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THE | NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE: PUMcanteD ie te NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCTETY, ANNOUNCEMENT. Tan: “Nariosat Guosrarme Socumry” hax been organized “to increase and diffuse geographic knowledge,” and the publi- cation of a Magazine has heen determined upon as one means of sebomplishing these purposes: Tr will contain memoirs, essays, notes, earrespondence, reviews, eté., relating to Geographie matters, As it is not intended to be siniply the organ of the Society, ite pages will be open to all persons interested in Geography, in the hope that it may b a channel of intereommunication, stimulate geographic investiga- tion and prove an acceptable medium for the publication of results, ‘The Mayazino is to be edited by the Society, At present it will be issued at irregular intervals, but’ as the sources of infor- mation are increased the numbers will appear poriodically, ‘The National Capital snems to be the matural and appropriate piace foram asxoeiation of this eharacts founders has been, therefore, to form a National rather than a and the aim of the local society, As it ik hoped to diffiise ax well as ti inerinsi’ knowledge, due prominence will be given to the educational napeet of goo- graphic matters, and efforts will be made to stimulate an interest In original sources of information. Im addition te organizing, b for presenting scientific. a fing regular fortnightly meetings id popular communieations, and enter: ing upon the publication of a Magazine, considerable progress haw been tade in the preparation of a Physical Atlas of the United States,

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