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Coniferous Waves

I sit, staring at this forest, countless acres spread before my eyes in the oddest topography. No sense of a
straight line or horizons of any kind. There are only irregular forms moving to their own design. The trees sway
and bob, beckoning me to look closer. I stoop my head down, peering into their very midst as they call to me.
"Feed us!" they exclaim. "Feed us for the end of time! Feed us the ages past and the grains of our mind! Feed
us all that we could ever eat! Feed us the souls beneath your feet!" And so I comply. I reach within myself, into
my caverns and hollows, and pull forth those many souls for them. I dredge these beings out of the pasts of
tomorrow and trickle them from the sky down onto that forest. It erupts in frenzy such that I have never seen.
These monoliths fall on the figures as they rain from the sky. They collapse upon the souls and devour them in
quaffing gulps. They lap at those plains and the very ground ripples from excitement. They stand prouder, taller,
more imposing than ever before. They stare dauntingly across the landscape as each one perches upon its own
mound. Each mound is a testament to that slaughter moments past.
I brush them down, combing my fingers and raking them across that endless land. Slowly, the forest settles
back upon the plain and lies dormant. It's so still you would never think to guess what they are each capable of.

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