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Materials on Ecology, Environment, Science – online free at Scribd, updated 2011, Jan27;

hot topics, environment, ecology, general biology, biosphere, water quality, remediation,
ecotechnology, bioassay, innovations, publications, online, free, synthetic, substances, surfactant,
concentration, remediation, pollution, pollutants, phytotechnology, phytoremediation, microcosm,
management, man-made, effects, macrophytes, innovations, improving, water, quality, hydrosphere,
hazards, environmetal, safety, toxicology, environmental, chemistry, environment, protection,
ecotoxicology, ecosystems, services, ecosystem, detergents, chemical, biosphere, assessment, plants,
aquatic, organisms, anthropogenic, impact, aquatic plants, polluted water, surface tension, surfactants,
water pollution, water quality, surface active agents, water analysis, water composition and quality,
S.A.Ostroumov; フィルタフィーダの水フィルタ活動のいくつかの側面 米 Å のオストロウーモフ
生体膜の物理化学、生物学、モスクワ州立大学の学部、モスクワ 119991、ロシアの研究所 キー
ワード:フィルタフィーダー、水の浄化、二枚貝、公害、活動をフィルタリングする 略語:
AFDW - 灰フリー乾燥重量; - LD を液体洗剤; SD - 合成洗剤(粉末状の洗濯用洗剤); SDS は - ナト
リウムドデシル硫酸; TDTMA - tetradecyltrimethylammonium 臭化; 抽象的な 以前の出版物は、
我々の新しい English, German, French, Spanish, Portugese, Italian, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish,
Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Umwelt, Naturschutz, Umweltverschmutzung,
Wasserqualität, Biotestverfahren, Gefährdungsbeurteilung, ökologische Toxikologie; Biologiske effecter,
av, Overflateaktive, [og, Vaskemidler,] ', miljø, bevaring, forurensning, vannkvalitet, biotesting,
risikovurdering, økologisk toksikologi; biologiska, effekterna, av [, tensider , och, rengöringsmedel, ]",
miljö, bevarande, föroreningar, vattenkvalitet, biotesting, riskbedömningar, ekologiska toxikologi;
Экология, химико-биотические взаимодействия, мембраноактивные ксенобиотики,
биохимическая экология, взаимодействия организмов и поллютантов, самоочищение воды,
поверхностно-активные вещества, ПАВ, детергенты, наночастицы, наноматериалы, биосфера,
гидробиология, макрофиты, экология водных ресурсов, общая и водная экология, фильтраторы,
биоконтроль качества воды, охрана биоразнообразия, мембранотропные эффекты,
экоремедиация, фиторемедиация, совершенствование образования, экология водных систем,
экологический мониторинг, биогеохимическая экология, ,‫ חומרים פעילי שטח‬,‫ השפעות‬,‫ ביולוגי‬,‫הספר‬
‫חומרי ניקוי‬, Ecotoxicology, ‫ יפנית‬,‫ סינית‬,‫ ספרדית‬,‫ צרפתית‬,‫ גרמנית‬,‫אנגלית‬, Ökologische Toxikologie,
écologique toxicologie, ecológica Toxicología, 生态 毒理学, 生态 毒性; ‫הספר הוא מעניין את המדענים‬
‫שביצעו את המחקר בתחומים הרלוונטיים של האקולוגיה‬, limnology, ,‫ מדעי הסביבה‬,‫ ביוטכנולוגיה‬,‫אוקיאנוגרפיה‬
‫מדעי המים‬, geosciences, ‫המדע של הביוספרה שינוי גלובלי‬, ecotoxicology, ‫ בוגר‬,‫וכן מרצים באוניברסיטאות‬
‫ הספר‬.‫ דיני איכות הסביבה ורגולציה‬,‫ הספר הוא גם עניין מי שמעורב בניהול הערכת הסביבה‬.‫סטודנטים ומחנכים‬
‫ הוא גם התעניינות של חברות ותעשיות שהופכים‬dispersants ,‫ חומרי ניקוי הכביסה‬,‫ שמפו‬,‫לנקות נשפך שמן‬
.‫ وس‬.‫ د‬، ‫ اآلثار البيولوجية لاللسطحي‬: ‫ ; الكتاب‬,‫ חוות דעתו של ד"ר סטיבן ג‬.‫ ודטרגנטים אחרים‬,‫דטרגנטים עבור מכוניות‬
‫ع‬. Ostroumov. 2005 ، ‫ السمية اإليكولوجية‬، ‫ منظفات‬، ‫ السطحي‬، ‫ واألثر‬، ‫ والبيولوجي‬، ‫ الكتاب‬: ‫ صفحات ؛ كلمات‬304 ‫؛‬
‫ اليابانية‬، ‫ الصينية‬، ‫ االسبانية‬، ‫ الفرنسية‬، ‫ االلمانية‬، ‫ االنجليزية‬، Ökologische Toxikologie ، écologique toxicologie ،
Toxicología ecológica ، 毒理学 生态 ، 生态 毒性 ‫؛ الكتاب هو من مصلحة العلماء الذين يجرون البحوث في المجاالت ذات‬
‫ علم المحيط‬، ‫ علوم األرض‬، ‫ والتكنولوجيا الحيوية والعلوم البيئية وعلوم المياه‬، ‫ وعلم المحيطات‬، ‫ علم المياه العذبة‬، ‫الصلة من علم البيئة‬
‫ الكتاب هو أيضا ذات فائدة ألولئك الذين‬.‫ وكذلك أساتذة الجامعات والدراسات العليا الطالب والمعلمين‬، ‫ السمية‬، ‫الحيوي والتغير العالمي‬
‫ الكتاب هو أيضا ذات أهمية بالنسبة للشركات والصناعات التي تجعل من‬.‫ وقانون البيئة والتنظيم‬، ‫يشاركون في اإلدارة البيئية والتقييم‬
‫ ستيفن جيم ماك‬.‫ ويرى د‬.‫ والمنظفات األخرى‬، ‫ المنظفات للسيارات‬، ‫ والشامبو والمنظفات الغسيل‬، ‫المشتتات لتنظيف البقع النفطية‬
‫ "يسرني أن تتاح لي هذه الفرصة للتعليق على القيادة العلمية للسيرجي ألف‬: ‫ من مقدمته‬، ‫ كوتشون حول الكتاب‬Ostroumov ‫ينصح‬
‫ جامعة جورجيا‬، ‫ دكتوراه‬، ‫ ستيفن جيم ماك كوتشون‬-- ."‫الكتاب ألولئك الذين يشاركون في دراسة علم البيئة وحل المشاكل البيئية‬
‫والواليات المتحدة وكالة حماية البيئة (كالة الحماية البيئية) ؛ رئيس الجمعية األمريكية للهندسة البيئية‬., auto-épuration, la qualité
de l'eau, plans d'eau, réservoirs, les ruisseaux, les contaminants, les polluants, l'écotoxicologie, l'eau
douce, marine, sécurité environnementale, sécurité de l'environnement, les sources d'eau,
xénobiotiques, le rôle polyfonctionnel, biotes, l'eau, des écosystèmes, l'écologie, le fonctionnement,
l'hydrosphère , la communauté, l'utilisation durable des ressources, gestion de l'environnement,
l'impact de l'homme, le potentiel de purification de l'eau, les services écosystémiques, la théorie
biologique, l'application, la fiabilité, les influences extérieures; anthropiques, l'homme, des effets, des
pratiques environnementales, de nouveaux résultats expérimentaux, de cadmium, de mollusques , de
mollusques, de l'eutrophisation, nouveau concept, les synergies à deux niveaux, l'environnement,
chemoregulators, l'environnement, chemomediators, les risques, dommages, le biote, évaluation
économique, les dommages, anthropiques, de l'impact, protection de l'eau, régime, zones de protection
spéciale, les micro-organismes, aquatiques, macro-organismes, plantes, invertébrés, analogiques du
bioréacteur, la fonction, la purification, l'eau, les nutriments, le contrôle, le phytoplancton, les
consommateurs, le niveau trophique, les interactions intraspécifiques, les organismes, les phéromones,
les régulateurs, les interactions interspécifiques, VI Vernadsky, la biosphère, la matière, la
réglementation, la géochimie, les processus, le transfert de la matière, la migration biogène, les
éléments chimiques, augmentation de la mortalité, incidence, pathologies, le découplage de couplage
de plancton benthique, létaux, sublétaux, effets, les populations, les poissons pool génique, la
conservation, , la préservation, le rôle écologique, à l'abri des populations, biogeocenotic fonction, le
cadmium, les moules, Mytilus, galloprovincialis, sulfate de cuivre, M. galloprovincialis, le plomb, le
bichromate, TDTMA, M. edulis × M. galloprovincialis, naturelles population hybride; Crassostrea gigas,
SDS, Triton X-100, tumidus Unio, de détergent, de l'impact des marées, IXI, Fée,, l'efficacité, l'élimination
des matières particulaires, de synthèse détergent à lessive, détergent en poudre de savon, détergent
liquide, dodécyl sulfate de sodium, de la communauté, les substances tensio-actifs, les tensioactifs,
agents tensio-actifs, tensio-contenant des mélanges, l'inhibition, filtration de l'eau, les huîtres,
cationiques, tétradécyltriméthylammonium, TDTMA, anionique, le dodécylsulfate de sodium, non
ioniques, les rotifères, calyciflorus Brachionus, turbidostat, filtreurs, suspensivores, les bivalves, les
matières organiques non digérés, en bas, sédiments, trophiques, l'activité, Lymnaea, stagnalis,
phytoplancton, macrophytes; microzooplancton; zooplancton, prédateur, zoobenthos, poissons,
mammifères marins, oiseaux, l'exportation de carbone, l'azote, du phosphore, des substances dissoutes,
les particules en suspension, la sédimentation, les sédiments de fond, les lacs, baies, la sorption des
polluants, seston, détritus, les organismes aquatiques, la matière organique, les sédiments, le film de
matière organique, la surface du réservoir, l'hydrolyse, photochimique, la transformation, la photolyse,
la sensibilisation, biotiques origine organique, redox, catalytiques, les radicaux libres, des ligands
d'origine biologique, la toxicité des polluants, la reliure, solubles, matière organique dissoute,
l'oxydation chimique, l'oxygène, la photosynthèse, biotiques, biotransformation, les réactions d'oxydo-
réduction, la destruction,

15 p. Edit Posts at the personal blog.Researchgate.2011.Jan27; Posts at the

personal blog of Dr. S.A.Ostroumov, at the portal ResearchGate, updated 2011, January 27: [hot topics:
environment, ecology, general biology, biosphere, water quality, remediation, ecotechnology] Citing.
Examples: publications that CITED PAPERS on aquatic ecology, authored by S.Ostroumov: more) Edit post Delete
postView details Professional Activities in January 2011: Sergei Ostroumov–Jan 10, 2011–0 comments–
_2011; Professional Activities in January 2011: Subject Category: Environmental, health and safety issues
Some examples of interesting materials submit...(Read more) Rubin Dasgupta likes this comment.Edit
post Delete postView details Book.Biological Effects of Surfactants Sergei Ostroumov–Jan 9, 2011–0
comments–11 views; Useful Book (areas: Ecology, Environment,
Water, Preventing Pollution) entitled: Biological Effects of Surfactants. Author: Dr. S.A. Ostroumov; ISBN:
0849325269; 2005 edition; Publisher: CRC Press; 304 Pages. An...(Read more) Edit post Delete postView
details address to send your poster Sergei Ostroumov–Jan 8, 2011–0 comments–14 views; The
mail address to send your poster (printed out on paper; size less than 1 m x 1.5 m; even better if it is 70
cm x 100 cm or less; also, it is possible jus...(Read more) Edit post Delete postView details
Ecology, Sergei Ostroumov–Jan 6, 2011–0 comments–41 views
nefree; Materials Online Free: (Ecology, Environment, Life Sciences, Aquatic Sciences): useful relevant
publications and comments; list of web addresses. -...(Read more) Manika Micro likes this comment.Edit
post Delete postView details FAQ.2.Book.Bioeffects Sergei Ostroumov–Jan 3, 2011–2 comments–11
views;; Frequently asked questions, part 2. [About the book, Biological
Effects of Surfactants]: A book was published on some contemporary...(Read more) Edit post Delete
postView details Arabic: on Detergents Sergei Ostroumov–Jan 1, 2011–0 comments–23 views English to
Arabic translation: in Arabic:;; About the book on ecotoxicology of detergents. Importance for
better management of wate...(Read more) Edit post Delete postView details Comments. Evaluation.
January2,2011 Sergei Ostroumov–Jan 1, 2011–1 comments–18 views Opinion on and rating of Dr.
S.A.Ostroumov’s works: comments of experts, citation in scientific literature worldwide. Updated
January 2, 2011.
011; http://ww...(Read more) Edit post Delete postView details Ecology, materials on site, scipeople
Sergei Ostroumov–Jan 1, 2011–2 comments–19 views
and English, January, 2011: Ecology, materials on site: Opini...(Read more) Edit post Delete postView
details Overview.effects.surfactants.detergents Sergei Ostroumov–Jan 1, 2011–1 comments–14 views
nts; Ostroumov S.A. Overview of new data on the effects of surfactants and detergents on prokaryotes,
algae, flagellates, vascula.

public Category: Research Reads: 0 Published: 01 / 27 / 2011 Share Add to Collections ..

3 p. Edit Ref.Lazareva.Ostroumov.Doklady; Lazareva, E. V.; Ostroumov, S.

A. Accelerated decrease in surfactant concentration in the water of a microcosm in the presence of
plants: innovations for phytotechnology.- Doklady Biological Sciences, 2009, Vol. 425, No. 1, pp. 180-
182; Title: Accelerated decrease in surfactant concentration in the water of a microcosm in the presence
of plants: innovations for phytotechnology. Authors: Lazareva, E. V.; Ostroumov, S. A. Journal: Doklady
Biological Sciences, 2009, Vol. 425, No. 1, pp. 180-182; ISSN 0012-4966; DOI
10.1134/S0012496609020276; URL:; Abstract:
This paper presents and verifies the hypothesis that, in the presence of macrophytes the initial
significant decrease in water surface tension caused by addition of surfactant sodium dodecylsulfate
was followed by gradual restoration of surface tension. The surface tension of water in the microcosm
with the OST1 macrophyte restored to the level close to that of pure water within less than 3 days, is
demonstrated. [included in: CABI's life sciences databases on CAB Direct].;; Key words: synthetic, substances, surfactant,
concentration, remediation, pollution, pollutants, phytotechnology, phytoremediation, microcosm,
management, man-made, effects, macrophytes, innovations, improving, water, quality, hydrosphere,
hazards, environmetal, safety, toxicology, environmental, chemistry, environment, protection,
ecotoxicology, ecosystems, services, ecosystem, detergents, chemical, biosphere, assessment, plants,
aquatic, organisms, anthropogenic, impact, aquatic plants, polluted water, surface tension, surfactants,
water pollution, water quality, surface active agents, water analysis, water composition and quality,
Related papers: .

public Category: Research Reads: 0 Published: 01 / 27 / 2011 Share Add to Collections ..


БИОРЕМЕДИАЦИЯ И ФИТОРЕМЕДИАЦИЯ Остроумов С.А. Evolution of biotechnology to
ecotechnology: bioremediation and phytoremediation S.A.Ostroumov; Опубликовано в сборнике:
Ostroumov S.A., Kotelevtsev S.V., Toderas I.K., Gorshkova O.M. (Eds.) Ecological Studies, Hazards,
Solutions, 2010, vol.16, p.52-56 .
public Category: Research Reads: 31 Published: 01 / 18 / 2011 Share Add to Collections ..


SEEN THROUGH THE EYES OF POETRY. In the book: Ostroumov S.A., Kotelevtsev S.V., Toderas I.K.,
Gorshkova O.M. (Eds.) Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, 2010, vol.16, p.47-51. В.И. Вернадский
писал: «я не отделяю от науки стремящееся к истине и искусство» (письмо к Н.Е. Вернадской от
11.10.1890 г., см.: «Биосфера и ноосфера», М. «Наука», 1989, с. 155). Эти же слова можно отнести к
поэзии, в которой можно найти немало интересного о стремлении к познанию. .

public Category: Creative Writing Reads: 20 Published: 01 / 18 / 2011 Share Add to Collections ..

115 p. Edit; Ostroumov S.A., Kotelevtsev S.V., Toderas I.K., Gorshkova O.M.

(Eds.) Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, 2010, vol.16. .

public Category: None Reads: 19 Published: 01 / 17 / 2011 Share Add to Collections ..

5 p. Edit Japanese(5Hydrobiologia; Translated to Japanese: Original paper in English: Ostroumov

S.A. Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders.- Hydrobiologia, 2005, 542: 275-286. Full
English text:; (review and opinion paper); フィルタフィーダの
水フィルタ活動のいくつかの側面 米 Å のオストロウーモフ 生体膜の物理化学、生物学、モスク
ワ州立大学の学部、モスクワ 119991、ロシアの研究所 キーワード:フィルタフィーダー、水の
浄化、二枚貝、公害、活動をフィルタリングする 略語:AFDW - 灰フリー乾燥重量; - LD を液体
洗剤; SD - 合成洗剤(粉末状の洗濯用洗剤); SDS は - ナトリウムドデシル硫酸; TDTMA -
tetradecyltrimethylammonium 臭化; 抽象的な 以前の出版物は、我々の新しいデータと既存の科学
献の役割(4 )化学元素の移行の加速に貢献しての役割。それは大きさの非常に広い範囲の水
様々な粒子から除去フィルタのフィーダ biomachinery の重要な機能です。もう一つの重要な原
に役立つことを so 同化量よりも大きい場合、水から除外ということですが、いくつかのに有益
にフィルタフィーダ(二枚貝やワムシなど)(tetradecyltrymethylammonium 臭化、重金属、い
くつかの他の)のろ過活動の脆弱性を示した。 .

public Category: Research Reads: 36 Published: 01 / 13 / 2011 Share Add to Collections ..

10 p. Edit Turkish.on; Turkish translation: About the book ‘Biological Effects of

public Category: Research Reads: 39 Published: 01 / 11 / 2011 Share Add to Collections ..

9 p. Edit Chinese.on; Translation to Chinese; on the book ‘Biological Effects of

Surfactants’ [and detergents] .

public Category: Research Reads: 20 Published: 01 / 11 / 2011 Share Add to Collections ..

3 p. Edit Japanese.on; About the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants. Dr. S.A.

Ostroumov. Japanese translation; .

public Category: Research Reads: 36 Published: 01 / 11 / 2011 Share Add to Collections ..

9 p. Edit; List of the papers

authored and coauthored by Dr. S. A. Ostroumov, indexed at PubMed. Updated January 12, 2011; the
list is here:; Key words: ecology, environment, life sciences,
biology, ecosystems, water quality, ecotoxicology, environmental toxicology, pollutants, xenobiotics,
bioassay, biotesting, assessement, biological, activity, man-made, anthropogenic, effects, biosphere,
hydrosphere, sustainability, safety, surfactants, detergents, membranes, self-purification, water quality,
aquatic, freshwater, marine, remediation, .

public Category: Research Reads: 0 Published: 01 / 11 / 2011 Share Add to Collections ..

12 p. Edit Eng.biol.Eff;; Useful Book (areas:

Ecology, Environment, Water, Preventing Pollution) entitled: Biological Effects of Surfactants. Author: Dr.
S.A. Ostroumov; ISBN: 0849325269; 2005 edition; Publisher: CRC Press; 304 Pages. Annotation; Table of
Contents; Frequently Asked Questions – see below. 20 keywords: book, S.A. Ostroumov, Biological,
Effects, Surfactants, Detergents, Ecotoxicology, pollution, water quality, environmental studies,
environmental chemistry, freshwater, marine ecosystems, aquatic ecosystems, biotesting, bioassay,
synthetic chemicals, pollutants, toxicology, sustainability, water resources; English, German, French,
Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Ökologische Toxikologie, toxicologie écologique, Toxicología ecológica, 生态
毒理学, 生態毒性; Annotation: Understanding the role of aquatic biota and the impact of pollution and
chemical substances that enter aquatic ecosystems is crucial to the assessment, prevention, and
remediation of damaged environments. Book “Biological Effects of Surfactants” synthesizes the most
important findings from hundreds of articles and the author's current experiments on the biological
effects of synthetic surfactants and detergents on individual organisms, populations, communities, and
ecosystems. .

public Category: Research Reads: 52 Published: 01 / 11 / 2011 Share Add to Collections ..

20 p. Edit .

public Category: None Reads: 15 Published: 01 / 11 / 2011 Share Add to Collections ..

12 p. Edit OnlyEng.biol.Eff; Useful Book (areas: Ecology, Environment, Water, Preventing

Pollution) entitled: Biological Effects of Surfactants. Author: Dr. S.A. Ostroumov; ISBN: 0849325269;
2005 edition; Publisher: CRC Press; 304 Pages. Annotation; Table of Contents; Frequently Asked
Questions – see below. 20 keywords: book, S.A. Ostroumov, Biological, Effects, Surfactants, Detergents,
Ecotoxicology, pollution, water quality, environmental studies, environmental chemistry, freshwater,
marine ecosystems, aquatic ecosystems, biotesting, bioassay, synthetic chemicals, pollutants, toxicology,
sustainability, water resources; .

public Category: Research Reads: 80 Published: 01 / 10 / 2011 Share Add to Collections ..

19 p. Edit Merit.2.Ostroumov.publ.on.his.Works; Dr. S. A. Ostroumov. Addendum to CV. Evidence of Merit.

Updated 2011, January 7 Comments in published editions, reviews; other forms of evaluation of
publications and works Key words: Evidence, merit, achievements, standing, result, accomplishments,
results, published, reviews, comments, evaluations, S.A.Ostroumov, Dr. S.A.Ostroumov, Addendum to
CV, curriculum vitae; diploma, certificate, .

public Category: Resumes/CVs Reads: 31 Published: 01 / 07 / 2011 Share Add to Collections ..

39 p. Edit List.scribd.7January2011; This is a list of materials (Ecology, Environment) that are

available at the portal free; The materials are in English, German, French, Spanish, Portugese,
Italian, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian
languages. Updated: 7 January, 2011; Keywords: chemical pollution, bioassay of pollutants and
xenobiotics, aquatic pollution; book, biological, effects, synthetic, surfactants, detergents, chemical,
pollution, bioassay, pollutants, ecological, hazards, ecotoxicity, ecotoxicology, xenobiotics, aquatic,
pollution, sustainability, water quality, resources, English, German, French, Spanish, Portugese, Italian,
Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian, languages,
S.A. Ostroumov, .

public Category: Research Reads: 48 Published: 01 / 07 / 2011 Share Add to Collections ..

10 p. Edit FAQ2.German; Translated from English into German.; Übersetzung aus dem Englischen. Häufig gestellte Fragen, Teil 2:
Auf das Buch mit dem Titel "Biologische Wirkungen von Tensiden [und Waschmittel]” (in original English
edition: ‘Biological Effects of Surfactants’), Veröffentlicht von CRC Press, U.S.A. Drucken ISBN: 978-0-
8493-2526-7; eBook ISBN: 978-1-4200-2129-5; Von Dr. S. A. Ostroumov (S.A. Ostroumow)
Forschungsschwerpunkte: Umwelt, Naturschutz, Umweltverschmutzung, Wasserqualität,
Biotestverfahren, Gefährdungsbeurteilung, ökologische Toxikologie; Englisch Text:;; .

public Category: Research Reads: 0 Published: 01 / 05 / 2011 Share Add to Collections ..

9 p. Edit FAQ2.Finnish; Translated from English to Finnish;; FAQ part 2, on the book ‘Biological Effects of Surfactants’;
Käännös Englanti. Usein kysyttyjä kysymyksiä, osa 2: Kirjaan nimeltä "Biologiset vaikutukset pinta [ja
pesuaineet]", .

public Category: Research Reads: 0 Published: 01 / 05 / 2011 Share Add to Collections ..

9 p. Edit FAQ2.Norwegian; Translated from English to Norwegian;; FAQ part 2, on the book entitled ‘Biological Effects of
Surfactants’ (CRC Press, U.S.A.); Skriv ISBN: 978-0-8493-2526-7; eBook ISBN: 978-1-4200-2129-5;
Oversettelse fra engelsk. Ofte stilte spørsmål, del 2: På bok med tittelen "Biologiske effekter av
Overflateaktive [og Vaskemidler] ', utgitt av CRC Press, U.S.A.; Av Dr. S. A. Ostroumov;
Forskningsområder: miljø, bevaring, forurensning, vannkvalitet, biotesting, risikovurdering, økologisk
toksikologi; Translated from English to Norwegian;; FAQ part 2,
on the book entitled ‘Biological Effects of Surfactants’ (CRC Press, U.S.A.); Skriv ISBN: 978-0-8493-2526-
7; eBook ISBN: 978-1-4200-2129-5; Oversettelse fra engelsk. Ofte stilte spørsmål, del 2: På bok med
tittelen "Biologiske effekter av Overflateaktive [og Vaskemidler] ', utgitt av CRC Press, U.S.A.; Av Dr. S. A.
Ostroumov; Forskningsområder: miljø, bevaring, forurensning, vannkvalitet, biotesting, risikovurdering,
økologisk toksikologi; .

public Category: Research Reads: 0 Published: 01 / 05 / 2011 Share Add to Collections ..

9 p. Edit FAQ2.Swedish; Translation from English to Swedish; FAQ part 2: on the book:

Biological Effects of Surfactants, CRC Press. Översättning från engelska till svenska. Vanliga frågor, del 2:
På bok med titeln "biologiska effekterna av [tensider och rengöringsmedel]", publicerad av CRC Press,
U.S.A. Av Dr S. A. Ostroumov Forskningsområden: miljö, bevarande, föroreningar, vattenkvalitet,
biotesting, riskbedömningar, ekologiska toxikologi; S.A.Ostroumov; Text in English: Engelska texten:;; English title of the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC
Press. Print ISBN: 978-0-8493-2526-7 eBook ISBN: 978-1-4200-2129-5 Vanliga frågor, del 2. [Om boken,
biologiska effekter av Surfactants]: En bok publicerades på några aktuella frågor om ekologi, förorening
av vattenmiljön, och av människan skapade effekterna av en relativt dåligt undersökta grupp av kemiska
föroreningar, rengöringsmedel. Boken hade rätt: biologiska effekter av Surfactants; .

public Category: Research Reads: 21 Published: 01 / 05 / 2011 Share Add to Collections ..

6 p. Edit Faq 2 Japanese; Translated from English to Japanese: FAQ part 2. On the book

‘Biological Effects of Surfactants [and Detergents], CRC Press, U.S.A. By Dr. S.A. Ostroumov. New data on
chemical pollution, bioassay of pollutants and xenobiotics, aquatic pollution; Key words: book,
Biological, Effects, synthetic, Surfactants, Detergents, chemical, pollution, bioassay, pollutants,
ecological, hazards, ecotoxicity, ecotoxicology, xenobiotics, aquatic, pollution, sustainability, water
quality, resources, English title of the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press. Print ISBN: 978-
0-8493-2526-7; eBook ISBN: 978-1-4200-2129-5; .

public Category: Research Reads: 46 Published: 01 / 05 / 2011 Share Add to Collections ..

4 p. Edit; Editorship. Dr. S.A. Ostroumov Updated: 2011, January 5. Key

words: editorship, editing, editor, ecology, biology, environment, conservation, aquatic, water,
ecosystems, resources, man-made effects, biogeochemistry, journals, editorial board, collective
monograph; .

public Category: Research Reads: 41 Published: 01 / 05 / 2011 Share Add to Collections ..

144 p. Edit 2011.SciPeople.personal; Сергей (sergei) Андреевич Остроумов (ostroumov) доктор

биологических наук Научные материалы персональной страницы на сайте сети для ученых:;;; обновлено 2 января 2011 г. Можно
получить дополнительную информацию он-лайн бесплатно по тем публикациям и препринтам,
которые перечисляются ниже, если зайти в эту сеть (возможно, система попросит вас
зарегистрироваться); часть материалов на русском, часть – на английском языке. Ключевые слова:
Экология, химико-биотические взаимодействия, мембраноактивные ксенобиотики,
биохимическая экология, взаимодействия организмов и поллютантов, самоочищение воды,
поверхностно-активные вещества, ПАВ, детергенты, наночастицы, наноматериалы, биосфера,
гидробиология, макрофиты, экология водных ресурсов, общая и водная экология, фильтраторы,
биоконтроль качества воды, охрана биоразнообразия, мембранотропные эффекты,
экоремедиация, фиторемедиация, совершенствование образования, экология водных систем,
экологический мониторинг, биогеохимическая экология, (Нижеследующее скопировано с
персональной страницы без редактирования). .

public Category: Research Reads: 20 Published: 01 / 05 / 2011 Share Add to Collections ..

9 p. Edit FAQ2(; Frequently asked questions, part 2. [On the book, Biological

Effects of Surfactants]: A book was published on some contemporary issues of ecology, pollution of
aquatic environment, and man-made impact of a relatively poorly studied group of chemical pollutants,
detergents. The book was entitled: Biological Effects of Surfactants Some more detail about the book
see at:;; The first series of frequently asked questions (FAQ) was
answered in another post. See:
s. In addition to those questions, some other questions (FAQ, part 2) are answered here. In answering
these new questions, the following materials were used (some relevant publications, they are available
online free):; .

public Category: Research Reads: 145 Published: 01 / 04 / 2011 Share Add to Collections ..

49 p. Edit Cited.viewed.2.1; Цитирование работ и публикаций д.б.н.

С.А.Остроумова в учебных программах (поиск в Гугл: Остроумов С.А. программа); выступления и
цитирование в масс-медиа. Просмотр 2.1.2011 Publications that cited Dr. S.A.Ostroumov (in Russian,
some examples dealing with educational courses and mass-media) Viewed January 2, 2011; Key words:
Цитирование, работ, публикаций, д.б.н., С.А.Остроумов, учебные, программы, программа;
выступления, масс-медиа, университеты, Publications, cited, citing, S.A.Ostroumov, mass-media,

public Category: None Reads: 0 Published: 01 / 03 / 2011 Share Add to Collections ..

3 p. Edit in.Hebrew; English to Hebrew translation see below; English

title of the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press. Print ISBN: 978-0-8493-2526-7 eBook ISBN:
978-1-4200-2129-5 ; Why this book is important to Israel:
surfactants and detergents are a new class of chemicals (pollutants) that pollute water. Detergents
make water quality bad. This book presents lots of new information about that. This book will help you
to protect and use the limited water (especially freshwater) resources more wisely, in a smarter way.
More info about the book, including how to look at some pages of the book, and how to order it:;;
uncategorized/biological-effects-of-surfactants-by-sergei-andreevich-ostroumov.html; Some other
relevant publications by the same author, online free, see:;;; ‫אודות ספר שכותרתו‬
‫ודטרגנטים[ "ביולוגיות אפקטים של פעילי שטח‬: Ecotoxicology] ':
s; ‫ יפנית ושפות‬,‫ סינית‬,‫ ספרדית‬,‫ צרפתית‬,‫ גרמנית‬,‫תוכן עניינים וכמה הערות באנגלית‬:; ‫ על ידי ד"ר‬,‫ ההשפעה הביולוגית של חומרים פעילי שטח‬:‫ספר‬
Ostroumov SA. 2005; 304 ‫ חומרי ניקוי‬,‫ חומרים פעילי שטח‬,‫ השפעות‬,‫ ביולוגי‬,‫ הספר‬:‫עמודים; מילות המפתח‬,
Ecotoxicology, ‫ יפנית‬,‫ סינית‬,‫ ספרדית‬,‫ צרפתית‬,‫ גרמנית‬,‫אנגלית‬, Ökologische Toxikologie, écologique
toxicologie, ecológica Toxicología, 生态 毒理学, 生态 毒性; ‫הספר הוא מעניין את המדענים שביצעו את‬
‫המחקר בתחומים הרלוונטיים של האקולוגיה‬, limnology, ‫ מדעי המים‬,‫ מדעי הסביבה‬,‫ ביוטכנולוגיה‬,‫אוקיאנוגרפיה‬,
geosciences, ‫המדע של הביוספרה שינוי גלובלי‬, ecotoxicology, ‫ בוגר סטודנטים‬,‫וכן מרצים באוניברסיטאות‬
‫ הספר הוא גם‬.‫ דיני איכות הסביבה ורגולציה‬,‫ הספר הוא גם עניין מי שמעורב בניהול הערכת הסביבה‬.‫ומחנכים‬
‫ התעניינות של חברות ותעשיות שהופכים‬dispersants ‫ דטרגנטים‬,‫ חומרי ניקוי הכביסה‬,‫ שמפו‬,‫לנקות נשפך שמן‬
‫ חוות דעתו של ד"ר סטיבן ג‬.‫ ודטרגנטים אחרים‬,‫ עבור מכוניות‬McCutcheon ‫ "אני‬.:‫ מתוך ההקדמה שלו‬,‫על הספר‬
‫ שמח על ההזדמנות הזו כדי להגיב על ההנהגה המדעית של סרגיי א‬Ostroumov ‫הספר מומלץ בחום למי מעורבים‬
‫" בלימוד אקולוגיה ופתרון בעיות סביבתיות‬. - McCutcheon ‫סטיבן ג‬, Ph.D., ‫ ארה"ב והסוכנות‬,‫אוניברסיטת ורג 'יה‬
‫( להגנת הסביבה‬USEPA); ‫נשיא האגודה האמריקנית להנדסת‬
‫אקולוגית‬.; .

public Category: None Reads: 0 Published: 01 / 02 / 2011 Share Add to Collections ..

2 p. Edit in.Arabic; English title of the book: Biological Effects of

Surfactants. CRC Press.; ‫ ؛‬Why this book is important to the countries that speak Arabic:
detergents are a new class of chemicals (pollutants) that pollute water. Detergents make water quality
bad. This book presents lots of new information about that. This book will help you to protect and use
the limited water (especially freshwater) resources more wisely, in a smarter way. More info about the
book, including how to look at some pages of the book, and how to order it:; Some
other relevant publications by the same author, online free, see:; ‫ اآلثار‬: ‫الكتاب‬
‫ ع‬.‫ وس‬.‫ د‬، ‫البيولوجية لاللسطحي‬. Ostroumov. 2005 ‫ منظفات‬، ‫ السطحي‬، ‫ واألثر‬، ‫ والبيولوجي‬، ‫ الكتاب‬: ‫ صفحات ؛ كلمات‬304 ‫؛‬
‫ اليابانية‬، ‫ الصينية‬، ‫ االسبانية‬، ‫ الفرنسية‬، ‫ االلمانية‬، ‫ االنجليزية‬، ‫ السمية اإليكولوجية‬، ، Ökologische Toxikologie ، écologique
toxicologie ، Toxicología ecológica ، 毒理学 生态 ، 生态 毒性 ‫؛ الكتاب هو من مصلحة العلماء الذين يجرون البحوث في‬
‫ علوم األرض‬، ‫ والتكنولوجيا الحيوية والعلوم البيئية وعلوم المياه‬، ‫ وعلم المحيطات‬، ‫ علم المياه العذبة‬، ‫المجاالت ذات الصلة من علم البيئة‬
‫ الكتاب هو أيضا ذات فائدة‬.‫ وكذلك أساتذة الجامعات` والدراسات` العليا الطالب والمعلمين‬، ‫ السمية‬، ‫ علم المحيط الحيوي والتغير العالمي‬،
‫ الكتاب هو أيضا ذات أهمية بالنسبة للشركات والصناعات التي‬.‫ وقانون البيئة والتنظيم‬، ‫ألولئك الذين يشاركون في اإلدارة البيئية والتقييم‬
‫ ستيفن جيم‬.‫ ويرى د‬.‫ والمنظفات األخرى‬، ‫ المنظفات للسيارات‬، ‫ والشامبو والمنظفات الغسيل‬، ‫تجعل من المشتتات لتنظيف البقع النفطية‬
‫ "يسرني أن تتاح لي هذه الفرصة للتعليق على القيادة العلمية للسيرجي ألف‬: ‫ من مقدمته‬، ‫ ماك كوتشون حول الكتاب‬Ostroumov ‫ينصح‬
‫ جامعة جورجيا‬، ‫ دكتوراه‬، ‫ ستيفن جيم ماك كوتشون‬-- ."‫الكتاب ألولئك الذين يشاركون في دراسة علم البيئة وحل المشاكل البيئية‬
‫والواليات المتحدة وكالة حماية البيئة (كالة الحماية البيئية) ؛ رئيس الجمعية األمريكية للهندسة البيئية‬.; .

public Category: Research Reads: 0 Published: 01 / 02 / 2011 Share Add to Collections ..

42 p. Edit Ostroumov..English.overview.from.2000book; Overview of new

data on the effects of surfactants and detergents on prokaryotes, algae, flagellates, vascular plants and
animals - ecological and biospheric importance: new priorities and the new facet of bio-chemical
ecology (on the basis of the author’s studies) Ostroumov S.A. / С.А. Остроумов / Сергей (Sergei)
Остроумов (Ostroumov) Abstract: Ostroumov S.A. Overview of new data on the effects of surfactants
and detergents on prokaryotes, algae, flagellates, vascular plants and animals.–In: Biological Effects of
Surfactants and the biosphere / S.A.Ostroumov. Moscow. MAX Press, 2000, p. 84-113.; Overview of new data on the effects of surfactants and
detergents on prokaryotes, algae, flagellates, vascular plants and animals - ecological and biospheric
importance: new priorities and the new facet of bio-chemical ecology (on the basis of the author’s
studies) – In: Biological Effects of Surfactants and the Biosphere. / S.A. Ostroumov. Moscow. MAX Press,
2000, p. 84-113. In English. (Series Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, vol.2). ISBN 5-317-00040-8.
References on pp. 102-113. A review and summary of a series of experimental publications of the author
on various biological effects of synthetic surfactants and detergents. The range of biolgical species used
in bioassay was diverse. We have used a broad spectrum of freshwater and marine species, ranging
from bacteria to higher invertebrates. The typical and representative species included: 1. Autotrophs,
e.g., the cyanobacteria Synechococcus, diatoms Thalassiosira pseudonana (Hustedt) Hasle et Heimdal,
green algae Scenedesmus quadricauda (Turp.) Bréb, vascular plants Pistia stratiotes L., Elodea
canadensis Michx., Sinapis alba L., Fagopyrum esculentum Moench, Oryza sativa L., Lepidium sativum L.,
Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz, and Triticum aestivum L. 2. Heterotrophs, e.g., the bacteria Hyphomonas,
gastropod Lymnaea stagnalis, freshwater bivalves Unio tumidus, marine bivalves Mytilus edulis, M.
galloprovincialis, and annelid Hirudo medicinalis. A new method for quantitative data analysis and the
juxtaposition of the results of assessing biological activities has been developed (Ostroumov, 1990 a,
1991 a,b). New variants of methods for characterizing filtration rates by benthic invertebrates were also
proposed and successfully used. The main substances, the biological effects of which were analysed,
included representatives of all main classes of synthetic surfactants: 1. Anionic surfactants: sodium
dodecyl sulphate (SDS), and sulfonol; 2. Non-ionic surfactant: a representative of alkylphenols, Triton
X100 (TX100, TX); 3. Cationic surfactants: representatives of quarternary ammonium compounds, e.g.,
dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide, and tetradecyltrymethylammonium bromide (TDTMA). 4. High-
molecular weight surfactants: e.g., SHMA. In addition, a number of industrial detergents that contain
surfactants as part of the mixture were studied. Those included, e.g., Tide, Losk, Kristall, Bio-S. Also,
some products were investigated which were being used as body-care products. To make comparisons,
we also studied the bioeffects of pesticides, e.g., DNOC and lontrel. Detergents that were studied:
Kristall (Ostroumov, 1991; Ostroumov, Wasternak, 1991; Ostroumov et al., 1998), Bio-S (Wasternak,
Ostroumov, 1990), Tide, Losk, Lotos, Kashtan, Verbena, Vilva; Tide-Lemon, Losk-Universal, Lotos-Extra;
and a body-care mixture similar to a shampoo: Avon Herbal Care. Some of the biotests (bioassays) used
fish (Cyprinus carpio). Key words: cyanobacteria Synechococcus, diatoms Thalassiosira pseudonana
(Hustedt) Hasle et Heimdal, green algae Scenedesmus quadricauda (Turp.) Bréb, vascular plants Pistia
stratiotes L., Elodea canadensis Michx., Sinapis alba L., Fagopyrum esculentum Moench, Oryza sativa L.,
Lepidium sativum L., Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz, Triticum aestivum L., Heterotrophs, e.g., the bacteria
Hyphomonas, gastropod Lymnaea stagnalis, fres.

public Category: Research Reads: 0 Published: 01 / 02 / 2011 Share Add to Collections ..

139 p. Edit; С.А. Остроумов (S.A. Ostroumov)

Экология, Биология, Охрана окружающей среды, Биосфера; материалы на сайте: (на этом сайте даны ссылки на полные тексты и подробные
аннотации публикаций на английском и русском языках с авторством и соавторством д.б.н.
С.А.Остроумова; ниже дана копия личной страницы автора, состояние на 2 января 2011); .

public Category: Research Reads: 0 Published: 01 / 02 / 2011 Share Add to Collections ..

32 p. Edit Eng3(Publications About Success in;
Opinion on and rating of Dr. S.A.Ostroumov’s works: comments of experts, citation in scientific literature
worldwide. Updated January 2, 2011. Content of this material: Part 1. Fragments from some
publications about the achievements in scientific research conducted by Dr. S.A. Ostroumov; Part 2.
Citations of the publications authored and co-authored by Dr. S.A.Ostroumov; Part 3. Published Reviews
and Evaluations (of the books authored and co-authored by Dr. S.A.Ostroumov); Part 4. The sites with
more information on publications by Dr.S.A.Ostroumov; .

public Category: Research Reads: 0 Published: 01 / 02 / 2011 Share Add to Collections ..

24 p. Edit French; English to French translation. List of publications by Dr.

S.A.Ostroumov.; Traduction de l'anglais vers le français. Dr S.A.
Ostroumov: publications scientifiques, et des commentaires; Liste originale en langue anglaise de
publications, voir:;
Mentioned: auto-épuration, la qualité de l'eau, plans d'eau, réservoirs, les ruisseaux, les contaminants,
les polluants, l'écotoxicologie, l'eau douce, marine, sécurité environnementale, sécurité de
l'environnement, les sources d'eau, xénobiotiques, le rôle polyfonctionnel, biotes, l'eau, des
écosystèmes, l'écologie, le fonctionnement, l'hydrosphère , la communauté, l'utilisation durable des
ressources, gestion de l'environnement, l'impact de l'homme, le potentiel de purification de l'eau, les
services écosystémiques, la théorie biologique, l'application, la fiabilité, les influences extérieures;
anthropiques, l'homme, des effets, des pratiques environnementales, de nouveaux résultats
expérimentaux, de cadmium, de mollusques , de mollusques, de l'eutrophisation, nouveau concept, les
synergies à deux niveaux, l'environnement, chemoregulators, l'environnement, chemomediators, les
risques, dommages, le biote, évaluation économique, les dommages, anthropiques, de l'impact,
protection de l'eau, régime, zones de protection spéciale, les micro-organismes, aquatiques, macro-
organismes, plantes, invertébrés, analogiques du bioréacteur, la fonction, la purification, l'eau, les
nutriments, le contrôle, le phytoplancton, les consommateurs, le niveau trophique, les interactions
intraspécifiques, les organismes, les phéromones, les régulateurs, les interactions interspécifiques, VI
Vernadsky, la biosphère, la matière, la réglementation, la géochimie, les processus, le transfert de la
matière, la migration biogène, les éléments chimiques, augmentation de la mortalité, incidence,
pathologies, le découplage de couplage de plancton benthique, létaux, sublétaux, effets, les populations,
les poissons pool génique, la conservation, , la préservation, le rôle écologique, à l'abri des populations,
biogeocenotic fonction, le cadmium, les moules, Mytilus, galloprovincialis, sulfate de cuivre, M.
galloprovincialis, le plomb, le bichromate, TDTMA, M. edulis × M. galloprovincialis, naturelles population
hybride; Crassostrea gigas, SDS, Triton X-100, tumidus Unio, de détergent, de l'impact des marées, IXI,
Fée,, l'efficacité, l'élimination des matières particulaires, de synthèse détergent à lessive, détergent en
poudre de savon, détergent liquide, dodécyl sulfate de sodium, de la communauté, les substances
tensio-actifs, les tensioactifs, agents tensio-actifs, tensio-contenant des mélanges, l'inhibition, filtration
de l'eau, les huîtres, cationiques, tétradécyltriméthylammonium, TDTMA, anionique, le dodécylsulfate
de sodium, non ioniques, les rotifères, calyciflorus Brachionus, turbidostat, filtreurs, suspensivores, les
bivalves, les matières organiques non digérés, en bas, sédiments, trophiques, l'activité, Lymnaea,
stagnalis, phytoplancton, macrophytes; microzooplancton; zooplancton, prédateur, zoobenthos,
poissons, mammifères marins, oiseaux, l'exportation de carbone, l'azote, du phosphore, des substances
dissoutes, les particules en suspension, la sédimentation, les sédiments de fond, les lacs, baies, la
sorption des polluants, seston, détritus, les organismes aquatiques, la matière organique, les sédiments,
le film de matière organique, la surface du réservoir, l'hydrolyse, photochimique, la transformation, la
photolyse, la sensibilisation, biotiques origine organique, redox, catalytiques, les radicaux libres, des
ligands d'origine biologique, la toxicité des polluants, la reliure, solubles, matière organique dissoute,
l'oxydation chimique, l'oxygène, la photosynthèse, biotiques, biotransformation, les réactions d'oxydo-
réduction, la destruction, la conjugaison, la respiration, transformati.

public Category: Research Reads: 0 Published: 12 / 30 / 2010 Share Add to Collections ..

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