remnant of Jehovah’s mitnesscs are any part of Satan’s visible organization, which was
loaded with the fruits of the kingdom, by which they pictured by the seven years of famine. The fact that
first feed thcmsclves and then bear the fruits of the the famine did not hurt Joseph and those under him
kingdom to others that they may be fed, and this they in Egypt shows that this famine for spiritual food in
joyfully do, despite the afflictions Satan through his the earth does not exist in God’s organization, and
agents heaps upon them. Thus Christ Jesus, the Grcat- that during the period of famine upon Satan’s organi-
er Joseph, and the 6nc like Joseph, can say in the zation God dots not stop feeding his people, but brings
language of the prophet: “Behold I and the children to them meat in due seasonduring all the period that
[including the remnant] which God hath given me.” the famine is upon the world. Thcrc are those who
(Heb. 2 : 13 ; Isa. 8 : 1s) The two sons of Joseph seem claim to be followers of Christ Jesus, and who claim
to picture the remnant. Those boys’ carrying forward that when Charles T. Russell died God’s supply of food
the name of Joseph and his family indicates that Satan for the spiritual sustenance of those on earth must and
does not get rid of the remnant from the earth before did stop. Such a position is entirely unreasonable and

unscriptural, We must keep in mind that Jehovah lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God
God, through Christ Jesus, is carrying forward his shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.” (Rev.
purposes. The facts show that since 1919 many more 7: 16,17) Thus God shows to those who seek him the
have been brought to a knowledge of the truth and abundant provision he has made for them. Seeing this,
have been received into the temple and made a part the faithful remnant must appreciate not only their
of God’s organization and a part of his remnant on privilege but their great obligation to lift up a stand-
earth, Also those of good will who will compose the ard for the people and point them to the granaries
great multitude must be fed and they must come to and barns of Jehovah, which are packed full of an
God’s organization under the Greater Joseph to re- endless supply of spiritual food. The “famine” is now
ceive their food, and Jehovah has provided an abun- upon Satan’s government of this world and will con-
dance to feed them. tinue with ever increasing soreness and distress, end-
*OSatan’s religious organizations on earth imprison ing in the battle of the great day of God Almighty.
many of the people. This imprisonment consists large- During all that famine period those persons of good
ly in restraining them by fear and keeping them in will who receive protection and blessings must go to
ignorance of their privilege of seeking God’s provi- the Lord Jesus Christ, the Greater Joseph, and feed
sions for them. These people of good will in prison upon the abundance of spiritual food which he under
find old musty and rotten food and nothing else upon God’s command has prepared for them. These physical
which to feed. There, as the prophet Ezekiel puts it, facts are now before the people, and every sane person
they cry out becauseof the abominations done and the will rejoice to see them.
miserable conditions that exist. Satan’s river of com- 43Jehovah is now making. known to the obedient
merce fails to bring any satisfying food to these pris- creatures on the earth the relationship of himself and
oners. They are almost famished. Those who love that his royal house to those “other sheep” whom Christ
which is right, and who have faith in God and in Jesus is gathering, and who form the “great multi-
Christ Jesus, hear of God’s government under the tude” company. It is written in the Scriptures: “A
control of Christ Jesus, the Greater Joseph, and learn great multitude, which no man could number,” or
that the granaries of that gracious government are without number. Jehovah determines the exact num-
full of good, nourishing spiritual food to those who ber that shall be of the royal house, but as to the great
seek the Lord. The cries of the people were heard by multitude there appears to be no reason why he should
Pharaoh, and so likewise the cries of the people in dis- determine the number thereof. He could know in ad-
tress are heard by Jehovah : “And when all the land of vance, to be sure, just how many will be in it, but mani-
Egypt was famished, the people cried to Pharaoh for festly he withholds that from himself. He causes the
bread: and Pharaoh said unto all the Egyptians, Go people to hear about his gracious provision for them,
unto Joseph ; what he saith to you, do. “-Gen. 41: 55. and without partiality or undue advantage every one
‘l Likewise God now commands the people who are is permitted to accept that provision and live or re-
hungry and thirsty for spiritual food to go to Christ ject it and remain under condemnation and perish.
Jesus. Jehovah now says to the people who desire the The way to life Jehovah God has opened, and that one
life-sustaining food : “Behold, my servant [Christ way is for the people to seek the Greater Joseph,
Jesus, the Greater Joseph] whom I have chosen; my Christ Jesus, and feed upon the food which Jehovah
beloved in whom my soul is well pleased : I will put my provides for them and to learn the truth, and put
spirit upon him, and he shall declare judgment to the themselves completely under the control of the Lord,
Gentiles. . . . And in his name shall the Gentiles remain there, and joyfully obey him. All those who do
hope.“-Matt. 12 : 18-21, A.R.V. as directed and who maintain their integrity toward
42Jehovah sends forth his witnesses today to d&are Jehovah God by remaining true and steadfast will rc-
this messageof consolation to the hungry souls, and ceive his blessings. Such not only will now delight to
says to them: ‘Go unto my Servant, Christ Jesus, and feed upon Jehovah’s gracious provision, but will rc-
whatsoever he saith unto you, do it, and ye shall live.’ joice to have a part in carrying this good news to
Only those who do go to Christ Jesus and obey his others, that they too may join in the praise and honor
commandments shall live. There is no other means of of Jehovah’s name.
getting life. Here the commandment and admonition 44It is then written: “And the famine was over all
is given to the people of good will who shall form the the face of the earth. And Joseph opened all the storc-
great multitude, which is now being brought forth by houses, and sold unto the Egyptians; and the famine
the Lord. Concerning them that do go to the Greater waxed sore in the land of Egypt. And all countries
Joseph, and who obey his commandments and remain came unto Egypt to Joseph for to buy corn; because
faithful and true, it is written : “They shall hunger no that the famine was so sore in all lands.” (Gen.
more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun 41: 56, 57) This is further proof of the absolute im-
light on them, nor any heat. For the Lamb, which is partiality of the Lord. God’s provision is opened for
in the midst of the throne, shall feed them, and shall all the countries of the world. This is further proof

that the feeding of the people during this time of prophetic picture, ‘Joseph the interpreter’ was brought
forth and put in position to ‘interpret the dreams of the
famine is now particularly for the benefit of the great king,.
multitude. Concerning them it is written that the a 13.fulfillment
When and how have the remnant been given a part in the
of the prophecy?
great multitude is “of all nations, and kindreds, and
U 14,15. Referring to the dream by Pharaoh: Apply that part
people, and tongues”, and stands before the throne concerning the seven well-favored and fat-fleshed cattle and
of Christ Jesus, hailing him as King, Deliverer and their feeding “in a meadow”.
Savior of the world, “and cried with a loud voice, U 16,17. How does that part concerning the seven lean-fleshed
and ill-favored cattle. and their eonsumma the others. with
saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the the result as stated, ‘find fulfillmentP y
throne, and unto the Lamb.” (Rev. 7 : 9,lO) Now we U l&19. Point out (a) the purpose of Jehovah’s providing
the Bible and the pubhcations making known the contents
know that the angels in heaven, the resurrected mem- and meaning of the Bible. (b) The obligation upon those
bers of the body of Christ, and the remnant on earth who have been favored with an understanding of these
are rejoicing and singing praises to Jehovah, and the truths, and the importance of their carrying out the work
assigned to them.
great multitude are now mingling their voices with u 20,21. What was foreshown by the ‘seven full and good ears
those others of praise and all are saying: “Blessing, of corn on one stalk’?
and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, U 22. What was pictured in the seven thin and withered ears
of corn, and in their devouring the good ears?
and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and 23. Relate Joseph’s interpretation of the dreams.
ever. “-Rev. 7 : 12. i 24,25. Explain whether in the fulfillment of the prophecy
(To be conttnued) the two periods of ‘seven years each’ run conseeutirely
and apply to the same orgamzation. To what do they apply I
QUESTIONS EOR STUDY U 26. What important instructron to God’s anointed people,
and to others who come to his organization, is seen in
q 1. For whom has Jehovah made provisionO Whom did Joseph Genesls 41: 328
here picture? What 1s Jehovah’s purpose in now unfolding U 27-29. What did Joseph recommend to Pharaoh as to the
his propheeics? Account for Joseph’s being confined in best way to provide for the condition of affairs there
prison, and for his being held there for a time. foreseen? Describe the fulfillment of this part of the
7 2. Relate what took place in the prison, which later contrib- prophetic drama.
uted to Joseph’s being placed in an official position with U 30,31. How does that part of the drama recorded at verses
the king. 41-43 have fulfillment B
7 3. Point out the prophetic significance of the dreams of the 32, 33. Apply verses 44 45.
two prisoners. 1 34,35. What is now seen to have been foreshown in the ample
q 4,5. Describe the situation m which Genesis 40: 7 was ful- provision made by Joseph during the seven years of plenty,
filled. Apply verse 8. Who are the meek? How were these and in the matter recorded at verse 50 in this connection?
pictured in the dream of the cupbearer, and in the t,me U 36.37. Who was foreshadowed bv Joscoh’s wife? In her
and manner of his relcaseP How does the dream of the bearing Joseph two sons, and in the r&es of these sons,
baker, and the coming true thereof, find fulfillmentP is seen what prophetic significanceB Bow does this part of
f 6,7. Account for Joseph’s being permitted to linger XI prison the prophecy serve the purpose for which it was provided?
even after the release and remstatement of the cupbearer. U 38-40. What was uictured bv the seven vears of famine. and
By whom and for whom were the words of Isaiah 63: 7-9 its being “in ill lands, ,“? Applv the statement tha< ‘ Lm
written? and when do they apply? all the land of Eg.vut
--.- there was”bread,,.
7 3-10. Relate how Joseph came into favor with Pharaoh. How U 41-43. Describe the situation foreshown at verse 55, and the
provision made
. for. those who ‘go unto Joseph, and do what
has this part of the picture had fulfillment? he says to them’.
y l&12. Relate the dreams had by Pharaoh. How has Genesis U 44. What prophetic significance is seen in that part of the
41: 8 had fubillmentO Describe how, in fulflllment of the picture presented in verses 5G,57f


J EHOVAH GOD gave to Christ Jesus The Revela-

tion, and he in turn communicated it to the aged
apostle John, saying, “What thou scest, write in a
book, and send it unto the seven churches which are
art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else
I fill COVMunto thee quickly, and will remove thy
candlestick out of his place, except thou repent,. But
this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nico-
in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto laitanes, which I also hate. He that hath an ear, let
Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches ; To
unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea. . . . Unto the him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of
angel of the church of Ephesus write: These things life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.”
saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, -Rev. 1: 11; 2: 1-7r
who walkcth in the midst of the seven golden candlc- Unto John the message“to the seven churches which
sticks; I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy pa- arc in Asia” is sent, “from him which is, and which
tience, and how thou canst not bear them which are was, and which is to come [that is, from the eternal
evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are Jehovah God] ; and from the seven spirits [the holy
apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars: and spirit of Jehovah, seven picturing completeness] which
hast borne, and hnst patience, and for my name’s sake are before his throne; and from Jesus Christ, who is
hast laboured, and hast not fainted. Nevertheless I the faithful vvitncss,” whose blood cleanses us from
have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left our sins. (Rev. 1: 4,s) John pictured Gocl’s remnant.
thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou The word “Asia” does not mean the Asiatic con-
l!b~uhRY 15, 1937 Se WATCHTOWER 61

tinent, but refers to Asia Minor, particularly that If John pictures the servant class at the end of the
part that lies along the western coast, which in John’s world (and there seemsto be no doubt about that fact),
day was a Roman province. The isle of Patmos, to then it follows that “the seven churches” or congre-
which John was banished, is about twenty miles off gations do not embrace a period of time during the
the coast of such province. The name “Asia” means Middle Ages or Dark Ages or the time prior to the
“boggy”, and would well represent the churches at the Lord’s ‘sending of his Messenger before his face to
time when ‘darkness covers the earth and gross dark- prepare the way before him’.-Mal. 3: 1.
ness the people’ and at which time God says to his There were more than seven congregations or
people : “Thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord churches in Asia Minor at the time John wrote The
is risen upon thee.“-Isa. 60: 1. Revelation. Seven is a symbolic number meaning com-
There are a number of reasons why the “seven pleteness in matters pertaining to spiritual things, and
churches” could not (as was once thought) refer to therefore “seven churches” would represent all the
epochs of time or to the churches covering a period of congregations existing at the same time and in which
time from the apostles unto the present. In the mes- the conditions described doubtless in fact existed. The
sagesJesus gives warning to Ephesus, Pergamos, Thya- irresistible conclusion therefore is that “the seven
tira and Sardis that unless they clean up and improve churches” picture aspects or states of affairs or con-
their condition he will come upon them and judge ditions existing at one and the same time in all the
them. The judgment of the Lord must begin when he congregations embraced within the messagegiven in
comesto his temple for judgment, and not prior there- the divine record. Every spirit-begotten one is marked
to. All seven churches or congregations mentioned as by these conditions which have existed among the chil-
being in Asia existed at the same time. Doubtless the dren of God within that period of time during which
unsatisfactory conditions described actually existed ‘the way was being prepared for the coming of God’s
among the seven congregations in Asia Minor; but Messenger to the temple’, and marked by that which
what would be the use of warning these particular follows when hc does come to the temple. This period
congregations of the coming of the Judge if they rep- of time would begin with the beginning of the Elijah
resented periods of time covering the entire church work, or preparation of the way before Jehovah, and
from Pentecost of A.D. 33 to the kingdom? The seven would end when the Lord is at his temple. Therefore
congregations in Asia Minor went out of existence long the message to “the seven churches” applies from
before the coming of the Lord to judgment. Also from 1879 on and thereafter. These wretched conditions or
Pentecost till now the greater number of the professed states of affairs among the spirit-begotten ones have
churches or congregations have existed and have been such as were illustrated by conditions actually
passed away long before the Lord comesto his temple esisting among the churches in the Roman province
for judgment. History shows that the professed church of Asia Minor above mentioned. The Revelation mani-
of Christ never cleaned up or ridded itself of the un- festly is intended for the spirit-begotten ones on earth
satisfactory conditions mentioned, but that such un- at the second coming of the Lord. Some of these would
satisfactory conditions were found even in the true then meet with the approval of the Lord, while others
church when the Lord came to his temple. in the congregations would be less pleasing or wholly
The warning is: “Behold, I come quickly. ” If the disapproved. Let chapters two and three of The Rcve-
churches or congregations receive benefit from the lation, then, be carefully studied with the thought in
message sent to them through John, then they must mind that the messagestherein contained apply spe-
all be in existence at the same time and at the time of cifically from approsimatcly 1579 until the kingdom
the existence of the remnant whom John represented. of God is in full sway.
Furthermore, if the Lord uncovers the meaning of The church at Ephesus is first addressed, and the
these messagesto the churches or congregations after angel thereof doubtless is one of the deputies assigned
coming to his temple, and after pouring out his spirit, by the Lord to convey the messageto the servant class.
then whatever “the seven churches” represent must be “E~~~csus” (from the Greek) means “permitted”.
contemporaneous with the lift of Jehovah’s servant Being the capital city of the province of Rome above
class during the “day of his preparation” for the final mentioned, it may lye11represent conditions csisting
battle which will destroy Satan’s organization. Jesus in the church from the beginning of the preparing the
said that the wheat and the tares would be permitted way of the Lord until the coming to his temple, such
to grow together until the end of the world, at which conditions applying particularly to the leaders or
time he would come for judgment and for separating elders (including “elective elders”) of the church.
one from the other. There would have hcen no reason Paul warned the elders of Ephesus and emphasized
for the messageof The Revelation to the congregations the importance of their being ensamples to the flock.
which went out of existence centuries before the end (Acts 20 : 17-35) From 1879 until the pouring out of
of the world, and therefore there does not seem to be the spirit upon all flesh the elders occupied the pecu-
any reason why these mcssagcswcrc intended for the liar position of service to the Lord in the congrcga-
church over that long period of time. tions. Some mere faithful, and others came far short.

These leaders would include those described as “pil- the gospel of the kingdom, but after 1916 they had no
grims” (traveling speakers), who distributed tracts, zeal therefor and no interest therein. The warning of
gave public lectures, instructed the classes, and the Lord was : “Repent, and do the first works ; or else
traveled from place to place, enduring long and wcary- I will . . . remove thy candlestick out of his place.”
ing journeys, poor lodgings, ill-prepared food, and -Rev. 2 : 5.
many other inconveniences. To these the messagesays: One of the last articles written and published by the
“I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, original ‘ ‘ editor ’ ’ of The Watchtower was a special
and how thou canst not bear them which are evil.” warning to the elders and leaders. From that article
is quoted the following:
These doubtless were the approved ones amongst the “It causesreal grief to write that much of the diffi-
leaders. The term ‘evil ones’ describes those who say culty and danger to the church seemsto lie at the door
they are servants of God but who are found to be liars, of the elders and deacons-not all, thank God, but ap-
Among the organizers of the Watch Tower Bible parently a small minority of them, judging from the
and Tract Society there were some who were wholly queries which come to the office from time to time from
devoted to the Lord and continued faithful unto death the bewildered sheep. . . . The true, loyal servants in
and were examples of those who met the approval of the church should be all the more appreciated by the
the Lord. It was the privilege and duty of the original Lord’s people in proportion as they realize the diffcr-
organizer of the Society and president thereof to take ence between true elders and . . . those who are un-
the lead in the preaching of the gospel in his time. He true.‘,-The Watchtower November 1, 1916, page 327.
and those who stood faithfully with him came in con- This is proof as to the Lord’s manner of directing
tact with those who claimed to be preachers of the the publicaticn of his truth at the appropriate time.
truth and some of whom accepted the truth and went Within less than a year of the publication of the fore-
about preaching it and yet afterwards were shown to going there was a great falling away amongst the
be liars. elders.
The faithful ones could not bear the ‘evil ones’. The “candlestick” mentioned manifestly means the
The known facts fully support this conclusion. The opportunity for service to the Lord. The candlesticks
president of the Society, upon whom the responsibility (or lamp-stands) were not attached one to another,
rested for the management thereof, tried these pro- but were removable. This is agreeable to the parable
fessed ones and found them unfaithful. The ‘trying of the “talents”, which talents represent opportuni-
of them’ would be testing them according to the Word ties of service, and which were taken away from the
of God. The faithful ones patiently bore the trials that unfaithful when the Lord came to his temple and
resulted, for the sake of the Lord’s name, and earnestly were delivered to the faithful. (Matt. 25 : 23) When
pressed on with the work committed to them. In that the test came upon the church in 1917 and 1918 many
period of time the name of Jesus was emphasized more of those who had been leaders in the church dropped
than the name of Jehovah. Therefore says the message: out and they were no longer permitted by the Lord to
‘For my name’s sake hast thou labored.’ hold forth their lamp-stand or candlestick; that is to
To those among the leaders who were less pleasing say, their opportunity for service came to an end.
to the Lord the messageis: “I have somewhat against “The seven candlesticks” manifestly refers to all op-
thee, because thou hast left thy first love.” Some of portunities of service having to do with the kingdom
them set their hearts on going to heaven in 1914 and, interests on earth.-Revelation 1: 12’13 ; 2 : 1.
this failing, they were disappointed and the test was Then the faithful amongst the lenders were told:
too great for them. Prior to that time they had been “Thou hatcst the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, which I
laboring in the congregations under the direction of and also hate.” The word “Nicolaitancs” has the thought
in harmony with the Watch Tower Bible and Tract of “boss”, or one who lords it over God’s people and
Society, but when 1914 passed the zeal of someof these uses them for a selfish purpose. Both the clergy in the
cooled quickly, and upon the death of the president nominal churches and the ‘ ‘elective elders” in the
of the Society and “editor” of The Watcktower others congregations of the Lord who pursue such a course
ceasedto identify themselves with the Society and they would bc included herein.
‘left their first love’. As the apostle Paul had previous- Then the message is addressed not merely to the
ly said: “They received not the love of the truth.” elders but to all in the congregation, to wit, “He that
They no longer loved God’s organization, but, being hat11 an ear [to hear], let him hear what the spirit
selfish, began to try to disrupt the Society and to ob- [the spirit of Jehovah using Jesus as his mouthpiece]
tain followers for themselves. They having a love of saith unto the churches.” Those who would heed the
prominence and desire for a soft job, and being unable warning and overcome were told, “To [you] wiil I
to obtain either, their zeal quickly cooled off. Prior to give to eat of the tree of life.” The “tree of life” is
1914 they expressed themselves as fulfilling the com- associated with the kingdom. The warning of the Lord
mandment of Jesus in Matthew 24: 14 in preaching is that “if any man shall take away from the words

of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his and even the body of Christ, the 144,000 immortal
part from the tree of life, and out of the holy city”. ones, will depend upon him that they may not “be
(Rev. 22: 19, R.V.) It represents everlasting life by hurt of the second death”. Hence the tree of life may
means of the unfailing sustenance which the Lord pro- well refer to the privilege which the church will enjoy
vides for his own. Divine wisdom is likened unto a tree in beholding the beauty and glory of Jehovah and in-
of life. (Prov. 3 : 13-M) Jehovah is the fountain of life, quiring continuously in his temple.-Psalm 27 : 4.

Further reports from members of the Bethel family people will drop in after you start playing the lecture, and
YOU have an opportunity to witness to these. For instance, at
engaged in the educational campaign with the portable one place a girl of about 15 or 1G came to the door and said
phonograph : all her folk8 were out. I offered to play the phonograph for
Since the Arst of December I have carried the phonograph her anyway. Said she didn’t think it would be of any use, but
with me constantly while mitnessing, and during twenty hours that I could come on in if I wanted to. Had hardly started
of door-to-door work have played the records in thirty-two the lecture when a gentleman came in and, on invitation, sat
homes, with a total attendance of 63. I have found it much down to listen. He became quite interested. After hearing the
easier to get in by introducing the phonograph before present- record he began asking a number of questions, and stated that
ing the testimony card, rather than afterwards. I usually ap- he had been a Catholm all his life but he was going to find out
proach the people something like this: from his priest why Catholics couldn’t read the Bible, and
“May I come in for a few minutes, please?” (Sometimes it said, further, he was going to get a Bible and see if the priest
is not necessary to say any more than this before I am invited was really misrepresenting the Bible. He agreed to let someone
in.) As soon as I say this I pick up the phonograph as though call back on him, and after a couple of back calls with the
I were sure they will let me come in. If they hesitate, then I phonograph he and his wife are well on the way to joining
continue: “I have a phonograph here and a very interesting themselves with Jehovah’s organization.
record I’d like to play for you. I am not sellmg phonographs
or records, but I have some short lectures with me on Bible
topics that you will listen to mlth much profit.” (If they still Here are some experiences with the phonograph lately. I’ve
hesitate I explain a little more about our work, and assure them been usmg it mostly on ships, and find it a fine means of giving
I am not selling anything.) the witness, as the men are generally ready enough to hear it
In case they will not let me come in, then I ask if they mon’t and don’t interrupt.
please read the card, whch I hand to them, as it explains in During the last campaign I had the chance to play the phono-
a few words why I am calling. By following this method I get graph to 68 men, on five ships, and as a result many took Rcckes
more people, on the average, to read the card than I did before, books who weren’t interested otherwise. The men in some cabins
a8 they seem to be curious to know mhat I have. I find, too, were opposed, and, to get rid of me, would send me to other
that the longer I work with the phonograph, the easier it is to cabin8 where they knew the men were somewhat tough. But
get in, as I learn how to overcome their objections. Yesterday, there was always at least one person of good will there; so it
for instance, in nine calls I got in at seven homes and four of was always aorth while to go. I found that subjects of general
them took literature. interest to all were best, as “Satan’s Organization”, ‘(Per-
When I get inside I try to make myself right at home im- mission of Evil,” etc. Also found a new use for the “Golfer’s
mediately, and it puts the people at ease. I look for the most Pal”: it is quite easy to tick off the attendance on this while
convenient place to play the phonograph, and unless there is the record is runnmg.
a good steady table I set rt on the floor in front of a chair, On one ship a Malay crew of about 30 listened very attentivc-
and sitting on the chair I can easily operate it. After a little ly to the record, nodding their beads as each point was made.
practice one can set up the phonograph very quickly and start Clad mostly in gaily-colored loincloths, they clustered round the
the record to playing. While I am getting ready to start I machine. I had with me juvt one Nalay booklet, which one of
hand the three discs to the party and suggest he pick out the their number volunteered to read out loud to the rest.
subject he is most interested in. I find more people interested Usually the captain of the ship is the least interested. In one
in “Purgatory” than in any other record. If they leave it up case it was the reverse, for he took me up to his stateroom,
to me to make a selection, then I say: “ilZost people like to heard the lecture, took the combmation, and gave his card with
hear this record on ‘Purgatory’, and you will probably find instructions to come back nhen the ship was in agam.
it interesting, too, ” I played a couple of Spnmsh lectures the other day on a
After the lecture is over I introduce the literature, mention- South American ship, with the result that in addition to tak-
ing that these books are the ones the speaker tells about. I ing a book and half a dozen booklets one man took the record
seldom play more than one record in a home, unless they seem itself, as he got such a kick out of it. This is not the first time
specially interested and want to hear another. that they have taken the records, and I know they use them
Usmg the phonograph in the above manner has not 1essencd plenty, too, and discuss the work amongst themselves, so that
my placements any. During the above twenty hours I placed they’re ready for more hterature on the next trip.
11 books and 44 booklets, which is about the same averago per Last Sunday, on a Belgian boat, I was able to play “Arma
hour a8 I had before using the phcnograph. IIonevcr, the ratio geddon” both m French and in German, and although the
of placements to the number of persons called on has increased winches mere rattling away overhead, all could hear. The buker
considerably. thought I was from the mission, and didn’t thaw out till the
Have had a number of interesting experiences, and one never end of the lecture, when he got a0 interested he almost left
knows in advance how much can be accompbshcd in any par- his dough.
ticular place. When you go in there are often other.members The watchmen and customs men also like to hear, and the
of the family or visitors present who turn out to be more in- phonograph is very useful in thU8 breaking down prejudice on
torested than the one who meet8 you at the door. Often, too, ships for which we have no pass.


It is my privilege again to send you the report of attendance Probably the most extremely difficult thmg for an extremely
at the Bethel atudy held each Monday evening at Toronto by selfish person to do is to publicly confess wherein he has been
the family. During November, 1936, the attendance was 15, 15, wrong.
14, 14, 15, respectively. The Watchtower for December 15 has clearlv pointed out
The Watchtower dealing with the work of the Lord’s anoint- wherein the writer has been ofl’ering very blem&hed sacrifices
ed, and which shows how each phase of work harmoniously leads --sick, and lame and blind. I late a sentence in paragraph 13
up to the vindication of Jehovah’s name, was very- impressive. which says : “As long as one permits selfishness to control bun
In its study it was seen that, having taken the irrevocable step he cannot see and appreciate the revealed Word of God”; and
of absolute and complete allegiance to Jehovah and Christ Jesus, also the sentence following, for it is Jehovah God who alone
there remains nothmg for us but obedience to all the commantls can show us the right. The word wluch he has spoken, saying,
of “our parents “, Jehovah God and his organization. Agam, “ Pro\ e all things; hold fast that which is good, ’ , has also caused
it is necessary that we never refuse or neglect the command- me, through actual experience, to realize that TThe TVatchtower
ments, so that we may be worthy always of beholding the beauty is the receptacle from which the “household of faith’, partake
of the Lord and inquiring in his temple. We were much im- of “meat in due season,,; that there actually is an element m
pressed with the clear way with which every point in this our make-up that fits the picture of an evil-disposed servant,
Watchtower was presented. selfishly inclined, not charitably believing all thmgs (1 Cor.
May Jehovah’s rich blessing be constantly your good portion, 13: 7) until facts prove pro et contra.
is our continual prayer for you. Anyone of a hypercritical, sneering ?;sposition had better
Your brot,her and fellow servant, take heed.
F. C. WUNWRIGUT. May Jehovah through his strong Son continue to bless and
keep you and all who 13ve his name,-is the prayer of
Your little brother,
Jehovah’s witnesses assembled at Toledo, Ohio, at the divi- “GIFTS OF JEHOVAH”
sional campaign, adopted the following resolution:
Jehovah’s witnesses of this division assembled at Toledo DEAR BROTHER RUTHERFORD:
wish to convey our love to you, and wish to state that we are We want to express our thanks to Jehovah and to you, his
firmly for Jehovah and his kingdom, and that we are thankful instrument, for the riches of his grace in entrusting to us
to Jehovah for the opportunity of declaring his purpose to the beautiful book so well named &i&es.
the eople, and that we are glad to bring to light the works It seemd to us that in this is combined the wealth of all
of t fl e enemy, especially the Roman catholic Hierarchy. the other. books pressed down, heaped together, and running
We are happy to co.operate with the Lord’s arrangements over with pdchtional compound interest. The friendly, conver-
here on earth in giving testimony concerning the kingdom. sational style in which the book is written, with its clear-cut
explanations, will, we feel sure, be used of the Lord in taking
away the veil of unbelief from many faces.
WILL CONTINUE TO PUSH FORWARD For the gifts of Jehovah in the Penr Book as well as 111s
DEAL BROTHER RUTHERFORD : wonderful provision for the pioneers in connection with the
The Evansville (Ind.) division of Jehovah’s witnesses assem- literature we find no outlet for our appreciation save in joyful
bled in campaign at Evansville November 8, 1936, desire to let service.
you know that we are with you 100 percent m the great fight. That the riches from Jehovah’s ample storehouse may be
After hearing the Newark ‘ ‘ Declaration and Warning ” read yours incrcasmgly, is the wish and prayer of three Oakland
we unanimously adopt it and desire to have a part in pubhsh- pioneers who love you for your work’s sake.
ing it throughout the earth. With the help of Jehovah we wvlll With warm Christian love,
continue to push forward regardless of any or all opposition. MARY C. JERELL
hiay Jehovah continue his blessings on you henceforth to HELEN L. JEIVELL
the honor and glory of his name. ANNA H. BROOXS

Fremont, Nebr. ..._....BInr. l~‘:~lrmont,Nebr. ..._..._Afar. Scotland Neck, N. C. $r. IImmin,oway, S. C. ._._ 1Iar. 19
Columbus, Nebr. .___-___. 1’ Osccola, Kebr. .-.......... ‘I :i Vanceboro, N. C. *-------“
Kinbtol!, N. C.
Romean, S. C. ......._..1‘ 20
Norfolk. Sebr. ....._...._.‘4 York, Xebr. ....._............“ 20,21 Charleston, S. C. ..__.___ $6 21. 22
Clear\\ater, Sebr. __.__. ” Lincoln, Xebr. ___......... “ 23,24 alagnolia, N. C.“,,lI “ Cope, S. C. ......._.______...
Grand Island, Sebr. .. “ Unadllln, .\ebr. _._._.....” 25 Ilayue, N. C. .............. “ Columbm, Y C. .._......__. “ 25, :b
Wood River,. Sebr. ._._..“ Sebraska City, Piebr. .. “ l;a>ettevlIle, N. C. ..._“ Comden, S. C. ..__. -.. “ Zi
Lit&field, Xebr. ...-... “ Table ILock, Xcbr. ..__..“ ‘24 Cumberland, N. C. ...... I’ Great Walls, S. C. ._...... “ 25 ’ ;rl
Sar ent, Nebr. ._.....-.. “ Hwnboldt, S&r. _._...__..“ 2s Doardmnn, N. C. ......._1: Guffney, S. C. ...____...._._“
Les f ngton, Xebr. .. ... ... “ Pawnee City, Sebr. ___.“ 11llaungton, N. C. .... .. Stlurtnnburn. S. C.- ....8pr. 1. 2
Hastings, Nebr. .....-. “ Lkatrlce, Xebr. Alar. 31, **r.310
Comas. Wa&h. ___.._“....
bfnr. I:a~mond, Wash. ......JIar. 13,14
Hood River, Oreg. __..” libertleen, \Vn*h. ...._.- (I l&17
White Salmon, \\‘a&. “ Tacolnn, Wnd1. __..... “_ “ 1x,19
bl. L. BERR
Lonmiew, \Vash. ._....._“ I’ll, allup, tvnhh. __........“ 00.21
Cbehnllx, Wx41. ._........“ I~:l~unlcla\v,\Vnsb. ...... “ 23; 24
Roeheater, \ ..__....”
Summit, Miss. . ..--... Mar. .vnrks. nIis.9.....-_..... Mar. Elma. \Vayh. __.__........_..
“ Seattle, \\“nsli. ._..,\Inr. 25..Jpr. 4
Wanllla, Miss. ..._..-... ‘1 : Men. nm. __.._.. - .-._. 1; __-
Braxton, 1116s.....-.-. 6‘“ Clarkhdale; Xiss. --------1‘ A. S. W RIGHT
Bolton, MIRs. --*------- ‘6 x Tut\riIer, Miss. ..........
&kens, MISS. ...“..“... Glendorn, .\Jiss. .. ...-... “ Westphalia, Kens. .__.blar. 5 Setawaltfl, Kans. ..__.. Mar.
Chaster, Miss. .. .... .... . “ T Holcoarb, Miss. .. ... ..I... “ Iola. Kanr. .................. ‘* 6, 7 Topelin, Knns. ............ “(‘
Houlka, bliss. ..____......._
:: Clereland, B&s. ._......_.” I:urekn. 1i:ms. _........_..“ 9 .\I:mhartnn. Knns. ......
Blue Mountain, Miss. :: Shelby, Miss. _._..._._.....
” I~:nlporiu, I<:u1s. . ..... ... . ” 10. 11 I:nlMlolpb, Kan?i. ........ 1’
?demphls Tenn. “ 12-14 Mound Rnyou, n1iss. “ Ottuwl. Kilns. ......_“... “ Jamestown, Kans. .... “
TunIca, hIl#s. .....,:, :; Green\ 11le. bliss. ...-iI “ Louihburg, Kuns. ...“... ” :i Abilene, Kans. ..__......- ‘I
Sled e, Miss. .....“....... (, Longwood. Miss. .._,....“ Lawrence, Iinns. ..-..._ :: 14, g McI’hcrson, Iinns.
SardTI, Mlas. ...-..-... Swiftown, bliss. _.......Apr. A trbison. Knns. ... .. ...” IIutchinsou, Knns. ::::.h$.

MARCH 1, 1937

JEIIOVAII ‘6 PROVlSIONiS (Part 3) I....._..~. .... I. G7
Another Test . .- ..-..“..-I._....._......-.-.. -... ..-._...._.....72
The Cup .....-... .... .. .............-. _.. ....-.._-.._-._-...-...- 73
Questions for Study .. . ..... ... . .. .. ... . .... .__ 7ti
ENDORSEMENT -... .... _. . .......... -. . . ...... ._...._._ 77
LETTERS . . . .. .._--_.. -..-..” . ..-.. _...-..._.--.._-. - 78
RADIO SEWICE ... . _. . .. .... ..l.......l_._.._..l.-....--.- 80
‘ ‘ FAITHFUL WMRIOE ) ’ __... .....-._.-_ ___. _ ‘66
(( UNCOVE~W~~ ” ..“.I..” ...“....“........C” .--. -- 66
MIZM~RIAL . ....- -__.- ..-_- -.. -..-......_... --.. tis
‘ ‘ PROTECTION f ) -_.-....- ._-...-..__^ -I_ 63
IZIP~STORS l--__l-._.-- _.-_
WATCH TOWER BIBLE 6 TRACT SOCIETY HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling
117 Adams Street -
Brooklyn, N.Y., U. S. A. T the people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as
expressed in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction
specifically designed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses. It arranges
J. F. BUTHEXFORDPresident TV. E. VAN AM~URGHBecreta y systematic Bible study for its readers and supples other liter-
“And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and ature to aid in such studies. It publishes smtable material
for radio broadcasting and for other means of public instruc-
great shall be We peace of thy children.,‘- Isaiah 54.~3. tion in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its uttcr-
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH antes. It is entirely free and separate from all parties, sects
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, is from everlasting or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without
to everlasting, the Naker of heaven and earth and the Giver reservation for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ
of life to his creatures; that the Logos was the beginning of his Beloved King. It is not dogmatic, but invites carePul
his creation and his active agent in the creation of all things; and critical examination of its contents in the light of the
that the Logos is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed Scriptures. It does not indulge 111controversy, and its col-
with all power in heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive nmn3 are not open to personahties.
Officer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect YEARLY SUJWXIPTION PRICE
man for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully &K?I$ED STATES, $1.00 ; CANADA AND MI~CELLAHEOUS FOREIG$
disobeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by G&AT BRI!CAIN AUSTRALASIA AND S~UTII Asnrcn
reason of Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and Ankrrwn remittances should be made by E‘rpress or Postal ?lion’e”;
without the right to life. Order, or by Bank Draft. Canadian, British, South Afrwon and
Australasian remittances should be made direct to the reqectlre
branch offices. Remittances from countrws other than those men-
THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus auf- tioned may be made to the Brooklyn ofkice, but by Iste~aatronaZ
fered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive Postal Money Order only.
price for all mankind; that God raised up Jesus divine and
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every FOREIGN OFFICES
name and clothed him with all power and authority. British . , . . . . . . . 34 Craven Terrace, London, IV. 2, England
Canadian . . . . . . 40 Irwin Avenue, Toronto 5, Ontario, Canada
THAT JEHOVAH’S ORGANIZATION is called Zion, and Australasian . . 7 Beresford Road, Strathfield, N. 5. W., Au&alla
that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the south Ajrzcan . . . . . . Coston House, Cape Town, South ACrlca
rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful Please address the Society in every case.
followers of Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of
Jehovah’s organization, and are his witnesses whose duty and
privilege it is to testify to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare (Translations of this journal appear in several k?ngtraoes.)
his purposes toward mankind as expressed in the Bible, and
to bear the fruits of the kingdom before all who will hear.
THAT THE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ All sincere students of the Bible who by reason of infirmity,
has been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority, poverty or adversity are uuable to pay the aubscrintion pclce
m.~v have The Watchtower free upon written al’plwation to tile
has ousted Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the publishers, made once each y-ear, stating the IYR>O~I for so I+
establishment of God’s kingdom on earth. questinS it. We are glad to thus aid the needy. but the written
npphcation once each year is required by the postal regulations.
THAT THE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth
can come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Notice to Subscribers: Acknowledgment of a new or a renewal sub-
Christ which has now begun; that the Lord’s next great scription mill be sent only when requested. Chanse of addrew.
when requested, may be expected to appear on atlllte;a label wthm
act is the destruction of Satan’s organization and the estab- one month. A renewal blank (carryin q notice of explratlon) .n:ll
lishment of righteousness in the earth, and that under the be sent alth the journal one month before the subscrlptlon expires.
kingdom all those who will obey its righteous lams shall live Entered as second Class Mail Vatter at Broohlyn, N. Y., Postoflce.
on earth forever. Act of March 3, lS:%


The “Faithful Warrior” Testimony Period, specifically re- The Lord’s people everywhere are advised to carefully study
ferred to in Brother Rutherford’s letter “to the faithful in chapters two and three of the book Jehovah immediately prc-
all the earth”, embraces the nine-day period Narch 27 to ceding hlemorial on the 26th of March. This explanation ~11
April 4 inclusive. This campaign will be world-wide, and will help you to apprcclate the meaning and purpose of the htemorlnl.
be marked by the offer of a six-booklet combination: four Brother Rutherford will be at San Francisco for the hIernolic1
colored-cover booklets and the two latest booklets, to wit,
Uncocered and Protectton, where these are available, all on a season and will address the friends of the Bay City country
contribution of 2%. Full details on the campaign you will find at that time.
in current issues of the Informant. Let there be the usual
promptness on the part of all kingdom publishers in making
report of their time in the field and the results. ‘TROTECTION”
This new booklet, of 64 pages, is self-covered. It bears an
attractive cover design, m color, and also the title and legend:
“UNCOVERED” “PROTECTION from those who seek to hurt or destroy me.
True to its title, “Uncovered,” this new booklet draws back How can I find it?” After reading it, you will surely want to
the veil of lies covermg the Use posItIon, claluts and prctcn- distribute the booklet. You may procure a copy, or copies, on a
sions of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy. This booklet was called contribution of 5c each.
forth us a result of the fallurr of the Hierarchy and govrrn-
nlcntal und rndio agencies to respond to the natlou wide petition
in the United States for a public debate by radio, and presents
the Scriptural side of the proposed debate by the Society’s IMPOSTORS
resident, ~gamst whom the ltlerarchy laid its false ch:lrg:es. Persons going about the country, and claiming to be In
t Wovered IS a booklet of 64 pages, nnd the c*arup:lign wvlth it the truth and Jehovah’s witnesses, present themselves at
in the United Stntcs and world-wide begins Februarv 15. For different places nnd collect money and get other favors of’
campaign instructions, consult the Informant. Copi& of [7a- the brethren. We narn the brethren everywhere to have noth-
covered for your personal use may now be procured at 5c each. ing to do with these Impostors.
VOL. LVIII MARCH 1, 1937 Ho. 5’


“Behold, these shall come from far; and, lo, these from the north and from the west; and these from the lnwl of
E&him.“-Isa, 49: 12.

J EHOVAH has opened the way to life, and those

who diligently seek that way may find it. There
is just one way to life and its attending blessings,
and that way is through Christ Jesus, whose shed
life to find the way and to find refuge in Jehovah’s or-
ganization. When the famine was upon Egypt and over
all the land round about, Joseph sold food to those
who came to seek it. That selling of food does not
blood makes atonement for many, that is to say, for mean or prophetically foretell that Jehovah’s wit-
as many as comply with God’s terms. (John 14 : 6 ; nesses may commercialize the kingdom message for
Rfatt. 20 : 28) There is no other way. “Neither is there selfish gain, but it does mean that it is right and proper
salvation in any other: for there is none other name for the people who have some means with which to
under heaven given among men, whereby we must buy that they shall show their appreciation of God’s
be saved.” (Acts 4 : 12) Satan’s religious practitioners provision by contributing something towards the fur-
for hire restrain persons of good will within their ther spreading of the message of the kingdom that
“prison houses” and attempt to make them believe others may hear. For this reason Jehovah’s witnesses
that their salvation depends upon their fidelity to a take a small contribution from those who desire and
religious organization called a “church”. Those poor are able to contribute for the literature; and when
prisoners are sad of mind and heart; and when they those who are unable to do so desire the message of
meet together on Sunday mornings, which is their truth in printed form, it is freely given to them. When
habit, and mingle their voices together in songs, those the people learn that the provision is not that of man,
songs are all in the minor key. They are starving for but that it is God’s gracious provision, they want to
need of spiritual food, and like a wail of despair they make a little sacrifice to show their appreciation of
make their voices to be heard, while inwardly they cry God’s goodness, and therefore their hearts’ sincere
out for a better day. God will hear the cry of the desire is that their fellow man may have an oppor-
sincere ones. Christ Jesus, the Greater-than-Joseph, tunity to learn of that gracious provision and receive
now opens his Father’s storehouse and sends forth its blessings.
from the temple the remnant of Jehovah’s witnesses * All of Egypt was under Joseph as the rightful
with the messagethat Jehovah’s provision is abundant ruler. Likewise all the world is now under Christ
to give and sustain life and bring boundless happiness Jesus, the Greater-than-Joseph, as the rightful ruler,
to those who obey the command of his Governor. The but Satan is still permitted to exercise his power; and
prophetic drama, together with other prophecies, during such short period of time preceding Armaged-
shows that those who do hear and give heed shall come don those persons of good will may have an oppor-
from the far ends of the earth, from all nations, tunity to show their preference for God and his king-
kindreds and tongues, and shall lay hold of and par- dom of righteousness, and thus the dividing of the
take of the provision which Jehovah has so graciously people proceeds. Satan’s organization is now entirely
made. Those who do obey and maintain their integrity barren of spiritual food. The religious organizations,
toward God shall to that extent be a vindication of being a part of Satan’s visible organization, have no
Jehovah’s name. spiritual food for the people. All persons of good will
* The old world is in darkness, bccausc it is under may go to God’s organization under Christ, the
the oppressive hand of the enemy, and the religion Greater-than-Joseph, that they may find spiritual sus-
mongers are the chief agents that keep the people in tenance there. Therefore in the prophetic drama at
ignorance. But the Lord Jesus, the great and right- this point Pharaoh, picturing Jehovah, said unto all
eous Judge, is now upon his throne of judgment and the Egyptians : “Go unto Joseph; what he saith to
before him are gathered the nations, and he is affording you, do.” Likewise now in fulfillment of that part of
an opportunity to such as desire righteousness and the drama Jehovah, acting by his witnesses, makes

known to the people that he is God, whose name alone Benjamin here pictured the younger spiritual group
is Jehovah ; that he has made provision by and through coming into God’s organization from 1922 and on to
Christ Jesus for the blessings of the people, and that 1931, and thus God was showing his love for them.
therefore those who will live must go to Christ Jesus, GBenjamin was then a young man in his early
the Greater-than-Joseph. They must do what the Lord twenties and pictured here those who from and after
Jesus tells them to do or else they will die. (Acts 3 : 23) 1922, at the outpouring of the holy spirit, were joined
The obligation is now laid upon Jehovah’s witnesses to to Jehovah’s original remnant, their spiritual breth-
tell the people of God’s provision, and if they fail or re- ren. Benjamin therefore. represented the same class
fuse to obey that commandment of the Lord they also as did Esther and Ruth, made known in ‘other pro-
must die. Jehovah’s witnesses cannot save anyone, but phetic dramas. Jacob’s holding back his son Bcnjannn
they can obey God’s commandment given to them and from making that journey to Egypt resulted in a
thereby enable others to learn the way to life. The severe test’s being put upon the ten half brothers of
“faithful servant” class will do that very thing, and, Joseph, which test determined whether or not they
doing it, they shall live and for ever praise the Most had envy and hatred towards Benjamin as they had
High. previously shown towards Joseph. Jacob’s language
’ It is heart-cheering to God’s people to now see as in this connection, “lest peradventure mischief bc-
how simply yet marvelously Jehovah long ago directed fall him,” does not mean that Jacob had learned of
the minute parts of this drama, which he is now mak- the deception practiced by his ten sons upon him con-
ing plain to those who diligently seek to know. Jacob cerning Joseph. Jacob was still under the impression
at this point comes upon the stage and plays a part that Joseph had been slain by wild beasts. Benjamin
picturing Jehovah God : “And he said, Behold, I have was his only surviving son by Rachel, his beloved wife,
heard that there is corn in Egypt: get you down as it then appeared to Jacob, and he was taking the
thither, and buy for us from thence; that we may live, necessary precaution to protect his son, and that fur-
and not die.” (Gen. 42 : 2) As Pharaoh had command- nished a test as to the heart condition of the ten half
ed the Egyptians to go to his governor, Joseph, and brothers. Before Joseph revealed himself to the ten
to obey his orders, so likewise Jacob directed his ten half brothers they had to show and did show their cie-
sons, the half brothers of Joseph, to go to the governor sire to do good unto Benjamin. This part of the drama
of Egypt for needed supplies. In this Jacob pictured foretold that Jehovah would first prove the people of
Jehovah, who directs all persons of good will to go good will and cause them to show that they had gotten
unto Christ Jesus, his duly constituted governor, that rid of the religious spirit of the world, that of perse-
the people “may live, and not die”. Since the gather- cution of the followers of Christ Jesus, and this they
ing of the remnant to the temple Jehovah has caused must do before he reveals to them the way to life.
his witnesses, the remnant ‘seed of his woman’, to go ’ Those people of good will must first show that they
through the land and to ‘cast up a highway for the have no longer the “goat” spirit, but that they ‘have
people ‘, and to tell them the truth concerning his the disposition of the “sheep”, and then the Lord
provisions, in order that such might travel to the great reveals himself to them and discloses Jehovah’s gra-
Governor, upon whose shoulders the government rests, cious provision for all such. The facts now well known
and to him who is “The mighty God, The everlasting show that the Jonadab class have first shown kind
Father, The Prince of Peace”, who serves to the consideration for Jehovah’s witnesses and then later
hungry souls the bread of life. (Isa. 9: 6 ; 62: 10) the Lord revealed himself to them and made known
“This is the bread which cometh down from heaven God’s gracious provisions for them and pointed them
that a man may eat thereof, and not die.“-John 6 : 50. to the way to life everlasting.
IJWhen Jacob sent the ten sons into Egypt he kept 8 It seemswell here to mention another thing. “The
Benjamin with him and, as he stated, “lest pcradvcn- famine was in the land of Canaan,” where Jacob re-
ture mischief befall him.” (Gen. 42: 4) Jacob thus sided with his family and where they were sojourners
manifested his special love for Benjamin, and by this and strangers. Jacob and his family there were the
part of the drama Jehovah foretold his love and gra- people looking for a city or organization with fountia-
cious provision for those who came to know of the tions as described by the apostle Paul in the epistle
truth from and after the coming of Christ Jesus to the to the Hebrews. Today the earth is still dominated by
temple, and the gathering of them into the “faithful Satan and his organization, and it is in that land that
servant” class, making them members of his own Jehovah’s witnesses and others who love God reside
household. This part of the drama does not picture as aliens, sojourners and strangers. In the world there
that the people of good will seek to receive the favor is a great famine for spiritual food except for those
of God before those represented by Benjamin receive who love and serve Jehovah God. Now all those of the
his favor. Jacob, in sending his ten sons into Egypt for temple class praise Jehovah for his loving-kindness
corn, was making provision for Benjamin also to have and point the people to the Greater Joseph as God’s
food upon which to sustain life, and it was not ncces- provision for them. All the holy prophets of God, who
sary that Benjamin should go then to Egypt in person. in the long centuries past prophesied, foretold the com-

ing of the great Messiah and pointed out to the people to seek the Lord that they might live on the earth,
that he is the One whom Jehovah uses to dispense life. having heard the message “Millions now living will
Jacob is included among those holy prophets who never die ’ ’ ; but it was not until 1935 that the Lord
faithfully served God. It does not seem out of place, revealed that it is his “other sheep” class that con-
therefore, to here suggest that those holy prophets stitute the great multitude, which will live for ever
may soon be raised from the dead and before Arma- on the earth; and from that time onward, especially,
geddon, and before God’s remnant have passed from the “sheep” class have manifested greater love and
the earth, and that these will join together with the devotion to the Lord, serving him and Jehovah joy-
other witnesses now on earth in the proclamation of fully because they love and have a part in the vindi-
God’s provisions for mankind. That would mean, cation of His name.
therefore, not only that Jacob in the drama was pictur- l1 Gradually these truths have been brought to the
ing Jehovah God sending the people of good will to attention of the people of good will, and gradually
Christ Jesus, the Greater-than-Joseph, but that he also they have made a deep impression upon their minds.
in a lesser way pictured those holy men of old who by Christ Jesus, the Greater-than-Joseph, anticipated the
the prophecies they uttered foretold Jehovah’s pro- coming of such people of good will to him, and he
vision for humankind. caused his faithful followers by faith to see their com-
8 Pharaoh and Joseph together constituted the ing to the Lord. But the disclosure of the proper re-
“higher powers” locally, that is, in Egypt, and thus lationship of such to the Lord Jesus Christ, and to
they pictured Jehovah God and Christ Jesus, the real his remnant, was made known only in God’s due time,
higher powers. “And Joseph was the governor over when he began to unfold his prophecies in this be-
the land, and he it was that sold to all the people of the half. The remnant saw that there was another class
land: and Joseph’s brethren came, and bowed down coming, but they could not identify them until God’s
themselves before him with their faces to the earth.” due time for them to know. Those who compose lhe
-Gen. 42 : 6. great multitude must first demonstrate that they have
lo Here is another proof that all creatures should rid themselves of selfish motives in seeking the Lord;
obey the “Higher Powers”, Jehovah and Christ Je- that they are really of good will toward God, toward
sus, rather than men. Doubtless Joseph had heard that the Greater Joseph, and toward his younger spiritual
the famine was also upon the land of Canaan, and he brethren on earth; and that they seek the Lord and
therefore anticipated that his father’s family would serve him because they love him and love his people.
have to draw upon Egypt for supplies and that those Then the Lord reveals to them his gracious provisions.
who came would have to appear before him, and that The facts now well known exactly fit the prophecy.
therefore the opportunity would also arise for him l* A test was now about to be put upon the ien half
to show favor to those who humbly sought his favor, brothers. When they appeared before Joseph he ac-
and then he would reveal himself unto them, and the cused them as spies seeking to do injury to Egypt.
provisions that had been made for them. Joseph’s In this he was justified in the light of the treatment
prophetic dream, which he had had when a lad, was he had received at their hands when he was a lad. The
now about to be fulfilled, and ‘his brethren came and real purpose, however, in thus charging them with
bowed before him’. Probably they recalled the dream being spies was to put them under a test, which pro-
at that time and this had something to do with softcn- phetically foretold of a test that must be put upon
ing their hearts toward their brother Benjamin. Those the Jonadab or good-will class before God’s way of
ten men had come to Egypt chicfly ‘for the loaves and life is rcvealcd to them. (Gen. 42 : 6-14) Joseph knew
fishes’ (John 6: 26) ; but as the drama progressed his brethren, but they did not recognize him. They had
they pictured that class of persons who seek the Lord told him of having a younger brother back in Canaan
first for self-preservation and who thereafter learn who was yet alive. And they had mentioned another
of his loving-kindness and put themselves gladly un- one who “is not”. They had reference to Joseph him-
der the Lord’s control. It was after the second visit self, whom they had sold into Egypt. Joseph then said
to Egypt that the ten half brothers learned with glad- to them: “Ye arc spies. Hereby ye shall be proved :
ness the provision Joseph had made for them. They By the life of Pharaoh ye shall not go forth hence,
gradually came to know of that life-saving provision. except your youngest brother come hither.“-Gen.
It was on the 24th day of February, 1918, that the 42 : 14’15.
Lord first caused to be publicly proclaimed the mes- l9 That was a strong oath which Joseph swore, “by
sage “Millions now living will never die”, but it was the life of Pharaoh,” the supreme ruler of Egypt;
years after that when the Lord revealed that the which prophetically pointed to the Supreme Being in
“sheep’, class, in company with the “goat” class, power, Jehovah God. Here was an unbreakable state-
would appear before him for judgment, and that this ment from which Joseph would not retreat, that his
judgment must take place before Armageddon, and younger brother must be brought. Joseph then re-
not after Armageddon and during the thousand-year strained these ten half brothers for three days, that
reign. (Matt. 25 : 31-46) As early as 1918 some began they might have time to carefully give consideration

to what he had said to them. This was a great test joyfully received the “new name” at the hand of the
upon them, becausethey knew that their father would Lord. Only two months prior thereto the Lord had
never consent to Benjamin’s being brought into E,gypt. made known to his people the meaning of the prophetic
I4 Note now the facts which have come to pass, and drama in which Rlordecai and Esther played promi-
which fit the prophecy, Since 1918 all nations have nent parts, and which drama discloses the two parts
been gathered before the Greater-than-Joseph to be of the “faithful and wise servant” class, that is to
judged. (Matt. 25: 31-35) Those gathered include the say, the remnant. In June, 1931; at London, England,
people of good will, who at that trial and judgment the prophecy of Ezekiel the ninth chapter was made
must demonstrate themselves to be real “sheep”, hav- plain to God’s anointed people, and it was then that
ing the love that would warrant their being gathered they learned that those who God commanded must be
onto the Lord’s side and in his favor. The test that marked in their foreheads constitute the earthly class,
must come and has come upon those of good will “other sheep” of the Lord Jesus, who get life on earth
proves whether or not they are any longer of Satan’s as human creatures. The same explanation was given
organization and are spying against the interests of at the international convention in July, 1931, at
God’s kingdom under Christ, as some of the enemy Columbus, Ohio. Then God’s anointed remnant saw
continue to do. It is true that such persons of good that the ‘people of good will’ are earthly; but not
will have not known that they were on trial, but that even then were these recognized as of the great multi-
did not alter the matter, except that it furnished a tude, because the great multitude was not even re-
better opportunity to prove their real purpose and vealed to them. To determine who are of the “goats”
heart condition. If they still showed the spirit of self- and who are of the “sheep”, the people who seek the
ishness, hatred and envy toward God’s people, such Lord must be put to a test, and this test would de-
as had been demonstrated against Joseph when he was termine what is their attitude toward ‘the least of
sold into Egypt, then they would be put on the Christ’s brethren’, pictured by Benjamin, and who
“goats” side. If they showed the spirit of kindness are also pictured by Ruth and Esther. Would they
toward the least of the brethren of Christ, pictured prove themselves sincerely of good will and be kind
by Benjamin, and would seek to do them good because toward the brethren of Christ? or would they treat
they served God and Christ Jesus, this would show a the Lord’s little ones as the fleshly Jewish brethren
right heart condition and they would be adjudged of Jesus treated him when on earth, and as Joseph’s
worthy to be of the “sheep” class. Mark now that in ten half brothers treated him when he was a young
1918 the Lord began to have the messageproclaimed lad? In the prophetic drama what the ten half broth-
“Millions now living will never die”, but even those ers would do to Benjamin, Joseph would consider as
who heard that messagethe Lord held off for several done unto himself. Likewise what the people do unto
years before revealing to them their real situation. the least of the brethren of the Greater-than-Joseph
Why did he do so’? In order that another class, rep- (meaning Christ Jesus) Christ Jesus takes as done
resented in the drama by Benjamin, might first be unto himself, and by this test the “goats” and the
brought. before him and united to him and become a “sheep” manifest themselves. The experiences through
part of the sealed ones of the twelve tribes of spiritual which the Lord’s anointed people have passed in the
Israel. The Benjamin class must be included in this last few years clearly fit this part of the prophecy.
number of 144,000, and this must be done before a lo Joseph then brought these ten half brothers be-
clear identification of the great multitude as the fore him: “And Joseph said unto them the third day,
“other sheep” of the Lord. Also at the same time a This do, and live; for I fear God. If ye be true men,
test would be upon those seeking the Lord and calling let one of your brethren be bound in the house of your
upon his name, which test would determine whether prison: go ye, carry corn for the famine of your
such are of the “goats” or of the “sheep” class. houses: but bring your youngest brother unto me ; so
Revelation 7: l-10 shows that this work must first be shall your words be verified, and ye shall not die. And
done which includes the class pictured by Benjamin, they did SO.“-Gen. 42: M-20.
before the great multitude is identified. The facts l7 Joseph would hold one of their number as a hos-
show that exactly that work was done and has been tagc or as a preventive measure to insure the bringing
done from and after 1918 and before the identity of of Benjamin before him unharmed. He caused Simeon,
the great multitude was revealed by the Lord cvcu one of their number, to bc bound and so held. Joseph
to those who are of the spiritual remnant of God on had spoken to his brethren by an interpreter, mani-
earth. festly to conceal his own identity, and they did not
lDIn 1931 the twelve “hours” (years) of labor in know that he could speak Hebrew. When this test came
Jehovah’s vineyard, as described in the parable ut- upon them, that one would have to be held as a hostage,
tered by the Lord Jesus, ended and the “penny”, that they began to discuss their troubles in the presence of
is, the “new name”, was paid to the laborers. (Malt. Joseph, and they did so in the IIcbrew tongue. They
20: 1-16) It was on Sunday, July 26, 1931, that this recognized their wrongful act and confessed to one
great truth was revealed to God’s anointed and t!lcy nnother their sin against Joseph their brother, whom
Masc~ 1, 1937 KFieWATCHT@WER 71
they had sold into Egypt, and this confession, of money at the time of receiving the message. Their
course, Joseph heard, and that would be a double as- contribution merely goes to help others learn of the
surance to him that they had sincerely repented and truth and is an evidence of their sincerity.
that they would bring Benjamin safely to him. (Gen. l9 Joseph’s half brothers must show a disposition to
42 : 21-23) Likewise Christ Jesus, the Greater-than- give something for the food they were receiving, and
Joseph, makes due provision for the safety and prcs- likewise the people of good will must now show that
ervation of the younger of the remnant, pictured by they have the spirit of sacrifice and unselfishness and
Benjamin, that these might be united to him at the that they desire to aid others to get the needed spirit-
temple, and in this provision the pcoplc of good will ual food, and hence they make a small sacrifice to that
have opportunity to assist in whatever manner they end. That is a further test of their unselfishness. The
can. If any of these of good will had a part in mis- Lord could supply the messagein printed form and
treating God’s children in 1915 and prior thereto, and freely place it in the hands of all people, but that is
later with grief and sincerity they confessed their not his way. Those who desire the truth themselves,
wrongdoing in this respect, that would show them- and who are of the proper disposition toward the Lord,
selves out of harmony with Satan and his organization must show and will show it by a proper course of
and his agents and would prove their heart condition action, and hence this in a measure is shown by their
toward the Lord himself. Some of the persons of good willingness to contribute a small sum for the printed
fill at this time were prior hereto, like Reuben, against message.All the money is the Lord’s, and what the
:-;y wrong treatment of God’s people during the people contribute they get back. This the Lord does
World War and since, and they have helped others to not do becausehe is economical, but because it affords
see and to confess the wrongful action taken in the the opportunity to the people to prove their real heart
persecution of God’s people during that time. Those condition. The test is for their benefit. Many persons
of the “sheep” class are thus manifesting themselves. contribute money for the literature benause they sin-
In the few years past the people of good will toward cerely believe that the persons bringing the messageto
Jehovah have demonstrated this by ministering unto them are children and servants of God, and for this
the needs of Jehovah’s witnesses and by helping them reason their hearts are moved to do some good, and
in whatsoever way they could. Another prophet of this acts to their own benefit.
Jehovah refers to the same class manifesting their love 2oLeaving Simeon bound in Egypt, the other nine
for God and showing their unselfish disposition in returned to Canaan and reported to their father.
helping others see the right way. “And they shall Jacob was grieved because of the loss of Joseph, and
bring all your brethren for an offering unto the Lord, now his son Simeon was also held from him ; and when
out of all nations, upon horses, and in chariots, and in he was told that he must send Benjamin he was greatly
litters, and upon mules, and upon swift beasts, to my grieved, and in this Jacob showed his great love for
holy mountain Jerusalem, saith the Lord, as the chil- his son. Here Jacob pictured Jehovah, the Life-giver
drcn of Israel bring an offering in a clean vessel into of all, who loves those who are his. “The Father him-
the house of the Lord. And I will also take of them for self lovcth you.” (John 16: 27) “He caret11for you.”
priests and for Levites, saith the Lord. For as the new (1 Pet. 5: 7) This manifestation of Jacob’s love for
heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall re- his absent sons put a further test upon the remaining
main before me, saith the Lord, so shall your seed and nine half brothers, and this would determine whether
your name remain. “-Isa. 66 : 20-22. or not they would consider their father’s feelings in
I* Those of the “sheep” class have been and are this complicated state of affairs and would be fully
assisting others to see the way and to come to God’s sympathetic with him. Likewise the people of good will,
organization under Christ that they may learn the way who seek the Lord, must show consideration for Jeho-
to life. Having arranged to hold Simcon as a hostage, vah’s feelings and his love toward those who are his
Joseph then commanded that the sacks of the remam- own. Their real heart condition is therefore shown by
ing nine should be filled with corn. He rcccivcd the their action toyard Jehovah’s witnesses, the spiritual
money for such corn at their hands, and then he caused brethren of the Greater-than-Joseph, and by their
that money to be secretly put in their sacks with the action toward and treatment of all who serve God in
corn. (Gen. 42: 25,26) Likewise the lift-giving and truth and in spirit. They must show their love for those
life-sustaining truths, pictured by the food that Joseph whom Jehovah loves and show that they do not bear
put in their sacks, the Grcatcr-than-Joseph, Christ ill will toward them.
Jesus, now sends to the pcoplc by the hand of his faith- ** In his grief Jacob dcclarcd that Benjamin should
ful witnesses. These l&-giving truths arc in fact a not go down to Egypt with the others. Reuben, one
free gift “without money and without price” (Isa. of the nine, now showed his love for his father, and
55 : 1,2), and this is pictured by the money’s being doubtless hc uttered the sentiments of all the nine.
put back in their sacks. The truth today carried to the To his father hc dcclarcd that at the cost of the life
people is a free gift from the Lord, even though the of his own sons he would bring back Benjamin safely
people who receive that truth do contribute a sum of to his father in Canaan. The test was upon all of these

men; and Judah, who was the one who had proposed and, furthermore, sent “the man” presents. “The
selling Joseph for twenty pieces of silver, now stepped man, ” of course, meant Joseph, but Jacob did njt
forward and ofi’ered to become surety for Benjamin. know it was his son Joseph. In this generous action
To his father he said: “I will be surety for him ; of Jacob showed a wise provision in behalf of his sons,
my hand shalt thou require him: if I bring him not the half brothers of Joseph, as well as for Benjamin :
unto thee, and set him before thee, then let me bear “A nift irl s >cret pacifieth anger. and a reward in the
the blame for ever.“-Gen. 43: 9. bosom strong vxath. ” ( i’rov. 21 : 14 I ‘* 11 m:in ‘s gi.t’*
zzThese nine half brothers of Joseph here demon makct 11roo’:l for him, and hrin@h him b$ore great
strated that they had the proper heart condition to- mtn. ’ ‘-Prov. 1s : 16.
ward Jacob and toward their brother Benjamin, and 25In this Jacob pictured Jehovah’s care and pro-
this would also show their heart condition toward vision for all those who declare themselves on the side
Joseph. At this point of the drama they pictured a of God and his King, both the remnant and the great
class of people who had part in the persecution of multitude, that it may go well with them at the hand
God’s children but who, having had their eyes opened, of the great Governor, Judge and Executioner, Christ
have undergone a change of heart and now gladly do Jesus, now at the temple. Gifts or contributions are
what they can in behalf of the true servants of the made at a sacrifice or cost, and such show an unselfish
Lord and thus manifest a love for the Lord himself. disposition and willingness to obey and to serve the
In this day of fulfillment of the prophetic drama Most High. Joseph, being of the local higher powers,
persons do come forward who have heretofore ill- pictured Christ Jesus of “the higher powers” in
treated the Lord’s children but who, having later seen heaven; and the gifts carried to him manifested the
that they were wrong, confess their error and put spirit of unselfish service and devotion. Unselfishness,
forth their endeavors to do good unto the servants of which is love, is demonstrated by a willing desire and
Jehovah, and thus they show their love for Jehovah effort to further the cause of righteousness. Those
and for Christ Jesus and his brethren by engaging with persons of good will, and who are therefore of the
the latter in the proclamation of the messageof life, “other sheep” of the Lord, now show their unselfish
which Jehovah has provided. Such persons show them- desire to aid in supporting the kingdom message to
selves to be of the “other sheep”, which the Lord the honor of Jehovah’s name and for the-good of those
Jesus says he will bring into the fold of God. who love righteousness. They manifest this disposi-
28Jacob’s two sons having pledged themselves to tion by making a sacri%e? willingly contributing their
their father’s interest and having declared their love s means to further the publication of the kingdom mes-
for him, the other seven doubtless fully concurred, sage. Thus they grow in godlikeness. The rule of the
and thus the two stand as representatives for the en- Lord is stated in theze words : “The desire of the right-
tire number. The famine continued sore upon the eous is only good; but the expectation of the wicked
land, and the food supply for Jacob’s household ran is wrath. There is that scattereth, and increaseth yet
low. Food must be had or death would follow. Jacob more ; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet,
listened attentively to the plea of his sons that they but it tendeth only to want. The liberal soul shall bs
might again go to Egypt and take Benjamin with made fat; and he that watereth shall be watered also
them and thus be assured of getting another supply himself. “-Prov. 11: 23-25, R.V.
of food that their lives might be sustained. To their
earnest and sincere pleas Jacob yielded: “And their ANOTHER TEST
father Israel said unto them, If it must be so now, do *OTests are put upon creatures in order that the
this ; take of the best fruits in the land in your vessels, creatures may by their own voluntary action prove
and carry down the man a present, a little balm, and whether or not they will maintain their integrity to-
a little honey, spices, and myrrh, nuts, and almonds: ward God. The afiairs of men are so arranged that
and take double money in your hand: and the money they must meet these tests, although they do not at the
that was brought again in the mouth of your sacks, time know of the purpose of such tests. The great
carry it again in your hand; pcradventurc it was an prophetic drama proceeds. The nine half brothers,
oversight. Take also your brother, and arise, go again together with Benjamin, journcycd back to Egypt
unto the man: and God Almighty give you mercy bc- bringing Benjamin safely with them and presenting
fore the man, that hc may send away your other thcmsclves and Benjamin before the governor. Benja-
brother, and Bcnjamip. If I be bereaved of my chil- min, being brought to Joseph the governor, here pic-
dren, I am bereaved. And the men too!< that prcxnt, tured the younger sows of Zion, which is God’s organ-
and they took double money in their hand, and Bcn- ization, being brought into a unity with Christ Jcxs
jamin; and rose up, and went down to Egypt, and and the others who arc of the royal house. The rune
stood before Joseph.“-Gen. 43 : 11-15. half brothers here pictured those who arc not of Zi3n
**Jacob not only caused the return of the money but who do come into God’s organization and who dc-
which Joseph had placed in the sacks of his half light in their efforts of participating in the service of
brothers, but also sent a like amount to buy more corn, the Lord and in pointin g others to his gracious pro-

vision for them. In this connection consider the words for corn, and that they had also brought presents unto
of Jehovah’s prophet, to wit: “Thus saith the Lord the governor. (Gen. 43: 16-22) The steward of the
God, Behold, I will lift up mine hand to the Gentiles, house bid them not to fear. He gave them water to
and set up my standard to the people: and they shall wash their feet and caused their animals to be fed.
bring thy sons [Zion’s sons] in their-arms, and thy They made ready to deliver the presents to Joseph
daughters shall be carried upon their shoulders. And when he should come. They were prepared for the
kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and their queens dinner, and all waited the coming of the lord of the
thy nursing mothers: they shall bow down to thee household; and when Joseph appeared they brought
with their face toward the earth, and lick up the dust him the presents, which they had taken down to Egypt,
of thy feet ; and thou shalt know that I am the Lord ; and bowed themselves to the earth before him.-Gen.
for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me [as 43 : 23-26.
Joseph did] .“-Isa. 49 : 22,23. aoLikewise, at the time of the coming of the Ben-
*’ The people of good will in the various walks of jamin class the Lord Jesus Christ ordered a feast to
life are now receiving the precious messageconcerning be made ready, but there was a considerable period of
God’s kingdom and are manifesting their love for the time elapsed before the identification of all concerned
Lord by joining in the work of bringing this message and until all together began to partake of that feast.
to the attention of others, and thus bringing them to For some time the question was an open one, as to
the Lord’s organization. “Surely the isles shall wait whether the Jonadabs or persons of good will should
for me, and the ships of Tarshish first, to bring thy participate in the house-to-house witness work or not,
sons from far, their silver and their gold with them, but in due time the proper relation was seen and that
unto the name of the Lord thy God, and to the Holy it is the privilege of all these to have a part in tile
One of Israel, because he hath glorified thee.“-Isa. work. Then the time arrived when the Lord revealed
60 : 9 ; see also Isaiah 66 : 20-22. to all who love and serve him that the “feast of taber-
98When the nine appeared before Joseph with Ben- nacles” foretold the feasting together of the anointed
jamin, Joseph released Simeon, who had been held as a remnant and the people of good will who form t!le
hostage. (Gen. 43: 23) This appears to prophetically great multitude, and this was first made known by the
foretell that when the people of good will do, under Lord to his people in the early part of 1936 althou:h
the test, prove their kind consideration for Jehovah’s the preparation for the feast progressed before that
witnesses and thus demonstrate their unselfishness and time.
good will toward God and Christ Jesus, then the Lord 31At the dining Joseph caused Benjamin to be
Jesus Christ, the Greater-than-Joseph, releases such served with a portion five times as large as that served
people of good will from prison restraints, which have to the half brothers; but that apparent partiality
been put upon them by Satan’s organization. These stirred no strife or envy amongst the half brothers,
released ones join themselves to the anointed servants but all of them ate and drank together and were merry.
of God and openly, by their course of action, declare This shows that the Benjamin class, who are pictured
themselves on the side of Jehovah God and gladly also by Ruth and Esther, are spiritual and that the
serve him. half brothers of Joseph are earthly and that the fcod
2gThe bringing of the Benjamin class before the provided by the Lord can be partaken of and apprc-
Lord Jesus Christ, the Greater-than-Joseph, has pro- ciated by the spiritual class to a far greater degree
gressed from 1922 onward and at least to the closing than by those who are not of the spiritual class, and
of the special vineyard service at the time the “penny” that this is done without any grudge or envy against
is paid to the Lord’s spiritual servants at the temple. the spiritual class being manifested by the earthly
(Matt. 20: 1-16) When Joseph saw that Benjamin was class. Those of good will rejoice in the food from the
before him, which proved that his brethren had met Lord’s table that they can be grateful, and they give
the test, he immediately ordered that preparation be the Lord thanks therefor. The feasting together upon
made for all the ten, together with Benjamin, to dine the food provided by Joseph was a happy occasion,
with him (Joseph j at his house ; which house pictures but a great test upon the ten half brothers was about
Jehovah’s organization. The dinner did not take place due to appear.
immediately, but preparation for it proceeded. The
identification of all concerned, that is, Joseph and his TBECUP
brethren, and showing their proper relation to each 32At the command of Joseph the sacks of the broth-
other, was not immediately made. These half brothers, ers were filled with food, and although they had paid
being brought to Joseph’s house, were mystified and over the money for that food, all of their money was
much troubled. They then approached the steward of put back in their respective sacks. The paying over of
Joseph’s house and attempted to make clear to him money showed their willingness to deal justly. Likc-
about the money that had been found in their sacks, wise a contribution of money for the spiritual food
and that to arxre him of their honesty they had which is made by the Jonadabs shows a willingncxs
brought this money back, and even more money to pay to give something in return for what those of good will

receive at the Lord’s hands. All the money is the er son Benjamin and that if Benjamin did not return
Lord’s, and, as it is written, “God loveth a cheerful his father would die of grief. He made an eloquent
giver. ” (2 Cor. 9 : 7) In the sack of Benjamin Joseph and touching plea that Benjamin should be returned
caused to be secreted his silver cup, and this, when and that he, Judah, might become a slave in Egypt
found, would be circumstantial evidence tending to in the place and stead of Benjamin. The fervor with
show that Benjamin was a thief deserving to be im- which Judah presented the case before Joseph proved
prisoned and hold as a slave in Egypt, even as had that those ten men were of good will towards Jacob
been done to Joseph twenty-two years before that. and also towards Benjamin, and, not yet recognizing
This cup brought upon the brothers of Joseph a real that they stood before Joseph, doubtless supposing he
test and demonstrated whether or not they had an evil was dead, they had great sorrow for the wrong that
desire to be rid of Benjamin as they had had con- they had done him. This great test upon them disclosed
cerning Joseph. Their sacks had been filled with food, a complete change of heart, and while, no doubt, they
and the younger brother Benjamin was with them, and inwardly suffered great remorse becauseof their treat-
they were on their way home to Canaan, and that made ment of Joseph years before, they were willing to make
them happy. Shortly after they had departed Joseph any possible amends. In this test they bravely met it
commanded his steward to follow them and to over- and demonstrated their good will. (Gen. 44: 14-34)
take them and charge them with stealing the governor’s And what did this test in the prophetic drama fore-
silver cup. All of them vigorously denied the charge tell1 It plainly identified and foretold a class of per-
and volunteered that if the cup were found in the sons who at one time were antagonistic to the consc-
possessionof any one of them, the one who had stolen crated spiritual children of God, the brethren of Christ
the cup should die and that the others should become Jesus; but who upon becoming acquainted with the
slaves in Egypt. They first made this proposition to conditions of their own situation showed a deep con-
the steward. (Gen. 44: l-10) Immediately their sacks trition of heart and a sincere desire to do good toward
were opened and searched and the cup was found in all who love the Lord. Loolring now to the facts: The
Benjamin’s sack,. and all of them returned to the persecution came upon the brethren of Christ, par-
city and were brought to Joseph’s house. (Gen. ticularly in 1918, and this persecution was at the in-
44: 10-15) Judah had been the one who proposed the stance and instigation of the reiigionists. That stirred
selling of Joseph to the merchantmen and making him the hearts of many to enmity against the Lord’s people,
a slave in Egypt. He had also volunteered to become that is, those of the original faithful remnant. But
surety to his father for the return of Benjamin. Judah later on, when these came to more clearly understand
acted as spokesman for the ten : “And Judah said, their own situation and the purpose of God toward
What shall we say unto my lord? what shall we speak? them, they had a change of heart and showed thcm-
or how shall we clear ourselves? God bath found out selves in a proper heart condition to be gathered by
the iniquity of thy servants: behold, we are my lord’s the Lord as his “other sheep” into the fold of Jehovah.
servants, both we, and he also with whom the cup is Thus the Lord shows that all of the “other sheep”
found.” (Gen. 44 : 16) The circumstantial evidence class must be of good will toward Jehovah, pictured
pointed conclusively to their “guilt”, yet in fact they by Jacob, toward Christ Jesus, pictured by Joseph, acd
were not guilty. Judah confessed the iniquity and toward the remnant, pictured by Joseph and Benja-
of?ered that all the ten, and Benjamin also, should min, before they can be gathered into the Lord’s or-
become slaves. Joseph did not exactly agree to this, ganization.
but named another condition on which they might live : 34Benjamin did not sliare Joseph’s imprisonment
“And he said, God forbid that I should do so: but the down in Egypt. Likewise the Benjamin class, pictured
man in whose hand the cup is found, he shall be my also by Ruth and Esther, were not included in the
servant; and z for you, get you up in peace unto great trouble that came upon God’s people during
your father.“-Gen. 44 : 17. the World War, because these were brought to the
*‘The judicial determination of the great judge Lord after 1922. This latter class, pictured by Bcnja-
was that Benjamin should remain in Egypt as a slarc. min, Ruth and Esther, have done a great amount of
This was a tremendous test upon the half brothers. witness work in recent years and have suffered much
If they held enmity against Benjamin, they could persecution; and this has been a searching test to the
easily consent to the dcprcc and themselves &part in people of good will towards Jehovah’s witncsscs, that
peace and return to Canaan. Their course of aclion is, those who arc of the original remnant and those
shows they did not have enmity toward Benjamin and who were brought in after 1932. Some who arc now
that they regarded the feelings of their father. Jutlah of good will participated in that persecution. Those
-then asked for permission to speak, and here doubt!csa of good will have observed these witnesses in recent
he acted as spokesman for all. He recounted the fatIts years standing before the courts, charged with crime,
before Joseph. 1%~told that a son had been taken away when their only offense has been and is that of prcach-
from their father and was supposed to be dead, and ing the gospel of the kingdom of God. They have seen
that the father had bestowed his love upon the young- Jehovah’s witnesses cruelly beaten and held in filthy

prisons, and this was and is a test to the Jonadabs as spiritual brethren of Christ Jesus, whom Benjamin
to whether or not they would be associated with the pictured in the drama. The parable of the “sheep”
ones charged with crime. But those of good will, who and the “gcats” fully supports this conclusion. This
really love God, have shown their good will toward proves that those who are of good will and known as
him and toward Christ, and toward his faithful mem- the “other sheep”’ are in fact of the “sheep” class
bers by ministering unto those ill-treated ones and and not moved by selfishness, whereas those of the
have thereby brought themselves into contempt and “goat” class are moved entirely by malice, hatred,
disgrace in the eyes of worldly men, and thus showed selfishness and ill will. The parable discloses that the
their willingness to be associated with Jehovah’s wit- “sheep” class minister unto the suffering ones will-
nesses. The regular house-to-house witness work be- ingly, not knowing at the time that they do so as unto
gan in 1927 in a more intensified form, and has been Christ Jesus himself. Those persons of good will have
carried forward persistently and continuously since given Jehovah’s witnesses food and drink, have visited
that time. Shortly thereafter Jehovah’s witnesses be- them in prison, and ministered unto them, been kind
gan to be arrested and haled before the courts as law- to them at their homes, and given them food and
breakers. Such arrests and imprisonment of Jehovah’s shelter, all because they looked upon such witnesses as
witnesses has been vigorously carried on in Germany, honest and faithful’servants of God. Their action
in Quebec and in many of the states, and particularly shows a kind heart, and all this they have done and
in the state of New Jersey. Thousands of faithful men continue to do unselfishly. It is only recently that even
and women have languished in filthy prisons, and the faithful anointed ones have learned from the Lord
many are still in prison because of their faithfulness that these persons of good will are the ones disclosed
to God and to his kingdom interests. For ten years by the Lord as his “other sheep”, whose good deeds
this cruel persecution has gone on, and during all that toward the faithful anointed ones in Christ Jesus he
time persons of good will toward God and his people receives as done unto himself. There is therefore a
have come to the front and have taken their stand on grave responsibility laid upon the Jonadabs to show
the side of the Lord and declared themselves for him their willingness to be obedient to the rules of the
and his kingdom. Lord.
85Why have Jehovah’s witnesses been charged with 3r And what is the result thus far observed7 Several
being lawbreakers, yet wholly innocent ? Like the silver years have passed since the cruel persecution of Je-
cup found in Benjamin’s sack, and put there at the hovah’s witnesses began, but which is still going for-
direction of Joseph in order that a test might be placed ward, during which time “this gospel of the kingdom ”
upon. his brethren, so the persecution of Jehovah’s has been preached by the faithful in many countries
witnesses as lawbreakers has been permitted to come and made known to the people in many languages.
upon them as a test upon the witnesses and upon all That message of God has stirred the righteous of
those of good will, otherwise known as “Jonadabs”, heart, who are honest and sincere and who desire to
and also to demonstrate who are the “goats” and who know God’s provisions for themselves, and has led
are the “sheep” class. It is the cup which Jehovah has these honest ones to the Lord. As the severity of the
poured for his witnesses, that they might be charged persecution has increased upon God’s anointed mit-
with crime and appear as lawbreakers and dangerous nesses,those people of good will, the “other sheep”,
to the ruling powers of the world, that this test might have taken their stand and shown their willingness to
be put upon men; and this furnishes the opportunity be companions with the ones who are suffering for the
to prove their integrity toward him. These experiences sake of the Lord’s name. Those persons of good will
have served as a real test to the Jonadabs, and they have exhibited their faith in the shed blood of Christ
have shown their willingness to be the companions of Jesus by thus doing, and they rejoice to be identified
Jehovah’s witnesses, who have been branded as crim- with others who love God and Christ Jesus and who
inals. (Web. 10 : 33) Judah, the half brother picturing serve him amidst great opposition. These people of
the Jonadabs or “other sheep”, boldly and willingly good will have come forward out of every nation and
came to the front and offered to suffer in the place and of all tribes, and peoples and tongues, and arc still
stead .of Benjamin. So likewise many of those persons coming; and they have declared themselves, and still
of good will have offered themselves willingly to take declare themselves, as on the side of God and Christ
the place of Jehovah’s witnesses and go to prison in Jesus. Note now the words of the prophet concerning
their place and stead and thus suffer punishment. This such, and the facts well known, which show fulfillment
is further proof that the ten half brothers pictured of the prophecy, to wit: “Behold, these shall come
the “other sheep” of the Lord. from far: and, lo, these from the north and from the
aeWhen he sent his sons the second time to Egypt, west; and these from the land of Sinim [distant
Jacob held Judah answerable for the safekeeping and oriental regions] .“-&a. 49 : 12.
safe return of Benjamin. So in like manner Jehovah s8The messagehas, according to the promise, spread
holds those who arc of the “other sheep”, the earthly to the oriental countries of the world, and a goodly
class, answerable to him for their treatment of the number are manifesting their devotion to the Lord.
B~oogty~, N. Y.
Now it is recognized that these sincere persons of good Egypt, and upon all the land round about, Joseph sold food
to those who came to seek it.
will, otherwise called “Jonadabs”, are the ones who 1 3. Who, in fulfillment of the prophecy, says, “Go unto
are the “other sheep” of the Lord and who will form Joseph; what he saith to you, do”t How is this done?
the great multitude, and who, proving their faithful- How-is. this command obeyed by those to whom it prophet-
ically applies? How important is such obedience?
ness, shall dwell on the earth forever. The faithful
‘I[ 4. Compare Genesis 42: 2, and its application, with the
remnant, who are Jehovah’s witnesses, are rejoicing prophetic command given by Pharaoh to the Egyptians as
in their suffering that they are counted worthy to be recorded in Genesis 41: 55.
servants of Jehovah God and that they are counted as q 5. What was foreshown in Jacob’s sending the ten sons
into Egypt but, for the reason given, keeping Benjamin
the heavenly class. Together with them the “other with him?
sheep”, the earthly class, also rejoice. Foreseeing this q $7. Whom did Benjamin represent, and how? Explain
day, Jehovah caused his prophet to say in this connec- Jacob’s precaution concerning Benjamin. Apply this part
of the drama, and the test which it furnished regarding
tion : “Sing, 0 heavens; and be joyful, 0 earth ; and the ten half brothers.
break forth into singing, 0 mountains; for the Lord 7 8. (a) “The famine was in the land of Canaan,” (b) and
hath comforted his people, and will have mercy upon Jacob, m Canaan, (c) saw that,there was corn in Egypt,
his aflicted.” (Isa. 49 : 13) The heavenly class and the (d) and sent his sons there, where (e) the governor of
Egypt had provided food for the people. Show that each
earthly class are rejoicing together. of these points of divine record was prophetic.
89It is’ that class who today declare themselves for q 9-11. What was foreshown (a) in Joseph’s position, by
Pharaoh’s appointment, as stated in GenesIs 42: 6a (b) In
God and his kingdom that suffer affliction at the hand what is there said concerning Joseph’s brethren9 (c) In
of Satan and his agents. But Jehovah loves them arid the fact that it was after the second visit to Egypt that
shows his mercy toward them. While the enemy Satan these learned of the provimon Joseph had made for them9
Relate how the progressive revelation of truth led toward
brings upon the nations of earth woe after woe, God the identification of the “great multitude”.
comforts his people with the knowledge of the fact that q 12-15. What test did Joseph then put upon the ten half
he has them in mind, and that those who joyfully en- brothers9 For what purpose? Pomt out the fulfillment of
dure affliction for righteousness’ sake and for his this part of the prophe& picture.
y 16,17. Joseph then subjected his brethren to what further
name’s sake shall receive his everlasting favor. There- test? For what purpose9 Point out the fulfillment of this
fore the earthly class is today disclosed as standing part of the pic&e.-
before the throne of God and before the Greater-than- 7 18,19. Apply the prophetic procedure recorded at verses
23,26, together with their having given money for the food.
Joseph and joyfully serving the Most High. Disre- q 20-22. How was Jacob impressed with the report glren to
garding the taunts and jeers of men, refusing to bow him by his sons on their return to Canaan? How did this
down before men or man-made institutions, and hail- affect the nine half brothers? What was pictured therem
ing Christ Jesus as the world’s true Governor, who What is seen to have been foreshown in the ofi’er to Jacob
of surety for BenjaminO
will minister and does minister salvation to all who 7 23-25. Relate Jacod% answer to his sons’ plea involving
truly love and serve Jehovah God, these continue to Benjamin. Point out the wisdom there manifest. How does
render joyful service. this part of the picture apply9
y 26,27. How do tests put upon creatures serve the purpose
‘OFor centuries the Devil and his earthly religious for which the tests are provided9 Apply the prophetic
agents have kept the people in gross darkness. Now picture recorded in whxh the nine half brothers, together
the day has come when Jehovah, through his beloved with Benjamin, Journeyed back to Egypt and presented
themselves and. Benjamin before the governor. -
Son, is removing the darkness and permitting the light q 25. The nine appeared before Joseph with Benjamin, and
to shine into the faces of those who seek righteousness Joseph released Simeon. What appears to have been fore-
and meekness.As Judah stood before the governor of told thereby?
q 29,30. Relate what was done when Joseph saw that Benjamin
Egypt and pleaded ‘2 behalf of his younger brother, was before him. How l:as this found fulfillment?
so now those of good will toward God lift up their q 31. What 1s seen in 43: 348 and how does this have ful-
voices and their hearts to the Lord in behalf of thuse fillment ?
q 32-U. That the brothers had paid over the money for the
who appear to be in jeopardy and arc held in custody food which they would receive is of what prophetic sigmfi-
*becausethey unselfishly and faithfully serve the Lord. cance? Relate what nest took place. What was the plea made
by Judah? How ~3s it received by Joseph9 Why was tlus
The eyes of the people of good will, by God’s grace, a great test upon the half brothers9 How did it serve
shall be further opened and they shall have an en- Joseph’s purpose9 \Vhnt did this test in the prophetic
larged vision of the gracious provision Jehovah God drama foretell9 Point out the fulfillment thereof.
has made for those that love and serve him, and tXs 1135. How does Joseph’s directing that the sliver cup be put
in Benjamm’s sack, and the result thereof, find fulfillment
is indicated as the drama progresses. as a prophecy9
1 3G-38. Show tlmt Jacob’s holding Judah answerable for the
(To be continued) safekeeping and safe return of Benjamin was prophetic,
and in harmony wltb what Jesus foretold in the parable
QUESTIONS FOR STUDY of the “sheep” and the “goats”. What is the result thus
q 1. How has the way to life been provided? Who may find il( far observed, as evidence of fulfillment of Isaiah 49: 12,
Account for the nrison condition and sadness of mind nnd here under considerntion9
heart of the siicere ones in the religious orgnuizations q 39,40. In what facts do God’s people see fulfillment of
called ‘ ‘ churches ’ ’ . What is the provision now made avail- Isaiah 49: 131 Compare this with what was foretold at
nble for these? Revelation 7: 9,10, and in Judah’s plea before the governor
1 2. Apply the prophetic fact that when the famine wan upon of Egypt in behalf of Benjamin.
HE testimony period beginning March 27 is may, at the same time, send up a shout to the honor
designated “Faithful Warrior”. All persons of his holy name. The “Faithful Warrior” testimony
T now on the eart.h and who are devoted to Jeho- period should see every one of the faithful in the field
vah God are on the side of Christ Jesus, his “Faithful presenting the messageof the Lord to the people. This
Warrior”. Such persons are known as the remnant you will do by the use of the transcription machine,
and the Jonadabs. The command of Jehovah to them and the phonograph, and by presenting to the people
is : “Arise ye . . . against her in battle.” ,Christ the printed message.A special combination of books
Jesus, the Faithful Warrior, is now engaged in mak- is made available for this testimony period. Let every-
ing war on organized religion known as “Babylon”, one place as many combinations as possible in the
the Devil’s organization, that deceives the people and hands of the people. Jehovah’s ‘&warning” must be
fights against God. That is God’s “strange work”, given to those who claim to be Christians. (Ezekiel
becauseit exposesthe hypocrisy and duplicity of those 33 : 7-9) The message of the kingdom and the name
who have used the name of God and Christ to deceive of Jehovah must be proclaimed to all nations as a wit-
the people and turn them away from God. ness. Do not concern yourself about who will and who
Every person now on the earth and who is on the will not die at Armageddon, but concern yourself
side of Jehovah and his kingdom is privileged to feed about your own duty to deliver the message as God
at the Lord’s table and to learn of the unfolding of commands. The Lord will take care of the result.
prophecy, which is meat in due season for him, and That part of the war which is the “strange work”
which is provided by the Lord for his comfort and is now on. Will you perform your part therein in obe-
hope. Every one of such is duty-bound to obey God’s dience to God’s commandment P That work will be
commandments, and those who have opportunity to completed in due time, and then follows “his strange
obey and who fail or refuse will suffer the conse- act”. Be alert and be diligent in this day of conflict
quences. (Acts 3 : 23) To obey the Lord’s eommand- between wickedness and righteousness. May the Father
ments everyone who is on the side of the Lord must of mercies and God of all comfort continue to strength-
now fearlessly bear testimony against the enemy and en and bless you.
to the name and praise of Jehovah and his kingdom. With much love and best wishes,
This letter is merely a reminder, dear brethren, of your
privilege and obligation. If you would maintain your WATCH TOWER BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY,
integrity toward Jehovah you will joyfully obey his
Special periods for giving testimony are fixed in President.
order that all of God’s people throughout the earth


tkinketh ihat he worshzppeth God, al%d doth not restrain hzs
tongue, but his heart deceiveth him; hts worship is vain. FOT
the worship that 2s pure and holy before God the Father, as
this: to &it the fatherless and the waclows an thecr aflactkon,
and that one keep himself unspotted from the world.
-James 1: 26,27, Synac Version.

OMEONE writes an anonymous letter to The ask this question. This is not putting the matter in
Watchtower as follows: “The Golden Age re- “a new light”. The Watchtower fully endorses the
s cently published an article entitled ‘That Dc- article in The Golden Age, above mentioned. The
lusion Called “Love ” ‘, in which a warning is given article gives the same advice, identically, to those who
to God’s consecrated people to shun love-making with d csire to serve Jehovah. There are two forces operating
the opposite sex becauseit is one of the things the Devil toward all persons : (1) Passion, which is induced by
has fostered and leads away from undivided devotion the influence of others upon the person that is in-
to Jehovah and therefore brings reproach upon His llnenced; (2) principle, or law, that is, God’s law or
name. Many brethren would like to know whether
The Watchtower is of the same opinion and would
rule of action, prescribing the way that is right and
give the same advice to those desiring to be wholly proper. Those who are devoted to Jehovah are gov-
devoted to Jehovah, seeing that this article puts the erncd by his law and follow his commandments. The
matter in rather a new light.” publications of the Society for the last ten or twelve
Had the writer been studying The Watchtower since years have emphasized the very thing that is set forth
1925 to date he would not have found it necessary to in the article in The Golden Age.
We as a company of three pioneers wish to express our appre- The inspiring series of articles on Malachi, which have
ciation of the wonderful arrangements which the Lord has reached a glorious climax in the January 15 Tower, are most
Drenarod throuah vou for our b&refit and convenience in con- certainly a feast from the Great Teacher, Jehovah. He has
cesng the me&g; of the kingdom to the people of good will, given us not merely a positive message of warning to the law-
and we also want to thank the great King Jesus Christ for less, but also a crvstal-clear. heart-searchina mirror in which
eendine another comuanv of nioneers with their sound eouin- we ‘can view witl;n ours&es any roots Gf iniquity, pride,
ment & our city to as&t us in awakening the people herk to creature worship, or indifference that have embedded them-
a realization of the wonderful provision which Jehovah has selves in our hearts. Truly the Lord is indeed good to have given
in store for them. ua this motive-weighing guide for our own eternal safety aud
I will give an account of how much difference there is in the protection lest we ourselves should fail to discern selfishness or
work with and without the sound equipment. A report of three slothfulness in our own service as true Levites in the temp!e.
pioneers for thirty days without sound car is 23 bound books, And then, too, our heartfelt thanks arise to Jehovah for the
571 booklets, 3273 hours, 260 obtainers. Now a report of 9 new booklet Protectzon-what an incentive to carry such a
pioneers for nine days with a sound car: 100 bound books, pointed, clear-cut, uncompromising message to those still in
1,222 booklets, 354$ hours, 330 obtainers. bondage to the religionists! Having a new booklet makes the
May the Lord bless you in the future as the opportunity entire world a virgin field, as it were, in which to sow and
affords as he continues to use you as in the past, is our prayer. water the field, and then as it pleases Jehovah, to have the joy
Yours for the advancement of the krnrrdom work. ous privilege of observing his giving of the increase.
0. W. BAILEY- How grand it is to have a yearly calendar which is not only
MRS. G. W. BAILEY a masterpiece of art conveying the very spirit of kingdom war-
CUSTER BRETVER.--B&Hww. fare, but also one whose RED LETTER days are as they should be:
devoted to coming service events, and not to pagan holidavsl
The record of JEHOVAH’s doings in the earth as recorded in
NOTHING SAVE THE WILL OF OUR GOD the Pear Book is indeed a kingdom vision to our eyes proving
that God’s recorded purposes are being accomplished and none
: of them are failing in the earth. As one considers the spectacle
Am happy to report the attendance at the Bethel study held before men and angels presented world-wide by the consistent
by the family each Monday evening. During the month of and faithful service of the kinadorn aublishers. even under the
December it was 13, 15, 15 and 15, respectively. fire of the enemy, during the %ast year, it grves one renewed
It is hard to put in words the keen interest and great joy we strength and determination to press on m the battle with con-
have found in the revelation given to us concerning Malachi’s tinued zeal and fervor. -
prophecy, and, in particular, 7f the part of it found in the How tremendously important the ‘ ‘ great multitude ” issue
third and fourth chapters which we have been studying during is! and how grand this part of the witness! Looking back a
the uast month. few years our old selfish desires to see the climax in 1925 now
&w-grateful we are to Jehovah that through his Sun of seem- to be thorounhlv lackmn m kmadom vrsion. Esoeciallv
Righteousness (Vindication) the wounds of his ueoole were now, when one can-look back\ver the-years of joyful service
bo;nd up and they were brought forth from the De;il’s orgam- and kingdom opportunities the Lord has blessed us with since
zation and gathered unto the Lord in his temple. It would ap then and as one looks ahead to see the still more thrilling work
pear that each day sees an increase in the joy which the faith- before us. Naturallv one still desires the rrreat battle to start
ful have because of their loving obedience to the command- as soon as possrble; and one can almost ~fe’el its nearness; yet
ments of their father and mother. Such is the “healing in his while this witness commission is still our anointed privilege,
wings ’ ‘. what greater favor could one ask7 Mv ereat rerrret’ is that I
The Lord continues to bless us with opportunities of serving have hnd to drop the auxiliary work fora Tkw man&s on account
him and of taking the battle clear up to the gate of the Devil’s of having to provide things materral at home. St111the many op
or anization, and-we are so very happy to be thus on the Lord’s portunitles of service still left ouen before me. and the helo and
2 e at all times. We are dotermined to know nothing save the aid of Jehovah, are indeed a r&h blessing and favor. What a
will of our God and to do it come what may. - joy and privilege to share in exposmg religion and exalting
May the Lord bless and keep vou, as you continue to minister true Christianity!
and serve his people under the directron of Jehovah and Chnst I certainlv hooe that vou will find time to have a convention
Jesus. somewhere in northern California this year and that the Lord
Your fellow servant in Zion, will favor us by your personal presence at it. Such a thrrllin~
F. C. WAIN~RIQHT, Toronto. assembly of uublrshers. etc.. would surelv be used of Jehovah
to give an even greater’wrtness to the peoble of this area. What
a real treat it would bel
CLEARER AND CLEARER May the Great Teacher and Guide of his oeonle continue to
DEAR BROTUERRUTHERFORD : bless-you as a loyal and faithful, fearless and progressive
agency and servant to be mrghtily used to the vindication of
Kindly I ask you to take notice of our Bethel study report his mighty name and purposes.
for December, 1936, at Helsinki office, as follows: Rejoicing as ever to be your fellow servant,
The two last Darts of “Gatlrerinr the Multitude” have now H. R. HEWITT.
been studied. Tlie question of the g&at multitude has been seen
an through a telescope, first dimly, and then clearer and clearer
accordinn to the adiustment of the lenses. The Gibeonites have ‘I UNDERSTAND NOW’
now bee; one such”lcns which, rn the right place, helps us to DEAR SIR:
sea distinctly God’s purpose re the Jonadabs. Especially, we I would like to know how much is your Golden Age magazine
have enioved also the steadfast reverence toward Jehovah. for one vear. I have some of vour books and have liked them
which co;des just as streams against us throughout the whole very mu&l. I had a Bible that”1 bought ten years ago. I read
article, making all different points harmonious wit11 God’s only the New Testament: I didn’t bother to read the Old Testa-
justice and love. ment. I thounht of readincr it later on.
December 8 we had no study, for the world-wide testimony So the yea; went by u&l one day a daughter of mine fell
period. December 15 there were 15 persons at our meeting; sick; she was ten years old. Well, to make it short, she died of
22d. 14: and 29th. 15. rut&red aDDend&. Mav 23. 1936. When she died. I wanted
Continually asking God’s rich blessings upon you in your to-die, too.* She died in-the ‘hosprtal. I have five children left,
work, which is inspiring also to us here, we are sending our but it seemed to me that I had lost them all. I did not know
warmest greetings.- - what to do. The only thing I wanted was to die, I was so un-
Your little brother by His grace, happy.
EERO NIRONEN, beoretary. One day my son, who is twelve years old, found a book on
&fARCH 1, 1937 $ZeWATCHTOWER 79

the road. The name was latolerance. He picked it up and expel my son for ten days. So, at the end of ten days they called
brought it home. He knew that I would like to read it. When a meeting, in which the inspector of the school was present.
my son gave me the book he found on the road, I looked at the Without giving too many d&ails, the inspector suggested for
corer. I could not quite understand it; so I decided to read it. us to come half way, that is to say, stand while the anthem IS
It was the first time I had seen a book like that one. I found being sung but not to sing. To this we cited the case of Daniel
it very interesting, and I was surprised. I am a Catholic. I was praying before the window, also of the three Hebrew children,
taught that when we die we would never agam live on the earth. the covenant we have made with Jehovah making it impossible.
I obtained some more books from YOU, and I understand the The inspector, then turning to the board, told them that he
Bible now. I am no longer puzzled. 1 rend the Bible every day, knew of no law making anyone stand while the anthem is bcmg
starting from the first page of the Old Testament. It is just as sung, or any law to expel anyone from school. My son is going
intereslin,: as the New-Testament. back to school.
Every time I read the Bible I feel happy and glad. I am wish- It being I had no crop this year, 1 applied for relief from
ing for the appearing of Jesus Christ, and to see and have my the municipality, Maryfield, which was granted. Shortly after
daughter again. I believe the kingdom of God is at +and, and the school aftair mentioned above I got word from the secretary
hope for it with all my heart. of the hlarvfield municioslitv that mv direct rehef had been
Yours truly, suspended. !Che reason g&nrfor this ivas, I was operating an
MRS. Jam SOUZA VELKO, Massachusetts. automobiie for other purposes than for the marketing of prod-
uce or for the delivery of sup&es to and from farm, which 1.3
contrary to regnlations. In other words, I was using the auto-
THE COVENANT WE HAVE MADE WITE JEHOVAE moblie witnessing to the name of Jehovah’s kmgdom. I am
DEAR BRETHREN : working on a Ilay press now as a means of prov&ng. for my
Some time ago I wrote and told you of the action taken by the household. Dear brethren, don’t think I am lamenting, but
bonrd of Martin school, Fairlight, Bask:, of expelling my son rejoicing.
from school. We had followed your advice and a meeting was There are three reasons why I wrote you: First, to thank you
called which afforded us a great opportunity to set the truth for qour advice on school matter; second, that the G.A. might
bofore them and to state our case, why we, Jehovah’s witnesses, publish the above; and, third, for senclm,n in a report card.
take this course. Also stated that we cannot and will not com- His servant,
promise with any of Satan’s organization. They decided to WILBERT MARSHALL.

(Contanued 1‘ram page 80)

NEW JERSEY Columbus WBNS Su 7 :45am Wilkes-B. WBRE Su 10:40am San Anyelo KGKL Su 9:30nm
Asbu ry P. WCAP Su 12 : 45pm Su 12 : 30pm hlo 3:15pm Su 2:45pm Su ti:30pm Su 10 :40am su 1 :sopm
Su 2:45pm Su 9:OOpm We 3 : 15pm Fr 3:15pm Williamsp. WRAK Su G: 15pm SanSntonio KABC Su 9 :UOam
Newark WHBI Su 9 :55am Greek Su 8:30am Su 7:45pm Th 7 :3Opm Su 1:OOpm su 5 :o0pIrl
Su 6:25pm Su 9:OOpm Columbus WCOL Su 10 :OOam York WORK Su 12 :25pm S.Antonio KMAC Su 7:55;tm
Tu 3:45pm Th 2:30pm Su 3 :OOpm Su 6:25pm su 2:55pm Su 7 :5~pm
NEW MEXICO Sa 1:4spm Weslaco KRGV Su 9 :45um
Carlsbad KLAH Su 10 : 55am Columbus WHKC Su 5 :25pm SOUTH CAROLINA Su 1:45pm Su 3:45pm
Su 1:OOpm Su 5:OOpm Mo 1:55pm Tu 1:55pm Greenville WFBC Su 8 :OOam
We 1:55pm Th 1:55pm su 3:3opm Su 9:30pm UTAH
Fr 1:55pm Spart ‘b ‘g WSPA Su 10 :30am Price KEUB Su 11:45:1m
NEW YORK Su 2:OOpm Su 4:40pm
Brooklyn WBBR Su 9 : 1Uam Portsm’th WPAY hlo 11 :OOam Su 1:23pm Su 3 :15pm
Su 4:30pm Su 7:30pm We 11: OOam Fr 11: OOam Salt L. City KSL & 8 :3Uam
Brooklyn WBBR Su 10 : ljnrn OKLAHOMA
Su 6:30pm No 10:30?m L Elk City KASA Su 10 :5Uam Huron KGDY Su 9:25am
Su 12 : 30pm We 5:55pm
Tu 10:30am Tu G:3Opm Su 12:25pm Su 5:OOpm Pierre KGFX Su 10 :OOam Rutland WSYB MO 8:3Upm
We 10 : 30am We 6:3Opm Enid KCRC Su 10 : l&m Tu 4:OOpm Th 4:OOpm We 8 :30pm Fr 8:3Opn1
Th 10:30am Th 6:30pm Su 1:25pm Su 3:OOpm
Fr 10:30am Fr 6:30pm hxuskogee KBIX Su 10:30om Sioux Falls KS00 Sd 9 : loam
Su 9:45am Su 4:30pm VIRGINIA
Buffnlo WGR Su 10:OOam Su 2:15pm Su 5 :55pm Harrisonb. WSVA Su 12:ljrml
Su 10 : 45pm Ok1 ‘a City KFXR Su 12 : ?O:lm Watert’n KWTN Su 1O:OOam
Su 12 : 15pm Su 1:55pm Su 2:30pm Su 4:45ivm
Buffalo WKBW Su 5 :55pm Su 6:tiOpm Su 7:23pm Petersb’g WPHR SU S:X:\w
Freeport WGBB Su 10 :25am Ponca City WBBZ Su 9 :5&m TENNESSEE Su 10 : 25am MO 8.5-21-l
. u. .
Su 12 : 30pm su 5:55pm Su 1?:53pm Su 4:5jpm We S : 55am Fr 10:15nm
Shawnee KGFF Su 1:3Upm Bristol WOPI su 10 :40a;n
NewYork WBNX Su 5:30pm Su 1:lOpm su 4:25pm Sa 8 : 5klm
White Pl. WFAS Su 6:OOpm Su 3:55pm Su 5:55pm Jackson WTJS Su 10:3Uam Richmond WRVA Su 12 : 15lmr
Tu 10 : 55am Sa 10 :55am Tulsa KVOO Su 9 :%am Su 12:15pm Su 2:25pm Roanoke WDBJ No 5:OOl)m
Su 10:03pm No 4:5spm Knoxville WNOX Su 10:30am
Greensboro WBIG Su 10 : 30am Astoria KhST Tu 7 :OOam Memphis WNBR Su 12:40pm Everett KRKO Su 10 :uU:~m
High P’t WJIFR Su 10:45am Th 2 :55pm Sa 11 :J3:im Su 3:25pm Su 4:55pm Su 1:OOpm SU 3:0(rlJ”l
Raleigh WPTF Su 3 : 30pm Portland KWJJ Su 10:45xm Seattle KIRO Su 10*“5:1u1
We 3:15pm Fr 3:15pm Su 4:15pm Su 9 :OOpm TEXAS Su 5:25pm su 9I&J[m
Wilm’gton WhIFDSu10:3Uam PENNSYLVASIA Brady KNKL Su 9 : 30am Spokane KGA Su 9 : 15:un
Su 32:25pm Su 4:30pm Allentown WShN 310 4:OOnm Su 12:5jpm Su 4:30pm Tacoma KJIO Su 10 :oOam
We 4:OOpm Fr 4 :OOi,m D:tllns WRH su 9 :30am Su 3 :OOpm Su 5:55pm
NORTH DAKOTA Enston \VEST Su lO:!%tn su 4:001nr1 Su 9:OOpm
Va&y F ~opKmOVCSu 12 : 3gpm Su 11:55am su 9 :2+l El Paso *KTSN Su 9:1&m WEST VIRGINIA
Su 2:4apm Grcensb’g WIIJB Su lO:l.?s~u Su 1:15pm Su 6:3Opm Fairmont W~lhlNSu10:3Uam
Su 4:OOpm Ft. \Vorth KTAT Su II) : 15um Su 1:45pm Su 3:OOpm
OHIO Harriab’g tVKBO:iu 1!! Su 2:55pm Su 7:OOpm Huntington WSAZ Su 1 :UUpm
Akron WJW Su 11:3Oom Su 3:55pm su 5 :55pm Lubbock KFYO Su 10:55am Su 2:OOpm su 3:oopm
Su 3:25pm Su 6:OOpm Plnlad ‘a WTEL Su 12 :::Opm Su 1:55pm Su 4:25pm ‘iVhecbng WWVA Su 10:OOam
Su 10:15pm su 1:25pm Tu 5:3f$m Peeos KIUN Su ll:UO~m Su 12:3Upm Su 6:lOpm
Cleveland WIIK Eu 1l:OOpm Pittsburgh KQV Su 10 :-i3:1111 su 1: oopru Su 5 :OOpm
Tu 1:45pm Th 1 :&i pm Plttsb’gh WWSWSu 10:43am Pt.Arthur KPAC: Su 9:3Oam WISCONSIN
Fr 1~43pm Su 5:OOpm Su 9:OOpm su 2:16pm Su 4:30pm Madison WIDA Su 9 :3Oom
The good news of the kingdom of Tehovah is broadcast each week or ofiener by theseand other stationsat time shown.
[Currant local time Is shown Santa Cl’s CMHI Su 11:15am Merced KYOS Su 8:43am New Albany WGRC Su 9 :25am
In each instance.1 (1st and 3d Sundavy) Su 1:45pm Su 3 :OOpm Su 12 : 25pm Su 4:lBpm
‘Spanish Su 11 :O<al; Oakland KROW Su 10 : OOam T. Haute WBOW Su 12 :00 na
ARGENTINA Spanish Th 11 :OOam Su 4;OOpm Su 7:OOpm Su 2:OOpm Su 4:OOpm
Bahia Blanca LU2 Su 11: 30am (1st and 3d Thursdays) Tu 9:OOam Tu 2:OOpm
Buenos Aires LR2 Su 10 :5Oam Tu 11 :OODm We 8:13um IOWA
Los Andcy, San Juan Fr 9:3@m Sa 10 : OOpm Davenport WOC Su 10 :OOam
LV5 su 10:3oam FRANCE Su 12 ;15pm We 4 : 15pm
Radio Lyon Sa 6:5Opm COLORADO
French We 7 : 25pm Alamosa KGIW Tu 4 : 15um KANSAS
AUSTRALASIA French Sa 7 : 25pm Th 4:15pm Sa 4:1&m Coffeyville KGGF Su 1: 55pm
Durango KIUP Su 1: OOpm Su 2:55pm Su 3:55pm
NEW SCUTB WALES Sterling KGEK Su 2 :30pm
Goulb;rn 2-GN Su 7 :30pm Asuncion ZPl Su 10 : 30am CONNECTICUT
Grafton 2-GF Tu 7 : 30pm N. Britain WNBC Su 8 : OOam Louisville WGRC Su 9 : 25am
Su 12 : 25pm
Su 8:lOam Su 10 : OOam Paducah su 4:15pm
Gunnedah 2-MO Su 7 :OOpm WPAD Su 10 : OOam
New Castle 2-HD Su 10 :30am SPAIN Su 2:45pm su 8;3Op&l
Su 6:30pm Su 11:40pm DELAWARE
Madrid EAQ We 7 : 15pm Wilmineton WDEL Su 1: 15Dm
We 6:tOpm (Eastern Standard Time) MAINE
2-TIE Su 9 : OOam Su 5y45pm Su 9:30pm
S@w Sa 7:15pm Augusta WRDO Su 10 :OOam
Su 4:25pm Spanish Su 6 :45pm DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Su 1:15pm SU 4:OOpiU
W ‘ga W ‘ga 2-WG Su 7 : 45pm Washington WOL Su 10 : OOam Bangor WLBZ
Su 1:OOpm Su 6:30pm Presque I. WAGM Su 9 : 45am
QUEENSLAND Su 12:30pm Su 1:56pm
Brisbane 4-BC Su 7 : 30am URUGUAY FLORIDA
Cairns 4-CA Su ‘7:OOpm Montevideo CXlO Su 12:15pm Jaeksonv. WMBR Su 9 : 55am MARYLAND
Ipsmich 4-IP Su 7 : OBpm (Radio Intemacional) Su 12 :30pm Su 5:30pm
Su 7:25pm Su 7:55pm Lakeland WLAK Su 9 : 30am Baltimore WCAO Su 10 :30am
Marybor ‘h 4-MB We 9 :45pm Su 12 : 30pm Su 5:OOpm Su 12 :45pm Su-10 :45pm
Townsville 4-TO Su 9 : 15pm Orlando WDBO Su 11: OOam Baltimore TVCBM Su 9:00am
UNITED STATES Su 12 : 15pm Su 6:15pm
Pensacola WCOA Su 1: 45pm Frederick \VFND Su 10 : 30am
Lannceston 7-LA Su 5:45pmBirm ‘ham WAPI Su 10 : 15nm Tallahassee WTAL Su 10 : OOam Su 1:30pm Su 5:OOpm
Su 4:30pm We 5 :15pm Su 1:OOpm Su 4:OOpm Hagerst’n WJEJ Su 10:25am
VICTORIA Decatur WNFO Su 12 :00 nn Su 1:4Opm Su 9:15pm
Ballarat 3-BA Su 12 :45pm Su 2:OOpm Su 4:OOpm GEORGIA
Bendigo 3-BO Su 7:OOpm Dothan Athens WTFISu 9 :25am MASSACHUSETTS
WAGF Su 9 : 30an.
Hamilton 3-HA Su 6 :45Dm su 1:45pm Su 3:OOpm Su 11 :OOam Sa 7:OOpm Boston WCOP Su 9 : 30am
Horsham 3-HS Su 7:OOhm Gadsden WJBY Su 1:15pm Atlanta WATL Su 10 :5Oam Su 10 :45am su 1:lOpm
Su 8:OOpm Su 8:43pm Su 3 :OOpm Su 5:55pm su 2:oopm Su 9:25pm Boston WHDH Su 9 :45am
Melbourne 3-AK Su 2:15pm M’tgomery WSFA Su 4:OOpm Augusta WRDW Su 11 :OOam Su 1:30pm Su 3:OOpm
10:OOpm We 4 : OOpm Fr 4:OOpm Su 2:OOpm Su 4:30pm Boston TVlMEX Su 10:30am
Swan Hill 3-SH & 7:15pm Selma WHBB Su 10:lOam Griffin WKEU Su 9 :40am su 4:55pm Su 7:45pm
Su 12:25pm Su 4:lOpm Su 2:45pm Su 4:30pm
Kalgoorlie B-KG Su 7 : OOpm Tuscaloosa WJRD Su 10 : 30am Su 5:OOpm Su 8 :50pm Detroit WJR Su 10:OOam
Northam 6-AM Su 7 : OOpm Su 2:OOpm Su 4:30pm
Waycrosa WAYX Su 9 : loam Kalamazoo WKZO Su 5 :2Oam
Perth 6-ML Su 7 :OOpm ALASKA Su 10 : 45am Su 12 :45pm Su 9:OOam Su 9:55am
Anchorage KFQD MO 9 : 1Opm Nuskegon WKBZ Su 10:3Oam
We 9:lOpm Sa 9 :lOpm HAWAII Su 3:15pm Su 5:55pm
Wallonia-Bonne Esperance Ketchikan KGBU MO 7 : 15pm
(201.7 m) We 7:OOam Th 7:15pm Sa 7:15pm IDAHO
ARIZONA Boise KID0 Su 10 :55am F’gusFallsKGDE Su 10:OrJam
Jerome KCRJ Su 9 : 20am Su 6:OOpm We 4:OOpm Su 1:45pm Su 7:15pm
CANADA Su 12 : 05pm Su 4:OSpm Idaho Falls KID Su 10 :OOam
Su 12 : 15pm Su 5:30pm Nampa KFXD Su 10 : OOam Hattiesb ‘g WFOR Su 1:03pm
Kelomna CKOV Su 1:45pm su 11:4oam Su 7:15pm Su 3:30pm Su 5:30pm
Tucson KGAR Su 12 :55pm
ONTARIO Mu 5:45Dm Pocatello KSEI Su 10: 15am
Cobalt -cKMC ,%I 3 :15pm Spanish Su 9 : 30am Su 3:lOpm Su 4:45pm MISSOURI
Hamilton CKOC Mu 10 :OOam Columbia KFRU Su 10 :30am
Su 1:30pm Su S:30pm IIarrisb ‘g WEBQ Su 4:45pm Su 1:30pm
Hot Sp ‘gs KTHS Su 10 : I jam
Polash Su 6:2Opm
Jonesboro KBT11 Su 8:QIk~m Su 6:45pm Su 9 :OOpm St.SuJoseph KFEQ Yu 10 :O(lum
1:35pm Su 3:4Opm
(1st and 3d Sundays) Rockford WROK Su 9:15am
Su 3:55pm Su 5:lOpm
Su 12 :55pm Su 3:45pm NEBRASKA
Shanghai XHIIE Su 5 :OOpm Bakersf ‘Id KPNC SU 10:30a111 Su 12 :45pm Su 4:OOpm Lincoln KFAB Su 9 :BOam
Su 1:15pm Su 8:23pm Tuscola WDZ Su 9:35am Scottsbluff KGKY MO 5 : 30mn
El Centro KXO Su 10 :OOam Su 11:55am Su 1:50pm Tu 5:30pm Fr 5:3(&m
CUBA Su 12 : 15nm Su 6:45pm
Ca;;~y CMJF Su 11:45am Spanish Su 2 :%Jim INDIANA NEW HAMPSHIRE
CNQ Su 5:45pm LosAngeles KMTR Su 2 :BjpIu Evansville WGBF Su 9 : 25am Laconia WLNH Su 10 :30am
Eastern Standard Time No 2:56pm Tu 2:5jpm Su 2:25pm Su 4:30pm Su 3:15pm Su 7:lOpm
Leo shortwave COCQ 974Okc We 2:5jpm Th 2:55pm Hammond WWAE Su 10 : 15am
Spanish Su 5 : 30pm Fr 2:55pm Sa 2:55pm Su 3:25pm Su 10:OOpm (Continued on page 79)
117 Adams Street - Brooklyn,
N.Y., U.S.A. T HIS journa+l is published for the purpose of enabling
the people t0 know Jehovah God and his purposes as
expressed in the Bible. It pubhshes Bible instruction
specifically designed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses. It arranges
J. F. RUTHERFORD President W. E. VAN ABIBURGHXecretory systematic Bible study for its readers and supplies other liter-
“And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and ature to aid in such studies. It publishes surtable material
for radio broadcasting and for other means of public instruc-
&-eat shall be the peace of thy children.“-Isaiah
- - .- 54.~3. tion in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utter-
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH ances. It is entirely free and separate from all parties, sects
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, is from everlasting or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without
to everlasting, the Naker of heaven and earth and the Giver reservation for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ
of life to his creatures; that the Logos was the beginning of his Beloved King. It 1s not dogmatic, but invites careful
his creation and his active agent in the creation of all things; and critical exammation of its contents in the light of the
that the Logos is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed Scriptures. It does not indulge in controversy, and its col-
with all power in heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive umns are not open to personalities.
OOlcer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect YEARLY SIJBSCR~PTION PRICE
man for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully $JF:“~~$D STATES, $1.00 ; CANADA AND MISCELLANEOUS FOREIGN,
disobeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by GREAT BRITAIN AUSTRALASIA AXL) SOUTH Asnxca
rcnson of Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and Am&&n remittances should be made by Erpress or Postal lion%
Order, or by Bank Draft. Cnnadmn, Britrsh, South Afrman and
without the right to life. Australasian remittances should be made direct to the respective
branch offices. Remittances from countries other than those men-
THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suf- tioned may be mode to the Erooklyn 0503, but by Itttcrnatloaal
fered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive Postal Money Order only.
price for all mankind; that God raised up Jesus divine and FOREIGN OFFICES
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every
name and clothed him with all power and authority. Brctish . . . . . . . . . 34 Craven Terrace, London, TV. 2, England
Canadian . . . . . . 40 Irwin Avenue, Toronto 5, Ontario, Canada
THAT JEHOVAH’S ORGANIZATION is called Zion, and AustraZaslan . . 7 Beresford Road, Strathtield, N. S. W., Australia
that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the south African . . . . . . Boston House, Cape Town, South Africa
rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful Please address the Society in every case.
followers of Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of
Jehovah’s organization, and are his witnesses whose duty and
rivilege it is to testify to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare (TramZationa oj this journal appear C several languages.)
ii*IS purposes toward mankind as expressed in the Bible, and
to bear the fruits of the kingdom before all who will hear.
THAT THE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ All sincere students of the Bible who by reason of infirmity.
has been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority, poverty or adversity are unable to pay the subscription prrco
may hare The Watchtower free upon writtcu applicatrou to the
has ousted Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the publishers, made once each year, statinp the reason *for so re-
establishment of God’s kingdom on earth. questinr: it. We are glad to thus aid the needy, but the wrrtten
application once each year is required by the postal regulations.
THAT THE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth
can come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Notioe to Subscribers: Acknowledgment of a new or a renewal sub-
scription will be sent only nhen requested. Change of address,
Christ which has now begun; that the Lord’s next great when requested, may be expected to appear on address label wlthrn
act is the destruction of Satan’s organization and the estab- one month. A renewal blank (carrying notme of expiration) ~111
lishment of righteousness in the earth, and that under the be sent with the journal one month before the subscriptton expires.
kingdom all those who will obey its righteous laws shall live Entered ae Second Clan.4 dfail Xatter at Brooklyn, N. P., Postoflce.
on earth forever. Act of March 8, 1879.


The “Faithful Warrior ” Testrmony Period, specrtically re- The Lord’s people everywhere are advised to carefully study
ferred to in Brother Rutherford’s letter “to the faithful in chapters two and three of the book Jehornh immediately pre-
all the earth”, embraces the nine-day period March 27 to ceding Nemorial on the 26th of Narch. This explanatiou nil1
April 4 inclusive. This campaign will be world-mule, and will help you to appreciate the meaning and purpose of the Nemorml.
be marked by the offer of a six-booklet combination: four Brother Rutherford will be at San Francisco for the Ncmorral
colored-cover booklets and the two latest booklets, to wit, season and will address the friends of the Bay City country
Uncocered and Protectron, where these are available, all on a at that time.
contribution of 2%. Full details on the campaign you will find ADVERTISING WATCH TOWER PROGRAMS
in current issues of the Informant. Let there be the usual Witnessing parties and all mdividunls engagq in the ticld
promptness on the part of all kingdom publishers in making service should mention the radio station in their vxlnity which
report of their time in the field and the results. carries the Watch Tuner programs. This magnifies to tthe people
-- called upon the message which Jehovah’s witnesses introduce,
and often results in interest in the printed message on the
NEW PORTABLE PHONOGRAPH part of the radio listener. Thus is one of tho chief purposes of
The Society now manufactures and has to offer a light-weight sending out the message over the radio, to encourage the people
phonograph of new design, which 1s 14 by 13 by 5 in&s in siLe, to read the literature. In this behalf the Soclcty supplies radio
and covered with brown cloth and having rounded corners. It folders, and all workers should make constant use of them in
weighs 9 pounds 13 ounces, which IS 54 pounds lighter than house-to-house calling, leaving one of them, if nothing else.
the previous model manufactured by the Society. \Vith the three
phonograph discs which can be carried in it, It weighs 12 pounds ANNOUNCING COMPANY MEETINGS
6 ounces. The volume of sound 1s just as strong as that of the Many hearers of radio transcription lectures have the desire
‘previous model, and the tone is of the best quahty. As shipped to meet with Jehovah’s witnesses and to study his iVord with
out from our factory, the phonograph is timed properly, ut them. Hence mhcrevor the kmgdum message IS rxtliocast, the
78 r.p.m., and should be checked from tune to time. Tim new time and place of meeting of the local company of Jehovah’s
model, including three discs, is offered on a contribution of wrtnesses should be announced after the transcription. Tho
$10.00; without the three discs, $3.00. Remittance should time on the air being paid for, the station manager ought to
accompany orders. Also specrfy the particular discs wanted. readily grant your request to make such announcement.
VOL. LVIII &fARCH 15, 1037 1:o. G


“For God did send me before ~JOUto preserve life.“--Gem. 45: 5.

EHOVAH doesnot force any creature to accept his ren ; no shame for calling them his brethren ; no hatred
gracious provisions. Everyone who comes to God or ill will because of what they had done to him ; but,
and receives his blessing must comevoluntarily and on the contrary, he showed a loving consideration for
willingly. It is therefore necessary for such person to their weifare, and he acknowledged God’s goodness
receive some knowledge of Jehovah and his gracious and all-powerful hand for good in all that had come to
provision for the administering of life. To this end pass. He acknowledged that he had suffered at the
Jehovah by his chief oftlccr, Christ Jesus, sends forth hands of his misguided brethren, but it was for their
his witnesses to make known to the people that Jeho- good. At the time Joseph disclosed his identity the
vah is God and that all provision for humankind is young brother, Benjamin, stood with him, and Joseph
in his hand, and that he freely gives to those who hear revealed himself to all of them at the same time; aud
and accept his favor upon the terms as he has stated thus it is shown that all who are on the Lord’s side,
and who continue to render themselves in obedience to whether of the heavenly or of the earthly class, stand
his will. To all such persons of good will Jehovah now together.
discloses the identity of the Greater-than-Joseph and ‘Let the facts be briefly here recounted showing
makes known that life and all attending blessings are fulfillment of this part of the prophetic drama. The
administered to the obedient by and through Christ issue of The IVatchtower of May 15, 1931, by t,he
Jesus; and for this reason it is written in the Scrip- Lord’s gracious provision, gave to his people a knowl-
tures : “The gift of God is eternal life, through Jesus edge of the great prophetic. drama of Mordecai and
Christ our Lord.” As the famine was still sore upon Esther. That was the first disclosure to the faithful
Egypt and the nations round about, so now the famine remnant that there was among them such a distinct
for a knowledge of the way to life is sore upon all that group as pictured by Esther, and which now, by the
are under Satan’s dominion. As Joseph was made prophecy under consideration, is disclosed also as be-
known to his brethren, so now the Greater-than-Joseph, ing pictured by Benjamin. The class pictured by Uor-
Christ Jesus, the Savior of mankind, must be made decai and the Esther class were made known to each
known to those who desire righteousness and life. other at the time above mentioned. This compared
z The time had come for Joseph to make himself with Joseph’s making himself known to Benjamin.
known to his brethren, and then he caused everyone Just a month thereafter, at the London (England)
to withdraw from his presence, except his brethren: convention, in June 1931, the mystery of the ‘mau
“And there stood no man with him, while Joseph made clothed with linen, and bearing the writer’s inkhorn,
himself known unto his brethren.” (Gen. 45: 1) Does and sent forth to mark the people in their foreheads’,
not this strongly suggest that only those of good will was made known to God’s remnant. Then it was that
toward God, and who give a hearing ear to the message the Lord identified the people who sigh and cry for the
of the kingdom and recognize and accept Christ Jesus abominations done in Babylon, and disclosed that these
as the Savior of the world and turn to him, will be make up an earthly class, the people of good will or
saved, and that all others will go down in the cataclysm the “other sheep”, which correspond to Joseph’s half
of Armageddon? No doubt Joseph’s brethren exhib- brothers at the time Joseph disclosed his identity to
ited great fear when they recognized the brother whom them, and which class must bc informed by the faith-
they had sold into Egypt, and Joseph, seeing this, said ful feet members of Christ Jesus, as pictured by Joseph
to. them : “Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry himself. (Ezekiel 9) Did this information bring joy
with yourselves, that ye sold me hither; for God did to the hearts of God’s anointed? Those at the London
send me before you, to preserve life.“-Gen. 45: 5. convention, when hearing these prophecies expounded,
* In so doing Joseph showed no resentment ; no prid- shouted for joy and were thrilled with the prospect
ing himself by reason of the humiliation of his breth- set before them, and, as one put it immediately follow-

ing that meeting: “We could, have,gone out and torn Thus saith thy son Joseph, God hath made me lord
things to pieces because of our joy.” One month later, of all Egypt: come down unto me, tarry not.“-
to wit, July 1931, at the Columbus (Ohio) convention Gcn. 45 : 8, 9.
the same prophetic picture of Ezekiel was published EIn the fulfillment of this prophetic picture Jehovah
to that convention. In a pioneer camp pitched upon sent Christ Jesus to the world to save the world. He
the grounds at that convention there was so much joy sent him to the temple “to preserve life”; he has made
because of the Esther picture that the pioneers strung Christ Jesus “the Everlasting Father” in behalf of
up old Haman in effigy for sheer joy. At that same all subjects of the lrin,rrdom, and has made him Lord
convention there was publicly declared and broadeast and Head over his royal house and rightful Ruler
throughout the land the message “The Hope of the of the world. His kingdom is the hope of the world,
World”, which truth from God’s Word was like an and in Christ Jesus’ name and in his kingdom shall
abundance of food for a famine-stricken world, par- the nations hope. There is no other hope, because such
ticularly for the people of good will. On the same day is God’s provision, and that provision is entirely adc-
the intimate relationship of the remnant (pictured by quate and complete. Since the Lord has revealed ihc
Ruth and Esther and, as we now see, also pictured by above-mentioned truths to the remnant and those of
Benjamin) to the Greater-than-Joseph was revealed the “other sheep” class, they all the more clearly dis-
by the adoption of the “New Name” Resolution, and cern the application of the prophetic words of Joseph,
this took place amidst a shout of joy, mingled with which are fulfilled upon the Greater Joseph, to wit:
tears of rejoicing. It was at that same convention that “All my glory in Egypt, and . . . all that ye have
the prophetic picture of the ‘man with the writer’s seen; and ye shall haste, and bring down my father
inkhorn’ was first made known in America, followed hither.” To all such now appears the glory of Chri,t
immediately by the announcement of the publication Jesus in all the world. The language of the prophecy at
and release for distribution of the book Vindication. this point shows clearly that the obligation is laid upon
That convention did not adjourn at Columbus, but the the remnant, and upon the “other sheep” who hear,
feast of joy unto the Lord was continued by being to ‘make haste’ and tell all as opportunity presents,
extended for three days in nine different assemblies that they may learn of God’s gracious provision for
in different cities throughout the country. Shortly the salvation of obedient men.-Verse 13.
there followed the Watchtower giving publication to TJoseph then told his brethren that there were yet
the drama of Ruth, confirming the Esther drama. In five years of famine and that they should haste and
The ll~atchtozuer of October 15, 1932, was published tell their father, and that all of them, his father and
the truth, fully supported by the Scriptures, con- his household, should come to Egypt and be near
cerning the cleansing of the temple. With these truths Joseph, the governor, “lest thou, and thy household,
placed upon the table by the Lord for his people they and all that thou hast, come to poverty.” (Gen.
appreciated even more fully than ever the statement 45: 8-11) T‘his shows that at the time of the identifica-
of Joseph, which applies to the Greater-than-Joseph, tion of the Greater-than-Joseph, who is pictured by
that “God did send me [Christ Jesus, to the temple] Joseph, there is still much more work to be done by
before you [to shorten or cut short the days of tribu- the Lord Jesus through his earthly remnant in behalf
lation and], to preserve life”. The remnant then ap- of those who shall live on the earth.
preciated as never before that the shortening of the 8 It was in 1931 that there was disclosed to the faith-
tribulation was to give them the opportunity of de- ftd remnant a class to which food must be ministered.
claring “this gospel of the kingdom” and to give to But at that time the “great multitude”, as such, was
the “other sheep” the opportunity to be saved by not discerned. Joseph’s sending for the entire housc-
fleeing to Christ. These great truths are disclosed to hold of Jacob, including the families of his own half
the faithful rcmnnnt, and the remnant transmit the brothers, showed that after 1931 when the earthly
same to those who are of the “other sheep”, and they class was disclosed, to whom the remnant must now
all rejoice, because all see that ‘except those days were minister, they must continue to minister to that class,
shortened, no flesh would be saved’. The day of Arma- the famine-stricken ones. This is exactly what has come
geddon approaches, and only those who seek rightcous- to pass and is now in progress. From and after 1931
ness and meekness have any promise of being spared the remnant have appreciated that they must go
and saved through that tribulation. throughout the land of “Christendom” and give in-
6Joseph then disclosed the fact that this entire formation to those who desire rightcousncss, but it is
prophetic drama was directed by Jehovah tl~at’pcoplc interesting hcrc to note that it was not until May 31,
might in due time be enlightened concerning his pro- 1935, at the Washington (B.C.) convention, that the
vision made for them to obtain life everlasting. “So “ great multitude ’ ’ as such was identified and made
now it was not you that sent me hither, but Cod: and known to the anointed class. From that time onward
he hath made mc a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all a specially organized effort has been made, and con-
his house, and a ruler throughout all the land of Egypt. tinues with increased zeal, in behalf of the great mul-
Haste ye, and go up to my father, and say unto him, titude, to bring to their attention the truths of God’s
MaBcE 15, 1937 #EeWATCHTOWER 85

Word ; and this they do while the Lord himself gath- do not belong to any man nor any company of men.
ers the great multitude into the fold, where they shall The truth is the Lord’s and is progressive and shines
receive fullness of bread. with increased brilliancy unto the perfect day. This
should be the strongest kind of proof that God’s people
INVITATION are led by him and that the Lord is feeding them by
BThe news soon spread throughout the land of placing upon his table from time to time such spirit-
Egypt that “Joseph’s brethren arc come”, and this ual food as he seesis to their good, and as will redound
good news reached Pharaoh, and it pleased him. to his own glory.
Pharaoh now appears upon the stage, and in this par- I2 Joseph, picturing Christ Jesus, then instructed
ticular part he represents Jehovah God: “And Benjamin and his ten half brothers to estend the gra-
Pharaoh said unto Joseph, Say unto thy brethren, cious invitation to others of the family relationship,
This do ye: lade your beasts, and go, get you unto the and these were all invited to journey to Egypt. It is
land of Canaan ; and take your father, and your house- Christ Jesus, the Greater-than-Joseph, who causes the
holds, and come rTto me : and I will give you the good truth to be held forth and who is gathering unto the
of the land of Egypt, and ye shall cat the fat of the Lord’s fold the great multitude, and therefore Jesus
land. Now thou art commanded, this do ye; take you says : “And other sheep I have, which are not of this
wagons out of the land of Egypt for your little ones, fold : them also I must bring, and they shall ,hcar my
2nd for your wives, and bring your father, and come. voice ; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd. ”
Also regard not your stuff; for the good of all the -John 10 : 16.
land of Egypt is yours. “-Gen. 45 : 17-20. Is The Benjamin class, the remnant, share in this
lo Likewise Jehovah God was pleased with the work work, in this, that they bear the messageof the gra-
of Christ Jesus, the Greater-than-Joseph, who had dis- cious invitation to the “other sheep”, and when these
closed at the temple his identity and his true relation- latter ones hear the messageit is also the privilege and
ship to the remnant and to the “other sheep”, and the duty of those “other sheep” to say, as Joseph said:
Lord confirms the gracious invitation to the people of “Come . . . , tarry not.” This is further proof that
good will by saying to them : ‘Come, and drink of the the “other sheep”, who make up the great multitude,
water of life freely.’ (Rev. 22: 17) Again it is noted must participate in the work of bearing testimony con-
that the beginning of the fulfillment of this prophecy cerning the kingdom before others of the world, that
preceded the time when the same is made known to the the latter may flee to the place of safety, where they
remnant. In The Watchtower of March 15, 1929, there may be fed by the Greater-than-Joseph.-Rev. 7: 16.
was published the article under the title “Gracious
Invitation”, showing that the “river of water of life” SOLEMN ADMONITION
was then flowing and that this truth must be called l4 Laden with the material good things provided
to the attention of those seeking life; but at the time for them at the hand of Joseph, and bearing his invita-
of the publication of that article the “great multitude” tion to their kin to move down into Egypt, the brethren
was not identified as an earthly class, but was under- of the governor were now ready for their journey.
stood at that time to be a secondary spiritual class “So he sent his brethren away, and they departed:
that must receive attention. Then followed the publi- and he said unto them, See that ye fall not out by
cation of the books Light, and yet the identification of the way.” (Gen. 45: 24) Likewise now the Lord Jesus
the great multitude was not disclosed. It appears that Christ, the Greater-than-Joseph, has loaded down
the Lord frequently uses his devoted people in the ful- those who love him with great blessings and he sends
fillment of prophecy and then later makes known to them forth with his gracious invitation to others to
them that they have been so doing. seek the way to life. As Joseph admonished his brcth-
l1 Some critical ones often find fault with the Watch ren to “see that ye fall not out by the way”, so like-
Tower publications and say that The Watchtower wise the Grcatcr-than-Joseph now solemnly admon-
changes its view and contradicts itself. In answer to ishes those of the remnant and their ‘half brothers’,
that let it be noted that the revelation of prophecy and those who are of the “other sheep’ ‘, or great multitutie,
its fulfillment is gradually made known to God’s peo- to take heed to thcmselvcs and to be at peace with one
ple, and therefore The Wutcktower must publish only another in behalf of the kingdom interests and to con-
what is understood and revealed. If we wcrc to follow tinue to love one another. This admonition is again
the traditions of men, thkn WCwould insist on sticking btatcd by the psalmist: “For my brethren and com-
closely to what is first published ; but since God’s pco- panions sakes, I will now say, Peace Ix within thee.
ple follow not the traditions of men, but are guided Bccausc of the house of the Lord our God I will seek
only by the Word of God, and as it pleases the Lord thy good.” (Ps. 122: S, 9) All who have given their
to make known these truths, unfolding his prophecies hearts to the Lord must now keep constantly in mind
in his own time and way, even so it is the privilege of that the organization of Jehovah under Christ Jesus
God’s faithful remnant to publish the same as they is involrcd and that everyone who loves God and llis
become known. The truths made known and published organization must and will strive to do his or her part

in serving and progressing in peace and working to- tion to the coming of men who, under the direction of
gether to the best interests of the kingdom. Let all the Lord, shall rule in righteousness.
persons who profess to love and serve God and Christ l8 Joseph’s action in sending for his father would
Jesus see to it that they take heed to the admonition therefore seem in ‘a secondary way to point to the
of the Lord, and that they dwell together in peace and present-day preparation for the bringing forth and
present a solid front against the common enemy. There
is no excuse for any strife of any kind in a company making known ‘that cloud of martyrs’ of old, who
or assembly of the Lord’s people. All who will receive went before the Lord, bearing testimony to the name
the full approval of the Lord must and will show their of Jehovah, and these martyrs or “witnesses” include
love for God and likewise their love for all who love Israel, that is, Jacob himself. (Heb. 12: 1) Jacob had
and serve Jehovah and his kingdom. Where strife not expected to see his son Joseph again, having for a
arises in a company assembled to serve God, let it be long while believed that he had been torn by wild
known now that someone there is in the wrong and beasts. Those ancient witnesses, specially mentioned
what should be done is for everyone to search his own by the apostle in Hebrews the eleventh chapter, have
heart and mind carefully, see to it that he puts aside not expected to see the feet members of Christ, the
selfishness, and all see to it that their energy and Greater-than-Joseph, whiie in the flesh, but the evi-
effort is devoted to the interests of the kingdom. dence strongly points to the fact that they will see at
Is Joseph sent a messageto his father that he should least someof them on the earth. The Lord in his loving-
come down to Egypt, and also sent “good things” for kindness makes provision, and we may confidently cs-
his father’s use. In this is pictured that Christ Jesus pect that those faithful men of old will be back on
above all things acknowledges and considers his Father the earth before Armageddon ends and while some of
and ascribes to Jehovah the greatest honor and praise, the remnant are still on the earth, and that they will
and does all things to vindicate the living God, whose unite together in the praise and service of Jehovah
name alone is Jehovah and who is the Life-giver to all God. There is at least one house on earth the title to
who shall ever live. “For this cause I bow my knees which is held in trust for the use and benefit of those
unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the fai?hful men. Whether they occupy it or not, this house
whole family in heaven and earth is named.“-Eph. has been a means of advertising the kingdom through-
3 : 14,15. out the earth and calling to the attention of the people
I6 All who love God will do as the apostle here states : that those faithful men will be back on the earth, and
give all glory to Jehovah God as the Giver of every that the Lord will use them as governors or local rul-
good and perfect gift. At all times Christ Jesus gives ers. It will not be at all difficult to recognize such men,
honor and glory to his Father, and those who are of because they will be upstanding and righteous and do
his household will likewise give honor and praise to righteousness in every way, and will be a joy to those
the Most High. Doing this there is never any occasion who come in contact and serve with them. The public
to exalt self or to laud other human creatures. IIaving press has ridiculed and scoffed at BETH-SARI&~, but
the right view, we can well understand how Jesus those who love the Lord rejoice that this has been
said that those highly esteemed amongst men are an used as a means to publicIy call attention to the faith-
abomination unto Jehovah. No creature possessesany- ful men whom God will bring forth.
thing by reason of his own merit, but all he has or ever
hopes to have is by the grace of God. SOJOURNERSIN EGYPT
I7 In TWe IVVatchtolL’erof December 15, 192S, the le The drama proceeded in Egypt, being transferred
Lord brought to the attention of his people that which now entirely to that country. Jacob and all of his
awakened the expectation of the remnant that they household journeyed down to Egypt, and in doing this
might see and meet on the earth the faithful prophets they had the approval of Jehovah. (Gen. 46: 1-7) That
of old, who had foretold the coming of the King. Since does not mean at all that they had ceasedto look for a
then God’s people have gladly made known to the “city . . . whose builder and maker is God”. (Heb.
world that the Scriptures plainly teach that Jehovah 11: 10,16) Jacob and those of his hou:;chold merely
will bring back to earth those faithful prophets of old becamesojourners in another part of the world, being
and use them to the praise of the kingdom. The pul~lic transferred from one Hamitic land, which is Canaan
press of Satan’s organization has ridiculed this dcc- (son of Ham), to another Hamitic land, Egypt, or
laration of truth in no uncertain terms, but at the Uizraim (son of Ham). (Gcn. 10: 6) They were in
same time they have been informed of this great fact, both places merely sojourners. Jehovah brought all
and many people no doubt believe that the faithful the dcsccndants of Israel out of the land of Egypt as
prophets will be back on earth ere long and will as- he had promised; conccriiin:: which it is written:
sume the positions of visible agents of God and his “Now the sojourning of the children of Israel, who
King in the world. They well know that the rulers of dwelt in Egypt, was four hundred and thirty years.”
the present time are not only imperfect, but wicked, (Ex. 12: 40) “And he said unto Abram, Know of a
and the righteous-minded look forward with expccta- surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that
&fABCH 15, 1937 6XeWATCHTOWER 87

is not theirs, and shall serve them ; and they shall rose in the convention declaring themselves to be of
afflict them four hundred years.“-Gcn. 15: 13. the “great multitude” company. The Lord had gath-
2oThis 430 years’ sojourning included 215 years of ered them there at that convention, and he made glad
sojourning in Canaan before going down to Egypt. their hearts; and the remnant and the “other sheep”
This scripture does not say that the Israelites so- rejoiced together. Those of the “other sheep” there
journed in Egypt 430 years, but that they who showed great zeal for the Lord, and they continue to
“dwelt in Egypt” were sojourners for that length show that intense zeal that impels them to go among
of time. The entire drama shows that the people the people and bear to them the kingdom messageshow-
whom God approves and blesses are sojourners and ing the people who will hear God’s provision for
aliens to the world under Satan’s rule. The great mul- giving them life everlasting.
titude, by coming out of Satan’s organization and 23The land of Goshen, which is on the eastern
seeking refuge and nourishment at the hand of the borderland of Egypt and nearest to the promised land
Greater-than-Joseph, thereby publicly profess that of Palestine, was where Joseph met the household of
they too are merely sojourners and strangers in the Jacob, and there Joseph arranged for them to sojourn
world, even as Joseph and Benjamin were, and all are or dwell while in Egypt. (Gen. 46: 31-34) That dis-
aliens and strangers to and in the midst of Satan’s position of his kinsfolk, separating them from the
organization, yet they are still doing their assigned other people of Egypt, clearly shows that Joseph
work while on the earth. viewed himself and his kinsmen as no integral part
*I Jacob, together with all of his household, arrived of Egypt and that all of them were merely there as
in Egypt, there to meet Joseph, and this company sojourners. Likewise Christ Jesus, the Greater-than-
brought the total number “which came out of his Joseph, expressly says of the members of his house-
[Jacob ‘s] loins ” to seventy persons. (Gen. 46: 8-27) hold that they are not of the world, “even as I am not
Jacob’s four wives were not included in this number, of the world-“-John 17 : 14.
becausethey were dead ; nor were two of his grandsons 2*The remnant on the earth have so arranged their
by Judah, who also were dead; nor did the seventy afiairs and so deported themselves as to show that
include the wives of any of the other sons of Jacob, they are not of this world. The same is true of the
manifestly because they did not come “out of the great multitude, who have so arranged their affairs
loins of Jacob”. The number did include Joseph’s and earthly circumstances, and who by their COUPSC
two sons; therefore it is written: “All the souls of of conduct declare thcmsclvcs to be separate and dis-
the house of Jacob, which came into Egypt, were tinct from this world over which Satan now exercises
threescore and ten.” Seventy is a multiple of seven power and control. But the remnant and the great
and ten and, being a doubly complete number, would multitude have their eyes and hearts set on the king-
picture all those creatures on the side of Jehovah at dom of God and are merely sojourners in the midst of
the passing away of the evil world ; that is, the seven a wicked and perverse generation. They are migratory,
pictures the remnant or spiritual class, and the ten that is to say, having here in this world no permanent
pictures those of the great multitude. All derive life abiding place, but they are waiting for the full estab-
from the great Father, Jehovah, which life is minis- lishment of the kingdom. The Israelites were a nomadic
tered unto them by and through Christ Jesus. or migratory people, having no fixed home, and tended
22By appointment Joseph met Jacob and his house- their herds and flocks wherever they sojourned.
hold in the land of Goshen and there identified himself 2sJoseph then instructed the Israelites as to what
to Jacob and to all of his household aside from the they should say when asked concerning their occupa-
brethren whom he had previously seen and known in tion : “Ye shall say, Thy servants’ trade bath been
Egypt. (Gen. 46: 28-31) This part of the prophetic about cattle from our youth even until now, both we,
drama is another picture of the people of good will and atso our fathers: that ye may dwell in the land
not merely as being forcshadowcd by Jonadab, which of Goshen; for every shepherd is an abomination unto
was revealed in 1932, but also as being those that make the Egyptians.” (Gen. 46: 31) The Egyptians kept
up the great multitude, and which were identified for their herds and flocks also, both sheep and cattle (C&n.
‘the first time in 1935. (Rev. 7 : 9, 10) This more cs- 47: 5,6 ; Ex. 9: 3,6,19,25) ; but they were settled or
tcnsive identification the Lord provided for his pcoplc fixed in Egypt and formed a part of it and participated
at the Washington convention on May 31, 1335, wllirb in its affairs, and thcrcforc they had no respect for any
identification was later set forth in The Wntchtowr roving band of herdsmcn. Not that sheep-raising itsctf
of August 1935. Those who had the privilege of attend- was an “abomination”, but the fact that the Israelites
ing the Washington convention will recall the great roved about with their herds, as gypsies rove about;
joy expressed by the multitude there asscmblcd whtn so they wcrc an abomination in the eyes of the Egyp-
the subject was expounded and when they saw that tians. This shows that those on the side of Jehovah
some of the great multitude was even amongst them God and his kingdom organization are an abomination
then. Those of the audicncc were then called upon to to the modern-day commercial and religious Egypt,
identify themsclvcs, and a great number of pcrsolls bccnusc they have no fixed and scttlcd place or part in

this world and refurc to have part in the political of Jehovah God. Now the Greater-than-Joseph scuds
affairs of the world. Although they are in the world, forth the remnant, and their companions, to distribtlte
they are no part of it, being aliens and strangers and to the people who have ears to hear the messageof lli‘c
sojourners, traveling toward the kingdom of God and from the Lord, as set forth in the Bible and described
eagerly looking for the full operation thereof on the in the book Ricltes, together with the booklet Ckoosing,
earth, where the will of God shall be done as in heaven. which messageis particularly helpful to those who are
*OJoseph too!< five men of the Israelites with him now seeking the way to life. By placing this printed
and presented them to Pharaoh: “And Pharaoh said messagein the hands of the people and by use of the
unto his brethren, What is your occupation? And they sound equipment reproducing speech these witnesses
said unto Pharaoh, Thy servants are shepherds, both are pointing the yet unidentified members of the great
we, and also our fathers. They said moreover unto multitude to the way of approach to Jehovah and
Pharaoh, For to sojourn in the land are we come; for Christ Jesus, where they introduce them to the great
thy servants have no pasture for their flocks; for the King of Eternity. Christ Jesus, the Greater-than-
famine is sore in the land of Canaan: now therefore, Joseph, gathers the great multitude and introduces
we pray thee, let thy servants dwell in the land of them to the Almighty King of Eternity, and thus it is
Goshen.“-Gen. 47 : 3,4. seen that the great multitude ‘stand before the throne’
*‘I Pharaoh assigned the Israelites to the land of and give praise and honor to Jehovah, and to Christ
Goshen and asked Joseph that he select from amongst Jesus, and refuse to attribute salvation to any man or
the Israelites “men of activity” and ability and make man-made thing. They joyfully sing: “Salvation to
them “rulers over my cattle”. (Gen. 47: 6) This our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the
strongly says that those whom Jehovah selects for his Lamb. “-Rev . 7 .* 10.
service should see to it that they are men of discern- aoThese prove themselves “men of activity” and
ment, activity and ability, and that they should be the ability, faithful and dependable in the service of the
most efficient in what work is assigned to them, and King, and thus before the throne they “serve him day
should do it carefully and earnestly, as unto the Lord and night in his temple”, meaning that they serve
himself. This has been a truth hard for many to learn God and Christ Jesus faithfully and continuously.
properly. (Rev. 7: 15) The facts now well known fully corrob-
2aJacob, being introduced to Pharaoh, pronounced orate this conclusion, showing the fulfillment of the
a blessing upon the king. At this point of the drama prophecy. Those of the great multitude who are active
Pharaoh pictured Jehovah, the great King of Eternity, and dependable are at all times zealous for the Lord
in possessionand control of all the storehouses of life- and his kingdom and rejoice that they may have some
giving and life-sustaining food for the famished people part in the vindication of Jehovah’s holy name.
of the world who are under Satan’s domination but 81Again a secondary view of the prophetic picture
are seeking the place of refuge and rest. Jacob here seems.quite apparent. Joseph introducing those
blessing Pharaoh pictures all the people on the side of the household of Jacob, who represented the ones
of Jehovah God, who give honor, blessing and praise who are on the side of the King Eternal, appears also
to his name. Everyone who takes his stand on the side to mean that the Greater-than-Joseph, Christ Jesus,
of God and proves his faithfulness blessesthe name of as the agent and representative of Jehovah, will bring
the Most High. “0 bless our God, ye people, and make forth from the grave the faithful “fathers” of old,
the voice of his praise to be heard; which holdeth our that cloud of faithful witnesses that preceded Jesus on
soul in life, and suffereth not our feet to be moved.” earth, and all of whom died in faith and faithful; and
(Ps. 66: 8,9) “Bless the Lord, 0 my soul, and forget that these will meet and be introduced to the remnant
not all his benefits. Bless ye the Lord, all ye his hosts ; remaining alive on the earth, and that these will bc
ye ministers of his that do his pleasure. Bless the Lord, assigned to a specific service as “princes in all the
all his works, in all places of his dominion: bless the earth”, and,that they will bless Jehovah; all of which
Lord, 0 my soul. “-Ps. 103 : 2,21,22. will be done before the passing of the last spiritual
zDAgreeable to the order of Pharaoh Joseph placed members of the remnant into the invisible part of
the household of Israel in the land of Goshcn, “in the God’s kingdom.-Ps. 45 : 16 ; Isa. 32 : 1.
best of the land, in the land of Ramcses, as Pharaoh
had commanded. And. Joseph nourished his father, RESPONSIBILITY
and his brcthrcn, and all his father’s household, with 92The prophetic drama emphasizesthe identification
bread, according to their families.” (Gen. 47: 11,12) of +,hegreat multitude. It is the Lord who brings them
Likewise now the Grcater-than-Joseph has given those to his right side and makes them all his “other sheep”.
on the side of the Lord the best of his spiritual food, Great favors are likcwisc accompanied by correspond-
and hc nourishes both the remnant and the great mul- ing responsibilities. It is a great favor to know Jcho-
titude with the bread of life, while they continue to vah God and his King and to be permitted to find
sojourn in modern Egypt. None have and enjoy these refuge in God’s organization. There is no other priv-
‘best of things’ aside from those who are on the side ilege today comparable with that, so far as the “other
MASCH 15, 1!!:7 SfieWATCHTOWER 89

sheep” are concerned. The subsequent dealings of lation and continuously juggle with the food supply
Joseph with the Egyptians disclose the great respon- and continue to raise the price thereof at the cost and
sibilities and requirements that are now laid upon to the distress of the people. While this comment is
those who are of the “other sheep” of the prcscnt time, being written (in July, 1936), the dealers in the grain
that is, who will form the great multitude. They must of the land, which dealers never expended one ounce
be fully and wholly consecrated to the Lord and must of labor to produce such corn, are holding it bat!< in
render themsclvcs in full obedience to his command- the hope that the dry weather may force the prices
ments and joyfully engage in his service. Those who higher and higher, that they may reap greater gain by
are now of the “other sheep” of the Lord must, to- their selfish course. Even though arrangements have
gether with the remnant, joyfully take up the mes- been made to import corn from foreign countries that
sage of life, which God has provided, and bear that the people here might supply their present needs, this
message before the people of the famine-stricken is being held back that the price may be made higher
world, to the end that those who are now in the world and that selfish persons may profit materially thereby.
and who so desire may learn the way of life and flee The American farmer in the last three years past has
to the place of refuge. There are others that the Lord been induced to curtail his production, and now, when
will yet gather into the great multitude before Arma- the food supply grows less, the “new dealers” cry
geddon. out : “We are not responsible for the drought.” They
EGYPTIANS are responsible, however, for destroying in times past
85ks the famine continued sore upon Egypt and the food which is now needed. This has increased the
countries round about, so now the spiritual famine burdens upon the American farmer and has also in-
continues sore upon the world: “And there was no creased the burdens upon all persons who are com-
bread in all the land ; for the famine was very sore, pelled to earn their bread in the sweat of their brow.
so that the land of Egypt, and all the land of Canaan, It seemsstrange that the massesof the people are so
fainted by reason of the famine.” (Gcn. 47 : 13) The very listless and foolish as to refuse to hear or give
famine had been upon Egypt for two years when Jacob heed to what the Word of God says and, on the con-
and his household reached Egypt, Assuming that some trary, continue to listen to the world-schemes brought
of the E,gvptians had given heed to Joseph’s interpre- forth by selfish men, which schemes can never bring
tation of the dream of Pharaoh, and to his advice to them any relief. In this distress upon the people the
conserve food, and that they had conserved food, such commercial religionists harangue those who will listen
provided stock of grain would at the end of the two to them and tell them that their food scarcity and the
years doubtless be used up and the Egyptians would dust storms that devastate their lands, and the burn-
then have to apply to the government for food. This ing heat that destroys their crops, and the pests that
they were compelled to do in order to live. Likewise participate in such destruction, all of these things,
now those of the “other sheep”, who are in the world, have come upon the people as a judgment from God
will have to come to Jehovah’s visible organization, becausethe people have been negligent in the support
represented by the remnant of God’s people on earth, of the religious organizations. The charging of Jcho-
and learn the way to life by obtaining and feeding vah God with responsibility for these calamities that
upon the food which the Lord has prepared and stored have befallen the people is a malicious lie and defama-
up for such. This they must do before Armageddon. tion of his holy name. The Scri,ptures plainly declare
84BIark now the striking contrast ,in the action of that it is the Devil who brings these present-day woes
Joseph and in the action of the “Democratic New upon the people, and he is doing so for the very pur-
Deal schemers” of the present-day. These modern pose of defaming God’s name and turning the people
worldly-wise men, instead of conserving the food away from him. (Rev. 12: 12) This is further and
supply when there was plenty, curtailed the food strong proof that the clergy who resort to such schemes
supply by restricting crops that should have been of haranguing the people and charging God with
planted and harvcstcd and by ruthlessly destroying bringing the calamities upon them represent the Devil
animals, and this they did in order to increase the and do not represent God. Great is the privilege and
price of food. The fallacy of their conduct is now be- the responsibility therefore laid upon those who have
ing experienced by the American people. Joseph was received the truth, to make known that life-giving and
not interested in pegging up higher and higher the life-sustaining spiritual food to other hungry souls
price for food, but was interested in taking care of who desire to know of the way to life. The truth is the
the people. When the famine increased upon the land only thing that will bring consolation and help to the
Joseph did not raise the price of food and permit people.
anyone to profiteer at the cxpcnsc of the people. The 8sThe Egyptians had many cattle, money and lands,
modern “new dcalcrs”, hccdcd by one whom the Press and they enjoyed personal freedom. Joseph did not
has designated as “Franklin D&it”, make no pro- set up a starvation dole system that would bring all
vision for food storage and food supplies for the people to poverty, but he sold the life-sustaining corn to the
of America, but they all together participate in specu: Egyptians, first for their money, which money Joseph

brought into Pharaoh’s treasury. He did ‘not permit picture the great ‘elect servant’ of which Christ Jesus
private and greedy money-changers to profit by tha is head, together with the earthly remnant who are
distress of the people. When their money was gone, “the feet of him”. (Isa. 52: 7) These today are joint
then he sold corn to the Egyptians for their cattle and heirs with Christ Jesus and belong to ‘the meek which
herds, and then Joseph bought all of their lands and inherit the earth’ with Christ Jesus. (Rlatt. 5 : 5 ;
paid for them in corn or food; and then the people Rom. 8: 16,17) They are therefore in a different
said to him: “Buy us and our land for bread”; and position from those of his “other sheep”, the great
this Joseph did. (Gen. 4’7: 14-20) Pharaoh the king multitude, although all must and do receive life from
thereby became the rightful owner of everything in Jehovah by Christ Jesus.
Egypt, and the people became the “servants unto s8Joseph did not arrange for a dole to be set up
Pharaoh” ; and this was according to the wish of the and that the people receive a dole from the government
people, “that we may live and not die.” Life is the and continue idle. (Gen. 47 : 23) On the contrary, the
gift of God through Jesus Christ, and this does not people must be diligent and work and not become a
mean that man can buy his life from God. It does public charge in idleness. They were commanded and
mean that in order for the great multitude to survive must sow the seed given to them and sow it upon the
Armageddon and to get life from God through Christ land and trust to God for the increase. It has always
Jesus these must fully comply with God’s terms, which been and always will be that men must work. (2 Thcss.
terms are that men shall fully, unreservedly and com- 3: 10) If a man would not work, neither should he
pletely consecrate themselves to God and his faithful eat. The idler is an abomination in the sight of God
z(\rvice, and acknowledge and serve his King, Christ and is classed as a waster. (Prov. 19: 15; 31: 27 ;
Jesus. There is nothing that they may withhold. Noth- Ezck. 16: 49) In behalf of the great multitude and
ing that they can give can compensate for the free their future life, the Lord provides that they must not
gift of life and all its attending blessings, because all be idle, but must serve him continuously. (Rev. 7 : 15)
that men have, to begin with, belongs to the Lord. “Ye are not your own ; for ye are bought with a price ;
“The earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof.” therefore glorify God.“-1 Cor. 6 : 19,20.
(Ps. 24 : 1) They must show their full willingness to QsA liberal arrangement was made for the people:
becomethe servants of God and Christ Jesus,‘and must “And it shall come to pass, in the increase, that ye
serve day and night, that is, all the time. (Rev. ‘7: 15) shall give-the fifth part unto Pharaoh ; and four parts
Christ Jesus as the great official Agent of the King of shall be your own, for seed of the field, and for your
Eternity has bought the entire human race, and life food, and for them of your households, and for food
will be given to those only who comply with the terms for your little ones.” (Gen. 47 : 24) Since the laud
Jehovah has provided, and to such life is a free gift was not then their own, that was a very generous
through Christ Jesus. arrangement for them. A like requirement is laid upon
aGFor their welfare the people were brought togeth- the great multitude, as prophetically shown at Zccha-
er in the cities: “And as for the people, he removed riah 14 : 16-18. The requirement of the great multitude
them to cities from one end of the borders of Egypt is just and reasonable, and “not grievous”. (1 John
even to the other end thereof.” (Gen. 47 : 21) In a 5: 3) Christ Jesus according to the will of God puts
similar way Christ Jesus now brings his “other sheep” them all on an equal footing before Jehovah and rc-
together or under the organization of Jehovah, pic- quires all of them to render faithful service unto God,
tured by a city, and in those “cities” they find refuge, and that not beyond measure. This arrangement the
and nowhere else. This corresponds exactly with the people of Egypt appreciatccl, even as the great multi-
cities of refuge which Jehovah provided for the people tude will recognize and be glad with the arrangement
in the day of Moses. (Deut. 19: 1-6) The land of the which the Lord has made for them: “And they said,
priests was not sold:“Only the land of the priests Thou hast saved our lives; let us find grace in the
bought he not; for the priests had a portion assigned sight of my lord,,and we will be Pharaoh’s servants.”
them of Pharaoh, and did eat their portion which -Gen. 47 : 25.
Pharaoh gave them ; wherefore they sold not their *OBy his action toward the people Joseph vindicated
lands. ’ ‘- Gen. 47 : 22. his new name given to him by Pharaoh, that IS,
a’ That was not an act of discrimination against the “Zaphnath-Paancah,” which means “Saviour of the
people and in favor of the clergy, as some would try w0rld”. Litrewioe the great multitude wave their palm
to make it appear. Even before the famine the priests branches at the temple and therchy ascribe salvation
of E,vpt received government support, and this pro- unto Cod and unto the Greater-than-Joseph, and they
vision continued unaltered during the period of the delight to be the servants of God and Christ for ever.
famine. The priests were under no ncccssity to MII Jlan can find favor in the eyes of Christ Jesus, the
their land. It was a previous arrangement that they (Ircater-than-Joseph, only by serving Jehovah. All this
should receive their food from the king. Those priests must be done before Armageddon, and it is those who
or princes of Egypt, together with Joseph, wc’rc scrv- do thus joyfully serve that may receive protection at
ants of the king, and in the drama here appear to Armageddon.
MARCH 15, 19.37 cn%WATCHTO’L-JER 91

*I The household of Jacob, including the half broth- the great destruction of Armageddon has passed, then
ers of Joseph, did not come under the Egyptian ar- Jehovah, the great King of Eternity and Mighty
rangement, for the reason, they were not landowners Patriarch, will, by and through Christ Jesus, the
or permanent residents there, but were merely guests Greater-than-Joseph, further bless the great multi-
or sojourners, and they therefore pictured the great tude and will continue to for ever nourish them and
multitude from a different viewpoint. Jehovah’s peo- fill them with joy. Those millions now living who will
ple, whether of the remnant or of the great multitude, survive Armageddon and never die will begin then
are not to be tied down to the famine-stricken world to receive the material benefits of God’s kingdom un-
of Satan, but are merely sojourners there, enjoying der Christ, and then Jehovah by Christ Jesus will
the care and protection of God’s gracious provision bring forth from the grave the other generations of
for them under Christ Jesus, (Heb. 11: 16) The part human creatures who have died in ignorance of Jeho-
played by the Egyptians, particularly, shows uvhat is vah God’s gracious provision for them. Returning
required of all who becomeof the great multitude, and from the dead these will be offered full opportunity to
their condition prior to Armageddon. The great multi- receive endless blessings through the Greater Joseph,
tude do not now find rest in Satan’s organization, which Christ Jesus, upon whose shoulder the righteous gov-
rules the earth. They are not to be contented with the ernment shall rest. Joseph lived for years after the
present wicked rule. They must advocate God’s king- famine, and this suggests that some of the remnant,
dom and be diligent in doing so, and by doing so they who are the feet of the Greater Joseph, will survive
‘lay up for themselves treasures in heaven’, and are Armageddon and further serve Jehovah in behalf of
not to think that treasures of earthly things now others on earth until God’s due time to fully receive
ozquired and held will be preserved in Armageddon, them into the promised land of everlasting life and
It is quite probable that the enemy may strip them boundless joy.
of everything earthly just before Armageddon. It is 1)3This great prophetic drama, arranged and di-
certain that nothing will survive Armageddon except rected by Jehovah God, and played upon the stage
service privileges toward Jehovah, and these service long centuries ago, is a wonderful and beautiful pic-
privileges, together with the Word of God, are ture of Jehovah’s gracious provision for the salvation
“treasures in heaven”. When Armageddon is past, of the obedient creatures of the human race who main-
then those of the great multitude are in line to recelte tain their integrity toward him under the test, and all
the fullness of life, and not before. Should Jacob be such shall resdlt to the everlasting vindication of his
brought back from the grave before Armageddon, he holy name. “Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who
will be of the same attitude as when he asked Joseph walk in the law of the Lord. Blessed are they that keep
not to bury him in Egypt, but to bury him in God’s his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole
promised land, that is, Jehovah’s organization. (Gen. heart. -Ps. 119 : 1,2.
47 : 29-31) Joseph will be of like mind as when he 44Those who gladly comply with the rules of Jeho-
requested that his bones be carried up out of Egypt vah and render themselves in full obedience to him
in God’s appointed time. (Gen. 50: 24-26) Although and his great Governor will rejoice for ever. They will
those men shall live on the earth for ever, they will live, and not die. The wicked having perished for ever,
have no part with Satan’s organization. All of the then all creation will continue to praise Jehovah’s holy
great multitude likewise look forward to the govern- name. “Let every thing that bath breath praise the
ment of Jehovah under the righteous Ruler, Christ LORD. Praise ye the LORD.” (Ps. 150: 6) As Jehovah
Jesus. now discloses to the people his gracious provision, let
ENDLESS BLESSINGS every one who loves righteousness be quick and dili-
4pThe fatiine had ended, and now God inspired gent to worship God in spirit and in truth, and to
Jacob to pronounce blessings upon all the heads of the “ascribe unto Jehovah the glory due unto his name”,
twelve tribes. (Gcn. 48: l-22; 49: l-28) The great and to “worship Jehovah in holy array”.-Ps. 29: 2,
prophetic drama was now being concluded and Jacob A.R.V.
died. After his death Joseph’s offending half brothers QUESTIONS FOR STUDY
appeared before Joseph and fell down before him and 7 1. 110~are Jehavnh’s gracious provisionsmade available for
begged his forgiveness, and said: “Behold, me be thy humankind? Who will benefit thereby? Wh:lt part of this
prophetic drama is now in course of fultillmcnt, and how?
servants. And Joseph said unto them, Fear not: for
am I in the place of God? But as for you, ye thought 7 2-4. What strongand Importantsuggestionis seenin Genesis
43: 1P What important facts are cl~sclosedin the record at
evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring verse 54 Briefly recount the facts showing fulfillment of
to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.. this part of the prophetic dmmn.
1[ 5,G. Point out fulfillment of the prophetic picture recor led
Now therefore fear ye not: I will nourish you, and at verses 8,9, and the application of the prophetic words
your little ones. And he comforted them, and spakc of Joseph fulfilled upon the Greater Joseph.
kindly unto them.” (Gen. 50: 18-21) This concluding 7 7, 8. That there were yet five years of famine, nnd an urgent
part of the great prophetic drama appears to say that invitntion was sent to the entire household of Jacob to come
to Egypt, for the reason stated, was of what prophctio
after the great famine upon the world has ended and significance?

r 9,lO; How, in the fulfillment of the part of the picture re- f 25-30. Show how appropriate as a prophecy was (a) Jacob’s
corded at verses 16-20, did LLP1~araoh,, show his pleasure blessing Phqraoh. (b) The provision made for “the house-
and extend to all of ‘the household of Jacob, the invitation hold of Israel,, as stated in verses- 11,12.
to avail themsekes of the provision made for them in 7 31. What secondary view of the prophetic picture is here
“Egypt”? apparent?
7 II. Account for a different understanding of certain prophct- a 32. What is the great privilege, and the attending respon-
ic scriptures now presented in The FVatchloaer, as provmg sibility, now before the “other sheep,, class9
that the Lord is leading and feeding his people. f 33,X. Describe the situation foreshown in the conditlox
7 12,13. What was foreshown in Joseph’s instructing Benja- recorded at verse 13. Contrast the method employed by
min and his ten half brothers to extend the gracious m- Joseph to proride for the needs of the people with tlut
vitation to others of the family relationship? of the so-called “New Deal,, schemers of the present day.
q 14. Point out how fitting, then and now, was the admonition Account for the listlessness and credulity of the masses
given by Joseph to his brethren as recorded in verse 34. of the people, and for their charging Jehovah with respon-
$ l&16. Show that Joseph’s special consideration for his sibility for present conditions. What does this mean for
father was particularly appropriate as a part of the pro- those who have received the truth?
phetic picture. 7 35. Instead of setting up a starvation dole system, as at
q 17,lS. What further seems to have been foreshown in present, how did Joseph arrange for the people to have
Joseph’s sending for his father and providing for him food? What was the outcome of that arrangement7 How
to come and have part in the blessings made available at is that part of the picture fulfilled?
the hands of Joseph9 How will the fact of the presence of q 36,37. What was foreshown in the arrangement as mentioned
those faithful mr?n of old be mamfestP in verses 21,228
7 19,20. Explain, in this connection, the statement recorded at 7 38-40. Show (a) that Joseph’s arrangement for the people
Exodus 12: 40. That those who sojourned included all the was in accord with divine wisdom, In contrast with meth-
“children of Israel’, is ot what significance9 ods employed by governments at the present time. (b)
That the reasonable requirements laid upon the people by
1 21. Explain and apply the prophetic statement that “all the Joseph, and their conclusion as recorded at verse 25, were
souls of the house of Jacob, which came Into Egypt, were fittingly prophetic.
threescore and ten, ‘. q 41. What of prophetic significance is seen in the fact tnat
q 22. Relate how, in the fulfillment of the prophetic occasion, the household of Jacob did not come under the E,Tptinn
‘Joseph identified himself to Jacob and to all of his house- arrangement? How does the part played by the Egyptians
hold aside from those he had seen and known in Egypt., serve as a prophecy P
q 23’24. How does Joseph’s meeting the household of Jacob 1 42. After the famine had ended, what then took place, (a) as
in the land of Goshen, and the arrangement there made for to Jacob and his sons? (b) Between Joseph and his half
them, find fulfillment 9 brothers? What seems to have been foreshown thereby9
1 25-27. What was the purpose in Joseph’s instructing his U 43. What, then, did tlna great prophetic drama picture?
brethren as recorded at Genesis 46: 349 How did the an- 7 44. How, r.nd to what end., mill the obedient now respond to
swer to Pharaoh by the brethren of Joseph (47: 3’4) Jehovah’s kindness m drsclosing to his people the gracious
serve its purpose? provision made by him for them9


J EHOVAH ‘S judgment written against “ Christen-

dom” includes all who have claimed to bc his peo-
ple but who have been and are hypocrites: “A
third part of thee shall die with the pestilence, and
main on the earth, and all shall know that Jehovah is
the Almighty God. The name of Jehovah God, and
its vindication, is of paramount importance. “So it
shall be a reproach and a taunt, an instruction and an
with famine shall they be consumed in the midst of astonishment unto the nations that are round about
thee; and a third part shall fall by the sword round thee, when I shall execute judgments in thee, in anger
about thee; and I will scatter a third part into all the and in fury, and in furious rebukes. I the Lord have
winds, and I will draw out a sword after them. ” spoken it. “-Ezek. 5 : 15.
(Ezek. 5: 12) God declares in this prophecy three During the execution of these judgments God’s
methods or judgment acts ta be executed against “faithful servant” class will abide in “the secret place
“ Christendom ’ ‘. of the Most High” and be delivered from “the arrow
The “third part” in the foregoing test does not that flieth by day”, and from “the pestilence that
mean an actual one-third of the inhabitants, but has walketh in darkness”. (Ps. 91: 5-13) The “faithful
reference to the victims of one of the three judgment servant” will be singing praises to the name of Jcho-
acts of God executed upon, or of one of his three vah, and he will hold them in the hollow of his hand.
methods of executing judgment upon, the nations of While these faithful ones are kept under the protec-
“ Christendom ’ ‘. These judgments of Jehovah, as lion of Jehovah and are proclaiming his praises, he
written, will be executed because of the traducing of will execute his judgment upon “Christendom”.
his name and for the vindication thereof. The grc>at “When I shall send upon them the evil arrows of
defamer of God’s name is Satan the Devil, and “Chris- famine, which shall be for their destruction, and
tendom” not only has fallen away to the Devil, but which I will send to destroy you; and I will increase
has become his chief instrument among the nations of the famine upon you, and will break your staff of
the earth to practice fraud and hypocrisy and to briul: bread ; so will I send upon you famine and evil beasts,
reproach upon Jehovah’s name. The visible manifcsta- and they shall bcrcavc thee; and pestilence and blood
tion of Jehovah’s judgments and the vindication of shall pass through thee; and I will bring the sword
his name will bc a thorough instruction to all who rc- upon thee. I the Lord have spoken it. ” (Ezrk.

5: 16,17) The complete execution of his judgment places. And your altars shall be desolate, and your
will be in the battle at Armageddon, in which Satan images shall be broken ; and I will cast down your
and his entire organization shall completely fall. slain men before your idols.“-Ezek. 6: l-4.
Rulers of “Christendom” have lived wantonly and The prophet makes it appear that in the execution
for their own pleasure. The clergy element have boldly of God’s judgments the nations of hypocritical “ Chris-
proclaimed that the rulers of “Christendom” rule tendom”, their chief men and leaders and their sup-
by divine right and therefore are God’s favored outs porters, shall find no way of escape. There shall be no
on the earth. These call themselves by the name of the way of escape,whether these of “Christendom” be in
Lord and have used his name to cover up their selfish far-away lands doing missionary work or are manipu-
and wanton schemes.This applies to every element of lating the machines at the base of operations. Jehovah
the government power of “Christendom”. There has God through his duly appointed executive officer will
been and is a large number of people who support the search them out in every part of the earth: “Be that
unholy alliance of the rulers, both mentally and actual- is far off shall die of the pestilence ; and he that is near
ly with their hands, and deceive themselves into be- shall fall by the sword; and he that remaineth and is
lieving fhat by this means they will have and do have besieged shall die by the famine; thus will I accom-
special favor with the rulers. plish my fury upon them.“-Ezek. 6: 12.
Both the rulers and their supporters make believe
that they are on the Lord’s side, when they should This terrible work Jehovah declares he will do that
know that they are not. They call themselves Chris- his name may be vindicated. “And they shall know
tians, when they have no love for God or for Christ. that I am [Jehovah], and that I have not said in vain
The rulers have builded up a system of religion which that I would do this evil unto them. So will I stretch
dishonors the name of Jehovah God, and continue to out my hand upon them, and make the land desolate,
heap reproach upon him ; and their schemesor organi- yea, more desolate than the wilderness toward Diblath,
zations they use to ensnare many. “As a cage is full in all their habitations; and they shall know that I am
of birds, so are their houses full of deceit ; [and] they [Jehovah]. ” (Ezek. 6 : 10,14) Four times in this chap-
arc become great, and wasen rich,” and claim to be ter the statement is made: “They shall know that I
am Jehovah.” Bad “Christendom” heeded the re-
God’s favored people on the earth. While this applies
specifically to the clergy and the principal of their peated warnings that Jehovah has given her, this might
have been avoided.-Jer. 23: 22.
flock, it also has application to all of the peoples in
“Christendom” who cithcr mentally or actually lend There is a class, however, that will give heed and is
support to the unholy alliance. The prophet Jeremiah giving heed to God’s messageof truth that he is caus-
prophesied against the same people, and God caused ing to be proclaimed, and this prophecy of Ezekiel is
him to .write concerning the clergy, the principal of another strong proof that “millions now living will
their flocks, and those who support them, these words: never die” but will be brought through the terrible
“They are waxen fat, they shine; yea, they overpass trouble : “Yet will I leave a remnant that ye may
the deeds of the wicked: they judge not the cause, the have some that shall escape the sword among the na-
cause of the fatherless, yet they prosper ; and the right tions, when ye shall be scattcrcd through the coun-
of the needy do they not judge. Shall I not visit for tries. And they that escape of you shall remember me
these things? saith the Lord ; shall not my soul be among the nations whither they shall be carried.”
avenged on such a nation as this? A wonderful and (Ezck. 6 : S, 9) Jchorah will spare somecreatures upon
horrible thing is committed in the land; the prophets the earth, and this shall furnish the nucleus for the
prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their beginning of reconstruction bcforc the rcsurrcction of
means ; and my pcoplc love to have it so ; and what the dead. All the living shall know that Jehovah is
will ye do in the end thereof 4”Ter. 5 : 27-31. God, and all those who are brought forth from the
The sixth chapter of Ezekiel’s prophecy contains a grave shall know it also.
statement of God’s judgment against the rulers, sym- Other prophecies of the Bible prove that 1914 marks
bolically represcntcd by the “mountains” and the the end of Satan’s rule without interference, and from
“hills” ; and those people who support such rulers are that time forward war is made by the Lord against
symbol&d or reprcscntcd by the “rivers” and the Sat,an and against his organization until the wicked
“valleys”. This judgment Cod will execute in his own thing is entirely cleaned out. (Psalm 110) The seventh
due time and after due notice is given: chapter of Ezekiel’s prophecy is corroborative proof
“And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, of this fact.
Son of man, set thy face toward the mountains of The World ‘iVar came to an end and the League of
Israel, and prophesy against them, and say, Ye moun- Nations was brought forward, and the religious lcad-
tains of Israel, hear the word of the Lord God; Thus ers of the world have put forth their program of
saith the Lord God to the mountains, and to the hills, forming the complete union with the other wings of
to the rivers,.and to the valleys, Behold, I, even I, will Satan’s organization, and this they have done in order
bring a sword upon you, and I will destroy your high to insure their control of the world. Various peace

agreements arc promulgated by Satan’s organization, The physical facts show that from and after 1914
but none of these things shall stop the forward march this prophecy has been in course of fulfillment and is
of Jehovah and his Christ to crush out every vestige progressing forward to a final end. Now the world has
of Satan’s wicked organization. The end is inevitable, reached the point when the prophecy uttered by Jesus
because ‘God’s wrath is come’, (Rev. 11: 18) The pc- is being fulfilled, ‘to wit : “Upon the earth distress of
riod of Jehovah’s long-suffering with hypocritical nations, with perplexity; . . . men’s hearts failing
religion and systems of the world has ended. Jehovah them for fear, and for loo!ring after those things which
therefore said to his prophet Ezekiel: “And thou, son are coming on the earth.” (Luke 21: 25,26) Doubtless
of man, thus saith the Lord Jehovah unto the land Jesus had Ezekiel’s prophecy in mind when he thus
of Israel, An end: the end is come upon the four cor- spoke, and the words of Jesus confirm what Jehovah
ners of the land. Now is the end upon thee, and I will caused Ezekiel to prophesy,
send mine anger upon thee, and will judge thee ac- “Christendom” is now doomed. God’s judgment
cording to thy ways; and I will bring upon thee all has been written against her. That judgment has been
thine abominations. And mine eye shall not spare thee, announced and, as Ezekiel prophesied, soon God will
neither will I have pity ; but I will bring thy ways pour out his anger upon “Christendom”. “Now will
upon thee, and thine abominations shall be in the midst I shortly pour out my fury upon thee, and accomplish
of thee; and ye shall know that I am Jehovah. Thus mine anger upon thee ; and I will judge thee according
saith the Lord Jehovah : An evil, an only evil ; behold, to thy ways, and will recompense thee for all thine
it cometh. An end is come, the end is come, it awaketh abominations. And mine eye shall not spare, neither
against thee; behold, it cometb. Thy doom is come unto will I have pity: I will recompense thee according to
thee, 0 inhabitant of the land: the time is come, the thy ways and thine abominations that arc in the midst
day is near; a day of tumult, and not of joyful shout- of thee; and ye shall know that I am [Jehovah] that
ing, upon the mountains.“-Ezek. 7: 1-7, smiteth.“-Ezek. 7 : 8, 9.

EFORE examining the scriptures relating to might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowl-
hell, the Scriptural proof is here submitted in edge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.”
support of what may be called “the layman’s Psalm 6: 5: “For in death there is no remembrance
answer” to the question as to where and in what state of thee: in the grave who shall give thee thanks?”
are the dead, and which answer is that the dead are Psalm 49 : 14 : “Like sheep they are laid in the grave
actually dead, unconscious, in the tomb, and know not [(Hebrew) sheol] ; death shall feed on them.”
anything until God’s due time to awaken them. Psalm 115 : 17 : “The dead praise not the Lord,
No creature could be enjoying bliss in heaven, or neither any that go down into silence.”
be undergoing suffering in purgatory or torture in Man was made of the elements of the earth, and
hell, unless that creature were conscious at the time. when he dies he returns to the dust, even as it is stated
Some clergymen try to qualify the statement of bodily in Genesis 3: 19.
torment in hell by saying that the wicked are merely Ecclesiastes 3 : 19,20 : “For that which befalleth
undergoing ‘mental torment’ because of the memory the sons of men befalleth beasts; even one thing be-
of their wickedness. Neither could this be true, unless falleth them; as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea,
the creature were conscious at the time and able to they have all one breath; so that a man hat11no pre-
rcmcmbcr what had taken place. If the Scriptural eminence above a beast: for all is vanity. All go unto
prcof then establishes the fact that when one dies he one place: all are of the dust, and all turn to dust
has no knowledge nor wisdom, that he has no memory, again. ”
thht he cannot work and cannot think, and that hc is The breath of life animated man and made his
in a condition of silence, such proof absolutely dis- organs function. No longer do they function when he
proves the clergymen’s answer that the dead arc un- ceases to breathe. Psalm 146: 4 rightly says: “His
dergoing any kind of suffering or any kind of joy. breath gocth forth, he return&h to his earth; in that
God is true, and his Word is true. Men are not true, very day his thoughts perish.”
nor is their word true, esccpt when in harmony with The clergy have attempted to apply these texts to
God’s Word. (Rom. 3: 4) Upon the question at issue the body only, and not to the soul. In this they are
the following quotations from the Word of God are wrong; for it is the soul or animal or creature that
submitted, with absolute confidence of establishing ceasesto exist. Ezekiel 18: 4 reads: “The soul that
the truth of the layman’s answer, to wit : sinneth, it shall die.”
Ecclesiastes 9 : 5,lO : “For the living know that There is no place for the eternal torture of men or
they shall die; but the dead know not any thing. . . . souls. God is not a fiend, as the clergy would make
Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy him appear. God is love. What good could result from
MAlwn 15, 1937 8EeWATCHTOWER 95

torturing one of Jehovah’s creatures? How could love the way in the which ye go, then shall ye bring down
be expressed in such a manner1 Furthermore, how my gray hairs with sorrow to the grave [(Hebrew)
could torment in any wise comply with the law which sheol] . “--Gen. 42 : 38.
God gave to Adam, and which provided death as the Here the word sheet is translated “grave”. It is
penalty, God saying to Adam: “In the day that thou easy to be seen that Jacob expected to go to the tomb.
eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” (Gen. 2: 17) The translators saw that they could not make this
Again the answer of the clergymen is both unreason- scripture read “hell” ; if they did, it would be rather
able and inconsistent with .God. inconsistent to argue that Jacob’s gray hairs would
The doctrine of eternal torment was never heard last long in fire and brimstone. The American modern
of for more than four thousand years after Adam was revision committee of the English Bible left this word
sentenced to death. It is an invention of the Devil sl~ol untranslated, evidently expecting thereby to de-
promulgated for the purpose of supporting his orig- ceive the uneducated.
inal lie, namely, that there is no death. He contradicted Job was a good man and approved by Jehovah. The
God, saying deceitfully to the woman Eve: “Ye shall Devil boasted that he could make Job curse God. God
not surely die.” (Gen. 3 : 4) The Devil saw that if man let him try it. But he never succeeded in causing Job
should believe the doctrine of the inherent immortality to curse Jehovah. Job was afflicted with boils from the
of the soul he likewise must believe that the wicked top of his head to the soles of his feet; his flesh was
are somewhere in torment. If he could induce man to putrid; and all his neighbors and friends turned
believe that God had provided a place for the eternal against him and came to mock him; even his wife re-
torture of that soul, then he would succeed in turning pudiated him and said : “Curse God, and die. ” Poor
man away from God and causing him to hate Jehovah Job was left with no one to comfort him. According
God. The doctrines of eternal torture and inherent to the preachers’ description of hell Job was having
immortality of man are intended to support each about as much of it as any man could have on this
other; and both being false, both must fall. earth. If he believed that hell means eternal torment,
The Bible was translated from other languages. The it would seem rather strange that he should have
old part thereof, before Christ, was translated from uttered this prayer, to wit:
the Hebrew, and the new part, after Christ, from the “0 that thou wouldest hide me in [hell, sheol] the
Greek. The English word “hell” is translated from grave, that thou wouldest keep me secret, until thy
the Hebrew word sheol; and the Greek words hades, wrath be past, that thou wouldest appoint me a set
gehenna and tart~dd are also translated “hell” in time, and remember me.1” (Job 14 : 13) Then he adds :
the Scriptures. As to the significance of the word “If 1 wait, [hell, slreol] the grave is mine house: I
“hCll”, consider this: As winter time approaches a have made my bed in the darkness.” (Job 17 : 13)
farmer gathers his carrots and turnips, digs a hole in Job wrote these words under inspiration from Jcho-
the ground, and then covers these vegetables over so vah. They are quoted here to prove that the word
that they mill not freeze. According to the old English sheol, translated hell, means the grave, the tomb, the
way of describing it he is putting his vcgctables into condition of silence.
hell, that is to say, a dark [unseen ; hidden] place. In Psalm 16: 10 it is written: “Thou wilt not leave
In the Bible the Hebrew word slleol is translated my soul in hell.” This is quoted by the apostle Peter
“grave” and “pit” more times than it is translated in the book of The Acts, chapter two, verses thirty to
“hell”. The grave is a dark place. If slleol means thirty-two, and is specifically applied to the Lord
torment in one place, it must mean this in all. A few Jesus, proving that Jesus went to the hell of the Bible,
scriptures on the point will illuminate the mind on the which means the tomb. If hell were a place of eternal
question. torture Jesus would still be there. But he came out in
Jacob was one of the men whom God approved. three days. He was resurrected from the dead. The
Jacob’s son Joseph had been taken away and sold into preachers may answer: ‘He went down to investigate
Egypt, and representation had been made to Jacob and to inform others how hot it is there.’ If they are
that his son was killed. His sons and daughters came correct he must have been supplied with an asbestos
about him to comfort him; but he said: “I will go body for the trip. Bcsidcs, Jesus spoke of hell aud
down into the grave [(Hebrew) skeol] unto my son never indicated that it was a place of torment, as we
mourning.” (Gcn. 37: 35) Years afterward there was shall see as we progress with this argument.
a famine in the land where Jacob lived, and hc sent One of the best illustrations of what is meant by
his sons into Egypt for corn. They found Joseph there. hell is that with reference to Jonah. A great whale
They returned with the request that the father scud swallowed him. Jonah says : “I cried by reason of mine
Benjamin, the young& son. Jacob responded to their affliction unto the Lord, and he heard me: out of the
request with these words: “My son shall not go down belly of hell cried I.” (Jonah 2: 2) Evidently it was
with you; for his brother [Joseph] is dead, and he quite dark in that whale’s belly. If hell had been
[Benjamin] is left alone; if mischief befall him by eternal torment Jonah would not have gotten out,
The ,same Hebrew word she01 is often translated The Greek word gehenna is also rendered “hell” in
“pit” in the Bible. Describing the wicked that die, English. It means the condition of death, or complete
it is written concerning them: “They go down quick destruction, from which there is no awakening or
[or alive] into the pit.” (Num. 16: 30) Here the word resurrection. Gehewna is a Grce!r expression, referring
“pit” is translated from the word sheol. Again it is to the valley of Hinnom. Just on the south side of
written concerning those who die : “They shall go down Jerusalem is a valley called the valley of Hinnom, or
to the bars of the pit, when our rest together is in the the valley of Geltenmz. Therein was a fire kept con-
dust.” (Job 17: 16) The word here translated “pit” stantly burning. The offal from the city and the bodies
is from the same.Hebrew word sheol, and plainly cx- of dead animals and the like were thrown into the
presses that it means the condition of death. fire and destroyed. Under the Jewish law no living
In the scriptures since Christ the Greek word I&es creature was permitted to be cast into that fire. The
is translated into the English word “hell”, and has practice was to bring the offal out of the gate of the
the same meaning, identically, as slteol in the Hebrew. wall of Jerusalem and cast it over the hi$i cmbank-
It refers always to the condition of death, spoken of mcnt into the valley. The bodies of some of these
as the grave, the tomb, or the pit. A few proof texts animals lodged on the rocks, and the worms consumed
concerning this : Acts, chapter two, verse twenty-seven, them. The valley of Hinnom therefore was a place of
is a quotation from Psalm sixteen, verse ten, quoted destruction. It pictured the destruction of the wic!:ed.
above, the former text using the Greek word hades Speaking to the Jews, who would understand ‘his
and the latter text using the Hebrew word sheol, thus meaning, Jesus said : “If thine eye offend thee, pluck
showing the two words to be equivalent. Then in Rlat- it out: it is better for thee to enter into the kingdom
thew 16: 18 Jesus uses the word hades, which is trans- of God with one eye, than, having two eyes, to be cast
lated “hell”, saying: “The gates of hell shall not pre- into hell fire [(Greek) geltenna] : where their worm
vail” against the church of God. Without doubt the dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. ” (Mark
thought is that the condition of death shall be de- 9: 47,48) The ‘unquenchable fire’ and the “worm”
stroyed in due time, and that therefore it cannot pre- represent destruction, and Jesus was telling the Jews
vail against those who serve God. that that was what would come upon their nation.
In harmony with this, in Revelation 1: 18 it is de- Jesus in plain phrase was telling the Jew that he,
clared that Jesus has the keys of hell, that is to say, Jesus, was the One appointed as King by Jehovah God,
the means of unlocking the condition of death. It is and that in due time God would set up his kingdom;
written : “Death and hell delivered up the dead.” that a place in that kingdom was the greatest privilege
(Rev. 20: 13) Hades is the word here used ; it has the one could have ; but that no one could enter it unless
same meaning as sheol, and evidently means the grave, he willingly put away everything that would be con-
or tomb, which shall give up the dead at the resurrec- trary to God’s will. If therefore anyone had some-
tion.- It manifestly does not mean eternal torment; thing that was dear to him, even as dear as an eye or
becauseif people are there eternally, they could not be as a hand, if it was offensive and would keep him out
brought out. This scripture does not say that hell gives of the kingdom he would better cut it off then be
up the living, but says that it gives up the dead. destroyed.

Edgar, Nebr. ..-....-.. Apr. ‘I’urrington, Wyo.. -... A&r. GreenrHle, S. C. .__.___. Apr. 3, 4 Dallas, Ga. .___._.__._ __._.Apr. 18. 10
Glenvll, Nebr. _________.._.” Jireh, Wyo. .. .....” . ... ... Anderson. S. C. .. .._... “ 6, 7 Atlanta, Go. . .. .... .... .__6‘ 21 2.’
Bloomington. Nebr. ...- 1: Lead, 5. Dak. . ... ..-.. . .. .‘61 17. Abbelille, S. C. I‘ Monticello, Ga. .. ..__.... * “3
Cambridge, Nebr. Vale, 5. Dak. .. ... ..__I... Grefwwoocl, S. C.“:::::::: aa 9,l:: Waynesboro, Ga. ._._._ .I: 24
lorth Platte. Kebr:“‘:: “ Gillette. Wyo. ....-..-.... ::
Mullen. Nebr. ...- - .-... “ Sheridan. Wyo. ._.._... .. Athens, Ga. .. . ... .- ... .._ $1 11,12 Augusta, Ga. ..._._........“ 25. 20
Alllance. Xrbr. ---. ”“ Riverton, Wyo. ... .. ... .. 1: Jasper. Ca. ____.........._“ 14 Dear@, Da. ..._........._” 28
Bayard, Nebr. ---------- ,* Casper, Wyo. ... .. .. ..-.... ‘( 27. Dalton, Ga. -_....._.__...__ “ 15 l\lidville, Ga. . ..___.______. “ 20, 30
Scottsbluff, Nebr. . ... .. Slater, Wyo. . . ... .... .. ... Rome, Ga. .. .. .... . .. ....-. I1 10, 17 Drooklet, Ga. .._.._.....dIap 1

Swiftown. Miss. .. ...__.Apr. Ruuton, La. .. ..._..........A!y.
Behoni, nfiss.. . .. ... . .. ..._1; Bernlce, La. .. .. . .... .. . .. S. R. TOUTJIAN
Longwood. Miss. ...“_.. IIomer. La. ____.............. ” Kremerton, Wash. .__.Apr. 6. 7 Chelan. Wash. .__._.___ 4pr. 41
.------ _, ntiss. .._..._.“ Bradley. Ark. . ..“_.... -. ‘6 lherrtt. \Vash. _.._...._.1’ 8, 0 Okanogan, \Vash. ... . .. ‘I 22
Bolton, Miss. -_...--_ ” Texarkann. Tex. .._.. ... $4 “ 23. (‘oupeb ille, Wnsh. ‘I 10
Yoliena, nnss. .._......... ” Hope. Ark; ... .. .. .. ^ .. ... .. Ellenbburg, \\‘&I. ___.‘I 24
church Hill. nfis8. ..._ “ Snratogn, Ark. ..-.. “ Mt. Vernon. Wash. ‘-1::: ” 11, I2 Yrtkima, Wash. ._.._.._..“ ?Zi, l’0
Natehes. Miss. .._..__.....“ Prescott. Ark. _- ._..__.. :I Rc~llin~ham. Wnsh. ._.. “ 14. 15 Sunnyside. \\‘a~h. __..__ “ 28
AIexa&ria. La. . ...V”... “ Camden, Ark. . .. .. .... .. . , ( 1Ven:~tchee. Wash. ..__“ 15. 13 Richland, Wnnh. .. .... .. “
Leesville. La _.._..._...- :I Strong, Ark. . .... .. . .I... Entiat, Wash. ..._......._I* 20 Pendleton, Ores. .. ...“. *‘
Shreveport, Ln. “...._.” IIamburg. Ark. ..-... Jlay

Wichita. Knns. .-......_ Apr. 3,; @thong,- Kans. ._._._.. Ap. Garden City, Knns. ..Apr. 15.113 Ru~ell, Kans. _._....._ A,vr. 2”;. :t
Douglass. Kans. -.-- 1; hiowo, Iinns. .. .... .. .... .- DodneCitv. Kans. ..__ ‘ 17.18 Wakeeney. Kans. ._._.. 3..
Winfield, Icans. ------- 6, Pratt Kans. _.- -.-. ” I~rnrtl, Kan8. . .. ..._..... ‘1 20, 21 Lenora, Knns. -.--.. “ L!!
Arkansas City, Kaus. 8, g PIat& Kens. ._...--. “ Great Bend, Kans. .-.. “ 22,23 Achilles, Iiuns. -.....- “ ;10


I APRIL 1, 1937

"SOSC OF TIIE RhRLOT" (Part 1) ~~.~_ 99
Bul den v .._...... . _........ ..... . . . .. ......___....101
" . . .._... .....I .......-.I.... .... ... -........ . ..._.....103
DuIufounded . . _. ... . .".. ..I .... . . ..
Questions for S:ud y . .. .... _ ... . .... _...._..._
FEAR OR J?AITII? .. ... _.... ..” ... ...... . .. -..._...._.. 107
TIME OF ISSPCCTIOX_-~. _I ....... . ...._I..._.__108
LETTcss . . . .... .. ... "....""...-.-.^"....."...._...".... -... 110
BAD10 SERVICsI . . . ._....... .I... I ... ._..."_..I..._..... 112
I XEW PORTABLE PIIOXOGRAPII .. ... .. . . ..._.... 98
ELECTRIC SIGX _.....-.*.“-...... . I ..._...._._” -....
117 Adams Street -
Brooklyn, N.Y., U.S. A. T HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling
the people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as
expressed in the Bible. It pubhshes Bible instruction
apccifically designed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses. It arranges
J. F. RUTHERFORD President W. E. VAN AIIBURGH Secretary systematic Bible study for its readers and supplies other liter
“And all thy c h’ld
I ren shall be taught of Jehovah; and ature to aid in such studies. It publishes suitable material
for radio broadcasting and for other means of public instruc-
great shall be the peace of Wy children.“-Isaiah 54:r~. tion in the Scriptures.
It adheres striclly to the Bible as authority for its utter-
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY I-EACH ances. It is entirely free and separate from all parties, sects
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, is from everlasting or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and mithout
to everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver reservation for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ
of life to his creatures; that the Logos was the beginning of his Beloved King. It IS not dogmatic, but invites careful
his creation and his active agent in the creation of all things; and critical examination of its contents in the light of the
that the Logos is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed Scriptures. It does not indulge in controversy, and its col-
with all power in heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive umns are not open to personalities.
Officer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION PRICE
man for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully ;~ED STATES, $1.00; CANADA AND &fISCELLANEOUS FOREIGN,
disobeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by ; GREAT BIUTUN, AUSTRALASIA, AND SOUTH Amlcn, 7s.
reason of Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and Amerlcau remittances should be made by Express or Postal 3foney
Order, or by Bank Draft. Canadian, British, South African and
without the right to life. Australasian remittances should be made direct to the respective
branch offices. Remittnnces from countries other than those meu-
THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suf- tloned may be made to the Brooklyn office, but by Inte?natzonaZ
fered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive Postal Money Order only.
price for all mankind; that Qod raised up Jesus divine and FOREIQN OFFICES
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every
name and clothed him with all pomer and authority. Brttish . . . . . . . . . 34 Craven Terrace, London, IV. 2, England
Canadian . . . , . . 40 Irwin Avenue, Toronto 5, Ontario, Canada
THAT JEHOVAH’S ORGANIZATION is called Zion, and Australasdan . . 7 Beresford Road, Strathneld, N. 5. W., Australia
that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the South Ajrican . . . . . . Boston House, Cape Town, South Africa
rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful Please address the Society in every case.
followers of Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of
Jehovah’s organization, and are his witnesses whose duty and
privilege it is to testify to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare (Trcmslattoas of this journal appear in several Zanguageu.)
his purposes toward mankind as expressed in the Bible, and
to bear the fruits of the kingdom before all who will hear.
THAT THE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ All sincere students of the Bible who by reason of infirmity,
has been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority, poverty or adversity are unable to pay the subscrtption price
may have The Watchtower free upon written application to the
has ousted Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the publishers, made once each year, stating the reason for so re-
establishment of God’s kingdom on earth. questing it. We are glad to thus aid the needy, but the written
application once each year is required by the postal regulatrons.
THAT THE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth
can come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Notice to Xubscrzbers: Acknowledgment of a new or a renewal sub-
scription mill be sent only when requested. Change of address,
Christ which has now begun; that the Lord’s next great nheu requested, may be expected to appear on addrew label mltbin
act is the destruction of Satan’s organization and the estab- one mohth. A renewal blank (carrying notice of expiration) will
lishment of righteousness in the earth, and that under the be sent with the journal one month before the subscription expires.
kingdom all those mho will obey its righteous laws shall live Entered a8 Peeond Class Mail Matter at Brooklyn, N. P., Postoflce.
on earth forever. Act of dlarch S, 1879.


The Society nuw manufactures and has to offer a light-merght The Sucmty constructs and assembles portable transcrlptron
phonograph of new design, which is 14 by 13 by 5 inches in size, machmes at our own factory at 117 Adams St., Brooklyn, N. F.
and covered with brown cloth and having rounded cornets. It These machmes are spring-wound, and operated from a 6-volt
wcrghs 9 pounds 13 ounces, which 1s 51 pounds lighter than vvet-cell battery. Every machine IS furnished complete with the
the previous model manufactured by the Society. With the three battery and a battery charger, so that it can be kept up to Its
phonograph discs nhich can be carried in it, It werghs 12 pounds full strength. This machme can be offered at $100, complete,
6 ounces. The volume of sound is just as strong as that of the to brethren in the United States.
previous model, and the tune is of the best quality. As shipped The sound car eqmpment mcludes the above and, additionally,
out from our factory, the phonograph is timed properly, at a power nmplifier and a horn nrth mountings for the top of
78 r.p.m., nnd should be checked from time to time. ‘l’lus new your car. The entire sound car equipment with mmrophone at-
model, including three discs, is offered on a cuntributron of tachment can be had for $175. Ante to the Society for details.
$10.00; without the three discs, $3.00. Remittance should
accompany orders. Also specify the particular discs wanted.
For your homes and other plaecs, to call attention of nil
ADVERTISING WATCH TOWER PROGRAMS passers-by to the kingdom message which Jehovah has en-
Witnessing partres and all mdividuals engaging In the field trusted to you to dispense, This sign IS attractive. The wurdmg
service should mention the radio station in their vicmity which on the inscrtcd signs cnn be changed nt small cost, and the
carries the Watch Tower programs. This magmfies to the people Society will supply such changes from time. to time so that
called upon the message which Jehovah’s witnesses introduce, they wilt be uniform throughout all the earth. The Society ~111
‘and often results in interest rn tke printed message on the till the orders at once, shipped to any address in the Unitctl
part of tke radio listener. Thus is one of the chief purposes of States, at $1.50 each, remittance to accompany order. If pus-
aending out tile message over the radio, to encourage the people eiblc, order m tots of two at lcast, as they are packed two rn a
to read the literature. In this behalf the Society supplies radro carton. They come complete rvith cord, flasher, electric bulb and
foldera, and all workers should make constant use of them in sign. Groups should order these through their company servant,
house-to-house calling, leaving one of them, if nothing else. sending in one order for all required by the group.
\‘cs. LVIII APRIL 1, 1937 No. 7


“Take an harp, go about tke city, thou harlot that hast been forgotten: make sweet melody, si?zgmany songs,
that thou mayest be remembered.“-Isa. 23: 16.

EHOVA4H, by his prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel, to the fancy of critics, nor to please men. It does not
foretells the rising of a religious organization attempt to please creatures, becausesuch is an abomi-
which claims to represent God on the earth but nation in the sight of God. The lVatcl!tower aims to
which, in fact, is at all times consorting with and act- present a study to enable real students of God’s Word
ing for Satan to bring reproach upon the name of the to get a better insight into the prophecy under con-
Almighty God. Jehovah’s organization is revealed un- sideration. At certain intervals in such study it is
der the symbol of a good woman called Zion, which necessary to repeat something that has been said, in
gives birth to those who are the devoted and faithful order to emphasize the point. Students of God’s Word
children of God. (Isa. 54 : 1-13) Satan, the wicked one, who are really devoted to him and love him will ap-
has an organization, which is symbolized by a wicked preciate this. The critics never appreciate anything.
woman and named in the Scriptures ‘Babylon, the J Satan the Devil is designated in prophecy as “the
old whore’, and which organization gives birth to all king of Tyrus” or Tyre. (Ezek. 28: 12) The visible
creatures that are in opposition to Jehovah God. All ruler of the city bearing that name was merely, as the
things earthly of Satan’s organization properly take Scriptures state, “the prince of Tyre.” (Ezek. 23: 2,
the name of his woman Babylon, which is their mother, A.R.V.) Satan rebelled against Jehovah and therefore
The chief element of Satan’s organization is religion, departed from the true faith toward God that hc,
which Satan employs to corrupt earthly creatures and Satan, might traffic in humankind. To do that Satan
to make them a part of his visible organization. In employed religion, Satan began by telling doctrinal
the Scriptures “organized religion” is designated as lies respecting Jehovah God, hence religious lies, and
the “harlot” becauseof the use to which the organiza- these constitute the main stock in trade of all religions,
tion is put. and which doctrinal lies are uttered by the word and
2 “Harlot” is properly defined as a female com- authority of the Devil and not on the authority of the
mitting adultery or fornication indiscriminately. In Word of Jehovah God. Satan introduced his lying doc-
the Hebrew the word is used as applying to things trines to Eve when he said: “Ye shall not surely die;
spiritual, that is to say, going after idols, the commit- for God [as you, Eve, call him] doth know that in rhe
ting of idolatry, thereby departing from the true wor- day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened;
ship of Jehovah God and engaging in religion or the and ye shall bc as gods, knowing good and evil.“-
worship of various wicked deities. Gen. 3 : 4, 5.
* That part of the prophecy here specifically con- I Eve desired religion, and the Devil saw to it that
sidered relates to Tyre. Before discussing in detail the her desire was fulfilled. She wanted Adam and herself
prophecy of the twenty-third chapter of Isaiah it is to become mighty ones, “as gods,” and not be limited
well to observe some other parts of prophecy which to knowing just Jehovah God’s word. She wanted her
throw light on the subject matter under consideration. ‘eyes opened’ and to ‘know good and evil’. The mcrc
Some persons have lodged ohjcction to the manner of worship of God by obedience to him was made to ap-
treating prophecy in The Watcl~tower, complaining pear as extreme and too much in restraint of the lib-
that The Watchtower repeats. This may be answered erty of Eve and Adam. As “gods” they would not be
fully by saying that Jehovah often repeats, or causes restrained, but would be independent and hence not
to be said, the same words many times, and without subject to the “higher power”. Then they could do
a doubt he has a purpose in so doing. In the prophecy what seemed right in their own eyes, even to com-
of Ezekiel he uses 64 times one phrase: They shall promising between “good and evil”. That was the
“know that I am Jehovah”. It should bc kept in first introduction of religion to mankind, Thus Satan,
mind that The Watclltou~er is not published to appeal “the king of Tyrus,” created and used religion as the

means of gaining control of and commercializing the rod religion began to be practiced after the flood.
human rade. Therefore God said to the Devil, “the After religion politics was quickly employed and the
king of Tyrus” : “By the multitude of thy merchan- political rule by Nimrod the religionist began. “And
dise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, the beginning of his kingdom [political rule] was
and thou hast sinned : therefore I will cast thee as pro- Babel. ” Then commerce quickly developed, which is
fane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy evidenced by Nimrod and his sons’ building cities and
thee, 0 covering cherub, from the midst of the stones bringing together many people, which again required
of fire. Thine heart was lifted up because of thy traffic amongst them.-Gen. 10 : 8-12.
beauty ; thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of OThe building of the city and tower of Babel was
thy brightness: I will cast thee to the ground, I will induced by religion, and this is clearly shown by the
lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee.” language of the builders. “And they said, Go to, let
(Zzck. 28: l&17) The practice of religion had its us build LIS a city, and a tower whose top may reach
beginning with Adam and Eve. Thereby they ex- unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be
pressed the selfish desire to have that which their scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.”
Creator had not given to them. The Devil’s purpose (Gen. 11: 4) Babel, Babil, and Babylon, all meaning
in introducing religion was to alienate the devotion of the same thing (Gen. 10 : 10, ntargi?z), from the begin-
man from God; and this is conclusive proof that the ning stood for religion, polities and commerce, be-
Devil is the author and father of all religion. cause the very express purpose was to turn men away
6 Adam’s son Abel was never religious, because he from God in defiance of his commandment. The name
was fully obedient to and received the approval of God Nimrod means rebel or rebellious one that rules. He
the Creator. At the beginning the children of Adam named the beginning of his political kingdom Bnbcl,
were not commercial. Then Cain began to practice which meant to him and his followers “the gate to
religion, in this, that he adopted a form of worship, god”; therefore a religion. In defiance of the religious
but without faith in God. He had no love for God, nor aspect of this organization the Almighty God inter-
for the true worship of God. He brought unto God an fered and brought about the confusion of tongues or
offering, for which offering God had no respect. Cain language, and therefore the Hebrew word for Babel
was not ‘doing well ‘, and said Jehovah to him : “Sin means “confusion “. Religions have always brought
lieth at the door.” (Gen. 4: 3-7) Then followed the confusion to the people. The word “Babylon” means
great crime of murder committed by Cain, and which the same as “Babel”. The deity or one worshiped by
was induced by religion. Since then religion and mur- that people was “Bcl” or “Baal”, which means the
der have gone hand in hand. There never has been a Devil, the covetous one. (See Prophecy, pages 127,
war but that the rcligionists attempted to bless the ES, and the scriptures there cited.) This is further
warring factions. proof that religion is the product of the Devil. Politics
’ Polities and commerce or trade were quickly devel- and commerce, added to religion, form the elements
oped through religion, and this for selfish gain. Cain of Satan’s.organization. Jehovah God, by his prophet
built a city and named it for his son Enoch, meaning Ezekiel, dcsignatcs Babylon as “a city of merchants”,
“dedicated [to selfishness] “. Then the grandson of “a land of traffic” or commerce.-Ezek. 17 : 4,12.
Cain became “an instructor of every artificer in brass lo The fact that Jehovah named Satan the Devil
and iron”, which were and are commercialized and “the king of Tyrus” and said to the Devil, “Cy the
used for military purposes. (Gen. 4: S-22) Due to rc- multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the
ligious practices in defiance of Jehovah God the human midst of thee with violence,” is conclusive proof that
race became frightfully dcgencratc. The flood came the city of Tyre or Tyrus stands for or symbolizes the
and destroyed all practitioners of ret igion. Noah and Devil’s organization, which is made up of religion (the
his household remained true to Jehovah God, and they chief element or binding tie), politics, and traffic or
were the only survivors of the great deluge. Noah was commerce. All these things, recorded in the Word of
“a preacher of righteousness”, but never a rcligicbn- God, were written aforetime for the aid and comfort
ist.-2 Pet. 2: 5. of those persons now on the earth who love and serve
o In obedience to God’s commandment Noah and his Jehovah God as he has commanded ; and for this reason
sons, following the flood, began to “multiply and rc- a careful study of the Scriptures, together with the
plenish the earth”. (Gen. 9: 1) Soon after the flood physical facts well known to be true, will result in
religion again came pcominently to the fore. Nimrod, much benefit to those who diligently seek for knowl-
the great-grandson of Noah, became the visible rc- edge and understanding. The publication of The
ligious leader, and ‘he began to be a mighty hunter Il’ntchtower is for the purpose of aiding in such true
before the Lord’. That was the practice of rclipion, and faithful study.
because it put Nimrod, a creature, “before” or supc- I1 Referring now to the foregoing Scriptpral dcfi-
rior to God, the Creator, and it was a religion to all nition of “harlot”: What religious system exactly fits
of Nimrod’s admirers and supporters. The purpose the prophecies recorded in God’s Word? There is but
was to turn creatures away from Jehovah. With Nim- one answer, and that is, The Roman Catholic Church
APRIL 1, 1937 6fEeWATCHTOWER 101

organization. It is a religious organization. It claims means something heavy to be borne by ancient Tyre
to be the mother of the “Christiau religion”, so called. and foreshadows a greater burden to be borne by mod-
All other religious organizations that take the name ern Tyre. It, will be sken that the prophecy applies in
“ Christian religion ” are the offspring of the Roman a miniature way to ancient Tyre and that it applies
Catholic organization, and therefore all are a part of on a far greater scale to the Roman Catholic religious
Babylon. No one will even attempt to dispute the fact system and in that system its fulfillment in completion
of the relationship of all so-called “Christian reli- appears. God has his own way to conceal the meaning
gions” to the Catholic church organization. The Roman of a prophecy until his due time to reveal it to those
Catholic organization is ruled by the Hierarchy, and who love him. It often appears that the prophecy is
that organization indulges and participates in the recorded in the inverse order, that is to say, that
political affairs of all the nations of earth. Th’e Roman which applies to the fulfillment of the prophecy m
Catholic church is also a great commercial organiza- completion appears in the record first, while that which
tion. It contains all the elements of the religious or- applies first appears in the divine record last. At this
ganization which began with Nimrod and of which the point it seemswell to examine some historical facts as
Devil is the father. This must not be construed to mean they appear in the Bible and which relate to ancient
that all the people who are dominated by the Roman Tyre and the cities associated with her.
Catholic organization, or who support the same, are I4 Zidon was a sister city of ancient Tyre. Men who
the willing servants of the Devil. Great numbers of built cities immediately following the flood named
them have been misled and woefully deceived. The mil- them for their sons, as it appears : “Now these are the
lions of people who hold to the Catholic church or- generations of the sons of Noah: Shem, Ham, and
ganization, aside from the clergy, are designated as Japheth; and unto them were sons born after the
“the Catholic population”. Great numbers of these flood. . . . And the sons of Ham: Cush, and Mizraim,
people are sincere, and it appears to be the Lord’s will and Phut, and Canaan. And Cush begat Kimrod: he
to now give them an opportunity to see the truth and began to be a mighty one in the earth. And Canaan
take their stand on the side of God and righteousness. begat Sidon his firstborn, and Heth, . . . And the
Those credulous people have been deceived, and it now border of the Canaanites was from Sidon, as thou
seemsto be due time to afford them the opportunity to comcst to Gernr, unto Gaza : as thou gocst unto Sodom,
learn the truth and give their devotion to Jehovah God and Gomorrah, and Admah, and Zcboim, even unto
and receive his blessings. Nothing herein must be con- La&.“-Gen. 10 : 1-6, 8,15-19.
strued as an expression of ill will toward individuals *j From the Scriptures it appears that Nimrod was
or persons. The purpose of this publication is to ex- a granduncle to the Zidonians and also to the Tyrians.
pose the Devil’s deceitful methods in order that honest Both cities practiced the religion which the Devil pro-
and sincere persons may escape his clutches and find mulgated. It is written : “Ashtoreth the goddessof the
the way to life and happiness. Zidonians” (1 Ki. 11: 5) ; also, “the gods of Zidon.”
** It will be seen that the prophecy concerning Tyre (Judg. 10 : 6) Zidonians’ digion dates practically
applies to the Roman Catholic religious system. Zidon, from the same time of the building of Babel.
being a neighbor city, pictured other religions that lo Tyre was built by the descendants of Canaan, the
consort with and operate with the Roman Catholic or- cursed one. (Gen. 9 : 25) The Hebrew word for “ Tyre”
ganization. The term “Christendom” is a word apply- is “ Tsore ’ ‘, and means “rock ’ ‘. The city was built on
ing to those countries or nations wherein the so-called a rock island, like a point in the sea, a short distance
“ Christian religion ’ ’ is practiced. All religious sys- from the mainland of Phoenicia. It became a world-
tems called “Christian religion” properly take the important ccntcr of commerce or traffic upon the seas.
name of the mother harlot; therefore the terms Baby- Doubtless the Devil chose this place, a rock, on which
lon and Tyrc apply to the lands known as “Christcn- to build Tyre, in mockery or as a mimic of Jehovah
dom ’ ‘. Zidon, having been built before Tyre, would God’s organization to rule, which is built upon the
well picture other religions practiced prior to the be- rock, Christ Jesus, taken out from Jehovah’s universal
ginning of the Roman Catholic, and which co-operate organization, Jehovah himself being the Great Rock.
with the Roman Catholic organization. With this in- I’ The first mention of Tyre is at Joshua 19: 29,
troductory a detailed examination of the prophecy wherein it is called “the strong city”. It was included
appearing at the 23d chapter of Isaiah proceeds, and in the territory assigned to the tribe of Asher of the
those who really love Ggd will pursue this study with people of Israel. (Josh. 19 : 24-31) Both Zidon and
a keen interest and, it is to be hoped, with much profit. Tyre maintained religious temples wherein they prac-
If repetitions appear at different places you will see ticed the Devil religion and where they invoked the
that such repetitions arc necessary in order to drive demon gods to bless their commercial traffic. (Joel
home the point. 3: 4,5) The Devil was the invisible “king of Tyrus”,
BURDEN and the spiritual father of the visible ruler of the
Ia The prophecy of the 23d chapter of Isaiah is in- ancient city, which city was ruled by the reprcdenta-
troduced with the words “The burden of Tyre”. That tive of the Devil. That representative is called “the

prince of Tyrus”. (Ezek. 25 : 2,12) Note that the perish ; becausethey received not the love of the truth
“plincc of Tyre” said : “I am a God, I sit in the seat [the very opposite of religion is the truth], that they
of God, in the midst of the seas [hence, as a sea god].” might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them
Also note that Jehovah said to him: “Thou art a man, strong delusion, that they should believe a lie [religious
and not God.“-Ezek. 28: 2. teaching] .” (2 Thess. 2 : 3,4,9-11) That company of
l* The Devil had said of himself: “I will be like the persons forming or composing the “man of sin” rely
Most High” (Isa. 14 : 13,14) ; and thus he declared on the teachings of men, or tradition, which make void
himself to be equal to the Almighty God Jehovah. Sa- the Word of God.
tan the Devil is designated in the Scriptures “the god ?l Ancient Tyre, as shown by the Scriptures, did in
of this world”, that is, the invisible, spiritual ruler, fact control the commerce of the sea. “The sea” sym-
“The prince of Tyre,” therefore, prophetically pic- bolically stands for the people that bear up and give
tures the visible representative of the Devil, who claims support to the Devil’s religious organization. There-
to be a god. Such a claim is made by the head of the fore Tyre pictures religion commercialized, that is to
Roman Catholic religious organization. The pope of say, religious doctrines and ceremonies and supersti-
Rome, or the Roman Catholic organization, is desig- tions used for commercial purposes for the enrichment
nated by the Hierarchy a god, as it is stated in history. of a few at the expense of the credulous people, who
A Roman Catholic authority, Ferraris’ Ecclesinstical are kept in subjection and under control. Religion
Dictionary, says : “The pope is of such dignity and traffics in humankind, selling the gullible and credu-
highness that he is not simply a man, but, as it were, lous people to the professional politicians and mili-
God, and the vicar of God. . . . Hence the pope is tarists. The religious institution known as the Roman
crowned nit11 a triple crown, as king of heaven, of Catholic Hierarchy claims that the head of that or-
earth and of hell. . . . Whatsoever the pope does ganization is infallible and can spiritually do no
seems to proceed from the mouth of God. . . . The wrong, and yet it uses and practices religion and re-
pope is, as it were, God on earth, the only prince of ligious ceremonies to commercially gain material
the faithful of Christ, . . . The pope can sometimes wealth and to control the people. Its subjects, that is,
counteract the divine law.“-Studies in the Shp- the “Catholic population”, must worship the religious
tures, Vol. 2, page 310. institution, and at the same time those people are
le While this high-sounding claim is made by the forced to contribute or pay money for the up-keep of
Roman Catholic organization for the pope, mark that the institution. “ Organized Christianity ’ ’ or ‘ ’ or-
it does not say for what god he is the representative ganized religion”, so called, is generally understood
on earth. The fact is, he is the representative of “the to embrace the Roman Catholic Church, the Greek
god of this world”, whom the Scriptures show is the Orthodos Church, and the Protestant church; but the
Devil. (2 Cor. 4: 4) It is quite certain that the sincere Roman Catholic organization claims to be the original
ones of the “Catholic population” would not willingly church, the mother of the so-called “Christian reli-
class any creature as equal to Jehovah, the Almighty gion ’ ‘. The Roman Catholic Hierarchy, the ruling
God. They have been deceived and misled. power of “Christian religion”, so called, is the modern
2WTheDevil has caused the people to be very super- “prince of Tyrus ’ ‘, the members of the Hierarchy even
stitious or religious. Paul came in contact with the giving themselves the title “the princes of the church”.
people of Athens who were practicing the Devil re- Modern Tyre, therefore, is organized religion, visibly
ligion in ignorance of the fact that they were paying ruling the people under its father the iuvisible ruler,
homage to the Devil. To them Paul said: “Men of “the king of Tyrus,” who is the Devil. Jesus gave this
Athens, in all things I perceive that ye are very re- plain statement concerning the practitioners of re-
ligious.” (Acts 17 : 22-29, R.V.) Another translator ligion founded upon tradition.-John S : 44.
renders the text in this wise: “How . . . reverent of 2zToday Protcstantism is dead so far as the protest
the demons ye are, I perceive.” (Roth.) “MCII of against the practitioners of Catholicism is concerned,
Athens, I perceive that you are in every respect rc- and the Protestant clergy, together with the rabbis of
markably religious.” ( Weymouth) This is further the Jewish religious organization, follow the lead of
corroborative proof that religion is of the Devil and the Roman Catholic organization and act in harmony
is in esact and complete opposition to the command- therewith. All such practice religion, of which the
ment of Almighty God. “The man of sin” practices Devil is the author. Ancient Tyre was an opponent of
religion, acting contrary to the commandments of God. Jerusalem, God’s typical organization. Modern Tyre
“That man of sin . . . , the son of perdition; who is the enemy and opponent of the true spiritual Israel-
opposeth and esalteth himself above all that is called ites, God’s people on the earth.-Ezek. 26: 2.
God, or that is worshippcd ; so that he, as God, +cth
in the temple of God, shewing himself that he i’i God. “SHIPS”
Even him whose coming is after the working of Satan, 23Savs Jehovah by his prophet: “Howl, ye ships of
with all power and signs and lying wonders,. _and with
. Tat-shish.,, (Isa. 23: 1) Ships are vessels, implements
all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that or instruments, such as used by ancient Tyre to carry
APRIL 1, 1937

on their commerce and trade upon the seas, and to United States. Such constitute that which is symbol-
establish colonies in the lands round about, to be used ically designated “the sea”, who bear up and support
for commercial purposes. Also its religion was thus car- the organization and the work of gathering the “Cath-
ried and spread to other places in the earth. Tarshish olic population” under the organization, and collert-
appears to have been one of the colonies of ancient Tyre ing the revenue from them is done chiefly by the under-
where trafic was carried on. Tarshish was built at the lings or underpriests, which vessels or “ships” ride
far end of the Mediterranean sea opposite from Tyre
and in the land since known as Spain: “Tarshish was upon the sea.
thy merchant by reason of the multitude of all kind 2aA Catholic priest known as “Anthony, O.M.C.“,
of riches: with silver, iron, tin, and lead, they traded operating from Kentucky, sent out a letter to the
in thy fairs.” (Ezek. 2’7: 12) Her ships or vessels credulous and superstitious believers in the false
would carry the merchandise in which she traficked. “purgatory” doctrine of the Catholic religion, which
As a greedy enemy of Jerusalem it appears that Tyre letter is dated Louisville, Kentucky, September 21,
used the ships under its control to carry on a slave 1936. That letter calls upon the credulous ones in these
trade : “ Yea, and what have ye to do with me, 0 Tyre, words, to discharge ‘your duty towards your dear de-
and Zidon, and all the coasts of Palestine? will ye parted who, heIpless in their purgatory prison, crave
render me a recompence? and if ye recompense me, the relief only Masses and Prayers can bring them.
swiftly and speedily will I return your recompence . . . Your ofCcring mill help to complete the Purga-
upon your own head: because ye have taken my silver torial Purse’. Attached to that letter is a paper or
and my gold, and have carried into your temples my blank to be filled out and signed by all re:eiving it,
goodly pleasant things: the children also of Judah setting forth the amount of money contributed for the
and the children of Jerusalem have ye sold unto the purgatorial purse, and on that paper appear these
Grecians, that ye might remove them far from their words : “It is suggested that you send or pledge an
border. “-Joel 3 : 4-6. oRering of 25~ for each name listed.” The paper or
21Applying the prophecy to modern Tyre, the Ro- slip contains space for more than twenty names. Many
man Catholic Hierarchy organization, the ships of of the “Catholic population” will contribute a much
Tarshish well picture the underpriests and subordinate larger sum than that suggested. But suppose each one
organizations working under the command of the rul- contributes 25~; that, according to the number of
ing Hierarchy, which is designated “The IIierarchy Catholics in the United States, would mean five mil-
of Jurisdiction ’ ‘. The underpriests or orders undcr- lion dollars, and, according to Cardinal Gibbons’ esti-
neath the Hierarchy, such as missionaries, Jesuits and mate of the number in the world, would be more than
others, are sent to all parts of the earth by the “Hicr- fifty million American dollars annually. A very unique
archy of Jurisdiction” to perform the more direct commercial scheme. It has been well said that the
work with the people, which is called “missionary Roman Catholic Hierarchy is the richest in material
work ’ ‘, and to commercialize the people and carry on wealth of any institution on earth. Religion, com-
a commercial work or trade in gathering in money for mercialized, is truly the Devil’s scheme, and God de-
the upkeep and support of the Hierarchy. The monks, clares it so.--Ezek. 28 : 16-18.
Jesuits, missionaries, priests, and all like agents work
under the command or direction of the “Hierarchy of “HOWL”
Jurisdiction”, and thus such are in symbol rcprcsent- 2r The word “howl”, as appears in the prophecy,
ed as “mariners” of the sea, and the “wise men” are clearly sl~omsthat a great calamity will come upon
the pilots directing the movement of these symbolic modern Tyre, that is, the Roman Catholic Hierarchy
ships : “The inhabitants of Zidon and Arvad lvere thy organization. A howl means a wail of great distress or
mariners: thy wise men, 0 Tyrus, that were in thee, despair. When is that howl to begin? From the Scrip-
were thy pilots. “--Ezek. 27 : 8. tures it stems certain that the complete fulfillment of
25Such vessels or instruments of the Hierarchy are this prophecy is at the beginning of Armageddon, that
used to hoodwink the common people and to deal with is, the beginning of the “strange act” of the Almighty
them and to keep them in slavery to the ruling power God. (Isa. 25: 21) The reason for this conclusion is
of the organization. Such underlings do the work of stated, as follows: It appears that Jehovah caused his
manipulating the common people or so-called “Cath- prophecy to be here recorded in a manner to conccal
olic population”, who pay the bills, and the “Hicr- the meaning thereof until his due time for the undcr-
archy of Jurisdiction” reaps the commercial benefits. standing to be given to his people. In the prophecy
In his book entitled The Faith of Our Fathers, pub- here under consideration the command to howl is re-
lished at the beginnin g of the twentieth century, corded in the prophecy before mention ia made of the
Cardinal Gibbons says : “The number of Catholics in “seventy years” and the singing of “the song of the
the world is computed at three hundred millions.” harlot” set forth in verses fifteen and sistccn. That
(Page 10) The claim is now made that there are more does not mean, however, that in the complete fulfill-
than 20,000,OOOof the “Catholic population” in the ment of the prophecy the howling must precede the

seventy years, nor that the howling must continue for and 1870 to lay waste the Roman Catholic Hierarchy
a period of seventy years either before or after. organization, but that did not succeed. The permanent
28As an example of how Jehovah causes prophecy laying to waste will be such as to produce a mighty
to be recorded and revealed, attention is called to the howl, and that will be at the beginning of Jehovah’s
drama of Ahab and Jezcbcl, both of whom were slain “strange act”.
before the seventy sons of Ahab and also before the 31It is the command of Jehovah given to the shills
worshipers of Baa1 were slain; but not so in the com- of Tarshish to “howl, . . . for it [Tyre] is laid waste,
plete fulfillment of that prophetic picture. The fulfill- so that [in Tyre] there is no house, no entering in “.
ment shows the acts last recorded picture that which According to Ziotlrerl~an~ the test is rcndercd thus:
was first fulfilled. (See ~Y~ndicatioa,Book Three, pages “For it is laid too waste to be a haven to enter.” In
41-53.) The prophecy of the “seventy years” men- other words, there is no haven to enter Tyre, because
tioned by Isaiah in 23 : 15 corresponds with a like Tyre is destroyed. The howl is because incoming ships
prophecy of seventy years prophesied by Jeremiah. or vessels of Tarshish, laden with merchandise, could
(Jeremiah 25) What is there described as coming to find no berth nor wharf nor warehouse in which to put
pass at the end of seventy years, is actually fulfilled in the merchandise intended for Tyre. Such is due to the
completion at the same time as that which is described fact that Tyre and her once favorable position in com-
as due to occur before the seventy years began. Atten- merce and intercourse with other countries are rui&
tion is called to t!lis here merely to show that the and the markets thereof wrecked. This is further proof
prophecy at verses 1-14 is not necessarily fulfilled be- that ‘the prince of Tyrus is a man, and not a god ‘.
fore that part of the prophecy mentioned here in verses (Ezek. 28 : 9) It will then clearly appear that the test
15-17 in Isaiah 23. often misquoted, to wit, ‘The gates of hell cannot prc-
zeSome time after the destruction of ancient Jeru- vail against it,’ has no application whatsoever to the
salem in B.C. 606 Nebuchaduezzar laid siege to and Roman Catholic church organization, but that such
seriously damaged ancient Tyre. There was then some Scripture test has been wrongfully applied by the
howling. (Ezek. 29 : 18) “For thus saith the Lord God, Roman Catholic Hierarchy to deceive the people ant1
Behold, I will bring upoil Tyrus Nebuchadrezzar king has resulted in deception and great injury to the peo-
of Babylon, a king of kings, from the north, with ple. No more will the Roman Catholic Hierarchy or-
horses, and with chariots, and with horsemen, and com- ganization carry on its work of ‘compassing sea aup1
panies, and much people.” (Ezek. 26: 7) “Behold, I land to make proselytes for hell’ (Matt. 23: Xi), bc-
will send and take all the families of the north, saith cause the modern Tyre will be done. That of necessity
the Lord, and Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon, will come about by reason of the “strange act” ot’
my servant, and will bring them against this land, and Jehovah in completely destroying modern Tyre, which
against the inhabitants thereof, and against all these is the Roman Catholic organization, so that none can
nations round about, and will utterly destroy them, seek her or enter her thereafter.
and make them an astonishment, and an hissing, and s2The land of Cyprus, or island sometimes called
perpetual desolations. . . . To wit, Jerusalem, and “ Chittim ’ ‘, was northeast of Tyre. It was originally
the cities of Judah, and the kings thereof, and the colonized by the Phoenicians from Tyre and Zidon.
princes thereof, to make them a desolation, an astonish- Says the prophet of God: “No entering in: from the
ment, an hissing, and a curse; as it is this day. . . . land of Chittim [Cyprus (not7~.)].” Paul sailed from
And all the kings of Tyrus, and all the kings of Zidon, Zidon “under Cyprus, because the winds were con-
and the kings of the isles which are beyond the sea.” trary”. (Acts 27 : 4) It was a near-by colony, depcnd-
(Jer. 25: 9-35) This great distress mentioned by lhe ent upon Tyre. Says the prophet Isaiah : “It is rc-
prophets above quoted clearly applies to Armageddon. vealed to them.” This would mean that the ships of
soIn the year 1848 distress came upon the Roman Tarshish were bound for Tyre and laden with com-
Catholic organization, also in 1870, and continued merce and, while putting in at the port of Chittim or
more or less until 1918; but such as then occurred Cyprus, learned of the desolation of Tyre and that
could in no way compare with what will come to pass their ships were out of a job because Tyre is done for.
at Armageddon. The snarling or howling that took The report of the fact shakes greatly the dependent
place in those years could in no way compare with the colony. In this connection the prophet of God says:
howl that will go up when Jehovah lays waste modern “Thus saith the Lord God to Tyrus, Shall not the isles
Tyre. When Jehovah, by his prophet, says, “Howl, shake at the sound of thy fall, when the wounded cl’!*,
ye ships of Tarshishr for it [Tyre] is laid waste,” when the slaughter is made in the midst of thee? Now
when that comes to pass, such will cause modern Tyre shall the isles tremble in the day of thy fall; yea, the
to really howl. That howl will come when the Grcater- isles that are in the sea shall be troubled at thy tle-
than-Nebuchadnezzar, Christ Jesus, the Esecutor of parture.” (Ezek. 26: l&18) “All the inhabitants of
Jehovah’s purposes, the Mighty Warrior, goes into the isles shall be astonished at thee, and their kings
action at the beginning of Armageddon. It is true shall be sore afraid, they shall be troubled in their
that there was an attempt by world powers in lS4Y countenance. The merchants among the people shall
APRIL 1, 19.37 105

hiss at thee ; thou shalt be a terror, and never shalt be time of health, and behold trouble !” (Jer. 8 : 14, 15)
any more.“-Ezek. 27 : 35,36. The words of Isaiah’s prophecy here considered, to
aaApplying this part of the prophecy to modern wit, “ye inhabitants of the isle” (vs. 2)) manifestly
Tyre, the Roman Catholic organization, as it properly means in the final fulfillment those near the Hier-
applies, it will be seen that all who have depended up- archy and who have been looking to the Hierarchy for
on the Roman Catholic organization, all who have had help, protection and safety, even as Chittim or Cyprus
dealings with the Hierarchy for selfish gain, either was near to Tyre and depended upon Tyre. Those
political or commercial or otherwise, will be greatly close or near-by and dependent upon the main organi-
grieved and shaken. For many years that religious zation, being of the samestripe, picture the Jewish and
organization has boastfully said: ‘The gates of hell Protestant clergy and other allies of the Hierarchy
shall never prevail against us,’ and now not only will who tag along behind the Hierarchy at the present
those seeing it go down be shocked, but to them it will time to do the bidding of the old “whore”. (Ezek.
appear very strange that such a calamity could come 27 : S) They have helped to replenish the coffers of the
to an organization that claimed to represent God. This Hierarchy, and hence Jehovah’s “strange act” is
indicates that at the very beginning of Armageddon against not only Tyre but the Zidonians and other
the religious organizations as such will perish and allies, as he declares in his prophecy: “And all the
others seeing it will wail. “And in their wailing they kings of Tyrus, and all the kings of Zidon, and the
shall take up a lamentation for thee, and lament over kings of the isles which are beyond the sea.“-Jcr.
thee, saying, What city is like Tyrus, like the de- 25 : 22.
stroyed in the midst of the seaa” (Ezek. 27: 32) “The 30Today the so-called “Protestants” and the Yid-
merchants of these things, which were made rich by dish clergy openly co-operate with and play into the
her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, hands of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy like foolish
weeping and wailing, and saying, Alas, alas, that great simpletons and thereby aid in replenishing the num-
city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and bers of the Hierarchy and to carry on her commercial,
scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and religious traffic. Commercial religion is the stock in
pearls ! For in one hour so great riches is come to trade of all such merchants. The Hierarchy takes the
nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in lead, and the simpletons follow. The Hierarchy is now
ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood taking the lead in compulsory flag-saluting, and in
afar off, and cried when they saw the smoke of her building images or monuments, such as is now widely
burning, saying, What city is like unto this great city! adqcrtised to be built at Washington, D.C., and the
And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping clergy of the so-called “Protestant” and Yiddish or-
and wailing, saying, Alas, alas, that great city, wherein ganizations fall in line and do what they are told, and
were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason when the sackbut sounds they fall down and worship.
of her costliness! for in one hour is she made deso- Poor simpletons !
late.“-Rev. 18 : 15-19. 37The Devil’s purpose, and therefore the purpose
s4Religion has been a means employed by the Devil of his instruments in thus making merchandise of the
to build his mighty organization on earth, which has pcoplc, is to keep them in subjection and to build up
deceived millions, and religion and religionists, accord- and support the Roman Catholic organization on earth.
ing to the prophecies of God, will be the first of Satan’s This part of the prophecy appears to have fulfillment
organization to be destroyed at the beginning of Ar- during the period of time marked in the record at
mageddon. Isaiah 23: 15,16; that is to say, the coming to pass
of the physical facts which fit the words of the proph-
DUMFOUNDED ecy revcal the time of the fulfillment. This adds further
a5Jehovah, by his prophet, then addresses the sup- force to the conclusion that prophecy cannot be undcr-
porters of Tyre, both ancient and modern, in these stood until fulfilled or in course of fulfillment. But
words : “Be still [silent (nmryiw), dumb (nol/!.)], let it be undclxtood and kept in mind that this proph-
ye inhabitants of the isle ; thou whom the merchants of ccy will not be appreciated by merely casually reading
Zidon, that pass over the sea, have replenished. ” (Isa. it, nor what is here said about it be appreciated by
23 : 2) This silence or dumbness is bccauscof Jehovah ‘Y casually reading. Careful study is required. The ful-
“strange.act” then begun. Jlany credulous and culliblc fillment dots not come chronologically in the order of
persons, and particularly the politicians and commcr- recordin:: of the prophecy, but it appears better here
cial giants, now look to the Roman Catholic Ilicrarehy, to proceed with the study in the order in which the
the modern Tyre, to pull them through their diffic~ul- prophecy is recorded in the Bible, rightly dividing
ties; but when they see Jehovah strike down that or- it in harmony with the facts and the Scriptures, and
ganization, which has claimed to be invulncral~lc, they thereby locate the time of the fulfillment. In brief, the
will be greatly astonished and dumfoundcd. Th~l in fdfWmt of the prophecy from verses 15 and 16
distress they will say, according to God’s propllct : I)rc~(ldcs the fulfillment of the preceding verses of the
“WC looked for peace, but no good came; and for a samechapter.

a8The peoples of earth, likened to the sea that bears olic Hierarchy now takes the lead in an aggressive cam-
up the ships of commerce, have been used as mcr- paign against all who do not fall in line with its
chandise and for gain by the religious systems brought schemes, and in this campaign the other religion&
into being by Satan, the god of this world. Says Je- trail along. Everyone today who will not support the
hovah by his prophet in connection herewith : “And by religion&s is denounced as “red” or “communist’ ‘,
great waters the seed of Sihor [the grain of Shihor even Jehovah’s witnesses being classed by the rcligion-
(Rotherham)], the harvest of the river [harvest of ists as such, although those religionists making these
the Nile (R.V. and Rotherham)], is her revenue ; and false charges well know that Jehovah’s witnesses have
she is [was (R.V.)] a mart of nations.” (Isa. 23: 3) no part whatsoever with the political affairs of the
The Lord said to Joshua: “Sihor . . . is before world. The Hierarchy follow the course of their father
Egypt.” (Josh. 13: 3) Egypt was a commercial world the Devil.
power. Tyre had dealings with Egypt, which sym- ** Under the Devil’s wily and deceptive influence the
bolizes the Devil’s world power and which was brought people in general which are used to bear up and sup-
into action and employed to reproach the name of port the religious systems that engage in traffic have
Jehovah God. been deceived and blinded into following such course.
a9It is written concerning ancient Egypt that its The time is certain to come, however, when the follow-
annual revenue amounted to approximately $20,000,- ing part of the prophecy will be fulfilled, to wit : “The
000 or that which is equivalent to that sum. Egypt sea bath spoken, even the strength of the sea”; that is
was a great market for the commerce of the nations. to say, the sincere people who love righteousness will
Compare these facts with the commercial traffic of the break away from the religious prison house and speak
Roman Catholic Hierarchy. The Roman Catholic Hier- against that wicked organization. Those who compose
archy has, and for a long while has had, dealings with the “great multitude” (Rev. 7: 9) as waters are first
Big Business or mighty commerce of the world, mem- turned away from the support of the religionists and
bers of the Hierarchy being large investors in the give their devotion to Jehovah God and Christ Jesus.
commercial traffic of the world. The Roman Catholic Then will follow in due time the masseswho will rc-
Hierarchy has been and is a market for all the world, nounce and turn away from and against the religion-
dealing in and manipulating the people, and particu- ists. This prophecy shows that in God’s due time the
larly the “Catholic population”, and doing this for relationship of the sincere people with the religionists
its own selfish gain. Politicians of all nations find the will be broken off. “The sea” (that is, the people used
Hierarchy both politically and financially advanta- and exploited by the Devil to mother, nourish and
geous to them. Dictators, in particular, find a strong support the religious systems, who rule, are the rulers)
ally in the Hierarchy, and it will be generally found will turn against the old “whore” and disclaim any
that these dictators are backed up and supported and relationship whatsover with her.-Rev. 17 : 16-18.
put in power by the Hierarchy. Other religious organi- 43Nebuchadnezzar, after laying siege to ancient
zations at the present, the Yiddish and Protestants, Tyre, invaded Egypt. (Ezek. 29: M-20) The fall of
deal with the Roman Catholic Hierarchy because it religionists, particularly the Roman Catholic Hicr-
. appears to them to be to their selfish advantage. archy organization, will precede the destruction of the
‘OWill the Yiddish and the Protestant clergy ulti- political and commercial elements of Satan’s visible
mately find it advantageous to link themselves to the organization, and such will bring great pain and
Hierarchy and be dictated to by the Hierarchy of the astonishment to the latter ; as it is written : “As at the
Catholic organization! In answer to that question report concerning Egypt, so shall they be sorely pained
Jehovah says by his prophet: “Be thou ashamed, 0 at the report of Tyre.” (Isa. 23: 5) The report here
Zidon [turn thou pale, 0 Zidon (Roth.)] ; for the sea mentioned is concerning the beginning of Jehovah’s
hath spoken, even the strength of the sea, saying, I “strange act”. This text, according to the Revised
travail not, nor bring forth children, neither do I Version, reads : “When the report cometh to Egypt,
nourish up young men, nor bring up virgins.“- they shall be sorely pained at the report of Tyrc.”
Isa. 23 : 4. The fall of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, the rcli-
‘I Instead of being benefited those dupes and allies gious organization, will bring great pain to the remain-
of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy will become pale of ing portions of Satan’s visible organization because
face and grow sick when they see the power of the they will observe the ability of Jehovah’s Executioner
Hierarchy yielding to Jehovah’s “strange work” now to perform Jehovah’s “strange act”, and it will be
being carried on, and they will be greatly shaken with evident to the remaining ones that they have no power
shame and humiliation when they observe the bcgin- to protect.thcmselvcs and that their turn for destruc-
.ning of Jehovah’s “strange act”. Recently the presi- tion is next. This conclusion is abundantly supported
dent of the United States has advised the “good neigh- by other scriptures.-Rev. 18 : 9-19.
bor” policy between all religious organizations, and 44Today Jehovah’s witnesses in every part of the
their unity in action. That will prove to be very bad earth are being persecuted by the Roman Catholic
advice, as many will later discover. The Roman Cath- Hierarchy and allies, and the Hierarchy religious or-
APRIL 1, 1937 107

ganization is the chief visible instrument of the Devil 7 11. Show what religious organization exactly tits the proph-
which brings into action against Jehovah’s witnesses ecies recorded in God’s Word. What 1s the purpose of pub-
lishing The Wntchtoreer, and the importance now of pre-
the political and commercial elements, and together sentinrt the uarticular truths contained therein at this time?
they-seek to make the burden great upon the back of 7 12. Apply- the* prophetic names Tyre, Zidon, and Babylon.
those who love and serve J&OVSh. And now in this 7 13. Explain the expression “the burden of Tyre”. Account
for the order in which this prophecy is recorded, and for
hour of great stress the true people of Jehovah God the clear understanding now of prophecies hitherto not
greatly rejoice, because, true to the promise of the understood.
Almighty God, greater hope and strength is given to % l~~;;lo’oint
. i. out the origin and relationship of Tyre and
them by revealing to them an understanding of his 7 17-19. %Yth scriptures and facts, identify “the king of
prophecy. “The Lord will give strength unto his peo- Tyrus,’ and ‘ ‘ the prince of Tyrus ’ ‘.
pie ; the Lord will bless his people with peace.” (Ps. 7 20. In the light of the different translations, nrhat important
information in this connection is seen in the apostle’s words
29: 11) .Those who now devote themselves entirely to recorded at Acts 17: 229
Jehovah and his King, and who continue to maintain 7l 21,‘1”. What are the facts proving the identity of modern
their integrity toward God, rejoice to be counted Tyres Of the modern ‘L prince of Tyrus “? Of “the king
of Tyrus’,f How are Protestantism and the Jewish re-
worthy of suffering some of the reproaches that came hgious organization included in the fulfillment of the
upon Christ Jesus, They are fully advised that Christ prophetic picture?
7 23-26. With scriptures and facts, and illustration, show vvhat
Jesus the King is upon his throne, and has gathered was pictured by (a) the ships of Tarshish, (b) “the sea,”
unto himself those of his royal house whom he leads and (c) Tyrus’ “mariners,‘.
and comforts. Now Jehovah through Christ Jesus is a 27, 25. When will the “howl,, beginP What is the ground
for such eonelusionY How does the order in which the proph-
revealing to his people a knowledge and appreciation ecy here under consideration is recorded serve its purpose9
of his nrouhecies hidden in times of old. and bv this Give other illustrations of similar order of prophetic record.
knowledge the faithful have increased hope. I”n the 7 29,30. What tvere the judgments declared-against Tyrus?
following issues of The Watchtower, by the Lord’s Have those prophetic declarations been fulfilledf
7 31-33. Explain the statement (a) that ‘Tyre is laid waste,
grace, the examination of this prophecy will continue; so that in Tyrc there is no house’, as applied at the time
and we give thanks to our heavenly Father that we it was expressed by the prophet; also as a prophecy. (b)
are permitted to have his favor in this day, and to thus Likewise, that there was “no entering in: from the land
of Chit& “. Compare this with what B foretold at Ezekiel
receive his comfort. 27: 32 and at Revelation 18: 15-19.
(To be continue&) 7 34. What, then, is seen to have been the purpose of religion
and of the work of, religronists, and to be God’s purpose
QUESTIONS FOR STUDY concerning them?
r 1’2. Identify Zion. Babylon. Bow is religion seen to be the lJ 35. How have “the merchants of Zidon,’ ‘passed over the
chief eIement of Satan’s organizatione Why is organized sea,. and ‘ ‘ reDlenialied” the “ inhabitants of the isle “1
religion designated as the “harlot “B yT 36. That Chittin; was near Tyre and dependent upon Tyre
q 3. Show whether The Watchtowe? is justified in repeating at was of what prophetic significance?
intervals some things that have already been said therein. 7 37. How has the Devil been using the people? and what has
7 4’5. Point out the origin and purpose of religion. been his nuroose thereinl When can nroohecv be under-
r 6. How, in the record concerning Abel and Cain, and in later stood, and why not prior thereto8 H&v,*onl~, can it be
record, is religion seen to have originated with Satan4 understood at that time? In what order does Isaiah 23
y 7,s. How does the record of affairs before the flood, and of have fulfillment?
those soon thereafter, show the relationship of religion to 7 38,39. How did the statement at Isaiah 23: 3 apply at the
politics, commerce and military organization? - time those words were spoken? In what facts is fulfillment
li 9.10. Bow. in the record at Genesis 10: S-12 and 11: 4. and thereof now seen!
Ezekiel j7: 4,12, is it seen that religion is the product of 7 40-42. Describe the situation foretold in verse 4.
the Devil, and that politics and commerce, added to religion, q 43. With corroborative scriptures, point out the prophetic
form the elements of Satan’s organization? How is this significance of the fact that Nebuchadnezzar, after laying
further shown in the designation “the king of Tyrus”, siege to ancient Tyre, invaded Egypt.
and in the charge made against him as recorded at Ezekiel 7 41. Show that the promise recorded at Psalm 29: 11 is being
28: 169 fulfilledq


B EFGRE t,he destruction of Jerusalem there were

two prophets who prophcsicd at practically the
same time, namely, Urijah and Jeremiah. Urijah
received warning that unless he stopped his prophcsy-
26 : S-24) The followin g experiences reported from
Germany are quite appropriate. Urijah well pictures
a class of men who have undertaken to serve Jehovah,
and who because of fear have ceased doing so. Jere-
ing he would suffer. He got frightened and fled to miah pictures the “faithful servant” class, who obey
Egypt, and the king Jehoiakim sent men to Egypt and God and not man. The names of the parties in Ger-
fetched Urijah out, and brought him to Jerusalem and many are omitted, for an obvious reason.
slew him. Jeremiah was arrested, and the clergy and , February 3, 1937.
other accusers insisted that he be put to death, ancl his DEAR BITOTHER RCTIIERFORD:
accusers cited the case of Urijah. Jeremiah stood firm It is my privilege in the name of all the German brethren
and showed his faith in Jehovah and performed his to send you a report of the activity of the last few weeks and
at the same time to express our great joy, mhich is amongst
duty faithfully, and Jehovah protected him. (Jer. all of us.

At the convention in Lucerne you had given us permission to being distributed, the Jonadabs visited, and in certain places
distribute the there adopted Resolution in Germany. This was the work with the gramophones is carried on. During the last
done on the 12tb of December, very rapidly and throughout quarter year (October 1 to December 31), 1936, the report of
Germany. the activity is as follows:
We had taken care to keep all preparations strictly secret. About 3,600 workers; 21,591 hours; 300 Bibles; 9,G24 books;
The Resolutions were prepared. The German Secret Police kad 19,304 booklets.
received reuorts from their suiea in Holland as to the dlstrlbu- There are about 4,000 brethren under arrest. At the present
tion,‘but tiey received no &formation as to the exact date of time, trials are taking place all over, which, since the newa-
the distribution. Even the brethren were not informed until tlie papers now give more detailed reports than before, are causmg
day before. Every one received his package with the Resolutions quite a stir amongst the population. I enclose in this letter sev-
placed in envelopes as well as the territory he was to cover. eral newspaper ehppings and also a report of the moat recent
On Saturday, the 12th of December, at 5 p.m., the work suddenly abuse of faithful brethren. In suite of the cruel nersecutmns
began, and by 7 p.m. everything was finished. In all districts by the brown and black torme&ors, the brethrenL are undls-
of Germany, in all larger towns and titles, 3,540 courageous maved. The JOY of Jehovah is our strength, and the confidence
witnesses began simultaneously the large attack. It was a great in bm, the desire to do our duty in the-face of death, is ever
victory and a sharp stab at the enemy, to the indescrlbable increasing as the heat of the fire oven, which in Germany is
joy of the faithful workers. truly heated ‘ ‘ sevenfold ’ ‘.
One hour and a quarter after the start, that is, at 6: 15 p.m., The watchtower. which all brethren receive reeularlv. and
the police radio statlons broadcast the dmtrlbution of the tracts, especially the last articles about the prophecies of Malachi,
and in another half hour the whole police force, SA and SS, is wonderful food at the right time, also for us, and we are
was on its feet. But they were too laie; the work was done. very thankful to the Lord that he has thus strehgthened and
The enemy was furiously mad, that they Lad been taken by encouraged us. Many from the ranks of the enemy look on with
surprise, and their anger knew no limits. They were also greaily astonishment and admit that there is something extraordinary
disturbed and are now in fear. for the followinrr reason: They about Jehovah’s witnesses, that they could not possibly be so
do not know how manv such iracts were distributed. but f&l courageous, ready to stake everything and to oppose such
them in all yarts of Germany. FVhen questioned, m&t of the terrific enemies in their own strength.
poaulution denied havine: recelvcd anything. But the pollee do Surely the Lord will soon give an ear to our ardent prayers
ioi believe them, bccaus; it is no lanker a-secret that most of and to the many cries for freedom from this prison house and
the people are agmnst the Hitler government and really are soon giant us a more free hand also in Germany for his name
glad when somethmg 18 done to help the people get the truth. and his work’s sake, also for the great multitude, that we may
In different places the pobce arrested those who had not carry on his work on a larger scale, as in other countries, bs-
taken part in the work, whereas the courageous ones were left cause, we are quite sure, there u much to do in connection with
in peace. the ereat multitude.
They are all very joyful, more so than at any former time W%h many hearty greetings and blessings and with the as-
since the dissolution of our organization. They are all waiting surance that all the faithful in Germany are endenvormz with
and asking when the next attack is to take place, and quite a their might to carry on Jehovah’s work,-1 commumcate & you,
number of those who through fear did not take part last time Brother Rutherford, the expression of our appreciation thnt we
wish to join the others next time. are able to serve the Lord together with you and all the Lo~d’s
It is quite evident that Jehovah fought this battle and blessed people, to serve and to die for Him.
our work in every detail. Your brother and cowitness,
Naturally, outside of these leaflets, books and booklets are

brought into the temple and anointed. This is part of
T HE temple or sanctuary of God must be set up
and cleansed before the complete vindication of
Jehovah’s name, and such work is a part of the
preparation for the battle of the great day of God
the work of “the day of his preparation”. This walk
was foreshadowed by the rebuilding of the typical
temple at Jerusalem. The prophetic book of Zechariah
Almighty. For some time prior to the opening of the deals with this preparatory work, the battle of the
temple for judgment Christ Jesus was giving attention great day of God Almighty, and the conditions that
to the consecrated oneson the earth to ‘prepare the way will exist at the conclusion of that battle. All of this
before Jehovah’ and to bring these consecrated ones was written aforetime for the purpose of giving
to the time and place of judgment; and concerning strength to the faithful remnant of God’s anointed
that period of time Jehovah says: “And he shall prc- people now on the earth. Jehovah has furnished cumu-
pare the way before me.” (BIal. 3 : 1) That work being lative evidence upon this point, and it behooves us to
completed, then Christ Jesus suddenly or straightway give careful consideration to all of such evidence.
comes to the temple: “He shall come, saith the Lord When the term “Lord of hosts” or “Jehovah of
of hosts.” From that time forward to the time of the hosts” appears in a Scripture text it relates particu-
battle of Armageddon is designated in the Scriptures larly to Jehovah as the Commander of his military
“the day of his preparation”.-Nab. 2 : 3. forces which he uses to express his wrath against the
The Scriptures show that these two periods are enemy. Note that the words of the prophet concerning
separate and distinct, in this, to wit: the time of ‘pre- the coming of Christ Jesus are: “Behold, he comcth,
paring the way before Jehovah’ ends with the coming saith JeBotzh of hosts.” (Mal. 3 : 1, AJ2.V.) Concern-
of Christ Jesus to the temple; whereas “the day of ing the rebuilding of the temple as prophesied by
his preparation” begins at the time of the coming of Zechariah the command is: “Thus saith Jehovah of
Christ Jesus to the temple. The consecrated must be hosts: Return unto me, saith Jehovah of hosts, and I
brought before the Lord for examination, and must will return unto you, saith Jehovah of hosts.” (Zcch.
be tried and judged, and the approved ones are 1: 3, AJ8.V.) The great God of battle is preparing for
Ann 1, 1937 KfieWATCHTOWER 109

the final war, and those in his organization eagerly be done before the final battle ; hence it is a part of the
seek for information concerning the same. work of the ‘day of preparation’.
Cyrus, the king of Persia, under the direction of On the twenty-fourth day of the eleventh month in
Jehovah issued a decree for the rebuilding of the tem- the second year of Darius, which month corresponds
ple at Jerusalem. B remnant of Jews returned from to our modern month of February, the prophet Zecha-
riah had a vision. It was about the time for the “latter
captivity in Babylon and began the work of rebuilding, rain” to fal1. Three months previous to that time
and then because of opposition these Jews for sixteen Haggai had been prophesying. After the twenty-
years did no work whatsoever in connection with the fourth day of the ninth month of the same year, it
rebuilding of the temple. In the meantime Cyrus was seems,Haggai ceasedprophesying, or at least there is
succeededby Darius, the Persian. It was in the second no record of his further prophesying; but from that
year of the reign of Darius that God sent his two time forward Zerhariah exclusively filled the prophetic
prophets, Haggai and Zechariah, to stir up the Jews office concerning the work to be done on the temple.
and put them to work on the temple. Zechariah began Concerning the vision the prophet said: “I saw by
to prophesy two months later than Haggai, or, to wit, night, and behold a man riding upon a red horse, and
in the eighth month in the second year of the reign of he stood among the myrtle trees that were in the bot-
Darius.-Zech. 1;: 1. See Vindication, Book Three, tom [of the mountain] ; and behind him wcrc there
page 109. red horses, speckled, and white. ” (Zech. 1: 8) It being
Zechariah was a son of Berechiah, who was the son in the nighttime, the vision relates to a time when
of Iddo the prophet. Therefore Zechariah was the ‘there is darkness upon the earth, and gross darkness
grandson of the prophet. The scripture shows also that covers the people’. (Isa. 60: 2) The “man riding upon
Zechariah was a priest. (Neh. 12 : l-4,12-16) The a red horse” was the angel of the Lord which mate-
name Zechariah means “whom Jehovah remembers”, rialized and to whom other angels make report of the
and Zechariah foreshadowed God’s servant class on result of their investigation. (Zech. 1: 11) He was
the earth at the end of the world and whom God re- riding on a red horse, which is a symbol of sanguinary
members and makes living stones in his temple, which warfare. (Isa. 63 : 2) The ‘man on the red horse’ mani-
temple is his building for the vindication of his great festly represents Christ Jesus, the Leader and Field
name. The name Berechiah means “whom Jehovah Marshal of Jehovah’s war organization.-Ps. 45 : 4.
hath blessed”. Sometimes Zechariah was called the It is the time of inspection! The man on the red
son of Iddo, becausehc was in fact a son of the second horse “stood “, that is, he made his horse come to a
generation. (Ezra 5: 1) “Iddo” means “timely; one standstill, and this corresponds to the period of time
born on a feast day; loving; opportune”. We know of “silence in heaven” (Rev. S: l), it being the time
that Jehovah does everything at the opportune time. when there was inactivity between the end of the
Jehovah was displeased with the service of these Elijah work and the beginning of the Elisha work of
Israelites, and therefore he caused Zechariah to proph- the church. (Mal. 4: 5’6) (See Light, Book I, page 99.)
esy and say : “Return unto me, saith Jehovah of hosts. The rider on the red horse ‘stood among the myrtle
Be ye not as your fathers.” (Zech. 1: 2-5, A.R.V.) trees that were in the bottom ‘. Another translation
‘The’ir fathers had permitted the temple, which had (Kotherluwl, and the A.R. V., margin) renders. this
been built by Solomon, to be cluttered up with trash text “in the shade” or “shady place”. Evidently the
and defiled by idol worship, and now the returned leader stood his horse at a point on the side of the
captives from Babylon were showing the same disre- Mount of Olives in the shadow of the trees, and frcm
gard for God’s interests by permitting the building which point he makes an inspection of the city of
of the temple at Jerusalem to stop and lie in waste. Jerusalem, At that same time there were myrtle trees
(Hag. 1: 4) The words of the prophet Zcchariah serve growing on the side of the Mount of Olives. (Nell.
as a warning to all who are begotten of the Lord’s 8: 15) It was the appropriate place for the rider ta
spirit and who becomenegligent of the duties and obli- stand his horse, and the fact that mention is made that
gations laid upon them by the Lord. (Zech. 1: 6) Isaiah he stood his horse among the myrtle trees sllows that
prophesied of a similar displeasure on the part of it was at an appropriate time for Jchorah to return
Jehovah with his consecrated people on the earth. to his people, to restore to them his truth, and to gat1lr.r
(Isa. 6 : l-9 ; 12 : 1) This is one of the reasons why the them unto himself, “Myrtle” means or points to
Lord Jehovah sent his messageto cleanse his people, harvest, the time of restitution and joy. (See The
that is, to refine and cleanse the temple class; and I\‘utclftower 1931, page 149 ; Preservation, page 13.)
this work would necessarily mean the cleaning out This would fis the time of the fulfillment of the proph-
and putting on the side all the stubborn and rebellious ecy, to wit, at the time the Lord was gathering his
ones. All must know that Jehovah is God and that his people unto himself preparatory to cleansing them at
name shall be vindicated ; and this work must begin at the temple judgment.-I%. 50: 5 ; Isa. 41: 19 ; 55: 13.
the house of God. (Ma]. 3 : 1-3 ; Ezek. 20 : 1,37,38; The man on the red horse was inspecting the city of
33: 33) I Such preparatory and cleansing work must Jerusalem, which represented God’s covenant people.

The city of Jerusalem must, at the time, have pre- panied him at the time of judgment. (Uatt. 25: 31)
sented a sorry appearance, according to the description “Behold, the mountain was full of horses . . . of
given of it by the prophet. (Neh. 2: 11-E) The in- fire.” (2 Ki. 6: 17) These represent the war organi-
spector general of Jehovah’s hosts must have been zation of Jehovah. “And the armies which were in
filIed with indignation when he surveyed the desola- heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine
tion of Jerusalem. Likewise when Christ Jesus came in linen, white and clean.“-Rev. 19 : 14.
1918 to inspect the professed people of God and set
up the temple, he would look with indignation upon Zechariah’s prophecy, chapter fourteen, shows the
the desolation of the earthly part of God’s organi- two opposing armies assembled for war. Jehovah’s
zation, the covenant people of the Most High. At this army is under the immediate command of Christ
point the words of Isaiah seem quite appropriate and Jesus, and the army of Satan is under the immediate
espress the indignation of the Lord: “For the day of command of Gog, Satan’s field marshal. Then Jcho-
vengeance is in mine heart, and the year of my re- vah comes forth to direct the fight. He is pictured as
deemed [remnant people] is come.” (Isa. 63 : 4) This standing upon the mountain, and at the touch of his
locates the time of the beginning of the fulfillment of feet the mountain separates, forming a great valley
Zechariah ‘s prophecy. between the two mountains. From between these two
The inspector general of Jehovah’s’ hosts at the mountains come forth the war chariots of the Almighty
same time made an inspection of Satan’s earthly or- rushing into battle, and then follows a description of
ganization : “He stood, and measured the earth.” the most terrible war that will ever have been fought.
What he then saw would further increase his indigna- That is the end of war. The battle of the great day of
tion and in due time would increase his zeal to act God Almighty results in the release of all who love
in the destruction of the wicked world. “He beheld, righteousness and in the complete destruction of all
and drove asunder the nations.” (Hab. 3: 6) It is the who willfully work wickedness.
day of Jehovah’s preparation. (Nab. 2 : 3) Standing Jehovah now is commanding this testimony to be
behind the man on the red horse were other riders on given in the earth. Christ Jesus is the great witxxss,
“red horses, speckled [bay (margin) ; pale (Leeser)], and he has committed to the faithful remnant who
and white” horses. This shows that the inspector gen- are members of his organization the work of delivering
eral was accompanied by his army officers in the army this testimony on the earth. The purpose of the testi-
of Jehovah, and these make inspection and render then- mony is to afford the people an opportunity to take
report to their chief. (Zech. 1: 11) The conclusion is their stand on the side of Jehovah and live, and that
irresistible that these horsemen accompanying the the name of the Most High may be made known and
Lord Jesus represented his holy angels that accom- entirely vindicated.

THANKS TO JEHOYAH FOR GREAT AID instructions regarding the great blessings that are bound to
DEAR BROTII EB RVTIIEWORD : follow the use of the phonograph machines.
Your fellow soldiers in the fight to the vindication of Jeho-
All praise to Jehovah, who in his due time reveals his purpose rali ‘9 name,
to man! In the midst of the battle he u3sues his conuuands. BENJAXIN F. MEYERS,
His faithful witnesses are quick to hear and obey. So it is with HATTIE MEYERS, Auxdaaries.
the phonograph recently introduced Into general use n-it11 the
house-to-house witnessing. “ Use phonographs! ” was certainly
issued by the Commander-in-Chief of Jehorah ‘s army, Cl111st “THAT’S WHAT THE PEOPLE NEED”
Jesus. Under this fresh stimulus the work has gone folrvtrrd by DEAR BROTIIER RUTHERFORD:
leaps and bounds, adding a new zest and impulse and rcsultmg
in a more thorough and more widespread publishing of the Ifope this statement ~-111make your heart glad, and the hearts
kingdom good news. of those associated with yoq, m knowing horn JEIKNAEI is glv-
Latelv we have taken the ahonoeraDh with us on all our twit- in:: his increase to the work In New Jerwy after the eonventlon.
nessing. So enthused ale we-tvith &is’ latest provision of Jcho- On the morniug of February 9, while operating the sound car
vah for his witnesses that we cannot help but wlte you t’tJn- a patrol car approached me and the officer asked me if I was
cerning our joy and gratitude, and wonder horn we ever got connected with the Jehovah’s wtncsses of Secaucus. I answered
along without it before. him “Yes”. Then he iooked into the sound car where Sister
With machine In hand and the Dromiso to give a n~cssagc of Xclson was sittmg and I asked him if he wanted to see the
greatest importance to those w&in, entrance to more hotucs aplwatus. l[c looked at the apparatus and saw how it operated
than ever is possible. More than that, the short Bible talks by and then stnrted to go back to the patrol ear, in slouch was
Brother Rutherford break down prejudice of many years’ Stan4 seated another pohcemnn.
ing. People nom hear the Word n’llo had turned deaf ears to The policemnn again propounded a question and asked me
the radio talks, who had declined to read the testimony card, whether Judge Rutherford was a real judge of the bench. I an-
or who had set themselves in opposition to house-to-house pub- swered him ‘ ‘ Yes ” and told him that now Judge Rutherford
lishers. We have found, too, that almost inewtably the phce- was dedicated to the service of the Most High God and the
ment of books and booklets follows the presentation of the lectures which we were playmg were by Judge Rutherford.
phonograph lecture. Then he asked me who the one n-ns that was doing the talk-
Our thanks to Jehovah for this great aid in the work nntl to ing at the convention at Newark, and I answered him and told
you, Brother Rutherford, for transmitting to the field forces him it was Judge Rutherford in person. While this conversa-
tion nas taking place the lecture “ JEIIOVAH” was being played He answered, “Yes; there is someone sick on this street who
by the sound car. has made a complaint. ” Immediately I told him that I would
Then the other policeman in the car propounded a questxm be glad to accommodate him. The policeman was very courteous
and snid to me, “How do you people get along?“ I told him I and very kind.
would be only too glad to answer him, nnd said that I got along At the present time the police of North Bergen, New Jersey,
11v voluntnry contributions. I then told him that the car in have been actmg very kindly, giving us the right of way with
f;ont of him was owned by Sister Kelson who was in the car lights and salutmg us as \\e go through the streets, and it seems
notI that the apparatus was a voluutary contribution by people that Jehovah God through his King Jesus Christ is qlving the
thnt loved the Lord. increase nccordmg to his good pleasure to the police of North
Then the other noliceman told me. “Yes. at the convention Ccrgen, in that they are appreciating the truth which is being
I saw cars from dl parts of the c;untry.J’j Then I answered brought to their attention by the beautiful instrument provided
him and told him that these lectures were for the benefit of the by JEIIOVMI, the sound car.
people of good will and that everything was done to the honor Furthclmorc vou would be interested to know that while wit-
and Draise of JEIIOVM~‘S name. nnd for further informatIon nessing in the fiusiness district of Newark the businessmen if
ho could tune in to station WBSR. Then the other policeman that city lm\e shown a difrercnt attitude entirely towards the
in the car answered, “That’s what the -people
- need ; that ‘a truth since the conven;lon. I hale been placing books with some
what we want: the truth. ” of them, and some of them openly admitted that they enjoyed
Then the policemen acted very courteous and withdrew by the con\entiou cery much.
saluting Sister Nelson and myself in a kind way. We continued There was a time that at the mention of Judge Rutherford ‘a
with our work of broadcasting und by JEIIOVAH’S grace were name the people would not hare nnytlnng to do with us, but
having a wonderful time. since the convention their attitude h3s changed very much, and
Toward evening, just as we were about through with that now the people are gladly aeccpting us.
section of the territory, a police car again circled around us May the rich blessmgs of Jehovah through his King Christ
and just as the police car drove around the corner another Jesus be upon you as you endeavor continually to magnify I&s
policeman on foot approached me and asked me if I mouldn ‘t name.
mind moving out of that part of the territory. With that I Your bro:her In Christ,
asked him if he had receired instructions from headquarters, TIIOYAS UVW~A, I’toneer.

(Contznzled from page 112)

NEW JERSEY Columbus WBNS Su 7 :45am Wilkes-B. WRRE Su IO:4Oam San Angelo RGKL Su 9:30am
Asburv P. WCAP Su 12:45nm su 12:30Dm MO 3:15,m su 2 :45pur Su 6:3Opm Su 10 : IOani Su 1:30pm
Su -2:45pm Su 9:OOpm We 3:l$m Fr 3:lBim Williamsp. WRAK Su 6:15t)m SanAntonio KABC Su 9 : OOam
Newark WHBI Su 9*55am Greek Su 8:3Onm Su 7:hQm Th 7:30pm Su 5:OOpm
Su 6:25pm Su 9IOOpm Columbus WCOL Su 10 :OOam York WORK Su 12:2+m SpanMa Su 1:OOpm
Tu 3:45Dm . Th 2:3ODm Su 3:OOpm Su 6:25pm 8. Antonio KMAC Su 7 :55am
NEW MEXICO Sa 1:45bm su 2 :55ptn Su 7 :53pm
Carlsb3.d KLAH Su 10 :55am Columbus WHKC Su 5:25pm SOUTH CAROLINA WCSlWO KRGV Su 9:4&m
Su 1:OOpm su 5:0o(m hfo 1: 55pm Tu 1:55pm Greenvil!e WFBC Su 8 :OOam su 1:45pn1 Su 3:45pm
Roswell KGFL Su 5 :OOpm We 1:55pm Th 1:55pm Su 3:;Opm Su 9:30pm
MO 8:OOam MO 6:55pm Fr 1:55pm Spart’h’g WSPA Su 10:30am UTAB
Portsm’th WPAY MO 1l:OOnm Su 2:OOpm Su 4:40pm Price KEUB Su 11:45am
NEW YORK We 11 :OOnm Fr 11 :OOam Su l:?jpm Su 3:ljpm
Su 4:30pm Su 7:3Opm Elk City KASA Eu 10 :BUum Huron KGDY su 9.“5llul
Brooklyn WBBR Su 10: 13am Su 12:25pm Su 5:OOpm Su 12:3ODni We 5:55r11u Rutland WSYB RIO 3 :30pm
Su 6:30pm MO 10:30nm Enid CCRC su 10 * 13:1m PIen (? -KGFX Su 10 :O&, We 8 :3Opm Fr 8:3Opm
Tu 10 : 30am Tu 6:30pm su 1:25pm Su 3IOOpm Tu 4:OUpm Th 4 : OOpm
We 10 : 30am We 6:3Opm Rluskogee KBIX Su 10 :3lJam Sioux Falls KS00 Su 9 : 1o:uu VIRGINIA
Th 10:30am Th 6:30pm Su 2:15pm Su 5:55pm Su 9:4&m su 4::;opr11 Ilnl I Isonb. WSVA Su 12:15pm
Fr 10 :30am Fr 6:30pm Ok1‘a Citv KFXH Su 12 : 25am W’ntcrt ‘n KWTN Su lO:Oll:lm Su 2 :DOljm Su 4:45pm
Buffalo WGR Su 9 : 53%~~ Su (i:BOpm Su 7 :23pm Su 12:15pm Su 1:55pm Peter& ‘c WPHR Su 8 :5jam
su 10 : 4+1n Ponea Citv \VBBZ Su 9:55am Su in :%m hlo 8 :5&m
Buffalo WKBW Su 5 :55pm Su 12:BfDm su 4:Ssm TENNESSEE We 8 :Xam Fr 10 : ljam
Freeport WGBB Su 10 : 2Bam Shn nee ‘LiGFF Su 1:3Opm Bristol WOPI Mu 10 :&Jam Sa 8:53am
Su 12: 30pm su 5:5+l Su 3:55pm Su 5:55pm Hu 1 :lOpm su 4 :%pr11 t:ichrtlontl WRV.4 Su 12:lripm
White Pl. WFAS Su G:OOpm Tulsa KVOO Su 9-“&m .u Ja&on WTJS Su 10:3Oam ILonnolre WDBJ MO 5:Onpm
Tu 10 :55am Sa 10:55am Su 1O:OBam MO 4:53pm Su 12 : 15pm Su 2:23p
OREGON Knohvllle \VNOX Su 10 ::!Onm _ WASIIING’I’ON
NORTH CAROLINA Su 1?:53pm Su 9 :Gp
Greensboro WBIG Su 10:30:rm Astoria Th 2:55nm
EAST Tu 7 :OOzam
53, 11:53:lm Mrnir~his \VNBH. Su 12:4llrmi Everett KRliO Su 10:Ouam
Su 3 :O(tpin
High P’t WMFR Su 10:35am Su- 2:15pm Su 4:55pm Su 1:OOpm
Raleigh WPTF Su 3 : 30pm Portland
Su 4:15pm
*KWJJ Su 10:45am
Su. 9:OOpm
Srattlc KlHO su 10 : L’,i:1m
We 3:lBpm Fr 3:15pm TEXAS Su 5:15pm Su 9 :OOpm
milm’gton WMFDSu 10:3Oam PENNSYLVANlA Brady KNEL Su 9:30am Spokane KQA Su 9 : 133m
SU 12 : 25pm Su 4:30pm Allentown WSAN Mo 4 :OOum su 12:5+11 4 :30pru Tacoma KM0 Su 10:00atu
We 4:OOpm Fr d:OUi,m Dollas WRR :u, 9:30:lm Su 3 :OOpm Su 5:55pm
NORTH DAKOTA Enston WEST Su lO:L’3:uu Su 4:00pm Su 9 : 00n1u
i’nlley C ‘y KOVC Su 12 :30pm su 11:55n1u Su 9:%pm El Paso KTSSl Su 9:1&m WEST VIRGINIA
SU 1:30pm Su 2:45pm Grecnsb’g WHJB Su 1O:ljam Su 1:15pm Su 6:30pm Fairmout W&IhfNSu10:3Oam
Su 4:OOpm Lubbock KFY 0 Su 10 :55am Su l:-IDpm Su 3:OOpm
OHIO Harrisb’g WKBOSu 12:45lm su 1:xpm Su 4:25pm Huntmgtou WSAZ Su 1 :OOpm
Akron WJW Su 11:30am Su 3:55pm su 5:55pm Pnris KPLT Su 9:lOam Su 2:OOpm Su 3:OOpm
SU 2:25pm Su 6:OOpm Philad ‘a WTEL Su 12:3Opm Su 10 :2&m Su 5:OOpm Wheeling \VWVA Su 10:OOam
Su 10:15pm Su 1:25pm TU 5:30pm Pecos KIUN Su 10:55am Su 12 : 30pm Su 6:lnpm
Cle$a;d45D;HK Su 1l:OOpm Pittsburgh KQV Su 10:43om Su 1 :OOpm Su 5 :OOpm
: - Th 1:45Dm Pittsb ‘gh WWSW Su 10 :4&m Pt. Arthur KPAC Su 9 :30am WISCONSIN
Fr 1:45pm Su 6:OOpm Su 9:OOpm Su 2:35pm Su 4:3Opm Madison WIBA Su 9 : 30am
The good news of the kingdom of3ehouah is broadcast each week or oftener by these ad otlwr stations at time shown.
[Current local tlme Is shown k$dIltit Cl ‘a CMHI Merced KYOS Su 8:45am Nem Albany WGRC Su 9 :25am
In Instance.] (1st and 3d Sundays) Su 1:45pm Su 3:OOpm Su 12 : 25pm Su 4:15pm
Spanish Su 1l:OOam Oakland KROW Su 10:OOam T. Haute WBOW Su 12 : 00 nn
ARGENTINA Su 4:OOpm Su 7:OOpm Su 2:OOpm Su 4:OOpm
Bahia Blanca LU2 Su 11: 30am Tu 9:OOam Tu 2:OOnm
Buecos Aires LR2 Su 10:5Oam FRANCE Tu 11: OOpm We 8:15&n IOWA
Los Andes, San Juan Radio Lyon 8d 6:50pm Fr 9:30pm Sa 10 : OOpm Davenport WOC Su 10 : OOam
LV5 Su 10 :30am French We 7 :25pm Su 12 :15pm We 4:15pm
French Sa 7 :25pm COLORADO
Alamosa KGIW Tu 4:15pm
PARAGUAY Durango KIUp ii ~:~,“~~ Coffeyville KGGF Su 1:55pm
NEW SOUTH WALES Asuncion ZPl Su 10 :30am Sterling KGEK Su 2 :30pm Su 2:55pm Su 3:55pm
Albury 2-AY Tu 9:45pm
Grafton 2-OF Tu 7:30pm SPAIN N. Britain WNBC Su 8:OOam Louisville WGRC Su 9 : 25am
Gunnedah 2-MO Su 7 :OOpm Madrid EAQ 98tiOkc Su 8:lOam Su 10 : OOam Su 12 :25pm Su 4:15pm
New Castle 2-HD Su 10 :30am USA Eastern Standard Time Paducah WPAD Su 10 : OOam
Su 11:40pm DELAWARE
Su 6:30pm We 7 : 15pm Sa 7:15pm Su 2:45pm Su 8:30pm
We 6:30pm Wilmington WDELSu 1:15pm
Ypanash Su ti :45pm Su 5:45pm Su 9:39pm
W ‘ga W ‘ga 2- WG Su 7 : 45pm MAINE
Brisbane 4-BC Su 7 :30am URUGUAY Washington WOL Su 10 :OOam Su 1:15pm Su 4:OOpm
Cairns 4CA Su 7 : OOpm Montevideo CXlO Su 12:15pm Su 1:OOpm Su 6:30pm Bangor WLBZ Su 4 :45pm
Marybor’h 4-MB We 9:45pm (Radio International) Presque I. WAGM Su 9 : 45am
FLORIDA Su 12 : 30pm Su 1:55pm
Tomnsville 4-TO Su 9 : 15pm Jacksonv. WMBR Su 9:55am
TASMANIA Su 12 : 30pm Su 5:30pm MARYLAND
Ulverstone 7-UV Su 6 :25pm UNITED STATES Lakeland WLAK Su 9 :30am
Baltimore WCAO Su 10 : 30am
Su 10 :20pm We 6:25pm Su 12 : 30pm Su 5:OOpm
Orlando WDBO Su 11 :OOam Su 12:45pm Su 10 : 45pm
Frederick WFMD Su 10 : 30am
VICTORIA Birm’ham WAPI Su 10:15pm Pensacola WCOA Su 1: 45pm
Su 5:OOpm Su 5:45pm Su 1:30pm Su 5:OOpm
Bendigo 3-BO Su 7 : OOpm su 4:30pm We 5:15pm Hagerst ‘n WJEJ Su 10 : 25am
Hamilton 3-HA Su 6 : 45um Decatur WMFO Su 12 : 30pm Tallahassee WTAL Su 10 :OOam
Su 1:OOpm Su 4:OOpm Su 1:40pm Su 9:15pm
Melbourne 3-AK Su 2:15pm Su 2:OOpm Su 4:OOpm
Su 10 : OOpm Dotllan WAGF Su 9 : 30am MASSACHUSETTS
Swan Hill 3-SH Su 7 : 15pm Su 1:45pm Su 3 :OOpm GEORGIA
Gadsden WJBY Su 1:15pm AtlIens WTFI Su 9 : 25am Boston WCOP Su 9 :30am
WEST AUSTRALIA SB 3:OOpm Su 5:55pm Su 1l:OOam Sa 7:OOpm Su 10 :45am Su 1:lOpm
Kalgoorlie 6-KG Su 7 :OOpm M’tgomery WSFA Su 4:OOpm Atlanta WATL Su 10 : 50am Boston WHDH Su 9 :45am
Northam 6-AM Su 7 :OOpm We 4 : OOpn1 Fr 4:OOpm Su 2:OOpm Su 9:OOpm Su 1:3Opm Su 3:OOpm
Selma WHBB Su 10 : loam Augusta WRDW Su 11 :OOam Boston WMEX Su 10 :30am
Su 12:25pm Su 4:lOpm Su 2:OOpm Su 4:30pm Su 4:55pm Su 7:45pm
BELGIUM Griffin WKEU Su 9 :40am
Wallonia-Bonne Esperance Tuscaloosa WJRD Su 10 :30am
Su 2:OOpm Su 4:30pm su 2:45Dm su 4:30Dm MICHIGAN
(201.7 m) We 7:OOam Rome ~VRGA su 10:50im Detroit WJR Su 10:OOam
ALASKA Su 5:OOpm Su 8:50pm Kalamazoo WKZO Su 8 : 2Oam
BRAZIL Anchorage KFQD MO 9 :lOpm Waycross WAYX Su 9:lOam Su 9:OOam Su 9:55am
Sao Paulo PRF-3 We 9 :lOpm Sa 9:lOpm Su 10 : 45am Su 12 :45pm Nuskegon IVKBZ Su 10 :30am
Spanish Su 5:55pm Ketch1kan KGBU MO 7:15pm HAWAII
Su 3:15pm Su 5:55pm
German Tu 5:55pm Th 7:15pm Sa 7:15pm Hi10 KHBC Su 10 : OOam
Englwh Th 5:55pm MINNESOTA
ARIZONA IDAHO F ‘gus Falls KGDE Su 10 : OOam
Jerome KCRJ Su 4 : OOpm Boise KID0 Su 10 :55am Su 1:45pm Su 7:15pm
CANADA Phoenix KOY Su 9 : 20am
Su 7:OOpm We 4:OOpm
su 12 :45pm Su 5:30pm
Idaho Falls KID Su 10 : OOam MISSISSIPPI
Eelowna CKOV Su 1:45pm Su 1 :OOpm Su 4:OOpm Hattiesb’g TVFOR Su 1 :OOpm
Su 5 :45pm
Nampa KFXD Su 10 :OOam
Spanish Su 9 : 3Oa.m Su 3:30pm Su 5:30pm
ONTARIO Su 11:40am Su 7:15pm
Cobalt CKMC Su 3 :15pm Pocatello KSEI Su 10 : 15am
Hamilton CKOC Su 10 : OOam Su 3:lOpm Su 4:45pm
Su 1:30pm Su 8:30pm Hot Sp’gs KTHS Su 10:15am Columbia KFRU Su 10 t30am
Pohsh Su 6:20pm Jonesboro KBTM Su 8 :30am ILLINOIS Su 1:30pm Su 2:45pm
Su 3:55pm Su 5 :lOpm Harrisb ‘g WEBQ Su 4 : 45pm St. Joseph KFEQ Su 10 :OOam
(1st and 3d Sundays)
Su 6:45pm Su 9:OOpm Su 1:35pm Su 3:40pm
CALIFORNIA Rockford WROK Su 9 :15am
CHINA Bakersf ‘Id KPMC Su 10 :3Oam Su 12 :55pm Su 3:45pm NEBRASKA
Shanghai XHHE Su 5:OOpm Su 1:15pm Su 8:25pm Rock Is. WHBF Su 9 :15am
Su 12:45pm Su 4:OOpm Lincoln KFAB Su 9 : 30am
El Centro KXO Su 4 : 30pm Scottsbluff KGKY MO 5 : 30pm
MO 10:30am Tu 4:30pm Tuscola WDZ Su 9:35am Tu 5:30pm Fr 5:30pm
CUBA We 10 : 30am Th 4:30pm Su 11:55am Su 1:50pm
Camaguey CMJF Su 11:45am Fr 10 : 30am Sa 4:30pm
Havana CMQ and Spanish Su 4 :35pm INDIANA NEW HAMPSHIRE
shortwave COCQ 9740kc LosAn eles KMTR Su 2 :55pm Evansville WGBF Su 9 : 25am Laconia WLNH Su 10:lOam
USA Eastern Standa1d Time MO !I :55pm Tu 2:55pm Su 2:25pm Su 4:30pm Su 2:lOpm Su 6:55pm
su 5:45pm We 2:55pm Tl1 2:55pru Ilammond WWAE Su 10 : 15am
Spanish Su 5 :30pm Fr 2:55pm Sa 2 : 55pm Su 3:25pm Su 10 : OOpm (Contkwed on page 111)
117 Adams Street - Brooklyn,
N.Y., U.S.A. T HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling
the people to know Jehovah God. and his purposes as
expressed in the Bible.
It ublishes Bible instruction
designed to aid Jehova E 'B witnesses. It arranges
J. F. RUTHERFQBD President TV. E. VAN AMBURQB Secretary systematic Bible study for ita readers and supplies other liter.
ature to aid in such studies, It publishes suitable material
‘And all thy child ren shall be taught of Jehovah; and for radio broadcasting and for other means of public instruc-
great shall be the peace of thy children.“- Isaiah 54:~‘. tion in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utter-
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY rEACH ances. It is entirely free and separate from all parties, sects
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, is from everlasting or other’ worldly organizations. It is wholly and without
to everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver reservation for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ
of life to his creatures; that the Logos was the beginning of his Beloved King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful
his creation and his active agent in the creation of all things; and critical examination of Its contents in the light of the
that the Logos is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed Scnptures. It does not indulge m controversy, and its eol-
with all power in heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive umns are not open to personalities.
Officer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION PRICE
man for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully UNITED STATES $1.00 * CANADA AND MISCELLANEOUS FOREIGN,
disobeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by $1.50. GBF,AT ‘BEITAIN’ AUSTRALASIA AND SOUTH AFRICA, 7s
reason of Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and American remittances should be made b Ex ress or Postal Money
Order, or by Bank Draft, Canadian, fLiti& South African and
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branch otAces. Remittance3 from countries other than those men-
THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suf- tioned may be made to the Brooklyn of&e, but by Internnational
fered death m order to produce the ransom or redemptive Postal Money Order only.
price for all mankind; that God raised up Jesus divine\ and
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every
name and clothed him with all power and authority. British . . . . . . . . .34 Craven Terrace, London, W. 2, England
Canadian . . . . . . 40 Irwin Avenue, Toronto 6, Ontario, Canada
THAT JEHOVAH’S ORGANIZATION is called Zion, and Australasian . . 7 Beresford Road, Strathfield. N. 9. W., Australia
that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the South Afrieua . . . . . . Boston House, Cape Town, South Africa
rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful Please address the Society in every case.
followers of Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of
Jehovah’s organization, and are his witnesses whose duty and
privilege it is to testify to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare (Tran8latiotIU of this journal appear in 8evWZl htguage8.)
his purposes toward mankind aa expressed in the Bible, and
to bear the fruits of the kingdom before all who will hear.
THAT THE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ AR sincere students of the Bible who by reason of infirmity,
has been placed by Jehovah upon, his throne of authority, poverty or adversity are unable to pay the subscription price
may have The Watchtower free upon written applicntion to the
has ousted Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the publishers. made once each year, stating the reason for so re-
establishment of God’s kingdom on earth. questing it. We are glad to thus aid the needy, but the written
application once each year is required by the postal regulations.
THAT THE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth
can come only by and through Jehovah 'B, kingdom under Notice to Subscribers: Acknowledgment of a new or a renewal sub-
scription wfll be sent only when requested. Change of address,
Christ which has now begun; that the Lord’s next great when requested, may be expected to appear on address label within
act is the destruction of Satan’s organization and the estab- one month. A renewal blank- (carrying notice of ex lratlon) will
lishment of righteousness in the earth, and that under the be sent with the journal one month before the subscr Pption expires.
kingdom all those who will obey its righteous laws shall live Entered a.9 Second Claus Mail Matter at Brooklyn, N. I., Postoflce.
on earth forever. Act of dfarch 9, 1879.


The coming testimony period, “Glittering Sword,” from The Society now manufactures and has to offer a light-weight
June 5 to 13 mcluslve, will afford a most generous opportumty phonograph of new design, which is 14 by 13 by 5 inches m Blze,
for the people of good will to get the Lord’s latest provision, and covered with brown cloth and having rounded corners. It
weighs 9 pounde 13 ounces, which is 51 pounds lighter than
to learn bow they may find protection and preservation from the previous model manufactured by the Society. With the three
Jehovah’s Glittermg Sword. During this period the kingdom phonograph discs which can be carried in it, It weighs 12 pounds
publishers w111offer the people a 50~ combination; this to consmt 6 ounces. The volume of sound 1s just. as strong as that of the
of the two books Etches and Preservatson and four booklets, previous model, and the tone IS of the best quality. As slnpped
m&ding Protectzon, Uncovered, and Armugeddon. Till then out from our factory, the phonograph 1s timed properly, at
the Informant will give fuller and further details concermng 78 r.p.m., and should be checked from time to time. This new
this period, and all publishers will inform themselves there- model, including three discs, is offered on a contnbution of
from and proceed accordingly. Your promptitude in preparmg $10.00; without the three discs, $8.00. Remittance should
accompany orders. Also specify the particular
- discs wanted.
all needful things for this period will be pleasing to the Lord
and blessed. Please report to this office the result of your service. HELP RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION WITHOUT DELAY
For the convemenee of the subscrIber, a renewal blank IS
sent with The Watchtower one month before expiration (on
“ARMAGEDDON” foreign subscriptions, two months). Renew your subscrIptIon
This new 64-page booklet is a thriller and of absorbing In- promptly and fill in the renewal blank which IS mailed to you
terest. It contams the president’s public address on that sub- with your Watchtower. 81gn your name uniformly; give street
and number, city and state; date your renewal blank, and please
ject, which held spellbound vast European and American audi- use the blanks sent to you enclosed in The Watchtower. These
ences, and also includes a clear Scriptural discussion of who subscription blanks tell us which numbers will be necessary
will survive that dread conflict.. The release of this booklet for with your renewal order. Always read carefully the reverse mde
regular house-to-house witnessing is announced elsewhere. Mean- of the renewal blank. When you change your address it is always
time you may procure the booklet for your own information and necessary to glva the old as well as the new address. This should
preparation, at 5c a copy. be doue two weeks before change of address becomes effective.
VOL. LVIII APRIL 15, 1937 1:o. 8


“Take an harp, go about the city, thou harlot that hast been forgotten: make sweet ntclodt~, skg many songs,
that thou mayest be remembered.“-1sa. 23: 16.

J EHOVAH uses natural things, such as the crea- hovah declares he will search out all his enemies. The
tures of the nation of Israel and those people who Hierarchy is the enemy of Jehovah and of his organ]-
had dealings with Israel, to picture or foreshadow zation : “Thine hand shall find out all thine enemies:
spiritual and natural things to be enacted in the fu- thy right hand shall find out those that hate thee. Thou
ture, but on a far greater scale. (1 Cor. 10 : 11) Jeho- shalt make them as a fiery oven in the time of thine
vah’s due time having arrived to make clear the mean- anger: the Lord shall swallow them up in his wrath,
ing of such prophetic pictures, he grants to those who and the fire shall devour them. Their fruit shalt thou
love and serve him the privilege of seeing the meaning destroy from the earth, and their seed from among
thereof. This privilege is not given to the selfish and the children of men. For they intended evil against
supercritical ones. This favor to those who love him is thee; they imagined a mischievous device, which they
granted in the ‘perilous days’ that his own faithful are not able to perform.” (Ps. 21: S-11) At the hc-
remnant may have comfort and that their hope may ginning of Armageddon Jehovah will cxccute that
be strong. The Roman Catholic Hierarchy, leader of hypocritical organization.
religious organizations, is very arrogant, boastful, ’ The prophecy is then addressed to the subordinate
scornful and vicious, and acting in utter defiance of parts of the enemy organization, the modern Tyre:
God’s commandments. The vessels or instruments em- “Is this your [Tarshish’s] joyous city [mother or-
ployed by the Hierarchy who do the Hierarchy’s bid- ganization], whose antiquity is of ancient days? IICI
ding likewise act viciously and without regard to the own feet shall carry her afar off to sojourn.” (Isa.
rights of others and wholly contrary to the Word of 23: 7) The Catholic Hierarchy is not at all joyous in
God. The prophecy at the 23d chapter of Isaiah, at Jehovah, although hypocritically and falsely claiming
this point; continues to speak,of the conditions of the to represent God. It is joyous in its own merchandrx
Hierarchy and allies immediately before and at the and profits in the gay markets dealing in humankind.
beginning of Armageddon. The Hierarchy and allied clergy employ all kinds of
2 Chittim was the island nearest to Tyre, while worldly schemesto entice the people and cause them
Tarshish was at the opposite end of the Great or Mcdi- to give up their money. In the church buildings they
terrancan sea. To get from Tyre to Tarshish one must have, at stated intervals, concerts, Christmas cantatas,
travel the full length of the Mediterranean sea. It is bazaars, socials, dances, athletics, and like things in
understood that Tarshish was a colony situated on the order to attract the people to join their church con-
coast of Spain and belonging to Tyre and Zidon. Jonah gregations and to relieve themselves of their money
took ship from Tarshish in order to flee far away from for the benefit of the religionists. The words of the
his assigned duty. (Jonah 1: 3) Says the prophet: prophet are in the nature of a question addressed to
“Pass ye over to Tarshish ; howl, ye inhabitants of the the smaller parts of the Roman Catholic organization
isle. ‘? (Isa. 23 : 6) “Pass yc over to Tarshish, howl, calling direct attention to the vanity of the Hierarchy.
ye inhabitants of the coast.’ ‘--Rotherham. To these smaller ones the prophet, in substance, says:
8 In the fulfillment of this part of the prophc:y the ‘Have you anything to exult in now, seeing that mod-
lesser and dependent parts of the Catholic organiza- ern Tyre, the Roman Catholic Hierarchy and allies
tion, whether far from the mother organization or near and dupes are in a wrecked and spoiled condition 1
thereto, would have reason to howl and lament over You boasted that it was so solidly built and fortified
the destruction of the Catholic Hierarchy, the modern that nothing could do it serious damage. You boasted
Tyre. Missionary establishments, operating in the most in its strength and rcliccl upon it for protection and
distant parts of the earth from Rome, will be scarchcd salvation and therefore automatically did its bidding.
out and rcachcd by the hancl of Jehovah, because .Je- Aiodcrn Tyre, the Roman Catholic organization, has

failed you.’ Therefore says the prophet concerning a The day to pay for the Hierarchy comes, and the
Tyre : “Whose antiquity is of ancient days.” Tyro Lord God says to that Roman, scornful, boastful and
was preceded by Zidon, that latter city being men- wicked religious organization, which has ill-treated his
tioned in Genesis the tenth chapter in connection with faithful children : “Behold, I will raise them out of the
Babel, and it may well correspond to the religionists place whither ye have sold them, and will return your
of Pagan Rome, which merged into Papal Rome. Tyrc, recompence upon your own head: and I will sell your
even in the days of Joshua, was called a “strong city”, sons and your daughters into the hand of the children
and must have been founded on its rocky ground be- of Judah, and they shall sell them to the Sabeans, to
fore the time of Joshua. The Roman Catholic Hicr- a people far off: for the Lord hath spoken it.“-
archy claim that theirs is the oldest, the mother and the Joel 3 : 7,8.
true church organization, because it is the oldest PC- * Jehovah always makes good his word. The day of
ligious organization of “Christendom”, and they cite recompense is absolutely certain to come, and the
in support of this claim that its antiquity dates from pay-off will be at the beginning of Armageddon, and
the time of Christ. It claims an unbroken chain of the Hierarchy wiil find no way to avoid it. “Thus
apostolic successorsback to the apostle Peter; it calls saith the Lord, For three transgressions of Tyrus, and
itself “the Eternal City”. for four, I will not turn away the punishment thereof;
6 But what shall be the end of the Roman Catholic becausethey delivered up the whole captivity to Edom,
Hierarchy organization, that is, modern Tyre? Jeho- and remembered not the brotherly covenant : but I will
vah, by his prophet, says: “Her own feet shall carry send a fire on the wall of Tyrus, which shall devour
her afar off to sojourn.” (Verse 7) Rome thinks she the palaces thereof.“-Amos 1: 9,lO.
is too ancient to ever have to move ; that she is so lo With the beginning of Armageddon modern Tyre
thoroughly and completely entrenched in her position will cease,and no more will her feet carry her and her
that no storm can move her bulwarks; and for this missionaries to the many lands of the earth, there to
reason she claims to be invulnerable. Further speaking seek new markets in which to exploit the people, but
by his prophet, Jehovah says: “Behold, the Lord hath she will go to the place where she will remain per-
a mighty and strong one, which, as a tempest of hail, manently. Of that crowd Jesus said: “Serpents, prog-
and a destroying storm, as a flood of mighty waters eny of vipers ! how can you escape the judgment of
overflowing, shall cast down to the earth with the hand. the Gehenna?“-Matt. 23 : 33, Diaglott.
The crown of pride, the drunkards of Ephraim, shall l1 The proselyting work of the Roman Catholic Hier-
be trodden under feet. . . . When the overflowing archy and her vessels or instruments will cease then
scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden for ever. To all her supporters the words of Jesus will
down by it.“-Isa. 28: 2,3,18. then appear applicable and appropriate to the Hier-
8 Her arrogance and boasting attitude will bring archy: “Woe unto you [promoters and rulers of mod-
her no good. Modern Tyre has existed for a long while ern Tyre], scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites ! for ye
and has practiced her wickedness with little hindrance, compasssea and land to make one proselyte ; and when
and in the minds of her mighty men is entirely secure he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of
in her position ; but, according to Roth-ham, “Though [ Gehenna] than yourselves.” (Matt. 23 : 15) A ques-
from ancient days is her antiquity, yet shall her own tion is then propounded by the prophet of Jehovah
feet carry her away far off to dwell,” that is, to re- to all who have the hearing ear : “Who bath taken this
main permanently, by being removed from her place counsel against Tyre, the crowning city, whose mer-
of existence into destruction, and there shall she re- chants are princes, whose traffickers are the honour-
main for ever. able of the earth?” (Isa. 23: 8) Another rendering of
‘By his prophet Joel Jehovah speaks of the ill this text is: “Who hath purposed this against Tyre,
treatment to which his covenant people have been sub- the bestower of crowns?” (Revised Version and Roth-
jected by modern Tyre, the Hierarchy of Rome. In erl~~m) These words further identify the Roman Cath-
this prophecy Judah and Jerusalem stand for the pco- olic Hierarchy, becausefor centuries the Roman Cath-
ple of God’s organization. During the World War the olic Hierarchy has claimed that the pope has the power
religionists, led by the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, and the authority to crown and to deposeearthly kings.
attempted to rid the earth of those who are and were To those thus crowned and who have submitted to the
devoted to Jehovah. Concerning this Jehovah says by domination of the rcligionists, the IIierarchy has been
his prophet : “Tea, and what have ye to do with me and is the “higher powers”. The Hierarchy demands
[Jehovah], 0 Tyrc, and Zidon, and all the coasts of the full obedience of each one of its underclergy, as
Palestine? will ye render me a recompence1 and if ye well as obedience of the political rulers of many lands,
recompense me, swiftly and speedily will I return your and the Bicrarchy bestows titles upon whomsoever
recompenee upon your own head: . . . The children that organization choosesto honor, and thereby makes
also of Judah and the children of Jerusalem hart ye men “princes of the church”, and thc:c trnfiickcrs,
sold unto the Grecians, that ye might remove them acting at the behest of modern Tyre, are the “honour-
far from their border.“-Joel 3: 4-G. able [men] of the earth”. When one of these Roman

“princes” visits America, for instance, the politicians, God hath shined.” (Ps. 50 : 2) The Hierarchy fraudu-
with bands of music and flags, meet him at the dock, lently seizes upon this test and misapplies it, assumes
bow down, kiss his ring, and perform a lot of other to stand in the place of God, and claims for those of
senseless religious ccremonics. The Roman Catholic the Hierarchy the beauty and glory that belong only
Hierarchy demands that the political rulers of the to the Lord. Therefore Jehovah declares his purpose
earth, and the “Catholic population”, the common to “humble the pride of all beauty’ ‘.--Rotherhal~l.
people, shall regard the Hierarchy and speak of its I5 That religious, mercantile, political, arrogant, ex-
members as “spiritual princes”, who are in no wise trcmcly salfish and proud organization shall fall, as
subject to political rulers. Even a king or an earthly Jehovah God has decreed, to wit: “Say unto Tyrus,
monarch is permitted to kiss the big toe of the so-called 0 thou that art situate at the entry of the sea, w~hieli
“holy father”, the head of the Hierarchy. art a merchant of the people for many isles, Thus saith
l2 Manifestly the question propounded at verse eight the Lord God, 0 Tyrus, thou hast said,‘1 am of perfect
above quoted is to rivet attention upon the Hierarchy : beauty.” (Ezek. 27 : 2, 3) The Hierarchy thus posts
“Who hath purposed this against Tyre sl” The answer before all nations of earth. Her allies and her dupes
to that question appears below, and the language em- sing of her glory and beauty, whether the singers be-
ployed shows that it is at the time when Jehovah is lieve it or not; the politicians do it becausethey want
exercising his power to punish the workers of iniquity, political support. All these vessels or instruments sup-
that is, modern Tyre, the Devil’s chief visible instru- porting the Hierarchy fall in line and shout of her
ment : “The Lord of hosts hatb purposed it, to stain glory and beauty. To them Jehovah says: “The ships
the pride of all glory, and to bring into contempt all of Tarshish did sing of thee in thy market; and thou
the honourable of the earth.” (Verse 0) God plainly wast replenished, and made very glorious in the midst
states : “I have purposed it, I will also do it.” (Isa. of the seas.” (Ezek. 27 : 25) But the day is not far
46: 11) Let no one doubt that God will carry out his distant when those singers and glorifiers of the Hier-
purpose. Modern Tyre is made up of an arrogant, archy and all of her allied religionists will come to a
boastful, proud and scornful company and demands sorrowful end, because Jehovah says: “Thy riches,
and receives high eatcem and the plaudits of men. Je- and thy fairs, thy merchandise, thy mariners, and thy
hovah’s decree upon such is announced by the Lord pilots, thy talkers, and the occupiers of thy merchan-
Jesus, to wit: “That which ia highly esteemed among dise, and all thy men of war, that are in thee, and in
men is abomination in the sight of God.” (Luke all thy company which is in the midst of thee, shall
16 : 15) “Whosoever shall exalt himself shall be fall into the midst of the seas in the day of thy rum.
abased.” (Matt. 23 : 12) These fised rules of Jehovah The suburbs shall shake at the sound of the cry of thy
are not subject to change, and are certain to be en- pilots. And all that handle the oar, the mariners, and
forced against all who come within the scope thereof; all the pilots of the sea, shall come down from their
and this certainly includes the Roman Catholic IIicr- ships, they shall stand upon the land; and shall cause
archy. It is Jehovah who has purposed the destruction their voice to be heard against thee, and shall cry
of modern Tyre, the great religious harlot organiza- bitterly, and shall cast up dust upon their heads, they
tion. And why? The Scriptural answer is, “to stain shall wallow thcmsclves in the ashes. And they shall
[(A&V., n:argzn) profane] the pride of all glory.” make thcmselvcs utterly bald for thee, and gird them
Certainly this means all glory that has been taken with sackcloth, and they shall weep for thee with bit-
away from God, to whom it belongs, and been be- terness of heart and bitter wailing. And in their wail-
stowed upon creatures. ing they shall take up a lamentation for thee, and
l* The men composing the Roman Catholic Bier- lament over thee, saying, What city is like Tyrus,
archy, or modern Tyre, ‘clothe themsclvcs in garments like the destroyed in the midst of the sea?“--Ezelc.
of glory and beauty’ and then “strut their stuff” in 27 : 27-32.
public places to be seen of men, that they may receive lo To all the peoples of this world, who stand on the
honor and glory of men. They consider that they are side and see the fall of the mighty religious organiza-
granting a great privilege to men to kiss their finger tions, it will seem‘very strange’ that God would expose
or toe. They call thcmsclves by high-sounding titles and destroy such, or that which the clergy have called
and claim that their glory and “holy” beauty is so by the name of the Lord. For many ccnturics the
sacred that it is a dreadful sin for anyone to profane Roman Catholic Hierarchy has assumed the name
or criticize their attitude or to teach the people any- of God and Christ, and claimed to be the only true
thing of the Bible that calls attention to God’s denun- organization of the Lord. But the Lord God marks
ciation of religious hypocrisy. The proclamation of their hypocrisy and says concerning that hypocritical
God’s truth quoted from the Bible “shocks the reli- organization : “Therefore will I do unto this house,
gious susceptibilities” of those hypocritical clerical which is called by my name, wherein ye trust, and unto
gentlemen and all their allies. the place which I gave to you and to your fathers, as
I4 It is written concerning Jehovah and his heavenly I have done to Shiloh.“-Jer. 7: 14.
organization: “Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, I* Who on the earth today claim the cxclusivc right

to use the radio and to speak to the people thereby, in the prophecy as the “daughter,,. The fact that
and to tell the people what they shall or shall not be- Tarshish should be told to pass through her own land
lieve and do4 Who arc the ones claiming to be “the on a sight-seeing or inspection journey to observe the
honourable [men] of the earth”, entitled to the praise, effect of God’s purpose as executed indicates that
honor and acclaim of all others? What class of men God’s “strange act”, at the beginning thereof, will
scornfully push aside all those who dare speak of destroy the Hierarchy organization, that is, the in-
God’s Word without first obtaining their permission. animate corporation, and that some of the clergy un-
To these questions the answer is, The Roman Catholic der or beneath the “Hierarchy of Jurisdiction” will
Hierarchy, their allies or close associates.Jehovah de- remain alive for a time and see the effects before they
clares that it is his purpose to “bring into contempt themselves are destroyed in the battle as it progresses.
all [these] honourable of the earth”, or “to make of lo To those survivors, for a season at the beginning
little esteem” such exalted ones. (Roth.) The Hier- of the battle of the great day, the Lord says: “There
archy, the main organization, the Jesuits, the Nazis, is no more strength [ (nmrgin) girdle] .” The word
the Fascists, the allied clergy, are the ones of whom here rendered “strength” is different from the word
the Lord speaks when he says : “Whose traffickers are translated “strength” at verse fourteen followiu~.
the honourable of the earth.” (Verse 8) And what Says the English Revised Vewion: “There is no girdle
means will Jehovah employ to bring such “honour- about thee any more, ” that is, from the mother or-
able” men into contempt 1 Such so-called “honorable” ganization, modern Tyre, the “Hierarchy of Jurisdic-
men are the instruments of Satan and therefore ene- tion “, because that system is laid low in the dust and
mies of God, and in the battle of the great day of God can give no more support to its vessels. This is proof
Almighty, in the day of his wrath, he will destroy that not only the lower order of the clergy, which rc-
them. “Thou shalt make them as a fiery oven in the main, which have been used as tools of the Hierarchy
time of thine anger: the Lord shall swallow them up to do menial service to the ‘organization of jurisdic-
in his wrath, and the fire shall devour them. Their tion ‘, will be made to drink of the cup of the bitter
fruit shalt thou destroy from the earth, and their seed wrath at the Lord’s hand, but also that the highest
from among the children of men.” (Ps. 21: 9, IO) ones in the Hierarchy, including the pontiff, shall
Jehovah’s “strange work” is now exposing the du- drink deeply, “spue [out], and fall.“-Jer. 25: 27.
plicity and hypocrisy of those self-styled “ honour- 2” Another translation of this text reads: “There is
able” ones; and his “strange act”, at the beginning, no restraint any more,” (A.R.V.) The Hierarchy now
will rid the earth of that hypocritical religious organi- puts restraint upon those who tell the truth about her
zation and will proceed to the complete wrecking of and who inform the people about God’s kingdom as
the entire organization of the Devil, As Armageddon the only hope of mankind. Jehovah’s witnesses have
begins, the destruction of religionists will appear to now been commanded by the Lord, ‘Rise ye up against
all who are not on the side of Jehovah and his King her in battle,’ and in obedience to this command the
as “strange”, very strange. faithful go forth amidst great opposition to declare
l8 The Roman Catholic Hierarchy, that is, “the the message of God of and concerning his purpose.
Hierarchy of Jurisdiction,” which rules, claims to be Restraint does not stop them. The Roman Catholic
the mother organization. Her supporters, agents, tools, Hierarchy brings to bear all its influence and power
vessels and instruments used, are her offspring or esercised by and through religionists, politicians and
“daughters’,. Jehovah, by his prophet, now addrcsscs commercial men, and the courts, to restrain Jehovah’s
the daughter class and says: “Pass through thy land witnesses and to prevent them from telling the truth.
as a river [as the Nile (R.V. and Roth.)], 0 daughier When Armageddon begins that restraint will be re-
of Tarshish ; there is no more strength.” (Isa. 23 : 10) moved and “no restraint any more” will be upon Je-
The river Nile passes through the entire length of hovah’s witnesses, because the witness work in the
Egypt and from time to time overflows its banks and earth will then be finished and the marking and gath-
floods the country round about; so Jehovah says to ering of the great multitude by the Lord to himself
those addressed: “Pass through”; that is to say, make will be complctcd. Until that time, as it is written, the
complete inspection of the work and act of Jehovah ‘four angels, to whom is given to hurt the earth and
and its effect; go and see for yourselves and verify the sea’, continue to hold back the storm of t!m Lord.
ail that his “strange work” does concerning the IIicr- (Rev. 7 : l-3) The time comes when the restraint ends,
archy and other clergy. Jehovah has called his pcol,lc and then there will be ‘no more restraint’ upon the
to “rise up against her in battle” and to proclaim “ten horns” of the “beast”, which shall turn upon
God’s judgment against the religious organization, the Uierarchy religious organization and rend it at the
and such, in the prophecy of Isaiah, is called “thy will of God, and when Jehovah’s great Executioner
land”, that is, meaning the organization to which the shall completely wreck every part of Satan’s organi-
supporters or vessels give service and support. The zation. Religion, that has for so long brought reproach
parent organization has colonized, supervised and np- upon Jehovah’s name, and religious organizations and
propriated to its service and exploited those dcsignatcd their political and commercial laws shall completely
APBIL 15, 1937 119

pass away in the battle of the great day of God Al- stand the assault by Jehovah’s Executioner. Christ
mighty as it progresses. Jesus possessesthe keys to hell, and hell shall not pre-
*l As ancient Tyre built her commerce upon the sea vail against him and his organization. The Roman
and the coastlands round about, even so modern Tyre, Catholic Hierarchy has wrongfully adopted and ap-
the mighty religious system, has built her commerce plied the words spoken by Jesus concerning His or-
upon the peoples all round about her, situated in her ganization, to wit: “The gates of hell shall not prevail
supposed invulnerable place at Rome. The time comes against it” ; but the day is not far distant when the
for Jehovah’s “strange act” to begin, and, looking Hierarchy will seeher complete end and will fully know
back upon the efiects thereof, his prophet says: “He the day of deceiving others has come to a final end.
stretched out his hand over the sea; he shook the king- To those who love and faithfully serve Jehovah he
doms; the Lord hath given a commandment against now gives this information in advance of the fall of
the merchant city, to destroy the strong holds thereof.” that hypocritical and wicked organization, to the end
(Isa. 23 : 11) The religious organizations boastfully that such faithful may be comforted and have in-
claim both the sea and the land, but the claim thereof creased hope.
is false : “The sea is his, and he made it ; and his hands 24Viewing the prophecy of the twenty-third chapter
formed the dry land.“-Ps. 95: 5. of Isaiah as a whole, it appears that the period of re-
** At Armageddon Jehovah, by his Executioner, rids joicing by the Roman Catholic Hierarchy precedes
the sea and the land of all of Tyre’s trade ships, that Armageddon, and just a short time before the begin-
is, her instruments, vessels and tools, supporters and ning of Armageddon. The time arrives when the re-
dupes. He reaches out to the most distant established joicing of that religious system must cease, because
settlements of modern Tyre and wipes them out. Says Jehovah has so decreed, and therefore he caused to be
the Lord by his prophet: “He shook the kingdoms,” written : “And he [Jehovah] said, Thou shalt no more
that is, all the ruling powers of the earth, whose kings rejoice, 0 thou oppressed virgin, daughter of Zidon;
committed fornication with Tyre, the old whore, for arise, pass over to Chittim; there also shalt thou have
mutual profit to enrich themselves. Those kingdoms no rest.” (Isa. 23 : 12) Since the prophecy is “ the
will not be able to stand up under Jehovah’s shaking, burden of Tyre” (vs. l), it appears that it is Tyrc
but will be shaken to pieces and destroyed. (Hag. that is addressed as the “oppressed virgin, daughter
2 : 21,22) The old “whore” goes first into the ashcan, of Zidon”. The city of Zidon was built first, and Tyre
and then the others follow. “And there came one of would be viewed as a daughter. Ziclon had a devil re-
the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talke:l ligion. Pagan religion preceded the papacy, and many
with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew un- of the devilish practices of paganism were adopted by
to thee the judgment of the great whore that sittct,h the papacy, and both originated with and are the
upon many waters; with whom the kings of the earth children of the Devil.
have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of *:,T Yre would be viewed as a “virgin” daughter be-
the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her cause not legitimately married but unclean from forni-
fornication. For God bath put in their hearts to ful- cation, her chastity having been “violated”. (Rother-
fil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto ham) To that violation of her chastity she consented,
the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. and she therefore would be the “oppressed”. The
And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, Roman Catholic religion’s organization has practiced
which reigneth over the kings of the earth.” (Rev. whorcdom with “all the kings” or ruling powers of the
17: 1,2,17,18; Rev. 18: 3) “The king of Tyrns,” earth of Satan’s visible organization, but the time
the Devil himself, and all of his kingdom shall bc com- comes, just preceding the beginning of Armageddon,
pletely shaken down and destroyed.-Ezclr. 28 : 12-19. when the Lord convinces the “ten kings” or ruling
23Jehovah gives command to his high of;iccr, Christ forces of the nations, which turn ou the harlot religious
Jesus, to execute the wicked organization, and con- system, and that system becomes greatly oppressed.
cerning this the America?, Recised Version reads: God puts it in the mind of the ruling powers to fulfill
“Jehovah hath given commandment concerning Ca- his will.-Rev. 17 : 16, 17.
naan” [ (nlargilz) merchant-men], that is, the coast of *aThe time arriving for her great oppression to be-
Canaan occupied by Tyrc and Zidon. Accordins to gin, the Hierarchy system will seek rest somewhere,
Rotherham the test reads : “Against the Phamician and, became thus seeking, Jehovah says to her : “Arise,
coast.” The command to Christ is given to “destroy pass over [the sea] to Chittim,” and set if you can
the strong holds thereof”. One of the most powerful find rest there. Chittim, being near to Tyre, would
strongholds of the coast of Canaan was Tyre, and represent any subsidiary or auxiliary organization
Tyre was specially mentioned in the command to dc- where the old woman might seek rest and relief and
stroy. (Jer. 25 : 22) Modern Tyre, the Roman Catholic find none. This would seemto indicate that the Roman
organization, is one, and probably the strongest one, Catholic Hierarchy system will be seeking a place of
of the strongholds of Satan’s visible organization. No consolation, and therefore abasing herself by going
stronghold is so stron,,0 however, as to be able to with- to some lesser organization, seeking a way to escape

the deepest abasement, which is certain to come upon the word “till” is no part of the preceding sentcntc.
her by reason of being cast into Gehenna. (M&t. Therefore the words after “till” read: “The Assyrian
23: 12) Will the Hierarchy system find rest there? [Asshur (Leeser) ; Assyria (Rotherham)] founded
Jehovah replies : “There also shalt thou have no rest.” it.” The word Asshur appearing in this part of the
From time to time the Hierarchy system has had some text (Leeser) means “successful one”, as in Genesis
setbacks or losses of temporal power, but she has 10 : 11.
always claimed that such setbacks were only tempo- 2sIn Isaiah’s day the Assyrian world power stilt
rary. She claims that she is eternal, cannot suffer de- held the upper hand over the Chaldeans; but in Jcre-
struction, and therefore she can afford to wait any miah’s time, and eighteen years before the fall of
temporary setbacks while she schemes to advance her Jerusalem, Nebuchadnezzar had becomeking of Baby-
position. The abasement or opposition to her in the lon and established the Babylonish empire. (See Isaiah
past the Hierarchy has claimed to be that “little 39 : 1-S.) Therefore the words in Isaiah 23 : 13, to wit,
season” during which Satan is loosed, at the end of “The Assyrian founded it,” clearly mean the Chal-
which she shall triumph. (Rev. 20: 3-7) Again she is deans or Babylonians. “The Assyrian” pictures God’s
wrong in her conclusion. The time for her complete Executioner, Christ Jesus. Note that “the Assyrian”
humiliation is near at hand, and there is no way for as a nation did not establish or found “the land of the
her to stop it now, and therefore there is no way for Chaldeans”. Babylon preceded Assyria. It is said in
her to escape.Not even the individual members of that connection with Nimrod : “,4nd the beginning of hi:;
religious clergy crowd will be able to disguise them- kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Cal-
selves by putting on overalls and thus hiding their neh, in the land of Shinar. Out of that land went
identity. (Zech. 13: 4-6) They will not escape the forth Asshur [he went out into Assyria (margin) 1,
scrutiny of others, and certainly not God’s executive and builded Nineveh, and the city Rehoboth, and
officer. There is no rest short of complete destruction, Calah.” (Gen. 10: 10,ll) Another author (Hislop)
from which she shall never again arise. renders the text: “And he, being strengthened, went
2TJehovah used the Chaldeans, of whom Nebuchad- forth out of that land and built Nineveh,” the capital
nezzar was the king, as ilis executioner, who thus fore- of Assyria. With this explanation note that the
shadowed Christ Jesus, the great executioner of Jeho- English Revised Version of the text reads: “The
vah who shall execute the devil religion, and particu- Assyrian hath appointed it” [ (Auth. Ver.) “founded
larly the Roman Catholic system. (Ezek. 26: 7-14; it”], that is to say, appointed “this people” of Tyre.
Jer. 25: 9,1’7,22) Therefore Jehovah says to the ob- Appointed the people of Tyre for what or for whom ‘l
servers : “Behold the land of the Chaldeans: this peo- The prophecy answers : “For the beasts of the wilder-
ple was not till the Assyrian founded it for them that ness.” (E.R.V.) Clearly this means that God’s Execu-
dwell in the wilderness; they set up the towers there- tioner, pictured by “the Assyrian”, hath “appointed”
of, they raised up the palaces thereof; and he brought modern Tyre (that is to say, the Roman Catholic Hier-
it to ruin.” (Isa. 23 : 13) The words “Behold the land archy organization and its clergy and alIies) to a place
of the Chaldeans” manifestly direct the attention to or condition uninhabited by persons but wholly for
his executioner that executes the judgment of Jehovah brute beasts, hence for desolation. In support of thi:<
upon the Hierarchy system. Then the prophet says: conclusion note the words of Revelation 18 : 2,3 : “And
“This people [that is, the people of ancient Tyre and he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon
modern Tyre, the Roman Catholic Hierarchy] is no the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habita-
more.” (E&V.) The word “till”, as appears in the tion of devils [wild goats, satyrs], and the hold of
Authorized Version, is an interpolation, and the cor- every foul spirit [stinking vapors arising like appari-
rect rendering appears in the Revised Version. There- tions out of a marshy, foul and corrupt land], and a
fore, as stated in the text, “the ships of Tarshish” cage of every unclean and hateful bird [a place fre-
calling at the port of Chittim, the island near Tyre, quented by birds decreed by the law of God unfit for
would have no reason to proceed on to Tyre, because human habitation]. For all nations have drunk of the
of the information received at Chittim that Tyre no wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of
longer existed. Likewise in the antitype or fulfillment, the earth have committed fornication with her, and
the underpriests, missionaries and other subsidiary the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the
organizations are told that the Roman Catholic Hier- abundance of her delicacies.” This text, without a
archy system is no more, that is, “the Hierarchy of doubt, applies to Satan’s religious organization, the
Jurisdiction” is done for and hence there would bc no Roman Catholic Hierarchy being the principal part
occasion to further seek her. It is plainly written by thereof. Therefore the prophecy of Isaiah discloses that
another prophet that the end of the Hierarchy will Jehovah’s Executioner has appointed that Devil rc-
be complete destruction; that is, “they shall be as ligious organization for desolation in accord with the
though they had not been.” (Obadiah 16) Since the decree or judgment heretofore written at the dictation
word “till” is an interpolation, and therefore improp- of Jehovah.
erly in the text, that part of verse thirteen following 20The prophet continues to speak of the successful
APRIL 15, 1937 @??ieWATCHTOWER 121

Chaldeana and symbolically refers to Jehovah’s Ese- within the seventy-year period above mentioned; hut
cutioner, saying : “They set up the towers thereof instead of being a fulfillment it would better be termed
[their towers (R.V.) ; siege-towers (Rotherlbam) 1, an agreeable parallel on a minor scale to that stated
they raised up [they overthrew (R.V.); demolished in the prophecy. It seemswell to here set forth certain
(Rotlberlbant)] the palaces thereof.” The siege towers pertinent historicai facts that came to pass during the
were set up, and thus the walls of ancient Tyre were seventy-year period from 1848 to 1918, in order that
surmounted and the palaces of her merchant princes the student may consider the same in studying the
were demolished. Applyin g the prophecy to modern prophecy, and which consideration may remove some
Tyre, the Roman Catholic Hierarchy organization, doubt that might otherwise esist. Such historical facts
God’s Executioner, Christ Jesus, sets up siege towers here inserted are quoted from well-known and recog-
against the Devil religious system and the princes of nized authorities. They relate to the Roman Catholic
the Roman Catholic organization that traffic in human religious system from 1848 to 1918 and are as follows:
creatures and destroy their rights, and the system
falls, including the so-called “holy father”, and all the RISTORICAL
trafficking princes. And the result is what? Says the 821848. February 22-24: Revolution in France;
prophet in answer : “He brought it to ruin [he made King Louis Philippe out; republic is proclaimed.
it,a ruin (E.R.V.) 3,” that is, Jehovah’s Executioner March : Revolution in Austrian Empire. Revolutionary
at the beginning of Armageddon brings the Devil re- movements in Germany. Insurrection at Rome; the
ligious system to ruin. populace demands a democratic ministry and the proc-
8oThe bulwarks of the Roman Catholic system, lamation of Italian nationality ; the pope (Pius IX)
which for long has reproached the name of Almighty hesitates; the Romans surround the palace, and a con-
God, will completely crumble to the dust, and then the flict ensues. The pope accepts a popular ministry
individuals who continue to live for a time will have (Cardinal Palma, the pope’s secretary, is shot in this
reason to lament. Therefore, says the prophet of Jeho- conflict) . . . November 16. November 20, a free Cnn-
vah, “Howl, ye ships of Tarshish, for your strength stitution is published. November 24, the pope escapes
[which is modern Tyre] is laid waste.” (Isa. 23 : 14) in disguise to Gaeta. November 28, protest of the pope
The statement is similar to the words used in Isaiah against the acts of the provisional government (of
23: 1 and shows that the “howl” is raised at the be- Rome).
ginning of Armageddon and when the Hierarchy falls. 831849. January: Revolutions in various states on
Says the Revised Version, verse fourteen: “Howl, ye Italian peninsula. February 8, the Roman National
ships of Tarshish; for your stronghold is laid waste.” Assembly divests the pope of a11temporal power, and
The “Hierarchy of Jurisdiction”, which operates in adopts the republican form of government. Febru-
and out of Vatican City, Italy, is by the Lord Jeho- ary 18, the pope appeals to the Catholic powers (of
vah’s decree certain to be laid in waste, and that the world). “He now enjoyed the sympathy of the
“Hierarchy of Jurisdiction”, the central government reactionists all over the world who had looked so cold-
of the religious system that for centuries has deceived ly upon his early efforts at reform, but gained, of
the people and blasphemed God’s name, will go down. course, the execrations of the liberals, whose cause he
When that stronghold does go down its supporters had abandoned. Rome, left without a ruler, bloomed
can do nothing but howl. Armageddon will mark the into a republic. The pope protested against all its acts,
complete fulfillment of the foregoing prophecy of and summoned the Catholic world to put it down.”
Isaiah twenty-three, verses one to fourteen. (McClintock & Strong Cyclopedia, Vol. VIII,
“Pius IX”) June 3, the French under i\larshal
APPARENT FULFILLMEXT Oudinot commence an attack on Rome. June 30, after
al It has been suggested that verses one to fourteen a brave resistance, the Romans capitulate to the
of Isaiah 23 describe certain adverse experiences to French army. July 4, the Roman Assembly dissolved,
which the Roman Catholic Hierarchy has been sub- and an oficcr from Oudinot’s camp arrives at Gaeta,
jected during a period of seventy years, from 1848 to to present the pope with the keys of Rome.
1918, and during which time she is “forgotten” and 341850. April, the pope arrives at Rome; Cardinal
her howl is heard; that at the end of that period the Antonclli becomes foreign minister. “The pope rc-
Roman Catholic Hierarchy again comes to the fort, turned in April, 1560, surrounded by the bayonets of
and hence that the latter part of the prophecy rccortlcd a French army. . . . His first act was the perfidy of
in the twenty-third chapter applies after the fulfill- destroying the Constitution of chartered rights which
ment of the first part of the prophecy. The facts do not he had guamntccd to his subjects. . . . The Inquisition
fit that conclusion, for the reason that the “howl” of rccommcnced its sacred labors. . . . The Bible was
Tyre clearly refers to what comes to pass at the be- prohibited.” (JIcClintock & Strong Cyclopedia,
ginning of Armageddon. There is, hovxvcr, an appar- Vol. VIII, “Pius IX”) September 24, he issues the
ent fulfillment of the prophecy concerning the ‘howl- bull establishing a Roman Catholic hierarchy in
ing of the ships of Tarshish’ or supporters of Tyre, England.

m 1861. March 27, Cavour claims Rome as capital of New York in 1875, and prepared the way for the
of Italy. June, the emperor of France declines a union re-establishment of the hierarchy M SCOTLAND, which
with Austria and Spain for the maintenance of the was effected in 1878. . . . One of the foulest blots on
pope’s temporal power. “In 1868, the Austrians broke the pages of history regarding his reign is the forcible
the concordat and declared their spiritual emancipa- conversion of the Jew boy Mortara, and of a piece with
tion. The year after, Queen Isabella was driven out of this is the abject condition of the Hebrews. at Rome,
Spain, and the government of the people refused to be where the walls of the Ghetto were only removed with
bound by any previous treaties with the papacy the establishment of the Italian power.“-1IcClintock
[Sept. 29, 301.” [February 16, 1873, the first Spanish & Strong Cyclopedia, Vol. VIII, “Pius IX.”
republic is proclaimed at Madrid, Spain.]-ZlcClin- ‘O“He also established four new dioceses in the
tack & Strong Cyclopedia, Vol. VIII, “Pius IX.” United States at Albany, BuZalo, Cleveland and Gai-
ae1870. September 11, the pope refuses terms offered veston, all in 1847. In later years he established nearly
him by the king of Italy (sovereignty of the Leonine 50 others in medium-sized American cities. , . . Mat-
city and retention of his income). September 20, after ters were now going too fast and too far for Pius, who
a brief resistance from the foreign papal troops, refused to countenance the revolutionary movement,
stopped by order of the pope, the Italian troops under . . . The pope now entirely lost the favor of the Ro-
[General] Cadorna make a breach and enter Rome. man populace. Threatened by the mob in his own
September 21, Cardinal Antonelli issues a diplomatic palace he fled to Gaeta, and a Roman republic was
protest against the Italian occupation of Rome. Sep- proclaimed in February 1849, with Rlazzini at its
tember 26, protest of the pope (Pius IX, still). Sep- head. Louis Napoleon, determined to restore the pope,
tember 29, circular letter from the pope to the car- sent an espedition to Rome under Oudinot, by whom
dinals complaining of the invasion and of his loss of the Italian patriots, led by Garibaldi, were ovcrpow-
liberty, and interference with his post bag. October 2, ercd. Rome surrendered on 3 July; but the pope did
plebiscite: out of 167,548 votes, 133,681 for (Rome’s) not return to his capital till April lS50. . . . The pope
union with the kingdom of Italy. October 8, result of himself now bestowed his whole attention upon the
the plebiscite sent to the king (of Italy). October 9, church. HE REC%LLED THE JESUITS, canonized saints
Rome and its provinces incorporated with the king- and defined two dogmas . . . in 1854 . . . in 1870.
dom by royal decree. Previous to this time the pope’s temporal dominion
871871. May 13, law guaranteeing to the pope full hrd become sadly shrunken in estent, owing to the
personal liberty and honors, a revenue of 3,225,OOO gradual unification of Italy under Victor Emmanuel.
livres, etc. ; rejected by the pope in his allocution, The temporal power of the pope, however, was still
May 15. October 27, allocution of the pope, appoint- secured by the presence of a body of French troops
ing some Italian bishops; still rejecting guarantees. at Rome. . , . 011 20 September 1870 the Italian
-Haydn’s Dictiomry of Dates, under “Rome”, troops entered Rome, and the TENPOR~L POWER WAS
“Popes, ” “France,” “Spain,” etc. AT AN END. The Vatican was left to the pope ; and free
R8“In 1870, finally, the war with Prussia destroyed diplomatic intercourse, the honors due to a sovereign,
the empire in France, and with the fall of Napoleon and a civil list of f129,OOOyearly, secured to him. But
[Jerome] not only the French refused to be bound to these he declined, and confined himself to the Vatican
Rome, but the gates of the Eternal City opened to all and its garden, declaring that he was under restraint
Italy. . . . Notwithstanding all eflorts of [King] and a prisoner in his own palace. “--The Americana,
Victor Emmanuel for peace, the pope sternly persisted Volume 22, “Pius IX,” page 137.
in his firm protest against the inevitable change of I1 lS78. hIarch 4, Romanist hierarchy revived by
things. . . . He lived retired in the Vatican, and pope; archbishopric of Glasgow, bishop of Dunkeld,
called himself a prisoner.“-hlcClintock & Strong etc. This was about a month after the death of Pius IX,
Cyclopedia, Vol. VIII, “Pius IX.” pope for almost 32 years. “In November, 1548 [the
** 1878. February 7, Pope Pius IX dies. “On Feb- year of the flight of Pius IX to Gaeta], the German
ruary 7, 1878, he died, after a protracted dropsical bishops of the Romish body assembled at Wiirzburg,
illness. . , . The missions of the Church were also to consult together concerning the best means to pro-
strengthened, being carried forward in partibzls an- ceed in this critical period. . . . Shortly before this,
fide&&m, and great hierarchies, in lands formerly however, an organization of far-reaching significance
heathen or PROTESTANT,were added to the vast clergy had been effected, in which also-and prominently-
that owned ‘the Latin obedience.’ Thus he provided the laity were to co-operate, viz., the Pius Society, a
by brief of 1850 for the ecclesiastical government of Roman Catholic counterpart of the Protestant Church
England, , . . exulting in the supposed triumph of Diet. . . . In October, 1848, at Mayence, . . . the
his Church in the land which had been the home of the first union of this kind was formed under the name of
Reformation for three centuries. Then he created in Pius Society. Here all the single unions were formed
THIS COUNTRY [U.S.A.] a vast Roman Catholic hicr- into a great collective union under the name of ‘Cath-
archy by clevatm g to the cardinalate the archbishop olic Union of Germany’; although in practice the

shorter name of Pius So&y he3 been prcfcrrcd. . . , pation in Italian political movements. His relations
A second assembly was held at Breslau, where the with the royal court of Italy were more cordial than
papal letter was received, and where the assembly those of any pope since 1870, and the celebrated “Ro-
openly expressed it that ‘A USITED GERNANY WAS man Question” was left by him in a fair way of settle.
ONLY POSSIBLE WITH A CATHOLIC CHRISTIANITY.’ Here mcnt. At the beginning of Benedict XV’s “reign”
a new society was also organized, the Vincentius So- about twenty nations had formal diplomatic relations
ciety, for missionary work at home. . . . In the United with the Vatican. At its close, in 1922, there were
Etates there is hardly a large town in which one or more than thirty-one. Relations with France had been
the other of these societies is not to be found. The restored, and the British Empire had taken steps to
tendency is the same, although the name may be dif- have a more intimate representation. Ncgotiationswrre
ferent. The purpose of these organizations IN THE pending for an exchange of envoys with To!;yo,Japan.
UNITED STATES IS ~0 BRISG THE STATE AS nfucH AS -The Anzericana, Vol. III, “Benedict XV. ’ ’
Possum UNDER THE INFL~EXCE AKB CONTROL OF THE 461919. March 11, an Associated Press dispatchfrom
HIERARCHY, and the political arena is the field of la- Paris read as follows:
bor. Already they influence the legislatures, school- “It has become known that Pope Bemxliet has ad-
boards; yea, we may say they form a STATE WITHIN dressed an appeal to the powers cmphnsiting the
THE STATE. ’ ’ --RfcClintock & Strong C&o., Vol. VIII,
urgency of the speedy conclusion of peacewith Ger-
“Pius Societies.” many. It is understood that the pontiff states that the
421914. September 3, Cardinal della Chiesa was Vatican possessesreliable information that the &;a-
elected the successor of Pius X and took the name of tion in Germany, socially and economically, is very
Benedict XV. 1917. August 1, Benedict XV issued grave, and that he fears the spread of Bolshevism with
his “famous peace note”, “which President Wilson such rapidity that it might result in the establishment
answered on behalf of the Allied and Associated pow- of a Bolshevik state, which, in turn, might become
ers, saying that the ideals which [the pope] had ex- allied with Bolshevik Russia. “-2% I\‘utclr tower,
pressed were their ideals, but that the Central Powers April 1, 1919, pages 100, 101.
appeared unwilling to acknowledge or accept them. ”
-The Americana, Vol. III, “Benedict XV.” ‘7 1919, March 23, the first meeting of Fascists in
‘* 1918. November 11, beginning of great war-chest Milan, Italy. May, Adolf Hitler attends his first Nazi
drive in the United States, in which seven organiza- meeting in Munich, Germany. September, the Nation-
tions participate. “There is, of course, wide-spread al Catholic Welfare Conference [Council, formerly]
dissatisfaction with the arrangement-most especially [NCWC] is organized in the United States.
because the Catholic War Council, which includes the M At the close of the World War in 1918 theRoman
I(nights of Columbus, will receive $30,000,000. The Catholic Hierarchy realized the opportune time had
position is taken by those who object to the united arrived to begin efforts toward regaining temporal
budget that the Knights of Columbus, as an organiza- power previously had by that institution. The Hier-
tion, has no more right to cantonment and trench archy did begin her efforts then which culminated
privileges than have other secret societies, and that the successfully on February 11, 1929, when it was pub-
Catholic church should have no privileges in the camps licly announced that the papacy’s temporal power had
and on the field that are not extended to other religious been restored.
bodies. . . . The Catholic church, in particular, will ‘ONow it is important to determine, if possible,what
stand out in the open as a political organization which, is the meaning and application of the “seventy years”
during the entire length of the war, left no stone un- mentioned in the prophecy, what is meant by the har-
turned to advance papal interests. . . . And among lot’s being forgotten, and what is the meaning of “the
the charges to be preferred against the Catholic church song of the harlot”. (R.V.) Suffice it to say at this
after the war will be her peculiar participation in point of the study that the prophecy appearing at
cantonment and trench privileges, and the mandatory verses 15 and 16 has fulfillment before the beginning
method by which she secured a place in the war chesi.” of the “howl”, as mentioned in verses 1 to 11, which
-The Apostolic Review, Nov. 19, 1918. “howl” clearly marks the beginning of the battle of
441918. November 30, the New York Evening World the great day of God Almighty. Next will be conddered
says the pope desires to attend the peace conference that part of the prophecy last recorded.
in order that he may gain some “temporal power”, (To be conttnued)
and adds that the Vatican is seeking to establish a
private telegraph oflice in the Vatican with private
u 1. What is now seen to hare been the purpose dirok;lg and
wires to all governments, so as not to have to use the governing the nffairs of the nation of Isrnel a*! those
Italian telegraph lines.-Tire Watchtower, Jan. 1, people who had dealings with Israel7 For whrt present
1919, pages 4,5. situation was that provIsion made?
es1919. January, Benedict XV completely frees 7 2, 3. Where wero Tyre, Zidon, Chittim, and Tank.&7 nnd
how were they related? What does this mean in i.k fultill-
Italian Catholics from all inhibitions against partici- ment of Isaiah 23: G?

1 4. Justify the inquiry, “IS this your joyous city?” Explain is meant by the statement here, “There is no more
and apply the further espression, “whose antiquity is of strength”) What does this prove?
ancient days. ” 1 21-23. How and when will Jehovah ‘stretch out his hand over
U 5, 6. Why is it said, “Her own feet shall carry her afar off the sea’ as here foretoldP What “kingdoms” will he shake,
to sojourn”? TVith related scriptures, show why this will and howP Point out the “merchant city” here foretold.
be done. nnd how. To whom will Jehovah give command concerning it, and
1 7,8. How’ have “ Tyre, ancl Zidon, and all the coasts of how will that command be executed?
Palestine” done as declared at Joel 3: 4-68 How, accord- u 24-X Point out the “oppressed virgin, daughter of Zidon ’ ‘.
ing to Joel 3: 7,8, will the Lord God deal with them for How 112sshe been ‘rejoicing’? and why shall she rejc:ce
so doing? no mores When and how will she ‘arise, and pass over to
f D, 10. What judgment awaits modem Tyre, according to Chittim’l Why shall she have uo rest there?
Amos 1: lo? Why, as stated in context, will the ‘(fire” 7 27-29. Account for the expression, in Isaiah 23: 13, ‘(Behold
be visited upon her? Why did Jesus address that crowd as the land of the Chaldeans.” Explain and apply the slate-
“serpents, progeny of vipers”, and qucs:ion the possi- mcnt, (a) “This people was not.” (b) “The Assyrian
bility of their escaping Gehenua? founded it for them that dwell in the wilderness.” (c)
“They set up the towers thereof, they raised up the palaces
7 11. H& does Jesus’-charge at Matthew 23: 15 fit the work thereof.” (d) “He brought it to ruin.”
of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy? Show that Isaiah 23: 8 1[ 30. Apply verse 14.
fittingly describes in prophetic phrase the Roman Cathobo a 31-47. What has been suggested as to fulfillment of Isaiah 23
organization. in the order in which the prophecy is recorded? Rclnte
q 12-17. Point out the purpose of the question, “Who hath pur- historical facts as agreeing with the conclusion that the
posed this against Tyre?” With related scriptures, apply latter part of the prophecy recorded in Isaiah 23 applies
the answer given in verse 9. before the fulfillment of the first part of the prophecy.
v M-20. Identify the ‘ ( daughter of Tarshish ’ ‘. ‘ ‘ Pass through 7 48. What points now call for determination in the iurthcr
thy land as a river”: how, and for what purpose? What consideration of this prophecyO


H OW may we know when we have a proper inter-

pretation of a prophecy7 At the very outset
we must understand that “no prophecy of the
scripture is of any private interpretation”. (2 Pf:t.
Luke 16: 15) In carrying forward his purposes God
uses his duly constituted agencies, but all honor is due
to Jehovah, and not to the agency.
Aside from Jesus Christ no individual is foretold
1: 20) If man gives a private interpretation to a or foreshadowed in the selection and development of
prophecy, that interpretation is merely his private the members of God’s organization. It necessarily fol-
opinion and is without value, because no man is au- lows that in the ful’illmcnt of God’s prophecy no in-
thorized by the Word of God to give such an opinion. dividual among God’s covenant people is or will be
Many attempts have been made to interpret prophecy, identified. It would bc contrary to the Scriptures to
and failure has resulted because the rules laid down single out some individual and say that such individ-
by the Lord have been ignored. Since no prophecy is ual is fulfilling prophecy. It would be like the eye
of private interpretation, it follows that the Lord God saying to the hand, I am all-important and you are
himself interprets prophecy by causing to come to pass nothing.-1 Cor. 12: 12-22.
events in fulfillment of what he has foretold ; hence it Jehovah’s ‘elect servant is his Christ, and he deals
is impossible for man to understand prophecy until with the “servant” as one. Members of the body are
such events have come to pass showing at least a par- therefore considered collectively, and not individually.
tial fulfillment of the prophecy. Until God’s due time Jehovah God is the Master, and the “servant” is his
to understand prophecy it is not understandable. instrument for his purpose, and all honor is due to
Then it is first understandable by the covenant people the great Master. It is Jehovah the Master who says
of God who have his spirit.-1 Cor. 2: 10. to his ‘elect servant’ : “Behold, the former things are
To determine whether a prophecy (and the prophet come to pass [meaning, some prophecics which I
speaking it) is false or true Jehovah made these rules: showed you have been fulfilled], and new things do
That the prophet must speak in the name of Jehovah, I declare; before they spring forth I tell you of
thus indicating authority to speak; his words of them.” (Isa. 42: 9) When a prophecy is partially ful-
prophecy must tend to turn the hearer to Jehovah filled and is in course of fulfillment Jehovah permits
and to the honor of his name; and the prophecy must his covenant and ‘anointed people to see the meaning
at some time come to pass. (Deut. 18 : 21,22 ; 13 : 1-5; thereof, and these in turn must declare the meaning
Jer. 28: 13-17) The fulfillment of a prophecy would to others who might have an ear to hear. Some proph-
necessarily be in harmony with these rules. The events ecies have been fulfilled, and some are in course of
coming to pass must be in harmony with the prophecy fulfillment; and, by the rules laid down governing
as it is written, must tend to vindicate the name of the fuKllment of these, by his grace and his spirit
Jehovah, and must honor and exalt his name and not God makes known to his ‘elect servant’ some things
honor and exalt the name of any human creature. If that are shortly to come to pass, and thus the “new
the interpretation tends to laud and magnify the name things” he now declares to them “bcforc they spring
of man, then such is not a true interpretation, because forth “.
it, is contrary to the Word of God. (Job 32: 21,22; Prophecy was written aforetime for the specific
ltpRIL 15, 1937 Sfie WATCHTOWER 125

benefit of God’s covenant and anointed peopte. (Rom. strengthen” or “the strength of God”. True to his
15: 4) It follows, therefore, that the fulfillment must name, he was strengthened of the Lord and hence well
take place and be made known to some of these anoint- pictures tfle company of &d’s covenant people who
ed ones while on the earth, because otherwise the are devoted to Jehovah and who are “strong in the
announced purpose would be defeated. The anointed Lord and in the power of his might”. These are
will not need comfort and hope after they have bc?n “strengthened with might by his spirit in the inner
received into glory and made in the likeness of the man”. (Eph. 6 : IO ; 3 : 16) It was in the fifth year of
glorified Christ Jesus. Comfort and encouragement the captivity that the word of the Lord came to Eze-
are for their benefit while they are on the earth, and kiel and he had his first vision. He was then thirty
particularly for the remnant on earth “in the last years of age, that being tflc qe required to be attained
days”. Since the purpose of prophecy’s being fulfilled to do the work of the pricsthood.-Ezek, 1: 2,
is to vindicate the name of Jehovah, its fulfillment It seems quite probable that Ezekiel and Daniel
must involve the people whom he has taken out of the were in the samecompany of captives, for it seemsthat
world for his name and must also identify the class they were carried away cnptiye at the same time, to
that is opposed to God and his purposes. wit, in the gear 61’7B.C. The divine record shows that
When events come to pass and are known, we call they were both pleasing to Jehovah; hence they were
these the physical facts. If such events coming to pass not carried sway as eapti\ cs because of their own
involve God’s covenant people and distinguish them wrongdoing, but to serve tht\ purpose of God and to
from God’s cucmics, and the events tend to honor aud foreshadow things that must come to pass in “the
vindi-ate God’s name and they fit the things foretold last days’ ‘. This was the first captivity from Jerusa-
in the prophecy, then we may know that we have God’s lem to Babylon. “ And he [Nebuchadnezzar king of
interpretation of the prophecy and therefore the right Babylon] carried away Jchoiachin to Babylon, ?ud
interpretation. For that reason prophecy cannot be the king’s mother, and the king’s wives, and his off%
understood until God’s due time to understand it and cers, and the mighty of the land, those carried he into
until it is fulfilled or in course of fulfillment. How- captivity from Jerusalem to Babylon. And all the men
ever, prophecy already fulfilled or in course of ful- of might, , , . all that wwc strong and apt for war,
fillment enables God’s anointed people to understand even them the king of Babylon brought captive to
the meaning of other prophecies written in harmony Babylon.“-2 Iii. 24: 15’16.
therewith and foretelling what shall come to pass in It is interesting to here note and compare with this
the very near future. ,
scripture some facts that came to pass in 1918 and
Elsewhere (see Proplwcy, pages ‘71-76) the Scrip- 1919 as heretofore written in !i%e WatcMozuer. “From
tural proof has been submitted showing that the com- 1918 to 1919 was a period of great travail and suffer-
ing of the Lord Jesus to the temple of God took place ing. At that time the church was p~3icaZZy C cap-
in the spring of 1918. The early chapters of Ezekiel’s tivity to Bab!jZon, which iu one of the names for Sa-
prophecy fit and confirm the work that God’s organi- tan’s organization.“-See The Watchtower Decem-
zation has been doing since that date, That which the ber 15, 1925, page 373.
prophet sesets forth is of the keenest interest to the The year 61’7 B.C., when Ezekiel was carried away
anointed of the Lord when viewed in the light of re- captive, very well corresponds with the year 1914
cent events and the one coincides with the other. This (AD.), the beginning of the World War. There was an
shows why prophecy could not be understood prior to effort made by Satan’s organization to commandeer
1918. It was then fhat ‘the heavenly temple was all religious organizations for the purpose Of winning
opened’ and God’s faithful covenant people were per- the war, and those of God’s covenant people were not
mitted to have a vision of heavenly things and to see only threatened but many of them were forced into
them in the light of events coming to pass in the earth the war and the work of proclaiming the truth was
before their eyes. After using his covenant people in hindered everywhere. Not until 1919, or five years
connection with the fulfilling of prophecy, and with- after the beginning of the war, was the way again open
out their knowledge and understanding thereof, the to freely witness to the truth. The year 1919, there-
Lord gives them an understanding. To be able to look fore, corresponds with the year 612 B.C., which was
back and see how the faithful ones have been used by the time that Ezekiel reccivcd the vision and was com-
the Lord in having a part in the fulfilling of prophecy missioned by the Lord to act as a priest and to rep-
is a real encouragement and comfort to them and resent God as a prophetic witness.
brightens their hope for the greater things set before This apparent correspondcncy in dates would tend
them. to prove that the ‘Elisha work’ of God’s covenant
Numbered amongst the sixteen “literary prophets” people was due to begin, and did begin, in the year
of Jehovah is Ezckicl. Ezekiel was twenty-five years 1919 with the assembling of that people in general
of age when carried away with other Israelites as convention at Cedar Point, Ohio. That was the time
captive to Babylon. His name means “God will the Golckn Age magazine was launched and the worlc

of giving witness of the truth to the people was re- Deliverance appeared, exposing Satan’s organization,
vived. It was then and there that God made his VOW- and particularly the hypocritical religion thereof.
nant people aware of the fact that he had commisSicJflf~fj illso about that time God revealed to his people the
them to ‘preach this gospel of the kingdom to all the delusion of “character development” as a necessary
nations as a witness’, and it was there called sharp!;; qualification for the kingdom, and also the “prison-
to their attention that God had begun his rc*ivn ers” yet in Babylon began to be made the subject of
through Christ Jesus, earth’s rightful King. On the special study. (See The Watcl~tower May 1, 1926, and
fifth day of September, 1919, that covenant pcopl~ of November 15, 1926.) In 1935 they .were identified.
God was given a vision or understanding of the di+ “Chebar” was the name of the river by the side of
tinction between the ‘Elijah work’ and the ‘ lSli+a which Ezekiel got his first vision. It means “length “,
work’ of the church; that is to say, that the cxperiemc~s that is, “extent of time,” and seemsto indicate that
of Elijah had foreshadowed a certain work to bc clout, the fullness of God’s time had now come and his king-
which was now completed, and the esperienccn of dom must now be established and that the work of
Elisha foreshadowed another work to be done by the announcing that kingdom, as foreshadollred by Elisha,
same people, which work had to begin at that tlatc. must begin. Daniel had a vision at the river, probably
(See The Watchtower, 1919, page 292.) As ‘the 11;1ml the very same river, and at which the dates 1914,191S
of the Lord was upon Ezekiel’, so was the spirit and and 1926 were foreshadowed, and he confirms Ezekiel’s
the power of the Lord upon his people when they s;llv prophecy.
for the first time the work marked out for them to do Ezekiel’s first vision was had five years after he was
and which had been foreshadowed by the expericrmes taken captive. That vision represented and foreshad-
of the prophet Elisha. The work of God’s “servant”, owed the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to the tcm-
broken up during the war, now began to take on new pie of Jehovah for judgment upon the true house of
life, the first part of which was to begin the organiza- God and upon the professed house of God, which judg-
tion thereof and then go forward with the work. ment results in the destruction of the latter house, or
The year 606 B.C. marks the date of the desolation “organized religion”. The Israelites had misused and
of Jerusalem. The year 606 B.C. would correspond abused God’s temple, and Jehovah caused Ezekiel to
with 1925, when “organized religions” were plainly prophesy of the destruction of Jerusalem. Nominal
seen to be in bondage to Satan, and to be a part of spiritual Israel, or “organized Christianity”, so called,
Satan’s organization, and to have been for ever cast has misused and abused God’s temple, and God’s judg-
away from the Lord. Shortly thereafter the book ment of destruction is pronounced against it.

HRIST JESUS, the glorious Prince who is f~llcd as “prince of joy” or “song of joy”. Sardis was the

C with Jehovah’s spirit, and who holds under his

command all the holy angels, or “seven stars”,
addresses a messageto the Sardis church. “And unto
ancient capital of Lydia, in Asia. i\Iinor, the rcsidcllcc
of the royal and rich famed Crcesus.The residents were
in ill repute among other nations for their voluptuous
the angel of the church in Sardis write; These tllirlgy habits of living. The years 18’78 to 1918 marked tltc
saith he that hath the seven spirits of God, and Iho period of the Elijah work of the church. That was alho
seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name a period of time for the amassing of the greatest wall II
that thou livest, and art dead. Be watchful, and amongst men of the world. Money-making and the love
strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to of money especially marked that period. During tkt
die: for I have not found thy works perfect bcl’orc same time the truth was preached concerning the
God. Remember therefore how thou hast received and kingdom, and the church on earth was in the midt
heard; and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou of the money-mad rush. Doubtless many who came to a
shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and knowledge of the truth were affected thereby and wcrc!
thou shalt not know what hour I will come up011 thee. ‘drowned in the sea’. (1 Tim. 6: 9; Rev. 20: 13) 10
Thou hast a few names even in Sardis, which have not that period of time many heard the truth and greatly
defiled their garments; and they shall walk with mo in rejoiced for a time and sang forth their joy to t1m
white: for they are worthy. He that overcometh, the Lord. Then the desire for material wealth and the e;lhC
same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will that it brings was permitted to cool the zeal of a num-
not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will ber in the truth and cause their hand to slack and
confess his name before my Father, and before his their tongues to remain silent.
angels. He that hath an ear to hear, let him hear what The time approached for the Lord to appear at his
the Spirit [Jehovah by Christ Jesus] saith unto tllc temple for judgment, and those in the church fulfi]lin?c
churches. “-Rev. 3 : l-6. the condition described in Revelation 3 : l-3 concerni&
One authority gives the meaning of the word S,t/tlr.~ Sardis are addressed: “I know thy works, that thou
APRIL 15, 1937 $%eWATCHTOWER 127

hast a name that thou livest, and art dead.” Other- thou hast received, and heard; and hold fast, and
wise stated, they have had some works but without real [change thy course of action].” ‘Be sorry for the
faith. A faith without xorks is dead; and works with- action that you have been taking, and become active,’
out faith prompted by love are also of no value.- would be the real meaning. “For godly sorrow worlc-
Jas. 2 : 26. eth repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but
Paul tells those who give special credit and honor the sorrow of the world worketb death.” (2 Cor. 7 : 10)
to men that they are carnally minded. (Rom. 8: 6; Failing to heed this warning such would receive the
1 Cor. 3 : 3,4) In the period of time mentioned many grace of God (that is, “the ministry of reconcilia-
claimed to believe the truth and accepted it as “the tion”) in vain. (2 Cor. 5 : U-6 : 3) Then the Lord tells
best religion yet ’ ‘. They especially liked the social them that should they fail to watch he would come to
features of being with the “truth people”. They at- his temple unobserved by them and they would be en-
tended meetings and conventions ; appeared pious and snared by that to which their selfishness held. (Luke
sanctimonious; claimed to be developing a sweet and 21: 34, 35) That some in this condition would awaken
beautiful character ; would be seen at prominent gath- and bestir themselves is clearly indicated by the fact
erings, loving to entertain the favorite speakers at that the Lord gives them warning, that they may have
dinings, and occupying a prominent place at the public the opportunity thus to do.
meetings ; distributed some tracts ; made some contri- Amongst them were those in a somewhat similar
butions to the funds needed; made somewhat of a dis- condition, to whom he says: “Thou host a few names
play of their material wealth, which was supposed to even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments;
give them a better standing than ‘the common herd’; and they shall walk with me in white: for they are
and they loved to act as satellites of the most prominent worthy.” (Vs. 4) Such keep themselves unspotted from
amongst the elective elders and leaders. When any the world by refusing to be identified with the world,
service was to be performed that required one to be in Satan’s organization, and hating even their own fleshly
the limelight they sought such with eagerness. But weaknesses.(Jas. 1: 2i ; Jude 23) Clearly the promise
when the brunt of the fight was to be borne they were is that those who would reform and devote themselves
not there. They were not willing to tell out plainly to the Lord he would cause to be identified with him,
the truth concerning Satan’s organization, fearing and ‘they should walk with him in white’, which would
they might offend some or make themselves appear mean that they would walk worthy of their vocation
ridiculous. That such a condition has existed in the and receive his approval.-Eph. 4: 1.
church during the past fifty years prior to the cleans7 Then they. are told (Rev. 3 : 5) that the overcomers
ing of the sanctuary (Dan. 8 : 14) no one familiar with shall be clothed in white rairr.ent and their name shall
the facts has the slightest doubt. Therefore the Lord not be blotted out of the book of life. Manifestly this
said through the Nessenger (verse 2) : “For I have not means that they would receive the Lord’s approval and
found thy works fully performed.“-Diaglott. that he would register them among his approved ones.
These thus described hold to the fundamental truths, He also says (verse 5) : “I will confess his name before
but such faith could not survive without activity. my Father, and before his angels,” which would be
Therefore the Lord says to them (verse 2) : “Be watch- further evidence of his approval and his acknowlcdg-
ful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ment before his angels and before Jehovah that they
ready to die.” Failing to perform their “reasonable are members of his household. Therefore let all of t,he
service” (Rom. 12 : l), which is not outward sancti- ‘Sardis company’ who have the spirit of Jehovah hear
moniousness or shining amongst men, they were about and take heed. (Luke 12 : 8) The Lord is at his temple
to die, and they must awaken to their privileges. The and even today thcrc may bc some in this condition
Lord continues (verse 3) : “Remember therefore how who might be fully recovered to the Lord.

PHONOGRAPH WONDERFUL INSTRUMENT hcartedly embrace his further wonderful provision in the vim
dication of his holy name,--the phonograph. Day and night
DEAR BEOTHERRUTEERFORD : we plot and plan how better to use our every moment “as to
“ Kingdom Greetings. ” Realizing how precious is your time, the Lord ’ ‘.
day and night consecrated to the Most HIgIl, we have hesitated With the Lord’s rrrace we start the snrinz in the auxlharv
in times past to write to you; but now we have come to the service, looking for&rd to the time, ad wo-hope in the very
DOid where we cannot find scone amon& ou~sehes of our ex- near future, that Jehovah t\ill lcnd us into the ranks of the
pressions of joy and thankful&s for &e wontlcrful provnnon pioneers.
of our heavenly Father for his people in these times of special We feel the need, dear brother, at this time to share with you
need. The watdrs of truth are &vi&g about us in such abun- our joy not only as bcmg nssocioted with you in the King’s
dance that we find ourselves all but overwhelmed and completely service but also in this literal way. We thank you also for your
lifted off our feet by Jehovah’s bountiful flow of knowledge. personal message of February 2; in which you make so clear
We are overjoyod by Jehovah’s loving-kindness in making to us the Lord’s will, and what a privilege we have now in bear-
known to his humble servants the understanding of the pro- ing this new implement of aggression against the enemy of
hetic drama of Joseph and his brethren; and-this gives us Jehovah.
ii ape and encouragement, and hence great zeal, as we whole- And so, dear brother, standing shoulder to shoulder with you,

singing alourl the praises of Jehovah and his King and Vindi- tests of faith and courage, but also of more intense and closcr-
cator Christ Jcmrs, we rise up against her in battle, rejoicing to-home experiences which we by God’s grace are privileged
thut we are counted worthy to suffer shame for his name. to engage in. For this experience the recent Watdtowers have
May Jchovnh’s richest blessings continue to be your lot. been building us up in knowledge, understanding and faith for
Wilh Christian love we are this very time, giving us greater assurance that we are being
Your brethren by the Lord’s grace, directed by Christ Jesus at the temple of God.”
GORDONN. PHILPS “Received Brother Rutherford’s letter regarding further new
WM. J. 8JrITH-canuda. work. Held special meeting yesterday afternoon; took up the
matter fully regarding our n:ork with war and fighting eqmp-
ment. It was decided that every company publisher should have
JEHOVAH CONTINUES TO ENLIGHTEN a phonograph and the company should have as many as we
De 4~ B~OTIIER RUTIIEKFORD: could possibly got. We all realize the fight is on.”
The assembly of Jehovah’s witnesses now in session at “Received a letter from the president at 4 p.m. At 7: 30 p.m.
1Vinnipcg, Canada, gladly accepts this opportunity of convey- committee met to prepare arrangements. Special meeting called
ing to vou our deep appreciation of the light of truth wluch for Wednesday evening, and the whole company voted unani-
ccmtinu~lly shines forth through the columns of The FFo:‘chforcer. mously to secure 20 sets for company.use and a further 510 discs
The clear Serrptural presentation in the articles dealing with for individunls. Twenty-two phonographs ordered. This all in one
the great multitude gives us great joy and thankfulness to Jeho- evening. \Vhen the ammunition arrives we will be PREPARED."
vah aa he continues to enlighten us through his own appointed At Kingston the active publishers are six. They state:
channel. “The Kingston company would like to have six phonographs
The marvelous unfoldmg of Nalachi as presented in The sent and 42 records for each, and two extra sets to use with
Wnlchiorer fills us with zeal and praise to Jehovah, also thonk- the machines we have. ”
fulnese to him for the channel through which he dispenses the Another company just sends an order, but it is for 27 phono-
mcs:rtrn due season. grnphs and 47 special sets.
We appreciate the great fight now in progress and rejoice The results of the Toronto meeting I was pleased to write you
lo have part therein. recently, and since that meeting orders have poured in from
this company for 74 phonographs and 44 special sets.
It is appreciated that you are extremely busy, but I feel sure
“TO GIVE SOME IDEA OF THE ENTHUSIASM” that this brief report will be a pleasure to receive. We rejoice
~)E.\R BKOTJIER RUTHERFORD: in all our privileges of service and trust that all will now put
Just briefly, I thought you would be interested to have one their shoulder to the wheel and be. ready to start out on the
or tuo extracts from the letters [received here] just to give date which has just been announced from Brooklyn, viz.,
sonu1idea of the enthusiasm of the brethren: April 18.
“Letter from Brother Rutherford received re further work With warm love, I am
aith phonograph and records. Read it to company today; must. Your brother and servant by His grnee,
sav tote nes unanimous re our co-operation with Society.” P. CHAPUN.
~‘l’crsonal and private communication received. Taken up in
romlurny Sunday evening. I made special trip to Souris on Sat-
WI::> ; both compames enthusiastmally received the advance GIVES ONE COURAGE
II~I:II’~’of our new work and unanimously got behind it. As a DEAL SIR:
drt1.l t t+ult you may enter our order for four phonographs and Just a word in regard to your broadcast, the free lecture on
w4.11 wfs of records.” ‘ I Armageddon ’ ‘. It was fine. Heard every word; and it grcos
* 111trlply to the president’s letter the Qualicum Beach com-
l one courage to get out in the field and do more witnossrng.
pany gladly desire to have a part in this work and accordingly Oh, how you do speak from the shoulder!
or&r three complete sets; two phonographs. All instructions I can’t remember how many trmos on my knees before my
w 111be closely followed.” radio while listening I implored Jehovah God to protect you
“The brethren here at Clute are indeed rejoicing to hear of from all danger and all harm. I am waiting to see if they
the further work with the phonograph in store for all God’s (the R. C. H.) will debate. That will be something to write
people, and to know we are privileged to have a part in it.” home abcut. May the grace of God bless and keep you always.
” Your communicatron containing wonderful letter by Brother Best wishes. I am,
Rutherford received. It helps to enlighten us, not only of greater MRS. THOMAS MILLER, dl assachusetts.

Cheyenne, Wyo. ........ 11::~ 1. 2 Demer, Colo. ........... May Xi-la Snrannah. Ga. _-.__._Nny 2-4 Vienna. Ga; ._..__._..._..iVay z;
LurenIle. \\‘)O. ............ ” 4, 5 Glen\\ ooa Sp’ps, Cola. ” 20. 21 Tuyltms Creek, Ga. . . . . 1: Pltzaerald, Ga. .. ...___._ ”
1orc I’0lli11% Cola. ...... ‘I 6 Grand Junction, Colo. ” 2% 23 Coltma, Gn. .. . ... .... .-... 7” Ocilla, Ga. .___
___._........... “ i2
4, Ceclaredpe, Cola. .......... 25. 2ti I-\:~lds, Ge. ______.._.______. “ Ty Ty, GS. ._______._........ “ L?
I.o\l~lrlrrd, Cola. .......... 798 IIawk~us~ille, Ga. _..... 1’ i Albany, Ga. .__..__......... “
(;rwlt~y. Cola. ............. ” 9.10 Paonrn. Cola. .............. ” 27 Port \‘nllcy. Ga. __._._._ _. “ Bainbridge, Gn. .-....... ” 2
Fort Zloraan, Cola. .... ” 12 Duranzo. Colo. .......... ” 29.31 1laro11, Ga. _.______..._._..._ “ 12, ‘1: Thomasvrlle, Ga. . .. .. . .. “ 27, 29
Itiler BCIld. Culo. ........ 6‘ 14 Achmen. Colo. ......... June 2 Lawawe, Ga. ._..._.._. _. “ 14. 15 Valdostn, Ga. ____.......... 1:
Columbus. Ga. .._.....___. “ 10. 17 Waycross. Go. . . . .- .. . . . .
Cordcle, Ga . . . . .._...._... 6’ 19 St. Jlarys, Gn. . ...._....June
whllnt. .\rk. ............ $1~ Port Smith, Ark. ....... Nay 10. 17 S. H. TOUTJIAN
l.rth~~ \‘~ilrt*vI .......
.\rk. ?I Ozark Ark. __. .___ I’ 19
4‘ 6 La&, Ark. :.:._._:::l::: “ 20 La Grande, Ore:. ._.. Nay 1,2 \VPla Walla, Wash. ray 15,lG
Jl~~ntwcll~~ Ark.
\\ ~~ttvn. .irk. ...... :::::::‘ ” 8 E’a.\‘etteville. Ark. ...... ” 21 \Vnllowa. Oreg. . _....... 1’ Colfnx, WilSh. . .... . .... .. “ 1x. 19
1;nold. .lrk. ................” 7 Sprinptlale. Ark. ........ ” 22, 23 Beker. Orcc. ___._._.__... 1’ i Beuennh, Idaho . ..._.____ “ 20. 21
1’11tr IllruT. Ark. ... ..__. ;: Gent] Y Ark. ........... . ... I4
.. 25, “G Weiaer. Irlnho _........... “ 6. 7 Spokane, \Va\h. -....... “ 22. ;X
~lrrl~w~. Ark. ........................ ii Ropcrh. Ark. 27. “L; Sampa, Idaho ___...........1‘ 8. 9 Rava11i. Mont. .___.__._. “
Ilot SIbrings, Ark. ...... ” 11, 12 Il;uwwn. -irk. ............ “ Bolne, Id:~ho _.._..._._____
“ 11, I2 Pablo, Mont. ._...__....._._.
“ 20
IIlc Fork. Ark. ............ :: Jlountoin lhne. Ark. ” 300 fJr0fi110, Iclnho .___*.._. “ Whitefish, Jlont. -------6‘” 2&g
IIolw, Ark. ......... . ...e... 14. :; bTormosa, Ark. ............ “ 31 Lewiston, Iclr~lro ........ “ :: Knlisnel, Mont. ._........

~u,ruon. Okln. ........ ‘:;‘Y 1.2 Alra. Okla. .. - ........... May 11 ilydro, Okla. ..-- .._ Nay l&l9 Tesola. Okla. .... lU?y ?G. Z?a
Ilo) d. Okln. ... ..-......- ... (‘ Enid, OkIa. ................ “ 12. 13 Clinton. Oklo. _ ......... 4’ 20 Altus, Okllil. ....... ..- ... ;; 27, 2x
Lhaltw’k. Okln. 27” Fr-‘-“-I-
..x,~cLFI<. Okln. ........ 29
PairvIew, Okla. . .- ... ” 14. 15 1)111, Okla. ......... . .... . 61 21 l=+nn nkla. ..... .._ ... :;
)‘nrCn, okla. ... ..:::,I:. ‘* ’8
\\wdrard. OkhI. ... . .. ..” 0 El Reno, Okla. ---.r u 10 Elk City, Okla. . ..-. -.- ‘* 22.23 &ii,” Idk 1; . .-.--... .-
117 Adams Street -
Brooklyn, N.Y., U.S. A. T HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling
the people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as
expressed in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction
specifically designed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses. It arranges
J. l?. RUTHEKFOEDPresident TV. E. VAN i\UBvr,GH &Xretnr?J
systemntic Biblo study for its readers and supphes other liter-
“And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and ature to aid in such studies. It publishes suitable material
for radio broadcasting and for other means of public instruc-
great shall be the peace of thy children.“-lsdiah 54:~~. tion in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its uttcr-
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH antes. It is entirely free and separate from all parties, sects
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, is from everlasting or other worldly organizations. It, is wholly and without
to everlasting, the Ivfaker of heaven and earth and the Giver reservation for the kingdom of Jehorah God under Christ
of life to his creatures; that the Logos was the beginning of ins Beloved King. It, is not dogmatic, but invites careful
his creation and his active agent in the creation of all things; and crltical exanunation of its contents in the light of the
that the Logos is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed Scriptures. It does not indulge in controversy, and its col-
with all power in heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive umns are not open to personahties.
Officer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect YEARLY SUBSCRIPTIONPRICE
man for the earth and placed him upan it; that man willfully UNITED STATES $1.00 ; CANADA AND MISCELLANEOUS FOREIGN
disobeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by 150. GREAT ~RITQIN AUSTRALASIA AND SOUTH AFRICA 58’
reason of Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and Ill-l e&an remittance8 8l;ould be made by Esprevs or Postal Jjone;
Order, or by Rank Draft. Canadian, British, South Afrman and
without the right to life. Australasian remittance8 should be made direct to the respective
branch odlces. Remittance8 from countries other than those mcn-
THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suf- tioned may be made to the Orooklya offlce, but by Iirtcrnutiojral
fered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive Postal Money Order only.
price for all mankind; that God raised up Jesus divine and FOREIGN OFFICES
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every
name and clothed him with all power and authority. Br4tish . . . . . . . . . 34 Craven Terrace, London, W. 2, %,-land
Canadian . . . . . . 40 Irwin Avenue, Toronto 5, Ontario, Canada
THAT JEHOVAH’S ORGANIZATION is called Zion, and AustraZasfan . . 7 Ileresford Road, Strathfield, N. 9. IV., Australia
that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the Kouth Ajrdcan . . . . . . Boston IIouse, Cape Town, South Africa
rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful Please address the Society in every case.
followers of Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of
Jehovah’s organization, and are his witnesses whose duty and
rivilege it is to testify to the supremacy of Jehoval, declare (TraelatZms of th(8 jozrrnal appear in several languages.)
%iB purposes toward mankind as expressed in the Bible, and
to bear the fruits of the kingdom before all who will hear.
THAT THE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ A.11 sincere students of the Dlble who by reason of infirmity,
has been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority, poverty or adversity are unable to pay the subscription plice
may hare The Watchtoloer free upon written application to the
has ousted Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the publishers, made once each year, stating the reason for 80 rz-
establishment of God’s kingdom on earth. questing it. We are @ad to thu8 aid the needy. but the wrlttcn
application once each year is required by the postal regulations.
THAT THE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth
can come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Notice to Subscribers: AcknowIedqnent of a new or a renewal sub-
Christ which has now begun; that the Lord’s next great scription will be sent only when requested. Chance of ad&e-s,
nhen requested, may be expected to appear on addreis label mltlnn
act is the destruction of Satan’s organization and the estab- one month. A renemal blink (carryin q notice of ernirntlon) n-l11
lishment of righteousness in the earth, and that under the be sent with the journal one month before the subscription expires.
kingdom all those who will obey its righteous laws shall live Entered as second CZaes dlall Xatter at Brookly:r, 3’. Y., Posto8lee.
on earth forever. Act of Xarch 3, 167%


The coming testimony period, “Glittering Sword,” from Proclamation of the kingdom message is all-important now.
June 5 to 13 inclusive, will afford a most generous opportumty It is the duty of the anointed to vote as to who shall be com-
for the people of good will to get the Lord’s latest prpvision, pany servant; but “hewers of wood and drawers of water”
to learn how they may find protection and preservation from (Josh. 9: 21-27) may serve. (Deut. 1G: 12-X; 29: 11) 1Vhen
Jehovah’s Glittering Sword. During this period the kingdom there are none in the company capable of filling the places of
company servants or service comnuttees and there sre Jonndabs
publishers will offer the people a 5Oc combination; this to consist who have the ability and zeal, let the Jonadabs be placed on tho
of the two books Ilzches and Prese?satzon and four booklets, service committee and give them opportunity to serve. The
including Protection, Uncovered, and Armageddon. Till then work should not drag because some of the company hare luck
the fnformant will give fuller and further details concernmg of zeal. The gospel must, now be proclaimed.--Natt. 24: 14.
this period, and ull publishers ~111 inform themselves there- -
from and proceed accordingly. Your promptitude in preparing
all needful things for this period will be pleasing to the Lord NEW PORTABLE PHONOCBAPH
and blessed. Please report to this office the result of your service. The Society now manufactures and has to offer a light-weight
phonograph of new design, which is 14 by 13 by 5 Inches in size,
and covered Kith brown cloth and having rounded corners. It
“ARMAGEDDON” weighs only 9 pounds 13 ounces. Rowerer, with the three
This new 64-page booklet is a thriller and of absorbing in. phonograph discs which can be carried in It, it weighs 12 pounds
tcrest. It contains the president’s public address on that sub- G ounces. The volume of sound is just as strong as that of the
jcct, which held spellbound vast European and American audl- previous model, and the tone is of the best quality. As stnppcd
eucq untl also includes a clear Scriptural dmcussion of Rho out from our factory, the phonograph is timed properly, at
will survive that dread conflict. The release of this booklet for 7s r.p.m., and should be checked from time to time. This new
regular house-to-house witnessing is announced elsewhere. Jfeun- model, including three discs, is ofrered on a contribution of
time you may procure the booklet for your own information and $10.00; without the three dmcs, $8.00. Bemlttance should
preparation, at 5c a copy. aecoulpany orders. Also specify the particular discs wanted.
VOL. LVIII MAY 1, 1937 No. 9


“Take an harp, go about the city, thou harlot that hast been forgotten: make sweet melody, sing many songs,
that thou mayest be remembered.“-Zsa. 23: 16.
6 EHOVAI-I ‘S DAY’ is that term used in prophecy time, and which the organization attributes to the
J hisand commissioned
relates to the time when Jehovah enthrones
King and sends him forth to
opposition of her enemies.
3 Says the prophet of Jehovah: “It shall come to
rule. (Pss. 2 : 6 ; 110 : 2) It is also referred to in the pass in that day, that Tyre [modern Tyre, the Roman
Scriptures as “that day”. It marks the time when Catholic Hierarchy organization] shall be forgotten.”
Christ Jesus the King began to interrupt the rule of Forgotten by whom? By her former illicit paramours
Satan which he had so long carried on unhindered. who have committed fornication with her. She is for-
It is marked by the beginning of the war in heaven, gotten as a temporal power. The political ruling pow-
which resulted in the ousting of Satan and his angels ers counted her out as regards temporal power, view-
from heaven and casting them down to the earth. (Rev. ing the pope as merely a spiritual adviser, withnut
12: 7) Practically at the same time the World War much influence, not to be feared. It does not neces-
began on the earth. It is the time of the beginning of sarily follow that the Hierarchy is forgotten for
Satan’s overthrow, which will ultimately culminate seventy years. The prophecy clearly fixes the time when
at Armageddon. Reference to that time is made in the she is forgotten, by saying: “In that day . . . Tyre
prophecy of Isaiah 23: 15, where it is written: “And shall be forgotten.” A comparison of the language of
it shall come to pass in that day.” At this point the verse 15 with that of verse 17 more clearly shows this:
prophecy in fulfillment moves back from a considera- That there is a period of time in which the harlot is
tion of the things that will come to pass at the begin- forgotten and that time of forgetting her of which the
ning of Armageddon and gives consideration to things prophecy takes notice is “in that day”, that is, the
or causes directly provoking the conflict. The time for day of Jehovah; and that it is at the end of seventy
the beginning of the fulfillment of this part of the years that the Lord will visit Tyre. The Lord’s visit
prophecy in Isaiah 23: 15 is in the year 1914 (A.D.) to Tyre manifestly is not for her upbuilding, but for
when the enemy is ousted from heaven. As shown by her adverse judgment, which visit begins with Jeho-
the historical facts, published in the previous issue of vah’s “strange work” and concludes with the hegin-
The Watchtower, in the year 1914, and for several ning of Jehovah’s “strange act”.
years prior thereto, the Roman Catholic Hierarchy SEVENTY-YEAR PERIOD
did not rate as a temporal ruling power in the earth. ’ The prophecy of Isaiah here considered was
During that period of time it was claimed that the paralleled by the prophecy uttered by Jeremiah, in
pope was “the white prisoner” at the Vatican. which latter prophecy the “seventy years” was asso-
*Seeing that ancient Tyre pictured the Roman ciated with the seventy years of desolation of Jcruha-
Catholic Hierarchy organization, which is therefore lem. Concerning this Jehovah’s prophet Jeremiah said :
modern Tyre, it will be of aid in the examination of “Behold, I will send and take all the families of the
the prophecy if we keep in mind the objective or chief north, saith the Lord, and Nebuchadrezzar the king of
purpose of the Hierarchy, which purpose is, to wit: Babylon, my servant, and will bring them against this
To rule over the nations of the earth as the claimed land [Judah and Jerusalem], and against the inhabi-
representative of Christ, with the false slogan, “Chris- tants thereof, and against all these nations round about
tus Rex,” that is, “Christ the King,” meaning, in fact, [including Tyrc], and will utterly destroy them [in the
the pope, the head of the Roman Catholic “IIierarchy type, for seventy years], and make them an astonish-
of Jurisdiction” on the earth. Such has been the ob- ment, and an hissing, and perpetual desolations. . . .
jective of the Roman Catholic organization from the And this whole land [Canaan] shall be a desolation,
beginning, but she has received setbacks from time to and an astonishment; and these nations [including

Tyre] shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years. "FORGOTTEN"

And it shall come to pass, when seventy years are BThe Roman Catholic Hierarchy tried to seat hcr-
accomplished, that I will punish the king of Babylon, self in a prominent temporal position during the
and that nation [by ousting Satan and his angels from World War, but failed. During that time the pope was
heaven; which began in A.D. 19141, saith the Lord, generally under suspicion, by the allies in particular,
for their iniquity, and the land of the Chaldeans, and and that with good reason. Although the pope tried to
will make it perpetual desolations.” What land will screen himself by claims of being neutral and main-
God make perpetual desolation? (Vs. 9) Certainly Tyre taining strict neutrality, his claims naturally mere
is included, becauseit is written : “And all the kings of not considered sincere. Note the following historical
Tyrus, and all the kings of Zidon, and the kings of the fact : “LONDON, Treaty of (1915). -4 secret agreement
isles which are beyond the sea.“-Jer. 25: 9-22. concluded between Italy, France, Great Britain and
s God’s prophet Zechariah speaks of the antitypical Russia on 26 April and finally signed on 9 May 1915,
fulfillment of this prophecy upon spiritual Israel as declaring the terms under which Italy agreed to enter
pictured by Jerusalem, and the time is clearly marked the war on the side of the Entente Allies. ‘By the
out, (See Zechariah 14 : 1,2, book Preparution, page future treaty of peace’ Italy was to receive the Trenti-
281.) It was not necessary for spiritual Israel to be no, the whole of Southern Tyrol, as far as its natural
desolated the full, literal seventy years in order to and geographical frontier, the Brenner Pass; . . . The
fulfill the typica picture of ancient Jerusalem’s deso- Holy See was not to be permitted to intervene by
lation. The desolation of spiritual Israel was accom- diplomatic action in regard to peace or questions arls-
plished between 1914 and 1919, or within a period of ing from the war.“- The Encyclopedia Americana,
about four years. In that time spiritual Israel, that is, Vol. 17, pages 632-633.
the remnant, fulfilled the picture of the return of the 8 We see a secret agreement of the Entente Allies
captivity from Babylon to Zion, and thus the seventy to ignore or forget the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, and
years of desolation antitypically was counted as com- specifically the head thereof. A publication issued at
pletely fulfilled. The important thing was the desola- Washington, D.C., in March 1929, known as The
tion, and not the mere length of time thereof. Protestant, Volume 9, Number one, page one, para-
e Note now that Jeremiah counts Tyrus’ desolation graphs three and four, says: “Throughout the World
of seventy years as running concurrently with the War diocesan periodicals of the Hierarchy in this
seventy years of desolation of Jerusalem; therefore country [the United States] urged the papal ambition
as in the case of spiritual Israel, so with Tyre in the to sit in judgment on the belligerents as arbiter of
modern fulfillment, that is, as applying to the Roman peace. It was Italy that defeated that aspiration. In
Catholic Hierarchy: The desolation or absence of tem- the pact of London [treaty of 1915 above mentioned]
poral power, or t,he time in which she is forgotten, that country executed a covenant barring the pope
would not require literally seventy years. The im- from any part in the conduct of hostilities or the terms
portant point here is THE DESOLATION, and not the of peace. Italy had excluded the Papacy from both
exact length thereof. Furthermore, the foregoing pe- peace conferences at The Hague. But the concordat
riod of desolation is “in that day”, hence could not [of 19291 removes that obstacle. Instead of the rcso-
begin until the beginning of the day of Jehovah, to lute adversary of the Roman See, Italy becomes its
wit, in 1914. foremost confederate.” This proves that the pope tried
r In the type or picture the two equal periods run- to have illicit relationship with the political powers of
ning concurrently, seventy years upon modern Tyre, the nations during the World War period but was
the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, would be counted as pushed to the side and forgotten during that period,
ended at approximately the same time as the deso- that is, between 1914 and 1919, and this corresponds
lation upon the remnant of New Jerusalem is ended, exactly with the time spiritual Israel was under re-
that is to say, about the end of 1918 or beginning of straint by Satan’s organization. The old whore’s
1919. It would therefore not be at all necessary to charms did not allure the greedy nations just at t,he
measure back from November 24, 1918, to Novem- time of the war, because they wanted all the prospec-
ber 24, 1848, in order to locate the time. It suffices, tive pie. These facts exactly fulfill the prophecy con-
then, that the Roman Catholic Hierarchy was for- cerning the “forgotten harlot”. The old woman was
gotten and neglected “in that day”, that is to say, hanging down her head and wearing long, black clothes
from 1914 to 1919, and that the forgetting was by her during that time. But, behold, she wo!ie up at the end
former political associates who had committed forni- of that period, as the prophecy foretells.
cation with her, classing her as a temporal power. If lo Says the prophecy (Isa. 23: 15) : “According to
the physical facts show that the Roman Catholic Hier- the days of one king. ” In the type the “one king” was
archy was forgotten or neglected by the political pow- the Babylonish lint of kings, from Nebuchadnezzar to
ers from 1914 to 1919, that would be a further corrob- Bclshazzar, of the land of the Chaldcans. But in the
oration of the conclusion that the fulfillment of lhe antitype or fulfillment of the prophecy “in that day”
seventy-year period is as hereinbefore stated. from 1914 forward, Christ Jesus, the enthroned King
MAY 1, 1937

of Jehovah, began and has continued his reign. “Like to wit, to rule the nations of the earth as the vice-
the days of one king” (Looser) ; “according to the gerent of Christ and in a dictatorial way.
days of a certain king. ” (Rotlterkam) These two latter l2 The words of “the song of the harlot” are ad-
translations help to clarify the matter and manifestly dressed to the harlot herself, that is to say, to the Ro-
refer to the “King of the Chaldcans” and the anti- man Catholic Hierarchy and at the period after the
typical desolation-period fulfilled from 1914 to 1918
as above stated. The World War closed November 11, end of the World War in 1918, and which is after
1918, and it was shortly after that time that the tight Satan and his wicked crowd, of angeIs had been cast
position of the pope began to be lifted and the “for- out of heaven and down to the earth and when Satan
gotten” period began to end. When the peace confer- began to gather his forces, visible and invisible, to
ence began to be discussed the pope immediately got Armageddon. In this action or work Satan brings for-
busy and tried to get a seat at that conference. On ward and puts into action his religious institution, the
November 30, 1918, the New York Evening TVorld Roman Catholic Hierarchy. This also marks the time
published’ a statement to the effect that “the pope when the Lord builds up Zion and sends forth the
[then Benedict XV] desired to attend the peace con- remnant as his witnesses to proclaim his name and
ference in order that he might gain some temporal kingdom throughout the earth. The words of “the
power ’ ’ ; also stating that the Vatican sought to song of the harlot” are these : “Take an harp, go about
establish a private telegraph office and lines at the the city, thou harlot that hast been forgotten: make
Vatican, “with private wires to all governments, so sweet melody, sing many songs, that thou mayest be
as not to have to use the Italian lines.” (See The remembered.” (Isa. 23 : 16) This song is not sung to
Watchtower January 1, 1919.) The Italian govern- magnify the name of Jehovah, but for the contrary
ment, up to that time, had kept the ‘old lady ’ in the purpose. “And the harp and the viol, the tabret and
background. The Peace Conference opened on Jan- pipe, and wine, are in their feasts; but they regard
uary 18, 1919, when the League of Nations compact not the work of the Lord, neither consider the opera-
was presented, and later adopted, and at that confer- tion of his hands. “-Isa. 5 : 12.
ence the pope made efforts to gain a &at on a par ls The harlot is a “street-walker”, and she conducts
with the political governments or nations, but failed. herself in her best wearing apparel, paints her face,
All these facts show that in that period of time above and sallies forth to accomplish her business. She re-
mentioned the old lady was forgotten. sorts to ‘ ‘ an harp ’ ‘, that is, instruments to make a
I1 The events above mentioned were approximately pleasing sound to the ear of her prospective paramours,
seventy years after November 24, 1848, at which time including those she once had, and also new suckers,
the pope, in disguise, fled from Rome. On February 8, such as the United States, and the professional politi-
1849, the Italian government divested the pope of all cians who run it. She adds whatsoever she can to her
temporal power. But these facts appear to be merely attractive charms and carries on her seductive work,
incidental to the prophecy, and not in fulfillment and in doing this she stages a hypnotizing background
thereof. These facts would help to conceal the true of entrancing sound. The “harp”, as used in the
meaning of the prophecy for a time and until God’s prophecy, pictures the equipment or instrumentality
due time for it to be understood. The prophecy (vs. 15) of the old harlot by which she would add powerand in-
further says: ‘After seventy years [of desolation typ- fluence to her religious squawks or doctrinal lies in
ical and antitypical] shall Tyre sing as an harlot.’ order that she might inveigle others into her trap and
Other translations render this part of the prophecy gain control over them. Those instruments antityp-
in this manner, to wit: “It shall be unto Tyre as in ically are such as the Jesuits, Fascists, Nazis, “holy
the song of the harlot” (R.V.) ; “shall it befall Tyre year” fiasco, Holy Name Society, Catholic Action,
according to the song of the harlot” (Rotherl~am); Knights of Columbus, anti-communistic schools, the
“there shall be unto Tyre as the song of a harlot” Catholic press, the National Catholic Welfare Confer-
(Dow) ; “shall it happen to Tyre as in the song of ence, the Legion of Decency, controlling moving pic-
the harlot. ” (L eeser) Note that it is not a song BY the tures and moving-picture censorship, feigned, and
harlot, but “as in the song OF the harlot”; and that hypocritical patriotism exhibited in compulsory flag-
appears to be the reason why Lesser in translating saluting, the building of monuments and images at the
this text puts verse sixteen in quotation, and thus expense of religionists, and all suchlike movements,
verse sixteen is “The Song”. That “Song of the by and through which she “struts her stuff” and bam-
Harlot” must be and certainly is a prophecy of the boozles and hoodwinks the credulous population, hop-
Lord concerning the harlot religious system, that is, ing thereby to further her, cause and gain her great
the Roman Catholic organization, allies and support- objective, to wit, to rule the nations of the earth by
ers, and which prophecy foretells her conduct immo- dictators. Since the World War the old harlot has
diately following the end of the period in which she daily increased her boastful, scornful attitude and
is forgotten. The song begins to revive her traffic and arrogance in parading herself before the peoples of
patronage and her efforts to gain her chief objective, the earth.

l4 The harlot, that is, the Roman Catholic organiza- is identified; appearing with painted face and flatter-
tion, goes up and down the earth with her instruments ing words and at much expense, which expense money
of sound under the leadership of the Devil and in op- she collects from the “Catholic population”, she goes
position to the faithful followers of Christ Jesus, who on her campaign of enticement and seduction. She calls
are now singing the praises of Jehovah and his King. it “Catholic action”. It could be dubbed also “Devil’s
The harlot puts forth her best endeavors to crush visible action ’ ‘. The Jewish rabbis and the so-called
everything that makes known the truth as God has “Protestant” clergy fall right into the old harlot’s
put it in his Word. In striking contrast to the conduct arms, receive a few lessons from her, and then take
of the harlot Jehovah pictures his faithful witnesses their place in the show, attempting to make the poli-
with the Lord in this beautiful symbolic phrase : “And ticians and the commercial men believe that their best
I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire ; and interests require that they associate themselves with
them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and the religious, that is, the “harlot” organization.
over his image, and over his mark, and over the num- I7 The old harlot, since the World War, has gained
ber of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the complete control of Italy, and Germany, and wherever
harps of God. And they sing the song of Moses the in those nations her paint and enticing words fail she
servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, uses force of arms. She poses as honest, and hypocrit-
Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Al- ically says she represents God and Christ, the great
mighty ; just and true are thy ways, thou King of Prince of Peace, and at the same time she organizes
saints. “-Rev. 15 : 2,3. and launches a rebellion against the government of
l6 The song of praise to the Most High announces Spain becausethat government kicked her out and re-
that his kingdom is the only hope of the world and fused to yield again to her seductive charms. Her
that Christ will now reign in righteousness and will priests and other underlings, wearing clerical robes
destroy all hypocrisy and wickedness; and this song and armed with sword and gun, go forth to murder
greatly disturbs the old “whore” and she whangs her the people of Spain in order to carry out the harlot’s
harp with all her power and energy and uses all her wicked design to gain control of that nation. Just at
power and influence to get the harpers of the Lord the present time the old “harlot” is putting on her
out of the way. Her persecution of Jehovah’s witnesses big show at Washington, D.C., endeavoring to estab-
in every country is conclusive proof of this statement. lish diplomatic relationship between the United States
The facts well known, and which are coming to pass and the Vatican, and Washington is getting quite
in this day, exactly fit the prophecy, and this shows drunk with the wine of her fornication. The United
that now is the time, from and after the end of the States is quite a youth, not so fully acquainted with
World War, that the old whore is employing all her the harlot as the other nations, and is well likened in
“harlot charms” to draw the nations and the people the prophecy to a young man getting his eyeteeth cut.
under her control, that she may rule to the satisfaction Often a young man who’is simple yields to the seduc-
of her selfish and wicked ambition. tive influence of an enticing harlot who sings songs
I6 And where does she go to sing the Harlot song? and exhibits herself in public places. The United States
The prophecy answers : “About the city, thou harlot appears to be in the class of such simpletons.
that hast been forgotten.” She once had temporal I8 Jehovah God, foreknowing the present-day condi-
power, then she was forgotten during the time that the tions and the activities of the harlot religious organi-
political crowd thought best to ignore the old woman; zation, caused an appropriate proverb to be recorded
and again, following the war, conditions are changed, long ago, and which now is applicable, to wit: “And
and it is the appropriate time, as she thinks, for her beheld among the simple ones, I discerned among the
to go out and round up her old, and some of her new, youths a young man void of understanding [United
paramours, putting on her most attractive air, and States], passing through the street near her corner;
thereby inducing fornicators to turn again to her. and he went the way to her house, in the twilight, in
And in what “city” does she parade? Not amongst the evening, in the black and dark night ; and, behold,
God’s faithful people, not in the temple of Zion, hut there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot,
she goes about the “city” symbolically designated as and subtil of heart. (She is loud and stubborn ; her
“ Christendom ’ ‘, the nations that are willing to have feet abide not in her house; now is she without, now
the name of Christ indirectly attached to them for in the streets, and lieth in wait at every corner.) So
commercial purposes. Such is the city of the “ten she caught him, and kissed him, and with an impudent
kings”. As a “street-walker” the old and experienced fact said unto him, I have peace offerings with me;
harlot accosts each king or ruling power of the na- this day have I paid my vows; therefore came I forth
tions, and sings her songs, that is to say, she puts on to meet thee, diligently to seek thy face; and I have
a show before them by which she expects to dazzle the found thee. I have decked my bed with coverings of
kings. Since the end of the World War the harlot, the tapestry, with carved works, with fine linen of Egypt.
Roman Catholic Hierarchy, has been exhibiting hcr- I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinna-
self, clothed in her peculiar garments by which she mon. Come, let us take our fill of love until the morn-
MAY 1, 1937

ing ; let us solace ourselves with loves: for the good- Commission, and the owners and operators of radio
man is not at home, he is gone a long journey. ” “Kit11 stations, what they shall and shall not broadcast. She
her much fair speech she caused him to yield, with the tells the people what they shall and shall not hear or
flattering of her lips she forced him. He gocth after her read. She dictates to legislative bodies, to the judges
straightway, as an ox goeth to the slaughter or as a of the courts, and to the other political officials of the
fool to the correction of the stocks; till a dart strike land. She takes the lead in compulsory saluting of
through his liver, as a bird hastcth to the snare, and flags contrary to the fundamental law of the nation.
knoweth not that it is for his life.” “Her house is the She posts as very patriotic and insists on the school-
way to hell, going down to the chambers of death.” teachers’ taking an oath,- which never before was
--Prop. 7 : 7-19,21-23, 27. thought of in America, and she bluffs the legislatlvc
lo Will the United States yield to the harlot’s blan- and judicial power to try to sustain her. Claiming to
dishments and fall‘? It so appears. The old “harlot” be patriotic, she is a traitor to every country under
has her instruments everywhere in the land working the sun. She takes oaths of allegiance to governments
overtime to get control of the United States and every with a reservation that it is all right to quickly violate
branch of the government, and the politicians arc them. She poses as the guardian of the people to in-
falling to her enticements, and many of the people sure a clean social condition, and underneath and hc-
who are dupes and easily deceived are likewise yield- hind the scenes carries on all manner of uncleanness.
ing. Fascists and Nazis are one and the same thing Amongst her instruments that she uses are ultraselfisil
and are instruments employed with great effect by the men called “Jews”, who look only for personal gain,
Roman Catholic Hierarchy to gain control of the na- and who therefore readily yield to and join with the
tions. Each day the strength of that organization grows Hierarchy in any unrighteous schemes. The Catholic
in the United States. The people in general appear to organization in fact controls the moving-picture busi-
be asleep to the danger. The harlot even controls the ness and on every possible occasion in the exhibition
moving-picture business in order to keep the people’s of pictures attempts to magnify the merits of the Ro-
thoughts on everything except the danger that besets man Catholic Hierarchy. She raises a great hue and
the nation. It is indeed a frightful time. It is the night- cry about communists’ being a danger, and this she
time and the people slumber. Darkness covers the land, does in order to attract the people’s attention away
and gross darkness is upon the people. (Isa. 60: 2) from her own crookedness and to enable her to take
The harlot organization and her instruments are busy advantage of the people and slip her own instruments
during all hours of the night. into positions of power. Her instruments and her
*OThe old “harlot” sings the prophetic song, as it songs seem to be endless, and therefore, in fulfillment
is written : “Make sweet melody, sing many songs, of the prophecy, she sings many songs, and the polit-
that thou mayest be remembered.” This she does in ical dupes with gaping mouths are led right into her
order to add to her charms and her power. Her en- snare. The prophecy is now being rapidly fulfilled.
deavor is to induce the political crowd to believe not 22And what is the real purpose of the Roman Cath-
only that she is their spiritual guide but that she olic Hierarchy action? Says the prophet: “That thou
should esercise temporal power and supremacy over mayest be remembered” ; that is, that she may get
all of the political organizations. Inducing the politi- back her position of temporal power. IIer great ambi-
cians to yield to her blandishments she will do busi- tion is temporal power and rule of the nations of the
ness with them and through them and thereby gain world, and therefore she must be remembered by hcl’
control of the people and rule as a counterfeit Christ political paramours. Religion, which she wrongfully
over the nation and ultimately over all the nations of claims is “Christianity”, is used by her to gain polit-
“ Christendom ’ ‘. ical power. She is determined now to have to do wit.11
*l The aggressive campaign of the Roman Catholic the treaties and make treaties with the nations and to
Hierarchy of the present time is called by that organi- bring all religious practices under her control and to
zation “Catholic action” and shows beyond all doubt suppress everyone who does not declare that she is the
that the present is considered the time for the old representative of God on earth. She is determined to
“harlot” to gain temporal control of the nations of suppress everyone ‘who dares declare the truth of
the earth. She therefore squawks her songs, which God’s Word. Jehovah’s witnesses are commissioned to
songs are lies, of course, because that is her stock in speak the truth, and therefore Jehovah’s witncsscs
trade, as God foretold. Now she boastfully says, as the constitute a stinging thorn in the flesh of the old
prophet of the Lord foretold : “Ke have made lies our “harlot” because they lift high the banner of the
refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves”; Lord, pointing the people to the declaration of Jeho-
nothing can “prevail against” us. (Isa. 25: 15) With vah that his kingdom and his King is the hope of the
glaring, brazen hypocrisy she calls attention to her world and that there is none other. The kingdom of
supposed attractiveness and desirability. IIiding the God under Christ, as proclaimed by Jehovah’s wit-
real facts from others, she poses as the rightful censor nesses,is the only thing the Roman Catholic IIicrarrhy
of the truth. She tells the Federal Communications now really fears. The old “harlot” is now very dili-

gent to hide from the people her long and bloody and shall commit fornication with all the kingdoms of
record as inquisitionists and the many crimes she has the world upon the fact of the earth.” (Isa. 23: 17)
committed, and when her allies and filthy record, as Other translations of this text are : “And it shall come
recorded in history, are mentioned and the truth of to pass after the end of seventy years that Jehovah
God’s Word is told about her, she howls, and with will visit Tyre.” (A.R.V.) “So shall it be at the end
great crocodile tears says: “That speech is shocking of seventy years that Jehovah will visit Tyre.” (Roth.)
to our religious susceptibilities.” The facts conclusivc- This shows that it is from and after 1918 that Jehovah
ly prove the fulfillment of the prophecy. visits Tyre, and during the time in which the Lord is
restoring his remnant from Babylon and using them
for his purpose. As Jehovah permits the Devil to rc-
PaThe “abomination of desolation”, spoken of by main, so for a time he permits the old “harlot”, the
Daniel the prophet, and by the Lord Jesus, is that Roman Catholic Hierarchy organization, to remain in
which claims to rule in the place and stead of God’s existence to operate against his kingdom and his nit-
kingdom under Christ Jesus. The League of Nations nesses.First Jehovah visits her with the proclamation
was set up for that very purpose, claiming the right of the truth against her, and in doing this he corn-
and power to rule the world. But have in mind what mands his witnesses to ‘arise against her in battle’.
constitutes and controls the League OFNations. At the (Obad. 1) This is Jehovah’s “strange work”; and,
very beginning of the organization of the League of this strange work being completed, he visits her and
Nations the Roman Catholic Hierarchy sought a place executes judgment upon her, and that marks the be-
or seat in that conference and she there began to put ginning of his “strange act”, which is the second part
on her show to get into it and to dominate the League. of his visit. During the first part of his visit, as in
When that ‘beast came up out of the pit’ (Rev. 17 : 8) case of his visit to Sodom, Jehovah gathers the eTi-
immediately following the end of the World War, the dence against her as to her activities as a harlot operat-
old “harlot” climbed on the back of that beast and has ing with a harp and song. During the first part of the
been riding since, and exercising the guiding control visit, says the prophet, “she shall turn [shall return
of the League of Nations, claiming the right to rule (R.V.) ; will return (Roth.)] to her hire.” She re-
and vigorously attempting to rule the world in the turns to her hire as a harlot and uses that hire with
place and stead of Christ Jesus; therefore the “abom- which to commit fornication with the rulers of the
ination that maketh desolate” is the League of Na- earth.
tions and is labeled by organized religion “the polit- 25Note this part of the prophecy says : “And shall
ical expression of God’s kingdom on earth”. “Or- commit fornication with all the kingdoms of the world
ganized religion,” with the Roman Catholic Hier- upon the face of the earth”; according to the Revised
archy in the lead, is the binding tie and the chief part Version: “Shall play the harlot with all the kingdoms
constituting the League of Nations, which claims the of the world.” Such is exactly what the Roman Cath-
right and which attempts to rule the world in the olic Hierarchy organization is doing, and has been
place and stead of Christ. (See Light, Book Two, doing from and after 1918, and will continue to do un-
page 103.) The Roman Catholic Hierarchy, the leader til the beginning of Armageddon; and while she is
of “organized religion”, is the guiding power of the doing that Jehovah is doing his “strange tiork” oi”
League of Nations, and she expects to cscrcise even exposing her wickedness. The activity of the old
greater power, and doubtless will, in the very near ‘ ‘ whore ’ ’ in committing harlotry with all the ki:lg-
future, regardless of what the combine is called. The doms of the world appears to be more than merely
old “harlot” is riding on the back of the “beast”, establishing diplomatic relationship with all nations
and therefore is the dominating part thereof. The ob- and being recognized as a temporal power. It surely
jective of the League of Nations is to rule the world means the carrying out of the objective of the Roman
contrary to God’s purpose, and therefore the League Catholic Hierarchy to set up a Fascist government
of Nations and the Hierarchy are one, constituting controlling the nations of the earth, that the Hicr-
the “abomination that maketh desolate”, and it stands archy may arbitrarily rule the nations in a dictatorial
where it ought not to stand; and this is a warning to manner.
everyone who loves God and Christ to flee to God’s
organization under Christ.--i\Iatt. 21: 15,X ; Mark DEVIL’S OFFSPRING
13 : 14. 26The League of Nations is the child of the Devil b7
‘VISITS TY RE’ his “woman”, “organized religion,” brought fort!1
I4 The prophecy then declares that Jehovah visits in opposition to Jehovah’s “man child”, which sha!l
Tyre; and surely that visit is not in her favor, but for rule the world. (Rev. 12: 5) The combination of the
judgment against that wicked organization. When does League of Nations is made up of religion, politics and
the Lord visit her? The prophecy answers : “And it commerce, religion being the binding tie and riding
shall come to pass, after the end of seventy years, that on the back of the beast and claiming the right to rule.
the Lord will visit Tvre. and she shall turn to her hire. The old “whore” cains her dominating nosition in this
MAY 1, 1937

combine when she ‘returns to her hire and plays the 21The United States is not supposed to be a member
harlot with all the kingdoms of the world upon the of the League of Nations, but the prophecy says: “She
face of the earth’. This is further proof that the com- . . . shall play the harlot with all the kingdoms of
bine is the abomination that maketh desolate. Corrob- the world upon the face of the earth” (R.V.), and this
orating this conclusion, note Revelation 17 : 1,2 : “And necessarily includes the United States of America. It
there came one of the seven angels which had the seven is well known, by every person in America who really
vials, and talked with -me, saying unto me, Come thinks, that the determination of the Roman Catholic
hither ; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great Hierarchy is to gain control of the United States and
whore that sitteth upon many waters [as ancient Tyre make it a government similar to that of Germany and
did] : with whom the kings of the earth have com- Italy. Just preceding the election in the United States
mitted fornication [which the Roman Catholic Hier- in 1936 Cardinal Pacelli, Papal secretary of state of
archy has done since 1918, while rejecting the kingdom the Vatican, visited the United States, and the result
of God, the ‘Stone laid in Zion’], and the inhabitants was that practically every Roman Catholic voted for
of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of Mr. Roosevelt, the man who had said previously that
her fornication.” ‘diplomatic relationship would be established with the
27During the past few years the Fascists and Nazis Vatican as soon as the American people could be
have grown at a tremendous speed, thus showing that brought around to it’.
the “inhabitants of the earth” are made drunk with
the Roman Catholic Hierarchy’s lying, poisonous doc- BRITAIN AND AMERICA
trines, her “wine”, and the fornication and drunken- s2No one on earth can tell exactly what will come
ness continue to increase : “For all nations have drunk to pass; but those devoted to the Lord, and according
of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the to the divine rule of applying the well-known facts
kings of the earth have committed fornication with to God’s prophecy now in course of fulfillment, can
her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich well reach a reasonable conclusion as to what shall come
through the abundance of her delicacies.“-Rev. 18 : 3. to pass. The question is, Will Great Britain and
28The combine of the nations, under the influence of America become Fascist under the dominating control
“organized religion ’ ‘, was lined up behind the Hague of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy 7 The Scriptures and
International Arbitration Court, which during the the facts appear to fully support that conclusion.
World War went out of sight but quickly came up out Within the borders of the British Empire and the
of the pit following the World War : “And the beast United States of America the truth of God’s kingdom
that was, and is not [during the World War], even has had its greatest proclamation and witness, and
he is the eighth [world power; namely, the combine of that is exactly what the Roman Catholic Hierarcily
the League of Nations with Devil-religion riding], and hates. It is the truth of and concerning the kingdom
is of the seven [previous world powers, existing be- of God, when proclaimed, that “shocks the
fore the World War], and goeth into perdition [at susceptibilities” of the Hierarchy crowd, becausethey
Armageddon, the harlot being first unseated and de- hate that which lets God’s light shine and exposes
strayed]..“-Rev. 17 : 11. them. For that reason the Hierarchy attempts to sup-
2oWhile the old “harlot” rides the beast and thus press the use of the radio and all other means of pub-
symbolically is in control of it, the Protestant clergy lication of God’s kingdom message.The prophecy of
drag along in the procession and shout: “This is the the Lord shows that modern Tyre, the Catholic or-
political expression of God’s kingdom on earth”; and ganization, commits fornication with all the nations
the deluded and ignorant populace yell, and for what and gains her desire. When the Hierarchy has gained
reason they know not. The old “harlot” returns to complete temporal power of the earth, that will in
her hire, that is, uses her stock in trade, to induce her mind fully establish the conclusion that her de-
others to commit fornication with her, and with her sire has been fully accomplished, and then she w-111
blandishments as a harlot thereby gains the upper say : “Peace and safety”; and then the “ten horns”,
hand of the nations and rides on the back of the com- that is, all the ruling powers of the nations, rcccivc
bine, and thus the “abomination of desolation” is power with the “beast”, the League of Nations corn-
complete. bine being, in fact, a league of Fascism or combined
*OIt was the Fascists’ leader, Mussolini, who first Fascist governments, dominated by the Roman Cath-
opposed the pope’s being recognized during the World olic Hierarchy. “And the woman [Devil’s visible r c-
War, and it was the same Mussolini who saw to it that ligious organization, the harlot] which thou sawcst is
the pope regained his temporal-power position in 1929, that great city [the Hierarchy organization], which
and since then the pope has not been known to seek a reigncth over [combined Fascism,] the kings of the
seat in the League of Nations, and the reason is, be- earth.“-Rev. 17 : 12’18.
cause he has pursued a more subtle policy, thereby s3What was the real inducement that caused King
obtaining a scat as the rider of the entire beast, and Edward VIII to abdicate may be bcttcr understood
has the whole gang kissing his big toe. in the near future. That Fascism now is gaining at an

alarming rate in Britain, there is not the slightest burned with the fire, and all the idols thereof will I
doubt. Also the Fascists and Nazis are rapidly in- lay desolate: for she gathered it of the hire of an
creasing in the United States. The Roman Catholic harlot, and they shall return to the hire of an harlot.”
Hierarchy is confident of putting to silence through -Mic. 1: 7.
its instruments everything and every activity that ex- s7The Roman Catholic Hierarchy with an air of
poses the croohcdness of the Hierarchy and makes superiority, and with great claim of power and au-
known Jehovah God’s purpose. It is nighttime, so thority from God, have approached the kings of the .
far as most of the people are concerned, and the old earth and said to them in effect: “We bestow upon
whore, while the pcoplc slumber, movesforward with you the divine right to rule ; we give you holy sanctions
greater confidence. A complete fulfillment of the and heavenly blessings; and by reason thereof your
prophecy draws nigh. -God caused the apostle Paul positions as political rulers are sacred and are ordained
to write authoritatively concerning this very time, to of God, and therefore so far as the people are con-
wit: “But of the times and the seasons,brethren, ye cerned you are viewed as constituting the earthly
have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves ‘higher powers’ and we who compose the Hierarchy
know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comcth as arc the spiritual higher powers and superior to all
a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace other earthly power.” In this fraudulent representa-
and safety; then sudden destruction comcth upon tion and manner the harlot proceeds to gain control
them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they over gullible men. Such constitutes the merchandise
shall not escape.“-1 Thess. 5 : 1-3. and hire of the harlot by which she draws men into her
84Jehovah is now carrying on his “strange work “, clutches. The Roman Catholic Hierarchy has fraudu-
which serves to enlighten the people of good will and lently posed as the representative of God with full
to show them the only way of escape; and only those divine authority to bestow blessings on kings, while
who find that way will escape.The old “whore” sitting in truth and in fact she is the representative of the
upon the back of the beast may soon be cspected to Devil. The Hierarchy uses ‘the hire of the harlot’ to
say: ‘Peace and safety, we have silenced all oppo- induce the political power to believe that she should
nents.’ Then Jehovah’s “strange act” will begin, and dictate the policy of the world, and thus carry out her
sudden destruction comes upon her as travail upon a purpose to set up a dictatorial rule of the earth.
woman with child. There begins the howl, described 38But now the time arrives when Jehovah turns
by Isaiah 23: 1-14; and destruction of Satan’s rc- the tables on the old wench. Jehovah does not bring the
ligious system, by which he has hoodwinked the people merchandise and ‘hire of the harlot’ into his temple,
and made merchandise of them. As for the harlot, but by carrying on and doing his “strange work” Je-
her triumph will be short and her end will be complete hovah exposes the wickedness of the Roman Catholic
destruction.-Ezek. 27 : 12-34 ; Rev. 17 : X,17. Hierarchy, the rcligionists, and thus he counteracts
the effects of her merchandise and hire and causes the
same to work against the religionists, and the result
is beneficial to those who Iove righteousness and hate
*5The Roman Catholic Hierarchy’s “refuge of lies” iniquity. This Jehovah does by causing the people to
will furnish no protection to her, but her bulwarks have their eyes opened to the truth and to clearly see
will be completely swept away when her doctrines are that the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, the leader of re-
known to be false. At some time in the fulfillment of ligionists, is a part of Satan’s organization, and those
this prophecy it will come to pass as it is written: people of good will, who thus see and identify the
“And her merchandise and her hire shall be holiness Roman Catholic organization as a part of Satan’s or-
to the Lord : it shall not be treasured nor laid up ; for ganization, separate themsclvcs from that wicked or-
her merchandise shall be for them that dwell before the ganization and hasten to Jehovah’s ‘city of refuge’,
Lord, to eat sufllciently, and for durable clothing.” the place of holiness. Therefore when “her merchan-
-Isa. 23 : 18. dise and her hire” are fully exposed and revealed by
a8Surely the words “her merchandise and her hire the truth, these truths turn those of good will to holi-
shall be holiness to the Lord” could not refer to ma- ncss to the Lord. Jehovah’s witnesses have part in this
terial merchandise, such as the anarchists might seize “strange work” , in this, that as his commissioned scrv-
and confiscate, because it is written in God’s law: ants they carry God’s mcssagc of warning to the peo-
“Thou shalt not bring the hire of a whore, or the price ple of “Christendom”, which message of truth is a
of a dog, into the house of the Lord thy Cod for any true guide to all the people in or outside of “Christcn-
vow; for even both these are abomination unto the dam” who desire to take the right course. When the
Lord thy God.” (Dcut. 23: 18) What, then, could be people of good will see and understand the truth, then
meant by “her merchandise” and “her hire”? Jcho- the false doctrines which they have been taught by
vah’s prophet, speaking concerning unfaithful Sama- the IIicrarchy work against the organization of Satan
ria, says : “And all the graven images thereof shall be and to the glory of Jehovah, the Iioly One, and thus
beaten to pieces, and all the hires thereof shall be become“holiness to the Lord”.
IUAY 3, 1937 @FieWATCHTO\VER 139

a9Says the prophet: “It shall not be treasured nor for those who love Jehovah. Prophecy in fulfillment
laid up.” (Isa. 23: 18) Her merchandise and lying antI ljt+lg understood proves to be their spiritual
shall not be brought into the temple of Jehovah, but nourishing and profitable to those who love God. When
it shall be used against and operate against the harlot. thr people of good will seethese things, then no longer
As to the “merchandise” and “hire” of a material nw the old “harlot” and her allies, by the use of her
kind, that is, all the material wealth of the Roman “ I~I~~I~Cll;lIldise”and lying, able to keep those who love
Catholic Hierarchy, that, to be sure, shall be left bc- and save Jehovah from eating and filling sufficiently,
hind the old harlot when, at the beginning of Armagcd- and they do eat sufficiently and are greatly satisfied
don, the religious system shall be destroyed. It all, in ant1 rc>joice.
truth, belongs to the Lord, because the earth and the ‘L’ Further the prophecy says: “And for durable
fullness thereof are his. (Ps. 24 : 1) At all times such clot Iiiug [stately clothing (margin, R.V.)].” Clothing
material things have belonged to the Lord, but have symbolically stands for identification. When those
been misused and abused by the religionists. Those who pcrsous of good will hear and act upon the truth, see-
survive Armageddon will find better use for such, be- ing that the “hire” and “merchandise” of the old
cause they will use material things to the glory of God ha~*lotis a fraud and snare, they immediately wash up,
in his service. “For her merchandise shall be for them thclt is, they ‘wash their robes and make them white in
that dwell before the Lord.” The word “dwell”, as the blood of the Lamb’. (Rev. 7: 14) They thus iden-
here used in the prophecy, means to abide and remain tify t hrmsclves as servants of Jehovah God. They get
as a remnant. (Isa. 7 : 3 ; Pss. 27 : 4 ; 61: 6,7) The 011 the Lord’s side and no longer have anything to do
promise of Jehovah is that those persons of good will with I IIC harlot organization. Their devotion, service
who ‘seek righteousness and meekness’ may be hid am1 ljl’;lisc are to Jehovah and his King, who sits upon
during Armageddon and dwell thereafter on the earth. the throne and who shall for ever rule the world in
(Zeph. 2 : l-3) It is such that the Lord Jesus leads unto righlcousness. The faithful great multitude have a
the fountain of life, feeding them and fulfilling their “st;llcly” appearance.
desires, and those are the ones that praise Jehovah
day and night.-Rev. 7: 10-17. SUMMARY
doDuring the World War, when spiritual Jerusalem, M R&fly summing up the prophecy of the 23d chnp-
God’s faithful remnant people on the earth, seemingly tcr of Isaiah, this appears as its messageto those who
had come to the end of their way, modern Tyre, the love Jehovah and who joyfully obey his command-
religious organization aforementioned, esuited ; as It mcntq a
is written : “Son of man, becausethat Tyrus hath said aJ.;&icnt Tyre represented commercialized religion
against Jerusalem, Aha, she is broken that was the and rcligionists, of which the Roman Catholic Hier-
gates of the people; she is turned unto me; I shall be archy is modern Tyre and in the lead. “The king of
replenished, now she is laid waste. ” (Ezck. 26 : 2) Tyru~” means the Devil himself; while “the prince of
But soon and in God’s due time he turns the tables on Tyrc” stands for the visible, religious representative
the Roman Catholic Hierarchy and that wicked or- of the I)cvil on earth.
ganization is laid waste, and Jehovah’s witnesses are M “Xidon” also stands for Devil religion, including
sho\vn as praising the Most Iligh after the Hierarchy
bot 11“ heathen religion “, so called, or paganism, and
goes down. When that calamity befalls the rcligionists all otlwr religious allies of the Roman Catholic Hier-
the persons of good will, composing the great multitude archy.
who have proved their integrity by obeying Jehovah’s
commandments, will then dwell in the presence of lhe 4” “Ships [that is, vessels] of Tarshish” stands for
Lord and will sing his praises for ever : “Surely the the various subordinate organizations of the Roman
righteous shall give thanks unto thy name; the upright Catlmlic Hierarchy, which support and do the bidding
shall dwell in thy presence.“-Ps. 140 : 13. of the Hierarchy and carry on her menial work.
‘I Again says the prophecy : “For her merchandise ” “ Harlot, ” an unchaste woman, stands for Sa-
shall be for them that dwell before the Lord, to eat tan’s organization, of which religion is the most subtle
sufliciently.” (Isa. 23 : 18) The so-called “spiritual part visible to man and used to seduce others from
and religious” foods provided by the Roman Catholic JCIIOV;III God.
Hierarchy, and which is her “merchandise”, being 48’l’l~c purpose or objective of the Roman Catholic
exposed by the light and unfolding of Jel~oval~‘sWord, Hierarchy is and ever has been to gain control of and
these truths become prOopheticfood for those who are rule 111~nations of the earth.
fed at Jehovah’s table, which includes, to be sure, those K’ For many years the Roman Catholic Hierarchy
of the great multitude, which the Lamb of God shall organization was recognized as a temporal power rul-
feed. (Rev. 7: 17) The revelation of Jehovah’s proph- ing over the kings of the earth. She lost that power for
eq- stripping bare the ecclesiastical frauds and dis- a time, and regained it in 1929. During the World
chxing Jehovah’s judgment against such fraudulent War the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, the harlot, sought
mer&andise becomesspiritual “meat in due season” a plncc among the nations in matters pertaining to war

and peace, but was cast to the side and forgotten. At and his King by now joyfully obeying the command-
the close of the World War, in fulfillment of the proph- ments of the Most High. “Arise ye, and let us rise up
ecy, the Roman Catholic Hierarchy began her activities against her in battle.“-Obadiah 1.
to regain temporal power, and, as the once forgotten
harlot, she goes about the nations singing “the song QUESTIONS FOR STUDY
of the harlot”, that is, using seductive means to in- 7 1. Point out what is meant by the prophetic term ‘Jehovah’s
day’. What marks the beginmng of fulfillment of Isamh
duce the political rulers of the nations to recognize 23: 159
her former position as a temporal power. y 2,3. Identify modern Tyre. What is her obj&tive¶ HON and
5oFascism and Nazism mean one and the same thing when was she “forgotten “? What is seen in a comparu+on
of the language of lerse 15 with that of verse 179
and are the instrument of the Roman Catholic Hicr- 7 4-7. Compare the prophecy of Isaiah with that of Jeremmh
archy, the child of the Devil, to gain control of the concerning the ,:‘ seventy years ’ ’ and the ‘ ‘ desolation ”
earth by the Hierarchy and turn all people against marking the end of that time.
q 8,9. Relate facts which show when and how the “harlot”
God and His kingdom. The Roman Catholic Hierarchy was “foreotten”.
classes everyone that is opposed to her as “red” or 1 10. Apply t%e prophetic expression, in verse 15, ‘ ‘ hecording
“ communist ’ ‘, and this is done to incite the people to the days of one king.”
U 11.12. What is the “son8 of the harlot”? When and bv
against those who stand for whatsoever is right. The &om is it sung, and wrth what effect?
Hierarchy is particularly opposed to and persecutes 1 13. HON and to whom has the “harlot ” been ‘singing her
Jehovah’s witnesses, because they proclaim the truth song’? and what 1s her purpose?
a 14. Contrast the conduct of the “harlot” with that of the
of God’s name and kingdom and point to God’s king- faithful witnesses of Jehovah.
dom as the only hope of the world. 7 15. Account for the “harlot’s” opposing and persecutmg
51The prophecy seems clearly to indicate that the Jehovah’s witnesses.
u 16. Usscribe her ‘going about the city’, and the show she
Roman Catholic Hierarchy operating its organization puts on there.
of Fascism, together with other religious allies, will a 17-19. Pumt out some of the results of her hypocrisy and
gain control of the leading nations of the earth, includ- duphbity, and her preaent purpose and objective thercm.
Erplam her so fully beguilmg the people while she pro-
ing Britain and the United States, and then that hypo- cecds to gain control of the nations.
critical religious organization will cry out, as prophct- !I 20. 21. What is the nature of her song? and what are some
bf the tactics she emulovs. and i&ruments she uses. to
ically written, “Peace and safety.” This part-of the accomplish her selfish *p&p&e?
prophecy is set forth in Isaiah 23 : 15-18. 7 22. 1Vhat is the lea1 purpose in the “harlot’s” efforts to be
52When the Hierarchy has reached her zenith of “remembered”? Describe her Drocedure as she seeks to
acc~ompliah lhat purpose. Why &she so determined to pre-
glory and supposed absolute security, then God, vent the declaration of the truth of God’s Word and to con-
through Christ Jesus, completely wrecks the ‘old ceal or obscure the facts on record concerning her?
harlot’ organization, and that marks the beginning of B 23. Identifv the “abomination that maketh desolate”. and
pomt out’ facts in proof of such identification. ’
Armageddon. This great “burden” or woe coming to 7 24,25. When does Jehorah “visit Tyre”, and how? How
the religionist element of Satan’s organization strikes does ‘ ( Tvre” then Droceed in her activities as a “ harlot”
terror into every one of her supporters, and these, by as foretold in Isaiah 23 : 171 and what is her purpose
the prophecy, are shown as wailing and howling, be- 7 26. What facts and scriptures further prove the identity of
cause they clearly see that they are nest in line for the the ‘ ‘ great whore ’ ‘9
7 27,25. How 1s Revelation 15: 3 fulfilled? Revelation 17: 118
expression of God’s wrath against them. This part of U 59-31. Account (a) for the actlon by the Protestant clergy in
the prophecy appears in verses 1-14 of Isaiah 23 and relation to the League of Nations. (b) For the change of
shows that the woe comes upon the religious organiza- policy of the pope since 1929. (c) For the present situation
in the United States in this connection.
tion at the end of her very short period of seeming 7 32. Just what is the purpose of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy
triumph. in its attemut to control the means of nublic information?
5sNow Jehovah is carrying forward in the earth his How is this bartieularly manifest within the borders of the
British Empire and the United States of America at the
“ strange work ’ ‘, exposing to view the wicked organi- present time?
zation of Satan. He lays upon his witnesses the duty U 33. How does the present situation indicate that fulfillment
of 1 Thessalomans 5: 1-3 draws near?
and gives to them -the privilege and opportunity of 1 34. What is the nature, and the purpose, of Jehovah’s
proclaiming his name and his kingdom in the earth, “strange work”? Then what follows, and with what re-
and thus they have a part in this strange work. When sult, as indicated by prophecy?
ll 33-37. Explain the term “her merchandise and her hire”.
that strange work is done, then begins his “stran%e 7 35. IIow shall “her merchandise” “be holiness to the
act ’ ‘) which is the battle of the great day of God .\l- Lord”?
mighty. During the period of his “strange work” the 7 39-42. Why shall it not ‘be treasured or laid up’? How
will it be (a\ “for them that dwell before the Lord”?
great multitude must take their stand on the side of (h) ‘ ‘ To- c;t ‘suficlently “1 (c) “ For durable clothmg ’ ‘B
Jehovah and his kingdom and prove their faithful ( 43.55. In summary: Who, or what. in the fulfillment of this
obedience and maintain their integrity toward God. prophecy, 1s se& to h&e been pictured or represented by
anelent Tyre? By the king of Tyrus? By the prince of
Jehovah now makes known these precious truths to TTre? By Zidon? By the ships of Tarshish? By the harlot?
those who love him that they may be comforted and \\ hat is clearly the purpose or objective of the Roman
Catholic Hiernrchv? How had the “harlot” been “for-
have greater hope in this time of peril, Let all who gotten”? and how has she been ‘singing her song’, and
claim to love Jehovah God prove their love for him been “remembered”? What methods and instruments has
MAY 1, 1937 fFfieWATCHT@WER 141

she used~ and with whnt results, and present prospect? for what purpose? What does this mean, as to privilege and
What will follow her reaching her zenith? responsibility, to those to whom Jehovah has made known
1[ 53. How is Jehovah carrying on his “strange work’ ‘f and these precious truthsO


F OR three and one-half years the disciples of Jesus

walked with him and learned that he is the Christ,
the Son of the living God. One of them, called
Judas, while claiming to believe on and serve Jesus
Then he issued another paper, had that printed and
sent throughout the earth to the various offices and
and in which letter he resorts to lies and manifests a
Christ, was at the same time in a conspiracy with the vicious and malicious, lying disposition, attacking the
enemy to bring about the death of Jesus and to destroy president of the WATCH TOWER BIBLE & TRACT So-
his work, and, knowing this, Jesus named him ‘*the CIETY, and making many statements which he knew
son of perdition”. Later the Bible record discloses that at the time are deliberate lies. He demanded that his
Judas was a type of a class of persons who covenant letter be answered through The Watclttower. The
to serve God and Christ and who become unfaithful, Watchtower columns are not open to the discussion
and who are therefore the instruments of the Devil. of matters with those who are opposed to the Lord,
For twenty years or more one W. F. Salter was the and certainly not to printing the argument of one
trusted representative of God’s organization on earth, against the presence of the Lord, when this question
the WATCH TO~VER BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY. Claiming of the Lord’s presence has been thoroughly covered
to believe in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ, and by the publications of the Society.
often so stating, and while in the pretended service of The Lord Jesus denounces such as conduct of those
the Lord’s organization, that man was in a conspiracy who are the evil servants, using this language: “But
to bring about the destruction of the Lord’s work and and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord
the death of someof the Lord’s servants. His duplicity delayeth his coming ; and shall begin to smite his fel-
being discovered, he was, becauseof his unfaithfulness, lowservants, and to eat and drink with the drunken:
relieved of his position and duty in the Lord’s organi- the lord of that servant shall come in a day when he
zation. About a year later this same man enters into looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not
a further conspiracy with the enemy to commit more aware of, and shall cut him asunder, and appoint him
wrong. He got someoneto write an article attempting
to prove that the Lord Jesus Christ is not present. his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping
That article he printed and caused to be distributed and gnashing of teeth.“-Matt. 24 : 48-51.
amongst many of the Lord’s servants in different parts Judas hanged himself, “and falling headlong, he
of the earth, together with a covering letter, which burst asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushed
letter and article purported to come from the head out. ” (Acts 1: 18) The evil servant is the head or chief
of&e of the WATCH TOIVER BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETP. part of the “man of sin “, “the son of perdition,” and
Manifestly this was done in order to practice fraud concerning which it is written: “And then shall that-
and deception upon the faithful ones. He caused the Wicked [the man of sin, the son of perdition] be re-
printing to be done in the United States, and had his vealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit
papers posted in the mail at Brooklyn, New York. In of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of
his letter of so-called ‘instructions’, and which pur-
his coming. ” (2 Thess. 2: 8) No notice would be given
ported to be instructions from headquarters, the dc-
mand is made that the letter and article be read to of this fact and wicked conduct except for the protec-
the various companies at a stated time, and further tion of the Lord’s people, whom Salter has attempted
stated that organization instructions are mandatory to deceive. This is The Watchtower’s answer, and the
and this instruction must be carried out and the letter answer of the president of the Society, to his afore-
read. mentioned publications.

KEEP NOT thou silence, 0 God: hold not thy peace, and be
not strll, 0 God. For, lo, thine enemtes sde n lumult: and
they that hate thee have lifted up the head. They have talxn
crafty cowwel agatnst thy people, and consultrd ugcrlnst thy
h&den ones. They haze consulted topthcr rlth one consent:
they are confederate against thee. Let them be confounded
and troubled for ever; yea, let them be put to shame, and
perish: that men may know that thou, uhose nume alone (s
JEHOVAH, art the lllost ZZigh over all the earth.-PsaLu 83.
GOOD HOPES FOR 1937- 1938
E work of the Watch Tower Bible & Tract ised; the other, send to us. Or, if you prefer, put it
T Society is the preaching of the gospel of Jeho-
vah’s kingdom. Every consecrated child of God
is privileged to participate in this work. Since the
in the form of a letter, keeping a copy of the letter
for your own reference. We suggest that it be brief
and that nothing be written except the following:
organization of the Society the work during the year
has always been outlined in proportion as the Lord By the Lord’s grace I hope to be able to give to his work
provided the money through his consecrated children. for spreading the gospel during the ensuing year the amount
of $ . . . .... -..... ..-.. . .. . I will remit in such amounts and at
We continue to follow that example, as appropriate such times as I can find convenient, according as the Lord
in the church. prospers me. (Signed) .....--...- . . ... . - ..-- - -.-...-.-.. -_II_
Each one who has been enlightened by the truth Kindly address this card to
appreciates the fact that this blessing came to him as
a gracious gift; and as he has a zeal for the Lord he WATCH TOWERBIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY,
appreciates his privileges of using time, energy, and Treasurer’s Office,
money in telling the messageto others. Some who are
117 Adams St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
doing as much house-to-house witness work as their
conditions allow are also blessed with some money
Brethren residing outside of the United States
which they desire to use in the Lord’s service, to the
end that hungry souls which they cannot personally should write their respective offices in the countries
reach may be fed upon the precious kingdom-gospel. where they reside, and remit their “Good Hopes” to
The custom of setting aside each week so much to be such offices.
used in the Lord’s service has always proved benefi- Of our own selves we can do nothing, but we are
cial to the giver. A notice to the Society that you assured that the prayers of the righteous avail much.
hope to give so much, enables us to outline the work, Hence we ask the brethren to present us daily before
based upon what is expected. the throne of heavenly grace, that we may be given
Upon receipt of this issue of The Watchtower wisdom and grace to use the money to the best ad-
kindly write two cards, exactly alike. One of these vantage in spreading the gospel to the Lord’s glory
put aside for your own record of what you have prom- and to do the work entrusted to us.


NC% each year the companies of Jehovah’s wit- Are those interested in the kingdom work organized for
cb) field
0 nessesand their associatesin the United States
have been asked to renew their requests for
service leaders for the ensuing year.
service 1
tc) Average number of publishers reporting monthly.
Are field service activities arranged for on Sundays, Thurs-
The Society sends out representatives who, as re- (‘) days, and Saturdays9
gional servants, serve all companies that are organized
for service, and such other groups as request aid in (e) If not organized for service, would you like to have the as-
sistance of a regional servant to help you organizey
getting organized. It is the desire of the Society to
keep in touch with and help every such organization. Cf) Are conditions such that your company can entertain a
To this end we request that the secretary bring this service leader or regional servantP
matter to the attention of the company immediately,
and furnish us with the following information, an- (s) Is your territory covered by radio stations carrying Brother
Rutherford’s lectures?
swering all questions, if possible, and send the answers
to,The Watch Tower, Brooklyn, N. Y. Isolated breth- @) Does your company own and use any sound equipment?
State which: sound car, P.T.M., or phonograph.
ren who wish to have a part in the service are requested
to do likewise. (9 Give full name and street address of the company secretary.
Mark each answer to correspond with the letter
shown before each question below. Write plainly, and (j) Give name and address of another to whom we could send
give street address where possible, as telegrams cannot
be delivered to a post-office box. (k) Give the name of your railway station.
(a) State the number in your company who are in harmony (1) If in the country, state distance from station and if the
with the Society and the work it is doing. brother will be met.
Bellingham, Wash., April 15, 1937 April 38, 1937
Enclosed And two printed letters, evidently sent out by Brooklyn, New York.
Salter, one from New York post office, the other envelope DIM CROTIIER TOUTJIAN:
mailed at Brooklyn. Envelope marked No. 1 was received on Thank you for yours of the 15th, in re the enemy’s assault
the 12th of this month, and the one marked No. 2 receircd on through Salter. It is said there are two causes of insanity, one
the 14th inst. In No. 1 envelooo there is a letter smmosed to the dmintegration of the brain tissue, and the other the effect
be written by the Society, infrtructmg the company* &-ant of the influence of the wicked spirits, Salter gives every cvi-
to read his (Salter’s) printed letter to the company on the dcnce of laboring under this disability. The fact that he resorts
11th inst. or at an earlier date or as soon as possible after the to fraud and deceit and forges the name of the \VATCII TOwna
11th inst. However! it is purely Salter’s own diabolical, dii ty BIBLE 6s TLWT SOCIETY for the purpose of getting a message
work. You will notice that envelope No. 1 is stamped with the before others, shows he is of an unbalanced mind.
Society’s stamp for the purpose of deceiving the gullible saps. We are in a rcnl fight against Satan and his forces. Our
How one can stoop to such low level of wickedness is beyond business IS to proclaim the truth and not to bo disturbed by
me to comprehend. what the enemy dots. So encouiagc and comfort the brethren
I noticed Salter’s deflection on January 1933, when he was everywhere you go. Remember the words of the psalmist: “ Fret
taking a trip from Mexico to Canada. At every place he stopped not thyself because of evil doers, neither be thou envious against.
he caused much confusion among the brethren, not only doc- the workers of iniquity; . . . Rest in the Lord, and wait pa-
trinally, but also speaking disparagingly concerning the estab- tiently for him; fret not thyself because of him who prospereth
lishment of divisional campaigns by the Society; also ridiculing in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to
the E’atcictower articles. This (his conduct) I reported to the pass. Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; fret not thy&f
Society at that time. in any wise to do evil.” (Psalm 37: 1,7,8) Personal assaults
upon me are of no material interest. I expect these from the
On my way to Wenatehee I will stop at Mt. Vernon, Everett enemy. By the Lord’s grace, I w-i11proceed with His work
and Seattle to see if the company servants received the same regardless of the same. I have full coufidence that no ono of
letters. the temple will be disturbed by the acts of the wicked one, hut
Anything I can do in undoing the effects of these letters of will press on with greater zeal in the proclamation of the kmg.
Salter I will be pleased to do. Of course, no one who is well dom message. You may use this letter wherever you have occa-
established m the present truth can be affected by the Devil’s sion. With much love and best -wishes, I remain
attacks if they have made the present truth their own and are Your blother and servant by His grace,
wholly devoted to Jehovah. Let the others be weeded out.
With fervent love and best wishes, I am
Your brother by Jehovah’s grace,

(Continued from page 144)

NEW YORK Columbus WHKC Su 5:25pm Wilkes-B. WBRE Su 10:40am Paris KPLT Su 9:lOam
Brooklyn WBBR Su 9 : loam MO 1:55pm Tu 1:55pm Su 2:45pm Su 6:30pm Su 10:25am Su 5:OUpm
Su 4:30pm Su 7:3Upm We 1:55pm Th 1:55pm Williamsp. WRAK Su 6 : 15pm Pecos KIUN Su 10:55nm
Brooklyn WBBR Su 10 : ljnm Fr 1:55pm su 7:45pm Tb 7:35pm su 1:oopm Su 5:OOpm
Su 6:30pm MO 10:30am Portsm’th WPAY MO ll:OOam York \VORK Su 12 :25pm Pt. Arthur KPAC Su 9 :30am
Tu 10:30am Tu 6:30pm We 11: OOam Fr 1l:OOam su 3:oopm Su 6:25pm Su 2:15pm Su 4:30pm
We 10 :30am We 6:30pm San Angelo KGKL Su 9 :311am
Th 10:30am Th G:BOpm OKLAHOMA SOUTH CAROLINA Su 10 : 40am Su 1:30pm
Fr 10 :3Oam Fr 6:30pm Elk City KASA ,“,U1: $$)a$ Greenville WFBC Su 8 :OOam SanAntonio KABC Su 9:UOam
Buff alo WGR Su 9 : 55am Su 12:25pm Su 3:30pm Su 5:OOpm
Su 10 :45pm Enid KCRC ;S I,“;;;;: Spart Jb yg WSPA “s”, 1; ;;;tz Spanzsh Su 1:OUpm
Buffalo WKBW Su 5:55pm Su 1:25pm Su 2:OOpm Su 4:40pm 8. Antonio KMAC Su 7 :55om
Freeport WGBB Su 10 : 25am Muskocee KBIX Su 10 :30am Su 2:55pm Su 7:55pm
Su12:30pm Su 5:55pm Su 2:ldpm Su 5:55pm SOUTH DAKOTA Reslaco KRGV Su 9 :45nm
White Pl. WFAS Su 0 :OOpm Okl’a City KFXR Su 12 :ZSpm Euron KGDY Su 9*“5*rm
.3 ‘ Su 1:45pm Su 3:43pm
Tu 10 :55am Sa 10:53am Su G:UOpm Su 7:25pm Su 12:30pm We 5:55pm
Ponca City WBBZ Su 9 :55am Sioux Falls KS00 Su 9 : 1Uam UTAH
NORTH CAROLINA Su 12 :55pm Su 4:55pm su 9:45ullI Su 4:30pm Priee KEUB Su 11:4&m
Greensboro WBIG Su 10 :3Uam Shawnee KGFF Su 1: 1Opm Watert ‘n KWTN Su 10 :OOam Su 1:25pm Su 3:15pm
High P’t WMFR Su 10:35am Su 3:55pm Su 5:25pm Su 12:15pm Su 1:55pm
Raleigh WPTF Su 3 : 5Upm Tulsa WOO Su 9 : 25am VERMONT
We 3:30pm Fr 3 :30pm Su 10:05am MO 4:55pm TENNESSEE Rutland WSYB MO 8:3Upm
Wilm’gton WMFDSu10:3Oam OREGON Bristol WOPI su 10:40am We 8:30pm Fr 8:3Upm
Sn 12 : 25pm Su 4:30pm KAST Tu 7 :OOnm su 1:lOpm su 4:25pm
Astoria WTJS su 10 : 30am VIRGINIA
NORTR DAKOTA Th 2:55pm Sn 11:55am Jackson
Valley C ‘y EOVC Su 12 : 30pm Portland KWJJ Su 1O:PSam su 12 :15m11 SU 2:23pm Harrisonb. WSVA Su 12:15pm
Su 1:30pm Su 2:45pm Su 4:15pm Su 9:OOpm EnoxvilIe \VNOS su 10 : 30am Su 2:3Upm Su 4:45pm
Su 1?:55pm su 9 :45pm Petersb’g WPHR Su 8:55:rm
OHIO PENNSYLVANIA Memp!iis WNBR su 12:OOnn SulO:25am MO 8 :Jhm
AhOll WJW Su 1l:lOam Allentown WSAN MO 4 :OOpm Su 2:15om1 su 5:35om I We 8:55am Fr 10:15am
Su 3:25pm su G:OOpm We 4 : OOpm Fr 4:UOjlm Sa 8:53am
Su 10:15pm Easton WEST Su 10 :25am TEXAS Richmond WRVA Su 12 : 15om
Cleveland WHK Su 11 :OUpm Su 11:55am su 9:25pm Brady KNEL Su 9:30am Roanoke WDBJ MO 5:OUpm
Tu 1:45pm Th 1:45pm Greensb’g WHJB Su 10:15nm Su 12:55pm Su 4:30pm
Fr 1:45pm Su 4:OUpm Dallas WRHSU 9:3oum WASHINGTON
Columbus WBNS Su 7 :43am llnrrisb’g WKBOSu 12:43t1ru su 4:UUpm Su 9:UUpm Everett KRKO Su 1O:OOum
Su 12:30pm MO 3:lSpm su 3:55pm su 5 :53pl Dublin KFPL MO 8 :50am Su 1:OOpm Su 3:OUpm
We 3:15pm Fr 3:15pm Philad’a WTEL Su 12 :30pm WC 8:50am Fr 8:50am Scuttle KIRO Su lO*‘%m
. I.
Greek Su 8:30:rm Su 1:25pm Tu 5:30pm El Paso KTSM Su 9:lOam Su 5:15pm Su 9:OOpm
Columbus WCOL Su 10 :OOam Pittsburgh RUV Su 10:45nm Su 1:15pm Su ti:30pm Spokane KGA Su 9:lFiam
Tu 3:45pm Th 2 : 30pm Pittsb’gh WWMW Su 10:45arn Lubbock KFYG Su 10:55:1m Tacoma KM0 Su lO:UOam
So 1:45pm Eu 5:OOpm Su 9:OOpm Su 1:55pm Su 4:25pm su 3:oopm Su 5:55pm
The good news of the kingdom of yehovah is broadcast each week or ofiener by these and other stations at time shown.
[Current local tlme I6 8hown Santa Cl ‘a CMIII Mewed KYOS Su 8:45am IOWA
In each Inrtance.] Spanish Su 11: OIlam Su 1:45pm SU 3:OOpm Davennort WOC Su 10 : OOam
(1st and 3d Tuesdays) 7 :30pm 0:~l;land KROW SU 10 :OOam Su i2 :15pm We 4:15pm
Bahia Blanca LU2 Su 11:3Oam No 11:30pm TU 7:45pm KANSAS
Buenos Aires LR2 Su 10 :5nam FRANCE Tu 1l:OOpm We 8:15pm Coffevville KGGF Su 1:55nm
Los Andes, San Juan Radio Lyon Ss 6:50pm Th 7:45pm Sa 7 :45pm Su- 2 : 55pm Su 3:55pm
LV5 Su 10 :3Uam French \Ve 7 :25pm
French Sa 7 : 25pm COLORADO KENTUCKY
Alnmosa KGIW Tu 4 : 15pm Paducah WPAD Su 10 :OOam
AUSTRALASIA Th 4:15pm Sa 4:15pm Su 2:45pm Su 8:30pm
PARAGUAY Durango KIUP Su 1 :OOpm
NEW SOUTH WALES Asuncion ZPl Su 10 :30am Sterling KGEK Su 2 :30pm MAINE
AlbUrg SAY TU 9:45pm Augusta WRDO Su 10 : OOam
Goulburu 2-GN Su 7 :30pm CONNECTICUT Su 1:15pm su 4:oopm
Grafton 2-GF Tu 7:30pm SPAIN N. Britain WNBC Su 8 :OOam Bangor WLBZ We 4:45pm
Gunnedah 2-NO Su 7:OOpm Madrid E9Q 98GOkc Su 8:lOam Su 10 : OOam Presque I. WAGI\I Su 9 :45am
New Castle 2-HD Su 10 :30nm USA Eastern Standard Time Su 12 :30pm Su 1:55pm
Su 6:SOpm Su 11:40pm We 7 : 15pm Sa 7:15pm DELAWARE
We 6:30pm Spanzsh Su 6 :45pm Wilmington WDELSu 1:15pm MARYLAND
W’gaW’ga 2-WG Su 7:45pm Su 5 :45pm Su 9:3Opm Baltimore WCAO Su 10:30am
QUEENSLAND Su 12 :45pm su 10 :45pm
Brisbane 4-BC Su 7 :30am URUGUAY DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Frederick WFND Su 10 : 3Oam
Cairns 4-CA Su 7 :OOpm Montevideo CXlO Su 32 : 15pm Washington WOL Su 10 :OOam Su 1:30pm Su 5:OOpm
Marybor ‘b 4-MB We 9 : 45pm (Radio International) Su 1 :OOpm Su 6:30pm Hagerst’n W:JEJ Su 10:25am
Townsville 4-TO Su 9 :15pm Su 1:40pm Su 9:15pm
Ulverstone 7-UV Su 6 :25pm UNITED STATES Su 5:OOpm Boston
Su 12 :30pm WCOP Su 9 :30am
Su 10:20pm We 0:25pm Orlando WDBO
Su 11 :OOam Su 10 :45am Su 1:lOpm
ALABAMA Tallahassee WTAL
Su 10 : OOam Boston WHDH Su 9 :45am
VICTORIA Birm’ham WAPI So 10 : 15am Su 4:OOpm
Su 1:OOpm Su 1:30pm su 3:oopm
Bendigo 3-BO Su 7 :OOpm Su 4:30pm We 5:15pm Boston \VMEX Su 10:30am
Hamilton 3-HA Su 6 :45pm Decatur W&IF0 Su 12:3Opm GEORGIA Su 4:55pm su 7:45pm
Melbourne 3-AK Su 2:15pm Su 2:OOnm Su 4:OObm Athens WTFI Su 9*25am
Su 10 : OOpm Dotllan ~vAGF SU 9 :3&m Su 11 :OOam Sa 7IOOpm MICHIGAN
Swan Hill 3-SH Su 7:15pm Su 1:45pm Su 3:OOpm Atlanta WATL Su 10:5&m Detroit WJR Su 10 :OOarn
Gadsden WJBY su 1:15pu1 bu 2:OOpm su 9:oopm Kalamazoo WKZO Su 8 : 2Oam
WEST AUSTRALIA Su 3 :OOpm Su 4:55pm Augusta WRDW Su 11 :OOam Su 9:OOam Su 9:55am
Kalgoorlie 6-KG Su 7 :OUpm M ‘tgomery WSFA Su 4 : OOpm Su 2:OOpm Su 4:30pm Muskegon WKBZ Su 10 :30am
Northam 6-A&I Su 7 :OOpm We 4:oopm Fr 4:OOpm Griffin WKEU Su 9 :40am Su 3 :15pm Su 5:55pm
Selma WHBB Su 10 : lOam Su 2:45pm Su 4:30pm
Su 1:OOpm Su 4:lOpm Rome WRGA Su 10:50am MINNESOTA
BELGIUM Tuscaloosa WJRD Su 10 :30am
Wallonia-Bonne Esperance Su 5:OOpm Su 8:50pm F ‘BUSFalls KGDE Su 10 : OOam
Su 2:OOpm Su 4:30pm Waycross WAYX Su 9 : lOam &I 1:45pm Su 7:15pm
(201.7 m) We 7 :OOam Su 12 :45pm
Su 10 : 45am
BRAZIL Anchorage KFQD MO 8 :lOpm HAWAII Hattiesb’g WFOR Sp 1 :OOpm
Sao Paulo PRF-3 We 8 :lOpm Sa 8:lOpm Hilo KHBC Su 10 : OOam Su 3:30pm Su 5:30pm
Spanish Su 5:55pm Ketchikan KGBU MO 7:15pm
Germnn Tu 5:55pm Th 7:15pm Sa 7:15pm IDAHO MISSOURI
English Th 5:55em Boise KID0 Su 10 :55am Columbia KFRU Su 10:30am
ARIZONA Su 7:OOpm We 4:OOpm Su 1:30pm Su 2:45pm
Jerome KCRJ Su 4:OOpm Idaho Falls KID Su 1O:OUam St. Joseph KFEQ Su 10:OOam
CANADA Phoenix KOY Su 9:30am Su 1:OOpm Su 4:OOpm Su 1:35pm Su 3:40pm
Su 12 :45pm su 5:30pm Nampa KFXD Su 10 :OOam
BRITISH COLUMBIA Tucson KGAR Su 12:55pm Su 11:40am Su 7:15pm NEBRASKA
Kelowna CKOV Su 1:45pm Su 5:45pm Pocatello KSEI Su 10 :15am Lincoln KFAB Su 9 : :Oam
Spanzsh Su 9 :30am Su 3:lOpm Su 4:45pm Scottsbluff KGKY MO 5 :30pm
Cobalt CKNC SU 3 :15pm Tu 5:30pm Fr 5:30pm
Hamilton CKOC Su 10:OOjm Hot Sp’gs KTHS Su 10:15am Hnrrisb’g ILLINOIS WEBQ Su 4:45pm NEW HAMPSHIRE
su 1:3opm Su 8:30pm WLNH Su 10 : lOam
Poltsh Su 6:ZOpm
Joncsboro KBTM Su 8 :3Oam Su 6:45pm Su 9:OOpm Laconia
Su 10 :25am Su 4:55pm Rockford WROK Su 9:15am Su 2:lOpm Su 6:55pm
(1st and 3d Sundays) Su 12:55pm Su 3:45pm
Rock Is. WHBF Su 9 :15am NEW JERSEY
CHINA Bakersf ‘Id KPMC Su 10 :30:11u So 12:45pm Su 4:OOpm Asbury P. WCAP Su 12 :45pm
Tuvcola WDZ Su 9 : 35am Su 2:45pm Su 9:OOpm
Shanghai XHHE Su 5 :OOpm Su 1:lSpm Su 8:2Jpm Newark WHBI Su 9 :55am
El Centro KXO Su 4 :30pm Su 11: 55am Su 1:40pm
Su 6:25pm Su 9:OOpm
MO 10:30am Tu 4:30pm
CUBA We 10:30am Th 4:30pm INDIANA NEW MEXICO
Camaguey CBIJF Su 11:45am Fr 10 : 30am Sa 4:30pm Evansville WGBF Su 9 :25am Carlsbad KLAH Su 10 :55am
Hsvnna CMQ and Spanish Su 4 :35pm Su 2:25pm Su 4:30pm Su 1:OOpm Su 5:OOpm
shortwave COCQ 9740kc LosAngeles liMTB Su 2 :5$m Hammond WWAE Su 10 :15am Rowe11 KGFL Su 5 :OOpm
USA Eastern Standard Time No 2:55pm Tu 2:55pm Su 3:25pm Su 10 :OOpm MO 8:OOam No 6:55pm
Su 5:45pm We 2:55pm Th 2:55pm T. IIoute WBOW Su 12:OOnu
Spanish Su 5 :30pm Fr 2:55pm Sa 2:55pm Su 2:OOpm Su 4:OOpm (Continued on page 245)
117 Adams Street - Brooklyn,
N.Y., U. S. A. T IIIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling
the People to know Jehovah God and lus purposes as
expressed 1~. the Bible. It pubbshes Bible instruction
specifically designed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses. It arranges
J. F. RTJTHECFORDPresident W. E. VAN AMB~~GII Secretary
systematic &ble study for its readers ant1 supples other liter.
“And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and ature to aid in such studies. It publishes suitirblo ma&la1
for radio broadcasting and for other means of public instruc-
great shall be the peace of thy children.“- Isaiah 54:~~. tion in the Scriptures.
It, adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its uttcr-
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY I-EACH antes. It is entirely free and separate from all parties, sects
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, is from everlasting or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and wvlthout
to everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver reservation for the hngdom of Jehovah God under Christ
of life to his creatures; that the Logos was the beginning of his Coloved King. It 1s not dogmatic, but, invites careful
his creation and his active agent in the creation of all things; and critical examination of its contents in the light, of the
that the Logos is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed Scriptures. It does not indulge in controversy, and its col-
with all power in heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive umns are not open to personahties.
Officer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION PRICE
man for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully UNITED STATES, gl.00; CANziD.4 AND &fISCELLANEOUS FOREIGN,
disobeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death.; that by $1.50; GI~EAT BRITAIN, AUJTIULASIA,, AND SOUTH AFRICA, 'is.
reason of Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and American remittances should be made by Expren$ or Postal Money
Order, or by Bank Draft. Canachan, IMUsh, South Afrlcnn and
without the right to life. Australasian remittances should be made dn-cct to the le\pectlre
branch oftices. Kenuttances from countries other than those men-
THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suf- tioned may be made to the Brooklyn oace, but by Inte~nat%onul
ferod death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive Postal Money Order only.
price for all mankind; that God raised up Jesus divine and FOREIGN OFFICES
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every
name and clothed him with all power and authority, British . . . . . . . . . 34 Craven Terrace, London, W. 2, England
Canadian . . . . . . 40 Irwin Avenue, Toronto 5, Ontario, Canada
THAT JEHOVAH’S ORGANIZATION is called Zion, and Australasta~r . . ‘7 Beresford Road, Strathfleld, N. S. \I’., Australia
that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the b’outh Aft-Wit . . . . . . Eoston House, Cape Town, South Afrxa
rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful Please address the Society in every case.
folIowers of Christ Jesus arc children of Zion, members of
Jehovah’s organization, and are his witnesses whose duty and
rivilege it is to testify to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare (Translations of fAi8 journal appear 4n 8everaZ lnngUap3.)
us purposes toward mankind as expressed in the Bible, and
to bear the fruits of the kingdom before all who will hear.
THAT THE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ All sincere students of the I31ble who by reason of infirmity,
has boen placed by Jehovah upon his throne qf authority, poverty or adversity are unable to pay the subscrIption p:~cc
may have The Wutchtozoer free upon written application to the
has ousted Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the publishers, made once each year, stating the reason for so re-
establishment of God’s kingdom on earth. questing It. We are glad to thus aid the needy, but the wrItten
application once each year is reqmred by the postal regulations.
THAT THE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth
can come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Notfce to Buhecribers: Acknowledfiment of a new or a renewal sub-
Christ which has now begun; that the Lord’s next great scription will be sent only when requested. Chance of address,
when requested, may be expected to appear on ad<Iles;:label mlthrn
act is the destruction of Satan’s organization and the estab- one month. A renewal blsnk (cnrryin q notice of espirntton) fill
lishment of righteousness in the earth, and that under the be sent with the journal one month before the subscription esplres.
kingdom all those who will obey its righteous laws shall live Entered as Second Class Mail Matter at Brooklyn, N. P., Postof/ice.
on earth forever. Act 01 Uarch J, 18xL

The Watchtower joyfully announces the following conven- This new 64-page booklet. is a thriller and of absorbing In-
tions for Jehovah’s witnesses and companions: Paris, France, terest. It contains the president’s public address on that sub-
August 21-23 inclusive, which will serve for Great, Britain and Ject, which held spellbound vast European and American audi-
Continental Europe; Columbus, Ohio, September 15-20 In- ences, and also includes a clear Scriptural discussion of who
clusive, which will serve the United States, Canada, and others
who may be able to attend. will survive that dread conflict. The release of tlus bookI& for
The president of the Society expects to be present at both regular house-to-house witnessing is announced elsewhere. Mean-
conventions. Make your arrangements for vncatmns during time you may procure the booklet for your own information and
those periods. Let all of his people ask Jehovah to make these preparation, at 5c a copy.
conventions a great witness to the honor of IIis name.
More information in later issues of The Watchtower.
“GLITTERING SWORD” The Society now manufactures and has to offer a light-neight
The coming testimony period, L‘ Glittering Sword, ” from phonograph of new design, which is 14 by 13 by 5 inches in sloe,
June 5 to 13 Inclusive, will afford a most generous opportunity nnd covered with brown cloth and havmg rountlcd corners. It
for the people of good will to get the Lord’s latest provision, weighs 9 pounds 13 ounces, which is 54 pounds ll~hter than
to learn how they may find protection and preservation from the prcvlous model manufactured by the Society. \Gth the th,cc
Jehovah’s Glittering Sword. During this period the kingdom phonograph discs which can be carried in it, it weighs 12 pounds
publishers will offer the people a 5Occombination; this to ctrnsmt 6 cunccs. The volume of sound is just as strong as that of the
of the two books Rtcheu and Preservatzon and four booklets, previous model, and the tone is of the best quality. Xs shipped
including Protectron, &corered, and Armageddon. Till then
the fnformant will give fuller and further details conccrmng out from our factory, the phonograph is timed pluperly, at
this period, and all publishers ~111 Inform themael\cs there- 75 r.p.m., und should be rhea-krd from time to time. This new
from and proceed accordingly. Your promptitude in preparing model, including three d~cs, IS ofiered on a contribution of
all needful things for this period will be pleasing to the Lord $10.00; without the three discs, $8.00. Remittance should
cmd blessed. Please report to this office the result of your service. accompany orders. Also specify the particular discs wanted.
a? cwR~slrs
MAY 15, 1937

“With all thy getting get understanding.“-Prow. 4: 7.

J EHOVAH repeatedly emphasizes the importance

of understanding on the part of his creatures who
love his approval. The present time is a time of
great peril, fraught with many dangers to those who
them, and he enjoined upon them the necessity of full
obedience to God’s commandments. God foreknew, of
course, that there would be stubbornness and lawlt?,s-
ness among that covenant people:and he pointed out
have covenanted to be the servants of the Most High. to them the necessity of having a proper understand-
There is no good reason for any of God’s servants to ing and faithfulness on their part, which would be
be ignorant of their enemies that lurk in the way shown by full obedienceto his commandments. To them
attempting their destruction ; but it appears that some he said : “Take heed, and hearken , . . ; this day thou
are negligent or ignorant, or both. We are at the time art becomethe people of the Lord thy God. Thou shalt
of the greatest climax of the history of man and of the therefore obey the voice of the Lord thy God, and do
earthly journey of the church. Those who will stand his commandments and his statutes, which I command
with the Lord in these evil days are those who have thee this day. “-Deut. 27 : 9, 10.
been called and chosen and who continue to walk law- 4 Those words apply even more emphatically at the
fully, who are entirely faithful, and who are main- present time to God’s covenant people. The covenant
taining their integrity toward God. To all those who made at Moab was a covenant of faithfulness and fore-
are in the Lord’s organization the importance of un- shadowed the covenant for the kingdom of God under
derstanding cannot be overstated. It appears impo:tant Christ Jesus, which requires absolute faithfulness on
that again the necessity for understanding be brought the part of the creature. God is always faithful, as the
to the attention of God’s people and that the value Scriptures state, and those on the other side of the
thereof be emphasized. covenant must be faithful. At the temple judgment
a Understanding does not mean merely to be intelli- those who are approved receive such approval that
gent and to grasp ideas and unravel deep problems or they may “offer unto the Lord an offering in right-
questions. In addition thereto it means that one must eousness’ ‘, and they are brought into the covenant for
be discreet; it means to be prudent, to discern and to the kingdom, and henceforth they must prove entirely
take a wise course and, above all, to have a proper dis- faithful unto God and maintain their integrity, if
cernment and appreciation of the creature’s relation- they would live. From that time on the understanding
ship to the Almighty Creator. As man progresses in of the faithful remnant must increase and they must
information and knowledge of and concerning’ God appreciate more fully than ever their proper rclation-
and his purpose, and if that man’s heart is right to- ship to God and to Christ Jesus. All in that covenant
ward God, he continues to increase in his appreciation who ultimately gain the victory through Christ Jesus
and he grows in understanding. Before applying spe- must continue lawfully and obcdicntly faithful unto
cifically the necessity of understanding at the present God. It necessarily follows that all in the covenant who
time it is well that some of the scriptures emphasizing do not continue faithfully obedient will fall away and
the importance of understanding be first considcrcd. be destroyed. No one should deceive himself or permit
*Jehovah’s remnant now on the earth are fully him4f to bc deceived into believing that from the mere
aware of the abundant Scriptural proof that ~\IONX fact that he is taken into the covenant for the king-
was a type forcshado+ng Christ Jesus, the great dom he is certain and sure to participate in the resur-
Prophet, and that the Israelites on their trek from rection with Christ Jesus and reign with him. The con-
Sinai to the prom&d land pictured God’s covenant dition of faithfulness must be faithfully met and per-
people, who are expected to maintain their intcgrlty form4 to the very end. (Rev. 2: 10) Such is the un-
and who must do so if they would live. i\loscs led the chan::eable rule by which all the remnant must be
Israelites almost to the banks of the Jordan river. judged.
There in hloab Noses recounted to tl~e~cl~oscnpeople 5 The Jonadabs or great multitude are not a party
of God the many wonderful things God had done for to the *ovenant for the kingdom, and are not to be

made a part of the royal house ; but by reason of their have a better appreciation of their relationship to God
association with God’s organization and in conzidcra- and their relationship to each other.
tion of the care and protection they receive from the ’ The Scriptural record shows that there was strife
Lord they are in an implied covenant at least to be among the Israelites who were under the leadership
faithful to God and his kingdom. They must continue of Moses, and also shows that those who were not wise
to seek righteousness and meekness,and as their knowl-
edge increnses their obedience must be in keeping and had not understanding were not plcasing to the
therewith. Note now that God through Moses spoke Lord and mere not permilted to remain in positions
these words : “Keep therefore the words of this cove- of importance amongst his organized neople. To the
nant, and do them, that ye may prosper in all that ye Israelites, therefore, bloses at the dire&on of Jehovah
do. Ye stand this day all of you before the Lord your said : “How can I myself alone bear your cumbrance,
God ; your captains of your tribes, your elders, and and your burden, and your strife? Take you wixe men,
your oleficers,with all the men of Israel, your liltle and understanding, and known among your tribes,
ones, your wives, and thy stranger that is in thy camp, and I will make them rulers over you.“-Deut. 1:12,13.
from the hewer of thy wood unto the drawer of thy 8 That appears to be the fixed rule, that the Lord
water.” (Deut. 29: 9-11) They were addressed spc- does not permit those who engage in strife to occupy
cifically to those in the covenant whom the Lord had positions of importance among his people and in his
led out of Egypt, but there were others considered also, organization. One may be placed in a position of re-
and this is shown by these words: “Thy stranger that sponsibility and hold it for a time, but if he pursues
is in thy camp.” Those words referred not to the ones an unwise co&e, ignoring the Scriptural admonition,
who are in the covenant directly, but to those who by he will not remain in that place.
reason of seeking protection with God’s organization s God chose the Israelites and made them a nation
must, in order to continue in his favor, be faithfully separate and distinct from all other nations, but only
on God’s side, and that rule applies now to those who a few persons of that nation remained faithful tc the
have fled to God’s organization, namely, the “other end and received God’s favor. God has chosen the true
sheep’ ‘, or Jonadabs.-John 10: 16; 2 Ki. 10: 15. followers of Christ Jesus as his people and has brou$lt
6 The things pertaining to Israel were written afore- them into a covenant for the kingdom, and made them
time for the special admonition and benefit of those his “holy nation, a peculiar people”, selected for a
upon whom the “ends of the world are come”. (1 Cor. purpose. (1 Pet. 2: 9,lO) It is certain from his fixed
10: 11) Having come to that time, then the ones em- rule that only those who arc faithfully obedient to
braced in the things written aforetime are those who God’s commandments will continue in that holy na-
have separated themselves from the world and put tion and will live. Therefore Jehovah said to the Israel-
themselves under the Lord. The Israelites, who were ites, and his words apply v;ith greater force to the
God’s covenant people, and with whom the covenant remnant now on earth: “Behold, I have taught you
was made in BIoab, foreshadowed those today who are statutes and judgments, even as the Lord my God
in a covenant with God, which covenant for the king- commanded me, that ye should do so in the iand .whith-
dom requires faithfulness on their part ; whereas ‘the er ye go to possessit. Keep, therefore, and do them:
stranger in thy camp’ foreshadows those who are of for this is your wisdom and your understanding in the
good will toward God and who are knovcn as the Jona- sight of the nations, which shall hear all these statutes,
dabs, and who will composethe great multitude. (Rev. and say, Surely this great nation is a wise and undcr-
7: 9,10) Such have found refuge in the camp or or- stancling people. Only take heed to thyself, and keep
ganization of the Lord, having fled from Satan’s or- thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things which
ganization, and are classed now as strangers in the thine eyes have seen, and lest they depart from thy
camp or organization by reason of not being dirertly heart all the clays of thy life; but teach them thy SOU,
in the covenant. They are, however, bound to be faith- and thy sons’ sons.” (Deut. 4: 5,6,9) Thus the Lord
ful, if they would continue in God’s favor. To them emphasized the importance of his people’s keeping
Jehovah now says, “Seek righteousness, seek mrck- constantly before their minds the things which he re-
ness” ; and no man can obey this commandment unless quires. The human mind and organism, defective by
he continues to study God’s Word and conform him- reason of inheritance, require constant study and ap-
self thereto and be faithful to God and his organlza- plication that the right rule may always be pursued.
tion. His relationship to God is that of one rc:eiving The Israelites, who departed from the Lord, were void
protection from the Almighty, whose power is un- of understanding : “For they are a nation void of
limited, and which is escrcised in behalf of those whose counsel, neither is there any understanding in them. ”
hearts are perfect toward him. The scriptures con- (Dcut. 32: 28) They did not have an appreciation of
cerning understanding are of pcculinr importance, their rclntionship to God. With strun::cr reasoning is
then, both to the remnant and to the Jonadabs at this it necessary now for those who will live to have under-
time, and for that reason such scriptures are here con- standing, that is to say, to know and appreciate their
sidered that both the remnant and the Jonadabs may proper relationship to their Creator.
NAY 15, 1937

RELATIONSHIP so justified may take the next step, that is, to follow
lo Jehovah God is the Creator; man is the creature; in the footsteps of the perfect man, Christ Jesus.
and this is true with rcfercnce to the new creature in Justification granted unto man extends lo him the
Christ Jesus. (2 Cor. 5 : 17) The creature is entirely right to live as a man, which right he surrenders in
dependent upon the Creator for life, blessings and obedience to the will of God. It is the will of God that
happiness. The creature man begins to get some sense such creature may be called to the high calling, and
when he fears the Creator ; as it is written : “The fear therefore His will that he should die with Christ Jesus.
of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools God then brings him (that creature) forth as his child
despise wisdom and instruction.” (Prov. 1: 7) “The and acknowledges the creature as such, and therefore
fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; and the God becomes his Father, that is, the Giver of life
knowledge of the holy is understanding.” (Prov. to the preature, to this one who has fully agreed to be
9: 10) “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wis- obedient to his will. God begets that person, which
dom: a good understanding have all they that do his means that he acknowledges him as his own, and this
commandments : his praise endureth for ever.“-Ps. is according to his will: “ Of his own will begat he us
111: 10. with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of
I1 The creature who begins to have understanding firstfruits of his creatures.” (Jas. 1: 18) “Blessed be
not only has respect for the Creator but stands in awe that God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who
and fear of his unlimited power, his complete justice, according to his great mercy, has begotten us again
his perfect wisdom, and his boundless love. He sees to a living hope, through the resurrection of Jesus
that his own continued esistence depends upon ren- Christ from the dead.“-1 Pet. 1: 3, Diaglott.
dering himself acceptable unto the Lord. He realizes Is The baptism of the man in water is a symbolic
that in himself he has no strength and that he cannot testimony that he has agreed to be fully and complete-
be compared in any way to the great Creator. In that ly subject to the will of God. That he may live for
attitude the creature begins to have some understand- ever with Christ Jesus he must be baptized into
ing and some wisdom. If he has a sincere desire to Christ’s death. (Rom. 6 : 3-8) God baptizes the crea-
grow in understanding he see!rsto be guided by the ture into the death of Christ, and now the creature
perfect will of the Almighty Creator. He learns of his must die a sacrificial death, even as the man Christ
own inherited imperfections and sinful condition and Jesus died, if he would live with Christ and reign with
he desires to be made whole and to know the Creator. him. (2 Tim. 2 : l&12) Being brought forth and RC-
By reason of this proper attitude or condition of mind knowledged as a son of God, he is now a new creature
God draws the creature to Christ Jesus, and the man in Christ Jesus: “Therefore if any man be in Christ,
learns that God has sent into the world his great and he is a new creature: old things are passed away; be-
beloved Son Jesus to be the Savior of the world, and hold, all things are become new.” (2 Cor. 5: 17) The
he learns that no man can come unto God but by and relationship now existing is that of Father and son.
through Christ Jesus. (John 14 : 6) He learns that he The creature is now in the family of God under Christ
must be entirely subject to the will of the Creator; he Jesus, the Head thereof, and he has left behind all
believes that God exists and that he rewards those who things of the earth, and his hope is entirely for the
diligently seek him and serve him in his appointed things heavenly. (Col. 3: 20,21) His right to life as
way; and he believes also that Jesus Christ is the Re- a human creature has expired, and therefore concern-
deemer and Savior of the men who exercise faith in the ing such it is written : “For ye are dead, and your life
merit of his sacrifice. Appreciating his own impcrfec- is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our
tions, he then sees the necessity of rendering himself life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him
in obedienceto God’s will. He denies himself and know- in glory.” (Col. 3 : 3,4) Henceforth if he lives he must
ingly and gladly takes the course that all sensible live as a part of the family of God under Christ.
creatures should take ; that is, he voltmtarily agrees
to do the will of God. He learns that the Devil is the PURPOSE
wicked one, the adversary of God and the great enemy I4 It has lang been thought by many that the purpose
of all men, who tries to turn men away from God and of Jehovah God in bringing forth sons who are made a
to destroy them, and therefore the creature flees from part of Christ is to save men and to take them to heav-
the Devil and seeks protection through Christ Jesus en. That is not his purpose. It is true that salvation and
in God’s organization. IIe having covenanted or agreed life in heaven result to the faithful, but the salvation
to do the will of God, his relationship to God at this of man is only incidental to God’s real and primary
point changes. purpose. The great and primary purpose of Jehovah
God is the vindication of his name and to clear it of
the reproach brought upon his name by the arch rebel,
la God receives man and extends his favor to him the Devil. Hc has appointed Christ Jesus to the high
by reason of his faith and his agreement to bc obedient office of Vindicator. He sent Jesus into the v;orld to
to God’s will. He justifies man in order that the man dclivcr God’s messageof truth eon-cming hu purpose,

and he appointed and anointed Jesus as King of the gether. ” Having heard the Word of God, and having
world that in due time the world might bc ruled in esercised faith in God and in Christ, the one starts in
righteousness and that all obedient ones under that this way. Now the creature must ask himself, and
rule might live. Therefore, in response to a question therefore examine himself, to see whether or not he
put to him, Jesus said: ‘I am king. To this end was is in the faith: “Have I rendered myself in obedience
I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that to God’s will? Have I responded to the heavenly call
I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that or high calling t Have I fully and unreservedly devoted
is of the truth heareth my voice. ‘-John 18 : 37. myself to God and set my hopes and affections upon
Is It follows, then, that every person whom God puts things heavenly and not on the earth? Have I gladly
into his family under Christ Jesus must hear the voice taken and do I gladly take upon me the reproaches
of Christ Jesus and be obedient thereto and walk as that reproached God and Christ Jesus, and am I wlll-
Christ Jesus walked, always faithful and true to God, ingly walking with Christ Jesus, suffering with him
maintaining his integrity toward him. Those who are as he suffered for righteousness’ sake? Have I the zeal
in Christ Jesus must therefore do what Jesus does, for the Lord and his house, and am I performing my
becausethey are called to follow where he leads them; vow of consecration fully ?” One examines himself in
they are taken out from amongst men and made new this way in the light of the Scriptures and determines
creatures in Christ Jesus for the sake of God’s name, from the witness of the spirit whether or not he is the
that they may bear testimony to his name and his pur- Lord’s child, It is the called, chosen and faithful ones
pose. For this reason the apostle states concerning that shall be for ever with Christ in glory. It is not
those in Christ Jesus: “But you are a chosen race, a sufficient that a man merely names the name of the
royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for a purpose ; Lord and calls upon him. Since the coming of the
that you may declare the perfections of him who called Lord Jesus to the temple those who are in Christ
you from darkness into his wonderful light.“-1 Pet. Jesus and approved have been gathered unto himself,
2 : 9, Diag. and their discernment of God and his purposes has
been greatly increased by reason of the light shining
in the face of Christ Jesus and reflected to those who
I* The ones thus taken out for the purpose of Jeho- are of the temple. Such approved ones in the temple
vah’s name are called to the heavenly calling, and in are sent forth in obedience to the Lord’s command-
due time they are chosen and anointed. That means ment, and that commandment they must obey, to be
that they are commissioned to perform certain specific witnesses for Jehovah and pro&urn the truth of and
duties, among which duties is that they must be wit- concerning his kingdom.
nessesof Jehovah God, having received from Jehovah I8 In addition to the foregoing questions then let
God the commission of authority to represent him and the creature ask himself : “Am I rendering myself in
speak in his name and deliver his message; and con- obedience to the will and command of the Lord, gladly
cerning those thus taken into Christ it is written: in his name proclaiming the good news of the king-
“The spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the dom and making known in public what I have learned
Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto in secret ?” If all of these questions can be answered
the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the broken-, by one in the affirmative, he may know and appreciate
hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the the fact that he is the child of God, his Father, and
opening of the prison to them that are bound ; to pro- that Christ Jesus is his elder Brother and Lord; and
claim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of all such must answer these questions in the affirmative
vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn.” and continue faithful in that way if they ever are re-
-Isa. 61: 1,2. ceived fully into the kingdom.
I7 The relationship now is that of Father and son
and Blaster and servant. Jehovah God is the great “OTHER SHEEP”
Master, and the creature is the servant. Christ Jesus 2oAfter the coming of the Lord Jesus to the temple
himself is the elect Servant (Isa. 42 : l), and the mem- of Jehovah and gathering unto himself those who are
bers of his body are the servants of God and of Christ. then in the way for the kingdom, the Scriptural eri-
How may one know that he is of this family of God 1 dcncc is that then the Lord begins to gather unto hxm-
The Scriptures answer : “The spirit itself tcstifics to- self his “other sheep”. Such “other sheep” are the
gether with our spirit, that we are children of God. ones who hear the Word of God and believe it. They
And if children, also heirs; heirs, indeed, of God, and cxcrcisc faith in God and in Christ Jesus as the Rc-
joint-heirs with Christ ; if, indeed, we suffer together, deemer of mankind. They have an honest and sincere
so that we may be also glorified tog&her.“-Ram. desire to know the will and purpose of Jehovah. They
8 : 16,17, Diag. discern the Devil as God’s enemy and their own enemy
‘*No part of this text can be ignored, and the spe- and that they have been subjected to the Devil’s or-
cific condition therein mentioned is, “If, indeed, we ganization. They change their course of action by be-
suffer together, so t.hat we may be also glorified to- lieving on God and in Christ and by fleeing from Sa-
MAY 15, 1937

tan’s organization and seeking refuge in God’s organi- God’s commandments to the best of his ability. Unto
zation under Christ. They begin to grow in knowledge all such the Lord Jesus says : “Unto whomsoever much
and see the necessity of obedience to God’s commaud- is given, of him shall be much required. ” (Luke
mcnt to seek righteousness and meekness. They study 12: 48) God is the great Giver, and the creature is
God’s Word and seek to know his will and to do it. the one who receives the benefits, and God requires of
They put forth their best endeavors to render thcm- such that he perform that which the Lord God has
selves faithful unto God and unto Christ as the Rc- commanded him to do.
deemer of man. They see that God has made provision *3God’s first and greatest commandment to all
for faithful men to abide for ever on the earth. Their creatures is : “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with
hope is that they may live for ever on the earth. They all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy
have found refuge in God’s city or organization, and mind.” (Matt. 22: 37,38) That means that there is
there they seethat they must remain and render them- no division of affection between God and any creature.
selves in obedience to God’s commandment until the The creature must unselfishly devote himself to t!le
completion and glorification of Jehovah’s anointed Almighty God in esclusion of others. He must have
spiritual creatures. They do not die with Christ Jesus no other God. He must not compromise by serving
a sacrificial death. Their hope is for life on earth as Jehovah a while and trying to serve and receive the
God’s people. They are pictured as wearing robes of favor of any of God’s enemies at any time. Then says
white, which identify them as having exercised faith the Lord: “ Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”
in the shed blood of Christ Jesus as the great ransom (Dfatt. 22 : 39) That means that the man recognizes
price and as taking their stand on the side of God and that the rights and privileges of other creatures are
his kingdom.-Rev. 7 : 9-15. equal to his own, and therefore he desires to do and
*l Justification, or the right to live, is not theirs yet, does unto others what he would have them to do to
but will be granted unto them, through Christ Jesls, him. He puts himself on an equality and demands
in due time, if they prove their faithfulness and main- nothing more for himself than he is willing to give to
tain their integrity. Such are the “other sheep” de- others. “On these two commandments,” says the Lord
scribed in the Word of God and who composethe great Jesus, “hang all the law and the prophets.” (Vs. 40)
multitude. The relationship of the great multitude is These requirements are made of all creatures whom
that of subjects to the Lord Christ Jesus, and by and the Lord approves.
through Christ Jesus God will grant to such life ever-
lasting, if they meet his requirements, and the liit,? of REMNANT
such shall be upon earth in complete happiness, Ten- 24All of the foregoing is required of the remnant,
dering glory unto God. Th~zs the Scriptures clearly and still more is required. The relationship of the rem-
show the distinction between the two classes,the hcav- nant now on the earth to God and Christ Jesus re-
enly and the earthly, and the relationship of each to quires them to be on the alert to get understanding
the Almighty God and to Christ Jesus, and hence to appreciate the relationship that they
bear to God and Christ. They must appreciate that as
REQUIREMENTS the anointed ones of the Lord they are the official rcp-
22Of all creatures whom he approves God requires resentatives of God and Christ on the earth. To the
faith and obedience, as it is written : “He hath shewed remnant has been committed or entrusted the great
thee, 0 man, what is good; and what doth the Lord privilege of dcliverin g the testimony of Jesus Christ
require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, in obedience to God’s commandments, and if they cm-
and to walk humbly with thy God?” (Xc. 6: 8) All tinue to be of the remnant they must faithfully obey
then who receive God’s approval must render justice his commandments and thcrcby prove their love for
unto all others. They must love mercy, and when op- God and Christ. Thcrcforc says the Lord Jesus to such :
portunity is afi”ordcd they must estend that mercy to “To whom much has been entrusted, of him [more]
others. They must shun everything that pertains to will be demanded.” (Luke 12: 48, 1Vc~nzoutR) As the
malice, and, instead of disregarding the rights and ambassadors of Christ and the servants of God on
privileges of others, they seek to do good unto all as earth much has been entrusted to them, and in order
they have opportunity. They must walk obcdicntly to receive God’s approval and maintain their integrity
with God, as he has pointccl out they have to walk, toward him they must rcndcr a full account of their
and which course is marked out in his Word; and stewardship in harmony with his commands, and the
therefore for such it is written: “Thy word is a lamp moving cause for doing such must bc love or unselfish-
unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” (PY. ness. All such obey God’s commandments and delight
119: 105) To all such Jehovah alone must be their so to do.
God, and to all such God has given the great privilcgc UNDERSTASDING
of knowing him and his provisions through Chnst 2sNow to these is the test of greater importflnce
Jesus, and that such provision is life. (John 17: 3) than to any other: “With all thy getting get undcr-
The very least that the creature can do is to obey standing.” To get understanding is of the very great-

est importance to the remnant. They must get a proper think themselves of the remnant or who are of the
appreciation of their relationship to God and Christ. remnant, It appears that somctimcz a man thinks he
If one who has thus been called and brought into God’s is of the remnant when in fact he is not. It also ap-.
family is vain and wize in his own conceits, hc is void pears that some who are classed as Jonadabs she-,-J
of understanding. “He that followeth [vanity] is void much more of the spirit and zeal of the Lord than
of understanding. ” (Prov. 12 : 11) Hc must keep al- those who claim to be of the remnant.
ways in mind that Jehovah is the Most High and that *’ Suppose the Jonadabs be in the majority of thoce
the creature is the servant, of whom God requires full attending company meetings, what position should
obedience. Therefore he must think soberly of him- they occupy? Numbers do not necessarily count on
self, and not think more highly of himself than he what is the proper course. Those who are of the rem-
ought to think. (Rom. 12: 3) He must not seek the nant will show the spirit of the Lord, and that is al-
praise of men nor even to be a pleaser of men, but ways unselfishness. They will entirely refrain from
must seek always to please the Lord God and have his lording it over others, whether such others be of the
approval. “Not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but remnant or of the Jonadabs. Those who have the spirit
as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from of the Lord vii11not claim to be so extraordinarily w=e
the heart.” (Eph. 6: 6) “Servants, obey in all things and important. They mill manifest kindness to the
your masters according to the flesh: not with eye- Jonadabs and rcmcmbcr that the Lord is in control
service, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, of his organization, and that all who claim to love the
fearing God.” (Col. 3: 22) Thcrc are those who claim Lord should conform to the instructions that come
to be of the remnant and who seek to shine before men through his organization. The Lord has laid upon the
that they may be highly commended by others. Their remnant the obligction of taking the lead, and when
immediate reward, and the sole reward they receive, such are present all will recognize that it is the duty
is the approval of men, but not the approval of God. of the remnant to do so; but no one of the remnant
Jesus declares that that which is highly esteemed should assume the position of a boss and shove the
amongst men is an abomination in God’s sight.- sheep around, and attempt to rule them in’ an arbi-
Luke 16 : 15. trary and harsh manner. It is the obligation’ and duty
zeIt is the duty of those of the remnant to render of the remnant to SW that the instructions relating to
aid and comfort, particularly to the “other sheep” or the organization are carried out, and it is the prc-
Jonndabs, by helping them to gain a knowledge and rogative of the Jonadabs to have a part in doing serv-
an appreciation of God’s purpose as expressed ic his ice unto God. Thcrciore those of the remnant or
Word. (Ezek. 9: 4) These “other sheep” have come anointed should take the lead and the Jonadabs should
into the Lord’s household or organization, and they go along with them, and the spirit of unselfishness and
are not to be pushed aside and kicked or spurned, but complete devotion to the Lord should be the guide.
are to be treated with kindness, that they may be aided. All such should show their love fo: God and be fully
Froiil time to time it is reported that some who claim obedient to his commandments to I:onor his name and
to be of the anointed remnant continue to manifest do his work. Christ Jesus is tkc Crcatcr J&u, who is
amongst the Lord’s organized people the “elective driving the chariot. One r;ho thin!;s himself fil e!dcr
elder” spirit and really hinder the proclamation of the in the company is not drivin:: the chariot. He is a
truth and oppress the Joncdabs. Such persons lack servant also, and all others who love the Lord will
understanding, and it is exceedingly important for walk with those v;ho manifest the spirit of the Lord,
them to get understanding and get it quickly. One who and it is the privilege of all such to follow or?;nnization
claims to be of the remnant propounds this question: instructions. ‘i’he Lord has laid upon his anointed
“Can Jonadabs prepare or carry matters in opposition servants the duty and obligation of taking the lead in
to the brcthrcn of the remnant who are not present at the matter of service, and if he is assigned to that duty
a service meeting through illness or someother rausc ?” he will perform it with mcc!:ncss and humility and,
While this question is lacking in details, yet it al)l:cars above all, be prompted by unselfishness. If he takes
to csprcss more than is really written therein. If the such course, that will bc an esample of (iod’s flock and
service committee find it impossible to be prc cnt at others will be pleoscd to walk along tlrc same v:ay.
a duly appointccl meeting and others of the comI:nrty 28It is the privile~g~ of the “other sheep” to find
attend that meeting, then those of the committee who rcfn:;c in the Ilord and his organization, and then all,
are unable to attend should notify those attcndin:: of both the rcmtmnt and the Jonadnbs, should pro:&
the program that is to be carried out. If no such IIO- in full harmony and in pc~c. The Jo:ladnbs or “otller
tice to them is sent, and only the Jonadabs are prcs:W, sheep” will appreciate thct the Lord has arrau::rtl for
it is entirely proper and right that such Jonndabs his church to take the lead in carrying out his rules,
should arrange a program of study or service in the He has instructed them upon whom the responsibility
field and carry it out. Surely the study of God’s \\‘ord, rests as to who should vote. No one should dcsirc to
and the service in obedirnce to his commandmrnfs, cast a vote merely to gratify some personal desire to
shall not suffer because of the absence of some v:ho put someone particular person in a position of respon-
MAY 15, 1937

sibility or to put himself there. Let everything be done and set you or, bcina absent, only hear of you, I may
in order and to the glory of God. If the commnndmcnt know that you are standin,n fast in one spirit and with
is obeyed, to love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, one mind, fighting shoulder to shoulder for the faith
and thy brother as thyself, then there will be no difii- of the [gospel]. Kcver for a moment quail before your
culty. If one of the remnant becomes heady, sclf- antagonists. Your fearlcssncss will be to them a sure
exalted, and angrily expresseshimself in wrath against token of impending destruction, but to you it will be
the Jonadabs or others, he has very little undcrstand- a sure token of your salvation-a token coming from
ing. But ,if he is kind and considerate and slow to God.“-Phil. 1: 27,2S, We?lm.
wrath and avoids contention, he shows that he pos-
sessesunderstanding : “He that is slow to wrath is SELF- WILL
of great understanding; but he that is hasty of spirit *l Some who think themselves to be of the remnant
exalteth folljr.” (Prov. 14: 29) “Understanding is a in the Lord’s organization, and who occupy positions
wellspring of life unto him that hath it; but the m- of responsibility of service amongst God’s people, seem
struction of fools is folly. Pleasant words are as an determined to exercise their own will power in entirely
honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.” a selfish way. Some fear that they might appear to be
-Prov. 16 : 22,24. of less importance in the eyes of others than they
2eThose who think themselves of the remnant and really are. A case in point is this: The Society out-
who disregard the instructions of the Lord are follow- lines a specific course of procedure for doing the wit-
ing a fatal course. “The man that wandereth out of ness work and sends that outline to the various com-
the way of understanding shall remain in the congre- panies of God’s people. An arrangement is made to
gation of the dead. ” (Prov. 21: 16) Those who are of carry on a work with the phonograph, and all of the
the remnant set a very poor example when they at- witnesses throughout the earth are asked to work to-
tempt to drive others. If there be among them some gether in the same way and manner, The information
of the Jonadabs who attempt to assume a position that is received by the company service committee outlining
they should not, then the Jonadabs should be instruct- the course to be taken, and the service committee de-
ed in the Scriptures, and this should be done in kind- cide that they will ignore the outline given and do the
nczs; and if he has the right spirit he will be meek, work according to their own ideas or will. They there-
that is to say, willing to be instructed and to walk in fore decline to carry out organization instructions, be-
rightcousncss. When he shows a different spirit, then cause by so doing certain individuals would not ap-
he can be dealt with by showing him that his conl;uct pear to shine in the eyes of others. The individuals de-
is entirely out of harmony with the Lord’s will. siring to shine insist on personally delivering a mcs-
sage. What is the difficulty? Such self-willed ones do
STRIFE not have an understanding. They do not recognize that
*OStrife amongst the people of God shows a lark of the Lord is directing his work, that the Lord Jesus at
understanding on the part of those who participate in the temple has his own good way of doing things, and
it. It shows a lack of appreciation of the relationship that he transmits to his anointed ones the necessary
of the creatures to God. There appears from time to information, and if the instructions sent out are wrdng,
time to be strife in some of the companies of those Rho then the responsibility is to the Lord and not to the
profess to be of the remnant. Such is entirely out of local service committee. Is it wrong for one to be self-
harmony with the Scriptures, and therefore very willed and act independently? Concerning the Lord’s
wrong. There can be no strife or quarrels unless some- work, yes, it is wrong. There must be unity of action
one or more are at fault. It is often true that both in God’s organization. Each one who really loves the
sides to the strife are at fault. If those who profess Lord not only is eager to do the will of God but de-
to be servants of the Lord God and of his anointed lights to do so, and needs only to ascertain what is the
remnant indulge in strife, they are certain to lose lhe will of the Lord and then does it. A selfish person wno
favor of God, as it is declared in Galatians 5: 15. feels his own importance thinks he must carry out his
“Through wisdom is an house buildcd ; and by undcr- selfish way; and that shows a lack of understanding
standing it is established.” (Prov. 24: 3) Wisdom is on his part, and that he puts his own opinion above the
manifested, therefore, where there is undcrstauding instructions received through the Lord’s organization.
and the course taken is in harmony with God’s com- He fails to discern what the Lord has said to all of his
mand. Those who posscss*thewisdom that come’sfrom people : “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and
above appreciate their relationship with God and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy
Christ. They fear God and dwell tog&her in peace ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”
amongst themselves and see to it that they are united -Prov. 3 : 5, 6.
and that they are standing shoulder to shoulder fight- 32One who has a sincere desire to obey this admoni-
ing on the side of the Lord and against the common tion of the Lord honestly and sincerely prays God to
enemy. “Only let tho lives you live be worthy of the make him, the creature, do God’s will. He has no de-
[gospel] of the Christ, in order that, whether I come sire to act selfishly or presumptuously. His one de-
sire is to perform the will of the Lord, recognizing the 84What should a company of the remnant of God’s
Lord has an organization and his own way of instruct- people do when it is brought to the attention of the
ing his people. The service committee of a company company that their service committee or company
should be glad to carry out organization instructions servant is acting arbitrarily? With calmness and so-
as received. Someonemust outline the method of work briety the company should ask such committee or such
and send forth the instructions concerning the out- members, who are thus acting, to step aside and let
line. That part of the Lord’s organization on earth someone else take that position of service. All must
performs the duty as assigned to it, and is responsible bear in mind that the Lord’s organization on earth is
to the Lord, and surely the Lord has one way, and not his and that there are no earthly bosses,but all those
divers ways, of carryin, 0 on his work. If a mistake is who are part of his organization on earth are servants
made the Lord will correct it, and that duty of corrcct- of the Lord, and that the ones who are more diligent
ing will not be left to some local service committee. and careful to observe the Lord’s instructions and do
Anyone, of course, seeing something done improperly accordingly are the ones that are most pleasing to him.
or which appears to be out of order or not done the The -company must not commit the error of setting
best way, is privileged to call it to the attention of aside a committee merely to gratify some personal
the one sending out the instructions and suggest a feeling. It is the Lord’s work in which his people are
better way that may be followed; but it is not the engaged, and they must do that work in the spirit of
privilege of any service committee to disregard in- peace and must do it as unto the Lord and to his honor
structions received and attempt then to carry out their and glory. Contention and strife amongst those who
own ideas contrary thereto. Such a course is bound to profess to be of the remnant are entirely wrong. Our
bring about confusion and strife, because some will fight is against the common enemy, and not against
want to follow instructions and insist on doing so, and each other, and everyone who really loves God and
the heady and high-minded, taking a different course, his people will put forth his best endeavors to serve in
produce strife. Invariably strife results in every com- an unseltish way, having in mind that every servant
pany where the “elective elder” spirit is manifested. must be accountable to the Lord. Where all are diligent
88Those who possess and manifest the “elective to act as commanded by the Lord, there pence mill
elder ” spirit appear to conclude that ,they are the reign, and there will be harmony amongst the workers
bossesof the others of the company, and they manifest and they will receive the Lord’s blessing. The remnant
an ambitious desire to show their authority. In this are in the temple, and everyone in the temple gladly
they are entirely wrong and show a complete lack of says : “I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go
understanding. In the regular and proper course of into the house of the Lord. Our feet shall stand within
the witness work the local company receives communi- thy gates, 0 Jerusalem.“-Ps. 122: 1,2.
cations, which should be read to the company. The 35Each one who is of the temple company will see
secretary or company servant, receiving the communi- to it that he is watching and working for the good of
cation, thinks it is important to first submit it to the God’s organization. The anointed will stand together
service committee and let them deliberate about it and in complete unity and pray for continued pcacc and
determine whether or not the company shall receive unity : “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall
the communication, and in their own selfish wisdom prosper that love thee. Peace be within thy walls, and
they conclude that the place for such letter or com- prosperity within thy palaces. For my brethren and
munication is in the waste basket. That course not companions’ sakes, I will now say, Peace bc within
only is arbitrary, but is a usurpation of authority, and thee. &cause of the house of the Lord our God I ~111
such usurpation shows that the committee so doing is seek thy good. ” (Ps. 122 : 6-9) Where there are quar-
void of understanding, that is, of an appreciation of reling and strife in the company of those who c1ui.m
their own rclntionship to the Lord and to his pcoplc. to bc of the Lord’s remnant there is lack of under-
Such self-willed persons entirely ignore the Lord’s standing, and those who persist in strife and disturb-
direction, to wit: “ Cly son, keep thy father’s com- ances are certain to be cast away from the Lord.
mandment, and forsake not the law of thy mother.”
(Prov. 6 : 20) No one who is really on the Lord’s side PROPER COURSE
can ignore the letter or spirit of this scripture. God is 86What, then, is the proper course for those who
our Father, and he commands what must be done, and have eovcnnntcd to serve God and Christ Jesus? David,
we must gladly obey. His organization is our mother. the servant of God, who saw the Lord advance his son
(Isa. 54: 13) Christ Jesus is the IIead of God’s capital Solomon to an important position of service, prayed
organization, and all of the anointed are under him in harmony with the will of God for the prosperity of
and must be obedient to his commandments. Failure the Lord’s servant. “Now, my son, the Lord be with
or refusal to obey the commandments of God and thee; and prosper thou, and build the house of the
turning aside from instructions of his organization Lord thy God, as he hath said of thee. Only the Lord
show that the persons so doing are greatly wanting in give thee wisdom and understanding, and give thee
understanding. charge concerning Israel, that thou mayest keep the
MAY 15, 1927 @FieWATCHTOWER 155

law of the Lord thy God. Then shalt thou prosper, if “Who also declared unto us your love in the spirit.
thou takest heed to fulfil the statutes and judgments For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do
which the Lord charged Moseswith concerning Israel ; not ceaseto pray for you, and to desire that ye might
be strong, and of good courage, dread not, nor be dis- be filled with the knowledge of his will, in all wisdom
mayed. ” (1 Chron. 22 : 11-13) That outlines the prop- and spiritual understanding; that ye might walk
er course of the servant of the Lord in this day. worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful
sr When Solomon was enthroned he did not pray in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge
that he might shine in the eyes of men, but he prayed of God.“-Col. 1: 8-10.
that the Lord might give him understanding and *OThose of God’s people who are of Laodicea need
wisdom ; and the Lord was pleased therewith and to be very careful and watchful and diligent to obey
granted his prayer; and such is proof that this is the the admonitions of the Lord’s Word, that they may
proper course for all of God’s servants to pursue. have and continue in understanding; and having such
Solomon then discerned and appreciated his relation- in mind, the apostle wrote: “That their hearts might
ship to the Almighty God, and later he fell away be- be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto
cause he became void of understanding. The proper all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to
course of the servants of God today and at all times the acknowledgment of the mystery of God, and of the
is shown by the prayer that Solomon uttered when he Father, and of Christ.” (Col. 2 : 1, 2) Thus is shown
was occupying a position of responsibility toward God the necessity for complete unity of the remnant at the
and his people : “And now, 0 Lord my God, thou hast present time, that they may continue in understanding,
made thy servant king instead of David my father ; which is a proper appreciation of their position before
and I am but a little child: I know not how to go out the Lord and in his organization.
or come in. And thy servant is in the midst of thy ‘l Those who profess to be of the remnant and who
people which thou hast chosen, a great people, that are lacking in understanding are likened unto chil-
cannot be numbered nor counted for multitude. Give dren. To such the messageof the Lord is addressed,
therefore thy servant an understanding heart to judge to wit: “Brethren, be not children in understanding:
thy people, that I may discern between good and bad ; howbeit in malice be ye children, but in understanding
for who is able to judge this thy so great a people? be men.” (1 Cor. 14: 20) 2MaZicsmeans to have no re-
And the speech pleased the Lord, that Solomon had gard for the rights and privileges of your fellow crca-
asked this thing. And God said unto him, Becausethou ture; and in this everyone should be as a child. By
hast asked this thing, and hast not asked for thyself “men” is meant those who have come to maturity in
long life ; neither hast asked riches for thyself, nor Christ and who therefore must be at complete unity,
hast asked the life of thine enemies; but hast asked appreciating their position and responsibility before
for thyself understanding to discern judgment; be- God. To the people of God are addressed these words:
hold, I have done according to thy words: lo, I have “Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the
given thee a wise and an understanding heart ; so that knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto
there was none like thee before thee, neither after thee the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ;
shall any arise-like unto thee.” (1 Ki. 3: 7-12) “And that we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and
God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceed- fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine,
ing much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby
is on the sea shore.“-1 Ki. 4 : 29. they lie in wait to deceive” (Eph. 4: 13’14) ; and
aaThose who are without understanding are worthy these words apply now, becausethe present is the time
of death, because God gives life to no creature who of complete unity, and those who are not at unity with
exalts himself. (Rom. 1: 31,32) “Only by pride the Lord are not in the temple.
cometh contention.” (Prov. 13: 10) “Pride goeth be- ‘a There appear to be amongst the people of God
fore destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.” some who have for years been in the way of the truth
(Prov. 16 : 18) The apostle, addressing those in the but who have been ‘ever learning, but never able to
church of God, says: “If any man teach otherwise, and come to a real knowledge of the truth ‘. (2 Tim. 3 : 7)
consent not to wholesome words, even the words of Having once been in Babylon and escaping therefrom,
our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is they still have soiled garments and consider “present
according to godliness, he is proud, knowing nothing, truth” as “the best religion”, and therefore they con-
but doting about questions and strifes of words, where- tinue to walk in that way. When Memorial time comes
of cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings, per- round, such persons show up and partake of the em-
verse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and desti- blems, but they do it without understanding. When
tute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness; there is a special convention of the Lord’s people they
from such withdraw thyself.“-1 Tim. 6 : 3-5. attend and sit in the meetings, but they show a lack
11oThe same inspired apostle of the Lord sensed the of understanding. When the time comes for service,
danger that lurked in the pathway of those in the by going from house to house to preach “this gospel
Lord’s service when he addressedto them these words : of the kingdom”, they shun or disregard that service

and say that such may be all right for others but it among you? let him shew out of a good conversation
does not apply to themselves, and they thank God that his works with meeknessof wisdom.” (Jas. 3 : 13) The
he has protected them from such service. In these true witness of Jehovah possessesthat wisdom from
things they show that they have not understanding. above, and not the braggadocio, dictatorial and harsh
Having read the Studies in the Scriptures years ago, spirit that moves the world. “But the wisdom that is
they conqlude that all the truth that God has revealed from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, easy
is contained therein, and all of which they possess; to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without
and again in this they are without understanding. partiality, and without hypocrisy.” (Jas. 3 : 17) Those
Some of such persons, wise in their own conceits and who have understanding should by their facial es-
thinking more highly of themselves than they ought pression disclose that they have joy in the Lord and
to think, Conclude that God has delegated to them some they desire others to know what good effect the spirit
special work of great importance, which is to be done of the Lord has upon those who love and serve him.
in the future, and they conclude to sit down and wait Let Jehovah’s witnesses be clean in bodily appearance,
until that time arrives, when they might be exalted clean in thoughts, clean in words and deed, and let
to some high position of service. Again they are with- their deportment be in keeping with the spirit of
out understanding. They will be heard saying to oth- the Lord.
ers : “Get understanding; get understanding”; and
they have no understanding themselves, not appreclat- WISDOM
ing the proper relationship of the creature to Jehovah ” The wise man is he who learns what is the will of
God and Christ Jesus. God and then is diligent to conform himself to God’s
will. He is teachable and with all sincerity seeksknoml-
APPEARANCE AND DEPORTMENT edge at the hand of the Lord ; and because he does so
‘I One who has understanding is wise, and his ap- he is blessed with the Lord in that way. “The meek
pearance and deportment are in keeping therewith. will he guide in judgment, and the meek will he teach
The understanding servant of God appreciates his re- his way.” (Ps. 25: 9) Such persons learn to discern
lationship to the Lord. He is the representative of and appreciate that Jehovah God is the Most High
Jehovah and Christ Jesus to deliver to others the and that he does all things unselfishly and in right-
Lord’s, message. Addressing those who are commis- eousness,that Christ Jesus is the Esecutive O%cer of
sioned to give testimony to the name of Jehovah he Jehovah, to whom Jehovah has committed the great
says : “Be ye clean, that bear the vesselsof the Lord.” work of vindicating his name ; that God, through
(Isa. 52: 11) In keeping therewith the apostle admon- Christ Jesus, has taken out from among men a people
ishes his brethren in these words: “Having therefore for his name, and that such no longer follow their own
these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves selfish desires and ideas, but are guided by the Lord,
from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting and that they are certain they can accomplish nothing
holiness in the fear of God.” (2 Cor. 7 : 1) Certainly in themselves, but by following his way can ac-
this means a clean body, clean in physical appearance, complish his purpose. They discern and appreciate
and clean in mind. Regardless of the lack of money to that God has taken out a pcoplc from the world
supply the needful things, all persons can get water and brought them into Christ, not because of the in-
and clean themselves up. When appearing before trinsic value or merit in those creatures, and not t!lat
others as the Lord’s representative the witness of the those creatures might be exalted to some high posi-
Lord should be gentle, pleasing, and his words should tion ; but that he has called and chosen them because
bc gracious. Called to follow in the footsteps of the of their faithfulness in the performance of duty in
Master, he should keep in mind that ‘gracious words harmony with his commandments and in obedience to
fell from His lips’. The witness should tell of God’s his will. Such creatures know that their eternal !ife
purpose to destroy the wicked and bless those who are depends upon their faithfulness to God, bccausc those
righteous. But such speech should be without offense. who do not maintain their integrity he will not give
It is %reported that some who think thcmsclves the life eternal. Such persons see themselves as the scrv-
Lord’s representatives approach strangers and address ants of the Most High, and they know that at all times
them in words similar to these : “You are of the I)cvil, they must deal justly with their fellow creatures, that
and you are going to be destroyed if you don’t take they must love mercy, and that they must walk obe-
this literature and read it and believe it.” Such is act- diently with their God, and that self-exaltation will
ing without discretion, and certainly without wisdom. mean their own fall and complete destruction. Kot
Speak the truth of God’s Word and give God credit only do they learn of, but they discern and appreciate
for it, and let the people know that you are delivering their relationship to God and to Christ. Such have un-
what the Lord says. An uncouth or seedy appearance, derstanding, because they arc taking a wise course:
unkind and- harsh words, are entirely out of order “A man of understanding bath wisdom.” (I’rrv.
with the servant of the Lord. Say the Scriptures: 10: 23) Such faithful ones in the temple have given
“Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge heed to the admonition addrcsscd to them, to wit:

“Sanctify the Lord of hosts himself; and let him be that I am Cod ; and you must serve me and proclaim
your fear, and let him be your dread.” (Isa. S : 13) that there is none other.” The remnant are therefore
Such faithful ones do not desire the approval of men, placed in a position of responsibility and honor above
but, on the contrary, shun such approval, that t!lcy all others of earthly creatures, but this honor they do
inay be pleasing unto the Lord. They do not fe%r nxn not take to themselves, nor do they boast about how
or devils, but trust in the Lord God and delight to important they are. They are servants of God,“and
obey his commandments. they appreciate their position and delight to occupy
4JThe ones who are thus of the faithful remnant that position which God has given them. “And no
see that it is their privilege and duty to bear the mes-man taketh this honour unto himself, but he that is
sage of the kingdom to the people of good will toward called of God, as was Aaron.” (Heb. 5: 4) God,
God and to help them to gain a knowledge of his Word, through Christ Jesus, has honored them by choosing
and at no time to boss or lord it over them. (1 Pet. them and putting them in positions of service in his
5: 3) Those of the Lord’s anointed do not boast of organization, and they hold that position only if they
their position in the Lord’s organization and con- have understanding and continue in wisdom and fnith-
tinuously impress upon others about them that “I am fulness. To them God will give the victory through
of the anointed, and I am driving the chariot, and Christ Jesus, provided that they are faithful unto
you who are of the Jonadabs must do what I tell you”. death. (1 Cor. 15: 57; Rev. 2: 10) Such faithful ones
That spirit of boastfulness and braggadocio is entire- are now honored and privileged to have part in the
ly absent from the real anointed ones, and anyone who “strange work” of God (Isa. 28 : 21)) and therefore
continues to manifest the boastful and braggadocio to them the words of the apostle are now appropriate,
spirit is certain to fall. Let no one conclude that be-to wit: “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye sted-
cause one is once of the remnant he is always of the fast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the
remnant and cannot fall away. Self-exaltation, pride, Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not
and boastfulness, is mockery in the sight of God, and in vain in the Lord.“-1 Cor. 15: 58.
no one can mock God with impunity. The person who “Now is the time when all such must ‘be men in
is now of the remnant delights to obey the command- understanding’ and ‘quit themselves like men’. (1 Cor.
ments of the Lord and is eager to go from house to 14: 20; 16: 13) Such are men in Christ, that is, they
house and “set a mark upon the foreheads of [them] are mature ones. They love God, and hence they fear
that sigh, and that cry”, and that desire to know the bim and they do not fear man. They discern that this
Lord and his way. (Ezck. 9 : 4) Instead of pushing is the day of the Lord’s judgment and that all nations
or shoving to the side the Jonadabs and lording it over are gathered before him. They have received and ap-
them, those of the real remnant will gladly extend a preciated the commandments of the Lord to go forth
helping hand to all who are seeking to know the Lord, and give warning to the peoples of “Christendom” be-
and in doing so they will give all honor and glory to fore the beginning of God’s “strange act”, and it is
God. Religion and sanctimoniousness are hypocrisy their love for God that moves them into action; and
and an abomination in the sight of the Lord, and for in going forth to serve they are not arrogant, but they
that reason the remnant hates religion and those who are bold, that is, fearless: “Herein is our love made
knowingly practice it. perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of
judgment; because as he is, so are we in this world.
PARAMOUNT ISSUE There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out
4BIn this day those who have understanding discern fear; because fear hath torment. He that feareth, is
and appreciate what is the paramount issue and what not made perfect in love.“--1 John 4: 17’18.
is of paramount importance. The great question or 48Seeing that the kingdom is here, the faithful rem-
issue that must now be settled, and which the Lord nant understand and discern that the work of de-
will settle, is the vindication of Jehovah’s name. For claring God’s name and his kingdom must be done
more than sixty centuries the Devil and his agents have now, and they delight to have part in that work. Let
reproached and humiliated God’s holy name. Jehovah everyone, then, who claims to be of the anointed rcm-
has been longsufiering, but the day of his vindication nant answer to himself these questions, and answer
is at hand. God has enthroned his King and sent him them before the Lord, to wit: Do you see and appre-
forth to rule and to destroy the enemy. Long ago God ciate the great issue now to be for ever determined?
made known that in his due time he would exhibit his Do you discern your relationship to him whose name
supreme power against the enemy in the complete over- must now be vindicated? Have you heard and appre-
throw of all enemies; but before doing so he would ciated the commandment of the Lord that “this gospel
cause his name to be proclaimed throughout all the of the kingdom” must now be proclaimed before the
earth. (Ex. 9: 16, Leeser) He has taken out of the final end? Do you now spurn religion as of the Devil,
world a certain class of faithful creatures and has put and give heed to and obey the commandments of the
them under the command of Christ Jesus, the King, Lord? Are you wholly on the Lord’s side and obeying
and to them Jehovah says: “Ye are my witnesses . . . his commandments, that you may receive life? or are

you sitting idly by, ignoring his commandments and q 16. What does it mean to be chosen and anointed9 For what
purpose is this done9
missing the greatest opportunity ever given to crca- ‘J 17.19. How may one have the witness of the spirit that he is
tures on earth, and by so doing are certain to die? or is not a child of God and joint-heir with Christ9
Remember that God has commanded his witnesses to 7 20, 21. Describe the course taken by those whom the Lord
gathers unto himself as his “other sheep”. Are they now
obey the Lord Jesus, and that everyone who does not Justified9 What is their hope, and their relationship to the
obey this great Prophet shall be destroyed.-Acts 3 : 23. AlmIghty God and to Christ Jesus9
40Those who will now maintain their integrity to- V 22,23. Apply hficah 6: 8, Psalm 119: 105, Luke 12: 48,
ward God will lay aside all murmuring, strife and Matthew 22: 37-40, as to requirements, source of instruc-
tlon, and responsibility, of all who will receive God’s
contention; they will put aside all selfishness, and, approval.
moved by complete devotion to God and his kingdom, (i 2-1. \Vhat 1s required of the remnant9
g 25. As bearing upon the great importance of getting undcr-
they will quickly avail themselves of the opportunity standing, apply Proverbs 12: 11. Romans 12: 3. Ephesians
to bear witness to the name of Jehovah and his Kin:: 6: ti. Colossians 3: 22. Luke 16: 15.
and kingdom. This is the time of war, and it is a war u 26. What is the duty of the remnant, particularly to the
of righteousness against wickedness, a war of truth *‘other sheep”9 Why does this matter call for careful
consideration at this time9 “Can Jonadabs prepare or
against entrenched lies, and all who love God and carry matters m opposition to the brethren of the remnant
righteousness will now with gladness do their part by who are not present at a service meeting?”
lifting high the standard of the Lord that the people 1 S-:9. If the Jonadabs be in the majority at company meet-
ings, what then ~111be the position, obhgation and duty
of good will may see the way of righteousness and the of those of the remnant and of those of the Jonadabsl
place of refuge. Those of the remnant possessing the Why9 How does Proverbs 14: 29 serve to gmde m the
spirit of Christ will take the lead, and the Jonadabs situation here considered9 Proverbs 16: 22,249 Proverbs
21: 169
will march with them, and all together they will be 7 30. Account for strife among some of the companies of those
singing the praises of Jehovah and of Christ Jesus who profess to be of the remnant. Why is such condition
and his kingdom, and all together participating in the so serious9 What light upon tlus matter IS seen m Proverbs
24: 39 In Philippians 1: 27,289
service of the Lord. The Jonadabs arc in an implied V 31. Account for exercise of self-will by some who occupy
covenant to proclaim the truth, and thus identify positions of responsibility of service among God’s people.
themselves with the Lord’s organization. Therefore the Describe tt case ln pomt. Is it wrong for one to be self-
willed and act independently9 and why9 How does Proverb?
remnant and the Jonadabs engage in the witness work 3: 5, G fit this situation?
together, Never before have creatures on earth en- V 32. What is the rule as to responsibility in the Lord’s or-
joyed such a privilege, and never again will that priv- ganization on earth9 What may one do if something ap-
pears to be out of order or not done in the best way 9 U 11y
ilege come, because the “strange work” is now being is it not the privilege of the service committee to disregard
done, and Rhen it is done, to completeness, there will instruction received and attempt to proceed contrary
quickly follow God’s act, “his strange act,” which thereto9
7 33. \Vhnt 1s the regular and ploper course of a local company
will completely rid the earth of all enemies. Therefore, in the witness work9 How does Proverbs 6: 20 apply __ in
let everyone who loves God and Christ Jesus now hear this eonuection9
and obey the commandment, “Arise ye, and let us 7 34,35. Wlrat should a company of the remnant of God’s peo-
ple do when it is brought to their attention that tllelr
rise up against her in battle.” (Obad. 1) Then soon 8erVuzecommittee or company servant is acting arbitrarily?
we may sing the victory song for ever to the praise of Why? What will each, and all, of the temple company do
in this regards What of those in the company who pelslst
his name. in strife and disturbances?
ll 36.37. \Vhat. then. as shown at 1 Chronicles 22: 11-13 and
- I- , I

at 1 Kings 3: 7-12 and 4: 29, is the proper course for those

7 1. Why has Jehovah repeatedly emphasized the importance who base covenanted to serve God and Christ JcsusB
of understanding? Account for its now being again brought ?I 38-N. \Vhat imnortant instruction in this recnrd is seen at
to the attention of his people. m Remans 1: 31; 32, Proverbs 13: 10 and l(i:-18, 1 Tmioihy
ll 2. What ia meant bv usderstnndznn? On what conditions mav 6: 3-5. and Colossians 1: S-10 and 2: 1,2?
one have understanding? ”
lJ 3,4. Point out (a) the prophetic position of Moses ant1 of the q 41. hppiy 1 Corinthians 14: 20 and Ephesians 4: 13,14.
Israelites on their nay from Sinai to the promised land. lj 4%. Show that the scripture at 2 Timothy 3: 7 truly foretold
(b) The nature, and importance then and now, of the* words a clnss now manifest.
of hIoses to the Israelites when in hfoab. 7 43. \Vhat, in points of appearance and deportment, according
7 5. Explain whether the Jonadabs or great multitude- nrc In a to the scriptures quoted in this paragraph, should mark the
covenant with Jehovah. and what is their rcsnonslbl~ltv. servant of God who has understandmg?
7 6. Apply 1 Corinthians 16: 11 in this connection.* ” U 44. Drscribe the nttitude and course of action of those who
a 7,s. Account for XIoscs words recorded nt Drutcr0nomy ‘get knowlctlye and wisdom, and with all their gettmg get
1: 32.13. What imnortant instruction is seen thercm for ~i~lerstantling ‘.
God’s people at the’present time? 7 45. liow nil1 those of the faithful remnant prove they appre-
1 9. \Vhat great favor had Jehovah bestowed upon the ls!nel- enrtc their prlrilcge and duty in relation to the people of
itcs? Did they appreciate their relationship to h1rn9 \\‘byP gootl will 9
and with what result9 1 46. \Vhnt IS the great questton or issue that must now be
7 10,ll. With scriptures and reasons, point out the proper settled9 Whnt has Jehovah thus far done in this repaId
attitude of the creature toward the Creator. \Vhnt is the position of the remnant9 and how have-they
1 12,13. With Scriptures! explain how a human creature is come into this position of responslbllity and honor9 IIon,
brought into the family of God. onlv. Nil1 thev hold that nositlonl and with nhat outcorrlca?
1 14,15. With scnpturcs, pomt out Jehovah’s purpose in t:tklng 7 47. Si&v that 610s~ havmg’untlcrstanding discern and Ilpi)IC-
out some from among men and making thcru IWW creatures cmte the instruction provided for thrm ut 1 Corinthmns
in Christ. 14: 20 ant1 16: 13 and at 1 John 4: 17,18.
MAY 15, 1937 GXeWATCHTOWER 159
1 48. What questions, then, should everyone who claims to be tnin their Integrity toward God? Why? HOW will the rem-
of the anointed remnant be able to answer favorably be. nant and the Jonadabs co-operate thercm7 Why is the wit-
fore the Lord9 What is the declaration at Acts 3: 234 ness work 80 urgent, and faithful use of privilege 80 uu-
1 49. What course of action will those take who will now mam- portnnt, at the present tlmeP


April 12, 1937 Re the resolutzon: Would you approve of a copy of this reso-
IIRAR EROTIIER RUTHERFORD: lution’s being sent to the companies in Canada, so that they may
Ce SaZte7’s letter: The followin telegram was sent from this be made allare of the de&Ion of the Toronto company? Several
otice on Saturday morning to ench large company in Canada: brethren have stated that they would be &ad if tlus could he
“Salter ‘a letter and instruction not from Society. This morning many telephone calls have been received from
Fraudulent. Ignore it.” brethren in dift’erent parts of Toronto stating that a copy of
On Satnrdav eveninrr a meetinn was arranged and the follom- the printed letter has been received by them in the early morn-
ing were present: T~,e servanr of compa&s, his assistant, mg post. These letters were posted in Toronto at 11: 30 p.m.
&other Sinclair, a faithful brother who has been long associated Saturday.
with the Toronto company, and myself. It was decided that the It is verv ericlent that it was thought that the brethren nnd
followine afternoon. at the time of the assemblv of all the this office fvould be deceived, and c&elude that these arrange-
units fo: service discussion, a motion be introdiced to dis- ments had actually come from Brooklyn. It would also appear
fellowship W. F. Salter from the Toronto company. that a discussion- of these points was anticipated yesterday,
Sunday afternoon at the service meetmg I was in the chair, and hence a follow-up of the work by sendmg the letter to
and toward the end of the meeting the position was bud before many brethren in Toronto for this mormng.
the brethren, of whom there wo<ld be between 300 and 400 The discussion of yesterday afternoon, and the decision by
assembled. The envelope with the Society’s address and the the church, has had the effect of giving the church an imme-
printed letter to yourself from Salter were displayed, and the diate stimulus to further nctivitv. and it has assisted some
covering unsigned instructions were read to the company so brethren, who had ~&&red ab&t Salter and Cameron, to
that the brethren should realize the wickedness of those who have no further doubts, and to make straight paths for their
were responsible for this action. Many of the elder brethren feet.
expressed their disgust at such nn action. Brother Sinclair then With warm love, 1 am
came forward and read to the church the matter prepared. A Your brother and servant in Him,
copy of this is enclosed. P. CIIAPUAN.
Someone in the hall then raised the question whether Brother COPY OF RESOLUTION PREPARED AND hIOVED
Salter was present, and the chairman stated that if he rrore BY BROTHER W. A. SINCLAIR, AND PASSED
he would be able to hear for himself what was being said, and Almost a year ago the Society’s president, Brother Ruther-
If he were not. he would be notified. ford, saw fit to remove from office one to whom for years we
A. G. Can&on, former company servant and friend of had looked with confidence for lender&n in the Lord’s wurk
W. F. Salter, raised his voice in favor of the letter, stntmg here in Toronto. At the time, and subsequently, through The
amongst his remarks, “I know the article in ques&n.; 1 ,:avi FF’at4tower and year Z3ookfor 1937, the principles underlyIng
read it. and read it carefullv. It is true that Brother S..lter this course of action and the reason .for it. were-expressed. -
has ehillenged Brother Rutherford ii answer it point bv p?int, At the time that the change of servant took effect, many m
und I now challenge you, Brother Chapman, to answer it point our midst looked for some word from the brother dlschalged
by point and deal-with it faithfully, -because I firmly b&eve to indicate sorrow, repentance or reformation in his .attltulle
that the church has arrived at the crossroads. Up to this day toward the Society and brethren. Ejmce that time, many othc~s
ne have all followed men, blmd leaders of the bbnd and all have pat:ently waited for some statement tending to clear the
making to the ditch. It cannot be denied that as an org&zailon situation. Many have wondered as to the course of action to take.
we have been mistaken in the oast manv times. and it cannot Thus far, no public acknowledgment has been made.
be denied that me are mistaken-now.” ‘J!o this the answer \\as In the last month or t&o, Brother Rutherford has quietly
given from the chair: “I am glad you have shown your&f at made arrangements for the greatest and strangest campaign
hst, Brother Cameron. It has &ken-you twelve Mondaysto show against the enemy orgnntzation that has ever been undcrtakcn
yourself in your true colors.” The whole company evidencXed under the Lord’s dtreetion. On the eve of that campalgu the
their agreement by an unusual outburst of clapping. Devil has seen fit to throw (as he thought) a bombshell Into
Pointed remarks were then made by Brother Guest regarding our midst, and we, as well as others, are in receipt of planted
Salter, showing that for at least three years he had not been matter to be le:ld among and dlssc~mmated among the brethren
in harmony with the organization. A sister in the rear of the and purporttng to be sent by the Surletv. i\ssoclatctl with this
hall (afterwards eonflrmed to be Salter’s former stenographer) literature *s the name of W. I”. Salter. N;etltcss to say, a serious
asked if she might speak. It was ruled by the chairman, how- consideration of this matter would, to say the least, tend to
ever, that the brothers were capable of dealing with the matter. doubt and dissension amonz the brethren.
Other brothers then expressed themselves in no uncertnm ,way I therefore move the fo&wlng resolution:
rcgardmg their dttltude townrd this scheme to hurt the Iard's “That m view of the facts set forth above, we, the company
people. Cameron endeavored to hold the floor again, no doubt of Jehovah’s nitnesses tn Toronto and vicinity, falling ti r&
trying to regain something he had lost. The time was gettmg ceive in the course of the next seven days, in wliting, a clear
on and there had been ample discussion to clearly show what statement of sorrow, repentance and reformation from the
was the mind of the church on the motion, and therefore the brother, do hereby disfellowship the one known as Brother
chairman did not eive nermmsion for him to sucnk further. W. F. Salter.”
Cameron shouted ou‘t se&al times, and refused to’reco::nt7e the
ruling of the chair. The company was then appealed to by the April 16, 1937
chnirman as to whether they. w&ted to he:lr.~ameron 0; not, DEAR BROTIIEK KIJTIIERFOI~D:
and they replied with a great shout “No”. To hand this morning is a further letter published by W. F.
Brother Sinclair was then called upon to again read and Salter. It was forwarded by Brother Hersec, who is at present
move the resolution. It was secontled, and the whole church doing a little pioneer work in Port Huron. I am formarding
were in favor, with the exception of three dissenting votes. this to you munetliatcly in case it has not yet been brought to
These were Cameron, his daughter and 0. Richardson. The your attention. This is the tirst one to come to our notice. I
meeting then closed. feel compelled to write a word to you that you may know of my
This morning the servant of companies is sending a copy love for you.
of the resolution passed by the church to W. F. Salter by It has becu my privilege to work in the Society’s o5ce for
registered mail, so that we will be sure he receives it. the last fourteen years, and during that time I have grown to

truly love you because you magnify Jehorah’s name. Year From the platform and in private conversation he would con-
year your fcarlcssness in boldly facing all manner of opposltlon sistently try to undermine your influence in the minds of the
to publicly hold forth the Word of life, in exposing the DewI’s friends, and impress them with his own ideas.
schemes and all forms of fnlso worship in the church as well as Also that for years he questioned that which came from the
out of it, in assisting Jehovah’s anointed and the people of Watch Tower, questioned the evidence of the Lord’s being at
good will, is complete testimony to your unselfish devotion to His temple, and undeavored to put doubt into the minds of the
Jehovah, and that his favor, -protection-and blessing is with you brethren as to Jehovah and Christ Jesus’ being our teachers.
in its fullness. For this man now to pose as loving the Lord and his people
Your love for the brethren has been demonstrated over and clearly marks him as a hypocrite and a liar. Therefore we go
over again by considering their needs. This is true, not only on record that our full devotion IS toward the Lord and the
concerning the pioneers, but also toward the Bethel fannly in interests of his kingdom. Not only have we full confidence in
London, with whom I was privileged to associate and serve for the Lord that He is directing His organization and His work,
many years. Your stay at the Bethel home in London was always but also that He has placed you in charge of the direction of
a joy to look forward to. We knew you had our interests at the eartbly affairs of His people.
heart, and you never spared yourself to find n-ays nnd means This family is now at unity, whole-hearted in Jehovah’s
to show your love for us, and to make us happy in the Lord and service, and now dwells in peace, and unanimously sends this
in his service. This is without contradiction. It has been my statement to you.
experience to know you as an elder brother; yes, and time and With our warm love to you, we are
agam as a father and true counselor. Your BETHEL FAMILY at TORONTO.
Again I repeat that I love and respect you as the president
of the Society, because Jehovah has honored you with His great
service. I know from personal expcricnce that you are true, Just THANKFULTOJEHOVAB
and full of love for Jehovah and his pecple, who are your GZAR BROTHERRUTHERFORD:
The Bethel family also go on record as declaring their love Jehovah’s publishers at the Victoria (B.C.) assembly of
for you, and that not out of hearsay, but out of close nssocla- Jehovah ‘a witnesses take this opportunity of Jpublicly express-
tion with you. I am pleased to enclose with my own above ing to Jehovah our appreciation and thankfulness for the priv-
declaration the one sent from the whole Bethel family. ilege of declaring his great name; carrying his’message to the
Your brother and servant in the Lord, people of good will and exposing the wicked Roman Catholic
P. CILWMAN. Hierarchy and those allied with them.
We also wish to convey to you our expression of loyalty and
April 16, 1937 faithfulness to the Society, the visible organization of Jehovah.
: We are thankful to Jehovah for The Watchtower, bringing to
Twelve months ago you saw fit to remove from office W. F. us the food convenient and the necessary instructions that we
Salter, who had been reported to you as not being loyal to the may mamtain our integrity.
organization, and now, after twelve months, he has clearly We are encouraged by your own loving zeal and courageous
shown his hand as being against the Lord, the Society and example in declaring Jehovah’s judgments and exposing every
yourself. Therefore, we, the Bethel family at Toronto, make part of Satan’s wicked organization.’
known the following: With confidence we look to the complete overthrow of Sa-
That for years TV. F. Salter showed himself to be thoroughly tan? organization and the vindication of the great and glo-
selfish, egotmtical, and’had an undue sense of his O-KPim,tor- riotIs name of Jehovah.
tance. He had not been loyal to you nor to the organization. This resolution was adopted by all present.

Sanford, N. C. .._ Mny 31. June 1 Chattanooga. Tenn. June 15.16 Pangborn, Ark. ..-__ June Mounds, III. .. ....._....-June
SouthernPines. N. C. June 3 Shelbyville, Tenn. “ LittleRock. Ark. . .... .._ I’ Paducah, Ky. .. .. ..__.._ (1
Tarheel, N. C. ..._..._._....‘ Columbia, Term. . ... ...I. ‘* 11: MarvelI, Ark. .. ... .... ... 1‘ Mayheld, Ky. __.._.... _._._‘*
Lawndale. N. C. _.__...” i Nashville, Term. “ 10.20 Elaine, Ark. .___.._...._... ” Hopkmsvllle, Ky. ._.-_.. “
Oneida, Ark. .___.......-...“ Madwonville. Ky. ._..._..“
Asheville, N. C. _____. “ 6, 7 Clarksville, Term.“:::: ‘* 22, 23 Helena, Ark. ____............ ” Dmkesboro. Ky. “
Johnson City, Tenn. ._ ” 0.10 Memphis, Tenn. ._..“... ” 24.25 Blarmnnn, Ark. __._._...__.1; Denver Dam, Ky.“::::::: “
Knoxville, Term. _...... ” 11.12 Decatur, Ala. .__.__..
e..v..“ 20.27 Tyronsa. Ark. Fordsrllle, Ky. _._____...._ “
Cleveland, Term. ..._.._.‘* 13 Jasper, Ah. ...“..^......_ ” 2% 30 Jonesboro, Ark. -----------,‘ Vnnennt, Ky. . ..__.._..__ _ ‘1
Blythevdle. Ark.“::::::: “ Brandenburg, KY. ._.__July

Rochester, N. Y. .. . ...__June 6. 7 Westfield, N. Y. ._..._..June ’ Jnckson~~ille. Fla. . ..Jnne 1, ; Lake Worth, Fin. __ .June 10.
Onktleld, N. Y. _.......___. ‘* 8 Jamestown. N. Y. .__.. ” ii St. Augustine, Fla. .___ “ Fort Lnuderdule, Fla. “
MedIne. N. P. ..._..........** 9 Onoville, N. Y. .._........“ Dunnell, Fla. ._ . ..___.. “ 4 Miami Fin. .___._..._______
_. “ 20.
Lockport. N. Y. ____.-...” 10 Fmnklinville, N. Y. .._ ” ii Da) tonn Beach. Fin. ._ “ 5 Narnnja, Fla. ... .. .... ... ‘I
Ninsnra Fnlln, N. Y. ..._ ‘* 11 Perry, N. Y. ___....
_._._....” New Smli-nn, Fin. __... “ 6.7 Key West, Fin. .._.. .. ... .. “
Sanford, Fin. __._..........“ Mmmi. Fla. .._.._..._._I..._ “
Toinwnndn. S. Y. ... .._ ” Lyons, N. Y. _._......._....” fi Orlnndo, Fin. .... ... . .. ..._ ” 10, 1; Fort Myers. Fin. .._“... ”
Buffalo, N. Y. ... .._.. . .. ... “ 13. :: Auburn, N. Y. .__.... .._... I’ 27 Fort Pwce. Fin. ._...._ ‘* 12 Arcndm, Fin. .__._...._.__ “ 27.
Fredonla. N. Y. -.-... “ 15 Binghamton, N. Y. .. ..July 4 Okecchobre. Fin. ..... .... . ‘* ’ lvnucllula. E‘hl. ...“.... _.. “
Belle Glade. Fla. ..._... “ 14. % Sebring, E’la. ...-.__.._.__July

Snlklo, Cola. ..--_._. June 4 hiills, N. Mex. .___.____
J’ “c 17. 18 2 Belmont, Mont. .___.._. June 1S
Canon City, Colo. ...._. ‘1 6 Mosquero, N. JIex. . ... . ‘* 10 3 Two Dot, Mont. .__......,”
Cripple Creek, Colo. -‘* 6,7 Estnncin, N. Mes. _.... ” 20. 21 Melstone, Mont. ._._._____ ‘0 ?0. ?!
t:4 Billinzs, Mont. ____...... 1’ 2:: “4
COlOrUdO $p’&CS, COiO. “ 9.10 Albuquerque, N. Mex. ” 23.24 0. 10 1:owor. hlont. .. ... .. ._.. . .. “ 22. 2:;
Pi1cblo. Cola. ..._._...-.- “ 11. 12 Silver City, S. Mex. . ” 26 L7 11.12 IIil: Timber, Mont. __..._1’ L’7
Trinidad, Colo. __ ” 13. 14 Alamogordo. N. Men. .. ” 29 13.14 Manhattan. Mont. _..___ I’ t’!J
Pocatello, Idaho June 30. July 1
Springer. N. Alex. __ ‘* 113 El Paso. Ter. .--.... July l-6 :!: Burley, Idaho .. .._______. July 2

Chirknnhn. Okla. .__._June ?. :1 Ardmare. Okla. .. ...._.._June 8. 0 Adn. Okla. -............ June l?. 13 I’~~rrell. Okln. .. ..._..____
June 19
IJulwan. Ukln. .______ *I hllndill, Okhc. ......“I... 1. 1G 15. 10 Ol.l.nhomn City, Okln. “ 20-27
Wir:. Ukln. . .. ... .... ...“” ” ;: Wynne Wood, Okln. I_ ” Yllu\\nce, Okln. . ..__...... “ 29.30
Wlhn, Okla. ..__w...... ” 6 Blilburn, Okln. . . . .. . . .. m..” 11 Paoll. Okln. ....--“.- ‘* 17.18 Chandler, Okla. -_-.._July 1. 2

JUNE 1, 1937

ldentlfymg the Enemy Organization

L‘ Ed Servant ”

117 Adams Street - Brooklyn,
N.Y., U. S. A. T HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling
the people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as
expressed in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction
specifically designed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people
J. F. RUTHERWID President W. E. VAN AMBURQH Seoretary of good will. It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers
g$And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and and the Society supplies other literature to aid in such studies.
It publishes suitable material for radio broadcasting and for
great shall be the peace of thy children.” -Isaiah SW.?. other means of public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utter-
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH ances. It is entirely free and separate from all parties, sects
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, is from everlasting or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without
to everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver reservation for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ
of life to his creatures; that the Lo os was the beginning of his beloved King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful
his creation, and his active agent in t%e creation of all things; and critical examination of its contents in the light of the
that the Logos is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed Scriptures. It does not indulge in controversy, and its col-
with all power in heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive umns are not open to personalities.
Officer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION PRICE
man for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully UNITED STATES $l.OO; CANADA AND MISCELLANEOUB FOBEIGN,
disobeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by 160' QREAT ~ITAIN AWIWLASIA AND SOUTH AWCA. 7s.
reason of Adam’s wrong act all men are born mnners and A*mericnn remlttanced should be made by Postal or Express Money
Order or by Bank Drait. Canadian, British, South African and
without the right to life. Australasian remittances rhould be made direct to the respective
branch o&es. Remittances from countries other than those men-
THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suf- tioned may be made to the Brooklyn otlice, but by International
fered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive Postal Money Order only.
price for all mankind; that God raised up Jesus divine and FOSEIQN OFFICES
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every
name and clothed him with all power and authority. BrWeh . . . . . . . . . 34 Craven Terrace, London, W. 2, England
THAT JEHOVAH’S ORGANIZATION is called Zion, and Canadian . . . . . . 40 Irwin Avenue, Toronto 6, Ontario, Canada
that Christ Jesus is the Chief Ofticer thereof and is the Arstrahs~an . . 7 Beresford Road, Strathfleld, N. S. W.,’ Australia
rightful King of the world; that the aliointed and faithful gouth Afdoan . . . . . . Boston House, Cape Town, South Af-ica
followers of Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of Please address the Society in every case.
Jehovah’s organization, and are his witnesses whose duty and
rivilege it is to testify to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare
fi 1s purposes toward mankind aa e reased in the Bible, and (Tranrlattonr oj thir journal appear In several languaW.)
to bear the fruits of the kingdom “% efore all who will hear.
THAT THE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Chriet All sincere students of the Bible who by reason of infirmity,
has been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority, poverty or adversity are unable to pay the subscription price
may have The Watchtower free upon wrltten application to the
has ousted Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the publishers, made once each year, stating the reason for so re-
establishment of Qod’s kingdom on earth. questing it. We are glad to thus ald the needy, but the written
application once each year is required by the postal regulations.
THAT THE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of earth
can come only by and through Jehovah% kingdom under Notfce to &rbscribera: Acknowledgment of a new or a renewal sub-
Christ, which has now begun; that the Lord’s next great scription will be sent only when requested. Change of address,
when requested, may be expected to appear on address label within
act is the destruction of Satan’s organization and the estab- one month. A renewal blank (carrying notice of ox iration) will
lishment of righteousness in the earth, and that under the be sent with the journal one month before the subscr Pption expires.
kingdom all those who will obey its righteous laws shall live Entered an recond-clam cnattsr at the post once at Brooklyn, N. Y.,
on earth forever. under the Act 01 March 3, 1373.


The Watchtower joyfully announces the following conven- The Society now manufactures and has to offer a light-weight
tions for Jehovah’s witnesses and companions: Paris, France, phonograph, which is 14 by 13 by 5 inches in size, and covered
August 21-23 inclueive, which will serve for Great Britain and with brown cloth and having rotmded comers. It weighs 9 pounds
Continental Europe; Columbus, Ohio, September 15.20 in- 13 ounces. With the three phonograph discs which can be carried
clusive, which will serve the United States, Canada, and others
who may be able to attend. in it, it weighs 12 pounds 6 ounces. The.volume of sound is
The president of the Society expects to be present at both strong, and the tone is of the best quality. As shipped out from
conventions. Make our arrangements for vacations during our factory, the phonograph is timed properly, at 78 r.p.m.,
le ask Jehovah to make these and should be checked from time to time. This model, including
e honor of His name. three discs, is offered on a contribution of $10.00; without the
More information in later issues of The Watchtower. three discs, $8.00. Remittance should accompany orders. Also
specify the particular discs wanted.
The coming testimony period “Glittering Sword,” from
June 5 to 13 inclusive, mill afford a most generous opportunity
for the people of good will to get the Lord’s latest provision, ANNOUNCING COMPANY MEETINGS
to learn how they may find protection and preservation from Many hearers of radio transcription lectures have the desire
Jehovah’s Glittering Sword. During this period the kingdom
publishers will offer the people a 5Occombination; this to consmt to meet with Jehovah’s witnesses and to study his Word with
of the two books Riohe and Preservation and four booklets, them. Hence wherever the kingdom message is radiocast, the
including Proteotion, Uncovered, and Armageddon. In recent time and place of meeting of the local company of Jehovah’s
issues the Informant has given further details concerning this witnesses or of the new public meetings on the series “ Exposed’ ’
period, and all publishers may inform themselves therefrom
and proceed accordingly. Your romptitude in preparing all should be announced after the transcription. The time on the
needful things for this period WI71 be pleasing to the Lord and air being paid for, the station manager ought to readily grant
blessed. Please report to this of&e the result of your service. your request to make such announcement.
VOL. LVIIL JIXE 3, 1937 :;o. 11

“liecause our conflict is not with blood and flesh, but with the govcruments, will! the authorities, with tAe
pot&ates of this darkness, with the spiritual thiuys of wickedwess in the heace&es.”
-Eph. 6: 12, Diaglott.
EHOVAH has given command to his servants: commands his people and all of his organization to
“Arise ye, and let us rise up against her to mar.”‘rise against her in war’. The fight is not against
(Obad. 1, Leeser) This command could have its some imaginary foe, but against the mighty host ar-
application only after the second coming of the Lord rayed against all righteousness.
Jesus, when he is sent forth to rule amongst his ene- 3 The arch enemy of God is Satan the Devil. All
mies, and more particularly after his coming to the those who are in the Devil’s organization and under
temple of God, when the Devil is gathering his forces his domination are the enemies of God and of his
to Armageddon preparatory for the battle of the great people. The reason for the cxistcncc of that enmity
day of God Almighty. All the prophecy that is now must be fully understood and appreciated by the pco-
revealed and made clear by reason of the physical ple of God in order that thei may deport thcmselvcs
facts, which God has caused to come to pass, proves in harmony with the mill of God, Covetousness led
beyond all doubt that Christ Jesus is at the temple ; Lucifer to become the enemy of God. He had an in-
that he is dividing and judging the nations and caus- satiable desire to have the praise of crcaturcs, which
ing the various ones to identify themselves and that properly belongs to Jehovah, and not to any rrcature.
all the forces of the wicked one arc being gathered Hr *est rted to fraud, lying and deceit, resulting in
against those who serve God. All such are adversaries murder, in order to gratify his eovetousncss. He was
of God and his kingdom. Regardless of how much a sentenced to death and given the criminal names of
Christian loves peace and quietude, this is no time Satan, Serpent, Dragon, and Devil. Among the first
to seek a place of seclusion and quietness. It is the things hc did after receiving those titles from Jeho-
time of war with the enemies. It must of necessity vah was to induce the murder of one of God’s faithful
be the time of peace within the ranks of the Lord’s witnesses. It is therefore authoritatively said of him
people, when they must dwell together in unity and by the Lord Jesus that: “The dcril . . . was a mur-
fight in one solid phalanx. All of the temple company derer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth,
of God are now under the leadership of Christ Jesus, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh
and all must bc of one mind, which is the mind of a lie, hc speakcth of his own: for hc is a liar, and the
Christ. God and Christ have risen up against the father of it.“-John 8: 44.
enemies, and all who are on the side of God and 4 Jehovah’s judgment, entered against that wicked
Christ must always take their place against the adver- one, is death, and which judgment contains amongst
saries and do their part in the war. other things these words: “I will destroy thee, . . . and
never shalt thou bc any more.” (Ezek. 28: 16-19)
IDENTIFYLNC THE ENEMY That unchangeable judgment has not yet been ese-
*It must be the will of God that those of the cuted, for the following reason, to wit: Satan the
temple shall bc able now to identify the enemies, that Devil challenged God to put on cart11men that would
their attitude toward the same may be in full har- remain true and faithful to God when put to the
mony with God’s will. Who, then, as shown by the most scvcrc test, the Devil claiming that he could
Scriptures, are the enemies of the Lord and of those cause all men to curse God to his fact. (Job 2: 5)
who serve him’? The enemies of God and Christ Jesus God could have ignored that challenge, but had he
are certainly the enemies of cvcryonc who places him- done so the question of Jehovah’s supremacy and
self on the side of God and his kingdom, and who unlimited power might not have been settled in the
gives his devotion and love and service to God and minds of other creatures. God accepted the challenge
Christ. It is against such adversaries that the war is and suspcndcd the execution of the judgment against
now being waged. It is against such that Jehovah now Satan in order to give the Devil the full opportunity

to prove his jvickcd challenge and ‘then to have God’s and maintained his integrity toward God. The wicked-
power demonstrated against that wicked one and, be- ness in the earth was very great, and it appeared that
fore so doing, to have Jehovah’s name proclaimed Satan was gathering most of earthly creation on his
throughout the earth.-Ex. 9: 16, Leeser. side : “And God saw that the wickedness of man was
6 A host of angels joined the Devil in his rebellion great in the earth, and that every imagination of the
against Jehovah God, and they too were sentenced thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And
to death, but the execution thereof has been withheld God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before
until God’s due time to destroy those adversaries. me ; for the earth is filled with violence through them :
Awaiting tl at day, the Lord degraded that host of and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.“-
wicked angels by holding them away’ from the light Gen. 6 : 5,13.
of his purpose and by keeping them in the darkness. ’ Only the creatures of flesh were destroyed in the
“The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of flood, Satan and all of his wicked angelic host being
temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day permitted to continue in existence and to put forth
of judgment to be punished.” (2 Pet. 2: 4-9) All of their best endeavors to carry out Satan’s wicked chal-
those wickecl. angels are adversaries of God and of lenge to turn all men away from God. Those angels
righteousness. That host of rebellious ones later se- or spirit creatures that joined Satan in his rebellion
duced “the sons of God”, that is to say, angels who are like the Devil, maliciously wicked, that is to say,
are on the side of Jehovah and of his organization. fatally bent on doing injury to others and reproach-
The Scriptures disclose that those “sons of God” ing God. They are all the adversaries of God and of
were seduced or turned aside from the path of right- all men who attempt to serve the Almighty God, Those
eousnessby fraud, practiced upon them by Satan and wicked angels are yet alive and active in opposition
the demons, in this manner, to wit: Many persons, to God and to all aho serve him. Concerning that
male and female, were in the earth who were the off- wicked host it is written: “And with covetousness
spring of Adam; they were more nearly perfect than they will make gain of you with deceitful words;
those now on the earth, and therefore the women ncc- whose judgment of old [now from of old (A.R.V.)]
essarily were more beautiful to the natural eye and does not linger, and their destruction does not slum-
pleasant to look upon. The “sons of God” had power ber.” (2 Pet. 2 : 3, Ding.) Those words of the apostle
to materialize in human form and would necessarily apply at the end of the world, and, since the end of
materialize as handsome men. They were no part of the world is here, the execution of that wicked crowd
Satan’s crowd, but Satan hit upon a schemeto entrap will soon take place. In the meantime all of those
them and to bring further reproach upon the name wicked adversaries are desperately fighting against
of the Almighty God. The Devil had used Eve to start God by attempting to destroy the human race, and
the trouble in Eden, and now he would again resort particularly those human creatures who take their
to fraud in the use of women to bring about more stand on the side of God and Christ and put forth
trouble and reproach upon God’s name. Satan’s wicked their best endeavors to maintain their integrity. Be-
allies also had power to materialize in human form, fore their rebellion the estate of those angels was in
and they did so appear in the earth as “giants” or God’s organization, forming a part thereof. When
nepkilbz. They, together with the Devil, fraudulently they joined the Devil in rebellion they cut themselves
represented to the materialized “sons of God” that off, and therefore, as it is written, ihey “kept not
they could take those beautiful women for wives and their first estate”. They departed from the Lord and
rear up a superior race of people. Their real purpose, turned to wickedness. “And the angels which kept
however, was to carry out Satan’s wicked challenge not their first estate, but left their own habitation,
to turn all creation against God. It is written in the he bath reserved in everlasting chains, under dark-
Scriptures concerning this matter: “The sons of God ness, unto the judgment of the great day.“-Jude 6.
saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and 8 It appears that that wicked host know that it is
they took them wives of all which they chose. There God’s purpose to destroy them, and therefore they
were giants in the earth in those days; and also after and the Devil continue to fight against God aud all
that, u-hen the sons of God came in unto the daugh- who are on the side of Jehovah. Those wicked spirit
ters of men, and they bare children to them, the same creatures have been active since the flood, within the
became mighty men, which were of old, men of rc- bounds to which they are limited. They were active
nown. “-Gen. 6 : 2,4. when Jesus was on the earth, and when he rebuked
a The offspring of that union between the material- them they replied: ‘And in the synagogue there was
ized sons of God and the female descendants of Adam a man, which had a spirit of an unclean devil; and
was a class of “mighfy men”, “men of renown,” all he cried out with a loud voice. Ah! what have we to
of whom becamegrossly wicked, being developed under do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth ? art thou come
the tutelage of Satan and the wicked, rebellious angels, to destroy us? I know thee who thou art, the TToly
the nephilim. Of all creatures on earth at that time he of God.’ (Luke 4: 33,34, d&V.; Matt. 8: 29)
only Noah was perfect in his generation and stood firm It is this invisible host that the apostle mentions as
JunE 1, 1937 KfieWATCHTOWER 165

the adversaries of those who are serving God and fore Satan the Devil, his invisible principalities, his
his 1rinSdom now.-Eph. 6: 12. powers and his wicked princes or rulers, including
all the wicked hosts and also including all the wicked
VISIBLE OBCANIZATIOY agencies on the earth, which now constitute the adver-
0 Within a short time after the flood, and when the saries or enemies of God and of a’ who are on the
human race began to multiply, Satan brought into side of God and for his kingdom. All those wicked
existence the visible or earthly part of his organiza- hosts once had accessto heaven, but since the coming
tion. Nimrod was made an object of adoration and of the Lord Jesus both they and Satan have been cast
worship, and this that God’s name might be further down to the earth and confine their operations to the
reproached. (Gen. 10: 8-10) It was at this point in earth, working particularly with the earthly division
the history of man that the Devil brought religion of his organizction and against those on the earth who
prominently to the fore. From the time of the flood serve God and his kingdom.
until now every people and nation on the earth have
had and practiced some kind of religion, all of which ACTIVITY
religion and religious practices has brought reproach l1 The Devil and his angels have been active from
upon the name of Almighty God and turned great the time of the rebellion at Eden until now, and will
hosts of persons against Jehovah dnd his kingdom. continue active until their destruction at Armaged-
It was the reli$ous desire in the mind of Eve, planted don. As Satan “that old Serpent” is the arch deceiver,
there by the Devil, that she might have knowledge also all his wicked angels are deceivers, and the un-
and wisdom of things equal to God, that !ed her into disputed evidence shows that they continue to deceive
disobedience; and from then till now religion has been men. They operate by gaining control of the mind of
the chief earthly instrument employed by Satan to man and thereby compel or lead man to commit wrong-
war upon Jehovah and his people. When God sen- ful acts. When one undertakes to serve Almighty God
tenced Adam to death, amongst other things he said and thereafter becomesunfaithful, he is easily a vic-
to the old Serpent, the Devil, as it is written: “And tim for those wicked spirit creatures. A striking
I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and csa~plc is that recorded concerning Saul, who wii:.s
between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy selected as the first king of Israel. The Israelites asl:cd
head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.“-Gen. 3 : 15. to have a king, and God yielded to their demands and
lo “ The woman, ” as there used, means God’s organ- permitted them to have Saul. The Almighty God gave
ization ; and ‘the seed of the Serpent’ means the a specific command to Saul that he must perform a
offspring of the Devil’s “woman”, that is, of the certain duty, and Saul, although attempting it, delib-
Devil’s organization, symbolized by a woman, and of erately failed, and because thereof he fell into the
which seed Satan is the father. The seed of Satan has snare of the Devil and his wicked angels. It is writ-
therefore ever been the enemy of God and righteous ten in God’s Word: “The fear of man bringeth a
creatures. The wicked seed or organization of Satan Enare: but qhoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall
embraces the host of wicked angels. The chief part bo safe.“-Prov. 29 : 25.
of the Devil’s seed which is earthly is religion and l* When Saul the king was confronted by God’s
religious organizations, which are operated by Satan faithful prophet Samuel, Saul said: “I have tran :-
to oppose God, and all of which tend to turn men gressed the commandment of the Lord . . . becaux
away from God and to the worship of creatures or I feared the people, and obeyed their voice.” (1 Sam.
things. Religion has at all times been the binding tic 15: 24) Such is the unbrca!cablc rule with men ~110
that has held to?;cther the political and commercial fear other men and for that reason disobey God and
traffickers and the military elements of the nations fall into Satan’s snare. The Lord God withdrew his
of the earth. Satan the Devil has builded crcat world favor and protection from Snul. Then the Devil and
powers of which he has been and is the invisible o\yCr- his anycls got complete control of Saul’s mind and
lord or god. For this reason Jesus spoke of him 2s cauxd him to malx numerous attempts thereafter to
the “prince of this world”, meaning the invisible commit murder. Saul then sought out the witch of
ruler of this world who x:as always oppo,:ed to God Endor, a medium through whom the wicked spirits
and Christ Jesus, (John 14 : 30) As the invisible ru!cr cbmmnnicntcd with human creatures, and Saul con-
of darkness Satan the Devil is the :‘:od of this ~;orld, sulted that wicked one. “Then said Saul unto his
and is so dcsignntcd in the Scriptures. (2 Cor. 4: ‘1) ccrvanlts, Seek mc a woman that hath a familiar spirit,
He makes it his busineni to blind men to the truth, that I may go to her, and inquire of her. And his
that they may not serve God. Without a doubt, in servants said to him, Eehold, t!xre is a woman that
the invisible part of Satan’s organization there are hath a familiar spirit at Endor.” (1 Sam. 23: 7)
divisions or principalities, over which certain of the This is proof that witches and familiar spirits were
demons operate as the principal ones and hence rule and arc encmicr; of God and man and that they gain
a principality, and exh principality excrciscs power control of the mind of man and turn men away fro:n
over nations of the earth. (Dan. 10: 13) It is thcre- God. On that occasion the wicked spirit further de-

ccived Saul by inducing him to believe that Samuel, tried, convicted and executed for the crime of treason
who had lived previous to that time and clicd, was after having confessedto the commission of that crime
still alive. Samuel, being dead, could not commuuicate and the performance of acts of which they could not
with anyone alive, but the wicked spirits induced Saul possibly have been guilty. Those men came into court
so to believe. (Eccl. 9 : 5, 10) In due time Saul died and pleaded guilty, knowing that their punishment
the enemy of God because he had feared man and would be death. They recited before the court acts
had become unfaithful to God and had fallen away performed by them in accomplishing the alleged crime
entirely to tha Devil. (1 Sam. 28: 7-20; 31: 4,5) that they could not under any circumstances have per-
Witchcraft has been practiced from the time of Saul formed. They claimed to have traveled, for instance,
even to the present day. Covenant-breakers of this from Moscow to Oslo, Norway, by airplanes, the num-
day are exactly in a condition similar to tfiat of Saul. ber and description of which they gave, and which
airplanes never were in existence. The confession and
WITCHCRAFT testimony of those men, and their pleas of guilt, and
la Witches are those creatures who yield themselves their execution upon their own statements, have greatly
as instruments for use by the Devil and his angels mystified people all over the world, and the public
and permit themselves to be employed as mediums press and radio speakers have repeatedly been asked
for communication between wicked spirits and men to state the reason therefor, and all have failed to
on the earth. Witchcraft is of the Devil and is the state the reason because they have either deliberately
fruit of rebellion. Satan the rebel invented witch- ignored or are totally ignorant of the Word of God.
craft, and he and his wicked spiritual allies employ Those men of Russia, who thus pleaded guilty and
and practice witchcraft to deceive human creatures. were executed, were, without a question of doubt,
When Saul had disobeyed God the prophet of the victims who had fallen under the control of the wicked
Lord said to Saul: “For rebellion is as the sin of angels and had pursued a course similar to th’at fol-
witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idol- lowed by King Saul when he fell under the wicked
atry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the one’s influence. Those wicked angels injected into the
Lord, he bath. also rejected thee from being king.” minds of those poor men the delusion that they were
-1 Sam. 15: 23. guilty, and induced them to confess crimes of which
I4 Saul had followed Satan’s course and had rebelled they were entirely innocent.
against God’s commandment and committed the sin of IT Another instance of the operation of those wicked
witchcraft. Furthermore God’s law expressly prohib- spirits is this, to wit: On the night of February 27,
ited the practice of witchcraft because it is of the 1933, the building of the German Reichstag was
Devil : “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.” (Ex. burned, and that opened the way for Hitler and his
22: 18) “There shall not be found among you any crowd to gain complete control of Germany, which
one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through they gained immediately thereafter. That crime of
the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of arson brought about exactly what the Nazis desired.
times, or an enchanter, or a witch. “-Deut. 18 : 10. The Nazis themselves burned the building and then
I6 The practice of witchcraft has been carried on laid the crime at the door of political foes, many of
for ages and is practiced to this very day. In the whom were arrested. A Hollander named Van der
sixteenth and seventeenth centuries a great wave of Lubbe, described by the press as a half-wit, was ar-
witchcraft swept over Europe and America. Many pcr- rested, together with several Communists, and charged
sons were tormented by the witches, who represented with the crime of burning the Reichstag. John Gunther,
and acted for the wicked spirits, and particularly in an American journalist, was present at and reported
England and Scotland there were many hideous scenes the trial of this man. In his book Inside Europe are
of witch torture and extermination. (The Encyclopedia published the facts, and from which the following is
Americana, Vol. 29, page 431) In the early days of quoted, to wit: “Van der Lubbe, a typical enough
the American colonies strenuous laws were enacted unfortunate by-product of modern civilization, was
against the practice of witchcraft. Every American not only weak-minded ; he had a deep grievance against
familiar with history knows of the Salem (JIassachu- society and authority, which his feeble brain sought
setts) witchcraft. The witches, under the influence and to remedy by pyromania. He was a genuine arsonist.
control of the Devil and the wicked angels aforcmcn- A homeless vagrant, wandering in the Berlin slums,
tioned, claimed that they were able to ride through he set several fires, and in his thick manner boasted
thin air on broomsticks, on pokers, or on animals, about them. And Nazis heard him. The further facts
which, of course, is a physical impossibility. Dclud~rl revealed are that the Nazis had arranged for Van der
persons yielded themselves to the Devil and his angels Lubbc to be in the building with fire material so that
and convinced themselves, no doubt, that they could they could make him appear as the guilty one. The
do such things. fire that destroyed the building was the chemical fire
lo As another striking example, in this very year set by the Nazis, who carried their material through
(1937) in Russia there have been a number of men the Goering tunnel, and timed it to go off at just that
JLXTE 1, 1937 SfieWATCHTOWER 167

moment Van der Lubbe thought he set the fire. Lubbe text first above quoted, show that this is not their con-
retreated from the building in proud triumph and flict. Human creatures are employed as instruments
was arrested by the police, and that was what the of the Devil and the wicked angels, and used by them
Nazis had planned. Lubbe was an obvious victim of to war against the followers of Christ Jesus. Many
maniacal depressive psychosis.” Furthermore the au- of these visible ones do so ignorantly. Many religion-
thority above cited says: “The court was terrified ists are moved by the spirit of malice, covetousness,
every time Lubbe opened his mouth.” Lubbc was put envy and murder, while others follow along with them
on the witness stand and admitted that hc fired the in wrongdoing, being overreached by the Devil and
building. He confessed to physical facts impossible his agencies. As the Devil was “a murderer from
for him to have committed. “He was proud of his fire. the beginning”, so he has induced the commission of
He resented it deeply when anyone was put forward murder ever since, and it is the fanatical religion&
to share the credit of it.” The public has been mysti- that have a desire to murder those who are doing right.
That is the reason why Catholic priests and members
fled about that fire since. What is the real explanation ?
Without any question of doubt Van der Lubbe was of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy have a desire to see
the victim of the wicked spirits described afore, which the servants of Almighty God and his kingdom killed.
wicked spirits had gained control of his mind and It is not unusual to see some Roman Catholic priest
made him believe that he was the one who burned advocating the murder of others. As an example, a
the building. Those wicked spirits produce insanity Catholic priest, who publishes the Intermountain Cath-
in anyone who yields to their influence. olic at Salt Lake City, Utah, editorially suggests (and
l8 There are numerous other instances of the opera- doubtless for the purpose of inciting others to commit
tion of these wicked spirits in their attempt to seize a crime) that ‘there would be a certain poetic justice
control of the minds of men and plunge them into a in the act of impaling the body of Rutherford on
desperate condition leading to destruction. Recently tongs’. Also, the same editorial advises jail and the
there has come an affliction upon the laboring element mob for such as are performing the service of Je-
of the nations, and which is expressed in what is called
hovah’s witnesses. To be sure, this is a subversive
“sit-down strikes”. Such has been a mystery to many publication, but, since the enemy has control of this
persons, and is yet. The fact is that the same devilish world, it goes on without challenge. It is certain that
crowd that operated the Nazis in Germany and con- such murderous intent is due to the influence of Satan
spired to have a weak-minded man to confess to a and the wicked angels operating on the mind of a
great crime likewise is operating upon the minds of fanatical religionist who desires to bring about the
men to produce a situation mystifying to the people death of others who tell the truth concerning God
and in an endeavor to bring about a destruction of and his kingdom and which truth exposesGod’s adver-
the nations and the people. saries. The same wicked ones even attempted to kill
l* From the time of the flood until now the Devil Jesus and did bring about his death through the
and his associated wicked spirits have been actively operation of religionists. His faithful apostles suckered
exercising power over men and nations. Just now, martyrdom at the hands of the same adversaries of
in the year 1937, that crowd of wicked spirits have God. Jesus told those religionists that opposed him
gained a greater control over rulers and the people and sought his death that they were of the Devil.
of the various nations than at any other time since (John 3 : 4044) This is proof that the invisible wicked
the flood. Without any question of doubt the dicta- host, the Devil and his host of rebellious angels, are
tors in the various nations of the world today are the ones that fight against God and God’s people and
under the influence of those wicked spirits. The object all who serve Jehovah God.
or purpose of those wicked ones is to carry out the s1Would any true follower of Christ Jesus commit
Devil’s purpose from the beginning, which is to try murder ? Certainly not. A true Christian cannot even
to defame or reproach the name of Almighty God, hate his brother without being guilty of murder in
and to turn the people away from Almighty God the sight of the Lord; and this shows that he is not
and to plunge them into destruction. fighting against visible creatures. (1 John 3 : 15) Does
any true Christian desire to inflict bodily harm upon
VISIBLE EXEMIES any Catholic priest or any other person? Certainly
*OThe Devil and the host of wicked angels are invis- not, No good could result from that, and the Christian
ible to human eyes, but they operate through visible must do good and not do that which is wicked. A true
creatures who are a!so the enemies of God and his follower of Christ Jesus has no desire to fight against
kingdom. Religion, which originated with the Devil, any man or to do any bodily harm or injury to any
makes fanatics of men. Strict obedience to God’s com- person, bc that person Catholic, Jew, Gentile or infidel.
mandments keeps men sane. Rcligionists often become The infliction of bodily harm upon the wicked ones
insane. Do not the faithful followers of Christ Jesus by Jehovah’s witnesses is no part of their Christian
on earth engage in conflict with human creatures who work, and they are specifically commanded to refrain
are religionists? No. The words of the apostle, in the from any such thing. The true follower of Christ Jesus

is commanded to tell the truth and to leave all pun- invisible rulers of this wicked world, and they mani-
ishment to the Lord, who will rcndcr just recompcnsc fcst their wicked heart condiiion; and those are dcs-
to the wicked in his own due time. (Rom. 12 : 17,19) ignatcd by the Lord Jesus as “that evil servant”.
The fact that religionists desire to do injury to and The words of the Lord Jesus Christ and the physical
do inflict bodily punishment upon Jehovah’s witnesses facts clearly identify that “evil servant” class. Con-
is proof conclusive that such religionists are moved cerning them Jesus says: “But and if that evil scrv-
by the spirit of the Devil and his wicked angels. ant s!laIl say in his heart, My lord delayeth his
Hatred, ill will, and malice of one person against cornin;:; and shall begin to smite his fellowservants,
another open the door for the Devil and his wicked and to cat and drink with the drunken: the lord of
spirits to come in and take complete charge of the that servant shall come in a day when he look&h not
person who permits hatred, ill will or malice to dwell for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of, and
in his heart. The demons, swiftly taking advantage shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion
of that condition of mind and heart, seize the mind with the hypocrites : there shall be weeping and gna+-
of the person in such condition and use the same as ing of teeth.“--Xlatt. 24 : 48-51.
an instrument to fight against the followers of Christ- 23It is clear, therefore, that the “evil servant”
Jesus, and thus the human creature becomesan advcr- falls under the power and influence of Satan and the
sary of God and his people. This is one part of the demons and becomesa part of the wicked organiza-
warfare that the invisible host of the Devil carries tion and the enemiesof the Lord God and his kingdom,
on against God’s people in the earth, and thereafter the Devil rises the “evil servant” to
make war upon the faithful servants of the Lord. Ge-
“EVIL SERVANT” fore anyone can becomea servant of the Lord he must
** The Scriptures disclose a class of creatures desig- be cleansed by the blood of Christ, and when that
nated “the man of sin . . . , the son of perdition”. person becomes a part of the “evil servant” the
(2 Thess. 2: 3, A.E.V.) That composite body is made demons have control of him and he is entirely un-
up of men who have received some knowledge of God’s clean, and he is in a far worse state and condition
purpose and have undertaken to serve God, and who than he ever was before. Concerning this Jesus says:
claim to be the servants of God, but have turned thcm- “When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he
selves over to the Devil and permitted themselves to wal!:eth through dry places, seeking rest; and finding
be used as his instruments. The chief part of that com- none, he saith, I will return unto my house, whence
posite body is designated the “evil servant”, and is I came out. And when he cometh, he findeth it swept
so described by the Lord Jesus Christ. Such are they and garnished. Then goeth he, and taketh to him seven
that once made a covenant to do the will of God, and other spirits more wicked than himself ; and ‘they enter
were looking for the kingdom of God under Christ in, and dwell there; and the last state of that man is
and the second coming of Christ, and that made an worse than the first. “-Luke 11: 24-26.
open confession and declaration of being on the Lord’s ” A pehon once having a measure of the truth and
side and on the side of his kingdom. They walked for then losing the light and turning to the Devil becomes
a time with the faithful ones. At the coming of the the worst amongst the human agencies that are used
Lord Jesus to the temple, judgment there began at by the Devil and that fight against the faithful fol-
the house of God (1 Pet. 4: 17) to determine who is lowers of Christ Jesus. Concerning such it is written:
of the right heart condition and who of the wrong “For if we sin wilfully after that we have received
condition of heart. (Mal. 3: l-3; Matt. 25: 26,30-33) the knowledge of the truth, there remain&h no more
At the beginning of that judgment all of the consc- sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful looking for of
crated stood equal before the Lord and were gathcrcd judgment, and fiery indignation, which shall devour
before the Lord for judgment. Those of a pure heart the adversaries. He that despised Noses’ law died with-
condition at that judgment arc approved by the Lord out mercy under two or three witnesses: of how much
and gathered into the temple, and these have their sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought
minds illuminated and their hearts filled with joy. worthy, who bath trodden under foot the Son of God,
They put self and selfishness clear out of the way, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, nhcre-
and their devotion is wholly to the Lord and his king- with he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and bath done
dom. Those of an impure heart condition do not rcccivc despite unto the spirit of grace? For we know him
approval at this judgment, but rather disapproval, that hat11said, Vengeance belong&h unto me, I will
and they stand on the outside and for some time recompense,saith the Lord. And again, The Lord shall
claim to walk with the faithful, and still claim to be judge his people. It is a fearful thing to fall into the
children of God. Then their bad heart condition makes hands of the living God.“-Heb. 10: 26-31.
itself manifest. Being outside of the temple, they arc 2ZJudas Iscariot was a striking example and type
denied the light of the temple, to be sure, because of of the “evil servant”. For three and one-half years
their blindness or lack of understanding, and because he claimed to be the servant of the Lord Jesus Christ,
of the selfishness in yielding to the influence of the and then the Devil got control of his mind and heart
JWE 1, 1037 @FieWATCHTOWER 169

and Judas betrayed Jesus into the hands of the enemy mouth they shew much love, but their heart goeth
Satan, who, operating through religion&s, brought after their covetousness.“-Ezek. 33 : 31.
about the murder of Christ Jesus. (John 13: 2,27) 2sAbout the same matter Jesus said: “T&C heed,
Judas had pretended to believe that Jesus is The and beware of covetousness.” (Luke 12 : 15) No man
Christ, but manifestly hc did not believe that Christ can take unto himself the place of honor in God’s
was present; otherwise he would not have yielded to organization, because it is God who assigns cil(*h man
the Devil. While he walked with Jesus there must to his place. “But now hath God set the mcmbcrs
have been a doubt in his mind that Jesus was the every one of them in the body, as it hath plcasctl him.”
Christ. There was covetousnessin his heart, ill feeling (1 Cor. 12 : 18) “And no man takcth this ho~lo~r unto
toward the Lord and his brethren, and that opcncd himself, but hc that is called of God, as was Ailron.”
the door for the Devil to come in and take possession (Hcb. 5: 4) One who claims to bc a servant of God
of him. The “evil servant” class first claims the pres- and who sees another in a position which hc nmbi-
cncc of the Lord and so declares it, but manifestly tiously desires to fill that he might shine 11~1who,
those who compose that class do not sincerely and moved by this spirit. says: “That man will die soon
truly believe in the second presence of the Lord. They and then I will succ~cd him and do a great work,”
were professing the presence of the Lord at the temple that man who thu< states is moved by covciousncss.
judgment. Bccaure of their impure heart, and being One who has that spirit or desire in his mind or heart
set to the side, then said they: ‘The Lord delayeth has fallen under the influence of Satan anti the de-
his coming ’ ; and thereby they deny the presence of mons, and in due time that person will bocomc the
the Lord Jesus Christ, and quickly join the enemies open enemy of Go*;. of Christ Jesus, and of hi:; king-
of God and begin the persecution of God’s faithful dom. He does not fear God, and no one car1 make
people. First they speak evilly of them, and then progress and be pleasing to God who does not l’c:ar the
attempt to bring about their injury and destruction. Most High. It is such covetous persons that the Uevil
The “evil servant” and the “man of sin” belong to seizes upon and employs as his visible instruments to
the same company or class, but the “evil servant” make war on the remnant of her seed, who have the
is the most rcprchcnsible of the entire company “the testimony of Jesus Christ, and who obey the cornmand-
man of sin”. Such receive first the fundamental truths mcnts of God’. (Rev. 12 : 17) Covctousncss is the worst
of God’s purpose, but they do not receive the love type of selfishness.
of the truth and hence they perish. (2 Thess. 2: 10) *OAnother description of the same instrurncnt of
The “evil servant” becomesinsane and no longer pos- Satan, and described in connection with the rc+ellious
sessesthe spirit of a sound mind. They become“vessels demons, is given h- Jude, and which \tatcmcnt en-
of wrath” fit only for destruction.-Rom. 9 : 22. ables others to identify this class: “And thr: angels
which kept not their first estate, but left their OWII
habitation, he hat!1 reserved in evcrlastin:: chains,
under darkness, unto the judgment of the great day.
2*What causesone who starts on the way of serving Likewise also these filthy dreamers dcfilc tlrc flesh,
God to later fall away? Lucifer was the first of that despise dominion. and speak evil of diymitics. But
class, and it is written of him that covetousness was these speak evil of those things which they know not:
the cause of his rebellion and downfall. (Jcr. 51: 13) but what they kllom naturally, as brute iJt::Ists, in
All who follow after Lucifer get into the same wicked those things they corrupt themselves. Time are mur-
condition. God directed that those who should be the murers, complainers, walking after their own lusts;
rulers of men, holding prominent places amongst the and their mouth spcaketh great swt#inq wordi, having
Israelites, should be “such as fear God, men of truth, men’s persons in admiration because of advantage.
hating covetousness”. (Ex. 18 : 21) The man who fears How that they told you there sllou!d be mockers in
God will not covet that which God has committed to the last time, who should walk after their own UII-
another, because he will not presumptuously attempt godly lusts. These be they who separate themselves,
to get what has not been assigned to him, knowing sensual, having not the spirit.“-Ju& t;. 8, 10. lfi, 18,19.
that God hates such. “He that hat&h covetousness ;OSuch visible enemies of God war against God’s
shall prolong his days. “--Prov. 2s : 16. people, and these arc not the ones against whom the
*’ Concerning the rcli+onists
< (which includes those Lord’s faithful on earth arc commanded to rise
of the “evil servant” and those of the “elcctivc elder” up and fight. It is not these with whom contro-
or ambitious spirit) it is written : “For from the least versies should be had. On the contrary. they are to
of them even unto the greatest of them every one is be avoided. Those of the “evil servant” class employ
&en to covetousness; and from the prophet even soft spcccl~ and smooth words to beguile and deceive
unto the priest every one deal&h falsely.” (Jer. 6 : 13) others who are seeking the trut?l. Concerning such
“And they come unto thee as the people comcth, and the apostle, under the Lord’s direction, wrote : “Now
they sit before thee as my people, and they hear thy I beseechyou, brethren, mark them which cause divi-
words, but they will not do them ; for with their sions and offences, contrary to the doctrine which ye

have learned ; and avoid them. For they that are such appear. (Heb. 12: 27) Addressing the faithful rem-
serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; nant concerning the second coming of Christ, and the
and by good words and fair speechesdeceive the hearts gathering of the faithful ones to the temple, aud the
of the simple. “-Ram. 16 : 17,lS. appearing of the “man of sin”, the inspired apostle
s1Those visible enemies of God and his people are says : “Be not . . . shaken in mind, or be troub!ed,
mere tools or instruments of the unseen principalities, neither by spirit, nor by word.” (2 Thess. 2: 2) Re-
powers and wicked rulers that control this wicked gardless of what the wicked may do, they cannot
world. Many of the political, judicial and military separate from God and Christ those who truly love
rulers of this world are enemies of God and of the and serve him and his kingdom.-Rom. S: 36-30.
“faithful servant” class, but they are less reprehcn- s3We know that we are in the war and that the
sible because of their lack of knowledge. The clergy enemy is despcratcly striving to destroy all who are
are more reprehensible than the political element be- on the Lord’s side. We are not at all ignorant of the
cause they claim to be servants of God and they should devices of the I Jevil, provided we have studied the
know better than to fight against any person who is Lord’s Word. I’rom every side we see the enemy’s
serving the Lord. But the most reprehensible of all forces advancin: against us and working every pos-
is the “evil servant” class, because of having under- sible schemeagainst the people of God, but this should
taken to be the servant of God and Christ and then not disturb those who love the Lord. To be forewarned
openly repudiating the Lord and turning to the Devil. is to be forcarmcd. When we know we have a fight
They becomethe chief part of the “man of sin.. . , the and expect the assault of an enemy, our trust and
son of perdition”, and it is by their course of action full confidence should bc in the Lord, and we should
that they identify themselves as to whether they are not permit ourselves to be disturbed by enemies: “Fret
the servants of the Devil or not. “Know ye not, that not thyself because of evil doers, neither be thou en-
to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his serv- vious against the workers of iniquity.” (Ps. 37: 1)
ants ye are to whom ye obey ; whether of sin unto Do not permit yourself to becomebitter or have hatred
death, or of obedience unto righteousness 1”-Rem. and ill will or desire to do bodily injury to any of the
6:16. workers of iniquity. The Lord will take care of them
in his own due time and good way. Let those who
NOT SHAKEN love the Lord trust in him, knowing that he.will bring
s2These are the “last days”, and therefore perilous about the result according to his will. “Rest in the
times. This every one of God’s faithful children now Lord, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself
well knows. (2 Tim. 3: l-5) The unseen enemies are because of him who prospereth in his way, because
very active and use the visible instruments, partic- of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass. Cease
ularly the relipionists, in every possible way to make from anger, and forsake wrath; fret not thyself in
war upon the people of God. One who is supposed any wise to do evil. For evil doers shall be cut off:
to be a servant of God, and who suddenly turns about but those that wait upon the Lord, they shall inherit
and begins a vicious assault upon those who do serve the earth, The wicked plotteth against the just, and
the Lord and his kingdom, causes a surprise to those gnash&h upon him with his teeth. The Lord shall
who are not fully fortified in the Lord. But none of laugh at him; for hc sect11that his day is coming.
the Lord’s people, however need be disturbed or trou- For the arms of the wicked shall be broken : but the
ble themselves concerning the course of those wicked Lord upholdcth the righteous. ” (Ps. 37 : 7-9,12,13,17)
ones. No man can succeed in doing any injury to the “Fret not thgsclf becauseof evil men, neither be thou
truth, nor can he shake anyone who is really fully envious at the mickcd ; for there shall be no reward
devoted to God and his kingdom. The truth is eternal to the evil man; the candle of the wiclrcd shall hc put
and shall firmly stand for ever, and all who are really out. My son, fear thou the Lord and the king; and
of the truth will stand by the Lord and hear and obey meddle not with them that arc given to change.”
his voice. God’s Word is true, and if we have full con- -Prov. 24 : M-21.
fidence in God WC know that all things shall work FORTRESS
tog&her for good to those who love God and who arc li4GO/~‘Schildren know that they have no power
called according to his purpose. (Rom. S: 28; 2 Cor. within thcmselres to withstand the assault of the cnc-
13: 8) Will not the circulation of wicked reports mics, but they know also that they have a strong
against God’s organization and those who arc his fortress that cannot bc shaken and by abiding thcrcin
servants shake some of the Lord’s pcoplc? If they they shall be safe. It was for their comfort ant1 ~Y.YI~-
can be shaken, yes; but those who really love God fit that this was written, to wit: “The Lord is my
cannot be shaken. The Lord could prevent the activ- rock, and my fortress, and my dclivcrcr; my God, my
ity of the instruments of the Devil and the cirrulation strength, in whom I will trust ; my bucltlcr, and the
of evil reports, if that were for the best. But the l)rts- horn of my salvation, and my high tower. I will call
ent is the time when all things that can be slmkcn upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised: so shall
will bc shaken, so that the approved ones may clearly I be saved from mine enemies.“-I%. 1s: 2, 3.
JUNE 1, 1937

ssSuppose the name and reputation of all God’s destruction of God’s faithful servant, but if we fear
children should be trampled in the mire and they be the Lord and are diligent to obey him, we are safe.
made to appear in the eyes of others as wicked law- If we observe others doing despite to the command-
breakers and as corrupt. The enemy can do that, but ments of God and attempting to work injury upon
that amounts to nothing in the sight of the Lord. The God’s people and his kingdom, shall we not be angry
reputation kf God’s people amongst men is of no im- against such? We may properly be righteously indig-
portance. Their standing with the Lord Jehovah and nant against all unrighteousness, but it is not the
Christ Jesus is all-important. Jesus made himself of prerogative of ours to apply the rule of retaliation
no reputation. What others think about us need not against evildoers. Says the scripture: “Be ye angry,
disturb us in the least. Every servant must stand or and sin not.” (Eph. 4: 26) A hatred and malice to-
fall to his own master. Jf we are faithfully trusting ward the evildoers, and a desire to do them bodily
and serving God, he will make us to stand: “Who art injury, would be sin, but to hate he wrong and let
thou that judgcst another man’s servant? to his own the wrongdoers take their own course is a different
master he standcth or fallcth. Yea, he shall be holden thing entirely, Vengeance belongs to the Lord, he will
up ; for God is able to make him stand.“-Ram. 14: 4. repay, and it is not the business of any Christian to
s6Are all of God’s people the objects of assault by mete out punishment to another; and the one who
the Devil and his demons and his other instruments? does so is certain to fali under the influence of the
Yes, to be sure; because such are the ones that make Devil and his demons. Remember that Jehovah has
wcr upon the anointed of the Lord. How, then, are said : “Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will rccom-
we to find protection and be assured that we are safe? pense,saith the Lord. ” (Heb. 10 : 30 ; Deut. 32 : 35,36)
Jehovah answers that question : “The angel of the The one who loves the Lord will not permit anger,
Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and hatred, or ill will toward another to have a place in
delivercth them.” (Ps. 34: 7) Those who fear God his heart, because by so doing he opens the door and
will stand firmly on his side, and all such will receive leaves it open and invites the adversaries of God, the
the protection which Cod has provided. Those of the demons, to come in and take possession. Instead of
“evil servant” do not fear God ; otherwise they would being disturbed in mind and permitting ourselves to
not assault those whom they know God has given a become incensed at others, we must keep in mind the
place in his service. One who fears the Lord God fears admonition given to God’s people: “Let us watch and
to disobey his commandments, but that person does be sober. But let us, who arc of the day, be sober,
not fear any creature nor any of the Devil’s crowd. putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for
To his servants Jehovah says: “Sanctify the Lord of an :lelmet, the hope of salvation.” (1 Thess. 5: 6, 8)
hosts himself; and let him be your fear, and let him Now we are in a war when we are commanded to rise
be your dread.“-Isa. 8: 13. up against the enemy: “Wherefore gird up the loins
3’ Everything that is against God and his kingdom of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the
WCshould avoid, and what God hates we should hate, grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation
because it is against God and against his kingdom. of Jesus Christ.” (1 Pet. 1: 13) “But the end of all
Any person who attempts to cause division in the ranks things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch
of God’s organization, whether that person claims to unto prayer.” (1 Pet. 4: 7) “Be sober, be vigilant;
be in the truth or not, because he is a disturber he because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion,
should bo avoided. There is no time nor reason to walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” (1 Pet.
engage such a one in controversy. (Rom. 16 : 17,18) 5: 8) Knowing that we are surrounded everywhere
We do not need to engage in argument with the ene- by enemies, and therefore all in gr;at danger, God’s
mies of God and waste time on them. We know from devoted people should trust him implicitly and obey
an abundance of evidence that the Lord Jesus is pres- his commandments. If we fear God we will obey his
ent at the temple of God, and it is useless to argue commandments, and to such God gives his sure word
with those who dispute that truth. The ones outside that they shall be shielded and protected. Those who
of the temple cannot understand it. The revelation are of the temple of God and abid:! there and obey
and unfolding of the prophecies given to God’s people his commandments arc certain to abide in safety. “He
in the last five years has furnished an abundance of that dwell&h in the secret place of the Most High,
proof that the Lord is present at the temple, and all shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will
those who arc of the temple show forth his praises say of the Lord, He is my refuge, and my fortress:
and find no time to indulge in vicious assaults upon my God; in him will I trust. Surely he shall deliver
others. (I%. 29: 9) T,ct the “evil servant” class fol- thee from the snare of the fomler, and from the noisome
low their chosen course, and let those who love the pestilence. IIc shall cover thee with his feathers, and
Lord get on with his work in doing what the Lord under his wings shalt thou trust; his truth shall be
has commanded to be done. The wicked spirits or thy shield and buckler. Because thou hast made the
demons, including Satan and Cog (Ezck. 38: l-16)) Lord, which is my refuge, even the Most IIigh, thy
will employ every possible means to bring about the habitation, there shall no evil befall thee, neither shall

any plague come nigh thy dwelling. For he shall give and that religious system is terribly shaken. That
his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy stronghold is entrenched lies behind which the work-
ways.“-I% 91: 1-4, 9-11. ers of iniquity hide, and it is the Word of God that
sweeps away that hiding place of lies and opens the
THE FIGHT doorway for honest persons to see how they may take
88Since God commands his faithful witnesses to their stand on the side of God and find a place of
‘rise against her in war’, does not that mean that we sure habitation. What is the purpose of Jehovah’s
must fight? Yes, to be sure, that is the meaning. Our witnesses’ having a part in this fight P It is to declare
part in the fight, however, must be strictly in accord the name and purpose of the Almighty God, that the
with the rules and commandments of the Lord, and people may be warned to flee from the wicked organ-
not according to the rules of the wicked one. The ization of the Devil before God exercises his great
enemies attempt to kill and destroy creatures, and power against the wicked workers. For this reason
particularly those who serve God, and they carry on the faithful witnesses of Jehovah engage in this war-
their fight by the use of carnal or deadly weapons. fare with real joy, because their work, if faithfully
That is-not the course to be taken by the Christian. done, results in good to those who love righteousners
The true Christian would not do bodily injury to any and results to the honor and vindication of Jehovah’s
man. The Christian adheres fully to the rules of the holy name.
Lord and is always in favor of freedom of speech, (OJehovah graciously permits his anointed witnes-cr
that everyone who has a say should be permitted to and their companions to locate and properly identiiy
say so, but let the Lord be the Judge and let those the enemies. Now, by his grace, they clearly see that
who have the ear’to hear the truth, hear. The weapon the Devil is the arch enemy; that his chief operative
of warfare which Christians are commanded to use, agent in wickedness is Gog, and that with him is a
and the only weapon the Christian properly uses, is host of wicked spirits who rebelled in the beginning,
the Word of God, “the sword of the spirit.” (Eph. and all of which abide in a place called Magog (Ezel;.
6: 17) Not only is that a weapon of defense, but now 38 : 1-16 ; 39 : 1-6) ; that for centuries that wicked crowd
it is positively a weapon of offensewith which the Chris- have preyed upon the human race and ruled the peo-
tian makes the assault. The Christian is commanded ples of earth with a cruel hand and scorned everythin::
to arise against her, that is, the Devil’s organization, that is good ; that for centuries the Devil has employed
and use his weapon, the Word of God, with telling religion and religious practitioners to deceive the pco-
effect against the enemy and to do so fearlessly and ple and to turn them away from God; that God 11:s
boldly. (1 John 4: 17,lS) Jehovah’s witnesses have not interfered until his due time to interfere; that
no desire to do injury to any person because he is a now is the due time for God to interfere, and he is
Catholic or is connected with the Catholic organiza- doing so; that he has enthroned his beloved Son, Christ
tion. The desire of Jehovah’s witnesses, in obedience Jesus, and sent him forth to rule and to destroy the
to God’s commandment, is to do good to all persons wicked, and that before the execution of the wicked
and to use their best endeavors to help them to see takes place God commands that his name shall be de-
and understand the truth. It seemsquite probable that clared throughout all the earth, and this must be done
the greater number of those who will form the “great by his witnesses. Jehovah has selected out from the
multitude” (Rev. 7: 9-1’7) are within the Catholic or- world a people for his name (Acts 15 : 14)) and these
ganization or under the Catholic organization. Many constitute his witnesses to declare his name; and he
of the Catholic population are sincere and desire to sends them forth under the command of the Lord
know the Lord, but have had no opportunity. That Jesus, and their part in the warfare is to wield his
organization, ruled by the Hierarchy, however, is cn- Word, the sword of the spirit, and to keep on doing
trenched in a stronghold which the L)cvil has provided, it until the work is done. Knowing that the enemy
and by attacking that stronghold with the “sword of is desperately fighting, no one who is on the Lord’s
the spirit” the stronghold is greatly weaken& S’iIys side, truly and sincerely, will be disturbed, regard-
the Word of God concerning those who arc scrv:lrlta less of what comesto pass. The Devil brings into action
of God and his kingdom : “For though we walk in all his invisible forces, particularly the wicked and
the flesh, we do not war after the flesh ; (for the WC:IP- rebellious angels, to make war on the witnesses of
ons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty throu~rh Jehovah, and then uses his visible instruments, many
God to the pulling down of strong holds;) c;lstillZ of whom are insane, to attempt to bring about tl:c
down imaginations, and every high thing that rsaltcth destruction of Jehovah’s witncsscs. (Rev. 12 : 17) TPc
itself against the lmowlcdgc of God, and bringing into wicked spirits invade the mind of those who arc prouc!,
captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” covetous, ambitious, and who fail to control themselves,
-2 Cor. 10: 3-5. and who permit ill will or hatred and malice to abide
aeIt is the Word of God, the sword of the spirit, in them, and, thus invading their minds, seize such
which is now being wielded with telling cffcrt nyainst creatures and use them as instruments to make v:;?r
the stronghold of the Roman Catholic organization, upon the servants of the Most High. Reli$ous leaders,
JUNE 1, 1937 173

and particularly the “evil servant” class, constitute the admonition : “And your feet shod with the prep-
the “man of sin . . . , the son of perdition”, that aration of the gospel of peace.” (Eph. 6: 15) Peare
arrogantly assumes a high position and claims that must now be the condition among God’speople. If thcrc
they are mighty ones; and all of those wicked ones is strife, faultfinding, backbiting or fighting in the
fight against God and against his servants. The time company, that is evidence that the demons are e:;cr-
has come, therefore, when God commands his faithful cising influence over some of the company, and tl::jse
ones to boldly go forward and to ‘arise against her who are causing the strife are going to lose out unless
to battle’, and all his invisible forces are likewise ar- they quickly amend their course of action. This is the
rayed in battle against the enemy. All the faithful time of unity in Christ, when all must stand firmly
now will arise and use the sword of the spirit in mak- united together. (Eph. 4: 13) They must all present
ing a vigorous assault upon the enemy’s stronghold, a solid, united front, fighting shoulder to shoulder,
which st,ronghold is religion. By proclaiming the truth against the enemy and for the common cause of right-
they expose to the people the hypocrisy and duplicity eousness. (Phil. 1: 27, 28) Let everyone who is of the
that has been practiced upon them by the Devil and temple see to it that he abides entirely in peace with
his religious agents, and which enables the people to his brethren ; otherwise he will not remain in the tem-
gain freedom in Christ. The assault now being made ple. Those who do not dwell in peace are certain to
upon the enemy is shaking the enemy’s stronghold, be east out. Now is the time when the words of Cod’s
and soon the Lord will completely demolish that stron::- prophet apply specifically to those who, by his grace,
hold by and through Christ Jesus. The great battle have been brought into the temple or house of the
of Armageddon will bring about the destruction of Lord, to wit: “I was glad when they said unto me,
wickedness and the honor of God’s holy name. Let us go into the house of the Lord. Our feet s!lall
stand within thy gates, 0 Jerusalem. Jerusalem [God’s
ARMOR organization] is builded as a city that is compact to-
‘l This is not a sham battle, but is a real fight ; and gcthcr.“-Ps. 122 : 1-3.
the children of God now on earth engaging in this ‘3 It is the time of judgment, when the great anti-
war must have on the warrior’s armor. It must be an typical David is on the throne of judgment and when
armor furnished by the Lord. The apostle uses the those of the temple class or the house of the Lord
armor of an earthly warrior as a symbol of the armor are admonished to “pray for the peace of Jerusalem
which the Lord has prepared for those that love and [God’s organization] : they shall prosper that love thee.
serve him. Seeing that we are engaged in this warfare, Pc::ce be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy
the admonition is given to God’s children, to wit : palaces. For my brethren and companions’ sakes, I
“Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, will now say, Peace be within thee. Because of the
that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and, house of the Lord our God I will seek thy good.”
having done all, to stand. ” (Eph. 6 : 13) Having taken (Ps. 122 : 6-9) It is the love of Christ that holds them
our stand on the side of God and his kingdom, now together and enables them to march forward in one
let us stand firm and quit ourselves like men fully solid mass against the enemy.
matured in Christ Jesus. In order that those who ” The fiery darts of the enemy are striking from
have taken their stand on the side of the Lord may every direction; and to prevent them from piercing
remain firm and maintain their integrity and engage the armor of Jehovah’s witnesses these faithful ones
successfully in this fight, performing the part assigned must have a shield, and that shield is faith: “Above
to them, the apostle tells them what they must do: all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be
“Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.”
truth, and having on the breastplate of rightcousncss. ” --Eph. 6: 16.
(Eph. 6: 14) The girt around the loins symbolically 45The importance of this part of the armor is em-
says: ‘I am a servant of the Almighty God and Christ phasized. To have faith, one must fully believe in and
Jesus, and my girt of servitude is that of the truth. trust Jehovah God and his Word and follow and obey
In the breast is situate the heart, and the breastplate God’s commandments, as Jesus does. To have faith,
of rightcousncss means the proper keeping or shicld- one must have a knowledge of God’s Word, and an
ing of the heart. Therefore the admonition is, “Keep understanding mind, and then confidently rely upon
thy heart with all diligence ; for out of it are the issues his Word and refuse to he disturbed or turned aside
of life.” (Prov. 4: 23) Those who stand firm now must by any teaching or theory of man. Having engaged
WC to it that they are unselfish, that their motive is in the fight under the command an3 banner of the
pure toward God and toward man; otherwise they Lord, these must remain true, firm and faithful unto
cannot sfand. death. The faithful know that, regardless of what lhe
‘I Cod’s warriors, that is to say, his witnesses now enemy may do against them, no harm can come to
on the earth engaged in this warfare, were forcshad- those who abide in the Lord and remain faithfully
owed by Gideon’s army. These soldiers of the Lord and joyfully in his service to the last. Against such
must be on their feet and on the march; therefore the darts of the wicked arc harmless, because they

cannot pierce the breastplate of righteousness, that is, they pray : “ Save now, I beseechthee, 0 Lord : 0 Lord,
a pure and unselfish heart. I beseech thee, send now prosperity.” (Ps. US: 25)
46In order to have faith and abide in faith and faith- This means prosperity or advancement of the kingdom,
ful, one must have a knowledge and an understanding and all must be in unity in order to look well to the
of the Word and of his relatiouship to the Lord; thcre- kingdom interests. His faithful ones must and will
fore the admonition : “And take the helmet of salva- avoid all covetousness, ill will and harsh criticism.
tion.” Salvation depends upon one’s understanding They will give every one of the saints credit for doing
and relying upon the Lord and not upon any object his best and will pray that God’s people or sons may
or thing. The helmet symbolically represents the head bc made to do his will. Thus praying, God’s people
or mind, which must feed upon the Word of God. can never fight each other, but always fight harmo-
Some foolishly conclude that they learned the truth niously together against the enemies of God and thus
years ago and do not need to study the Word of God maintain their integrity toward the Most High. The
in these days; and such are almost certain to fail. God fight is on. The victory is certain for God’s great Field
reveals his truth in his own due time, as his pcoplc Marshal, Christ Jesus, and those who are with him
need it. He is now unfolding his prophecies, that his in this fight who are called, and chosen, and who con-
people on earth may have greater comfort and strcngth- tinue faithful to the end, shall share with him in his
ened hope. (Rom. 15 : 4) Such revealed truths must victory and in the vindication of Jehovah’s name.
be carefully studied, that we may have an intellectual
conception of the same, and which enables us to have QUESTIONS FOR STUDY
II 1. By whom and to whom is the command glrcn, “Arise
a proper understanding, that is, of our proper rcla- ye, and let us rise up againstller to war”? War against
tionship to God and to his King. The WATCH TOWER, whomB When does this command apply?
by the Lord’s grace, publishes the truth, and all the 7 2. Why is it important that those of the temple be able to
publications thereof should be studied in connection 7 3,4.identify the enemies of God?
Who is the arch enemy of God, and R-hy? What judg-
with the Word of God, because it is the Bible, the ment amalts that wicked one, and why? Why has tlrat
Word of God, which proves whether or not we are judgment not yet been executed?
pursuing the right course. Theories of men arc of no 7 5. judgment Explain how others of the heave& hosts incurred God’s
against them. What will ge the outcome of their
value, but, on the contrary, such theories make the turning aside from the path of righteousness7
Word of God of none effect. God’s people not only T 6-8. TVhv did Jehovah send the floods What was accom-
plished”therein8 Apply 2 Peter 2: 3. What hght concelmng
must avoid religion and all teachings based upon the the wicked spirit creatures is seen at Jude 6. Luke 4: 33, 34,
tradition of men, but must fight against it now and and Matthew 8: 299
proclaim the truth, that others may have an oppor- lT 9.10. Point out the olirrin and tmruose of relieion. and the
‘outcome of the practi& thereo:. identify the-‘seed of the
tunity to learn the truth and flee to the Most High and woman’. What constitutes ‘the seed of the Selpent’t Es-
hiJ King. God provides the Watch Tower publications plain (a) Jesus’ referring to Satan as “the prince of tlus
for those who love him, and these, together with the world”. fb1 The anostle’s statement at 2 Corinthians 4: 4.
What ligilt’hereonLis seen at Daniel 10: 138 Account for
Bible, upon which such publications are based, point the present marked activity of the earthly dlvmlon of Sa-
out the right way for the followers of Christ to go. tan’i organization agamst- those on earth who serve God
By this means the Lord enables us to now identify and his kingdom.
7 11. Point out the fitness of the term “that old serpent”,
and locate our enemies, that WCmay be prepared to as applied to Satan.
meet them in successful combat. 7 12. Show that ‘(the fear of man bringeth a snare’,.
q 13-17. What is witchcraft? Point out some striking exam-
*I The only weapon that God’s faithful reprcscnt- ples of the operation of the wicked spirits.
atives on earth are commanded to use, and must use, 7 18’19. What erldence is there that the Dcvll and his asso-
is “the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God”. ciated wicked spirits arc now particularly active in eser-
How can one properly USCthat weapon unless hc famil- 7 20,cising power ov& men nnd nations? -
21. Account for the spirit of malice, covetousness, envy
iarizes himself first with the weapon? He must study and murder now so manifest. esnccmllv on the Dart of
the Word of God and then be diligent to obey what religiomsts, and particularly a&&t those who serve Jeho-
vah God. \Vhat, m relation to these, is the proper attitude
it says. That Word contains the commandments of Jc- and course for.God’s people? - -
hovah and the Lord Jesus Christ, the great Prophet, 7 22-24. \\‘lth scriptures and facts, clearly identify the <‘evil
which now must bc obcycd by those who arc in his serbant “. Account for the cxmtence of such a clnss. Show
that their present stnte is ‘(worse than the first”. How
house and in his organization.-Acts 3: 23. is the “evil servant ” r&ted to “the man of sin . . . , the
48The Lord then again emphasizes the necessity of son of perdition”? What is the portion appomted to that
complete unity in hakmonious action by giving this yj 25.classShow 1
that Judas Iscnriot was a fitting example and type
further declaration, to wit: “Praying always with all of the “1~71 servant”.
prayer and supplication in the spirit, and matching 7 26-28. With scriptures, explain why some fall away after
thereunto with all pcrscvcrance and supplication for having started on the way of serving God. Point out the
futihty and evil of covetousness.
all saints. “--Eph. 6 : 18. 7 29, 30. What is the statement nutde by Jude by which others
‘OHis people must pray for unity and peaceamongst are enabled to identify the class used ~JY Satan to war
against God’s people? In this connection, what is the
themselves. They are specifically admonished to 1)~’ proper conduct tonard those of the “evil servant’, class?
for prosperity, and as the fight grows with intensity Why 1
7 31. In point of their being reprehensible, compnre the classes service to God or to injure them, and why such course is
now manifest as enemies of God and his people.
u 22. Show that the admonition recorded at 2 Timothy 3: l-5 7 3Sfro%it means and methods are employed by the enemies
and at 2 Thessnlonmns 2: 2 was provided especially for in carrymg on their fight? Wlat is the proper procedure
the people of God now on the earth. IV:111any of the Lord’s for God’s faithful people in this war9 Why9
people be shaken by evil reports? and why9 7 39. Why are Jehovah’s witnesses and their companions hav-
E 33. How do the scnptures at Psalm 37: 1, 7-9,1?, 13,17 and ing a part in this fight9 and what is the evidence that their
at Proverbs 24: 19-21 serve thmr purpose now9 weapon has been clfective9
7 40. Account for the present situation which calls for the
Ii 34,35. What provision has God made to enable his children war now on. Dcscrlbe the line-up on each side. What are
to withstand the assaults of the enemies9 But what if they the points of attack, and the means and methods employed,
should be brought into disrepute as lawbreakers and as on each side9
corrupt? 1 41-47. What is the purpose of the armor mentioned in Ephe-
1 36. Who have the assurance of protection and safety9 Why9 mans 6: 139 With scriptures, explain how the instruction at
u 37. How shall we know whom and what to avoid9 With verse 14 1s to be followed. Verse 15. Verse 16. Verse 17.
scriptures, point out the proper attitude and conduct for 1 45,49. Explain and apply Ephcsians 6: 18. will be the
God’s people toward those who seek to hinder them in their outcome for those engaged in this war9

IMPLICIT CONFIDENCE IN JEHOVAH 3. That we acknowledge as the visible organization of Je!lo-
DEAR BROTHER RUTHERFORD: vah on earth the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, :rud
recognize the Society as the channel or instrument through wluch
The enclosed resolutmn is self-explanatory. To pass it on to Jehovah and Christ Jesus give mstruction and meat in due sea-
you, in harmony with the wishes of the Toronto company, is son to the household of faith.
a real joy and plensure, especially so at this time, when the 4. Further, that we pledge our faith in and loyalty to the
enemy is seeking to come in like a flood. Society and its servants, Brother Rutherford at Brooklp, and
The scripture snys, ‘, The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass also the branch servant, Brother Chapman at Toronto; that \ye
his master’s crib.,, It was through the Watch Tower publica- are pleased and thankful for his appointment ln charge of the
tions I received a knbwlcdge of the truth concerning the funda- Lord’s work in our nudst. \Ve wish to say that, the cornpray
mental doctrines, and this despite the fact I had read the Bible following your instructions, wcnking under the unit arran::c-
from cover to cover several times. It is through the publications ment, and hecause of the zeal manifested by the branch servant,
of the Society I have been privileged to have an understanding Brother Chapman, never before has the lutelest in aud on behalf
of the prophecies and to rightly divide the Word of truth. It is of the Lord’s work been so keenly aroused nor has there ever
through the Watch Tower I have received other precious things been such a manifestation of activity as nom. We pledge our
far too numerous to mention. Sticking closely to the Lord’s co-operation to the fullest extent Rrlth him In the work, and,
channel I am but using the same intelligence as the ox or ass. together with you, pray that the Lord will smite His enemy
I know where I am fed. to the dust and shine forth in Kingdom glory.
Praying the Lord’s sustaining grace may guide and keep you, 5. That me onto more express our united determination to
and with much Christian love, I am do the will of Sehovah as expressed through his executive oficer,
Your brother and colaborer in Zion, Christ Jesus. That, in obedience to God’s commandments, hav-
ROBERT MCNAUL. ing heard the call, “Arise ye, and let us rise up agamst her
in battle,,, we will carry forth the fruits of the kingdom to
RESOLUTION our brethren, the great multitude, who must be led and fed
DEAR BROTHER RUTHERFOED: by Christ Jesus before Armageddon and may be preserved at
Almost a year has now passed since (under the Lord’s direc- Armageddon in vindication of Jehovah’s name.
tion) as president of the Society you removed from ofIice one 6. That our great desire is to have you visit us at Toronto,
W. F. Salter, to whom we had long looked for lcadershlp in and herenith extend to YOU a most cordial invitation to make
the service, but who had become unfsithful to his charge. this visit when your multitudinous duties will so permit.
At that time some could not quite clearly see the reason for Further, that a copy of this rcsolutlon be sent to Brother
such action. WC had, however, implicit confidence in Jehovah Rutherford by the servant of companies.
and that the steps there taken mere under his direction. With much Christian love and best wishes, v;e are
Subsequent events not only have fully justified this faith and Your brethren and co-laborers in His service,
confidence in Jehovah, and yourself as the one used in this con- T~ROXTO COMPANY OF JEIIOVAII'S WITXESSES.
nection, but also have made clearly to appear why this action
was necessary. P.S. Seldom, if ever, was such an expression of umty and loyalty
Because of the fact that the Lord’s people are being, from to the Society as the Lord’s channel and yourself as president
this source, now subjected to a barrage of literature calculated as that expressed by about twelve brethren speakmg on this
to undermine and overthrow their faith, we, the Toronto com- rcsoIution, most of these having been in the truth and associated
pany of Jchorah’s witnesses! at a joyous assembly on this the with the organization for over twenty years, and some over
eighteenth day of April, nmctecn hundred and thirty-seven, thirty years.
unanimously adopt the followmg resolution, to wit:
1. That we fully endorse the action of our president, Brother
Rutherford, in thus removmg from oflice one who so manifestly RICH BLESSINGS JEHOVAH HAS BESTOWED
had, by his course of action, said, “The table of the Lord is DEAR BROTHEH L~UTHICRFORD:
contemptible,,, and who had “snuffed, at what is spread on The eastern North Carolina dlvlslun of Jchu\uh’s publishers
that table, by ‘offering polluted bread upon the altar,. in assembly at Raleigh, N.C., November 7 and 8, voted to ex-
2. That, as a means for our protection, we will meet this tend to you an erpresslon of lute and deep npl,recmtiun of your
latest move of the enemy with bold and fearless etnnd for Jcho\:~h, ant1 uf MIT determmation,
(a) increased activity and interest in the Lord’s service, by his grace, to stand shoulder to shoulder with you and all of
c*l)ccially in the new ‘strange work, just beginning and also Jehovah ‘8 oqgtnizatlon fur tile vintlicatlon of his name.
the studies in The matchtotcer and other publications of the We a~sh to express our thankfulness for the many rich bless-
Society. ings Jehovah has bestoned upon h’s people; fur the unfolding
(b) That we will destroy without reading any such literature of his pruphcclcs; for the knowlcdgc and understandmg thereof;
received through the mail or otherwise. and for the prrvllcge of bearing testimony concermng the same.
(c) That we will turn a deaf ear to any, either among us May the joy of the Lord be our strength as we lift high the
or outside, who manifests a desire to debate or argue respecting banner of his kingdom, ever keeping in mind God’s command
this course of action. to his people now: “Let not thine hand be slack.,,

PHONOGRAPH EFFECTIVE: DESTROYS PRCXDICE v-ah’s name. Map JehornJ~. our Father, continue to richly bless
DEAR BROTHER RUTIIEIIFORD: you pm1 use vou boun:rfully in this KOlli of greatest importnnce,
Jehovah is to be praised! The Bay cities convention is a the rini;cnt~on of ~eh0vr.h s ho!v KOIJ cud name. I thank YOU

matter of history now, but, ah! the memory thereof will never much for permitting me to be at this conventron. The brethren
be forgotten in the age to come. As the prophet Xalachi zard, heard the lecture with absolute clarity, to their great JOY and
“Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another; satisfaction.
and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remem- With much love and best wishes, I am
brance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, Your brother and fellow servant by Jehovah’s grace,
and that thought upon his name. ,’ No doubt the many words S. H. TO~TJIAN.
of comfort and encouragement spoken by Jehovah’s honored
servant and the joy augmented and blessings received by His
witnesses are recorded in the book of remembrance. PDONOGRAPH DOING A WONDERFUL WORK
Not a complaint nor murmur was to be heard among the DC~R BROTIIER RVTKERFORD :
conventioners.- They came together for one purpose-to esalt
the name of Jehovah. After hearing the Fridav meht lecture At the close of this special period of testimony to the name
on the Memorial and also the one 0nlSaturdav afternoon. mnnv and nurnoses of Jehovah and his Faithful Warrior. Christ Jesus.
of the conventioners expressed their great sa’tisfaction and joy I fe;l e&led upon to express my deep appreciation of the prrvi:
in understanding their relationshin to Jehovah’s oraanizatron. lege of serving him dav and night in his temnle.
Saturdav ni& several brethren-from Los Aneeles-trave some Words seem-inadequite to de&be the joy *and thankfulness
fine point; regarding the use of the phonograph-&at :t is in my heart in acknowledging the loving-kindness of our God.
all about, how it is a gift from the Lord to be used wrth thnnk- Surely if we prove Jehovah he does pour out upon us boundless
fulness to Jehovah for such an effective instrLtment in destroying blcssmgs, such as we are not able to retain.
nreiudice. with whom it should be used. and. after interest 1s While meditating on the unity in the Lord’s organization
iro’lsed d the minds of the people of good ‘will, how to help and rcalizmg how profitable are the instructions and admoni-
them into God’s organization. Several hundred of the pubbshers tions as thev proceed through the nroner channel, it occurred
indicated that they have phonographs and are using them, nud to me that many times certain quest;ons arise in our minds and,
more than five hundred brethren expressed their desire to obtam before we ask, an article appears in The JF’ntchlozcer, the Zn-
phonographs in the immediate future. They are begmnmg to fomnant, or The Golden Age, giving a direct answer to our
realize the fact that the use of the phonograph is a very cgective questions. Surely this is one of the proofs we have that Jehovah
integral part of the witness work and they showed much cnthu- and Christ Jesus arc our teachers as is stated in Isaiah 30: 20.
siusm regarding it and proved themselves to be very much sound- I take this occasion to thank vou. Brother Rutherford. and
minded. Many good points were made regarding the me of all of the Bethel family for thei; lo&g co-operation in assist-
phonographs in house-to-house, store-to-store, office-to-office, and ing the pioneers. -4nother cause for rejoicing is the letter in
also in hack calls. Additionally, that when a phonograph is not the Auril 1 IFutchtoaer reaarcline: the activities of our brethren
in USCit sl~ould bo placed conveniently in the front room ready in Geimany. After reading of the terrible persecutions in that
for nction. When a cnllcr comes to the door, the witness opens country, it greatly strengthens us to know how the Lord sus-
tl t door and cays, “Come in. I ai11 going to play a five-minute tains his people.
lecture entrtlcd ( . . . ‘. and wrll bc nleased to have vou bsten And now a word about the local conditions. We are finding
to it. ,’ Then introduce ‘the books. Thus even those who ari’ not many smcere persons who are seeking the truth, especmlly of
able to go from house to house in the field service can ha*;e a the Catholic population, and the phonograph is doing a won-
share in-the phonograph work. derful work in presenting the message clearly.
The witnesses of Jehovah are fullv realizine: the fact Ihat The convention in Xewark aroused much mteiest and left a
we arc at war with a very formcl:~bit! enemy;- that these arc lasling Impression upon the minds of the people; even those
not the civilian days of yore, but wc are bring in the days of who did not attend the lecture are asking many questions about
.Jcl~ovnl~,s martial-power, and that the fight -is on and vet y the work of Jehovah’s witnesses. While witnessing in the busi-
shortly Jehovah will crush the enemy to the dust at Armageddon. ness section we have hat1 many interesting experiences. One
However, just before the destruction, the Lord has g’vcn us young man, after subacrrhmg for The Co&u Age, sard he would
several mighty instruments of destruction, such as the bcoks like to bc one of Jehovah’s witnesses but he didn’t think he
and booklets. narticularlv the book Riches and the booklets Us- was good enou,gli.
caoered and’Z%otectzon,‘and with these, by the Lord *s grace, May Jehovah bless and keep you as you contmuc to.lift high
we can put up a mighty fight agamst the apparcntlv invularr- the l~~nner of truth.
able fortresses of the enemy; nnd under the withering bnrr:,ao Yours in the service of Jehovah,
of fire of Jehovah’s mrlitant’forces the refuge of tics&en I& RUTII FOSTIX.
IS disintegrating and crumbling, and shortly will pass into
On Sunday afternoon at the public lecture there were more SATAN HAS LOST OUT
than six thousand listeners who gave very close attention ant1 MY DEAR BROTHER RUTIMXFORD :
manifested their keen appreciation of the points made, by re- In reply to your kind letter of counsel which rearhed me at
peated applause. Of course, we cannot estimate the number Memorial time. I have followed vour adlice, hare aone to the
of those in the unseen audience who heard the lecture over the brethren and ha\:e acknowledged my wrongful it& rcgardmg
radio stations on the Pacific coast from the Mclrrcan Inter- the survivors of Srmageddon, and have received their hearty
national line UD to Canada. While the “Armageddon” lecture forEi\ eness: and I b&eve the Lord has fully forgiven me and
was beinrr delivered m the Oakland Jlunicinal Audrtorlum. a rei&tated me agam in his favor.
brother vyas rebroadcasting it ou the auditbrrum groumls’ to
about four hundred and fifty listeners. The brethren of the I appreciate that the Lord’s chastening hand has been laid
companies of San Francrsco and Oaklaml used almost e\c,y heavily upon me, as evident in 1r1~ experiences; and your ref-
avenue of publicrty in order to ndver tise the public lecture. erence to Psalm 141: 5 is to the point in my case.
One of the most unique methods of advertising was the “saml- I am rejoicing in the fountain of mercy that Jehovah has
with parade”, partmipatcd m by more than five hundred brcth- uncovered in the three phonograph records on ‘ ( .Irm:~gcddou
ren. Timre was a small dog in the paradc carrymg a s’gn on Survivors”, and am also rejoicing that Satan has lost out in
its back announcing the publm lecture on “-4rmageddon”. If thus attempt to turn me aside from the Lord’s favor.
all the dumb doas of “Ch~istcndom, cannot know :d appre- I have served for the nnst ten vears as an auxiliarv. and mv
ciate the day of-their vrsitntron, the Lord can USCa poodle dog earnest desrre is to abide in J&ovah’s organliati;n and to
as he used a jackass in the days of Dataam. humble myself as wax under the nughty hand of God.
I sincerely and with deep gratitutle thank dchorah, our God, With love and appreciation to you, dear brother, for assisting
for opening the heavenly portals and pour mg out at this e,,n- mu m the right way, I am
vention such blessings, the memory of whmh m’tl remaru w’th , Your brother and fellow witness,
US through the countless ages of eternity to the praise of Jeho- FRED MCGREGOR, Pennsylvania.

JUNE 15, 1937

Orrosrso GOD (Part 1) _.“^ .. .....”...... .... . . ....- 179
Snnctity of Life . .. . . .... . .... .... ..-- 180
.leho\:~i~ God ‘8 Witnessca .. .._... I ._ ._182
.. . . . .“. . . .. . ” -
Why the Dew1 Lives .. .... . .. ... ....._..“..
Job nn Ensample . . ... . . ._ ._ ._..
Israel Organiml . -. _.
Questions for Stucly ...I..._.....I...u...
VISION - ..““...._..._.....
“. .“““...“..” ”.....-_ ... ._” ...... x38
LETTERS .... . .. _. _. .....“...._.-_ .-“.... ........ I _ 191
SEKVICCAIBPOINTJIENTS_.....- ...-..........- ..“_192
COSVESTIONS... . .... .. .-....._. ._ ._” -. .. .._ . .-...-._ 178
WATCH TOWER BIBLE 6 TRACT SOCIETY 111s journal is published for the purposo of cnnbling
117 Adams Street - Brooklyn,
N.Y., U. S. A, T the people to know Jehovah God nnd his purposes :LJ
expressed in the Bible. It publi:hes &ble instruction
3prcificnl1y de%gned to aid Jehovah’s wltncsses and all prol~la
Preszdent W. E. VAN AMBURGHSecrrtwy of good ~11. It nrlangcs systematic Bible study for its rentlcla
“And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and and the Society supplies other hterature to aid in such stutllcs.
It publishes suitable material for rodlo broadcasting and for
great shall be the peace of thy children.” - hiah ~fi~13. other means of public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utter-
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH ances. It is entirely free and separate from all parties, rcctu
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, is from everlastmg or other worldly organizations. It 1s wholly and \\it!lout
to everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the GIW~ reservation for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Chr:%t
of life to his creatures; that the Logos was the begmning of 111sbeloved King. It 1s not dogmntlc, but inlltcs careful
his creation, and his active agent in the creation of all thmc:a; and critical es&nation of its contents in the light of the
that the Logo3 is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clotl~cd Scriptures. It does not indulge m controversy, and its col.
with all power in heaven and earth, and the Chief Elccutl\e uums are not open to peisonallties.
Officer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect YEARLY SUCSCIXPTIOPF
man for the earth and placed him upon it; that, man willfully ‘$,Jyy~ STATES, $1.00 ; CAxnoA AND MISCE~LANEOCS For.cIcjs,
&obeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that bp ; GREAT BIUTAIN, AND SOUTII AliXC.\. . ..
reason of Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and A~;;)el~an remittances should be made by Postal or Express No: .:
Oltler or by Bmk Draft. Canatllnn, Uritl41. South Aft lrnn :.I’ 1
without the right to hfe. Auxtrnlasinn remittances should bc mnde clllert to the le~pec‘:~\ 2
branch ofices. Reunttances tram countries other t11z.n thaw 1’1~’1.
1 THAT JESUS was made human, and the man *Jesus auf- tmned may be made to the Brooklyn office, but by I~bterwtlu:lul
fered death in order to produce the ransom or rcdemlltivo Postal Money Order only.
price for all mankind; that God raised up Jesus divlue :md FOREIGNOFFICES
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every
name and clothed him with all power and authority. Brjtish . . . . . . . . . 34 Craven Terrace, London, W’.0, Cn:ll.:n:l
Canadian . . . . . . 40 Irwin Avenue, ‘Toronto G, Ontnrlo, C,ln.:~!.l
THAT JEHOVAH’S ORGANIZATION is called Zion, and Auatralas~alo . . i Ceresford Road, Strathlwld. N. S. I\‘., Austi’:ll.n
that Christ Jesus is the Chief Officer thereof and is the South Africun . . . . . . Coston IIou~c, Cape TORI-I, South Af.~ca
rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful Please address the Society in every case.
followers of Christ. Jesus are children of Zion, members of
Jehovah’s organization, and are his witnesses whose duty and
rivilege it is to testify to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare (Translations of this journal appear In sct’cral law7saCas.)
ii.IS purposes toward mankind as expressed in the Ulble, and
to bear the fruits of the kingdom before all who will hear.
THAT THE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ All sincere students of the Bible who hy reason of infirmitv.
has been placed by Jehovah upon his throne of authority, povel ly or ndversity we unnble to pay the sub~r?lPtlon PI 11’z
mny lmw I[‘lw Watrlhmw free upon witten nppllc:~tli~u to tl’z
has ousted Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the ln~blkhers. made once each year, statm: the rea4on for so 1 ?-
establishment of God’s kingdom on oarth. quwtmc it. We are qlad to thus aid the nretly. but the witt “1
upplication once each year is required by the post.ll leb’ulntlon~.
THAT THE RELIEF and blessings of the peoples of mlth
can come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Sotiee to Btrhscribers’ Acknowledgment of a new or n rencwnl sl:b-
Christ, which has now begun; that. the Lord’s next grc%t scriptian w11 be sent only when requested. Clwn?e of ntl~ll B-Y.
when teqnestrd. mny be expected to nppxr on addresT label nithi,,
act is the destruction of Satan’s organization and the tstab- one month. A renennl blank (cn~ry~nc notice ot r~mlr~tmn~ \!I.1
lishment of righteousness in the earth, and that under the be sent with the journal one month betore the sul~!~ip:~on cuplle:.
kingdom all those who will obey it3 righteous laws shall live Cntered as second-class matter at the post ofice at Brool.Iw, iV Y,
on earth forever. rrndcr the Act of Narch :. 1sZ.


The Watchtower joyfully announce3 the follo\\ing con\c*n- The Society now manufactures and hns to offer a light-nrl’.!:t
tions for Jehovah ‘Y 1% ltncsses and companiuns : Parer, l~~:lll~‘(‘, phonograph, which is 14 by 13 by 5 inches in size, and covrrctl
August 21-23 inclusive, nhlch ~11 serve for Great Brltnrn rl1~1 with brown cloth and having rounded cornels. It wclghs 9 poumis
Continental Europe; Columbus, Ohio, September 15.9 III- 12 ounces. With the three phonograph discs which can br: cnl I 1:~(1
elusive, which will serve the United States, Canada, and othcis In it, it weighs 12 pounds G ounces. The ~olumc of sour\1113
who may be able to attend.
strong, and the tone is of the best quality. As shipped out flom
The president of the Society expects to be present at 1~1~tl~ our factory, the phonograph is tune3 prope:ly, :It 78 r.p.m ,
conventions. bfnke your arrangements for vacations tlurlW
those periods, Let all of his people ask Jehorah to w:lke thrse and should be checked from time to time. This model, inclu~lill=
conventions a gleat witness to the honor of 1113n:We. three diaca, is offered on a contllbution of $10.00; !*:ltlluut tl!:,
More information in later issues of The IlatcUotcer. three (11~~3,$8.00. Remittance should accompany ordcls. ~\lso
specify the particular discs wanted.


The Society constructs and assembles portable tr:lll*~‘rll’~llln ADVERTISING WATCH TOWER PROGR:iJIS
machine3 at our own factory at 117 Adams St., Hrookl\-n, h. Y. \Vitncssing part+3 and all individuals rn:‘:l;1ug 111tllc li(blcl
These machines arc spring-wound, and operated from n (, \01t srr\ice should mention the radio bt.:lon in thclr wcintt)’ wi)lvI!
wet-cell battery. Every machine 13 furmahetl c~onlpltitc 1~llll llle cnrrles the Watch Toner programs. This m:l~u~llca to the pcl~lllu
battery and a battery charger, ao that It can IC I;c~l~t111’(‘1 113 called upon the rncsaage which Jehovah ‘3 wltncsses mtrod+ (\,
full strength. This machme can be offered at 81U0, Collfilllptr, nnd often results in interest in the plintctl message on the
to brethren in the United States. part of the ladlo hstcncr. Thea is oue of the chief purposes of
The sound car equipment include3 the above and, adtllti~~n:~lly, acndmg out the message o\er the radio, to rncouragc the people
a power amplifier and a horn with mountmgs for the t”P of to rend the literature. In this behalf the Society supphrs r:lrllo
your car. The entire sound car equipment, with nllcrWl~i~~~(’:kt- foltlcts, and all workers should make consta,lt USC ot them m
tachment can be had for $175. Write to the Sorirty fur dctalls* house culling, lcaling one of them, if nothing else.
“The way of the wicked is an abort:ir;,ltign tl?lto the Lord.“-$‘rov. 15: 9.
EIIOVAII’S adversary the Devil has employed were destroyed were wicked and an abomination in
all(l continues to employ every possible means in lhc sight of Jehovah God. There were left on earth
opposition to God. One of the most subtle means Soah and his three sons and four other persons of
cmploycd by the adversary, and which has accom- Xoah’s family. The “sons of God” that married hu-
plishcd the greatest injury to the people, is that of man witcs were imprisoned by Satan, and the wicked
religion. Had the people been informed that religion angels that joined Satan originally in his rebellion
is of the Devil, no doubt there would have been a far were remanded to a dcgradad condition and habita-
less number of religionists in the earth. The time has t ion. The Devil had not been deprived of his power,
now come for them to be informed. God’s great oppo- and the reason will be seen as the progress is made in
nent or adversary is the Devil, and it nom clearly this study. Another world came into existence imme-
nppcars that the Devil for centuries has been using diately following the flood, and that world persists
religion to oppose God and to injure humankind. For lo this day; and most persons believe that it will con-
the benefit of the pcoplc of good will toward God, and tinue for ever, but in this they err. The world consists
who thcrcfore sincerely desire peace, contentment. of heaven and earth, the heaven being that part which
happiness and life, it now appears to be impcrntil’e is invisible to human eyes, and the earth that part of
that the wickedness of religion should be brought the world which is visible to human eyes. Arlgcls were
clearly before the minds of the people, that they may not included in the judgment executed at the time of
have full opportunity to safeguard themselves. The the flood, but the then existing relationship between
publication of the truth of and concerning religion the visible and invisible was destroyed by the flood.
will bring and is bringing upon Jehovah5 witnesses It is written that “by the word of God the heavens
a great amount of pcrsccution, because the adversary \vcre of old, and the earth [the heavens] standing out
well knows that when the people have a clear undcr- of the water and [the earth] in the water : whereby
standing of what religion in fact is, the Devil’s oppor- the world that then was, being overflowed with water,
tunity to deceive the people will be far lesz;than ever pcrished” .-2 Pet. 3 : 5, 6.
before. It also seems quite necessary for Jehovah’s s The world that is now, that is to say, the invisible
witncsscs to fully inform themsclvcs of and concern- 2nd the visible, will that abide for crer? The scripture
ing the origin, the practice, and the efcect:supon the answers that question in these words: “But the heav-
people, of religion, that they may be more fully ens and the earth which are now, by the same word
equipped to proclaim the great name of Jehovah God are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day
throughout the land and to render aid to those who 1-1fjudgment and perdition OSungodly men.” (2 Pet.
desire to serve God and Christ. For this reason Tits 3 : ‘i) The world now in esistencc is designated by the
IVatc8towcr here again emphasizes that \~<hich is in l,ord as “this present evil world” (Gal. 1:4), and
opposition to God and which is wicked and an abomi- such is the one that hc has dccreccl shall bc destroyed
nation unto the Lord. :.nd pass away. “Fire” is a symbol of complete dc-
* The Almighty God brought the first world to an siruetion, which will befall the present world. Satan
end by the great deluge, which destroyed all flesh the Devil is the prince or invisi,Me ruler in control of
upon the earth, including the offspring of the union the present wicked world, which shall pass away.
of the “sons of God” with the “daughters of men”. 2 Cor. 4: 4) With its passing away there shall ap-
The only survivors wcrc those in the ark. “ilnd spared pear a new world, and concerning which the Scrip-
not the old world, but saved Noah, the cigllth person, tilreS say : “We, according to his promise, look for
a preacher of rightcousncss, bringing in the flood upon new hcavcns and a new earth, wherein dwelleth
the world of the ungodly.” (2 Pet. 2: 5) Those who rlghteousncss. ” (2 Pet. 3: 13) Following the flood

the populatio!~ of the c3rth con:ir,tcd of IYoAi and his 6 Ecli~ion is a form of worship bcstowcd by crea-
three sons, Shem, Ham and Japhcth, and the otllcr tures upon another, the one worshiped being regarded
members of Noah’s household. “And God blcscd by such creatures as superior to thcmsclvcs and worthy
Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, of adoration and worship. The Devil had gained con-
and multiply, and replenish the earth.” (Gen. 9: I) trol of the mind of Cush, the father of Nimrod, and
“Now thc~ arc the generations of the sons of Noah : had used Gush, the son of Ham, as a wrong leader in
Shcm, Ham, and Japheth; and unto them wre sons turning the increasing population away from Jehovah
born after the flood.” (Gen. 10: 1) The human race God. Nimrod, his son, together with others, was
then began to multiply. trained to violate God’s everlasting covenant and to
establish creature worship, and this was for the pur-
SANCTITY OF LIFE pow of diverting the minds of crcaturcs away from
’ Immediately after Noah left the ark Jehovah God the Almighty God. By this means Satan and his asso-
made known his covenant concerning the sanctity of ciate devils defied the Almighty God and reproached
life. (Gen. 9: 9-11) A covenant is a solemn and un- his name, and thereby set up the practice of religion
breakable declaration of God’s purpose. God would in the earth. Let this ECrcmcmbercd and kept in mind
have all creation to know that life is a gift from him hcnccforth: Rclizion has cvcr been the chief instru-
and that no one can properly take or destroy life ment employed by the Devil to reproach the name of
without the permission of God. The i)casts of the field Almighty God and turn the people away from the
and the fowls of the air God has provided for man Most High.
that he may use them for food as he may require. 7 Politics is the means and art of organizing and
(Gcn. 9: 2-4) If any man, coutr;!ry to the law of God, governing the people and to couduct and control
kills another man, the killer is guilty of murder and organizations of men. Religion, having been organi-
must suffer death. (Gen. 9: G) Also the wanton and ized and put into operation to turn the people away
needlessslaying of animals is a violation of God’s evcr- from God and to the worship of creatures, was quickly
lasting covenant. (Gen. 9: 5) If a man kills hcasts followed by politics, that is, an organization amongst
for his necessary food, such is lawful; but if he kills men to control and rule the people. Nimrod, the rc-
them merely to satisfy a selfish desire to sl,ly tir to ligionist, took the lead in politic?, he beill: made tile
gratify his desire for sport, that is a violation of the ruler or king. “,2nd the wginning of his liingdom
everlasting covenant concerning the sanctity of life. was I3abel.” (Gcn. 10: 10) Nimrod and hi5 rcliaious
5 The covenant having been announced, the Devil and political assorizics built cities, into v;hich the
saw an opportunity to furtl:er reproach the name of people were gathered, and that was the beginning of
God by causing man to violate that everlasting covc- trade or commerce, trafi’icking amongst each other.
nant concerning the sanctity of life. This violation From that day to ihis, religion, politics and commerce
began to be manifested particularly in Nimrod. The have been operated jointly by the Devil and his: assist-
man Nimrod was a descendant of Noah’s son Ham. ants for the purpose of controlling and ruling the
“Nimrod . . . brgan to be a mighty [man] in the nations of the earth and keeping them away from a
earth.” The word translated “mighty” in this test knowledge and service of Almighty God.
(Gcn. 10: 8) is the same word translated “mi::hty” 8 Further carrying out his wicked scheme to turn
rc!ating to the offspring of the marriage of the spirit the people away from God and to cause them to wor-
crraturcs with the daughters of men. (Cm G: 4) ship creatures, the Devil and his w-i&cd angels in-
“11~ was a mighty hunter before the Lord : whcrcfore jected into the minds of men that their salvation
it is said, Even as Nimrod t!lc mighty hunter bcforc depended upon the acts and power of thcmsclvcs arid
the Lord.” (Gcn. 10: 9) Kimrod was ambitious, war- other creatures. “And they said, Go to, let us build
like and bloodthirsty, and rcvelcd in wicked dcc I.+, us a city, and a tower whose top may reach unto
and was undoubtedly induced to do so by rwson of hcawn ; and let us make us a name, lest WCbe scattcrcd
the infucncc of the Devil and his associate dcmo~~s. abroad upon the face of the whole earth. “-Gcn. 11 : 4.
Kimrod hunted and killed wild lwasts mcrcly to satisfy OBy religion the Devil moved the people who were
his wicked desires, and hc armed and trained JWUII~ dwelling in the land of Shinar to build the tower of
mcn to follow him in the liilling business, and in the Unbcl, which means “the gate to God”; therefore a
CJTS of the people Kimrod becameone greatly atlmiIcd religion of the Devil was at that point l~rou~ht for-
and worshiped because of his prowcys. No doubt the ward to defy the ,~lmi:;hty God. lh~nl~tlcss lmauw
Devil put that into the minds of the pcopl~, that thcv of that organized movcmcnt in scttin:: up a rclipion
would show their devotion to a creature ratlwr than God interfered and brought about a conruyion of tl~c
t0 tllc Creator. It is written of Nimrod, that 1lC \VilS lanyuagc of the pcoplc, and hcncc tlw IIcbrew word
“a mighty hunter before [that is, superior to or gtX!ilt- for Eabcl means confusion. From the very heginning
er than] ” the Almighty God. The ho~lor, plaudits and God csl)rcssed his indignation against religion, show-
adoration bcstowcd upon Nimrod was worship, and ing that it is an abomination in his sight hccarw
thcrc began the practice of religion following the flood. formulated, brought into existence and practiced by
JUNE15, 1937 6+-fkWATCI-ITO’CVER 181

the Devil. Nothing has brou$~t about so ~nuch con- n:,tions which have formed and do form any part
fusiqn ai;long the p~plc as the many kinds oi rclgions thereof, have had and practiced and do have and
that are practiced among them. From and after the practice religion. Babylon is the mother of all reli-
flood until now religion has been the chief means of gions, and the Devil is the-father thcrcof. All religions
confusing, deceiving and misleading the people and properly take the name of Babylon. The Devil is the
has resulted in turning them away from the knowledge great enemy or adversary of God, and his religion
of and worship of the true and almighty God. This thcrcforc is an enemy of the Almighty God. The Devil
of itself is proof conclusive that religion is the prodnrt is ~nnn'~ worst enemy, and his relision is likewise a
of the Devil, employed speciiicallg to deceive the pco- deadly enemy to man. The Devil’s organization is
ple and to turn them alvay from Jehovah. Religion symbolized by an unchaste or impure woman, which
causes the people to be very superstitious and to yield is called Babylon. Therefore all religions are of Baby-
to the influence of their religious leaders, and that lon, and particularly the leadin,(preligion lrnowi~ in the
opens clearly the way for politicians to gain control lands called “ Christendom ’ ‘. All the nations, kindreds
of and rule the people, and for the use of commerce and peoples on the earth since the flood have had and
or traf’fic by which the people are robbed of their just practiced, and do continue to have and practice, some
right> and calnings. form of religion, and each and every one has been
lo Babel and Babylon mean the same thing. Babylon made so to do by the lvily influence of that wicked one,
is the name of the Devil’s organizatioll, which com- the Devil, and his associate v,+lred spirits. It is therc-
bines three elements, religion, politics and commerce, fore mrittcn in the Bible of and concerning Babylon
to control the peoples of the earth. Religion is em- that ‘she has made all the nations drunk with the wine
ployed for sehish gain to the Devil’s crowd, and there- of her fornication’. (Rev. 14: S) “And upon her fore-
fore God said to the Devil: “By the multitude of thy head was a name written, BlYSTERY, 13ABYLUN
merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with THE GREAT, THE ;\iOTHIER OF HARLOTS AND
violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore I mill cast ABOJlINATIONS OF THE BARTH.” (Rev. 1’7: 5)
thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I All of v;hich shows that religion is the instrument of
will destroy thee, 0 covering cherub, from the midst the Devil employed to oppose, to defy, to mock and
of the stones of fire. Thou hast defiled thy sanctuaries to reproach the illmigllty God and to deceive men
by the multitude of thine inicluities, by the iniquity and turn them av;ay from the true Almighty God,
of thy trafiic; therefore will I bring forth a fire from whox name is Jehovah. (For further consideration
the midst, of thee, it shall devour thee ; and I will bring see the book P?ophcc~, chapter six.)
thee to ashes upon the earth, in the sight of all them l$ All religious organizations on the earth arc
that behold thee. “--Czck. 25 : 16, 18. formed and carried on by men who are subjected to
l1 Satan’s ambitious and covetous desire to get gain wron:;ful infiucnce and ruled by the great enemy Sa-
for himself induced him to rebel against the Almighty tan the Devil ; and this is true whether any of them
God, and thereafter he has employed reli$on, politics know it or not, because the Bible so states. What is
and commerce to further feed his insatiable and covct- here written or said is not an assault upon men. There
ous desire. In harmony with this it is written : “For would be no reason or excuse for that, and no good
t!le love of money is the root of all evil ; which while could be accomplished by holding up men to ridicule.
some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, The purpose is to set the facts plainly before the peo-
and pierced themselves th?ough with many sorrows. ” ple that all sincere ones may see who constitute their
-1 Timothy 6: 10. real enemies. There are two great organizations in
I2 ‘ ‘ RIot1cy,” as here used, means anything by which esistence, to wit: the organization of the Almighty
gain is mcasurcd. The evil is not in the circulating God, which is wholly righteous, pure and true; and
medium Qhich is called “money”, but the wrong rc- the organization of the Devil, the mimic god, which is
sults from loving or desiring that which enables ci11e unholy, wicked and entirely false. The people of earth
to reap selfish gain. Many men who have at first had arc subjected to one or the other of these two organi-
faith in Jehovah God, and who began to serve him, zations. The 1)cvil and his wicked angels and other
have been led to covetousness, and that unsatisfied supporters at all times fight against God to defame his
dcsirc for gain has brought about thrir complete doll- name and to turn the people away from God and into
fall. Such was the course of Satan and has cvcr bcc~n destruction. That wicked organization is attempting
that of those who serve him. Rcligiun is used for that to destroy cvcryone who is on the side of Jel~oral~ God
purpose, that is, that the Devil mi::ht gain the tie- and who thcrcforc tries to do right. The Lord Jesus
votion of creatures to anything, particularly to him- Christ and his true followers are entirely on the side
self, and thereby turn them away from God. of Jehovah God, even as the prophets of old were on
Is Following the organization of Babylon other or- the side of and served Jehovah God. The faithful
ganized nations came into esistcncc, to wit: Egypt, servant of the Lord God, speaking by inspiration and
Assyria, Persia, Greece, Rome, and others. All of such authority from the Most High, points out that there
great world powers and all subdivisions thcrcof, or is a great warfare wazcd by those ~110xc on the side
N. Y.

of the Devil against those who are devoted to Jeho- was then residing in the land of Ur of the Chaldccs.
vah God, and employs these words, to wit: “For we He loved and served the Almighty God. Whc~l he was
wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against prin- 75 years old, at the command of Almighty God he
cipalities, against powers, against the rulers of the moved into Canaan: “Now the Lord had said unto
darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy
in high places.” (Eph. 6: 12) It is therefore seen thatkindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that
Satan and his wicked associates,that joined him in the I will shew thee ; and I will make of thee a great na-
rebellion originally, constitute the powers, principal-tion, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great;
ities and invisible rulers of this wicked world which and thou shalt be a blessing: and I will bless them
operate in darkness as the enemies of man. Those in that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee; and
the organization of the Almighty God make war upon in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. So
that devilish rule and power, and therefore must tell Abram departed, as the Lord had spoken unto him ;
the truth concerning religion, which makes war upon and Lot went with him: and Abram was seventy and
it because religion is the chief instrument by which five years old when he departed out of Haran.“-
the people are deceived. In that warfare, however, the Gen. 12 : l-4.
faithful servants of God do not use weapons to injure I’ Hc went there to be a witness for Jehovah. Since
any human creatures in their bodies. The ‘weapons the rebellion at Eden God has had some faithful wit-
of their warfare’ are just one, and that one is the nesses 011 the earth, although very few in number,
“sword of the spirit, which is the Word of God”. compared to earth’s population. God began to make
(Eph. 6 : 13,1’7) To those who are on the side of Je- lmow~ that no man would have his blessing unless
hovah, and who are serving him in this warfare, Jcho- that man had faith in God and obeyed his command-
vah says: ‘Ye are my witnesses to tell the people ments, and so He began to preach or proclaim the
about my name and kingdom and purpose. ’ (Isa. gospel unto Abraham. “And the scripture, foreseeing
43: 10,12) Such witnesses of God are men, walking that God would justify the heathen through faith,
in the flesh, but using only the weapons of the truth preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In
with which Jehovah has armed them. “For though thee shall all nations be blessed. So then they which
we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh; be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham.“-
(for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but Gal. 3: 8, 9.
mighty through God to the pulling down of strong l8 Abraham was a preacher of the truth, and hence
holds). “-2 Cor. 10 : 3,4. a witness for Jehovah God. In due time there was
I5 Let it be clearly understood, therefore, that the
born to Abraham and his wife Sarah a son named
true servants of the Almighty God and followers of Isaac. With Abraham and Isaac God began to reveal
Christ Jesus have no fight to wage against any human by means of prophetic pictures his purpose to send to
creature, be that person Jew, Gentile, Catholic, Prot- the earth his own beloved Son, Jesus, who is the real
estant or infidel. They have no disposition to do injury
heir of promise and he who would prove to be the
to any man, but to tell the truth for the good of thosefaithful and true witness of Jehovah, and who would
who want to know the right way. Men of all nations bc offered up as a sacrifice to provide the price of re-
have fallen under the wily influence and power of demption for man, to the end that those who would
Satan and his wicked angelic associates,but sue11 men have faith in God and Christ Jesus might escape the
are the objects of compassion. It is the privilcgc and wilts of the Devil and find everlasting life. (Gcn.
duty of Jehovah’s witnesses to tell them the truth as 22: l-18) God has developed and carried out his pur-
God has commanded, in order that those who arc pose according to his sovereign will, and his purpose
among them and who are of good will toward God is certain to be accomplished even as he has dcclarcd
may find the only place of security and safety from it. (Isa. 46: 11) It will be observed from this point
their enemies. The truth of God’s Word is therefore forward that at every stage of man’s history religiou
a warning given that those of good will may heed the has been used to oppose God, and particularly to dc-
warning and ffee to the place of safety. ccive mankind.
JEHOVAH GOD’S WITNESSES I@The nation of Egypt was, in the days of Abraham,
a powerful nation. That nation practiced the Dciil
I6 Abel, Enoch and Noah were faithful and true to
religion the same as did the l~eoplcsof Babylon. Eg) pt
Jehovah and maintained their integrity toward God.
\vas a great, commercial and military rmtiou and way
They were witnesses to the name of the .1lmi~lrty.
ruled by a king the title of whom was Pharaoh, mcan-
It was 350 years after the flood dried up that Soah ing
died (Gem& 9 : 28,29), and during that t imc the “Great Iiousc”.
descendants of Noah increased rapidly. Almost all ‘O Jacob was a grandson of Abraham, a true servant
the people had by that time fallen under the inllucncc of God, one of the faithful patriarchs; and uwler
and control of Satan and the other devils. Two years the command and direction of the Almighty God he
after the death of Noah Abraham was born. Abraham moved with his descendants into Egypt and resided
JUKE 15, 1937

there for some years. God rhnngrd the name of Jacob THE BIBLE
to Israel, and thcrcnfter the tlcsccndants of Jacob 22How may it be known for a certainty that what
mere liIl0wIl as Israelites or JIcbrcws. (Gen. 32: 25; is rccitcd in the foregomg is true and wholly trust-
40: 15) The Egyptians, who practiced the Devil re- worthy ? The answer is, because those facts are re-
ligion, in time, under the rule of a harsh Pharaoh, corded in the Bible, which is the Word of God, and
made the Hebrews their slaves and greatly opprcwd which is the truth. (John 1’7: 17) Did the people who
them. (Ex. 1: 11-14) Pharaoh, the ruler and oflirial lived on the earth prior to the time of Moses have the
rcprcscntative of the Devil on cnrth, ordered all the Bihlc? So; bccausc ~Ioses himself wrote the first five
male children of the Hebrews to bc killed. Xloscs was boo!;s of the Bible at the dictation of Jehovah God.
born, and his parents hid him, and the babe was found Prior to that time God had communicated with his
by the daughter of Pharaoh and was reared in the faithful nml on earth by and through his angels.
royal house.-Ex. 2: 6-10 ; IIcb. 11: 23-28; Acts 7 : 22. (Gcn. 1s: l-33; 19: 1,15) God spoke to Moses and
*l Because of his zeal for Jehovah and his people, gave him instruction what he should do when he went
Moses, when he grew to manhood’s estate, was com- into Egypt. God made a covenant with the Hebrews
pcllcd to flee from Egypt in order to remain faithful just before they left Ngypt, and he used RIoscs as
to God, and he went and dwelt in the land of Midian. spokesman and mediator for that purpose. When the
While in that land God selected Moses and sent him Hebrews or Israclitcs renrhed Mount Sinai after leav-
into Egypt as the deliverer of his people. The Hebrews ing Egypt, God there confirmed his covenant with
had refused to yield to the Devil religion practiced in them, giving to them his fundamental law. (Isx.
Egypt, and held to the promise made to their father 19: l-20) IIc also dclivcred to them through llloscs
Abraham, and thcrcfore the Egyptians, under the di- his divers statntcs. God commanded Moses what to
rection of the Devil and his angels, continued to in- write, and hc wrote as he was commanded, and thus
crease the burden and oppression upon the Israelites. came into csistcncc the first five books of the Bible.
Their burdens grew in severity, and God heard their Z3The rccorcl of Jehovah shows that God ‘crcaicd
cries, and he sent Moses down to Egypt to act as their man in his own image and likeness and that he made
lender and deliverer from the hand of the oppressor. the earth for the habitation of man (Isa. 45: 12, 18)
It was while in Midian, and when Xoscs was selected, and that he instructed the first man what hc should
that God revealed himself to Nose; as the “I AM”, do in order to maintain his integrity and proper stand-
that is, the self-existing One, not the one who was or ing before the Lord. The Devil rebcllcd, together with
mill be, but the One who is, I AM, without beginning a hU~dcof wicked angels, which crowd of wicked ones
and without end. He revealed himself to 310s~~by his assnultcd mankind to turn them away from God and
name JEHOVAH, which means his purpose toward to dcbtroy them. It is only reasonable that God would
those who lore and serve him. (Ex. 6: 3) M7hcn 310s~~ give to the obedient men who had withstood the Devil
appcarcd before Pharaoh he told him that Jehovah his own word, that they might be guided in the right
God had commanded that Pharaoh should let the way. This he did by his angels or messengers for a
Hebrews leave Egypt, and Pharaoh replied : “Who time, and then in his own due time he caused his
is [ Jehorah], that I should obey his voice ?” (Ex. faithful servants to make and record his message to
5: 2) This is cited as a further proof that Pharaoh mankind, which is called the Bible, and which God
was the oficial representative of the Devil and the has prcscrvcd since for the benefit of those who desire
enemy of Jehovah God. Then followed the afIlictions to know what is right. ~10s~ was wholly devoted to
upon Egypt, which God sent in the may of plagues, the Lord God, and God chose him to write the boo!cs
that the Egyptians might be fully warned of his of the Bible that first appear. Thereafter other faiih-
power and his purpose; and time and again, bccausc ful servants of the Lord wrote portions of the Bible
of these plagues, Pharaoh agreed to let the people go, as God commanded them and dictated to them. One
but refused when the time came for them to go. Then of those faithful scrxunts wrote: “The spirit of the
God sent the last plague, that is, the plague of the Lord spake by mc, and his word was in my tongw.”
slaying of the firstborn of Egypt. When the firstborn (2 Sam. 23 : 2) Further testimony upon this point is :
died, then Pharaoh permitted the Israelites to lcavc ‘Holy men of God [men devoted to God] spakc as they
Egypt. ‘I\Ioscs led the Israelites out of Epypt and by were moved by tlx holy spirit.’ (2 Pet. 1: 21) (For
God’s grace took them dry-shod over the Red sea, and a mow detailed consideration of how WCgot and have
when Pharaoh’s army attempted to follow and to the Bible, SW Creation, chapter 5.)
destroy the 3Icbrcws they were dro\\ncd in the sea. a Sonic men say : “I do not believe there is an
(Ex 14: 21-31) Thus J’chovah God thcrc made a ~Umighty God. and hence do not bclicvc the Bible.”
prophetic picture foretelling his purpose in his own Such men cannot seeand understand the truth and arc
due time to completely overthrow the Devil and all wholly ignorant of man’s relationship to the Creator.
of his forces. Thcsc historical truths arc hew recited The Devil has made men mentally blind, and this he
in order that WCmay get a proper view of the opcra- has done lest the truth should shine into their minds.
tion of the enemy against the people. (2 Cor. 4: 4) A sane and reasonable man, by merely

looking about him and observing the things that exist, God. (2 Tim. 2: 15) A meek person is one who has an
must know that there is a great Creator, who made honest desire to learn; and if such a man applies him-
all things that arc visible, and that great Creator is self in God’s appointed way hc is certain lo learn, as
revealed as the Almighty God. One who does not bc- it is written: “The meek will hc guide in judgment,
lieve God couid never understand the truth, but mnst and the meek will hc teach his way. ,111the paths of
remain in darkness. It is written: “But without faith the Lord are mercy and truth unto such as keep his
it is impossible to please him: for he that comcth to covenant and his tcstimonlcs. “-I%. 25 : 9, 10.
God must believe that he is, and that hc is a rewarder 27Many religious clcrga-men deny the Bible. And
of them that diligently seek him.” (I&b. 11: G) Tne why ? Because they are not men of God, but cre ou
man who says thcrc is no Creator is a fool. (Ps. 14: 1) the Devil’s side. All hi&r critics are in this class.
If a man puts himself in the fool class, that shows Such men arc wise in their own conceits and desire
he is complctcly under the control of the Devil, who to shine in the eyes of other men and li3ve the honor
is his worst enemy. God does not force man to bclicvc and praise which properly belongs to the Almighty
the truth. He puts the truth before man and permits God, and thus show themselves in the Devil’s com-
man to exercise his own desire and to accept it or not. pany. They possessworldly wisdom, as it is written:
God is light, and hc it is who ‘covers himself with “For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the
light’. (Ps. 104: 2) His light of truth is not given to wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of
those who serve the Devil; and that is shown by the the prudent. Where is the wise? n-here is the scribe P
fact that the wicked angels arc restrained in dnrk- where is the disputer of this world*? 112th net God
ness. “Light is sown for the righteous.” (Ps. 97 : 11) made foolish the wisdom of this wor!d P Eecau~c the
The man who delights himself in the law of God and foolishness of God is wiser than men ; 2nd the w~lmc:;s
strives to walk righteously is a man who walks in the of God is stronger than men.“-1 Cor. 1: 19, 20, f5.
light and is blcsscd.-I%. 1: 1,2. 28The opinion of a man is of no value whatsoever
In The Bible was not written for fools, nor is this if that opinion expressed is contrary to the Word of
publication for the benefit of fools. The Bible was God. If you follow the teachings of men you are ccr-
written and given to man for his aid and guidance, tain to remain in darkness. All men are by nature
that such man of good will and purpose might be Luliy imperfect, and men grow in knowledge and wisdom
advised as to the right way to go and that he might only when they seek to know and to do the will of
stay on the side of God and refuse to serve the Devil. God; and for that reason the man who denies the
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and Bible as the inspired Word of God is a foolish person,
is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, whether that man be a clergyman or a hodcarrier. To
for instruction in rightcousncss: that the man of God trust in the opinion of man is folly, and leads to
may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good certain destruction. “Put not your trust in princes,
works.” (2 Tim. 3: 16, 17) This publication attcmpta nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.”
to put the Bible in a simple way before the people (Ps. 146: 3) But to learn of and trust in and follow
who want to k~mv the truth. It is not expected it will God’s direction leads to life and happiness. “Trust
be appreciated or used by others. The Scriptures con- in the Lord with all thine heart; and lcan not unto
tain the Word of God, and the same is true and is the thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowl-
proper guide for the man who wants to know and to edge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” (Prov.
do what is right. “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, 3:5,6) “And this is life eternal, that they might
and a light unto my path. Thy word is true from the know thee the only true God, and JCSUSChrist, whom
beginning ; and every one of thy righteous judgments thou hast sent.” (John 17 : 3) If a man desires to
endurcth for ever. I rejoice at thy word, as one that know the truth, then he must prove all things by the
find&h great spoil. I hate and abhor lying; but thy Word of God, which is true, and must hold fast that
law do I love.“-Ps. 119 : 105, 160,162, 163. which is in harmony with the Word of God. All things
*OJesus, the perfect One, testified concerning God’s else are on the side of man’s enemy.-1 Thess. 5: 21.
Word as written in the Bible, and said: “Thy word 20The Devil is the prince of darkness, and he puts
is truth.” (John 17: 17) Let no man conclude, how- forth his best endeavors to keep the people in igno-
ever, that the mcrc possessionof the Bible or an ova- rilnce of the truth and therefore to hold them in dark-
sional reading over texts thereof is sufficient to cn:~l)lc ness. Why do religious leaders, the clergymen, try to
him to be wise. Many persons say, “I have the Uiblc keep the people from studying and understanding the
and know what it teaches”; and yet thcr arc entircl! Biblc? Why have they instructed the people of their
ignorant of what it contains, and of the mcaninp there- congregations to refuse to read anything that esplains
of. The Bible is the greatest storehouse of lrno~~l(~(l::c the Bible’3 Why do they tell the people to destroy
and wisdom. A man who desires to know the truth books that present only the Bible view? The answer is,
must study the Bible, and thus study to show hinisclf bccausc they are the agents of and representatives of
approved of God, and not be ashamed to arknowltltl%e the Devil, whether they are aware of fhat fact or not,
to all that all good things proceed from the ;1lrni&ty bccausc he who is not for the Lord is against him.
JUNE 15, 1937

(Matt. 12 : 30) For selfish reasons they desire to keep to write down in His sacred Book the reason why Jc-
the people in ignorance so that the clergy may hold hovah God permitted the Devil and his angels to carry
the people in subjection to themselves, receive the on their wickedness and why He has not yet destroyed
honor and plaudits of the people, and also the financial them, and that declaration, which is an answer to the
support that comes by reason of the influence they foregoing question, is this: “But for this cause have
have over the people. I allowed thee to remain, in order to show thee my
power; and in order that they may proclaim my name
WHY THE DEVIL LIVES throughout all the earth.” (Ex.- 9 : 16, Leeser) The
soIn that long period of time from Eden to Mount declaration applied to the Devil specifically ahd to his
Sinai, when the Israelites gathered there at God’s then representative on the earth, Pharaoh, the ruler of
command, the Devil and his angels opposed God, and the chief world power.
oppressed and nfilicted all men who had tried to do ** Stated in common phrase, the Almighty God de-
right and serve God, and the Devil had succeededin clared he would permit Satan and his associateddevils
turning most of the human race away from God. Even to have all the rope possible and a free hand to put
M~es and Aaron found themselves in a jam because forth their very strenuous efforts against Him; that
of the infuence exercised over the people by Satan in his own due time he would show his adversaries his
end his angels. The Devil had inflicted great punish- supreme power by destroying them and all their sup-
ment upon the Israelites when in Egypt, and now porters and their works of wickedness; that before
God had delivered them and they stood at the foot of destroying them he would cause his own name and his
Mount Sinai to receive the law from God’s hand, that supremacy to be declared throughout the earth, to
they might be shielded from the Devil’s attack. While the end that the enemies might have full warning and
Moses was in the mountain receiving the law at the notice of their coming destruction, and that the people
hands of God, the Devil overreached the Israelites and of good will toward God might be warned and ilee
caused them to turn to idolatry or religious worship. from Satan, and take their stand on the side of Jeho-
Many have asked, and still ask, Why did not God kill vah God, and find protection and security. That ques-
the Devil then or before that time and spare men tion at issue must be fully and completely determined
from his oppressive hand and his wicked deception? for ever in favor of Jehovah God in order that his
The Devil and his wicked angels continue to operate name and word be vindicated. Such is the reason why
cvcn tosthis very day, filling the earth with violence, God permitted the wicked ones to continue in the
and the people with dread. Why does the just and earth, and he gives his sure word that in due time he
loving God permit the Devil to remain alive and carry will completely destroy all of them. Now the time has
on his wickedness? come for his name to be declared throughout all the
81The answer is given in brief at this point, and earth, and for that reason these great truths are now
then the proof will follow, to wit: Because the Devil being brought to the attention of the people, by the
declared his ability to turn all men away from God, Lord’s grace.
and he challenged God to put a man on the earth who Is But why has God permitted the Devil to oppress
would remain true and faithful to Jehovah when put and afflict those persons on earth who have agreed to
to the test by the Devil. That challenge put at issue serve him9 Why has he not safeguarded these falth-
the righteous name and word of the Almighty God. ful ones from all assaults of the Devil? The answer is
The effect of the challenge was to declare that Jehovah that if God should do so, then the Devil would not
God is not supreme, he is not all-powerful. God could have a free hand in his effort to prove his wicked
have killed the Devil immediately. But suppose he challenge ; and, furthermore, those who have agreed to
had killed him and his wicked angels at the time of the serve God could prove their integrity and faithfulness
rebellion or at the time of the flood, and before the to God only by resisting the assaults of the Devil, and
Devil had been given a chance to oppress the Iarael- under all conditions of persecution continuing to
ites, what would have been the result? It could have maintain their integrity toward God. For that reason
been easily said then that the Devil had not been given God has repeatedly stated to those who serve him his
the opportunity to prove who is supreme. The question promise to preserve them and give them everlasting
of supremacy would not have been settled in the minds life and that he will destroy all the wicked : “The Lord
of other creatures. If one creature could defeat God, prescrveth all them that love him; but all the wicked
then the foundation for fnith and obedience in God will he destroy.” (Ps. 145: 20) f ‘Be thou faithful unto
would be for ever shaken. The Lord God would give death, and I will give thee the crown of life.“-
the Devil a full opportunity to prove his challenge Rev. 2: 10, A.R.V.
before settling the question for ever. Pharaoh was
the Devil’s representative in Egypt and had defied JOB AN ENSAMPLE
Jehovah by raising the question : “Who is [Jehovah], 8*The Scriptures specifically name some men who
that I should obey his voice?” The Devil himself had were faithful and true to Jehovah and who withstood
openly defied Jehovah God. Then God caused Moses the Devil. These men named include Abel, Enoch,

Noah, Abraham, Job and Moses. God used faithful those who endure suffering for righteousness’ sake
men in times of old as ensamples or types of grcntcr and who in the face of all manner of persecution and
things to come to pass. Among those who were so ubcd punishment maintain their integrity toward God. Just
was Job. The plaec of habitation of the Devil and his why God would permit the Devil to proceed with a
angels was and is, according to the Scriptures, in “the free hand in opposition to him and in persecution of
land of Rlagog’ ‘. (Ezck. 38: 2) In the days of Job those \lho bcrvc God was not revealed at the time to
Satan had not been barred from heaven, but had the anyolx, not cvcn to the angels. That God had a fised
privilege of appearing from time to time before the time in which to make known the rcnsoti is certain,
Almighty God. It appears that from time to time the however, and csactly on time God will bring the rntirc
faithful sons of God prcscntcd themsclvcs before Jcho- issue to a climax to his own glory. What folio\\-cd shows
vah: “ Again there was a day when the sons of God that lie has pcrmitlcd the Devil to tempt men for ccn-
came to present themselves before the Lord, and Sa- turics, and particularly through the operation of rc-
tan came also among them to present himself before ligioii, using it as ilI1 instrument to carry out his wick-
the Lord.“-Job 2 : 1. cd challcngc. The day of reckoning is at hand, ~hcn
s5To be sure, Jehovah knew from whcncc Satan the issue must bc settled, and therefore it is God’s
came, but he held communication with Satan mani- due titnc to make known the reason to all those who
festly for the purpox of making a picture forctclimg arc diligent to hare a proper understanding.
how faithful men arc tried and tested by the Devil:
“And the Lord said unto Satan, From whcncc comcst ISRAEL ORGANIZED
thou7 And Satan answered the Lord, and said, From w The descendants of Jacob, now called Israel, mcrc
going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up organized into a nation and put under the Icadcrship
and down in it. And the Lord said unto Satan, IIast of Closes.It was after the Israelites had been miracu-
thou considered my servant Job, that there is none lously delivered from Egypt, and while they were
like him in the earth, a gcrfcct and an upright man, cncampcd at the base of Mount Sinai, that God gave
one that fearcth God, and eschewcth evil? and still to that people his fundamental law and his StLltUiCS.
he holdcth fast his integrity, although thou movcdst 2’~ is a symbolic number denoting completeness, and
me against him, to destroy him without cause. And what is gcncrally called “the ten commandments”
Satan answered the Lord, and said, Skin for skin; really means all or the complete statcmcnt of God’s
yea, all that a man bath will he give for his life. But fundamental law to man. His “statutes” spccifica!ly
put forth thine hand now, and touch his bone and his define man’s duty to bc performed in harmony with
flesh, and he will curse thee to thy face. And the Lord the fundamental law. The nation of Israel was in di-
said unto Satan, Behold, he is in thine hand; but save rect contrast to all other nations and peoples because
his life. So went Satan forth from the presence of the Israel was the pcoplc chosen by the Lord God for him-
Lord, and smote Job with sore boils, from the sole of self, and by and through which pcoplc he would and
his foot unto his Crown.“-Job 2: 2-7. did make prophetic pictures foreshadowing greater
3GDoubtless Satan taunted Jehovah by calling his things to come to pass in the future. (1 Cor. 10 : 11)
attention to the fart that only a few men since the time Note here how God gave to that pcoplc the funtln-
of the flood had stood by Jehovah, that most of thrm mental law, which fundamental law applies to all
had gorlc with the Devil, and if the Devil had a chance people who undertake to do the will of God: “In t.he
he could make them all forsake God. That was a tic- thhd month, when the children of Israel were gone
fiant challenge to Jehovah God, and he acccptcd lhe forth out of the land of Egypt, the same day came
challcngc. Job xas rich in earthly goods and surround- they into the wildcrncss of Sinai. For they were tlc-
ed by a happy family and enjoyed good health, 1lcacc parted from Rcphidim, and were come to the desert
and quietness. The Devil declared that if those thinqs of Sinai, and had pitched in the wildcrncss : and there
wcrc taken away from him he would curse 0~1 to his Israel camped before the mount. And 3Ioscs went up
face. In answer to that challenge Jehovah said: “UC- unto God, and the Lord called unto him out of’ the
hold, he is in thy hand,” that is, ‘you arc at liberty to mountain, saying, Thus shalt thou say to the house
make him curse me if you can.’ Thereafter Salan the of Jacob, and tell the children of Israel : Ye have seen
Devil alllictcul Job with a lonthcsome diycasc, from what I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bare you on
which he suffered so terribly that his own wife said eagles’ wings, and brought you unto myself. Sow
to him: “Dost tlion siill retain ttiinc intcrrrity ? Curse thcrcforc, if yc will obey my voice indeed, and liecp
God, and die.” (Job 2: 9) Bnt ,Job stood firm amidst my covenant, then yc shalt be a peculiar treasure
dt this test and mailltaillcd his illtCgity tOWild (kJtl. unto mc above all people; for all the earth is tnillc.
Then the Devil further afflicted Job by cau4nq wr- And ye shall bc unto me a king4om of priests, aud
tain pious-faced rcligionists to torment hiw. arrd an holy nation. Thcsc arc the words which thou sIxlIt
through it all Job maintained his integrity, rcmnimxl sI)cal< unto tile children of Israel. And Xosec; came,
firm and true to the Btost Iligh. That which is rcrordcd and called for the cldcrs of the people, and laid before
concerning the expericnccs of Job is an e~~n~nplcof their faces all these words which the Lord commanded
JOSE 15, 1937

him. And all the pcoplc answered tog&her,, and said, do right, and the first in order and first in importance
All that the Lord bath spolt~~nWCwill do. And 310~s of his commandments or fundamental law is this, to
returned the words of the 1~0pk unto the Lord.“- wit : “ :1nd God spake all these words, saying, I am
Ex. 19 : l-8. the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of
38Jehovah God communicated to Moses his law, the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou
which was written upon tab& of stollc: “And hc shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not
gave unto iIIoscs, when 11~had made an end of com- make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of
muning with him upon mount Sinai, two tables of any thing that is in heaven above, or t!lat is in the
testimony, tables of stone, written with the finger of earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth :
God.” (Ex. 31: 18) The unlimited power of the thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve
Almighty God enables him to write upon stone as them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visit-
well as upon the sand. Every person who believes that ing the iniquity of the fathers up011 the children unto
the Almighty God exists, and that hc is the rewarder the third and fourth generation of them that hate
of them that serve him, can really SW how God made me; and shewing mercy unto thousands of them that
provision for the Bible to bc written and kept securely love mc, and keep my commandments.“-Ex. 20: l-6.
through all the centuries. No one has ever been able ‘l The law of God never changes, because God ne\er
to destroy the Bible, although repeated attempts have changes. (Rlal. 3 : 6) His law points out the way to
been made to do so. It is certain that the Devil has everlasting life. Xo creature will ever be given life
made every possible cfiiort to destroy the Bible, and everlasting who willfully, that is, intentionally, vio-
in modern times particularly he has used religionists, lates God’s law. If a man choosesanother for his god,
who are called “higher critics”, to discredit the Bible Jehovah will not grant to that man life. For a man
and cause the people to refuse to believe it. to violate the fundamental law of God means that
that man puts himself on the side of the Devil and
REASON FOR THE LAW therefore leads him to destruction. For the benefit
aeIf every creature were perfect and obedient to of man, then, God provided in his law that man should
Jehovah God there would bc no need for a written have 110 other god before him, because God alone is
law prescribing what is right and ccnnnnding the the source of life. Religion has been and is the most
people to refrain from what is wrong. Pcrfcct erca- effective means to induce the violation of God’s law.
turcs are moved by unselfishness to do that which is (To be continue&)
right. The human race was imperfect from the time
of the expulsion of Adam from Eden, and by the time QUESTIONS FOR STUDY
the Israelites were delivered from Egypt mankind 7 1. Why is it now so important that Jehovah’s witnesses fully
inform themselves Eoncerning the origin, practice and
was much depraved because of his fall and the con- effects of religion, and that the wickedness of religion be
tinued influence exercised upon man by Satan. Laws brought clesrG before the minds of the peopled &count,
are necessary for imperfect men to have as a sure then, for the persecution of those who publish these truths.
l/ 2. What was the purpose of the flood? The outcome thereofI
guide, that they may go the right way. The laws are Explain 2 Peter 3: 5,6.
made for just such, as it is written: “Knowing this, v 3. Explain whether ‘the world that is now’ will abide for
that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for ever, and why.
7 4. What is a covenant? For what did Jehovah provide in his
the ~lawlcssand disobedient, for the ungodly and for covenant concerning the sanctity of life? -
sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of lT 5. 6. DCSCrlbe how the Devil broucrht about the violation of
tho everlasting covenant, and established the practice of
fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers.” religion, after the flood.
-1 Tim. 1: 9. ll 7. How and why have religion. nolitics and commerce come
‘OLove, which is the perfect expression of unsclfish- to be so closciy related? - ’ *
7 8,9. Account for tl:e bmlding of the tower of Babel. Point
ncss, is the complete fulfillment of the law, thercforc out the fitness of the name Babel.
makillg the enforcement of law unncccssary. (Rom. 1[ 10-12. Identify Babylon. Show that ‘(the love of money”
13: 10) The very essenceof the law is written in the has been “the root of all evil”.
q 13. 110~ do the facts prove that Babylon ‘has made all the
heart of every creature that is in full harmony with nations drunk with the wine of her fornication’8
God and delights to do his will. At the time the Isracl- 7 14,l.L Dcscribc the two great organizations now in existence,
and the wenpons and methods employed by each in the war-
ites were asscmblcd at Mount Sinai the Devil had fare now in progress.
almost all of the pcop!c on earth in his scrvicc, and 7 16-18. What does the divine record show as to faithful wit-
therefore all were in the way of destruction. The nesses for Jehovah UD to the tmle of Abraham? 110~ did
Jcho\ah deal 15ith Ablnham? What was the purpose therein?
Israelites God would safeguard from that destructive 7 19-21. Briefly (a) describe Egypt as a nation In the days
infiucncc. The law which God gave to the Israelites of Abraham. (IJ) Account for the Israelites’ being in Egypt
was not for God’s benefit, but entirely for the bcncfit m the dnjs of Pharaoh, and for the oppression and aMic-
tlon they cxperlcnced there. (c) Dcscllbe the dehverance
of man. If a man walks with the Devil he is certain of the Israelites from the hand of their oppressor. (d)
to die, but if he maintains his integrity toward God Point out the prophetic sigmficance of the*things h‘cre
mcntloned, and the purposo of the record thereof.
he will live. Therefore God gave his law through Moses 1 22. How may we know that what is recited in the foregoing
to the Israelites and which applies to all who want to is true and wholly trustworthy9

23. Briefly tell how we got and have the Bible. those on earth who have agreccl to serve him, and not safe,
24. Explain wh some persona do! not believe there ia an guarded these faithful one3 from all cesaults of the Devilf
Almighty 00 J , and hence do not believe the Bible. a 34-X. Why do the Scri tures 8peciAcally name some of the
25, A&&ding to the psalmist, the apoatlq and Jeeuq what men who were faith f3 and true to Jehovah and withstood
is the origin and purpoee of the Scriptures, the Bible? the Devil, and give record concerning them7 Relate the
How has Jehovah provided that all who want to know and e eriencea of Job, according to the divine record, as pro-
to do what ie right may now understand hia will and vi3 mg inetruction and example for those who would main-
purposes? tain their integrity toward God. Why haa God provided for
26. To whom, and on what ‘condition, ie an underetanding an underetandin thereof at the present time?
of God’s Word made availablef y 37. What was the b;aw given by Jehovnh to the Israelites at
Sinai? What b meant by the ex resaion “the ten command-
27igy;;h scripturee, explain. why many clergymen deny the mente,,T Distinguish between 8 ad’s fundamental law and
his ( ‘ statutes, ,. Relate how God gave the Israelites the
28. Why ia it not safe to follow the teachinga of men? Hnw, fundamental law. Why did he give his law to the nation
then, may one know the truth1 of Israel only, and especially dqal with that nation)
29. Why do religious leader8 try to keep the people from 7 38. Account a) for the repeated attempts to destroy the
studying and understanding the Biblel Bible, and i or the efforts to discredit it. (b) For ite being
30, Account for the contin<ed o osition and persecution proserved through all the centuries.
experienced by all men, from 8 en until now, who have a 39-41. With scriptures, explain the reason for the law. What
tried to serve God. is the “ flret and great commandment ‘, of the law, and
7’ 31, 32. Explain why God ermite the Devil to remain alive whyl III the light of this commnndment, and of facts of
and carry on hie wick BBnese. Why are these great truths record and of preaent affnira, what can now be clearly
now being brought to the attention of the people? seen to have been the origin and purpose of religion and
1 33. Why has God permitted the Devil to oppress und afflict the practice theroof?

EHOVAH GOD is.the everlasting King, and there- mighty Stone of Jehovah is theChief Corner Stone of
fore the Ruler without end. “ [Jehovah] is the true Zion, to wit, Christ Jesus. Jehovah having permitted
God, ho is the living God, and an everlasting King : Satan to persecute to the limit his mighty “Stone”,
at his wrath the earth shall tremble, and the nations then God exalted him and gave him a name above every
shall not be able to abide his indignation.” (Jer. name and has commanded that all creation shall bow,
lO:.lO) He is the Eternal God of order and therefore before him.-Phil. 2 : 9-11.
has had an oaganization for ever, which, foo want of Jehovah builds his royal house for his own habita-
a better term, we call his universal organization. From tion, or meeting place between himself and his obe-
his Word he makes it clear that his purpose is to have dient creatures. The members of that royal house arc
an organization “cut out without hands” (or taken) limited in number, and every one must be an overcomer,
from his organization universal, and then made the Christ Jesus, the Head of that royal house, overcame
capital over his entire organization. (Dan. 2 : 34) That the enemy, and every member thereof must do like-
capital organization is otherwise designated in his wise. “In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be
Word the ‘reigning’ or ‘royal’ house, of good cheer: I have overcome the world.” (John
Satan, the opposer of Jehovah, has builded his own 16: 33) “Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in
house or organization and made hinlself the head there- the temple of my God ; and he shall go no more oul ;
of, and which organization is .desperntely wicked. .It and I will write upon him the name of my God, and
consists of both invisible and visible pnrts, hence called the name of the city of my God, which is Xcw Jeruua-
‘heaven and earth’. Satan and his wicked angels con- lem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God;
stitute the invisible part, while the nations of the earth and I will write upon him my new name.“-Rev. 3 : 12.
ruled by wicked men constitute the visible part of his The enemy and his organization will make a ,last and
organization. Against Satan’s entire organization Je- desperate stand against -the organization of Jehovah,
hovah will express his wrath, and no part of that and will fail. “These shall war against the Lamb, and
wicked organization shall be able to abide the Al- the Lamb shall overcome them, for he is Lord of lords,
mighty’s wrath, as stated by his prophet Jeremiah. and King of kings; and they also shall overcome that
Jehovah did not hinder Satan in the building of his are with him, called and chosen and faithful.” (Rev.
wicked organization, but for many centuries he has 17: 14, XV.) It is to be expected that this, the most
permitted Satan and his organization to remain in important part of God’s great organization, would be
existence, and until God’s due time to make manifest- given much attention in his Word; and so it is. Long
his own supreme power and to make for himself an ago Jehovah caused many pictures and types concern-
everlasting name.--Ex. 9 : 16, Leeser. ing it to be made, and all these things were written
In Jehovah’s due timo Satan’s folly will be made to down for the aid and comfort of the remnant now 0:)
appear to all creation. Soon Jehovah will use his the earth.
mighty “Stone” that he has ‘cut out of his mountain In making, the pictures pointing to his royal house
(universal organization) without hands’ to break in the nation of Israel was used by Jehovah, and he also
pieces Satan’s organization and to drive it away as: used Nebuchadnezzar as an instrument to destroy that
chaff is driven before the wind. (Dan. 2 : 45) That typical nation because of its falling away from the
Jum 15, 1937' 8fieWATCHTOWER x39

covenant with God and joinin? the forces of the enemy. class was not done until 1922. Hence that year 19.X
It was in the year Gl7 B.C. tlxt God permitted Neim- was the earlicst possible date that the class whom
chadnczzar, king of Babylon, to carry away many Jews Ezekiel foreshadowed could begin to perceive the ful-
into captivity, and among them was his prophet fillment of Ezckicl’s vision of the temple. Although an
Ezekiel. Five years thcrcafter, to wit, in 612 B.C., eRort had been made in 1917 to give an explanation
Jehovah gave Ezekiel a vision of His own great organi- of the temple that Ezekiel saw, it was then impossible
zation and caused him to begin a prophecy concerning for any creature on earth to understand it.
the same. Six years later, or, to wit, 606 B.C., Jcrusa- The vision was given to Ezekiel in the beginning of
lem was broken up and the temple which Solomon had the year, which was the month of Xisan, the beginning
built was burned. Thereafter, to wit, in the year of the year according to God’s commandment. (Ex.
592 B.C., Ezekiel was given a vision and caused to 12 : 2) 31x1~ that it was on the tenth day of the month,
write down the prophecy concerning the true temple the very day for the selecting of the paschal lamb.
or royal house of Jehovah. The prophet Ezekiel was (Ex. 12 : 3) This was the sameday of the year on which
then about fifty years of age and in captivity with Jesus rode into Jerusalem and was offered as King
other Jews in Babylon. It was about fifty-six years to the Jews, the which was the laying of THE STONE
later, or, to wit, 536 B.C., that the work of rebuilding in miniature, which Stone, the King, \vas rejected by
the temple was begun by Zerubbnbel. That work was the Israelites. (BIatt. 21: @) It was also the very day
delayed for sixteen years, and finally nas completed of the year when Jesus went into the temple at Jeru-
about 515 B.C. Approximately seventy-seven years salem and cleared out the mercantile clement and said
elapsed from the date of Ezckicl’s vision and prophecy to them that used the house of the Lord for personal
concerning the temple until the building of the temple gain : “ Take these things hence; ma!;e not my Father’s
at Jcrusolcm by Zerubbabel was completed, and which house an house of merchandise.” (John 2: 1G) “And
temple was later destroyed. The prophecy of Ezekiel [he] said unto them, It is written, My house shall be
concerning the temple therefore deals with that which called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den
is of far greater importance than any building cvcr of thieves. ” -Xatt. 21: 13.
erected by human power. Jerusalem foreshadowed “Christendom”, which was
The fortieth chapter of l~zekicl’s prophecy begins smitten because of the “war in heaven”, whi:h be-
with the-c words : “In the fire and twcnticth year of gan in 1914. It was fourteen years after the bcginnillg
our captivity, in the beginning of the year, in the tenth of that war, to wit, 1928, when Jehovah gave his cove-
day of the month, in the fourteenth year after t!mt nxlt people on earth the first understanding of the
the city was smitten, in the sclfsame day the hand of meaning of his organizat,ion, as pictured in the first
the Lord was upon me, and brought me thither.” Only chapter of Ezekiel’s prophecy, and which truth was
one prophecy was delivcrcd by Ezekiel after the proph- first declared at the Detroit convention of Jehovah’s
ecy dealing with the royal house. That later prophecy mitnesccs in 1928. (See The ll’ntchtower, 192S, page
is recorded in Ezckial 29 : 17 and was in the twcnty- 263.) The war, by which “Christendom” was smitten,
xventh year of the captivity, and which later prophecy ended about 1915, and fourteen years thercaftcr,
disclosed what Jehovah, by his great Executive Officer, to wit, in 1922, God permitted the publication of the to Egypt, which pictures Satan’s organization. meaning of Ezekiel’s vision concerning t!ie temple.
Jehovah had caused his prophet JIalachi to forelell The factF show that it was fourteen years after the
a work to be done by his Messenger, Christ Jesus, and destruction of Jerusalem before Ezekiel got his temple
which is called ‘preparing the way before the Ilord’, vision about which he prophesied. God’s people, whom
and that then straightway that blcssengcr, Christ Ezekiel foreshadowed, therefore could not cspcct to
Jesus, would come to his temple. (i\fal. 3: 1) Now it get a full understanding until God’s dw time, and
appears from the Scriptures, and supported by the they could not espcct to get an understanding of all
facts as set forth in chapter eleven of T’indicntioll, of his truth at one time. When that understanding is
Book Three, that Christ Jesus, the Jlessenger of Je- given to them they know that it comes from the Lord,
hovah, came to his temple in the year 191s but that the and not from man. Ezekiel did not choose his particu-
true followers of Christ Jesus on cart11did not discern lar day to prophesy. IIc was in the hand of the Lord,
that fact until the year 1922. It was then and thcrc- who arranged the matter and who put his spirit upon
after that the true people of God learned that Christ Ezekiel. Likewise the remnant do not choose the time
Jesus had come to his temple for the purpose of judg- to understand God’s Word and to proclaim it. “This
ment and to do a purifying work which would clcausc is the day whir+ the Lord hat11made.” (Ps. 118: 24)
and purify Jehovah’s sanctuary class. This cleansing This is the day chosen by the Lord in which “young
work must be done, and the truth of and concerning men . . . see visions” and discern the fulfillment of
the Lord’s coming bc made clear to them, before the this grand vision which was given to Ezekiel. The
true sons of Levi could oficr an offering of righteous- power of the Lord is upon his “faithful servant” clasy,
ness bcforc the Lord. (Blal. 3: 2,3) It thercforc ap- and for this reason they are permitted to understand.
pears that the cleansing work of the “sons of Levi” Jehovah used Ezekiel to declare the prophecy which

is IIOW in course of fulfillment in the last days. What From his vantage point on the mountain Ezekiel
Ezekiel saw was only a vision, and hence was not a beholds a man. “And hc brought me thither, and, bc-
type, but a prophecy; therefore we need not look here hold, there was a man, whose appcarancc was like the
for type and antitype, but look for a prophecy and appcarancc of brass, with a line of flas in his hand,
the fulfillment thereof. “In the visions of God brought and a measuring reed; and he stood in the zatc [of
he me into the land of Israel, and set me [down] upon the temple] .” (Ezek. 40 : 3) The man had the appcar-
a very high mountain, by which was as [ (R.V.) where- ancc of copper (mistranslated in the test “brass”).
on was as it were] the frame of a city on the south.” Copper is one of the noble metals mentioned in the
(Ezek. 40: 2) At that time Ezekiel was in captivity, Scriptures, The appearance of this man as of copper
and the land of Israel was desolate, and it continued so would indicate that he was not a mere human creature,
until the end of the seventy-year period. What Ezckicl but was one of God’s heaveuly deputies sent to pcr-
saw was “the land that is brought back from the form some importaut duty. If the creature that Eze-
sword, and is gathered out of many people”. (Ezck. kicl saw had been a mere human it would not have been
38: 8) The vision had by Ezekiel shows him ‘set down ncccssary to say that he had the appearance of copper.
in the land’; and this was a prophecy that in God’s The metallic appearance is desigued to show superior-
due time his devoted people would be restored from ity to human creatures. In the vision that John was
Babylon (Satan’s organization) and brought into Zion given on the isle of Patmos he describes Jesus Christ
(God’s organization) as a delivered people, and that as a man ; “and his feet like unto fine brass [copper] ,
they would thereafter worship and serve God as a as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the
separate and peculiar people. sound of many waters.“-Rev. 1: 15.
Ezekiel states that hc beheld himself set down upon The man whom Ezekiel saw had a “line of flax” in
a very high mountain. That was symbolic of Mount his hand, and also “a measuring reed”. Flax (that is,
Zion, “the mountain of the Lord’s house” (Isa. linen) denotes righteousness and symbolically says
2: 2,3), that is to say, God’s organization. It is the that the man was there to measure in righteousness.
place where the hundred and forty-four thousand take He was equipped to measure volume or depth, and
up their position with Christ Jesus. (Rev. 14: 1) It perpendicularity and straightness, as well as height
was like the vision had by John, who from the top of and length. The man was standing at the gate with the
a “great and high mountain” witnessed the desccnd- measuring equipment; which symbolically says that
ing of the great and holy Jerusalem. (Rev. 21: 9,10) ‘judgment is about to begin at the house of God’.
Upon the top of this mountain is God’s temple or royal John, whom the angel of the Lord caused to write
house built. “This is the law of the house ; Upon the down The Revelation, corresponds to Ezekiel, and he
top of the mountain, the whole limit thereof round wrote : “And there was given me a reed like unto a
about shall be most holy. Behold, this is the law of the rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure
house.’ ‘- Ezek. 43 : 12. the temple of God, and the altar, and them that, wor-
In vision Ezekiel beheld the temple as in “the ho1.y ship therein.” (Rev. 11: 1) The Lord had caused the
portion of the land” on the north, and the city was apostle to write : “Judgment must begin at the house
“on the soutl~‘J. (Ezek. 45: 1-6; 48: 15-30) The name of God.” (1 Pet. 4 : 17) It is also written : “Judgment
of the city is Jehovah-Shammah. Both the city and also will I lay to the line. ” (Isa. 28 : 17) The flas line
the temple are situated upon the mountain. The vision and the reed symbolize the revealed purposes of Je-
shows that it could not refer to a literal mountain in hovah, that is to say, the more accurate understanding
Palestine, and therefore that the prophecy would not of them whereby God’s covenant people may measure
be literally fulfilled in the land of Palestine. The themselves individually. They do not measure thcm-
Scriptures do not warrant the conclusion that the lit- selves by themselves, but the measuring must be c1011e
eral temple, of which Ezekiel had a vision, will ever according to the standard of the Lord, and these
be built in the land of Palestine. The vision, being a measuring instruments arc in the hand of the heaven-
prophecy, foretells the greater temple and city built sent Messenger. “For we dare not make ourselves of
by divine power. the number, or compare ourselves with some that cotn-
Ezekiel describes his position as ‘on a very high mend themselves: but they measuring themselves by
mountain’ whcrc the hand of Jehovah had brought him. themselves, and comparing themselves among them-
During the WorId War Jehovah preserved his faithful selves, arc not wise. “-2 Cor. 10 : 12.
ones from the violence of Satan’s organization, and
afterwards these were brought into his or:qnization The man whom Ezekiel saw was standing at the en-
and given much to do. That was a partial vindication trance of Jehovah’s building. His position there would
of his name and was foreshadowed by the bringing of be an invitation to Ezekiel to approach and to cntcr
Hzckiel to the very high mountain in the vision which the temple, which, to bc sure, must be done according
he had. God’s promise is to bring the remnant through to the divine rules. The class whom EzekicI foreshad-
the battle at Armageddon and to prescrvc them, which owed must bc brought into the holy structure of God
will be a further vindication of his name. in his due time.
PHONOGRAPH WORK e5cctivc weapon nyinst Satan 2nd his organization. One
DEAL BRETIIREPI’ : reason whv 1 had hL’biLaLedto use the ~houorrrar>h was mv deaf-
Expenence bears out the cffectivencss of the phonogrnph in ness; tho&ht too many would be &king me-if I wab really
the witness work. Also, it dcmonstrntes that much nectls to be deaf. etc. But, instead, I have very little questioning along that
done in working out a smoother Introduction of the phonograph line;. Jehoval; has tuken care 03 that. -Another thing 1 am
to gain admittance to more of the homes called upon. thankful for is the tcstlmonv cards in so manv di5crent lan-
Unable to place llteraturc to amount to anything with the guugcs.. 1 &ays carry all <he different cards,.and as I meet
poverty-stricken people of a little fivhmg settlement, the phono- out of a forrign I:unzu:~ge I question him and then hand bun
grnph used In the open, ynrds and on tho street, attrncted a th:it card in hii o!In ku~&~age.‘l~esult of this has been speedier
gaod crowd who got some of the message in that mnnncr. plnccmcnts and a Iletter undcrstandmg. Now I am never with-
In making a dehvery of an -Italian book to a man who did out the phonogial~h or all testimony cards in all languages.
not speak or undelstond English, his Enghsh~spenkmg fnmlly This makes it more effective to ‘prcnch to all nations ‘.
were gathered from nll pults of the house by running the Tours rcJouzmg in kingdom scr~xe,
phonograph lectures. These other persons would not have been II. L. IIUCH, Pioneer.
reached on that visit wIthout the phonogrnph message.
One Sunday over five hours were well spent in two low-class
rooming houses of firtcen rooms each. Though mnny of the PLEASED TO HEAR BY THE PHOHOGRAPH
rooms were not occupied at the time, the phonograph wns used DE.\R BROTIIERikTIIEWORD:
clcven times. twentv-seven nersons listemnr. and in addition We all were very muc~hpleased when informed that you had
to the litcr&ure pl&ed th:;t day by nid I%’ the phonogrnph, consente61to come to 0:.1ilanrl for th2 convention and for us;
several phonogmph meetings aere arranged for back-call, and and glad to see you agam. I hope that you arc well in health,
several books and a Bible dclirered. The phonograph was in- also lest4 from the Joyful ecl\ice that you gave each day of
troduced by means of the radio shp, the questions gaining the the convention for our bcne;*:.
interest of the people; and the slip also explains the “specml nimageddon seems to be nz‘arer each day. Everything in the
service” of the lectures in their homes. The testimony card was world is out of the normal condition that we have depended
used, generally following the lecture in Introducmg-the litera- upon. especially m our own hid, of course.
ture, It is quite certain that these people would not all hnvo Today a sister and I found three homes where they were all
been reached without the phonograph. The placements of lit. well pleased to hear ‘(The Great RIultltudo” by the phono-
erature were not unusually large, but what wns done was pri- graph. One lady said she believed the Ulble the same way, about
marily because of the phonograph; and what is more impcntant, the great multitude.
the kingdom messnge wvas placed before these people clearly. WC need you, Brother Rutherford, because you are strong in
They had not been reached before, though that territory is faith: and there is rreat trouble uoon the ocoule. God has pia-
“gone over” very frequently. AZany of them are hard and ciousiy promised to-protect nil nho are fn;thf;lly keepmg ‘ills
touzb and would not come to the door and rend a card. commandments, and obedient in the service for the people, that
&other ins:unce: A man asked for the publisher to return they may hate hfe accorilmg to Jehovah God’s will.
later with h‘&es, as he had ‘(no money” at the first call. When 1 must thank you for so much conso!ntion in reading florn
the delivery wns made he still could not “buy anything”, but a your pen, and for your kmdncss many tlmcs much apprecmtetl,
record was run for him and hiv wife, a Blblc discussion was when there sremed no he!per near. I must tell you also that the
started, with serernl recoxtls used, and he not only took E&es, Propheq book has been j joyful study to me,- because written,
but ordered a Bible and Prepniation for later delivery. Another it seems, by inspiration, and because so true; 1lBe the Scriptures,
man said, “Before you start that record, let me tell you I hare full of gentle dignity Inward.
no money and cannot take a thing.” Dulmg the running of When I found in the Jehotah book, Subject Index, “Core-
“ Kmgdom ’ ’ he said, “Does that book tell about what he is nant for the &ngdom,” I knew that at last I could find just
saying? ” And after the little lecture was done he took C~clrfs. how Jehovah is dealing wvlth us, if we are to be of the kmg-
making the contribution. dom class, Of course there are some who arc perfect in lo\e
Any number of mstnnces can be mentioned. It seems, how- for Jehovah God and Chrmt Jesus. They are, aceordmg to the
ever, thut even more important than the results manifested in Scriptures, those who love the brethren, ns you know perfectly,
p!acements of literature and people accepting the truth, is the found written in many books and The ~ntch?ozcer.
fact that the phonograph is such an efiective instrument In A J.w. in kingdom service,
plncing the kingdom message before the people in a way they RVTU E. PATTERSON.
can understand it; nlmzh, after all, is our job.
DEAR BRETHREN : I just can’t help taking a few minutes of vour tmle to re-
Received in good condition the eighteen (IS) discs, for which late io you one of ihe mani marvelous csperxcnces wvlth the new
1 thank Jehol ah; for the phonogr:~ph is proving for one who prorlsion which the Lord has provided to us: the phonograph.
ij deaf a wonderful aid to wltncssmg. On Thursday (3-11-37) A lady called upon me at the place where I WRYworkin!: nnd
the Queens unit loaned the disc (No. 101-102) to mo. The fol- asked me, “Are you the gentleman that preaches the gospel 1~1th
lowing day I went into a shoe store. Lady there informed me a phonograph?” I presume that she had heard of the progress
that she had read the lllches book. I offew to play a lewd. of this stnrthug news through the phonocrranh.
Mile consented. nnd I ran “Value of Knowledge”. She listened Arrangement< ncre made co hn\e-the p&n;graph at her home,
very attentireiy ant1 then turned the record o& for me to run und having heard a record, she stated, “I received more in-
‘LEi~h~9’? As a Icsult of this I placed the full set of fifteen formation from this record, which IS only four minutes and
IlD1 bound books. In nlncine the set. thou&. I took a pair of a half, than from my husband, !\ho has been a minister for
s‘ho& for the set. A f&v wc;ks ngo i met ‘r colored la,iy on a many yenrs. ”
Sunday; I ran two records. I found she had five books. A week Furthermore, she invited me to have a mcetmg in their church
later i -deli\ercd four more bound books, and then ran four She also stated that she would give an early notice to the con-
records. Tonight I deli\ercd the balance of the set (seven gregntion so all nould be there to attend this ‘good meetin:‘.
bourn1 books). She now has all hiuteen books. I ran the new AIy experlcnccs, by the Lord’s grace, are so uurnelous that
rccolds on my third trip ther”e, nnd she cnJo.\cd every one she I cannot write of them all. Not only do the people of good will
has hcnrd. Thinks they arc finr. I set now (after (111the wonder- receive blessing9 from Jehovah through the pllonogrnph, but
ful cxpcricnccs 1 am having) that I made a big nnstahe in not 11 nlsc gives me strength, courage and power to help press the
witnessing with the phono~ral~h sooner. A number of the big battle to the gate. As I see, this is the best method to ‘brmse
placements I have made of late (and some of the smallor plare- the head of th2 serpent’.
ments also) I ncrcr woul~l have ma4c had it not been for the Hero nre some of the results of my latest meetings: In two
pbonogmph. The phonograph is ccrtmnly proving the most back call9 there wus placed a total sum of thirty-five books and

SCVCT~ booklets, together nith R nrw subscription for The GREATEST PRIVILEGE TO SERVE CREATOR
Golden Age. On another occ’::sion, when I plated tltcb rccortl en- DEAR BEOTIIER RUTITEWORD :
titlcll “Jehovah’s Organization” nnd “Satan’s Organizatloo ‘9, This is to express my sincere appreciation for all your bcauti-
1 easily placed the three books Vzndication and the book I:tc/rcs. ful and won&Au1 books, includmg the E’ntchtoccr ant1 (;olc/r n
Some of the newly interested have carried the I’roicct~on &r magazines, and I am sure you will accept it. To bc In the
booklet to the place of their employment and hart callctl It to Truth 1s a blessing in itself, and it 1s a creature% greatest p’~v-
the attention of their fellow morkcrs. In quite a few C::ECSthev llcge to serve his or her Creator. I hare not rend all the bOOtiS;
have arranged among thcmcclves a phonograph meeting n&1 bu; the o 1~~9 I 11:1\zrrzd I’ve thorou,$~l,v enjoyed, particul,lrly
havo called me at some special time when they could gather IL’tckcs, nhich I nm reading now. Your books arl: stmlght to the
as many to attend as possible. point, and exclude all sly ‘I twists” and confusIon ; and brsides,
I wish every faithful brother on earth would carry in 111s they arc based exclusively on the Holy Bible, the invaluable
hands from house to house this marvelous instrument. \Vord of GOD.
I feel very sad to know how Jeho~ah’s witnesses suffer inno-
bay the Lord bless you continually to the end. ccntly, and I am sure these persecutors, pat tlculorly the IIicr-
Your fellow servant in the kingdom of Jehovah, archy, shall pay bitterly, with her friends Satan, IIitlcr, ?.Iusso-
NICK LAWS, Pcnnsyluanra. lini and the company of “clever” politicians. In Indm the
Kingdom walk is poor; but I am sule we could put up a re-
markable record if only we had a few more witnesses. particulnr-
LORD’S ELESSING ON USE OF SOUND CAR ly those who know the vernacular. I know sufficient Hindnstani,
ns the “linmu7 fr-tnca” of In&n is called; am1 I ~111do mv
best, I pro&i, to the effect of proclnlming the Truth or Kini-
I cannot refrain from telling you about the manifest blessiug dom message to the ignorant people here.
the Lord is pving us with the use of our sou::d equipment. .\s I am eighteen years old, and thank God I’ve found the Truth
you know, we are now able to make our ol\n re~n~cular records. when young.
I npplied to the police for permission to we the sound car I* Yours, for ever, faithfully m Jehovah and Christ,
sonic of the city streets of the natlvc sections of Eombny. Pcr- L. K. SCOTT, In&n.
mission was granted, but a C.I.D. official was cent to see R!I:L~
wo were up to. Tlns motmng was the second of the sellcs of
meetings, and when the advertised time was up this C.I.D. oflicial WORK OF THE KINGDOM
came up to me and asked if I minded staymg a llttle over the DEER BROTHER RUTIIEIXFORD :
time, as the people wanted to hear another lecture in Conczni. Ire We desire to take this opportunity to espress our apprecin-
also assisted us in suggesting fresh pitches for future meetings. tion of your services in behalf of your brethren; to cspress our
WC gave Iectures in Hindl, Marathi, Concnni and English and thankfulness for the spiritual food supphed by TLe Il’atchtolvcr
had an audience estimated at at least 500 people dulmg two and other publications and to express our sincere desire to carry
hours’ work. Thlce native brethren wolkcd the surrountltng on in our respective districts in the work of the kingdom.
houses and placed a substantial amount of litcmturc. IInrlng As ne carry out instructions to “rise against her in battle”
the lectures in the Indian vernaculars is proving a wonderful we pray the Lord’s blessing upon you as you continue to sup-
help in giving the witness. We are greatly encouraged. ply Instructions and encouragement to your brethren.
\\‘lth love and best wishes, I remain With Christian love, wo are
Your b;o:her and servant in the Lord, Your brethren in assembly at
F. E. SKISSIX, Inl:.;. Vancouver, El itish Columbia.

IJirrniwrhnm. Ah . . ..Julv .\:ont;cello, Ca. .._..__.
July Wlwcl~n~, W. Ya. .___.June 2(i, 27 JeKer>on. OIllo . . ._. . July
‘I-ll*wl;osa, ‘Ala. . ..... .. ” - GreeUnoocl. b. c. .. .. .. “ :;: Steulwuvllle, OIli _____“ ‘“Jf; .\.~;ltl.~lmld. Oili _..______.

I’cwninaton, Ala. ._._.__. :: copes, s. c. . ... .... .. .. . . “ 20 Fast Livrrpool, 01110 July (:euerd, 01110 ___._.__..__.1‘
Nwtcou~ery, Ala. . ... .. (‘hi les1ov 11. s. c. . . . . . . “ 21 LlhbOll, OIUO . . ... .... ... “ 3, 4 03 e’;wl. 01~0 ___._..._.1‘
Anhum. Ala ._..._._..._. _ 1; Su\auu:111, Cu. __......._“ 22, 23 Yolma.~ton 11, Oh10 ..__.. “ 5, ti 1,01~?111,01110. ... .. .. . . ... . “
(‘:IUI[I 11111,Ala. ... .. .... . Jlidville, G:l. _._.__._______ ” 24. 2.Z Soles, Ohio . _.. .._._...._._
“ .\klOll, Ohlo . ... . . ”
l*‘r\e I’omts. Aln. ____.__. “ ll\ altILl, ca. .. ... .... ... ... (’ 23 \Yarren, 01~0 .._,......____6‘ lopi”1 .41h:mce, Oh3 _.._July 31,
Atl:tntit, Ga. _ .__._____.____ “ Tilylors Creek. Ca. . .. “ t’s
Atllcwr, UH. . . ... .... ..... . :: I3runs\vlrk. cu. . ... .... . 6’ L’!)
Grc~luunville, CR. . .... . J:wk\on\ ~lle, I%. _ “ 30,31
R. II. BARBER Emtlenton. 1% ._._..__ July 5, ; Ponce de Lena, FIR. Jy)y 18
Iliwlwuton. S. Y. .__.July \Vilhcc-I:,trre. 1%. .__.I~13 ?O, St. I’eterslwig, Flu. . .. ‘1 , I,e E’ulll:llc stl’ss, k-la. 20
out Ibllt:L. s. Y. . ... .. .. .. . “ \\‘illmmhl~ort, Pa. ._. . “ Tanlll:l. Ial. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . “ I’eusncoln, I,‘ln. ._._._.___“ 21
Itlllall:lllltnll, :4. Y. . . . . “ I’:lmlril,s 1. .......... . ” I.:lkelnntl. Nn. ... .. . ... ... “ 07ii SIIwrlllll. Ala. ... .... ... .. “ 5;. zzj
(‘Ollh~ I’nlls. s. Y. _..... “ 1tllac:l. s. Y. .... ... ... “ (:alnes\ ille. Na. ._____..“
Na. . . . .._..._.. 1’
’ 11 ~Iobtlc. Ma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:
Jay. Pk. . .. .. ..... .... ... .. “ ’ f,i -
(;rw t I:rnd, 1’~. .._.__.__.“ LUdlO\\ \ Ilk. s. Y. . . . . . “ \Vt~lllmrn,
SI~l’:llltlnl 131............... “ Cortlalicl. S. Y. . .. . . . . . . “ TnlMuwee. Fla. .___..__ “ 1’9 Floul::ton, Ala. ... .. .. .. .
1’11 tston. PH. .__.........._ “ Yyr::wse. S. Y. .._.. ..Aug, I Iat una, Nn. .__.._.__._. “ Andnlw~n, Ala. ___.__ . “ 20, :;:
.\lllrlanna. E’la. . . . . . . . . . . . . “ :: O]q,, Ala. ________.___
July 31. Aug. ;
.\luacom, I‘la. .. .... .._... .. u 17 Renew, Ala. ... .... .. .. .Aug.
Xfrtrla. Tex. ._____.___.__ July Color‘ldo. ‘l-e+. . . .... .. ..July 21
)“Wl Ih\ IS, Tex. . ... .. ;; Snyder Teu ._ .__.._ . .. “ 22
\\ it11., Tex. . ... .... ... .. ... . A.,&ont, ‘Tcu. . ..... . 1; “.I S. H. TOUTJIAN
~llcll;rml. Tex. . ...._....._“ Iklcllester. l-es. . . . . . . . . 24
ltil: Spring, Tes. .__.....__ 1: Lamesa. Te> _._.____.. “ 25. 34 TN in 12alk. Idaho __.July
‘4 3-5 Ololw. Ariz . ...._._...__._ July 20, 21
t~n~lcll, l-t:111 TlWml, .\rm .. .... .. .. . .. “ 22, “3
SIIII Angelo. Tes. . ... . . cw~~,;;i:;\1’*&yL . . . 1: q $:lIt I,ske c:lty.“vt;il-‘:: 11 9li”o Yun1;1. Ar1l. . . . .. . . . . . “ 5, “Ii
hlwlmn, Tex. ____...._..... “ lillml:ul, ‘IllZ. .. .... .... “ 1” 13 I’ortcwillt~, Cnllf. ._._._1‘ 2$, 2’3
It~Wrt Lee Tex. .. .._.._“ I es ell;ud . +e\- * ..:::.:: : “I‘ 5, I’rwrott. AI ix. . . ..... .. . .. “ 13: 15 TuI:lw, C’.llif. . ... _....... ” 30 21
B~trtwate~. Tea. _._.._._ “ I’olenlo
A 1 ? ;Ie.s. .’ . .. . .. .. . 31 I’hoems, Arm ‘I
. .. .. .. .. . .. 17-19 I~b2rno, Wlf. . ... .. . ...Aug. i,2
f.ov:~Il Rv 5111)
s0~~ttLG, Iir. ;: A. S. WRIGHT
,\Icltolwrt~. Ii-y. ..
............................. Cutlirie, Okln. . ....___._July 3-5 Tulsn, Okln. . . .... .. .... . July 18-5;
L)unII:luI, Iiy. ........... t, 1’~ Hans. Okln. . . .... ... .. . ” Soaatn, Okh. . . ... .... ... I‘
Itl~ll:lrtlsorr. 1;s. ....... ;: Stlll\\atrr, Oltln. ._. ___‘( o’i! Pew*. Okln. _.... . . __I’ 24 “5
hrilrlb~, K.V. .............. I)rurnripht. Okln. ........ ‘* 11: 12 >lu>hogre, Okl:~. _ _. ._ “ ~f.~!~
t’ranry, Iiy. ............... ” I’:Iu UPC’.Okln . .____._ “ StllI\\ell, 01;1:1. . . .I’ 30
. . . . . . . . . _..__.___ <‘nrter, Iiy. :: I’owu City. Okla. .__._.*‘ 15, :i Hearener. 0kI:t July 31, Aug. 1
Abhlund, Ky................................. Sbidler, Okla. . .. ... ...._. ‘I 17 Summerlield, Oklu. Aug. 3
WATCH TOWER BIBLE 0 TRACT SOCIETY HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling
117 Adams Street - Brooklyn,
N.Y., U. S. A. T the people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as
expressed in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction
specifically designed to aid Jehovah’s witnesses and all people
J. F. RIJTJ~ERFORD President W. E. VAN AMBURQH Seoretary of good will. It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers
“And alI thy children shsll be taught of Jehovah; and and the Society supplies other literature to aid in such studies.
It publishes suitable material for radio broadcasting and for
great shall be the peace of thy cbiIdren.” - l~aiah 5&V. other means of public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utter-
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH ances. It is entirely free and separate from all parties, sects
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, is from everlasting or other worldly organisations. It is wholly and without
to everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver reservation for the kingdom of Jehovah Qod under Christ
of life to his creatures; that the Lo os was the beginning of his beloved King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful
his creation, and his active agent in t%e creation of all things; and critical examination of its contents in the light of the
that the Logos is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed Scriptures. It does not indulge in controversy, and its col-
with all power in heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive umne are not open to personalities.
OWcer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION PRICE
man for the earth and placed him upon it; that man willfully UNITSD STATCC $100 * C&NADA AND MISCELLANEOUS FOIUSION,
disobeyed God’s law and was: sentenced to death; that by 160; GCCAT ~~~CITIIN: AUBTCALASI AND SOUTH AFRICA, 78.
reason of Adam’s wrong act all men ‘are born sinners and t* merican
remittrncer shouid br made ‘a y Portal or Rxprese Money
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fered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive Postal Money Order only.
price for all mankind; that God raised up Jesus divine and FOREIGN OFFICES
exalted him to heaven above every creature and above every
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Canadf6le . . . . . . 40 Irwin Avenue, Toronto 5, Ontario, Canada
THAT JEHOVAH’S ORGANIZATIQN is called Zion, and Aurtsvla6l618 . . 7 Beresford Road, Stmthtleld, N. S. W., Australia
that Christ Jesus is the Chief CM&er thereof and is the gouth Afr(can , . . . . . Boston House, Cape Town, South Africa
,rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful Please addrese the SoCf4ty In every case.
*followers of Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of
Jehovah’8 organization, and are hia witnemea whose duty and
privilege it ia to testify to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare (Tranrlatione of this journal appear In 84U4ral kW7W748.)
his purposes toward mankind as e ressed in the Bible, and
to bear the fruits of the kingdom “g efore all who will hear.
THAT THE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ All elncera ntudentr of the Blble who by reason of intlrmity,
pd Fuze laced by Jehovah upon his. throne of authority, poverty or adversity are unable to pay the subscription price
a Satan from heaven and IO proceodmg to the may have The Watchtowe? frw upon written appllcatlon to the
publishers, mnde once each year, stating the reason for so re-
establishment of God’s kingdom on earth. queetlng It. We are glad to thus aid the needy, but the written
application once each year is required by the postal regulatlous.
THAT THE RELIEF and blessinga of the peoples of earth
can come only by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under Notics to Bvbewtbere: Acknowledgment of a new or a renewnl sub-
scription will be sent only when requested. Change of. address,
Christ, which has now begun; that the Lord’s next great when requested, may be expeeted to appear on address label mlthin
act is the destruction of Satan’s organization and the estab- one month. A renewal blank (carrying notice of explrntlon) ~111
lishment of righteousness in the earth, and that under the be sent with the journal one month before the subscription expires.
kingdom all those who will obey its righteous laws shall live Entered ae recond-olasr tnattw at ths post o&26 at Brooklyn, N. Y.,
on earth forever. under th6 Act oj March 3, lKl9.


The next teetimony period, named “Mount Perazim”, will The Lord’s storehouse is large and bursting with abund:uuae.
occupy the dates August 7 to 15 inclusive. This falls due right Appropriately a large and most attractive oder will feature
in the midst of the special summer campaign; hence there will the summer activities and efforts of Jehovnh’s publishers. Such
be no chnnge in the special offers of literature to be exhibited will consist of six bound books, on a contribution of $1.00, or,
during this testimony period, only that the kingdom publishers better still, six bound books together with seven booklets, on a
will arrange their affairs to devote as much time as possible $1.25 contribution. The Znformant will go mto more detail re-
during said period to place these special offers with the people. garding this campaign and the Society’s provision therefor.
See the announcement elsewhere under ‘ ‘ Summer Campaign ’ ‘, Let the publishers order now the extra literature needed m ad-
and also consult forthcoming issues of the Informant for dition to what stocks the now have on hand for this campai&n,
fuller information. which begins July 1 an B continues to September 12 inclusrve.

The Society now manufactures and has to offer a light-weight
phonograph, which is 14 by 13 by 5 inches in size, and covered Th6 Watchtower joyfully announces the following convcn-
with brown cloth and having rounded corners. It weighs 9 pounds tions for Jehovah ‘I witnesses and companions: Paris! Francae,
August 21-23 inclusive, which will serve for Great Britain snd
13 ounces. With the three phonograph discs which can be carried Continental Europe; Columbus, Ohio, September 15 20 in-
in it, it weighs 12 pounds 6 ounces. The. volume of sound is clusive, which will serve the United States, Canada, and others.
strong, and the tone is of the beet quality. As shipped out from who may be able to attend.
our factory, the phonograph is timed properly, at 78 r.p.m., The president of the Society expects to be present at both
and should be checked from time to time. This model, including conventions. Make our arrangements for vacations durin8
three discs, is offered on a contribution of $10.00; without the those periods. Let a9 of his people ask Jehovah to make these
three discs, $8.00. Remittance should accompany orders. Also conventions a great witness to the honor of His name.
rpecify the particular discs wanted. More information in later issues of The Watchtower.
VOL. LVIII JULY 1, 1937 No. 13

“The way of the wicked is an abomination unto the Lord.“-Prov. 15: 9.

EHOVAH is always consistent, just and right. in heaven, such as an image of the Lord himself, and
God’s law is a safeguard to man; but, consistent bowing down or worshiping before that image, is a
with his law and with his purpose to permit man violation of God’s fundamental law. To safeguard
to be put to a test and to maintain his integrity, God them from the Devil men are commanded to wor-
must permit man the freedom of exercising his choice ship the Tlord God and refrain from worshiping before
either to fully trust and obey God or to take a contrary images. The use of any kind of image in connection
course and follow the Devil. This is particularly em- with worshiping the Lord is a sin. God gave his law
phasized in what took place at Mount Sinai at the to the people, therefore, to safeguard them from the
time of the inauguration of the law covenant. The influence and power of the Devil, who, operating
people of Israel stood there waiting for Moses to re- chiefly through religion, endeavors to turn all people
turn from the mountain with a message from God. away from Almighty God. It is written in the Scrip-
They should have fully appreciated the fact that they tures that Jehovah God gave his word of promise to
had been greatly opprcsscd in Egypt, and that God Abraham that He would raise up a seed and in that
had delivered them from their oppressors and that he seed the opportunity for blessing should come to all
therefore was their true Friend and Helper. While the peoples of the earth. Abraham picturccl God him-
they waited for i\Ioscs to return from the mountain self, and his son or natural seed, Isaac, pictured Christ
with instructions from the Almighty God they should Jesus, the beloved Son of God. God’s law looked for-
have remained quiet and trusted wholly in the Lord. ward to the coming of that promised seed, Christ
But the Devil saw to it that they had a temptation Jesus, the Redeemer of mankind, and he gave the law
placed before them, and he used religion to cause the because of sin, to safeguard his cl~oscn people, the
Israelites to show their lack of faith in God. Con- Israelites, that they might be in a proper condition to
sistent with his purpose and course, Jehovah per- receive his promised seed Jesus when he did come,
mitted them to be subjected to that test by the Devil. 3 The situation was this: Adam had sinned, and by
The Israelites fell under the temptation put upon inheritance all mankind came under the effect of that
them by the Devil, but God heard the cry of his faith- sin and condemnation, and in due time all men must
ful ones and extended his mercy toward Israel, and perish by reason thereof, unless saved by and through
gave them further opportunity to prove their integrity God’s provision for them : “Wherefore, as by one man
toward him. sin entered into the world, and death’by sin ; and so
* Within a short time after the giving of the law to death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
Israel, and while Moses was in the mountain, the Therefore, as by the offcnce of one judgment came
Israelites in violation of God’s law made a golden calf upon all men to condemnation ; even so by the right-
as an image for worship, and in punishment for their eous~icss of one the free gift came upon all men unto
sin God caused 3,000 of the Israelites to be killed in justification of life.” (Rom. 5: 12,lS) “For the wages
one day. ‘And God plagued the people, bccausc they of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life,
made the golden calf.’ (Rx. 32 : 28-35) The worshiping through Jesus Christ our Lord.“-Ram. 6 : 23.
of the Israelites before the golden calf was the practice 4 Jehovah God is the Giver of life, and his provision
of religion, and they were therefore yielding to the is to give life through his beloved Son, Christ Jesus.
influence of the Devil. For God to permit the people, God’s gift of lift is to those who have and exercise
whom he had set aside for himself, to indulge in re- faith in God and in Christ Jesus, the promised Seed,
ligion, which is of, the Devil, would, to be sure, mean and who therefore faithfully resist the Devil. God had
that he would permit them to align thcmsclvcs with his selected the Israelites from amongst all the peoples
enemy the Devil. The making of an image of anything of earth and would now give them an opportunity to

maintain their integrity toward him by showing their their journey? The answer clearly shown by all their
faith in him and obcdicncc to his law, and in order toespericnccs, and by what is recorded in the Scriptures,
safeguard them he put his law about them as a hedge is this : Religion and formalism, invented by the Devil,
or t’cncc to keep them from serving the Devil. With and which the people were induced to practice to turn
the coming of Christ Jesus those who had then main- them away from the Almighty God. Religion has ever
tainrd their integrity toward God by obeying his law been the Devil’s chief instrument by which he has
beguiled the people and blinded them to the truth.
to the best of their ability, and who had and cxcrciscd
Religion was the besetting sin of Israel, which sin has
faith in Christ Jesus, would be in line to be saved and
been the besetting sin of those who have professed to
receive the gift of life. Therefore it is written that the
transgression of God’s law is sin. “Whosoever commit- follow in the footsteps of Christ Jesus. Long years
after that journey in the wilderness began the apostle
teth sin transgrcsseth also the law: for sin is the trans-
Paul, of the Hcbrcw stock, wrote the epistle to the
gression of the law.” (1 John 3 : 4) It is further writ-
ten : “It [that is, the law] was added becauseof trans-Hebrews, and therein he lists a nutnber of faithful
gressions, till the seed [Christ] should come to whom men, from Abel to John the Baptist, who had main-
the promise was made; . . . Wherefore the law was tained their integrity toward God, and wherein be
our schoolmaster to bring us [God’s chosen people] shows that it was their shunning religion and their un-
unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.” swerving devotion and faithfulness to the command-
ments of Almighty God that had gained for them
(Gal. 3 : 19,24) Thus it clearly appears from the tesli-
mony that God commanded the Israelites to serve him God’s approval. Then it is written as an admonition
to all those who have agreed to do the will of God
as the only God and that it was solely for their benefit,
that they might be safeguarded from the assaults of and to follow in Jesus’ footsteps that they should have
the enemy, Satan the Devil. in mind these faithful witnesses who went before and
6 The Israelites were about to begin a forty years’should follow a similar course. “Wherefore seeing
journey through the wilderness land. They would come we also arc compassed about with so great a cloud
in contact with other nations and peoples, that pmc- of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the
ticed the Devil religion. They must be safeguarded sin witiclh dot11 so easily Beset US,and let us run with
from that Devil religion and must remain faithful and patience the race that is set before us.“-Hcb. 12: 1.
true to the Almighty God and thereby maintain their TMan’s besetting sin, from the time of Eden till
integrity toward him. All who thus did would be pcr- now, has been and is religion. It has been the means
mittcd to enter the land of promise, and the violatorsby which Satan has deceived man, and he has kept it
of that law would die and not be permitted in the around man and turned him away from God. It was
land of promise. The Israelites, under the Lord’s di- the instrument that the Devil used to cause the Israel-
rection, would thereafter be making living pictures ites to fall away from God. It is so easy to fall under
of God’s purpose toward all who would faithfully the seductive influence of religion and thcrcby to
serve him, and hence the experiences through which violate God’s law, and the Devil has seen to it that
Israel passed foreshadowed greater things to come at religion has ever been kept before man to cause him
the end of the world. Moses then led the Israelites onto fall. The making of images, of beads, crosses, and
that long journey, during which time he wrote the fiveother things of that kind, and using them in what
books of the Bible, which God dictated to him, that is suptioscd to be worship of God, is a direct violation
is, the books from Genesis to Deuteronomy inclusive; of God’s law and shows that those who thus practice
and thereafter other servants of God wrote down the are unwittingly falling to the Devil. The saluting of
flags or men or other like objects, or bowing down to
things that came to pass upon the Israelites and vvhich
God caused them to write, not merely as historical them, is attributing protection and salvation to crca-
tures or things, and that is a religious formalism and
facts, but to foreshadow or foretell far greater thiul:s
in open violation of God’s law. No creature can divide
to come to pass thereafter.-1 Cor. 10 : 11; Deb. 10 : 1.
his affections or devotion between God and anythin:r.
“BESETTING SIN" Jehovah God is his only protector and is the Lifc-
6 Behold now an army of more than 600,000 men, giver, and He is therefore a “jealous God”, or zealous
from twenty years of age upward, besides women am1 for righteousness, and vii11 not permit his nilme or his
children, marching through the desert on their way to \Vord to bc sullied by any part of the Devil’s opera-
the land of promise, taking with them their food atld tions or schemes, and therefore IIc will not give life
their animals, a lxoplc (and their beasts of burdo~i) to those who indulge in things invcntcd and used by
which God bad separated from other pcoplcs of earth. the Devil to defame ~Jcl~oval~‘sname. The law of God
They were marching in obcdicncc to God’s command- which provides that men shall have no otlrer god bc-
ment. Dow many of those men would maintain tbcir fore Slim and shall make no imaKe of anytliinl: in hcav-
integrity toward God and reach the land of l)romi~cP en or in earth and bow down to it, is solely for the
What was the great sin that beset them so easily, and purpose of safeguarding man from the Devil ‘s wickcd-
that was about them from the very time they bcg:ln ncss, “the sin which dot11so easily beset” all crcnturcs.

*Referring again to the apostle’s words, “Let us 11Time and again the Israelites violated God’s law
lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so casi- by turning to Devil religion, and the result was that
ly beset us, ” which words are addressed to God’s cove- only a very few of those who left Egypt lived to see
nant people, it is clearly to be seen that no person the land of promise. When Moses was delivering to the
can faithfully and truly serve God and permit any- Israclitcs his last exhortation, hc said to them, as com-
thing to divide his aficetions batwccn God and any manded by the Lord God: “ (For ye know how we
creature of creation; that he cannot practice religion hare dwelt in the land of Egypt; and how we came
and at the same time serve God faithfully; that he through the nations which ye passed by; and ye have
must lay aside these weights, and do as the apostle seen their abominations, and their idols, wood and
Paul did and said: “This one thing I do” (Phil. stone, silver and gold, which were among them:) lest
3: 13), and that is, to follow in the footsteps of Jesus thcrc should be among you man, or woman, or family,
and obey God’s commandments. Religion is clearly in or tribe, whose heart turn&h away this day from the
opposition to the commandments of Almighty God. Lord our God, to go and serve the gods of these na-
*God’s law is plain, and stubbornness on the part tions; lest there should be among you a root that
of anyone in obeying that law is idolatry. (1 Sam. bearcth gall and wormwood; and it come to pass,
15: 23) Every religious practice under the sun means when he hcarcth the words of this curse, that he bless
that the practitioners are indulging in idolatry. The himself in his heart, saying, I shall have peace, though
use of imazes in worshipin: is idolatry, and all idola- I walk in the imagination of mine heart, to add drunk-
try is abominable in the sight of God. As God pcr- ennessto thirst: the Lord will not spare him, hut then
mitted Job to be subjected to great trials, so he per- the anger of the Lord and his jealousy shall smoke
mitted the Devil to tempt the Israelites, and to tempt against that man, and all the curses that arc written
his covenant people since, that they might prove their in this book shall lie upon him, and the Lord shall blot
choice between God and the Devil. Knowing that the out his name from under heaven. Evm all nations shall
Israelites would come in contact with those who prac- say, Wherefore hath the Lord done thus unto this
ticed the Devil religion, God therefore gave them this land? what mcaneth the heat of this great anger?
specific commandment : “Turn ye not unto idols, nor Then men shall say, Because they have forsaken the
make to yourselves molten gods: I am the Lord your covenant of the Lord God of their fathers, which he
God.” (Lev. 19 : 4) “Ye s!:all make you no idols nor made with them when he brought them forth out of
graven image, neither rc2r you up a standing image, the land of Egypt: for they went and served other
neither shall ye set up any imaze of stone in your land, gods, and worshipped them, gods whom they knew
to bow down unto it: for I am the Lord your God. not, and whom hc had not given unto them: and the
And I will destroy your hi$ places, and cut down anger of the Lord was kindled against this land, to
your images, and cast your carcases upon the car- bring upon it all the curses that are written in this
cases of your idols, and my soul shall abhor you.” book.“--Dcut. 29 : 16-20, 2-I-27.
(Lcv. 26: 1,30) “All the gods of the people are idols.” lz God, ha\ing accepted Satan’s challenge, was per-
(1 Chron. 16: 26) Religion, therefore, clearly appears mitting him to put men to the test and was snfcguard-
to be one of man’s great enemies, which the chief ing them by his law so that the covenant people of
enemy, the Devil, has invented to lead men into de- God had the privilcgc of exercising their will or choice
struction. to serve God and live, or serve the Devil and die. This
lo What followed after the givin:: of the law shows is God’s fixed and unchangcal~lc rule.
the great necessity for that law. The record of the I3 When the Ismelitcs, led by the faithful Joshua,
Israelites during their journey is replete with in- reached the land of prom&, they served God for a
stances of turning to idols or Devil religion. Coming time. They were God’s chosen people, and mere made
in contact with the Moabites they found that people the objects and were the objects of continual assaults
practicing a religion called “Baa1-pear”, and many of by the subtle cncmp. Yielding to those temptations, the
the Israelites indulged in that religion in violation of Iqraclitcs time and again fell away to the 1)cril rc-
God’s law and thus csposcd themselves to God’s wrath, li$on. During that period of titne there wcrc some
and many of them were destroyed: “And they [the men who led the Israelites faithfully to serve God,
lUoabites] called the people unto the saqificeq of thrir whi!c otllcrs took exactly the opposite course. It was
gods: and the people did cat, and bowed down to their during the rciqn of King Ahab and his wife Jczebcl
gods. And Isrxl joined himself unto Cnal-pcor: and that almost all the people were turned away to Devil
the anger of the Lord was kindled against Isrxl. And religion. God sent his faithful prophet Elijah to de-
the Lord said unto Moses, Take all the hr:lds of the liver his messageof warning and to tell Ahab that
people, and hang them up before the Lord against the his practice of religion was causing the Israclitcs all
sun, that the ficrcc anger of the Lord may be turllcd the trouble that they were espcricncing : “And it
away from Israel. And Moseq said unto the judges came to pass, whet1 Ahab saw Elijah, that Ahab said
of Israel, Slay ye cvcry one his men that wcrc joined unto him, Art thou he that troubleth Israel? And he
unto Baal-pcor. “-Num. 25 : 26. answer& I have not troubled Israel; but thou and

thy father’s house, in that ye have forsaken the com- ites were obligated, by God’s commandmcnt, to teach
mandments of the Lord, and thou hast followed the people concerning his law and the prophecies
Baalim [the Devil religion]. “-1 Ki. 18 : 17,X which referred to the coming of the great Messiah,
I4 God raised up Jchu, a faithful servant and who the promised Seed; therefore they should have known
slew Ahab and his household because of the idolatrous about the coming of Jesus, and the priests in particular
practice of religion in which they indulged. “So Jchu should have been ready to receive him. When Jesus
slew all that remained of the house of Ahab in Jczrccl, was born, not one of the priests or clcrgymcn or other
and all his great men, and his kinsfolks, and his practitioners of religion was permitted to be witness
priests, until he left him none remaining,” (2 Iii. to the fact, and manifestly that was becausethey were
10: 11) All the practitioners of Baalism, the Devil rc- practicing the Devil religion. God chose as his wit-
ligion, in Israel were slain by Jehu, and he brought ncsscsto the birth of Jesus the meek herders of sheep.
forth the images out of the house of Baa1 and burned God caused his angels from heaven to announce the
them, and “thus Jchu destroyed Baa1 [worship] out birth of Jesus and to speak to the shepherds these
of Israel”. (2 Ki. 10 : 25-28) These instances here are words : “And, lo, the augel of the Lord came upon
cited as further proof that religion is directly in op- them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about
position to God’s commandments, is devilish, and is them: aud they were sore afraid. And the angel said
therefore one of man’s great enemies, and an abom- unto them, Fear uot : for, behold, I bring you good
ination. tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For
BACKSLIDERS unto you is born this day, in the city of David, a
I3 Time and again the Israelites acknowledged their Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be
wrong and asked for forgiveness, and the Lord for- a sign unto you: Ye shall find the babe wrapped in
gave them. Straightway they would go again and in- swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly
dulge in the Devil religion and fall under that wicked there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly
influence. The Lord therefore called them “back- host, praising Gocl, aud saying, Glory to God in the
sliding Israel”. (Jer. 3 : 6-14) God had put his name highest, and [Roth.] on earth peace, among men of
on the Israelites as his own people and was giving good-will.” (Luke 2: 9-14) By that time almost ali
them every opportunity to prove their integrity be- the people of Israel had turned to religion; but there
fore him, that they might have part in proving Satan mere a few who were faithful to God’s commandments,
a liar and that they might remain faithful to God aud
have his favor; and for his name’s sake, therefore, DEVIL AND HIS AGENTS
he was safeguarding Israel, forgiving them and re- I’ Had the priests, Pharisees and scribes, otherwise
storing them from time to time, giving them further known as the clergymen of Israel, been faithfully de-
opportunity to prove their integrity; therefore it is voted to doing the will of God and obeying his com-
written concerning Israel : “Notwithstanding the mandments, they would have known that Jesus would
children rebelled against me: they walked not in my begin his,ministry when thirty years of age and they
statutes, neither kept my judgments to do them, which would have iustructcd the people to be ready to re-
if a man do, he shall even live in them ; they polluted ceive him and to obey his commandments. When Jesus
my sabbaths: then I said, I would pour out my fury reached the age of thirty years and began his ministry,
upon them, to accomplish my anger against them in not a single one of the clergy class received him rnd
the wilderness. Nevertheless I withdrew mine hand, hailed him as the Son of God. The reason why they
and wrought for my name’s sake, that it should not did not was, because they mere religionists and were
be polluted in the sight of the heathen, in whose sight looking for favor to themselves from amongst men
I brought them forth.” (Ezekiel 20 : 21, 22) The ua- (John 5: 44), and they were the instruments of the
tion as a whole was unfaithful to God, but thcrc were Devil practicing his religion. Those Jewish clergymen
always a few Israelites that remained faithful and true or rcligionists were full of guile and fraud ancl dc-
to Jehovah, maintaining their integrity toward him. ccit. A few honest and faithful Israelites were looking
lo Then God sent his faithful men, his prophets, ~110 for Christ the Messiah, and it was from among such
repeatedly prophesied before the Israelites concerniW that Jesus chose his disciples, concerning one of whom
the coming of the Xcssiah, God’s auointcd OIW, that Jesus said : “Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom iq
is, Christ, the Seed of promise according to the pr’~m- no guile!” (John 1 : ST) This was conclurive proof
ise which God had made to Abraham. (Gcn. ‘12: 17,lS) that all the religious leaders, the clergymen, wcrc full
He warned the Israelites through his prophets that of guile and deceit.
if they continued their unfaithfulness to him in 11~ I8 Jesus was baptized in the Jordan river and was
practice of Devil religion he would destroy them, and anointed of Jchorah, and John, standing by, be-
in harmony with his warning he did destroy them bc- held the manifestation of God’s power upon Jesus and
cause of their unfaithfulness. Esactly at clod’s fis~l his approval of him. “And, lo, a voice from hcavcq
time he sent Jesus, his beloved Son, whom hc sclll to Silgi~l~, This is my beloved son, in whom I am ~11
deliver his messagcof truth. The priests of the I~acl- pleased.” (Rlatt. 3: 17) No Pharisee or other clcrgy-
JULY 1, 1937

man was there to witness that great event. No doubt in the streets that they might bc scctt of men. Compare
the Devil looked on from some point, but, of course, the conduct of those Jewish clergymen with the clcrgy-
Was invkible to men. Immcdiutely after his anoiiitiiig mw and rcli$ous leaders of this prcscnt day. Often
of the holy spirit Jesus was assaulted by the Devil, you have obscrvcd a priest or other clergyman or re-
why made a subtle and vicious attack to bring about ligious prartitioncr going about the streets with a
tl: destruction of Jesus. The Devil demanded that prayer hook in his hand, pretending to read it, or
Jcs~s perform a miracle by making breed from stone, sittmg in the parks doing the same thing. Daily those
to which Jesus replied that man’s csistcncc does not clcrgynicti N7~llli through the streets wearing peculiar
dcpcnd upon material bread alone but does depend up- D ~~arnicnfsthat they may attract the attention of men.
on his obedience to God’s Word. The Devil then dared They stand in the church buildings, as the Jewish
Jesus to show his superiority by jumping from a high clergymen stood in their sytmgogucs, and strike a sanc-
pinnacle into the valley, to which Jesus replied : “It timonious attitude, and utter scnscless speech in a
is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy language that few, if any, of those prcscnt can undcr-
Cod.” The Devil, being the invisible ruler of the world, stand; and that they do that they may attract atteu-
mockingly and sarcastically offered to turn the world tion of men to thcmsclvcs. Thus Jesus shows that tho
over to Jesus if Jesus would bow down and worship practitioners of religion among the Jews find their
the Devil, to which Jesus replied: “Get thee behind counterpart in the practitioners of religion now on
me, Satan ; for it is writtcu, Thou shalt worship the cart11 in “ Christendom ’ ‘.
Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve,” (Matt. 21The man Jesus was the great and true witness of
4: l-10; Luke 4: 1-13) This is further and conclusive Jchorah God, whom Clod sent to the earth to tell his
proof that the Devil is the enemy of God, that he is messageof truth for his name’s sake. If the priests
a fraud, a dccciver and a liar, that he is the inventor and clergymen of that day had been honest and on
of religion, and that those who worship any creature the side of Almighty God they would have gladly
or thing, and fail to worship the Lord God, are the heard the words of Jesus and followed his instructions,
enemy of God, and the agent or ally of the Devil, but instead they refused to believe him and opposed
whether they know it, or not. There was not one clcrgy- him in cvcry possible manner, aud this they did bc-
man of the Jews that accepted Jesus and stood by him; cause they wcrc the agents of the Devil and thcrc-
which shows that all such were ogcuts of the Devil. fore the enemies of God. It is written concerning the
lo Thereafter Jesus began his work of preaching to siuccre Jews of the commou people, who listcncd to
the people, and introduced his dixourse with these the preaching of Jesus, that “ the common people
words : “The kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Did heard him gladly”, (BIark 12: 37) Did the clergymen
any of the clcrgymcii accept that as true? Not one. believe the words of Jesus? They did not, but, on the
The priests, Pharisees and other religious 1e:ldcrs were contrary, they did everything they could to induce
hypocrites and loved the plaudits and approval of the people not to bclicvc. When a siuccrc man reported
men, and sought the worship of the people, cvcu as to those clergymen the wonderful words that Jesus
their father the Devil had done. A great, multitude of had uttered and things 1~ had done, they replied:
the people went with Jesus into the mountaiu, whcrc “Arc ye also dcxircd! Have aiiy of the rulers or of
he dclivercd to them that famous “Sermon on the the Pharisees belicvcd on him.2” (John 7: 47, 4s)
nIoullt “. From the record it, does not appear that a Instead of supporting Jesus the clergy of his time’
siliglc clergyman was there to hear that great sermon. wed every possible means in opposition to him to pre-
The common people listened with cagerncss to learn, vent the pcoplc from hearing his words of wisdom and
and amongst other things Jesus said to them: “And life. ISsactly the same condition exists today with the
when thou pray&, thou shalt not bc as the hypocrites religious lcadcrs of “Cllrist~ndom”.
are; for they love to pray standing iii the synaxogucs
and in the corners of the streets, that they may bc OPPOS%I:S OF TRUTH
seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their 22Whft advantage is there in now conridering the
reward. But fhou, when thou praycst, enter into thy clergy who wcrc on the earth when Jesus was here,
closet, and when thou hast shut.thy door, pray to thy and why should this bc done at all? Tkc purpose is
Father which is in secret; and thy Father, which to show that those men wcrc practitioners of religion,
secth in sccrct, shall reward tlice openly. Dut when clniininfi to rcprcsctit God, hut in fact wcrc on the side
ye pray, u2e not vain rel)ctitions, as the heathen do; of the Devil and wcrc the cnemics of God; and that
for they think that they shall be heard for their much in the prcscnt time those who oppose Christ Jesus and
speaking. ” (Riatt. 6: 5-S) Then Jesus gave to the his kingdom arc the encmics of God and of man; that
people a model prayer, which is gcncrally known as rcligionists are always oppoticiits of the truth ; which
“the Lord’s prayer”.-Mntt. 6 : 9-13. shows that rcligiotl proceeds from the Devil and is
POIn the foregoing test it was the priests or clergy- cmploycd to deceive the people; and what was true
men who practiced religion to whom Jesus referred when cJcs~~s was on earth is still true, to wit, that rc-
as hypocrites making a great show of their pious faces ligion is against God and his kingdom. By his proph-

ets of old God had foretold that the religious leaders of God by your tradition? . . . Thus have ye made
of Israel would turn the people away from God, and the commandment of God of uoue effect by your tra-
now Jesus, the greatest of all prophets, told those re- dition. Ye hypocrites! well did Esaias prophesy of
ligious teachers to their face that they were hypocrites YOU, saying, This people draweth nigh unto me with
and the Devil’s representatives. What Jesus said to their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips: but
those men applies with even stronger force to those their heart is far from me. But in vain they do wor-
of the present time who practice religion for gain ship mc, teaching for doctrines the commandments
and who oppose those who proclaim God’s Word of of men.“-iMatt. 15: l-9.
truth concerning Christ and his kingdom. 23Those clergymen and preachers were practitioners
p* The religious leaders among the Jews claimed to of “the Jews’ religion” and were the instruments of
be the seed of Abraham according to the promise and the Devil. Saul afterwards testified to the same effect,
that they were the sous of God. Jesus had told them as will appear at Gaiatians 1: 13, 14. The Devil got
that God had sent him to the earth to bear witness those Jewish clergymen 011 his side becausethey were
to the truth, and that the message he was delivering proud and sought the favor of men and taught 111~
was not his owu, but that he was speaking the words doctrines which men had inocnted and taught and they
which God had commanded him to speak ; and in the ignored and disregarded the commandment of God.
face of these statements the clergy or religionists From the day of Nimrod onward the Devil has em-
tried to kill Jesus, and Jesus reminded them of this ployed religion to turn men away from God in further-
fact. Mark here the words of Jesus, addressed to those ance of the Devil’s wicked challenge to Jehovah. The
opposing religionists : “I know that ye are Abraham’s Devil works up011 the vanity of men and induces them
seed; but ye seek to kill me, bccausc my word bath no to adopt and practice formalism by which it is claimed
place in you. I speak that which I have seen with my that they worship God, but which in truth and in
Father: and ye do that which ye have seen with your fact is an abomination in the sight of God.
father. They answered and said unto him, Abraham 2GGod through his holv prophets, had announced
is our father. Jesus said unto them, If ye were Abra- his puriose to set up a iringdom which should rule
ham’s children, ye would do the works of Abraham. the world in righteousness to the honor of God’s name
But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you and for the good of all righteous creatures. He forc-
the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not told that he would send his beloved Son, the Messiah,
Abraham. Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said to rule and bless the people. Then came Jesus in due
they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have time, declaring to the people that he had come as the
one Father, even God. Jesus said unto them, If God representative of Jcbovab God and for the gathering
were your Father, ye would love me; for I proceeded of men unto himself who would faithfully serve Jcho-
forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, vah God and be witnesses to His name. Were there
but he sent me. Why do ye not understand my speechf any religionists amongst those Jews who joined with
even becauseye cannot hear my word. Ye are of your Jesus in proclaiming the kingdom and inviting the
father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will people to put tl~cn~sclvesunder Jehovah’s King ? i\‘ot
do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode one; but, 011 the contrary, they tried to keep the pco-
not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. pie out of the kingdom ; concerning which J&s said :
When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own : for “But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!
he is a liar, and the father of it. And because I icll for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven qainst mrm :
you the truth, ye believe me not. Which of you con- for ye neither go in yourselves, neither su<Leryc them
vinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye that are entering to go in.” (RIatt. 23: 13) At this
not believe me? I-It that is of God heareth God’s words : present time who among the religious leaders are tcll-
ye therefore hear them not, because yc arc not of ing the people of God’s kingdom under Christ as the
God.“--John 8 : 37-47. only hope for the world? Not a single one. On the con-
O4And did they show themselves to be sons of the trary, they tell the people to give no heed to those
Devil, as Jesus bad told them? The facts conclnsivcl~ pcr~ous who come to them preaching the messageof
show that they did. They practiced rcli$on, basc~d (-;od’s kingdom. They cite human inventions and tru-
upon the traditions of men, ignored the ~or~~m;~tld- mm agencies as the means of relief and salvation for
ments of God, and thus made the \\‘ord of God of the pcoplc.
none effect, and therefore they were the cncmies of ” The religious Pl1ari\ccs, who opposed Jesus, \v(‘I e
God and enemies of the people. Mark here the words xrcnt sticklers for formalism, that they might appc’ar
of Jesus, which conclusively show tbc diffcrcncc bc- in the eyes of men as bein,0 very clean and righteous
tween religion and obeying the comn~ar~dn~cntsof nnd wonderful men. They were following the tratli-
God: “Then came to Jesus scribes and Pbarisccs, . . . tions of their fathers who had murdered the falttlful
saying, Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition prophets of God, and SO 110~ they WOUIC~ seek to kill
of the elders9 . . , But he answered and said unto Jesus, the greatest of all prophets. Therefore JCMS
them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment said to them: “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees,
JULY 3, 1937

hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited scpulchrcs, we? for this man doeth many miracles. If we let him
which indeed appear beautiful outward, but arc with- thus alone, all men will bclievc on him: and the Ro-
in full of dead men’s bones, and of all unclcnnncss. mans shall come and take away both our place [our
Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, jobs] and nation.“-John 11: 47,48.
but within ye arc full of hypocrisy and iniquity. Woe soThe high priest then expressed himself in these
unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because words : “Ye know nothing at all, . , . it is expedient
ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the for us, that one man should die . . . he prophesied
&cpulchres of the righteous, and say, If we had been that Jesus should die . . . Then from that day forth
in the days of our fathers, we would not have been they took counsel together for to put him to death.”
partakers with them in the blood of the prophets. (Joltn 11: 49-53) This was a conspiracy to commit
Wherefore yc be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are deliberate murder, and that conspiracy was carried
the children of them which killed the prophets. Fill into efcect by the commission of the overt act.
ye up then the measure of your fathers. Ye serpents, 31Tltc clergymen caused Jesus to be wrongfully
ye generation of vipers! how can ye escapethe damna- charged with the high crime of treason. It was not the
tion of hell 1” (Matt. 23 : 27-33) Here is the clear dec- common people or the political element that demanded
laration of Jesus that religionists are the agents of his death, but it was the religionists, who cried out:
the Devil, whether they are aware of that fact or not. “ Crucify him, ” and, “His blood be on us.” (RIatt.
27: 12-26) When Christ Jesus was nailed to the tree
MURDERERS and was pouring out his lifeblood, the clergy mocked
**All liars and murderers are religionists. Whcn- him : “Likewise also the chief priests mocking him,
ever a murderer is about to be executed he has some with the scribes and elders, said, . . . He trusted in
religious practitioner to say some senselesswords over God ; let ltim deliver him now, if he will have him ; for
him, which is supposed to save him, but which does he said, I am the Son of God. ” (Matt. 27 : 41-43) The
no good. The Devil was the orginator of religion, and same spirit moves modern-day clergymen to speak
the Devil is the father of lies and a “murderer from against those who proclaim the messageof God’s king-
the beginning” and ever thereafter. (John 8: 44) dom. The clergymen or religionists did not see that
From Nimrod down to the present hour the breakers the body of Jesus had a decent burial, but it was a
of God’s everlasting covenant, who have opposed God rich lawyer of honorable estate who had not consented
and murdered human creatures, have been and are to the action of the priests that begged for the body of
religionists, practicing some form of religion. It was Jesus that hc might give it a decent burial. (RIatt.
religionists that murdered the holy prophets of God, 27 : 57) It was the chief priests and Pharisees, the
whom he had sent to declare his truth, and those re- religious leaders, that tried to prevent the resurrection
ligionists murdered them because they represented of Jesus, and that bribed soldiers with large sums of
God and follow-cd the truth. (Matt. 23: 30-32) When money to say falsely that his disciples had stolen the
Jesus, the great Prophet and Heir of the Almighty body while they slept. (1Iatt. 28: 11-13) Can any
God, came to earth the Devil put it into the minds of honest person for one moment doubt the guilt of thoqe
the religionists to kill him, and therefore they said religionists and that they, the leaders of religion,
concerning Jesus : “This is the heir : come, let us kill scribes and Pharisees, clergymen, acted as the agents
him, and let us seize on his inheritance.” (Matt. and representatives of the Devil? As progress is made
21: 38) It was not the common people, but the rcli- in this study keep in mind that it was the religion&s
gionists, that opposed Jesus and that sought his life- that murdcrcd Jesus, aud then compare therewith the
blood, and this they did because he told the truth. facts whiclt show that the murderers in modern times
2sThe man Jesus was the only righteous pcrfcct are leaders in religious practice.
man ever on the earth. He was holy, harmless, undc-
filed and without sin. (Heb. 7: 26; 1 Pet. 1: 19) IIc PURPOSE OF HIS COMING
went about doing good to the people and ncvcr did a 82Tltc man Jesus was the Son of God. Before he
wrongful or harmful thing to anyone. IIc was rrpcat- became a man hc was known as the Logos, the active
cdly charged with cyime, and on every occasion it was agent of Jehovah God in the creation of all things,
the religionists who falsely accused him. It was the rcli- (Co]. 1: 16) By the suprcmc power of Jehovah God,
gionists who entered into a conspiracy to have Jesus Jesus, the Logos, ‘was made flcslt [a human creature]
put to death, because they feared that the pcoplc who and dwelt among men.’ (John 1: 14) Jehovah God
followed him would all abandon the clergymen and sent him to earth as his special rcprcsentativc, and the
those religionists would bc left withodt any means of messagewhich he delivered was the messagefrom i he
support; and in proof of this it is written : “The Almighty God. (John 7 : 16) The Devil, the inventor
Pharisees therefore said among thcmsclrcs, I’crcc~vc of lies, the deceiver and murderer, for ccnturics had
ye how ye prevail nothing? behold, the world is gone slandcrcd Lhc name of Jehovah God, mocked him and
after him.” (John 12: 19) “Then gathered the chief d&cd him and chatlcngcd him to put on earth any
priests and the Pharisees a council, attd said, What do tnan who would remain true to God when the Devil

put him to the test. After giving the Devil four thou- (Iicb. 7 : 26) Jesus therefore is always designated in
sand years to carry on unhindered his wicked work the Scriptures as “the Son of man “, which is ‘I the Son
Jehovah God sent his beloved Son Jesus to earth to of Cod”. When the man Jesus reached the age of
prove the Devil a liar and to be the vindicator of thirty years he was qualified, under the terms of God’s
Jehovah’s name. In carrying out the will of God it law, to become a priest unto God. It was then that
was of first importance that Jesus proclaim the truth; Christ Jesus consecrated himself fully to do the will
therefore when asked concerning his mission on earth, of God, and his immersion in the waters of the Jordan
he replied : “I am a kink. To this end was I born, and river was an outward evidence to others that he had
for this cause came I into the world, that I should made the covenant to be obedient to the will of God.
bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the It was then that his words apply: “Then said I, Lo,
truth hcareth my voice.” (John 16: 37) It follons, I come: in the volume of the book it is written of mc,
therefore, that every person who refuses to hear the I delight to do thy will, 0 my God; yea, thy law is
messageof Jesus is not of the truth, but that hc is un- within my heart.” (Ps. 40: 7, 8; Rlatt. 3: 15-1’7) The
der the control of the arch liar and enemy, the Devil. one who would redeem mankind must offer himself
voluntarily as a sacrifice; and that being the will of
REDEXPTION God, Jesus voluntarily and gladly complied with God ‘s
8sThe primary reason and purpose of Je::u;’ com- will and thus offered himself by presenting himxlf
ing to earth was to bear witness to the truth of alld wholly unto the Lord God. The lifeblood of the pcriect
concerning Jehovah God and his kingdom and to man Jesus could and did furnish the ransom or rc-
vindicate Jehovah’s holy name. Incidental thereto, dcmptive price for sinful man. The life is in the blond.
and as a secondary reason, he came to redeem man (Lev. 17: 11,14) The voluntary sacrifice of the per-
from the condemnation resulting from Adam’s sin. fect human life of Jesus provided the redemptive
Because of the willful violation of God’s law Adam price, his lifeblood being poured out in sacrificial
was sentenced to death and after that all his children dc~th. ‘Without the shedding of blood there is no
were born. The condemned Adam was imperfect be- remission of sin.’ (Heb. 9: 22) The lifeblood of the
cause under sentence of death, and could not produce perfect man Jesus God could accept, and did accept,
a perfect child, and the result has ever bzcn that ail a? the ransom price and sin ofL”ering for sinful ma.
men ha\ e been born in sin and conceived in lawlc: s- (For detailed consideration of the redemption of mail
ness. “Behold. I was shapcu in iniquity, and in sin see book Zlcconcilictfion.)
did my mother conceive me.” (I%. 51: 5) “\Yhcrcfore, ‘j The perfect man, Christ Jesus, waq subjected to
as by one man sin entered into the world, and dcnth all manner of assaults and persecutions inflicted u;)ou
by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all him by the Devil and the Devil’s religious repreqzuta-
have sinned.” (Rom. 5: 12) Abel, Enoch, Noah, and tires on the earth, and through all of such assaults
Abraham were faithful to God, but, being born as and persecutions Jesus maintained his integrity to-
imperfect men and therefore without right to cvc’r- v;ard (:od, never for one moment deviating from I he
lasting life by reason of Adam’s sin, they could not path of loyalty and faithfulnc::s to God. Thereby Jcsuv
get everlasting life unless provisioii for the rcdcmp- prorcd Satan a liar, and this in vindication of Jei~o-
tion was first made. Man must be ransomed from death vah’s name and word. After he had given tcrtimouy
by the sacrifice of the pcrfcct human liTe, bccausc it concerning the name of Jehovah and the kingdom,
was the perfect human life which God’s law required which covered a period of three azd one-half ycn~s,
Adam to give up as a penalty for sin. All men. bein? he was then charged with the capital crime cr^treason,
descendants of Adam, there was no man who could was given a mock trial, convicted without legal evi-
present a perfect sacrifice unto Cod in the place and dence, and crucified by being nailed to a tree, thus
stead of Adam. God made the necessary provision. being put to death as a sinner arcurscd of God; a~id
I4 It is the male of the human species that furnishes thus he would appear in the cycs of all others. (Dcut.
the life germ, by God’s provision. How, then, could a 21 : 23) God permi.ttcd his cncmics to put JCYUSto
pcrfcct man be provided, and who could bccomc a death, knowing that Jesus would remain faithful c:‘cn
ransom price for or dclivcrer of mankind? Jchovnh unto death, proving his integrity to God, and that (:ocl
the Almighty (iod caused Mary to conceive while yet would raise him up out of death. Jesus thus met a11
a virgin. (Natt. 1: 18) She conccivcd in her womb the rccluirements and fully showed his clualificntl;)!l
by virtue of the power of the holy spirit of God cser- to become the vindicator of God’s name. Bccausc of
cised upon her. Seeing that God made man and woman hiu faithfulness Clod raised up Jesus ant of death :111(i
out of the elements of the earth, there would be 110 KUVCto him life and immortality, not as a man, hut
difficulty whatsoever in God’s causing a child to be lift divine, a11 endless aud indestructible life, and
conceived in the womb of Mary; which he did. The csaltcd Jesus to the very hiqhcst place in all the uni-
man-child Jesus was born, and was pure, holy, rultlc- vcrxc nest to Jehoval~. (Phil. 2: 5-11) Got1 comnllttr~l
filed and entirely separate from sinners, havitlx uone to Christ Jesus, the immortal One, all power itI IIC:~V~~II
of the contaminated life germ descending from Aclm~ and it1 earth. (Matt. 28: 18) Therefore Jc;.u:t s:lid :

“I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am which means to be completely annihilated. God has
alive for evermore, Amen ; and have the keys of hell no pleasure even in the death of the wicked, and cer-
and of death.” (Rev, 1: 18) Christ Jesus therefore be- tainly he could have no pleasure in inflicting torture
comes clothed with all power and authority to act for upon anyone. The doctrine of eternal torment in hell
Jehovah in all things as his chief executive officer. is another one of Satan’s vicious lies, which lies are
3eWhen with his disciples, Jesus instructed them taught to the people only by religionists, and the pur-
that all creatures that will receive everlasting life and pose of this Devil lie is to turn people away from God
the blessings of Almighty God must willingly and and force them into the Devil’s orga&zation, that is,
faithfully serve God. Then of himself he said: “And the ‘ ‘ religious” organizations. “Hell” means the con-
whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your dition of death, not a place of torture. When a man
servant: even as the Son of man came not to be min- prefers to continue in wickedness God mercifully puts
istered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a him to sleep in death, and that man never again awak-
ransom for many.” (Matt. 20: 27’28) This shows that ens. “God is love,” and he could not be guilty of a
the man Jesus understood that it was the will of his fiendish act such as eternal torture. The Lord causes
Father Jehovah not only that he tell the truth and to be brought to the attention of the people the truth,
becomethe Vindicator of his Father but that as a man and then each one has the opportunity to believe or
he must die to provide the ransom or redemptive price not to believe, as he may choose.
“for many” of the human race. For how many of the 38While instructing those who listened to and bc-
human race: all or only a part? Not for all, because licved him, Jesus said : “I am come that they [who bc-
the redemptive price results beneficially only to those lieve] might have life, and that they [who prove faith-
who believe on and obey God and Christ Jesus. There- ful unto death] might have it more abundantly.”
fore he gave his life as a ransom for as many of the (John 10: 10) In order for anyone to believe, he must
human race as take their stand on the side of God learn of God’s provision for man through Christ Jesus.
and Christ and maintain their integrity toward God Therefore it is written : “ For whosoever shall call up-
when put to the test. It is written: “For the wages on the name of the Lord shall be saved. How thcll
of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life, shall they call on him in whom they have not bclicvccl I
through Jesus Christ our Lord. ” (Rom. 6 : 23) Here and how shall they believe in him of whom they have
the matter is squarely put to every man, to wit: If not heard? and how shall they hear without a prcach-
you prefer to continue on the side of the Devil and er? And how shall they preach, except they be sent ?
against God the result will be complete destruction ; as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them
but if you take your stand on the side of God and that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad ti-
Christ, showing full faith in the redemptive price and dings of good things !“-Ram. 10 : 13-15.
proving your integrity toward God, you will receive 38Further exercising his loving-kindness, God has
at God’s hands, through Christ Jesus, the gift of life provided that the attention of the people should be
everlasting. In further corroboration of this, it is brought to the truth of and concerning himself and
written : “The Father loveth the Son, and hat11given his provision to give them life. He causes his Word
all things into his hand. He that bclieveth on the Son to be proclaimed that the people may hear. The
bath everlasting life: and he that bclicveth not the enemy Satan seeks to destroy all mankind, but the
Son shall not set life; but the wrath of God abidcth Almighty God graciously informs man that all those
on him.” (John 3: 35, 36) Otherwise stated, all men who will get on God’s side, believe upon and serve
came under condemnation by reason of sin, and God’s the Lord Jesus Christ and Jehovah and prove faithful,
wrath against sin is death ; if one believes on the Lord shall live.
Jesus Christ God removes that condemnation from *OAfter the flood Satan induced men to practice
him; but if man prefers to remain on the side of the religion in mockery of God and all the nations adoptctl
Devil and continue in sin, then God’s wrath or con- and practiced the Devil religion. Jehovah God then
demnation abides on him and is not removed. Thus chose the people of Israel, formed them into a nation,
it is seen that God’s intelligent creatures are made and gave them his commandments and instructed them
free agents to choose life or death after having rc- how they could obey God and live. Thus the matlcr
ceived a knowledge of God’s provision for them. was clea,rly put before mankind. Man could choose to
37The provision ‘God has made to give life to men is stay in the Devil’s crowd or could serve Jchorah God
prompted cntircly by unsclfishncss or love on the part faithfully and truly. Soon thereafter the Devil in-
of God ; as it is written : “For God so loved the world, vaded the camp of Israel and induced that pcoplc to
that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever adopt formalism, which formalism in an outward way
believeth in him should not perish, but have everlast- appeared to give honor to God but which in fact was
ing iife. For God sent not his Son into the world to against God. The Israelites soon began to use images
condemn the world; but that the world through him in connection with their formalistic worship, and that
might be saved.” (John 3: 16’17) It necessarily fol- was in direct violation of God’s law. Continuing m
lows, then, that those who do not bclicve “perish”, this way, the nation went fully over to the Devil ; oniy
a few of, the individual Israelites remained true to 1 9.10. Why did God specifically commnnd the Israelites con-
cerning- idols and it%ages or allegiance to any creature or
God. Men began the practice of formalism, which con- thingf
stituted “the Jews’ religion”, and that formalism u 11,X?. Did the Israelites that left Egypt reach the land of
and those man-made doctrines were handed down from promise f Why f
parents to children ; which is called “tradition’ ‘.
u 13,14. Show that religion was the chief snare used by the
Devil to entrap God’s chosen people even after they reached
When Jesus came to earth the Jews were practicing the land of promise.
religion, based upon such tradition, and which religion li 15,lli. Explain the Lord’s referring to the Israelite8 a8
‘ ‘ bnekshding Israel ’ ‘. Account for his continued dcahng
and tradition made void the commandments of God; with them ‘notwithstsnding their rebellion’, and for his
and Jesus so told them. repeatedly warmng them through his prophets. Why, at
the coming of Jesus, were the people and even the priests
‘l Jesus taught the people fully and sincerely to not ready to receive him? IIow, and to whom was the
obey the commandments of God, and thus Jesus announcement mado of Jesus’ birth9 and ~11~ to thesef
What was the witness there given9
established true Christianity. There is no such thing 17. Just why did Jesus disregard the clergy class when
in existence as “the Christian religion”, because all choosing his disciples?
religion proceeds from God’s enemy, the Devil. 18. Explain (a) the absence of the clergy from Jesus’
baptmm in the Jordan. (b) HON and for what purpose
” Christian religion ” is a misnomer, fraudulent and the Dcril assaulted Jesus immediately therenfter.
deceptive. “Christianity” means the full and com- 19. How did the clergy and the common people regard Jesus
and his messngef ‘c&y?
plete obedience of man to God’s commandments, even 20,21. Compare the conduct of those Jewish clergymen with
as Christ Jesus taught and obeyed God’s eommand- that of the clergymen of the present time. Account for
ments. Therefore a person is a Christian only when their attitude and conduct.
22. Why should we now, or at all, consider the clergy who
he is a true follower of Christ Jesus, which means that were on earth when Jesus was here?
he must be diligent in obeying God’s commandments 23, 24. Compare the claims of the Jewish clergy with the
and follow them and not the teachings of man. Rcli- facts declared by Jesus concerning them. How had they
come into such condltionl
gion is a great enemy, always working injury to man- u 25. Whv has the Devil so cnsllv succeeded in usinn the clernv --
kind, and this without regard to whether man is sin- as his chief instruments? -
cere or otherwise. Religion is entirely out of place in u the present time in pomt of the declaration recorded (a)of
2G,27. -Compare the relqqonists of Jesus’ day with those
the church of God. The cncmy has at all times attempt- at Matthew 23: 13. (b) At Matthew 23: 27-33. What do
ed to corrupt the “church of God”. He has used thos* declaration3 sh&vi
28-31. How are lying and murder related to religion? How
wicked angels and men to accomplish that purpose. ll is this shown m the record concerning God’s prophets of
All on God’s side must resist the enemies in order to old? Whom did the Deli1 use to Dersecute Jesus3 Describe
maintain their integrity toward God. their procedure then, and since; as clearly proving the
orlgln and purpose of religion.
32. Who was Jesus when on earth, and mhy was he heref
QUESTIONS FOR STUDY 33-33. Point out (a) the primary’ reason &xl purpose of
Jesus’ coming to earth. Ib‘r The secondarv leapon and
q l-4. What was Jehovah’s purpose in giving to man His law, purpose. Ho\; was each ok ihese purposes ~ecompl~shcdl
and in permitting man to be put to a test of integrityf 3G. With related scriptures, explain 1 Timothy 2: G and
Describe the idolatry of the Israelites at Smai. Account Matthew 20: 28 as being In entire harmony.
for thrir failure to meet the test to which they mere sub- 37-39. Show that God’s provision to give hi’e to man was
jected. How were they pumshcd therefor¶ and why mere prompted entirely bv love. As shown in the npostle’s words
they spared as a people? With scriptures, explain why God at llomans 10: 13-15, and in the provision God has made
gave to that people his law and specmlly dealt with them. for the Dxescnt trmc.’ xrlist is the &Dose. ant1 the iniilor-
q 5, G. Did the Israelites benefit by Jehovah’s having given tance, oi the messagk now proclnir;cd~by hod’s w~tne&rs?
them his law and his particular dire&Ion in their affalrsf
Why? With what result to them? What is the great sig-
a 40, 41. Explain whether the prnctlce of lehglon, and tile
Ignorance of God’s TVord and purpose, amon: the JL’I:~
nificance thereof to God’s people now? when Jesus came to earth, and nmoug profesacll pcop!e of
7 7,8. Point out bow and why rehgion has done so great in- God today. can be chalgcd to lack of mutrucilon and of
jury to man. opportuni‘t).


J EHOVAII is now preparing those who love him In all the ages past a subtle foe has beset men,
for the most stupendous event in the history of hcapcd upon them injustice and opl)rcssion, led them
man. For more than six thousand years conditions into pitfalls, filled their days with pcrplcsity and dis-
have appeared to bc cntircly adverse to those who have trcso, and in the end brought them in sorrow to the
tried to do right. Now there is revealed to those who z:rnvr. That same enemy, Satan, has cmploycd cvcry
have taken their stand on Jehovah’s side the :rrc~t conceivable means to defame the name of the great
truth that there is rapidly approaching a time of nn- (‘rcgtor Jehovah and to turn man away from II1:n.
precedented prosperity and blessings for the IlnlnalJ That cncmy long ago formed an organization made trp
race. Those who are diligent to grasp the truths that of false and frandulent religion, I)lantcd superstitious
are placed before them are lifted far above the prcs(‘nt fear in the heart of man, and has drawn multitudes into
sad conditions of this world and see the incontrovcrt- his religious net. IIc has created a great comnicrcI:II
ible proof that the time of deliverance is at hand. ayslcm and used it to rob the people of the fruits of
JULY 1, 1937 s’f%WATCHTOWER 205

their honest toil, and to corrupt the political element the time was at hand for the beginning of the kingdom
to compel the people to remain in subjection. The of God under Christ Jesus. Instead of heeding this
climax of this wicked organization has been reached evidence the seventh world power set up a substitute
in the seventh world power, which is otherwise desig- for God’s kingdom, which is an abomination and is
nated as “Christendom”, and which world power has detestable in Jehovah’s eyes.
fraudulently and falsely assumed the name of The Zechariah’s vision came to him from the Lord and
Christ of God and has brought upon Jehovah’s holy in the nighttime. In vision he beheld a company of
name the greatest amount of ignominy and shame. men riding on horseback. The leader of that company
The end of such defamation aud wic!xdncss must rode a red horse, and those who followed after him
come, and now it rejoices the hearts of honest men to rode red, bay and white horses. That was a heavenly
see that the climax is at hand when there will be a vision foreshadowing things to come to pass in future
complete change for the good. days upon the earth. That company of heavenly
Jehovah declares his purpose to vindicate his holy cavalry halted their horses upon the side of the Mount
name at Armageddon; hence it is designated in his of Olives, in the shadow of a grove of myrtle trees.
Word “the battle of that great day of God Almighty”. From this vantage point the chief horseman made a
The organization of Jehovah, symbolized by Mount careful survey of the city of Jerusalem, while the
Zion, is the place of the assembly of his troops; hence other horsemen of his companv rode up and down in
that place is called “Armageddon”. It is there that the land gathering information and returned and
he will “go forth and fight” for his own. (Zech. 14 : 3) reported that information to their chief. The informa-
The militant host of Jehovah will be led by Christ tion gained by his own inspection, and that reported
Jesus, who is now King of kings exercising his royal to him by his aides, filled the chief with righteous in-
authority. (Rev. 17 : 14 ; 19: 11-16) To bc sure, Jcho- dignation. In the vision Jerusalem appeared to be
vah does not need to prepare himself for the great bat- trodden down, and there was utter indifference on the
tle, but it is necessary to prepare some parts of his part of the Jews to put it in proper shape. The chief
organization and to send them forth to make known horseman immediately began to preparc his forces for
that he is God; and that his purpose is to destroy the a great war, which foreshadows the greatest war that
enemy that has defamed his name and brought suffer- is ever to come to the nations of the earth. ,4 period
ing and death upon his creatures. The administration of years passeswhile the chief horseman continues the
of the affairs of the world must pass completely from war!: of preparation, and in that time only a small
the control of Satan and into the hand of Christ Jesus, number of men on earth give any heed to what is be-
who is earth’s rightful Ruler. For centuries Satan ing done. The preparatory work is not done in silence,
has been “the prince of this world”, and now he rc- but openly and aboveboard, the chief even serving uo-
fuses to abdicate; hcncc his power and organization ticc upon his adversary and calling upon him to pre-
are to be completely destroyed. Jehovah is tong- pare for the great battle, and then he tells the euemy
suRering and forbearing. (Es. 34: 6) He has given exactly what will be the result of that fight. In vision
the enemy every opportunity to make good his chai- the prophet sees both Jehovah’s and the encmy’s
lcnge and boast to turn all mankind against God. But mi::hty armies drawn up in battle array and marks
the time must come for Jehovah to act, and when his the people taking their position in the respective mili-
wrath is csprcssed it will be so emphatic that all will tant forces. The crucial hour arrives, and the two
know that he is the Almighty God. Uefore executing mighty armies are hurled against each other, rcsultiug
his judgment against the enemy fair warning and in a complete victory for the leader who stood in the
complete notice is given, and such is a part of hts shade of the myrtle trees on his red war mount.
preparation. The vision discloses the chief and his assistants mak-
In the centuries of long ago Jehovah, by his holy ing an inspection of Jerusalem. That city symbolically
spirit, moved honest men to write down that which stood for God’s covenant people in the present-day
he purposed to bring ta pass in future days, and now “Christendom”, which particularly means the hnglo-
the prophccics then written are being fulfilled. Among American empire system, and which people are in an
those honest and God-fearing men who wrote propheq implied covenant to do God’s will. The inspection also
was Zechariah, the grandson of Iddo the prophet. It includes all who have made a covenant to do the will
was about the year 520 B.C. when Zechariah was given of God; and that which follows involves all elasscsof
his first vision by Jehovah and when hc began to wile people in the world.
prophecy. More than 2,400 years thercnfter that The facts now fully known disclose that the work
prophetic vision began to hare fuifiilmcnt. At that of preparation, in fulfillment of the prophetic vision,
time the World War, which began in 1314, had come began in 1918 and has pmgrcsscd over the period of
to a conclusion, and the ruling powers of the world ninctccn yeaq aud now the hour draws near for the
were bringing forth various schemesof reconstruction. terrible clash of the armed forces. Zcchnriah the
The rulers of “Christendom” had rcccivcd the evi- prophet foreshadowed a small company of persons who
dence that Satan’s world had come to an end and that arc wholly devoted to God and who are now on the

earth, and to which company of faithful ones Jehovah shield of his mighty men is made red, the valiant men
God has given an understanding of the prophetic vision. are in scarlet; the chariots flash with steel in the day
At the same time Jehovah has laid upon this company of his preparation, and the cypress spears are bran-
of witnesses taken out for his name the obligation and dished.” (Nah. 2: 3, A.R.V.) God’s organization is
great privilege of informing other persons on earth fired with zeal for the vindication of his great name, and
as to the vision and its meaning. These arc commanded hence that organization fashes as fiery steel. Further-
to serve notice upon the rulers of the world to inform more, eJchovatl Soys: “I have commanded my conse-
them of what is about to come to pass in fulfillment crated ones, yea, I have called my mighty mcu for
of the prophetic vision, and also to give information mine anxcr, even my proudly exulting ones.” (Isa.
to all persons of good will that they may tlnd a way of 13 : 3, A.K.V.) Then Jehovah addressesthe enemy and
escape in that time of great slaughter that is shortly tells him to prepare and warns him of what will be the
to take place. result. “Draw thee water for the siege; strengthen
The entire prophecy of Zechariah which is now bc- thy fortresses; go into the clay, and tread the mortar;
ing unfolded thrills the heart of everyone who has an make strong the brickkiln. There shall the fire devour
honest desire to seea righteous government established thee ; the sword shall cut thee off; it shall devour thee
in the earth. While this prophecy and its fulfillment like the canker-worm : make thyself many as the
involve all creatures now on the earth who arc in an canker-worm ; make thyself many as the locust. Thou
implied or direct covenant with Jehovah God, only a hast multiplied thy merchants above the stars of heav-
small number understand it and appreciate it. The en: the canker-worm ravageth, and fleet11away. Thy
clergy of “Christendom” and the principal ones of princes are as the locusts, and thy marshals as the
their flocks, the opposers of the proclamation of the swarms of grasshoppers, which encamp in the hedges
messageof God’s vengeance and of his kingdom, and in the cold day, but when the sun ariseth they flee
the “evil servant” class, the “man of sin”, “the son away, and their place is not known where they are.”
of perdition ” (2 Thess. 2 : 3), not only fail to undcr- --Nah. 3 : 14-17, A.&V.
stand the prophecy and its interpretation from the The Lord further gives assurance that this battle
Lord but treat it with contempt and ridicule. On the will be the final end. “What do ye devise against Je-
other hand, those who are wholly devoted to Jehovah, hovah? he will make a full end ; affliction shall not rise
and who are therefore his chosen witnesses, and those up the second time.“-Nab. 1: 9, A.R.V.
who are of good will and who go to make up the Jona- The enemy knows that his time is short, and hence
dab class, the “great multitude”, are seeing and he prepares with haste for battle. (Rev. 12 : 12) Ccln-
greatly appreciating the prophecy and its meaning. tinuing his policy of fraud and deceit, diplomacy,
-2 Ki. 10 : 15-23 ; Rev. 7 : 9-14. boasting and flattery, Satan pulls his commercial, po-
It was in A.D. 1914 that the Prince of Peace stood litical, military forces and strong-arm squad together,
up and cast Satan out of heaven. (Dan. 12 : 1; Rev. and then by the mouth of his sanctimonious clergymen
12: l-9) It was in 1918 that this mighty Prince came tells the people that this unholy alliance is the means
to the temple of Jehovah for judgment, and from that for the salvation of the world. Satan uses the various
time dates the preparation. “He that dasheth in pieces elements of his wicked organization to draw the peo-
is come up before thy face. ” (Nah. 2 : 1) That pro- ple of all nations, and particularly those of “Christen-
phetic statement means that the mighty Field i\IarshaI dom”, away from God and into his own wicked camp.
of Jehovah is now present and preparing for the great The Anglo-American empire system, which chiefly is
battle. To his anointed remnant on earth Jehovah now “Christendom”, Satan makes his chief spokesman on
says : “Keep [securely] the fortress, watch the way, earth, and therefore in the Scriptures this system is
make thy loins strong, . . . For Jehovah restoreth the called the “false prophet” ; and by this beastly or-
excellency of.Jacob [his anointed ; meaning his faith- ganization Satan speaks to and deceives the people.
ful remnant on the earth].” (Nah. 2: 1,2, A.K.l’.) “And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out
God’s people have been brought into unity, and now of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of
they “offer unto the Lord au offering in righteous- the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
ness”, and that continually; and thus thcsc arc pie- For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles,
pared to perform their part. The fact that Jehovah which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the
foretold by his prophet conccrning the coming of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great
battle of Armageddon and that he would prcparc for day of God Almighty. And he gathered them together
it is proof that the battle will be fought; and the into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armaged-
further fact that he has now opened these prophccics d0~1.‘” -Rev. 16: 13,14,16; see Light, Book Two,
to the understanding of his anointed is evidence that page 42.
the time of the battle is near; hence the prophecy is Thus Satan prepares for the great battle, and at
of profound interest to the anointed. the same time hc takes a careful inventory of the
Concerning his militant organization and its prep- faithful followers of Christ Jesus. Against these he
aration “in that day” Jehovah’s prophet says: “The forms a conspiracy the purpose of which is to cut off
JULY 1, 1937 Ne WATCHTOWER 207

these faithful witnesses ef God and to destroy them. are the ones whom Jehovah uses to give notice to the
(Pas. 2 : 3,4; 83 : 2-5) That conspixacy is formed, and world of his purpose to destroy the enemy organiza-
the overt acts are committed against &d’s anointed tion. Jehovah causes his prophet to speak concerning
within the realms of “Christendom”‘, and this is fur- his witnesses in these words: “Proclaim ye this among
ther proof that “Christendom” is Satan’s instrument. the nations ; prepare war ; stir up the mighty men;
His reason for attempting the destruction of these let all the men of war draw near, let them come up,
faithful ones of God is that they might not maintain Let the nations bestir themselves, and come up to the
their integrity toward God, and might thereby fail to valley of Jehoshaphat ; for there will I sit to judge all
be made part of His holy nation; and because these the nations round about.“-Joel 3: 9,12, A&V.

Our loving Father Jehuvuh God has provided at this time the We received from the Canadian branch, Toronto, this after-
phonograph, as one of the best means of preaehin ln;ar;$dog noon, information leading to the disfellowshi ing of Walter
F. Salter by the Toronto company. At the reg llf’ar weekly serv-
messuae and to make known his great name fuls ice meetin of the Winnipeg [Canada] company of Jehovah?s
King.-It is very effeczive in overc;jming prejudice, and assists witnesses, f eld this date, the motion of disfellowshiping Walter
us in placing many hooks and boeklets with theas with whom it F. Salter by the Toronto company was also concurred in by the
would have been impossible to leave any Nteratnre: company here. The following resolution was also moved,
I wish to express my thanks nnd deep appreciation to the seconded, and passed unanimously :
Lord for this another provision of ‘his lovingkmdness and for
the privile e of using it to the glory of his name. I also like (1) Seeing that the Lord’s people are being subjected to
to thank %rother Rutherford for his arrangement making it a barra e of literature calculated to undermine and over-
nossible for everv memberof the Bethel iam&’ ta have one. throw t %e faitlt of some, the Winnipeg company of Jeho-
L Since obtainin * this phonograph, from December 3 to Decem- vah’s witnesses hereby recommend to all of the Lord’s
ber 29, it alone f as placed 7 Riohes, 21 booklets, with 15 ob- people, here and elsewhere, the following course as a means
tamers, 74 attendance, and I have played it 14 hours. I have of protection and safety:
had many interesting experiences with the phonograph during
thie month [December1 and would like to relate just a few (2) Increased activity and interest in the Lord’s work,
of them bneap, showing its effectiveness. especially in the ‘strange work’ in the field scrsme now
While witnessing I came across two ladies who told me that beginning, as also the studies in The Wntchtower and
they were Roman Catholics, that I was wasting my time with other publications. of the Watch Tower Bible and Trnct
them. I tried to explain the purpose, of my calling on them, Society.
when suddenly they remarked that the only doctrine of the
Cathobc religion they did not believe was that about bell, cay (3) The destruction, without reading, of any such lit-
ing that we have plenty of hell here on earth. I saw my oppor- erature received through the mail or otherwise.
tunity then to use the phonograph. So I told them that there (4) The turning of a deaf ear to anyone among us mum-
are millions of honest Catholics throughout the earth who really festing a desire to debate or argue respecting this course
want to know the truth about where the dead are, and that of action.
we are glad to assist them in getting the correct information
free through the means of the phonograph. Without waiting We take this opportunity to tell you that we are uaitcdly
for an answer I got busy, placed the phonograph on a nearby behind you as the one Jehovah has raised up to carry forward
table, and put on the lecture “Where Are the Deadf!’ They the Kingdom witness, as directed by Christ Jesus, Jchovuh :s
listened very attentively, and at the end thereof they exclaimed;: mighty King and Vindicator.
“That sure is the truth, and 80 different from what CheCath- We are in full harmony with the Watch Tower Bible nrul
olio priests tell ual ,, I suggested that they could learn more Tract Society and the teachings which Jehovah is so bountifully
of the truth from the Bible, with the help of the Hsohes book. providing us, through his visible channel, the columns of The
Each of them took a Riches book and three booklets. Watchtower.
I walled on another lady that I had met a year ugo without We assure you of our Christian love and our desire IS that
success. This time, through one of her family, I started to the Lord will continue to gtude and direct you to the end that
play the phonograph, and began with the record “ Wbere Are his purposes might be carried out.
the Dead?,’ At the close of the lecture she manifested real in- The above motion was unanimously adopted at a regular
terest. Then three more of her grownup children came in to meeting of the company.
hsten. The mother began to ask some intelligent questions;
and it happened that I had with me three records which an-
swered all her question& For that I was glad. Then she asked: CLOSER TOGETHER IN THE GREAT BATTLE
‘6 In case people ask of me why there is so much wickedness on DEAR BROTEIER RUTHERFQRD:
earth, and why the Lord has not stopped it, what shall I an- The Cleveland [Ohio] company of Jehovah’s witnesses nnd
swerl” So, to her delight and satisfaction, the lecture, our Jonadab companions, in service assembly this evenmg,
IL Wickedness : Why Permitted,, , answered her last question. voted unanimous1 to take this means of telling you we are
She being poor, and not having the contribution for Riahes, I thankful to our iTeavenly Father that the recent outburst of
told her she could have it anyway. But she asked the boys to poison from the adversary and his emissaries has had the effect
search their pockets for a quarter. But they found oothin of drawing us closer together, and is spurring us to greater
They tried again, and one of the boys had a quarter, whm -k zeal and effort In co-operating with you in the great battle of
I accepted. today against the Devil and his harlot wife.
Another Catholic lady, very poor indeed, heard the phono- Please be assured of our warmest love for you as you con-
graph and said that it was most interesting and that she de- tinue to press the battle to the gate, calmly lgnormg the vicroa
bghted to hear the truth. She was very much pleased, too, that snarling, snapping and gnashing of those who are inspired hy
I left Riches with her. She will save a few pennies daily; and their father, the Devil.
when I go back she will have the 25 cents contribution for me. Mny Jehovah, our, God, continue to direct your thoughts so
Your brother in Jehovah’s service, that you, in turn, may bemusedto assist us in -REAL und&stand-
J. CORRENTI, Bethel. ing au 80 wonderfully explained in the May 15 Watchtower.

OBVIOUSLY THE LORD’S ARRANGEMENT out the children of Israel; also the priesthood, one son of Jacob,
DEAR BROTHER RUTHERFORD : Levi ; one son of Levi, Kohath; one son of Kohath, Ami am ; one
son bf Amram, Aaron; and his son Elcaznr succeedctl ~Iu~I.
On a suggestion representing the unanimous opinion of the Jcssc had many sons, but only one chosen, DLt\itl; and thcro
company, we find joy in puttmg into words our loyalty to God ‘9 are hosts of other instances. Paul was the only one clioscnnfor
organization and expressing the unity presently existing in the his special work. The twelve apostles were not given to dlctntc
company. to Iti+ etc.
After more than a year of disagreement and some strife tllat In the Elijah period one man was chosen, and all the eridrnces
has divided us and hamnered our work. under the Lold’s rruid- now give conclusive proof that Jehovah still carries out 111s

ante the advent of the new Canadian servant and the reorgani- upproved method by the selection of one mind to control the
ration effected by him have been the means used by the Lord annointments of His canital orranization in their oneration
to open to us a new era of united kingdom service.. u;n the earth at this t&e. It’s-the same old stoly, I~ebelling
The organization of the Eastern Division has given us oppor- against the Lord’s arrangement and falling by the ways]&, as
tunitv for useful and heloful fellowshin with near-bv eom- is demonstrated throughout Israel’s history and the [sp~r~tu::l
pan& with such prosperity ;esting upon o;r mutual effects that Israel’s] times, the Elijah period, up to now, and to the end.
it is obviously the Lord’s arrangement. Further in regard to the contention of some, as noted in
Comiug at ihe same time as our company reorganization, nnd The FntcWower, that it’s not due time to carry on a vigorous
making its blessings all the more pronounced, is the opening up witness to the people of good will for their enbghtenment, the
of the ‘great multitude’ walk hele, on a substantml scale. The physical facts prove their contention to be wrong. I haxe con-
PIIOKOCRAPHis the instrument for calling thepi. It has provitlcd tacted a number this last year of energetic activity and cntnu-
a common giound on which we can set acquainted,-dc\ clap smsm. We see and hear from all points of the compass that they
friendship with the people \\hlch leads to informal dIscussIons are commg out of every kindred, tongue and people, not premn-
with them and ultimately to permanent ILtchrs studies in tllclr turely, not sickly, but strong and sturdy with remalkablc elenr-
homes. In three months about a dozen K~chcs studies have been nets of vision, gladly singing the song of their deliverance ant1
formed in this way, and now we have practically one. phono- lejolcmg to hale a part in declaring Jehovah’s judgments. If
graph to each worker. they arc not of the great multitude, then who are they? They
.4n assembly of the Ensteln Division was held at Ottawa on surklv are not like those we contacted in the Elijah Hark. -
January 1,2,3, and was attended by friends from all parts 1s”it possible that this present vigorous campa~& in belm.lf
of the Division. This brought a real blessmg to all taking part of the people of good will, with its contending voices for and
therein. against, may be the herald of another marvelous feature in the
Assuring you of our continued loyalty to the Watch Toner establishment of God’s kingdom in the earth before the whole-
as part of God’s organization, and our continued servlee m sale slaughter of Armageddon9
llis work, \ve are We recall that in the past when the time came for the “pro-
Yours in the kingdom service, jecting of the active power of Christ Jesus to things pertainmg
OTTAWA COUPANY OF JEIIOVAH’S WITNESSES. to the earth”, that most important feature in the establishment
of the kingdom along with 2ho casting of Satan out of henben,
a state of affairs similar to now obtained. In close proximity
JEHOVAH’S MOUTHPIECE UPON THE EARTH to that Jehovah authorized a vigorous world-wide campaign
beginning February 24, 1918, declaring that “millions now
DEAR BROTUER RLTIIERFOI~D : hving will never die”, which message brought the suijject of
I have been noting in The W&&tower the points you have the establishment of the kingdom vividly before the nunds of
been stressine of late concelnimr the criticism of the Societv’s all “ Christendom “. Some tune ago I met a graduate from
publications uby those in high positions and otherwise. I find Bowdoin College, Maine, who said, “That lecture ‘Milhons
myself in disagreement with all these criticmms, believing The Now Living Will Neter Die’ WBY very popular among the men
Tl’ntchlooer t; be Jehovah’s mouthpiece upon .the ear& ever at Bondoin, and that lecture made Judge Rutherford famous.”
since its first publication, in 1879, and I have been fed and He has not the vision to see it made Christ’s kmgdom famous.
nourished from its pages for the last forty years. Then, as now, there was a controversy for and against which
The warnings through The Fatchtowej ire necessary nnd made the subject of the kingdom prominent. That message has
timely to all belligerents. If they still persist in this course, the continued to rerelbclate, until now it is acccntuatcd by the
Selintures advmc whlthcr thev are drlftine. We cannot muutn nipssage to the real ‘millions’, the great multitude, who may
thei; loss, but think of them-as Jehovah ;ioes: “My just one abide until the kingdom is established in power.
by faith shall live; and if he should shrink back my soul dues Another corrcspondcncy obtained in Jesus’ day: Then the
not delight in him. But we are not of those shrinking back Into message of the kingdom was vigorously proclaimed just pre-
destruction; but of faith in order to a preservation of hfc.” cetlmg Calvary, nherc the puichnse price of the human race
-Hebrews 10 : 38,39, Dznglott. was guaranteed to justice and the kingdom rights were then
The above scripture is self-evident, that obedience nlonc to sceurell. The strife of nerds then gave the kmgdom greater
God’s law guarantees a pleservation of hfe to all those agreemg proruint~nce.
to its terms, and that IS a delight to Jehovah, but if any of these The interpretation of the prophecy of Obadiah concerning
turn aside, despising this precious gift of bfe, Jehovah has no the Roman Catholic Hiclarchy 1s rich. We can set that the hour
more a pleasure in them and his htoken luw slays them. It al)- for Jehovah’s dcclalation of vengeance ngnmst her is hele. It ‘Y
peals to me that this and other scriptures corroborate the good to see how every prophecy agrees to the same order of
stntcments in The IT’cttchtorcrr, and authorize the wurnm:s n~oce(lurc arrainst this rrinnt foe: and who would dare to launch
given. It appears of inestimable value that God’s Inw should &ii a forc<ful attack ipon her \vorc it not sustained by all the
now take its rightful place in the hearts of his people in 1111s proplwtrc, cnch one giving some diffcrcnt aspect of the tactics
day of 111spower, when all opposing forces shall fall before 111m of the cncmy though all converge to the one point?
and his rlcnt name sh:~ll bc exalted. The loss of eternal 11fo to Your letter marked nrivatc and oersonal came to hand. call-
the abov> class l~alcs into inslgnificnnce in comparison to the iug for another grc:It &mpnlgn ngamst ‘(her” in battle.‘1 am
majesty of God’s bcncticcnt eternal law of obcdlcncc being thrilled aith the prospect. I believe this method of prolonged
upl;eld- before men und angels. :tttac*k with the ph&jitaph beginning bInrch 14 will a&om&h
Another point of contrntlon we note by The Wnfchtotmr is n mighty exposi: of that iniquitous system. 1 often want to say
the objection to one man’s c,ontrollmg the Watchtows’s. to you that m your eiidca~or to express the proper interpreL?-
‘There should bo a commlttce havmg control,’ they say. Ijrothcr tron of the various prophecies I see eye to eye liiid iun “standlug
Russell found out early in his carter thnt only ono man could by you until the morning” of perfect vision and daily rcmcm-
successfully edit The Wnlchfotcer. Again in tho early part of bcr you nt the throne of heavenly grace. ‘ \V:ttch Toaer ! nh:ct
the Elisha period the results of an editorial committee’s cou- of the mght P’ ne ask. We will not lose sight of the night,
trolling the Watchtower art&% dcmonstrnted that oue n:lod nrithcr will we lose sight of the morning which cometh also.
should have the chief control. In looking to the Scrlpturrq for I’ruwa Jehovah I
corroboration se find Jehovah’s arrangement from the first \\:M Yours in the best of bonds,
carried out through one man at a time. One man, JIOYCP,Ied EDITR E. MASON, Pioneer.

JULY 15, 1937

Greatest Racket ~.
Subtle Scheme -.......-_- __._
Pretenses __.__
Inconsistent _.”-- -.--__
Questiona for Study __-_____
COSVFXTSONS __- I_.-. -.-- 220
^...._“_.m- -_____-- -
“ LUOUNT PF.RAZIJr ’ ’ -.....--
MRTIBLE PHON~GRLPIS --..-..--- 210
BUMMER CAXPAIGN __--._. -- ..._ -__
WATCH TOWER BIBLE 6 TRACT SOCIETY II19 journal is puhlish?d for the purpose of enabling
117 Adams Street - Brooklyn,
N .Y., U. S. A. T the people to know Jehornh God ancl his purlwy+:i a+
expressed in the Biblr. It publishes Bible instruction
specifically der@ned to a16 Jehovah’s vitucsws and all lwopl~
J.F.RUTH!ZP.FORD PrEsident 18. E. VAN A3UKZGH Secretary
of good fill. It nrwnges systematic Ulble study for its rcac!t:rs
aall thy children shall be tau&ht of Jehovah; and and the Society supplles other llteraturc to aid in such stud!e-I.
It, publishes suitable material for radio broadcastmg and ior
great shall be the peace of thy children.” - kzkh ..F~:I.?. other means of public mstruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to tho &ble as authority for its utter-
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH ances. It is entirely free and separate from all parties, sects
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, is from everlasting or other worldly organizations, It is nholly and nlthout
to everlasting, the Xaker of heaven and earth and the Giver reservation for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Chriqt
of life to his creatures; that the Logos was the beginning of his bcloxcd King. It 1s not dogmatic, but invites careful
hiy creation, and his actire agent in the creation of all things; and crltical examination of its contents in the light of the
that the Logos is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed Scriptures. It does not indulge in controrcrsy, and its cul-
with all power in heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive umns are not open to personalities.
Officer of Jehorah.
Tl+AT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect YEARLY SCI~SCRWTI~N PIXCE
man for the earth und placed him upon it; that man wlllfullp
disobeyed God’s l:iw and was sentenced to death.; that by
reason of Adam’s wrong act ull men are born mnners nnd
without the right to lift.
THAT JESUS nas made human, and the man Jesus suf-
fered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive
plice for all mankind; that God raised up Jesus divine and FOREIGN OFFXES
exalted him to heaven abate every creature aud above every
name and clothed him lrith all power and nuthority. Itrftfah . . . . . . . . . 31 Craven Terrace. I~ondon, W. 2, Cnzl.uvl
Cmtadlan . , . . . . 40 Irwin Avenue, Toronlo 5, Onturlo, C.w.~da
THAT JEHOVAI I’S ORGANIZATION is called Zion, and nu8trafumian . . 7 IJercsford Itond, Stralhlleld, N. S. \I’.. .\uqtr&lla
thnt Christ Jesus is the Chwf Oficcr thereof and is the flouth dj~icn~b . . . . . . J:ostou IIouse. I:~IIC To!\ n, Youth Af.ltn
rightful King of the \\orld; that the anointed nnd faithful Please addrcw the Society in clcry case.
followers of Christ Jrsus urc childlcn of Zion, mcmbery of
Jehovah’s organization, and arc his wltncsscs \\hose duly and
privilege it is to testify to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare (Traflelations 01 thfs for~nal appear in reveral lawuam..J
his purposes toward mankmtl ns cspreascd in the Iii&, and
to bear the fruits of the kmgdom bcforo all who mill hear.
THAT THE WORLD has cntlcrl, and the Lord Jesus Christ
has been placed by Jchorah upon his throne of authority,
has ousted Satan from henven nr,d is proceeding to the
establishment of God’s kingdom on earth.
THAT THE RELIEF nnd fdrssings of the peoples of earth
can come only by and through .lc~hw:~h’s kingdom under
Christ, which has now bqun; that the Lord’s nevt great
set is the dcstrurtion of S;lt::l:‘s org::knizutlon and the estab-
lisllment of righteousness in the e:lrth, and that under the
kingdom all those who will obey Its righteous laws shall live Bntrred a8 8CCOtW&CkW matter at the paat o~lclcr: at IJrool,lyn, 8. I’,
on earth forever.
l_---__l-_-m.-..--.- under the Act of 3fr11ch 3, 1879.
The next testimony period, n:~nwd “ Mount Perazim”, will The Lord’s storehouse is large ant1 bursting with nl~un~l:u~w.
Occupy the dates August 7 to 3<5iwlusive. This falls due right Applopliatclv a kugc and most attwcti\c oficr wll lt>,llu~c!
in the midst of the ~lw~wl S~~~UIW c:mp:qp; lwncc there will the sumnlcr activltlcs and efTorts of Jcho\ah’s puIJll&vrs. SIIVII
be no change in the special ol’l’ers of lxtcmture to be c.\hlbitcd will consist of sis bound books, on a cant 1Ibutlon of ~l.l~o, or,
during this tcstuuony pei~ou, or+ th:lt the kingdom puhlishcrs bcttrr still, SIX I)ound books together \\lth bv\cn lmoklrte. on :L
will arrange their :;fTuirs to tlr\ute as much time as posuble $1.5 contribution. ‘I’hc In~ornfnnt goes into more tlt>t:lll IC-
during said period to phwc thrso sprr*i:kl offers n :th tht people. garding this campaign nnd the SocwLv’~ 1>rov*slon thclcior.
See the nnnouneenwnt elsewhere under “ Summer Carnpaly “, Let the publlshcrs or&l now the extra iitcwlure necd~~~l 111:,tl-
and also consult forthcommg issues of the Znfo~wwl ior dition to what btochs they now h:t\e on l~:~n11l’or this cnmf>.l~;:n,
fuller information. which began July 1 and contmues to Srl~tcn~bcr 12 IIIF~L-I\C.


The Society now manufactures and has to offer a light-meight For tllc con\cnicure of 111~ suhsclilwr, n renewal 1~1:!1!k iq
phonograph, which is 14 by I3 by 5 inches in size, and co\ercd
with brown cloth and having rounded colncrs. It \\eighs 9 poumls
I3 OU~WS. TVlth the three phonograph discs wh~:h can be carried
in it, it neq$s IL pounds G ounces. The volume of sound is
strong, anil the tone Is of the Iwst qunlity. As shipped out from
our factory, the phonogra1;h is tiuwd proprIly, nt 55 r.p.m.,
and should be checked from time to time. This model, mclm?ing
three discs, is ofiered on n contribution of $10.00; without the
three discs, $8.00. l~eruittances should accompany orders. Also
specify the particular ~XXS wanted.
VOL.LVIU JULY 15, 1037 Ko. 14

“The wicked worketk a deceitjd work.“-Prov. 11: 18.

EIIOVATI has advised his covenant people con- rant.” (Isa. 56: 10) At tbc present time thcrc arc
ecrning the way of the \&kcd in order that the mrlny of such, and they wit1 not at~tJrcciatc the trul II
rightconr may walk in the way of the Lord and corccrning Kiekcls and rackctecrs, hut wilt l’;ItIIcl’
escape that which befalls the wicked. While the words rcscnt it. Such ignorant and btincl CJIICSarc easily cle-
uncLet and racketeer do not apircar in the Scriptures, c&cd by the lkvil and by his associates. The “ctect”
yet other words of the same import and mcnlring arc arc not of this class that can be dcccivcd, bccausc tttoy
used to identify the worl~crs of iniquity. Words arc arc always diligent to ascertain tllc truth, that thry
employed to corlvcy information. Tttc word racket may do the wit1 of God; and brcausc they arc ~JIII*C
cannot bc 1nqJcrty rcjwtcd on the gmmd that it is in heart and arc diliplt in obq~irl:; Cod’s law ~J~~IIo-
not a Scriptural term, for the reason, fraud, deceit vatI grants unto thcrn ttic dcsirc cJf their heart to kI10w
and dccciviug, which arc SCril)tUI’ilt tcrrns, COllVCy the his wit1 and to bc led by him tiirou~ll Christ JCSIIS.
same meaning as that of rwkc*t and rackctccr. Address- Such faithful ones are taught by .Jchovah and ChI*ixt
ing himself to condiConls that would prevail at the Jw~c, and thcrcforc cannot bc ctcccivcd. It bcoomcu
end of the world, Jesus’ words show that at that time the duty and privilege of the ‘clcct scrvanL’ class also
fraudulent and dcccitful schcmcs and fraudulent worlc- to transmit to those persons of go9cl will towarc Cod
crs would be more in evidoncc than in previous t imcs snrti information as is made avai!alJtc of and c’oii(*cr~l-
and working in such o way “lhat, if it wcrc possible, ill,; ItIc nicltcd racltct~crs and their raclrcts. \Vhat iu
they shall dcccivc the very elect”. (M&t. 24: 24) It hcrc pubtishcd, krcforc, is first. for the bcncfit oi’ I he
is certain, thcrcforc, tliat tliosc who arc not of the rC~.4IIaIIt, that they may use that information to :ritl
very elect will bc dcceivcd by such schemes and schon- and comfort the Jonndabs, who arc scclring righteous-
ers and that they are bcinq deceived, bccnusc WC arc 1lC.W and ItlCcliIlCss.
now at the end of the worltl and the wicked crowd arc 3 Jlany persons arc ignorantly sul~l~ortin:: a ract,ct
putting forltI their greatest cndcavols to dcccivc. which \VoI%S great injury to theIn and to 01hcrs, arid
Those who arc in the tcmptc with the Lord, and do all such persons of good will would no doubt c~9sc to
abide lhcrc, are protcetcd from such dcccitful schemes, support such a racket if they Ilndontood ~IIC t ruttl.
providcxl they obey the instructions rcecivcd from the It is thcrcforc the duty as wctl as the privilc:c of the
Lord. Those of the temple company yet in the flesh remnant to aid such persons of good wilt to gain a
must bc instructed, however, as to the ways and means knowtcdge of the truth. En proclaiming the truth of
employed by the wicked in worliillg their iniquitous God’s purpose controvcrsics should be avoitlctt. ‘I’hc
schemes, in order that the ri$teous may conlinuc to remnant do not sccli controvcrsios, but arc! aIlSi(JlIS Lo
go in the right way and, furthermore, to the end that do the will of God by brarin g tchtimony to the trutti
they may bc abtc to give illslruction and aid to their to others, that such others may aLait t hcmsclvrs of the
companions, that is, the Jonadahs. privilege of serving thcl Lord. The truth should m2vcr
*The ignorant arc those without knowledge; and bc used as a club with which to punish others, but
such include those who at one lime were in line for the should be used for the lmrposc of doing good to those
kingdom but who bccmusc of selfishness failed to gain who dcsirc to know what is right. ‘l’clling the truth,
the information made available for them, and the rc- however, ncccssarily cxposcs T.YlCliCtS and r3&2tcers,
snlt is, to them, that their latter slate or condition is and such exposure is for the purpose of enabling those
worse than the former. They were at one time counted of good wit1 to learn where they get protection, that,
by the Lord as watchmen amongst his people, but, they may go in the right way. To do surti IVOVli of
failing to gain understanding, they become blind and testifying to the truth neccssnrilp dkloscs those who
ignorant, and concerning such the Lord God’s prophet arc against God and his kingdom, and sue11 tlutll IS
Bays : “His watchmen are blind; they are all igno- a punishment to the aiclxd; but Jehovah’s v;itncs*;cls
must alwap keep in mind that their dufy is to tell the others. A perversion of the truth for the puq~ose of
truth as Cod has commanded, and the result will be inducing another in reliance upon it to part 14th some-
according to the will of God, and therefore right; and thing valuable is a racket. A false scheme or miircp-
if this results in chastisement to the wicked, then it rescntation or suppression of the truth, v;hich results
is according to the mill of God. in injury to others, and for pecuniary gain to the
* The world is full of wicked creatures, and of SII& schemer, is a racket. A deception intentionally prac-
the reiigionists are the worst. No good can result by ticed, with a view to gain, is a racket.
abusing any practitioner of rcligiou. l’crsonal attacks e A racketeer is a schemer who is artful, wily and
on anyone are uncalled for. The business of the rem- cunning and who uses his plan or scheme to gain an
nant is to do good always, and to do so by telling the unfair advantage over others. The racketeer gains an
truth, and all persons who are of good will toward undue advautagc over others, and then uses his scbcme
God, desiring the truth, will profit by hearing the or plan to rob or pillage others, and this he does for
same. A debate with those who are holding and teach- real or supposed gain to himself. All raeketccrs arc
ing false doctrines is not for the purpose of chastising public cnemics and cnemics of honest persons, and
the wicked, but such a debate might be entirely profler are the cncmics of God. I’lackets, practiced by rack&
for the purpose of enlightening those who arc held in ccrs, work injury to those upon whom the trick is
bonclagc, that they might cscaI~c. Thcrc arc many per- practiced.
sons who are thus restrained by the religionists and ’ Mm who arc engaged in traffic that is unlan Cul
the religious organizations, and such persons of good and that works injury to I hc proplc arc racketcws
will sigh and cry because of the wickedness Ijracticwl and public cncmics. The stealing of children or pcr’sc~~ls
by racketeers; and the Lord God sends forth his wit- and holding thcrn for ransom is a raekct, and the
ncsscs to proclaim the truth, that those who do thus stealer or kidnnpc+r is a public cncmy. Men who (‘II-
sigh and cry. may rcccirc the inlormation that wit1 gage in the White&K! trade are rnCketCcrS alitI Illhi ic
lead them in the right way. God’s faithful prol&et cncmics. Real estate promoters who opcratc scl~c~mcs
wrote: “I said, I will take lircd to my ways, that I to defraud others arc rackctccrs and public cllcmics.
sin not with my tongue: I will ltecp my mouth with Those who operate a schcmc by offering prizes to in-
a bridle, while the wicked is bcforc me.” (1%. 39: I) d~u3-2 persons to buy or sell worthless goody, wares
Surely thiu means that the servant of the Lord God will and mercljandisc ore racketeers. Ncn who cnqge in
not indulge in controversial harangue with those who rohbcry, stealing aud murder for pCI3OIlill gal11 arc
arc wicked illld who arc attcmptmg to do injury to racketeers and public encmics. The man who CII~~:QXS
God’s cause and his pcoplc. \\‘hcn the \vickcd rcsart in the srhcrnc of hlacknioil and thereby obtains niolrcy
to lies, slaltclcr and vicious and malicious ChilrgCS, the is a rackctctir and a public cncmy. All swh I)ul)lia
proper course for those who arc dcvotcd to the Lord encmics either put the I~cople in fear or frauclulc:~~lly
is to ignore such wicked OJWS; but, if opportunity ovcrrcach them. Rlcn who engage in politic21 schcmcs
arises, then speak the truth, that those of good will misrcprcscnting the facts in order to induce the IjcoI~Io
may be bcncfitcd. Jehovah’s witnesses, thcrcfore, will to support them that they may tllcrcby rcni~ a I)<‘r-
be looking out to give the mwsagc to those who have sonal or pecuniary gain arc rachctccrs and I)u’Jlie
an ear to hcnr. The puq~osc of gi\ ill:: testimony is wt enemies. Commercial men or corporations opcrntif;~ a
t0 convince the wicked, that such 1vicliCd 0llrS may sclicme or schcmcs that result in injury to the IjeoI);c
reform, Ix~ai~c that. is an impossibility; but the pur- arc rackctcers and public cncmics. ‘lY10sc who cw:agc
pose is to aid those who arc truly scclting kllowledge. in any kiud of i’rauduIent schcmc that results ii1 y,lin
The present is the lime of darkners npon the world or injury to of hers arc racketeers and public cncrl~iw.
and when gross darkucss rests upon the people, even Men who USCmotiou pictures lo mislead 111~pco~~lr:,
as God by his prophet foretold. Such dnrlcncss is upon and thcrcby gain any kind of profit in name, rnvncy
those who ha\-c been dcccivcci by the rackctcrrs, who or iiiflucncc, arc rackctcers. All racketeers arc agciits
carry on their rackets for the puq~osc of deceiving. of the Devil, whether they realize that fact or Ilrrt.
It is therefore also the time when those who arc de- All wrongful schcmcs originate with the Devil, aud
voted to Jehovah God must, in obcdiencc to his com- that great enemy induces and influcnccs men to use
mandment, ‘arise and shine,’ by telling the truth and such rackets to do injury to others and to bring rc-
telling it boldly. (Isa. GO: 1) For this ~CXOII it is Ibe preach upon the name of the Almighty Gotl. Such is
duty of T?le 1Vutc?~lozccrto publish facts concerning a general description of rack&s and rackctccrs.
the greatest racketeering scheme that has ever been
practiced upon the human race, ancl which racket is GREATEST 1tACKET
de&yin:: and working great injury to millions of 81?ut aside nom preconceived opinion, and with an
honest-hcartcd persons. What is a racket? and who are unbiased mind csaminc the facts concerning the
the most subtle and slimy racketeers? grcntcst of all rackets that linvc ever l~ccn practiced
’ A racket is a schcmc, plan, dodyc or trick used for under the sun, to understand the truth of which is
selfish gain and which clcccivcs and works injury to for your own personal welfare. Honest pcrsous haxe

some means of protecting thcmselvcs against many lievc it i, right, while others know that they are lxx-ong
public encmics because they are warned against such and arc norkin: a fraud upon the people. The latter
enemies, can see how the enemies OlJCrate, and can take are doubly dangerous to the interests of the human
steps to safeguard their own interests. The most race. Because the name of Christ has been and is used
dangerous and destructive kind of rackctccring is that to work a great fraud upon the people the racket thus
which has the appearance of honesty but which is practiced is the greatest of all. There are many sin-
operated in such a subtle, deceptive manner as to cere and honest persons in organizations known as
blind the people to the real truth. The credulous and “religious” or “church organizations”, and it is with
unsuspecting are caught unawares in the enemy’s the hope of helping such to see the truth that this
trap and find it almost impossible to extricate thcm- publication is put forth. What is here published is
sclvcs thcrcfrom. The grcatcst racket cvcr invented not an attack upon men, but is an attack upon the
and practiced is that of religion. The most cruel and most subtle and devilish kind of frauds that cvcr cx-
scductivc public enemy is that which employs religion istcd. Those who desire to know the truth will bc
to carry on a racket, and by which means the people pleased to now carefully consider the origin of the
are deceived and the name of Almighty God is rc- so-called “ChrLtian religion” and how it has pro-
~JrOa&!d. There arc numerous systems ot religion, grc:xcd in the earth.
but the mocjt subtle, fraudulent and injurious to hu- lo Christ Jesus is the IIcad or beginning of Chris-
mankind is that which is generally laltclcd “the tianity, because he leads and others follow in obeying
Christian religion”, because it has the appearance of Cod’s commandments. Cluist means Anointed of God,
a worshipful devotion to Jehovah God, the Supreme the One who is commissioned to carry out God’s pur-
Being, and thereby easily misleads many honest and pose. Christ is not and never was for one moment a
sincere persons. Strange as it may seem,the two words rcligionist. He always strictly obeys the command-
“Christian” and “religion” are diametrically op- ments of the Almighty God. IIe instructed his faith-
posed one to the other. Most persons in the land called ful disciples in the Word and purpose of Jehovah
“Christendom” have been led to believe that the two God. After the resurrection of Jesus from the dead
words mean one and the same thing, and through lack the holy spirit, which is the invisihlc power of God,
of l~~~owlcdgeof the truth great injury is done to the came u1;on the faithful apostles and they understood
pcoplc. The greatest public cncmy is that which opcr- tlic truth as it was not possible for them to undcr-
atcs with a righteous appearance but which is fraud- stand it before that time. Those faithful men, in the
ulent, brings reproach upon God’s name, misrcprc- name of Christ, \\crit about “from hoiisc to house”
scnts his purpobc, and tlicrcby robs the people of tlicir (Acts 20: 20), teaching the pcoplc and preaching to
money, their peace of mind, their liberty of speech them that the sltcd blood of Christ ,JCSUY IJrovidcs the
and thought, and of the opportunity for life cvcrlast- rrdcmptivc price for man from condemnation, and 1hat
ing. Under the practice of the so-called “Christian it is the purpose of Jehovah God to give life to those
religion” the world at the present time has rcacllr~d who bclicve on Christ and follow in his sicl~s. I~ccauso
that period drscribed in the Bible in thc>scwords: those men were freely tclliri g the truth to the pcoplc
“This know also, that in the last days pcrilons times concerning Christ, the rcligionists atnongst the Jews
shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, assaullcd the apostles and brought them into the
covetous, boasters, proud, blnsphcmers, disobedient to courts, demanding : “By what power, or by what
parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural afL+c- name, have ye done this?” One of those faithful
tion, truccbrcnkcrs, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, apostles of Jesus Christ rcplicd in these words: “1:~
despisers of those that arc good, traitors, heady, high- it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israc.1,
minded, lovers of plcasurcs more than lovers of God; that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom
having a form of godliness, but denying the poner ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by
thereof: from such turn away. Now as Jannes and him cloth this man stand here before you whole. Tllis
Jambres withstood ~IOSCS,so do these also resist the [Christ] is the stone which was set at nou$lt of you
truth : men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the builders, which is become the hcacl of the corn(‘r.
faith. But they shall proceed no further: for their Neither is there salvation in any other; for thcrc is
folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also none other name under hcavcn given among men,
was. ’ ‘- 2 Tim. 3: l-5, 8, 9. whereby we nxt be saved.“-Acts 4 : 10-12.
e Do not confuse “Christianity” with the so-called I1 During the remainder of the earthly career of
“Christian religion”. The latter operates in the name the apostles they continued to preach to the pcoplc the
of God and Christ but is wholly against Christ and message concerning Christ Jesus, his csucifision and
his kingdom, which is the onlv hope of the human race. resurrection, and the coming of his kingdom as the
Religion,labeled “the Christian religion” is a racket only hope of mankind, and many of the common peo-
invented by the Devil to defame the name of Almighty ple heard and bclievcd. To of&et the work of the
God and is practiced by men, some of whom are honest apostle, Satan the Devil began to build an anti-Christ
and practice it because they have beeu induced to be- organizatiou, into which latter organization many
N. Y.

people U-WCdrawn. Ambitious men assumed the lead- into Rome. Under such conditions as these little or no
ership amongst those ~110 started to follow in the religious dogma could exist; nor did it. . . . Thus
footsteps of Jesus, and those ambitious and selfish men ecclesiastical Rome became as cosmopolitan and cclec-
became the teachers and leaders of the organization lie as the Roman Empire itself. This is but another
(Acts 20 : 29,30), and thus was the organization way of saying, however, that the religious life of the
labeled as “the Christian church”, and the doctrines Roman community was constantly shifting as the proc-
and practices thcrcof wcrc from that time forward ess of broadening continued.
called “the Christian religion”. The Lord had warned I‘ . . . Diana, the moon goddess, under one name or
his disciples of the coming of the anti-Christ, that is, another and with somewhat varying attributes, the
those who should dcc*civc the pcoplc in the name of favorite deity of so many nomadic pcoplcs given to
Christ. (2 John 7) Such deccivcrs wcrc manifesting the chase, and in all probability the chief deity of the
thcnlrjclvcs even in the days of the apostles. (2 Thcss. nomadic Romnns, gave place to the earth mother, the
2: 7) In this day (1937) the religious organization producer, the characteristic deity of an agricultural
that has its hcadquartcrs at Vatican City, Italy, and pcoplc. . . . Jupiter, the god of the sky, of the upper
which calls itself “the Cltristian church” or “Chris- regions and of thunder, usurped the foremost place
tian religion”, dominates the religion of the nations primitively held by Diana, the moon mother, becoming
ealed “Christendom”. As lscrctoforc shown, religious the titular deity of the Romans and the suprrmc god
organizations began 15ith Bnijylon and cstcndcd to all of the T,atin races united under the imperial sway of
parts of the earth. WLICJI Rome became a world power, Rome. . , .
which is known as Pagan Rome, that world power ‘I . . . Juno, the female counterpart of the supreme
practicen the T)cvil religion ; and in time Pagan Rome deity [Jupiter] himself, and the drfiuition of the sup-
Llossomcd info what is knokvn as Papal Rome, which posed female qunlitics of tile sky. In other words, she
from then till now practices what is eallcd the “Cliris- is but a subdivision of Jupiter himself, whose sister
tbn rcl igion”. The following indisputable historical and ail’e she is represented, in Roman mythology, to
facts should bc read with real interest, since tlicp dis- br. . . .
close that Rome completely fcil under the I)cvil rc- “Next to Jupiter and Juno, his regal consort, the
ligion. The quotations following arc from 2’1~ Xncy- grcatcst of the Roman stntc gods, was Mars, . . . the
clopcdin A?)lcricclna: patron of war, . . . Mars, who was especially l~oiiorcd
“ROMAN R1SLIGION. From the time that the Ro- in March and October, was the patron of the apcniug
man religion appears within the l~llc of traditional and closing of the war campaigns and of the sports
and recorded history it seems to have been constantly connccicd tlicrewith. . . .
and progrcssivcIy suljjccted to varyin:: influcnccs, both I‘ . . . At this early period in the life of the Roman
internal and external, and to have passed through people, the superior priesliiood seem to 11:tvc bec>n
many ch:~n~cs. . . . Funtlnmcntally the primitive re- almost inscpnraf~ly connected with the nobilily and the
ligious ideas of all the Indo-Europcnn pcoplcs were kingly rulers, the latter of whom had already begun
qnitc similar. Even the Roman religion, in the days to lay clcim to dcsccnt from the gods. The seeds of
when Rome was governed by kings and had already ancestor worship had also alrrady been plnlltcd, a
begun to cvolvc compli~atcd rituals and complex custom which was later on to deify kings and cmpcr-
myths, still rctaincd a surgcstive similarity to that ors, as t!le legal and dc facto rcprcscntntivcs of the
of India. . . . Ttic early Roman gods were the per- gods up011 earth. . . .
sonification of the elements of nature. The old Roman “ . . . It looked very much as if the old religion
dcitics aud supernatural beings of their nomadic life, were about to go by the board when the cstnblishmcnt
the patrons of the chase and the guardian spirits of of the [Roman] empire saved it for the time being.
the mountains, the rivers, the earth, ihc sky and the The emperors, claiming to IWIC by divine right and
upper hcaccns gradually assumed more definite attri- direct descent from the gods, it was very much to their
butes . . . The dcitics and religious customs and interest to uphold a state religion ; which they did on
practices of all the tribes of Italy of Indo-European a magnificent scale, bringing into the national church
origin, which were quite similar, gradually became all the ofticcrs, employees and dcpcndcnts of the gov-
domesticated in Rome. Katnrally as lhe Roman Em- ernment, The state church, at this latter stage, was
pire broadened and became more cosmopolitan, its rc- an immcnsc fraternity, all the members of which wcrc
ligious system also became broader and more all- bound, by virtue of their office, to support it. This
embracing. Having absorbed the d&tics of the Italic revival of tlic ancient Roman religion was, therefore,
Peninsula, the habit of absorption became, with Rome, less religious than political. . . . Babylonitln, Glcck,
all-impelIing, and the pantheon of the Imperial City, Assyrian, IQyptian and Easttirn rcli$ous idcns found
reaching out its octopus arms in every direction welcome in Rome. The Great Earth hIothcr of Asia
throughout the already n-ide confines of the rapidly Minor [therefore of Babylon] and Jsis, the mother
cstcnding Roman domain, and even beyond it, brought goddessof Egypt, were not only introdnccrl into Rome
Bern creeds, new deities and new religious philosophies but their \vorship, which was accompanied with elilb-
JLZY 15, 1937 215

orate ritual and ceremonial, became almost univcrnl had entcrcd the ranks of the faithful; . . . when
throughout the Roman Empire ; and such a firm root synods were brought under political influence; , . .
did it take among the masses of the Roman I)eoglc when politics and do,matics went hand in hand, . . .
and the Eastern nations under the domination of Rome that men of rank entered the church. When Christian-
that the early Christian missionaries found great dim- ity became the religion of the court and of the fash-
culty in eradicating it. ionablc classes,it was used to support the ccry evils
“ . . . This craze for foreign dcitics went to un- against which it originally protested. The Church was
heard-of cstrcmcs, going so far afield as Persia, from not only impregnated with the errors of Pagan philoso-
which was introduced the great sun god, Mithras, with phy, but it adopted many of the ccremonics of oriental
his elaborate mystical worship, which became very [Dcril] worship, . , . The clergy, ambitious and
popular in the Imperial City itself. . . . Thns Rome, worldly, sought rank and distinction. . . . They bc-
bathed in philosophy, sccpticism, mysticism, emotion- came lazy, arrogant, and independent. The people
alism and stoicism, with nothing solid to which to were shut out of the government of the church. The
anchor, drifted upon the rocks of national religious bishop became a grand personage who controlled and
shipwreck. In this condition she was found . . . for appointed his clergy. . . . The mission of the [true]
the dcvelopmcnt of the Catholic faith.“--Z’he Ency- Church was lost sight of in a degrading alliance with
clopedia Anwricnnn, Vol. 23, pages 641-645. the State.”
12Thc “gods” mentioned in the foregoing arc Gag SUBTLE SCHEME
and the wicked demons, which inhabit what is known I4 The Lord Cod gives warning to men in thrsc
in the Scriptures as “the land of Magog”. The faith- words : “TIX fear of man bring& a snare : but whoso
ful apostles of Jesus Christ saw the anti-Christ religion putteth his trust in the Lord shall bc safe.” (Prov.
advancing in their day and forcwarncd the Ixople 29: 25) The man who fears that hc may lo:~c some
against it. Soon’ aster they passed from the earth the honor or other thing that hc regards as valuable UJI-
Ucvil saw to it that what began as the Christian or- Icss hc pursues a compromising course is certain to
ganization was corrupted and turned into what has fall into Sat:iJl’s trap. Ambitious men arc carily Icd
since been called the “Christian rclil,lion”, and which into Satan’s trap. No doubt the early leaders in what
has since opcratcd in the earth under the name of the is known as the Catholic Church organization wcrc’
‘Roman Catholic rcli$ous system’. The following sincere, but someof thcrn, pirrtic7llarly being an7bitious
historical facts, taken frotn Lord’s Old Ifomn~t IVorZd, for honor amongst men, and fearing they mi::llt lost
arc here npI)roprjatc : what they had, quickly fell to the flattery of the Ucvil,
“In the E’irst Cclltury not many wise or nohlc wcrc who saw to it that they had plenty of it. hbor7t 400
called. . 0 . In the Sccmd Century . . . it was a dis- years after the death of the apoqtlc Pctcr the Eomnn
gmcc to be a Christian in the cyc of fashion or power. Catholic “IIicrarchy of Jurisdiction” was organizctl.
. . . The church . . . was a small body of pure and After still further ccnturics had passed,and the peoI)l,:
bl;~tn&ss men who d7d not aspire to control society. had been kept in ignorance of the truth, it was thcri
But they had llttrilCtd the notice of the govcrnmcnt an easy matter to induce the living ones to brlicvc that
and wcrc of sufficient consequence to be pcrsecutcd.” a man whom they had been taught to honor as pope
l)uring t!x second century “bishops had become in- and the head of the Hierarchy is the successor of the
flucntial, not in society, but among the Christians”. apostle Peter. The pcoplc wcrc thus induced to bclicvc
Ttlm “rcclcsiastical centralization commenced; . . . a great and injurious falsehood. There is no rcahon
The Church WilS laying the foundation of its future to say anything about the man who fills the office of
polity and power”. pope, and the&ore nothin g is licrc intcndcd to apply
I3 It is certain that the Lord God had nbt marked to an individual, but what is said is against the oft&.
out suclt a policy. It is equally certain that it was the That office of pope had no csisfcncc in the days of the!
Devil who was planting and cultivating the seeds of apostles. It was ereatcd by mcti at the instance of Ya-
sclfisl7ncss to accomplish his wicked purpose. The tan, and the first man clcctcd to that office was clcctcd
historian above mentioned continues : “Z’he Third in the year 440 (AD.). The Catholic Church did not
Ccntwy saw the Church more powerful as an insti- exist until long ccnturics after the days of tl7c apostles
tution. . . . 1)octrincs wcrc systematized [into creeds of Jesus Christ, and yet that organization today claims
and confusion] . . . Great bishops ruled the growing to be the church of Christ, and millions of sincere
church. . , . The Chut~h was rapidly advancing to persons believe that falsehood. Ncithcr Christ nor
a position which extorted attention of mankind [of any of his apostles had anything whatsoever to do with
the world, IO be sure]. It wu not till the fi’ourtlr. cca- bringing into csistence the Catholic orgailizatinn.
tutg--when imperial pcrsccution had stopped, when Only the Devil could conceive the idea of orqlnizing
Constantine [the emperor of Pagan Rome] was con- a great religious system and labcling it the “Chris-
verted; when the Church was allied with the State, tian church ” ; and his purpose, iu keeping with his
when the early faith was itself corrupted, when super- name, was and is to dcccivc the people and kc(!I) the:n
stition and vain philosophy [prompted by the Devil] in ignorance of the truth concerning the church of

Cod. The church of Cod, of which Christ Jesus is the I7 IS the Roman Catholic Church organization the
&ad, is the only true church, and the names of those true church of the living God? The answer must be,
who are in it are written in heaven and not on earth. so. Refer now to the scriptures showing that the true
(Ileb. 12 : 23) Beeausc that religious organization church is the temple or organization of Jehovah God
assumed the name of Christ and stealthily and grad- and that the one and true F’oundation Stone or Rock
ually put forth its false doctrines it has become the thereof is the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the 1Icad and
most far-reaching and destructive racket that has ever Lord of the church; and that all others in the temple
been in csistcnce, and works to the grcatcst injury to or church arc members of his body and that such
the people and to the defamation of God’s name. It latter-named ones must be transformed into the likc-
operates upon false pretenses and false teachings. 111x3 of the Lord Jesus Christ, faithfully following in
his steps, and that these arc the witnesses of Jehovah
PRETENSES Cod, who arc commissioned to bear testimony to his
I5 A prctcnse is the act of laying claim to something holy name. The office and mission of the church of God
or holding out to others some teaching or doctrine to under Christ Jesus, compared with that of the Roman
induce such others to take a COUW!consistent with Catholic organization, shows that the two take exactly
such pretcnscs. The Catholic organization, commonly opposite courses. The Roman Catholic organization is
called the “Catholic church”, is made up of the pope, now and for centuries has been engaged in rcbligion,
bishops, cardinals, priests and others called “clcrgy- politics and commerce for gain, and is thcrcforc the
men ’ ’ ; and all those who support that organization cncmy of God and the cncmy of all mtn. In the Scrip-
or who arc adherents thereof arc known as the “Cath- tures a “tree” is used as a symbol of a WCiltUW or of
olic population”, but which “Catholic populalion” an organization composed of creatures, and the fruits
are not mcmbcrs of the church. In the Catholic orpani- borne by that, tree symt~olically stand for \~lli\t crca-
zation tlrcrc arc the high and the low clcrgymcn, that turcs or organizations hold More the pcoplc as spirit-
is to say, the IIier:~rchy of authority, composedof men ual food for their sus*enance and growth. ,Jcsus, s~mk-
in high positions; while thcrc arc many humbler men inx of the snmc, says: “A good tree cannot lJrinl_:forth
in the priesthood who cbcy the commands of the evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good
higher-ups. The Catholic orgauization has long held fruit. . . , 1\%crcforc by their fruits yc sli:111know
out and continues to hulcl out to the pcoplc certain them. Not cycry one that saith unto me, Lo~*cl,Lord,
claims or doctrines for the manifest purpose of in- shall cntcr into the kinqdom of heaven; hut hc that
ducing l~~~ple to bccomc adherents to or “children” docth the will of my Vather which is in hcaxn.“-
of that organization. Among tlic doctrines so taught Matt. 7 : 1S-22.
and held out is this one, to wit: That tlic Roman Cnth- lE Jehovah Cod has corcnnntcd to give to Christ
olic Church is the one true and only church. The fol- JCSUS and his faithful ones who follow him, and u ho
lowing quotation is from the well-known Catholic arc madc mcmbcrs of his chur(ah, his kingdom, which
authority : “The true Cliurch must bc Apostolical. kingdom shall in time rule in riglitrousncss and minis-
Hcncc ill the Creed framed in the first IScumonical tcr blessings to the pcoplc. (hh 22 : %-30) l’hc
Council of Nic;x, in the ycilr 32.5,wc find these words : kingdom of God has nothing ttlilt is cornmcl~cial ant1
‘I hclicvc iI1 the (h, Iloly, CiltllOliC and Apost0Zic 1lilS nothing in C?ommcJi~ with the harsh, crurl il!lCl
Church. ’ ” --2’lie Faillb of Our Zf’ut1lcrs (Cibbotl~), wicked system that rules the world now ai1r1 which
pages 38-42. present rule is under the Devil ant1 his rcprcsc~ntati~es.
l6 Credulous persons, who hear this claim and rely Concerning this world Jesus said: “My l~inqtlom is
upon the same, arc iiiduxxl to act, and tlicreforc mil- not of this world.” (John 18: 36) “The pritlec of this
lions of sinccrc persons hare been induced to b&xc world [Satail] . , . hat11 nothing in me.” ( JO!IH
that the Roman Catholic organization is the church 14: 30) The Scriptures show that Christ JCSUYtakes
of Clod, and for that reason they hnvc submitted them- his kingdom and rules at the time of his sccontl c’om-
sclrcs to the organization which is ruled by the IIier- ing, at which time he gathers unto himself Ilis church.
archy. If the claims or prctcnscs made by the Catholic (2 Tim. 4: 1) Jesus addresses himself to rcligionistq
organization are false, then it must bc conccdcd that of his time and of the present time, and to whom he
the pcoplc arc being imposed upon to their injury says : “The kingdom of God shall be taken from you,
and that those who arc rcsponsihlc for such pretenses and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thcrc-
or false claims are therefore racketeers. Uy what rule of.” (BIntt. 21: 43) The Roman Catholic C%ur& or-
shall these claims be measured to tlctcrminc whether ganization has never at any time brought to tltc ~woplc
or not they arc true or false? The sinccrc person ~1~0 the fruits or mcssn~csof God’s kingdom, but, on the
believes in God and in Christ, and who is of good will contrary, that organization has at all times co-ol)cratcd
toward God, will quickly answer this question in thcsc with politicians, militarists, commercial giants, and
word:; : “The Word of God is the only true guide by other gangsters to rule and control tiic nations of the
which we must determine the truth or falsity of such earth. Instead of bearing hrfore tlic pcoplc tl!c fruils
claims. ” of God’s Word, which sustain them, that is, the fruits
JCLY 15, 1937

of God's kingdom, the Catholic orgauization has bitter- head of the Roman C!hurch organization, began to
ly opposed the kingdom under Christ. Every religious exercise political or temporal power. Pcpin, king of
organization on the earth indulges in politics and in Fraucc, after defeating the Lombards in the war,
commcrcc, more or less, contrary to the will of God, placed the pope as temporal ruler of the conquered
and all these organizations ill-treat and persecute tiic provinces. Thus the papacy came into existence as a
men and women who bear the message or fruits of and temporal power by means of a war of conquest, which
concerning the kingdom of God before the people. is contrary to the Word of God. Says Cardinal Gib-
bons : “Charlemagne, the successor of Pepin, not only
EWONSISTEX(“r confirms the grant of his father, but increases the tem-
Is The Scriptures lay down the unchangeable rule poral domain of the Pope by donating him some addi-
that everyone who is made a member of the church of tional provinces. This small piece of territory the Ro-
God faithfully follows in the footsteps of Jesus, and man Pontifi’s coiitinucd to govern from that time till
therefore must do as Jesus does “For even hereunto ISTO, with the exception of brief intervals of foreign
were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, usurpation.“- 2’1~ Faith of Our Fathem, page 137.
leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps : 21In the cscrcise of his political power the pope has
who did no sin, ncithcr was guile found in his mouth.” maintained his ambassadors at the courts of almost all
(1 i’ct. 2: 21,22) Again, Jesus says: “Every one that the nations of “Christendom”. Such a course is cn-
is of the truth hcarcth my voiec.” (John 18: 37) All tirclp inconsistent with and iLt variance with Christ
such must obey his commandments or else suffer dc- JCSUS, the Head of the church of God, who dcclarcs
struction. (John 14: 15; Acts 3: 23) To lay claim to that hc ha5 nothing whatsoever to do with the l~olitical
the high oRice of the rcprcscntatire on cart11 of Jesus afrsirs of this world, ~~ccausc Satan controls tlWni.
Christ, ant1 then to take the course exactly Opposite 22E’roni 1870 till 1919 the pol~c was almost compl(+c-
to what *Jesus took, is wholly inconsistent and shows ly shorn OS his temporal power, ilS will appear from
that the claim5 or prctcnccs of the Catholic organiza- the historical facts. (See The ll’~tlcl~towcr April 1.3,
tion are f&se. Consider now the well-known facts in 193i, 11 32-48.) During the period of time from lS-18
the light of Ohc above and supporting scriptures, and to 1919 the Roman Catholic Church organization con-
by such scriptures dctcrminc tho trulh or falsity of titlucd to dabble in the politics of the world, however,
the rlaims of the Catholic organization. alid to seek to Cain political recognition and power
20Neithcr Jesus nor his npostlcs owned any real amongst the nations of the earth. Immcdiatcly follow-
cstntc, houses or other property. Of Jesus it is written : iny the World \Var tlic pope soii::ht a scat at t11econ-
“ [ IIc] hath not. where to lay his bead.” (I~ul<c 0 : X4) fcrcncc of the LC;I~UC of Natioils that he inigl11 cnx!;i~e
Jesus and his apostles did not build calhcdrals and in dividing up Europe when the League of Nations
draw the people into them to serve them, but the Ilord was formed. The pope was prcvcntcd from gainiiq a
and his apostles went about “from house to house” scat at that confercncc; but after the Lcaguc of Xa-
prcaehin~ the truth to the people and instructing them tions was iormcd and began to opc’ratc, the IJcvil saw
in the way of God. (BEatt. 10: s-15) All true followers to it that the papal Organiziltio~l got on top of the
of Christ Jesus have ever pursucul the same course. Con- Lcag~, and it has I~crn riding it cwr since. Nussoliiii
stantinc, the politician and emperor of Rontc, who was became a friend of the pope, and since then they have
a lxuqn or heathen, claimed to adopt “Christianity”. opcl&ed together. “In lW!l the Latc’ran Treaty ad-
He became a “Catholic”. Constant inc was rich and justed the relations of church and state in Italy.
doubtless had been induced to believe that he could Shortly thcrcaftcr Rlussolini and the I’opc, strong
buy his salvaticn. The following is quoted from Car- character5 both, clashed over the education of E’n$cist
dinal Gibbons’ The Faith of Our Futhcrs, page 134: youth; in 1932 the L)ucc wcllt to the Vatican, knelt
“Constantine gave to the Roman Church munificent in prayer, and, it is bclievcd,‘took holy communion.
donations of money and real estate, which were aug- Ile was an avowed atheist, like his father, in youth;
mentcd by additional grants contributed by subsc- latterly he has become very religious.“-Zxsitle Eu-
qucnt emperors. Hence the patrimony of the Roman rope, page 195.
PuntiEs ,wn became very considerable.” From that 23The ambition of Mussolini is to become a great
time onward the Roman Cathclie Church organization war lord and to rule the whole world by force. The
became very rich in material things. Thus it is seen Roman Catholic organizatioil, working with him, fully
that it pnrsncd a course wholly inconsistent with that supports his ambition. When Alussolini Legan and
pursncd by Christ Jesus. The religious organization, carried on his bloody conqac~st against the poor bh?liS
in the fourth century, had bishops and rulers, many of Abyssinia, and in which war many lives were dc-
of them, and then the bishop of Rome was elected to strayed, the polx and the Catholic organization backed
the off?cc of pope. That was the real beginning of pope- Xussolini up and “blessed” his murderous assaults.
dom and was more than 300 years after the days of il;ow the dictator of Italy attempts to compel men and
the apostles. (See The Encyc2opdia Britannica, Vol- women to breed like dumb beasts for the l~nrl~osc of
ume 2, paae 81.) Soon thereafter the pope, as the pxdueing men to be later sacrificed in war, and in
this ‘the pope backs up Nussolini. A press dispa#& The Hierarchy wrongfully obtained posscs\ion of
from Rome, published by the United I’rcss and b&- millions of money obligations of the Spanish g3\crn-
east over many radio stations, under date of Mar& 4, mcnt, concealed the same in their cathedrals, aud u\cd
1937, says : “Italy’s Fascist leaders agreed today 013a it to prosecute a rebellious war, in which hundrcdj: of
vigorous effort to increase the birth rate and provide thousands of persons have been cruelly murdered,
more soldiers for the army of the future. A seven-p&t many of them by Catholic priests. Mussolini and
program was adopted for immcdiatc application by IL Hitler have supported the Roman Catholic Iiictxrcl~y
Fascist grand council, supreme advisory body, in a- in the prosecution of that rcbcllious war. Surely 110
other of its closely guarded night sessions under Prc- representative of God and Christ on earth could ClJ-
mier Bcnito Nussolini. . . . It was reported that l%pe gage in such a warfare, which is in open violation of
Pius would instruct Roman Catholic elcrgymcn to God’s everlasting covenant concerning the sanctity
give full support.” of human life.
24Such a course is clearly in violation of Cod’s eer- 2’ Since the World War, and since the Roman Cath-
lasting covenant concernin:: human life, and the %o- olic organization has regained temporal Jjowcr, s11c
called Roman Catholic “Church” is guilty un& has bccomc bold and aggressive as never before. A per-
God’s law. (C&n. 9: 8-13) Does it appear that sach son \bould have to be mentally blind who does not IZOW
an organization represents God and Christ, or that see that the purpose of the Roman Catholic Ilicrarchy
that organization fraudulently uses the name of Gad is to gain control of the political affairs of the world
and Christ as a camouilagc hchind which it carries on and to rule the pc!OrJk with dictators. The JxIJJac*yhas
its devilish anti-Kingdom work “1 made an alliance with the J)olitical rulers of Japan,
s5The scarecrow held up throughout the lands IWW who make no pretense of being Christians, and she
is that of Communism, and it is the JJ~JGJCYthat is thcrc prosccutcs a campaign to silence cvcrybody thaw
creator of and is behind that scarecrow moveme&. speaks the truth against Catholicism. The I:oman
Nvcryonc who dares tell the truth about the Roman Catholic IIicrarchy is vi::orously Jmshing its carnl)‘lign
IIierarchy is by that orgauizat.ion dcnounccd ;IS a to gain control of the ofliccs and J)olitical nff’a~rs of
Communist. The facts are that Communism has bbzn the Jiritish Commonwealth of Nations, but ilcr L’IY:;L~-
organized by the Jesuits, the sccrct order of the Ro- cst clilort is now put forth to gain coutrol of the United
man Catholic IIicrarcliy, and then used as a canum- States of America. A book Jnlblishcd in 39% by a
flage or scarecrow to frighten the people to unite in former Roman Catholic Jcquit, who manifestly W::S
a movement contrary thcrcto, and which latter move- sick of the duplicity practiced hy the rulers iI1 tll,tt
ment is fully controlled by the Jx~pacy. In *is wicked rcli:ious organization, ilITlOn$Gt 0th thi0l::i
manner the Nazis of Gcrmnny, wit11 llitlcr as * says : “In tl~cory, Catholic Action is the work ;~II(!
Jcadcr, were organized and now carry on a rut&q service of Jay Catholics in the CiJUSc’ of rcliyion, un(lM
cruel and murderous rule in that land; aud which the guidance of the bishoJ)s. In practice it is the C*:th-
&LSS of Nazis &light to J)crsccutc those \vho faithfully olic group fighting their way to control America. . . ,
reprcscnt God and Christ and who bear the fruits “There was a time-it is now J)nst----\vbon only
of his kingdom hcforc the people. Many of Jcllovah’s pious Catholics took part in the work of the Chuxh.
witnesses in Germany have recently been put to dcagh, But today many Catholics who cannot qualify a’i ])iol;s
and thousands of others imprisoned, merely bcc~~ are hiy abOUt CathOlk htiOl1. C’:lth~J~iVkl~l, iI
they had in their possession JSiblcs and books cxplrin- America at least, has ccascd to bc a matter ol’ rc!ixious
ing tbc Jsihlc, which enable tlic ~Jcoplc to WC God’s observance. Catholicism now is somcthin$! til:it [Jar-
prOVkiOlJ for suffering humanity. The I litlcr govern- takes of clannishness, and that is c~onstitutcd ill lar~c
ment is in full accord with the Valiciln of 1X-. part by s&al and poiitical and ‘club’ alliliat icms.
Would the J,ord Jesus Christ approve suc11 as the r&e .4mong the hundreds of Catholic lcndcrs who arc out-
of Hitler? (Mainly not; all<] since the l:omnlr Cl1uw.h standing for their loyalty to tlic cause arc to bc fOGlid
backs up IIitJer, that is Jjcrsuasivc cridcncc that ti quite a few who have little if any regard for Cat holie
Roman CathoJic organization rcprcscnts the J,rviJ jac3 doctrines or obscrvanccs. Catllolic! fiction woul(J bc
is the enemy of God and Christ. a far less serious factor in this country wcrc its only
16At one time the Roman Catholic IIicrnrehy Ann- agents pious and devout Catholics. The startiny J)oiut
trolled SJ)ain, during which time she prosecuted the of the wave of Catholic Action in this c0untr-v may
wicked Inquisition, cornJ~clIin~~ pcoJ)Ie to hccome CaZB- be traced back to tbc inauRur:ltion of the Xatiooal
olics or suffer cruel torture. The pcoplc rcbcNed
Catholic Wclfarc Conference in 1921. On that orpa-
against the hi~llhandcd rncltrtccrs of Catholicism alpd
organized a republic. Then the Roman Catholic m%- sion Archbishop lianna dcclnrcd : ‘WC have co-olvli-
tarists bcqn prosecuting a rcbcllion against the rrZr natcd and united the Catholic po\rcr of this count~*y.
public of Spain, carrying on a cruel and vicious xar It now knows where and when to act and is cncoul;,qcd
of rcbcllion for the purpose of again Jjlacing the BO- by the conscioubucss of its unity. ~VC feel oursci~~
man Catholic 1Iierarcliy in control of that country. powerful bccausc our reunion has become 1 i,ll,lc.’
JCLT l5, 1§:7

From that day Catholic strength has grown apace, 2gOne who gains correct information concerning the
and Catholic organizations have multiplied. . . . Devil’s purpose is then enabled to understand more
“,Xew or.ganizations spring into existence every clearly what the religious racketeers are doing. With-
month. Only la& May (1935) a ‘Catholic War Vet- out a doubt the Devil brought into existence religious
erans Association’ WLSestablished under the patron- organizations to defame the name of Jehovah God
age of Bishop Molloy of Brooklyn. Already it has and to enable men who are self& ambitious and covet-
sevctrsI ‘posts’ a& it aims at becoming not only a ous to carry on a great fraudulent scheme by which
nation-wide but an infernational organization. Women the people arc kept in fear and subjection and then
ausiliaries arc attached to the ‘posts’ under the snappy robhcd of their substance and brought under the com-
name of ‘Ycomancttes’. ‘I am sure,’ announced the plete domination of Satan and his visible all&. Sa-
chaplain, Father ‘Higgins, ‘that we will have the holy tan’s purpose is to rule or ruin, and he is using his
backing of Cardind Hayes and that the entire hier- organization invisible to that end. By what follows
arch_uwill iikcwisc approve.’ Contcmporancously with it should clearly appear to all sincere persons how
the Catholic War Veterans, the Catholic College Grad- the I)cvil has an organization and causes men under
uates felt inspired to do more than they wcrc doing for his direction to carry on the most devilish of all
Catholic Action and to set up a new organization, so schemesand rackets that have been practiced amon@
that their leadership in Catholic life mi$t become creatures.
more effective. Father Parsons S.J., explaining the (To be confinued)
new more, writes: ‘. . . Organize ! Pool the intellects QUESTIOSS FOR STUDY
and the wills of as many of the graduates as can be 7 1. 110~ and why has Jehovah adv~scd his covenant people
got together. Give tbrm a common objcctivc. Fire their concerntng the n:iy of the wlckctl? Point out the ~mpor-
imaginations with the vision of a great movement trncc of II consldcratlon now of the subject of rarkets nnd
which f&S its roots from deep within the traditions 1 2, 3. \\ ho are ‘ bhnd and ignorant’ as mentioned at Is:unh
that formed our Western civilization. Let tllon 3c Xi: IO. and whv? \\ hv all1 the LLetcct” not 110 tlccc~rctl?
\Vhnt ‘is tho ILpuseSof the infolmotion matlr n~:l~t:~btn
da&g. IA fkcm k even revolutionary if tke need be concerning raeketcc*rs and their rackets9 JIom is surh In-
for f&f. forinutior~~to bc u3~t in order that It may serve it4 t~ur;~ose?
C‘. . . ‘Cathdic men,’ hc said, ‘should unite in 7 4. l)escr.Lbo the situation c:tttlng for the proclnmatlctn 01’ lho
Lruths here being eonsitlercd.
order to be able to tell legislatures that they ntust not % 6-7. Ijcfine and Illustrate the terms mcl:et and racltlcer.
introduce bills which arc inimical to the ideals of the ‘I[ 8. W’hat in the greatest of ati rarkcts that have C\W been
family or the i&z& of the Catholic Church. They pr:~cticed, and ~hy9 N’hy is it now so important tll:tt honcrrt
persons be informed conccrrung the origin lind *lurpoh0
should organ& so as to bc strong enough to insist that of religion9
school tcaehers who teach “pernicious docfrinCs” be 7 9. \Vt~y II:IR the so-c:~tlcd “Christian religion” bccu tbo
greatest racket of nil?
removed.’ ” --lionte Stoops to Conquer, paps 15-i& 7 10. Exphtin whether Christ Jesus and his apostles were re-
=Spaee will not permit to call attention here to tigmists.

the divers means employed politically and othcrwisc v 11-13. Trace the dcvelopmcnt of the so-called “Christian
to push forward “Catholic Action”, and thereby gain lJ 14. IIow and when did the Catholic Church come into cxist-
contro1 of America and other nations. The purpose cnce? How aud nhy hns it become the most far-reaching
hcrc is to CalI attention to the fact lhat a rcli$ous and destructive of all the rackets9
U 15, lti. U%at is the mctrnlng of prclcnse? Describe the Cath-
organization that indulges in such political, commcr- olic Church as an org:inlz:Ltlon, nnd tho relntlonship thcre-
&al, military and other wicked m&hods as those cm- to of the “Catholic population “. \Vhy is it that milhons
of sincere persons hn\o submittcit themselves to that
ploycd by the Roman Catholic Hierarchy could not organizationj
possibly bc the representative of Christ on earth, and U 17-18. 1~1th scriaturcs and a comnarison of the of&e and
that therefore the daims or pretenses of the Roman mission of the&church of God under Christ Jesus with that
of the Roman Cathohc organization, show whether the
Catholic organization concerning its being the church Roman Catholic Church organization is or Couht be the
of God are wholly fraudulent and false. Such alone true church of the living God.
q 19-21. Compnre the course taken by Jesus and his footstep
should be sufficient TVprove to every honest and sin- followers and that t:tken by the C:rtholic organilntiun, in
cere person thnt the Roman Catholic organization is point of dc$irc to possess nm!clinl things and to ehcrcise
the Instrument of the Devil and therefore inimical to political po\yer. \Vtlnt does this show9
U 22.21. &scribe the anti-Kingdom activities of the Konian
the welfare of humankind. If a person desires to C!athoIic Church organieatlon by its head and Its chief
jeopardize his eternal welfare by holding orl to and official supporters.
supporting that wicked organization, which is the li 25.26. What are the facts concerninrr the oridn and Dur-
hose of Communism, and the I&tionshl< therroP to
enemy of Cod and man, such is his privilege ; but this Nazisln9 Account for the prcscnt situation in Spain. \Vhnt
is a warning, that he may have no excuse for later do these facts show as to the position oecup~ed by the
saying that he did not know the organtiation ~'cprc- Roman Catholic orrranization9
I[ 27. Point out the nntYu,e and purpose of “Catholic Actlou”.
scntcd the Devil. The purpose of this publication is lo Wha? is therein clearly shown coucelning the Roman Ctlth-
aid honest and sincere persons, whether Catholic or olic orgnnization ns to whoso instrument it is.
‘J 28, 29. \That is the purpose in making known these truths?
otherwise, to see the truth, that they may seek aad l\tlat does this mean ns to obligation rcstiug upon those
find the only place of security. who are thus informed?

F OR the encouragcmcnt of his people it is written TIME

in the Scriptures, “13lessed be [Jehovah] my The convention will O~JCU at two o’clock in the after-
strength, which teach&h my hands to war, and noon of Scptcmbcr 15, and continue until the evening
my fingers to fight.” “ [Jehovah] is my strength and of Septcmbcr 20. All meetings of the convention will bc
my shield ; my heart trustsed in him, and I am helped ; held at the Fair Grounds, in the main auditorium, with
thcrcfore my heart greatly rcjoiceth, and with my adjoining halls as may be required. The Fair Grounds
song will I praise him.” (I’ss. 144 : 1; 28 : 7) The time Association, the governor of the state, and the city of
of Jehovah’s war is here, and he has commanded his Columbus, have issued very cordial invitations for
people to arise to battle. His army is a unit, and from Jehovah’s people to hold their convention at the above
time to time it is for their good to assemble together place free of charge, and are furnishing splendid co-
in general convention. Relieving that Jehovah through operation. The mornings of September 16, 17, and 20
Christ Jesus directs all things for their good, convcn- will be devoted to field scrvicc, in which all of Je-
tions are being arranged for those who love the Lord, hovah’s enthusiastic people who are attending the con-
as follows, to wit: vcntion lvill participate. The afternoon and cvcning
Paris, France, August 21 to 23, 1937; of those days will be given over to discourses and dcc-
Columbus, Ohio, September 15 to 20, 1937. laration meetings at the convention meeting l)lacc.
All day of the 18th and of the 19th of Scptembcr will
PARIS be devoted to meetings at the Fair Grounds. On these
Cheap transportation facilities arc available because dates the convention will be addressed by the presi-
of the international Exposition in progress in Paris. dent of the Society.
Many of Jehovah’s people residing in Continental Su~iday the lOth, from 12 noon to 1: 00 p.m., East-
Europe, and many from Great Britain, have signified cm Standard Time, an address will IJC dclivcrrd for
their intention to attend the Paris convention. A spe- the general public. More details will appear later, aud
cial train from London to Paris carrying approsimatc- on the program. The gcncral assembly hall at the Fair
ly 800 to 1,OOOpeople will go up to the latter city. Grounds is the Coliseum buildins, with seating rapaci-
Ccncral information coucrrning this train will bc ob- ty of al~prosimat cly 10,000. AdjaCcllt buildiu~s con-
tained by addressing the Society’s office at 34 Graven ncctcd with the Coliseum by public-address system
Terrace, London, will acc0mm0tliltc 20,000 more persons. The Fair
A goodly number of American brcthrcn would at- Grounds \+ill be covered with public-address system
tend the Paris convention, but steamship nccommoda- which will permit other thousands on the assembly
tions appcitr to bc impossible, the space having been ground to readily hear.
book& long in advance. ~lnatonx~r~~IALL: This hall is situate in the ccntcr
IIo’I’EI, ACCO~IODATIOSS are being arranged by a of the city, and each day of the convention, at 7: 30
spccinl committee at I’aris. Inquiries concerning the p.m., meetings will bc held in this hall for the gcncral
same should IJC addrcsscd to the Paris Convenlion public.
Committee 8 121) Faul~ourg l’oi.s.sonnicre, Paris 1X, IIoTnL AXD Itoo~s: The good pcoplc of Columbus
France. have sign&d their pleasure in arranging to :tccom-
Dctailcd arrangcmcnts for this convention are un- modatc in private homes those who attend the con-
der the supervision of the Central European office at vcntion. The cost for rooms in private homes will be
Bcrne, Switzerland. Auyoue desiring information oth- from 50~ per person per day upward to $1.50; the
er than what is here s!rtcd may write Convention average cost will bc 75c per day per person, two per-
Committee, Allmendstrassc 30, Bernc, Switzerland. sons occupying a room. Hotel acconunodations will bc
furnished for those who arc willing to pay a higher
ASSEMBLI PLACE rate. Hotel and private home rates will bc approsi-
A general assembly place, seating 3,000, is arranged matcly as follows :
in Paris, togcthcr with smaller halls attached. More Grade A Eooa~~:
details will be published later in The WatcAto~cr in With single bed and running water, $2.00.
the English, also in other 1ilngUtlgCs. With single bed and bath, $!&50 up.
The prcsidcnt of the Society will address the general Double room with bath, $3.50 up.
public, announcements of which will be made later. Large-capacity rooms, combination tub and shojvcr
baths, siqlc beds, three persons in a room, $5.50
COLUMBUS per pcrsoii.
The convention at Columbus, Ohio, mill be for the Four to five persons per room, $2.00 per person.
special accommodation of Jehovah’s people residing Six persons in a room, $1.50 per person.
in America and in Canada, but will be attcndcd by Grade B Ii’ooms:
others from different parts of the earth, With single bed and running water, $1.00.
3cs-i 15, 1937

With double bed and running water, $1.50 (‘EC modations will be obtained at building No. 2. AU
per person). persons desiring informntion concerning rooming
With single bed and bath, $1.50. shouJd report at this buiJding on arrival.
With double bed arid bath, $2.50 ($1.25 per person). ADVAXE ISPORMATION : All persons desiring in-
All the above rates are per day. formation concerning rooms and hotel accommodalions
A list of higher-yriccd hotels and their rates may will address the Convention Committee, as follows:
be had on request. Watch Tower Convention Committee
In writing for accommodations, please be very spc- 893 IIcClain Road
cific as to your requirements. State the following: in Columbus, Ohio
your letter: Your name, street, city, state or province, Requests for such accommodations should bc made in
nationality, white or colored, date you expect to arrive writing, addressed to the Convention Committee early
in Columbus and date you will leave Columbus, kind in July. An ofiice was opened in Columbus on the
of accommodations desired (Residence Grade A or 5th of July.
Grade 14, Hotel Grade A or Grade B), number of
rooms rcquircd, number of personas in your party, SERVICE:The Service Office will be located in build-
number of married couples, number of single men, ing No. 4. Territory for field service and the assign-
number of single women, the amount you want to pay mcnt will be made at that building. All persons upon
per person. Your accommodations will be mailed to arrival should register at the Service Office for service
you; so it will not bc necessary for you to report at and there receive their instruction and assignment.
the room assignment booth on your arrival, but you POST OFFIW: A post office will be maintained on the
can go direct to your accommodations. The hotel or convention grounds, and letters can be addrcsscd to
people with whom you arc to stay will be nolificd by any person at the convention, marked “Convention
the Convention Conimittcc that you are cornin:, and Fair Grounds, Columbus, Ohio”.
how long you cxpcct to stay. It is requested that all PMWING &ME: Ample space for l)arking cars is
persons attcndinji the convrntiou will obtain their provided for all those who attend the convention hy
rooms through tlic aecommodations conimittcc rather nutumobilc ; and this parl;in~ space is free, but $1ill
than by hunting up their own rooms. Your co-opcra- bc under the direction of persons duly assigned to di-
tion in this matter will greatly aid the committee. rect the parking of cars.
Those who come in house-ears or trailers or have I’o~rc~: ~lmplc police patrol will bc provided for the
tents will be assigned Ercc parking space in the Fair convention and Fair Grounds, both day and ni<!it.
Grounds. You need not write about this in advance. CIIIXK ROOX: A room for the checking of pac!;a~:cs
and other like things will bc provided on tile ~rou~td.
Every available sound car will have special oppor- drcs~s in languages other than ISngJish will bc h(nld
tunities of service. 13ring your sound car. in the afternoon and the cl,elling of Thu~~lag alId
CATEIWG: A cafeteria will be maintained on the Friday, the 16th and 17th ; othcr\visc all meetings will
couvcntion grounds, at which three meals per day will bc in the gcncrnl auditorium. SW Program for furtllcr
be scrvcd to those attending the eonvcntion ; ant1 these information.
meals will be served at a nominal cost, only a sufficient IMJlE:IISION: Complete arrangements wiJ1 bc made
amount charged to cuvcr the necessary espcnscs. The for the immersion of all pc~~ns who dcsirc to sym-
rates will be posted at the cafclcria. Those who desire bolizc consecration. Immersion service will be held
io make other arrangements for their meals can do so, Sunday morning, at eight o’cIocJ<,at which time all
but the cafctcria is specially for those who dcsirc to candidates will asscmblc at the auditorium for further
have meals served on the grounds. instruction.
Piols~~ AND TIMLIM CAMP: Ample space is pro- Those desiring to bc immersed, bring your own bath-
vided iof the parlting of and for camping ing suits and towels.
purposes of tile pioneers. This will be open as early IIOSPITAL ASD NURSERY: A hospital will be main-
as the 10th of Scptcmbcr, and pioneers may park their taincd on the ground, under the supervision of doc-
trailers therein from that date until the end of the tors and nurses, for tllc purJ)ose of taking care of
convention. The camp will be properly protected by anyone wJ10may become ill. Also a nursery will be
police guards. All persons desiring to park their cars provided for mothers who have infant children. There
in this space will first report to the Convention Com- will be an open space where the children may play
mittee, at the Information Office, on arrival. on the grass and be cared for, so they will not interrupt
I~YFORUTION OFEWX:An information office will be the meetings.
maintained on the grounds, in the Coliseum, east en- BZUSIC:It is the desire of the conrcntion managc-
trance. mcnt to have an ample orchestra to lead the music.
Information concerning rooms and rooming accom- Thcrcforc any person who plays a musical instrument

well will plca~e notify the Convention Committee at Ar. IIarrisburg 11: 30 a.m.
the following address : Lv. Harrisburg 11: 37 a.m.
Watch Tower Convention Committee Ar. Altoona 2: 10 p.m.
117 Adams St. Lv. Altoona 2 : 14 p.m.
Brooklyn, N. P. Ar. Pittsburgh 5: 00 p.m.
and bring your musical instrument with you to the Lv. Pittsbur$1 5: 10 p.m.
convention and report at the Information Office upon Ar. Columbus 9: 20 p.m.
arrival. This train makes the run from ~cw York to Colum-
NEWSPAPERS: Arrangement is made for a full-page bus in 13 hours 20 minutes, which is faster than the
report of the convention to appear each day in the regular scheduled trains. It is ncccssary for 150 tickets
Olkio State Journal. The subscription price for the (round trip) to be bought for this train before it will
entire convention nelrspapcr report will bc 35,. It will start. Therefore, all persons desiring to avail thcm-
be mailed to subscribers daily. All persons desiring sclvcs of this opportunity to travel on this train will
to receive thwe newspaper reports may send their sob- plcise notify Convention Committee, 117 :&ins St.,
scriptions to Convention Committee, 117 Adams St., Brooklyn, X. Y., on or before August 15. The cost of
Brooklyn, X. Y., not later thax the 7th day of Sep- tickets will hc published in a later issue of 2%~ ll’cllrj~-
tember. After that date subscriptions will be turned ~oww. Special trains will he operated from diffcrcnt
in at the Book Room on the convention grounds. The parts of the Ilnitcd States. ‘Mic note of the following
papers concerning the conwntion rciport will be sent concerning the California trains:
to any address on earth. It would be well to qct your Usual spwial train car parties to Columhll~ Con-
subscription in to the Brooklyn office, 117 Adams St., vention will bc arrnngcd from northern and soritlic~i*n
Brooklyn, N: Y., on or before Scptembcr 1. California, going via ~Southern Pacific. Sim~mw tollr-
TRANSPORTATION : Transl)ortation will bc at reason- ist rates will lx in cffcct as low as $69.!)T,for roriri~l
able rates by bus and by railway, while many will trip, in air-cooled coaches. Second-class tiClict , incllid-
come on tlwir own priratr! cars. The railway com- ing slccpcr, round trip will bc as low as $Ki.#J. Any
panies have made 8 spcci;~l rate of lbc per mile in ticltct ngcnt will furnish full information. Thaw tlc-
coach cars, for 25 pcwons or more. This rate for round siring to join tltcsc parties should prornJ)tly notify
trip is available to groups of 25 or mow adult persons C. V. Knrmcycr, 1553 Livonia Ave., Los A115~clw,
traveling by rail. Apply to your local ticket agent for Calif., or C. W. Gerdcs, 61 1)iamond St., San I:rn:i-
further information. Special cars may be arranged cisco, Cnlif. Companies arranging for special tr;iins
in which the parties will 1ravel togcthcr on the @ng or cars, and who dcsirc the snmc to be a~~nou~~~~d irl
trip. The rctwn trip may IJC made individually on the Tlrc Il’utclitowcr, plcasc send the informntion to
regular trains. Stopovers arc peimitlcd on the going 117 Adams St., 13rooldyi, as soon as possible, that
and returning trips. Baggage may ix clwcltcd on the publication may be had so that others who dcsirc may
train. The local agrnts of railway companics will give join the train or party.
further information. The convention should he a time of grcnt rcfrcsti-
BETIIEI, SIVXIAI.: A special train will be arranged mcnt and blessing to Jehovah’s ~)coplc. All \\hn WC-
by the Pcnnsylwnia Railroad Company, ant1 operated ognize Jehovah as God, and the Lord Jtsus Chr&t as
from New York to Columbus for the bcncfit of the his anointed King, and who love Cod and his kinqclom,
Bethel family and other pcrsonr in the New York area. arc WdCOmC aid COrdidly iiivitcd t0 attCild. S~JdCrS
This Bethel Special will leave New York at 8 : 00 a.m., of ability from various parts of the earth will bc pw-
Eastern Stnntlard Time, on Scptemhcr 11, in order to cnt to address the conrcntion. It is confidently IIOJW~
get the Bethel family on the ground in time to make and espectcd that this will be tllc most entllwi;l\lic
further lwcparation for the convention. This train and blessed convention held in modern times. ;\laI<o
will be made up of day coaches, and will operate as your arrangements for vacation so that you map at-
follows : tend the convention; and let all who low the Lorti
Eastern Standard Time ask him to add his l&using upon those who nttcnfl,
Lv. NW York 8:OO a.m. that it may equip his lxople better for the wrfaw,
Lv. North Philadelphia 9: 25 a.m. that they may lift high his standard and hare grwtcr
Ar. Paoli 9:55 am . . opportunities and greater blessings in carrying his
Lv. Paoli 10 : 01 a.m. mcssagc to the people.
JEIIOVATI ir good to nil: ml his ttndcr
mercies are over nil Isrs &k-a. AU lily uorI-.s slroll glue thanks
to thee, 0 Jchotnh; and thy sn?nts shall bless thee. The?/ shall
apeok of the glory of thjr Kingdom, and talk of thy pomcr; fo
make knoun to the sons of mea hts mwktu acts. and the oloru
of the majesty of his kir&om. Thy ki&gciom w*nn crerla>tkng
kingdom, and thy domraion endurefit throughout all generatwns.
-Pa!dn 145 : 9-13.
Recently I have had the pririiep of uuing the latclst instru- Enclosed is one of the many letters received in respon3e to
ment the LorrE has given u3 with which to fight the enemy, the the public lecture, “Amiagedd6n,” dclrvered by Drotlicr
phonograph. 1 had such good results with it that I could not Rutherford in the Oakland Municipal Audrtorium on Sunday
refrain lrmd3 telling ab6ut my experiences. Out of four&n Blarcti 2%
nwtings, with forty-tw6 attcndancc, I aas able to Iravo Irtera- The inquirer in thus instance, Niss Velmn V. Ritter, did not
ture to the amount of nine books, seventy-seven booklets, and even wait for a response to her letter, hut looked up and found
thirteen DitJrnr. This is eertalnly gocld evulcnce that the phono- the San Francisco headquarters of Jehovah’s witnesses, Fl’-
graph is the right instrument to use, and that its tme has cured all the btemture published (even to the extent of rhcc
J&0\Ph ‘8 ?lksrring. ing up with a c6py of the cataloguo and asking for sm book1r.s
Since I am Greek, I have trouble in making myself under- listed in the catalogue whmh the pionPcr sister who spoke to
stood. Ijince I have the phonograph to talk for me a more her had omitted from the total of book3 arid booklets).
effective witness is given; and it results in better placements This is one of many who have, directly n3 the result of the
and more time and gregter joy in wxvicc. March 28 chain broadcast, found the truth and have been
Nay JC~OT& cwtmue to Ness nnd use you to the honor of helped into the chariot of the Greater Jchu, the Conquering
his name. Kmg.
Your fcflow publisher, In His service,
JAMES &mm, Uaryland. 8. I,. BREVIT, ~%crctary,
San Fruncisco company of
Jehovah’s \+itncuscu.
At the close af another month nm very happy indeed to send JEHOVAH’S PRECIOUS TRUTH
you report of the study attended by the &the1 family rn Toron- Dunn BROTIIEK WTIIIXTO~D :
to. The attcnd:urcc was 15, 15, 1~1, 15 rcupectivcly. It is good
to note that all attend this study rcqularly uulcss 3u:kness or Ilcjoice in Jehovah’s kingdom. It 3cems of the greatest priv-
come unavoidatdc reason prevent ono’s being prcycnt. ilcgc to write to you, rn this great day of the Lord.
Doring the past month UC have commcnred the study of the l<rotlrcr, you are doing mar\clous work in the name of the
art&s entitlexl “.Jchovah’s provrsrons”, and although WC have Lord. I prny the Lord’s blessing upou you. You sure open the
OS yet only tonchd upon the scttmus dcnling with the player3 eyes of the blind with J&ovah’s precious truth, Y(hr( h is trke
and their respvetire parts in the tlrama, the central figure of bving waters.
which is Jmph, words nre hardly atlrqu:rto to 3tate or cupresa \Vo get your radio programs from Detroit, station \VGR, each
the deep feebng of profowd joy which is tninglull with rev- Sunday at 10 a.m. \?e &in hear your vo&, as rf it \\crC you.
crcnve at the rich provision this I~roI~hctmal picture is to God’s \Vc li!e six milts west of Slilvcrton and fix milc3 ra?t of
pcopb as food upon the Lord’s tahlc a3 nell as it3 mnnrfrst Muulton. Alother am1 J)atl, who arc ltno\\n a3 Smtcr am1 IIrothcr
setting forth of the rirhes of &!tov:rh’s grace and goodn~~~s to C. Flc~rsctmucr, are ot the Truth also. Tlwy are hcrc c:ic*h Hun-
honest-hearted ones who will listen to and learn the 1,:~~ of li fc. day, listcnlng in to h6:ir the “Voice of the Truth” , as thuu~tl
1 fcx!I coorpcllcd to mention to you also the dchght the fanuly it \\a9 n fountain of Irving watcru. Oh, \\Imt a jqy to hrar the
11:rvu found in the L~ncorcr~~f Inmklct, with its char-cut arraign- sword of our I~‘:ilher Jchorah! \Vc surely trutcn wrth sllriit cars
meul of the Hcmwn Cnthtrlw iiicr:~r~h~ and it3 tcachlrl~s. Only to catch our food so that \vc may not tiung:L’r.
lhe wisdom of J&ovnh could cnns6 thm to bc pro~luccd. Sjomc~ It seems our r:i(lio \\itl not get any 6ther of those atatl6nu.
tmm it ~~x3u.9 tkat we cannot krclp up adcqmrtcly with the Thry must 1~ short \!a\6 hngths. I{ut rn spite of :111, o,lr Clod
wonderfuf provision of spiritual f~)od set upon the Lord ‘Y table. pcrmlts u3 to get that fountain of natcr \%hich 13 a lualrng
Assuring you of our contmued lure for you :IY you scsrre the nt t (~:rni each Sunday.
Imtl’s ptwpk, and of our pnycis on your bctmlf for Zion’n \\‘c can see now, when the veil of the* Devil is rrmovctl from
sake, I am our cyc3, and which has left us in the blind for so many vrn.
Your fellow scrwnt by the Lord’s grac*e, turn.3, that the time is here for our Irt~:r\cnly limg of hightcc~us-
??. c * \~‘AlNWI:IGIIT . iirss to rule, and that 11:1ppy d:rya arc’ WIIIIII~ for those ~110 obey
Jclm\ah. We hope wrth llatient tubal t that soon all wrck~*lln~~su
wit1 bc destroyed, as we rcj6icc to ~6~1our tien%cnly Krug ~ulc.
PRIVILEGB JEBOVAB IIAS AFFORDED 1Vilh bcut ~islies 1 pray to God to PIIonor his blcsumgs ul’on
Dnne DWTIIEK ~~CTHEKWGD: you, that you be for cvcr in the King:llom service.
At au assembly of the Lord’s people held in Liverpool during Your sister by Jehovah’s grace,
the reck-end of March 27 and 2S, when 1,tiW.l brcthrcn rcpre- b11:s. L. OSIER, Camda.
scaling most of llre companies in the Drrtish Isles ncrc present,
your Icttcr rogtrding the ncrv campaign of activity against the MANIFESTATION OF JEIIOVAR’S LOVE
corny was n21I by the &it& branch servant to the asscmhlcd
company, together with a colering letter from the 13ritish ofhco. DE.UIBROTHER RUTIIIXFOI:D:
Tlrur was received wrth great enthusiasm and it was good to be The voice of man is weak, and of hunsclf he can add nothing
there to witness thn: keenness of all present to share in this work. to the glory of the grrat Jehovah. The loving-kmdncss of .Jcl~o-
A propo~3nI was put forward ?nd seconded as follo\\s: vah iu boundless.
*‘That this asscmhlv of Jehovah’s witnesses con1c-y to you To untlerstnnrl the prophecy of J&ah at 28: 17, nhich ~!:LIc’Y,
an euprcssion of thcir’deep appreciation of the privrlcge Jeho- “and the hail 3hnll smcrp awny the rrfugc of lic3,” i3 an oc-
vah has affovdett us of shrrin g in this new form of activity, cnsi~m for 11011eand joy; hut to lx given the prrv~lcge ot carry-
nnd that all pledge themselves to carry forward the work out- ing that “hail” to the people in the Ilrfcof~rrcd I~noltlct i3 n
lined in guur letter with seal nnd vigor. Reahzing the impor- mauifcstatron of the love that the great J&6\nh has fur the
tance of the vc6rk to be done, and that quickly, also the goodness pe6plc; also the booklet ~JOtCCfJOn, wlu~~h will ennblc thui~~ rn
of Johov:~l~ in giving such clear direction through ‘Ills organi- Jutlca to 3ee the abomination that maketh desolate, and to flee
mtion, we inteml by his grace to faithfully perform our part to “the mountain”.
to ttu! Ix&e and honor of his name.” It is drfilcult with w6rdd to give thanks to our God, whose
The ns.seurl&d brethren were unanimous in support of the name alone 1s Jehorah; but the Scrrpturcq say, at Is:ti:~h 40: $1:
nbovp, also lhnt their n-atm love aud grtietings lx conveyed “7’11cy shall run and not bc weary”; at i’3:llms 119: 32: “I
to ftnl. will run the way of thy rornmnn~lments.”
I was asked to write this letter to you as chairman of the In the army of a great King, with the Faithful Warrior
as3ernbly. I :33ure yen I have I~lea3urc in doing so. leadmg,
Tours in Jehovah’s service, Your brother by His grace,
& Y. &GITES. Caan~cs ALES&DER, Texas.
BROoBLPS, ::. Y.
I wvnnt to t:bke thm opportunity to express to the Society, as
Greetings in Jchorah ‘8 nnme. SUCII, something of the gratltucle I have for a long time been
Just u pe1son:11word from a colnhorer here in Canada. I ion~mg to express In words. It is my gratitude for the nricr-
wish to express my apprecintion nnd joy for the 111 ~r,lege I fttrlin:: ser\-ice the Society, beginning w-lth Brother I:utiwrf:lrd,
have in Jehovah’s org:tnlzatlon-ffeedillg at hi3 bountiful table and tllcretifter “e\er~one in his plnce”, and one wvlth 111:n.13
so wonderfully pror~tled with foot1 convenirnt, using the strength rcsndrring us, all the pioneers, at whntevcr solace cn the t:lcc
derived by serving him and aiding and cncouragmg others to of the earth WC may hnve the prl~llcge of makin: use of tllo
eonlinuc iaithful nnd loyal. simply wonderful 01,portunitles that are ours. Tlus se*rlf:o of
I hnvc read the booklet Uncovertd. It is marvelous how tmc the Bocicty involkcs big burdens of work and big ccononuc
by one the false doctrines of the Roman C:ctholic Ilicrarchy burdens. Our gratitude to the Lord, who puts it into your hcart
are taken up, their own authority quoted, followed by SB px- to In thm way carry 1~1sl~nml~lelittle ones in the glorious piont*cr
osure from God’s IVord, clear, Scriptural and rcnsonablc. service, finds an outlet in continunl pmycis for all of you, d0:tr
P[on appropriate the nnme “Unco\e~ed”! rind, together walth ones, thnt he may mightily sustain you all in the work ho lrns
the work outlined in your letter of February Z-for \\hich work giteu you to do to the glory of the great name of Jcho\nh. \:‘a
the friends nre vigorously prqalmg-it promises to ‘uncover’ arc one with you all: E’or Jehovah and for Gideon!
the wlcked organization of &tan. Your grateful sister,
The WatclrloWer, under the dlrcctlon of the Lord! continues ANKA WICKBOJI, Szceden.
to bring the food conlenient, the nndcrst:tmlmg ot l~rophc~y,
and the drama ‘Joseph and Ills ISlcthrcn promises to be the THE GREAT KING’S DUSINESS
best vet.
2%; remnant nnd their compnnions are now hearmy: the cam- DEER MOTHER I~LTIII:I:FOI:U:
rnond “Arise ye, and let u9 rise “1) agn~nst her in battle”, and Crcctiag in our Fatiwr’s name Jehovah.
in unity and love for Jehovah and his cause ~111go into action, I, too, hkc other brc~thren of the Lord, can’t hold bark my
rcsult~ng in n grand \\itncss’ bcmg given to the ~mdicntion and love for you sntl the fellow workers for your go011work :it the
praise of Jehovah. Grcnt. King’s business. I w-as permitted to nttc‘ntl tllc Sts;\:lrk
ronvcntion. I b(*como sl~~llbound when 1 SW the ftb:)st9 of <owl
Dcnr Brother I~uthcrford, I h:tvo rend nll your wrltmg and things our rich Pnther ha3 provided for us; and, bless 111sholy
distribottd many copirs for tho pust seventeen ~WIH. 1 have name, he w11l come out victorious.
usctl a souml car for tlrc post tll~w summers, and feel that I Oh, that x0 he found nlwuys with praise upon our 111~4in
em l~*rsonully ‘ncquxluted wltll you, I rccopwc your \~ork and the testimony way, thnt the people ~111know how g1)11t1 .I. IW
lnlwr of low in tlx Lord; aucl 11l:hy 110 conlirkuc to gls-0 you vat1 is! And ahcn that old Ucvil is rcmo\ccl, how great It ~111
hcallh nnd strcnglh and hi.9 lo\ ing protection as you fcark3sly be! No mind cnn even tlunk how grcnt this hc:tvcn nntl cT:lrth
6crw his cause nntl 1113pcoplc. could be. To give this wnrning to the p~ple, though the tl~~:h
Your brother in joyful service, dnlost fnll off my btmcs, I \i 111not fc:ir man nor tlc\rl, :IUII
D. J. I%c;lXON, C’nm?&. will do ~111in fr:hr of my gtrat rich Fnthcr, .J~lto\:~h.
P.S. From Octolm 1 to February 2X I huvc l~l:lrctl 1% bound DC assulcd, dear brotllcr, 1 nrn in full ro-opcrntlon \\ith you,
book3 nntl 2,l’i:I bool~lcts in tlm h:lnqls of the l~q~lc, kept 811 Your sister in the +WWIW,
my apyon~tmcnts, ad traveled many miles in rcglonal aeervice. blcs. NELLIE I’ALNW, fianuaa.

h’ea Rmyrna. lcln. . Aug. 1 ,\II~\:ulMa, 1.a. .........~u6,g 20
I’a!ru I:c.lrll. l~‘llL ‘8 Jwllwn, 1.11. ............... ;;
n;i:1mt. 1.1:....... ..;; 4.; Sl.Ulll,~, .. 1I;. .............. “
Orlnuclo, 1.h. ........ llc*h:tt,, Ark. ..............
De I-‘unlllk St~‘cx. FIX. I‘ 1lV~lC. ;;
Ark. .................. 2’:.
J’Wl~ 5’: f.l1bd..utw. Ark .............
IlrJ~nlll~n. I.R. ..............“ ;;, ;:; ~:outlt, Ark. ................:; 4$
lCew Oilr:ul<, 1.n. ...........41 r I~:l:~~rir, Ark. ..............
Pr.n:rlev!lI~ .. La. .......... Ow~~lit, AI k. .............. ”
lhton Itoug~, Ln. ........ “ IS. :5 JIelrna, Atk. ................ “ ::
Al,rrnntl~~ .. Tex. ..... .Atr& 1 Amw~tlo. Tex. .......... Aug JO. no New Ihckton. Ah. Auc. 4,; >lountnln f!rrck, Aln. AUF.
LltlleIield. nx. ............ 3, 4 I’eIn[m, TCX. __.-._ ............ 21. 2’2 Eufnrll:l, Al% ^ . .... . .. ‘6 C’tnnton, .11:1. -.. .. .. .. . .. 1. (( :z,
l~‘srwell, lb. .............. 1: II03 x:(-r, Tru. ............. I‘ Union St” LIICJ, Ala. .___‘1 7 .Jw~~wn, ,\ 1:~. . . ... . .. .. “0
Plaiurww, ‘1.c.x. .......... 7 t I’CI 1J ton. ‘lh. .............. iVont;onwry. .\I:L .__.__ “ 8. ‘3 Sllrtl~y, Al:!. .. ..._. .. .. ... “ 21. 2:
l,ochtwy ‘l’f,\ . .............. .. 10,ii (:wxtle1 t, Tc\. .............. “‘ii Anlnllll, Ah. ._. .. .. .. .....” 11, 12 I!rook\rowl, Ala. __._._.__“ I’ I
Mt,t:,d0;, 1 P\. ............ :; 1’. 13 QlI:wttl Tcs ......... “ olwlll.:I. Ala. .. . ... .“.... “ Cart;;;,, A 1.1. __._.. ..___._... ;: 2.;
l’aclaco’l ‘l-cc ............. l-s,16 1 t,:tt1:7.’ TCS.’ ..... ::.:.:.:. “ iz S:tlcIIl. AIn. . ..“............_ “ :s Ala. . ... ... . ... .. .
QuJl:cq;e. Tcx. ............ “ 17, 18 \~ittIIr;l l..‘a. ‘hu. Ang 31, Sept.1 Rortnohr, Ala. .. ... ... ..-“ g I’Ur7 ,:I;, .\tn. . . . .... ... . .. “ %
Ale+;rudcr City. Ala. ._ ‘I IJirmiwJran)
D , Ala. _.._._“ 2‘41
Hnntington, \V.Vu. Jutv 31, I.o~:lrl w. vu. ._. .... ...Aog.
Pliny. iv. vu. _. ...I. Aug. Jl:u&n, \V. \‘a. .. ... ... ”
C1mrle!4tn11, w. vu. .. .. ” h:lplcr, W’. Vn. .. .. .. .. .. 4‘ 9. M. TOUTJIAN
Jnclie, \v. VR. . .. ...._... ;: Gitnwr, \\‘. \ a. ... ...._.. ,,61
%ltt. 1~,060t11* \v. \ n. . . ,( I:whllnnnon, \\‘. Vn. ._
Jkd~lry IV. vu. . .. ._.. .. . BIontro<e. \V. Va. .. ... ... “
Ramcll~. IV. \‘a. .. .._..... “ I’nrsolls. IV. vu. .. ..... ... “
Lcw~nrcl. w. Ya. ._...._.;; Grafton, W. Vn. ..__.... . 1:
Claw, w. \‘a. .. . ...__._ . .. . Inrlr~~mttc~m, \I”. Vs.
133Hir$l,v~. Va. . .. .... . 1; ltrctJ~\ iltc, \V. Vs. _.._..“
‘, . * . . . ...*...._. .. . .IIory;cnl’u, W.V3. Aug. 31.

Sr1mrnrrtic1d. O’:la. .. AllI& IJenryPtta, OkJa. ._. . ..Au”, rn~lrtonu, Okla. .... .Aog. 22
FdcAlr~fer. Otda. __..... 4‘ ** Wclwrkn. Ohtir. .. ... .. . .. I‘ Jlig J”oI~, Ark. . .. . .... .. ‘* 2-1 z-1
Quinlon. okta. .. . .. .... .. . a J:e:lrdcll, Oltla. . .. .. .... ._ ‘1
“ IJot Sl’~m<n, Ark. ____._ “ 3,: -‘?
Sti$cr. Okkl. . ... .. ...“._. 1: \\‘ewoha, Ot~la. .e-.. . .... .. “ Little I:rwt;. Ark. ... ._... I‘ 2 d. “!I
1’01mu. Okln. ” . ...“-- . ... Atwood, Oltla. .. .... ..I.. urrer, dlk. ... .. ... . .. .. . .. “ 31
WATCH TOWER B1BL.E 6 TRACT SCCiETY IFIS journal is published for the purpose 6f c3’:l)!in:
117 Adams Street - Brooklyn,
N.Y., U. S. A. T the people to know Jehorah God and 111sptir;:o. 1-> :i 3
expressed in the Bible. It pubhshes Bible in;::uctlol
specifically designed to aid Jehovah’s wtnesses anrl all pcopl~:
Presitit W. E. VAX AMBDRGII Stcretaty
of good ~111. It arranges systematic Bible study for its rw11c.3
“And all thy children shall be tauGht of Jehovah; and and the Society supples other literature to aid in wcl~ >turllc, ,.
It publishes suitahle material for radio broadcastmg and 14~
great shall be the peace of thy children.” - Ifflralr 54:13. other mcsns of public instruction in the %X~ptures.
It adheres strictly to the Able as authority for its u:tcr-
THE SCRIIWJRES CLEARLY TEACfi antes. It 18 entirely fret and separate from all partIes, wet3
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, is from everlasting or other worldly organizations. It is Vholly un11 xilliovt
to everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and tlw Giver reservation for the lungdom of Jehovah God unller Christ
of life to his creatures; that tho Logos was the beginning of his beloved King. It IS not dogmatic, but invites cawf::l
his creation, and his active agent in the creation of ull things; and critical examination of its contents in the li$t of tit.,
that the Logos is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed Mcnptures. It does not indulge in controversy, nud its cell-
with all power in heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive umns are not open to personalities.
Offkcr of Jehoruh.
THAT COD created the earth for mnn, created perfect
m:Ln for the prrrth and placed him upon it; that man millfnl~y
disobeyed God’s law and was scntcnced to dceth; that by
reason of Adam’s wrong act all men arc born sinners and
without the right to life.
‘lItAT JESUS w-as made human, and the man Jesus suf-
fered death ia order to produce the ransom or rcdcmptire
price for all mankind; that God raised up Jesus divine nnd
esaltcd him to hcnven above elcry crratule nnd nhovo every
name and cluthcd him with all pw%er nnd nuthority.
thnt Christ Jesus in the Ch;c:f Olliccr thewof and is the
rightful King of the world; that the nnointcd and faithful
follorvers of Christ Jesus are rhildrrn of Zion, me;nbcrs of
Jcho\ah’s oquization, nnd arc? his \vitupsSrs whose duty and
privilege it is to testify to the ~~prcrnncy of Jchorah, dcelare
his purposes toward mankind as c’:;prcsscd in the Bible, und
to bear the &its of tile kmg:c!orn before all who will hear.
THAT THE WORLD hnq endctl, and the Lord Jesus Christ
has been placed by Jehovnh upon his throne of authority,
has ousted Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the
establishment of God’~ kingdom on earth.
THAT THE RELIEF and hlessixq of the peoples of earth
an come 0aJy by and through Jehovah’s kingdom under
Christ, which has now brgun; tllat the Lord’s next great
Ret is the destruction of Satan’s oqnnizntion and the estnb-
Jishment of righteousness in the earth, and that under the
lW$:dom all the Kho will obey its righteous laws shall live Entered as eccond-claw matter at the port o&c at n~ou~tyrr, A’. Y.,
011earth forever. rtndcr the Act of dlrfrch 5, 1::i3.
---,- .-.-. ____-__II-
_I -_ -- ____._ ------

The next testimony period, narncrl “Jluunt Pcrnzim”, will
occupy the dates August 7 to 13 incluri\c. Tliis frills tine right
in the midst of the qeeul sunnier ramJ)nign; hence there <bill
be no change in the special offers of hterature to bc cxh:bitcd
during this testimony period, only tflnt the klngtlom publ~shr~s
sill arrayge their aifnirs to devote ns rnurh time 118pbsslble
during sn~J period to place these sJ~&tl o!f~rs r\itll the people.
&e the announccmcnt elsewliei 8 under ‘ ‘ Furllmer CaniJxxign ’ ‘,
and also eo~~nlt the Reent issues of the 2~1forma~ fo: fuller

The OX&X am1 factory at 117 Adams Street will suspend
Operations from Scp:embcr 11-26 inclusiv+. This wll 1~21mit
the memhem of the &the1 family to atten, and serve at the
Columbus eonrentlon and also to enjoy n fclv cstrn da.vs m
AcJd service or otherwise before res&lng regular work at

See informatlon in July 15 issue of l’l.e IYal~hiowcr.

VOL. LVlII AWX~T 1, 1937 No. 15

“T&e wicked workctk a deceitfzll worJi.“-01-0~. II: 16.
EIIOYAIT COD has an organization, and all of rule, it has shown its purpose to dwtroy. It resorts to
his wcatures who are entitled to life form some all manner of wicked and deceitful scltcmcs to brI11:’
part thcrcof. God does everything in order, aud about the destruction of those who proclaim C:c~ll’s
all of his creatures that may mmnin in his orgauiza- truth. Tlte Roman CaOlolic “IIicrarchy of Jurisllrc-
tion must bc obedient to God E law. At one time Luri- tion”, which rules or dominates the visible pai t of
fer was a part of cod’s orfaninrtion, and until hc be- Satan’s organization, is made up of the most sul~lIc
cnmc lawlc~; and since then he!, that is, Satan the Devil, and harmful rackctccrs that tinvc ever afllirtcd tllc
the enctny of God, is t hc complete expression of wickcd- human raw. Tlwy are slick, wily, dcccitful, and tics-
Iwss. Ilc is the enemy of all ercaturcs who try to do pcratcty wicked. That Ilierarchy of Juristlictiou prac-
right. Satan is a mimic aud has attempted to form his tires deceit by carrying on a ni9tistrous raclxt, and
organizalion of rebellious c*rc*nturcs along a line simi- tltcrefore is dcscribcd in the Srripturw as estrcww!y
lar to God’s organization. Satan’s organizi~tion is wicked ; and it is concerning surh that the words of
divided into two parts, that is, one invisible and t!lc the text are written: “The viickcd \FCJt’liCth a dcwit-
other +isiblc to human cycs. ‘I’bc Ucvil ‘s or~anixation, ful work.” That organization falwly claims to rrprc-
as originally formed, cxistcd from Eden to Il:c flood, sent (iod and Christ, but in fact it wprcscnls the l)cv11
and wa‘i there brokwl up at the time of 1hr dclugc, tiild is mowd ctttirrly by stlfislltlr ss.
the vihiblc part thereof tJc*ing destroyed. ,\ftcr the 3 The Roman Catholic Jlicrarchy church or~anizn-
flood the Devil built U~Jagain his visible organization, tion is thr most pcrfcctly orgilr!izd political body on
which hc has used to dcccire men and to drf’amc the earth attd is the most powt~ful one of all orwniza-
name of the Almighty God, and lay and through his tions. Tlic British Commonwalt h oT X,ltiotis holds the
organization Satan is dclcrmincd to rule the world di~titiction of being the grealcst world power f113t cvcr
contrary to God’s will or to destroy tlic creatures existed. Its claim is that its ~~osscssiotia are so far
t tlercof. flung that the sun shines on some part thciwf at all
*Tho scripture at Revelation the twelfth chapter times. Xade up of many pcoplcs, ltindrcds atld tong:lwi,
discluscs the two great opposiu~ orgauizntiotls. God’s thcllritish Commonwealth is truly cosmopolitan. 3l:rtry
or~anizatiott is dcscribcd iii symbolic phrase as “a good pcopie of England arc bqnning to SW t hc grc;lt
woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her danger that now thtvatctts the Contmott\~wlt II nncl
feet, and upon her head a wow11 of twlvc stars”. that such danger is the Roman Catholic Jlict~nrctl~~.
The 1)&l’s organization, in symbolic phrase, is de- In practically all the coiouics or subordiuatc l)ort ions
scribed as “a great red dragon, having scvcn heads of the Commonwa~th Roman Catholic officiak are in
and tcu horns, and sewn crowns upon his heads”. control and those office-holders utterly disrcgartl I he
The word “dragon” symbolically means “the de- rights of non-Catholics. In both Korthern and S~ulh-
vourer”, that is, the one who seeks to destroy ; and em Rhodesia, in West Africa, in the E’iji Islands, in
that name is in keeping with Satan’s determination ~uc~~rc and many other parts of the, Comnionwrn~l h,
to rule or destroy. “Red” fitly represents his blood- political, religious Roman Catltolics, under the tlom-
spilling course of destruction; and in keeping there- ination of the Vatican, control the public offkcs. They
with the TMil’s religious chief represcntstive on the manifest an outward allegiance 10 the British Corn-
earth garbs himscIf in red robes. The chief part of monwalth, but at heart those Catholic officials a1.c
Satan’s visible organization is that of religion, and the loyal only to the Vatican. They suppress the trlrth
Roman Catholic IIicrarchy is in the lead in all the and forbid the importation of publications that wuld
religious movements in the earth. The Roman Catholic enlighten the people of those colonies, particularly
Rierarchy declares that the right and purpose of that the natives, and thus they keep them in ignoranrc.
organization is to rule the world; and where it cannot If the people perchance get into possession of Iitcra-

ture that enlightens them concerning God’s Word and prayers on behalf of the dead. Al50 it is representcC
his kingdom, RoJnan Catholic offi’iicials take immcdizte Ihat the money thus contii!xJl,cc? results bcJJcfcinl1~
steps to prcvcnt the fnrthcr publication of such litwa- to thox ~110 arc living and that after death their t imne
turc and the promulgation of the truth. Those Cath- in “purgatory” might be shortened. Sinccrc peo~jle,
olic ofiicials do not hesitate to prqmulsate lies, charg- bclicving such representations to be true, have rushed
ing true Christians with crimes of which such persons iJit0 the Catholic organization and hare freely given
arc in no wise guilty. Such lies arc told to furnish an up their money, liopiii~r thereby to gain for tlJemsrlvz:s
eseusc to prohibit the people from porscssin:: anything and their l~elovcd dczd great benefits and to rclicrc
that esplains to them the Word of God, which Word their dead friends froJiJ sufic!riJJg the “fires of purr+
of God exposes the duplicity aJJd croo!;cdncss of the tory “. The result has bwn and is that billions of tlol-
Roman Catholic orgJJizatioJJ. From the suhordinnt c Jars of money have been poured into the Roman Cnth-
parts of the Commonwealth pressure is bein% brought olic organization’s treasury, which money has lxcn
to bear, on England in particular, and it is only a used and is being used by the IJicrnJ*chy, to carry for-
quccjtion of time, and that a short time, until the ward its ambitious and cruel purport to rule the II;L-
IXrilislJ Comrnonwcalth of Nations will be dominntcd tions and for the “hi$icr-up priests” to live wunto!Jly
and controlled by the Roman Catholic 1Xicrarchy. Suc+lJ and fare sumptuously dzily, while the common p:.o~~lu
a CourSC Of action iS Wholly infYJIl~iStC!nt With tklt of sufi’cr for tlic ncccwitic~ of life. Jf the Catholic &JY-
a true follower of Christ, and tlwuc facts arc citrd hcrc trinc of “l~urgatory” is false, then it must hr (‘(III-
to prow that the Roman Catholic Ol~~il~liiZlti011 dots IlfJt siclcrcd by crery honest lxrson that tlir RoJnan (l.!Lii-
represent God aJ~d Christ but wprcscnts tlJc I)wil. olic llicrarchy is operating the grcatc;t racket cvc I
k11o\\IL, 1)~ \vl&:h racket the ~JCOJ~C arc’ WIJ~ICY~ of t111air
NUMBERS AND WEALTII morJcy, tlicir pcacc of Inillrl, and their pro~;~wcts of a
‘ In the United States alone, it is claimed, there arc kJJo\vltlcdgc of (iod’s l)urlJoso; and this alone l)txrids
twenty milliOn of the Catholic laity, that is, “~lrildr*crJ the Catholic organizat 101i as tl,c iJlc;tl*umcnt ol’ Ihe
of the church ” or “ Catholic population “, which popu- I)cvil and the cncmy of (loi1 and of man. Jt is iil~o
lilti<JIl is dominated by thirty thousand clcr#yJiwJJ. fuI’ttWr [JlWJf ttl:lt the clililll mXic that tire Cath1llf:
The Catholic Church or~nniz.atiotJ in America 1~~1~1s~h~IK!ll iS th! ch~lrCh Of (;Od iS a1lOt~lcr Of th 1 )C!Vii ‘S
title lo property wluctl ilt billions of dollars. ‘I’kc lk3, tOld for the pLlrlJOSC Of dCCC!iViIlg tllc IJCOlJlC:lll(l
Encyclopedia hicri~nnfz, in an article published in turning thrm away from Jehovah (lotI. TJl:lt no OIIC
1937, S~ICJWS that at that lime the Cnt,holic ChurclJ Jn:ly llave JwlYOll to h:ly, ilS many C:ll holic s h:l\e
throl~~hout t tic cart11 had withiJJ its organizalion said, that their doetriJlc of “purgatory” is Jlli<tc.IjJc-
294,5S3,000 lrersons. TlJc matcsrial wealth of the Cu! iI- scntcd to the pcol)lc, the following is qwtctl frolii t :le
olic organization is to 1x2found iJi great sums on cwJy hook of Cardinal C;iblwJJr, a rc~nowncd Catholic :IIJ-
coJJtineJit nJld rouJitry of the earth, a~grrgatin:: IllilIly thority : “‘l’tlc Catholic Church tcwlws that, . . .
billions. \Yticnce dot&s its trcmcldous wealth come? thcrc exists ill the rirxt life n Jnitldlc state of tcmporar~
\Vhat rcprescntations nJJd claims have bcctn made Ily punishnwn!, allotted for those who haw d1w1 in wni:11
the Roman Catholic Ilicrarchy to iJ:duce the lxoplc to sin, or \\I10 have Jiot satisfied the jilsticc of (io11 1’11r
put thcmsclvcs uJider the dominating control of that sins already forgivai. She also tc:Jchcs us 1t1:11,
organization and to supply the money to so greatly although the souls colisigncd to tllis intcrJwtll:llc
enrich the religious, political organization? state, commoJily called purgatory, cannot heI p t ht*rtl-
~clves, il:cy may be aided IJy the [prayers] of the fait II-
PUilGATOCY ful 011 Cill’tll. TIJC csistcwcc Of [)Ul ~fintoi*y Jiaturatly IIII-
s Without a doubt the source of revcnuc of the Co- plies the correlative dogma-the utility of prilyillg for
maJJ Catholic church orgaJJizat ion, that which has the dead-for the souls consigned to this midtllc state
brought the greatest amouJJt of money into the cofl’crs hare not reached the term of their jorJrJJey. Thry arc
of the Vatican, is the doctrine of ” purgatory”. Nil- still csilcs from heawn and ilt suhj(Bcts for l)ix itlc
1ioJJsof persons have put their trust in the clcrgymc~ri clemency.
and by the clergymen have been induced to bclicvc that 0 6(. . . Ibis soul will ~JC ultimately sawd, hut he
aheiJ a man dirs it is 0Jily the body that clics, I~ut that Sllilll sufiw, for a tcin~mrai~y duration, in tltc’y-
the soul of that man eoJJtirJucs to live and that every iJig ilnmcs of PUl’~iltO~~. l’liiq iJltcri)J’~tation is not
soul goes immediately to 01ic of the three ~Jl:lWS, that. mine. it is the uJJaJiiJiious voice of t lie l+tlwrs of
is, the righteous to heaven, the willfully wiclrcd to Cliristc,ridom.“--Tl1e I’aiiA of Ow l~‘trf1~c?*s,I~n:;es
eternal tormcrit or bell, alid those who have died in 205-20s.
veJJia1 sin aJJd who have JJot been cleaned up go to ’ This is a plain statcJncnt that the tloctJ*inc {If
“purgatory”, there to remain for an indcfinitc poJ*iad “purgatory” iS hscd up011 tradition iIll(l Jlot llpll
of time, the dllration of which may be shortened by the \\‘ord of God, and according to the rule laid docn
moliey coJitribnted by living fJ%nds and paid into by Jesus this doctriJw Jnakes void the 1Yord of God,
the haJJds of priests of the Catholic Cllurch to say because it is false. (Sfatt. 15: 3, 6) ITor the purpo<e
of laying the foundation for the doctrine of “purga- by themwlws but mu-,t rcxivc and brlicve only what-
tory” the same authority, on page 217, sqs this: soever the Catholic Church teaches. See Tlrc f’nitlc of
“X:or what is death? A mere separation of body and OW I”uinc~‘s, pane 74, where it is said that “(iod I~CSYI
soul. The body, indeed, dies, but the soul ‘liven {on]. intended the Bible to be the Christian’s rule of i”aitL,
. . . It continues after death, as before, to tlliA, to indC~J&ht~y of the . . . authority of the [Cattiolir:]
rcmcmbcr, to low. ” Church”. On the contrary, the Scriptures, written in
* Such is the teaching of men in the Catholic Church the I3iblc at the command of Almighty Cod, wrre
organization, hnndcd down for ~enerntions by iratli- witten to be man’s true and unfailing guide that tltc
tion. You may choocc to believe tradition or the I:ibIe. m3n of God might bc fully equipped. (2 Tim. 3: 16, 17)
Which arc you willing to bclicve? The Bible proof is There is no text in the Rible that supports the theory
now here submitted showing that the “purgatory’.’ of “purgatory”; and, kno\ving this to he true, the
doctrine is wholly false and thcrcfore of the 1)cvii. e!crgy of the Roman Catltolic Hierarchy tell the pcoplc
The DOUU!! is the Catholic Version of the Bible, end that they must not attempt to study the I%ihlc inrlc-
has the full cndorscmcnt of the Iliersrchy. That Vrr- pcndcntly, but must take the intcrprctation of tlic!
sion says concerning the soul : “The soul that sinnrth, priests. “Purgatory” id a religious doctrine, invcntrcl
the same shall die.” (1’Jzccliicl 18: 4, Z)owfy) Cy their by the enemy of God and man for the purpose of turw
own vrrsion of the Bible the Catholic doctrine of in: men away from God.
“purgatory” is ~~rovctl false. IYhat is the soul 1 It is I1 Any kind of sehcmc or trick that is operated to
3 livin!;, brcatliing creature. Every man is a soul, but eausc others to unwittinl:ly part with tlwir morwy is
no man posscsscs a soul. In Ccncsis 2 : 17 it is writ icn : a rack&. Three-card monfc, the shell game, the light-
“Eut of the tree of the l~nowlctl~c of good and wit, nirq-rod scheme, the real rstatc schcmcs or the prize-
thou shalt not sat of it : for in the day that thou euiest con&t scf~cmc, or any other sclicme that is usccl to
thcwof thou shalt surely die.” I3y what authority is improperly take away from the pcol)lc their monq,
the claim made thilt dcatll is mcrcly the scpnralion is a IW!liPt. Inducing people to invest their money in
of the body and soul and that tlw soul lives on? That lottrry whcmrs or suchlike is a raekct ; all of w111rh
claim is IJ:IW~ n~liolly on the 1)~ ii’s lie. God dwl:iix~ arc bad and are strictly nvoitlod by hoiirst and cnrcf111
that man should die if he sinned. Tlw I)cvil says tlwrc pcwons. When a man or organizaiion gailis the WII-
is no &xth ; and Jesus says tllc Devil is a liar. ((:c=n. fidcnce of otlwrs and then takes aclvantagc of swh ot tr-
3: 4; John S: 44) “All they thnt be fat 11p0n cwth crs and tlicrcby wrongTully cauws tlwrri to give 111)
shall cat and worsllip: all they that go down to tl’e their moiicy, that is n vkious r:lC!liPt, lw;t~~sc 1tic 0I1c
dust sl~all bow bcforc him : and none can keel) alive his rObtxx~ hiS I10 Wly of pr(JtCcting hilnWlf. ~~\vllCil :I m;lIl
o\vn soul.“-1%. 2:! : 20. or orjianiznlion intluccs tire ~wpl~ to bclicvc that 1111.11
@Catholic tradition says: ‘The dead continue to &ad friends arc conscious and suffering in a l)lacc
rcmw~bcr, to think and to love.’ The Catholic UiMc ~allcd “ purgatory” and that coiit ribut ion of 1n0ik.y
s:1ys : “For tlwc is no one in death, that is mindful by 1he living can hrlp s1wl1 suffering ones, antI the
of thee: anti who shall confess to thee in hell [the people arc tlicreby inducctl to part \I il Ii their nion( J
grnvc (nurlf. VW.)] ?” (1’s. 6: G, Doucl~) This rnmc to the pricsls, such is tlic mwnwt, crookcdcst, inch;
scripture iti the Al(thorQed Vc~xi0~~ says: “For in damnable racket that could bc practicctl. No man has
dcatli tlrcre is no rcmcmbmncc of thee: in the grave cvcr rcccivcd the sli$tcst benefit for money givcw over
who shall give thrc thanks?” (1%. 6: 5) “The dead to priests to say prayers for the dead or for the tlv-
praise not the Lord, neither any that go down into inz; thcrcfore the obtail~ing of money by the priwls
siiclice.” (1%. 115: 17) “lcor the living know that or clcrgymcn upon the claim that thry can hewA!. t 11c
they shall die, but the dead IinO\V nothing mow, neither dead is obtaining money uiidcr false prctcnscs ant1
have tl’cy a rcwartl any mow: for the memory of them should be punislicd like all otlw similar crimes.
is forgotten.” “Whatsower thy hautl is able to do, I2 Tllc Catholic Jlicrarchv makes it a regular busi-
do it c*arncstly : for neither work, nor rc:lsoJl, 1161 ness to call upon the Catholic poymlation for irioiic,~
wisdom, nor lrnowlcdge shall be in hell [the grave], to supply what is called the “purpafo~iill purw” nil11
whithrr thou art hnstcning. “---I&xl. I) : 5, 10, Catholic su.gests the contril~utiou of slwcific* slims for cdc~h
DOIW!J Version. p~rsoll for whom prayers arc matle. The ninount zivcii
lo Swing that the Scriptures conclusively prow that for cacti name snbmittcd is almost alwys suq:wtccl
the dcnd arc not conscious a~~ywherc and not untlcr- to be nfxwding to the ability of tliosc who con1 t~iln~tc.
going lnuiishmciit or suff’criiig in “purgatory”, it is Twenty-five cents a name is somct imcs used, and somc-
clear that the “purgatory” doctrine is another of the times f3r greater sums. Rut sul)pose twciily-five c011ts
I)cvil ‘s lies cniplo~ccl by men to deceive and to rob the per name is contrilmtcd 1)~ cacti of the t\\ciity million
people, and to turn them away from God, and to carry “Catholic population” in America, and that this con-
on the most subllc, devilish racket 011 earth. Xote INN, tribution is made ouee a week, that makes a wry laiw
the Roman Catholic JIierarchy has always invoked the sum of money that is wongfully estractcd from the
rule that the common people must not study the 13iMe pockets of the people. But suppose the amount is a
El:00riI,YN, s. Y.

d&r a meek per person, on the averazre; that would work.’ Does any sane and honest person believe that,
mean for twenty million Persons one billion and forty an organization or religious system that carries on surh
million dollars per year. PC~SOW of moderate means a racket could at the same time be the reprcscntatire
or much means, who are permitted to have an audience of God and Christ on earth? The proof is ovcr~~helm-
with the “august” clergy, contribute much more than ing that the claims and prctcnscs made by the Roman
a dollar per week each. The claim is made that the Cathoiic IIierarchy organization that it is the cllurcL
Catholic population of the world today is up\;-ard of of God are a monstrous lit, a great defamation of the
~~000,000, and if each of these is held up for twenty- name of Almighty God, and that the same are ma&
five cents per week for the “purgatorial purse”, that for the purpose of robbing the people and turning
alone would amount to the enormous sum of $3,COO,- them away from God.
000,000 per year. Add to that the other contributions
that are regularly made to the Hierarchy, and, too, REMISSION OF SINS
the rreekly collections that are gathered in by the nuns 1’ Another erroneous doctrine of the Roman Cath-
from the laboring class, and it appears that there is olic church system is that the clergy of that system
a fabulous sum of money that continues to Ilow into can forgive sins. The credulous Catholic lwputatw:l
the coffers of the Ricrarchy as a result of the operation believe that the priest possessessuch power and au-
of the great rack&, a racket that is greater than all thority, and, so believing, they go to the priest at rc:-
other rackets combined. ular intervals and confess their sins that they m<ly
receive remission or absolution. One who commits the
CONTRAST most heinous crime may do that and then strai:htw:y
13Radio stations frrqucntly broadcast programs go out and commit another crime. A striking csaml,tc
calling attention to the various rackets or fakes t!lat is that of Mussolini. Until tic made pcacc with the
are now being imposed upon the people, by which Roman Catholic IIicrarchy he was an avow4 athci\t
large sums of money arq rollcctcd from pcoptc who and a common gangster, but afterwards hc wcllt to
are credulous. For instance, a puzzle scheme is ad- the Vatican and made an atliancc with the papal ST+
vxtiscd by which tfw public arc told that tflose who tern and then went forth and committcd ~IYMW
successfully solve the puzzle will rcceirc so many rotcs, crimes than cvcr before. 1Ic carried on a cruet \\ar of
and thereafter by expending more money they may conquest of Abyssinin in utter violation of God’s law,
draw a very large prize. By tflis racket great sums of and no doubt recciwd what the paI)acy calls “al~sotu-
money are eollccted, and the prize is never paid ; and tion” from ltlc pope, because that “August Oflic:i,ll”
tfwn the police make a. raid on tflc racketeers and attempted to “ hlws” Nushol~ni’s Wilr wtik iiics. Jrcn
arrest them. The United States post-office dcpartmcnt who believe ibat the JW~Cor the prirsts luavc powr
issues an order prohibiting the USCof the mails to to forgive sins embrace and pr:ieticc that rcligiO!i t0
carry on such a racket, and properly so. Contrast this ease their conscience and to steel their conscicncc for
with the “purgatory” racket. A Catholic priest pub- further crime. Says the C’atliolic i~Utll0rity: “It fol-
lisfws a letter telling Catfiolirs tfmt by contributing lows, first, that the forgiving power was not rcslrictcd
so much money they can aid their ‘suflcring dead in to the Apo$tlcs, but. estcndcd to their succc~sols in
“purgatory”. That letter advises the people that for the ministry unto all times and places. Tlrc forgivcllcys
each name submitted a certain sum should be con- of sin was to continue while sin lasted in lhc wrltl;
tributed. The money is sent in regularly, Paid over as and as sin, alas! mill always bc in Ihc world, so wit1 the
a result of a false and fraudulent rcprcscntation that remedy for sin bc always in the Church. The mctlicinc
it will result beneficially to the pco1~lc. The United mill co-exist with the disease.“-Tke E’ccitl~of Our
States government has a Roman Catholic as postmaster E’athers, page 333.
general and in control of the post-office department, l5 The Roman Catholic church system has assumed
and who is in fact an agent and representative of the to perform this great act of forgiving of sins for a
Vatican. Has anyone ever heard of his issuing an money consideration, and still does so. The foregoin::
order forbidding the use of the United States malls authority further says : “‘Xor did the l’ope esccc~l
to carry on the racket of collecting money from the his legitimate powrs in promisin!; to tbc pio~ts dottt~rs
people upon the representation that it is for the benefit spiritual favors in eschangc for their donations, For
of the dead? The “purgatory ” racket is much more if ours sins can be wdccmcd by alms to the poor, iI3
reprehensible than the prize racket above mentioned, the Scripture tells us, why not as well by offcritlcs
because the people know they arc gambling on the in the cause of religion?” (Page 370) “Aind the
Prize racket. As to the “purgatory” racket the crcdu- Church ha~in~~ b power to remit the vrcatcr obstn~lc,
louS are taken advantage of, kept in ignorance of what which is sin, has power also to remove the smaller
the Scriptures teach, and prevcntcd by the racketeers obstacle, which is the temporal puni4mcnt due on a?-
from knowing the truth, and then they arc robbed of count of it.“-The Pailll of Our Fathers, page 365.
millions of money, and the post-office department l6 Every person familiar with the l’apal history
Piously folds its hands and says : ‘This is doing a good needs onl$ to have it called to mind that John Tetzel,

a Dominican monk, bccarnc famous through Ccrmany Giblc, but to talic only what “the church” says. Khen
and other parts of Europe by reaSOn of the fact tlttt honest and sinccrc ~wol~lc l<no\v the Word of God,
he sold indulgences for large sums of money whcr&y they will break away from the Catholic system: and
the purchaser was authorized to commit any or all the racketeers know that, and when that happens thtir
kinds of crime with impunity. That racket has been racket is. done. The claim that the Roman C~~rtlwlic
carried on for so long a time that even the priests are Hierarchy priests have power to forgive sins is PS-
convinced it is their inherent right to receive dolm- tremcly blasphemous and is another part of their
tions of money from the poor and from the rich upn racket or sehcme. Surely this racket could not lx
the pretext that the priests have power to grant ab~~ carried on with sensible and reasonable people if they
lution or forgiveness for the commission of sin. were first informed in the Scriptures and belicvc,d in
IT It is not at all surprising that the political and God and Christ Jesus. This is further and co~~rlus~vc
commercial ruling clcmcnt of Italy, Germany, Austria, proof that the Roman Catholic church system is *lot
and many OtliCr countries arc supJ~orters of the Vati- the church of God, but that it is a Devil rclig1ous
can. Those men arc stecpcd in crime, and they must organization, carried on to the reproach of (:04’s
liavc something to cast their conscience, and thc>y arc3 holy name, and works great injury to the pcoplc.
williiil_: to ljay for it. They arc induced to bclievc that
regardless of the crime committed they may rcwive CEREMONIES
nlxsolutical from the Papal Jlicrarclly. That ITldiCt, I@The Roman Catholic religious organization pcr-
practiced by the 1’01~1 J Iierarchy, has brought mil- forms certain ccrcmonies or mere formalisms. On
lions of money into t IIC cofl’i’crs of the Vatican ; and par- cntcring the cathedral the finger is dipped in what iu
ticularly tha l)oliticians arc iiiduccd to bclicvc that callud “holy water”, and thC JJCO[h ill% indlle(!d t0
they mlrst do their part by liberally coiitributing to bclicvc that even if that water had been ])rIrnJ~cd out
tlic CiltllOliC JWIW. It ir not surprising that many of of 8 pond, some man could make it holy. Tticn the man
the ofKil:i of the ruling dcnwnt illltl tllc commercial ctttcrin:: makes t hc sign of a crosy upm himsc~lf ; 1lx
giants of (lreat Eritain and America arc ilflllCIWltS of prirst then sprinltlos tlic c0ll~rc;riltiOIl with 1hc same
tlic Catholic rcli.gion and tllat llicy pay large sums of liind of water, reciting at, the tiinc parts of the Iq’if’t I(41~
money in the nature of iiislirancc prcniiums against Psalm, or Some other scripture ; then tic procTcc>clsil(!-
loss by rca5on of their d(~lib;~ratc ~Vir~li~rlIlCSs. ‘J’lluY it ~Oldi1lg t0 ttlC Jll;lSSbook (tJlIt llot iK!COl’dill~ to 1trc
is scc11 that the rarlrct erllargcs and that the Romeu l;iblr) by saying or rcpcnting certain words iii Il:ltill,
Catholic llicrarctip has no rcynl competitors iitiywliere Wilidl prOh1bly 110OIle pW~Ilt CitJl UIl(krStNltf. \vlli!C
in tlic field of radictcc~iIl~;. If the prksts or clcrg- doing this the priest Iscars Itcciiliar clothin:: i~iitl (‘(III-
incn of ttlilt system have no power to for::ive sins, then tiiiucs to perform other acts, such a’i the iIllOVC. Sn~li
their course is nottiin(: clsc than a suhilc sclicme to is a religious practice, wllolly uiiautllnrizctl by the
filch moIlcy from tllc JWPliCtY of OlllcRi ;llltl to bring Scriptures, and is a reproach ltpoll (:ocl’s IliIlIlC, nti~l
rcpr()it~ht~s ~~1011 ttlc name of Almighty (lad. Now let is but aiiOtt1cr means to iIidWc tllc Crl!duhllU t(J IIC-
us tOOli at the real autli0rit.y and see who can forgive licvc hcrc is where tticy get tlicir 1)roto:tioii :111d WI-
SIIIS. vation. Hoping to find some nut llority for those S:II~.C-
18The Scriptures show that Cod alone, through lcs9 ccrcmonics the Roman C;rlllolic Ilicrar~hy caitc
Christ Jesus’ merit, can forgive sins. If a man doca the ceremonies performed by I he 1sr;lclitc.s in contlcc-
not bdiW2 upon the 1,ord Jesus Christ and that his tion with the tabcrnaclc. They ignore entirely, how-
shed blood is the basis for the forgiveness of sins, then ever, tlic Bible statement that tllohc ccrcLmoiIicc t’cr-
God will not hear his prnycr or forgive him, hut tl,e formed by the Isruclitcs were merely moving OI’ livllrq
wrath of Cod continues to abide UJ~I that pcrsoii, as pictures pcrformcd under the tlircction of .Jcl~o~xl~,
it is plainly stated in Job 3: 36. It is written: “The JJarticularly forctclliilg things to come to 1x14sin tlx
blood of Jesus Christ his [God’s] Son clcanscth ns future. (IIcb. 10: 1; 1 Cor. 10: 11) Such tyI)c5 per-
from all zin.” (1 John 1 : 7) “Without shedding of formed by the Jews were no authority for tiilyhidy lo
blood [the blood of Jesus Christ] is no remission [o! perform those ccremonics aftcrwardq, bccau~ they
sin].” (II&. 9: 22 ) Again it iY written : “In whom we pcrtaincd to the law and JCSW Christ fulfilled the law
11avc rcdcmption throu:;h his [Jesus’] blood, even the and nailed it lo his tree. (Co]. 2: 11) ‘I’lic ccrcmonics
forgivcncss of sins. ” (Cal. 1 : 14) Jesus confcrrcd upon performed in connection with the tnbcrnaclc in the
his faithful apostles spccjfic authority concerning re- wildtrncss particularly forctolcl the coming of’ Christ
mission of sins, as stated in t hesc words : “ Who~c Hoover Jesus and his great sacrifice to l)rovidc the ransom
sins yc remit, they arc remitted unto them; and nhose price for the remission of tlic sins of men, and the
EOWWsins yc retain, they arc retained.” (John 20 : 239 ln’cscntation of his blood in the Jloqt Holy, that is, in
This authority, however, is limited only to those faith- llfXl~t31 itself, there to make satisfaction for the sins
ful apostles and applies lo no 011~else before or after. of the people. (IJcb. 9: 20-2-I) Christ having l’ui~ilkd
No wonder the Roman Catholir liirrnrctlly advise the the law, then ttir Ikvil insiitutcs a ceremony in mock-
“Catholic population” to refrain from reading the cry of what the Lord has done, and causes his agents,
232 @fIeW.ATCHTOWER,-<
Y Y.

the clergy, to carry on senselesscercmottics to overawe founder is confounded by the graven image: for his
the people, falsely claintitq the same fittd authority molten image is falseltood, and there is no hat11 in
in the ceremonies performed by Israel. IIc puts it in them. They are vanity, and the work of errors : in
the mind of selfish and sittful men to arrogate to the time of their visitation they shall perish.” (Jer.
themselves tltc power to do what Jesus alone had au- 10: 14,15) Of course, the Ilicrarchy would not visit
thority to do. When Christ Jesus came and performed the Catholic population to know that these tests arc
his work, all such ccrcmonica as wcrc practiced in God’s in the Bible, because that knowledge would ruin the
law to JIoscs ended with His crucifixion. “Wltcrcforc racket and spoil the game of the racketeers.
the law was our schoolmaster to bri!tg us unto Cltriut, 23But ottc says, ‘How about the statue showing
that wc might be justified by faith.” (Gal. 3 : 21) Jesus Christ being crucified on the cross? Should t!&
“I?~P Christ is the end of the law for righteousness we have that kind of statue in OLW place of worship?
to cvcty ottc that bclicvcth.“-Remans 10 : 4. Jesus was not crucified on a cross. God’s law provicicd
2oThose ccrcmottics pcrformcd by the IIierarchy that the accursed sittrtcr sIta be hanged upon a trc L’.
priests result in great reproach to the ttantc of the The Catholic priests know this, because their l;iljlo
Lord God and in furthering tlte prncticc of their so states. (See Galatians 3: 13, I)o?tfly Vc~io~.)
ra&cteeri!!g upon the ~~cople. Kcithrr Jews nor his (Dcut. 21: 22, 23) Jesus died in the pln~e anal stc:id
rpostlcs after him indulged in any kind of forntalism of a sittttcr, attd therefore as a sinner, altltou:l, IIO!~,
or ccrcmonics. Jesus instituted the iUctnoria1 of his pure atttl undcfilcd; and ltis death complied with (:otl ‘s
dcallt, which is cclcbratcd ~cl! year as a rcmindcr tlmt law, and tltcrefore !nust take place by his bcinz tlai!cd
tltosc who have covennntcd with God to follow in tltc lo a tree, and tltc facts show lit was so nailctl to 111~
footsteps of Jrsus must lx brokctt wit 11 him and tree. “Cltrist hatlt rcdecntcd us frotn the CLII-SC of !IIC
suflcr as ltc sufl’crcd (1 Cor. 11: 23-26) ; and then 1.11~ law, being made a curse for us : for it is written, Citrxcd
Catholic priests ltlaspiicmously attempt to chatig:c tlrc is cvcry one that hatigeth 011 a tree.“--Cal. 3: 13.
cml~lcms of ~ittc and bread ittto tltc act~tol blood and 24The woodctt cross and shrittcs wet-c u~d in tllc
body of Christ, and to ittdllcc the cretlulous otw to practice of religion by tllc heathen 10~2 bci’orc tllc
bclicve it, to ilic cntl that. they may bc further ovcr- birth or dcatlt of “the man Christ JCSUS”.‘1’11~pr.!c-
awed and subtnit thctnsclvcs to r;wlict~~cl+iIrg scltcmcs. tkC Of the CathOlk SyStCm ii1 cOIlllCC~iO1l With a (‘I’OSS
21Fiscd atid formal ccrcmony is ctttircly cotitr,!ry was borrowed froin tlic pagans. A well-l;t~~ ti au-
to what Jesus ins,titutcd with his disriplcs. Such for- l,hority S:J~S : “‘h? Cl’OsS WlS WOI’Shippd 1,)’ tllr! 1’3’:iltl
malism is what tlic proI,lrct of God rcfcrrcd to wllctt Celts long before the [birth] and drutli of Clirid.
hc said what Jesus sulJsc~cptcntlyrcl)(>ittcd, to wit: ‘It is a fact,’ Sayi lUouricc, ‘IlOt less WIll~lkill~l~ t hall
“Ye hypocrites! well di(l I{sains 10~plicsy of you, ncll-attested, that tltc Wuids in tlicir groves ~CIC
saying, This l~coplc drit\Wli tiixlt unto mc witlt their WYUSlOlI~d to SClCCt the mO%tstately kllltl IN!illlfi;'lll
moutlt, and honourcti! me with their lips; but their tree as an ctnblcm of tltc deity they adored, antI IIUV-
ltcart is far from ntc. But in vain they do worship ittg cut the side brattchcs, they affisc(l t\\o c~f tllc
mc, teaching for doct riucs the con~mnndtnct~ts of lnrgcst of them to the highest part of the trunk, iti
mctt.” (Xatt. 15: 7-3) This is furtltcr proof that such a matincr that tltosc l~rattclics cstcntlcd on c:i(*jl
the Roman Catltolic Ilicmrclty orxanixatiott is not side like tlte ar!tts of a man, and, togct ltcr will! t IN
tlte church of God, but represents Clod’s cncmy. body, prcscntcd the appearance of a I~L‘GI’.CIW~S,am1
on the bark, in several places, was also irt+:crihotl the
WAGES letter Thnu [ Grccl;].’ It was worsltippe(l itt ;\lcsico
22Jn tltc ceremonies performed by the Roman Cath- for ages before the Roman Catholic nii~siotiaric7 hvt
olic organization they employ images. 12 Catholic au- foot tlterc, large stone cro6scs bci!tg CrcCtcd, ~)l’~b:thly
thority says : “Tltc Christian rcligiott [not the Bible] to tltc ‘god of rain.’ The cross lltus widely wot~~hippctl,
has allowed the ube of [images] statues and paintings or regarded as a sacred emblem, was the uttcquivocal
to rcprcscnt the incarnate Son of God, the saints, attd symbol of Baccltus, the Babylonian ;\lcsGah, for hc \vas
angels, and these images arc a lcgitimatc aid to dcvo- rcprescntcd with a head-band covcrcd with crohsos.
tiott.” (l’1te Catl~olic Ewc~&opcdicc, Volume 12) This This symhol of the Babylonian god is rcvct~!cc~l at
practice of the Catltolic church is dianictrically op- this day in all the wide wastes of Tartary, wilc,t.c
posed to God’s law. Jehovah Cod expressly cotn- Buddhism prevails.-?‘llc 2’~ L’ab~lons, pace 1!)9.
mandcd that no image shall be made ancl used. (Es. “ ‘The adoration of the statues of the Buddha alltl
20: 3-5) The use of images by tlte IIicmrclty, tltere- of his relics is the chief c’slct*ttal ceremony of ihc
fore, further sliows that the Catholic organization is religion. , . . The central object in a ISudtlhict tcmplc,
not the clturclt of Cod, because His church does not corrcspondi!tg to the altar in a Roman Ctttltolict ~llur(~ll,
openly violate God’s law. Jesus always obcycd God’s is an image of the Buddha, or a dagoba or shrine eon-
commandments, and the members of his church must tninittg his rclicy.’ . . . The form of rcligiotts war-
do likewise. To his people God gives thir command- sltip contains many points (vetteralion of relics,
ment : “Every man is brutish in his kttowlcdgc : every auricular confcssio!t, beads, processions, etc.) which
ACCCDT 1t 1337 233

bear a striking resemblance to practices of the Roman enemies or want to render themselves in obcdicnce to
Church, RdiIIoWlCClgcd by all, but explained dift’ercnt- the great God of the universe.
ly. . . . In the land of its birth, India, I3uddhism had X+The nation of Israel had God’s favor because they
to endure a long-continued persecution, and nas at were his covenant people, and that nation tlcpartcd
last entirely driven out, after it had flourished there from the commandments of God, and their clergy
about twelve hundred years. The time of its intro&w- taught them religion instead of Cod’s commandments.
tion into the other countries is as uncertain a:; its Likewise in the early days following the death of talc
early history in general.“--JIcClintock and Strong’s apostles of Jews Christ, men who learned of God’s
Cyzlopadii3, Volume 1, pages 907-910. purpose were greatly favored by him with some kno\vl-
psTo bow before an image made of a Cross is eon- edge of hi<<truth. It was then that ambitious men in
trary to the Word of God, in violation of his law above the organization departed from the commandments of
eitcd, and is further proof that the Catholic church God and adopted and taught the doctrines of tnctt alld
organization is not the church of God. 1Vhy pray pub- formed what is now called “the Christian religion”,
licly bcforc an image of Christ and prctcnd you arc which is used and practiced in the nations called
praying to Jesus, when Jesus himself is fully alive ‘ ‘ Christendom ’ ‘. Within such rcli~ious organizations,
in heaven? Teaching his followers to pray, he said: and particularly within the Catholic organization or
“Rut thou, when thou pray&, enter into thy closet, under it, there arc many persons who dcsirc to klww
and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Fa- and to serve God faithfully; and God will now KIVC
ther which is in sccrct ; and thy Father, which sccth in them an opportunity. I3y his prophets Jehovah fore-
scwet, shall reward thee openly. But when ye pniy, told the conditions \~hich now csist and tlic record of
use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they w hicl, appears in the Catholic Dow!/ Version of flit
thinlc that they shall bc heard for their much sprak- 12iblc, and a part of it in that Bible rcatls: “ For
ing.” (Matthew 6 : 6, ‘7) Jesus then proceeds to orltline iItllOI1~ my pco~~lc are found nicked men, that lie in
a model prayer. (Vcrscs 9-13) But the llierarchy wait as fowlcrs, s&tin: SllillW and traps to calcll
does not wish the common people to follow that model mru.” (Jer. 6: 26, Dozw!~) Thcsc worclx of the 1~1t’d
prayer. slwcifirnlly d0s(~riI~cthe lioIll:lI~ CiltllOliC ” IIic~rarchy
26The followers of Christ Jesus, who are of the of Jurisdiction”, which rnlcs the untlcrpricsls inid Ilie
church of God, therefore IJI;I~ to clod in the name of “Catholic population”, and wllich Iliemrchy la) s
Christ JMIS, their Lord and IIeatl, as directed by the cl;lim to bciny: God’s people. T!N honest pcoplc under
Lord. (Matt. 6: 0; John 1-I: 13, 14) “If yc abitlc in tile Ilierurchy tirus? now hew 111~ trutl,, 111~1tllcy
me, and my words alJidc in you, ye shall ask what ye tnily fice from that \vieked orgniz;ltion and fillcl rc>C-
mill, and it shall be done unto you.” (John 15: 7) uxc under Cllrist Jesus I hc head of Jehovah’s oqllli-
Praying with brads and lwforc statues and images is z,ltion. For that reason Jehovah sees to it tlliLt all
false worslril). (;od is plcascd with those who “wor- hwli pcrsotis of good will, who tlcsirc to know and lo
silip lritn ill spirit and in truth”. (John 4: 23,21) obey him, shall have an opl)orttwity to hear the truth.
Religion& are the enemies of God. because they have 23Further describing those selfish, arrogant, boast-
forms of pretended worship of God hut they have no ful, cruel rlcrgj-men, the racketeers in the orgatlw.:i-
real devotion to God and to his kingdom. What is tion (or “house”) which they rule, the Lord says to
hCrC S:Iid iS IlOt ai iltta(!k Up011 InC11, bllt an CSpcJSbthem : “Your iniquities havc turned those tllit\gs
of a devilish system, ercated and put in operation by away, and your sins have witllholdcn good tlriuE:s from
God’s enemies, which reproach his name and work you. For among my people arc found wiekccl mt II,
injury to the peol~lc. that lie in wait as fowlcrs, setting snares arid traps lo
27The foregoing evidence prows conclusively that catch men. As a net is full of birds, so their 1iuuw.y
religion is a racket and that those who practice it for are full of deceit: thcreforc are they become grzat
gain arc r~ckctccrs, and that the chief ones among all and enriched. They arc grown gross and Pilt : and have
racketwrs arc those who make up and form the Ro- tnoyt wickedly transgressed my words. They have not
man Catholic Ilicrarchy, who rob the people of their judged the cau\c of the widow, they have not mann~ctl
money, take away their liberty of thought and action, the cause of the fatherless, and they have not jutlgxl
and put in jcopnrdy their lives. It is against such dc- the judgment of the poor.“--Jet-. 5 : 2%2S, Il)cr~tr!/.
ceivers of the people that God speaks these xordls: soThe Rotnan Catholic IIicrarchy have “houses”
“The wirl;cd \vorketh a deceitful work.” (Prov. all over the earth within which they practirc fraud
11: 1s) The wicked arc those who once had God’s and deceit, carrying on their racket, and by which
favor by being placed in a position to know his Word, the credulous, houest, sincere people are induced to
and who then employed what knowledge they ob- wrongfully piw up large sums of money, which h:rs
tained to we for selfish or pecuniary gain. Since Sa- greatly enriched that organization. The moiicy, thcrc-
tan’s world has reached its climas, the time has come fore, has heen obtained by fraud and in the name of
for the people to have a chance to know the truth and Cocl. Aside from the honest and sincere people of ~o011
to clctermine whether they want to follow their worst will under the Catholic organization, tlwc are rr,iI-
lions of others claiming to be Christians, but who are a man who desires righteousness may be thoroughly
not, and who use their religion for selfix!l gain. Those furnished and equipped for all good work. (2 Tim.
include priests, politicians and other rackctcers and 3: 16, li) The person who equips himself with a
prognosticators of what shall come to pass. Those men knowlcdye of the Scriptures and is then diligent to
indulge in what is a horrible abomination unto God, follow ihc course there marked out must and will cn-
and therefore he continues to say to them: “Shall I gage in doing good work, the chief part of which
not visit for these things, saith the Lord? or shall not good work is to make known to others the goodness
my soul take revcngo on such a nation1 Astonishing and loving-kindness of Jehovah God and the blcss-
and wonderful things have been done in the land. ings that he will administer lo his obedient creatures
The prophets 1JPoplicsicd falsehood, aud the prirsls through Christ Jesus and his kingdom. Anyone today
clapped their hands: and my people [my prctcndcd who proclaims the truth will of necessity be and must
peoylc, who practice religion for gain] loved such be the object of the attack, and that viciously, by
things: what then shall lye done in the end thcrcof?” Satan and his visible reprcscntativcs. Let no one,
-Jer. 5 : 29-31, Douuu. thcreforc, who lores God and rightcousnws be dis-
*I The Roman Catholic IIierarchy have told the couraged l~ccnusc of surh vicious attacks, but rather
common people, or the “Catholic population”, that 1iIlOW that tlii9 is an evicirnrc that there is enmity
they must not read the Bible; and clearly such is for between tlic righteous orzanizntion of Jehovah and
the purpose of keeping the pcoplc in ignorance of Ihc Iho wicked organization of the 1)cvil md lhat all who
truth. The truth when promulgated interfcrcs with arc on the Lord God’s side will bc hated ant1 pcrsc-
the rackctccrs in carrying on their racket. It must now cut& until the time the wicked are tlcstroycd.
bc upparcnt, to all honest pco~~lcof earth who hnvc 34The end of the world is hcrc, and the day of reek-
auy knomlcdgc, that the Roman Catholic organization oning with the enemy is near at hand, and God’s an-
is a rcli,gious, political organization, indulging in a nounccd pwposc is to wipe out the cllerny soon ; but
.sclfish work, which blaspl~cm~ the nmnc of Almighty bcforc doing so the warnin% must bc sout~lccl cvt*n
God, falwly and fraudulently rcprcscnts him, carwcs that lhc cncmy may hear and that the pcol,lc of g:ood
on 8 ravkct in the imuc of Christ, and is the great will may hc informed as to tlwir only means of l)rolrc-
enemy of God and of the pco~~lc.The Almighty God tion. Clod has comnwndcd fhat this work of proclaim-
f0rc~oh.l csactly ihc con&lions csisting in this wry hlg thC tlXt h IflUSt 1JC c]OIl~, Lllld ilC has ilS;.si~IlCd tliat

day showin:: how the I~~IIKM Catholic 1Iicrarchy is a LlSli to tfic remnant and thrir coml):liiions. For this
selfish ilnd devilish OrfiilIliZilt ion, operating under the reason the Lord God now commands his covrmrnt
mislcatling title of “Clii*istian religion”, and dcspcr- people sayrng : “Arise yc, and let us riw up again5t
alciy atlcmpting to gain control over all the l~ol~lcs her [Satan’s organization] in battle.” (Obati. I)
of the earth in order to satisfy its sclliuh and arnbi- It is the batllc of Jchowh, and those who love (1~1
tious drsircs. and WI10 arc 110w on Cilrtfl will tili<C great tlcli;rllt iI1
a2The fact that the Roman Catholic Ilicrarcliy CXlgilgirlg in this baltlc by dcrlaring the ii~wal;‘c of
practices dcccit is coneliisivc proof that it is not the truth. Their part of the pork is to sing the pi*ai:cs
reprcscntativc of Got1 and Christ, for the reason that of Jehovah and make how11 his name and his kin:-
there is nothing &wit ful about God and Christ Jesus. dom. ,111of the rcmnnnt and all of the lwoplc of ~YKK~
The so-called “l’rotesiant” religious organization has will toward (:od will now prove their low for Cod
cntircly fallen away from God and Christ and, in fact, by boldly and fcarlcssly obeying his commandments
has become a part of the rackctecr system. The proc- in proch~iming his message of truth.
lamation of the truth otknds the selfish lcadcrs in
that part of Satan’s organization and causes them to
berate the witncsws of the Lord, who proclaim his
Word of truth. The wligionists do not wish to hear the
truth, lwxause it burns lhcir ears; and they do not
wish others to hear the truth, bwausc tlicy know those
who honestly hear and hclicve will wit hdram from
their organization and thus the lm.sturcs of the rc-
ligious yractitiol!crs arc spoiled and their source of
revcnuc ends. Those reli$ous sys,tcms and lwnrticcs
are the worst kind of a racket, for the reason that by
such m(‘ans the peol4c are easily deccivcd; and all
will bo tlec~ivetl cswpt those who honestly and sin-
cerely put forth diligence to Knin a knonlcdgc of rhe
truth and walk ;wcordin~ly with God.
53In the \Vord of God, as set forth in the Bibie,
man is given instruction in rightcousncss in order that
AUXST 1, 1937 235

doctrines, particularly of the doctrine of “purgntory”. 7 25. With scriptures, shorn why the Xcmrchy dons not w&d1
a 11,doctrine
It’. Whnt is mcxnt by
of “purgatory
the term ~nckcti’ Show that the
” has mnde poss~blc the most
the common people to follow the \Vorcl of God in the mat-
ter of prayer.
vicious of nil rackets. q 26, 27. M&t- does tho foregoing prove concerning religwn,
1; 13. Controst the “purg:ctory” rarket with other prominent nntl the position of the Roman Catholic IIicrarchy in its
rarkcts; also the governmental 0fTicial attitude toward that relation io tho people?
and tl&. 7 28,29. Referring to Jeremiah 5: 25-51: Who arc “my pco-
$ 14-17. Explain and llluetrntc horn the Roman Catholic doe- plc ” hclo mentioned7 \Tho are the “~ieked nwn” fouml
trine eonccrning remission of sins serves to further sustain nniong them, and how ha\0 they ‘waitcil as fowlers, and
n wicked racket. set snares to catch mcn’3 What good things have bern
g 1s. Whnt do the Scriptures tcnch roncrrning remission of turned away from them, nnd by nh:tt iniquities and sins?
sins? \Flmt is here clearlv sccu ns the reason for the Ilier- How dots verse 27 apply9 Verse 28P Verses 30,319
archy’s advismg the “Catholic population” to refrain
from rending the IWc? R’het does this show as to tho 7 30-32. l?y what means hns the Roman Cethohc Illcmrchy
Roruan Catholic system’s being the church of God? acquired its wealth and power now used for its sdfish
7 13-21. Explain the Roman Catholic ory:u~ization’s perform- purposes? FV’hy have the ~‘Cathohc population” hocn told
ing certain ceremonies simll:tr in part to those pcrformrd uot to read the 131hlc? \IIiy is it that the rrhgious lcnclers
bv the lsracldcs, and whether such ccrcmonies can have arc the outstandmg opponents of the proclnmation of the
uhv merit. trut1.l
q 22. ivh:rt do tho Scriptures teach concerning the use of 7 33. What is the purpose of the Whlo? To what will a proper
imngca? IVhat does this prove regardlug the Roman Cnth- study of the. I~~hlc, and &hgent use of the knowledge
die church? gained therefrom, lend?
p 23,24. ‘110~ nbout tho statue showing Jesus Christ bring q 34. What is tit0 nature nn11 purpose of the mcssqe now 10
crucifirtl on the cross, the use of such statue in pwy-
ilntl bo p~od:rinwdP \Vho ~111 cngngc m the battle now cu?
cr?’ l’oint out the orym of such pr:xtlce. How? WhyP To wlmt end?


IIY’ shonltl the great, the good, the pure, tltc bc thy plagurs; 0 grave, I will lx lhy dcsttwction : rc-
sinless Nan, Jesus, die in such an ignominious pctttattcc shall bc hid from mine cycs. ” (I lowi 13 : 14)
~iw111cr as that of being nailed to a tree? Was Since Jews came to carry out the I’atltrr’s will to
there110 other tncans wtlcrcl~y mill1 o0Uld live? TtlC rattsont iltc tluman raw, lie must do this. This is tt1c
w.wxl Ycripturcs atiswcr that Iticrc is no otlicr way only tncaw whcrcby man could live. Ttwcfot~c JMIS
whcrcby tnan could get lift. Divine justice drtnnndcd said : “I ain cotnc that they might have Iif<>, :111~1that
the lift of ttlc lwrfcct 111311 Adam illld took t twt life they miglil ha\c it, more al)tIIIdiItttly.“-JoIIII 70: 10.
bccausc of his sin aqitist tltc 1ilIV of his Creator. Jesus lil~cwd his hunmttily or t~umnn tlaturc to
I)ivittc justice could rcccivc nothing as a substitute hrcatl. ITc said: “I am that brcnd of life. This is ltie
for A\cl:iin csccpt tlic life of a pcrfccl human crcalurc, bread which comcth down from hc;tvcn t,trat a man m;ly
the exact cquivalcnt of the lwrfcct Adam when in cat thcrcof, ant1 not die. For my flcstt is meal indwl,
Mot. Adam was put to dcatli lxx:~uic hc was a sinner. and my Mood is drink iti~lccd. As the living I’atlwr
Tlic ottc who would rcdcctn mankind must. die as a sent tnc, and I live by the Father: SO hc tllat catcbth
sintwr, yet without sin. And all tllis Jesus did. me, cvett he shall live by me.” (John 6 : 48, 50, 55, 57 )
It is iml,ortant hcrc for us to WC why cJcsus came to 13y this w uttdcrstand that Jesus gave up his httnwn
carfit, grew to n~attliood’s cstatc and died. His chief lift in order that the value thcrcof might lx prchcttlwl
objrct in being born into this borltl was to he a visible to dirinc justice in heaven as tltc great ransom prwc.
witness for Jehovah Clod, wltotn Satan the Devil was To cat means to partake of food to satisfy Ituttf:c*r.
misrcprcscn ting and rcproaclting before all creation. IIc who huttgcrs for rightcousncss and partakes of litc
Jesus cottfcsscd this as his prime tniwion to earth wltcn value of JCSUS sacriflcc by bclicving ou tltc Lord JCNY
lie said to tltc Rotnnti govcrttor, I’otttius Pilate, thcsc Christ and doing the Father’s will, that ottc will tt:tVc
words : “To this cntl was I llorn, and for this cause life and thus will satisfy his hunger. Tltc apostle l’.tul
came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto makes it clear that the death of Jesus was for at1
tltc truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my those of the entire human race who bclicvc, when hc
voice.” (John 18: 37) Tlwre was also a secondary oh- says: ‘Jcsw, by the grace of God, tasted dcntlt for
jcct in his coming to earth and being made flesh. The every man. ’ “There is one God, attd one mcdintor t)c-
proplict Uavid, in Ihc fortieth Psalm, verses seven and twecn God and mctt, the tnan Christ Jesus; who gnvc
eight, speaking the words of Jesus bcforchand, said: himself a ransom for all, to bc testified itt due time.”
“Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written -11~1~. 2: 9; 1 Tim. 2: 5,G.
of me ; I delight lo do thy mill, 0 my God : yea, thy law The Scriptures state : “Sin is the transgrcssiott of
is within my heart.” (IIch. 10 : 7-10) Thus WCsee that the law. ” “The wages of sin is death.” (1 John 3: 4;
he had eomc to do God’s will. The prophet Hosea ex- Rotn. G: 23) Adam transgressed tltc divine law and
pressed the will of God concerning mankincl when he for this reason suffered the pcttalty of death, and thi$
Raid : “I will ransom them from the power of the penalty catnc upon all mankind 1)~ itthcritattcc. .Jcsw
grave: I will rcdcem thcxn from death: 0 death, 1 will the perfect man permitted his life to be taltcu that it
N. Y.

might be used for releasing all bclicring OIWS among In the type or prophetic picture, the slayin,n of the
Adam’s offspring from the great enemy death, and that, bullock and the carrying of its blood into the Most
they might have a full opportunity for life. Ilcnce Holy as a typical sin ofl’cring foreshadowed the fact
his life lvas made an offcrin~ for Sill, Or a Sin of;cring. that the redemption of man’s sins could bc accorn-
For many centuries Jehovah foreshadowed this plished only through the blood of the perfect sacriiicc.
great event in the outworking Of his I~UPposcs, atid And for this reason, says the apostle l’aul, “without
this fact adds to the importance of it; in fact, without shedding of blood is no remission. It was thcrcforc
the sacrifice of Jesus it would have been impossible necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens
for any of the human race cvcr to live at all. [namely, the tabcrnaclc and its furnishings] should
Looking back, then, at the picture (Leviticus 16) be puritied with these Ithat is, with the blood of thcsc
dumb animals] ; but the hcavrnly things themselves
that Jehovah God made by the use of the Jewish people
with bcttcr sacrifices than these.” (IIcb. 9 : 22,23) The
and their ceremonies, we scc that the bullock slain on
the annual atonement day pictured Jesus the pcrfcct patterns hcrc rcfcrrcd to arc the Iioly and the ;\Lost
man at the age of thirty years. Tlic court surrounding Holy in the tabernacle picture, which forcsliadowctl or
the sacred tabernacle and in which the bullock was pieturcd the heavenly condition ; and the cntixnc~o of
slain was a picture of the condition of pcrfcct human- the hi,nh priest into the Most 1Toly of the tabr77~::clc
ity and of justification on that account. Therefore the with the blood forcshndowcd Christ Jesus cntcrinc:
bullock slain in the court forrshadowcd or pictured heaven. li;vcn as the apostle Paul states in llc:hrc~\~s
the fact that the perfect man Jesus died in that eon- 9 : 24, saying : “For Christ is not ciitcrcd into tlrc holy
dition on earth as a perfect xnan. I)y his death he pro- places made with hands, which arc the fi:urrs of the
vided the ransom price. llc did this to carry out the true; fmt into heaven itself, now to appear in ti~c
heavenly Father’s purpose. prcscnce of (:od for us.”
When Jesus died upon the tree on Calvary, hc pro-
In the picture, the slaying of the bullock was the
vided the ransom price, I>ccillls(! flis was the tl<ailth of a
beginning of the sin ofl’cring. After the bullock was
pcrfcct human crcat urc, csactly corrcspoiidirlg with
slain its blood was put into a VCSSOI and the high priest,
the pCrPcC+man Adam. Allilln ‘8 dcntti, however, \$a’;
carried it in this vcsscl, ultirn:ltuly reaching the Most
the result of a fot’f’citctl right to lift. ~Jcs~~s’dcaif~ U:IY
IIoly of the tabernacle, whcrc it was sprinkled on the
a sacrifice. Adam was il sinner and died ii silnlcr. .J~qis
mercy seat, The high priest in the i\lost Holy offering
was perfect, holy, ant1 without sin; ant1 wtrilc tic dlcd
the incense before sprinkling the blood pictured Jesus
in the same lllilIlllCI’, yet Oy his d(qtli he did no1 1’0r-
during the three and one-half years of his sacrificial
feit tfic right to live as a il~unan c*rc:lfurc. li,v clyirr!:
ministry ; and the high priest’s sprinkling the blood
he reduced his perfect human lift to a11 asset or l\irlll
on the mercy seat pictures JWIS the true high priest,
of value that might thcrcaftcr bc used to rclcase man-
resurrected to life divine, ul)l)c;ll*illg in hcavcn itself
kind from death.
in the presence of God, thcrc to lbrcscnt the merit of We hcrc give an illustration to aid in n~~dcrstalicliu~
his sacrifice as the sin ofi’cring on l)chalf of mankind.
this point. For convcnicncc WC will 1~11 :I man John.
-Heb. 9: 24.
John is langishing in prison bccausc hr c:ulnot l):ly a
The Scriptures clearly show that Jesus was the anti- fine of one liundrcd dollars. Ilc bar it I)rolhcr n:ln~+tl
@pica1 or true bullock and was m;~dc an offering for Charles who is willing to pay the fine for llis brot!Icr
sin 011 behalf of mallkind ; first on hehalf of the true John but has no money with which to lmy. Charl~ 1s
church, then on behalf of all other hclicvcrs. As strong and vigorous, has time to \VOl’li, is wlllin: to
it is written: “Christ died for our sins according work and can car11 money by working ; hIIt llis stl cn!:t II
t0 thC scriptures” (1 Cor. 15: 3) ; “who gave himself and time and willingness will not ])ily tllc &IA for
fOCor our sins, that he might deliver u’i from this present John. Mr. Smith has some work to bc tlonc and is will-
evil world, according to the will of God and our Fa- ing to pay money to have it done. CJIWIC’Y on~il~,(~s
thcr” (Gal. l:4); “for he [God] hath made him to himself to work for Xlr. Smith and earns OIIC hut1~!1xxl
be sin [an offering for sin] for ~ls, who [that is, Jesus] dollars and receives that amount in cash. 1%~his 1al)or
knew no sin; that we might be made the rightcousncss Charles has hcrc reduced ltis time and strength and
of God in him.“-2 Cor. 5: 21. vigor to a money value and has reccivcd that monc~y
The ~IW that God gave to the Israelites mcrcly fore- Value, wllich money 11asl)ur&asing power and \t hi&
shadowed what great. things Jcsns ~rould do. l&cause cat1 bc used to pay John’s obligation and thus rclcasc
of the imperfections of mankind, including the prophet him from prison.
JIosCs and others, that law could not accomplic;h the Charles then appears bcforc the court which has cn-
deliyerance of mankind from death. Iicnce, Remans tcrcd the judgment against his hrothcr John, and
8: 3 states: ‘( For what the law could not do, in that it offers to pay the one hundred tloll;\rs which the law
was weak through the flesh, God, sending his own Son demands for John. The money is acccl)tc d fl~n
in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condcmncd Charles and John is released. By this mcnns dohn iq
sin in the flesh.” judicially relieved of the effects of the judgment and

is set free, and his brother Charles has become his merit, and which merit or purchasing value Y,-ould be
ransomer or deliverer. s:GXcnt for the payment of man’s debt and r&ax
In this illustration John reprcscnts Adam. Cccause all the obcdicnt ones from that judgment. In order
Adam Golatcd God’s law, Jehovah judicially dctcr- to provide this price it was necessary for Jesus to die.
mined that Adam should forfeit his life by dying. IIe In his death upon Calvary, then, he produced the price.
cnforccd this judgncnt during a period of nine hun- But the value of that price must be prcsentcd before
dred and thirty years, during which time Adam lxgat Jehovah in heaven itself before Jehovah could release
all of his children. The effect of scntcncing Adam to all such obedient ones from the effect of death. And
death was to rcndcr all of his children subject to death. this, we shall seefrom the Scriptures, is what wan done.
Adatn went into death, and since then great numbers In due time the knowledge of thrse great truths mill
of his children have likewise died. WC can say, then, bc given to cvcry one of Adam’s race. (Isa. 11: 9;
that Adam and all those who have died and arc in John 1: 9) The ransom price was provided at the
tlwir graves arc in the condition of death, and that is cursed tree. In order for the human I ICCto rcccive the
what the prophet of Qod calls it. benefit of the ransom sacrifice, it was esscntinl for
la this picture Charles reprcscnts Jesus. It was Jesus to bc raised from the dead. His resurrection is
C;c,d’swill that the perfect man Jesus should rctlccm tticrcforc of vital importance. When all men c01ne to a
the offspring of Adam from the condition of death. knowlrdgc of this fact and all the obcdicnt ones have
Jc.:us was willing to Ijay the debt and redeem mankind, profited by ttic value of the ransom sncrificc, there
but the pcrfcct, righteous, human crcnturc Jesus could will bc great rejoicing amongst the human raw. Wtwn
not accomplish that purpose while living in tlic Ilcsli, the grand finale is sung and all the harpers of ticavcn
for the same reason that Charles could not USChis and carth unite in bcnutiful harmony, hlcnditlg with
strcn::th, time and energy to pay the debt of his the voices of at1 crcaturcs pcrfcctcd and hapl)y, the
hJt.hCr John, but must first rcducc those thing to a great ransom sacrifice will be rccognizcd hy all as one
puwltasing value. Jesus mwt rctlucc his pcrfcct hu- of the stringn of the doctrinal harp of God that will
nianity to a purchasing valw, which wc may call yield sweet music to cvcry car.

11:IIOVAII’S beloved Son and great IIi$ I’riwt, of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which
Christ Jesus, adtlrcssing the church in I’hilaclcl- is New Jcrnsalcm, which comcth down out of hca\(w
phia, in Asia, is dcscrihrd as the “holy” and from my Cod: and I will write upon him my new
“tr~c” OIW, and “he that bath the key of David”, and name. lie that hat11 an car, let him hear what the
is &thcd with at1 power and authority to cst,ablish Spirit [Jehovah by Christ Jesus] with unto the
the kingdom. Whw he bqins to escrcise his royal au- churches.“-Rev. 3 : 7-13.
thority, nothing mu stop him ; and when he shuts out “Philadelphia” means “brotherly love”, and thcre-
Satan and his organization, nercr again can it be fore means the low of Christ which holds toqcthcr the
brought into cristencc.-1%. 110 : 2-G. brethren in Christ and is the moving cause for their
Ilc commanded the apostle 501111, saying: “And to unselfish devotion to and service unto Jchovall. (2 Cor.
the angel of the eliurcti in l’tlili~dclpllia write ; These 5 : 14-19) Those having such love joyfully perform 1IIC
things saith hc that is hoiy, he that is true, he that hath ministry of reconciliation committed unto them by
the key of l)asitl, hc that opcncth, and no man shnt- Jehovah.
tcth; and shuttcth, and no tnan opcneth. I know thy During the period of time from the beginning of
works : Mold, I have set before thee an open door, and the work of Christ Jesus in preparing the way hcforc
no man ran shut it : for thou hast a little strength, and Jehovah in view of his coming to the tcmplc and unt it
hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name. Bc- now there have been someamongst the conscerntcd who
hold, I will 1112lliC them of the synagogue of Satan, which have put forth their best endeavors to scrvc God as his
say they arc Jews, and are not, but do lie ; behold, I will wiincsscs. True, some started in this way and txxarnr:
make tlwm to come and worship before thy feet, and “wary in well-doing” and fell by the nil)‘, yvrt lhrc
to know that I lmvc loved thee. L%xausethou hast kept arc those aho have all along borne the taunt of the
the word of my patience, 1 also will keep thee from the fight and delighted to do the \vol~kthat IIas \JCCI~ corn--
hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the mittcd to them. They hare not sought the approval of
world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. lG+old, men in the church or outside of it. Thcg have hn
I conic qllirlily : hold that fast Nhirh thou llast, that targets for many who have claimed to lx followers of
no man take Ihy crown. Him that overcometh will I Christ and who in fact hnx busiccl thcmselws wit II i ho
make a pillar in the temple of my God; and hc shall I)evil’s work of injuring the faitli1ul wOrhrs. They
go no more out: and I will write upon him the name ha\-e worlxd, not only in season, but out of season to

themselves, always ready and anxious to do with their of witnessing to the name of Jehovah will go on to the
might what their hands have found to (10, that the end. It would be ~11 for those who oppose the sorvice
name of the Lord might be magnified. The language work to take notice that the work of the Lord tvill go
of Jesus shows that their efforts have been pleasing forward and that their opposition cannot hinder it.
to him, when he says : “I know thy works. ” (VS. 8) Those who realty love God have the privilcgc of doirly
Thjs is equivalent to saying: ‘YOU have been faithful that work and may be sure tbcreof so long as faithful.
according to your endowments. HC takes note of them Let the faithful onestherefore take courage and rcjolcc.
that they have followed in his footsteps and have liot Surely before the coming of the Lord to his temple
shunned to declare the truth, and that they have had there were many in the congregations of the church
aud have manifested his spirit of love. who claimed to be serving God and giving praise to his
Then he tells them that they have kept his Word name and to the name of his beloved Son, and who
and have not denied his nnmc ; that there is service to therefore claimed to bc “Jews”. (Vs. 9) The word
do ; that they have a little strength to do it and that he Jew or Judean means ‘giving praise to Jchovot~‘. ‘l’hc
has “set before [them] an open door, and no man can Lord knew that their prctcnsions were false, tlmt tl:cy
shut it”. (Vs. 8) The door here mrntioncd is not an did not really love God and his Christ ; tlwy wwc
entry\vay into heaven, nor into the kingdom, hut mani- selfish; and thcrcfore the Lord calls them “liars”.
festly means an opportunity to do some work in attcnd- They were in the church, but arc not described as thoqc
ing to the kingdom inter&s hcrc on the earth. The time of Philadelphia.
cIearIy seems to be shortly bcforc the Lord appears While those &scribed as of Philadelphia wcrc faltlI*
at his temple (in 1918) for jutlxmcnt, bccausc hc says: fully trying to do God’s work others who claimed to
“Behold, I come quickly; h(Jld that fast which thou be consecrated to the Lord consorted with ttlc enrug
hast, that no man lake thy crown.” (Vs. 11) The loss to cause their brethren suffering, bodily pain, it1juyl I(‘(‘,
of the CroWnor OppOrtUIlity t0 bC WOWlCd would ti.h and even imprisonment. It was in 1917 that a gtstniit
place at judgment. The judgment at the temple would trial came upon the church, hut by the grace of Got1
be adverse, and the kingdom intcrcsts would thcrcfore some of tlic pcrsccutcd ones remained true and ste:~l-
be removed from the unfaithful and given to the faith- fastly held their integrity, In the light of thcsc wII-
ful. The Lord, by the parable of the “talents” (alat- known facts note the words of Jesus: “Tlchold, I ~ill
thew 25: 1430), showed that when he would judge make them of the sytingogc of Satan, which say tllc*Q
his house, at the coming to his tctnplc, there would bc are Jews, and arc not, but do lit: bcbold, I will m:lkc
found a class that had been faithfully devoted to him them to come and worship bcf’orc thy feet, and to ktlow
and that such would be especially blessed by him. that I have loved thee.” (Ys. 9) The 1,01d will m:ll;c!
(Matt. 24: 46) At that hearing he would say to the known his lovc~concerning those who rctnaiil faithful
faithful : “Thou hast been faithful over a few things, and true to his ni:me. Evcii tlz hypoct*ilcs shall s1.c
I will make thee ruler over many things.“--hlatt. this before the cud.
25 : 21. About the time of the coming of the Lord to his
He further showed that at that judgment some tcmplo there came upon “all the world” it11hour of
would lose their’ opportunity for any further service great temptation or puttin:: to ttw test, ant1 Illi\ll~ id1
unto the Lord; hence their opportunity for the crown away from God and his truth. Being cast out of tlcil~(~n
of life would be gone. (Malt. 25: 25) Those who held (Rev. 12: 7-9) Satan hurries to preparc for ttlc fillill
fast what they had until the coming of the Lord to battle at the earth. Every means known to him is
his temple, and who then received the approval of the brought into action to turn the ~~coplc away from ?Jc-
Lord, alld who there and after that time continued to hovah God. The denominational church cotnplctc~ly
serve faithfully through tribulation and, while being falls away, Many who had left the cliur&s and hxl
maligwd and ill-treated, yet joyfully went on doing been brought to a knowledge of the truth bccamc blil~tl
the will of God, and who thus continue unto death, so that they could not see that Satan has an or:antza-
shall receive the crown of life. (Rev, 2 : 10) But it is tion. They have ridiculed cvcrything said conccrni~ly
manifest that no one could hope to receive the crown Satan’s organization, have opposed the r,0td’s \\.01k,
of life who would turn back or who fails or refuses to and have turned away and gone back into the worI(t,
avail himself of the opportunity of serving the Lord Only a remnant of those first enlightened by the triltli
as it comes. have remained firm, and to this little compiuly the
“Philadelphia” dcscribcs that condition of those in Lord commits “the testimony of Jesus Christ “.-
the church \vho are determined that nothing shall Rev. 12: 17.
“separate [them] from the love of God which is in When the Lord came to his tcmplc he found thcsc
Christ Jesus our Lord”. (Rom. 8: 36-39) Coming to had patiently tried to serve him. The promise to those
his temple the Lord said to such: “Behold, I have set who had remained firm and steadfast is : “I will k~p
before thee an open door, and no man can shut it.” thee from the hour of temptation,” “bceause thou hnst
Regardless of all opposition that Satan and his agents kept the word of my patience.” (Vs. 10) Patiorcc
Wt forth, that door must remain open and the service means constancy and steadfastness in the pwformauce
ACGK-ST 1. 1937

of duty amidst pcrsccution and opposition, the one kingdom. God puts his mcszagc in the mouth of such
tbus performing rejoicing in the fact that he knows and sends them forth as his witnesses to sing his prais-
ix is doing the will of God; and he therefore rcjoiccs es. All the professed OIXS in so-called “Christendom”
cwn in tribulation. dcsus was patient in his devotion have allied themselves with the Devil’s organization
and service and hc left an example for his true fol- in this hour of great temptation. But the remnant alone
lowers. (Hcb. 12: 2,3) IIis word to them was and is: stand firm and true. Not by their own strength do they
“In Jonr patience possess ye your souls. ” “11~ that stand, but by his grace. They continu2 faithful in
shall cndurc unto the end, the same shall be saved.” devotion to him.
“In the world ye shall have tribulation: but bc of As the hour draws near for the Lord to ap[JCaf’ at
good cheer, I have overcome the world.” (IJde 21 : 19; his temple tic says to those who love him (vs. 12) : ‘If
Matt. 24: 13; John 16: 33) “If we suf?er, we shall also you overcome I will make you a pillar in the temple
reign with him.” (2 Tim. 2: 12) In the “hour of of my God and you shall go no more out; and I will
temptation” the Lord poured out his spirit upon his write upon you the name of my God, and the name of
people and made them his ministers a11d brou$lt thcrn his organization, the new name of Jcrusalcm which
into the secret place oi his organization, giving the comcth down out of heaven from God, and I \\I11 wrltc
yromisc that those that abide thcrc shall be safe. “ For upon you my new name.’ Those who arc constrained
~II Mount Zion and in Jerusalem shalt be delivcrancc, by the love of Christ, and arc thcreforc wholly dc-
as the Lord bath said.“--Joel 2: 32. voted to God and his service, and thus continue unto
The Lord’s “lightnings” flash at his temple and he the end, shall be for cvcr blessed. All of the church hav-
ihminalcs those of the temple Class, disclosin:: lo in< the hearing car are called upon to hear wItat lhc
them the “open door” that cannot Ire stint, and they spirit of Clod through C’hrist. IMJW spcalts to his people
joyfully enter and serve him with glatlncss of ticart. (vs. 13), and those who do hear and obey shall be
JIc keeps his own in Zion now by giving them the ol)- given the name of the Rlclchizedek priesthood and be
portunity of declaring the name of Jehovah and his for ever in Jehovah’s blcsscd organization.

L)E \K I’?%f&\V &XVAPITS:

They told me that they hat1 never cvcn cllcwne~l thxt the
pionrcr work was so rvon~lrrl’ul. Thry, too, 1lkC m:my 01hors,
had bcrn mfsinformed about the pioneer, h:iwng been tol~l that Our next town was Kaufman. The llnptist preacher came Into
it WY icry hard to mnkc g:ood in tlw J~WIWW nork. Not even the I~akcr’b x110:) tlw same timu 1 11~1, to K:et four Ionvcs of
trustmg in the Lord. (Nal. 3: 10) ‘J’hc truth in thnt WC h:,\e
too much to cat all the time, as the Lord has promiacd.
,\\:!R my win;! car outside. i snitil i‘t bzlongetl to the \Valch
‘I’110 sound car is tcarinr! down the cnwiy stroncholtl8 very ‘I’owrr. Tlwu he asked \\bat thcv cost. 1 t&l him th:rt money
fast, and (he great multitu’& are flocking a~;~~ntl it’ind takmi coultl not buy them. Ilc saIlI, “If wc I%ziptlats couhl only li:t\E
their bland for the ltin~dom. Our phonojiraphs are so busy s0n1~~1111n~’llkc that we rould ret sowwhc~c.” I trM him to
that w’c arc wearing out one tccord~cvery~ ten days; and II&
nvura~o number of listcncrs for cacti rhonor~:~nll in the countv
i3 fif&. \\‘o have no d~ifieullv in rcndfung ‘&’ homes wth lh’o
r)hunorrral& or the busmess iislrict. Our method is wry simple.
it-0 ei&c* thnt wo have a wry important mcssagc cc;nccrn~ng
the setting up of Jehovah ‘Y kingdom, nhich is soon to rclic\o
the people of their sickuws and suiTerIng and to glre them
pccncc, prosperity and happ~nc~~~-the kingdom wo hart long
prayed for. Then if thrv &a~ they are not intcrestcd or are too
busy, we say, “\Vhatl fiat interested in the Lord’s kmgdom! ”
Our averago placements lwr day, t\orkmg \\ith two for each
phonograph, are twenty bound books, sixty booklets, and thlce
Bibles. Saturday 1s the brst day for the sound rar in towns, NC pln&d cl,-htren bound boohq, tlueo lGl)lcs am! sixty book-
as almost cvcrgbody is in town on that day. ‘i\‘e lulvo 1500 lets. I \\‘a8 asked to play “ l?xtllcTs”; nnd ::1lllo~t 311 of the
li&enrrs rach week. Am sule that if the Jormhbs rcnlly knew pcoplo in the tuo chuict~t~s had tllclt Iwarls out of tllc church
how thrilling the pioneer work is they would all want to get nimlons. The citv m:~rslt:~l took some books and n G’.A.. and
in, ns the Lord is a sure I’lovxler.
you wtl be intclrstcd to hear of our crpc~wIw9 ill the
di6clrnt towns with the phuno~raph~ ant1 the sonnd cxr. 1om1c11ill-&l to the citv rIl:~lsllal.
Mabank hagI lwcn \rry muc~h oplwscd to our \\oj k ; but xfter All join me In :cndi;g you al1 our narm Wristian love: and
we wolkcd It thoroughly with the sound car, and all the Iwmcs nuy .ichrn .III rrchly bless you and lrcep you all f;lilhful to
with the l*honograph, tha lw~plc hale a d~fi’crent feellug. t110 end.
The day after HL’ had put the sound car on, the prcaehcr got Your fellow servants in the greatest work of all times,
up ia tlw pulpit and told the people that our books were full Jos. IIowan~lr AND PARTY, honeers.

The Detroit. [Jlich.] Division of Jehovah’s witnesses, assem- Jehovah’s nltncsses assembled at Kalixpell dlrislonnl cam-
bled at Toledo, Ohlo, durm g the May 29 and 30 campnlgn, paign send our fervent lore and grcctmg to the Watrh To\\cr
send you loting greetings. \Vc desire to express our confidence Society, and its president, Brother Rutherford, and further
in .Jehorah, his anointed King, his kingalom organization and express our deep gratitude to our Jehovah God for feeding us
his kingdom servants. \Vc believe that Jcl~orat~ is the only at 2~s table nlth food very eonvemently dispensed through
true God, is from everlnstmg to everlsstin,n; that the Logos columns of The Natchtocer and other pubhcations of the
was tho heginning of his cleation and is the active agent in Society.
tho creation of all things. That the Logos is noav Jesus Chnst Therefore be it known from now on we shall gladly push
in glory, clothed with all power in heaven and earth, and the the witness work to the fore by every implement Jchoval~ has
Chief Exrcutive Officer of Jehovah. provided for us, such ns books, booklets, and phonogral.hs.
Wo bcliele that Joho\nh’s organization is called Zion and Brethren, we are 100 percent n ith you in this great battle
that Jrsuv Christ is the! Chief Executive Officer thereof and against the Devil and his organization. We shall fight to the
is the rightful King of the world; that the nnointcd and faith- finish, by Jehovah’s gruce, and the vindication of his holy
ful followers of Christ Jesus are children of Zion and mcm- name.
bers of Jehovah’s organization. As such we behcve that we This resolution was adopted hy all those attending nnd pres-
are taught by Jchovnb, z~l we know that wc hat t &eat pcacc. ent at the regional caml,aign in Kahspcll, Montana, blay 29,
WC beltcvc that we are Jehovah’s witnesses, IV’IOECduty and 1937.
rivilegc is to testify to the supremacy ol’ Jehovah! dcclnro
ri 18 purposes toward mankind as exprcsse~l in the Blblc, and IN UNITY SERVING JEHOVAH
to hcnr the fruits of the kingdom before ntl who will hear. DEAR BROTIWIC R~~TIIEKFOCD:
1%“~hlirro that Jchovnh keeps his wed and places the mem- I do not want to trespass on your vnluahle time, but I 3m
bers in the I)nrly as it plc:tWs him and that ho sends forth his urged to convey to you an espressron of love. Jrhovah It,\f:j
angels to xothcr out of h,s kingdom organization nll those who you. I tovc you beenuse you are hclovcd of h,m \\ horn you
oflcncl nnd become lawless. \\‘c have complete and abiding con- 6eIvc. All tllc Lord’s sheep love you for the same rc:lson that
titlcnrc that .Jrhovnh mnkcs no mistakes in selecting his servants, I hale. I am sure that the prayers of thoso who :LIC in unity
which includes those servants now on earth who bear much with you and desirous of srrving Jctiornh, our hcn\c~ly lktlkor,
responsil)ility. through tho ch;l~,~lc~lprovided, Jesus Chrlet, nllt twxr you up,
Consistent with these firm beliefs, we resolve as follows: dear brother, to the throne of grc~e, whcnco ron,c’ all the
to wit: glorious Llcs~in~s wlth which !te nro surrountlctl. TIIanking YOU
That we will not nllow ourselves to breomc disturbed bv the ior very rr,ny Mcsain~s throo:h our I,ord nntl Master, I c.ulc,cm
activities of the “evil servant” rn attacking those m positions it a favor to h:tvo The Jl’altlrtov~er f,)r Instruction anll gu,(l-
of rcrponxtbility in the k,n@mr organlxation, but will con- ancc. Ilol~ing tll:ct some other dear brothers will *end you n
fhlcntty rcty upon Jcho\ah and Chrlut Jrsus, our I.eaders and far bcttcr c~xptcsu~ouof love tl,:ln I am ulrlo to, nntl hoptng to
l’t~uchurs, to (llrrc+t the work of the kingdom and place the see you In the nc’:lr future, tl~u~~ltful to bc :L brothcsr by glti(:o
rncmlxrs therem according to Their pcrfcct Stmdom and judg- in the Lord’s sci\ice,
ownt. P. W. STOKES, I;‘ngland.
‘l’hnt wo will with incre:rsing xeul and diligc~nc~cbusy our-
sclrrs with our dutlcti, pr~vilr~*~~ of tcbstlfyin:: to the supremacy
of J&o\-:&, h!c~i:n~~~ji his J~I~~WS~Y toward mankin~l and bcnr - THE DEVIL KSOWS THAT TRICK
ing the fruits of the king:rl<ml to those who ~111 hear, “aud DF\R
1 . 2. .
rise up against her in battle” 4lurinK thin “htr:~ngc aork”. I nm much ~~lv:~rcvl ~1~~tlic htfcst Watchfotccr :trld its nd.
Ttut, knowing the encrng to ho very subtle, for our further monition qtinst strll’c :ln‘t eontcnllon. If a rlt:ittt:r 1s of tI 111,,1~
prl,tcrtion tic rrsolvc to cl&roy immcdi:~tely nnv litcraturo worth It 1s Mtcr I,y far to titka the \\rong nrd 1~1::1n ?llrot;
1,obliahett by the ’ ‘c\ il srrlant ” that we nixy rcceivc through and usunll:r the: OJIC al10 hi ~lonc! inJuly to ~O,,II~OII(! &c 1s
the mail or otherwiscs, and that wr will rcfusc to listen to any- set aside 11y the Lord himsc,lf ,n Il,u own tluc ti,,le. An ilru,y
one, in the organization ot outsitlc, who erldco\or.s to debate is quickly dcstlqed whrn the soltlic~ t,c~:ln to tl::llt :tg::,lnst
or urguc with us respecting tlus course of action. That we cnch other; and the Dcr11 kno\is that trick. Thc~c~toru tho\o
ncknoaL*dqo tttc \\‘atch Tower Biblo and Tract Society as nho arc \rise keel, thcmsclres away from those tll:tt crcato
the visible portilm of Jeho~h’s organization and thnt the disturbances.
So‘*icty is the CII:HIJ~CI tltrough which the Lord provides us Those who are nholly devoted to the I,or(l IIWI 111sWI \ 1t.o
nith food conlcnirut nncl issues instructions regarding the And no time to engage in any controversy witll :~r,yone 1vl10
work of his king(lom that is to bo dono on earth. makes tho service a sccontlaly matter or nho fimlq JW tlrllr IO

That we hcrrby express our confidence and loyalty to the cngnxo In the sorlicc. It is a sure saying, “ltllo tiantl8 illo
Society nntl its divinely appointed scrvnnts, espccinlly you, the Devil ‘s workshop. ”
Crothcr Rutherford. WC are kc-nly awnrc of the rich blessings Wo pre in a rral fight now, nntl he it far from 1110tl,:;f I
of tho l.or<l which have been and arc so bountifully bestowed shall e’cr tight against my lea1 Lrctlrren. It IS fur us to si.lntl
upon you in your unselfish serricc to Jehovah and his kingdom. by each other, aad be ex:rmpIcs to our “Jo~:II~:~~J” l,~cth~~.
1Vticn misreplcscnt:~tious ore hutled against those uho a0 I(~IJW
are serving the Lold fttithfully, it IS our duty to d~sbt~l~\o
LOYALTY TO JEIIOVAH’S ORGANIZATION such and to turn a\\av from tho evil.docr. No good cun be
DEAR BILOTIIEK RCTH~:I:FOL:D: accomplished by favoring siich.
On hlny 29 and 30 fiftv Jehovah’s witucsses nnd friends In his lo~mg-kindness our Lord is prcpnrmg ag:iiu for 111s
asr:*mblcd at Las Cruces, ‘Kcw Mcs~co, for a convention. It people a great trcnt through the ann0uncc.d convcnlion to bc
w::9 the tilst assembly crer hrltt hrrc, ant1 all tlie friends had held at Columlrus, Oh10 Anyone n ho dcsircs to bc plc:~r~g
a good time together In the service as ucll as in the meetings. to the Lord, and who apprccmtcs this favor, gladI) lays asille
There ha\c never been nnv arrests there; so, instead of an all plans l,re\ iously mode and centers all efrorts ul,ou the
assembiy, wo calls+ it a s&ice convention. privilege to bc a part of that event.
Brcthrcn from thirteen towns rrlthiu a radius of 200 miles We know from previous experiences thnt the Lord will qw11
were there. the windows of heoven and pour out a blcsslng for us all trho
This resolution was adopted unanimously: “\Ve, your breth- go there with the one desire to ho used by him to the :WWIW
ren in assembly convened at Las Cruces, tiew Mexico, desire to plishment of his prposc. By the Lord’y grace WC shnll hc
express our apprecmtlon of Jehovah’s truth as published in privileged to be present, and render any service pleasing to hrm.
The W&Mower and rr:&rm our allegmnce and loyalty to I shall look iorwnrd with keen Interest to the convention.
Jehovah’s organization. ” We are sending a copy of this to the The busy summer will pass by qu,cakly, and erc long we sh:~It
Watch Tower. greet the brethren at Columbus. May the tird bless you all
Thor assembled expressed a desire to meet agnin; so y~e- richly Eith strength and joy.
binary arrangements ncre made for another asaemb!y or Yours in the kingdom service,
convention on September 4-6. ROSE GREIXACIIER, Ptoneer.
117 Adams Street - Brooklyn, N.Y., U. S. A.
J. F. ~L~TIIECFORD Prestdent Iv. E. \‘m harBcl:GH Secretary
‘CAnd all thy children shall be tau$hC of Jehovah; and
peat s;lall be the peace of thy children.” - ~JUM~5~13.


TfjilT JEf !OVAfi is t8c only true God, is from ercrkksting
to cvcrlasting, the bla!;cr of heaven and enrth and the Girer
of 11fo to 111screntwcs; that tho Lo,oos wns the beginning of
his crwtlon, and his active agent in the crcnti~m of all thing;
thnt t110 Lugos is now the Loud Jesus Christ in glory, clothed
l\itb all power in bearen and earth, and the Cluef Exccutlrc
Ofiiccr of Jchovnh.
Tt()\T C,OL) crcntrd the earth for nmn, created perfect
man for 1111:enrth nud placed him upon it; that Inan willfully
dIsotqtd God’s I:IW and was fcntcnccd to dcalh; that Iby
rtxtwn of A(l:un’s wrong act all men ale barn slnncrs and
without fhc n&t to lift.
‘I^11AT .fESUS ~8s mndc human, nud the man Jesus suf-
fcrc~l dcnth in order to proclnrc the ransom or rwlmnptrro
p~iw for nil mankind; 1h:rt God ralscd up Jesus dlvmc nnd
extltcd him to hcawn nbow cwry creature nnd above every
name and clolhcd him with all lwvcr and nuthority.

‘1-l IAT 1 Ii Ii I?E:l,li.J: and bl(winl:9 of the proplcs of rarth

Kill (‘OIJK: only 11y nntl thrmqh ,Jchovnh ‘y king(lom under
Clllist, \%hirh lms now tqun; tlmt the Ilord’s ncht Errat
art iY the d&I wlian of Satan’s orqnizntion nnd the cstnb-
lkllnwnt of ri~hteousm~s in the cm th, nnd that untlm the
kingtlom all tlloso n110 will obey its righteous laws shall lire
on rnrth forrvrr.
---.--u-w -- -----_-_-A ---___---
- _.-_--
VOL LVIJI ACGUST 15, 1937 No. 10

“Ami olhet deep 7 hue, which arc not of this fold: tkem also Z must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and
there shall be one fold, and one skephcrd.“-Jolul 10: 16

KIiOOAIl GOD made the earfh and created man is this: Contplcte dcrotion to God hy laying aside
on it. IIc made the earth for man, and he made every sclfislt thittg and joyfully doitt:: the will of
man for tlte earth. (Isa. 45: 12,18) “The earth God. That tncans a fulI consecration to God and then

be sufficient to prow that from the

abidcth for ever. ” (EVA. 1: 4) Thcsc scriptures shouid
beginning of the
creation of the earth God lntrposcd to have human
faithfully carrying out tltc covenant made. Salvation
to those of citfter company dcpctds on full faitlt in
Cod and itt Christ Jesus and in cornltlctc obotlictwc
crcaturcs for ever on the earth. When man sinned to the will of C:od at all times. qJ~s~~was csplaining
and was eondcmttcd to dcatlt, no doubt Satan con- to a young man what he must, do that tic might have
cluded that hc had prcvctttcd God from carrying out life, attd the disciplts of Jesus ShJOd by and heard

his purpose. Uut ttot so. All ~KWX is in Jcltovah God,
and he says: “1 have Intrposcd I will also do it”;
“My couttsel shall stand, and I will do all my plow
the i\lastcr’s words, and they said amotqst thcmsclvcs:
“Who then can bc savetl?” One CJCthe disciples, tltctt
addressing Jesus, said : “I3cl101d, we have forsalwtt
II w. ‘) (Isn. 46: 10, 11) God’s law which had coa- all, and followed thee; what shall wc have thcrcforc?
dcntncd man to death ntwt s~nnd. IIc ncvcr rcvcrscs And Jesus .said uttto tltem, Verily I say urrto you,
his jttd~ntcttt. Ilow, tltclt, would Got1 provide for rnnrt That yc which ftavc followed mc, in tltc rcgcttcration,
to Ix! on the cartlt for cv(br, in order to accompli4t wltcn tltc Son of man shall sit in the t!trottc of his
his purpose? It was nftcr the .wnkncc of Adant ro glory, yc also shall sit UIJOI~ t,wclre thrones, judging
dc:tth that Cod csprcsscd his purpose to redeem the the lwclve tribes of Israel. And cvcry ottc that hntlt
ttwnnn race and thcrt to take ant from amottgst man- forsakctt houses, or brcthrcn, or sisters, or father, or
kittd a “pcoplc for his ttntnc”; and those who main- tnothcr, or wife, or cltildrctt, or lands, for my name’s
ktincd their intcgrily and proved faithful unto death sake, shall reccivc an hutttlrcdfold, attd sltall itthc*rit
God expressly dcclarcd shall have a resurrection cvcrlasling life. But many tltat arc first shall he last;
chsngc and bc made spirit crcnturcs. From the record and Lhc last shall bc first.” (Mntt. 19: 16-30) Tl~us
it thcrcforc apI~e3rs that God’s puq)osc first csprrssnl it appears that those who arc of cit.hcr cornpatty ntlrst
was attd is to populalc the carth with Z.I pcrfcct raw, forsake ali selfish tltittgs and dcvotc thcmsclvcu ett-
artd his last or second cxprcsscd lturposc is to create tirely to Jeltovalt. One company provitt:: faithful shall
a spirit class from amongst men. ilis purpose, thm, sit with Christ Jesus in his throne of glory and ncccs-
is to have two eontpanics, taken from amongst men, sarily must be spiritual. The other com~~any being
that sltall tive for ever in vindication of his Word faithful shall itthcrit everlasting life and bc for cvcr
and ttis name. One of tltose companies is spiritual, on tltc carth. Tlte Scriptures disclose that Jcltovatt’s
and the other human, and they must of necessity be purpose first expressed was to have on cnrtlt a pcrfcct
companions~ There could be no discord bctwecn the human cornpatty and that his last exprrssed purpwc
two companies in the final analysis. Not only will is to take from amongst men those who shall be ntatlc

on tttc
Jehovah God vindicate his Word and name by placittg
cart% pcrfcct men who shall live for ever, but
spiritual ; and thercfow, in harmotty with the words
used by Jesus, ‘the first shall bc last, and the last

sltalt IJC cxnltcd to a hizhcr and greater place than

Itc wili take out from amongst men attotlter class, wltieh

Ilucifer cvcr occupied. Tltcse two clas?;csarc dcsignakd

first.’ Other scriptures show that in carrying out. his
purpose the spiritual class is first sclcctcd and tltc
human compatty is the last selected. Tltc man without
in the ScripCurcs as “companions”. The word com- faitlt dots not see these things, attd cannot see them,
panion means “knit together, associated togcthcr, and hence he says it is impossible; but Jesus said lo
ncigltbor or brotlter “. his disciples on the occasion above mentioned : “With

is given to both the spiritual and the

*The condition or provision prcccdent, and which
human contpattic’s,
men this is impossible; but witlt God all things are
possible.” (Alatt. 19: 26) \\‘ltatsoercr is the will of
N. Y.

God shall bc done, and we are certain it will come 6 Who, then, are the two companies, both likened
to pass as hc has 1nwposcd it. unto sheep, who arc rccipicnts of Jehovah’s blwirl:?
3 Tlte Lord Jews speaks of both of the companies They are designated in the Scriptures as the “little
here mcntioncd as “sheep”, manifestly using that flock “, meaning those who will be associated \-;i;h
symbolic term to indicate obcdicncc, since the sheep Christ Jesus in his kingdom (Luke 12 : 32), and ti:e
is docile and obedient. (John 10 : 7-16) Jesus laid “great multitude”, who will for ever serve Jcho\~h
down his life for the sltecp, and not for the goats: God on the earth. Tllc little ilock is chosen first, ::n,1
“I lay down my life for the sheep.” (John 10: 15) the “other sheep” or great multitude are chosen Ixt,
“Ercn as the Son of man came not to bc ministered and therefore Jesus said concerning the two clt::~~s
unto, but to minister, and to give his life a rawom or companies : “I am Ihc good shcphrrd, and lw~w
for many. ” (Matt. 20: 28) Jesus laid down his life my sheep, and am known of mine. And other shwp
for as many as believe on him and serve him in ohc- I have, which are not of this fold: them also I tnwt
diencc to God’s commandment. The lifcblootl of Christ bring, and they shall hear my voice; and thcrc s!1:1!1
Jcsm purrhascd as many of the human rncc as bc- bc one fold, and one shcphcrd.“-Jo!ln 10: 14, 1%
liew atrd oJ)cy, and 110 other. l’hc ranwm snrrifice a It seems wry essential at the prcwnt tinw lh::t
dew not result beneficially for the willful and dc- those who have undcrtakcn to serve God and Cltr:,t
l&crate sinner. Adam was a deliberate :;irlnt~r bccaiwe Jesus should have knc~~vlcd~c and untlcrstanrli~q CI~’
1~ \V~S fully ajvar~ of God’s Iillv alld the cfi’cct of his the two companies of the ILord’s sheep and tlw tlrii.v
disolwdicttcc. Therefore it is written : “And Adam atid OhligatiOil Of CaCh atid thC Oblig:lticJU Of 01lV 1:)
was not dwcivcd; but the woman lwin:r drccivcd was the other. Soinc who arc of the “little Iloc~k“, ::\ rt
in the tratisgrcs~ion.” (1 Tim. 2: 14) Tlicrc is tw iII)IJC!i\rS, arc yCt 011 tllC earth, and iI\SOCiatl~d \. it il
reason to bclicvc tllat the ransom sacrifice was for Ihe tlictn are some who doubtless form tlic great inult illiclc.
benfAt% of r\thIm, blit it \ValJ :ld iS for tile IJcm!fh There il[JlWll’S to bc confusion in tllc mind of V~IIY!
of those of .M;iin ‘s onkprin, ” \VllO 1Jclicve 011 IIIC 11ord of C:lCll Class :lS to what is the prolJcr WliltiOUSllip of
Jesus Christ ant1 olwy. Sl)c;lkirrg of the Lord ~JCYIIY, OlW t0 the othrr. It is rcportcd tllilt thcrc aI2 cvw
tlw prophet Jo111lthe JSnplist said, as is writtcI1 : “llc eontoitions and disputes anlongst those who cl;~im 10
that bath rcwi\otl his testimony hath set to his scbsl be of one or the other of the two conil)anirs. Suicly
ttrnt God is lrur. Iq’or he whom (:otl liatli sciit spc::keth tlicre Vi111 hC 110 real CaUSCfor SUCll coiitVnti,)il, illIf
the words of Uotl: for God givclh not the sl)irit by tliercfwc whcrc cuntcnt ion exists it must lw tluc: to :I
IU(ai~SUIX? UlltO hint. TIIC E’alllcbr l0Wt.h tll0 SOlI, and misiin(lcrst;ilidiri~ or clue to tlic wrongs disiw;lt iuil
halh given all things into his hand. 1Ic that lwlicwlb IllildC rnanifcst on tlic part of some. \Vl~c~li tlw j)rolwr
on the son bath evwlastitr:: 1ifc : and he that b?!icvcth rclatioiisl~ip of the t\\o cornpanics 0110 to the o:llcr
not the Son shall 1iot see life ; but Ihe wrath of (lud is seen in the light of t lie Scrlptiirc~, t I~cre slioril~l ~JC
abidctlr on him. “--501111 3 : 33-X. It0 dif’liculty for tilosc of the C:irtill~ Cwl~):llly, ;iI1<1

4 The tlwory of mm conocrnirig “universal salra- certainly none for t hc other, in scncin:: 1Iwir rqw1 iv0
tiott”, that ultiinatcly God will save all, is cwtircly positions and faithfully and joyfully lilliii~ tlw l)l;wc
UWXriptUl’~~l and wholly unrrasonable. All the Scrip- to tvhic+ each is assigned.
tures eoncur that those who wccivc S~lViltiOll IlllISt ’ Prior to the coming of the Lord .Jc;us farthful
believe OII Cod alld Christ Jc$us and obey. Salvation men served God, but there \\as IIO I)twvi:;ioll for flwm
is of Cod by and throul:h Christ Jesnr and is minis to gain cvcrlasting life. With the clc:ltli zinci rc:,ur-
twcd uttto tllosc ollly ~110 bclicvc and obey (:otl and rcction of the Lord ,Jwus Got1 o~wwtl tlw Wi1.vfor tlw
Christ: “For the wax:es of sin is death ; but the gift selection first of the spiritual class; and wllcu tllis
of God is otcrnal life, through Jesus Christ ow Lord.‘” spiritual company is sclcctctl, then tlic way is ndc
(&in. 6 : 23) “And being made perfect, he [Jesus clear for the earthly class to come forward aid Ix
Christ] tX!CillTlC t tic author of ctcrnal salvation unto gathered into the foltl of tlle Tmd. ‘i’llc ~)urpow 11crc
all them that obey him.” (11~1). 5: 9) “For the time iS nOi, t0 g0 ilIt a &!tail(?d diSCUSSiUl1 of the 1XIiSO111

is come that jutlgmcnt must begin at llie house of sacrifice, but rathrr to point out the true and SWIIJ-
God; and if it first hcgin at Us, what shall the end be twal relationship bctwccn the Spiritlull and enrthl~
of them that obey not the gospel of God? Ant1 if the companies, having in mind that the ransom sacrifice!
righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly inures to the benefit of both companiw, because thcrc
aud the sittrter appear 1” (1 ret. 4: 17,lS) Concctn- is no other way to gain life.-Acts 4: 12.
ing those who obey not the Lord God it is \\rittcn that
Jesus, as the l&xwtive Officer, will destroy them: JEIIU AND JEIIONAI)AD
“In flaming fire taking vcngcance on them that know 8 The things which came to i)aw upon Israel and
not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord those associated wit.11 Israel, and u hich were rwo~~tlcd
Jesus Christ: n-ho shall be punished with cvcrlnsting in th! %TilJtUrCS, “happCUCd Wit0 thin for cnSamlJlC!S
destruction from the presence of tltc Lord, and from f types (nturgitl) ] ” for the enliglitcnmcnt of lItwe
the glory of his power.“--2 Tlwss. 1: 8, 9. who are illJOn the earth at the cud of the \wrld, wllidl

means the present Gme. (1 Cor. 10 : 11) Following this reli$on. He was not a rcligionist. IIe had learned of
nnuounced rule of the Lord the consecrated today Jehovah God and sought to serve him. His dcsccnd-
can from a study of those types gain a correct view ants, the house of the Rechabites, were honest and
of the prol~r relationship of the “little flock” to the sinccrc men, who were diligent in performing their
‘ ‘ grra t multitude ’ ‘. The admonition of the s:ripturo vow and agrwments even though made to mw. T!lis
is uddressti to both classes: “~Vith all thy gettint; showy that the first essential for one to apprct:i*ltc
got undcrstandm~.” (Prov. 4: 7) That means that it C:od’s goodness is honesty. It further suplmrts t!ic
is of greatest importance that we Iiavc tlic proper conclusion that dependability is rcquircd of those ml10
appreciation of our relationship to Jehovah and Christ are plcasing to God. Jchonadah therefore elcarly pi *-
Jcsns and to each other. The moving cause for the tured that ~1:~s of persons on the earth who :It the
action of lx&h compnnics must lx the snmc in order time of the coming of Chrict Jesus, the great ~~x~,cII-
to be pleasing to God. The motive must be uns;4i%lI, tive O,liccr, manifest a good will toward Got1 and h 3
and thcrcfore the crcaturc is prompted by love or un- 0r;laniziltion and arc against the Devil rcli+oniA I,
sclfishncss 10 serve God ad Christ. AItcr Jehovah including those who practice the so-called “C’ltri .ii::u
had revealed to his people tlic meaning of his words religion”. They arc men of sincerity who 1wlicS e 111
eonccrning J&u, then hc made Irnown to his people right and try to do right, and when they IC:IHI of
011earth the meaning of the term “the grcnt mu!ti- God and his kingdom they SC& him. Such arc tllc olli ;
tude”. it v%YSttwn that Cod’s people lqpl to get that form the! great niultitwlc. Uy ohxrvin~: tllc: w-
undcwtnndiu:: conccrnin z the two compnriicq v;liom 1ationship bctxwn Jchu and Jcl~on:~cl:~b OIIL‘ wn %“J
Jehovah favors with the benefit of tlw ransom and what is the proper’ relationship of the great muliituc!::
to whom hc gives salvation and cvcrlastin~ life. to the little flOCk.
OSiiwc the ens:wiplcs, or types, wcrc ma& for our I1 Jchu saw Jcl~onadab comin g to nwt him. ‘1’11;s
hc.wfit, all such si~ould he considcrcd as n gui(lc for SllO\VS tllSlt tllC ~HWI)lCof good \Vlil !.CP!i t hC INN1 i:ll. f
the acquiring af proper information. Jchu was an ask tlic way to Zion, that is, God’s c:ll)it;ll ol.::,ilii;:.!ii:)Ii.
o!&x in ISPikd cwp~cd in the work of cxccutilig the Jehu graciously rcccivc~l Jchon:~d;~l~ 31~1 said to III:U :
j~~tlgmcnt of Jchowh against the I>cvil rcli!:iollists. “Is tliinc heart right, as my hcwt 1” The hc:irt ii Ilic
IIc was nnointrd or comrni:;~iot~~tl to do that s~~cclfic scat of motiw, disclosing whzt is tlic purpose 01’ (~110
work, nml he proccxxkxl to clo it un&~r Go(l’s com- in attempting a certain course of act ion. ‘I’lic Irlotrvc
mandment. Jehu was prim:rily 8 type of Christ of Jehu was to do tllc will of Ootl ;Illcl to do SO \iilll
Jesus, the great Executive OTAccr of .Jd~owlt, who :2~1 joy. Ilc was comma‘.,5iullWl 10 C!O a WOl+ ill111 IIC
esccutes the vc~~~qn~m of JcJlovah a,:oillst 1110I )cvil dcli+tcd in ClOiTlg it. 1IC I\‘ilS 6,:lit ing iI::;liIl\t 1llC
and his organization. I:cli,qion is tlic cllicf part 01’ the l~cvil religion, which d~~fanid C~otl’s Ii;inic’. 11~ ll~cw-
Dcxil’s orqnixition. JC~IU ilI~:o l)ictlwcttl tl~c f:tithful fUl’C ShOWd a IJUlY? hll’t th!V(,tCtl to (;O(l all(l Iii\ hW.
ldy n-tcmbcis of Chribt, the ofoI*cmcntionc~l sl)iritmll To the question of Jc~hu Jclwltxl:lh said: ‘I am v:l?h
clctss, who am inclutlcd in tlio ty1w by rwon of hcing you; my heart is with your Iwart.’ Otlicrnisc slalc~tl,
nrcmlwrs of the body of Christ. Jchu hat1 just cse- Jchonadab was in full synlImthy and aword u it h
entrd furty-tw of the 1)cvil’s rcligioni3ts, wlio sup- what Jchu nas doing, and dwircd to join hiIll ill llis
ported the nnfaithful king of Jsracl, and was procccd- work. Jchu then of’crcd llis hand unto .Jc~wII:I~I:II~and
iiq about his furtlrcr work of csccu?ion when IIC cama tOOk Jc11011adab up into his cllariot. (,‘lc:lrly tll:lt IJIC-
upon ,Jchonadab. “And when hc was departed thcncc, tures Christ Jesus inviting the mm or good v,ill, u I,o
he lighted on Jchonndnb the son of I&hab, coming to have set their heart on doing the \;ill of (;otl, ill!U
meet him: and hc saluted him, and said to him, Is God’s organization. Tllrn JCIIU s:lid to Jcl~o~~a~I~tl~ :
thinc heart right, <asmy heart is with thy heart 1 And “Come . . . and we my zc:ll for J&ov:1h” (A.l~‘.l..) ;
Jchonadab ans~vered, It is. If it he, give mc thine meaning, ‘Come, and I mill show you I)p my \VOl’liS
hand. And hc gave him his hand; and IIC took him up th:it I have faith in God and ihat I h:lvL\ il I~1ii*niri::
to him into the chariot. And hc said, Come with me, &sire to do his will.’ tJLa1lonadnb rotlc with ;I(*hu nerd
and WC my zeal for the Lord. So they made him ride \\cnt to the place whcrc tlw UC\ il rcllg$onisls wl*e
in his chariot.“-2 Ki. 10: 15, 16. worshiping, and he acted untlcr the tlircction of JCIIU.
10Who was Jehonadah? 1Ic was a son of IXcehnb. Jchomd:lb appeared publiply and itlcl:tilicd Ilim\clf
The dcseendants of Jehonadab wcr’e afterwards kllol\n bci’orc the p~o~)le as a h~lpcr and srll)l)ortcl* of J~hu.
as those of “t,hc house of the Rcchal~itcs”. Tllcy were IIe brcamc a companion in service with Jchn, (:otl’s
not Jews, and therefore were not in the law covenant anointed servant. The prol)llctic pielure is now i!l
with Jehovah. They ficd for safety to Jerusalem, and COUM~of fnlfil1mcnt. Christ Jesus, the Grcalcr .Jclru,
there they pwved their intqrity, and mnnifcslly they is at the temple of Jchorah, clothctl with full l)~lxcr
were not nmon~t those who insisted upon slaying and authority, and is csecuting tllc judgments of Jc-
God’s prophet Jeremiah, but who stood for right. (Jcr. hovah God. Those of tltc temple or anointed coml~ny
26: 8) Jehonadab, who in the Scriptures is also called are n~soeiatcd v;ith Christ lJcsus as members of the
Jonadab, was an honest man. Ife was against Devil “faithful and wise sewant”, acting at the command

of the Lord Jesus Christ. By virtue, then, of their unkind to Jehonadah, and since Jehu also pictured the
relationsLip to Christ Jesus they are also pictured in anointed members of the temple, under their Head,
J&n. The antitypical Jchonadab, that is, the people Christ Jesus, this proves that the temple company
of good will, are against the Devil religion and are must not be unkind to the “other sheep“, or the
now seen seeking Christ Jesus, that they may learn Jonadabs, but, on the contrary, must be kind, con+&
the way to God’s organization. They must now see the crate, and always trying to help them.
zeal of the antitypical Jehu, that is, Christ Jesus. It l4 Who, then, can properly vote in the salection of
is prophetically written concerning the Lord Jesus servants of the company of the anointed ones? Only
Christ : “I am become a stranger unto my brethren, those who arc of the anointed, because such arc mcm-
and an alien unto my mother’s children. For the zeal bcrs of the organization of the Lord and arc cotn-
of tbino ltousc hath eaten me up; and the reproaches missioned by the Lord to act under his direction.
of them that reproached thee [Jehovah] are fallen They should always vote after first askin:r the Lord
upon me.” (I%. 69 : 8,9) The purpose of Jchu’s m- to direct.. Jehonadab was not, commissioned or anoint-
viting Jehonadab to come and see his zeal manifestly ed, and the tompany or class which Jehonadab pit-
was that Jehonadah might lcnrn what is required of tures arc not commissioned or anointed. Voting in a
those who .scrvc God, and this shows that those of the company is not a privilege or franchise such as is rn-
great multitude must also possess the zeal peculiar joycd by citizens of the nations of the world. j’otlng
to the Lord’s house. All tnust be unselfishly devoted for servants in the church is an obligation or duty
to God and iris kingdom. The satnc faith and devotion laid upon and exercised by those who arc mcmbcrs
required of the little flock is rcyuircd of the great of the anointed or temple company. (-lets 14 : 23)
multitude. Kcccssarily, then, this causes questions to One who does not even claim to be of the anointed in the minds of those who are walking in the temple company should not have a desire to L’SCI’CISC
narrow way. the power of voting, but should bc glad to be in hilr-
QUKSTIOXS mony with the will of the I~ord PXprCSSCd throuqli his
aSTl~c following questions arc from lime to iimc anointed cotnpany and willing to scrvc under whoso-
being propounded by some of both of the above- cvcr is sclccted for that prlrposa. The T,ord Jesus is
n~cnliot~cvlclnsscs and soinc are doubtful as lo what directin:: IIis organization througli tlioY;cof the tcrnl~lc
they should do. Thtse cluedions arc, to wit.: In the company. Jchovnh, acting througl~ Christ Jesus, ~,l:tces
oqqnizatian and service of the Lord on the carth, the members in the body as it 1~1~asc.s him. (1 Cor.
who may vote for the selection of company WrVilIltS? 12: 18) Christ Jesus acts as the Offic*cr of Jehovah
Who Illiip scrrc in carryin:: out the work of the or- in carrying out Cod’s pui’pohc. The body ntc~ttlhrs
ganization! Who may bc placed upon a committee move as directed by tltc Ilord JP,,US Christ. The
of scrvic*:t Who may prol)c’rly lead a COm]GlIly study? JdiOIladabS, or “other sheep”, do not bear that rclla-
3s it proper for the JotiatliltJs to serve together with the tionship to the Lotxl.
rcmtlaril? ‘1%~correct answers to these questions can l5 Jchonadab did not sclcct his own scat in the
t.x apprcciatcd only after first ascertaining what is chariot, nor did he attempt to clrivc the ellariot. t Ic
the true rCliltiOnShip of the nicmbcrs of the temple was there to do what he was :isl~l to do, ant1 he clicl
to those who arc Jonadnbs or who will form the great SO. Following out the l)icturo, Christ .Jcsus invit(s$
multitude. The correct answer to each of thc\c qucs- his “other shcq)“, the Jonaclal~s,to find refuge wltllin
tions must bc in full harmony with the Sripturcs. his organization atltl to go along with him; but there
I’ It is reported that some incmhcrs of the organi- is no Scriptural authority for thcsir at temptin:: to say
zation, and who claim to be of the anoit~tcd temple who among the anointed shall or sli:tlI not scrvc in a
company, say to the Jonadabv something like this: position amongst the anointed. The J011;1tl;ll~ shoulcl
“I am of the anointed; you arc not. Jchu drove the always keep in mind that he finds protection, by the
chariot, and you muut understand I am driving here grace of the Lord, in His orgilIliz:ltion, zlttd, his hart
in this organization.” That statement is cntircly wrong being in harmony with the Ilord, he will delight to 40
bceausc out of harmony with the Scriptures. Jchu whatsocrcr is the will of God. Casting a vote for a
driving the chariot pictured specifically Christ JCSUS servant in the ehnrch does not il~ctxxlsc his privilege
the King, who is in full command of the cnlirc or- or increase his safety, alid failin:: to cast il votr tlocis
ganialtion of the Lord and all persons therein. h’o not take away anything from him. Sclcctioti of H~I’V-
individual on the earth is driving the chariot, which aIlls in the church should be made only after :lS!iitlg
pictures God’s organization. All are servants. Illcm- the Lord to direct, and then action should ~JC takcI1
bcrs of the temple company yet in the flesh are scrviug by the temple cotnpany or members of the church.
under the command of Christ Jesus, the C:reat cr-than- SMfishncss must be entirely put out of the way, nerd
J&u, and the driving of the organization is not their no one should vote for the selfish reason of ptittq
commission. They are not bosses, but servants of the any one person into a position, but rather lie should
Lord, and they have specific duties to perform, which cast his vote that the will of God tnight be done in
duties arc set forth in the Scriptures. Jchu nas uot selecting the right persons.
AVGWT 15, 193 217

lo \;‘hcn Moses, aho a type of Christ JCSUS,awm- pznions. The Jonad;lbs here become the lwlpcrs to
bled the covenant people of God in Moab, hc gzn-e carry on the service \rorli.
them instruction in harmony Jvith the will of Jehovah 13Who nIar propcrlv . act as ebairman or conductor
God. He instructed them especially in connection a&h 0f a company study of the F0rd of the rJOd? If tlw2
those who should t&c the lead in the service. Hc sairi: are present in the company tilosc who arc mature mc-n
“Take you wise men, and understanding, and knoll in Christ Jesus and who tbcrcl’ore arc of the anointed
among your tribes, and I will make them rulers over ::nd show forth the zeal peculiar to the house of the
you.” (Dcut. 1: 13) Those who are sclectcd as sew I,ord, and who possess the qualific~ation to conduct a
cnts in the church should be the ones who give evidewe Study in an orderly and profitable nIanncr, sIIciI per-
of having a deeper appreciation of their own rclation- sons should be chosen as conductors or cliuiImon of
ship to the Lord and to their brethren. The Jonadahs tl-2 study company. If all who arc present in the study
are with the anointed remnant for the puI~~ose of clxs or company are Jonadabs, then ccrtninly it is
Icnrnin:: and acting with the remnant in harmony proper for those prcscnt to sclcct one amoII9t tlI;bir
with the Lord’s will. number who is a Jonadab to scrvc in the capacity of
ch::irman to conduct the study. The purpwc of all
WHO MAY SERVE such stud& is that those cnqged thcrcin miy jirw
*‘As to ~110 may scrvc in Ilic organization of the in iiIlO\~lC~l~C atld in the slbirit of the Lord, itIlt it i~j
Lord, it is cntircly a difCcrent matter. All who uudrr- novcr tlIc purpose to give honor to some ~~Ctsotl !Jy
tzkc to do tlic will of God are his scrvatitr. The %+ placing that ~JCtXJtl in the chair to coIItlUct tlrc htIIdy.
twnl atwwr to the question, tlicrcforc, is that the The teachers arc JclIowh God and Cl11ist JC,IIU.
nnoiIltctI and the “other sheep” are SC~ViltltS and it (ISa. 30: 20) Those who h:lvc a zcnl for the LoIY~ :It1~1
is ttic privilcgc of all such to perform scrvicc as crp- ilf’C apt tU instruct ShOUld tJC .dCCtd t0 CO!l(]IIL’~ tl
portUnity is ofi’crcd and to do so, bciri:: ljromptcd a?w StUdy. UJIIPSS1IlC Sccl;S to cOndUct il St ll(ly it1
by gcnuinc zrnl or burnin: love for the Tiord, All tire a m;:nnCt’ tht \vill be twIIcfici:Il to tlIo:;e ~~II~:;I;;N~
servants of the Lord as surli arc companions, and thcrcin he shoIIld not bc ~~lact~cl in the l,osition of
all slrottld SW to it that tllcy ~?rvc c~iI(~tly in harn~tt~y ch:lirman or I( :i(!cr.
with the Lord’s organization and in the spirit of Iltc 2” Would it Ix proper for a Jw:I~:~~J to 1~1 t!te
Lord. TlIe cliiclf purpose of scrvicc is to pr0Claiin the c0mjJatIy worl;rrs in the fic~ld scrvicc iIt SUrll tiltlw i!Y
name and kingdom OF JclloviIh ;Ind to do SO in 311 IIlC duly n1qjt~intetl company hCI’Vi!tll is 3~Jv~llt *? ~Vl!rll
orderly nwnncr ns dirwtctl by the Lortl. \Vh:itrotwr a IlIiInhr Of p:‘IWIIS Cfmc kJ’;ClhCr to CttY:l’:C itt tllc
is dotle slIould be do~ic to llic glory of (:od, tliat Itis scrvisc iti licltl, and the Cotri~~~~iy scr~:riil
tlw is not
name be honored, and thiv without rrgnrd to lmnnr- ~)rc~,Cllt, tt1~1 tJutIatl;IbS :IW l)t’(‘qcIIt \\ IIo >IN (lc~~:\,~l
iIIg mcii. When the anoinlcd remnant ant1 the Jot+ to tlic Lord atifl show the zc~;Il for his lwwc, it is
dabs arc associated togctlIcr in scrvicc, those anIon+ proper for one of sIIe11 ~~Crs011r 10 br sclcctc4 to t::!,e
the remnant who give cviclcuce of untltlI.stan(liII: nt:d the lead itI tltr ficltl scI*vIce. >~onIetiIncs one (~1’ ilie
zeal for fhc Lord sliould talic the lcnd in the scrGe, “clcetirc elder” spirit scvcroly wit icizcs JoI~:IciiIl~s fol
and tlIc othws should follow or work togcthcr iti full tdiirtg this coulsc, and sueli critic!istII is ctlt iI*cly \Y!‘~:I’:.
harmony. The following scri[Jturcs arc ciictl in support of t IN
** JY it proper to select a Jonadnb to scrvc as a co~~clusio~~sabove stated, ant1 s11ow that th Jot~::(l:~hs
member of the service CommittceP Yes ; wider certain arc the hclpcrs and coml~aIIiotIs of tlie atioititctl, t irnt
conditions. It is tlIc duty of the comI)aIIy to WC Ihat tlie obligation of sclectitig by volt the serviInt.s of the
the scrvicc work is properly orgiIni& to carry OKI company rests Upon the ;InoiIitctl, ant1 tlI:It itI1 Who
to the glory of God and his lciII::dom ;utd therefore have devoted tlIcmsclvcs to (;ofl atitl his liiIi: sliortlcl
done in au or&& manner. If thcrc arc in the com- engage togcthcr in the scrrirc to the glory of the
pany those who arc of the anointed and wlIo show King and Jehovah.
the spirit of the Ilord Jesus Christ, these should be NOM1
given plrfcrcnce wlIen selecting the mcmljcrs of t!:a 21Jehovah has nIadc varions pictures or tylws fore-
service aonIInittcc. If there are those who claim to be telling the Jonntlabs or “great multii tulc” WIII~~~,
anointed and yet show no real zeal for the I,ord, such and amonl,rst these arc tlic follo~viri:~: il;onlr and the
persons slIould not bc placed on the service comtnIttw ~tvcn nionlxxS of his family pirttwcd tlic two ~~I:isscs,
If there arc tliosc amongst tlie company who claim th:!t is, the “littlc flock” aIId tlIc “ gWilt ninltituclc”.
to be Jonadabs and who do show forth the zeal tif ‘&,21Itl the Lord said utIto x0n11, Come thou and all
the Lord, thus demonstrating that the hrart of Such thy house into tllc ark; for thee have I seen Ii:lItcous
is dcvotcd to God and his liingdonl under ClIri& tja;‘orc me in this gcncratioII. Of cvcry clcnn bc2rst
those pcrsous may proprrly be placed upon the service thou shalt take to thee by scwns, the male and IIis
committee and sll0uld scrvc earnestly illld faithfi+. ~wnalc; aI)d of beasts tlrat are not clean IJY t\vo, tile
All the members of the company, both anointed and malt and his female. Of fowls also of tile ilir by sevcn3,
Jonadabs, should work exactly in harmony as corn-- the male 2nd tiic fcmalc; to lrccp seed alive upon the
248 $%eWATCHTOWER GROOKI.\-+, s. Y.

face of all the earth. For yet seven days, and I mill tection depended upon cloccly abiding in the city and
cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty being obedient to the rules of the city and being cn-
ni::hts; and cl-cry li\inx substance that I have made gaged in some activity there so that he would not be
will I destroy from off the face of the earth. And Soah a burden upon the other inhabitants of the city. Tile
did according unto all that the Lord commanded him.” apostle announced the same rule. (2 Thcss. 3 : S-12)
--Ocn. 7 : l-5. All must work, otherwise they should not cat. The
** Noah was duly commissioned “a preacher of manslayer contributed to the good of the Lcvitc city,
righteousness”, acting under the command of Jeho- and he must stick close within the city bounds, that
vah. (2 1% 2 : 5) Thcrc is no record that Noah em- is, God’s organization, until the death of the high
ploycd any bclp outside of his family to build the ark. priest, meaning the completion of the priestly work
His family pictured a human class doing what humans of the church before their resurrection change. The
can do, thcrcforc picturing the same as the Jonadabs, one thus fleeing to the city of refuge ma9 not an 0%
the great multitude. Iioah brought the specific animals cial member of the city, but he received protection and
into the ark; and his family, or Jonadab prototypes, aid and comfort from the city while complying with
undoubtedly helped do the work as thchywere assigned the rules thereof.
and directed by Noah, and this they did for the mcrci- GIBEOWTES
ful preservation of lift, and in bchnlf of which living 25The Gibconitcs wcrc non-Israelites, and they
crcaturcs Jcho\ah thcrcuftcr set forth the terms of sought Joshua and put themselves under his commantl
the cvcrlastinq covenant. Within the ark, both before and were by Joshua made “l~cwcrs of wood and
and during the flood, there wcrc daily duties to be per- drawers of water”. Joshua pictured Christ Jesus, who
forrricd of feeding itlld CilriIllg for those living crca- now says to the non-anointed who seek him : “ Ye arc
turcs, and the family of Noah rcndcrcd assistance in cursed [that is, devoted to .Jehovah God, his servants;
this behalf, thcrcby forctclling what is to be done by and hence 110 human has the right to kill y(Jli (Lcv.
the ~Jo~ia&i~s as llclpcrs or compaliions of the rcm- 27 : 2S), but yen must bc obcdicnt to the I,o~d] ; aftcl
nant. Noah’s l~ou~cl~old had recognition of Jehovah there shall none of you bc freed from bcin: bondm~*n,
God through Noah. c’crtainly Noah would dire& the and hewers of wood and drawcrs of water for the
mcmbcrs of his f’amily as to what thy should do. house [plnc~c,Zion, that is, God’s organizatioll] of my
Noah’s filnlily wcrc c;irricd over from the oh1 world, Ood. “--.Jo\h. 9 : 23.
bcin:: protcctcd a11dsarcd from the dclugc. Likewise 2GMark this, that the Cibconitcs had notlrhq what-
thohc whom they rcl)rcsent, the great multitude, have socvcr to do with the sclcction or appointmc*Ilt of the
the promise of being carried through Armageddon. Lovitcs for scrvic’c, but they did hclg the IX\ itcs wlio
were appointed according to the Lord’s clloicac or
1tEFUGE sclcction. The Gibconitcs, bcing matlc ‘\\oorl cuttcxrs
23OJIC who had cornmittcd a crime unwillingly and and water carriers’, ~~rcly rcprcscnt those servants
was a i’ugitirc mirht flee to the city of refuge and who perform scrvico to \bliich they ilIV assiqncd by
find JwotrctioJl tt1crr. “‘I’hcsc six cities shall bc a the priests of the Lord, that is, the anointrd ones of
rcfugc, ht11 for the eliiltlrcn of Isrncl [meaning those the Tlord’s house. The Gibconitcs relict1 upon Josl~nn
held in rrli$ous or~;iliizations illld who lice thcrc- to aid them in battle, and, when hard prc~d, tlq
from], arid for the stranger [non-religious ones, who asked Joshua to make a hurried march for tiicir hrlp
arc not associated with n11y church organization and and said: “Sl:ick not thy hand from thy scrfantd.”
who flee from tlic 1)cvil’s organization to the Lord], (Josh. 10: G) This shows that the “other sl~ccp” or
and for the sojourner among tlicm ; that every one great mnltitudc rely upon the Lord Jesus and his
that kilicth ilIly person unawares may flee thither.” anointed body members to lead them in the lirlit and
-Kiurn. 35 : 15. to do so for their protection and help. They rat1 U~N)J~
*’ The manslavcrI had to stand trial, and the burden the anointed to be diligent about it, and all those who
was on him to prove that the bloodshed by him was liave the spirit of the Lord hurry on to the scrvicc
without malice and thcruforc accidental or done un- in aid of the “other sheep”. The Gibconitcs must
awarcs. (Kum. 35: 24,25) Likewise those persons of serve with the Israelites, thus showing that, the “othcl
good fill, that is, the Jonadabs, must stand trial and sheep” join in the scrvicc and do as thry are dircrtcd
prove tllilt their past eoursc in the Devil’s world was through the IIord’s orqnizit ion. Some of tlici C;ibcc,n-
ignorantly taken or ITas aecidcntal by reason of birth, itcs afterwards hclpcd I)avid and were put in Jxsi-
teaching, or the like, and this they must prove by tions of importance to serve. “Sow tlicsc are they
turning about and following the conrsc that is ap- that came to David to Zikli~~, while he yet l:cl)t hirn-
proved by the Lord, and which is therefore innocent. self close, bccausc of Saul [picturing the ‘CC1 servant ’
Thcrc wcrc others besides priests and Lcvitcs residing class] the son of Kish : and they wcrc arnotip the
in the city of refuge. (Sum. 35 : 6 ; Judg. 9 : 1-6; 2 Sam. mighty men, hclpcrs of the wnr. . . . and lSIll~liith
2 : l-4,11) The manslapcr who fled to the city of refuge the Gibeonitc, i mighty man among the thirty, and
must first be given aid freely, but his conclitioned pro- orcr the thirty; and Jeremiah, and Jahazicl, and

Johanan, and Josabad the Gederathite.” (1 Chron. togdthcr. The Xethinim assisted Ezra’s delegation in
12: l-4) Thus it is seen that Shemah “the Gibeonite” preparation of and in doing the work that was as-
was placed oYer others of the company, being assigned signed to them, thus proving that the two companies
to duty to serve. This pic’tures tba.t the class rcprc- on earth as companions serve together.
sentcd by him, namely, those nho firrm the great mul- ~When Kchemiah went to Jerusalem to rebuild
titude, are appointed to places of service in the Lord’s the defenses of the city, the Nethinim or non-Jews
organization although they are not members of the were assigned to important posts of service and reu-
organization. dcred seryicc accordingly. Here it is clearly shown that
NETWNIM the Cthinim separated themselves from the heathen
p7The term Net7binb,l means “gix-en ones” or “dcdi- and associated with God’s remnant pcoplc rcturncd
catcd ones”, and was applied to the men who rendered to Jerusalem. (h’eb. 3: l-31 ; 10: 23-32) “Now thcsc
service in connection with the tabernacle and temple. are the chief of the province that dwelt in Jerusalem;
They were not Israelites: “r\Tow these are the chil- but in the cities of Judah dwelt every one in his pos-
dren of the province that went up out of the captivity, session in their cities, to wit, Israel, the priests, and
of those which had been carried away, whom Nebu- the Levites, and the X\l’cthinims, and the children of
c!mdnrzzsr the king of Babylon had carried away unto Solonton’s servants. But the Scthinims dwelt in Ophcl
I;abyion, and came again unto Jerwsalcm and Judah, [the tower] : and Zihn and Cispa [also Xcthinim]
cvcq one unto his city; . . . The Kcthinims: the were OVCP[that is, they occupied positions of more
children of Ziha, the children of Hasupha, the children importance, to which they had been assigned] the
of Tablxtolh, . . , So the priests, and the Lcvitcs, and Kcthinims.” (Neh. 11: 3, 21) This definitely shows
some of the pcopIc, and the singers, and the porters, that non-Israelites had joint chayge ‘over other Kcthi-
rtrld the Scthinims, d\vclt in their &tics, and all lsracl nim, and this certainly supports tlic coticlu4ori that it
in their cities.“-Ezra 2 : 1,43,‘iO. is Scripturally proper to assign the non-anointed, that
onLater the priest ISxra went uy to the rcstorcd city is, the Jonada& or “other sheep”, to pl;lccs of im-
of Jcrusalcm, and on that occasion hc sent for certain portance in the scrvicc and to assign them over others
non-Jcns or Nethinim, to render service: “And I or cornpanics or divisions, and also to put them in
gathcrcd them together to the rir;cr that runnctli to positions as lcadcrs of study clnsscs coml~oscd of
Altava; and thcrc abode we in tcwts thwc days: and Jonadabs, as hcrcinbeforc stated.
I vicwcd the pcoplc and the pricsfs, find found tltcrc
none of the sons of licvi. Then sent I for J;liczcr, JO,SEPM’YIIALF I~RETI~REN
[and others named thcrciii :] for :iricl, for Shcmnialr, SoAnother picture showin :: the rclationsliip of the
rnd for I’:lnathan, and for Jarib, and for GInathan, “little flock” to tltc great multitude is that of Jo\cl)ll
2nd for Nathan, and for %ccharixh, and for Mcshullam, and his half l~rcthrcu. Josc1)h l\aas, in the prol’hct ic
chief men ; also for J&rib, and fur 1Slt~athan,men of drama, a type or representative of Christ Jesus, and
understanding. And I sent t hcrn with commantlmrnt also foreshadowed the anointctl ones, that is, thc’sc
r!nto l&lo the chief at the place Casiplrin, and I told who arc mcmlxrs of the body of Christ, including: tlte
them what they should s;iy unto Iddo, and to his rcmnnnt now on earth. The ten half brothc~ of
brcthrcn the Nethinims, at the plaec Cosiphia, that JOSCPIIrcpl*csentcd those persons who llavc had R
t::cy Aould bring unto us ministers for the house of change of heart, and who haw become persons of good
our God. And, by tltc good hand of our God upon us, will toward God and his faiihful remnant and tltcrc-
they brougttt us a man of utidclManding, of the sons fort have become of the “other sheep” of Christ Jc-
of >lahli, the son of Levi, the son of Israel ; and Sherc- sus, picturing the “great multitude” company. (See
Lialt, with his sons and his brcthrcn, eighteen; and !i”lbe lf’utckto~cr February 1 to March 15, 1937.)
3Iashnbial1, and with him Jcshainh, of the sons of Joseph prcscntcd his half brothers to the kin:: of
hlerari, his brcthrcn and their sons, twenty; also of Egypt. Then Pharaoh said to Joscpl~: “Jf tltou
the n’ethinims, whom David and the princes had ap- knowest any men of activity among them [Joscl)h ‘9
pointed for the serricc of the Lcvitcs, two hundred half brethren], then make them ruleis over my cattle.”
and twenty h’cthinims: all of them WI’C expressed (Cen. 47: 1-G) This shows the proprkly of the rcm-
by name.” (Ezra 8: 1520) Thus it is seen that there nant’s appointing as servants of the Lord the Jona-
were thirty-eight in alI of the Levi& and 220 Xcthi- dabs and a5siguitip suclt as arc qualiflcd to plnccs of
nims, all of them expressly named; and the men of responsibilitp in the scrricc. It supports the conclu-
understanding, that i4, who showed their qualitica- sion that it is proper for Jonadabs or the “other
tions, wcrc placed in key positions of service. “Iddo sheep” to be associated with the remnant in the scrv-
the chief” appears to have been one of the Scthinim ice, to be assigned to such places by the se&cc com-
and was assigned to a place of service over the others mittcc, that is, such places as captains of a division
who ministered at the house of God. Thus it is shown or like places in service. Where such Jonadnbs cshiljlt
in the type that the Lcvites, the anointed class, and the necessary qualifications, and particularly the zeal
the great multitude, the class not anointed, work for the Lord and full humility in \valkillg with the

Lord in obcclicncc to his commandmr:nts, they are him to flee to the place of safety. At the in+ancc of
Scripturally assign&l to placts of service over others. the Jew religion&s Jcrcmiah was thrown into the
‘I In this conucction another thing of very great duri,ccon of the priSOn. ilt that time there was all
importance appears, and that is that it is absolutely Ethiopian named Ebcd-melech serving in tile IIUIIW
necessary for all those w-ho undertake to scrw God IO of Israel’s king. The slarc saw the cruel and w~~cl;cd
get on together peaceably and to avoid all strife or injustice heaped upon Jeremiah by the reli:;ionii~s,
contention. Joseph gave instruction and admonition and tic approached his lord and king and inlcrcetl~tl
to his half brathren ;vhen sending them back to for Jeremiah lhat he mi::ht be saved from the durlp~u.
Can;mn, to wit : “So he srlit his brethren away, akkd IIc ministcrcd unto God’s prophet. In this lSlwt-
they departed: id he slid unto them, See that ye mclcch pictured those persons of good will who arc
fall not out by the way.” (CM. 45: 24) The rendering subjected by the religious organizations of “Christen-
rtf this test according to the Swedish Ztible is as fol- dom” and restrained of their liberty by rcason of
low : “lb0 not yuarrc1 in the way.” being under those organizations, and who see the grc :lt
x2‘I’o those who arc of the “otllcr sheep”, pictured injustice that is hcapetl upon Jehovah’s anointed w::l-
lay the half brcthrcn of Joseph, those words of ad- nant, whom Jercminll pictured. Jeremiah here rcl)r(:-
monition arc wry important at the present time. tt wits the little flock; the Ethiopian slave rC~~rCscn:o
Lring important that the Jonadd~s get on p(~i~c~tr”y tlic great multitude. The action of the slaw J)iCtllIlbi
to~cthcr, it is certainly of qua1 importance that the the great multitude eoniing out and publicly cIcc~l~ii~-
wointrd proceed lrcaccably ; and this is supported hy ing before the ruling class, ttic king, that, thy arC o:l
Other S!?riJJtUrCS. ‘1‘0 311 Of thw ihC rAOId i1ON’ Sn$4: tllc side of God and Ilis pcoplo, illld thus 1J.vtlivir
“.Sec that yc fall not out by the Wily”; meanin: that cowso of action they l~cconw witnesses for .J(~ho\~11
3’011mnst see to it that you dwell togcthcr in peace aud Ilk kingdom. (Jcr. 3X: ‘i-13; 39 : l&IS) ‘~‘IIc gn~~t
ant1 fbat you ‘go forward unitcdlg in the scrviw of the multitude thcrcforc arc witncsscs for .Jcllov~~h, l,llt
Ilord. ‘I’!lis is il tiruc for pace uud h~11’111011y aniou~ th? thy &J riot hr th! Oli’iCinl Ii:lmC, for thC 1’ClSOii fIl:‘t
lwoplc of (:od’s orpiiization and il tirnc for N:w tie- they arc not of tlic anointccl house of Jchowl~. Thc8.v
t~~wll God’s orqinization and the 1)cvil’s croxxl. J~orforril the scrvicc alon? with tlic remnant. Tltcy
I,oy;llty and faiIhfrrlncss, IJCilCC ilrld harmony NC must powss the same faith, dcrotion and z231.
the wforc cwniial thnt all lllily ninnifrst tlw spirit
twuli.rr to the Lortl’s hoiw ant1 in ortlcr tllat thcsy VlIlGlNS
nqv prcrent a solid front ag;tirlt:t the crwmy. St 35In beautiful poetic phrase Jt:hovnll’s lJi*o;~ltr:t
only is it a sli:lrnc for any of Gotl’s {wq)lc to 1~ nt ctewrilx5 ihe spiritrrilt cl~:ss, whit+ cwi5tltut:9 i ilc
\+:!I il1110ll~ th!mWlv(!S, but tho?c \vho iildUl$? iI1 Sul’h lwitlc of Christ Jesus, and ii110 ii tlcxi~:lt:llcd in liic
cwtrovcrsics to maintain their selfish desire or psi- pro~~flccy as “tlw dali&tcP” of tliu “ Kill:: of lSl(fir-
lion5 arc certain to bc cast out by tlic Lord. nity”. Tl~en 11~tells ol’ a CIilSS of l)nrificcl OLIN. IN:-
y.J In harmony with this the Ilord ttiron~h t!lc cause they are called “vii$ns “. This sliows 111:ltIlic.w
p+3lilli:;t gives ;L tlircct ;lud pcrfcct lead to those who associates must ~JC \va\ltCd in the I~lood of Clrri+
aI% of C;Otl’S ~Jr~~llli~l~iOll. ‘rllCSC nrc rC~JrCWltcd BS JCSUS by escarclsin: faith in llis IJIOOII, ;111(1IJc tlc\.ot:,l
S:l\-ing: “I was glad when they said unto mc, IArt us to him, and devoting thcmsclw~ to (:od’s wrvicc. In
gd unto the howc of Jehovah”; fhat means, into the the Scripturec thcsc “virgills” arc slwci~icallg c;~llo~l
ternjh, showing that now is the fulfillrncnt of these the- “coi~i~~~~llioils” of “the I<in:‘s dan:li1cr”. “‘l’hc
prol)hctic iittcr,inrcs. This is the time of judgncnt King’s dan$tcr is all glorious wittlin ; her clothiti,q
mlren the (:rc;ltcr-tll~tn-Joscl,ll is on his throne. mk\y is of wrought gold. She shall bc blwrlqllt unto tlic Kin:;
the admonition is given to all of God’s servants, those in r~~iinciit of nrcdlcnork : the virgins licr conilxlniowi
who are a part of God’s organization and those who that follow her shall bc brought unto tlwc. \\‘ith Kla(l-
arc under the organization, to wit : “l’ruy for the ncss and rcjoiciiq shall they bc brou~tli : they shirll
pc;lct* of Jwusalcm: they shall pro\l~cr that love thee. cntcr info tlic liinq’s I)illilCC.“--J’S. 4.5: 13-75.
P~ilW tie within thy walls, and prosperity within thy yGEven the faittifiil “nitncsses” of oltl, I~:lIncd by

palaces. For my brcthrcn nild co~~lpa~ti0n.s’ snlrrs. I the apostle Paul spcclfically, and who \I ill rccciw lift
will nucv .say, l’caee bc within thee.” (I%. 122: GS, on earth, arc the cornl)anions of ttic spiritual cl,ws.
A.K.V.) In this latter rersc of the scripture both the ATlOtllPr proof that SUCh t%lrtllly Cl:lSS \\ilS ~1IlIlOIIIlCd
little flock and the great company, the remnant and as the fir\t purpose of .Jchov:~h and is pcrfcctwl Iact,
Jonachlbs, arc designated as “companions”; and lhcx? is writ ten at Ifcbrcws: “hd thCW di, Ilil\iJlX OlJ-
must be knit together, working togcthcr to the glory t:LiiiCd a gOOd report dlrOUgh faith, rCCCi\-Cd IIOt ttlc
of God.-Psalm 12’2. promise; God having provitlcd some bcl tcr tliinq for
SLAVE us, that they without us should not lx made lwr:‘cct.”
a4Jeremiah the prophet was sent by Jehovah to (IIeb. 11 : 30,40) IIcre is the positive proof that the
proclaim to Jerusalem her impending doom and to spiritual class must bc selected first and then the
give wwnin~ to tllosc who believed 011 God ad wrwd earthly company perfected, and in due t imc they shll

all be of one fold, giving praise and service to Jehovah his name. They Jay hold upon the Lord and dcclarc
God. Certainly the “virgins” mentioned in this proph- their heart devotion is to God and to Christ Jtrus.
ecy did not merely adorn the bride of Christ by their They are not ashamed to publicly declare thcmselres:
presence, but rendered assistance to her. The faithful on the side of Christ, the King, and Jehovah, 1he
men of old who served as “witnesses” for Jehovah, great King of Eternity. They do not hesitate, but tlwy
cvcn to the pouring out of their lifeblood, are set forth delight to be associated with the remnant in bearing
as examples uf faithfulness which the spiritual class testimony to the name of Jehovah and his kingdom
are admonished to follow. Those faithful men are and in bearing the reproaches that fall upon all who
called rnarlp-s or *‘witncsscs” (IIcb. I.2 : l), and they show their zeal and devotion to God and Christ. In
were witnc~~~ to Jehovah then as some are witnesses this prophetic picture the remnant take the lead, and
to him today. AI1 of these firmly stand together, each the Jonadabs or great multitude, pictured by the ten,
clan joyfully taking the position assigned, and render joyfully join them and follow in the right way. They
service as assigned, to the glory of God. Thus they bring their offerings with them for the service, that
arc shown as companions knit together in God’s scrv- is, they give all their praise and devotion, and they
ice, fighting in the common cause of righteousness. give their time and energy and money to further the
cause of the kingdom to the praise of Jehovah and
“TEN ME;Y” his King.
*‘I The symbcrlic term “ten” rcprcscnts complctcncss “MANY NATIONS”
of filings pertaining to the earth. The word “Jew” 3DJehovah’s prophet describes the people of “mrny
is from the word “Judah” and means ‘one who praises nations” going up to God’s organization to rwclve
.J&ovah’, and particularly refers to Christ rJcsus,who information at the mouth of those who form the hoIT-e-
is “the Lion of the tribe of Jutla” and the Km:: of ail hold of the Lord, and to seek instruction COIICCP~~I~~
who .swve Jehovah God. (Rev. 5: 5) JIis faithful fol- Jehovah and his kingdom. IIcrc ng-ain the rcmn:mt is
lowrs yet on the earth arc called the ’ ‘ feet of him”. shown rcndcring aid to the great multituclc. S;I>S t hc
(Isa. 52 : 7,s) Ilcre again, in the prophecy of %eclra- prophet : “And many l~~ol)le shall go [up] a14 say
ri:tJl, the two eompaniw arc shown to he closely knit [to cwh other and to their arquaiiitoiiccs], Cctnw me,
tox4Jter as companions in the swvicc, as it is written : alId Ict us go up to the mountain [the kin~(lom J of
“Thus saith lhc Lord of hosts, It shall yet come to the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob [mc:tnirl;:
pa,% that there shall come people, and the inhabitants the sl,iritunl sliccp of the Lord, mcmbcrs of 111~roj.:ll
of many citks: and th inhabit:u~ts of one city sha!l ’ omc] ; and he will twch us of his ways, and ND will
go to another, saying, Let us go speedily to pray hc walk iti his paths: for out of Zion [the temple, Gwl’s
fort the Lord, and to scclc the Lord of hosts; I will tlwlling place] shall go forth the law [tllc auttwrita-
go also. Yea, many people and strong nations shall tlvc rule of actionj, illld the word of the Lord [the
come to seek fhc Lord of hosts in Jerusalem, and to correct and authoritative mcssagcconcerning the liinz-
pray before the Lord, Thus saith the Lord of hosts, dam] from Jcrusalcm [that is, the organization of
Jn tlrwc days it shall come to pass, that ten incn shall tlic Lord, wherein arc God’s witiicsscs]. “--Isa. 2 : 3.
take hold, out of all languages of the nations, even ‘OThe people of earth of good will seethe “abomi~~a-
shali tnkc hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying,
tion that makcth dcsolatc”, tinmcly, the religious or-
WC will go with you; for WChave heard that God is ganizations claiming that they arc going to rule the
with YOU.“-&‘Ch. 8: 20-23. earth, and thcsc pctwms of good will flee from Satan’s
aaVerses twenty to twenty-two inclusive, as above religious organization and hasten to the kin&m of
set out, disclose people of good will coming from Christ. (i\latt. 24: 15) Tilcrc they find instruction atid
many parts of the cartli and saying to each other : ‘Let cngagc in the scrvicc of the Lord with the remnant,
us pray before Jehovah, seeking the Lord of harts’; and thus the two classw, the spiritual and the earthly,
and they seek the T~rcl in his organization. Thus they becomecompanions and serve togcthcr.
do in the day of Jehovah, that is, after the coming of
the Lord Jeyrmsto the temple. Then the prophet says SIIEEP MADE M.WlFEST
that “ten men”, meaning all the men on earth of Rooa ‘l For some time past the “other sheep” of the
will who will romposethe great multitude, “shall t,lkc Lord have been made manifest, and their acts fully
hold ol’ the skirt of him that is a Jew,” which means support all the scriptures above cited on this point.
Christ Jesus; and since the skirt hangs down in prO?r- %riat Jesus, the great Judge, is at the temple, and
imity of the feet, “the Jew” here also represents the l,cfore him are gathered the nations for judgment,
remnant, the faitbftd members of the body of Christ, ana such judgment is based up011the cvidcricc that
and thc*e people of good will say to them : “We will go the nations thcmselvcs are now giving against tlwni-
with you; for we have heard that God is with you.” selves. (Rlatt. 25: 31,32) This evidence they furnish
They openly dwlare themselves on the side of God bv their manner of treatment of Jehovah’s witnesses,
and his King and kingdom. They bend their barks t1.w showing their heart coudition towards the Lor~1
and their kaces to the Lord Jesus Christ and praise aild his kingdom. Jehovah’s witues~cs, the remnnl~t,
252 CI:clOIZLT.x
,-.Y T .
in obedience to Cod’s commandment and under the is within thy gates, that they may hear, and that they
leadcrsltip of Christ Jcxus, go forth preaching this may learn, and fear the Lord your God, and ol~wvc
gospel of the kingdom. The persons of ill will, par- to do all the words of this law.“-Ucut. 31: 10-K
ticularly the rcligionic;ts, being of a cruel and ex- l3 This shows the gathering together of the rcmnznt
tremely selfish heart, persecute the witncsscs of Jcho- and all the people of good will, picturing t!le grt :t
vah, and the Lord likens them unto the “goats”, and multitude, and which the Lord shows must bc d~x+c,
thus the erucl ones iJ.l-treating Jehovah’s witnesses that is, the ingathering must take place, bcforc .‘ir!.:n-
hex tcstirztor~y against themselves and convict the;n- gcddon. It shsw the relationship of the spiritual ( la .J
selves. On the other side are made manifest the pcop!e to those of the “other sheep”.
of good will who, se&q the cruel trentmcnt unjustly 44This is a time of rejoicing by all those wl:o ;.re
heaped upon Jehovah’s wituesscs by the “goat ” class dcvotcd to Jehovah because these by faith SC:! t:lct
of religirmists, and seeing how these faithful 011m arc the day of deliverance is at hand, and also the tirrw
used to bear the rcprodlcs that come upon lhe name for the vindication of Jehovah’s name. Togcthcr ti:c
of God aud Christ Jesus, cIearly discern that Jcho- remnant and the great multitude join in SOI!’s of
a-ah’s witncsscs arc the 140rd‘s servants and thnt the praise, joy and thank>~;iving unto Jehovah a~1 II;-;
religionistv are the Ucvil’s scrvnuts. The people of King. (Rev. 7 : 9-15) Standing UJJOIl the sllO;x ; of
good will know that the rcligionists harc! not the favor Patmos, John had a vision of this day, and ::t 11::
of God, hcwusc they are 1wwxutinI: God’s children direction of tlic Lord hc wrote: “And the Sl)ir;l ::itl
aud scrvnrtts. ‘J’hcy conclude that the remunut not only the bride say, Come. &Zncl let him that heareth s:;:,
are right hut arc suflcritig for rightcowiw~s sake in C’ome. And let him that is athirst come : and \VhG:J’:~CLr
the Lord’s service, and for his name. Rcing of good will, let him take the water of lii’c freely.“-1i:cv.
will, thcmforu, these visit tlw remnant,
aid rcndcr 22 : 17.
and cOlnforL to fhln, alld dWhe of
thcif SLJpIJOrt ‘j 1Ierc Christ Jesus, the Spirit, ard his britlr, tt;c
th0sC witlresscs who are scrviug God. Tlicy publicly spiritual class, arc observed lwwlaimiiig tlii., ~~cI~,~IcI
manifest their sul)port of the remnant, atit1 thus thry 01 the kingdottl, telling that the day of dclivcr:~twc is
take lhcir StilllCl 011 the sitlc of God aud his kingdom, COttle alld thilt 311 Of good will may Seek :::ll’cty ill l!lc
joiuitl:: the lwllIl:ltlt illld I’wwning their coml~anious Lord’s organizatioll. llis “other shccl)“, or rlrc2t
in scrvicc. Thcay hear the approval of the Lord ~JWIS multitude, hear the tcstintony of Jclroval~‘s \:.itr::l, t’s;,
to 1hem in t lwsc wordy : “Come, ye hlcss:~l of my Fn- and they join in the scrviw :rri(l say: “Cotnc, 211 you
thcr, iuhrrit the liiti:~!om p~~l~arcd for you from the of good nil1 who love (iotl and his JGns; COIIICa1~1
foutitlotiuu of tlx woAJ. ” ‘l’hus again the Lorcl show receive the blcssitlz$ of life cvcrlnstinq UJ~:I t Iw
that the c&s or company fi& nppcarin:~ in his IJW- cnrth.” r’1 his shows their cornl~:inion~llilJ in WI*\ iw to
pH! iS bTlU~ht forth last in die CX!CUtiOU Of his the prai:ie of tho Jiitl: nut1 the king~lotn.
purlwws; supportin!: the words of JCXIS that ‘the 4QIn the face of a11the forc::oiny h:rrmonio:Ir scrip-
first shall be Iast and the Jast Gr:jt’. The Lord hcrc tures, showin:: tlmt the remnant awl tlic KtY’ilt rnrIlti-
defiuitc1.v 1dcutific.y thcsc peol~lc of good till as his tudc arc coniI,anions in scrvicc wit0 the lrord, t1lcst.c
“other sheq~“, who t~ccotne the companions of the arc tIio:ic who malic the claim of bcinr: (M’s c!iiititx~:i
sheep first sclectcd, arid thus all act togctlwr a3 com- and who say: “Where is the gwit rnultitr~~l~‘? \Vc
panious iu the scrvirc of Jehovah, his King and his do not SW them. They must come after 121’lnil!~(!(lcloll.”
kingdom. This is conclusiw proof 1hat those who thur s:!J’ :II’C
FE1ST OF lSCATIlEIlISG not of the tcttt~~lc, and hcncc arc outsitlc of (;ocl’s
I2 The feast of tabcrna&s, also called “ tlrc feast of organization. Have in mind t,hiLt it v;as John who
ingathering ’ ‘, which God cotnniaiidcd should be ob- said : “After this I behcltl, rind, lo, a great multi1 udc,
served by his covenant p~oplc once cacli year, was which no man could 1111tllI~c~, of all nations, and
participated in by the Isrsclitcs, wonwn, children, kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the
and ‘the strangers within thy gates’. dZt the end of throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with nhit(b I’oJJ~+s,
every SCVCFIyeitly, at this feast the law of Cod must and palms in their hands.“--Rev. 7 : 9.
be wad in the presence and hearing of all thaw alto I7 It is only the: class pictured by John, namely, the
are gathered. This clearly illustrates the scloction of spiritual remnant company in the temple, that wc
the spiritual class, which has been ma&; atd now tltc the great multitude, and those who do not see ::re
“strangers”, the “great multitude” company, are certainly not of the tcmplc. If they ever were ill lint
being gathered in. It sl~ows that the spiritual remnant they have been gathcrcd out of the kingdom atid cn5t
and the earthly great multitude Ixcome companions into outer daI+liIless.-Nott. 13 : 41,4’?.
in the feast of rejoicing unto the Lord. “And Uoses 4sThe forcqoing scripturcr l~rovc beyond all doubt
commanded them saying, At the end of cwry seven that now we are in the time when tlic remnant and tile
years, in the solemnity of the year of rclcasc, in lhc Jonadabs must be firmly knit together as comlxitlions
feast of tabernacles, . . . GatJler the people together, in loving devotion and service of Jcltovah ;Ind his
men, and women, and chiltlrcn, and thy stranger that kingdom. In peace they must work together hi~r~~~o-

niously and always rejoice in the Lord tccause the 17,3f3. Explain as to who may serve in carrying out the
work of the orgnm&ion.
dny of dclivcrance is at hand and the time has come 19. \\%I nine nrurrc’rlv act as ehairmnn or conductor of a
when the Lord has Sound and is bringing forth ii& compznp fat& of de Wordof the Lord?
“other sheep”. The Lord Jesus at the temple havirrg 20. Would it be proper for a Jonadab to lead the eompuny - _
war h-s in the -fi&I service?
gathered his spiritual sheep to the temp!c and beirq 21,22. 110~ does the record of Noah and tbc mcmhrrs of his
now engaged in gathering unto himself his “other fnmdy present n picture of tho CJllttle flock” and the
sbccp”, hc invites all who love and serve Jehovah to “grcxt mult~tudc”d
rejoice with him. (Luke 15: 6, ‘7) The remnant aud u ?3,%. Appiy the pro~~lwticprovision of the “cities of tef-
the Jonndabs must now get and hold undcr:;tandinz. u 2;i.X. IIow did the essistance and nrlvilerre of scrvic*e ore-
They must have a proper appreciation of their rcla- iidctl for the CiIbxmltcs picture* the +sition and +v-
iIeges of the “gre:tt multitude” clnsu?
tionship to the Lord and to each other, and as com- 27-29. Wlnt arwngwicnt WIS~rtn& for service by and :unong
panions they muqt move forward fully united in the tha Kcthinirn? 1t’hy was that provision made for them?
service of the King, at all times joyfully and zealouslg What inH,ruction is f,een thclein concernmg the sc1vir.e
pnvilegea of the great multitu~lc?
lifting high the standard of Jehovah, that others map u 30: How does the t)IolAotic picstute of Joseph and 111~haIf
learn of God and his King and kingdom and may find Lrethrcn HIWWtllo rctntronshlp of the “httlc flork” and
the way to lift on earth and may participntc in the the “great rnultitu~tc”?
31. Point out the unportnnt instruction provided at Gen-
vindication of Jehovah’s name.
bf God’s orgnnizal ton 9
32. Show that the rCl:Ltl[mshilJ and ministry of Ehed-rnelcA
to Jcrcmi:A Wvc’rcJ)I qdrrtic.
35. Who arc “the I<m~‘s thnghtrr” and “the virxius her
eompnnionu”, mcntlonctt at l’snlm 42: 1X-15, ant1 how is

37,38. Idcnt ify the “ten men” :tntl the “Jew”, of %v( h:r-
ridi 8: 23. IIow do& tlw pr0cc~du.u there rc~ortl~~l h;t\o

IlOW JlKml fed? ‘([ 46,47. \Vho 8cp, nntl nho do not hc~, tllcb lulfitlu~rnt now of
1 11. Ikhta uhnt took place when Jrlronntlab met Jchu. Apply Rc~vehltion 7 : 97 \Vhy 1
the t)rotA~*tic~picture. 1[ 48. What, then, is cLvltlrnt frwu tltc forgoing scril)tur(Bs ns
q 19-l& From the prophctie picture, anti sith related scrip to the exlstcnco nnd rclatrunxhll+ :~n~l t)kI\ ilqc xnll ro-
turcy, 0stAm as to rvho can proply vote in the sclcction qKn~Silnhty, of two eompnnics of the Lurd ‘a 6’A~~t)” ut
of company xrvtlnts. ttils timc9


A I~~RESSSPr’G the congregation at Pergamos voice [vote] against them”; ~IICI tie gave his vote
the Lord makes known two clasps, OIN the by means of a stone or pcl~hlc, which was a syml~ol of
other t,he init!rful
and compromising class, and the
and true class; and hc separates
authority or yrivilcgc to vote. Upon the coming of the
Lord Jesus to the tcmylc of God arid tinding a cl;rss
the one from the other. The true class take a firm stand faithful hc qlcaks of sWh coilcctivcly the “ FaithfUl

against cvcry part of Satan’s organization and de- and wise servant “. These arc not acltlrcsscd intiivitl-
clare thcmsclvcs emphatically on the side of the Lord. ually, but as a class. The “white stow” is not given
Then the Lord, addrcming his words to the fnithfui individually, but to the faithful scrvatlt class. It is
clas, snys : “To him that overcomcth will 1 give to the token of God’s al~proval or official dcsiqtlat ion of
cat of the hiddcn manna, and will give him a white such as his servant or reprcscntativc; and Jcho\ah
stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no gives his vote for such by and tht~ough Christ Jwus
man kuomcth saving he that rcceiveth it.“--Rev. 2: 17. and confers upon the faithful class this favor by glv-
The only other plnee in the Bible in which the Grcak in:, to that class the white stone. Such ofticinl alid
word here translated “white stone” appcnrs is in authoritative designation is not known or rwlcrstond
Acts 26: 10, where Paul in cfl’ect says: “I gave my by any one except those who have received the stone,
N. Y.

that is to say, the vote of Jehovah’s approving them. tira” means “daughter”; and this is supported by
The Iarq~~age of the test is, the “name . . . which the words of verse tnenty. The work of spreading the
no man know&h saving he that receiveth it”, mean- truth continued to increase during the period pictured
ing the class receiving the stone. The new name is by the prophet Elijah, and this increase was foretold
written in the stone, meaning that such is the class in the words (vs. 19), “the last [is] more than the
receiving God’s vole or approval, and upon whom he first.” In that period of time, however, there deve!-
confers the great privilege of bearing this name and oped a condition that was displeasing to tile Lord;
having a clear understanding of Jehovah and his pur- a female influenrc was there operating particularly
poses. There is thrr~by established a confidential re- toward the elective cldcrs or leaders of the church
lationship between the faithful class and Jehovah, and and tending to draw husbands and brothers aw:ly
these are given the privilege of understanding the from the true service of God, tending also to cause
purpose oF Jehovah and communicaling the same to them to take a compromising position with Satart’s
the peopk. Therefore there is a close corrcspondency organization. Henre the Lord says: “But I have this
or r&.tion between the “white stone” and the Urim against thee, Because thou lcttest alone the woman
used by tk high priest. (Num. 27: 21; Net]. 7: 65) Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess; and she tcac+h-
It is only the priestly class, taken out and approved, es and seduces my servants, to fornicate, and to (at
that now enjoy tile blcsscd privilege of having an idol-sacrifices. ” --Vs. 20, E,)rpltulic Ihglot t.
appreciation of the meaning of Jehovah’s name, and Jezebel, the wife of King Ahab, improperly inflri-
of bearing the “new name”, to wit, “Jehovah’s wit- cnced her husband. She is made prominent in ttw
ncssfs .“‘-Isa. 43:xX12; 62: 2; 65: 15. Scriptures in connection with IGtijah. (1 Iii. 16: 31 ;
ir1 anna ~~a.5u divine provision for the sustenance 19: l-3) Such strongly sugqxts that Thyatirn pirturcsi
of life. When Jesus was on earth he was the Manna a condition existing in the church during the Ktij;rh
or Bread that came down from hcavcn. (John 6: 51) period thcrcof. It was in that period of time parilcu-
Now he is the divine ISread of Life, and, hcing divine, tarly that women attempted to make tlicmsclvcs prom-
is thcrcforc hidden from human eyes. IIcncc the de- inent and influential in the church and wcrc cnc*ollr-
SCri~Jti0n, “the hidden manna.” IIe is the divinely aged so t,o do by some of the tcactcrs. One of tha ore’:-
provided One upon whic4h the remnant now feed while inai incorporators of the Watch Tower Bil,lc and
in the riltlcrncss condition, and this One is hidden Tract Society was a woman, the wife of t!~ ttlcbn
frotn tlto~ who do not love Cod. This fact he now president thcrcof, and stw insisted on edit ill:: l’hc
rcrc~:~ls IO his rcrnnant try his spirit and by his [PI.- Ilrutchtowcr and, being resisted, tctl other \~OIIWI to
ther’a Ii~htnin~~. “Jlnnnn” literally means “What fake a wronc,rl’ut course against the I~ortl’s WI k. The
is it P” &my who claim to he followers of Christ do Scriptural statement, “that woman Jczchc~l, w111ch
not unchwstnnd the meat and drink now being en- calleth herself a prophetess,” surety refers to ccrta~rr
joyed 1j.vthe remnant, am1 they ask : ‘What IS it that female inftucnce in the church escrciscd over tc:~tt~~rs
is now published hy the Soricty 8’ It is only the rcm- or men prominent thcrcin.
nant who see present truth and rejoice in it. They Jesus is authority for the statement of truth that
are fwding upon this feast prepared for them in the a man must love the Lord more than tic 10~s his WIIC
presenceof the enemy. This rsplains why many who or any other creature, otticrwi\c he is not wart 1i.v of
claim io be followers of the Lord do not, see present the Lord’s favor. (Luke 11: 26; Rlntt. l!): 27-t’!) J
truth. When female influence, wtictticr it be that of wvl’c,
The approved class receives a new name, thus in- sweetheart, mother, or sister, CilUSCS a man to tlcv~lc
dicating a confidential relationship. with the Lord from faitt~futnrss and wttotcl~cartcd scrvirc to t IIe
which no man can infringe upon or even know. ‘The Lord, that influence not only is wrong, 1~111 wiil k;1~1
Lord knows those who are his’ ; and here his promise to dest,ruction. The Lord likens such unto the u ronxiul
is to &sblish a close and confidential retations!tlp influence exercised by Jcxchcl over the king whi~*h
between the approved ones and himself, and all the led to her destruction and to his. This scripture (vs.
opposition that mi$rt be brought against them could 20) could not refer to Babylon, bet*ause surety God
not in any way infringe upon their good name with never gave the J>cvil’s organization any ‘time to rcpcllt ’
the Lord. A good name with him is to be desired abole (vs. 21) ; but it does refer to an improper conditicm
all riches. (Prov. 2!!: 1) These are really in the joy of esisting in the true church, and escrcisctl by \\onic11,
the Lord. These faithful ones, brought over into the and that wrongfully, which is illustrated hy JezcM.
Elisha period of the church, rejoice to proclaim the There are and always have hccn good wmcu iu 111~
King and his kingdom. church, performing duties which the Lorct assiqlc’tl
The Son of God warns of swift and certain judg- to them. There have been and are others nho ntfcn~l~t
ment coming upon tbosc in the church “in Ttiyatiru”, to do that which they are not authorized to ttu. The
that is to say, upon those in the condition rcprc\entcd good women serve as witnesses to the Lord. ‘l’t~c oth-
by Thyatira, and which is displeasing to the Lord. ers attempt to dictate to the men what they sl10~1d c!o.
(Rev. 2: H-29) The weight of authority is, “l’hw It is a fact well known by many that prior to t,he

Lcrd’s coming to his temple certain women in the hxve reached the end of their scrvicc and their works
true ehuwh exercised great in&leuce orcr men who are dead. (Vs. 23) In this connection the Lord said:
vwe icaders or elders, causing them to compromise “And all the churches shall know that I am hc wlrich
with Satan’s organization and to decline or refuse to searchcth the reins and hcnrts; and I will gicc unto
t&c a bold and uneynirocaI staud for the Lord and every one of you according to your works.” (Vs. 23)
his kingSilom interests on the earth. \\romcn also, by We all know that the Lord Jesus is the Ilc;ld of t hc
wrongfully cxrcising their influence, induced lcad- church, and the course of action that he mallwd out
ers or clcctive elders to refuse to ‘fwld the llcad’ must be followed, and he knows the motive that tn-
and to become heady and to go contrary to God’s Auences the action of each one. These words further
arnngcmcnt. They were swyed by lxwion or influ- prove that “all the churches” (including Pergamos
ence cutrancous to the Word of God. Even to this day and Thyatira) must be in existence at the snmc time
the wnc influcncc attempts to intcrfcrc wit11 the when the mcs\agc applies, and therefore the mcssagc
Lord’s work. The condition was cslwcially marked, to the church could not and does not cover a long
I~owevcr, during the l’:lijah period of the church. En period of time (from the apostles unto the lJrc.xtlt),
that time ciasscs were organized by wonw~~, and \\omcn but appliw only at ttic scrond coming of tlrc Lord.
in the church yrcparcd lessons, sermons or cliscourscs Its understanding can bc had only after t hc Lord
for the clcctive cldcrs and dircctccl them what to say. comes to his temple for jutl~rircnt.
Ambitious women in the church inilucnrcd their hus- NOW it can be scctl that men ~110 arc lcadcrs have
bands or some of the weaker brethren to carry out been the ones especially wtio have comprorniwd wiih
Iheir own wishes wilb reference to the or~atrizatron the Devil’s organization and who arc tlwrcfore tile
or ronduct of the ecclcsia. Worncal irr the church te- ones that have committed “ fornication” as mcntioncd.
WK-IC~ to Jlattcry of lcndcrs and cldcrs in order that The qudkJn twy hc ilskd, Ilow arc the \somc~n, JKrr-
tfwy mi:+t influcnrc tlwm. Whcthcr this was done ticulurly in the cburcb, tcmptcd I)y the 11~~11 ? ?‘IIc
unknowi11~1y or dclibcrntely would maftc no clifl’cr- :1llSIvCI’ iS that thy hL!vC h!(W UsCd ill fl s~JWl:ll \i J1.V
ctw, ht it does show Satan’s attcm]Jt to disruljt the to seduce the sw\ants of tlic church by ttic \vrongl111
LorJ’s orgnizution, wliiclt tlw Lord foro!tiicw and exorcise of their inllucilw, thus causiitg the h~r~i~nl~
foretold. The Lord frad pointed out that the wman or Ic;:(Icrs to Ix: guilty of illicit rcla1 ioiisliip willi t IIC
f~as her plate in the church, but fxr place is not to Devil’s orgrlization and 10 wr~lwornisc tlicr’cwit Ii
lkwh mati nor attempt to inlluencc man in his ri$l- for tlicir 0;\r1 susfctiancc. A w~lm1i who would itr-
ful performance of duty ns a servant of t Ire f,ord. ~fllCllW fN!r flil\f~:lIld t0 S:t’YC XIIllC IJart Of tllC ]kVil ‘R
Woincn in the church have iriduccd tlicir biislxltitlu Or~~liikafi~Jll ill OI’(h!r that SllC rlli:h1 Vil,j(Jy (‘:I%! id
or otlicrs to compromise ccntrrriing (iod’s \~ovlc in r(Jmfwt ill thC \\‘ziy of hOlliC Or lib t~lili~;~ UlJli]d IJC
or&r that they might gratify home selfish dcxiw or wron::fully inducing hi* Iiu~l)nntl. \\‘bcrc tllth l,(,rd
;:mbithn. The true rule is that wfwrc t hc Lord ~~l:m3 furnishes an opportunity for tlrc busband to SCITXJ birn,
a man in a position to scrvc 1Iim he cannot l)fr::w ttic \iifc sliould see to it, if slit is dcvotcd to I IIC 1~or31,
llie I,ortl arid dcviatc therefrom one jot or tittlc by that she in no manner stniid~ in tlrc way of scrviw,
b&ii!: iiiiluctlccd therein by anotfiw, and particularly fJUt, 011 the C’Otlfl’ary, sflollfd CO-OfWl’iltC ill evcbly W:I~
Ly 8 fcvxilc. l’ilU1 commcndcd the faithful scrvicc of possible, f~!cnitsc the gr%!cilt!cst IJrivilCgC that cali Ix
the woiii~~ii in tbc church, but warnrd against their given to tl Ilhiltl is to scrw (;otl ;Illd Itis Christ. TIwr1
improper course. thC Lord SlJNlhS of thaw ~110 have IIII~ ylcldcd to I Ilo
The Lord announced that ‘this work of iniquity’ iml)rolwr inflricncc fnit who hvc st catlf:ist ly 111i1111-
s!io~:ld not ~woslwr, but that, coming to judgment, taincd their integrity ~itb the I,ord, and sn>ts: ’ I
he wollld J)~01I01ltlCC SUCh as “dC;ld WOL’liS”. (IICb. will put tIpon ~-011none otlrct* ~UIXICI~. J:II~ tllilt \\IIIP~
9: 14) “I,o! I cost her into a kl.” (Vs. 22, liolk.) ye tiaw already, hold fast till I cornc.” (Yss. 21, 2:~)
The tlcsh of Jczcl~cl was consumed by dogs. Those of The promiw of the Lord is that the “Jczcbcl” \Yor!i-
whn shu wils a prototype are cast into a bed which ers would bc SCrJ:lratCd from liis approved ones V:~:C~II
tIwy &ire, and all those that yield to their influctwc he would appear at his tcmplc for jutlq~ciit. Cri! rl
and who do Ilot rcptnt, into tribulation. (Vs. 2’2) then they \\cI’c: told to bold fa\t tllc faitli, love, arttl
This tribulation seems to have bcfallcn t host who have ministry corrimittcd to them, always contcntling I’i)r
brcn wrongl’ully influcnccd by women, and they are the faith first dclivcrctl to the saints. Tllcn Iw ilClb!!i
not sinqinc eloutl the 1,ruiscs of Jehovah, bnt arc cry- words of cncouragcrncnt to the failhful: “ .\ntl IIC
in:: in s0!‘1’0\v. “Bcliold, my srrvaiits shall sing for that overcoiric11~, alld liCC~lCtl1 my wOl~l<S Ullt0 tllc CIl(f,
jo? of heart. but yc shall cry for sorrow of heart, and to him I\ ill I give power owr tlie niifioiis: and tic sh;tll
shall howl for resation of spirit.“-Isa. 65: 14. rule them u-it Ir a rod of iron ; as tile vcwcls of a pot+Cr
The anointed ones today we that there are th(>-H: shxll they Ire fxoken to shr\ et’s: even ns I rw~ivcd
who have hccn clrnw~ away from the Lord and his of my F’athcr.“-Vss. 26, 27.
.sen-ice by fcmn!o influence eserciwd in various ways, Keeping lrir works “unto the ciid” must mcaii to
and those who have follomcd this wrongful coutxe the “md” nbich comes after ‘this gospel of the king-
dom has been preached to all the world as a witness’. unto the Lord, arid their suhtance unto the Lord of
Seeing that the church is now in the time in ahi& the whole earth.“--Kc. 4 : 13.
the members thcrcof have a glimpse of the immediate The overcomers are then told that they shall base
future, may not these words of Jesus indicate that a position of honor with the “morning star”, cvidcnt-
ihe overcoming remnant will be permitted to see ly meaning Christ in glory : “And I will give him
Gatan’s organization dashed to picccs and thereafter the morning star.” (vs. 28; also 22: 16) “Star”
have some work on the earth to the glory, of the name means prixe, which is one of the titles given to tl~e
of Jehovah? Jehovah seemsto bc addressing the same beloved Son of God. Hc is the “Prince of Pcacc!“,
overcoming class who are members of Zion when he ugon whose shoulder rests the government of the
says through his prophet: “Arise, and thresh, 0 world. dnd now for the cncouraqcmcnt of all the
daughter of Zion: for I will make thine horn iron, and faithful remnant of the church on earth the Lord
I will make thy hoofs brass, and thou shalt beat in reveals thcsc truths to them. Such today joyfilll:
pieces many people; and I will consecrate their gain lift up the voice and sing unto Jehovah the new SOII~.


J.W.w BROTHER RL‘THEI:FOCD: of a selies of Saturdny afternoon programs n 13nptiqt prcaclwr
You ail1 be interestwl to hear how the sound car and the came up to the sound car and asked mc to lead ov<*r the I~IIC
phcnogmph me te:! 1iny down the enemy ‘s strongholds. After the parable of (‘the rich man nml Lnznrus”, in \+luch to i”o\o
WntilCllng one of the Lord’3 isolutetl scrvnnts, he to1d me the his point on the hell-fire doctrlnc. I tolrl him thxt It was :L
oppu~~tion W:LS too strong to u ltuess the twn from door to parable and that ho cild not understnnd It. Just then n IIUII
dwr, nnd that the chicf of police WIR \cry bitter. (They had walked up, am1 the prcwher bent it qulc+kiy. Tim nmn s:l~d,
ncvw heard the sound car or the phonog~:~ph.) \‘vcll, on the “1 was just going to cs1wsc him If he trictl to start sorrrcthllic,
t5nLtrtluy, when ulmos1 everyone come9 lo tonn, cvc put the because ‘I WRY shooting dice with him two !rwks ngo. 1 ciut’,-
8ou1nl wr on 5or two hours. About 15W.l Iward the good news tioncd him about shootmg tl~w, and he ‘s:ud that a prcachcr
of the kingclxn. Eight ( ama up to the soun11 ear nntl esprwd hrs to hn\c swne rccrwtwn.”
theJIJ>~c~l,c.u.Two mot sp:1n1s11, \\I10 xiketl us to put on a Sp.all- The bnkcr in this town imtl read litrhw. I CBIIIU in for my
ish ptugrnm in a lnrgc B1tanivh scttlemcnt. TIIIS NC did the bred, rtnd one of the prcuchrrs N~IY nlso thcrc for his brcwl.
nrxt (1:~. The baker sl~oved my money I):kc*k to me owl toltl me to kvl%I)
\\‘c then put the plwnc~gr:~phs on in most of the liomca and it; but ho rnng up the prc:l(.l1cr’s money. The l)~wchcr I Irru
stwca in the bwlncw scclion, finiyhlng the to!%n on Monday asked mc :f tlmt was my sounrl car out thcw. I 11~l111cd(h:tt It
c’ven I ,I n.
- \\‘e men trrnt xi fur ns l,I:r\lng tlrc pltonojirxphs on belonged to .Jchovnh. Ilc tiwn nxkctl how murk tlw sound wr
tJw stwcts in town xc1111as nrnny as ii1 km IMrncru aronnal a cost. 1 told Len tircy wcrc not for 831~. II0 tlt6-a ~3~1, “ If 1b4~
phunt~g~nl~h nt one t~mr, anil on~c nglit in front of the pixe Bnptists lmd somethinS Ilk<* tlmt, nc coultl get somc~\Iwre.”
sfufwh, 18i::cing two I~ounit books, six booklots ant1 one IJible. I then told him to rrntl thm book I;wlrcs, unll that he \\wlJ get
On tltc M~mcl:~y I! hrle wc new pl:tymc: the phonogrnph 3 mnn 8( newhcro quicker. 110 took I:l( kcs, nml pronllwl to read It.
came up ami told IIOW tlwy lmtl u 1~11:lust iu one of the large Later I !ira~d tlmt IIC Id Irbst Iii3 c*l~urch :tsvgnul<at.
churrhc~a the day iwforc about our mcss:~~:r. The preacher gut We ncrc asked to bring our sound car to :t cwlorccl clIur&
up ill t4c bullpit nnd t&l his flock that :I Imnch of people were on Pastoral Sunday. Tllcro wrc 250 prcwnt. ~Vltrr~ we :trtftc I
going nbout the country, calling at the ilc~iuts of the people the church wns still in scssitrn. 1 llwn walkc*tl to tlw bark of tl:c*
with hooks full of lws. (11~ rncnt~oncvl the author’s name, church nnd henrd 111c prcnchcr say, “ 1 set: the li’m~dw~i Car
J. P. I<.) The prcnclwr WM misrrprc*scbut~ng the publications has arrived. Would you ail like to have a thirty-mlnutc rw.~w,
hy quotiug statcmcnts mudo by you from other publications. or to hcnr Deacon So-rind-Eo prcaeh for anotlwr hulf hourO”
()nc 11mn got up nnd stktctl that hc hns twelve of those books, All voted for the recess.
and that nonr of them read like thoqc quotnt~ons. Theu a wxa- All Join mc in sentlmg you our warm Cbr&iiu low; antI
fin got up nntl witl, ‘ ( I lmvc w\cral of those book?, nud ewzh may Jchovnh continue to rwhly bless you and to keep juu
one c~iwkn up \Clth my l:~l,le. ” S:rtun o\crstrpped himself, and faithful to the encl.
the Truth goes forward. Your fellow servunts in the greatest work of nil ages,
Another esp~!nce from the county sent: During the first The Iiowar;~~r-S~~~s-~ou~.o~ors Group, l’tincc:ru.

Ilclcnn, -41%. _....._.......Aw. 31 Sash\ille, Tcnn. .__.....Sgt. 5, 6 Portsmouth, Ohio ..._Sept. 2, 3 ‘, 0
Nnlphiu. %*nu. ..-_._ SW. 1, 2 r,rm1r\ ille. Ky. . .. .... ... 6. 9 GreeuWd, Oh,w __.__.._ ** 4 II
TJ ronaa, Ark. ‘1 ClllC InwLti, OIli . .. ... :: ‘pjii Hill+-o, Ohlo __..._.. ;; I’:
Jcrincr, Ark. ..__:::::I: ” : coIIIIIlbUh, 01110.. ... ... I W~llmmsburg. Ohio .. $ -A,

J. C. BOOTB G . Y . nmmmx
, 1
oJ&lllou~n City, Oiiin. syplpt. St. I,OUl~. MO ._...... Sept. S.JfJ Alabama C_‘lty. Ala. ..Srpt. (‘llntiatrnogzl. Term. ..Scpt. 7, 8
Tulw, Ohlit. ~_......_.._.. Inrll:tnn~~olis. Ind. .. .. “ J:o<az, Ala. . .._I__.______.
I’ .l:r\tt\ tt1r: ‘J’w111.. ..... “ I), 10
Cullc)-rilie, kans. _... “ Coluorbua, OIllO .. . ... .. “ $I: - Grove Oak, Ala. __.__._‘I J.uuI\! ilh., Ji\. ._ .. ._.. “ I I 1L’
Fort I’a,ne. Ala. .._... Ii a coIuIIlIJu*, UlllO .. ... ... “ li -‘o

Moorwrille. W. Va ...__Scot. 2, 3 snl~m. \I’. Va. . ..__.....SeJ)t. S. W. TOUTJIAN
bI3.nnln~ton. w. s’n... ;; 4,; I:llrnl~oro, W. Vn. .... 1‘ :: ~~kkernev, Kans. .__.._
Sept. 3, 4 Jnrkwr~\ illc, 111. _. . . Sept. IO
Fairmout, IV. \‘a. .,._ I’m kw&urg. W. Ta... :: ;S&; Towha. I\anb. ._ ___.___” * Tell<: 11n11tr. Illd. __.. 4. 11, J-’
Clarhaburg. \V. \‘a. . . “ 8,9 Columbus, Ohio .. .....- BYHSUh wy, MO. .. . “ 8:: Colulllbrln, VlllO __...__.” 11’0

hlntinnnn. Ark. ._..____ Sept. Mounds, Ill. _____
_.. ... . SW. Shawneetottn 111 ...sf.Dt. Seymour, IN1 . .... .. .. ... scpt. I?
Bfcnt~~l~is.Tenn. .. .... .. “ 2.8 Round Knob, 111.... .. . ‘* : ~lansrrHe, I&l. ..‘..:.. 10, 17 Colulllbu~, 01110. .. .. .. . “ 14 “(1


IiIS “WORK” AND III5 “Acr” (Part 1) 259
Annthoth _.-
Command _.___. I__
Questions for Study I___
ABOJIINATIOPI’S ___ ..___.._. B.-e.._
__ 271
“KIN0 OF KINZ” --..I-.- -_.-..a -a..- 258
VACATION - .___..__.___ I_ -____ 258
Co~uunvs CONVEXTIOX -- --____ 258
IW’OSTORS - ._._I_.-._ ----.- 258
117 Adams Street - Brooklyn,
N.Y., U. S. A. T FE3 journal is published for the purpose of enabling
the people to kuow Jehovah God and his purposes as
cqressed in the Bible. It publishes Bible instruction
specifically designed to aid Jehovah’s wltncsses and all people
J. F. BUTIIERRlBD President IV. E. VAN AMnimc~ Secretary of good will. It arranges systematic Bible study for its rcndcrs
“And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and and the Society supplies other literature to aid in such studnzs.
It publishes suitable material for radio broadcasting and for
great shall be the peace of thy children.” - I~&ah J&I.?. other means of public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Ulble as authority for its utter-
THE SCRIPTURES CLlZAKLY TIZACH ances. It is entirely free nnd separate from all parties, sects
THAT JEHOVAH is the only truo CZod,is from everlasting or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without
to cvcrlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver reservation for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ
of life to his ercatures; that the Logos was the begmmng of his bclored King. It 1s not dogmatic, but invites careful
his creation, aud his active agent in the creation of all things; and critical examination of its contents in the light of the
that the Logos is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed Scriptures. It does not indulge m controversy, and its col-
with nil power in heaven and cnrth, axed the Chief Executive umns arc not open to personnbties.
Officer of Jchorrh.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, crcatrd pcrfcct YEARLY sUBSCXII’TIOX l%IcE
man for the earth and placed him upon it; that man ~vlllfully
disobcycd God’s law and was scntpnced to death; that by
reason of Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and
without the rig& to life.
THAT JESUS was made human, an3 the man Jesus suf-
fered death in ortlcr to produce the ransom or rcdcmptive
price for all mankmrl; that God raised up Jesus divine and
cxaltcd him to lrc:;vcn above every ereaturo and above every FOREIGN OFFICES
name and clothed him with all power nod authority. Brtttsh . . . . . . . . . 34 C’mven Terrace, London, W. 2. En::lanrl
Conncfian . . . . . . 40 Irwin Arcnue. Toronto 6. Onlxrlo, (‘2n:uln
THAT JEtlOVAI 1’S ORGr\NIZAT!ON is called Zion, nnd dustrah8fan . . 7 LJeresfolrJ Jtonrl. Stxnthtiehl. h’. S. \V., An-tmtia
that Christ Jeans is the Chirf Onir:lrr thcrcof and is tho
South dfrICa* . . . . . . J:o.qton JJouse, Cage ‘Xown, Sou(h Afil~a
rifihtfol King of the world; that tha nnoiuted and faithful Please address the Society fn etcry case.
followvr~ of t’hri.ct JWUS are clrildrc~n of Zion, mrnlbcls of
Jrhor:lh’6 org:anic:lion, and are his witncssrs whoso duty and
privilrgc it is to testify to the ~~prc~r:rc+yof Jehovah. drclnre (Trasolationr of th(s journal appear in 8eVeral laqwat7ee.)
his purpnosc%toward mankind ns c~xpr(-~+~~d in the Bible, and
to bear the fnuts of the kingdom tn*fore all who will hew.
THAT TtiE WORLD hns en&d, and the Lord Jrsus Christ
has Imn placed by Jchovnh upon his throno of authority,
1~s ousted Satan from hcarcn nml iic proccedmg to tho
cstnblishmcnt of Gc~tl’s kingdom on earth.
THAT TIIE RELIEF and blessings of the peoplrs of earth
Can come on& !)y nut1 through J&ova11 ‘s kingdom under
Christ, whid~ has now begun; that the Lord’s nest great
act is the destrurtion of Satan’s org:nniz:rtion and the cstnb-
lishment of richtcouxness in the earth, and that under the
kingdom 011 these who will obey its righteous laws shall live Entered ad second-cln88 matter at the t)ost oflcc at Broohlgn, h: I’.,
on earth forever. under the Act of March 3, ~9%


Tho next testimony period, October 2-10 inclusive, will be The N’otchtower further nnnounccs the convention for Jcho-
world-wide, corxtenslve with the mrthly realm of the King of vah’s wltncsscs nnd companions nt Columlms, Ohio, Septcm-
kings, after whose tltlc the pcrtod is n:~mcd. The publlc:ltlon ber 15-W incl~~~ive,wluch ~11 servo the Umtcd States, Can:tda,
now of the book f3ches in many Inn~ua~c:s makes it npproprlate and others 1rI.o may be able to attend.
for this book to be eoncentratcd on then, the same to be oiiEcred The prcsitlrnt of the Society expects to bc present at this
together with a sclf.covcred booklet. Other details of the 8crv- convention. Jlnkc your alrnngen~rnts for vacation during this
ice are due to be published in tho Zn/ornrnnt, !~hich please con- period. Let all of his pccq)le ask Jrhorah to make this convcn-
sult, Let your prcpnrations and arrnn~:c%Wnts begin at once, tion a grr:tt witness to the honor of IIis name.
a~ unto the Kin:: of kings. Your prompt report, from whatever See information in July 32 issue of Il’lle Tl;ntchtozcer.
part of the ear& you inhabit, ~111 bc awaited at this oflice.

Pcrs0c.s going nbout the country, and claiming to be in the

VACATION truth and Jehovah ‘s witnc.cscs, present thcmsclvcs at dlffercnt
The oflice lend faetorp at 117 Adams Street will suspend places and collect money nnd get other favors of tho brethren.
operations from Septrmbcr 11 to 26 inclusive. This will permit 11.0 worn the brethren everywhere to have nothing to do with
the members of the Bethel family to attend nnd scrvc at the these impostors.
Columbus convention and nlso to enjoy n few extra days in
field service or otherwise beforo resuming regular work at ANNOUNCING COMPANY MEETINGS
Hrooklvn. Many hearers of r:idlo trlinscqtion lccturcs hale the desire
All kingdom publishers will therefore anticipate their needs to meet wilh Jehovah’s witnrsscs aud to study his Word nrth
of literature to last until the end of September and should them. Ifence nhercvrr the kingcloru mcssnge IS ratlioen~t, the
plomptlp send in their orders to this office so ss to insure time and place of meeting of the local compnny of Jehorah’s
tilling and shipping before the close 0x1 Sqtcmber 10. No IWII witnesses should bo annuunced after the trauscriptioI1. 7’1~
~11 receive attention or bo dispatched from here during the time on the llr being paid for, the station man:tgcr ~honld
above period. readily grant your request to make such announcement.
1, 1927 rio. 17


“As Z have done fu Shitoh.“-Jer. 7: 14.

J EJIOVATI dcclarcs his purpose to do his specific

work, which hc dr+natcs as “his strange work”;
that to then ~JCfollowed by his bringing to pass
his specific act, which he designates his “strange act”.
ing to ‘fChristcndom”,
to practice the “Christian
which organized hotly cl:!irns
religion “, ,Jellovatr wilt
make good his warning by destroyin:: that hypocrit-
ieal organization; and such will atlpc:ir to most taco-
(I.sL 25: 21) Whnt Jcl~ovah did to his typical cove- plc to be a “sfrangc act”, and wilt bc strange to at1
nant pcoplc at Shitoti appcnrs to foreshadow and persons esccpt tttosc who arc whotty dcvotctt to .lc:tro-
for&et1 what his purpose is to do to the profcsscd vah God. Jcho~h’s “strange \vor!i”, thcrcfore, ma3
Christian pcopic, that is, the rcligionists who have he brirfly stated as his mcssngc of warning; and his
taken the name of Jehovah God and Christ Jesus “strange act” may bc tjriclty dc~scrit~ctl ilY his work
and who have been unfaithful to the Lc~rd and have of cxccution at Arnmagcdtlor~, in which all rctifiic,lis
dcfamcd his holy name. Uy taltin:: Jchoval~ ‘Y name wgauizations, and other ungodly orjianizat ions of the
and assuming to scrvc him throu::h Christ .Jeslts those world, which have Satan fur t tlcir god, wl!t I,(* dc-
pcopte are in an impticd covcn;int with the t,ord to stroycd.
do his wilt. The arrogallt Cat hotic IIicrarctly organi- 3 I’//e Watc~tto~cr now attcqnpts lo arr:lnq* a sl utly
zation ;wumcs that position, claiming to IJC Ihc true of certain parts of Ihc prophccics of .J~~t!ovahuttclrcd
church and Ihc cowwnt tjcot~lc of God ; and that lay Jeremiah at God’s commalid, ttial the S:IIIIL’ may
organization l:ltiCS the Icad in organized religion, hc of aid and comfort to ltlc tjcoptc of (!od wtlo arc
which is by fhcm, and others, wrongfully catttul faitlifutty endeavorin:: to maintain ttioir ilitcurlty
“tho Christian religion”. In this latter day ttic so- toward him. This study cmbraccs tJilt*l icutarty c*hnt)-
called “l’ro~~‘:~tanfs”, illId CVC~ the JCWS, co-operate tCl% SCVCII, tWCllty-fiVC, twenty-six, l\vcllty-Sc*vull illid

with and sutjport the Homan Catholic organizations. twenty-eight of the prophecy of Jcrc~miah. It is trc-
all practicing their religion top&tier. What came tu lievctf that a detailed consitlcrut ion of t hiq p:~rt tc*ul;lr
pass tppicillty at Stiitotl is now of pCCUliilr intcr& prot~t~ccy wilt enabtc the stuclcsnt of C;otl’s \Yortt ,(I
to those who arc really dcvotcd to Jehovah (:od whcro more fully appreciate the duticls and olJtlg:;~ti~~llswhktr
it is understood that God thus forcstiadows and fore- the Lord places upon his covenant pc~t~lc now on
tells his purpose toward organized religion. earth and cnabtc them to bcttctr sc’c their privitrpc5
* .Jchovah sent Jcrcmiah to give warning to the of filithfUtly serving him. In this stutty the iilstbircd
Israclitcs at .Jcrnsatcm ; which message proclaimed words written by the apostle should always he kcb,Jt
by Jeremiah at the command of Jehovah was a in mind, to wit : “For whatsoever things were written
“strange work” to those who regarded themselves aforetimc mere written for our Icarning, that we
as God’s favored pcoplc. Corresponding thereto, the through patience and comfort of the scripturcas might
Lord sends !lis servants in this day, whom he has have hope.” (Rom. 15: 4) The mere casual re:&r
made his witnesses, to dcclarc his message of wnrn- will find this study irksome, but those realty devoted
ing to profcqycd Christians, otherwise called “Chris- to Cod and his King will find thr same “mrat in clue
tcndom ’ ‘, and to make known God’s purpose to season ’ ’ and that it is from the Lord, and t hr,v nit1
punish that unfaithful people at Armageddon. The profit thereby and rejoice. Studies of ~hc proptlccies
work thus being done by Jehovah’s witncsscs in the pubtishcd in The l\~ntclztozccr arc for the purpose of
name of Jehovah God and Christ Jesus appears to enabling the remnant, first, to get a better under-
tbc religionists as a “strange work”, and is to them standing of their true retalionship to the Almighty,
strange. Jehovah made good his warning message by and then to USCthe knowlcdgc gained to cnli~t~ten
destroying his professed covenant people at Jorua- those of good will who are seeking to know Got1 and
lem, and that was his act foreshadowing his “strange Christ Jesus. The covenant pcoptc of Jehovah are
act” at the end of Satan’s rule. Having given warn- now being put to a real t,cst to dcterminc their intcg-

rity, and it is apparent that Jehovah is giving to them of the Lord. The Israelites at Jerusalem had at, that
an understanding of his prophecy that they may be time departed from the commandments of Jehovah
strengthened and that their hope may be clear. and acre following after the teachin@ of men, and
their lenders in particular were very reli$ous or
Ah’ATH OTH superstitious. The conditions existing in Jeremiah’s
l In the territory of Benjamin was one of the cities day exactly correspond with the conditions at. the
assigned to the priests, and it is therefore called a present time. Jeremiah, being a faithful scrvattt of
‘priest’s city’. (Josh. 21: X3; 1 Chron. 6: 60) Nilkiah, Jehovah, pictured those n-ho are now of the remnant
one of the priests who resided there, had a son named or “faithful servant” class and who continue faith-
Jeremiah, The meaning of the name of that son is, ful even unto death. As Jeremiah had much opposi-
“raised up of Jehovah,” or, “Jehovah cstablisltes,” tion from the religionists then, even so now the “faith-
or, “exalted by Jehovah.” When he was quite a young ful servant” class of Jehovah is greatly opposed by
mart Jehovah appointed Jeremiah to a responsible the rcligionists of “Christendom”. This tncnns that
position, and as Jehovah ‘s servant he was comntandcd men, ns servants of the Dcvit, arc fighting against
to go and do a specific work. That Jehovah selected God by bitterly opposing God’s “faithful servant”
and ordained Jeremiah from the bcginttittg of his compatty on earth.
cxistcttcc is shown by the following statcmcrtt of ‘Jeremiah was sent forth to do, not ltis own work,
prophecy : “Bcforc I fortncd thee in the belly I knew but the work of tlte Lord. To Jeremiah Jehovah said:
tltcc; and before thou cnmest forth out of the wornb “See, I have this day set thee over the nations, and
I sanctified thee; and I ortlaincd tltcc a prophet unto over the kittgdotns, to root out, and to pull dowtt,
the nations.” (Jcr. 1: 5) Jeremiah was modest and and to destroy, attd to throw down, to build, and to
meek, and from the bcgitttting hc had a proper csti- plant.‘, (Jcr. 1 : 10) Tttc work in which Jchovnh’s
mate of the duties assigned to him. witnesses arc now engaged is not their jvork, but is
6 “~Icekttcss” dots not tncnn to bc cowed in the the Lord’s work, the witncsscs performing service
presence of others. “I\Ic~~kncss” mcatts a willingttc~s assigned to tttctn, and witttout any credit due to them
to lcartt, and nit nlcrttiess, that one tnny learn what wltatsocvcr. The commission given to Jeremiah w:ts
is tltc will of God. Natty who have mndc a cot~soc~a- a broad one, comtoandittg ltitn to “root out, and to
tion to do Cod’s will a~Jp!;lr to have glYxIt difficulty pull domrl, and to destroy, and to throw down, to
in lcarttittg what mcc>kncssI~ICIIIIY.Only the meek will huild, and to plant”. IAcwise Jehovah sc~tds f’orth
properly see atid appreciate the ittstructiotts eomittg his servant class today and commissiotts tticm to dc-
front Cod’s organization nttd will bc OJI the alert to clarc “ttle day of vcJlpxlncc of our God”, a1rcl “to
pcrfortn tllCJJ1. comfort, all that mottrtt “. (Isa. 61: 2) In ~OIII~ this
e When Jeremiah told the Lord that he was ‘but work tttcy arc not to cngagc in physical combat. Thcit!
a child’, it may mean that bcforc tic bccamc of age duty is dcfincd by tttc apostle, who under inspiration
to serve in tttc priest’s office Jcttovalt had assigned wrote : “For t tic ~vcapo~is of our warfare are not
Jcrctniatt to some minor scrvicc about the temple, and carnal, but mighty through God to ttte pullittl-: down
he considered himself ttot qttitlificd to undcrtakc more of strong holds.” (2 Cor. 10: 4) The proclnitnitlr: of
rcspottsiblc tlutics. Ijut Jc’hovah’s tintc had come for the Word of Jehovah today as ttc has commat~dcd
Jcrctniah to begin his specific and prophetic work, operates to root out, pull down, throw down and dc-
and Jchovalt would thcbrcf3re ttavo him forget his stroy the strottgttold that the Devil has ercctcd by
youth and bear in mind that he was the servant of religion and religionists; attd at the same titne the
the Most Iligtt who must t’:ust in Cod and do as he work performed by them brings comfort and aid to
was comtnandcd. “But the Lord said unto mc, Say those tttat mourn attd builds up that sincere class
not, 1 am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall of persons who arc seeking after God and his king-
settd thee, and wltatsocvcr I command thee thou shalt dom. The work of Jeremiatt foreshadowed and forc-
spenk.” (Jcr. 1: 7) At this point Ihc nicckness of told the work of Jehovah ‘s scrvattt class now on earth ;
Jcrcmiatt is dcmottstratcd ; that is, hc was willing to and, knowing this fact, those who engage in the scrv-
learn and anxious to kttow what to do and thctt do it. ice of Jehorah do so with a zeal and joy peculiar to
Manifestly Jehovah informed his youri:: servant at the Lord’s house. The striking similarity of the com-
tltc titnc that he would bc bitterly opposed by the reli- mission to and the work of Jcrcmialt, to that of
gionists, bccausc the Lord said to him : “Be ttot afraid Jehovah’s witnesses, will appear from a d&ailed
of their faces: for I am with thee t’o deliver thee, study of the prophecy, and is therefore encourag-
saith the Lord.” (Jcr. 1: S) The Lord gave Jeremiah ing and helpful to the servant class, because it is
assur;tttcc, nncl Jeremiah meekly received tltc instruc- God’s “meat in due season” for them.
tion and relied upott the Most High. “Thctt the Lord
put forth his hand, and toucttcd my mouth. And the COMMAND
Lord said unto me, Behold, I hare gut my words in 8 The young prophet received his orders from
thy mouth.” (Jer. 1: 9) He went forth in the strength Jehovah, and he must. obey them regardless of all
tm=TmlnEg 1, 1937

opposition. As a faithful servant he must be blind seventh chapter. Jeremiah, teachable and ready to
to everything else than Jehovah ‘S commandments. obey, gave heed to the Lord’s command. “The word
The religionists would fight against Jeremiah be- that came to Jeremiah from the Lord, saying, Stand
cause he represented Jehovah and they represented in the gate of the Lord’s house, and proclaim there
the Devil, having turned to Devil worship. To Jere- this word, and say, Hear the word of the Lord, all
miah J&or-ah said : “And I will utter my judgments
ye of Judah, that enter in at these gates to worship
against them touching all their wickedness, who have
the Lord. “-Jer. 7 : 1,2.
forsaken me, and have burned incense unto other
god.., and worshipped the works of their own hands.” Ia Jeremiah was not commanded to go to the houses
(Jer. 1: 16) God’s time had come to inform those or church buildings and there nail his message on
religionists who had agreed to do his will, but had the door of the house, but was commanded to take
been unfaithful, what was about to befall them; and his stand at the gate, where he could speak his mcs-
likewise Jehovah’s due time has now come to inform sage to the people going in and out of the temple.
the religion&s, who claim to represent God and It was during the reign of the wicked king Jchoiakim,
Christ, as ta what arc God’s judgments against them and therefore the “house” mentioned was the house
and when they will be cxccuted. Jeremiah must not of the Lord in name only, due to the fact that the
falter, but must go in the strength of the Lord; and Jews had abandoned the commandments of Jehovah
therefore the Lord God said to him: “Thou thcrc- God and had becomercligionists and continued in the
fore gird up thy loins, and arise, and speak unto temple house to carry on their religious ceremonies.
them all that I command thee: be not dismayed at There they cngngcd in a form of worship contrary
their faces, Icst I co~~found thee before them.“- to the commandment of the Lord. The “Lord’s house”
Jer. 1: 17. mentioned in the prophecy pictures the rcligionists
bJeremiah, trusting in and faithfully obeying Je- and their places of operation of the present time, or-
hovah, was certain to receive hir protection. “For, ganized and carrying on their cercmonics in the name
behold, I ~CIVC made thee this day a dcfenced city, of the Lord God, and which are contrary to his com-
and an iron pillar and brazen walls against the whole mandments. The Roman Catholic Ilicrarchy and their
land, cqyinst the kings of Judah, agairlst the printis supportiii~ clergy take the lcnd in indulgill!: ifi forms
thereof, against the priests thereof, and against the of worship and religious ceremonies, in which many
pcoplc of the land.” (Jcr. 1: 15) Likewise today, pcoplc participate, and all of which is an abomina-
Jehovah’s witnesses must not falter or compromise tion to the Lord God.
because of opposition manifested against them by Is Jcrcmiah was commanded to talrc his position or
Satan’s representatives, but they must go forth in stand, and that stand foretells that Jehovah’s wit-
the strength of the Lord, relying wholly upon him. nesses must come forth in the open, and within the
This is God’s day of judgment, and his faithful wit- hearing arId sight of the rcli$onists, and fearlessly
nesses must with full conf~dencc in God and with proclaim the messageof Jehovah as hc has command-
boldncsq declare his jud:mcnts--1 John 4 : 17, 18. cd; and that they are not to take credit thcrcfor,
lo Jcrcmiah was informed that he would have to but to say: “Hear the word of the Lord.” No ono
fight, but that the eucmy should not prevail against is to say: ‘IIcar the words uttered by man,’ but,
him : “And they shall fight against thee, but they ‘Hear what God’s Word has to say.’ This is Jeho-
shall not prevail against thee; for I am with thee, vah’s work, and it is a “strange work” to t,hosc reli-
smith the Lord, to deliver thee.” (Jcr. 1: 19) Like- gionists who call thcmsclvcs “Christians”.
wise today, Jehovah’s witnesses know that they must l4 Furthermore, Jeremiah must make proclamation
fight, and therefore God has commanded them, say- of the message without first asking pcrmissiou from
ing : “Arise . . . against her in battle.” (Obadiah 1) the priests of the temple. Likewise Jehovah’s wit-
And at the same time Jehovah gives assurance to hiv nesses must now make proclamation of God’s mcs-
faithful ones that they shall not be overwhelmed by sage of truth concerning his name and his kingdom
the enemy, because they are led by Christ Jesus, the and must do so without first aslriug permission from
victorious Warrior, and are fully baekcd up by the the clergy or for a license from the police authorities
Most Iligh. Let the Roman Catholic Hierarchy and so to do. If any of those going in or out of the temple
their cohorts and religious supporters do what they wcrc the Lord’s true people, they would hear and rcc-
wit1 in opposition to Jehovah’s work now being per- ognize the message proclaimed by Jeremiah as tho
formed by his faithful scrvanis. In due time God truth. Likewise today, if among those who are held
will see to it that the enemy shall suffer complete in the religious organizations any of them arc truly
defeat; and therefore he says to his servants: “Be seeking after God and his truth, they will hear and
strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.” give heed to the mcssqe of warning that comes to
-Eph. 6: 10,12. them from Jehovah God and that is dclirered by his
I1 With these preliminary observations we begin witnesses, and they will recognize and accept it as
with tho study of the prophecy appearing at the the truth, and mill flee from the religious organiza-

tions, and thereby receive comfort, and they will find warning must now hc proclaimed to those remaining
the place of safety. at Jerusalem, and Jeremiah was commanded to mnko
lo Years before the proclamation of Jeremiah was the proclamation. Likewise today, the warning must
made the ten tribes of Israel had been carried away be proclaimed to “Christendom”, which “feignedly”
into captivity. Judah was the tribe that remained in or hypocritically is on the Lord’s side, but which in
Palestine, and continued to carry on a form of wor- fact is on the Devil’s side; and those who do not
ship at the temple. The tribe of Levi was serving, give heed to the warning shall suffer the judgments
and there were some of all the tribes that came to of Jehovah executed by Christ Jesus.
the tcmpk; but Judah u-as the predominating tribe. l* The religious leaders of Israel, the typical peo-
Jeremiah was commanded to say: “Hear the word ple, had led the people into a trap, causing them to
of the Lard, all ye of J&ah.” And thus were pic- rely upon the religious formalism and traditions
turcd the rcligionists in the present day, who falsely taught by men and to disregard God’s commnndmcnt.
call thems&cs teachers of the “Christian religion” Therefore the prophet, in obedience to God’s com-
or “Chrtiendom”, and who claim to occupy their mandnicnt, said to them: “Trust ye not in lying
present position and rule ‘*by the grace of Cod”. words, saying, The temple of the Fiord, The tcmplc
Such arc given the opportunity to hear the warning of the Lord, The temple of the Lord, arc these.”
of the Lord. (Jcr. 7: 4) Jt was the scribes and “Pharisees”, the
leThe &man Catholic IIicrarchy take the lead in clergy or religious leaders, that were lying to the
the yraetirc of religion, and other religionists follow pcoplc. The pcoplc attended the formalistic doings
alter them. L‘Chrislcrtdom” eonqists of those peoples at the temple, and the “I’harisccs” falsely told them
claiming to follow Christ Jesus but who do not and, that their coming into the building was thcrchy draw-
on the contrary, practice a religion or formalism ing near to the Lord and worshiping him. It was a
which is af the Devil and which they wrongfully lit to call tllc place “the temple of Jchorah” when
cdl the “Chistian religion”. Such arc the ones that such material building was now urccl as a plncc of
must be warned and that rcccivc the warning. reproach to tlic name of God. Not cvcn rcpreccnta-
I7 Israel was the chosen nation of the Lord. The tively or typically could Jehovah dwell in the clefilc~l
praclitionelx of so-eallcd “Christian religion” claim place. At the dedication of the tcinplc hnil(iing by
to bc the rl1osct1 people of God, lxcausc they have Solomon under tlic I,or(l’s directions, Solomon said :
taken his name. Jeremiah was commanded to say to “But will God indeed dwell on tlw earth 1 Ikl~oltl,
those acl&csscd: “Thus s&h the Lord of hosts, the the hcavcn and hcavc~l of heavens cannot contnin
God of Israel, Amend your ways and your doings, filcc; how much less this liousc that I hnvc buildcd 1”
and I will causeyou to dwell in this place.” (Jcr. 7: 3) (1 Ki. 6: 27) The dwelling-place of Jehovah is in
IIis words apl~ly to typie& Israel or Judenns, and hcavcn. Ilc hitd put his name at the tcmplc at Jcru-
to those of “Christcndor~ “. Having taken the name salcm, to he lionorcd by the true aud faithful war-
of the Lord, they must now prove that they had not ship of him by the ~~coplc; but a place used contrar!
taken the name in vain. They wcrc warned that, if thereto could not be called “the tcmplc of Cod”.
they had taken God’s name in vain, their time was Concerning this the apostle wrote: “God that ma&
short to when they would cease to occupy the land the world, and all things therein, seeing that he is
God had assigned to them, and that only those who Lord of hcavc~~ and earlh, dwelleth not in temples
would obey his command to “amend your ways” made with hands [men’s hands] ; nrithcr is wor-
would be pcrmittcd to dwell in the land assigned shipped with men’s hands [by going through motions
to them. The carrying away of the ten tribes to Assyria and signs and uttering sensclcss words], as though
should have served as a warning to Judah ; but, in- he ncedcd any thing, seeing he givcth to all life, alrd
stead, the dudcans said: “Jt cannot happen to us.” breath, and all things. “-Acts 17 : 24, 25.
Judah had hypocritically, that is, “feigncdly,” a.9 I0 Rcligionists in this present day do cxnctly as the
sumed to amend her ways, but she had not. “And religionists clid at Jerusalem. They erect buildings or
I saw, wheu for all the etlus~ whereby backsliding cathedrals, where they meet, and they call thcrn 1~4’
Israel committed adullcry [with the Devil’s organi- the name of “the church of God”, and as men pass
ra;ltion], I had put her away [out of the land, by by these buildings they tip their hats to the building
exiling her], and given her a bill of divorce \no because,they say, “the host’s bread is illside thereof.”
longer acknowledged her as my people] ; yet her The Roman Catholic Ilicrarchy claims its builclinrts
treacherous sister Judah feared not, but went and or cathedrals are the cllurch of God, that they thcm-
p+xl the harlot also. And it cam? to pass through selves are the holy church. In thcsc buildings they
the tightness of her whoredom, that she defiled the go tlirou$ their various motions and pronounce in-
land, and committed adultery with stones and with cantations; and this they call “worship” or “clm~-
stocks. And yet for all this her treacherous sister ing nigh to God”, All these things are “lyiiig words”,
Judah batb not turned unto me with her whole heart, which the credulous people have been induced to rely
but feign&y, saith the Lord.” (Jer. 3: 8-10) The upon. The credulous Catholic population, following

their leaders, make the form of the cross upon the reason that such inspired mord of God shows that
breast when approaching the meeting-house, showing the Catholic priests cannot act as a mediator between
that they rely upon it. The Lord says to all that such God and man, and that their claim so to act is false;
arc “lying words” spoken by the religious leaders, and the Hierarchy would have the people kept in igno-
and that the Catholic population, or children of the rance of what the Scriptures say. Such is the policy
church, or other church-goers, must not rely upon pursued by the Roman Catholic Hierarchy every.
such words. Those lying words are in no wise a safe- where. They withhold from the honest and sincere
guard or guarantee against cakimity or disaster to people the Bible and any explanation of the Scrip-
such church-goers or to anyone else. The people are tures, because they fear the Bible truths will so ex-
led to foolishly claim to thereby be leaning upon the pose the Hierarchy that the honest people mill break
Lord, while at the same time they are relying upon sway from them. The rcligionists at Jerusalem, while
the works of men’s hands. To all such Jehovah says: acting contrary to the commandments of God, had the
“The heads thcrcof judge for rcaard, and the priests gall to come to the house called IJY the name of the
thclyof teach for hire, and the prophets thereof divine Lord and by coming thus pretend to give their undi-
for money; yet will they lean [presumably] upon vidcd devotion and worship to God. Likewise today,
the Lord, and sny, Is not the Lord among us? none the rcligionists persecute real worshipers of God and
evil can come upon us. “-Mic. 3 : 11. at the same time bow down before images which they
LBThe Israelites were in the wrong way, and the have made, and thus pretend to worship God. \Vhilc
Lord way so informing them, that those of good will thus indulging in a formalism contrary to God’s Word,
might take the right way; and this is shown by his these rcligionists claim to worship God as though there
words : “If ye oppress not the stranger, the father- could be any agreement bctwccn idolaters and the
less, and the widow, and shed not innocent blood in true worship of the Most IIigh.-2 Car. 6: 16.
this place, neither walk after other gods to your hurt : *l By giving the pcol~le at Jcrusnlcm warning Jcho-
tlicn will I cause you to dwell in this place, in the vah was keeping the way open for them to reform
laud that I gnvc IO your fathers, for ever and cvcr.” in tltcir ways and, tltus rcforminq, the privilczc of
(Jcr. 7: 6,7) Likcwisc today, all rcligionists arc in continuing to live in the land which he had given
the wrong day, some willingly and some unwlllinyly. them. If they would amend their ways, “then will
This is particularly true wit 11reference to those ~‘110 1 cause you to dwell in this plncc, in the land that
practice what they call “the C’hristinn religion”. I gave to your fatlicra, for ever and cvcr.” (Jcr. 7 : 7)
BIany of the clergy, particularly the principal on(:s Ilad they give1 heed to such warning and follow4
of the Ilicrarchy, arc willirr$y in the wrong way, the Lord’s commandment, they would be the true
while the parishioners are wrongfully induced to take pcoplc of God and continue in thclt condition. (:ocl
the wrong way. Jehovah g:lvc the people at Jcrusa- gave his “holy land” only to those who would cm-
lcrn warning. Today Jehovah sends forth his wit- tinuc to be faithfully obcdicnt to his commandmcuts.
ncsscs to give his uxrning to “C’hristcndom”, which Hc did not give it to covenant-brcakcrs that i hey
warning must bc soundc~ before the day of his great might dwell there indefinitely. Likcwisc God 1~s given
wrath is csprcsscd against “Christendom”. The zcal- the place in his kingdom with Christ Jesus only to
ous rcligionists among the Isroelitcs were at the time those who keep their covenant to faithfully do and
oppressing the stranger and their own brethren. obey his commandments. IIc gives warning to the prc-
Likewise today, the zealous and utircasonablc rcli- tenders, that is, the hypocriiical religionists who claim
gionists, who claim to be followers of Christ Jesus, to have his favor, and he tells them that unless ttlcy
oppress Jchovalt’s witncsscs who truly serve God, amend their ways he will completely cast them away
and they also oppress the “strangers”, that is, those and destroy them. Today Jehovah is giving his final
of the Jonadab class, IJ~ attempting to keep them warning to “Chri~tcndom”, and this fact alone stlo\\s
from knowing the truth. There arc still a few men t,hat there must still be some who are held in l~ontlage
among tic so-called “Protesfants” that make an effort to the prOfeSSedhypocritical religionists who, upon
to serve God by publicly quoting the inspired Word hearing the truth, give heed to the commnndmcuts
of the Scriptures, and even such men the Roman Cath- of God and withdraw from the religious orgnniza-
olic Llicrarehy persecutes, and it uses its influence tions and serve and worship God in truth and in
to prevent the Scriptures’ being proclaimed, which spirit. Those who do not thus change their course
Scriptures they fear might expose the fraudulent reli- will suffer destruction. Claiming to worship God and
gionists. An instance of this appears in the public being in an implied covenant to at least obey him,
press. In Canada a Protestant preacher filed his manu- the covenant-breakers are worth;J of death. (Rom.
script with the radio station, which speech he ex- 1: 31,32) Nanifcstly one purpose of sounding the
pected shortly to broadcast, and in which manuscript warning is to awaken the gullible ones and give them
he quoted the SCrilJtUre at 1 Timothy 2 : 5. The Roman an opportunity to seek the place of safety. “Behold,
Catholic Ilierarchy caused the radio censors to strike ye trust in lying words, that cannot profit.” (Jcr.
out that, scripture from his speech for the manifest 7: 8) The clergy of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy,

in particular, lie to the people, telling them that the They lie and swear to lies in order to bring about
Bible is proper for study only when the priests use the punishment of innocent persons; and they do
it, and tell the people what they shall read, and tell burn incense unto the Devil, and the Devil’s images.
the people what they shall do. Otherwise stated, the To them says the Lord: ‘And after doing all these
Hierarchy tells the people that they must obey man’s wicked things, then you conic [brazenly] and stand
word and not God’s+ They induce the people to be- before me, and say, We have set ourselves free, for
lieve all kinds of lying doctrines, and say to them the purpose of committing all these abominations.’
that if they attend the so-e&cd “church scrviccs” (Kotherham) “WC are delivered; that ye may do all
and pay their money over to the priests, and indulge these abominations.” (; Zeeser) The clergy per-
in formalism, praying with their beads and bowing form what they call “absolution” or forgivcncss of
before images and making signs of the cross upon the wrongdoer, provided the wrongdoer has a sufii-
thcm~l~cs, thus they will find protection and be cicnt amount of money to contribute. One of the rcli-
guaranteed anainst &amity. The Lord says that that gious prtLctitioncrs commits all manner of crime and
kind of foolishness till profit nothing. The Roman then goes to the priest and deposits his money in the
Catholic Ilicrarchy continue to say, as God through rcccptaclc provided for that purpose, and the Cath-
his prophet foretold they would say : “WC have made olic priest says in substance: “NOW I absolve thee” ;
lies our rcfuKc, and wdrr falsehood have WC hid meaning that the priest forgives the wrongdoer ant1
OUrscJYL”3”;and concernin:: these things the Lord justifies his wicked action. After some formalism per-
says that all such are entirely in vain. Claims founded formed in the church buildings, such as sprilllilill<
upon Iies will profit nothing. Those who hold to and the culprit with so-called “holy water”, the wren::-
rely upon the rcligiuus organizations and follow the doer is then informed that he is free and he can go
lead of the clergy arc certain to come to great sorrow about his business, to again commit some crimes. The
in the day of ((ad’s wrath ex~~rcsscclat Arnioq3ldon. priests or other clcrgymcrr induct those of the C’ath-
I* The Israelites were bound by the promise of the olic population who commit crimes to believe that
ever&tin:: covtnnnt eonccrnin~ the sanctity of human after going through certain religious formalism in
life. (CM. 9: S-10; Isa. 24: 5) They wcrc bound by the church building the offcndcr has thcrcby rcu-
the lcrn~q of the law covenant to obey God and to &red unto God tlic things that arc God’s, anil now
serve him, and not to prncticc the 1)cvil religion. he is free from all guilt, and all the rest of hi9 tirnc
(J<s. Xl: 3-8) They were bound to bc govcrnctl and he may rcndcr unto Caesar (the political qitig&rs)
coutrollcd by .Jchovah’s commandments. Jnsicad of the things that arc C:1csar’s. (1~1ltc 20: 25) Outsi&
obcyhig, 11~y broke the terms of their covcnnant time of the church l~uilditi~ tlrcsc “church-xocrs” 1s110
and time again. Jthavah then commanded Jeremiah scrk absolution clihmiss all thought of (:od an(l feel
to say to thorn: “Will ye steal, murder, and commit free to lead a COUI’SC rcproa&ful to tllc tlamc of God,
adultery, and ~~c;lr falsely, and burn inccnsc unto whotn they profess to serve. \Vhcn they ::ct into the
13~4 and walk after other go& whom yc know not; church building they appear very penitent, act sol-
and come and stand before mc in this house, which emn, and perform rcrtain scnsclcss ccrcmonics, which
is called by my name, and say, WC arc dclivcrcd to they call worship, such as kneeling while the rlrrgy-
do all thcsc abominations?” (Jcr. 7: 9, IO) That was mall drops some water on their head, cro<s thcm-
a warning that they could not continue to break their sclvcs, and say a few unmcanin g words while tlroppin~,r
covenant and still expect to stand bcf’orc the Lord money in the collection basket. The cntirc pcr-
and receive his approval. Likc\vise today, those ~110 formancc is formalism and is hypocritical and profits
profess and who practice what is called the “Chris- nothing whatsoever to anyone.
tiau religion ” arc bound by the terms of the cvcr- 23The Israelites, having bccomc rcligionists, turned
lasting covenant, are bound by the terms of the im- the house called by the name of (:od into a place of
plied covenant to do the will of God, and l~~cc are merchandise for unjust dealings. Here is further proof
bound to be ~ovcrncd by and obey the commandments that the Devil at all times has used religion for polit-
of God as written. In the fact of these covcnnnts and ical and commcrcinl purposes, and by those three
the eommnndmcntsof God the religionists have broken things, to wit, religion, politics and commcrcc, the
their covenant with God and every part thereof. Thy Devil turns the pcoplc away from Jchovnl~. The Tsrnel-
literally stc‘al material things and steal the people itcs appeared to be blind to the fact that thr~y had
away from God. They literally commit murder by committed and were continuing to commit such great
carrying on ears and wickedly shedding human blood. wrong, and the Lord said to them : “Is this I~o~Lw,
They commit murder by pretending to enforce the which is called by my name, become a den of robbers
law of the land; they commit adultery literally and, in your eyes? Behold, even I have seen it, saith tltc
worse, by elaiming to represent God and at the same Lord.” (Jer. ‘7: 11) Those religionists, led by the
time participating in and co-operating with all man- clergy, were still in this condition when Jesus was
ner of wicked political schemes, working together on the earth. Seeing that the Pharisees or clcrg:: were
with other worldly and wicked men. (Jas. 4: 4) leading the people into Devil worship and 1’1zctice

of “the Jews’ religion”, and that they mere using about them. But to such robbers Jehovah says, a$
the temple to carry on their wrongful business, Jesus stated by Jeremiah: “Behold, even I have seen it.”
said to them: “Take these thins hence; make not Supporting this prophecy it is written, in Isaiah
my Father’s house an house of xnerchaudisc.” (John 29:N, 15: “Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do
2: 13-16) Jesus openly and publicly rebuked those a marvellous work among this people, even a marvel-
religionists. “And Jesus went into the temple of God, lous work and a wonder: for the wisdom of their
and cast out all them that sold and bought in the wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their
temple, and overthrew the tables of the money- prudent men shall be hid. Woe unto them that seek
changers, and the scats of them that sold doves; deep to hide their counsel from the Lord, and their
and said unto them, It is written, My house shall works are in the dark, and they say, Who seeth us?
be called the house of prayer; but ye have made and who knoxcth us?” Proverbs 15: 3: “The eyes
it a den of thieves.” (Matt. 21: 12,13f The very of the Lord arc in every place, beholding the evil
next day after uttering the foregoing words Jesus and the good.” Psalm 11: 4, 5 : “The Lord is in his
foretold the destruction of that, house or temple build- holy tcmplc, the Lord’s throne iq in heaven: his eyes
ing, which had been built by Licrod. Compare the behold, his eyelids try, the children of men.” God
prophecy of Jesus, and that spoken by Jeremiah, also sent his prophet Ezekiel to give warning to the
with what is now practiced in “Christendom” in the religionists that claimed to worship God. “Thea said !N
buildings which arc called “the church of God”. unto me, Son of man, hast thou seen what the ancients
In this day such buildings arc houses of mcrchaudisc [the padres, so-cnllcd fathers, the clergy in the church
and politics and unrighteous scheming. organization] of the house of Israel do in the dark,
z4“Organieed rrligioii,” falsely eallcd “Christian- cvcv man in the chanibcrs [at their meeting-houses]
ity” or ‘ ‘ Christ ian religion ’ ‘, has bccorrrc a political of his imagery? for they say, The Lord sccth us nol;
and mcrcnntile organization and :t veritable den of the Lord bath forsaken the earth.” (Ezck. 8: 12)
robbers. The “principal of the ilo&” of those orgnn- All things done by the rcligionists the Lord WCS,and
i&ions rob the ~xoplc, and in eonsidcrntion of rc- he mill cause the clergy to bcnr the burtlcu of their
ccivinz ahsolution they give rich gifts to the so-called wickcducss in his own due time. The Roman Catholic
“cln~rch” and to its clcrpy, and thus stop the mouths clergy in pWtiCLllilX* think tlicg arc playing safe by
of the clergy and keep them silcut couccrning their saying to each otllcr: ‘We arc safe, and notlii~iq can
crookcdncss.Furthermore, the “prinripal of lhc flock” harm us, bccausc we have made lies our r:Cfug:C.’
work together with the elcrgy to rob tllc 1~~01~1~ of (Isa. 2s: 15) The Lord gives those workers of inicl-
opportunities to rcccivc the Iruth, by prcvunting tile uity all the rope they wish, to permit them for time

pcoplc from hearing it. 1’1~ cfuqy also “~1) Uod”, to go on in their wiclicdncss, and they continue to
as stated in Malachi 3: 8. The clergy stand IJY and grow bolder anal more cruel and ruthless in thclr con-
searobhy going oti, and they connive at such wrong- duct toward others, assuming: that. they can commit
doing : “When thou sawcst a thief, thcu thou consent- any wrong and get away with it.
cdst with him.” (1%. 50: 1s) They convent thcrcto 2o&cause Jehovah is “slow to anger” and aff’ords
by accepting gifts from the thieves, thcrchy tacitly the wicked full opportunity to carry forward his wick-
aglrcing not to csposc the thieves. ,4Iso, the clergy cdncss, many bccomc very hold and convitlec tllcm-
rob the pcoplc, and particularly the Catholic popu- selves that they can with imputii’.y continue in their
lation, by taking their monry under the false prc- wrongful course. For many years Jehovah has pcr-
tcnscs and wicked lie of being ahle to rcndcr aid to mitted Satan to carry on his wicked work, and prob-
their dcnd friends who it is elaimcd are in “pur- ably Satan has for ccnturics considered hinisclf im-
gatory ’ ‘. Many a poor widow has been induced by muue from punishment. His servants arc in a like
tbe clergy to give up money which she sorely needed, condition.
upon the false representation made by the clergyman *‘The Israelites had fallen into the way of Satan
that such money so contributed would work heucfi- and had forgotten what had bcfallcn that pcoplc on
cially to her dead loved ones. The priest receiving former occasions. Therefore Jehovah, through Jcrc-
thii money from the widow ntters a ‘ ‘ prayer”, which miah, said to them: “But go ye now unto my place
never gets above his head and by which he induces which was in Shiloh, where I set my name at the
the poor widow to belicvc that he has done something first, and see n-hat I did to it. for the wickcdncss of
for the man in “purga?tory”. To such lying robbers my people Israel.” (Jer. 7: 12) It was at Shiloh that
Jesus says: ‘LIVoe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, God for a time permitted his tyI)ical people to carry
hypocrites! for ye devour widows’ houses, and for on their worship. “And the whole congregation of
a prctcnce make long prayer: therefore ye shall re- the children of Israel assembled togcthcr at Shiloh,
ecive the greater damnation.“-Matt. 23 : 34. and set up the tabernacle of the congregation there.
s* The clergy, particularly the Roman Catholic Flier- And the land was subdued hcfore them.” (Josh. 1s : 1)
arehy, proceed in their wicked work and induce even ;Tchovahset his name there first in the land of Canaan.
thcm..lves to believe that no one sees them or knows The religionists afterwards set up images : “And they

set them up Micah’s graven itnagc, which he made, and said, Israel is fled before the Philistines; and
all the time that the house of God was in Shilok” there hath been also a great slaughter among the
-Judg. 18 : 31. people: and thy two sons also, Hophni and Phinehas,
28The Lord then compelled the Israelites to recall are dead, and the ark of God is taken. And it came
what had come upon Shiloh. Just because his typical to pass, when he made mention of the ark of God,
tabernacle was erected there and that was the place that he fell from off the seat backward, by the side
where he put his name, was no guarantee that God of the gate; and his neck brake, and he died ; for
would shield wrongdorrs at Shiloh. dlthough duty- he was an old man, and heavy : and he had judged
bound by their covenant to worship Jehovah God Israel forty years.“-1 Sam. 4 : 11-18.
alone, and none other, the Israelites fell away to the s1Learning of this great disaster, the daughter-in-
Devil religion, and thrn God forsook them. “So that law of Eli, under the great strain, gave birth to a
he forsook the tabernacle of Shiloh, the tent which child and died, and as she was dying she cried out:
he placed among men.” (I%. 78: 60) How did God “The glory is departed from Israel; for the ark of
show that he had forsaken the tabernacle at Shiloh? God is taken.” (1 Sam. 4: 22) Concerning this same
“And [hc] dclivcrcd his strength [the ark of the disaster that fell upon the Israelites it is further writ-
covcnaut, which symboliecd his presence in the taber- ten : “And all the house of Israel larncntcd.” (1 Sam.
nacle] into captivity, and hi9 glory [the ark of gold, 7 : 2) “And Samuel spakc unto all the house of Israel,
whcrcon the glorious light shone] into the enemy’s saying, If ye do return unto the Lord with all your
[Philistincs’] hand. JIc gave his lxol,lc over also hearts, then put away the strange gods and Ashtaroth
unto the sword ; and was wrath with his inheritance. from among you, and prcparc your hcarts unto the
The fire conuumcd their young men ; and their maid- Lord, and serve him only ; and he will dclivcr you
ens were not ‘given to marriage. Tlicir priests fell by out of the hand of the I’hilistincs.” (1 Sam. 7: 3)
the sword; and tlicir widows made no lamentation.” That terrible disaster that befell the Israelites was
-1%. lib : 61-64. very strange to them, scciug that God had pcrmittcd
2aGod pcrmittcd the Philistincs to give battle to the enemies of his typical 11col~lcto prevail and the
his typical people, and in this God used the Philis- ark to be taken by the cncmy. It was not strange to
tints to inflict lntni~linicnt upon the rcli$onists who the prophet Samuel, however, bccausc Sxnncl was
had broken their covenant with him. Then the rcli- faithful to the Lord. That disaster marltcd the end
gionist?r begun to wake up and to try to get protection of Nli’s lint of the priesthood, which had scrvcd ilt
by ptrs~cssing the ark of tlm covenant, which was at the tabcrnaclc at Shiloh. (1 Sam. 2: 27-36) “So Scl-
Shiloh, and bring it into the camp of the Israclitcs omon thrust out i\biatlmr [of Eli’s line] from bcin:r
as a means of protection to them. They did not find priest unto the Lord; that he might fulfil the wctrd
protection, because God had forsaken them. “And of the Lord, which tic slmkc concerning the lmusc of
when the l~col,lc were come into the camp, the elders Eli in Shiloh.” (1 IQ. 2 : 27) The ark of the covcuant
of Jsracl said, Wticrcforc liatli tlic Lord smitten us was never brought back to Shiloh, aild cvcn the tnitcr-
to day before the l’hilistincs? IAct us fetch the ark naclc and the altar were later removed from Sl~~loi~
of the covenant of the Lord out of Shiloh unto us, and sent to Gibcon.-I Chron. 16: 30,4O.
that, when it conictli among us, it may save us out 3’Wl~y did Jehovah thus afllict the Israclitcs with
of the hand of our cncmics. So the pcoplc sent to such a great disaster? and why did the sanlc appcnr
Shiloh, that tlrcy might bring from thence the ark to them to be so very strange? The Lord’s answer
of the corcnant of the Lord of hosts, which dwcllcth is found in thcsc words: “For the wickctlncss of my
brtwccn the cherubims; and the two sons of Eli, people.” (Jcr. 7 : 12) Furthcrmorc the answer is given
Ilophui and Phinchas, were thcrc with the ark of the by the psalmist: “Yet they tcmptcd and provolxd
covenant of Cod.“-1 Silnl. 4: 3,4. the most high God, and kept not his tcqtimonies;
soThe battle took place. “And the Philistines but turned back, and dralt unfaithfully like their
fought; and Israel was smitten, and they fled every fathers: they were turned aside like a dcccitful bow.
man iuto his tent; and t,herc was a very great slaugh- For they prOV&cd him to anger with their high
ter ; for there fell of Israel thirty t hourand footmeu” places, and moved him to jealousy with their grarcn
(1 Sam. 4: 10) In that battle the laraclitcs suffered images. When God heard this, hc was wrath, and
a great dcfcst: “And the ark of God was taken; and greatly abhorred Israel: so that he forsook the taber-
the two sons of Eli, Hoplmi and Phinchas, mere slain. nacle of Shiloh, the tent which he placed among mtn. ”
And there ran a man of 13cnjamin out of the army, -I%. 7s : 56-60.
and came t,o Shiloh the same day, with his clothes asThe question may hcrc be properly propounded:
rent, and with earth upon his head. And when he Why did God permit the record of that strange act
came, lo, Eli sat upon a scat by the way side, xatch- concerning the aflliction of his covenant ~~~plc to bc
ing: for his hcart trembled for the ark of God. And made7 The Scriptures answer in 1 Corinthians 10: II :
when the man came into the city, and told it, all “RN all these things happened unto them for en-
the city cried out. . . . And the messenger answered samples: and they are written for our admonition,
smTEYL3Ex1,1937 f3XeWATCWTOWER 267

upon whom the ends of the world are come.” The “I called you, but ye answered not.” Now mark that
Israelites were Jehovah’s covenant and typical peo- the Lord came to his temple in 191S, and for forty
ple, and today “Christendom” assumes to be the years prior to that date the Lord caused the Elijah
people of God and boastfully claim5 to represent God work to be done amongst the people. The ll’u tell tower,
on earth; anit themfore what befell the Israelites, first published in lS79, from the very first issue called
the typical people, foretells what shall befall “Chris- attention to the “last days”, and the time of trouble
tendom”, the latter being the counterpart of the for- with which the world would pass away. This work
mer. Having brought to the attention of the Israelites was forcshadowcd by the work of Elijah and also
what bcfeli Shiloh, and citing that as a warning, God the work of John tbc Baptist, and which work failed
said to them: ‘I will do unto this house what I have to ‘turn the hearts of God’s typical people back to
done unto Shiloh.’ The words of warning apply with him’. (Ma]. 4: 5,G ; Luke 1: 13-17) Like-*vise the Eli-
greater force and e&et to the professed followers of jah work failed to turn “Christendom” to the right
Christ Jesus who today practice what they call the way. It was the religionists calling themselves “Chris-
“Christian religion”. “And now, because ye have tians” or “organized Christian religion” that as-
done a11 these works, saith the Lord, and I spake saulted God’s faithful servants in 1918, bccausc those
unto you, rising up early and speaking, but ye heard servants were engaged in the Elijah work. They killed
not; and 1 called you, but ye answered not ; there- the Elijah work and brought about its end. Since
fore will I do unto this house, which is called by my that time the rcligionists, instead of reforming and
name, wherein ye trust, and unto the place which I doing what is right, continue to pcrsccutc the faith-
gave to you and to your fathers, as I have done to ful witnesses of Jehovah whom he has sent forth to
Shiloh.“--Jcr. 7 : 13,14. give warning to the people and a witness to his name.
arBy his manner of dealing with the unfaithful What, thcreforc, is to be cxpectcd in the line of such
people at Jerusalem Jehovah makes known his fixed conduct 1
rule that eovennnt-hrcakcrs shall certainly suffer pun- w Jehovah by his prophet answers the foregoing
ishment at his hands. What is totlay called “Chris- question in these words: “Thercforc will I do unto
tendom” consists of tliosc nations that wrongfully this house, which is called by my name, wherein yc
claim to be Chrisiians and that practice what is im- trust, and unto the place which I gave lo you and
properly called the “Christian religion”. All the to your fathers, as I have done to Shiloh. ” (Jcr. 7 : 14)
wicked works mcntioncd by the Lord at the mouth The material temple built during the reign of King
of his prophet, and, furthermore, the wicked works Solomon and dcdicatcd to the worship of Jehovah
of the Israelites done up to the time that Shiloh fell, God had, in Jeremiah’s day, bccomc dcfilcd and been
have been donc and arc now being done by the prac- made “a den of robbers”. The leaders in Israel, the
titioncrs of so-called “Christian religion” and by clergy, had forsaken tlic commantlmcnt of (:od and
the people, and particularly the clcr~y, who USCthe followed the traditions of men, teaching the doctritlcs
name of Jehovah and his King for &fish and wrong- of Satan which wcrc proclaimed by mtn. The corn-
ful purposes. It is certain thcrcfore that what befell mon pcoplc of Israel concludctl that because “the
Shiloh is but a sample of what shall befall “Chris- house” had been built by the commandment of Al-
tendom” in the very near future. mighty God and his name had been put thcrc, and
*5Jehovah spoke to the pcoplc by his prophets, such was the place of worship, therefore God would
(and he says) ‘*rising up early and speaking.” It ncvcr permit the cncmy to destroy that house or the
was early in the day of his dealing with his cove- city of Jerusalem, the place where the temple stood,
nant people that God bogan to instruct them. IIis even though the clergy and the pcoplc broltc God’s
prophets rose up early in the day and tberc began covenant, of which covenant the temple was a symbol.
to preach to the pcoplc, and there was much complaint Because they belicvcd that the temple was invulncr-
against his prophets for so doing. Even today com- able to the attacks of any foe, that was their ground
plaint is made by the religionists against Jehovah’s for making and believing in a “covenant with death”
witnc.sses,objection being made that these witnesses and an “agreement with hell”, as though the material
come early and ring their doorbells and wake them temple was a charm against all evil. The temple had
up and speak to them about the Lord ; and then the been built, and their faith was in it and not in God.
clergy induces the officers to arrest them and hail 38What came to pass upon Jerusalem is duplicated
them into court. Jehovah caused his messageof warn- by and upon “Christendom”, except, as to “Chris-
ing to bo given a sufficient length of time before the tendom”, upon a far greater scale. In thcsc “last
day of his wrath in or&r to give ample time to have days” the Roman Catholic IIicrarchy, being the chief-
it hcnrd. est among all organized rcligionists and being the
*I Jeremiah was ordered and was sent to deliver leaders of organized religion called “Christendom”,
the warning to Jerusalem forty years before its de- assume the name of God and presumptuously claim
s’truction. Ezekiel was sent forth to preach the warn- to be the visible representatives of God 011 earth.
ing seven years before Jerusalem fell. Says the Lord: Thereby they have created the impression and belief
amongst the common people, and particularly the latter to the Fiem of honest persons. In obedience to
“Catholic population”, that ‘the Catholic church is God’s commandment his witnesses engage in this work,
invulnerable to the attacks of any opponents’. The and the work seemsvery strange to professed Chris-
Catholic clergy have for centuries boldly said before tian people, because God’s witnesses speak the truth
all the people words to this effect: “The Catholic and the clergy say to the people: “What these Jcho-
church is the church of God, and the gates of hell vah ‘s witnesses say shocks our religious susceptibili-
shall never prevail against it, come what may.” ties, and that should not be permitted.” The work
Jehovah’s prophet, furthermore, foretold that they of Jehovah is not strange, however, to those who love
would .say (and they do sag) : “We have made a and serve God, because God has commanded them
covenant with death, and with hell arc we at ngrce- to declare the day of his vcngcance, and this they
mcnt ; when the overflowin, w scourge shall pass through, must do and will do. That “strange work” is now
it shall not co-me [nigh] unto us. ” (Isa. 4S : 15) Nany in progrcsq, and those who love the Lord are harinq
sincere persons have been induecd to believe that the a part in it. When that strange work is done, will
Catholic chur&, composed of and ruled by a few “Christendom” fall never to rise apain?
men, is a charm against al1 ills and therefore that (To be continued) -
to be in the Catholic organization means to be safe. QUESTIONS FOR STUDY
Those religious leaders have defamed the name of v 1. To Aom will -Jcho~h do ‘as he CM to Shiloh’, and whv?
IClay is what came to p:tss nt Stuloh now of r,ecubar iuter&
Jehovah God and have made void his Word by teach- to ihose who are de&cd to Jchovnh God¶-
ing and inducing the people to believe the traditions a 2. IIon is It shown that the mrssago of wnmiug proctnimcd
by Jeremiah was from .Jrhovnh, clncl thnl it fureshadox\cd
of men and to give honor and glory to men, and have a work now to ho dune before Arn~ngetldon?
thus turned them away from God. Jehovah God therc- u 3. How and to whom is Jcholah now making avallablo an
fore declares his purpose to destroy that religious understanding of his prophecies? For what purpose IS ttm
organizalion completely. To hypocritical “ Christen- a 4. \Vh:it facta show that Jehovnh sclcctcd und ordained Jcrc-
dom ’ ‘, and particularly to tfla clergy thereof, Jcho- minh to do n specitic work7
u 5. 6. What is meant bv L’n~e(~kn~ss”4 \Vhv is it so irnnort.:mt 3
vah says: “The hail shall sweep away the refuge of Show that Jcron& in his course of &ion welt ;,ir:turl (1
lies, . . . And your covenant with clcath shall be dis- thosr who nro now of the rcmnnnt and continue f:lithful
annulled, arid your agrecmcnt a itb hell &hall not stand ; unto dcnth.
a 7. Ilow did tho work conunittcd to Jcrcmiah (1: 10) fort:-
when the orcrflowing scourge shall pass through, then shadow and foretell the work of Jehovah’s servant CI:ISY
ye shall be trodtlcn down by it.“--Isa. 28: 17’18. now on earth?
‘* I3ut before .Jcllovah escculcs his judgncnt against v 8.10. l’o.r,t out the iml~ortnnec, (n) to Jcrcminh, rrnd (b) to
thoPe ishorn ho pirtr,re(l. of .rh\~:d~‘fl instru(‘tlon rctcoralcd
“Christendom” hc calls out a “people for his name” at Jcrominh 1: ici, 17.lit \crso 18.At vcrso 19.
and sends that peol~lc as his witncsucs amougst the II 11, 12. Nom (1~1Jcrcmlah carry out tho comr,l:~nd of Jehovah,
“Stand in the s,rltc of the Lord’s house”?
nations to dcelarc his name and to give a warning v 13-15. Apply (a) the fact that Jcrcrninh was not iustructcd
to “Christendom”. 1Iis witncsscs collectively arc pic- to iirst ask Dermission from the r’ricsts of the tcnrr~lc.
tured under the symbol of the “man . . . clothed (b) The commnnd “licnr thn word if the Lord”. (c) ‘i.ho
designation “all ye of .Tu&A”.
with linen, with a writer’s inkhorn by his side”. a 16, 17. Of nhom does “Cllristc’ldon~” consist? To whom in
(Ezck. 9: 2-11) This company of faithful witnesses >cren~i:th’s dny NUJ the message of l$nlning to bo ~i\cn,
rcccivcs from the Lord his cammaud to go throughout and for lrhnt purlxx? Conlpare thcrenith the situnllou m
“Ct~ristcntlon~,’ today.
“Christendom” and to put a mark on the forehead u 18.13. Dcscrlbo tbo occasion for the words of the prophet
of the sincere ones in “Christcudom” that sigh and at Jcrcmish 7: 4, (n) (1s spoken to typical Israel. -(bj As
annlicd to the time of fullillmeut thci-cof.
cry because of the hypocritical practices and wicked- V 20, Hi. .F:xplain the corid,tion:~l l’rom’sc grrcn to the Tsrarbtc~s
ne.s done in “Christendom” by the religionists. Thus by Jehovah thronch Iits z’ror’het ns rccordrd nt Jc~c~r:~h
the Lord by his witnesses puts the mark in the fore- 7: G,7. Show that this &s *prophetic. Justify the ch:l~go
recorded at verse 8 ns addressed to Isr@. As addressed to
head of such by giving the pcoplc information from “Christendom,,
God’s Word, that they may intelligently get an un- v 22. HOK had the isnclites donc 8s indicnted at verses 9. 101
derstanding of Jehovah’s purposes, which will enable Show thnt therein was forcto!d the procedure of iho\o
today who yrofcss nnd practice the so-culled “Ctrristl:rn
tbem to flee out of the wicked religious organization religion”.
and find refuge under God’s King. The commission V 23,X Comparo tho condition disclosed at Jeremiah 7: 11,
John 2: 13.1G and JIatthew 21: 12’13 with that of “or-
is given to Jehovah’s witnesses, aud the duty and ganized religion” today.
obligation is laid upon them; arid they must, in order V 25,2G. \Yith scriptures, account for tho nppnrcntly conftdcnt
to maintain their integrity toward God, “rise up nroceduro of the clc~rv in their wicked work. ant1 for thcrr
having so tong conti&l therein.
against her in battle,” that is, they must vigorously, u 27. How had God set tus n3me nt Shiloh? What wirkcdness
boldly, and fearlessly declare the name and purpose did Isrnel commit there?
of Jehovah God regardless of the opposition and at- u 28-31. llow did God show that he had forsaken the tabcrnncto
at Shiloh?
tacks upon them by the enemy. It means a war, which v 32’33. \\‘hy did Jehotnh thus afeirt the Israelites with grcnt
is now in progress; and tlmt is a war of righteons- diszqter? Why did thig npprar to them ,to be so str:lngc?
\Vhv has Jehovah nrolidcd the record of Ihnt stranzc :I<+?
ntss carried on by proclaiming the truth against a V 34-36.’ How did the ‘tird do ns declared at Jercmi:lh 7: 13,
crowd of wicked hypocrites, the truth exposing the with the result as recorded? How does this have fulfillment B

What ia to be expectedin line of such conduct? 1 39. Horn is the ‘setting a mark’ accomplished as commanded
7 37,38. Compare the deflection by tho leaders of Israel, and at Ezekiel 9: 4P Why is this procedure also prophetically
the outcome thereof, with that of the leaders of “orgati referred to as ‘rising up against her in battle’? Who will
religion ’ J in “Christendom” . engage therein, and with what result?


N ISAN was the beginning of months in the

Jewish year, and corresponded to about the
month of April. The fourteenth day of Nisan,
in the year AD. 33, found Jesus of Nazareth dead
day upon the earth.” (Job 19: 25) If the Redeemer
was to stand at the latter day upon the earth, then
he must be raised from the dead after he had pro-
vided the redemptive price by his death; hence this
and in the tomb. The hopes of his followers wcm scripture must foreshadow his resurrection. The psalm-
da&d to the ground. Looking back to the promises ist David wrote prophetically concerning Jesus’ rcs-
made by Jehovah God to their forefather, faithfrvl urrection, when he said: “For thou wilt not leave
Abraham, the disciples and other associates had he- my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thinc Holy
lievcd Jesus to be the promised Messiah and trusted One to see corruption. Thou wilt shcw me the path
that hc would he the dclivcrcr of the nation of Israel
from Roman bondage, and that he would also be
instrument for the blessing, through Israel, of all the
the of life; in thy prcscnce is fulncss of joy; at thy
right hand there arc pleasures for evermore. ” (1%.
16: 10, 11) WC have the inspired testimony of the
nations of the earth. But now he who they had hoped apostle Peter that the prophet David did there refer
would rcdccm Tsracl (Luke 24 : 21) was dead. They to the resurrection of Jesus.-Acts 2 : 27-31; 13 : 3.5-37.
wcrc perplcxcd and ovcrwhelmcd. Seemingly they Again, the prophet 1)avid wrote concerning Jesus,
did not expect him to bc raised from the dead, nor the Savior of the world, thcsc words: “For thou hast
did they know at that time that Jehovah would not delivered my soul from death, mine ryes from tears,
suffer the flesh of his Holy One to corrupt. The con- and my feet from falling.” (1%. 116: 8, 9) This dc-
duct of the disciples at that time, as well as that of liverance clearly ineludos the awakening out of
those who were in full sympathy with them, shows death. Jcsuv was awakened out of death in the cx-
that they did not expect his resurrection. press image of the Father, according to the third
The body of Jesus had hccn carefully wrapped and verse of the first chal)tcr of the l~oolc of lIebrews.
placed in the tomb with myrrh, aloes, and spices, evi- Again, the psalmist wrote these words: “Thou [Jesus]
dcntly to prevent decomposition. The subscclucnt great hast asctbndcdon high, thou hast led captivity cap-
sorrow of the faithful Jewish women at the tomb and tive: thou hast rcccivcd gifts for mtn.” (1%. 68: 18)
their belief tlmt the body of Jesus had bccu wrong- Clearly the apostle Paul rcfcm Lo this same scripture
fully removed and hid clscwhcrc, also the pcrplrrity in his letter to the El)hrsians, chnptcr four, verses
of the disciples, all tend to show that they did not 8-10, showing that the psalmist, rcl’crrcd to the res-
havo any hope or expectation of the rcsurrcction of urrcction of Jesus.
Jesus. Then, aBo, WChave the positive statcmcnt in The prophet Isaiah (9 : 6,7) wrote: “For unto UT
John’s gospel, chapter twenty, verse nine: “For as a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the gov-
yet they knew not the scripture, that he must rise ernment shall lx upon his shoulder; and his name
again from the dead.” shall be called Wonderful Counscllor, The mighty
The disciples wcrc Jews, and it might be suppo& God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of l’ca~.
that they were somewhat acquainted with the Scrip Of the increase of his government and pcacc t4lbl’c
turcs. WC remember, howcvcr, that they wcrc not shall lx no end, upon the throne of David, and 11po11
learned men ; and even if they had been acquainted his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it wiih
with the text of the Scriptures they could not have judgment and with justice, from hcnccforth even fur
had a vary clear understanding of them at that time; ever.” Here it is clearly stated that the One who
just as we now see there are many wonderful truths would hold this csaltcd position, the illcssiah or Christ,
in the Bible which have been there for centuries and is to be the everlasting Pather. The term “father”
which Christians ncvcr understood until recently. means life-giver, and it would be impossible for Jesus
Now as we look at the inspired Word of God we can to be the great Life-giver to man unless he were raised
see some texts in I-lcbrcw prophecies which clearly from the dead.
refer to the resurrection of Jesus, and which teds Again, the prophet Isaiah dcscribcd the sufferings
must have been familiar to many Jews at the time of Jesus and his death and subsequent resurrection,
Jesus was crucified. For information me note some when he wrote these words : “The Lord [Jehovah
of these texts here. God] hath laid on him [Jesus] the iniquity of us
The prophet Job pointed to the time of redemption all. . . . He is brought as a lamb to the slaughter,
and deliverance when hc said: “For I know that my . . . We was taken from prison and from judg-
Redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter ment: . . . he was cut off out of the land of the
N. Y.

living : for the transgression of my people was he beginning of the Jewish sabbath day, and under the
stricken. And hc made his grave with the wicked, law the Jews must rest; hence we are not to expect
and with the rich in his death ; . . . when thou shalt that they did much of anything. Nor could it have
make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his been a day of much rest to them. It was a day of
seed, . . . JIc shall see of the travail of his soul, and great sorrow. They could not do any work to divert
shall be saticficd: by his knowledge shall my right- their minds from the terrible shock caused by the
eous servant justify many.” (Isa. 53 : 6-11) JIe could hanging of the Lord on the tree. The rest period
not have poured out his soul unto death and after- must have been one merely of cessation from labor.
ward see the travail of his soul and be satisfied un- Surely they had little rest of body or peace of mind.
less hc should be raised from the dead. For them it was a day of sorrowful waiting, because
Thcso scriptures clearly for&cl1 the resurrection tomorrow they would go to the tomb. The sabbath
of Jesus. Besides this, Jesus had told his disciples ended at six o’clock that evening, but the night fol-
while in the land of Galilee that ho would be put lowed, which prevented them from visiting the tomb
to death and would bc raised from the dead. (Luke then.
24 : 6, ‘7) The apostle Ptlatthcw (17 : 22,23) writes : The morning following was the first day of the
“And while they abode in Galilee, Jesus said unto week; and early that morning, before it became very
them, 1’11~Son of man shall bc betrayed illto the light, ?tIary 1fagdalcnc and other good women 11ho
hands of men ; ancl they shall kill him, and the third had followed Jesus from Galilee and had ministered
day hc shall hc raised again. And they were cxcccd- unto him llnstcncd to the Savior’s tomb. W11cnthey
ing sorry. ’ ’ Gut it may not bc cxi)ccted of the disciI,lcs reached thcrc the angel of the Lord appeared urlto
that they s!~uld understand tlrc meaning of these them, saying : “Fear not yc : for I know that yc se&
ancient prophetic scriptures as referring to the rcsut- Jesus, which was crucified. IIc is not here; for he is
rcction of tlic T,ord. They wcrc not men of great risen, as tic said. Come, see the place whcrc the I,ortl
learning. T11r.v\\crc poor and followed humble occu- lay. And go quickly, and tell llis disriplcs that he IS
palions. Thcsy lmtl doubtless not had the advnntagc risen from the dead ; aml, behold, hc gocth bcf’orc you
Of a pp%t amOWlt of C!dllWtiOll j but a stronger rca- into Galilee; tticrc shall yc see him : lo, I 11nvctold
son why tllcy did not ut~clerstand is that the holy you. And they &parted quickly from the scpulclr~~~,
spirit had not then been given and their minds had with fear and great joy, and did run to brine his
not been illumi~intctl, and it is not to bc cxpcctcd disciples word.” (Matt. 2s: 5-8) This news to tIleso
that they woul(l understand tllen the “deep things” faithful women soiintl~~d too good to ~JCtrue. They
of God’s \\‘ot~l. (1 Car. 2: 34) Nor is it at all sur- wcrc dazed and hcwiltlcred ; yet with joy th(by hur-
prising lhat they had fororgottensome of tlic sayings ricd away to dclivcr the messageto others who lo~cd
of Jesus concernin:: his betrayal, his death and res- the Lord.
urrection. \\‘c must remcmbrr that they lovctl Jesus IIcrc we have the proof that ttic resurrection of
very dcvotcdly ; and uppermost in their minds was Jesus is one of the strings upon the doc+rinal hurls
the hope that hc would bc the dclivcrer of Israel. of Cod, yieldinK great joy to those who hear its
Only five days bcforc his death they had joined in blessed sound. ‘I’hc first human crcaturc who heard
his triumphant entry into Jcrusnlcm, when the com- of the resurrection rcjoiccd. How much more joy
mon people hnilcd him with gladness and joy. (Matt. thcrc must have been in heaven at that hour!
21: 1-11) His death was so sudden, so cruel, the Ttic term “angel” means “mcsscngcr”; that is,
shock from it so tcrriblc. that the minds of thcsc one who is sent on a mission as a representative or
faithful disciples and others who loved him dearly deputy, or messcngcr of God. Thcsc holy mcsscngcrs
were stunned. They were truly ovcrwhclmcd with or angcla always have access to the Father, ,Jcl~ovnll
sorrow and grief. IIc had been rudely snatched from God. (Jlatt. 18: 10) We should espcct, of course,
them; unjustly tried, bruta!ly condemned, and then that these holy ones of the heavenly host would sing
subjected to the most ignominious death l~nown to praise and give utterance to joy before the Lord God
man, the death of the accursed tree. at every progrcssivc step of the outworking of his
Clearly in fulfillment of the prophecy of Isaiah purpose. Thcsc angels inhabit the heavens, the hi$
aforemcntionccl, Jesus was put to death as a wicked place. And so the psalmist writes of them: “Pr;lisc
one, thereby malting his grave with the wicked; and ye the Lord. Praise ye the Lord from the heavens:
he was laid in the sepulchre of a rich man of Ari- praise him in the heights. Praise yc him, all his ang:cls :
mathea, named Joseph.-Matt. 27 : 57. praise ye him, all his hosts.“-% 14s: 1,2.
Little is said as to the doings of the disciples and There can hc no question that these beloycd angels
their associates immecliately following the killing of rejoiced greatly at the marvelous demonstration of
Jesus when he was laid away in the tomb. The good Jehovah God’s almighty power in raising np his
women went and “bchcld where he was laid”. No only-begotten Son from the dead and clothing him
doubt little else was done at the time of the burial.. upon with the divine life and immortality. That was
After six o’clock in the evening of that day was the and is the greatest resurrection.

J EHOYAfI’S servant Ezekiel began to prophesy

in the fifth year of Ring Jehoiachin’s captivity,
which corresponded with AD. 1919, the fifth year
from 1914. It was one year and two months later that
said : “Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou
shalt not make unto thee any graven image, . . . I
the Lord thy God am a jealous God.” (Xx. 20: 3-5)
That law was not given for Jehovah’s benefit, but was
the events in the eighth chapter of Ezekiel’s prophecy declared for the benefit of Israel and all who thereafter
came to pass. This marks the beginning of a new vision should come to a knowledge of God.
and series of prophecies by Ezekiel. At the time when All life proceeds from Jehovah; whereas Satan is
this prophecy began to have its fulfillment the Lord the one who has unrighteously taken life. Envying the
Jesus Cbriqt, was in the temple of Jehovah. He ‘in- honor and glory that is properly bestowed upou Jcho-
spects the defihxl “organized Christianity”, so called, vah by his creatures, and coveting that honor and
and points out to the “faithful servant” class of today glory for himself, Satan has resorted to all manner
(pictured by Ezekiel) the conditions there found, and of crime to turn crcaturcs away from God. For the
the “servant” class is enabled to understand and ap- benefit of creation and for his own honor and glory,
preciate the same as never before. As the vision ap- and that his creatures might know him and live, Jcho-
peared to Rzckicl, so the “faithful servant” class in vah God must in his own due time vindicate his name
every instance has seen that there is and has been the against this jealous one. All the images that have been
worship of the creature rather than the Creator. Such reared up for the purpose of being worshil)cd wcrc
is Devil worship, the Devil’s method of fraudulently reared up by the Devil, and thcrcforc the l)cvil is
claiming to worship God, the purpose being to turn “the itnagc of jealousy”. The truth discloses the true
man away from Jehovah. situation that man tnay have tlic opportunity to know
A spirit, an of&r of Jehovah, appeared in the name God and to know the way to life.
and by the power of Jehovah God and lifted Ezekiel As the image of jealousy seen by Ezelticl dcpictcd
up and sho~cd him how the tcmplc at Jerusalem had the Devil, so the organization of tlic Devil on I he cart11
been dcfilcd. The fulfillment of this is that God through is the true image of the Devil, morally, mctlt;tlly, and
his duly constituted officers lifted up the “faithful in practice. Today God’s “faithful servant” clnss WY
servant” class, and showed that class how Satan had “the abomination that makcth desolate”, spoken of
reproached and dcfnmcd God’s nnmc. "And he [Jo by Daniel the prophet and by tile Lord Jesus Christ,
hovah’s oftlcer] put forth the form of an hand, and standiug in the holy place. (Matt. 24: 15) Tt is the
took me by a lock of ntittc head; and the spirit lifted Uevil’s product, his organization, atid it is “the image
mc uy between the earth and thc heaven, arid brought of the beast”, the League of Nations. Jt has its scat
me in the visions of God to Jcrusalcm, to the door of in the ‘holy place’ of “organized religion”, whic*hcalls
the inner gate that lookcth toward the north, where itself by the holy name of God and which cl:lirns to
was the seat of the image of jealousy, which provoketh be the favored one of Jehovah God; and 1hus the nat~lc
to jealousy. And, behold, the glory of the God of Israel of Jchova!l is rcpronchcd and dcsccrated. Its prime
was there, according to the vision that I saw in the promoters and chief supporters arc the nations which
plain. Then said hc unto me, Son of man, lift up thinc call thcmseivcs “Christian nations”. “The imap of
cycs now the way toward the north. So I lifted up jealousy” and the League of Nations, the product alld
mine cycs the way toward the north, and behold, north- offspring of the Devil, is anti-kilqdom-of-Cod. All
ward at the gate of the altar, this image of jealousy who support it, either actively or passively, put thcm-
in the entry.” (Ezek. 8: 3-5) Thus the Lord lifted up sclvcs in a position antagonistic to the kingdotn of God.
the faithful anointed “servant” class bctwecn earth Those who profess to bc consccratcd to God and who
and heaven and brought them in vision to Jerusalem, hold tha:. “the higher powers” (Rom. 13: 1) mcatts
the heavenly organization, to the door of the inner the ruling powers of this world deceive thcmselvcs
gate of the temple that looks toward the north, from and deceive others. Many of the former elders of the
mhieh divine authority and judgment proceed; and cc&sins or Bible classesinsist that “the higher pow-
there appeared the image of jealousy. c15”, described IJY the apostle in Remans thirtcctt,
The Devil is the very image or personification of mcatts the ruling powers of this world. Hcixq scllish,
jealousy and envy. IIe nnq jealous and envious of the they have become blind to the rcvclation of God’s
worship giwn by man to Jehovah and coveted the truth. “God shall send them strong delusion, that they
same. Therefore Satan said: “I will be like the Most should believe a lie.” (2 Thess. 2: 11) These also fail
I&h.” Everything that God has done for human to see the organization of Jehovah, and thcrcforc fail
salvation the Devil has tried to imitate, out of jealousy to appreciate the fact that the kingdom iu at hand.
and for the purpose of deceit, to draw men away from They do not see thti kingdom of God, and therefore
Jehovah God. The Devil is the mimic god and vigor- rcfusc to take a stand for it. They insist on treading
ously endeavors to turn all crcaturcs away from Jcho- softly so far as the Devil and his organization are
vah and from the truth. This mimic, or “image”, concerned, and are led in the way of outer darkness;
provokes to jealousy. In giving his law to Israel God aud, as the Scriptures declare, the same fate awaits
them a~ God has prox-ided for the &vi]. They are men hold on to their jobs and draw their pay from the
anti-kingdom-of-God. people on the pretext of being interpreters of the Word
The elders, lcaddrs, or clergymen of “Christen- of God, and they occupy so-called “Christian pulpits”.
dom” , practically as a unit support the League of In their discourses they take a Bible text as a pretext
Kations and falsely claim that the abominable thing to teach evolution. They read their text and get away
is ‘the political expression of God’s kingdom on earth’, from it immediately. These elders or leaders. other-
and thcsc likewise insist that “the powers that be” wise called “clergymen” of “organized Christianity’,,
are the kingdoms of this world, which the Lord plainly burn incense in the house which they call the house
declares constitute the visible organization of the of the Lord, their church, while they busy thcmsclvcs
Devil. Anyone who is devoted to the Lord and who in turning the people away from God and from the
receives the Lord’s approval must take his stand un- Bible. Therefore in the picture each one is shown with
cquivocnily on Jehovah’s side and speak the truth a ccnser in his hand with incense round about. They
concerning Satan’s oqanization and Jehovah’s or- deny the existence of the supreme, all-wise God, the
ganization, to the end that hc may have some part in Creator of heaven and earth. They are so wise in their
the vindication of Jehovah’s name. own conceits that they believe they can teach what
Then the of%cr of the Lord in charge of Ezekiel they will, and that the people will not understand
continurs the inspection, atid 1szoliicl seesmore aborn- them and that ‘no one will WC them’. Thcreforc says
inations. “And he brought mc to the door of the the Lord to Ezekiel: “Son of man, hnqt thou seen what
court [of the temple] ; and when I looked, behold a the ancients [cldcrs] of the house of Israel do in the
hole in the wall. Then said he unto me, Son of man, dark, every man in the chambers of his imagery? for
dig now in the wall ; alld wlwn I hnd diggcd in the they say, The Lord secth us not; the Lord hnth for-
wall, I~holcl B door. And hc said unto me, Go in, and saken the earth. “--Ezek. 8 : 12.
behold the wicked abomilmtions that they do here. These distinguished rlcrgytncn, wise in their own
So I \vcrit in and saw ; and t~c1~old,cccry form of creep- conceits, arc, in the language of God’s Word, fools.
ing things, and ;ll~ominahlc l~nsts, and all the idols They say, ‘There is nothing to show that God made tlte
of the IWUWof Israc’l, pourtmycd upon the wall rouud earth and its creatures,’ and they tell lhc pcol’lc that
about. And there stood before them scvcnty mcil of the Bible account thereof is mcrc nonsense and in-q-
the ancients [cltlcrs] of the house of Israel, and ill inations of unlcarncd mtn. They laugh at the statc-
the mic!st of thc~rnstoo<1 ,Janz:tniah the son of Shaphan, mcnt, ‘Your l?athcr in hcnvcn secth in sccrct.’ (Matt.
with cvc*ry man his ccltscr in his hand; and a thick 6: 6, 18) They arc hypocrites of the worst kind, IJC-
cloud of incense went up.” (Ezck. 8: 7-11) The abom- cause they claim to represent God and yet they tlctly
inable bCilStF3 and idols portrayed upon the wall of God, and in fact represent the I)cvil and defame and
the house or tcml)lc of tl~c lsraclitcs foreshadowed the desecrate God ‘s name.
abominnblc things that have been brought into pro- Anyone who is a child of the Lord and in the cove-
fessed “Christianity” which claims to be the temple nant for the kingdom, and who would plit on the
of the Lord. “Soft pedal” concerning such men and fail to point
The modernist clergy, while claiming to be minis out that they arc the Ucvil’s servants, would Ire un-
ters of God, are the Iraders and teachers of evolution faithful to God and to his covenant. The “faithft11
and are guilty of ancestor worship, in this, that they servant” class, each one of which will do his duty,
claim that “every form of creeping things” or “abom- will tell the truth, that God’s truth may sweep a\r;ly
inable beasts” l~~cdod man on earth and that these these hiding places of lies, that the glory of the Lord
are man’s ancestors or blood relatives. These clergy- may be seen by those who love righteousness.
1: X2,13, as explained iu May 15 Watcktozucr (pnragr~phs
I’ardou Ult encroarhrncnt irom a heart ovcrfloxing wth on- 7’8)’ reveals clearly that although compames rec.ommcnd,
restrainable cspre5Gon of appreeiatlon to Jel~ovnh for no appre. Jehovah nppomts.
ciation and uutlerstanding of his explanation of I’roverLs 4: 7 That one fact alone should wuso the cessation of all mur-
(May 35 Watchtouw), the rrpwtctl study of which bon.9 we’s muring, strife, contention and rellislmess; and it dots in tho
head 111awe and humlllty ax NC reahze, VI\ idly, our relationship mind and heart of all faithfully maintaining their ~ntrgr~ty.
a5 children and the nwlued IcsponsibAty connected tlrerewth. Surely the infamous attempt of Patan th~ou~:l~ false I’rethwn
The csptanntion of how one may /;,Iow, If of the family Of (high or low in prrvious posItions of servicr) \r111 only cntwwh
ffod (pnrugr:q~l~s J(i-19). sutrl~ ~IwuI~en:~lh2 all to nscert,rt:rinthe fwthful in ~eneacd actlrity a5 commandc~l by .Jcl~~h
their lespeetive rrlationshlp. Ilow tmcly is our God! With and direrted through IIis autltori/cd and mamfcstcd mcllm,
brethren hero and thc’e ash’ng Just 5~11 questions in an efiort Vlt., the Society and its puMicnt~on5.
to learn their rclatlve posillons and responsibllrties, Jehovah, Plea33 lx a~su~cd, dear brother, that, altl~mgl~ lormg you
providing timely “food con\cment’,, mnkcs it possible that dearly and deli~htmg in working with you in olwtlwnce to the
none need bo in ignorance 01 doubt. ‘commandments of our Fatlwr and the ‘law of our mother ‘, all
Ifow can anyone question the guldnncc, care and superviswn honor and poise must and does go to JelloF ah and Clrri& Jesus.
of His people through the Society and its authorized @hea- Praying Elts blessing upon you in your position of respon-
tiona. The fact that the procedure of the Society for yeara sibility, I hope to remain
relative to the selection of 5errants for posltions of Your brother and servant,
bility has been identical with that outlined in Deuteronulny D. W. ALDEN, Kansas.

SEPTEMBER 15, 1537

111s "\i-ORK" ANB lk3 "ACT" (Put 2) 275
“His Strangu Act” . . ......“.“, .. ““” ““““... .. .” 27ti
my Armngcdaon .-.--..-,....” “.. “.“........”., - 278
Righteous Anger .. . . ....“.““...““..““...“.......“.-..
Warning to the People -_--.. - “._.._...._-,., 281
Questions for Study ...._-. .. .-..“_ . ._..-_. ES4
MOSEY - .. ...” . I ...” .” . ....I...... . . . .. ... ..s..-...284
mobs HELL . .. ..... ..... . _._.- 286
. ..-....”..“.““.““. ...“”-- 285
“KING OP KISCS~~ I ... . .“““..“““.....“....“..” .-.. .”
PORTAH1.E ~iIONOORhPlI “.I_._. ___ _.“. 274
- __..
KOTICE OF &iNUat &fEI:TING . .. .....- . ... .. . ... 274
\~lTUOUT DELAY 1-1....._.............. --..I 274
117 Adams Street - Brooklyn,
N.Y., U.S. A. T HIS journal is published for the purpose of cnabliug
the people to know Jchorah God nnd 211spurposes
exprrszed in the Eible. It publmhes Ihhle instructlcn

specifically designed to ald Jehovah’s witnesses and all people

J. F. J~IJTIIEFWXD President Vi. E. VA?; &&BUBoH Secretary
of good mill. It arranges systematic Bible study fur its readLrs
alAnd all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and and the Society supphs other llternture to aid in such stucllcs.
It publishes suitable material for radio bronclcnstmg and for
great shall be the peace of thy children.” -Is&ah 54:~~. other niaiii~ of public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utter-
-l-HE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH nnccs. It ix entirely free and separate from all partlcs, scscts
Tf+AT JEIjOVAf-1 is the o111ptruz God, is from everlasting or other worldly organizations. It is wholly aud without
to everlasting, the hlakcr of heaven and earth and the Giver reservation for the kingdom of Jehovah Gnd under Christ
of life to his creatures; that the Logos was the beginning of his beloved King. It 1s not dogmatic, but invites carciul
his crctition, a& llis active agent in &e creation of all thmgs; and critical examination of its contents in the light of tilt
that the Logoa is now the Lord Jesus Christ In glory, clothed Bcriptures. It does not indulge in controversy, and its col-
with all poser III hcavcn un d earth, and the Chief Exeeutlve umus are not open to personalities.
Officer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect
man for the earth and plnccd turn upaaudn it; that man willfully
disobeyed God’s law nnd was sentcaced to death; that by
reaRon of Adam’s wrong act all men arc born sinners and
without the right to life.
THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suf-
fered death in ortlcr to produce the ransom or redemptive
price for all mankind; that God mked up Jesus dlrine and
exalted him to heavon above every creature and above every
name and clothed him with all power and authority.
Tt IAT JEHOVAf1’S ORGANIZATION is eallcd Zion, and
that Christ Jesus is tho Chief O&X-S tharcnf and ia tho
rightful ‘Jcing of the world; that the anointrd nnd faithful
follorvcrs of Christ Jesus arc ctrilifren of Zion, mcmbeIs of
Jchovnh’s organization, and are I& ritncssrs whoso duty nnd
pririlqe it is to tcslify to the suprerar~y of Jcholah, dcclnro
his pwpnscs ttrwnrd mnuklncl as expressed in the Uiblc, nnrl
to bear the fruits of tho kingdom before all who will hear.
THAT TlfE VI’ORI-D 11:mcntlctl, plod the Lord Jesus Christ
has been plnccd by .Jt~huvah upolr his throne of uuthority,
has 0ustetl Satan from hmvpn and is proccccling to the
establishment of God’s kinglom 021earth.
TJIAT lllE RELIFF nntl blcssin~ of the pcoplcs of earth
Chill come odp by nnd through Jehovah ‘R kingdom under
Christ, which has now bcbyun; timt the l,ord’s nrxt grcat
act is tho destruction of Man’s organization and thch c~stnb-
lishment of rig’ht(~ousncss in the mrth, ant1 that unllcr the
kingdom nil those who will obey j& righteous laws shall live
on earth forever.


The next testimony period, Oct&rr 2-10 inclusive, will be Pursuant to the provision OF law and the chnitcr of the
world-wille, eoextcbnsive wrth the catiltly rcalui crf the King of Watch Tower I%lblo and TI:ict Society, notlcc 14 licfe1)y given
kings, after whose title the period ia narocd. The publication that the nnuu:ll busiucss mrctiug of the snid SucicLty ~111 I).,
now of the bwk Ktchcn in nuny l:tngusl~:es ulakcs It nl~proptmte held at Pittsburgh, North Nl~lc (formerly Allcghcny), Penn-
for this bouk tu bc conrcntr:tlcd on t&u, the s:lme to be offered sylvania, at ten o’clock n.m., filontlag, Ko\rtnl)er 1, l!jY7, at
together with a bookI& Otllct tIctails of the scrv- which the usual annual business trill be transacted.
iC0 OR?du0 IO be publiah~4 iIJ tllc ISfW7tlU7ll, \!IliCll [)lCilSl3 COD-
suit. Let your yrq~nmtions und nrnagemcnts begin at ouce,
aa unto the King of kings. Your prom@ report, from \\ hntcccr
part of the earth you inhabit, will be awaltcd at this oflice.
I’OR’I’ABLE I’I1OSOC;RAPII For the- eortvcnienee of the subsoibcr, a ~cnc\\:il I)lank iy
The So&+ no\\ manufactures and haa to offer a light-weight sent \\ith The Watchtoacr one month bcfgre e\piralJou (on
phonograph, which is 14 by 13 by 5 &+c~ in size, and c-oreled foreign subsc:tptions, two months). ttcncw juur stll~c~ rp!~on
with brown cloth and having rou~rded rorners. It weighs 9 pounds promptly and fill in the rcncr\;II bl:mk which is u3ilcd to yuu
13 uunccs. With the three lrhono~raph dw-s nhich can be carrlcd with your Il’nfchtor~er. Sign your II:WIC unil’ormlg; gltc sttcct
in it, it wei&i 13 pouiids G ounces. The tolume of eouiid is and nurubcr, cttj and state; d:ltc }our rnlcu:tl blnuk, :Ind l~!e:~ru
strong, and the tone IS of the brst q\mlity. AS shipped out from use fhe bfa~4r sent to you cnclo:ed in Z’ke ll’cltclrtorr-cr. l’lw+e
our fat-tory, the phonograph is tImed prupe~ly, at 7X r.p.m., subscription bl::nks tell us \\ lncl~ numbcls will bc nc~.~ry
and should be chrr*kctl from tlule to time. This model, includq with your rencu:lI wk. AIu:~yu rend carefully tllr rc\crsc s111r
three discs, is offeral on a contribution of $10.00; without the of the rencaal blank. \Vhcn you change your nddtcss aln:~>r
thlee discs, $SOO. I(emittances Rhoubl acronlpng orders. AIKI glte the old as v&l as the new nddrcss, two weeks bcxfo;c )ou
specify the partic-ulat discs wanted. mu\ e.
VOII. LVIII 8EPTEXBSR 15, 1937 No. 18


“As Z have dam to Shiloh.“-Jcr. 7: 14.
?AlzT a

J ETTOVAII will not permit tvickcdncss to contittne

for cvcr. Jlc~ardless of how much good and righl-
cous work any pcoplc may do, if they afterwards
turn to wickcdncss their previous ri$teous work wl
tltat shall not be thrown down.” (Natt. 21: 2) The
people of Palestine, and particularly those of Jeru-
salem, turttcd their eyes to the temple arid truutcd iii
it as a safquard against harm, They could not believe
avail them nothin:. The Israclitcs wcrc God’s typic-al that it would ever fall.
]teoltlc, organized in rightcoustt~s4, and for a time t Today millions of people within the borders of
doing a rightcow work. Tltat nation was dcstroyc& “Christendom” look to the religious orgattizatiotts,
(Ezck. 33: 12,33) J,ct it bc con~txlcd, for the sake af and particularly to the Roman Catholic Jlicrarclty
the argument, that the Roman C;ttholic organization and their buildings, as a place of snfcty. The polili-
and the l’rotcstatit organizations bczart with good and cians, the commcrcinl great men, atid the commnft
ri&cous intentions and that they did somegood work; people of the crcdulour IiiIld, trust in lhc rcligiotis
yet it is now ecrtain that those or~anizatiotis arc cntirc- organization. The Hotnan Catholic IIic~t~nrchy now
ly religious and therefore devilish atid arc in no wise sings the song of the harlot (Isa. 23 : l(i) by which she
true followers of Christ Jesus, and ltcnc~cnot Christians. has cnticcd the polit ic’a1and eortttncrc~i;tlclcntcttts to
Thy hrlvc worked and hve elnimrd to have done so occupy her secret clintnlws arid fall tin&r her scdue-
much in the name of the Lord, and many people in tivc influcttee. They trust itt the po~cr of this orE:atri-
those organizations have bcon sittccrc. They have had zatiott to save them. They will all fail atd K(O dowtt
a real for their work, but that zcitl has been escrciwd in Arntagcdtlon. Jcltoval~ cstablislrcs his faithful pco-
cntircly in the wrong way. They arc the ones to whom plc and gives them the truth illld 11;Is comtnissiortnl
the words of Jesus apply: “Not every one that saith them to do his service. “Organized rcli~iott,” falsely
unto ntc, Ilord, Ilord, shall enter into the kingdom of called “Christianity”, steps forward atid bolclly
licavcn ; but he that dcwth the will of my Father whith claims to occupy the position of rcprcst:tlt:itivcs of (lot!
is in lwvrn. Natty will say to me in that day, Lo&, on carth, and the clergy claitn that srtch pl;wcs they
Lord, have WCnot prophesied in thy name ? and in inltcrited from the “fathers” or cldcrs of tlw chnrc*lt.
thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done Tltc Romatt Catholic ITierawhy claims to Itnvc rccciwl
matty wonderful works? And that will I profess wlo its authority direct from the Lord, and t 11at the hcwl
thctn, 1 nctcr knew you : depart from me, ye that thereof is the successorof the apostle Peter, a11d lhnt
Work iniquity.“-Natt. 7 : 21-23. Peter was the first pope or “holy father”. Tliat wickd
*Let the honest and sinccrc people now take warn- religious organization, among t tic many nut ions, vs.
ing that God will destroy “Christendom”, regardless crciscs a dominattng ittl~uetice atd cotitl’ol, arid tltox!
of the boast of the Roman Catholic IIicrnrchy to tb countries wherein she rules are “ Christcrtdom ” ; and
contrary. The big clergy will not bclievc what is here “Christendom” is certain to go down.
said. They do not believe the Bible, but rely upon &e ‘Jehovah commanded Jeremiah to say to his typtcnl
traditions of men and upon their own rightcousncw. people : “For among my people arc found michccl
Jesus told the clergy of tlte Jews that God would de- men: they lay wait, as he that settcth SII;LI’CS: they
stroy the temple because that pcoplc had broken tlicir set a trap, they catch men. As a cage is full of birds,
covenant. (Matt. Z-1: 1,2) But the Jews did not 1~ so arc their houses full of deceit ; thcrcfwc they ate
lieve it. (John 2: 20) Even the disciples of Jesus become great, and waxen rich. They arc waxen fitt,
greatly admired the temple building built by Herad they shine : yea, they oxrpass lhe deeds of tiJlc.wiclxxL:
and where the Jews thctt resorted to practice their they judge not the cause, the cause of the iittlletl~~ss,
religious worship. Standing near that house, and di yet they prosper: and the right of the needy do they
recting their attention to it, Jesus said to his disciples: not judge. Shall I not visit for these things? sail h the
“There shall not be left here one stone upon another, Lord: shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation
X. P.

as this? A wonderful and horrible thing is committed or “the Christian religious organization”, and of its
in the land ; the prophets prophesy falsely, and the religion practiced by men, will be the act of Almightp
priests bear rule by their means; and my people love God, he having decreed that it shall be. That act will
to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof P” be “his strange act”, that is, it will appear strange
‘cr. 5 : 26-31. to all except those who have the ‘mark in their forc-
i Those words of the prophet apply specifically to heads’ and those who render themselves in full obe-
the religious leaders of “Christendom” today, who dience to God’s commandments.-Ezck. 9: 4.
have committed the same abominable things. They ’ The destruction of the religious systems by Jrho-
“lay wait” and ‘set snares’ for the people, and use vah will mark the beginning of Armageddon. What
all manner of fraudulent schemes to entrap them. agency that is visible will the Lord use to overthrow
The clergymen of the llicrarchy have become great hypocritical religion, wrongfully called “Christian
and wax rich. They arc “fat”, and “shine”. They religion”? The Scriptures clearly show that God will
give absolution to those who commit wicked deeds. use a visible, godless clcmcnt to do the destructive
They are very pwspcrous, and they oppress those work agaiwt the rcligionists, a crowd that has bwn
who serve God. There religious prognosticators false- hoodwinked by the religionists, and particularly hy
ly rcprcscnt to the people that the noman Catholic the lioman Catholic IIicrarchy. That old “whore” is
organization shall stand for ever and that the hope now riding on the back of the hcn~tly, political rulers,
of the people is in that organization; the priests of and in God’s due time that same elcmcnt will &StIIJ\
the IIicrarchy bear rule or control over the people by the IZoman Catholic IIicrarchy and all associated PC-
such false means, and the gullible ones who claim to ligions. (IZev. 17 : 16, 17) They will act as God’s csccw
bc God’s people “love to have it so”. It is only the tioners in this behalf lwcuu~c, says his Word, ‘(God
sincere and honest ones of “C’l~ristcr~dom” that will hath put [it] in their hearts to fulfil his will.” Thilt
now hear and give heed to the messageof truth, which “sfraiigc act” will witness the ClO~Vllfi1l1 completely
Jehovah commands shall bc proc~laimcdhy’his witncbscs of so-called “Christian rcli$on” or “Christendom”,
to them. (Isa. 62: 30) The witncsscs for Jehovah must its clergy, and all of its so-called “sacred” nrticlcs
bc diligent now to ubcy his commandments and to of worship, such as huiltlin~s, ima~cs, altars, shrine:;,
carry his mcssaze to all who haw the IlcilI+iIlg car. holy water, VCSSC~S, hatchcrics for the clergy, nunwr-
Their work of &&ring the vC1l~Ca11cc of Goal upon its, and all like fraudulent and ungodly things that
“Christendom ” nppcars to the rcligioni+i as a wry dcfamc the name of Almighty God. lsy so doing Jcho-
strange work, but there is to follow shortly that which vah God shows that hc ncvcr rccowizcd “religion”
will stem even moat strange. of any kind, but that the same is of the l)rvil, ant1
that the clergy practiciiig religion arc the instrunicuts
‘WlS STRANGEACT” of Satan used to dcfwnc the name of Almighty C:orl,
‘By his prophet Jehovah has dcclarcd that he mill whether the clcr~y have done so willin$y or unwill-
rise up “and bring to pass his act, his strange act”. ingly. Kvcntually all those willful defamers will he
(Isa. 28: 21) Furthermore he wys: “I have purposed destroyed, IICVCI’ to rise agaiu. As ~Jchorah r~wwcd
it, I will also do it.” (Isa. 46: 31) And what wll Je- everything from Slriloli flint IJCrtilillCd to his worship,
hovah do? lie answers: “As I have done to Shiloh.” so he will remove from “Christcndon~” evcryfhitl:
Likewise he will do unto “Christendom”. God’s cove- that might bctokcn the divine prcscncc and place of
nant l~eoplc wrc at Shiloh. There they had the tabcr- worship, and will thcrcby disclosc to all that the so-
nacfc and the ark of tlw covenant, and it was the called “Christian religion” is a fraud and a suarc
appointed place of worship of Almighty God. But employed by the Ilcvil to carry out his boastful thrcnt
that people had become unfaithful to God and had to turn the pcoplc a:vay from Jehovah God. IIe will
turned from his commandments to religion, and thcre- show that none shall survive for long save those who
fore they had turned against God and to the Devil. worship Jehovah in spirit and in truth by joyfully
Then Jehovah at Sbiloh permitted the godless Philis- obeying his commandmcats.
tine crowd to swap the rcligionists of Israel out * Jehovah’s witnesses have no part in 1hc dcstructivc
and whip them to a standstill. l3ccause the lsraclitcs work that shall be done upon “Christendom” at
had become unfaithful God permitted cvcn the ark Armngcddon. The work of Jehovah’s witnew? is to
of the covenant to be captured by the cncmy and car- bear testimony to the people in obcdicncc to Cod’s
ried away. There God rcjcctcd the priesthood of commnndmcnt, even as Jeremiah carried Cod’s mcs-
Israe under Eli and permitted the death of the act- sage to the people. The weapons nsctl by Jehovah’s
ing priests, and then had cvcrythin~ pertaining to witncsscs arc not carnal, but they are mighty to caiisc
his name and his worship removed from Shiloh. It is the turning away of honest people from the religious
certain that such was typical or prophetic, foretelling organizations. (2 Cor, IO: 4) Jchovnh uses any clemcut
the complete dcstruetion of “ Christendom ’ ‘, because that it pleases him to carry out his will. But tlmt dots
God says so and directs his yrophcts to so state. The not mean that Jehovah approves such wicked ercatures
destruction of what is now known as “Christendom” in their nickedncss. IIe used the kin:: of l3al~ylou to

do his service. (Jer. 25 : 9) It sho&l always be kept storm, as a flood of mighty waters overflowing, shall
in mind that what God did with the Israclitcs and cast down to the earth with the hand. The crown of
those connected with them was 8 picture of what he pride, the drunliards of Ephraim, shall be trodden
will 18tcr bring to pass up~u his prctcndcd people. under feet: and the glorious beauty which is on the
Gad permits some of the 1)cvil’s own crowd to in- head of the fat valley shall be a fading flower, aud
flict punishment upon those who have become unfaith- 8s the hasty fruit before the summer; which, when
ful to God, and who have turn& against Jehovah. he that lookcth upon it seeth, while it is yet in his
It is here well to take note of what God did to the hand he eatcth it up.“-Isa. 28: 1-4.
Philistines after they smote the Israelites and carried I* Jehovah sends his witnesses to warn that crooked
oft’ the ark of the covenant. The Phil&tines did not crowd that call themselves God’s rcprcscntativcs on
serve and worship Cod. Conccrnin~ the ark of the earth; yet the rulers thereof, in particular, scorn
coven@, which represented God and his presence, the everything, and everybody, that does not conform to
rulers of the Philiatines commanded that it be carried their own ideas. To that scornful and wicked organi-
away to the fhilistine city. ‘ ‘ Therefore they scii t the zation Jehovah now say%: “Khcrefore hear the word
ark of (the covenant] to Elrron,” and there followed of the Lord, ye scornful men, that rule this pcoplc
a “deadly destruction throuyhout all the city”, and which is in Jerusalem : &cause ye have said, WC have
“the h8nd of God was very heavy there. And the men made a covenant with death, and with hell are WC:at
that died not were smitten with the cmerods: and aqrecmcnt ; when the overflowing scourge shall I)ilhS
tllc cry of the city went up to heaven.” (1 Sam. through, it shall not come unto us: for we hnvcl made
5: 10-E) The Philistines thcrcfore had no reason to lies our refuge, and under falsehood have me hid our-
boscl against J&rvab that they harl grcvuilcd against sclvcs. Thcrciorc thus saith the Lord God, IMold, I
tlic Jfust IIi$i. Those cvcnts pictured what Cod will lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stolic, a
do to the godless element of the earth that take part precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that
in the destruction of the religiunkta-Rev. 17: 17. bclicvcth shall not make haste. Judgment also will I
e Jehovah did cast away from him the J\raclitcs, lay to the line, and rigtiieousncss to the plurnmct ; and
who wcw his typical pcoplc. ‘l’hruu~h Jcrcmi:lh ho the hail shall snip away the rcfu;:o of lies, and the
said to the people of Jerusalem : “.ind I will cast you waters shall ovcrllow the hiding place. Altd your covc-
out of my sight, as I have cast out all your brcthrcn, nant with death shalt bc disannulled, atld your n~roc-
even the whoIe seed of Nphraim.“’ {.Jcr. 7: 15) Thus mcnt with hdl Stlall not Laud ; whcrl tile overflowing
he fdfillcd his word against Israel, and thus he fore- scourge shall pn~ throuxll, then ye ~1~11be tml(lcn
tells that at the bc+tning of Armo:cddon “organized down hy it.” (Isa. 2S: 13-15) Jehovah’s jud~mcut
Christian religion”, so callctl, and cvcrytliiug con- against the Roman Catholic IIierarc*hy is written alld
nected tlicreGth, will be violently cast out, to::cttier will ~JCcxccutcd to the lcttcr by Christ Jesus, the great
with all her claims, professions, prctcnscq and l)osi- Esccutivc Officer of the AJost Iliqh.
tions occupied by her clergy. Jcttowh will cause all l2 Those who are faithful to God have nothing in
such to be completely cast away from him, and the common with religion or religiouisfs, who indulge in
Lord Jesus will do that work of cswution.-Matt. 7 :23. fraud&M practices in the name of the Ilord. Jcrc-
lo The northern Jringdom of fhc ten tribcS of the miah stood as the rcprcsentative of ~JchovahCofl, and
nation of Israel, l~caclcdby the trihc of EpJnGrn, was rcprcscnts and pictures the faithful l~~oplc of God
overthrown and corricd away from the promisrtl land now on earth ; and Cod directed Jercmiab to say:
to the heathen land of Assyria some years before the “Thercforc pray not thou for this pcoplc, ncithcr lift
prophecy was uttered by Jeremiah. In due time came up cry nor prayer for them, ncithcr malx interccssiotl
tllc warning from Jehovah to thaw remaining at to me: for I will not hear thee.” (Jer. 7 : 16) The
Jcru.salcm, 8nd then God cast all of them away from head of the Roman Catholic IIicrarchy dcclarc(l 1!)33
him. Likewise Jehovah dcclarcs his purpose to cast 2s a “holy year” aud called upon a11the pcoplc to
out and he will cast out all “Christendom”, and pray for prosperity during that year. Their unii,crl
particularly its head organization, the Roman Cath- prayers availed nothing, and then the polo cstcntlcd
olic Hierarchy. It is the IIicrarchp that is filled with the so-called “holy year” until Albril 1935. The rc-
pride 8nd the men thereof arc the ‘scornful men that ligionists, Catholic and Protestant and Jewish, all
rule the people of “Christendom” ‘. Concerning that continued to pray as qucstcd, but their prayers were
hypocritical reli$ous organization, that unholy crowd not heard by Jehovah Cod. Doubtless the pope and
that have so many years played the harlot and de- his cohorts hrard Jehovall’s witncsscs proclaiming the
famed (lad’s holy name, it is writ fen : “ Woe to the truth concerning the fill1 of “Christendom” at Arma-
crown of pride, to the drunkards of Ephraim, whose geddon. Then the pope issued a commaud to all of
glorious beauty is a fading flower, which arc on ttle “Christendom” to join him in yraycr that Armaqxl-
head of the fat valleys of them that are overcome with don mi# be averted; and that prayer is certain to
wine! Behold, the Lord hath 8 mighty and strong avail nothin,n to “Christendom”. Armageddon is ccr-
one, which, as 8 tempest of hail, and a destroying tain, and nothing can prevent it. Clod has declared it,

and God will do it. Jehovah’s witnesses properly re- ganization, which is pictured by a woman. The Devil’s
fused to join with the religionists in observing the “queen” is his organization. Hence “cakes” thus
so-called “holy year”, because they knew such to be prepared are an oMcring unto Satan’s reprcscntativcs
a hypocritical fraud upon the people and a defamation that visibly rule the nations of the earth, made up of
of God’s name. They refused to pray for prosperity religious, political and commercial elements (of any
to come as the pope requested, because those who love and all religions) which today demand that they bc
God pray according to his \\ill. (John 15 : ‘7) For like recognized as the “higher powers”. (Rom. 13: 1) For
reasons Jehovah’s witnesses refuse to salute flags of this reason the ruling powers, led and urged on by
“ Christendom ’ ’ and thereby to impute salvation to the chief rcligionists, frame mischief ~JY law, thus
that which the flag rcprcscnts. They know that pro- legalizing compulsory flag-saluting by school children,
tection and salvation proceed from Jehovah God, and as well as by adults (I%. 94 : 20) ; require of teachers
not from any man-made institution. The doom of that they SUbSWh! to certain oaths; and rcquirc of the
“Christendom” and of all religious organizations is people that they hail dictators as their deliverers and
certain and is duly certified to by Jehovah, and there- saviors. Therefore men, women and children, school-
fore it. is contrary to his will to pray that such doom teachers, professors, school organization3 and church
bc avcrtcd. Those who truly love and serve Jehovah organizations, and political and commercial OI’L[:IIII~-
God will pray for nothing that is contrary to God’s tions, all have a part in giving honor to the l~cv~l’s
will, but they pray as JCWScommanded them: “Thy organization by ‘worshiping the ereaturc more than
will bc done.” the Creator’ .-Rom. 1: 25.
l5 They “pour out drink offerings [of wine] unto
la Jehovah then points out the acts and conduet of other gods”, that is, to the Devil and tllc WiPlicd
religious “.Christcndom’ ‘, showing that such are his spirits; and the wicked representatives on earth are
reason for bringing about Armageddon and pcrform- looked upon as mighty men, and this is for t ho purlxjso
iny his “strange act”: “Secst thou not what they do of pleasing and giving good cheer to the visible rnlill(=
in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of JcrusaLm P clrmcnt, and not to Jehovah and to his King. Thus
The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the they d&c the earth. That is all done at the ir,s!i!;a-
fire, and the women knead their dough, to make eakes tion of the Devil and rarricd on by his visihlc rrligious
to the qiiecn of heaven, and to pour out. drink o&rings rcprescnt,ativcs, and, as the I,ord says, “that they
unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger.” may provoke me to anger.” Thercforc in due time
-Jcr. 7 : 17’18. Jehovah, as he dcclarcs, shall rise UIJ n11cl “shall bc
I* The rnling clcments of “Christendom” are today wrath as in the valley of (:ilJcon, that hr. may . . .
commandeering cvcry visihlc thing to be used to carry bring to pass his act, his strange act”.-Isa. 28: 21.
out their unholy purpose. In every lnnd they arc
strenuously pushing the organization ol’ the youth or RICIITEOUS ANGER
children and forming them into grouses for military lo Jehovah is long-sufferin: (1%. 86: 15) ; but he
purposes, or purposes in connection with arhitrary has fiscd a limit, and the rcligionists, without doubt,
rule. Young children in the schools are compelled to have reached that. limit. To his typic4 pcol~lc, forc-
salute the national flag and tlicrehy to declare that, shadowin:: the professed people ol’ Goti now on the
their trust is in the visible ruling powers, that they earth, Jehovah said : “Do they provoke mc to nng~r?
arc rccognizcd as “the higher powers”, and that their saith the Lord: do they not provoke thcmsclvcs, to
protection and salvation come from thcsc so-called the confusion of their own faecs?” (Jcr. 7 : I!) j Those
“higher powers”. The purpose of this whole matter words apply with greater force and mcanin~ to the
proceeds from the Devil and is to turn the youth rcligionists that improperly call thenisrlvcs “Chris-
against Clod, and thus to carry out the Devil’s wicked tian ” and practice their religion to the defamation
challenge to Jehovah. The ehildrcn and fathers are of God’s holy name. It is bad enough to practice t Ix
required to work to the same end of being required to Devil religion, but to do so in the name of dello\all
participate in some Devil worship in violation of God’s God and Christ Jesus, thereby deceiving many sinccrc
law. So-called “patriotic” organizations arc formed, persons and defaming the name of God and Christ,
into which young and old arc pushed and compelled to is provoking to the superlative dc:rrec. The rcligion-
join, and these organizations are used to opprcm those ists, who improperly call them&elves “Chri5tian “,
who bclicve and serve Jehovah God in truth and in have commcrcializcd the names of Almighty God and
spirit,. Says the prophet: “The women knead their Christ Jesus, using the same blasphemously that men
dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven [ (wargm ) may acquire material things to be applied to their
frame, workmanship of heaven].” Cakes of this kind own personal use. All their doctrines arc bn4 upon
were, in ancient times, eaten to the honor of the god- tradition ; and such organizations, while differing
dess Astarte. Cakes for the worship of the queen of in many things, are all at unity in being against God
heaven, as stated by Jeremiah in another place (Jer. and his truth, and which rcligionists have t,herehy
44: 19), refer to the things prepared for Satan’s or- produced such confusion of and among themselves
tnieWATCHT@WER- 279

that soon they will hang their heads in shame. Those not the voice of the Lord their God, nor rcwiwth
who hare supported these religions will see Jehovah’s correction: truth iv perished, and is cut off from t!wir
“strange act”. Then there will be for them nothing mouth.“Ter. 7 : 28.
about which la boast. Thcrc rvill be no brazen, oiiy- 2oThe religion&s have made lies their stronghold,
going, self-w&dent air of security on their part, prcfcrring a lie to the truth. To the same claw Jesus
but, on the contrary, thcrc will be complctc confusion, addrcsscd his words of condemnation, saying : “Ye
they not knowing which way to turn. Cod’s righteous swprnfs, yc generation of vipers! how can yc cxape
indignation against those hypocrites will be cspresscd the damnation of hell?” (31&t. 23: 33) The Scrip-
in the most emphatic manner: “Thcrcfore thus saith tures lcavc no room for doubt as to what God will do
the Lord Cod, Behold, mine anger and my fury shall to the hypocritical rcligionists who defame his nnmc.
be poured out upon this place, upon man, and upon The Bornan Catholic Hierarchy, and all who hank on
beast, and upon the trees of the fkld, and upon the to or support that organization after havin:: been
fruit of the ground ; and it shall burn, and shall not warned, shall suffer the estrcmc wrath of Almighty
be quenched.“--Jer. 7 : 20. God
1’ In a miniature way this part of the prophecy was 21As Jehovah’s witnesses are now subjected to all
fulfilled upon Jcrusalcm, and soon it will bc fulfilled manner of ill-trcatrncnt and lwrsecution by the so-
completely ul~on “Christeudom”, which claims to be called “higher powers” of this world, and particul‘~tly
the people of C;od but is not. Tfle fury of Jehovah ex- by the rcligiouists, the Roman Catholic II~c~arc*hy,
prcwd at Arrnagcddon will bc upon human crcaturcs, let them take courage and rcjoicc in the fact that they
both sexes, young and old, and upon their material arc privileged today to stand in a place similar to titnt
wealth. For ST\-entyyears Jcrusalcm was dcsolatcd of occupied by Jcrcmiah and to dcclarc a mc’swgc yirll-
man and beast. The numbtr scvcnty, being a multiple ilar to what hc dcclarcd. Let them take courage, Iravil~g
of sewn and ten, that is, two numhcrs &noting corn- in mind that Jchovi~h God is harking them up and that
plctmcss, in\-lsiblc and visible, clearly means that the tlwy arc doin!: his will and as long as faithfully ilulng
wligianists, their orcunizntions, and pract iws, and thi\ no evil shall hcfall them. Jlis faithful witncsxs
all things pertaining tlwrclo, bolh invisible and visihlc, are now in God’s sccrct place, and for th?ir Irclp ard
will bc c*ompk~tclydc5troycd. God’s nngcr will lx cs- comfort it is writtcti : “He that dwcllcth in tlic swrct
prc~wd by Christ Jesus, “i111d it Shill1 bUlV1, atltl Fillall pkwc of the >Jost III&h, shall abitlc under the sl::lclow
not lrc qucn&d” until his “~frange act” is pcrformcd of the Almi$ty. I will say of the Lord, Ilc is rn+v
and ,Jchor;rlt’s name fully viudicntcd. rcfugc, and my fortrchs: my God; in him wili I tru>t.
18CNtcdicrweis lwtter th:m sacrifiw, as the Lord Surely he shall tlclivcr thee from the snare of tiic
dcclarcs. (1 Sam. 15: 22) That is an ~r~cl~;l~~~cal~lcfowlcr, and from the noisome pcstilcncc. llc shall (‘over
rule given by the Lord to thooc who claim to scrvc lii,,l. tlwc with his feathers, and under his wing shalt thou
Spc;lkit~~ to the Isrnclitcs by his prophrt Jehovah tells trust: his truth shall be thy shield and bucIiIcr.“-
thrm that their sacrificrs without obcdicnce avail them 1%. 91 : l-4.
nothing. (See JclTTl~iilll 7: 21-27.) He says to them: “2 The nation of Israel was in a corcuant with God.
“Obey my voiec, and I will be your God, ant1 yc shall f‘Chri~tcndom” 1)rofesscsto be the children (,f (;otl
fx my pcoplc ; . . . Tct thcp hcarkcncd not unto me.” and therefore in an implied covenant with him to do
Jesus told the slcrgy of the Jews, who practiced re- God’s will. Cutting off the hair aud appcariug hnld
ligion, prilCtifally the same thing, when he said to symbolized that Israel was rejected by the Lord. ‘I’h~rc-
them: “Thus have yc made the commandment of God fort Jchorah commanded Jcrcmiah to say to the IWO-
of none cffcct by your tradition. , . . teaching for plc of Jcrusalcm: “Cut off thine hair, 0 Jcrusnl~m,
doctrines the commandments of men.” (Matt. 15: 1-9) and cast it away, and take up a lamcntatinn on high
That exactly dcscribcs what the religious lcndcrs in places; for the Lord bath rcjcctcd and forsnlxn the
“Christendom” have done and arc now doing. The generation of his wrath.“-*Jcr. 7 : 29.
Iioman Catholic Hierarchy aud the under-clergy pre- 23To the natural dcsccndants of Abraham that was
tend to offer satrifiers unto the Lord, but they utterly a “strange” command. So doubt it made Jcrcmiah
ignore the eommnndmcnts of God, refusing to obey appear wry foolish in the cycs of the Israelites to
him, and they tcaeh for doctrines the commandments proclaim such a message. Xow God commands his
of men. They hesitate not to do this, but brazenly use faithful witnesses to give warning to “Christendom”,
their influenw to censor the speech of honest men, rc- the rcligionists, that they may not lx ignorant that
moving therefrom quotations from the Bible in order they arc rejected by the Lord. For Jehovah’s witncsws
that the people may be kept in ignorance. to now say that the liomnn Catholic Hierarchy is at
I* The same messagethat was declared to typical enmity with God and shall by him IJC destroyed sounds
Israel Jehovah commands shall be dcclnred unto like foolishness to the religionists. At this time the
“Christendom’*. The Lord now sends his witnesws Roman Catholic newspapers call attention to the fcqti-
to “Christendom” to speak his message and say : “I3ut many of Jchovnh’s xitnrsses concerning the approach
thou shalt say unto them, This is a nation that obey&h of Armageddon and the destruction of religionists :~d

refer to the same as nonsense and an unbelievable the religionists of “Christendom” today, who im-
declantiou. The work in which Jehovah ‘s witnesses properly call Ihcmsrlres “Christians”, have com-
are engaged under God’s commandment is therefore mitted abominations in God’s sight. They hart made
a “strange work”, and it is Jehovah’s “strange work” God appear as a fiend, ‘punishing creatures that arc
bcreuse it is being done by him. It is Jehovah that is alive and conscious in a plarc of eternal fire’ ; keeping
giving warning of the approaching destruction of many others for a long term of years in so-called
“Christendom”. That “strange work” must be done “purgatory” undergoing constant punishment and
and will be done and, when completed, will be followed torture. They have commcrcinli.xxl the name of 3eho-
immedialcly by “his act, his strange act”. vah God by teaching that he will hear the prayers of
M Jehovah gave his promise that “the seeptre shall sinful mcu who, for a money consideration, ul trr such
not depart from Judah, . . . until Shiloh come”, so-called “prayers” in behalf of those supposed to be
(Ckn. 49: 10) The interim would be a time of tc5ting suffering in “pur:;atory”. Such wicked thin:: was
as to who would maintain his integrity and be obc- ncvcr in tfle mind or heart of Jehovah God, and thcrc-
dicnt to the eovcmuit. Israel had l~come rclipious, and fore such doctrine is a cruel defamation of his holy
thcreforc in Jeremiah’s time they were unfaithful to name. The dortrincs of “eternal torture” and “pur-
Cod; and hence God warned thctn through his proph- giltOry ’ ’ arc devilish doctrines, ori$natinl_: with the
et: “For (he children of Judah have done evil in my I)&1 and taught by men to the dishonor of Almighty
sight, saith the Lord : they have set their abominations Cod.
in the house which is called by my name, to pollute 27It appears that lIinnoiri was a nxnc of some
it.” (Jcr. 7: 30) For a similar sin Jehovah killed J&usitc that resided at Jerusalem before tllc ,Jcns
Nadab and Ahihu. (1,~. 10: f-i) Phinchas, the grand- came thcrc, end which iiamc was prob:~bly that also
son of Aaron, took strenuous action aqaitist the pollut- of somconc of the I)evil’s anqx~ls. (Juclg. 1: 21) WIG
crs of Cod’s people. (I\;um. 25: G-15) Why did the names of Tophct and Ilinwm rommcnlor;rtccl the
priestly Lcvitcs, who policed the temple, permit power and deeds of Satan and his angcis ; all of wllicll
abominations to be eommiltcd in the house of the ultimately perished. “l’hcrcforc, hchold, the day5
Lord? and why did God permit it? That was a test come, saith the Lord, that it shall no more Lc caltc 1
upon the priestly class, and God permitted it to de- ~‘OphC!t, nor, The valley 0f the son Of ~~illtlOlll, hl,
termine whether they would show a zeal for the Lord The valley of slau&rr: for they shall bury io ‘l’ophet
or not, or whelher they would ?H?iiidiffcrcnt to God’s till thcrc be no place.” (.Jcr. 7 : 33) ,Jrhovah’s jut!g-
commandments and follow their own selfish impulsrs. mcnt shall bc csccutccl, and thcrcby tm will :ll~llitllliltC
That particularly foreshadowed a like test that would all defamers of his n:imc. “ToI~tlet” shall bc il Rr;ivc-
come, nud that is cotnc, upon “Cliri~tcndom”, who yard for Satan’s rrowd, mcmorialiising the cli\astrow
claim lo follow Christ but who are in fact rcli$onisls et::1 of all t!losc who worship Satan or wiltin~ly prac-
under the dominating control of God’s cncmy. The ticc his religion. As ~Jcllovai~‘did to Shiloll’, so he nil1
religionists have compictcly failed to show any zeal do to “Chrixtcndom”, and hc will not pcrrnit tltc
for God rod his kingdom, but, ou the contrary, have further csihlcncc of the IJIWC for ttic practic~cof hype-
clearly demonstrated that they arc worthy of dcstruc- critical rcliqiotr. Jehovah will S!IOW4is strength over
tion. They oppose and pcrsccutc cvcryonc who tlcclares Satan and all his places of worship.
Cod% kirqdom under Christ as the only hope of the ** That the Devil religion and the willful prncti-
human raec. tioncrs thereof shall bc complctcly wiped wit is fur-
xsFurther the Lord calls attcnt,ion to the ahomi- ther made certain by the words uttered lq t IICl)rophc:t :
nable conduct of the covenant-brcnlrcrs : “ And they “And tlic carcases of this pcol)lc st&l I)(: mcat [or
hare built the high places of Tophet, which is in the the fowls of tlic heaven, and for the beasts of t tic cart Ii ;
valley of the son of Ifinnom [that is, &henna], to and none shall fray them away.” (Jcr. 7 : 33) Tophc~t,
burn their sons and their dauqhtcrs in the fire; which thereafter bearing the name “The valley ot’ slaugh-
I comhnnttcd them not, n&her came it into my heart.” ter” , shall be filled so full that there will IJC no room
-Jer. 7 : 31. to bury more and none will survive that will give tlicm
LcThe conduct of the Israelites, <asdcscribcd in this a burial. Jehovah’s esecutioncr is in full h:rrmony
part of the proplicey, was a flagrant violation of God’s with Jehovah and his cspresscd \Vortl, and will show
commandment. Such Devil religious practices and no respect to the religious hypocrites, even to the dead,
Jehovah’s temple could not be consistently associated but will leave them as dung upon the ground to be
together. The practitioners of “the Jews’ religion” fed upon by carrion fowls, They shall bc as t hc Itcaqts
assumedthat there is a God of goodnessand an equally of the field. This fact is further emphasized by tlic
powerful god of wickeducss, and that they had to prophet, to wit: “And Ihc slain of the Lord shall Ix
r-nix both that they might be assured of being at that day from one end of the earth eve11unto tlx
spared by one and aided by the other. Thus they dc- other end of the earth : they shall not bc l:lmcntcd,
nied the Word of God and denied him as the only true neither gathered, nor buried; they shall be dung upon
and mighty God, upon whom they must rely. Likewise the ground.“-Jer. 25 : 33.

POThe rdigionists cclcbrate various feasts in the of Jeremiah’s prophecy, which prophecy should be
‘name of the Lord and which are contrary to God’s carefully read and considered. Some historical facts
Word and a dishonor to his holy name. Selfishly aud are here appropriate to be recounted. The time is fixed
for commercial purposes tlic feasts cnlted “Christmas” by the date of the rei&m of the kinq. “In the beginning
and “~~asfcr” arc cclebrntcd by the rcbligioni&s of of the reign of Jchoiakim, the son of Josiah king of
the land of “C!hri:+tcndom”. The clergy use these oc- Judah, came this word from the Lord, saying.” (Jcr.
ca:;ions to collect money for thcmsclvcs and their or- 25: 1) Referring now to the historical record, note
ganization, and the mcrcnntilc crowd ta!:c advantage this : “And Pharaoh-necholt made Elia!;im the son
of that occasion to sell a mass of VJOl?hlCSS junk to of Josiah king in the room [place or stcnd] of ,Josiah
the pcoplc, and togcthcr they all get drunk on the his father, and turned his name to Jehoiakim, and
Devil’s “wine” aud all dcfamc the name of God and dook Jchoahaz [the wicked brother whom Pharaoh put
of Christ. All such abominations will ccnse in due down and rcplaecd with Jehoiakim] away : and hc
time : “Then will I cause to ccasc from the cities of [Jchoahaz] came to Egypt and died there. And Jc-
Judah, and from tllc streets of Jcrusalcm, the voice koiakim gave the silver and the gold to Pharaoh; but
of mirth, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the Ire taxed the land to give the money according to the
bridegroom, and the voice of the bride ; for the land eommandmcnt of Pharaoh: he exacted the sitvcr and
shall be dcs~latc.” (Jcr. 7: 34) The voice of hilarity the gold of the people of the land, of cvcry one itc-
being goicralty hcnrd on occasions of weddings of the eordittg to his taxation, to give it unto Phnraotl-ncrtlotl.
rcligionixts of “Christendom” ~111 also cease. The Jchoiakim was twenty and five years old when IN
hilarious voice heard on church holidays will cease. Bogart to reign; and hc rcigncd clcvcn years in Jcru-
The only joy that will survive will be the “joy of the salcm : and his mother’s name was %ebutlal~, tile
Lord ’ ‘) tlrc joy of. the bride and the Britlcgroom, of daughter of IWniah of lium;lh. And hc did that which
those who praise ttlc name of Jchovatr God. (John was evil in the sight of ttic Lord, according to all ltlat
3: 29) The Lord Jesus states that up to the time of his fathers had done.“-2 Ki. 23: 34-37.
the occasion of Jehovah’s csprcsscd wrath, that is, 32It WBS at that time thilt Jehovah gave to Jcrc-
“his strange act,” thcrc will bc marrying and giving miah a specific mrssagc to tlctivcr to the rcligionists
in marriage in “Christendom”, with no heed being of Jerusalem. That was before A’clmchndnczz:~r wcant
givctt on tllc part of rcligionists to the Word of God- up against Jchoi:ltiim (which WN in his tight h year)
(BIatt. 24: 38,39) The facts today fully corroborate and made him tributary. After three years of being
these prophetic words. At Armagctldon “Christcn- tributary Jchoiakim rcbcllcd. (2 Iii. 24: 1) Gut Jc-
dom” will become a waste and totally joytcss. Jcho- hoialcim became king of Israel who11Jcrcrniati llilll
vah has no plcnsurc in “Christendom”, because it is been preaching cightccn years, which WIS during the
on the side of Satan and turns the peoptc away from last years of the reign of Josiah the king who scrvcd
God and lliv gracious provision for them. Jehovah. In order that the grave tlangcr with wllic*h
*OJchovat~ used Jcrcmiah to do a prophetic work Jcrcmiah found himself confrolltctl may bc seen and
and to dctivcr a prophetic message forctclling what apprcciatcd, note some of the historical facts rccor(lcd
hc would IJIin:: to pass in the far distant future upon in the 26th chapter: “And Jchoialcitn the king sent
the pcoptc who wcrc pictured by the unfaithful Isracl- men into Egypt [to which Jehoialtim was then 1rihu-
ites. The Israelites, led by the priests or clergy of that tary or subordinate], namely, ISlnathan the son of
day, had forsaken the commandments of God and Achbor, and ccrtnin men with him into Egypt : and
adopted the practice of religion based upon the tcach- they fctchcd forth Urijah [the prolthct] out of I<Igl)t,
ings of selfish men and originating with the Devil. and brought him unto Jchoiakim the king, wtlo slew
Those clergymen were followed by many others who him with the sword, and cast his tlcad body into the
also had becomereligionists. Did the preaching of the graves of the common people. “-Jcr. 26 : 22, 23.
Lord’s messageby Jcrcmiah appear to those rcligion- 33It appears this historical fact was brought to the
ists as a “strange work”? Did the future calamity attention of others and publicly announced, and ttlcie-
that came upon Jerusalem at the hand of Almighty fore must have come to the attention of Jcrcmiah. IIc
God, and which Jeremiah had prophcsicd, appear as a vxmld know that to deliver the messagenow rcccivcd
“strange act “7 Both the work and the act foretold by him from the Lord would put his lift in jeopardy.
applied to the religionists and to those rcligionists But did that dctcr Jeremiah from obeying the Lord?
appeared as so fanciful and far-fetched, so strange, as 34All of the Tsraclitcs wcrc admitted to the outer
to bc unworthy of serious consideration. It is the same court of the tcmptc; and it was thcrc Jercminh was
with rcfcrcncc to “Christendom”. Note now what directed to stand and speak: “Thus saith the Lord,
followed, in support of this conclusion. Stand in the court of the i,ord’s house, and sl)caIi unto
all [the people who there appcarcd, from] the cities of
WARNINGTO THE PEOPLE Judah, which come to worship in the Ilord’s house,
81At this point it appears to be entirely appropriate ali the words that I command t hcc to spcal; unto them ;
to give attention to what appears at the 26th chapter diminish not a word.“-Jer. 2G: 2.

z” Before taking his stand in that place and deliv- the respective nations. They participate in the politics
ering the message of the Lord, did Jeremiah first of the nations and meddle in the political aKairs, and
apply to the king or his officers for a permit to go and they use religion and their “church” houpcs as :I
thus testify? He did not, hecause the Lord had not certain kind of hoodoo-chaser, but none of them truly
so instructed him and hc was there to obey the Lord. wish for the kingdom of Christ. On the contrary, they
Cd sent his prophet to do what he was told to do, For fight against the kin&m or anything tluat pertain-s
a like “~Rensc” of delivering a mcy$nge the king had to the rule of the world by Christ Jesus. They go
caused Vrijah to be killed, bceausc that prophet in throu$i forms of worship in a 110~s~which they call
speaking Bad “shocked the religious susccpt ibilities” “the house of God”, that men may see their apparent
of the big re1igiou.S 1eadcrs among the Jews. A dcfinlte devoutness, and thereby others are attracted to such
prceedcnt ior Jehovah’s witncsscs is here fixed by the places of assembly, hopin g they also may get some
positive course taken by Jcremiuh. In the days of the of the benefit.
apo&s they iollowf2 the same precedent when they 87God’s instruction to Jeremiah was mandatory,
said to the &xxx of the law: “WC oaght to obey God and the prophet had no altcrnntive. Says the Lord:
rather than men.“ (Acts 5: 29) Jel~vah did not di- “Speak . . . all the words that I command thee to
r& Jeremiah to LW inside the tcmplc and harangue speak unto 1hem.” Jeremiah would have hccn dlSdJc-
the people there, but 11~ told llim to stand in the dictnt to C;od had he gone to the king or to the court
Court dwe all tbc people wonltl come and pass, oiYiccrs or the priests in charge of the tcmplr, or to
going in nnit corninq out. This shows that Jehovah’s anyone else, and aSliCd for a permit or lircnre to
wi!ncSscs are not to go into the house of the rcligionists preach or deliver the mcssaqc which the Almighty
nnd then! to ar;:so with tlicm, hut they arc to go out God load commanded him to drlivcr. Tl’or the same
nmcq the pcoplc that attcud such religious mcctillgs rexon d~~llo~nh‘s witnesses today would be di\obctlicnt
and that snpport orqunizctl religion, and inform t!lcm to (:od and to his great prophet, Christ ;IC.SUS, 1)~
of Jchovab‘s pUqJme, WiltYliIlg them of his impcndinq applyin? for a permit or liccnqe to ljrrnrh tile gospel
“sfrati::~ act”. T&y the rcli:;ionists harange the of the khgdOfl1 IJy going from hOUSC t0 hOllSC illid &-
people by usin:: the radio, and it is presumed that liverin!: the mcssagc. Tlic 1,ord has givcln his l&ti\c
Rome of the rcli+ms pra~~titioilcrs hear the radio in commandment that his 1:itnesscs shall thus prc*:ic*li
their home. It is right and proper that J~l~val~‘s wit- and Shill1 Ollcy him, alit1 a failure lo Obey his COllllllilll~~-
IWSSCS We the Idill t0 transmit tllc meShax Of (;Od mcnts incans t lioir complctc: dcst ruction.--i~cts 3 : 23.
to the pcq~lc, altbanqh the IIicrarchy vigorously op- as Fort hcrmorc (:od said to Jcrcminh : “ Sp~4,”
p(My’s tlwm in the use thereof. It is in harmony with and “clirniI&h not a word”; that is, do not tlf41vcr a
lhc Lord’s rommantlmcnt that Jcl~ovah’a witncsscs consortd mcasagc. Arcortliri:: to Lccscr the test rc:& :
call at the homes of those who support the rc!i$ous “Omit not a word (thCrcof).” Jcrcminh \:as l,rohih-
organizations as ~~11 as those who attt~l, and thcrc itcd from Icaving out a word or pcrmitt iny all~vllc
prc.sent tbe mcxsa~c of Jehovah. JWUS and his apostles to cCnS0r hi9 IIlCSSilgC. IIc was not to submit a col))’ of
foliowd this course (,Zcts 20 : 20)) and that of itself his spcccli to the trml)lc board or to otht>rs to 1):~
fixes the proper rule by which the servants of God upon and censor it and cut out ccrlniti l):lrtq, whicdli
arc to bc guided at the present time. parts inixht. have a tcntloncy to “shock 1hc rcli,:ions
aeJehovah commanded Jeremiah to “speak unto susccptibilitics” of the clergy or w1iic.h might ap[lc’ar
all” the pcoplc of the various towns or cities that came “pcrser>,c and liable to CauSc riot”. For the MIIIC
to worship at the temple. Originally that was the I’CilSOXl Jehovah’s witnesses, by the Lord’s command-
Lord’s house, but in Jcrcmiah’s time had been made ments, arc prohibited from submitting the mc\\xc or
a house of merchandise, and thcrcforc it was, at Ihe speech to bc delivered to radio censors, to commissions,
time Jeremiah testified, the house of the Lord in name to clergy or to anyone clsc that attempts to cfnhor
only, but not in truth and in fact. The Judcans looked that mcsrage and to eliminate some parts of it that
upon that house or temple as the bulwnrk or guarantee might bc objectionable to religionists. Kot cvcn Jcrc-
t6 them against ai1 national calamities. III this day miah himxclf was to censor that message for any rca?yon
the politicians and the merchants and militari+ look whatsoever. The I,ord God has commanded Jehovah’s
upon “the church”, and particularly the Vatican, as witnesses to speak and has put in his Word what tl:cy
a guarantee of safety to them and as a warrant to shall Sl)Cilli, and for them to ask for permission or t0
carry on their cruel work. All the nations of “Chris- submit to censorship would he a direct violation of
tendom” “have their chaplains, who are the rcligion- God’s commandment. Fear of bodily injury, or the
ists hi& to scrre with the armies and navies. The desire for the admiration of men or a ‘good neighbor-
ruling powers and their supporters look to their re- ly’ feeling, or ‘national patriotism’, so called, or any-
ligious organizations and religious practitioners for thing else, must not be permitted to hinder tl!c full
6omo benefit and as a safeguard against evil. The obedience to God’s commnnclment. Nothing would 1)~
chnrch organizations, that is, the religious practition- an cscusc or justification for putting on tllC soft &:l
ers, all claim to be patriotic and to faithfully support or omitting certain parts of the message of truth.
SEplEYr3r.s15, 1937 @fieWATCHTOWER 2s3

Jehovah’s witnesses must understslnd that they hare for all of good will to repent and find prcscrvation.
no right, power or authority to ‘&ange or substitute The opportunity was open to every individual, from
anything of God’s message. Khethcr the mcssngz the king down to the most insignificant bondservant,
offends or pleases men is not for them to consider. The and thus God put the responsibility for the destruc-
mcssagcof truth is not the mf5sagx of any man, but tion of the city upon those who had such opportunity
is God’s message, and it is enlircly absurd to cren to amend their ways and who refused to do so. In ful-
think of refraining from doi~q what the Almighty fillment of that prophetic picture today Jehovah sends
God has commanded in order to please men or iusti- his witnesses to scrvc a warning upon “Christendom”,
tutions, or to ask selfish, imperf’et men for a permit knowing full well that “Christendom” as a whole
or a license to do what the Almighty God has com- will not change its course but that there are in “Chris-
manded shall be done. Jchouah’s witnesses are not tcndom” some persons of sincerity and of good will
to act in a bell&rent way. The>- should do nothing to toward God who will hear, change their course of
unnecessarily provoke opposition, but they should with action, take their stand on the side of God, and will
calmness, with sobriety, without fear, and with bold- escape the clay of destruction which is just at hand.
ness, dcclaw the messageof truth, regardless of what *l The doom of Jerusalem and the tcmplc was fiscal
any creature may say or do about it. The apostle Paul and was certain to come. (Jer. 1: l-3 ; Ezck. 4: G-S;
was a striking esamplc of one who followed this rule. 2 ICI. 22: 14-20; 23: 2G,27) For eighteen years Jcrc-
E~rywhcrc Paul went the rdigionists opposed him miah had been prcachirlg the truth to the people. Ey
and inflicted upon him bodily bnrm because of his sending his prophet to the city and to the temple, thcrc
faithfulness. Recounting the rnzn$y pcrscCUti(JnSwhich to testify, Jehovah was showing the fsraelitcs or Jews
hc had suffered Paul said: “I klept back nothing that who willfully, that is, intentionally and ktiowingly,
was profitable . . . , but have sbewcd you, and hare defied God and supported the Devil that their destruc-
taught you publicly, and from house to house, . . . tion was certain unless they rcpcntcd. Jehovah matlc
And now, behold, I go bound til t!lc spirit unto rJcr~- those willful ones identify thcmsclvcs as his cncmics.
salem, not knowing the things that shall befall me I&ewisc Jehovah t(Jday gives w;wi~ing and continiics
there : . . . For I have not shunned to dcclarc unto to WarI “ ~h%ten&JIn ” that her doom is scaled, and
you all the counsel of God.” (&ts 20: 20-27) Christ he is showing up tlic rcsporisihlc ones and compelling
Jesus suffered for telling the truth. The prophrts bc- the hypocritical clergy and other rcligionists of
fort him had thus snffcrrd. The apostles, and cspe- “Christendom” to openly identify thcmsclvcs as
eially Paul, suffcrcd great intlignitics ; and why should “goats” worthy of destruction. (Illatt. 25 : 32, 41-46)
Jehovah’s witncsscs expect ta d~cy the i~ord in this Particularly since l!X?, Jehovah has sent forth his
day without being subjected to a like unrighteous witncsscs under the lcadcrship of Christ Jesus and
persecution? The duty of Jehovah’s witncsscs is to has given warning to “Clrristcndom”, not that God
ohcy him. JIc will take care of the result, cxpccts the rcligionists, who knowingly defy hiq Word,
a9It is to be cspcctcd that rcligionists will continue to reform, but hc aflords them the opportunity that
to 1:crseeutethe witnesses of the Lord. God will permit they may h~vc no excuse ; and by willfully rejecting
that, cvcit as hc has permit&l the Devil to carry on his mcssagcof warning and by their willful opposition
his wicked work; but Jchovnh clearly declares that to the proclamation of his kingdom mccisage, they
when his “strange work” is done, in which work hare demonstrated clearly that they arc willingly
Jehovah’s witnesses now have a part, then he will wicked and justly deserving destruction. \Vithin the
execute his “strange act”, and that will be the end religious organizations of “Christendom” there are
of rcligionists and all others that defame God’s name. some meek cnes who arc of sinccrc heart and who ‘lc-
Jehovah’s witncsscs are therefore privilcgcd to cl~oosc sire to be taught the right way, and thcsc arc given
to avoid suffering now and be destroyed by Jehovah, the opportunity to hear the truth and to SCCli a place
or to bc faithful to God at this time, suffer persecution of safety. As the messagedclivcrcd by Jcrcmiah shon s
at the hands of the enemy, arnd receive God’s evcr- the only way of safety, even so now Jehovah’s mes-
lasting blc.ssing. It is easy to be seen, thcrcfore, ‘the sage sent by him through his faithful xitncsscs shows
fear of man lcadcth into a snare.’ the only way to protection and safety.
‘*Jehovah had purposed the destruction of the city ‘*Jehovah sends his ~itnesscs to the pcoplc of
of Jcrusalcm, but he would affartf the way of escapeto “Christendom”, not to convert the world, as the re-
those individuals there who would repent, that is, ligionists claim they arc commissioned to do, God’s
who would change their course of action. “If so be witnesses are sent that they may be a witness unto
they will hearken and turn eucry man from his evil his name and to his kingdom. Therefore Jehovah says :
way, that I may repent me of the evil, which I purpose “Ye are my witnesses” (Isa. 43 : 10-12) ; ye arc com-
to do unto them because of the evil of their doings.” missioned and anointed to declare the day of the
(Jer. 26: 3) Jehovah knew, of course, that the nation vengeance of God, that notice and warning may be
of Israel would not repent ; bnt he gave notice to them had by those of “Christendom” who have heard the
nf what hc would do, and that afforded opportunity name of God and of his Son, Christ Jesus, t hc Savior

of the world, that is, who have some knowledge of God 7: 17,X3, has Jehovah been provoked to anger? Why have
thcv done this?
and his Word and claim to serve him. The witncsscs 1 16, lf. N’hercin will the teligionists find that they not only
of Jehovah do not go about pleading with othtrs to have provoked Jchorah to anger but have ‘ptorokcd thcnl-
come and join some organization. They do not plead selves, to the confusion of their own faces’? Of what
prophetic significance IS the fact that for serenty ycats
with and importune the people to do anything. With Jerusalem was devolntcd of man and beast?
calm dignity and with fcnrlessness they declare unto V 18. Show whether the religious leaders of c‘Christ~ndom’J
the people the messageof Jehovah God and point out, are willfully disobedient. to the commandments of God.
V 19,20. Account for “Christendom ‘9” conduct and contlitton
to who desire to have life, that God has pro- as foretold at Jeremiah 7: 25. In this connection pf’int out
vided the way of safety and life through Christ Jesus the impottanqc of the message of warning which Jehovah’s
and his kingdom. Jehovah’s witnesses make clear to witncPses now are commanded to deliver.
1 21. \Vliat important purpose is served by a* understanding
the pcoplc that the message is not that of auy man, now of the prophetic position occupied hy Jeremiah?
but is God’s message,given as a witness to the nations 1 22’23. Why was Jeremiah to speak to Jetusalrm tho strange
command and arrssagc as stated nt vetsr 291
and to the pcoplc, and that when this messageis de- 7 24. Why did the priestly Lcvites prrmit al)ominations to lm
livcrcd, as commnndcd, the witnesses have discharged rornlnittcd in tho house of the Lord 0 and why did Cod
their responsibility and tliercafter the responsibility permit it? U’hat was fotcshadowcd thcrchy?
V 23,X. To what dots bersc 91 refer? and lirnv is this proplrcry
rests up011 those who have heard. What Jehovah di- fulfilled in the coutsc taken by the tcllgionists of “Chris-
rected Jeremiah to say, with stronger force applies tendom” today?
to those witnesses whom Jeremiah pictured. Why 1 27, 28. E:xplain and apply rcrsm 32, 33.
7 29. IIow and nhy will .Jrhorah do to “the cities of Judah”
must Jchovuh’s witnesses declare to the people what as for&old at verse 34P
shall soon come to pass1 7 30. \Vh:it was the nature of the messago nhich Jehovah com-
mitted to Jeremiah? What was the reason for that mcsqngo
(To be continued) and work in his dayO
v 31’32. \Vhat facts of importance, and purpose of tha his-
QUESTIONS FOR STUDY tolir;ll tccottl, ato WCD nt Jcrcminh OC: 1 and 2 King
1 1. With .sctiptutcs, explain wlwthet p:A ot ptcsmt work 23: 31-X? At Jeteu~iah 26: 22, 2X?
since~dy tfwc in tlw name of the Lord will have Jchovuh’s 7 33, 34. Show that obtadirnce to ,Jcl~ovah‘s commandment
apl”uw1 and 1hu.s111g. (,Jer. 2G: 2) rquitctl strong faith nnfl couruge.
7 2,3. 116~ did Lhc Jews and thcit clergy regard the tclnple 1 Xi, Sti. \Yhnt important ins1ruction for .Jchov:~h‘s wi tncssics
and their tcli,qious worship l’tartlcc:d thcrcm? \Vh:tt \\as is srcn in the commandnrcnt to Jcrcmlah (06: 2) and the
their attilude to!\atd JWUH’ \rntning conceruing the eonnng positive coutso tnken 1)~ him? Clto iutthc~r outut:lmlln::
desltueti~n of the tr*ruplcP Why \$a9 that temple dcrtloyCtll examl’lcs of terord of faithfulness 01 Go11‘x srr\ ants.
Compare thric~\\ith thu situntron in “Chtistcnd6rn”. \Vhnt at the prcscbnt timo \\a~ pictured 1)~ “the Lortl’s
p 4,5. Show that Jeremiah 5: 26-31 was prophetic of “Chtis- house” and J(~tcmiah’s l’cing toltl to “stand in the! POWt”
tendom”. ththrcof. In his ‘spraking unto all tho ritirv of .Jutl:lh ‘f
7 6. \Vhat did Jchovnh do to Bhiloh, and why? Of what ~a8 V 37, 38. Apply the J,ortl ‘s inqtrurtion there gi\rn to Jeremiah:
that tyl&:tl or 1’rophcGcP “Speak . . . nil the rrords Ihat 1 conirn:~n~lthee to sl~:,lc
417. \Vhat \\ill tuntk tlw bccr~nning 6f Armageddon? HOW will unto them; diminish not. a word. ” Citu olhc~r ea:unl~lrzi of
this be aecornl,l~slicd? iif wh:lt will Ih:rt- act l)o cvitlcncet faithful l~erforiti:~nc~c~
of duty under ol’positmn an11 pcr:,e-
1 8,9. How did Jchovnh bring to 1’:~~sthe destruction conretn- cutinn, the terord of which .Jchovah has provided for his
ing Ahich hc gave Iratnmg by Ius ptophct Jcrcrnmh? What faithful Wtvants now on catth.
was pictured thetrin? V 39. \Vhnt may God’s fnithful servants now expert at the
!j 10. Of whom is Is:uah 28: 1-4 ptophctieally dcclatcd, and hands of the reliqir’n&s, nnd whyP What ato Jehovah’s
witncsccs now privllegctl to clioosc?
7 $“Tyo’ whom is Isaiah 28: 14-18 addtcsscd? IIow nnd for 1 40-42. What purpose IS ncen in J&ov:th’s words nt .Jcrrnll:~li
what purpose is that mcssagc of forewarning delivcted to 26: 3, in \irw of the then already clctcrrr~incd cloom of
thcintm Jotusnlem? Compare the message drlivcrcd by Jctcmi:th,
p 12. How has Jctcmiah 7: 1G been having fulfillment? and the purl’oso for nhich it was Gircn, with that pro-
V 13-15. IQ whom, and how, in the fulfillment of Jctemiah claimed by 0lose whom Jeremiah thcto pictured.

EHOVArI’S servant Ezekiel prophesied : “Vio- Existing conditions in “Christendom” toclay arc
lencc is risen up into a rod of wickedness; none perplexing beyond measure to those who know not and
of’ them shall remain, nor of their multitude, nor who refuse to hear the Word of the Lord. Thcsc try
of any of theirs; neither shall there be wailing for to make thcmsclvcs bclicve that their business will get
them. The time is come, the day drawcth near; let better; but it will not. “For the seller shall not return
not the huycr rejoice, nor the seller mourn ; for wrath to that which is sold, although they wcrc yet alive;
is upon all the multitude thcrcof.“--Ezck. 7 : 11’12. for the vision is touching the whole mullitndc thereof,
Kevcr has the commerce of the world been so af- which shall not return; neither shall any strcngthcn
fected as in this present day. Particularly the small himself in the iniquity of his life.” (Ezck. 7: 13)
dealers are sorely oppressed, and their business is bc- There is no adrantagc to the seller in again posscssillg
ing wiped out; and the day of the larger ones is rapid- that which is sold, in order that hc might sell it again,
ly drawing on. It is the time when violence has riscu because the people have nothing with which to buy.
up into a rod of wickcdncss that controls the pcoplcs The commercial situation continues to grow worst, the
of ?he nations. suffering of the people incrcascs, and the clergy falsely

tell the people that God is sending these calamities The statesmen, otherwise called “political rulers”,
upon them becauseof their unfaithfulness to ‘(organ- are even now at their wits’ end. They cast about for
ized Christ iunitg “. Satan is the one chiefly responsible some means of saving the ship of state, but their ac-
for the terrible conditions now esisting, and he is tions are those of a drowning man. Says Jehovah by
causing his agents, the clergy, to falsely charge God his prophet: “The king [the chief ones among the
there&h, in order that the people may be turned rulers] shall mourn, and the prince [the lesser ones
away from Jehovah. The commercial situation con- among the ruling powers] shall bc clothed with dcso-
tinues to grow worse and the people continue to suffer, lat ion, and the hands of the pcoplc [that support
and their suRering will increase. ruling powers] shall he troubled: I will do unto them
“The principal of the flock,” meaning the rich and after their way, and according to their deserts will 1
the mighty and the favored ones, have relied upon judge them; and they shall know that I am the Ilord.”
their wealth and power to protect and sustain them (7: 27) Armageddon is Jehovah’s fight; he will give
and to carry tbcm t,hrough any trouble that might no quarter to the enemy and his supporters.
come, but they are doomed to complete disappoint- Those who have been the favored ones among the
ment. They ha\-e “heaped treasure together for the govcrnmcnts of “Christendom” will seek in vain fur
last days” and think thcrcby that they have a great shcltrr and protection. “In that day a man shall east
advantige and are safe. Hcrctoforc the mighty and his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, which they
the rieh have been abIc to buy their way through. made each one for himself to worship, lo the molts,
When they get into a difficult situation money iq freely and to the bats; to go into the clefts of the rocks, antI
used. It was +Satanwho invented the slogan. “Xloney Into tbc tops of the ragEed rocks, for fear of the I,ord,
talks”; and his agents use this slogan and prove its and for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to
cffoctiveJK!%. They have freely resorted to briberies shake terribly the earth. “-Isa. 2 : 20, 21.
and have been able to buy their way through times Even at the prcscnt time, and bcforc the clerg
of distress, but the wrath of Jehovah God will not be coml~lctely disappear, some still rely upon them atid
plarat~+dnor his baud he held l~lck by their filthy lucre. seek a word of consolation from them, llut find none,
n’ow the ultrarich control the money Ned the food because the clergy have nothing for the pcrp1csed, alit1
supply, and tbcy control the governments. The cries no consolation to give them. The clergmcn know not
of the starving ones, who have really produced the God and his Word; and if they ever I;IICWhis \\‘orcl,
wcnlth of the world, are heard throughout the land, they have gone too far now in their Course of wiClid-
and nm~Jy are bq,‘Ring for bread. l3ig l%usincss,work- ness, alrd they will not SC& to utlder~tand and canno
ing behind the throne of visible power, commancls that uiider~tand it. “Then shall they scelc a vision of the
lhc starring slrali not be fed from the cxchcql~cr of prophet [clergy] : but the law [\Vord of Cod] shall
the government. I)emocracy has ceased to exist, and perish from the priest, and couris~l 1’ronJ the iltlCiClltS
governments are in fact paternalistic so far as they [elders].” (Kzck. 7: 26) That means that those who
oppress and rob the children thereof. now hypocritically claim to rcprcsclit the Lord will
Just at this time there are millions of people in find no words of consolation for sufl’criti~ humat~kind.
Amcriq the land of plenty, who arc starving for food God’s law he caused to be written by >loscs. “Chris-
and who will continue to starve unless charitably in- fendom” boastfully claims to have fashioned her Iil\vs
clined pcoplc will relieve them. The cries of the suffcr- after the law of MOWS,and she points with pritlc to
ing, laborin:: ones, however, have reached the cars of her “splendid” laws. The cvcrlasting covenant of
the God of war, and he i: not unmindful of these God, made with Noah (Gcn. 9: l-G), declares tllc
cries ; and now hc harts his arm for battle and, when sacrcdncss of human life and is ctnbodied in the IilW
it comesto the money of Big Business, that will avail of God written by Moses.This covenant all “Christcn-
them nothing. The oppressors of the people God will dom” has broken and trampled under foot, and has
wipe out. “AH hands shall lx feeble, and all knees spit upon it with contempt. Says God’s prophet:
shall be weak ;15water. They shall also gird thcmsclvcs “Make a chain [that is to say, bind yoursclvcs to-
with sackcloth, and horror shall cover them ; and shame gether in leagues and compacts, chain stores, chain
shall be upon all faces, and baldness upon all their banks, and other organizations by which the 11coplc
hea&. They shall cast their silver in the strcefs, and arc oppressed and exploited] : for the land is full of
their gold shall he removed ; their silver and their gold bloody crimes, and the city is full of violence.” (Kzck.
shall not bc able to deliver them in the day of the 7: 23) The “chain” or combines bctwccn the ecrlc-
wreath of the Lard; they shall not satisfy their souls, sinstics, Big Business and bootlcggcrs will avail them
neither fill their bowels; because it is the stumbling- nothing. Their combined effort to enforce the I’rohi-
block of their iniquity.” (Ezekiel 7 : 17-19) “The love bition law failed in the land of America and has filled
of money is the root of all evil” and is a stumbling- the land with all manner of crime and violence. 1111-
block to all who luxe set their affections thereon. The lions of money wcrc spent in the abortive attempt to
terrible day is advancing to a climax, and there is no cnforcc this unholy law, while the political powers
escape thcrefresn. that manipulated the machinery refused to appro-

priate one dollar for feeding the starving people. Such the Lord.” Jehovah will make his name to he feared
a course of aetion driy-es men to desperation and in- in all the earth, and all shall come to know that Jeho-
creases crime and violence in the land, and it is ever val1 is the God eternal, the God almighty, whose poivcr
on the increase. is irresistible.
Jehovah t1as favored his covenant people with a
In 1928 the clergy of America, by and through the
knowledge of his purposes and has laid upon the
pnhlic prcsv, cried out: “Give the world the Kellogg cldcrs (tl1at is, the mature ones in Christ) the obliga-
Peace Pact for Christmas.’ They continue to cry, tion of feeding and instructin: otl1ers in his Word.
“Peace, peace: when there is no peace.” Says Jeho- (1 Pet. 5: 2) The Lord is using and has used 2’ite
vah: “ Though they cry in mint cars with a loud voice, Il’utcl~tower from its foundation as his channel of
yet will I not hear them.” (Ezck. 8: 15) Jcl1oval1 will communication to and between his people; and duri11g
declnrc no truce with the Devil’s organization. He is tlic past few years 2’ke Il’crtcAfowcr has rcpeatctlly
marching to war and will not back down. “Dcstruc- called attention to Satan’s wicked organizatiou. In the
tion comelh ; and they shall seek peace, and there shall face of all this, however, thcrc have hccn certain so-
be none.“-Ezck. 7 : 23. called “elders”, wise in tlicir own minds, who have
Jesus prophesied that Armageddon will hc the worst not been persuaded that tl1e l)cvil has an orgilnization
tribulation that ever came upon tl1c world, and that at all. ‘At least,’ say they, ‘we should go easy and
it shall con1plctcly ~-reek the hypocritical organiza- say nothing about the clergy and tlicir alI& in the
tion that Satan has builded U~J. The prophecy of organization tl1at controls the world.’ The Imlicy of
Ezekiel reads : “Whcrcfore I will bring the worst of tlicse “elders” is to speak softly, ‘that cvcn the clcrry
the hcathcn [nations J’ and tticy shall ~~osscss tticir miglit be won over to the Lord’s side.’ Snmc~of tl1e
houses; I will also make the pomp of the strong lo weaker ot1cs who dcsirc to hear nothing aqairlst the
cease; and their l1oly ~~l:lccs shall lx dofilcd.” (Ezck. clergy say, in substance: ‘Our oldest cldcrs, who arc
7:2P) Tl1is entrnot rcfcr to tl1c nations called “hca- most fully dcvclopcd iI1 the Lord, say notl1ing about
then”, such as the Hindus, and Chincsc, and lUoham- the Devil’s orgauization ; thcr1 why slJoulll lhcsc
mcdans. These arc not the worst of tl1c nations, lwcausc yourl~cr Oll~S, w110 have rccrntly bcc11 lJlYJrl~llt to :I
God dcelitrcs that ttypocritiral “ Cl1ristcndom” is tl1e knowledge of the trutl1, say anything aR;Iinst them
worst of all. arid others of the organizatio11 of’ tliis world?
The word here translated “hcathcn” means na- Tl1e Society 11asbeen scvcrcly critic&d bccausc of
tions. God’s 0rgilniz;;tion is !iis cl1oscn nation. When the plain sti~tcmenls made in II’llc I\‘afcl~fowcr md
-I\rmageddon is over, it will he rcco:nixcd that the in its other publications concerning Satan’s org:ani/.a-
organi7ation of J&oval1 is tlw “wwst” tl1ing that tion. Th~sc publications, howwr, must tell tllc trut II,
ever came against Satan’s organization, and t hcrcforc or else they will cease to bc used by the I,ord. I,cbt
they will rcalizc that God has sent against them that tl1osc who have objected to ally speech or l11111licntio11
which is the very worst for them. Tl1c Ilord by 11is about Satan’s organization arid tlic various clcif~rrls
organization will make a &an sweep of lrypocritical tlierCOf giVC consideration to tlic eighth ch:l[)tcr (If

“Christendo1n “, and tlic frightfulness of the military 1Szckiel’s propliccg. If they bclicvc what tl~c Scrip-
forces of Satan’s organization will hc nothing com- t urcs say, and if they understand the commission Clocf
pared to the fright that Jcbovnh’s organization wil has given to llis cove\x~nt people, ihen Ict thcru t&c
give the Devil’s crowd. “Tl1ey sl1all know that I am tl1e proper attitude toward Satan’s organization.


N TIIE English translation of tl1e Greek manu- (Matt. 10: 28) ILerc he plainly says tliat gcJ1c?1xn,
I script of the Bible, “hell” is used to translate
tl1rcc Greek words, each having a different mtan-
hg. Tl1cse words are gcltc~~ma, Andes, a11d tartaroo.
translated “1x11”, means destruction. 0x1~ ma11111ight
kill anotl1cr one, and the one killed would lx rcsur-
rected in due time; but if God destroys 11imITc would
The Grcclc word yeAe~1nais found in this statement destroy 11is very right to esistcncc, and then tl1crc
by Jesus, namely: “If thinc eye offend thee, pluck it would bc for 11i1nno resurrection.

Cod with one eye, than,

out: it is better for thee to enter into tt1c kingdom of
having two cycs, to hc cast
into hell fire [ge8e*ttca] : where tl1cir worm dicth not,
The Greek word kudcs, translated “hell”, means
the condition of death from wl1icl1 there shall be a
resurrection. Gc~tc~za means a condition of death
and the fire is not quenched. “--i\Iark 0 : 47’48. from which there shall be no rcsurrcction.
Again Jesus used the same word gel~emn, in this In Jesus’ day the clergy were his real enemies, al-
test: “And fear not them which kill the body, hut are though they claimed to represent Jehovah God. They
not able to kill the soul : hut rather fear him which is were hypocrites, misrcprcscnting Jehovah and mis-
able to destroy both soul and body in hell {gehcnna].” leading the people. Ue plainly told them that they
GUTEMBER 15, 1937

were the servants of the Devil. (John 8: 44) After k and consistent with Jehosah. Such is punishment, but
had entcrcd the temple and driven out the money is not torment.
changers, hc delivered a discourse to the Pharisees and There are dcgrecs of punishment. If a man robs a
others of the clergy of that time, and in that conncc- house and is convicted he sufrers punishment by im-
lion he said to them : “Ye serpents, yc generation of prisonment for a stated period of time. If he murders
V~~JCIS, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?” a man his punishment is death. In the one case his
(hlatt. 23: 33) The word gehe~wn is the Greek word punishment is for a stated period; in the other case
here used, and translated “hell”. These men had it is lasting or everlasting. When God destroys the
sinned against light. Tbcy knew that Jesus 6as the wicked it will be everlasting destruction, from which
Messiah, and yet they 1)ersccuted him and sought to there is no resurrection. It is therefore eternal or
kill him. B:ccause they had this light, and persisted “everlasting destruction”.
in sin, he was asking them the question, How is it The Scriptures therefore establish beyond a qucs-
possible for you to escape eternal destruction?- tion of doubt that the billions of people who have dictl
1Ieb. G: 4-6. from Adam until now are dead, unconscious, and
therefore know not anything. Is there hope that tbcy
The Greek word tartatw is rendered in the English
shall live agaia? Yes. To provide for their living again
Diblc by the words “cast down to 1~21”. There is no
is the very purpose of (jod’s arrangement concerning
reason why this should lw construed as meaning s
place of conscious torment. The scripture refers to the man, and to give them hope is his purpose in hrin$ng
ahascd condition of the wicked nngols who had rc- them to a knowlcdgc of the truth. Tn his due time (;od
lwllcd with Satan and who materialized as giants on will open the way for these billions of dead to live
earth in Koah’s day. The offendin:: an:cls wrc abased again.
o~rd sent illto the condition rcprcscntcd by “chains It is illuminating to take note of some Scriptural
of darkness”. texts proving that God speaks of the dead a$ though
they were asleep. Moses was faithful as a servant of
The alJOStl0 Pctcr (2: 2: 4) writes: “God spa& God. “And the Lord said unto ,\Ioscs, I~choltl, thou
not the ilII@lS thaZ sinned, but cast them dolvlt to Iteli shalt sleep with thy fnthrrs.” Adam was tllc filthor
and delivered them into chains of dnrl~~ss, to he or”the human race ;llId thcrcfore oIlc of I?fOSW’ fatlirrs.
rcscrvcd unto judgment.” The apostle Jude writes: If Adam wctlt to ctcrnal formcut, ttlcn ~10s~ did also.
“And the angels which kept not tlicir first estate, The Lord told 1)avid what was to take pl:~co with
hut left. t iicir own habitatioi1, hc bath rcscrvcd in rcfcrcncc to him, ilIlC1 tlirll said : “Alid when thy days
cvcrlast in:: chains, untlcr darkness, unto the judg 1~ fulfilled, . , . thou slinlt 61~1) with thy fat hers.”
nwnt. of the g-cat day.” (Jude G) The thou$lt con- (2 Sam. 7: 12) Again it is wriitcn conccrnirlg Ijavid:
veyed iq that tlicy were nbascd before all ttic licavcnly “J?or Ijavid, after hc had scrvctl his own g:c~twration
creation and wcrc sciit into that colidition there to by the will of God, fell on slwp, atrd was laid unto his
await final disposilion iI1 the judgment. Urldoubtcdly fathers, and saw corruption.” (Acts 13 : 36) When
the csprcssion “chains of dill’l<llCSS” liar rcfcrcncc to David was in great distress hc feared lest hc shou!d
tlw rcstraiued condition without li::bt on (iocl’s pur- die, and in his sorrow he prayed unto God : “ Cowidcr
pose or light of his favor.--Natt. 23: 13; 25: 30; and hear me, 0 Lord my God ; lighten mine cycs, lest.
1’s. 20: 5. I sleep the sleep of death.“-1’s. 13: 3.
Jehovah God dcclarcs that he will punish the wick- Lazarus of Uctbany, a brotlicr of alary and Martha,
cd, and that the punishment shall bc ctcrnal. The with whom Jesus had oftrn visited and whom hc loved,
rlcrgy try to make it appear that eternal punishment hccamc sick and died. Jesus 1~1Icw that Lazarus was
aud ctertml torture arc one and tbc same thing. They dead, hut his disciples did not know it. JCS\IS,slxalting
::rc not. Ucath is the highest penalty 1mow1I to the of his death, said to them : “Our Ericlid IAIZill’llS slccp-
law of any land. No punishment could bc gl.cater than cth; but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep.”
complctc destruction. Such is the punishment that Kot uuderstanding at the time what hc I11(bi\llt,his
God will inflict upon the willfully wicked. It is writ- disciple9 said: “Lord, if he sleep, he shall do well.
ten (Ps. l-15: 20) : “All the wicked will he destroy,” Howbcit JCSUSspake of his death: but they thought
He will punish the wicked with crerlasting dcstrug that he had Sp(Jh?Il of taking of rest in sltq. ‘l’hc~I said
tion.-2 Thcss. 1 : 9. Jesus unto them plainly, Lazarus is dead.“-John
Tbc Devil is the chief one amongst the wicked. God 11: 11-14.
will ultimately destroy the Devil. (1Icb. 2: 14) Dc- Jrsua and his disciples then procecdcd to I~cthany,
struclion of the willfulIy wicked is not fiendish, but where Lazarus had died. Arriving there they found
is an act of justice and love on the part of Jehovah. hi3 sisters wecl)ing fur sorrow. At that time LaZilITIS
The wicked, if permitted to csist forever, would be a had been dead four days aud buried in the grave,
dishonor to God’s name aud a menace to creatures bound with gravcclothcs, as was the custom then.
~110love Jcbovah, aud would be of no value to thcm- Lazarus was a good man; but he was not in lwavc’n,
selves; thcrcfore their destruction is in harmony with as the preachers would make it appear. Nor was he in

a place of torment OPin “purgatory”. Hc was in the will experience an instantaneous resurrection, being
grave, in the condition of death, or in hell, as the changed to life and immortality. The billions of peopic
Bible uses that word. Jesus went to the tomb, which who are dead and in their tombs will be awakened out
~8s closed with a large done; and causing the stone of death for trial and judgncnt, and therefore the
to be roBed away, he called to Lazarus and awakened resurrection or bringins up of the people to life in its
him out of death. “And he that was dead came forth, fullncsq will be a gradual work.
bound hand and foot with graveclothes: and his face Without the resurrection of the dead the ransom
was bound about with a napkin. Jesus saith unto them, sacrifice of Jesus would bc of no avail. Having in mind
h him, and let.him go.“-John 11: 41. that four thousand years prior to his death :und resar-
It was on that occasion that Jesus said to Alartha: rection men had been going into the grave, it is mani-
“I am the resurrection, and the life : hc that believcth fcst that the ransom sacrifice provided by Jesus’ death
in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and could be of no benefit to those who wcrc then dead un-
whosoever Iiveth and bcliercth in mc shall never die. less they should 1)~awakened out of death. The a\vak-
B&west thou this?” (John 11: 25,26) JCSUSwas ening of all such out of the sleep of death, and givirlc;
here stating the great truth that into his hand3 Jcho- them a fair trial for life, is consistent with every otller
vah God had eommittcd all power to awaken the dead part of the divine purpose, and is just what shoul(l
and that in clue time God would bring forth the dead be rspccted of the great loving Jehovah.
by him. The awakening of Lazarus was but a sample If the clergymen wcrc right in their rollelusions that
of what God through Christ .Jcsus in due time will do. the destiny of everyone is fixed at death, that 111~
Concerning this Jesus testifictl, saying: “Verily, good go to hca~n and that the evil go to “ pnrg.:ltor.s ”
verily, I ruy unto you, The hour ~omcth, and now is, or to torment, then why shol11dthere Ix a rc\urrcctiou
when the &ad shall ltcar the voice of the Son of God ; at all7 All tlic scriptures that speak of the awalicning
and they that hear slrall live. Jlarvcl not at this: for of the dead are mcaninplers if the dead arc alrcatl~
the hour comcth in which all that arc in the tombs conscious in hcavcn, “purgatory” or hell. The Scrip-
shall hear his voice, and shall come forth ; they that turcs thcrcforc flatly contradict the theory of the
have done go:ood,unto tltc rcsurrcction of life; and clergy. The strange thin? is that the 1)cvil IlilS ho lo1lg
they thaf have done evil, unto the resurrection of succeeded in blinding the pcoplc to the truth and in
judgment. “-John 5 : 2.5,!%,29, !I’. I’. inducing them to accept the false clergy tca~hin~rs.
These scriptures arc eonciusivc in proving that the There is nothing more wonderfully and hcautifulli
dead artz wholly unconscious, and that in God’s due taught in the I%iblc than the doctrine of tlic rcsurrc::-
time through Christ the dead sllall I)c awakened. tion of the &ad. It shops a reason for t11cdcnth of
Resurrection means a standing up again unto life. Christ Jesus, the bclov~~l Son of God, a114why (;cxl
The awakenin:: of the dc::tl is but the lqinninl: of the m&d him out of death. It iy a manifcs;tat ion of God’s
re3urr&ion. Those who will cornposc the new creation loving-kindness toward the human family.

Boch~lec. s. Y. ._..-.. Ocl. 10, ;$ VI lY:~lll1:l. N Y. . . . . . . . . . . qyt. I!)
OaJm?ltJ. s. Y. . . . . . . . ...- - \vr~.t:dtl. s. Y. . . . . . . . . . .
bkdinn. s. le. ._.. ..... ...- es IS .Jm~ws~o\t II. X. Y. . . .._... ‘* go
Iaekpuct. s. Y. . . ..-.- - 14 ~hlo\~ll~~. ,\. Y. . . .. . . . “ ::
Xiz,cca IWlr. N. S. ‘* ;; )‘r:~nklln\Ille. AX. Y. . . . . :; 15
!f’Ohtl\CWb, s. I’. . . . . ” l’wr’y. S. y. . . . .. . . . . . .. . .
Butalo. XI. .____
-.-” 17,1X ‘~Ulmm, LX. Y. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . ” “3:

Louis\ ille, Kg. . . .._ ..Scpt. 20, 27 hYn\r1\\oot1 TCK. . . . ..ovt 1’) “0
l’nducnlr. l-e.. _.__. . . . . . . 1‘ 23 J’r~J~lv Te; __ . __ . _ *( ’ 2.1’ ”
JAtr1c l:~~ck. .\Pli. . . . .oct. 13 l.:mAiA, T&z. .___’ :.. ._ “ ’ z*i
l‘o1t \voclll Tcs __.___..1‘ J~ul~111~. 'JW. ,1 2-L
no\\ le. '1 e;. -... . . . . . . “ IJP LCOl, '1'CT :: : ..'I. " "1;
Nmcr:11 \\'eus. 'l-es. ___. “ l::~n~~‘c, ’ TC\.’ _. :.. .: “ pi
Brer:.Pllrlll~l~, I+?. _... “ 10. 11 r:I:lnlJurs ‘I‘CY. . . _. ” 2s
Alnlenr, Tcu. _____._...._._ “ 13. 1 J r::ttP\\llk:, ‘Jk*. . . . . . . 0‘ 3
Cl)de. ‘l-Cl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ ‘l’cw~plc. 1 I’l. ._. . . . . . . . ” 30. :; 1
L R. MACMILLAN CoJenmn, Ter. .._..___.___‘I lc, :! l:osdd, Il’c\-. . . . . . . .Sor. 2
EcamdoavfBc. \V.\*a. Sept 2G rI~we\\ell, va. . . . . . . . . . . .. Oct. 14
H~ecstoar Mtl. ___._.__ _ 28. 9 I’~ler>l,ur”. VP. _ . . . . . . a‘ 1% 10 A. S. WRIGHT
Mxicbeda. Vn. _._ . . .._. H 30 senport Nc!\\.c. K-a. _._. ‘f .17,15
Gore, K-a -___. . . . ._-__... Oct. lf:mll,ton. Ya. . . . ._...._.._ “ 20
Fmmt Royat, Vn. .__ - ; Kocfolk. va. ___......._._. ‘( 21-24
art. mlwfa\l. k-3. -__- Suffolk, va ____.._.__._...“ 2G
Wayacs~ Tn. . . . ._... ‘8 f c-apt 011, vn. __..____.._....“ 27
yJwl&J;;~\~. . I .__.- 7. s Soutl1 noston. Vn. . . . . “ 2s
Y CJultll:rnl. va. _____...... _. ”
I;iehmonrt Vb. .e.:.,: - 10.1: IJnu~llle. VR. ._. . .._..-... ‘I 30. f:
Imhcc tile& K-it. . ..-_ - 13 Clackton, Va. . . .._.._..- X0-s. 2
117 Adams Street - Brooklyn,
N.Y., U. S. A. T IfIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling
the people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as
expressed in the Bible. It puhlmhcs B:ble instruction
specifically designed to aid Jehovah’s wltncssc9 and all pcuple
J. F. RGTHERFORD President W. E. VAX AMBURGE Secretmy
of good X\111.It arranges systematic Bible studv for it3 rc:at:csrs
“And all thy ch i Id ren shall be taught of Jehovah; and and the Society supplies other hternture to aid-in such stuillcs.
It publishes suitable material for rad,o hroadcnseq and for
great shall be the peace of thy children.” -II&h 54~3. other means of public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adhere9 strictly to the BIblo as authority for its uttcr-
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH antes. It is entirely free and scparttte from all parties, wcta
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, is from everlasting or other worldly orqmizutions. It is wholly and without
to everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver rwervstion for the kmgdom of Jehovah God under Christ
of lit to hi.9 creatures; that the Logos was the hrgmnmg of his beloved King. It 19 not dogmatic, but invitus cn~cful
his creation, and his actire agent in the creation of all thmgs; and critical examination of its contents in the light of the
that the Logos ia now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed Scriptures. It does not inrlul::c in controversy, aud its col-
with all power in heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive umns nre not open to personahtlcs.
Offieer of Jehovah,
THAT GOD created the earth for man, ereated perfnt
mnn for the earth and pluccd him upon it; that man m~llfully
disohcyed God’s law nntl waa scntcnced to death; that by
rcwwn of Adnm’e wrong net all men arc born sinners and
without the right to Lfc.
THAT JESlJS \va9 made human, and the man Jesus suf-
fered dmtb in order to product the rnnsom or redemptive
price for all mankind; tl,:tt God rlriscd up Jesus divine and
exalted him to hcalcn above every crcaturu and nbovo erery
name and clothed him wvlth all power and authority.
that Clrrist .JWUS is the Chicsf Oniccr thcrcof and j9 the
rightful King of the world; thnt the anointed nnd fnithfui
followcra ot Christ .Jcsus nre children of %lon, mcmbcrs of
Jchorah’a organirrttion, nnd nro hi4 11it,wss(~s whoso duty and
rivilqo it is to trstify to thn buprrmncy of J(+o\-nh, declare
ri 19 purpnscs townrd mnnkintl as cxprrsscd in tho Bihlc, and
to bear tho fruits of tho kingdom before all who will hear.
THAT Tl IE \sIORL.l> 1,:~ entlcd, awl the Lord Jcsua Christ
has bwn plawtl by 3~1ho~:d~upon his throne of authority,
has ousted Sat:tn flom henren :nltl is proccrding to the
estublishmcnt of God ‘Y kingdom on cnrth.
THAT Tlli’ RELlS’l: und blessings of the pcoplcs of cwth
can eomc only by :ml tl,rough .I~+owh ‘9 kingdom under
Christ, which ho9 now h-Sun; that the I,ord ‘Y next cleat
PCt is the dcqfruction of &tan% orgpnimtion awl the cst:,b-
Iishment of ri~hteousnws jn tho wrtl,, :wl th:tt undc>r the
kiwhu all those who wiil obey its r~ghkous 1~s shall lire En tcred as second-does mntlcr at the pant o(/kx nt lyn,
on earth forcrer.
- - -_-___----- __I_
under the .lcL 6J Jto~clr. 3, lwl.
The next testimony pe~wd, Ovtohr 2-10 inzlnsire, \\ill be
world wide, cot*xtcns,vc with the earthly rcalin of the King uf
kitp, after whoxo 11tIc Ihe pcrlod is n:~mctl. The pul~l~c:~tm~
now uf the book l~zclrstrin tunny I:uqu:~gc~smakes It appropriuta
for this book to ho conwntrntcd on tlwn, the S:WICto he oll’rred
togHim will, a wlf hoohlct. Other tl&tils of the scrv-
co\c~rc(l ltESIlTT4UCES . .
ice ha\c been publrshcd in the Znformnnt, which plcnsc conwlt. Enctosinq coin or currcncp \\ith an order for books or olhcr
Your prepn,:~tions am1 nrrnngcmcnts rornpletctl, tliw carry on puhlientions often results 111 dis:~ppo~lltnirxit 11 IIC~I the 8cikder
as to the King of kings. Your prompt report wll IX awn&d. is notified that neither order nor ,cn,ltt:lncc II:!* lwtw rcwl\q-tl
by us. In this day of dlsturlrcrl finnnpi:ll conlllt,ons cv~*n t!lc
NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETlNG use of chwks in\olws a nw~lles~ r,sk. \v(I 811~;;vst ttmt crcry

Pursuant to the piorisiou of law nnd the chnrtcr of the one use the rnonry or&r (cithclt postul or cxp~c~s). Iiwp c:lc.t,
Watch Tower I:,hle rtnd Tract Sorwty, notice is Iwrchy @en mnnq order rccclpt for refcrrncc. For nil wm,t I:ruw9 thrbw,nc*y
that tho annual husin(‘-4 meotlng of tl,c said Sopiety will he nrtlct shortlt? he mntle pny:tl,Ic IO tlte Wntch Toner lI~I,lc 6: ‘I’rwt.
Sorictv, v.rtl, a mrmor::rlrlur~l ntt:ivlwtl 0s to how mw11 I9 1115ir14
held at Pittslmtgh, Korth Side (formctlv Bllcghcny), l’cnn- for 2’11s I:‘nfchfotr:cr, Ior The (ic ‘,l+w .-lgc, or foi an\tl!ing clrc.
sylvanin, at tea o’clock a.m., Montlny, ~ovcmbr~t 1, 1’337, at Do not remit to Intclnntionnl U,l)le Students ,~s&atiun.
which the usual annual busmess will be tr;msnctcd. -

All m:til pertaining to m:ltte,s of the Socistv sl~ould hc

The Society now rnnnutwtures wd hns to ofrrr a light-weight addficwll to tho \\‘atch Toucxr I~ilde 6: ‘i’ra~~t HoGivty, ritrt tu
phonograph, which 1s 14 by 13 by 5 lrwhcs III size, nnrl cokered individuals. Wits insu, CY l)rolw handling and nttcn+ Ion. Mww
with brown cloth and hnving rounded co, ners. tt ~e,ghs U pounda of the brethren think thnt bcenuse they spenk a fo,ciEn t~~nquo
13 uunew. \\‘ith the thrw phonogru~)h dws wl,,(*h MU he c:nrr,ed they must arldrcs9 tliclr h:tc,a lo ww iiid,r,(lu:ll at the olilc:~.
In it, it WPI~IIR 12 p0und9 6 ounces. The \ulumc OF SOUIM~ 13 Th,s should never he dour. ‘I’he Focir+y n ill rite nttcntlun in
strong, and the tune ,Y of the best quality. A9 alupped out lrum due course to all letter9 addressed to it, regard&s of I:uigw:~g~.
VOL.LVIII OcroBER 3, 1937 NO. I9


f’As I have done to SAilol~.“Jer. 7: 14.
EIIOPATX announced his ultimatum to the pcoplc which is administrrcd through Christ Jesus the T:r-
of Jerusalem, sending it by his servant Jeremiah. dccmcr. Each individual must mcarurc for hirns*i f
IIC gil\'C that pcoplc t imc to amend their ways and and dcterminc for himself whcthcr hc is on the sic!c of
to respond properly to his ultimatum. EC had tolcr- God or the side of the Devil. To condemn the l~copie is
atcd that unfaithful nation for a long while. The time not the purpose of Jehovah’s witnc~scs. Their duly
had now come when there must be a sl~owdown for is to declare God’s mcssa=e, and that only. A cleix~tc
Jcrusalcm. That was a prophetic picture of “Chris- or :irgurIWlt With Some false prOplWt \\oUld MJt h! Olll
t cndom ’ ‘, the unfaithful crowd that claims to bc ihe Of the way, when this is done public*ly for the [Jul’pJW
pcoplc of God ; and to “Christendom” now is sent of cnal&ng the people to see tlic truth ; I,ut sirrglirl~;
the ultimatum of Jehovah God, and what Jeremiah out individuals, and saying to them what shall bc tlieir
dcclarcd applies more particularly to “Cliristcndom”. end, is an improper thing to do.
“And thou shalt say unto them, Thus saith the Lord, a The rrligionists of JCl7lsi:lctll attcnditl:: and sup-
If ye will not hrarlrcn to mc, to walk in my law, which porting the tcmplc s(lrvicc, bcin, 0‘ .sell-righteous, woi11~l
I have set before you, to llcarlicn to the words of my appear to i~c very incli~nant ljy reason of bein:: told by
servants the prophets, whom I sent unto you, both Jcrcminh in the prcscmz of others that (;otl’s jucl,:-
rising up early, and sending Iiicm, but yc have not merit was about to bc cxccutctl upon lhcm. No clouht
hcarltcncd; then will I malrc this house like Shiloh, those practitioners of the Jews’ religion, the cler:>
and will Inalic this city a curse to all the nations of in particular, concluded that ttic nicssaqe tlclivcrc[l
the earth.“-Jrr. 26 : 4-G. by Jcrcmiah \vas lilicly to C~USC a riot itlld t’or tlr:rt
2 Let the prrscnt-day servants of Jehovah take note reason \\‘ilS subversive and ShcJlihl not h hcnrd, anal
of this fact, that Jcrcmiah was not to utter his ocn hcncc Jeremiah must ~JCsilcnccd. ‘l’hcy would rc:l\on :
opinion as to what should come to pass; nor was hc “Why ShOUld WC, who are the lcadcrs ilTld tc:lrhcrs of
to volur;tcer his ntlvicc as to what the Isrnelitcs si~ould Israel, be disturbed and have our people tlisturlxxl
do. 11~ was to &liver God’s message and give the by this man JercmiahP” It is exactly so today, th.rt
I~ople to undcrstantl that the only may of cscapc was tlic clergy and the principal 011~sof their flOCli, wh
the way which the Lord had pointed out to them practice religion for personal gain, bccomc very in-
through his M’ord. A self-important man, ambitious dignant bccausc of the message of (:od’s \\‘orcl tll;!t
to shine in tlic cycs of others, tither of that day or is now delivered by his u-itncsscs. The indignant clcrxy
of the present time, would attempt to convey to the induce the courts to rule that the message tlclivcrctl
pcoplc the conclusion that hc, the man, was or is “a by Jehovah’s witnesses is subvcrsivc and tends to dts-
wise one”, giving infallible advice to the people. Today turb the peace and quietude of the nation and is sctli-
some who profess to be the followers of Christ Jesus tious, and that those witnesses who utter the mc++;t~c
assume Iliat very attitude, that they may appear im- should be punished and the publication of the KM-
portant. Jehovah’s milncsses arc not to add to nor to sage prohibited. It is the will of God that the rcli$on-
dclctc any part of God’s mcssagc. It is his ultimatum, ists should have no reason to plcad ignorance or la(*k
and not the ultimatum of man, Do not go to some in- of knowledge of his coming wrath upon his cnc~nic~~.
dividual and tell him that hc is of the Devil and is Therefore hc commands his witncsscs to say to them
going to be dcsiroycd. Say that Jehovah announces as did Jeremiah : ‘If you will not hcarkcn unto the
his purpose and that purpose is, as set forth in his Lord, and rvalk in his ways which he has set before
Word, to soon destroy all rcligionists, all hypocrites, you, then God mill take action, as he has dcclarcd.
and all who remain on the side of the Devil, and that The responsibility rests upon you.’ The rcligionists
He has provided a way of escape and that way is for of totlay have the Bible, which is the Word of God,
each individual to seek God and his righteousness, and now they arc rcmindcd that the Bible is the only

proper guide and that their refusal to hear and to obey fane my sanct,uary, the excellency of your strength,
God’s law, as set forth in Iliv Word, the Bible, estops the desire of your eyes, and that which your soul
them from ever thcreaftcr pleading ignorance of what piticth ; and your sons and your daughters whom ye
God will do to them, especially when their attention have left shall fall by the sword. . . . And ~vhcn this
is dire&y called to the prophecies. Several years pre- cometh, ye shall know that I am the Lord Cod.”
vious to the coming of Jeremqiah to Jerusalem with (Ezok. 21: 21-24) The Roman Catholic IIicmrchy or-
the messclgeof Jehovah, God had caused the book of ganization occupies a position exactly similar to that
the law to be found and brought to light, and tho king orcupied by the rcligionists of Jerusalem. Jehovah
caused it to be read in the hearing of the people, and gives them an ultimatum and dcclnrcs: “If ye will
the people agreed to obey. (!Z Ki. 22: 3-20; 23: l-3) not hcarkcn to me, . . . then will I make this house
Likewise for forty yenrs prior to 191s God caused the like Shiloh. ” That declaration of truth sounded so
“Elijah work” to be done by his servants by bearing strange to the religionists of Jerusalem that it was
the mc.ssageof IIis kingdom to the people. For years beyond bclicf. They would rWSfJn like this: “Our
“Christendom” has had the Mole, and, in the past hnple iS not 8 merC? knt Or bXl~JOrary rCSifhf?C, SUdI
fifty gc.arsand more, millions of Uibl~~sand hooks and as our fathers had at Shiloh. Kow for clod to Ict that
tracts have been published and distrihutcd, callinq temple, which bears his name, to bc wwAcd, would
attention to tlic I3ibIe prophtxics, which announce bc to let his name bc rcproachcd, illld such a thin!! is
God’s purpow toward the pcwplrs of earth. Since the IJrCpOStCrOUS. It is to0 Stran$! t0 h Worthy Of ~J(!k!f,
coming uf Christ Jesus to the tcmpie in 191s hun- and this man Jeremiah, who thus states, is not to be
dreds of millions of books aud tracts have been dis- bclicvetl. ” The religious Icadcrs of “Christc~Iom”
tributcd ainon~st the IwOjJlC, s[KVi%atty catliiig attctl- today reason in like manner. Th(!ir clergy ~~OCJ~i-~mh
lion of the rcligionists of “Chrislcndom” to Jc1~oral~‘s the idea of destruction coming upon them :lnd say
dec4arcd purpose by and through Cl&t dcsus to dc- that Jehovah’s witncsscs arc CfjmmuniSts olwr;lting
stray all o:)podtion to his kirrqrlom. ‘~Chl~istcndom,” under the cloak of rcli:ion. In I his way the rrl~ro;~ch
ttiwcforc, Iiirs rcccivcd the ultimatum ahl is still rc- that fell upon Cllri\t Jesus and his clisci~jlcs, ior flc-
wiving the nwsa~c clwlarin~ tlic same. livcring the truth, uow falls upon Jehovah’s v illing
4 The Jsrnclites were a tgl)icnl pcoplc, and the witncsscs.
prophecy was written and uttcwd really to bc applied g Jclrovah further dcclnrcd that he would ‘make
to “Christendom “, the antitypiral people who claim Jcrusulcm a curse to all nations’. ‘1’1~ religious .Jc\\w
to he Gad’s people on the wrth. .Jc~lrowll S;I~Sto them did Ilot bclicvc tllat tlcclarntion, I)ut C:o(l aftrbr\\:lrtiu
now: ‘If you will not hear me, your punishrucnt sl~all pcrforincd exactly llis pii~~posctand as ho liar1 1’0~~~10lc1.
follow. Why dots God give tlwm such an cml)h:\t ic AI1 nations have cursrd lsrwl hiliw, illltl at ~\rrn;tcrcd-
warning, swing, as hc slates, “ye IlilVC llot lwnrkcncd”? don all the nations will curs0 tlic wliqionists of “Chris-
The reason is that thcxy may 1x3duly informc~clant1 may tendom”. Now clod’s “holy nation” and all lwol~lc
therefore bwr their own iniquity. Their wming dc- of good will who prorlaim the triitli pronounce (:otl *s
struction iu nobody’s fault but their own, alit1 tlic curse upon “Christcud~~m” X3 ~Ollllll:llltl~d. iIll< for
only way for the servants of God to rclicvc tl~cnwelvcs cluing this in obcdiciicc to God’s command tlrc qlerqv
of rwponsit~ility is to tlrlivtr to “ Christrndom” the ant1 the principal of their flock dcnoutwc .Ic~l~ov;~lt ‘d
messa* of (hd’s \VilrIlill~ as cotnmn1~~lcf.l. (l<ZCk. mitncsscs. This was forcslx~dowrxl by what is rw11~11~~11
33: S-12) No one could hnvc any rcasonal~lc cxcusc to to wit : “ S6 the priests, and the propllcts, and i\II tlic
say that God has taken snap jud::mcnt of them. They people, heard Jcrcminh sl,cakillg tlwsc UWIY~S in the
cannot say that God is not long-suflrring. Jcllovah house of the Lord.” (Jcr. 2G: 7) When the 1h1n11
gives them ample warnin:; and ample tirnc to repcnf, Catholic Tticrawhy and their supporters Iwnr the
and for that reason the “strange work”, the witness mcssngc of God delivered by his faithful wittiw,cs
work, goes on and will continue until God‘s time to today they say: “our rcligkJUS SUScC~j!ibilitiCS ;I1’C
hegin fhc dcstruclion. greatly shocked and our rcliqious ljridc is j;lrwtl lay
o The religionists at Jeru~alcm took great pride in the ntterance of Ihcse words of Jehovah’s witnwcs
the temple. The Roman Cntholic llitwwcl~y and their against our time-honored and most holy and 1cnc~xl)Jc
rciigioos supporters take great pride in the so-called institufion ; and their words arc l)rcpostcrous nlltl are
“Catholic church ’ ’ aud in their 11idcou.4y const ructcd strange beyond belief. ” That is what the Jews sai(l;
cathedrals. God established the Isrnclites as his pco- and that is what the Catholic aild other rcligionists
ple. The Roman Catholic church has voluntarily as- now say. The priests of the Roman Catholic lli~~r-
sumed to bc the people of God on earth, posing as arch?; and other clergy of the rcligionists, being so
such. B6th the Israelites and the Catholic JIierarchy much conccrncd about tlicir jobs and rcwiiuc ariling
point with pride to the material so-called “church” therefrom, feel greatly outraged bccaus~ of tllc mcs-
building. This is further shown by the liords of the sage proclaimed by Jehovah’s witncsscs, which tells
prophet Ezekiel, aho wrote: “Speak unto the house of the disaster coming upon organized religion. Wing
of Israel, Thus s&h the Lord God, Behold, I will pro- made to nppcer as false prophets or prcaclwr~, such
1, 1937 4‘ReWATCHTOWER 293

religious leaders arc very indignant, and they de- pect God to kill Jeremiah as a false prophet and a blas-
nounce Jehovah’s witnesses before the people, both phemer of God’s name, and therefore they concluded
by word of mouth and through tha press. The sup- that they muc;t take the matter into their o1v-nhands,
porters . of these religious institutions say : “How and they induced the credulous people who supported
strange that any one should speak disparagin&r of them to join in the persccutiou, and they arranged for
our great church and our grcnt clergymen ! WAO is and expected to get a verdict and an execution of
like the great Catholic church? Who arc like our Jeremiah according to their own taste. Therefore they
learned and great clergymen?” Today when J* organized a mob and rushed upon Jeremiah and
vah’s witnesses call on the ultrarcligionists and tell howled, saying to him: “Thou shalt surely die.”
them of God’s purpose, as expressed in his Word, they DToday the Homan Catholic priests and their sup-
say: “It is strange that you would come to us We porters follow exactly a similar course. If those prcach-
are Christians and do not need to hear anythinq fawn ers believed for one moment that Jehovah’s nitncsscs
you. Go to the heathen. Our church is all we riced..We deliver a false and hlasphcmous message against
have the Bible in the house and our preacher teEIs Almighty God, they would say: “Let God pun141
us what it means. Strange that such persons a5 ~a9 them, and surely be will do so.” Well knowing that
would try to tell us anything.” On the contrary, th0se Jehovah’s witncsscs speak the truth, and that the
of good will reccivc Jehovah’s witncsscs gladly aJd rlcrgy have no answer thcrcto, fhe clcrgmcri tLlliC the
arc anxious to learn; and thus the dividing of fhe matter into their own hands, incite the credulous
people progrcsscs. people against Jehovah’s witncrscs, and influence pub-
’ \t’ilS it a “strange work” in which the young lic officials to arrest and cruelly punish them ; and
prophet Jcrcmiah was engaged? Ilid it appear strange then if occasion ofl’crs, the clergy start a riot and lead
and absurd that God would send by the man Jeremiah a mob to inflict further indignities upon those who
such an “impossible” message as he was deliver&P rcprcscnt the Ilord. All rcli:irmists \VOl*li 4011:: the
That was the cfl’cct upon the Jew rcligionists. They same line in carrying out pcrsccution of (lrtd’s wit-
worlrcd thcmsctvcs up to a hcatcd indiqation, eveion ncsscs, because all religion cmanatcs from 1hc I)c~lI.
as the rlcr~ of this day do: “Now it c:lmc to pazs, Today the Catholic priests illducc the judyc\ of the
when Jcrcmiah had 111tltk an end of spctalting all &at courts that claim to bc tlcsrcndunts of Isr;lcl to in-
the Lord had commantlctl him to spcnk unto all the flict unjustly a cruel punishmc~nt upon Jehovah’s
pcoplc, that the priests, ilI1C.l the propllcts, and all the witncsscs. Such casts are actually t:lliill!: plarc in
pcoplc, tOOk birn, sayinK:, Thou shalt surely die.” Kcw Jcrscy ant1 other parts of the earth. (lo(l calm&
(Jer. 2G: 8) The m(‘ssagscwhich Jcrcmiah &live& tho record to be made concerning qJcrcmi;41,forctcll-
was very unpopular, and tic had not sltiitinctl to &- ing what is to come to pa5.9n~id is cornill:: to JX~SS
clarc it I~c:iusc of ilx unpopularity. 1Zc hiid not held toilay, and this rccortl ol:lbtcs the 011Wclc~vott4 to
back bcrnusc of fear of bodily harm to himself. In Jehovah to untlcrstaud and apl)rcri:ltc wiry f hey thus
Jehovah’s name, and in llis sfrcngth, he dclivcrcd must suffer reproach at the hands of rclifiiollisls.
the nieswgc commanded, and that mcWi;ngcwa’i not *OThe Jewish clcrg tlcnicd that Jcrcmiah was
rrnsorcd nor did hc ask permission or lic*cnscto spk God’s prophet, aufhorizcd to SI)cak in his 11;u11e:
it. Note the order iu which action wa~rtaken: first, “Why hast thou prophcsicd in t hr ~1;111u.? of t hr I,ord,
by the priests, then by the false prophets; and lhcn saying, This house shall IJClil\e Yliiloh, ant1 f his city
the commou people were moved to act. It was the shall IX? dCSOIatCwithout a11illhilbif311t 1 AIld illt t:lc
clergy of the Jews that provoltcd a riot, and no doubt people wcrc gathered aqaillst Jcrcmiah in the houqc
they claimed that Jcrcmiah was the one to blame far of the Lord.” (Jcr. PG:9) 1%~tlicir \-cry words :hcsc
the riot. It. is so today. The message dclivercd first Jew rcligionists admittcd tltat they had rcc+vctl the
malieS the priests mad, and then they go into court messagethat fhc Eatcwhich tlild l~cfaltcn Shit4 stloukl
and testify that sucli a message,although it is in fhe come upon them ; and that messagemade them wry
IWe, when dclivcrcd to the people is likely to pro- mad, because it made them appear in the eyes of ltlc
duce a riot. They well knnw that they arc lying, trnt people as great sinners. They considered t tlcrnacIvcs
in order to justify themsclvcs they seize the first ap- very righteous, and in the cycs of the pcol~lc they
portunity to start a riot and lend a mob, and then wished to appear righteous, and were ill~ll:;n:utt
blame Jehovah’s witnesses for the wrongful acts csf against anyone who would iirtirnate otbcrwisc. Those
the priests and clcrgymcn. Pharisees were going through the motion of scri ing
* The religious leaders amongst the Jews should God in the tcmplc. The Roman Catholic 1Iicrnrchy
properly have reasoned that if Jeremiah was deliver- and other priests take exactly the same position today.
ing a false messagein the name of .Jel~ovnl~God, God They go through motions, in which they claim to be
would lnmish him for it. God did punish the false serving God. They put on flat, hats, lace apwls, lony
prophet Ilaaaniah with death bccausc he “taught re- robes, and have their bloated faces photo~ral)hctl and
bcllion against the Lord”. (Jcr. 28: 16, 17) Tbc Jpar- put upon t,hc motion-picture screens, and l~oplc arc
ish clergy by their action showed that they did not ex- shown as kissing their toes or rings, in order to create
204 BR00K1,T?;,s. Y.

an air of superiority so far as they arc concerned, and on, may see and know and understand that the re-
to show thcrn as very righteous and holy. Then they ligionists arc instruments of the Devil, deceiving the
yubhh in their nevispapers that Jehovah’s witnesses people and defaming God’s holy name. It is for this
claim that God is going to destroy all religion; and reason the witnesses of Almighty God today suffer
this messam from God’s Word they denounce as pcrsccution. They are doing no wrong., On the con-
absurd, impossible, blasphemous and unbelievable. trary, they are doing exactly right, and the Devil
But they are not willing to let God himself judge his hates that which is right and true, and seeks to clc-
own witnesses. They are concerned about keeping stroy those who will obey God. Jehovah permits this
themselves in position that they can further exploit in order that the enemy Satan may have full oppor-
the people. The clergy say to each other and to their tunity to attempt to make good his wicked challenge
cong~rgntions : “Arc not we the chosen of God? are and that men being subjected to his persecution may
we not perfosruing service in the house of God7 Are have opportunity to maintain their integrity toward
you not bringing your money here and having a part God. Ultimately the victory is with Jehovah com-
in this service of the honse of God? Is it not absurdly plctcly, through Christ Jesus, and those who stand
strange that any person should go abbut and presume with the J,ord will have part in that victory.
to say that God will destroy us?” They admit that la When Jcrcmiah was accused by the clergy hc
they have received the notice of warning, and for that was at the temple. The politicians, who wcrc also rc-
reason they cannot escape responsibility. Those rc- ligionists and who appeared to bc less zealous and
ligionists arc fulfilling prophecy long ago written; pertinacious about religious matters, were not at the
but they are too blindly prejudiced to hear the temple at that particular moment. Nanifest ly they
prophecy or Eo read what God put iu his Word long were at the political licadquartcrs, indulging in some
ago. The Devil incites them to anger, hatred, and game or some scheme to further their ititcrcsts; and
malice, and to the ernel punishment of the witnesses so the clergy saw to it that word was tdiCl1 to the po-
of the Lord- litical and judicial clement as quickly as possible ;
l”l’h~ Jewish clergy, by haranguing the pcoylc, as the rccortl states: “N’hcn the princes of Judah
worked up great cxcitcmcnt and indignation against heard these things, then they came up from the I;in:‘s
Jeremiah : “And ali the pcoplc were gathered against house unto the house of the I,ord, and sat down in the
Jeremiah in the house of the Lord.” The Devil at all entry of the new gate of the Lord’s honsc.” (Jcr.
t imcs has UWI his religious priests in the samemanner. 2G: 10) Those princes, rulers and judicial officers at
Whc*n Christ Jesus, the beloved Son of God, hc who this point of the drama arc seen seated at the new
WSFwithout sin or fault and who ncvcr did a wrong, gate, which was the USUGI plnco for holding court allcl
stood bcfure tlrc court falsely accused of the high rcndcring judgment. The testimony against the of-
crimes of s&tion and trrason, it was the clergy who fender was produced by the clcrgymcn and such wit-
1here dcmandcd his eonvic&tionand his lifeblood : “And ness~sas the clergy might hire to testify. Now call to
they were instant with loud voices, rcquising that he tnind the many similar sccncs that hnvc bcrn cnnctctl
might be erueifiHL ,4nd the voices of them and of the in Germany, C&+cc, h’cw Jc~y, and other place?
chief priests prevailed. And Pilate gave scntcnce that within the past few years; which cvciits hnvc been
it should be as they required.” (Ihukc 23: 23,24) It published in the Goldc~ Age magazine. In ercry in-
was the religious priests who then and thcrc pcrsuatlcd stance it is the rcligionists, desiring to farther tlloir
the mob to demand the lifeblood of Jesus Christ in own selfish intcrcsts, that instixatc and carry on the
preference to that of a confesed murdcrcr: “But the pcrsccntion of Jehovah’s witncsscs, wrongfully chrg-
chief priests and elders r,ersnadcd the multitude that ing them with the violation of law. They induce men
they should ask Barabbas, and &troy Jesus.“- to falsely swear against Jehovah’s witnesses, that a
Malt. 27 : 2& conviction may be had. The witnesses of the Lord
‘*The D&I’s religious agents never Change, but carry the mcssagc to the pcoplc, and then the clcr.zy
act in a like manner, because they arc all his sons and connive with certain ones of their flocks, who arc void
do the wilt af their father. (John 8: 44) Today it is of any senseof right and ju\ticc, and thcsc arc causrcl
the clergy, and particularly those of the Roman Cath- or induced to arrest and halt into court the \\itnc~s
olic Hierarchy, who demand that Jehovah’s witnrsscs of the Lord, and there testimony is mron::Inlly pro-
be cruelly punished for the alleged crimes of sedition, duced and the law improperly applied in ortlcr that
the distribution of so-called “perverse” literature, a conviction may be had.
and other “offenses”, when in fact thcsc witnesses of I* It is apparent from the record that Jeremiah now
the Lord are guilty of doing nothing wrong. What they stood before the princes or the mngistrat cs. ~\ntI who
do is in obedicnre to God’s commandment to dcclarc arc his accuqers demanding his death ? True to the
his messagein order that the will of God may be done rule announced, the Devil had his clcrgymcn thcrc
as he has purposed it. These truths are empha~izcd in vchcmently crying against Jeremiah and demanding
order that those who are sincere, and who desire to his lift: “Then spake the priests and the prophets
know what is right and to understand what is going unto the princes, aud to all the people, saying, This
OcroiJm 1, 1937 @lieWATCHTOWER 295

man is worthy to die ; for he bath prophesied against terial director of the Ninistry of Justice, declared in
this city, as ye have heard n&h your ears.“-Jer. a review of criminal justice in Germany in 1936, just
26: 11. published. It was printed in tfle ‘Deutsche Justin’,
I5 Mark this, that those priests or prophets or preach- organ of the Ministry.
ers of Jerusalem did not charge Jeremiah with mis- “The members of the association, whose American
representing God. It was the duty of the priests, en- section is headed by Judge Joseph F. Rutherford, be-
joined upon them by God’s law, to look after the things lieve in verbal inspiration from the Bible, and seek to
pertaining to God’s Word, and had they been sincere apply the prophecies of suc11 books as Daniel and
they would have done so, relied upon and stood by Revelation to current history. On the basis of Biblical
the ?Vord of God. They well kuew that they had noth- passages the members of the German section, which
ing on Jeremiah, but they dcmandcd his death for was banned early in the Nazi rCgimc, flave predicted
the reason assigned by them, that ‘Jeremiah had the collapse of the government of Chancellor Adolf
prophesied against the city’ ; whereas he fmd done Hitler.
nothing of tflc kind. Lie had pronounced Jehovah’s “The body has nolv become the refuge, Krohn
ultimatum against the wicked city; and had that mes- a.sscrted, of ‘various elements flostile to the stale,
sagebeen prol)crly received, the clcr~ymcn would have and, if not checked, ivilf soon dcvelul) into a branch
been concerned \vith What they found in the proph- Communist institution’. Recent information concern-
ecies and the manner in which they should obey God. ing the activities of the association in tflis country has
Thry ignored God’s Word and, like the clergymen of been turned over to public prosecutors, he said, with
the present day, they relied upon the traditions of orders to use every means, under the cmcrgcncy de-
men. It is always the clergy of ttrc refigionists that dc- crees of February 28, 1933, to bring the oft’endirl::
mand tfle lifchfood of those who dare tell the truth ;IS members to justice.”
commanded by tfle Lord Gob. Xo moderate punish- le Tile Roman Catholic papers spread sucfl wicked
ment for suc11offe~~dcrssatisfies them. T11cy desire to and f&c reports throu$out the world, and at tl~c
be rid of everyone who calls in question their acts aud same time tflat hypocritical prics;ly croivd t*cfu~e to
points out tflo c~aokcdncss of the clergy, as declared defend tficir own doctrines for fear the ~wc~plc will
by Chd’s wolxl. (mm. 97 : 20) Before that court the see tfie froutis of tfiat institution iltld witfltlrnw from
rcli$ou1 clergy assumed the responsibility of prchc- it. Althou~ll millions of Amcric*nn citizens dcmantl-
cutow. Assucb they fmt in their case against Jcrcmiah, cd such a cfcbatc and defense of t11e13omanC:ithcJiic
and according to tflcm Jeremiah WIS unpatriotic and doctrines, the IIicrarcfly absolutely rrfuscd to attcrupt
a dangerous man and should lrot 1~ allowed to speak, to defciid the same. One Cnthoiic l)ricst rcmarkotl to
and the only way to sifccce him ~1s to put him to a party \iito \vns listening to him: “ \V11y should \vc
death. Tfic modern-day cfcrg, l~articularfy tfie Ro- be fools cnou~h to debate1 If WCdo, \vc are sunk.”
man Catholic IIicrarcfly crowd, accuse Jcl~ovaf~‘shit- Why iS the Cillnity Of the Catfiofie Or~Ulkl~i~Jll SO IX-
ncssesaid say of tflcm tfmt thy arc unpatriotic and prcvscd a::;rinst Jcflov;~f~‘s witncsscs? It is bccausc
arc dangerous to the \vcfl’arc of tflc peof~fe, that the tficy tell tile truth ; and for tfiat same reason tflc re-
literature they distrihutc is scrlitiouu, and that tf~rse ligionists sought the death of Jcrcmioh.
witnesses should not be permitted to speak tflcir piece
I& the country all turn against the clergy and tflc JEREMIAH’S DEITXSE
politicians, and therefore they must be silenced and “Jeremiah was set on doing one tiling, to wit,
put out of the way. Jehovah’s witnesses are denounced faithfully obeying Jehovah in deliverin;: t.hc mcssag:e
as “reds”, because that is the \iorst name at the he had been commanded and commi~+mtxl to dcfivcr.
present time tfmt tfic Roman Catholic 1Jicrarchy could He was hlmd to evcrytflill:r else. Jlaving heard tllc
tack onto any man. The cferza l,ublish in tflcir awn testimony against him, lie l~rocccdcd \vitfl his defcu~,
papers, and cause tfic political nix-spapcrs also to and in doing so tic did not try to hedge or coml)romi~c.
publish, that Jehovah’s witnesses arc dangerous and Ile made no apology for ivhat he had been doing. llc
skould be dcstroycd. A propa&andn dispatch of the told the plain truth, and he told them so that I he
Roman Catflofic IIicrarchy, sent from Berlin, Gcr- court and all the l~cof~fcplYwllt codd 1lCilr it,: “Thi
many, and publi&d in tfm Cat frolic palmers, also spake Jcremiaf~ unto all the princes, and to all ttrc
appeared in the NW York ZZmrZtl Tribune of Jan- people, saying, The Lord sent me to prol~flcsy against
uary 11, 1937, and which prc~~ disf~atef~ cfasscs Je- tflis house, and against this city, all the lords that ye
hovah’s witnesses as Communists and as gross crim- have flcard.“-Jer. 26 : 12.
inals. From tflat dispatch the follo\ving is quoted: I8 IIe had no holIe of doing the priests or tfle prcaefl-
“An illegal Ccrman section of the International crs any good by !v!lnt lx had done or was doing; but
Bible Students &sociation, an organization wflich has that he might accomplish some good in hetli~lf of the
American and Britisf, sections, has developed in re- common people that i\-ere sincere he did have hope. He
cent years, and espccialfy in 1936, into a ‘serious explained to his accusersand other hearers that hc ws
menace’ to the Nazi state, Dr. 1Vilhcfm Krohn, minis under strict command from Almighty God to deliver

the specific mcssaac that he had delivered against the mand to them to speak God’s messageof warning to
religion&, including their house and city. He made the people; that they are not attempting to deliver
no claim or pretense that it was his own message,based the messageof any man, and that they are not rcspon-
upon his own opinion, but told them plainly that the sible for what is to follow, but that the messagepro-
message came from the Most High. He freely admitted ceeds from the Almighty God and they are merely
that hc had prophesied ptMicly to the people. He made instruments and servants to do his will and are doins
a brief and succinct statement of the message,which it only as they are commanded ; that it is not the pre-
God had commanded hi& to deliver, and this he did rogative of Jehovah’s witnesses to inflict punishment
in order that the court might bc fully advised of the upon the people or to do harm to anyone; that they
facts and that those of the pcoplc who were present arc only the messengers to make known the truth,
and desiring to hear the truth might hear, see and that thovc who hear may take whatsoever course they
understand that hc was the representative of Almighty desire. The witness of the Lord is not to stop and
God, as hc stated. By making his defense in this man- consider what worldly courts might do to them. As the
ner Jcrcmiah performed his duty and obligation, ancl commissioned servants of Jehovah they arc in his
thereafter the responsibility \cas upon those who heard hands, and nothing can befall them cxccpt by his pcr-
him xpcak. They must bc answerable to and answer mission RSlong as the witnesses remain faithful and
Almighty God. Otherwise stated, God had chosen a true to Almighty God.
faithful man to deliver his message, and that man, *l The testimony in dcfcnse being admitted before
Jeremiah, had dclivcred it strictly in accordance with the court, Jeremiah then ma& a brief argument, show-
the command. This sets a precedent for ~Jehovah’swit- ing that he had violated no law and ws not worthy
tmws, whom Jrrcmiah at that time pictured. The wit- of death. He fully realized that he was in the custody
news arc not to act arro~nritty nor express hatred of the law, and therefore he said to the court : “As
or ill wilt, but they are to tell the truth and tell it for me, bchdd, I am in your hand ; do with mc as
plainly, without fear, therefore with boldness, trust- sccmcth good and meet unto you.” (,Jcr. 2G: 14) Ilc
ing aholly in Jehovah God, and then Ict the rcspon- put the rcsponsihility right where Cod would have
sibility rest whcrc it belongs, to wit, upon those who him do it. He was now speaking to the hizhcst roust
henI’. of the land, and from the decision of that court Jerc-
ly Jcrcmiah then told the court and the audience miah had no appeal to atty earthly court. IIc told 1hc
what WOUM be Ihe result if they gave hcctl to J&O- court, in substanrc, that tic was willing to take what-
vah ‘Y warning : “Thcrcforc now amend your ways, soever God pcrmittal them to inflict upon him iIS a
and your doings, and obey the voice of ttic Lord your punishment, IWcaUsc h \\‘;IS doing Ollly wllilt (:Ocl tuti
God ; and the l,orcl will rcpcnt him of the evil that he commissioned him to do. That court woul~l flave no
bath pronounced aqinst you.” (Jcr. 26 : 13) 1%~this power over Jeremiah if’ Jcftovah shoul(l intcrfcrc a114
mc;lns dcrcmiah gave the mcssagc of Jehovah to the prcvcnt them from cscreising power L!~ilillSt him. Ilc
judicial illltl polit irat elements, as well as to the prcactt- was Jehovah’s servant; and the same rutc applictl to
crs and the common people. IIis prophetic words were him a3 did to Jesus, who said bcforc the court where
in fact a friendly warning to those who would “ hear” he was tried: “Thou eouldcst have no l’owcr at. ;\!I
Ifc was sounding the alarm of the impending danger, against mc, cxccpt it were given thee from above.”
whiclt could bc averted in only one way, and that was (John 13 : 11) The same rule applies to those who now
by obcdicnce to Almi$lty God. Those who heard him arc in Christ and faithfully followins in his footstcibs
speak should have been thankful to bc thus warns!. and delivering the testimony as Almighty God Ilas
Jcrcminh stuck to the point, that evil and diuastcr commanded. The remnant and the Jon:~la\~s, 1hat is,
were just ahead and would fall upon bot,h the temple all who arc trusting in the Ilord, must keep in rnit,d
and the city unless God’s message was heeded. The at all times that their only place of safety is to rcmnin
chief purpose of this prophetic drama at this point true and faithful to Almighty God as Jesus and the
was to foreshadow what should come to pass in the other witnesses in the past have done. They are not
time in which WCarc now living. Under Jehovah’s to put their trust in princes or in any man. (1’s.
direction Jeremiah thcrcby announced the prcccdcnt 1-K: 3) They are not to attempt to compromise or
by which all the servants of Jehovah are to bc guidrd, soften Jehovah’s Word with the hol)c of being Ict ofC
atrd t?lat is, a full determination to speak the message easier by the courts of the land. The remnant hale
as God has commanded it to be spoken, and not at- consccrntcd their fives to be filitllfuf Unto th Lold
tempt to take an independent course based upon one’s God, even unto death, and it is to them that the Lord
own conclusion, but to proceed to obey God’s instruc- Jesus says: “Be thou faithful unto death, and I will
tions implicitly. give thee the crown of life.“--Rev. 2: 10, A.R.V.
20When Jct~ovat~‘s witnesses are arrested ia this **Jeremiah did not hesitate to warn the court of
day and brought before the courts, they should speak the rrsponsibility resting upon that distinguished
frankly, tctting lhe courts and the hearers, religion&s body. “But know ye for certain, that if ye put me
or non-religion&s, of the divine commission and com- to death, ye shall surely bring innocent blood upon
OCTOBER 1, 1937

yourselves, and upon this city, and upon the inhabi- for such faithful witnesses, and those who arc fol-
tants thereof: for of a truth the Lord hath sent me lowxing this divine guide are rejoicin;r, regartl!e>s of
unto you to speak all these words in your ears.” what the result in the courts may be. Let each one
(Jer. 26: 15) That was not a threat, but a friendly thus charged have in mind the course of conduct pur-
warning. IIc was not abashed bceausc he was in the sued by the prophet Jeremiah and later by the apostles
I~rc:xucc of lligh ot%aIs, nor did he act arrogantly John, Peter and others. Let the courts and all the
or unreasonably. It was but fair for him to tell the audience hear that God has commanded his
court that the responsibility for the final judgment to be delivered to the people, and with calmness and
upon him rested with them. To punish Jeremiah would sobriety say, in substance: “NY conviction and punisli-
bc fighting agaiust GM, and the members of the court ment, because of my obedience to the command of
must bc rcsponsiblc to God for their acts. The mere Almighty God, will be entirely wrong, unjust, and
killing of Jcrcmiah would not end the matter. The will constitute fighting against God. \F’hat I say and
Israelites had been wiIlfully disobedient to Almighty have said can do no harm to anyone; but to inflict
God and must suffer the consequences,and Jeremiah punishment on me becauseI give you a friendly earn-
was mcrcly informing them of what was coming to ing, as commanded by Almighty God, is thus taking
pass. The clergy would argue, and, without doubt, a great responsibility upon yourselves, and you mrlst
dial argue, that the claim of this man Jeremiah and account to God for your conduct, and his day of
the following of what he had advised would not save reckoning is near at hand. I am cntircly innocent of
the city, and mully of the people would follow the any wrongdoing, and it is my duty to warn you that
advice of the clergy, which was the worst that could my Inulishmcnt by you God will not permit to go
bc Kivcn to them, as the clergy usually give the very unnoticed. You will suffer the COIISC~~C~CCR at hiq
worQ kind of advice. hand, because no one can successP~lly oppose the
p3All filitllfU1 servants of Almighty Cod must and Almighty God.”
do tnkc a course similar to that taken by Jcrcmiah 25The caseof Jcrcminh, at this point, was bcforc the
and tlrc apostles of Jesus Christ. When the apostle court for decision. It appears that the people who
stood bcforc tlic collrts of tlrc same city, eccusctl ot stood by and heard Jeremiah also had something to
sctlition by rcasou of prcnchiltq the gospel of the Lord say and that the court rcspcctfully heard their say ;
Jesus Christ, they rcmainctl faithl’ul aud true accord- and after giving due considcratioll, tllc court agreed
ing to the prcccdent annouucctl in conncctiou with with the common pcoplc, and then nddrcsscd thtm-
Jcrcmiah. The court hc;lritlg Jcrcmi;lh’s case must sclvcs to the clcrq who stood by with malicious llcilrts,
dccitle, nud so Jeremiah told them in efl’cct : ‘ You must seeking the lifchlood of God’s faithful witness, and
dctcrniine whether I should 0bc.v God or thcsc hypo- the c&ourt declared Jl~ITIl1iilll was not guilty : “‘I’lic’n
critical clcrgymcn.’ ITe left no doubt as to whom hc said tlic princes nnd all the pcaple unto the l)ric~sls
would obey, and hc told the court that if he were put and to the prophets, This man is not worthy to tlic;
to dcnth they would brin, tv innoccul blood upon thcm- for hc hat11spoken to us in the name of the Lord our
sclvcs and upon the city, and upon tlw inhabitants Cod.“-Jcr. 26 : 1G.
thcrcof. Likcwisc tlic faithful apostles said to the court 26The clcrgymcn prcscnt were not yet snti\fictl.
on a similar occasion: “Whether it be right iti the They would insist on the Iifcblood of Jorcmiah, and
sight of God to hcarkcn unto you more than unto God, procccdcd to USCall influence they could bring to
judge ye. I’or WC cannot but speak the things which bear upon the court. Some mcmbcrs of that court WCLC
we have seen nud heard.” (Acts 4: 19,20) The true still wavering in the IJalancc, while others sccmctl to
uud correct way is thus marked out for Jehovah’s see more clearly the right of the matter. A prilicc
wilucsscs of the present time. named Ahilcam wzs prcsc~lt, arltl may have been a
24Wthout a question of doubt God caused the rec- member of the conrt More which Jeremiah was lxing
ord to bc made concerning faithful men who, in the tried. (Verse 24) He took the side of Jcrcmiah, and
past, scrvcd him to the end thnt the reworded facts the final decision of the court \\as doubtlcw larpely
might serve as a prcccdcnt and as aid and comfort to influcnccd by this man Ahikam. The court took into
the faithful witncsscs of the Lord now on the earth. considcratiou that Jeremiah was serving God and ha(l
In recent months many of God’s faithful servants spolrc~~l in the name of God, and thcrcforc they rc-
have hcen arrested and brought before the courts at fused to give heed to the demnnds of the bloodttlirsty
the inatancc of the ultrarcligionists. These fnithfui clergy. For a ccrtaintv there is a reason for the divine
witnesses of Jehovah, although innocent, have hen record showing that the court gave due consideration
convicted upon testimony that was either perjured or to Jcrcmiah’s defense, and thnt reason sets a proper
entirely immaterial and aside from the issue r&cd precedent for jUdges of courts of the present time
by the indictment. They have been convicted and im- to follow; and the fact that the present-day jutlEes,
prisoned without any just cause or excuse. A number many of them at least, do not follow that precedent
of them have been convicted without a word of testi- makes them bloodquilty with the clergy. Such jutlgcs
mony being heard. God has furnished the sure guide of courts as yield to the influence of the malicious
N. y.

clergy are classed with thaw named by Jeremiah as “Therefore for your sake shall Zion be ploughed up
“the priucigal of the Rock” and shall suficr a fate as a field, and Jcxsalem shall become ruinous heaps,
similar to that of the elcr~~. (Jer. 25 : 36) A number aud the mount of the house, forest-covcred high-
of the magistrates of New Jersey, and some in other plaecs.” (Xc. 3 : 12, Lfxscr) The elders speaking here
places, in order to hide, if lwssiblc, their own faces, were trying to show tix court and the people that
refuse to permit Jehovah’s witnesses to show from prophecy that come to them like that of Jcreminh
#he Scriptures that they are command4 by Almighty should bc heeded and the Lord be let take care as to
God to go from house to house and proclaim Jehovah’s who should be punished.
messagc.Those magistrates insist that the only ques- 28King IIczckiah had humbled himself before God
tion of fact and of law before the court is, “Did the when he heard the message dclivcred by Micaiah,
defendant fait or refuse to first obtain a policeman’s and was for that rc‘asonsaved from disaster. (2 Chron.
permit? and if so, then the defendant is guilty of 32: 26) LIc had given consideration to the words of
violating the commercial lnv~ of the land and must God’s prophet; and thcrcfore thi? cl&r now aryuing
suffer punishment.” Not only do those magistrates bcforc the court said: “Uid IIczekiah king of Judah
b*, csaeEIy contrary to the Btll of Rights, to the Con- and a11Judah put him at all to death? did hc not fear
c;titution of the United States and to the Constitution the Lord, and besought the Lord, and the 1,01’d rc-
of New Jcrscy, which guarantee freedom of worship pentcd hh of the evil \vfliCh tic had ~~rOll~JUl1~:~
of Almighty Cod, but they even r~lacc the law of man against them? Thus might we procure great CL11
ahwe the Inw of hlmi$lty Gad and openly and fla- against our souls.“-Jcr. 26 : 1’3.
grdntly insult Jehovah’s II:UBO.Let them take notice ?OHere is another prccedcnt which Jchovnh ‘s \\ it.
that Cd will not permit their conduct to pass with- news arc counseled that such accused witncsscs might
out considerat ion and due rccnsnpa~sc. Many of thcxa follow, to wit: To cite tlic court to the instanrc L‘C-
m,agstmtc~sprofess to bc ChGtinns and tllnt they fol- corded in the Bible nhcrc men have do\\. II wi&m
low after the ILord ; and for that reason they arc bound by giving heed to God’s warniflg, such as the cldcr
to tdiC n&ice of the prophceics which ttlc Lord has did on this occasion. \Vith propric:ty counsel might, c~tc
caused to hc rccorclcd in his \?r?ord. Jdwwh ncvrr the Yccond Psalm, in which the Lord warns the 1~11,~s
chmgcs a rule for any pcrsou, be that man clergyman, to give h!d nO\V, siilcc tkist hS h:ll Wlthr~JIlld.
hi$~ judirial olIicial, po)iti(4311or ordinary man. Some Jehovah’s witncsscs arc not attempting to WYJII~ :ul~-
of the mngistr:ltes cvcn ssk men high in the Catholic one by obeying the roniinancl of the Alini$~ty (;(,(I
&arch if tlic piiiiishmcnt l~~~p~scclto be inllictcd upon or #iviny God’s wwniiig to tlic 1~coplc; a11t1this f;l(+t
the dcfcnclant is sufficient. ‘i’hry should ask also of Should ba plainly put ix?fore the court. If it WIS wixc
such rctigionkts, who c+rim to scrvc Cod, \Vhat does for IIczeliiuh to give licctl to tlic lwrsonal warnill:,
your tliblc say should bc done? jutlxcs of fllis day \\dd do Well to t;lliC :1 lil,u (w~i’sc
*’ Ueforc final &&ion ~-as rcndcrcd in Jcrcmiah ‘Y and leave it to Jcl~ovnh to dctcrrninc who is ri$t n1~1
QSC some of the older men of the community WTC who is wrong in c0imccfion bit11 thr prwlarwt ion of
permitted to speak bcforc the court nnd bcforc the the inwagc rccordcd in the Iiil)lc. 110~ unit iw afit
people. l)oul~tlcss Jcrcmiah’s trial had attrclctctl witlc foolish i!, is for men sitting Upon t Iic judii*i;~l lwt~~~h,
attention, and the result was a division of ttic pcoptc, or clscwhcrc, to attcwpt to owrridc ant1 push i14itIc
to some degree, a fccw takia:: Jcrcminh’s side. Some Ilic \Yolil of Xlmichty Cod! A11 ~wrscjlls ~110 VlililIl
of the men of more mature years and sound mind arc to serve God should keep in niiml that the i211niql~l~
designaled as “~Idcrs”, and, says the record, “then is supreme. The clcr::y have no right to insist 011I Ile
lylc~cup certain of the cttlcrs of the land, and spakc punishwrnt of men because such men lwiirvc :twl
to ali the asscmljly of the ~~eoplc,saying.” (Jcr. 26: 17) speak w!iat the clergy do uot wish to hear. ‘I’0 IICxuw,
Those men, being Jews, \vhosc duty it was to know the dcrgy \s’ill suffer the grcatcr condcn~~l~1tio~l, iJC-
the Scriptures, cvidcntly wxc familiar with the cvcnts cause they ought to know bcttcr, but the judga and
of the past. Then the cldcrs wrc divided in their the ljoliticianc; should see to it that their dwisions arc
stand, but one of them speaking called attention to not influenced by a dcsirc to please the rlcre,vmw.
shaf had come to pass in the days of JIczckinh, and No doubt Jehovah is permitting llic prcscnl cwnclititIllS
amongst other things he said : “~Iicnh [Nieaish to c&t in order that the truth may be brou~:lrt to the
(B.V.) ; meaning ‘who is like Jehovah and thcrcforc attention of the courts 89 well as the pco~~le. ‘P~Jc~I’c-
a servant of God] the Moiasthite proplrcsicd in the fore Jcl~ovnt~‘s witncsscs should always bCng b(~l~~rc
dap of IEczckiah king of Judah, and spake to all the the court the fact that the work that they arc carry~ty
people of Judah, saying, Thus saith the I,ord of hosts, on by going from house to house to prcxh the goslwl
Zion shall be plo~d like a field, and Jerusalem shall is the sounding of a warnin g ilnd is being done in oljc-
become heaps, and the mountain of the hoiisc as the dicucc to God’s commandment, and that cvc‘ryone
high plaws of a forest.” (der. 26: 18) Ilicnh, or 3Ii- must decide for himself whether he will obey man or
C&h, had dclivcred a messaq2 of importance similar will obey Almighty God. To attempt to silence the
to the messagebrought to the people by Jcrcmiah: witnesses of Jehovah will not alleviate in the slightest
the suffering that is coming upon humanity, but, on I* Urijah would as ~~11have stood his ground and
the contrary, puts those who do hinder in a position died there. He would then have died for his faithful-
where they are certain to suffer destruction unless ness, if he died at all. Fleeing into Egypt rrsnltcd
they repent. in no good to him. It might well here be considered
aoThere were other and opposing arguments which that Urijah pictured aiso the Elijah work, which
appear to have been made at Jeremiah’s trial. An elder end&l in the death of that work in 1915, while Jcte-
supporting the position of the clergy cited the case of miah pictured the Elisha work, and those engaged in
Urijah the prophet, who delivered a messagelike to it, and who show their love for God by fearlessly and
that delivered by Jeremiah. The two prophets were no with boldness giving testimony to the name of the
doubt acquainted. There was a difference in their Most High. As for the king, Jehoiakim, who sho~cd
course of conduct, however. Urijah proved to be fcar- contempt for Jehovah and those representing him,
ful, and was not protected by the Lord; but Jeremiah it is written : “Thcrcfore thus saith the Lord conccrn-
stood firm, and was protected by the Lord. The man ing Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah, They
now speaking against Jcrcminh and supporting the shall not lament for him, saying, Ah my brother! or,
clergymen said : “And there was also a man that Ah sister! they shall not lament for him, saying, t\h
prophcsicd in the name of the Lord, Urijah the son lord ! or, Ah his glory‘! He shall be buried with the
of Shrmaiah of Iiirjnt.h-jcarim, who prophcsicd against burial of an ass, drawn and cast forth beyond the
this city, and against this land, according to all the gates of Jerusalem.” (Jcr. 22 : 18, 19) Likewiqc it will
words of Jeremiah: and when Jchoiakim the king, do no good to the high men of the Roman C’athJlic
with all his mighty men, and all the princes, heard Hirrarchy and their tools to defy Jehovah God now ;
his words, the king sought to put him to death; but and those who do will have a fate similar to that of
when Ilrijah heard it, he was afraid, and iled, and Jehoiakim.
vxnt into Egypt, And Jchoiakim the king sent men *3If Jeremiah would be cxccutcd, as Urijah. WY
into Egypt, namely, Elnathan the son of Achbor, and cxccutcd, that would please the priests, prophrts ant1
certain men with him into Egypt: and they fctchcd other rlcrgymen, as well as the spinclcss politic+inus.
forth Frijnh out of Egypt, and brought him unto But the record reads: “Ncvcrthclcss, the hand of
Jchoiakim the king, who slew him with the sword, and Ahikam the son of Xhaphnn was with Jcrcmiah, that
cast his dead body into the graves of the common they should not give him into 1110hand of the pcop~c
pcoplc.“-Jcr. 26 : 20-23. to put him to dcai Il.” (Jer. 26 : 24) That man Ahikam
81The Scriptural record shows that Jehovah had was not such a rabid rcligionist as others who attcntlcd
two witncsscs at one and the same time in the land and Jeremiah’s trial. IIe stood for freedom of speech.
that their tcsiimony agreed. It was at the time Jchoia- Tllc people who stood by and heard the trial were not
kim was beginning his reign, and it appears that he in favor of killing ,Jcrcmiah, and Ahiknm stood with
wished to make a record that would make him popular them. The gist of the argument in favor of Jercmi:lh
with the rcligionists and show his zeal for the nation. was that he was speaking what hc claimed to bc t!lo
Xvcn thou$l TJrijah disl)leasctl the Lord by ilccing to mcssagc from Almighty God and which hc donhtlc~s
Egypt, that was no justification for Jchoialtim to bring believed was from God, and thcrcforc he should ll(jt
him back and kill him. Urijnh \\ns outside the jurisdic- be put to death, cvcn though his speech did “shock
tion of the ruler of Jerusalem, but Jchoiakim the king the religious susceptibilities” of the clergy. Withorlt
found it very easy to extradite Urijah and bring him a doubt the priests or clergymen would have then or-
hack, with the full consent of the ruler of Egypt, who ganized a mob, if they could induce the pcoplr to
was also the agent of the Devil. The clergy wcrc then stand with them and do the killing, and they would
howling for the lifeblood of Jehovah’s two prophets, hare taken the law into their own hands and kilM
and Urijah concluded it was best for him to run away, Jeremiah without further delay; but Ahikam was
and his fear brought him into the snare completely. not to shun the responsibility by acting as I’ontius
Jeremiah dclivercd the mcssagcfrom the Lorcl, similar Pilate did toward Jesus.
to that delivered by Urijah, and instead of showing I4 In this day thcrc are somereasonable men amongst
fear he stood his ground and said to his accusers: ‘I the politicians and judicial officers who arc ullrrilling
have dclivcrcd the message God sent me to deliver; to yield to the bloodthirsty demands of the clergy to
now do what seems good to you.’ Jeremiah showed rid the land of Jehovah’s witnesses. Rrgardlcss of
faith in God, and thcrcforc no fear of man. Taking what men may do, there is but one guide for the true
refuge in another part of Satan’s organization followers of Christ Jesus. These arc sent forth by the
furnished no protection whatsoever to Urijah. And it Almighty God, and protection and salvation is in the
also showed a lack of faith in God. It appears that hand of Jehovah and can be given by none other. It
Jehovah rcmovcd his protection from Urijah because is the duty of Jehovah’s witnesses to obey God anll
of his fear of man. “The fear of man bringcth a snare: let men do what they will, having in mind the words of
but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe.” Christ Jesus : “Be thou faithful unto death, and I
--Prov. 29 : 25. wiil give thee the crown of life.“-Rev. 2: 10,’.
300 fsI%WATCHTOWR Bcoomxq N. P.

IIierarchy also places Jehovah’s viitnesses in the class

ssConsideration of Jeremiah the twenty-screnth with the Communists. Of course, they are wrong in
chapter is next here undertaltcn, and that chapter this, becauseJehovah’s witnesses have no part with the
should be carefully read. In the preceding chapters Communists or any other organization. The Commu-
Jehovah addrcsscd his messageto organized religion- nists have nothing in common with Jehovah’s witncss-
j&s, which messageapplies to those operating under es, but, on the contrary, many Communist~shate them,
tie name of “Christian religion”, the practitioners of As an illustration : Russia dcstroycd “organized rel i-
which claim to believe on and worship Cod and Christ.. gion ’ ‘, meaning the religious church organizations of
It appears that Armageddon, which is Jehovah’s that country, and Russia has never pcrmittcd Jeho-
“strange act”, begimtswith “Christendom” or “or- vah ‘s witnesses to uninterruptedly work and preach
ganized religion” falsely called “Christianity”, and the gosp4 in that country. Millions of persons do not
that Armageddon will continue to the grand finale. understand or appreciate that Jehovah’s witnesses are
In other words, the beginning of Armageddon will commissioned, as Jeremiah was commissionrd, to dc-
witness the destruction of the professional religionists, liver Cod’s mesSage,and that they have nothing in
to be followed by Lhe destruction of Ihc heathen. In common with any person or 0r:anization that is anti-
the same way the events recorded in the twenty-sixth God and anti-kingdom under Christ. It is important.
chalrfer appear to be quic*ltly followed by those re- to keep in mind always that Satan is now making his
corded in the tw&y-scvcnth. It appears from CY- last stand and desperately trying to carry out his
tmncous evidence tbal the time of the delivery of wicked challenge made to .Jehovah that he could cause
clod’s messagea8 set forth in chapter twenty-seven all men to curse Him to his face. Satan’s purpose is
was in the year 614 KC. Says the proplwcy : “Jn the to rule the world or ruin it; and seeing that Christ
bcginnin:: of the reign of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah Jesus has been cnthronctl hy ,Jchovah C:od as Kiny
king of Judah, came this word unto Jcrcminh from of the world, and that therefore Satan’s rule from
the Lord.” (Jcr. 27: 1) The name “ Jchoiakim”, as IicncePortli is limited, Satan despcratcly nitc~mpts to
appearin:: in this verse of the Scriptures, is cvidcntly ruin the cntirc race, and in wrrying out hi$ purpnq
an error oi the scribe. According to liotl~ctl~n~t, mar- lie inanqlratca schcmrs lo put, one class nF:iirist an-
ginal rcndcrin:r, the name is properly %c>dckiah,in- other and to dcatrop all. Jrhovah ‘s witncsii5 h:ivc no
stead of Jchoiakim. (SW also verses 3, 12 and 20 of fight with any intlivitlnals or any class of ilttlividunls.
the same rhnpter, showing that the mwsaqc was pro- Their fight is against a hypocritical rcli~wri that
dainwd in the fourth year of Zedrkinh, king of Ju- eawcs the name of Jehovah Ood and his King to lx
dah.) Zcdckinh also was a son of Josiah, and a brother defamed, and which misleads t ho pq)lc. ‘l’llrir fia!~t
of dch&kim. ilc wi.w the urwlc of JCllOiilCllill, son is to cxposc tlic wiclrctlnws of Satan by hol~lir~~up the
of Jchoinkim. (2 Ki. 24: 17, IS ; Jcr. 37: 1) The time truth of f!lmighty C:od’s \vOrd that th? pco~)h In;ly
therefore is the same as that in Jcrcmiah 28: 1. see the way of cscnpc. Also the pnrposc of the rncs-
a6Jehovah dictatcvl to !lis prophet the messageset 53xe is to give warning to the cvildocrs so tllilt thy

forth in the order in which this scrirs of cvcnts must Will bC WithOUt CXCUW. The \VilI’Ilillg g:oes to a]] to
mur: First, the messageto “organized religion” or the end tllat those ~110 arc of good will may flee to
so-railed “organized (Ihristianity”, or “Ctiristen- Cod’s oqanization and find rrfugc. It apl)c’;lr’; fro111
dam” ; and, sword, to hcathcndom. “Thm saith the the Scriptnrrs that the order of Arnragc~tlclonwill IV,
Lord to nw, Blake thee bands and YOIiCS, and put them first, the drstivction of religious systems, cdlr~l
upon thy ncrk.” (Jcr. 27: 2) At tlris point Jeremiah “Christendom”; and that then will follow tlw tlc-
was commanded to set at or go through a performance Sk?diOU of Wery paI? Of Satm ‘s Org:lniz:lf iOIl ; ;111(1

illustrating what Cod would bring to pass upon those that before Armageddon brgins God’s name and Ibis
forces who hate anything and cvcrythinz with which kingdom must be proclaimed as he has comnlanth~cl.
the name of Cod is assoriatcd, that is, those who are s7The pantomime or dramatic performanw whwtl
moved with malice againsl everything that rcpres;olts Jchovnh dir&cd Jeremiah to act was dircctctl ill the
Jehovah Cod or everything that claims to reprrscnt type, and is directed in the antitypc, not to the l)ro-
him, and Ihcrcfore a ~otllcss class. That class of crca- fessed religion&s OF praetitioncrs of the “Christian
tunts milt maliciously exult over the dcstrurrion of religion”, but to the non-reli::ious class. Jcrclni:lh \rils
religious organizations that claim to represent God, therefore commanded to make hontls or yokes and
and will also exult OVCF any punishment inflicted send them to hrathrn kings: “And send them to t IIC
against true Christians, who in truth and in fact rep- king of Edom, and to the king of I\Ionb, :u~d to the
resent Cod. There are CcrZain organizations of men king of the Ammonites, and to :Itc Icing of TyruS, and
on the earth today who despise anything and every- to the king of Zidon, by the hand of the mcsscngcrs
thing and all I,ersans that name #Jehovah God and which come to Jernsalcm urito Zcdekinh king of
Christ Jesus. The Roman Catholic Hierarchy d&g- Judah. ” -. Jcr. 27 : 3.
nates the Commukts as such malicious haters, and 38Doubtless those to whom the messagewas diwctctl.
then, out of mere rrucl, malicious wickedness, the such as Edom and other henthcn, had heard of the

prophecy of Jeremiah concerning the destruction of The warning is also to the .\mmonitcs: “Son of man,
the city and temple at Jerusalem. The message was set thy fact against the .\mmonites, and prophesy
a public one, and the priests of Jerusalem would see against them; and say unto the Ammonites, Hear the
to it that it was spread about within the hearing of word of the Lord God; Thus saith the Lord God;
all, that prejudice might be created against Jeremiah ; Because thou saidst Aha, against my sanctuary, when
and the nations named in this prophcey no doubt had it was profaned; and against the land of Israel, when
reprcsentativeu within the city of Jerusalem. As ma- it was desolate ; and against the house of Judah, when
licious haters of everything that named the name of they went into captivity; behold, therefore, I will
Almighty God those men would rejoice in the fact deliver thee to the men of the east for a possession,
that Jerusalem was to be destroyed, and would hope and they shall set their palaces in thee, and make their
that it was to come to pass as prophesied. After the dwellings in thee: they shall eat thy fruit, and they
siege of Jerusalem had begun God declared his pur- shall drink thy milk. And I will make Rabbah a stable
pose to inflict punishment, upon Edom and other na- for camels, and the Ammonites a couching place for
tions: “Thus saith the Lord God, f3ccause that. Edom flocks ; and ye shall know that I am the Lord. For
hath dealt against the house of Judah by taking thus saith the Lord God, Because thou hast clapped
vengeance, and hath greatly offended, and revenged thine hands, and stamped with the feet, and rejoiced
himself upon tlicm; therefore thus saith the Lord in heart with all thy despite against the land of
God, I will also stretch out mine hand upon Edom, Israel ; behold, therefore, I n-111stretch out mint hand
and will cut of man and bcas%from it ; and I wil1 upon thee, and will deliver thee for a spoil to the
make it drsolate from Tcman ; and they of ncdan shall hcathcn; and I will cut thee off from the pcoptc, and
fall by the sword.” (EJzclc.25: 12, 13) “In the d;q I will cause thee to pcrisb out of the countries; I will
that thou stoodcst on the other side, in the day that destroy thee; and thou shalt know that 1 am the
the strangers carried away captive his forces, and Lord.” (Ezck. 25: 2-‘i) (SW also Jcrcmiah 40: l-6.)
forcigrrs entered into his gates, and cast lots upon All the nations arc includrd in this warnin,o. ( ISzek.
Jerusalem, even than wast as one of them. Rut thou 26 : 2, 3, 21 ; 28 : 21-2G) Those prophtcics WYC written
shouldcst not have looked on the day of thy brother for and apply to tile day of the vcngcancc of our CcJd,
in the day that he became a stranger ; neither should- which comes to pass at Armageddon, that is, his
est thou have rejoiced over the children of Judah in “strange act”.
the day of their dcutruction; ncithcr shouldcst thou *“The Lord Jesus is present, the day of judq~cnt
have spoken proudly in the day of distress. Thou has conic, and jutlgmcnt is nl)on the notions, but
shouldr~t not have rntcrcd into the fate of my pcoptc which judgrncnt first begins on 1tic religionisis of t IIC
in the day of their cal:mlity ; pa, thou shouldcst not iiat ions ; as it is written : “ .jnd if the rightcoIls SC;IPCC-
have looked on tlicir nrllictian in the day of their ly be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner
calnmity, nor have Iilid hantls on their subqtnnce in appear?” (1 I’ct. 4: 18) Jeremiah’s messageby pro-
the day of their calamity ; nrithcr shouldrst thou lmvc phetic cmblcms was delivered to the official rqJrc’icnl:i-
stood in the crosbway, to cut off those of his that did tivcs of the ltcatltcn, tltc tiatcrs and opposers of God.
mapc; n&her slroultlcst thou lrnvc dclivcrcd up those Such heathen rcprcscntatircq were in diplomatic rc-
of his tltitt did remain‘ in the day of di~trcss. For the lationsltip nith the Israclitcs. So likewise totlay i1S the
day of the Lord is near upon all the hcathcn ; as than messagecf warning is being scrvcd upon “Chrisf~n-
hnst done, it shalt be done unto thee : thy reward shall dom”, it also comesto non-religions lcadcrs in so-callrd
return upon thinc own head.” (Obnd. 11-15) This “Christendom”. It goes to those nations who are
statement of the prophecy is to the effect that God hCathCn hut \diO are in COntraCtUal rdati(JllShip Or
mill carry out hi9 purpose without infcrfcrcnce or aid diplomatic rrlationship with so-called “Christian
from anyone, and that it is not the prerogative of any nations”.
cresturc to take a hand therein unless directed or *I As an illustration: Japan ip in an alliance with
commancld by the T,ord so to do. the Roman Catholic I-licrarchy, and Jnpnncsc tlnpcs
asThe me.ssagcof warning was dclircrcd, not only oppo~ J&ox-ah’s witnesses bccausc they are pro-
to Eclom, but to other nations: “Thus saith the Lord claiming the name of Jehovah God and his King. The
God. 13ccausethat stoab and Seir do say, 13ehold, the persecution and intprisonmcnt of Jehovah’s \i itncsscs
hollse of Judah is like unto all the hcathcn; thcre- by the Japanese government continues with incrc>ascd
fore, behold, I will open the side of ?rIoab from the fury and is without justification or cscuse. It is done
cities, from his cities which are on his frontiers, the because the Roman Catholic 1Ticrarchy dcntands that
glory of the country, Reth-jcshimoth, Baal-meon, and Jehovah’s witnesses shall be persecuted in every land.
Kiriafhaim, unto the men of the east with the Am- ** The same year mentioned in this part of the
monitcs, and will give them in possession, that the prophecy Jeremiah, at the command of Jcluxtl~, sent
Ammonitcs may not be remembered among the na- a written messageagainst the king of l3abylon by the
tions. And I will esecute judgments upon !Uoab; and hand of Seraiah, which messagewas to be rend thcrc:
they shall know that I am the Lord.” (Ezek. 25 : 8-11) “The \rord which Jeremiah the prophet commanded

Seraiah the son of X&ah, the son of Maaseiah, when message from being delivered within his appointed
he went with Zedckiah the king of Judah into Babr- time?
ion, in the fourth year of his reign. And this Sex&h (To be contcnued)
was a quiet prince. So Jeremiah wrote in a book all QUESTIONS FOR STUDY
the evil that should come upon Babylon, even all these q 1. What was the occasion, and the purpose, of the message
which Jeremiah was to dcllver to the people of .Jerusalcm?
words that are written against Babylon. And Jere- Of what was Jerusalem here a prophetic picture?
miah said to Serniah. When thou eomest to Babylon. q 2. That Jeremiah was to say ‘to the people of the cities of
and shalt see, and shalt read all these words; then Judah’, “ Thus saith the Lord,” is of what sicmficancel
shalt thou say, 0 Lord, thou hast spoken against this B 3. What &as the nature of the liessage delivered-by Jeremiah
to the religionists of Jerusalem? How did they regard it?
place, to cut it off, that none shall remain in it, neither Compare therewith the message delivered today 1~ God’s
witnesses, nnd the attitude of the religionists of “Chriiten-
man nor beast, but that it shall be desolate for ever.” dam”. Justify the message of ~~~mtzag as delivered then,
-Jer. 51: 59-62. and that dehrercd by Jehovah’s servants tod:ry.
‘8 This corroborates the other Scriptural statements 4,5. IV&y has Jehovah provltled in the prophrtle record such
emphatic warning% M’hat information as to the purposo
showing that God mill use the godless crowd, that is, of the message is seen at Ezekiel 24: 21-218
the malicious haters, to destroy the hypocritical re- 6. IIas Jehovah ‘nladc Jerusalem a curse to all nations’?
ligious system, and then hc will destroy the godless How has Jeremiah 26: 7 been having fulfillment, and with
what real~onse by those who have ‘heard thrso aords ‘i
and cvcrything and every person and part of Satan’s 7. What was the effect upon thr Jcm rcligioniste of the mrs-
organization. The end of Armngcddon will mark the sage delivrred by Jercrni:rh? Describe their procedure, and
complete wiping out of cvcrything pertaining to Sa- apply the prophrtic pcturc.
8,Q. Ilow should the religious leaders hare reasoned and pro-
tan and his wickcdncss. ceeded In regard to Jcr~~mh? Instlxatl of that, rbh:tt did
44Jehovah would see to it that his messageof warn- they dot How does this final fulfillment today?
10-12. Account for the Jcn 1~11clergy ‘s incitlnji the people to
ing should reach the masters or rulers of the nations. ‘gather against Jerermah in the I~ousc of the Lorsl’. l’oint
Those diplomatic rcprcscntativcs that came to Jcrusa- out similar procedure by the clcrK:y in Jcsuu’ day, anll
lem to hobnob with %cdckiah the king would certainly today. Vhy are these truths so strongly cmphas~~cd ut
the prcscnt time9
rc&vc that mcssagc, which God had commanded 13. Apply the prophetic ptoc~~lure rccordc4 at vet se 10.
Jcrcmi;lh to put in the hands of his mcsscngcrs for 14-M. Compare the action of thr rc:ipionists, and their ch:uge
d&very : “And command them to say unto their against Jcrernmh, with the attltudo and tactics of modcrn~
day rcligionists.
m;lsfcrs, Thus sailh the Lord of hosts, the God of 17,18. Point out tho important instruction contained in
Israel, Thus shall yc say unlo your masters.” (Jer. verse 12.
19. \Vhat VW the purpose of the! messngc rrrnldrd at vcrsc 13 1
27 : 4) Likewise the: amljitssadors of the nations that With what rcsponsc should th:tt rncss:lge h:t\ c 1~11 rec~l~lro~l,
have and maintain relationship with “Christendom” and why? What is the purpose of this part of lhc prophe1m
and that thcreforc ‘come to “Christcntlom” ’ shall drama?
20. IVhm Jchorah’s mitncsscs arc brought ix~fore courts to-
know of God’s purpose to destroy Satan’s organiza- day, what should be th(alr attitude and the nature aud pur-
tion. Such notice has already been served upon many pose of their testimony?
of the foreign diplomats, and they arc taking notice 21. Apply the rule seen in the record at vcrsc 14 to those
whom Jeremiah at that time picturtlcl.
in practically all the nations. hlanifcstly Jchovsh 22, 23. Show the propriety of Jcrenmmll ‘H words rccorrlrcl at
permits this to come to them that thcy shall be with- verse 15, as also confirmed, later, by the apostles of JCWS
out cscusc. They sllall know that Jehovah is supreme: 24. Point out the timeliness of the truths now being brought
“I [Jrhovnh] have ma& the earth, the man and the to the attention of God’s faithful \\itnc~~.
beast that arc upon the ground, by my great polvcr, 25. Describe the situation in which the matter recorded at
Terse 1G has its setting.
and by my outstrctchcd arm, and have given it unto 26-2s. Rrlate the argumc~ut presented in hrhalf of Jrrernixh
whom it sccmcd meet unto me.” (Jer. 27: 5) When by “certain of the elders of the laml”. Account for tlliv
the Israelites wcrc marching to Canaan God would further argument in dcfcnsc of Jeremiah. l’ornt ollt tllc
reason for this part of lhc &vmc record. 1)0(-s it scrt7* It10
not let them destroy Edom, Noah and Ammon, he- purpose for \yhich the record has been provltlrtl, ami uhyP
cause it was not his dnc time. (Dcut. 2: 1-19) In view u 29. What helpful precedent is afforded 1x1~ wllic*lt Jcl:o\nh’s
witnesses, when accused, might well follow? \VI:y (10 Mom-
of the conduct of the Israclitcs God permitted the paratively few judges nom see and heed the counsel therrin
Phoenicians to remain in the land, including Tyre a~ailnblc for them t
and Zidon. Thus hc foretold his pcrtnission for Satan 30. By whom and for what purpose was the argument mado
as recorded at verses 2%25(
al;d his organization to continue without interruption 31,32. Account for Jcholnknn?s action in rcgnrd to Urijnh,
u&l the fixed time in God’s purpose. Prior to and and explain whelhcr he wab justified in so doing. \Vhnt
until 1914 God permitted Satan to control the nations important difference 1s seen hctnecn the propltl~ts 171iJ:th
and Jeremiah? What further is prophctlcally picturcll by
of the earth without interruption, and the God-haters these two prophets? IVhat is seen in the record at Jelc-
and the hypocritical so-called “Christian religionists” n .
miah 22: 38, 19, conrerning Jehoinkiml
have operated together, and continue to opcratc to- il 33,34. What was the gist of the argument in favor of Jcre-
miah? The record of this trml and the outcome thereof
gether, to control the nations. What messagewill Je- bear n-hat important instruction for Jehovah’s witneqses
hovah now have delivered to the nations of the earth? of todavP
and upon whom dots hc lay the ohlig:,ltion to deliver B Khat-in the prophetic record here considered seems shown
b3 the order in which Armageddon will be brought to
the same? Can the powers of earth prevent Jehovah’s pass?When was the message delivered that is set forth
in Jeremiah chapter twenty-seven9 Establish the identity yokes and send them to heathen kings? What was foretold
of the kmg of Judah at the time of this prophecy. thereby9
q 36. In what order, atkvrrding to the message, mr;st this series 1 40,41. Account for the opposition to Jehovah’s mitnessq
of etenta occur? Describe the class concerning or against and their persecution and imprisonment, in heathen 1snJs.
whom this message was recorded. Account for the misrep- 7 42,43. What prophetic significance IS seen in the record at
resentatim and persecution of Jehovah’s witnesses on earth Jeremiah 51. 59-G” 9
today. What is the fight in which these nre engaged, and 7 44. What is f&shown in the matter recorded at Jeremiah
the purpose of the message committed to them and by them 27: 49 Cite examples showing that Jehovah ‘has given the
declared? earth unto whom it seem&h meet unto him’. TVhy hale the
q 37-39. Why was Jemmiah commanded to make bonds or enemies of righteousness so long continued to operate?


W IIEN Ezekiel had eaten the roll of the book

which the hand of the Lord extended to him,
then the Ihrd gave command to him : “And
he said unto me, Son of man, go, get thee unto the
to “Christendom”. This is being done vigorously and
zealously by those who love tltc Lord.
Ezekiel then states that the spirit took him up and
he heard behind him a voice of great rushing, saying:
house of Lsra~.l,and speak with my words unto them. “Blessed be the glory of the Lord frotn his place.”
For tltou art not sent to a pcoplc of a strange speech (Ezek. 3 : 12) On the day of Pentecost, when the spirit
and of an hard lanwagc, but to tttc house of Israel.” was poured out, upon the followers of Christ JCSUR,
(Ezck. 3: P-5) The prophet Ezeliicl thus pictures there was the sound like the rushing of a mighty wind;
God’s “servant” rtasq of today who are sent to dc- and in like manner the spirit came upon Ezcl&l, fore-
liver a messageto “Chrislcndom”, because tltis pco- shadowing tltat the spirit of the Ilord woulc~come upon
ple have prdcsscd to be acqttaittlcd witlt the Scrip his pcoplc after the coming of Christ JCWS to tile
tnres and tbc lan~uagc thereof. 80 today the “scrv- temple of Jehovah. Ezclriel dcscribcs it, saying: “I
ant” clam earric% the mcrssagcof truttt to so-called heard also tltc noise of tlte wings of tltc livittg crca-
“organizcrl Christianity”, or “ Cltristcttdom”, not to tures that touched one another, and the noise of tlte
a people of an unkftowtt tongue; nor is it spoken in wttccls over against tlt(m, and a noise of :I gt.c:tt rusit-
the terms of a trcafltcn rcli$ott ; but tltcy inform ing. So llte spirit lifted me up, and took mc away, ant1
“Christendom” in their own lattguagc as to what I went in bittcrncss, itt the ltcat of my spirit ; hut the
God’s Word ttas to say. If the attoitttcd “servant” hand of the Lord was strong upon me.“--l*Iz&.
class does not now cltli:;cntly engage in proclaimitt~ 3: 13,1‘4.
the truth of CM’s purlto~n, tltosc so doin:r would Tltiq forcsttadowctl that tltc Lord puts his spirtt
quickly ccascto be of tltc Lord’s \crvattts and IIC would upon ltis pcoplc attd rcvcals to them n sui’ficicttt atnfntlit
raise up others, bbausc his tirnc is here wltcn his of the trutlt to cnablc them to discctv C1otl’soryatti-
message must be dclivcrcd. zation, and the \Vi&!d organization of Satatt in op[)o-
Tlic purpose of delivering tltc messageof trutlt is sition to the T‘ord, and the great privilcgc tllat they
itd to convert the world, as many ltave foolishly have of being in Jehovalt ‘s organization and goin? into
tttougltt; and tltis is proved by tltc words tttc Lord action against the cncmy and his agencies. \Vltctt tllcbv
apolic to lG&icl : “Gut the ltousc of Israel will not SW the ltideousncss and wickcclttcss of Satan’s or~;ttti-
ltcarkcn unto tltcc; for they will not ttcarkcn unto me ; zat,iott these go in the heat of 11tcspirit and n itlt tilt-
for all the house OF Israel are impudent and hard- ternrss against the enemy, because the enemy is (:otl’s
hearted. IMtold, I have made thy face strong against cttcmy. Such is not a ntalicious hatred, of course, hut
their faces,and thy for&cud strong against their fore- a sincere and earnest desire to xc tltc cncmy a~td his
heads. As att adamant, harder titan flint, have I tnade orgattization destroyed that Cod’s name might be
thy forehead; fear them not, ncitltcr be dismayed at esaltcd.
their looks, though tiey be a rebellious house.” (Ezck. Ezekiel was then at Tel-abib by the river Cltcl)ar
3: 7-9) Likewise the Lord tells tltc faithful “servant” (“cxfcttt of time”), which would ittdicatc that tltc
class that. he has made their ltcads harder than those fullttcss of God’s time had come for a new era itt ltiv
of the rebellious ones and tltcrcforc they arc not to field of service. “Tel-abib” means “hill of grcc~
fear those who are rebellious ; hetxx they must go and growth ” or “hill of .\bib”. The first month of the
sl)eak the truth with plainness and tlte Lord ltitnsclf Jewish year was Abib (the same as Kisan), that beiltg
will take care of the result.. the springtime, when tlte earth was covered wit lt preen
Jehovah then tells Ez&icl, and thcrcforc tltc “faith- growtlt. Even so it was ‘the springtime of the kittg-
fat scrva11t” class, to receive his tvords in the heart dom’, the “hill of green growth” marking tltc tinte
and in the cars and then go and tell tltcm to tltc people of a new era. Many who had made a cov’cttattt to do
whether they hear or not. (Ezek. 3: 10, 11) God’s God’s will and had been brought forth as ltis sons had
people could not today be faithful unless they respond turned away into Bahylonish captivity, God’s covenant
gladly and eagerly in carrying tlte message of truth pcoplr must now have a watchman, and this was fore-
shado\rcd By what the Lord said to Ezekiel: “And it This was foreshadowed by the words of the Lord to
came to pass at the end of ~-en days, that the word of Ezekiel : “Kerertheless, if thou warn the righteous
the Lord came unto me, saying, Son of man, I have man, that the righteous sin not, and he doth not sin,
made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel ; there- he shall surely live, because he is warned; also thou
fore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warn- hast dclirered thy soul.” (Ezck. 3: 21) In harmony
ing from me. “-Ezek. 3 : 16, li. xvith this commandment given to Ezekiel God’s jutlg-
The “watchman” is not one man, but is the entire ment is: “He that is unjust, let him hc unjust still;
company of anointed ones on earth making up the and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still; and hc
“faithful and wise servant” class. Some have ad- that is righteous, let him hc righteous still; and hc
vanced the thought that the “watchman” is an in- that is holy, let him bc holy still.“-1:ev. 22: 11.
dividual ; hut this is entirely wrong and contrary to Those of the temple class who hear the mcssagc of
the Seripturcs. The anointed class constitute the the Lord must be clean, and to this end must scparatc
“watchman”, and each mcnrbcr thereof watches for themsclvcs fiom all who arc out of harmony wit!t
the other and watches out for the intrrcsts of the king- God’s organization. (2 Cor. 6: 15-17) Jn harmony w1ti1
dom, all of which interests are now committed into this plain statement of the Scriptures tlic Lord coni-
the hands of the “xrvant” mandcd Ezckicl to Fcparatc himself and go into !iic
class. Concerning this same
“\vatchnil~l” Isaiah Wrote : “Thy watchtncn shall lift plain, that the Lord might talk with him there. “A114
up the voirc; with the voice tqcthcr shall they sing: the hand of the Lord was there up011 111~ ; and hc sili.1
for they shall src eye to eye, when the Lord shall bring unto me, Arise, go f..:th into the plain, and I will
again Zion.” The faithful watchmen must give wrn- there talk with thee. Then I arose, and went forth illto
ing to all who claim to he tftr pcoplc of (:otl. Therefore
the plain ; and, behold, the gl0r.Y of the h-d sled
they say to cnch other: “Thy (:od rcigneth !“-Isa. thcrc, as the glory which I saw by the river of Chc-
52 : 7.8. bar ; and I fell on my fact.” (EZCli. 3: 22,23) Tllcb
The lard has laid great responsibility upon lhc “faithful srrvant” class must, be scpnrotc from
wtchmcn, to Itit, his “faithful servant” class. He“Christendom”, from the “evil servant” class, and,
makes it ol~Ii~:~tory that such shall warn those who in fact, from all not in complete harmony with (:od ‘i;
start in the way of wickcdncss. The wickctl are not organization. The “faithful servant” must stand ollt
those u-ho ncvcr knew IIIC truth, but are those who, separate and alone as the target of the enemy ant1 ;L;
havia:: once bccti cnlightcncd, to some dcgrec at least, the witness for the Lord. These faithful ones gathc*t
concerntng the truth of God’s purposes, have then tl~cmsclvcs togcthcr unto the Lord in a condition of
turned away thcwfrom and rcndcr scrvicc to the scparatcncss, and the l~nxl’s glory ajlpcars unto them.
enemy. As .Jrhorah commanded Kzckicl, so he corn The farts show that sinrc 1!)2? the IAord has illunll-
mar& now the one whom Ezckicl forcshadowcd, his nated his “servant” class and Intlcn their table with
watrhmcn, his “servant” class, saying: “Wlion I say an alJundance of spiritual food ancl has illumin:itctl
unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou their minds as it never came to pass bcforc. ‘l’h vision
gircst him not warning, nor qxkcst to warn the wick- of God’s organization is there hrforc them, I~cau~
ed from his wicked way, to save his life ; the same the spirit of the Lord is upon thcm even as it \\ns
wicked man shall die in his iniquity ; but his blood will upon Ezekiel.
I require at thine hand. Yet if thou warn the wicked, “Then the spirit entered into me. and set mc ulwn
and he turn not from his wickctlncss, nor from his my feet, and spake with me, andsaid unto mc, Go,
wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; hut thou hast shut thyself within thinc house.” (I:zek. 3 : 24) The
dclivcrcd thy soul.” (Ezck. 3: H-20) The “watch- “housti” mentioned in this scripture is God’s plwc
man” class could not perform its proper duty unless of security provided by him for the “faithful WPV-
it sounded the warning to those who have once been ant” class, It is “the secret place of the Most lIi$”
eonnwted with the Watch Tower Society ; and this where the “servant” is pictured as being invulncralJle
has been done, even though it has brought down upon to the assaults of the enemy.
the Society many harsh criticisms. The “faithful servant”, being scparatc from the
it is not the prerogative of r’lre WatchtoWer, nor of cncmy and under the hand of the IAord ~Jcl~oval~, is in
any formiug a part of the “servant” class, to announce the place of security; but in this place of sccurily the
its judgment; hut it is the duty of such to call atten- “servant” is not to be idle. IIc bcl~olds the cncrny and
tion to Cod’s juclgmcnts as they are written, and this his activities and the euemy’s desire to slay the “scrv-
must bc done as a warning. Also, it is the duty of such ant”; Jvet he knows that he is secure, hecausc the Lord
to call attention to God’s judgments as they are mrit- has so promised him, and in this security the “scrv-
ten against the “evil servant”, and this must he clone ant” goes forth with a zeal to the work which tl~c
as a warning. Also, it is the duty of the “servant” Lord has provided and put in his hands. (l’s, 91: l-11)
class, by any other means the Lord has provided, to “For in the time of trouble he shalt hide mc in his
give warning to all “Christendom” by calling atten- pavilion; in the secret of his tahcrnacle shall he hide
tiou to the jud&gnents of the Lord as they arc writ,ten. me ; he shall set me up upon a rock.“-J?s. 27 : 5.

OCTOBER 15, 1937

IIIS cr\VORE" AND ~tIS"h2T" (Part 4) 307
“ToAll the Pcoplo” _.- .._.._.-I -.._..I. 314
Warning the Xenmmt ___..__.._“_.- 314
Questions for Cjtudy ..-... - .....-- “” -..__._..316
SSRVICE hV’OlXTblESTS -.-.- 320

6~VmDI~~mk~~ -I___ __....I. . . . ..I..“....

gdE~~~~~" -.-- .--- -.- ---._-. 306
LcR.~~ET~ ‘) -..-- .-..- . . .. ... ..-1-o..
“bfODEL fsTUDY" __- ____-_“......_.-..“_I 306


117 Adams Street - Brooklyn, N.Y., U. S. A.
J. F. RUTIIEIWOED President W. E. VAN AMB~RGII Secretary
“And all thy children shall be tau$ht of Jehovah; and
great: shall be the peace of thy children.” -&&a s+x?-
THAT JE!IOVAH is the only true God, is from everlasting
to everlasting, the hl;&cr of hcnven and earth and the Giver
of bfo to his creatures; that tho Logos was the beginning of
his creation, and his active agent in the creation of all things;
that the Logos is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed
with all power in heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive
Oniccr of Jehovah.
Tll,+T GOD created the cart!1 for man, crratad perfect
man for tlrr? earth and pl:~~ccl him upon it; that man ~dlfully
disobcycd God’s law and was scntcncrd to death; that by
rcasun of Atlam’s wrong act nil men arc born smncra and
without the ncvht
” to kfc.
TI{AT JESUS wns n~wlo human, and the man Jesus suf-
fered death in order to produce tllc ransom or rcdompt~vo
price for all m:~nkiurl ; that God ramed up Jesus divine and
exalted him to hclavcn nbovo every creature and above every
name and clothed him wltll all p9Jwer and authority.
THAT JEItOVAl-i’S ORGANIZATION is c:~llcd Zion, and
tint Christ Jrsus 1s the C!Lipf Oflircr tlmrcof and is tho
&i:lltful King of the world; thnt tllo annintod and faithful
followers of Christ JCSUS arc clllhlren of Zion, mrrnbcrs of
Jchovnh’a organization, and :lre his witncqscs whoso duty and
brivilcgo it 1s to testify to the huprcmncy of Jd~o\a!~, dcehro
f.11s purpo?cs to\\-3rd mankinll ns ~~xpresscd in tho Ulble, and
to bear the fruits of the king;tlo,n bcforo all nho 1~111hear.
Tl!AT T! IF WORLD has cw~lrd, nnd the Lord Jesus Christ
h:m been pl:~~~l by .J&J\~!L upon his throne of authority,
h:t3 oustctl Satan from hv:L~<*u nnd iy prorceding to tho
ewt:tblA~mrnt of God’s kingdom on earth.
THAT ‘I I It’ RELIEF ant1 !+ssiwg of the pco!dcs of earth
can come only by and througll .Jrhovnh’s kingdom under
Cllrist, wliich has now bcgur.; that tl10 Lord’s nest grcnt
net is the destruction of Satan’s organization and the estab-
lishm4. of rightcourness in tllo earth, and tllat under tlm
kingdom nil those who will obey its righteous laws shall live
on earth forever.

Tho concluding united seivico period of tile ycnr 1937, the
nine days .Ucceiiibor 4 to 12 iuclusivc, is called tho ‘(Vindicator”
testiniouy perid. The feature offer of this pcrd will be the
new book A’t~cmtcs, to be placctl on the usual contribution of
22. AIt those desiring to be for a vintlication of Jehovah’s
nume will act upon this announcement and will at onrc begin
making all tluc preparations for a rigorous part In this testi-
mouy. Consult the forthcoming issues of the lrlfornrunt for
additional Mails and lnstluctions. Your prompt repott at the
closa of tho testimony will be al~precintcd by this offIce.

This ncm book, written by Brother Rutherford, nnd first
announced aurl ~clunscd at the recent general convPntiun of
Jchovnh ‘s H itncsscs at Columbus, Ohio, is now a\:~lal~le for
all who :iro for Jcho\:th and his King and ngxllld lus cluemics.
It is a g,land work, of 3% p::ges, excellcutly bound, gold-
stamped, wltlr color Iliustrntlons and a coniprchcnsiv-c index.
The initial cdltlon is the autogr:lJ~hcd edition and contnins, m
facsirirllc, a lcttcr wrltten by the hnml of the nu!hor and ad-
dressed to all the Loltl’s scrtauts. 1)ue to the limited quantity
of this autlmr’s edition a contllbution thctcfor of 5C)a n copy
is asked to oKsct the special cxpcnsc of publishing this edition.
VOL. LVIII OCTOBEB 15, 1937 No ..s“0


“As I Rave done to SWiloh.“-Jcr. 7: 14.

EIIOVAII used Nehucliadnczzar as his “servant”, internal-combustion consuming fire. It seemsquite ap-
that is, Jehovah caused the heathen king to play propriate, thcrcforc, that Jehovah would cause the
a part in the great dramatic prophecy, and in the king of Babylon to act as the csccutioncr of the rc-
part he played Nchuchadnezznr pictured Christ Jesus, bcttious people of Judah and Jcrusalcm, the destruc-
Cod’s ‘&et servant’, the Kin:: of the world. Satan is tion of which forcshndows the destruction of “Chri+
the mimic g&, whose purpo%;cis to mock and discredit, tenclom“.
the Almighly God. At Satan’s command the people 2 The typical people of God had bccomc unfaithful,
wcrc led to build the tower of BaWct, which name to and Jehovah directed his prophet Jcrcmiah to tclt
those natives meant “the gate of god”. A “gate” them that he had committed all things into the h:ltl(t
means a way of entrance, and it is reasonable to con- of his servant, the king of hbylon : “Arid 110\\: 1
cludc that the oId x)ccrivcr, the Serpent, Satan, the have given at1 these lands into the hand of Nchuch:1~1-
Jkvil, indued the people lo l~ciicvc that the way for nczzar the king of Babylon, my servant; and 1110
them to reach heaven was through lhc tower of Babel, beastsof the field have I given him also to scrvc him. ”
built by their own efforts; and th:zt, of course, would (Jcr. 27: 6) In the year 1914 Jehovah, in futfittmc~nt
be a mockery of Jehovah. Nimrotl, wl~osc name means of this part of the proptictic drama, gave all ttic world
‘rctnllious one that rules’, was therefore a fit person to Christ Jesus, the Conqueror and rightful iiillg:,
to rcprcscnt the arch rcbcl, Satmn, the mimic god, in whom Nebuchadnezzar pictured in the l)rot,hcl ic
that work of mockery. It is reasonable to eoncludc drama. (1%. 2 : G-9) Jehovah had appointed Chrt\t
that the name Bab’cl, as used by the Devil and his Jesus to that high position wllcn he raised him out
represcntativcs, is used in mockery or ridicule when of death, but Jesus must wait until Cod’s due tlmc
in fact the name does mean “gate of gti”. The name for him to begin his reign. (I%. 110: 1, 2) Now Chest
“I3a’bcl” (Ifctrczc) means “confusion”, because God Jesus is overlord of the earth, sent forth to displace t tic
thcrc confused the multitudes. (Gcn. 11 : 9) Babylon, unfaithful Lucifer, who became Satan, the t)cvit, t)y

priatcd or arloptcd by Sata! for the

the name of Satan’s organization, would be appro-
purpose of bring-
ing reproach upon Jehovah’s name, since that is the
reason of his rebellion. Thus Jehovah cstnblishcs his
great “tree”, Christ Jesus, under which tree all of
earth’s creatures who tivc shall dwelt in safcty.-
eoursc that Satan takes in everything. By his decree Ezck. 17 : 22-24 ; see Vindication, J3ookOne, page 232.
Jehovah has ordered the dcdruction of Babylon, Sa- 3 Referring now to the prophetic picture or type:
tan’s orgauization, and which dcqrce would be cxccut- Nebuchadnezzar was a great warrior, conquering the
rtl in due time by Jehovah’s elect servant. In the mcan- nations, and in this he pictured Christ Jesus, the Con-
time Jehovah uses Nebuchaclnczzar, the king of Baby- queror of the whole world. “And all nations shalt
ton, to plar a part pict,uring the rightful king of the serve him, and his son, and his 5011%son, until the
world, Ch&t Jesus. It may therefore properly be said very time of his land come; and then many nations and
that when the name Babylon is USW!as applied to the great kings shall serve thcm~:clvcs of him.” (Jcr.
work clone by Jehovah, it means the gate or way to 27: 7) In the type Kchuchadnc:z lr made a conquest
God. Christ Jesus is the only way unto God. (John of the nations. Jerusalem was Zc:;iroyed by the king
14 : 6) The name Babylon, as used by Satan and which of IJnbylon, and the ~at~ylonish empire came into iin-
therefore is used for the purpose of mockery and re- disputed control over all nations: round about. Baby-
proach, applies to that which shall be destroyed by lon, under h’ebucl~acl~,czzar’sreign, became the world
Jehovah. The course taken by Satan is one of scicidc. power of that time. It was provided in Jehovah’s dc-
(Ezek. 2s: 18) He builds up an organization and crec that all nations were to serve not only Sebuchad-
names it in mockcry of Jehovah, and within that or- nezzar, but his son and his grandson. Thus the empire
ganization of the Devil destruction starts as an foreshadowed by the rule of Mmchadnczzar is shown
308 @fieWATCHTOWER I?p.oocLYs, N. Y.

to have complete mastery of the whole world, and that tioned are “the kings of the east”, pictured or fore-
no rebellion could ever overthrow that rule. Since shadowed by Darius the Xcde and by Cyrus the Per-
the beginning of the reign of Christ Jesus, in 1914, sian, that is, Jehovah God and Christ Jesus. (See
the people of good will, learning that fact, seek the The Wal&o~er 1934, page 347.) Darius and Cyrus
Lord; and this is iliustrated by the people of Gibeon came from the east, leadin: their armies of Xedcs and
seeking out Joshua and asking his protection. (Josh. Persians and of many allied nations against Babylon,
9: l-15) So now the people of good will gladly submit which was then ruled by Bclshazzar, the Devil’s visil~lc
without resistance, and they come from all nations of rcpresentativc.-Isa. 21: 2 ; 22 : 6 ; Dan. 5 : 28,30,31;
the cnrth to place thcmsclves under the protection and 6: 28; Rev. 16: 12.
rule of Christ Jesus, whom Ncbuchadnczzar fore- 4 Those who are allied with Jehovah and Christ
shadowed. But all the other people of the nations, Jesus or are in Jehovah’s organization, include all
which hold to Satan’s organization, are angry at ‘the armies which are in heaven’ (Rev. 19 : l-1), and
Christ Jesus, the rightful Ruler, and oppose his reign, these “scrvc thcmsclvrs” of Satan, the lrillg of lhby-
and they will bc compc~llcd to bc submissive to the lon, pictured by Belshazzar, by the complete dcstrue-
Lord, and to this end they arc completely debasedand tion thereof to the glorious vindication of .Jehovnh’s
will bc destroyed. The Ilord Jesus Christ compels them name. For just such “scrviec” Jehovah has permitted
to serl-e and bc submissive, even to destruction, for Satan and hir I3abylon to remain and opcl;ttc for these
the vindication of Jehovah’s name. six thousaud years, in order that Jchov;lh miq:)lt give
’ The name “Sheshach” applica to the Devil him- the Devil full opportunity and that then IJc migtrt
self and to his 0rjianiiAion and means the same thing cause his own great name to be tc&fied to, and tllt>n
as “l?abylot1” wlicn that name is applied to Satan’s complctcly SWccp away th 1)cvil’s O~@lniXi:tiOU 1,

organizatiotr. (Jcr. 51 : 41) The ~)rophcey thcrcforc Jchovnh’s “strange net”. Before timt “strange acrt”
reads : “Shnll scrvc lritn . . . until lhc very time of of Jchovnh hc dots his “sfrangc work”, to wit, tl~c
his laud [ Shcslmch] come.” TIN words “very time”, world-wide J~roclaniation against Satan’s rdi(:it-bus
used in this ~~ro~~l~y, show the time of change of the system and his 0rganiz;rtion in general, ni1(1 this is
aJq~licatioiz of the name Cabylon. Two generalions in fulfillment of his declaration long prcvionsly math: :
after ~~ebucl~nclticzz~~r’s death “the very time” men- “Tllat my name may be declared throughout all lllc
tinned in the prophcey came; hence at this point the earth. “-Es. 9 : 16.
picture changes and applies to Satan’s system, which ’ Jehovah CO~J)C~S all nafions, JXOJ>~CS a1111 tongues
is called &I~JylOn. The latter part of Jcrcmiah’s to come under the rule of Cllrist ,Jcsus,ant1 t host MIIO
propllccy conclusively proves this point. Ncbuchad- refW &I (10SO Shdi h &'StrOyd 'I'hiS iS f'~Jit!tdd It)
twzmr in person never lost his world-power rule, nor the mcssagcGod rcquirrd Jcrcmiah to d(iliver: “ ,\II~
did hc cvcr see “the very time of Iris land”, for the it shall come to p3ss, that the nation and lii~l~~l~~ln
reason that hc died bcforc that time and tlcnce was which will not serve lhc same Nebuc~~~t~lii(~z/.i~r the
out of the picture; hut’the king NcLuclindiie7.zar up king of I:nbylon, and that will not l)ut tlwir nwk un-
to this time sl~owcd another very important ~mrt of dcr the yoke of the king of IMylon, that nation will
what should come to pass. Christ Jesus lives for ever I punish, snilh the Lord, with the swo~l, and lvitii
and will ncvcr see any ending of his world power. the famine, and with tlic pestilence, until I ha~c cnn-
Christ will reign gloriously lo the end of the thou- sumcd them by his hand. “-Jcr. 27 : 8.
sand years aqsigncd for that purpose, and will then * Jehovah knew the end from the lxginniqq am1
trtru the kingdom ovd’r to .Jchovah God, his Father. therefore lit has abided his own good lime to take ac-
--Kcv. 20 : 4-6 ; 1 Cor. 15 : 24-28. tion against tlic rcbcllious ones. JIc forckncw that none
5 in tllc complete fulfillment of this part of the of the nations, not even “Christendom”, would will-
prophetic drama “the very time of his land IShe- ingly bow the neck to and consent to be govrrnrd hy
shach] ” will romc with the end of Armageddon, that Christ, the ri$itful Ruler of the world. (Jm. 8: 15;
is, fol!owiug (iod’s “strange a&“. It comes mhcn 1 Pet. 2: 8) But he gives the nalions warning tllat
Christ Jesus, the grclat Vindicator, clcstroJ,sthe polit- they must submit tticmsclvcs to Christ or bc dcstroycd,
ical, commcrc~inland military forces of Satan’s visible and this is done that they may ha\ c no cscuq;( to plead
organization, and cl! the invisible forces, mcludiug ignorance. The rcligioni\ts who practice the so-called
Go:: and Satan E:. -nclf; as it is written: “And the “Christian religion” have rcjrcted Chrisl Jc~susthe
king of Shcsliach [ISal,;-lots, of which the J)criJ is the King, and have consorted with the other clcmcnts of
tread and kin:] shall drink after them.” (Jcr. 25:26) Satan’s organization to set UJ>a rule of the earth nc-
Satan’s organization is religious, and that includes cording to 1heir own ideas. (i’s, 2 : G-12) All the na-
the political, commercial, military and all other parts tions, i,icluditig all of “Christcntlom”, are against
thereof. What, then, shall follow after the clcctru&on God and his kingdom under Christ; but “Christen-
of that wirkcd system? “Then many nations and great dom” is the worst beCaUSe posing as Chridatl, there-
kings shall serve themselves of him,” says the prophet by deceiving many people aud bringing great re-
of Jehovah. (Jer. 27 : 7) The “great kings” here men- proach upon God’s holy U;tmc. In ant&t timca Je-
omm 15, Em 309

hovah used Xebuchsdnezzar to punish the Israelites, archy in particular boastfully claims that nothing
who WPO pledged to obey him. Xom Jehovah will use shall prevail against that organization, not even hell
the One whom Nebuchadnezzar fore+adowed, to wit, itself, and the credulous “Catholic population” in
Christ Jesus, to bring punishment upon the nations, general helicre what these self-constituted prophets
and particularly upon “Christendom”, who are in an say. In modern times politicians have also tumcd to
implied covenant to obey the Lord. In what manner be prophets. They say : “History shows that every one
will he punish them? The prophet says, ‘with tho that has ol~poscd the Roman Catholic Hierarchy has
sword, famine, and pestilence, all of which are sym- evcntuully lost out and that every political ruler that
bolic of destruction. Thiy shows that Jehovah lays siege now opposes the Hierarchy mill fail to survive.”
to the enemy’s stronghold by his great servant, Christ, Nus~olini was at first opposed to the Hierarchy, bnt
who sees to it tikat none shall escaI~c. (Jcr. 25: 35) now he swilchcs about and makes peace with “papa”.
The Lord has his ewmy surrounded, and at Arma- The Congress of the United States, and other public:
pp.ldon 110 rill figkt and give no cIu3rtcr. Konc can officials, mnnifcstly are afraid of the Roman Catholic
bxwk through his baftle lines, and all will be destroyed. lIicrar(*hy and arc afraid to have anything even said
*Cod’s messageof warning was first to the Isracl- about that devilish organization; and so they suhrrlit
itLs and then to the lwtlten, as appears in verse three to lhc prognostications of the JIicrarchy. The so-callctl
of this chapter. The Ieadcrs, amongst both the Jews “Prott~~tants” cannot. help but see that the Ilom:in
and Ibe nations round about, had induced the people Catholic Uicrarrhy is working with the political dic-
to follow thr:ir sdviee. When God sent a warning by tators, but those so-called “Christian reli:*ioni4ts”
Jcrcntiah, hc told ihc pcopIc that they were not to have no faith in the IZihIc and do not helicvc what
give 1~9 to the .xIf-constituted wise ones amongst the Bible says about Satan’s organization. ON Jan-
them : “Tlicrrfore hesrkcn not ye to your prol~hels, uary 18, l!M, the Iierald ‘I’riblb?ZC (New I’o~k) pub-
nor to gour divincm, nor to your drcanlcrs, nor to lishcd a statcwent iwd by the Ncthodist E’ccIcration
your atcl~anters, nor to your sorccrcw, which speak to the cflcct that the Vatican is backing Alussulini,
unto you, .saying, Ye shall not sct’vc the king of Baby- IIitlcr and b’ranco, adding, however, that only t11c
lon.” (Jsr. 27 : 9) Jehtriakim, and after bun Zcdckiah, political policies of the V;ltic*an arc asqnilcd. I~vcn
nnd their Jewish supporters and rcliyious hxlcrs, those Xcthotlisls have not the faith and coura!x to
wcrc Icaninc: on Egypt for help. They did not think oppose the Vaiican’s devilish doctrines that arc1tlc-
it. lNEsil,lC I hat xgypt \voultl )J:l& do\vn bcforc Haljy- ceiving and turning the p3j~~Ic away from God. l’ke
Ion, and thcreforc they did not cxpcct. thcmselvcs, the Wcztchtowcr has puhli~hcd time and again tht: fact
Jews, to evc’rhave to wear the yoltc of Ncl~uchadnrzzar. that Mussolini and Ilitler arc acting ul~ticr the dircc-
Th~fw reli$ms and IxAiticaI leaders so inlormcd the tion of the Vatkiln, and also h:ls sho\W the ScriIJtur;ll
ycoplc, lwcause, as they told them and the IJCOIJ~C be- reason tliercror nud what sl~all be the result. II’ tlic
licvcd, tlicy could apI)Iy to 14gypt for help and he aforementioned Methodists had fait11 in C:ocl :IMI in
assurr~l of getting it and thcrcforc Jcrusalcm could his 1Vord they WOUld boldly Sily \VtlLlt ttlC \VATCrI

surcedully resist tire kiug of ISabylon. The pcoplc, TOWER publications have said, to \\ it : That the Homan
being inrltirrd to Idicvc what these self-constitutcd CathoIic Hierarchy relics upon fake doctl.iIws, ;lnd
wise rncbnand prophets ant1 prcachcrs said, would con- hoodwinks tllc cotnmon pco~~lc, while working with the
cludc that the mcs>x;e Jeremiah was Ixinging lhcm other clemcnts of Satan ‘9 otg~rizaliou to gain control
was a very strange one and that. his work W;IYa strange of the nations of the rarth and to rutc them Ijy diclu-
work. To tJlc lcadrt~ of the hcathcn nations, and to tars, and that for this 1’c;lS011 they tlilVC? OpCllly NtJU-

the peq~le round about Jerusalem, Jcrcminh and his dinted Jehovah Cod’s \Vord aud rc.jcctcd Iiis Iiina,
work would aLo sowd very strange. It would seem Christ JCSUS, aIld that now they shall SU~~CP destruction.
very unusual that the Jewish nation should be warned I1 The Roman Catholic Ilicrarchy and other clcrg
to put thcraliclvev under the rule of Babylon. These scornfully push away from them any liternlurc that
lenders, some among them at Icast, claimed to be publishes the truth of God’s Word concerning his king-
prophets, and they prothsicd or announced their dom. They order their pari.shioners not to read it, and
prognostirations before the JCWN,and the heathen to destroy what comes into their possession.Otticr rc-
clergy preachers or prophets did likcwirje, Iraranguinl: li,oioniStS,togctlier with the l:ornan Catholic lIicra1x~hy,
the peopie and telling them that thcrc was no danger sroff at the idea that the glcat system that now rules
from Babylon and the&ore ihe people shouIc1give no the earth, religious, political, ~inanciul, military and
heed to Jerrmiah’s ‘fanciful prediction ‘. The pcoplc social, shall ever sufi’cr destruction. To them the me+
were ercdulous and were led by the self-constituted sage brought by Jehovah’s witnesses at His command,
proplrcts and wise meis. concerning God’s name and his pnrpo~e to dcslroy
lo Exactly the same conditions exist today. The Satan’s organization, is foolishness and they d~~no~ince
clcrgp of “Christendom” and other chief ones:of the it, as unbelievable. The prophecy of Cod’s Word, show-
religiuuists da not hesitate to say that their organiza- iq his purpose to destroy all nations at Armageddon,
tion shall stand for ever. The Roman Catholic II&- and which prol~hecy is dclivcrcd to the people by Jc-

horah’s witnesses, seems very +trange”* to all those “Christendom” puts the responsibility upon them to
who support the religious organization, and they turn act, and they will not be permitted to plead ignorance.
away from it and dismiss it with the mere words, The purpose of the Devil, as shown by the foregoing
“We are not interested.” Only those persons of good text of the prophecy, is to drive the people away from
will give heed to the message of the Lord, and only God that they might perish; and Jeremiah so toid
these will be protected. Jehovah commanded Jeremiah them. The same thing is true today. Even those who
to say to the people that they should not hearken unto do not support the religionists must have an oppor-
their prophets, soothsayers or sorcerers. Likewise to- tunity to hear. The godless ones may conclude that
day Jehovah, through his Word which is delivcrcd by after the destruction of the religious systems, which
his witnesses, informs the people that they should not operate in the name of God, then they, the godless,
believe the clergy, the preachers, or the politicians, will have a larger freedom and license for wickedness
who tell them that there is no possible danger of Arma- and that therefore they can entirely ignore Jehovah.
geddon’s coming. The clergy are therefore the more They will find, howcvcr, that the destruction of the
reprehensible; for the reason that they not only de- religious systems does not mean that there is no Jcho-
cline to ally themselves with God’s kingdom under vah God nor Christ Jesus; rather the prophcc~yshows
Christ, but prevent many other people from doing so. that they will learn that the overthrow of the rcli-
-Matt. 23: 33. gionists means that the non-rcligionists arc nest m
I* Why did Jehovah tell the people to refuse to give line to be dealt with by the Lord and thcrcby wi!Jcd
heed to the clergymen and other prognosticators? Why out in disgrace. Ungodliness is no more justified t!t::n
does he now tell the pcoplc not to listen to the priests hypocrilical religionists. The judffrncnt day of Jcho-
of the Roman Catholic IIicrnrchy clergymen and other vah is here and is so exacting and starching that
so-calh!d “pmphcts”? “For they !JrOp!lCSy a lie unto scarcely the righteous shall cscapc.-1 l’ct. 4: 17, 1%
you, to remove you far from your land; and that I I4 Jehovah’s time is at hand when hiu name and his
should drive you out, and yc should perish.” (Jer. kingdom must be declared to the nations as a witness,
27: 10) In view of the punishment that had been in- and this must bc done before Armageddon begills.
flicted upon other prophets of Jehovah it took real This was clearly foretold by the mcssafic dclircrcd !Jy
faith in God, and thcreforc genuine courage, for Jerc- Jcrcmiah to the non-Jews as well as to the Jews. Jcllo-
mbh to deliver the mcssngcthat he did drblivcr. Having vah informs the nations, in advance of approachiI1::
full faith in Jehovah, Jeremiah courageously calicd a Armageddon, of the great ills that will conic to them
lit a lie, regardless of what might bc said of him as by rcf’using to bow thcmselvcs willingly to the rule of
using rough talk. Ko doubt the clcrqmcn of that time his servant, Christ Jesus, and this is tlonc in or&r
said that “the spcc~~hof this man Jeremiah s!lo&s our that they may not have an cxcusc for ignorance. (:otl
religious susrcplibilitics of our lime-honored organi- will permit to survive and iivc only ttlosc who willingly
zation “. Jcrcminh was speaking the truth because put thcm~clvcs under t!lc rule of Christ Jesus, who,
God had commanded it; and even though the truth in the prophetic drama spoken and cnactcd by Jcrc-
does shock the religious susecptibilitics of the clergy, miah, wcs pictured by the king of Babylon. The
it is doing them a good turn, and also the people in proptict thcrcforc says : “13ut the nations that bring
general a good turn, to publish the truth; and there- their nccl: under the yoke of the king of 12ubylon, ;111tl
fore the mewigc of Cod is of the greatest public in- serve him, those will I let rcmnin still in their own
tcrest, convcniencc and necessity. The message was land, saith the Lord; and they shall till it, and dwell
from the Lord and was a warning for the pcoplc of therein.” -Jcr. 27 : 11.
Jeru.salcm; and likcwisc the message dclirercd today Is Jehovah’s King will cxtcnd his rule over all the
is a warning to the people of “Christendom” and is earth, and no power can succcssfullp resist him. T~KK~
for their good, if only they would so rczard it. It is who will benefit by his rule will prove to !JC, nut the
far more important that the people should know the nations as a whole, but the individuals of those nations
truth, that they may learn and take the right way and who arc of good will toward God, F!IO learn the truth
find protection, than for Jehovah’s witnesses to put and who willingly and gladly submit themselves to
on the soft pedat in order to avoid shoeking the re- God’s King, Christ Jesus.
ligious susecptibilities of pious clergymen. The people I6 The messagedclivcred by Jeremiah to the nations
in general must have an opportunity to hear the mes- was a prophecy illustrated with a wooden yoke or hcnt
gage,and for this reason God commands that it shall be pole put on the neck. The Devil’s crowd thou$~t to
delivered counteract God’s message, and thercforc the false
* Jehoyah’s messagehaving been declared by Jere- prophet, IIananinlA, broke the yoke that was on Jcrc-
miah in the presence and hearing of the supportera miah ‘9 ncclc: “Then IIananiah the pruphct took t!lc
of religionists of that time, those supporters could not yoke from off the prophet Jeremiah’s neck, and !Jt’tl!ie
plead ignorance and shift the responsibility on God, it. And Ifannniah spake in the presence of al! the
Likewise t&ay, the message of truth being declared people, qaying, Thus saith the Lord, Eren so jrill I
in the presence and hearing of the people who support break the yoke of h’ebnchadnczzar king of 13abylon
OcTonER x5, 1937

from the neck of all nations within the space of twa day ruling elements, particularly the Roman C;?thoIic
full years. And the prophet Jeremiah went his way.” Hierarchy and the supporters of that devilish reli-
(Jer. 28: 10, 11) Thus the false prophet was cndcnvor- gious system, and which is generally known as “ Chris-
ing to induce the pcoplc to believe that Jeremiah’s tendom” and is falsely called the “Christian religion”.
prophecy was false and th;t they should within a short; “Christendom” thinks she is difierent from the hcn-
time be entirely free from the Uabylonish king. then nations and does not need to change her course of
I7 The Roman Catholic clergy take exactly the same action and submit to Cod and his King, Christ Jesus.
course today. They tell the pcoplc that the message of “Christendom,” meaning the Roman Catholic Hicr-
Jehovah God, which he sends by hiu witttcsscs telling archy and her supporters, thinks to rule heaven and
tlto people that Armageddon is near, attd that he aill earth, but the prophecy of God shows exactly to the
destroy the godless as well as “Christendom”, ia contrary. “Christcndont,” and particularly the Ro-
wholly false, and these clcrgymcn uw all the power man Catholic Hierarchy, has greatly csaltcd herself,
nt~d influence that they possess to destroy in the mind and now she must, according to the dccrcc of Jehovah,
of the people the rfCect of the message of truth. The be brought low and wallow in the dust of the earth.
fitf;tlseprophets of the prcscnt day, to wit, tlic TIicrarclt,v God says to the lwoplc, a~,he says to their rulers now:
clcrgymcn and their supporters, tell the people that ‘Y,Yiy will you die? \Yhy not serve tlic King, Christ
t.hc nations will stand for ever and that the Roman Jesus, and live?’ (Jcr. 27: 13) Those who refuse will
Catholic organization is the rightful rcprcscntative of certainly die.
God on earth, and that that organization shall rule *I As Jcrcmiah, the servant of Cod, warned the
for ever and stand for CYCP.Thcsc clcrgymcn, there- rulers attd the people to give no heed to the fn!kc
fort, stand in the same position tliat Ilannninlt oceu- prophets, such as IIannnialt, cvcn so today Jchowtr,
pictl, in their cfi’orts to destroy faith in God’s tncs- by sending his witnesses with his rnrss~~~e of wII~riiII~
s2:y that is brought to them. Tlint the T)cvil and hi.9 to the rulers and to the people of “Chri\tcttdottt”, tells
n;:crtts cannot tllwnrt Jcllovah is illustrated by what them to give no heed to the false propllcts, such ilS tlic
f~~llowtl the IJrCakillg of that wootl~~ttyoke by the fair*! Iioman Catholic Ilicrarchy and other c~lcrqy~ticn, ant1
propltct : “‘l’hw the word of the Tlotd came unto their supporters. Jrhowh’s nitncsscs must carry this
Jc~ctltiA the prophet, after that I Iatmttiah the proph- message to the people. This tlicy hve I~ccti doing :i11(1
cl hU(] IJrOkCt~ the yo!<e from off the ttcck of thtt arc still doing, IJY God’s grace. The lwq~le must I)c
prophet Jcrctni:tli, sngitlg, (:o and tell 1Iatiatiiali, say- warned, as Jercminh warned Jctwwlcttt, snginq:
irtc, Thus saith the Lord, Thou hast brolrctt the ~Ok<?S “Therefore hcarkcn not unto the words of lhc IJIY)I~I~-
of wood ; hut thou shillt tllilk~ for them y0ltcS of iron. cts [prwcitrrs or clcrgymcti] that speak unto 3‘ou,
E’or tltlls saith 111~Ilord of hosts, the (:otl of lwael, saying, Y-c shall not wrve the king ol’ llnl~ylott : t’or
I have put a yol,c of iron upon the neck of all thcsc tlmy prophesy a lie unto you. “-Jer, 27 : 1-L.
nations, that they may scrvc NcIntcltadnczznr king ‘L2In Jcrctnialt ‘s tlav tltosc false proI)hcbts did rmt
of I~nhylott; and they shall SCI’YChim ; ut~d I have given trust in God. but they Lusted in 15zypt for liclp. I,il,e-
him the beasts of ihe field also.“--.Jcr. 28: 12-14. today the false prophets, the Iloinan L’:it hol ic,
I8 I’ikcwisc .Jchovah tells the pcoplc, throttqh his Hierarchy and other clcrgytnctt, do not trust in (;OlI.
1Yord, thal not otily arc the false l~rol~licts or clcrgy- but they trust in worldly power, their own po\vcr, to
men, the Roman Catholic IJicwrchy and their sup- aceomplisll their own selfish dwircs. ‘4s the ~IC'olJk! of
portctx, uttering lies by their wot~l~:, but all their clT0rl.s Jerusalem did not have an apprcciatiolt of the sin
to thwart (:od’s purl~osc will fail, alit1 that only thaw that made it necessary for Jchovnh lo csccutc hi<,.
who will give liwd to God’s 1Yotd and put tlicmsclvcs judgtncnt up011 tJ)at city, cvctt so uow the pcoplc u 110
under Christ J~aus shall cvcr live. The nations can- support organized rcli;;iort do ttot hnvc an :lpprcc+l-
sol escape hy following the instritctioti siwn them by tion Of thC sins of “ChI4stctld0IJl”, illltl that it Is
fdSe ~)rO~JhctS. ~‘h? ~~OIJlaJl (%IthOliC IIktW’chy Will Cod’s will that itI1 who Iivc must wiIIir1:;l.v rotrio uttc!c>r
snccccd for a tit-w, but within a short time thcrcafter the rule of Christ Jesus. Ilan:uliah pro~)lwsictl f:~lwly
it will be co~tiplctcly destroyed. and gained the support of the lwopl~:, and tlwy tell
‘3,Jercminh spoke to Zcdekiah, kitty of Judah, and wtdcr his seductive wo&; and likcwiw tot1:l.v the
ittfot-med him that only tliosc who would wear the yoke Roman Catholic Ilirrarchy aud othrr clc~y Itlctl
of the king of 13ahylon should live. Antitypically this prophesy falsely before the ~~rol)le in order to k(~~~l)
ntcans that only lliosc who voluntarily wrve Christ the people in igttorattcc of God’s purl)osc. It mcaIIs,
Jesus shall live. I~urthcrmorc Jcrcmiah said to Zedc- thfwfore, a fight a,naiust these false proplictc for
kiab, and, tto clouht, in the Itcaring of the peol~le : “1Vhy Jeltovnlt’s witncsscs to continue to carry the mcs-
will y’r die, thou and thy pcoplc, by the sword, by the sage to the pcoplc that they may have an opportiuitty
fatnine, and by the l~cstilcnce, as the Lord hnth spoken to be infotmcd. The clcr:y, ;~lthott$t hearing the mcs-
against the nation fhat will not serve the king of sage, arc too proud to rcpctif, and t t:*,rcfore t Iwy will
I~abylott?“-Jcr. 27 : 13. JlOt tell tlIC truth t0 tile JWOlJlC,ntld !lCIlPC ilttCII11,t t0
*OZcdckiah and his supporters pictured the prcsent- prcvcnt the people front hearing it in any manner.
S. Y.

*’ Jeremiah told the pcoplc that such men as Hana- the vessels of the Lord’s house shall now shortly be
niah prophesied a lie; and likewise today Jehovah’s brought again from Babylon: for they prophesy a lie
witnesses, informing the people of the truth, thereby unto you. “-Jcr. 27 : 16.
show to them that those clergymen who prophesy con- 27Jehovah’s witnesses, in obcdicncc to God’s corn-
trary to Gad’s Word are deliberately lying. These mandments, have declared to the nations, that clergy,
clergymen represent the Devil, and they do the will the politicians, and the commercial and military rnon,
of their father the Devil. (*John 8: 44) Hananiah had God’s announced judgment and purpose of dcstrq-itlg
not been sent forth by Jehovah to prophesy in His Satan’s organization at Armageddon. They must con-
name. Neither had God sent any of these other false tinue to carry this message to the common people in
prophets, and therefore he commanded Jeremiah to order that all “Christendom” may be warned, and
say to the yeoplc: “For I have not sent them, saith that those who arc of good will toward God may give
the Lord, yet they prophesy a lie in my name, that I heed to his Word and find the way to life. Their work,
might drive you out, and that ye might perish, ye, therefore, is not a fight against men, but a proclama-
and the prophets that prophesy unto you.“-Jcr. tion of the. truth, which is a fight against wicked q-s-
27 : 15. tems organized and carried on by the Devil. In the
24Corresponding thcrcto, Jehovah God has not com- face of and contrary to the mcssagcof God delivered
missioned the men of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy by Jeremiah, Hananiah the false prophet dcfi:~nlly
or any other elcrgymcn to prophesy in his name to the challenged the message of the Lord and falsely said
proplc, and when those men go to the people and to the people: “Thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, the
propbcsy~ they prophesy falsehoods, and hence they God of Israel, saying, I have broken the yoke of the
deliberately lie. I\;ot only do they lie, but they pcrse- king of Babylon : within two full years u ill I bring
cute Jehovah’s witncsscs for telling the people the again into this place all the vesselsof the Lord’s house
truth as command& by Jehovah. By the ungodly re- that Kcbuchadnezznr king of l2abylon took away from
ligious ceremonies that they practice and by the doc- this place, and carried them to I!d~ylon; and I will
trinc% that they tcaach,and try the prognostications that bring again to this place Jcconiah the son of Jchr~-
they m;lke, the clcrgymcn keep the pcoplc in ignorance kim icing of Judah, with all the captives of Jtltlilh,
of God and his purpose, and turn them away from that went into h~JylOl1, with the Lord: f’or I will
God. What .Jeremiah ~icl to Ilana~~iah, the false break the yoke of the king of Babylon.” (Jcr. 25 : 2-4)
prophet who opposed God’s message,now applies with Hannniah must have known that he was Jying. I,ikc-
strortgcr force to the prrsciit-day clergymen, who wise today the Roman Catholic Ilicrarchy must ~~WW
prophesy iit% hrfore the people. To the false prophet that they arc lying. God forctclls that they cvcn say
God’s said : “Then said the prophet Jere- they have hidden thc~nselvcs behind lies; which refuge
miah unto IIa~~ankh the prophet, Hear now, IIana- he will destroy.-Isa. 25: 15.
niah, The Lard hath not swt, thee; but thou makest *8Judah and Jclxsalem were very much disturbed
this pco~~leto trust in a lie. Thercforc thus saith the by the prophecy delivered by Jcrcmiuh. l~iltc\\~isc
Lord, I~cholti, I will cast thrc from off the face of the today “organized religion”, and particularly its Icad-
earth: t.his year thou shalt die, because thou hast ers, CxperiellCc? a ~cvcre shock of tllcir susccl)tdJilitir!E
taught rebellion against the Lord. 80 IIananiah the by reason of the messageof God drlivcrcd by ‘Jcho-
prophet divd the same year, in the scvcnth month.” vah’s witnesses, and this of itself shows that the clergy
-Jcr. 28 : 15-17. are false vessels or instruments which bear religious
)5 Such is the mrittcn judgment of Jehovah against fodder to the pCOIJh3 and from which the JWOIJ~Crc-
the false prophecies that arc uttered by the leaders ceive no nourishment or bcncfit whatsocvcr. The proc-
of “Cbrist~ndom “. His Word, therefore, clearly shows lamation of the truth by Jcbov:~h’s witnesses is like
that Jehovah’s witnessesmust declare the truth today unto the invasion of Jerusalem by Nebuchntlnczznr.
as eammandcd, even though it shocks the religious The Lord Jesus Christ, the Grcnter-than-Ncbli~l~~l(i-
susccpfibilities of the clergy. It is not the judgment nezzar, leads this assault now upon the rcli+nists,
of men, hut is the judgmrnt of Almighty God, written and those false prophets and their organization arc
against those who resist him and his King, and who being jarred to the very foundations. The clcr:rymcn
falsely prophesy and mislead the people. His decree is have been so shocked by the truth that they pnt forth
that such shall be east.out and die. This messagemust every effort to destroy the message.A Catholic ncws-
he delivered because God has so commanded it. paper recently issued against Jehovah’s wit IICSSCS
2cJehovah’s witnesses are not fighting any man or says: “Some action will have to be taken sooner or
company of men, even as Jeremiah the prophet was later, and it is better taken now before the damnyc is
not fighting against men, but was merely obeying greater than it already is.” (Tlrc, C~lllolic Stnndnrtl.
God’s commandments: “Also I spake to the priests, Tasmania, October 29, 1936) This is in line with
and to all this people [as well as the king], saying, Cardinal Dougherty’s dcclaratioll to the cfl’cct that
Thus saith the Lord, Hearken not to the words of ?-our “he will take . . . more drastic action” unless the
prophets that prophesy unto you, saying, Behold, publication of the kingdom message ceases. Those
Oc‘roaER 15, 1937

roosters arrogate to themselves a tremendous power they had fear of the warning from God which had
and influence. Their day of disappointment is near. been announced to them by the mouth of Jeremiah.
In their attempt at the present time to keep up their It would show that they desired to have some part in
courage and the courage of their supporters the izo- the service of God. The same is today true of the
man Catholic Hierarchy say : “We will, within 8 clergymen of ‘,Christendom”. If they were really the
shoEt time, gain all that was lost in times past, and representatives of God and they mere sincere and
this we will do at the expense of Jehovah’s witnesses.” honest, they would give heed to what is written in the
In other words, their purpose is to destroy all the Scriptures and would tell the people the truth as it
witnc.sscsof Jehovah and their work in order that the is written therein, instead of withholding from the
Hierarchy may ride high and easy and without opposi- pcoplc the truth of the Ciblc. On the contrary, the
tion. That organization now looks to its ally, “Egypt,” clergy today, particularly the Hierarchy, instruct the
that is, the political and financial supporters, for people to not even read the Bible but, to believe only
help. what the priests tell them.
*#The rcIigious leaders of the Jews said, and like- 83Some of the resscls of the Lord had not at the
wise the religious leaders of “Christendom” say to time of Jeremiah been taken away by Nebuchadnezzar,
tl;e peopk!: “The message brought to you by Jeho- and concerning the same the Lord directed Jeremiah
v:rh’s witnesses is too strange for belief. Therefore to say : “For thus saith the Lord of hosts concerning
give no heed to that message.LWJ~ to us for advice. the pillars, and concerning the sea, and conccrniiig
\Ye are sure thnt our organization will stand for ever.” the bases, and concerning the residue of the vcssrls
Cut, dircctlg contrary to the speech of such false that remain in this city, which Ncbuchadnczzar kin::
prophets, Jehovah’s true prophet Jeremiah says con- of Babylon took not, when he carried away calltire
rcrning those rcligionists : “Iicarken not unto them; Jeconinh, the son of Jehoiakim king cf Judah, from
scrre the king of Babylon, and live: wherefore should Jerusalem to Babylon, and all the nobles of .Judah
this city bc laid waste?“-Jcr. 27 : 17. and Jerusalem; yea, thus saith the Lord of hosts, the
aoX0 doubt them are yet within the religious or- Cod of Israel, concerning the vcsscls that remain in
ganizations those persons of gootl will who arc pris- the house of the Lord, and in the house of the king
onels. (Isa. 49: 9) They must be gi\-cbnthe opportunity of ~Jutlah and of Jerusalem; They shall be carried
to hear and to hcarkcn unto the llonl. Thcrc arc those [away]. “-Jcr. 27 : 19-22.
outside of the religious organizations that desire right- S’Jehovah Was giving warning that the remaining
eousmxs and IICIWC are of good will toward Cod. ‘I’l~csc vcsseis would be taken away to Babylon. This part
must have the opportunity to hcnr the kingdom mcs- of the prophecy finds n fulfillment in modern timrs,
sage and be told that the only way of cscal~ and the in this, to wit: The Misha work, which Jehovah’s
only plaec of safety is by serving the Lord Jesus witnesses now by Ifis grace are doing, will not wrack
Christ, the King whom Ncbuchadnczzar forcshadowcd the religious organizations or organizsd rcligionu.
in this prophetic picture. The goodness of Jehovah Elisha’s witness work now exposes to view the crook-
God is manifested toward the people by sending them edncss of “Christendom” and is used to the pullinp
the mcssagoof warning. IIc thcrcfore makes it an im- down of strongholds of “Christendom”, in the minds
pcratire obligation upon Jehovah’s witncsscs that of honest and sincere people. The honor of wrecking
they must deliver this message. the systems or religious orqnnizations is given to
s1Jeremiah suggested a test which would determine Christ Jesus. As Samson inflicted punishment upon
whether those prognosticators such as IIananiah were the l’hilistines and left the finishing work to l)avid,
true or false prophets. Likewise a test is open to the even so now the finishing touches upon the cnclnlcs
clergymen at the present time. If they were honest, of God will bc put on by the Greater David, the Lord
true and faithful reprcscntatircs of the Lord, they Jesus Christ. Ths work now being done by the faithful
would Ml the truth to the people. Also Jehovah God followers of Christ Jesus in declaring the judgments
would give heed to their prayers, but hc does not hear of Jehovah against “Christendom” is very cxaspcrat-
the prayers of false and fraudulent preachers. Thcrc- ing and humiliating to the religionists; but there is
fore at God’s command Jcrcmiah announced the test far more to follow, not of work by the witnesses, but
in these words : “Rut if they be prophets, and if the the destructive work by Christ ,Jesus. When the un-
word-of the Lord be with them, let them now make covering of religious frauds is completed and the wit-
intercession to tho Lord of hosts, that the vessels ness work done, then will follow the execution of
which are left in the house of the Lord, and in the Jehovah’s judgment, that is, “his act, his strange
house of the king of Judah, and at Jerusalem, go not act. ”
to Uabylon. “-Jcr. 27 : 18. s5“They shall be carried [away] to Babylon, and
a* Tf the opposers of Jeremiah had been sincere and thcrc shall they be.” (Verse 22) How long? “Until
honest and possessedfaith in God, they would show the day that I visit them, saith the Lord.” (Vs. 22)
this by making such intercession as Jeremiah suggcst- Those vessels in the temple were carried away, and
ed. lind they done so, that would have shown that remained for seventy years. That part of the prophecy

meant nothing less than the total destruction of the fear, and well pictured what occurred prior to 1919.
city of Jerusalem and everything in it. Likewise it Elisha showed no fear of creatures, and pictured what
foretells that Jehovah’s “strange act” will mean 6b must take place after 1919. The experiences through
complete destruction of “Chrisfendom” and every- which the faithful servants of Jehovah haIe i)ar;scd
thing pertaining thereto. The remaining words of furnish an abundance of proof that the fear of man
Jeremiah 27 : 22, to wit, “then will I bring them up, and of the Devil and his agents must not be pcrmittcd
and restore them to this place,” manifestly refer to to deter them in their \ioorlr or interfere wit.11their
the remnant, that is, God’s faithful witnesses on earth. maintaining their integrity toward God. They muqt
As a remnant was saved out of Israel, so there is a fear God and be blind to everything save that of
remnant unto God that has come out of “Christcn- doing his will. As servants they must steadfastly go
dom ’ ‘, and which remnant maintain their integrity forward, relying upon Jehovah and Christ Jesus, their
toward God. The returning must take place seventy Head and Lord. The faithful witnesses have now come
years after the destruction of Jerusalem, and the:e- to appreciate the great truth that the joy of tltc Lord
fore could not refer to unfaithful JcrusAm, but to is their strength. They likewise appreciate the fact
the faithful remnant of the Israelites who rebuilt the that the fear of tnan leads them into a snare and that
city. Thiv promise, thcrcforc, does not n~~l~ly to wiekcd they must fear God only and make him their sanc-
“Christendom” nor have my rcfcrcnce to the rceito- tuary--Isa. 8: 13.
ration of “Christendom” at any time. It does apply
antitypirnlly to God’s faithful remnant on the earth WARNING TIIE IIEMNANT
from and nftcr 1918 who then became a part of the SaNow we come to the cxnmitiation of that part of
Xxv Jcrusalcm. After thcsc faithful ones had under- the prophecy uttered lay Jcrcmiah at God’s (~onlrrlan~ t-
gone punislimcnt they were fully restored to God’s mcnt and which showsbeyond all question of d~,ulJtthat
favor ant1 his anger was cntircly rcmovcd from them. Jchovalr ‘Y witncsscs must hcnccforth maiat:lin their
-Isa. 12 : 1-3. integrity toward God undrr the most trying condi-
*‘TO ALL TIIE PEOPLE” tions. The faithful will have in mind that to IN forc-
seThe cvcnts set forth in tllc prcccding part of warned of diflicultieq just ahead means to bc f~.)re-
Jcrcmiah ‘s prophecy, and eonsidcrcd heretofore in armctl and to meet them in the strength of the liord
Z’lic l\‘ntcl~towcr, find full aqccrnent in what f&xvs and in the power of his mi&. The hypocritic:tl cro~cl
nncl wliivh is set out in the ‘5th At chapter of Jcrcmioh’s of rctigionists are itic*rclnsin:: in power nrnon~st ttic
l~rol~liccy. That chapter sh0llld bc Wrc~fully tl!iltl atrd nations, and u ill continue to cscrcisc their 1~0~c’r r111t il
prayerfully considered, togctlicr with what follows, they h;tve rcoc!rod that Jwillt W!v?n t!lcy will !JO;I\~-
I7 “The word that came to Jeremiah conrcnling fully dcclnrc, “PCtlCe ilIlt! SiLfCtY,” and, “NOW \\C
all the l~col~lcof Judah, in the fourth year of Jchoia- shall rule the world without, inicrfcrcnee.” \Vhcn
kim, the son of Josiah king of Judah, that was the they reach that point, as this ~~rophccy shops, aurl
first yc:ir of ~C!JllCilildPWZlI’ king of ~~abylon.” (Jcr. which is supl)ortcd by other prophc~ics, (;od”s \~riltl~
25: 1) Jcrcmiah !had!JWI~commnndcd to take !Iis stand will fall upon them, and none of Satan’s orcnniz:ltion
in the court of the 1,orcJ’shouse and to there proclaim will find any IVily of cscapc. To strcn$hcn his !Nq~lc,
the mcsytlgc of the Lord. IJc there pictured Jchorah’s and to give them comfort and hol~c, the Lonl J~~hovi~h
witwsscrj who take their stand after 1919 and who now graciously urlfoldr to his pcoplc his ptq~hc~irs.
rcmaiii on God’s side frarlcs~ly declaring his message. Those who rcatly love Got1 and trust him im!tlicit I)
It was about that time that God’s conscc*ratctl people will not bc dismayed or even disturbed 1~y \\ hit the
on the cart11began to see that the prophet Nlijah aJ?d 1,ord revcats to them and which shall shortly filli upon
his work pictured a certain part of Jehovah’s work, the nations of the earth, nor will they hc dctCl*IYd in
and that Nlishn the pro!Aict and his world pictured a the pcrformancc of assigned cluty. The faithl’ul will
work of Jchoval~‘s servants that mu?t. be performed continua to feed upon “the meat in due season” which
withoilt fear of man or devil. For the l)cndit of those the Lord provides for them. They will di1i::cntl.s atld
who have later come to a knowlcdgc of the truth men- prayerfully study what God makes known to ttwm.
tion is here made that it was in 1!119, at the first They will dncll together in IJCWC with each other i111cl
Cedar Point (Ohio) convention, that the Lord made show their love one for nnotllcr by watching cnrcfully
known to his 1xol~!c the tli\tinction bct~cn the IS&h for the intcrcst of each other and cndcnW~inI: to
and the Elisha work of the church. (SW 2’he Il’ntch- render tic!!) to their brottircn, inrtiiding the .!(Jlla-
tou*er August 1 and 15, 1919.) Jehovah forcknc~v and dabs. (Jer. 3.5: G-19) This does not tncau fin:ln,~inl
gra-uc*iouslyforetold that his scrvnnts would be en- help, 1Jutthe help that c11ablcs OIlC to stt1nt1 fitmly, to
trusted with a service to bc performed that would get an understanding and apprccintion of (~lol’s ~)ro-
require absolute and complete faith in him and they vision for those that love him, and to tlili~c~utly en-
would trust him implicitly for protection and salvation, gage in his scrricc. rd. all the faithful thcrci’orc stalld
and that therefore they must do their work without in the strength of the Lord and rcmcmbcr that Goti’s
fear of what man might do unto them. I<lijah showed people must stand shoulder to shoulder against the
Ocroanr 15, 1937

entrenched enemy. The admonition of the apostle Paul “Christendom” looked to its own power, the power of
is peculiarly appropriate now : ‘Be alert ; stand firm men, to rule in man’s appointed way, even though
in the faith ; acquit yourselves like men ; be strong. Let claiming the League of fiations to be “the expression
all that you do be done from love.’ (1 Cor. 16: 13, of God’s kingdom on earth”. It was following that
Wc~mo~fk) ‘Only let the lives you live be worthy of time that Jehovah began his “strange work” by hav-
the gospel of the Christ, in order that, whether I come ing Christ Jesus to use the temple company, tlic rem-
and seeyou or, being absent, only hear of you, I may nant on the earth, which Jeremiah pictured, to pro-
know that you are standing fast in one spirit and with claim the most strange and unusual messagethrough-
one mind, fighting shoulder to shoulder for the faith out *‘Christendom” that had over been heard by
of the gospel, Never for a moment quail before your “Christendom”, and such message has so greatly
antagonists. Your fearlessness will be to them a sure “shocked the religious susceptibilities” of the clcrgy-
token of impending destruction, but to you it will bc men and has appeared so very strange to those dupes
a sure token of your salvation-a token coming from who support and boar up the Devil’s organization
God. For you have had the privilege granted you on that they called it a “strange work”. Jehovah had
behalf of Christ-not only to b&eve in Him, but also caused Isaiah to prophesy that his “strange work”,
to suffer on I& behalf; maintaining, as you do, the which is the proclamation of Cjotl’s mcs$agc, would
same kind of conflict that you once saw in me and follow the laying of the Chief Corner Stone in Zion.
wbieh you still hear that I am engaged in.’ (Phil. (Isa. 28: 16-21) All the facts show the fulfillment of
1: 2i-30, Wets&.) ‘Therefore put on the complete that prophecy is now in progress and is nearing the
mmour of God, so that you may bc able to stand your end.
ground in the evil day, and, having fought to the 42When Nebuchadnezzar ascended the throne of
end, to remain victors on the field.’ (Eph. 6: 13, Babylon that proved that the end of Judah was near,
Wcym.) It -seemscertain that the climax is rapidly because Nebuchaduczzar was Jehovah’s cl~osc~esrcu-
approaching, LTnveyou clothed yourself with the full tioncr. Likcwiso when Christ Jesus was cnthroncd and
armor of the Lord PAre you determined, by his grace, came to tlic temple for judgment, that provr(l t!l;lt the
to Firmly and immovably stand for the Lord and his end of “Christendom” was ncnr, because IIC is the
kingdom, relying wholly upon God and Christ Jesus9 great Judge before whom all the nations must appear
Only in the strength of the Lord can any of his people and receive the execution of Jchovah’a judgment. The
now stand the test that is before them. facts frilly support this concIusioll. Thus the proj~hrcy
8*#Jeremiahwus commanded to speak to all the pco- fixes the time of the proclamation by Jcrcmiah nr~(l t hc
plo of Judah and the eity of Jerusalem. The Judcaus time of the fulfillment. At Cod’s commandmc~~trJc~~-
pictured the ones now on earth and to whom Clod’s miah spoke : “The which Jeremiah the prophct sp:l!ie
act wilt ho a “strange act” because, although unfaith- unto all the pcoplc of Judah, and to all the inllahitallts
ful to God, they will unworthily lay claim to the prom- of Jcrusalcm, saying.” (Jcr. 25 : 2) The pcoplc of
ises of Cod. They do not consider that such promises Judah and the inhabitants of Jcrusalcm wcrc rclyirlg
are of no value to ‘them because of their unfaithful- upon their religious leaders, the clergy, and the cllicf
ncb%.Following their leaders that have had a form men among them, and hcncc wcrc loath to bclicvc tile
of \rorship, which they call “ godliness “, they have message that Jeremiah spoke. At that time l4gyI)t
likewise performed ceremonies, but they have no love still showed herself a power to be reckon4 with ;III~
for (:od and his kingdom. The time is fixed by the had, only four years previous to that time, made
prophecy mentioned, and manifestly fixes the time of Judah a tributary of, or dependent on, Egypt, by I)Iitc-
its fnlfilimcnt, which is in these last days. ing Jchoialtim upon the throne, who was co~npcllcd
‘OJehovah had suffered Pharaoh to put Jchoiakim to do the bidding of Egypt. (2 Ki. 23: 28-35) I)oul&-
on the doomed throne of Jerusalem, and ho had con- less the people reasoned that Egypt would bc rcntly
tinued there for four years. That was the first year of to deliver and defend its tributary nation, Jutlalr,
Ncbuchadncxzar, king of Babylon, who here plays the against all encroachments by Bal,yIon. Juclnh was a
part picturing Chris% Jesus, whose first year at the buffer state for Egypt against Babylon. lq’nr that
temple was in 1918. That was the first year of his same reason here the prophet Jeremiah prophcsicd
(Christ Jesus’) being laid in Zion as the Chief Corner contrary to what Egypt might cxpcct to accomplish.
Stone. (‘Isa. 2s: 16) Therefore the prophecy recorded Likewise today the peoples arc relying up011the rc-
at the 25th chapter of Jeremiah appears to have its ligious organization that rules “Chri~tcndom”, and
antitypical proelamation beginning after 1918, and its the proclamation of the truth is exactly contrary to
actual fulfillment also thereafter.-See Vindicntioq what they expect worldly institutions can accomI)lish.
Book One, pages 248,253. 43Jeremiah had been preaching to the people for
‘l It was in the beginning of 1918 that “Christcn- twenty-three years, and still eighteen years more were
dom” rejected “The Stone laid in Zion”, that is, the to pass before the fall of Jerusalem. He reminclcd the
rightful Kinq of the world, and set its hopes on the people of Jerusalem of this fact : “From the thirtccll:h
Lc?~ue of L:atiDns. (Isa. 8: 9-15) In other words, year of Josiah the son of Amon king of Jutla11, CWI
Br:ooKLPx, N. Y.
unto this day, that is the t&c and twentieth year, heathenking Seburhdnezmr to play the part for which
he bay used in tins great dramatic prophrry.
the word of the Lord bath come unto me, and I have 1 2. \Vhy. at that time. CM Jehorah do as recorded at Jeremd
spoken unto you, rising early and speaking ; but je 27: 6? IIorv has ihat part of the prophetic picture been
have not hearkened.” (Jcr, 25: 3) In all that period 7 3-6.fulfilled~ Refer& to verse 7: Show whether (a) all nations w-c
of time Jeremiah was active and diligent. IIe did not brought into the servitude hcrc foretold. (11) “Tlte vz; y
lead a lazy life, such as that which iq led by the “dumb time of his lnnd” came. (e) ‘.\luny natIons and gent kin;,3
send themselves of him., Tfom does c:wh of these JGU-
dog” class, the ckqy of “Christendom”; he did not phetic cunditions, (a), (b), (c), have fulhllmentl
work a few hours in the day and then take it easy the f 7, 8. Dd any of the nations, for the reason mentioned, m-
remainder of the time. IIe arox early in the cool and cur punishment in line with the forcwnrning recorded at
verse 81 Apply this I,:lrt of the prophetic ptcture.
fresh part of the day, when the business people wcrc 1 9-11. Justify tllc further forwarning at verse 9, for that,
up and about their affairs. He went to them and told time. For the pleseut tune.
them about Jehovah’s purpose. But tlwy did not take 7 12,1X WXy d~rl those mentioned in verse 9 “prophesy
to the pcoplc, and for the purJ)ose a.3 charged :ic.Gnst them
a 1~”
his spcrrh seriously. The faithful prcacllin:; of Jcre- in verse 101 Show t!:at the 5~111~thing 1s true today.
miah for that period of time had brought to Judah a 7 lP,15. Describe the situntion twlay for \\lr~ch tlic prt,phetic
wnditionnl promwe nt verse 11 nns I,r(,l Itletl.
definite crisis, and he told the lw~i)lc in plain and fl 16-1s. ApJ~ly tile J,roI,hctrc J~~occtlure rccordcd at Jcrcm~:~h
emphatic language what God purposed to do to that 28: 10,ll. That at L’S: 12-14.
land. Altbougb diligently working for twenty-tliroe
years Jeremiah was not old and worn out. By the
grace of God lit continued f;litbfully to perform his
work. That is the I)rivikge of ercryonc in God’s serv-
ice tOdilJ’, fo continue to work as loll: as be ~~osscsscs
any strcn$b. Jeremiah’s faithfulness and devotion
may well In! cornparcd wit11 the long alld faithful serv-
ice of someof Jcbovah ‘s witnwws who bad l,art in the
IElijah work ant1 who baw, since the ending thcrcof,
continwd faithfni, tlilil:ent and zt~alour in the scrvicc
of the Elislta p&or1 or God’s work. IAct those who do
hnvc full faith in and love for God take courage now.
The di&ultics will grow no lcw until the “strange 7 33-35. ExJJJ:tiu and :IJIJ)JY Jcho~:~h ‘9 wrds by .Iviemi:$Jl ns
work” COMICS to an end. The fight ia on. The old “har- rcwrdc~l at 27: 1%?I. Jlow, in “the clay ill~rt I \Islt thl!m”,
did Jrlro~nh “bring them up, and wstoro llwm to Illis
lot” and lrcr paramours arc tnow dctcrmirwl than cvcr pl:u:o ’ ’ I
to crush JAovah’s wilmwcs, and ilW daily becoming
more arrogant, scornful and crncl. Tlwsc cncrrlies of
God and his people arc moving forwirtl with con-
fidcncc to tbc dcstrurtion of cvcrytbin~ that csposcs
the crookednessof their organization. llet all who bare
taken a stand on the side of JrlLovah and who are
tlicrefore relying upon the strcngtti of the 1,ord be
mindful of tlic truth that hc who is for us is far 7 39.they To whom ins .JcleminJl commanded to speak? \Vhom cl111
pwturc, rind JIOW?
greater than all that can be aqninst us. The message 7 40, 41. \\ lwi, :wcortl~n~ to otlwr srripturc~s, was tlw Iw~J,lw~y
which Jcwmiah was cornmnndcd by the Lord lo dc- prochiimc d ns recor~lcd in the St11 chnlltcl of .lcwm1:~hl
1Vhat dc~s that indicate as to lhc time of Its :IrititypllBd
liver, as set forth in tlic Zjtb cliaI~tcr of that propbcry, prw:Jnm:~tion? Explain the clcsignutiw of the J,jw 1:wa.
foretells what Jcl~ovol~‘s mitncsscs must now do, and tion, then rtud now, ns a “r.tlting:u \\ork”.
what tbcy may be es~wctcd to cspcricncc in faithfully 1 42. Shon thnt the prophcry fiws the timo of llw J,rwJ:~mn-
tion bv Jrlcminli :*nd tlic timr of tlm fulfill~wnt. \\ Ir:lt
performing their duty unto tbc Lord. pruph&ic signihwuce 1s wm in the rcJ:~tmnshlp then be-
(To be continwd) t\scm Jud:~h nnd QpJ)t?
7 43. Point out the hcll~ful instrwtion Rnd cssml~lo J)fo\idcd
QUESTIOXS FOB STUDY in the record at Jercmi:th t’3: 3. For wlmt r,::rtrrular
* nur-
9 1. Point out (a) the olig:m, uutl tlrc use*, of the name Baby post has Jd~wnb gl~cn to Jus people nn undclstandmg
lon. (b) The npproprilrtcnc~s of Jchov~h’s causiug the thcrcof nt this time?


W HEN, in 1018, Christ Jesus came to inspect

the professed people of God and to set up
God’s temple of ‘Ii\-ing stones’, Jehovah’s
“spiritual house”, hc looked with indignation upon
tion, the covenant 1~2opleof the Most Iii9h, t11evisible
part of the Xcw Jew&m. Xwz than t\fo thoust~nd
years ago Jehovah causccl his prophet %w!tnriah to
have a symbolic vision of this and to write about it:
the desolation of the earthly part of God’s organiza- “Upon the four and twcnticth day of the elcwnth
OCTOEFJt 15, 1937 317

month, tvhich is the month Sebat, in the second year contempt. Such describes the attitude of the various
of Darius [king of Xedo-Persia], came the word of parts of Satan’s organization on earth from 1918 to
the Lord unto Zechariah, the son of Berechiah, the 1922. Gut God’s remnant got on their feet and began
son of fddo the prophet, saying, I saw by night, and to work.
behold a man [Jehovah’s inspector general ] ridittg At the conclusion of the report by these under-
upon a red horse, and he stood among the myrtle trees inspectors, “then the angel of the Lord answered attd
that were in the bottom [east of Jerusalem] : and hc- said, 0 Lord of hosts, how long wilt thou not have
hind him were there red horses, speckled, and white.” mercy on Jerusalem and on the cities of Judah,
-Zech. 1 : 7,8. against which thou hast had indignat iott these thrcc-
Xechariah inquired of the Lord the meaning of these score and ten years [during which Jcrusalcm and the
men on horses, and the angel talking with him cx- laud of Judah lay dcsolatc \\hilc its former inhabitants
plaittcd it to him. “Then said I, 0 my lord, what are were captive in I3abylott] 9” (1: 12) This corresponds
these? And the angel that talked with me said unto to the condition amongst God’s people from l!Jlg lo
me, I will shew thee what these be.” (1: 9) This 1922, probably before the gcncral convcntiott of .Jcho-
question is propounded for the benefit of those fnitlt- vah’s witnesses in the latter year at Cedar Point,
ful ones of the remnant now on earth, and the angel Ohio. It was when lhc Lord’s covenant pcoplc at that
of the Lord brings to them the ncedcd information conrt~tttiott saw that Christ the Great Itispcctor Clrtt-
in answer to their questions. (Rev. 1 : 1) This is proof era1 had come to tltc temple that they cried out:
that the intcrprctation of prophecy dots not proceed “Save now, I bcsccch thee, 0 J,ord : 0 Lord, I ttc~cch
from man, hut that the Lord Jesus, the chief one in thee, send ttow prosperity.” (Ps. 118: 25) It was tn
Jehovah ‘s organization, sends the ncacssnry infortna- 1922 that God’s covenant people borantc nwarc of
tion to his people hy and through his holy angels their own ncgligcttcc in crmttcctiott with the huilditrg
“rltid the IJI~II fliat stood among the myrtle trees an- of the antitypical tcrnplc of God. It was ttren that the
swcrcd nttd said, Thcsc arc they whotn 11~ Jiord hath Lonl SpOJiC words of comfort to thcnt and thy tw
sent to walk to and fro through lhc cnt~llt.” (1: 10) joiced, sccittg tltat Jchovalt ‘N attgcr had turtled away
Jn the vision these represent Jehovah’s host that lte from them. (Isa. 13: 1-4; 61: 1-3) “And the I,ord
usw to csprcss his wrath agaittst the enemy. (Rev. answered the artxcl that talked with mc with good
14: 20) IVitlt this host Jehovah’s witttcsscs on earth words, arid comfortat~le words.“-1 : 13.
arc duly associated. Zcchariatt, having rcccivcd 1110good 21ttdcorrtfortaOlc
Satan and his wicked agents stalk throu~~lt the earth WOITlS frotn the Lord, was ~IJlIi~m~idc~l to III;lliC :L IJrOc-
to spy out and to tnaticiously act agaitt\t. (:od’s faith- laniatiott : “SO IllC ntl:rd thilt cott~mutt0l with Itlc MU1
ful pcoptc; and these horscmctt in %cch:~ri:th’s vision uttto me, Cry thou, sayitig, Thus saitti the t,ord of
act as obscrvcrs of \j hat concerns Jrhovnh’s orgatti- hosls, I ant jcalom for Jcrusaletn and for Zion with
zatiott and to carry out his purposes. The Lord now a great jcaJousy.” (1: 14) This prortatnntiott or mes-
has his face or attention turned to cottsidcration of sage must be both of God’s vc~~gcnnrc agaitlst tllc
thinks on the earth, and he inspects both the enemy enemy ant1 of comfort to his own l~tplc. Jcl~ovat~ had
organization and the organization of ,Jchovalt. The put his name on his cot~sccraled pcoplc WIIO rcpte-
eyes of the Lord arc observing cvcrythittg on the earth. sented his true itttcrcst and whotn he would give a part
(Zech. 4: 10; Rev. 5 : 6) The horsctt~ctt were as the in the work of vindicating ltis name. Hence hc tltaui-
eyes of the Lord.-Num. 10: 31. fcsts his jealousy (his zeal) by rcturtiitig u1tt.0 Zion
The uttdcrinspcctors report to their chief: “And his great favor. (Zcch. 8: l-3; 1%. 103: 16) For that
they answered the angel of the LORD that stood among very reasott Jehovah provided for the rclc>ilsc nttd
the myrtle trees, and said, We have walked to and fro &livery of his people front ttotitla~e in the year 1919.
through the cart& and, b&old, all the carth sitteth During the World War Satan’s agcttcics, partic~tlatty
still, and is at rest.” (I : 11) The substance of their the Anglo-American cntpirc system, Itad ill-trcxtcd
report. is that they have found the entire organization Cod’s faithful people much to the disl)lcasurc of ,J(ltto-
of Satan self-centered, in a state of self-complaccttcp valt ; hence he caused his proJJllct to say : “ r\lttI I am
and giving no regard or concern to the kingdom of very sore disple-?sed with the hcathett that arc at case
God under Christ. This report must have been made [rarclcss; proud (li’ofhwlrnm, ttrarRitt) ] ; for I \\ns hut
following the end of the World War, in 1918, attd a little displeased, and they hcll~tl fornard the afilic-
when Satan’s agencies were seeking means and rem- tiort.” (1: 15) It was “Cht~isfendotn”, this AII~$o-
edies to bring peace on the war-torn earth. They gave American empire system, that not only bccnmc intlif-
no herd to God’s kingdom, but so far as it is concerned fcrcnt to God’s kingdom and rested in eay;e in thtbir
tltcy sat still and rcstctl and relied upon the League own strength to lift up the nations, but helped forward
of K&ions, the World Court, pence treaties, and like the aflliction of God’s people in l)articulnr. ‘1’11~1,1)1x1
things, to keep Satan’s organization in posscision of also says, “I was but a little displcnscd,” that is, with
the world. Of course, they gave no assistance to God’s his own IJeOple, and for this rcasott he permitted thctn
people to proclaim the truth, but treated them with to be takett into custody by the enemy. (Jcr. 12: 7)
N. Y.

Instead of “Christendom’s” exercising mercy towards had existed and inflicted punishment upon men who
those who preached the gospel of God’s kingdom (at served Jehovah God. The prophecy here means that
that time this very preaching was with fear and four more world polvers, to wit, Greece, Rome, the
trembling), “Christendom” took delight in punishing An&-American empire system, which is “Christen-
Jehovah’s covenant people and ‘helped forward their dom”, and the combination of the League of Nations,
which is the eighth world power, would further O~J~OSC
aflliction’. Since then the same agents of Satan con- God’s anointed pcoplc. (Rev. 17 : 11) The angel of the
tinue to make war against God’s anointed. Lord tells Zechariah that these horns are the powers
In making preparation for the punishment of the that scatter God’s people. (1: 19) The “four horns”
enemy organization Jehovah sends his “iUcs.senger of would also fitly represent the complete power of Sa-
the covenant” Christ Jesus, to @her fogcthcr his tan’s organization, which does violence to God’s people
people, build up the temple class, and make them fit and which reaches its climax of wickedness in Ihc
for participating in his work. (Ital. 3: 1-3) “Thcre- seventh world powr.
fort thus saith the Lord, I am returned to Jcrusalcm The Scriptural use of “four” is symbolic of com-
with mercies; my house shall be built in it, snith the pleteness, such as foursquare. “And the Ilord shcwcd
Lord of hosts, and n line shall bc stretched forth upon me four cilrpcntcrs [craftsmen (ZSotJL.); smiths
Jcrusalcm.” (1: 1C) &in:: this, Jehovah’s remnant (Mi.v.)].” (1:20) Generally the word here used
should lx very zealous and not slack their hands in for “carpcntcrs” means artificers or ones who do con-
the work bccausc of opposition put forth by the cncmy. structive work. The “four” is hcrc used as symbolical
Tlic [lord declares that his temple shall bc built up, of the complete army of the Lord which hammers the
and it is fJUilt up, “even in troublous times.” (Dan. horns off the bull heads of Satan’s organization, and
9: 25) The “line . . . stretched forth upon Jerusa- crushes them. Since tlic prophet inquires concerning
lem” is to measure the progrcssivc work which Jcho- the four constructors or artificcrs, the angel of the
vah has done in the building up of his organization on Lord said : “Then said I, What come these to do?
curtb since 1922. ITc cxprcsscs his purpose to comfort And hc spakc, saying, Thcsc [horns] arc the horns
and strengthen his pcoplc: “Cry yet, saying, I’hus which have scattered tJud;lh [God’s faithful people],
saith the Lord of lio;its, Xy cities through prosperity so that no man did lift up his head [in 1918 and lI)l’J] :
shall yet bc spread abroad [my cities (shall) ovcr- but these [artificcrs or carpcntcrs or constructors]
flow with blessing (I<&.)] ; and the Lord shall yet arc eomc to fray them, to cast out the horns of the
comfort Zion, and shall yet c1iooscJt*rusalcm.“-1: 17. Gentiles, which lifted up their horn over the land of
~Jchovahhas prospcrcd his organization by commit- Judah to scatter it.” (1: 21) Thrsc arc C;od’s pro-
ting to tlic remnant the testimony of Jesus Christ, the vided means to discomfit the cncmy, as Qidcon did in
kingIon interests on earth, and the duty of carrying his time. (Judg. 8: 12; Jsa. 19: 16; IMt. 30: !I) This
on the work forcshndowcd by tlic prophet l’:listin, and wicked crowd of Satan rises up to scatter and to de-
1~s pouring out his spirit upon them, and bringing stroy those who praise Jehovah clod, pictured 11s
th(m into his organizatiou, and permitting them to Judah, and the Lord Jehovah clod purposes the tlc-
drink the fruit of the vine new with the Lord Jesus struction of these assailants and makes preparation
Christ, in his organization.-Luke 22 : 18 ; Matt. 26 : 29. to that end. If Jehovah’s witncsyes wcrc left without
Having consoled his own people of Zion, Jehovah instruction or spiritual food they would bo discouragccl
now tells her of the enemiesthat will come against her. and cast down, and the enemy would put them to
%ccliariali (1: 13) says: “Then lifted I up mine eyes, flight. Now Jehovah instructs his faithful pcoplc ant1
and saw, and behold, four horns.” 1Iorns symboIize gives them comfort and encouragcmcnt that they may
means of pushing or inflicting punislimcnt upon an- have hope of complete victory through Christ, Jrsus,
other. ( I&c!c. 34 : 21 ; Dcut. 33 : 17) Up to the time of and thus hc prepares thetn for their part iu the work
the prophecy of Zcchariah four devilish world powers of vindication of his great and holy name.


OKAY the nations of earth, particuIarly those begin to bring evil on the city which is called by my
forming the League of Nations, call themselves name, and should ye be utterly unpuuishcd ? Ye shall
“ Christendom ’ ’ or “ Christian ’ ‘, therefore they not be unpunished : for I will call for a sword upon all
“call thcmsclves by the name of the Lord”. Address- the inhabitants of the earth, saith the Lord of hosts.
ing himself to all the nations forming the visible part Therefore prophesy thou against tllem all these words,
of Satan’s organization, and specifically pointing out and say unto them, The Lord shall roar from on high,
“organized Christianity”, or “Christendom”, so and utter his voice from his holy habitat ion ; he shall
called, Jehovah, through his prophet sags: “ IQ,. lo 1 mightily roar upon his habitation; he shall give a
~Cl-OBEa 15, 1937 319

shout, as they that tread the grapes, against all the ever has been or ever mill be visited upon the world.
id~abitants of the earth. A noise ,&all come even to the (Xatt. 24: 21) That it will completely uncover and
ends of the earth; for the Lord hath a eontroverq destroy the Devil’s organization and all the works
with the n&xx, ha will plead with all flesh; he will and workers of iniquity, the prophet makes clear
give them that are wicked to the sword, saith the when he says: “And the slain of the Lord shall bc at
Lord. Thus saith the Lord of h&s, Behold, evil shall that day from one end of the earth even unto the other
go forth from nation to nafion, and a great whirl- end of the earth : they shall not be lamented, neither
wind [warJ shall be raised up from the coasts of the gathered, nor buried; they shall be dung upon the
earth.“-Jcr. 25 : 29-32. ground.“-Jer. 25 : 33.
Having pronounced his speci& judgment against That it will bc a day of despair and vain howling
the Devil’s organization assembled in the valley of of the shepherds, the prophet also plainly states, say-
decision, Jehovah begins the battle. IIe commands, ing: “Il’owl, ye shepherds, and cry ; and wallow your-
and his mighty executive ofiicer, Christ Jesus, leads selves in the ashes, ye principal of the flock [the
the assault. As the Psalm (103: 25-27) in figurative church congregations of these religious shephcrtls] ;
language describes it : “For he commandeth, aud for the days of your slaughter and of your dispersions
rniscth the stormy wind, which liftcth up the waves are atlcomplishcd; and ye shall fall like a pItasant
thereof. They mount up to the heaven, they go down vessel.” (Jcr. 23: 31) Wwn a pIcasnut vew4 falls and
again to the depths; their soul is melted because of is destroyed, those who yosscsscd it arc in distrc+s.
rlwuble. They reel to and fro, and st axger like a drunk- The illustration is an apt one, that the shepherds who
en man, and are at their wits’ end.” A stormy wind have deceived the people shall so fall, as the prophet
or whirlwind is a symbol of a great war. The great states.
bath of God Almighty is on and proceeds to a con- Further describing the calamity befalling the OP-
ClUSiOlL ganization, the prophet says: “And the sl~ct~hcrtls
The prophets of Jehovah dc.scribed the progr?xs of shall have no way to flee, nor the principal of the
the war, and the result. Iinowin~ that these prophets flock to escape. A voice of the cry of the shct~hcrc~s,
arc proved to bc true prophetq we know that their and an howling of tlic principa! of the IlOPIi, shall be
testimony here given imports alr;olute verity. Jcho- IiCaIYl: for the Lord hall1 spoiled their pasture. And
vail is the right-hand SU~JpOrt of his beloved Son who the tmlccalJlc tlabitilti0W are cut do\i.Il, tmauw of the
I~ads the fight, aud conocrning which the prophet says: &me all:crof ttic Lonl. Iie bath fOlY~ltiCI1 his C’cJVCPt,
“The Lord [Jehovah] at thy right haud stlall strike as the lion; for their land is dcsotatc, because of the
through [or, shatter] kings in the day of his wrath. fbW!IlPS (Jf the O]tlIrC'~SOr, and be(xiiSe of ilk fierce
IIc shall judge among the ticnii~cn [nations], lie shall anger.“-- Jcr. 3,j : 35-3%
fill the places with the dead bodies ; he shall wound The Devil’s orgauization, rcprcxutctl by ancient
the heads over many countries”; or, as another trans- Babylon, shall fall and becomedwolalc!, as it is written
lation (Colh.) roads : “he Bath shattcrcd the head” by tile prophet, iv110 says: “ISab~lou the great is
over many countries. fallen, is fallen, and is becomettic hat,it;ition of devils,
Jehovah wilt gir*e such a demonstration of his power and the hold of cvcry foul spirit, :lJld cl cage of cvtrry
that all may see and know that he alone is the Al- unclean and habZftll \Jlrd.” (hV. 18: ‘2) hWITI thC
mighty God. The time having come to settle the issue, very beginning kItJylOI1 was the Devil’s organizal iou
it shall be scttlcd. The prophet (Nab. 1: 6-S) says: and \ias al;sociatcd with unclean spirits. Thiv test in
“Who can stand bcforc his indignation? and who can uo wise disproves Ilint conclusion. On the conlrary,
abide in the fierccncss of his anger? his fury is poured the proI.hecy here quoted dcscrihcs the conclif iou of
out like fire, and the rocks are thrown down by him. desolation that comes up011 IS:~bylon after her fall.
The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; The words are those of dcscripticm, showing her con-
and he know4 them that trust in him. But with an dition after God has bWliC!~l tier dowu.
overrunning flood hc will make an utter end of the Good men aud women have 1011;;been held in Rnbg-
l)Iitce thereof, and darkness shall pursue his enemies.” Ion by the sophistry and dcccption of Satan il!ld his
“Xnd I will bring distress upon men, that they shall agencies. After her fall, no more shall men or wolmen
walk like blind men, because they have sinned against dwell in her, but she bccomcs the habitation of hate-
the Lord; and their blood shall bc poured out as dust, ful birds and beasts. She will be shunned by every
cud their flesh as the dung. Xeithcr their silver nor man and woman. Another prophet of ,letio\nh sup-
their gold shall be able to dclircr them in the day of ports this conclusion, saying : “And l~:~l~~lon, the
the Lord’s wrath ; but the whole land shall be devoured glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Cl~altfcw’ ex-
b,- the fire of bis jealousy: for he shall make even a cellcncy, shall be as when God overtlircw Sodom aud
speedy riddance of all them that dwell in the land.‘, Gomorrah. It shall never be inhahitctl, ncittwr shall
-Zq,h. 1: 17,1S. it bc dnclt in from generation to genclxtion: neither
Jesus Christ, the great Prophet, declared that the shall the Arabian pitch tent thwe; ncithcr shall the
battle of God Almighty mill be the worst trouble that shcpl~crds make their fold there. But wild beasts of

t&c desert shall lie then:; and their houses shall be of the evil one. “The vine of the earth,” or that evil
full of doleful creatures ; and owls shall dlv-ell there, Tine (Rev. 14: lS, 19), produces the grapes or fruit
and satyrs shall dance there. And the wild beasts of of the earth. The earth represents the Devil’s org:mi-
the islands shall cry in their desolate houses, and zation visible to man. The vine of the earth is the rcry
dragons in their pleasant palaces.” (Isa. 13: 19-z) opposite of the “true vine”, and is therefore the offi-
“And Babylon shall become heaps, a dwellingplace cial part of the Devil’s organization.
for dragons, an astonishment, and an hissing without The American I/eGsed Versiott gives a bcttcr ren-
an inhabitant.” (Jcr. 51: 37) The destruction of the dering of the text, and therefore the quotation is from
Devil’s organi&ion will therefore be complete, and that version. The prophecy begins with a colloquy or
will demonstrate to all creation that Jehovah is &e conversation. The first speaker is the prophet, and
Almighty God, besides whom there is none. the second speaker is Christ Jesus, the mighty csccu-
Jehovah uses apt illustrations to make plain his tive officer of Jehovah God who assaults the stroq-
purposes. In the sixty-third chapter of Isaiah his hold of the enemy.
prophet sets out one of such illustrations. What is The first speaker propounds the yucstion : “T;\‘ho is
there recorded follows shortly up011 the coming of this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from
the great witness that God commands to bc gi\-m Bozrah? this that is glorious in his apparel, marching
(and which is now being given), as detailed by the in the greatness of his strength?”
same prophet in the preceding chapter (Isa. 62: 10). The second speaker replies: “I [Christ, tllc great
The prophet has a vision of one returning from the Executive Officer and I’rophct of Jehovah] that. s~~;lk
slaughter of the land of Edom and the city of Bozrah, in righteousness, mighty to save.” (11~ is the mi;;hty
and whose raimcnt is sprinkled with blood. Undo&- Savior and Deliverer of opprmscd humanity.)
edly the one seen in such apparel is the same one de- The first speaker now asks : “Whcrcforc art thou
scribed in another prophecy, which says: “And lw red in thinc apparel, and thy garments lilrc him that
--as clothed with a vesturc dipped in blood; and his trcadCth in the wincvat [or trough] 1”-1~. 63: l-6,
name is called The Word of God.“-1tev. 19: 13. A.R.V.
It is hclpfnl to an understanding of a prophecy to To this the second spcakcr answers: “I have trod-
first explain the meaning of some of the words which den the winepress alone; and of tha pco~)lcutllprt was
appear therein and in connection therewith. no man with me: yea, I trod them in mint LLIIICI’,a~1
The name “ Edom” represents that which is op- trampled them in my wrath; and their iifcblood is
posed to the Lord. (Obad. 1) It has the same mcanmg sprinkled upon my garments, and I have stainctl all
as the name “Esau”, and therefore refers to the or- my raiment. For the day of vcnpxmce was in my hart,
ganization of Satan, the most reprchcnsiblc clement and the year of my rcdccmcd is come. h11(1I looked,
of which is the religious clcnrcnt. Z~IHWXhas the same and there was none to help ; and I wondcrctl that thcrc
meaning as “ Rdom “, and really is Kdom. (Isa. 34 : 5) was none to uphold : therefore mine own arm broll$lt
The wrath of God is especially against Idumea.- salvation unto mc; and my wr&t.h, it u1~hcltl mc. ,Znd
Ezek 35.15.. I trod down the peoples in mine anger, and m;ldc them
Bdzrah was the chief city of Edom. Thcrcfore drunk in my wrath, and I poured out their lifeblood
Bozrah would rcprcscnt that which is the center or on the earth.”
most important part of modern Edom, to wit, the In such forceful terms the Lord ~1iowshow hc will
ruling factors thcrcof. crush into nonexistence the great and mighty oqnii.
The u&e-press is the instrument, or organization, zation which has antagonized him and his purp:“;cs
employed by Jehovah to crush or break up the fruit and has made life unbearable for the pcoplcs of earth.

Binghamton. N. Y. ..Nov. I’iltaton. Pa. .__ . . . . . . .._. NOV. ~~aco, Tcx. ..____._.._..._Nov. 3-5 Knnis, TN. ................h’ov. 19
Oneonta. N. Y. . ._.... _. ” i4 ulllies-B:lrre. I’*l. ._.... “ 14.:: Ross. Trs. ....__._....._.__..
” IiClllJ, ‘I’PY. . ....... .. .... I‘ 20
Binghmion, X. Y. . . . . “ 0 wrllinJuapoJ t. 1’3. . . . . ;: Mexfn. Trx. ................ “ 7.; Tw eil, TCU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ” “1
cooks Fnlls, N. Y. __.... ” Elllllr:l. N. Y. . . . ._. . . . . . . . . it Fairfukld, Teu. ____..____.. . :; 11, 1% l~:tll:I~. ‘J‘c\ . . . . . ..__. . “ 23.2i
St rwlman l’cx ~lCl<lJlllC~. Tcs. . . . . .. . .. “ ‘5
Great Bend, Pa. ....____.. I4 3: Itb:wJ. ?i. Y. .............. ‘8 IClkJmrt. ‘lb ..: m:::::::: 1: 14, :; 1 wt11wn ‘JVA _ ._.._._._.._“ 3;. 3
Scranton, I'll. ......_..-.. “ 12 Syracuse, x. Y. .....-....“ 2" Corslcnua. Tex . . . . ^ .. . . 17.18 I:orll,:un’ , Tc\: . . . . . _..... “ !!>. 29

J. C. BOOTH UCONSOLATIOS” (Conhued from page 306)

Great Falls, Mont. ..Nov. 4.6 Bfnnbnttnn, Mont. . . . .E;ov. 1s tliis part Se~tcmber. Comolation. howrcr. 1s nuhlishr~l bv the
Lm wtolr 0, Mont. _. . . . . 4’ Butte, Jlont. . ............. “
Melstone, Mont . .._______
1‘ 70 Deer Lodjy. Jlont. . . . . “
Ryegate. Mont. ._._.___.“ 3lissoul.a. Mont. -.._.... former ma&Qzine So populnr and valuol~lc, it is issued 1u :I mow
Belmont, JI ont. .._....._.‘1 1: Pnblo, 3ront ___....._..... ::’ 2 attractive, handy and suitable style, making it an IulIxorrd,
Twodot, Nont. ,.._..__.... “ WJhitefinh. Mont. _....._. “ 5. ;re
Big Timber. Xont. ____”
Billings. Mont. ..._.___._._
“ 13,14
11: Knlisyrll.
St. IpJltltlus,
.__....... “ S;.S
. ..- “ 2
tt Letter magnwc, n-l&-h none of Jcl~~~::l~‘s people al~ould fall
to receive ant1 rrod. T11c subsc~~l~tiou pliee IS $1.00 a year for
Rome, Mont. .....____.“ 16.17 Ilalulltoll, Mont. . . . .. . . . Dec. the United States; $1.25 for foreign countries.

NOVEMBER 1, 1937

1?1s “PORK” AA-D 111s“ACT“ (Part 5) 323
Enlarged Picture --..... -..... - .-..-..-..
Work of the Fdhful Portrayed ...-I_..M 329
Passing the Cup . .._-_ -..- -...-.. -......-- 330
Questions for Study -...- I_“.“. ..--“.. 332
---........w-7...- .“_..._
REBELLIOUS -..-...I__....- -...-..“.“-.. 334
LETTERS--m..-- ..-.“---. 336
L~V~x~~~~To~~J ~.-~_-____
“EXEJIIES" l--"...-ll---"l"""e
-_.....".. -..-
"?.IODEL fziTI,TDY" .....,..--p.-I,..".
117 Adams Street - Brooklyn,
N.Y., U. S. A. T III8 journal is published for the pur1~03e of enabling
tho people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as
expressed in the Bible. It pubbshcs Bible instruction
specifically designed to aid Jehovah’s lsjtnesses and all p~oplc
J. F. RLITHEB~~~D President W. E. VAX ~BURGH Secretary of good milL It arranges systematic Bible study for its re:tllers
“And all thy ch i Id ten shall be taut&t of Jehovah; and and the Society supp!ws other literature to aid in such btmlies.
It publishes suitnblo material for radio broadcasting and for
great shall be the peace of thy chiiren.” - kwi 54.~3. othdl means of puhhc instructton in tfie Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its uttcr-
THE SCKIMURES CLEARLY TEACH antes. It is entirely free ancl beparctte from all part&, sects
THAT JEHOVAH is tho only true God, is from everlasting or other worldly orgnnizntrons. It is wholly and \,ltllout
to everlusting, tho Maker of heaven mud earth and the Giver reservation for the kmgdom of Jchorah God umlcr Christ
of life to his creatures; that the Logos was the begin&q of his beloved King. It is not dogmatic, but inlitcs c:treful
his creation, and his active agent in the creation of all things; and crrtical examination of its contents in the light of the
that the Logas is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed Scriptures. It dots not indulge in controversy, and its col-
with all poner in heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive umns are not open to uersonnlitics.
Ofllcer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect
man for the earth and placed iurn upon it; that man rrrllfully
disobeyed God’6 law and nas scnteuecd to death; that by
rcanon of Adam’s wrong act all men me born sinners and
without the right to life.
TtlA’I JESUS sns made human, and the man Jesus suf-
fered death in orllrr to ~~rr,~luca the ransom or redemptive
price for all mnukiarl; tlurt Co11 rai.sed up Jesus dtvine and
cX:rhTd him to heaven ahole every croaturo end nbove cwxy
name and ekithcd him with all ljorer and authority.
THAT JEIiOVRH’S OI~CJ.M!iZATlON is called Zion, and
that Christ Jesus is the <‘liic~f O&or thereof and is the
rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful
folloacrs of Christ Jesus uro clr~lclrcn of Zion. mcrrrbers of
Jr+~\:th’~ org*~izntion, ant1 are his witnr~sscy \rlmse 11utg end
ptirilqe it is to tcatify to tlw supwmary of Jrho~:~lt, dccl:we
his purposC3 toward mankind as c~pw~sc~d in the l$ible, and
to bear the fruit3 of tho kiugtlom before all nhn will hear.
TtlAT TllE WORLD has entlctl, and the Lord Jesus Christ
ha3 been plw~vl by Jeho\::lh ul)on his throne of authority,
~IIR nustcd from hca\en and is proeccding to the
estu~lishrucnt of God’s kingdom au earth.
TI 1AT THE RELIEF und blessings of the peoples of earth
can come only by und throu$l J&ov:~ll’~ kiugdorn under
Christ, whi& has now bcgn; that the Lord’s nc*st great
net is the rhstruction of S:ttan’s orgnnization and the es&-
lishment of righteousness in the earth, :tnd tlmt under the
kingdom all those who will OlJCy its righteous larvs shall live
on earth forewr.
c_- - -_-.---:--.--___-_ .--- -________-
------___--..--- ---
entitled “Comfol t “, and tlmt ratlincast fl on, tllc C!oli>* u,n :lt
The eon&ding united sel\icc l~etild of the year 1937, the C’~lu,,,l~u3, Ohio, on tllc occasmn of tlic Intermltionnl c*~~ri\~~nl )on
nine dxps 4 to 19 inclusive,
l)CWnllJcr i.* c:dled the “ Vinllir-ator” tlwre and entitled “ Sxfrty ” . Tftc :trtl::tlc rover tlcsign, *n cijlljr,
testimouy lrriod. The feature olrcr of tllis pcr~otl ~11 be tho gins it an attracti\c :Il)l~~ztr:lncc.h coutrlbutlon of 31,1 ,*r (6’1by
new book lkmws, to he plncctl on the usunl routrll)ution of is asked thercf~n. You niny ortIer a supply for gcnel:tl 41~ rlbu-
25~. All dcsiling to bc for a ~in~lw:tti~Jn of Jelio\al~‘s tion from !I( use to house at once.
name will act upon thG4nnnouncrment and \\ ill at once begm “MODFI 1.. STUDY”
making all doe l~xcl~arations for a vigorous part ia this testi- This new G-i-page ho&let, though l)l:~inly bound, is of grcxt
rnou>. Conxtlt tllo fortlwoming issta.5 of the Zxfotninnt Ior
addltioncll details and instmctrons. Your prom16 report at the
close of the tc%timouy will be appreeiutetl by this oflicr.
This new huok, written by Ijrother Rutherford, and first
announced er.d released at the recent grncral convention of
Jehovah’s u itncr~s at Colutubu.q, Ohio, is now av:t~l:~blc for
all %ihoarc tar Jcho5ah and 111sKing and :i~:~inst 1113 cnrmies.
It is a grmd work, of 381 1~:1gcs, cxccllently bound, gold- “COX7OLATIOS”
stamper?, with color illustrations am1 a compr ehcnslve index. This journ.ll of fact, hope am1 cour.cge supcrsc~r1c.sthe folrner
The initial edit Ion is the autogrnlrhcd cditlon and contains, in maguzine. 7’1~ GDMLN -lge. the lost cclltion of v\l&h t~l’i>C’ale~l
facsimile, a letter wrlttcn by the hand of the author and ad- tlrrs past Sep:cntbcr. Cmtsotnttov, ho~~evcr, is puI~li~hc~1I,y the
dressed to all the 1,ord ‘E scr\:\nts. Ime to the hmitr(l qwntity same company, The Gohlen z4gc I’ufJb~f~ing Con~l~.~ny,Inc., and
of this author% edition a contribution therefor of .jOc :L copy though contnming the same basic fwtulcu \\hlch m:~111:the
ia asked to of&et the special expense of pubbshing this edition. former mngaLine so populnr and vsluablr, It is u~~ctl in :I more
1 attrective, hnn?y au11 suitnblc style, nl:lkmg it :LII i:nl)~o\ctl,
This is the uem fli-page booklet, containing the two recent a better magarme, u kirh nouc of Jehovah’s pq~la sl~ou!~li ai1
public atldreses by Drothcr ltutherford, that dcli\ercd at tile to rcccivc and read. The subscription place is $1.00 a scar for
recent gcncral eonbention of the Lord’s people in Paris and the Vnited States; $1.23 ior folclgn countries.
VOL. LVIII Nonrs*x 1, 1937 No. 21


“As I have done fo Shiloh.“-Jer. 7: 14.

EIIOV~ZTI often sends his messageby an imp&& comparatively few have hcarkcnccl tltcreto or inclined
man. Tltc fact that Jehovah uses a man does nat the ear, and the reason is tltat the Devil, opcratin::
mran that the man is pcrfccct, or even blameltikr through his clergymen and rcligionists, has ittdttccd
so far as the man himself is concerned. The man whom !hc people to treat the messageof God with cotttcrttpt.
Jehovah WCSmust he loyal and faithful to God in Those clergymen desire to have the honor and praise
order to lx pleasing and acceptable to hit,. No man that is due to Jehovah, and hcttce they scorn his ntca-
is pcrfcct in his org:illliwl, but hc can )JC pcrfcct 6l sage and mcswngcr~. But in this day of cnliglttcnmcnt
hrart; that is, he ran and must low God if ttc pIcases the pco~~lcmust bear their part of the iniquity, hccausc
the Most Jligh. That means unselfish devotion to they have 0pportunit.y to Itcar. If they fail or refuse
Jehovah. \i’lt:tt men may think of God’s scrvnnt is nd to hear, then they are largely responsible.
at all tnatcriul. The faithful servant always considws s Again Jerctttinlt rcmittdcd tltc people that they had
how hc can plcasc the Lord, and hc is ittdiffcrcnt lo been wrncd by the prophets of old to turn away from
everytltin:,r clsc. Jercmialt was that kind of a man. their wrottgful course and follow the ri$tt course:
Other f:rithful men, wltom Jchorah sclcctcd and sent as “They said, Turn ye again ttow cvcry one from his
his ~~lapk!ts to dclivcr his tnc~sagc to the pcoplc, W?FC evil way, attd from the evil of your doings, and dwell
also tltat kind of men ; that is to say, they wcrc prrfcrt in the luntl that tltc Lord ltath given unto you attd to
in hcarl and unselfishly devoted to Alntiqhty God. DC- your fatltcrs for ever and ever.” (Jet-. 25: -5) The
cause ol’ their faithfulness to God the ljcril attd his lcadcrs of the Jews, who practirctl their religion, :,tood
visible agettts bitterly opposed them and ittduccd ihc bcforc the pcoplc and with solcttttt facts nttd t t~ml~l~tt~
people to twat both the mcsscngcr and the message~5th voices would say : “WC are the sons of Alwalram, attd
contempt. Such has cwr been the course that faithful you arc also tltc dcscenditttts of Abraham. \\‘c wrc
men ltnvc had to take, and tltc ittsults they have had fct chosen first of clod, and WCknow that (:od would not
comparatively few men ltcar and give ltccd to
Word of God. The religionists arc the most rcprchm-
endure. The result, as in ancient times, still is, that send a mcssagc to us attd to you by such a cotnn~on
man as Jercminlt ; and tltc ntcssa~c ltc brittzs is ttot
worthy of cotisidcratiott. ” l3ut the fact tltat tltosc men
sible of al1 who have turned the pcoplc away from wcrc the dcsccndnnts of Abraham according to tho
Jchovalt. Spcakittg to the people of Judalt and JWII- flesh was no guarantee that they would ncvcr bc
salctn, Jcrcmiah now said: “And the Lord ltath se& ousted from the land promised to Abrahattt and his
unlo you all his servants the prophets, rising [up] seed after him. This matter is made clear by the in-
early and scttding tltcm; but ye hare ttot hearkened, spired words of the apostle, wlto said : “For they arc
nor inclined your ear to hear.“-Jcr. 25 : 4. not all Israel, which arc of [f&lily] Tsracl : ttcitltcr,
t Tltc prophets IIosca, Micah, Zcl)hanialr, and other bcraure they are the seed of Abraham, are they all
holy and faithful men, were raised up and sent by children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed lye called. That
Jehovah as his propltets to deliver his mcssngc before is, They which arc the children of the flesh, these arc
tbc day of tltc coming of Jeremiah ; and twelve years not the children of God [wltotn Abraham typified ] :
after ,Jcrcmiah delivered the message committed to but tlte cltildrcn of the promise [to Abraham] arc
him Ezckicl was raised up as a prophet and sent to counted for tltc [spiritual] seed.” (Horn. 9: G-S) “Xow
Cltaldca. (Ezck. I: 1-3) And so Jeremiah said to the we, brethren, as Isaac was, arc tltc children of protn-
people: ‘The Lord sent his prophets early to you, and ise.” (Gal. 4: 2s) “So then tltcy which be of faith arc
ye have not hearkened nor inclined tlte ear.’ It is even blessed with faithful Ahrahatn.” (Gal. 3: 9) A man
so today. The people of “Christendom” have had many may say that he is a Jew, but that is no evidence what-
and favorable opportunities to hear the truth, but soever that he is a Jew. A Jew, witltin tltc tncanittg

of the Scriptures, is one who is devoted to Jehovah Devil. The people must be given an opportunity to
and SW-esand praises Jehovah God. hear, and then those who refuse to give heed must hear
4 Like the fraudulent clergy of the Jews, so today their 0~1 iniquity. Of all the bigoted, scornful, arro-
the Roman Catholic Hierarchy crowd presumptuously gant and self-exalted men that have ever been on the
claim to be the only favored ones of God and they earth, the breed of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy
fraudulently and falsely act to keep the people in stands in the front row, and to them sur+ the words
ignorant of God’s %-ord. They seek the honor and of Jesus apply when he said: “Ye serpents, ye goner-
praise that is dne Jehovah. As a sample of how these ation of vipers! how can ye escape the damnation of
self-cotatitutcd servants of God act the following is hell 1”-N&t. 23 : 33.
cited. The Ottawa Joumul of E’ebruary 1, 193’7,pub- ’ As Jeremiah delivered Jehovah’s warning and ad.
lished what is eallcd “a pastoral letter, issued by monition to the Jews, even so now Jehovah’s witncsscs
Arehbisfq Forbes”, which Icttcr says, amongst other must continue to deliver Jehovah’s messageof warn-
things, tb following : “Certain publications, which ing and admonition to the people, that they may have
contain heretical d&zincs attarking Christian truths, an opportunity of fleeing from idolatioy and irlolatrous
wvhieharc circulated throughout the city and district, worship of the Devil arid his crowd: “.\iid go not
. . * we prohibit in our diorcsc, thcqe writings, hook- after other gods to serve them, and to wor4lip thclm,
lets, pamphlets, circulars. They arc not allowed to be and provoke me not to anger with the ~4s of your
pul&Aed, red, kept, houg-:htor sold, nor to lx trans- hands; and I will do you no hurt.“--.Jt)r. 25: 6.
Iatid into other lnngunges nor to be passed about in a Th JCWrcligionists, particularly the lcnclcrs, (11’c’~
any way. They are to he dcstroyctl. To he perfectly nigh to Jehovah God with their mouths in Cormal 01
clear, we &II with& csrlurling all the rest of the same ceremonial worship, but tIlcy wcrc utterly void of any
type, to point particularly to the writings of the so- heart devotion to Jchovnh and they intlncc>clthe [JC'O-
called Witncws of Jrhovnh.” Forhcs feels his very pie to follow their unrightcoous C~IIIW. Tlrcy led the
&g-c& irrr~rtarrce and exalts himself above Jehovah pcoplc to bclicve that formal worship was itll-4fiPicllt
Gocl and the Lord JWUSChrist. Jchovnh’s witnesses and that, consirtcnt thcrcwith, they must xivc all their
arc the only l~glc on earth that publish the un- means of scrvicc and aorship and pmisc lo the clcr~y.
varnished truth, as contained in lhc llihlc, and that men am(Jnyst tlic Jcxs. 1Svcn so today t tic (>ilt!llJl IC
iS thC mS0n Why tkC bJ!WXI CathdiC ~~i~rarChy prC!- Ilicrarclly, illld [)~ll’tiCLllill’l~~ the chid nice IlICI’Cuf,
5umptuoudy assumesto prevent the pco~~lcfrom hav- hold n grrat powwow, during which, nnrhctl in I;WC
ing those puMieationa ii0 Catholic priest or other of& curtains. , gotdcn heads and fish-god llat$, they pr;~y
eial of the Jiicrnrchy has any right or authority to before the common p~~ol~lcant1 go throu:;ll ccri:lin
dt&rOy the prop&y of aIHJhx, and ccrt;liiily no forms of cei’cmony or unrcasonal,lc aCtton‘;, \\hi(ali
right to prohibit the pcopte from hearing the \\‘onl of they call “worship”, and in which they pcrrnit p~ol~lc
God. The Ilomsn Catholic Ilicrarchy well know that t0 have some part, and tllilt part of the pcol)lc is to
Coil’s Word esp0xs the crookedness of ttto Catholic kiss the tot or the ring of somconc of the 1iict :irc*l~y.
qstcm, and for that rcwxl, and that only, tlwy nish They induce the people to txlicve that sucli f0rmnli.m
to withhold from the people the truth, which csposcs is at1 that is ncccssary, so far as God is COIIC~WIC’~, ai~d
the cro&cd Cathulic system. that the pcoplc must give their titnc anti honor a11c.l
d Let those ctcrics tdic notice of what the Scriptures money t0 the mighty 0IlrS amongst the II ielxrvlly iltICi
gay, to wit, that they are not the children of God and hail them a3 gods and bow down bcforc tllcnl. ‘i’l~y
n0t his reprcscntativcs mcrcly because they claim so also teach tticm that they must tikcwisc honor tllc
to be. Many of them lay claim to such, and the Lord mighty men who work with the ITiCri~rclly in lxrlit ix4
mjeets Ihem. (Jfatt. 7 : 21-23) Credulous and ignorant and say to them: “ITcil Ilitler”; “Viva ;\Illssolini”;
Cathoties Will obey the command of Forhcs, but all and all like ntiqhty men or so-called “rulers”. ‘l’hoy
sincere Catholics 0f good will toward God, and who teach the pcoplc to hclicvc that such arc the hi4lcr
i0ve righteousness and hate iniquity, will get lhcir powers to which they muqt rcntlcr full (Jhkm’C,
q-es open and learn that Forhcs and his assoeiatcs and that the IJierarclq itself is the high& arnotqst
are frauds, and then these pcoplc of good will will the higher powci*s. The JhSXdly itid~lCCs the iJC!OlrlC
Bee from the ahombnble IEicmrchy organization, and to hclicvc that if they do these things in t!lc name of
will find refuge in the Lord’s organization under God they arc thereby rcnderiq unto Gocl the tlliny
Christ Jesus. The bold, arrogant and scornful men that arc God’s, and that therefore they arc safe. They
of the Hierarchy, such as Forbes, will in the future can do all the devilment they wish aside from that.
fmd the same fate that befell the rcligionists of Jeru- so the clergy and the principal of their flock say:
safcm. “Why should God hurt us with dcnth or hell? \Yhy
6 As Jeremiah proceeded with his work in the face should hc send upon us and our nation a great cnlam-
of al1 the opposition, so now Jehovah’s witnesses must ity 1 Such a messageis nonsense” ; and the peollle look
continue to proclaim God’s message,regardless of the upon it as strange. In flagrant violation of God’s law
Roman Catholic Llierarchy or other agents of the the clergy bow themselves before images and tllcy
Iiol-EunEx 1, 1933 @6eWATCHTOWER 325

teach the peopIe to bow before s&l images, which the and before the end,’ and before Jehovah expresses
clergy have provided, and induce them to believe that his wrath upon “Christendom” and those associated
this constitutes a part of their worship. The people therewith.
are therefore led to indulge in Devil worship and I1 There is no reason for any person who receives
I)cril religion, which turns them away from Jehovah a knowledge of the Cible to rely upon man, because
and the way of life. Jehovah warned the Jews by the God’s express command is that such ret iance upon man
mouth of his prophets that they muat repent, that is, is to the hurt of those who do so rely ; as it is written :
turn awry from such Devil wonhip; and likewise “Put not Four trust in princes, nor in the son of man,
Jehovah now warns the sincere i+eople, Catholic and in whom there is no help.” (1%. 146 : 3) Everyone who
non-Catholic, through the message he sends them by learns that the Bible is God’s Word is duty-bound to
his faithful witnesses, that thcr must repent, that is, give heed to his \\‘ord, and if he does not he must
turn away from the devilish rel&ous organization that suffer the results. IIcncc Jeremiah said, upon authority
reproaches Jehovah ‘s name. of his commission from God: “Therefore thus saitlt
@Fur twenty years now the Lord Jesus has been the Lord of hosts, Because ye have not heard my
at the temple, sitting in judgment, and during that words, ” then God will visit you for your hurt.-
time he has sent forth witnesses to deliver Jehovah’s Jcrcmiah 25 : 8.
mc.sqc to the pcoplc, cwn as Jeremiah rcpcatcdly ‘* For a long period of time Jehovah gave oppor-
tcstificd in the prcscncc of the Jews. The failure of tunity to the Jews to hear his wartling mcwgc with
the dews to hear and to hearken, and their ccntinucd their cars, but they refused to listen and to qive heed
praeticc of Devil rcliqion, provoked Jehovah to anger, to what they did hcnr with their natural caw Ilad
and *Jeremiah so informed the ~woplc: “Yet ye have they been ignorant through no fault of their 0~11,
not hcarkencd unto me, saith the Fiord; that ye might God would not hold them chargcnhlc and l)ut~ish:ll)lc.
prowkc me to anger with the works of your hands to In order that they might know, and in ordt~r lll;lt they
your own hurt. “-Jcr. 25 : 7. might not plmtl ignorance of’ his c~usc, Jehovah com-
lo l%c people of Jutlnh were led by the clergy manded Jwemioh to take a place whcrc hc wt~lcl c*ornc
amonat the Jews to bclicve that for them to hcarl;eti in contact with the reliRic,tl~-l)ract,i~i~~~pcol)lc am1 to
to J(ewmiah and to otllcr prophet4 of (:od was mcrclJ speak God’s mcs\agc in their hcarin:. So Iilic~U kc t&y
to f+‘C hCf?d t0 111C11. ‘rtle ]EOih th’~!fOl’C fell :ltld with “Ch1~istentlom”. For matly years COCI IlilS CiI~l~(,tl
blindly fullowctl the lcatl of the priests or clcrpymcn his faithful \\itticsscs to po ilmOng the lwo;~lC from
and principal of the Ilo~k, who tumetl a deaf ear to the house to liousc and to wlt attention of tllc lwol~le to
messaRcof Jcrcmiah which he brou$~t from Jehovah. his I\\‘ord of \~ilrl~illg. Millions of hooks a11tl other pub-
The failure of tltc pcol)!e to hcar Jehovah’s word, and lications ospluining the Bildc hrvc lwn t~lwu~tit to
their yielding to the inllwllcc of the clcrq, the Jcwi4 the attention of the people. ,!! wide wit IlbC IlilS hn
leaders, bad prorokctl Jehovah to auger, and the rc- given by verbal proclamation, by radio, and by putdic,
sutt was hurt to the pcoptc thcmsclvcs. It is csactly mcctinps in theaters and halls, and the pcol)le of
that way at the prcscnt time. The “bi,n clcrgymcn”, “Christendom” carlllot now l)lCild i,qwr:~wc, even
such as cardinals, l&hops and priests, who arrogilntly til0u~h their clcrgymcn have O~~pOSCtl the IIIL’SSiIL’C of
“strut their stuff”’ and use words of high-sounding the Lord. The compnmtivrly stnnll nuttllw, pcoplc of
authority, induce the pcoplc to scorn the messageof good will toward God, who do give hrcd and Ilcc to t hc
Cod; and the result is hurt to the people thcmsclvcs. place of safety, arc blessed of the Lord, hut the far
Those clcrgymcn of the Jl[icrarchy have no love for greater number continue to follow It1e ICild~ldlip of
the pcoplr, and certainly no low for God. They are the hypoc5t icnl clergy, and, says Jehovah throu:,h his
looking out for thcmsclvcs. When Jchorah’s “strange prophrt, ‘those clergy preach lies, and my pco~)lc love
act” bqim+, the rcligionistq nho thought themselves to hare it so.’ Every person who thinks seriously well
safe by following the clergy, will then exclaim that knows that such is the condition that now exists within
had they known that the message was from the Lord the borders of “Christcntlom” and the proplc who arc
they would have shown respect and given heed thereto, associated with “Chri~tcndom”. Nultitudcs of pcol~lc
and many of those relinionists will say, as Jesus stated, claiming to he Christians have turned their hearts
‘Lord, have w-c not done wonderful works in thy wholly aiwy from God and to l~evil worship.
name?’ but Jesus will push them away. It will then I3 The Jews refused to give heed to God’s mcssngc,
be too late for them. But the rwponsihility is now and the time came for God’s warning to them which
upon Jehovah’s witnesses and all of those of good will, must be uttered in their hearing, and he caused cJcrc-
the Jonadnhs, who have the message of the truth, to minh to utter that warning and to tell the pcol)le that,
seeto it that the people hare oppnrtunity to hear, that. becausethey had not heard his words, “Uchotd, I v;ill
the people may be tvithout cscu.w in the day of their send and take all the families of the north, snith the
visitation. l?or that reason the commandment of the Lord, and Xcbuchadrczzar the king of Babylon, my
Lord must be obeyed, to wit, ‘This gospel of the king- servant, and will bring them against this land, and
dom shall be preached in all the world as a witness, against the iuhabitants thereof, and against all tlicae

nations round about, and will utterly destroy them, battle of the great day. (Rev. 19 : 14) Fith Christ
and make them an astonishment, and an hissing, and Jesus the Chief they utter God’s judgments and put
perpetual desolations.“-Jer. 25 : 9. it into the mind of the political and other earthly
I4 Let all take notice that the final warning was not elements of Satan’s organization to fight against the
man’s message; but, as it is written, “Thus saith tin religionists when God’s due time comes to destroy
Lord of hosts [the God of battle], . . . behold, I will the religionists.
send and take all the families,” and so forth. Bow lo Jehovah declared he would bring against Jcru-
did Jehovah send, and whom did he send to execute salem “~ebuchadrezzar the [new] king of Babylon,
his warning in the first instance? Jeremiah’s prophecy my servant “, and his host. Mark this, that Jehovah
may have been communicated to Ncbuchadnczzar by did not speak of Ilebuchadnezzar as “his worshiper”,
some agent. But even so, that would not be the eon- because Nebuchadnezzar was a Devil worshiper. God
trolling power that induced the king of Babylon to eallcd Nebuchadnezzar “my servant”, because he
act. It appears to be certain that God sent his holy used him to picture his great Servant and Esecu-
angels to put into the mind of Nebuchadnezzar, w-ham tioner, Christ Jesus. The name “Kcbuchadnczzar”
he had chosen to bo the csccutioncr of Jerusalem, the means “?ieho is the prolcctor”, and ttirrcforc the
conclusion and dctcrrnination to go and make war on name properly applies to the Lord Jesus Christ, that
Jcrusalcm. The question before the mind of Ncbuchad- great Prophet, who is the protector and savior par-
nczzar at that time was, Should he first make war (~1 ticularly of his people, whom hc protects from the
Ammon and the allied hcathcn nations, or should he assault and injury by his foes. (See Vindicatio,l,
first go to Jcrusalcm and attack it? Nchuchadnczxxr Book Two, page 129.) Kcbuchadnczz:lr pictured the
appcalcd to the Devil aud his angels, bccausc he KZH One concerning whom Jehovah said: “l3chold my
a &Vi1 WOIdlipCi’, ilnd hC SCJUght adViCI? from the servant, whom I uphold.” (Isa. 42: 1) IIc is the one
Devil that he might dccidc the question before his to whom the “nations” that survive must and do took
mind. !Yithout a doubt, howcvcr, qJcllo~nh had his and hope for protection and salvation. (Matt. 12 : 18-21)
angels on the spot and Jehovah cmploycd his supreme The declaration of Jchovnh was: “I . , . wilt brirlg
power to control Nebuchadnezzar and cause him to de- tllCHI [l] against this Iilild”; that is to Say, :I~iliTlSt,
cide to f&t go to Jerusalem and attack it. (See Via&- modern Jerusalem, which is “Clli’ist~tl~l~)l~l”, the
COliO?~, l)ook OllC, [JilgCS 283-285; 1l:zckicl 21 : 1%!?3.) clergy and the “ principa1 of the flock”, and nil1 utlcr-
Thus Jehovah, by his prophetic picture, shows that it ly destroy the rcti$ous system, bccausc it is dcvilis!l
is his purpose to first destroy “Christcndoin” and and ml i~hmillatioi~ unto tlic Nest IIi$i ; and then,
then to destroy the remaining parts of Satan’s ar- (2) “agaillst all tllrsc nations rountl al~out, illl~t will
ganization. For that purpose he sends his Exccutiorter, . . . dcxlroy them “, thilt is, all the niiiic)ns li\t(hII in
Christ JCSUII, agaiuht “Christendom” first. It was the prophecy of Jcrcmiatl 25 : H-26. i\tl of such in the
Jehovah who brought disaster upon Jerusalem, and proplicry picture all of Satan’s visilblc ~l.~ililiz~tio~l
it is Jehovah, acting by his Esccutivc Officer, Christ inside and outside of “ Cliristcntlom”. In the minia-
Jesus, who will bring destruction upon “Christen- turc fulfUmcnt of tllc prol)hecy Jcruqalcm alltl *Judah
dom “, which Jerusatcm foreshadowed. In passing it fell and, after seventy years, wcrc rccovercd ; :lild
is worthy here to note that if Jehovah would employ thercforc the words of the prophecy, 1.0 wit, “will
his power through his angels to put in the mind of a utterly dcslroy them, and make them an asloi~isf~~n~iil,,
heathen the conclusion to act in a certain way, then [to look at], and an hissing [by those who pars by],
certainly Jehovah would employ his power thlx+ugh and perpetual dcs01ati0iis,” must WfCY t0 aiid do ;li)[)lJ
his angels to put in the minds of his servants to take to ‘ ‘ Christendom’ ‘, which will suffer complctc: am1
the course that he would have them take. God is direet- perpetual desolation. The Devil’s religious q stem I\ ill
ing the way of his people, who in all their ways ac- go down at the beginning of Jchovnh’s “strange act ”
knowlcdgc him.-I’rov. 3 : 5, 6. and will never rise again, because such is the dcclara-
Is Jehovah dcctarcd that hc would “take ail the tion of the Lord.
families of the north” and bring them against Jeru- l7 Doubtless tlx pco~‘lc of Jerusalem boasted and
salem. Il’cbuchadnczzar had brought the “farnilics of reveled in the fact that they were the favored pcoplc
the north” into his army either by subduing them of the cart11; and hence they were given over to mid 11
and drafting them or else by winning them to his and hilarity, and Jehovah informed them that the end
side. Jehovah had given Jeremiah a vision of what was of such mirth and hilarity was at hand: “i\Iorcovcr,
to come to pass, and which is specifically set forth by I will take from them the voice of mirth, and the
reason of the vision God had given, and explained to voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the
him now what was coming to pass, just as Jchorah’s voice of the bride, the sound of the millstones, and the
witnesses today know what is coming to pass by reason light of the candle.” (Jer. 25: 10) IInving adopted
of what God has revealed to them through his W&l. the Devil religion in the place and stead of the com-
“The families of the north” picture the ho.sts of mandments of Jehovah, the Jews wcrc grinding out
heaven, that. is, those who follow Christ Jesus in the meal for cakes to the “queen of heaven”, that is, to

the Devil’s organization, and now the sound of their 21Judah and Jerusalem suffered first, am1 God made
milistoncr must cease. The fkunbeau torches or candles it clear that not or!ly they, but also all wtiotis round
illuminni ing their resorts of hilarity must go out, and about, should suffer. This bhows not only t ll;tt “Chris-
they muxt be in complete darkness, and the sound of tendom” will lye wrecked at the bcginnitl:: of Arma-
gladness and shoutis% would cease, and thcrc would geddon, but that the wrath of God will lit~w be con-
bc no more bridal processions, and no more feasts or tinued and will extend to all the nations 01’IIIC earth.
night ccl&rations at the tcmple. In this way Jehovah Sap the prophet of Cod: “These nation ~11;111 serve
foretells what shall shortly come to pass upon “Chris- the king of Babylon seventy years”; th;lt hc$illF:sym-
tendom ” when he bcgins his “strange act” and the bolic of “all their lives”. “The days of 011rpars arc
lighted eaudlcs in the habitation of the Roman Cnth- thrccscore years and ten.” (Ps. 90: 10) C’:~llto mind
ulic liicmrohp will hxome darkness, So more public again what Jehovah caused Jeremiah to wy : ‘ ‘A1u1
processions, led by men wearins lace window-curtains now I have given all thcsc lands into tlw hand of
for dress or lace ~OKIE, with small boys carrying the Kebuchadnczzar the kin I: of Babylon, my Swvmt ;
trains, will be seen. So more “lIcil”ing the dictittors and the beasts of the field have I girw llim also to
of the Roman Catholic organization or any of her servo him. Arid all Iiatioris shall scrvc hiIn, rltlcl Iiis son,
supporters, political or otherwise. and his SOJI’S son, until the very time of hiu 111rtcl come;
Is 1Yith the bcgilmiIrg of the “strange act” the wit- and then many nations and great kings slli~ll serve
ncss work of Jehovah’s servants will have been done thcmsclvcs of him. “--Jcr. 27 : 6, 7.
throu$mut “Chri~twdoln” by Jehovah’s faithful 23The “sevc11ty J’ws” mcntioncd in f IIV scriptu:::
witncsscs, who since the death of the man Jesus have hcrc arc prophetic and JtWa11 forwcr, or Tar ill1 time.
heltl forth the light of tlrc \\orId, lotting their lights ~\ll Who SUrvivC ~\rma~t!ddo~l mUSt Wl’vc’ t hc IiiJly,
shilw before meu to the praise of Jehovah. The faith- Christ J~us, 1% horn i”;cbuchatlrwzzar l’oI~~~~l~i~~l~~~\~~tiin
ful followers of Christ Jesus know thcsc things are the prophetic drnma. The ~wple of goo~lwill, t’0rminq
coming to pass soon, bc~nusc Jehovah has so dccln~cd thC “glTilt multitude”, CfJIllC fITJIll CVePy Il;Lt icm, liill-
and hc is certain to perform his pnrposc. To be rc- drd, IJCO~~IC and totlquc, ilJlt1 thy must s~*I’\‘I’,Jol10~:111
assurrd now strengthens their faitll, ant1 their pralscs alid his Jimq for cvcr : “I sa\v in tllc IIi8:llt \.i\iCJllS,
arc to Jchorah God as they prc‘;s on in the fare of and, I~4~~ld, one lilic the Son of JJlilIl C;IIII~~ \\ith the
vi&us opposition, knowing that victory is ncar. clourls of hcavcn, and came to the Am*ic~Iit (if tl;~ys,
I* It is interesting hcrc to note a comment ma& IJ~ alld thy hrOu$lt hh 1lWP lJcforC him. .jIld !llOrC \v;IS
a Ilcbrew writer rczwtlin;; t!li5 ~)roI~llecy, and per- given IIim dominion, ant1 Klury, and a 1~1ti::~1~~111,
ticnlarly as to its miniature fultillt~~cllt, and wlii4 all pcol~lc, nations, ilrld I~IIl~U~I~CS, SllOlllll N’l’\‘(: liitil ;
says : “Trwcllcrs rwnark, that in the ISa\t, crcry- his flominion is ill1 c\.rrla\tiu~ clomiuioll, \\ Iiit+lI 41;ill
where in the morning may bc heard ihc wise c,f tlte llct IJ~SS awy, alld his kin~donl Ihat v llit”lI slmll not
mills, which often awdtc~Is pcoplc ; for they gcncraily be dcst royccl. “-Dan. 7 : 13, 74.
grind every day just as rnlrch IS nluy lye Ilcccsstlr~ f(~r 24The destruction of “Christf~ndom” II~(VIIIS tlic de-
the day’s consumptiw. Whcrc, then, the noise of the struction of the nations outsi(lc as well i1S itbi,lc of llcr,
mill is not heard in the morning, nor the light of the and that destruction will scr\c as a vili~ltwl ion of
can& seen in the evening, thcrc must bc an utter Jehovah’s name and hin:rdom. Such ilr(! t11c“vow&
desolation.“; footnote. of wrath ” and by the Lord tloomcd lo chArw1 ioIl,
svThe Hierarchy big moguls send out their “l)lack- and upon whom Jehovah sllows his iIlI~Ii::llIy power
birds” daily to gatbcr in the sbckcls, and they grind at the battlc of Arma~cddon ; which “sl 131txc act”
dtat i.s nceeswry for that day and they light their hc will cawc to bc ~~crformcd by Cllrid ,ICWS llis
candles for WC11 day. But when this visiting to the King. There will be no rccowry for “( ‘Ilri~;lwlunl”
officesand factories by the poor drluded womc11 ceases, or for any of the other \rickctl nations. ‘l‘lli~ is I’urthcr
and when the candles of the Hicrarrhy arc cstin- fOrCtdd by dlC fact tllat at tllC end of tllV SC’VCllty
guist~c41,it will marl; utter desolation amongst the rc- literal years ncithcr Judah nor Jcrusalcm, IIO~ any
tigiorkts of “Christendom”. That day is war. of the nnt ions involved, rcg:ainctl their iIl(l~,l,clIld,~tlcc,
21Tlwre will be SOIDC who will survive Arma~edtfon, but wcrc subject to Ncdo-l’crsia, ~vhkll o\ ~~rthrcw
as Jehovah has declared, and to all sucl~ “Christw- Babylon, and W~OSC kings, D;IriUS ad C’>,IYIU, lbictured
dom’, wil1 appear as a complete desolation: “And this Jehovah God and the Lord Jesus Christ,.
whole land shall be a desolation, and an astonishment
[an object of astonishment] ; and these nations shall ENLAl;GED PICTLXE
serve the king of Babylon scvcnty years.” (Jcr. 25The complete and crcrlitsting d~~!:II*IIc:liorI of
25 : 111 By this means Jehovah will show how terrible “Christendom” and all other parts of ~:;I~:III’N organi-
are his judgments when executed against his enemies, zation is implied by the langua~c of V(IIWS 12-14 of
and till who survive will know that he is truly the this ch:lptcr of the prophecy. A different lji(*l IIIV now
SUl~rcJnc One, to be greatly feared and not bc re- here apgcars. I:-!kh is cnlnrgc>d over tlr:it wlr~~h we
proachcd with impunity. have horctoforc been considering. “And it dr:~ll come

to pass, when seventy years are accomplished, that I is loosed for a “little season” t,hen he will be com-
will punish the king of BahyIon, and that nation, saithpletely annihilated.-Rev. 20 : 7, 10.
the Lord, for their iniquity, and the land of the 1TJehovah emphasizeshis purpose to destroy Satan’s
Chaldeans, and will make it perpetual desolations.” organization so that no creature nil1 have reason to
-Jer. 25 : 12. doubt its destruction: “ And I will bring upon that
26At the end of the literal scvcnty years “Jeru- land all my words which I have pronoun& against
salem” passed out of the picture and a new prophetic it, even all that is written in this book, which Jcrc-
picture or drama appears. At the end of the seventy miah hath prophesied against all the nations.” (Jcr.
years Kebuchadnczzar had been succeeded by Bcl- 25 : 13) What UBS“written in this hook”, as proph-
shax..r, and the latter was in no wise used as the esicd by Jeremiah, wa< recorded at chapters fifty and
servant of Jehovah, but, on tbc contrary, he misused fifty-one of Jeremiah’s prophecy, and iq a corrobora-
the sacred vessels of the Lord to grossly reproach tion of the prophecy uttcrcd by Isaiah about 100 years
Jehovah’s name. It was then that Babylon was previous, and which is recorded at chapters thirteen,
“wighcd in the bahanccs,and . . . found wanting”. twenty-one, and forty-seven. Jehovah forcordainc*d
(Dan. 5 : 27) From that point and forward Babylon anti declared that his word-and name shall bc vindi-
ymbolizcd cxelusively the I)cx-il ‘s organization, and cslcd al his appoititcd time ; and to crcaturcs it sxms
her king IMshazzar, the head thcrcof, is a symbol of a Wry big time, hit it k certaill t0 UJnlc at the right
the I)cviJ. The end of the scanty years yicturcd the time. Jehovah has given to Satan full time and opl~r-
climax of hrrnqxddon. This &x5 not mean that the tunity to carry out his boastful. threat or cI1;11lc1~~‘c’.
klttlc of the great day of God Almighty will last 2sThe prophet Jeremiah was eommandcd to 1~ro{)lr-
scwnty years, hut rather it s?;ml~olically says Arma- csy against “all the nations”, and he did so ag,r;iind
geddon shall come and end with the destruction of all visihlc parts of Satan’s organization. J&o\ ~11
ercry visible part of Yatiut'a organization that is on issued to Jcrcmiah this specific colrlmand, to wit: “I
the earth. Thea what shall follow? The wrat 11of God ordained thee a pro1)hct unto tlic nations. SW, I ha\ I:
will bc csprcsscd aginst the invisihlc part of Satan’s this day set thee over the nalions, and over the kinq-
0rgilIliznt ion, and includin, 1’ Satan himself. Says the doms, to root out, and to pull do\v~~,and to tIcstroy,
prophet of Cod: “I will puni’sh the king of Uubylon, and to throw down.” (Jcr. 1: 5, 10) That commission
and that nation [the I)cvil’s hordes invisible now to to Jeremiah foretold the commission which Jchov;~h
human cycs J. ’ ’ Belshazzar, the 1iiIlg of I~abylon, and issued to Christ rJcsus,who will csccufe it fully; n11t1
aho rcprescntcd the Devil, is &siKnatcd in the proph- all his faithful ones, ilicluditig tlic rc~i1111:int, will 11;ivc
eey as “the king of Shesi~ael~“. ‘l’l~c Devil is the real a part thcrcin, and tlicir part is to dcclarc t hc “ jntlq-
king of Babylon. (1):~. 2: X,35) At this point of the merits written” brforc they arc cxccutcd.
prophecy of Jeremiah “that nation ” is the same as 28For more than G,OOO years ~Jchovahhas sufCcr*~l
that dcscribcd by the prophet IM;icl as “Cog, of the Satan to go on in his wiclwtincw ; but tlic 1irw n(4w
land of JIagog”. (Ezek. 3s: 2, 3, AJLV.) (SW VimZi- \vllr~ll there shall hc n com1~lctccn(l of Iliin alid his
c&o?&, Book TWO, page 311.) Their punishment is lvickcd organization. The hosts of IW;IWII, led 1,~Christ
“for their iniquity”; which shows that the kin:: of Jesus iii tlic great c(Jdlict of i~rm;qctldon, \t ill vintli-
Babylon and his natiun stood for the 1)cvil and all of catc Jehovah’s name. That will 11ca mighty host of
his angeiic or inrisiblc forces. That wicked horde must warriors that will not bnck down and will know ttu
bc and will bc whipped and puaishcd and brought defeat. Concerning that q-cat host it is writtctl: “.211(1
under the feet of the great Coqucror. After Christ the number of the army of the horsrrnc~~lwcrc t\\-o
Jesus cast Satan and his angelic hosts out of heaven hundred thousand thousand : ancl I heard tlic nuni-
and down lo the earth (Rev. 72: 9), about 1914, they ber of them.” (Rev. 9: 1G) “The chariots of God arc
were put under the feet of Christ Jesus. At Arma- twenty thousand, even thousnllds upon thousallds : the
geddon, the great battle of God Almighty, Christ Lord iq among them, as in Sinai, in the smct.u;~ry. ”
Jesus and his hcavcnly armies will trample under -I%. GS:17, n.1r.v.
foot Satan’s organization, risible and invi\ihle, and 3oJerusalem’s desolation foreshadowed the bcgin-
Satan’s orgahization will bccomc a com1)lctc dcsola- ning of Armageddon ; and follo\\in:: that the worcl~
tion. “The God of peace shall bruise Satan under of Jcrcmiah ‘s prophecy apply. “ For many Ii:\ t ions ;lnd
your feet shortly.” (Rom. 1G: 20) “And tic laid hold great kings shall serve tlicmsclvcs of them [13:1hylon
on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Dwil, and the Chaldcans] also: and I will rccompctlsc them
and Satan, and bom~d him a thousand years, and cast according to their deeds, arid according to tlic woi~k~
him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set of their own hands.” (Jer. 25: 14) The “great l;in4\”
8 seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations arc Jehovah, the King of Eternity (Jcr. 10: 10.
no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled; a~clrr/itb), and Christ Jesus, the “King of kings, and
and after that he must be loosed a little season.” Lord of lords”. (Rev. 19: 16) Thtsc great Kings were
(Rev. 20: 2,3) No recovery wilt ever take place for foreshadowed by Darius and Cyrus when the Rahy-
the Devil’s organization, for the reason rhat when hc lonish kingdom was divided and fell. (I)a?i. 59 ?;I
~OVEYBER 1, 1937

These mighty Kin&s shall “serve themselves of them of God ; and God, having declared his purpose, is
[the Chaldcans] ” by whipping them to a complete absolutely certain to perform it.
standstill, of an everlasting destruction, and thus s4It was in the nighttime that the Medes and Pcr-
vindicating Jrhovah’s name and his word upon “the sians sacked the stronghold of Eelshazzar’s kingdom.
Chaldeans”, that is, the spirit members of Satan’s “In that night was Belshazzar the king of the Chal-
organization, including the Devil himself. The deeds deans slain. And Darius the Ncdian took the kingdom,
of that wicked one and his hordes have rcaehed the being about threescore and two years old.” (Dan.
limit, and so the Lord God says: “I mill recompense 5: 30,31) For a long period of time the Devil has
them according to their deeds, and according to the operated, and he still operates, through the religionists,
works of their own hands.” Satan and his wicked and particularly through the Roman Catholic Hicr-
angels now USCthe Itoman Catholic Hierarchy and archy, to keep the people in ignorance of God’s gra-
other fanatical rcligionists to commit the most in- cious provision and therefore in the dark. Now the
dcscribablo deeds of Mickcdncss, and particularly time has come when, in the language of the prophet
against those who scrvc Jehovah. The IIicrarchy being of God, ‘darkness covers the earth, and gross darkness
the ehicf instrument of the &vi1 on earth, the DcviI the people.’ (Isa. GO:2) Such darkness is the result
uses the same to reproach Jchorah’s name by the pram- of Satan operating through his \vickcd agents upon
tiw of gross hypocrisy, dccciving the pcoplc, and by the earth, to wit, the rcligionists, led by the I<oman
wickedly perscouting faithful men and women who Catholic Hierarchy. Satan’s wicked woman, the old
serve Jehovah God; and conecrning that devilish or- “ whore ’ ‘, is now singin: and lulling to sleep the l)o-
ganization God, through his prophet, says: “And I litieal rulers of the jiorld by turning their attention
will rcndcr unto Babylon, and to all the inhabitants entirely away from God, and the same is the result
of Chaldea, all their evil that they have done in Zion upon all the people who willingly give heed to at~tl
[(M’s organiztition, of which Christ tJcsus is head] support the Ilicrarchy organization. Soon the song of
in your sight, suit11the Lord.“-Jcr. 51: 21. the harlot, howcvcr, will ceaseand the Roman Catholic
s1From the time of 12bcl to this wry day the faith- IIicrarchy and her supporters will come to a bittw
ful servants of Almighty God ltavc been foully mur- end. That will necessarily be in a time of great dnl*k-
dcrcd by Satan and his cohorts. At the prcscnt time ness, and in that dark time Christ JWUS, the grcnt
thiq cruel, foul and malicious murdering goes on in King, acting for Jcho\ah, the King of Xtcrnity, which
such countries as Germany, and coliccrnin:! those who great Icings were forc~liadowed by 1):iriu.y and Cyrus,
are thus attempting to destroy Jchovnh’s servants will pusti forward and crush Satan’s crilirc organiza-
Jehovah causes his prophet .Jcrcmiah io say: “As tion, even as the Chnldcans wcrc crnshcd. The fall of
I’,;lbylon hnth caused the slain of Israel to fall, SOat Babylon under Bclshazzar forcshadowcd what is soon
Babylon shall fall the slain of all the earth.“-Jer. to come to piss.
51: 49. a5While the faithful followers of Christ Jesus now
aaThe Roman Catholics’ day of wicked pcrsccution on the earth continue to suffer from increasing indix
Iii&s and Crud assaults upon thc’nl by the I’CliL!i(JUr
and dcfamntion of Clod’s name draws near to an end.
Jcho~ah mill see to it that Satan and all his agwlts, rcprrsctntativcs of the Devil, Jehovah graciously WI-
find particularly the IIicmrchy, pay the full mcasurc folds to his faithful witnesses the mcilning of his
of penalty. “Ncward her even as she rcwardcd you, prophecies, showing tlicm that long ago hc had his
and double unto her double according to her works; faithful ones in mind, and that hc made and caused
in the cup [cup of bitter dcnlings] which she hatli to bc rccordcd his prophetic dramas, which now IIC
filled, fill to her double. Row much she hath glorified unfolds that the faithful may rcccivc comfort ;III~
hcrsclf, and lived deliciously, so much torment and increased hope in these perilous timcx Ilct all, tllt*re-
sorrow give her; for she saith in her heart, I sit B
fore, who love the Lord Jel~ovnh Cod and his King,
queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.” Christ Jesus, be of good courage and rcjoicc that they
--llcv. 1s : G,7. have a part in filling up the sufferings of Christ Jesus
left behind that they may erc long pnrticipatc with
33At the prcacnt time the old “harlot”, the Roman him in the glory and joyful satisfaction of seeing the
Catholic Ilicrarchy organization, describes herself as vindication of Jchorah’s nnmc.-Col. 1 : 23.
queen and goes forth and sings the harlot song. (Isa.
23 : 15-17) Ltbt her boastful men take warning now that WORK OF THE FAITHFUL PORTRAYED
tlwir clays of hilarity are hricf and soon the Lord will *OA word picture is now drawn by the Lord, dra-
visit them with what is clue to them. To be sure, the matically outlining the work that must be done by
Hierarchy will hare some of its crowd to read what Jehovah’s faithful se~~wts upon the cart II. Christ
is here puhlishcd, that they may keep in touch with Jesus is “the faithfnl and true”, and those who follow
what is going on. Let, them not attempt to excuse him faithfully unto death are of the class cmbrnccd
themselves by saying: “These are the words of some in this word picture. To those who have devoted thcm-
earthly crcaturc.” The quotations are from the Wad selves to Jehovah Ihc Lord has given his iruth. This
he has done, not that the recipients of the truth may and his kingdom. What Jehovah commanded Jeremiah
hold it only for their own mental satisfaction, but that to do is now the command of the Lord to his faithful
they may know and understand what duty and obli- witnesses on earth. Let all the witnesses of Jchowh
gation is laid upon them and what service they must now take heed and give careful consideration to the
perform. Ewn to&y there are those who think that commandment that Jehovah gave to Jeremiah at this
they are following Christ Jesus and who, in accord point in the prophetic drama: “$‘or thus saith the
with the words of the apostle, are “ever learning, and Lord God of Israel unto me, Take the wine cup of
never able to come to the knowledge of the truth”. thiv fury [the cup of the wine of this fury (EX.l’.)]
(2 Tim. 3: 7) Such persons will not appreciate the at my hand, and cause all the nations to whom I send
prophecy of OJercmi:~l~ and u hat is here said conccrn- thee to drink it.“-Jcr. 25: 15.
ing it, but will occupy the time by continuing to argue a8Tllis does not mean that thocc who arc servants
about questions that have long ago been made clear of Jehovah now must take a literal cup of zinc and
and plain to those who love God. Those who truly low carry that to sonicbody. The cup of wine which Jcrc-
the Lord will apprcciatr, and do appreciate, the un- miah was commanded to take WilS a symbol rcprw~nt-
folding of the !Jrophccy ant1 will see their duty and itq what God would prcscnt to the pcoplc. Jcrcmi;~h was
will joyfully unilcrtaltc tile performance thereof. playing a part in the prophetic drxnn or ;I vkiw, jud
Shortly after 191s Jchovnh bc~an to rnaltc known to as John the-npost !c did later when hc took a littlc boo!;
his servants the mcaniiig of some of his prophccics. out of the hand of the angel and ate it up, and found
The faithful onw disccrncd tllc Lord Jews had come it sncct to his taste but biitcr to llis stornnch. (Ilcv.
to the tcmplc of Jehovah, not a tcmgle made with 10: 8-11) I~zckicl also performed a like part in one
hands, but to the gatlwriltg tugct lwr unto himwlf those of Cod’s prophetic dI+illll:15. (SCC l~zcliict 2: 9, 10 ;
who arc truly dcvotcd to C:oc!and who arc in Christ 3: l-4.) Jn tlw vision of Jcrcmiah :I cup wnt:riwd
Jesus. They saw the owrwtwlruin~ Scriptural proof “the wine of this fury”, hcrice not literal \\ ine, hut
that the rosurrw1 ion of the faithful, who divd in faith, the fury of Jcllovi\ll Got1 agxinrt hiu cncmiw The
must begin about or shortly after 1918; thay haw that, cup was a vcsscl holtliti:: a potion, aI~cl thcrcfoi*c Ilie-
Chriht Jesus, cnthronctl and sent forth to IYIIC, had turcs the wsscls ~llich Jchovnh uses to l)rcwnt. “ ihc
CiISt Satan zllld his :l~lg:clS OUt of hcaVCI1 ctIld du\W to willc of this fury” to tliosc who must drink it. IJc~~we
the earth ; tticy then saw and ap!Jrcciatcd the t;ro the c’up pirturw (1 ) .Juhovah’s f;~ithful witnwcs un-
great orgarrizat ions in o!Jpoqition, that is, tlw ol~g:aniz:t- der Christ Jesus, who arc wnt fnrth to tllc llatiwts
tion of Satan atl(l ttlc orqrlizltion of Jehovah. Sinw to twar witness, which nations iwlu(lc ‘I C~kristvn-
ttwn, as God has unf’oldctl to tlun his prophccks, tlwse dam” ; and (2) Christ Jews, the :rw;lt \:wcl, thr
faithful ollCs IlilVC joyfllll~ l’ctl UIJo11 tllCIl1, which are minltty JSsccutioncr, and ill! Iii5 holy angels \lit Ii Ilim
“mwt in due wason” to thml, iUll1 to them tllcir corn- an{! %s@ciiltd wit!1 !lim in the csrcutioI1 of Jchwxh’s
mission and duly hare twcn clarified. Now they we judgment.
the char distinction bctwccn rcliyion and Chri&n- YDThe cup contained “the winr of tllis fury”, wtlicti
ity ; that rcliqion is fraudulrnt and orininatctl with the contcntr picture respcctivcly (1) tlic jutlwl~~nt IIWS-
Ikvil and is practicccl by thovc w11om the l)cvi! has snxc of Jehovah dclivcrcd by Christ J\*SIIYtllc 11~~~1
dcccivcd, nntl that thus “CIhristcncloni” has grown of his organization at the tcniplc ttirou;;ti liis faithl’ul
into a powerful organization of the I)cvil, alld which servants and \i itncws, that is, J&ova h’s witnwcy
organization holtls the lwol~le in blintlnws to God and such messagehaving heretofore lwcn dictatctl to ant1
his gracious !Jrovision for them. The faithful have a uttered by JP~UV~IIJ’S !lo!y !aophots f01Wc!!i1ll: tllc
ltccrl dwire to know wli:!t is the prcscnt duty to be of God’s fury at the 1x11
outpouring tic Of the ~IYilt
performed by them, and wticn tticy we it they will day Of’ Cod Almi$lty ; and (2) tllC ;lCtUill c~serulion 1))
Christ Jesus and his associatctl heavenlg forces of
do it, by the gram of tllc LoNI. The lukc\~arm, ho:v-
the jiidgnicnts in which God’s fury u!~ol1 the whole
cvcr, arc still musing over what littie thcly learned
years ago. They have 1OOkCll upon tticrnsclvc~ as great
of SntilIl’S organization and its WOdiS arc l)onr~(l out
and wise, and so such continue to argue aboilt the in fnlfillmctit of the propticcics previously writlen.
This message is now proclaimed by Jcho~ah’s wit-
yncstion of the l,ord’s coming to his twiplc, and the
rcsurrcction of the saints. They have gotten so far ticsscs and is in the “cup” which is talicn “at my
behind that they no longer see the unfolding of God’s
haIJd“, that is, at God’s hand; and ttwrcforc the
purposes. Those who arc devoted to the Lord are con-“cup” pictures Jehovah’s servants. It is in reality
G011’S“hand” that prcscnts the cup to ttiosc who are
cerncd about \vllat he would have them do. What, then,
is the duty of the remnant now and of ail those who made to drink its contents. The contents of the “cup”,
are associated with them in the scrvicc of Jehovah God?
thcrcforc, are handed to them, first by Jehovah’s ‘wnt.
witnesses, and then by his ‘sent’ Esceutioncr, Christ
*’ Jeremiah played a part in the great prophetic 4oThe command is a comprehensive and swccpin:: one
drama, picturing those who are truly devoted to God and says: “Cause all the nations to whom I send thee

to drink it.“’ Why all? Because all the kingdoms of shall be destroyed. (Acts 3: 23) Jehovah’s n-itnesses
the world and the glory of them are claimed by and servants, therefore, have no alternative. They
Satan and are a part of his organization, and there- must obey the commandments of Jehovah, and they
fore all such and all the elements thereof are enemies delight to obey them. Xo one person can perform serv-
of God, wflom He will search out now and destroy. ice for another person, but each one who is a witness
“Thine hand shal1 find out all thine enemies; thy of Jehovah must perform his part.
right hand shall find out those that hate thee.“-Ps. *3The religionisis, and particularly the Roman
21:8. Catholic IIierarchy, now vehemently rage against
41Take note of this, that Jehoxxh’s witnesses, whom Jehovah’s witnesses and desperately attempt to stop
Jeremiah pictured, now are not permitted to except or these servants of God from carrying out the command-
pass up or excuse any pcoplcs or nations. Tfle duty of ments of the Nest High. There is no power that can
the witncsscs is to declare the message of Almighty stop this messageand the execution of God’s purpose.
God as it is written. The rcligionists of “Christendom” The Lord Jehovafl says to Jeremiah (and wflich now
arc astounded and greatly offended because Jehovah’s applies to Jehovah’s \vitncsses) as to what they must
witnesses classify, not just one religion or church sys- do and wflnt shall follow, and what the nations will
tem, but all religions and religious systems, as devilish be compelled to do: “And they shall drink, and he
and thercforc wrong and dishonoring to God. Jeho- moved, and be mad, be’causeof the sword that I will
vah’s witnesses must carry the message and proclaim send among them.“-Jer. 25 : 16.
it, regardless of any orc,ranizaiion. All these or::aniza- I4 Tfro rcligionists cannot escape tile drinking now,
tiorrs draw nigh to God with their mouths, but their even if they do take away the license of the radio sta-
11eatidevotion is not to him and his kingdom. All such tionr that broadcast the truth, and coerce the OWI~~I’Y
are a part. of this world and therefore a part of Sa- and operators of other radio stations and cornp(4 them
tan’s organization, used to dishonor and reproach the to ecascbroadcasting God’s message,,x~d employ other
name of Jchovaf~ God. Because this mcss:lgc of the drastic means to stop the proclamation of the truth.
Lord God is pnblicly proclaime41 tlic religionists set The Roman Catholic Ilicrarchy and allies arc now
up a mad flow1 and shout: “J~fr~val~‘s wi’ifncs>cssay enacting all manner of laws and orclinancc:s, itHd
every religion is wren:: exxpt their own” ; but the wrongful12/ c~nforcing the same, fur the puq)ose of
facts are, Jcfrovah’s wilncssrc; have no religion what- preventing the pcol~lc’s receiving the trutfl. Thry at-
socvcr ; they stand solidly and entirely upon tlic M’ord tempt to stop the USCof sound ccliiilmicnt to pro&im
of Afmigfity God and point out from tfic Scriptures the messageof Almighty God; tliry have enacted i1lld
the authoritative words ol’ Jesus and the apo\tlrs that have cnforcccl I:IWSltrcvcnting the freedom oC speech
religion is of the Ucvil, tlic pq~ost: of wfiicli is to id the ilt3~)(Jrta~ioll ilit0 the vatbus COlmtriW of the
make void tile Word of God. T11c religious lcadc~, printed mcssagc of God’s M’orci. They nl:ll;c ll~sc
and particularly tfle Rontnn Catholic Ilierarchy, brand laws to stop Jel~ovaf~‘s witnesses from goin? from
Jchovnh’s witnesses as self-concritcd and higotcd aud flouse to house to preach the gospel of the kinqlom,
as disturlK’rs of tlic peace. Jcfiovah’s witncsscs are and they punish with heavy fines and imprisonment
mrrcly bringing the mtbssil#cof tile Almighty God and the faithful men and women who do continue to go
arc not claiming any credit whatsoever to tliemsclvcs. ahout proclaiming the message, wliicl, tlic ~\lmighty
It is impo..siblc for Jcflovah’s witncsscs to make God has commanded they must proclaim. Cut all their
“Christendom” drink tflc contents of the cup, but cruel, Godless and vicious efforts to suppress the mcs-
they bring the nicssagc to “Cliri4cndom”, informing sngc of the Lord cannot succeed in stopping it, nor
them of God’s purpose. Jcrcmiah could not “cause can nations of “Christendom” and her “great
all tfre nations . , . to drink”, but he dclivcred tfle men” escapedrinking the cup, becauseJehov:~h says:
cup with its contents, which Jehovah compels those ‘They shall drink, and be moved, go mad, and reel
to whom it is presented to drink. And so it is today. to and fro.’ They arc x-cry mad now. They arc not
Jchovafl’s witnesses bring the prophetic mewgc of mcrcly offended at those who hear the messageof the
God to the attention of the people and the nations, and Lord to them, but they are beastly drunk and gone
it is tile Almighty God who wilf compel them to drink mad, like a mad dog frothing at. the mouth, and scck-
of the cup of this fury. The present-day duty of Jcho- ing to fjitc crcryonc wfio comes to them with God’s
vah’s witnesses is thcrcforc plain and strictly in accord message. Jehovah says they shall drink ‘bccausc of
with the command which Jesus gives to them, to wit: tfle sword that I will send among them’. This shows
“And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in
that “wine of this fury” is equivalent to (1) the
all the world for a witness unto all nations ; and then
shal1 th,e end eome.“-Malt. 24: 14. “sword of the spirit, whicfl is the Word of God”,
Ip Jeftovah’s great Prophet, Cftrist Jesus, is uttering expressing tfle furious message of Jehovah, and (2)
this command by authority conferred upon him by the destructive sword of esccution wielded by Christ
the Almighty God; and it is written that it shall come Jesus at the battle of Armageddon. The ‘wine in the
to pass that everyone nho does not obey this prophet cup’ and the “sword” both picture what is God’s will
332 BROOrcL-i~, N. P.

before and at Armageddon. His will shall be accom- 7 Jl,l2. Show that in the time of Jeremiah Jehcvah gave the
people ample opportunity to ‘Iwar Ifis words’; also that
plished. the same is true of the prewnt tulle.
4sThis I)art of Jeremiah’s prophecy is in strict ae q 13,14. W’hat uas the result to the Jews of not haling given
cord and harmony with the words of the Lord at Oba- heed to God’s mcssnee throurh hi3 Dronhetsl Ilow did
Jehovah send, nnd wllorn did 6 send <o c&ecute his wwn-
diah 1:l: “Arise ye, and let us rise up against her ing ot that tlmc? \Vhat is wen therein as to the manner
in battlc. ” Can anyone who really is on the Lord’s and order III which Jehovah dlrccts his work now nnd will
nccompllsh his purpose at Armngeddon?
side and who loves God and his kingdom have any 7 15,lG. lrhnt was foletold in the accord at verse 9?
doubt now as to what is the present duty of the faith- 7 17-20. Apply the prophetic dccknatlon of verse 10.
ful 3 Jehovah God’s time is at hand mhcn his name q 21-21. \V’hcn and to whom ~11 “ this whole lnnd” be n dew-
latlon and an nstonishment? IIom will “these nntions”
must bc proclaimed throughout all the earth, and such “serve the kqq of Bni$on” “seventy vcar.s”3
proclamation must hc done and must be completed TJ 25,2G. What 1s implied by the langungo oi \crst3 12-14 of
before hc exhibits his suprcmc power.-l<x. 9: 16, this chapter of the prophecy? What took plwo nt the end
of thu literal scwntv wars? ITow ~11 Jelw~nh “ rnxd
4~If we find that Jeremiah lay down on the job and
con&&d to wait until some other and more favorable that is writtcu in thJS book”t Iiow and for ab:tt p&pow
will ho IJ~JIJ;: tllm “upon thut kind “I
time to carry the mcssagc pictured by the! “cul)” to u 23, 29. \I hat was Jclenurih’s commission from Jchuv:th3 nntl
those who shouid drink, then we may conclude t-hat of w113twas 1t prophetJc7
5 30. Itov shall “m:~ny nlrtions nnrl great king” ‘ ’ serve
Jehovah’s witnesses at this time will bc justified in themselves” of “ Ilabvlon and the Cldtl~~ans’ ‘? hceorcl-
lying dowl on the job and waiting until what mi&t
seem to them a more favorable opportunity or time
t0 dfX!IilW GOd’S JJlCS%l&?, JlS L’O~JlJJlillldd. WIltlt COIlI?%
of action did Jercminh take? and what shall Jchovnh’s
witnesses, whJ arc failhful, do now?
(To bl! co?lllnucd)

1 0. Point out the plrscwt-<lay uppliration of the words of

Jrsuv Iit Xrttlww 22: 3:;.

HAT Jehovah’s prophet I’:zclricl saw in the tain that women adored and idolized it and worslripccl
W deGl~d tcmplc at Jerusalem forcsllado~~l
what God’s “faithful servant” or remnant
would seeshortly prcccding the l~dttlc at Armageddon,
the creature and ignored the Creator, and that clcnth
ovcrtoolc it, and they wept bitterly. This fits the so-
cnllcd “ f~ililan~~~tillists”, who worship ihcir church
in which “Christendom” shall bc dwtrogcd. Accord- orgnizations and give no hcod to the liingd~)m of God
ing to the God-given record (Ezck. 8: 13, li), after under Christ. They profw to bc dcfcndtrs of Ihe
sxit1g the “image of jealousy” and the idolatrous N’ord of God and the followers of Christ. Jesus, but
portrayals on the temple walls, the inspection con- their devotion is entirely lo their orgnniznl ion, wliiPli
tinucd and more abominations wcrc seenby the proph- Tummuz fitly rcprcscnts. Thcsc chuwli oiymimt ions

et. “11~ [Jehovah] said also uuto mc, Turn thee F& are patronizcd chiefly by women. Their men look ul~oii
again, and thou shalt SW greater abomitlations that rcli+on as taught in the orthodox chnrchcs as kin:
they do. Then he brought me io lhc door of the gate fit only for women and childrrn and weak-minded
of the Lord’s house which was toward the north; and persons.
behoId, there sat women mceping for Tommuz.” The women well pictured the Epworth League
“Tammuz” was the name of a Phoenician god, workers, the managers of church affairs, and like or-
which the Devil had provided, of course, to deceive the ganizations within the church, which they idolize and
people. Whatever the Tammuz rcprcscntcd, it is c.cs- worship becausethey arc attached to the cl~~~rc!l.Thcj:.o,

represented by the women hilre for some time seen Christianity”. From the pulpits discourses are regu-
the steady decline of their church organization, and Iarly delivered, not in explanation of the Bible, but
they weep becausethe church is dying or practically upon what is called “scientific matter”, and the Word
dead, and thy know that soon it must die. They be- of the Lord is ignored. Ezekiel 8: 16 reads: “And he
Iicvc that xith the passing away of these churches brought me into the inner court of the Lord’s house
morality and human reformation will die also, and [the tcmplc] ; and, behold, at the door ofi the temple
the entire world will be lost. TJwy pretend to make of the Lord, between the porch and the altar [the
much over Jesus, who died, but they have no time Ior place of sacrifice, and near the location of the lavcr,
nor interest in the ki+om of the Lord Jesus which symbolizes the Word of God by whit+ one is
as the means of vindicating and honoring Jehovah made clean, and which is ignored by the clergy], were
God’s name and for the blessing and uplift of the about five and twenty men, with their back? toward
human race. The second coming of Christ and the the temple of the Lord, and their faces toward the
cstabJX~ment of his kingdom do not intcrcst them. east; and they worshipped t!lc sun toward the cast.”
Their interest is tcntcrcd in doing the work of their In this modern day, called by the self-x ise “the
organization. They think that, bccausc some sclf- brain age’ ‘, young men arc rcquircd to take a course
constituted “wise” meli have said that ‘the church in the secular colleges and there have all faith in Cod
must clothe the earth in the moral achievements of and his \\‘ord destroyed, before they are admitted to
man, so that CJwist tan come’, the work of the church the theological seminary. 1%~the time they have fin-
thcrcforc is to carry out this annou~~ccdslogan and ished their &cation in the thcolo$xl seminary and
cIc,anup lhc world. And now seeing tllilt tlrc church is are turned out as clcqqncn and labeled wit11 a high-
in a dying condition, and is practically,they tvcep sounding title, althouqir they occupy a pl:~c in a
and wail. They look to the clergy of their church to church called ‘the houx? of the Lord’, their worship is
&an up and save the world, and the clrrgy go to the of the crcaturc and to the utter disre~at~d of the
political rulers and a.4 for instruction as to what they Creator. Jlodern colleges and theological sc~x~illarics
shall do to accomplish this J~urJx~sc.llence the mcm- arc thcreforc mcrc hatchcries of infidelity. It is Ilic5c
bt?rs of their church jdi upon their organization as worsliipcrs of so-called ‘iutcllcctu:ll power at~l Arcat
dying aid almost &ad. men and their institutions’ that arc put forw;~rd as the
The funcI:~mcntalists, while claiming to support the saviors and drlivcrcrs of the world. Thcsc tnodcrn
Bible, ignore every part of it with rcfcrcnce to Cod’s “brain-age” 111~11, togcthcr lvitli their institutions, arc
kingdom, awl ally tlwmsclvcs with this world and are Jicltl forth to tlic pcoJ)lc as tlic “sunli:llt of the
Id lay the qo3 of these wrld pours, t!ic Devil. They world”. AS NZCliiCI Wily xllO\Vll this conditiou in tllc
arc t.Je&vecI, to be sure; and this statcrncnt is ma& tCmJ)lC, CVCll SO the ClilSS~VllOtuhe rcprcsciit~tl, Gwl’s
here bccnusc it is a facl, and in or&r that those of faithful anointed ones, had a visiou thereof in fact
g3od will may get their eyes open to a rcalizatiou of and so dcclarcd tlicmsclvcs.
the facts. The preachers thcmselvcs have ‘bccomc as On Augist 29, 1925, in convention asscmblcd at
women’. They sensethe end of their orgallization, and Indianapolis, the consecrated passed a rcsolutiou
they weep. XI of tlirm hnrc great cau~c to weep, bc- known as the “ JJcssagcof IIoJw”, and sent it fort 11to
causethey have drawn near the Lord with their mouths all l~coplc of good will of “Chri~tcndom”. Among
while tlwir hearts are far remorcd from him and now other things, that resolution said:
no more is the blessing of the Lord with them. They “World powers, scicncc and philosophy, commerce
have nllicd tJ~msclvcs with Satan’s organization and and religion, have each in turn ofCcred their rcqwc-
looked to the League of Nations, the Epworth League, tive remedies for man’s relief. In the name and under
and other leagues and peace pacts, to accomplish the the guise of democracy, thcsc combine in oKcrit1:: their
dcsircd end or reformation and ugbuilding of the hu- joint and scrcral powers to meet the rcquircwc~nfs of
man race. They are therefore al.11abomination in the man. Togcthcr they claim to be the sunli::llt of the
sight of the Lord. world, holding forth all the light that shirles to cn-
The inspection eontinues and more abomination3 are lighten and guide the human race.
exhibited to Ezclricl, and hence more abominations are “Intrigue, duplicity, aiid triclrcry arc freely rc-
rewalrd to the ternpIe class. “Then said he unto mc, sorted to by the political and commercial lIowcrs;
ITad, thou wen this, 0 son of man! Turn thee yet science and philosophy are marked by vanity alIt sclf-
again, and thou shslt see greater abominations than sufficiency ; while the religionists, both Catholic and
thew.” (Ezck. 8: 15) It is a well-known fact that in Protestant, are conspicuous by their arrogance, sclf-
modem timrs human intellectuality, or “the wisdom conceit, impiety and ungodliness. Thercforc, it is ap-
of this world”, is placed before and above the Rorsltip parent that the remcdics ofi’ered by any and all of
of Jehovah God, The clergy, acting as Satan’s instru- these aforementioned elements are vain, impotent, and
ments and hypocritically claiming to be God’s rcpre- powerless to satisfy man’s desire.” (See Light, Book
sentatives, are chiefly responsible for this condition in One, page 130.)
the nations &led “ Christendom ’ or ‘ ‘ organized The twenty-five men that Ezekiel saw at the door

of the temple of the Lord rcpmnt the modern clergy- temple at Jerusalem. The clergy and the principal of
men and the principal of their flocks, who are the chief the flock of “Christendom” claim to represent God
ones in the organization of the religion of “Christcn- and Christ and to rule by divine right, and yet they
dam” and hence claim to be in the house of the Lord. pursue a course of unrighteousness and have brought
While they claim to he the rcprcsentatires of God, great reproach upon God’s name and upon the name
they are in fact the servants of Satan the Devil, and of his Christ. They have attempted to induce the
hence are constantly practicing bypocrisp before men. people to believe that Jehovah approves of them. The
These self-wise “sun worshipers” (meaning those who people know that they are hypocrites, because they
worship intelhxt, science and pwcr) greatly defame claim to be for God and righteousness and at the same
and reproach the name of J&ox-ah God. They are an time practice unrighteousness. They claim to be ad-
integral part of Satan’s organization. It is the solemn vocates of the law, while they themselrcs break the
duty and obligation laid upon every member of the law. By reason thereof the people have lost respect
“servant” class to tell the truth concerning such for law and order and hare no regard for God and
hypocrites, that by the grace of the Lord the truth the Bible. The sanctity of human life is no longer held
may sweep away the lies and expose the hiding place by the great mass of mankind, and henrc “the cvcr-
thereof, that the pcople may know that Jehovah is t?le lasting coscnant” (G en. 9: 1-6) is transnrcssed and
only true Cod and that their hope rests entirely with frequently broken.
him. For any of the T,ord’s anuintcd ones to slack his This was shown to Ezekiel, and formhadowed the
hand in declaring the truth concerning Satan’s or- condition existing today in “Chri~t~ndoni”: “Ttif:n
ganization and the visible rq)rcscntat ivcs therein he said unto me, Hast thou seen this, 0 son of man?
would be to show unfaithfuhxss to God and to his Is it a ii&t thing to the house of Judah that they
eorcnant. commit lhc abominationc which they commit hcrc? for
It is a fact well known to all that since the ending they have filled the land with violcncc, and have rc-
of the World War a great crime wave has swept over turned to provoke me to anjicr; and, lo, they put tl~c
the land called “Christendom”. Who is responsible branch lo their nose.” (ISzck. 8: 17) “The 1:1ndis full
among men for this great crime wave? The prophcey of bloody rrimcs, and the cily [‘Ctiristc!n(loln’, Sa-
of Ezekiel lays the rcsponsilriity for the crime wave fan’s orqnization on earth] is full of viulcncc.”
at the door of “organized Christianity” by reason of (Fzek. 7: 23) “The earth also is dcfilctl under the in-
its pcrvcrsion of the true worship of God and the for- habitants thereof, because they have tran\l;frcssctl the
saking of his Word. This was pictured in the false laws, chauql the ordinance, broken the cvcrlasting
religious praeticcs that Ezekiel 8aw going on in the covenant. ’ ’-Isa. 24 : s.


J 1UIOVAI-f sent his prophet Ezekiel to the nation

of 1~x1~1,a rcbcllious people that were impndcnt
and stiKhearled. (Ezck. 2: 3,4) 11~ ~nrncd Ezc-
kic1 not to 1~:afraid to speak to them nor to be afraid
heard.’ It was also a warning to the “servant” rln<s
to bc not rcbcllious bcforc the Lord as “Cliri~tciido~n”
was and as some who wcrc then in the trutli wcrc, Ijut
that those who would plcn~c the Lcrd must he bol(l
of their words. “And they, whcthcr they will hear, or and fcorhx in the proclamation of his nlclssage of
whether they will forbear, (for they arc a rebellious truth. ThC \\‘frfCktbtcCr \v;lrIld tllC proIlliIlCllt OIlCS (Jf
hansc,) yet shall know that there hatlr ~CCII a prophet companies against a rcbcllious course and poiritc‘d out
among them. And thou, son of man, bc not afraid of the necessity of fearlessly clrgaging in the Lord’s scrv-
them, neither bc afraid of their words, though bricrs ice, and whcrc somesl~owctl fear and refused to do the
and thorns be with thee, and thou (lost dwell among work the opportunity to do it was given to others.
searpions; be not afraid of their words, nor be dis- Ahout the autumn of 1922 the organization of Cod’s
mayed at their looks, though they be a rcbcllions house. people on earth was more fully coml~lctcc!,and it was
And thou shalt speak my words unto them, whether then, at a gcncrnl asqcmbly of his people at a cwlvc~l-
they will hear, or whether they will forbear; for they tion in Cedar Point, Ohio, that they got a better visiotl
are most rebellious. l3ut thou, son of man, hear what and apln&at ion of Cod’s purposes conccrninq thcni
I say unto thee : Be not thou rcbcllious like that rettel- and their commission, and then they went to the work
&us house; open thy mouth, and cat that I girt thee.” with a real zeal. Isaiah’s vision stems clcar1.v to have
-Exck. 2 : 5-8. foreshadowed this particular time. Isaiah had a vision
This well corresponds to the truth that the Lord per- of the Lord at his temple and came to a realization that
mitted his people to understand in 1919, that they he as a servant of the Lord was a man of unclean lips,
were to go forward to “organized Christianity” with and he cried unto the Lord, and the Lord sent to him
the message of truth and to deliver it fearlessly, his invisible messengerwith a coal of fire from off the
‘whether they were heard or whether they were not altar with which Isaiah’s lips were made clean. Con-
h’OVEllilE% 1, 1937 335

eerning this it is written: “And he laid it upon my 60 God’s “faithful servant” class is comm&iotted to
mouth, and said, Lo, this bath touched thy lips ; and warn those wito profess to be the children of the Lord
thinc iniquity iq takctt away, and thy sin purged. AL= attd who are rebellious. When the wanting to surh re-
I lteard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I bellious ottcs was published in The lt’~tcAto~*~r the
send, and who will go for us? Tltcn said I, IIere am I; prophecy of Ezekiel was not then understood. (See
settd mc. And he said, Go, attd tell this pcoplc, IIcar Tke IVatchtofcer 1935, pages 323-328, 339, 310; 1939,
yc ittdcrd, but uttdcrstand not ; attd see ye indeed, but pages 134, 147.) This is tnctttioned here as further
per&Ye not. “--Isa. 6 : 7-9. evidence that the Lord WCShis people to fulfill proph-
Frotn 1919 to 19B others had cotnc to a knowlcd% ecy and afterwards advises them thereof by revealing
of the truth attd had rcspottded to the (~11for tltc kin=- tbc meaning of the prophecy. It is an evidence that
dom. It was on the occasion of that Cedar Point as- the Lord feeds his people upon food cottvctticnt for
sembly that all the faithful who wcrc prcqcttt saw the them and directs the way tltey shall go, and to the
opportunity and ncrcssity of carrying the messageof Lord is due all glory. God commissions his people to
the iiiJlgtl0ln to the people, and tltcre was a tremclld0w do his work and sends tltc obedient ones forth upon
rrs!~ot:sc such as tlevcr to be forgottctt by those who that mission; and he directs their way, usittg them u
witncs& the demonstration at that nssct~thly. The his instruments, and all in tltc temple give ltirn g!ory
spirit and zeal of the Lord were upon that lx2Op!c. therefor attd sing forth his praises.--I’rov. 3 : 5,6;
It was doubtless about that time that ‘the holy spirit 3.3. 20 : 9.
was l~our~~~l out 011 all flesh’, mcattittg tltnt all who bad As further proof that the trutlt is not the product
N’S!JOJldCd t0 t!lC C:l!! fOr the !<iIJ~dOJJl, IJJld Who WCn! of the “servant” class or of any man, but that all
brou:$t illto t!ic trrJJp!c, \i’CrC COJllllliSSkJllCd and com- truth proceeds from the Loid, it, is writtq by tlic
man&d to carry tlic tncssagc of trutlr to the l~coplc, prophet l~~zckiel: “ ~lnd wllcn I looltcd, behold, a11!I~;JK!
rcgardltx+ of xs or !)revious position in tlm church. was sent unto mc ; and, lo, a roll of a book was tltcrcin;
(Joel 3 : 28, 29) Tltc Cl4:iIlIYiJlg rcwiwtl by IsaialI for-f- attd he s!)r~d it !~cforc mc ., :intl it was written witltitl
shado\rctl I!W fact tllilt (M’s “faithful servant” clan and witllout ; and there was writtctt tlicrcitt lar~wta-
would come to a rW!iz:ltilJIi that t!rc l~ro!wr zeal Igad tions, ntid nJ0urniJl~, and woe. ” (Ihk 2 : 0, 10) God’s
not bel.J; slJowtl it1 pJdaiJlli1r :: tllc irut! at1d thus t!lc due time had c01iic to s~viii fwt!I llis mcssagc; and ‘a
silt was u!)ott their lips. Tltc clcatdttg of Isaiah’s lips roll of a booli in a hand ~!w\:.s that this truth cotnCs
by a c~oalof fire pictured tlic fiict that Clod clc:ut.~l by tllc spirit ant1 !JOWX Of God, itncl not lq ally crea-
tllc !i!J:i of his pco!Jlo and ScIIt tllcrii fOrtl1 to tlo itis ture, ant1 that it is Cod’s product. The roll or Itoo!;
Wol4r 0Cwilttcssittg to tlic truth, and tllat ill1 tlwu n!ro spread out !x~foi~clMiic1 sl10ws that t!lc t iiuc Ilad
wcrc faithful w’ccrcnttointcd of iltc Lorcl, aticl tbrt arribcd for (:ocl to hand fortli liis “scrvatit” lo cls-
tttcsc cWisttititcd tllcrcaflcr (:oil’s “faithful scrvattt”, tivrr ;I tncssa:c to his !~wplc. This tirnc especially clntt,q
othcrwisc called “the rettttmttt”. from illld :lftCr l!L??, WllOJl t!lC !~Ord llitd provided I!is
l’rior to tlic Lor(l’s eotnittg to his tent!)lc for judg- pcopk With a IIK%lJlS for Wit~~CS~ili~ t0 t!lC trLJt!l. \\‘lN II
ntctlt tllc.rc wcrc a number wlto ltad rcccived tltc tru!h tlic propliccics arc understood it will be fou~icl that
and i ci!x0~lcc! to the call for tlic kingdom but who tltcy arc all in exact harmony ; which is atiot licr proof
bccau~x of sclfihlincss bad rcltc4lcd against the light that they all proceed from (lad.
2nd tJ<g::lil to fall away. Tllc “rcltcllious” otics men- Tl:e statetttc~tttof 1szcl;icl is in exact harmot~y n iilt
tiottrtl in the prol~liccy tlxrcforc woultl iuclutlc all surlt Revelation 10: 1, 2, which says: “.2ttd I saw attotlicr
who !:rc?attto fall away about 1917 and ~110wcrc gnth- mighty angel cotnc down from liea~tt, . . . Iincl tic
crcd out attd formed tlte “evil scrvattt” class. Such bad iii his hand a little boo!; O!WJI.” ‘~1~3 is s!IO:v~i tht
claimctl to bc JCWS(ttmt is to say, devoted to Cod’s God’s time had cotne to tnaltc ktiown his pur!~oscsAII~
praise and scrvicc of his King), and, says tlic T,onl, he sent fortlt his message(JE truth to his pco~)le. (dcc
‘Thq arc not, but are of the synagogue of Satan.’ Light, Book One, page li-I.) God’s judgmctit written
(Ilcv. 2 : 9 ; 3 : 9) ‘ T11cyarc those that rclxlled agaitti must be declared before tltc csccutiott thcrcof. “or-
the light.’ (Job 24: 13) It was the duty of TAe Il’alcB- ganizcd Christianity,” or “Christ~tldom”, !)ictrtrcd
t~wcr to speak with plaittttcss to such, rtttd by the hy Jcrusalcttt, must be told iIlL’ truth and bc u;~rnctl
Jlord’s grace this WIS dottc. TlI0s0 ~110 failed to ltcxxl of Clocl’s int!~ctiditty judgment agitt\t her. :I150 1hoic
the Lord’s warning fonttd thentsclves in the “cril who had been in line for the !iing(lorn and hafl fitllcrt
servant” cln~ and tlrc “mail of sin”. away must bc warttcd. “Orgattizcd Christianity,” or
The commission to Ezekiel, attd tltercfore to the “Cliristendotn”, is pictured by Jcrur;c~lc~nnrd is more
“faitlifu! scrvnnt” class, was also to wart1 “sue11as sit rcpre!tcnsiblc than the heathen nations; hcttcc God ‘S
in datl;ncss and in the shadow of death, being bound juclqtent is written against her.
in afilictiott and iron ; because they rcbcllcd ogainti The roll of the book cshibitcd to Ezekiel contaittc(!
the words of God, and cotttemtted the cou~ml of the the n:cssagc of ‘the day of the vcttgeattcc of God
hicat Iligh”. (I%. 307: 10-16) As Emkicl was com- against Tsracl ; and likewise ttow that which the Lord
mat&d by the Lord to warn the rclxllious Israclitq reveals to his pcoplc contaitts tile truth concerning the
day of the vengeance of our God, which must be de- the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea
clared to “Christendom”. (Isa. 61: 2) Let the fearful and upon the earth. . . . And he said unto me, Take
and rebellious refuse to declare God’s righteous in- it, and eat it up.” These prophccics of Ezekiel and
dignation against Satan’s organization, if they will; Revelation concerning the eating of the roll or book
but all who are of the “faithful servant” class will symbolically represent God’s anointed servant recciv-
without hesitation declare God’s truth and expose to ing the truth to be used to the glory of the Lord.
view the enemy and the hideous qencies of his or- This is Farther corroborated by Jehovah’s words to
ganization. Those who wcrc once in line for the king- the prophet Jsaiah. Jsaiah also pictures the “faithful
dom and who fail and rcfusc thus to do put thcm- servant” class to whom the Lord Jehovah says: “I
selves in the class with God’s enemies. (Ezek. 2: 3) have put my word3 in thy mouth, and I have covered
It is comforting and gratifying to see how Jehovah thee in the shad3\~~cf mine hand, that I may plant
uses his people to do his work and then later &ows the heavens, and lay the foundations of the earth, and
them what hc has done; and this is further proof that say unto Zion, Thou art my people.” (Isa. 51: 16)
prophecy was written to make briy!ltcr the hope of The mcssagcof the Lord he puts in the mouth of hi?
those who are in the covenant for the kingdom and who “servant” not merely to fcod llpon for hi, own bcncfit,
obey the terms of that covenant. (Rom. 15 : 4) For scv- but that it might be u~xd in accordance with God’s
era1 years God’s faithful l)coplc on earth have been commnntlments by proclaimin:: it to others. “So 1
doing, and arc now doing, a lvork which xas for&old opened my mouth, and hc caused me to rat that roll.
by Ihc prophet and the mranillf of which the Lord And he <aid unto me, Son of man, cause thy 11cll.yto
is now plcnscd to rcical to his l’aithful ones. eat, and fill thy bowels with this roll that I give thee.
Jt is obscrvcd that almost a hundred times the Lord Then did I eat it; and it was in my mouth ns hone)
addrcsscc;Qc:ltiel as “son of man”, That is one of the for swfxt ncss.’ ‘--J’:zck. 3 : 2, 3.
titles given to .Jcsus Christ ; hcnrc the c1as.rwhom Thcsc words last quot ctl from Ezckicl picture the
E:zclticl picfurcd and forcshadowcd must of necessity faithful l~cople of the rlod who wcrc hungry for a
be those who arc of the body of the anointrd One. further rcvclation of his Word, whom the Lord Jesus
The title does not npply to any intlividual, but applies began to feed when TIC czamcto the tcml)lc of God.
to the body mcmbcrs of Christ and take.5 in all the It took sometime to fill them up and for t tlcm to digc\t
failhful anointed ollcs of the cnrth. It is this claqs that the food before they wcrc ready for ttlc fight, ~(1
the Lord usrs in prOclaiIniI1~ his Word mid dso in when ttrc time came they were mndc strong in the
connection Nit11 the fulfillment of his prophecy. Lord and went forth in obcdicnce to ltis w11mn1~1-
The third chapter of ISzckiel’s prophrcy Opens with mcnts. This is in csnc*t accord will1 Iic:vcLl;l1 ioIl
the statcmcnt : “Morcovcr he said unto mc, Son of 10 : IO, 11, which says: “ .\nd I took the lit tic INNI~alit
man, cat that thou find& ; cat this roll, and go spcnl: Of the anscl’s hand, nnd ate it up; and it \VilS in ml
U1lt.O tllC IIOUsC Of ISrilCl.” In harmony with this God mouth sweet ns honey ; and ilC soon as I tl:l(l ca:ltcnit
first causes his own people to feed upon hi? truth and my belly was bitter. And hc said unto me, Thou mnq
to grow strong thcrcby, and then their strength must prophesy again bcforc many pcoplc’;, and nations, ilII(1
bc used in obedience to his comn~antlmcnt to the glory tongues, and killgs. ” Thus is S~IOWI~ God’s provision
of the Lord by speaking these trnths to others. This and his ])WpilKltion of his pcoplc for :I C;lfl~pili~Ii t 11:it
is in harmony with Rcvclation 10: S, 9: “And the shortly t hcrcaftcr began, SIKI is now in ~)w~Nw, t hc
voice which I heard from hcarcn spnkc unto mc again, pUrpOSe Of which is to procliiirn tllc Kill: alif his
and said, Go and take the little book which is open in kingdom and to announce the day of God’s vcngran~.

JOY IN JENOVAH'S SERVICE fin11 thclc is n big difference of opinion among? the larethrcn,
DEAR BROTHER RUTIIERFGI~D: and I sl~ould like to know clrfinitc~lv if I am n Cllristixn or m,t.
Tim Urownwood (Tcsns) compny of puhlis!lcrs wish to If not, would jou phxsc give me tno scriptures to prove I am
ussuro .you of our joy 1n the scr\ ICC of Jcho\nh, and of our not; nnd if not a ChIistmn, whxt cnn I s:ly if sumconc nbks me
nlqxccmtion of being nhlc to cat the food, which we find most at n door wh:rt I am?
“convenient”, nt the table furnmhcd .by the Lord for all the 1Vith much ll~re,
n ilhng ones now on earth. Your fellow publisher in Jchovnh’s set bier,
Let this nrcpsage, brief though it must be, convey our warm COSSTANCE A. \VooI~, lingland.
personal rcgx1d and loyalty to you in this hour of stress. Dally
we rcmcmber you nt the Father’s throne of grace, and ask
that you so renicmber us. hly DEAE LITTLE SISTER:
Bec:tusc you low Jehornh and obey his cornmnntlmcnts in tlic
way Christ Jesus obeys, tlmt constrtutcs one R Christmn. Both
AN IXQUIRY, AND THE Ah-SWER the anointed and the Jomrdobs (great multitude) are the J.ortl’s
MY DEAR BROTIIER RUTJIPXF~EII: cheep, and all must be of one fold. (John 10: I(;) Il’ntchto~e~
I am a young girl aged fourteen years, and have been n pub- article “Corul~anions”, August 33, 1937, explains.
lisher for Jcho\nh for four years now. With much love,
I wan told the other day by a brothel that I am not 8 Chris- Your fellow Christian,
tian, as I claim to be a Jonsdab. On asking other brethren I J. I?. RUTIIEIWORD.


NOVEMBER 15, 1937

111s “WORK” AND HIS “ACT” (Part 0) 339
Catholic Action . . . ..I-..-... - .-.- 340
Begin with Religionists _______
Who Is Next? C.....-..- -.-._____
The Gathering Storm
Questions for Study
-. -- -..-.“..--
YEAR l3ooK FOR1938

117 Adams Street -
Brooklyn, N.Y., U. !3.A. T for the purpose of enabling
the people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as
expressed in the Bible. It pubbshea l31blo inatructlon
specifically designed to anl Jehovah’s witnesses and all pcop10
J. F. RUTHERFORD President IV. E. V&y A~~BvR~U Semtary Of good ndl. It arrange4 systematic Bible study for its renders
CAmi all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and and the Society supplies other hterature to axl in such studies.
It publishes suitable material for radio broadcastmg and for
great shall be the peace of thy children.” -I&4 .J&?- other means of public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres strictly to the Bible as authority for its utter-
THE SCRlmURES CLEARLY TEACH ances. It is entirely flee and separate from all parties, sects
THAT JEHOVAH 3s the only true God,% from crerlasjiiag or other worldly organiMions. It is wholly and writhout
to everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Girer reservation for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ
of life to his creatures; that the Logos was the begmnlq of his beloved King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careiul
his crerrtion, and his attire agent in the creation of all thigs; and critical examination of its contents in the light of the
that the Logos is now the Lord Jesus Chrmt in glory, ck#hed Scriptures. It does not indulge in controversy, and its col-
with uU power in heaven and earth, and the Chief Exwntive umns are not open to personahties.
Officer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD created tho earth for mnn, created pevfeet YEARLY &IOSCRPTIOX PRICE
man for the earth and placed him upon it; that man wdlfe&
disobeyed God’s law and was sentenced to dcatl!; that by
reason of Adnm’s wrong act nil men are born SlMCIS and
without the right to hfc.
THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suf-
fcred death in ordlrr to product the ransom or rcdcmptke
price for all mankind; that God lniscd up Jesus divine and FOREIGN OFFICES
exalted him to hcaten above every crcxturo and above every
name and clothed him with aJJ power nnd authority. Britieh . . . . . . . . . 34 Craven Termce, London, W. 2, Cn&nd
Canadiatr . . . . . . 40 Irwin Avenue, Toronto 5. Ont:lrio. C’JILI~.~
THAT JEHOVAII’S ORGANIZATION is called Zion, and Auatmlaaian . . 7 newsford I;onrl, Strathfield, N. S. W.. Aurtr.rli.4
that Christ Jesus is the Chief Oficer thereof nnd is tho
rightful King of the world; thnt the anointed nnd failhful b’outh African . . . . . . nodon Ilouse, Cup? Town, South Africa
Plenst? address the Society In every Case.
follo\\crs of Christ Jesus nro children of Zion, mcmbcn of
JCho\ah’s or;;anization, aud aro his \ritnesses whose duty md
pivilqp it is to te’ilify to the supremacy of Jchorah, &&IQ
Jlis purposes townrtl mnnkind as cxJ)r(lssetl in the Il~t,le, and (Tranalatlm oj thC journal appear in reveral languagea.)
t0 bear the fruits of tllo kingdom bcforo all who will hear.
THAT THE WORLD has cntlctl, nnd the Lord Jesus Christ
hua lrcru l~lacccl by Jrhovah upon his throne of authority,
hns ousted &tan from hravcn and is proceeding to the
establishment of God’s kingdom ou earth.
‘TlfAT THE KFLlEI: nnrl blcssin~s of the peoples of earth
1X11 CORIO f.Hdy 1)~ nnd through .I&ov:rh’s king&In under
cllrist, whirh hns now begun; that the Lord’s next great
act ia the destruction of Satan’5 Organization and the estab-
lishment of ri~htcounncas in the earth, and that under the
kingdom all tlrosu who will obey its righteous laws shall live Entered a6 6CCmtd-Cloaa mntfer nt the pact ol)lcc at NroolLlyn, N. I’.,
on earth forever.
- uitdcr the Act of Uwch S, 1979.
--I_ ----
“VINDICATOR” claro thcmsrlves on Jchoval~‘a sitlo nntl ~110 nro nrtlrc,ly i&-r-
The concluding united scry,cc J,c~lod of the year 1937, the ested in and partlripnting in the publx4ling of his n:mc and
nine d5y-s l)creml)cr 4 to 12 inclusive, is called the ‘( VindicMar” his kiugdom. The presillcnt’s report contalncd thcrc,ln tit 1.1
tcstinmng period. l’ho fcaturo ofier of this perrod wlJ1 he the an nrcurnte nnrl coiuprchcnsive nccount of the stztu oi t!15
new book Enemies, to bo l~lacctl on the usual contribution of Lord’s work iu the vaT1ouslands throughout the earth, S~WWIII~
25~. Ml those dcstrlng to be for a rmdication of Jehovah’s in cons~derablc detail the nctlritlcs and cl’forts put forth tlur.
name will act upon this announcement nnd will at onre IXgm ing the 5erVEO year Just enrlr~d and the results thcrwf. 1’111%
making all due p~cparations for n rigorous part in this teati- there is tho year text for 193d and n J,ointctl comment t’l,8rcL,n.
muny. Consult the forthcoming issucasof the Informanl for This, together with well chosen daily texts nn(J c.\pl:~n:~t~~rp
ndditiounl delnils and instructions. Your prompt report at the comments thereon from The JJ*nlchtotcicr, makes this l’cnr /lu4;
close of tile testimony will be npprcciated by this office. one of everyday help and UROfor nll the Lord’s falthlul. ‘f’hc
edition thereof is llmited, and hence tho contril)ution of 5rlc
“ENEMIES” per copy is recelvcd the1cfor. Company groups should con~blno
This new book, written by Brother Rutherford, nnd first individual orders and send bnme in through company servant,
aunonnvcd nnd rclcased at the recent gencrnl conventian of to reduce mailing expense.
Jehovah’s aitncssrs at Columbus, Ohlo, is now urailable for
all wko nro for Jel~ah and hiv King and against Ius enemies. 1938 CALENDAR
It is a gmrd wu1lr, of 3S4 pages, escellently bountf, gold- The text for the caleutlnr year 1938 is: ‘Fear not; for 11~
etamped, with color illustrations and a coniprelicnsivc i&x. battle is God%. (2 Chron. 20: 15) The cnl~~n~larart J)lrtrirl>
The initial edition is the autoglxphed editlou and contains, m was specmlly painted to fit this tc,xt and bcnutifully Illustr:i!c9
f:x&uile, a letter written by the hand of the author and ad- it and Its actlou. Beneath the picture on the cnlenflar 1, (-v
dressed to nli the Lord’s servants. Duo to the limited quantity appears a letter from the preslilcnt of the Society s(4ting forill
Of this author’s edition a contribution thcrefor of 50~ a COPY the several united service pciiods for the ycnr and serlln:: as
is nsked to offset the special cxpcnse of publishing this edition. a ready rcfercnee for the kingdom publtshcls. The rnlcrular
pad also indicates the dntca of thcsc testimony pcr~od~. Cum-
YEAR BOOK FOR 1933 pany servants should send in a combinnt~nn order for all Ia
Tho Pear Roolc for 1938 will embody the features thtit have tho company wanting calendars. Remit, with order, nt 2% each,
made the issues for previous years so valuable to all who de- or $1.00 for fire.


“As I have done to Shiloh.“4er. 7: 14.

J EROVAZI hates the wicked. “As it is written,

Jacob have I iovcd, but Esau have I hated. ” (Rom.
9: 13) This does not mean that God loved Esau
someand loved Jaeob more. “Jacob” stands for those
he did was not an easy task for Jeremiah to perform,
but he did not refuse it becauseit was hard. 1Iis com-
mission from Jehovah obligated Jeremiah to perform
faithfully the duty laid upon him. It was a God-given
who faithfully serve Jehovah; “Esau’, stands for job. Jeremiah was fully advised of the mental condi-
those who practice the Devil religion for gain, and tion of the clergy of his day, and he knew that to
Jehovah hates that class, because all such are on the carry out his commission would bring hard things
Devil’s side. The most reprehensible on earth are those upon him from the religionists. But it was a joyful
who pretend to serve Cod, and who constantly bring service because he was rendering it according to the
reproach upou his name, and who inflict punishment will of God. Jcrcmiah had learned that the joy of the
upon Cod’s servants becausethey scrvc God faithfully. Lord was his strength. That joy was an antidote for
&in:: subjceted to persecution bccausc of faithfulness all the disagreeable and painful parts of the tasks that
to Cod puts to the test his servants, which test, if lay before him. And what did that foreshadow 4 It
properly met, will work to the good of the righteous. foretold exactly what the witnesses of the Lord today
“Jehovah pnttcth the righteous to the test, but the arc commissioned to perform and must perform. Look-
luw1css one and the lover of violence his soul doth ing at the picture made long ago forctclling disagxx-
hate.” (Pa 11: 5, &Ml.; Ram. 8: 28) The lawless an,? able conditions, and havin:: in mind the cruel l’crsc-
the lover of violence, who practice violence contrary cutions that have here been inflicted upon someof their
to God’s law, are the religionists in particular. The number, particularly UJ)OI~ the faithful in Ccrmany
Roman Catholic IIicrarchy takes the lead among the and Kcw Jersey, the remnant now well know that the
wick4 and is therefore the worst among the wicked. task bcforc them is not an easy one, but the difficulties
That wicked institution arrogantly and blasphcmousl~ that lie in their pathway do not deter them in the least
assumes to bc the rcprcscntntivc of Cod and Christ from proceeding to the performance of their commis-
on earth, ahiic, hiding behind its false cloak, it sion. The true, faithful and zealous ones arc not now
prosccutcs its wicked schemes to gain power over wasting their time, and the time of others, by writin::
the people. Jehovah has appointed the day to fully letters and asking what they shall do. They have the
rccompcnsc that wicked crowd, and the time for the commandments and orders from the Lord, they know
expression of his wrath against them appears to bc their duty, and they arc going forward to perform it.
very near. ‘l’be fact that the Lord God now makes It is well that they know this. Some of the Lord’s pco-
clear to his people what his purpose is concerning the ple are not now privileged to communicate by letter
wicked, and shows to them that the religionists are the with others. They are not permitted to receive the
chief onesof the wicked, is strong and persuasive proof publications of the Society, and particularly 2’ilo
&at the time of the execution of Jehovah’s wrath Wntcl~tozver. But they have fed upon Cod’s Word and
against the wicked is near at hand. know what he has commanded the faithful to do, and
2Jehovah gave Jeremiah a vision of what his pur- they are doing it, even at the cost of their own lives.
pose is toward the wicked, and he caused his prophet They are not writing long dissertations in to the oflicc
to act out a part in making clear that picture. “Then and saying: “I have run onto this interpretation, and
took I the cup at the Lord’s hand, and made all the I want it answered to my satisfaction.” Those who arc
nations to drink, unto whom the Lord had sent me.” indulging in this kind of practice, wasting their time
(Jcr. 25: 1’7) Jeremiah then performed this pictorial and the time of others, will not keep abreast of the
drama or that part of it foretelling what those whom Lord’s army, and they will not stand the test and will
Jeremiah represented should do in the future. What not go through to the end. No one is justified now in

wasting time to stop and discuss the question as to In obedience to the Lord’s comtnand his witnesses have
whether or not the Lord Jesus has come and is at the carried the testimony to the nations, and they mu$t
temple, and whether the apos,.zitles and other faithful continue to carry this message as commanded; and
saints have been resurrected or not. These questions when this is done and completed, then, as Jesus dc-
have long been settled, and now the faithful see a clarcs, the greatest tribulation of all time shall fall
duty to be performed and are eager to perform that upon the nations. (Matt. ‘24: 14,21) The mcssaqe of
duty in the strength of the Lord. Let this be an an- Jehovah at the present time has become so very bitter
swer to letters of this kind that arc written asking for to the Roman Catholic Hierarchy that that wicked
the space in The I~utchtower to be used to answer religious institution employs every possible effort to
their questions, which have heretofore been clearly an- suppress God’s messageof truth.
wvercd. The army of the Lord is moving forward un-
der the command of Christ Jesus. There is no time CATlfOLIC ACTION
for quibbling. Our duty is to obey the Lord, and par- l In the outposts of the Brit,ish Empire, which arc

ticularly so xhen his commandments are clear and generally known as the colonies of Great Britain, the
specific. The purpose of unfolding the prophecies to Roman Catholic Hierarchy is causing laws to bc cn-
his people now is to cncouraxe and strengthen those acted prohibiting the importation or sending of the
who arc in the front ranks to go on and not lag behind. printed messageof God’s kingdom into those countries.
* The command to Jeremiah was to make “all the na- This devilish religious institution has bccomc so bold
tions . . . to drink” to whom the Lord sent him, and that it publishes in its own papers that it is using its
be did so. In a symbolic or @rative way he caused power and influence to cause the enactment and cn-
the people to drink. What he did was to make a pic- forccmcnt of such laws. This of itself is a clear adrni+
ture foretdling what would come to pass in the last sion that the clcr,T of the Roman Catholic llicrnrclly
days, that is, in t hc day of Jcbovah. The record does organization have rcccivcd the warning, and they will
not show that Jeremiah Icft Judah and Jcrusnlctn and never be able to plead ignorance of God’s purpose to
journeyed to all the nations named, nor doe.9the record destroy them.
show th:lt he sent messcngcrs to such nations to de- a In the United States, which has long been con-
liver the cup and to make them drink. The record at sitlcrcd a plflcc of freedom of speech,the Roman C;lt II-
ehaptcr 27 of Jeremiah’s prophecy shows that hc did olic IIicrarchy has been able to put the clamps on radio
take advantape of the prcscncc in Jerusalem of the stations, newspapers and other means of putAic:it ion
ambassadors or rcprcscntativcs from Edom, i\Ioab, to prohibit the free and wide proclamation of the
Xmmon, l’yrc and Zidon and that he sent the “cup“ mcssagc of God’s kingdom. They do this on the prc-
with them, or that he made them lhc oficial rcpre~cut- text that the mcssnqc of God’s ltin~dom “shoc:lts
ativcs of their rcspcctirc count rics or governments their rcliEious suscc~~tibi1itie.u”and ~uscs dissension
to drink the cup. Also Jeremiah did send the Irord’s amongst the pcoplr, and should bc l~rohibilctl. At lhe
written statement or mcssaKe with Prince Scraiah, same time the big moguls in the Roman Catholic or-
whom 7Ackiah the king was sending to Babylon. ganization, and their political tools which thry put it1
Seraiah was directed by Jeremiah to read what he office, unhesitatingly and without lii~tlra1lcc fla~runtly
had written in a book, of all the calamities that should denounce thz highest court in America bccil~~sct Il:lt
come upon Babylon, and after reading it he was to court does not yield to the scductirc and politic~4 in-
bind it to a stone and cast it into the Euphrates river, flucnrc of the Hierarchy. This is a further admi4on
thus symbolically forctclling what should befall Baby- that the IIierarchy have heard the warninrJ and th:lt
lon. (Jcr. 51: 53-64) The picture made by Jeremiah, it has stung them to the quick; and never shall they
howcvcr, was complete, showing how the message of be permitted to plead ignorance thai they did not
Jehovah’s warning gets to all nations of the earth in know what God was sending upon them. Let the llic:r-
one form or another. For this prcseut day Jehovah archy and its rcprcscntativcs, as they read what is
provided the radio, which has carried the messageof here said, take further notice that God’s messa~cshall
the kingdom to almost all the nations of the earth, be declared and that they now have no power to stop
thereby giving the people warning that Satan’s world the oncoming of Jehovah’s Exccutionrr, who A:111
is to be destroyed and Christ Jesus shall reign in right- inflict upon their wicked organization the judgmcllts also provides sound equipment to othcr- of Jehovah long ago written.
wise transfer the spoken message to various parts of e Jehovah’s witnesses are not trying to convert the
the earth. In addition thereto Jehovah’s witnesses world, they arc not carrying on a propaganda, they
have the printed messagein as many as seventy-five are not engaged in a bigoted proclamation in or&r
diffcront langungcs and dialects, and which are dis- to cause dissension, as the clergy of the Hierarchy
tributed in that many and more countries of the earth. falsely claim. Jehovah’s witnesses arc obeying God’s
In the United States alone are some peoples of almost commandtncnts to tell the truth; and let the people of
every nation of the earth, and these have been brought good will, who are honest and sincere, take note of
into contact with Jehovah’s message in some form. this fact and obey God’s Word and refuse to give
NOFEXBFiB 15, 1%’ 311

further beed to the malicious and false accusations of Almighty God. They follow the tradition? of men
made by the Roman Catholic clergy and their allies and make void the Word of God. Far from following
against the representatives of the Lord. the course that Jesus took, who made himself of no
reputation, the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, and par-
BEGIN WlTH RELICIONISTS ticularly the cardinals and bishops, now go about
* The prophetic part of the drama enacted by Jere- wrapped in lace curtains and wearing lace “pants”
miah at God’s command shows where the cup nnrst or aprons, and dazzling tinsels and peculiar hats, and
first he delivered, when he says: “To wit, Jerusalem, pose as sanctimonious and holy ones while everybody
and the cities of Judah, and the kings thereof, and the who knows them knows they are the crookcdcst gang
princes thereof, to make them a desolation, an aqtoni& that have ever aftlictcd the earth, and that they are
ment, an hissing, and a curse; as it is this day.“- carrying on the worst racket that has ever been prac-
Jer. 25 : IS. ticed upon any people: These chief men of the Roman
* Jerusalem and the cities of Judah, the kings and Catholic Hierarchy are scornful mtn. They USChigh-
others thereof, claimed then to bc God’s pcoplc. They sounding words in praise of thcmsclves, and with
pictured and therefore foreshadowed the religion&, scornful countenance and hau$ty mien they command
clergy and the others of “Christendom” today who the pcoplc to do their own selfish bidding, and this in
claim to be the pcoplc of the Lord and to bc rulbg utter disregard of the people’s rights, The IIicrarchy
the world by divine right. The clergy, the priests, tJle assumes the power and authority to tell the people
prcachcrs and practitioners of the Jews’ religion fop what they must and must not read, when aud whcrc
hire, professed to bc God’s servants, and they claim&l they must go, and what they must do, and to what they
to be the scctl of Abraham according to God’s promise. must Iistcn and to what they must not listen. They
They were bound by the terms of the law covenant, attempt to control and rule everything in the land of
which God had mado with that nation through JIoses; “Chribtcndom”. They have gottcrl their hooks so
and they wcrc~alsobound by the covenant of O~JC&nts! completrly into the political and juclicial clcmcnt of
and faithfulness to the Lord (Ucut. 29: l-14); and almost all nations that the TIierarcliy is really tllc
tbcy were also hound by the terms of the cvcrlnsting power behind the throne that rules the nations of
corcuant concerning the sanctity of life. (Gcn. 9 : 1-E) “Christendom”.
IJut they hat1fallen away to the Ucvil religion and had lo Jehovah now speaks to that wicked and unholy
broken all thcsc covenants and wcrc worthy of dcstnrc- crowd of rcligionists through his prophet and says:
tion. (Rom. 1: 31,32) They wcrc bloodguilty, and “\Vhcreforc hear the word of the Lord, yc scornl^nl
there was no way for them to cscapc. Whom did they men, that rule this l~ople which is in Jcrusalcm,” anti-
foreshadow? The facts clearly show, and that bcyotd typic;llly “ChriYtcndom”. (Isa. 28: 14) Thcsc words
any question of doubt, that they forcshadowcd the of Jehovah without doubt apply to the Ilicrarcl:~.
Roman Catholic llicrarchy and tticir allies and rulers They arc the ones that have said : ‘Our organization 19
and nations of “Christendom”. No one will attempt invulnerable ; even hell itself shall not prevail against
to question the fact that the Roman Catholic Hier- Us’; and therefore the Lord says to them: “L~C’C:IIJSZ
archy claitns to bc the only true rcprescntativc of God ye have said, We hnvc made a covctnant with dcatl~,
and Christ on earth. That unholy religious crowd uses and with hell arc we at agrccmcnt ; when the ov’cr-
its influence over the political rulers of the nations and flowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not conic
canscs them to join tlic Ilirrarchy in reproaching unto us; for we have mndc lies our refuge, and uutlcr
God’s holy name. They arc all without CSCUW.They falsehood have wc hid ourselves; . . . ye shall hc
have been warned. All those rcligionists and their trodden down.” (Isa. 28: 15, IS) It is this ruling
supporters claim to be Christian, and they thcrcfore crowd of “Christendom” to whom the Lord com-
are in an impiicd covenant to obey the commandments mands the cup shall be taken and that thcsc shall be
of Almighty God. They claim to be followers of Christ the first to drink of the cup of this fury.
Jcsns, and thcrcfore must obey him whom Moses fom l1 And what is the purpose of compcllin:r them to
shadowed. (Acts 3 : 22,23) They are also bound by drink of the cup? Jehovah answers : “To make tllcx
the terms of the everlasting eovcnant conacrning tha a desolation, an astonishment, an hissing, and a curse. ”
sanctity of lift. They have broken these covenants by It is upon this religious crowd of “Christendom” that
the shedding of human blood viciously and without Jehovah begins his “strange act”, and that could well
regard to the rights and privileges of other creatures. appear strange to all supporters of the JIicrarchy and
They have wickedly and ruthlessly engaged in slaugh- all the dupes thereof and they will say: “It is strange
tering animals, contrary to God’s covenants. They are that God would so afflict an organization that for ccn-
covenant-breakers and guilty of death. turics has been using God’s name.” That organization
* 110~ do the men of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy has been using the name of God blasphemously ia prac-
deport thcmsclvcs? They claim to represent Jesus, but ticing its religion for pecuniary gain, God knew the
they aro wholly unlike Jesus, who was meek and lowly end from the beginning, and it pleased him to speak
of bcart and adhered strictly to the commandmentg of the things that did not then exist as if they welt

already in existence. (Rom. 4: 17) Therefore Jehovah ganized religion” not only is and has been friendly
says, as stated-in the prophecy, that he is bringing with the political and military elements of the world,
upon “Christendom” this curse, “as it is this day.” but has depended upon such to help carry on the re-
I2 The picture enacted by Jeremiah shows that it ligious schemesand perform their ceremonies by which
applies when Jehovah begins his “strange act” against the people have been hoodwinked. The religion& and
“Christendom”. At the time that Jeremiah enacted particularly the priests or other clergymen, have ‘gone
this picture it was eighteen years before the fall of down to Egypt for help’, as the prophet Isaiah (30 : 2)
Jerusalem. Jeremiah saw by faith and believed what puts it, and have turned their backs upon Jehovah
God wvould bring upon Jerusalem, and hc was not God and his King, just as Jehoiakim and Zedckiah, the
ashamed to boldly announce Jehovah’s purpose. While kin&m of Jerusalem, did in their time. The reliance of
the fall of Jerusalem was a minor fulfillment of the the rcligionists or religious practitioners upon Egypt,
prophecy, the complete fulfillment thereof is upon the world, is like lcaning upon a bruised reed: “La,
“Christendom” in the day of Jehovah, which is at the thou trustest in the staff of this broken reed, on Eqpt ;
present time. The messageof God’s prophet exposed whereon if a man lean, it will go into his hand, and
the religionists of the Jews to shame and hissing; and picrcc it: so is Pharaoh king of Egypt to all that trust
today the honest-hearted Catholics and non-Catholics, in hitn.“-Isa. 36 : 6.
who bclicve on God and Christ Jesus, look with con- Is In the prophecy of Jeremiah, in chapter 25, and
tempt and hissing upon the fraudulent Roman Cath- particularly in chapters 46-51 inclusive, Egypt is dealt
olic IIicrarchy that practices its religion for personal with after Jerusalem. The same is true as set forth
gain. Jehovah God’s message,written in his Word and in other prophecies, to wit (Ezck. 32: l-32) : “There
now being dclivcrcd, is like a hailstorm, and, says the is Edom, her kings, and all her princes, which with
Lord, “the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, their might arc laid by them that were slain by the
and the waters [truth] shill1 overflow the hiding sword : they shall lie with the uncircumcised, and with
place.” (Isa. 2s: 17) The double-dealing, the cstreme them that go down to the pit. Thcrc be the princes of
crookcdncss of the hypocritical Roman Catholic Hier- the north, all of them, and all the Zidoninns, which
archy and of other rcligionists’ supporting institu- arc gone down with the slain; with their terror they
tions, arc now being u~lcovercd in order that honest arc ashamed of their might; and they lie uncircum-
persons may Yicw llicm in their true state. “Christcn- cised with them that be slain by the sword, and bear
dom, ’ ’ that is, the hypocritical rcligionists that claim their shame with them that go down to the pit. I%a-
to bc Christians, shall bc tlic first ones, according to raoh shall see them, and shall IJ~ comforted over it11
Jehovah’s dccrec, to ‘drink of the cup of this fury’. his multitutlc, ercn Pharaoh and all his army Slilitl
by the sword, saith the Lord God.” (Isa. l!): l-22;
WI10 IS NEST? Zcch. 14: 18, 19) Thcsc propllccics all support the con-
la The fact that Jehovah’s “strange act”, that is, clusion that when the rclifiioux systclns, the old
the battlc of tlic great dily of God Almighty, will bc- “whore”, fall, then the putilslimcnt will proceed to
gin by the destruction of the rcligionists of “Christcn- the Godless clctnc~llt, that is, the cotnmercial am1 po-
dom” does not mean that thcrc will thercaflcr be a litical clcmcnts, their allies and supporters.
pcriocl of witness work for the purpose of gathering I0 “Egypt,” atitityl,ically, iticludcs tlic cotnmcrcial
the “great mnltitudc”. On the contrary, the Scrip- clcmcnts; but there are others which must tlrillk of
turcs show that the witness work must bc complctcd th! “cup”, and which arc specifically named aside
bcforc the great tribulation begins. (Natt. 24 : 14,21) from E,gypt : “And all the mingled pcoplc, and all
When the old “whore” goes down, there will be some the kings of the land of Uz, and all the ltinzs of the
that will weep and wail, and the chief ones amongst land of the Philistincs, and Ashkelon, and Azznll, and
that wailing crowd will be those who have cotnmcrcial- Ekron, and the remnant of Ashdod.” (Jcr. 25: 20)
izcd the religion of the Roman Catholic system and “ The mingled pcoplc, ’ ’ as they are callcil iti the
her allies. And why will they wail 1 Because they will Autltorizccl VerSioq Xotl~crharn (margin) rclntlcrs in
understand that they are next in line for destruction ; this wise : “And all the Bcdawin,” or, “mixed multi-
and this is shown by the statement in the prophecy: tudc. *’ That means mongrels of no specific nationality
“I’haraoh king of Egypt, and his servants, and his or race. (See Vindication, Book Two, page 33-1.)
princes, and all his people.“-Jer. 25: 19. “Uz,” named in this part of the prophecy, is dealt
‘I4The great commercial traffickers (pictured here with. The land of Uz was where Job resided, and was
by the rulers of Egypt) and their cruel, selfish hire- in the east. (Job 1: 1-3) Since the day of Job it is no
lings or servants (the Ethiopians), advocators and longer a “land of Consultation” with Jehovah, but
hired killers, including the police, the army, and the has been Godless. It represents that Godless pcoplc
navy, and the conscienceless politicians, all forming of the earth that have adopted the policy of dealing
a part of the world organization, all must drink the with the Roman Catholic Hierarchy by sending ambas-
‘6cup” and drain it to the dregs. They are the rulers sadors to the Papal court; such as mentioned in Jcrc-
in the world which are symbolized by Egypt. “Or- miah 27 : 3. Its people are wholly devoted to the Devil.

Hence it is written in the record: “0 daughter of all the kings of Tyrus, and all the kings of Zidon, and
Edom, that dwellest in the land of Uz; the cup also the kings of the isles which are beyond the sea.” (Jer.
shall pass through unto thee; t!lou shalt be drunken, 22: 22) In certain prophecies Tyre pictures the Hirr-
and shalt make thyself [vile] naked. ” (Lamentations archy ; but there are many persons connected with the
4: 21) Such are professed “Christian” religionists Catholic organization who have no faith in what the
who are entirely and openly against God. Catholics teach, but who hold on to the Catholic or-
l7 The prophet neat mentions the kings of the land ganization for t,he commercial gain derived by such
of tho Philistincs, specifically naming the principal association. By their mouths they may claim to be
cities of the Philistines. The Philistines in the drama in Catholics, but they really have no sincere devotion to
which Samson pIaped a part, and also in that of the organization aside from what pecuniary benefit
David’s time, picture the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, they derive by asso&tion with it. The peoples of Tyre
Seeing the setting of the picture by Jeremiah’s proph- and Zidon well picture such a class, becausethe ancient
ecy, the Philistincs here appear to represent the com- pcoplc of Tyre and Zidon sclfisl~ly operated for pccu-
mercial religion&s and necessarily include the Hicr- niary gain. In brief, the nations dcscribcd in this part
archy, which is commercial and political and works of the prophecy include those who acknowlcdgc the
with the religious practitioners in persecuting Jcho- Roman Catholic IIicrarchy and its religion solely for
vah’s witnesses and resisting the work of God’s serv- gain in a pecuniary way. In support of this conclusion,
ants in the realm of the earth controlled by them. note that a Catholic of authority says:
l* The Scriptures show that Jehovah hated Esau “Though Catholic laymen as such have no jurisdic-
(Mal. 1: 3) ; and yet Esau was, according to the flesh, tion in the Church, they are today the chief ngcnts in
a descendant of Abraham. Jehovah hated Esau because the work and development of the Church. They are
hc went entirely over on the Devii’s side. Edomites ready and willing to help the great cause. l’ricsts and
were the descendants of l&au. And so the prophecy bisflops mingle with them, guiding and advising them,
declares that that people must drink of the cup of this and taking the lead openly when important is\ucs avc
fury : “Edom, and Noah, and the children of Am- at St2lIiC!. But the heavy work, the spade work, is tlollc
man.” (Jer. 25: 21) Noah and Amman were in the by the laity, men and women, to whom ‘the Catholic
sameclass;.The nations here mentioned appear to rcfcr Cause’ appeals.
to others in the conspiracy against the Lord and his “Thcrc was a time-it is now past-when only
faithiui servants, and who arc moved by the 1)cvil to pious Catholics took part in the work of the Churcfi.
do his bidding in rcpronching the name of God and I3ut today many Catholics who cannot qualify as pious
violc~~tly u~q~osing his kingdom. (Ps. 83 : 2-J2) They are busy about Catholic i1ction. Clatholicism, in Amcri-
have no faith in things pcrtnining to God, but they ca at lcast, has rc;lscd to bc a maltcr of rclinious oh-
connive with those who practice the so-called “Chris serviuite. Catholicism now is something that 1)artnkc.Y
tian religion” for selfish or commercial purposes, and of clannislincss, and that is constitulcd in lar~c part
together they sccir to do injury to Jehovah’s witnesses by social and political and ‘~1~1)’ affiliations. ~IIIWJI,O
and arc haters and pcrsccutoxs of all who try to do the hundreds of Catholic Jcadcrs who nrc outstandmg
good to their fellow man and, abovo all, of those who in their loyalty to the cause arc to bc found quite a
are diligent in proclaiming the name of Jehovah. In few who have little if any regard for Catholic tloc-
other prophertics the Edomitcs picture the Xoman trincs or observances. Catholic Action would bc a far
Catholic llicrnrchy, the religious practitioners; the less serious factor in this country [U.S.A.] wcrc its
Moabitcs picture particularly the commercial clement; only agents pious and devout Catholics. The starting
and ‘the rJCqJh2 of tlmmon’ refers to the political re- point of the wave of Catholic Action in this country
ligionists, whcthcr within or outside of the nations may bc traced back to the inauguration of the National
CaJJcd“Christendom”, who do not acknowledge Jcho- Catholic \Vclfare Confcrcnce in 3921. On that occa-
vah or cvcn prctcnd to worship and serve him. They sion Archbishop IIanna declared : ‘ WC have co-ordi-
picture a pcoplc who practice &someform of Devil re- natcd and united the Catholic po\~cl of this country.
ligion and who are received imp and consort with the It now knows where and when to act and is encouraged
Roman Catholic Hierarchy as her allies. They are a by the consciousness of its unity. \Ce feel ourselves
people that are &f-centered, self-contained, relying powerful because our reunion has become visible.’
upon their own strength. (Jrr. 48: l-46 ; 49: l-22; From that day Catholic strength has grown apace, and
Amos 1: 11-15; 2: l-3; Isa. 15: 1-3) The people .here Catholic organizations have multiplied.
refcrrcd to represent those who take a delight in hiss- “In no country of the world is there such thorou&-
ing God’s pcoplc and hindering them in their work going organization as among American Catholics.”
atld mocking and persecuting them.-See Vindication, -Rome Stoops to Conquer, page 16, 7 1, 2.
Book Two, yagcs 27-36. *OAs to the “kings of the isles which arc beyond the
IBIt is clearly made manifest that Jehovah’s pur- sea”, the Mediterranean sea is the sea here referred
pose is to cause every nation to feel his strong arm, to in the type, and those people beyond carry on a
and therefore he names the nations specifically : “And commercial business with Tyrc; and so today there are

those nations and people who are willing to be classed with Tyre, but were not a part of Tyre. In the proph-
as Catholics, although entirely without faith in the ccy they are included with those who must drink the
-organization, holding tt, it only for mercantile pur- “Cup” which Jeremiah carried. “And all the kings
poses.-See The Ratcktozver April 1 and 15 and of Arabia, and ail the kings of the mingled people that
2fay 1, 1937; the book Enemies, chapter 6. dwell in the desert.” (Jer. 25 : 24) In Jehoshaphat’s
*I Jehovah’s prophet then specifically names other time the Arabians brought to him rams and billy-goats.
nations, to wit: “Dcdan, and Tema, and Buz, and all (2 Chron. 17: 11) They lived in tents and were there-
that are in the utmost corners.” (Jer. 25 : 23) The fore tent-men. (Jer. 3: 2; Isa. 13: 20) They had no
people of Dcdan were close associate&with the Edom- love for God or his temple, but, on the contrary, cou-
ites, and hence another branch of Satan’s crowd. Be- sorted with the Philistiues and other opposers of God,
cause of their commercial mind and ungodly selfish and opposed the rebuilding of the temple and the
spirit they line up under Gag, the Devil’s chief oficcr. walls at Jerusalem. (2 Chron. 21: 16 ; Nch. 4: 7,8;
--See Jeremiah 49 : 7,8 ; Ezekiel 25 : 13 ; Isaiah 21: 13 ; 2: 19; 6:1,2) Some of the pcoplc “out of [that]
Ezekiel 3s : 13,14. nation” heard the gospel prcachcd at Jerusalem, and
**The people of De&an wcrc either all Cushite or heard it in their own language, as shown by the
they were mixed with Shemites. (Gcn. 10 : 7; 25: 13) testimony of Acts 2: 5-11. The Arabians, thcrcfore,
All of that people practiced a Devil religion. The well picture those who arc opposers of God’s organi-
prophecy named Tcma, which means “dcscrt”. They zation and his people on earth, particularly Jehovah ‘s
were dcscrt men and supplied provisions to those ae- witnc.ssesat the present time, and are of that class of
tively engaged in commercial traflic. (Isa. 21: 14,X$; people who accuse Jehov~h’s witnesses of being rc-
Job 6: 19) ‘l’cma, or that nation, thcreforc pictured a bellious against the worldly powers, and who find it
class of persons or nations who cater to the commer- profitable to their owu sclfisti desires to scrvc Big
cialists and for hire do the bidding of the commcrPir1 Eusincss and the chief moguls of the Itoman Catholic
strong mtn. “Duz,” mentioned in this part of the organization for what profit or commercial gain they
prophecy, means “contempt “. The dcsccndnnts of get out of it. They delight to have part in the pcrsc-
Buz, with the csccption of I<lihu (Joh 32 : 2, 6), joined culion of Jehovah’s witucsyca. They belong to the
the bad company of Satan’s commercialists. They de- roughneck class. Among such people thcrc arc I hc
spised anything and everything pertaining to God and leaders, who are known and arc designated by IIIC
his \Yord, and thcrcfore pictured a similar class of prophecy as “kings of the mingled 1)copIc”, that is,
modern linlcs, who arc haters of anythiflg and all the chief ones of the ‘monqrcls’, ~110 arc willing to
thiugs that arc good ;~id Ijcrtain to God, and who hire out to do any kind of dirty \\ork ,just so thcle is
resort to any!IiinKat the instance of the conultcrcin!ists. rx~mcthing in it for them. They arc ready and willing
pJir;onc must bc omiltcd, and therefore Jcrcmiah, tools to act for tlic ilicrarchy. Tl~ey picture an uri-
under tlic commiuidmcnt. of the Lord, says that he settled clcmcut that have uo distinct classilicaliun but
c;iuscs to dPirik of the cup “all that arc in the utmost arc out solely for sclfisli gain.
corners”. Other translators rcritlcr this test in this I0 Coutinuitig, then the proI)!&, says: “And ill1 the
wise : “And all that liavc the cornc’rs of their hair kings of Zirnri.” (V crsc 25) The word “Zimri” IW:IIIS
polled” (iZ.Zl.V.) ; “And all those that have their hair “musiral”, “my song.” It appears that suc11w(,Il lit
cut round.” (Lccscr) “Those with rlippcd car-locks.” the present-da) “commcrcializcd musical profc<sion”.
-McClintock & Strong’s C,tIcZq)ccdi(~. The paid choirs of the church organizations fit i!iiq
** The covenant people of God, the Israclitcs, were description exactly. With their mouths tticy make
forbidden this mode of haircut. (I&v. 19 : 27) Accord- music to the praise of Jehovah, but. they have 110 heart
jug to dcrcmiah 9: 26 (s~~yin) the peoI11cwcrc tbosc devotion to the Lord whatsoever. They maltc son!: for
descendants of Abraham who dwelt in the wilderness commercial gain. For one to make music to the praise
near the Edomitcs, and who were unfaithful to God, of Jehovah God is a b&cd privilege, but those who
and adopted the method or course followed by the indulge in song for professional and commcrciai Inn=
Edomitcs. They did not wish to bc classed with the posts, calling out the name of God and Christ Jesus,
covenant people of God, and therefore thcg did not and who hate God and his king(lom, arc certainly a
appear sanctimonious, like the religiouists of the Jews. Godless crowd. They arc rcprchnlsihlc bccausc they
They attempted to escape reproach resulting to those USCthe language pertaining to Jehovah and the Savior,
bearing the name of God’s covenant people, and there- Christ Jesus, and yet openly reproach the name ol
fore they dwelt apart from them and had dcnliags God and Christ. Thcsc professional choirs indulxc in
with the commercial traffickers because of their iu- music for commercial purposes, but their own hcnr~s
satiable desire and love for money. They well picture are not stirred in the least toward God thereby. They
that class of persons who in this day resort to any- arc professionals.
thing for money-gain or what money will bring them. 27Compare this with the untrained voices of ten
Money is their god. thousand of Jehovah’s witnesses asscmblcd in tonven-
25The Arabs were a class of peddlers. They traded tion, who sing SOILS of praise to Jehovah, and which
songs thrill the hearts of the ones who arc devoted to Ezek. 32: 24,25) The Elamites appear to well picture
him becausethey sing with the spirit of loving devo- the rulers of imperialistic designs that form leagues,
tion to God and praise to his name. How different the such as the League of h’ations, to accomplish their
paid church choirs whose songs, to those who are de- purpose, and that are in a league against God and his
voted to G0d, are like a sounding brass and a tinkling kingdom. Those who support imperialism would be
cymbal ! The apostle Paul had in mind such when he included within those described as “Elam” in the
said: “Though I speak with the tongues of men and prophecy. The following texts support this point:
of angels, and have not lore, I am become as sounding “And the third angel followed them, saying with
brass, or a tinkling cymbal.” (1 Cor. 13: 1) It has a loud voice, If any man worship the beast [of im-
bee0me a rule of the so-called “Christian” religion- perialism] and his image [the League of Nations,
ists to employ hired choirs or professional musicians which is against God’s kingdom], and rcceivc his mark
at a large.moncy salary to sing in the great cathedrals in his forchcad, or in his hand, the same shall drink
and church buildings, and when the pope has a ccle- of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out
bmtion, such as the inauguration of so-called “holy without mixture iuto the cup of his indignation; and
year”, the professional singers celebrated in the world he shall bc tormented nith fire and brimstone in the
are brougflt forward to make music. In fact, the I& prcscnce of the holy angels, and in the presence of the
man Catholic Hicrarehy and their commercial allies Lamb.” (Rev. 14: 9,lO) “And the first [arqcf] went,
are in a schcmc to eontrol the common people for and poured out his vial upon the earth ; and tfrcrc fell
pecuniary gain, and to carry out their schemes they a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had
employ music-makers to sing songs for them. This the mark of the beast, and upou them which wor-
samecrowd now contruls the radio and furnishes music shipped his image,“--Rev. 16 : 2.
to suit the people wha desire to yield to commercial pDThose mentioned in the prophecy above as “the
so1icilntions. Likewise professional music conductors kings of the AIcdcs” apparently wcrc the dcsccndants
pfay anthems, which were written for the praise of of >Ind;ii, tfic brother of Rlagog the son of Japhcth.
Jehovah, but which musicians have no interest whnt- Tflis is tflc first mcnt ion of the dcaccndants of Japflctfl
socver in God and his kingdom. They play military iu connection with the cup of this fury. Up to this
marches and furnish like music that stirs men’s erno- point in the prophcry the descendants of Ilam and
tions and makes them easy victims of the cornmcrcid Shcm arc sf~own to have received tflc cup, arid now
and pofilical crowd. They play sacred music at the the third great division of the human race gcbtsitv
instance of the lcadeersof the religious orgauizatioll3 turn to drinft of tlic! cup at God’s fiatids. (Gcu. 10: 2)
in order to stir the peopfc, and sway their emotions, T’IOSS3fcdcs mcntionctl were, of course, f)cforc the
and cause them to yield to the importunities of tb : tin:z of J):lrius tfx ~Iccle a.-.!1Cyrus the Pcrsl;ln, as
cfrrgy and give up their money. Whcncvcr the clcrzy mcntioncd in the frrophc~y~of 1)atticf. Tf~osccarfy-day
WiUlt 10 tilkc Up a bi: COffcrtiOJltfWy put OY1a paid nlcdcq acted with tflc f)oMlcinns of Assyria in sc*nllcr-
song-rest first, arid then “get tflc one-armed man to in:: tfic lsracfitrs, the covenant pcopfc of God, illllO~l~
pa.ssIhe hat”. Music, wfiicfl ~f~oufclf)r ctploycd to tflcir cities alit1 tflcrc holding them captive. (2 ICi.
the pr5i.w of the Creator, is Impr0f)c~rf.sand wrouc- 17: G; 18: 11) Sucfl Mcdcs (who wcrc’ before I):irilu
fully employ?‘cdto swing the pcopfc iuto tflc Dcvif’si and Cyrus) appear to picture Ifiosc organized efe-
trap and rot) them of their hard-carncd mol~cy. This mcnts who work will1 rcfigionists in striving to prc-
crowd, however, is amongst those who qrc cml~loyed vent the activities of God’s covenant people, the
to iurn the pcoplc away from God, and they, tflc Lord rcntlltlnf, ant1 who ctldcitvor to hold such witncsscs in
says, must drink of the cup of this fury. restraint and prcvcut them from worshiping Alrni:f~ty
28Up to this point in the prophecy consideration is Cod as flc flas commanded. The prcscnt-day crowd,
giveu to the ruling elements in the countries south of whom those Mcdcs pictured, claim to bc God’s peof)fc,
BabyIon, and then Jeremiah turned his attention to but are unfaithruf to Jehovah and arc hypocrites. In
the kings of the north or northeast of Baby1On and the various political aud judicial officesthcrc arc many
passed the cup to thm. “And all the kings of Elam, men who claim to bc ChrisZian, but have uo faith in
and all the kilq:Y of the Medcs.” (Jcr. 25 : 25) Elam God and in C’hrist, but who worfr with the high-up
was one of the early nations and was in an alliance religion& who do claim to be Cflristians, and co-
with the nation or king of the plains of Shiuar and operate with such in inflicting puuishmcnt upon Jc-
joined with that &vii nation in wars of conqurst. hovah’s witttcsses because it appears to be to the
(Gen. 14: 1,2,5,9) In the days of Abraham Elnm was advantage of such political and judicial tools of the
a prominent nation of imperialistic ambitions and took Hierarchy. Such are the magistrates and other jodi-
the lead of a eambination of kings in war. They were
a devilish people. Abraham engaged them in b&Me ciaf officers, flagrant csamplcs of which operate in
and dcfcatccl them wheix hc recovered Lot. (Gen. &w Jersey, Qucbcc, aud other like places, who are
14: l-16) Cod foretald the destruction of Elam, by the without conscienceand void of all honesty. They work
mouth of at least two of his prophets. (Jer. 49 : 34-38 ; togcthcr with the police or others of the military crowd
N. Y.

to compel obcdicncc to their unrighteous judicial dc- will of his Father he always does. Christ Jesus could
&ions rendered against God’s true people. not and would not take possessionof the world until
M Every part of the Devil’s organization is included, Jehovah’s due time. (Ps. 110: 1) h’ow at the present
who must drink of this cup of his fury, and therefore time Christ Jesus has been placed upon the throne of
it is written : “And all the kings of the north, far and full authority, and he must and will destroy all rule in
near, one with another, and all the kingdoms of the all the nations under Satan, because they arc against
world, which arc upon the face of the earth: and the God and his kingdom. “Ask of me, and I shall give
king of Shcshach shall drink after them.“-Jer. 25 : 26. thee the heathen for thine irlhcritancc, and the utter-
a1All the nations that have willingly pursued a most parts of the earth for thy possession.Thou shalt
course of unrighteousness for gain of things material break them with a rod of iron ; thou shalt dash them
lmve joined Satan’s crowd and come under the Devil in pieces like a potter’s vessel.“--I%. 2: 8, 9.
and under the immediate command of Cog of 3Iagog. s4For nlilny years Japan has practiced her own
That entire wicked crowd have joined in the con- peculiar Devil religion, In more recent times slit has
spiraey in maliin g assaults upon those who serve yielded to the influence of the Roman Catholic IIier-
Almighty God in spirit and in truth. All such arc now archy, for gain, of course, and now actively cngagcs
in the conspiracy against Gd’s remnant on the earth. with the Vatican in a conspiracy to destroy the work
Gag, the Devil’s chief oflicinl, manipulates the wicked of the Lord and his witncrscs. Japan is ineluded in
forces in the persecution of Jehovah’s witncsscs. the kingdoms of the north as mcntioncd in the proph-
Therefore says the Lord conecrraing Go:: : “Say, Thus ecy, and she must bc one that drink3 the cup of this
mith the Lord God, Behold, I am naainst thee, 0 Gag, fury. Japan resents the mcwagc of Jehovah and con-
the chief prince of Rleshacb and Tubal : and I will fiscates the literature containing such mcssagc; but
turn thee back, and put books into thy jaws, and I the Scriptures show that ncithcr that nation nor any
till bring thee forth, and all thinc army, horses and other shall escape,becansc Armageddon will not omit
horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, any nation or govcrnmcnt on earth, be the snrnc Iarqc
even a great company, with bucklers and shields, all or small, far or near. Japan is not included in what
of them handling swords : Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya, arc commonly called “Christian natiori5”, hut she has
with them ; all of them with +ic:ld and helmet ; Comer, rcccivcd the witness to the truth of and concerning
and all his bands ; the house of Togarmah of the north God’s kingdom and of God’s purpose to destroy 11~
quarters, and all his bands; and many people with kingdoms of this world. There has been a wide dis-
thee. And thou shalt come from thy 1Aaceout of the tribution of the kingdom message in Jal)nn, and iI1
north parts, thou, and many people with thee, all of addition thcrcto Japanese otficial ;~mbnssadors in
them riding upon horsca, a great company, and a America, and other countries, have had that witness.
mighty army: and thou shalt come up against my Regnrdicss of tlic pcrxcutiori tlicrc contirluc to bc a
people of Isrx!l [the true people of God 1, as a cloud few faithful witncsscs of the Lord in the larld of Jnj~rn.
to cover the land; it shall bc in the latter days.“- 35\\lith all his bonstcd power, the I)cvil Ilimschlf c;iri-
Ezek. 38 : 343 $16. not avoid ‘drinking the cup of this fury’. This is matlc
82Ail the nations that lie north of Palestine have certain by the words of the prophet: “And lhc king
for a long while been dorninatcd by the extreme rcli- of Shcr,hach shall drink after them.” (Jcr. 25: 5)
gianists, and particularly that form of religion intro- Clearly that means that the Devil himself shall tx
dueed and practiced by the old “whore”, and doubt- the last to go into oblivion, after seeing all of his or-
Iess will also make up a large portion of the “ten ganization drstroycd. The king of “Babylon”, who
hams” that hate the old “whore” and will destroy is therefore the chief in the universal orgnizatioll
her, as foretold by the Lord. (Rev. 1’7: 15-17) That of wiclixlncss, is Satan himself. “Shcshach” is a sym-
same wicked crowd also makes war against the King of bolic name for Babylon. The meaning of the nnmc
kings and all his faithful followers, and meets com- “Sheshach” is an cnigna to all religiorlists. The
plete and absolute defeat. clergy have never been able to understand it, and they
u The Devil is the god of this wiekcd world and scoff at the existence of “Sheshach”. Until recently
ties and claims the right to rule all the kingdoms of God’s covenant people did not have an understanding
the earth, and which the l,ord will destroy; and there- of the name and its meaning. But in this day of Jcho-
fore all such must drink of the “cup”. Hence the vah, after the coming of Christ Jesus to the temple,
pPophct says : “And all the kingdoms of the world, God has revealed to his people the meaning of that
which are upon the face of the earth.” In order to name. Jrhovah has made kno\vn to his people that
mock Jehovah God and to bring Jesus into a position Satan’s organization is symbolized in The Revelation
of disapproval the Devii offered to turn over to Jesus as a “wonder in heaven” or great “siqn”. Jchorah
all these kingdoms, upon condition that Jesus would God’s organization is revealed under the symbol of
worship him. (Jlatt. 4 : S, 9; Luke 4 : 6) Jesus rebuficd “a great wonder [or, sign] in heaven”, like unto “a
that wicked one, because in the heart of the Lold woman clothed with the sun”. (Rev. 12: 1-a) Satan’s
&us has always been the lam of God written and the organization is non understood, and is therefore rt3

more 5t1 enigma to God’s people, but is known, by the mighty climax. They see the freedom of the people
grace of God, as that wicked organization, both in- being taken away from them and the people themselves
vi&hIe and visible, that for centuries has opposed put in great fear and forced to obey the ruthless dic-
Jehovah and defamed his holy name. The “king of tators of the nations of the earth. The British Empire,
Sheshach” therefore pictures the Devil, who is the king which has long stood for the freedom of speech and
or head of the great wicked organization in opposi- right of worship, is now seen moving to a point of
tion to Jehovah. crushing all freedom. The outlying colonies are now
“But “Shesha&’ shall fall in the great day of observed as putting forth their agents and enacting
God Almighty. When Satan’s organization begins to laws to shut out the messageof God as delivered by
tumble, the religiouists of “Christendom” being the his faithful witnesses, and those who are acquainted
first, from that time on those who have looked upon with the prophecies now see these prophecies being
.the world aa perpetual, unbreakable and immovable fulfilled as the cords are being tightened around
will he greatly surprised and astonished. They will be England herself, which cre long will be ruled for a
greatly &onished when they see the Roman Catholic time by the hand of some despot. In the land of Amer-
Hierarchy go down, and to them it will be a very ica, which for the grcatcr part of her existence has
“strange act”. boasted of her freedom of speech and freedom of wor-
-At chapter fifty-vne of the prophecy, Jeremiah ship, is now seen vigorously active a movement to take
takes his stand as though he were at the point following away the liberties of the pcoplc and to destroy freedom
tho destruction of Devil and his organization. He of speech and freedom of worship of Almighty God.
now Mxords the historical fact as though it had already The officials or ruling clcmcnts, although sworn to
come to pa% and he says: “How is Shesliach taken! uphold and to defend the fundamental laws of the
and how is the pr$se of the whole earth surprised! nation, arc now seen as pushing with all available
how is I3abJrlon become an astonishment among the power to have all branches of the government, includ-
nations! And I wilt punish Bcl in Babylon, and I ing the highest judicial body, controlled by a dictator,
will brie:: forth out of his mouth that which hc hnth which dictator will act under the dir&ion of the old
swaiiow-cdup: and the nations shall not flow togctlrcr “whore” until that wicked system is dcstroycd at
any more unto him; yea, the wall of Babylon shall the beginning of Armageddon.
fall.“-Jcr. 51: 41,44. ‘OJehovah’s witnesses, now in the light of rcvcaled
UQuife fittingly therefore the prophecy against prophecy, seethe reason of the present-day events and
Shcshaehis the last part of the prophecy of Jeremiah know what will be the result. Some of the more J~OMC-
against all of the worldly organization. The last chap- minded politicians now begin to WCthe great dan~crs
ter of the prophecy of Jcrcmiah is purely prophecy arising to the liberties of the people, and they cry out:
recorded as fulfilled, and thcrcforc is history written “WC must act quickly.” The difficult,y, howcvcr, is
in advance. This siioas tht the last part of the battle that they have waited too long. The warning was given
of Armageddon wili bc the destruction of Samn’s some years ago by those who arc dcvotcd to Jehovah.
angclie host under Cog, the commander of the in- America was told of the oncoming of the condition
visible as wcil as the visible army of the Devil. Then now existing and what shall be the result. But tlrc
follows the seizing of Satan and casting of him into ruling powers gave no heed thereto. Thm in due time
the bottomless pit. It will be a great punishment to millions of American people signed a petition to the
the Devil to stand by and seeall his power taken away lawmakers of the land calling their attention to the
from him by the Lord Jesus Christ, whom he has for rapid encroachment upon the rights of the people by
centuries pcrsceutcd Then in complete disgrace Satan the ultrareligionists, the Roman Catholic IIicrarchy,
himself will be taken away by the Lord Jesus Christ and called attention to the fact that such is against
and completely shorn of all power and cast into the God and his kingdom. That petition to the lawnnking
bottom& pit. (Rev. 20 : 2, 3) Thus the Lord, by his body was ignored, and the Roman Catholic Dicrarchy
prophet, shows the beginning and the ending of the was pcrmittcd unhindcrcd to move forward with a
battle of the great day of God Almighty, which ends ruthless hand. The cry of alarm that now comes up
in complete victory at the hands of the King of kin,gs, from a few of the politicians appears to bc entirely too
Christ Jesus, and to the honor and vindication of late. It is too late. The American nation or govern-
Jehovah’s name. ment is moving rapidly to the point of dictatorial rule.
Then that nation will be compelled to ‘drink of the
THX GATHERING STORM cup of God’s fury’. By the grace of Jehovah the rem-
n Undergoing great suffering becauseof their faith- nant now are permitted to SWthese things in advance
fulnm to Almighty God, Jehovah’s witnesses of the in order that they may receive comfort and hope and
remnant, and their brethren of the Jonadabs, view know that their faithfulness to God and his kingdom
with keenest interest the march of the present-day will be fully rewarded in due time. Let all those who
events. The elements gathering for the great storm, arc on the side of God now be diligent to inform them-
which soon shall break, are moving forward to the selves of the unfolding of prophecy and also diligent
348 BRooKLY N, N. P.

in bearing testimony to those who have the hearing vexation when he shall make them understand the
ear and who, hearing, may flee and find safety in doctrines.‘-Isa. 2s : 19, IW~-~W.
God’s organization. The day of deliverance for those ‘*The organized forward movement of this plain
who are devoted to God is near, and although the per- message of truth bcgnn in 1922, and has progressed
seeution continues to increase, there is every reason since, by the grace of God. Jehovah will have this mes-
for those who love the Lord to greatly rejoice. sage of warning delivered; as he states: ‘Because of
u Jeremiah having performed that part, of the the sword, which I will send upon you,’ meaning the
drama showing that each and every nation must drink sword of execution. which shall fall upon Satan’s or-
of the cup of this fury, and having present,ed it to all, ganization. The sword of esccution, wielded by the
#en Jeremiah is directed by the Lord what hc is to Mightier-than-Xcbuchadnczzar, to wit, by Christ Je-
say: “Therefore thou shalt say unto them, Thus saith sus, will fall with greatest, heaviness upon “Christcn-
the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel; Drink ye, and dom”, and from such there is no escape. This fact is
be drunken, and spue, and fall, and rise no more, now known by those who are faithful to Jehovah, and
becauseof the sword which I will send among you.” gives them comfort and hope, becausethey know their
-Jer. 25: 2’7. deliverance is sure and that the vindication of Jcho-
‘*Jehovah does not take action against his enemies vah’s name is absolutely certain.
mtil he first gives the warning of his purpose and ls Jehovah’s witnesses are not, to go to the people
states the reason for so doing. IIcrc hc tells Jeremiah and deliver any man’s message; and fhiq is plainly
to notify the people that it is the Lord’s command, shown by what God directed Jeremiah to say, to wit:
the command of Jchovnh of hosts, that the peoples and “And it shall be, if they refuse to tllliC the cup at
nations shall drink and be drunken and spuc and fall, thinc hand to drink, then shalt, thou say unto them,
never to rise again. God now commands that the rul- Thus s&h the Lord of hosts, Ye shall certainly drink.”
ers and their supporters be told that. fatal drunkcn- -Jcr. 25 : 2s.
ncss is their lot, and soon they will find Ihcmsclves in I6 IIis witnesses of this time must go in Itic name of
that drunken condition, from which they will not rc- J&oval1 God, in the name of the Lord of hosts, who now
vive. God has caused to be written in hiq Word, and makes war upon the wicked. The ~xoplc ail1 rcfnse
brought to the attention of rcligionists and others, that to hnr, except a few; but the faithful witncsscs fill
the great and mighty organization of the worlfl. which continue to say: “Thus saith the Lord of ho\ts, Yc
they think is invulnerable and immovable, shall fa!l shall certainly drink.” Jehovah’s witnesses will not
4 that the Lord will SIXto it that all the world shall stop to argue with opposers. That is not their businci;s.
drink of the wine of his fierccncss: “And the great Their work is to bring the messageof the Lord to the
city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the attention of the people, that they map 11:~~ an opp~r-
nations fell ; and great J3ahylon WIIIC in r(mCmhrance tunity to give heed thcrcto. Iluch aud prolonq4 talk
bforc God, to give unto her the cup of the witif: of at the door with those of the homes is not obcyin::
tile ficrccncss of his wrath.” (Jicv. 16 : 19) The u i&cd God’s commandments. His messagemust be delivcral
rcligionists have time and again, although having as the Lord’s messageand as hc has corrrm:lndcd it, ant1
heard the warning, continued to assault the faithful those who rcfusc to hcur cannot be for& to hc;tr,
poplc of God, and now “Christendom” shall receive but, having an opportunity to hear, must bear the rc-
pay in kind. “For as ye have drunk upon my holy sponsibility. The messagemust. thcrcforc 1~ carried to
mountain, so shall all the nations drink continually; them by those who are serving God. They h:lve no cs-
yea, they shall drink, and swallow down, and shall bc cusc for disobeying his commandments, the disobc-
as though they had not been.“-0bad. 16, XV. dicnce to which would result in the destruction of ttlc
a As the rcligionists and their supporters have heard ones who are in a covenant to obey his will.
God’s messageduring the past few years, not only 47It is not the purpose of The Il’ntcl~towcr to boast
hsve they gone mad by reason thereof but. they would of what has been done and is being done in fulfillment
rather die than to continue to hcnr it, and hence they of this prophecy, but some of the well-known facts
continue to cry out, when the message is spoken, that may here be mentioned in order that the faithful ma}
*‘it, shocks their religious susccptibilitics, and should see that in the past few years, under fhc guidance of
be forbidden and stopped”. Being unable to stop the the Lord, they have been working exactly in harmony
messagethey would really like to die and get, away with God’s will in giving the messageof warning to
from it. “And in those days shall men . . . desire to the nations and to the people. Some of the “wiscacrcs”,
die, and death shall flee from them.” (Rev. 9 : 6) who think they are in the truth and wiser than others,
The Roman Catholic IIierarchy is now driven to mad- will, figuratively speaking, continue to sit on the fence
nessby reason of the plainness of the messageof truth and whittle, and say, in substance: “I think we had
d&rered, and, knowing their inability to defend their better go easy now, because the great work that xe
fraudulent and false teachings, they refuse to come will do is still in the future and after the end of the
i&o the open and attempt to defend their traditions; first part of Armageddon. ” Also some who are fearful
ad concerning this it is written: ‘And it shall be a will say : “Let’s talk about love and say nothing about
Pr’ovEYBEB 15, 1937

the trouble. ” The faithful will not be deceived by served with the message,and they cannot claim igno-
any such sophistry. God has revealed the meaning of rance. In 1936 a Resolution, publicly adopted at a
these prophecies to his people in order that they may convention in Lucerne, Switzerland, was widely dis-
see their duty, obli,&ion and privilege. Idleness and tributed throughout that land and in Germany and
indifference now will result in disaster. Full and joy- in other parts of the world, although the work of dis-
ful obedience the Lord requires This is the day when tributing that Resolution was fraught with peril, and
God has commanded his people to “rise up against many who did distribute it were put in peril of their
her in battle” and to have a part in his work, which lives and are now Ianguishing in filthy prisons in
work appears to the rcligionists as strange. The faith- Germany. The rulers and the people of such lands
frill now recognize that God has afforded them an op have been warned, and it is their fault now if they
portunity to have a part in his work for the comfort do not find the way of escape. The day of reckoning
and encouragement of such as hare covenanted to do and recompense is now at hand.
his will. Therefore he furnishes them meat in due 6o“AS Babylon hath caused the slain of [true]
season by revealing the meanins of his prophecies Israel [that is, God’s people] to fall, so at Babylon
mitten long ago. God has promisLd to direct the path shall fail the slain of all the earth”; and the Lord now
of those who acknowledge him. Ilc often causes such so declares. (Jer. 51: 7,49) “For in the hand of the
devoted ones to perform duties that tlicp do nnt undcr- Lord there is a cup, and the wine is red; it is full of
stand until nftcrwards. It therefore seems fitting that mixture, and he poureth out of the same; but the
we hero call attention to some of the things that the dre@ thereof, all the wicked of the earth shall wring
Lord has permitted his people to do. them out, and drink them.“--Ps. 75: 8.
48Since 1922 Jehovah’s witnesses have been present- 61Since the Roman Catholic 1Iicrarchy stands at
ing the cup or messageof Jehovah to nation after na- the very head of the wicked class and is the more rcprc-
tion, and that messagehas been rcjccted and refused hcnsible bccausc of using the name of Jehovah and
by the kings or rulers. In 1931 the mcs.sav set out in Christ Jesus for the purpose of carrying on a cruel
the booklet l’he Iii~t&nn, tlw Nope of the World, was pcrsccution upon Jehovah’s witncsscs, and which
served upon the rulers in many lands, and thereafter brings great injury and sufferin,n upon the pcoplc,
the same messagewas taken pore particularly to the her claim of lasting stability and immovability sourltla
common pcoplc. While there is no specific or direct very foolish. In the light of rcvcdled prophecy can
effort to serve the rulers further with the of there now bc any doubt as to where Arma,nedtlon hc-
the kiqdom, it is stil1 brouqht to the attention of such gins? I)0 the Scriptures make this matter clcarP or is
time and again by reason of its bcin!: carried to the it still n question of open speculation? Those who love
prople, and the rulers muqt tnkc notice thcrcof. The Jehovah and his kingdom are not left at all in doubt,
mighty rcli$onists arc very much opposed to the peo- as will now appear from what follows.
ple’s hcarin:! the messo~e, and they, together with (To be continued)
their political ancl judicial allies, formulate, enact and
enforce Iaws to prcvcnt the people from hearing. A QUESTIOXS FOR STUDY
small number of the common people hear, understand t 1. Whom does Jehovah hate, and w!1y9 How and why does
ho put the righteous to the tcst9 \Vho nrc the wickcdl and
and appreciate this mcssa?gcas from the Lord, and how will J&vah deal ulth thcmP \Vhv does Jehovah now
they give heed thereto; but the far greater number of make kLown his ~urnosc cuoncerninn tlic wicsked?
the people think that this work in which Jcltovnl~‘s 1 2. Compare Jcrem&!1’~ position antl’~cour~c of action (Jcr.
25: 17) with that of the witnesses of the Lord today. Ac-
witnesses are engaged is a ‘very sfrangc work’, and so count for this real and definite course of procedure on tho
they dismiss it by the mere saying, “We arc not in- part of the true and faithful, even though some of these
ter&cd.” Since 1931 Jehovah’s witnesses have, in are denied written communic:ation with others.
P 3. How c’id Jeremiah carry out Jchoxvah’s command ns de-
obedience to God’s commandment, made a wide dis- clarcd at verse 174
tribution of God’s mcssagroto the people. Thcrc has q 4-G. What is the cvid?ncc that the clergy have heard the
warnmg9 For what purpose is this warning glvcn9
bccu a wide distribution of such Biblical explanations q 7.8. To \+hom must Jeremiah first deliver the CUDI Whv first
‘as contained in the books Vindication, Prepnratio~~,
- I

to thenif Whom did they foreshadow, and hoG9 *

Preservntion, Jehovah, Riches, C/Loosing (“Scparatin,o 7 9. Ilow do the men of the Roman Catholic- llxrarehy deport
themselves8 To what end9
the Nations”), Uncovered, Protection, and many oth- U 10-13. To whom dots Isaiah 28: 14. 35.18 a~olv9 What is tho
ers. In addition thereto the radio has been employed purpose in compelling them to d&k of tl;e’ &pT Apply the
to proclaim the message throughout the earth, and words, “as it is this day.”
U 13. Who ail1 weeo and aail when the rclilrious element of
also thousands of sound machines have been and are Satan’s orpnizition goes down9 1VhyP -
b&q used to proclaim God’s Kord within the pres- T 14,X. Identify those prophetically mentioned in vcr’Bo 19.
ence and hearing of the people. The faithful and true Why must they also drink?
1 16. Whom did “Egypt”, and “the mingled people”, and
witnesses rcjoicc in this and, regardless of opposition, ‘*the kin,@ of the land of Uz” reprcsentl lI.ow?
push on. They will obey God rather than men. U 17,lS. “Edom,” “Moab,” and “the children of Ammon’J
4*Since 1931 the Roman Catholic Hierarchy and pictured uhom 1 How I
1 19,20. IIow, in the fulfillment of the prophecy, do those men-
their “man Friday”, - - one Hitler, have been personally tioned .in verse 22 come in for & share in the cup? Show

that they picture a dasa today practicing religion solely 36’37. Apply Jeremiah 51: 41,44.
for pee&i&y gain. 35. Show that it is fitting that “the kiig of Sheshach shall
q 21-24. Why send the cup to those mentioned at verse 23, and drink after them”.
to those whom they pictured, and require these also to 39,40. In what facts do those faithful to Almighty God now
drink? Explain the expression. “all that are in the utmost see the elements gathering for the great storm? Account
eorners.JJ- for their seeing the reason of the present-day events, and
q 25. Who were the kings mentiowd in verse 24f Why must knowing the result therccf. For what purpose hare they
they, and those whom they pitired, drmk of the cup? been permitted to see these thiugs in advance?
q 26,27. Identify “the kings of ZirwiJz. Why must they also 41’42. Apply the command recorded at verse 27.
drink of the eun of this furv8 43. How does the message of warning affect the religionists
1 28’29. Why must’the kings 03 Ekm at that time, and those and their supportersO
now whom they pictured, drink of the cupf Why also the
kings of the B&tics, and’those rbom they- pictured f 44. How and when has Jehovah ‘sent the sword among them’f
q 30-32. To whom- does the expresaioa “all the kings of the 45,46. What if they refuse to take the cup sent by Jehovah
north’, applyf Why must these drink) at the band of his witnesses?
1 33,34. Account for the expression ‘#all the kingdoms of the 47,48. What are some of the Kell-known facts showing that
world ‘1. IIow do parta of the earth not commonly called the faithful have been working in harmony with God’s will
“ Christian nations ’ ‘, such as Japan, deserve a share in the in kving the message of warnmg? What ail1 they now dof
cup of fury? ll 49-51‘: Wi& what resilt to the wi&esscs has the message of
f 35. Who is “the kinc of Sheshaeh”f How has hin identity warning hen proclaimed? With what result now, and later,
come to be known ‘by Jehovah% pcoplcf to those who lmve been served with the message?

EIIOVAII’S servants on earth speak his message. fessed people of God, first to Israel after the flesh, and
If tfte rebellious ones, meaning the professed thereafter to “Christendom”. “Thou also, so11of man,
J Christians of “Christendom”, and the “evil scrv- take tflee a tile, and lay it before thee, and pourtrsy
ant” class, had their way they would stop the work upon it the city, even Jerusalem : and lay sicgc against
of God’s “faitflful servant” and compfctely silence it, and build a fort against it, and cast a mount against
aff WIIOspeak the truth of and concerning the Devil’s it; set the camp also against it, and set f)attcring rams
organization. But as God said to Ezekiel, so now he against it round about.” (Ezck. 4: 1,2) Ezckicl is
says to the “faithful servant” whom Ezekiel forc- here instructed to lay a siege against Jcrusnlcm. Iu
stladowed : “But thou, 0 son of man, behold, tflcy this he performs a mimic siege against the city, This
shall put bands upon thee, and shall bind thee with performance was in tflc prcscnce of those in the city
them, and thou sflalt not go out among them: and I and was a sign to them and a warning. It was a
will make thy tongue clcavc to the roof of thy mouth, prophecy against “Christendom”. Originally Jcrusa-
that thou sf~alt be dumb, and shalt not bc to them a lcm was the capital city of ‘both hauscs of Israel’, and
reprover; for they arc 8 rebellious liousc. But wficn Jehovaf: let the iniquity of both houses bc visited upon
I speak with thee, I will open thy mouth, and thou that city. To Ezckicl Jehovah said: “Norcover, take
shalt say unto them, TINS saith the Lord God, He thou unto thee an iron pan, and set it for a wall of
that fleareth, fct him hear; and he that forbcareth, iron between thee and the city; and set thy face
let him forbear: for tflcy are a rebellious house.“- against it, and it shall be bcsicgcd, and thou shalt lay
Ezck. 3 : 25-27. siege against it. This sflall be a sign to tflc frousc of
The “servant” is not to tell his own message.Jeho- Israel. “-Ezek. 4 : 3.
vah has made his “faithful servant” the “watchman”, Ezekiel was commanded first to lie on his left side
and only as the Lord God directs the “servant” to for three hundred and ninety days, thus picturing
;peak he does speak, having always a “Thus saith the the iniquity of tfle house of Isrnci ; and tfrcn at tflc
Lord” for every part of the messagethat is delivered. end of tflat period he WVBS to lie on the right side forty
The work of the servant is not to make converts to days, picturing the iniquity laid against Judaf~.
get them to join an organization, but to give a witness “Moreover lie thou upon thy left side, and lay the
to the truth. The hcarcrs must either accept or reject iniquity of the house of Israel upon it; according to
the message,and take the responsibility. “He that the number of the days that thou shalt lie upon it,
hth an ear, let him hear what the spirit saith.” (Rev. thou shaft bear their iniquity. For I have appointed
3: 22) Jehovah brings his servant into action and uses the years of their iniquity to be unto thee a number
him for his purposes while he moves forward to the of days, even three fmndrrd and ninety days; so shalt
vindication of his name. The opposition by the re- thou bear the iniquity of tflc flouse of Israel. And
beflious house of “Christendom” or by the “evil again, wflen thou flast accomplished these, thou shalt
servant” will in no wise prevent the truth from being lie on thy right side, and shalt bear the iniquity of
told as God purposes it shall be told. the house of Judah; forty days, each day for a year,
Jehovah continues to instruct Ezekiel what he shall have I appointed it unto thee.” (Ezek. 4: 4-6, KY.)
do. In chapter four of the prophecy it is written that This did not mean that Jerusalem was besieged that
God took Ezekiel and made hi a sign-man to the pro- length of time when the actual siege came to take place.
NOVTXBEX 15, 1937 351

(2 Ki. 25: 1-8) This represents the long-suffering of went into captivity to Assyria in 740 B.C. Judah
God toward the two houses of Israel. The number of should have drawn a warning from this and should
days that Ezekiel lay on his left side and then on his have been faithful to God, but, on the contrary, Judah
right side represented the number of literal years that departed from the worship of Jehovah. When God
God forbore with the two houses of Israel, suffering gal-e warning to Jeroboam concerning the false wor-
them to perform their iniquitous work. Both the 3*W- ship established, he caused his prophet then to fore-
year and the 40.year period must have terminated at tell the coming of dosialt the king of Judah. (1 Ki.
the same time, to wit, in the year GO6B.C., when the 13: 1,2) Manasseh and Amon, who preceded Josiah,
long-x&ring of God ccascd and the city of Jerusalem had desecrated tho temple of Jehovah God and estab-
was broken up, marking the beginning of ‘the gentile lished the devil worship amongst Judah. After Josiah
times’. came to the throne hc did right in the sight of the
The 390-year period just menticmed applies to the Lord. (2 Ki. 23: 26,27) It was in the thirteenth year
ten tribes of Israel, and the 40-year period applies to of the reign of this king Josiah that God raised up
the house of Judah and Benjamin. In the year Jeremiah and caused him to prophesy to Judah, and
999 B.C. the ten tribes revolted against Judah. This Judah rcfuscd to hearken to the words of the Lord
was 393 years before the destruction of Jerusalem. spoken by the prophet. “The words of Jeremiah tho
God had foretold through his prophet that he wonld son of Hilkiah of the priests that were in Anothoth,
rend the ten tribes away from Solomon’s son R&o- in the land of Benjamin: to whom the word of the
boam and give them to Jeroboam, and, if the latter Lord came in the days of Josiah the son of Amon king
would remain faithful to God, through the ten tribes of Judah, in the thirteenth year of his reign.” (Jcr.
the Ilord would build him a sure house. (1 Ki. 1: 1,2) Therefore it was from that year, to wit,
11: 29-40) But Jerobonm did not remain faithful to 646 B.C., that Jehovah began to count the forty years’
God, i~ut, on the contrary, instituted a base and false iniquity of Judah which tcrminatcd in 606 I?.C. Jcrc-
worship and set up two golden calves, one at U&e1 miah began to prophesy forty years before the fall
and the other at Dan, and caused the people to war- of Jerusalem, and his first prophecy was one of warn-
ship there i&cad of going up to Jcrusalcm. (1 Ki. ing to Jerusalem of the impending destruction of the
12: 26-33) cod sent his JJropJlet up to warn Jcroboam ; city, to which warning the people dcclincd to give
but Jcroboam refused to heed the warning and to turn heed. This corresponds exactly with the forty days
aside from his false worship, and continued his (symbolic of forty years) that Ezckicl lay on his right
iniquity. The iniquity of t hc ten tribes would thcrefure side to bear the iniquity of the house of Judah.-
begin to count from that time, which was 996 B.C., Jer. 1: 1417.
or three ycbarsafter the revolt of 339 13.C. It followil, Thcrc must of ncccsity bo a proper applirntion of
then, that 390 years from that date wo~lld end GOGIX. this mimic sicgc on Jcrusalcm to that which cJcrusalcm
Isr;~l’s inirluity dates ffom the bc$nning of the rcli- reprcscntcd, to wit, “orgdnizcd Christianity,” or
oiozts revolt and the substitution of the false worship. “ Christendom “. As hercitibcfore stated, it was in
Since the Israclitcs in gcncral forcshadowcul “ Chris- AM. 1531 ~lren God bcxan to rccognizc her iniqu;: y
tcndom”, the application of the abuvc is this: “Chris- and to bear with the iniquity of the Roman bI'ilIlCh
tianity,” so called, was organized shortly after the of “organized Christianity”. That day is marked by
dcmisc of the apostles; and the Xoma~~ Catholics, the fact that it was then that the two main pillars of
acting through their clergy and the principal of their the Protestant wing of “organized Christiauity ”
flocks, monopolized the field, that is to say, the entire were set up. Germany, Britain and the United States,
world, frotn the religious viewpoint, until the year and the colonies belonging thereto, are the chief coun-
1531 (AD.), when the rulers of l&l:land and Ger- tries of Protcstantism, or “organizctl Christianity”
many broke away from the pope and the League of according to the Protestants. It has been chicfly in
Schmalkald was formed for the protection of the these countries where God has caused the truth to be
Protestant religion. This date is dcfinitcly fixed as a proclaimed couccrning his kingdom. A comparatively
historical fact. (SW The Wntcldozccr 1920, page 174.) small amount of the witness work of “prc~nt truth”
It was thcrcforc in A.D. 1531 that Jehovah began to has been carried on in Italy, Spain and suchlilrc Cath-
bear with the iniquity of “organized Christianity”, olic countries. The beginning of this public witness
as rcprcscntcd by the Roman wing of “Christianity” work in these Protestant countries would specifically
so called. God’s bearing with this iniquity begins fo mark the beginning of God’s forbearing with Prot-
estantism. Alark now that it was in ISPl that this pub-
count at that time, and counting 390 years from then
lic witness work began and is cspceially indic*:ltcd by
brings the period of time down to the year 1921. the publication and wide distribution of the booklet
Now as to the house of Judah: Jehovah begins to Food for !Z’1&&ins Chrisfims, which set forth the doc-
count her iniquity, with which he had to bear, from trire of the second coming of’ Christ, and the kingdom
the year 646 B.C., that being the thirteenth year of of the Lord, and the fundamental truths that had
the reign of Josiah. The proof is this: The ten tribes long been obscured by the unfaithfulness of “organ-

iAed Christianity”. That work, begun in 1881, was made up of the commercial and political leaders sup-
esactly 350 years after Jehovah began to bear with ported by the clergy of both Catholic and Protestant
the iniquities of the Catholic wing of “organized church organizations who, contrary to the Word OF
Christianity”, and 40 years thereafter exactly eorre- God, had allied themselves with such leaders and be-
sponds with the 390 days that Ezekiel lay on his left come a part of the world organization; that the king-
aide in the mimic siege. At the end of the 390 days of dom of heaven is at hand and that it is the divine and
the mimic siege Ezekiel lay on his right side for a pe- only remedy for lasting peace on earth.’
riod of 40 days, symbolic of 40 years, as stated by the The resolution memorializing this international
scripture. This foreshadows that God would bear with conference called upon these nations to recognize and
the iniquity of Protestantism for a period of forty adopt God’s remedy, and then added: ‘If the divine
years from the beginning of that period, to wit, the Scriptural remedy be ignored, God’s wrath milt be
year 1881, as above stated. Forty years added to 1891 visited upon their governments and the system of
marks the year 1921, at which time the forty-year “Christendom”. (See copy of Rcsolqtion, Golden
period of forbearance of Jehovah with Protcstantism Bge magazine, Dcccmbcr 7; 1921, page 138.) At the
would end. time of the presentation of this resolution it was not
Now be it noted that both the 390-year period, appty- known that the matter was in any wise foreshadowed
ing to Catholicism, and the 40-pear period, applying by the prophecy of Ezekiel or any other ~)rophccy.
to Protestant&, end exactly at the same time, show- In the light of “prcscnt truth” WCmust conclude that
ing that the application is correct and is to all “organ- the angel of the Lord directed God’s covenant pcoplc
ized Christianity “. It was in that year, 1921, that to thus serve notice upon “organized Christianity”.
The Watchtower, by the Lord’s grace, was permitted With the close of the year 1921 the 390 years aud
to identify and did identify and publish the truth the 40 years of Jehovah’s forbearing with the two
concerning “the beast”, “the image of the beast,” houses of “organized Christianity” had espircd. The
and “the aboinination that mnkcth dcsolntc”. (Rcvcla- year 1922 was manifestly God’s due time to begin to
tion 13) (See 2’lte Wntchtowcr l!El, page 11.) In that make known his judgments against the nntionn of
same year, 1!)21, the nations of “Cliristendom”, by “ Christendom ” and to pronounce hiu judgment by
their duly constituted rcprcscntatives, held a national and through his anointed people. It was in that. same
assembly at LVashington, I).C., known as the Inter- year, to wit, 1922, that the commandment came II-om
national Arms Conference. The aunounccd purpose the temple of God to his angels to begin the pouring
of that Conferenec was to cstal~listi tasting peace on out of the howls of the wrath of God on the caMi, and
the earth. The clergy of “organized Christianity” ably God’s covenant people in convention asscmblcd at
supported this movcmcnt. God’s covenant people, Cedar Point participated in that work. (Fee Ilevcla-
Jehovah’s witncsscs, then I;IIOW as “l%iblc Students”, tion, chapter 3G; Light, Book Two, page 19 and p~:cs
presented to that International Arms Confcrcnce a following.) When at least two of God’s holy proplicts
resolution that had been duly pnssed by the conren- prophesy against “organized Christianity” and tlic
tion of Jehovah’s witnesses, which, among other events corlling to pass fit both prophccics, then it must
things, stated : ‘That no nation can be truly Cltristian be that such events constitute the fulfillment thcrctof’,
which fails to obey the teachings of Jesus and the and this should be a great encouragcmcnt to evcryoue
apostles ; that the ruling powers of “ Christendom” arc who loves Jehovah.

Challis, Idaho ....... . ... Dec. 2 Ikv~tlleton, Oreg. ...... Dec. Morganton, h’. C, ...... Dec. 2 G~er~~~\boro,N. C. ...... Drc. 18. IV
Pocatdlo. IdaIl .......... 1‘ 4. B R1rhl:rnrl. ore: 13 Shelby. N. C. _........_... “ 3 Durham, K. C. ............ “ 21. 22
1:ur1ey Idaho .............. “ 7 ” 2.3.2:
Punn)hicle, \VrtGh................... Reemner City, N. C. ....‘I 4, B Btem, N. c. .................. “ 23
Tu tn &‘eIIe, Idaho ...... “ w;~lhl \va11n. \\‘:lsh. .... “ 25. $2 Gestonia, N. C. ....._ ... ‘1 7, 8 LouIsbur~..N. C. .......... “ 24
Boise. Idaho ................ I1 10si! I):Q ton. \\ :csh. ........... “
Namva. Idaho ....... .._ ._ I‘ 12: 13 r,e\s wton. I<lnho .......... “ Charlotte, N. C. ... ..- ... “ 9.10 Ralcich. X. C. .._ .......... “ 25, 20
Enmet t. Idaho .I .. _._ “ ~1O~COW.Id:1ho ............. 3: Kannapolis, N. C. ........ ” 11.12 Closton. N. c. .......... “ 33
Bab3 .. Oreg. .............. ;: :o” Cdfnx. 15IIUII. .... Per. 31. Jan. 1 “0
La Grade, Oreg. I:enc\vah. Idaho ........ Jan. 2 ; Sallsbury. S. C. .......... “ 14. 15 Dunn, x. C. ..... ..“. ...... “
WalIowa, Ores. ... .x I6 18, ‘ld Spokeue. \Vaah. ............. Wnston-Salem, N. C. I6 10.17 nnync, A-. c. . . ....... ” 30,31

South Roynlton. Ft. ..No\ .. 28.29 Ssmcuse. N. Y. -..... ...Dec. IO-12
!I!icondcroga, h’. T. .... Dec. 1 Cutfolo, N. Y. ............. “ 14, 15
Adirondack, N. I’. . .._. ‘I 2 East Palestine. Ohio .. ‘I 17-29
Granville. N. Y. ........ “ 3 Fort Wayne, Ind. - .... ” 20.21
Glens Balls, N. Y. .- ... “ 4.5 Chicano. 111. ........ .._. _ ‘a 23.28
Schenectady, N. Y. .- ... “ 7.8 Clinton. Iowa .-.._ .. a6 30,31
WATCH TOWER BIBLE 0 TRACT SOCIETY HIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling
117 Adams Street - Brooklyn,
N.Y., U. S. A. T the people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as
expressed in the Bible. It pubhshes Bible instruction
specifically designed to aid Jehovah’s wvltncsses and all people
J. F.RUTHERFORD President IV. E. VAN AMBL?MH Secretoty of good wllL It arranges systematic Bihle study for its rcadcrs
“And all thy ch i Id ren shall be taught of Jehovah; and and the Society supplies other literature to aid in such studies.
It pubiishes suitable material for radio broadcastmg and for
great shall be the peace of thy children.” -Isaiah J&I.?- other means of public instruction in the Scriptures.
It adheres etrictly to the Bible as authority for its utter-
THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH ances. It is entirely free and separate from all parties, sects
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, is from everlasting or other worldly organizations. It is wholly and without
to everlasting, the Maker of heaven and earth and the Giver reservation for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ
of life to his creatures; that the Logos was the beginning of his beloved King. It is not dogmatic, but invites careful
hie creation, and his active agent in the creation of all things; and critical examination of its contents in the light of the
that the Logos is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed Scriptures. It does not indulge in controversy, and its col-
with all power in heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive umns are not open to personahties.
Officer of Jehovah.
THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect YEARLY SUBSCRIPTIOX PRICE
man for the earth and pluced him upon it; that man willfully
disobeyed God’s law and was sentenced to death; that by
rcnson of Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinncra and
without the right to life.
THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suf-
fered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive
price for all mnnklnd; that God raised up Jesus divine and FOREIGN OFFICES
exalted him to hcavcn ahovo every creature and above every
Mm0 and clothed him with all power and authority. Br4tish . . . . . . . . . 34 Craven Terrace, London, W. 2. I%l:lnnd
Canadian . . . . . . 40 Irwin Avenue, Toronto 5, Ontutlo, C:rux~:n
THAT JEHOVAH’S ORW+NIZATION is called Zion, and Australarrton . . 7 Deresford Road, Strnthlleld. N. 8. IV., ~~iu~:rnlia
that Christ Jesus is the Chief Oficer thereof and is the
Bouth Ajrican . . . . . . Iloston IIouse. Cape Town, South ‘~1.1~
rightful King of the world; that tho anointed nncl faithful please address the Society in every case.
followers of Christ Jevus are children of Zion, mcrnbera of
Jehovah’s orgnniration, and me his witnesses whose duty and
rivilcgo it is to testify to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare (TrfSnUhItha of thfa journal appear tn several 1auwows.j
* purpoacs to\\:lrd mankind as chprcssed in the Bible, and
to bear the fruits of the kingdom hcfore all who will heat.
THAT TliE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jesus Christ
has been plaecd by Jehovah upon his throne of authority,
has ousted Satan from l~cavcn nnd is proceeding to the
Wablishmeht of God’s kingdom on earth.
THAT TliE RELIf!F and blessings of the peoples of earth
CRn corn0 only by nntl through Jehovah’s kingdom under Notlca to Rubwribcrs: Acknowlcrirment of a now or a rrnenrll nnb-
Cflrist, which hns now hrgun; thnt the I,ord’~ next great srri[)tfon will br hcnt only n lion requwtecl. Chnncc of n~h’rrw,
nhcu reuueatnl. may ho crylrcte‘cl to np~ww on addrrw I:ihrl \* 1tl11u
act is the dcslruction of Satan’s organization nnd the estnb- one month. A reucwnl hlnuk (cnrryinc notico of r\l~lt:ttlon) \: II!
lishmCnt of righteousness in the earth, and that under the he sent alth the journal oue month before the suhscrrt~tlon ex~~lrw.
kingdom a11 those who will obey its righteous laws shall live Entered a8 recond-clan8 mcitfer at the porrt oflce at Brooklyn. X. I’.,
on earth forever. under the Act of AIarch S, 157%
-- -- -
“VINDICATOR” clare themselves on Jehovah ‘a side and 1)ho are nrtir**ly inttlr-
The concluding united scrv~cc Itcrlod of the year 1937, the ested in nnd participating in the publishing of his IXWIC an11
nine days Dccemher 4 to 12 inrluslrc, is called the “ \‘inthcator” his kingdom. The president’s report contained thcrcin g:1\c’3
testimony period. The feature on’er of tins pcl~d ~11 be the an accurate and comprehensive account of the slate of 1!1~5
new book Enemtas, to be placed on the usual contribution of Lord’s work in the vnrious lands throughout the mrth, s’m\\ln’:
23~. All those deulring to he for a vindication of Jehovah’s in considerable detail the nctivitics and cn’orts put for:h clur-
name will act upon this unnounccmont nnd will now 5ee to ing the service year just ended and the results thrrcof. ‘1’1~~
making all due preparations for a vigorous part in this testi- there is tho year text for 1938 and a pomtcd comulent ?hercon.
mony. Consult the most recent issues of the Informant for This, together with well chosen daily texts ant1 explanatory
additional detalls and instructions. Your prompt report at the comments thereon from The Watchtower, mukce this l’mr linok
clo&%? of the testimony will be appreciated by this office. one of everyday help and use for all the Lord’s faithful. The
edition thereof is limited, and hence the contribution of 50u
“ENEMIES” per copy is received therefor. Company groups should coxnl)ino
This new book, written by Brother Rutherford, and first individual orders and send Sam0 in through company servant,
announced and released at the recent general convention of to reduce mailing expense.
Jehovah’s nitncsses at Columbus, Ohio, is now ardihible for
all who are for Jehovah and his King and against his enemies. 1938 CALENDAR
It is a grand work, of 384 pages, excellently bound, gold- The text for the calendar year 1938 is: ‘Be not afraid: the
stamped, with color illustrations and a comprehensive index. battle ia God%. (2 Chron. 20: 15) The calendar art prture
The initial edition is the autographed edition and contains, in was specially painted to fit this text and beautifully illustrates
facsimile, a letter written by the hand of the nuthor and ad- it and its action. Beneath the picture on the calendar hasc
dressed to all the Lord’s servants. Due to the limited quantity appears a letter from the president of the Society settlnp forth
of this aufhor’s edition a contribution therefor of 50~ a copp the several united service periods for tho year and scrling :IP
is asked to offset the special expense of publishing this edition. a ready reference for the kingdom pubhshers. The mlcndar
pad also indicates the dates of these testnnony periods. c’om-
YEAR BOOK FOR 1938 pany servants should send in a combination order for all in
The Pear UooL for 1938 will embody the fentures that have the company wanting calendars. Remit, wrath order, at %c cnc+,
made the ix,tcs for previous years so valuable to all who de- or $1.00 for fire.
VOL. LVIII DECEMBER 1, 1937 No. 83


“As I have done to Siriloh,“Ter. 7: 14.

J EROVAII’S judgment day is a time of first cleans-

ing his sanctuary and then destroying cvcrything
that is an abomination in his sight. Jehovah’s
judgment is carried forward by and through his Chief
‘ The Roman Catholic IIicrarchy in particular, and
all the so-called “Christian” rcligionists in gcncral,
for centuries have induced billions of persons to be-
lieve that such religious institutions represent God
OMiccr, Christ Jesus, whom Jehovah has installed at and Christ, and those billions of people have gladly
his temple for the purpose of judgment. (Blal. 3 : 1-3) followed the hypocritical and blaghcmous leaders.
The time of judgment is from 1918 onward. The time Bccausc the religious lcndcrs hart boldly claimed that
and manner of judgment is definitely fixed, as stated they rcprcscnt God and Christ, and bccausc they have
in the Scriptures : “For the time is come that judg- exhibited the grcatcst amount of hypocrisy, millions
ment must begin at the house of God: and if it first of honest men have rrjcctcd God and the T3ible, his
begin at us, what shall the end hc of them that ohcy Word, and Christ Jesus, the Savior, and have rc-
not the gospel of God? And if the righteous scarcely proachal God for apparently having such an organi-
1:c saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner ap- zation oE hppocritcs on earth to rcprcscnt him. Swing
pear?” (1 Pet. 4: 17,lS) The csccution of Jchovnh’s the hypocrisy of the elwgy, which particularly was
judgment against the wrongdoers begins with those cshibitcd during the \\‘orld War, millions of young
~110have taken the name of (:od in vain, proving un- men, as well as older ones, have turned cut ircly n::linrst
faithful and against God an61his kingdom. Gl*d and anything that pertains to him ant1 llis lriug-
p The organized r&gion falsely and wrongfully dom. The rctigious Icadc~3 by their false doctrines and
called “Chlistianity”, or “the Christian religion”, has their nrongful and immoral conduct have m& God to
lokcn the name of Clod and Christ Jesus, and that great appear as a Aentl and as a party to their crimes. They
combined religious system is hen&d by tho Roman have collcctcd money upon their announc&cdClilh that
Catholic llicrarchy. That religious institution has God would hear their prayers aud forxivc cruel and
yrcsumptuously assumed the name of God and falsely wicked crimes and criminals. The hontlst men have
claims to bc the direct reprcscntativc of God and Christ said: ‘We want nothing to do with such a God, who
on earth, and yet cvcry part of the Roman Catholic is a party to such wickcdncs’; and thus the ret igion-
IEicrarchy institution is hypocritical. The IIicrarchy ists have greatly reproached the name of God and
has brought greater reproach upon the name of Jcho- Christ Jesus.
vah than any other institution that has existed on the 5 The word “evil”, as used in the text, above quoted
earth. It has carried on the most flagrant and cruel from Jeremiah, means a calamity befalling a creature
and vicious racket of any criminal institution that or organization for wrongdoing. It is written that
ever existed. This is particularly true because that Jehovah creates evil. (Isa. 45: ‘i) That means that
institution has practiced a great fraud upon the pco- Jehovah has provided for the punishment of wrong-
ple in the name of God and of Christ, deceiving them doers by sending upon those wrongdoers a calamity.
and robbing them of their property and destroying That calamity is an evil or a punishment to the wrong-
their opportunity for life everlasting. doers. Now Jehovah dcfinitcly and plainly states: “I
a Where, then, should it be expected that evil or ad- begin to bring evil [calamity] [at or] on the city
verse judgment will begin’? The Lord God, through upon which my name is called.“-Mu&n.
his prophet Jeremiah, answers that question specifi- 6 God’s judgment upon the new Jerusalem, that is,
cally : “For, lo, I begin to bring evil on the city upon the faithful remnant on earth, brings no evil
which is called by my name, and should ye be utterly upon them, becausehe approves them and clothes that
unpunished? Ye shall not be unpunished: for I will faithful company with the robe of his righteousness
call for a sword upon all the inhabitants of the earth, that they may offer unto him an offering in righteous-
saith the Lord of hosts.“-Jer. 25 : 29. ness; and hence he puts his name of approval upon

them. (Mal. 3: 3; Isa. 61: 10) But there is an organi- nesscs.Those persons have no regard for what is rigfit
zation which calls itself by the name of the Lord, that and just. They operate with the religious leaders and
is, the so-called “Christian religion”, which religion is do so for political and commercial gain; and so with
claimed to worship God and Christ but does not. the fall of the religious systems those men mill be next
‘Upon that city [organization] ,’ says Jehovah, ‘ “upon in order upon whom the wrath of God will be esccuted.
which my name is called,” but which is unfaithful The Scriptures therefore clearly show that at first the
to me,’ he begins the evil. God puts his curse, that is, clergy and li!re hypocrites receive punishment and
his expressed wrath, upon or against that organization. then their supporters suffer a like punishment.
The clear distinction is made between the true fol- OThe so-called “Christian religion” will be no pro-
lowers of Christ Jesus and those who practice religion tection to any creature or nation when Armageddon
in the name of Christ. Even the faithful ones of God begins. To those who claim such protection the Lord
were partially “drunken” and were unwillingly guilty says : “Ye shall not be unpunished: for I will call for
of much deflection before tflc coming of Christ Jesus a sword upon all the inhabitants of the earth, saith
to the temple, and this was due to their ignorance and the Lord of hosts.” Christ Jesus, the great Sword or
to tfle ignorance that flad f~con forced upon them by Esccutioncr, will quickly and promptly respond to the
the religious systems, out of wflich they came. They call of Jehovah and will mono into action against all
wcrc honest of flcart and truly endeavored to do God’s that are a part of or supporters of tile Devil’s organi-
will as well as they knew, and upon the coming of tfle zation; and concerning this it is written: “And I am
Lord to the temple for judgment they were cleansed; very sore displeased with the hcathcn tflat arc at case;
and conrerning suc11it is written: “And there shall for I was but a little displeased, and tflcy hclpcd for-
be no more curse [on the faithful remnant for being ward the allliction.” (Zcch. 1: 15) “For tflc indigna-
negligent]‘: but the throne of God and of tflc Lamb tion of the Lord is upon all nations, and his fury upon
shall be in it; and flis servants [tflosc of the ‘elect all their armies: he bath utterly destroyed them, hc
servant class] sfjhallscrrc him.“--Rev. 22 : 3. hat11dclivcrcd them to the slaughter. Their slain also
TThe organization that has presumptuously assumed shall f)c cast out, and tflcir stink sflall come up out of
the name of God and Christ and brought great rc- their carcascs,aud the mountains shall bc mcltcd Nith
proacli upon that name and continued to do so is cx- their f)lood. For it is the day of the Lord’s vcngc-
actly in a contrary position. Upon that unfaithful ancc, and the year of rccompenccs for the controvrrsy
crowd God inflicts full punishment, and tflat punisfl- of Zion.” (Isa. 31: 2,3,8) 13y tficsc scriptures il is
mcnt is tbc f)cg:inning of Armageddon, and hcnco the seen that Jehovah’s record of prophecy is really flis-
beginning of God’s “act, his strange act”. tory in advnncc by which hc advises tflose who serve
* To the rcligionists who hang on to what tflcy call him wflat they may expect to come to pass in the nc;lr
the “Christian religion”, whcthcr they bc of tfkc laity future.
tfiat go to church and indulge in certain religious lo Ilavinn expressed flis dctcrmination to visit flis
forms and ceremonies or arc non-professors of religion calamity o”r punisfimcnt upon all the nations of tfic
but wflo think tbc church organizations arc ncccssarily world, Jchovafl then gives Jcrcmiafl positive command
a part of the governments and must bc tolerated for to tell the people about it: “Therefore propflesy 1lwu
that reason, all these the Lord includes when he says: against them all these words, and say unto tf~cm, The
“Should ye be utterly unpunished?” Othcrwisc stated, Lord shall roar from on high, and utter flis voice from
the Lord’s words arc: ‘Are you guiltless with respect his holy habitation; he shall mightily roar upon his
to the o?ganizcd religion and religionists who practice habitation; hc shall give a shout, as they that tread the
in my name? IIavc you not also reproached Jehovah’s grapes, against all the inhabitants of the ei.rth.“-
name?’ Such persons have joined with the leaders of Jcr. 25 : 30.
religion in persecuting God’s faithful servants, upon l1 IZere Jeremiah pictures Jehovafl’s remnant as a
whom the Lord flas truly put flis name, and thus they whole, and each one thereof; and upon each one rests
have added further insult to injury. They join in the a like responsibility. All who will be faithful unto tlod
persecution of such faitflful ones to reproach God’s and prove their integrity toward him will quicl,ly and
name out of malice, and because they hate God and gladly obey tflis commandment. No one can obey this
rightcousncss and hate anything that pertains to him commandment by substituting some other person for
and his organization, IIavc not such persons in the himself. It is an individual responsibility. It is an op-
past a&cd, and do they not continue in the present to portunity for each one to prove his devotion to Jcho-
act in conjunction with the hypocritical leaders, that vah. Some may be incapacitated physically or other-
is, the clergy, in doing violence to God’s people, and wise as to going from flouse to Ilouse, but such will
in reproaching his name? Such persons have received avail themselves of every possible opportunity that
the warning from God’s Word, which has been de- comes their way to get the mcssagc to others. One’s
livered to them by his witnesses, and they have shown responsibility is in proportion to his opportunity.
themselves to be of the “goat” class, by joining the Some are concerned with preparing the material for
religionists in the persecution of God’s faithful wit- the field workers, and in doing this they thereby share
DECEMBER 1, 1937

in the service of the Lord. All of Jehovah’s faithful out of the Lord’s mouth, God is against the unholy
people are now to be at unity in making known Jeho- organization of “Christendom”, and it is against that
vah’s purpose upon the nations of the earth, and each organization he begins his “strange act”; and he be-
one performing his assigned duty is having part in gins that “strange act” by Christ Jesus, who utters
the service, whether he be in the office, in the factory, the voice of Jehovah. “Christendom” is entirely of the
or in the field, or preparing food for others. God’s earth, being completely removed from things spiritual.
people must now be wholly and completely devoted to It is written : ‘At his voice the earth melted.’ (Ps.
him and his cause, and be blind to everything else. 46: 6) That will be the effect upon the religious sys-
The Jonadabs will remain in the city of refuge and tems. They shall melt and pass away.
show their devotion and faithfulness to God by join- l* “He shall mightily roar upon his habitation
ing in the proclamation of the messageof the kingdom [no-vah (Hebrew), meaning, ‘at home’; (Rotherl~am)
as opportunity is afforded them. It is now war time, over his home]. ” “Thou in thy mercy hast led forth
and the witnessesof the Lord must now be engaged in the people which thou hast redeemed: thou hast guided
that war, and their part therein is singing the praises them in thy strength unto thy holy habitation [na-eah
of Jehovah and his King; and that song of praise sung (Hebrew) : home] .” (Ex. 15 : 13) Jehovah thus mani-
in full confidence to the Lord strikes terror to the fests himself as being on the side of his faithful peo-
heart of the enemy. The Lord’s invisible forces will do ple, that is, the temple company, wherein he resides
the inflicting of the mortal punishment.-2 Chron. and rests by his spirit. “For ye are the temple of the
20 : 15-25. living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them,
I* The Scriptures indicate that the enemy may for and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they
a time put to silence the earthlv witnesses. The pur- shall be my people.” (2 Cor. 6 : 16) His roar shall be
pose of the enemy now is to rid the earth of Jehovah’s against his enemies, and not against his own people,
witnesses and the messagewhich they bring from the but shall be through them.
Lord. The Roman Catholic Hierarchy and her allies, Is That will be the time of his triumph, and ‘I he
when gaining control of all the nations of “Christcn- shall give a shout, as they that tread the grapes” ; that
dom”, almost certainly will clamp down on the wit- is, a shout of joy and vindication, The treaders of
ness work. That is exactly what the Devil’s organiza- grapes make wine, which is of good cheer; but, on
tion has done recently in Germany. Then the religious the occasion of treading, Jehovah by Christ Jesus
crowd will felicitate one another and say: ‘Peace and treads out the blood of Satan’s “vine of the earth”.
safety; now we have everything our own way.’ Then (Rev. 14: 16-20) Such is the time of destruction to the
the Lord acts ; as it is written : ‘Sudden destruction enemy, and the time of vindication and joy to the
shall come upon them, and they shall find no way to Lord. The treading begins at “Christendom “, but does
escape.’ (1 Thess. 5 : 3) Says the prophet : “The Lord not stop until it embraces or takes in all the enemy.
shall roar from on high”; that is, from the top of his The treading is “against all the inhabitants of the
universal organization, because he is the Supreme earth “, and therefore all must be trodden in “the
Power, the Most High. Jehovah’s roar will be most great winepress of the wrath of God”. “And he [Je-
terrible and appalling to the enemy and will drown hovah’s Word, Christ Jesus] treadeth the winepress
out everything else and fill the ranks of the enemy of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.” (Rev.
with dismay. Jehovah, in righteous indignation, goes 19: 15) “I have trodden the winepress alone; and of
into battle action by his chief representative, Christ the people [all the inhabitants of the earth] there was
Jesus, who takes the lead of the heavenly host to com- none with me; for I will tread th>m in mine anger,
pletely crush out the enemy. “The Lord shall go forth and trample them in my fury; and their blood shall
as a mighty man, he shall stir up jealousy [zeal, great be sprinkled upon my garments, and I will stain all
heat of battle] like a man of war; he shall cry, yea, my raiment. For the day of vengeanceis in mine heart,
roar ; he shall prevail against his enemies.I [Jehovah] and the year of my redeemedis come. And I will tread
have long time holden my peace; I have been still, down the people in mine anger, and make them drunk
and refrained myself; now will I cry like a travailing in my fury, and I will bring down their strength to
woman ; I will destroy and devour at once.“-Isa. the earth. “- Isa. 63 : 3,4, 6.
42 : 13,14. I6 Desolation usually causesa tumultuous noise, and
I3 Zion is the habitation of Jehovah. It is his capital so Armageddon is described as such: “A noise
organization, chosen for himself. (Ps. 132: 13) Jeho- [ (Leeser) A tumultuous noise] shall come even to the
vah shall “utter his voice from his holy habitation”, ends of the earth: for the Lord hath a controversy
(Jcr. 25 : 30) This he does by proxy through Christ with the nations; he will plead with all flesh; he will
Jesus, his great Judge, who is now at the temple. He give them that are wicked to the sword, saith the
utters his voice by his Logos, the Head of the capital Lord “-Jer 25 * 31
organization. He does not utter his voice from “the I’ A tumultuous noise, which accompaniesthe battle
city which is called by my name”, for the reason that of Armageddon, betokens wasting, destruction, and
that city or organization is unholy and has been spucd desolation. Furthermore the Lord, by his prophet, says

concerning his wrath expres.sed against the nations of into all the earth, and their words unto the ends of
earth : “Becanse the Lord hath spoiled Babylon, and the world.“-Ram. 10 : 16-18.
destroyed out of her the great voice ; when her waves *OThe reason is assigned for this great tumultuous
do roar like great waters, a noise of their voice is noise that accompanies the calamity, to wit : “For the
uttered: because the spoiler is come upon her, even Lord hath a controversy with the nations.” The He-
upon Babylon, and her mighty men are taken; every brew word here for the word “controversy” is nb,
one of their bows is broken; for the Lord God of and in other places is rendered “plead”. In the fol-
rccompenccs shall surely requite. “7~. 51: 55,56. lowing texts it is rendered: “Hear the word of the
l* That great and terrible destruction begins on the Lord, ye children of Israel; for the Lord hath a con-
religious system and extends to all nations; and this troversy [(Hebrew) rib] with the inhabitants of the
i J further shown by the follouYing prophecy, to wit: land [of ‘Christendom’].” (Hos. 4: 1) “For it is the
“But I will send a flrc upon Moab, and it shall dc- day of the Lord’s vengeance, and the year of recom-
vour the palaces of Kirioth [Bioabitc city] ; and Moab pcnces for the controversy [rib (Hebrew) ] of [in
shall die with tumult [a great noise], with shouting. behalf of] Zion.“-Isa. 34: 8.
and with the sound of the trumpet. ” (Amos 2 : 2) Thr *l Further describing Armageddon, Jeremiah says :
hypocritical organization called “Christendom” shall “Thus saith the Lord of hosts, The children of Israel
be first, and this is shown by the following prophecy : and the children of Judah were oppressed together,
“Thercforc shall a tumult arise among thy [‘Cbris- and all that took them captives held them fast ; they
tcndom’s’] people, and all thy forlrcsscs shall be refused to let them go. Their Rcdeemcr is strong; the
spoiled, as Shalman spoiled Beth-arbcl in the day of Lord of hosts is his name; hc shall thoroughly plead
battlc : the mother was da&cd in picccs upon her chil- [(Hebrew) rib] their CRIISC, that hc may give rest to
drcn. “-110s. 10 : 14. the land [of his faithful witncsscs on the earth], and
lo Thcsc scriptures show conclusively that the old disquiet the inhabitants of Ilabylon. A sword is UlJOU
“whore” must go down firs+ Relating to the same the Chaldcnns, saith the Lord, and upon the inhabit-
thing, says the prophet Isaiah : “A voice of noise from ants of Ba!)ylon, and upon her princes, and upon bcr
the city [unfaithful ‘Christendom’, or ‘organized r - wise men.” (Jcr. 50: 33-35) “Arise, 0 God, plcad
ligion’], a voice from the temple, a voice of the Lord [ (IIehrcw) rib] thinc own cause: rcmcmbcr how the
that rcndcrcth rccompcnce to hisencmirs.” (Isa. 66 :6) foolish man rcproachcth thee daily. Forget not the
Nark the clear distinction hen? bctwccln the voi’:c of voice of thinc cncmies : the tumult of those that rise up
noise from “Christendom ” and the voice of the Lor 1. against thcr incrcascth continually.“--I%. 74: 22, 23.
Ttle voice of the C,ord i:, bcarl’iful anil harmonious ‘? ‘rhc n:l’ious of earth, ar d particularly of ‘*Chris-
and it is hi\ voiw from tfm !cm,‘Ic t;‘at fili~‘unf;n!hful tclidoin “,, hait! worwCI the mcss;lg,rc ol: Jrhorah nr’d
“Christendom”, or organized rcligionilts, with tlis- ha.fc ill-treated his witnesses, whom Jrhorah h(Lnt to
may, and the luttcr m;lkcs a great noise of confusion deliver his mcss;lg,rcs ; and for that reason the ccmtro-
and tumult. The noise that begins at “Christendom”, vcrsy is forcctl. Tlic clergy of ‘I CI~ristendorn” IlilVC
a noise because of destruction, will go around the en- raised the questions : “Who is Jehovah? 1s his mrs-
tire earth, with no nation being omitted, and it “shall sngc true, or cvcn worth listening to? Who giver these
come”, as Jeremiah states, “even to the ends of the so-called witnesses authority to speak?” Jchornh will
earth.” The voice of the Lord from the temple is now convince that proud and scornful crowd of hypocrites,
being proclnimcd and strikes dismay into “Christcn- and they shall know that it is Jehovah.
dom ’ ‘, and this comes in fulfillment of his command- 23Xow the nations are gathered before the Lord for
mcnt: ‘This gospel of the kingdom must be preached to judgment, and none are passed by unnotiecd. Christ
all the nations as a witness’ ; then comesthe end in the Jesus, acting for Jehovah, hears the cause and rcndcrs
great tribulation. (Malt. 24: 14,21) The nations that judgment. Concerning this the prophet Jeremiah says:
are warned shall feel to the fullest cstcnt the wrath of “He will plead with [ (Hcbrcw) slmpimt; that is,
Almighty God. Comparatively only a few of earth’s judge and pronounce sentence. to punish, or to avenge]
population have heard, believed and given heed to the all flesh.” (Jcr. 25: 31) The text is otherwise rcn-
warning message of the Lord. Few have faith ; and dcrcd : “Himself hath entered into judgment with all
those who have no faith and who arc in “Christcn- flesh. ” (Roth.) Again : “He holdcth judgment over
dam” are in that condition largely because the clergy, all flesh.” (Lcescr) The pleading then will not be
the Devil’s agents, have destroyed their faith. In har- printed or written documents, setting out the issue,
mony with this the apostle quotes from the prophet: nor will it be by word of mouth, but will be the appli-
cation of the facts to the law, and the execution of the
“But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Es&as decision rendered, and which is otherwise called God’s
saith, Lord, who hath believed our report [(margin) “act, his strange act”, or “sword” of execution. “For
believed the hearing of us] P So then faith comcth by by fire and by his sword will the Lord plead with all
hearing, and hearing by the word of God. But I say, flesh : and the slain of the Lord shall be many.” (Isa.
Have they not heard? Yes, verily, their sound v,-ent 66: 16) The “sword” will begin with religionists and
DECEZ~BEB 1, 1927

extend to the utmost ends of Satan’s visible and in- ligious organization is headed by the Roman Catholic
visible organization. “And I will call for a sword Hierarchy. Through hi.; prophet Jehovah now speaks
against him [Gog] ; . . . And I will plead against to them and says: “Thus saith the Lord of hosts,
him with pestilence and with blood; and I will rain Behold, evil [calamity (Zlot1b.)] shall go forth from
upon him, and upon his bands, and upon the many nation to nation, and a great whirlwind shall be raised
people that are with him, an overflowing rain, and up from the coasts of the earth.“-Jer. 25: 32.
great hailstones, fire, and brimstone. Thus will I *’ That calamity is the righteous judgment of Jeho-
magnify myself, and sanctify myself; and I will be vah God executed with a vengeance and to the vindi-
known in the cycs of many nations ; and they shall cation of his holy name. Jehovah creates such evil or
know that I am the Lord.“--Ezek. 38: 21-23. calamity, that is, he brings it upon those who merit
** All the lawless ones shall perish ; as it is written : punishment. (Isa. 45: 7) That punishment will begin
“I-Ie will give them that are wicked [lawless (Zloth.)] with the Roman Catholic Hierarchy and will then cx-
to the sword, saith the Lord” (Jer. 25: 31) : the “evil tend to all other visible parts of Satan’s organization,
servant” class, all religious hypocrites, and particu- taking in the numerous governments or nations and
larly the Roman Catholic IIierarchy crowd, who have the parts thereof, to wit, the political, commercial,
so cruelly persecuted Jehovah’s witncsscs. This will military and industrial systems of the world, and
p::rticularly apply to the wicked agents of the IIier- which are pictured in “all the nations” to which
archy operating in Germany, New Jersey and all other Jcrcmiah, at the command of the Lord God, hnndcd
parts of the cart11 who have so openly shown them- the cup of His fury. The nations will then begin to
selves to be “goats”, working against Jehovah’s wit- crumble and fall, and from one to the other the calam-
nc~~s. The Roman Catholic Ilicrarchy have been ity will pass on until all earthly things of Satan’s
wanton and not only have scorned the mcsvage of crowd shall perish. The last “nation” to which the
warning but have willfully and wickedly pcrsirtcd in calamity comes, as God through his prophet dcclarcs,
pcrsccutin:: God’s fnithfal ones who have carried the is Sheshach. “The king of Shcshach shall drink after
mc’snge of truth to them. The Jlicrarchy has no excuse them.” (Verse 26) This includes all of Satan’s or-
and will find no way of csclapc.It is written conccrn- ganization invisible to the human cycs, that is, Gag,
iny the Lord JWW, the ISxccnlivc Offlccr of Jchcjvah: and all the angels of wickedness in the “land of
“For he bear&h not the sword in vain : for hc is the M:l’rO
b g”, and thereafter Satan himself. First seeing
minister of God, rcvcngcr to csccutc wrath upon him his power and his supporters gone, 1~ then must drink
that docth evil.” (Rom. 13: 4) Jehovah’s witnrsscs, the cup of calamity. “ And the scvcnth anc,rclpoured
in obcdicnnccto God’s commandment and for the good out his vial into the air [things invisible; that is, Sa-
of those to whom they have bcrn sent, have carried tan and his wicked angelic crowd] ; and there cumc a
the mcssagcto the pcoplc and the clergy of the llier- great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the
nrchy, and the Hierarchy have refused to hear and throne, saying, It is done.“-Rev. 16 : 17.
have prevcntcd many people from hearing. With 2813~
. the Lord’s grace his pcopl~, in convention as-
malice the clergy have pcrsccutcd Jehovah’s mes- scmblcd at stated times, have publicly proclaimed the
sengcrs. All their wicked deedsthe Lord counts as done messageby adopting and distributing Resolutions, and
unto himself; and the Lord Jesus, the great Judge, the last one of these was in 1988 and was lab&d “ ‘1
says concerning them, those on his left hand of his Declaration Against Satan and for Jehovah”. Jcho-
throne of jutlgmcnt : “Depart from me, ye cursed, vah directs his people, who are faithful to him; and
into cvcrlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his to him is given all the glory and honor. (Prov. 3 : $6)
angels [Cog and all of his crowd].” “And these shall Wit,hout a doubt Jehovah dircctcd the Resolution
go away into everlasting punishment [cutting off].” above mentioned, against the king of Shcshach, the
-4ratt. 25 : 41,46. Devil.
25The Roman Catholic Eicrarchy and their allied 29Continuing the description of the terrible battle
clergy have had ample warning of Jehovah’s purpose. of Armageddon, which will be a victorious fight by
Although they claim to be the custodians of the Word the Lord Jesus Christ and his armies, Jehovah, by his
of God, and the interpreters thereof, they ignore Jeho- prophet, says : “And a great whirlwind shall be raised
vah’s Word of warning and continue to scornfully up from the coasts [the uttermost parts (R.V.)] of
rule over the Catholic population and to browbeat and the earth.” That terrible storm comes from beyond
coerce many others. Some of the Hierarchy’s hired the utmost parts of Satan’s organization on earth, and
agents will read what is here said; and those reading, therefore it is not Satan’s judgment but is raised up
let them take warning. You have been warned, and and comes from Jehovah God, by his Executive Ofti-
therefore cannot plead ignorance. cer, Christ Jesus. It is God’s storm; which wrecks Sa-
*6Jeremiah spoke first to Judah and Jerusalem, and tan’s organization completely. Jehovah has recorded
his words apply first to the unfaithful so-called “re- in his Word prayers suitable for his faithful servants
ligionists” who practice what they call “the Christian to utter unto him, and this for the manifest purpose
religion” in the name of Christ Jesus, and which re- of showing what is God’s will and purpose concerning

the enemy, and the proper course for his servants so the slaughter begins upon “Christendom”, and
to take. particularly upon its leaders and chief ones, the Ro-
8oThe eighty-third Psalm records a conspiracy man Catholic Hierarchy. In corroboration of this an-
formed by the Roman Catholic Hierarchy with other other prophet of Jehovah records: “And begin at
members of the Devil’s crowd and in which conspiracy my sanctuary,” my professed people; that is, organ-
all of “Christendom” participates. The prayer of the ized religion, called “the Christian religion”. “Then
psalmist shows the purpose of Jehovah; as it is writ- they began at the ancient men [the high ones in the
ten: “So persecute them with thy tempest, and make religious organization, the clergy and other so-called
them afraid with thy storm. Fill their fares with ‘dignitaries’] which were before the house [war-
shame; that they may seek thy name, 0 Lord. Let them shiping the sun toward the east]. And he said unto
be confounded and troubled for ever ; yen, let them be them, Defile [with blood] the house, and fill the courts
put to shame, and perish: that men may know that with the slain; go ye forth. And they went forth, and
thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the Most slew in the city [‘Christendom’].“--Ezck. 9: 6,‘i.
High over all the earth.“-Ps. 83 : 15-18. a4The slain will not be just a few, but, as God by
I1 The religion&s arc particularly reprehensible be- his prophet says, “the slain of the Tlord sM1 Ix
cause they have the Word of God and might know its many.” (Isa. 66: 16) During the World War the slnp-
meaning if they would hear and obey the Most High. ing was confined chiefly to Europe and Asia Xinor;
They claim to be servants of God, but have not served but when Armageddon begins and progresses, the slay-
him, but, on the contrary, have served the Devil, and ing will be not only in “Christendom”, but, as stated
for that reason they are wicked or lawless, and of by the Lord, “from one end of the earth cvcn un;o
them the prophet says: “Behold, a whirlwind of the the other end of the earth.” (Jcr. 25: 33) It will
Lord is gone forth in fury, even a grievous whirl- necessarily include all the nations of the world, whirl1
wind: it shall fall grievously upon the head of the arc upon the fact of the earth (vs. 2G), because suci~
wicked.” (Jcr. 23 : 19) “Behold, the whirlwind of the shall drink of the cup of this fury, as the J,ot*(l cl+
Lord goeth forth with fury, a continuing whirlwind clarcs. The great deluge or flood in the time of Soa!
[that is, a cutting whirlwind (~~-~i?c)] ; it shall fall was a picture of the destruction that shall come c;t
with pain upon the head of the wicked. The fierce Armageddon; and the destruction in the llootl wai
anger of the Lord shall not return, until he have world-wide, and so shall it be at Armageddon. JC~IK
done it, and until hc have performed the intents of must have had this fact in mind when hc said : “ ISut
his heart: in the lnttcr days ye shall consider it.“- as the days of No’e were, so &all also the conlit::
Jcr. 30 : 23,24. [puroztsin] of the Son of mnn be. . . . The flood came,
tend tmk them nil n\‘:ay: -.o slinll :ilsn the cl)miua of
EFFECT OF ARMAGEDDON the Son of man bc. “--Blatt. 24 : 37-39.
** Jehovah has caused a number of his prophets to 85Weeping for the destruction of the wicked is now
announce his purpose to clear the earth of all wickcd- and always will bc out of order. “They ~1~~11 not bc
ncss at the battle of Armagctldon. This is not a sym- lamented”; because that is Jrhovah’s cornmand~~~c~nt
bolic, but a real cleansing. Why has Jehovah repeated to the anointed people aud to those of good n 111,u ilo
this fact by several of his prophets and so many dif- alone will survive that day of slaughter. It is the will
ferent times? Manifestly for the purpose of thoroughly of God that those who arc on his side and fully clc-
impressing the fact upon those who would hear, that voted to hitn shall pray for the destruction of’ the
they may know and understand that it is Jel~oval~‘s wicked who oppose Jehovah and his kingdom ; illld
act. Human creatures arc so inclined to forget, and the slaying of such wicked ones, instead of bcinc iI
God prevents tnan from having any excuse to plead cause for lamentation on the part of God’s fnitllrul
ignorance. The destruction at Armageddou is not the ones, will bc a cause of joy, bccausc such see the vin-
vengeance of any one class of individuals expressed dication of Jehovah’s name and his word. To the
against another,Armageddon is the battle of the faithful ones it will be as meat or spiritual food; and
Lord God Almight.y, with Christ Jesus as the Field such is pictured by the birds and animals of prq
Marshal leading that fight to complete victory, and that come and feed upon the slaughtered once. (Kzck.
the slaughter will be so great that all will be con- 39 : 1’7-20; Rev. 19 : 17-21) Nor will there be any hired
vinced that it came from the Lord. “And the slain mourners at the funerals, for the reason that there
of the Lord shall be at that day from one end of the will be no funerals and none to hire to do the wccpin;:.
earth even unto the other end of the earth: they shall The prophet of Jehovah says concerning the slain that
not be lamented, neither gathered, nor buried; they , ‘they shall , . . be . . . neither gathered, nor buried ’ ’ ;
shall be dung upon the ground.“-Jer. 25 : 33. not merely because the slain will be of such numbers
8(1Nor does the Lord leave any doubt as to where that to bury them would be impossible, but also, ‘and
the slaughter will begin. As Jeremiah was directed that chiefly, because they are not worthy of a dcccnt
first to present the cup to the people that pretends to burial; and they shall not be accorded one. The sur-
be the Lord’s servants, that is, “Christendom,” even vivors will bc few, compared with the number of the
DKCEYBER 1, 1937

slain, and they shall not defile themselves by provid- ten : “And I will bring distress upon men, that they
ing a burial for the wicked. It is Jehovah’s express shall walk like blind men, because they have sinned
+vill that the DcviI’s crowd shall be further and com- against the Lord: and their blood shall be poured out
pletely reproached by not having a decent and honor- as dust, and their flesh as the dung.“-Zeph. 1: 17.
able burial. s8The “shepherds” are the clergy, who claim to
B6God will duly recompense them and, as is stated shepherd the flocks or their respective congregations.
in his Word, they will get ‘like for like’ for what they These shepherds could not howl after they are dead ;
have given the faithful servants of Jehovah. In 1918 and therefore they howl now, because God has de-
in particular not only were God’s faithful people in creed they shall howl: “ Ifowl, ye shepherds, and
the world, and tic work in Jehovah’s name, killed, cry; and wallow yoursclvcs in the ashes, ye principal
but they were not pcrmittcd to have a decent burial; of the flock; for the days of your slaughter and of
as symbolically stated in the Scriptures: “And they your dispersions are accomplished; and ye shall fall
of the people, and kindreds, and tongues, and nations, like a pleasant vessel.“-Jer. 25 : 34.
shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, M The howl here mcntioncd does not come from the
and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in pagan clergy, but comesfrom the clergy and “clccti~e
graves. “-Rev. 11: 9. elder ’ ’ class of “Christendom” and who call thcm-
*’ The dead bodies of the wicked slain at Armagcd- selves the leaders and shepherds of the flock, and to
don shall be left exposed to putrefaction and bc dc- whom Jehovah refers also as those who have assumed
vourcd by carrion birds and beasts in retaliation for to use his name. They were foreshadowed by the Jcn i ;h
mankind’s terrible violation of “the everlasting covc- cccleciastical crowd of hypocrites who practiced the
nant”, which forbids the willful slaughtering of ani- Jews’ religion. For some time now the clergy have
mals for selfish gain or pleasure. (Ccn. 9: l-6) The been howling and importuning selfish politicians and
wild beasts of the jungles have been hunted and commercial men to help them to make a great fu\s
slaughtcrcd for no good reason whatsocvcr and with- and to prevent Jehovah’s witnesses from telling 11:~
out any cxcusc, and those who have cruelly violated truth about them. The clcrgymcn howl bccausc tllc
the cvcrlasting covenant by so slaughtering shall die, truth of God’s Word now proclaimed c~poscs thc:n
and their bodies, like those 01 the other wicked, “shall and puts them in the class whcra they properly ha-
be dung upon the face of the ground.” (Zi.V.) That loug, that is, of fraudulent hypocrites, and IXC:III~c
will be a crushing humiliation upon Satan’s sclf- truth is sweeping iLWily tllc rcfugc of lies behind \vl!ic*l1
glorified organization. Pl;imrod, who began the prac- they hide. They will not attcrnpt to publicly dcf’ctttl
tice of rciigion at the instance of the Devil, was given tllcil lies, bcc*ausethey well l\~low they Ilavc: nu tlc-
an c:caltc<Lplace and honor rlmongst men bccausc he f~X!z ; and tl;crcCorc they ~1~00~2 to howl naaiilst (: ~cl‘s
was a slayer of wild beads in violation of God’s covc- mossa~eand to say IIis witnesses arc bigots and should
nant. Others since have tried to follow his csamplc. bc silenced, because t,hc mcssagc, say they, “S~O&B
God, in the esercise of his “strange act”, will express our rcligiour susceptibilities.” They mduce the poli-
his indignation against all who have followed Nim- ticians and courts of some jurhdictions to say: “The
rod’s cowx and who have ‘dcfilcd the cart11by brcak- truth, as proclnimcd by Jehovah’s wilncsscs, is sub-
ing the everlasting covenant ‘. (Isa. 24 : 5) “For the vcrsive and seditious. ” The clergy made similar char::-
indignation of the Lord is upon all nations, and his es against Christ Jesus and the apostles, and it is lo
fury upon all their armies: he hatb utterly destroyed bc expected that the clergy of the present time will
them, hc bath dclivercd them to the slaughter. Their Iikewisc accusethe faithful followers of Jesus. Jel~o~al~
slain also shall bc cast out [not buried], and their says they will howl, and he is seeing to it now illat
stink shall comeup out of their carcascs,and the moun- they do howl.
tains shall be m&cd with their blood. “--Isa. 34 : 2’3. ‘l For years those shepherds or so-called “clergy-
U Jezebel was a type of the Devil’s organization, men” of the Catholic Iiicrarchy and other religious
while Ahab pictures Satan, the husband; and what practitioners have been blind (and they arc still blind)
befell those two foreshadows what shall come to pass to everything except their own selfish gain, and thcrc-
upon Satan’s organization and those who form it. fort Jehovah says of them: “His watchmen [that is,
It was written concerning Jezebel (and antitypically the pretended and unfaithful shepherds] ale blind ;
applies to Satan’s crowd) : “The dogs shall eat Jezebel they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they
by the wall of Jezrcel. Him that dicth of Ahab in the cannot bark ; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber.
city the dogs shall eat ; and him that dieth in the field Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have
shall the fowls of the air eat.” (1 Ki. 21: 23’21) “And enough, and they are shepherds that cannot undcr-
the earcase of Jezebel shall be as dung upon the face stand; they all look to their own way, every ottc for
of the field in the portion of Jczreel ; so that they shall his gain from his quarter. “-Isa. 56 : 10’11.
not say, This is Jezebel.” (2 Ki. 9 : 37 ; Ps. 83 : 9’10) ‘? Jehovah now commands his witnesses to rise up
The religion%& of “Christendom” have grossly sinned with others of his great organization and give battle
against God and shall pay the penalty; as it is writ- to the wicked organization of Satan; and this rT:or!;

proceeds, and the hypocrisy of the religion&s is ex- their evil that they hare done in Zion in your sight,
posed and the people are to be made acyuainted with saith the Lord.” (Jcr. 51: 19, 20,23, 21) Here it is
the coming of the “strange act” of Jehovah. The expressly stated that God brings this calamity upon
clergy howl still more because of the proclamation of the religionists and their supporters as a rccompcnse
this message,and when Armageddon begins their howl for what they have dcnc against him and his organi-
will reach its climax. zation.
4JHowling and in great mental agony, the shepherds *5Then the prophet of the Lord describes how these
wallow thcmsclves in the dust. In the Authorized religious leaders will fall. (Jer. 25: 34) A “plcas~nt
Version of the text the words “in the ashes” are sup- vessel” is one much desired by selfish creatures who
plied, and therefore Ilotfrcrhum’s rendering of the USCsuch things for selfish purposes or pCrSOIIii1 gain.
text is correct: “And roll in the dust, ye illustrious According to the Hebrew this part of the prophecy
[ones] of the flock”; (Leescr) “ye leaders of the says : “Ye shall fall like a vessel of desire. ” (Margin)
flocks ’ ‘. Those once arrogant and proud-crowing Satan is now using many “vessels” which are willinq-
roosters, who have posed as noble persons, are like the ly used for his purpose and which he desires for his
ones described by the prophet in thcsc words: “Isut purppose,and at the beginning of Armagcdtlon he will
their nobles put not their necks to the work of their see these vessels fall and be erushcd, and this bcforc
Lord.” (Nch. 3 : 5) For many years now the clergy he is cast into the pit, For years Satan has kept some
class have posed bcforc the pcoplcs as noblcmcn and of his “vessels” in positions where they claim to xcp-
as men cndowcd with authority and powers to bring resent God and Christ Jesus. Those clergymen occupy-
to them spiritual nourishment, but at the present time ing such positions have posed as God’s rcprcscntativcs,
they arc devoid of truth and they have no spiritual while at the sametime doing esactly contrary to God’s
nourishment from the Lord; and they arc thus de- Word because they believed not the truth. Jehovah
scribed by the prophet, to wit: “Judah moumcth, has permitted them to hare plenty of rope to go on in
and the gates thcrcof languish ; they arc black unto their hypocritical and wicked course, and thus he has
the ground ; and the cry of Jerusalem is gone up. And “cndurcd [them] with much long-suffering” as “ vcs-
their nol~lcs have sent their little ones to the waters: scls of wrath fitted to destruction”. (Rom. 9 : 22) That
they came to the pits, and found no water; they rc- day of cxccution is near at hand.
turned with their vcsscls empty; they w’crc ashanicd
and confounded, and covered their heads.” (Jcr. NO ESCAPE
14: 2, 3) After the old “whore” is burned, then those 4eFor many .vcars the Roman Catholic IIicrarchy
who llarc materially profitctl by associating with her and otllcr clergymen have assnmcd the o&c of sl~cp-
will set rip a great howl.--Rev. 18: 6-19. licrds of the various flocks, and have told :hc flOC!iS
” Spraking of what will come to pass, as though that they were Chrisiians, but who in fact have hrc~n
it alrc~atly had come to pas?, the Lord says, according merely prnctitioncrs of religion. The clcrzy h:\vc Lyman
to the ficciscct Version of tllis text (Jcr. 25: 34)’ that al& to keep the duprs of their flocks entirely blind
the howl is gcncral for the reason “the days of your to the truth, bccausc ttic clergymen have t:lltcn rcfuqc
slaughter and of your dispersions are fully come”. behind a great pile of lies. They liavc bccomc very
“For your days for slaughter arc fully. come, and I bold, arrogant and reclil~q and they hnvc said and
will break you in picccs.” (E.B.V., margin) “Because continue to say amongst tticmsclvcs: “WC have made
your days for being slaughtered arc fulfilled, thcrc- lies our refuge, and under falsehood have \i-c hid our-
fore will I break you in pieces.” (Rotlwrkant) Their sclvcs.” (Isa. 2s: 15) They have assumed the posi-
slaughter and dispersion will bc done by the “six tion of stability, and hold that they are invulnc~~al;tc.
men” symbolically described by Jehovah’s prophet, But Jehovah now says to them, through his prophet :
each one of which wicldcd “a weapon of his breaking “And the shepherds shall have no way to flee, nor the
in pieces” in his hand. (Ezck. 9 : 2, mm-gin) The principal of the flock to escape.“-Jcr. 25 : 35.
“six men ” picture Christ and his army invisible to I7 With the beginning of Armageddon the shcphcrds
human eyes. To Christ Jesus Jehovah says concerning wit1 find that their avenue of escape is closed: “Then
the enemy nations : “Thou shalt break them with a shall place of refuge vanish from the shepherds.”
rod of iron ; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a pot- (Zloth.) “And lost shall be the place of refuge for the
ter’s vessel.” (Ps. 2: 9) “The LORDof hosts is his shcphcrds.” (Lcescr) Why shall their refuge disap-
name. Thou [Christ] art my battle axe and weapons pear and their way of escape be gone? God has de-
of war: for with thee will I break in pieces the na- creed that his hail (hard and unbreakable truths)
tions; and with thee will I destroy kingdoms. I will shall sweep away the refuge of lies behind which the
also break in pieces with thee the shepherd and his Roman Catholic and other clergy have found refuge;
flock; and with thee will I break in picrcs the husband- and when their lies are swept away, those shepherds
man and his yoke of oxen; and with thee will I break will hare no place to hide themselves and no refuge
in pieces captains and rulers. And I will render unto to which they can flee. God’s “strange work”, when
Babylon, and to all the inhabitants of Chaldea, all finished, will have completely esposed them. Then
1, 1937

they cannot take refuge with the “ten horns” of the and concerning such the prophet of Jehovah says: “A
‘tbeast” on which the old “whore” rides, because voice of the cry of the shepherds, and an howling of
those “horns”~ that is, the ruling force, will turn upon the principal of the flock, shall be heard : for the Lord
and rend the old “whore”. , and those clergymen who hath spoiled their pasture.“-Jer. 25 : 36.
survive for a time, later to be destroyed, will not be soFirst the clergy cry out, and then the howling of
able to find any refuge anywhere by reason of the the “principal of the flock” follows. Jehovah orders
fact that they have been clergymen, On the contrary, them to howl, and they cannot get away from doing
they will attempt to hide their identity. They will it, and the reason is, “Because Jehovah is laying waste
quickly remove their “lace pants” and other glamor- the grounds where they fed.” (Roth.) The hail and
aus garb and dan a pair of overalls and say to the flood of truth now being proclaimed throughout the
people who aeeusethem of being of the clergy: ‘We earth is wasting the feeding places of the Hierarchy
are not clewmen ; we are keepers of the swine and other clergymen. Millions of honest and sincere
or of the cattle.’ (Zech 13: 4-6) Their accusers will persons of good will are hearing the truth and arc
know such clergymen as liars and will show them no fleeing from the bondage of “organized religion”, and
mercy. Ko time then for the Roman Catholic Hierarchy such movement is dryin g up the once fat pasture
clergy and their allies to find ryfugc with the Lord, fields of the clergy, and for this reason they set up a
nor wiJ1deathbed repentance do them any good. Burn- great howl and say: “Our religious susceptibilities
ing of candles and splashing of holy water and pound- are shocked, and these pcoplc are bigots, and their
ing things with their fists will not bring them any messageis subversive.” ISven though millions of sin-
aid. The so-called “last rites”, by which they have cere persons flee from the wicked organization of rc-
dcceircd many people, will be of no aid to them. They ligionists, many more millions of persons will remain,
will have no one to administer such foolish ceremonies. to be csploitcd by the Ilicrarchy and other rcligionists.
Those fellows have never been among the ones who The complctc spoiling of the pastures of the rcligion-
in the acccptsble time of the Lord have said : “0 Lord, ists will take place at the beginning of Armnqddon,
my strength, and my fortress, and my rcfugc in the that is, God’s “strange act”, when by his great Officer,
day of affliction, the [nations] shall come unto thee Christ Jesus, he breaks the power of the rcligionists
from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our completely. Seeing their institutions quickly crum-
fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein bling, the Hierarchy and the principal of the flock Irt
there is no profit.” (Jcr. 16: 19) It will be the Jonn- out a trcmcndous howl of despair.
dabs that will then be able to apply this scripture to 6*The execution of judgncnt brings dcsotntion upon
thrmselvcs, and thy OIlIy of dl tllC pCOplC Of Cilrth, t’:cn! : “And the pxmdJb2 hattlfat ions [the proslWr-
aside from the rcmnnnt, will find rcfugc in the Lord. OK F2StUlTS (hth.) ; hO:llCS (~fd?YW) ; ~XJStllJ’C-in1 dR
4qAnd how about the “principal of the flock”? of peace (Lccscr)] arc cut flo\\n, bccausc of the fiorec
They will find no way of escape. The religious prac- anger of the Lord.“-Jcr. 25 : 37.
titioncrs, who have embraced religion (so-called ‘MSo long have those of the IIicrarchy and other
“Christian religion”) for pclr;onal and pecuniary hypocritical clergymen been cntrcnchcd in their rcf-
gain, and hare used the same and their positions in ugc of lies that they have been quite at home thcrc in
the organization to opprc.ssthe people, will be caught their religious systems and have felt sccurc in their
in the samedragnet that will destroy the clergy. After jobs, and that the people are for ever their pasturcts
the destruction of the clergy, the “shepherds”, then or fields which they may continue to cotnmcrcializc
the Godless “principal of the flock” will continue to and upon which to continue to live wantonly. The
fight against alk who arc on the side of Jehovah, and Scriptures strongly indicate that the Ilicrarchy and
therefore they shall receive due recompense from the their supporters will come to the point where appar-
Lord. They will fail utterly to find any escape, but ently they have succeeded in suppressing the witness
their end is destruction. (Rev. 19: 19-21) Describing work of Jehovah, and, feeling that Ihcy have tri-
the “strange act” of Jehot-ah the prophet says: “Let umphcd over opposition, they will then think thcrn-
none thereof escape.” (Jer. 50:29) All the “goat” selves secure and will say: ‘We are in peace and
class, whether they be of the clergy or bc small prac- safety.’ (1 Thess. 5: 3) But their safety will be for
titioners in their flocks, shall suffer complete destruc- a very brief period of time, becauseGod will suddenly
tion according to the decree of the Lord. That decree bring destruction upon them.
is written and is certain to bc executed. ssSays the prophet of Jehovah, “In silent dcsola-
48Even now the clergy, or “shepherds”, and the tion lie the pasture-lands of peace, because of the
‘principal on@ of their flocks’ are frightened because fierceness of the anger of the Lord.” (Lcescr) “Then
of existing conditions with which they are surrounded, shall be silenced the p;ospcrous pastures, because of
and they make a great bluff in trying to accomplish the fierceness of the anger of Jehovah.” (Roth.) Ko
their wicked designs. The flood of truth flowing to more shall the clergy and the principal of the flocks
the people, according to God’s command, is cutting lord it over the gullible people. Only those who have
away the foundations of the Hierarchy and their tools, devoted themselves wholly to Jehovah have the prom-
864 6EieWATCHTOWER B~~LYN, h’. T.

ise of Gndiig refuge in the day of hi anger. In strik- “It is in this present dav that Jehovah says to his
ing contrast with the calamity that is certain to befall people : “Arise ye, and let’us rise up against her in
the religion&s Jehovah says to those who have found battle.” The time has come for all who love Jehovah
refuge in his organization: “I will surely assemble, to boldly take their stand and perform their duties
0 Jacob, Jl of thee, I will surely gather the remnant in his organization. Those who really love God will
of Israel, at owe wit1 I make them like sheep in dis- now obey this commandment and go forth fearlessly,
tress, like a flock in the midst of its pasture shall they and therefore with boldness in the Lord, and proclaim
hum with men.“--3lic. 2: 12, ltotlt. the truths, and thereby have some part in the tearing
w Such have the promise that they shall he hid in away of the mask of lies behind which the rctigionists
the day of the Lord’s anger. (Zeph. 2 : 3) As to the now hide. This they must do in obedience to God’s
faithful remnant, they shall be safe in the land of the commandment, that the people may have opportunity
Lord God: “As the holy flock, us the flock of Jerusa- to intclligcntly flee to the only place of refuge. Jn obe-
Iem in her solemn feasts, so shall the waste cities be dience to this commandment of Jehovah those engclgiug
Wed with flocks of men; and they shall know that I in this work are having some part in God’s “strange
am the LORD.” (F&k. 36: 38) “And I will set up OIIC work ’ ‘, which work must bc complctcd hcforc his
shepherd over them, and he shall feed them, even my “strange act” begins. Everyone who is now wholly
servant David; he shall feed them, and he shall he devoted to Jehovah must and will “lay aside every
their shepherd. AmI I the LORD will IJC their God, and weight, and the sin which doth so easily hcset us*’
my servant David a prince amon:: them; I the LOXD (Ilcb. 12: X,2), and, being blind to cvcrything <are
have spoken it. And I will make with them a covenant that of the kingdom of God and its inter&s, will joy-
of pcaee, and witl cause the evil beasts to cease out fully and amidst increased CJppOSitiOIl pwh forward
of the land; and they shall dwell safely in the wildcr- in the battle and lift high the standard of tfle IdJrd.
ness, and sleep in the woods.“-lSzclr, 34: 23-25. It is the day of battle and of victory, and let all those
I5 What resulls from Jcl~ovnl~‘s“strange act”? “IIc who love Jetlovah rcc;t in him with full assurance. ~1s
[Jehovah] hath forszlken his covert, as the lion: for Jehovah God did to Shiloh, so shall he certainly do to
their land is des&te, hwausc of the fierceness of the “Christendom” and all other parts of Satan’s ormtni-
opprwor, aud hwwc of his flcrcc anger.” (Jcr. zation in the very nc’ar future. Wcjoicc now tllilt 1%~
25: 38) Jehovah has becomeas a fierce lion in the esc- have a part in his “strange work” and thus a part in
eution of his judgments. Jehovah is the Father of “the the vindication of his glorious name, and look forward
Lion of the tribe of Juda”, who executes Ilis jutlg- with ever-incrcasiq joy to his “strange act”, nhich
mcnts and vindicates His name. (Rev. 5: 5) Jehovah will coml’lctcly and for ever vindicate his name.
refers to himself as the One who is all-just, symbolized
by a lion. IIc justifies and vindicates himself in right-
q 1. Jehovah’s ju~lgmcnt clay is appointc~l for what purpoqc?
eousnessby destroying his enemies, that the universe 1Iow is that judg,n~W carlicd forwardl \j hymnclocv
may be clean, and all who live shall do righteousness. jurlgment bcg~, ancl WIICI el
-2cph. 3: S; Has. 13: 6,7. q 2. JIow has the Roman Catholic IIicmrchy tl Istinguishc~l it-
ssJehovah gives full warning to “Christendom” self as the outstandmg example of the wlrkccl iustltutlonj
that bnvc existed on the earth?
and others who ass&ate with “Christendom”. IIc q 3. Why is “ the city which is called by my name” 50 p.x-
sendsforth his witncsqesnow and proclaims to “Chris- ticulutly marked for advcrso Jutlgrncnt?
tendom” that warning, even as Jeremiah did in his q 4. IIow have tbc tcligionlsts cxusrd mlllums of honest persons
day. He also cad Isaiah to proclaim his prophecy to tcject God and his \Vorcl and Christ Jcsur the Sa\lur.
ancl greatly reproached the name of Go13nn~l Clttlst Jesual
concerning the day of his fierce anger. (Isa. 13: l-22) q 5. I)ocs Jehovnh create ebill \Vhy?
The Roman Catholic Ilicrarchy and her allies in re- q 6’7. Explain whether the “city” mcntionetl in verse 29 is
ligion have been warned, and yet they continue to the new Jerusalem. How nncl when does Jrhovah “LNY~ ,.
to bring. evil on the city “? \Vhcn nncl how will he puuiA
mock God and to persecute his faithful witnesses. that “&v”?
Having warned them, now Jehovah says to them: q 8. The que&ion, “Shoulci ye be utterly unpunished?” is
“Now, therefore, be ye not mockers, lest your bands nddtcssed to whomO Why are all these inch&xl1
q 9. \Vho ate “the heathen-that ate at easc”i and how h::<c
be made strong: for I have heard from the Lord God they “helped foiantd the :iMxtion”~ What is 5c~n In the
of hosts a consumption, even determined upon the form of esprcssion of lsaish 34: 2, 3.88
whole earth.” (Isa. 28: 22) Every part of Satan’s q 10’11. What -is the tcsponsM~ty, coil&w nnll indiviclual,
of all of Jehovah’s PCOI)ICiu cartyinz out the work of
organization skaIl fall. As Jeremiah wamcd the peo- ‘prophesying as con&n&let1 at verie 35’3
ple’ so now the faithful ones on the side of Jehovah, q 12-14. When anct for what purpose will Jehovah “roar from
who proclaim his truth, must continue to warn the on high”? How will he “utter his voice flom 1~1sholy
habitation”l 110~ and why will he “mightily tout upon
people during the progress of Jehovah’s “strange his habitation “0
work” and untii its finish. To them Jehovah says, and q 15. Wty is It stated that “he shall give a shout, as they that
they must say to others of good will : “My people, go ye trend the grapes”?
out of the midst of her, and deliver ye every man his q 36-B. The “tumultuous noise” (vs. 31) betokens what? Its
coming “even to the end5 of the earth” 15 of n-hat pro-
soul from the fiexxx anger of the Lord.“-Jer. 51: 45. phetx significancei
1)EQ!tfBJ!Z 1, 1937

7 19. Uistinguisb between the “Geea” mentioned at Isaiah 1 3848. With related scriptures, show that the wicked will be
66: 6. \Vhat is the messago of tlw “voice from the tem- getting ‘hke for like’.
pie”? The purpose of that w!asage? Account for the 7 39,-40. Identify the “shepherds”, and the “principal of the
“voice of noise from the city”. flock”, prophetically addressed at verse 34. How and why
q 20. “The Lord bath a controversy with the nations.” Why9 do they ‘howl and cry’?
Wmt is that “controversy”? a 41. Apply Isaiah 56: l&11.
7 21-23. Ilow will Jehovah ‘ ‘ plead with all flesh”, and why? 0 42,43. The ‘ rising up against her in battle ‘, by those to whom
q ,?a. Who nre the wicked? How and why will those here rc- that command is given, has what effect upon the “shep-
ferred to be ‘given to the smor’l’? herds” and the “principal of the flock”9 How does Jere-
7 2% Compare the claims of the CL-rgy with their course of miah 14: 2! 3 have fulfiilmcnt9
action. Does this prove that they have not had ample T 44,45. Explam the prophetic statement, (a) “The days of
warning9 your slaughter and of your dispersions are accomplished.”
q 2628. To shorn did Jeremiah speak as recorded at verse 321 (1~) “Ye shall fall like a pleasant vessel.”
To whom do those words have prophetic application9 “Evil 7 4%48. From what or to what nil1 the “shepherds” have no
&tall go forth from nation to ution.” lfow will this be way to flee or escapeT Why shall their refuge disappear
brought to pass9 How is “the kinv of Sheshach” involved nnd their way of escape be gone9 How about the “prin-
in the warning nnd in the drinkiq-of the cup9 cipal of the flock”9
q 29.30. What is the “great whitIwind” here mentioned, and 1 49,50. How do the “shepherds” and the ‘principal onca of
how is it “raised up from the toasts of the earth”? Bnolv
.I I their tlocks’ now feel and act because of the conditions with
the praver tarordcj nt Psalm G: 15-l% nhich they are surroundcdf How has the Lord been ‘spoil-
q 31. Wmt -is the “grievous ~rhit8nind” (Jcr. 33: 19), and ing their pasture’9
upon whom does it fall? \Vhy upon them9 51,52. Apply verse 35.
q 32. Irow, and why, has Jehovah ao definitely and repeatedly 53,54. Contrast the position of t!m clergy and the ‘prinripal
foretohl his “btranqe act”9 of the flocks’ with that of those who have debuted tlrcm-
7 33~,fi ;Yhe;o will the slaughter i&n, and how far-reaching ~ selves nholly to Jehovah.
55, GG. When and how will Jehovah have “forsaken his
q 3. “They shall not he lamented, neither fathered, not bur- ” covert, as the lion”9
ied.” Why9 Show whether tb is in ktrmony with other B 57. To whom is the commantlmc~nt at Obadiah 1 gilen \V\‘ho
scriptuG nil1 obey that commandment9 110~ 9 To what end?


J EIIOYAII lays rcq~onsildily for the present crime

wave at the door of hypcx+rit ical rcligionists, and
any attempt on the part uf his “servant” class to
hold back the truth of and concerning that rcligionist
lose their anointing and fall IKWL into any “triln~ln-
tiOi1 chs”, bit, if UnfaithfUl to that anointing, such
will bc cast away from Jehovah and dcstroycd with the
Devil and his other followers.
port of Satan’s organization would bc a mark of dis- “Organized Chrislianity,” under the influcncc of
loyalty lo God, the Devil and practicing the 1)cvil religion, is rcspon-
Anyone who now profcss~ to be in the truth and a siblc for tbc great crime waxc, 1)articularly in .\mer-
foilonw of Christ Jesus, and who fails or rcfuscs to ica, whcrc crime has incrca\cd most rapidly in rcccnt
d&arc the vcngcancc of our God against Satan and years. Within a few years fifteen hundred were shot
hiu organization, thcrcby g&s cvidcncc that hc is not to death, Illillly of whom were entirely innocent, upon
anointed by the spirit of Jehovah but, in fact, is God’s the pretest that they had in possessionor were usin:
enemy. AI1 who arc anointed of the Lord arc spccifi- intoxicating liquor. This practice must bc a stench
cafly authorized and command4 to dcclarc the day of in the nostrils even of many supporters of “organized
the vengeance of our God. (Isa. 61: 2) Such must de- Christianity”. The ancient Persians are said to have
clare the vengeance of God against Satan’s organiza- held an incense to the nose while worshipins: the Devil
tion, and since Satan’s visible organization is com- or practicing Devil religion; and now likewise those
posed of false religious leaders and the principal of who indulge in such Devil practice in the name of
their flocks, the anointed of Cod cannot prove faithful God and approve bloody crime and induce other crime,
except by 6Fcaking the truth concrrning them. It is says the prophet, ‘put a branch to their nose,’ and this
not a question as to whether some might become evil practice they do in the name of Jehovah and ‘have
offended and refuse to hear tile truth. provoked God to anger’, and he dcclarcs Ihat he will
The sole question for determination by the “scrv- visit his anger upon them. “Therefore will I also deal
ant” is: ‘What has my Lord commnndcd, and am I in fury; mine eye shall not spare, ncithcr will I have
obeying his commandments?’ The “servant” must pity; and though they cry in mine ears with a loud
declare the truth regardless of mhcthcr anyone is voice, yet will I not hear them.” (Ezclcicl 8 : 1s) The
&ended and refuses to hear or many hear and turn breaking of the everlasting covenant by the shedding
to the Lord. Let the remnant or anointed “servant” of innocent blood at the instance of the lenders in
class, therefore, keep always in mind that obedieucc “Christendom” is bad enough, but the worst of all
to the commandments of God is what is rcquircd. Saul, is for them to do so and claim that God approves their
once anointed as the king of Israel, did not lose his action and that it is done in his name. This defamation
anointing by reason of disobedience, but he was cast of God’s name he declares shall not go unpunished.
away from the Lord and joined the Devil’s crowd. Jehovah, by and through his chief cxccutire officer,
(1 Sam. 15: 16-29) Those who are anointed will not Christ Jesus, executes his commandments. Since the

prophecy of Ezekiel here considered has to do with acting under his command. It was this angelic army
the destruction of the city of Jerusalem, which fore- of the Lord that fought against Satan nnd ousted him
shadowed the destruction of Satan’s organization, from heaven. (Rev. 9 : 16 ; 12 : 7) Undoubtedly in this
particularly “Christendom”, it is certain that the army are also included those faithful overcomers whom
Lord Jesus Christ is in command acting under the the Lord has raised to life upon coming to his temple.
direction of Jehovah God. This conclusion is abundant- The commandment or cry which Ezekiel heard,
ly supported by the 110th Psalm and other scriptures. therefore, was from Christ Jesus the executive officer
Jehovah gave promise to the Lord Jesus that he would of Jehovah. The cry or command directs the organi-
put the enemy under foot and that Christ Jesus must zation of the Lord to prepare for the final assault upon
wait until the due time thus to do. the enemy organization. They are told to draw near,
The period of waiting ended, and God sent forth not with their weapons sheathed, but with their weap-
out of his organization Christ Jesus and commanded ons of destruction drawn and ready for offensive
him to rule amidst all his enemies. Necessarily that action. Those weapons that will be used for destructloll
means that Christ must destroy the enemy, Satan’s by violence are held by the Lord Jesus Chrirt and the
organization. This is further supported by the words invisible members of the organization under him. Tilt?
of the prophet : “The Lord [Jehovah] at thy [Christ visible part of his organization on earth will do no part
Jesus’] right hand shall strike through kings in the of the destroying. The work assigned to the earthly
day of his wrath. lie shall judpc among the [nations], division, to wit, God’s “faithful servant” class, is to
he shall fill the places with the dead bodies; he shall sing forth the praises of Jehovah’s name before aud
wound the heads [of Satan’s organization] over many while the fight is in progress.
countries. ” (1’s. 110 : 5, 6) According to another trans- Those to whom the commandment was given rc-
lator, “31~ will judge among the nations; there shall spondcd, and Ezekiel beheld them alJproaching. “And,
be a fulncss of corpses, hc crushcth heads on a widc- behold, six men came from the way of the higher pate,
spread land.” (Lecscr) Anotllcr rciidcrs the text: which licth toward the noIl.11,and every man a slaugh-
“He judgeth among the nations, full 01 dead bodies! tcr weapon in his hand ; and one man arnonq tllcm waq
[and] bath crushed the head over a wide land.” clothed with linen, with a writer’s inkhorn by his side ;
(RotAc?%nm) W~ctllrr the word “head” means the and they wcut in, and stood bcsidc the brazen altar.”
Devil alone or includes other heads, cithcr construc- -Ezck. 9: 2.
tion is in harmony with the Scriptures. The Devil’s
Thcsc six men that approached were fully equipped
org!;l?lizilt ion is made up of divisions, cacti division of
for the day$lter that, 1nUS.t follow. Six iS a $yIThJliC
which has a head ; and this npplirs both to the invisible number denoting incomplctcnesq while tlic iiunilter
and 13 the visible. Yincc the dustruction or‘ the c;ry seven symboli~cs or denotes conil~lctcnr5s. J~~i~ovah’s
refers to “Christciitlorn” in particular, then the ap-
organization is one, and is therefore complete, and is
plication to the Icadcrs or “heads” thereof is proper pictured by the number seven. Thcrc wcrc six men
and in harmony with other scriptures.
armed and one clothed with lincll. The entire number
Christ Jesus comes forth to this work of judgment of seven men manifestly represented Jehovah’s com-
and is attrndcd by a host of angels. “When the Son plete organization, both that which is invisil)Ic to man
of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels and tflat which is visible and on tflc earth. The six mrrl
with him, then shall 110sit upon the throne of his represent all of the invisible organization, with Ch&t
glory. ’ ’ (3Iatt. 25: 31) “The Lord comcth with ten Jesus, and including the risen members of his body,
thousands of his saints, to csecutc judgment upon cherubim, seraphim, and angels. The “one man” rep-
all.” (Jude 14’15) The inspection complctcd, as de- resents the anointed “servant” class on the Cilrth, autl
scribed in the eighth chapter of the prophecy of Eze- which is tllc only part of the organization that is vi+
kiel, then Ezckicl heard a loud voice that cried out: iblc to human eyes. The fact that the division sho\ts
“Ho cried also in mine ears with a loud voice, saying, sis to one would further mean that the grentcr aud
Cause them that have charge over the city to draw more important part of the work assigucd to the or-
near, cvcn every man with his destroying weapon in ganization must be done by the invisible divisiorl,
his hand.” (Ezekiel 9: 1) The language used shows while the lesser work thereof is assigned to and mu-it
that the cry was a loud and threatening command, and be done by the earthly division, represented by the OIW.
that it was sharp aud powerful, and that it had a
striking effect upon Ezekiel’s ears. That thunderous The six men had ‘slaughter weapons in their hand<’
command was not to Ezekiel, but was given to “them (R.V.) ; “every man with his weapon of destruction.”
that have charge over the city [‘ C5istendom ‘I”, to (Roth.) The marginal rendering of this authority is:
destroy it, “those . . . that have charge to punish “Dashing weapon [that dashes to picccs] ; shattering
the city.” (I;ceser) This work of destruction will not weapon. ”
be done by the “servant” class on earth, whom Ezekiel The prophet Nahum, prophesying concerning the
foreshadowed, but, as the Scriptures show, it mill bo preparation of Cod’s organization to make assault
done by the Lord Jesus Christ and his holy angels upon the enemy, says: “He that dashcth iu pieces is
DECE~BEB 1, 1937

come up before thy face.” (Nah. 2: 1) This further Christ, and therefore that part of Cod’s organization
and definitely identifies Christ Jesus as in command which is inrisible to man. This is supported conelu-
and as the one who cried with a loud voice and who was sively by the fact that they proceed from the north,
heard by Ezekiel. Six men approached from the way the scat of authority and judgment, and that they have
of the north, which is the appropriate direction from charge over “Christendom” to destroy it, and that
which judgment should and does come. Without doubt they are armed with weapons of destruction and are
the six men in the vision reprcscnt ‘the armies which unclcr the command of Christ Jesus, who is commis-
are in heaven’, under the command of the Lord Je.sus sioncd to dash to pieces Satan’s organization.


ENOVAII COD now makes known to his witnesses witness &en by public lectures on the subject “Nil-
the meaning of his prolmccies. He sends forth his lions Now Living Will Never Die”.
wifnesscs to give warning and to serve notice upon Furthermore Jehovah provided the radio to broad-
“ Christendom ’ ’ of her impending destruction. Facts cast the truth, and for several years, in spite of much
that arc well known, when applied to the prophecy, opposition, the mtssngc of the kingdom was more widc-
enable us to determine whcthcr or not we have the ly broadcast than any other information given by
correct understanding of the prophecy. radio. Within the past few years the mcssagc of the
In the year 1918 the Lord Jesus Christ suddenly kingdom of Cod, put in book form, has had a wider
came to the temple of Jehovah. IIe came for judgment circulation and publication than any message ever
and tts Jehovah’s great executive officer and to ese- issued by any othrr organization on earth. Many pcr-
cute judgmcnt..As such offi~* he gives commandment, sons of good will who arc under the power of Satan’s
saying : “Jchorah is in his holy temple: let all the organization have rcccivcd the truth and acc~ptecl it
earth keep silence before him.“--Ilab. 2: 20, A.&V. as true, and arc thus ma&cd in their forchcads, that
Jehovah, as rcprescntcd by Christ Jesus, is in his is to say, have been given an intellig:cnt understanding
temple. This means that the people must be told of of and conccming God’s purpose to establish his king-
Cod’s purposes to judge “Christendom” and to de- dom for the vindication of his name and for the blcss-
stroy it. Othcrwisc there would be no occasion to com- in% of the pcoplc. A great multitude of such arc giving
mand that a11tlm pcoplcs of earth give ear. It means heed to the messngcand tnkinq their stand on Jcho-
that thcrc must 1~ a world-witlc public witnr\s work vah’s side. The duty of Jehovah’s “servant” is to
done by the ‘ faithful servants’ of Jehovah. Jclmvn!~‘s obey the commandment.and go tbrouqllout “ C!bri~tcn-
standard for the pcoplc niu%t be lifted up, This gospc1 dom” and do the ‘m?rkin~r
L . It mast bc rcmcn~l~crctl
of the kiugdwn must be preachrd as a witness, to the that t.his work of giving t& testimony is not for the
cud that those who would hear may hear and take their purpose of converting the pcoplc of ttic world and
stand on the side of Jchovab and his kingdom of right- bringing them into sotnc organization, but it is to malie
eousness. Such is not a “harvest” work, hut it is a known the fact that those w110desire to flee from tnt:
work of the Lord of ‘separating the sheep from the wicked organization of “ Christendom ” may do so and
goats’; and his “servant” class is permitted to give declare themsclvcs on Jehovah’s side, and thus bc in
the testimony which causestlm people to take sides for lint to be brought through the time of trouble, wl:cn
or against Jehovah and his kingdom.--Xatt. 25 : 31-46. the slaughtering begins.
It was early in the year 191S that, for the first time, The work of the WATCH TOWER UIUJ,E ANI~ TRACT
tho message was sounded: “ Mill ions now living will SOCIETY is not spoken of in a boasting manner ftom
never die.” \\‘ithin a very short time after a public the standpoint of men, but those who are privilcacd to
lecture on this subject was delivered, “the goats” got have a part in it do ‘boast in the Lord’ and give honor
busy and shut up many of Jehovah’s “servant” class and glory to his name. They rejoice in the fact that
in prison and for a time effectually stopped the vvork. the time has come for the establishment of God’s kin:-
Then in the year 1919 Jehovah again revived his work dom ; and therefore faithful men and women are given
and brought forth those devoted to him to engage in some part in telling others of this good news.
it. Shortly thereafter, to wit, in the year 1920, the The fact that the WATCH Tow~a I~IILE ASU TRACT
WATCH Toww BIBLE AND TJLWT SOCIETY published SOCIETY is bitterly opposed by the “man of sin ” and
a book under the title “Millions Now Living Will by the clergymen and the principal of their flork, who
Never Die ’ ‘. This book was printed in a number of are members of the Devil’s organization, is further
languages, and millions of copies were distributed proof that the WATCH TOWER 13rur.~AXD TRACP So-
throughout “Christendom” and put in the hands of CIETPis doing the work which Jehovah common&d
order-loving people. With the coming of the gear 1922 should be done and which was foreshadowed in the
the witness work of Jehovah was getting well under vision given by Jehovah to Ezekiel. Individuals who
way, and within a short time there was a lvorld-wide have part in that work are greatly blessed, but no in-

dividual is singled out and made more prominent than by Ezekiel while in that prostrate condition does not
another. The “servant” of Jehovah is one. The “serv- at all indicate that the “servant” class cries out in
ant”, therefore, seesGod’s purposes, and each one of horror at the slaughter and begs for mercy, but rather
the “servant” class sees eye to eye with the others, that the “servant” speaks to Jehovah, as the proph-
and they arc going on performing this witness work ecies show, to call forth a statement of Jehovah show-
according to Jehovah’s commandment. When it is rec- ing that the slaughter is entirely justified. Hence it is
ognized that this witness work or ‘marking’ is the work written : “And it came to pass, while they were slay-
of Jehovah, and being done under his commandment, ing them, and I was Icft, that I fell upon my face, and
then those who thus recognize it Kill know that no cried, and said, Ah, Lord GOD! wilt thou dcstro:,
power or opposition can stop it. The ‘marking’ work all the rcsiduc of Israel in thy pouring out of thy fury
must be continued until it is completed; and when it upon Jerusalem?” (Ezck. 9: 8) The battle of that
is completed, the other order given by the Chief Com- great day of God Almighty, at Armageddon, will wit-
mander, as heard by Ezekiel, will be pcrformcd. ness the complete downfall of “Christendom”, and
Ezekiel heard Jehovah give or&r to the “sis men”, that without any quarter or pity from Jehovah. The
which six men rcl’rcscnt the organization of Jehovah reply given to Ezekiel from Jehovah proves this fact :
(aside from the small number on earth) and are in- “T1u.a said hc unto nit:, The iniquity of the house of
visible to man. As soon as the witness work is com- Israel and Judah is csrceding great, and the land is
pleted, then the following order is due to bc carried full of blood, and the city full of pcrvcrsencss; for
out, to wit: “And to the [six] others he said in mine they say, [Jehovah] lrnth forsaken the earth, and the
hearing, Go yc after him through the city, and smite; Lord sccth not. And as for me also, mint cyc shall not
let, not your cyc spnrr, neither have yc pity; slay SparC, IWith Wilt I h;ivC pity; hit I will rCCOnl~JCI!:~C
utterly old and Young, both maids, and little children, .hcir 1% ay upon their head.’ ‘-Kzck. 9 : 9, 10.
and women; but come not near any man upon whom 21~ order-loving 1~col~le of today plainly see and
is the mark; and begin at my sanctuary. Then they well know that the nations rallcd “Christendom” are
began at the ancient men which wcrc bcforc the houc;e. full of injustice alla wic~ke4ncss.JIany of the clergy
And he said unto ihcm, IMile the house, and fill thr: tell tlic people that God has Porsakcn them bccnusc oi
courts with tlrc slain ; go yc forth. And they went their intliflYrencc toward “the church” and their
forth, and slew in the city.“-15zck. 9: 5-7. ncglcct to support tlic: same, while other clcrgymcn
Plcase take note that the order from Jehovah is to tell the people that tlicrc is no Almi~lity (:otl, the
Slily, and to SIJill’C IlOIlC, “but come not near any man Creator of heaven ant1 earth, and that the LSiblc is
upon whom is the ma?*k,” that is to say, those ~113 unworthy of bclicf. God will not spare tlicnl but wii!
:tl‘e *Xl JelloVil!I ‘9 siclc iIL’C mu:!<cd il::d ill’C IlOt t0 k ?4:!y recompcnsc tlicr:l for tllcir wiclicdllcss. 1Ic c;i11
slain. The slau&lcr begins “at the ancient men”, rnalic a clean-up of the 1~1101~ outfit, in orclcr t!iat all
that is, with the cldcrs and lcadcrs, the clergy and who survive may know ,Jcl~ovnll k the only true God.
the principal of their flocks. This slaughter is without To each division of Gotl’s organizntion a certain p;\rt
regard to age or sex. “Organizc(1 religion” and the of the irork of riddinr: t tic cart11 of Satan’s orgnlliz:r-
cntirc organization of Satan must bc destroyed. Seeing tion is assi:ncd, and it will be rcquircd t,lint each c!ivi-
that the slaying by the six begins with tlrc clergymen, sion bc faithful in the performance thereof. 111&,kiel
and none arc spared, then surely the man with the 9: 11 it is written: “And, lwllolcl, tt1c 111:lIl clolhccl
writer’s inkhorn, that is, the “faithful servant” class, with linen, which had the inkhorn by his side, reported
must not for pity or policy spare the clergy, when de- the matter, saying, I have aollc as thou hast com-
claring the day of the vea~c;uIcc of our God. It must manded me.” hfanifcstly the matter is so stated in this
mean that it is the duty and obligation laid upon the text of the prophecy to show that the “servant” clays
“servant” class to boldly declare the truth of God’s ftithfully perform the work assigned to them an4
judgment against the hypocritical organization called when it is done, in some way make report thcrcof.
“organized Christianity”. The “servant” class can- That means that the witness work must bc done artd
not be faithful in the performance of duty u~llcssthe will be done, and every OIN who hopes to have the final
truth is plainly and boldly told. Those who would op- approval of the Lord as one of his remnant will joy-
pose the bold proclamat,ion of the truth, therefore, give fully participate in the witness or ‘marking’ Walk.
evidence they are not of Jehovah’s organization. The faithful remnant will joyfully obey the com-
Verse eight of the ninth chapter of Kzckiel strongly mandments of J&oval1 and will receive his approval.
indicates that the remnant will stand hy after the This scripture further indicates that some of t;la
witness work is completed and watch Jehovah finish remnant will be on earth when the work is d(JnC, and
the wicked organization. Ezekiel prostrated himself will witness Jehovah’s battle at Armagcdclon from
before Jehovah and propounded a question. The atti- their vantage point under his protection. These will
tude of falling down or prostrating oneself before maintain their integrity toward Jehovah, and hy their
Jehovah is the proper one for the creature to take faithfulness will be a testimony to the supremacy of
before the Almighty Creator. The question propolmded the Most High and to the honor of his name.
117 Adams Street - Brooklyn, N.Y., U. S.A.
J. F.RUTAERFORD President W’. E. VAN AMBERGII Secretary

“And all thya children shall be taught of Jehovah; and

dreat shall be the peace of +hy children.” -Iroi& 5413.
THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, is from ererlasting
to ererlasting, the Maker of henren and earth and the Giver
of hfe to his creatures; that the Logos nns the beginning of
his creation, and his active agent in the creation of all things;
that the Logos is now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed
v;ith all power in heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive
Officer of Jehovah.
TH.4T GOD created the earth for man, created perfect
man for the eni th and placed him upon it; that man wllfuffy
disobeyed God’s law and WY scnwnced to death; t.hat by
reason of Adam’s wrong act all men are born sinners and
without the right to IIfe.
TbiAT JESUS was marl+?fwmnn, and the man Jesus suf-
fered death in order to prorluce tflc ransom or redemptlre
price for all mankind; that C;trd mat4 up J(ws divine nnd
exalted him to hea\ca abcsc cbrary crenturo null above every
name and clothed him wth all power and authority.
that Christ Jesus is tho Chick Ofliccr thereof and IS tflc
rightfu1 King of the world; thnt tfle anointed and faithful
followers of CIwist Jesus :IIC Lhlldrcn of Zion, members of
Jeholah’s orgnnization, and are his witnrwcs whose duty and
privilege it is to testify to the supremacy of Jrhovnh, declare
his purposes toward mankind as exprwscd in the Bible, and
to bear the fruits of tho kingdom before all who will hear.
THAT THE WORLD 1x1scudcd, anct the Lord Jesus Christ
has been placed by Jehowh upon his throne of authority,
has ousted Satan from hc:,ven and is proceeding to the
establishment of God’s king:tlom on earth.
THAT THE RELIEF and bfrwin~s of the pcopfes of earth
Cnn come only by and through Jchovafl’s kingdom under
Christ, which has now begun; th:tt tfle T,ord’s next great
act is the destruction of N:Ltan’s organization and the cstab-
kshment of rightrousncss in tho earth, and that under the
kingdom all those \vho will obey ity righteous laws shall live
on earth forerer.
-- - .. .. _.-. -------.-“-.
This new book, written by IJrothrr lluthrhrford, and first
announced and released al, thn rwcut gcncmf conreution of
Jehovah’s wtncsscs at CoIumIws, 011~0, 13 now nvnilnble for
all nho ate for ~Jclwr:~hand hw King anti ‘kg:rtnst his enemies.
It is a grand work, of 3SI lm,rres, cxrcllcntly bouud, qold-
stamped, nitli color illustrntwns nnd a coni~~~rt~rns~vcmdes.
The initial ctlition 1s the autqraphctl eilltlon nnd contnins, m
facsimile, a lcttcr mlittcn by the hand of thr autflor and od-
dressed to all the Lord’s scrvanta. r)ue to the hrmted quantity
of this author’s edItIon a contrlbutlon thcwfor of WC a copy
js asked to offset the special cxpcuse of publislung this edition.

The text for the exlrndar Yew 1935 is: ‘13~ not afraid: the
battle is Gotl’s.’ (2 Chron. 20: 15) The calendar art picture
was specially painted to fit this telt and bo;tutlfulIy l!lrrstrales
it and its action. 13cneath the plctule on the calcmlnr babe
appears a letter from tfle plcsl~leut of the tiocicty settiug forth
the sclclnl united srrvice prlwtln for the .ywr and sel\lng as
a ready refelcnce for the knqdom puhl~shc~s. The cnlcn2ar
p:kd nlao indwates the dates of these tcstununy permils. Cwn-
pany serl:ints shoul~l wntl 111a cotuhnalion order for all in
the company t\anting rnlendals. Remit, wth or&r, at 25, each.
or $1.00 for flye.
“Indeed, I say to you, That he uA1 appoint him over all his possessions.“-Natt. 24: 47, Diaglott.

J EHOVAII is the possessorof all things in heaven

and in the earth. From his boundless possessions
he makes gifts to his crcaturcs according to his
good plcasurc. Many centuries ago Jehovah God de-
8 Religion has been and is the chief instrument cm-
ploycd to make the people blind and to lead them into
the ways of despair and destruction. Since the time
that Eve was induced by the Devil to believe that she
&red his purpose to csM~lish the world in righteous- might become as wise as God, religion has been held
ness and to give it to a righteous ruler. That declara- before the eyes of men to hide from them Jehovah
tion dated from the time of the rebellion at Eden. God and his provision for those who love to do right.
Everything in God’s universe was righteous until It was religion induced by the Devil and practic*cd
that time, but covetousnessinduced Lucifer to become among creatures that made necessary the dcluq hy
unrighteous and to lead other crcaturcs into unright- which the “world that then was” suffered dcstruc-
eousness.IMcllion against God caused him to declare tion. Following the flood the Devil organized rclixion
his purpose to establish a government of rightcousncss and induced the pcoplc en masse to worship the crcn-
to bc ruled in rightcousncss by the seed or offspring ture and to spurn and mock the Creator. (Horn. 1: 25)
of his universal organization. From the time of that The dcsccndants of faithful Abraham were later or-
declaration until now, the thing which is of grcatcst g;lnizcd by Jehovah into a nation and scpnratcd to
importance amongst crcaturcs is the completion and himself as a ~~coplcfor his name, :ml thiy hc did to
sctling up of the promised kingdom. Creatures now prevent their downfall and to hold them in lint until
on the earth are beginning to realize more fully than the coming of Christ Jesus, the Seed of promix God
ever hcfore that all their interests and welfare arc gave to the nation of Israel his law. At the same time
centered’ in God’s kingdom. The primary purpose of hc gave to them a solemn covenant that if they would
that kingdom or government of righteousness is the obey his law they should bc unto him a peculiar pco-
vindication of Jehovah’s name ; and secondarily it plc, a treasure, a people for his purpose. The donw-
nfforcb opportunity for ercaturcs to find and enjoy fall of that nation was due to the sole fact that they
life everlasting. spurned God’s law and gave thcmsclvcs over to the
1 It may be truly said that the present day is the practice of religion which the Devil had introduced
worst of times and the best of times: worst of times amongst them. The course taken and the fate of the
becausenever before has there been put forth as now nation of Israel find an csact counterpart in t hcsc
such a dcspcratc effort by selfish men to rule the world modern days because Israel was a type, of which
contrary to the Word of God. It is the climax time of “Christendom” , so called, is the antitypc. What bc-
wickedness.Kow is the best of times becauseJehovah’s fell Israel is certain to befall “Christendom”, and
time has cometo put in operation his kingdom, which for the same reason.
shall eliminate all wickedness and rule the world in ’ Jehovah sent his beloved Son Jesus to the earth to
ri&eous~ms. This transition is accomplished only declare the truth, particularly to the JCW, and to
by great conflict. The final conflict between wickedness give them warning of the fate that awsitcd Jcru\alem
and righteousness is at hand, and righteousness is because they had given themselves over to Devil wor-
certain to win. Therefore the kingdom of God holds ship. The rulers failed to give heed to the warning,
the place of greatest interest in the mind of every and the city was destroyed. Jesus Christ establkhed
person who loves the truth. All the nations and peoples in the earth the true worship of Almighty God, and
of the world are now struggling, and they are in much he is therefore the author of Christianity, meaning
distress and pcrplesity and know not how they may that company of people who follow in the footsteps of
find a place of security; and this is due to the fact Jesus Christ. His faithful apostles taught the truth
that they are blind to God’s gracious provision pro- and the true worship of Almighty God, but after they
vided through his kingdom for those who seek right- had passed into death the Devil used selfish JIWI and
eousuessand meekness. again brought in religion and established the practice
thereof and misnamed the same “the Christian re- mittcd to share its profits, unless they are quickly
ligion”, and which is more reproachful and dishonor- aroused and become truly active.
ing to the name of God than anything else that has ’ Who, then, today are tho ones who hear the truth
ever been practiced amongst men. This is true because concerning the kingdom and then boldly declare thcm-
the name of Christ i9 applied to their UllhwfUl prac- selves on the side of the King and joyfully obey his
tices. Among the peoples of Israel there were a few commandments? These arc the ones who low (:od and
faithful men who remained true to God. Likewise in his King and prove it by their actions. The fact that
the land called “Chri\tcndom”, there have been and Jehovah has devoted centuries to making preparation
are a few faithfully obedient to God and who worship for his kingdom, and the fur&r fact that now he has
him in spirit, and in truth. enthroned his King, arc proof conclusive that the king-
6 About the year 1675 a few faithful men discerned dom ir of paramount importance and ihat in this day
that the time appronchcd for the second coming of God’s people on cart11fact tlw greatest responsibility
the Lord ,Jcsus Christ, and they began to preach that and enjoy the grcatcst privilcgc that men have ever
good news. They were walking along with Babylon, had. I<wrything pales into insi~nificancc when com-
Satan’s organization, yet were sincerely trying to pared with the kingdom of God under Chri~f. l~ccauw
gain and to walk in greater light. They separated of the grcnt importance of the kingdom Ihir is tile
tbemselvcs from the rlosc association with Babylon, time when WCmust get understanding ; which tncany,
but they came out of that devilish organization with anloll~ other thiltgs, that WC must have a IlrcJpPr apptv-
spots upon their garments ; tncaning that although cialion of our relationship to the Kin:: and to hin
they left Cabylon they continued to practice religion kingdom. In order to have such apprcciaticm wc niu5t
and to observe rcli:rious forms. It is only quite rcccnt- keep before the mind the truths that are 110~ lwilll:
]y that honest and sincere followrs of Christ Jesus revealed by the Lord and then give full heed and obc-
have been given by the Lord a vision of the hidcous- dicncc thereto.
ness of the Devil’s religion, and they have been pcr-
mittcd to seewhat great reproach religion brings upon OUR RELATIONSRIP
the name of Jchoj ah. This is strong and pcrsnasivc 8 The only great man ever on the earth, Jesus of
evidence that the day of flnai reckoning is here when Nazarrth, was a modest man. IIc did not sc(‘ti to make
everyone who plcascs God tnust forsake religion en- a reputation for himself, buf , on the contrary, 11umbl~zl
tirely and give himself wholly over to the worship of himwlf in obctlionrc to Jehovah God and sl~fl’w~l rc-
Almighly God in spirit and in truth. For that rcnson preach and ig:llomitlious death ; and this Q;LL(a occult
there is now a great conflict bctwcw religion and of his faithfulness ill doing the will of his l”athcr. .\t
Christianity. Many have consitlcrcd t hcmsclves Chris- all times dccus strcsscd the magnitude a~td slll)rcrne
tians but in fact have l~ccn and arc mcrcly rcligion- importance of the lringdotn. IIc proclaimrd the t rul Ii,
ists. Many have lookc~l lll)on prcwnt trllth as the best and dcclarcd that all who are of the trut II must at14
kind of religion kuo~n to fhcm, not diwcrning even will do likcwisc. (John 18: 37) That is the critcriw
now what it means to follow in the footsteps of Christ by which cvcry man may tletcrminc whrthcr hc is of
Jesus. A small numbt’r, eomlJ;lrativcly, are realizing the truth or not. If he is not with ~ntl~uuinsm WI)-
that no man can now practice rcli$on and at the same porting the wusc of Jesus Christ and following in his
time be a true follo\\cr of Christ Jesus. footsteps, hc is not of the truth. .Jcsns clictl for tIlc
6 How many today bully appreciate the kingdom of kingdom in obcdirncc to his ht her’s will. (:od r;liwd
God under Christ? It is manifest that there are those Jesus out of death and exalted him to the lti~hcst l)l:l:e
who think thcmsclvcs the true followers of Christ in t!le utiivwsr, and this bccuuse of his filit tlflllIlC!~~S.
who do not appreciate the kil@om, bcrausc they go Christ Jesus, then being the anointc(l King of tlrc
on in an indifferent way and show no real faith in world, was fully qwtlificd to begin his rcil:n, but tllat
God and in his kingdom and rto krcn desire to serve was not God’s due time. To him Jehovah s;iitl: ‘\Yait
the same. The fact that they take little or no part till I make thine cncmics thy foolstool.’ (1’s. 110: 1 ;
in the work that God commands to be done aJd that Heb. 10: 33) For rtittctccn ccttturics Jc\u+ Chr14
must now bc done in obcdicncc to his will is proof that waited, and then, when God’s due time ai*rivctl, cJ(‘Iio-
their interest in the kingdom is at a L-cry low ebb, if vah sent Jesus forth and said to him : ‘I Rule thou in
they hare any interest therein at all. Thcsc who at- the midst of thitic cttctnics.” It was thctt ihat Echo-
tend the assembly of God’s people hear the message vah garc Jesus the nations of earth for his powssion ;
of truth proclaimed and hear cmphasizcd particularly as it is wriitcti: ‘I mill give thee the nations for thilic
the commanclment that the kingdom must now be inheritance, ;tnd the uttermost parts of the (tart11for
preached, and then the)7 go their way and ignore the thy possession. (Ps. 2: 6, 8) That great cwnt to&
cotnmandment of the J,ord and fail or decline to take place, as shown by fulfilled prophwy, in lh(. y~~lr 1014.
any part whatsoever in preaching this gospel of the It was then that the mighty King ousted Satan fro!n
kingdom, aud thereby they show that they hare no heavcn and began preparation for the final ovcrlhrow
appreciation of the kingdom and will never be per- of that wicked one and his organization. \‘\‘tlat is JHJF

the relationship of God’s faithful people to the great fore the Lord were religionists, while others wcrc truly
Iiinz!, and their pri~ilcge and duty in connection with the followers of Christ Jesus and therefore Christians.
the kingdom? Unless we have a proper undcrstand- The rcligicnists were moved 1)~ the spirit of sclfishncss
ing and appreciation thcrcof, and unless we act ac- and self-preservation, desiring to be saved and to have
cordinxly, me shall miss the greatest privilege ever a high place wlwc they might rcccive honor and glory.
granted to creatures. For this reason the importance The true followers of Christ Jesus were dctcrmincd
of the kingdom, our relationship thcrcto, and our duty above all things to have the will of God done in them,
in conncetion thcrewiivith, cannot be ovcrstrcssed. forgetting self and looking only to the faithful pcr-
forniance of their covenant. Up to that poinl they
TBE TEMPLE had shown ihcmsclvcs faithfully devoted to (:od,
*TIN temple of God, built not by hands of men, con- watching and praying for the appearing of the Ilord
sists of those crcaturcs from among men who liarc been Jesus and his kingdom and doing whatsocvcr t11cy
bqwtten of God’s spirit and in whum the spirit of could to ulwy God’s commandments and making
God dwells, and who arc anointed ant1 arc made mcm- known the King and his coming. 13ecausc of llwir
bcrs of .J~hwah’s royal house with Chriq1 Jesus the faithfulnosu nut1 devotion to Iho Lord when that jutlg-
hcacl thcrciof. (1 Cor. 3: 16; 2 Cur. 6: 16) Zion is the mrnt was had at the tcmplc, they wre clean4 and
name of the capital organization of Jehovah, otllcr- ixljud~cd a~~prwd and wru Ilrought into the trmplo
wise cnllcd his “royal hou.4c”, and it is Zion wlwrcin of God, being q,latltcrcd unto t11c Lord Jcsns. It IS con-
Cod tndici his abidiIl$ ]J]OCC ad ~]irOu~]I ~v]lk]l he coming these fnithful wit’s that the Lord q-s : “ I\‘110
acts to cxry out his I~urposc. (1%. IX: 13, 11) ‘The thcu is [that] f;;itlliul and wise scrvnut ?” ‘J’l~cy liad
comiar: of Ihe Lord Jwus, and our gnt Iwring toqthcr shc\vn ~hWwdVP4 faithfUl by CwIlCstly ~lit]c;lIYJl*l~i~
unto him’ (2 Thcss. 2: I), is his cornill:: to the tcmplc. to do Ihc will of (:od, wd thy 11x1 showri tlwn1wl~w3
IIe comes to the tcmplc as the grcnt .Jud:c that hc wise in bein: guidctl entirely hy his \Vortl. Thr wla-
mny rcnclcr jud~mcnt in behalf of the faithful drad iionslii[~ of tltis faithful COItl])iltly to tiw liinl: iu Ihis:
and the faithful living. ‘I’hosc who have died in faith ‘l’llcy IWe tllil~l~ mcmh3 of Zion for his scrviw, and
and provin: their intcwity, such as the :l~~ostlcs, arc tlwy arc untlc>r tlrc cotnmand of ChrA, .Icsus, their
fir%1 swak~tml out of dnlth at tiw coming of the Lord J~wd and Jttwl; I Iwy are brought into Ihe tcml)lc not
aud arc! gathcrcd unto him, aitd then those faithful mrrcly that tlwy might bc bawd and honored, l~llt t ilc
living ones arc gnthcrcd in. (1 Thcss. 4: 15-17) Prior prirwry ]J~~~ICJSC is ns stated 1~3’(:otl’s prol~lict ill tlicw
to the ctwnin!: of the ~AHX~Jcins to the tcrnl~lc of Jcho- \t ords, to \vit : “‘ikt titcy may o!Yctr unto thr l,o~tl
vah he fiwt completed the work of ‘preparing the way ;III oli’erm~ in rightcousncss.” (Ji;\l. 3 : 3) Ibilq
before dchovah ‘, and then he straightway appc:wctl clcnnsed in t hc fiery jutlgnwnt, they are c.onilrii~~iorlctI
at the lemplu. (Jlal. 3: 1) Corresponding csaclly to nnd comm~mdcd to offer unto the Ilord au ofl’chrill!: ill
the time whrn JWIY oi’fc14 himself as King to the ri~litwuwcss, wllic4i oft’c’riu,‘r 1111’:111~ t11:1t thy wtr\t
Jews, Cod’s cnthroncd l\‘inx comes to the hm[Jk, l)c~;~rbefore the IJCOIJ~Pt hc lruth of and cu~lc~~rninr:
and all the scriptures and the facts show that this Jchovnh’s rwmr, whic*h is riqllfcous, and tlwy ntttst
coming t0 t]tc temple took plttcc thlw illld one-half prwlnim tile llily of his vcu::c~;ince upou Satan’s or-
years after Christ Jesus was cnthroncd, to wit, in the g;mizntion, whirh is a rizlitcous judqnent, and ll~cy
year 191S. Thcrc 11cg:an the fulfillmcut of 1hc prophetic must lift up the standard of .J(~lwvah and his Kin?:,
announwment, lo wit, “Jrho~a!~ is in his holy teml)lc: tllilt tllc ncople may lcnrti lhe way to ri$~tcwusn~~s,
let all the earth keep silence bcforc him.” (Ilab. and they must proclaim the Iti~~qlorn is ilt hid, and
2:20, A.1C.V.) Jehovah is at. his holy temple rcprc- which is the ]iiJ:$$Oltt of I.ialltc~o~lslie:;s. Such arc’ IlOW
sxtttativcl;F’. being there rcprescntcd by Christ Jesus, tllC people Clf God, 8 p.?OIJlC tilliCt1 Out Of tllC \VUrlt]
his Esccutivc Officer. for his name and anointed and commissioned to do a
‘“The Lord conws to the temple for the purpose of specific work as he has commanded t,hcm to do.
jud:,mcnt, whiA judgment begins with the house of
God; as it is rj -iI ten: “kiut who may abide the day POSSESSlONS
of his coming’? and who shall stand when hc nppcar- I2 Such approved ones now dwignn~rd the “ faith-
eth’? for hc is like a rdincr’s fire, and like fullcls’ ful and wise servant”, being lwou~ht into the tcmplc,
soap: and hc shall sit as a refiner and purifier of rcccivc indluctions from the Lord, which instructions
silver; and hc shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge they rcccivc in the sccrct plaw, that is, tlic tcmplc of
them as gold and silver, Ulnt they may ol’fcr unto the God, and those instmctions arc secret to all cscept the
Lord m offering in rightcousnc~s.“--~fal. 3 : 2, 3. temple company. To them the I,ord cJ~~~t~now sajs:
I’ At t!w beginning of that jud:mcwt, in 197s or ‘What I tell YOU in the dark (iIt the scarret play), tllat
thcwabonts, there stood before Christ the great ,Jutlgc speak ye in the Ii& arltl l,roclnim from the house-
a company of persons who had entered into a covenant tolJs’; that is, publicly, fearlessly, and l~~ldly make
to do the trill of God and follow in the footsteps of IitlOIVtl. (Matt. 10: 27) Wllilt must this faithful wrv-
Christ Jesus. Many of ihose who there appeared bc- ant proclaim? Jesus answers that in these words;

“This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all grants that every one of the temple company shall do
the world for a witness unto all nations: and then his part in making known the name of Jehovah and
shall the end come.“-Xatt. 24: 14. his kingdom. Is that commandment discretionary or
Is These are the ones taken out of the world for mandatory? It is an imperative mandate, the rcspon-
Jehovah’s name, and they must fulfill the prophetic sibility of which cannot bc sidestepped. Christ Jesus.
utterance recorded by Rloscs long centuries ago, to the King, the great Prophet, gives the commandment,
make known the name of Jehovah in all the earth. and concerning those who are of his temple company
His name and his kingdom must be made known to this is written : “And it shall come to pass, that every
those who have a hearing ear, and they must be told soul, which will not hear that prophet, shall be dc-
that it is the only means of deliverance; and this stroycd from among the people.“-Acts 3: 23.
testimony must be given before the battle of the great l5 No creatures ever had a greater favor, and ccr-
day of God Almighty. It is of and concerning that tainly not a greater responsibility, placed upon them.
faithful temple company that JCSUS uttered these The Lord requires of the temple company full and
words : “Who then is a faithful and wise servant, complctc faithfulness. That means faithfuIncs3 in pcr-
whom his lord hat11 made ruler over his household, formancc and a correct report to tlrc King. The Lord
to give them meat in due season’?Blcsscd is that scrv- has cntrustcd hiu goods or possessionsto 111~ tcml)lc
ant, whom his lord, when he comcth, shall find so do- company, and to them he says: “To whom IIIUC~~ hs
in!?. Verily I say unto you, that hc shall make him been entrusted, of him [the more] will 1~2dcmiilldcd.”
ruler over all his goods [possessions (DiugZott) 1.” (Luke 12: 48, I\‘c~moutl~) The opportunity to SC’PVC
(Malt. 2.1: 45-47) The rchtiOllShi[J of tlic “faithful lhc King and fiis kingdom is, in another swipturc,
and wise servant” to the King is thcrcfore clearly designated by the T,ord as “talcnfs”, hnlltlcd to his
rcvealcd. servants, and which talents they must incrcasc I)y
*’ The “goods” or “posscssio11~” mentioned by the faithful clcrotion and pcrformancc; and ihat is es-
Lord consist of everything on cnrtll that pertains to actly what he drmnnds of all who prove faitllful. They
the righteous govcrnmcut of Jc:hovah God and Christ must ad\Vancethe kingdom interests. They ;lrc c:tllrd
the King. Those pos\tx\ions or goods mean all the and chosen, and now untlcr the test they must prow
interests of the kingdom now pcrtuining to the earth faithful. In onlcr to 1x2 faithful one must hc cntii.c~l~
and the pcoplcs thcrcof. In this connection there arc trustworthy and wholly dcpcndnble. What sower may
divers and numerous things to bc done. The message bc nAgned to one of the servant company, that duty
concerning God’s name and his kingdom must be pre- hc must perform and render the scrvicc report unto
pared and carried to the l~col~lc, and God organizes the Lord. One can deceive men by appcarin:! to l’cr-
his people into a compact company to perform this form and pet doing his work in a 100x alit1 intlifi’cwnt
work. Some in the servant class must produec, ~01~ manner ancl hiding the facts from men ; but the Ilord
and serve material food that other workers may eat; looks even upon tlic motive that prompts tlic act of
somemust prepare copy for the litcrnturc to bc printc the servant, and no one ran dcccivc the Lord. One who
ed; while others must operate mnchincs to make ready 10~s the Lord and really apprcciatcs his po4tion is
the kingdom messagein printed form ; some must pre- anxious at all times to perform any and cvcry ;lssi:rtlcd
pare and some must operate sound machines which duty faithfully and truly as unto the Lord. Jf one
proclaim the messageof the kingdom to the people; cannot learn to be entirely faithful and tlcpcntlnl~lc
others must carry the prilltcd tncssageabout and call in small things, he mill ncvcr bc advanced to ~iiwc
the pcoplcs’ attention thcrcto; and cnch and every one important things. Concerning this Jesus said : “Jle
of the temple company, the “faithful servant”, takes that is faithful in that which is least is faithful at<,0
advantage of all opportunities presented to proclaim in much; and he that is unjust in the least is unjllst
the good news of the righteous government now being also in much. And if ye have not brcn faithful in that
set up by Christ Jesus, The time is at hand when the which is another man’s, who shall give you that ~1~~1~
Lord will clear out all unrighteous rule and unright- is your own?” (Luke 16 : 10, 12) The most importt:nt
eous workers and will substitute a government of duty ever laid upon a man is that duty which is pivcii
peace and complete righteousness that shall rnlc to the to him in relation to the kingdom of God under Christ.
glory and honor of Jehovah’s name. The preliminary Those who are in God’s organization and who are
work to be done before this clearing out takes place faithful make thcmsclvcs blind to crcrgthing that is
is the work of making known God’s name and his contrary to the kingdom interests. In doing our duty
purpose, that the people may learn about it and have we cannot compromise with religion, nor shun to de-
due notice. That work exposes religion and all other clare the whole truth, even though that truth ma)
wicked elements in the earth; and because it exposes shock the religious susccptibilitic~ of others. We are
the racketeer religionists, it is a “strange work” to not to seek to go on in the way of least rcsislancc, but
all esccpt those who are on the side of God and his it is the duty of the servant class to faithfully perform
King. It is God’s “strange work”, and it must now his duty in proclaiming the kingdom, ‘hexing to the
be done. Jehovah, by the mouth of his great prophet, line, and letting the chips fall where they may.’
Dmxun~~ 15, 1937 375

la Those to whom the kingdom interrsts arc com- consists of Christ JCWS and his followers, who prove
mitted and who perform the assigned duty in an in- true and faithful aarl cntircly dcpcndablc eve!! u!!to
difr’ercnt or careless manner ca!!not properly seek death; that sucl! arc his pcoplc taltcn out from nn!o!pt
some way of justIfyi!!g their mistakes rcsulti!!g fron! me!! for his purpow ; that they arc the sheep of his
CiWClCSSUCSS. If a tac;k is itSSi~:lWd to OllC Of the temple pnQu!o; that the tcstitnony co!!ccrni!!g the ki!!g,lo!n
company arid hc pxforms in a careless and i!idifTcre!!t is committed to then!, and that they must dclivcr the
manner and then tries to justify his action, hc is u!!- same. 1’urther!nore, he has rcvenled that the Lord lms
faithful aJld RldieS an unfaithful rcgurt and of neccs- a!!ot her compa!!y of “sheep ” that he is now bringirl:,
sity must bc displeasing to the i&A. To profit by mis- ant1 which latter company will COll’jtitUtC the “prlat
takes or carclcsstie~s one mlwt acknowlcdgc to the multitude”, and as these arc brought furth they arc
Lord his \Yeakncss and must lw diligent in seeking to made the companions of those who arc ~iow of the
do the ri$lt thing and WC to it that he dots not act care- tcmplc company, that is, the “wise servant” class o!i
lcx~ly agin. The Pharisees son$lt to cscusc or justify earth. They see tllat it is the duty and obli~ntior!
themselves bcforc the Lord in failing to do tbcir duty, laid upon the temple cotnpany to go 1hrouqh the 1:1nfl
and Jesus said to them: “Ye arc they whic*h justify and carry the spiritual food lo thwc who ifI'C llun~;ry
yoursrlves before me!! ; but U0d knowcth your hearts ; anal thirsty for rixhtcousness and that if they filil or
for that which is highly estecmcd amo!!l-: J~ICJI is rcliiw to thus minister unto the lio!d’s “other sI:wl~”
abon!i!!:~tion it! the si+t of c:mi.” (Luke 1G: 15) The they arc unfaithful to (:od and to his Kin:. Tlicrfi:o~e
satnc rule apJ)Jics to others. If tlrc servant of the Lord tlic “f;~ithful and wise sxwtit” rl:~ss tlcli::lrt to (lo
shuns his a*sig!!ed duty or Obligation and the!! tries good unto Jonad:~l!s by rarryi!lg the truth to ti,c t:!
to justify his action that he may ha\-c the aJ)proval aild by inviting Ilicm to join thcnrsrlves to f:otl’s or-
of men, hc is !!ot faithfully performing his duty in ga!!iziition and haw the Jjrivilcqc of sewin: t h:~rc.
the interests of tJic kin:dorn. Tliow who do !iot !!ow see the gwat !iiuItitudc wr~rr~~*:
Ii The pararsount obligation laid upon the temple fIWJ1 all klJl(!.V, kingdoms and prop~c arc IIO~ of 1I c:
company is to show forth the name and Jwaisc of Jcho- ~CJII~~C.John the !wcJator, ~Jlo figl!!‘i!liVcly htoo~I 1’111
vnh God ~11~1 I& King. That is tlorw by making know! those of illC trmplc COJfi[J:lIl~ 110\\’ 011 lll0 rart I!, sp,‘.c
to tJ!c pClJpk? that the only tour: God is Jcl~ov~~h, and coiw!*nin,n the great niultit~idt~, :lIltl 11;s TLOlYlS il[,[)l\
that his kingdom under Christ is the 0!!1y 11oJz for sJwifiwlly lo the trmJ)Jc eo!!ipa!~y Iiow, all(I wllic*Il
mankind. Jehovah has JAninly stated the rc:lson why \V(Jld% ill??: ‘I ~Jdldd, ;llld, Jo, a gJ’c:lt ITlll~~i~ll~~~~ . . .
hC his lUid th Ob~igiLtiOll UIlm his [JCOpk! :ltld Smt of all liations, . . . IJC*l’Ol’C thC thJllC, With 1’;‘1111’; III
them forth to lworlnini his !~;!fnc ; a!id that rwsot! is, their hands, singinK tlw praise of .Jcho\;llt a!~fl ::I,:
that the world !nay know that soon God will csliibjt Kin!+ (1:~. 7: ‘3, IO) \\‘heJl the ,JOIIJI (‘IilYs, 1Il:lt is
his supremacy by clcslroyitv~ Sltilll and his ciitirc to WY, the tc!npJc con!J)a!!y, JIOW SW ;!!!(I aJ)J)!‘c’c*i:lt:I
organization. The pcoplc most be WIrJlCd nnd iu- thrsc great truths and see the mllltitudc c,o!r!i!!::,..111~~~
formed that Jehovah is the Almighty and is the only delight to wrvc them i!! obetlie~w to God’s will.
source of life. These things arc ki!!gdom intc!xsts, and
tltcsc ki!!gdofom interests mu+ bc gircn the closest DUTY
attClttioJ1 by the “faithful ;uid wise servant “. If you lD The “goods” or “J)osscssions” of the Ilord, nwnlr-
arc of the tctnplc company, px! will be diligent in inq his kitigdorn intrrcsts i!! tl~c r:!iStI!, the IAJIY~ now
doing your J>i!rt in making known the name and king- places in the cha!~g:eilIld kecJ)ing CjPIlis “l’;iiCl!l’uJ ;i!icl
dom of Jehovah God, having ii! nii,!d that God througJ! wise scrva!it” and dcmancls of that sWv:lllt tllc I”‘(:-
his prophet .wys : “In his: lcmple doth every on0 speak tcction and careful gua!di!g ant1 advn!!w!!!c~lt ot’
of his glory.” (1%. 2!): 9) It follows that those who tho>c kingdom i!!tcrcsts. The wcmy is clcs~wr:!trl.v
fail Or refuse to make known these great truths to fighting against tllc filitllflll scwnllt in a!! cti&~:ivr~r*
the praise of Jehovah’s name are not now in the to defeat the J)urposc of the Lord and to ticstroy t ::‘I
tcmplc. kingdom interests. The servnut thcrcfore mur;t gw111
OFFICE ~11, protect and advance the l:i!i~~don! inlercst~. 1I:!
Is The light of Jehovah shining in the face of Christ must !!ot be t!c::Jigcnt, careless and iwlifi’er~!ll, Ijut
Jesus, tl!c Head of the temple, is reflected upot~ and must be watchful a!id eautioris; he must be solicrtow
illuminates those wJ!o arc of the temple company. and deeply roticcr!!ccl 2lIJOUt the \V<bIfilW i111d FldVilJlC’L’-
(2 Cor. 3: IS; 4: 4) TJ!c temple rompany, therefore, ment of such kingdo~r~ interests; thcrcforc he must IE
is give11 a vision Of the kingdom. They clenrlp disccr!l anxious about the faithful Jwrformance of his duty
that the King of the world is at his tcmJ)le a!ld that and that he may perfo!m and repwt IO hit; llwd t t:::i
th!=ough him Jehovah is unfolding his prophecies and his Lord may be plenscd, and that t lie report may II,!
making them to bc clearly understood by all of the to God’s glory. It is to those faithful onw the l,wd
temple company. Among the many prophecies the saw “ Well do!!e “, but iiot to the indifi’ercnt cmos~
Lord has unfolded to his tenrpie compa!ly in recent A’ careless, indifi’crcnt or “haJ)py-~So-ll!cky ” 1K!lsc*n
months are these, to wit: That the kingdo!!! of God CaIIIlCJt ~aiiit~~iII his inkgrity tOWard t,hC hrd. b’ilitll-

ful performance of duty is required by the Lord of his JOY OF THE LORD
servant, and one cannot be negligent and indifferent 22Jehovah’s witnesses, because of preaching the
and at the same time receive the Lord’s approval. gospel of the kingdom in obedience to God ‘Y com-
From the time the kingdom interests are placed in mandment, are often assaulted, arrested and thrown
the keeping of the “faithful and wise servant” and into prkon and subjected to ill-treatment wtlik con-

untl the bnttlc of Armageddon, such is a time of con- fined in filthy cells, and are there compelled to listen
flict, and when one is fighting the enemy he must be to the name of Jehovah being slandered and vilified,
on guard, must be watrhfnl, and see to it that he does and surely they cannot be happy by reason of suckle
not, perform his duty in a careless and indifferent condition; but these same conditions cause them to bc
way and permit to slip by him opportunities for ad- joyful in the Lord. They know that they are right and
vancing the kingdom intcrcsts. Men have never be- are suffrring because of rightcousncss, and that t Ills
fore had such favors and obligations laid upon them, is according to God’s will, and therefore they rejolcc
and the Lord will not permit thcsc favors and obli- or delight to do hiu will. Jesus makes this clear dis-
gations to bc treated with indiffcrcncc. The King’s tinction in the parable of the talents. To his serva~~t,
businessand his kingdom inter&s require the greatest who has been faithful over a few things and who Iwin*:?
degree of anxious care on the part of the “faithful a faithful report to the Lord, he says: “Well done,
and wise servant’ ‘, good and faithful scrvarit: thou hast been faithf 111
over a few things, I will make thee ruler over ma11y
HAPPIXESS AXD JOY things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.” (hlatt.
tOSceing that we arc in a time of conflict and that 25: 23) Jesus thus invited the temple company to
to safeguard and give attention to the kingdom intcr- cntcr into his joy.
ests requires a constant warfare, and that WCmust be 23What is the joy of the Lord? and what clots it
anxious about a true and faithful performance of mean to be joyful in the Lord? It mcnns au iri\v;trcl
duty, how can one bc happy under surh conditions? calm delight becauseof the kno\\lcdgc of the fact th;lt.
Present-day happiness is not essential to pleasing God’s purpose is about to be accomplislicd in the vill-
servire unto the Lord. The “joy of the Lord” is very dication of his name and that the person who is siifi’cbr-
essential. Ilnppincss and joy arc often improperly in:: indigtiitics bccausc of rightcousncss, and who CO~I-
used as synonymous trbrms. The two words have very tiuucs faithful, may have a part in that villtlica1 iml.
different meanings. Iiappincss is had by the creature M%rn Jesus was faced with death by crucifision upon
who is in a state of I~~;WCand tranquillity, when he the tree, knowing that hc was about to die as ;III RC-
is at rest and in prosperity and cats the labor of his cursed sinner, he was joyful hccausc he l~ncw t h,lt
Jiands in peace. (1%. 128 : 2) IIc is happy when hc has snch suffering would ultimately result in the vilicli-
triumphed in a righteous cause. (Ps. 137 : 8,9) Like- cation of Jehovah’s name. (11~1,.12 : 2) For ten! uric’s
wise one is happy wltai he rests in security, prosperity Satan had rcproachcd the name of Jehovah, and IW\V
and safety and is ~~cct~~f~l, and thcrcforc fully sat- that reproach had fallen upon Christ Jesus ltcrnl~sc IN?
isfied. (Pss. 144: 15; 1-S: 5) Says the apostle Peter: had been faithful to his I$‘athcr. (1%. 6’3: !) ; llorn.
“If ye be rcproachcd for the name of Christ, happy 15: 3) ~csas klicw that it was the will of (iotl tll;lt
are ye ; for the spirit of glory and of God rcstcth upon it should bc so, and thcrcfore hc rested in calm (It>-
you: on their part he is evil spoken of, but on your light that he was permitted to fulfll his l~atlt(.r s
part he is glorified.“-1 Pet. 4: 14. will and that he had the assurance that in due tilue
n The one who is reproached because of his faith- he would vindicate his Father’s name. That was the
fulness to Christ Jesus has the evidence that he is joy set before him when he was about to bc crucific-tl,
pleasing to God, and therefore he rests contentedly and for t1,at reason he endured tl,c cross. (1 I&. 32 : 2)
in the love of God. In the text last above quoted the When Christ Jesus was cnthroncd and came to the
word “happy” means a supremely blessed state by temple, hc had reached the point of grcnt joy bcrausc
reason of being in the family of God and in a favorable the time had come to vindicate his Father’s narnc.
position with the Lord. It does not mean “hilarity”, IYhcn he gathered unto himself the faithful follo\\crs,
by any means. Anyone who is careless and negligent it was then, and still is, a joyful time, bccausc it is
in the performance of hi$ assigned duty, and is chas- the time for the vindication of Jehovah’s name; ::~tl
tised for that reason, and then sings and says : “Well, therefore he says to the “faithful and wise servant”
I have told the Lord all about it, and now I am hap- class, to whom hc has committed the care of 111s
py,” that person is deceiving himself. To bc sure, God “goods”, the kil;gdom interests: ‘Come, and partic+
knows everything. One’s mistakes cannot properly pate in this great j0.v with me.’ Ill obedience to the
make him happy, but, on the contrary, will make him commandment of the Lord the “fi~ithful servant”
sober and thoughtful that he may profit thereby and now goes abotxt the earth proclaiming the llamc of
IQ&C further progress. One can hardly be said to be Jehovah and his kingdom under Christ ; and because
bppy, within the proper meaning of that term, when they do so they arc subjeeted to all manner of abuse
he is engaged in a real combat with the enemy. and ill-treatment, even as the Lord Jesus foretold they
DECEMBER 15, 1937
would be ill-treated. Certainly they are not happy and to have the assurance that those who do thus
because of ill-treatment, abuse and imprisonment ; suffer with him for righteousness shall reign with him
but they are joyful in the Lord, for the reason that in glory. (2 Tim. 2: 12) To the “faithful and wise
this is evidence they arc following in the footsteps of servant” there has been committed, among other
Jesus and will have a part in the vindication of his things of the kingdom interests, the testimony of Jesus
name. Many of these faithful ones suffer bodily pain, Christ, and the faithful keep God’s commandments
and bitter tears are forced to flow down their cheeks, and obey them. For that reason the Devil and all of
but t,hcy rejoice in the fact that they are the Lord’s his invisihlc and visible instruments make war upon
children and arc privileged to prove their integrity the faithful witnesses of Jehovah and try to destroy
under adverse conditions, that they may have the them. In this conflict the faithful witnesses are joyful
approval of the Lord. in the Lord because they know that they are in the
p4Suffering or tribulation is a condition precedent right and that they arc hacked up hy Jehovah and
to entering fully into the kingdom ; as it is written: his King, Christ Jesus. It is a great favor and priv-
“We must through much tribulation enter into the ilegc for anyone to liavc a part in the warfare of rigtil-
kingdom of God.” (Acts 14: 22) Therefore the apostle eousness; as it is wriltcn : “For thou, Lord, wilt bless
exclaimed : “\Vc glory in tribulations.” (Rom. 5: 3) the righteous; with favour wilt thou compass him as
Knowing that tribulation and sufCcring is a condition with a shield.“-1%. 5 : 12.
prcccdcnt to entering into the kingdom the apostle zBThe kingdom intcrcsts, that is, the goods or pos-
furlhcrmorc said : “ \Vho now rejoice in my sufferings sessionsof the Ilord, arc closer and dearer to the heart.
for you, and fill up that which is hchind of the afflic- of the “faithful and wise servant” than any clarthly
tions of Christ in my flesh for his body’s sake, which is thing. The servant loves the kingdom intcrcsts and
the church.“-Cal. 1: 24. delights to advance the same and il; dctermincd that
OSThe true and faithful follower of Christ Jesus no carthly crcaturc shall scparatc him thcrcfrom or
will not now confuse so-called “hal)l~incss” with the hinder him in the pc~rformanrc of duty. (Ma1t.
“joy of the Ilord “. When one knows and appreciates 10: 37-39) As the “faithful and wise servant” all-
the fact that hc is suffering indignititls and punishment vances the kingdom intcrests, anothrr company of the
at the hand of the enemy, and this hccnusc the I\ itncss Lord’s sllccp join that servant. Suet1arc the Jonadalt<,
of the Lord is faithfully and trulv Kuarding, protcct- who go to make up the “great multitude”. The Jorra-
ing and advancing the kingdom intcrcsts, that gives dabs flee to God’s organization under Christ Jesus
the servant real joy, lhat is, an inhcrcnt delight in and there find shcltcr and protection, rmd they tlcn-
doing the will of God that hc may have God’s npprov- light to join tlic remnant in the hnttlc for riglitcous-
al and thereby a part in proving that Satan is a liar ncss and to proclaim the praises of Jehovah and his
and Jehovah is always right, King, and to them that is a blcsscd favor. They have
heard the joyful sound of and concerning God’s king.
PRIVILEGE dom under Christ, and of this it is written: “13I~sx~d
4oWhen one enjoys a great privilcgc at the hand of is the people that know the joyful sound; they shall
Jehovah, that brings to him joy, crcn though it is walk, 0 Lord, in the light of thy countenance.” (1%.
coupled with much suffering. For this reason the SO:15) Prom every part of the earth, from all na-
apostle, under insljiration from the Lord, wrote, for tions, kingdoms and tonxucs, there now come to the
the benefit of the “faithful servant” now on earth Lord those who will form the great multitude. The
engaged in war on the side af the Lord, these words, light of the King is revealed to them, and in the King
to wit: “Only let the lives you live bc worthy of the they center their hopes, and they enjoy his favor,
good news of the Christ, in order that, whether I come which is likcncd unto copious sl~owcrs of rain dc-
and see you or, being absent, only hear of you, I may scending upon the thirsty earth: “In the light of the
know that you are standing fast in one spirit and king’s countenance is lift ; and his favour is as a cloud
with one mind, fighting shouldrr to shoulder for the of the latter rain.“--Prov. 16: 15.
faith of the good news. Never for a moment quail be-
fore your antagonists. Tour fearlessness will be to CALAMITY
them a sure token of impending destruction, but to ** There is now revealed to the remnant of God, the
you it will be a sure token of your salvation, a token ‘elect servant’, and to their companions, that the
coming from God. For you have had the privilege greatest calamity that has ever bcfallcn or ever will
granted to you on behalf of Christ, not only to believe befall the world, is just ahead. They see that every
in him, but also to suffer on his behalf; maintaining, nation of the earth is now torn with strife; hatred,
as you do, the same kind of conflict that you once saw ill will and malice are in the saddle, and fanatics rule
in me and which you still hear that I am engaged in.” and oppress the people, while the people go mad and
--Phil. 1: 27-30, W~!/?ao~th. resort to wickednesy. The mask is now being rcmovcd
*‘Jehovah’s faithful witnesses can and do now from religion, and it appears before the eyes of honest
testify that it is a real joy to suffer with Christ Jesus creatures that religion is the most monstrous and

wicked ittstrumcnt Ihc Devil has employed to reproach the hidden meaning of prophecy, and these revealed
Jehovah God and 40 make the ~~eoplcblind and turn truths thrill the heart of coch one of the servant corn--
them into the way of dcstrttctiott. An uttprccedetttcd pany and they repeat the words of his pro]Jhct writ-
ecotiomic depression has fallen upon all the nations; ten long ago for their bcncfit, to wit: “I will greatly
famine and pestilence, togcthcr with murder, stalk rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be jo.sful in my
through the lands. Satan, knowing that his time is God ; for he hath clothed me with the g:nrmcnts of sal-
short, is actually hurrying the nations on to the great vation, he bath rovercd mc with the robe of ri@eous-
battle. of Armageddon, espccting there to destroy all ness, as a bridegroom de&cth himself with ornaments,
mauitind. Never before has the world been confronted and as a bride adorncth herself with her jcwcls.“-
with such a terrihlc situation. Do these things make Isa. 61: 10.
the people of God haPl)yT Ko, not in the least,; but 32Although greatly suffering many indignities, as
they do brittg joy to them because it is further and well as bodily pain, the joy of the Lord fills Ihc hcnrt
conclusive evidence that the day is at hand mheu of each one of the faithful sclrvattts. Clotlic4 with the
wickedness shall be rcmovcd from the earth, when holy and righteous robe lirovided by Jehovah for llis
God’s kingdom uttdcr Christ shall triumph, and when servant, these are sent forth to proclaim his name
the name of Jehovah shall bc for WCPvindicated. and his kingdom, and they rejoice to atlv;itJcc the lritrq
~3”The prophet IIalxtl&~k was a type of God’s faith- doomintcrcsts. The voice from hcavon gives to the
ful servant class now OII the carth, and Habnkkuk servant this commandment : “Go through, ~$0tlrrouqli
uttered a prophecy, thcrcby putting these words in the gates; prepare ye the way of the JJOO~~C; cast up,
the mouth of the “faithful and wise servant”: “,21- cast up the highway; gatticr out the stollcs; lilt U[J a
though the fig tree shall not b]ossom, neither shall standard for the proplc.” (Isa. 62: 10) Those \rho
fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall love God and his King will not now bc indilfcrcnt to
fail, and the fdds shall yield no tncat,; the flock shall this cotnmnndmcnt. Thry do now grcatl.v r(‘jr)i~~ to
be cut off frotn the fold, and thcrc shall be no herd in go to the sin-cursed IliltiOllS, lifting high (:0(1’s stand-
the stalls; yet I will rejoice in tlic IJurd, I will joy in ard of riglttcousncss and truth, and poilkt ill1 p:rso:lo
the Cod of my salvation.” (IIab. 3: 17, 18) Thus in of good will to the only IIO[JC! for their h;~lv;ttion. l’l!c*y
prophetic lattguagc the Ilord shows that even though deli&t to uncover the rackctccrs and their racl{(~t in
this is the worst time the world has ever known, those obctlicncc to God’s will, to roll away the stumlrlitiq
who faithfully ol)c:y him rcjoicc in the fact that the stones and poittl the pcoplc to the high\\ ay t h;tt l~xds
day of witkcdncss is ahout to for cvcr cttd. The faith- to lhc kin&m of rest and ]x:K!c. ISCCiIU\Qtlic i’;~llII-
ful ones who trust wholly itt the Lord joy in his ful do joyf’nlly obey the cc~mmandtttct~tctT tllc 1~~1,
strength, and they say : “The Lord God is my strength, they arc bcsct lay the cncmy and CitLtWtlto SII~I’CI’,lent
and hc will make my feet like hinds fcrt ; and hc will they have the assuraticc that cvctt tlio~c thing; A:111
make me to walk upon mint high plwcs.” (I-Iab. 3 : 19) work good for them, bccartse the Lord has r;tu~l to
The feet of the hind arc sure and steadfast in perilous be written in his \Vord this precious promi+:: ‘..\ntl
places and arc swift to move and escapethe darts of we know that all things work togcthcr for gooc] io
the cncmy. Thus the “faithful servant” class is thcnt that love God, to them who arc the Ale11 ac-
likened unto the hind. Although highly honored by cording to his purpose.” (Rotn. 8: 2s) F‘ully tru\fillg
the Lord in having comtnittcd to thetn his goods or in his promise their joy in the Lord inc*rc;~scs.
kingdom interests and thus made to occupy the high- 93In SOIW nations now ruled by fattat ic.5and ~IWV~
est place amongst men, they arc calm attd rest in the religionists faithful witnesses for the lined tttd his
Lord because they arc sure of their position, knowing kingdom have been foully murdered, bnt 1hcsc, cvctt
that they stand upon the Great Rock, the Lord God, in death, have been granted the victory through Cllriit
and his Chief Corner Stone, Christ Jesus; that they Jesus, bccauqc to SUCK JCSUSSIIYS: “13~ tllou f;litl1l’ltl
are in his fortress, and when pursued by the enemy unto death, and I will give thee the crown of lift.”
they take the right course, their feet are swift to do (Eev. 2: 10, A.R.V.) The Devil ancl his t~gymts tilillk
the bidding of the Lord. Encompassed by a great to defeat the Lord by killing his witnc~ses, but ,J(hl~o-
horde of enemies, God’s people know that they shall vah laughs at their folly and has them in derision.
receive full proleclion ilnd salvation if they continue The arm of the Lord is not shortcncd, and nothing (*an
fai’aitltfully in his service. They delight to fight on his hinder his onward progtcqs. Concerning s~tch f:ri:hfnl
side, and therefore they arc joyful in the Lord. OIICS who die in faith and faithfully dc~~ccl to the
a1For many centuries the f;tit]iful followers of cause of God’s kingdom, he says: ‘Thcx ~1~11not
Christ Jesus have looked forward and waited for this sleep [in death], but shall be changed . . . in the
very time. Now the Lord has gathered unto his temple twinkling of an eye.‘-1 Car. 15 : 51,52.
the remnant of the faithful ones and made them his 3*Those faithful ones have the assurnnce of an in-
trusted servant and committed to thctn all his earthly stantaneous rcsurrectiott to life itlld to immediate ctt-
kittgdom interests, laying upon them the obligatiott trance into the presence of the Lord. Thercforc
of advancing those interests. He has unveiled to them prisotts, persecution, bodily punishment, wickedly in-
DECEMBER15, 1937

flitted upon these faithful ones, do not deter them weighty responsibility. The eternal existence of the
from the Lord’s service. Faithful men of old sealed servant class depends now upon their faithfulness in
their witness work with their blood, and the “faithful performance of duty.
and wise servant” class will follow the same course, SrThis is not the time for hilarity, but is the time
if that be the Lord’s will. Let none of the faithful for sober thought, cautious, energetic and diligent for-
ones in the countries ruled by fanatics be deterred ward movement. The servant cannot now slack the
from service to the Lord and his kingdom interests hand. It is the time for rejoicing in the Lord, and his
by reason of such pcrsccution. people are doing that very thing. Faithful and careful
s5For the past three or four years this wicked per- performance of assigned duty will be honored and
secution in various lands has continued to increase blcsscd by the Lord with increased opportunitica, and
against Jehovah’s witnesses. The “faithful and wise thus the kingdom interest is advanced. Bccnuse the
servant” has pressed forward regardless of such pcr- enemy has challenged the right of God’s govCrnmcnt,
secution. What now is the visible result of their faith- this is a time of war, and Jehovah commands those
ful work? As John stood upon the shores of the isle of his organization to rise up against her, the cncmy,
of Patmos and bchcld in prophetic vision the coming in war. Thercforc the “faithful and wise servant”
of n great multitude, so now the tcmplc company bc- and the “other sheep” of the Jdord, “her coalpan-
hold the coming of a multitude seeking the way to ions, ’ ’ must move forward united in one compact body.
God and his kingdom, and they have the satisfaction They must he at pcacc among themselves, and for
of having some part in carrying to thcsc pcoplc the that reason they arc commanded to continuously pray
mewage of God’s truth that has opcnrd their eyes. for peace within God’s organization. The murmurc~rs
(Rev. 7: 9) Those .Jonadabs arc the “other sheep” of and complainers, the slothful and indiffcrant, I he
the Lord who arc f&in:: that they may find rcfugc in idlcm and frarful, must stand aside, becausethe Ilord
the “city” or C:od’s organization, and these are join- will no tongrr tolcrntc such indiffcrcnce or airy intcr-
ing in the proclamation of Jehovah’s name and his fcrcncc with the forward march of his army. The
kingdom and arc saying : “Salvation to our God which filithTU1 servant must be blind to everythin!: csrcpt
sittcth upon the throne, and unto the Ijamb.” Fannt- the service of the King and his kingdom irltc:r*c+s.
ical qlcrs, conscicncclcss police officers, and other The faithful 011~swill give unc;tintcd devotion, all 1hrxir
persecutors of God’s people will not hinder the ad- strength and their money and subslatlcc, yea, their
vancrmcnt of the kingdom intcrcsts. The Lord knows all of everything, for the advanccmcnt of the ki~l::tlom
no dcftaat. interest. Thus faithfully pcrlorming their nssi~:ncd
a(iI& the people of the Lord now fully rcalizc that duty, ultiniatct~ they will participate in the victory
this is the most weighty or momentous time in the of Christ Jesus and shall behold the power ant1 glory
history of man. The King of Rightc~ousncss,long ago of the Almighty God, whose name alone is *Jehovah
promi& and anxiously looked for, has come. 1Ic is in and whose majesty and glory shall fit1 the univcrsc
his tcmpic, separating the nations. As God’s com- and endure for cvcr.
missioned Great Officer hc commands all the earth to SBGod’s pcoplc now on the earth well know that tltc
keep silcncc and hcnr the Word of the Almighty God. King’s reign has begun and that soon the cart h will
At the same time hc commands his faithful servants bc made rid of everything that dcfilcs and that ovcxry
to go and warn the pcoplc that they must seek to find soul that breathes shall join in the praise of the Jlost
the only place of rcfugc and salvation and find it in High. This is the joy set bcforc the Lord, and this is
the Tdord’s organization. The dccrcc of Jehovah is the joy of his people. IIc has now gathered them unto
about to bc exccutcd, at which execution Satan and his tcmplc and invites them to share his joy, his glory
all of his organization, invisible and visible, shall fall, and his riches. The condition precedent to rccriving
to bc immediately succeeded by the reign of ihc such boundless blessings is that the servant cl:~s must
world’s rightful King. Upon the shoulder of Christ faithfully, watchfully, carncrtly and truly guard and
Jesus, the King of glory, shall rest the government advance the kingdom interests, the goods or possessions
of the world, and which government shall bring in of the Lord in the earth.
evcrlnsting peace and righteousness. Never before was 3sNever before was the scripture test so appropriate
there a government like hig, and it shall abide for cvcr. to God’s people on the earth, to wit: “With a11thy
Never before have men been honored and favored getting get understanding” ; that is to say, get 8
with the privilege of announcing such a government, proper appreciation of our relationship to Jehovah
and ncycr will there be another such time. In this and to his King and kingdom. (Prov. 4: 7) Thcrc is
hour of greatest crisis the Lord has laid upon his but one Almighty God, who is the Giver of every good
faithful servant class the obligation to look after, and perfect gift; there is but one Lord and Blaqtcr,
guard well, make known and advance the present-day Christ Jesus, the Redeemer of man, the King of the
interests of his glorious kingdom. Never before was world, and Jehovah’s Vindicator; there is one com-
such favor conferred upon creatures in the earth, and pany of faithful servants who arc made mcmhcrs of
never before have men been charged with such a Jehovah’s royal house, and who are the children 2

God and jcint heirs c-ith C’hrigt Jesus; there is but here mentioned9 What is the nature of the I rulershin’ hpre
committed to the ‘%ithful servant”‘, and Imw 13 It to b3
one great multitude that shall for ever serw Jehovah carried out9 Ilow definite is the rcsponslbilitp committed
attd his Kill: iUld remain on the earth, and that is now to that servant9
being ~athcrcd into the fold of the Lord. Salvation 7 15. Apply Luke 12: -18. Luke 16: 10, 12. IIuw only can those
of the servant class be faithful to the duty now entrusted
to crcatuw is a blessed thing; but that which is of to them?
paramount importance is the kingdom of God under U 10. \\‘hat instruction for the servant of the Lord is seen at
Luke 10: 159
Christ, which will cstal)lish everlastingly on the earth fI 17. \Vhat is the Inxxmount ohligatiou laid upon the temple
pcacc and ri~hteousttcss, and which will vindicate the COUlpny, and how is thnt duty to bo I’erformcd? \Vlry has
Word and name of the Most IIi&, who through his Jchornh laid this obligation upon Ius peopIcI Apply
I’s:~lm 29: 9.
King, Christ Jesus, will @ve life to every man who U 18. 110~ is the temple compnny given a vision of the krug-
Iovcs and 0Lcys him. Gain@ the proper view of our don19 They arc thus cnnl~led to d~sccru nlmt irnpurtaut
relationship to Jr4~o\-ah and to his King and kingdom, facts9 Point out 86rtke of the many pr6pheclcs the L01tl
has unioldcd to Ins temple company in recent muntl’s. U’llat
we can rcaIizc to some dcqrcc, at Icast, how blessed duty and prlvilcge do-the 4~i.a~ti~iuland wvlre ber\:mt”
the privilege of now makin!: known to those who clams now see9 and how do they prove their al’precmtion
mourn the goodncsa of J~4tovah God and his King, thereof 9
u ID. Explam the ncccssity for great dllqcnre now on tllc
who will Iwini: indcscrihable blessings to every honest, p:lrt of the faithful scrrant, 111guartlmg, protcctmfi, nn11
obedient SOUL xd\:mcme the kinm16m lnterrsts.
7 20,21. Ilo\;; in this’iiolc of conflict, and with this inipurtant
QUESTIONS FOK STUDY rt~spon3ibil~ty, can oue he hnppy ?
B 1. From whtt source. and for what IJ~~DOSC. blocs Jchovall II 22. Cnder 11 hit contl~tlons, for cx:~rr~r~l~, can tl’e fa~flllnl
se1wnt have iov without h:rr,r~iness~ \i hv 9

_ -
q 2. Ilow 18the! plcsent day hth the worst of times and the
t’eat of timcsi

P 4.5. Ilow wns (Ihristinnltv c?rt:~l&uhcd? What in this rcrrard

is the prcscnt rumliti;n ef “Cl~riatcatlo~n”9 \\‘hyj’ In
whet fact is It seen tlnlt. ~UVXI to the Lord ‘N sc~~nd coming
&Ian h:ul not suceccclcd in lurnlng nil men xwny from
God? Arcount (n) C6r Ihe g:lcfi:‘t er’nflict between rchgion
nnd Cllrist ianity. (1)) For 11’6.c+c:tI’e from rclqou by com-
p:iratlvely few of tl’oae eh~mlng to hc ClIristixn8.
1 0. Ilow in it 6cen that 86mc of those claiming t6 IJC tollo\\ers
of C’llrist do not truly uppr~~rmte the kingdom of God?
q 7. What is the proof that 11w k’ngdom is of p:rramount im- blnss uuw on 1110c:lrlh: :LIFOl*li:rt the \\61~13 of I~rml’ b1 : 10
portmet; nn& that there RW 11’6~0 who h:l\e a 1~1opcr ap- \\cIc wrlttcn for fl’(lm untl for tlur \cry tir’ic.
p~cc*i:ition of their rclntionsl’lp to the King and to his lj 32. Tltc command at Ix\i:th IX!: 10 18 Klrcll to nl'orll? \\‘rth
kingdom9 what rq’onse 00 tl,cir part, ant1 u~il’ trhnt Icrnlt9
q 8. 1%~what eritcrlon may it IH! known whether one is of the ll 33.34. Describe the r’rrscnt
. sltuotion as miltinrr - ll’,a nkcllr. ~--
truth? What was the uutcomo of Jesus’ faithfulness9 Iinco and comfort provided at llevelxtlon :! : 10 :tntl 1 &I ‘II-
Account for Jesus’ iulther s\ultmg for ninptrcn ccnturics. thians I.;* 51 62
What thc~r took pl:tce? \Vh:lt important instl urtion for lJ 35. \Shat is’ noEy tile \isiLle result of tltc f:iitILCul w01k of
God’s fttithful people is hrre sct~n9 Jch,n?.h’s witnesses9 Has the wicked I’crrjl’cutl6n :llTc’*tcd
1 9. Of Mhorn dam Ihe tcmpIe uf God consist? Ilow r&&xl to the ttd\nnccnlcnt of the kingdom intcrctsts, am1 ~11s d
Zitm? 110~ and for what ~mrposc cloes the Lord Jesus 7 36 \Vhnt facts mark the present as the most rr’om<~nt(;ur t”‘le
‘come to his temple’9 To \\I’:& does Nalachi 3: 1 refer9 in the history of uiatiY-
IIow IR the tune uf the I~urd’s coming confirmed9 Harmo- 7 37. The present situntron calls for nl’:ct nttltutle :01d (‘0~lti0
nize this with Ilabnkkuk 2: 20. of action on the lwt of the “ faltlli’ul and ,, 130 SC, \.int ’ J
9 10, 11. Point out the iultillment of MnLarhi 3: 2, 3, and the and the “ other sheep “ of the Lord?
rrlntmn thereto of Matthew 2-l: 45. Ilow do those purified q 38. \Shat is now the joy of Cod’s iIWJ]Jlf?l l’l,clr l,will2l:l?
“ofier unto the Lord an on‘rriug In righteuusntass”, mark- The condition I)rc~e(lcnt to their recclving the b6unrllcss
ing them as God’s people for his name and h’s purpose9 hlcssings providetl9
p 12-11. To what does Matthew 10: 27 rrfcr9 lIow is that U 39. Just uhat is the rclationslnp of God’s l’eoI& OI’ the
eurn~:~ncl to Ire carried uut9 \Vlmt gracious rrlationshlp is earth to Jehovah and his King and his kinqlnm? T11c un-
rev&cd at MtltUlerv 24: 45-479 \\‘hat are the “goods” portancc of gaining the proper view thereof3

Let all the earth fear Jehocah:

let all the inha~ztants of the rc’o~lcl sfand in Owe of hint. For
he spal.r, and it was done; he commanded, and ct stood fast.
Jchocah lringefh the counsel of the nullons to %oa,qht; he
mnketh the thoughts of the peoplts to be of no eljwt. The
counsct of JchoLuh stnndeth fast for cter, the tkOUghtS of hu
henrt to all gentmtrons. Hlcss~d is the notion whose God ts
Jehovah, the people u;hom he hntlk chosen for his otcn tn-
he,rtnnce.-Psalm 33: S-12, B.C.P.
OD commanded his prophet Ezclriel to take a the Lord, among which was the persecution of God’s
G brick or tile and an iron pnn and to use these covenant people during the World War; the Inter-
in a mimic sicgc of Jcrusalcm. This the prophet
was to do to show in living l)antomimc that Jerusalem
church World Movement, launched by Big Business,
with the clergy playing second fiddle, in the year 1919;
would surely 1~ besieged and destroyed. IIc w-as to also the approval by “organized Chrirtianity” of the
portray this city upon the brick. The pan would rep- League of Nations, which is an “abomination” in the
resent the covcrlct or shields behind which the be- sight of the Lord; and the approval of the program
siegers would operate. Ezckicl lay upon his side dur- of the lnternational Arms Conference in 1921, and
ing the mimic siege and the Lord laid bands upon other things. In March, 1922, the “ammuuition” fac-
him to keep him from turning. Also, Ezekiel was re- tory of God’s covenant people was greatly enlarged,
quired to live on a restricted diet of bread and water being established in more commodious quarters, in
during those days and to cat and drink undrr much order that many books containing the message of truth
adversity. (Ezck. 4 : 9-15) This foreshadows the ful- might be made ready for the assault. Then quickly
fillmcnt of God’s word spoken to the prophet : “More- followed the world-wide witness by Jehovah’s wit-
over he said unto me, Son of man, behold, I will hrcak ncsqcs hy many public lectures’ being delivered on
the staff of bread in Jerusalem; and they shall cat “Xllions Kow Living Will Never Die”, and also the
bread by weight, and with cart; and they shall drink introduction of the radio, which the Lord put forward
water by measure, and with astonishment; that they to tell the truth to the pcol~lc. Now the campaign has
may want bread and water, and be astonicd one with been in progress for scvcral years and is growing more
another, and consume away for their iniquity.” (Ezck. intensive and interesting each year.
4: 16, 17) Such conditions actually existed in the city During the mimic sic:c of Jerusalem God laid hands
of Jerusalem at the time of the siege by the Isaby- up011 Ezekiel. During the siege of “organized Chris-
lonian army under IWnx9iadnczzar. tianity ” God has laid bands upon his ~JCO~J~C, which
This would scc111 to picture that just as surely as bands arc the obligations of being his witncsscs to give
God’s co\~cnant pcoplc would bc put in bonds and on his tc&mony which he cornnliticd to Jesus Christ, uud
a rcstrictcd diet, spiritually and materially, for a these hands prevent his l)co~)le from turning to the
RO;ISOI~ to hear the iniquitous pr;~ct ices of “organized right or to the left in their work. God’s “faithful
Christiatlity”, just so surely would “organizctl Ctiris- servant” class now have their faces firmly set against
tiariily” by the Lord’s judgment bc made hungry Satan’s organization, iltld they have assaultrd illld
for food ilnd thirbty for drink, both sl)iritllally iitld contiuuc the assault u ith (;od’s \\‘ortl which he has
ni:ilurinlly, and sufi’cr and be clcslroycd. In the years put in their mouths and in their hands. They arc in a
1918 and 1919 God’s covenant 1~eople wcrc under real fight now, and no longer ou short rations, spirit-
reqtraiut of bonds, bearing “organized Christianity’s” ually or otherwise, c\c11 as it is writtcu : “Th~cforc
iniquity, being “hatctl of all nations”, and many of thus saith the Lord God, Bclrold, my servants shall
them were imprisoned and compelled to exist upon cat, but ye shall be hu~lgry ; hchold, my servants shall
scant food rations, while the church everywhere was drink, but ye shalt bc thirsty ; behold, my scrvauts
IJCillf: fed with mcagcr spiritual rations I~ccause shall rcjoicc, but yc shall bc ashamed.” (Isa. 65: 13)
“Christendom” had restricted the work and com- Jehovah iS IWIkillg ample provision for his pcol~k?,
munication of God’s pcoplc one with another. Those s+ritualty and temporally, even while all “Christcn-
trying experiences awalrcncd God’s covenant peol~le dom ” is suffering.
to the real situation and set them wholly against The sentiments of “orgatiizcd Christianity” a:e
“organized religion” and all other parts of Satan’s wctl summed U~Jin the recent comment of a well-known
organization Particularly from and after 1922 God’s ncwspapcr, as follows :
C~JK!Ilmt pcoplc have assaulted “organized Chris- “Our world presents a strange and sorry spcutacle.
tiatiity” with the weapons of truth provided by the In the cities millions of pcoplc haven’t enough to cat.
Lord, and hayc continued so to do with zeal and vigor. In the country millions of farmers, facing ruin, arc
The cruel handling of God’s covenant pcoplc by feeding dirt-cheap wheat and corn to the hogs, hc-
“organized Christianity” during the World War has cause they haven’t a market. Around the world there
‘turned for a testimony against them [“organized arc hundreds of millions going almost naked, while
Christiantty”] ’ cren as Jesus foretold. (Mark 13 : 9) cotton planters are OII the verge of starvation because
Kzelriel made a picture of the siege of Jerusalem, and they can’t get rid of their cotton. There is too much
the siege actually began some time thereafter. Up to bread, too much sugar, too much coffee, too much
19’12 Jehovah’s organization was drawing up the ma- cotton, too much silver, too much copper, too much
chinery for operations before the walls of hypocritical oil, too much, almost, of everything. Yet 1,500,800,000
“Jerusalem” or “organized Christianity” and was people-three-quarters of the population of the globe
preparing for the siege. There was then much to the -half-naked and half-starved, are yearning for the
discredit of “organized Christianity” in the eyes of barest nccessitics of life, but can’t afford them. What

a sickening indictment of our system! . . . The rem- to induce the heathen people to follow the Christians
edy is only to be found in a new order of things as a model people. They have put forth mucfl effort
founded upon world peace. The principal nations of to convert the heathen nations to the so-called “Chris-
the earth are going to have to get together on a plan tian’s way of thinking” concerning religion. They
to put an end to war, then turn their attention to have claimed to be God’s favorites, and without hcsi-
policies, national and international, which will im- tation have taken his name upon their lips and called
prove the living conditions of peoples everywhere.” themselves by the name of his bclovcd Son, and at the
The people of Jerusalem, especially the clergy, same time their hearts have been far removed from
scoffed at Ezekiel and prophesied man’s ability to him.
bring peace and plenty. The conditions are exactly Jehovah God has sent his witnesses throughout
the same today, After repeated proclamations of the “Cf~istendom”, and particularly into the lands
truth; the distribution in “Christendom” of more known as Protcntant, to give a wide witness for the
than two hundred million books in many languages; truth. Among all the men in thcsc nations collectively
the proclamation of the mcssagc of Go!‘s kingdom by cdfcd “Cf~ristrndom” the most reprchcnsiblc arc the
Resolutions, by radio and by other means, “Christen- clcrgymcn. Thcsc men claim to be tlic cliildrcn and
dom” is absolutely blind to the cnusc of the trouble covenant-pcoplc of God and to be followers of Christ
and what is the remedy. This blindnrss will continue Jesus. They pose before the pcoplc as the only ones
until thcrc falls upon “orqnizcd Christianity”, or qualified and commissioned to interpret and tract1
“Christendom”, exactly what fell upon tfle city of the Bible. They lmvc buifded great church c(lificc*sand
Jerusalem, except on a far wider and greater scale. CilllCtl thcsc after tfle name of Christ and tlic apo5tlcs.
TIN Lord is causing his people now to proclaim the They have put thrmsclves forward as l~udcrs of tflc
day of his vengeance upon “organized Christianity”. people and have induced millions to follow :rflcr them;
Christ Jesus, ~Jcf~ovaf~‘sgreat Executive Officer in tltc they have buifded great scl~ool~ of lcurning, which
temple, is leading the fight to the glory and the vindi- they call “thcolo$cal seminarics”, or plarcs for tlic
cation of Jeflovah’s name, and when it is done the education of yon11g men to prcnch the gospcf, and
pco1)fc sf1af1know that Jehovah is God. IIis name these they have sent forth lnbelcd wit11 tfic title of
shall bc vindicntcd ! “Rcvcrcnd”, “l)o~tor of Divinity,” or “Xinistcr of
Among all tfle nations that arc on the earth or cvcr Cod’s Word”. They arc thcrcf’ore without cwuso for
have been on the earth those nations composing the Course tflcy have t:ikcn and for their failure to
“Cf~ristcndom”, or “organized Christianity”, arc kllow about God’s purposes. Rcgardlcss of all the
the most rcprchcnsibfc. Tiic Yrotcstant countries of fitvor that Jcf~o~ahhils IK~S~OWC~ U~OI~ them, today t hc
“organized Cflristixnity” arc even more rcprcflcnsiblc clergymen of “Chrisfcndom”, as a whole, arc 3$filillSt
than the Catholic. It was 1lCCilUSC of cnli~htcnment the kingdom of Cod, and among all those who opl~~~w
coming to view by the favor of tfle Lord tllilt certain the prcacfling of the mrssagc of 11~ trut 11of and con-
rcligionists organized L’rotcstantistn as a protest cerning tflc kingdom the clcrgymcn are the most v~o-
against the practice of Catholicism. The ligflt, tflerc- lent opposers. They arc the ones wflo ~WIWX~~ and
fort, that has come ul)on J’rotcstantism has been seek the arrest and imprisonment of f~utnblc mm and
greater than that upon Catholics; and greater light women ~110carry t1tc messageof trutfi to the l~op1c.
brings grcatcr rq,onsibility. Protestants have had They arc the ones who busy thcmsclvcs in attempts
freo access to the BibIt*, while many Catholics have to prevent the radio stations from broadcasting the
been denied this privife:;c. The Protestant countries messageof God’s kingdom. God will not permit tfwc
have had the testimony of the truth given to tflcm in things to go unnoticed.
their own languages, and their own Bihlcs have been A large majority of the clergy repudiate tflc f~lood
used to eitc the truth to them even more than any of Christ Jesus, which is God’s provision for tltc
other peoples ever upon the earth. In addition to the redemption of man, and they deny that flis liitlg(lom
prophecies with which the nation of Israel was fa- is God’s remedy for the uplift and blessing of the
vored, the nations calling thcmselvcs “Christian” have human race. They deny the inspiration of the Scrip-
had the words of Jesus and of the apostles, and later tures and frcefy tell the people that the Bible account
millions of COpkS of the Bible have been published of the creation, the fall of man, and redemption
and placed in their hands. There appears to be no through the blood of Jesus Christ is mcrcly folklore.
excuse for any of these lands called “Christendom”, They have openIy joined hands with the Devil’s make-
and especially among those of the clergy and the prin- shift and fraudulent scheme, the League of IWions,
and claim it as the substitute for God’s announced
cipal of their flocks, to say that tltey never had an kingdom on earth. They have builded the greatest
opportunity to know about the Lord. structure of hypocrisy ever known. Hypocritically
The nations of “Christendom” have held thcm- claiming to be the followers of Christ, they have made
selves out before all other peoples of earth as models thcmsclves a part of Satan’s organization, and tfrere-
and hare sent their missionaries into heathen lands fore the avowed enemies of Jehovah God and his king-

dom. They have led fhe people away from God and “Therefore thus saith the Lord Cod, Because ye mul-
into datkness, have a~c:tl as Satan’s chief agents, and tiplied more thnu the nations that are round about
have dwcrated and del”amed God’s holy name ; and you, and havc not walked in my statutes, neither have
now Cod’s day has come when he n-ill have announcc- kept my judgments, neither have done according to
mcnt made of his judgnwnt and will cause to lx esc- the judgments of the nations that are round about
cuted Ilis judgments ag;linst “Christendom” as writ- you.” (Ezck. 5 : 7) Because of their disregard of Uoci’s
ten. “Christendom,” therefore, is in the stocks and Word, the perwcution of his faithful witnwses and
is marked for the most severe drubbing any pcol~lc or the desecration and dcfnmation of his holy name, JC-
nation has ever received. It is upon “Christendom” hovah says to “organized Christianity”: “Therefore
that the Lord Jesus Christ declares shall IJC visited the thus saith the Lord God, Behold 1, even I, am against
greatest tribulation that wits ever known since the thco, and will execute judgments in the midst of thee,
world began, and it shall mark the last. in the sight of the nations. And I will do in thw that
In chapter five of Ezckicl’s prophecy, the prophet which I have not done, and wlxrcunto I mill not do
by his shaved hair and beard predicts and portrays any more the like, because of all thinc al~ominaiicms.”
the distressing conditions of the siege anal of the exe- --Ezck. 5: 8, 9.
cution of Jehovah’s judgment against “Christcn- As famine, pc~stiience, pc\ts that destroy the cr’olq
dom “. (Xead carefully Ezckicl 5 : l-5.) Then Jehovah and other like fhings now lxgin to befall the ~COJJIC,
by his prophet tells professed “organized Christian- the clergy in their pulpits (which they claim to Ijc in
ity”, or “Christendom”, that they not only have the house of (:od) and by means of the radio pro~~lalm
failed lo walk in his statutes but have been guilty of to the l,eoplc that all their sufferinq and calamiiles
wickcdncss grcatcr than that of any other nation. Jehovah (lad has brought u~)on them and thcrcf’ore hc
“And she hat11 ChiUl@Xl my judgments into wickcd- is responsible ; and this is added to all other wls of
new more than the nations, and my statulcs more than wickcdncss that they have committed. “\\Ihcrc1’o1’~,
the countries that arc round about her; for they have as I live, saith the Lord God, Surely, because tlwu
rcfuscd my judgments and ~n_v statutes, they have not liast defiled my sanctuary with all thy clctc~stablc
walked in them.” (I’lxck. fi: 6) The nations calling things, and with all tfiinc abominations, therafore will
themsclvcs “ Christian “, having had the opportunity I also diminish tltec; ncither shall mine cyc spare,
to know and to walk in the laws and statutes of the ncithcr ivill I have any pity.” (Ezck. fi : 11) The 140d
Lord, have failed to do SO. Kot OUIY have they failed, dcclnres that hc will show no pity upon thaw clelilb
but lheir clcrgymcn and the i4ncipal of llicir flOCkS eralc dcfamcrs of ltis holy name. l’lle pcq~le shall know
have dclibcratcly led the yeo~opleagainst the Lord. and will know that Jehovah is the Lord God ~Umigllty.

j)L\lr l<IW’L’IIER ~tiT1ICRFOI<D: DEAK ikUTfIl:R 1~U1‘11EXFOI:D:
I\‘0 wish to express through this metl~urn
to you our einccro ‘ ‘ Meat in due season ’ , mdccd is the Juno 1 (1X:7)
, lr’al,lr-
loge and deep apprwmt~on for your untiring ecal and fcarlcss- tower.
ncss in our \\artarc ugninst the euemy. My heart is filled \\ith gratitude as 1 rcsidc at the t:tble ot
15’0 appreciate greatly the spirit of The 1Fatc/~fo1~~~,how tho JIost Ilqh and iuquiro In 1113tc’npl,,. Dear l~rotl’cr I:ullwr-
it impresses fiuthfubwss to those &voted to our hr>nvcnly Fa- ford, IlOW JPhOWh Ilil?l bles$ctl YOU :lItil tl:roU~ll VOU I1 I$ Il4~o~JlO
thcr; how it csposcs wickcdnrss, yet void of bittcrncss toward on c:rlth! ~!OIV wontlorful to know our hc:r\wly k’utlwr ‘3 tlbcr
those who oppose it. We cannot read it8 pges wtliout having \,atchful of his little ones, nnd is putl’n;: them in the IlKlIt
that desire to be in the forefront of the bnttlc for the cause way through Christ Jesus, nnd lie 11’1ougll l’hc Il’ctlch(ou*c r!
of truth. AIay ilo eter bless you as you wck to wrvc him. I hope to r(at,(aln
Words fail to express our gratitude to our hcsvcnly Father Your sister in Ills sewire,
for the truths rcctived from I’We Jvalchtower. Eswxiallp havo ELLA hi. I~ARBER, Uckrlcurc.
the articles on the pent multitude brought rcjoi&ng, aid un-
raveled some knotty points. FROM WHO31 ALL LIGHT PROCEEDS
Wo pray for you daily, that you may be strengthened and DcArr BROTHER ~tlTTiIl:~~ORD:
guided by the wisdom from above; and our wish is that you Jeho\nh 1’0s made l~encc wilhin our borders and has f11le(1 us
might be kept to urge and encourage the Lord’s people to with the tinrst of hi3 wheat.
faithfulnrss until Armageddon is fought. He has caused ibis pule river ot \\afor of life to flow freely
Yours in joyful service, from the throne of his King, Christ Jesus; and thcrcby the
LINSTEAD COJWANY OF J. W’S, Jamaica, B.FV.1. strengl h of his rcmnnnt is rrnmcd.
In the July 15 issue of The il’atchtoxr, he gilts the wolkela
LOVE JEHOVAH MORE THAN EVER of drccit “a new name”. which ccrt:onlv is most apr’rooriate.
DEER SIR: A great contrast bet&w this :ml tile name :l;~~r(lctl his
We are both thrilled with the good news that WC have receivrd ‘6co\cnnnt people” in 1933 is pl:\ln, and should rn:tkc glad the
through one of your suhscribels. \Ve have both l’cen educated heart of him “nho Bath the (;od of Jacob for his hell,“.
in Cathohc whuols, nnd ~eahze now that me hate lived m the ‘l’hc subtle maneuxct5 of the rncnlv arc risible oniv “in the
dark. We hn\c nlso h\ctl in fear of hrll. but now we both lore light of his Glitterlug SI~t’rrl”, \~I*& nil1 smite the sirongholtls
our dear Jcl&nh God more than ever through this “Truth”. at .trm:t~rdtlw
., and ~111 reveal to all the One from nhom ail
We thank you and wish you good [success] in eont’nu’ng pour light proceeds.
marvelous and great work. We shal! remain Jchorab ‘s faithful, \\‘ith ferlrnt love and best wishes for a glorious victory,
------, Ohio. CLAYTON It. I\IOI:RIS, i=V’CW YOr]G.

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