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~~ TIIhChrisl ianCcnl.



Formative years:

The seminary experience

hy Ellen T Charry

Being There: Cullure and Fonnalion in Two Theological Schook

13y j(/CkSOH \\'. Carrol]. 13f/l-!Jfll'f/ C. \\:/1('(,11'1: Drlllir-! (J.

IVe-shirl' {/I/(I l'r'IIII!1 1.0 II g ,\/or/I'I: ()x/;ml ['IIiI'('I'sily Press. ,].'](j JiJl .. S'].')J)()

TIlE STUDENTS UH"IE ('''{cited alld a hit ,!IlXiOIIS ;,!Ild"are SOUII cOllfronted witl: cll;d!(,II~\'S 10 \I·hat they heli(,\·(·. TIl(' cagerJll'ss t mns to pnplr'xil,'. anger. sOlllt'lillH'S lOlll,lilll'sS uncl

self-dollht, unrl l'w'lltllally to a rresh 1111-

dl'l'stalldi 11).; or 111i 11 ist rv, w;lrshi p. Ilwulot.:\', bith alld the church.

Theological edll(,:al'ioll has IWI'll Il('al'i Iv OWl" tl](· past l."j ~'('ars, as ('\'id(,llced by <l r:rowin'T hodv of lit crnl urt-.

.. I • ~...., _-

SOl u« ohservers urr- cOJl(;cnH'c1 I hal xr-uu-

l1aries are too 1I1l1cii orit'lItcd toward proCl'ssiollal traillillg, Others cOlllplaill that the clllTiclIllllll is tl)n trl'lllk (Hll<'rs IHIIT\, tll;,t tIlL~ tj'wlit.\, of .';tlldel1l·, is clt'lc'I'jor;ltillg, t\nal:'sls point oill' lil;lt III<' stlldC'lll p()p"lalioll has ~hi I'({'(I, as JIliddlr'-;I,l!:('d "t I 1- dCllts and S(:'colld- or third-c.ur-c-r slll(l(,lIts sigll lip 1'01' CClIIJ'S('S. TIH'IT 11;IS 1)('('11 a 11IaSsivr- in!lllx oj' \\'OI1H'II illio cilllrch Ic'adcT-

Life at "IUainline

I'rolc's-t:lllt SC'IIlillari('S. 011(' is all ('I'aJlg(,lic;d sr-iuuuuv \\'itll a q WI I)!; Ih ,I; )J'Illcd idC'lltity----callr,d 11(,'],(' xi mu]v ., E\'a;lg('i iCill TIJ('oJogical Semillarv"; lh,' ollu-r is a liheral. pC Jiiticall:' corn 'ct I Hilil iii 11(' sr-mi lIan'-idl'IlI it·ic·d as "M uinli 11(' TIlC'olo<1ical S(,lIIillan:." TIII'v I~"('r(' CIIOS('1l In l'I'pn's('III (11'0 Illaj71r !'nllt'stalll C;\lIlPS ill tile Associatioll of'Theologieal Sd\(lols.

'I'll(> d(';.;nipti,,{' uccounts covr-r classes, conununitv lir(', dmlll lire. \\orsllip Ide', nc,ld placPllwl1ts. ['aclllty- llH'erings, t'()llllllllllit:' tr:1II111:\S :1I)(ll'\,('I1. ill lhe <.:<IS(, of' E\';jllj.!clical TIl('olo.l;ical S(,Illinarv, ~tl!del1ts' romunl ic li\'('s. Four n>,)e;u'ciIers ."'PI'llt thn~e V[':H, \'isitillg tlie lwn .,c1wlJl., and participating ill

their lirt', TIl(' l'I':lIlt,;l'lical school was stuclir>d hy rcsc-nrclu-rs froIll the Illainlillc. til{' uminliu« school hv scholars !'rOIII tlw r-vaug(,lical world.

The culturt- oj' Pilch school is COI1V('\' ,r! t h ro"gh fC.'PO rt s nil til (' st udcut :lSSt',S'imr-nl s of' t!'ac:lwrs. tll(' pn'krrcd st_vlcs or clolhing, til(> III'lritaIIIO[lC'S of wonu-u stud(,1I1s, <llltltll(' In;UlIl('rislllS and personalit;: traits thut I'lHlcar or distam:t' III(,IIi1)('r., 01 tIl(' couuuuu ilic-s 1'1'0111 Olll' allot-her. This attr-ntion to dC'lail. Illeallt to conve-vIho 1:"1'-

('Iyrlal' 1'('i1liht·s or the' schools. sOlllehllWS gi\'('s <l sO:lp-op(·raish '-('clIo til(> 11,IIT<lli\·I'. \\"e It';lrll ahllllt Ann and AllwrL vvho 1:;[1('

Seminary" is a cho reogra phed battleground with afftnity

groUI)S hunkered flown in the


ship. i\lallY SC'lllill;tt'i('s sC'ck to atlract 111111T

11'0111('11 alld r<1cial Illillorit:' ~IIH!(,Ilts alld tn (>XllO~(' sllldt'llts ('0 world cultures,

Halher Iklll di~l'\I~s Slll·1i COIIl'('nIS "I' cUlllpil,' :1Ilt! ,IIlak'l.I' statistics, ticl' ;lIclll(lrS 01' Ikill/-! Tlu-n: lI'atcll('c I :ill:! lis- 1'(,II('d to and talked to IIJ(' p('ople IH'ill,~ I(JI'III('d ut s(,lllinurit-s and to til{' [)('oplc doing tile rC)nlllll~, Hr'ill.1.! r/I{'I'I' is :111 ('.'\I('Ilsi\'(:' r mpiricnl stink ill (11(' s(lcinl!Ii:':;.' or ('rltl{';lIioll willi tlll'oln,\!icall'til'catioll ,IS a GISI' ill poillt,

TII('olol!:ic.d ~dHl()ls.. wllt'tlll'r or C'OIIS!'I\'alil'l' or lilH'l'iti st rip«, il1"C'l1tiollall:, prr'ss stlltil'llls illl(1 til(' IHoid 01' Ill(' ('[litis that is neat(,11 11\'1111' i:Jellllv <lilt! <ltllllillistr~lli()lI, '1'iH,()I(l~i('al C ·dllcalilll1 is ',111 i 1I11'IIS(' C' Illot jOllal (''ipni( '1 Jet '; III ,\()JIH' case.'.; it is all ill\('II('cll[;d pr('ss(J['("{'!Hlk('1' 'I'll(' 11(lpI' IS lhal stlldellts ('IIH'rl.';(' [rnm tile' (',\jlcri(,lll'c' 1t;1\'jlll.'; ailsmiH'd a IIl(ln' 111;1111['(' .11](1 S!lllll;sti(,;llc,(IIIIHlr'r:-I<lllllil'.!,; cll'(;llrisli;1I1it\"llHllll!'cllllrcll. At a tilll('wlJ('II tlwoln\!ic,d \,t!'W:llol'S li'ar (ICilig clidatnll[) 11\' [111;Ull·l;til'ClIISiclC'l':lli!lIlS. til(' l~t(,1I1- Iics in this stlllkl'llll'rgl';tS 1'11111- ill COlltrol 01 {·cI!ll'alioll,

Tlm'('-I()llrt'ils oIl3'('ill~ '/1/{:/'I' COIIS!\!;; or (1('sc'I'iptil'l' ur- 1'll1111Is-lI'itlt II111Cll \'niJ;llilll J'I'por!ing-',J' li['(· ill !\UI

:tiicllall'd I he' 1ll.'iI,kl'S I'r!llil 1';111\ i II' al\d l'ricI "Is hI' t Ii,' i r ahrupl dccisillil 10 gd marri.-.]. a,'lcllVe ar« prollli11t'd III \I'orr:' ahiHlt \\'l\('[h('r !IH'\'\\'illlll:tkr· it to 111(' wl'dcling. \\'(' ;,,~() Cl\'nll<'ar i'aclIlly IIIf'lllhn$ ;IS tiIt,V hickcr (1\('1'

- ,

wll('(l\('r a ('('rl;lill COIIIIIIPllt-lllad(, SI'v('1'<I1 I'ears r'adi('!'

11,1' a l';lll(lidall' [(1[' a ["Kid!: positio1l-was iIl1l;licitl.v mcI,,!. Tllis sml or \'lg1l('\tt' ddl1litch' l!:i\'('~ the rr-udr-r a taslp (II

"hl'illg [11('r(', , .

T'IF 1,,\1\(:1,:1\ 111('111('. il(l\I'('\'l'r. is Ill<' stlldellt,' J'('';11.0IlS(' t() III!' Ell',dh:'s ag(>IHi.t, 1\ l:istr'lill~ tlwElClliI_\'s I.III<;II01g(" l('al'lllll!2; lHl\1' 10 dl·hate within ilH' ~dlClCll's idc'olo{!icd lililits, 1l,',gClI ialill!! til(' {oil des :IlIC I passiolls or !c;tc!wrs ;llld (1111('1' stlllk'llls. ligmill,g Ollt hOll'ln he ('(,(TVled ill lIJi~ CClllllllllllit:, :lIld the-n how t() I'f'i.ttc 1<111](, [(lib h:wk IIIIIIH'-tilis ~lrll\!J!;It, ('<til he' dehilitallng as \\,(,11 <IS 1,\11 iLlra! illg, TI H' EI('IIII i, 'S 0" /loth i IIsti 1111 i()1 IS II('I i\'\[' Il;e-;siclilakk illlhc righllH'ss oi'llH'ir n'~p('div(:' callsc's.

,\1 I':T." III(' ,\t,,!lt'lIls C()]lI(' i'Clrllll,d IlV the ('I"l1ll!;elic.d \(lllll, (,l1lllln·. Thr-v kllll\\' 111(' ~nlll;s. lilt' lilll!;Cl alld III(' lint

1 (1(;,"

... tuilents are shaped

hy seminaries. The real

issue-s of t:vallgdic,t!islli. TIley '0I11l' to ETS tu ,~d" good ('dlll:alillli. TI)(·), an' willillJ.!; t(l wurk hard, IH:I!' 11<11'(1 :lIld 'Irglll! tl'l!'d. Tllt:y ddJalt: tIlt' ordillalioll olwonu-i: <!1H111H' appropriateness oj' using tcchllulogy ill eVtlllg('lislIl. TIley negotiate the conflict hetwecu tIle "trllly HeI'Orllll'd"those who articulate a highly cognitive alld rutinnnlixtic version or Hl'l(mill·d tlll~ol()gy-;tlld the 111()ft' lu-urt-ori- 1>lIted evangelicals, l'speci,dly tlte cluuisuratics :lIIel l'Clltccostuls. TIl(' prolessors W<1l1t to pllt a iuor > sopbislic<!tl·d intellectual ami theological lloor nurler p()p"lilr el',III14eliculism. By alld large, tile stlldel1ts are :IllIl'lIahle 10 lilis. They revere their teachers, even those with \1'110111 t lu-v dis'lgree. Alollp; witll l'OITCcl illtl'rprt't;ltioll or scriptu ru ami H heavily cognitive r,lilh, thuy' k:lrtl 'Ippropriate -vun~f'Ii(,Hllll<l\llters.

AT ~('\(NI.l\,JE sEt>.11N:\HY studt'llts an; older ,lilt! COil. It! with mor« "<tried t~Xp('J'il·lll'l'S. Tllv:' tou COIIlP with 11I11C!. climell l·"[ll!ri[·lllT'. Tlll'y approuch ti,e church pruuurilv ,IS a s()('i,il-.'>t'I'\'i(:c· proVider. Ar t-,'ITS thev (~IIC()t!II("cr ill tlte Llc,tlty n r.ulic.i] I ilx-ration/justico agellda-one llwl is pro-

pounded prceiselv ill opposilioll to the lillL'ral social :lgl'IHb till' stude-nts know <llid I ruxt.

As portrayed ill Heilig There, Iilc> .rt ~vITS is a elJ()reogt·apllcd hatllegrOllllll. :\ITililty grollps ure hllllkl~l'l'd down ill t lictr tn'lIcll('s while (c:lclI('IS stre-ss isslll"S Ill' "[usticc-," "lih(~r:lti()II," "rucism" :lIlt! "xcxis m." ~~l L'sl1l'cial!v 1IIIIst "cluck illIlll'ovl'r" as tll{'~' ,II'(' [ll'(~ssl'd to (,Ike respolisibilitv 1'01' racism alld Sl'.\iSIll-alt!H'II.L!;h ,(t;{'iSIII, disahIt--islll uur! [lit' issu« ol'll()!l1()s('xlIality figl't [<lr a pbCl' ill tile rliscours« ol·lllargillalizati()11.

Althollgll hoth sd,(;ois vxclllpli[)' ito\\' vtillcatiollal iustilntions s()ci,dizt' their stu-

dents, tile situutior. ul Mainline TIII~())()gi-

('ul Sellool calls 1(1I' spcciul considcuu iou Iwe,lIlsc' it seeks lu lrallsi'onn niaiuliuc l'rotcsr.uu isru ill r"tlil',d W:lVS. At I~TS. I would ;It'gllt', tilt: faCilIty is tr:'ill~ to ~nJlllld xtudellts more deepl;.' ill til(' illll'lh.'ctll,d II1'riLl\!l' oll lu-ir OWI.I tr"ditiull alit! 10 tllink tllrollgll (Itt' iSSllt'S ut the d;t\, ill tIlt· (('rills or 1\ ·111I'I11t:<I llit'olngy ,Lilli pidY. Tllis is 1I!11 t(] ~:IV tllat !iTS is not Ihl' site ofilL'avv delHlk. But tIIOSL' debatl's t"kl~ phtl'L.! wirhu: palalllelC'ls :"l't 1);.' till' Ikrurlllt,d t r,\tlil iou, At MTS, on lite other llalld, serious dl'[)antI rl'S Cmlll traditional Christianitv ,lIltl dcadl'lItic an' aS~lll1l('d to ill- ilppropri'ltl'. l'Vl'll '1 l()rI 11:11 ivc-, ;tIle! do I;()t l'I'l'lI 11l'('d III h(, arglll d I()L

The ll';ldlill~ sldl· at j\ITS is C(lII(rolll:ltiulldl. til';.;i[!lll'd [(I ('\'okl' gllilt ,lilt! Skllllt'. It S('VIIIS likl> till' Ilwtiin:d 1)('IIitt'lltial sYstl'lll III Illlilticllltllr.tI drcSS-t'\Cl'nt llIClt It! j\ITS Stlillers :tn· t)n~'rt'd III) dl':11 pr,ldicl' lIl- Pt';I~lIll'l' 111;lt l';l1l !1'<lLI III .Ilisulllliull :lmllrillC'()rjl(llalioll ilitollll' Clllllllllillitv. OffL'lId['rs art" Il'it tillwi,( ill llll· wIlid.

ND w()Ilder ~llId(,llts t;l't UlId·IISl'd. (Jill' ~tlld(,111 asks." I., il III)' rl'spollsilliliI\·!{) jll'lIl'lrall' till' hLIL'k L'lllllllllillil: dll,1


IS no doubt that

question is:


1 -1°1

W rat t!lJ( •

illll'Lld witll III\' hl:lck 1)J'()[Il<'rs ,lIId sistl'rs, or is it IIlV reS!lc)II~ihilil:" In \;'iliidraw :III(! It't lllt'lll \I'(It'k (lilt tll('ir a;I).;('r. or sholiid I 1IIOIku I II)'S(, I I' av,lilabl(' 10 I)(~ a scapegoat rllr tlluir dllg(:'r;J" MTS olTL>rs 110 titl'ological ).;tlidam:e lor this dilcIIII11<l TIll! l'l'll'ctivl!IIl'SS or the [iJrlllatioll is evidl'lIced hv th" ract dial aftcr three wars some white male students a;'v gliltl·[·ld 10 llll' illslitlltiOIl j(JI' 0Pl'llillg the-ir e-ves <lilt! lC~ldillg tllt'lll to till' t rutl: :lhOllt rucisru alld SC\iSIlI ill 111(·IIIS(·kl's :llld Illl' clllircil

Ihlrel.1' do('s all_V()lle ,tt MTS cross the rucc illid gender harrier to orfer C{)IIlI()Jt and SIIP[lOlt ill the war bl'lW(·l'll 1·11l' :;('w~ untl till: races. \V!Jell tli(' Cunuuuuity Couuuitte« ,It t\ITS sl,ll'ds Asiuu-Aruc-ricun relations as lhe tlit'llll' lor al'l unnuul rctrrut, without input rrolll '\Si;1I1-Allleric:tlls at lll(' S('IIIlII<tr\', 11](, tr.tllsgl·cssioll is tn';ttcd with deudlv seriOIISII(·S.'i. TIll' hal' ()1'jt1;1~111(,lIt conu-s dowll on \Vhit~·s tlll- 111()1I~11 Wl' urc- nut t(Jld tilt:: raci,t! make-up or l hr- couuuitIt'('): ··.\ITS is unde-r 'wliit« dlllllill<lIlC(' . \Vllites 'ld' tIl<' uriuoril ir-x 11<11'(' snuu- powl'r. hill Oil tlH-'ir OWII tl:l'I11S," (JIll' sllHll'lIt ()pilil's.

:\ s! rict polil'Y nu illclusivl' Iallgllagc' is aIlIHHIIlCl,d to stud{,llls whe-n till'\' urrivc :lll\rrS. Heilig '/'IUT!' l'l'c(lrds uu event at whiclt that !lew ort hutlm\· is cl\all('llgl'd. t\ veteran bCllity IIWIIl- 1II'I'is rt'lirillg ,t~,d a 1;ln'IVt'11 se-rvice .;t wlucl:

Ill' will p,eadl is piaIIUL'd. Ill' I'l'!jII(·St:; (!tat a 11)'11111 Itt' wrotp-pruldlly timing till' day'S or prot('st agaillst till; Vietnam war-l w sung at ll](~ sc-rvice-. Tlu- plOhll'1I1 is tklt tll('II)'I\\l1 ill(·!tHll's tla' wlJrds "1.OI'd," ·'1' atll1'I'" alld "Alllli\!;hIV COd"-IIO\v stricl lv tahoo <Il'u)]'(li,~g to llll: 1(lIlgllage police. ,\ great srnl!.';~I(' ('IISW·S. III llll' ('lId llll' ItYIIIlI is illl'llIdl,d ill III(' s('rvicl', hilt s(lIdl~llts wll() ob,it'cl [lill a jlwll'sr Illl'ssage to [Iwir cl[)tllillg. Tlll'rl' i;; app:lIl'llllv 110 tll(lIlgllt ).!;iVI'1I to tlulIl/tillll rh.u, ill I! CIIJ'isliuli VI)lIllllllltilv, C[CII'Illatilig u 1',[itld'ltI illl_d dedicated [In·d'c·s.'i()r

Illigll! Ill' IllOle ltOIIl)t',lbl(, tl"lIl figlttillg)l't ,lIll Itlll 'I skirnusl: ill till' great ).';l'l \llt'r W:lL

All ill «ll. \ ITS Cl 1111('" olT as a grilll plal'l'. The tl IOllght ol SJll'lldillg t1m'(' .\'l·ars t Ill'H!, let :dolle:1 C"ln~r, is daull(ill~, Tlu- 1·(·,,1 iSSII('s{)"illiIlSliu~ ,Ill' ul)sl'llrcd IIY all dltos olhv- 1'1·I'Sl'II.'iitil'it:' ill \1 llidl l'aell :-;roll[l is Vll<:(~lIt'a\!;ed to poi;lt olltll()\\' iIISl'lIsitil'(, (II(' ()tlll'rs an'. Till' school Sl'l'lIl~ to hl' dnlwllllI!.': ill .1 SVllIp!tOlly 01' sci r-rightellllS COlllpLlillillg.

l~\i( IIltl'l'\i(,I\'~ I\'itll \ITS gradllatl's slIggest tl!;lt the- ':Il'- 1 tlty is sun« '\VI Iii! SlIeL'l'SS 1\ d i I I i IICI dc,lt i IIg t he gospel 01' pit 1- !"tliSIII. incluxivitv .uu] divl>rsit\'. Ollt' student rcm.u'ks lklt lit' IIl1\\' 1"ls "iI 1'lIlltT uildl'rsLUI'dillg ,\lId ,Ippruc:i;ltiotl nrtLI(' gllSpl·J t11·11·~II.' (:III·isl." Allollll'r :;1111I1II<lri/'.['Iltlll' ··g(Jsjl,·1 :11't'lJr( Ii II~ to ~ I '1'.").' ill two )lllillt.,:( :ud dOl'S ]I<IVt' ~1.'i1·IIS(' 01 1111111111'. ,lIld il is jlm~11>1v t(l 1)(' good allll dl'<l1' l·ril'lId.-; willi I)('(lpl(' '.1 It()III.I(]lllb:l~rl'l' I\'illl tlll'ulo!.!;ic:dl:·."

It'! l1llwr\(IIlI.'llb, l'SPtTi;dh- II'llilt· Illl'iI. Illav Ill' I\,illrorl'L·d ill till· IratillHIII:d I it'II'S Illl'\' hnJllgll1 witl, 111l·111. :\s

HI('II r ('/"lI'i'I/ is .\fIlI"1!,ltn'i \I' IIl/rlllri/! .·\\s(Jcifl/C: i'm/;'.,.\(/r(J/ SII'/('lIfII/i,· /'111"0/"::'1/ flll'riJlI'I'/(1i1 ril<'(J/IJf,!,icflISclllllwl-Y.

\ II Ii ! ~ 1'1 \ '.. l' I I·' H \ ;:""·,,,I>tl I'J-:W, I!J!J7

one student pllt it, "ut """ITS being wlnte, 111<1] 'alld 11liddkclass is taboo," Another said, "\Vl~ white I11ClIl!s [(.(·1 <lIISI)Illtely nli\rgillaliz~d, StOIII[wd Oil. spit Oil, cmusculatcr]." Not on lv male stlldell ts an· put (liThy tile approacll. (Jilt' Ii 'Ilmll' student who c.uue rrolll a "peace and jlIS! ic('" (JrH ~lltaIion fOllnd the clivisious <IIal hicbrillg S(J dehilitatillg t!tat ~lte took refuge ill tile cOllgregatiollS sht' pastors <[lid stopped trying to lilld a place for lu-rsei! ;11 Scill)oj, The ~("lIo()I's radic,\] stance drove Iter to a uuire centrist pusition

One wonders, too, uhout the ('!"Iex't Ilfthis ')(,lllil1;lI), t~.\P(·rieuce Oil the c()llgreg,ltiolls tll(~sC stlHlents will S('I"\'(', The [l0]elltical .u«] divisive pedagog)' or MTS is not vHsily transI't'rahle ttl 10c;\1 C()Tl~ITgatiolls. U IIlikl: sludt:llts ill .'iClllillar:,' or dl'!egates to a dL'Jlotnil1ational l'lJllvcntion, I1ICIIIhers ollocu] c()lIgr(~g;tti()llS have to liv[, together over the long haul. Tlwy do not have the luxII1Y of-leaving town alter tile fights untl caucuses an: over.

The authors oj Beillg There work hard to remuin neutral not only ill tlleir inteructions \ itb the slIbjU.:l . .., oj'

the study hilt abo in their aSSCSSIlI(!llt oj' the eu!tllre-rorllling allthority or the institutions. At no point do lltey ask the normative question. Is tlus wliut ought to be !w[lpcllillg ill ,I theological school? Perhaps this wouh] have betrayed their covenunt with llll!i r inf()["J;lants.

Bccanso thCO!(lgic,t\ sci (()ols nrc tllc training ground i-or church ll:adt:rs thev ure de Iacto tl Ie intellectual center.~ or tile church. The stakes ,In' l'elY higl!. Tlte stuciy of :vITS, if it repr·scuts what is hapP(:,llilig in comparuhle iustitutious, illustrates why the IIIHillline Protestant denOlllillat:i()lls arc expelicllcing such turmoil nne] !i',lglnencation. Polarization uud conllict are heing intentionally injected into tlte dlllrdlt:s through the seminaries.

The account of ~ITS raises ror rlus writer a hnsic question. Is tlw ~(!sp(:'1 or JeSll~ Clu'ist redlicillie to l lu: :sospel of political corrcctness r' At j\rr.s it seems to be taken as sci 1--( 'vident that it is, Little theologieal writi ng before J unies COliC: 's t\ 131(f(;k Tllt:oioglj of Liberation seems to lie taken seriouslv At the ti me oi Iii> research, COIl~'S hook \II;IS llsed til teach the [irst-vear (;O!!rSt;S ill hoth "Mission alld \Iinistry" alld "Iut ro-

cluctiou to tile Old Tes·t.lIlWllt."

One sturlenr make-s ['''plicit tIll! 1;1C:ldtl agell(h "I was so glad tllilt I Ilad 110 theologicallJ<lckgrolllid (ll'1' _>t:

I1IIl;! I got t<)~ITS IkC:lIl~1.;: it t'll-


abll'd IIll' to crubruce liherution tllelJlo~ly to the point [tltatl I I I <I\'(' l'llIhraeed it, It hvcallic so ;Ippanmt to lilt! ill the he[filillillg or Illy reiatiollsllip wit]: tl'L·ology that this coulcl Ill· llll' I)ldy way lilal all people de~pite sex, ruce, gender diserilllillatiolll'ollid hl' rn·(~d tl,rough Christ." But IlOwc()uld tll(~ studellt he so xun- of this jlltlgllll'llt, haVing iieeu exp(lsed to lIotllillg else!' All or Clliisti'lII litcruture ant! doctrine lias hC1'1I n~rractctl throllgh the lens of mnlticultural jl!llilit:s,

It is this I'(,d'ictioilisill Ilwt is lilt; !lIOS! distllrbing ]l<lrt or the portr;tit or MTS Till' testinumv olscripture appears to liuvc II() alltOlIOIl!()11S voice. TIl(; concerns ,!JIU inSights 01'

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Paul, Origen, Augustille, t\qllillas, Luther, Calvin and Wesley apparently 110 IOllger have allY thing to coutribuu: to Christian understanding. The doctrinal foundations oj the Christian faith-the Trinity, the incarnation unci the utonement-cbecome so ll1llny knickknacks gathering dust on the shelf, perhaps needing to he pllt out in a yurd sale.

At an annual consciousness-ruising event a feminist student declares that "since Jesus' death on the cross was not necessary for salvation, God is a 'divine child abuser." This prompts a strong, polarized debate 011 the atonement in the (;alllpUS journal, though uue observer comments, "\Vllal started as a debate about the nature of the atonement moves to more typical MTS concerns about feminism, justice, liberation allll praxis."

The philosophy behind the pedagogy at MTS seems to be thut we

learn to make peace by making war. Moments of cooperation and n~I.:OIlciliation stund out in bold relief, since they are hard won, There is little grace here, little forgiveness, little comfort or salvation. There are passing references in Being There to a more conservative strain in the faculty, but it is barely in evidence. The [acuity appears incapable of criticizin" its own ideology

Ephesians teaches that in Christ the hostility between Jews and pagems, on which each group staked its identity, has been destroyed. It is not the combatants who present their grievances to one another and obtain whatever concessions from their opponents they can before slting for peace; it is God whn IHl~ created a new meeting ground, and wi tliout asking the parties to the dispute which is most ilgglieveJ. Those who realize that the situation they live ill has been radical I:, changed by God <Ire forced to come to terms with the reality that they are Ill) longer enemies, but friends who together celebrate the reconciliation wrought lor them hv Christ What their ethnic, racial and gender histories urge them to proclaim as ultimute has been subordinated to the unit)' of all people ill eli rist Jesus. Theological schools might be teaching students how to put on Christ, how to adjust to this new escliatnlozicu! realitv, this new creation, tile r~igt1 of CoJ that they neither create nul' have the power to withhold [rom one uuother. I remain unpersuuded that MTS is using the hest strateb'Y to uchieve this goal.

T\IL; two schools slttdied here both want to trar

t Ilt'if cor istit nr-ncit-s: one cultivutes a l:lIgnitive thenl agc..:lllht, the othur a politicalligellda. But these ure III

Dilly two options. A school might seek to shape the sp, al.idelltity oi' the church hy nurturing students' knowleug ... or God through prayer, study ,mel worship.

The <Ill I hors of Heilig There have painted vivid pictures uC lhcologic,ll education. takillg us well beyond impressions, nostalgia and theory, There is no dou bt that, posilively or lIe~lItively, theological schools do form students. Till! qIIC~li()11 lilis hook !c..:.IVCS renders with is: On what basis arc tltey heing Ionned lind toward what end? •

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Milllh. S, 1-4

Inr. 7~ 1, YS-~~ 1'. 1<\1)

I (KarapcivTO" oe mhou' ana TOU opou" ~KoAool1'1aav ouri!J 0XAOI noXAo!. 21(0i

s io00 }.orpo<; r rrpood\i1wv

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~ IlE Ko~apiom. 3 Koi

41cal rAEyu aUTw 0 "qooi),,·

If opo 1l'10£yi T Eln!]", aAAa lin-


ayE O€aUTOV 6€I~OV T~ iEP€1 Kai


IS TO owpOV 0 npooi;a~£v MwGo~s, Eis pepTUplOY aUTO!S.



84. Heilung des AU5siit}igen (ct. nr. H)

Mark. \,40-45 1,3S

I, 40--15 I",.i~, 1' .. '~)


- -

napOKO).,WY OUTOY 'I Kai yaYUlInwvl' °Kal

A€YWV OIOUTW ron Eav tHAl]'> blivoooi ue Kol1opiom. 41 r KGl r 01l"AOYXVIOl1€i,> 5, 12 - 16

Cll'illlsing of th e Lcpcr

5, 1£ - 10 (nr. H, I'. 5~)

11 Koi iyf.VHO i» T<!l £iVai OUTOV f.y )ll~ rtov nOAtWV KG] lboo av~p(nA~pI]S ~ETTPOS" 'i&wv b(' TOY 'lncouv, r lT€OWV (ni npOOW1TOY O£05(~i1rt aUTOU' Af..yWV· K_U'p~(, €Cry 17EAl]'> bt)voaai JlE Kot}opiom. 13.@i

€Knivos T~Y dE£!. T MaTo oinoii !Imivo<; Thv ~ (oUTOU ii~aT~ €KHlva<; ThY Will!. ~~qTQ. ~~IPU

l' AEYW'I' ::1€AW, Ka17~p';a~~TI-' ~oi KG; ~EYEI °OlITtiJ· I:rEAw: Ko&'Opio~'1TI' ~~Koi r Mywv' ;}EAW, w;}apio;}'1T1' KOj

9 Eul1ew') e)(ot}opiat}1"] OUTOU ~ AE1I"1lg. T r €ui1u,> 0 a1T~At}fv o:-rr' olhou ~ AEnpa, Eu17iws (~ ).,E1Tpa (m~Aihv orr' OlJTOU'.

- - - - - - III~ ....... _.... • '"" • _ .. ~._.

xci> EKo;}opfal1l]. 43 Kai EJlPpl!JljoajJ£vo')


~ opo Jl'1b(vi °)Jrt§€V ElTI"!15, aAAa un- aUT<!l T I1qbEvl ~i!l.EI::, ~ amAayE O€aOTCV 05(j~ov T(!J i(PEi KG! l1wv' D05(j~ov O(oOTOV ~Ti!J iEPEj\ xol> npoaEVEYKE TTEpi TaU Ko;}apla!Joii cou npOOE'I€YKE l' TIEpi TaU Koitap101l0ii aou

r a npoaETa~E'I Mwiio~S, (is ucp- KO&W'i TIpOO€TO~(V MwOo~,>, (I(is pep-

nJpIOVauToI,>. io6 05E E~£"t}WV ~P~OTO KTJ- TlJplOV OUTOI')'. TI 1501_ puaatiV °nOAAa KO; blQ¢q)lj'~E1VTOV A6yov, ~PX(TO bE JlUAAOV 0 ).,Oyo') amp; OUTOU, WOH )J'1I(€TI °ouT6v 05uvool1al s¢OVEPW') Koi oU~~PXOVTO iiXAOlo1TOAAO] aKOU(lV d,> nOAlv EioEAl1dy" I(ai [tEPOIT€UEo;}at T ano rwv ao~hv(lwv

aAA' (~W r hr' EP~1l0IS T01TOI,) 01 ~v' QUTWV' l~oUT6<; bE ~v iHr0Xwpw'I EV Tal,) eprlllOl'> 1(01 npOO€UxOIlEVO').

Koi ~pXOYTO TIPO'> aUTov 11" ci VTO 11E 'I.

d. v . 1$

,'/ tuk.17,ll-14: "Kul ty(~(TO tv Ttilllopuj(<J3U1 d~ "tpou<Ja~;I~ xui auros &1~pXOO bIOI Il£oov LOflop£ias 1(0; rO~IAuias. "Kui £IO[PXOII€VOV OtHOU ,') £i"s TIVO KWfl~v onfjvT'10av la[1T4>1 biKO h(!lpoi iivOp(s. 0" i'oTJI<1aV rroppwlt(V OJ Kui UlITO; ~p~v q,wv~v MYOVH)' "'loOii (llf(wiTa. iAi'loov ~I'o'). , •• oi ibwv rlxev olITO;,' nopH'~':VHS Embeison EoUTOO, Toi, i.EP(UOIV. Kui iyivno tv T~ umiY(I" OUTOi.>S f.xaEiapiO&'loav.

A' Pap. Eg('rton £ (Fr,'\lJl1• 1 T.): "Kcri [;1&00 hEnpo') npoo(l.:}{wv OllT<!lJ ).iV(I' OIIJr.iOxOA, "'1(OOU) AE[lIpoi~' OUVJOOEl'WV KUj ouv£o&iw[v (luToi~1 (V TW ',' nU\'ooXE;w €Al€nP'Iool Kui aUTO, iyw' Ea\' lolu\' (au 3n~5] Ku~api~oflat· 90 5~ "("pIO)S [Eq,'1 aintilj &U[w] Ka~upio&~Ti' [xu; (uiHws <l]lIEor;1

6n:' aUTOU ~ A(ll!pU' '''6 O( K(UplO)S [ill,\, uUT<+o'1 nop([ulhi, €nio(l{ov OHluTOjv Toi[" irp(C'ol

(!lOPEU!],] ds i'prwov TOllOY' kO; oi 0XAOI in. £~~TOUV uurov xui ~~30v (W,) uUToii Koi XUI[ixov nino\' TOU fI~ JlOPU)(O&UI an' UtfTWv.

Mark.: 4S =ow 1 J~31.j fl<J/: HU D: t,'I3~\AW0090.0130A4'pm [rEV Cl\A[lOO~'Oll4>pml"t1 I <'lIB(bt") luk.: 15 ° So , T Q.n aUTOU A i urr OUTOU C?lH:)pm






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