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Posted on February 1, 2011 by Rob Usakowski

Ever heard the term ³reputable breeder´? What exactly does that mean?
How does one become a reputable breeder? We hope to answer some of
those questions in this article.

Let me start by saying that term ³reputable breeder´ is very subjective.

There are no standard set of guidelines that if met, makes one a reputable
breeder. We should probably start with a definition. Merriam-Webster
Dictionary defines reputable as the following:

u enjoying good repute: held in esteem

u employed widely or sanctioned by good writers
So by definition one would assume that being reputable is a good thing. To
that we must throw in the term ³breeder´ so that we can determine what is
a reputable breeder. So here is the Merriam-Webster definition of breeder:

u one that breeds: as

u  _ an animal or plant kept for propagation
u „ _ one engaged in the breeding of a specified organism
From this definition we must conclude that to be a reputable breeder you
must actually breed rabbits. So lets lay down some basics on what a
reputable breeder is.


To be a reputable breeder, it must be determined by others. Either they

are looking specifically for rabbits in your line, visiting your website, or
writing about your rabbits/rabbitry. These are factors that all are determined
by others based on the reputation you have established for quality animals
and good service.

The most important part of being a reputable breeder is have good lines of
your own. This is not something you can establish in one or two years. This
is something that must be established over a period of years. Take a look
at your pedigrees. Do you have any that have just your lines on them? or
as a minimum three generations of your animals?

I remember the first time my girls talked to Brian Hartzell about a Jersey
Wooly he had for sale. They asked him what lines his rabbits came from.
He responded, ³my lines.´ Thats a reputable breeder. Here¶s a question to
ask: when you sell rabbits either in person or on your website, what lines
do state the rabbits come from? If the majority are not your lines, then you
probably are not a reputable breeder yet.
Now don¶t misunderstand the above statements. That is not to say you cant
trust other rabbit breeders. There are many people within the rabbit
community that are reputable, but we are trying to limit this article to


A reputable breeder is definitely going to be producing rabbits for their

herd, and when at the show table, consistently placing near the top. But a
reputable breeder will also be just as interested in seeing their breed
maintain an excellent standard. They are often encouraging youth to
participate in the breed, and will at times, take a youth member under their
wings to assist and train that youth or new breeder.

I was speaking to a friend last week. His son was one of the top Old
English Game breeders in the country. They would attend bird shows in
several states, and often attend national shows. When he first started in the
breed they were at a show in North Carolina where some of the top
breeders were showing. The gentleman that won the show that day took
our friends son over to the winning bird and asked him what he thought of
the bird. Our friend¶s son said, ³I think she¶s awesome.´ The breeder
replied, ³good, cause your taking that bird home with you.´ That breeders
interest was in promoting the breed.

A reputable rabbit breeder will often sell trios to assist new breeders in
getting their start. They will often sell their best rabbits. Because of the
economics of society in general, and the costs of raising rabbits, its unusual
for quality rabbits to be given away at no cost. But in talking with a rabbit
breeder a few months ago, she had done just that, to help a youth breeder
get started.

In addition reputable breeders are often sharing their knowledge. Often this
is done by speaking directly to new breeders and giving tips on how to
improve their herd. Although not required to be a reputable breeder, many
reputable breeders will have a website to share this knowledge. On flip
side, just having a website does not qualify one as a reputable breeder.

Reputable breeders are usually positive and approachable. They will not
be criticizing other breeders in emails, personal conversations or on their
websites. A reputable breeder will find that they do not need to tear other
breeders down to lift themselves up. Their rabbits and concern for other
breeders will push them into the reputable breeder status.

Reputable breeders are usually a part of many organizations that help

promote their breed. This would include national, regional, state and local
clubs. These clubs promote the breeds and reputable breeders will want to
be a part of those clubs when possible.


A reputable breeder has to do more than just breed their rabbits. They have
to produce rabbits of the highest quality. You will see that they have rabbits
from their breedings consistently in the top of their breed¶s top rabbit
standings. They should also be consistently in their breed¶s herdsman
standings. Often they will be in the top in sweepstakes standings.
Again you cannot rely on standings alone. Many top breeders may only
attend 4 or 5 shows in a year. You must consider the totality of their body of
work. However, I will say that often their rabbits have many best of
groups/varieties or top finishes at national shows. Its also possible for a
breeder that is not reputable to place high in a national show. Again its the
complete body of their work.



Because of their encouragment of others, their love for their breed,

reputable rabbit breeders have a good name within the rabbit community.
Thats not to say that they dont have their critics. Those that are at the top
in anything will have critics.

The reputable breeder will often be the one helping out at rabbit shows.
They will often be talking with many breeders. Many times at shows, you
will see a crowd of fellow breeders gathered with them to talk rabbits. Its
not uncommon to see a reputable breeder serving on a committee or board
for their breed.

A reputable rabbit breeder is honest in their rabbit dealings. If they are

selling a rabbit, they are willing to explain its faults as well as its good
qualities. They don¶t release their poor quality culls to unsuspecting

A reputable rabbit breeder will work within the rules. They do not alter their
rabbits in an effort to win. Claims, either in person or on their websites, do
not misrepresent the quality of their animals, or their standings in things
such as breed point standings. When a reputable breeder makes a
comment its one that you can trust.

So here are the key elements of being a reputable rabbit breeder:
1. Have established their own line of rabbits
2. Are just as interested in promoting their breed as they are in promoting
their rabbits.
3. They often encourge new and youth breeders
4. A reputable breeder often places rabbits at rabbit shows.
5. They are often a part of many rabbit organizations.
6. They are often placing a top rabbit in national sweepstakes standings,
are a top herdsman, and often near the top in sweepstakes.
7. They¶ve done this consistently over a number of years.
8. They have a good reputation within the rabbit community

How do you match up? Are there areas that you need to work on? It's
difficult to live up to this standard for a reputable breeder. It takes years to
establish. But you can become a reputable breeder. Keep these things in
mind when you¶re breeding your rabbits, attending rabbit shows, and
working with new breeders. Remember, you cannot declare yourself a
reputable breeder, others will do that as a result of your body of work within
the rabbit community. How's your reputation?

Rob Usakowski
Three Little Ladies Rabbitry

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