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Magic is the most powerful and destructive force in the world. No one can match a mage
in raw power. The cost of said power is a grave one. Magic cannot simply exist out of
thin air. In order to wield this power, mages must sacrifice a lot. There are 3 types of

Different schools of magic: White, Black, Earth

White Magic:
Spirit Healer – Healing magic. Spirit Healers are experts in the art of mending wounds.
Synergist – Protective magic. Synergists are well versed in the art of enhancing status.
Holy Warrior – Offensive magic. Holy Warriors call upon the essence of life energy to
smite their opponents. They are weaker at healing.

Black Magic:
Necromancer – Summon magic. Necros can raise and control the dead. Powerful poison
spells as well.
Saboteur – Destructive magic. Saboteurs use spells to cripple their opponents.
Death – Damage magic. Death bringers are designed to inflict massive damage.

Earth Magic:
Elementalist – Elemental magic. Elementalists can manipulate the elements.
Hunter – Trap magic. Hunters use their magic to control large numbers of enemies.
Naturist – Nature magic. Naturists call upon the natural wilds to aid them.

Although a mage specializes in one of the three sub-categories, they are not limited to
that one sub-category. For example, an elementalist specializes in elemental magic, but
can cast all Earth type magic.

White Magic

White magic is the essence of life. It draws on life energy, or positive energy, to be
effective. Various spells and wards draw their power from living energy and are put to
use. Healing especially works this way. The more powerful the heal spell, the more “life”
is needed to fuel the spell. For almost all casters, they must use their own life energy to
fuel their magic, however the strongest and most experienced can steal the life from
another. (Although this rarely occurs) This is the most powerful of all magic types, but
the most costly. Since White magic requires the user to spend their own life energy to
work, they are consequently very weak physically. Also they are limited as to how much
magic they can use before replenishing their life energy. Obviously if they use too much
of their own life, they will die. Regardless these mages live the shortest life spans of all
magic users, but are essential to any battle.

Main spells: Spirit Healer

Heal – Rapidly recovers target from wounds and refreshes their energy. (Power depends
on how much energy the caster gives up)
Barrier – A protective shield engulfs the target blocking all incoming attacks. Prevents
the target from attacking as well.
Fade – The caster fades from existence as all incoming attacks phase through them. The
longer this spell is active, the more life energy the mage loses.
Cleanse – A spirit healer is the bane of Saboteurs because of this spell. Cleanse nullifies
the damaging effects of destructive magic.

Main spells: Synergist

Ward of Life – A ward that can be placed on a single mage. When this ward is activated,
all party members increase their strength, stamina, agility, and dexterity. This spell can
only be active on a mage. This spell only affects targets the mage wishes. Must be within
a radius of the mage to receive bonuses. The amount of life energy required for wards is
directly related to the duration and radius of the ward. Only one ward can be activated per
Ward of Magic – A ward that can be placed on a mage to double the potency of magical
spells. Because the spells are twice as powerful, it takes half of the required life energy to
cast them. Because of the benefits, this ward can be active twice as long as any other.
Only one ward can be activated per mage.
Empower – The mage can imbue a target with pure life energy. All damage the target
takes while empowered will not harm the target and instead be absorbed by the energy
force. Target cannot cast any magic while empowered. The duration of empower is
directly related to the amount of life energy used to cast it.
Blessed – The mage can bless a target, increasing their overall luck. This costs very little
life energy and has a long duration. Duration = amount of energy x 5. 0.5% of total life
energy = 1 hour. Those who are blessed are extremely friendly for the duration of the

Main spells: Holy Warrior

Smite – The mage channels their life force into a direct attack damaging the target. This
spell is extremely powerful and costly and is only used in emergency situations.
True Blade – The mage channels their life force into any weapon adding magic damage
to its physical attacks. All weapons can be true bladed. The duration and amount of
magic bonus is directly related to how much life energy is poured into the weapon.
Mind Blast – An AoE knockback spell that stuns targets temporarily. Costs little life
energy to cast, but cannot be cast more than once every 10 min.
Light Trap – The Holy Warrior can place an invisible trap of life energy. The radius of
the trap is directly affected by how much life energy is poured into the trap.

Black Magic

Black magic draws its power from death, or negative energy. Just as energy is required to
sustain life, an opposite, reverse energy is required to sustain death. A Black mage must
learn to face their death and conquer the fear of it. Since it is impossible to draw upon
ones own negative energy without being dead, the mage feeds off the natural decay of
life. Naturally, should a death occur in the mages vicinity, they would, temporarily,
become more powerful. The fresher the corpse, the more powerful and volatile the magic
becomes, making it increasingly more difficult to control. However, too much death and
destruction can overwhelm the black mage when they attempt to touch their magic and
ultimately destroy the mage. It is for this reason that the black mages are more efficient in
small groups and tend to stay to themselves. Large wars are too much for them to handle
and, as a result, black magic is not used in warfare. Instead, black mages are more
assassins and guns for hire than soldiers. Even when there is no death, tapping into the
magic of death too much will harm the black mage.

Main Spells: Necromancer

Rise – Reincarnates and controls the dead soul. All life forms can be reincarnated.
Cannot “rise” decomposed corpses.
Raise – Reincarnates multiple targets in an area. Number of minions and radius of spell
directly relate to how much death magic is used.
Walking Bomb – Infuses the reincarnated target with destructive death energy. Upon the
minions demise, the body will explode causing massive damage. Extremely costly spell.
Death Buff – Negative energy transforms the minion into a massive demon. Increased
strength and durability.

Main Spells: Saboteur

Blind – Distort the targets vision. Extremely costly spell.
Poison – Causes the target to feel ill and weak. Cost is directly related to negative energy
used. Extremely costly at high levels.
Pain – The target is wracked with jolts of pain at regular intervals for a period of time.
This DoT spells length is determined by the caster.
Mark of Death – A spell that increases the targets vulnerability to magic. Only mages
can see the Mark of Death.

Main Spells: Death Mage

Death Blow – Powerful blast of focused energy that deals massive damage. This is the
Black mages nuke spell.
Life Drain – Channeled spell that uses death energy to transfer the life energy of another
into the black mage in order to heal them.
Acid Rain – AoE spell that “rains” acid from above. Radius of rain is determined by
Grim Touch – An instant death spell upon the target. Caster must physically touch the
targets flesh. Extremely costly and dangerous to black mage.

Earth Magic

Earth Mages are able to become one with nature and feed their magic thru the natural life
energy of the living creatures and plants surrounding them. Because of this, Earth mages
are almost never at a loss of power. This is balanced by also being the weakest of the
three schools of magic. Earth magic requires little to no long term effects to the caster
because the magic cannot be altered thru life or death energy to strengthen the spells.
Earth energy is constant and unfaltering. A fire spell to one Earth mage is identical to a
fire spell to another. Because Earth mages don’t have to sacrifice their life to power their
spells, they are more numerous and subsequently less unique.

Main Spells: Elementalist

Fireball – A ball of fire the mage can hurl at enemies. AoE fireblast upon impact.
Freeze – A blast of cold energy. Higher levels can freeze target. Frozen targets can be
shattered with strong attacks or other magic.
Earthquake – The ground quakes around the enemy targets causing AoE damage.
Gale – A force of wind is generated in an arc in front of the mage causing knockback.

Main Spells: Hunter

Sleep – An uncontrollable urge to fall asleep takes over the target. Extremely difficult
spell to pull off and some targets can resist.
Bear Trap – When triggered, Earth magic entraps the target in place causing piercing
damage to legs and trapping the target.
Vanish – When triggered, Earth energy materializes in the form of a thick gas cloud that
disorients the enemies allowing for easier escape.
Time Shift – Earth energy is transformed into an invisible trap in a large area causing a
massive decrease in speed. Enemies trapped in the time shift are “moving thru molasses”
while everyone else can move at normal speeds.

Main Spells: Naturist

Gift of Life – The most important spell to White mages, gift of life allows the naturist to
drain life from plants or animals in the area and give them to other mages. While this life
energy is nowhere near the power of a human life, it is a constant thread of life energy
that the white mage can use to power their spells in dire situations. For Black mages, gift
of life can help counter-balance the effects of too much death magic and allows the black
mage to continue to draw upon death magic even when it normally would be too much to
control. This is the most beneficial spell to other mages and most Earth mages know it.

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