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HABS No. Page 1. GEORGE FORDHAM HOUSE 529 Cherry Street Borough of Manhattan, Kew York County, New York. une “WWlhelmine C, Blatchford, 115 Hast 62nd Street, N.Y.C. Dete of Erection: 1831, Arenitect: Unknown, Builder George Fordham (ower Present_condition: Feir Number of Stories: ‘Three stories, basement, and cellar. Materials of Construction: Foundstions ~ stone Floors - wood Exterior wells - brick Interior wells - plaster Roof - wood frame covered with tar paper Other Existing Records: None Wasa HABS NY, 31-NEYO, 35- HABS ‘Page Additional dete: 1761 1784 1824 1830 1831 1864 1865 ier? 1883 sea Recor ‘This property was originally within the Hendrick Rutgers Ferm, devised to him by Hamanus Rutgers on August 28th. April lth. Hendrick Rutgers devised this pro; erty to his children, Henry Rutgers and others. Henry Rutgers end others partitioned the property into lots. y 19th, Henry Rutgers conveyed this lot to ry Merea. The vroperty is recorded as @ lot end assessed for 33700. ‘The executors of Mary McCrea conveyed the lot to George Fordham by lense on July 2nd. During this yeer a house is first recorded on this ocroperty. Owned by Seorge Fordham, assessed for $1,800,, end listed as "unfinished". George Fordham is recorded a3 the owner of thie house and lot with an assessment of 92,200. Recorded as property owned by the Estete of George Fordham, One house und one lot, with en assessuent of 3,500. September 10th. ‘he executors ef the Estate of George Fordham conveyed the property to wllien C, Botts by sub-Llease. April 10th, ‘Alliam C. betts conveyed the sub-lease to I Seat doril 26th. ‘The Estate of George Fordham passed to his heirs, ary Rutgers Conger end Lary hieCrea who lessed it to Catherine end An! Hedges. Lay 7th. Peter Nowe, sheriff, (ceting in the interests of AbrabanConger) conveyed the property to John E, Lulehahey. June 12th, Ann cud Uatherine Hedges conveyed the vroperty to Glarence Conger, (trustee for Theodore i, Gongez). No. NY~445 2 Reference N,¥, Hell of Records Liber 18 Wills P 378 L335 HofR Wills P 30s Feru Histories Vol P Liv HofR Conveyances P 356 Record of Assessments 7th Ward L275 HofR Conveyunces FP 592 Record of Assessments 7th vera Record of Assessments! 7th Vand Record of Assessments Pth vord L915 HofR Conveyance. ne Lge9 HofR Conveyences F 180 L14é6 Hof R Sonveyauces Pz Laval Hof R Conveyances P 62 Lirsg HofR Gonveyances P 506 HABS No, H¥-445 Page 3 Reference: NvY. Hell of Records 1898 February 28th. Herbert T., Hlige, Arthur 5., © Liber 46 ‘and Vietorie Conger conveyed power of attorney Conveyanees FP 194 to Glarence R. Conger. Year: Record pril 18th. Clarence Conger (trustee for L50 Hof R Cctherine Hedges, am Hedges, amd Margaret L. Conveyences P 64 Conger) conveyed the property to Laria Vialeh vy lease. 1912 Key 8th, Henry Rutgers Conger ond Uarriet Lisl HofR Rutgers conveyed the property to iilheluina Conveyances P 147 C, Blatchford. 1936 Wilhelusina C, Uietehford rensine the owner of 329 Cherry Street. The assessment is v6,560, Diep awe = ‘Hizon 5, Faulk” (author? Approved: Jemary 29, 1987 Uekef|e1i vorcester, District Ulficer. GEORGE FORDHAM HOUSE 329 CHERRY STREET BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN NEW YORK. CITY E E o 7 > CHERRY 5ST. a Zz ul oO 2 bE Qo Z WATER _ 87. 2 — “2 u QO 2 SOUTH ST, SKETCH MAP SHOWING LOCATION ERECTED ~ 1831 ARCHITECT ~ UNKNOWN BVILDER_ ~ GEORGE FORDHAM HISTORIC AMERICAN BUILDINGS SURVEY | 2.cunco, JUNE 12-JULY 2,1936 US. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR DRAWINGS APPROVED: Heal [veutn NATIONAL PARK SERVICE prawn; UULY 20 -NOV.18, 1936. DRAWINGS APFROVED: elon BRANCH OF PLANS AND DESIGN MEASUREMENTS CHECKED: Panierdriaupen ” ACCEPTED FOR LIMRARY OF CONGRESS: See = N SH DIST.N24 NEW YORK AREA INDEX NO. ‘SURVEY NO. vpsmer omnes, | WAKEFIELD WORCESTER | yyy 25 WAM ST. NEW YORK CITY -¥. [mer ARGNTESY | FIELD PARTY-%Acevanxen | AAS eorge Aihoever SHEETS HO © 2d Room | Bed Room 14+ to" eLgt loor Plan a etlo" _S eeond F- Basement Plan JI Adrianzen De. WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION OFFICIAL PROJECT N 0265 ~'69.07) UNDER DIRECTION OF UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR JATIONAL PARK SERVICE, BRANCH OF PLANS AND DESIGN, GEORGE T _ Sut “loon Plo . efeate = fez 18° LD oor _Sehedule. 1. 19%4"* 2+10"% 6-10" 2 1ta"x 2-9". 6-4" 71h" x 2'-6h%'xS-9" BA1A x21" « 711" 81" x 2'-9%"% 7-0" 4 the" x2-9"% 6-9" 9 1%" x 2-9" x 6-7" 5 1a" x 1'10"x 6-9" 6 1h" x 2'-7"~ 6-9" 10134" x 2'-9"* 6-8" 11 1%" x 2° 82'S -7" 12 1a" x 2-3" x 6-5" 13104" x 2'-A" x @-0" 141th" x 25" x G4" @ E \e Pic NEW YORK CITY Tak tee |_sia%", loor Pia, Meso" | Sf abB asement oS eT ™. 12

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