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Data From Making Shaping and Treating of Steel

Table 2.2. Standard Gibbs energies for solution of elements to 1 mass%

solution in liquid iron5, 24

Element, i γ io ∆Gio ( joule / mole)

Ag (l) - 82430-43.76T
Al (l) 0.029 -63180-27.91T
B (s) - -65270-21.55T
C (graphite) 0.57 22590-42.26T
Ca (g) - -39460+49.37T
Co (l) 1.07 1000- 38.74T
Cr (l) - - 37.70T
Cr (s) 1.14 19250- 46.86T
Cu (l) 8.60 33470- 39.37T
½ H2 (g) - 36480+30.46T
Mg (g) - -78690+70.80T
Mn (l) 1.30 4080- 38.16T
Mo (l) - - 42.80T
Mo (s) - 27610- 52.38T
½ N2 (g) - 3600+ 23.89T
Nb (l) - - 42.68T
Nb(s) - 23010- 52.30T
Ni (l) 0.66 -20920- 31.05T
½ O2 (g) - -117150- 2.89T
½ P2 (g) - -122170-19.25T
Pb (l) - 212550-106.27T
½ S2 (g) - -135060+23.43T
Si (l) 0.0013 -131500-17.24T
Sn (l) - 15980-44.43T
Ti (l) - - 46020-37.03T
Ti (s) 0.038 - 31130-44.98T
U (l) - - 56070-50.21T
V (l) - - 42260-35.98T
V (s) 0.10 - 20710-45.61T
W (l) - -48.12T
W (s) 1.20 31380-63.60T
Zr (l) - - 51050-42.38T
Zr (s) 0.043 - 34730-50.0 T

Data From Making Shaping and Treating of Steel

Data From Peacey and Davenport : The Iron Blast Furnace
Data From Peacey and Davenport : The Iron Blast Furnace

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