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Pretentious… Prejudiced… Petty…

Pretending to provide providence by promising participation,

Prudently planning procrastination of predetermined priorities,
Premeditated persistence intact with passion of pestiferous produce…

Simultaneously summoning secrecy and solicit stimulation

By seeing cynical and senseless strands of suggested scenarios
Certain secretion of social sessions seemingly secured…

Completely crazed cognition with crucially cruel content

Come credulously crawling with coax toward conception,
Compromising commencements with clapping conspiracy…

Before bringing battered and bruised behaviour about,

Barricades are benevolently braced for banging bullets before
Battling brains induce bold barks and bites breaking the belief…

Provoking practice of politically-polluted premonition,

Prejudice promotes itself with pronounced prancing and precision –
Providing probabilities to protruding possibilities of predictable propositions…

Vehemently vending with incessant vigour and obstinate valour,

Violently thrashing with venomous vigilance and vivid vengeance,
Viciously divesting inviolable variances from violator turned victim…

Infiltrating the eatable hissing of hypocrisy and hysterics,

Her haemorrhage hurtfully hacked with incessant hatred and
Heretically the prolix redundancies are reasserted and meritoriously upheld!

Surgical slashes of summonsed secrecy seared with serrated surety,

Sincerity seriously sneered at with sheer selections of somesthesia
Strained to sensibly sign sorrow and symptoms of psychological suffering…

Finally, frivoling titillations of tenacious trauma-treaded treason and

Feared fractions of dubious delusion deemed evident of cogitating volition:
Devious and demonic; demented and disturbed in deeds still undone…

Petty prejudice covered with auspicious pretentions of partnership…

Despicably dangerous as to deviants of deliberate and deranged deliverances!

Try not to pet the sweaty things…

Don’t ever sweat the petty things!

Resistance is futile and reverence is fractured…

Brace yourself for redeeming of unhinged disturbances prior detracted…
Psychopathological imbalance cannot be cured, merely contained –
Don’t mind if I do… it’s time to cut loose the restraint!

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