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English Placement Test

Part 1: Vocabulary

Choose the correct answer for each sentence.

1. That woman is my ______.

a) Uncle

b) Aunt

c) Ant

2. A _______ is an animal.

a) Bare

b) Bear

c) Beer

3. A boat sails on the _______.

a) See

b) Sea

c) Say

4. I am walking on the ______.

a) Flour

b) Flower

c) Floor

5. I like to eat ______.

a) Pairs

b) Pears

c) Pares

6. The table is made of ______.

a) Wood

b) Would

c) World

7. I opened the door with a ______.

a) Quay

b) Key

c) Kay

8. I want to ______ some food.

a) Boy

b) Buy

c) Bye

9. A ______ is a flower.

a) Rose

b) Rows

c) Nose

10. My mother and father are my ______.

a) Presents

b) Pants

c) Parents

Part 2: Grammar

Use is or are.
1. The horse (is/are) in the field.

2. Sara (is/are) my sister.

3. Sugar (is/are) sweet.

4. Lemons (is/are) sour.

5. Dogs (is/are) animals.

Use was or were.

1. The bus (was/were) late.

2. Boys (was/were) playing football.

3. (Was/Were) the film funny?

4. The questions (was/were) difficult.

5. (Was/Were) you playing piano?

Choose the correct verb.

1. Last week, I (walk/walked) to school.

2. I like to (eat/ate) apples.

3. My father likes to (play/played) cards.

4. I (go/went) to the mall yesterday.

5. Did you (take/took) your medicine?

Choose the correct word for each.

1. I live ______ a house.

a) On

b) In

c) Over

2. The bird flies ______ the house.

a) Under
b) Over

c) In

3. The train stops ______ Sidikalang.

a) At

b) In

c) When

4. We can see a view ______ the mountains.

a) At

b) In

c) Of

5. I gave my book ______ the teacher.

a) At

b) With

c) To

Part 3: Work Match

Circle five (5) words that are foods.

desk cheese
book bread
potato bottle
beef onion
door shoe

Find the matching word for each.

1. Fast =

a) Slow

b) Quick

c) Stop

2. Ocean =

a) Lake

b) River

c) Sea

3. Fall =

a) Drop

b) Lift

c) Push

4. Big =

a) Small

b) Large

c) Little

5. Start =

a) End

b) Continue

c) Begin

Part 4: Writing

Write one (1) sentence with each word.

1. Run

2. Beautiful


3. Song


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