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Thai gian: 180 phut (kh6ng k€ thai gian giao iJJ) Ngay thi thu nh~t: 1110112011

Bai 1 (5,0 iJi€m). Cho s6 nguyen dirong n. Chung minh r~g voi moi s6 thuc dirong x, ta co bAt dfuIg thirc:

Hoi dfulg thirc xay ra khi nao?

Bai 2 (5,0 iJi€m). Cho day s6 thirc (xn) xac dinh boi

2 n-l

XI = 1 va Xn = n 2' LXi voi moi n > 2.

(n-I) i=1

V oi m6i s6 nguyen dirong n, d~t Yn = Xn + I - Xn",

Chirng minh dmg day s6 (yn) co gioi han hitu han khi n -+ + 00.

Ba] 3 (5,0 aiim). Trong mat phang, eho duong trim (0) duong kinh AB. Xet mQt di8m P di dQng tren tiSp tuyen tai Bella (0) sao eho P khong trung voi B. Duong thfulg P A e~t (0) tai di8m thir hai C. GQi D la di8m d6i xirng voi C qua O. Duong thfuIg PD c~t (0) tai di8m thir hai E.

II Chirng minh r~g cac duong thang AE, BC va PO cling di qua mot di8m.

GQi di8m do la M.

21 Hay xac dinh vi tri cua di8m P sao cho tam giac AMB co dien tich IOn nhAt. Tinh gia tri IOn nh~t do theo ban kinh cua duong trim (0).

« 0 ) ki hieu duang trim tam 0 ).

Bai 4 (5,0 iJi€m). Cho ngil giac IBi ABCDE co dQ dai m6i canh va dQ dai cac duong cheo AC, AD khong vuot qua J3. LAy 2011 diSm phan biet my y n~m trong ngil giac do. Chung minh rAng tBn tai mot hinh trim dan vi co tam nam tren canh cua ngii giac da eho chua it nh~t 403 diem trong s6 cac diem da l~y .

. ·.------.----·······--HET ---------------------------

• Thi sinh kh6ng duoc sit dung tai li?u va may tinh cam tay.

• Gidm thi kh6ng giai thich gi them.




h_ "=-_4.

Mon: V~TLi

Thai gian: 180 phut (kh6ng k~ thai gian giao dJ) Ngay thi tlnr nh~t: 11/0112011

(De thi co 02 trang, g6m 05 cau)

Can 1. (4,5 iliJm)

Cho v~t 1 lit mQt ban mong d~u, d6ng chat, duoc uf,n thee dang long mang thanh mQt phdn tu hinh tru AB cimg, ngan, co true ~, ban kinh R va dtroc g~n voi di8m 0 bang cac thanh cirng, manh, nhe. V~t 1 co th~ quay khong ma sat quanh mQt true cf, dinh (trung voi true ~) di qua di~m o. Tren Hinh 1, OA va OB la cac thanh cirng cimg dQ dai R, OAB nk trong m~t phang vuong goc voi true ~,

chua kh6i tam G cua v~t 1, C la giao di~m cua OG va long mango .

1. Tim vi tri kh6i tam G cua vat 1. 11

2. Gift cho vat 1 luon c6 dinh·r6i diU tren no vat 2 la mot hinh tru ' 0

r6ng, mong, d6ng chat, cung ~hi€u dai ·vm v~t 1, ban kinh ~ (r < R)~ nAm doc thee dirong sinh cua v~t 1. Keo v~t 2 l~ch ra khoi vi tri can bing mQt goc nho ~o r6i tha nhe.

a) Tim chu ki dao dQng nho cua v~t 2. Bi~t ring trong qua trinh dao dQng, v~t 2 luen lim khong tnrot tren v~t 1.

b) Bi~t Illit h~ s6 rna sat nghi gifra v~t 1 va v~t 2. Tim gia tri Ion nh~t cua goc J30 d~ trong qua trinh dao dQng dieu hoa, v~t 2 khong bi tnrot tren v~t 1.

3. Thay v~t 2 bang mQt v~t nho 3. V ~t 3 nk trong m~t phang A OAB. Keo cho v~t 1 va v~t 3 I~ch khoi vi tri can bfmg sao cho G va v~t 3 nam ve hai phia m~t phang thang dirng chua 11, voi cac goc I~ch deu la Uo nhu Hinh 2, r6i tha nhe. B6 qua rna sat. Tim khoang thai

gian nho nh~t d~ v~t 3 di toi C.




I m I


Cau 2. (4,5 iliJm)

MQt binh hinh tru chua chAt khi dan nguyen tu, chieu dai L, dien tich day S, chuyen dQng doc thee phirong song song voi true cua binh. Kh6i hrong khi trong binh la m. 0 thoi di~m blnh dang chuyen dQng voi gia t6c ao (ao> 0), ngiroi ta b~t dAu lam cho gia t6c cua binh giam th~t cham tci gia

tri ~. Coi khi trong binh lit khi li nrong, Gia thiSt (y m6i thoi diem, cac phdn tu khi co gia t6c nhu nhau va nhiet dQ d6ng deu trong toan kh6i khi. B6 qua tac dung cua trong luc,

1. Cho r~ng nhiet dQ cua khi Iuon Ia T khong d6i va ~~L « 1, trong do f.L la kh6i IUQTlg mol cua ch~t khi, R lit hang sf, khi. Hay tinh:

a) Ap su~t do khi tac dung len m6i day binh khi gia t6c cua binh lit a.

b) Cong do kh6i khi thirc hien trong qua trinh giam gia t6c tren.

2. Gia thi~t binh hoan toan each nhiet va nhiet dQ khi thay d6i r~t nho trong qua trinh giam gia t6c. Bi~t nhiet dQ ban dAu cua kh6i khi Iii T. Tim dQ bi~n thien nhiet dQ cua kh6i khi trong qua trinh tren,


Cau 3. (3, 5 di~m)

MQt t1,1 di~n t1"\1 dai L, ban kinh cac ban 1\1 nrong irng la r va R. Khong gian giira hai ban t1,1 dtroc l~p dfty boi hai lop di~n moi cimg, cung chieu day, co h~g s6 di~n moi nrong irng la EI va E2 (Hinh 3). Lap di~n moi E1 co the keo duoc ra khoi 1\1 di~n. T1,1 di~n diroc n6i vei hai cue cua nguAn dien co hieu di~n th8 U khong df,i.

o thoi di~m t = 0, lap dien moi EI b~t d~u duoc keo ra khoi t1,1 di~n voi tBc dQ khong d6i v. Gia thiet di~n tnrong chi t~p trung trong khong gian giua hai ban t1,1, bo qua moi

rna sat. Xet trong khoang 0 < t < L hay:


1. Vi~t bieu thee di~n dung cua t1,1 thea thai gian t.

2. Tinh I\IC di~n tac dung len lap di~n moi EI (] tho; di~m t.

3. Xac dinh cuong dQ va chieu dong di~n qua nguon,


Hinh 3

Cau 4. (4,5 diim)

Cho mQt th~u kinh hQi tu lom - 16i, bang thuy tinh, chiet suAt n = 1,5 nhu Hinh 4. Mat 15m co ban kinh RI = 5,5 em va co dinh tai 01• M~t lAi co ban kinh R2 va dinh tai 02. Khoang each 0102 = 0,5 cm. MQt di~m sang S duoc d~t tai dung tam cua m~t 15m va chieu mQt churn tia co goc mo rQng vao m~t thdu kinh.

1. Xet chum sang hinh non xu~t phat tirS chieu vao th~u kinh voi goc gitra dirong sinh va true hinh non Ia a =15°. V6i gia tri R2 = 3 ern, hay xac dinh vi tri di~m d~u va diem cu6i cua dai cac giao diem cua cac phirong tia sang 10 ra khoi th~u kinh va true chinh.

2. Tim gia tri R2 sao cho churn tia 16 ra khoi thdu kinh Ia mot chum tia dAng quy, rQng.



Can 5. (3,0 di€m)

Trong o§uyen til hidro luc dftu co electron chuyen dQng tron vci ban kinh quy dao r = 2.1 2.10-1 m quanb hat nhan dum tac dung cua lire Culong. Ta chi sir dung cac dinh lu~t v~t Ii ef, diAn de nghien cuu chuyen dQng cua electron trong nguyen tu. Theo do, khi electron chuyen dQng

voi gia tBe a thi nguyen tiI se birc xa di~n til voi cong su~t P = 23k~2 a2 (trong do c = 3.108 m/s;

e = 1,6.10-19 C; k = 9.109 Nm2/C\ Coi gia t6e toan phAn a cua electron la gia t6c huang tam, Hay tinh thai gian ck thi8t d~ ban kinh quy dao giam d8n ro = 0,53.10-10 m va uoc tfnh trong thoi gian do electron chuyen dQng tren quy dao diroc bao nhieu vong,

---------------------------- HET ---------------------------

• Thi sinh khong dU(1c su dung tai lieu.

• Gidm thi khong giai thich gi them.






Thci gian: 180 phut (khong ki thai gian giao a€) N~ay thi thtr nh~t: 11/0112011

De thi co 02 trang, gam 06 cau

Cau 1. (3,5 di€m)

1. Clo, brom iot co th~ ket hQ1J voi flo 41.0 thanh eac hop ch§.t dang XFm. Thirc nghiem cho th§.y rfuIg m c6 3 gia tri khac nhau nAu x lei Cl hoac Br, m c6 4 gia tri khac nhau n8u X Ia 1.

a) Hay viSt cong tlnrc cac hop chAt dang XFm cua m6i nguyen ta Cl, Br, 1.

b) Dtra vao c~u tao nguyen tir va do am cti~n cua cac nguyen t6, hay giai thich SI,l' hinh thanh cac hop chAt tren.

Cho: DQ am dien cua F lc14,0; ciu 3,2; Br la 3,0; I la 2,7.

2. 32p phan di P- voi chu ki ban huy 1428 ngay, duoc di~u che bang phan trng giira notron voi hat nhan 32S.

a)' Vj_~t cac phuong moo phan ling bet nhan d6 diSu ch~ 32p va bieu di~n su phan ra ph6ng xa cua 32p. b) C6 hai mAu ph6ng xa 32p duQ'c ki hieu la m§:u I va mAu II. MAu I c6 hoat dQ ph6ng xa 20 mCi QUQ'c luu giu trong binh di,it tai bu6ng lam mat co nhi~t d(J 10°C. Mdu II co hoat d(J ph6ng xa 2 IlCi b~t emu duoc Iuu gill: cung thai di~m v6i mdll I nhung 6 nhiet dQ 20°C. Khi hoat dQ ph6ng xa cua mdu II chi con 5.10-1 IlCi thi hrong hru huynh xuAt hien trong binh chua m!u I la bao nhieu gam? Tnroc khi hru gift, trong binh khong co hru huynh,

Cho: 1 Ci = 3,7.1010 Bq (lBq == 1 phan ra/giay); s6 Avogadro NA = 6,02.1023 mol"; hoat d(J ph6ng xa A = A.N (A la hang 56 t6c d(J phan ra, N la s6 hat nhan ph6ng xa 6 thai di~m t).

Cau 2. (3,5 di€m)

M(Jt phan (rug pha khi xay ra theo phuong 1rinh: X(k) ~ Y(k) (1). Khi n5ng dQ dAu [X]O = 0,02 mol.el thi t6c d(J ddu cua phan irng Vo (6 25°C) la 4.10-4 mol.L'i.phut"; dinh lu~t t6c do cua phan img co dang: v == k. [X] (2), trong d6 k la hang 56 t6c dQ cua phan (mg.

1. Tim bieu thirc lien h~ 19v (logarit cua t6c dQ phan irng) voi thoi gian phan irng t va tinh cac M s6 trong bieu thirc nay cho tnrong hop cua phan irng (1).

2. Tinh thoi gian phan img m(Jt mra trong cac di~u kien noi tren.

3. Phan irng 2NO (k) + 2H2 (k) ~ N2 (k) + 2H20 (k) tuan theo quy lu~t d(Jng hoc thuc nghiem: v = k[Nof[H2]. Hai co che duoc d~ xu~t cho phan irng nay:

Co ch~ 1:

2 NO (k) ~ N202 (k) (nhanh)

N202 (k) + H2 (k) ~ 2HON (k) (nhanh)

HON (k) + H2 (k) ~ H20 (k) + HN (k) (cham) HN (k) + HON (k) ~ N2 (k) + H20 (k) (nhanh).

ce ch~ 2:

2 NO (k) == N202 (k) (nhanh) N202 (k) + H2 (k) ~ N20 (k) + H20 (k) (cham) N20 (k) + H2 (k) ~ N2 (k) + H20 (k) (nhanh).

Co che nao phu hop voi quy lu~t dQng hoc thuc nghiem? Tai sao?

Cau 3. (3,5 di€m)

Cho hang sa khi R == 8,314 J .mol' X-I. a ap suAt tieu chuan Po = 1,000 bar = 1,000.105 Pa, nhiet dQ 298 K, ta c6 cac du kien nhiet dQng hoc:

Khi H2 N2 NH3
Bien thien entanpi hinh thanh LlH~ (kl.mol") 0 0 - 45,9
Entrooi SU(J .mol i.K .,) 130,7 191,6 192,8 Lien ket N=N N=N N-N H-H
Bi~n thien entanpi phan Ii lien k~t ~Hg (kl.mol ") 945 466 159 436 Trang 112

1. Tinh bi~n thien entanpi, bi~n thien entropi, bi~n thien nang hrong W do Gibbs va hang s6 can bang K cua phan irng t6ng hop amoniac tir nito va hidro a di~u kien nhiet dQ va ap sudt tren.

2. Trong thuc t~ san xuat, phan irng tAng hop amoniac diroc thuc hien a nhi~t dQ cao.

a) chAp nhan gdn dung viec bo qua su phu thuoc nhiet dQ cua ~H va ~S, hay tinh hang s6 can bang K cua phan irng 6 T = 773 K.

b) Nh~ xet v~ huang Uti tien cua phan irng 6 298 K va 773 K. Giai thich tai sao lai ti~n hanh tAng hQ'P NH3 a nhiet dQ eao. f)~ tang hieu suAt tAng hop amoniac trong cong nghiep, co th~ dua ra bien phap gi? Giai thich.

3. Tinh bien thien entanpi phan li lien k~t ~H~ cua mQt lien k~t N-H trong phan til amoniae.

4. Tinh bien thien entanpi hinh thanh tieu chuan ~H~ cua g6c ·NH2. Cho ~H~(H_NH2) = 380 kJ.morl. Call 4. (3,0 di~m)

Trong moi tnrong axit, H2C204 bi KMn04 oxi hoa thanh C02. TrQn 50,00 mL dung dich KMn04 0,0080 M voi 25,00 mL H2C204 0,20 M va 25,00 mL dung dich HCI04 0,80 M duoc dung dich A.

1. Vi~t phirong trinh phan irng xay ra. Tinh hAng s6 can bang cua phan irng va xac dinh thanh phAn cua dung dich A.

2. TrQn 10,00 mL dung dich A voi 10,00 mL dung dich B g6m Ca(N03)z0,020 M va Ba(N03)z0,10 M. Co k& tua nao tach ra?

Ch~p nhan su cQng k~t la khong dang k~; th~ tieh dung dich tao thanh khi pha trQn bfutg t6ng th~ tieh ella cac dung dich thrum ph§n.

Cho: E~no4' H+/Mn2+ = 1,51 V; Eg02/H2C204 = - 0,49 V ; a 25°C: 2,303 ~T = 0,0592; pKa1(H2C204)= 1,25; pKa2(H2C204) = 4,27; pKa1(H20 + C02) = 6,35; pKa2(H20 + C02) = 10,33 ; pKS(CaC204)= 8,75; pKS(CaC03)= 8,35; pKs(BaC204)= 6,80; pKs(BaC03)= 8,30;

(PKs = ~ IgKs, voi Kg la tieh s6 tan; pKa = - IgKa, voi K, la hAng s6 phan li axit).

DQ tan ella CO2 trong mroc a 25°C la Lco2 = 0,030 M.

Call 5. (3,Oili~m)

1. Cho: E~no4' H+/Mn2+ = 1,51 V; E~no~-, H+/Mn02 = 2,26 V; E~n02' H+lMn2+ = 1,23 V.

a) Tinh EO _ va EO _ 2 •

Mn04' H20/Mn02 Mn04/Mn04-

b) Nhan xet v~ kha nang oxi hoa cua Mno, trong moi tnrong axit, trung tinh va bazo. Giai thieh. 2. Vi~t phuong trinh ion ella cac phan irng d~ minh hoa kha nang oxi hoa ella ion pemanganat phu thuQe vao pH cua moi tnrong.

Call 6. (3,5 di~m)

D~ xac dinh ham hrong cua erom va s~t trong mdt m§.u g6m Cr203 va Fe203, nguoi ta dun nong chay 1,98 gam m§.u voi Na202 d~ oxi hoa Cr203 thanh CrO;-. Cho kh6i da nung chay vao mroc, dun soi d~ phan huy h~t Na202. Them H2S04 loang d~n dir vao h6n hop thu duoc va pha thanh 100,00 mL, duoc dung dich A co rnau vang da cam. Cho dung dich KI (dir) vao 10,00 mL dung dich

A, hrong 13 (san pham cua phan img gilra T va Iz) giro phong ra phan img h~t voi 10,50 mL dung dich Na2S203 0,40 M. N~u cho dung dich NaF (dir) vao 10,00 mL dung dich A r6i nh6 tiq, dung dich KI d~ du thi Iuong 13 giro phong ra chi phan ung h€t voi 7,50 mL dung dich Na2S203 0,40 M.

1. Vi~t cac phuong trinh phan irng xay ra.

2. Giai thich vai tro cua dung dich NaF.

3. Tinh thanh phful % kh6i luong ella crom va s~t trong mfru ban d~u. Cho: Fe = 56; Cr = 52.


* Thi sinh kh6ng duoc sri dung tai lieu. * Giam thi kh6ng giai thich gi them.

Trang 2/2



Thoi gian: 180 phut (kh6ng lei thai gian giao d€) Ngay thi thir nhat: 11/0112011

(D~ thi co 02 trang, gam 14 cau)

Cau 1. (1,0 di€m)

a) Hay mo ta tien trinh thi nghiem dung hop hai te bao cua hai loai de}ng v~t khac nhau d~ chong minh cac phan tir protein cua mang sinh chdt co kha nang di chuyen hay khong,

b) D~ dieu tri benh loet da day do thira axit, nguoi ta co th~ sil' dung thu6c uc che hoat de}ng loai protein nao cua mang i~ bao niem mac da day? Giai thfch,

Cau 2. (2,0 di€m)

a) Neu cac clnrc nang chu yeu cua lucri ne}i chAt. Cho mQt vi du v~ me}t loai te bao cua ngiroi c6 lucri ne}i chdt hat phat trien, me}t loai te bao c6 lucri nQi chAt tron phat trien va giln thich clnrc nang cua cac loai te bao nay.

b) Vi sao te bao binh thuong khong the gia tang mlii v~ kieh thuoc? Trong dieu ki~n nao thi ChQD loc nr nhien co the lam cho sinh v~t don bao gia tang kich thuoc?

Cau 3. (1,0 di€m)

a) Bang co che DaO te bao c6 the ngirng viec t6ng hop mQt chAt nhat dinh khi eful?

b) The nao la chAt ire che canh tranh va chAt ire che khong canh tranh cua me}t enzim? Neu chi c6 cac chAt uc che va co chAt cung dung cu xac dinh hoat tinh cua enzim thi lam the nao dS e6 the phan bi~t hai loai cMt uc che nay?

Cau 4. (1,0 di€m)

BAng thao tac vo trung, nguoi ta cho 40ml dung dich 1 0% dirong glucozo vao hai binh tam giac cO- 100mi (ki hi~u la binh A va B). cay vao m6i binh 4ml dich huY8n phil n§m men bia (Saccharomyces cerevisiaey c6 nAng dQ 1~ t8 bao nAm menJlml. CiL hal: binh deu duoc ~y nut bong va dua vao phong Duoi cAy a 35°C trong 18 gio, Tuy nhien, binh A ducc de tren gia ttnh con binh B duoc l[e lien tuc (120 vong/phut). Hay cho biet 51,1" khac bi~ e6 th~ c6 vS mw vi, dQ due va ldeu ho hAp ella cac t8 bao nck men gitra hai binh A va B. Gild thich,

Cau 5. (2,0 iliim)

a) Hliy neu cc che hinh thanh lop vo ngoai cua mQt 56 virut 6 nguoi va vai tro cua lap vo nay d6i voi virut. Cac Ioai virut co th€ gay b~nh eho ngiroi bang nhiing each nao?

b) Giai thich tai sao virut cum Iai co t6c de} bi~n d6i rAt cao. N~u dung vacxin cum cua nam tnroc de tiem phong chong dich cum ella nam sau e6 duoc khong? Giai thieh.

Cau 6. (2,0 di€m)

a) Giai thich vi sao ngtroi ta co th€ chon ba phuong phap: Xac dinh di€m bu C02, giai phdu la va nhu cAu mroc d€ phan bi~t cay C3 voi cay C4• Trinh bay ba phuong phap tren,

b) Trong di~u ki~n nao va a loai thirc v~t nao thi ho hAp sang co the xay ra? Giai thich. N~u khi h~u trong mQt vimg dia li ti6p tuc tro nen n6ng va kho hon thi thanh phdn cua cac loai thtrc v~t (C3 , C4 va CAM) 6 vung d6 se thay d6i nhir the nao?


Cau 7. (1,0 diim)

a) Neu cac bien phap ki thu~t xu Ii ddt d€ giupcay tang cireng kha. nang hAp thu chAt dinh dtrong til ddt. MQt s6 10m cay tnroc khi gieo hat, ngiroi ta cho h~l cay nhifun Ioai bao rundm cQng sinh voi r~ cay. Vi~c lam nay dem lai 19i ieh gi cho cay tr6ng? Giai thlch.

b) Khi bon cac dang phan dam khac nhau nhu ~CI,. CN1-LIhS04, NaNO] colam thay dBi d~c di~m ella ddt tr6ng khong? Giai thich.

Cau 8. (2,0 diim)

a) Neu vai tro ella axit abxixie va etilen d6i vci sg sinh tnrong cua thtrc v~t.

b) Neu ~ae y~u t6 kie~ thich thirc v~t mo khi khong vao luc m~t troi moe. Vi sao thuc v~t CAM co the dong khi khong vao ban ngay va mo vao ban dem?

Cau 9. (1,0 diim)

Cac cay cua 10m Xanthium strunarium chi ra hoa khi diroc chieu sang tAi da IA 16 giatngay. Trong mQt thi nghiem, ngiroi ta chieu sang cac cay Day robi ngay lieu tuc 16 gio va dB trong t6i 8 gio, Tuy nhien, m6i dem lai diroc ng~t quang bhg each chieuanh sang trfuJg keo dai mQt vai phut, Hay eho bi~t cac cay duoc trang trongdieu ki~n thi nghiem nhu v~y co ra hoa khong? Giai thich.

Cau 10. (1,0 diim)

MQt nu thanh nien bi benh phai c~t bo hai buong tnrng, hay cho bi~t n6ng dQ hoocmon tuy~n yen trong mau bi~n dQng nhu th~ nao? Chu ki kinh nguyet va xuong bi anh huong ra sao? Giai thich.

Cau 11. (2,0 diim)

a) Khi huyet ap thdp thi qua trinh 1Qc 6 du ~ cua co quan bai tiet mroc ti~u bi trc ngai, th~ da tg di~u chinh huyet ap bang each nao d~ qua trinh lQC tro lai binh thuong?

b) Neu S\l khac biet v~ cdu true th~ cua loai dQng v~t co vu s6ng (] sa mac voi cdu true th~ cua loai dQng v~t c6 vu s6ng (] mroc. Giai thich.

Cau 12. (1,0 diim)

Neu d~ di~m cua mao mach phil hop voi chuc nang cua chung. Giai thich tai sao binh thirong 6 nguoi chi co chimg 5% t6ng s6 mao mach la luon co mau chay qua.

Cau 13. (2,0 diim)

a) Giai thich co ch~ truyen tin qua xinap hoa hoc. Tai sao mac du c6 ca xinap di~n I§n xinap h6a hoc, nhung dai bQ ph~ cac xinap (] dQng v~t lai la xinap h6a hoc?

b) f)~ t6i uu hoa hieu qua trao d6i khi thi b~ m~t ho hAp phai co nhtrng d~c di€m gi? Giai thich d~c di~m cAu tao co quan ho hdp cua chim thich nghi voi doi s6ng bay hron,

Cau 14. (1,0 diim)

Loai chim canh cut co ki~u phan b6 cac ca th€ mQt each tuong d6i dang d~u trong vung phan b6. Hay cho bi~t loai nay co t~p tinh gi va t~p tinh do dem lai 19i ich gi cho 10M?

----------------------------HET --------.----.---------

• Thi sinh khong dU(7c su dung tai li~u.

• Gidm thi khong giai thich gi them.





Thai gian: 180 phut tkhdng k€ thai gian giao d~) Ngay thi thir nhat: 1 lIO 1120 1 1

(f)~ thi co 03 trang, g6m 03 bai)



I Ten bai File chuang trinh File dfr lieu VGO File kit qua
Bai2 Hinh chO> nh.t b6n mau COLOREC.* COLOREC.lNP COLOREC.OUT
Bai 3 Hang cay TREELlNE.* TREELINE.lNP TREELINE.OUT D§u * dWQ'c thay th~ bO'j PAS ho~c CPP cua ng6n ngfr I,p trinh dU'Q'c sU' dl,lDg tuong ullg lit Pascal ho~c C++. Hay l~p trinh giiii cdc hili todn sau:

Bai 1. (6 diem) Ph~n thU'cYng

Tu~n la nguoi thang cuoc trong mQt cuoc thi "Tim hieu kien thtrc vii tru' va dtroc nhan cac phan thuong do cong ty XYZ tai tro. Cac phan thuong diroc b6 tri tren mot bang vuong kieh thiroc n x n co dang mot hroi 0 vuong kieh thiroc dan vi, Cac dong cua bang diroc danh s6 tir 1 d~n n, nr tren xuong duoi va cac cQt cua bang duoc danh s6 tir 1 den n, tir trai qua phai, 6 narn tren giao cua dong iva cQtj diroc goi la 0 (i,j) va tren 0 do chua mQt mon qua co gia tri la au (1 ~ i.j ~ n).

f)~ nhan phan thirong, Tuan diroc phep chon mQt hinh vuong kich thuoc k x k chiem tron mQt s6 0 cua bang va nhan t~t ca cac phan qua trong cac 0 nam trong hinh vuong do.

Yeu ciu: Hay xac dinh tbng gia tri Ian nh~t cua cac mon qua rna Tuan co th~ nhan diroc, Dii'li~u: Vao nr file van ban BONUS.INP

• Dong thir nhat chua hai s6 nguyen dirong n, k (n ~ 1000;' !2 ~ k ~ n ). 3

• Dong thir i trong s6 n dong ti~p thea chua n s6 nguyen duong, s6 thuj la au (aij ~ 1000).

Cac s6 tren cung mQt dong duoc ghi each nhau it nh~t mot d~u each,

K~t qua: Ghi ra file van ban BONUS,OUT mot s6 nguyen duy nhat la tong gia tri Ian nh~t cua cac rnon qua rna Tu~n co th~ nhan duoc.

Vi du:

4 3 86
1 9 1 1
9 9 9 9
1 9 9 9
1 9 9 14 I 9 I I
9 9 9 5>
1 9 9 9
I 9 9, 14 Rang bUQc: 50% s6 tests irng voi 50% s6 diem cua bai co n :s 1 DO,

Trang 113

Biti 2. (7 c1i~m) Hinh chii' nh~t ban mau

Tren m~t phang tea dQ D~ cac vuong goc Oxy cho n diem phan biet Alx;, y;), i = 1, 2, ... , n. M6i di~m A; duoc to boi mau C; E {I, 2, 3,4}. Ta goi hinh chu nh~t b6n mau la hinh chtr nhat tho a man hai di~u kien sau:

• B6n dinh cua hinh chfr nh~t la b6n di~m trong n diem da cho va duoc to boi b6n mau khac nhau;

• Cac quill cua hinh chtt nhat song song voi mQt trong hai true to? dQ.

Yeu du: Cho bi~t toa dQ va mau cua n diem, hay dSm 56 hrong hinh chu nhat b6n mau. Dft li~u: Vao tir file van ban COLOREC.INP:

• Dong d.1u tien chua s6 nguyen duong n (4 ~ n ~ 105) la s6 hrong di~m tren mat phang,

• Dong thir i trong n dong tiep thea chua ba s6 nguyen x., y;, C1 (lx, I, Iy II :S 200) la thong tin v~ toa dQ va mau cua diem thir i, i = 1,2, ... , n.

Cac s6 tren cling mot dong duoc ghi each nhau it nh:1t mot d:1u each.

Kit qua: Ghi ra tren mot dong cua file van ban COLOREC.OUT s6 hrong hinh chtr nhat d~m diroc.

Vi dy.:

7 2
0 o 1
2 -1 3
o -1 1
-1 -1 4
-1 1 1 : ... ';'" ';--'~ ~. - -t···:·· .~- -. ';' _.-;

~ ~ . - -;- - - -~- . - - ~. ~ -l- - - ~ - - - ~ - - - -~- - - -:,

I , " ""

I " I.' I

1- __ -1 1 __ , _.", _ _ _ _ __ ~ -t_ - _ .... •

I , I I • I • I

• • • I " I I

) .... i---+.'0 4 -+-0-··i··--)

, I 1 I • I I ,

" I I ,

I I I t I •

, I I I ""

: .. -.: .... : ... r4"' 1 -·i-·f3"\---:----:

· , ,,¥, I ~ ••

: : ;' ~: ~ :

,- - - -r- - - -,- - - - r - _. '" - "' .. - - -,- - - -,- - ~ ~I

I , I I I I I •

• I I I ,I I •

, I " I, I j

,----,----,---- .. --- ---'1--·., ... ---··----1

t , I I .,..

I I I I I • ~

I I • I I.. •

• " " .. ~J, ~ ~

Rang bUQc: 50% s6 tests irng voi 50% s6 di~m cua bai co 4 :S n :S 100.

Bai 3. (7 c1i~m) Hang cay

MQt trang trai Ian co n cay canh voi dQ cao khac nhau tung doL Cac cay nay duoc xSp thea mot hang doc. Ong chu trang trai la nguoi co d~u oc tham my nen hang cay diroc b6 tri co tinh chitt khong don dieu sau day: "Di tir d~u hang d~n cu6i hang khong co 3 cay (khong nhitt thiSt phai lien tiep) co chieu cao giam dan".

MQt hom ong chu mua them mot cay canh moi co chieu cao Ian hon chieu cao cua titt ca cac cay da co. Ong ta muon x€p cay canh moi vao mot trong n + 1 vi tri co th~ cua hang cay dang co (vao vi tri d.1u hang, vi tri sau cay thir nh:1t cua hang, vi tri sau cay thir hai cua hang, ... , vi tri sau cay thir n cua hang) sao cho hang cay thu duoc vfuJ. thea man yeu du v~ tinh khong don dieu neu tren.

Trang 2/3

Yeu ciu:

• Hay cho bi~t co bao nhieu each x~p cay canh cao nhat moi mua vao hang cay sao cho v~n dam bao diSu kien vS tinh khong dan dieu.

• Gia su m6i ngay eng chu muon x~p n+ 1 cay da co thanh hang cay dam bao yeu cftu v€ tinh khong dan di~u va hai hang cay cua hai ngay khac nhau la khong trung nhau, hay giup eng chu tinh xem viec do co th~ di~n ra nhieu nh~t la bao nhieu ngay,

Dii' li~u: Vao nr file van ban TREELINE.lNP

• Dong tlnr nhat chua hai s6 nguyen duong n va h nrong img la s6 hrong cay va chieu cao cua cay cao nhk Bi~t ring n :$ 105, h :$ 106.

• Dong thir hai chua n s6 nguyen duong (m6i s6 deu nho han h) nrong irng la day chieu cao cua n cay duoc x~p ban d~u.

Cac s6 tren cung m(>t dong diroc ghi each nhau it nhat mot dau each.

Kit qua: Ghi ra file van ban TREELINE.OUT

• Dong tlnr nh~t ghi mot s6 nguyen la s6 each xep cay cao nh~t vao hang cay.

• Dong thir hai ghi m(>t s6 nguyen la phsn du trong phep chia s6 ngay 16n nhat tim diroc cho 109.

Vi du:

2 2011 2
11 1 5 Rang bU9C: 50% s6 tests irng voi 50% s6 diem cua bai co 2 :s n:S 15.

------- Hit -----

• Thi sinh khong duoc sit dung tai lieu.

• Can b(j coi thi khong giai thich gi them.

Trang 3/3


? I



LOP 12 THPT NAM 2011


Thoi gian: 180 phut (khong kd thai gian giao a€) N gay thi: 111112011

(D~ thi co 01 trang, gom 02 cau)

Cau 1. (8,0 diem)

Khong n6 hrc khang dinh minh thi kho thanh cong, nhimg khong tinh tao ch~ ngir minh thi de v§p nga

Suy nghi cua anh/chi v~ y ki€n tren,

Cau 2~ (12,0 diem)

M6i hinh nrong nhan vat phu nil thuc su thanh cong bao gio cling hi k~t qua cua su phat hien S8U sAc v8 nii: tinh.

B:kg viec phan tich mot sa nhan v~t phu nft tieu bieu trong cac tac pham da hoc tlr van hoc dan gian d~n van hoc hien dai, anh/chi hay him sang to nhan dinh tren.

---~~~--------------------- HET-------------------------

• Thi sinh khong duoc sUo dung tai lieu.

• Gidm thi khong giai thich gi them.




Tho; gian: 180 phut ikhong lei thoi gian giao tJi) Ngay thi: 11/0112011

(£)J thi co 01 trang, g6m 07 cau)

Cau 1. (2,5 iJiim)

Neu cac khuynh huang chinh tri va nhtrng bieu hien cua n6 trong phong trao yeu mroc chong Phap til cU6i th€ ki XIX d€n dfm nam 1930. Til k€t C\lC cua m6i khuynh huang, hay rut ra k€t lu~n v~ con duong giai ph6ng dan tQc Vi~t Nam.

Cau 2. (2,5 iJi€m)

Trinh bay va nhan xet sir pharr chia khu V\lC dong quan va pham vi anh hinmg gitra cac mroc Dfmg minh tai HQi nghi Ianta (2-1945).

Cau 3. (3,0 diem)

Neu li do thanh l~p va vai tro m~t tr~n thong nhat dan tQc ddu tien cua rieng Vi~t Nam do Dang Cong san Dong Duong lanh dao.

Cau 4. (3,0 diem)

Hay phan tich thai dQ chinh tri m6i th€ lire ngoai xam d€ xac dinh ke thu chinh cua nhan dan Vi~t Nam sau ngay Cach mang thang Tam 1945 thanh congo

Cau 5. (3,0 diem)

Thien chi cua Chinh phu mroc Vi~t Nam Dan chu Cong hoa nham giai quyet quan h~ voi Phap bang con dirong hoa binh trong nhung nam 1945-1954 th€ hien nlnr th€ nao? Trinh bay nhtrng di~u kien ddn toi viec trieu t~p HQi nghi Gionevo 1954 v~ Dong Duong.

Cau 6. (3,0 iJiim)

Dai hQi Idn thir III cua Dang Lao dQng Viet Nam (9-1960) xac dinh each mang xa hQi chu nghia & mien B~c c6 vai tro gi d6i voi each mang ca mroc? Vai tro d6 duoc the hien trong cuoc khang chien chong Mi nhir th€ nao?

Cau 7. (3,0 iJi€m)

Quan h~ Mi - Lien XO trong va sau Chien tranh th€ gioi thir hai c6 gi khac nhau?

CUQc Chien tranh lanh diroc khoi dQng nhtr th€ nao trong nhtrng nam 1947 -1949?

--- - --- - - - --- --- ------------ H E T ---- ------ - - --- - ------ -----

• Thi sinh kh6ng duoc sit dung tai lieu.

• Gidm thi khong giai thich gi them.


LOP 12 THPT NAM 2011

Mon: BfA t.t

Thai gian: 180 phut (khong ki thai gian giao dJ) Ngay thi: 11/0112011

(De thi c6 01 trang, g6m 07 cau)

Can 1. (3 diim)

a) Tai sao cac hoang mac va ban hoang mac thirong phan b6 a khu V\lC tir 20° d~n 40° vi Bac va Nam?

b) Giai thich tai sao can din birc xa M~t Troi trung binh nam ella m~t dAt giam dAn tir Xich dao ve hai C\lC.

Can 2. (2 diim)

a) Phan biet ti 56 gioi tinh voi ti l~ gioi tinh. Tai sao 6 cac mroc dang phat trien thuong c6 s6 nam nhieu han ntr?

b) Theo kha nang bi hao ki~t trong qua trinh sir dung cua con ngiroi, x~p mroc vao loai tai nguyen c6 th~ bi hao kiet diroc khong? Tai sao?

Can 3. (3 diim)

Dua vao Atlat Dia Ii Vi~t Nam va ki~n thirc da hoc, hay:

a) Giai thicb tai sao dAt a mien Biic va Dong Biic Biic BQ da dang.

b) Phan tich cac nhan t6 anh huong d~n ch~ dQ mroc cua song ngoi duyen hai Nam Trung BQ.

Can 4. (3 diim)

Dua vao Atiat Dia Ii Vi~t Nam va ki~n thirc da hoc, hay:

a) Phan tich su thay d6i ch~ dQ nhiet thea VI dQ.

b) Giai thich tai sao c6 su khac nhau ve loai thuc v~t a mien Biic va Dong Biic Biic BQ voi Nam Trung BQ va Nam BQ.

Can S. (3 diim)

Dtra vao Atiat Dia Ii Viet Nam va ki~n thirc da hoc, hay nh~ xet va giai thich su phan b6 dan cu 6 Dong Nam BQ.

Cin 6. (3 iJiJm)

a) Dua vao Atlat Dia li Vi~t Nam va ki~n thirc da hoc, hay phan tich S\l phat trien cong nghiep san xu!t hang tieu dung.

b) Giai thich tai sao cac hoat dQng dich V\1 6 mroc ta phan b6 khong deu.

Can 7. (3 diim)

Dua vao Atlat Dia li Vi~t Nam va kien thirc da hoc, hay so sanh th~ manh nr nhien de phat trien nong nghiep 6 Trung du va mien nui Biic BQ voi Tay Nguyen.


• Thi sinh duoc su dung Atlat Dia li Vi?t Nam (Nha xudt ban Gido due); khong duoc su dung cac tai lieu khac.

• Gidm thi khong giai thich gi them.



Man thi:

Thai gian thi:

Ngay thi:


180 phut (khOng k~ thai gian giao d~) 11/01/2011

£l~ thi co: 10 trang

• Thi sinh kMng dl.l'(YC siP dtmg tai lieu, k~ ca tif di~n.

• Giam thi khOng giai thich gi them.


phllt de noen chinh Mi tf1J'&c tin hi~u nnec ket thUc bai

Part 1: A VOA reporter is hosting a discussion of a research report on how the world is fighting hunger. Listen to the discussion and circle the correct answer (A, B, C, or D) to each of the following questions.

1. This coming Saturday will be marked as __ .

A. World's Peace Day 8. UN's Nutrition Day C. World's Food Day D. UN's Agriculture Day

2. It is aimed to push forward a program to __ .

A. fight terrorism 8. alleviate hunger C. investigate hunger D. eliminate hunger

3. The findings have revealed that early childhood is also the critical time for reducing __ .

A. violence 8. terrorism C. sexism D. poverty

4. Experts have concluded that undernourishment between conception and __ can have a serious and lasting impacts.

A. one's third birthday 8. one's second birthday C. one's first birthday D. one's fifth birthday

5. Undernourished children are likely to get __ and are likely to get sick and die.

A. physically stunted B. mentally retarded C. emotionally problematic D. physically incapable

6. According to the report, a nation's productivity of future generations largely depends on the _

A. natural environment B. family's income source

C. first 1,000 days of life D. health services

7. Damages after the critical time is _

A. highly irreversible B. scarcely retrievable C. difficult to overcome D. highly reserved

8. Who should be "on board" with nutritionists to make the project a success?

A. Professionals. B. Statesmen. C. Executives. D. Politicians.

9. In the 1980's, Thailand sent its volunteers to the country teaching about __ .

A. health and productivity B. foods and nutrients C. health and nutrition D. health and foods

10. Many major donors and the United Nations are targeting the program at __ and young children.

A. pregnant women B. working parents C. breastfeeding mothers D. low-income parents

Part 2: Listen to a radio interview with a volcanologist and circle the correct answer (A, 8, C, or D) to each of the following questions.

11. What the scientist finds the most amazing about volcanoes is the fact that __ .

A. they can kill a large number of people very quickly B. you never know when they will erupt C. volcanoes have enormous power D. their eruptions are highly predictable 12. How powerful is a volcanic eruption as described in the expert's words?

A. It can burn out a village within seconds. B. It can clean a village within seconds.

C. It can wipe out a village within seconds. D. It can bury a village within seconds.

13. The old assumption that the moon affects volcanic eruptions __ .

A. has never been tested B. has been tested only recently

C. is based on old-time legends D. is a classical myth

14. What gives rise to the old idea comes from the observation that a volcano is likely to erupt when __ .

A. the moon comes down B. there is a new moon

C. there is a full moon D. the moon is high in the sky

15. Mount Etna is nicknamed "a __ giant".

A. friendly B. hostile

C, unfriendly

D, dangerous

Page I of 10 pages

16. Mount Etna is so nicknamed because __ .

A. its cone is a playground B. its lava cools down very fast

C. its cone is narrow D. its lava moves slowly

17. For 3.000 years. Mount Etna has killed __ people.

A. 73 B. 69 C. 3.000 D. 4.000

18. How many people were killed by Mount Etna in 1669?

A. 69 deaths were recorded. B. 73 deaths were recorded.

C. No case of death was recorded.

D. 3,000 deaths were recorded.

19. A new volcano may be formed when __ .

A. lava flows fast B. a cone closes up C. lava cools down

20. Mount Fuji in Japan is the __ volcano on that site.

A. 2nd B. 1st C. 3rd

21. How large is the number of visitors visiting Mount Fuji every year?

A. 4.000 people. B. 400,000 people. C. 20,000 people.

22. The word "volcano" comes from Italian meaning " __ ".

A. a burnt mountain B. a falling mountain C. a burning mountain

23. The first volcano to have the name ·Vulcanus" was __ .

A. Vesuvius B. Mount Etna C. Mount Fuji D. Vesuvius and Etna

24. The Romans gave the Mount the name because they thought it was the __ of the God of Fire Vulcanus.

A. den B. home C. cave D. house

25. According to the expert. volcanoes __ .

A. have more than one cone C. will all become extinct

D. a cone explodes

D. 400 people.

D. a forming mountain

B. are all famous tourist sites D. are always changing

Part 3: A new student took notes of the introduction of the Department of Printed Word but she missed out some details. Listen to the man introducing his department and supply the blanks with missing information for her.

• Department: short history. founded: (26) _

• size of first intake of undergraduates: (27) _

• number of students on a taught M.A. course: (28) _

• number of part-time lecturers: (29) _

• percentage of students from outside the country: (30) _

• English level requirements for students from outside the country: (31) _

• students from outside the country get help from: (32) _

• Department's external links: (33) _

• series of workshops built with: (34) _

• modern printing highly technological

• all students have to be: (35) _

• despite being a modern department. it is also interested in: (36) _

• main work of Department: (37) teaching _

• former students employed as: (38) conservationists

• Dr Yu, expert on early Chinese manuscript and: (39) _

• post-graduate research students should apply: (40) _

II. LEXICO- GRAMMAR (5/20 points)

Part 1: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. Write your answer (A, B, C, or DJ in the numbered box.

41. He was so in the book that he did not hear her footsteps.

A. distracted B. engrossed C. gripped

42. I felt that he lacked the to pursue a difficult task to the very end.

A. persuasion B. obligation C. engagement

43. The government decided to down on income tax evasion.

A. press B. crack C. push

44. Check the apparatus carefully to make sure it has not been .

A. broken into B. tempered with C. touched up

D. attracted

D. commitment

D. snap

D. taken out

Page 2 of 10 pages

45. We believe that the cumulative effects of renewed prosperity will expectations.

A. overcome B. undermine C. surpass D. succeed

46. John's got very feelings about taking on more responsibility at the moment.

A. puzzled B. mixed C. jumbled D. muddled

47. The college will soon be ready to candidates for new courses.

A. enrol B. involve C. call D. recall

48. After the concert, everyone had to home through the thick snow.

A. trudge B. tread C. trace D. trickle

49. The captain realized that unless immediate action was taken to discipline the crew, there could be a __ on the Ship.

A. riot B. rebellion C. mutiny D. strike

50. Her enthusiasm her lack of experience.

A. makes up for B. makes off C. makes out at D. makes up

Your answers:



Part 2: The passage below contains 10 mistakes, Underline the mistakes and write their correct forms in the space provided in the column on the right. (0) has been done as an example.

A feminine is a person, usually a woman. who believes that women should be regarded as O. feminine ~ feminist

equally to men. She, or he, deplores discrimination against women in the home, place of 51. _

work or anywhere, and her principle enemy is the male chauvinist, who believes that men are naturally super. Tired of being referred to as "the weaker sex", women are becoming more and more militancy and are winning the age-old battle of the sexes. They are sick to death of sexy jokes which poke fun at women. They are no longer content to be regarded as second-class citizens in terms of economic, political and social status. They criticize beauty contests and the use of glamour female models in advertisements which they describe as the exploit of female beauty, since women in these situations were represented as mere sex objects. We no longer live in the male-dominate societies of the past. Let us hope, moreover, that the revolution stops before we have a boring world in which sex doesn't make much difference. We already have unisex hairdressers and fashions. What next?

52. _

53. _

54. _

55. _

56. _

57. _

58. _

59. _

60. _

Part 3: Write the correct FORM of each bracketed word in the numbered space provided in the column on the right. (0) has been done as an example.

A live broadcast of any public event, such as a space (0) (FLY) or sporting

occasion, is almost (61) (VARIABLE) accompanied by the thoughts of a (62)

___ (COMMENT). This may be on television, along with the relevant pictures,

alternatively on radio. The technique involved (63) (DIFFERENT) between the

two media, with radio broadcasters needing to be more explicit and (64) _

(DESCRIBE) because of the absence of visual information. TV commentators do not

need to paint a picture for their audience; instead, their various (65) (OBSERVE)

should add to the images that are already there. There will sometimes be silences and

pauses in a TV commentary, although these are becoming (66) (INCREASE)

rare. Both types of commentators should try to be informative, but should avoid sounding

(67) (OPINION). In sports commentaries, fairness and (68) (IMPART) to

both sides is vital, but spontaneity and enthusiasm are valued by those watching or listening. Sports commentators usually broadcast live in an essentially unscripted way, although they may refer to previously prepared materials such as sports statistics. Because of the (69) (PREDICT) nature of live events, thorough preparation in advance is vital. The Internet has helped enormously with this aspect of the job. Anyone

interested in becoming a commentator should have excellent (70) (ORGANISE)

skills, the willingness to work irregular hours, and a strong voice.

Part 4: Complete each sentence with the correct form of ONE of the two-word verbs below. Write your answer In the numbered box. Each verb is used only once.

O. _flight __

61. _

62. _

63. _

64. _

65. _


67. _

68. _

69. _

70. _

brina out

sift throuah

do with

close down

make UD to

lav down

go round

sit on

work out

Page 3 of 10 pages

check over

71. Business was so bad that they had to two factories.

72. Next year, we intend to several new products. But at the moment, we are still testing them.

73. The operator monitors the pressure by the readings on these gauges.

74. Calculations which used to take ages can now in a few seconds.

75. You give the computer a command and it will the data for you until it finds the information you need.

76. People only him because of his wealth.

77. He my letter for months, why doesn't he answer it?

78. This car could a good polish.

79. There should be enough sweets to .

80. It is quite clearly that only amateurs can take part.

Your answers:



Part 5: Fill each gap in the following sentences with one of the prepositions or particles in the box. Use each word only ONCE and write your answer in the numbered box. (Please note that the given words outnumber the gaps.)







81. I received the news a kind of naive enthusiasm.

82. He felt nervous before he started the first lecture of his life but he carried it very well.

83. My group and yours have arrived the same conclusion quite independently.

84. When he married for the second time, Fred got more than he bargained .

85. You can't sit and do nothing like that while much remains to be done.

86. The favourable weather has put the harvest .

87. We won't watch that programme if the television is playing again.

88. We made that we had forgotten Jane's birthday, though it was not true.

89. We had to sit nearly two hours of speeches.

90. We're both going the same job.

Your answers:


III. READING (5/20 points)

Part 1: Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each gap. Write your answer in the numbered box.

There is no doubt at all that the Internet has made a huge difference to our lives. However, most parents worry that their children spend too much time browsing the Internet or playing computer games, hardly (91) doing anything else in their spare time. Naturally, parents want to know if these activities are harmful to their children. What should they

do if their children spend hours (92) a computer screen?

Obviously, if children spend too much time (93) in some game instead of doing their homework, then

something is wrong. It is a good idea if parents and children decide together how much use should be (94) of the

Internet, and the child should (95) that it won't interfere with homework. If the child does not (96) to this

arrangement, parents can take more drastic (97) .

Any parent who is (98) alarmed about a child's behaviour should make an appointment to (99) the

matter with a teacher. Spending time in front of a computer screen does not (100) affect a child's performance at

school. Even if a youngster seems obsessed with the computer, he or she is probably just going through a phase, and in a few months parents will have something else to worry about!

91. A. always B. ever C. never D. rare
92. A. peeping at B. glancing at C. staring at D. seeing
93. A. involved B. occupied C. taken D. absorbed
94. A.done B.had C. made D. taken
95. A. promise B. assure C. secure D.claim
96. A. commit B. stick C. follow D. hold
97. A. rules B. procedures C. steps D. regulations
Page 4 of J 0 pages 98. A. actually B. heavily C. seriously D. urgently
99. 'A. speak B. discuss C. talk D. debate
100. A. possibly B. consequently C. probably D. necessarily
Your answers:
f 91 192 193 194 1950
97. 100.
96. 98. 99. Part 2: Read the following passage and answer the questions from 101 to 110. 101.

Telephone, television, radio, and the telegraph all help people communicate with each other. Because of these devices, ideas and news of events spread quickly all over the world. For example, within seconds, people can know the results of an election in Japan or Argentina. An international soccer match comes into the home of everyone with a television set. News of a disaster such as an earthquake or a flood can bring help from distant countries. Within hours, help is on the way.


How has speed of communication changed the world? To many people, the world has become smaller. Of course, this does not mean that the world is physically smaller. Two hundred years ago, communication between the continents took a long time. All news was carried on ships that took weeks or even months to cross the oceans. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, it took six weeks for news from Europe to reach the Americas. This time difference influenced people's actions. For example, one battle in the war of 1812 between the English and the United States armies could have been avoided if the warring sides had known that a peace agreement had already been signed. Peace was made in England, but the news of peace took six weeks to reach America. During those six weeks, the large and serious Battle of New Orleans was fought and many lives were lost.


An important part of the history of the world is the history of communication. In prehistoric times, people had limited knowledge of the world. They had little information about.geography, the study of the Earth. People knew very little beyond their small groups except what was happening near their homes. Later, people were organized into villages, and verbal communication between small towns was possible. Still, the people's knowledge was limited because they had no outside information. Kingdoms and small countries then developed, with a king directing the people. Cities developed, too, but still communication was limited to the small geographical area of the country. Much later in history, after the invention of the printing press, many more people learned to read, and communication was improved.


In this modern age, communication is so fast that it is almost instant. People's lives have been changed because of the immediate spread of news. Sometimes the speed is so great that it does not allow people time to think. For example, leaders of countries have only minutes, Of, at most, hours to consider all the parts of a problem. They are expected to answer immediately. Once they had days and weeks to think before making decisions.


The speed of communication demands a new responsibility from all people of the world. People in different countries must try harder to understand each other. An example is that people with different religions must try to understand each other's beliefs and values, even if they do not accept them. Sometimes their cultures are quite different. What one group considers a normal part of life is strange to another culture. In some cases, a normal part of one culture might be bad or impolite to people of another culture. That kind of difference is a possible basis for misunderstanding. People must learn not to judge others, but to accept them as they are. As the world grows smaller, people must learn to talk to each other more effectively as well as communicate more rapidly.

Match the headings given in the box below with their appropriate numbers (101 - 105) that lead the five paragraphs and write the letters A-H in the corresponding numbered boxes. (The headings outnumber the paragraphs, so you will not use all of them).

A. A disadvantage of fast communication

B. High speed of communication and its benefits

C. Our shrinking world

D. Communication devices

E. A brief history of communication development

F. Modern communication and a change in thinking pattern

G. The changing world resulting from fast communication

H. Modern communication and expected responsibility

Page 5 of 10 pages

Then choose the correct answer to each of the following questions by circling A, B, C, or D.

106. Modern communications have .

A. affected the results of elections and news of disasters

B. only allowed people to see world sports events at home

C. kept people better Informed of their world and beyond

D. made people happier. busier. but less informed

107. Before the invention of communication devices. .

A. people gave better care to their local affairs

B. there was no transportation between countries

C. people were much interested in world affairs

D. people were mostly kept in the dark about the world

108. A negative aspect of fast communication is that it .

A. makes people think too fast

B. will push governments into dead ends

C. deprives decision makers of correct information

D. may rush govemments into decisions

109. There were instances in which lives could have been saved if _

A. intercommunication had been established

B. there had not been a delay in communication

C. officers' demands of information had been met

D. carrier pigeons had arrived in time

110. The speed of communication has helped create opportunity for .

A. mutual understanding and cultural tolerance

B. better understanding and freer trade

C. the expansion of cultural differences

D. the growth of the physical world

Your answers:





Part 3: Read the follOwing passage and complete the statements that follow by circling A, B, C, or D to Indicate your answer which you think fits best.

Bringing up children

Where one stage of child development has been left out. or not sufficiently experienced. the child may have to go back and capture the experience of it. A good home makes this possible - for example. by providing the opportunity for the child to play with a clockwork car or toy railway train up to any age if he still needs to do so. This principle. in fact, underlies all psychological treatment of children in difficulties with their development. and is the basic of work in child clinics.

The beginnings of discipline are in the nursery. Even the youngest baby is taught by gradual stages to wait for food. to sleep and wake at regular intervals and so on. If the child feels the world around him is a warm and friendly one. he slowly accepts its rhythm and accustoms himself to conforming to its demands. Learning to wait for things. particularly for food. is a very important element in upbringing. and is achieved successfully only if too great demands are not made before the child can understand them. Every parent watches eagerly the child's acquisition of each new skill: the first spoken words. the first independent steps. or the beginning of reading and writing. It is often tempting to hurry the child beyond his natural learning rate. but this can set up dangerous feelings of failure and states of anxiety in the child. This might happen at any stage. A baby might be forced to use a toilet too early. a young child might be encouraged to learn to read before he knows the meaning of the words he reads. On the other hand. though. if a child is left alone too much. or without any learning opportunities. he loses his natural zest for life and his desire to find out new things for himself.

Learning together is a fruitful source of relationship between children and parents. By playing together. parents learn more about their children and children learn more from their parents. Toys and games which both parents and children can share are an important means of achieving this co-operation. Building-block toys. jigsaw puzzles and crosswords are good examples.

Parents vary greatly in their degree of strictness or indulgence towards their children. Some may be especially strict in money matters; others are severe over times of coming home at night. punctuality for meals or personal cleanliness. In general. the controls imposed represent the needs of the parents and the values of the community as much as the child's own happiness and well-being.

With regard to the development of moral standards in the growing child. consistency is very important in parental teaching. To forbid a thing one day and excuse it the next is no foundation for morality. Also. parents should realize that

Page 6 of 10 pages

"example is better than precept". If they are hypocritical and do not practise what they preach, their children may grow confused and emotionally insecure when they grow old enough to think for themselves, and realize they have been, to some extent, deceived. A sudden awareness of a marked difference between their parents' ethics and their morals can be a dangerous disillusion.

111. The principle underlying all treatment of developmental difficulties in children .

A. is in the provision of clockworl< toys and trains

B. is to send them to clinics

C. is to capture them before they are sufficiently experienced

D. offers recapture of earlier experiences

112. Learning to wait for things is successfully taught .

A. in spite of excessive demands being made

B. only if excessive demands are avoided

C. because excessive demands are not advisable

D. is achieved successfully by all children

113. The encouragement of children to achieve new skills .

A. should be focused on only at school

B. can never be taken too far

C. will always assist their development

D. should be balanced and moderate

114. Parental controls and discipline _

A. serve a dual purpose

B. are designed to promote the child's happiness

C. reflect only the values of the community

D. should be avoided as far as possible

115. The practice of the rule "Example;s better than precept" .

A. only works when the children grow old enough to think for themselves

B. would help avoid the necessity for ethics and morals

C. will free a child from disillusion when he grows up

D. is too difficult for all parents to exercise

116. In the 151 paragraph, the author lays some emphasiS on the role of the in helping the child in trouble.

A. psychiatrists B. community C. family D. nursery

117. The phrase 'conforming to' in the 2nd paragraph means .

A. adapting to B. accepting C. agreeing with D. following

118. The word 'zest' in the 2nd paragraph can be best replaced by .

A. appetite B. excitement C. enthusiasm

119. The word 'imposed' in the 41h paragraph is closest in meaning to .

A. excepted B. introduced C. made

120. Hypocrisy on the part of the parents may .

D. enjoyment

D. constrained

A. result in their children's wrong behaviour C. disqualify their teachings altogether

B. make their children lose faith in them D. impair their children's mind

Your answers:











Write T if the statement is true according to the passage,' F if the statement is not true, and NG if the information ;s not given in the passage.

121. It is important for a child to gradually get used to his daily demands in the process of mental development.

122. To force children to learn different skills beyond their natural learning rate is encouraged by parents.

123. The understanding between parents and children plays an important role in mental development.

124. Parents should leave their children's mental development for school education.

125. Parents are advised to do everything for their children right from early childhood.

Your answers:






Page 7 of 1 0 pages

Part 4: Read the following passage and choose the most suitable sentence from the list A to G for each gap from 126 to 130. There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use. Then answer the questIons from 131 to 140 thatfollow.

The days when only men would hold management positions are over. (126) . Despite a slowing

economy, the number of women in management has risen to 16% in 1995, when it used to be less than 9%. One result of this tendency is that women are now more accepted in these roles, and it has also been found that women in management ease tension and gender conflict in the workplace.

A comprehensive nation-wide study of executive performance accidentally found that women scored higher in almost all areas of performance evaluation, while compiling a large-scale analysis of 425 high-level managers. (127) ____ . They tend to work harder behind the scenes, while men prefer the glamorous, more aggressive side of management. The masculine approach is more suited to the traditional style of business, where the boss would work alone and simply dictate orders to his staff. Now, in the global information age, teamwork and partnership are increaSingly important, and these are exactly the areas where women excel.

(128) . It may be that the same qualities that make women more effective as managers are also

holding them back. Most women get stuck in jobs which involve human resources or public relations, while their skills make them highly suitable for this type of work. However. the posts in these areas rarely lead to the top. Ambitious women are frustrated by this, and many left to start their own companies. Another reason why women are overlooked for promotion is that men are seen as more dynamic and competitive. Women tend to work for the good of the company as a whole. while men are looking out for themselves. Some bosses may interpret the feminine approach as showing a lack of vision. A woman will often adopt the strategy of making people think that they are the authors of new ideas. so that they will co-operate with her plan. Although this is an effective way of achieving an objective, the result is that she will lose credit for her creativity and innovation.

It is also surprising to learn that the greatest prejudice against female bosses comes from women themselves. In a recent Gallup poll, 70% of men said that they would be prepared to accept a female boss. compared to 66% of women. (129) . Since nearly all bosses used to be male, women feel more comfortable being supervised by a man than by another woman. Some women also feel that a male boss is less demanding and he feels more relaxed about being in a position of authority. Since women have to work harder to get to the top, they expect more of their staff when they get there.

In conclusion. although more and more women are rising to higher positions. there are still many deep-rooted prejudices and double standards that keep them from achieving the very top positions. Companies may say that they value interpersonal skills, but they still look for a leader who is decisive and a risk taker. (130) . Although women have proved that they are capable of leading a company. it seems that they will not get the chance to do so until they are prepared to start their own businesses.

A. One possible reason for this is that of tradition

B. Areas where women are particularly effective are in supporting their staff, and sharing information

C. More and more women are moving into top jobs in the USA

D. Although women are not as decisive as men, they still play an important role in social work

E. Although the number of women in middle management is on the increase, there are still few women running large companies

F. These qualities are perceived as being mainly masculine

G. These positions are held by females

Complete the following statements by circling A, 8, C, or D.

131. The participation by women in business management has .

A. increased a sexist attitude among men

B. started new business conflicts

C. caused gender conflict among the staff

D. made the workplace more agreeable

132. Women managers are found more skilful in areas where they can promote their ability to _

A. build relationships with people B. fight their way to the top

C. deal with their male bosses D. give directions to the staff

133. Women are often overlooked for the top jobs because .

A. other women do not like working for them B. they do not take credit for their own ideas

C. they cannot make big decisions D. they leave to start their own businesses

134. Women prefer a male boss because .

A. male bosses work harder B. men are more competitive

C. it is more usual to work for a man D. female bosses are more demanding

135. A female boss often demands more of her staff because


A. other women do not like working for them C. she can always make big decisions

B. she herself has to toil her way to the position

D. her staff do not tend to submit themselves to her

Page 8 of 10 pages

Write T " the a,.tement Is we according to the passage; F If the statement is not we, and NG If the information Is not given In the passage.

136. Working with other people has become more Important in modern business.

137. Businesses owned by women are more successful than those owned by men.

138. Most women work for their own promotion. not for the goOd of the company.

139. More men than women work for female bosses.

140. Companies may not tell the truth about the qualities they look for in a manager.

Your answers:

126. 127. 128. 129. 130.
131. 132. 133. 134. 135.
136. 137. 138. 139. 140. IV. WRITING (8120 points) Part 1: (0.5120 points)

Use the word(a) given in brackets and make any necessary additions to complete a new sentence in such a way that It la as similar as possible in meaning to the Original sentence. Do NOT change the form of the given word(s). Look at the example in the box.

141. Attendance at the additional evening lectures is not obligatory for students. (under)

~ Students the additional evening lectures.

142. You cannot find pottery like this in any other part of the country. (type)

~ This is the only part of the country found.

143. All are eligible for the contest. There is no discrimination of race and sex. (regardless)

~ All are eligible , .

144. As a resuh of the bad weather. there may be delay to some Intemational flights. (subject)

~ Due to the bad weather possible delay.

145. We were very much surprised to learn that Brian had become a monk. (To)

~ Brian had become a monk.

Part 2: (2120 points)

Below i. the data showing the students' choice of colleges and universities in the country of Dispairana.

Write a report (of about 150 words) on the changes over the period of ten years. You may add comments and reasons to enliven your report.

Choice of Institution


[ _PfI¥ate

_ Foreign-ownecs

Page 9 of ) 0 pages

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Part 3: (3.5120 points)

High-school students are expected to partiCipate more In extracurricular activities and community service In addition to achieving high grades. Some educators suggest extending high-school education to four years so that students can achieve all that Is expected of them. Others are against the proposal because they think students would lose Interest In school and attendance would drop In the end.

In about 350 words, write an essay that ends with the remark "High-school education should be extended to four yearsto assert your point of view on this question. Use reasons and examples to support your position. You may continue your writing on the back page if you need more space .

....................................................................................... ., - , .

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Page I 0 of J 0 pages





Thai gian: 180 phut (kh6ng ki thai gian giao dJ) Ngay thi tlnr hai: 12/0112011

Bai 5 (7,0 iJiJm). Cho day s6 nguyen (an) xac dinh hoi

ao = 1, at = -1 va an = 6an_1 + 5an_2 voi moi n :::: 2.

Chung minh r~ng a2012 - 2010 chia hSt cho 2011.

. -- --

Bai 6 (7,0 diem). Cho tam giac ABC khong can tai A va co cac goc ABC, ACB la

cac goc nhon, Xet mQt diSm D di dQng tren canh BC sao cho D khong trung voi B, C va hinh chieu vuong goc cua A tren BC. Duong thang d vuong goc voi BC tai D cit cac duong th~g AB va A C urong irng tai E va F. GQi M, N va PlAn hrot la tam duong trim nQi tiSp cac tam giac AEF, BDE va CDF. Clurng minh r~g b6n diSm A, M, N, P cung nk tren mQt duong trim khi va chi khi duong thang d di qua tam dirong trim nQi tiSp tam giac ABC.

Bai 7 (6,0 diJm). Cho n la s6 nguyen duong. Chirng minh r~g da thtrc P(x,y) = x" + xy + yn

khong thS viSt duoc diroi dang

P(x,y) = G(x,y).H(x,y),

trong do G(x, y) va H(x, y) la cac da tlnrc voi h~ s6 thuc, khac da tlnrc hang,

---------------------------- HET ---------------------------

• Thi sinh khong duac sit dung tai lieu va may tinh cdm tay.

• Giam thi khong giai thich gi them.



Mon: V~TLi

Thai gian: 180 phut (khong ki thai gian giao d€) Ngay thi thir hai: 1210112011

(D8 thi co 02 trang, gam 04 diu)

Cau 1. (4,5 diim)

MQt con l~c v~t li co kh6i hrong M, kh6i tam tai 0 va co th~ quay quanh true nfun ngang di qua di~rn 0 nfun tren con lie. Mornen quan tinh cua con l~c d6i voi true quay la 1. Bi~t khoang each 00 = d. Con Hic diroc tha nr vi tri co 00 hop voi phuong thang dirng rnQt goc Uo = 60° (0 phia dum 0). 86 qua rna sat a true quay va hrc can moi tnrong.

1. Tinh dQ 100 phan luc cua true quay len con Hie khi 00 hop voi phuong thfutg dimg rnQt goc a..

2. Tinh gia t6c toan phful 1611 nhAt cua kh6i tam con l~c trong qua trinh dao dQng.

3. Khi con l~c dang a vi tri can bang thi chiu tac dung ffiQt xung hrong

X cua lire F trong thai gian rAt ngan ~t thea phuong di qua di~m A tren true 00 (hrc F hop voi 00 g6c ~, xem Hinh 1).

a) Xac dinh xung hrong cua lire do true .quay tac dung len con lie trong thoi gian tac dung ~t.

b) Xac dinh goc p va vi tri di~m A d~ xung hrong cua lire tac dung len true quay b~g khong,

Cau 2. (4,0 diim)

Cho mach di~n nhu Hinh 2. CUQn day c6 dQ tu cam L, tv di~n c6 di~n dung C, di~n tro c6 gia ttl R. Bi~t di~n ap gitra M va N la uMN = Uocos2(Ot, vei (0 co th~ thay d6i duoc nhimg Vo kh6ng d6i. A la ampe k~ nhiet, cac phdn tiI trong mach duoc coi la Ii nrong.

1. Tim gia tri ro d~ thanh phAn xoay chien cua dong di~n qua ampe k~ c6 bien dQ kh6ng phu thuQc vao di~n tro R. Xac dinh s6 chi cua ampe k~ trong tnrong hop nay.

2. Tim gia tri co d~ s6 chi cua ampe k~ la nho nhdt. Bi~t rang ~ > R 2• Cau 3. (4,O ai€'m)

Cho mQt quang h~ gam hai tMu kinh mongo LI va Lz gi6ng nhau c6 cung tieu cu f ~t dang true. Tren Hinh 3,

O! va O2 18. quang tam cua hai tMu kinh, Fi lil tieu ciiBm .... ----+--------+---S anh cua th~u kinh L2. MQt di~m sang S ~t 4U tieu d:iBm

cua thAu kinh LI.

1. Tim khoang each gitra hai thAu kinh sao cho khi mQt ban m~t song song dang chAt, chiet suAt n, ~t ttong vung giua S va 0, hoac giiia 02 va F~ thea phuong

vuong g6c v6i quang true thi rum ella S qua h~ d~u {}

oung m¢t vi trio

2. f)~t trong khoang gitra h¢ hai thdu klnh LI va Lz S mQt ban m~t song song vuong g6c voi quang true d~ tao thanh mQt quang he rnoi (Hinh 4). Ban m~t song song nay co b~ day h, chi~t suAt n thay dBi theo quy lu~t

Hinh 1







101 1~ •
Hinh 3
Yj - -r~---- ~2



, h '




n = no + k.y (no va k la hang 56, k > 0), voi true Oy vuong g6e voi quang true va e~t quang true ella h~ thau kinh. Bo qua su thay d6i ehi~t sudt doc theo duong truyen cua tia sang trong ban m~t song song.

a. Xac dinh vi trf anh ella S qua quang h~.

b. Til vi tri d6ng true, quay thau kinh Lz mot goc <p nho, sao eho true ehinh cua L2 vdn nk trong m~t phang chua Oy va O2 (Hinh 4). Xac dinh vi tri moi cua anh.

Can 4. (7,5 di€m)

1. (2,5 tJiJm) Xu If s6li?u

Mot han h~ g6m hai kill acgon (Ar) va hiru6 (Hz) c6 kh6i hrong 8,5 gam, duoc chua trong th8 tich Vo = 10 elm 6 tip sudt po = 105 N/mz. Khi nen doan nhi~t kh6i khi tren ta duoc cac c~p gia tri th~ tich V va ap sutt p tuong tmg thea bang 56 li~u sau:

V (dnr') 9,00 8,20 7,40 6,70 6.10
P (lOS N/m2) 1,17 1.35 1,57 1,83 2,11 Biet nguyen til hrong cua acgon la 40 g/mol va hidro la 1 g/mol. Gift thiet trong qua trinh nen doan nhiet, khi khong bi phan Ii. Hay xac dinh kh6i hrong khi Ar va Hz trong h6n hop,

2. (5,0 tJi€m) Khao sat di;ic tinh cua pin quang di~n

Pin quang di~n co cAu tao g6m lap chuyen ti~p p - n va hai di~n eire (Hinh 5). Mot trong hai di~n_ cue lam bftng ehdt co tinh dan di~n t6t va anh sang co tb€ xuyen qua. Khi chi~u sang thich hop vao lap chuyen tiep p - n se xudt hien hieu di~n the mQt chi~u 0 hai di~n cue cua pin.

Khao sat pin quang di~n nhu Ia mot Iinh ki~n di~n tiro Neu gitra hai di~n cue A va B cua pin co hieu di~n th~ U AB thi dong di~n qua pin e6 dang lAB = Id(eUuAS -1)+ Ig, voi Ig d~e tnrng eho thanh phfut dong di~n sinh ra do Sl,l chieu sang vao lap chuyen ti~p (Ig = 0 khi khong chieu sang), II va Id la cac h~ s6 d~c trung cho pin (Id > 0, II > 0). Gift thiet II va Id luon khong d6i. Khi pin diroc chien sang 6n dinh thi Ig

khong d6i va trong tnrong hop chien sang manh thi IIsl» Id.

Dien eire trong su6t





Yeu cl1U:

I. V oi pin quang di~n khi duge chieu sang thieh hop va 6n dinh:

a) Ti~h di~n ap ho mach Uo Cll~ pin thea Ig, Id ~a II. ,

b) Mac tnrc tiep pin voi mot bien tro. Cong suat tieu thu tren bien tro d~t gia tri Cl,IC dai Pm khi bien tra co di~n tra Rm va di~n ap gifra hai dl1u bien tfa la Urn.

- Vi~t phirong trinh xac dinh Urn thea Ig, Id va II.

- Xac dinh P m thea Rrn, Ig, Id va II.

2. Cho cac dung C\1 sau: - 01 pin quang di~n;

- 01 arnpe ke va 01 von k~ m¢t chieu deu co nhieu thang do, 01 bien tro;

- 01 ngucn di~n mQt chieu 6n dinh;

- 01 ngu6n sang co th~ thay dAi dugc cuong do sang trong khoang gia tri rQng;

- Gia do, day nbi, khoa K va thiet bi che chan cAn thiet,

a) Ve so d6 thl nghiem d€ khao sat duong d~e tnrng von - ampe ella pin. Ve phac dang dirong d6 thi d(ic tnrng von - ampe ella pin khi pin ducc chieu sang 6n dinh va chi ra gia tri dong Ig, di~n ap Uo tren d6 th],

b) Trinh bay phuong an thi nghiem d~ xac dinh cac dai hrong d~c trung Id va II ella pin.


• Thf sinh khong duoc szi dung tai li~u.

• Giam thi khting giai thich gi them.


? J



LOP 12 THPT NAM 2011


Thai gian: 180 phut (khong kd thai gian giao dJ) Ngay thi thir hai: 12/0112011

D~ thi co 02 trang, g6m 05 cau


Cau 1. (4,5 didm)

1. Xitral (CH3hC=CHCH2CH2C(CH3)=CHCH=O co trong tinh dAu chanh, g6m 2 d6ng phan a va b.

a) C~u tao phan nr xitral co tuan thea qui tAc isoprenoit hay khong? Hai ch~t a va b thuQC loai d6ng phan nao? Hay vi~t cong thirc cAu true va goi ten h~ theng hai d6ng phan do.

b) D~ tach rieng hai dc3ng phan a va b, ngiroi ta sfr dung semicacbazit va axit vo ca. Hay neu v~n t~t qua trinh thuc nghiem do.

c) Khir xitral rc3i chuyen hoa san pham A theo sa dc3:

X't I LiAIf4 A H+ B

Ira ~ ~

(CIOHlS0) (CIOHI6, dang mach hb)


2,5,5- Trimetylbixiclo[ 4.1.0]hept-2-en

Vi~t cong thirc c~u tao cua A, B, C va hoan thanh sa db cac phan (mg. Giai thich qua trinh chuyen hoa tao thanh c.

2. Cho n-butylmetylete phan img voi dung dich HI (d~c), ngtroi ta nhan duoc hai san phAm A va B. Khi cho mQt trong hai san pham do phan irng voi bazo manh thl thu diroc C. Thuy phan C trong moi truong axit, diroc D. Oxi hoa C b~ng KMn04, chon lAy san pham E tao thanh cho phan img voi D, diroc F (co 7 cacbon). M~t khac, chuyen hoa C thanh G, sau do G thanh H. N~u cho H phan (mg voi F rbi thuy phan se thu dUQ'c I (C11H240). Vi~t sa dc3 cac phan irng chuyen hoa til A d~n I (dang cong thirc cAu tao) va goi ten cac hQ'P chelt huu co nay.

3. Vi~t cac dc3ng phan I~p th~ cua metylxiclohexanon. Dc3ng phan nao co tinh quang hoat? Giai thich vi sao dum tac dung cua bazo, xeton quang hoat bi raxemic hoa?

Cau 2. (4,5 diJm)

1. Vi~t tac nhan, di€u ki~n phan (rug (neu co) thay eho dAu cham hoi (?) va cong thirc eAu tao cua cac hop ch~t htru co A, B, C, D d~ hoan thanh sa d6 phan (mg sau:

Hay so sanh nhiet de) nong chay va so sanh lire axit cua cac ch~t A, B, C, D. Giai thich.

2. cis-l-Beeyl-2-(5-metylhexyl)etllenoxit(hay disparlure) lit mQt pheromon cua mQt loai buom. Hay:

a) Ve cong thee cac dAng phan l~p th~ cua dispalure.

b) Vi~t sa de, tang hop dispalure tir axetilen, cac ch~t vo co, hiru cc (chira khong qua 5 cacbon).

3. Tu qua b6 kat, ngiro'i ta tach dUQ'C hop ch~t K (ClsHlS06). Khi eho K tac dung voi CH3I1Ag20 (dir) rbi thuy phan voi xuc tac c-glycozidaza thi thu dtroc M (C9HI80S) va N. HQ'P chelt M thuoc day L voi cdu hinh tuyet d5i cua C2 giong C3 nhung khac C4 va C5. N~u oxi hoa M b~ng axit nitric thi trong h6n hop san pham e6 axit axetie rna khong co ax it propionic hoac d~n xuAt cua no. Khi cho N tac dung voi dung dich KMn04 thi tao thanh mQt c~p dc3ng phan threo co cung cong thlrc phan tll C9H 1004 d€u khong lam mAt mau mroc bromo Hay xac dinh cong thirc l~p th~ cua K, M, N va ve eAu dang ben cua K.

Cau 3. (3,5 didm)

1. Vi~t cac tac nhan, di€u kien phan irng (neu co) thay cho d.1u cham hoi (?) va vi~t cong thirc cAu tao cua cac hQ'P chelt huu co F, G, H, I, J d€ hoan thanh sO'dc3 chuyen hoa sau:

02NON02 H2NON02 N~N~· O2 HOurN02 HOurNH2

I ? I .u.; 01 _____2_. I ~ I

:::"._ :::"._ "<:,.... """ ~





Zn(Hg)/ Hel G

1. W/~O

Trang 112

:Wx ~.~~. ~kt


Gin 4. (3,5 aiim) OOOCH3

1. Tir xiclohexen va 4-c1orobutan-l-ol hay t6ng hQ'P

2. D-Ga)actopiranozO' duoc chuyen hoa thanh axit ascorbic theo sO'db sau:


(a) (b) (c) HO Na(Hg) OH OH

HO --. A --... B __. 0 ~


.o.Galactopiranoza H L ~H OH D 0

I. NH3 ~OH OH (t) (g) HOt:° OR HCN uct HO 0

-- ..... HO _F _ _H_

2. NaOCI ~ ~

OH 0 0 0

E . G HO OH Axit ascorbic

vich cac tac nhan (a), (b), (c), (f), (g) va cong thirc l~p th€ phu hop vci d~ bai cua cac hop chAt huu co D-galactopiranozcr, A, B, F, H. Bi~t r~ng, a giai doan cu6i cling xay ra sg thuy phan, tau tome hoa va lacton hoa.

Can 5. (4,0 aiim)

o '25°C, cho dong di~n mQt chi8u co cuong dQ 0,5A di qua blnh di~n phan chua 2 dien cue platin nhung trong 200 ml, dung dich gam CU(N03)2 0,020 M CO(N03h 1,0 M, HNOJ 0,010 M.

1. Vi~t phirong trinh cac rura phan (rng co thexfty ra tren catot va anot trong qua trinh dien phan.

2. Khi 10% luong ion kim loai d§u tien bi di~n phan, nguoi ta ng~t mach di~n va nbi doan mach bai CI,fC cua blob dj~n phan. Hay cho bi8t hien tUQ11g xay fa va vi8t phuong trinh phan ling rninh hoa,

3. Xae dinh khoang th8 cua ngubn di~n ngoai d~t vao catot d~ co th~ dien phan hoan toan ion thli nhAt teen catot (coi qua trlnh di~n phan Ie. hoan toan khi nang dQ cua ion b] di~n phan con lai trong dung dich la 0,005% so voi nbng dQ ban d§u).

4. Tinh th~ tich kh! thoat ra (dktc) tren anot sau khi di~n phan diroc 25 phut, Khi do, gia tr] th~ catot la bao nhieu?

Chap nhdn: Ap su~t rieng phAn cua khi hidro PH2 =; 1 atm; khi tinh toan khong k€ d~n qua th~;

nhiet d(> dung dich khong thay d6i trong su6t qua trinh dien phan.

Cho: E~u2+ICU = 0,337 V; E~o2+lco = - 0,277 V;

hfuIg s6 Faraday F = 96500 Cmol ", a 25°C: 2,303 RT = 0,0592.


-------------------- lf~1r --------------------

* Thi sinh kh6ng ilu(1c sir dung (iii lieu;

* Gidm thi khong gici; thich gi them.

Trang 2/2

B9GIAo DVC vA sAo T ~o



Thoi gian: 180 phut (khOng lei thai gian giao a€) Ngay thi thrr hai: 12/01/2011

(D~ thi co 02 trang, gAm 15 cau)

Cau 1. (l,O ai€m)

a) Cho r~ng kh6i u duoc xuAt phat tlr mQt ta baa b] dQt bi~n nhi€u IAn d~n d~n mAt kha nang di€u hoa p baa. hay giai thlch tai sao tin s6 ngiroi b] benh ung thir a ngiroi gia cao han so voi a ngiroi tre,

b) Thirc nghi~m eho dilly n8u nuoi edy te bao blnh thirong cua nguoi trong moi tnrong nhan 410 tren p:tril,(hQP l6ng)th~ cac t8 b~"O ch~ ti€p t\l; phan .baa cho to! khi, tao ne? m"ot ~6p ~cm ~~o rhu kin t, b9 be m.t dia petn, TUl nhien, neu lay te baa b] ung thu eua cung loai rna nay v~ nua,l cay trong d ki~n tirong t\l' thi cac te baa ung thir sau khi phan baa phu kin be m~t dia petri van tiep tuc phan c tao thanh nhi~u lap t8 bao ch6ng len nhau. Ttr kat qua nay, hay cho biet dQt biSn da: lam hong cc nao cua tS baa khlen chimg ti€p tuc phan chia khong ngimg. Giai thich.

Can 2. (1,0 aiim)

a) Loai ARN nao la da dang nhAt? Loai ARN nao co s6 hrong nhieu nhAt trong t€ baa nhfm thuc? Giai thi<

b) Co mQt dQt bien xay ra trong gen quy dinh rnQt chu6i polipeptit chuyen bQ ba 5'-UOO-3' rna hoa I axit amin triptophan thanh bO ba 5'-UGA-3' a gitla vung rna hoa cua phan tli mARN. Tuy v~y, tn tS baa I~i eon co m<)t dQt bi~n th(:r hai thay the: nucleotit trong gen rna hoa tARN tao ra cac tARN th~ "sira sai" dQt biSn thu nhat. NghTa Iii dQt biSn thrr hai "at che" diroc S\l' bieu hien cua dot bi8n nhAt. nba tARN llie nay vln dQe duoc 5'-UOA-3' nhu la bQ ba rna hoa cho triptophan. N~u nhu pI t(:r tARN b] dQt bi~n nay tham gia vao qua trlnh dich rna cua gen binh thuong khac quy dinh ch polipeptit thl se dan d8n Mu qua gl?

Can 3. (1,0 di~m)

N~u hai khac bi~t ehinh gitla mQt ¥en du true di€n hinh cua sinh v~t nhan sa (vi khuan) voi rnQt 1 dien hlnh cua sinh V?t nhan thuc, Cau true cua cac loai gen nay eo y nghTa gi eho cac sinh y?t nhan so nhan thuc?

Can 4. (J, 0 aiJm)

a) Lai thuan-nghich co y nghia gl trong nghien ciru di truyen hoc? Giai thlch.

b) Trang chon gi6ng. nhieu khi ngiroi ta thuc hi~n phep lai trc lai: Vi du, lai dong thuAn chung A dong thuAn chung B rAi sau do eho can lai lai tra I~j voi dong A. Deri can sinh ra sau do lai ti€p tuc 4 lai tre lai voi dung dong A ban diu va qua trinh lai tro lai nhir v~y duoc I~p di I~p t~i nhieu I~n. l cho biat each lai tr6 I~i nhu v~y nharn muc dich gi? Giai thfch.

Cau 5. (1,0 di€m)

a rnQt loai thuc v~t, c6 ba ki8u hlnh canh hoa khac nhau: Canh hoa trang chAm do (TD), canh hoa s~rn (DS) va canh hoa do nhat (DN). Co hai dong thuAn Tf) khac nhau (ki hi~u la Tf)l va TD2) khi t

hanh d I' ,. h . d' th:' DS 'DN th d k,(t a h

em ai VO'I al ong uan va u uoc e qu n ir sau:
se thu tv C~p b6, met dem lai (P) Kieu hinh FI Kieu hlnh Fl
phep lai TD DN DS
1 TDI x DN 100%TD 480 40 119
2 TD! x DS 100%TD 99 0 32
3 DSxDN 100% DS 0 43 l32
4 TD2 x DN 100% TD 193 64 0
5 TD2 x DS 10O%TD 286 24 74
~ .<> ~ . .". , , ,. A , , , - '" '." Quy IU{lt di truyen chI phci kieu hinh canh hoa a loa) thuc v1;1t nay la g)? Hay cho blet kieu gen cua t cay b6, met (P) dircc dern lai a cac phep lai tren, Can 6. (2, 0 ai~m)

a) Cac nha khoa hoc nh~n th~y cac dQt bi€n di bQi do thira rnQt nhiSrn s~c th~ khac nhau a ngum thtrong ] eh~t a cac giai doan khac nhau trong qua trinh phat trien cua ca th~ bi dQt bi~n. Giai thich tai sao lai co khac nhau nhu vay.

b) Cac th€ d¢t bien chuy€n do~n giiia cec nhi~m s~e th€ co nhOng d~e di€rn gi khac bi~t voi cac loai th~ , bi8n cAu true nhi~m sAc thS khac? Neu y nghia cua d¢t bi~n nay trong chon gi6ng va trong ti~n hoa, Cau 7. (1,0 aiim)

DI,l1l tren co sa khoa hoc nao rna ngeoi ta ti~n hanh lai phan tli? Neu va giai thich cac irng dung thuc tiSn ( lai phan tli.


Cau 8. (2,0 aiim)

Trang mQt qu§n the ngiroi, co toi 84% dan s6 co kha nang nMn bi€t mui vi cua ch~t hoa hoc phenyLtiocarbamide, s6 con l{li thi khong, KhA nang nh~n bi8t mui vi cua ch~t nay lit do alen trQi A nAm tren nhi€m sic the thuong quy dinh; khdng co khA nang nay Iii do alen a quy dinh.

a) QuAn th~ nay phai co nhtmg di8u ki~n nao moi co the tinh dugo tin s6 alen A va a? Giai thfch ..

b) Trong quAn the neu tren, mQt nguoi dAn6ng co kha nang nh@.n bi~t dUQ'c mui vi chAt phenyltiocarbamide lAy ngum vq khong co quan h~ ho hang vol aOO ta va ciing co kha nang nh," biSt chAt hoa hoctren, Hay tlnh xac suit c~p vg chang nay sinh con. trai diu long khang co kha nang nh{in biet chAt phenyltiocarbarnide, nau qwin the nay can bAng di truy6n.

c) Gia sir trong s6 nhl8u c~p VQ chan~ rna cli vg va chang d~u 13. di hop tiI v8 c~p alen noi tren (Aa) va GSU c6 4 can, thi ti l~ phAn tram so ci,ip vr; chAng nhir v~y c6 dung ba ngurri can co khanang nh~ bi8t mui vi cua chAt hoa hoc phenyltioearbamide va mQt nguoi khong co kha nang nay la baa nhieu?

Cau 9. (2,OdiJm)

a) Trong di~u ki~n nao thi s\l' da dang di truy~n cua quAn the sinh v~t sinh san hiiu tinh se b] suy giam?

Giai thich.

b) Hi~u qua cua chon loc t'l nhien phu thuoc vao cac y€u t6 nao? Giai thfch.

Cao 10. (1,0 diJm)

Neu nhiing diem khac nhau co ban gitra qua trinh hinh thanh loai moi bAng each Ii sinh thai va qua trinh hlnh thanh loai bAng da bQi h6a.

Cao 11. (1,0 diJm)

Cac vung khac nhau cua cung mQt gen (y sinh v~t nhan thuc co th~ ti€n hoa vai t6c dQ khac nhau. Hay giai thlch,

Cau 12. (2,0 tJiJm)

a) Phin bi~t m6i quan h~ v~t an thit-con rnAi voi m6i quan h~ v~t ki sinh-v~t chu. Cho mQt vi d\! v~ t'mg dung cua mAi quan M v~t an thit-con m6i trong phong tnr con trung gay hai bAng bi~n phap sinh hoc, b) Vi sao lila tai d6 cilng nhu 6e birou yang di nltt~p vao Vi~t Nam l~i co thB gay nen nhOng tac hai to Ian trong nong nghiep? Gild thicb.

Oiu 13. (1,0 aiJm)

a) Giai thieh ~i sao qua trinh dien th! sinh thai trong tv nhien lai tmrong diSn ra thea mot trinh tv KAe dinh va c6 thS din d~n hinh thanh m9t quAD xi nrong dbi 6n djnh.

b) MQt sA dan tQc mi8n nui thuong dOt rfty de Lily dAt trAng cay lucmg thuc, nhung chi canh Uic dugc vai nam rAi l{li phai chuyBn di noi khac. Hay cho bi€t ba can nong dan phai lam gi dS co the trang cac eay ItlO11g th1JC lau dai rna khong phai chuyen di noi khac? Giai thfch.

Can 14. (2, ° diim)

a) Neu va giai thfch nhOng tao d9ng cua con ngeoi khiSn m¢t Jaai

dQng v~t co nguy co b] di~t vang. N~u mQt loai dang c6 nguy co . 1,000.

hi. diet vang thl chUng ta dn phai co hie, n phap 0'1 dS duy trl va jiI

0.0 ,~: 80CO

phat trian loai nay?

b) Hinh ben ghi lai S\l' bian dQng s6 IUQTIg cua quAn the trung d8 giay dugc nudi trong phong thi nghiem, s6 iugng ea the (cac cham den tren hinh) rAt phu hop voi dang d6 th] hlnh chn S. f)i~u kien thl nghiem phai th~ nao thi moi co dircc ki€u tang tnrong cua quAn th~ nhu v~y? ':'ao n~ay thfr bao nhieu trong thai gian thi nghiem thi quin the co toe dQ tang tnrong nbanh

nhAt? Giai thich,




Cau 15. (1,0 diJm)

Hinh ben mo ta cac dao 4i dirong diroc xudt hien gAll nhtr cung mQt thoi diem, ki hi~u A, B, C, D va E. Hay cho bi8t dito nao co dQ da dang thanh phk loai cao nhAt va dao nao co dQ da dang thanh phAn loai thAp nh~t, n8u thoi gian ti~n hoa cua cac loai sinh v~t 0 tren cac dao III nhu nhau? Giai


/0. 0
C) c
1. .... ~~ D
F. 0
0 ----------------------------H~1r---------------------------

* Thi sinh khong duoc sti dung tai lifU.

* Giam thi khong giili thich gi them.




Thoi gian: 180 phut ikhong kJ thai gian giao d€) Ngay thi thir hai: 12/0112011

(D~ thi co 03 trang, g6m 03 bai)


') I



Ten bai File chuang trinh File dii' lieu vaa File Mt qua
BlIi6 NAng cAp m~mg UPGRANET.* UPGRANET.lNP UPGRANET.OUT Di\u * c1lfQ'C thay th~ bO'j PAS ho,c CPP cua ngon ngii'l~p trinh c1uV'c suo d~ng tunng lmg hi Pascal hote C++.

Hay lpp trinb giiii cdc bili totin sau:

Biti 4. (6 (fi~m) NOi di~m den trcing

Tren true s6 thirc cho n di~m den va n diem trang hoan toan phan biet. Cac diem den co toa dQ nguyen aI, a2, ... , an con cac di~m trang co toa dQ nguyen b-, b2, ... , b.; Ngiroi ta muon chon ra k di~m den va k diem trang d~ n6i m6i mQt diem den voi mot diem trang sao cho k doan thang tao duoc doi mot khong co diem chung.

Yeu ciu: Cho toa dQ cua n di~m den aI, a2, ... , an va toa d<) cua n di~m trang b-, bi, ... , b.; hay tim gia tri k I6'n nh~t thoa man yeu du neu tren,

Dii' Ii~u: Vao tu file van ban BWPOINTS.INP: .

• Dong thir nh~t clnra s6 nguyen dirong n (n s; 10\

• Dong thir hai chua cac s6 a" a2, ... , an(!a;! S; 109, i = 1,2, , n);

• Dong thu ba chua cac s6 bi, b2, ••• , bn Obil s; 109, i = 1,2, , n).

Cac s6 tren cung mQt dong diroc ghi each nhau it nh~t met d~u each.

K~t qua: Ghi ra file van ban BWPOINTS.OUT mQt s6 nguyen duy nh~t la s6 k 16'n nhat tim duoc. Vi dy:

3 2
-3 5 -1 --~~T~~O-- •• ~.'-~~.~---Q--+

-3 -2 - J 0 1 2 3 4 5


Rang buqc: 50% s6 tests irng voi 50% s6 diem cua bai co I :s n :s 100.

Trang 113

BiJi 5. (7 di~m) Tro chol ch~n Ie

Tro choi ch~n le la tro choi hai d6i thu duoc mo ta nhir sau: Xuat phat ill bang tro choi Ia: rnQt bang vuong kich thiroc n x n g6m n dong va n cQt. Cac dong cua bang diroc danh s6 tir 1 d~n n tll' tren xu6ng du6i. Cac cQt cua bang duqc daub s6 tir I den n, tll' trai qua phai. Tren m5i 0 cua bang ghi mQt s6 nguyen. Hai obi thu luan phien thuc hien mrcc dl. D6i thu d~D Iirot choi cua minh duoc phep xoa dong eubi cung n~u tbng cac 56 tren dong d6 Iii 36 chlin hoac lei cQt cubi cung n~u tang cac 56 tren cQt d6 Iii. s6 ch~.

D6i thu thang cuoc la nguoi xoa duoc 0 cuoi cung cua bang hoac sau khi thuc hien mroc di cua minh thi tbng cac s6 tren dong cuoi cung va tong cac s6 tren CQt ouoi cung cua bang d~u la s6 le.

Y~u ciu: Cho bi~t bang s6 cua tro choi, hay xac dinh xem nguoi di tnroc co each choi gianh phan thang hay khong?

Dil Ii~u: Vao ur file van ban PARIGAME.INP:

• Dong thir nh~t chua s6 nguyen dirong k Iii. s6 luong bQ du lieu;

• Ti~p thee la k nhorn dong, m6i nhom dong tuong irng voi mot bQ du lieu co dang:

o Dong thir nhat chua s6 nguyen dirong n (n ~ 500).

o Dong thir i trong s6 n dong tiep thee chua n s6 nguyen dirong (m6i s6 khong virot qua 109) la cac s6 tren dong thir i cua bang tro choi, i = 1, 2, ... , n.

Cac s6 tren cung met dong diroc ghi each nhau it nhdt mQt ddu each,

K~t qua: Ghi ra file van ban PARIGAME.OUT gam k dong, m6i dong la k~t qua nrong irng voi mot bQ du lieu thee tlnr w xulit hien trong file du li~u vao: ghi thong bao 'YES' n~u nguoi di tnroc co each choi gianh phan thang va 'NO' trong tnrong hop ngiroc lai,

Vi dl}:

3 NO
1 2 2
1 2 3
2 3 1
2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2 Rang buqc: 50% s6 tests irng voi 50% s6 di~m cua bai co n ::; 50 ..

BiJi 6. (7 diem) Nang cAp m~ng

MQt M thong gam n may tinh danh s6 tiT 1 toi n duoc k~t n6i thanh mQt mang hoi m doan cap rnang danh s6 tir 1 toi m. Doan cap mang thu i co thong hrong Wi ket n6i hai may u., v, cho phep truyen du li~u thee ca hai chieu gitta hai may nay.

MQt day cac may XI, X2, ... , xf' trong do giua hai may xi va Xl' I (j = 1,2, ... , p - 1) co doan cap nbi, diroc goi la met dirong truyen tin tir may XI toi may xp. Thong luong cua duong truyen tin diroc xac dinh nhtr Ia thong hrong nho nh~t trong s6 cac thong luong cua cac doan cap rnang tren dirong

Trang 2/3

truyen. Gia thi~t la mang duoc k~t n3i sao eho eo duong truyen tin gitra hai may bAt ky va giira hai may co khong qua mot doan cap rnang n3i chung,

Nguoi ta muBn nang e<lp mang bang each tang thong hrong cua ,mQt s6 doan cap n6i trong mang. £)6 tang thong Iuong cua m6i doan cap m~g them mQt hrong t1 (t1 > 0) ta phai tra mQt chi phi dung bing IJ... Viee nang cdp mang phai dam bao 1ft sau khi hoan tAt, thong hrong cua m6i doan cap i d~u bang thong hrong cua duong truyen tin co thong hrong IOn nhM tir may u, toi may Vj.

Yeu cAu: Tim phirong an filing dp cac doan cap mang sao cho t6ng chi phi nang c~p lit nho nh~t. Dft Ii~u: Vao tir file van ban UPGRANET.INP

• Dong thir nhat chua hai s6 nguyen duong n, m (n, m :::; 105);

• Dong thir i trong s6 m dong ti~p theo chira ba s3 nguyen dirong Ui, v, Wi (Wi:::; 1 O~, i = 1, 2, ... , m. Cac s6 tren cung mot dong duoc ghi each nhau it nh~t mot d~u each.

K~t qua: Ghi ra file van ban UPGRANET.OUT mQt s6 nguyen duy nh~t 1ft t6ng chi phi nang dp theo phirong an tim duoc,

Vi dl}:

6 7 5
1 2 6
1 3 5
2 4 3
3 4 9
4 5 4
4 6 8
5 6 7 Rang bUQc: 50% s3 tests irng voi 50% s6 diem cua bai co n ::; 100.

-------. ----.--- Hit --------. -----

• ThE sinh khong tJU(1c su dung fili lieu.

• Gin b9 coi thi khong giai thich gi them.

Trang 3/3

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