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Series: Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
50, Vol. IV, 2007
AMMA 2007 – 11 - 13 October, 2007 – Cluj-Napoca, Romania





Abstract: This paper presents the possibilities of using the Quality Assurance Matrix in order to
reduce the non-conformities within the manufacturing processes. There are emphasized two factors
representing the protection level provided: the general quality level within the workplace (preventing the
non-conforming products to pass downstream) and the general quality level of the factory (preventing
delivery of non-conforming final products outside the factory). So, this matrix allows us to evaluate the
protection level (against non-quality) of the intern and extern clients.
Keywords: Matrix of Quality Assurance, PDCA, defects, gravity index, quality guarantee.

1. INTRODUCTION the manufacturing process (for the potential and

existing defects), allowing to apply the
The Matrix of Quality Assurance (MQA) is corrections needed and to reach the quality
a quality instrument based on the principle that established objectives.
any defect (unconformity) of a manufacturing So, acting over the quality problems causes,
process that affects a client (that could be the it is fulfilled the base quality principle: no
next process, the next shop or the final client) defect pass or accepted.
must be imperatively eradicated.
MQA is an instrument that allow us to do 2. THE STRUCTURE OF MQA
periodical quantification of the quality
assurance level for the production processes, MQA is built on the structure of PDCA
reliability check (with the sense of thrust or cycle:
efficiency) of the control tools implied in the Plan – set-up of the quality objectives and
production process, the necessity and the define the technological process;
possibility to implement the mistake proofing Do – making the analyze;
systems (Poka-Yoke) or other protection Check – verify the reliability of the
systems against unconformities. established check;
This method allow to prevent and reduce the Act – apply the measures for the operations
defects in a large or small area, starting from that could not provide the quality established
the intern clients (processing lines, assembly level.
lines and vehicle final assembly line) up to the In the first area of the QA matrix (PLAN)
extern client (in the sale network). there are written the defects and their gravity,
The method make a hierarchy of the for each workplace. It is necessary to make a
reliability limits of the control systems within short analyze concerning the defect concept:
- defect: it is perceived by the client, on the Thus, for manufacturing we are dealing with
product; unconformities and influent parameters (defect
- unconformity: it is observed on the causes), elements that will be emphasized in
product, on the basis of the surveillance plan; MQA as defect.
- influent parameter: it is determined to The defects are emphasized using a gravity
process, o the basis of the surveillance plan. index, as presented in Table 2.
Table 1
The Matrix of Quality Assurance
Process name
Workplace no.

Defect mode
Influent parameter

Control process Guarantee Registered Guarantee

Shop floor Outside value of defects value of
the shop quality quality

Outside the shop floor

Outside the shop floor

Workplace no. …

Workplace no. …


Shop floor

Shop floor

Shop floor


Table 2
Example of values for the gravity index.
Impact Assessment criteria Quotation
Serious Defect that hinder use of the products or create a strong dissatisfaction, with A/5
demand for reparation
Very embarrassing Defect that determine the client to express his dissatisfaction in an inquiry B/3
Embarrassing Defect discovered by the client, but tolerated C/1

The defects are emphasized on different In the next area (DO), the control process is
columns, depending on their types: analyzed (within the production process and in
- real defects: they appeared at least once its downstream).
and proved to be real; Thus, using different quotations depending
- potential defects: they are not appeared yet, on the efficiency or safety of the control done,
but they were identified by risk analyze (FMEA it is emphasized the quality guarantee at
or AMDEC). workplaces and control places (within the
However, they will be treated with the same production process or next to it).
attention within MQA, an instrument that
guarantee the quality to client - intern or extern.
Table 3
Quotations for quality guarantee.
Quality guarantee Quotation
Automated total control (100%) 5
Impossibility for assembly or necessity of further processing
Poka-Yoke for interdiction / control
Poka-Yoke for alert 3
Statistic control
Control 100% done by operator with location
Control 100% done by operator without location (based on senses) 1
Periodic audit

workplace, shop floor or factory), there will be

mentioned the proposals to eradicate the defects
In the third area (CHECK) it is evaluated the by one of the following ways:
degree of quality assurance for the analyzed - improving the existed controls (so, the
production process. quotation of the control increases and it could
The value for quality guarantee is become efficient);
determined for each identified defecting mode - introduction of supplementary controls at
(real or potential) in three columns: workplaces;
1. For the workplace (the sum of quality - a combination of the above two ways.
guarantee quotations within the shop floor); It is preferably to provide the improvement
2. Outside the shop floor (the sum of quality of the existed controls before introducing
guarantee quotations in downstream); supplementary controls at workplaces.
3. At factory level (the sum of the first two 3. EVALUATION OF THE GLOBAL
In another set of columns it is emphasized
the amount of registered defects (within shop As it was presented above, the quality
floor, factory or at client); they are not the guarantee for each identified defect is evaluated
potential defects, but the real ones. by attributes, in binary system: quality is
By comparing the defect importance assured (OK) or quality is not assured (KO).
(established in the first area) with the guarantee The global level of quality assurance (or
values (at workplace, shop floor or factory), it guarantee) at shop floor or factory level could
is determined the quality guarantee level for be numerically quantified; this provides a
each defect. sensible appreciation of the degree of intern or
The level of quality guarantee is fulfilled (at extern client protection against defect.
workplace, shop floor or factory) if the value of Thus, using the level of quality guarantee for
guarantee is at least equal with the defect each defect (at shop floor or factory level),
importance, situation marked with OK sign (in there could be determined the next two
a contrary situation the sign will be KO). If indicators for the global level of quality
there were observed defects, the sign KO will guarantee:
be directly attributed. Regarding the influent - the global level of quality guarantee
parameters, the quality guarantee is analyzed within the shop floor, AQat:
(and marked) only at the workplace, because
even the outside controls are done only at the nOK , at
AQ at = (1)
respective workplace. nOK ,at + n KO , at
It is so obtained a complete image for the
entire production process: for each process it is - the global level of quality guarantee
marked the existence or non-existence of within the factory, AQuz:
quality assurance at different levels: workplace,
shop floor or factory. nOK ,uz
In the last area (ACT), if for one of the AQ uz = (2)
defects it is not provided the quality (at nOK , at + n KO ,uz
Considering the calculation mode for these - the global balanced level of quality
two indicators (quality assurance at the factory guarantee within the factory, AQuz,p:
level includes, besides the measures at the shop
floor level, the measures taken in downstream), ∑n OK ,i ⋅ pi
it is obvious that that there is permanently true AQ uz , p =
uz ,i
the relation: ∑n
uy ,i
OK ,i ⋅ pi + ∑ n KO ,i ⋅ p i
uz ,i

AQ uz ≥ AQ at (3)
The sensitivity of those two global indicators
3. CONCLUSIONS AND PROPOSALS could be improved using another scale (more
sensitive) for evaluation of the defects gravity,
The working instrument presented above is respective for the quality guarantee level; for
used successfully by the automotive example, instead of 5/3/1/ scale it will be used
manufacturers because it offers a real image of the 5/4/3/2/1 scale.
quality assurance for a production process and Besides the necessity for continuous bring
allows us to quantify the quality improvements. up-to-date of MQA (for the perpetual
There is a single drawback in the calculation application of PDCA cycle with the aim of
of these two global indicators: it is not realized quality continuous improvement), it is
the difference between the defects, depending important to observe the dynamics of those two
on their gravity. global indicators of quality assurance, that must
confirm the continuous increase of client
In order to take into consideration this and to protection against defects.
have a more realistic image of the client
protection degree, there could be used the 4. REFERENCES
following balanced relations (they consider the
balance of defects gravity): [1] Boroiu, A., Tehnici si instrumente de
- the global balanced level of quality asigurare a calitatii. Aplicatii practice,
guarantee within the shop floor, AQat,p: Editura Universitatii din Pitesti, 2005.
[2] Mot, T., Avram, C., Asigurarea calitatii cu
ajutorul metodei MQA (Matrix of Quality
at ,i
OK ,i ⋅ pi
Assurance), Sesiunea de comunicari a
AQ at , p = (4)
at ,i
OK ,i ⋅ pi + ∑ n KO ,i ⋅ pi
at ,i
cercurilor stiintifice studentesti,
Universitatea din Pitesti, 26.05.2007.

Title and abstract in Romanian (preference) or in French, German or English as different language regarding to the
whole article (10 pt.)



Lucrarea analizeaza posibilitatile pe care le ofera utilizarea matricei de asigurare a calitatii pentru a oferi o cat mai
mare protectie impotriva producerii neconformitatilor in procesele de fabricatie. Sunt evidentiati cei doi factori care
constituie nivelul de protectie asigurat: nivelul general de calitate la locul de munca (impiedica trecerea produselor
neconforme catre posturile din aval), respectiv nivelul general de calitate al uzinei (impiedica livrarea produselor finale
neconforme in afara uzinei). Astfel, matricea permite evaluarea nivelului de protectie (impotriva non-calitatii) a
clientului intern si a clientului extern.

First author’s Name Surname, Title, Position, Organisation, Name of Department, E-mail, Office
Phone. The same for all authors.
Viorel Nicolae, Prof.PhD.eng, University of Pitesti, Automotive Department, E-mail:, tel. +40-248-218804/133.
Alexandru Boroiu, Prof.PhD.eng, University of Pitesti, Automotive Department, E-mail:, tel. +40-248-218804/133.
Ionel Vieru, Assoc.Prof.PhD.eng, University of Pitesti, Automotive Department, E-mail:, tel. +40-248-218804/287.
Ion Dobrescu, Assoc.Prof.PhD.eng, University of Pitesti, Technology and Management
Department, E-mail:

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